#what is the best nacho cheese for nachos
arctic-hands · 1 year
Things I am craving while in the throws off food poisoning and also on my period:
Nacho cheese
Things I should absolutely not eat while in the throws of food poisoning, while on my period, and oh yeah I'm lactose intolerant
Nacho cheese
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achromatophoric · 4 days
On perhaps the most memorable girls night at Nevermore Academy.
Enid: So! Whatcha all think?
Divina: Holy crap, Enid. This is like, the most amazing blanket fort I’ve ever seen. Like, wow in all caps.
Yoko: No cap. Er, I mean yes capital letters— nevermind. Pup, you’ve totally outdone yourself.
Bianca: *wrinkles nose*
Enid: I can’t take all the credit. Thing helped nail stuff to the rafters and Wednesday did all the heavy engineering.
Divina: Engineering?
Enid: Oh-my-gosh yes! Check this out!
Enid: *waves at rafters* Thing, raise the gate!
Thing salutes from the rafters before dropping from sight. Moments later a heavy clanking can be heard as one of the blankets begins to slowly lift.
Yoko: Are you shitting me now? That’s so fucking cool!
Enid: I know, right?! This is gonna be the best girls’ night ever!
Bianca: 🤨
Bianca: The fuck is that smell?
Divina: I can’t wait! Let’s go in.
Yoko: *rushes forwards* Last one is a rotten—
Enid: WAIT!!
Yoko: *skids* WhaOH FUCK!
The girls stare at the crossbow bolt still vibrating in the floor, just a step in front of Yoko. Only Enid doesn’t appear shocked, just embarrassed.
Enid: Sorry! Sorry. Um, did I mention the murder holes?
Divina: 😧
Yoko: Bitch, you did not!! What the fuck!?
Bianca: 🤔
Bianca: Maybe… burning cheese?
Enid: So uh, in exchange for getting to use all of my super colorful blankets and stuff, Willa got to like, make the fort more… accurate.
Divina: That’s. That’s so—
Yoko: Fucking crazy! How’re we supposed to get in?
Divina: *murmurs* I was gonna say metal.
Enid: Sorry, lemme just— *clears throat*
Enid: *calls out* Babycakes! We doth request entry into Castillo Arcoíris de la Muerte!
Divina: 🤨
Yoko: Rainbow Castle of Death.
Divina: 😯
Brief rustling can be heard before Wednesday peeks over the top of the parapets.
Wednesday: Speaketh the secret passphrase.
Enid: *winces*
Enid: Um, sorry Yoko.
Yoko: Why are you—
Enid: *recites* Yoko is a blundering dimwit with suicidal eating habits.
Yoko: 😠
Divina: 🫢
Bianca: Well, can’t say it’s untrue.
Wednesday: Thy word are acceptable. Thoust all may enter. *ducks away*
Enid: Thanks babe! Kay, in we go!
The girls shuffle into the fort with Yoko grumbling all the way. They find Wednesday at a table laden with snacks and loaded crossbows. She dutifully stirs the bubbling contents of a crockpot.
Enid: Hey babe, are the snacks—
Enid: 🤨
Enid: *stomps over* Wednesday Friday Addams! Why is the nacho cheese boiling? How are we supposed to eat that?!
Wednesday: This is not for eating.
Bianca: So that’s what that smell was.
Enid: *arms cross* Oh really? Then what’s it for?
Wednesday: For any boys that try to invade.
Enid: 😧
Enid: Oh crap! I told Xavier he could borrow—
Xavier: Yo Enid, where— whoa! This is so cool!
Enid: *frantic* Don’t come in!!
Xavier: *scoffs* Why no—
Xavier: *horrific shrieking*
Enid: 😩
Divina: 🫢
Yoko: 😬
Bianca: 😑
Thing: 👍
Wednesday: Best. Girls night. Ever.
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francesderwent · 25 days
bonus points if you reblog and put your personal ranking in the tags!
if you prefer an off-brand or organic version of one of the snacks listed, vote for that snack, not “something else”
NO you cannot vote for “just plain cheese”, OBVIOUSLY cheese is best but that is not what I am asking
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thewulf · 11 months
If You Insist || Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Summary: Request - What if one of reader's love language Is act of service,She used to prepare a lunch box for her and her (now ex) boyfriend but he never appreciated the gesture,because he isn a kid and could buy food like his other team mates... Read Rest Here
A/N: This is just PURE fluff. Insecure reader a little bit and a very confident fluffy Jake!
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Y/N
Word Count: 3.0k +
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While you finished putting the leftovers away into glass containers Jake finished off the dishes beside you humming a song you didn’t recognize. You danced alongside him regardless, his bounciness rather infectious. You found everything about the blonde man beside you mesmerizing. Even after as long as you’ve known him and as long as you’ve been dating him you never ceased to get butterflies by his flirty comments. He never grew tired of making you blush. The day you stopped was the day he knew he fucked up.
No matter how tired he was after a long day in the air he made sure to never let you have the brunt of the chores when it came to housework. He knew you worked just as hard, if not harder, as a patent lawyer for a local firm that kept you very busy. Jake didn’t know the half of your job but when it came to listening to you dominate a conversation on the phone he knew he was absolutely head over heels for you. He found you so damn attractive when you put people down with legal jargon he could hardly understand. He was rather helplessly in love with you. Not that he minded, not a bit. He loved being in love with you. It was easy with you. Blissful with you.
Good thing too, because you were just as in love with him as he was with you. While he hadn’t proposed just yet he had big plans too. He knew he wanted to do something with the jets he flew on a daily basis but just hadn’t figured out the perfect plan. So, it’d just gave to wait a little while he talked it through with his coworkers formulating a fool proof plan that’d surly have you saying yes to him.
You and Jake had met by complete chance at the national air show during fleet week in San Diego. You’d been dragged out by your roommate who claimed you never did anything fun, so you had to prove her wrong. To your absolute horror you quite literally ran into Jake, spilling your nacho cheese all over the front of his Navy whites. You’d become a stuttering mess of a human and nearly cried you were so embarrassed when you saw the fake yellow cheese coat his perfectly pristine uniform. But Jake took it in stride. He calmed you down reassuring you that he wasn’t mad or upset. He was actually thrilled you ran into him because you were ‘quite stunning’ which brought out a brilliant blush to your cheeks. That same blush Jake strived to get from you on a daily basis. He had yet to fail.
From that moment on the two of you were glued at the hip. You’d taken it slow going from acquaintances to friends to best friends before he finally worked up the courage to ask you on a date a year after the nacho cheese fiasco. Fast forward another year and you’d never been happier in your life. You’d been dating and falling helplessly in love with your best friend. A man you only knew as Jake but heard of the stories of him as his callsign Hangman.
“Thank you.” You smiled sweetly at your boyfriend as he took the last plate from your hands.
“No need to thank me sweetheart.” He put the plate in the dishwasher, cleaned his hands and walked right up to you before planting a soft kiss right on your forehead, “Teamwork, remember?” He raised his eyebrows at  you referencing an earlier conversation the two of you had regarding housework. You felt guilty early on in the relationship when he would do random chores or cook you dinner. You felt like a failure of a girlfriend. That’s how your ex would’ve framed it anyway. He wasn’t the best guy you’d come to learn as you figured out what a loving relationship was actually supposed to be like. Jake had reassured you that as partners he would take on some of the housework and help you out. He’d made it clear it was a partnership that was always going to be worked on.
You hummed acknowledging him, “I know, I still appreciate it though.” You leaned up on your tippy toes kissing his cheek with a slowness about you that wanted to cherish the still moment you were having with the man you adored, “I appreciate you.”
He scooped you up in his arms with ease, “Of course darlin’.” Kissing your nose this time he walked over to the couch carrying you in his arms where he set you down softly before pulling you into him once more. Not that you were complaining. You learned quickly how much of a physical touch kind of guy he was. You initially weren’t. But you’d come to love it. You loved giving him what he needed and craved, it made you feel good.
“Thank you for dinner.” He squeezed your hip, “It was delicious.” Jake lived for moments like these. Moments where it was just you and him. The house was quiet. Life was relaxed. You were as beautiful as ever. It revived him after long days of relentless thinking and berating from his superiors. You recharged him without doing a single thing. That’s how he knew you were his one and only. He just wanted to be around you, no question. He’d choose you over and over again without so much as a second thought. He thought he knew love before you, but he was sorely mistaken. Each and every day with you was a gift he made sure to cherish and relish. He just hoped you knew how much you meant to him. How he literally couldn’t do life without you anymore. You were his shining beacon, his north star, the guiding light he never knew he needed. And he couldn’t bear the thought of losing that thing that kept him chugging along. He needed you. Now and forever.
You grinned up to him, brushing his overgrown hair out of his face, “You know it babe. I know you’ve had a rough week. Want to talk about it? You don’t have to if you don’t want to but it looks like somethings on your mind?” You asked softly noticing the small changes. He never snapped at you, but he seemed more irritated, more on edge. Had he gotten a new assignment? Gotten into an argument with a superior? It wasn’t like him to not talk to you about it, no matter how small.
He laughed it off softly, “It’s dumb, really.”
You shook your head before resting it on his chest. Breathing in his scent you were sure you’d never tire of it. He always just smelled so damn good. No matter what. After a workout? He smelled heavenly. A long day of work? No sweat, he smelled perfect. Waking up? The most amazing morning scent. You were attracted to him no matter what. That’s how you knew you were a goner. He never made you angry or annoyed either. As much as you loved your friends and family they still always annoyed you to pieces when you spent an extended amount of time with them. Not Jake, no. You could spend every second tied at the hip for the rest of eternity and still have a good time.
“I promise it’s not dumb if it’s bothering you.” You spoke as you nuzzled your head into the crook of his neck.
He wrapped an arm around you to secure into his chest, “The admiral decided the cafeteria needed a renovation, so we’ve been without one for the week. Thought it’d be okay but I’m struggling. We’re all struggling” He laughed hating to admit how defeated he was by the simple problem, “Not enough time to run out for food and well… I haven’t packed a lunch since I was twelve. Seems like the whole squadron is in the same boat.”
You smiled giving him a squeeze, “That’s not dumb Jake. You’re just hungry my love.”
He gave you a sheepish smile back, “I haven’t taken it out on you, have I?”
Shaking your head you ran along his arm, “Hardly. You just seemed a little more agitated this week is all.”
“Nothing gets by you, does it?” He closed his eyes leaning back into the couch relishing every second he got with you like this. Utter peace. He’d wish for nothing else other than this. Life was bliss with you.
You laughed softly letting yourself mold into him preparing yourself for the movie night Jake had proposed earlier on during dinner. Your favorite kind of night. A night spent in cuddling up to your favorite human to ever exist. This was what life was made for. What else could you really ask for?
“Hardly.” You yawned mumbling into his side feeling your week catch up to you, “I’d be a shitty lawyer if it did.”
“You could never be shitty at anything, not even if you tried darlin’.” Jake spoke while rubbing your head with the softest strokes knowing it was your ultimate weakness. You wouldn’t be awake for too much longer if he continued doing it and he knew it.
You hummed, “Flatter me Seresin.” You felt drunk for the tiredness the didn’t allow your eyes to open.
You felt the vibration of his chest before hearing the sound of his laughter, “Flattery or truth?”
Mumbling something incoherent you didn’t even know you were saying you let the darkness take over as you fell asleep on your rock. He made you feel more safe and secure than anyone or anything had before. He was worth the wait and the shitty relationships you struggled through before.
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You didn’t think much of it as you packed a second lunch for Jake while making your own the next morning. You had to be in early this week for court, so you were up before him for a change. You’d decided to just go ahead and pack the innocent man his own lunch that would actually fill him up instead of the random shit you knew he just threw together in the morning while he was half awake.
You wrote him a simple note, ‘Hope you enjoy, love you!’ Leaving it on top of the food and putting it in the fridge hoping he’d appreciate the small gesture.
You’d forgotten all about it until Jake had made it back to your apartment that night. You weren’t expecting him but it was always a pleasant surprise when he did come over. Instead of his usual gentle kiss he all but bull rushed you into a corner before scooping you up and slathering you in a slew of kisses all over your face.
You started giggling feeling all too giddy with his lips all over and his hands roaming your waist, “Jake!” You couldn’t contain the laughter from the high of the interaction between you and him. God, you loved this man beyond measure.
“I love you soooo much.” He grinned once he pulled back. He made sure to go in for one, much longer, kiss on your lips before wrapping his
You kept on giggling not sure where this was all coming from. Not that you were complaining. Not in the slightest. It was refreshing to have a partner who was so forthcoming with how he felt. It was so different than any relationship you had been in prior.
“I love you too! Where’s this coming from?” You had to ask hoping it wouldn’t dampen his sweet mood.
“You packed me a lunch. Do you know how jealous the squadron was? Rooster couldn’t believe it. Phoenix was jealous as hell. Fanboy was all but begging for the sandwich you packed.” He snickered recalling the envious faces of his dagger coworkers.
You shook your head, “That was nothing babe.” You said as if it were nothing. Truth be told you were insecure about the whole thing. Not knowing if you overstepped a boundary or anything. The last time you tried to do something sweet like that for your ex you got scolded for wasting food because he didn’t ask you to pack him a lunch. You were careless and wasteful. You should’ve known it would’ve been different with Jake though. Everything was different when it came to Jake. The polar fucking opposite of the narcissistic guys you normally dated.
He shook his head setting you back down on the ground, “Nothing? Sweetheart! That was everything. Thank you. I love you.” He made sure to plant another soft, gentle kiss to your lips just to let you know how sincere he was being.
You grinned up to him, “Really, it was nothing.” You insisted before plating up dinner for the now two of you. You’d always made extra for lunch, so it wasn’t a hassle that he came. It was a pleasure to have his company when you were expecting to sit in silence or watch some silly rerun you’d seen a hundred times.
He eyed you knowing how hard it was for you to take compliments, “No sweetheart, that’s wifey material.” He watched your reaction seeing how’d you respond to that.
“Oh, is it?” You laughed it off setting a plate down in front of him at the table.
“Beyond.” He nodded before looking down at dinner, “And now my favorite for dinner? Like you were expecting me or something?” He gave you a grin knowing you loved the dish just as much as he did, “You’re spoiling me honey.”
You grabbed your own plate before joining him, “You deserve it. You do the same for me. Let me.”
He simply nodded his head happily grabbing at his fork, “If you insist.”
“Oh, I do babe, I do.” You gave his hand a gentle squeeze as the two of you fell into a comfortable rhythm taking about your day.
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The next day at work you’d gotten a few texts from numbers you weren’t familiar with. When you finally got a second at your own lunch break to check you broke out into a grin seeing the video Bradley had sent you.
Jake was showing off the lunch you packed him to the overly jealous group of pilots. Who were all sing songing your praises.
‘You’re so lucky. My girlfriend told me to pack my own damn lunch.’ A male voice you didn’t recognize came through making you laugh.
Natasha’s unmistakable voice came next, ‘She’s too good to you Hangman.’
‘Trust me, I know.’ You heard your loves own voice sending your heart into a literal tizzy. How could he think that? If anything, it was the other way around. He was too damn good to you. You just merely tried to return the favor.
Bradley sent the video with the text, ‘You spoil him you know that? He’s become extra insufferable these last few days with your lunch specials.’ Bradley made sure to end the text with a wink letting you know he was just playing with you.
You dialed Jake’s number not sure if he was back in the skies or not. But the quick answer let you know he was still available.
“Sweetheart! Is everything okay?” he asked almost nervous for your call to him.
“All good babe.” You were grinning ear to ear, “Bradley sent me a video, enjoy your lunch?”
He chuckled. A sound you’d come to cherish over the course of your relationship with him, “Darlin’, I loved your lunch. Love your lunches. I’ve never felt so happy eating a lunch before. I’m the luckiest guy in the world. I’m being serious.” He admitted quieting down with the second part of that statement probably trying to hide it from his dagger squad members.
“I’m glad you like it hon. Just wanted to check in.” You spoke with a full on happy little smile dancing across your face. You weren’t sure what good you did to deserve a love so pure as his but damn were you thrilled you snatched it up when you could. A love so secure and sure, so positive and pure.
He clicked his tongue, “I’m going to make it up to you, tonight.”
You retuned his laugh from earlier, “Jake, that’s hardly necessary.”
You were sure he was shaking his head, “See that’s where your wrong sweetheart. It’s very necessary. I want to. What’d you say last night? Let me spoil you? Well, let me spoil you pretty.”
You wished you were at home with him right now and not separated by miles and a base, “Alright, if you insist.” You joked along with him.
“I insist. And I think you’ll like it, the surprise that is.” His voice deepened hinting at one thing and one thing only.
You twirled your hair in your hand letting your mind wander just a tad. With a love so sure it was only natural things came easily between the two of you in the bedroom, “Any hints?” You teased along with him.
“I think you have an idea sweetheart.” He didn’t miss a beat letting you know exactly what he had in mind. You, him and a lack of clothing or something like that.
You sighed internally looking at the time, only half past one. The day was going to drag on, “Can’t wait.” You let out after a quick pity party for yourself.
He gave you one last deep chuckle, “You can’t? I can’t wait to see that beautiful face.” You knew he could get a lot more… graphic with it. But he was likely standing right next to Bradley or Bob, and it wasn’t the time nor place.
Pursing your lips you stifled the laugh, “I’ll see you at my place tonight?”
“I’ll see you. Be ready. Love you.”
“And I love you.” You hummed before ending the call. Shaking your head, you placed the phone on the desk next to you. Focus. Just focus on this case for the next four hours then you had a night to Jake. You could do this. You could. Jake would surely be the death of you though. But you just couldn’t care. You were going to let yourself be distracted and happy. You were in love with the best man for you. Oh how happy life could be.
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Jake Seresin/Top Gun: Permanent Taglist (Message me or comment below if you want to be added!): @loving-and-dreaming @kmc1989 @memeorydotcom @matisse556 @buckylov3r @taygrls @ah-blossom @mayhemmanaged @hardballoonlove @rosiahills22 @djs8891
Request Taglist: @mamachasesmayhem @t4medicroe @caitsymichelle13 @86laura11 @leawxlker @littleenglishfangirl @hookslove1592 @thekebs @elite4cekalyma @the-romanian-is-bae @solo2leo
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roosterforme · 1 year
Batting Practice Part 23 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley knows he won't get this feeling with anyone else. Birthday celebrations, sexy sleepovers, and taking your son to the park have become his routine. But when you share an idea with Bradley about the future, he shoots you down, and you start to wonder why.
Warnings: Fluff, smut, angst and swearing
Length: 3100 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female single!mom Reader
Check my masterlist for more Top Gun fun! Batting Practice masterlist.
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Bradley sent you a text letting you know that he'd pick you and Everett up for the Padres game. He was excited to give Everett all of the birthday presents that were rolling around in the back of the Bronco every time he turned a corner. Two new bats, some baseballs, a glove, and a jersey that said "Grand Slam" on the back of it with Bradley's college number "22".
Now that summer break had begun, you promised Bradley he could start taking Everett out to the park to practice playing real baseball. This way he would have time to break in all of his gear before the fall season started in September. 
When he pulled up behind your car, you were already waiting on the porch. "Where's Ev?" he called out as he walked around the front of the Bronco to meet you.
You smiled up at him as you hugged him around his waist. "He went to the zoo with Molly. They're going to pick up Bob and meet us there. And have I ever mentioned how sexy I find it when you ask about my son?"
Bradley kissed your cheek and murmured, "I'm just excited to give him his birthday presents. But if we're alone..." He let his lips drift down to the soft skin below your ear, sucking on you gently. You moaned softly as his big hands cupped the swell of your ass through your shorts. 
"I do have neighbors, Coach," you whined, and he released your neck. 
"Then let's go inside," he suggested, squeezing you a little tighter.
You bit your lip but shook your head. "We'll be late, and Ev will be annoyed, because he's been so excited about today."
Bradley kissed your nose. "You're right, Kitten. Gotta make sure he has the best birthday ever."
"I think he will," you replied when Bradley opened the passenger door for you.
You were having so much fun, it felt like it was your birthday, too. Molly bought seats along the third baseline, and it was the perfect night to be at the ballpark under the stadium lights. You were sharing a soft pretzel with Bradley, who had his arm draped casually around your shoulders, and Everett was on the other side of him. 
Your son was wearing the new baseball jersey that Bradley had given to him in the parking lot. Everett hugged him about twenty times after he pulled it out of the gift bag and put it on. He was still so excited to have his own pretend call sign. And now Bradley was holding a napkin so Everett wouldn't drip nacho cheese on it.
"Aunt Molly," Ev said, chewing on a chip. "Have you ever visited the airplanes and got your own call sign?"
"Not yet," she replied, leaning across Bob to mess with Everett's hair. "But I'm going to try to visit Bob at work next week."
"You can get a call sign if you do," Everett said, shoving another chip in his mouth while you fed Bradley a bite of the pretzel.
"Bob already gave me one," she said with a smirk, and you watched Bob's serene expression turn to panic as he shook his head. 
"What is it?" Everett asked.
With the most unbelievably innocent look, Molly said, "He calls me Howler," while Bob tried to cover her mouth with his hand.
"Mo!" Bob whispered, turning beet red.
Bradley choked on the bite of pretzel as you said, "Seriously, Molly?" But you couldn't help but laugh at your sister as she leaned in to kiss Bob's cheek as he slid down lower in his seat and tried to cover his face.
"Look!" Everett shouted as the birthday announcements started to scroll across the big screen. "It's our names!" 
He and Bradley sat up a little straighter as the screen said Happy birthday Everett and Bradley! as the birthday song played.
"Did you do this?" Bradley asked you with a grin.
"Maybe," you told him, shoving more pretzel into his mouth. Everett was dancing around the seats with Molly as Bradley leaned in close to your ear.
"Thank you, Kitten. I haven't really celebrated my birthday in years. You make me feel special."
You adjusted his backwards hat and kissed his cheek. "You don't celebrate your birthday?"
He just shrugged. "Nobody to celebrate it with, really."
You hugged him around the neck as the inning started. "You can celebrate with me and Ev now," you told him. "He loves that your birthday is only a week after his. Just wait until you see the stupid gift we got you."
Bradley turned to look at you as the catcher for the Pirates hit a single. "You got me a birthday present?"
You just rolled your eyes and laughed. "It's nothing, really. Just-"
But you were silenced with his lips on yours and his hand at the back of your neck. "Thank you. I don't even know what it is, but it's perfect."
You wanted to take him home and give him the stupid pair of Phillies socks right now. You wanted him to sleep over. You wanted to ask him to move in with you. 
In fact, you almost did but then you heard Bob say to Everett, "You excited to watch Bradley and I try out for the rec league?"
Bradley groaned and sank back into his seat. "Bob, that was supposed to be a surprise. We didn't even make the team yet."
"Sorry," Bob muttered, but you, Molly and Ev were looking at them with excitement. 
"What position are you going to play?" Ev asked, climbing up onto Bradley's lap to see the game better.
Bradley sighed. "I'm trying out as a pitcher. Not my natural position, but I've always wanted to try it. Thought I might be good enough for a casual league."
"You're so good!" you gushed, thinking about him showing Everett different pitches in the park while you tried to catch for them. "Even the guy on the tour of the ballpark asked if you used to be a pitcher!"
Bradley chuckled, but Bob agreed with you. "You're going to make the team at any position you want, Rooster."
"So are we allowed to come watch tryouts?" Molly asked, raking her fingers through Bob's hair and giving him puppy eyes. He was immediately so lost to her, you didn't know how that poor man would function when your sister actually moved in with him in a few days.
"Yeah, Coach," you asked Bradley. "Can we come watch you?"
Bradley studied your face for a moment. "You can do anything you want, Kitten. If you want to come, I'd love that."
It was so late, and tomorrow was a work day. But you were sitting on the edge of your kitchen counter, and Bradley was fucking you so nice and slow, you wanted it to last all night. 
He drove you and Everett home after the Padres lost to the Pirates; the booster seat seemed to be a permanent fixture in his backseat now. And even though it was a few days early, you and Ev let him open his birthday present. The striped Phillies socks and the baseball card Everett made of Bradley were on the counter next to you.
"I love you so much," he whispered, lips grazing your neck and chin as he worked you up. It was amazing that you could get him like this, groaning your name and squeezing your hips like he absolutely needed you. "Fuck, Kitten."
You pulled his lips up to yours to taste him as he got you so close. The perfectly paced thrust of his hips. The pressure of his thumb when he moved his hand to your clit. The way he tasted like the salt from the soft pretzel you shared. The brush of his mustache against your lip.
"Bradley!" You came so hard, it surprised you. The only thing holding you up was his hand firmly placed on your lower back as he fucked you through your orgasm. "Oh my god," you moaned, wrapping your arms around his neck. "You're so good."
Then his thrusting became jerky and irregular, and you kissed along the prominent veins in his neck as he grunted. You knew he was close as you whispered encouragement, your lips meeting his ear.
"You can do it, Coach. Cum inside me."
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," he chanted, head tipped back as he filled you up. When his eyes met yours again, you were grinning at him. "Baby," he groaned, looking at where you and he were connected most intimately before he withdrew himself from inside you. He ran his fingers through the mess he made and rubbed you from your opening to your clit, making you gasp. "You're very good at spoiling me."
You laughed. "With kitchen sex?"
"Yeah," he whispered, running his nose along yours. "And the birthday presents. And letting me take Everett to the park this weekend. Good luck getting rid of me now."
You kissed him softly before you glanced at the time on the microwave. "Are you sleeping over?"
"Of course," he replied. "Ev asked me to drop him off at summer camp in the morning, remember?"
You smiled against his lips. "Take me upstairs, and I'll spoil you with more kisses and a backrub."
"I love you."
On Saturday morning, Bradley was at your house early, and Everett was already done eating breakfast and ready to go to the park. He picked up his gear bag and ran for the door, but Bradley laughed.
"Is it okay if I say hi to your mom first?"
"I guess," Everett said impatiently from next to the front door.
You were still in your pajamas, sipping a mug of coffee in the kitchen. Bradley smiled at the spot on the counter where he'd made you cum after the Padres game. "Morning," he whispered, kissing your cheek and stealing a sip of your coffee. 
You scrunched your nose up just the way he liked and he kissed you there, too. "Go have fun without me while I clean my house," you told him. "That kid has been up for over an hour already, just waiting for you."
Bradley thought once again about how convenient things would be if he just lived here. "I'll bring him back for lunch."
"Sounds good," you muttered, and then Bradley was taking Everett out to the Bronco.
"Can we practice running the bases?" Everett asked as Bradley pulled out of your driveway. "And catching the ball?"
"We're going to practice everything, Kiddo. It's gonna take all summer."
Instead of being intimidated, Everett clapped his hands and cheered. 
"Kid after my own heart," Bradley muttered, driving the short distance to the park. He unloaded all of his equipment and hauled it to the empty baseball diamond while Everett carried his own gear.
"Should we warm up like we did for tee ball?"
"Always a good idea," Bradley said, and they ran the bases a few times together. Then he threw some pitches to Everett, thoroughly impressed by how well he could hit the ball. Then he let Everett throw some pitches to him while he squatted down in the catcher's position. 
"Damn," Bradley mumbled. He threw the ball straight every time, and even though he didn't have enough strength to get the ball to go the distance, Everett was really good at pitching. "Are you sure you're only seven?"
Everett laughed. "Yep! You were there for my birthday!"
Bradley really wanted to make the Navy rec team as a pitcher so Everett could see him in action. The idea of you and Ev watching him play baseball excited him so much. Plus there would be more ice cream outings and pizza nights if he and Bob both made the team. The five of you could hang out, and maybe Nat could come too.
After another hour of playing and practicing, Bradley pulled two bottles of Gatorade from his bag and called Everett over into the shade to take a break. They sat side by side in the grass and chugged their drinks. Bradley leaned back against the tree trunk while Everett finished his drink.
"Thanks for teaching me about stuff," Everett said, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, leaving a streak of dirt on his face.
Bradley sat quietly for a moment before he said, "Thanks for letting me."
"Hey, did you ever ask my mom about moving into the extra bedroom?"
Everett's innocent gaze had Bradley silent once again. But he figured this was as good a time as any to ask your son for his opinion.
"Ev, remember when I asked you to keep a secret from your mom? When I wanted to know if she used to wear a wedding ring?"
"Yeah," Everett said, nodding up at Bradley. 
"Well," Bradley began, suddenly unsure about what he should say. He ran his hands over his face and took off his sweaty cap. "I've been thinking about buying a ring for your mom."
"She'd like that," Everett told him. "She doesn't have any."
Bradley smiled and added, "If I get her a ring, I'm going to ask her if she wants to get married to me. If that's okay with you."
Everett's face lit up. "You should definitely do that! She would let you move in then! You could be there all the time!" 
"Yeah, I think so, too," Bradley agreed. "We could spend more time together. But it's a secret. You can't say anything yet."
"I won't!" Everett promised, but now he looked even happier than he did earlier as Bradley took him back out in the sun to practice throwing the ball in the outfield. 
You watched the drama unfold before you.
"I don't think the two of you need four couches," Bradley complained as he and Bob carried Molly's sleeper sofa into Bob's condo. "This thing is heavy as fuck."
"Language," you whispered, smacking his butt. He gave you a guilty look over his shoulder as Everett sat at the kitchen counter coloring. 
"Sorry, Kitten," he grunted. "I mean, this thing is heavy as heck."
Bob was struggling at the other end of the couch. "Molly wants to keep all of her furniture," he said, trying to push it through the door. 
"Let's just tell her it broke on the way here," Bradley said, following Bob's lead and setting it down for a break.
"Molly is right here," came Molly's annoyed voice from the hallway. "And Molly can see that it isn't broken."
"You know, there are times when I really don't see how the two of you are related," Bradley said, looking from you to your sister who was in a complete huff. 
"We look the same," Molly said, rolling her eyes.
Bradley rolled his as well. "That's not what I meant, and you know it."
"Let's just get this thing inside?" Bob called from out in the hallway. 
"Fine," Bradley growled, and you watched them somehow figure out how to twist the couch around as they guided it through the doorway. And then all four couches were in the living room.
"Hmm," Molly hummed as she rubbed Bob's back. "I see what you mean about too many couches."
"I'm not taking it back down to the U-Haul," Bradley promised, sprawling out on the couch in question. "It's so comfortable. I love it. It needs to stay here forever."
"Can we eat lunch yet?" Everett called. 
"Yep," Bradley agreed, jumping up. "I'll order pizza. And don't even think about moving this couch." He pointed at Molly, and then Bob, and then you. He kissed you before he sat down with Ev to color while he ordered food. 
After some pizza and several more hours of carrying boxes inside, you were exhausted. Everett had fallen asleep on the sleeper sofa, out cold after a dinner of leftover pizza. Bradley was standing behind you with his arms around you and his chin resting on your shoulder. 
"Thanks for helping today," Bob said, and you patted his cheek, making him blush. 
"It was our pleasure," you told him. 
"Speak for yourself," Bradley grumbled, but you could tell he was smiling. 
Bob glanced to where Molly was unpacking some of her things in the kitchen. "I'm already happier than I ever thought possible."
You sighed, so pleased your sister was dating such a sweet man. "If she becomes unruly, let me know. I'll give you all the insider tips."
Bob smiled and nodded as Bradley scooped Everett gently up from the couch. "See you at work," he told Bob, heading for the door. 
You kissed your sister goodbye, and then you were out in the hallway waiting for the elevator with Bradley and a still snoozing Ev. "I really hate that couch," Bradley mumbled when the elevator arrived.
"You know they're going to ask you to remove at least one of those couches, right?" you asked quietly, trying not to laugh as Bradley muttered some curse words. 
"Yeah," he agreed. "I know."
You opened the door of Bob and Molly's building and then watched Bradley expertly maneuver Everett into his booster seat without waking him up. Then he opened his door and helped you in, smiling as you scooted across the bench seat, and climbed in after you.
As Bradley started the engine and leaned over to kiss your cheek, you decided to just say what was on your mind. 
"You know, maybe the two of them are onto something."
"What's that, Kitten?" he asked, checking his side mirror and pulling out onto the street. 
"Well, they moved in together," you said nervously. "We could do that, too. If you want. I've got room."
Bradley was completely silent while he drove. You eyed his profile cautiously, but he was frowning. He rolled to a stop at a red light, still quiet, and you swallowed hard, wishing you hadn't said anything at all. 
"Forget about it," you whispered with a little laugh that sounded pitiful to your own ears. "It was stupid idea."
"I don't want to forget about it," he said, tapping the gas pedal when the light changed. "But I think we should push it to the back burner for now, Kitten. Maybe talk about it again soon? But not yet."
"Okay," you whispered, turning to look out the window, trying to hide the tears that stung your eyes. But your mind drifted back to Danny, and you realized you couldn't seem to escape the unsettled feeling that was taking over your life now. 
I can't wait for the rec league tryouts and a ring! Thanks to @beyondthesefourwalls and @mak-32
Don't forget to check out Bob and Molly in The Curveball!
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gustavsbrainneuron · 23 days
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎An unexpected party.
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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 2008 Kaulitz twins × female reader.
Warnings: just fluff ig, rushed ass fic, reader making a surprise for the twins!!! :3
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You started thinking about this two days ago, when you, the best childhood friend of the most famous twins at the moment, decided to prepare a surprise party for them. But how would you hide it from them? How were you going to prepare it without them noticing? Simple, you would leave Gustav and Georg to distract the twins while you went to prepare the party and rent a nightclub, after all, it's your best friends' birthday party, it needs to be big and extremely unforgettable.
First thing in the morning, you woke up very early to start the marathon to prepare the party. With a cup of coffee and a small notepad, you started writing down in a messy writing - what you thought you had to have at that party. "Tom loves really noisy, busy and crowded things.." you said quietly, just trying to think better about what to plan. "And Bill is almost a vampire in disguise who hates crowded things, ugh...how am I supposed to do that?" You questioned yourself, clicking your pen impatiently as you looked at your notepad. They were both twins but they had such different contrasts, how could they be so different?!
Thinking and thinking, you started to write down step by step about what you should do to make this surprise party something incredible. Firstly: you thought about the location of the nightclub, it was big place, with a bar, dance floor, a place for DJs to play music, neon lights everywhere, a second floor where you would place the food? Perhaps. Secondly: the decorations. You opted for something very simple, balloons in Tom and Bill's favorite colors. It wasn't like you had many ideas, you didn't want to do something fancy and boring, why not something silly? The nightclub itself was already decorated. Thirdly, food. Your intention was to try and bring some nostalgia to the twins since you grew up together and spent a lot of time together, so you knew what they liked and didn't like. You knew what would give them nostalgia and what wouldn't, but you also had to please the guests, of course, so you turned to simpler foods and drinks like; alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks, pizzas, nachos, hamburgers, cupcakes, cheesecake, macaroni and cheese, jello, potato fries, shortbread cookies, etc.
Obviously, during the day, you sent messages to Bill and Tom whenever you could and they couldn't even imagine why you couldn't be with them because you said you had commitments with your relatives; who lived in another state, far away from them. Was lying bad? yes, but it was necessary. And It was for a good reason, at least.
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With time running out, you felt the pressure mounting, but you were determined to make every detail perfect. You didn't even have breakfast and you already ran to the party venue, the decorations still had to be put up, so you spent the morning decorating that huge nightclub with colorful balloons, giving everything a more festive and beautiful atmosphere.
Then, it was time to do something much simpler: the playlist. You wanted to mix both of their musical tastes, maybe hip-hop, pop and rock together? Or would that be messy? In the end you chose pop, both twins liked it so it was fine.
During the night, you wanted to make more homemade dishes (even though you knew it wouldn't last a second in the crowded party), so you made some spicy tacos, used the shortbread cookies to decorate them, just like you used to do in childhood, usually together with the twins, but now alone, feeling only nostalgia taking over.
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In the morning you woke up slightly tired, as you spent more time thinking about the party than dreaming. You told Georg and Gustav to find a way to take Tom and Bill to the nightclub at night, maybe telling them to celebrate their birthday in some random nightclub?? Anything to get them to the surprise party. Meanwhile, during the day you invited some of their relatives and friends too, wanting to make the party really full.
During the afternoon, with the help of some friends who were already arriving at the nightclub, you arranged the food on a large table on the second floor, the savory snacks would be on the left and the sweets on the right, to make it easier for anyone who wanted to eat something specific. And the birthday cake would be in the middle, it was a custom cake, so it was three tiers and had a big "Happy Birthday Bill and Tom!" On top. Everything was perfect for the party, but would they like it? Maybe, at least you hoped so. As more people arrived, the more nervous you became, as this indicated that night was approaching and they would soon be there.
Night arrived, the neon lights were turned on and the normal lights were turned off, people began to hide, after all, when the twins entered there, everyone would come out and scream "surprise", even me. Hiding, you remained silent, looking at your cell phone to see if any messages arrived but there was no news, neither from Gustav nor Georg, ugh. However, outside, you could hear some voices and as these voices got closer and closer to the door of the club, when the door opened and finally the twins entered before Georg and Gustav, everyone shouted "surprise!" That echoed throughout the nightclub, and Bill and Tom were really surprised, you could see it on their faces.
Soon everything was noisier, loud music playing, people talking and walking around, everything was a happy mess for the twins. You were with the band, sitting on a sofa while snacking on some savory snacks.
"So you planned everything?" Georg began, his gaze stopping on you, a smirk on his lips. "Mhm. Everything." You replied, a victorious smile forming on your lips. "So that 'family commitment' thing wasn't true?" Bill asked right after you answered Georg, looking at you curiously. "Yep." You responded simply, reaching for a snack, taking a bite and chewing it. "You lied to us?" Tom said, making a fake sad pout, making you giggle softly. "A little. Are you going to say it wasn't worth it?" I rebuked, speaking with your mouth full with the snack you were eating, pointing with your chin at the party. In response they just laughed, happy that they had been fooled by something good. :)
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🎉🎂🎁🍰🎈🎉🎈🎁🎉🎁🎈🎂🎈🍰🎉🎁🎂🎁🎈🍰🎂🎂🍰🎉🎁🎉🎁🎈🍰🎉🍰🎈🍰🎂🎂🍰🎈🍰🎈🍰YAAAYAYAYAYAYAYYAYAYA BIRTHDWY BIRTHDAT
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the-froschamethyst4 · 2 months
Bull Rider
𖤐Pairing: PBR! Price x Wife! Reader
𖤐Pronouns: She/Her
𖤐Warnings: fluff, smut, kissing/making out, language, children, married couple, nipple play, groping, P in V, reverse cowgirl,
𖤐Summary: You watch your husband John Price, a professional bull rider, but Price is a bit upset with himself because he didn't beat his own record and he let's Y/n help him with being a frustrated
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John Price a Professional Bull Rider walked down the long hallway saddle over his shoulder as he was heading to the ring. He loved his job of being a Professional Bull Rider bring home the money for him and his family.
Y/n sits in the bleachers waiting for John, Iris her year old daughter sits on her lap and her 4 year old son Beau sits next to her drinking from whatever soft drink she bought for him.
"Mama, when is daddy coming out?" Beau asks.
"Soon Beau, it's his turn," she says, patting his dirty blonde hair.
Y/n looks down at Iris who's face was covered in cheese from the nachos.
"Iris," Y/n groans and Iris just laughs as Y/n grabs some wet-wipes and cleaned off Iris's face the best she could.
"And there's John Price's family, his lovely wife Y/n Price, little Iris with nacho cheese all over her, poor mama Price, and Beau, a little spitting image of John Price," the announcer says.
"And speaking of John Price, here he comes now." The other announcer says.
John came into the ring and heads to the shoot, where he'll be riding a bull that has sent multiple bull riders into the hospital. The bull's name is Cash. A 4 ton weighing bull.
John was nervous, Cash was very intimidating bull and if he's in the hospital there is no telling if John will walk away with a broken bone or bones or without his life.
Y/n watches as he gets on the gate and looks down at the black bull. He gets on the back of Cash. He takes a deep breath and wraps the robe around his hand and takes some more deep breaths.
"You ready!?"
"Yeah!" John yells.
Y/n was nervous for Price. She wanted him safe. The buzzer goes off and Cash was released from the shoot, Price on his back and Cash trying to buck Price off, Price just needed to last around 8 seconds on Cash's back, Price's record on the back of a bull was 14 seconds, it was considered a world record.
Cash keeps bucking but has a good hold on Cash. With one final buck Price was knocked off, Cash then goes up and lands on his back and Price quickly rolls before Cash could land on him.
"Holy shit," Price cusses as the cowboys started to move Cash back to the shoot. Price leaned on his knees and started to catch his breath, Price looks at the clock and saw his time 11 seconds.
"Fuck," he cusses again, he wanted to do better.
Price did end up winning he sits in the greenroom with a glass of whiskey in his hand, he had changed out of his gear and was now in jeans, a random red t-shirt, and black cowboy boots.
Y/n was coming down the hall with her kids behind her, she knocks on the door and opens it. Price sat alone in his greenroom.
"John? I thought you would be with the other guys celebrating?"
"I just wanna go home," John says, placing his glass on the little table next to the couch.
"Okay, come on," Y/n says, taking John's hand and they walked out of the backrooms.
John buckles his kids into their car seats, Y/n gets in the passenger seat and John started up the truck. One hand on the wheel and the other resting on Y/n's thigh like usual.
John carried little Iris as Y/n held Beau, opening his bedroom door and gently laying him down on his bed, tucking him into bed. John came into the bedroom seeing Y/n kiss Beau's temple and telling him 'good night'.
Price held Y/n's hand as they walked to their bedroom together, Price was overwhelmed and stressed, he wishes he beat his own record, 11 seconds!? What kind of bullshit is that!?
Price changed into his pajamas, which was just sweatpants and no shirt, he fell on his back on his side of the bed. He looks at his phone as Y/n was doing her nightly routine.
"John, is everything okay?" Y/n asks, coming into the bedroom, moving the covers over her legs as she moves a bit closer to him.
"Yep," he says, not even looking at her.
"John, I know you, I've been with you for 7 years, I know when something is bothering you. Tell what's wrong." She asks.
"Fine," he turns his phone off and places it on his nightstand. "I wish I did better. I wish I was able to beat my own record. I...I feel like I let you down, I feel like I let the kids down, I didn't do that good tonight-"
"John, John, John, I understand but you didn't let anyone down, not me and not the kids, you did your best, it's not like...I was gonna leave you because you didn't beat 14 seconds, who cares? You have plenty and more opportunities to beat it, just the one time you didn't shouldn't matter," she says, cupping his face, making him look at her.
"Don't love me, I know what you are going to say, and I you're right, I won't understand because I don't do your job, but come on, Price, it's one time...don't let it get to you, I'll still be here for you, the kids will still be here."
She then kissed his lips, once she pulled away, John gave her a soft smile, his hand moving hair from her face, kissing her forehead and then her cheek, then kissing her neck.
"I want you," Price mumbles close to her ear. Price's hands then started moving up her shirt squeezing her breasts, pinching at her hardened nipples.
His lips were rough and dry, but he licks them getting them wet as he kisses her neck again, and then kissed her lips. He managed to take her shirt off tossing it somewhere in the bedroom and then pulled her shorts off next. She was just in her panties now.
Price puts her on her back as he leans over her, removing his sweatpants, he messes with his dick in his boxers, kissing her neck and then started kissing her lips.
He pushes his bulge against her wet panties.
"God you make me so fucking frustrated," he mumbles against her lips.
"Good," she teases.
Price pulls her panties off seeing her slick on her pussy. He puts two fingers against her slick and starts moving his fingers watching the sticky slick string between his fingers. He brings it to his mouth and starts licking his fingers clean.
He pulls his boxers off and lines himself at her entrance and slowly pushes into her, she moans but muffles them by covering her mouth. She didn't want to wake the kids up.
Price laid on his back hands on Y/n's waist pulling her to sit on top of him.
"Bounce, baby," he demands.
She tries to get use to his size and then placed her hands on his lower stomach, and slowly started to bounce, her breasts bouncing with every slight movement, Price smirking leaning his head back and his right arm behind his head, and left hands resting on her hip.
Y/n's head goes back as a few soft moans escape from her lips, she looks down at his bare chest, her nails slightly digging into his chest, he groans but loves the feeling.
She squeezes around his dick. He moans and then places his hands on her waist helping bounce a bit faster.
"Keep going, baby," he says.
She moves a bit faster now, but then starts moving up and then watching as Price dick spit out cum, she moves his dick to lie against his stomach, she then sits on his dick and starts slowly grinding against his dick.
She moans and he does too. She then could feel her high coming on, she starts grinding a bit faster, then with one more grind she felt herself start to cum. She sits up and watches as cum leak from her and land on his dick.
"Fuck," they both moaned.
Price held Y/n against the bed as he starts pounding into her, Price has made her cum at least 3 different times, this was the last time, she ended up coming all of his dick.
Price smirks and looks down at her, kissing the back of her neck and pulling her up off the bed and letting her rest against his bare chest.
"Price, I'm all sticky and I stink."
"It's okay, baby, I'll start a bath for you."
Price left the bedroom and started to run a nice hot bath for her, grabbing a bath bomb and putting it into the bath, he plugs the tub drain and goes back into the bedroom and picks Y/n up off the bed and placed her into the hot bathtub.
Price sits behind her as she leans into his touch and Price starts washing Y/n's body.
Beau had woke up to the sound of laughter, he removes his covers and went to his parents bedroom, he peaks through the small crack of the door seeing Price mess with Y/n's damp hair.
Y/n had on one of Price's shirts and panties as Price was in a pair of boxers, Price kissed Y/n and Beau opened the door.
"Beau?" Price says.
"I can't sleep," Beau says.
"Come here, baby," Y/n says opening her arms and letting Beau come rest in her arms. She starts running her finger through his dirty blonde hair and kissed his temple.
"Mama, why is your hair wet?"
"Just took a bath baby."
"Oh, you smell good, mama," Beau nuzzles his head into her arms.
"Well, I'm glad," Price looks at his wife and son and smiled at the both of them.
"Let's get some rest," Price yawns.
Y/n starts moving the covers over Beau's shoulder and holding him messing with his hair and kissing his forehead.
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korasonata · 1 year
Was bored and also procrastinating other things, so have a ranked list of Hermits based on whether I think they can cook or not for funsies. Vibes only.
Beef: The expert. Is well versed in almost all manners of cooking, and is an extremely skilled chef, particularly with regards to meat dishes, and is a particularly skilled butcher.
TFC: Also up there with Beef, but TFC is also a master of rare ingredients. He’s good at foraging, and he uses ingredients in his cooking that aren’t typically used in just every day life. His techniques may seem a bit primitive, but they are highly effective and his style of cooking might be called simple food made complicated.
Stress: Also a very good cook who puts a lot of emphasis on nutrition. She makes meal plans and prepares a lot of her food at the beginning of the week, and her cooking always makes sure to include a balanced diet. She enjoys cooking and likes to have fun with it. Makes a killer roast chicken.
Impulse: Is surprisingly good at home style cooking. He doesn’t make anything fancy or anything, and his presentation is always a little sloppy, but his food at least tastes good.
Cub: Doesn’t cook much, but when he does he is actually secretly a very good chef. He cooks for himself a lot, but it’s only once in a blue moon that someone else gets to eat his food.
Wels: Is a decent chef, but is incapable of cooking for a single person. He makes way too much food every time and is incapable of portioning, and as such he is the direct inverse of Cub, and he never cooks for himself if he’s alone. Is also very good at desserts.
Ren: Has a bottomless pit of a stomach. Has a big appetite and loves all food and really enjoys big dinner feasts. Is also good with cooking meat specifically. He has a special smoking method that is a real crowd pleaser. Is also good with basic rice bowls and his cooking tastes very homely.
Gem: Is good at treating fish specifically. Also anything involving wild game. Like TFC she is very good at foraging and using ingredients found in the forest. Her cooking is a bit unrefined, but has a very light, refreshing sort of feel to it.
Cleo: An average cook, but is very good at a few specific dishes. (As a side note I’ve actually tried one of Cleo’s recipes that she talked about on stream and it is literally the greatest thing ever, I made it once and people request it all the time)
Joe: Is good at making drinks specifically. He makes a mean margarita and is good at making mixed drinks and cocktails, but otherwise is an average chef with regards to food. Makes very good nachos though.
Doc: Like Cleo, Doc is good at making a few very specific dishes. He makes several German specialties and is also very good at treating vegetables, but outside of these specialties he is rubbish.
Bdubs: Stereotypical grill dad. At least he thinks so. His seasonings consist almost exclusively of basic spices. Meat is the only thing he cooks, but otherwise possesses no real flare for cooking. Despite this, he thinks very highly of his skills, and the food he puts out isn’t bad really, so the Hermits still let him cook every once in a while.
Scar: Scar always tries his absolute best, and his cooking swings wildly from perfection to the most disgusting thing you’ve ever eaten in your life. There is no in between. It’s 50/50 what you’re going to get, but he has fun either way.
Jevin: makes a mean Mac and cheese, but outside of this, he is a very basic cook. He makes himself sandwiches and grilled cheese and maybe some pasta, but otherwise doesn’t cook much else.
Hypno: Ok. He can kill something and cook it, but he’s not the best butcher and his food is just kind of thrown together. There’s no real theme to any plate he puts out. He’s half decent with seasonings and spices though.
XB: Can make fried rice and that’s about it.
Keralis: Can copy other people’s dishes when given instructions, but when left alone has no idea what he’s doing.
False: Doesn’t really cook much. She probably could, but most of the time she’s after something quick and easy. Whenever she gets hungry she just grabs an apple from the bowl or eats whatever leftovers are in the fridge cold.
Etho: Lives almost exclusively off of instant ramen.
Zedaph: treats the kitchen like a chemistry lab and anyone eating is a test subject. He’s not allowed in the kitchen very often.
Xisuma: This man could burn juice. I don’t know how, but he’d do it. He is a sopping wet cat in the kitchen. He’s the type that tries to cook but fails so miserably that every time he just ends up making a bowl of cereal for himself instead.
Grian and Pearl: have cooking battles competing over who can make the most disgusting dish. Grian is like the little toddler that always wants to help but is so bad that no one will let him. He’s also always the one standing over your shoulder and sneaking bites of things when you turn your back. Pearl can’t cook herself, but she has good knife skills so she is often allowed to help out with the prep work.
Mumbo: Will eat anything and everything you throw in front of him. He does not care. He also does not cook at all. When left to fend for himself he demolishes the kitchen by eating every raw ingredient in the pantry. This man would eat a sack of flour if you let him.
Tango: This man does not eat unless you make him. You have to physically drag him to the table to get any kind of nourishment, but he is always very appreciative of other peoples cooking.
Iskall: Orders takeout exclusively.
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anton-luvr · 11 months
hi ! can i request bf!eunseok giving fem!reader special treatment and friend group!riize realising it and teasing him about it ? thank youu <3
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⚝ bf!eunseok x fem!reader | fluff | highschool au, secret relationship au ⚝ note ; im so sorry that this took so long anon T_T im also not sure if its what you were hoping for, so im sorry if its not :') but thank u for requesting! <3
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Along with the end of the year, comes final exams, last minute cleaning out your lockers, and of course - school parties.
And with your class being famous for throwing the best school parties, almost everyone in your year had crowded into your classroom.
Tables were pushed aside to make space, only leaving a few in the center for the best game of all - rock, paper, scissors.
But there was a twist, thanks to Sohee's genius but devious mind.
"Whoever loses has to drink my special drink!" he shouted across the noise, waving a plastic cup in the air.
It was definitely special with whatever the hell Sohee mixes in to it.
There was a combination of every soda in the room, along with a spoon of nacho cheese, a splash of chili sauce, dumplings stolen from Anton's lunch, pizza crumbs, and a concerning amount of pickles.
Not only did it smell disgusting, it also looked disgusting.
But hey, you only live once.
So here you were, up next after Wonbin to play the game against Sungchan, who had been winning five games in a row.
"Hey, are you sure?" Eunseok whispers, gently tugging you back towards him by the elbow.
"Yeah, why?" you ask, eyes sparkling with excitement.
"Well, don't get me wrong, but you usually lose in rock paper scissors." your boyfriend says sheepishly, laughing when you jokingly punch him in the stomach.
"I'll win this time, just watch." you boasted, practicing your skills by throwing random signs in his face to show just how prepared you were.
"Sure, you'll totally win." Eunseok teases, pinching your cheek lightly.
You'd punch him in the stomach again, but Sohee announces that it's now your turn.
"Wish me luck!" you squeal before walking up to the table, a determined smile on your lips.
"Ready to lose?" Sungchan asks, looking relaxed.
You scoff, stretching your hand out. "You should ask yourself that question." you retort, challenging him.
"Alright, Sungchan vs Y/N! Start!" Sohee shouts, making another cup of his special drink for the loser.
Things get intense the moment Sungchan starts the game off, the brown haired guy mumbling the chant before throwing out the sign of his choice.
You win the first two rounds, and sweet victory was just one more round away.
Until Sungchan won the following two rounds, the results of your game all relying on the final round.
Your lips are pursed together nervously, confidence slipping away as you try to focus harder.
"Rock, paper, scissors... shoot!" he shouts, and you throw a scissor sign.
Sungchan throws out a rock sign at the same time, instantly winning over you while everyone screamed in surprise and disappointment.
Dread fills your chest when you realize you have to drink Sohee's special drink, the boy already making his way over to you with the cursed plastic cup in his hands.
"Chug! Chug! Chug!" the crowd cheers as you take the cup from Sohee, shifting nervously on your feet.
You peer cautiously into the cup to see a marshmallow from god knows where floating above the greyish-brown liquid, a smear of chili sauce at the side while a bittersweet smell hit your nostrils.
"I added more things! Enjoy!" Sohee sings out before joining in with the crowd to cheer you on.
All you can do is sigh and take a deep breath, eyes closing shut to prepare yourself for the mess you got yourself into.
But the cup has barely touched your lips when you feel someone snatching it right out of your hands, and your eyes fly open to see Eunseok downing it all in one go.
The crowd cheers even louder, screams of 'That's so sweet!' and 'He's so cool!' bouncing off the walls.
You're still blinking in shock as he sets the cup down on the table, wiping at his lips with the back of his hand.
"Not bad." he says casually, shrugging.
The crowd just about loses it at this, and you see people shoving Sohee around and telling him to amp up on the next drink.
"No, no, wait!" he shrieks, waving his arms around for everyone to shut up.
"Why'd you drink it for her? She was going to drink it." he asks, eyebrows raised suspiciously at his best friend.
Eunseok freezes with an awkward smile, face slowly turning red as he tries to come up with an explanation.
"I-I just wanted to try it. That's all." he coughs, eyes glued to the floor.
"Really?" Seunghan butts in, smirking at the both of you. "You and Y/N are starting to look like the fire hydrant outside."
"Well, it's hot in here!" you protest, fanning at your flushed face.
"Yeah, and the drink might make her sick!" Eunseok adds.
The crowd lets out an amused 'Ooooh!' at this, and it's Shotaro's turn to say something.
"Don't you think the drink might've made Wonbin sick too? But you didn't drink it for him. What, are the both of you dating?" he teases, giggling.
"Well, so what if we are?" You blurt.
Eunseok turns to look at you so fast, you could hear a small snap go off in his neck.
Everyone starts screaming at this, the noise making you wince.
"You are?" Anton repeats, eyes wide with surprise. "You're capable of love after all!" he cheers, patting Eunseok on the back.
His face turns impossibly redder as he smiles, scratching the back of his head.
"I knew it! I always knew something was going on between the both of them!" Sohee screeches, running over to squeeze Eunseok in a hug.
"Alright, stop bothering them!" Sungchan hollers, knowing the unwanted attention was probably making the both of you slightly uncomfortable. "Who's next?"
He successfully diverts everyone's attention back to the game, and you let out a sigh of relief when the both of you are left alone.
"I'm so sorry about that, I didn't mean to shout it out like that and I was just surprised because you drank it, and I was-"
Eunseok cuts off your ramble with a kiss to the lips, strong and passionate.
"Don't worry about it," he whispers, smiling softly at you as he tucks a piece of your hair behind your ear. "It's about time they knew anyway."
His words make your heart race, and you can't help but avoid his intense stare.
"W-Wasn't the drink bad?" you stuttered, trying to change the topic.
He shrugs again, slowly backing you against a corner of the wall.
"It was fine." he says, so close that you could feel his breath against your lips.
"I'd do anything for you." he whispers, and he presses his lips right against yours.
The fact that there are almost a hundred of other people in the room with you fades out of your mind at the feeling of his lips, so warm and so soft but so aggressive at the same time.
It would be embarrassing if you got caught, but as long as it was with your lovely boyfriend, you wouldn't mind.
He'd do anything for you, and you'd do anything for him too.
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© anton-luvr, 2023.
taglist: @wonbons @mxlly143 @keehobaldboy @shawyle @yenart
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rainylana · 1 year
“It’s time to go to the doctor, baby.”
Eddie Munson x female reader
summary: an evening at steve’s takes a turn for the worst.
warnings: undiagnosed bipolar, disassociation, depression, language. i have bipolar so this is my experience, it might be different for anyone else so please bare that in mind. it can vary from person to person. i hope this reaches the right audience. having bp is life altering, but we get through it! you’re not alone <3
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You only went because you knew how excited Eddie was to see his friends, and you had been too, but when you woke up, you knew it was going to be another one of those days. Something was wrong with you. You didn’t know what, but you knew it was bad. Your body was changing and not for the better. You were too scared to go to the doctor, petrified of what could potentially be wrong with you. Your worst fear was finding out maybe you had cancer or some life threatening disease.
Eddie knew to some degree that you were suffering, but you didn’t let on how much it bothered you. As far as he knew, you were just depressed, in a phase that you would eventually get out of. Neither of you knew how serious it actually was. All day you’d done your best to keep your head high and a smile on your face, and you’d done very well considering.
You were hanging out at Steve’s watching the new Friday the 13th, both Robin and Dustin where there. You tried your best to pay attention to the screen in front of you, but you couldn’t remember what had even happened in the previous scene. Eddie was to your left, hand on your leg, and Dustin was to your right munching on popcorn.
You felt so drained, but not like a tired kind of drained, the worst type of exhaustion you could ever imagine. It was like being run over by ten trains, thrown into a volcano and being punched by a wwe wrestler. That kind of exhaustion. The kind where all you wanted to do was lay on the floor, despite the fact the room was full of people. You couldn’t pay attention to the tv, you kept forgetting what was happening. You didn’t even feel like your body was present, your mind somewhere off far away in wonderland or oz.
It scared you when this happened. Eddie’s hand on your leg felt fuzzy and unreal, Dustin’s shoulder that brushed against yours felt nonexistent. You felt nonexistent. You felt as if your soul was suspended in the air and you were looking down at your body. But how could you explain that to Eddie? He’d think you were crazy, surely! So you suffered in silence.
This had been going on for almost six months. The only person who knew was Eddie. He’d been trying to convince you to go to the doctor to get out on some sort of medication for depression, but you felt ridiculous. It surely had to be all in your head. But tonight, it was starting to take it’s toll on you, the exhaustion.
You felt this overwhelming amount of dread cover your body, like a dark cloudy blanket that dampened your mood like rain. You wanted so badly to cry, but you couldn’t muster up the tears.
“Snack break, anyone?” Steve asked, pausing the movie with the remote.
“Got any of those nacho cheese chips?” Eddie patted your leg.
“You mean doritos?” Dustin laughed, giving him a sideways glance.
All three of the boys laughed and ventured off to the kitchen, leaving you sit in your silence. It felt so good. The tv off, only a flicker or two of static. You felt your brain relax, and you allowed your tears to fall. Your breath hitched in your throat and your face crumpled together. You covered your mouth so no one could hear you, your fingernails digging into your lips.
It took you over, and even though you were sitting on a perfectly good couch, the floor was just calling your name. You crawled off the couch, sinking down to the cold, hardwood floor and curling into a tight ball. Your body relaxed into it’s dead weight, and you let out a whimper that made you shiver.
Their voices sounded underwater, their footsteps vibrating the ground beneath your ear, sounding like loud thumps. You could hear their laughter and giggles, high fives, all muzzled and fuzzy like the tv screen. You could hear Eddie’s voice get closer, high pitched and alarmed. You felt his hands grip your body, trying to pull you up off the floor, but your dead weight wouldn’t allow it. You blinked tiredly, not wanting to communicate with him. You could hear Dustin and Steve come closer.
“Baby,” Eddie shook you, face close to yours so he could search your eyes. “Y/n, what happened! What’s wrong?” He panicked, looking you over for any injuries.
He frowned at the sight of your tears, quiet ones that rolled over your nose. “Sweetheart? Talk to me, angel. Are you alright?”
His palms swiped your cheek to collect your tears, petting your hair and trying his best to lift you off the floor.
“Tired.” You managed to mumble, crying lightly with your hands tucked to your chest. “I’m so tired, Eddie.”
He narrowed his eyes in confusion.
“Is she okay?”
“What happened?”
“Should we call an ambulance?”
He ignored the panicked voices of Steve and Dustin, holding his hand to shush them. “Tired?” He said gently, lifting you up into his lap. “Why are you tired, honey?”
You shrugged your shoulders, moving your eyes upward so you could see him. “Something’s wrong with me.”
It clicked to him then what you were referring to, and his face dropped, leaning his forehead to yours as he sighed deeply. “It’s time to go to the doctor, baby.”
You didn’t argue this time, nodding gently. “Yeah.”
He gave you a kiss on your cheek. “Wanna go home? You want me to carry you?”
You allowed him to lift you up in his arms, burying your face in his chest as he opted to leave your shoes at the door. He’d come back and get them tomorrow. He gave a farewell and an apology to his friends, saying he’d explain later as he took you out to his van.
He held your hand on the way home with you laying on the seat, head in his lap. When he got you both home, he carried you inside and laid you on your bed, helping you out of your clothes and into your pajamas. He tried to get you to talk, to open up, but you couldn’t muster up much. You kept saying you needed to rest, you needed quiet.
Eddie was as scared as you to find out what the doctor would have to say.
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aesthetic-bbyg · 1 year
Tom Kaulitz x chola!reader
in which you and a group of friends walk into a convince store in LA only for you to end up crushing on the German boy buying beer and candy.
Nattie speaks: I came up with this while listening to music hehehehe. I was also torn between braids or dreads but ultimately I chose braids🤞
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TOM SHUFFLED ACROSS the aisle of the gas station, eyes wandering across the variety of candy and occasionally glancing down at the crumpled up paper in his hand, scribbles of what everyone wanted hardly readable. He wasn’t familiar of the area, only being in LA for a few days for the tour but he was still sent off to find all the necessity’s to survive in the hotel a little longer. His black glasses were shoved up onto his hat, braids swinging down his back with each step while also pulling his baggy pants up. His hands were full of chips, candy, cookies, now his vision was directed towards the back freezers were the beer was stored.
Off in the distance he could hear a faint buzz, a booming sound of music being heard from a mile away and it only got closer. The lyrics of a Tupac song echoed into the store, a mixture of boys and girls stumbling in loudly. The one holding stereo grinned innocently, lowering down the music as the clerk behind the counter glared at him. Two girls trailed in after, you and your best friend, Alejandra, pinkies interlocked as you whispered about some teen pregnancy that happened downtown.
“Hurry up, or I ain’t getting you nothin’.” Your brother, Manuel, demanded, heading towards the food. His hair was slicked back, far too much gel layed on his dark locks to stick it in place.
The two of you headed down to the back, immediately searching for the cold drinks, you sharp eyes looked around the glass doors of different beverages. You gasped suddenly, wrapping your fingers around the metal handle of the door and pulling it open. A fresh breeze blew onto your body, contrasting against the hot sun that beamed brightly just outside. “Damn, Jandra!” Your friend jogged by you with curious eyes. “They released a sandía version of the Arizona Teas!” A big grin filled your face, grabbing the red tin can.
“Shiit.” Alejandra smiled, “Alright, you get the sandía and I get the mango, just so we got options.” You nodded, closing the door as someone walked behind you. You looked over your shoulder instinctively, catching sight of a tall boy, adorned in baggy clothing, a bandana wrapped along his hairline and long cornrows.
Tom had also taken notice of you the moment you stepped into the store, he turned to catch a better look but was met with your own eyes. For a moment, time slowed, both of gazed kept on each other, waiting for the other to look away. In the end, his eyes were lost behind a shelf, but you could see the way his lips quirked up into a smirk before he walked into the chip aisle.
You nudged Alejandra, removing her attention from the kids juice box section. You subtly nodded over to the boy who stood a few feet away, grabbing a bag of salty snacks. “He’s cute.” You whispered, Alejandra nodded in agreement smiling over at you knowingly. “Should ask I for his number?”
“Do it.” The girl giggled, revealing her pearly teeth that were caged behind a pair of braces. But, before you could walk over he began to make his way to the front, breezing past your brother and his group of friends who were going ham on the condiments. You huffed, walking by your brother to get a better look at him but still keeping it nonchalant. Your hands were inching towards a bag of Hot Cheetos, you brother loudly chewed on his hotdog, you stared over at him with a disgusted face. Alejandra opened up a bag of hot Cheetos, filling it up with cheese from the nacho section. You joined her, doing the same till your ear picked up a brewing commotion.
“In the United States you need to be 21 to buy beer.” The old clerk lectured, angrily glaring at the boy in front of him, a ID slipped on the counter that showed all of the mysterious cute boys information.
“But I am 19,” He pointed at the date of birth stated on the card, “that’s legal everywhere else, just let me have them.” The boy argued back, a thick accent in the back of his throat while he flailed his arms angrily.
“But we’re not anywhere else, we’re in the United States, it’s the law, kid.” The braid-haired boy groaned, taking back his ID and leaving behind the pack of beers, cursing under his breath in german. At that point the commotion had caught the attention of all the group. You stared as he stomped out the store, bag full of other snacks in his hands. Your brother and his friends snickered amongst eachother, you shoved his shoulder with a stern look.
“Yo, do him a solid and get them.” You muttered, your brother stared down at you, expression laid back and careless like usual, but he raised a brow.
“You gon’ pay for it o que?” (Or what) He questioned, “Cuz, I’m already payin’ for whatever you and Jandra got there, I ain’t spending my money on nothin’ more.”
You rolled your eyes, stuffing your hands into your pocket and pulling out the last bit of cash you had on you, placing it in his open palm. He smirked smugly, walking to get a pack before making his way upfront, the things got paid for, the cashier asking the same questions of did you find everything okay? as always, though his miserable tone was pitiful. As soon as you and the group stepped out the store, your brothers friend cranked up the volume on the stereo again, the song blasting from the speaker. From a distance you could see the same boy, leaned up against the ice machine, his snacks still in hand while the other held a cigarette between his fingers. His dark glasses protecting his eyes from the lowering sun.
Alejandra smiled at you, passing the pack of cold beers before cheering you on silently. You looked back at her before jogging over to the tall boy. “Yo, got these for you.” For a moment he just stared at you confusingly, cigarette burning down as the seconds ticked by. “I saw what happened in there, but don’t worry, we always got each others backs here in LA.”
You’d begun to think that maybe he didn’t understand you, he did have a thick, foreign accent while speaking earlier which made you assume that he may have a limited English vocabulary. You weren’t sure, but it made you nervous and awkwardly shuffle from side to side. But finally, he dropped the cigarette, crushing it under his shoes and lifting his sunglasses from his enchanting irises. He grabbed the pack, a smirk on forming on his pierced lips. “Thank you, beautiful, what’s your name?”
You liked his confidence, the nickname immediately making your smile and lean your head to the side flirtatiously. “Y/n, and you?”
“Tom.” He replied swiftly, eyes examining your body. The tight white tank top that hugged your skin, the baggy Dickies that belong to your brother hung low on your waist being kept up by a black belt, your ears gleaming with large silver hoops. You had a few tattoos scattered across the exposed skin he could see, your eyebrows were thinly drawn on, lips lined with a dark shade of brown. He liked you, adored your style. “You’re gorgeous.”
“Thanks.” You bit your lip, looking up at him through your lashes. “You fine as hell too, that’s why I wanted to ask for your number.”
“Yeah?” Tom lowly questioned, his shit-eating smirk only getting bigger. “Well you’ve got it, gorgeous.” He set down the beers, reaching for his phone in his deep pockets. You exchanged numbers, conversing a little longer, pulling all the flirty comments you could think of. You got him to chuckle a few times before he revealed that he was in town with his band.
“I like your glasses.” You hands reached forward, grabbing them from his head and placing them on your face. “Damn, these nice as fuck.”
He chuckled softly, staring at you. “Keep them.” You looked over at him, lowering the glasses to make sure that he meant it and wasn’t playing with you. “Gives me a reason to see your pretty face again.”
“Damn.” You stared at him happily before a loud horn blasted from behind you, you rolled your eyes, glancing back to see your brother looking back at you from red the low-rider car seat. “I gotta go, but call me guapo.” You smirked, waving your hand before walking towards the car. Alejandra smirked as she saw your happy express when you hopped in the open-roofed car. Tom eyes never left you as the car pulled away from the gas station and sped down the road, the whole vehicle vibrating as a rap song shrieked out the speakers.
“Who was that vato you were talkin’ to?” Manuel questioned, looking back at you from the rear-view mirror with a raised brow.
“None of ya’ business, mitotero.” You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms, head turning to stare out into the road, the harsh wind whipping through your hair. Alejandra smirked, leaning in closer to your ear.
“So, did you get it?” Your friend watched as your lips twitched, teeth coming out to bite back the grin that threatened to show. She giggled, shaking your body lightly. “Ohh, girl, you got that look of looove.”
“He fine as hell but love is a little much.” You replied, looking over at her with a mischievous smile. “He gave him his glasses, though.” You pull them from your head and passed them to her as she gawked at them.
“A la madre, this is some of that nice shit.” She examined it closely, staring at the Ray-ban logo printed on the side. Just then you felt a buzz on your thigh, you looked down at the phone as it lit up with a notification, an unknown number texted you. Immediately you opened it and smiled, Tom had texted you, a flirty greeting topped with a winky face. “I assume it your man textin’?”
“Cállate.” You turn your phone off, stuffing it in the side pocket of your pants. The text was only the first of many, Tom taking more interest in you the longer you talked, it wasn’t long till he’d taken you to his hotel room.
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“Shit, fool.” You mumbled, tightening the belt around your waist as Tom chuckled, being the only audience member of your fashion show, aka you trying on his stupidly baggy clothes. “How so you wear this stuff everyday.”
He shrugged, throwing his hands up slightly. “I am a big man, I need big clothes.”
“No shit.” You scoffed, turning towards the mirror and staring at the huge shirt that looked more like a dress. “Should I wear this to the carne asada?”
“I think you should wear nothing, you’re sexier that way.” The Kaulitz boy smirked, doing that thing where he fiddled with the black piercing on his lip. You rolled your eyes and walked back into the closet, ignoring his comments as you dug through more of his clothes. In a few hours you and Tom would have to arrive at your tíos carne asada, Tom being requested to join by non other then your mother.
Tom was already dressed and splayed out on the seat, just watching as you struggled to find something, which why you ended digging through his clothes. It took an half hour before you came out satisfied, grinning widely as you put on your silver hoops.
The real problem came the moment you stepped in the backyard, your tíos home full of guest that you knew and some you didn’t. Either way a handful of them came up to with same comments how old you looked and how big you’ve gotten. Manuel came up with his little gang that constantly followed him around, it took him the longest to get sue to Tom. Though, it wasn’t long before your brother and Tom became friends.
“Wassup, ese.” Manuel he held a corona beer in his hand, using his free one to grab clap against Tom’s and bring him in for a swift chest bump. Then you ran into your mother, her expression going from a stern glare to a huge smile. Everything had went smooth so far, you were happy to be there, until a familiar voice squealed from behind you.
“Tomas! Mi Niño, mira que guapo té vez!” Your mother chanted, bringing him into a tight hug and planting her calloused hands on his cheek, he smiled shyly at her affection. The boy had grown to be a favorite, his charisma and cute looks making him popular with the tías.
“Mama, he just got here from Germany a couple days ago, está cansado, we just gonna sit and chill.” You attempted to reason with the woman, staring at your boyfriend apologetically. But you’d only made the situation worse, she gasped dramatically, looking back at the boy and ushering him to a table. She’s explained everything to all of the tías, which lead to him being taken care of for most of the night. He was constantly being checked up on, being handed plates of food, being talked to about the latest scandal of the neighborhood, it left you sitting with Alejandra, on the other side of the backyard.
“Que tienes, amiga?” The dark haired girl questioned, staring at your frowning face and squinted eyes. She could practically feel the heat of annoyance radiating of you.
“They took my fucking man!”
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heheheheh, this just a short little thang I decided to write bc why not,🤷‍♀️y’all already know that Tom would have the aunties in a CHOKEHOLD!! I also had to rewrite the last half of this bc I forgot to save it so sorry if any parts of it seem rushed or short!
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bellamer · 6 months
Duke: You guys ever dip your pizza in anything ?
Dick: Duke, what kind of question is that ? Of course we dip our pizza.
Duke: Just making sure you guys aren’t weird is all.
Dick: There’s something about ranch that just works with a greasy slice.
Tim: Papa John’s pizza crust is alright at best but they knew what they were doing when they invented this little cup of garlic butter.
Jason: Do yourselves a favor. Take a pepperoni slice and drizzle a little honey on top. The world’s been sleeping on this for years, it’s time they woke up.
Duke: Please tell me that you people have dipped your crust in nacho cheese before !
Dick: I will be trying that immediately.
Tim: Dick, I know you love Duke but there’s only so much insanity that we can handle at this table.
Jason: Duke is a gentleman. And if you don’t like nacho cheese, you only add to the insanity.
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prince0fpaints · 3 months
Letting off some steam..
Venture x Reader
Warnings under cut!!
WARNINGS - mentions of male genitalia, choking, name calling/degrading, PLEASE PLEASE PLEAASSSEEE PROCEED WITH CAUTION!!!
“Hey, Sloan, did you hear about this deal at the mall today?”
“Hey Sloan-y look at this cool stick I found!”
What now?
“Pebble.. Pay attention to me!!”
That was the straw that broke the camel's back, Sloan was already swamped with backup work from the wayfinders society, they were assigned a pretty difficult case; finding the location of king Beau’s ceramic crown, said to be lost forever, but with bits and pieces being found in iceland gave the society hope and they, in turn, decided to put the best of them on the case.
Sloan was honored, they were incredibly ecstatic! The second they got home and told you about it you were equally excited and willing to help them. However, they told you they could handle it on their own, and even though it put you in a pouty mood, you let your lover work.
You let them work.. And work.. And work.. And then you began to miss them, they rarely left the house and that was thanks to Joel at the society to give Sloan all the time they needed to pinpoint a rough location on the artifact. Every now and again you brought them food but never lingered too long, until they would be moving around the house, just for a change of scenery not to be pelted by your requests for attention. They were nice to you at first, being as gentle as possible, scolding you and giving you tiny bits of attention.. Which unknowingly reinforced you to bug them more for attention.
“Baby, I know you’ve been missing me but I've gotta work, okay.. Fine, one kiss.”
. . .
“Amor, I’ve got work to do.”
. . .
“Minx, compórtate bien. Odiaría castigarte.”
You forgot for a moment what their Spanish did to you. You couldn't make out much, barely any at all, but they were smiling so it must have been a praise! You smiled back and went back to chatting their ear off. Sloan was currently sitting criss-cross on the comfy futon in the living room, you sat next to them talking about nothing in particular, just chatting.
You would trace the outside lines of their tattoos, lingering over the one on their wrist as their arms were bare and vulnerable, thank you tank tops! They were dressed quite casually, A black tank top, and those cartoony boxers with skulls and crossbones printed on the fabric.
“And then she kinda just left without her cup of extra cheese, and then got mad when she came back when the movie ended and ate her nachos! Like c’mon lady! That's your fault, so like-”
You weren't able to get any more words out as a hand moved to cover your lips, your eyes recognized the beautiful tan skin that was littered with tattoos, your pupils traced up the appendage to sloan’s eyes. They looked pissed.
Messy hair, bags under their squinted eyes, eyebrows furrowed to enunciate their current emotion of annoyance. A slight grimace on their lips caused their teeth to peek out slightly as they tightened their grip before adjusting your body.
You were laying on your stomach now, nose pressed against their thigh as they placed their computer on the arm of the futon, you squirmed and grunted as you tried to move and they silenced you, quick.
“callarse la boca. quedarse quieto.”
You did as told, even if you could barely translate, you knew full well what Sloan would say when they wanted someone to be quiet. Your movements stilled, eyes looking up at Sloan from where they held your head, much gentler now as they shifted on the futon.
They released you momentarily before lifting their hips off the cushions and slipping their boxers off just to the middle of their thighs. You swallowed, hard, eyes first spotting the leather straps wrapped perfectly around their sculpted abdomen, and a familiar sight met your gaze.
Their cock, their crazily colored, beautiful length.
You stared at it, unable to tear your eyes away as your eyes looked over the pinks, purples, and yellows on the slightly curved length. You swallowed once more, body twitching unknowingly as you felt Sloan’s gentle hand wipe away some drool you didn't realize escaped your mouth.
“Messy. Here, make yourself useful while I work.”
You wanted to, to just wrap your lips around it and make your partner happy but were met with resistance as their hand tugged your hair back.
“Control yourself. Don't you dare misbehave, I can stop this at any time.”
You whine, you love when they get all dominant like this but hate when they threaten to stop playing with you like this. You felt your head nod mindlessly, Sloan’s strong hand guiding your wanting mouth to the tip of their length.
You bobbed your head in a slow rhythm, Sloan groaned in satisfaction, their head rolling back as they praised your skillful tongue, though the shaft occupying your mouth was silicone, you swore sloan was feeling every little lick and suck. They removed their hand from your now messy locs and went back to typing. You mentally pout, you don't have their undivided attention. You wanted to hear them, to feel their hands on you, to be praised about your skillful mouth. You began to pull off to groan at them only to be pushed back down, gagging slightly in the process.
“You've been mouthing off all day, god, you've been so desperate for me, haven't you.”
Your hips shift at their tone, mind so clouded, their voice felt like it wormed its way into your brain.
“God. If you'd only shut up, I wouldn't have to stuff your useless mouth like this.”
You let out a muffled moan, tears dripping down your cheeks and onto their perfect thighs and the leather straps.
“But knowing you, you probably like this, don't you?.. Apuesto a que estás todo mojado ahí abajo. ¿Sí?”
You moan around the silicon you were choking on.
You quite literally prove their point right after.
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hellfireloserclub · 4 months
Raiders of the lost ark
May24 @steddiemicrofic |510 words | prompt top |rating G
Steve was watching Eddie pace the aisle of family video, he had been doing the same circuit for the last twenty or so minutes. 
Up through the kids’ section, double back through the horror-at some point Keith was going to realize that wasn't the best planning. It was one miss shelved critters of deadtime stories away from corporate being called. Steve wasn't going to point it out, he didn't get paid enough- then making a circle around new releases before doing a loop of Sci fi and fantasy. 
Not that Steve wasn't enjoying the quality time with Eddie. His crush was growing by the day so Any time spent observing the man was time well spent. 
But the pacing was getting irritating, especially when Steve knew the thing he was looking for was tucked in Steve’s vest pocket, where it had been since the other man dropped it counting his pocket change to pay his fine.
“Eddie, you're gonna wear a hole in the carpet man,” Steve said as he input the new releases into the computer, wiping the hefty fine belonging to Eddie that had definitely not been covered by the couple of quarters that the metal head had thrown on the counter. 
At least Eddie was occupied and Steve could get on with his job with bare minimum distraction.
“I can’t believe I lost it.” Eddie muttered to himself ignoring Steve completely.
“I'm an idiot, why wouldn’t I just put it back on? I never take it off…” The muttering disappeared around the back of the back to the future cutout for what felt like the millionth time. 
“EDDIE!” Steve tried again. 
This time Eddie did stop, head popping out from behind Micheal J Fox’s back with a deep scowl etched between his eyebrows. 
“You going to tell me what you're looking for?” Steve asked coming around the counter to join him now he had finished his list of jobs. “Indiana Jones didn’t search this hard for the lost ark.”
Eddie flipped him off, continuing on his quest, knowing that Steve would follow him, regardless. “I dropped Mom’s ring. I took it off earlier after I had nacho's cause I got Cheese everywhere and shoved it in my pocket, and now I can’t find it.” 
“Well Indy. We have top men working on it right now.” Steve said sagely. Eddie stopped in his tracks. 
“Who?” Eddie asked, turning to face him. 
“Top. Men.” Steve said 
“As adorable as you being a nerd is Harrington, I need to find-” Eddie lost his train of thought as Steve pulled the missing ring out of his pocket, presenting it with an almost Eddie worthy flourish. Eddie moved forward clambering to get the ring back on his finger. Once it was in place, he pulled Steve into a bone breaking hug.
“Steve, you life saver, I could kiss you.”  
“I wouldn’t stop you.” Steve muttered without thinking. 
It took a second, but Steve could see the exact moment Eddie finally understood. 
“Oh Stevie, at least let me buy you dinner first.” 
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adrienneleclerc · 6 months
Hello! I don't know if you accept requests but Henry eating for the first time esquites/chaskas/elote in a glass, whatever they tell him in your country because in mine they are called chaskas 😭😭
In Mexico, it’s esquites if it’s in a cup and of course elote if it’s on the cob. I do accept requests! Helps with la falta de imaginación
Something New
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: Henry meets Y/N’s parents for the first time and tries traditional Mexican food.
Warning: no translated Spanish, spelling and grammatical errors,
A/N: Im gonna input my childhood, obviously.
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Y/N was making lunch her and Henry when she got a phone call.
“Bueno?” Y/N asked, adding pasta into the boiling water.
“Hola hija! Cómo estás?” Her mom asked on the other line. Y/N walks away from the stove.
“Mami, estoy bien, y tú? Por qué me estás llamando?” Y/N asked, walking to the living room and swatted Henry’s shoulder, he looked back confused.
“Estoy bien, hija, gracias por preguntar.” Y/N put her mom on speaker. “Como pascua es este domingo, quiero que vengas con tu noviecito, han estado saliendo por un rato y no le hemos conocido ni nada.” Y/N’s mom said and Y/N’s eyes widened, now Henry was concerned, he might not know a lot of Spanish, but he could tell by his girlfriend’s face, this wasn’t the best news.
“Si mami, claro que voy con mi novio, de verdad quiero que se conozcan.” Y/N said.
“Que bueno, Los veo mañana, chao.” Her mom hung up and Y/N facepalmed her forehead.
“I understood about 20% of that, what’s going on?” Henry asked.
“Fortachón, you’ve got your wish, You’re meeting my parents tomorrow.” Y/N said and Henry’s eyes look,Ike they’re going to pop out of his head.
“Tomorrow? I am not prepared!” Henry exclaimed.
“Well tomorrow is Easter and my mom wants to meet you so…yeah. Knowing her, we’ll have a lot of tias and tíos, some primos already have kids so get ready for Superman questions, fortachón.” Y/N said, patting his shoulder before going back to the kitchen.
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Now it was Easter, Henry and Y/N were at her mom’s door, Henry carrying the Mexican rice Y/N made. Y/N rang the doorbell again, the door opened and she was greeted by her cousin Ignacio.
“Nacho! Cómo estás?” Y/N hugged her cousin and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
“Estoy bien prima, Miguelito esta jugando allá fuera. Pásale, pásale, nice to meet you Henry.” Nacho said, shaking Henry’s free hand, leading them through the house and into the backyard. “Put the rice on the table, mi papá ya está preparando los elotes.”
“Ooh, i haven’t had elotes in a while.” Y/N said.
“What’s elote?” Henry asked.
“You haven’t been making Your gringo any Mexican food? What kind of girlfriend are you?” Nacho said and Y/N swatted his arm.
“I make him Mexican food…he likes tacos, bistec empanado con sopita, quesadillas de papa.” Y/N said.
“Don’t worry, hermano, You’re going to eat really well here.” Nacho puts his arm around Henry’s shoulder as best as he could since Henry is obviously taller than him. Y/N says hello to everyone, introducing them to Henry.
“Okay, primer elote está listo, quien lo quiere?” Nacho’s dad, Hernando, asked. Nacho quickly got up for the elote.
“Okay so elote is corn topped with mayonnaise, cheese, and chili power. It’s really good (I haven’t eaten in, I don’t like corn), you’ll like it.” Y/N said. Henry was sat at the table while Y/N made him a plate of food. “I served you sopes which is tortilla topped with refried black beans, queso cotija, and lettuce because the salas is probably too spicy for you, your elote, a tostado which is the same as a sope but it’s a crunchy tortilla, and tostadas de pulpo because they’re my favorite.”
Henry looked at the plate in front of him. “This is a lot of food, love.”
“Yes but think of it this way, if you don’t like it, I’ll eat it, and very happily too.” Y/N said, kissing him. Henry took a bite of the octopus tostada.
“This is really good.” Henry finished that tostada, moved on to the regular tostada, then the sope, adding a bit of salsa. Then to the elote, best for last. He took a bite, some corn falling off the cob, mayonnaise on the corner of his mouth along with pieces of queso cotija and chili powder. “I think elotes might be my favorite, it’s delicious, muchas gracias, Hernando.”
“No es nada, güerito.” Hernando said, making another 2 elotes for Henry to eat.
“I take it this means I have to make more Mexican food in the house?” Y/N asks.
“Oh absolutely, I’m going to have to work out even more to burn off these calories.” Henry said, kissing Y/N with his mouth tasting like elote.
The End
I know it’s short but I hope you like it! Feel free to request more ideas
Taglist: @warriormirkwood
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jay-m3 · 5 months
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Imagine: Them watching you do/watch sports
Male reader insert Warning* language, suggestive scenes
Characters: Adam, Alastor, Lucifer, Vox, and Val
Adam never was into sports. Sure he had watched some games here and there but he wasn't interested in it. Then you came into his life where football became a huge talk topic between you two. Like his concerts but this is your thing. As a supportive boyfriend, he attends to your games like how you attend his concerts.
Except, he'll support in his own special way and he's going to have fun. He'll have banners of your teams' logo, face paint in a unique rock style form, a blow horn that he'll blow every time your team has made a touch down and a jersey of your number plastered on (which he lifts, 'Suck it' is written on his stomach with an arrow pointing down at his dick every time he's on the big screen).
His sighs, tossing the now empty thin cardboard plate to the empty seat next to him. The cheese of the nachos that he ate stains his jersey which he just tries to dab away before the smell of hotdogs lifts his attention to the guy who is selling them.
"One hotdog here! With everything!" He calls out to the guy who nods and makes his way towards him. He pats down his pants to locate his wallet and thankfully he found it right before the guy reaches towards him.
"Here you go- hey, wait a minute. You're the person who is dating number (#)?" The guy questions which Adam smugly smirks at getting recognized as being the person who's dating one of the best running back player on the field.
"Yup." He pops the 'p'.
"Been dating him for a year now and since then, he always made a touchdown." He proudly announces even though it's not a true statement.
There were times where you're tackled down and end up losing but the majority of the time, what people has been focused on, was how much a better player you've been once you started dating Adam. He's your breakout is what your team teases about you.
Getting the hotdog, Adam sits back down, returning his attention to the field. Taking a big bite of the delicious greasy food, he watches as you quickly zag your way to the touchdown only to get bulldozed down by a guy at least twice your height.
Adam jumps up ready to release angry shouts only to choke on the food that was in his mouth.
Alastor has seen some games here and there, just watching along while getting the gossip of men around him. That was the only reason he would watch, until he met you.
You're such a big fan of soccer. Always getting easily distracted by the sport on tv when passing by Vox's tv displays. He'll have to drag you away while you whine and pull from the firm grasp around your shoulder.
"Oh Alastor, that man will walk on broken glass if you demanded it. Why not let him do something he likes for a change?" Rosie gestures to you, who was straining a smile as you talk to a group of men in cannibal town.
Fine, Alastor will compromise. He'll let you watch soccer when it was in season, without disturbance nor making the old telly go staticky. A treat, he'll say.
So when the time came, you prepared snacks and drinks, wearing your jersey and some face paint. As much as you looked ridiculous, the softer spot inside Alastor was satisfied with making you happy.
After a few game nights passed, you begged Alastor to watch one game with you. Even putting in that you'll let him dress you how he wants for a whole month.
As tempting as it was, Alastor refused. Not wanting to waist time by watching from the old picture box to see if the men kicked a ball to victory.
Thankfully, Rosie had your back.
"Oh? Well, remember that time when we went out to the buffet with my late husband? (M/n) didn’t want to go, didn't have to but guess what? He did, as a gentleman. Not complaining nor squeamish at the way we ate all those sinners. As your partner, he went along to experience something you like. Why not do the same?"
So, here he sat next to you, the box displaying the game.
"Go for it! Go for it!"
His eye twitches as you jerk forward, watching intensely as the player runs.
Alastor sighs, picking up the cup of tea that he made for himself, taking a sip-
Alastor side eyes you, eye twitching as you continue to curse out loud as if they can hear you.
'This is going to be a long season.' He slouches slightly in his seat.
Lucifer has never kept up with sports. It wasn't something he was interested in, not even when the sinners made a big deal about it at days.
But his curiosity had peaked when you would show him clips of a baseball game while babbling about whatever is happening.
It wasn't really the game he was curious about, it was how you would get so into it.
Asking opinions that you'll just answer them yourself. Collecting a lot of baseball cards only to stash them away in a protective glass case along with figurines, jerseys, baseballs and all of that. He can't keep track on the things you'll bring home.
It wasn't until he saw a billboard about there being a game near that you were just like him. Instead of ducks it was baseball.
If he ever got a chance to see a duck again he would be over the moon, with that thought, he bought you two tickets with the best seats.
A great decision as he sees you look around in awe, getting so hyper focus on the game when it started that you ignored him.
It was fine, he was prepared for this. He got up...and left.
Not from the stadium, just aimlessly walking around. Buying food for you and himself, stopping by the merchandise store, and just randomly walking up and down the many stairs.
When he gets back, he makes sure you eat something before zoning out for a little bit, watching the players do what they're supposed to do.
He wasn't interested, not really knowing what's going on. But from what he learned, if you hit the ball it wasn't a strike...he thinks.
He snaps out of it when an urge to do something again gets him on his feet only to remember about the bag you brought.
"This is for you. I know you're not interested in the game so I brought some stuff to keep you entertained."
He opens the bag to see many little items that will definitely keep him entertained. He is going to take you out on another game for this.
He smiles softly at you when you cheered.
You are truly amazing.
When he started dating you, it was very clear that you love hockey. You brought it up on your first date, stating clearly that it's one thing you can't miss watching.
Vox took it to heart.
With a lot of scheduling meetings and a little hypnosis, he was sponsoring your favorite team (In the near future, he'll gift you the company once your married).
All games, he'll get you both best seats on the house.
At first, he didn't get the game so he'll search up all the rules not wanting to make a fool of himself. But if he still doesn't understand, he'll only ask once. Won't ask the same question.
He also has tabs of your favorite players on his phone. He doesn't want to mixed them up accidentally.
Most times when nothing really good is happening, he'll step out to make calls and check on his own company.
All in all, he'll get really into it, especially when a brawl starts up. He's actually louder than you, encouraging the fight and smack talking the other team. Actually, you had to back up your man when another fan going for the other team starts something with Vox.
Once the game is over, he'll suprise you by taking you to the back. The team that you follow on every social media platform is now infront of you.
Before you can run off and meet all the players, you hug Vox tightly and kiss him with so much passion.
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You're the best boyfriend ever."
Vox watches on, electricity zapping up his antennas' as he saves the audio of you saying that. He'll replay it once he's alone.
He found out you did sports was when you came out of the bedroom with your uniform on.
At first, he thought you wore those for him. You know, role-playing type of thing. But when you completely ignored his advances, he made a big deal of how your just giving him blue balls at this point. That was when you told him you played volleyball.
It piqued his interest, not the sport but on the many players that will dress in those small tight shorts and sweating through the thin layer of sleeveless shirts.
He'll go to your games at random times. Either for inspiration for a new sports porno or just to mess with you backstage. There were many times you two almost got caught in the locker room that at this point, a small group of your team already knew where you were if you were missing.
This time, after a good blowie, Valentino watches your game. Relaxing back as he runs his eyes over your form. He didn't have to be anywhere at this time so why not enjoy the view. Planning to convince you to do a little role play of being a bad player getting punishment from the coach.
That reminds him, he needed to buy the uniform pronto. Taking out his phone, he sends a text to Velvet-
He quickly looks up when the sound of a loud smack and gasps filled the room. Apparently, someone from your team has spiked the ball down on one of the opponents' face.
Disappointment passes through him that he didn't get the chance to see it until the opponents cross the barrier of the net.
He perks up quickly, a smirk crosses his features as a fight breaks out.
"Don't get your pretty face messed up!" He yells out, blowing out smoke as arousal shimmers inside him.
'Yup, a punishment is in order.'
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