#which isn't much; but it's weird that it happened thrice
soundcrusher · 10 months
So, I asked Tachy if I could post this, because I was unsure due to me not knowing if it was okay lore wise. But they gave me the "Okay" and now I'm making it everyone's problem.
I made a Transformers Animated Blurrways version. (This version of Sideways is @tachyon-omlette's)
This time around though, Animated Armada Blurr isn't called Blurr, but rather Silverblur. I'm still working on why he and Sideways decided to get married, but the gist is that Sideways did it for a bit and then he got committed. And Silverblur is actually smitten with him.
I don't know what he sees in Sideways.
Silverblur is also the dad of Blurr, but Sideways isn't. After divorcing Sideways, Silverblur had a second husband who died unter mysterious circumstances after Blurr turned one.
Either way! There's also a Blurrways kid in Armada, which is also in Animated. Her name is Nitro, and she's a sweet kid. Which is surprising, if you consider who her parents are.
With that being said, TOWARDS THE DOODLES WE GO!
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(Left is Animated Nitro and Right is Animated Silverblur + an early family picture)
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(Sideways tends to pop-up in Silverblur's live every now and then, despite them being divorced. He does have visiting rights regarding Nitro. It's also how he meets little Blurr.) (One time, Sideways got to babysit a baby Blurr and Toddler Nitro. He learned the hard way how chaotic children can be.) (Nitro is very protective over Blurr, to a point where she has done multiple things to make sure the kids picking on him get the message to not mess with him.)
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(This exchange happens some years after Silverblur's second husband dies.)
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lights-on-why · 2 months
emaciated pale skinny teenagers named Victor performing unethical experiments with a frenzied passion my beloved
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marciliedonato · 2 years
ik i always say i need to follow more ppl and it’s like yeah it’s hard finding ppl that match ur vibe but THEN there’s also this other detail which is every day i find some new alt blog/mutual in law/whatever that has me blocked and it’s like. unless someone follows me first i literally just like things and admire from a distance but never follow bc i just imagine following someone and they just block me right after like 💀 💀 and even then i feel like i’m poking a grizzly bear with a very thin stick and about to get mauled at any moment 😭 😭 🤠 ✌🏻
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magpie-misfortunes · 2 years
if i had a penny for every fictional hedonist called henry that is possibly probably gay for their best friend and ruined their lives/the lives of others 'for the aesthetic' i would have three pennies, which isn't much, but it's weird that it's happened thrice
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vexwerewolf · 6 months
Hello, it is I once again, here with a weird meme build. How would you go about building a hacker Swallowtail at LL6? Standard or Ranger, it doesn't matter which
As it happens, Hacktail isn't a meme build at all - due to the Swallowtail's expansive 20 Sensors and innate +1 tech attack, it's an extremely viable Support pick.
-- SSC Swallowtail @ LL6 -- [ LICENSES ] SSC Swallowtail 2, SSC Dusk Wing 1, HORUS Goblin 1, HORUS Minotaur 2 [ CORE BONUSES ] The Lesson of the Held Image, Full Subjectivity Sync [ TALENTS ] Hacker 3, Spotter 2, Skirmisher 2, Field Analyst 1, Nuclear Cavalier 1 [ STATS ] HULL:2 AGI:2 SYS:2 ENGI:2 STRUCTURE:4 HP:15 ARMOR:0 STRESS:4 HEATCAP:6 REPAIR:6 TECH ATK:+3 LIMITED:+1 SPD:7 EVA:14 EDEF:12 SENSE:20 SAVE:13 [ WEAPONS ] FLEX MOUNT: Assault Rifle AUX/AUX MOUNT: Nexus (Light) / Nexus (Light) [ SYSTEMS ] H0R_OS System Upgrade I, Neurospike, Metafold Carver, Personalizations, Lotus Projector, Manipulators
I call this one Hacking The Omninet.
Firstly, let's discuss the basics. This build is fragile, as all systems-first Swallowtail builds are going to be. This mech needs heavy co-ordination with your team to focus down threats. Employ cover rigorously, stay behind the lines and make liberal use of the Invisibility from Integrated Cloak. Low survivability is the price you pay for being able to turn an enemy comp inside out.
Your armament is not going to be used very much, and so is very simple - an Assault Rifle for Reliable damage, and dual Light Nexi for enemies with high Evasion. Oracle LMG-Is consume 1 SP a pop and we're not going to sacrifice system space for guns we might never fire.
We have Personalizations on there for a tiny bit of extra HP, and Manipulators for one simple reason: sacrificial system. We don't want to lose our hacking systems, and so if we take Structure damage and lose a system, we dump the robo-hands.
With all that out of the way, let's get to the meat and potatoes of this build: the hacking tools.
We start with H0R_OS System Upgrade I, possibly the best control tool in the game, definitely the best hacking tool in the game. Puppet System lets you reposition enemies in a straight line equal to their Speed any number of times, and unlike every other form of involuntary movement in the game, it triggers reactions, meaning you can open enemies up to Overwatch attacks from your allies. Meanwhile, Eject Power Cores inflicts Jammed, shutting down an enemy's weapons and tech attacks. It isn't repeatable on the same enemy, but this often doesn't matter - shutting down a heavy hitter's weapons for a single turn often buys enough time for your team to kill them outright.
Moving on to Neurospike, a much slept-on Invade system from the Dusk Wing. We're mostly in this for Shrike Code, which is a very powerful control tool in Lancer's mid-to-late game. At Tiers 2 and 3, a lot of enemy NPC classes get multiattacks, allowing them to use their weapon twice or even thrice every time they attack with it (including during Overwatch). But Shrike Code applies 2 heat per attack, not per action, meaning that a multiattacker who attacks twice will accrue 4 heat in addition to the (at least) 2 heat you put on them with Invade, which can put them close to or at their heat cap. Neurospike also provides the more situational but still useful Mirage, which allows you to make a member of your team (including you) Invisible to a member of the enemy team.
The third and final Invade suite, Metafold Carver, is the weirdest and most difficult to use correctly, but once you master it, it becomes one of the most effective support tools in the game. The biggest trick here is that the primary targets for both of its options are not your enemies - they're your allies. Your allies can choose to accept an Invade from you without taking heat and without it counting as an attack. Once you understand this, your third eye will open and the absurd power of Metafold Carver will be unlocked.
Ophidian Trek allows you to teleport your target a minimum of 2 and a maximum of seven spaces directly towards you. This is impossibly useful for yanking your allies out of melee combat or dangerous terrain, or summoning help if you're getting flanked. You generally don't want to use this on enemies who are already close to you, but pulling hostile backliners towards your team's melee specialist is exceptionally cool and funny.
Fold Space completely removes its target from the battlefield until they start their next turn. The problem with using this on enemies is that they can decide when their turn starts, and if they have an activation remaining, it will often be "immediately after your turn ends," wasting this power - although if they've already taken their turn, you can use it to ruin enemies that rely on reactions to be useful, such as the Sentinel or Archer.
The primary utility of Fold Space, however, is that it's without a doubt the most powerful ally-focused Invade in the game. This ability can quite literally be a lifesaver. Ally went too hard on their reactor and became Exposed? Fold Space. Ally took a bad structure roll and became Stunned? Fold Space. Ally being swarmed by melee NPCs? Fold Space. Ally messing up the shot of your team's artillery? Fold Space. Ally talking too much? Fold Space. You make them completely invulnerable at the "cost" of removing them from the battlefield, which they only even care about if they're a reaction-focused build, and they decide how long they want to stay on vacation, because they can return to the battlefield at any time by starting their turn.
In terms of other support abilities, we have a beautiful SSC/HORUS combo: at the start of an ally's turn, you can Lock On to an enemy as a reaction with Lesson of the Held Image and use your Prophetic Scanners frame trait to inflict Shredded as well. This lets you strip all damage reduction off an enemy just before your ally winds up to hit them, with no chance to react or clear it.
You also have Lotus Projector to help your allies deal with Invisible enemies - standard Swallowtail stuff.
As for talents, we have Hacker to give you even more Invade options (mostly Hack./Slash for shutting down enemy tech attackers) and help with heatgunning (Nuclear Cavalier 1 is in there too, just for kicks), Spotter to provide aim assist and hand out free Lock Ons and Field Analyst to help avoid "missed it by that much" situations.
As previously stated, this is a heavily team-focused build. You are a Support/Controller to the maximum here. Expect to go entire fights without doing a single point of damage. Coordinate heavily with your team to focus targets down and ensure that you stay safe while lighting targets up for them.
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arcadekitten · 8 months
If I had a nickel for every rich mean girl Mary has gotten the (negative) attention of, I'd have three nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened thrice.
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(Not sure how rich Netina and Enide actually are, but I mean... look at them.)
Actually Enide is quite nice to Mary and likes her a lot! She thinks she's very cute genuinely and if the two talk they get along very nicely. However...
I won't say much right now, hehe ♡
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melina-mellow · 11 months
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If I had a nickel for every time we got vague hints about the Traveler being an inhuman, eldritch monstrosity from the abyss, I'd have three nickels.
Which isn't much but it's weird how it's happened thrice in Fontaine now.
Hoyo please, just tell me what they are...
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crystalxwitch · 2 years
7| Pond - W. Maximoff
Summary: A hike to the hidden pond gives you the opportunity to grow closer to Wanda.
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"I told you that it is real." You make your way through the maze of trees and bushes, getting a glimpse of shining water. "And you thought I wouldn't find it."
Wanda isn't that far behind you, breathing heavily because the last few minutes were steeper than usual. "Well, you weren't that sure of it at first. Besides, you misled us thrice this morning until we found the right track." 
"At least I found it in the end or we wouldn't be at this beautiful place." You point to the pond that is hidden in the middle of the forest. "Natasha told me about it a few years ago when she discovered it with her girlfriend"
"You shouldn't have said that." Wanda slaps you on the shoulder. "I don't think I can go into the pond where Nat probably fucked the girl."
"You don't know that." You argue, trying to keep a serious face that cracks in a matter of seconds. "Okay.. yeah, that actually does sound like something Nat would do. But you need to see the good side of it. It happened years ago."
"That doesn't help."
"Okay, just try to forget everything I said during the last minute. That shouldn't be so difficult for you." You wave off her comment, placing your backpack on the ground. "We're here to take a short dip in the pond and not waste our time arguing about which positions they were doing in here." 
"Oh, please stop talking." Wanda presses her hands against her ears, having the sudden urge to throw you into the pond. "Just get inside the water."
"Nothing more than that!" 
Her eyes drop to the skin on your stomach as you take off your clothes. Oh, god. Hidden under the sweater you truly have abs. Heat rises to her face and other places. When did she become a teenager again? She is a grown woman for fucked sake. 
Wanda immediately turns around, inspecting the trees to avoid looking at you. Don't act so pathetic it's embarrassing, Wanda. Hearing the cracking of tree branches under her feet, you steal a glance at her. Your hands freeze for a moment, too preoccupied with watching her as she touches the leaves.
"Are those maples?" Wanda asks, keeping her gaze locked on the plant. "I didn't know that they could grow in these conditions."
You part your lips. Besides having not much trust in your own education, you are one hundred percent sure that this tree is named Norway maple. Hence it comes as no surprise that it grows here. Additionally, you are sure - without praising the redhead too much - that she is the brightest out of the two of you.  
"Norway's nature is so breathtaking, isn't it?"
Okay. That's weird. She's acting weird, isn't she? You wait for her to turn back around but she remains in the position, facing the tree and looking at it with the most unrealistic interest you have ever seen. Nodding to yourself, you get into the pond. She's crazy. Nothing you didn't already know about her.
Another minute passes by, and the redhead continues to stare into nature. You lean your head back against the stone wall, watching her with curious eyes. Playing with the water between your fingers, you can't keep silent any longer. 
"Are you going to stand there all day?" You ask, seeing her body visibly react to your voice. "Or are you afraid of water?"
What's wrong with her today? She slowly turns her head around to face you. Your red bra shimmered through the water's surface, teasing her with its existence. The ends of your hair are already wet, grazing over the surface. 
"I'm not afraid of it." Wanda replies, not meeting your gaze entirely as she looks behind your shoulder. "It's just that I'm more content with myself being dry than being wet."
"Oh, come on. You can snuggle up in front of the fireplace the moment we get home." You argue, patting the water as if you are on a couch. "Join me, it's not that cold."
Wanda crosses her arms in front of her chest, inspecting the pond. The water looks clear, with no visible fish swimming in it. Meeting your eyes again, she exhales quietly and nods. You make a small victory sound, throwing your arm in the air and creating bigger waves. 
"Don't be so enthusiastic about it." 
Her fingertips dip under her waistband, wanting to prove to herself that she could get inside the pond with you in it. Even though it is rather small. Wanda swallows harshly. Your eyes leave a burning imprint on her skin, her entire body itching. She can't do it with you looking at her like that. Her heart begins to race again.
"Turn around." She instructs, stopping her movements. 
You hum, giving her a bright grin. Her voice is somehow softer than usual, mirroring her shy expression. Maybe something did change over the last couple of days. 
You turn around, feeling like a teenager again as it reminds you of the horrible times in the school locker room. Swimming lessons.. Do you even need to say more? 
Wanda strips down to her underwear, hugging her body as a chilly breeze brushes through the trees. This time of the year, Norway isn't exactly a tropical paradise but the winterly temperatures aren't here yet. 
"Fuck." She shrieks, her lips already quivering. "It's so fucking cold. Why is it so cold?"
You laugh. "That's the meaning of an ice bath." 
"But it's not winter yet. Shouldn't there be a bit of warmth left? I'm not a snow queen." 
God, she's going to freeze her fucking tits off. Wanda groans, quickly lowering herself down until the water reaches her shoulders. The added cool wind isn't helping her feel better at all. She throws daggers into your direction with her eyes, knowing that you aren't the cause of the temperature but you still mislead her by saying that it's not that cold. You lied to her.
"Yeah, right. I remember now, you're Rapunzel. I guess that means that I'm Elsa." You chuckle, laughing a bit too loud at your own joke.
Wanda rolls her eyes. "More like the frozen giant or the trolls." 
You look at her with raised eyebrows, surprised at her small fireback. She presses her lips together, the silence creeping over her back like a cold hand. Was this wrong of her to say? 
You on the other hand are just too shocked at her words. One night she is this flustered, cute redhead. And on the other day, she is back to the old little with her witty comments.
"Just wait a few minutes, it will get more bearable." You explain as the water doesn't feel as cold as before to you. "Your body is going to get used to it."
Wanda quietly suffers through the next few minutes. She gets cold very easily and prefers a few extra layers of clothing during the colder months over everything. That means being in a pond in the middle of autumn is exactly her definition of having a great time. 
"And? Are you feeling better?" You ask, truly caring for her well-being. 
You scan her face for anything unusual. Bluish lips. Continuing shudders. No, everything seems to be all right with her. She still has her arms crossed in front of her chest, trying to give her body as much warmth as possible. Your small finger subconsciously twitches. 
"You wouldn't be standing there if I weren't." She bites out, watching your face lights up at the comment. "For once, you were telling the truth."
"Told you so." Your heart grows warm at the sight of her, her emerald eyes mirroring the first behind her. "Also, I didn't lie to you beforehand. The water actually didn't feel that cold to me, it was quite alright."
She doesn't believe you. Wanting to lighten up the mood, you try to think about something that might cheer her up a bit. A hard task for someone who always seems to run around the world with a sour face. But not that much later an idea occurs to you.
You dive into the water, disappearing under the surface. Wanda presses herself against the back of the pond, trying to make out your shadow. But that means looking at your half-naked body. That's not a risk she can take, already feeling the reactions moving like snakes through her blood and down her body. Wanda doesn't know what to do. 
You emerge right in front of her, your eyes still closed as you wipe the water droplets off your face. Wanda shrieks, not expecting that you would come this close to her. She could see the water droplets hanging on your long lashes, glittering in the sunlight. 
Wanda feels her heart racing, watching the water run down your face. "Don't do that." 
"What exactly?" You chuckle, giving her a teasing glance as the redhead stares at you with an unreadable expression. "Diving?"
"Coming so close to me." She pushes you a few inches back, bringing an appropriate distance between you two again. 
Her fingers shake as she touches your naked shoulder. Noticing her pupils dilate, you watch her closely. Your stomach does a small flip as the redhead can't keep up eye contact with the same intensity.  
You bite down on your tongue, appreciating the sight of her pink-colored cheeks and irregular breathing. "Did it scare you?"
"Kind of. You are sometimes a bit.. intimidating." She admits, not thinking clearly as she sees your hardened nipples pressing against the material of your bra. "And distracting."
"A distraction?" You act offended, letting out a little laugh. "What is that supposed to mean?"
"It means that you mess up my mind. As if it's not enough for you to ruin my vacation, you need to.. I don't even know what you want from me!"
"What I want from you? Wanda, I think you're the one messing up the roles right now."
"You are the one coming close to me."
"I thought you liked my touch." You tilt your head to the side, sinking your teeth in your lower lip. "You didn't mind it last night. Actually, I think you were the one who placed my hand on your waist."
There it is. Shame rolls over her body like a hurricane, knocking her down as her wall crumbles. 
"I- I'm sorry." Wanda closes her eyes as her breathing picks up. "That was wrong of me to do. I don't know what came over me. I'm sorry if it made you feel uncomfortable or if I-"
"It didn't." You stop her rambling, licking over your dry lips. 
Her eyes widen until you are scared that they could fall out of her face at any given moment. "I did not?" 
"No. Not at all. More like the opposite to be brutally honest." You remember her warmth against your body. Her deep breaths lured you to sleep like a lullaby. "You're too comfortable to not want around, princess."
Her heart misses a beat. "Don't call me that."
You smile even wider, knowing that she actually doesn't hate the pet name but more the reaction that causes it. "Princess?"
"What else do you want me to call you?" You tease her further, slowly inching closer but having a close eye on her reactions. 
She shakes her head ever so barely. This could be your chance to figure out once and for all if this is just a silly game for her or if she actually wants you. You leave a tiny distance between your bodies, so small that only a piece of paper could fit between you. Wanda doesn't say anything, looking at you with eyes that are full of surprise and something else. 
Remembering the first day you met her, you hide your devilish grin. Wanda's breathing pattern is totally fucked by now but you aren't feeling much different. Just because you don't show it doesn't mean you don't have the same feelings rushing through your blood. You could drown in her eyes and happily get lost in them forever.
You tilt her chin upwards as she makes intentions to avoid staring at you. "Miss?"
Wanda tenses under your touch. Her eyes flutter shut as your fingers brush along her jawline. She has such perfect skin. A few freckles are painting the bridge of her nose that you didn't notice before. You are sure that she's the most beautiful woman you have ever laid eyes on. A few days ago you weren't able to answer that question but looking at her right now with the sun illuminating her face in an orange glow gives you all the answers that you need. 
You lean in until your lips barely brush over her ear. "Miss Maximoff."
She nearly whimpers as your hot breath fans over her ear. "Y/n.."
Something touches your thigh making the corners of your lips twitch. It slowly skims over the inside of your thigh, traveling upwards. You lean back to look at her face, grinning from ear to ear. Innocent, sweet Wanda. 
"Are you touching my thigh right now?" You husk out, surprised by her forward actions but not disapproving of them. 
The fog inside her brain clears up a bit. "What?" 
You look down at her lips, wanting to taste the essence of her beauty that called out to you. "Don't lie." 
She shakes her head, confused eyes staring into yours. "I'm not."
The moment is gone. Your eyebrows shoot up, the touch on your thigh feeling a lot smoother than before. With a panicked scream, you jump away from her and out of the pond. Out of the corner of her eye, she barely sees the silver fish swimming fleeing the spot. 
Wanda can't keep her laughs at bay, watching you shake your legs and run around the area in circles. Her bubbly laugh echoes through the forest, her eyes getting teary as her heart races in the same rhythm as yours. The only difference is that they are caused by two totally different reasons.
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shallyne · 6 months
If I'd get a nickel for everytime I'd fall in love with a dark haired, arrogant male character named Rhys I'd have 3 nickels. Which isn't much but it's weird that it happened thrice
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mightbesmall · 1 year
No, Bad Pets!
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Genre: Fluff, Crack.
Characters: Most students.
Warnings: Swearing, weird creature flirting.
Summary: You… turned into a pet?
Additional Notes: Based on this post by twst-drabbles on Tumblr, love their house pet au, janitor au and- their work in general tbh.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The most angriest, low but somehow high at the same time, chirps were heard. Crowley was sweating buckets at this tiny creature that could fit in one hand. It was trying to look intimidating and it achieved that, Mr Crowley was shaking in his ridiculously expensive boots.
This small, angry creature is you. 
You see, you were chasing down some entitled prick who drive his motorbike riiight next to your house despite the obvious signs and spooked Azul and the Tweels'. You quickly calmed them down, placed them in wet towels for extra comfort and went outside. The jerk was looping back 'round the neighbourhood so you took your chance. Which leads to a few moments ago, you cornered and scolded the biker whilst pointing to the big, bold and blaring signs that clearly say "NO VEHICLES." He saw a Crowley storming out of his mansion so as a distraction of sorts, the asshole NPC blasted a spell right at your face. It was as if time stopped, Crowley certainly did.
A puff of smoke appeared as the biker scattered off somewhere, the oldies will certainly deal with him.
"Caretaker?" Crowley called out as the smoke cleared, where you stood was... nothing. "Huh?" The scattered brained male looked left, then right before down when he heard a piercing chirp that somewhat sounded like you somehow. 
"Great Sevens!" He cried as in place of you was a small, cute harpy... or a siren? He cannot really tell. You actually bore a lot of resemblance to the caladrius with your snow white feathers and comforting aura, despite the threatening chirps and squawks.
Anyways you were tiny yet you have already bitten Crowley thrice, he is now bleeding a tad. He just wanted to bring you to your house and figure it out from there but you were making it quite difficult!
He bribed you with food. As soon as he even uttered the first few syllables of your favourite food, you were chilling on his shoulder as docile as a mouse, apart from that squawk that he just knew was you telling him to hurry up. 
He barely got through your front door before a certain siren swooped in and snatched you off of his shoulders. He quickly followed you two to the front room where what Crowley can only describe as a council meeting was happening. All the pets were in the same room, how rare. Even the tweels' were on their little skateboards while Azul was perched on your coffee table. Spray bottles at the ready. 
Vil gently placed you down before setting beside you. Crowley took a seat on the chair. 
You chirped rather harshly at Floyd who was starting to glide towards you. He shrunk back in surprise before giving a toothy little grin. Jade chirped in a way that sounded like laughter.
Vil cooed at you, lightly brushing his wings against your rather pretty ones. You were rather beautiful for a harpy, though once upon a time they were known as elegant and refined creatures, not as much as sirens though but you get the idea.
Ace marched up to you with Deuce trailing behind him. They couldn't get that close before Vil squawked at them before resuming grooming you. Huh. It felt quite nice, you almost became putty in his talons. 
Ace huffed defiantly, stomping his foot before Cater dragged him back a bit. Deuce took some rather hesitant steps towards you, not wanting to disrupt Vil's hard work. He then plopped in front of you, with some soft chirps. What a sweetheart, keeping his voice low as to not hurt your most definitely sensitive hearing. He can relate, a new body isn't fun to your senses. 
Trey has a similar approach, he even offered you a seed. How... intimate. It's a clover seed and all. 
And so 36 minutes passed with Vil combing through your new feathers, highlighting your beauty and chatting with the others. Mainly Trey, Deuce, Jack and Epel. Vil wouldn't allow anyone else close. 
You were flattered but Riddle had to stop. You do not want to hang out in his rose, you made yourself a pretty nice nest on your bed thank you very much. You chirped at him, it came out like a little coo, and gently rejected his offer. 
He wilted, very much pouty. But with his prideful nature, he stopped insisting and instead gave a little nod. You sighed as best you could with your tiny lungs and flapped your wings twice before you took off. You gently picked Riddle up, being mindful of your claws, and flew him to your room. Not caring for the way he shrieked and gripped your legs.
You hope he enjoyed your nest, it was mighty comfortable and you didn't want to share. Just this once though.
Another sandstorm, caused by a certain spirit. Leona was flying overhead displaying a beautiful masterpiece of his hard work. It was a rare sight to behold, oh and the art as well. 
When he was finished, the sand art dropped to the floor gracefully, showcasing its beauty. He then turned to you with a proud chuff, waiting for praise. You raised a brow at him before giving a small, drawled coo of approval. Bad idea, he practically inflated from the ego boost. 
You rolled your eyes at him, little attention seeker.
You were starting to see a pattern here.
Azul was trying to drag you to his cave. You can’t quite breathe in the water and he seems to forget that. As of right now Azul only succeeded in having you dip a claw in the tank. You chirped at him.
He understood now. He huffed and pouted in annoyance, even more so when Jade and Floyd started to laugh and cackle at him. He then took off to his cave before swimming back and produced a shiny golden coin to you. He seemed rather proud of himself when you inspected it. You didn’t take it though, instead you rolled your eyes before giving him a forehead kiss. Oh how he loved affection.
The tweels’ started to chirp in jealousy so you quickly took off before they could try nipping at you. 
Jamil was cuddling up to you, you were wrapped in his tail. You couldn’t fly away, not that you would anyways. Affection from Jamil wasn’t that common. He had you in a secure grip, though it doesn’t hurt. 
You gave a tired coo that the naga replied with a soft hiss. He was making sure you fell asleep here. In his bed. Wrapped up in his tail and his arms. You would’ve found it amusing if you weren’t just so tired, Kalim came over and was all over you. 
You swear you would’ve exploded from him trying to feed you crackers if it weren’t for Silver stepping in. God bless his beautiful soul.
Your eyes were starting to droop when you felt Jamil hiss. The little plant nymphs were back and trying to nab you from his clutches. Unfortunately you don’t exactly trust Ace to be careful with your feathers and you didn’t want Cater or Riddle to fuss over you so as soon as Jamil’s grip lessened, you flew up in a flurry of feathers. Off to your bed you go. 
This was nice. Vil was behaving like normal, performing his elegant dances to you like usual but you couldn’t help but have an inkling feeling that he was putting extra effort in this one.
What a minute…
You gave him a dead eyed stare. He paid no mind and continued on with his prancing and display of his tail feathers. He then finished and was about to fly off when you gave a chirp. It was one that read, I am fed up with this bullshit. Vil was quite offended, thinking you disliked his dance, so he turned to you only for you to give another chirp.
So the others tried their hand at trying to seduce you as well, no matter. Vil is confident that he will be the best suitor, you two are similar in species and he is of course the most beautiful. 
You huffed before lightly whacking him with your wing and flew off, on your way to bother Crowley. It was feeding time for everyone after all.
What a pretty sight.
The display of rainbow lights reflected quite well off of your white feathers, enhancing your curious but adorable situation. 
Idia was giving it his all, choosing the most vibrant colours, making sure to dazzle you. He made sure to really give his all when it was your favourite colour, illuminating the pond with the vibrant and wonderful colour.
Not too bright to flash bang you but bright enough to light the whole place up.
You just sat there, admiring the pretty colours as one does before patting Ortho on the head. He was snuggled up next to you. Idia should be mad that someone stole your attention away from him but it was Ortho so he’ll allow it. 
He turned to you, waiting. You gave a little hum before curling up with Ortho, who had found his way on your lap and is now enjoying you wrapping your wings around him. You were like a big blanket, very comfy.
Idia deflated a little at the lack of attention but it was Ortho… he soon joined you two as well. 
You let out an undignified squawk. Malleus, the little devil, just picked you up out of your nest and flew off. He was taking you to his nest. While you have admitted to it looking comfortable, you’d much rather be in your own nest. You were in the middle of napping as well.
He plopped you down before sitting next you, clearly pleased with himself if his smile was anything to go by. 
You rolled your eyes before averting them to Sebek who was at the base of the tree. Conflicted. He doesn’t know if he should start yelling at you for being in the same nest as Malleus or leave you be because you are in the same nest as Malleus. You just raised a brow at him.
Lilia flew over before plopping down on a close branch, making it his duty to mess up your newly groomed tail feathers. You whacked him in the face, chirping at him when he started to laugh and mess up you wings.
Malleus meanwhile was just watching it all unfold, very much amused. He blew a small puff of fire in front of you, finding pleasure in the way you didn’t even flinch but instead gave him a narrowed eye stare. You weren’t mad but more so questioning as to why? He just gave a smile in response, covering your wings with his own.
Little shit. 
You were finally alone, Ace thought as he snuck into your room only to receive the jumpscare of his life when he saw Cater, Deuce and Trey dog piled on top of you. Cater turned to him before giving a shit eating grin, relishing in the way you patted his head. 
Deuce and Trey also turned to him. The little lily nymph giving him a deadpanned stare before sticking his tongue out and went back to napping on you. Trey however gave Ace an ominous look before slowly shaking his head and turned away. Ace rolled his eyes, these guys can’t keep you to themselves, he wants attention too!
It then dawned on him that someone needs to attend to Riddle and the garden still. He gave the three a heated glare before giving you his best puppy eyes, he’s seen them work for others so he might as well try. You were not impressed and just, laid there. It was then that Ace knew he can’t get out of this. 
So begrudgingly, he sulked back outside. Next time he swears! 
He snuck back into your room, the other nymphs are busy so he can have all your attention on him. 
He entered your room only to be severely annoyed. There was Ruggie and Jack, napping away with you lightly scratching their scalps. 
Ruggie opened his eyes before nudging Jack, both of them staring at the nymph at the doorway. You also looked up, not looking impressed in the slightest. 
He huffed before storming out, he couldn’t push his way into the napping circle as Ruggie will get him back and Jack honestly kinda scares him. He fears you most though, doesn’t want you to be mad at him. 
He swears he’s going to start hitting something.
Ace once again invaded your room only to find you missing, he searched high and low before sneaking his way into the only place he hasn’t checked: the Octavinelle tank. Low and behold, you were sitting at the edge of the tank with Jade and Floyd squeezing you. Not to hard but just enough to restrict any movement. 
He didn’t even bother to linger, those two scared him shitless. 
Next time for real this time. 
Never has he felt the immense urge to beat a human since he first met you. Kalim wasn’t even in the garden this time!
The rich boy was pampering you in love and care, it was heartwarming to see but dammit when will he get a turn?!
You were just sitting there, waiting for Kalim to finish to probably nap. He was presenting tiny clothing for you, an assortment of wondrous food and sparkling jewellery. You know just rich kid things. 
Ace sighed in defeat and wandered off, ready for his next attempt. 
And once again he was beaten. By a dryad and a creepy Frenchman no less. You were sitting on Rooks lap, combing your taloned hands through Epel’s hair, a bit like how Vil would. The fancy lad you were using as a chair was almost vibrating in excitement, gushing about how he’s never seen such a beautiful and exquis harpy before! He tried brushing his fingers along your wings but you bit him, he only chuckled at that before fanboying about such a display of strength and power, making you look oh so féroce!
The dryad was humming in content, he would hate for anyone to touch his hair to make him look cute or whatever but it feels real nice when it’s you. His little branches were swaying lightly in content. How precious.
The forgotten nymph only sighed deeply before turning and walking away, missing Epel’s teasing smirk. 
He is going to cry. 
He walked into another cuddle pile, didn’t even need to invade your room to find you. 
You, Silver, Sebek and Lilia were all having a nice nap on the sofa in the front room. Sebek was even curled up into you.
It was unfortunately so heartwarming, Ace had to step out in defeat lest he puke from how fluffy it is in there. 
Ace will commit mass murder.
You were even cuddling with the weird cat before him! The weirdo was even purring as you laid on his back.
You two had an intense battle as he tried to eat you before you swooped down and hit him on the nose. You two then got too tired to continue so you just napped. 
At this point Ace was losing hope in being able to have your sole attention. A shame really. 
The nymph was all depressed and sighing a lot as he tended to his duties. It annoyed Deuce so he kept his distance. 
There was then distant chirps, Ace thought it was just Vil before something swooped in and grabbed him causing him, Deuce, Trey, Cater and even Riddle to panic. There was a long coo that calmed them all down, it was only you. Wait it was you!
Ace was so happy he could finally get your attention on him and only him. He didn’t even notice that you bought him to your room before you dropped him into your nest, sitting down beside him. 
It was cuddle time, something Ace has never felt so excited before in his life.
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crimsontroupe · 4 months
if i had 1 dollar for every time one of my characters can use the entirety of Ghost's discography for their inspo or just straight up 'ah yeah that's it' i'd have 3 dollars. which isn't much but that's weird to think that it happened thrice
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snotsloth · 4 months
Probably one of my better quotes from my chat with @physicalvocalist today, "If I had a nickel for every time Marvel gave me a skinny white* boy who could change the fabric of reality itself, I'd have at least three nickels, which isn't a lot, but it is weird that it happened THRICE!"
We were of course talking about the narrative parallels between Franklin Richards, Quentin Quire, and Wiccan. Phys is a huge F4 fan and I have X-Men brainrot. So, of course while discussing Franklin's currently suppressed powers, and the "he is/he isn't" back and forth about his mutant status, I had to also bring up Quentin and Billy.
Just, the fact that there are three of them, relatively close in age, that are all so overpowered that Marvel continuously has to nerf or sideline them during major events because at full strength any one of them could just FIX it is just wild to me. AND they all have a different flavor of power. Wiccan is Magic, Quentin is Celestial via the Phoenix Force, and Franklin is Science via Mutation.
I think they all definitely have some Icarus DNA to them, a young boy is given an amazing gift and warned not to take it too far, too high, or he will fall. Each of them have been warned in one way or another not to express the full range of their powers for fear of failure/corruption/ironic unforseen consequences/etc.
On top of that each of them also struggles on a more personal level with identity. Billy early on struggles with his queer identity, but also with the fact that he started life as a figment of his mother's imagination that gained sentience. He fears becoming like his mother and causing more problems than he fixes.
Quentin constantly struggles with his own hubris. His powers set him apart even from other mutants and he struggles to connect with his peers on a personal level, which only drives him to be more standoffish and egotistical. Plus there's all of his subtextual gender shenanigans. I won't go into detail about it here because this post is already long enough, but I HC Quentin as a stealth trans boy (and I have so much textual evidence).
And then there's Franklin, who literally had his Mutant identity ripped away from him just as he reached adolescence, the period of life where you build much of the foundation of your self-image. He has artificially aged himself once and then reverted back to his original age. He met a future version of himself that time travelled to save the universe. He knows he will most likely survive the destruction of this universe and witness the birth of the next one. As of the most recent retcon, he has suppressed his mutant powers and abilities to the point that even he remains unaware of them except for one night a year where he basically does a check-in on the overall state of the Universe and then goes back to sleep and forgets it all again. So his sense of identity might be the most convoluted of the three.
Basically, I think they should all hang out and save the universe or something. They'd have a lot to talk about and Quentin would drive Billy up the wall in frustration. I know the last thing Marvel needs is a major event centered on three skinny miracle boys but I think there's a lot of potential in actively making them foils to each other.
*EDIT! Billy, as an anon very politely reminded me, is not white. He's of partial Romani and Jewish descent (depending on the current retcon status of whether or not Magneto is his actual grandfather). No matter how much most Marvel artists whitewash both him and the rest of his family, Billy isn't white.
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desertsportshipping · 4 months
Intrigued by the child eternis. I don’t know much about sw/sh but know it’s the big bad- now pray tell- how does eternis become a child and in Leon and wes’s care?
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If Ho-Oh had a nickel for every time they revived someone and they came back wrong, they'd have three nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened thrice.
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minthara · 1 year
if I had a dollar for every time I stanned a video game character the general fandom doesn't know can be a companion I'd have three dollars which isn't much but it's weird it happened thrice
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luxhesperus · 5 months
you know, if i had a nickel for every time a cop/military officer is in love with a professor, i'd have three nickels. which isn't much but it's weird that it has happened thrice
(i'm looking at you zhao yunlan, lin jingheng, and du cheng 🫵🏻🫵🏻 👁️👁️)
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whosxafraid · 1 month
She's A Rolex
Starter requested by @ifyoucatchacriminal
That's the first thing that should have told him something was fecking wrong. But up until three seconds ago he was dead asleep--closer to the actual than the metaphorical to boot. And now he's shuffle footing it to his front door. Half fell down the god damn steps before getting to the lock. Half a dozen curse words not in English before he's slinging the god damn thing open. Green and off yellow going wide as he stares down at the face staring up at him.
"Watch?! Lass, wha--?"
No time. Let me in.
And he's on alert in a fraction of a second. Gaze tearing from her to the outside. The outside where the rain is coming down in sheets. The scent of everything sub-duded. Muted. Muggy if he had to put a word to it. And he hates that. Hates that in spades. But where scent is not helping him sight and hearing attempt it. But there's too much movement from the rain and too little of it anywhere else. And its roaring like a dragon thrice pissed. So it's with only so much caution that the door slams shut behind her. Every lock from the top to the bottom shoved into place.
And hand that only dares hover at the small of Watch's back as he ushers her through the space he uses as a garage. Passed the SUV, van, and motor bike, all unmarked, all unassuming and as black as the void in which they sit. Onward up the steps he directs until the next door behind them is pulled closed. And from there she sheds shoes and socks while he takes her coat.
His guest allowed to venture out into the living room of his abode. A living room buffeted on two sides by floor to ceiling windows. Similar sized bookshelves that stand upon either side, in between and along the length of the opposite wall. Watch moving to collapse upon the couch at the center of the view while Luka digs up a towel, blankets, something to eat and drink. And by the time it is all said and done? She looks far better than she did when the banging began.
"Ye go' toi'me now, lass?"
She nods. A breath taken. A wary look at the windows. He knows she knows nothing can touch her here. That glass has stopped stronger things than sniper bullets in and outside of this zip code. And while he will close the blinds if she asks...
I'm being...watched.
He doesn't smile. Not a single lick of amusement to what should have been a slightly funny inside joke to break the tension. But now isn't the time for jokes and there's the slightest chuck of his chin to get her to continue.
I don't know how...or by who...hell I don't even know when it specifically started. I just....things weren't...things haven't been where I put them. Every time I leave the house it feels like there's someone right behind me but every time I try to catch them...
Hands come up as she shakes a frown from her features.
I thought it might have been the nymph you said lives in the tree in my court yard--she's been acting weird. I thought maybe she was sick but she wouldn't talk to me. And then two nights ago...
She wanders away from whatever she was going to say, and he has to redirect. The slightest nudge of a finger against tea mug in her hands now, because anyone that knows Watch? Knows her germophobia cannot handle being touched.
S-sorry uh...t-two nights ago--this is going to sound insane but I--I was working and... I swear I felt someone touch me, Luka. I felt the warmth of their hand the weight of it but the second I turned around...nothing. Nothing but this gut wrenching feeling I was exposed. Exposed like I was in Pa--Paris. I wasn't followed...I checked and rechecked and rechecked again just like you taught me.
And that is all he needs to hear. He promised her what happened to her in Paris would never happen again. And he meant it. It wouldn't. Watch had nearly died that night, and it was not something Luka O'Rian was going to allow to happen twice. And he tells her as much, before getting up. Moving to one of the windows. Phone pulled from a pocket, a number dialing as it settles at his ear.
Because Watch isn't his only "friend" and if there's one thing that all six foot ten and red hair of him is good at? It's finding people that don't want to be found. Especially when they're a threat to his employee and by that measure his own livelihood.
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