#when the hell was the last time i even did try
mostly-imagines · 2 days
🌻 anon here
The last few days I stumbled into a few posts about Jason having +18 pics of reader in his phone and I just can't stop thinking "would he tho??" Like would he trust enough his device to have r18 pictures of the one he love and literally worship in his phone??? Knowing he knows damn well how easy it is nowadays to get those types of pictures through hack and stuff??
And I'm not saying he would share the pics, HELL NO he would never. But because I don't think he would trust his phone -and also because it cracks me up- I imagine him having a Polaroid to take the pics. The photos get printed automatically and if he have to he can't literally burn those without having to overthink about someone hacking his phone.
Like can you imagine him just casually take a Polaroid you didn't know where there out his nightstand and taking a pics of you while you reaching your peak??
Anyways all of that just to ask what one of my fav Jason writers would think about the whole Jason having spicy pics of you in this phone
i’ve honest to god been thinking about this non stop since you sent it sunny
i think you're dead on, jason's protective streak rings too loud in his mind to ever take the chance of someone else maybe seeing those photos of you. personally, i’m of the belief that he uses his phone for the most practical purposes only and that his photo gallery is borderline empty, with few exceptions of nondescript images. like the only pictures of you on his phone don’t show your face or any revealing information about you. yeah, he’s a little paranoid in that way but it just makes his alternative that much more interesting.
there’s also something about it that feels more personal, more intimate. there’s not a chance in hell those photos are going near another person and he likes the idea that you’re giving him this amount of vulnerability and trust.
i also think he is an avid supporter of your personal autonomy and feels better knowing that if you want a picture gone, all you have to do is burn it and it's gone forever. he doesn't really like the idea that so many things on electronics can be spread or seen without you even knowing, so he's perfectly fine to stash a few polaroids in unsuspecting places.
he’d be really hesitant to ask you the first time, he was worried he’d make you uncomfortable or that you’d think it was weird. the thought initially came about after he’d gone on an away mission that lasted twice as long as it was supposed to and he was bordering on losing it without a single image of you. that, and frankly, he was stressed and he has never experienced a stress relief quite like you.
so the night he comes back he’s kissing you hard and rubbing up against you, but all he can think about is how badly he wants to capture all your facial expressions and imagery he couldn’t stop imagining while he was gone.
he breaks away from your lips breathlessly, “can I take a picture of you?”
you give him a bemused look, “what? like, now?”
he fiddles with the waistband of your underwear, not making eye contact. “well…in a few minutes..”
his timorous disposition gives you a solid clue of what he means and you smile up at him. “yeah?”
he finally meets your eyes, looking hopeful. “is that alright?”
“of course,” you nod and he leans back down against you, lips meeting your pulse point. “what brought this on?”
he noses at your neck, “jus’ missed you. a lot.”
you nod, pulling back and running a finger down to the tip of his nose. “take as many as you want.”
and he did.
his favorite pics are the ones he takes right when you cum, lips slightly parted, brow pinched. he’s also fond of the moments right when you’re just starting to feel it.
the photos of you on your knees, trying to take him in your mouth as much as you can really do something to him. your eyes watering and you holding his hand for support. he has to pace himself when he looks at those, especially the ones where you’re looking up at the camera.
he doesn’t usually like to be in the pictures, other than his dick in/against you or his hand splayed across your stomach or neck. he also has one or two where you’re riding him and his free hand is on your hip guiding you.
you’d have to be having a particular kind of sex for it to even occur to him to stop and take pictures. it only really happens during the easy times, when you’re both just having fun more than anything. it’s then when he’s really able to take his time with you and savor things, which is why the majority of your polaroids are taken then. he’s also more likely to be in a teasing mood then and not in a particular rush to get you where you’re going. a lot of those pictures show you smiling and completely relaxed which is another reason why he tends to revere those moments.
a grade A way to make him feel better after a long week is leaving him some surprise polaroids in the stash, it makes him crazy. he’s honestly just really obsessed with the idea that you trust him so much with those kinds of photos that you’d go out of your way to take some for him when he’s not even there. i actually think that’s at least half of what turns him on so much about the whole thing, the trust that you place in him and only him to not only see you in those moments but also relive them afterwards. just pics of you in lingerie or even just one of his shirts—it’s over for him.
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moonlightspencie · 2 days
told ya if it was james i could ask for that
lets go for either fake dating goes very wrong (very right—) after a few firewhiskeys
fake hating as reader is the captain of slytherin’s quidditch team
or reader’s first time that she wants to get over and just do it with a friend she trusts and he ends up confessing mid sex
or all three, or none!!! but hope at least one helps w the fixation !!
just posted the third idea here. this is literally from december. it has been six months lmaooo. time to write at long last and YEAH its gonna be the ~fake dating~ one.
james potter x reader
"This is ridiculous," you grumbled from atop James's lap.
He rolled his eyes, his arms around you as you both sat in the chair. He'd dragged you to some house party with the intention of getting the attention of Lily Evans. It was his newest scheme, and the only reason you agreed was because he promised to pay your rent for three months. He had money to spare, and you had some free time: a match made in heaven, apparently.
"Quit being a baby about it," he mumbled softly.
"She's not even sparing a glance this way, James," you note, taking a sip of your drink. He took it out of your hand a second later, downing the rest of it. You scoffed, "hey!"
"Yeah?" he smirked.
"That was mine."
"What's mine is yours, and vice versa, babe."
"You're really milking this."
"And your rent is paid. Suck it up, love," he kissed your cheek.
You felt heat rising in your cheeks, but you were determined to blame it on the drinks. No way in hell you'd let yourself be caught blushing over a man you were in a fake relationship with.
"Do you want more?" he asked softly, rubbing your thigh.
You quirked your brow. "Careful. Don't be too nice to me, or else I might think you actually like me."
"Hm," he shrugged, looking at you with an oddly soft gaze. Then his signature smirk made a reappearance. "Bet you'd like that."
"Oh, please," you roll your eyes.
He laughed again, hugging you to him tightly. "She's looking now."
You raised your brows, trying hard to look nonchalant as you scoped the room. You definitely saw Lily looking, but she seemed more confused than jealous. Probably not the reaction James was hoping for.
"Aren't we supposed to be trying to make her jealous? She just looks a bit confused, James," you say quietly, stroking his hair.
"Really?" he pouted, glancing back at Lily briefly. "Damn it."
"Tough luck, Potter," you said, about to stand up to refill your drink.
Before you could get far, he pulled you back down, pressing a firm kiss to your lips. You squealed in surprise, unsure if you should push him away or give in. Logically, you should want to slap him. But his lips were soft and you were tipsy... so you kissed him back.
You sighed into it as he wrapped his arms around you, deepening the kiss until you felt dizzy. It was intoxicating and terribly embarrassing to admit that you really liked it. You felt like you'd fallen into a daze when he finally pulled away, both of your eyes on one another.
"Um..." you say after a beat, feeling disoriented.
"That was... Just trying to make Lily jealous," he said quietly, his eyes still on your lips.
"Yeah. Just to... Right."
He started leaning in again before quickly pulling back. "I⎻I'm gonna refill our drink."
"Oh. Okay," you nodded, standing up, then falling back into the seat as he started walking towards the drink table, still not sparing a glance at Evans as he did. You took a deep breath, unable to stop looking at him. You groaned, covering your warm face with your hand. "Fuck."
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nvuy · 4 hours
hello regarding that small jing yuan ramble you wrote. um. you're literally cooking w it. the money i would pay to see you write it is insane 🫡
thank you for your contributions to the hsr community. you are a godsend girl (。- .•) <3
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SOS — jing yuan
summary. you grow sick, and lo and behold, it’s not actually from your pathetic pining over the general of the luofu, but something else.
notes. based on this. five people asked for it. i want to lick a bold stripe up this man’s chest. All Hail Jing Yuan.
warnings. 16+ as it may be mildly suggestive, heliobus possession, injuries, blood, vomiting (not a kink. you’re just sick), a literal exorcism, and you and jing yuan get it on on some random park bench.
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You had been sick for a while. Maybe a week, now. First, it had started as a simple cold; blocked nose, sore throat, weak bones. 
But now, even after a trip to the doctor’s to retrieve some medicine to at least soothe the persistent ache in your throat, the cold was growing worse and worse. 
And today, you were convinced that whatever illness you had wasn’t just a simple cold. 
Your stomach is twisting into knots, and there’s an incessant panging in the back of your skull. 
At first, you tried to ignore the pain. You had a report to write up that was expected by a coworker by the end of the day, but you were only growing sicker by the minute. 
This had to be the worst day of your life.
Worked to Hell, stressed, your hair was a mess, there was a toothpaste stain on your shirt, and you were sure one of your socks was inside out. 
The Master Diviner had noticed your state first. As soon as you walked into the doors and sat down, she passed by your desk, placed a small pile of papers before uttering a quick, “are you sick?” 
She did it out of concern, but all it did was knock your confidence down into the negatives. 
And now, you had an even bigger issue hovering over your shoulder. 
“You look unwell.” 
Your head shoots up from your desk, and the holographic screen fades out of view when your hand slams over the gadget. You’re sure you just ruined half of your report; you don’t remember the last time you saved. 
When you push back your hair, two pairs of golden eyes are peering down at you. 
Uh oh. 
“Uh–” Your face was burning, half out of embarrassment, and also because he was so close to you. You could feel your face instinctively scrunching up to keep the tears at bay. “Sorry, General.” 
General Jing Yuan offers you a small but concerned knit of his brows. A hand presses to your forehead. “You’re running hot.” 
“No, no…” You were not getting sent home. God you needed the money right now. “I’m fine. Thank you.” You move away from his hand and try to turn your burning face from him. 
Your head felt wrong. You felt dizzy. 
Your mother was bombarding you with messages begging you to come help her at her restaurant, your father wouldn’t stop asking you to come home because he missed you, and you were swamped with work, and nothing was coming together, and now you’re sick– 
“Mmm. I’m afraid I don’t believe you,” General Jing Yuan presses. “You look as though you’re about to pass out.”
You shake your head slowly, cautious of the migraine pulling behind your eyes. Crying won’t help the migraine forming, idiot. “I need this pay, sir.” 
“That can be arranged.” 
Oh, good Gods. 
The playful smile he sent your way almost made you melt into a puddle onto the floor. 
You always wondered how soft his hair was. 
You want to say more. You want to tell him not to worry; you’d worked through worse. For the amount of sick sessions you’d had in these bathrooms, the last stall on the second floor bathrooms of the building practically became your second bedroom. 
You also want to lean forward and taste his lips. But, for one, that’s sort of unprofessional, and two, he doesn’t even know your name. You’re also sure you look like an absolute mess, and a complete turn off. 
You shake your head again, but when you try to stand up, you wobble. Jing Yuan rests his hands on your shoulders to keep you steady. 
You can’t tell if you’re spiralling into hysteria, or if your body’s actively trying to fight the worst flu of your life. 
“I’m sorry, I–”
Absolutely humiliated, you burst into tears. 
You try to muffle it so as to not disturb any of your coworkers. 
You’re desperately trying to find a dry spot on your sleeve to wipe your tears, but surprisingly, the General hums sympathetically and swipes his thumbs beneath your eyes. 
Then, he reaches over the desk and shuts off the gadgets, collects your bag, and hands it to you. 
“Go home.” There’s a gentle flutter of his lashes. 
Your face is still burning when you bow your head. You can’t disobey him. The Master Diviner was your boss, but he’s even above her. “Yes, sir.” 
General Jing Yuan escorts you to the door slowly, and winks at you on your departure. “Rest well.” 
You’re more convinced your face is burning because he touched you, more than how your skin feels like it's being melted from the inside by a growing fever. You promptly ignore the strange looks you get while you sob all the way home. 
Your sob session had left you feeling worse, and you’d promptly been sick in the toilet as soon as you made it to your home. 
You’d tried to swallow pills to ease the headache growing behind your eyes, but you couldn’t even stomach that. 
For a while, you had shivered in your own sweat on the bathroom floor. It was disgusting. You had planned to call a doctor, but it was way too late for any clinics to still be open at this hour. 
It was dark when you got home. 
After what seemed like an hour, you garnered enough strength to peel off your clothes and scrub the sweat and grime off of yourself. The steam of the shower was only relieving for a moment. As soon as you step out, you feel dizzy all over again. 
But, you’d made a mission to get changed, brush your teeth at the very least, and try to sleep it off. 
You manage to pull on something more comfortable. You try not to move too much. You can feel acid sloshing in your stomach with every shift of your arms, and you want to teeter over and empty your guts again. 
You hold out long enough to feel weakly for your toothbrush. Your face is somewhat clean, disregarding the tears that silently drip down your cheeks—you know that crying is doing the opposite of relieving your headache, but you can’t stop yourself. 
You rinse the taste of sick from your mouth and lean against the cool bench to soothe the heat surging through your body. 
When you look up, you blink and catch something in the mirror. 
Maybe you were just staring in the mirror for too long. 
Not only had your face warped into something hideous, but there was now something green floating behind your ear. 
It looks like a wisp, lime and yellow, like a spirit. 
You slowly turn your head in the direction of it. 
There’s nothing there. Your eyes meet the wall of the shower instead. 
You try to reach out a hand to it while staring into the mirror, but you feel nothing. 
You jump back. 
Your fingers twitch just before the reflection of the orb. It’s like a ball of green flames lingering by the side of your head. You feel no aura, no heat radiating off of it.
You scrub your wet eyes with the heels of your palms. 
Still there. 
Your eyes then narrow suspiciously. It does little to help your headache. 
If you didn’t feel two seconds from collapsing, perhaps you would’ve been more alarmed. 
You try to reach for it again. 
Your fist twitches forward and it slams into the mirror. 
Not only does white hot pain peel up your arm and split your knuckles, but the glass shatters into pieces. It falls to the floor and embeds in your skin, and you’re sure the wound will scar. 
You don’t find it in you to scream, because the pain is so far away you don’t feel like you’re inside your body anymore. 
It’s a ghost. 
Oh, Aeons, you’re being haunted by a small cloud. 
Briefly, you worry it’s one of your passed grandmothers, or her grandmothers. They'd probably reprimand you for being single and pining after a dude that was like hundreds of years old. 
The spirit’s voice is unfamiliar until you recognise it.
It’s yours, and it's coming directly out of your mouth. 
“I’ve been here a long time, y’know?” Your brain buzzes with confusion. Are you speaking? Not really. But you are speaking. That’s your voice—did you always sound so obnoxious? Ew. “You just haven’t noticed.” 
You exhale shakily. You try not to cry, but tears pool down your face anyway. The pain in your head grows worse. You’re sure your brain is splitting in two. 
Blood drips from your hand and onto the tiled floor.  
“It hurts less if you let this happen. Assimilation is usually easy, but with you, not so much. You’re very stubborn.” 
Oh, great. More insults. Just what you needed. This sucks. Your work is overdue, your pay has probably been cut accordingly, and now there’s a ghost in your body and ruining your house. 
You blindly try to touch the spirit again. 
Your hands don’t move.
“What are you?” That’s you. You know it’s you. Your voice wavers. It’s less confident than when the spirit speaks with your mouth. 
“I am your desires. A fruition of your every thought and being.” The flame continues to burn. It lets you take a little bit of control. Your fingers phase through the reflection of the spirit in the mirror. “And you are delicious.” 
The implication was there, but all the statement made you feel was disgust. Your body involuntarily shudders, and the flame hums in confusion before you stiffen once again. 
Your hand is bleeding. There’s red pooling all over the bathroom bench, but you still cannot feel the throbbing and the glass protruding from your skin. 
“You are sweeter than other humans. Like sugar.” The flame feels warm close to your skin. “I realise your kind calls it ‘attraction.’”
Oh, my God. The stupid soul knows that you lay awake at night thinking about this man that barely knows you exist. 
This is embarrassing. 
You can’t even will yourself to cry, so all you can afford is to blink stupidly. 
And why are you now thinking of how he smelled when he touched you when there’s a literal ghost with a vendetta taking over your body? 
You need to get your priorities in check. 
Your fingers twitch with disobedience. Your phone sits untouched on the counter. The screen is covered with shards of glass and smudges of water from the faucet, but you know you can reach it. If you try hard enough. 
Come on. 
Your index finger twitches again.
The ghost is going on a tangent about your boring little life and your boring little crush on the General. 
You can’t bear to listen anymore. 
Your hands spring to life and you pounce for your phone. It’s not exactly in vain, for you do manage to withstand the pull of the spirit and the pain that returns to your hand and your head as you open your messages and swipe over the first contact you see. 
It’s Madame Fu, much to her misfortune. You’re too desperate to consider yourself a burden. 
Considering the time, she’s most likely getting things sorted to close the building. The last message was an automated message of your pay being sent to your account from last week. 
“What are you doing?!” the spirit shouts. It bounces inside of your head like a bullet has fired. 
Your trembling fingers swipe over your keyboard. 
You procure a melodious string of poetry as a result. 
Your head is pounding. You’re sure you’re about to throw up. A dizzy surge spears behind your eyes. 
The phone drops from your hands as soon as your thumb cards over the send button. You notice the messages send through before your eyes wordlessly snap to the mirror and you stand ramrod still. 
Once again, you’re a passenger beneath your own skin. 
When the spirit takes over, the pain dissipates, and the fearful tears that run down your cheeks quickly dry. 
After a moment, the spirit calms itself down. 
“I’ve grown so impatient with you. You’re boring. You’re lucky your emotions are so delicious, otherwise I would’ve abandoned you a long time ago.” You don’t consider yourself lucky. If anything, the ghost should consider itself lucky it gets to rest in your warm soup for a brain. You’re sure every working brain cell has fried to a crisp at this point. “You’re so sad and miserable. How’s about I help you get your life back on track?” 
You want to ask why. You’re sure it has better things to do than play wingman. 
But, you stare at the soul fluttering beside your head with wide eyes. Your chest heaves with worry. 
How you haven’t succumbed to cardiac arrest yet is beyond you. You would’ve patted yourself on the back for remaining so strong about the situation; but you suppose you’re sort of cheating. Not being in control of your body probably means that if you were autonomous, you’d be on the floor sobbing over your injured hand, the broken mirror that would cost a few hundred credits to fix, and the fact that General Jing Yuan actually put a finger on you today. 
Oh, and also there’s a ghost haunting you. That, too.
“This is my body now.” 
Yep. You definitely needed to get your priorities in check. 
You were beginning to feel woozy. The smell of copper hit your nose, and your stomach turned over itself four times. 
“Now. Let’s fix this face up. You look dreadful.” 
Thanks. You’re not sure if you can speak to it, but your voice radiates a laugh much unlike your own. It’s more of a short sweet cackle than anything. Somehow, the ghost is able to navigate and use your phone’s camera to clean your face properly. 
It ignores the blood oozing from your knuckles, choosing instead to curiously open drawers until it stumbles upon a bag full of makeup. 
All of this expensive stuff you’d splurged on last year. You will your breath to remain somewhat of an even pace.
You’d have a breakdown over this if you manage to survive before the spirit decides to throw you off a cliff later. 
You feel like this ghost is more suited to be your therapist, ironically, with how it mumbles in your voice about how you could present yourself much better if you got out of bed earlier every morning and cared about yourself. 
“You know… that old geezer likes you, too.” 
Your heart stops. 
Then, there’s a cruel snort that leaves your lips right after. 
If you could scowl, you would have. Don’t let it get to your head. It’s lying. It’s trying to get a rise out of you. And it was working, too. 
You didn’t even realise your feet were moving towards your closet to fish out something suitable to the ghost’s tastes.
This was going to be a long day. 
A long day did not entail you stumbling back to the workplace because the ghost didn’t know how to handle the pain of fancy shoes. The brickwork of the roads were uneven towards the entrance, and you almost trip onto your face. 
“Where is that man?” 
This was awful. 
You wanted to die on the spot. 
“He can’t hide from me,” the ghost informs you. At least, you think it’s speaking to you. “I can taste him.” 
You want to ask what he tastes like. 
The ghost seems to understand your silence. “Humans call it ‘cinnamon.’” 
Oh. Yum. 
You grimace. Inside your head. This was confusing. Your body feels like a suit being worn by someone else. It’s weird. It’s wrong. It’s almost violating. 
You feel as though you’re witnessing everything through a screen. You cannot feel anything; not the snug of the clothes you’re wearing, or the wind on your skin, or the pain in your feet from the shoes. Nothing. 
All you can do is watch. 
You wish you couldn’t have. 
This is so painful. 
Oh, God, that’s your voice. And you’re moving very briskly towards a large figure who’s stopped to acknowledge you. 
He seems barely taken aback when you stumble and fall into his arms. 
You’re way too excited pushing hair from your face that the General has to cock his head to the side for you to acknowledge him.
His eyes have widened significantly, and the grin on his lips is awkward, to say the least. “How are you feeling?” His hand presses to your forehead again and draws back quickly. “You’re still hot.” 
“Thank you, General.”
He lets out something akin to a snort. 
This sucks. You’re like a vessel, and yet you’re sure your face is still burning at the proximity.
Oh, this is so embarrassing. 
You realise you can sort of smell him. It’s so light, though. 
He really does smell like cinnamon. You had never noticed it before. It’s faint, as if he hasn’t chosen to top up his perfume from the morning, but it clings to his uniform nonetheless.
“Do you need to sit down?” he asks worriedly. 
You realise he’s the only thing holding you up. 
You try to cry for help. 
Nothing but a pleased giggle escapes your throat. You realise there’s a burning in your chest. You figured it to be your heart giving out on you—you’d take death over the embarrassment that washed through your veins. 
Your wishes did not come true. 
General Jing Yuan peers behind you for a moment, watching where you came from. 
Are you trembling? You can’t tell. 
“Are you feeling alright?” he asks again. His grip on you has tightened. 
You try to say no, but instead you blurt out, “I’m good– great, actually. Since you’re here.” 
This was horrible. You want to sink into the floor and never be seen again. There’s a cackling in your ears, and it’s your voice. 
“Shall I bring you to a medic?” 
You slowly shake your head. 
“Do you need an escort back home?” 
Oh, boy. You manage to weakly shake your head again. It’s all you can muster. Your voice isn’t working. It’s not yours. You were also afraid you’d try to drag him inside your bedroom if he did walk you home. 
He brings you over to a seat and helps you sit. Your legs are bouncing all over the place and you can’t find it in yourself to sit still. Your eyes are flitting left and right and up and down trying to locate the source of the voices you’re hearing swarming your head. 
A hand touches your cheek. You instinctively lean into his palm. 
“You’re bleeding.” And he’s touching your hand. You may as well have fainted there. 
“Flesh wound,” you say. 
Jing Yuan’s grin turns crooked. “I commend your bravery, but this may require stitches.” 
“Has anyone ever told you that you have really nice eyes?” 
Here we go. The cackling was growing worse. You feared your head would explode before your pounding heart would. It felt as though it was shattering your ribcage as it thumped. 
The General tilts his head. Loose curls of white follow. 
You’re so relieved he sat you down. Otherwise you would have fallen to the floor. 
“Really nice,” you repeat. “Like sunshine.” 
Jing Yuan looks at you strangely. “Charming, aren’t you?” You’re busy admiring the shadows that his lashes cast over his cheeks. 
Your heart melts. You are so ridiculously down bad it hurts. 
You’re sure he can see your cheeks burning. That’s involuntary, too. The spirit inside of you seems equally confused. 
Good. If it wants to embarrass you, you’re going to cook this thing from the inside out with your body heat. You hope the fever boils it alive. That would be cool. Deserved. 
And if you lived, you get to tell your future grandchildren how you bested your vengeful ancestor because you had a fever and it couldn’t withstand your body temperature. 
The spirit’s confidence in your body, however, does not waver. 
You can see a glint in General Jing Yuan’s gaze. His eyes loiter behind you again as if he’s staring at something approaching. 
The spirit doesn’t notice a thing. 
“Well.” General Jing Yuan’s thumb traces over your cheek again. “If we’re playing that game, I will admit you look lovely tonight.” 
Oh, God. 
This is the best and worst day of your life and you’re barely experiencing it. 
You manage to garner some control, and only some because the spirit is most likely cooking in your body, but all you manage is the stupidest giggle from your lips. 
You hadn’t even realised how close he was. 
You’re delicious like this. 
He can’t be telling the truth.
You can’t believe it. 
You watch him get up, and you, wherever you are inside your head, feel a pang of disappointment in your stomach. 
“You should get to a medic,” he says softly. “Come.” 
If you were really in your body, you’re sure you would’ve swooned and quite possibly died right there on the spot.
For a moment, you’re sure that’s what the spirit inside you is trying to do. Your body teeters over and you stare at his shoes. 
Your arms jut out to either side of the bench, but you don’t stand. You witness your legs shaking and weakened ankles. 
You’re worried you’re actually going to throw up onto his shoes.
What escapes your mouth instead is a, “General…” in the most pathetic whine you’ve ever heard in your life. And it’s in your voice, to make matters worse.
You feel yourself grimacing internally. 
General Jing Yuan quickly sits back down on the bench to steady you. You can hear him speaking, and he sounds concerned, but you can’t make out his words clearly. 
You feel dizzy inside your own head.
Yep. Heart attack. Definitely. 
At least you’ll die in this man’s arms. 
But, no. You don’t die. Not there. 
General Jing Yuan’s face is a blur in your vision, and his gloved hands are resting on both cheeks, still burning hot to the touch. 
Oh, you can still smell the cinnamon from his hair. So soft and subtle like it’s been dusted onto a nice scoop of ice cream. 
If you were here, and properly here, you would have sprung from the seat and taken off running. 
But, it’s not really you, and so your lips meet his hurriedly. You can’t see much because your eyes have shut, but for whatever reason you can feel, and there’s excitement that grows in your stomach in a pool of humiliation when his lips move against yours.
Your fingers bury into his hair. Soft. So soft. You wish you could cherish the feeling normally, within your own skin and body, and truly feel his warmth as your own. 
Your lips are hot on his, and you feel his lashes flutter closed upon your cheek like a gentle kiss and swoop. His tongue tastes suspiciously of tanghulu, but that only drives you further into him. 
This is embarrassingly addicting. 
Your fingers decide to tangle themselves within his hair. Daringly, they venture further towards the silk red ribbon and dance around stray strands that had fallen free. You desperately want to pull at the silk and watch his hair fall to his shoulders, but you aren’t sure if your limbs are yours. 
His hands are so warm by your hips. And they’re so big, and you feel the bumps of the callouses along his palms and it makes your bones jitter apprehensively. 
You’re way too into this, but if you’re bound to be fired over it, you’d consider this worth it. 
The General seems to be enjoying it—and he is. He hums pleasantly against your lips, and his thighs are slipping further and further beneath yours as you pull yourself closer and closer. His grip is firm; not enough to hurt, but enough to placate you. It’s nice. He’s nice. 
It’d be even nicer if there wasn’t something screaming in the back of your head. You’re not sure if it’s you, or the spirit, or some other worldly being like your alter-ego, but whoever is in control of your body chooses to ignore it. 
Fever be damned, your arms swing around his neck. Your skin feels as though it’s melting against his, like hot wax dripping from a burning candlewick. Your chest presses flush against his, and you can feel a steadily racing heartbeat against your own. Warm and fluttering—not as quick as yours. You’re sure any quicker and it’s going to explode—but quick enough to notice, like a fast drumbeat. 
There’s a cold hand that glides along the centre of your back. 
You presume it to be his, but something kicks in your stomach when you remember one of his hand locks on your hip bone, and the other has travelled low enough to press gently against the expanse of skin just below your navel. 
You want it to travel lower. You bury the thought in the back of your head. 
The spirit breaks through, you think. You’re suddenly floating again, and maybe there’s panic there, because you can just feel, in the fleeting moments where you’re shut out again, that your body twists in his hold. 
From what you can tell, General Jing Yuan keeps you in his arms, and your lips against his. 
It’s cold. 
Whoever stands behind you must be blowing icy winds directly on your back, because you feel yourself shivering.
And then, you choke. 
Something firm pulls. Not on you, not on your hair, but something inside of you, and it almost hurts. It feels like a part of you is being torn directly from your racing heart, and surging cold fires into your veins.
It’s like ice crystallises into your blood and blocks your arteries, but the sensation is pulling and pulling and you’re growing breathless. 
That’s you in your body. You feel it. You’re kicking yourself for it, but you’re trying to fight in the General’s hold. You’re trying to turn around, to fight the shadows of four figures you can now see casted on the street. 
General Jing Yuan, still, presses firmer against you, and his hands have abandoned your hips to hold your face gently. It’s comforting, and you’re melting, but all the while, the sensation is growing worse behind you. 
You’re worried when you hear a snap, as if they’ve just reached forward and broken your spine into two.
Then, there’s one final tug, and you’re breathless. 
You drop fully into the General’s embrace. He’s less sucking your face off now, and more placing calculated soft kisses against your lips every few seconds. 
You feel boneless, like you’ve had your very own soul snatched from your body. 
But then, you blink slowly. And you realise you’re in your own body again. 
General Jing Yuan whispers assurances against your lips, and you only find the strength to hum in response. As he makes you even dizzier when his lips trail along the corner of your mouth, you test the strength in your hands.
You can barely make a fist, but it’s you curling your fingers into your palm. It’s surreal, but it’s you, and only you. 
There’s a girl's voice from behind you, and the iridescence of something a sickeningly familiar green and yellowish iridescence that reflects onto the concrete like water. 
“Alright! That’s another one down! Pats on the backs for everyone! Thanks for the help, General– oh.” 
Another voice chimes in. “Should we look away?” 
“This is amazing. Like watching a car crash,” a third says. 
The fourth sounds irrevocably terrified. “I think I’m going to vomit.”
There’s embarrassment there, but you only giggle against the General’s lips. You’re still exhausted, and you’re sure despite the outfit the spirit had dressed you in that you appear like a walking corpse. Especially in comparison to the General, but, if he’s into that you’ll take it. 
You later learn from the four that had practically violated you that you were possessed by something called a Heliobus. Sounded very not intimidating, especially when the smaller one with the ears had shown the spirit to you while it was trapped in a cage. 
You recognised one of them as Sushang, the busy little Cloud Knight girl. The third was a nameless Trailblazer from the Astral Express that had given you a fist bump for not passing out during the literal exorcism that they put you through.
Then, there was Guinaifen, who had accidentally live streamed the entire ordeal on her phone. 
All of it. 
You weren’t fired, no. But, The Master Diviner was furious, but more so at the General for his lack of professionalism and, well… ramming his tongue down your throat. 
General Jing Yuan, was, to say the least, very excited when you returned to work. 
You’d tried to ignore the entire thing. There were people offering you weird stares on the street, and the workplace was no different. You kept to yourself mostly, only picking up where you’d left off last week. 
And you were relieved you weren’t stumbling home and throwing up in the tub anymore. That had definitely been a week. 
You’re busy trying to finish off with editing official documents when a hand rests on your shoulder. 
You almost spring from your seat when you lock eyes with the General. Again. You almost smash your hand through the computer screen when anxiety riddles your bones. 
That’d leave a permanent scar. The General had been so kind to make sure your hand was patched up from when you’d shattered your mirror.
“General,” you greet quietly. “Good morning.” 
He smiles. “Just Jing Yuan, if you please.” He leans against the side of your desk. “It’s almost time for morning tea, so… I was wondering if you’d like to accompany me for a walk now.” 
You glance down at your screen. 
‘Morning tea’ was quite literally thirty minutes away.
You look back up at him. “Right now?” 
“Fresh air wouldn’t hurt.” 
“Sir, I’m already on thin ice as it is. Madame Fu will–” 
General Jing Yuan politely waves you off. “Everything will be taken care of for you. I’ll see to it myself.” 
You bite down on the inside of your cheeks.
Slowly, and with uncertainty, you stand and dust off your pants. There’s a dumb grin on your lips. “General, I’m starting to think you might be flirting.” 
General Jing Yuan leans just barely closer to you and narrows his eyes playfully. 
You almost died. Still, though your voice wavers, you ask, “I hope you haven’t been thinking of me.” But you do hope. You really do. 
You reach down to turn off your computer screen, but you blindly feel around for the button, because you’re afraid if you look away he’ll disappear. 
He seems to understand. He tilts his head. “Maybe I have.” Then, he offers you his hand. “Come. We’ll walk and talk.” 
So, you go with him, and your heart almost leaps out of your chest when he only barely sighs in relief. 
(Madame Fu watches you both leave, twenty-seven minutes before everyone is scheduled on a fifteen minute break. 
She, at first, decides she’ll stop you both at the door, but it has been quite a while since General Jing Yuan has worn a genuine smile on his face. 
With a heavy sigh from her lips, she lets it go. 
But only for today). 
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dronebiscuitbat · 2 days
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 22)
Uzi did finally get that baby bag.
It wasn't much, a glorified swaddle made from a purple blanket that wrapped around her torso so that Tera could rest at her side without pulling while she walked around. It had been almost scary, she'd seen new mothers walk around with them all the time when she was younger.
And now… here she was, baby strapped to her side as she went home. Home as in, her dad's apartment, her apartment, or maybe not anymore, after today.
N had gone off to pick up the newly made crib early that morning, yes morning. Neither of them had needed to go outside for a least a week, and they're schedules were starting to cycle back into what other drones would consider normal.
But even then it gave them a little time to talk about how raising Tera was going to work.
Her room in her apartment was too small to raise a baby in, it was almost too small for her, with stuff just shoved unceremoniously wherever there was room. It was too messy, and dangerous! Her railgun was still in peices on the couch, and while it was broken there were still several parts that could discharge and hurt someone.
Which left N's apartment, which had plenty of room, as it was nearly empty, he'd brought in the very little stuff he owned (blankets, pillows and plush toys) but all of that easily fit in the bedroom with plenty of room to spare.
Plenty of room for her stuff.
And that thought on it's own made her fluster, they'd spent plenty of nights together, especially recently. But it had always been under the pretense that she'd be going back home eventually. That she didn't live there.
Robo-god she was about to see her dad. Her dad which had zero context for what she was about to unleash on him. That her and N were together now, that he had a granddaughter, that she was… moving out.
So much had happened this week. Hell, so much had been happening almost every week. And all of it was stressful, wether it be life threatening or just life changing, it seemed like after years of nothing happening, it was all catching up with her with everything happening at once.
“Doorman?” A voice she recognized, a voice she really didn’t want to see, preferably ever, but especially not right now, with Tera awake and babbling from her bag.
“What is it Lizzy?” She deadpanned, not bringing any attention to the baby strapped to her side even though that was clearly what caught the other drones attention, her pink eyes locked to the bag in surprise.
“Oh shit, that was actually your kid?” Lizzy immediately asked, making Uzi roll her eyes as she remembered that Lizzy was the one that had initially exposed her.
“Yup. This is Tera.” Admitting it at first felt strange, like her tongue had wanted to reject it, but it quickly settled into contentment, yeah, this was right. And honestly, trying to make Lizzy feel bad about something felt too good to say anything else.
“I had wanted to keep some things private, but somebody took a picture of us bringing her home.” Yeah she wasn't going to let Lizzy get away with that without a jab or two, she'd caused a bigger headache than what was already happening, and Uzi was itching for some revenge, even if it was just light teasing.
“Oh come on! Like you wouldn't have done the same thing.” She snapped back, although she sounded less bratty than usual, although wether that was V's influence or the fact a baby was present was unclear.
“Snapped a picture, totally, blackmail is blackmail, immediately post it to every inbox in range… No.” She replied, not wanting this conversation to last much longer than it had to, she didn't particularly like Lizzy, her being a main source of her suffering for a long time.
She just needed to get that jab in.
Lizzy just scoffed, looking her up and down and crossing her arms as if searching for something, probably something else to mock her for, Uzi found herself rolling her eyes again, turning to walk away from her and the conversation before Lizzy started talking again.
“Sorry or whatever, I thought you were just babysitting or something. Didn't think it'd be a big deal.”
Holy Shit, was Lizzy apologizing?
“Uh.” Honestly Uzi wasn't sure how to respond, she'd wanted her to feel bad sure, but she wasn't sure if that was even possible, and she'd never in a million years think she'd be hearing Lizzy apologize.
“Yeah, sure.” Is what came defensively out of her mouth as she walked away, Tera blew a raspberry at Lizzy from the bag, giggling when she got pink hollow eyelights in return.
Okay, so maybe she could keep her edginess and still be motherly figure to Tera, that hadn't occurred to her as an option, a part of her thought she'd become a different person, and maybe she was around N and Tera behind closed doors, but here? She didn't feel soft, she felt like she always did, slightly bitter, like licorice.
She passed more drones on her way, some didn't seem to notice her which was absolutely fine with her, but some definitely did, stopping and staring at the neighborhood goth carrying around a giggling baby in a cute little purple swaddle.
She could understand why they were staring, it was quite the image, but it didn't mean she had to like it.
Tera on the other hand was loving the attention, each set of eyelights on her produced another laugh and some rolling that had Uzi holding the side of the bag so she wouldn't roll out onto the floor.
One drone was a little too obvious for Uzi's liking, staring at the bag like it would suddenly come to life and harm him.
“Hey! Stop staring and mind your business!” She turned to the guy, who immediately looked scared out of his mind, his purple eyelights hollowing as he nodded.
“Yes ma’am sorry!” He raised his hands before scampering away with his tail between his legs, if he had one, that is.
She smirked a little before moving on, it was a powerful feeling, to scare someone off, and it was satisfying as well, she didn't like the way he was looking at her baby.
She finally, finally reached where she wanted to be, well not wanted, she wanted to be anywhere else. But where she needed to be.
She knocked. Which was weird because it was her door, she had the key to get in whenever she wanted. But it still felt like the right thing to do at the moment, she heard shuffling from the other side of the heavy steel, great, her dad was home.
Her dad, the one who'd left her to die, the one who left her alone to cry herself to sleep after her mother died, the main reason her core had such heavy shielding protecting the softness inside. Why her first instinct to any problem was to yell at it, or turn to science to better choose violence.
She held a lot of resentment towards him, something she'd shown time and time again, a part of her wanting to hurt him the same way he'd been hurting her. But she could never bring herself to hate him, not when she did still have memories of him being a halfway decent father, holding her when she'd have nightmares, giving her piggyback rides, being the first one to teach her about mechanics, and give her her first toolset.
“Coming!” Khan shouted, he'd been drafting of some blueprints. Not of doors, but of something for N, if he wanted it.
A cap for his tail, made out of solid steel and form fitting, so it slid right over the needle, it was just a concept for now, he didn't have the exact measurements of his tail and he wasn't even sure N would want something like that, he seemed to have good control over it. But if Khan had a tail with a stinger, he'd want to make sure his infant daughter couldn't accidentally grab it, just to be safe.
So really it was gift for Tera, but, nonetheless.
He opened the door, surprised to see his daughter of all drones knocking, she never knocked, she lived here!
“Uzi? Why'd you knock? Did you lose your key?” He tilted his head in confusion before his eyes followed the strap of the baby bag, he blinked, and tiny purple eyelights blinked back.
“I-is that?” His voice almost immediately turned warbly, he didn't hadn't ever seen Tera before, he didn't realize how much she looked like his daughter, at least when she was also a pillbaby.
“That's Tera Dad, can I- can I come in?” Her voice sounded muted, not like the fiery rebellious drone he'd come to know as his daughter, he moved out of the way wordlessly, eyes still trained on the tiny droneling at her side.
She was giggling at him, rolling madly in an attempt to escape her confines, Uzi dipped her arm into the bag and lifted her up into her arms.
“Stop squirming Jellybean, or you're gonna fall.”
Tera was just happy for the attention attempting to roll more even though she was trapped in Uzi's hands. She sighed.
“Sorry, she has a lot of energy.” She smiled warily at her dad, who looked like his core had been ejected and thrown halfway across the room.
All he could see was his wife, the first month or two they had Uzi and she was a cryer, there were no moments of silence in the Doorman household, if Uzi was left alone for even a millisecond she'd begin to wail which meant either Nori or himself would have to be with her at all hours.
And Uzi shared her mother's stress lines, looking a little bit worn out but satisfied and happy, eye's shining with so much raw affection for the child in her arms that Khan knew, without another word spoken, that he had a granddaughter.
“That's quite alright dronelette…” He managed to force out the words, hopefully without sounding too strained, he wanted Uzi to feel comfortable enough to talk to him, to tell him things. Even if she thought he didn't like it.
And a part of him didn't, she was 18, not quite even an adult yet but her birthday was coming up soon. And dammit she was still his daughter, watching her grow up this much in such a little amount of time was harrowing, and only reminded him of how much he'd missed while wallowing in his grief.
Another part of him was almost giddy, a granddaughter, a granddaughter, it was honestly something he never even hoped to have, Uzi had never been one to make freinds, much less romantic connections.
“Yeah- uh, this is Tera, N's daughter.” She repeated, obviously nervous and tired. Khan wondered if N looked equally run down. And if perhaps Tera was the same level of clingy Uzi had been.
“I wanted you to meet her, since I've been spending so much time with the both of them…”
He could only bring himself to smile and nod, but wanted to freeze as Uzi came toward him and outstretched her arms, he clumsily stepped forward and took the tiny droneling into his arms, core stopping for a moment.
“She learns names pretty quick, oh, and she's a hugger, so uh, beware.” She warned, still seemingly nervous, he was sure he'd know exactly why soon, although he had a feeling he might already know.
Khan looked down at the baby, which felt like lead in his hands as she smiled up at him, weirdly silent considering all the babbling he'd just heard.
“Tera, this is Khan.” Uzi spoke softly to the baby, standing beside her father as he looked like he was about keel over. “He's my dad.”
Tera's smile grew bigger, although she didn't attempt to say his name, perhaps more than a single letter was too much for her. Instead she blew a goofy raspberry, rolling around in his arms for a moment before rolling into him, giving him a hug.
Tears sprung up in his eyes as something in his core snapped, he held her closely, and a sniffle escaped his voice box before he could stop himself.
“Dad?” Uzi sounded slightly worried for him, she'd known he'd might have some kind of reaction to seeing Tera, but this was a little more then she'd expected.
“I-I'm alright! I just-” He blinked away the tears and tried to steel himself, thoughts running a mile a minute. “I see why you warned me. Hah…”
“Yeah… you should have seen V, you could see the exact second her core melted.” Khan only could nod, the droneling now pressed up against him made a chirping noise, happy and content at any love given to her.
“But ah…that's uh, not the only reason I came here, just to… introduce you to a droneling that… that you're not gonna see often. You are gonna see her often, A-at least I hope you do, C-cause she's not just N's… she's-she's mine… too.” She rambled and sputtered as she tried to find the words to say, Khan felt himself smiling as she continued, she was expressing a want to have him around, that he wouldn't be mad. That'd he'd want to be-
“She's your granddaughter… dad.” She finished, looking more stressed then ever, like he could ever possibly tell her that he didn't want to be in her life anymore.
He winced as he remembered all the times he did indirectly. Leaving her alone so he could throw himself into another project, neglecting the one person he still had as family simply because she looked too much like Nori to look in the eye.
And she really looked like her now.
He looked back down at Tera, at his granddaughter, and felt himself begin to tear up again. She was smiling at him, babbling and cooing up at him as he launched forward and hugged his daughter with all his might.
He felt her tense, then, thankfully, she relaxed, mindful of the child as she curled up in his arms much like she did when she was little, and she'd needed comfort from a nightmare. He felt her visor press against his chest, breathing shaky, like she herself was about to cry.
How could he have left her, how? What kind of parent was he that he left his own daughter? What kind of man?
And how could she have ever forgiven him? He knew he could never forgive himself.
“I'm sorry dronelette, I'm so so sorry.” He cracked out, petting her hair, he felt some kind of pressure on his back, her hand most likely, and she almost laughed, though it sounded pained.
“I'm still… so angry at you.” She admitted, slowly, though not pulling away. And he felt more pained steel settle in his core, he deserved this… whatever she needed to say. If she needed curse at him, to hit him even, he'd deserve it, although he hoped she wouldn't in front of Tera.
“But I missed you more.”
And thats all it took for them both to sob like newborns, her face burying into his shoulder as she let years worth of coiled pain escape her, despite all she'd done, how much she'd grown, she was still 18, still much a kid herself.
And they remained like that for some time, at least until Tera got uncomfortable being sandwiched between them and began to fuss, which finally ended the long overdue hug between father and daughter.
“H-here, give her to me.” She stammered out, either slightly embarrassed or still a little emotional, and Khan did as he was told, handing daughter back to mother.
She rocked her until she stopped fussing, and Khan led them both to the couch with his hand, still recovering himself.
She flopped on the couch like she carried the entire weight of the world on her shoulders, Tera held gingerly until she was placed between them do she could freely roll around, which she did happily.
“I'm assuming that means N is my son in law now?” He chuckled out, trying to lighten the somewhat oppressive mood that had settled over them. She blushed heavily, sputtering out a surprised response.
“We're not- he's- uh… He's my… boyfriend now yeah.”
He laughed, even though he saw it coming a mile away, he thought he might be more upset about it then he was, but N had more than proven Uzi was his priority, even over himself at times.
“And you need help moving your stuff out?” He continued, smiling through the small amount of pain the thought caused him, she was growing up, but if that hug had shown him anything, she still needed her dad, and he couldn't ignore that, he wouldn't, not anymore.
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kayleighwinchester · 2 days
(( Another Jensen-a-Thon drabble for @artyandink's lovely event! This one is separate from the previous two - more coming for those later! This is based loosely off of real events - no, Graay, I still haven't forgiven you for not telling me I did a good job healing Trial of the Crusader that night. ))
You're a grown adult.
You're a grown adult, and a damn good hunter. You shouldn't need validation to remind you of that. You don't need validation. 
At least, you don't think you do.
It had started off innocently enough. You’d hunted with the Winchesters for years - practically every job they took, unless Dean royally pissed you off, which happened, at most, once or twice a year – and after every job, without fail, Dean would loop you in a one-armed hug, pull you close to his side, and press a kiss to your temple, offering a quick, but utterly genuine, ‘good job’ – or, if he was feeling particularly proud (or particularly frisky), ‘good girl’. It didn’t matter how well the job actually went - hell, he’d said it a few times when everything had gone completely off the rails. He'd said it when you were all bruised and bloody and hurting and half-dead and nothing felt okay, much less good.
When it came down to it, though, you don’t need his praise to know that you were doing your job well.
It wasn’t on purpose, you knew that much. That last job - a nest of vamps down in Tucson - had gone entirely sideways, and you were sure that giving you any sort of praise was the farthest thing from Dean's mind. Sam had almost died, you were pretty sure Dean had at least three or four broken ribs… Still, you didn't feel right, getting into the car in the silence that followed, broken only by occasional grumbles, groans, and hisses of pain.
You couldn't place why, exactly, the silence bothered you, but it was grating on your nerves, making you feel more irritable than you could remember being in a long time. Even Sam could feel the tension in the car building on the way back to the motel, and it wasn’t long before Dean picked up on it as well. The eldest Winchester cleared his throat, glancing your way. “Wanna go get a few drinks once we get cleaned up? I could really use a beer.” He offered, eyes darting from you to Sam, as if begging his brother to back him up. You offered a shrug in response. “Or we could stop at that diner ‘cross the street from the motel. Got a sign sayin’ they make their pie fresh every day.” He tried again, simply earning himself another shrug from you, and a confused glance from Sam.
It finally made sense when Sam spoke up – clearly trying to smooth things over, trying to put you in a better mood, offering, “You did a great job back there, Y/N.” It worked, at least a little – you could at least force yourself to smile at him, even if it didn’t feel entirely genuine. 
Dean’s eyes cut to you, and as he caught your smile, the gears started turning – you saw several expressions cross his face in quick succession: confusion; realization; annoyance; exasperation. “That's what this is about?” He demanded. “You're throwin' a whole fit ‘cause I didn't tell you that you did good today?”
“I’m not throwing a fit.” You offered halfheartedly.
You weren’t expecting Dean to pull the car over on the gravel shoulder, casting Sam a stare – the younger Winchester stared back for a moment, before Dean raised his eyebrows. “Backseat.” He ordered, pointing. Sam looked baffled – and you were sure you did as well.
Dean was barely fighting a smile, even despite his clear exhaustion. “C’mon, Sweetheart.” He waved toward the front seat, motioning for you to switch with Sam. You hesitated a moment, looking to Sam – he still looked just as confused as you were – before you obediently left the backseat, trading places with Sam. Dean was already leaning forward to pull his box of cassettes up onto the seat between you. 
You settled into the passenger seat, your backpack between your feet, taking in the amused grin that lit up Dean’s face, growing with every passing moment, looking out of place among the blood, dirt, and bruises there.
He glanced up at you, taking in the confusion still painted onto your face. “Since ‘m apparently breakin’ rules,” He drawled out, his stare a bit more pointed at the words – it had never been a rule, and you all knew it – “what’s one more, huh?” There, shoved between two cassettes - Metallica and Mötley Crüe – was the iPod adapter Sam had bought (the one you were quite sure Dean had thrown out the window the moment he’d seen it). “Just try not to make my ears bleed too bad, huh?” 
As you dug through your backpack for your iPod, Dean leaned down, his face close to yours, his lips against your ear, his voice low enough that Sam wouldn’t hear.
“‘N when we get back to the motel, I’ll tell Sammy to take a hike, ‘n I’ll tell you what a good girl you are as many times as you want.”
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theredcuyo · 1 day
You know those AU/fics where the kids met earlier?, like, Dick is just old enough for Damian to be a baby kind of situation and somehow they all met and get adopted within no time from each other and all that
Well, i think the perfect dynamic for a fic will be this one:
He wasn't happy at first. At all. He went from a life of a single child to older brother of like 4 or 5 now?? In like, less than a year.
He didn't even have time to adjust to Jason before he found little Tim following him around in patrol. Not time to get around that little stalker child before Jason found a lost girl in need of help who couldn't talk. No time to even get a hold of signs when Talia came to drop a baby on Bruce.
The worst part? While he can't get around it, because he's still dealing with his grief, and anger, and why does it seem like B gets tired of his last child every week, where does that leave me, And why do this kids that i barely know look at me with eyes that say they'll follow me to hell and back-
That's the thing, his new sibblings follow him like newborn duckies, they observe and copy, and do everything he does except to leave him alone. And he's not sure how to feel about it.
He's overwhelmed with all the attention, with how this house that used to be silent has become anything but that.
And also, he can't go up to the chandeliers now. The babys try to follow behind him and he knows that non experienced people shouldn't do that. That also sucks.
Wally is making fun of him. That's one sibbling for every time you complained about not having any, he says.
He gets used to them as time goes on tho, he couldn't imagine a day without Jason coming to his room to tell him an over the top sight into the book he mentioned to have to read for class.
He can't imagine not to see tiny Tim bright up every time they see each other in the hallway.
He even forgets to actually talk sometimes instead of signs because Cass just wants to spend so much time with him and they both practice the signs a lot.
Damian is the weirdest baby ever, but he's the only member in the family who doesn't complain about being hugged for long times, at least not yet, so that's cool.
He's just happy to be here.
He didn't knew what exactly a family was, and when he found out there was another kid there, he felt a bit more safe, they could team up if it was necessary to protect themselves against the adults.
The closest thing he had to sibblings before where other kids in the streets that helped each other out, the older kids got jobs at convenience stores and sometimes they'll leave out food for them, you had to protect the youngest.
He was happy to have an older brother, and Dick clearly knew what he was doing, so everything was good.
And then he found Tim inside a trash can when he was allowed in a recon mission. He was so, so tiny, like the other kids he had met, and he knew the little thing needed protection from the world. He also had a camera with pictures of B and Robin, and that was probably important.
But whatever, two sibblings instead of none now had to be a jackpot! He did feel bad sometimes about B getting tired of him because of Tim, but, at the same time, he loved that little gremlin so much he could forget about it.
Until he wasn't so sure when Tim found a lost girl wandering around town. (He isn't Even allowed to go out alone, whats wrong with him?) don't take him wrong, Cass is great, she joins them in pranks and in spying on Dick, but she also doesn't let him forget that she's older than him (just a few months damn it!) but it's just-
She's just so much better than him too. She can't read, he has her on that, but that's all. She's stronger than him (she beated his ass in training at least twice now), she's faster, she doesn't cause problems, She's smarter than him for fucks sake.
So, why-
Why would B still want him around with this kind of upgrade?
It's not like he can ask tho, B is been very busy since that lady came to give him a baby. Literally.
And, sure, Damian is a weird ass baby, the only one he's seen that doesn't cry for most things. But he likes the little guy, he just hopes he'll still be here by the time he learns how to walk.
Tim didn't expect to be caught. He also didn't expect for it to be the new kid who found him, and as if there was anything else to surprise him with, said child auto proclamed himself as his big brother from now on.
He didn't knew if his parents will like that, because the didn't like children, not even him sometimes, but when they came back the next week and the police arrested them for working with black mask and tax evasion they didn't even ask to see him, or tried to when he reached out, so he couldn't ask.
Jason did become his brother tho, when Mr. Wayne adopted him after that, the same Mr. Wayne he knew was Batman. Huh.
Well, anything was better than an empty house, and now Robin was his-
Tim was overjoyed to know this. Everything was nice, Dick was cool, he didn't talk much with them, but he's Robin, nothing's cooler than that.
And Jason does spend time with him, he loves beating his ass in maro kart.
And then he found Cass when he went out to buy a new camera, he wasn't allowed to go out alone, but it wouldn't be for long, they wouldn't notice surely.
They did notice, but the good thing was that it saved him from taking Cass home on his own.
She's nice too. He never had a sister (or brother too) before, but he likes her, she helps him find hide spots around the manor.
Who he doesn't like a bit is the baby. That Demon spawn.
First he appears out of nowhere. Second, he only seems to cry when someone is talking to Tim.
What is wrong with that thing.
He also follows him around for some reason, and grabs his shirt, but if Tim tries to look at him or hold him he cries. Really, what's wrong with this baby?
Like, sure, Bruce did have him by accident, and so did Tim's parents, but the fact that Damian's did want to keep him around and pay attention to him didn't give him any right to be like this.
It's not like he's better than them, B adopted them all out of a sense of duty.
Suddenly, communicating is a thing.
If she has something to say it's that she's happy. She got a baby brother, two actually. And a Big brother. And then a very baby brother.
And a Dad that loves her. And a granpa that feeds her anything she wants except for burgers. But dad buys her a burger in the secret if she tells him.
She likes spying on Big brother. She likes learning to read with baby brother big, and to hide with baby brother tiny.
She likes to stare at very baby brother. He stares back.
So everything is good.
She's happy.
Baby Damian tolerates his family. He let's Dick hug him, and Jason carry him around talking about who knows what until he falls sleep.
And gets into staring contests with Cass.
But the one he really likes is Tim. He likes to have his attention, and he doesn't like when he doesn't have it.
But he also doesn't like to fully have it, he gets overwhelmed.
Basically, baby Damian wants Tim's attention but not too much.
The family also makes a bet on who will make Damian laugh first.
They all lose when it's Tim, even Tim loses because he had all his money on Dick.
Because apparently, his presence comforts him when he misses Talia.
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maximwtf · 2 days
“I’m sorry all the same”
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Astarion x Reader
Words: 2600
Google Docs Pages: 4
Warnings: Haarlep’s deal’s effects, yk how it goes so I won’t have to tag it all :”D Some spoilers from act 3, such as quotes and a tiny bit of lore. Guilt, emotional hurt/comfort, after graveyard scene Astarion
Opening: Haarlep held onto his promise. Using your body, your form, to do as he pleased. And you were foolish enough to believe that you could ignore it. But perhaps you should have considered that at the very least someone would notice a change in your behaviour. 
AN// So wtf I write for bg3 now? I guess so :”D Mainly interested in writing for Astarion, Jaheira and Zevlor. But we’ll see how I’ll manage c: OH, GN reader. Yall also I’ll open requests again once I finish the last Legolas one I have :3
“I’m sorry all the same”
After the battle with Raphiel, everyone had been so worn out and in need of a breather that you hadn’t even had the time to truly consider what you’d lost. Or even truly notice the price of what had been lost in exchange for information. Or what that could possibly mean for the future or the people around you. And if any of those thoughts had had the chance to cross your mind, it would have only been the latter. What would the others think? How would it affect them? How would the exchange you’d had with Haarlep affect the people closest to you?
And it usually came to the same conclusion. Even if the bother from it would be minor, you’d chosen to try and avert the others from paying their mind to it. To let the incubus do as he pleased, as long as you could lead the party onward without slowing it down. But even the strongest of leaders had to fall in due time, that was fate set for those who chose what you had. Which in this case referred to the facade you’d built, shattering, cracking at the seams at times. And no amount of laughing it off could shake away certain people when they at last noticed what was wrong. 
And so had fate decided once more. The feelings of phantom touches trailed here and there. And as he had promised, you knew exactly what was being done and when. And there was no way of stopping it. Only the thought of this being what you chose lingered in your mind as the touches travelled that evening. Making you shut down of the usual glow you held when talking to others, hope of no one noticing your state still somewhere at the back of your mind. 
And it did work, for most of that evening. Fluently talking to the town’s folk and the people by your side. At times the feelings even faded, disappeared into thin air. Giving you hope that the incubus had stopped for the day, freeing you from the locked state as it felt. But what use was it, if even within those free moments it spiralled at the back of your mind. Reminding you of its existence and the chance of it all returning. On the edge of hoping that it would come back, so you wouldn’t have to suffer so with the thoughts. Because at times, it felt like those empty moments were the ones most pained. 
You tried to soothe the feeling of a never ending hell by telling yourself that this was momentary. The form was new and the creature knew exactly what it was doing. But as time passed, he’d surely get tired of the repeating game and move on to something else. And even if this truly was an infinite infernal road, you had chosen to walk it for a reason. You’d avoided a battle and gotten important information out of the man, which in truth cost a great deal. But if it meant that no one got physically hurt, it did seem like the right thing in the end. 
Inevitably, the time passed as it always had. The sun set, which led you along with the rest back to Elfsong. And for once, there was time in the late evening to sit around and talk. There was nowhere to go, no tasks to run and nothing so important that it couldn’t be left to be dealt by tomorrow. The morning was always smarter than the night, anyway. 
But there was something that wouldn’t allow itself to be left alone, to linger until the sun rose once more. The now more intense phantom touches, the caresses that haunted you. Had ruined most of the day and seemed to plan on continuing to do so. 
As it made itself more known, demanding your every bit of attention, it slowly reached your limit. The top of which when it hit, would at last shatter that rather fragile facade. The facade that at times felt like it was being held together by whatever cheap adhesive children held the glitter on the cards they brought to their parents. Weak. 
The fireplace flickered calmly as the few people in the middle of the room sat on the couches and chatted. You tried your best to throw in a few comments but from your perspective they all sounded the same, forced. It was no use, after being driven to a corner as you’d been. So in order to save face, you stood up and informed the others that you’d be heading to bed to catch up on those countless hours of disregarded sleep. And most seemed to have believed that, wishing you a good night as you slowly walked to the comfort of your bed. 
Though, there was one who’d joined in on the others, wishing you a good night. But they didn’t hesitate to stand up and follow along after you’d left. And they didn’t exactly make the noise of their steps unknown either. Never sneaking up on you, especially at moments such as these. Which was a hint enough to make the conclusion that he knew what was going on. You’d feared for that earlier. Earlier when a pair of eyes had followed your movements and interactions with the others. 
So of course you knew who it was, who it always was. It gave you enough peace of mind to sit down calmly before turning around to face him, attempting to keep up the nonchalant facade of an expression. He stared down at you, the expression on his face awaiting. Like he expected you to tell him something. Making it almost feel as if this was frequent enough to make you expect him and tell him you knew why he was there. And that sadly was the truth. How awful that he’d started to care now that you’d gotten yourself into a mess. But there was a way to dodge this bullet. “You can feed on me tonight if you’d like?” And all you could do was watch his expression fall for a moment, taken aback by the response to his knowing look. But the fun of that didn’t last for very long, he was serious. “Darling, no. This isn’t the time, and you know that yourself.” He answered. Boring, you thought. But regretted the rebellion in your mind straight after. “Well in that case, I’ll get some rest,” you informed him before tucking yourself under the familiar blanket. You knew the vampire couldn’t say much else, nor do anything. He didn’t wish to start any commotion. So the only option left was to drop the topic, there was no use in trying to force anything out of you. And he knew that, respected the choice and left for his own bed. 
But the sleep you’d told yourself would eventually come, never did. The touches never relented, at times becoming more faint but at that point it meant nothing. The sound of the others slowly drifting to their beds and the chatter quieting down got your attention for a moment. But after that it all fell back into the same old silence, in which the condition you were in felt the worst. Because breaking the silence at times like these with any of the sounds you’d held back would have shattered whatever crumbs of self respect you were holding on to. 
Saying that hours had passed since the others had fallen asleep sounded like an overestimate, but then again it wouldn’t have been a surprise. This wasn’t the first time the incubus had done this, you wouldn’t have been oh so familiar with all of this if it had been so. And just like any other time, you laid awake. And to truly follow the usual protocol, the decision to leave and get a breather was the next obvious choice. 
With careful steps, which through thorough practise had learned which plank didn’t squeak, you escaped the pestering silence. Then again, this time of night it seemed just as quiet anywhere you went. A lucky catch if you heard commotion somewhere nearby when entering the terrace outside. Which is where you’d headed, sat down on one of the chairs that sat lonely in a corner. 
It wasn’t necessarily the fresh air that helped, the night air was always so cold anyway. But it was the feeling of not being a bother, not letting absolutely everyone around you have to listen and worry. Worst of all, feel bad. 
A shaky sigh mixed with something like a whine escaped as you leaned back against the wall behind the chair. Eyes closed, there was finally a moment of something that resembled peace. Peace, if you fully excluded the plaguing touches and caresses. A sound dangerously close by got your attention though, getting your eyes to snap open. Nothing but the endless hell with the incubus seemed to last that night. 
In the faint light of the terrace it took you an embarrassing amount of time to even make out a shape. Nevertheless, figure out who it was. But maybe you could blame it on the feelings you were experiencing, later on. Just to save face. 
The figure, now determined to be who you should have expected. Astarion, made his way over. He sat down rather calmly and stayed quiet before drawing in a breath and talking. “Assuming you won’t tell me otherwise, I hope there's nothing troubling you my dear?” You always hoped that his arrival would have been more of a fifty fifty in the usual protocol, but it never was. Neither were the things he said, or how he treated you when it came to this. “Perfectly fine.” You glanced at him, another hitched sigh making its escape, tired of being held back. “That’d be funnier if it was anyone but you,” he said while shifting his chair a little closer. The silence he gave you after was plaguing enough in the cold of the night that it forced you to say something. “It’s all the same, no matter what I do. If only I’d be strong enough to completely ignore it.” You shook your head before turning to look at him, expecting a certain answer from him. Knowing he wasn’t very happy per say about your recent approach to this. Yet, never angry. He took a fast breath but the words he’d prepared never came out. Hoping that the pleading look you’d given him had softened some of the words he’d originally thought of. “I know what it’s like, to lose control of what you have. But you of all people shouldn’t have to.” The rest of the words he’d held back escaped with an exhale at the end, left unspoken. But in truth, you wouldn’t have heard them anyway. The other questions so often filling your mind had appeared back the second he’d come after you. And as per usual, there was no holding them back as they escaped your lips. “Were you ever angry with me for the choice I made?” The exchange of yourself for a piece of information. And as often as you found yourself rewording these same questions, he took the time to answer them. Each time so swiftly that you had to believe he was telling you the truth, “Of course not, dear. More so at the creature itself.” But he couldn’t possibly leave it there. “The control you had was not complete. You don’t have to blame yourself.” 
Awful how he cared, making it harder to keep yourself together. “I’m not sure if I blame myself exactly. I’m not sure if it was worth it. I wonder if it ever made anyone, you, angry.” A shudder ran along your spine, shaking your head slightly to get rid of it before continuing. Not daring to look at the man next to you for longer. “But maybe he’ll get tired of the form eventually. In due time, I’d be mostly free. It’s just…he’s been..active today.” You rambled, eyes resting on the comfort of your lap. But even then, you could almost feel the pair of red eyes piercing through you in the dark. Filled with an emotion you didn’t dare to name, not to even look in fear that it would confirm the care for you he’d formed. 
He stayed quiet, the sound of his and your breathing keeping the silence at bay. Even the breath he drew sounded loud, but his words never seemed to be. As per protocol. “Come inside. I’ll be with you, however you want for me to,” he offered so kindly it almost caused you to cringe. Maybe there was still some getting used to you had to do before this would become more comfortable. But you knew he was trying to fix something within himself as well by doing this. He was trying to offer you something he was never given. So maybe taking a hold of his hand and accepting the offer wasn’t for your sake, but for his. 
His steps were as careful as yours has been, as he led the both of you to his bed. You sat down first, flush against the headboard, wishing it would have provided some sort of comfort from the touches. Astarion stood beside the bed for a moment, holding back on a question before it slipped from him, “what would you like to do, darling?” He asked, making you wonder what it was you wanted. To have the peace of mind you had before. Well, what had been left of it after the tadpole had nestled itself somewhere back there. The shiver that ran along your spine interrupted that train of thought. The only thing you could still achieve and wished to have was rest.  “To sleep,” you answered while observing the man sit down and lean against the headboard. He’d left space for you to come over if you so pleased, a silent invitation. 
You knew he probably wasn’t the most ideal person to comfort someone, but also could see that he felt a form of compassion when it came to this. And knowing that he saw a fragment of himself within you hurt deeper than any deal with an incubus ever could. 
You climbed up to him, leaning your back against his chest before kicking the blanket to a comfortable position. The space was so silent, but hearing Astarion breathe removed any thoughts of that. Keeping your attention on how his chest rose and fell in a familiar rhythm. 
His arms snaked their way carefully around your waist, careful as if there was a chance you’d tell him to back off. But you would never, not when he’d finally allowed someone to care for him and come close. He leaned forward just enough to be able to talk quietly. “It won’t last forever. But I’m sorry all the same.” He said, leaning his head back to rest. And there was an ounce of truth in his words, even if he had meant that this time wasn’t going to last forever. Most likely not even until the next morning. But that the deal wouldn’t last forever either. Astarion himself had assumed the same of his fate, but had gotten the chance to change that path in the end. And the thought of that gave you some form of peace of mind, at last. 
And at last the rest you’d been craving for came, slowly and late. But it didn’t matter anymore. The knowledge of not having to be alone and having someone to care for you was hard to accept but maybe you’d get used to it someday. 
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cupidcures · 21 hours
When Tulips Kiss | Hwang Hyunjin SMAU
CHAPTERS: 𝜗𝜚 5teen | 6teen | 𝜗𝜚 7teen
WORD COUNT: 5.6k (not proofread)
wish you were sober
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It was the night of 3RACHA’s album release album, and you were standing in front of Jisung’s house with your arm linked to Jeongin’s and Seungmin’s, you being in the middle. It’s been a hot minute since you last went to a party like this, so you were a bit overwhelmed. Actually, you’ve noticed that you were always at least a little overwhelmed when it came to being surrounded by a crowd of people you weren’t familiar with, but it was something you needed to suck up in order to have that full “college experience.”
The last time you were at a party like this, you ended up in somebody’s bed that you didn’t know. Scary. You didn’t even bother saying bye to him when you left in the morning, hell, you don’t even remember his name.
Parties, drinking, sex, and emotions. That sounds about right!
“Hey Y/N! So glad you could make it!” You heard a voice calling out to you, causing you to snap out of your thoughts. When did we get inside? Well whatever, we’re here now, might as well have fun.
“Hey, Chan! I wouldn’t miss it for the world!” You smiled and unhooked your arms from your friends’, leaning into Chan and giving him a shoulder hug, as he returned it.
“Jisung and Changbin are in the kitchen making drinks. Those idiots are making all sorts of concoctions, so be careful with the amount you drink.” He chuckles before walking away to greet more people coming in.
“Are you drinking tonight?” Seungmin asked you and wrapped his arm around your shoulder as you leaned on his. Jeongin was long gone, you assumed he went to some of his other friends, or maybe went to the kitchen to drink already.
“Yeah, gotta get shit out my mind you know? Why don’t you drink too?” You nudged his side as he groaned in feigned annoyance.
“Me? Drink? Nah. At least not when everybody else is, somebody in the group has to look after everyone, and it’s me.” Seungmin shrugged as you pouted and dragged him along to the kitchen.
“I could stay sober this time so you could have fun! Let loose a bit!”
“It’s okay Y/Nnie, I appreciate it but I’d rather stay sober, to be honest. I like to have full control of myself and full awareness. So drink to your heart’s desire. I enjoy taking care of you guys anyway, as much as I hate to admit it.” Seungmin ruffled your hair as you whined, gaining a laugh out of him.
“Okay okay okay, you’re seriously the best Minnie. I hope you know we all love you so much.”
“Yuck, stop with all the sappy stuff.” He rolled his eyes but failed to hide the soft smile on his face.
“Yoooo Seungmin! Y/Nnie! If I didn’t know any better, I would assume you’re trying to take my wife away from me!” A voice, who you know as Jisung’s hollered out as you both looked in his direction before walking to him.
“You should keep a better eye on your wife then.” Seungmin joked before nuzzling his nose to your cheek as Jisung gasped dramatically, letting out a joyous laugh right after. He took a red solo cup from the counter before filling it up with the… “concoction,” as Chan described it, and handing it to you.
“Taste it,” Jisung smirked as you and Seungmin looked at each other with an uncertain look on your faces.
“Umm... Minnie!! A little sip won’t hurt. Why don’t you try it first?” You held the cup to Seungmin’s face before he fake barfed to the side. “Hell no.”
“Hey! I’m serious, it’s good!” Jisung crossed his arms in an attitude, looking to the side. Then, as quickly as he turned his head to the side, he turned back to look at you with pleading eyes. “Please taste it! It’s not poison I swear.”
“Okay okay okay I’ll taste it.” You laughed as he cheered and waited in anticipation as you took a sip. You widen your eyes in surprise before nodding at Jisung with an impressed smile.
“It’s good! What did you put in it?”
“I have no idea! Thank you for being my guinea pig wifeyyyyy~~~” Jisung grinned before running away as you took a sniff at the drink, trying to figure out what was inside of it. After a few minutes of thinking, you gave up on trying to figure it out and ended up chugging it all in one go. You squeezed your eyes shut and shuddered as the alcohol left its sensation down your throat, opening your eyes a few seconds later only to see Seungmin looking at you in worry.
“Woah. You took that like a champ. Are you doing fine? Do you always drink like this? I’m surprised you trust Jisung’s drink that much. Man doesn’t even remember what he put in it.” He rambled as you giggled and nodded your head to his questions.
“It’s actually pretty good! I like the ratio of alcohol to juice, it tastes better instead of just tasting like straight liquor you know? Not sure what that guy put in the drink, but it’s good.” You went to get more, but Seungmin grabbed the cup out of your hands and poured you more himself, proceeding to take a sip out of it. You waited to see his reaction as he took another sip and nodded in approval.
“You’re right. Too bad he doesn’t remember what’s in it, maybe I would drink more often if it always tasted this good.” Seungmin complimented, giving the cup back to you as you downed it all, once again.
“Damn, no hesitation.” He chuckled as you smiled shyly, the buzzing feeling slowly creeping up on you. Your cheeks started heating up rapidly, catching Seungmin’s attention.
“Are you okay? Do you need a seat?” He asked with concern laced in his voice as you shook your head.
“I’m just getting started, baby!” You booped his nose before pouring yourself another cup as he stifles a laugh.
“What are you laughing at?” You pouted as Seungmin raised both his arms up in innocence.
“Nothing! Let’s get you to sit on the couch though, just in case. You don’t drink like this often.” Seungmin wrapped his arms around your waist to keep you steady as you clung onto his shirt, letting him lead you wherever.
He was right, you don’t usually drink like this, let alone this fast. If you were being honest, you couldn’t forget about what you and Hyunjin talked about in the bathroom. You’ve kept it inside and haven’t talked about it with anyone, and it was getting to you.
But tonight, you intended to get fucking wasted. Why talk about it when you have alcohol?
Seungmin ushered the people shoving their tongues down each other’s throats off the sofa, gaining a nasty look from them, but he couldn’t give a fuck. He sat you down on the sofa and proceeded to take his jacket off to cover your thighs before sitting himself down next to you.
“What are we?” You asked jokingly as Seungmin rolled his eyes. Man, he sure does that a lot. You chugged your drink for the third time that night, and most certainly not the last. You felt the room spinning around you, your vision getting blurry.
Aaaaaand you’ve done it. Maybe you shouldn’t have drank so much in such a short amount of time.
“Want me to refill it?” Seungmin chuckled as you stopped to think about it. You should probably stop, but you weren’t drunk enough, so you nodded your head with a soft smile.
“Thanks.” He nodded back at you before taking the cup out of your hands and heading towards the kitchen.
“Are you guys always that cuddly? Am I blind to have never noticed it before?” A female voice talked to you as you turned to see who it was.
“Chuu! When did you get here? A few minutes ago?” You guessed as she nodded. Your eyes drifted from her face to her hand, which was connected to another person’s hand. Oh?
“Oh, who’s this?” You asked politely, referring to the slightly taller woman that Chuu was holding hands with, noticing how both their faces turned bright red. Ohhhhh.
“Y/N, meet Sooyoung! My girlfriend!” Chuu beamed as the girl next to her, Sooyoung, smiled and stuck her hand out as you shook it.
“It’s so nice to meet you! Take good care of her, she can get a bit crazy sometimes.” The three of you laughed together before it died down.
“We’re gonna get going now Y/N! Stay safe!” Chuu walked away hand in hand with her girlfriend, leaving you alone to your thoughts.
Where was Seungmin?
As if on cue, his hand landed on top of your head as he handed you the cup.
“Y/N, I know this is so sudden but something came up, and I’ve got to go. Can you take care of yourself??” You sensed the panic in his voice as you stood up to hug him.
“Yeah don’t worry about me! I’ll be fine just go! Let me know what’s going on tomorrow.” You reassured as he hugged you back and thanked you. He pulled away and pinched your cheeks, as he always does to say goodbye instead of waving, and left the party, but not before telling you to keep his jacket with you just in case you get cold. Seungmin was always looking after you, and it was times like that when you would think about the future, and how lucky his future girlfriend would be. He never hesitates to take care of you, even if you guys are arguing, and it has always been like this since you were kids. Now you were really alone. You decided to take little sips of your drink this time since you were already far gone enough, you had misjudged it when Seungmin asked if you wanted more earlier.
You observe your surroundings and all the people around you, watching how everyone is in their own world despite being in a room full of people. You enjoyed people-watching, it was always nice to see how people act differently and so uniquely. You watched the couples in the room, unwillingly of course because who would want to watch PDA? And you couldn’t help but think about how it was when you were in a relationship, and you found yourself missing it. Your brain automatically thought of Hyunjin but you quickly shut that thought down.
Why are you thinking of him? You drank the remaining drink in your cup before setting it down on the coffee table, leaning back down onto the sofa, and letting yourself sink in. You spotted Jeongin chatting with Felix and Minho, then Jisung with Chan and Changbin. Looking a bit more to your left, you found that Chaewon finally made it to the party! Though, she came with another friend of hers, Sakura? If you remembered correctly. Maybe it was the alcohol making you feel this way, but you felt lonely. Lonelier than usual. The air in the room was starting to feel stuffier and stuffier, so you went upstairs to where you knew Jisung’s balcony was and went outside to take a breath of fresh air. All the stars were sparkling and it felt like they were all closer, but maybe it was all the drinks playing tricks on your eyes. You were even able to see the planet of love, Venus, so you thought that was cool.
You don’t know how much time passed since you’ve been standing out here on Jisung’s balcony, but it was long enough for someone to notice and approach you.
Oh. That voice. You were almost completely certain that it was— “Hwang.” You mumbled without needing to turn back to see who it was as you heard their footsteps approach you and stood by your side, staring at the night sky as well.
“The moon is beautiful, isn’t it?” Hyunjin spoke softly before turning his head to look at you.
“Yeah, I agree. It’s so alluring, don’t you think?” You look back at him as the both of you lock eyes, and suddenly it feels like nothing else exists besides the two of you. Hyunjin takes this time to take in your features, something he wasn’t able to do for the past four years. A privilege, if you will. Your perfectly blushed red cheeks, and the shape of your nose. Your adorable eyes and the lips he loved kissing so much, it was all coming back to him. You had grown up so beautifully, there was no denying that. You have always been a beautiful woman, but it’s different now, and he doesn’t know how to explain it.
“Yeah, it really is alluring.” He murmurs, all his attention directed towards you. You smile up at him and he can feel his heart stop.
“What are you staring at?” You giggle quietly and look away, a bit flustered that he was staring for so long. But he couldn’t help it, who wouldn’t stare at you?
It was this night that gave him the feeling deep down inside that no matter how many years passed that you guys were apart, it will always be you. It has always been you. Will he ever admit it out loud? Hell no. At least, not right now…? He hates the fact that it’s still you that he wants to spend the rest of his life with, even after you had hurt him so fucking much in high school. His heart and his mind were always conflicting with each other, and his mind would win every single time. Hyunjin shrugged the feeling off, excusing his racing heartbeat and blaming it on how much he hated you. He didn’t care if it didn’t make sense, just as long as he was believing anything BUT the fact he was still in love. He told himself that he couldn’t be in love with you and that he SHOULDN’T. It was silly to get back together with someone who hurt you, but the confused and lost look on your face every single time he brought up the past messed with him. He wasn’t able to tell if you were playing dumb or not, but he chose to protect his heart and not give in to temptations, convincing himself that you were just playing dumb.
“So what brings you out here?” You asked the boy next to you, catching him off guard that you would still continue a conversation with him.
“Oh uh. I’m not sure. I just felt like wanting to get away from everyone else for a while. You?”
“Same.” You nodded, and the both of you stood in comfortable silence.
Well, you assumed it to be comfortable silence. But for you? Oh no. Oh no no no, your mind was flooded with thoughts going hundreds of miles per hour. You couldn’t think straight and your heart was pumping, you felt like it was loud enough for even Hyunjin to hear. You and Hyunjin were actually talking face-to-face with no tension between you guys, and all it did was take you back to when you were happy together.
“Do… do you wanna get out of here?” Hyunjin asked in a shy manner as you looked back at him and pondered before responding.
“Hm… sure. Why not? Lead the way, Hwang.” You accepted the offer as he smiled his oh-so-cute smile at you before gently taking your hand and leading you out the front door, to his car.
Hyunjin opened the passenger door for you and buckled you in before getting in the driver's seat to drive off to someplace quiet.
He’s only inviting you to go somewhere else because he didn’t want to be at the party anymore, and you were already with him so he might as well bring you along. Not because he felt the need to look after you while you were drunk and didn’t want to leave you alone or anything… nothing like that!
The two of you were silent the entire car ride, the only sounds in the car were the static coming from the radio and the hum of the car engine. It was peaceful though, and you enjoyed it. You felt like you could float away from how light you felt, the glow of the streetlights was a blur, as for everything else around you.
It didn’t take long, probably around 15 minutes, until the car finally came to a halt. Hyunjin turned the engine off and looked at you, checking how you were feeling.
“You feeling okay?” He asked as you turned your head to him and nodded. He gave you a small, subtle smile in response before getting out of the car and quickly going over to your side to open the door for you as you giggled at his actions.
“So what is this place?” You hummed, stepping out of the car and spinning around to look at your surroundings. Unfortunately, that didn’t help, as your vision was still impaired at the moment.
“I go here a lot whenever I need to clear my thoughts. Or when I just want to be alone.” Hyunjin muttered before placing his hand at the center of your back and holding your hand with the other, leading you to the bench and sitting you down.
“You could see the city lights from here, it’s a beautiful thing. Plus, the stars are brighter out here, so that’s nice.” He expressed and sat down beside you. He turned his head to look at you and admire your side profile, his breath hitching.
“You look….. decent,” Hyunjin mumbled as you looked at him as well, a darker shade of blush creeping on your cheeks, on top of the blood that rushed to your face due to the alcohol, and he chuckled at the look of it.
“Why’d you bring me out here?” You questioned and fiddled with your fingers, staring into the glint of his eyes, to his plump lips, then back to his eyes.
That action didn't go unnoticed by Hyunjin, and he could feel his face quickly heat up before clearing his throat. “I uh, just thought you might want to see it. Also, we’re friends by force.” You couldn’t help but let out a giggle at his last statement, and he laughed along with you. You felt so relaxed around him. Perhaps it was the alcohol? Contrary to feeling relaxed, it also felt like your heart could pump out of your chest. You don’t know what came over you, but you grabbed his hand and placed it on your chest, where your heart is of course.
Hyunjin looked away, flustered at your actions. Why would you put his hand on your chest? Are you testing him?
“Can you feel my heartbeat?”
Oh. Duh.
“Yeah, I can.” He spoke in an embarrassed tone, mentally scolding himself for thinking of something different. Out of all the things that Hyunjin was in denial of, one thing that he couldn’t deny was his physical attraction to you. You were the most beautiful being he had ever laid eyes on, and you still were. He hopes that you think the same way about yourself.
“Why do you hate me so much?” You slurred your words out before your head fell limp on his shoulder. Hyunjin stayed quiet for a while before finally answering, “You hurt me.” He rests his head on top of yours.
“You already know.”
And it comes to a complete circle, once again. You sighed in frustration, you weren’t sure how to ever get his side out of him. No matter how much you asked, he wouldn’t tell you how you hurt him and it frustrated you.
“I don’t. I don’t know what I did to hurt you. But I’m still sorry nonetheless.”
Hyunjin hums in response but doesn’t answer to your apology in words.
The two of you cuddled under the starry sky, surrounded by the chilly night air. Friends do this kind of stuff, this is normal! You've cuddled with Seungmin, Chaewon, Jeongin, Chuu, and Jisung. But? Why does it feel so different now?
“Wow, you called me by my name for once.” He chuckled and held your hand, giving it a light squeeze.
“Can I kiss you?” You asked under your breath, but you were certain that he heard you with the way he stiffened.
“Wha… what?” Hyunjin stuttered as you lifted your head and leaned in dangerously close. He felt your warm breath hit his face, and he could feel himself leaning in towards you as well, until he noticed it. The scent of alcohol in your breath.
Fuck. Hyunjin totally forgot you were drunk, and he cursed at himself for nearly kissing you. He stood up and ruffled his hair back, not looking back at you. “We should get going.”
You couldn’t help but feel disappointed when he rejected your advances, but you shrugged off the heavy, aching feeling in your chest and followed him as he walked towards the car. Even after all the built-up tension that you created between the two of you, he still opened the car door and buckled you in before tending to himself. You were well aware of how he was constantly sleeping around, as he’s very well-known and popular around campus. It only made you wonder if he treated every single girl he was with like this. You would be lying if you said that he wasn’t a gentleman, so you wouldn’t be surprised if he DID treat every girl like this, but little did you know that you couldn’t be any more further from the truth.
As Hyunjin started the car and began driving, you picked up your phone to check if any of your friends had texted you, and to no one’s surprise, they did.
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“Hey, Hyunjin?” You called for his attention as he nodded and hummed to indicate that he was listening. “Can I… stay over tonight? My friend is bringing her girlfriend over and she asked if I could sleep somewhere else for tonight.” You asked coyly as he paused for a while, before nodding once more. “Yeah, you can stay over.”
You muttered a thank you and looked out the window, admiring the scenery. Before you knew it, you were knocked out and snoring softly.
When the sounds of your quiet snores reached Hyunjin, he looked over for a second to sneak a peek to confirm his suspicions, and he was correct. You did fall asleep, and you were sleeping soundly in the passenger seat. The passenger seat of HIS car. He chuckled silently and continued on driving, unable to wipe the fond smile on his face.
When Hyunjin finally pulled up to the house he shared with 5 other people. He got out of the car and went to the side that you were on, unbuckled you, and gently lifted you up in his arms, making sure he didn’t wake you up. Closing the car doors and locking it, he brought you inside as silently as he could so as to not attract any attention. After all, what kind of reaction would his friends have to see him carry the person he hates into his bed and tuck her in? They would probably accuse him of being in love. Yeah right.
When he finally brought you to his room and closed the door successfully without anybody noticing, he delicately placed you on his bed like you were a fragile porcelain doll, before heading to the bathroom to wet a cloth and making his way back to you. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he made sure to wipe your makeup off as gently as he could, and when he was finished, he threw the damp cloth in his laundry basket and untied your braids to let it all fall back in place.
Hyunjin stayed next to you for a while, admiring your natural beauty and your sleeping state, you looked so serene and peaceful. This was the first time in years when you didn’t look at him with annoyance in your eyes, and he was grateful. Your beauty never failed to fascinate him and leave him in awe, and he could slowly feel the cold exterior he has constantly shown you, melting away. You made him feel sick. So sick. He was usually so sure of himself when it came to what he wanted, but for you, it was different. He didn’t understand why his heart yearned for you, but it did. Your messy hair, your long eyelashes, and your slightly parted lips as you slept pulled him in even more, and he hated it. He hated the way you made him feel despite everything he did to try and move on from you. He hated how despite the amount of years that had passed, you still had him wrapped around your finger. He hated everything that you made him feel, and yet he’s here taking care of drunken you. He gave in so fast, and it’s pathetic.
Hyunjin lets out a sigh before getting up to grab you a shirt to change you into. Taking a deep breath in, he squeezed his eyes shut before undressing you carefully and so very tender. After successfully doing so, he pulled a fresh shirt over your head and shoulders as it covered all of you. He opened his eyes once he knew you were completely covered, proceeding to tuck you into his blankets and pulling a chair from his desk to the side you were on. He stopped to stare at you once more before hesitantly planting a careful kiss on your forehead as if he were scared to break you.
“I wish you were sober,” Hyunjin muttered quietly before sitting down on the chair to take your hand and intertwine your fingers with his, laying his head on top of your stomach.
“Friends do this kind of stuff. It’s fine..” He fluttered his eyes closed and eventually drifted off to sleep.
Sometime later, Jeongin wakes up in the middle of the night with a groan. His head was fucking killing him from all the drinking so he did the first thing that came to his mind, which was to go into someone’s room for hangover pills. The most sensible thing for him to do was go to the person who got drunk the most, and so he did. Exiting his bedroom and knocking on the door softly just in case he was sleeping.
“Hyunjin? Do you have any hangover pills?” Jeongin asked but was met with silence, and so he slowly opened his bedroom room, only to be greeted with a not so surprising surprise. Hyunjin was sleeping on a chair pulled up beside you with his head on your stomach, his hand holding yours, and your other hand entangled in his hair.
Jeongin slowly creeped out and shut the door while giggling and rolling his eyes. “I fucking knew it would happen.”
When you finally opened your eyes, you were met with a pounding headache and a throat dry as a desert. You could barely open your eyes when you sat up and looked around the room, but it didn’t look familiar to you, at all.
Oh right… You asked Hyunjin if you could stay over.
You rolled over and hid your face in his pillow, before rolling again for the last time and staring up at the ceiling. You didn’t remember much before asking him if you could stay, besides the fact that Hyunjin took you to an overview of the city, but that’s pretty much it. You were lightheaded and the consequences of drinking… whatever Jisung made… finally caught up to you.
At least you didn’t throw up last night, that would have been embarrassing. Where is Hyunjin anyway?
And as if on cue, the bathroom that connected to his bedroom opened up as steam poured out from being trapped in there. “Oh, you’re awake. I put a glass of water beside you and some hangover pills, you must be dying right now.” Hyunjin spoke casually as he stepped out of the bathroom, revealing his exposed torso with a towel covering his bottom half. Before you could even register that you were staring, practically drooling, he raised an eyebrow at you.
“Are you just… going to keep staring or are you gonna turn around so I could put some clothes on?” Hyunjin chuckled and you squealed and turned around, apologizing for staring. You took this time to take the pills with the water he gave you as you finished all the water in one go, probably what you should’ve done last night instead of alcohol.
“I’m finished, you can turn back around. Are you hungry? I could make you something real quick and bring it to you here, since, well, nobody knows that you’re here with me. The pills will probably upset your stomach if you don’t eat.” He informed as you agreed.
“Yes please.”
“Do you want anything specific?”
“Nothing, I’m fine with anything you give me.”
“Okay, I’ll be right back then. Stay right here.” Hyunjin leaves the room soon after that and so you’re left alone. You notice that he plugged in your phone for you, and you mentally thanked him for doing so before getting on it. You were scrolling on your phone for a while, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, you name it, and you eventually got bored so you got up to explore the room. Honestly, you probably shouldn’t have done that considering the two of you weren’t close anymore, but that didn’t come to your mind. You admired the decor on the wall, as it was covered with portraits that you could only assume were painted by him. Hyunjin has always been into art and painting even while you guys were together. Instead of buying actual flowers and bouquets since you already have a lot, he would paint you all different kinds of bouquets instead. Hyunjin was truly one of a kind, and you smile fondly at the memories of when you were together.
“Y/Nnie~~” A voice from behind startled you as you turned around, only to find NOT Hyunjin, but Jeongin.
“Oh… hahaaaa… hi Innie…!” You laughed nervously and twiddled your thumbs as he laughed and hugged you, rocking you side to side.
“Did you guys sleep together?” Jeongin smirked slyly as you hit his shoulder in embarrassment, the poor boy yelping at the impact.
“No, we didn’t. I took care of her because all her FRIENDS,” Hyunjin appeared from behind him, pausing to give Jeongin a glare before continuing, “Left her all alone while she was drunk. I may hate Y/N but I’m not a monster. Do you know how dangerous it is to leave a drunk girl alone at a party?? I took her out to get some fresh air and took her here. I would never sleep with a girl if she’s not fully sober and if she doesn’t have the full capability to fully consent to it.” Hyunjin scolded Jeongin as he hugged you tighter, causing you to lose your breath.
“Can’t… breathe…”
“I’M SO SORRYYYY. I thought Seungmin was gonna stay with you!!!” Jeongin cried and hid his face in your neck as you looked at Hyunjin while giggling. “Look what you did!”
“He needs to know! That’s stupid and not everybody is as kind and wonderful as me.” Hyunjin praised himself with a smug look as you rolled his eyes. Jeongin pulled away before patting your head.
“Okay… I’m gonna leave so you two could be alone.” Jeongin winked and left the two of you laughing together.
“He’s so unserious.” You giggled more as Hyunjin laughed, nodding in agreement before passing you your food with a lap desk so you could eat properly.
“Now get back in bed so you can eat, and take a shower. You reek of alcohol, you’re lucky I let you sleep in my bed.” Hyunjin scoffed, going back to his “hateful” facade.
“Where did you sleep?” You questioned while bringing a spoonful of rice to your mouth and chewing.
“Beside you. Same bed. You were cuddled up next to me.”
You nearly spat out your food as Hyunjin fell to the floor laughing. Still just as dramatic as he was in high school.
“I’m kidding!! You should’ve seen the look on your face! I slept on the chair right there.” Hyunjin pointed at the chair that was pushed into the desk as you gave him a concerned look.
“What the fuck? That’s so uncomfortable, I wouldn’t mind sleeping in the same bed as you. I’d prefer that than stealing your bed from you.” You sigh, feeling bad that he most likely had the worst sleep of his life on that chair, not noticing the faint blush that decorated his cheeks as he clears his throat.
“Yeah well, I just didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.” He mumbled before sitting down at the end of the bed. “Now hurry up so I can drop you off back at your dorm.. your friend must be worried that you’re not home yet, it’s already 3pm.”
You nodded at shared a smile with the boy in front of you.
Maybe being together isn’t so bad after all.
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a/n: i finished this quicker than i thought i would lol! i hope you guys liked the fluff! don’t get too comfortable tho
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slaymitchabernathy · 2 days
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Spoiled Rotten
“There you go, you look so fashionable darling.”
Coriolanus presses his ear to the bathroom doors as he listens to his girlfriend talking to what might as well constitute as her child.
What was supposed to be a gift, a pet, turned into an irreplaceable entity in their household. Petunia truly had Soarynn wrapped around her little claw and Coriolanus often thought it was utterly ridiculous that Soarynn was so willing to bend to Petunia’s every need.
Now did Coriolanus bend to Soarynn’s every need?
Yes, yes he did. But this is different!
And Petunia—as he so often likes to remind Soarynn—is a cat. Not a person. Not a child. The fact that she sits at the dinner table with them is ridiculous enough. But to insist on constantly brushing her and brining her more and more toys was ridiculous in his opinion.
Still, Coriolanus knows how much Soarynn loves Petunia, despite how insistent the little beast is on making his life a living hell. It started out slowly, the cat is smart and he has to give her credit for that. She’d simply sit on his side of the bed, refuse to move off of the sofa when he wanted to sit down.
Little things. But this is psychological warfare as far as he’s concerned.
It’s been two years since he got Petunia for Soarynn and she’s only gotten more and more clever. She’ll bite holes in his socks, she’ll eat his socks. She’ll sneak into his study and kick papers off of his desk, knock down his lamp and clock.
One time she walked into his study, hopped onto his desk, and hacked up a fucking hairball right in front of him all while maintaining eye contact.
Soarynn claims she’s an angel.
Either way, Petunia is here to stay and is currently being prepared for a visit to the veterinarian. Since her last visit was quite the stressful one thanks to her eating his sock, Soarynn told him that she wanted to “mentally prepare Petunia to go back.”
Whatever that means.
He quickly backs away from the doors when hearing the sound of Soarynn’s heels clicking on the tiled floor and watches as the doors open, revealing his stunning girlfriend and Petunia who has a pink ribbon wrapped around her neck.
Coriolanus chuckles as he watches Petunia try and wiggle out of Soarynn’s hold, “Someone’s not too happy about her ribbon hmm?” Soarynn scoffs and readjusts her grip on the flailing feline, “She loves it. Don’t you Petunia?”
Coriolanus raised his eyebrows but doesn’t give any further comments on Petunia and her feelings towards the ribbons that Soarynn is so fond of making her wear. He can see a hint of nervousness in Soarynn’s eyes and he gives her arm a gentle squeeze.
“Everything will be fine darling.”
Soarynn nods and forces a smile but her heart isn’t in it, “Suppose they find something wrong? Perhaps her stitches came loose?”
Coriolanus is quick to silence these worries by wrapping his strong arms around her and planting a kiss on the top of her head, “We would’ve know if her stitches came loose darling.” He doesn’t mention that Soarynn has been quite tedious about Petunia’s recovery, ensuring everything was cleaned and antibiotics were given at the proper times.
Soarynn sighs and leans her head against his chest, “I know. I…I’m being overdramatic but I just worry that they might need to keep her overnight for observation or something like that. We’ve never been apart like that before.”
I know, is what Coriolanus wants to say. Petunia has been a constant in both of their lives to the point where it was strange to not have her roaming the penthouse halls for a night.
“It’ll be fine, and after the appointment we can take her to the pet shop and get her something nice,” he suggests.
Coriolanus knows how much Soarynn loves to shop and spend money and she loves shopping for others even more than for herself. She often comes home with new clothes for him or new bows for Petunia. A visit to the pet shop is bound to make her feel better. An incentive if you will.
Soarynn perks up and lets out a small gasp, looking up at him with those startling eyes of hers, “Really? And I can buy her whatever she wants?”
Coriolanus grins down at her and nods, “Anything you want,” he promises.
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“Absolutely not.”
Coriolanus shakes his head at Soarynn who is currently holding a tiny black kitten in her hands. He sends a warning glare to the shop owner who is being no help to him in this current situation.
Soarynn pouts and Coriolanus nearly gives in but as the man of the house, he has to put his foot down. Granted he doesn’t do it often, not when it’s her. Not when it’s Soarynn, his darling girl who truly deserves the world and more.
But another cat?
He’d rather eat glass.
“Please Coryo? Petunia needs a friend,” Soarynn insists, walking towards him and Petunia who is currently in his iron grip. The kitten is awfully cute, even he can admit that. But that’s just what he’s worried about.
Petunia had been adorable as a kitten. But then she got old, smart, mean. He can’t have that again. And this kitten is a girl. Three against one just isn’t fair.
Petunia lets out a hiss and swats at the kitten who’s eyes go wide as saucers at the much larger cat. For once, Coriolanus is glad for her short temperament and her hatred towards the spotlight being stolen from her for more than five seconds.
“Petunia would feel neglected,” he tells her, “and besides, she clearly doesn’t like the kitten. I’m sure she’ll find a good home.” Petunia certainly did and clearly isn’t willing to give that up to another cat.
Soarynn sighs but nods, “Alright. I just miss when she was so tiny. Don’t you remember when we first got her?”
Coriolanus remembers clear as day how Petunia would stay up at all hours of the night, therefore making him stay up at all hours of the night. But, she had been a rather sweet kitten all things considered. And she made Soarynn so happy which was all her really wanted in the end for her.
He smiles, “I do. And I also remember you wanted to find her a new collar.” That seems to do the trick in distracting Soarynn because she gasps and nods, “Oh I did!”
Coriolanus feels rather proud of himself as he watches her return the kitten to the shop owner before coming back and collecting Petunia from his arms.
The pet shop has a rather large selection for cat collars and Soarynn has been in the market for a new one for quite some time.
He watches from a distance as Soarynn holds Petunia in her arms, almost like a child, bouncing her up and down, showing different collars to her.
She holds up a dark red collar and Petunia sniffs at it for a moment before her attention is drawn elsewhere, “You need to look like a proper Snow darling,” Soarynn tells the cat, bringing a grin to his lips.
Much can be said about how much she spoils that cat, but Soarynn has always made sure that Petunia looks as presentable as possible, always representing the Snows in a distinguished manner.
Coriolanus can’t help but wonder how she’d be with a child of theirs. Soarynn would be a wonderful mother, he knows that much for certain. But they’d have to get married first. Still, he can picture it quite clearly, a little child of theirs with blue eyes and blonde hair.
A true Snow.
And doesn’t that sound pleasant? ‘Soarynn Snow.’ It has a ring to it, he knows that for certain.
First he’ll need to secure a ring, one fit for the wife of Coriolanus Snow. He can only imagine the wedding, and Petunia is bound to be involved with that one way or another.
His girlfriend’s voice pulls him from his thoughts of the future and he looks down at a happy-looking Soarynn who is holding the red collar in her hands, “Yes my love?” Soarynn shifts her hold on Petunia which earns her an annoyed meow but Soarynn ignores it, “Don’t you think this collar is fitting for her?”
Coriolanus takes the collar into his hands and inspects it. It’s made of thick leather with fine craftsmanship if he did say so himself. A perfect collar for the cat of a Snow.
He can only imagine the clothes their children will wear one day. Soarynn is bound to have them all coordinate outfits with one another.
“It’s perfect,” he says, earning him a bright smile from Soarynn who nods in agreement, “I thought so too. Should we get her another tag engraved?”
Petunia had gone missing once, slipped out of the penthouse and explored the Capitol streets, nearly sending Soarynn into despair. In the end they found her but Coriolanus was glad that she at least always wore a collar with her information on it incase someone found her.
“Yes, let’s go do that right now.”
꧁ ꧂
Petunia Snow ꧁ ꧂ XXX-XXX-XXXX ꧁ ꧂
Coriolanus reads Petunia’s new engraved collar tag as they’re driven back home. Petunia is sound asleep in Soarynn’s arms who is sound asleep in his arms.
Both girls must be exhausted from today. Coriolanus was pleased to hear that Petunia had recovered without a hitch and that nothing was amiss with her health. Soarynn was even more relieved than he was and pressed about a million kisses to Petunia’s head.
As if the cat didn’t eat one of his socks.
Coriolanus carefully sets the collar back into its box which is next to the other two shopping bags full of things Petunia does not need but got today.
In the end he supposes that she’s cheaper than a human child, but he’ll happily pay for her things so long as it makes Soarynn happy.
Coriolanus sleeps well knowing that his future wife, future children, and…his cat, all are spoiled rotten.
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angstywaifu · 17 hours
Wrong Advice - Garrick x Sawyer X Reader
As a thank you for hitting 300 followers I decided to write you guys a little smutty threesome. This is my first time writing something like this and for Sawyer, so it might be a little rough. Sawyer decides it's a good idea to take sex advice from Ridoc instead of Garrick, which promptly backfires on him. While regretting his decisions over lunch with Garrick and Reader, Garrick comes up with something that might help you all. Warnings: NSWF. No spoilers. Smut... Lots and lots of smut. 18+. Oral f and m receiving. Threesome. Pet names. Unprotected PIV. Masterlist
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“Do I want to know what happened?” I ask as I take my seat across from Sawyer who has his head buried in his hands.
The only response I get is a groan before Sawyer rests his head on the table with a loud thump, Garrick laughing menacingly at him while carving an apple with his knife.
“Sawyer here decided it would be a great idea to take advice from Ridoc didn’t he.” Garrick says with a pointed stare at Sawyer who groans again.
“I said I was sorry ok!” Sawyer exclaims as he lifts his head from the table. “He can be convincing when he wants to be that cheeky bastard.”
Garrick rolls his eyes and shakes his head before carving another piece from his apple. “And you should know better than anyone else here that he has no experience in what he was offering advice on.”
“I know. But he sounded like he knew what he was talking about. Like he’d actually tried it. Now I look like the idiot!” Sawyer burying his face in his hands again.
“Serves you right for taking that advice.” Garrick’s eyes narrowing at the boy in front of us even though he can’t see.
I look between the two confused. “What the hell are you two going on about?” I ask finally.
Garrick chuckles. “Sawyer here decided to take sex advice from Ridoc over me” He teases. “How did that go for you Sawyer?”
Sawyer parts his fingers to look at us, a red tinge of embarrassment evident on the more exposed skin of his face.
“She…. She told me to stop.” He blurts out.
“And what else?” Amusement clear in Garrick’s voice as he leans back in his chair, arm draping over the back of mine.
Sawyers skin flushes a deeper shade of red. So red I’m surprised he hasn’t turned into a tomato.
“She walked out on me.” He mumbles out.
I drop my fork, eyes going wide at Sawyers words. I’d never been with Sawyer, but I knew from Rhiannon he wasn’t bad. She’d been satisfied the time she had hooked up with him after threshing. And I’d seen a handful of girls here and there over the last two years leave his room the morning after. So to hear he had been walked out on…. Well it was surprising. Especially if he’d ben getting advice from Garrick. Another person whose bed I had not ended up in despite our flirtatious banter. But the way the girls talked, I knew whatever advice he had given would not have lead to a girl walking out on Sawyer.
“She walked out on you? What the hell did you do?” I ask, leaning forward on the table.
Sawyers eyes go wide before leaning back in his chair and fidgeting with his fingers.
“It’s not important. You don’t need to hear this.” He says, not wanting to meet my eyes.
“No you can’t just leave me hanging like that. What did you do?” I push, Garrick chuckling next to me.
“He told me to try this position and claimed it always got a girl to finish in seconds. Clearly it didn’t.” He huffs out.
“I don’t blame the girl. You pretty much had her doing a handstand as you thrusted down into her. Definitely not how to get a girl to finish in seconds.” Garrick states bluntly.
“Handstand? What… I don’t even want to know what you were trying to do. But never take advice from Ridoc.” I tell his as I gesture towards Garrick with my fork. “Listen to him. Pretty much every girl in this quadrant wants to be with him or can’t stop talking about how good he is.”
I catch Garrick looking very smug out of the corner of my eye. “Good to know I’ve got a reputation amongst you girls. Even then ones I haven’t taken to my bed.” He says as he pulls my chair towards his, voice dripping ever so slightly.
I can’t help the blush that starts to creep onto my face at his words, the smug look on his face only intensifying.
“Don’t let it get to your head Tavis.” i say sternly, a slight shake to my voice I know he picks up on.
Garrick’s eyes flicker between Sawyer and I. A mischievous glint in his eyes as he smirks wider.
“What the hell are you thinking?” Sawyer asks nervously as he notes Garrick’s look.
“I have a proposition. One that might…. Benefit all of us. But mainly you two.” He stated with a shrug.
Sawyer looks at him confused, but my mind puts the pieces together instantly.
“You can’t be serious?!” I exclaim causing Garrick to chuckle.
“Deadly serious.”
Sawyer looks between us, still not catching on to what Garrick is hinting about. I couldn’t deny I’d wanted to know if Garrick was as good as the other girls said. Hell I found him insanely attractive. But Garrick was one to approach the girls he wanted. And not once had he approached me. Till now.
“Do you two want to clue me in as to what’s going on?” Sawyer asks as he leans forward.
“We’re going to kill two birds with one stone. I’m going to show you how it’s done. And Y/N here is going find out if all that talk about me is true.” Garrick states as if this is normal every day conversation.
A strangled coughing sound comes from Sawyer who had tried to eat some food as Garrick laid out his idea. His eyes flicking to me and going wide, his cheeks that had started to go back to a normal colour returning to the deep read from earlier.
“Well if no one has any objections I will see both of you at my room tonight.” Garrick states as he stands from his chair before leaving Sawyer and I to stare at each other in silence.
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“You ready sweetheart?” Garrick asks as he steps forward, pulling me against him as he grasps my chin between his fingers.
He chuckles as I let out a shaky breath. Once we started there was no going back. But in some strange way that excited me.
I feel Sawyer’s eyes on me as I nod. Knowing he’s just as nervous as I am. “Yes.”
Garrick leans in as if he wants to kiss me, my breath catching in my throat. But at the last second he swerves and looks Sawyer in the eye.
”You can start. Undress her.” Garrick’s tone commanding as he pushes me towards Sawyer.
He still looks scared, but there’s something new in Sawyer’s eyes when he looks at me. He reaches out, grasping my hand in his as he pulls me to him.
“You ready sweetheart?” Garrick asks as he steps forward, pulling me against him as he grasps my chin between his fingers.
He chuckles as I let out a shaky breath. Once we started there was no going back. But in some strange way that excited me.
I feel Sawyer’s eyes on me as I nod. Knowing he’s just as nervous as I am. “Yes.”
Garrick leans in as if he wants to kiss me, my breath catching in my throat. But at the last second he swerves and looks Sawyer in the eye.
”You can start. Undress her.” Garrick’s tone commanding as he pushes me towards Sawyer.
He still looks scared, but there’s something new in Sawyer’s eyes when he looks at me. He reaches out, grasping my hand in his as he pulls me to him.
His fingers tremble slightly as he reaches for the hem of my shirt, his gaze seeking approval in my eyes. I nod encouragingly, and he slowly lifts the fabric, breaking the barrier of apprehension that hangs in the air. As the material slides over my head, I'm left standing in just my pants and bra. There's a moment of silence, then Garrick's approving hum fills the room. "Continue," he prompts, his voice low but undeniably commanding as he leans against his desk. I can tell he’s holding back. The slight twitch of his hand as if he wants to reach out and take over, the lust and desire in his eyes. Sawyer’s hands caress my bare skin, drawing my eyes back to him as his hands move to the ties on my pants.
He hesitates for a moment before slowly untying the ties, his fingers brushing against my skin in the process. His actions are slow, careful, as if he's afraid to make a wrong move. But with every second, he seems to grow more confident, encouraged by the approving look in Garrick's eyes.
As Sawyer loosens the ties, another pair of hands starts to pull them down from behind along with my underwear. Their lips kissing down my back as they kneel to pull my pants off. I turn around as I step out of them, to see Garrick now shirtless and standing behind me. Clearly his want to be involved took over trying to sit back and watch.
His hands reach behind my back, undoing the clasp of my bra and pushing the straps down my arms. Leaving me bare before him and Sawyer. Sawyer whose hands now rest on my hips, his thumb rubbing circles into my skin. I shudder and go to jolt into Garrick as Sawyer places light kisses across my back, his hands tightening to keep me in place. Despite the cooler temperature and being naked, I felt flustered and warm, wedged between their bodies.
“Sit down and pull her into your lap.” Garrick says to Sawyer.
Sawyer immediately complies. Walking us backwards to the bed, and pulling me down into his lap as he sits. Pushing my legs open to rest either side of his, his cock pushing into my back. It’s then I realise he’s also taken advantage of Garrick distracting me, and has stripped down. I Turn my head towards Sawyer, pulling his head towards mine before pulling him into a kiss. His hands tighten on my hips, before one roams up to my breast, cupping and needing in in his palm. Garrick hums in approval as I moan at Sawyers touch, craving and wanting more of it as I do my best to push back onto him.
”Such a needy girl.” A hint of mischief in Garrick’s voice as I feel his presence in front of me.
I look over to see Garrick kneeling in front of me, eyes glazed over with lust as he takes me in spread bare before him. I shiver under his stare, as Sawyer kisses my neck as I clench around nothing. These two already had me on edge and they had barely done anything. Clearly Sawyer had learnt at least something from Garrick before taking on Ridoc’s advice. Garrick reaches out, I gasp and squirm in Sawyer’s grip as his fingers run up my centre. His fingers teasing my entrance before lightly tracing my clit.
“Garrick. Please.” I mew, my eyes fluttering shut as he repeats his movements.
”Please what?” His voice dropping to barely above a whisper.
”Need your fingers inside me. Please.” I beg as my hips jut forward.
“Good girl using your manners. How can I say no to you?” His cocky smirk on full display as his fingers slowly makes it’s way to my entrance. “Make sure you have a good hold on her.”
”Wait wh-”
Garrick wastes no time, immediately inserting two of his very large fingers inside of me. My hips immediately bucking out of Sawyer’s grip, who quickly adjust his grip and secures me in his lap. Garrick merely chuckles as he pumps his fingers in and out, curling at just the right time to hit the perfect spot. My head falls back onto Sawyer’s shoulder as I whimper and squirm against his hold.
”Relax darling.” Sawyer whispers in my ear as he continues to kneed my breast in his hand. “We’re nowhere near being done with you yet.”
I clench around Garrick’s fingers at his words, hearing Garrick’s hum of approval. “He’s right sweetheart, this is only the beginning. Think you can take more?”
”Y-yes.” I whimper out as Garrick curls his fingers inside me again.
Garrick’s eyes move from mine to something behind me before nodding. I turn to look at Sawyer who use’s both hands to grip my hips, holding me tightly against him. My words die on my lips, replaced by a loud moan as Garrick’s lips lock around my clit. His tongue lazily circling the bundle of nerves. Mixed with the perfectly timed curl of his fingers on that special spot, I could feel the pressure building quickly between my legs. My hips wanting to break free of Sawyer’s hands to grind on Garrick’s face.
“You getting close darling?” Sawyer mutters in my ear.
I nod my head eagerly. “Yes, please let me cum.” I pant as I nuzzle into his neck.
Garrick sucks harder on my clit, inserting another finger inside of me. I don’t know if either of them said I could finish or not, but there was no stopping the waves of pleasure that wracked my body. I vaguely register Sawyer rushing to tighten his grip on me as my back arches off him, my hips grinding further onto Garrick’s face. Garrick whose moan vibrates through me as I do so, adding to the pleasure. Garrick removes his mouth from me, his fingers slowly pumping in and out as he removes one at a time. Sawyer loosens his grip on my hips as I slump back into him, his fingers lazily tracing patters on my hip.
”You still alive sweetheart?” Garrick asks, a teasing tone to his voice.
I nod slowly, trying to catch me breath. Which I quickly fail at as I open my eyes, to Garrick fully bare in front of me. His hand lazily pumping his very erect cock. Holy shit. My eyes must go wide as both boys chuckle at my silence.
”Seems that woke you up.” Sawyer teases as he pushes me up from his lap.
I stumble, my legs still not fully recovered from the ordeal Garrick had put me through. Garrick’s hands grasps my hips, steadying me before I can fall to the ground. My eyes lock with Garrick as he backs us up towards his bed, spinning me around to face Sawyer who is kneeling on the bed waiting.
”Think you can take both of us sweetheart?” Garrick growls in my ear kisses just below my ear, sending a shiver down my spine.
Sawyer smiles as I nod eagerly at Garrick’s words. “God’s yes.”
”Good. On your hands and knees facing Sawyer.” Garrick instructs, his usual commanding tone slipping in.
Sawyer opens his mouth to object, but Garrick must give him a look to shut up as he quickly shuts his mouth and nods. Garrick was in control here. What he said went. Especially after Sawyer had taken Ridoc’s advice over his. This was his punishment. Only Garrick would get to properly fuck me tonight.
I crawl onto the bed towards Sawyer, Garrick quickly behind me as the mattress sinks under his weight. His hands resting on my hips as he settles behind me, his top sliding easily through my folds, coating himself in my arousal. I shudder as he slowly rocks back and forth, his tip nudging my clit. I reach out and grasp Sawyer’s cock in my hand, slowly moving my hand up and down, my thumb rolling over the tip as Sawyer’s head rolls back as he mumbles words I can’t make out. His hips jolting forward as slightly tighten my hand.
“Go on pretty girl, show us what you can do with that mouth of yours.” Garrick purrs in my ear as he leans over me.
”Bloody hell!” Sawyer moans as I lick up the underside of his cock before circling the tip with my tongue.
A string of curses fall from his lips, his breathing becoming uneven as I wrap my mouth around his cock, my hand working the rest of him. Slowly he starts to rock his hips back and forth in time with my movements. I’d nearly forgotten about Garrick till he uses the distraction to sheathe himself inside my fully. My scream muffled by Sawyer’s cock in my mouth.
”That’s it Y/N. Taking both of us so well.” Garrick praises from behind me as he starts to thrust back and forth.
Sawyer’s and Garrick fall into a rhythm, matching their thrusts perfectly as I become a moaning mess between them. I couldn’t have prepared myself for the pleasure of taking them both at once. The force of Garrick’s thrust already had me clenching and spasming around his cock. While Sawyer tangles his hand in my hair to desperately chase his own release. Sawyer is the first to tip over the edge, his cum spilling down my throat as he holds in place against his hips as Garrick fucks me onto him.
As soon as Sawyer’s grip on my head loosens, Garrick wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me flush against his chest, his fingers rolling my nipple between his fingers. ”You’re not done yet Henrick. Put those fingers to use. She’s close, aren’t you darling?”
Sawyer complies immediately, shuffling forward on the bed till he’s right in front of me, sandwiching me between them. His hands taking place on my clit, rubbing slow, torturous circles around it. Luckily Garrick is holding me up, my body becoming liquid with the amount of pleasure these two are giving me.
”P-please.” I moan out, head rolling back onto Garrick’s shoulder.
”Please what darling?” Sawyer coos at me.
”I-I need t-t c-cum.” I stutter out as Garrick nips at my neck.
”You’ve been such a good girl. Cum for us darling.” Garrick whispers in my ear.
Garrick thrusts up into me so hard I fall forward into Sawyer, who catches me with his free arm while still playing with my clit. With in seconds I cum undone, screaming out both their names as I writher in Sawyer’s arms. Seconds later Garrick pulls my hips flush against him as he moans loudly. For a moment all of us are still. Sawyer holding me in his arms, while Garrick stays buried inside me, head resting on my shoulder. All of us trying to catch our breath, and also come to terms with what we’ve just done. As I push my self upright, I’m immediately met with Sawyer’s smile. And I know, just like me he doesn’t regret this in the slightest. Garrick moves behind me, slowly pulling out of me as I shudder at the loss of him inside me.
”So, whose advice are we no longer taking?” Garrick teases as we all burst into fits of laughter.
”I mean I won’t complain if he does if it leads to this again.” I say in what I mean to be a joke, but gods I wanted this again.
Garrick chuckles behind me. “So, same time next week?”
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yangkitties · 2 days
bros before hoes ✰ chapter 16: practice makes perfect
wc: 1.5k
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The squeaking of your sneakers on the pristine wood floors harmonise with the music blasting from the speakers, wrapping around you in a protective bubble. Beads of sweat inch down your neck, your breath fogging up your glasses. 
You pant heavily as you strike your ending pose, music fading away in the background. Giving yourself a moment of peace, you quickly drank your water before checking the practice video. 
You frowned at the result, not completely pleased with how your solo performance looked. With a week left, you knew you could do better than what you were doing right now. 
Even if everyone said the performance was fine, you know it could be better. There’s always room for improvement. 
You start the music again, scurrying to your beginning position. The music begins, and you feel it take over you. 
Your body moves as if it’s on autopilot, being stirred by muscle memory alone. But it isn’t. You’re controlling each and every expression, every muscle and limb. You observe your face on the mirror, focusing on the finer details as the song continues. 
You look in the mirror once more as you finish the dance, slightly pleased with how some parts of the performance turned out this time. 
There is an eerie silence as you try to catch your breath, the room empty, except for the the sounds of your haggard breathing. And clapping. 
You shriek in fear as you turn towards the door. It was nearly 11pm, the company should be empty. 
You were not expecting to see Sunghoon at the door, face slack with shock. 
‘Sunghoon?? What the hell are you doing here?’ You yelped out, heart dropping to your feet in terror. ‘It’s so bloody late Hoon, you shouldn’t be here!’ 
‘If it’s so late, you shouldn’t be here either, no?’ He grins at you, cheeky smile covering his face. You roll your eyes in response, making your way to the couch in back. ‘To answer your question though, I'm here for my hoodie. I left it here when we were practicing earlier.’ He walks up to the couch, grabbing the hoodie hanging onto the armrest. 
‘That’s yours? I was wondering whose it was when I came in…’ Your thoughts trailed off, exhaustion settling into your bones. 
You close your eyes for a moment, taking in steady breaths. The couch dips beside you as Sunghoon sits, almost as if he was waiting for you. 
Just as you were about to say something, your stomach grumbled, loud and clear in the crystalline silence of the night. Your eyes shoot open, hands tightly wrapped around your stomach. 
A single beat of silence passes between you, as Sunghoon stared at you incredulously. He bursts out in laughter, howling at the expression on your face. Your head hits the back of the couch, groaning in embarrassment. 
‘God, I’m so sorry for laughing… on a more serious note, when did you last eat Y/n?’ You can see Sunghoon’s fingers wiping tears out of the corners of his eyes, his face relaxing into a more sincere expression. You can’t help but admire how charming he looks, his sharp features pressed into a concerned face. 
Shrugging at his question, you think back to when you last ate. ‘Maybe a couple hours ago? I don’t know, I think Channie hyung brought croissants for us at around 6…’ You try to recollect, only remembering the last group practice. 
‘Y/n how long have you been practicing for…’ Guilt immediately washes over your face, knowing that you overdid yourself. Sunghoon notices how you deflate, immediately brushing his question off. 
‘Never mind, I know you’ve probably been working your ass off. Let’s go get some ramen.’ He swiftly gets up, waiting for you to do the same. 
‘Sunghoon you don’t have to, it’s super late…’ You bite your lip in guilt, slowly making your way towards him. He shakes his head, soft brown hair bouncing with each movement. 
‘Okay but I want to, yeah? So just come on.’ He smiles at you, and you can’t help but insanity give in, his puppy eyes making your heart melt. 
You quickly gather your things and join him at the elevator. 
Sunghoon begins to tell you about his day, going off about something Riki did earlier. You can’t help but zone out completely, enamoured by the way he looked. 
The moonlight bounces off his hair, illuminating it with a gentle glow. His face distorts into animated expressions, eyes widening and narrowing, eyebrows following through. You want to cup his face, brush your thumbs along his eyebrows, maybe even kiss him. A dopey smile covers your face as you absentmindedly listen to him, nodding along to whatever he says. 
‘Whatever, we’re here anyways!’ Sunghoon opens the door for you, guiding you in with his hand on your back. You smile up at him in thanks. 
Before you could say anything, Sunghoon is steering you towards one of the seats. ‘Just sit here and rest, I’ll get everything.’ You barely process his words before he’s taking off, tall figure disappearing amongst the aisles. 
He’s back before you know it, tray in hand. He hands you the food before sitting beside you. ‘Thank you for this, Sunghoon.’ 
He smiles at you, digging into his own food. You join him happily, hunger gnawing away at your stomach. You eat in silence, practically inhaling the food. 
Finishing up quietly, you reach out for your wallet. ‘Don’t even think about paying me back.’ Sunghoon raises a finger in warning. 
‘How did you even know I was going to pay you back, huh? What if I wanted to buy something for myself?’ You pouted. You didn’t even know how he saw you. He raised his eyebrow at you, eyes burning a hole into your head. You roll your eyes in defeat, huffing to yourself. 
‘I was being serious though, let me at least buy you something.’ You give him a pointed look. 
‘Okay, but you can only pay me back with one item-’ Sunghoon starts, only to be interrupted by you. 
‘Your favourite coffee jelly? Tiramisu flavoured, right?’ You asked, leaping out of the chair. Sunghoon’s mouth forms a perfect ‘o’, shock covering his features. ‘How’d you know?’ 
‘I have my secrets.’ You rushed towards the candy aisle, looking for said jelly. Sunghoon didn’t need to know that you stalked his fan pages regularly, consuming every media that included his presence, even if it was for just a second. 
You found the jelly towards the top of the shelf, hidden behind a couple of items. You frowned at the height, trying you best to stretch your hand as much as you could. You even tried jumping and grabbing, only to fail miserably. 
You’re on your tiptoes now, one hand on the shelf for grip, and the other outstretched. You’re about to give up and just climb the shelves when you hear Sunghoon’s voice. 
‘What the hell are you trying to do? You’re going to break something!’ He walks up behind you, stretching over you to get the packet of jelly. In one swift motion, he grabs a packet and moves away. 
‘There you go.’ He hands you the packet, mockingly patting your head. You swatted his hand away, sticking your tongue out at him. ‘This isn’t enough, get one more packet!’ You whined. 
‘One’s enough!’ Sunghoon retorts. ‘Okay but I’m the one buying it for you? Get one more packet.’ You demand, poking his shoulder. 
‘I’m the one your buying it for! I don’t need two packets!’ Folding his arms, Sunghoon refuses. 
‘Okay then, don’t complain about Riki eating all your jellies then.’ You feel your back against the shelves, Sunghoon snatching another packet before coming down to face you. 
‘I’d rather die than have Riki eat all my jellies again.’ Sunghoon whispers in the most ominous voice. You burst out laughing, shaking your head at his antics. 
‘C’mon, let’s go.’ Your fingers wrap around his wrist, dragging him along to the cash register. 
Sunghoon’s wrist burns at the contact, entire face turning a deep shade of crimson. He misses your touch when you let go to pay. 
‘Okay, let’s go!’ Sunghoon claps his hands. ‘Hoon, I can walk back to the dorms on my own!’ You stop him before he moves any further. 
‘Are you out of your mind? I am NOT letting you go alone. Now stop being stupid.’ He links his arm with yours, forcing you to walk beside him. 
The walk back to the dorms is relatively quiet, Sunghoon humming the occasional tune. You reach the dorms in no time. 
You hesitantly detach your arm from his, instantly missing his warmth. ‘This is it then…’ 
‘Mhm, get inside safely! Try not to wake anyone up, yeah?’ Sunghoon teases you, ruffling your hair. ‘Goodnight Ynnie, sleep well!’ He hugs you quickly, chest pressed flush against his for a quick moment. 
All the air in your lungs stills, mind reeling at the contact. ‘Thanks for the jelly!’ Sunghoon’s walking backwards now, waving goodbye. 
Your hand feel like jelly as you attempt to wave back to him. ‘Bye…’ Whispering more to yourself than him. 
You slightly lean against the gate, the cool metal against your cheek forcing you back to reality. 
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synopsis > with the help of fukutomi tsuki, park y/n finally gains the courage to face their long time crush, the one and only, park sunghoon. park sunghoon thinks it's love at first sight when he sees her. paired up as the new mcs of music bank, shenanigans ensue when y/n learns about sunghoon's crush...
note: back on that ynhoon grind how we feeling ! anyways, pleek vote sujung on mnet+ i beg
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©️ yangkitties 2024 do not copy, plagiarise, or repost
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misty--nights · 3 days
Onto episode 3 we go now. This one is always rough to watch, for obvious reasons, but I still found some little details I thought were interesting
At the very beginning, when they set up the new office in Crystal’s room, we can see on the table that there are colorful markers and pens, and sticky notes shaped like cats and hearts. Those have to be Niko’s right? I like the idea of her lending them her cute stationary so Edwin wouldn’t have to go mad trying to get Charles to bring the right things from the office. There is also a pig statue on the table. Not sure what that’s about but it also has to be Niko’s
Crystal’s shirt in the beginning says Tongue and Tail. It looks kind of faded, so did Jenny give it to her as a gift? But then, why does Jenny have a shirt with the butcher’s name? Does she sell merch with her shop’s logo for some extra cash? Did someone make it for her as a joke/gift?
Listen, I know for episode 2 I said I didn’t have any other details for the intro, but clearly that was a lie. Charles’ skeleton has his pins on the ribs. As if he stuck them directly to the bone, which is a hilarious thought and somehow really in character
Niko has a “no junk mail” sign taped outside her room. There’s a note taped outside of Crystal’s, too, but I couldn’t read what that one said
I saw someone call the Night Nurse and the Notary bitter exes and you know what? I see it. Love the interaction between those two, and I really wish we had more. Speaking of the Notary, though, she has so many stamps. I get why she needs that many, but it’s kind of funny
The sprites have a specific music that plays whenever they appear, and I love it. But also, last episode I saw that Litty’s skirt and Kingham’s waistcoat are made of the same fabric, and now that they aren’t wearing their sweaters in this episode, I think his pants and her waistcoat also match.
Speaking of the sprites and their clothes, Kingham’s tie pin is some sort of bug. Maybe a moth? It’s cute either way. Honestly, I just really like the way these two dress
Niko’s pillowcase has fish in it, which is small, but very sweet and very Niko
Edwin’s voice when he says “he’s stuck in the loop too” breaks a little, he’s so scared for Charles
You know, it was probably a good thing Charles was no longer with them when they found the dad’s creepy hidden room with the cameras. I think that with the way the case was affecting him, he would have fared well against the misery wraith
And speaking of the wraith, I think it’s interesting that only Crystal seems to be able to hear it. Even when both she and Edwin are in the same room, she’s the only one who hears it. Edwin turns to look because she does
Edwin almost never flinches during the loops. I think he does the first time they see the dad killing the others, but then it’s mostly Charles and Crystal who flinch at the gunshot and the murder
Honestly, props to Edwin for managing to figure out the vhs while trying not to freak out about Charles and the wraith that reminds him of hell Monty’s handwriting is really pretty, and I admire the dedication of drawing that whole chart by hand
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what-gs-watching · 3 days
“Breathe it in baby, because I am EXUDING and I am one of a kind.”
Okay so, I fell behind in Doctor Who because I’ve been job searching for like seven fucking months and a few weeks ago one came up that could be a good fit so I was trying to super focus on doing well through the interview loop even though I was pretty sure it wasn’t going to amount to anything because I’d gone through a ton of interview loops by that point but 
Y’ALL, I GOT THAT JOB! My horrible, soul-sucking ordeal is finally over, the paperwork is signed and I have a start date and everything has settled. Which means, I can finally catch up on 15 and my girl Ruby. 
Let’s gooooo!
73 Yards
Alright, I know there was upset around this episode because everyone is like ‘what the eff does it mean?’ but ooooh, I really enjoyed it. It was creepy as HELL and it just never stopped.
Wherein, Ruby and the Doctor pop over to Wales (this mofo really spends much too much time in Wales) and while on a cliffside, he steps on something AGAIN!!!!! and everything goes wrong.
Baby boy, did you not learn anything from the mine? Do you not take a scan around when you land somewhere, or are you just too excited about being adorable in your little yellow jacket and the hat and the stripes? You look fantastic, I get it, but peep down at those cute ass boots once in a while. 
I have to say, I’m impressed by Millie Gibson in this episode. It’s a lot of pressure to put on her to carry the entire thing, and she did it really well. How devastating is it to have your best friend disappear, realize you’re being followed by some crazy apparition that literally scares anyone and everyone away from you? 
Without any explanation. That’s the part that gets me. She becomes a piranha with this horrific THING attached to her and everyone she begs for help leaves her. Eve her MOTHER! It’s a mind fuck.
And I really wasn't sure where the episode was going, so I was excited for Kate Lethbridge-Stewart to show up, I was like ‘yeah let’s get UNIT into this mess’ and then she’s affected too and oh hell, that’s like, the last line of defense. 
Ruby, completely and utterly alone. And they just make her live out her entire life like that. And she tries to fix it, of course, the whole thing with the Welsh politician was a really good attempt babe, I would have done the same thing but then that doesn’t even work?!
And so everyone is all ruffled because, what was the point of it, really? What was the message, what was the meaning??!
Was she actually the apparition? If not, who was she? And then, it just ends and none of it ever really happened at all and there’s absolutely no resolution. 
Why do we love making companions live these horrible alternate timelines? How many times did we make Amy live different lives? I feel like she at least remembered most of them. But with Ruby in this one, there’s no lesson. She learns nothing, neither of them do.
But still, I loved the creeping sense of unease, so I guess I don’t really need all the details.
Dot and Bubble
I’m simultaneously annoyed and intrigued by shows that keep telling me allegories about the dangers of technology and how dependent we are on it. So far, it’s mostly been annoyed, but oh my god y’all really hit the nail on the head with this one.
Wherein, a bunch of privileged youths are existing in a perfect society that enables them to basically LIVE social media, literally surrounded by a bubble that feeds them other people’s inanity all day long. 
One thing I have to say about this episode is that the angles are something else. Lindy, the girl we’re seeing everything through is alternately absolutely beautiful, and kind of weird looking? She’s got perfect social media face. Is that a weird thing to say? I stand by it. It’s like she’s covered in the perfect ring light. It was distracting. And probably part of the point. 
Basically, this girl has no idea that there are monsters in her fake ass society that are eating her friends, and she is very not into the Doctor and Ruby trying to help her. Like, they’re trying to get her out of danger, only to find out that she doesn’t have any idea how to walk without wearing her ‘bubble’ is so deeply disturbing. Watching this girl say “forward” to convince herself to move is amazing and upsetting on a lot of different levels. 
And then out of nowhere, media star Ricky September shows up and he literally starts giving her directions like the bubble would do and I’m like ‘okay that’s interesting’, we’re subverting the idea that this incredibly popular personality is a vapid idiot because it turns out he READS and he’s taking pity on this girl that is literally a shell of a person without the aid of technology. And it was so sweet. 
Basically, this episode is infuriating because at one point Lindy hugs Ricky and tells him she’s never been hugged before (even though we know she at least has a mother) but THEN later, when the Doctor tells her everyone is being killed in alphabetical order and Ricky is trying to fight off the dot that is literally trying to murder her, she RATS HIM OUT. His real last name starts with C, he should be dead already. 
Confusingly innocent and absolutely cut throat at the same time? I guess if you live your entire life exclusively online you don’t go through things that would actually cultivate compassion? Which honestly, is not an unfounded idea. That should make y’all feel queasy. 
And to make it all exponentially worse, they flat out tell the Doctor they can’t accept his help because he’s not “one of us”. Just straight up, really gross, really overt racism. 
15, honey, I get it, but please  don’t beg racists to let them save you. You’re too good for this world, babes. That gut wrenching shout though? Absolute perfection. And the tears. You marvelous thing. 
TL;DR Humanity is disgusting and technology will continue to feed our uglier tendencies. I felt that one deep in my damn bones.
Okay hear me out. This episode is EVERYTHING. 
Y’all know I have a thing for boys in love. And I also have a thing for the Doctor flirting with basically anyone. I don’t particularly have a thing for the regency era necessarily, but I AM about incredible costumes and ridiculous plots. 
I was honest to god squealing this entire episode.
Wherein, 15 and Ruby show up to a ball in 1813 so they can pretend they’re in Bridgerton, meet a handsome young bounty hunting rake, talk a LOT about cosplaying, and deal with bird???! aliens???
There are a million details I loved in this one. The orchestra playing an instrumental version of “Bad Guy” and then later “Pokerface”. The absolutely incredible suit they put on 15. 
Not to mention: JONATHAN GROFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Loved him in Mindhunter, loved him in Glee (before it got absolutely ridiculous and when I didn’t know any better) but holy shiiiiiit I would watch him as Rogue every. damn. day. 
River Song will always and forever be my number one love for the Doctor, but I was absolutely immediately charmed by Rogue. I’m not sure why, and it doesn’t really matter. 
How absolutely adorable was the psychic paper displaying “you’re hot”? Or the bit where the Doctor figures out Rogue’s ship is wired for sound and the system blares “Can’t Get Your Outta My Head” and he lip syncs along while Rogue dies of embarrassment? 
The entire episode was just two dorks flirting and my heart was so happy. I don’t know why, but when 15 started singing “Pure Imagination” while showing Rogue around the Tardis, I thought I was going to die. 
I love that he can be so carefree and fun and adorable, but also extremely emotional and unafraid to show it. We’ve seen so many different facets of 15 already, and his obvious and silly flirty self is definitely my favorite part so far. 
Also, the fact that the Chuldur (again, bird aliens I guess? Sure) were basically just a race that went around cosplaying other people was so camp. I’ve seen a lot of posts about how the newest theory is that 15 and Ruby are somehow in some weird sort of tv show universe this season, and this episode definitely fuels that a little bit. 
And maybe y’all are onto something with that, but I honestly don’t care to figure out what’s going on, I just want to be along for the ride.
Of course though, we can’t have an episode that’s all fun and games. The Doctor went all in on shooting his shot with Rogue and it distracted him and it put Ruby in trouble, because of course. Maybe we should stop promising random mothers that their kids are gonna be safe? Doctor, baby, you know that they aren’t always going to be safe. 
But if you weren’t charmed by Rogue before that point, you had to jump on his bandwagon when he pushes Ruby out of the transport trap and just says “Find me” before he’s blasted away with the stupid birds to some far off dimension. 
BALLER MOVE, baby boy. Baller ass move. Because ya know what? 15 is not going to be able to resist that. And you know how I know? Because that boy put your ring on his finger and I will ship the fuck out of you two forever and ever because of that. 
The doctor has definitely been known to  kiss people he’s only just met, but this time might be in the top 3. I thought Madame de Pompadour was good? Nah girl, ya bumped down. This kiss was better. Just me sat on the couch with heart eyes for days.
So yeah, I think I’ve decided I like letting a few stack up so I can watch them in a row. Watching them boomerang between crazy scenarios and thinking about all of that at the same time is more fun. 
I’m loving this season. It’s ridiculous, it’s different, it’s a bunch of things I didn’t even realize I wanted. Gimme more pleaaaaase.
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princess-glassred · 2 days
Imagine if in the 1990's version of IT, when Richie walked into the library, instead of instantly seeing Pennywise, he looked down a specific aisle of books and remembered his own version of the arcade scene?
It was a saturday, and Richie was checking out comic books at the library since he was bored and almost all his other friends were busy. He pilfered through the bottom shelf for a while, until another boy just around his age walked over and started searching for comics too.
He's a really good lookin kid, dressed in baggy overalls and a sweater with the most gorgeous slicked back blonde hair he'd ever seen. And when Richie sees something amazing, well, he's gotta open his mouth and start talking.
He makes a joke, Richie is so flustered he cannot remember what the joke was but it gets this kid laughing and Richie is happy to have an audience that doesn't roll their eyes. They shake hands. "Richie Toziers the name, and doing voices is my game!" "Connor, Connor Bowers.".
The boys last name makes him take pause, but Richie laughs it off with another joke that gets them both giggling. He spots an issue of mad magzine in his hands and instantly launches into a big neurodivergent spiel about it, talking a mile a minute about his opinions and love for them while Connor stands and listens totally impressed.
They make more small talk until Connor breaks the news he has to go and Richie jokingly tells him not to let the door hit him on the way out, but just when Connor turns to leave, Richie is overcome with the urge to talk to him more, so he grabs him by the arm.
"Y-you know, I have a whole big comic collection at my house, first editions and stuff. Maybe sometime you could come over and see it... if you want.".
Connor seems interested in the idea at first, but some one turns the corner of the aisle and sees them: Henry, here to pick up his cousin. They are in a terribly compromising position right now, with Richie's hand on his arm like they've known each other for years, and Connor knows if he wants to avoid humiliation or worse he's gotta tell them kid off.
So, he jerks his arm away and yells "Get the hell off me! Are you a fuckin queer or something? Leave me alone.".. poor Richie doesn't even know how to process it, he's confused, offended, and deeply hurt, but he's not sure why. If it wasn't true why did it hurt so much? I mean, it wasn't true... right?
Connor turns to Henry and starts going on and on abour how this little fairy made a pass at him and is trying to get him to comeback to his house even after he told him no over and over again, and Henry gets fucking pissed. Richie attempts to talk his way out of it, but for the first time ever Richie doesn't have anything to say. What happens next is a total fucking blur to adult Richie, all he remembers is Henry pulling out his switch blade and grabbing him by the shirt collar. "I want you to get the fuck away from me and my cousin before i get down and show you what we do fags like you in Derry. You got it?" Henry says, and poor poor Richie can do nothing else but drop his books on the ground and comply.
So he runs, out of the library and out of adult Richie Toziers memory, leaving him to sit with his cup of water, badly shaken and ready as ever to run back home, just like he did all those years ago. And that's when Pennywise shows up.
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vixen7243 · 3 days
Delusional/Depressed!John Price X AFAB!Reader
CW: Death, Suicide, Alcohol, Neglect (if I’m missing anything else let me know)
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John Price was a respected, strong and honest captain, rookies always looked up to him and his team. Even if at times morally challenging decisions had to be made they knew he would have everyone’s back, he was a ride and die kinda guy. That’s what you loved about him, cherished, with more and more people working with the team the responsibility out weighed him and you were always more than welcoming when he would come to your bed late in the night. Your arms and warmth melting away his stress, anxiety and loneliness. “I’ll always be here for you my love.” You would whisper into his ear, rubbing his muscles, and combing your fingers through his hair.
As the last few months dragged on, you could see the toll of work on your lover, the death of rookies from missions were piling up and slowly killing him. Having to write and sign KIA forms for families you would sit near by as he chain smoked through his cigars and chugged any alcohol he could get his hands on.
Laying a gentle hand on his shoulder you would try to pull him back, “My love, please, come back to me?” Looking up as the door would open, Simon, John’s best, his lieutenant, his friend, walked in sighing.
“Aie, come on captain.” His voice is low and soft as can be, movements slow as if he was approaching a bomb that could go off at the slightest vibration.
“Leave us be.”
John turned fully wrapping his arms around your waist trying to breathe you in, trying to hide the tears that ran down and soaked his beard. Looking to Simon mournfully you waited as he made his way around the desk prying John out of his chair, catching the fists that tried to push him away. “Damnit, leave us alone.”
“You need to get to bed.” Simon stated, hardening up a bit, man handling his captain all the way to his room. “Just need to sleep it off, ya?” Once near the bed John roughly pushed Simon to the door.
“Fucking hell , fine just get out.” Simon watched as John tucked into bed curling around you like a ball, shielding himself and you from the world. Closing the door Simon could hear the broken sobs, John saying your name and why, why couldn’t he be better.
As the days dragged so did John’s mind, quick checks over his shoulders had you and the rest of the team worried. Unknown to the rest of you, the long nights and alcohol worked his nerves, he swears he was seeing the rookies, clothes blood soaked, hoarse voices asking if their work was done. He felt lost, every corner more and more blocked him, even the living, asking, requesting to join him on the next mission.
Closing himself in your room, which for a while he’s used as his own and no one questions. Always tucking you into himself before his hands slowly wondered around your body, taking in every in, mind blanking as you turn and remove your clothes straddling him kissing his cheeks, nose, lips and neck trailing down. Lifting his hips as you pulled his pants off, he groaned looking down, your sweet smile making his stomach twist into knots. As the two of you got lost in each other, John couldn't stop the swell of pain and agony in his chest. Squeezing his eyes shut he huffed as he felt a few rogue tears streak down his cheeks, "My love, what's wrong?" His fingers tighten around your waist, grip bruising, "Talk to me honey."
"Don't leave me." Looking up at you, your heart would break. It's not the first time he's broken down, scared of you disappearing, begging you to stay with him. "I can't live without you, your the air that inflates my lungs, blood in my veins, every thought that passes through my brain." Cupping your cheek as you used your thumbs to swipe at tears that continued to fall, "You're the light that makes my soul shine, vibrate and feel complete. There's nothing but you. Please. Don't leave me."
"I will always be here, there's no where I would go without you, my love." You whispered, grinding down, "I'm yours, always and forever." Both of you breathed into the other, "I'll never leave you."
Your room and arms will always be his safe place, so he would hide for as long as he could till the next job showed its unforgiving face. At one point brought some relief to just do something now brought anxiety and fear. Who was he going to loose this time, what family was going to read his name and curse him 1,000’s of miles away. What face was going to be added to his daily delusions in the halls and his office.
Setting out, John grew irritable and anxious as the team and a few unlucky rookies approached drop off. Your hand never left his, fingers tight intertwined in his lap, leg bouncing, and eyes darting. He could already feel the cold sweat breaking out on his forehead as he refused to look at or answer any of the rookies, Johnny and Kyle taking the lead on directing the new blood, advising them what to expect.
Simon watched John intently, checking where John would look to, also seeing but nothing being there. Mostly his eyes stayed on you, the soothing circular motion of your thumb on the pulse of his wrist kept his breathing under control.
“Stay low, they’ve got us surrounded.” John repeated over the walkies glaring at a rookie that Johnny just had to pull back as a round was shot at where they were just standing. Cursing under his breath he looked around, wondering where you had gone before his heart nearly stopped as he saw you get shot in the leg as you moved spots. Panicking he bolted for you dragging you behind some cargo, “Damnit Y/N what were you thinking?!”
“I can’t loose you.” He said frantically looking around spotting Simon. “Get Y/N out of here, she’s shot!” Simon kneeled down looking between the two eyes saying everything, confusion and worry. “Now lieutenant!”
“But-“ before anything could be said Simon had picked them up and with John making cover, made sure everyone got out and to the Ronda Vue point. The whole way everyone was quiet, except for John cursing under his breath for Y/N and why she would put herself in harms way.
Before he could get too carried away Kyle bumped shoulders with him, "Sir, everyone's okay, relax." Jaw clenching, John glared forward at Simon's back.
"They're saying he was referring to private Williams as Y/n, even talking to himself." An officer said looking over to John who stared blankly away from everyone.
"He's fine." Simon's gruff voice waver, also looking to his captain he was trying to help him save face but the way he looked truly wasn't backing his statement.
"There's reports him always drinking, always talking to himself. Yet you say he's fine lieutenant?"
"John?" He looked slowly to you.
"We know it's been 2 years sinc-"
"So then cut him some slack." Kyle said trying to step in front of his captain.
"My love." Your voice was a broken hoarse whisper.
"There was a lot of doubt a year and half ago when he came back on if he should, we only looked the other way out of respect but this is far enough."
John felt his heart sinking, looking over you, he wanted to throw up, your shirt was darkening quickly with your blood, skin paling in comparison. "John."
He couldn't think, there was too much gun fire to think of a safe escape. 3 privates were already gunned down, bodies left behind in order to save themselves, their faces burned to his brain for later hauntings. Frantically he looked around for you, unable to even catch a glimpse of you he tried sneaking around to find you, an unsettling feeling pitting in his stomach. "No." he whispered, no longer staying low rather rushing in every direction that he can think of to find you.
Before he could see you, he was pushed to the ground when after 4 shots, all firing stopped. A pin could drop and it would echo in the building. Looking up his blood ran cold as you turned, eyes just as wide looking down at him, blood was starting to spread on your chest, "John?" Taking one step to him, you collapsed, making John scramble to you, ears ringing as his vision blurred.
"No, no, no." Pressing his hands into your chest he panicked, eyes unable to focus on one part of you, looking into your eyes, he broke down, "Don't you fucking die." Tears fell, splashing onto your cheek.
Reaching your hand up to his cheek you wiped a few tears, "I'm sorry my love."
"What the fuck were you thinking?!" Looking up as footsteps approached, he looked at the team. "Give me your damn bags!"
"Honey, look at me." Your voice was breaking.
"Just save your energy, stop trying to fucking talk." He said snatching the bandages from Kyle pushing where ever blood would pool.
"I love you John."
"Don't...D-" Gasping your eyes teared up, hand reaching for his wrist, "Don't....I don't want to leave."
"Then don't." He whispered looking down at you, your scared face burned now into his brain.
"John." Gasping out one last time, your grip loosened on his wrist before you frantically looked to the guys and then.......
"Y/N?" ..... "Dear?" .... "Don't leave me.... please?" Pulling you up and hugging you tightly against his chest he started panting, grabbing your wrist, "I can't live without you." He whispered into your hair. He cried, sitting there with you, the guys silent around him, Kyle wiping a few tears as well as Johnny as Simon tried to blink away the few that tried to escape.
When your body was shipped back home, Simon, Kyle and Johnny went with John to his house, where they finally saw your shared home and land. You were buried under your guys favorite tree. Where you guys first kissed, confessed your feelings, made plans for your future, wedding, family, retirement. Now, it's where you would lay, John was frozen and numb as you were lowered into the ground, it was just him, Simon, Johnny, Kyle, Nikolai, Alex, Alejandro, Rudy, Kate and her wife. They all stayed as dirt was poured over your casket, quiet and unmoving as John quietly cried, before turning his back after glaring at your tomb stone.
In smaller print in the corner of your tomb stone, was written of the baby that was inside you. When he was told that you had been pregnant, the guys had never seen him lose control like he had in the morgue, flipping things, throwing an breaking anything he could. Simon ordered the mortician to leave and give them a moment, Kyle and Johnny tried to grab and stop John but he pushed them away, knocking Johnny flat on his ass as he screamed.
"That's supposed to be me god damnit! ME! I should be fucking laying there! FuCk!!!" Tears streamed down his face, he choked as he turned and looked at you, why'd you have to look so peaceful? Grabbing tightly onto your hand he fell hard onto his knees, the pain numbed as he rested his hand on your stomach, "I should be laying here, not you. Why the fuck couldn't you just let me take those bullets? You could have our baby, could've had a small part of me to stay with you.....You left me nothing." His knuckles turned white from his grip, the coldness of your hand a contrast from the heat of his.
Feeling a few hands grab onto his shoulders he tensed, the silence deafening but appreciated, he didn't want their pity words. They all stayed that night, sitting outside with him, few old stories told of you. How they met you, what they thought, their favorite memories, all just a muffled sound to John as he glared at the tree. Part of him wanted to burn the thing to the ground along with the house and himself, but knew how sad you would be, the knowledge of your pain of him doing that out weighing his self hating desire. The next day every but Simon, Johnny and Kyle left, telling John if he needed anything to call them. The following few days John was quiet, mostly kind of drinking here and there but not saying a word even when the others would talk to him.
"I don't need to be babysat." He grumbled, sitting in the living room in his chair looking at yours. Kyle had made the small mistake the day that the other left to sit there, John had gone absolutely ballistic like he had in the morgue but on Kyle, since then, no one went near it except for John to adjust your favorite blanket and flush your pillow. "You lot can go home."
"If you want us to go, we will." Kyle said knocking one knuckle against the wall lightly, not really trusting to leave him alone but everyone needs to mourn in their own way and he can only pray that his captain won't do anything stupid.
"Then go." Cut short and simple, he felt suffocated and wanted to shoot them all if they didn't leave him be. As they got into their own collective vehicles, John went back into the house, doing a slow walk through before he grabbed every last bottle of liquor in the house and sat in your chair and drank everything. Finally, finishing everything in a day and half drunk off his ass he drove half hazardously to the market, bought more as if he was through a ragger of a party, pulling up to the house he hauled everything in, his last trip in he froze at the threshold of the kitchen.
It's the alcohol, he's shit faced, that's the only explanation, because other wise he wouldn't be seeing you standing in the kitchen clear as day humming. "Hi honey, took you long enough."
John was discharged, sent into retirement with respect, and the guys took their leave, moving themselves in with John, the drinking had gotten worse. They did everything they could to keep an eye on him, but John fought them, made it hard, the first 2 months, he said some hard, hurtful things to them, drunk and stayed in his room.
Eventually, John came down, showered and hung over but calmer, he sat in his chair joining the guys. “I’m sorry.” He sighed digging into his pocket pulling out your engagement and wedding ring setting them on the coffee table. The tv was muted as they looked at the rings quietly before looking up at him as he spoke. “I was going to propose to her after we got home from the mission, was going to do it under the tree, set it up like when we first confessed our love for each other.” He laughed to himself, "Never was one for I one for romantic gestures, she always made the big moves. I was always content to just take care of her and provide for her." Rubbing your blanket between his fingers he looked up and saw you, a sad smile on your lightly glowing skin. "That's all I ever wanted to do for her, she had a shitty family and I wanted to give her everything she dreamed of. We were stupidly already trying for a family, she wanted to be a mother more than anything in the world and I wanted to give her that. Should've retired when we set out to try in hind sight but she was as stubborn as I am." Taking a deep breathe he picked the rings up looking at them, "She wanted you guys to always come by but selfishly I was enjoying our solitude, our world out here. I should've listened to her and invited you guys sooner, I'm sorry."
From then on, John worked on being more involved in the house and work the guys were doing, Kyle had taken up your garden with the help of Johnny, Simon kept up on anything that needed fixing around the house, Johnny mostly cut the grass and watered your plants inside the house. All of them took turns cooking meals, very quickly with John now included in the motion of everything settled. He still saw you around the house, but now he welcomed it, it was always a break in the emotionless auto pilot he found himself in.
A year went by, Johnny and Simon came out about their relationship and John was more than willing to push them into the small mother in law house that was in the back also close to the house and tree.John encouraged Kyle to date the sweet girl he was fancy with at the town's little diner which was blossoming and the two grew close quickly. John spent his time making a bench most of the time, now not having touched an ounce of liquor in a year.
Finishing the bench on your anniversary, he brought it to the tree by your tombstone, he had kept up the area, keeping the grass cut and every morning laying fresh flowers down with your tea. Sitting down on the bench, he grabbed his full bottle of antidepressants, and then benadryl, downing both and sipping on tea, the breeze cool against his skin as the sun beat down on him. Looking beside him he smile, "HI baby."
"Don't look so sad honey."
"You know I don't want you to do this."
"But I want to do this." He said wiping a tear from your cheek. "The lads will be taken care of, everything is left to them."
"So they're going to find you here? Dead?"
"In peace, free and with you. Where I belong."
Settling in, tucked into his side you both were quiet as his heart started beating a little slower, eye lids slowly falling shut as he could feel a faint phantom feeling of your lips touching his cheek.
The guys all made their way to your grave, something they all did with John most evenings to say good night. Coming around the tree they froze seeing John sitting on the bench, unmoving, head leaned back with moist cheeks from tears. Within days John was buried beside you, his will was read, and they officially moved to the houses, Johnny and Simon stayed in the 'mother in law' house and Kyle and his girlfriend moved into the main house, but they set John and you chair on Johnny and Simon's porch preserved and safe, Just like John promised you, they were taken care of, always visiting your guys graves on holldays and anniversary's.
😭😭😭😭😭😭When I tell you guys that I cried thinking about this plot yesterday and then a little broken up while writing it today I mean it! Hopefully you guys... Enjoyed??🤷‍♀️It plagued me and now it will plague you all...Sorry.🙏
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onlysushicat · 3 days
writing an idea because I tried drawing it on my phone but it was lame af
Long background setting for a simple Davekat drawing: Karkat gets a wriggling day party, at maybe Rose's or Jade's house because they could be the biggest, with every 🎉friend🎉 he has. AU where everyone gets (kinda) along and all the people are alive etc etc
It starts calm but slowly turns into a mess as midnight passes with everyone drunk or passed out in some room, some making out some just trying to stay awake looking out for each other.
Karkat is sober even tho everyone tried to get him drunk, he just kept drinking water after each shot. So after some dancing and eating goes out to look for Dave who was missing since 2hours ago. But then Dave is the one appearing out of nowhere, looking the opposite of sober.
Karkat: Ugh you finally decided to come back, where have you been, and your shades?? Your hair is a mess and your clothes are all fucked up
Dave: yeah i mean, its a party its supposed to be fucked up in a way. my shades i think broke and fell down some hole when i wrestled with Jake some time ago, dude is built like a tower. And my bro decided we end in a truce even tho I was the one winning for sure
Dave: man you look so much like my boyfriend did u know that
Karkat: Excuse me? Dave Its me, I'm Karkat
Dave: you even share the same name, thats rad. you should meet him someday i can take you home with me, but he would get soooooo jealous seeing you 'cause youre such a cutie
Dave: liiike, your nails and fangs could make me cry tears of joy just from imagining the things those could do. even your horns are shining tonight, did you polish them???? thats awesome dude
Karkat: Last time I had to wait half an hour just for you to say you liked my laugh without looking away from my face, youre unbelievable.
Dave: have you seen Roxy? we can both search for them. they said i would have a drink made from them anytime i wanted and im feeling so thristy for some liquour rightnow
Karkat: Ok I can take you with them but after that youre coming home with me so you can rest. This party is giving me fucking migraines.
Dave: dude i was joking about taking u home, im loyal breaking no promises. sorry but i wont change my man for anyone
Dave: unless we get permission from the man himself
Karkat: Can we please go home now????
Dave: yeah sure whatevs
The walking back to their house was calm, Karkat helping Dave a little by holding him from his arm while he kept talking about the things he did at the party. Karkat just nodded because his head hurted like hell, in his head he tried to understand why he had so many people over instead of doing something more chill.
The sun was gonna rise soon but they both went to sleep anyways, Dave in the same outfit he wore the whole night and Karkat changed his pants only for something more comfortable.
* Snore, mimimi *
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