#which means either i'm about to have a dp episode or
tiderideraa · 11 months
i'm feeling the urge to remake
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spacedace · 1 year
hey in your tags you mentioned a “batfam leverage au” can u explain what that is
Happily! :D
So I'm not sure if you're familiar with the show Leverage, but the quick summary is that it's about a group of "bad guys" (a hacker, a hitter, a grifter, a theif and the mastermind that directs them all) that help people who have been hurt by the rich and powerful by using their skills to pull heists and cons on the bad guy of the episode to ruin them and get back whatever was taken/right whatever was made wrong.
It's an amazing show that I can't recommend enough, very clever, very funny, big found family vibes and an OT3 that's *this close* to being canon (and has been supported by the writers). The heists are amazing and it's all around an AMAZING show.
Anyway, the BatPham Leverage Au is basically just: a collection of DP & BatFam members join together to make a robin hood heist team like in the show Leverage. I have a couple versions of the BatPham Leverage AU rattling around my head, but most fleshed out right now are:
Business of Family - the Uncle Oz AU (Penguin Adopts Jazz & Danny): My plan for this story is for Jazz and Danny to decide to start running heists in Gotham on the people in the city that tend to fly under Batman's radar but who are still very much doing a lot of harm to the city and it's people. The Leverage AU part of this story is going to have Jazz as the Mastermind, Jason as the Hitter, Tim as the Hacker, Danny as the Thief/Maker (basically engineer), and Elle as the Grifter (shapeshifting Elle for the win lol).
Another Leverage AU I've been thinking about for awhile but that I haven't turned into a story yet is one where Team Phantom (Danny, Jazz, Sam, Tucker & Elle) are tasked with finding and returning various Infinite Realm artifacts that have ended up in the mortal world. And for some reason Gotham has just so many Infinite Realm artifacts in it. Like most of the artifacts in the world are in Gotham for some wild reason (it's Gotham there doens't need to be more of a reason).
They're on the run from the GIW/Fentons, so they're trying not to advertise any ghostly/liminal powers if they can help it, so they largely do heists without powers (minus Tucker doing all his hacking and everything from the Ghost Zone and some occasional invisibility/intangibility when it's called for, but they really do try and keep any power use to a minimum).
In this AU, Jazz is the Mastermind (again, because I love that role for her haha), Tucker is the Hacker, but that's when I can't quite decide who should be who.
I love the idea of Sam being a Hitter, but I think she'd be able to play Grifter pretty well knowing the rich as well as she does, Danny would love being a Hitter and being able to fuck some assholes' shit up while being completely feral but he could also still be a good Thief. Elle could go either Grifter again, but I like her as a Theif in this one, maybe running into Damian in the vents while she's trying to get into a vault or something lol. (I think it'd go with Danny: Hitter, Sam: Grifter, Elle: Thief, but I have no idea if that'll stick if/when I ever write this lol)
Whatever the team looks like, because there are so many artifacts in Gotham & because they can't just use their powers willy-nilly to grab them and run, they're going to be in Gotham for a long time, possibly years. Which means they need some kind of side hustle to pay the bills, which leads them to doing more heists, but this time on various rich assholes that deserve to lose a bunch of money.
Eventually they get on the Bats radar, and there'd be some fun cat & mouse back and forth with the BatFam trying to catch the Phantom Crew (Danny shouldn't be allowed to name things, but he already told Red Robin that was their team name before anyone could stop him). Eventually the GIW do show up and things start getting even more complicated (and maybe someone activates an artifact, resulting in a powerful entity being released in Gotham that they all have to team up to fight).
I have no name for this au other than the DP X DC Leverage Au, but I do know that'll have plenty of Anger Management, Brain Dead (or really Brain Dead + Everlasting Trio, don't know what the ship name for that is), Serious Chaos.
It'll also have Batman aggressively trying to adopt them all because he doesn't actually have anything against them stealing from these assholes as long as they don't hurt anyone. They're acting outside of the law yes but they're doing it in order to give justice to those who have been made victims by the system and he's all about that (the real final battle of the story is between Bruce & Selina who both want to adopt the Pham, who would like to know if they get a say in any of this - they don't).
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threewaysdivided · 2 years
Okay, first of all. I LOVE your blog (particularly you Danny Phantom tags). I didn't know this Phandom exist until about a month ago? and I've been having a blast here.
That's and there this one thing. Do you know anything about Duck shaped candle in the Phandom? It's a Fanon thing, right?
I found them in some stories (usually DC x DP fic that have people summoning Phantom) and I just think it's really cute.
Hi, and welcome to the Phandom!
I'm glad you're having fun on my tumblr 💚 A lot of the content in my Danny Phantom tag is reblogged from other users who make excellent stuff (fanfic, art, meta etc) so I heartily recommend checking out the blogs of the original posters to find more things you might like.
Now, as for your duck-shaped conundrum, I think I can give you an answer. It is purely a fanon thing, coming from the DC Comics crossover (DP x DC) space. Specifically, I believe it originates with this story from @noir-renard:
If You Give a Bat a Burger Gen (non-romantic) | Case-fic | Currently updating Strange things are going on in Gotham: A series of crimes linked only by a sentence uttered. A drug that no one seems to be selling, but lots of people are taking. An old enemy reborn, or someone pretending to be him. Graffiti that can't be photographed by normal means. Bartenders disappearing without a trace. John Constantine is also there. Danny wants nothing to do with any of it. He just wants to sell burgers and survive. Actually, he'd like to go home again, but since that isn't possible, he'll stick with burgers. Gotham's vigilante's have other plans. This is why Danny doesn't do favors.
Detouring away from the ducks for a moment, this is a very good elseworld-style crossover fanfic. It has a more traditional spirits-magic-hauntings-psychopomps take on Danny Phantom lore than canon and they use it to create a really cool urban-fantasy mystery setting for the characters. (If you've encountered the Ben Aaronovitch Rivers of London novels, this has a similar general vibe and aesthetic).
Our duck-candle friend first appears in Chapter 1 of IYGaBaB, where a reluctant Danny has it very insistently gifted to him by an amateur occultist, and is then quick to re-gift it to an injured Red Hood. As of the most recent published chapter, the duck-candle is floating in a bowl of water on Jason's nightstand and the rest of the Batfam are giving it little hats. Apparently the candle wards away spirits if burned but no-one wants to light Dr Quack on fire just yet.
Fandom being fandom, people latched onto it as a cute and funny concept, and so began the proliferation of the Red Duck Candle through the DP x DC community.
(This kind of wide-spread fanon lore is not at all unusual for the DP fandom, where a good 50% or more of the most widely accepted concepts are fan-creations at any given time. Ghost Obsessions? Danny as King? Summoning Rituals? Liminality? Ghost Hunger? Ghost Nip? Wes? All fanon.)
As for where the recent boom in DP x DC content came from, I'm not sure. DP x Other Superhero crossovers have had a fandom for a long time (I started writing my own DP x DC crossover fanfic back in 2015, when Teen Titans Animated, Miraculous Ladybug, the Early MCU and the original run of Young Justice Animated episodes were dominating), but it's really ramped up in the last year. I know there are a couple of popular prompt blogs and apparently a DPxDC-focused discord running at the movement, but as for which came first (the duck or the egg, one might say) I have no idea.
Either way, hope you have fun!
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crystalelemental · 10 months
Okay so I did a count of the assumed associations in the Pokemon timelines. Because I guess I hate myself tonight?
BW1 -> BW2. Literally the only hard confirmed thing in the series.
Y -> GS/C. Confirmed based on Red having all three starters, Blue having none. Though I'm just going to say it. Blue not having Eevee? Means that Gen 2 might actually be entirely separated timelines from the Gen 1 games we played. Nothing maps perfectly, and with alternate timelines existing, we can retroactively cast doubt on their continuity.
Y -> HGSS. Same as above. That's right, HGSS cannot possibly occur after FRLG, given the team composition. And the difference in Red's team suggests alternate timeline as well. Notably, HGSS could, in theory, lead to SuMo and USUM timelines, but those have Mega Evolution which is canonically a different timeline indicator from games without megas per Delta Episode.
HGSS -> BW1 -> BW2. We know Gen 2 goes to BW1 based on the ex-Rocket house. However, we can confidently saw that BW timeline exists alongside the remake timeline, because of Sabrina in PokeStar Studios. Sabrina has the (incorrect) short hair based on her HGSS presence, eliminating GS or C from possibility.
Platinum -> BW1. Caitlin. Note that Cynthia looks exactly no different, however, despite an allegedly large time jump per fan timelines. Which implies either (1) Caitlin hit a growth spurt in whatever timeframe occurred, which could be lengthy or could be as short as like four years, or (2) they're not actually associated at all, as Caitlin doesn't have Darach, and barring the commentary about not being allowed to battle, I don't think makes mention of the Battle Castle in Gen 5 at all. And I know what you're thinking. "Couldn't HGSS also attach to BW1?" Very unclear, considering that DPPt and HGSS take place at nebulously the same time, with Jasmine also occupying two places at once and having contradictory voice lines on which one happened first, so there's also the possibility that DP and Pt are separate timelines from HGSS. Which, further note: yes, DP and Pt are separate timelines just like all the third games.
R/S/E -> BW2. The Rocket house is occupied by former Magma and Aqua grunts. There are two reasons I'm not including HGSS in this mix. First, we don't know for sure that RSE took place before or after HGSS. Second, we don't have anything to connect RSE to HGSS itself. These grunts could be associated with the teams, but notably only talk about not letting the other know about their past, not any specific deed committed. Unlike the Rocket Grunt who can be placed by dialect, we don't know these goons. RSE may not have even happened yet, to say nothing of how R, S, and E are all different timelines given the wildly different events and we'd have no way of knowing which one they came from.
XY/ORAS -> SuMo. We assume, given the presence of mega evolution, but there's not anything I can think of to sincerely connect them together. They could just as easily be associated with USUM, but there's nothing to ensure those either.
Pt -> XY/ORAS -> SuMo or USUM. Because Looker. Now of course, this is impossible, as Platinum does not have mega evolution, so are we dealing with separate Lookers? I've heard theory that ORAS amnesia Looker is also a Faller, but if that's the case then he has no association at all with Gen 7 Looker, who does not seem to be pursued by the UBs in the same way as Anabel, nor is he used by Interpol the same way. It's also impossible to tell if ORAS took place before XY and he's better now, and that's why in XY he seems like a bit more of a mess, or if XY was first and wherever he was off to next didn't go so great.
Legends Arceus -> BDSP. Yes, specifically. Why? Raminas Flowers. Those don't exist in DPPt, only in BDSP does Raminas mean anything. By extension, the Legends Arceus events cannot be confirmed to have happened in DPPt timeline.
RB/Y -> SuMo. I'm bringing this up because it's wrong wrong wrong! Mega Evolution timelines do not intersect with non-mega evolution timelines! RBY and SuMo cannot possibly be related, yet the entire fan timeline bases itself on this association, because the Porygon Dex entry in SuMo said it was made 20 years ago, while some outside book source stated Porygon was made around 1 year prior to RB, thus setting the timeline between those games at 19-20 years. You want to know why? Because that's how many real world years passed. SuMo released in 2016, RB in 1996. It's just a reference to reality, not anything happening in the games' reality. It's made up, guys. The dex says Pyroar can breathe fire hotter than the Sun, sometimes it's stupid.
As far as I'm aware, literally any other association between two games is pure speculation. And even most of this isn't hard confirmation.
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blossyossyossy · 2 years
Things I would change in Danny Phantom: make Danny and Tuckers friendship and Danny and his bond with his sister the focal point of the big emotional safe haven of the show. Make Danny's parents out right problematic and abusive instead of stereotypical stupid parents Butch Hartmen enjoyes doing. Keep Vlad as the big bad villian(but actually commit to it) or give him a redemption arc. Give Sam a villian arc and explore toxic abusive girls. Especially ones who don't take no from their life long crushes who don't like then back and will never see them more as a friend. Don't let Paulina just be another stereotype. Make pink astronaut end game. Maybe make Danny be the ghost king. God make the game have demon slayer horror and consequences. Imagine if the horror in tht game was like Demon slayer! Last but not least I'd love to make Paulina like this tumblr blog report/writer or something does stuff about ghosts ananthe supernatural.
YES. I really would've liked for Danny and Tucker's friendship to have been explored more as opposed to having Tucker become Danny and Sam's third wheel.
I feel like Jazz's dynamic with the entire trio could've been explored more, especially since it seems like she had more of a bond w/ Sam than her own brother sometimes. But hey, at least she had an obvious bond w/ those two instead of having pretty much nothing w/ Tucker 💀
Considering Butch has a thing for having child abuse in his shows (aka FOP w/ Vicky's existence and Timmy's neglectful parents being why he had Fairy Godparents to begin with), I think Jack and Maddie are an improvement upon that and I would've liked for them to actually be good parents instead of questionable at best, abusive at worse parents so then there could be more angst but not in the sense that Danny fears his parents killing him <- has been reading DP fics
Oh Vlad. He had so much potential and I feel like him asking for what, $500 billion in the finale didn't make sense for him. I do think that him using his ghost powers to save and therefore control the world would've been enough for him and in character. I do like that Vlad is just going to be in space for the rest of his life but also couldn't he have just escaped to the Ghost Zone or whatever 💀? Like, people can't see him when he's INVISIBLE so he could've easily snuck into the Ghost Zone and lived out the rest of his days in solitude to think about everything he's done. I do feel like it was a bit of a cop-out to have the finale's big threat be a fucking asteroid instead of Vlad but eh.
Ooh villain!Sam would've been cool. The ep where Danny got his ice powers was a nice peek into what it could've been like. Also, Sam could've been a badass girlboss <- focusing on the wrong thing here. I would've liked for the show to focus on onesided attraction and not just Fenton's crush on Paulina and Paulina's crush on Phantom but Sam's crush on Danny. That could've been during the whole Gray Ghost thing and how just b/c you're friends/besties with someone, that doesn't mean that the two of you are meant to be romantic partners which is ironic for a demiromantic to say but shh
No cause I LOVE that Valerie wasn't a stereotype and I would've loved it if they did the same for Paulina. Maybe they could've done something like that one FOP episode w/ Trixie being into boy stuff?
I was actually thinking about this earlier and having either Gray Ghost or Pink Astronaut as end game would've been so cool cause both have a girl of color as the love interest and it's not a best friends who barely have chemistry [not saying that's what Danny and Sam are, I'm just talking about the trope in general] to lovers
OH. ANOTHER THING THAT FANFICS MADE ME BELIEVED WAS CANON. I thought Ghost King!Phantom was canon in the show b/c of all the damn fics that had as canon in their AUs and so I was confused by the constant disrespect until it clicked for me that Phantom being Ghost King is another popular phanon thing.
I don't know much about Demon Slayer's horror but I'd assume that it's pretty cool and/or interesting?
Your blogger!Paulina would've been like the PERFECT thing to expand her character. It's genuinely a cool concept that goes w/ her obsession w/ Phantom and then some. I also like the inclusion of Star since I, once again, thought that Paulina and Star were besties b/c of fanfics (do you see how many times I've been gaslit by this damn Phandom???/j).
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turboacek-blog · 2 years
Ash’s Age
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Was commenting on Reddit then realized it was too long so I just cut it short here are my “fuller “thoughts
Canonically and as of journeys he is 10
But when you do the simple math of about 1200 episodes divided by 365 days a year and assuming an episode is a day (the multiple days in an episode and the multiple episodes covering a single day, balance out for simplicity)
That’s about three years meaning 13 years old
So I think it would take a lot of work from the movies and specials to push Ash to 14 and over, let alone for the people who think he should be like 35 because of the 25 years since the anime started
I generally think 10-12 years old is better, it's still in that he’s a kid but not a teen range which makes more sense for Ash. As I think if they were to have said before Ash is 11 somewhere and 12 in journeys it would be no big deal
Obviously people would freak irl since he would have finally aged but in universe it doesn’t matter as it's just saying the traveling has been about 2 years
And honestly 13 either, I think so many see 13 as the teenager year they start associating it with stuff like dating and puberty and etc. But that’s not everyone, some start later (some earlier) Ash can still be a childish 13 year that hasn’t hit puberty and etc
And others like Serena would be like 12 in this case, are way more aware of stuff like dating since they are going through that process
And in other aspects, it kinda implies that a character like Brock is 18 now if the 15-year-old idea is correct which can make the Doctor thing line up more as he would be an adult
But basically to try not to contradict things too much
Original Series (Kanto-Johto) was 1 year [10->11]
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Advanced to Diamond and Pearl (Hoenn - Sinnoh) another year [11->12]
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Then Best Wishes (Unova) to now is [12->13]
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As OS took longer than most series (276ep) and multiple things implying a year happened in that series alone
Hoenn (191ep) I think it’s reasonable to believe Ash is 11 and May can be 10 and lends more to he’s more experience here and in Sinnoh (192ep)
Then in Unova mostly because of the soft reboot can signify a new year, and the series starting in BW(140) are not as long as the previous series (at least episode count wise)
OS is about the same length as BW and XY (140) combined and AG and DP combined is more than SM (145) and JN (currently 136) combined and slightly less if you add XY
Obviously it's not exactly that range
Based on episode number Ash turned 11 in AG, 12 in BW, 13 in JN as I doubt every transition series started on Ash’s birthday but I think the breaks and transitions between series can mark cut-offs better as series like AG and DP go together BW and XY, SM and JN
Again I didn't go through every episode to see how many days each episode was, I'm not considering the weird seasons taking place in short periods of time, and how the schools there work, and etc
As I think journeys alone makes it so that they've gone through like 3 seasons (spring summer fall IIRC) and based on my personal journeys tracker, it's been around 130 days which would be about one season
So yeah Ash is 10 years old but based on the anime episode/day count he would be about 13 years old
And if you want to add the movies, specials, and such you can stretch to maybe 14 years old
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nakamuso · 7 months
Men Tsuyu Hitori Meshi" - Tenjin Mukai's four-panel event
Gourmet manga is peace of mind Mentsuyu Hitori Meshi" volume 5 is now on sale.
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reference:Amazon URL:https://www.amazon.co.jp/%E3%82%81%E3%82%93%E3%81%A4%E3%82%86%E3%81%B2%E3%81%A8%E3%82%8A%E9%A3%AF-5-%E3%83%90%E3%83%B3%E3%83%96%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B3%E3%83%9F%E3%83%83%E3%82%AF%E3%82%B9-%E7%80%AC%E6%88%B8%E5%8F%A3%E3%81%BF%E3%81%A5%E3%81%8D/dp/4801976565
This is a four-frame manga in which Mendou-san, who loves men-tsuyu, pursues delicious meals using men-tsuyu. There are no bad people. There are no mean people either. It is a manga that you can read all the time with a peaceful feeling. I love exciting manga, but it is also important to have manga that keeps my mind at peace. I personally play that role in Mentsuyu Hitori Hitori Iinai,
Breakfast at Tiffany's Someday
Teasing Mr. Takagi
Hancho: A Day Out on the Road
Sake to Koi ni nakatta drunken desu basho" (Sake and Love Must Be Drunk)
There were quite a few. And most of them were gourmet manga. Gourmet manga is what keeps my peace of mind. Mr. Mendo is a prude, but he has a good capacity and always seems to be having fun without thinking too much about deep things. This is the kind of person I want as a friend.
I recommend volume 5, episode 57, the jarred noodle episode, for its explanation of seasonings. I, too, don't know the difference between bean paste, gochujang, and beet sauce, and like Mr. Mendo, I am at a loss for the ones in our refrigerator. But now, thanks to my colleague, Mr. Tokoshi, who is an excellent cook, I understand.
He told me that soybean paste is a spicy miso that originated in China using fava beans, gochujang is a Korean seasoning made from glutinous rice malt, and tamemenjang is a sweet miso that is not spicy at all! I will never forget it. By the way, they say that jerky noodles are made with sugar beet.
In volume 5, we also learned the truth about Hodogaya's lost love. That kind of thing happens in real life, but how he can take such a bold step is a mystery… I'm also curious about his love affair with Mai, but I'm not so sure about people who get bed blubber on their bedding. I'd like to make more and more mentsuyu recipes, as many of them were introduced in this issue. I am the type of person who actively cooks manga-meshi.
Amatsu Mukai's 4-frame talk event While the new book was released, we also had some disappointing news. Manga Life, the magazine in which he appeared, is going to cease publication. Another long-running magazine is going to disappear. It is sad. I am glad to hear that many of the serialized works, including Men Tsuyu Hitori Mei (Men Tsuyu Hitori Mei), will continue to be published elsewhere. Speaking of "Manga Life," I helped with the book "Amatsu Mukai no Kono 4-koma ga Omoroi" ("Amatsu Mukai no Kono 4-koma ga Omoroi!") published by Take Shobo, the same publisher. published by Takeshobo.
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reference:Amazon URL:https://www.amazon.co.jp/%E5%A4%A9%E6%B4%A5%E3%83%BB%E5%90%91%E3%81%AE-%E3%81%93%E3%81%AE4%E3%82%B3%E3%83%9E%E3%81%8C%E3%82%AA%E3%83%A2%E3%83%AD%E3%82%A4-LAUGH-PEACE-BOOKS/dp/4812496268
The comedian Amatsu Mukai is an unparalleled fan of four-frame manga, and loves them so much that there is not a four-frame comic that he has not read. This book is about such a person, Amatsu Mukai-san, and introduces his recommended four-frame works.
I don't know about now, but back then, Amatsu Mukai-san often held 4-koma events, gathering 4-koma fans. I was wondering how many people would come to a four-frame manga event, but the event was packed. I think about 80% of the attendees were male, and most of them were in their 30s or 40s.
Guests were,
Riko Anzai ("My sister is here")
Ms. Miyu Nohiro ("My Sister")
Yuka Santo ("Sparrow's Hotel")
and his partner, Amatsu Kimura, were also present. The event was full of interesting talks that you can only hear here, such as behind-the-scenes stories of four-panel artists writing and some one-off stories, but the most memorable part was the relay four-panel show. The most memorable part of the event was the relay four-panel drawing project, in which Mr. Amatsukimura drew the first panel and asked the three teachers to fill in the rest of the frames to complete the work.
There was some trouble when Mr. Amatsukimura drew the first panel, but then the teachers took turns drawing and filling in the panels on the spot. I was very surprised at how interesting the finished work was. It was an impromptu drawing, but it turned out to be a proper four-frame comic. I have a vague recollection of the content, but I think it was
1 There is a giraffe
2 Finding Anpan
Oh, no, I can't remember at all. But I'm sure I saw a Gaikotsu. I was impressed because I thought, "That's a pro! Mr. Amatsu Mukai is now working as a comedian and also writes original manga. He is a man of many talents. It is supposed to be surprisingly hot again today, so I will take in some salt with mentsuyu.
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dannymayevent · 3 years
Hi! Connected to DannyMay... I'm not really familiar with AU names/titles, either with AUs much. Could you help me out a bit? It sounds fun, but nothing comes to my mind if I think about those. Is there a list for those maybe? Maybe about the popular ones? What those mean? Thank you for your help! :)
If you don't want to submit any AU's, you don't have to! The poll is entirely optional, and many people are just submitting 3 general prompts. When the poll closes and the calendar is posted, any AUs we choose for the event will come with descriptions for people!
But if you want to browse them to submit, here's a bunch of popular DP AUs/HCs under the cut that I got off the top of my head.
Fangs: Self explanatory. Danny has fangs because ghost.
No One Knows AU: A "what if?" scenario exploring a universe where Danny was alone on the accident (aka no Sam and Tucker). As you can imagine, this has great potential for angst.
Corpse AU: A scenario where when halfas die, they leave behind a body. Usually the plot revolves around either the DP trio hiding/burying the body, or someone/cops finding the body in the woods somehow!
Dual Obsession AU: This is a scenario where Danny has two ghostly obsessions tying him down to Earth: an obsession with protection (or something similar) and a more innocent one about space. Typically, his space obsession involves a shift in his appearance and powers as well. Great potential for both fluff and angst with this one.
Monster Appearance: Honestly not quite sure what the actual name for this one is, but a lot of people like to play with a situation where Danny's ghostly form is a lot more inhuman looking.
Hazmat AU: Along the previous lines, this is a scenario where Danny's parents actually follow lab safety protocol and so Danny dies in a real hazmat suit, hood/mask and all.
Portal AU: This is a situation where Danny becomes the portal when he dies. He essentially throws up ghosts.
Ghost King: This is a headcannon where Danny becomes the ghost king after defeating Pariah Dark.
Season 4: Not really an AU, people more just like to picture/write about their take on what the future of Danny Phantom would be like (either including or ignoring the season 3 finale episode).
Field Trip: A headcannon where people like to have Danny and his class take a field trip, usually to the Ghost Zone, sometimes to other places too. Usually involves Danny's class getting stranded somewhere and Danny secretly (with varying levels of success) try to figure out how to get his class home without outing himself.
Full Ghost AU: Also self-explanatory. During the accident, Danny turns into a full ghost.
Human AU: An AU where Danny starts out a full ghost, and the portal accident turns him into a human/halfa (Half Human AU in this case).
Halfa Jack AU: A situation based off that episode of DP where Jack, not Vlad, gets in the initial accident. Usually involves Danny being raised by Vlad/Maddie.
Dissection: A headcannon where Danny gets dissected by either his parents or the Guys in White. I like to call these "dissecc" but that's just me.
Ghost Hunger AU: A dark and typically angsty scenario where Danny must consume ectoplasm to feed his core. Some people go a less-angsty route where ambient ectoplasm, or ecto-fruits/veggies will satisfy this. Others go a more cannibalistic route.
Reverse Trio AU: An AU which "reverses" the roles of the trio. Typically portrayed as Sam being the halfa, Danny being the geek, and Tucker being the goth.
Electric Core AU: A scenario where because Danny dies via electricity, instead of developing ice powers (and a 'cold core'), he's given electricity powers (aka an 'electric core).
Well, that's all I can think of right now. I might add more to this list if it comes to me. Lemme know if I forgot anything.
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five-rivers · 4 years
I'm new to the danny Phandom and i was wondering if you could give me some pointers to navigate? General vibe of the phandom? Do we acknowledge the movie thing and all "secret identity/revealed" fics take place in that nebulous space before the movie or does it not exit and we don't talk abt it
(2/2) follow up to my previous ask, i've really only seen canon from stove-is-on-fire and the associated fic
Stove is certainly a good place to start!  Their art is so nice.  Canon is dead to us anyway.  
But?  Movie?  What are you talking about?
More seriously, most of us like to pretend Phantom Planet doesn’t exist.  99% of DP phanphic should be tagged cannon divergence just for that, but... we don’t.  Actually, come to think of it, I'm not sure I’ve ever actually seen a phic get tagged with canon divergence.  The most I’ve seen is just the alternate universe tag.  
Going backwards, I’d say our general vibe is pretty friendly.  At least here on tumblr.  I don’t think I’ve ever really seen someone being outright mean before and I’ve been here a couple of years.  Even though we have a lot of fanon, we’re pretty accepting and respectful of all headcanons.  There’s very little we take as actually absolute.  I mean, we’re split on whether Danny’s alive, dead, half-dead (whatever that means), or simply dead inside, like every other teen.
But we’re also sort of high-key lawful-chaotic.  As in, we currently have a planned, scheduled, sh*tposting contest which takes place behind a virtual Denny’s.  With brackets.  If it happens this year, it’ll be the third year.  
Further evidence: The only discourse we regularly have is food discourse.  Occasionally we will make parody blogs to impersonate each other.  We trend every year on the anniversary of the first episode air date because of the Dannypocalypse (aka we paste a cursed screenshot of Danny’s face onto everything).  We phrequently replace leading ‘f’s with ‘ph’s (I started doing this as a joke, but sometimes I read a word and can’t tell the difference).
Speaking of events, we have a lot.  Currently, we’re in the midst of our Secret Santa event, which we call either the Christmas Truce or the Holiday Truce after a in-universe event in the show.  I think the next big event is the Phight Club (aforementioned sh*tposting contest), then we have the Phic Phight (we split into teams and write phanphic at each other to see who can do the most), the Dannypocalypse, Dannymay (month-long prompt calendar challenge), and Ectober (another prompt calendar, but there are like three of them done by three different people; the one I do is the one week one).  Occasionally someone will make a new one out of nowhere, but I believe that all of these have taken place at least twice and their creators/hosts are still active.  
Blogs you should check out:
@lexosaurus:  Unofficial cult leader.  Cause of most phandom chaos, but also highly involved in planning events.  Blog is made of jokes.  Phics are high-grade angst.  Truly, an enigma.  
@reallydumbdannyphantomaus:  Also called Bug.  Not 100% sure why.  The source of many jokes.  Exactly What It Says On The Tin.  
@ceciliaspen:  Exceptional art.  Mostly DP, but her OCs and original comic look great.  
@coffeecakecafe:  Same.  Her headcanons and redesigns are super cool, too.  
@gally-hin-phantom:  Nice, soft, cute art.  Also runs the @danphan-trading-board.
@ecto-american:  Involved in a lot of phandom events.  Excellent phics.  
@bibliophilea:  Just...  Super nice?  Is one of the Phic Phight mods.  
@dannyphandump:  This is Tali.  Seems to be involved in everything, somehow.  I see them all the time.  
@kinglazrus:  Everyone’s aunt.  
@guardianrex:  Curates cool meta, headcanon, and speculation posts.  
@dp-marvel94:  Good running library of phics.  Also has some super cool phics about the Danny clones.  
There are others I should probably tag, but this is who I can think of at the moment.  
I hope this helps!  Welcome to the phandom!  You aren’t getting back out.  
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oraclemilf · 4 years
ok but i'm loving your takes on the female characters - like it's very disconcerting to watch this show with a lot of girls and then have almost none of them be actual friends, and when they interact they're either fighting or it's about a boy. a lot of them r reduced to stereotypes too like with sam and her "i'm not like other girls" spiel and paulina's... entire thing lol. i'd say at least valerie is well rounded but she never rly interacts with the other girls positively :/
“and like it's an older show where those kinds of messages were everywhere in kids media especially but it still sucks lol at least we can take what we like from fanon and totally change it into our own because butch really did them dirty” 2/2  
Yeah exactly. Not to be feminist on main but holy fuck do the girls in DP have issues. Like I get the whole argument that “it's an early 2000s show what can you do” and “all of the characters were shittily written” but the reason most of the female characters are bad in DP is specifically because they were written through a misogynistic lens. Like the show presents itself as having strong female characters but really all they do to break the gender binary is being able to fight. (I will give them points for letting the girls get kicked and punched the same as the men but that is the ONLY praise they are getting out of me.)
To expand on the “takes” in my previous ask: 
 -Dora, Ember, Desiree, Kitty, and Spectra all had boy/appearance-based backstories. Like seriously, the only female ghost I can think of whose backstory wasn’t entirely based on a man was Pandora and she appears in literally one episode for literally half the episode. (Also if you look at the myth of Pandora it's literally about a woman created by the gods to be the downfall of man so she doesn’t get any feminism points either.) Like listen. I’m not arguing that all the female ghosts should be totally retconned so they never interact with men at all. In fact, I think Kitty,though she has a heteronormative ultimate power, Dora, and Desiree’s backstories work really well for their characters. But Ember and Spectra? Why should Ember die because “she was so sad she was stood up she slept through a house fire” wtf?That literally doesn’t really work with her musician motif at all? How would that even work? Bitch did you have no alarms? Nobody was screaming or anything? Like its so astronomically stupid.  @grimgrinningghoul​ has some cool ideas for alternate Spectra motivations in this post so I really won’t get into that here but women being only motivated by their appearance is such a stale take. 
-Maddie legit says "behind every genius woman is a genius man" This is self explanatory really. Like come on girl seriously. But yeah, to elaborate on Maddie they could have had a great strong mother figure. I mean she was a scientist and a black belt for crying out loud! Then they kind of back track because you can’t make women too self-sufficient and have her practice traditional housewife roles, always take a back seat to Jack (even though she’s usually in the right) and have her put up with Vlad’s creepy advances far too much. Not ALL of these things are bad mind you and I probably wouldn’t mind her character too much besides for this one line but looking at it from a broader perspective it doesn’t really come together to make the best picture you know? Also, her sister Alicia - who was probably the most gender-non-conforming character in the show, is treated like she’s a joke or trashy by the narrative. (Don’t even get me started on the constant body-shaming either)
Paulina, Sam, Valerie, Jazz and Dani’s arcs all center around another male character (Danny) Ok this one is a tad more controversial because like yes, I understand Danny is the main character. It makes sense that most character growth is facilitated through him. Hell, even really progressive shows like Steven Universe filter character growth through the main male character. However, there are a couple key distinctions I’d like to point out. For example, Steven Universe has a Third-person limited omniscient POV. meaning all actions in SU are filtered directly through Steven’s perspective. This isn’t the case Danny Phantom, which has a Third-person objective POV, meaning that the story can follow many characters separate from each other, not just Danny. Also the female characters in Steven Universe are already 3 dimensional fully established characters without Steven and it’s even touched on in universe that the characters learn and grow without Steven’s help. This isn’t the case in DP. Paulina's main narrative shift is from being crazy about boys in general to being a devoted fan of Phantom. Sam’s whole arc is about getting together with Danny. Jazz’s arc is about learning how to best support Danny in ghost hunting. Val and Dani were probably two of the better female characters - despite still having Danny-centric arcs. Unfortunately, not only were their plans for character development cut short but any girl-power lines they may have had (something about there being no weak girls idk I’m too lazy to find it) feels fake and pander-y because of all the previous bad examples. 
TL;DR I know it's easy to be like “who cares we don’t even respect canon anyway” but I think when source material perpetrates bad messages it’s important to view the content you are working with through a critical lens so you don’t maintain harmful ideas within your own work.
((sorry I hijacked your ask to get on a soap box but I had THOUGHTS about this topic))
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Dissociative Disorders 101
In this post, I'm going to give an outline of Dissociative identity disorder (DID) and Other Specified Dissociative disorder (OSDD).
These two disorders are terribly misunderstood due to horrible representation in media, a lack of education on the topic. Many people still refer DID as Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) an outdated term from when DID was classified as a personality disorder, we now know the disorder is better seen as a dissociative disorder. I hope this post will help clear up misunderstandings about these topics. 
[CW: Mentions of abuse, medical trauma, war, human tracking, suicide, self-harm, and addiction. All of these are briefly mention and not discussed in detail. Ableism is the only cw discussed in detail]
[Note: This post is not to be used as a diagnostic tool.]
DID & OSDD Glossary:
Alter: Shorthand for alternate personality or alternate identity. The most common language to refer to the multiple identities in the system. You may also see the terms "parts" & "headmates".
Alter jobs: also called “Alter types” or “Alter Roles”. This refers to the common occurrence of certain alters taking on specific roles. This often happens because to some extent DID & OSDD acts as extreme involuntary coping skills. Examples of this are protectors who deal with danger, caretakers who help keep the alters in the system comforted, or trauma holders who retain memories of trauma.
Co-Consciousness: often shortened to co-con. When two or more alter are aware of the outside together. Thoughts of both alters can often blend together. Even at times alters may have split control of the body.
Depersonalization and Derealization: Often shortened to DR/DP. DR/DP disorder is its own diagnosis but those with other dissociative disorders experience it as well. Depersonalization the feeling of oneself is not real or is heavily disconnected from the body. This can even result in one of feeling in control of limbs at all. Derealization is the feeling of the outside world not being real, or a simulation.
Fronting: The act of being the alter conscious at the time and ability to interact with the outside world.
Host: Either the person believed to be the “first” personality (sometimes called the core or original) or the latter who fronts the most.
Splitting: In this case, it refers to when new alters form.
System: A word used to reference all of the alters as a whole. Used like "I am an alter in a system" or sometimes “ I am a system”. Rather someone uses this term is a matter of personal preference, and if they see themselves as part of a system or collectively are a system.
What is Dissociation?
Dissociation refers to the mechanism our brain has to disconnect us from our surroundings sometimes as a benign reaction but severe dissociation is associated with trauma and other mental illnesses.
Every Person has the capacity for dissociation and many experiences some degree of the skill like when you drive home but don’t remember it. However daydreaming in class, spacing out every now again is healthy, there is a huge difference between those experiences and those of people with dissociative disorders.
Dissociation is primarily associated with DID but can also be a symptom of C-PTSD, Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and some forms of psychosis. There are also physiological conditions that cause and/or mimic dissociation. Like seizures and migraines.
What are the symptoms of DID & OSDD?
[Disclaimer: I’m aware that the DSM is a flawed way to look at mental health, but it is the best way we have to ensure all parties are working with the same definition of terms]
DID diagnostic criteria are as follows:
1)Two distinct identity states are present. They have to be separate and able to act autonomy. It isn’t “feeling” like another person.
2)Amnesia must occur, defined as gaps in the recall of everyday events, important personal information and/or traumatic events
3)The person must be distressed by the disorder or have trouble functioning in one or more major life areas because of the disorder. This criterion is common among all serious mental illness diagnoses as a diagnosis is not appropriate where the symptoms do not create distress and/or trouble functioning.
4)The disturbance is not part of normal cultural or religious practices.
This DID criterion is to eliminate diagnosis in cultures or situations where multiplicity is appropriate. An example of this is in children where an imaginary friend is not necessarily indicative of mental illness.
5) The symptoms are not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance
So what does that mean? It means that those who have the disorder have at least one alter the hallmark of DID. Alter come in all kinds of varied types and versions. The amnesia criterion does refer to forgetting traumatic events, but also incidents in normal life.
Alters themselves are a complex they aren’t "alter egos or" made up people. Alters can be almost anything, children (younger than the body) adult alters (older than the body), alters based on fiction called Fictional introjects (fictives for short), alters who are angels or spirits, ghost alters, animal alters, alters of varying race and sexualities. This is because alters form to ensure the survival of the child, this includes alters to comfort, protect, soothe and hold trauma away from the wider consciousness. This means that anything that can fill that role can be put into an alter. There is no control over alters, they are not imaginary friends or malleable they are the best way the mind had to survive.
In day to day life DID might look like having missing time, experience dissociation even when in control, a sense of not having an identity, hearing voices within their heads (not auditory hallucinations), meeting people you feel like you should know, having actions you took but have no recollection of, overlapping emotions and trouble focusing.  
People with DID have high rates of self-harm, suicidal behaviour, addiction, disordered eating and other behaviours that cause damage to oneself. This is often even more distressing as one might hurt themselves and not remember it because an alter did it. 
Those with DID will also often have what is referred to as “Inner worlds” or “headspace” this refers to in the mind of the person there is a mental world within. This is a place where alters have a form, body and voice within the mind. It is often a combination of a coping skill used as a kid to escape and a way to be able to interact with others alters. Headspaces often are where alters feel they are when not fronting. It also provides a way of seeing where alters who are not in communication with others are, and can sometimes serve as a visual connection to understanding the others in the system and understand trauma.
Somatic symptoms are really common, Including: Headaches, nausea and vomiting, Non-epileptic seizure/psychogenic seizures, blurred vision, muscle aches, nerve dysfunction (like dysautonomia), fatigue, other feelings of illness. This is sometimes part of conversion disorder.
People with DID & OSDD almost always also have (C-)PTSD. So symptoms like hypervigilance, nightmares, and flashbacks. As they have DID & OSDD and have experienced trauma they likely have symptoms from that other than dissociation, even if they do not meet PTSD criteria.
BPD has high comorbidity with DID, many people with DID or OSDD are misdiagnosed with BPD. Other common comorbid conditions include Anxiety Disorders, Depression, Eating Disorders, and Conversion Disorder.
So the thing about OSDD is a category of conditions that don’t fit another diagnosis. With this post, we are mostly concerned with OSDD-1a and OSDD-1b because those disorders are most similar to DID and form systems.
The DSM Description is as follows:
This category applies to presentations in which symptoms characteristic of a dissociative disorder that cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning predominate but do not meet the full criteria for any of the disorders in the dissociative disorders diagnostic class. The other specified dissociative disorder category is used in situations in which the clinician chooses to specify the reason that the presentation does not meet the criteria for any specific dissociative disorder. This is done by recording "other specified dissociative disorder" followed by the specific reason (e.g., "dissociative trance"). Example presentations that can be specified using the "other specified" designation include the following:
1. Chronic and recurrent syndromes of mixed dissociative symptoms. This category includes identity disturbance associated with less than marked discontinuities in sense of self and agency, or alterations of identity or episodes of possession in an individual who reports no dissociative amnesia.
2. Identity disturbance due to prolonged and intense coercive persuasion: Individuals who have been subjected to intense coercive persuasion (e.g., brainwashing, thought reform, indoctrination while captive, torture, long-term political imprisonment, recruitment by sects/cults or by terror organizations) may present with prolonged changes in, or conscious questions of, their identity.
3. Acute dissociative reactions to stressful events: This category is for acute, transient conditions that typically last less than 1 month, and sometimes only a few hours or days. These conditions are characterized by constriction of consciousness; depersonalization; derealization; perceptual disturbances (e.g., time slowing, macropsia); micro-amnesias; transient stupor; and/or alterations in sensory-motor functioning (e.g., analgesia, paralysis).
4. Dissociative trance: This condition is characterized by an acute narrowing or complete loss of awareness of immediate surroundings that manifest as profound unresponsiveness or insensitivity to environmental stimuli. May be accompanied by minor stereotyped behaviours of which the individual is unaware and/or that he or she cannot control, as well as transient paralysis or loss of consciousness. The dissociative trance is not a normal part of a broadly accepted collective cultural or religious practice.
Those with OSDD-1a&b meet most but not all of DID criterion. They are considered Complex Dissociative Disorders along with DID.
OSDD-1a is either identity disturbance with less distinct alters than DID (they cannot physically take executive control over the person's body, but strongly influence the person's thoughts and actions with this type there is amnesia.
OSDD-1b does have distinct alter do exist and can take executive control with the type there is no amnesia.
How does DID or OSDD Develop?
DID & OSDD comes from long term childhood trauma. When a child is exposed to long term trauma and the identity of the child cannot properly integrate. This means your brain put up amnesic barriers to memories and perception forming the separate identity states.
DID is highly correlated with sexual abuse, physical abuse, medical trauma, living in a war zone, child trafficking,  and Ritual abuse. Another key factor in a child developing these disorder is the lack of healthy attachment (more info here) You can not develop this disorder after age 9, you can't develop it from a single trauma.
The most current theory used to understand how these disorders works are Structural Dissociation. It refers to the way our brain changes the usual structure to compensate for traumatic experiences. It also posits that a child is not born with an integrated personality, to begin with, and this what allows the extreme dissociative symptoms of DID to manifest.
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(Image Source)
ANP refers to “Apparently Normal Part” (someone who takes care of daily life)
EP refers to “Emotional part” (someone who holds trauma memories, reactions, and/or sensations).
Primary SD: is found among those with PTSD. The EP holds all trauma associated things such as fight or flight, feelings, sensations, etc, and is not a fully differentiated being (such as alters are/can be in DID and OSDD-1)
Secondary SD is OSDD, complex PTSD, and BPD. OSDD-1 has the most developed EPs out of the secondary SD disorders. BPD and C-PTSD EPs are less developed than OSDD-1 and are fragments (less fragmented than fragments found in OSDD-1 and DID). Secondary SD emotional parts hold less trauma-related material than the single EP found in PTSD. While the EP in PTSD will hold all of the trauma, there may be an EP in the secondary SD category for an emotion related to the traumas, another for body memories, another for visual memories and auditory memories in some of the traumas, and so on.
Secondary SD is OSDD, PTSD, and BPD. OSDD-1 has the most developed EPs out of the secondary SD disorders. BPD and C-PTSD EPs are less developed than OSDD-1 and are fragments (less fragmented than fragments found in OSDD-1 and DID). Secondary SD emotional parts hold less trauma-related material than the single EP found in PTSD. While the EP in PTSD will hold all of the trauma, there may be an EP in the secondary SD category for an emotion related to the traumas, another for body memories, another for visual memories and auditory memories in some of the traumas, and so on.
Tertiary SD refers to DID. There are multiple ANP and multiple EP. They are more developed than the ANP and the EPs in Secondary structural dissociation (though DID parts can have the same degree of development as OSDD-1 parts and vice versa). EPs can be “small”, as in less developed and would be considered fragments, as they hold limited trauma material such as a single feeling or one or two of the senses in a few trauma memories (or just one or two of the senses in one trauma memory). EPs can also be a fully developed part, such as an ANP would be, but hold trauma material. Multiple ANPs exist and can have various jobs associated with daily life such as a school part, a work part, a caretaker part, etc.
This theory is one of the most widely accepted concepts of how alters form and best matches most people's experience. It does contradict the idea that alters are split pieces of one cohesive identity being split the old model.
Another thing to keep in mind about this theory is it shows the structure and function of the brain are altered from a young age. Brains conditioned to dissociate during stress and trauma will continue to split during stress. This means alters can continue to form in those with DID & OSDD past age 9. 
This Video explains further how this relates to alters splitting  
DID & OSDD can be treated and worked on so the person is no longer experiencing the adverse effects or usually lessen them. Treating DID works mostly the same way as any other trauma survivor. Most kinds of trauma therapy can be used, EMDR being the exception. Certain kinds of meditation and visualisation also prove to be not as effective.
Medication can be used to treat comorbid disorders like depression or anxiety but there are no pharmacological treatments for DID on its own.
What is unique about DID is there is the aspect of how the alters affect you. With DID & OSDD time spent with, alters is crucial. Helping alters who are struggling with trauma becomes deeply important in healing.
The two main options with alters are integration or communication.
Integration refers to a process of when two identity states fuse together. This means you have less altered consciousness states, it also relates to them both being able to handle their trauma. The goal here is to end up with the patient having a singular integrated identity.
The other treatment focuses on forming functional working relationships with the altar and helping them process trauma individually, integration might still happen but a singular identity is not the end goal.
“People with DID are just psychotic or delusional” False, psychosis is not a feature of DID or OSDD and has been shown to act completely differently for the person and in the brain than psychosis. This is also offensive as it denigrates people with psychosis.
“DID is fake/made up by a therapist/ social contagion/the person only believes they have alters” False: DID has been observed in multiple studies and social contagion, malingering and therapist coercion are no longer prime theories. People saying this often bring up the false memory scare and Sybil. Both of those have been proven to be wildly overstated and are not the only evidence we have. There are cases dating back to the 1500s with the first psychiatric observations in the 1800s.
“Aren’t they dangerous?” or “they're so scary and crazy!” or “Don’t they need to be locked up” False, The real facts are people with dissociative disorders don’t commit violence at a higher rate than anyone else. They are much more likely to be the victims of violence. Starting with the fact they faced violence as a child to even have the disorder.
“Isn't that possession?” or any other spiritual concepts. False, There is nothing supernatural reasons for DID. Some people have spiritual or religious beliefs that change how they personally perceive their condition, but there is nothing supernatural about DID or OSDD.
“It’s super rare” Not actually the estimate for DID is about 1% of the population. Might sound small but with the number of people in the US alone who have, it means you're likely to meet someone with it.
“I would know if you had it” Not likely. Most people with DID present with covert DID. These people do not have alters who act wildly different from the host. Generally alters will attempt to not show obvious signs as well as being n  the same mind with similar physiological aspects and upbringing influence things like mannerisms.  Only 5-6% of people with DID have an overt presentation. Even these people are unlikely to be able to wildly change the way they dress and the like as it’s impractical.
“Bad alters/evil alters/violent alters/murder alters” False. There are often alters who might feel aggressive or be persecutors who hurt the other alters. But they are not going to commit murder or rape. They are usually more dangerous to the person with the disorder than anyone outside. And this anger usually stems from trauma.
“You can’t have the disorder you wouldn’t know” and other variations on “Crazy people don't know their cray”. False usually people with DID reach out to help themselves they don’t get forced into it. Because the symptoms of DID disrupt life and the usual comorbid PTSD or other mental health conditions. People with DID are also often aware to some extent of their alters. Rather this is voices, time gaps, or passive influence. And people who have known about the disorder and are in treatment often have good communication between alters in the mind, they are definitely aware of their health.
I Hope this is helpful for those with and without the disorder to better understand these conditions. My personal experience with DID does mean I’m particularly passionate about education on this topic even more as it intersects with education about trauma in general. I hope this didn’t come off as adversarial and helps people learn. 
-Admin 1
{Resources: Structural Dissociation Explained, OSDD Diagnostic Material,  The Fantasy Theory of DID, New Models of DID, DID Literature Review, DID Research.org, DSM Library, Webermann, A. R. & Brand, B. L. (2017). Mental illness and violent behaviour: The role of dissociation. Borderline Personality Disorder and Emotion Dysregulation}
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gaycey-sketchit · 3 years
(Gary anon) And of course there's the infamous "Professor Oak cares more about Ash than he does Gary" that was 'borrowed' from their game counterparts. To this day, I don't understand how you'd get that impression looking at OS alone. Just because Ash and Oak had more on-screen interactions, does not mean he favors him over his grandson. Not even after Gary lost indigo and loosened up. (Yeah, I've seen that one. Seen a few on it) I imagined being born into a celebrity family
(Part 2) is bound to cause a kid to have self-esteem issues, no matter how hard the parents try to give the kid a relatively normal life. (The question is, how'd they do it? Cause they can't just drop him and not give some explanation why) I'm sure he still has the ability to annoy Ash, he just has no reason to do it currently. That's what Goh's for. :P (Not doubt those losses humbled him and caused him to do some soul-searching before getting back in the game. And pushes this wisdom onto Ash)
(Part 3) (OP talk: Hmm, where to start? Okay, based on yesterday's episode. I can definitely Leon bending the rules so Ash can all 3 gimmicks in the final battle. Lucario being shown as the one to face Charizard has me suspicious. If this IS Ash's last series and final hurdle, wouldn't Pikachu be more appropriate. Maybe ) Guess the other Regis will be the final mission before Mew. (Contest Chloe is back in discussion again and may be connected to Wallace and his niece) One of the animator)
(Part 4) (stated; like certain older OPs, some scenes might get updated as the episodes go on. I guess it's that montage that showed us who came and who's coming, may have people switched out later. So there's still surprises left. (Speaking on who's coming. I suspecting Greninja, Clemont, and Bonnie, will be bundled together. Maybe Zygarde related; maybe Greninja finally re-joins Ash) Purple-haired guy himself: Had an increasingly strong feeling he was coming; with Cynthia
(Part 5) being back, her words from DP come back full force. Maybe he and Ash will shake hands this time, only rival who's never done this. Curious how he'd be portrayed; not in the camp that thinks he'd mess with Goh and be harsh on him for no reason. Someone pointed out the shot he's in resembles the location of the Sinnoh League. There or the Battle Frontier is where i would expect the battle. (*ahem* I have no room to talk because I want this for Gary; for different non-PWC reasons,)
(Part 6) (but I don't get why some fans are SO sure the writers will do a third 6v6 with this guy? As opposed to doing that with Cynthia; which I don't think is happening either. An Infernape vs Electivire rematch I can sorta understand; but again, we're most likely get something with Torterra than a rehash of that climatic fight again. A 3v3 is likely at most)
Yeah, I have never understood how anyone could think that's the case in anime canon? Animeverse Professor Oak loves his grandson so much and is always so proud of him, it's very sweet.
Absolutely--being born into that, realizing when you're a child that everyone has these Expectations of you because of your family name... it'd have to be a lot of pressure. It's no wonder we see him get so down on himself at perceived failures.
That is the question... I really don't know. I wonder if the Viridian Gym has actually managed to keep anyone in the position long-term since Giovanni left.
Yeah, I guess he's just picked his target for the time being. No need to mess with Ash right now.
For sure. A brutal loss at the Viridian Gym followed by being taken out in the preliminaries of the league... he kind of got the ego beaten out of him. Had to make him realize he needed to change.
Lots of interesting stuff! I'm really excited for the possibility of Chloe doing a contest, contests are one of my favorite things to watch in the anime and it'd be a good opportunity to show or at least mention some other coordinators.
Yeah, I saw some talk of that, considering that bit has pretty brief shots without much animation. Exciting stuff! I wonder who else we'll get to see!
I won't lie, I'm wary of how Paul will be handled. I've expressed before that I don't like him, but I also acknowledge that he's an excellent character, and he's such a good character because he's such a bad person. His rivalry with Ash in DP was one of DP's strongest points for how their conflict of principles raised the stakes. And not knowing how that'll carry over makes me nervous.
I don't think Infernape should have to face its abuser again. It already triumphed against him. When Ash faces Paul again, hopefully it'll be something different.
But putting that aside, looks like things are going to be very interesting in the coming months! I'm eager to see what the future holds for these characters!
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raidenenthusiast · 3 years
you already know I'm gonna ask for genshin<3
GOD BLESS ILY 💖💕 i should mention that i accidentally closed tumblr halfway through answering this, so i am literally retyping all of it. this new phone has a very like, slippery screen n i'm not used to it so i was like OH SHIT HAGDJANHDBSN
my favorite female character: SUCROSE!!! i only have very minor complaints about her design (really i just wish she was wearing some pants) n the parts of it i do like (her hair n her ears n the COLORS) are so pleasing to look at. i fly around with her bc the mondstadt wings match her really nicely n she looks so cute. her little ears.......i adore her. she has a voiceline about how she wants to use alchemy to create a fairytale utopia n it's SO sweet n i love her so much.
honorable mention hu tao, bc she's actually the only female design i personally don't complain about at all (the bar is so low though) n i LOVED her story quest. i'm also a really big fan of how she's voiced in english (bc i play in english) n also she's hilarious. i'm obsessed with her dynamic with zhongli too.
my favorite male character: strap in kids. this is gonna be a long ride. i have a top three, although it's technically more of a top four.
tied for first are childe n xiao bc i cannot choose between them. i had a really fun journey with childe; when i first started playing, my friend told me they thought he would 100% be my type n i looked at a photo of him n went "ehhhh" so i wasn't really sure at first. i also knew the um. "reputation" fans of him had within fan content n such so i was ALSO wary of that being a very frequent fandom-goer. fast forward a little bit n his banner roles around. i actually decided to pull for him for GAMEPLAY reasons initially, bc the idea of a ranged user being able to use a melee stance was literally a gamechanger for me who wasn't n still isn't very good at archers. i did start liking him reluctantly at that point, but i didn't really want to admit it (very funny looking back) n i used to make fun of him a lot bc i was in denial. NOW i have him in my party (my incredible dps my beloved) n i have finally met him in story which made me fall REALLY hard REALLY fast bc believe it or not, canon childe is NOTHING LIKE fanon childe. n that's a good thing mind u. n the rest is history, he now means everything to me. i am soft for him daily. i also rescind my previous "ehhhh" about his appearance bc he is very sexy. i am ALSO very much an advocate for how griffin voices him n i could talk about the golden house scene for literal hours; it is THE best scene in the game so far.
xiao was sort of similar, my (same) friend n i both knew i would like him bc he is VERY much my type. we were right. i was hyped up to meet him n as SOON as i did i fell so hard i fell off a cliff. it breaks my heart every day i don't have him as i wait patiently for him to rerun. playstyle wise i honestly think he's really fun, but i would probably be saving for him even if i hated how he played, bc i just love him that much. i'm also obsessed with yaksha lore in general n i think about him a lot. xiao my beloved. he also has one of my favorite (if not my favorite) designs.
diluc n zhongli are the last two, bc i can't really choose which one of them i like more, only bc they're both important for different reasons?
diluc was my FIRST favorite character. i took a single look at him n i KNEW. first character i loved, first character i really wanted, as well as the character i tried to (n failed to) REROLL FOR. over fifty times, n nothing. i have him now, but goddamn. i have a thing for characters associated with fire, n as soon as i heard about the whole darknight hero thing i was like oh my.....marriage. i was heartbroken when i played through the chunk of the story quest where they let u trial him before i had him bc i wanted him so bad. he's literally been on my team since day one. i go idle with him to hear him say nice things to me. i love him so much.
n as for zhongli, he's. also special. the definition of comfort character. "he's more than daddy to me. he's.....he's like GRANDPA" HQGDNANHD no but seriously, he walks on sceen n i just feel safe. part of it is keith being so very good at voicing him, but regardless i love him very much. he tugs at my heartstrings a lot n i think he's probably the character the causes me the most physical heartache bc i feel so bad for him.
honorable mention dain, bc who would i be if i didn't mention dain. mwah.
my favorite book/season/episode etc: i'm gonna go with quest for this one! n i think we all know what i'm gonna say; OF COURSE IT'S ZHONGLI'S STORY QUEST!! i complain a lot about how this game doesn't treat tension properly, but i have absolutely nothing to complain about in either of his quests. particularly part two really held its own for me against the entire main story, in my opinion. i know part two just came out, but i am ECSTATIC about the possibility of future parts. also the only story quest i've shed tears over (although i came pretty close on childe's n xiao's). i even THINK about a scene from that quest n my heart breaks into pieces. emotionally, zhongli owns me.
my favorite cast member: in terms of acting performance, probably keith. in general, yuri. he is one of my all time favorite voice actors n i inhale everything that he has done like fucking kirby. i'm really attached to a lot of the english cast though; laila, griffin, khoi, erika, etc.
my favorite ship: this is hard, actually. what's hilarious is that all my favorite pairings involve zhongli. i honestly, at this point, think it's a tie between zhongluc n rezhong. bc rezhong there is just so much there n so much to THINK about, but zhongluc is very comforting to me, personally, n the whole dragon n the phoenix imagery stuff sucked me in like a VACUUM. i also really like guili though; basically, if zhongli is in it, i will at least think about it (sort of, see later).
a character i'd die defending: childe no uhh. in terms of characters who NEED defending, kaeya. i am so SICK of u people not knowing how to interpret him. i'd like to add in eula here too, bc i REALLY like her, n i think some of u went a little bit haywire. in terms of characters who don't really need defending, xiao. i would die for him, actually.
a character i just can't sympathize with: ironically i don't genuinely hate any of the playable characters yet. dottore is pretty fucked up so i guess him, but also i still find him interesting hagdbanhdnan.
a character i grew to love: besides childe? ganyu! i didn't NOT like her by any means, but i was mostly indifferent, n while i WISH her story quest had a little more to it...i adore her very much.
my anti otp: besides the obvious ones, zhongchi.....LET ME EXPLAIN!! i don't HATE it, exactly. but i got so irreparably BITTER about it clogging up both childe n zhongli's individual tags, to the point where i couldn't find enough content without it, i completely lost interest. i will accept nice art of it, but i also have a massive problem with how A LOT of fans tend to over/hyperfeminize childe in relation to the ship, which feels very disingenuous to me bc childe.....isn't a feminine character, really. he's just, i dunno, skinny?? if anything, his whole fight happy shit feels more masculine to me, lmao. it just very much feels like a lot of u can't accept a pairing between two men unless u put one of them in the role of the "woman" n it very much bothers me. like, listen, i know childe is canonically a malewife n i love that about him, but it's about the intent. n i feel HORRIBLE vibes from a lot of u people. i know active fandom genshin fans have bad vibes in general, but u know what i mean. i have been to this rodeo before, n i hate it every time. also, i see a lot of very mischaracterized childe in relation to the pairing too, n to a much lesser extent zhongli, but it still exists. basically, i don't hate it, but i am bitter. n it very much feels like a lot of u are turning them into ur token fandomwide homos which NEVER ends well.
please all i ask is if ur gonna ship two men can u at least treat them both like some semblance of men i am tired
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