#where is that place ugh it looks adorbs
newwavesylviaplath · 4 months
lana del rey via her instagram story (16/05/24)
p.s omfg she looks so good also i would kill for that set
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rosehxnt · 1 year
why am i me?
characters: deuce spade, cater diamond, leona kingscholar, kalim al-asim, vil schoenheit summary: you can’t help but compare yourself to those you see on social media warnings: overall mentions of insecurity about appearance/personality, reader wears makeup (vil), kind of implied post book 4 (kalim), possibly ooc, anyone can be pretty, grammar is what i want it to be
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Deuce Spade  “Why is everyone on this app prettier than me?” you mused, looking through the pictures of various magicam stars. “Ugh, I hate it here,” you said dramatically as you threw your phone down against the couch.  “Did someone say something?” Deuce was already on his feet, ready to fight someone on your behalf.  With calculated words and good reasoning skills of course. Not fists, never fists.  “No one said anything I just feel…” you trailed off, hoping you didn’t have to say it but your boyfriend’s look of concern pushed you on.  “…lackluster compared to everyone else.”  "That's not true!" His enthusiasm about it almost startled you. "I think you're the prettiest in all of twisted wonderland."  "But look at all these people." You went to retrieve your phone but Deuce intercepted you and tossed it on a nearby table. You were slightly concerned about the state of the screen but were quickly distracted.  "Those people don't matter right now, so stop comparing yourself to them." He sat next to you. "I like you how you are, and I won't stop reminding you of that until you realize you're just as pretty, if not exceeding in prettiness, compared to everyone else."
Cater Diamond  He couldn't say he didn't relate to you, but other things were more important at the moment.  Cater watched your frustrated face as you tried to pull off the latest trend on magicam. He wished he could secretly capture it and post it with a 'totes adorbs' caption but he had promised you not to do that without permission.  "I can help you if you want," he offered from across the table.  "I got this," you assured him. "I just need to figure out how they did this one part."  You also needed to figure out how they did the part after that, and the one after that.  Cater could tell, and you could tell that he could tell. There was no other option at this point.  "Okay, I need help."  The next few minutes consisted of Cater leading you through the steps of the trend but you just couldn't get it down like everyone else seemed to. Cater could sense the previous frustration was close to making you even more upset.  "How about you do it this way." He shifted your phone so it'd be easier.  "But it looks cooler the way everyone else is doing it," you said as you moved it back in place.  "What if we do it as a couple? That'll be cool."  "You promise?"  "I promise," Cater said as he took control of your phone again.
Leona Kingscholar  Laying next to Leona in his bed, you scrolled through your magicam feed to find that some students in your class were throwing a party.  "Do you ever feel like we're not fun enough?"  He barely shifted to look at you, his green eyes opening to meet yours.  "What do you mean by that?"  "Like we never go to parties or school events and stuff." You sat up. "Places where people have fun."  Leona was sitting up ever so slightly now. "Do you really want to hang out with people you barely know?"  You stopped to think about the excruciating small talk you'd have to go through since as far as you knew none of your friends were going to be attending.  "I know I'd rather be spending my time here with you," Leona broke the brief silence. "It's fun in our own way."  "Really?"  "You heard me, herbivore. I'm not gonna say it again." He settled back down.  Giving no response you dove back to where you were laying. Leona grabbed you by your waist and pulled you towards him, settling his face in the crook of your neck. You smiled, knowing spending the evening in his arms would be much more fun than some party.
Kalim Al-Asim  With your living conditions being less than ideal, you couldn't say you had the resources to buy any trendy or expensive clothes.  This often caused you to silently lament over the fashion of others, sometimes growing into jealousy. The worst part was that you felt bad whenever you became envious of your boyfriend, Kalim, who was by no means lacking in money.  Today was one of those days.  Watching him sift through his latest shopping spree you found yourself becoming quieter in your responses. You didn't think he would notice until he spoke.  "Is something wrong? You're not as energetic as normal."  "No, I'm just feeling a bit tired right now." You tried to force a smile as you reassured him. But he could sense something was up with your facade.  "Did you want to go shopping too? I know you said you were busy but we can always go again," Kalim said, moving closer to you.  "I'm fine, I don't exactly have the funds for it anyway."  "I can pay!" Always the optimist, a smile spread across his face. "We can make a date out of it!"  "Thank you for offering but I don't want to use you like that," you said.  "I'll be okay." He met your eyes. "Please let me do this for you."  You couldn't help but smile at Kalim's actions. "Okay, let's go."  "Yay! Shopping date here we come!"  "Maybe we should ask Jamil first," you suggested while you took his hand as he led you out of the dorm.
Vil Schoenheit  You shuffled across the floor of the pomfiore dorm, phone dangling from your hand as students both avoided you and somehow led you to who you were there to see.  "I'm sorry if I'm bothering you but-"  "My dear potato, you could never bother me," Vil turned to look at you. "What's the matter?"  You stared at your shoes for a moment, too embarrassed to show your face even from this far away. Sensing your apprehension, he stood and took even, elegant steps your way.  "If you don't tell me, I can't help you."  You finally raised your head to make eye contact with the man. "I tried a makeup tutorial I saw online and I look like a clown, not in a fun way. I don't understand how the person in the pictures looks so good and I can't."  "Show me what you were going for, I'm sure I'll be able to help."  Over the duration of the afternoon, Vil showed you not only the proper way to perform the look you were going for but also what colors suited you best and the proper technique to use. He even redid your makeup and allowed you to borrow some items from his collection to use for practice.  Vil sat you in front of his vanity mirror, letting you get used to your new appearance. You inspected how the soft hues looked against your skin, how they complimented you much better than the ones before, enhancing your nose and showing off your eye shape.  "I went with something more natural looking," he said from behind you. "I hope you don't mind, liebling, for you are lovely just the way you are."
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a/n: my apologies for some being longer than others or more self-inserty but this will be the first piece of writing i'm posting so i hope it's enjoyable at least m.list & rules
© rosehxnt
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716chr · 4 months
Chihiro Natsuyaki SSR Story “Dazzling Dancing!” - Part 1
#ちぃとデートなうに使っていいよ /#Feel_Free_To_Use_This_Pic_Like_Ur_On_Date_With_Chii_Right_Now
(TL Note: The hashtag above roughly translates to “Feel free to use this picture (with the hashtag) "On a date with Chii right now”. This (デートなうに使っていいよ) is a common hashtag on X/Twitter where users will save existing photos under the tag to pretend they’re going out with their lovers)
Location: HAMA House
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Chihiro: OMG, yay! Mega win for Chii~☆
Kaede: Did something good happen, Chihiro-kun?
Chihiro: Mana-pii*! Guess what, guess what!?
TL Note: So Chihiro (and a few others) call Kaede “主任”. This title can be translated to the following: “person in charge”, “senior staff”, “chief”, “manager”. I picked “Manager” because it flows off the best, hence, Chihiro’s nickname for Kaede (主任ぴ) will be translated as “Mana-pii” in my translations since I don’t feel particularly fond of keeping it as “Shunin-pi”
Chihiro: So, like, that one pancake cafe that’s been makin’ the big buzz lately is doin’ a collab with Chii’s fav brand, TuRyStA, and——
Chihiro: Chii managed to snag reservation ♪ So now Chii can totes go eat those super adorbs TuRyStA bear pancakes
Kaede: That’s good to hear!
Kaede: I knew pancakes are trendy lately due to the retro boom, but collabs like this is totally unexpected…
Chihiro: They’re not just retro anymore, y’know. ‘Cause pancakes nowadays are steppin’ up their game ♪
Chihiro: Check out this site, Mana-pii. Like, pancakes and fruits are makin’ all the big boom now. That fluffy and creamy, melt-in-your-mouth feeling is totes to die for, ya feel~?
Kaede: Woah, they look so good!
Kaede: Ugh…. Hearing Chihiro-kun talk about this is making me crave something sweet now
Kaede: And I just had dinner too
Chihiro: Ahaha, it happens to the best of us~!
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Chihiro: Heard that Kirokkuma’s gonna go with his lil sis to this collab
Chihiro: It, like, just gives Chii the total sniffies* 🥺 at the thought of goin’ there alone, so Chii’s plannin’ to invite someone too, since 2 reserved seats already in the bag
TL Note: I decided to ‘translate’ マジぴえん / Maji Pien into “total sniffies” for dramatic effect lol
Chihiro: Hey, Mana-pii. Ya free this weekend? Let’s go indulge in sweets with Chii!
Chihiro: Also…. How ‘bout we grab some puddings for dessert right now?
Chihiro: Chattin’ with Mana-pii got Chii cravin’ for some sweets too ♪
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Chihiro: Y’know, as celebration for our reserved seats…. What’d ya think?
Kaede: Uh, but…. I’ve been eating too much lately….
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Chihiro: Y’know there’s always room for desserts, right? Like those that’re extra creamy, with nata de coco on top….?
TL Note: Here Chihiro used the kanji “別腹” which basically stands for “dessert stomach”/“having extra room in your stomach for dessert despite being full”
Kaede: Hnng…. Got it! I’ll have pudding with you today and pancake with you next week as well!
Chihiro: Now that’s the spirit! Mana-pii’s the best, you always get it~☆
Chihiro: Aight, don’t forget our weekend plans, ‘kay? If you forget, Chii’s gonna cry for real!
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Location: Cafe
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Chihiro: Cake ♪ Cake ♪ Pancake ♪
Kaede: Geez, I can already smell it…. I can’t wait for it to arrive
Chihiro: Totally! Chii’s secured the merchs, so now it’s just pancake-munching time!
Kaede: But… This really is a popular collab, isn’t it?
Kaede: It’s thanks to our reservations that we can just waltz right in, but there’s quite the line outside….
Kaede: Somehow, I feel kinda bad
Chihiro: Don’t sweat it, it’s totes fine. Enjoyin’ things like tasty treats and cool places also includes waitin’ in line as part of the fun!
Chihiro: ‘Cause nowadays, there’s even a system that lets you wait in line without actually physically wait in line, right?
Chihiro: But still, if ya linin’ up in front of the cafe, that means that was a deliberate choice!
Chihiro: And, like, just waitin’ for the pancakes to be served while chattin’ you like this, Mana-pii, is already so much fun for Chii…
Chihiro: Chii is sure that everyone outside waitin’ in line is having a good time like us too ♪
Kaede: I see. I guess you’re right
Kaede: Thank you. I was kinda nervous about coming to such a trendy place like this alone…
Kaede: When I’m with you, Chihiro-kun, even waiting is fun
Chihiro: …..!
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Chihiro: Damn, that’s, like, the ultimate compliment ever……
Delivery Drone: Thank you for waiting. Here are your “Stakichi Pancake” and “Turysuke Pancake”
TL Note: It’s probably obvious already but I’m just gonna point it out here just to be sure. “Turysuke” and “Stakichi” are just the word Turysta split in half, with common Japanese name suffix (-suke and -kichi) attached, making them into names
Chihiro: It’s here~!!
Chihiro: No way!? It’s this cute!? It’s so totes adorbs that Chii’s feelin’ like freakin’ out right about now!?
Chihiro: Mana-pii, don’t eat yet! Chii wanna snap a quick pic of Stakichi and Turysuke layin’ side-by-side!
Kaede: Of course. If I’m not mistaken….. This purple one’s called Stakichi, right?
Chihiro: Yep, yep! And, this red one is Turysuke, Chii’s fav bear!
TL Note: Chihiro used “推しクマ” and I debated whether or not I should keep it “oshi” as is but ultimately decided to just use “fav” instead. Since I dunno if everyone knows the whole culture behind “oshi” completely or not (plus, I guess it flows a bit better than writing “oshi bear”)
Kaede: Both of them are so cute… Ah, is this spot good for the drinks?
Chihiro: Okie-dokes. That’s the sweet spot!
Chihiro: First thing’s first, gotta snap some pics for SNS….
Chihiro: ‘Kay, Mana-pii get in-frame next! Let’s take a two-shot together to commemorate our outing!
Kaede: O-Okay
Chihiro: Thanks, Mana-pii!
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Chihiro: Woah~…. This place is, like, seriously Chii’s vibes
Kaede: (Chihiro-kun looks so happy. Just looking at him makes me happy too)
Kaede: (I’m glad we went here together….)
Chihiro: Let’s save the dazzle postin’ for later. Sorry to keep ya waitin’, Mana-pii. Shall we dig in now?
Kaede: Yeah. Let’s dig i——
Chihiro: Actually, pause! We gotta drop a message to the work chat so everyone at HAMA Tours can know ‘bout our date….
Kaede: Th-That’s embarrassing, wait!
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Part 1 | Part 2
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satoruhour · 1 year
Tell me why I got this vision of girldad!gojo having a daddy-daughter day (the daughter is like 3-4) while you stayed home, cuddled up in couch,you think back of times when your daughter was born. You realise how gojo had been the best if not the bestest dad ever to yalls daughter, helping you out throughout pregnancy and in postpartum, still is one of the best role model for your daughter and the model husband for you, you fell asleep thinking about these
meanwhile they arrive home- saw you cocooned like this in the couch. Gojo wasn’t sure whether it was possible for his heart to deepen the love he has for you even more- but seeing you like this has proved him wrong.
He picks up his daughter, places a kiss on her and whispers- isn’t mommy the absolute best? To which your daughter nods.
They both grab blankets from the bedroom and places it on you while snuggling themselves against you. You wake up seeing them both cuddled up with you, when gojo presses a kiss on your forehead and motions at his daughter to which they both say-
“Thank you for being the best mom, I love you” which makes you all teary eyed
This is so corny and tooth rotting HELP-
I think my brain is going all south from the sadness of shibuya arc. I’m getting emotional at this. Gonna have to share my emotion with you T😔
AWW STOPPPP I LOVE THIS 🥹🥹🥹🥹 the gojo brain rot is so real i fear it’s never going away atp. ok but. lets focus on daddy-daughter day for a bit cause how CUTE is that ???!!!! his baby is so excited to show off how cool his dad is at school. he gets both of them matching outfits and matching hats and they look so cute with satoru holding her hand while she carries her little backpack OOUGGHHHHH IM ILL THATS SO ADORBS 😭😭😭😭 you just HAD to take a pic ! it was ur lockscreen for so long ehehe
the other kids are so in awe of gojo bc one. he’s super tall but also his features r so. striking that the boys want to BE him and some of the mothers are like attracted to him bc of how sweet he is to his baby !!! he only has eyes for you tho :p
but anyway yes you realise just how good of a dad gojo is and how blessed you were with a kid like your first daughter. he’s always so cautious while handling her, always having the brightest expression when talking to her, taking care of you endlessly even when you swore you were fine (god i need him) that you get a little teary eyed before sleeping, but ultimately you’re going to sleep with a smile on your face when satoru sends you a picture of them finishing up daddy-daughter day with big grins and ice cream (they got one for you too!!) and ugh it becomes your homescreen after LOLOL
and then when they come home 🥹🥹🥹 they grab blankets for you when they see you so comfortably snuggled up after months of stressing over whether the baby would be okay, moving everywhere in the house to take care of food, diapers, etc. even when your darling girl was born you’d still be at the forefront trying to shoulder everything bc it’s just a mother’s instinct 💗
ill change ur narrative a bit tho - i would think gojo would be carrying her when she comes back and he whispers about how youre such a good mama, and your baby girl almost shouts the idea of wanting to cover you with a blanket until satoru shushes her with a kiss to her forehead LOLOL shes too cute. before they officially go to find the blanket though, gojo is telling her something - “okay, so let’s practice this a little, ‘thank you for being the best mom, i love you!’” and ur daughter is like can we change it to mama ??? we call her mama right? and gojo wants to scream into a pillow cause his baby girl is just too cuteee 😞😞😞😞 and they practice it a little until she memorises it!
then, gojo guides her thru the house to where the spare blankets are and lets her choose and lets her lug the heavy thing out into the living room and hes so mean not helping her omg. even takes a vid of her pulling it and struggling 😭😭😭 bro is insane. but anyway they both drape it over you, but not before they’re cuddling up to you as well - all the movement and fabric wakes you
and you’re smiling wide, mumbling “welcome back” while half asleep and your baby jumps into your arms and rambles alllll about daddy daughter day and how papa was the coolest there !!!! you’re all like “oh really?” and gojo only nods, on a high horse from all the praise and you shove him with a loud laugh, only to be interrupted by “waiiittt! mama! i have something to say!!!”
they look to each other for a bit before they turn to you, your daughter struggling to catch up a little bc gojo talks so DAMN fast: “thank you for being the best mama, i love you!” they get it right the second time and by then you’re doing that downward “aww” smile with big teary eyes which they just hug to comfort you and it only makes you cry more :((((( they both give you lots and lots of kisses to make up for it !!! and later at night satoru reminds you of how large of a light you’ve been to both him and your daughter and that they really really really love you so so much
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anotherrosesthatfell · 9 months
╰┈➤ First witch
This take place very, very, veryyy long time ago!
"Yo Nim, catch this!" Quetzalcoatl threw an apple at Nim.
He is expecting for his friend to catch it but she didn't. It hits her head instead.
"Yikes...-!" Quetzalcoatl gasped as he ran towards Nim. "I am not sorry, it's your fault for being so slow."
"Dammit, Quetzalcoatl." Nim sighed. "Why can't you be like your twin brother, Xolotl? He's way nicer."
"Oh I can be like that. You just don't deserve my kindness!" He laughed it off.
The two of them are in charge to find survivors after the wars. The wars between reapers was not good. The God of Sun was the cause of this and many creatures died because of it.
"Jeez, I don't think there are living being left in here. All are just dust and bloods..." He sighed.
Just as they was about to give up on searching. There's a sudden cries coming from their direction. Baby cries to be specific...
"Oh my moon. Don't tell me—"
"A baby? Yes." Nim sighed. "Come on let's find that baby, it's better be an elf." Nim went to the direction as she started to search where the cry come from.
After searching for a while. They finally found the baby. It's a... Human but they don't recognize it.
"What is this? It looks like an elf but without pointy ears!" exclaimed Nim.
"What kind of creature is this little one...? Hmm... Look familiar." Quetzalcoatl thought a little. "It skin very soft, are babies suppose to be like this???"
"Why the hell you asked me? I was literally born from seed." Nim rolled her eyes. "Let's just bring this back to the castle until we receive another order." Said Nim as she soon started to walk away.
≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫
"Quetzalcoatl, Nim you're hom— AHH WHAT IS THAT THING?!" Lanny yelp out of surprise.
She is also don't know what is a human too.
"don't know." Quetzalcoatl snatch the baby from Nim's arms. "But this baby is very soft! It's not like dragons and elves or any creatures we seen before!" he chuckles as he pinched the baby cheeks. "And it is so adorable too!"
"Adorb— ugh you are acting weird." Nim rolled her eyes. "we found this thing in the war. There are no survivor expect this little one..." Nim explained to Lanny.
Lanny nodded at Nim explanation.
As they were about to discuss the baby situation, the God of Sun and Goddess of Moon arrived.
"Ah you found the human!" Sun grin at those three.
The three of them are dumbfounded by the word of 'human'. So Lanny ask,
"Your holiness, what's a human?"
"the baby that your friend currently holding. That's a human that were brought from human realm." Claimed Sun. "Moon and I discussed that I should put fused the mystical realm and human real together to make up for what I did...-"
"indeed." Moon smiles at them. "My children, this little human will be the future of your realm. Make sure to take care of her properly."
The three of them nodded at Moon request. Moon smiles at satisfaction and pat each of their hat.
"I believe in you three. Take care!"
"Of course, your holiness." Nim replied to Moon.
The two gods left quietly left.
"So... We are parents now?" Asked Lanny.
"Hell no, I ain't being with this woman. Yuck!" Quetzalcoatl gawk at the thought of being parents.
"Yeah ew, I rather be with his twin brother." Nim groaned.
"Aye- back of from my brother." Quetzalcoatl handed the baby to Lanny because he's about to argue with Nim again.
Lanny took the baby and look at her body. The little one have red bloody eyes and pale skin. On her left arm, there's a letter written in the russian language.
"Fyodorova Ved'ma Nadezhda...?" Lanny translate the words. She could not understand it the most of the letters. "I guess that's your name...?" Lanny guessed. "But it's too complicated to say... Hmm... Oh well, I will name you Witch Hope!" Lanny claimed.
Quetzalcoatl and Nim still pulling each other hairs. Lanny sighed and finally stop those two.
"Alright you two, that's enough. We got a new friend now, Witch Hope!"
"That's the baby name? Lanny don't tell me you named it by yourself." Quetzalcoatl frowned and snatch the baby again. "I won't be calling this child 'witch'. Hope is a nice last name, I should give this little one my blessing now!"
"Nu-uh, me first! I named her!" Lanny try to take the baby from Quetzalcoatl. "Nim do something!"
"Why? I like to see you struggling." She laughed it off.
"Oh come on!!!!" Lanny truly regret having such friends-
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ladietblonde · 7 months
Seriously, maintaining a healthy writing routine is so unchic.
Whoever said that traveling was for the elite or sugar babies or something really didn’t know how to internet. Anyone, even this poor chic girl, can work hard, save some money, max out the low-limit credit card on a flight, pay that back off, and then save more money to have a nice three week-long holiday in basically the most chic city in the world, London. It’s a simple thing to do, really, if sleeping isn’t something you really like to do that much and you find that coffee and cigarettes are your new meal/supplement of choice.
The poor chic girl works retail kay? Retail. Which means hourly wages, commission, etc. – basically a paycheque that cannot be predicted and constantly changes. Need more money? Smile at more middle-aged men and tell them that the blazer totally makes their shoulders look so broad and strong and sell more. Need a lot more money? Ask for more hours and take the store alcoholic’s Sunday morning shift, because you know she won’t want it. With this, and bi-weekly paycheques it’s just so easy to save up a good amount for being chic on another continent.
I know you’re all like, ohmigod just where do you stay for three weeks? It’s easy for me, because I have a collection of chic friends in various chic cities all over Europe and North America (and even a couple in Tokyo for when I want to be kawaii) but that’s always what you get when you’re a student who socialises on a weekly basis (aka goes to frat parties). But when you don’t have that luxury, try couchsurfing. It’s really a thing and millennials totally do it even though they’re gross and there’s this thing about not shaving but even that’s kinda chic right now right? Okay no. Poor hygiene is always unchic, but Europe’s millennials are different. They’re basically that girl parading around Greenwich in Acne and other half-known but still known Scandinavian designer clothes with that mini Balenciaga that you know is totes adorbs but you can’t afford and you just don’t know how she does until you realise that she lives in like Jersey or something. Ew. They’re basically just this poor chic girl but with blonder hair, bigger boobs, and longer legs (and a minimalist-chic apartment in a better location). Like skinny Kate Uptons who are cute and dress really well. Yeah that’s them. Basically couch surfing outside of ‘Merica is great, just be careful and don’t stay with anyone who says they love like death metal or board games because that does not mean monopoly anymore, or something gross like that. Unchic.
Finally, the poor chic girl eats only sushi, Ladurée, and anything cute (in her dreams realistically it’s soup and porridge). If all else fails, Starbucks is fine I guess, but seriously, it’s so cheap to eat out when you’re chic, because even though the places you want to go are expensive, miso soup so isn’t and neither is a handroll, or a macaron, and all of the things are so cute you want them to last forever, so your meals cost like nothing. Also champagne is like, so much cheaper in Europe so I mean, that and a pack of cheaper European cigarettes are basically the chic diet anyway so this girl never worries about her next meal (I’m just kidding seriously don’t attack me I love food I instagram it all the time).
Anyway this post basically says that I’m going to England tomorrow with £30 allowed per day which I fully intend to spend at Ladurée and on sushi and drinks and I totally think I’ll survive and keep myself chic, just please remind me why I needed to buy this $40 brick just so I can plug in my hair dryer? Ugh, so not fair English people need to look cute too right?
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repo-net · 3 years
Something Much Needed
Piles, and piles of paper, filled with all sorts of illustrations and notes. Most of which had been scribbled out to the point where only I'd know that they actually had words behind them...
This kind of sight isn't unfamiliar to me, but even I have to admit that it gets sickening to look at and be reminded of so many horrid memories. I feel dizzy just smelling the ink the third pen I've had to use up in a single sitting... maybe I should ask Jataro if he has any pencils I could use.
Then again, the reason I don't use pencils is because it sprains my hand more than pens. Still, this scent is just dominating my desk and my senses, ugh.
What am I even thinking anymore? I'd promised to them that I'd provide them with a scope of locations in where we can start establishing our major bases once all the adults have been removed from the city, along with any facilities that could inspire "fun" to them.
... That said, I feel like an ice cream store is not only unhealthy, impractical, but also a bit of an impossibility... where are we even going to find the sources and means to constantly stock that up anyways? I'd much rather just spare the adult that works his stand and tell him he can live as long as he keeps those four pleased.
Things like bounce castles, house-sized pillow forts, ball pits, swimming pools, ... dress-up dorms? Whatever that is, I want no part of it. I could already imagine the amount of hours that'd get wasted off of my day just being left in there with her...
Still a lot of other things to consider too, aside from securing the happiness and morale of the team's future once everything is finally done. Once everything's finished, once every single demon's been wiped, surely all the nightmares about what I've had to witness for myself, surely all the repulsive thoughts of doubting my own comrades will be gone.
That's what we've been aiming for, after all. Surely that should finally give me closure and the satisfaction I yearn for.
A base with our robots ready to attack on sight of any intruder that defies us, or tries to disturb the peace... a place where no demon can even hope to touch us... a throne our princess can sit on, where I can admire her sugary smile for hours upon hours as she acknowledges all the work I've done and how I've lived up to her expectations...
Yes, that praise... it's not too far... from now...
Strange... I feel... hot... a fever, perhaps? No, I can't rest yet, I've still got work to do... No, no...
Her expectations... no, their expectations... they have hopes for me... like she hopes for us, like how I follow their hope, I want to live up to it... prove... myself...
My eyes are... shutting down... why do I feel so... ex... haus... te... d...
"I need... to..."
"... Naggy-sa! Hey, hey! It's no use, he's completely knocked out! Dummy really overworked himself. Again."
"Oh nooo... what do we do? His skin's really, really hot too! Our sage is super sick... it must've been because of me..."
"Hmmm. Well, he'd probably nag at us and tell us not to worry about him if we tried to help him while he's still awake... I see an opportunity! Hoho, I've got a totally awesome and adorbs idea! Monaaacaaa~!"
"Hey, where are you- gah, wait up! Oh, wait... uhhh... just gonna throw this on you. There you go! I'm such a good leader! Hey Kotoko, wait up!"
... What is this thing on my back... it feels soft... mmm... don't want to wake up... don't want to go back to work... just a few more hours, plea-
Huh?! Wait, what am I doing? Ack, I fell asleep! Damn it, damn it...! To be doing something so important and to doze off on the job like this... idiot, you idiot! You're useless, completely, utterly-
... Hang on, are those... cookies I smell? Chocolate chip, too... wait, why is my blanket on me in the first place? I don't remember having it on me.
These things on my desk... apple juice? With a note on it...
"Nagisa, you seemed super tired. I don't know if you really like apple juice, but I heard that apples are super healthy and stuff. Being an apple must be really weird, people want to eat you because they like you, people want to kill you because they think you're good. It's super weird.
Anyways, you can have mine. And stop working so much, you don't have to keep pushing it. Unless you wanna end up as ugly as me, ehehehe.
- Person You Hate"
... Jataro, you know I could never hate you. But...
I look to the other side of my desk. A plate of chocolate chip cookies. Some of them with more particular designs than others, one looking like a soccer ball and another one having pink horns on them... is that supposed to be icing or something? I picked up the plate to bring it closer to me, but underneath it was another note.
"Hi hi, our wonderful vice leader and sage! Monaca noticed that you've been working so, so hard. Monaca's been keeping a super close eye on you, and she noticed that Nagisa's been working super duper hard lately. And it's starting to worry Monaca out.
So the idea of baking cookies to keep you motivated and relaxed came to my attention! Masaru and Kotoko in particular wanted to insert themselves into this for their own reasons, so I agreed and let them help with some of the designs. Jataro seemed like he wanted to help too, but he might have ruined the taste and the look with his grossness.
Monaca knows just how much you love her cookies, that stoic face of yours always just seems to break character whenever you get offered them. And you rant all the time about how bad sugar is for us, but then you seem to always be the one so eager to eat them as soon as they're fresh out of the oven! It's quite adorable.
Keep up the good work! I'm sure someone as talented as Nagisa could never ever disappoint us. I'm looking forward to the day Monaca's paradise is completed.
- Monaca"
This is...
She knew that I've been working myself this much...? I thought of you to be an unmatched genius, but my feelings for someone who notices... someone who acknowledges me... someone who understands me... someone I just...
Someone I just feel like cares about me, and not just the guinea pig working for everyone...
Monaca Towa... you truly are an angel...
Yes, yes... as long as you're around, I can accomplish anything. I can let go of everything just for you. Your wish is my command. And if your wish to eliminate every single adult off of the face of this world, then I'll take control.
For you, and for them too, who care about me... yes, I can do anything.
Thank you, everyone. I'll do my best.
I'll make sure this world has a happy place for all of us.
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mego42 · 3 years
Hi!! I love all of your fanfic! I am in the mood for some brio fluff and was wondering if you had any recommendations?
hi!!! tysm i bluSH!!! 💖💖💖 can absolutely hook you up with some fluffy recs! here are ten favs:
subjunctive by @foxmagpie
college AU!
look, i am obSESSED with this fic, it hits me right squarely in the mushy bits
the hooDiE
i’ve said too much
bonus rec: snapshots featuring delinquents!verse beth and rio on a date involving a photobooth so right out the gate you know it’s gonna be the cutest thing ever
Promptly Unfulfilled by @bethsuglywigs
lowkey cheating bc this is a prompt fill collection but both chapters are adorbs, the first one of the brio college au first date variety, the second of the sexy brio variety
spoilers i consider any instance where they’re not actively working against each other fluff so adjust your expectations i guess while going through this list
if you like it you could fuck around and check out the clementine
Child’s Pose by @pynkhues
honestly a struggle to pick one, was v torn between this and may the moon’s silvery beams and obvs the entire center and circumference verse even the angsty bits
rio surprises beth while she’s doing mom/daughter yoga! 
idk it’s short and sweet and got this really lovely kind of anything is possible, hopeful promise to it that makes me all mushy
Heart and Soul by @riosnecktattoo
look you can’t go wrong with anything in the only you show me what warmth is verse but this one is a particular fav
(i am also esp fond of nine-tenths)
idk i love them like, accidentally communicating Big Feelings to each other and then immediately being all JK I DIDNT MEAN IT LIKE THAT even though they like, you know, live together so you’d assume there was some sort of emotional commitment involved on top of them being lying liars who lie
A Bit of a Stretch by @septiembrre
another yoga fic! this time in rio pov!
i mean v technically this is more of a domestic fic involving a memorable couple’s yoga class
ugh this fic is so sweet
i’ve said too much again
count to twelve by @daydreamstew
i was actually going to rec delicate (gorgeous sleepy morning sex fic which apparently has a second chapter now i have been SLACKING) but when hunting for the list i ended up reading this and oH mY goD i LOVE IT
i think all fic should feature rio not being able to count tbh
hE gOT mAd bC it’S thEiR thiNg
i’ve said too much x3
green by @johnisntevendead
i have a soft spot for beth and rio getting high idk what to tell you
the lazy stoned vibeZ of this fic are *chef’s kiss*
also idek why but i’m really into the making out like some stupid teenagers it feels right for their level of arrested emotional development
it’s not mine / you just holding it for a friend makes me cackle every time
Filing her nails while they’re dragging the lake by @sothischickshe
PI AU!!!
incredibly appropriate, rio was born to be a private dick
hahahahaha i’ll show myself out
absolute best ever depiction of brio roleplay, all others can go home
I'm Just Going To The Store (To The Store) by @fairhairedkings
i don’t normally do pregnancy fic but this one’s really really cute
there’s this thing with rio buying a second phone charger that takes me tf out
idk why either but here we are
for a moment we were strangers by @milkshakemicrowave
p sure i’ve recced this one before in which case whoops my bad i was trying to diversify 
somehow manages to be domestic and take place right after 204 which is a neat trick
and also gives the whole fic a sort of wait wtf is happening vibe (or it may be that beth is kind of like wait wtf is happening????? the whole time)
look it’s stupid cute and i love it
71 notes · View notes
jumukus · 4 years
A3! Translation: Muku Sakisaka’s SSR [Mankai Encore] - Encore: Florence
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translation under the cut.
Kumon: Haa~...
Muku: The water feels so good…
Kazunari: Real onsen is indeed different!
Misumi: It has a nice element for the body~.
Tenma: I feel refreshed.
Yuki: It also has a nice atmosphere.
Kumon: A'ight… Take this, water gun attack!
Kazunari: Whoa!
Nice one, Kumopi! Okay, I'm gonna launch a counterattack!
Misumi: Me too! Me too~!
Kazunari: Let's attack Tenten too!
Tenma: Whoa!
Kumon: Ahaha! Tenma-san, nice reaction you have there!
Kazunari: You look good with the water dripping on you~.
Tenma: Damn y'all… Fine, take this!
Yuki: So noisy…
Muku: Fufu, they look like they're having fun.
Misumi: Say, say! Let's take turns washing each other's backs~!
Kazunari: Sounds great! Let's do it, guys!
Yuki: Keep in mind that we won't be able to go onstage if we slip and get injured.
Kumon: Got it!
Tenma: For crying out loud…
Kazunari: But man, given how nice this feels, it surely makes you wanna go on an onsen tour!
Muku: If I'm not mistaken, the health benefit for each onsen is different.
I've read this on a shoujo manga called "Let's Love ☆ Steaming Onsen". It's said that each onsen also has different types of water.
Tenma: I didn't know an onsen-themed manga exists…
Yuki: Makes me curious what kind of story it is.
Kazunari: Looks like there's also a place where we can do rafting nearby! Isn't that like, super interesting!?
Kumon: Rafting is that one activity where we cruise the river with a boat, right!? I wanna try it!
Misumi: It seems fun~!
Yuki: I got super tired just from hearing the description.
Kazunari: Don't say that, Yukki! C'mon, join us~!
Misumi: Let's do river rafting~!
Kumon: Oh, speaking of, didn't you say there's a place you wanna go to, Muku?
Tenma: Hm? Is that so?
Muku: Ehehe...yeah. The truth is, there's a place that I've been interested in--.
Izumi: Whoa…!
Kumon: Amazing~!
Kazunari: Dude, this castle is no joke!
Misumi: It looks like the one in fairytales~!
Tenma: It's a Muku-like place.
Muku: This place is used for the live-action adaptation of my favorite shoujo manga.
It's also used for other works so I'd like to go visit it once…
Izumi: That means, this place is like a holy land to Muku-kun.
Muku: Yes! Now that I see it in person, this castle is really beautiful…!
Izumi: (Muku-kun looks so happy. His eyes are sparkling.)
Kazunari: Hey, guys, look! The people over there are walking around in a dress and a suit!
Misumi: They look like a princess and a prince~.
Muku: You can borrow costumes and experience being a princess here.
Kazunari: In that case, why don't you try wearing one, Muku!?
Yuki: Not experiencing being a princess, but a prince.
Tenma: And it's not everyday that you get to wear costumes at a real castle.
Izumi: Even though you can be a prince on the stage, it's not like we can build a real castle like this to accompany you.
Muku: But… But since we're all here, I'd like to…
Yuki: Oh, please. A group of men walking around in suits will stand out like a sore thumb.
Kazunari: It's okay! We're fine just seeing you in a prince costume, Mukkun!
Misumi: Prince Muku~!
Kumon: How about we play rock, paper scissors and the loser has to accompany muku in a dress!?
Kazunari: Sounds great! It seems fun!
Tenma: Huuh!? We can just have Director-san wear it.
Izumi: Huh!? No, I'm fine, guys.
Yuki: Besides, it'd be more interesting if you guys wear one.
Kazunari: That's it~!
Misumi: You won't wear one, Yuki~?
Yuki: There'll be no damage even if I wear one.
Tenma: Ugh--.
Muku: But is it really okay to decide it with rock paper scissors?
Kazunari: No problem☆ Let's do it right away!
Summer Troupe: Rock paper…
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Kumon: Uuhh…
Tenma: That's your karma for bringing it up.
Yuki: Do you really have to be that arrogant?
Kazunari: Kumopi, you're totes adorbs! Let's take some snaps for commemoration!
Misumi: It looks good on you, Kumon~!
Izumi: While you still look very much like a boy, you guys sure go all out with the wig, huh.
Muku: Kyu, Kyu-chan, I'm sorry…
Kumon: ...You don't need to. I'm gonna try to be a princess that is perfect for you!
Muku: Kyu-chan…! Me too, then. I'll escort you properly!
Misumi: Good luck, you two~!
Yuki: The heck is this?
Kumon: Okaay! I'll do my best to be princess-like…
--Huh, whoa! Walking in heels is so hard…
Izumi: Kumon-kun, close your legs a little bit more and try to walk on your toes.
Kumon: Huh, like this? Oh, I think it's a little bit easier than earlier!
Izumi: That's right, you're doing great! If you pay attention to this, the way you walk will also look beautiful.
Kumon: I see!
Muku: Shall we go, then, princess?
Kumon: I shall be in your care, my prince!
Tenma: Why do you have to speak like that…*
Izumi: (Fufu. This is somehow heartwarming.)
Muku: Be careful, Kyu-chan. There's a steps here.
Kumon: Thanks, Muku.
My legs are already killing me… Makes me realize how amazing girls are to be able to walk in heels.
Muku: It's even more amazing since there are people who can actually run in heels.
Oh, Kyu-chan. Do you have a moment?
Kumon: What's up?
Muku: This is the place where the hero and heroine met in the drama.
Kumon: Heh, I see!
In that case, let's take a pic that Kazu-san--huh?
Muku: ...Don't tell me we got separated?
Kumon: What, what should we do? Sorry, this is because I'm walking slowly…
Muku: No, it's totally fine. Let's take our time.
Kumon: …
Muku: Kyu-chan?
Kumon: Muku is really a prince. You're a kind and cool prince that is loved by everyone!
I'm so happy that I can meet your Prince Florence again!
Muku: Kyu-chan…
Me too! I have a lot of fun performing with your Broto.
Kumon: Hehe, glad to hear that. Let's do our best for the repeat performance, Your Highness!
Misumi: Ah~! Muku and Kumon are here~!
Tenma: I thought you got lost.
Yuki: They're not you, duh.
Izumi: Sorry, we were busy searching for a place to shoot we ended up getting separated…
Kazunari: I've found a suppeeeeer Instagrammable spot over there! Let's take the snap there!
Kumon: Okay!
Izumi: Kumon-kun, are your legs not hurt? Can you keep going?
Misumi: Shall I carry you, Kumon~?
Yuki: How about Muku do it?
Muku: Huh!? I-I don't know if I can do it…
Kumon: I'm, I'm fine!
Izumi: (Thank goodness they looked like they were having fun.)
Izumi: Phew, the dress rehearsal ended without any problems! All that's left is the show…
Muku: Ah… Since I'm such a frozen ham, I may cause you all troubles by standing in the wrong position…
Kumon: Me too… What if I go onstage without my cloak…
Izumi: Looks like their pessimism has been activated, huh…
Tenma: You're nervous again? Seriously?
Yuki: Just get used to it already.
Misumi: You'll be alright~! You'll be alright~!
Kazunari: Let's take on the stage with full motivation!
Muku: You, you're right.
Tenma: So, what are we gonna do for our huddle today?
Kumon: Both of us came up with something again!
Muku: First, put one of your hand forward… Like you're asking for a dance with the princess!
Yuki: Oh my god, not the cringy stuff again…
Kazunari: That's totes prince-like!
Misumi: As expected of Muku~.
Kumon: Let's go, Muku!
Muku: Yep!
--Alright, let's go! Let's go find the flower of destiny!
T/N: Kumon actually uses the typical suffix wa which is usually used by females hence why Tenma is questioning his way of speaking.
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Izumi: (During Florence's journey to find his ideal bride along with his retainer Broto, he helped Rose who got caught in a trap.)
Florence: “Look, you're fine now. Your wound is slight, fortunately.”
Rose: "Tell me, which part of this is fine? And what's with this floral print bandage?"
Florence: "This is a custom bandage that is developed by the royal family household's bandage brand. It's both practical and beautiful."
Rose: "Does it really need to be this flashy?"
Broto: "It's not."
Izumi: (Both Muku-kun and Kumon-kun are finally relaxed after releasing their tension with the huddle just now. Even Yuki-kun is doing great.)
(Muku-kun's gesture and movements are also more refined and beautiful than before.)
Izumi: (Florence arrives in the East Country to propose to a woman of unmatched beauty…)
Florence: "So this is the castle of the East Country. It's really big."
Linkle: "Not as big as mine, though."
Florence: "...You are? I suppose you're living in an extremely big castle."
Linkle: "I'm the second prince of Star Country, Linkle. Fufu. I never knew such a short prince like you does exist."
Florence: "That's right. I'm sure you've never seen such a short and beautiful prince like me, right?"
Shine: "What an overconfident prince."
Florence: "Who are you?"
Shine: "I'm the first prince of Moon Country, Shine."
Florence: "Nice to meet you. I'm Florence from Flower Country."
Sunny: "My name is Sunny. Keep that in mind."
Rose: "...The princes are all weird."
Broto: "I think so too."
Izumi: (Tenma-kun and the others are doing great from the start. They're able to bring out each prince's personalities well.)
Izumi: (In order to break the princess' curse, Florence heads to the Moon Country to search for moondrops that can grant your wish.)
Shine: "Are you looking for the moondrops? You'll get there faster if you use the path over there."
Florence: "I see! Thank you. I'm wondering if it's all right for us to take the left path?"
Shine: "You can. I shall go over there--."
Florence: "Wait a minute! I have no idea where to go after that."
Shine: "Turn right at the end of the road…"
Florence: "Then, after that…"
Shine: "You sure are asking in detail, huh. Do you perhaps have no sense in direction?"
Florence: "You are actually right. Thank you for telling me the way."
Broto: "This is my first time hearing such a thing, though."
Rose: "This is making me worried all of sudden."
Izumi: (By the time they arrive at the place, the moondrops have already been taken by the Moon Prince. That is when they realize that he purposely made them take a detour to buy him more time.)
(They are now heading to the Sun Country to look for the stone that can grant any wishes…)
Sunny: "See, look at this. They're all the sa--."
Florence: "Whoaaah!?"
Broto: "It's shining so brightly!"
Sunny: "This is--."
Florence: "Is this perhaps the stone of the sun!?"
"I have no doubt about it… It's so dazzling just like me!"
Broto: "I can't believe you're still acting like this even during this time…"
Florence: "On a second thought, I was wrong. It's not as dazzling as my beauty."
Sunny: "Quit it with the whole dazzling thing!"
Izumi: (Florence and the others' next destination is the Star Country. In this country, it's said that there's a sand of the star that can grant your wishes if you sprinkle it to the ground.)
(Florence manages to get his hand on the said item, but Linkle appears after that--.)
Linkle: "Say, can you give me that sand of the star?"
"To tell you the truth, my mother got sick. She won't live much longer. I could help my mother if I have the sand of the star."
Florence: "Your mother!? That's awful! You should give this to your mother immediately, of course."
Izumi: (Following a fight with Rose that prompts them to part ways, Florence returns to his home country.)
(There, his parents tell him about the existence of a dream flower that can grant any wish if you drink its nectar--.)
Florence: "It's here! It's here, Broto!"
Broto: "I've never thought that we had such a thing this near. With this, we can break the princess of East Country's--."
Florence: "I wish I could reconcile with Rose--."
Broto: "...Huh?"
Rose: "Are you stupid!?"
Florence: "Rose!?"
Rose: "That's dangerous! What are you doing!? You won't be able to break the curse if you use the dream flower for something like that!”
Florence: "But I wanted to reconcile with Rose no matter what."
Izumi: (After reconciling with Rose, Florence is summoned by the king of the East Country.)
(The other princes are not able to break the curse. However, Florence manages to do it by using the power of the dream flower--.)
Florence: "...Huh?"
King of East Country: "Thanks to you, Prince Florence, the curse of my beautiful princess has finally been broken. I'll let you be the princess' husband!"
Florence: "Rose…?"
"Rose is actually the princess?"
Rose: "The witch's curse turned me into a young boy."
Broto: "I see, so that explains everything."
Florence: "You knew it, Broto!?"
Broto: "There aren't any young boys whose names are 'Rose', see?"
Florence: "I totally thought it's such a sparkling name…"
Rose: "A conceited, good-natured and naive person like you will be hopeless if you don't have a clever wife like me."
"I have no choice, then. I'll marry you. You should be grateful."
Muku: Thank you for coming today, beautiful princess.
Summer Troupe: Thank you!
Audience Member A: That was interesting~!
Audience Member B: My heart skipped a beat after listening to Muku-kun's curtain calls greetings!
Audience Member C: Mood! I feel like he's gotten cooler than before…!
Izumi: (Compared to the first run, this performance has improved in terms of perfection. It's proof that they all have also improved.)
Izumi: Nice work right there, guys! It was really good!
Muku: Nice work. I was nervous, but… I'm glad I could play Florence again after a long time.
Kumon: Same! I had so much fun playing Broto!
Misumi: You were cool, Muku~.
Yuki: I think we wrapped up the show well.
Kazunari: I guess doing an escort was worth it in the end!
Muku: Ehehe…
Tenma: But make sure not to let your guard down. We still have more shows to come.
Muku: Yup!
Kumon: I shall support Prince Florence tomorrow as well!
Muku: Fufu. I'm counting on you, Broto.
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muthaz-rapapa · 4 years
Rewatch: Mahou Tsukai Precure Ep 3
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Hey hey hey~!
I made it to Sunday with another MahoPre post again! Praise me, won’t you?
*bows extravagantly* ( -∀-)シ
Yaaaaa, you know the animation quality really went up when not only the new transformation sequence was top notch but the episode it debuted in was as well. Really! Everything was so sparkly and purdy~
Like Mirai and Mofu-chan’s excited faces, kyaaaaa~! xD
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Ahem, so we start off with Mirai calling home and let’s just say she’s very lucky it was Grandma who picked up.
I don’t know how long Mirai’s been gone but judging by how Grandma’s first question is about Mirai’s search instead of asking where she is right now, maybe she hasn’t been gone too long to raise any alarms yet.
In any case, the beginning of the phone call was hilarious cuz though Grandma shares Mirai’s belief in witches and magic, I’m pretty sure she never expected for Mirai to be contacting her from another realm, much less hear that she’s become a witch herself.
She’s like “Huh? Wut?” xD;
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And then there’s Mirai. Oh god, Mirai.
She really is the type to spill almost every detail out in a jumbled manner and gesture frantically on the other end of the line even though there’s no way her Grandma can actually see her, lol I do the same thing when I talk over the phone
Meanwhile, Headmaster and Riko are just standing awkwardly in the background, watching this girl play charades in front of a crystal ball.
(^ ∀ ^ ;;)
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Anyways, despite all the rushed explanations, Mirai wants to attend class here and asks for permission.
Naturally, any normal parent/guardian would say “no” because first of all, what the heck is she going on about? Flying brooms? Magic World? WAT? Did you hit your head while playing or something?
I mean, even the most understanding person would just assume Mirai found a new friend at the playground who introduced her to some secret hangout or whatever and that Mirai just wants to stay out longer to have fun, that’s all.
But nuh-uh! Mirai’s really in the Magic World right now and she really wants to enroll in magic school for the rest of spring break!
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Miraculously (and again, she is so lucky it was Grandma who picked up), she does get the okay.
Grandma actually believes Mirai will be alright with these strangers in some foreign place she’s never heard of. She’s never met them, there’s no address or even a phone number she can call to check up on Mirai. For all she knows, her granddaughter could’ve been tricked and kidnapped by some shady hoodlums.
But over the phone, it doesn’t seem that Mirai is any danger...and since she sounds so eager, well then, alright. Grandma chooses to trust Mirai.
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Cue joyous, major squee-able hug! <D
(O_ O ;;)
It’s somewhat forgivable in an children’s anime where things are more idyllic and even Mirai’s situation is an exception among exceptions because of plox. 
But if your kid is asking to stay out in some vague location with people who don’t have your trust to look out for their well-being, then you get in your car or call the police or do whatever’s necessary to bring them home immediately!
...come to think of it, I wonder how Mirai’s parents reacted when Grandma told them the news. By the time Mirai got back home, they seemed pretty cool with it but Mirai should’ve at least called them every day (off-screen) to ensure she’s alright so that they didn’t have to worry a lot while she was away.
I dunno, please don’t mind me too much on this matter. I'm just very sensitive when it comes to the safety of children, that’s all. The news and living in the city scared me into being cautious.
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Honestly, I wouldn’t mind becoming an Uber driver as long it’s a magic carpet I’m flying.
But I’m not sure what the insurance policy on that is like and it doesn’t look like there are seat belts either which is a tad bit concerning. Hmm...
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Bouncy-wouncy flippy-floppy Mofurun~!
Look at this happy bear~! She’s having the time of her life!
Ugh, my heart~!!! x3333
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I believe this is the first time Mirai’s had the chance to tell Riko something about herself and it’s quite nice that Riko was the one who (sorta) initiated the interest this time around.
We all know what Riko’s like. She’s not fond of people being too chummy with her because if they get to know her, they’ll learn how bad she is at magic as well. That’s why she’s always trying to maintain a distance. Trying not to interact with others too much and not volunteer too much info about herself so she can uphold an image she doesn’t really possess and protect where she’s most vulnerable. Tsundere defense mechanism in the works.
For her to reach out to Mirai, even if it’s only out of some courteous small talk and minimal curiosity, maybe it means she’s gradually becoming more comfortable. At least in Mirai’s company, there’s no need to have her guard up that high and she can talk to someone normally for once.
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Mirai, on the other hand, is the honest type through and through and is thrilled to share anything about what she loves.
Her bright, sincere personality and close relationship with her grandma shows how well she was raised because no matter how wild or out of this world Mirai’s thoughts can get sometimes, those closest to her never ridiculed or made her think less of herself for that. That’s why she’s almost always able to face anything with open optimism. She’s free to be unapologetically herself because she has that kind of reassurance.
It’s a security that many people would die to have.
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And Riko is one of those people.
Listening to Mirai talk warmly about her grandmother brings a slightly lonely expression to her face because Riko doesn’t have anyone like that. No one whom she can talk to about anything and everything, no one whom she can show her true self to without fear of being judged by them.
No one to call a real friend.
Well, guess what, Riko? Ya got right one in front of ya, dont’cha? Hahaha~!
She just doesn’t realize it yet.
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Moving along, damn, the whole island is occupied by magic merchants and their shops!
Diagon Alley can’t even begin to compare!
Yep. If there’s any Precure universe I want to live in, it’s definitely this one! 8D
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At the center of the giant square, of course there’s a statue and of course there’s a story to go along with it and of course, there’s an old man (by the name of Mr. Hook) just waiting to tell that story to whoever’s new in town.
Nevertheless, this story is a rather interesting one in respect to the Linkle Stone Ruby that’s set to appear later.
The Merchant Alley is where people gather to sell their trades and goods. It’s a place where they can share the work they’re proud of and passionate about.
And Ruby is the Linkle Stone of what? Passion.
So the Passion Flame was pretty much the Linkle Stone Ruby all along and it returned to remind the people of the magic they still have within themselves.
This slightly debunks the idea that the Linkle Stones will only appear when Precure do but it doesn’t change the fact that Ruby’s true form didn’t manifest until Mirai and Riko came to the Alley.
Anyways, on another note, isn’t it an extremely heartwarming thought that even though Mother Rapapa has been gone for centuries, her magic hasn’t disappeared and that it still extends itself to help people when they’re in need? Even now, Mother Rapapa still loves and wants to protect the world she defended with her very life which just goes to prove that the most ancient and most powerful magic of all is indeed, love.
Love never dying means magic never dying.
Aaaaahhhh~, that’s so beautiful! *sniff* <’D
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Aww, but I wanted to hear about Pegasus Lane!
( •́ ∧ •̀ )
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Ok, ok, maybe some other time.
At least we got Riko taking Mirai’s hand to lead her away instead. Me is a happy gurl~ <3
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But then Mofurun says she smells something sweet and duh, it’s clearly Ruby sitting in the statue’s lamp but they don’t know that yet so they all assume it’s just the cotton candy from a street vendor near by.
Well, their reaction was adorbs anyway.
D’aww, omgawd, look at Mirai, trying to tug Riko in the direction of sweets and Riko having none of that. Kekekeke! xD
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Ok, before we go in, I just want to say that I adore Francois and all the fabulousness he’s packaged with!
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But more than that, I love how he’s always so kind to people who visit his shop, especially the girls. He’s always eager to give them the best fashion he can offer and since he learned his trade in the Mundane World, it’s probably safe to say he isn’t at all prejudiced against anyone from there either.
But also, also...!!
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He knows how to recognize CUTE when he sees it!
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Oh yea, Francois is my spirit animal.
Poor Mofurun, though. She looks so traumatized. xD;
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My daughter is soooooo cute! Don’t you agree?
*pokes you in the back with ten needles* (*°���°)
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Man, if I could do magic......I would probably still go out to buy clothes instead of making them myself. It’s less about not having the talent to design and more about gathering the material that would be a pain for me. I’d rather leave that to the professionals.
That said, since it’s magic we’re talking about, I hope retail prices are a lot lower over there since production requires less manual labor. Or should it be magical labor?
Well, it takes less time if an outfit can be fitted and finished within the hour so that’s a plus at least.
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Mmhmm. *nods appreciatively*
I wasn’t lying when I said this uniform is one of my (if not the) top favorite school uniform designs across all Precure seasons.
The colors, the plaid bows, and ugh, the HAT!!
...I wanna be a witch, too. TwT
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Honestly, Francois is just one of the best recurring characters. Period.
He’s so thoughtful, going the extra mile even when he doesn’t really have to. He’s not in it for the famous name or money, he just wants to make sure his clients look good and feel good looking good.
What an artisan!
(Btw, Mofurun still uses the same pouch when Mirai grows up and I just find that so awesome because they’re continuing to treat a gift from Francois with such care~ <3)
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I mean, fixing a loose button is a small task. Hardly worth mentioning but with Riko falling so often (*discontent Riko noises*), you’d think Francois would be exasperated about her always ruining her clothes.
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He just goes and sews it back in place without charge, gently telling Riko in his own special way for her to be more careful.
Riko doesn’t miss the sentiment behind his words and really, you’d have to be blind to not see how all the people Riko knows really care about her.
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More locals to meet and this one is Todd and he sells produce!
Not much to say about him other than he’s a nice dude, offering Mirai a sample of what a Frozen Clementine really tastes like.
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lol, oh Riko, don’t take it so personally. These things happen. <D;
Also, that’s two strikes for Riko today. I wouldn’t be surprised if the whole town was aware of how clumsy she is.
At least, none of them are mean about it or deliberately poking fun at her. Riko’s just a little too sensitive is all.
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Again, the shifts through Riko’s many faces when eating clementines are fun to watch.
It’s okay, Riko! You’ll get there eventually!
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Wouldn’t put it past an eccentric, old man like him to do something like that.
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I mean, I’m positive that the Headmaster’s character is partially inspired by Albus Dumbledore who also fits these kind of descriptions so yea...
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Meanwhile, I am living for the savageness that Cathy is unrepentantly laying on the Deputy Headmistress concerning her stickler-policy/no-outsider opinions.
Nothing against the Deputy Head since she does come around eventually but hell yea, Miss Sassy Crystal Ball! xD;
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Next up is Gustav’s, where Mirai gets her own broom!
God, I love this broom so much. It’s simple but so charming!! Perfect for a young witch!
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Nooooooo, Riko-chan~
That’s not what she meant! (^ ∀ ^ ;;)
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Ooo, that’s three strikes now!
Riko really can’t catch a break, huh?
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I wonder how many times everybody in town has heard this reply, lol
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Y’know, these shopkeepers have known Riko since she was little so for them to comment on Mirai accompanying her today just further supports the idea that they’re always watching out for her however they can.
Riko’s an awkward kid who’s trying too hard to act and see through the eyes of an adult and that’s why she blunders so much.
But perhaps, if they were to point that out too directly, it’ll just make Riko feel more ashamed or make her more stubborn than she already is.
If that’s true, then I’d like to think they all agreed to just give Riko her space and let her grow into it in her own time. They’ll still support her every now and then (because she needs it) but they won’t overdo it to the point where she’ll notice and misunderstand it as an remark on her poor skills in magic.
Anyways, at least Gustav seems happy to see Riko’s finally got a friend to spend time with. As much as Riko’s unsure about calling Mirai her friend, no one’s going to deny that Riko not being alone anymore is a good thing for her, hehe~
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They got to eat cotton candy, after all! YAY~!
Gotta say, this might just be the best way to eat cotton candy cuz it just levitates a little above your hand and you don’t have to worry about holding onto a stick and then the candy melting onto the stick and your hands getting messy cuz of that and whatnot.
Also, it really makes it look like you’re munchin’ on a cloud. Cute, right? :D
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So far, Mirai is having a superb day. She got the whole magic user starter kit and it really feels like she’s become a witch now.
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But as Riko says, it takes more than just looking the part to be a genuine practitioner of magic.
I wonder if she realizes how contradictory she sounds here because if she knew that all along, then that would label her search for the Emerald as hypocritical.
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Though it’s possible she only realized this after coming back from her recent trip to the Mundane World empty-handed.
Still, there’s no doubt the Emerald’s profound and mythical qualities would be desired by many, including those who are efficient in magic. Nobody is really sure what it’s capable of but since it’s reputed to be the rarest and most powerful of the Linkle Stones, we can at least expect it to live up to its name in some way.
And when Riko overheard the Headmaster talking about it in his office, well, who can really blame her for shooting off to go find it then?
If anything, had she found it, Riko probably would’ve used the Emerald to figure out why her magic seldom worked out the way she wanted it to. Then from there, she’d do whatever she could in her own power to make herself a great witch.
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Mirai, however, is more impressed by how brave and aggressive Riko is on fulfilling her dream. 
In fact, she’s more amazed by Riko than the Emerald itself and doesn’t think her search for the Emerald sounds ridiculous at all.
To her, Riko is a hard worker and she should be acknowledged just for how much effort she puts into becoming a witch worthy of respect.
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But when she asks what Riko means by stuff like “excellent” or “splendid”, even Riko’s not sure.
Of course, even if you have a good amount of magical prowess, that doesn’t automatically mean you’re a great magic user.
Rather, it should be how you use your magic that determines whether you are great or not.
I guess that’s why Riko suddenly turned that question back on Mirai. Because as of this moment, she’s only looking for ways to cast her spells without them backfiring on her. She hasn’t given much thought on what she can do with magic once she does have it in her hands.
Riko doesn’t have an answer yet. And because she doesn’t want to appear like she doesn’t, her walls go up again in an attempt to prevent anyone else from realizing how unsure she actually is inside.
But you know what?
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Mirai’s not sure about her own dream either. 
She’s never thought of it before now and nothing really comes to mind just because she’s asked out of the blue like this. However, that doesn’t really bother her.
It’d be awesome if one day, she can find something to dedicate herself to like Riko does...but until then, there’s no need to rush or stress it. If she’s meant to find it, then she’ll find it eventually.
Having a dream should be a wonderful thing, after all. It’s not something you must have but something you want, something you choose to pursue. 
I believe that’s what makes Riko so special in Mirai’s eyes. Because despite all the doubts and hardships that come with it, Mirai can tell Riko truly cherishes her desire to become a fine witch some day. 
If she didn’t, Riko wouldn’t have needed to try so hard. But she did and is still trying because she really wants it. That is what earned her Mirai’s admiration.
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Not sure if those feelings reached Riko but at least it seems that she knows Mirai respects and understands her to extent in that regard, which then draws out a smile from her as well.
Cuz c’mon, it’s just nice to talk these things out with a friend.
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That’s right, they’re definitely friends now.
They’re laughing together and the atmosphere is very light and pleasant and happy.
Just look at Mofurun, the perfect mood indicator. If that’s not enough to show how well our girls are getting along, then I don’t know what is.
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Ugh, unfortunately if there’s a good mood going on, a mood ruiner is never too far off.
This time it’s Sparda and she introduces herself by stealing Mirai’s Diamond pendant. *GASP* BAD! >:(
Demands are made for the Emerald’s location, Mirai loudly defies the villain again and villain decide to wreck things as a response. Yada yada yada, same old, same old.
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Except with them missing one Diamond and unable to transform into Precure, they really can’t do anything to stop Sparda.
As the situation becomes grimmer, so does the anger start to build within Riko as she surveys the damage of the town.
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We even get a mini-montage of a younger Riko (OMG ISN’T SHE THE SWEETEST LIL’ WITCH-IN-TRAINING?!?!? KYAAA~!!! xDD) on her first time visiting all the shops, essentially telling us how many important memories she’s made here and how much the people who helped her mean to her.
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This finally, finally makes her blow her top.
How dare this cretin selfishly trample all over the innocent people trying to do their daily jobs peacefully! How dare this insect woman make a mess of their community, a place where everybody works so hard to support each other, without remorse!
That is absolutely unforgivable!!
...but at the same time, Riko releasing her anger is just what they needed. Her feelings are now fully synchronized with Mirai’s...
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...which causes the Ruby to awaken and reveal its true form to them.
Hmm, this is really fascinating because we can interpret it to mean that passion, the idea that the Ruby represents, is linked to many emotions and not just a strong sense of love towards something. 
Or you can say even “negative” emotions like anger or sorrow can also be proof of a very strong love.
Considering that rage and passion are often symbolized through flames and fire imagery, I’d say that the connection between those two is really appropriate for these turn of events.
But moving along...
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I’ll go into my thoughts on this design another day but ahhh, I do so love this Form Change to death. Have a hard time deciding if this is my top favorite among the MahoPre forms.
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As for the battle, well, sad to say this one wasn’t worth writing home about either. And I think the animation quality dropped a little around this part of the ep. Not sure why there’s a sudden inconsistency when there wasn’t that much “fighting” going on.
But again, I’m not here to write about the battle scenes (until maybe post-Felice debut), which are more or less the same anyway so I’d just be repeating myself if I were. I’m here for the chemistry between the girls, the character studies and so on.
Some key highlights, though, because I couldn’t ignore them:
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Mofurun catching the Diamond back like one would catch a home run ball.
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This kick.
This kick is everything.
Miracle and Magical grabbing each other’s hands to help propel their feet at the Yokubaru.
And then the ice thawing immediately upon impact, a call out to the Frozen Clementines they always eat and further demonstration of symbolism of passion through fire because heat melts ice.
Looks like this might’ve been the first time Riko was successful in using this type of magic. Too bad you can’t really eat it. But not that you’d really want to, lol
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Then Ruby Passionale and another day saved.
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And now everybody’s witnessed the legend in the flesh!
lol, Miracle being polite to the crowd while Mofurun is trying to hide her face ("No pictures, please-mofu!”) and Magical is so close to freaking out cuz they gotta get outta here before their transformations become undone and their true identities are found out and ohhh, we don’t want to stick around to find out what that’s gonna be like......
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...so they leave by leaping to the rooftops.
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Later that day, they go to pick up Mirai’s broom and aww, that’s so nice of Gustav to give her a cute ribbon as an extra service!
It comes in both her and Riko’s colors, too! How did he know?!?!?!? 8D
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And he even gave one to Riko to match with Mirai!
Ugh, Gustav is so awesome. I want to buy him a steak dinner. 
I’ll buy dinner for any character in story who helps me ship my ship, hahaha! xD
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Hehe, my lovely girls~
I love them soooo much. <3
Mmkay, I’m done for the day. I think I can manage to do one more post for next week. Then we’ll see what happens from there cuz I’ll be going back to work soon.
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sharperthewriter · 5 years
Stoppable Family Vacation - Ch. 6
(This chapter of SFV, just to let everyone know, has sexual content and nudity in it. You have been forewarned.)
Chapter 6 - Romantic Adventures
Back at the ice cream parlor, Kim came out of the women's restroom with both clasps of the overalls moving up and down against the buttons.
"Ah, now this is so much more like it!" Kim grinned, adoring her own fashion creation.
Ron saw this and grinned. Sweat began to pour from his head.
"KS, you look so steaming hot right now!"
"Geee...thanks, hubby!" Kim said sultry, playing with her overalls buckles.
"As you always say, it's no big!" Ron replied, still sweating frantically.
"Why are Mommy's clothes dancing like that?" Justin wondered.
"Dunno...but your mother is just totes adorbs right now!" Ron replied while drooling.
"Spool up the drool, Ron!" Kim smirked while the overalls buckles continued to go up and down against the buttons on the bib. "We're going to save that for the bedroom. I'm gonna also order a sundae..."
"YAY!" cheered both Justin, Rufus and Alexa.
"Sorry, you two. It's just for me and Ron." Kim insisted. "You two had enough sweets for tonight."
"AWWW MAN!" whined the kids and mole rat.
"We're gonna take two to-go boxes, Ron." Kim said while petting her husband's blonde hair. The right buckle on her overalls slipped off the button, letting the bib curl up. "For we are going to do something...'special'...with them!"
Justin, and Alexa both looked at their parents very funny. They don't know what to think of it.
Kim hooked the buckle back up, but she'll know that it'll slip off again.
Rufus, however, did. And it wasn't often a suitable sight for naked mole rats to see.
(30 minutes later)
When the Stoppables got to the house, Kim locked up the station wagon while her overalls buckles continued to dance up and down against the buttons. She then glanced at the worst vehicle the Stoppables currently owned now that the Rustbucket was in the junkyard: the brown-green 1996 Drudge Tangerine minivan that still had the stench of hog manure, the windows covered in dirt, and the dead lovebugs on the front bumper of the van. He had received that van in the will of one of his deceased aunts that he disliked a lot about two years ago.
"Ugh...hope we don't take that vehicle to South Dakota!" she said with disgust.
"You got that right!" Ron replied in agreement.
"Which kinda reminds me though..." Kim said as she drew the words WASH ME on the back window of the van.
"Yeah, KS...I'll get to it." Ron promised, scratching his back. "We'll put the little Munchkins to bed. It'll be a piece of cake!"
(20 more minutes later)
"Justin! Alexa! Come back here!" Kim exclaimed while trying to chase her son through the house. Justin was in his pajamas and was chewing on a lot of candy from his mouth. Alexa, also in her pajamas, was eating up some cookies with crumbs onto the floor. They were covered head to toe in dirt. Kim's overalls buckles were held up by safety pins to the bib. They were, loosely, to the buttons.
"Gotta catch me, Mommy!" Alexa squealed.
"Are you too slow?" Justin taunted.
"You two need to get back here so that you can take your baths!" she exclaimed.
"Great...dealing with two dirty people is enough on my plate..." Kim groaned.
"The Dirt Monster is going to get you now!" Ron shouted. Like his kids, he and Rufus were also covered in dirt.
"Better make that four dirty people!" Kim moaned even louder.
(One more hour later)
Kim tucked Alexa into her bed and turned out the light in her room. Earlier, she and Ron did the same for Justin.
"Good night, Alexa! See you in the morning!" she said as she closed the door to her room.
Ron was waiting for her with his famous bedroom eyes. His eyes were fixated on Kim's overalls buckles still going up and down on the bib. Kim also popped off two more buttons off her button-down shirt so that it exposed more of her cleavage and her bra.
"So with the kiddies off to bed, I think we should get our sundaes from the fridge so that we can talk more about romantic sites just for the two of us!" Kim replied with a smirk on her face. "And eating isn't the only sitch we're going to do with these sundaes.
Ron grinned, "Oooh!"
With the two of them alone, Ron smirked, "You know...there's just the two of us and the kids are asleep."
"Plus the naked mole rat here." Kim said, pointing to Rufus, whom was still awake.
"Once I put Rufus to bed, we can plan some romantic...fun...together!" Ron grinned.
(15 more minutes later)
After Ron put Rufus to bed, Kim took out the sundaes from the fridge and she and Ron sat down at the dining room table. Both buckles to Kim's overalls were on the verge of coming off the bib. Ron replied to this by loosening his belt a notch. The baggy jeans got a bit lower, showing off his boxers. He allowed them to go below his buttocks but not show off any skin...yet. He sat on his underwear.
"Where do you suggest we go for a romantic getaway during the trip?" he asked. "I mean, we got the kids and all."
"The only thing I would suggest is for the both of us to go to a nightclub in Rapids City." Kim replied as the left buckle to her overalls slipped off the button. At the same time, some of the ice cream that she was eating fell off the spoon and onto her breasts and bra. Ron instinctively grabbed a napkin from the table and, holding up his pants, tried to clean it but Kim refused.
"Uh-uhhh, Ron...this is for the 'fun' that we're going to do in the master bedroom."
Ron relented and replied, "Okay, KS! Whatever you say!"
"I did some research on South Dakota nightlife and...truth be told...it isn't much." Kim said while looking at her tablet. "There are only a grand total of four nightclub in the entire state of South Dakota: two in Rapids City and two in Sioux Falls."
"Are there any that allow saggy pants?" Ron asked.
"According to the Moogle maps, only one: the Red Dog Nightclub and Bar allows saggy pants for both men and women between the hours of 10pm and 1am. And they don't allow saggy pants below the buttocks of both genders. Twerking is allowed between 11pm and midnight." Kim replied while looking through the tablet.
"Then that's the place where we are gonna go when the kiddies go to sleep!" Ron replied. "I always wanted to dance with my pants on the verge of falling down."
"Yeah..." Kim replied sarcastically while rolling her eyes. "You always LOOOOVE to do that..."
The other strap of Kim's overalls slipped through its button and the bib disappeared from Ron's sight from the table. The bulge in his crotch began to grow, for the straps were still on Kim's shoulders. He couldn't wait to slip them off her flaxen shoulders.
"So now..." Kim grinned while taking another bite of her ice cream. She took off a couple more buttons off her shirt, showing off more of her ample bosom.
Kim also took the cherry and whipped cream and rubbed it against her her hands. She was making a tantalizing mess of herself with the bra straps off her shoulders.
"...we'll plan one final thing and then call it a night."
"And what thing would that be?" he asked.
"Renting a cabin!" came Kim's reply.
"Hmmm...gotta think long and hard on this, KS!" Ron said as he finished up his ice cream. "You have to remember my issues with Wannaweep."
"Ron, you camped with the kids before!" Kim replied.
"Yeah, but that was in our backyard with a tent." Ron replied. "We're going to be out in the wilderness in the middle of God-knows-where!"
"How about this?! How about if we choose an RV park, with cabins, right near the interstate?" Kim suggested as the ice cream continued to drip on her breasts. "That way, we can avoid the sitch getting lost and we can get on the road quicker!"
"That's not a bad idea, KS!" Ron exclaimed for joy, "Both you and I can rent a cabin and Rufus and the kids can use the tent and trailer."
"One vacation stich avoided!" Kim grinned. "Now that we have everything for the vacation down, I'll just slip into something a little more...comfortable!" Kim smirked as well, for she knew what Ron was thinking. She slid the unhooked overalls straps off her shoulders to allow the overalls to be undone and falling behind her back. Her panties were exposed. She also unbuttoned the remaining buttons on her button-down shirt, exposing her bra. She then took out a popsicle from the freezer and began to suck on the popsicle. The juices of her popsicle blended well with the ice cream and chocolate syrup on her breasts.
"Now that's what I'm talkin' about!" Ron grinned.
Both he and Kim were alone in the master bedroom.
Kim was still in her unbuttoned shirt and undone overalls, but had her shoes on as well as her jewelry. Ron, meanwhile, still had his shirt buttoned and his pants were still buttoned but unbelted, but also showing off his boxers. His bulge was growing more apparent and he sweated even harder.
"Do you have the condiments ready?" Ron asked.
"Let's see. We got mayonnaise, a pickle, fuzzy handcuffs from my bachelorette party, a spray can filled with whipped cream, a tub of nacho cheese and a stick of butter." Kim replied while unhooking her bra.
"That's what we need to make sure that we'll have a fun time tonight!" Ron grinned as he started to unbutton his pants.
Kim purred and took off the top part of her bra, showing off fully her breasts jiggling around.
"Ooooo! Going for the kink stuff, aren't we?" Ron chuckled as he grabbed the pickle and held it over his crotch .
Kim said as her overalls got lower. "You want it fast or slow?"
"I'd go with slow first...and then fast, KS!" Ron grinned.
"You got it, you amazing goofball!" Kim laughed as her undone overalls got lower and baggier. She grabbed the stick of butter and whipped cream and crawled onto the bed like a wild female panther about to mate with her male. She then put the stick of butter on her panties.
"Now..." Kim said, pausing for a moment before ripping off Ron's button-down shirt and pulled down his pants. "...let's begin our fun, Agent R Stoppable!" Her overalls, at that instant, fell to the ground, only clothed in her panties with the butter sticking out.
"Your mission, Agent K Stoppable, should you choose to accept it, is to rub this stick of butter and nacho cheese on my chest and kiss me passionately! Then we can go from there!" Ron said suggestively.
"Consider that mission accepted, Agent R Stoppable!" Kim replied with a smile. She began to smear the butter onto Ron's chest and began to kiss him passionately They began to moan and kiss so hard that they slammed the door to the master bedroom. On a sign on the doornob, it said, "SECRET AGENTS 'IN TRAINING' - DO NOT DISTURB"
The two were going to have a hot time in town tonight.
PREVIOUS: https://sharperthewriter.tumblr.com/post/185459404113/stoppable-family-vacation-ch-5
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bigskydreaming · 6 years
Some of the X-Men novels from the 90s were actually pretty good, now that I remember it. They were original stories, not novelizations of already existing comic book arcs, which tends to be my preference when adapting characters to other media, but the downside is sometimes they come up with stuff that you’re like ugh, dammit, why can’t that be in the comics now too.
Like Smoke and Mirrors was this one novel I read in high school where Sinister was the main bad guy, and it had some pretty great stuff in it, and also probably my favorite Betsy POV stuff, though it hopped around to a bunch of characters’ POVs.
Including these five original teenage characters who were like the most adorable little nerds ever. They called themselves the Ohio Mutant Conspiracy to sound cool, but they were basically like the Breakfast Club and were these five high schoolers who nobody knew were mutants until one of them, Slapshot, set up this message board online in the hopes of trying to figure out if there were any other mutants like him in his area. And they eventually met up and started out hanging out every week in this abandoned warehouse after school and talking about how they should totally do something cool or fight crime with their powers. But mostly they were just bored lonely teenagers who were all really bad at admitting that they just wanted to hang out with other ppl like them even though they were from totally different social circles. And the main plot of the novel was this goon squad (hired by Sinister) busting into their warehouse and capturing three of them because kidnapping innocent mutants for nefarious purposes is like, his thing, and the other two got away and then were like okay we’re gonna rescue our friends! We have no idea what we’re doing! This will absolutely end badly! Ready, let’s go!
And meanwhile of course the X-Men were like oh hey, Sinister is kidnapping innocent mutants again, we need to find them and also spank him. Okay not that last part but I’m just saying, I’ve always felt like they could stand to put a little more effort into just like....plain old murdering the dude. C’mon Logan, what are you even doing, you pat yourself on the back for being the best at that like ALL the time.
Anyway, yeah, the kids the author created just for this storyline were really fun. I remember the youngest of them and most gung ho about being a mutant and wanting to be a superhero team and always trying to convince the others they should do that, she was a black girl who was a couple years younger than the rest, I think a freshman while the others were all juniors and seniors. I can’t remember her real name, because she was always insisting the others call her by the codename she’d come up with, Charade. Her power was she could convince anyone that whatever she was saying was true. Like anything from ‘you don’t want to hurt me’ to a bad guy or ‘you didn’t see me here’ to boosting one of her friend’s powers by telling them they could totally do the thing they were trying to do even though they’d never tried anything like it before. 
And she was closest with the oldest of the group whose name I also can’t remember, but who was this tall awkward white guy who she’d basically adopted as her surrogate big brother and he just kinda shrugged and went okay, and was super protective of her, it was way cute. He had some kind of basic super strength and enhanced senses power, and could never settle on a code name and tried a bunch of different ones throughout the book until finally settling on Red Rover, which one of the others called him as a joke and he was just like yeah I know, but I kinda like it.
And they were two of the three that were kidnapped, with the other one being Slapshot, the one who found the rest of them and kinda always defaulted to being the leader even though he was this shy nerd in school and always getting down on himself and the remaining two of the five were way more popular than him. I think his name was Jason, and he was this short Asian kid who was really into hockey for some reason, and that’s why he picked Slapshot for his codename. He was convinced he had a lame power, like all he did was change the trajectory of things that were already in motion. But when the three of them were locked up and didn’t know what had happened to the other two or if anyone was coming to rescue them, he figured out how to bust them out when he realized they thought his power was too small to bother making sure he couldn’t use it. So he took a quarter he had in his pocket and threw it, and started reversing its trajectory in mid air back and forth, over and over until the constant change in direction was like, building momentum, so when he finally let it go it just punched straight through the door lock like a bullet. He was very proud to discover he was secretly a dormant badass and it gave him a total self-esteem boost. Also way adorbs.
And the other two of the group, the ones who got away initially were both white seniors and one of them, Peyton, was a cheerleader and she called herself Rewind, and the other Adam was the quarterback and called himself Pipedream. His power was to just project this dream state on people so whatever they were doing, they just stopped and stood there and were stuck in some lucid daydream for a few minutes, though he couldn’t control what they saw, just initiate it. 
And everyone was always constantly looking at him to know what to do because he was supposed to be the popular football captain and have all the answers and he’d get all frustrated like ‘how does any of that make me qualified to know what to do here’ and Rewind was on the verge of a breakdown and screamed back ‘well fine if you dont want to help I’ll just save them myself’ and he was all ‘I didnt say I dont want to help, I just dont have a clue what that looks like!’ and she was like ‘FINE, I guess I’ll just figure it out myself and you just come along and do what I say” and Adam was all “Yes, finally! That’s what I’ve been saying, that is a much better idea than me being clueless and in charge, god!” And then this was where usually they’d realize they have Feelings for each other but haha no, they were actually just awkward road trip buddies and when they eventually found the others breaking out as they were breaking in and were like oh hey, we were just coming to rescue you, Slapshot was like oh yeah, sorry, you took too long so we kinda just did it ourselves. 
And Rewind was very impressed in his newfound leader-ness which Adam was more than happy to also concede to him when Jason was worried he was gonna want to be in charge now, and so she was basically like, okay, new plan. I’m still gonna be Prom Queen, because duh, but now you will be my Prom King. Everyone on board? Excellent. Let’s blow this popsicle stand. Which they did, mostly via Peyton’s power, which was to rewind time in her area, but like, nothing longer than thirty seconds back, just enough for her to correct recent mistakes. 
But then she found out it also worked if she told everyone to stand back with a scary gleam in her eye that had Adam and Jason like ‘we feel that whatever you’re about to do, you should probably....not’ and she was like, ‘are you going to stop me?’ and because they were not dumb they were both like ‘no ma’am!’ And then she hopped in one of the golf cart kinda things the security guards in the place used to drive around, revved the engine, Adam whispered ‘hold me, I’m scared’ because she drove the whole way there and they almost died like twenty times a minute. Who knew the girl with the ‘its fine, I can fix it’ power had a tendency to be reckless, right? But she just like floored the golf cart and drove straight at the big giant locked doors blocking their exit and they were all “PEYTON NO!” and she was all “PEYTON YES!” and crashed right into the doors, denting them a little and like, totaling the golf cart. Except then she rewound time but just around the golf cart and not the doors, so they were still just as dented while the golf cart was good as new and ten feet away again as she barreled into the doors all over again with “PEYTON YES” (well, whatever she was actually screaming, I forget, it was 25 years ago) playing over and over again on a loop as she kept crashing into the doors, rewinding time to fix the cart and crashing into them over and over with them getting a little more busted each time until finally she busted all the way through them.
And Slapshot was like “How did you know that would work?” and she was like “Huh? Oh, I didn’t.” and he was like “Holy shit, marry me” and Peyton was all lol slow down, you’re cute but I have a Life Plan, that’s not happening til we’re at least 25.
Anyway, yeah, the Ohio Mutant Conspiracy were adorable and honestly some of the best X-characters ever and its a shame they never made it into the pages of an actual comic as X-Men students. Oh, also, that book had a female clone of Wolverine called Mantrap who was hunting Sinister for Reasons also, but not like a clone clone, obviously, as she was also Native American, I think? But clone-ish. There was a kinship. This was pre X-23 and might have been part of the inspiration for her, who knows.
But yeah. I lost that book years ago and could never find it anywhere, lame. It was def my fave of the X-Men novels though there were a couple other good ones too. 
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sonatanotwo · 6 years
SO! Imma talk more about Flame Out... More coherently this time. XDb
Yeah, I like... re-read my original post and realized a bunch of my typing wasn’t even really readable... in my defense, it was 4am and I was on a rather old and slow tablet. XDDD
ANYHOO. Let’s try this again. :D With caps and stuff this time. 8Db
I am still all GOSH THIS EPISODE. And still all super OMG SEE? I KNEW IT. I said Virgil was a giant, lovable, cute, dork. So adorkable, my gosh. (I also have never really gone into detail, but I kinda headcanoned Virgil could get shy and stuff around like girls he likes and such. I never spoke much of it since I didn’t really have much in the way of evidence WHY I thought he might act that way... WELL. THANK YOU, EPISODE. I feel like this really could be a thing now. XDDD)
Boy, his brothers must not have paid any attention ever to his bookshelves if he has books and even an action figure of Kip. XDa
So, of course, I’m wondering when/how Virgil found out about Kip. Did Kip know Jeff? Seemed like it, given him noting Virgil looked like their Dad (Which I’m like OMG YES, to. People say Scott looks like Jeff, but my gosh, look at Virgil and Jeff in TOS. There is even more resemblance there, eyebrows, set of the eyes, nose, cheeks (chin and dimples are then more what Scott got.) Gosh, I can’t wait to see what TAG! Jeff will look like.) in a way that seemed more than just knowing a little about Jeff to feel Virgil was ‘a chip off the old block.’ (Man, this ep was so chock full of oldish and very American sayings. XD)
Did Jeff introduce Virgil to the guy’s existence? =Oa
BUT yeah, as I tried to type, but mangled... It’s exciting and interesting that it seems like Virgil had influence on him doing what he does well beyond simply his father. Obviously Kip was a huge one! And someone who does more what Virgil does than what, from what we can tell, Jeff probably did. Jeff’s about technology and space, but Virgil is definitely more mechanical, engineering and stuff like fires and explosives etc. *chinhands*
Man, it could potentially even fit together nicely... If it was even older teen Virgil who found out about him... if he still went to college in Denver... I mean, Colorado is still VERY the westerny. (I lived an hour south of Denver for 7 years. XD So, yeah. XD) LMao Maybe that’s where he got the action figure. XDa Man, I wonder where Kip was meant to be from... it was definitely a southern accent---don’t think quite Texas... at least, not some parts of it. (...Oh, his actor was a UK one. GOSH. I wouldn’t have guessed THAT. XD Same person who’s played the balloon Dad and Dr. Peck XD)
Side note... did anyone notice Grandma when she descends into the seating area?
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LOOK AT HER, smoothing her hair. XDDD Man, I missed Grandma. <3
I flailed a lot about Virg being ambidextrous, so I won’t flail much again. Just a little. <3
It’s always interesting to see how things have been moved or outright changed. I keep wondering if they have a second Tracy Island or are they able to film where they display the house for the tour? o.Oa THINGS I WONDER when I see changes. ( But yeah. Look at the shelves here:
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Then here’s in EOS:
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Then this old shot from the website, where clearly it was a WIP or something, cause books are falling off and backwards. lol
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Just... interesting. XD From what I can see, it was the same setup as EOS in season 2 as well, but yeah. The books have changed in S3 and that one statue on the top there has gone completely MIA. (Also can actually JUST make out the spine of one of the books! =O Bottom shelf, far left... It appears to say “Catching Fire” ...which could possibly be Hunger Games reference, since I gather that’s the name of book 2? lolol I’m sure all those books are references. lmao)
Also that one statue over near the pool table?
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I was pretttty sure it was Mozart.
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NOT ANYMORE. Thiiiiink it MIGHT be Aristotle? Bye Mozart. ;A; The other statue is gone too. Sadness. And yeah, these books have been changed up too. I wonder why. =Oa Well. If it isn’t a secondary set anyways. 
In fact that whole side is a bit different (other than being shot at a different angle XD)
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ANYHOOOOOOOOOO... wow that really was a heck of a tangent.
Where was I. 
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Oh gosh, Virgil, you are too cute. That look he’s giving, Scott, gosh. XD That’s a pleading look if I ever saw one.
I just love how it looks like Gordon is plotting Virgil’s utter DOOM...
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...Then doesn’t actually do anything, since Virgil is embarrassing himself without any help what-so-ever. XD Poor, poor Virgil. He must have been kicking himself. (The “I’m meant to be helping you!” line definitely suggests it. lol)
BUT I JUST. It’s so strange even in a way to see Virg just... absolutely freeze up.
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Since Virgil like... so rarely loses his cool. Man... I wonder how he’ll react to seeing Jeff again. =Oa
Man, does Kip not board aircraft much? Most do have wheels, Kip. Even the GDF flyers do. XDa Taxi-ing is a thing they do. lololol Though I suppose TB2′s are sorta hidden...ish.
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Poor Virg. YOU KNOW, this might be the first time a note about Virgil that was in the annual might’ve actually sorta been a thing. =Oa It said sometimes he forgot his own strength... We’ve really never seen it used in any way, making it seem like a bit of out-of-date marketing. (Especially since being an artist and piano player, Virg is pretty good at being gentle. ^.^) But a distracted Virgil can seemingly cause some problems lolol
Gosh, I laugh at Gordon’s line still all ‘I’m not messing with them, they’re messing with me!’ lolol
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And Virgil finally pulls himself together. \o/
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I just really like how Kip’s leaning on TB2′s dash there to look out the windshield.
...I also really like how Kip’s stubble looks...
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Like, gosh, this season so far has had some really nice new character models.
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Remember, Virg is their demolition specialist... he uses explosives, but he doesn’t just carry around random sticks of TNT. lolol AND they just kinda ran away from a HUGE explosion and gas. And. Kip had this. On him.
I’m with Virgil here.
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AND YOU CAN JUST SEE IT IN HIS FACE. I look up to you and I trust you...
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But those are sticks of dynamite right there and they could have exploded earlier.
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Ugh, can I just side note that the animators are doing so amazing in general this season so far? Just all the faces and emotions Virgil goes through in this sequence alone. GOSH.
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Aww Virg. He wants to do the thing.
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“I’m meant to be helping you...” ...Yeah, he’s feelin’ bad for being a wee bit useless earlier, I think. 
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That face. ;A; He doesn’t want to say it and seems to be guilty for thinking it. I mean, and Virgil knows better cause I mean... GRANDMA and all. BUT STILL, he feels like he should still. ;A;a
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Ugh this isn’t nearly all the faces he even makes. SO many feels.
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“By not getting blown up?”
He’s still totally thinking about the dynamite.
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ANYTHING. My heart. 
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My heart, guys. Just. Look at this sweetheart. Look how lovely and everything he is. I knew what I was talking about all this time!
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GRANDMA! ...you know, I have a feeling she really might be the Grandma type who’d go and whip out baby photos. She is so unbothered at embarrassing her grandsons. XDDDD I do so love her.
OKAY. TIME FOR ANOTHER MOMENT OF ANIMATION APPRECIATION. RUNS. They’ve been animating them REALLY well so far this season too. Sometimes we’ve seen Virgil’s run be a litttle, uh, stiff. But his run down to the seating area earlier and this... Very nice. +o+b
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You can really feel the weight and all the motion has such nice follow through and stuff. Just. Hrrrg. It’s good guys.
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Oh my goodness, eyes. VIRGIL. ;A;
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Of course, Kip’s fine and Virgil assumes the pose he borrowed from his puppet counterpart. X3b
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OKAY, ANOTHER THING ABOUT THIS SEASON... animation errors have been so few and far between... they’ve got John in the loop and their IR insignia’s are properly glowing.
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A+ Also some very nice texturing and stuff on the truck.
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Nothing really. Just it was a nice cap. *chinhands*
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Oh Grandma, your boys oh so love you. Virgil’s face. ahahaha but he’s asking. XD
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And Gordon’s backing him up. Aww Gordo. <3 Like I said, I love my Big Brotp, but these two have a place in my heart too. ^.^
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“Just do us a favour? Leave the dynamite at home.”
He was really thinking about that. XD
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This is a dinner I wish we could see. lololol
Is this my longest episode post ever? ...it might be. It won’t surprise me if it is.
SO. Now to wait for who knows how long. o.o; I’m kinda wondering if they’ll break the season into three parts... 9/9/8 (or 9/8/9) It would make the waits between possibly smaller... I guess we’ll see. =Oa Hopefully won’t be too long, especially with their teaser. lol
I’m on the fence about who it is, except no, I REALLY don’t think it’s Kyrano. It’s all in the accents... Kayo and the Hood are decidedly from the UK so I rather doubt Kyrano would have a decidedly American one. lol That just would seem... odd. Part of me is wondering if it’s Jeff, but obviously it’s a bit... not rich enough to seem quite like Jeff, although it is pretty heavily radio distorted, but still. Erf. It also might be a bit TOO accented compared to the boys... ANYHOO, I guess we’ll see, anyways.
(Boy, I hope this’ll actually post and not error or something...)
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princeandreis · 6 years
26 + 29 with elmer pls i love u a lot
26. going to the fair
29. “I’m never letting you out of my sight ever again.”
“You ready for me to whoop your butt in ring toss, [Y/L/N]?” Elmer asked you, smirking, as you approached the carnival booth.
“Not if I whoop yours first.” You and your boyfriend Elmer had a great rapport going, which meant you could razz each other and show off and compete with no hurt feelings. It was the best way for a relationship to be, since you could finally show him your competitive side.
He gave you a grin and said, “Well, even if you win somehow, you have to give me the prize. That’s the deal. Whoever wins, gives the other the toy. I want a bear. You need to get me a bear if you win.”
You huffed. “Fine. You go first.”
As your boyfriend handed tickets to the man running the booth, your hat blew off your head in a gust of wind and skittered across the fair grounds. “Whoops! Gotta get my hat back,” you told him. Elmer nodded, already focused on his ring-tossing, so you took off after your stupid hat.
It took you a long time to track down your hat in the busy fair grounds, and by the time you looked up, you had no idea where you were. Not everyone looked so friendly all of a sudden, without Elmer next to you. Someone bumped you in passing. You started. Ugh. Crowds were scary.
You huffed, placed your hat back on your head, and started back toward the ring toss booth. Automatically your hand reached for your purse, but it wasn’t there. Oh no. Too late, you realized – 
“Hey! Come back here!” you shouted, running to find the person who’d bumped you. The crowds made a path for you, baffled by your yelling. You finally glimpsed the man and managed to catch up to him. “Hey, you!” He turned. “Yeah, you!” you called, louder. He started to run, but you grabbed him by the coat. “Give me back my purse!”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Why would I steal a teenage girl’s pocket change in a cloth bag?”
You hadn’t thought about that, but you were positive he’d taken it. “Just give it back!” People were starting to take notice of the commotion and murmuring. You were still tugging on the man’s coat, trying to get your purse back.
Suddenly, two strong arms pulled you away from the stranger. Elmer.
“What’s going on here?”
The man looked annoyed. He eyed you, saying, “She just ran up to me saying that I stole her purse.” Elmer raised his hands in a placating gesture. “I’m sure we can work this out, just give her back her purse, sir.”
The stranger rolled his eyes, but sighed and pulled it out of a pocket. “Here. Now leave me alone.” He walked away quickly, looking over his shoulder at Elmer, who was very casually flexing his muscles.
You were all too happy to let your boyfriend pull an arm around you and take you back to the ring toss booth. “If that’s what happens when you’re alone, I’m never letting you out of my sight ever again,” he told you jokingly.
You rolled your eyes, but kissed him on the cheek in thanks. “Now let’s go get you that bear. You deserve it.”
taglist: @delicatewizardmentality​ @i-got-personality @we-dont-sell-papes @ben-cook-can-cook @albertdasillva @timesarehardfornewsies @sam-roll @broadwayandbookblog @fangirlforever5322 @agentmalfoy24601 @races-erster @thatshiscigar @thembrooklynboysisbig @heytheywascoronas @albertdasillva @albertslamb @daveys-pet-snake @ginervacade @fallinglegen19 @gayfortoast @imjusttheoutgoingsidekick @viennaleia @newsies-stop-theworld @blame-the-russo-bros @jordmac
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2hypedrn · 3 years
Blog 7: FAV WEEK?? :
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ALOHA, my favourite amigos~ This week was super exciting and fun! Ugh, I am so happy I got my WestJet scarf literally two months into this field placement :'). Couldn't have been more grateful! So delighted on progress check day we could see some of my friends/colleagues :D and proff Grace and Patrick too :))) <3
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I over at the US oversize drops waiting for guests to drop off their bags for me to scan, I took this pic last week where I did not receive my scarf yet felt out of place LOL:'> *Anyways, super easy, just scan guest's boarding pass and have them place their baggage on the scale to weigh it and also scan the baggage tag to proceed to the security scan machine ~ woot woot. Then, wait for the thumbs-up signal to press the button to send the baggage down~ TADA!
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What's a blog without my super cute collection of pets I've encountered at work >O< !! So tiny aha aw ~ my heart <3 A small carry-on for an even smol doggo. I think I love seeing the guest's pets more than actual people hehe...
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This is Gemma. She's a very exciting doggo. She's only 6! Very friendly and loves belly rubs and climbing on ppl ahah~ This is me holding the leash, preparing for Gemma to be placed back into her unbelievably large kennel for departure! Zip ties? READY! Gemma was the star of the check-in area. She loved the attention for sure, lolz. Hope you had a pleasant check-in and flight experience with WestJet Gemma :) Take care!
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Last but not least :D I MEAN, LOOK AT HER? Speechless! Too adorbs xoxo~ Inspires me to work at a pet shop like AW~.
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AAAHH, honestly, a cat person ~ Got a little too close HAHA I got licked :p (yes, yes, ilyt Gemma)
ALSO, I saw a well-known person often referred to as WongFu for his YouTube videos among the Asian entertainment and AHHH I missed the opportunity to capture a picture ;(( but he did thank me for assisting him at the US Bag drops so I was super grateful but I was unsure if it was him lol anyways that was fun and sad aha ~
Did you know if you're not a resident of any country then you're an Alien lol that is actually an option to be selected at the check-in on the computers lol?
Ok ok, this concludes my blog 7, eochy signing out, peace out!
0 notes
sitaaronkepaar · 7 years
Daily Rikara Ramblings
Aww, Gauri looks so qyut. 😍😍😍😍
Aww, nah, my bby so sadddd. 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
Richa’s yapping is annoying me. Like gurl, stfu for a sec. Mausam ka taqazza kuch hai bhi ya nahi?
“bhagwan na kare hamare jaise kismet kisi ki bhi hi Richa!”
Poor Gauri. 😭😭😭😭😭
Srsly though, Omkie is garbage and doesn’t deserve our chirriya. 🗑️🗑️🗑️🗑️🗑️🗑️
That horrible, no good, terrible flashback is back ugh 😭
“Karwa chauth ka vrat rakha hai humne, woh bhi us pati k liye jo hamein patni tak nahi manta”
Stop feeling bad cause of that human pile of trash Gauri. He ain’t worth your tears or your fast. Throw him in the dustbin where he belongs 🚮🚮🚮🚮🚮
Oho, Omkie ki OTT entry. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
Lol address bhi tadi dikha k pooch raha hai 😂😂
The voiceover is so weird  🤔🤔
Okay, but how bitch? Like I really want to know how you’re going to make it up to her. 😔😔😔😔😔
Awww, Queenie is sajhing dhajing. 😍😍
With tears in her eyes! 😭😭😭
She’s looking real pretty though. 😍😍😍
She took a bindi from what looked like a packet of white bindis and then put on a black one. 😐😐😐😐😐
Omkara ko pagdi banani aati hai? Mad Skills brah!! 👏👏👏👏
Why does Gauri have the same jewellery and those ropes thingies as Annika, and everyone else? Like, do people really prepare for karwachauth months in advance?
Lol, Shivika be so qt! 😍😍😍
Jhanvi and Gauri’s suit looks the same. But Jhanvi’s hotter? God, Jhanvi’s such a milf tbh 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤
Awww, Shivaay stole a kiss from Annika!! So QYUT!! 💝💞💞💞💞💞
Okay, but how are women even able to walk and talk and do all humanly things during karwa chauth? Like if I miss a single meal toh I end up feeling like Frankenstein’s monster. Kuch bhi khane ko chalega.
Oh man, Gauri recalling Omkara’s words makes me cry. 💔💔💔💔💔
Aagayi iski useless maa. I swear she’s the most useless character in IBverse. Is se bekar aur kaun hoga. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
Ugh, he doesn’t deserve your love Gauri. Srsly, fuck him. 😡😡😡😡😡😡
God, why do these people just walk in andhera? Ab toh phones me bhi torches hoti hai. 🙄
Okay, if someone pulled that trick on me, I’d slap first and ask questions later.
Ngl, it is adorbs though. But I don’t like no surprises.
Yeh tanya bhi psycho lagti hai.
These rassis on Annika’s dress are annoying me. Like why?
Why doesn’t someone tell Annika who Shakira is already lmao.
Is it just me, or is Shivaay being extra adorable these days? Man, he be so QYUT!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍
Gauri’s mom has some weird ideas of Shubh and ashubh. 🙄🙄🙄🙄
Lmao, this is so cliched! 😂😂😂😂😂
Lol aa gaya Sardar Singh Oberoi. 😂😂
Dafuq, why is the editing all over the place in this show? 😓😓😓
Okay, not digging these channi wale parallels for RuVya too. Rudy doesn’t even deserve to lick Bhavya’s feet. Omkara doesn’t either, but god, at least there were no malicious life ruining actions there. At least not intentionally.
Also, dafuq kinda name is “Stilist”? Ew. No one karchaoed their brains here apparently!
Guys wtf, all the other couples are married! RuVya ain’t married, neither should they be. Like ever. Rudy’s the worstttt!! 😡😡😡😡😡😡
OMFG! Oh God. That role reversal thing I wanted is happening but with Shivika!!! Omg so qyyyuttttt. Now, I know why my friend said Shivika scenes were the best today lol. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
But tell me Omkara ne vrat rakkha hai ya nahi? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
Shivika’s cuteness is making me want to ship them over Rikara. Rikara bas angst hi angst hai. Ugh.
Don’t kill me pls, but I really don’t like “O, Jaana”. Rikara’s song is pretty much half the reason I ship them tbh. Such a soulful beautiful song. 💞💞💞💞💞
“Mujhe lagta hai Gauri mujhse bahut naraz hai, ise manana aasaan nahi hoga, muje mehnat karni padegi”
No shit, Sherlock. Like he really thinks she’s just naraz. Matlab hadd ho gayi. Koi normal person hota toh they’d have drowned in guilt thinking the wronged party hates them, but wow MahanKara still thinks she’s just naraz. Wow 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Like you didn’t spill coffee on her fave shirt Omkara, you basically called her a characterless adultress, and you still think woh bas naraaz hai? If Queenie didn’t love you so much toh she’d be hating your guts right baout now. 😡😡😡😡😡😡
Also, Sardar Singh Oberoi isn’t looking that bad. BUT HE STILL LOOKS LIKE OMKARA. Gauri would really have to be an oblivious idiot not to recognize him. Also, it’s so improbable, cause Gauri’s a legit chantomai, who fooled people into thinking she was a boy for months on end. She observes people and knows what makes them tick. So it wouldn’t make any sense if she failed to recognize her (badly in disguise) husband of 8 months. Pls God, I’m begging you, don’t pull RNBDJ shit on me plsss. If it made me hate fuckin srk and made me quit watching his movies, then I dunno if I’ll still be able to love Gauri anymore. 😧😧😧
Oh my god, yeh punjabi me bhi shuru ho gaya.😲😲😲 Bas kar yar, no one wants to hear your ghatiya shayri. Least of all Gauri. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
Gauri’s like Dafuq!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂
“Dilpreet Singh” lmaowtf. Omkara you’re so lame, I’m dying. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Omg call out to my faveeeee, Diljit Dosanjh 💓💓💓💓
Gauri’s like yeh kaun pagal hai. 😂😂😂😂
Lol, 2 mins bhi nahi hue and Gauri already recognized his voice. Yeah, SardarKara ain’t gon last long, thank fuck. 😌😌😌😌
He’s literally recounting all famous Sikh singers and being like meri awaaz sabse milti hai. wtf 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
“multipurpose aawaz”
Gauri’s like yeh kaunse pagal khane se bhaag aya hai. Bua maa ne toh nahi bheja hai apne mental hospital se badla lene k liye? 😂😂😂😂😂
Oh my god, phir se iska main main shuru ho gaya. 🙄🙄🙄
Like, sardar ban ne k siva aur koi plan nahi tha? Such an amateur! 🙄🙄🙄
Oh god yeh mithai dekh k mujhe bhi bhook lag gayi and I don’t even like sweets. Ugh, I’m hungry af. 🤤🤤🤤🤤
Shivika’s cuteness is Goals though! 💓 💝💝💝
Wtf, is tanya going to commit suicide? Dafuq. Yeh Oberoi pagal khane me rehke ye bhi pagal ho gayi hai kya? Bitch, no guy is worth your life. Least of all this chooza.
Literally not interested in this bakwas though. But I’m guessing Abhay is the one who sent gundas to Gauri’s house? Lmao. Kya khichdi pak rahi hai? 😂😂😂😂😂
Aaj ka epi was legit bakwas besides Shivika cuteness. I hope we get some better shit tomo. 🙄🙄
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