#what if i cried and threw up and screamed and died all at once
soupmateforyou · 7 months
realizing that if clorinde and navia were friends since they were kids that means clorinde knew callus personally and that just makes the duel between them ten times more heartbreaking and i
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allfearstofallto · 4 months
may i ask for scara for B, G, H, Q, T ? :0
(no pressure 🎀)
Anyways, thanks for the request, bubbles!! I threw in a couple extra (the ones I wrote already) just to thank you (no other reason).
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TW: mentions of self harm (very slight, I promise)
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Willing and able, Scaramouche can and has killed for you. Once out of protection and the other time as a warning. Blood on his hands means nothing to him and to him, any human life except for yours, is expendable.
The way you look at him after does make him falter a little, there's a genuine fear in your eyes. It's a visceral look that only those truly afraid of death can show, and thus he did choose not to commit such acts in front of you anymore, but that doesn't mean they don't happen.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
His heart is a closed lock box that will probably never be opened. Vulnerability is a weakness and he refuses to be weak, especially around you, who will use anything to your advantage to get away.
But there are times where his walls will fall. Times when he's not the balladeer, or number six, or even Scaramouche. There are times when he's just a scared, confused puppet.
He's only shed tears in front of you once. In the dead of night, his voice was soft. You asked him, not as a captive, but as a person, “why are you doing this to me?” And his response was a single tear, a moment of weakness, a moment where he lost himself.
That tear was wiped away as quickly as it fell and he was back to his usual demeanor, cursing himself for such shortcomings.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
While he hates to admit it, his love is anything but a game. To him, this is blatantly serious, and any attempt to escape is an attack against him personally.
Your escape attempts aren't cute, nor are they funny. He's done all of this for you, yet you don't want it? You don't want him? It's not fun having to drag you back after you try to get away, but the sight of you begging to him on your knees for forgiveness, that was exciting.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
The day he took you, was the worst day of your life. The day you met him was the day you ruined your life, but the day he took you was the day your life truly ended.
You still had nightmares about that day, waking up in a cold sweat and having to look at the reason for all your fears. He slept peacefully while your chest heaved and sweat dripped down your face.
The doors to your home, the windows, any place that a person could get in, someone forced their way through. Your house was swarmed with armed Fatui guards,all of them big, strong, and holding weapons. Fighting back was barely an option against Scaramouche, even with a vision, but against all of them together, you knew you stood no chance.
Grabbed and pulled out of your door, you kicked, screamed, begged, and cried. Anything you could think of as they dragged you to a carriage. His carriage. Where he sat waiting for you, a nonchalant look on his face.
If you knew that that'd be the last time you'd seen your home, you would've looked at it harder.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
The only thing that would ever keep you away from Scaramouche is death itself, but even the solace of that is one that you won't be able to enjoy.
When he takes you, you are his and his alone. He won't allow you to run away or even harm yourself. He views you as something he owns and treasures, hurting it would be hurting something that he loves.
If you do manage to get away, what a smart, but stupid thing you are. There is nowhere he won't find you and nowhere he isn't willing to go to get you back. You'd never be safe for a second, running to the ends of the earth. Life would be constantly looking over your shoulder and lacking trust in anything and everyone. It would make you ask if leaving was even worth it? If what you were doing now, constantly on the run, was even living?
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Tears are a sign of weakness, he knows that best. Maybe that's why he takes pity on you when you cry. His harsh exterior can be melted slightly by your little sobs and begging, but that doesn't mean you'll get your way. But even you have noticed that his punishments are a bit softer when you've cried and his touch becomes oh so much gentler.
Slinking away from his touch does cause a pain in his chest though. Knowing that you despise him so much, you don't even want him near you anymore. These are quick ways to get him to calm down slightly, a type of reaction that lightens the blow of his usual attitude.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
You are a smart thing, aren't you? You'll learn eventually. Compliance is his biggest weakness, you doing and acting as you're told actually makes him trust you. It takes time of course, but act right for long enough and suddenly he's less irritable and more complacent with you as well.
The straw that really breaks the camel's back is begging. Scaramouche needs you, he won't say it, but he does, and he wants you to need him too. Say that he's the only one who can do something for you, and suddenly he's practically putty in your hands. Beg sweetly enough and that hard exterior will crumble. All it takes is a saccharine spoken, “Please, my lord."
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it all fell down
part two: icarus rises
ratings: M (talk of war, rebellion, death and destruction, bleeding, wounds, lots of curse words, etc etc.)
summary: after adam died in the first extermination, lute calls for more frequent exterminations, rallying heaven’s population into believing that hell is a threatening force. once she succeeds, the legion of angels can come down to hell every 6 months, the only difference, charlie and lucifer aren’t safe any more. with their backs against the wall, rebellion is the only option but what happens when heaven pulls their final ace in their sleeve?
part one
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previously: i try and smile at him but he smiles back at me, so genuine as if to say don’t worry. his eyes close and charlie screams out. my head falls to his as i press a kiss to his forehead. “goodbye, my love.”
moments later we hear the pants and running of a group of people and i quickly lay lucifer down and get in front of his body and charlie, ready to protect them. when suddenly angel appears, looking at the wreckage and then his eyes widening. 
“no.” he says, as husk is just silent. cherri gasps and holds onto angel as nifty runs up to charlie, holding her arm. angel’s eyes widen as he looks at lucifer closer.
“he’s not dead! he’s still breathing!” angel exclaims, running up and looking at lucifer. i move over to his body and look at angel shaking my head. “give him this!” angel says thrusting the bottle i had given him earlier into my hand. 
“angel, he’s not…” husk starts and is promptly cut off.
“no! he is. check!” angel exclaims pointing at lucifer. i sigh and as i bend down, i’m not sure why i check. i had been so sure a few moments ago that my precious morningstar was dead, gone to the world. maybe it was hope, a fools hope that i still held onto from my time in heaven. maybe it was for charlie, who i wasn’t sure if she could go on after loosing both her parents. one of whom she technically killed. or maybe this was for me, because i didn’t know who i would be or what i would be with him gone.
i reached down and felt his wrist, my eyes widening as i felt a very faint thrumming. i moved my head to his mouth and nose, placing my ear close and i could hear breathing, so faint but there. my eyes widened as i propped him up.
“charlie, help me open his mouth, hurry.” i asked. she froze looking at me like i was deranged. husk stepped in quickly and opened his mouth, i poured the rest of the golden liquid into his mouth, threw the bottle off when the last drop went it and helped lean his head back so that he could swallow it. i watched him with baited breath looking everywhere for any sign it worked. 
it took a few moments but i first saw his cheeks have some color return to them. his pallor generally getting better and i quickly lifted up his shirt, watching the wound start to stitch itself together. i started crying again.
“thank you, angel. oh my god. it worked.” i looked at charlie. “it worked.” she looked at me, disbelief in her eyes.
“he’s going to be okay?” she asked.
“i think so. i think so, charlie.” i cried and she hugged me tight. “but we need to get out of here. do you think rosie would mind us staying in cannibal town?” i asked.
“i-i don’t think so.” she said, shaking her head and clutching vaggie.
“then let’s get over there. husk, grab alastor, he’s over there. do not let him out of the ropes either.” my tone a bit commanding as i picked up lucifer and started to make our way to cannibal town. 
once there, we got lucifer set up on a bed. that was the first thing i asked as rosie took in our battered group. alastor out cold and tied up and the king of hell in my arms, was a sight on her doorstep. from there, i told them alastor needed to be set in a chair and for vaggie to watch him. not to do anything, but to watch him. she nodded as charlie sat with her dad and husk, angel, nifty and cherri went off to get new clothes for all of us. 
after setting lucifer up, and making sure charlie was okay, i walked back down stairs and saw that alastor was awake and quiet. which a part of me was grateful for. i ignored him for the time being and went over to rosie.
“i’ve never seen ‘im this quiet.” rosie quipped looking at him. she pointed to some tea on the table and i quickly drank it, suddenly more thirsty than i thought. 
“thank you for helping us.” i murmur to rosie. “im not sure what deal he had or what he did, but lilith owned his soul, with her gone, he’s in full ownership but i don’t know if that’s necessarily a good thing.” rosie nodded and looked at me as i started to open my mouth to apologize, knowing this was her friend.
“don’t you dare start apologizing. you just helped save us all. and whatever alastor did over there, he can handle himself. of course i worry about him, i care about him, but again, he can handle himself.” she said as she gave me a push over to vaggie and alastor. as i walked over both their eyes met mine. i kneeled in front of alastor, looking him in his eyes.
“will you answer my questions?” i ask and watch as he nods. 
“honestly?” i ask again.
“i can make a deal that i will if that’s what you want.” alastor speaks for the first time, his voice a little hoarse and the radio effect no where to be found. 
“okay. i set the terms though.” i say, “you tell me the full, complete truth, not withholding any information, to me and whoever can hear you in this room. in return i owe you nothing.” i say my hand held out, i look to rosie to see if she approves and she nods. he sighs and shakes my hand, green glowing around us and then fading.
“lilith owned your soul?” i ask, starting basic to ensure the deal was at play.
“yes, she owned my soul.” he responded easily.
“why did you make a deal with her?” my inquiry falls after i sit myself on the floor in front of him. 
“i wanted power. she wanted a scapegoat at the hotel.” he sneered.
“scapegoat, what do you mean?” i ask.
“she had plans to take lucifer out seven years ago. originally her plan was to take him out, become the ruler of hell, take the rest of hell out in its entirety, all so she could live her life of paradise in heaven.” vaggie gasped hearing alastor.
“she was going to kill charlie?” she asked, her face contorted in to disgust and shock. alastor didn’t answer her.
“was she going to kill charlie, alastor?” i ask him and he nods. 
“he can only answer my questions right now i think. but i’ll repeat yours.” i say looking at vaggie who nods. rosie looks more distraught than she did before. “why did you enter into this contract?”
“for power. i wanted unimaginable power. i wanted to rule hell, and then take down heaven. i thought that there might’ve been a way to twist the contract i made with her in my favor but it was sealed. the terms too absolute.” he added on, as i nodded.
“why did you come to the hotel? you also said she needed a scapegoat. why?” my head tilting to the side, trying to understand.
“she wanted me to keep an eye on charlie, know the progress of the hotel. she was livid when lucifer came out of hiding and actually started helping charlie with her cause.” he shook his head as if remembering a bad memory. “she needed a scapegoat as she was going to destroy the hotel and lucifer and charlie. she couldn’t come down to rule if all of hell knew she had killed their leaders, especially because of the sins and their relationships with lucifer. so, i was to be the scapegoat to have, supposedly, torn down the hotel, killed them both and then she would kill me.” rosie gasped as her teacup shattered hitting the ground.
“alastor… what?” she cried, her face horrified.
“which in her doing all that, then there would be extra motivation to get rid of hell because it would become ‘look what this wayward sinner did, they’re a threat to us all.’ and she’d look like the savior. but all of hell would trust her as she saved them.” i finished. “is that right?”
“you’re very smart, yes.” alastor nodded and i sighed. 
“did you want to do anything she asked of you?” i asked, trying to understand what to do with the demon in front of me. his eyes widened and he looked confused.
“what do you mean?” he shot back.
“just that, did you want to do anything she asked of you or were you forced. remember, you have to tell the truth. fully and completely.” i reminded him.
“i-“ he stopped him self, almost like he was trying to hold it in, not wanting to say the truth. “no. i didn’t. at first i did.” the man in front of me just looked tired at this point. “i wanted the power she promised, but i soon learned her actual plans and of course i didn’t want to go along with that. i don’t want to die. but then i realized that i had grown to… care for the patrons of the hotel. but there was nothing i could do, and i wasn’t able to speak about it either.” alastor looked sick at his own confession. 
“okay. okay. i won’t have you confess to any more feelings big guy.” i rolled my eyes, relaxing at his explanation. inherent evil, i wasn’t too sure how to deal with, but someone who had found the power of friendship, we could deal with that. i stood up and offered my hand to him again, he went to take it and i withdrew, stopping him. i brought my hand back out and explained.
“i’m making a deal with you. this is a deal for your soul. consider it probation. i’m not restricting your powers, but you may not act, create a deal or any other thing that would harm, hurt, cause danger or possibly kill any of the patrons of the hotel, the staff, charlie, vaggie, lucifer, myself or rosie. you need to stop with the power grabbing shit and be content with trying to be the top dog of the sinners in the pride ring okay? i can restrict, revoke or give you more power at any time i see fit. in addition, i can change the terms of this contract as i see fit at anytime, with or without your approval. you are to continue your work at the hotel, and none of your riff raff little friends like mimzy are allowed unless they are seeking redemption. do we have a deal alastor?” i reach my hand toward him. he growls.
“i’ll be on another leash?” he asks.
“for a while. be a good dog and i might let you off sometime.” i smile and he rolls his eyes, shaking my hand. “good boy.” i say, grinning at him as i wave my hand and the angelic rope falls off him. 
“now i am sure you either want food and some drink or to go to the tailor, you’re free to do as you please, but i would go give rosie a hug because she went through the five stages of grief listening to you tell all of that.” alastor turned to rosie, seeing her look absolutely livid, with tears streaming down her face.
“you’re an idiot.” she says, hitting his arm as he walks up to her.
“so i’ve been told.” he easily responds, going stiff as she hugs him. i make my way upstairs and see charlie reading to her dad as vaggie and i enter. 
“alastor’s all right. he’s taken care of. we can talk later but how about you both go get something to eat and find husk and angel. nifty and cherri are with them. i’ll stay here.” i smile as charlie gets up.
“are you sure.” she asks, looking like she wants a change of clothes, food and a good bath.
“positive. bring me back something that’s not pinky fingers” i joke with her. she smiles and starts to leave but turns back at the last minute and runs up to hug me. i hug her back as she looks at me.
“thank you. for saving us. for saving him.” she says.
“it was really angel on your dad there, but anytime love. now go. we’re fine here.” i smile as her and vaggie rush off. i collapse on the edge of the bed, grabbing lucifer’s hand as the weight of everything finally hits me. i turn my body and rest my head against his chest, feeling the hot tears in my eyes and the lump in my throat as i clutch him to me. the sobs wrecking my body as i look at him, like he was peacefully sleeping. all i could think was that i almost lost him. i almost lost him. i almost lost him. he nearly died. he died. he was gone… my mind started spiraling as the panic and emotions i had to push aside all welled up. until i felt a hand on my head. my thoughts stopped with a screeching halt. i slowly looked up and saw the black claws i knew so well, resting on the side of my face now. i followed the arm up to his face, his eyes were just barely open and he had a gentle smile on his lips. i cried looking at him, holding his hand in mine and nuzzling my face into his touch. 
“you’re awake.” i croak and he nods. his other hand pats his throat and my eyes widen as i realize he needs water. i look at the end table and see water there with a straw, i help him drink some, very slowly easing into it. “don’t gulp it, i know you want to though.” he clutched my hands as i held the cup. he finally sat back  and sighed.
“how do you feel?” i asked, my hand resting on his thigh and my other hand in his. 
“like i got impaled by my ex-wife.” he said, deadpanning looking at me. i smile and shake my head. “just tired honestly. i think my body has healed most of my injuries.” 
my head nods and as i reach up to his face, caressing his cheek and rubbing gently across his cheek bone.  he rests his head in my hand. 
“what about you? are you okay?” he asks, seeing i still had on what i wore in the battle. 
“i think i’m fine. i haven’t gotten changed or checked any injuries. had some other stuff to take care of. but there’s nothing you need to worry about. everything is all right.” i explain, knowing he was about to ask.
“where’s charlie?” he looked around the room. 
“she and vaggie met up with husk, angel, cherri and nifty. they’re finding clothes and food, since we’re in cannibal town.” he nods and looks around. 
“what about alastor?” a dark shadow crosses his face.
“he’s taken care of. he’s alive and he doesn’t want to hurt the hotel or us.” i explain not wanting to get too far into it as he just woke up.
“where’s lilith?” lucifer asks, looking at me, his eyes swimming with emotion.
“i-she’s… gone.” i try to say. 
“what does that mean?” his eyes narrowing at me.
“she’s dead, lucifer.” i tell him as his eyes widen. 
“who… did you?” he asks and i shake my head. 
“charlie…” i didn’t finish the sentence as lucifer looked at me in shock. 
“no. not charlie.” he cried, tears rolling down his face.
“i was close to you and the minute everything happened she went off in a fit of rage. she’s pretty distraught over it. thinks you’ll be upset. i told her you wouldn’t be angry at her, but i don’t think she believes me.” i explain more as lucifer cries harder. 
“i never wanted this for her. she’s-she’s my duckling. i was supposed to protect her.” he cries, his head hiding in my shoulder. 
“you did though. you fought for her and her dream. you did that.” i clutch him to me. “you’ve done well sunshine.” he cries harder hearing me call him sunshine and i just hold him.
hours later feet bound up the stairs, the loud noises were prefaced by a gasp and the sound of glass breaking. lucifer and i, sitting next to each other on the bed, as i was reading the book that charlie was before she left, look up and see charlie in the door way. her clothes changed and hair freshly washed. tears streaming down her face as she launched her self at lucifer. 
“dad!” she cried. i slide off the bed as charlie wrapped herself around lucifer. my smile is soft. 
“oh charlie.” he cried, waterworks opening again. 
“i’m so so sorry dad. i-i-i” charlie started to hyperventilate and lucifer brushed her hair away from her face.
“you have nothing to be sorry about. nothing.” he told her fiercely. “i am so proud of you. it’s all right.” he said as she cried harder and nestled on his chest. i looked at vaggie and then at lucifer, motioning between vaggie and yourself and then to the door, communicating you both would be leaving. he nods and mouths ‘thank you’ as i nod and vaggie and i leave, shutting the door to give them privacy. we get downstairs and the rest of the crew comes up to us.
“i gotchu a change of clothes.” angel says.
“some good food.” husk adds.
“all the things you need to smell good!” nifty exclaims.
“and i was told to give this to you as you like this shit?” cherri asks, handing me some apple wine. i laugh for the first time today.
“thank you so much. all of you. the apple wine is more of a lucifer thing, so i will hide this until he’s given the all clear to drink other fluids.” they all go back to eating, vaggie joining them and actually laughing and joking along with them, in her own way. i walk over to rosie and alastor.
“i just wanted to check that you both were okay.” i say walking up to them.
“right as rain, darling!” alastor says, the radio effect back and a new suit on his frame.
“we’re fine, darling. you go wash up now.” rosie says and i nod, walking off to the bathroom and getting rid of the war torn clothes adorning my body, washing off all the grim on my body and bandaging myself up quickly before padding back out. i see charlie coming down, a smile on her face as she walks up to me and hugs me tightly.
“thank you.” she whispers.
“of course.” i reply easily.
“dad wants to see you, says you should be done washing up by now.” she laughs.
“he somehow always knows.” i shake my head. “he’s like santa clause.” i joke, charlie’s face looking confused. “we can talk about santa later. your friends want you.” i say as the whole crew is looking expectantly at charlie, not wanting to explain santa right now. she nods and dashes off to them, a smile on her face as she hugs vaggie and starts talking to them. i sigh and walk back up stairs and see lucifer waiting.
“did i keep you too long?” i ask sliding into the bed next to him.
“i’d wait an eternity for you and it still wouldn’t be too long, as long as i was promised to hold you again.” lucifer smirks, as i feel my face burn with blush. i shake my head and laugh. “you bandaged yourself up?” he asks.
“the others tended to themselves and they didn’t need another person to tend to. i’m fine.” i respond. he sighs. 
“next time, i’ll be bandaging you up. can’t have you doing that yourself.” he says, shaking his head. i laugh.
“i can’t believe we made it. we made it out the other side luce.” i say, holding his hand in mine. 
“marry me.” he says, his eyes meeting mine. my eyes widen at his request. 
“what?” i ask, my breath gone.
“marry me.” lucifer pleads, his hand coming up to caress my cheek. “almost loosing you and charlie has made me rethink a lot. i don’t want to waste anymore time. marry me, please?” he asks again.
“yes. of course i will!” i cry as i lean in to kiss him. he holds my body to him as i pull away for air.
“mrs. morningstar has a beautiful ring doesn’t it?” lucifer asks. 
“it does, but that doesn’t matter as long as i’m with you.” my head falling to his chest as he chuckled. feeling the vibrations of his laugh and the warmth of his arms, i allowed myself to finally relax. everything had turned out all right and everything would be all right. 
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part one
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Nightmare | Johanna Mason
Pairing: Johanna Mason x fem!reader (District7!reader)
Summary: The past still haunted you, but it could kill you if you lost her this time.
Warning/s: light angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, mentions of Johanna's torture, nightmares, panic, tears, Johanna's ax, short fic, this is honestly more like a short blurb (I'm sorry), possible grammar and spelling mistakes
Author's note: I wrote a fic that contains this concept, too. It's called District 7, so if you want to go check it out. Enjoy!
Request -> Hi :) can you write Johanna x fem!reader where the reader wakes up from a nightmare that Johanna dies or something and Johanna isn’t in bed. Reader is panicked and has a meltdown searching through the house to find her. Johanna ends up coming into the house (Johanna was just chopping wood outside or something because she was having a hard time sleeping because trauma) to find her on the floor in total distress. Just need two traumatized girlies to find love and comfort in each other 🖤
Thank you 🖤
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The nightmares were never-ending. They plugged into your every dream depriving you of the much needed comfort and calmness.
Even now as you slept, tightly wrapped up in the sheets, an additional blanket that Johanna threw over you in fear that you would be too cold, practically disappearing from the amount of pillows, the nightmares left claw marks deep in your soul and mind, not letting you rest.
You saw yourself in a crystal clean room, the whiteness leaving the painful reminder of the white roses that now, thankfully, dead Snow always carried everywhere he went. You whipped your head around at the painful scream that ripped itself through your ears making the painc in your chest start to rise. Your breath shortened and quickened. You felt like you couldn't breathe once you got the glimpse of what was happening in front of your eyes.
Johanna's tortured body was laying on the bloody table, all sorts of to you unknown medical tools surrounding your lover. She was tied to the table with at least five belts, stripping her of the ability to escape the horrors that caught up to her.
You ran as fast as you could, trying to reach her as you continued to desperately call out her name over and over again like a record player. But you saw yourself hit something invisible, blocking your way to your loved one. The force field. The realization and the sight of Johanna's torture caused you to continuously bang your hands against the obstacle on your way, separating her and you.
Your screams mixed with Johanna's and you felt so suffocated, you felt like you were dying. Just like Johanna was. And there was nothing you could do about it. You couldn't move, you couldn't help her, you couldn't stop her everlasting torture. You couldn't take the pain away. No matter how much you wished to do so.
You woke yourself up from all of the screaming, your hand immediately reached the sheets that covered the other side of the bed. However, your fingertips found themselves grazing the coldness of the empty space in the bed.
You immediately kicked the sheets off of you, trying to escape their hold and the comfort that they never gave you unless Johanna was there with you. And she wasn't. Johanna wasn't here.
You frantically searched the house, looking at every room in the house, calling her name in pure distress.
You searched every corner and the time seemed to stand still, increasing your hysteria.
Once you finally reached the kitchen, finding it empty, you felt yourself falling. You slid down on the floor, your shoulders shaking as you cried. Your breath short, but quick nevertheless. Just like it was in your dream.
And perhaps Johanna is actually dead.
The everlasting dread filled every inch of your body as you realized that maybe your dream wasn't a dream, maybe it was your reality. The reality you were forced to live in. Maybe Johanna never made it out of the Capitols clutches. Maybe she died on that table. Maybe she never left that white room while she was still alive. Maybe she never left it at all.
Your panicked crying and the beating of your heart that reached your ears were the reason why you didn't hear her enter.
Johanna was in complete shock as she stood frozen by the doorway, watching you have a mental breakdown. She loved you more than anything, she loved you more than life itself. That's the reason why she immediately understood what was going on with you.
"Y/N!" Johanna called out as she quickly fell down on the hard, wooden floor as she immediately brought you into her arms.
"Johanna," You heard yourself gasping as you gripped her arms that tightly wrapped themselves around you. "You're alive. You're here."
"Of course, sweetheart," she answered, cooing you as she started to slowly sway both of you. "Where else would I be?"
"I-I had a nightmare," You began, your voice still being overpowered by your sobs. "I had a nightmare where you...y-you d-di-"
"Shhh," she shushed you, placing a delicate kiss against your forehead lovingly. "I'm here. I'm okay."
"You're okay."
"Yes, brainless," Johanna chuckled lovingly, looking down onto your face, her, now freshly grown, bangs brushing against your cheeks. "We're both okay. I'm never leaving you. You're not that lucky."
"Johanna I swear to God!"
@caroline-books @thecrowdedstreetin1944
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May I please request Baldwin comforting y/n after a bad dream?
♧ All Is Well - King Baldwin x Reader ♧
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♧ Angst ♧
A/N: Hello Anon, thank you for this cute request. I really enjoyed writing this one! As always, this is based on the film Kingdom Of Heaven not the real historical figure. Enjoy!
TW: Leprosy, Nightmares
The night air was cold when he died. The castle was silent, aside for the soft weeping of the queen of Jerusalem.
She refused to leave his bedside. He had died in her arms. Her beloved Baldwin. The agony that tore through her heart was sharp and ongoing.
She refused to speak with anyone, and whoever dared approach her was screamed at to leave. The awful disease had taken him from her at last.
Y/n knew it would happen one day, but she never believed it would happen so suddenly.
Just the day prior they had spoken of trying for a child since his condition had improved so greatly over the last few weeks. And now he was gone. She held onto him for as long as she could, desperately praying that it was not the end. That somehow, somehow, he was still alive and would return to her. She cried harder and harder.
Then it happened.
The young queen's eyes snapped open and she shot up, desperately gasping for air.
Tears stung her cheeks and she clutched her chest as she attempted to regain some sense of composure. It was still dark, but the room was illuminated by the dull glow of the moonlight.
Remembering what had happened, she turned to the side, fearing the worst. But she sighed with relief when she saw Baldwin laying beside her, sprawled out and fast asleep. Her heart rate relaxed at the sight of him, snoring quietly and completely fine.
But tears soon stung in her eyes once more at the realization that one day, perhaps soon, her nightmare would become reality and her precious husband would be gone forever.
This thought was more than she could bear. She felt a burning sensation in the back of her mouth as bile rose in her throat. She threw the heavy bed covers off her sweating body and sprinted to the bathroom. 
Baldwin rolled over in his sleep, reaching out an arm to pull his wife closer. He groaned softly and opened his eyes when he discovered her side of the bed, cold and empty.
“Y/n?” he said into the darkness. Sitting up, he looked around the room only to find she was nowhere to be seen. Groggily, he turned and stood up to go and look for her.
His first thought was that she had left to retrieve a glass of water or use the bathroom, but her side of the bed was stone cold. As if she had been gone for a long time. This realization caused him to grow slightly worried. Perhaps she was hurt?
Baldwin put on a robe to cover himself and started down the long hallway, but stopped quickly when he heard a faint sobbing coming from behind the bathroom door.
“Y/n?” he asked quietly, tapping on the door with his one good hand. Worry turned to panic when she answered with a broken “yes?”
“Are you alright my love? What is going on? Are you hurt?-” a million questions flooded his mind.
“I’m alright darling. Just return to bed, i’ll be alright” y/n replied, attempting to sound calm.
“No sweetheart, I'm staying right here. Please tell me what is going on?” 
He heard her sigh faintly before the door opened. The queen's eyes were red and puffy, tears stained her cheeks. Baldwin immediately took her in his arms, wrapping her in a firm embrace.
“Please, tell me what happened? Are you hurt?” he asked urgently, pulling away to cup her face in his hands gently. “No my darling, I am not hurt. I just had a bad dream, okay? That is all” she took his hands in hers and gave him a weak smile.
“Oh no, well what was it about?” he pressed.
Y/n thought for a moment before answering. “It was terrible” she felt tears sting her eyes again. “You were dead, I watched you die. It was more than I could bare” tears began to run down her cheeks again.
Without a word, Baldwin took her in his arms again as she cried into his chest. “I’m right here my sweet love, I am not going anywhere anytime soon. Remember? We discussed with the physicians and they say my condition is improving! Oh please wake me next time something like this happens, I can't bear have you crying by yourself like this my love, you promise?” he rambled to her quietly about how much he loved her, she could have sworn that she felt a few tears of his own fall onto her shoulder.
“Please promise you will wake me if something like this happens again?” he said, looking into her eyes. “I will, I promise” she nodded, wiping her tears away with the back of her hand. 
The two returned to bed and Baldwin did not let go of his queen the entire time, as if he wanted to remind her that he would not leave her.
Once back under the covers, the young king pulled y/n close and rested his head against her soft chest. “Are you alright?” he asked, looking up at her.
Y/n smiled at his concern. “Yes I am alright now. Thank you, my love” she replied, kissing his forehead. Baldwin returned the smile, cuddling against her chest. 
After a little while, Baldwin had fallen asleep again, leaving the queen to her thoughts once more.
He was right, the physicians had told them that he was making great improvements in his  health.
Some sensation had returned to his hands and feet, and a few of the many sores covering his body had begun to heal. Maybe this was a sign from God, that he was destined to live and have a family of his own.
Y/n smiled at her sleeping husband and closed her eyes once more. Allowing this thought comfort her, she fell back into sleep with the knowledge that her husband was safe and peacefully sleeping in her arms. All was well.
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theship-thewalrus · 2 years
can you do a part 3 with aegon and his niece How her family witnesses that she almost dies in childbirth and how Aegon freaks out about it and yells at her family that Y/N wanted nothing more than her mother by her side and her brothers for her support. But in the end everything is fine mother and child life
Hi anon!! I didn't know people liked my aegon and niece selection of fics! But I am so glad you all seem to!! I hope you all enjoy this and that it is what you have been looking for
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aegon ii targaryen x niece! wife! reader
pretty much the ask
word count: 1457 words reading time: about 7 minutes warnings: birth, near death experience
Part 1 || Part 2 || Ending 2 || Ending 3 || Ending 4 || headcanon 1 || headcanon 2
Difficult pregnancies seemed to run in your family, despite your mother living through childbirth. Your Grandmother died on the birthing bed. It was a fear that followed you through your entire pregnancy. You did not want to die before you are able to meet your child, to leave Aegon alone in this world. You dreaded the possibility of hearing the Maesters and maids talk about you like you were not there like you were some sort of cattle. To make a decision without even the slightest thought of you, only concerning themselves with the possibility of your child being an heir.
Despite the comforting words of Alicent, talking you through what you are to expect during the birth. Fear still riddled you. And as your stomach swelled more and the date of your child's arrival grew near the fear continued to riddle you. Instead of fear, you tried to fill your head with something positive. What your child may look like. Their gender. The possible names. Aegon tried his best to help with your anxieties, holding you in the night and whispering all the things you both could do once you welcome your child into the world.
Yet as you lay in the bed in agonizing pain, your screams bouncing off the wall as the words of the Maester fell onto deaf years, you knew your anxiety was not misplaced. Your face felt red hot, and your tears coated your face and cheeks. Your throat screamed raw as pain converted your entire body. "Mother! Mother, please! Where are you!" Your sobs broke up your strangled cries, as you threw your head about searching for one of the only people you wished to see.
Most people had their mother and family present when they gave birth, someone to give them support in these times. But her own mother was nowhere to be seen. Her brothers may have not even been in the Keep at the moment. Your knuckles turn white as you grip the bedsheets. Alicent watched you with worry clear in her eyes as you cry out. Despite her being here she could only provide so much comfort. You needed a member of your birth family with you.
"Mother!" Yours had grips Alicent and she places her hand on yours. Your grip was crushing as you tried to deal with the pain. You were as pale as a sheet, and the maester began to look worried around you. Something you noticed immediately, though Alicent tried to bring your attention to her. "W-what is it?" The weakness of your voice was heard as you look at the people standing over you frantically.
It was such a surreal feeling, looking up at the people around you. How they speak as though you aren't there, they ignore your question. Speaking to each other, the worry on their faces as they weigh up your life. You could gather bits and pieces of what they were saying, from what you could tell it did not look good for you. "...Alicent, what are they saying? What are they going to do." The fear you felt was shown through your voice, how you gripped her hand with both your hands. A fresh stream of tears well up in your eyes, as Alicent tries to calm your racing heart and mind. Though she knows she can only provide so much comfort.
The Maester leaves your side for a moment, walking to your door to inform your husband of what is happening. It was unfitting that he be in the room with you at such a time. But as he heard your cries, your pained yells and pleas for your mother. He wished he was in there, comforting you and telling you it would be okay. Instead, he sat in this cold hallway, awaiting to hear news of your condition.
As the door opened, Aegon shot out of his seat for a moment catching sight of you through the small gap in the door. You looked sickly, his mother looked beside herself with worry. He felt dread fill his body as he gazed at the Maester, the man's face was filled with guilt. "There have been complications, my prince. It is unlikely both the mother and the babe will live."
The way he spoke of you angered Aegon, it was as though you were not even a person. Through gritted teeth, he spoke, "Her name is (Y/N), and you will address her as such." The older man bowed his head quickly, "Of course my prince, my mistake. However, I come to ask, if it comes to it, shall I shave (Y/N) or the babe?" The question stunned the man, he prayed such a question would never be asked of him. He did not answer and he stormed down the hall, it was the decision his wife needed to make, not him, not anyone else.
His footsteps echo through the hall, the man was on a war path. Every maid and servant clung to the walls as he passed, fearing that the anger he held would be focused on them. But he was not looking for a maid to yell at, instead his anger was directed at a single person. Your birth mother, Rhaenyra. She could not even have the decency to be with you while you gave birth. He had to sit there listening to you cry out for her, begging for her to be by your side. You were her only daughter and yet she has treated you with nothing but disdain.
"Sister! There you are," Aegon's voice bounced off the cold walls of the hallway. Rhaenyra's head snapped in his direction. She a look of shock and almost worry crossed her features before her face was void of emotion. Her eyes scan the disbelieved state of Aegon, it almost made her scoff at him. Jacaeyrs and Lucerys were quick to move to their mother's side, the trio standing against Aegon as a united force.
"Aegon, and what do I owe this pleasure?" Her words were calm and disinterested, eyes boring into his as she places a hand on her son's shoulders. Aegon basically laughed at Rhaenyra, his eyes conveyed so much anger at the trio. "I don't know, maybe your only daughter could die! All she has been doing for the past hour is screaming for you!" Aegon's voice raised with each word as a look of shock and distraught formed on Rhaenyra's face. She had no idea that you were in labour at the moment, that you needed her. Of course, she was angered and disappointed by your marriage with Aegon. Then it was only encouraged by your pregnancy. Yet the woman simply did not know how to approach you, you seemingly were on the other side. But she still loved you, her only daughter, her second eldest child. Nothing could stop her love for you.
"What?" Rhaenyra sprang forward, her hands gripping Aegon's shoulder. Fear was clear in her eyes. "Where is she? Where is my daughter?" Aegon practically threw her hands off of him, turning away from her. The disdain for Rhaenyra was clear in his voice "Her room." Before he could finish Rhaenyra was marching towards where he had previously just been. The woman was almost running down the hall, finally, now she could hear your pained moans and cry for her. Aegon and your brothers were close behind Rhaenyra, as the woman burst into the room.
Her eyes land on your state in the bed, the blood on the sheets and the tears in Alicent's eyes. Guilt rushed through her, that should be her holding your hand, offering you comfort. Not Alicent, but her, your mother. Shoving the Maester out of her way she held your free hand, tears welling in her eyes. "My poor baby, my sweet, sweet girl." A watery smile graced her features as she brushed some hair from your face. Your eyes open weakly to see your mother, a smile forming on your face.
"You came ... I thought .... you would not be here." Rhaenyra leans down to kiss your forehead. Squeezing your hand slightly, she allowed the Maesters to work on you once more. Often speaking to them in an angered tone when she believed they did something wrong. Aegon and your brother stood to the side, simply watching as the Maesters worked to keep both you and the babe alive.
After a few hours, and the endless work of the Maesters and nurses. Both you and the babe lived. A healthy baby boy. For a moment in time you were surrounded by your birth and found family, in perfect harmony as they gaze upon your child. Welcoming the newest Targaryen.
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frazzledsoul · 4 months
A non exhaustive list of terrible things Liz Danes did/said after she showed up:
- Makes a beeline straight for the pot the minute she shows up
- Hasn't called to check on Jess once in the nine (!) months he's been gone from Stars Hollow
- It's established that she generally has a terrible track record with men/employment/stable housing
- It's also established she is easily able to manipulate Luke into doing her bidding and in pretending that every new terrible idea is no big deal
- Makes a show of introducing Jess to TJ and acting like she's the best mom ever despite his obvious discomfort
-Makes several statements to Lorelai to the effect that Luke has been cleaning up after her for her entire life and finding her jobs, apartments, helping her out financially, getting rid of dangerous men
- To quote Jess verbatim: "I don't like this guy. I don't like any of the guys. She doesn't give a crap what I think. I've got nineteen years of proof to back me up". She always chose her men over him, no matter how terrible they were.
- Luke is involved in sussing out Jess's whereabouts and living situation, giving him a place to sleep (thanks to Lorelai), offering him money to fix his car. Liz is not involved in any of that and doesn't offer. She signed off on being the parent a long time ago.
- Liz shows back up for the wedding and immediately manipulates Luke into helping arrange the wedding, selling jewelry in the diner, inviting strippers to the diner...when she's around, he ends up doing her bidding almost automatically. Zero boundaries.
- There's more references to her sketchy self-employment and the many times Luke watched it fall apart.
- Luke's the one who goes to New York, finds Jess, has him go back to Stars Hollow as a favor to him. No comment from Liz on his lifestyle or offering him a place to stay. Luke is the only one who fights with him about it. Luke's also the one to give him romantic advice as Liz is not involved in that at all.
- Liz reveals her romantic history right before the wedding. Second husband was okay, third husband was not and died mysteriously, boyfriend after third husband was also okay. This is also the only wedding she's not been drunk at.
- Liz assumes Jess broke Rory's heart even though she has no idea who that is. Lorelai steps in and defends Jess, saying it just didn't work out.
- Luke is roped into taking care of Liz and TJ for several weeks after they are in a car accident and following them around on the Ren Faire circuit. I only mention this because he is, as always, forever her caretaker.
- Liz and TJ get into a screaming fight early in S5 and ruin Luke and Lorelai 's date.
- Sometime in S5 or S6 Liz mentions that she's never made dinner, not once. Jess is around 20 years old at this time period. How did he eat?
-Liz manipulates Luke into letting TJ work at the construction at Lorelai's house. She cries and throws a tantrum until he gives in. TJ somehow knocks a big hole in the upstairs of Lorelai's house.
-Liz does not show up to Jess's open house, nor does she ever mention it (or him at all) afterwards. Luke shows up to support him and tells him he's proud of him. Mom can't be bothered.
-When Liz finds out she's pregnant with Doula, she casually mentions to Luke (in public!) that she binge drank while she was pregnant with Jess. Luke isn't shocked by this.
-Liz claims to Luke that TJ abandoned her after she told him she was pregnant. Luke goes to TJ and TJ reveals that Liz got violent and threw half the household objects at his head and kicked him out when he was excited about it. Luke goes to Liz afterwards and she rants that if she stays with TJ her kid's going to end up ruined and she'll have to send it away. Luke is the one who reminds her that Jess turned out OK and that he's actually doing great (not that Liz has any knowledge of this at all or should receive any credit for it). Liz and TJ reconcile.
- Liz and TJ invite Luke over for dinner in early S7. Their stove is broken. He has to make dinner himself (because of course he does). Despite formerly being supportive, they tell him Lorelai was bad for him and Liz says some mumbo jumbo about how they were never meant to be together. Luke runs into Lorelai at the grocery store and says the whole thing was a bad idea and he'll be civil to her, but he's not interested in a personal relationship again. Lorelai basically doesn't go anywhere in town she could run into him for the next six months (okay, the romantic advice isn't terrible per se but Liz is seriously inconsistent on this issue).
- Luke attends Doula's birth. Liz is excited about April being a free babysitter.
- Liz dumps Doula on Luke at work a few weeks after she is born because she "needs a break" and disappears for hours.
-Liz and TJ invite themselves to stay at Luke's apartment some weeks later, shortly after Lorelai and Christopher have broken up. Now Liz is all excited about Lorelai and Luke getting back together (pick a lane, woman).
-In the series finale, Liz tries to dump Doula on Luke at work AGAIN (how often does she do this?) Luke stops her before she can leave, and makes her take the baby with her.
-Liz and TJ are mercifully offscreen for AYITL. Jess fulfills the role of being Luke's sounding board and attempting to comfort him when he has problems with Lorelai and there are already enough quirky townies, so she isn't needed. TJ and Liz are involved in a mysterious vegetable cult that they eventually get kicked out of, which provides a reason for Jess to come into town every so often. He's now the support to his family that Luke used to be on his own. It's implied that this is not the first time TJ and Liz have gotten involved in a cult over the past few years
My point to all of this is that Liz is not stable, she's not a decent person, she has not "redeemed" herself, she may be clean and sober but she's still horribly selfish, unreliable, and a pain in Luke's ass. There's a bunch of stuff that is implied in Jess's behavior that indicates she was a horrible mom, but we don't get the full picture until she shows up. The full picture is...a lot worse.
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lynxrq · 5 months
—Radiant You—
➶➶ Fem!reader x Toji Fushiguro
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➶➶ I love you so.
a/n: I don't know what this is but anyways.
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Toji Fushiguro was a romantic, everything changed when his one and only love, the mother to his son, the reason he smiled everyday, vanished like nothing from his life. Leaving like a cold breeze, as the leaves started falling, as his life was slowly crumbling. Leaving behind her only son with her lover when she left.
Megumi needed motherly love, someone who will love him the way he does. For him he decides to marry once again. Unknowingly it was you that came into his life, his childhood friend, that he forgot but you didn't. Because he was the one you loved all along in your past.
'I loved this man, he was tall and muscular, I liked to run my hands through the soft hair of his. Even though it was when we were younger. I still remember how he cried, big gobbles of shiny tears started to pour from his eyes while he tried to keep up the stern look on his face, when he tripped over his leg and cut his lips, that didn't seem like it would fade when healed. I didn't bother helping him, for some reason I knew he wouldn't like that. And tripped myself intentionally when he turned my way to see me lying on my face on the ground as he laughed like he didn't trip in the first place. Getting myself up, we were both laughing at the end. I wonder if he remember this too? Maybe he doesn't.'
Even looking at him fills your heart with warmth you craved from him. Everything changed when he moved away but you were still hooked on him, wondering how this feeling would fade away soon, It did not. Maybe it was fate how it led both of you to this situation.
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“You need to marry her, Toji” the rough, worn out voice from old age told him in an admitting manner while the old man looked up to meet his gaze
“Just because my wife died doesnt mean I have to marry again.” The muscular man said, trying to fight back for himself. He didn't want this.
“I'll manage by myself” he added.
“Megumi’s turning 2, you know? He needs a mother.” The old man said while looking down. Toji didn't have anything to say to that. He knew Megumi needed a mom, he needed to understand the love of the parents, unlike him. Megumi deserves it.
The geezer tapped Toji’s shoulder in an assuring way and left him there. The big house felt like it was the loneliest it ever was when the elderly man left. Lost in thoughts, silence all around him.
He made his decision, For Megumi.
As he was walking back to his room, his mind was occupied with so many things about how he will make all of this work. He couldn't see himself with another woman other than her. He couldn't do this to her. He came to a stop when his mind was screaming that this wasn't the right thing. But in a corner of his mind, the darkness that will wrap around his son, scared him. He would do anything for him. After all he is his blessing. His Megumi.
When he reached his room, he saw Megumi playing with his toys. He was also biting one of those small racing cars, quickly bending down to pick Megumi up, Toji took the car away from his small but strong grasp. Megumi looked at his father before his eyes filled with tears while holding himself back from crying.
Toji closed his eyes, his brows furrowing, his forehead bumping gently to his son’s while he held him closer to him as he whispered softly, “Im sorry, Gumi.”
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“I'm here!!!!” Shoko barged inside your room, yelling, while you were halfway through the make up. The make-up artists gave her a look when she startled them including you.
She rubbed the back of her head as she bowed at them. She tiptoed to your side and started talking, “Aren't you excited??, It's finally your marriage!” she squealed like she was the one getting married.
“I thought you were going to die alone” she joked while she threw her head back and laughed. You couldn't help but chuckle looking at her.
The thought of being with your long lost love was like a dream come true for you. Like the true love that was meant to be, like in fairy tales and novels. It was a fuzzy feeling that bubbled up inside your chest.
You had heard about the death of Toji’s late wife. Which left you devastated, because you knew how much he loved her. The last time you saw him was with her. With the brightest smile plastered on his face. When he left to be with her, he was the happiest he ever was.
'He was always hard on himself. Trying to learn better, do better, be the first at everything by himself. I was only a friend to him, but now i don't know if i was even a friend. When she appeared in his life. She read him better than I could ever do. To him, she was a whole book written only for him, I was a mere chapter in his life. Which was left unread.'
You thought he was better off without you interfering in his life. After all, you couldn't even tell him about how you actually felt. You didn't want to take her place, it wasn't supposed to be like this. This didn't feel right, He loved her. Not you.
The smile that was visible on your face slowly faded when you remembered what it was like back then.
“You okay?” Shoko asked you, which snapped you back to reality. The smile coming back to your face as you nodded at her.
“Are you nervous? Of course you are! I would be if i were you!” She scoffed, and let herself lay down on the couch beside her. Shoko was that one friend you needed your whole life. Who lit up your world just with their presence.
The make-up was done and you were finally ready for the marriage, physically, but mentally you weren't so sure. She was right, the thought of facing Toji again makes you nervous and tipsy. It was only some days before your marriage that you understood that he had a 3 year old son named Megumi. You weren't surprised that he had a son but right now you were looking forward to seeing the little guy more than his father.
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You were already so nervous and your heart was beating fast as you took each step forward. When the drapes opened, as the light spilled towards you, revealing the man you were expecting to see, the same dark eyes just like how you remember, looked up and stared at you. With the black suit that fit him well, the smooth black hair falling over his eyes, the same scar on his lips took you back to your childhood. As you looked down to see, the baby boy who was holding the finger of his father so tightly as he looked at you in wonder, his eyes widening.
He looked so much like him, you thought as you got closer and closer to him. To your new life and world.
You saw a woman taking Megumi away from Toji, he was calm, just like his father. Toji stretched his hand towards you and you took it, holding the dress up to step up on the platform.
As the ceremony went smoothly, you still couldn't shake the thought of how his lips freezed before he kissed you and the feeling of the ring on your finger felt too foreign and strange. You stood close to him, both of you standing still as both of your families did the talking.
Someone handed Megumi back to Toji. He picked him up, Megumi’s eyes were on you, asking who this woman was? You found yourself looking up at him, it was too hard to ignore him that you ended up smiling and waving at him. Megumi waved back quickly, that gesture made your heart flutter because of how cute he was. Toji quickly noticed you staring, raising an eyebrow when he looked at you. Not knowing what to do, you smiled falteringly.
He let Megumi down and Toji nodded at him when he looked up at his father like he needed to say something before he came up to you. You sat down on your knees, looking at him, you smiled. Maybe he was afraid, afterall you are a stranger to him.
Toji did the same and sat down beside you, “It's okay buddy, come here.” he assured his son, Megumi came up to his dad, when you stretched your palm up to him, he hesitated but he took it. When he did, your eyes widened and you shook his small hand, a faint smile appeared on Toji, as you mumbled some sweet things to Megumi but it disappeared just the way it appeared.
Everything happened fast you would say, Megumi was still afraid to get closer to you, he hid behind his dad, peeping at you through his legs, but when you noticed him, he would go back to hiding. He would grab onto the fabric of the cloth his dad is wearing and follow him wherever he goes and eventually Toji will pick him up.
After the long day of marriage, the day was ending. Handful of flowers and gifts on both of your hands, praises all around you while the two of you nodded and smiled.
He was the one who was riding the car, you assumed you were finally entering his life, as his wife. If you were your younger self at this moment, you would've passed away already but right now, you couldn't even understand what you were feeling.
You could see Megumi sitting inside the baby car seat, dozing off. He looked adorable while his eyes blinked slowly, almost falling asleep.
Toji took a turn and pulled over and exited the car, he looked around his pocket for the keys and opened the door of the house and came back to open the trunk of the car and carried some of the gifts inside the house as you got outside and closed the car’s door.
You wanted to help Toji with the stuff but you didn't want to leave Megumi alone, you picked him up gently as he was fast asleep to notice who picked him up. You held him closer to your chest and walked inside the house.
Toji eyed you as you came inside with his son clinging on to you. He quickly put the stuff down and appeared in front of you and said,
“I'll tuck him into bed” he hurriedly took his son from your hands and mumbled something under his breath that you couldn't make out but you nodded anyway. After the whole marriage, since the moment you met him again, this was the first time he talked to you after all these years.
As you were standing and looking around, Toji came back, walking up to you. He suddenly started talking now,
“This marriage was for Megumi. Only for him.” he admitted.
“I know that was sudden but, I hope you understand.” he said as he avoided eye contact with you. You nodded again, not knowing what to say. What were you expecting in the first place anyway?
Toji wanted a mother for Megumi, not a wife.
'Of course, he still loves her. I would’ve loved her too if i was him.'
He introduced you to the things that happen in the house and about Megumi, most of the conversation was awkward and broken.
Your first relationship, first marriage, you realised you were back to the person who you once were in your past. With the same person who caused you so much trouble and happiness.
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earl-grey-teacake · 5 months
apologies I actually died laughing at baby Oscar throwing a tantrum when the Alpines are on screen.
cute logan and oscar having the best and longest naps when they're together? they snuggle up together. they only ever try to seperate them while napping once and it's the only time logan ever threw a screaming fit
I also died laughing when I wrote it. Baby Oscar just screaming and crying at the TV. The first time it happened, the TV had to be turned off and it took 5 minutes to calm him down. The second time, they realized it what was happening when an Alpine appeared at the edge of the TV. The moment Lando stood up and covered it with his hand, Oscar calmed down and was more than happy to watch the race. He doesn't care who wins, he'll clap along to whoever is on the podium as long as he doesn't see an Alpine.
On their first "playdate"- is it really a playdate is the babies just lie next to each other and shout random noises at each other?- the two had fallen asleep with Oscar keeping a tight grip on the sleeve of Logan's onesie. When the playdate ended, Lando had gently loosed Oscar's grip and picked him up. This shuffling caused him to wake up and the moment he realized he was in a baby carrier and not next to his best friend, he lost his shit. Which woke Logan up, who also loses his mind and starts screaming and crying.
When it became apparent that no matter what was done the two were not calming down, they decided to cut their losses and Carlos and Lando left with a crying Oscar in tow. He cried all the way down the elevator ride and only stopped when the car ride back home lulled him to sleep.
Alex and George on the other hand were not that lucky. Logan was inconsolable. They tried rocking him back to sleep, feeding him, everything but nothing worked. Eventually, he tired himself out after 30 minutes and fell asleep. Alex and George skipped training the next day citing exhaustion.
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atlasscrumpit · 5 months
It may be kinda wierd. Yandere stuckony.
The reader is a uni student. And they're her guardian angels who fit into the society by being her professors. They fall in love with her even though they aren't allowed to fall in love with human.
And the reader doesn't understand why they keep looking at her. She's even more surprised when she notices that they appear everytime she's in trouble.
(not really Yandere but still)
Bucky/Tony/Steve platonic x reader
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Bucky sat at his desk while Tony paced up and down his office.
"Look I'm thankful and all but after I died I thought I'd have like...heaven and peace and all that nice shit. Now I just have to spend my days as a goddamn professor to protect a girl?" Tony grumbled as Bucky took his glasses off and rubbed his face.
"You should be thankful, being a guardian is one of the highest jobs. They don't choose just anyone." Bucky replied making Tony roll his eyes.
"Can I at least get drunk?" Tony asked, Bucky stopped and groaned.
"No, you cannot. You have a duty and you'll complete that duty." Bucky replied before Tony walked out mumbling under his breath.
He passed Steve while he entered Bucky's office.
"Trouble with the new kid?" Steve asked sitting accross from him.
"I still have no idea why they chose him." Bucky grumbled staring at the work in front of him.
"Well, they obviously saw something in him, how's Y/N going lately?" Steve asked as Bucky looked up from his work.
"She's started dating someone and her grades are going down, he seems like a piece of shit too. I know we're not supposed to interfere but I have a bad feeling about this guy, just keep an eye on her, okay?" Bucky warned as a Steve nodded.
"Got it, chief." Steve replied before leaving.
Bucky didn't love being the team leader, but he'd been a guardian longer than Steve or Tony.
Bucky died in war and Steve only a few years later.
But, Tony had only been doing this for less than a year.
Steve was about to leave when he felt an odd sensation.
"Did you feel that?" Steve muttered, turning around to see Bucky already standing up.
"It's Y/N." Bucky said as him and Steve rushed out.
Tony wasn't fair behind them shouting about something.
They got to your dorm room and heard you crying and screaming for help.
Bucky kicked the door down while Steve ran in, he saw your boyfriend pinning you down as you cried out.
He instantly grabbed him and threw him to the floor.
"Get the fuck off her!" Steve shouted as Bucky forced him out of the door.
You scrambled to get your pants back on as you cried softly.
Steve knelt beside your bed.
"Hey, it's okay. It's alright, Y/N." Steve said as he grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around you.
"I'm sorry I'm sorry." You whispered as Bucky came over and handed you some water.
"What are you all doing here?" You asked, your eyes still wide.
"We were passing by and heard you call for help." Steve explained as you nodded a little.
"Did he manage to..." Steve muttered as you shook your head.
"No, you got here just in time." You whispered as Steve nodded.
"W-Will you help me report him?" You whispered, looking at Steve as he offered you a soft smile.
"Of course, Y/N." 
After Steve, Bucky and Tony had called your best friend they left your dorm, knowing you would be safe.
But, they were definitely going straight to the head office to report the man that had tried to hurt you.
"I don't get why she needs two guardians like you two and also me. I mean, just one of you could've stop what just happened." Tony said making Bucky groan a little.
"Don't question things so much." Bucky grumbled making Tony roll his eyes once more.
"Or what? I'll become a demon or some shit?" Tony grumbled, Steve decided to just say out of it for the moment.
"Demons aren't real, Tony. Humans created them as an excuse to do bad things." Bucky said, Tony slowly realising a lot more about the world he lived and died in.
It had been a few months since the incident and thankfully your ex had been kicked out of university.
But, there was something about your favourite professors... They seemed too know a lot about you that professors shouldn't.
Bucky was working in his office like usual when Tony burst through the door.
"Have you ever heard of knocking, Tony?" Bucky grumbled, not even looking up from his work.
"Can we have sex?" He asked as Bucky looked up.
"You're not my type." He grumbled making Tony roll his eyes.
"Not you and I! I just mean...whatever we are. Is it okay to have sex?" Tony asked with a hopeful smile.
"As long as it doesn't interfere with your job, yes you can indulge in those pleasures." Bucky replied before Tony rushed off again.
Not long after Tony had left, Steve entered Bucky's office.
"I feel like Y/N might be on to us or something... I don't know, she seems different around us lately." Steve muttered as he sat across from Bucky.
"She has been a bit off lately, I'll pull her aside after class tomorrow and talk to her. She has been avoiding us." Bucky muttered looking at Steve.
You packed up your bag as quick as you could, ready to rush back to your door before you were stopped.
"Y/N, can I see you for a moment?" The professor asked as you sighed and rolled your eyes, so close.
You walked up to him and smiled.
"Everything okay?" You asked, he returned your smile.
"You just seem a little off lately, I wanted to make sure you were okay." He said as you looked at him in confusion.
"You never care if the other students are a bit off." You grumbled as he chuckled softly.
"Maybe not, but you have a lot of potential and I don't want to see you fail." He said as you crossed your arms.
"What is it with you, Rogers and that new teacher? You guys never stop staring at me, are you attracted to me or something?" You asked, Bucky was surprised you were so upfront about it.
"No, Y/N." He said as you narrowed your eyes.
"So, what is it then?" You asked, he could see you were getting quite paranoid.
Bucky sighed and sat down.
"Have a seat, Y/N." He said as you reluctantly sat down.
"It's complicated, Y/N... We're here to protect you, you don't ever need to be afraid of us." Bucky whispered, only confusing you even more.
"Just fucking tell me what's happening!" You shouted making Bucky groan with annoyance.
"No, I know how to test it." You grumbled grabbing scissors off his desk.
"Anytime I'm in danger all three of you somehow know!" You said as you grabbed the scissors and cut down your arm.
"Y/N! Enough!" Bucky yelled as he stood up and pulled the scissors away from you.
Steve and Tony came running into the room and you looked at Bucky.
"The truth, now." You growled as he sighed and looked at Steve and Tony.
"She may as well know." Bucky said, the two men looking at him in shock.
Bucky was always a stickler for rules.
"She's driving herself mad with this, the only way to help is telling her the truth." Bucky continued as the two men nodded.
"Then tell me!" You shouted, Bucky groaned and waved his hand over the cut on your arm and healed it.
You looked at it in shock and then back up to him.
"Y/N, we are guardians. That's the best way to describe it. We're here to protect you, we don't know why there's three of us but...what we do know is that for some reason you need us." He said as you looked away and took in a deep breath.
"This is a lot to take in... But, I also read a lot of comics and kind of prepared for this... Okay, I'm good." You said as Tony looked at you in shock.
"Did you just talk yourself through this whole thing in like ten seconds?" He asked as you nodded.
"Yeah, is that weird?"
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shock · 1 month
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This one is definitely my favorite so far in my collage solar system, so I wanted to post it. Hopefully I'll get some nice scans once all the pieces are done, but here's a spotlight on Neptune Side 1, "MEMORY".
The photos on the left are all pictures I took as a kid with film my gammaw got me before she died, and most of them are from the same day we took a walk together. The photos on the right all include her except for one. I can't remember HOW I managed to get ahold of the time they hired a stripper for her birthday, but I've always found that set of photos to be really evocative and I feel like I found the perfect use for them! 🤣
The text reads:
One fine day in 2006, a wild deer wandered into a Target store. When animals are traumatized, we make careful, logical calculations. Which is what the deer did.
After falling down the stairs, skidded around for a half hour, like when Odysseus opened a bag of captive winds, would surrender for a second, then dash from one event to the next. Until out of sheer frustration, I threw a bucket. But it made the deer race right through the window.
"F---ed up beyond all recognition."
If I had known what that maneuver would cost, I would probably have let the deer go.
A couple of days before she died, she took me to the ocean.
My log adds, I had some nice things to eat. I have never seen a being, human or animal, always so full of joy. Talking to her filled me with the power of the sun.
I wanted to hug her, but I didn't. I literally forgot to put my arms around her. We talked again that night on a ship-to-ship radio frequency. You weren't supposed to talk long on that because others might need it.
The next day, she died. I went into the woods, trying to clear my head. I could hear the deer breathing in the darkness. It was weird.
The day after she died, I called and cried. I don't like to yell or scream, but a bad storm brings something out of me. Not until I knew there's be no response did I realize how much pleasure I had taken in calling her. I bellowed up at the approaching storm: All right, you have the power of life and death! Love's no good! I know it! I had so many meetings with different people, I forgot! I'm sorry! So deafen me with your thunder! Go on, then! Scorch up my brains! I defy you! I'll defy you to my last breath!
Who was I defying? God? The deer? The storm? It didn't do any good to make noises of my own.
Sleeping helps. In dreams, I reach out my hand and grab the disease with my fist, drive that f---ed cancer back across an entire wavelength, refuse to contemplate the distant future, have a great talk with her held safely inside my arms.
I think It's worst than a nightmare. It's slow torture, it will drive you crazy, cunningly spooled and folded scenarios spin out in your mind.
Two years ago, I watched tapes of her that only reminded me of how I wanted to hear live people. It took me years to learn how to use them.
It is always interesting to see how situations change and people move from one to the other. Then you walk around a rock, and there it is: names and drawings, graffiti, all of one trade— MEMORIES carved in the rock:
Her life was a gift to me. She'd given me a greater one.
She sounded good.
I got the message. Follow the noise.
Retrace my route between the images of a continuous narrative. I went to the spot where she took her last breath. By then I could hear the deer running through the brush. I called again. This time, with a smile.
It worked. I made contact again.
Of course I knew this time she couldn't come, so my approach changed:
All right, REFLECTIONS can't support life.
That's okay. Keep moving.
Keeping busy helps, too— She lived every moment as though it were her last. It was wonderful.
I love her very much.
Do you want to know a secret?
I transformed into something grown for the pure happiness it brings me.
I feel really good now.
My attention most days is on the here and now.
It's the only real escape there is.
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thatlovinfeelin · 1 year
Where Do You Go? | two | Bradley Rooster Bradshaw
Your husband died in a training accident, unexpectedly. So what happens when you find yourself leaning on his best friend and wingman, Rooster Bradshaw?
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Part One
For the second time in two weeks, someone knocked on your door. Today you really didn’t want to see anyone. It was your wedding anniversary. Today, instead of being sad, you were angry. The kind of deep anger that just seemed to keep boiling under the surface, waiting to burst free. 
Rooster once again stood on the other side of the door, pizza boxes in hand. He gave you a small smile when you opened the door, which quickly dropped when he saw your face. He started to regret just showing up at your doorstep for a second time. 
“What are you doing here?” You questioned, shifting on your feet, “With pizza?”
“I just-” He took a deep breath, “I didn’t think you needed to be alone today, and I figured you wouldn’t ask anyone to come over. I also figured that you probably haven’t eaten anything, so I brought dinner.”
“Why are you really here?” 
He sighed, shoulders dropping, “Because I promised him I would take care of you if anything happened, and so far I’ve failed him.”
It was your turn to sigh. You weren’t the only one who grieved the loss of your husband, you knew that. But sometimes it was just easier to act like you were the only one who missed him. You lived with him and loved him and planned on having his children and spending the rest of your life with him. But Rooster was like his brother. His grief might be different from yours, but he was still grieving too. 
“You can come in,” You step back, opening the door for him, “I was going to watch a movie to try to take my mind off of things. Just hadn’t picked one out yet.”
He followed you to the living room. You spent many nights here with Rooster and Kurtis. Kurt would have Rooster over for dinner at least once a month. You’d have game nights together. You couldn’t count the amount of times the two men made you laugh so hard that you cried.
The house seemed so full of light and life then, now it just feels dark and cold.
“There are a bunch of movies under the tv,” You told him, pointing to the entertainment center, “You can pick one. I’d probably end up playing his favorite and crying the whole time.”
He nods, reaching the entertainment center. You don’t look back as you grab the plates out of one of the cabinets, catching a glimpse of your small tattoo on your wrist as you did. You had matching ones with Kurtis, got them the day you were married. It was his idea to get them during the reception, a simple fine line tattoo consisting of your wedding date. 
Now it was the worst kind of reminder.
Part of you just wants to scrub it off, if only you could. You wouldn’t have it removed though, not when it’s one of the only things left to tie you to him. One of the only reminders that he was real, and alive, and loved you. 
Rooster fell asleep during the movie, so did you. You dreamed of your wedding, the beautiful white dress that still hangs in the back of your closet, and the flowers, and the way Kurtis looked at you all day. It was the perfect day with the perfect man. You loved him with all of your heart, and you thought nothing would ever really separate the two of you. You never thought death would actually come. 
Rooster woke to the sound of glass smashing and breaking. He shot straight up, eyes needing to adjust to the now dark living room. He heard you grunt before more smashing. He lept to his feet, rushing towards the hall. 
You let out a small scream before ripping another picture off of the wall and throwing it at the floor, causing the frame to break and glass to spray everywhere. Shards were stuck in your feet and legs. You didn’t seem to notice though, not as you threw another picture down at the floor. 
Bradley tried to make his way towards you, glass crunching under his feet. You fought against his hold, trying to break free. Sobs fell from your lips as more glass lodged into your skin. 
“Hey hush,” He tried to soothe you, holding you tightly, “I’ve got you. Okay? Just calm down.”
“He’s gone,” You cried, arms still flailing, “He’s gone and I can’t…I can’t do this without him.”
Rooster’s body went cold before he picked you up in one swift motion. He didn’t say anything as he carried you to the bathroom and set you on the counter. You kept crying, unable to stop. 
This was the first time you really allowed yourself to feel the loss of your husband. You could finally feel the anger and the complete emptiness that seems to be taking over your entire body. You wanted to hit something-anything really. You wanted to feel the pain. 
Maybe that’s why the glass didn’t bother you the way it should. Somehow, you liked the sting, because it gave you something else to focus on. Something other than the pain of losing him.
“I gotta get the glass out,” Rooster said softly, digging in the cabinet for the first aid kit that Kurtis always kept around, “It’s gonna hurt.”
“I don’t care.”
Your voice was deadpan, cold and empty. It made Rooster worry, and he wasn’t one to worry all that much. He was careful, yes, and maybe cautious, but that was the extent of it. 
He sighed and reached for a pair of tweezers in the box, deciding to start with the larger pieces of glass. He had a bottle of rubbing alcohol next to him, ready to clean your wounds. Your heart ached because of how gentle he was being with you. 
“Why was it him?” 
He shook his head, “I don’t know. It could have been any of us.”
“Did he say anything?”
“Only that he loved you,” He replied, pulling out another chunk of glass, “That was the last thing he said, he wanted me to tell you that he loved you.”
You could hardly breathe. His last words were for you, and only you. He loved you, and he died with that on his lips. Nothing else. It hurt. Was he scared? God, you hoped he didn’t die scared. For weeks you’ve had the same nightmare about the accident, and how scared he must have been.
“He didn’t deserve it,” Rooster explained, “He was a good man, one of the best.”
When you didn’t say anything, Rooster went back to work on your legs. They weren’t too bad, but some of the cuts might scar a little. He didn’t think they would be bad though, nothing like his own scars. He always swore his scars were the worst part of himself, but you always said the opposite. You made him feel like he was worth more than he saw. 
“This is going to sting a bit,” He told you, looking up briefly, “I need to clean them out.”
You flinched a little but didn’t otherwise move. Rooster wished he could get through to you. He wished there was something he could do to fix the ache in your chest. He watched his mom go through this, but was never sure if it was made better or worse because she had him. You were doing this alone though. You had no one on your side, no one with you day in and day out.
He could be that for you. If it meant that you would be okay, he would be there for you. He would keep his promise to Kurtis. The promise he made on this day all of those years ago. He promised if anything ever happened, he would take care of you. So far, he failed in his promise. He wouldn’t keep doing that. 
“My mom had me,” he explained, “Maybe I made it easier, maybe I made it harder. But she had me, and you don’t have anyone here for you. So, from now on, you have me too. You get me? I’m here.”
“I should have him here.”
He nodded slowly, “You should. But I promise you, I’ll do the best I can.”
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kittyamore0 · 1 year
Hi can I have an Ethan x fem reader carpenter sister.Her and Ethan have a complicated relationship.Because of what happened in scream 5 how her first boyfriend died she is afraid to love Ethan.He is all sad and thinks she hates him because of how distant she has become.now let’s pretend Ethan was in the apartment scene when they are attacked.The reader decided to jump in front of him and gets stabbed.Later on in the ambulance Ethan is crying to her because she almost died asking her why she would do that.She confesses how she really feels about him.( I requested this from a different author so please do feel pressured to do it quickly thank you)
A/N: Sam is going to be in this and Richie is going to have a brother who was the reader's boyfriend. His name is Rylie!
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FANDOM/GENRE: Horror, dark romance, scream 6, Ghostface, Ethan Landry
PAIRING: Ethan Landry x fem! Reader
TAGS: @kittiescrownedsoul, @zspen, @h34rtsformilli
POV: 2nd person
REMINDER: Do NOT transfer, translate, modify, copy or steal my work!
CW: Murder, attempted murder, stabbing, attacking, shouting/screaming, usage of a knife, blood/bleeding
Ethan thought you hated him, did you? You were also so quiet towards him, distant, scared, sad...was it his fault? Did he do something wrong? If so, what was it? His actions, thoughts, looks? How can he make you feel better?
It wasn't him. You were just...scared. After Rylie, your first boyfriend, you've been scared to get too attached to Ethan, but you did. Now, you'd have to stay distant, but you didn't want the same thing happening to Ethan, no...you wanted him to live, and thrive, to not face what Rylie did.
You could've told him. Oh, how much you wanted too, but you also clamped up around Ethan, flashbacks from Rylie, tears in your eyes, heart both pacing and dropping. You couldn't go through with it.
Until, the night where you, Ethan, Tara, and everyone else were attacked by Ghostface, after he 'killed' Quinn.
"God, say something more positive!" Anika cried out, making Ghostface charge right at her. She screamed and hit Ghostface by his shoulders, while he just held her down.
"Get off of her!" Ethan bashed a vase over Ghostface's head, making him fly off of Anika. Ghostface caught himself before swiftly turning towards Ethan, lifting his knife. "No, no, no, no..." You mumbled.
"No!" Ethan barley had no time to react before you crashed into Ethan, making him fall and hit his knee on the floor. Ghostface target changed from Ethan to you without his knowledge or consent.
Ghostface stabbed you in the stomach, but paused when he realized his knife wasn't in Ethan, but...you.
Ethan stared in horror at the sight before his eyes. This wasn't supposed to happen. None of this was.
Sam threw a lamp at the back of Ghostface head. He stumbled to the left of you. Mindy used her foot to kick him to the side. You screamed in pain when his knife was forced out of you.
Ethan grabbed and hugged your body, pulling you away from the scene when Ghostface was occupied with Anika, Sam, and Mindy. Ghostface hadn't noticed you both escaped from the crime scene either.
Ethan sets you down once you both made it out of the apartment and was far enough for harm to take a while to set, with tears streaming down his face.
You coughed harsh, spitting up blood, as black took over your vision. "Hey, hey...[Name?], [Name?!]" Ethan shook you. "Goddammit, stay with me! [Name!], please!"
Police sirens buzzed your ears, setting your brain in alert. You slowly opened your eyes, scanning your surroundings. Ethan was sobbing, hovering over you. "Ethan...?"
He lifted his head in surprise, sighing in relief and smiling when he saw you awake. "You're alive...!" You lazily smiled back. His smile dropped just a few seconds after.
"Why...why did you do do that, dont you ha hate me...?" Your eyes widened, and you shook your head. "No, no...Ethan, I dont hate you. I never did hate you..." Ethan stared at you, a perplexed look on his face. "You were so...distant..." He sobbed. "I know, i know...I...I didn't want to get attached to you because i was scared you were going to die or get hurt like Rylie did..." Ethan's mouth was now slightly agape. That was the reason...?
"But I...I ended up falling in love with you, and I dont regret it..." You smiled and chuckled, in pain. "I was going to tell you, that I was scared something was going to happen to you, and thats why i was so...on edge," you coughed, tasting the bitter blood. "I never meant to make it seem like i hated you, Ethan. I love you..." Ethan sniffled and softly hugged you.
"I love you too..." He whispered. He raised his hand and flicked your forehead, as you hissed in pain. "Ow, what was that for?!" You huffed. "you could've died!" You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms.
Ethan gently ran his thumb over the stinging spot he flicked, he then swooped down and placed a small kiss on your forehead. You smiled.
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seungmonggg · 2 years
arranged marriage Bonten mikey but he is goddamn cold & indifferent to reader who loves him legitimately; Uses reader’s body for pleasure only til he got her pregnant. Reader died giving birth to the child and that’s when he realized he rly loved reader. Her parting gift to him was the child :(
omggg okay so listen up...
Mikey loved the way she was sooo fucking dumb for him, the way she'd do anything just to please him, to make him like her too. She'd more than once run away from home in the middle of the night just because he called her up..
He really wasn't used to someone practically running after him. thats why he hated that idea so much he just kept turning you down over and over again, breaking your heart more than once.
it was when you turned up at his door at god knows what hour, crying your eyes out and shaking from the cold of Tokyo. You were holding something in your delicate hands, hands he loved to feel on his skin, even though he'd never admit that out loud.
"I'm pregnant, Mikey." you'd confessed that night. And he went batshit crazy over you. Accusing you of trying to "Babytrap" him, so he couldn't leave you like you knew he would. He screamed at you to "get fucking lost before i forget myself". And so you ran, ran like a person gone wild, away from all this shit, from the pain, from him.
It wasn't a couple of months later that he got a text from Draken saying "Mikey i really think there's someone you should meet..". And he agreed because he thought it was you who he was going to meet. You, who he had been searching for the last couple of months, regretting the vile words he threw at you that night.
It wasn't until he arrived at the Hospital that he realised something was terribly wrong. Ken-chin standing at a door, looking almost remorseful? sad? what the fuck was happening, Mikey thought.
A loud and shrill scream shook him. He didn't know why, the hairs on his neck standing up immediately, it was a baby. He began breathing faster, felt like there was a huge, heavy stone on his chest, stopping him from breathing normally. "Ken-chin, w-what the fuck is going on? W-what are we doing here?"
His voice was shaking, something that never happened. Draken just put an arm around his smaller friend and whispered a small "I'm so sorry Mikey. She couldn't make it.." into his hair.
What? What the fuck was he talking about? It couldn't be about you, could it? But when he looked up and saw the Doctor looking at him, with that look in his eyes... the sorrow, the pain, all of it hit at once.
He couldn't breathe, started snapping for air to fill his lungs again, the world began to spin around him, Drakens screams of "Mikey! Mikey calm down!" got quiet until he couldn't hear anything but the loud cries of his child. The child you gave him, gifted him as a final goodbye before peacefully leaving this world with an "I'll always love you, Mikey." on your lips...
So, now, almost a year later, everyone knew not to ask Mikey what happened to the Mother of his little Daughter. Last time someone asked, he went on a killing spree for three days and was only stopped by Draken finally knocking him out...
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Ahh, here it is, my first ever angsty writing!! I hope you liked it. :) sorry if there are any typos, didn't proofread it :P
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herwritingartcowboy · 2 years
“The Other Woman”
Sorry If an characters feel a little off. First time writing for twisted wonderland in general.
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland 
Character(s): Vil , Neige
Warning(s): Angst, Mention of blood and death
Readers Gender: Gn
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{Gif Not Mine}
“I am sorry my dear potato but I don't like you back”, those words were from the most beautiful man to ever exist, Vil Schoenheit. “Oh i am so sorry for taking away so much of your time”, you said as you bowed and walked away making the blonde feel pity for you. 
You went back to your dorm as you sat on the ground thinking about what just happened. You just embarrassed yourself, why would you ever think he will like you back, you were never on his level. As you thought of these things tears rolled down your face as you cried. Grim soon came around as he cheered you up. 
For a week you stayed away from Vil but soon you just stopped caring. But unknown to you Vil soon started to think of you differently. 
“Rook, what do you think about Y/n?” “Well they are not that bad of a person and not bad looking either”. Vi;’s thoughts were now all about you, maybe knowing that someone that truly loved him was what got him to think this. But it soon hit him as he did turn you down, what can he do know, do you still like him, is this feeling still pity. 
But now he started to see that your routine changed. After all of your classes you would go with Ace and Deuce. But now when he would check you wouldn’t be there.  But he finally pushed himself to go find you someday and that was a mistake. 
He shall be with the last person he would think of, Neige leblanche. By the actions and facial expressions it looked like you two were very, very close. It crushed him when you went in for a kiss. 
How could you, what happened to you being all loyal to him but now you're with him. He couldn’t look at you the same as he knew now his chances were gone, but why does he care. 
Soon you two did start talking again as you did tell him you were in a relationship with Neige. With that now he knew it was official. Once Night Raven College was over for the both of you, you still kept in contact, and even after all this his feelings still grew for you. 
Today was just normal till he got a letter from you. He read the letters and it turns out you were getting married to him. The wedding was in a week and he had enough time to sit and sorrow. 
He did send a reply saying he would be there for you, but he didn’t want to go. Why did he turn you away, why was he feeling bad you have a right to marry him. The sadness soon turned into anger. If he can't have you no one can. 
He went to the wedding as he did talk to some old classmates of his. It was hard for him to stay after the ‘i do’s’. But now the party started as he watched the two of you dance, that was supposed to be him but it will soon be all fine.
“Hey Vil, thank you for coming” “Oh don’t worry my dear potato, I am happy to be here”. “Hey Y/n you and Neige look thirsty, why don’t I get you both something to drink” “Oh you don-” “I insist” “Oh well can you get a cherry flavored for Neige and i’ll do a strawberry” “Alright Y/n i’ll be back”. 
Vil got the two drinks for you but without anyone looking let's say he poisoned the cherry flavored drink. “Here you go Y/n now the one on the right is cherry and the left is strawberry” “Thank you Vil”.
He watched you walk towards Nege as he smirked to himself soon talking with Rook. Then screaming was heard as many turned towards the screaming. As his jaw dropped and heart shattered. You were on the ground with the drink spilled on the ground as Neige started to shake you as tears spilled out of his eyes. 
‘The cherry one wasn’t for you, why are you such an idiot’, many around them threw or spit out their drinks as if what was going on. 
Vil cried as he found out you died, the rumor was either, you poisoned yourself or tried to kill your husband. But Neige knew someone killed you and he will one day find out who did it. 
This wasn’t supposed to happen. But why did he do this? You have the right to marry someone else besides him, but he turned you down cause he didn’t like you. He was losing more of himself as shall your body. He went up to you seeing how you still looked incredible even if you are dead. Neige came up next to him as he was still crying, “Thank you for coming” “I had to come, to say bye to them” “I know someone did this, I’ll find out”. Vil was surprised to see the anger in the males eyes.
After the funeral he was back at home and he just sat there staring at the fireplace. ‘Well at least your still mine’.
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lulublack90 · 3 months
Prompt 5 - Glow
@jegulus-microfic March 5 Word count 682
Previous part First part
The mouth opened further until it was a gaping black hole. 
“EYES DOWN!!!” Regulus bellowed, drawing his dagger and wand and looking at the stone floor. 
A heavy thunk hit the floor, and Regulus could feel the vibrations shooting up his legs. 
Torches all around them lit, casting the room in a soft glow. It seemed wrong with what was about to happen.
“Sirius! The Roosters!” He glanced up in the direction of his brother. Sirius had looked up and was frozen to the spot, eyes wide. Regulus lunged forward and knocked Sirius into the floor. He forced Sirius’s head into the stone. “Sirius, are you alright?” He had only seconds before the snake uncoiled itself. 
“It’s huge, Reg” Sirius’s teeth were chattering in fear. 
“Sirius, I need you to pull it together. Do not make me have to tell Remus that I led you to your death. Remus will definitely murder me.” He felt Sirius shudder and then tense as he started to get to his feet. 
The Basilisk was moving, circling around the group, cutting off their escape. 
“Sirius the rooster!” Regulus cried. Sirius’s fingers fumbled on the clasp of his bag. Barty lunged forward, stabbing with his sword. The Basilisk made a screeching noise that no serpent should be able to make. It flicked its tail, and Barty slammed into one of the stone pillars. 
“BARTY!!!” Evan screamed, trying to get to Barty. The Basilisk cut him off. It swirled around and opened its jaw, ready to bite. 
“SIRIUS!!!” The clasp opened, and Sirius plunged his arm into the bag, bringing out one of the roosters. It crowed loudly. 
The Basilisk began to writhe. It flung itself around, breaking the stone pillars of the chamber. Regulus watched as James narrowly missed being hit by an enormous chunk of stone. 
They retreated away from the main chamber. Evan levitated Barty to get him away. Sirius clung to James, rushing away from the still dangerous snake. 
Regulus looked up at the ceiling. If the snake didn’t stop soon, the whole chamber would collapse. 
“James! Throw me your sword!” James turned just as Lily and Pandora raced past him. 
“Reg, get out of there!” 
“Your sword!” He had to jump over the convulsing tail as it swung by him. James threw the sword. It glinted in the air for a second before Regulus’s fingers wrapped around the hilt. In a move similar to Barty’s, Regulus rushed forward, but this time aiming for the head. 
The Basilisk rolled at the last moment, revealing the softer underside. Regulus thrust the silver blade up into the snake’s throat. Hot red blood gushed over him. He drove it further in and, with all his strength, wrenched it down. The Basilisk stilled as the life left it. 
Regulus pulled the sword free of the snake’s flesh and carefully began hacking at its jaw to get the teeth. He pulled out several empty vials and carefully filled each one with the deadly venom. 
Once done, he dragged his soaked robes towards his waiting friends. 
They were all stood in a line watching in horror as he returned to them. James and Sirius rushed forward first, fussing over him, checking him for injury. 
Barty had come too and was grumbling from the ground where Evan held him. They all sunk to the ground around Evan and Barty, sighing and rejoicing in the defeat of the Basilisk. 
“That was totally mental, right?” Barty asked, looking at his friends. 
“Yeah, just a little bit,” Regulus smirked, the Basilisk’s blood starting to dry on his skin. Lily moved away from Pandora and started cleaning Regulus up with a few handy cleaning charms. 
“Thank you,” He said to her when he started to look more like his usual self.
They let out a collective sigh, and Sirius laughed, followed by Barty and Evan. Soon, they were all laughing. It died down as the reality hit of what they’d just done. 
“Legends, Barty. Legends.” Sirius grinned at the other boy. 
Regulus, Barty and Evan all hissed simultaneously and clutched their left forearms. 
“Fuck sake!”   
Next part
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