#when I started the next leg there was a massive thunder storm
inknopewetrust · 20 days
Summary: when the storm chasing is done and the weather doesn’t sit right, Scott is always there to reassure you everything will be alright [Scott Miller x Reader] [WC: 1.6k ish]
Warnings: none really. Fluffy romance, for once Scott isn’t an asshole, maybe a little suggestive at times but nothing that merits a warning. This fills the gap between the next massive Scott fic I’m writing.
Quick Links: Masterlist (including all twisters fics)
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In the middle of nowhere Oklahoma, the sounds of rain pattered on a front porch covered by a roof. Its meeting of wood had once been rhythmic. Each beat building anticipation of a storm in the distance—you loved that feeling.
And you curled up on the bench beside the door to watch it fall. Gently and softly until it drowned out the nothingness of your home.
It was heaven—if you just stayed awhile and simply listened.
On nights like these, Scott had learned the phases of your own storm chasing to a specific pattern.
The revelation that it was indeed going to rain came first. A light excitement that flashed before your eyes in hope that perhaps it would evolve into something far for exhilarating in the darkness. Second came the socks over your bare feet even after the evening had settled and there was no cause for it.
You’d be going outside—the moment the socks slipped over your toes he knew it.
And then when the rumbles or the pattern started, you’d be gone. Disappearing to the outdoors as though you’d live there in the wilderness to simply live amongst the weather.
He always questioned why you had never chased them, truly, yourself. Scott had never met someone so admiring of a natural phenomenon that exceeded your appreciation.
But it also happened to be a Friday night on this particular evening. One that was far and few between the longer the seasons lasted for his work and the end had just occurred. All he wanted was to hold you, feel you, love you, and yet you chose the storms he ran away from.
The thunder was sounding closer. The echos marched through the home you shared and he tapped on his leg in thought as the television set went out of service and the weather was all that was left.
So, he got up.
A prolonged squeal ached as the porch door opened beside you, taking the attention away from the sky alight with fireworks of Earth’s greatest display. From your spot on the bench, you looked up at Scott as he took in the sights you were captivated by.
It’d been so long since he’d been home that even in the darkness of your favorite storm, he’d still steal your attention. A blanket in hand, he was comfort embedded in the walls.
“I guess this is better than whatever’s on the tv, huh?” He commented gruffly. You shrugged, leaning your head back onto the siding.
“I can watch tv all day,” you countered. “It’s not everyday you get views like this.”
The lights captured you again. Breaking and busting through the clouds far away. It was beautifully bright.
“No,” he bit the inside of his cheek and shut the door. “You don’t.”
“Are you gonna sit with me?”
Scott knew you did not need to ask for him to sit with you yet you always did. An offer he couldn’t refuse—his heart wouldn’t let him. You stuck stakes into them and dragged him along for the rest of eternity in his eyes.
He hummed, holding out his hand covered with the blanket that normally rested on the back of the couch. Scott knocked his head to the side in instruction for you to move aside.
You shuffled to the end of the bench but knew it wasn’t enough. Therefore, you stood up, allowing him the space to sit on the furthest edge of the bench. Scott bent a knee, offering a hand and twinkle in his eye to you.
“Oh, look at you,” you quipped. “Such a gentleman.”
He tugged on your hand which only caused you to tumble into him. Knees meeting the bench with a thud, you caught yourself on his chest. His breath fanned your face as his chest lifted in a chuckle at your expense.
“I’m always a gentleman,” he feigned. “I don’t think you’d let me walk through the door if it wasn’t.”
“Well I don’t know if this is a gentleman’s way of handling their lover.”
A ghost of a smile met his lips. His eyes bared down to your lips before he pecked yours gently.
“There’s plenty of ways I can hold you if you ask nicely enough.”
“Uh huh,” you laughed. He let you go to turn your back to him before sitting down in the space between his legs. “How about you just hold me for now and we can decide on the rest later.”
Scott took the blanket he had brought and laid it over you both.
“You’ve got yourself a deal there, baby.”
You rested against his chest as the rain continued to rush to the ground. The sound, like before, drowned out everything else that didn’t matter as much as the shallow breathed of Scott and the hum of a constant pour.
It was perfect.
All of the love was filling a room that expanded beyond the porch of your house. You leaned your head back, relishing the feel of his head against yours as his arm wrapped around your front and held you securely. You’d bend every piece of you to rest forever in this position.
It was heaven.
“Hey,” against the rain, Scott’s voice murmured into your ear deep and calm. You turned your head into him as a signal of an answer.
“I love you,” he whispered.
And yeah, maybe it was more than heaven. Maybe it was something far better, more real than anything you had the imagination to conjure. To be loved unconditionally in the honesty of a stubborn man’s silence was a reward far beyond the peace only dreamt.
You were in your own heaven—one you were so lucky to have.
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A/N: thanks for reading! As always comments, reblog, and likes are always appreciated. I love hearing from all of you!!
Also this is not proofed at all as of today. Sorry for errors.
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justagirlluckyme · 2 months
How my beach trip went 🎀
July 8th (my bday): We arrived around 9pm on the 7th so we just got everything unpacked. On my bday it stormed and thundered the entire day. It rested for a little moment so around 7pm we took a beach walk which was sorta disappointing because i wanted to have a real beach day for my birthday. But, when we got back my mom made my favorite dinner! We did a champagne toast, ate cake, and opened gifts! I got a hello kitty makeup bag, cookie benefit highlighter, and a be the cowboy vinyl!
July 9th: My period started on the 7th so we bought tampons (this is my first time using them since they’re so scary) and it was a complete fail. I don’t think I put it in right because it was soooo uncomfortable and my mom said I shouldn’t be able to feel it but I did 🥲 I tried 3 separate times and it was still uncomfortable. Finally, we went to the beach village in search of a black swim skirt but finally found one the next town over at Walmart. By the time we did that, the day was over and no beach again 💔
July 10th: We finally had everything we needed but then my mom came down with a fever for the first half of the day but said she felt good enough to go around 5 pm so we got all ready but guess what… we get there and set up alllll our stuff and this strong wind starts blowing sand and this torrential downpour begins. If you’ve ever been in a strong rain storm yknow it hurts to especially when you’re half naked in a bikini. So we start collecting all our stuff which is a bunch of chairs, umbrellas, inner tubes, etc back to the car. I had to walk with my eyes closed most of the time because the rain was blowing directly in my face unless I walked backwards lol, but whatever we still had one day.
July 11th: Finally, the rain had stopped and it was a sunny day, we arrive at the beach around 1:30 pm. My period was basically over at this point so yay. I applied sunscreen before we got there and then applied more about halfway into the day. I had a lot of fun and we didn’t even leave until 7pm. Unfortunately, I got massive sunburns on both of my legs as well as a jellyfish sting on my right leg. As I’m writing this my left foot is pretty swollen but advil and aloe vera has helped. I think the sunscreen probably got washed off in the water then when I was sitting in the inner tube my legs and feet were directly in the sun. For the jellyfish sting, I didn’t even feel it but I recognized the burn marks from the last year I got stung by a jellyfish, and that one did hurt very much. The life guard sprayed his stuff on there and it helped.
July 12th: We had to leave by 11:00 am but when we woke up the water had been shut off in the condo so we called the owners and apparently it had to do with someone else having plumbing issues so everyone’s water got turned off. But we packed and left. We arrived home after a 5 hour + drive and I’ve been relaxing ever since. Super anxious about school starting back on the 1st of August 💔💔
If you read this series of unfortunate events, thank you. If there’s typos, sorry!
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tymberwolf02 · 7 months
Jack Thunder and the Snotty Snail
            Beyond the boundaries of this world there exists another world not unlike our own. Powered by the essence of magic and life itself, this world is known by many names. Its denizens, however, know it by one: Altairus.
            Deep within Altairus lies a forest known as the Emerald Woodland. These wild, verdant woods are home to many creatures within Altairus, from great forest dragons and white stags to smaller creatures like bunnies and squirrels.
            Not all creatures within the Emerald Woodland are so wonderful or magnificent, however. Some are quite slimy. Such was the case for a creature living deep within the deepest, darkest, smelliest part of the forest. Her name was Snotter Snail.
            Snotter was no ordinary snail; she was a faerie snail, much bigger than the snails you and I know. She was a little under five feet tall, and while she had the antennae and shell of a snail, she had arms and legs like a person. And she had a massive problem.
            You see, Snotter got her name from a particularly nasty habit of hers. Whenever she got particularly upset, she would spit gobs of mucus out of her mouth. Anyone who was unlucky enough to come into contact with Snotter’s snot would start coughing and sneezing, and even the plants that touched it would start to wilt. Because of this, Snotter lived a solitary life. She spent her days tending to her small mushroom garden next to her house cut out of the face of a boulder. And that was how she liked it.
            It was a few nights after the Dawn of Autumn that this all change. That August night, a thunderstorm broke out in the Emerald Woodland. Through the rain and the hail, Snotter swore she could see mountains buried in the roiling storm clouds, illuminated by flashes of lightning. Mountains that she had never seen before. Almost like she was looking at a massive, floating continent.
            The next morning, the floating island was gone, but it had left behind a massive mess. When Snotter saw the damage the storm had done to her garden, her temper flared. Mucus gathered in her mouth, and she sprayed it everywhere she could see. The ground, trees, and even part of Snotter’s house were coated in slime.
            “Yikes! What’re you doing to your house there?! I don’t think that’s how you’re supposed to paint it!”
            Say what? Snotter had never heard that voice before. It sounded like it was coming from behind her! She whipped around, but all she saw was an old oak tree. She scowled. Great. First my garden is destroyed, now someone’s playing games with me.
            And just like that, Snotter heard the cracking of branches and a startled yelp as a figure fell out of the tree and into the thicket below. Snotter could hear the stranger muttering in irritation before he stood up.
            She could have mistaken him for a forest sprite at first. Barely taller than her, he wore a full body hooded jumpsuit the color of pine needles, with gloves and shoes in a lighter shade of green. However, as Snotter continued to look him over, she came to another conclusion. She had heard stories about faeries from outside the forest. To her, he resembled what she’d heard about storm gremlins; small, troublesome Air faeries who lived on islands floating in the clouds high above the sky. She recalled reading about how each wore a jumpsuit with a badge symbolizing their powers and place in their society. This stranger’s badge held a picture of a lime-green lightning bolt ending in a pointed arrow. He sat up and looked at her.
            “What in Altairus were you doing to your yard?” he repeated.
            “You should know; you ruined it last night!” Snotter snarled back.
            “Wha-?! Not me! I just got here!”
            “How do you explain this, then?!” Snotter gestured to her destroyed garden.
            “Well, from the looks of it, you lost your temper and spit all over it.”
            The storm gremlin narrowly dodged a gob of mucus Snotter spit at him. He heard a door slam, and looking over, he could see Snotter had already gone back into her house. He turned his gaze back to where the gob of slime had landed and saw that the unfortunate flowers it had landed on had already lost their color.
            He frowned. “Sheesh. I know I have a bad attitude sometimes, but that was just… just completely out of proportion. I was only trying to be honest with her…” He turned back to the ruined garden. “Maybe if I try and help her with this…” He created a small raincloud at his fingertips, and it began to grow. When it was big enough for him to ride on, he released it into the garden. As it began to rain, the soil below began to glow faintly. Within a few minutes, all the mucus had washed away and the garden was good as new. After that was done, he directed the cloud to the side of the house to wash the mucus off of the side.
            Upon hearing the rain smacking against her walls, Snotter stormed outside, ready to give the gremlin a piece of her mind. Upon seeing her newly mended garden, however, her words died on her tongue. She stared at it for what seemed like an eternity. “I… Did you do this?”
            He stopped to look back at her and nodded. “Figured it could help. Healing rain works wonders for most things.”
            Healing rain? She’d used healing Earth magic in the past, but she didn’t know that there were Air spells that did the same thing.
            He continued, “Tempest Island passed over here last night. It’s still not that far away. I came back here just to have some lunch, but it looks like the storm did a lot more damage than I thought!” He assessed the decimated forest around him. “This is gonna take a while to fix…”
            “I see… I know a few healing spells myself that might help.”
            So they worked together to clean up the forest. The storm gremlin washed the slime off the rocks with his raincloud, and Snotter used the power of Earth to renew the plants and animals who had been harmed by storm or snot. When they were done, save for a few twigs strewn about here and there, the forest was as if the storm had never touched it.
            “Wow. I guess I misjudged you. Sorry about trying to slime you earlier.”
            “Don’t worry about it. By the way, what’s your name?”
            “I- Snotter. People call me Snotter.”
            The gremlin smiled. “I’m Jack Thunder. People say that I’m like a thunderhead sometimes, so I guess it fits.”
            That would explain the lightning bolt symbol on his badge. Snotter smiled, happy that she wasn’t the only one stuck with a name revealing her less pretty traits.
            They each said their quick goodbyes before Jack Thunder rode away atop the storm cloud he’d created. As Snotter watched him ride towards a mountain in the clouds and vanish into the ether, she thought about what he’d said about Tempest Island. Where was it going next? she wondered. And when would she see him again?
            One of these days, she decided, she would have to find Tempest Island once again.
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bertievi · 2 years
Okay! So!
I’ve will be back from a six day, 1044 mile journey tomorrow evening, I will be exhausted because no it was not in any sensical straight line and was a total indulgence trip 👀 more of that to come later.
But I will be catching up and posting opens and starters as soon as I am up for it, very likely on Friday because the muses are quite loud after their own holiday from the dash. Just letting you all know that I will be back and I can only apologise for that!
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the-iceni-bitch · 4 years
Pairing: soft!Winter Soldier x fem!Reader
Words: ~3.6k
Summary: You find the Winter Soldier washed up on the beach in front of your small cabin and debate what you should do with him.
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content (titty worship, soft sex, unprotected vaginal sex) minor angst, SMUT!!! 18+ ONLY!!!!
A/N: My official entry for @bonkywobble ‘s halfway to 1k challenge! I chose the prompts paralian (one who lives by the sea) and stranded so here we are!! Congratulations Georgie!!!!
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It was your third year being stationed on Rankki, and fuck you were starting to get so bored.
You cursed yourself every day for taking this shit assignment. Sure, an isolated life on an idyllic Finnish island sounded great! All you had to do was monitor the radar for any Soviet subs and the radio for any communications that were worrisome, and other than that, you could enjoy the nice quiet life by the sea you’d always wanted.
Fuck all that shit.
Nothing ever happened, the last blip on the radar you’d received was just a pod of whales, and as sure as SHIELD was that they were tapped into the appropriate Soviet channels, you had never heard anything exciting or important.
You were damp all the time, the wind and sea spray soaking you to the bone and leaving you with a never ending chill. You had a fireplace but there was no wood anywhere on the tiny island. You knew, you’d walked all over the damn thing a thousand times. You had to arrange for shipments of wood from Helsinki every few months.
You were standing on the rocky shore outside your tin sided house as you sipped a mug of tea with a thick wool blanket wrapped around you. There were vicious looking black and purple clouds rolling in from the east, and you sighed to yourself before heading back inside to prepare for the upcoming storm. At least that would be a break from the monotony you were stuck with.
Within twenty minutes you heard the roll of thunder and then the wind hit your house with a howl, shaking the siding as rain pounded on your roof. You just stoked the fire with a sigh, secure in the knowledge that the construction of your house was sound.
You sat back in your armchair and curled up under your blankets to look out the window as lightning streaked across the sky. You could see see massive waves rolling far out in the gulf when suddenly your radio crackled and a distress call broke the silence in your living room.
The caller was speaking in frantic Russian as you scrambled to pick up the microphone. You tried to get a location or any information from the caller but they were babbling frantically and you didn’t think they heard you. The only words you were able to make out were Sverdlov, Karpov, and Soldat.
You sucked in a sharp breath at the last word. That was supposed to be a fucking rumor. Maybe evidence of the Winter Soldier would finally get you off this god forsaken strip of land. You tried to remain calm as you called back over the radio, but all you got in response was dead air.
You cursed before trying to raise the SHIELD base over comms, but there was no luck, the storm was causing too much interference. No matter which frequency you tried, you couldn’t get anything but static.
“Goddamn it.” You muttered, chewing on your lips as you gazed out the window again. You’d try again once the skies had cleared, maybe you’d get lucky and the ship would make it through, and you’d be able to hail them again.
The storm ended in a little over an hour, stopping as suddenly as it had started. You stood up and stretched, folding your blanket and tossing over the back of your armchair as you headed to your radio. You flipped through each channel slowly, desperately trying to find a signal, but all that greeted you was dead air.
A sigh escaped from deep in your chest as you shook your head resignedly, deciding to head out to walk over the island for the million and first time.
You cursed when you walked outside. The beach was littered with driftwood and other debris, including what you were quite certain were the pieces of the vessel you had received the distress call from.
You muttered angrily to yourself as you picked your way over the rocky beach, dreading the task of clearing up all this shit. At least it would be something to occupy your time over the next few days.
You caught a hint of movement out of the corner of your eye and felt your body tense as you went to investigate, suddenly regretting your decision to leave your gun inside.
You came up on what you initially thought was a dead body until you saw it roll over and jumped back warily. A set of blue eyes gazed up at you questioningly and you caught a glimpse of metal below the man’s sleeve.
“Who are you?” He rasped in surprisingly good English, struggling to stand up. “Where am I?”
“You’re on the island of Rankki in Finland.” You answered, searching for something you could use as a weapon gas you kept one eye on the stranger. “What do you remember?”
“I don’t know.” He muttered, drawing slowly to his feet as you sucked in a breath at the sheer power of his build, not missing the glint of metal on his left hand.
“Fuck.” You muttered as you realized you were now stuck on a tiny ass island with the Winter Soldier and no outside communications. “What’s your name?” You asked, looking around desperately for something you could use as a weapon if you had to fight him.
“I... I don’t know.” He mumbled, shaking his head and staggering as he tried to walk towards you.
You took a step back and chewed on your lip, trying to decide what to do. If he really couldn’t remember anything, he was going to be useless to you, though SHIELD would probably love to take apart that arm and study it. If he was faking it, he would most likely kill you in your sleep.
The look he gave you was full of pain and confusion, though, and you cursed yourself in your head for being so soft and gullible.
“Ok, let’s get you inside before the sun sets. I’ll make you some tea and get you into some dry clothes, ok?”
He nodded and followed you inside, looking around warily once he stepped into your tiny cabin. You chewed your lip as you closed the door behind him, still trying to figure out exactly what you should do about this new complication.
“The bathroom’s through here.” You said as you ushered him towards the back of your house. “Maybe take a hot shower and I’ll try to find you some clothes?”
He just grunted as he closed the door in your face, and you let out a deep sigh. You moved to put the kettle on the stove and reheat some lentil stew before heading to your radio. You flipped through all the channels, cursing under your breath as you still failed at raising the SHIELD base on the mainland. You worked at stashing all of your weapons as you listened to the shower running, knowing that if he really wanted to hurt you, he wouldn’t need a weapon.
You heard the shower shut off and grabbed an oversized sweater and some thermal leggings you hoped would have enough give to fit over his thick thighs. He stepped out of the bathroom and you swallowed a moan once you saw him with nothing but a towel slung low around his hips. It had been three years with nothing but your fingers to keep you satisfied and the presence of the massive soldier was reminding you just how hard up you were. You took a deep breath as you handed him the clothes and turned back to the kitchen, pouring two mugs of tea and serving up the leftover stew.
“Eat up.” You said when he returned from getting dressed in your bedroom. “Sorry, there’s not a lot of food options here.”
“S’fine.” He mumbled around a mouthful of stew as he sank onto your couch, and you did your best not to ogle the outline of his cock in your too tight leggings.
You gulped down your tea quickly as you tried to school your thoughts. This was very bad. You were stuck with one of the most dangerous Soviet agents alive and all you could think about was crawling into his lap and fucking yourself on his cock. Even if he did have amnesia, this was a very, very bad idea.
“The stew was good.” He mumbled as he finished his bowl, turning to you as you worked on your own helping. “Thank you.”
“Mmhm.” You mumbled, still trying to think about anything else except letting him bend you over and fuck you against the counter.
He stood up and moved to rinse off his dishes in the sink, brushing past you and making you clench. You tried to move out of his way but your kitchen was so cramped that all you ended up doing was tangling your feet with his until you almost fell over.
You gasped when he caught you by your elbow and yanked you into his chest to keep you from going down. His chest rumbled with a low growl as you steadied yourself, and you could’ve sworn you felt him sniff your hair.
“You ok?” He murmured before releasing his grip on your arm and letting you step back.
“Yeah, just clumsy.” You whispered, squeezing your thighs together to try to do something to relieve the ache in your core.
“Good.” He said with a deep sigh, running his hand through his hair. “Where am I sleeping?”
You cursed in your head as you thought about that question, looking around your tiny house as you tried to think about where you could stash him. The couch was too small for either of you to comfortably rest on, and you only had the one bed.
“Shit, I guess we’re doubling up.” You muttered, chewing your lip again as you dreaded spending the night in your kind of small bed with the gorgeous, massive stranger that was staring at you with puppy dog eyes. “There’s not even room on the floor anywhere.”
“Ok.” He grunted, avoiding making eye contact with you as you slid past him to wash up for bed.
You locked the bathroom door behind you and started splashing cold water on your face as you tried to calm down. Bad, bad, so bad this was bad. You couldn’t even try to reach SHIELD now and you weren’t sure when you’d have the chance to try again. You brushed your teeth furiously as you did your best to school your thoughts.
You threw on your pajamas once you were finished and stormed into the bedroom, determined to not let your libido get the better of you. He was sitting on the bed in just your leggings, and you swore under your breath as you moved past him to your side of the bed.
“Back to back?” He said with a cocked eyebrow as you slid under the covers and he turned off his lamp.
“Yeah.” You muttered, shutting your own light off and pulling the blankets up your body as you curled around yourself and squeezed your eyes shut.
You heard him let out a deep sigh as you tried to fall asleep, your brain refusing to focus on anything except the warmth of his back against yours.
You didn’t know when you fell asleep, but you did, until you woke up under the suffocating weight of his body draped over yours, his face buried in your hair as he whimpered in your ear.
He wrapped his arms around you and snarled, and you were surprised to feel tears soaking your hair.
“Um, hey.” You muttered as you tried to turn towards him. “Wake up.”
You squeezed his shoulder and gave it a small shake to try to rouse him and his eyes flew open. You yelped as he flipped you over and pinned you to the bed with his hand around your throat.
His eyes were murderous as he gazed at you, his pupils blown wide while you feebly clawed at his metal forearm, struggling to breathe. He finally came out of his post-sleep haze and released you with a hiss, scrambling back on the bed until he was huddled in the corner as you sat up and spluttered to catch your breath.
“Fuck, I don’t know what happened.” He muttered as he buried his head in his hands.
“It’s ok, I think you just had a nightmare.” You said as you rubbed your hand over your neck. “Are you ok?”
He turned his gaze back to you and you sucked in a breath as you saw tears glistening in his cheeks. Your instincts took over and you crawled towards him, curling your body around his and murmuring softly as his chest shook with sobs.
You ran your hands through his hair as he tucked his face into your shoulder, trying to figure out what exactly you should do to help him calm down.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” He choked out, his tears soaking through your shirt as you tried your best to comfort him.
“It’s gonna be ok.” You cooed, running a hand over his back softly as he moved his face up to your neck and inhaled deeply, moaning as he took in your scent.
His breathing had finally slowed down, and you could feel his chest moving in deep breaths against yours as he sighed into your hair. You moaned when he suddenly brushed his lips against the hollow beneath your ear as he wrapped his arms around you tightly.
“You smell so good.” He murmured as he ran his mouth over your throat, his soft lips on your skin making you whine. “Like pine and wind and home.”
“Uh-huh.” You muttered, trying your best to get control of yourself as he ran his hands over your sides until they came to rest on your hips.
His teeth brushed over your jaw and you whined as you felt your core clench around nothing as you throbbed with need. Your breath hitched when he moved his lips to yours and barely brushed against them as you rested your forehead against his and screwed your eyes closed.
“I need you so bad. Open your eyes.” He ordered, bringing his metal hand up to cup your cheek. You did as he asked, losing yourself in his darkened gaze as you breathed deeply. “But we can stop if you want.”
You but your lip as you considered that for a second before smashing your mouth against his in a desperate clash of teeth and tongues as you moaned against his lips.
He wrenched your shirt off and pressed his palms against your tits, gripping them harshly and groaning before bending forward to rub his face over your nipples. You felt a rush of arousal seep out of you as he laved his tongue over one of them and pinched the other, gazing up at you through his lashes as you arched into his face. He brushed his lips over the soft slopes of your breasts as you devolved into a whimpering mess.
You started grinding against his thigh as he worshipped your breasts, tracing their curves with his tongue and lips as you felt the sensation echo in your core. It was too much for you in your touch starved state and you felt a shiver travel up your spine as he brought you closer. He brushed his teeth over your nipple and you came apart with a wordless cry, your pleasure rolling over you in a wave as your pussy fluttered wildly over his thigh, your release soaking your leggings.
He moved his mouth back up to yours and nipped at your lips as he started to turn your bodies to pin you underneath him. His mouth devoured yours as he pulled your leggings off you before shoving his own down his legs as he slotted himself between your thighs.
You bit your lip as you felt him run his steely length through your puffy lips, coating himself in your slick before lining himself up. He rested his forehead against yours and gazed into your eyes as you just blinked at him and pressed your knees against his sides. Your eyes rolled back in your head and you dug your fingers into his biceps as he slid into you slowly, letting out a low moan as you stretched around his girth.
“You still good?” He asked, his eyes still focused on yours as he felt you relax around him.
“Very, very good.” You mumbled as he started to move his hips in long, slow strokes, hitting every spot inside you that had been neglected for the past three years as you melted into the mattress.
“You feel so good.” He murmured, moving to bury his face in your neck as he continued pushing his hips into you. “So tight and warm and... fuck you’re just perfect.”
You couldn’t say anything, you were so consumed with the feeling of him inside of you, your pussy clenching around his cock in waves from base to tip and tip to base as he edged you closer and closer to your release. He sucked your ear lobe between his teeth as you locked your ankles together at the small of his back and did your best to draw him even further inside you.
He kept moving his hips in smooth thrusts, his lips moving over your throat softly as he took you apart with slow, deliberate movements. A final twist of his hips had you screaming, every muscle in your body tightening and releasing like a bowstring as you spasmed uncontrollably around his cock. His eyes moved back to watch you closely as your face contorted with pure bliss and you sobbed underneath him.
You panted as you came down, smiling back at him and unwrapping your legs from around him as he slowly slid out of you. He moved his lips over your shoulders as his hands slid to your waist, starting to turn you over slowly as your breathing finally returned to normal.
He brushed your hair aside and pressed his lips to the back of your neck once he had you on your stomach, his chest pressed against your back as he nudged your thighs apart with his knees. You bit the pillow as he teased his tip against your entrance before pushing into you again, making you whine.
His hips started moving again as he wrapped his fingers through yours and pinned your hands above your head while he fucked you in swift thrusts, his hips slapping against your ass as he smothered you with his body.
“You close, honey?” He murmured against the shell of your ear as you arched your back to meet his thrusts.
“Yeah, I’m so close.” You moaned, your cunt clamping around him as he dragged his cock over your g-spot with each push. “Need more.”
“Yeah? I can do that.” He grinned before sinking his teeth into your shoulder and slamming his hips forward.
You shrieked as he fucked you, your body sinking into the mattress as he pressed against you. It only took a few thrusts before you shattered around him, stars exploding behind your eyes as you vibrated underneath him. His hips started stuttering and then he roared in your ear, his cock throbbing and swelling inside you until he was flooding you with his spend, warming you from inside as he fucked his cum into you with quick, rhythm less jerks.
He collapsed on top of you when he was finished, his breath coming in deep sighs as you panted into the pillow. You felt exhaustion starting to drag you under, your lids growing heavy as you felt him soften inside you.
“Can we just stay like this?” He muttered, his lips brushing over your neck gently. “I just want to hold you.”
“Yeah, ok.” You hummed, surrendering to the pull of sleep as he pulled the covers back over the two of you before he sank on top of you with a deep sigh.
You woke up with him still on top of you, his limbs tangled with yours as he snored softly. You moved gingerly as you worked to extract yourself from him, desperately needing to use the bathroom.
He gave a soft huff when you rolled him over, but quickly relaxed as he nuzzled himself into your pillows. You closed the blinds to block out the early morning light and tiptoed out of the bedroom. You took care of your business quickly and we’re heading back to bed when you heard the faint sound of your radio crackling to life.
You rushed into your comm room and turned the radio down before really listening to what you were hearing.
“Agent Y/L/N? Come in!” Someone from the base was calling over the link.
“This is Y/L/N.” You answered.
“We got reports of a wrecked Soviet ship in your area. Intel says they had some sort of asset on board. Has anything turned up?”
You chewed your lip as you thought things over. If you turned the Winter Soldier over, you could probably finally get off this island and land a cushy desk job back in the States. It was all you’d been thinking about for years.
But then you thought about waking up to those small fearful sounds, and the look in his eyes before he started sobbing into your chest. And there was no way you could turn that broken creature over to the cold scientists at SHIELD.
“Just some debris.” You called back over the radio. “Nothing important.”
“Alright, well keep us updated.”
You hung up the receiver and started to move back to the bedroom, smiling sadly as you heard the soldier wondering where you were.
A/N: 🥺🥺🥺
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hotwings0203 · 3 years
HOWDY!! how are u doing?? Its that person who asked if you would write something for that deku imagine that @candy-hime wrote, about you and deku forced to live together and you corrupting him it could be you or reader but I just love that concept of corrupted! Deku 😩🙏🏾💕💕
Thank you, have a nice day/night!! 😪💜
OH HI HAHAHA MASSIVE BET, I think I’ll do a little bit of both. This will probably be a little self indulgent but I’ll still put it as an “x reader”!
Tw:noncon, misogyny, the reader is a bitch, vouyerism
It was a dare by your friends to live with Izuku Midorkya for a month if you really could handle any type of man.
You’ve dealt with Hawks’ cocky nature, Shoto’s bland comebacks, Bakugo’s constant state of rage- you’ve done it all. Any type of scummy or tiring man a girl has to date you’ve seen in all of these men. They’re practically walking red flags.
Until you’re forced to room with Deku for a whole freaking month.
You just don’t get him! Why is he always so cheery? What the fuck is he smiling about? And who the hell is he baking for? There’s only two of you in the house, it’s not like you’re his girlfriend or anything.
You don’t buy it. There has to be some kind of catch to all this facade of a gentleman.
“Hey, Y/N?” He knocks on your ajar door and peeks his cute little face in. “Did you have dinner yet? I was gonna eat but then I thought I’d have some ramen with you-“
“Did I say you could enter?” You slowly lift your head up from your laptop and glare at him. “Are you some kind of pervert? What if I was changing?”
“N-no! I’m so sorry, I should’ve let you answer first, I just wanted to see if you were hungry-“
“God, what are you, my dad? Is that what you want? For me to call you Daddy?” Sneering, you jump up from your bed and stall towards the door.
Deku stumbles over his feet to retreat after seeing the look on your face. “No! Not at all, what? Come on, I didn’t mean any harm-“
“Yeah? Then knock before you enter closet perv.” And with that, you slam the door mere inches away from his startled face as hard as you can, uncaring if the low this on the other side of the wood was his connection to it swinging shut.
“What a fucking brown-noser,” you mutter loud enough for him to hear.
It’s odd how long you wait behind the door before you can hear his footsteps retreat.
A week later you decide to amp it up a notch. There’s no way he’s so fucking green, there’s gotta be some twisted thing inside him that makes him tick.
And so on the day of his turn to do laundry, you decide to dump your fanciest and sluttiest undergarments into the laundry basket.
He’s in some dorky apron when you catch him kneeling over the bag, ruffling through clothes and spraying them with detergent like the good little boy he is.
You perch on the couch behind the laundry room and wait. He doesn’t hear a thing with his headphones blasting some stupid happy-go-lucky songs in his ears.
Eventually he pulls out your lace g-string, and stares at the crumpled mass in confusion. He unravels the lace and stares at it for a good minute or two in surprise you think.
But nonetheless, like the chivalrous man he is, he shakes his head and slaps his reddening cheeks to get over the shock before reaching for the spray.
This was your cue.
You make sure to sound out of breath and extra irritated when you flounce over to his kneeling form and snatch the garment out of his hands.
He jumps a bit and takes his headphones off when he sees your hand descending.
“Oh, it’s just you. You scared me for a sec’ there,” he laughs sheepishly and rubs his neck. “I was just doing the laundry, sorry if that looked weird.”
“Looked weird? You’re fucking disgusting, Dick-u. I’ve been looking for these for days now, and where do I find them? In your grubby little hands.”
His jaw drops open.
“Huh? No, you’ve got it all wrong! It was in the basket, I swear! You must have misplaced it by accident or something.”
“Oh, so now you’re calling me a liar? You think I’m crazy or something? Im not the one sniffing girls’ panties!”
He frantically waves his hands to negate your accusation but you merely spit on the floor next to him.
“Don’t touch my shit again you fucking freak. Go buy a pocket pussy or something since you can’t keep it in your pants.”
At this, he pinches his eyebrows together and starts getting up.
“Hold on, what’re you being so aggressive for? I told you, they were just in here, I’m not that kind of guy.”
He steps towards but you don’t back down. Rather, you jab a finger in his toned chest and bring yourself face-to-face with him.
“Dont fucking walk up to me like that you douche. You’re the one in the wrong here, so I wouldn’t be so aggressive, like you said. Come at me like that again and I’ll fuck you up.”
With the lace in hand, you barely contain your smirk as you storm back into your room, relishing in how Izuku stands like a statue in the same place as you left him, his hands curiously curling into fists and his nostrils inflated.
But behind the safety of your door, he doesn’t continue any shenanigans.
He stays relatively quiet and out of sight for a couple of days, and you start to get bored again.
So this time, you put all your cards on the table and do a double whammy.
One night you call Katsuki, a fuck buddy of yours for a while and use him to help you get off.
You’re not really horny, but the blond side does have a way of getting you there. Luckily, your room is right next to Deku’s so your plan is executed to the best extent.
“Katsuki, oh Katsuki, please. Fuck, fuck yeah, ‘wanna hear you cum for me baby, I want you to bruise my cervix,” you babble loudly as you shove two fingers in your pussy and use your thumb to press on your clit.
“Yeah, you fucking whore, you like that? You like knowing that a shitty nerd like him’s prolly getting off to you calling my name like a slut? I bet you do, keep fucking yourself to my voice, do it otherwise I’ll bruise your ass black and blue when this month’s over.”
“Kat-Katsuki please fuck meeee dadddyyyyy oh fuck-Kacchan!” You cry out and cum violently around squelching fingers.
You put the phone down for a moment to catch your breath, but hear nothing from the other room.
Your face falls as Bakugo rambles on the other end. You hang up with him mid-sentence and remove your fingers from your legs, licking it off absentmindedly and thinking of your next move.
The next morning, you don the tiniest pairs of shorts you have in your closet that accentuates the shape of your ass and the skimpiest bra you can find that shows a peek of the top of your nipples.
You tie your hair up and amble out into the kitchen where he already is, reading something on his his phone and sipping form a black mug.
He barely darts his eyes and lifts the corners of his mouth in a hesitant greeting when he sees what you’re wearing.
He chokes on his drink and does a massive double take, juice spilling from his open mouth.
You raise an eyebrow and smooth your baby hairs, rolling your eyes and walking behind him to grab your own cup.
“See something you like?” Water trickling is the only sound in the room apart from your quip.
“Uh, n-no. Just swallowed wrong I guess.”
“Wonder why,” you drawl with a bored voice and edge closer to his back.
He’s hunched over, mindlessly scrolling too-fast on his phone to be deemed as actually reading anything. You recognize this form of coping from people like yourself who try to find distractions at parties where you don’t know people, just flipping through tabs to look like you’re actually doing something.
As you walk around him again, you make sure to train your eyes on his own, hounding he out for the moment he slips.
And slip he does, but only after you pretend to stretch and lift your self on your tippy toes in front of him, your shorts hiking up to show some cheek.
It’s only for a moment, but while the cup is against his mouth and his phone in his hand, his eyes dart to the exposed skin, then back up to your triumphant eyes.
“I knew it.”
He sighs and puts his cup down. “Knew what?”
“That you were a sick little virgin who gets off on staring at girls.”
“Y/N, I wasn’t-“
“I also know,” you raise your voice above his and slowly walk over to the table on the other side across from him, leaning forward and making sure that your tits squish together as you drop them on the countertop, “that last night you were totally listening to me on the phone with Bakugo. I heard your grunts and disgusting fapping noises. You don’t have to make it so obvious that you don’t get any.”
And this time, regardless of his indignation and frustration, he can’t stop himself from watching your hands trail up the sides of your bra and slowly drag the material down, down, down until your perfect breasts spill out and embrace the cold granite.
You honestly have no idea if he jacked off to last night’s call or not, but he doesn’t seem to be denying anything.
His mouth opens the widest you’ve even seen it. His face is beet red, and he visibly starts to perspire.
Your hands mold the soft skin and squeeze until your nipples swell and peek out from between your ruthless fingers, but you still look as bored and slightly curious as ever.
“This is all you’re ever gonna get, you sad incel. Take a good long look at them since I know this is what you’ve been wanting this entire time now.”
His mouth opens and closes, but no sound comes out.
When he groans and starts to bring his down down between his legs, you strike.
“I guess I really was right. You’re not some nice guy, it was all a facade. Can’t wait to tell everyone how fucked in the head you are.” His vision starts to clear as you sneer at him again and start packing your tits back where they belong.
As you turn around, you call out over your shoulder, “Oh, and by the way? You whimper like a little bitch.”
It’s silent as you walk with your head held high back to your room, sure that you had broken him and that he was going to take his loss with his own held low.
You don’t really expect to hear the thunderous sounds of someone dragging their chair away and positively sprinting towards you.
You turn halfway and your eyes widen as you see him barreling towards you with the most terrifying expression you’ve ever seen on him.
“What the fu-“
But you don’t get a chance to finish your exclamation, because Deku body slams you onto your bed and immediately seized your wrists above your head. You can feel his hard-on rub against your mound as he straddles your flailing body and keeps you pinned between his muscles calves.
“Get off of me, are you fucking crazy?” You scream and toss your head side to side, trying to arch your back to throw him off of you-which only succeeds in pressing your mound against his.
“You teasing slut. All I’ve done is try to play nice with you, but you just had to fucking push it, didn’t you?” He rages quietly, his arms shaking in effort not to snap your wrists in half. You still as his jaw clenches and trembles, his green hair hanging over his eyes that reflect nothing but malice and hate.
You’re scared. For the first time this entire month with him, you want him away from you and off of you.
“Look, I-I messed up, I know, I’m sorry-“
“-You’re sorry?” He laughs high pitched and you cringe when he thrusts his face towards yours, practically brushing noses and seeing his bloodshot crazed eyes.
“Yeah, you will be sorry. After today, you won’t ever fuck with me again. Or at least want to. I’ll do whatever the hell I want with you though since that’s what you’ve been so hellbent on achieving, right?”
His scarred hands waste no time in yanking down your bra the same way you did before, except much less gentler than you did by yourself.
“No, no, Deku please, I’m really sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking.” You whimper and struggle again beneath him, which is promptly stopped with a loud squeal when he pinches your nipple.
“Shut up. Wanton bitches like you don’t get to beg for mercy.”
He smirks and lets his tongue flop onto your strained neck, slobbering like a dog all over you.
“This is what you wanted right? For me to put you in your place and fuck your needy hole? And you had the audacity to call me disgusting,” he laughs and draws back, mocking your wobbling lips.
“Oh, oh baby don’t cry,” he holds both your wrists in one hand and uses the other to caress your cheek, slapping it hard when you turn away from his touch. “You’re just gonna get what’s coming to you.”
He indicates what he means by grinding his hips against the front of your shorts, snickering as you whimper and dipping his fingers below the hem, teasing you cruelly.
“Whose whimpering like the bitch now, huh?”
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mandos-sluts · 3 years
The Botched Mission
The Mandolorian x Fem!Reader
Rating: Explicit
Wordcount: 3.3k
Warnings: Smut, rough sex, dubious consent, degradation, daddy kink, mutual masterbation, dirty talk, voyeurism
Summary: You work for the Empire and are tasked with spying on Mando. You don’t do a great job at concealing your efforts.
A/N: Please message us or comment if you want to be on our tag list!!
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You were born and raised in the Empire. Your mother was an admiral in the Imperial Security Bureau under Moff Gideon and your father died in battle during the Great Purge. The more you grew up, the more you questioned the Empire’s actions and ideology, but it didn’t really matter. There was no getting out for you— your entire livelihood was supported by the Empire.
Your commanding officer has given you a mission on Tatooine. You are to go undercover as a mechanic and surveill the Mandalorian Din Djarin. It was known that he knew of the force-sensitive child’s location and had dealings with other Jedi, thus, he was of great interest to the Empire.
The Mandalorian’s ship is scheduled to undergo maintenance for two days on Tatooine. You stand in the hangar and watch as the beat up Razor Crest lands. The ship’s hatch opens and there standing tall is the Mandalorian, covered from head to toe in shiny silver beskar. He walks confidently down the ramp and towards you.
You open your mouth to introduce yourself when he tosses a bag of credits to you. “I need the repairs completed by tomorrow afternoon.” He says in a deep voice, towering over you and gazing into your eyes.
Shit. You’re….you’re really attracted to him. The way he carries himself is so hot— his assertive demeanor, his voice. “Yeah, absolutely, no– no problem sir.” You stutter out. “Um, I’m y/n.”
Mando nods his head and then walks right past you, leaving you standing there with your panties damp.
He exits the hangar and all he can think about is you. Fuck, since when were mechanics so beautiful?
You shake your head and try to focus. Heading into the ship, you begin installing hidden cameras all over. An actual mechanic employed by the Empire meanwhile gets to work making repairs.
You consider waiting around for Mando to return for the evening, just so you can interact with him more, but once it gets dark, you head to the inn that you’re staying at. Mando arrives back to his ship a little after you return to your room.
Your boss made it clear that she wants you to watch him whenever he’s not sleeping. Which honestly is stupid, it’s not like he’s going to talk to himself and reveal important information? You lie back in your bed with the screen on your lap and watch the live feed of the cameras in the ship, already bored out of your mind. The camera’s are super high quality; the picture and audio are both crystal clear. A few minutes later, you see the hatch open and watch Mando enter the ship.
Mando notices the cameras almost instantly. To be fair, you always half-assed your missions; you really don’t care about advancing the Empire’s agenda or doing your job well. Mando lets out a long annoyed sigh. He knew you didn’t look like a mechanic!
His first thought is to take down all of the cameras, apprehend you, and turn you over to the New Republic. There are only a few lodges in town and it wouldn’t be hard for him to track you down. On the other hand...he figures he could have some fun with this.
Pretending he isn’t aware of the cameras, Mando puts his weapons away in his arsonal just like he does every night.
Shit, you think to yourself. His collection of weapons is massive, he could kill you with such little effort if he wanted to.
Mando heads up to the cockpit and slumps down in the pilot’s chair. He stretches his legs out and takes a deep breath. Bringing his hand down to his crotch, he starts rubbing himself over his pants.
Your eyes widen and you sit up in your bed. Is– is he doing what it looks like he’s doing? You feel arousal shoot to your pussy as you watch a tent form in Mando’s pants.
Mando knows you’re watching him, and he saw how nervous he made you earlier today, so he knows that you’re too curious and horny to turn it off. He unbuttons his pants and releases his long, thick cock. He takes his length in his hand and spreads his precum around up and down his shaft, letting out a moan.
Your panties are soaked at this point and your pussy is begging to be touched. You bring your hand down and start rubbing your clit over your shorts, your eyes are glued to the screen.
Mando starts pumping his cock up and down, faster and faster. You’ve never been so turned on in your entire life. You trail your hand into your pants and start circling your wet clit. You know this is super creepy of you, but you can’t bring yourself to care.
Mando’s breathing picks up as he fucks his hand even harder.
“Ah fuck.” He spits out.
Ugh his voice is so sexy–
“Fuck, y/n. Yeah, that’s a good girl.”
Your heart drops and your hand freezes. He just said your name...He’s jerking off thinking about you. Did you even tell him your name?
“That’s right, y/n, ride my cock, pretty girl.” He breathes out.
You’re shocked and your cunt starts throbbing. Mando has the biggest cock you have ever seen, like...holy shit. You can’t handle how horny you are right now. The fact that you can’t hop on his lap and start bouncing on his dick makes you want to cry. You start whimpering as you glide your fingers along your slick and watch Mando growl your name.
Mando grips the arm of his chair as he feels his orgasm approaching. He’s so hard knowing that you’re watching him.
“Ahhhhhh fuuuckkkkk, yyy/nnn” Mando moans as you watch his cum spew out of him.
Feeling your own orgasm coming on, you quickly turn off the monitor, close your eyes, and start pumping your finger in and out of your hole. It takes you less than twenty seconds to cum, thinking about Mando saying your name while jerking off.
You don’t bother to turn the monitor back on for the rest of the night. You go to sleep replaying those images of Mando in your head over and over again.
The next morning, Mando leaves his ship for the day at dawn and you head over to the hangar a few hours later. The mechanic is finishing up the final repairs when you arrive.
In case Mando asks you about the repairs, the mechanic gives you an overview of everything she did. You listen intently....for about a minute, but then end up inadvertently tuning her out, thinking about what you witnessed last night.
“Got it?” She says, jolting you back to reality.
“Y-yes totally.” You lie.
The mechanic leaves and you grab a seat at a table in the hangar, waiting patiently for Mando to return.
A few hours later, Mando struts into the hangar. He strolls right past you up to the Crest. “The ship done?” He asks shortly, not even looking back at you.
“Yes, everything is in order sir, have a good flight.” You say nervously, turning around to exit.
“Wait.” He says, stopping you in your tracks. “I have a few questions before I depart.” Mando says as he opens the hatch.
“Um, s-sure.” You say, following him into the ship.
Mando starts up the Crest and does a lap around the first level, examining all the areas where work was presumably done. The ship is in great shape, but he knows that you didn’t do any of it.
“Are the front deflectors operating at full capacity?” Mando asks in his deep, modulated voice.
“Uh, y-yeah.” You respond. You’re standing against the wall trying your best to keep cool and act like you know what he’s talking about.
“Did you fix the leak in the carbonite system?” He asks.
“How did you get the ion acceleration chamber running again?” He questions without looking up, continuing to walk around and inspect the ship.
“Uh, um–”
Mando turns his gaze to you. “Did you rewire the calcinator or instal a new thruster nozzle?
“Um I did it by rewiring the– the thunder novel...”
Mando begins walking toward you. “How is the repulsor grille functioning?”
“I– I um...I just, I– the ship–”
Mando is now standing directly in front of you, staring into your desperate intimidated eyes. “What’s the matter, little girl, don’t know the answer?” He says moving even closer to you.
“N-no I know–”
“Can you tell me about the work you did on the engines?” He interrupts. “Or why don’t you tell me about these cameras you installed first.” He says, reaching over you and yanking one of the cameras out of the wall above you.
Your heart drops. “I-I didn’t put those there.” You stutter out.
“Drop the act, y/n. I know you’re not a mechanic. I know you work for the Empire.”
Fuck, you are so busted–
“And I know you watched me last night. Sweetheart, it’s written all over your face.” He says lightly, grabbing your chin and pulling your head up so that you’re looking directly into his visor.
Your heart is beating out of your chest and you can feel your face is bright red. You’re trembling with fear but you are also so turned on. Your pussy is throbbing as your breath heavily and stare into Mando’s visor with doe eyes.
“Tell me, pretty girl.” He interrupts you again. “Did you like watching me jerk off?” He asks in a deep tone as he runs his other hand down your body to your waist.
“Y-yes.” You whisper with humiliation.
Mando brings his hand between your legs and dances his fingers on your crotch. “Did you touch yourself while you watched me?”
You nod your head slowly.
“What a fuckin naughty girl.” He says pushing you hard against the wall. He pushes your shorts to the side and slides his fingers into your panties. You let out a high-pitched exhale, still maintaining eye contact with him
“Damn. So wet already.” He says in a low rough voice. “You’re a desperate little thing, aren’t you? Those Storm Trooper boys can’t fuck you good, can they?” He says mockingly. “Maybe I should turn you over to the New Republic.” He utters as his other hand lightly grabs your throat. “Or, maybe I should come up with my own form of punishment for you.” Mando says as he thrusts his middle finger up inside of you.
You let out a gasp and your mouth falls open as he starts pumping your hole. “I’ve never fucked a slut from the Empire before.” He says, tightening his grip on your throat. You’re so wet you can hear his finger moving in and out of you.
“What do you think, you little criminal?” He says in a sultry tone.
“Ahhh!” You moan out. “I– I think you should– ahh– punish me, Mando.” You whine, batting your eyes at him as he drives his finger in and out of your cunt.
Mando grinds his bulge against your stomach. “Yeah? Then you’d better be an obedient little whore for me.”
Mando pulls his fingers out of you. He abruptly shoves down your shorts and rips off your top. “What are you–”
“Shut up.” He snaps as he turns you around and shoves you back against the wall. “Hands against the wall.” You do as you’re told.
You hear your shirt rip again and all of the sudden your vision goes black as you feel Mando tying fabric around your eyes. You’re naked except for a thong and blind fold, with your cheek and palms flat against the metal wall. One by one, you hear pieces of Mando’s armor hitting the floor. *see gif* Then you feel his bulge grind against your ass and one hand wrapping around your throat while the other grabs your tit.
His lips come to your ear. “I’m gonna fuck you so hard you won’t be able to walk for a fuckin week.” He breathes in your ear. “Your pretty little cunt is gonna be overflowing with my cum when I’m done with you.” He growls, roughly kneading your tit.
“Yes daddy” You moan in response.
Mando loves that you called him daddy. He grabs your hair and pulls it back and down, tilting your head back and making your back arch while your hands stay flat on the metal wall. With his hold still on your hair, you feel his warm lips plant onto yours, his facial hair rubbing against your skin. His lips move down your cheek to your neck, and he sucks on your smooth skin while pulling your hair back. Pulling away, he can already see the bruise of the hickey forming on your neck.
Mando pulls away from you and steps back, taking a moment to admire how vulnerable you look, blindfolded and panting against his wall. Then you feel his hand smack your ass check, and you let out a yelp. He does it twice more against the other cheek and you can’t help but cry out.
“Shut up, slut. I told you I was gonna punish you.” He says as he pulls your g-string up, making its fabric drag and pull against your clit. He spanks you again. Arousal shoots to your cunt, and it is dripping wet.
Mando spins you around again and slams your back against the wall. He once more grabs your hair and pulls your head back, exposing your neck so perfectly for him. Mando grabs your ass and pulls you up against him. “Open your mouth.” He commands in a stern voice, still pulling your hair down.
Your lips part wide and Mando bites your bottom lip before spitting in your mouth. “Swallow.” He orders. You close your mouth and swallow his sweet saliva down your throat.
Mando picks you up and you instinctively wrap your legs around him. He sets you down on a metal table and rips your thong off of you. Your legs are wide open, your pussy splayed out on the table for Mando to admire as he pulls his shirt over his head. He runs two fingers up and down slick and then shoves them in your mouth. “You gonna be a good girl and show me how needy this little cunt is?” He whispers in your ear while you suck his fingers.
He removes his fingers from your mouth. “Yes.” You breathe out.
“Yes, what?” Mando says slapping your outer thigh.
“I– I’m gonna be a good girl for you, daddy. And sh–show you how– how needy I am for your cock.” You stammer out.
Mando hums in response as he lines his tip up with your entrance. One of your hands is wrapped around his neck and the palm of your other hand is flat against his warm hard chest.
You feel his warm precum against your tender skin as he pushes the head of his dick into you. Your mouth falls open and you gasp. He does a few thrusts with half his length and it’s already more than you can handle.
“Fuck!” You spit out in a high pitched voice.
“Shit–” Mando snaps. “How are you so fuckin tight?” He says, seeming genuinely frustrated.
You’re being so stretched out you can’t form a response. You just sit there, wrapped around Mando, breathing heavily with your mouth agape, trying your best to adjust to his size.
“You’re squeezing the shit out of my cock. Ah you feel so fuckin good.” Mando groans in your ear as he pushes more of his member inside of you. He then abruptly snaps his hips and thrusts all the way inside of you.
You scream out “Fuck!” And dig your nails into his back.
Mando starts pumping in you slowly. “You’re doing so good, baby girl, taking my big cock in your tight pussy so well.”
He brings more of his length out and picks up the pace.“Ahhhhh Mando! Fuck!” You cry.
“What’d you call me?” He says, snapping his hips into you hard.
“Daddy!” You squeal. “Daddy! I–I’m sorry! Daddy fuck your cock is– is so big!” You wine between thrusts. He puts his lips on your mouth.
“I know, pretty girl” He whispers in your mouth. “You’re doing good.”
He starts thrusting faster and you lose control of the moans that escape your lips. You’re holding onto him for dear life as he pounds into you, his hands clutching your hips. Mando pushes you down so that you’re lying on the table and swings one of your legs up on his shoulder, providing him an even better angle, allowing him to drive his cock right into your G-spot.
“Ahhh daddy, yes! Fuck! Right there, please!” You scream.
Mando holds your leg against his chest with one arm and brings his other hand to grip your throat.
“Do– do the Imps know they have a filthy– ahh– filthy fuckin cockslut working for them?” He mocks. “What would they say if they knew you agreed to be your target’s dirty little fucktoy? Huh?”
All you can do in response is scream and moan. Mando removes his hand from your throat and drags it down your stomach. He starts circling your clit and you begin to see stars. Your whole body starts shaking and your cunt clenches down on Mando’s cock. “Fuck, I– I’m gonna cum!” You exclaim. Your pussy starts pulsing like never before as you feel your orgasm overtake you.
“Yes, ahhh fuck! This pussy was– was made for my cock, shit.” Mando says as he rides you through your orgasm. He loves watching you come apart on a table in his ship, blindfolded and helpless.
Mando can feel his own climax nearing and he clasps your hips tight. His fast thrusts lose rhythm and you can feel his cock getting stiff in your cunt. He pumps his cock a few more times and then you feel his warm cum surge inside of you. “Fuuuccckkk.” Mando grunts as his white juices fill your hole.
He pulls out of you and scoots you to sit further back on the table as he redresses. You can feel his cum trickling out of your pussy onto the cold metal table beneath you. You close your legs— without him pressed up against you and without your sight, you feel so exposed and awkward.
You hear the hiss of his helmet and then feel his hands pushing your legs back open again, displaying your abused and leaking cunt. Mando unties the makeshift blind fold, and you see him standing fully clothed and armored in front of you. He wraps one hand around your waist and pushes your thigh further apart with his other hand.
“You look so pretty like this.” He says in his deep, modulated voice. “Come on.” He says with his hand still around your waist, motioning you off the table. You hop off and your legs immediately give out, your body falling to the floor.
Mando scoffs and pulls you up. “I told you you wouldn’t be able to walk.”
“You’re a man of your word.” You say sarcastically.
“Guess that means I’ll have to uninstall all the fuckin cameras you hid all over my ship.” Mando says as he sweeps you off your feet. He carries you into his sleeping quarters.
“No. Keep them.” You say with a side smile as he lays you down on the bed. “I like watching you jerk off. Especially when you jerk off while moaning my name.” You pull the blankets to cover you.
Mando sits on the bed that you’re lying on “Fuck.” He says caressing your cheek. “If you didn’t work for the Empire I’d take you with me.” Mando says bluntly.
“Take me with you, Mando!” You say sitting up. “I don’t wanna work for the Empire. Fuck the Empire. I’ve been looking for a way for so long.”
Mando smiles underneath his helmet. “Well, good thing you did such a shit job at your mission.”
@pinkninja200 @raspberrymama @stevie75 @tacticalsparkles @kenoobiwan @shark-s @theamuz @blackrose8425
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The Worst Planet in the Universe
The “humans are weird/earth is space Australia” stories that are quite famous here usually have aliens reacting to how they think humanity or Earth is really strange and bizarre.  So, I got an idea: what if people could react not to Earth, but to one of the singular worst planets in all of science fiction?  Here, we have some of the characters of the Magnificent Scoundrels reacting to the planet of Krieg and its infamous Death Korps from Warhammer 40k.  
Death Korps is pronounced “death core” not “death corpse.”   Jeicher is pronounced the German way, as “yay-cur”, not “jai-cher.”  
“In life, war.  In death, peace.  In life, suffering.  In death, atonement.”  -Final litany of the Litany of Sacrifice, recited by the Guardsmen of the Death Korps of Krieg when entering battle
The shuttle slipped through the dead and polluted atmosphere, shields raised to their fullest capacity to avoid the boiling streaks of orange lightning.  The occupants of the shuttle stared warily out the window, still nervous even though their craft was in the hands of some of the best pilots in the universe.  
“I still don’t understand why we’re here,” said Commissar Cain from a strapped-in seat in the shuttle’s rear.  
“Well, we’re visiting planets from each other’s galaxies,” replied Admiral Vir from the cockpit as he and Solo desperately tried to avoid the lighting.  
“Yeah, I know that,” snapped back Cain.  “What I don’t understand is why we’re here.  Out of all the planets in the galaxy, you pick this one.”  
“You wanted to know more about populous Imperial Guard regiment homeworlds, and you said Krieg sounded like an interesting name,” muttered Solo as a particularly large blast lit up the cockpit window.  “Starting to regret that now?”
“I most certainly am!” screamed Dr. Kril from inside the heavy clear plastic compartment designed to hold him when accompanying Vir off the Omen.  “And I thought Earth was a death world!”  
“Radiation levels are approaching 3,700 roentgan,” said Vir, crisply reading off the cockpit instruments.  
“We’re all gonna die,” wailed Kril.  
The shuttle’s communication system crackled to life, and a dry, toneless voice sounded over it. 
“Shuttle B-77401, you are clear of the storm in twenty seconds.  Please proceed to landing pad RT-556 at coordinates 66579.  Radiation levels on ground are currently 1,500 roentgan.”  
“I remember reading up on your horrible human disasters, and that’s the level of radiation the Chernobyl disaster had right next to the plant as the fires were still going!” screeched Kril.  “I will not be stepping foot on this planet!  If you have a death wish, that's fine with me, but I won’t be leaving the shuttle!”  He crossed his arms and sat against the container wall.  Vir and Solo didn’t have time to respond.
“Breaking storm now.”  The lightning and horrible, swirling grey clouds cleared, only to reveal a scene of utter devastation.  The land below was an endless expanse of grey and brown.  Entire swaths of earth were covered with grey dust.  Other areas were endless seas of irradiated mud, with ancient and rusted barbed wire, empty concrete bunkers, and long abandoned and corroded gun emplacements sticking out from the infinite brown.  A few ossified trees, long dead, peeked up in places, the only signs of life, or what was once life, on the planet.  
“What happened here?” murmured Vir.  
“A tale of tragedy, and betrayal,” replied Cain softly.  “Once upon a time, some 1,500 years ago, Krieg was a massive city world.  The ruling oligarchy decided to turn their backs on the Emperor and rebel against the Imperium of Man.  The commander of the loyalist Guard forces decided that if the Imperium couldn’t have the planet, no one would.  But despite the unleashing of a stash of Dark Age nuclear weapons, the people of Krieg survived, and loyalist fought traitor in a five hundred year long war in the trenches of the wastes.”  The shuttle was silent, imagining how horrible such a war would be.  This singular civil war, on this singular planet, eclipsed even the most horrible of fights from most of their home galaxies.  “Eventually, the loyalists won, and rejoined the Imperium.  Ever since, the people of Krieg have fought in the deadliest of Imperial warzones to repent for their ancient betrayal.”  
“Wait, wait, wait.  There are people that live here?  This isn’t just a military base?” asked an incredulous Solo.
“Yes,” replied Cain.  “They live in massive underground cities, safely shielded from the worst of the radiation aboveground.” 
“My god… there aren’t really words to describe that,” said Vir.  
“Shuttle B-77401, you are cleared for landing,” came the voice of the controller.  “Please wear radiation-proof suits.  Commissar Jeicher will be present along with an honor guard to escort you.”   The brown of mud gave way to a large, circular landing pad sunk into Krieg’s dead earth.  The pad led to a set of stairs, travelling down into a set of heavy, sealed double doors, leading even further down into the ruined planet’s crust.  On the pad were two figures, clad in greatcoats and gasmasks, flanked by a double line of soldiers.  Vir and Solo set the shuttle down.  
In the back, Cain had already pulled the hood of a radiation-proof bodysuit over his head, and attached an anachronistic looking gasmask.  Over this, he donned an old and tattered Commissarial cap and greatcoat.  Vir and Solo also donned much more modern-looking gas masks over their bodysuits, and went to the shuttle’s rear as Kril screeched about the dangers of radiation.  With the quick press of a button, they activated the airlock and stepped onto the surface of the ruined planet.  
Thunder rumbled ominously in the distance as they stepped down the shuttle ramp and came face to face with what they presumed to be Commissar Jeicher.  He was wearing the same outfit as Cain, a Commissar’s cap and greatcoat covering his bodysuit and gas mask.  Behind him was a double rank of soldiers, wearing grey greatcoats and gas masks, clutching their las rifles in the ‘present arms’ position.  Next to Jeicher stood another figure, hands clasped neatly behind their back.  This one was dressed in much fancier boots, and wore a cuirassier’s breastplate.  A brown greatcoat was draped over the figure's shoulders, and Vir assumed it to be an officer.  Jeicher reached out to shake each of the trio’s hands in turn.  
“Admiral Vir.  Captain Solo.  Commissar Cain.  A pleasure to have you on Krieg.  I am Commissar Jeicher, and this is Captain Kust,” he said, pointing to the officer behind him.  Kust offered a single, curt nod.  “You wished to have a tour of the planet, and to see it’s capacity for making war.  I can assure you, gentlemen, that Krieg is one of the finest planets in the Imperium in that regard.  I trust you will not be disappointed.”  As he said this, Jeicher led them down the path leading away from the shuttle and towards the underground tunnels.  As they walked, a series of flashes lit up the horizon, followed by the booming of thunder.  Jeicher raised a gloved hand and gestured in the general direction of the noise.
“About twenty kilometers in that direction, we have the artillery and live-fire drills of the soon to be 712th Death Korps Regiment.  It is the be the newest regiment coming into Imperial service, and the thirtieth Death Korps regiment raised this month.  They will soon be shipping out to Warzone Viclius in the Segmentum Pacificus to break a massive ork siege of the Viclius sector.”  They reached the end of the twin lines of troopers.  
“Right shoulder, arms!” yelled Kust, her voice (Vir could tell it was a ‘her’ underneath the mask now) managing to carry through both her mask and Krieg’s stormy atmosphere.  “Left face!”  The Korpsmen spun to face the heavy blast doors in perfect synchronicity.  Jeicher inputted some sort of code, and, with a great creaking and grinding of metal, the doors slid open.  “Forward, march!”  
The group, followed by the honour guard, stepped into a large white room.  As the doors closed behind them, various nozzles sprayed radiation-retardant foam onto them.  The airlock process completed, the heavy set of double doors in front of them opened.  Despite the decontamination, no one took their masks off.
The halls were quite familiar to Vir, but unlike anything he’d seen as a civilization.  They were long, emotionless white and grey concrete bunker systems, lit by cheap yellow bulbs that still allowed him to see perfectly well.  Endless, emotionless bunker halls.  It saddened him.  What a terrible way to live and grow up.  
Through the long walkways, they passed seemingly thousands of Korpsmen, all wearing grey greatcoats, and staring from behind emotionless gas masks.   They all blurred into one, and Vir was grateful that at least Jeicher, Kust, and their honor guard he could pick out from the crowd.  
They reached another large double blast door, and the two Korpsmen standing guard outside snapped to attention.  The group walked through, only for the three offworlders to stop short.  The entire left half of the hallway was a massive clear window.  Far beneath them, a full division of Death Korps Guardsmen marched through an utterly massive, hangar-sized underground hallway.  It was an endless tide of grey coats and gas masks, the thud of their boots echoing up even past the glass of the observation deck.  Tanks rolled past, along with smaller, two legged armored walkers.  
“That’s the 122nd Siege Army.  Newly formed.  They’re shipping out to the southern part of Segmentum Ultima today,” said Jeicher.  He made another motion, and the group, still followed by Kust and her honor guard, left the observation room.  
They walked through more hallways, still stark and emotionless, until they got to another double door.  This area of tunnels and bunkers seemed to have more Korpsmen around.  Officers, wearing their higher, more polished boots and cuirassiers’ breastplates.  The double doors opened, revealing a much more polished and refined room, made mostly out of metal.  Computers clung to the walls, and workstations were filled with Death Korps soldiers, red-robed cybernetic tech-priests, and unmasked commissars.  
 “This is the central command room of this section of Krieg’s underground cities,” said Jeicher, continuing the tour.  “All the regiments and supplies that are raised and produced in section Alpha-Gamma-551 are tracked here.  As you can see, we have more than enough to outfit the two regiments this sector is raising.”  They went through the room, through another series of hallways, and down multiple sets of solid but plain corrugated steel stairs.  
“Here we have the underground munitions factories of Krieg,” said Jeicher, gesturing through another glass panel on an observation deck.  This time, the windows led onto an utterly massive factory floor.  Conveyor belts led to unknown machines, and churned out endless numbers of what seemed to be artillery shells.  “As you can see, everything is completely on schedule.”  Vir noticed workers, all wearing heavy grey suits and gas masks below.  Some of them seemed to be… off, and it took a moment for him to realize precisely why. 
“Wait a minute… are those children?” he wheeled around and demanded at Jeicher.  He was met with the empty lenses of a gas mask.
“Yes,” replied Jeicher.  “I do realize that many off-worlders not of the Munitorum or Mechanicus find the practice… distasteful, but-”
“Distasteful doesn’t even begin to cover it.  More like abhorrent,” snarled Vir.  
“If you cannot fight, you must serve,” intoned Kust.  “All infertile males serve in the Death Korps.  Most fertile males and infertile females serve in the Death Korps.  Most fertile females and some fertile males serve in the munitions factories.  Children cannot go to waste,” she finished, rattling off the practices of Krieg in a completely toneless voice.  Vir looked like he was about to explode.  Cain put a hand on his shoulder, and nodded towards the honor guard and their las guns.  Noticing the mood in the room, Jeicher went on.
“I think it’s best if we go on,” he said.  The group followed him through another set of hallways, and when Kust was out of earshot, Jeicher spoke to the trio of newcomers.  
“Please don’t antagonize the Kriegers,” he said.  “That’s why they have commissars, actually.  To ease the transition between them and any allied forces.” “They deserve to die,” hissed Vir, still shaking with rage.  Jeicher gave a mirthless laugh.
“Oh, they do.  Their entire purpose, their entire existence, is to die in the Emperor’s wars.  They want this.”
“Why?” asked Solo.  “Why would anyone want this?”
“They are driven by one of the most powerful motivators in the world.  Not anger, not love, not faith, but shame.  Shame of their ancient rebellion.  In the Emperor’s service, the Death Korps will pay any price.”  
The group reached another viewing balcony.  This one overlooked a much smaller room, where a group of children in grey overcoats drilled with small las carbines.  Vir clenched his fist in rage, but said nothing.  
“Present arms!” yelled an adult and fully uniformed drill sergeant from behind his gas mask.  The children held out their weapons in front of them, many with as much or even more precision than Vir had seen of new GA marine recruits.  Most of them looked to be no older than six or seven, making the workers in the factory even younger… 
No.  He did not want to think about that.  
The drill instructor moved along the line of recruits (or children, if you were fortunate enough to not be raised in a post-apocalyptic militaristic hellhole, thought Vir.)  The instructor spun and glared at one of the cadets.  
“P-44271930,” he stated.
“Yes, sir!” replied the cadet, with the enthusiasm of a fresh recruit.
“What is your duty, P-44271930?” asked the instructor.  
“To serve the Emperor’s will,” replied the cadet.
“And what is the Emperor’s will?” queried the instructor.
“That we fight and die!”  Vir clenched down so hard he crushed the balcony bar in the viewing room.
“What is death?” asked the instructor.
“It is our duty!” replied the cadet.  The instructor nodded.  
“Very good, P-44271930.”  He took a step back.  “Right shoulder, arms!”  Vir looked at Jeicher.
“They’re calling them by their serial numbers at that young of an age?” he asked, still fuming.  Jeicher inwardly cringed.  He suspected the esteemed Admiral would not like what came next.  
“They don’t have names,” said Kust, with the subtlety of a sledgehammer.  
“What?” asked Vir, in a ‘please, do try my patience’ tone.  
“None of us have names,” replied Kust.  
“You have a name,” pointed out Vir. 
“You only get a name if you survive long enough to become an officer,” replied Kust.  
“Really?”  Vir wheeled around to face the leader of the honor guard.  “What’s your name?” he asked.
“YH-5577933,” replied the man, in a completely emotionless voice.  Vir threw his hands in the air, completely done.
“Fine.”  He nodded at Jeicher.  “Continue the tour,” he snapped.  Jeicher nodded, and motioned them on.  I have to get off this place as soon as possible, thought Vir.  This is… beyond anything I thought possible.
I hope you enjoyed it.  I find Krieg and the Death Korps are one of the most interesting groups in science fiction.  Motivated by shame, they represent the worst humanity could ever become.  However, they are utter badasses in battle.  If you aren’t afraid to die, you can pull of some pretty heroic things.  If you have any questions, comments, criticisms, concerns, requests, or want me to continue this story, please tell me!  Have a great day!
It should be noted, of course, I do not own any of these characters.  Vir and Kril belong to starr-fall-knight-rise, Cain belongs to Games Workshop, and Solo belongs to Disney.
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Woke up married
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Summary: Pounding headache, blurry details from the night before, awkward glances at brunch. All the right ingredients for the world’s worst hangover.
Warnings: 18+ stuff, drinking, talks of sex, humour & fluff.
Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader
Square Filled: Woke up married
Word count: About 1100.
A/N: Written for @avengersbingo Have I taken inspo from that Friends episode where Ross and Rachel get married? Yes I have. Enjoy ;))
Avengers Bingo Masterlist
Tony Stark Taglist - @raspberrymama @ladyeliot @boop-le-snoot @make-a-memory-drink-it-up @loveisallyouneed1125 @ownsmyheart @anthonyjanthony666 @downeyreads @the-secret-thief @getlostsquidward @ickleronniekinsemotionalrange @elemephstudies
Everything Taglist – @godofplumsandthunder @ladyacrasia @agustdowney @swaggysposts @littlegasps @little-baby-vixen @another-stark-sub @supraveng @kahlanmars @disappointmentofthefam @pandaxnienke @tom-hlover @just-the-hiddles @fyreball66 @asmigurub @avantgardium-leviosa @imerdwarf @gladiosamicitias @fanofalltheficsx @ladyburberry
Taglists are open! Send me an ask or DM if you wish to be included!
Sunlight streamed in through the glass wall and on your face in a way that had you groaning and kicking the sheets, which in turn resulted in a muffled ‘ow’ being heard from somewhere down below.
The ruthless hammering inside your head became prominent and you knew it would only get worse if you opened your eyes. There was some shuffling and moving beside you, enough to mumble a curse word before peeking an eye open to locate the source.
A big lump of pristine white sheets and Tony’s bare legs poking out through the other end right next to your face. The need for rest hung heavy on your lids as the surroundings became clearer, still eluding the events from last night.
Apart from the sheets that were tangled around your body, you realised to your horror that you were sans clothing as well. There was popcorn littered on the nightstand along with some liquid splashed across the surface and confetti?
“Oh God…”
The movement caused Tony to pull your legs closer and rest his face on your feet. The pounding headache grew as you rest yourself on your elbows to take notice of the state of the bedroom you were in.
Clothes strewn about on the floor, your bra hanging off the open bedroom door proudly, empty champagne bottles and more confetti.
“Tony. Wake up!” You hissed, blinding tapping the lump of sheets that wouldn’t move. Another kick and he was up.
“Did you just kick my face? Ugh. What time is it?”
“Time to regret drinking a river that we did last night.”
Slowly unveiling his face from the sheets, Tony emerged looking as terrible as you imagined you were too. He rubbed a hand down his face before sitting up, his bare torso littered with your lipstick stains up for display, adding to your worries.
“Do you have your boxers on?” You asked, praying he did as you spotted your panties on the foot of the bed. Tony reached underneath the sheets to check, his expression revealing everything you needed to know as he gulped and shook his head.
“We couldn’t have had sex though, could we?”
“Given how badly I want to throw up and go back to sleep right now, I’m gonna say we were too hammered to do much else.”
Tony’s reassurance did nothing to pacify your panic as the cottonmouth you had screamed for water.
“I’m never gonna drink again.”
“Tony, you and I both know it’s a lie.”
“Do you remember what we did last night?”
“I think so? Couldn’t have been too bad.”
Little did you two know that all your worst fears were about to be revealed.
You shrugged on one of Tony’s old T-shirts and a pair of shorts you had stashed in his closet long back when you’d first started dating, rubbing your temples in circles as you waddled downstairs for sustenance.
Expecting it to be empty, you were surprised to find the team gathered around the living room, chatting animatedly before their heads turned in your direction watching the two of you enter the land of the living.
Spotting some food kept on the table you made your way over and plopped yourself on the couch with Tony yawning shamelessly following suit.
You downed the glass of orange juice in one go as Nat exchanged suspicious looks with Clint, Bruce looking uncomfortably between the two of you while Steve acted indifferent.
Tony reached for the cup of coffee before you slapped his hand away and handed him a fruit instead, mumbling something about how drinking coffee makes the hangover worse, causing the Russian assassin to chuckle.
“Okay what is it?” You asked, glaring at everyone.
“Are we going to talk about what you guys did last night?”
The Captain crossed his arms over his chest, displeasure prominent on his face.
That previously forgotten fear showed up again as you met Tony’s eyes, your expressions matching.
Just as you were about to answer, the God of Thunder burst in the room smiling at the two of you holding a vase containing massive long stemmed roses.
“Good morning! How is the happy couple?”
You lost your appetite as memories from the night before came back to you in pieces. There had to have been Thor’s Asgardian liquor involved since you’d never had blackout incidents before this.
Your left hand housed a ‘ring’ fashioned out of copper wires, something you definitely knew was Tony’s doing.
“What did you do Tony?” You glared at the man who gulped as last night’s events flashed before his eyes.
“Honey I wasn’t the only one drinking yesterday.”
“Explain this!!” You flashed your hand in front of his face.
Bruce cleared his throat to interrupt the possible spat that was about to commence.
“Uh. Tony sent one of his suits to get a minister to marry you guys. And he wrote this on my hand.”
He rolled up the shirt sleeves to reveal what you hoped was a temporary tattoo that read, ‘Best Man Bruce Banner’.
You held your head in your hands, unable to face any of them while Tony tried his best but failed to hide a snigger.
“It’s not funny Tony.”
“Kinda is. Look, we can take care of it, don’t worry Banner.”
You stood up suddenly, making all heads turn your way, struggling to get the ring off of your finger.
“Wait why’re you removing it?” Tony followed you, leaving the group to stare after the two of you.
“Are you suggesting I keep this god awful thing? And this was an accident, wasn’t it?”
“Yeah it was. But what if we don’t get an annulment?”
Tony’s words made you stop in your tracks. The man didn’t seem to be joking as you faced him.
“What are you saying Tony?”
“I’m saying what if we stay married? It seems like we already had the ceremony.”
“No. Not a chance.”
You shook your head and began storming towards your room. Maybe it was the lack of sleep and headache making you this irritable and react the way you were, you wondered if the circumstances had been different your answer would change.
“But why? Do you not want to marry me?”
“Not like this I don’t! We were hammered.”
The ring finally came off which you threw in Tony’s general direction, not turning to see if he’d caught it.
“I’ll get you a proper ring (Y/N) come on!”
“Get me a proper wedding Stark!”
The others laughed as you slammed the door on Tony’s face before Steve removed his phone, scrolling through hundreds of pictures which he was forced to take capturing the world’s worst hangover.
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starfinss · 3 years
Shelter From The Storm — Razor 1/2
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Summary: You get lost in Wolvendom when searching for berries. Razor helps you out, leading to a new friendship.
Pairing: Razor x Reader
Rating: Fluff (SFW)
Word Count: 2,677
For future reference, all characters are depicted as 18+
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You'd somehow managed to get yourself hopelessly lost on your quest to find enough berries to fill your basket. You wanted to bake a pie for Sara's birthday, and while she worked at Good Hunter and more than likely had access to the best pies in Mondstadt, you wanted her taste your grandmother's recipe. Her occupation and access to delicious pies would not stop you. But this was more than you bargained for. 
You'd ventured along the path outside of Mondstadt, attempting to take an alternate route to the Dawn Winery before doubling back and making your way back Springvale where you'd get a room at the inn and then head back to Mondstadt in the morning. It was supposed to be simple. But you'd ended up in the Archons only knew, which was far from simple. 
And it was getting dark. 
You'd dressed warm, it was mid autumn and winter was coming soon, and while Mondstadt didn't get nearly as cold as somewhere like Snezhnaya, the snowfall was still rather intense. It was the very end of berry season and you were making the most of it. Your outfit consisted of a cotton dress layered with a wool over skirt and a long wool cloak. You wore a pair of brown leather boots as well, gloves on your hands. You tugged the cloak more tightly around your body as the wind picked up. There was forest up ahead, dense and full of restless shadows so thick you could barely see past them. You had no idea where you were.
You turned in a full circle to try and regain your bearings, and after a moment or two, you realized you could see Mondstadt across the lake. There was the cathedral, backlit by the sinking sun, and all at once, you realized just where you were.
Oh. Lovely. I'm going to be eaten by wolves.
You felt a raindrop splatter against your cheek and you looked up, face falling as you watched menacing clouds roll in, obscuring the stars that had just begun to freckle the sky. The God of Anemo was not on your side tonight. Your eyes scanned the area in front of you. The last thing you wanted was to be caught in one of Mondstadt's thunderstorms without shelter. 
"Thanks, Lord Barbatos," you muttered sarcastically. 
The wind didn't calm. 
You heard a twig snap behind you and you turned, tucking your basket against your chest almost like a shield. 
There was a hilichurl standing in front of you. It said something in that weird language they all spoke, something that didn't sound particularly friendly.
"Um," you stammered, "please don't hurt me."
It said something again, waving its club in front of it. You struggled to unsheathe your sword from its scabbard, the vision pendant hanging from the cord attached to your belt glowing softly in response. 
"Hey, can you just—"
The hilichurl lunged and you dropped your basket, blocking the club with your sword, swinging a leg out to hit the backs of the hilichurl's knees, making its legs buckle beneath it. You sent a blade of water sailing through the air as the hilichurl struggled to its feet, causing it to stagger back, knocking its head on the side of the ledge behind it. You scooped your basket up and made a run for it, only stopping once you were safely behind a tree. 
The lone hilichurl was joined by a mitachurl, and you were suddenly in over your head. You had a vision, sure. You could fight, yes, of course. But you were no Knight of Favonius. And your longsword was no match for a massive axe. You couldn't make it work like Cavalry Captain Kaeya. All your combat training had come from your father, who was a knight and from your mother who knew more than a few tricks of her own.
Of course you could fight. But this was a bit much.
You slid your sword back into its scabbard, but the rasp of metal against leather alerted the monsters, and your eyes went wide. 
Uh oh. 
You tried to scramble up the tree you were hiding behind, but managed to twist your ankle, making you yelp in pain. Nevertheless, you persisted, hauling your body into the branches. 
A scream left your mouth when the hilichurl began shaking the tree. You wrapped your arms and legs around the trunk, hanging on with all your might, but the rain was beginning to fall, and the sudden slickness wasn't helping with keeping your hold on the tree. Your world  shuddered as something struck the tree, making you scream again, and you didn't have to look to know that the mitachurl had struck with its axe. A few more swings and the tree would be down.
You grunted with effort as you attempted to pull yourself farther up the tree, hopefully to where the branches thinned enough so when the tree fell you wouldn't end up being trapped. You would not die here, damn it. You refused to. Your hair was now sticking to your cheeks and forehead as rain water streaked your face, the freezing kind of rain that even hydro vision users like yourself weren't all that fond of. 
You had no choice but to cry for help, not knowing if anyone would hear you and seriously doubting that they would. 
"Help me! Help me!"
Your voice sounded desperate, but at this point, you were desperate. 
You heard a shout after the tree shook with another strike, then the crackle of thunder. There was the sound of exchanging blows, something that sounded like a snarl, something animalistic. The ground shook, jostling you free, and you lost your grip, falling down to the next branch, crying out in pain. 
The ground shook again and you fell, straight to the ground, into a heap of limbs and messy hair, your basket flying from your hand.
You saw a figure crackling with violet energy before everything went dark.
You awoke to a loud bang, followed by rumbling. Thunder. 
Where... am I?
Your head hurt. Hell, your everything hurt. There was something laying beside you, something warm and furry and soft. An animal? You didn't move to touch it. Your mind was muddled with confusion, but your eyes finally snapped open when a hand lifted one of your own hands. 
There was a young man hovering above you. He was wearing a brown hooded coat and a light brown poncho sort of top with tribal markings. The rest of his toned torso was left exposed. A necklace with what looked like fangs hung around his neck. 
His hair was long and messy and silver in color, and he had a handsome face, his eyes a shocking shade of scarlet. There was a scar on his left cheek. He looked to be around your age, maybe a little older.
He blinked in surprise when he noticed your eyes were open.
"You wake," he said. His voice was a rough sound, low and almost raspy. He sounded like he didn't speak much. 
You took note of your surroundings. 
You were in a cave. There was a fire crackling a few yards from your feet, and from what you could see through the mouth of the cave, it had begun to pour outside. Thunder was growling overhead, lightning flashing, the brief light making it look like daytime. You were laying on a collection of pelts and a few pillows. The cave was otherwise empty except for the silver haired boy and you. You turned your head to look at whatever was beside you.
You were met with a wall of grey fur, and it took you a moment to realize you were staring at a wolf's back. There was a wolf beside you. You tried to jerk into a sitting position, but the young man pushed you back down.
"No," he simply said, "rest."
He made a good call. Your head was spinning. 
"What... Happened?"
He glanced at you. You noticed a bowl of what you recognized after a few moments as wolf hook berries, as well as a bowl full of what looked to be crushed up ones beside it. There was a rock stained with the juice sitting beside this bowl.
"You fall from tree. I save you from monsters."
"How long was I out?"
The young man turned to the bowls behind him, then looked back at you.
"Your name?"
It took you a moment to realize what he was asking. 
"Oh. It's (Y/N). My name is (Y/N). What's yours?"
A beat of silence as he studied you.
"I am Razor."
Razor reached into the bowl of paste, smearing some of it onto your palm, which you didn't notice had been scraped up. It stung.
"Medicine. Will help you heal."
You'd heard about the medicinal properties of wolf hook berries from Barbara at the cathedral before, so you didn't doubt that Razor was doing this to help.
"Thank you," you said, shifting, "for helping me. I should go, though—"
You started at the sudden volume of his shout. "No?"
Razor looked sheepish, his voice quieting. "You rest. You are hurt."
You relaxed back into the pelts, sighing. "Okay. I'll rest. But I have to go when the rain stops."
Razor shook his head. "Your ankle is hurt."
You moved both your ankles, met with a painful stiffness in your left one. Razor was right. It was most likely sprained. It would be hard to get back to Mondstadt like that, and it was a beyond stupid idea to try and get anywhere in this rain, let alone on an injury.
A massive grey wolf suddenly entered the cave, startling you. It was carrying something in its mouth. You recognized it. 
"My basket!"
The wolf walked over to you, setting the basket down beside you, then promptly turned and left. Another smaller wolf entered a few minutes later carrying what looked to be the leg of a small animal. 
Razor took the leg from the wolf, and then turned so his back was to you, working with his hands. He then dropped the meat into a pot you hadn't noticed was over the fire.
"You don't eat it raw?" You asked, and Razor shook his head.
"No. Makes me sick. Heat helps."
"Yeah, I guess that makes sense," you said, "humans can digest raw meat, but we can also get sick from it. Cooking it makes it easier to eat and gives more nutrients."
Razor stared at you for a moment, something almost like awe sparkling in his eyes. It was a little endearing. You smiled.
Was this guy... raised by wolves?
He certainly looked the part.
His body was toned and covered in scars. He looked wild. 
"Sleep," he said, "I will wake you to eat."
You were tired. You rolled onto your side, realizing for the first time that you'd been stripped down to your underclothes, left in your blouse and the cotton skirt you'd been wearing underneath the woolen one.  Your shoes were gone, so were your socks. You spotted said articles of clothing on a rock, presumably drying. 
"I shouldn't," you said, "I might have a concussion."
He tilted his head curiously.
You tried to think of a way to explain what that was. You didn't think that Razor was dumb, far from it. He'd successfully treated your wounds and figured out how to cook without much outside interference it seemed. If anything, Razor was very intelligent. 
You sighed. "It's something that can occur if you hit your head really hard."
Recognition dawned on his face. "Oh. I think I know."
Razor nodded. "Yes. Has happened to me. I fall into hole. A red man helped me."
You furrowed your eyebrows. Red man?
"Someone from Mondstadt?"
"Do not know."
You ran through a mental list of any men that fit the description of 'red,' but Diluc was the only one who came to mind, so you settled on him.
"I need to stay awake, just until the dizziness passes," you said. 
Razor simply nodded, turning back to the fire, and you relaxed against the pelts beneath your body. 
You tried propping yourself up a few times to check and see if the dizziness had gone, and when it did, you fell asleep fast. 
You faded in and out of consciousness for the next few hours, waking only when Razor shook you in order to feed you. You ate greedily, not realizing how hungry you were until the tender meat was gone. After eating, you fell asleep again.
You awoke fully in the morning, and you rolled over to find Razor sound asleep beside you. The wolf that had been beside you before was now gone. The rain had stopped, leaving behind that musty smell that rain left behind. 
You started. That sounded familiar, even if the voice was far away. You propped yourself up on your hands, wincing at the remaining tenderness of the scrapes. They could have gotten infected if not for Razor, and you were thankful for his help.
The voice called out again, and you realized with a start who it belonged to. Amber.
Was there a search party?
You put a hand on Razor's shoulder, about to shake him awake, but when you looked down, his eyes were already open.
"Who is it?"
You smiled. "Amber. She's an Outrider for the Knights of Favonius. Someone must have come to the knights to tell them I was missing."
"You were... missing?"
"Yeah," you said, "I got lost."
You cupped your hands around your mouth. "Amber! In here!"
A beat of silence, then the sound of distant running footsteps getting closer. Amber appeared at the mouth of the cave, relief washing over her face as she hesitated before entering the cave.
"Razor," she said, "can I come in?"
Razor nodded. "Red girl is friend."
Amber walked towards you at a hurried clip. "What happened?"
You smiled. "I got attacked by hilichurls as the storm started and Razor rescued me. Wait, you two know each other?"
"Yep!" Amber said, "as an outrider, I know everyone in the Mondstadt region, including those in Wolvendom. You were in good hands."
"Razor helps friends," Razor said, matter-of-factly. 
"Thank you for helping her, Razor. I'll take her home."
Amber helped you get redressed, and it felt good to have the comforting weight of your sword on your back again. 
As you began to walk, supported by Amber's shoulder, you turned back to Razor. 
"I'll come back to visit. I'll bake you a pie."
Razor seemed to like the prospect of you coming back. 
"Visit again, friend!"
You smiled.
After getting back onto the main path, Amber spoke. 
"You really need to be more careful, (Y/N)," she said, "we were all so worried! What were you thinking?"
You chuckled sheepishly. "Sorry, sorry. I wanted to find an alternate path to find more berries. I got lost. I couldn't have predicted that a storm would roll in. The Anemo Archon was not on my side."
"Yeah," Amber said with a note of bitterness, "he's finicky like that."
You snickered. "You say that like you know him."
Amber simply laughed. 
You looked down at the basket in your free hand, noticing that not all of the berries inside had been lost. It looked to be just enough for one pie. 
You watched as the first few buildings of Springvale came into view, making a mental map of the area in your head. You'd have to write down the location of the cave when you got home. You'd be seeing Razor again soon, this time bearing gifts instead of injury. Sara's pie would have to wait. After all, she did have access to the most delicious pies in Mondstadt, what with working at Good Hunter and all.
You had a feeling this was the beginning of a wonderful friendship. 
You just hoped he liked berry pie.
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wondersofdreaming · 3 years
Characters: Captain Syverson x female reader (3rd person)
Word count: 1.827
Warnings: Death, loss, hopelessness, light cursing, sadness, melancholy, grief, heartache, mourning.
Author’s note: This story was inspired by the song 'Everglow' by Coldplay.
Do me a favour and listen to the song, while reading this, I'll link to the different versions, depending on your mood.
Everglow (original) by Coldplay
Everglow (acoustic) by Coldplay
Everglow (instrumental) by Alexandre Pachabezian
The links are for Spotify, if they don't work try this link for YouTube
I do not own any characters in this short story, except the wife, son and Elijah Reed, who are figments of my imagination.
A massive, MASSIVE, thank you to my beloved angel, @radaofrivia, for giving me the idea from just a few thoughts, for sitting through with me while I wrote this, for giving me advice and for just being there.
Please check out her stories right here: RADA'S MASTERLIST
Feedback is appreciated.
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(Young Syverson, picture credit to @killjoy-assbutt-1112 - find it here)
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Oh, they say people come Say people go This particular diamond was extra special And though you might be gone And the world may not know Still I see you, celestial
Lyrics are from Everglow by Coldplay.
The looming grey clouds were moving closer towards him. He could hear the distant sounds of the rumbling thunder. Before long it started to rain and lightning lit up the entire house. The dirt road was flooded in no time, giving the crops the liquid nourishment they needed.
The former army captain was restless. It was on days like these he missed him, more than anything else in the world. He couldn’t sit still and had planned on working on the house, but the coming storm was putting a stop to that. Instead, he sat on the porch swing he built with Elijah when Lucas bought the house.
The Syversons had moved to their farm when Lucas was 4. A few days into the move, their neighbours had stopped by with some casserole, and to welcome them to their community. Mr and Mrs Reed also had a son who was a few months younger than Luc. Elijah had hidden behind his mother’s leg, a little shy, but with some encouragement he greeted Lucas.
“I’m Lucas, but my baby sister can’t say it yet, she keeps babbling Luc, so if it’s easier, you can call me Luc too.”
“I’m Elijah.”
Sy remembered he was trying so hard to pronounce his new friend’s name. He smiled at the memory, the name had been permanent in Lucas’ mind, only using Elijah, when he was mad at him or thinking he was about to do something stupid, which he did often.
“Lija, wanna play?” Lucas asked awkwardly.
“What?” Elijah looked profoundly confused. “I… don’t know.”
“Go on, son. It’s okay,” Mr Reed tried to encourage him.
“Come with me, Lija. I wanna show ya somethin’.”
Lucas had shown Elijah his new toy tractor that his parents had given him for his birthday. The two young boys had played together, and before long were inseparable.
A round yellow object in the palm of his hand. He was fiddling with it. The coin was always in his pocket, so he could keep his best friend close to him at all times. It was an old arcade coin that you could plot into any machine and play one game.
The two best friends had each gotten a dollar’s worth of coins, but the man at the ticket booth had miscounted, so Sy had gotten an extra coin, which the two friends had fought over during their time in the arcade. Lucas being the protector he was, lost to Elijah on purpose, so his friend won the coin.
“I’ll savour it, it’s going to be my lucky coin!” Elijah has announced.
Syverson swung the porch swing with his booted foot. He stared at the coin, wondering why he had been the lucky one. Luc shook his head faintly, his face full of pain and sorrow.
The coin became a thing that decided their fate. When the boys couldn’t agree on something, they would flip the coin. The picture side was heads and the text ‘No cash value’ side was tails. It might have been worth nothing, but it was a priceless item to the two friends.
“Heads: I ask her on a date, tails: you ask her,” Elijah flipped the yellow coin and covered the back of his hand as it landed. The two teenagers looked over at the brunette cheerleader, who was laughing with her friends. Prom was upon them and they both wanted to ask her. Elijah lifted his hand, it was heads.
The dumb coin was always on Elijah’s side. Lucas let out a soft laughter of the memory. Elijah’s face had been priceless, Sy wished he had taken a picture of it. It had been Elijah’s first kiss that night.
When Lucas decided to enlist, Elijah followed him, even with a lot of arguing against it from Sy’s side. He didn’t want his best friend anywhere near a warzone but in the end, he was glad that Lija was there with him through every hardship during training, when they lost people on their team, when they had to carry the dead back to base, it was better to have a friend by your side and share the pain with.
It didn’t take Syverson long to rank up and become captain. He ended up leading a large group of soldiers in a village in Iraq, with Elijah as his lieutenant, he felt like he could conquer the world.
During one of their trips home, Sy had bought a house he wanted to renovate, maybe start a family in. Elijah had spent every moment he could, helping Lucas with the house. It had made them closer as friends, and they had heartfelt talks about their future. Elijah wanted to come home and help his ailing parents with the farm, maybe get into breeding horses, preferably racehorses. Sy hadn’t thought of his future in that sense by then. He just wanted to relax, drink beer and ride his motorcycle.
There was hardly a moment in Lucas’ life where Elijah wasn’t a part of it. Elijah was his best friend, and if he had to be a little girly, they were BFFs. His best friend’s presence had made every moment special, made them better. It was the hardest part, to not have Elijah by his side anymore. He missed Elijah’s silly, huge and sometimes irritating grin, which somehow made the world seem a bit brighter during the dark times. Elijah made his life easier… he just made it better to have a friend to share everything with.
His heart had broken in a million pieces when the building collapsed on top of his best mate.
“Captain, we need a scouting team. I’m taking three soldiers towards those buildings and see if there are enemies up ahead,” Elijah had suggested.
“Lieutenant, I make the orders here. I’m going,” Lucas commanded.
“Heads or tails, Luc,” Elijah picked out the coin from his breast pocket.
“This is no time for such thing, Lija,” the captain grumbled.
“This is the perfect time, Luc. We promised that whenever we couldn’t agree on something, we would use the coin. So, heads or tails, captain Syverson.”
The coin had landed on the tails side. Lucas had cursed the coin, fuck, shit, crap, dammit!
“It’s my turn to protect you, Luc. I’m not the scrawny little kid anymore, let me show you!”
Elijah had gathered three soldiers and run between two concrete buildings with a big smile on his face. Sy would never forget the smile. It was a grin of pride and determination. And it was the last time Lucas would ever see his best friend.
Moments later a huge explosion shook the ground they were standing on. Sy watched with horror as the buildings collapsed, trapping Elijah and his team. What they didn’t know then was that the impact with the concrete walls had killed him instantly.
The rest of the soldiers watched as their captain went on his knees. Utter despair and anguish plastered on his face, tears about to escape the corners of his eyes. The usual strict army captain, the man with the muscles, the tough guy who could break you with a stare, was breaking down.
“Lija…” he whispered into the dust-filled space, his voice breathless like somebody knocked the air out of his lungs.
At night he had screamed in pain of the loss of his most beloved friend. His days were filled with hopelessness as he prepared to fly home with Elijah’s corpse in a coffin. The nights only brought nightmares, so he started writing a letter to his best friend and thinking of how to tell Elijah’s parents.
“Dear Lija. I can’t believe you’re… Shit, I can’t even write the word. Just a four-letter word, and yet I can’t fucking write it down on a piece of paper. I wish I could have taken your place, man. It should have been me. I hate you for forcing me to pick a side on that stupid coin. I hate you for being so brave. I hate you for wanting to protect me. Fuck you for dying. Fuck you for leaving me. Here. All alone. What about your parents? How am I going to tell them that you’re… how am I going to face them? You are and will always be my best friend. I wish you could go back to your parent’s farm on your own two legs, not in a fucking box. I miss you, Lija. You’re the closest thing to a brother I will ever get. So rest in peace and keep the seat next to you warm, I’ll see you on the other side. - Luc.”
Lucas had sneaked the letter into Elijah’s breast pocket of his uniform before they had shut the coffin. The coin that Elijah had on him, had been put in a plastic bag with the rest of his belongings, prepped to be given to his next of kin, his parents. But Lucas took the yellow token. He needed a memento to remember his best friend by, something that he could keep with him always. A keepsake.
It had taken every ounce of courage for Lucas to step up to the front door of the Reed’s farmhouse. A house he was so familiar with and had so many adventurous sleepovers in Elijah’s space-themed bedroom. He could smell Mrs Reed’s famous peanut brittle, making it harder for him to knock, but he did it anyway. Standing there in his military uniform, he told the two people, who had acted as a second set of parents to him, that their only son had died heroically in battle. Lucas stood frozen, watching them mourn the loss of their son. He was about to step away to give them space, but Mrs Reed grabbed his wrist and brought him into the hug.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t protect him,” he pleaded, his voice breaking slightly.
“Was he in pain?” Mrs Reed asked, breaking Lucas’ heart all over again.
“No, ma’am. It happened really fast.”
Sy fiddled with the arcade coin. Having zoned out the thunder, not noticing the storm had come and gone. The sun was slowly setting on the horizon. It was a peaceful ending to an emotional day.
A loud wailing came from inside the house. The front door opened and out came his beautiful wife with their young son in her arms. His face was stained in tears. The tiny boy reached towards his father the minute he saw him. In his father’s arms was the only place the boy was happy and content. Sy’s face broke into a happy grin at the sight of his son. His tiny fingers trying to grab the coin in the former captain’s hand.
“This,” Sy showed it to his son, “will be yours when you’re old enough not to eat it.”
He chuckled at the frustrated look on the boy’s face. Sy kissed the top of his son’s head.
“I love you, Elijah.”
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yourdeepestfathoms · 3 years
song of storms
Texas decided to flash flood, so my school went into its severe weather drill yesterday. we sat in the hallways in darkness while some kid played his guitar and sang for us. it got me inspired, so here’s some hurt/comfort!
In Romania, it sure did rain.
A storm so powerful it seemed to have some kind of vendetta against Castle Dimitrescu had blown in around the early afternoon, and by the time dinner was almost ready to be served, the brisk rainfall had warped into a mini hurricane. Raindrops fell like silver bullets and thunder cracked repeatedly, lightning tearing through the sky with white fangs, splitting the horizon in two. Water splattered across the windows like sprays of blood, and Alcina went around making sure they were all secure against the howling wind, seeing as the maids were too useless to do so.
While checking the glass and locks in the western wing, a massive boom shook the entire castle, making even Alcina feel small in comparison. Pulling the drapes shut firmly, there was a second crash of thunder, but this time, she heard something inside of it.
A whimper.
Alcina turned. The room closest to her was the library. It had to have come from in there.
Creeping inside, Alcina first checked the windows, making sure there were no leaks, then looked for the culprit of the cry. It wasn’t very hard when the sky roared like a vicious beast and caused its victim to sob from behind a bookshelf. Peeking around the polished wood, she found the sufferer.
It was her eldest daughter, curled into the fetal position, her knees to her chest, hands clamped over her ears, shaking all over. She flinched when a burst of thunder seemed to shake the entire castle, threatening to bring the ceiling down on top of them, and then let out a choked whimper, digging her claws into her scalp in a vain effort to block out the noise.
Bela’s head snapped up, and Alcina watched as shame crept into her expression.
“M-Mother--” she stammered. “I-- I--”
Alcina walked over and crouched down next to her. She set a hand on Bela’s shoulder, feeling her shudder beneath her touch. “Are you alright?”
“Yes, Mother,” Bela said, despite her obvious panic attack. “Of course.”
Alcina narrowed her eyes. “Bela, what have I told you about lying to be about your health?”
Bela lowered her head. “I shouldn’t do it…”
“Right. Now, I will ask you again: are you alright?”
Bela shifted, sniffling. “I’m-- I’m just a little freaked out, that’s all. But-- but I’m okay. It isn’t that bad.”
And then, like it was trying to be helpful, thunder crashed, and Bela jolted right into Alcina’s arms with a yelp, practically vibrating with fear. She clung to Alcina’s gown with her claws, her eyes wide and bulging.
“Isn’t that bad, huh?” Alcina said.
“It-- it just startled me!” Bela blustered. She was adamant about saving face, it seemed.
“Uh-huh,” Alcina set a hand on her back, rubbing up and down her spine slowly. “Bela, I thought you said you weren’t scared of storms anymore? Were you lying just to look strong for your younger sisters?” She squinted. “Or did they shame you again? I’ve told those girls that all fears are valid, no matter how irrational--”
“N-no!” Bela cried, clenching fabric between desperate claws. “No! Don’t get mad at them, please! It-- it wasn’t them!”
Alcina looked at her curiously, one eyebrow raised.
Bela lowered her head. “I-- I’m not afraid of storms. Rainstorms, I mean. But the thunder…” She cast a dismayed look at the nearby window and jumped when lightning torched the sky. She huddled closer. “It’s just so loud. And dangerous! What if-- what if there’s a tornado?!”
Alcina bit back a laugh. Her eldest child had the wildest imagination.
“Don’t be silly,” she said. “Romania doesn’t get tornadoes.”
“It has before!” Bela said, steadfast on her opinion. “And FLOODS! Oh, Mother, what if it floods? What if the castle floods?! Where will we live?! What if-- what if--”
Sensing Bela’s growing panic, Alcina cupped her cheeks and made her look at her. “Breathe, darling. Breathe. You’re starting to spiral.”
“But-- but--”
“Breathe. Here, follow me,” she then inhaled deeply. “Come on, my love. Just like me. In…” She demonstrated again.
Bela shakily inhaled.
“And out…” She exemplified.
Bela shakily exhaled.
They repeated this process three more times before Bela was calmer, though she wouldn’t stop glancing out the window. The rain had gotten so bad that the trees outside weren’t even visible through the pelting sheets of rain. The lightning, however, still made itself known, slashing right through the water walls like the talons of a monster.
“It’s so bad out there,” Bela murmured, her eyes becoming distant as she started wrapping herself up in her own fear again.
“Ah, ah,” Alcina redirected her gaze over to her. “Don’t look at that, darling. Look at me.”
Bela swallowed thickly and obeyed. Her claws dug into Alcina’s arms. “Mother,” she whispered hoarsely. “I’m-- I’m scared.”
Alcina frowned, though she was proud of Bela for openly admitting such a thing. She pulled her in close.
“It’s alright, my darling,” Alcina murmured. “It’s alright. Nothing is going to get you. It’s just a noise.”
“I-I know, but--”
Thunder cracked, and Bela buried her face against Alcina’s chest. Her shaking worsened.
“I hate it, I hate it,” Bela wept.
Alcina moved her hands over Bela’s ears, holding them firmly, hoping to block out the sound for her precious daughter. How could she forget that Bela didn’t like loud noises? Of course this would be like hell for her.
“Shh, shh,” Alcina rocked Bela back and forth in her lap. A faint rumble rippled through the house and she glared at the window, cursing the storm for causing her baby so much distress. “It’s going to be okay. It’s going to be okay…”
She spent five more minutes on the floor before Bela finally pulled her head back. She didn’t look any less terrified, nor had the storm lessened its brutality, but there was a new light in her eyes. Alcina already knew what she was doing.
“Bela, don’t--”
“I’m sorry, Mother,” Bela said anyway, dipping her head for a moment. “I don’t know what came over me.”
“Don’t even pretend, child,” Alcina scolded. “You’re still as white as a ghost. And these shivers… You’re shaking like a newborn goat!”
Bela shook her head. “I’ll be fine. You said it yourself, didn’t you?”
Alcina wrinkled her nose, then sighed. “Alright then. Shall we both go down to the parlor, then? I should check on your sisters.”
Guilt flitted through Bela’s eyes. “Yes. Of course. We must make sure that they aren’t scared.”
That got a small chuckle out of Alcina. “Sure.”
They both stood up, with Alcina helping Bela on her unsteady legs. While walking down the hallway to get to the main parlor, both mother and daughter couldn’t help but gaze out the windows.
The sky was the color of the ocean- dark, wild, and swallowing everything in its wake. The only thing that could possibly rival its impenetrable wall of thick black-blue were the constant cracks of blazing lightning that split the roiling clouds like a hot knife. The storm would be cut in half at the flash of its searing glory, then sewed itself back together like a monstrous, watery wound. The wind was so fierce that it seemed to be sent by an enraged being to punish the castle for some unruly sin. Water rushed down the pathways that Alcina could just barely make out in the garden like baby rivers, threatening to drag anything and anyone in its way down the dirt with it. Raindrops battered the glass and walls and doors, knocking so viciously like an unwanted guest.
An unwanted guest. That was what this damn storm was. And Alcina was at her wit’s end with this elemental stranger.
Especially when one particular crash of thunder knocked the power right out.
Now, a good portion of Castle Dimitrescu used natural lighting to ward away the darkness, sunlight and torches and whatnot, but there were also light fixtures and lamps, which were cut into complete blackness by the outage.
Shadows swept around the corridor like curtains, chased off only by a few flickering torches. At Alcina’s side, there was a sharp cry of terror that pulled at her heart with talons, and she turned to see Bela pressed against the wall, trembling and breathing heavily, her eyes practically bulging right out of her skull.
“Oh, honey,” Alcina said sadly. She reached out, tenderly cupping her daughter’s cheeks. Bela was aware enough to press into her touch like she usually did, which was good. She was too far gone in her panic just yet. “Shh, shh… It’s okay.”
“Th-the lights--” Bela gasped. Her hands were pressed flat against the wall behind her, claws dug against the plaster. She wouldn’t look at Alcina, instead peering around her figure to the storm outside. “It’s-- it’s--”
“Breathe, Bela,” Alcina instructed, seeing her spiral again. It was worrying just how quickly it could happen, coming out of nowhere and consuming her like a colony of angry fire ants. “Breathe. In and out. Just like I taught you.”
“Shh, shh,” Alcina stroked Bela’s cheeks with her thumbs. She moved closer, trying to block out the view of the windows with her form. “Don’t look at that. Look at me. I’m right here and I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”
Bela whimpered and looked up at her. Hot tears slid against Alcina’s fingers and she brushed them away. She smiled when she heard the shallow sound of her daughter’s rhythmic breathing.
“Good girl,” Alcina cooed. “Good, good girl. Just like that.”
Bela closed her eyes and focused on her breathing. Alcina’s smile grew a little wider.
“You’re doing so well,” Alcina praised her, knowing it would help her work harder to calm down. Bela was always the easiest to manage out of all of her children, as all it took was a few words of approval for her to do just about anything she wanted. “Such a good job, even when you’re--”
“I’m not--”
“I know, baby,” Alcina said, humoring her. She moved one hand to stroke Bela’s hair. “You’re not scared. Of course you aren’t. I was going to say when you’re in the middle of a blackout.”
Bela opened one eye to stare at her incredulously. Alcina grinned at her. Bela huffed, closed her eye, and then nuzzled into her hand with a faint purr.
They stayed like that for a little longer before Bela finally extracted herself from the wall. The color had yet to return to her face, nor had she stopped shaking, but at least her breathing was back under control.
“Ready?” Alcina asked.
Bela nodded quietly.
With one hand on her daughter’s back, Alcina continued down the hallway with Bela.
Upon entering her favorite parlor, Alcina found her other two daughters already inside. Cassandra was stretched out in front of the fireplace like a lounging cat, her head pillowed by her arms and a look of bliss on her face, while Daniela was bouncing by the window, watching the storm eagerly. The youngest had always been fascinated by the sheer destruction of weather.
“Thirty-four!” Daniela shouted when lightning flashed across the sky.
“That’s great, Dani,” Cassandra said dreamily without lifting her head or even opening her eyes.
“What are you two doing?” Alcina asked in amusement while ducking inside.
“Counting lightning bolts,” Daniela answered.
“Relaxing,” Cassandra said a moment later. “Isn’t this weather amazing?”
Bela winced.
“It certainly is something,” Alcina said, glancing out the window. She gave Bela’s back a gentle rub before walking over to her chair and sitting down. Daniela instantly skittered over to her and pressed her head right into the space between her neck and shoulder with a bright smile. Alcina chuckled, stroking her cheek, earning her blissful purrs.
“Where were you, Bel?” Cassandra asked, rolling over to look at Bela, but not quite getting up. She seemed much too relaxed.
“I-I, umm--”
“She was helping me close the windows,” Alcina answered for her eldest. “After I had to berate her for reading in the dark again.” She gave Bela a playful glare, making Bela smile faintly.
“Ooooh,” Daniela giggled. “You got in troubleeeee!”
Bela rolled her eyes. She finally moved from her rigid position by the door to sit on the floor next to Alcina’s chair. Alcina reached down to set a comforting hand on her head.
It was then that thunder ripped through the castle, causing all of the walls to shudder, and each of Alcina’s girls jolted. Daniela and Cassandra’s heads popped up, while Bela sank her claws in the cracks between the floorboards, trying to keep her breathing under control.
“Goddamn,” Cassandra muttered, sitting up straight. She stretched out the sore spots in her back. “We’re going to drown at this rate.”
Bela’s shoulders lurched. Alcina gave Cassandra a stern glare.
“Oooh, you know what we should do?” Daniela said. She didn’t wait for an answer. “Beli should sing to us!”
“What?” Bela snapped her head to her younger sister faster than the lightning could strike outside.
“Ohh, yeah,” Cassandra nodded.
“What are you talking about?”
Daniela gave her a look. “Don’t be dumb! We all know you like to sing!”
“No, I don’t,” Bela stammered, the tips of her ears turning red.
“Yes, you do,” Cassandra said. “We hear you sing when you fill up the bathtub.”
“You can hear me?!” Bela shrieked.
“Yeah!” Daniela said. “When you hit that vibrato last night… Incredible! Amazing! Showstopping!”
“You did sound very nice,” Alcina nodded.
Bela buried her face in her hands, which had gone completely red with embarrassment. Alcina chuckled and scratched her scalp.
“You have a wonderful voice, darling,” Alcina said.
“Yeah!” Daniela agreed. “Much better than Cassie. She sounds like a crow with a chicken bone stuck in its throat!”
“At least I don’t belt at the same octave as the torture victims,” Cassandra struck back, and she and Daniela both burst into laughter.
“Now, now, girls,” Alcina said.
“Oh, come on, Mother,” Cassandra said. “Daniela knows I’m just kidding. The victims sound better than she does, and they’re not even trying to sing!”
Daniela shrieked with more laughter. She didn’t seem offended at all. “Oh, I sound bad? You know the noises a donkey makes?”
Cassandra slapped the ground while snorting into her hand.
Alcina rolled her eyes in a good-natured way, then smiled down at Bela. “You would be a step above whatever they can do. But only if you want to.”
Bela looked up at her, her amber-gold eyes glinting in the firelight, then nodded. After a moment of silently encouraging herself, she took a deep breath and began to sing.
It was a beautiful melody in the howling of the storm.
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pokeheadcannons97 · 4 years
Could you do a bede with an S/O that’s scared of storms? Like camping in the wild area when there’s a storm etc
He saw how your face scrunched into worry when the dark clouds started to come in from the east as the sun began to set 
You kept getting more visibly nervous the more the wind picked up, causing the trees and bushes to sway loudly
You were preparing yourself for bed, hoping to fall asleep before the thunder would sound, that and the high wind scared you 
Bede watched as you brushed your hair nervously, keeping your gaze on anything except the open front of the tent you shared
Taking a sip from his hot chocolate, his purple orbs stared at you. After he watched you take another timid look at your phone, to what he expected to be the weather app that you had been checking religiously for the past couple hours, he coughed. 
This brought your gaze up to him. 
“Hey? Are you okay? You seem more antsy.” 
You laughed, forced he noticed. but didn’t comment on it. 
“I’m okay Bede! Just wanted to check to see if the weather will be better for tomorrow.”
You tossed and turned as the thunder and wind continued outside. 
Stupid rain. Stupid wind rattling against the tent. 
“Stupid storm...” you murmured softly into your pillow that you clung onto tighter.
Your turned over to face your boyfriend, who was sleeping peacefully amidst the loud booms of thunder outside. 
“...stupid boyfriend who sleeps like a Komala....”
You closed your eyes to try for the umpteenth time to fall asleep, and you thought you were succeeding until another obnoxiously loud crack of lightning and thundering of thunder erupted through the sky. 
You felt your heart drop into your stomach as you yelped loudly and hid under the blanket that you both were sharing. 
Bede's eyes blinked and fluttered open, more annoyance on his face than being startled at the clap of thunder. He sat up and groaned, staring up at the top of your tent with disdain. 
“How is anyone supposed to get any rest with this awful storm’s thunder?” he said, rubbing at his eyes.
“It’s quite loud...” you replied from under your spot on the sleeping bag next to him. 
Bede turned to you to continue your conversation. “They didn’t say the weather would be so loud, mostly heavy showers, but not this thunder.”
“But at least I’ve got you here, so it’s not so bad.” He reached out his hand to pull the blanket from your face but noticed your form was shaking, your grip tight against the blanket.
He placed his hand on your shoulder. “Y/N...? Sweetheart are you okay?” 
“...storms...” you replied. 
He turned his head to where he could hear you better, leaning down against you. “What was that?”
You removed the blanket from your face, your cheeks stained with tears. “I hate storms.” 
You curled up into a ball and pressed your forehead against his thigh, shutting your eyes tightly. He in turn placed both of his hands on you, one on your arm, the other on your head. 
“Y/N... are you scared of storms? Do they frighten you?” Bede asked softly, running his fingers through your hair slowly. 
You loved how his hands worked on top of your head, some of the anxiety melting away from the intimate touch. 
You gave a sigh and nodded, wiping at your face. “Very much so. I’ve hated them since I was little. They’re just so loud and... awful.” you explained. 
Bede’s eyebrows were knitted in worry, and concern over you. He thought he was so perceptive of everything that was related to you. He knew your favorite shows, hobbies, and foods. He knew your hated vegetable, and holiday. How you liked to relax after a long day of work, even the kind of soap you preferred to do the laundry with. But in all the time he knew you, he never once picked up on that you were afraid of storms. 
“So... when I had to be gone for a gym leader meeting, and was stuck in Wyndon because of that huge thunderstorm a few months ago...” he began and felt his stomach clench at the thought of you. “...you were by yourself during the whole storm, and it was almost as bad as this one.”
You didn’t say anything for a few seconds but gripped onto his pants leg. “It wasn’t so bad, I managed.” you tried to sound nonchalant but you both knew Bede wasn’t that easily fooled. 
“If I knew that you were this scared of storms, I would’ve taken you with me. I would have never left you alone during that!” he exclaimed, his cheeks flooding with a mix of embarrassment and self deprecation. “I wish I knew, what kind of boyfriend would leave their partner alone when they needed them?”
You shook your head frantically. “Please, it’s not your fault. It’s mine, I didn’t tell you.” you explained to him and slightly flinched when another clap of thunder sounded off in the distance. “It’s so stupid for me to be afraid of storms, Bede. It’s not rational. It’s so embarrassing.”
“It may not seem rational, but it’s still a fear you have. You can’t control that.” He replied, slightly angered at your own self deprecation. 
A massive clap of thunder came and you could feel the air around you rumble and shake. 
You yelped louder than before and flung yourself into Bede’s arms, your own tightly wrapped around him. 
Bede gave you a comforting squeeze back. “Y/N... it’s okay to be scared. I’m here for you. You don’t ever have to go through another one of these by yourself ever again.”
You looked up at him. “Promise?”
Bede smiled at you, and bent down to give you a kiss on the forehead. “Promise.”
He made sure you were cuddled up next to him long past when the storm rolled over. 
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thegeneralguy · 4 years
The Champion of Olympus - Zeus´s Zeal
“To your right you can see the ruins of the fabled temple of Zeus, the once deity patron of the city. A statue in his honor was considered a world wonder in the ancient world. Now if you follow me…”
The enthusiastic tour guide waved her little red flag to gather the group of students listening to her. It was a particularly windy summer day when Markie Laur and some of his college classmates were taken on a tour through Greek archeological sites. This excursion was one of the only excuses’ students found in order to participate in this lecture. Markie himself had little to do in a Greek and Roman mythology course, being an engineering major. His two best friends convinced him to join the course so they could do a tour around Europe together. Besides, the free credits were always welcome.
The excursion moved sluggishly through the different ruins in the archeological site. Some students were very interested in the information and keen in on learning more. They engaged in discussion and conversation with the tour guide and their professor. Markie and his friends were none of them. They hung out in the back of the tour. Robert was showing Jordan different bars in Amsterdam on his phone, both plotting enthusiastically how many drugs they would be able to take and how many European girls were they going to take back to their hotel room once they were there. Markie just hung out on the back watching the sites in peace. Although the three 21 year old college students shared the same nerdy nature, Markie was the shyest of the three. He didn´t share the other two´s deliriums of grandeur, nor sexual preference for the matter. His insecure nature made him unsure to come out to the supposedly closest friends he had in college. He was friends with Robert and Jordan out of survival instinct more than true friendship.
Markie and Robert landed in the same dorm room on their freshman year. Jordan was Robert´s hometown neighbor that had the luck of landing in the same college as his best friend. Both were boastful economy majors who tried and failed constantly in on inserting themselves amongst the more popular social circles. Markie was more down to earth than the other two, completely conscious that the combination of his cherub face, short unathletic body and shy personality automatically put him on the bottom layer of the Darwinist ladder that was college life. Robert saw the physical similarities of his roommate as a reason to adopt him into their duo, and so the three of them started hanging out together, playing videogames, making complex plans to get into some fraternity parties and talking about their crushes. Markie just went along with it. Drug use, even though mild was where he drew the line, completely paranoid that he was going to get expelled if caught.
Now the three of them were finishing their sophomore year with cero conquests under their belts, so their trip to Europe was the only hope of Robert and Jordan to get some of the validation they had been craving.
The sun started setting down as the tour started heading towards the information center to compare notes and conclude the visit. The day had gotten increasingly stormy, with dark clouds gathering on the sky and blocking the sunset light. Markie was still on the far back of the group, his gaze scanning the surrounding ruins. He started wondering why the site was so empty, with none other than the little group ahead of him on sight.
“Maybe there´s bad weather coming.”
He thought as a chill crossed his spine. He stopped to take his sweater out of his backpack, completely missing that everyone, including his friends continued advancing down the road until he was left completely alone. Markie put on his oversized college sweatshirt, his body practically drowning in the garment. He looked around searching for his friends, but there was no one on sight. An ominous wind started blowing, moving the grass with an eerie rhythm. The trees rustled next to him, and the faint sound of thunder resonated in the distance.
“Guys? Rob?”
His anxiety started acting out, as he nervously wandered on the dirt road looking for his friends. The path started to disappear slowly, leaving tall luscious grass behind. An unseen force was guiding Markie through the glade. His mind was racing, already making up hundreds of scenarios where he got lost and was never able to return home. He just felt he needed to move forward, and so he did. The breeze around him kept getting stronger, with little droplets of rain being blown straight into his face.
Suddenly Markie found himself right in the middle of the ruins of the temple of Zeus. He recognized them from the tour, being the only part that really caught his attention for some reason. The sound of thunder kept getting stronger, as the air current suddenly started to form a whirlwind around him. The rain had gotten stronger, pouring down furiously and completely drenching him.
Markie started having a panic attack, his breathing getting to the point of hyperventilation. He suddenly felt an incredible pressure on top of him. He looked up to one of the columns and saw a gigantic golden eagle perched on top of it. A bright lightning bolt completely blinded his eyesight for an instant, and when he looked up once again, he was confronted with a vision of the most perfect man he had ever seen.
His gargantuan chest was framed by two sets of enormous shoulders, which were connected to two arms so muscular they must have been around the same girth as Markie´s waist. Powerful legs supported the massive body of the gorgeous man, whose height made him seem double the body size of the little 5´6 college student. The luscious curls of his golden beard fell right in the middle of his chest, as his gorgeous mane of equally beautiful hair framed a face that looked near aesthetic perfection. Features that exuded masculinity, but still kept a supernatural beauty that was only present in the sculptures of antiquity. The man was wearing a white robe tied only on top of one of his shoulders, with big golden bracelets on each of his wrists. The man emitted a light glow from his body, like his whole silhouette was encased in a halo.
“Who—o a—are you? Did I die?”
Asked Markie nervously. His gaze couldn’t find anything else other than the godly fantasy in front of him.
“Silence boy. I´m going to grant you a gift. A gift all mortals would kill for.”
“A gift? Please don´t hurt me. I´m really sorry if I trespassed, I can´t find….”
“I said quiet!”
The man roared with fury. Markie managed to get out a panicked yelp as thunder stroke the ground all around him.
“You really remind me of him. Come and find me when you´re ready. All your questions will be answered. Enjoy it boy, for it will come with a price.”
The man pointed his finger at him. Suddenly Markie felt a jolt of electricity course all across his body. He was afraid he was going to be fried by the stud in front of him. Lighting fell again very close to the man, completely blinding Markie again. When he looked up the storm was gone, and so was the man. He briefly thought he imagined everything, until he felt his soaking wet clothes. He could also still feel the light static effect he felt when the stranger raised his finder towards him. He wondered if his friends had pranked him by sneaking in some hallucinogen into his water bottle when the annoyed voice of his professor grounded him back on reality.
“Mr. Laur, may I remind you that profanation of ancient heritage sites is strictly punished by the law? Come back here this instant. The bus is waiting for us.”
Markie rushed out of the ruins to join his classmates on the bus back into town. He briefly looked back at Zeus´s temple one last time, and thought he saw a big bird fly fast into the sky.
 “Whoa man did you jump into the fountain or something?”
Asked Robert when he saw his roommate entering the bus soaking wet.
“Very funny Rob. It was the rain.”
Answered Markie unenthusiastically as he took the seat behind Robert and Jordan.
“What rain dude, its as dry as Angela´s pussy over there.”
Whispered Jordan giggling whilst nodding in the direction of one of their most conservative classmates. Markie didn´t even reply to his friend´s crude comment, as the bus slowly departed the site towards the hotel. Olympia wasn´t a big city, but his classmates had already made plans in meeting in the small bar next to the hotel to talk about the trip so far and have some drinks. Robert and Jordan kept snorting and laughing from time to time watching some random insta-girl´s page.
“What a pair of losers.”
Thought Markie to himself as he pondered on his friends’ blatant misogyny. He kept staring out the window into the dark void in front of him. His smooth boyish face greeted him back on the black window. He took a moment to really look at himself. Other than the childish rounded cheeks and soft features, he wasn´t so ugly. His dark brown eyes gave him a friendly look, and his teeth were straight and white. He could look much cuter if he put some effort into it. Stop shaving his dark brown hair with an electric razor, paid an actual hairstylist to get him on of those popular haircuts every guy on the internet had and get some actual sunlight in order to improve the corpse looking hue on his skin would get him far. He could finally stop hanging out with those guys.
The sudden confidence rush went away as fast as it came, leaving Markie languishing in self doubt once again.
“Who am I kidding? I´ll never have the confidence to be on my own.”
Crippling social anxiety and low self esteem were the true shackles tying him to a lonely existence, not the way he looked. Confidence could completely change someone´s image of themselves, making him attractive to himself and by inertia to others as well.
The sudden epiphany caused a golden spark to light in on Markie´s eyes, just an instant so he could see it, but not slow enough so he could know if it was real or a product of his imagination. The static feeling was slowly turning into a constant tingling spreading all across his body. A droplet of sweat travelled down his temple as he felt his body heat slowly rising. He took away his sweatshirt only to find his equally wet t-shirt clinging to his thin body, but showing a tiny strip of skin belonging to his lower belly. If it were dry Markie would´ve also noticed a certain tightness on the kid sized garment, his torso gaining an almost imperceptible amount of mass. He still felt as if he was being asphyxiated by his own clothes. His temperature was rising so high that he could almost feel a humidity cloud form all around him coming from his wet clothes.
“Markie! Man you´re really off today.”
Markie was so busy fighting his need to rip his t-shirt off so hard he barely noticed the curious eyes of both of his friends staring at him.
“We need to get you some new clothes. You have to look your best if we´re gonna go hunting man!”
Said Robert enthusiastically as he high fived Jordan. Markie just answered with a nervous laugh as he kept trying not to cause a scene in a moving vehicle.
After what felt like an eternity the bus arrived at the hotel. Markie practically jumped out of his seat and rushed towards the exit. He could also feel his jeans ending a bit above his ankles, and his shoes constricting his feet. The first thing he thought was that the water had shrunken his clothes, but after feeling the sensation spread along the static tingling, he suspected this could be related to that fever dream he had in the ruins.
The professor gathered everyone right outside the bus to plan the rest of the evening. Markie stood there impatiently among his fellow classmates feeling increasing discomfort. The tingling turned to numbness, making him lose sensation on his hands and feet. The only thing he wanted was to get back to his room so he could wash himself and get into fresh clothes. His usual nervous expression started turning into an angry sneer, as his impatience grew along with his discomfort. As soon as the professor dismissed them, Markie rushed straight through the small hotel doors directly to the room he shared with his two friends. He got into the bathroom slamming the door behind him.
He was sweating profusely and his body heat started rising so high an actual steam cloud started forming around him. The numbness in his limbs had turn into an excruciating pain, as cramps travelled all across his body tensing the little muscle mas he had. He felt like he was being electrocuted. He looked into the mirror and was greeted by a bizarre image of himself wearing a little kid´s clothes. The t-shirt looked more like a crop top now, the little sleeves were being strained by two longer arms. His pants were riding halfway up his calves. He managed to kick out the shoes that were also clearly a few sizes too small for his grown feet. Markie did his best not to scream in pain due to the sensations assaulting his body.
The small lightbulb illuminating the bathroom started flickering and a small air current started forming around Markie. A sharp pain in his stomach made him turn to the toilet and throw up the little food he had ingested during the day. Shivers crossed his body as the cramps got stronger. He could see the ligaments in his hands contracting and moving on their own because of the strong muscle spasms. He turned his face back into the bowl and retched loudly clasping his stomach, tears of effort running down his cheeks.
“Markie? Are you alright in there?”
Asked Robert knocking on the bathroom door. He was so distracted by the sensations assaulting his body that he completely missed his friends enter the hotel room. He responded with a quiet “yeah” and made a conscious effort in making it sound as calm as possible. The last thing he wanted was those guys seeing him in his current state.
“I´ll be out in a minute.”
Said Markie as he managed to pull himself back on his feet. The wind in the bathroom had gotten stronger, and Markie could swear he could hear the faint sound of thunder inside the room. He grabbed the edge of the sink and looked into the mirror. His face was completely red, and his hair was dripping sweat as if a cloud was pouring rain on top of him. He looked at himself straight in the eyes, and then it happened. A golden color started to seep out of his pupils, changing the brown hue of his iris. It looked like molten gold was being directly injected into his eyes. Once the new color took completely over, the lightbulb started shining so bright it completely burst after a few seconds. Markie heard the glass shards fall on the ground, and the room was left in complete darkness. The only source of light were his iridescent golden eyes.
He tried to move to the side, but he accidentally stepped on a few glass pieces and slipped on the wet floor. He howled in pain and steadied himself with the bathroom sink. He also didn’t realize his hand moved way too close to the electrical outlets next to the mirror. A faint crackling sound could be heard, and white sparks started jumping out of the outlet.  Suddenly, a lightning bolt shot straight out of the outlet directly into Markie´s hand. He tried to scream, but not a single noise came out of his mouth. The wind started flowing stronger, forming a vortex with the college student straight in the center. Another lightning bolt coming from an electrical outlet on top of the floor flew straight heading for his other hand. Both currents formed two chain lightning shackles that tied the boy in the center of the room.
Markie felt vertigo, as his growth spurt continued on an accelerated pace, putting him over a foot from his original height. His feet grew proportionally to help him stabilize his now towering stature, the skin on his soles hardening and expelling the glass shards he slipped on earlier. The electric shackles started spreading lighting bolts up his arms and into his torso, completely burning the remains of the already ripped small t-shirt. He felt an excruciating pain while his bone structure changed. His clavicle extended, pushing both of his shoulders further to the sides. His ribcage also expanded together with his waist. The remains of his pants started digging painfully into the skin of his hips. Once the bones finished their transformation, the pain started to subside.
Markie stood in the middle of the room completely disoriented. His new height made everything take on different dimensions and the irregular sparks and lightning bolts were illuminating the bathroom in all kinds of bizarre ways. Not to mention the wind throwing all kinds of hygiene supplies all around. His gaze found his reflection in the mirror. He looked like an underfed giant of a man. It was like the little muscle mass he had was distributed evenly across his new size, leaving him practically just bones and skin. He watched the flashy shackles fascinated, as sparks jumped and squirmed in the air before fading into blackness.
Suddenly, he felt the strong static feeling on his wrists, as lightning bolts dug under his skin and spread through his body. He could feel the electrical current inside of him, the pain of the intense cramps returning in major scale. Electricity was contracting every muscle fiber, breaking and healing them very rapidly. New muscle nuclei started forming as well in order to endure the work the chain lightning was putting them through. Markie´s hands were the first to grow. Delicate long fingers filled with strong muscle, as his palms expanded and hardened. Callouses formed to protect them from the heavy labor they were now designed to do. They looked comically large, comparable to big baseball mitts on a small child. The transformation immediately shot right up his forearms, expanding them to incredible size that would put Popeye out of work without question. Strong sinews connected his powerful hands to his elbows, giving them a vice like strength too atop of their intimidating look. His upper arms picked up on the growth too, biceps inflating to the size of a cantaloupe and triceps completely defying gravity jutting so far out the back of his arms it looked like someone had welded big horseshoes on his already enormous arms. The shoulders expanded next, gaining epic proportions comparable to a pumpkin on top of each arm. Markie gritted his teeth in pain as he caught a glimpse of what has happening to him. He looked like a doll that had gotten the arms of a He-Man toy accidentally glued on his lanky torso.
A strong spasm in his chest caused him to fall forwards, the shackles on his arms preventing him from touching the ground. He was scared for a second, he was having a heart attack, as each pectoral muscle twitched and pulsed manipulated by the electric current. His chest started inflating rapidly in all directions, rising high on the top reaching for his chin, and squaring off in the bottom, leaving a big shelf hanging from the distressed student´s upper body. The electric bolts reached for his nipples, hardening them and expanding them until the former tack sized miniatures grew to a more manly dollar coin size.
Markie could feel the electricity running all across his spine, engorging his back so support such a top-heavy body. His traps developed in the upper part, reaching for his ears, and his lats expanded to the sides pushing the gargantuan arms to the sides on a permanent forty-degree angle. His lower back developed strongly to support the heavy muscle on the top. Then he felt as if someone was punching him straight on his stomach, as each individual abdominal muscle popped from his midsection, carving a deep valley in the center of his body, and leaving him with a truly enviable small waist that made the proportions on the upper body look more freakish.
The cramps then travelled down his waist, focusing on his practically non-existent glutes, contracting and twisting them. His ass started to slowly inflate into two pairs of gravity defying boulders, completely ripping the rest of his pants and leaving Markie with his tight white briefs, which looked more like a thong being swallowed by the two monstrous muscles. His manhood was left completely ignored by the electrical current, leaving him practically flat on the front. Each quadricep spasmed and developed deep cut muscle, growing to gigantic proportions in order to move this behemoth of a body around. Calves inflated next leaving him with two powerful football looking muscles ready to propel Markie in whichever direction he wanted. His feet were the last part of his body to change, filling with powerful strength to support the now card-carrying bodybuilder.
As soon as the last part of his body concluded growing, the electrical shackles were absorbed into Markie´s body. He started to emit a faint glow, dimly illuminating the bathroom. His pale skin took on a golden hue. He looked into the mirror once again and he saw his face with two glowing eyes on top of a body that wasn’t his. The miniature storm inside the room also subsided, leaving him quietly staring into the mirror.
“Is that really me?”
Asked Markie to himself whilst touching his powerful chest. He accidentally brushed one of his nipples with his hand, and it caused a small electrical current to travel across his chest. Only this time it wasn´t pain what he felt, but pleasure. Markie had a very prude attitude, barely exploring sex by himself, let alone with somebody else. But this sensation sparked something else in him. An instinct buried so deeply within insecurities, that it had remained imperceptible to him. But something inside his was pushing him to do it again, to finally unleash the real him.
“I can´t believe it. This can´t be real.”
Markie raised an arm and flexed. Powerful muscle twitched and pumped inside of him, his bicep raising higher and higher. He chuckled slightly. A quiet laugh that increased in intensity, as Markie explored and felt every new part of his anatomy. He then took his other nipple between his fingers and pinched it slightly. An even stronger pleasure jolt shot across his body.
The college boy was becoming less and less of a boy the more he touched himself. Confidence was flooding every inch of his being. Someone who looked like a God should behave as a God as well thought Markie, while his slow caresses of his body turned to an intense erotic massage. His hand touched the deep crevices of his abdomen, and slowly found its way to the boy´s less than impressive endowment.
“This simply won´t do.”
Said Markie in a quasi-trance like state. He slowly reached to the electrical outlet again, and focused all of his energy in summoning that spark again. His call was quickly answered, as an intense lightning bolt shot straight towards his hand again.
“Yes. Give me more. More strength. More power.”
Said Markie, his boyish voice taking on a powerful commanding voice. He then took the hand connected with the electricity to his crotch, and grabbed his bulge once again. The electricity then travelled directly into his manhood, shotting bolts of pleasure all over Markie´s body. His mind was filled with images of intimacy, of epic scenes of desire and encyclopedic sexual knowledge.
“Fuck yeah. More.”
He cursed for the first time in his life, while the overwhelming sensation clouded the last of his senses and erased the old Markie from existence, leaving a blank canvas for his new godly persona to take place. His manhood started growing to divine proportions, completely straining the briefs to the point of breaking. White tatters fell to the floor, as his equine endowment raised straight and up, reaching almost a foot in length. Like the rest of his body, the girth proportions adjusted too, leaving him with practically an extra limb on his lower body, as thick as a baby arm. His testicles inflated like water balloons until each was the size of a lemon. The powerful divine seed inside them started seeping it´s essence to the rest of his body, as Markie reached the final step of his transformation.
His neck thickened, and his moans of pleasure started dropping in pitch until his boy-like cadence reached an intimidating deep baritone. He grunted as his mandible contorted and expanded into comic book hero proportions. A cleft formed on his powerful chin, and his teeth grew to fit the new size of his mandible. His lips thinned out giving him a serious look. The baby fat on his cheeks evaporated, leaving sharp angular features behind. His nose remained straight, but grew to accommodate the aesthetic of the new man´s face. His brow expanded and hooded over his eyes, giving him a stern serious look.
His shaved brown hair then started growing on the top, parting sideways and acquiring a thick silky texture, along with a golden tone. The new blonde´s body hair flourished right afterwards. Clear body hair sprouted on his forearms and on top of his hands, but the rest of him remained smooth. The hair in his pits and on his pubic region also changed to a blonde hue, before falling down leaving the new man completely shaved. Changes in the hair follicles were made, as this was a very hairy man that manscaped regularly. Thick stubble then grew on his face, leaving a permanent five o´clock shadow. Finally, a thick mustache and a soul patch formed around his mouth, completing the transformation.
Where once stood a puny college student, now stood a complete god of a man. The former 21 year old looked almost a decade older, not that it would worry him too much because his mind also started changing to accommodate the new bodybuilder. His fears and worries completely evaporated, leaving behind a man that lived in the moment. He ate when he wanted to, he went where he wanted to and he fucked whenever he wanted to. His repulsion for his nickname grew, and he decided to adopt his full name from ow on.  Where there was once a Markie now stood Marcus, the champion of the thunder god Zeus.
He flexed and roared in triumph as one last lightning bolt shot through the outlet reaching him. Veins started popping on his arms and legs, like lightning coursing through a stormy sky. He turned around and opened the bathroom door, stepping into the world for the first time.
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“What do you think of this one?”
Said Jordan whilst showing his friend one of the many fedora hats he brought to the trip.
“Who cares? Fedoras aren’t cool anymore man. It´s all over the internet, look it up.”
Answered Robert exasperated of having to go through another wardrobe dilemma. He couldn´t stop thinking about Markie and his weirder than usual attitude these last couple of hours. His roommate had been in the bathroom for a while now, but there was no sound coming from the bathroom ever since Markie answered him, he was fine.
“Do you think Markie is okay in there?”
He asked Jordan, who barely looked up from his suitcase.
“I don´t know. But who cares man? Less dead weight for us when we go for the chicks later.”
“He´s not a dead weight Jordan. I know Markie is shy and kind of weird, but he´s a great guy. Trust me, I know. I live with him.”
“We both know why he´s like that. Not that I have anything against it, but its impressive how he thinks no one realizes the way he looks at those douches from the frat sometimes.”
“He will tell us whenever he´s ready. And even if he´s not it´s okay. He will still be my friend. And I hope yours too Jordan.”
“Come on man. I like gay dudes. Less competition for us. I just don´t want him to ruin our hunt with his angst when we go out to the bar.”
“It´s about time to get going though. I´m gonna ask Markie if we should meet him directly in the bar, if It hasn´t confused him with a child and kidnaped him through the sink.”
Both friends laughed at the reference just as Robert approached the bathroom door once again.
“Markie my man, we´re gonna get going. You can meet us there if you want, but don´t feel rushed take your time. Hope that you´re okay though.”
He said knocking lightly on the door. A faint grumble could be heard on the other side, but Markie didn´t answer. Robert took that as a response, and he turned around to prepare his stuff and go.
Suddenly, the bathroom door opened with such a force it ripped it out of it´s hinges. A blinding light was coming from the bathroom, together with enough steam to turn the small hotel room into a sauna. Robert and Jordan watched completely in shock as the new Marcus stepped out of the bathroom, his whole body enveloped in a golden halo. Both college students looked tiny in comparison to the enormous wall of muscle standing in front of them.
“Who—o a—are you? Whe—ere´s Ma—arkie?”
Managed to squeak Robert nervously while his eyes scanned every mountain and every valley that composed the behemoth´s body.
“It is Marcus now, my friends. Come and bathe in all my glory.”
Said Marcus while raising both of his arms and flexing his latissimus muscles, completely eclipsing the now small in comparison bathroom door. A potent smell started wafting through the air, impregnating the steam with masculine pheromones coming directly from the giant´s underarms. Both Robert and Jordan were put in a trance like state, and approached the shining man.
“Yes. Come to me. I will show you the true meaning of pleasure.”
Deep primal instincts were awoken in both boys. Lust, submission and adoration completely eclipsed the nervous feeling both had. As soon as their hands touched Marcus´s chest, an intense shock of pleasure shot through both of their bodies, travelling directly to their brains completely burning their old personas out of their heads. Both boys had their irises completely drained of color, leaving white mindless eyes behind. Marcus took each one of them by their waists and pulled them close. Their hands started exploring the giant´s body, leaving a trail of sparks jumping off the radiant skin.
He then leaned down to kiss Robert, while Jordan worked his way down licking the sweat off his chest and descending slowly through the cobblestone road on his midsection. His giant manhood was already hard as an iron bar, eager for attention. As soon as Jordan´s mouth made contact with the pulsing member, a strong stream of electricity started inundating his body. The small muscles spasmed and expanded to ridiculous proportions. The small belly he had grown out of eating too many pizza slices and drinking mountain dew evaporated into this air, leaving a hard six pack behind. His chest raised, forming two pillows sticking far out of his chest. His limbs contracted and expanded into heroic proportions, leaving the new man at least a hundred pounds heavier with pure lean mass. He stayed at the same 5´6 height, making the new man a fireplug of a bodybuilder.
He had already kneeled down and was worshipping the godly pole in front of him, savoring the nectar coming from the tip as if he was drinking ambrosia directly from the source. His face cracked and rearranged leaving brutish heavy features, but still holding onto some beauty. Age seeped into his skin and his muscles, seasoning them with the hardness of a more adult male. All his hair fell down, except his eyebrows, leaving the man completely smooth. His skin took on a stronger golden hue than Marcus, without the glow.
Meanwhile Marcus was inserting his large tongue into his former friend´s mouth, completely invading him. Robert´s jaw cracked and rearranged into a sharp square. His cheekbones raised and the fat melted off his face, leaving a shockingly handsome face behind. Unlike his friend, Robert stayed young, his visage devoid of any single imperfection. He slowly grew up a couple of inches, but still remaining far off the height of the god sodomizing his mouth. His body then expanded, muscles piling on top of each other, but also craving themselves deep into his body. His former chubby physique completely shed off any excess fat, leaving him at a single digit body fat percentage. His chest didn´t hang as far as Jordan´s, but it squared off in the bottom as if being carved out of a marble statue by a classical sculptor. His eight pack was accentuated by the sharp Adonis belt pointing downwards. His legs and arms grew muscular, each individual sinew visible thanks to the thin skin on top of them. He had a bit less mass than his kneeling friend, but was way more defined. His body hair also fell down entirely, leaving the new handsome hunk as smooth as his former best friend.
Both new men´s manhood stayed the same size though, which made them seem much smaller on their larger bodies. Marcus then looked at his two new servants. He was completely conscious he was their master and demanded their adoration, but also felt a deep bond to them. He was free to fornicate with whomever he wanted to, but these two were going to be forever bound to him, desperate for his love and addicted to his divine masculinity. As for the two men worshipping their new master, their sole purpose of existing was serving and pleasing this new god among men.
He then ordered the former Jordan to lay on the bed, and pushed the former Robert right next to him. Although it was his sexual debut, Marcus felt as if he had done this for all of eternity. He was ready to claim what was his and become the supreme being he was destined to be.
The students evacuated the hotel in panic, together with their professor and fellow guests. An unusually strong lightning bolt had stricken the small building, completely blowing up an entire corner. Three students were missing. Cries and sirens resonated through the night sky. The professor tried desperately to communicate with the local authorities, completely ignorant that the three students had disappeared forever.
 A car approached the ruins of the temple of Zeus. A giant figure then got out of the vehicle, accompanied by two large silhouettes that stayed behind. Marcus approached the center of the ruins. He was wearing a tight pair of black underpants, unable to find any other fitting clothes. Not that he needed to, his enormous body produced large amounts of heat, and still emitted a low shine highlighting him in the darkness. He had no need to hide. He was a gift to humanity, their savior. Anyone should feel blessed and humbled on his presence.
A lightning bolt fell directly in front of him, but the man stayed completely unfazed. Zeus appeared in front of him, still towering over the new Marcus, but seeming less than a giant next to the behemoth in front of him.
“You turned out very well. I was not mistaken in choosing you Marcus Laur.”
Said Zeus examining his perfect handiwork. He would say he was surprised by how well the job was made, but it was he who had done it, so it was only natural it was perfect. Marcus bowed in front of his creator and said with a respectful, but firm tone.
“Your words are my command my lord. What is it that I should do?”
Zeus´s stern face showed a glimpse of joy.
“I need you to be my envoy on this world, imprinting it with my will, which shall be your own. Humans are sheep, you shall be their shepherd. Come to the base of Mount Olympus. I shall put you through fearsome trials. Fear not though, with my power as your own you shall overcome them without problem.”
He then looked at the two muscular men standing right next to the car.
“I see you already got a taste of your powers. Good. You have two weeks to discover and reach your full potential. Do not fail.”
“Thank you, my lord. I shall not disappoint you.”
Marcus watched as lightning fell again, and Zeus disappeared. The golden eagle was already flying out of sight in the night sky. Zeus was very pleased with himself. He had many things in mind for his new toy. Not ever since meeting Ganymede had he felt an infatuation like this for a mortal, only this time he used his will to turn him into his ideal for true human beauty, and he imbued him with some of his divine power. His desire was going to burn the other competitors out of the way, thought the god of thunder. Marcus would become the Champion of Olympus.
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ayellowcurtain · 3 years
I can be your lover
Part 7
Robbe knows Sander is staring, finding the awkwardness between them funny and not gut wrenching like he is. And Robbe is happy to be around Sander too but the guilt is still in the back of his mind.
It’s a nice surprise that Sander doesn’t hold anything he did or said against him. It helps with all the other bad feelings he’s trying to subside, to pile in the back of his brain, trying to make them smaller and smaller so he can focus on what’s happening now. Sander being chill with him, so much so that it feels like he’s making fun of them for being quiet and awkward.
“You went back to the bleached hair…” Robbe tests the waters himself, wanting to know how chill Sander really is. Because he’s amazing at keeping a straight face but Robbe knows he’ll feel in his words and his tone if he’s being nice just to be nice.
Sander nods his head, drinking his beer, his eyes still never leaving Robbe’s. He’s so comfortable and relaxed, leaning against the old and fancy back porch rail, acting like they haven’t just spent years with no contact because Robbe was rude and sabotaged their first attempt of a relationship. It feels nice, the best feeling, honestly, but Robbe can’t forget as easily about the last few times they talked before this.
“I did. As another part of this...restart again.”
Robbe laughs, leaning against the side wall next to him so he can stare back at Sander and stand on his shaky legs.
“How was it? Moving back, I mean…”
Sander shrugs, looking at the view from Noor’s balcony, “I think it’s a lot easier when you’re moving with no intention of doing it again any time soon.”
“Are you staying with your parents?”
Sander looks at him and he doesn’t have to say it, Robbe knows it’s not Sander’s favorite thing to do: go back to living with his parents. They’re lovely but they’re also overprotective and Sander has very little patience after so many years dealing with it daily.
“Yes.” He grunts. “Hopefully for just a few days.”
Robbe exhales shakingly, not sure if it’s because he’s a little cold after drinking freezing cold beers or because of this conversation, face to face with Sander, “Are you looking for a place already?”
Sander nods his head again, leaning against the rail behind him again, putting his beer on the floor next to his feet.
“You wanna see some apartments with me?”
Robbe feels a heat wave rush up through his entire body right away with the implications of that, even though he knows Sander is just making a joke again, loving to make Robbe feel all types of embarrassment and fondness at the same time. Robbe daydreams for a second about seeing a bunch of apartments with Sander, thinking about how they would decorate each one, how it fits for their lives and routines, even their serious conversations about how they would pay their bills would make Robbe excited. He gently rubs his fingers against each other, no bruises or skin asking to be peeled.
That’s how it always was between them: Sander likes to tease Robbe in any way he can because he knows Robbe gets both shy and more in love when Sander is being weird.
“I think it would be fun.” Sander snorts, smiling like Robbe hasn’t hurt him constantly for the past few years, “I mean it, Robbe. I’ll behave myself.”
“Says the one that couldn’t keep his hands to himself if we dared to be shirtless around each other by accident, or took a shower together.” Robbe teases right back, knowing he’ll lose if he plays the teasing game with Sander.
“But that’s not fair, c’mon! You’re talking about us being horny teenagers and half naked or completely naked around each other. There’s no chance of behaving in those scenarios.”
They laugh it off, looking at each other until it fades out back to silence, staying quiet for some time, looking at each other, surprisingly keeping their distance and the light, playful conversation. The pile Robbe was trying to minimize is completely gone now.
“Are you missing your old life already?” Robbe puts his head to the side against the wall and he notices Sander losing his focus, staring down at his exposed neck before meeting Robbe’s eyes again.
“No. Not really. I just got here so maybe it’ll happen later. But I’m happy to be home, even if living with my parents for a second.” Sander looks down, smiling to his thoughts, and up again, suddenly with those puppy eyes with a hint of cockiness if Robbe can stare long enough to find it, “And are you happy that I’m home?”
“Yeah…” Robbe takes a deep breath in, filling his lungs to the maximum “I’m sorry for making your life a mess the past few years. But yes, I’m selfishly happy that you’re home. It doesn’t mean anything, of course…”
“It can…” Sander says just above a whisper, in that challenging way he can use whenever he wants that something to happen. It’s hard to have a normal conversation with someone you’re clearly still very much in love with. Robbe knows him too well not to notice these changes in his gaze, in his tone and he’s still able to understand what each of them means.
“I see you came to this party just to make my life more difficult...”
Sander sighs, grabbing his beer from the floor to finish it at once, licking his lips, putting the empty bottle back on the floor. He shakes his head slowly, as if even he isn’t sure himself of his negative movement.
“You think I’m too hurt to give us a second chance and that you don’t deserve it if I do. And you feel bad that you’re the main reason why we spent the past long years apart. You were always the overthinker and that’s okay. I was always the one that only cared about us, fuck the rest. And that’s okay. We’re different people, you not being able to make a life changing decision so quickly doesn’t make you a bad person. Me still desperately wanting you back after everything doesn’t make me weak for a bad person.”
Robbe swallows the little saliva he has in his mouth, slowly trying to digest all the hard truths that were just said, put out like it was nothing when it felt like the heaviest weight on his shoulders for all these years. Sander is not wrong but hearing him say it so blunty, a very Sander way of doing things if Robbe can say so himself, makes everything feel a lot more real - and meaningless compared to the thunder storm Robbe had in his mind whenever he thought about it privately - and it’s easier for Robbe to fully comprehend when someone explains it to him by their point of view.
“It wasn’t fair to keep you in the middle while I was...struggling mentally all over again.”
“It really wasn’t fair for you to not give me a choice but I get it in a way. It’s not the same but if I was brave enough I wouldn’t want you around when I have an episode. But I’m too attached to ask you to ever leave me alone like you did with me.” Sander exhales, smiling at him, “Now that we got that out of our way, can we leave?”
Robbe laughs, in shock, opening and closing his mouth, wanting nothing more than to leave with Sander. But he’s sure everyone is watching them from the inside, wanting to know what’s going on. The second they get inside and go straight to the front door, he knows his friends will tease them about it. Every time they stop talking, Robbe can almost be sure that the music inside is a little too low for a party.
And it still feels uncertain, how they’ll feel about this once they’re awake tomorrow, thinking more clearly, the adrenaline of finally seeing each other and fixing what they can of their problems out of their system after a good night of sleep and hours to get rid of all the alcohol they drank.
“Yes.” He exhales like he’s been holding his breath since Sander left in that plane years ago. Even if he’s scared, his brain doesn’t seem to give him any other option because why would he say no to running away with Sander?
Sander grabs the bottle from the floor and Robbe pushes himself to stand up properly, turning around to push the glass door open, hearing the soft music playing inside quickly embrace them too - definitely too low for a party - and he can only hope the balcony door has a level of soundproofing. He can’t look at anyone in the eyes so he makes a bee line to the front door with no excuse in mind, hoping Sander is following him.
He can’t hear a single comment or a laugh but he can feel the anticipation of everyone noticing how they are already leaving, and together, and he laughs under his breath, rushing past the door, closing it behind him, waiting outside, not even sure at this point if this was what he was supposed to do.
Sander appears after a long, nerve wracking minute, closing the door behind him, smiling at Robbe.
“Did they say anything?” Robbe asks, feeling dumb for staying outside even if just for another second. Anyone can come out and make fun of them.
“Noor came with me to the door. She was staring and not saying a word and they were laughing. I’m pretty sure some advice was whispered but I wasn’t paying that much attention to take notes. You want me to go back inside and check…?” He points back, threatening to go back inside and Robbe holds the sleeve of his jacket.
Sander laughs and Robbe shakes his head, blushing, rushing downstairs, finally. It does feel like an escape, makes his heart beat fast and he laughs when he hears Sander’s snort echoing around the building.
He holds the massive front door open for Sander and they start walking home. They know where they’re going and to do what but Robbe can't bring himself to kiss Sander on the street like he so badly wants to do it.
“Use condoms, you dirty boys!” Moyo screams, half his body out from the apartment window and Milan appears too.
“And lube! Lube, Robbe!”
“Will do.” Sander doesn’t scream back, but answers anyway, loud enough for anyone on the sidewalk level to hear, showing his thumb up to the boys that wave back to them and blow kisses.
“That wasn’t embarrassing.” Robbe smiles, looking around them, a little more at peace when he doesn’t find anyone on the street or looking at them from any window.
“It could be worse.”
“How, exactly?”
“They could be coming with us to buy those things…” Robbe laughs because that would really be a lot, a lot worse.
Robbe bites his bottom lip, walking sideways to look at Sander.
“So you don’t have condoms...or lube…?” He frowns, very ashamed to be asking.
“I didn’t want to assume anything coming here tonight.”
“Good. Right. You’re right.”
“Thank you.” Robbe is still thinking about them, stopping to buy condoms and lube on their way home, when he feels Sander’s hand going from one of his shoulders to the other one, finally hugging him, pulling Robbe to face him, walking back, hoping Sander is looking at where they are going.
“Fuck, I miss you, Robbe.”
“I miss you too.” Robbe feels their hearts beating almost just as fast and as loud against each other, and he puts his arms around Sander’s waist inside his jacket, pressing them closer, looking up in a quiet way to ask for a kiss, “I can’t believe you’re home.”
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the-slasher-files · 4 years
Temper Temper - Slashers pt 1
TW: nswf, asphyxiation, blood, good ol filthy sex
WORDS: 2305
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It was a hot and sticky summer evening, Jason went on a patrol over the camp and you were bored. Putting on your hiking boots, you thought it was a nice time for a walk. The woods were alive tonight. Birds loudly signing their songs, deer hopping through the brush. It was beautiful here, peaceful, it was home. You started on one of the trails down by the lake, one you had not been on before. The summer sun twinkled behind the evergreens and shades of red, yellow, and pink set the sky ablaze. Leaves crunched under your boots, and the water plopped against the rocks and logs. Why hadn’t Jason shown you this trail? It was gorgeous.
The fading sun had now disappeared, and the forest had become still. Just listening to the dirt under your feet you jumped when you heard distant screams coming from the camp. Stopping to look across the lake, seeing the little glow from the cabin lights. Sighing to yourself, sometimes you just wished he was a normal man. Just some lumberjack in the woods, rather than the killer of Camp Crystal Lake that you fell in love with. Some nights were just harder than others coming to that reality. You loved him for who he was; undead, mute, and covered in scars. Killer or not, Jason was yours and you were his. 
Carrying on with your walk trying to not listen to the screams, you came to a clearing in the woods. Wildflowers and mushrooms covered the ground, it was like a scene from a fairy tale. Deciding to have a rest for a minute, the screams stopped and it was quiet, peaceful and calm. Laying down in the long grasses and flowers watching the summer breeze sway the tree tops and looking at the now dark sky seeing the stars. They were brighter here, away from everything.  
You laid there for a while just enjoying the serenity of the woods as the sky became clouded over and the distant rumbling of thunder approached. Standing up and dusting yourself off you looked up to see the figure of the masked man. There was a flash from the sky, lighting him up. Jason was covered in blood, carrying his machete and dragging a body behind him. Just from his eyes you could tell he was not happy. Some of his biggest unspoken rules were broken, never step foot in his camp, never leave the cabin without him knowing, and more importantly, never go out when he is killing. 
Dropping the body behind him he tensed up, white-knuckling his machete handle. This was the first time you left the cabin while he was killing, you didn’t know how he was going to react. The large masked man walked towards you, towering you, the smell of iron overwhelmed your senses. He pulled your chin up with his fingers looking you in the eyes, trying to communicate a wide range of emotions, anger, anxiety, love among other things. Jason grabbed your arm with force which he never does unless he thinks you are in danger, but the danger was gone, wasn’t it? you thought. “Jason I’m fine,” he stood there and tugged on your small arm not letting go, directing you toward the cabin. “Stop Jason.” you grabbed his hand pulling it off you. Locking eyes something lit a fire in him. A loud boom of thunder hit when the masked man picked you up throwing you over his shoulder. He was not in the mood to negotiate your safety, and he was not in the mood to be a good gentle boyfriend.
“What the fuck are you doing?! Put me down! Jason!” You yelled at him as you were being carried, beating on his back. He just trotting along the trail letting you hit him and yell, you could do what you wanted but your safety was his number one priority. 
Making it to the cabin he placed you down on the creaky floorboards. You tried to push the large man away, but he was just a wall. He closed the door leaving the blood coated machete outside, letting the rain clean it. Jason was always afraid of his anger, it was always inside him. No matter what he did or how many people he killed, the rage was still in him, like a disease eating at him every day. After years and years of bullying and torment, then losing his mom, this anger was pent up and it would be forever. He would always be afraid of what he might do in rage to someone he loved. Usually, Jason would take a walk if he was angry, but tonight he had to make you understood that you cannot leave the cabin when he is killing. It is too dangerous. He didn’t want to lose the love of his life. You have been in fights before but this was different, it was almost a matter of principle for both of you. You wanted your freedom and he wanted to protect you from the world. Both of your anger filled the air and it wasn’t gonna be pretty.  
“Jason Stop! I am not your fucking princess,” you yelled at the large man in front of you, meeting his gaze. He expected some resistance from you but defiantly not an exposition of anger. He was trying to protect you, keep you safe here. Make a life for you and him why couldn’t understand that? It made him madder because if it wasn’t for the stupid teenagers, you would never be fighting.
“You cannot hover over me all the time, I feel like I am being smothered” He wished at these moments he could talk, even for 5 minutes, just to explain himself. You were pacing in the secluded cabin almost like a tiger in the zoo. Always being an independent person Jason made you angry sometimes with his overprotectiveness of you, but tonight you were livid. Your face felt hot and there was a tightness to your chest. “Every fucking time I have to ask you if I can leave to go for a fucking walk or even to go down to the water. I am my own person Jason. I feeling like your fucking prisoner sometimes.” His breathing increased with yours, just watching you yell at him and pace around, it hurt him, he would never want to make you feel like a prisoner. 90 percent of the time his anger came from hurt, and tonight was no different. 
“Jason. You treat me like I’m your little doll or something, I’m not. I need my time alone, I need my freedom.” You shouted at him. He was still just standing there. You wanted some sort of reaction from him, just something to know he was listening. You weren’t gonna lie, you liked him treating you like a princess but when it comes to your freedom it just got annoying. Every time you went out with him on walks he would always be watching with owl eyes making sure you didn’t twist an ankle or trip, he would lift you over logs, and never let you even swim in the lake. “Look, I am tired of this shit. Sometimes I want you to treat me rough, I’m not made of glass... don’t you fucking care?” Listening to that Jason almost shuttered. All he did was care, that is why he had carried you home, sheltering you from the storm and any danger that was outside. It set him off.
Walking towards you, his massive figure engulfing you, pressing you up against the wall. Locking you in place, just staring into each others eyes, anger turned to lust, and almost greediness for each other’s bodies. Grabbing your waist, you tore off his mask tossing it to the floor, his lips met yours with force, both of you wanting to devour each other’s souls. Jason lifted you on the table never leaving your lips, letting things crash to the floor off the desk. Your legs wrapped around his hips, pressing you two together. Blood smeared on your body from his clothes. 
“Fuck” you moaned into his ear as he moved to kiss and bite at your neck. Your moans fueled his animalist needs to have all of you. Ripping off his button up, your hands moved to his belt fumbling with it as Jason pulled off your t-shirt, his eye wide as he saw your bra. Red and lacy, his favorite. You knew you were in for it now. Tearing his belt off you placed it around his thick neck pulling him closer. Heavy breathing and moans coating your throats. Jason lifting your hips to let your shorts pass your thighs, to his pleasure you wore the matching underwear. The lightning lit up his lustful eyes, he pulled away from your hands just taking in the view. You unclasped your bra letting it fall to the floor, and wiggled your underwear off, teasing him with your pace, ever so slowly pulling them from your legs. He pulled the belt off of him and draped it around your neck, pulling you up and off the desk he led you toward the bed. 
Once you were in reach of the bed he grabbed your small waist pushing you on the bed. He had never been rough with you, it was exciting and made your adrenaline surge. Both of your anger and pent up sexual aggression was about to be released. Laying on your back waiting for what he was going to do next, he roughly grabbed your thighs pulling your ass to the edge of the bed. If this is what the teenagers saw before death, it wasn’t that bad. Jason undid his worn jeans, freeing his already hard dick. Leaning in he spit on your clit making you shutter, and roughly thrusted into you making you squeal. “Jason, fuck” you moaned just giving him more carnal need. 
Pulling on the belt around your neck letting it get tighter he watched you carefully making sure he wasn’t going too far, but at this point he didn’t know if he could stop himself if he did go too far. Thrusting in and out of you Jason was grunting and growling like a pent up wild bear. Even he needed this rough release. You were moaning loudly as the belt got tighter with each thrust, and he got deeper and deeper, filling you perfectly. If this was the rough side of him, you needed this more. “J-Jason.. fuck” you stuttered his name as you were so close to your release, but he pulled out. Leaving you lifeless and groaning. Usually he was never a teaser but he wanted you to come with him and he wasn’t done with you.
He brushed your lips roughly with his thumb letting some not yet dried blood coat your lips and chin. Jason’s calloused large hands brushed over your body letting you bask in the sexual frustration. Blood looked good on you, but he would never admit that. This was a different Jason tonight. This was the ruthless killer. The demon of the water and the ghost of the forest.  
Watching you try to return to normal he pulled the belt a bit more just curious for your threshold. Slowly he thrust himself back into you, too slow, a deadly slow. Forcing him to resist every urge to cum right now. You moaned and tried to move your hips into his swallowing his cock completely, but with his free hand he grabbed your hip stopping you. He was in control tonight. “F-fuck... babe... please” you struggled to talk as the belt was cutting off your air supply. Jason gave his infamous head tilt before completely filling you. He looked down watching you stretch on his cock. Controlling your hips he held you there for a few seconds before almost pulling out completely only to ram back into you, hitting the back of your uterus and repeating. Each time the bed shook, hitting the wall. Trying to moan, your eyes rolling back into your skull, maybe from total pleasure or the lack of oxygen, it didn’t matter it was perfect. 
His hand digging into your hip surly to leave bruises, he gave a few more solid thrusts into you before your walls clamped down around him and your bodies succumbed to the pleasure and released. You on him and him in you. One last loud grunt filled the hot air, and then everything was silent. Just hearing the rain hit the windows. 
Jason looked down at you, with fresh eyes that were not filtered by lust. You laid there looking like one of his victims. Lifeless, smeared with blood and bruises already forming from under his hands. He quickly undid the belt throwing it to the floor examining the redness it caused as you coughed and gasped for air. Jason held your head steady and locked eyes with you again, making sure you were ok. You could tell he felt like shit by the marks he made on you, and by what he had put you through. He watched your every breath waiting for it to become normal again. “Babe... I love you... thank you” 
Jason pulled out and lifted you, gentling placing your recovering body in the bathtub. Running the warm water cleaning the foreign blood off your naked body. The rest of the night you laid in bed, listening to the storm pass, him holding you close and you falling asleep on his chest. With every flash of the lightning he observed the redness growing and deepening to purples around your neck, feeling horrible but smriking at the same time by remembering what it felt like to be so encapsulated by lust.
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