#what exactly are we staying away from? like... just the idea of her cooking?
combatcorgi · 9 months
losing my shit @ these tags. very normal reaction to seeing CN uploaders with food you consider unorthodox
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idilarila · 9 months
Twisted wonderland boys when you turn into a baby!
Sooo, let’s say that in alchemy class something went wrong and you got transformed into a toddler, how would they take care of you?
Leona: -At first Leona refused to take care of you because he already had enough with Cheka without having to take care of you now. -However, seeing how calm you were, he let you approach him little by little. -Little to say, Leona used you more as a stuffed animal than anything else, but look the positive side, he fed you perfectly (a lot of meat, Sorry if you happen to be vegetarian or vegan 😭) and he didn't leave you alone.
Trey: -Trey has younger brothers, so he knows exactly how to deal with you. -You make him very tender since you remind him of his little sister/brother, and at the same time Trey can't help but think about what it would be like to have a child with you in the future. -He cooked you a lots of sweets, from macaroons (sorry if I wrote it wrong 😭🖐🏻) to strawberry cakes, chocolate… -So Your tummy ended up hurting and he felt very guilty.
-But he made sure you brushed your teeth after eating!
Idia: -Panic. -Literally the only kid he knows how to deal with is Ortho, so when he sees you he gets very nervous. -Don't get him wrong, he finds you the most adorable and tender, but he just doesn't know what to do or say. -In the end the one who ends up taking care of you is Ortho while Idia plays her video games 5m away in his room. -Together with Ortho you played hide and seek for a couple of hours until finally the teachers found a potion to return you to your normal state.
Rook: -LOVES so much the idea of being able to see you this small and adorable look. -It's simple -He didn't leave you for a moment, a little more and you guys would even to shit together LMAO -He laughed when he saw you chasing the squirrels in Pomefiore's garden, he thought you were deadly adorable -He couldn't help but think about what it would feel like to raise your future children together, he definitely already has a whole life planned with you, it's inevitable, our favorite hunter unexpectedly became a prey for love <3
-It makes Malleus laugh how your little being looks at his horns with eyes full of curiosity. -He put you on his shoulders and carried you all the time, letting you touch his horns as much as you want, you can be proud, that is a privilege that he only grants to you because you are his beloved human <333 -He took you to see the gargoyles with him, honestly he is another one who took you everywhere with him. -Everything must be said and it is that he had to ask Lilia for a little advice because he controls more of the subject, although it was not too much since as we already know Malleus also participated in raising Silver and because of this he has a little experience
-Jade is a very busy person without a doubt, after all he is the one who is in charge more than anything of managing the monstro lounge and of following Azul’s "orders" together with Floyd, however, he is capable of get organized enough to be able to take care of your infant self -He finds it very funny and tender to see your innocence from when you were little. -He certainly doesn't let you be with other students, especially Floyd, since it's not difficult for anyone to guess how that would end… Although he also does it because deep down he would be very jealous if someone stole your attention -He put a mushroom on your head 🕴
I hope you all liked it, stay safe and healthy! <333
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bleedingoptimism · 10 months
It’s a little after eleven when Eddie finally manages to get Tarja to bed. It’s hard for her without her plushie. And really, Eddie is very thankful having a hyper-fixation with her toy seems to be the only ‘consequence’ of having divorced parents Tarja seems to have right now. He always worries if having two homes and constantly moving between them is good for her or not. Especially with Tommy being Tarja’s other dad, but against all odds, he’s good to her. So their kid is doing just fine. She’s happy. And if she’s happy, Eddie is happy.
He’s getting ready to open a beer and relax when there’s a knock on the door. He smiles, assuming is Steve bringing Toothless over and almost knocks his beer to the floor when he opens the door.
Steve looks… well he looks amazing, dressed to the nines. Must’ve been date night. But his eyes are red and puffy, his face covered in dark blotches, and his lips are swollen like he’s been biting them too much.
He’s hugging Toothless to his chest and he smiles at Eddie when he sees him, but he looks so sad it breaks his heart.
Eddie throws the beer behind him, sure it will land on the couch and cradles Steve’s face between his hands, “What did that asshole do?
Steve leans into his touch and shuts his eyes for a moment before sighing and stepping away from him, walking inside and sitting on the couch still holding Toothless like a lifeline. 
“Nothing, he was just-” Steve shakes his head and chuckles darkly, “He’s just so mean,” 
Eddie drops to his knees in front of him and dips his head to look Steve in the eye just like he did that day in the park.
“Break up with him,” he says.
“I can’t.”
“Tommy doesn't deserve you, Steve. You are worth so much more than what that asshole makes you feel. You deserve better. More. Everything,” Eddie pleads, placing his hands on Steve’s knees and squeezing, “If it’s because of Tarja, we’ll figure something out, ok? Lots of people keep in contact with their parent’s significant other after they break up” He rushes, the speech he didn't have quite prepared last week coming out of him in a single breath, “We are friends, right? So you can still visit and see her. Visit me. You don’t have to stop being a part of our lives.” 
Steve is staring at him right now like Eddie just gifted him the moon and he’s so beautiful it’s kind of hard for Eddie to keep eye contact, but he squeezes Steve’s knees again to ground himself and does. Steve needs to know he’s very serious about this. About him.
Eyes shining, Steve takes a deep breath and nods slowly, a tear falling down his cheek that Eddie follows with his eyes and watches until it hides under Steve’s v-neck shirt.
“Hey, even I didn’t put up with Tommy's shit for Tarja’s sake and I birthed her,” he jokes awkwardly, trying to make him laugh and feels like doing a little victory dance when Steve snorts cutely,
“Okay,” he hiccups.
“Yeah?” Eddie smiles back at him, relieved.
“Yeah,” Steve sighs, “Fuck Tommy.” And drops back on the couch, looking exhausted, “Can I stay here tonight?” he asks in a whisper, like he’s afraid Eddie will say no. As if.
“Yeah, of course,” Is what he answers, and has half a mind to invite him into his bed but knows it’s a terrible idea. So he lends Steve his favorite flannel pajamas and sets blankets and a pillow on the couch and they say their goodnights.
And if he does a little dance when he closes the door to his room, no one is there to see.
In the morning, Steve stays for breakfast. And attempts to kill Eddie by making his heart explode, cooking it himself from scratch with Tarja’s help, who is so happy she won’t stop running around the kitchen making Toothless fly and sing about ‘happy family breakfast time’.
It’s actually hard to tell if she’s happier to have her plushie back or that Steve is there. Eddie, on the other hand, knows exactly what he’s happiest about. Death by tenderness. Is that a thing? He amuses himself thinking about a couple csi’s with sunglasses saying it, 
“He died because he witnessed something too cute,”
“Ah yes, death by fondness. I’ve seen it before.”
After, Eddie walks him to the door and Steve smiles sweetly at him, and holds his hand, squeezing it once before letting go, “Well, see you. I guess,” he says bashfully and there’s a moment there, a second where time stops and Eddie thinks he should kiss him. Wants to kiss him, needs to kiss him.
But he doesn’t. Because Steve is still dating Tommy, and just because he said he was going to break up with him doesn’t mean he wants to start something new with Eddie.
Eddie himself called him his friend for the first time last night for christ sake. ‘Fucking chill’ he thinks to himself.
And then a week goes by without hearing a word from Steve. But Eddie doesn't hold it against him.
At first, he figures he needs time to think but then he starts to wonder if he really is going to break up with Tommy. Four days in, he gets paranoid about it. Maybe Steve got brainwashed into thinking Eddie is bad for him. Maybe Tommy told him Eddie was putting ideas in his head, that he shouldn’t talk to him anymore… With him telling Steve to break up with his boyfriend and all... 
He’s well aware of how manipulative Tommy can be and has seen the way he belittles Steve to keep him around, so he knows it’ll be hard for Steve to actually go through with it.
And he can’t exactly show up at Tommy’s and steal Steve away, no matter how appealing the idea might be. The only thing he can do is just think of Steve, wish him well, and send him strength to do what he needs to do. At the end of the day, it needs to be his decision. His choice.
As Tommy’s week with Tarja approaches he starts getting more and more anxious, wondering if it’ll be Steve or Tommy who picks her up.
When the day finally arrives, and the doorbell rings, Tarja runs to open the door and Eddie peeks his head through the hallway.
“Daddy!” Tarja screams.
“Hey, Tata! You ready?” Tommy says and Eddie steps into the hall to greet him too.
“Not yet!” Tarja chuckles and Tommy smiles at her,
“Okay, go get ready. I’ll wait here,”
Eddie walks to the door and leans on the doorframe, “Hey,”
“Hi. Long time no see,” Tommy says and then adds, “You look great,”
“You don’t,” Eddie answers, because it’s true. He looks like shit. Greasy hair, bags under his eyes, chapped lips, wrinkles on his clothes, “What happened?”
“Steve broke up with me.” 
Eddie’s eyes go wide and he smiles, he doesn’t even try to hide it, “He did?”
“Don’t smile, fucker,” Tommy says but there’s no heat behind it. He knows he deserves it.
“Sorry,” Eddie says, not sorry at all.
“Stop,” Tommy whines because Eddie’s smile is actually getting bigger,
“Sorry,” he repeats and then clears his throat, “Did he tell you why?”
“Because I’m a horrible person,” Tommy groans.
“Hey, the first step is to ad-”
“To admit it, yeah, yeah. I know” Tommy interrupts him, groaning again.
Eddie sighs, and punches Tommy’s shoulder lightly, “Look, Tommy, I’m just going to say this because, well… you are pathetic. You need to do better.” And then he points to his back, to where Tarja’s disappeared to get her stuff, “She’s going to grow up and realize you are an awful person and she’s not going to want you in her life. And I’m not going to dissuade her from it, because I already don’t want you to be in mine, you know that, right?”
Tommy looks at him seriously and then nods once, fast and hard. Like he gets it. Like he agrees and is determined to change. And Eddie hopes for Tarja’s sake he is. But knows, deep in his heart, that either way, she’s going to be fine.
“Also, just a heads up. I’m in love with Steve and I’m going to ask him out,” he adds in a rush when he hears Tarja running up behind him.
“You are shitting me,” Tommy whispers, shocked and clenching his teeth.
Eddie laughs, “Nope,” he says, closing his lips loudly around the P.
“Eddie,” Tommy warns him like he’s waiting for Eddie to say he's joking.
“What? I hear he’s single,” Eddie smirks.
“You motherfuc- Hey Tata!” Gathering Tarja in his arms, Tommy drops the subject but he glares at Eddie as he kisses Tarja’s cheek goodbye and murmurs ‘unbelievable’ as he’s leaving. Eddie closes the door and starts laughing at the look on Tommy’s face.
He needs to call Steve.
He tries a couple of times but he doesn’t pick up and he starts worrying Steve might not actually want to talk to him, and then there’s a knock on the door but Eddie, too preoccupied with his anxiety, opens without looking, thinking Tarja forgot something.
When he doesn't hear her, Eddie looks up from his ‘ignored calls’ screen to see nonother than Steve standing there, looking nervous and like a fucking dream with a bouquet of flowers in his hands. A fucking bouquet of flowers. For him. For Eddie. All different shades of red, because he knows is his favorite color.
Eddie just blinks at him a couple of times and Steve flushes even more and drops the hand holding up the flowers, scratches the back of his neck nervously, “This was stupid, the flowers were fucking stupid. They are stupid. I’m stupid, right?”
A laugh bubbles out of Eddie and he grabs him by the scruff of his shirt and pulls him inside. He closes the door once they are both in and slams Steve against it, crushing their lips together. Steve circles his arms around Eddie and holds him close, instantly returning the kiss with fervor. 
They kiss as if it were fate. They kiss until it's hard to breathe and Eddie pulls away only to kiss him again, and again, and again.
“Not stupid,” he murmurs between kisses and feels Steve’s smile against his lips.
Eventually, Eddie takes a step back and lets Steve into his home properly, “Hi,” he says cheesily.
“Hi,” Steve says back grinning, then he lifts up the bouquet again, which is now completely ruined by him still holding it strongly while they made out like crazy, and his smile drops,
“Shit,” he pouts cutely, god Eddie wants to eat him. He laughs and takes the flowers anyway, putting them in an empty glass bottle, because he doesn’t own a flower vase, because he’s a normal human being. ‘Who the fuck owns a flower vase?’
“Come here,” he says, holding out both hands for Steve to take and follow him.
Steve takes his hands but doesn't move, instead swings them from side to side, “Wait, let's talk,”
Fuck, yeah. They should. That’s a good idea. Fuck. Damn, Steven Whatever-The-Fuck-Is-His-Middle-Name Harrington and his sensible and very logical choice…
Eddie huffs exaggeratedly making Steve chuckle and redirects them to the couch, where they sit still holding hands, “Alas,” he says dramatically, “You are right, we should talk. I actually wanted to ask you out properly, not debauch you the second you walked through the door. Sorry about that” he lies, not sorry at all, again.
Steve blushes and smiles, drawing little circles with his thumbs on Eddie’s hands, “Yeah me too. I wanna do this right. Ask you out. Go on dates. I think we should take this slow,”
Eddie makes a face and groans at that. He doesn't want to take it slow. He wants Steve to move in right now or something. Steve rolls his eyes amused at his interruption and keeps going,
“I came here to ask you out the right way because I want you to know I’m committed. But we should think about how this will affect Tarja… and Tommy too. We should go out a few times, spend some time alone, and I want you to meet my friends and my parents and I want to meet your friends and your uncle too and just do this properly and-”
Eddie interrupts him with a kiss, he can’t take it anymore, he’s been dying to kiss Steve for months now and he’s so sweet and thoughtful it makes Eddie insane, makes him feel like he needs to ruin him, but in a nice way, like with devotion and love.
Steve lets go of his hands to wrap his arms around Eddie’s waist and hoists him until he’s straddling Steve. Eddie leans his elbows on Steve’s shoulders, and buries his hands in his hair, pulling and messing with it.
“Okay but have you considered having hard, hot, wet sex, and then maybe we do what you said?” He asks panting against Steve’s lips and actually feeling how that punches the air out of him.
He hugs Eddie closer to his chest and whines, “Yeah okay, we can do it your way,” and gets up, lifting Eddie with him as if he were weightless. Eddie squawks and laughs all the way to his room.
They spend the week together, talking, eating, drinking, laughing and fucking. Except it’s more than that because when Eddie is inside Steve, with his tongue, his fingers, or his strap, it feels like more. It feels like love. Like fate.
Steve, still determined to take things slow, doesn’t stay there all the time, going back to Robin’s where he moved back to after breaking up with Tommy. He actually brings her over one day and the three of them spend the afternoon together. Eddie decides they are going to be best friends immediately because Robin is hilarious and merciless. When Steve gets back the next day he kisses Eddie so good and hard his knees almost give out on him and tells him he has Robin’s seal of approval. Something he knows Tommy never got.
When the week passes Eddie says goodbye theatrically as if they were cross-star lovers in a bad soap opera and Steve chuckles and calls him ridiculous but kisses him so passionately that Eddie drags him right back inside and they say goodbye again a few hours later.
They had decided to wait until Eddie talked to Tarja about her feelings over Tommy’s and Steve’s breakup and whether she still wanted Steve around or not before having him over again.
But when Tarja gets back home she’s gloomy and silent. She hugs Eddie in greeting when she arrives and then spends the rest of the day lying face down on the floor and occasionally sighing loudly, obviously trying to make Eddie ask her what’s wrong.
And really, Eddie shouldn't find it as funny as he does, but he thinks about calling Wayne and telling him he gets it now when Wayne used to tell him he had too much personality.
Eventually, he lies on the floor next to her and asks. Tarja looks at him with big sad eyes and says, “I haven't seen Steve in a million years! And Daddy said he is not his boyfriend anymore! So I’ll never see him again and I miss him”
Eddie coos at her, “I’m sorry you miss him little dragon, but you can totally see him again! Would you like me to call him? Since he’s my friend too?” Already trying to strategize on how to tell her they are more than friends.
Tarja lights up and jumps off the floor and onto Eddie, punching the breath out of him, “Yes! Yes! Call Steve! Steve smiles more when he’s with you than he did with daddy anyway. Why don’t you boyfriend him instead?”
Well… that was easy.
He chuckles and shakes his head, “That’s a great idea sweety, go grab my phone,”
Tarja runs and grabs Eddie’s phone off the table and hands it to him, he doesn’t bother getting off the floor so she kneels beside him listening attentively as he dials Steve’s number. 
“Hi, handsome, you talked with Tarja already?” Steve greets him after it rings twice.
“Yeah about that, turns out Tarja talked to me, actually,” he chuckles, “Hi, by the way”
“Hi,” Steve repeats lovingly and laughs, “What do you mean?”
“She had this awesome idea!” he says winking at her and she covers her mouth with her tiny hands to hide her giggles, “That, since you are not with Tommy anymore, you should be my boyfriend instead,” he continues, voice going soft and chuckles when he hears Steve's breathless ‘oh’ on the other side of the line, “Come over?”
“Of course, gimme an hour? I'm with a client” Steve hums and Eddie whispers he’ll give him anything he asks for and hangs up.
An hour later Tarja is still lying on the floor, only now it’s with papers and crayons spread all around her when the doorbell rings. She looks up at Eddie excitedly and he nods at her, “Go on then”
Tarja runs to the door and opens it wide to reveal Steve standing there as beautiful as ever, giving Eddie a deja vu of the first time he saw him.
“Papa Steve!” Tarja yells and jumps up to hug him.
Steve gasps and falls to his knees with her in his arms and looks up at Eddie with shocked wet eyes.
‘So much for taking it slow,’ Eddie thinks with a smirk.
☝️first part
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xxchumanixx · 7 months
Healing together
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Tim Bradford x reader
Warnings/Tags: smut, 18+ mdni!, p in v (wrap it before you tap it!), oral (fem receiving), fingering, fluff, angst, hurt, comfort
Word count: 4.731
Authors note: Hello guys! I know I said I'd be uploading another story (actually two), but I had this idea all of a sudden and I just couldn't let it slide. So I had to do it first. Get ready for some naked time with Tim Bradford!
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That, was not how your day had been supposed to go.
Not at all.
Being in the middle of a crimescene, staring at your ex-boyfriend - Yeah, it definitely wasn't supposed to go like that.
It should have been a normal day - you should have went to work, did your job, before going home, cook, shower, sleep.
Simple as that.
But when a colleague from work had been killed in the middle of the day, causing the whole place to be crowded with police and forensics, the day had begun to shift.
Slowly, the simple things became complicated - being crowned when you spotted a familiar face amidst the officers: Tim Bradford.
Sucking in a breath you tried your best to hide, which wasn't that easy given the open parking lot you currently were at.
But he didn't seem to have seen you yet, calming your racing heart down a little.
Your break-up with Tim was nasty.
You weren't compatible anymore, your interests and goals for the future having shifted completely, going into different directions.
That didn't mean that you didn't love him anymore, but when you gave him the choice - either his career or you - he took the career.
You didn't exactly blame him for it, but he broke your heart. Now, years later, you couldn't help but notice that he looked even better than before.
Scolding yourself for thinking this way, you shook your head. He shouldn't be of interest for you, not after all this time.
But he was.
So, when someone cleared their throat behind you, you froze.
"Ma'am, we would like to get a statement from you." You knew his voice, it still haunted you in your dreams - you would have recognized it from anywhere.
Turning around you did your best not to look too suspicious. Sending him a crooked smile his eyes widened, mouth agape as the pen in his hand almost slipped from his grasp.
"Y/N." he carefully said your name, like he was testing it on his tongue after all these years. "Tim." you gave back, swallowing.
The woman beside him - according to her name tag she was officer Chen - looked between you in confusion.
"You know her?" she wanted to know, pen pointed at you. "Yeah..." he returned, eyes fixed on you. "Briefly." you cut in, noticing how his mouth twitched at the statement.
"We were in the same class in academy and she used to work for the LAPD." Tim explained.
"You're a cop?" she asked, sounding almost excited. "I was." you corrected her, biting your lip.
"I was, until a case went wrong, sending me to the intensive care unit for almost three months." "You nearly died." Tim added, shaking his head the slightest bit. "If the bullet had hit a millimeter more to the right he would have hit your heart. Not that it would have been the only bullet, though."
Swallowing at the memory you nodded slightly. "Yeah, the scars remind me everyday of my almost day of death."
Chen bit her lip. "I know that feeling." she mumbled. "Been buried alive. That psycho tattooed my DOD on my ribs."
Your brows rose high at the horrible time she had to have went through, eyes widening. "Officer Bradford saved me." she explained, motioning at Tim.
Nodding you felt a familiar tug at your heart. "He uses to do such things from time to time." you told her, trying to hide how your voice trembled.
"Y/N!" he shouted your name. It sounded strange through the blur and the fog in your head. "Stay with me! Keep your eyes open, you hear me? Y/N!"
Blinking rapidly, you had to get away from him. His presence opened wounds that never managed to heal.
"What are you doing here? I thought you went to New Orleans?" Tim wanted to know, tilting his head slightly as his brows furrowed. Your lip twitched - you had barely been in New Orleans for a year.
It was beautiful, but it wasn't LA.
"I'm back, have been a few years now, actually." you explained, fingers tugging at lose strings on your pants. You just had to grab the one with holes in it, hadn't you?
Why even buy overpriced pants with holes, anyways?
Shaking that thought off, you continued. "I'm working here, the one who's murdered was my colleague. Although I contemplated going back."
"Back to New Orleans?" He almost sounded alarmed, but you shook your head. "Back to the police."
That must have alarmed him even more, as his eyes widened significantly.
"I've got an offer from Grey." you explained, tugging a lose strand of hair behind your ear. Tim swallowed, nodding.
"So you two were rookies together?" Chen inquired, smiling. "How was he back then?"
Clearing your throat you looked at her. "He was ambitious, eager." you explained. "A little reckless."
Tim's brows rose at your words. "I was reckless?" he wanted to know, huffing. "We were both reckless when we decided to be-" he cut himself off, already having said too much.
But Chen was clever, as she caught on to what he wanted to say.
"Wait, you two were together?"
Rolling your eyes you looked away for a second.
Damn him and his mouth - even when the memory of what his mouth was able to do made you blush.
Not what you wanted to think of in that moment, though.
"We were." you confirmed, nodding as you looked back at her. "Didn't work. It's history, nothing more."
Tim swallowed, it was so loud that you could hear it.
His gaze wandered over the crimescene, before it fixed on his rookie. "Boot, could you get a statement from this man over there?" he asked, pointing somewhere, though it wasn't really a question.
Chen knew that as well, nodding.
"Was nice to meet you." she spoke, before she turned around and headed for the man Tim pointed at.
Cocking a brow you looked up at him, as his gaze fell back on you. "What?" he asked, brows furrowing. "You did that on purpose." you replied, giving him a pointed look.
Sighing he stuffed away his pen and notepad, nodding. "Yes, I did."
Biting your lip you contemplated to run.
You didn't know what he wanted to talk about, but if he sent his rookie away, he wanted to do exactly that.
You knew him.
Sighing, you decided to stay. It would have only looked suspicious if you ran - they didn't need to falsely arrest you, because they thought you were the murderer.
Biting down on your cheek you waited for him to begin.
"You look good." he spoke hesitantly, a small smile gracing his lips. Nodding, your brows twitched. "Did you tell her to go just so you could tell me that I look good?" you gave back, tilting your head.
"No, I... I'm just surprised to see you, that's all." he admitted, looking down for a split second. "After we... separated, I didn't see you again."
Huffing, you crossed your arms above your chest. "What did you expect, after you broke my heart?" you returned, holding his gaze, even as his eyes averted at your words.
"That I could continue like nothing happened? I couldn't stay, because that meant I'd have to see you everyday, so I quit and went to New Orleans. But it wasn't LA, so I came back after only a year. I kept in contact with Wade and Angela, but that's it."
His brows knitted together. "I don't know if I should be more surprised about you being on first name basis with Grey or you staying in contact with Lopez."
Shaking your head you looked down.
"What are you trying to do here, Tim?" you asked quietly, looking back up. The sun was already setting, shining straight onto your faces, highlighting all of his contours.
Sighing deeply, his gaze fell back on the crowd of people around you. He seemed unsure, hesitant.
"I never got the chance to apologize." he finally spoke, looking down, before his gaze fell on you, as your brows furrowed. "I chose my career, but I later realized that I was wrong. I could have had both and I made the mistake of choosing only one thing."
Shaking your head at his words you felt the anger bubble up. You had suppressed it for so long, that it was hard for you to hold it back now.
"Are you serious?" you wanted to know, taking a step closer, as your eyes narrowed at him. "Angela mentioned that you married - only two years later. Surely your career didn't stand in the way when you did."
He looked like you just slapped him in the face.
"I know." he gave back. "I didn't want to do the same mistake again. But then I did another one. She got addicted, and I didn't intervene at first. Only when she left one night I realized that I fucked up again. I didn't see her for two years, but now she's clean."
Biting your lip you nodded slightly.
"Bet you must be happy now." you said, feeling sorry for her. "We're divorced now." he returned. "It's only a few months ago. But it's better that way."
"Oh." you made, looking away, now feeling guilty, as the anger slowly faded. "Angela didn't tell me. I mean, not that it's my cup of tea, but I'm sorry for you."
He nodded. "Thank you, but I'm okay."
Nodding as well, you didn't know what to say. Luckily, he did.
"You should get home, get some rest." he told you, shoving his hands into his pockets. "Yeah, I don't know." you gave back, biting your lip. "My car is at the workshop, I got here with the bus, but that won't get here, now that this is a crimescene. I don't know how I'll get home - I guess I'll just walk then."
His brows furrowed. "No, you're not going home on your own." he disagreed, shaking his head. "We still don't know who did this and the suspect could still be close by. I'll drive you."
"What? No, you don't have to do that. I can protect myself." you argued. "I bet you have a lot of work left to do here anyway, not to mention your rookie."
But he shook his head, not having it. "She'll drive with someone else." he told you sternly, before walking towards her.
Mouth agape you stared after him, not sure if you were ready to be alone in a car with him just yet.
When he came back, you couldn't believe that he really was able to just go, drive you home.
"Come." he spoke, walking towards his police car. Still shocked you followed him, knowing that you didn't have another choice. He wouldn't have let you go alone, no matter what you did.
You sighed, when you sat down in the passenger seat. You missed sitting in the shop, the familiar smell and feeling causing you to feel homesick.
Tim started the engine, as you buckled up. Leaning back in the seat your fingers brushed over the door. You had sat so many times in the shop, and after all this time of being no cop anymore, you finally felt at home again.
The drive was silent for the first few minutes, after you told him were you lived.
The silence was heavy, neither one knowing what to say now that you were alone.
"Are you planning on taking Grey up on his offer?" Tim broke the silence, looking at you, before his gaze went back out on the street.
"Before getting in the shop I wasn't sure - but now... It feels like I'm home again. All this time I missed something and I know now, that it was this job."
He nodded, swallowing.
"I took that from you." he almost whispered, and you swore you saw his eyes glisten. "Because of me you gave up your dream. I don't know how I'll ever be able to make up for it."
Biting your cheek, you considered if you should tell him that he couldn't make up for it. But you decided against it.
If you really wanted to get back, you shouldn't stay angry at him. You should at least try to forgive him, no matter how long it would take.
"I'm sure you'll find a way." you quietly told him, looking out your window.
Parking in front of your house, it was already dark. He cut the engine, getting out, before you could have stopped him.
Following him to your front door you hesitated. "Won't you get into trouble for driving me home?"
He shook his head, as he stopped at the door, as you did the same. "No, I can explain my absence." he told you, looking down at you. "I just wanted to make sure that you're getting home safely."
Feeling your heart hammer in your chest, you nodded. "Okay, then thank you for driving me home." you spoke, looking up into his eyes. "Yeah, no problem." he mumbled, staring back.
You felt how you became hot, hearing your heartbeat in your ears at his intense stare.
Slowly, he inched closer, his head leaning in your direction. Your breathing faltered, as you did the same.
His breath fanned over your face and you swallowed, before his lips finally met yours.
Something inside you exploded, as you tasted his lips for the first time since your break-up.
They fit together like they were made to be, his hands finding your hips, guiding you closer. Your arms wrapped around his neck, as you pressed yourself impossibly closer to him.
Your lips devoured each other, his tongue brushing your bottom lip and you let him in. Your tongues fought for dominance, your combined breathing ringing in your ears.
Your heart burst at the feeling, as the kiss grew more heated.
Fumbling for the key, all your worries were suddenly gone. Trying to open the door blindly it took you a few tries, before you heard the familiar click. Pushing the door open, Tim didn't waste any time as he pushed you inside.
He closed the door behind him, before his hands grabbed your face, guiding your lips back onto his.
He pushed you against the nearest wall, your back hitting it almost painfully, as his hands roamed your body. Grabbing your thighs he gave you a sign to jump - and so you did.
Your legs wrapped around his middle, pulling him closer. His lips traveled down your chin to your neck, sucking at it until he found the spot that had you moaning.
Using the advantage he brushed off your jacket, letting it fall to the floor, before his hands found your hips again. They wandered under your shirt, eagerly touching your skin.
"Where is your bedroom?" he wanted to know breathlessly. "Upstairs, first door on the right." you explained, out of breath as well.
He didn't hesitate to grab you, before he walked to the stairs with you in his arms, showing no signs of trouble as he took them, all the while kissing you as he blindly made his way up.
When he reached the door he pushed it open, only breaking the kiss to locate your bed, before he let you fall down on it. Catching your breath, you pulled your shirt over your head, watching him as he took off his jacket, followed by his shirt and the one he wore under his uniform.
He was breathtaking.
His muscles were more defined than they were back then, making him even more geogous. Unbottoning his pants, you did the same, stripping out of them, before throwing them off the bed.
When you were left in only your underwear, he was back on top of you, his lips taking yours. Lying down on your back his body pressed against yours, his clothed cock pressing against the inside of your thigh.
Sucking down your neck, he again found your sweet spot, earning a moan from you as he sucked on it. Your hands brushed through his hair, as your back arched.
He took the opportunity to open your bra, discarding of it on the floor.
Kissing down to your breasts, his lips found your left nipple, sucking it into his mouth. You yelped in pleasure and surprise, tugging at his short strands. His tongue circled around it, before it flicked over it.
You moaned when he lightly bit down on your nipple, before letting go of it with a wet pop, giving your other one the same attention.
The wetness between your legs was almost getting too wet, the knot in your belly already forming just because his lips were around your nipple.
Letting go of the other one he went further down, trailing kisses down your stomach, until he reached the hem of your panties. He looked up at you, before he kissed your clothed pussy, causing you to suck in a breath.
He was so unnaturally hot.
Chuckling at your reaction, his fingers hooked under the waistband of your panties, before tugging them down, letting them drop on the floor as well.
Then he pushed your legs back, opening them until he could see his precious price. Kissing your thighs he took his time, causing you to squirm.
You could feel him grin, his hot breath fanning over your heat. Without a warning his tongue licked up your pussy in one stripe, causing your hips to buck, as you moaned loudly.
His tongue went down on you, licking through your folds, flicking over your clit, before his lips sucked it into his mouth.
Your hands found their way back into his hair, fisting it as much as you could with its length, earning a groan from him. It vibrated through your pussy, making you moan in return.
His thumb brushed over your clit, as his mouth let go of you, his eyes finding yours. He drew figure eights on your bundle of nerves, causing your eyes to roll to the back of your head, gasping for air.
His thumb was soon replaced by his mouth again, as he slowly pushed a finger inside you, after gathering some of your arousel to wet it.
You moaned, as he started fingering you, all the while pleasuring you with his tongue. When he added a second finger, stretching you, your back arched off the matress, as you pulled his head even closer.
The knot in your stomach tightened almost painfully, as his fingers fell into a steady rhythm. He brought you right to the edge, and when you looked down at him, your eyes finding his, you fell.
Screaming his name, you came. He didn't stop though, taking everything you gave him, as he rode you through your high.
When you came down it, he removed his mouth and fingers, wiping over his mouth, that glistened from your arousel, before he leaned up, kissing you.
Tasting yourself on his tongue you groaned, palming him through his briefs. He twitched, as he gasped for air, before his lips were on yours again.
Tugging the briefs down his legs, he let them fall to the floor, his cock painfully hard. It poked at your entrance, making you all the more eager to finally have him inside you.
His lips left yours, as he pointed at your night table. You nodded, before he opened it and took out a condom, before sitting up a little. He rolled it down his shaft, before he lay back on top of you.
Kissing you again he guided his cock to your entrance, slowly pushing the head inside.
Moaning you clenched, making him hiss. "Fuck." he breathed. "You're so tight." Smirking you pushed in his direction. He slowly eased forward, until he was buried to the hilt.
Breathing heavily you leaned back into the cushions, needing a moment to get used to him.
His lips brushed your cheek, as he waited for your go. Nodding, you signaled that you were ready.
Slowly, he pulled back until only his head was inside you, before thrusting back into you hard. You yelped, toes curling at the sensation, as he did it again and again, slowly becoming faster.
You fell into a steady rhytm, your hands gripping his bicep with his arms at either side of your head.
His eyes found yours and you sucked in a breath, moaning his name. "Fuck." he swore, biting his lip. "Do that again." Your cheeks flushed. "Tim!" you moaned his name again and he groaned, his thrusts getting harder, deeper.
You wouldn't last long if he kept this up.
Your breasts bounced, and he kissed down them, circling your nipples with his tongue.
Your hands found his hair, tugging at it almost painfully at the sensations. The knot in your belly tightened again, as you brought his mouth back to yours.
He thrust into you vigorously, his pelvis brushing your clit, sending sparks up your body and making your toes curl.
"I'm gonna cum soon." you told him inbetween moans, biting your lip. One of his hands gripped one of your legs, giving you a sign to wrap them both around his middle.
Doing as you were told you felt how he reached even deeper, earning a moan from you both.
His thrusts gained speed, as one of his hands found your middle, his fingers brushing your clit. You twitched under him, as he started to rub it, driving you towards the edge in highspeed.
You were so close to bursting.
"Tim!" you breathed, trying to focus on his face. "I know." he gave back. "Come for me."
With a scream of his name you stumbled over the edge, him following closely as your pussy clenched around him.
He rode out your highs, before he stilled. Breathing heavily your eyes were closed, needing a moment to come down from the best orgasmn you've had in the last few years.
When your eyes opened again they met his, as he brushed a sweaty strand of hair out of your face. You smiled, still feeling a little high.
He returned the smile, his thumb brushing over your cheek.
Time stood still, as you enjoyed this moment in silence.
Still a little out of breath he rolled down from you, his back hitting the sheets as he lay down beside you.
"Fuck..." he mumbled. "That was..." "Amazing." you finished for him. "Yeah..."
You lay in silence as you slowly caught your breath, him discarding of the condom, before lying back down. But as the high faded, something different bubbled up.
Feelings, that were so deep buried inside you, suddenly pushed back up. Gasping, you tried to suppress the tears -failing horribly as a sob broke through.
"Y/N!" Tim called out your name in worry, sitting up. "What happened?" Tears streamed down your face, as you sat up as well.
"Why couldn't it just have been fine?" you wanted to know, causing him to furrow his brows in confusion. "What do you mean?" he asked. "Why couldn't we just have been happy back then?" you returned, wiping your face.
He fell silent, as he knew what you meant.
Crying silently you suddenly felt ashamed. You shouldn’t have been crying over the past, but you couldn't help it. After all that happened, you still loved him.
"After you've been shot, almost dying in my arms..." he began, breaking the silence, as his gaze fell on the sheets. "I built this shield around me, that was supposed to prevent a situation like this from happening again. I almost lost you, an event that traumatized me so badly... For a very long time I tried to convince myself that what I did was right."
He sighed, and you swallowed, biting your lip as more tears fell.
"When I married Isabel, I tried to prevent something like this, but I failed - again." he continued. "She was undercover, getting addicted. I didn't know how to help her and to be honest, I don't believe that there was actually a way I could have helped. If anything, I made it worse. It reminded me of us. I relived the events from when you were shot, nearly dying. You lost so much blood that they had to revive you - two times. Knowing that it was my fault, knowing that you could have died because of me - something inside me broke. So when I built this shield, and you asked me to go with you - I was scared that it would follow us. I was scared that you'd be in harms way, because of me. So I chose the job."
Sobbing, you tried to understand what he just told you.
"It wasn't your fault." you told him, wiping your face, even though it was useless. "Yes it was! If I-" he wanted to argue, but you cut him off. "No, Tim! It was not your fault! It was mine!" you shouted, pointing at yourself.
"I was sloppy that day, I didn't sleep enough, wasn't feeling well. And if I hadn't hesitated when trying to shoot the attacker, he wouldn't even have had a chance to get me. It wasn't your fault, do you hear me? Nothing of this was on you, Tim."
His mouth was open, eyes red from the tears he tried to hold at bay.
"You never said that you didn't feel well." he realized, swallowing. "If you would have told Grey, you wouldn't have even been there in the first place."
Nodding, you bit your lip, absentmindely brushing over the scar on your chest with your fingers.
"Yes, but i was so eager to get that job done." you explained. "Nothing would have stopped me from going out there, so stop blaming yourself. Please, Tim."
It fell silent again, as your tears slowly subsided.
All this time you had suffered, because he thought he was at fault for your accident. He blamed himself, even though it wasn't his fault at all.
When he suddenly scooted closer, his arms wrapping around you with his chin on your head, you heard him sniff. Leaning against him you breathed his familiar scent, your heart bleeding as he cried.
You could have had it all. Could have lived a happy life. He could have married you instead of Isabel, who ended up getting addicted, breaking his heart.
You had both suffered so badly.
And as you sat there, both crying over the past mistakes, you made a decision.
You would forgive him.
After all, he did what he did to keep you safe - even if he broke his own heart in the process as well.
After a while he shifted, looking down at you. His eyes were red and a little puffy, but yours didn't look any better.
"I shouldn't have let you go." he told you, wiping away the remnants of your tears. "When you asked me to go with you, I should have said yes. I shouldn't have pushed you away, out of fear that I might lose you if I didn't."
Shaking your head, you sniffed. "I shouldn't have made you choose." you gave back. "I ran away from my fear, but it didn't work. I should have stayed and tried to heal, instead of running."
He breathed deeply, his hand on your cheek.
"I want you to know that I never stopped loving you." he admitted, holding your gaze. "Not even when i was with Isabel."
Smiling through another wave of tears coming up, your hand lay on his. "I never stopped loving you, either." you returned, a happy feeling spreading through you.
It tickled your veins, warming you from the inside.
He smiled as well, blinking as a tear fell on his cheek.
"Can we fix this?" he asked, hope shining in his eyes. "I think we did already." you gave back, causing him to sigh in relief.
"Will we be together, after this?" he questioned further. Swallowing, you wiped at your eyes, before responding. "I would love nothing more."
He kissed you. It felt different, free.
Like it should be.
"I love you." he spoke, kissing your cheeks. "I love you too." you returned, a giddy feeling spreading through your entire being, smiling broadly.
"And I promise that I'll never leave you again." he added, swallowing, as he looked into your eyes. "You'll never get rid of me again."
"I wouldn't want to."
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biibini · 9 months
modern!mizu pt2 sfw + nsfw
a/n: brain continues to rot 😵‍💫 i thought i would focus more on ur relationship w mizu & ur dynamic with her
note: nsfw at the bottom!
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ok so ab u two hehe
sfw ☆
modern!mizu gets into a playful mood w u from time to time
usually when she gets bored from hw or takes a break after coming back from the gym, she’ll come out of the zone and bother u
she loves to press ur buttons especially when it’s the two of u alone
modern!mizu is a tease. next headcannon.
“Mizu. Stop.”
“Stop? What would I be stopping?” she would say in a teasing manner.
“You know what I mean-“ you say as she continues to squish your face with her left hand. A small but undeniable smirk starts forming on her face.
however, when u are both out, she’ll keep the teasing to a minimum
at least tries to (the voices r strong but shes stronger most of the time)
her hand might just slip down by ur waist and squeeze it at times to get a little reaction or gasp out of u
(but that’s an idea for me to elaborate on later)
modern!mizu prefers u to hold her arm than her hand
she’ll take either but she feels more secure knowing ur holding onto her
she def likes it when u lightly squeeze her arms to stay close
modern!mizu likes joining in on ur care routine before going to sleep (this is kinda nsfw)
at first, she was curious as to what products u were using on ur face
she initially saw the facial ice roller as a new toy ngl
it’s not one of her proudest moments
“Hey Y/N?”
“Yeah?” You were in the bedroom finding your pajamas, not even guessing what she would ask you next
“You bought a new toy?” Mizu yells from the bathroom.
“I did?”
She comes out with your facial ice roller in hand.
“Baby-“ you start speaking.
“I mean I know you said you wanted to test out temperatures in bed one time but…”
“Just how… exactly do we use this? I know this part is the handle but where does the ice go?” she asks as she holds the handle sideways, staring at the product and analyzing its usage.
You start to giggle a little as you take the roller out of her hands.
“I’m being serious. How does it work?”
“Mizu, it’s for my face.”
She starts blanking out as you begin to roll the cold icy part on your cheeks.
“It’s supposed to help with puffiness.”
self care along with her nightly tea became a comforting ritual in her bedroom
she was intrigued by the amount of skincare products u own
it’s not a lot (jk)
mizu totally didn’t build a whole shelf for ur products (she made sure it fit everything)
modern!mizu is ur guinea pig, and vice versa (sorta)
if u wanted to try a new product, she would try it with u
if she had a new creation/projected she needed to test out, u would be the second person she would call to check on production
u used to be the first until the “incident”
one time she called u in at the dead hour of 2 AM to come to the auto-shop and see her creation
it was a makeshift turbine for a solo project and all u had to do was turn it on to low fan speed
u ended up turning it on the highest speed somehow and broke the fragile engine
mizu froze as she watched her project get quickly chopped up by the fan
however she starts running to push u away and protect u when the fan starts hurling towards ur direction
u end up finding out she mislabeled the fan speed and made the “lowest” setting the highest setting
worried that she would put u in danger again, she asks taigen or ringo to test her new projects
she continues to be a guinea pig with ur skincare products and cooking
(ill make this vary depending on reader’s skills)
if ur not a rlly good cook, u and mizu can make two halves meet and collaborate on cooking together
u would probably ask ringo to help u out more than mizu admits to (it’s for the better and safety of the apartment)
if u are a good cook, she’ll be a bit more confident and step up as ur sous chef
she jokingly calls u “yes chef” as she gives u a kiss on ur cheek
one day, u bought a chef hat and started prepping dinner before mizu got back from the gym
You hear the front door open and the small ring of the jingle bell Ringo put on the handle.
“Y/N? Ringo?” Mizu yells as she puts down her bag.
“In here!” You yell from the kitchen. You fix your newly bought chef hat to match Mizu’s little running bit.
“Hey what are you coo-“ Mizu stops to look at what you’re wearing.
Some slippers, one of her shirts, and a chef hat. Oh my god. You turn to look at her with a smile.
“What is… that?“ She says, gawking at the hat.
“You like what I bought?”
“Yes but I wasn’t expecting a whole chef hat.” Mizu says as gives you a quick hug from behind and a little “hello” kiss on your cheek.
“You mean ‘Yes chef’?” You say teasingly.
“Haha very funny…”
You stare at her, pausing your cooking as you wait for the right words to be spoken out. She looks back and sighing in defeat.
“Yes chef.” She says as you giggle at her defeated tone, continuing to tend to dinner.
modern!mizu will chop and prep for u
give her a knife and a chopping board
ask and u will receive
random thought but she will tough out the onions
when she first starts her sous chef journey, she would always chew gum
she never realized that she could avoid onion tears with this method until she tried it
game changer !!
trust her w the onions. always.
modern!mizu enjoys dates out with u but the best dates are done at home, cuddling and watching netflix
u guys def have movie/tv show nights
maybe even experiment in cooking dinners
it’s peaceful and quiet (besides ringo joining in occasionally most of the time)
cuddling and relaxing after long school days resets both of u
mizu esp loves it when u both are under the covers and she can feel u doze off
it makes her a little sleepy too
As the second to final episode of your show comes to an end, Mizu checks up on you. She finds you, eyes closed & softly breathing.
“Y/N” she whispers while slowly unwrapping the blanket covering you two.
“Uh hm…” you say as you try and grip onto the blanket, it’s warmth escaping you. A light chuckle comes out of Mizu.
She successfully takes off the blanket, laying it to hang on the couch. She makes a mental reminder to fix it before she leaves for the gym tomorrow. You on the other hand are slowly waking up and walking to the bedroom, still holding her hand.
“C’mon now, let’s get to bed.”
You simply nod as she brings you to the bedroom to continue your sleep. She’ll catch you up on what you missed when you dozed off the following day.
modern!mizu would sleep on her back
it’s best to relieve lower back pain after learning from her adopted dad
so she’s adapted the same habit as him
when it comes to cuddling, she wraps her arm around you as she dozes off
if u wanted (or she wanted) to spoon, she would initially be the big spoon
however, the more u get into ur relationship, the more she switches over to being the little spoon
the feeling of ur hands wrapped around her as you both doze off is comforting
big spoon does stay on top though
it gives her access to… places
nsfw ♥︎
yk how i said in the first modern!mizu that she was touchy (and here too)
modern!mizu needs to hold or touch u whenever u guys are doing it
ur face, hands, shoulder, waist, hips, thighs
anywhere basically
she loves giving ur hips a squeeze while guiding u through the motions
when she’s making out with u, she lovesss to cup ur face or hold ur waist closer to u with her hands
when eating u out, u cannot escape
those gym seshes come in clutch
her arms will wrap around ur thighs and will not let u go
“Be good for me, will ya?” Mizu says, her breath only a few inches away from your heat.
You can only nod as you let your legs succumb to her arms. There’s no use fighting against them. You’ve tried and failed many times.
she would also hold onto ur hips if ur on top
she loves the control she would have on ur hips while u bounce up and down on her strap on
if not ur hips, she would give ur ass a squeeze as u continue to be riding her
modern!mizu always loves to leave a little mark
she knows how sensitive u can be around ur neck and loves to leave at least one, maybe two
if not there, then definitely around ur breasts
no one’s going to see them (most of the time)
she loves doing it especially when ur stimulated below by her fingers that are slowly yet deeply thrusting into ur wet insides
it would overstimulate u
but it would be so fun to see her lovely girl crumble little by little by her fingers and mouth
modern!mizu will do anything to hear ur voice
when she’s making out w u and hears a moan escape from ur lips, she’s so ready
ur moans escaping from ur lips while she eats u out is the best melody she’s ever heard
she gets lost indulging in ur noise that she would have to double check if anyone else is home before continuing
if ur moans gets louder when she goes faster, she will keep that pace up until ur a mumbling mess
so ab her being a tease earlier
modern!mizu likes to tease, especially when ur close
“Is my Y/N getting close?” she coos as she continues to thrust into you.
You were already overstimulated with how much she has done with you that night. From making out to practically squirting on her fingers earlier, your mind was a mess. As she thrust into you, all you could do was nod and moan as she hit a deeper spot.
“That’s the spot, isn’t it?”
You mumbled a yes and nodded. She heard you. But was it a spoken answer? Not exactly to Mizu.
She slows her pace down and looks to see your reaction: fucked out, dazed, and is practically begging for more.
“Mizu, please.”
“Please what?”
She grinds once to hear another moan come out. You continue to lose it as you start to bounce up and down on her strap, finding the spot again.
“Please fuck me more.” you answer.
She grinned as she watch you continue to move your hips up and down on her. Who knew you could still have the energy after all?
However, Mizu wasn’t done toying with you. She wants to hear your exact words.
“Fuck you how much more?” She says slyly as her hips start to slowly match your pace. You get silent as you find the right angle.
“Deeper. Much deeper.”
“Oh yeah?” she answers breathily, lining her hands with your waist as she searches for the deep spot.
A loud moan escaped your lips. Bingo.
“Good girl.” she calls as she continues her deep thrusts into you, coming once again.
hands down, making you speak while you’re fucked out is the favorite way to tease u
i cannot exaggerate how ur moans get her off
it’ll always be in the back of her mind while she continues to mess w u
it’s basically an obsession
hearing her lover practically crumble from her is her favorite part of teasing u
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satorusugurugurl · 3 months
I Think He Knows: (Chapter Seven)
Summary: When your novel takes off and becomes a best seller, doors of opportunities open for you. You can work on the series you have dreamed about all your life. And you’re also given the chance to stay in a tiny cottage in Europe for two years to help with inspiration! Your best friend, Geto Suguru, shatters at the news. How could he tell you how he feels when you leave him? His opportunity appears right before him when you confess that your editor thinks a change of scenery will help with your not-so-steamy romance scenes. They’re lacking a particular spice because you’re a virgin. So, Suguru does what any best friend would do. He offers to teach you how things work. Will you cross that line as friends? Or will you both say goodbye?
Pairing: Geto Suguru x FAB!Reader
Word Count: 3,938
Warning: Language, nightmares, mentions of character death, panic attack, night terror, blood, PTSD,
A/N: We probably have three or four more chapters to go! Ugh, I can't believe it's coming to an end! 🥹😭💚
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Eight Part Nine Part Ten Part Eleven
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Suguru is too stunned to speak as he sees the tears in your eyes. He reaches over, snatching the phone out of your hand, glaring down at his phone screen. Sure as shit Manami had texted him that for the twelfth time in the last week. Rubbing a hand through his hair, Suguru sighs.
“Princess, it’s not what it sounds like.”
You sniffle, wiping away the tears that had quickly appeared in your eyes, surprising your best friend and yourself. “It’s not?” Suguru reaches out, cupping your face and brushing your cheekbone with his thumb.
“No, I was offered a position in Okinawa to paint a mural. It’s a massive project that would take me roughly four months. This is the project I keep turning down.”
“Oh!” The light returns to your eyes, slowly fading away at the mere prospect of him leaving. “Okay, uhm—” you smile, “that’s good to hear.” Suguru grins, ruffling your hair. “What’s the project.”
His hand was still on top of your head, eyes glancing down at you and thought. Did he want to tell you what the project was about? He just stopped having nightmares about Riko, bringing up the commission he was offered by dragging up those memories again. But if you were going to be staying the night with him again, it shouldn’t be that big of a deal, should it?
“It’s for the aquarium in Okinawa.”
When Suguru mentions Okinawa and the aquarium, you automatically put everything together without him saying another word. He didn’t take the job because of the memories that lingered and that place. Memories of Riko, the girl he blamed himself for not saving. That was probably the number one—reason why he wouldn’t take this job.
You swallow as he turns back towards the pan and continues cooking the peppers. “It must have been a big project if they wanted you to stay down there for four months.” He nodded as he moved the spatula across the pan, stirring the peppers. “What exactly did they want you to do?” The spatula stops moving as Suguru sighs in defeat. He knew you now that you had this idea eating away at you. He knew you wouldn’t stop until you got an answer.
“Well, you know my agent isn’t the most considerate. She goes about sharing my artwork with potential clients unethically.” The spatula moves across the pan again. “She has a bad habit of taking pictures of unfinished projects and posting them online for everyone and anyone to see. The latest picture she took was that of Riko at the aquarium with the blue whales.”
“God, I cannot stand that woman!”
Your best friend chuckled, nodding his head as the peppers in the pan began to sizzle, the fragrant aroma of cooking food wafting over your senses. “Oh, I know you can't.” his shoulder sank, eyes distant, “That didn’t stop her from sharing a picture of my unfinished project online.”
Not only was it wrong for her to share something unfinished online for all his followers to see, but that was also something close to Geto’s heart. It was like his personal project revolving around a girl that he blamed himself for not saving even though there was no chance he could’ve saved her.
“So I’m guessing the aquarium saw it.”
“Yep, they want me to go down to Okinawa and paint a large mural with the same thing as a mural inside the aquarium.”
This project was a huge opportunity for him to paint something so massive for thousands and thousands of people to see; it would have already been growing larger. Painting a mural like that could open doors of possibilities for him. Suguru could be looking at hundreds of different commissions, whether small or larger projects like this one.
Even if it was an excellent opportunity for him, you knew there was no way he was going to go back to Okinawa in the near future. Far too many painful memories were associated with that place in your second-year trip. Despite plenty of happy memories from that trip, all Suguru saw when he reminisced was blood. But he still believes his hands are stained, no matter how often he scrubs them clean.
“Are you sure turning it down is a good idea?”
Suguru’s eyes widened at your words before slowly turning his head to look back at you. “What?” his voice was thick with confusion and pain.
“Well, I—” you sighed, “this might be a big chance for you.” Your best friend turned around, eyebrows pinched together. “And it might give you a chance to finally get some closure.”
“Yeah, you can never heal if you do—”
“I’m healed. I don’t need that shit; I’m over it.”
“Suguru— you’re still having nightmares and—”
His dark eyes went darker as he glared down at the floor. “Yeah, I do, but I witness something pretty fucking traumatic too.” Oh fuck, this was not how you wanted this conversation to go.
“Right, of course! That’s normal, but I think if you—”
“Oh, you think what? You think if I go to Okinawa and reminisce of a girl that died because of me, some Disney movie shit will happen, and I’ll be magically healed?”
“Suguru, hold on—”
He laughed cold and dark as he took the pan off the stove again, tossing it on a burner. “Because I think if I go down there in the same aquarium she did across the street where she died. I don’t think it’ll help. I think it’ll make things worse” he turned the stove off, facing away from you.
You knew Riko was a sore spot for him. She always had been since her death. But you didn’t realize it was still as bad as it was since the accident. Seeing him so frustrated made your heartbreak into one million pieces. You wanted to help him with the heal. So you got up from your seat and walked around the bar, slowly approaching him as if he were an injured animal. Slowly, place your hand on his back, expecting him to relax.
His back remains stiff. Muscles tense as he shakes his head, looking back at you. Your eyes roamed over his face as you tried to think what to say when you had said more than enough.
Suguru pulled away from you, heading into the living room without a word. “Sugu!”? Your best friend listens to your bare feet shredding over the floor. “Suguru, stop and listen to me!” He turned, glaring down at you
“No, you stop.” His words had stopped your momentum. “Out of everyone, I thought you would be the only person who could understand how I can never go back there.” his voice sounded as broken as he looked. “I can’t go back there and face it alone.”
How your face fell was enough to tell Suguri that this conversation was finally over. He cleared his throat, nausea settling in his stomach, creeping up his esophagus. Tonight was supposed to be a quiet night with dinner and movies. The last thing he wanted to do was fight, and with the silence and the far-off look in your eyes, Suguru knew his plans for the evening had been ruined.
“Alright.” you started. Suguru had expected you to grab your bag and leave, but instead, you headed into the kitchen, turning the stove back on. “I’ll go with you.” You placed the pan back over the heat nonchalantly like nothing had happened.
“Huh?” he must’ve misheard you. He had to have because there was no way you just said that, not after he had barked at you.“What?”
Stir the peppers in the pan before looking back at your best friend with a warm, broad smile. “I said I’ll go with you if you can’t face alone, I’ll join you.” hearing you say that had the nausea stirring in the pit of Suguru’s stomach, but it wasn’t from grief or anxiety, but from how much he liked you.
“I what?” You cocked an eyebrow as you added heavy cream to the pan with some butter. “I work from my apartment. My desk is my laptop, iPad, or my phone. I can go wherever I want and still work on my book. So it’s not like there’s a job holding me back.”
Suguru quickly headed back into the kitchen with you, watching as you stirred the peppers and cream together, making a sauce. “But you have meetings with Nanami and Utahime. Can you put that on hold for me?” You squatted down, pulling out his stock pot from underneath the cabinet and handing it to him.
“There’s this amazing new thing out there called FaceTime and Zoom. I can send emails if I have to meet with any of them. I can do a conference call from anywhere in the world. That wouldn’t be a problem. A change of scenery might be nice for me. Can you fill that pot with water, please?”
You so casually talked about packing up your life for four months to join him on a job that would most likely change his life forever, and butterflies were swarming in his abdomen. He knew you were great. You were always a good friend. But this is above and beyond words. If you were to join him, he might be able to go to the aquarium to walk the same street he had done back in high school. You might be right. This might be exactly what he needed.
Because he knew the nightmares would never stop, his therapist knew that he wouldn’t stop until he faced those demons. It was the only way he was going to be able to heal. To face everything head-on and talk about what happened.
He had never talked about it with anyone other than his therapist.
Suguru put the pot on the counter, wrapping his arms around you instead. He buried his face in the crook of your neck while his arms hooked tightly around your waist. One of your delicate hands came up, resting over his, holding you tight. It was a gentle gesture; one Suguru melted over.
“I’m sorry, I didn't mean to bring bad memories.” your voice was soft as you gripped his hand tightly. “I just want you to be happy.”
“I know you do—I’m sorry I got so upset.”
“You have nothing to apologize for.” He pulled his head away from your neck just as you turned your face to look at him. “I just care a lot about you. I want you to be happy. I should’ve known better than being so insensitive.”
Suguru gently grabbed your chin, and for a second, you thought maybe he would kiss you. One that didn’t revolve around your book or research that you both were still hiding behind. Hell, no other than a kiss. He moves in closer towards you, nearly an inch away from each other. Your eyes were about to close when he pressed his forehead against yours, giving you another squeeze against his body.
“You weren't; you're just looking out for me.”
“O-Of course, I care about you.”
Suguru released his grip on you, picked up the stock pot, and headed to the sink to fill it with water as requested. As he watched the stream of water slowly fill the pot, he realized he couldn’t hide behind helping you anymore. He needed to be upfront and tell you how he felt. Especially now that you were offering to go to Okinawa with him, that would be four months of just being the two of you. After four months of you living together, he was positive he wouldn’t be able to hold back his feelings for you anymore.
Telling you the truth and not hiding behind some stupid idea that he was helping you with your book wouldn’t last because he knew he wouldn’t be able to put up that facade much longer. He almost lost it tonight. Suguru was going to kiss you for being kind and selfless, making sure he had the opportunity to return to the place he associated with blood and death.
He just needed to figure out how the fuck he was going to tell you how he felt.
He found himself sitting with Gojo, Nanami, Shoko, and Haibara. He needed his friends. They would know what to do and what to say because they knew you just as well as they knew him. Suguru sipped his beer, rolling his eyes as Gojo looked at him dumbfounded.
“Wait, you guys aren't dating?!”
“For the fifth time, we’re not dating.”
“But you have some agreement that you guys are going to fool around work on research for her book?”
Satoru gulped down his cola, dark sunglasses reflecting the restaurant's lights above him. “But I caught you guys in the alley?! I thought you finally told her how you felt!” Suguru was beginning to regret turning to his friends for advice.
“I haven't.”
The table grows silent; Satoru and Shoko share a flabbergasted look while Nanami scrolls through his phone glasses, running down the bridge of his nose. Haibara hums deep thought advice that he could give Suguru. He should’ve been honest with you and not used some stupid excuse to get together.
Was it even possible for the two of you to grow from this? Were you stuck in this situation he had made? It was like a labyrinth of lies because he was afraid to tell you he loved you.
Suguru throws his head back, looking at the fluorescent light fixtures above him. He needed to come to a decision because the two of you were about to leave for Okinawa in the morning. If he didn’t tell you how he felt, soon he might combust and make a full out of himself. Being in a small condo with you, sharing a bed, bathroom, and kitchen! How was he supposed to live with you like a couple and not tell you how he felt?
“I don't think you have anything to worry about.” All heads turned towards Nanami as he put his phone down. “Because I’m almost certain she feels the same way about you.”
“Oh yeah? How did you figure that out, Nanami?” Haibara excitedly asked his best friend.
“Her writing has improved tremendously, and I’m not talking about the intimate scenes. Those were some of the best I’ve read in the industry.” Nanami chugged down some of his beer. “Her description of the attraction and the love Oaklynn has for Ilsan is so genuine; it comes from the heart. You can’t write like that without knowing how it feels.”
Suguru flushed a dusty rose color before he took another hesitant sip of his beer. Was it possible that you felt the same way he did? Were all these long nights of kissing and touching each other making you realize you had feelings for him?
Downing the rest of his beer, Suguru slammed the glass down on the table. “What do I need to do?” He asked as he eyed each of his friends. The four shared before Shoko downed the rest of her drink, leaning back against the booth.
“You tell her the truth.”
While Suguru slowly accepted that he could no longer hide this, you faced your own dilemma across town. You gently slammed your head down on the table you were sitting at. Utahime winced each time your forehead connected with the surface, stealing a look at Yuki, who was snickering.
“Please don't laugh at me.” Hearing the anguish in your voice ceased your friends' giggles as Choso patted your back. “I’m in the midst of an extensional crisis, and you're fucking laughing.”
“Hey, I just think it’s hilarious you're barely realizing Suguri likes you.” Yuki threw her arm around Choso, pressing her cheek against his. “Let's review; the man offered to help you with intimate scenes; you've been hooking up almost every weekend, you said?”
With a blush, you sighed, pouting as you placed your chin on the table, looking up at Yuki. “More like every other night.” the trio before you blinked in silence before Yuki puffed her cheeks out to fight back laughter.
“Yuki, please!”
“Ignore her.” Utahime finally injected as she pushed Yuki’s face away with her hand. “So, with this agreement you both made, you want more? Like more in an intimate sense, like sex. Or more in the aspect of a relationship with him?”
The fact that the answer hit you like a bag of bricks made everything clearer. “I want to be with him.” There was no second-guessing, hesitation, or doubt in your words—just the pure raw truth. Utahime smiled, nodding, while Yuki beamed, reaching over and smacking you. Saying it out loud felt good. But you weren't sure if you could say it out loud to Suguru himself. “But how do I tell him? I-I’m sure I would freeze up if I even attempted to say that to his face.”
“You don’t tell him.” Yuki, with a certain confidence, had all of you looking at her. “You show him.”
“For God's sake, Yuki.”
“Hey! It worked for me and Cho! Suguru seems like the type of guy who likes a woman who takes action! When you get to Okinawa tomorrow and take the second step inside the condo, grab the shirt, slam your lips against his, and tell him you want him!”
“Okay—Yuki, no, that's a—”
“Terrific idea!”
The way you so excitedly agreed to do something out of your comfort zone had your agent deadpanning at you. Your eyes showed a glimmer as you slammed both fists down on the table. Your cheeks were flushed, and there was a certain glow around you. One that was so blissful and elated with joy. You always had one of those looks when you came up with a new story or a twist from your chapters. Whenever you had a look like that, there was no stopping you. Which was both a blessing and a curse
”Look, maybe that isn’t the right way to go about this; perhaps you should talk with him.” Both you and Yuki stared at Utahime with questioning expressions. “Or not; I guess you can do whatever you want. I—this is Geto Suguru we are talking about. He’s smart and polite; it’s not like he’s Gojo.” All you knew was that it was just her dislike of Suguru’s other best friend. Gojo was stupid smart,
“No, I have to do this; I have to be the one to tell him what I want.”
The rest of the dinner with your friends went smoothly; they all talked about anything and everything while you stared into the distance with a smile. The thought of showing Suguru how much he meant to you and how much you liked him was exciting, and you couldn't wait to be in Okinawa with him.
After you finished dinner, you and Utahime waved off Yuki and Choso before you eagerly bounced as you waited for your Uber. The entire time you stood there rocking as you searched for the car, Utahime fidgeted with her bag, glancing towards the street before looking at you from the corner of her eye. You knew she didn't think showing Suguru how you felt was the best way to convey your feelings, but you also knew it would work out!
She probably needed to hear you repeat it, so she knew you were positive that this was the best way to tell him. Before you even have a chance to open your mouth, your agent is whirling towards you, grabbing her phone out of her pocket. She swallows her dark eyes and darts towards the cellular device in her hand before meeting your gaze. The look in her eyes is one you had seen before. When the agency had an issue with a specific chapter or a problem with the cover art they designed, this wasn’t the look of a friend. This is your agent who helped you with your career.
All cheerful giddiness was flushed out of your body as you straightened, trying to shift from a love-sick schoolgirl to the professional author that you were. Utahime notices the change in your stand and how your face went from happy to professional in the blink of an eye. Seeing you shift into work mode had her tapping on her screen.
“What happened?” Your question goes unanswered just as she hesitantly holds her phone in a tight grip. “Iori, talk to me.”
“I know tonight was supposed to be a fun outing with us, not bringing up work, but I need to talk to you about this before you leave.”
“It’s about the cottage.”
As the driver pulls up, he rolls down the window with a gentle smile. “Miss, were you waiting for an Uber?” When you don't respond right away, he takes a long, hard look at you, and he frowns.
Tears are running down your cheeks before dripping off your chin. Your skin is flushed, your knuckles clenched around your bag as Utahime harshly whispers at you, holding her phone in your face. To the driver, he fought; maybe you just found out your boyfriend was cheating, or something had happened to a mutual friend. In reality, Utahime was telling you you needed to make a choice. One that would end in heartbreak for either you or Suguru.
But it was a choice you made the second she told you what was going on—a choice you didn't need to think about because you already had made your decision.
Forever Tag List:
@darkstarlight82 @pandoness @nealeart @simp-plague @sugurubabe @chilichopsticks @reap3erslov3
@lemonintrovert01 @spankmydepression @renttheannihilator @witchbybirth @missmuffinr @lialia3945 @theobsidianempress @aquasan29 @toffeebrat @aussiemeerkat @chimichangagirl @zoroisminty @spankmydepression @em-aizawa @gojosimp26 @moonlightazriel @candy-s72
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lizzieisright · 6 months
right???? me too! I want Abby to have my kids
female alpha!reader x omega!abby
Palestine: what can you do
Tags: dead dove: do not eat. a/b/o universe (female alphas have dicks), modern AU, absolute filth, breeding kink, reader goes into rut.
There's one thing Abby loves the most about your ruts: you absolutely lose control. Her sweet, patient, ridiculous alpha has so many restraints - you can try to hide it all you want, but Abby knows. She knows it when you grip her thighs too hard and then immediately release her, because you're scared to hurt her. She knows it when your bites are a little harsh and your growling is a lot louder. 
But no matter what Abby does, she can't break you on normal days - she might beg you when she's in heat and you will get a little rough because whatever Abby wants during heats, Abby gets, but you never show your full alpha with her. 
(“It goes against my nature.” you tell her when Abby asks you why you don't let yourself let go. 
“You're an alpha, baby, it is your nature.” Abby smirks.
“And you're my omega, so I can't hurt you. I almost had a heart attack when you fell on your skates last week, I can't handle smelling your hurt and know that I caused it.”
Understandably, Abby drops to her knees and makes you cum down her throat. You have no idea why, but talking about how much you care about her makes Abby so fucking horny.)
But then your rut comes, and every time Abby notices the change in your scent, she gets excited. And horny. 
You smell her lust and it drives you absolutely crazy when you're in pre-rut. You're more territorial and smelling how much your omega wants you makes you want to fuck her literally everywhere. You can't stop scenting her, constantly rubbing against her, and it only makes Abby hornier. So it makes you hornier. 
Ellie stays away from both of you, because you make her horny and because she and Dina still dance around each other, she can't do anything about it. Plus you start growling at her like an idiot every time she gets too close to Abby. (It makes Abby laugh, so you don't feel too bad about it)
This time your rut starts when you and Abby are cooking dinner. It hits you so hard you almost cut the meat through the board, and Abby grunts quietly when your scent gets into her nose. 
“Shit. Fuck.” You pant. Your hands are shaking, but you keep cutting. “We need to finish cooking first.” You tell Abby and she nods, suspiciously obedient. “Fuck, did I use my voice on you?”
“Yup.” Abby sighs shakily. “We need to finish this fast. No talking. If we talk, we will fuck.” 
You chuckle, but agree with Abby. Right now you can only think about how and where you want to fuck Abby, and you can smell her getting hornier - getting wetter - and if you open your mouth, you'll end up fucking her on your dinner table. Or on the counter. Or just standing, fucking her from behind-
Yup. This is exactly why Abby said no talking. 
It's amazing how fast you finish cooking. Abby sighs, relieved that you managed to do everything and not burn the kitchen down, but then there's heavy silence. She takes a sniff and looks at you. 
You're barely keeping it together: eyes red, fangs lengthened and you cock making a tent in your joggers. Abby has the sudden urge to run and she swallows. You look dangerous - like any alpha in rut, all your instincts are in overdrive, so you watch Abby like she is your prey - and it makes Abby wet. 
“Wait.” Abby tells you when you step closer, and you stop. God she fucking loves seeing you like this, half-animalistic. One day you'll sync and Abby will enjoy it thoroughly. 
And then Abby bolts out of the kitchen. You stare after her for a second, but then your instincts kick in and you run after her. You catch her before she can get inside the bedroom and press her into the door, holding her hands behind her back with one hand while you growl into her ear and grind against her ass, your other hand gripping her hair. Abby didn't think it would actually work, but your control doesn't exist anymore, and this is exactly what she wanted.
“You're not going anywhere.” Abby whimpers and presses her butt into you. “Oh, it's what you wanted, huh?” You gently bite her neck and Abby whines.
“Yes-fuck.” Your pheromones are so heavy Abby can't think, get head full of horny fog. “Breed me, alph- uh!”
You sink your teeth into Abby's shoulder so hard she thinks you fucking mated her - and the thought of it makes her cum immediately. She shakes and whines in your arm while you lick your bite and hump her ass. 
“Mine.” You growl and pull Abby closer, supporting her weight since her legs are wobbly. You let go of her hair and pinch her tit. “I'll never let you go, you're mine, no one can have you.” Abby groans and wiggles one of her arms so she can stroke your cock, making you grunt into her ear. “Love you so fucking much.” You growl and give her cunt a squeeze before opening the door and pushing Abby inside. 
You don't give her time to do anything, ripping the clothes off her, but Abby is so horny she gets absolutely stupid, mesmerised by the wet patch on your pants where your cock has been leaking. It makes you smirk: it looks like your rut makes Abby more desperate than her heat. You look into her pretty golden eyes and feel like you'll tear her apart. 
Abby claws at your clothes and gets rid of your t-shirt, happy there's no bra underneath and she can watch your pretty tits with no time wasted. She latches on one of your nipples and you grab her hair roughly, making her moan. You don't have patience for foreplay right now.
“Lie down.” Abby moans louder: she loves when you use alpha voice on her in bed. 
Abby lies down and opens her legs for you, showing her soaked cunt, and your eyes get darker. You can't wait - usually you'd at least fuck her with your tongue or fingers first, but rut makes you selfish - you hurriedly take your pants off and free your cock. Abby watches the drop of precum slide down and bites her lip, she needs you.
Abby strokes her cunt to get her hand wet and then wraps her fingers around your cock, pumping it just like you like it. You groan and pinch her nipples, making her jump - she is sensitive when she is pheromone high. 
“You're so fucking wet.” You smirk and align your cock with her soaked hole, pushing inside in one thrust. Abby whimpers and throws her head back, not ready to be stretched like this, but enjoying it so much. “Just like that, baby, take it.” You murmur as you bottom out. 
Abby tilts her hips trying to get you deeper, moaning your name, and you finally break. You pin her thighs and start thrusting into her hard, not giving her time to adjust, and Abby is in heaven - your cock feels amazing, but the way you treat her feels even better. 
You can't help your moans: Abby's pussy feels so good, so wet and hot and tight, her walls clenching on you like she doesn't want you to pull out. 
“Look at you, you're not letting me go.” You growl into Abby's ear and she clings to you, buries her nose in your scent glands, while you fuck her deep and hard. “Want my kids so bad, huh? Want me to breed you like a good omega you are?”
“Please, oh god! Yes, breed me, mark me, please!” Abby whines into your ear. “Want you to knot me so fucking bad.” 
You growl and start rubbing Abby's clit, her moans and whimpers echoes through the room. It takes two more thrusts for her to cum and you smile at her, absolutely feral as you watch her coil and shake under you, her walls trapping you inside her. 
“God, you feel it, baby? Don't worry, I'll cum inside, make you so full of me that next time when I fuck you with my tongue I'll be able to only taste myself.” 
Abby moans and her scent spikes, making you fuck her harder, bite her harder - she mewls and arches into you, submitting fully. It's the most addictive feeling in the world when you're in rut, and you can't help yourself but to wrap your hand around Abby's throat firmly, holding her in one place while you fuck her. Abby bares her throat in response and your pace stutters for a second. You're close. 
“Wanna be the mother of my children?” You grunt in Abby's ear and she whimpers, little “mm”s of agreement and you bare your fangs. “Gonna take my knot, baby?”
“Yes! Shit, please- knot me, make me yours, please-” 
You hiss and thrust especially hard, and Abby claws at your shoulders and chest, overwhelmed. She feels your knot catching on her hole and drives her crazy. 
You lean down to nuzzle into Abby's scent glands while you chase your own release and Abby wraps her legs around you, pressing you closer. She feels your fangs on her neck and shudders, desperate.
“You're so fucking big-” She whines and you thrust deeper, making her choke on her own moans. “Alpha-” 
You groan, weak to Abby calling you alpha, and smash into Abby, pushing your knot inside her and filling her up with your cum. Abby feels your cock pulsate inside her and starts rubbing clit, clenching around your knot, whining like a bitch in heat. You groan and lick her neck, collecting her pheromones on your tongue, and something in your brain explodes. 
“Cum, baby. You're gonna be so tight around me not even a drop will leak.” Abby shudders and whines more, the rumble of your voice vibrating through her. She groans loudly and cums, her whole body squeezing you: her cunt and her legs and her arms, while she bites your shoulder like a kitten. “Fuck yes, pretty girl.” 
For a few minutes you both just shake and whine as the aftershocks hit you. Abby keeps clenching around you, and your cock twitches inside her, pressing on her sensitive walls while you knot stretches her. You keep rocking your hips as much as you can, still cumming, and Abby opens her legs wider, letting you sink even deeper and you moan. It's fucking perfect. 
The pheromone stench eases up and you feel more relaxed, more clear. Abby giggles under you and brushes her soft fingers over your back. 
“Shit.” Abby sighs and you kiss her tit. You frown: you neglected her pretty tits the whole time. Unacceptable. “Already?”
“You know how horny I am during my rut.” You murmur and take her nipple into your mouth while Abby pats your head. She sighs and tilts her hips, changing the pressure on your knot, making you grunt. “And I love when you cum on my knot. Feels fucking amazing.”
“That's because you wanna knock me up, sweetheart.” Abby chuckles and moans when you bite her nipple. 
“Like you don't want it too.” You smile and snake your hand between your bodies to rub her clit. Abby sighs happily and relaxes: you're slow and gentle right now. “You know what.”
“I'm hungry.”
Abby laughs and you both hiss when she clenches as her abs contract. You run your fingertips over her taut muscles, marvelling at her lines and curves, and Abby hums. 
“Pick me up, big strong alpha, and we can eat.”
“I hate you.” You whine when your cock twitches at her words. Abby snorts and kisses you. 
“No you don't.”
“No, I don't.” 
Abby is still shocked that you can actually pick her up, but you carry her to the kitchen with ease, holding her up by her butt as she holds a blanket over the both of you. You don't even get plates, just two forks so you can wolf down the food, sharing the pan. 
It's a miracle you manage to eat fast enough before your knot eases up and you slip out of Abby, because when you see your cum flowing down her thighs, you eat Abby instead of your dinner. 
She doesn't complain.
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vivwritesfics · 10 months
Maxiel HC's
Part one I guess, more relationshippy stuff to come
Tumblr media
Normally it's reader and one of the boys together first, but not in this story
This story starts at Red Bull Racing, when Max and Daniel were racing for the same time
Max was young and ambitious and Daniel walked around with heart eyes (most of the time)
(There were times where Daniel wanted to kill Max, like when they'd fight each other on track. But, as soon as it happened, Daniel would find himself melting at Max's smile and forgiving him)
Max didn't know how he felt, just that he felt some type of way about Daniel
Daniel knew exactly what he felt for Max
Half way through the 2018 season they began sharing kisses, hidden away in hotel rooms
Daniel knew he couldn't stay at Red Bull, not with how he felt for Max (oh my god I could write a whole ao3 fic about these two)
Daniel moved to Renault and Max couldn't help but feel betrayed
Daniel didn't "break up" with him, but he didn't have to
They were never really together
So, Max hid away his upset and distracted himself
He found somebody new to distract him from Daniel
He found Y/N
Max went public with her very quickly
He took her on three dates in very quick succession before asking her to be his
From there Y/N was always in the paddock
A usually quite private Max was showing her off whenever he could, keeping his arms wrapped around her and kissing her
The media loved it
They didn't know it was all for Daniels benefit
The Australian didn't let it get to hem
Well he tried
He tried so damn hard
But, as soon as he got Max alone, he snapped
Pushing him into an empty room Daniel pushed him up against a wall
It was a side of Daniel Max had never seen
He couldn't stop that cheeky, irritating smirk from crossing his features
In that moment, the two of them hidden away, Daniel went from angry to sad
Sad that Max didn't want he love anymore
Sad that he had lost his Max
The smirk dropped from Max's face and he pulled Daniel in close
"Y/Ns coming to mine for dinner on Wednesday, you should join us," Max said as he patted Daniels back
"Why would I want to do that?"
"Just trust me"
So Daniel did just that
On Wednesday he joined Max and and Y/N for dinner
It was awkward and uncomfortable at first
Especially when Max brought up his and Daniels past
And then told her of their dilemma
But then Y/N came up with a fantastic idea
"Well, I don't know Daniel very well," she began, her hand held in Max's. She looked across the table at the Australian. "But we should get to know each other. Yeah, we could make this work"
"Make what work, Schat?"
"This. Us. The two of you want to be together, clearly. And I want to be with you, Max. So why don't Daniel and I get to know each other and then we could try to all be together?"
Daniel had no objections
Max had no objections
So, Daniel and Y/N went on a few dates
It wasn't easy, her relationship with Max was so public that they couldn't exactly go out to any restaurants or anything
So, they settled for dinners and wine
At first, nothing
They were a little awkward
It took them drinking a little bit too much with some Taylor Swift playing in the background for anything to actually happen
Daniel sat on the couch, his empty glass of wine on the coffee table
Y/N had accidentally tipped hers over and was quickly mopping it up
When she walked back in her hips were swaying from side to side as she gripped the bottom of her skirt
A rather drunk Daniel pulled her down, pulling him into her lap
Y/N wrapped her arms around him as she sang along to the song
Suddenly they were kissing
Lips and teeth clashing as they kissed with a certain ferocity
Things changed after that
The three of them had a date, all of them together
Y/N hosted, cooking for them and providing drinks
She watched as Daniel and Max sat closer than friends should have, how their touches lingered
As they looked back at her they were still touching
It was weird kissing Daniel in front of Max
But Max made it more comfortable
By making it rather sexual
He stood behind Y/N, gripping her hips, kissing her neck as she wrapped her own arms around Daniels neck and kissed him
Things didn't go further in that moment, not when Y/Ns fire alarm went off
They weren't public, not until they were used to things
Once they were comfortably snogging
Once Y/N was happy to lay across them while they watched television
Once they all slept in the same bed together pretty happily (these two cuddled up in the night? It's gonna get hot af)
They were ready to go public
The fans had noticed Y/N hadn't been seen with Max for ages
When she returned to the paddock, her neck was bruised black and purple with hickies and she was holding Daniel Ricciardo's hand
What the fuck?
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absurdthirst · 1 year
Just Your Average Suburban Couple {Dave York x F!Reader}
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 13.3k
Warnings: Cheating, extramarital affairs, marriage of convenience, rough treatment, derogatory language (slut/whore/bitch), choking, rough sex, spanking, threats of death, guns, orgasm denial, fighting, oral sex (male receiving), hating fucking, murder
Comments: You are married to Dave York, on paper only. Both of you using your marriage as a cover for your work. Happy-ish with the arrangement even if he annoys you until Dave finds you tangled up in a neighbors arms and you find out exactly how much he does not like that.
Co-written with @storiesofthefandomlovers
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|| MasterList || Dave York MasterList ||
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Dave sighs as he sips his beer, standing by the group of men who are gathered around the BBQ debating the best way to cook a steak. “Medium rare.” He inserts his opinion, just a couple of words to make him seem interested, and his dark eyes slide across the yard to where you are standing with the wives. This suburban heaven, perfect for the new couple looking for the white picket fence and yard perfect for a dog to run around while they work on the 2.5 kids. A perfect cover. 
You catch his eye, sipping your spritzer, and he tilts his beer towards you, making you sigh. He wants to go. The food hasn’t been served yet but you know Dave has a job to go to tonight and he likely wants to prepare. You don’t want to leave yet, you’re starving and you want to put in an appearance. 
Your eyes shift and you meet the gaze of Kyle Tyson. Your next door neighbor and husband of Jackie. A small yet aggravating woman that makes you grit your teeth. You smile at Kyle and he winks at you, making you chuckle and bite your lip. You jerk your chin towards the house and he nods, letting you lead the way into the house. Dave sees it, the small actions that no one seems to notice but he does. He clenches his jaw, downing the rest of his beer as he follows you and Kyle into the house, determined to discover what you’re up to.
“Everyone’s outside.” Kyle pants, as he presses you up against the wall, running kisses down your throat as he slides his hands up your stupidly cute sundress. 
“That’s the point.” You giggle, reaching down and squeezing his rapidly hardening cock before your fingers quickly start to work his belt. You hate suburban life, you hate your husband and you need to get laid. This thing with Kyle is new and fun, plus it’s always amusing to pretend to be interested in what Jackie has to say when you have a load of her ‘perfect’ husband’s cum dripping out of your cunt and are sore from fucking him. “You know you like the idea of wearing my cum on your dick while you eat your hot dog.” You purr, reaching in and pulling out his cock to pump it a few times while his fingers slide through your wet folds. 
Dave watches you from around the corner before he makes his entrance. “What the fuck is going on?” He growls and Kyle pushes you away, fumbling to tuck his hard cock away. 
“No-nothing Dave.” Kyle stammers. Pussy. You want to roll your eyes. 
Dave shakes his head, “it didn’t look like nothing. You had your fucking hand down my wife’s panties.” Dave growls, stepping closer to Kyle who holds his hands up. 
“I didn’t - we - she - she seduced me.” He lies and Dave shakes his head, looking at you. 
“We are going home. Now.” He demands, grabbing your arm and you whine in protest. 
Kyle is helpless, terrified when he says “you’re not gonna tell Jackie, are you?” The idea of his wife finding out is horrifying. She would kill him.
Dave snorts, looking at Kyle. He doesn’t need to get involved in that kind of drama. This is between you and Dave. “No. That’s your business but you should fucking tell her before someone mysteriously does.” Dave threatens and Kyle’s eyes widen. Before he can say another word, Dave drags you through the house and out of the front door, along the sidewalk to your own slice of suburban heaven. 
“What the actual fuck were you thinking?” Dave hisses when you’re inside your home in the hallway.
“Oh come on.” You roll your eyes and pull your arm out of Dave’s grip, scowling at him. “No one was going to walk in and catch us. They hadn’t yet.” 
Dave growls, shaking his head and pushing you up against the wall. “You’ve done this before? You can’t do this!” He hisses angrily and your eyes turn cold, hard. 
Pushing back against him, you shove him away from you. “Don’t fucking touch me, David York.” You spit. “You might be married to me, but this is farce, remember? Who I fuck is none of your concern.” 
Dave hisses at you, crowding you against the wall with his chest but not touching you, “it might be a fake marriage but no one around here knows that. They just see my wife cheating on me with the neighbor. I won’t be made a fucking fool of, sweetheart. You are testing me. And him? Of all the men in the area. Jesus Christ. You picked a winner. What - does he cum in 3 pumps?” Dave snorts humorlessly.
Kyle didn’t have the longest stamina, but he made up for it with his tongue. You aren’t going to tell Dave that. “No one knows but the people I’ve fucked.” You tell Dave with a smirk, knowing he will seethe until he knows who all you have slept with. He wouldn’t be able to stand it. His downfall as an operative was letting his emotions run him at times, being too hot headed. It was going to get him killed one day. “I’m sure you’ve been such a good little boy since we’ve been married, haven’t you? Kept it in your pants?”
“That’s different. I didn’t fuck the woman across the street for people to find out.” He hisses at you, blood boiling. He hates to think that you are getting fucked by these neighborhood losers. “You- you are giving us a bad reputation. Me, you’re embarrassing me. They- they will think your husband doesn’t fuck you properly.” He shakes his head. Dave is all about keeping up appearances. Both of you have too much to lose to be fucking around. You both need this cover for your jobs and yet you’re putting everything at risk for some mediocre cock. 
“You don’t honey.” You coo mockingly and Dave breaks, his hand coming up to grab your neck, slamming you against the wall. 
“You’re a fucking cunt.”
Instead of crying out and trembling in fear, you scoff and laugh. Glaring back at him, you jut your chin out defiantly. “I’m the cunt you married.” You remind him softly, your words cutting through him like a knife to the heart. “The only time you’ve liked yourself was when you were trying to be someone this cunt might like.” Twisting your lips into a smirk, you lean back against the wall, panting softly. “I’m that cunt.” 
Dave’s blood boils, that vein in his forehead popping and he hisses your name, “how many of them have you fucked?” He growls, tightening his grip on your neck. “Tell me.” He demands, his patience wearing thin and he doesn’t want to admit why he’s acting this way.
You take more pleasure than you probably should at the way Dave’s eyes glitter darkly. He’s always pissed you off with his total disregard of your appeal, so it’s amusing to see his ego bruised. “Let’s see….” You hum playfully. “Jerry and Damon, Alex once…..” You pretend to think about it. “Everyone at the party but Scott.” You shudder slightly, something about the neighbor across the street made your stomach churn, and not in a good way.
Dave squeezes your throat a little harder, “you’ve fucked the entire street behind my back.” He growls, “you’re a fucking whore. Everyone is laughing at me, laughing at me not knowing my wife is the street slut.”
“Maybe you should have satisfied your wife if you didn’t want to be the laughingstock of the neighborhood.” You taunt him, your pussy clenching from the tight grip he has on your throat. No one knew and the men in this area were all to shit scared of their wives finding out about their dalliances and leaving them, taking half their money and draining them with spousal and/or child support.
“You didn’t want to fuck me. You didn’t want a wedding night. Sweetheart, we had a courthouse wedding, took photos, and both flew across the country to kill our targets. You would’ve bit my cock off if I had come near you. Instead, you’re fucking every single man in the goddamn zip code.”
You tut, shaking your head. “I’ve seen your dick, I wouldn’t have bitten it off. I wanted to suck it.” You shrug, “figured you would have shot me before I could get on my knees.” Despite the fact that you don’t share a bed, you’ve seen him naked by chance and have heard him jerking off in the shower several times. It seemed like Dave couldn’t stand you so you just moved on. You deserve to find satisfaction somewhere.
Dave can't stop himself. Your words have him hardening in his pants. He keeps hold of your neck, squeezing it as he surges forward to press his lips to yours, his tongue sliding into your mouth. He's not delicate, he's rough, desperate to remind you that you are married to him. You are his wife.
Surprised, you quickly moan into the kiss, feeling like it is some sort of lesson. Not that you mind, you’ve always been one to like to learn. You learn that Dave enjoys biting, breaking away from your lips to map your jaw and neck with his teeth. Your arms come up and your fingers sink into his hair, pulling on it just as roughly as he bites. “Fuck, Dave.”
His fingers grip your jaw and he presses his forehead against yours. "I'm gonna fuck you. You are gonna take whatever I give you." He orders, pushing down on your shoulders to force you to kneel. "You are gonna suck my cock. Don't you dare bite or I'll fucking kill you." He warns, working on his belt buckle to pull his hardening cock out of his pants.
You have half a mind to refuse, just to spite him, but you’ve been curious about David Anthony York and he denied you your pleasure earlier. Instead of arguing, you slap his hands away to take over exposing his cock. Eager to see what it takes to make this man moan your name.
Dave smirks, watching you as you pull his hard cock out, eyes widening, and you look up at him while wrapping your fingers around his girth. “You impressed, sweetheart?” He chuckles, grabbing the back of your neck to push you towards his cock. “None of those fuckers in this neighbourhood impressed you with their dicks?”
You lift a brow, wanting to make a smart comment back about how there were a couple of men who could give him a run for his money but you don’t. Instead you lean in and press your tongue to the underside of his cock.
Dave groans when you wrap your lips around his cock, his grip on your neck loosening a little. You take him deeper and he pushes his cock further into your mouth. “You can take more. You’re a whore, you know how to take a cock down your throat.” He taunts you, “you can take more of it.”
Pulling your lips back, you show him your teeth just to watch him scowl at you. You hollow your cheeks and push him deeper into your throat until you hit the back. He wants to taunt you, but he can’t hurt your feelings.
He groans when you take him deeper, suctioning his cock into your mouth. You moan around him and he grabs your hair, “don’t act, sweetheart. I want real. I don’t want the bullshit you give those pathetic assholes down the street.” He hisses, pushing his cock down your throat and you choke on his girth.
The funny thing is, you aren’t acting, you like it. You like blowing a guy and having him fall apart under the direction of your mouth. Tears slide down your cheeks and you feel the spit bubbling out of the sides of your mouth.
Dave has no sympathy for you, his hips thrusting as he pushes his cock down your throat over and over again. He doesn’t care about you choking or gagging, he just wants to own you. You’re his, legally. He groans, pushing his cock deep one last time before he pulls his cock back, making you gasp as he suddenly withdraws. “Get in the fucking bedroom.” He demands, grabbing your hair to drag you up from your knees.
It amuses you that he thinks he can treat you like you are actually some suburban housewife. Like you aren’t deadly in your own rights. You have every intention of fucking him, but now you’re going to be a brat about it. Grabbing his wrist, you twist around until the pressure forces him to let go of your hair and you shove him back. “Who the fuck do you think you are, York?” You hiss, enjoying watching his face scrunch up in anger.
Dave grabs your arms, pulling you into his chest. “I’m your fucking husband.” He growls, letting go of you and he bends over, grabbing your thighs to lift you over his shoulder. He stalks into the bedroom, tossing you down onto the bed. “Fucking undress. Now.” He hisses his final warning, working on his button down.
You snort, wondering if he would rip your dress off if you refused. Since you actually like the damned dress, you shift to your knees and pull it up over your head, revealing your lack of bra since the top had one built in and the skimpy lacy panties that you had been wearing for Kyle. “Good enough?” You ask, admiring his smooth chest as he pulls off his button down.
Dave knows you were wearing those panties for the insipid prick next door and he clenches his jaw. “You’re a fucking whore. You know what happens to whores? They get fucked. Hard.” Dave promises, shrugging off his shirt and he pushes his pants down along with his boxers, kicking them aside. He grabs you, flipping you onto your stomach. “Are you wet enough? I don’t fucking care.” He chuckles darkly, straddling your thighs and he grips his cock, positioning it at your entrance and he pushes into you without any foreplay. He’s girthy but you can take it.
All you give him is a grunt. Not wanting to let him know how hard you are biting down on your lip to keep from moaning. He stretches you out amazingly and it’s been a long time since someone fucked you this hard. The only thing that surprises you is that York didn’t put on a condom. Controlling your breathing, you look over your shoulder. “Are you going to fuck me? I don’t have all day.” You taunt.
Your words make him smirk, his chuckle echoes through his body to yours, and he reaches out to smack your ass. “Patience, wifey. I will fuck you when I want. How I want.” He clicks his tongue and you whine when he doesn’t move. He waits until you’re squirming before he pulls back, nearly falling out of you until he thrusts hard and deep inside of you. He sets that same pace, fucking you hard and fast, his hips slam against your ass.
This time you can’t hold back the moans. Gripping the sheets of the bed you sleep on without him every night you cry out. “Fuck, Dave!” Your eyes roll back, loving how deep he’s getting and you know that you will be sore tomorrow. “More.”
His hand presses down on the back of your neck, pushing you into the mattress, “shut the fuck up. I’m in charge now. You’re my slut now.” He reminds you, rocking his hips and he suddenly slows down, making you whine in protest. He pushes two fingers into your mouth, his cock slowly dragging through your walls.
It’s demeaning and if it were any other man, you would snap his fucking neck. But because it’s Dave, you suck on his fingers and whine as your walls clench down around his cock. He feels incredible, scratching an itch you’ve had for a long time and you love the rough way he’s treating you. You bite him just to see what he would do. 
When you bite down on his fingers, he snorts, withdrawing them from between your teeth so he can slap your cheek. “Don’t bite. It’s rude.” He reprimands and grips your jaw. He presses his entire body over you, his face near yours and he starts to fuck you hard once more. “You’ve been such a naughty girl. Fucking all the neighborhood husbands. Been a bad little whore. You’re my whore now, baby. You’re mine. My wife. The only one who gets this pussy is me. Tell me it’s mine.” He orders, still gripping your jaw.
Your eyes roll back again, his filth pouring into your ears and going straight to your cunt. “Yours.” You moan quietly, mouth going slack jawed when he hits something deep inside you and you squeal when he hits it again. “Fuck, it’s yours.”
His cock twitches inside of you upon hearing the words that your pussy belongs to him. He loves that. “Don’t fucking forget it.” He growls, slapping your cheek again and he continues to thrust deep and hard into you. His hands shifting to grab your tits, sliding his hands under you to squeeze them while he rocks deep into you. “Did you let them cum inside of you?” He asks you, wanting to know.
You squeeze his cock with your cunt, enjoying the harshness of his tone rasping in your ear. Jealousy drips from his words and it makes you smirk. For a man who was just married to you on paper alone, he was acting like a husband. “Yes.” You hum, aware of the fact that you wouldn’t get pregnant, but he doesn’t know that. “Ev-every time.”
​​Dave growls, sliding his hand up to squeeze your neck. “You’re a fucking slut. What if - what if they knocked you up? You could’ve jeopardized our entire fucking cover having a baby daddy. You stupid whore.” He slaps your cheek, reprimanding you as his cock pushes deeper, spearing against your cervix.
You choke out a moan at the slap, giggling slightly at how furious he is. Instead of correcting him, you just push your hips up. “Le-legally it would be yours.” You tease, knowing that would make him even madder. Your fingers twist around the bedding and you moan again, loving how brutal he is being. He was right that the men in the neighborhood weren’t vicious like this and you needed it.
Dave hates the thought of you pregnant with another man’s child. “I would kill you if you had another man’s baby.” He threatens, slapping your cheek again as he keeps up his pace.
“Temper, t-temper.” You pant out, eyes closing as the delicious knot of pleasure starts to build in your core. You’re so close to having the best fucking orgasm you’ve had in a long time and it’s thanks to the asshole you married. “So- fuck, so close, Dave.”
Dave lets go of your throat, pushing deep and he grabs your ass as he buries his cock inside of your walls, twitching while a loud groan escapes his lips, his orgasm making him shake and he pulls out while he’s still spurting, his hot seed hitting your ass and lower back. He pants, closing his eyes for a moment until he shuffles off of the bed, spent cock still aching with his release. “Don’t you ever fucking disrespect me like that again. Clean yourself up.” He orders and grabs his pants, walking out of the bedroom to leave you laying there, his cum cooling on your skin.
Huffing, you turn on your side and feel his cum drip down your skin and you can’t help but get in a parting shot. “Seems like you’re the one who can’t satisfy your wife, David!” You yell after him, rolling your eyes to yourself as you climb off the bed and move towards your bathroom, eager to finish what he started with the toy you have in there. 
Dave ignores you, heading for his room so he can get into the shower. He’s still fuming that you fucked the entire neighborhood, especially when his own liaisons have been far away from home. He’s had hints from several wives but he’s never done anything for fear of risking your cover. He is annoyed that he’s jealous. Hating that you’ve somehow gotten under his skin. He washes off and gets ready for his op, deciding to leave early so he can get his mind straight.
In your own shower, you grind against the toy that is suctioned to the wall, not nearly as satisfied with it as Dave had felt inside you. Biting your lip and sinking your hand between your thighs, you wish that you had just fucking cum when he had fucked you. Hating that he feels as if he has the upper hand now. Like he has claimed you. He had been the one to tell you that it was a sham marriage and now he’s pissed that you treated it as such. Your fingers circle your clit and you moan quietly, cumming with his name on your lips. 
When Dave gets back from his op the next morning, he finds you in the kitchen, sipping your coffee and staring out the window to the back yard. “Morning sweetheart.” He announces his presence, setting his duffel bag down on the floor. “Missed me? Hopefully you didn’t fuck the neighbor while I was away.”
Rolling your eyes, you turn from the window and send him a smirk. “You missed it. I invited all of them over last night and they ran a train on me.” You taunt, taking a sip of your coffee. “It was wild. Just finished cleaning up all the cum before you walked in the door.” The funniest part of that was that your sheets are in the washing machine, the weekly cleaning but the sound of the machine can be heard from the kitchen. “Anyway, welcome home, dear. Do you want me to cook you some breakfast like a good little housewife?” 
Dave knows that’s not true. He monitored the security cameras. No one came inside the house. He rolls his eyes and sits down at the table, still mad at you for putting you both at risk. “I want some eggs. Coffee. Bacon.” He rattles off what he wants, knowing he’s being a dick but you have some making up to do.
“Good.” You hum, walking over to him and setting your coffee down in front of him and kissing him on the cheek before you stand straight. You make sure the kiss was wet, sloppy and leaves a mark on his skin that he will have to wipe off. “Have fun making that.” You turn to walk out of the room, having no intention of acting like his good little wife. You are married on paper and the fucker didn’t even let you cum yesterday. 
Dave mutters under his breath, unable to believe you have just left without cooking anything. He scowls as he wipes his cheek, huffing before he stands up. “Fucking bitch.” He hisses and stalks after you, finding you just about to walk up the stairs. “You’re such a bitch.” He growls, grabbing your ankle to pull you down and you gasp as you land on your hands on a step, his hand dragging you down the stairs.
Twisting your body, your free foot kicks out, striking Dave in the jaw and making him let go of your ankle with a curse. Instead of scrambling to get away, you decide to attack. “Bitch?” You screech, launching yourself at him and forcing him down to the ground before you punch him in the ribs. “I. Didn’t. Do. Anything. Wrong.” You spit out as you and Dave wrestle for control, your legs straddling his waist. 
Dave grabs your arms, stopping you from punching him, and you struggle to get free. He keeps his grip tight and pushes your legs open with his so you can’t flip him. You continue to struggle until you decide to fight dirty, grinding down onto him. “You - you fucked everyone in the community. I haven’t - no one can know about us.” He reminds you, groaning and his cock hardening as you grind down onto him.
“They just- they think I’m unhappy.” You hiss, smirking when you feel him start to grow against your panties. “Like they are.” You don’t care what they think, they have enough issues without throwing stones at what you have done. It doesn’t hurt that you’ve dug up enough dirt on everyone in the neighborhood if you need it. “What pisses you off more Dave? That I fucked them or I didn’t fuck you?” 
His hands let go of yours and he grabs your hips instead, moving you on his cock. “You’re my wife. You should be in my bed. If you wanted to be fucked, you should’ve told me. I would’ve fucked you however you wanted. You didn’t need to go to those pricks down the street. My cock is yours, both legally and in reality. All you have to do is ask.”
You stop moving, staring down at him for a moment and narrowing your eyes. You can’t tell what his game is, if he’s playing one. All you know is that he is acting like he wants this to be real, more than a cover marriage. Biting your lower lip, you pout slightly. “You didn’t make me cum.” You point out. “You got what you wanted and left me high and dry.” It sounds pitiful, because it is, but you had wanted to scream his name and he denied you. 
Dave chuckles at your whine, “you had to be punished.” He explains, slapping your ass as you continue to grind down onto his cock. “Take what you want, sweetheart. You want to cum? Take my cock out and ride it until you cum.” He orders, wanting you to do it but it has to be your decision.
You contemplate your options. The toy had technically gotten you off, but it wasn’t the same as getting fucked. Plus it will be another encounter with Dave where he’s clothed. Still….you huff and shuffle your hips down so you can unbuckle his belt and pull his cock out. You are still in your nightgown and you have no intention of taking it off. 
He chuckles at the way you eagerly take his cock out and lift your gown so you can sink down onto him. “Jesus.” He hisses at how tight you are as you lower yourself onto him. “Baby. Take what you want. It’s your chance.” He informs you, watching your mouth as you pout.
You whine softly, the sting of him stretching you out again after the rough sex making your cunt flutter. “Fuck, Dave.” Tilting your head back, you give yourself a moment to adjust while you make small circles with your hips. You hate that he feels so good, that his cock makes you gasp when he twitches inside you. “You’re going to make me cum this time. Or you won’t fuck me again.” You warn when you look down at him again. 
Dave snorts, “it’s all you this time, darling. Make yourself cum on my cock. I won’t deny you this time. If you deny me though, you’ll fucking regret it. Come on, ride my dick like you’ve probably done to every other man in town.” He slaps your ass again but doesn’t move you, wanting you to take what you want.
Rolling your eyes, you slap your hand down on his chest as you start to move. Pressing your lips together so you don’t give him the satisfaction of hearing you moan out in pleasure. Closing your eyes when he smirks at you, guessing what your game is. Fuck him. Fuck him and his cocky attitude. He wants to dictate you to not deny him when he left you unsatisfied? Your lips twitch and you decide to piss him off. “Fuck…Kyle.” You whimper quietly. 
Dave reacts immediately, his hand coming up to grip your jaw. “Don’t you fucking dare say his name while I’m inside of you. I’ll fucking kill him if you do it again.” He warns, knowing you know he’s serious. “Faster.” He demands, thrusting up into you.
For someone who wanted you to take what you wanted, he’s awfully demanding. It’s your turn to slap his cheek, smirking when his eyes narrow on yours. David York doesn’t scare you. “You lay there.” You huff. “This is my fucking time to cum.”
Dave chuckles, “there’s the woman I married. Come on, fucking ride me.” He demands again and you grip his jaw, leaning down to slide your tongue into his mouth. 
“Shut the fuck up.” You demand, biting down on his lower lip. 
Shit, Dave kind of likes that. He squeezes your hips, keeping still for you.
Now it’s your turn to use him. Bracing your hands on his chest and starting to ride him harder. Your hips are rolling and your body starts to shake as you bounce on his cock. Leaning forward until he hits perfectly inside you. Gasping and clenching around him while you keep that same pace. 
Dave hisses when you start to bounce on his cock, using him for your pleasure and his hands quickly find your tits, squeezing and pinching your nipples. “Come on sweetheart, you can do better than that.” He taunts you, slapping your tit through your nightgown.
You hiss, slapping his hands away and then slap his cheek again. “Keep it up and I’ll zip tie you to the floor and make you watch while I fuck Kyle.” You threaten, enjoying the way he snarls and snaps his hips up. You laugh, leaning down and biting his bottom lip again. “You forget I can kill you too, York.” 
That reminder is unbelievably sexy to Dave, his cock twitching violently inside of you. “Jesus Christ. You- I’d kill you before you could kill me.” He defends himself, knowing you’re an incredible assassin but he’s better, stronger. You’re smarter, as much as he hates to admit that. “Are you gonna keep threatening me or are you gonna cum?” He taunts you breathlessly, your cunt so tight and hot around his cock.
“Oh you liiiiiike that.” You chuckle, biting his lip again and moaning when you start to fuck him harder. Pushing up from where you are laying across him so you can bounce on his cock harder. “Fuck, fuck, you’re an- an asshole but you have a- a good cock.” You moan, rocking your hips harder while you chase your release.
Dave watches you as you push yourself closer to your orgasm. Your tits bounce and he keeps his hands by your hips, not holding, just hovering. “Is my little slutty wife gonna cum all over my cock?” He asks, a breathless chuckle escaping his lips. “Come on baby. Cum for me. Cum for your fucking husband.”
“Fuck you.” You pant, grinding down on him just as your world explodes in a kaleidoscope of colors, blinding you while pleasure shoots through every pore of your veins. “Fuck! Fuck! Dave.” His name falls from your lips by accident, caught up in the bliss of your orgasm.
He fucking loves hearing his name on your lips, a groan escaping his mouth as he squeezes your hips, working you up and down his cock. He hisses when your walls grip him in a vice and he struggles but manages a dozen thrusts up into you before he buries his cock deep and paints your walls with his cum.
Panting quietly, you close your eyes, dropping your head down until your chin rests on your chest. You feel him relax underneath you and his hands let go of your hips. Reminding yourself that he just wanted to fuck you because he found out you were fucking the neighbor, you lean forward and tap his cheek with your hand playfully. “Good ride, York.” You tease. “Now you can say you made your wife cum. Once.”
Dave rolls his eyes, “only the best treatment for you, Mrs. York.” He retorts, grabbing the back of your neck to pull you down for a surprisingly tender kiss, his tongue licking along your lips. He hated finding out that you were fucking the neighbor.
You let yourself kiss him back, giving into the moment and imagining if you are really married to him. That it was for love rather than an arrangement between two assassins to maintain their cover. Your tongue slides into his mouth and you remember that isn’t reality, pulling back with one last kiss. You slide off his cock and stand up, looking down at him on the floor of your entryway. Instead of saying something stupid, you turn around and walk up the stairs, needing to go clean up.
Dave sighs, his head hitting the floor as he rubs his face. “Fuck me.” He murmurs, trying to process what just happened. He groans as he sits up, tucking himself back into his pants and he walks into his office, deciding to just get stuck into work. It’s going to be a long day. When you appear a while later, dressed and with a coffee in hand, Dave looks up from his computer. “Is it poisoned?” He asks, raising his eyebrows.
You roll your eyes, about to make a sarcastic comment before you stop yourself and just shake your head. “Not poisoned. And there’s a bacon and egg sandwich waiting in the kitchen if you want it.” You had broken down and fixed his fucking food, telling yourself it was just because you wanted some eggs.
Dave’s eyebrows raise at the news that you cooked for him. He stands up, grabbing the cup of coffee and he walks over to you, kissing your forehead as he passes, “thanks wifey.” He calls and makes his way into the kitchen, starving since he hadn’t eaten all morning.
You snort and purse your lips as you decide that you won’t push things. You have some paperwork of your own to finish up from your last assignment. The good thing about having such a big house and no kids is that you both have spaces to retreat to. The office downstairs is Dave’s and you had taken one of the upstairs bedrooms as your own space. Settling into your chair, you boot up your laptop and get to work. 
Dave grunts as he wakes up, your back is turned towards him, naked and illuminated by the morning sun. Dave can’t help himself, he shuffles closer to you, kissing along your shoulder and neck, your sleepy whimper making him chuckle. “Morning wifey.” He teases, nipping your shoulder.
It takes you a moment to remember why he is in the bed beside you. Last night when you had got to bed, Dave had come into the bedroom and demanded to sleep beside you. Claiming that your cover required it and it had turned into another satisfyingly rough session of sex. Shivering because of his lips on your skin, you crack your eyes open and turn your head to look at him, “morning hubby.” 
Dave leans away from you, looking down at your sleepy face and his heart thumps in his chest. That makes him frown and he shuffles out of the bed, deciding to have a piss. After washing his hands, he looks over at you when he comes out of the bathroom. “I’ll go put the coffee on.” He says, making his way downstairs to the kitchen with his boxers on.
It’s amazing how fucking hot and cold Dave York blows. You roll your eyes and climb out of the bed, annoyed he had left you to make up both sides since he had just walked out. You pull your nightgown and  robe on, muttering to yourself as you straighten the sheets and blankets, putting the decorative pillows against the headboard. This is ridiculous, you married him so you wouldn’t have to deal with issues like hurt feelings or bruised egos and you’re having to deal with it anyway. Plus you hate the way you had been disappointed he had left the bed.
Dave sips his coffee, yours waiting on the counter, and he watches you walk into the kitchen. “You have that target tonight?” He asks and you nod, grabbing the cup of coffee. He likes how you look in the morning, hair messy and face clean and sleepy. You’re beautiful and he hates that he seems to be softening towards you.
“I do.” You groan after taking a sip of the coffee and letting the strong brew sit on your tastebuds. “I’ll be back tomorrow. So don’t wait up for me tonight.” It’s normal for either one of you or both to go out of town, so it’s not unusual. “I’ll have to make sure it’s clean because the target has gotten paranoid.”
Dave nods, knowing it’s more complicated when the target realizes they are on someone’s hit list. “No problem, baby.” The nickname slips out and he decides to not act like it’s a big deal. The doorbell rings and Dave frowns, grabbing the glock he keeps in the kitchen drawer and he holds it in his hand while he makes his way towards the front door. Hardly anyone comes to the house. 
You follow Dave into the hall and he turns to look at you, “get back.” He hisses and you shift around the corner. Dave braces himself as he opens the door. 
“Oh Dave. I, uh, didn’t realize you were home.” It’s Kyle and Dave clenches his jaw as his finger twitches over the trigger. It would be easy to kill Kyle and God, he’s tempted, but he lowers the gun, tucking it into his boxers as he opens the door. 
“Honey, it’s Kyle.” He says through gritted teeth.
You straighten up, still in your robe and walk towards the door. Annoyed that the dumbass has decided to come to the house after being caught yesterday by Dave. “Kyle, what are you doing here?” You frown, stepping out from behind the wall and walking towards the two men. The last thing you need is some sort of pissing contest on the front lawn. Or for Dave to kill the poor bastard.
Kyle swallows harshly, looking between you and Dave. “I just - I wanted to make sure you’re okay. I didn’t - I was worried he had hurt you.” 
Dave scoffs and opens the door, “come in. See for yourself. She’s fine. I wouldn’t hurt my wife.” He emphasizes the word. Kyle nervously walks into the hallway, his eyes fixed on you. Dave wants to shoot him, fingers twitching, but it wasn’t worth the clean up. Or the move after the wife buys the bullshit story that he shot himself. Wasn’t worth the hassle, no matter how much Dave is glaring at him.
You want to scoff and tell Kyle that he shouldn’t insult you like that but he doesn’t know. He doesn’t know that both of you are skilled and deadly. “We’re fine.” You promise him, crossing your arms over your chest. “But obviously we can’t continue sleeping together.” You roll your eyes. “And I know you don’t want Jackie to find out. Dave isn’t going to tell her. He doesn’t want it to get out, so I trust this stays between the three of us?”
Dave’s fingers twitch with the urge to strangle the fucker but he remains calm, letting you handle this. Kyle looks between you and Dave, “what about - you said - I don’t - Jackie doesn’t give me what I want. He doesn’t give you what you need. Please baby, can we - can’t we just continue? You said you don’t love him.” 
Dave is furious when he hears that, grabbing Kyle and shoving him up against the wall. “What the fuck did you say?” He hisses, his fingers wrapped around his neck.
“Dave!” You rush forward and grab his arm, certain that he is about to kill Kyle. It’s ego, it has to be ego. That’s why Dave is reacting like a mad man. “Don’t!” You hiss, digging your fingers into the pressure points. “If you kill him, everyone finds out why.”
Dave growls at you, dropping his arm. He’s tried so hard to keep his cover and it’s crumbled in a matter of moments. “Don’t you fucking ever look at my wife again. Don’t talk to her. Don’t even breathe in her direction otherwise I will fucking kill you.” Dave threatens Kyle.
“Woah man, yeah- yeah, I won’t- I won’t ever look at her again.” Kyle promises shakily and you swear he’s on the verge of pissing his pants. True to his word, his head doesn’t turn towards you as he slides past Dave, ducking his head as he fumbles for the door and bolts outside. 
“Shit.” You huff. “Did you have to threaten him?” Closing the door, you wonder why the fuck he cares so much.
Dave huffs, turning towards you, his blood is boiling. He doesn’t hesitate to grab you, spinning you and pushing you up against the wall. “You liked his cock?” He asks, shoving your nightgown up your hips with one hand, his other hand grabbing your thigh to lift it into his hip and he pushes two fingers inside of you after letting go of your nightgown.
You hiss, hating the way your walls clench around his fingers. “Stop acting jealous, David.” You spit, glaring at him over your shoulder. “You and I never touched each other. Don’t believe I didn't know about the secretary at the office who sucks your dick every Thursday after the department meeting.”
Dave pumps his fingers into your cunt, feeling you get wetter by the second and he leans in to kiss your neck. “She just sucks my cock. Nothing else. Likes that I give her more time off for it.” He reasons with you, knowing you don’t know about the liaisons he’s had during ops. “I get to act jealous. You’re my wife. How would you feel if I was fucking that pretty blonde down the street, Delilah?” He counters, pressing his thumb against your clit.
You moan, hating yourself for the flash of rage that floods your body and you imagine killing her. “That dumb bitch?” You scoff, fingers digging into his shoulders and your hips roll forward, eager for his touch. “She- fuck, she would bore you. Lay there like a limp fish.” You don’t have a clue how she would be. You know Dave assumes you fucked her husband, but you haven’t. You whimper when he curls his finger again and clench around him. “Fuck Dave, fuck me already.”
His cock is hardening but he wants you to suffer a little longer. “No. You’ll cum on my fingers first like a good little slut.” He reminds you, nipping your jaw before he pulls back to look into your eyes. “Then maybe tonight I’ll go find Delilah?” He taunts you, “maybe she has a tight little pussy for a limp fish.”
Your lips curl into a sneer, hating how fucking jealous you are and your hand comes up to grip his jaw. Leaning in, your eyes dark with anger, you whisper, “you can’t dictate to me who I fuck and think you can do whatever you want.” It’s more of a hiss but David, the bastard, just gives a smug chuckle and curls his fingers deeper. It pisses you off and you shove at his chest. “Get the fuck off me.” You demand, pulling his fingers free of your cunt and shoving him again. “I’ll finish it my fucking self. Don’t touch me.”
Dave lets you push him away and he snorts, “you finish yourself off, sweetheart, you and I both know it won’t be the same. You’ve gonna be aching for my cock to fill you up. I might as well take care of myself.” He has no qualms reaching into his boxers and pulling his hard cock out. He spits into his hand and starts to jerk himself, watching your chest heave.
“You’re a fucking asshole.” You spit, hating how you want to fuck him even now. Dave confuses you and it pisses you off. This was supposed to be a simple arrangement. “Go fuck the limp fish, see if I care.” You huff, turning around to walk away. You do care, but you’re not going to let him know that.
Dave snorts, letting go of his cock and striding towards you. “You want me to fuck you.” He says as a statement rather than a question while he pushes you up against the wall again. His cock now pressed against your stomach as he cups your cheeks, “tell me you want my cock, sweetheart. You can have it. It’s not hers. Legally, it’s yours.”
You seethe, knowing that you will hate yourself for this but you want him. He’s very caught up on the legality of this which is funny considering you both break the law for a job. “I told you to fuck me.” You remind him. “You’re the one playing games. You could already have made me scream your name. Your name, no one else’s.”
“I like the chase.” Dave tells you, shoving your nightgown up again and he hitches your leg over his hip, using his other hand to notch himself at your dripping cunt. He slowly pushes into you, wanting to feel all of you, to savor it.
“Chase.” You scoff. “What good is a chase when we’re married.” You lean back against the wall and moan his name, breathless at how good he feels inside you. If you had known he would feel like this, you would have arranged to fuck him when you needed relief. “Fuck.” You whimper, feeling him throb inside you. “You better make me cum.”
Dave chuckles, grabbing your other thigh to put it on his hip, lifting you off of the ground so he can fuck you into the wall. “Don’t worry baby, wanna feel you soak my cock this time.” He works his hips, shifting the angle with each thrust until he hears you cry out. “Tell me what feels the best.”
When he’s not being a dick, Dave can fuck. “Har-harder.” You beg, holding onto his shoulders and moaning at every sharp snap of his hips. Banging you against the wall and filling you just like you need, scratching an itch you didn’t even realize you had.
He slams into you, following your order, and he hisses your name. “You like this, don’t you? My wife’s a little whore. Are you my little whore?” He asks, gripping your thighs and bouncing you a little on his cock.
"Shi-shit." You moan, nodding frantically as you hold onto him. "Ye-yes. I'm your whore." You would say anything right now with the way that his cock drills into you and hits just right inside you.
He loves hearing that. Fucking loves hearing you call yourself his whore. He groans your name, continuing to push into you in that spot, wanting you to gush around him.
He presses you into the wall and keeps hammering into you. "F-fuc-fuck!" You gasp out, loving how you feel with him fucking into you harshly.
“You gonna cum for me baby?” He asks you with a growl, “you gonna soak my cock? I want you to cum for me.” He orders, growling as your walls flutter around him. He crosses your ankles behind his back and lets go so you are secure, his body pressing you into the wall so he can press his thumb to your clit.
“Shit!” You cry out, eyes fluttering closed and your body stiffens when he presses your clit and start rubbing circles on it. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum- I’m- I’m gonna-“ you cut yourself off, gasping out his name when you cunt clenches down around his cock.
He groans when you grip his cock, making him hiss in response and he thrusts harder into you to try and work you through your orgasm. “That’s it baby. No one else makes you feel like this, do they?” He says through gritted teeth, “only me.” He adds, thrusting into you. “Beg me to cum. Beg me to cum inside of you.” He demands, his thumb now off of your clit so he can grab your thigh, adjusting the angle.
“Fuck.” It shouldn’t be that sexy to hear him say that. But it is. Your arms are wrapped around his neck, clinging to him and you pitch forward to lick a long line up his neck and over his jaw. Biting down on his chin, you hum, “cum for me. Fill me up.” You kiss his jawline. “Want to drip your cum while I kill a man tonight.”
Fuck, that does him. He loves hearing that and he sends him over the edge. He buries his cock deep inside of you, moaning your name as he cums, painting your walls with his hot seed while he turns his head to press his lips to yours, tongue plunging deep to smother his own moans of your name.
Heat fills you, eyes closed while you kiss him back during the long moments it takes for him to ride out his high. Grinding into you as he pumps his cum deep and finally comes to a rest. You almost hate when he pulls away, eyes opening to find him staring at you and you wonder what he is thinking.
Dave stares at you for a moment, wanting to tell you what he’s thinking but he knows it wouldn’t help either of you. He grunts, pulling out of you and moving your panties over to stop his cum from dripping onto the floor. “You’ve got to prepare for your op.” He says as he clears his throat, tucking his cock back into his boxers.
“Right.” The moment is gone and you nod, turning and walking on shaky legs towards the stairs. You’re going to have your wish, you’ll be dripping his cum all day. Except now you want to know what he would have said, biting your lip as you climb the stairs and wonder when the fuck you decided to start falling in love with your fucking husband.
Dave watches you as you finish the eggs and toast he cooked this morning. You've been sleeping together for a few months and as far as he knows, you haven't slept with anyone else. Neither has he, even stopping the secretary sucking his cock every Thursday. You sip your coffee, offering him one of those smiles that makes his heart clench and you tell him thank you for breakfast. "You're welcome, baby." He winks and stands up, grabbing your plates.
It’s been almost like a honeymoon with Dave. The past few months have brought both of you closer together in a way that seems almost natural. It’s almost on the tip of your tongue to admit your feelings for him, but you stop yourself. You don’t know how he feels and you don’t want to make yourself vulnerable to him if it’s just about the sex and “claiming” his wife. “You have a job tonight, right? For a few days?” You pout slightly, knowing it will be the first overnight job since the morning you came back after the showdown with Kyle.
“Yeah. International job. Gotta fly to London.” He tells you, trusting you with the details. It would be so easy to give all of himself to you, to tell you how he feels, but he can’t put himself at risk like that. “Don’t worry baby. I’ll bring you back something nice.” He promises, winking at you as you pout. “Plus I promise to make you cum as many times as I would’ve made you cum if I was here when I get back.” He promises you, winking as he loads the dishwasher.
“You better.” You smirk, watching Dave bend over and admiring his ass. There’s something sexy about watching your husband be domestic. The best part about it is that you never have to ask him to cook or clean up. “I’m going to just stay home this weekend while you are gone. Drink some wine and use my toy.” You tease with a wink of your own.
“Take photos. Videos. I want to see when I come back.” Dave growls, leaning down to nip your neck. The domestic life suits you and if he’s being honest, him. He likes how easy it is with you. You know him, the darkest parts of him, and you don’t reject him. He likes that. He love- no, he won’t say that. He finishes loading the dishwashers and he stands up, leaning down to peck your lips. “I'm gonna go get ready. I can’t be late for my flight.” Dave says and walks out of the kitchen, trying to focus his mind.
The house seems lonely without Dave, too big for just you. Instead of focusing on that, you decide to tackle the project you wanted to surprise your husband with. Despite sharing a bed for the past few months, all of Dave’s clothes were still in the now spare bedroom’s closet. You want to move everything over and organize it. Hopefully show him that you are open to a more realistic marriage with him.
Dave misses you. Fuck, that takes a lot for him to admit to himself. He thinks about you during the eight hour flight, during the taxi ride to his hotel, during the pre-op prep, even during the fucking op itself. As soon as the bullet is in the asshole's brain, Dave is heading to his room to grab his bag, eager to get back to you. He buys you a perfume that he knows will drive him crazy and you will love before he boards the flight home. He's early and he can't wait to surprise you. Cutting down the trip to two days instead of three, he doesn't call you to tell you he's on his way home like he normally would. 
He frowns when his phone rings just before he gets to his car. "Hello?" He answers the unknown number, glancing around the parking garage. 
"Hello David." The voice isn't familiar but the tone makes Dave narrow his eyes. 
"Who are you?" He snaps, immediately on edge. 
"An old friend. Decided to pop by and visit your beautiful wife. She's so pretty. I wish you didn't threaten me to stay away from her. Her little cunt was perfect for me. Shame you fucked up my little gig." 
Dave frowns, quickly putting the pieces together. "Kyle?" He scoffs, "what the fuck are you doing in my house? I'm gonna fucking kill you." He growls and his heart is pounding, realizing you might've fucked this asshole again and that hurts far more than any bullet.
Humming to yourself, you smirk as you run your hands across the numerous suits that Dave has, stroking the fabric. Your favorite is lined up first, it makes his ass look amazing and you might have snuck a look at the tags so you can order him another. All his clothes have been moved over. From socks to underwear and all his shoes. All you need to do now is bring over his toiletries into the master bath from the one he had been using. It’s just as the music that you had been playing changes to another song that you hear it. The slight creak downstairs, a floorboard that Dave had told you that he would fix when he got back.
"Tick tock, Dave. I'm gonna fuck her one last time before I slit her pretty little throat. She's got quite the bounty on her fucking head." Kyle chuckles and hangs up. 
Dave growls, his anger echoing in the parking garage and he rushes to get into his car, speeding out of the parking lot and revving through the parking levels as he rushes to get back to you.
Just because you are in your own home, doesn’t mean you are helpless. The second you realize that you aren’t alone in the house despite the alarm being set, you move towards the door where your weapons are stored. Quietly pressing your thumb on the biometric lock, the door slides open and you pick up your weapon, the weight of the handgun firm in your hand. You decide to place innocent, daft. “Dave? Baby? Did you come home early?”
Dave curses the traffic as he speeds back to the house. He keeps dialing your phone but you aren't answering. "Pick up. Come on baby. Pick up." He begs, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. "Pick the fucking phone up." He growls, grabbing his cell to try and call the house phone. It rings and rings and goes to the answering machine. He says your name, "pick up the phone. Kyle is trying to kill you. Please. Let me know you're okay." He pleads, knowing the message will be played in the hallway.
You hear the phone ring, the house silent around you. If you were actually a civilian, you might have thought the squeak of the floor was a figment of your imagination. The answering machine picks up, an antiquated thing that Dave enjoys, and you hear his voice coming through the speaker - telling you that Kyle is the one who is in the house to kill you. “Kyle?” You call out. “What are you doing here?”
Kyle sighs as his cover is blown, stepping into the bedroom to find you with the gun in your hand. “Come now baby. Don’t be mean. I’m just here to do my job, same as you what are. Put the gun down or Jackie is gonna make this messier than it needs to be.” The red dot appears on your chest and you curse. Kyle smirks, “York seems pretty pussy whipped by now. I get it. You aren’t worth losing $2 million though.” He tuts, aiming his gun at you.
Your brows shoot up, wondering who the fuck put a $2 million price on your head. “You sure that it wasn’t just Jackie pissed off she had to go back to sucking your dick? I’d be pissed if it were me” You ask, smirking slightly at the scowl on his face at your insults. You wonder where Dave is and hope that he comes home after this is done.
Kyle shakes his head, "you always have been a mouthy bitch. Made for sloppy blow jobs." He snorts and aims the gun at you. "Don't make this difficult for me, beautiful. Get down on your knees...won't be the first time you've done that with me." He smirks, flicking the safety on his gun as he waits for you to kneel.
“I’m good.” You quip, not willing to give in or try to beg for your life. “Have to hand it to you though, you played your role of a no balls pussy extremely well. Never would have taken you for an operative. Hopefully Jackie has the balls in your relationship.”
With a chuckle, Kyle knows you're going to make this difficult. "Jackie knows her place. I'm just a good actor. Your little beau, Dave, isn't so good. He's too...temperamental. I didn't realize he was an op too until he threatened to kill me. That was the look of a man who knows how to kill." Kyle snorts, "he wanted to murder me for fucking you. You know, if I didn't know better, I'd say that poor fucker is in love with you. He's gonna be mad when he comes home to find your brains splattered across the wall." Kyle lifts his gun, "smile like you used to baby." He coos, finger on the trigger.
You refuse to die in this fucking house tonight. The gun you had set down on a table is right beside the perfect cover. All you have to do is reach for it. Your eyes flicker to the window and then back to Kyle before you shake your head “Fuck-“ before you even say “you”, you are diving for the gun and safety.
The tires squeal as Dave pulls into the driveway, barely managing to cut the engine as he grabs his gun and rushes into the house, slamming the car door behind him. He yells your name as soon as he's inside, running around downstairs and his heart is pounding as he runs around the house, yelling your name. 
He stomps up the stairs, calling your name, gun aimed and ready until he nearly trips over Kyle's body. He sees you laying there, blood on the floor, and he panics. Surging forward to kneel beside you, he keeps his gun aimed at Kyle and he grabs you to pull you close. "Baby. Baby, are you okay? Please be okay." He begs, hating how you are limp in his arms. "Please sweetheart. Wake up." He begs, checking your pulse and he is relieved when he finds it, looking over at Kyle to see the bullet wound in his head and two in his chest. 
"Damn sweetheart. You got the bastard. Shit, I am proud of you." He murmurs until a bullet wizzes past his head. "Fuck!" He yells, pushing you behind the bed and he ducks, trying to avoid the bullets coming into the house through the window, the glass shattering.
“Dave?” You groan, head throbbing since you had slammed it against the dresser and nearly blacked out. “Dave! Jackie- she’s an assassin!” As soon as you realize that he is actually here. Opening your eyes, you look around frantically until you see him, crouched down next to you and looking furious. “They- I have a $2 million price on my head?” Kyle might have been lying but you don’t know, hand reaching for your own gun instinctively.
Dave has to stop Jackie, “stay here. Stay down.” He demands, carefully shifting out from the bed. Jackie must need to reload as the bullets stop for a moment and Dave takes that opportunity, rushes out of the bedroom and down the stairs. He sprints out of the back door, knowing Jackie will expect him to come from the front and he uses her confusion to find out where she is. He sees her on the second floor of their house next door and he wastes no time. She’s confused. He has to act. 
He practically jumps the white fence between the houses, running to the back door and shaking his head in relief when he finds it open. When he enters the house, he sprints, trying to find Jackie on the second floor. She hears him coming, prepared with gun in hand but Dave is too fucking angry to worry about her shooting him. He’s faster and stronger. When she shoots, it hits him in the shoulder but he doesn’t feel it, high in fury and adrenaline. He grabs her, pushing her to her knees and she struggles but he’s quick. Pulling his gun out, he shoots her in the head. “That’s for trying to kill my fucking wife, you bitch.” He hisses, glad he has his silencer still on from his op. Jackie slumps to the floor and Dave shoots her in the chest twice before he lowers the gun. 
He turns towards the open window, the sniper rifle still there and he quickly dismantles it, shoving it in the bag at the base of the window to take it home, a silencer on the rifle. Turns out, everyone still wanted to keep their cover despite the bloodshed. Dave glances down at Jackie one last time then makes his way back into the house. He will deal with the bodies later, come up with some story of a robbery gone wrong. For now, he’s desperate to see you. When he enters the house, he’s reminded that he got shot in the shoulder when you come barrelling towards him, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Dave!” Relief pours through you, nearly knocking you off your feet when you see Dave. Blood on his jacket but he’s alive. Throwing yourself at him and sobbing his name, you only pull back when you hear him hiss and feel him flinch. “I- you’re shot, aren’t you?” You should be more professional, less emotional, but you can’t right now. All you could think about was Dave dying, Jackie taking him from you before you could admit to him how you feel. 
“Just hit me in the shoulder.” Dave grunts, wincing as you move your hand down to probe the wound. 
“I- we need to get the bullet out if it didn’t go through.” You murmur, needing to make sure he’s okay. 
Dave nods, letting you lead him into the kitchen now that the threat is eliminated. There’s no ambulances or police on the way. No one knows anything, peacefully unaware in their little suburban faux peace. Dave grunts as he sits down, relaxing for the first time since he got into his car and he looks up at you while you rush around, trying to find the medical kit you both kept in case of emergencies. It’s not like you could go to the ER with your injuries. Too many questions. 
When you set the bag down on the table, Dave reaches for your hand, stopping you from continuing with the medical shit. “I love you.” He blurts out, the words feeling foreign on his tongue but he couldn’t stop them even if he tried.
You swallow harshly and you know that there is a tremble to your chin as you stare into his eyes. “I moved your stuff into the master bedroom closet.” You tell him. “I- I was planning on surprising you, asking you if you wanted to- to make the marriage real.” You exhale and manage to send him a small smile even though you are rattled. “I love you too and there’s something else you need to know.” Dave’s grip on your hand tightens slightly and he frowns, but you need to get this out. “I haven’t slept with every man in the neighborhood.” You confess. “Kyle was the only one and he pursued me. I didn’t- I wasn’t looking for anyone to fuck here until then.” As much as Dave hated the idea of everyone in the neighborhood fucking you, you figured he deserved to know the truth. 
He inhales deeply, relieved and yet so angry that he didn’t kill Kyle that day in the hallway. He could’ve prevented all of this. “When that motherfucker called, I- I was furious and - and so fucking scared.” He admits, “I can’t believe you took him out with a fucking sniper on you.” He says in awe, letting go of your hand so he can grip your hips, pulling you closer. “I can’t lose you, sweetheart. I’ll kill every person in this damn town before I let anyone take you away from me.” He promises, pressing his face into your stomach as he breathes you in, uncaring of the pain in his shoulder now the adrenaline is wearing off.
You don’t care that there is blood on your fingers, Dave’s and probably Kyle’s, you hold him close and run your fingers through his hair. “I love you.” You whisper quietly. “I- I was hoping that if something happened, you wouldn’t be here and be safe.” It’s crazy, but you didn’t want Dave to die because of you. Somehow he has come to mean more to you than your own life and it surprises you. But then again, it doesn’t - knowing that Dave feels the same with his confession. 
Dave shakes his head against your stomach, “I wouldn’t be anywhere else. I- I’d burn the world if anything happened to you.” He promises, kissing your stomach. “Baby, let’s get the bullet out.” He says, pulling back and hissing at the pain. He wants it out and bandaged.
Cutting his ruined shirt off, you play doctor with Dave. Concentrating carefully as you clean the wound and use a small pair of forceps to dig around in his shoulder for the bullet. Murmuring to him softly when he hisses a curse. Knowing that he needs to have it out and can’t really take much in the way of painkillers so he doesn’t bleed more than he already is. Finally, you pull it out and drop it into a small cup so you can start to sew the wound closed in order to bandage it.
“Fucker.” He hisses, “can’t believe that bitch caught me. We need to clean up the house, make it look like they abandoned it.” Dave says, “get rid of the bodies. Make it as clean as possible. I’m not ready to move.” He winces when you clean him up and start to stitch up the wound. “Fuck.” He grits his teeth while you finish up.
“There’s a pit, about ten miles away.” You tell him as you finish sewing him closed. “It’s a mine shaft that flooded. Plenty of things in the water that will appreciate a fresh meal.” It’s harsh, but you know that there would be an investigation with the execution style deaths of the couple. It’s better to make it look like they disappeared. “Take their cards and give them to someone to use.” Setting the needle down, you smear the stitches in antibiotic ointment and cover it with a clean bandage. “All done.” You promise, caressing his cheek gently. 
He turns his head to kiss your palm, “thank you, sweetheart.” He murmurs, watching you as you put everything away, tossing the used needle and things you used. “Come here.” He says, reaching for you to pull you into his lap. “I love you.” He nuzzles his nose against yours in a display of affection that seems to be reserved for only you.
“I’m sorry.” You murmur quietly, knowing this is your fault. If you hadn’t started sleeping with Kyle, this might not have happened. “This is my fault. I- do you think he was telling the truth? Is there a bounty on my head?” You don’t want to put Dave at risk if he wasn’t lying to you. You won’t make him live with a target on his head.
Dave bites his lip, pondering what you said. He has contacts who can confirm if there’s a price on your head. “He wouldn’t have done what he did if there wasn’t a price, baby. I’ll call my contacts tonight, find out if it’s true and if it is, we will move. Get new identification. I promise you, I’ll keep you safe.” He vows, kissing your cheek. “I can’t believe you killed Kyle with a red dot on your chest. That - that’s fucking sexy.” He chuckles, running his hand down your back.
You can tell that Dave is moving past the idea of there being a contract out on you, his hands sliding down to caress your ass through the leggings that you were wearing during your closet organization. “Yeah?” You smirk and make sure that you don’t touch that shoulder when you shuffle closer and start to straddle him in the kitchen chair. “You like that? Like that your wife is a killer too?” 
“You know I do.” He rasps, not wanting to play games. “I need you, sweetheart.” He admits and he leans in to kiss your jaw, “I want you.” He continues kissing along your jaw, “I love you.” He brushes his lips against yours, “I want to feel you.” He finishes before pressing his lips to yours, his hand squeezing your ass to rock you on his hardening cock.
“Don’t move.” You warn him, not wanting him to rip his stitches open on the arm that is curled against his chest. “I’ll do all the work.” You want him as much as he wants you and with one last kiss to his lips, you slide off his lap so you can strip down. Smirking as he watches you pull off your shirt, no bra underneath and then push you leggings off. Kneeling down, you bite your lip, working his belt open. “My brave husband, coming to save me.” You coo, reaching in and pulling his cock out. Wanting to make him feel good for putting his life at risk for you. Leaning in, you don’t waste time, sliding him deep into your mouth. 
“Oh shit.” Dave hisses, head tilting back as you take him deep into your mouth. “Baby. You- you don’t have to-” He feels so differently from that first night you sucked his cock. He doesn’t want you to do this, especially since you hit your head. He wants to feel you, to connect with you. When you hollow your cheeks, his eyes roll into the back of his head. “Shit. I- I - I want to be inside of you.”
Pulling off of him with a pop, you don’t tease him for how whiny he sounds because you know you are just as desperate. Instead, you climb back to your feet and straddle his thighs again. “I want you inside me too.” You moan, reaching between you so that you can place his cock against your entrance. When you feel the head pressing against you, you make eye contact with him as you start to sink down on his length. 
He doesn’t say a word as you sink down onto his cock, his mouth open slightly as he watches your micro expressions, falling in love with the way your brow furrows as your ass settles on his thighs. “Jesus, you’re so beautiful.” He murmurs, reaching up to cup your cheek with his hand, leaning in to kiss you.
You don’t hold anything back from the kiss. Opening up and letting him deepen it eagerly while you grind onto his lap, making sure that you are nice and open for him. You love the way his cock curves up inside you and the head butts up against your cervix. “I love you.” You breathe into his mouth when his tongue pulls back. “I love you, hubby.” 
“Love you too, wifey.” He chuckles breathlessly, kissing down your neck and his hand on his injured side grips your hip, making him hiss but he ignores the pain. He’s had worse. He loves how you grind down onto his cock, barely lifting up an inch. “No one's gonna separate us. I’ll kill anyone who tries.” He promises between kissing along your chest until he is taking your nipple into his mouth.
“Fuck Dave.” You gasp out, leaning back so that he can suckle harder. Your fingers tangle into his hair and you whimper when his teeth bite down gently. “Oh fuck, I love you.” You pant, closing your eyes and start to roll your hips a little harder on his cock as you get used to the angle. “It- it’s so sexy that you will do that.” 
“I’d do anything for you. Anything.” He promises, kissing over to your other tit and he groans into your flesh when you start to ride him a little faster. “That’s it baby. Take what you need.” He growls, biting down on your nipple before he sucks it, soothing the marks from his teeth.
You love how he always insists that you take what you need from him. Far different from the first, rage fueled fuck you had when he had discovered you were sleeping with Kyle. Every time turning into something deeper and more meaningful until you were right here. Your cunt clenches around him and you swivel your hips like you know he likes. You are going to get yours, but you also want him to enjoy this. 
Your moans and his grunts are the only noise in the kitchen combined with your skin slapping against his when you pick up the pace. “Come on baby, cum for me. My beautiful wife. Mine. No one's gonna take you away from me. I’ll fucking kill them if they try. I love you. Cum for me.” He pleads, his cock twitching inside of you as his emotions threaten to overwhelm him for the first time in his life.
You whimper, holding him tighter and feeling your entire body start to tighten up. It only takes a few more bounces on his cock before you are cumming, crying out his name and soaking his cock with your juices. Breathlessly panting as you feel him start to take over, chasing his own release. “I love you, I love you.” You promise him. “Fill me up baby.” 
He pants as you grip his cock, soaking him with your cum and he hisses when you continue bouncing despite your body shaking against his. His arm wraps around you to help you rock on his cock and he lets out a low groan when he cums, cock throbbing against he spills inside of you. “Shit.” He hisses and buries his face in your neck.
The feeling of Dave filling you up is amazing. Holding him close while he paints your walls, humming softly at the closeness, the love in the moment. “God I love you, Dave.” You whimper, turning and kissing his shoulder gently. 
Dave sighs, breathing you in. “Love you too sweetheart.” He murmurs, just pleased to have you in his arms. He’d take another bullet if it meant you being safe. “Let’s clean up and go deal with the bodies. It’s nearly midnight. We don’t want anyone walking out to ask what we are doing. We need to get their phones and cards too.” He is already transitioning into the killer again, methodical and precise. He won’t risk your life together.
“Yes sir.” You huff playfully, stealing one last kiss before you pull off his cock with a small groan and move to get your leggings and shirt. All of it will have to be burned anyway so you put it back on. “We’ll get everything taken care of.” You promise, relieved that he is home and both of you survived this. It could have ended very differently. 
Dave stands beside you while you watch the bodies sink, his arm around your waist as he pulls you close. There’s no one around and he takes a moment to just be beside you. He turns towards you after a few seconds, his gloves shoved into his pocket as he cups your cheeks, “I love you. We are in this together from now on.” He tells you, leaning in to press his forehead against yours. 
“Together.” You echo and Dave pecks your lips softly. This marriage was supposed to be a cover but Dave wouldn’t change it for the world. You are his wife and he will do anything to protect you. Even if it means murder. 
“Come on, let’s go home.” He says after a moment. 
“Home.” You nod, taking his hand so he can help you up the hill to his car. “So I was thinking we might need a baby to add to our cover…” You say as you get into the car. 
Dave stares at you in surprise, “a baby?” You nod, biting your lip, nervous for his answer. Dave sighs, pulling away from the curb after reaching for your hand. “Guess that means I’ll have two people I’ll kill for.” His answer sounds annoyed but you know Dave, a grin appearing on your face. A suburban life sounded like a nightmare at first to Dave but now it’s become his dream come true.
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storm-angel989 · 7 months
Outside the office Part Two
Hi All! It seems my first post has garnered some interest- I am so excited! Here is part two- I hope y'all enjoy!
After that second night, I began to settle into their routine. Breakfast in the morning-  usually cooked by either Valentino or Vox. A morning workout using the gym in Velvette’s studio. Lunch was always chosen by Velvette- options were varied, but made and served by their housekeeping crew both in their work spaces and in our kitchen.  
I spent my afternoons either reading every book I could find, trying to answer my own questions about hell. When I wasn’t reading, I bounced between Velvette and Vox’s studios- performing any tasks they happened to have available. I wanted to learn about hell and its inner workings- what better way to do so than spending time in several of the most important offices?
More often than not, I went from lunch to floor number five. Velvette would spend hours talking about her designs and was happy to have a sounding board to bounce ideas off of. Most of the time she would stick me on the stage and try on different outfits. She claimed blonde hair and blue eyes were a money maker- and then quickly changed the subject when she saw how uncomfortable I was. 
Every night we had dinner out in public, followed by a night out at any one of Valentino’s clubs. It was more typical that all three of us went out, but occasional Velvette or Vox needed to bow out for a work event. I, however, was obligated to be out. It was safest, Vox told me, for me to be in close proximity to one of them at all times. So no, staying home was not an option. 
Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights were the exceptions to the routine. Valentino and Vox took turns cooking breakfast and dinner, though on occasion they agreed to order out. I offered to help only once and they both shooed me away. 
My first Wednesday in hell I found out that the movie night Vox mentioned was not, in fact, optional. 
I was settled in bed, propped up as I turned the page to start a new book when the blare of the surround sound stereo system shattered the silence of my bedroom. I jolted from my book, annoyance and frustration washing over me. What in all of hell's creation was going on? 
I ventured down the hall and found myself staring at a giant television screen that most certainly was not there when we had dinner two hours ago. 
“Hey! Come join us, it's movie night.” Vox waved me over. “Sit next to Val. Best seat in the house.”
“Glad you crawled out of your bedroom babe. Wine?” Valentino offered me a glass. 
Although it had unsettled me at first, I had come to realize over the past few days that nicknames from Valentino were simply par for the course. I accepted the cup and sat down next to him. On the couch across from me, Vox had Velvette nestled in his arms, half under a blanket. She looked more comfortable and relaxed than I had seen her since my arrival. 
“Blanket?” Valentino asked.
He tugged one off the back of the couch and tossed it over us. I propped a pillow between the two of us and settled in as best I could as the screen turned a bright blue. 
“What exactly are we watching?” I asked. 
“A Night in the Woods with Angels.” Vox replied, giving Velvette a squeeze. “The scariest of all the horror movies.”
“Angels are not scary!’ I protested. 
Valentino reached across the pillows and gently swatted my arm, “Shush. It’s starting. Popcorn?” 
I took a handful from the bowl and watched as the scene unfolded. Horror was an understatement-the idea of depicting angels as evil creatures was laughable at best. That being said, more than once, I found myself jumping back until the pillow was on the floor and I was practically sitting on Valentino. 
“It’s just a movie princessa.” he said softly, his voice almost comforting. “It isn’t real.”
“I know it's not real.” I said defensively. “Angel’s don’t act like that.”
The screen roared and I jumped again. He gave me a sympathetic look and wrapped his arms around me. The sense of security that I felt my first two nights in hell washed over me. Against my better judgment, and without alcohol as an excuse, I settled against him and pulled the blanket over the two of us. The rest of the movie was spent pressed against him as I watched the teenage demons make poor decisions that eventually led to their demise. 
The lights around us grew brighter as soon as the movie ended. Vox stood up, Velvette passed out asleep in his arms. Wordlessly, he carried her off towards her room. 
I pushed the blankets off, grateful for there to be light. My heart still pounded in my chest from the final scene, and as soon as I stepped away from Valentino, the sense of unsettledness washed over me again. 
“That was fun princessa. We should do that again.” Valentino said lightly as he stood up and stretched. 
“Are there horror movies every week?” I asked, trying to shake myself back into reality. I pulled the blanket around my shoulders.
“No no, that was Velevtte’s choice. She wanted something to fall asleep to.” 
I stared at him. Fall asleep to? Did demons actually find this carnage…relaxing? 
 He burst out in laughter. “I’m joking, Princessa. She falls asleep during every movie.”  He turned away, amusement on his face. “Goodnight mi amor.”
“Goodnight Valentino.” I watched him make his way down the hallway, and heard his bedroom door close in the distance. 
Vox hadn’t remerged from Velvette’s room- at least not that I saw. I got up from the couch a few moments later and turned off the lights before heading to bed myself. Curled up in my bed with the nightstand lamp on, I wondered if angels were to demons what demons were to angels- evil, chaotic and merciless. 
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harlowsbby · 2 years
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You know that saying what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas? Oh how you wished that saying was actually true.
You we’re currently in Vegas for the weekend Jack had a club appearance at Zoku nightclub on Saturday and the Grammys on Sunday.
Jack and You have been together for about five months now and you couldn’t be happier you were beyond excited when he invited you this weekend.
“Y/N are you coming? we’re going to the pool for a bit and then going shopping with Winnie in a bit.” Neelam asked you. Winnie Harlow you didn’t mind her but she always had a nasty attitude when it came to you and you had no idea as to why she did.
She loved to brag how Jack and her were quote on quote meant to be since they had the same last names which you found odd that she’d say that especially around you.
“Winnie is here? I didn’t know she was here.” You didn’t want to seem like you had a issue with Winnie because Jack loved her she was one of his closes friends so you always tried your best to get along with her.
“Of course Winnie is here, she’ll be announcing at the Grammy’s tomorrow and I know what you’re thinking and I promise she’s changed she isn’t all rude and stuck up anymore.” Neelam reassured you but deep down inside you just had a feeling something was bound to go down.
“Fine but we aren’t spending all day with her.”
“I promise it’s only for a few hours and then she’ll be leaving for rehearsals.”
Jack was away for the day going over his rehearsals for the show tomorrow so that meant spending the day with Neelam and Winnie, you had messaged you earlier and said he’d meet up with the two of you for dinner with Urban and the rest of the guys.
You decided on wearing just a basic one piece you didn’t feel the need to wear a bikini nor did you feel comfortable in one right now. You’ve been gaining a bit of weight due to be on the road so much you didn’t exactly have time or the right necessities to cook a healthy dinner or access to the gym.
As you made your way towards the pool area you noticed Winnie right away she was laid out on one of the pool chairs her entourage with her as always. The minute she saw you she smiled a wicked smile you always had a feeling she was never sincere with you she just loved to put on a show and act in front of Jack.
“Is that Y/N?! Omg I haven’t seen you in forever how’s life been? How’s Jack been I mean how is traveling the world.” She smiled and pulled you in for a hug, you hugged her back slowly and gave her a awkward pat on the back.
“Life has been amazing I can’t really complain.” You both laughed before it fell into an awkward silence, you stood there just scratching your arm and looking around but thankfully Neelam came.
“Hiii Winnie, are you two playing nice?” She joked and sat down on one of the pool chairs, you sat down next to her.
“We always play nice isn’t that right Y/N?” You gave her a tight lip smile. “That’s right Winnie.”
“Where are we going shopping at?”
“Uh I heard Caesar Palace has some good shops in there we can give that a look.”
“Sounds perfect.” While Neelam and Winnie talked away you pulled out your phone and texted Jack, you missed him so much.
Jack 💗
- I miss you baby ☹️
“Jack someone texted you.” Drama asked from across the stage.
“Who is it?” Drama picked up Jack’s phone seeing it was a message from you. “It’s from Y/N you wanna take a break and answer it?”
“Yeah, everyone take a quick break.” Jack told his dancers before jumping down from the stage and walking over towards Drama.
He opened up his phone and frowned at your message, he had missed you so much today and he felt bad knowing you woke up without him there. He quickly sent you a quick message back.
Y/N 🤍
- I miss you too baby girl but I’ll see you later on tonight 💗.
You smiled at the message, Jack always made sure to give you reassurance and that’s something you loved about him.
“Why are you smiling at your phone? Is that Jack.” You jumped slightly not hearing Winnie even walking up from behind you.
“It was Jack, why?”
“Oh I was just wondering since he never texted me back earlier.”
“And why would you be texting him for?” You looked at her with your eyebrows raised. She shrugged her shoulders and leaned back in her chair.
“Honestly nothing it’s nothing let’s just relax shall we.” You couldn’t relax though you were curious as to why she cared so much if Jack texted her back or not she was up to something and you were going to find out what that something was.
Later that evening
“What about this purse? I think you’ll like this one baby.” Jack had finished up with rehearsals earlier then expected so he decided to tag along with you all while you shopped.
“This one is kinda cute.” You laughed as he held different purses up in-front of you and making you pose in the mirror, Winnie sat from across the room a sour look on her face.
Winnie was supposed to be in your shoes, she was supposed to be you she hated and despised you, I mean why wouldn’t Jack be with her? They both had the same last names already so technically they were soulmates in some way.
“I think I’ll go with this one.” you decided on an all black Louis Vuitton purse Jack nodded and grabbed the purse, he took out his wallet and went to pay for it but you quickly pushed him to the side.
“Uh no you aren’t paying for my purse I’ll pay Jack.” Jack smacked his lips and rolled his eyes.
“Baby no let me pay.” He laughed and tried shoving his credit card into the chip but you weren’t having it. Eventually the two of you started play fighting while everyone found it cute and funny Winnie on the other hand did not.
“Okay can someone just pay so we can get out of here.” She snapped but quickly smiled, you looked at her and if looks could kill you were positive you’d be dead, she looked at you as if she couldn’t stand you and you weren’t sure why you’ve never done anything to her.
“Fine Jack you can pay but just this once.”
“Thank you baby.” He gave you a quick kiss before paying for your purse.
On the walk back to the hotel Jack and You staggered behind a bit just trying to enough one another. You didn’t want to bring up Winnie but you didn’t want to keep holding it in.
“Yes baby.” He looked down at you, your left arm was wrapped around his right arm.
“Does Winnie not like me?” You bit your lip nervously even if she didn’t like you Jack would never tell you that so brining this up might’ve been for nothing.
“Of course she likes you baby she doesn’t just like you she loves you.” Of course he’d say that he doesn’t see her the way you do.
“You��re right I think it’s all just in my mind.”
“That’s what I’m saying baby, tonight we’re going to have a good time at the club and tomorrow is the Grammy’s let’s have a good little trip yeah?”
You didn’t want to ruin Jack’s weekend you knew this was his first weekend in awhile that he was happy about so you weren’t about to be a party pooper.
“Yeah.” You smiled “let’s have a good weekend like they say what happens in Vegas.”
“Stays in Vegas.” He finished his sentence and you laughed, little did you know just how true that meaning was about to get.
Later that night
You had just finished getting ready looking yourself over in the mirror you smiled in approval you had to confess you did look good.
“Baby come on we are waiting for you!” Jack yelled from outside of the bathroom, you placed all your makeup away in your makeup bag before leaving the bathroom.
“Damn I might have to cancel this club appearance tonight.” Jack licked his lips. “I think you should because you look really good too Jack.” Jack was wearing a black long sleeve with black cargos and black and white new balance shoes.
“That’s all you baby and you know it.” Winnie rolled her eyes. “Well can we get going? You know I hate being late Jack.” She huffed and walked out the door.
“What’s her issue?” You shrugged your shoulders you completely had no idea what her issue was. “Beats me.”
The ride to the club was fairly awkward you wished Urban and Neelam would’ve rode with you all but they took a separate SUV.
“Jack take some videos with me.” Winnie whined Jack sat next to her and you watched the two of them take videos together, you watched how she would brush chest on Jack’s arm here and there and grab his face and act as if she was going to kiss him, her lips were dangerously close to his lips and you weren’t having it.
“Alright that’s enough.” You snapped at them. “What’s wrong? He’s just taking videos with me.” She pulled away from Jack and smirked. “You know what you’re doing Winnie.” You told her meanwhile Jack looked between the two of you not really understanding what was going on.
“What are you talking about Y/N?”
“You know what I’m talking about Winnie I know you do.”
“Well I don’t understand what you’re talking about if you don’t tell me baby girl.” She smirked and popped a bubble with her gum.
“What’s wrong babe? We were just taking a video together.” Jack defended Winnie. “I know that Jack but she was way too close to you.”
“No she wasn’t Y/N honestly stop acting like that Winnie isn’t here to start any issues or problems so let it go alright Y/N.” Winnie gave you a I told you look and you huffed before crossing your arms and facing the window.
What was the point of arguing with Jack you knew Winnie would never do any wrong in his eyes and you hated that.
Once the three of you arrived to the club you stood behind Jack and Winnie and stood next to Urban’s side, Jack rolled his eyes when he realized you were about to be salty and childish.
“What happened? Why aren’t you with Jack.” Urban asked you. “We kinda got into a little fight in the car but it’s not even worth brining up.”
“Are you sure? You need me to set Jack straight for you.” You laughed and shook your head no, there wasn’t any need to be fighting around now even though Jack had gotten on your nerves it definitely wasn’t the time nor place to start anything.
Once inside Zoku you looked around in awe for a nightclub it was pretty big, lights were flashing a few bottle girls were walking around with bottles of course and holding up signs, people were throwing around money, Vegas never felt like a real place to you it always felt like an escape from reality.
“Where is Winnie? And Jack?” Neelam asked you, shrugging your shoulders you sat down on one of the couches that was behind the stage.
“Last time I saw them was when they were walking in the club.” Neelam rolled her eyes before going to the back to find Jack.
“What’s her issue?” Ace handed Urban and You a drink but you shrugged your shoulders you had no idea what her issue was.
“Who knows but I don’t care I just need some liquor in my system.”
“You never drink though?” Ace wasn’t lying you weren’t a drinker but tonight you were getting tipsy.
After a few shots with Urban and a few random people around you were tipsy, giggling you danced slowly to the music playing.
“Y/N! Come on we need to say a quick prayer before Jack goes on.” For every show before Jack went on the stage everyone did a prayer you all prayed for a safe and fun show and that everything went smooth.
Standing up somehow you made your way towards the back, Urban held your back and helped guide you towards the back.
“Baby are you okay?” Jack watched you as you stumbled into the room, Winnie covered her mouth with her hand trying her best to hold in her laugh.
“I’m I mean yes I am okay, are you okay Jack?” You laughed uncomfortably again. “Come on let’s say this damn prayer.” You told everyone and took Jack’s hand.
“Dear father God we thank you and are blessed to be where we are today if it wasn’t for you we wouldn’t be standing here.” During the entire prayer you kept giggling and playing footsie with Urban and Jack was getting tired of it.
“Y/N seriously we’re in the middle of prayer what are you doing? Have you been drinking you never drink.” Jack snapped at you, looking around the room in embarrassment you just hiccuped.
“Why do you care? Don’t you have Winnie to worry about.”
“What are you talking about Y/N?” Winnie asked and you rolled your eyes at her was she being serious right now?
“Don’t act like you don’t know Winnie.” Winnie scrunched her face up when you walked towards her the smell of alcohol clearly evident on you.
“Uh maybe because I don’t know honestly I think you should really just go home Y/N you’ve been kinda off all day.” Her post started laughing, Jack’s jaw tightened and un tightened.
“I think you’re right Winnie, baby I think you should go back to the hotel till I’m done.”
“What? no I’m staying here I’m fine.” You sobered up quickly and with ease.
“I don’t care babe you’re going back to the hotel. Urban can you make sure she gets back safe?”
“What? I’m not going anywhere Jack, why would I leave you here alone with Winnie can’t you tell she likes you she wants you to be mad at me so she can sooth you and make it seem like I’m fucking crazy and I’m not! She’s been like this forever and I can’t believe you don’t see that.” You yelled at him, everyone was looking between jack and you wondering what was going to happen.
“Honestly baby I think you’re the jealous one you’re jealous that Winnie and I are close and for some reason you can’t stand that, maybe if you didn’t push everyone in your life away you’d have a close friend but you don’t so I think it’s best you leave.” You didn’t know how to feel or what to think, your bottom lip started quivering.
“Fine if- if that’s how you feel I’ll leave you alone.” You stuttered before walking away you caught a glimpse of Winnie’s face she had a devilish look on her face.
Once back in the car you broke down into more tears you couldn’t believe he was taking her side over yours, mid breakdown you noticed your phone had lit up, opening it up you saw it was a recent Instagram post from Winnie.
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Liked by jackharlow, urbanwyatt, druski2funny, normani and 3,560,000 others.
winnieharlow my main man killed it tonight, about to win a grammy tomorrow 🖤
jackharlow my main girl love you twin 🖤
lilnasx unexpected duo..
urbanwyatt 👨🏼‍🦯👨🏼‍🦯👨🏼‍🦯
druski2funny did not see this coming
theshaderoom waitttt are you two dating?
chloebailey 🍵 🐸
sza wait? are you two a thing
If Jack wanted to act as if Winnie was so sweet and innocent then so be it but he’ll realize sooner enough just go wicked she is.
@nattinatalia @heavyhitterheaux
@hoodharlow @moody4world @mortirolo
@babiefries @jackharloww @jackmans-poison
@jacksmoviestar @lcandothisallday
@awhore4moree @softtcurse @pianoisland
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accirax · 1 year
“Your mother is dead. You always omit that truth.”
As venus-is-thinking was rewatching DRDT’s Chapter 1 Free Time Events last night, she sent me screenshots of this one interaction between Charles and Whit, noting it as odd:
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(She was right, btw. Whit, no matter how hard you try, you are not a normal man.)
Now, with the context of Chapter 2, we can probably assume that what Charles said here triggered Whit’s memories about his dead mom. There are a couple of options here, but the first one that jumped to my mind was that Whit was about to correct Charles, informing him that he actually learned how to cook himself. Obviously, he would then realize that saying this would bring up his mothers death, which he prefers to not mention, so he switches topics. While this option makes the most sense, given that Whit previously says, “teaching your kids how to cook is, like, the number one job of parents,” I would be surprised if Whit’s parents didn’t teach him how to cook at all.
It depends on how early in his life his mom died, I guess. And how long his dad has been away.
...wait, how long has Whit’s dad been away?
And then, an idea struck me. What if Whit’s dad doesn’t know that his wife is dead? What if Whit never told him?
This, of course, being a weightier spin on Whit’s secret, “Your mother is dead. You always omit that truth.” You omit that truth from who, exactly? People who already know what happened, or people like Charles and Teruko who don’t?
As I’m sure many people have assessed, Whit’s secret is comparatively pretty tame compared to the rest of the options. While his classmates are being revealed as manipulators and murderers, all we learn about Whit is a sad fun fact. But if Whit’s secret, in full, is actually “You never told anyone about the death of your mother, not even your father,” it becomes a much more severe secret.
Now, you might be asking, “if that’s the case, why wouldn’t Whit’s secret just say that outright instead?” Mastermind Whit interpretations aside, we have to remember that Despair Time is canonically a TV show. Assuming that Lin is watching his son on the big screen, as long as Whit’s secret says anything about his mom being dead, Lin would learn about his son’s concealment of the truth.
However, the question of why Whit’s secret wouldn’t be phrased like that for the sake of the other students remains. My best theory is this: it’s to make Whit suffer. I’m sure we all remember David’s heel turn in Chapter 2 Episode 11. After spewing his hateful monologue, he expresses how freeing it is to finally speak his mind.
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For Whit, by not explaining what his secret is in full, they don’t give him the catharsis of expressing all of his thoughts and pain out loud. They still provide him the hopeful option of being able to salvage part of his story amongst the other students. While the motives of the TV show haven’t been expressly stated, it’s a pretty common killing game move to give the students hope just to rip it away and create despair, right...?
It’s like how Hu mentions that some secrets might be phrased unfavorably to make the students look worse. In this case, Whit’s secret could be phrased favorably with the intention of making him stressfully walk the edge of revealing the full truth and keeping it hidden. And, knowing Whit, there’s no way that he wouldn’t at least take a shot at repression.
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Getting back to the secret itself, the way Whit talks about his family life also makes me believe that this could be the case. Through his dialogue, we learn that Whit lives a very solitary life. He talks about no one being home often enough to keep a pet, how lonely it would be to stay in the house all day, and how he’s befriended his neighbors’ dog and considers her family (but not the neighbors themselves?).
Sure, Whit is (barely) college aged, and college kids are typically considered able to live on their own. But Teruko and the gang believed that they were about to head to the Hope’s Peak entrance ceremony, so as far as Whit remembers, he only graduated high school very recently. If Lin knew that Elizabeth was dead, would he really leave his grieving teenage son completely alone in another country?
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Because Whit’s dad doesn’t seem to currently reside within the United States, as far as I can tell. Maybe it’s just the Beetlejuice: The Musical fan in me, but I have to imagine that letting your kid grieve their dead mom whilst being completely isolated would be a very bad idea.
It would make sense to me if the reason why Lin allows this is because he doesn’t know. If Whit didn’t tell him the truth, either because it was too painful for him to say or because he didn’t want to jeopardize his father’s work abroad. According to Whit, his dad is “a real quiet dude,” so I could believe that he wouldn’t have any coworkers come up and console him for his loss, letting the cat out of the bag. The fact that he’s abroad further facilitates that idea-- how would Lin’s foreign coworkers even learn about Elizabeth’s passing when he himself doesn’t know?
You could run into problems if Lin went too long without seeing his wife, and started to wonder where she was. However, if Whit did something like impersonating his mom via text, it would be more possible for Lin to simply not notice that he hadn’t seen his wife in a while.
Venus also came up with the possibility that Lin is actually more of a deadbeat. He “works overseas” because, well, he lives there, having left his family behind. Whit could dye his hair blond not just to look like his mom, but also to look less like his dad. His skills as the Ultimate Matchmaker could have began at home with their split. It sounds a little implausible, but we know that Whit likes to ignore things that make him uncomfortable and put a positive spin on them.
At any rate, I believe this is a hypothetical worth considering. I definitely want to keep a closer eye on Whit’s backstory going further, as it’s possible that it’s not exactly what it seems.
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dotthings · 4 days
Started my spn S6 rewatch. Couple of thoughts on 6.01
While soulless Sam was a huge nope to me--I wanted actual Sam back and couldn't enjoy soulless Sam--the S6 gestalt overall interests me. The noir feel. The horror intruding into suburbia, which is very core to spn.
Dean's in a classic Hollywood archetype role, the one honest guy who finds himself caught up in a noir plot. No one he can trust, everyone hiding something.
Soulless Sam isn't a reliable narrator. But he is an observer and he has all of Sam's memories and he seems to believe Dean has a yearning for a family, a home, something other than just hunting, and he's not wrong. spn has played on that theme for Dean over and over. It swings back and forth. He yearns for it, he yearns for hunting. It's not simple.
Bobby's reasons for not telling Dean that Sam returned are pure and completely out of love, a dad protecting his son, wanting to give his son a chance at a life outside of the brutal world of hunting.
The show's series-long theme on addressing the brutality of hunting and the exploration on what else there is gets passed over a whole lot in fandom commentaries. I don't think the show idealized hunting. While there has to be hunting for there to be a plot, for there to be a show, this rumination about the toll hunting takes and what else is there is canon, those are ideas canon planted and explores, so it's weird that sometimes gets treated as going against canon somehow.
While Soulless Sam still gives me the heebie jeebies, rewatching him is interesting to see how Soulless Sam functions. He performs. Trying to be Sam, to act and feel how Sam would, and he can't. When Soulless Sam confesses he wouldn't even try, that's flatly untrue, we know Sam would. We've seen Sam race in to save people. But Soulless Sam is hollow, and the caring and the willingness to race in is embodied in Dean. And Soulless Sam may be empty yet he feels the pull toward Dean's warmth. He has Sam's memories after all, even if he doesn't directly feel it.
We know Dean doesn't fit in this new life and he's not going to stay, but Dean also is genuinely drawn to this life with Lisa and Ben and he isn't completely miserable. He also tries make it work, he doesn't ditch the Braedens the moment Sam returns, first he tries to find a balance. Moving back into hunting, while keeping a home base. And it doesn't work out, the point is he wanted that. Not an all or nothing.
While I don't think Dean and Lisa is some big epic love story, they do get along well and he cares for her and for Ben. Lisa's meant to represent a certain kind of life, she's a symbol and cipher, but for all that, he does also care for her for herself. I'm not ever going to be sorry Dean went to Lisa, after the horror he went through in S5 and the crushing grief. He had someone who cared for him, who was there when he had nightmares, who kept him from falling into the abyss, and he's doing better than he must have been those first few months. He's a carpenter. He's made a friend. And he likes being around Lisa and Ben.
I don't buy the "wasting away in the back of a pool hall" idea for several reasons, and there's one right there present in 6.01, because Dean loses Sam and he manages to function--he can't do it alone but that's kinda the point. He forms connections, he cares for people, he carries a sadness in him always but he doesn't just curl up and give up and waste away. He keeps going and finds comfort. Of course it turns out he tried to save Sam. But he didn't break the world and spiral either.
Dean's brain on djinn-poison hallucinations cooks up the YED referring to Cas as sugar to counteract all the spice of demons. In Dean's brain, Cas is one of the good guys, and he associates Cas with sweetness. (Which just makes the S6 story even more heartwrenching, but Cas's motives are good, Dean isn't wrong, exactly.)
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riddle-me-ri · 1 year
A/N: shhh no I don't have a problem, I dunno what you're talking about..this isn't my third Miguel fic in a row hnng…but also thanks so much love on the first two! Seriously, I'm blown away! Anywho, if there's anything I'm a sucker for writing about its…like character deep dives. I like to get in their heads and kinda make my own interpretations or take to the best of my ability while staying true to what we know of the character. And while it's kind of a "x reader" it's not until the very very end. Also if you guys have any requests or ideas feel free to send them my way! It may take time but I'd love to hear any ideas! Here's a link for my request info!
Trigger Warning: none, some depressive/angsty thoughts cause it's Miguel and his backstory so...rip and also unsure if I used resentment right or not I like one word titles rip
Word Count: 1k
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Miguel O'Hara x Reader - A Long Way To Happy
Miguel's eyes strained at the screen once more. 
It probably wasn't healthy watching back these tapes from a universe that once was. Over and over, and over again. 
He sees himself. A big proud grin on his face. A darling little girl propped on his shoulders, smiling, laughing, living…
Miguel doesn't even recognize that man anymore.
It is him, sure. 
Exactly where he shouldn't have been. Filling in the shoes of an alternate him that was supposed to not be there. 
Miguel O'Hara wasn't supposed to be there for his daughter's games and practices. He wasn't supposed to wake her up and cook breakfast or tuck her into bed and wish her sweet dreams. 
But he was…and now Gabriella and that entire universe was destroyed. 
All because he was careless, selfish, foolish. He let his own desires get in the way of protecting and maintaining the multiverse. 
Not again. He knows the risks now, the sacrifices that are endured whenever someone tries to go against the silk of a predetermined web. 
Miguel won't let himself get distracted, get pulled away. He doesn't care what the others think, he doesn't care if he's not as warm and bubbly as the other Spiders…he was never entirely like them anyway. 
Maybe before, but that man was long gone, only to be seen on film. 
He won't slip up again. Now that there's holes and anomalies popping to and from universes…there's no time for indulgences or distractions. 
After he swallowed the growing lump in his throat on seeing a beaming Gabriella hugging him. He turned off the video and began a routine scan for anomalies. 
Then he felt a sudden weight along his back along with some soft coos. 
When he turned his neck he was greeted by a sweet baby face with a mop full of red curly hair. The baby smiled widely at him before continuing her trail. 
Miguel sighed. 
This…this was not helping…
It just…it didn't feel fair. It wasn't fair. 
Miguel shook his head. 
It's not Peter's fault he didn't have Gabriella and Peter could be a dad to Mayday. 
Then he thought of Jessica with her mystery baby on the way…
Miguel wasn't sure how he'd feel if she had a girl. 
This has to be his punishment. 
He obliterated an alternate universe by filling in for that universe's Miguel O'Hara because he wanted a family…because he wanted what that Miguel had. 
He deserves this. To be surrounded by happy families and precious babies. 
At least the multiverse was stable and safe enough to where they felt comfortable starting families.  
Miguel doesn't want to feel this resentment. He knows it's childish, so he buries it deep along with his traumatic memories of his daughter glitching out of existence. 
He distracts himself by staying focused. Pushing, pulling, and commanding the Spider Society. Maintain order in the multiverse, that's what he should have been doing to begin with. 
Perhaps then he can be redeemed…for his own sake. 
Until then, he had no reason to be playful and carefree like the others. He had no reason to pursue his wants, not after what happened the last time he did so. 
Then there was you. 
Bright-eyed and bushy tailed as all the other Spiders (well most of them). You were personable, kind, and sweet. Peter said you also had a sense of humor, leaving Miguel to still be the only Spider without one. 
Miguel didn't think much of you at first. Just another part timer perhaps. May catch a glimpse of you every once in a while. 
That is until you almost went out of your way to see him or do things for him. You always checked on him once if not twice a week. (He almost wishes you'd visit more so than Peter B.) And every now and then he'd notice a tray of food for him.  
He did take notice of your prowess on missions. He always appreciated a competent agent. This led him to have you on his backup team with Jessica. 
Needless to say, he did feel…content with you. Which was something he hadn't felt in a long time.
"Oh, geez, there you are, Mayday! Your daddy's looking everywhere for you." Your voice echoed throughout Miguel's headquarters as you swung up on your silk to retrieve the baby. 
"God, sorry Miguel, I turned my back for a minute and she's gone. Should've figured she wanted to see her favorite uncle." You chuckled as you pried the baby off Miguel's shoulders. 
"I doubt that." He sighed. 
You nodded. 
You noticed a familiar tab open on the hologram beside the tab he had open with a map of the multiverse. You recognized the name and date. 
You sighed as you began turning around ready to hand Mayday back to her dad who was sparring in the training room. 
Until you looked over your shoulder at Miguel slumped over his desk. His eyes heavy with exhaustion and his lips down in a depressed frown. 
"You know, you don't have to take this burden on your own. You have us…and the whole society…and everyone's happy…content for the most part. Outside of canon stuff anyway but…" You took a deep breath, trying to control your rambling to a minimum. 
"Look, I just…want you to know…you deserve happiness too." You concluded. 
As if to agree, Mayday squealed and kicked her feet in your arms.
Miguel didn't respond. He straightened his posture so he wasn't leaning and he glanced at you over his shoulder. He solemnly nodded and nothing else. 
Finally deciding there was nothing more to say, you began shooting your webs and swinging out of his headquarters. The quiet room is filled with echoes of Mayday's laughs and chortles. 
When Mayday's noises faded. Miguel brought the video back up. 
He paused when the video reached the end. 
A close-up of him. A ghost of him.
Was it possible? Could he be happy again? Should he be? Did he really deserve to be?
Where resentment slightly gnawed in his gut. The idea of becoming content made it fade away. Actually, indulging in other relationships while also protecting the multiverse. Not trying to control something that even he and Lyla have minimal understanding of and controlling a plethora of other individuals. 
Miguel can't change what's happened, that is for certain. He can control what he does today and the next though. 
It's going to be a long way to happiness. Yet, he couldn't help but think with someone like you around…it may make the journey a little easier.
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wolfawaycamp · 4 months
Something with infected Kaitlyn maybe? <33 (best if she stays infected post-game and all counselors survive)
🐼 What if I told y'all this was based on a dream I had where this was more or less the intro to The Quarry 2? It's a sign, I tell ya!
Twelve-forty-two p.m. They were running late. Not good. Kaitlyn stared out at the water from the front steps of the lakehouse. They’d all agreed it was a worthwhile investment considering their…condition, but it was also quite isolated, which made for a long monthly road trip.
Sure, the sun wasn’t supposed to set for another four hours or so, but that didn’t stop Kaitlyn from running through every worst-case scenario in her head while she sat nervously awaiting the arrival of her fellow counselors.
Jacob strolled up and planted himself next to her. “Kait, I know that look. You’re getting antsy again.” She didn’t respond. “Hey, it’s probably just, I don’t know, typical New York traffic. People coming home for the holidays and all that.”
She looked over at her friend. “Yeah. Probably.” It could also be an accident, or maybe another attempted kidnapping, or god forbid one of the Hacketts found—
Thankfully, Kaitlyn didn’t need to finish that thought as she saw the familiar silhouette of Emma’s minivan pop up over the horizon.
“Party time!” Jacob grinned at Kaitlyn.
She rolled her eyes and strode toward the approaching vehicle. “You are probably the only person in the universe who gets consistently excited about exploding into a hairless mutt every month.”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing.”
She put one hand on her hip and glared at Jacob. “Uh, yeah. Because it’s fucking weird, dude.”
The van slowed to a stop a few feet away from the bickering duo, and it wasn’t long until seven familiar faces popped out, each carrying some sort of backpack or container in their arms.
“What took you so long?” Kaitlyn inquired, scanning the group. She knew her temper would be shorter than normal today, but she still felt she had the right to be a little upset.
While several of the counselors began transporting their luggage into the lakehouse, Abi rounded the van and plopped a large cardboard box down in front of Kaitlyn. “Hey, don’t be too mad at us. We brought some extras along. My idea.” She gestured toward the box.
Kaitlyn raised an eyebrow. “You went on a shopping spree?”
“Not exactly. I had these custom-made and today was the earliest we could pick them up. I’m really sorry it took so long.” Abi opened the box and revealed a brightly colored pile of woven fabric.
Kaitlyn grabbed the top item; it was dark green with a very loud yet charming pattern of fire-engine red bears prancing across it. She instantly recognized what these were supposed to be. “Ugly Christmas sweaters. Cute.”
“Aren’t they?” Emma hopped over. “That one’s Jacob’s. Mine’s the purple one with the stars on it, and yours—”
“Hey, hey, hey! Let’s save the gift-giving for when we’re all prepped for tonight,” Abi interrupted.
Ryan and Dylan had walked out of the house and approached the group, hands loosely linked together. Ryan spoke, looking slightly more on guard than normal, “She’s right. We’ve got an early moon tonight and I’m not sure I want to see what a ravenous Kaitlyn looks like.”
Now that he mentioned it, Kaitlyn’s stomach had been grumbling for the past few minutes. “Speaking of—” She spun around and entered the house, searching specifically for Jacob or Nick; they were tonight’s designated chefs. She found them unloading groceries in the kitchen. “How long’s that all gonna take to cook?”
Nick pressed a few buttons on the oven and turned to Kaitlyn. “It’s not too complicated; the sandwiches need to be assembled and then we’re just waiting on dessert. Hope you like sloppy joes and brownies!”
Kaitlyn tried not to get too excited thinking about it. “Sounds great! I’m gonna go over here now so you don’t have to see me drooling all over myself. Let me know when it’s done!” She wanted to do the rounds before getting too comfortable.
Making her way to the end of the hallway, Kaitlyn pulled a set of keys out of her pocket. She stood in front of the door at the end of the hall for a moment; this was going to be their home for tonight, and things needed to be double- and triple-checked before she and her fellow lycanthropes settled down.
“Everything good?” Dylan’s voice called out from behind her. She would have been annoyed if it was anyone else, but he somehow managed to stay in her good graces during full moons. They’d been in sync with each other, more or less, since that night at Hackett’s Quarry.
Kaitlyn nodded, unlocking the basement door. “Yep. Only need to do a quick basement check and we should be gucci.”
“But are you ready?” he asked.
She met his gaze; he looked anxious, rightfully so. They were about to jam a bunch of bloodthirsty animals into close quarters. Not exactly the holiday vacation they’d pictured. “As ready as I can be. Are you coming with, or…?” She nodded toward the staircase leading into darkness. He shrugged and wordlessly followed her downward.
After they’d confirmed that every inch of their enclosure was working as intended, the two joined the group for dinner, which was followed by a lazy hour of catching up and gossip.
Laura’s watch alarm went off. Four o’clock on the dot. Kaitlyn sat up straight, tensing up as if she was being sentenced for a crime.
“Alright. Time’s up, guys. Let’s get going,” Laura said calmly.
The infected individuals one-by-one filed into the underground cages. Once they were all locked in, they collectively relaxed into their quarters.
“Damn. We never got around to giving out the sweaters,” Emma lamented from the spot next to Kaitlyn.
Kaitlyn gave what was probably an unconvincing smile in response. “We’ll have plenty of time. After.”
Emma grinned back with a similar look of unease, but her words were sincere. “Deal. After.”
Kaitlyn supposed there were worse ways to spend her holiday vacation.
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nathantheauthor · 4 months
I know I said the next major information post was Ripper Inc concept designs, but, I'd like to introduce the new and improved....
Sally Williams!
Part of the reason I'm talking about her is because I just recently changed my rewrite for her, cuz I have an idea I like much more than what I had. I'm just going to kind of say it out right, apart from appearance and initial design, she shares very little in common with the original Sally. And it's very much because of the general theme of the character rewrite.
Growing up and the stages of grief.
The reason why I'm going for this spin is because the original and it's subject matter are very fetishized, I don't think I need to explain what the context of "Play With Me" was, and why I wouldn't want to touch that. The uncomfortable SA and pedophilic nature of the original is something I believe needs to be firmly buried and erased, character deserved better than her Creator gave her. Sally needs a full overhaul. This is something I've been thinking about and struggling with the past couple days, as originally the story would have involved The Rake handling uncle Johnny, but I've just removed Uncle Johnny... I've cooked a very different horror, a very different nightmare for Sally. This is the alternative version I propose, in cliff notes.
Sally's death stems from neglection, a lack of supervision, and from the innocence of childhood. The death itself occurred when Sally and her friends were playing doctor, and they had broken into Aunt Regina's medicine cabinet. Sally's death is into murder, it isn't a grand display, really kids playing with things they shouldn't... An overdose. They didn't understand what was happening to her, they were all still under two digits for the most part. Sally was only seven. In fact the blood dripping from her head is stemmed from her friends attempting to get her down the stairs and dropping her, nobody at the time was sure what killed her, the head injury or the drugs. Something Sally never got an answer to.
She couldn't understand the following days, why Aunt Regina was hauled away by the police, why no matter how much she screamed and cried nobody would answer, why... No matter how much she rubbed at it, the blood wouldn't stop seeping from her forehead. She came to learn a few things over the course of the days, she could fly now, lift objects without touching them, even walk through walls. She was... A superhero! But why could nobody see her? How can she be a hero if the people she's saving don't know she's there?
More and more time passed and as it turns out, she wasn't exactly as unheard as she thought, the neighbors mentioned screaming and crying in the old Williams house, of the strangest moved items each day. They were beginning to believe the place was haunted. Hell, leaving sometimes caught glances of her moving down the halls, walking through walls to make the traveling easier.
To add on to this, Sally is getting a bit more daring, trying to take steps outside and finding another problem with the whole idea of "superhero". She can't leave the house, in fact, she feels the strongest in her room.
Years went by, and with it Sally gets older- her soul is aging. She was eleven now, disillusioned with her situation and feeling hollow, there have been people attempting to move in, but she'd always accidentally steer them away. "we didn't know the place was haunted!" They'd always say, and once again leave her to her isolation. The wound was healing, she supposed that was an upside, but she'd grown a sense of comfort from the blood. A consistent companion in her loneliness.
Of course, all things change, nobody stays lonely forever, and eventually the real estate company hired a specialist, no, it wasn't a Ripper, merely a friend. Today everything properly changed was when the paranormal investigator known as Valkyrie Nevermore arrived, and with her the electromagnetic investigator brought answers, something Sally hadn't gotten since before the incident.
Sally's soul hasn't processed her own death, it's aging her like it perceive the aging of a physical body, she was what Valkyrie referred to as a "Redead" (yes, that's Zelda ref), that even resolving her unfinished business or accepting reality wasn't going to pass her on. Ultimately the encounter ended with Valkyrie freeing her from her haunting location, and delivering her to the one person she trusts with a spectral being.
Sally has since found herself amongst Ripper Inc, with Jack Revver having taken her in as his own child.
So, yeah, those are the cliff notes of the story I want to write with Sally, rewriting and recontextualizing her as even more of a tragedy, because I don't believe she should ever be an antagonist, that she should ever be evil. Sally's at her core a scared and frightened child, and that's something I wish people writing her with a horror in mind would remember. You can use her for horror, but make the events from her perspective, make SALLY the protagonist. There is plenty of opportunity there for great psychological horror about the loss of innocence and isolation. Dive into the horrific depression and loneliness of being a ghost.
Why have Sally age? The reason for this is actually quite simple, it's a physical representation of the story themes, as one of the major ones is the fact that despite her death there was still a lot of growing up she needs to do, that the isolation serves to break her down slowly as if growing older. Her soul thinks she's alive, as this is also a manifestation of her denial, her inability to process and come to terms with the accident that killed her.
Who is Valkyrie Nevermore? Well, she's a character I've had for a couple years, with the concept being a paranormal investigator that specifically goes in to help souls find peace, or exercise malevolent spirits using a combo of her electromagnetism and an understanding of the occult. There's MUCH more to say about her, but I'll save that for the group info drop for ZALGOIDS.
This would normally be the part where I get into her relationships and all that, but I want to work a bit more on those before I share them. So for now, this is the proposed rewrite I have for my version of Sally.
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