#which was totally not inspired by our red headed queen
‘Because I’d give it all up for you, but you wouldn’t for me’-Celia St.James
Evelyn’s mind burned with memories as she stared at Celia’s pink stained lips. How did she explain it; how could she begin to describe the pain of being penniless to someone like Celia? Someone who’d never gone hungry, who’d never had to promise themselves that they’d escape. That she would break the cycle and one day she would come home to a kitchen filled with things other than an old pot of rice and beans. It was hard for Evelyn to remember that Celia would never know the embarrassment of coming to school and being told her dress was too short. To have to explain it was all she had and then to go home to experience her fathers rage when told to buy her a new dress.
It was oh so easy for her to forget most days, about her roots and where she been raised. It was easy to push back the memories of her fathers drunken rage and the hands that had always wandered too far. It had been easy to push back the memories of her mothers coughing, of her mother crying and promising Evelyn it would never happen again. She would brush back her hair, she laughed now a days remembering her now coveted blonde locks, promising a better life. A life not filled with the cruel absence of happiness and fear instilled from her father.
It hit Evelyn all at once, the thought racing through her mind. Celia would never know, she would never understand the crippling pain of being without comfort. Evelyn would make sure of it, their relationship be damned. She never wanted Celia to understand her pains or to have to go without.
She’s be damned if she let Celia ever understand her pain. The answer to her previous question hitting her like a truck. She wouldn’t and couldn’t explain those pains to Celia.
So she opened her mouth to spew something else out, knowing later she would regret her words dripping with gasoline and vitriol.
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wyldloganroth-blog · 2 months
Ranni: Loki or Queen Medb?
Weird question, I know, but just lemme explain myself first. Before the release of the game, both Miyazaki and George R. R. Martin stated that this game would borrow many elements from both Norse and Celtic mythologies to create the setting and lore for Elden Ring, and it's pretty obvious to see.
Most of the demigods that make up the family of Radagon, Rennala, and Marika more closely mirror to the Aesir of Norse myth than anything else, though certain relations and inspirations aren't exactly 1 to 1 with the myth, but it's fine. So let's start comparing our Empyreans and see what we can gather through process of elimination.
-Radagon is obviously our Thor counterpart, what with the red hair, signature hammer, and tendency to kill Giants.
-Marika is a little less obvious, but I'm inclined to say she's our Odin, seeing as how she's the head of the Golden Order and is most known for hanging high above the ground, much like how Odin hung himself to gain the knowledge of the universe.
-Radahn could be our Tyr, the god of war, but that's about it when it comes to comparisons.
-Malenia is not just our signature Valkyrie Lady, but I would bet money that she's our Frigga/Freyja equivalent, as she's the Queen of the Valkyries, and Malenia leads a group of other like-minded women who share some aspects of her moveset.
-Rhykard is our Jormungandr/Midgardsormr, being the serpent of blasphemy and leading the charge to destroy the Golden Order much like the World Serpent himself. You could make the argument that he's also Nidhoggr, which is also valid, but I see that more with Messmer than anything, as he's the only other snake related character.
-Maliketh being Fenrir is another one, as the canine son of Loki was the one to ultimately kill Odin in the myth during Ragnarok, so Marika controlling the Rune of Destined Death makes sense.
-Morgott could be our Heimdall, as he's the last bastion of the Golden Order before the player character makes their way to the final portion of the game.
-This one is probably a stretch, but Godrick could be Sleipnir? Odin's horse is the only one that comes to mind when making comparisons for the bosses of Elden Ring as they both have an unnatural amount of limbs, so eh? Also, Sleipnir is a horse and Godrick is just a freak with an inferiority complex, so that's both reasons why Odin/Marika doesn't want him that much lmao
-The Fire Giant is more likely than not Surtr, as he's the only literal fire giant in Norse Mythology that would aid in the destruction of Asgard with his giant sword, or I guess in the case of Elden Ring, a giant trash can lid.
And that's all I can really think of off the top of my head for the Norse side of the equation, but the question remains: where does Ranni fit into all of this? Well, one of my theories is that I'm at least 95% confident she's our Loki. How so? Well, I coincidentally left out one other demigod out of the list, and for good reason. Godwyn the Golden was the first ever demigod to be slain by mysterious assailants, ordered by daughter of Radagon and Rennala, Ranni the Witch. It sounds awfully familiar to the Death of Beldr, the invincible god of light, who was struck down by a dart or arrow made of mistletoe crafted by Loki, the god of mischief. Beldr's death would usher in total chaos and was the first step into the inevitable apocalypse of the Norse pantheon. The Black Knife Assassins were the mistletoe, Godwyn was Beldr, and Ranni the Witch is our Loki.
That should be the end of the discussion, no? We figured out the comparison pretty neatly, didn't we? Well, yes and no. Ranni being Loki makes perfect sense in my book, but we forgot to mention anything related to the Celtic myths that were also a big inspiration for Elden Ring. And they are indeed a pretty big part when talking about the Hornsent, the Carian scholars of Raya Lucaria, and so many others.
Rennala of the Full Moon, mastery of the glintstone school of magic, is probably the game's version of Danu, mother goddess of the Tuatha De Danaan, pantheon of the Irish gods. Her leadership over the school and mother to half the demigods on our list gives weight to the theory of her being out Queen goddess of the Tuatha De.
Mohg and the rest of the Hornsent could be categorized as Fomorians, enemies to the Tuatha De. They represent many things, such as death, destruction, and other stereotypical "evil" things, which make sense. They were lepers of the Golden Capital, ridiculed and shunned away from the light of the Erdtree, our Yggdrasil of the game, for they were deemed cursed and unholy creatures. Mohg himself was seen by the community as one of the only truly evil characters until the DLC came out.
Godfrey could very well be our Dagda, king of the Tuatha De and first Elden Lord. The Dagda is the pinnacle of strength and manliness, which couldn't be any more truer of a statement than that. Godfrey shatters the very ground beneath his feet with just his body alone, and isn't above just thrashing the player character with the might of a hundred wrestlers and with the discipline of a tavern brawler.
Blaidd, everyone's favorite wolf man, is our Setanta or Cu Chullain, the Hound of Chullain, and son of Lugh of the Tuatha De. The fact that he's a werewolf kinda makes the connection between the two characters have a little bit more staying power. A strong warrior who also can be described as a crazed beast in battle makes sense for the beastman with a giant sword. Too bad Cu Chullain died after his revolt against Queen Medb after killing leagues of her own soldiers.
But who is Queen Medb? Well, in the myth, she was a lover of many men, warrior queen to many soldiers, and master strategist in times of war and conquest. Later years would call her a descendant of the fae, as other Celtic stories tend to go, but that isn't always the case. She was however the last opponent Cu Chullain would face before she ordered all the sons of all the soldiers he killed and sworn enemies to the Hound to chain him and kill him with his own weapon. Some iterations of the tale would say one of the reasons for her antagonism towards Cu was his refusal to sleep with her or take her hand in marriage, though that would be an incorrect summary of what happened there. But I think Elden Ring takes that one step further.
If Ranni is to be our Queen Medb, then her one true follower, Blaidd, our stand in for Cu Chullain, would be a kind of ironic take on the myth. Blaidd wants so badly to be the witch's consort, but she refuses his advancement, and seeks the player character out for their hand in marriage instead after furthering her questline far enough. She wants to erase this world and remake it in her image, with us by her side, even barring her trusted Hound. A fun, yet twisted take on the killing of the warrior formerly known as Setanta.
So I ask the audience once again: is Ranni Loki or is she Queen Medb? Or is she both? Or maybe she's neither and is instead a secret third thing? (I also would have said Scathach, Cu's mentor, as she is also a demigod who's proficient in magic, but I like the Medb theory more cuz it's funnier) I'll let y'all decide on that one in the comments. Personally for me, it could go either way, but I'm more leaning towards Loki, since there's a stronger connection there than the Medb argument, as the only real reason I brought that side up is because Blaidd just resembles Cu Chullain way too much for me to ignore.
Also, please don't ask me about who I think the Fingers, Astel, or the Elden Beast are supposed to be. My knowledge of both Norse and Celtic myths only goes so far, so until further notice or I'm proven otherwise, I'm just gonna say they're either fairies and/or representations of Christianization. That's all from me BYE
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myddrinmob · 11 months
Coeden Onnen
It is cold and dark, this place we are shown. Pale rock shines - coated with ice, a thousand sharp crystals - and somewhere beyond our sight is the irregular drip drip of water falling onto stone. A cave. There is someone here. Burgundy robes, which we have seen before in a midnight market. Hands which we have seen passing a necklace to and fro: we watch them now, standing before a waist high font hewn from the very stone of the cave, dipping their fingers in so that they can better work the clay they hold. They are shaping it with long digits into a creature no bigger than can be held in their hands. It is more or less reptilian, with something approaching a crest on its head, scales down its back and legs. The tiny creature is placed in a hinged egg, which bears, in expensive red ink, images of snakes and lizards and a very familiar symbol. Two chevrons, overlapping, with a dot in the diamond space in the middle.
Chapter three is here! And we have our first truly big changes from canon: the casting of Nimueh, the language of magic, and the Merlin's secrecy.
With no slight at all to Michelle Ryan, I've always thought that Nimueh should have been cast with an older actor. She's meant to be a contemporary of Uther and Igraine, part of their court in the lead up to the purge, and while her youth can be explained away -
UTHER It can't have been. We'd know her. That witch's face is not easily forgotten. GAIUS She's a powerful sorceress. She can enchant the eye that beholds her. We never knew it was her.
- I just wasn't satisfied with such lukewarm reasoning. So, the planning for this chapter included the search for a new Nimueh.
I gave myself some limitations, which I've used for all the new casting I've done for this story:
No actors who don't normally do this kind of television work - that means I can't cast Cate Blanchett in a role.
No-one who wasn't working when the show was airing - 2008 to 2012.
If in doubt draw from the known pool of BBC and period actors - the old joke that we all know Britain only has ten actors etc etc.
If you've seen my reblogs, you already know who I picked - Michelle Gomez, who can do weird as easily as she can do regal, and can hold her own in a scene with Anthony Head and Richard Wilson. We're ditching the prom dress in favour of something almost as anachronistic but many times more dignified, with inspiration from gods, queens, and whatever pre-Roman fashion I can find.
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Emphasis on the pre-Roman - for a show about a Celtic myth, BBC Merlin sure gets unecessarily into the English side of it? Like, mild tangent, but we could have had three lovely Irish accents in the main cast if they hadn't been cowards about it - Nimueh sounds Glaswegian now, bite me BBC - and at least an attempt at Old Welsh for our magic, instead of the bizare choice that was Old English.
You know, Old English? The language of the Angles and the Saxons et al? The traditional enemy of Arthurian heros (if we ignore the Romans and each other) and the mooks of evil Morgana in season five? Why is our Welsh-derived mythocial magic sounding closer to Beowulf than to the Mabinogion?
Anyway, the magic is in Welsh now.
Or, as Welsh as I can reasonably get: I didn't want to use modern Welsh as our magical language because that feels weird ('Welsh is a living language, not a prop' being about the sum total of my feelings on it) and to no-ones surprise the resources on Old and Middle Welsh just aren't there in the same way as for English, so I've reached a comprimise with myself. I'm taking poetry and prose from the Welsh tradition and - choosing the lines that fit the gist of the spell, then finding those lines, changing the othography a bit, making valiant guesses - using those instead.
An example of my method, for those interested. Note - my Modern Welsh is limited to 'hello', 'goodbye', and 'tea, thanks', and my Old Welsh non-existant, so bear with me.
Lets go with a line of magic from the start of the episode:
In the waters of her font, the woman in the burgundy robe watches. The water shows her - and us - things beyond natural human sight. As the water displays the far-distant egg bobbing in the unknown pool, the woman speaks “Trannoeth y bore ef agychwynnawd hela ac adoeth y dyffrynn afon adygwyd y Camelot.” From with the egg, the creature reaches out. The shell cracks.
Working from this website, that line started out life as:
"Trannoeth y bore ef a|gychwynnawd a|e|nifer ac a|doeth y dyffrynn auon a|dygỽyd y ruuein."
"And the next day in the morning he set forth with his retinue, and came to the valley of the river that flowed towards Rome."
'ỽ' is an older Welsh letter that isn't used anymore. Most medieval and later texts gloss it as 'w', so I did that. Same kind of deal with some uses of 'u', which was often used in place of 'v' - for clarity of pronunciation, I change it to the more modern 'f', which is in Welsh equivalent to modern English 'v', so 'auon' becomes 'afon'.
Ruuein - modern is Rhufien - is Rome, which is not where Nimueh is sending the egg, so change that for Camelot. Cut ou the bit about the retinue, which involves me painstackingly trying to work out exactly which words mean what and deleting as necessary - abusing translation websites as best I can.
Lastly, something that is entirely guesswork. The OG texts I'm working from have a lot of '+' signs, which I'm confident just means a word is continuing over the line. It also has other notation that I'm not sure on, such as the '|' that appears in words, usually if they begin with a. I mostly just delete these and hope the language gods look kindly upon me.
Like I said, I don't speak Welsh, ancient or otherwise - if you do, and you want to tell me something about it (critique about my use, advice, fun facts) please do! I'm doing my best, and I'm always happy for my best to be better.
By the Triple Goddess, this is already so long. What else was I gonna say?
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"I'm sorry," he says, words tumbling from his mouth, true but inadequate for what he's done. Gwen looks at the ground as she replies, as if she is the one who should be ashamed. "It's not your fault." "Well…" Well. It is, isn't it. Gwen is about to speak again, is looking up at him again, and if he doesn't confess now he never will -
Listen. Listen.
OG Merlin is forever alone.
And that works, to a point - part of the tragedy of the show is that Merlin only ever has enemies and allies he can never fully trust (RIP Lancelot) - even Gaius lies to him, tells him to let people die, whatever the shit was happening in 1.06. That's some juicy tragedy goodness! Love that!
But like.
This show isn't actually a tragedy tho, is it? We get tragic moments, we get the curbstomp moment of the finale (on xmas day??? the fuck bbc), characters die and fail and betray our heroes, yada yada.
But we also get moments that are arguably tragic, but which the show doesn't treat as tragic.
Every single moment Merlin kills a magic user - or near enough that I can't recall an exception - is treated as triumphant. Every time Merlin saves the life of genocidal tyrant Uther Pendragon - triumphant. Every time we return to the status quo - triumphant. The tragedies are only interpersonal - on the many occasions where Merlin drives Arthur further away from accepting magic, it's tragic because of how it affects Merlin, and his relationshop with Arthur - not because of the ongoing persecusion.
The show focuses on the interpersonal to the exclusion of everything else, and then it doesn't even do that full justice. Arthur and Merlin suffer a bit from the new trek Kirk-Spock phenomenon, where we forget other characters exist, and we forget their own dynamics with our main protag.
(Another part of the tragedy, right? That Merlin ends up only seeing Arthur, and nothing else - and maybe only his idealised Arthur at that. Another one that goes largely unaddressed.)
So, Gwen.
I don't want to go too much into why I wanted someone in on the secret, and why I wanted it to be Gwen - we'll get there later in the season - but at least part of it is to balance out the allies Merlin has. The dragon, who wants to get rid of Uther and return magic; Gaius, who wants everything to stay exactly as it is; and Gwen, who wants...
Well, she a different kind of moral beast than the others, isn't she? Let's just see how different.
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mysteryshoptls · 3 years
SSR Rook Hunt Union Birthday Personal Story: Part 3
"Happy Birthday"
(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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[Pomefiore Dorm – Birthday Party Venue]
Kalim: Let's move on to the next question!
Kalim: “If you were to join any dorm other than Pomefiore, which dorm would you choose?”
Rook: Hmm, let's see… Each dorm has their own charm. I may have trouble choosing a proper answer.
Rook: First, the dorm you lead: Scarabia.
Rook: The traditional architecture reminiscent of the Scalding Sands is quite beautiful. I would also enjoy participating in your elaborate parties.
Kalim: I'm so happy that you're interested in our dorm! Come over and join us for a party sometime.
Rook: Merci! I look forward to receiving an invitation from you.
Rook: And then… I am also fascinated by the mysterious atmosphere of Ignihyde and Diasomnia.
Rook: That may be due to the fact that they have many students who tend to not interact with other dorm students. If I were to transfer to one of those dorms, I would like to investigate every nook and cranny inside.
Rook: Octavinelle's Mostro Lounge and Savanaclaw are both optimal environments for human observation.
Rook: Just taking in the sounds of the breathing and footsteps of the students as they pass by would make time flow so quickly.
Kalim: …I don't really get it but, that just means you think every dorm is cool, right? I totally get that feeling!
Rook: I am elated you empathize. However, the point of this is to choose only one, so…
Rook: I've decided. My answer is "Heartslabyul."
Kalim: Ooh, Heartslabyul! That dorm's tea parties seem like great fun!
Rook: I agree. At their Unbirthday Parties, you can enjoy delicious tea and sweets.
Rook: There is no doubt that having tea time surrounded by bright red roses as beautiful as rubies must be such a blissful moment.
Rook: Perfected beauty born from observing the Rules of the Queen of Hearts… Absolutely beauté!
Rook: In addition, I feel that both Heartslabyul and Pomefiore have something in common.
Rook: It may be due to the fact that both embody the spirit of Queens who have gone down in history as one of the Great Seven.
Rook: Virtuous and relentless is the head that wears the Queen's crown. I cannot help but be drawn to their inviolable presence!
Kalim: I mean, the Dorm Leaders Riddle and Vil are both kinda similar, y'know~ Like how strict they are!
Rook: Yes indeed. And when I am looking upon Vil, who is always aiming to better himself, I feel absolutely inspired.
Rook: Even if we were to be separated, the lessons I learned while being with Vil would continue to live within me.
Rook: Regardless of the past… As I am now, I am confident I would be able to adapt to the atmosphere of Heartslabyul.
Kalim: I bet! I think you'd do great there, Rook.!
Kalim: Oh, but isn't there a ton of the Queen of Hearts' Rules? It seems like it would be hard to remember all of them.
Rook: It seems as though there are many unique ones, yes. It seems that life would be fraught with a tense excitement so as to not have a breach of discipline.
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Kalim: And with this, the interview is over! So then... You know what's coming, right?
Rook: Oui! I will receive from you the "gift of good fortune." As a special opportunity that only comes once a year, I am utterly excited.
Rook: Now, come forth!
Kalim: Alright! Then, here I go!!
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(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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organic-guacamole · 3 years
episode 209 spoilers below
I'm so late today but here it is
I love EJ, he's finally learning to be happy. I'm so proud.
Ms Jenn = every boomer during zoom calls, like jeez yes we can hear you stop shouting at me.
LOVE THE SUBTLE JOKE ABOUT QUARANTINE "these dark times" "you mean spring break?"
ah yes, remember when we thought covid was just gonna give us a longer spring break? good times
damn the passive aggressiveness from Carlos and the absolutely over it tone from seb✋
we needed more if this kind of goofiness for the first part of season 2 that only such an iconic duo can provide.
old old movies-
is it even that old, or is Nini being a gen alpha rn-
i choose to imagine EJ being scared of the movie and hiding in Ashlyn's shoulder while she keeps a straight face and then EJ pretending to be tough afterwards
aww redlyn are soulmates.... yknow, if gingers had souls
(please ignore me)
y'all saw how EJ's face *lit up* when Gina logged on? how dare you tell me he doesn't like her
ofc she's no damsel in distress, she's Gina porter, she's amazing.
so do we think she'd be the type to just glare at suspicious people? or bark at them
do they not know that Rini broke up? or is Ms Jenn just wanting Nini to suffer through her heartbreak to make her a better actress....
speaking of, why is Nini in the call? she's not in the show anymore. Unless she is, even after the rose and the song got cut, which would be so unfair to all those that auditioned properly before she even came back but whatever, she's the main character I get it 🙄
big red is a hero honestly, Nini better thank him for changing the subject like that
I can't-
i won't work you over the break-
this woman would 100% work her kids 24/7 if it was legal and idk how to feel about it.
smh the airport lady, eavesdropping on Gina's call.
The way she was so happy to answer EJ's call, "eej"
I love them your honour.
great now we need to see Gina, Ashlyn and EJ having a complete spa day and EJ getting really into it and Gina and Ashlyn take pictures of him when he's laying down in a robe with a mask and cucumbers on his eyes.
finally we get to see Gina's side of portwell
the way she considered it as flirting, this is the sign she asked for in episode 6 come onnnnn
no is Asher/jack really doing tiktok dances in an airport-
Ricky is me. I am burrito.
oh Lynne, sweetie, I'm sorry but the blonde hair is not it
is that even the same lady or-
jetlag is my go to excuse for anything... I haven't travelled in 2 years.
"welcome to the Lynne and Mike gossip show. where we talk about our depressed son that we both neglect in certain ways! And now a word from our sponsor, Nord VPN..."
is Nina becoming social media obsessed EJ from season 1? AND SHE LIED ABOUT HAVING SONGS TOO PLEASE WHY ARW THEY RECYCLING THE SAME PLOT-
Gina smiling at the picture of her family on Instagram makes me so happy, idek why.
EJ's nails are so pretty, we needed to see it more (unless he had it on for the rest of the episode and I just.... didn't notice🧍🏽‍♀️)
oh not the tiktok kid✋
yes ma'am end this strange mans whole tiktok career
sir take a hint and leave
Ricky, walking in style✨
weird kid, ok then Lynne, can't you see he's this close to the edge?
not all your fault baby Ricky, Nini sucks a bit more
ok but the deleting comment thing was very bad
still don't know if I like Jack honestly
hmmm so Nini's calling herself Nini instead of Nina in her little egg seat, while trying to write a song without inspiration.... Nini, honey, Ricky was your muse, he inspired you to write all those songs, even if it wasn't good for the relationship.
that doesn't mean you gotta get back with him, or that you can't write a song that not about him butttt it'll take some time
the rainbow sticker in her box and her rainbow shirt-
anyways wbk she's not totally straight
Jack are you a criminal?
quick, Gina, check his ankle for a tracker
the way Gina wasn't into it in episode 6 but she's used the technique twice now
stole her grandma's Pomeranian-
Jack where the hell did you pull that out from-
the fake crying killed me, that looks like so much fun though
anyone wanna raid a first class lounge with me?
wait so is jack not gonna go in with her?
wouldn't he go in too? help look for the credit card? SO CONFUSED
the first class lounge guy was so into the drama though, watch his face when they start arguing 😭
sorry to break this to you Kourtney, but you haven't even blocked the second act yet soooo...
take that as you will
I love how all of them are totally dissing the dance off
that's the most realistic part of this show tbh
shouldn't Nini have asked how she knew....since the start? why is the fact that her best friend has knowledge of a North high secret now dawning on her...
Howie is sweet honestly, at least he's trying to help. but I stand with Kourtney, don't take him back just because he sang an amazing song, and is giving you a heads up on what's gonna happen...
I hate school
ooo Nini's writing a song about bad internet connection 🤩🤩🤩
I never lie, except when I do-
son that is the creepiest thing you could say to a stranger that you've been "helping"
2 truths and a lie👀
he's an Ariana fan 100%
called it.
free spirit? damn so brother porter was in that horse movie
so has she been kissed or not?????????
I feel like she's moved more than 15 times though so possibly
but then if she's moved so much, and before east high she never opened up to anyone, she's never been kissed then?? damn
same though Gina so let's be besties please
heartbreak president is a great song title idea, give Nini a call rn
but wait
is the no strings attached feeling thing about her telling Ricky she liked him? she thought she was moving away so she thought it'd be no strings attached???
guys I think I figured it out insert the "I've connected two dots" meme
ma'am did you just kill me
yes you did
Lynne and Ricky have such a weird relationship
yeah I get that you wanted Ricky to like Todd BUT THAT WASN'T THE TIME
right so we already know that Ricky was so desperate to keep Nini cuz he didn't want to be like his parents, and now Lynne's talking about this-
Richard needs a long hug
yes Lynne, it is your fault. thank you for finally admitting it.
"sometimes the best, last thing you can do for someone you love, is let them go."
gotta admit I teared up at that point
not me thinking big red was calling ms Jenn cupcake for a hot second-
Carlos please omg, you're at the "beach" and they're leaving for the pool?
also, why not just do the call from the hotel room please omg
"don't ask me"
big red wants the tea
I'm surprised ms Jenn knew how to give Nini permission to screenshare tbh
So lily's been stalking the East high kids and spending time editing this video while she's supposedly in an immersion trip.... right
EJ and Ashlyn's picture is so chaotic, what even is happening there
"slacking off" bestie its spring break, obviously they're confident enough that they'll get it done in time so why not focus on your own musical.
jealous seb = sassy seb
please what if those guys Carlos is posing with are his cousins or something and that's why he's so confused about Seb
Nini saying she's obsessed with her ex, that's not weird at all 👍
I can just tell Matt had a blast harassing Julia with those puppets.
Jack please dont be like that, "yet"
chances are you'll never see eachother again 🥰
(honestly sometimes I really miss those friends I made on trips and stuff when we'd spend the day or week together, only to never see them again....those were the good days though)
Ashlyn and Nini should write more songs..... something better than this one at least
Nini: "im good"
cue the Tia Mowry (please I can't spell) crying gif
oh I forgot Ricky was in the show for a hot second
1. where did Gina get to film this without people being around
2. did she just... randomly change her clothes???
ok but the transition between Carlos and EJ
*chefs kiss*
now everyone shut up, EJ's singing
oh i think I'm pregnant
I love how big red and Kourtney went from being "the best friends™" to the couple in season 1, to kinda close themselves and having their own plots
sebby makes me so happy
props to biggies editing skills honestly
big red lives for the drama
"wow" so true Ricky
no he is not cute, stop it
"holding" ok that's kinda cute
yeah EJ's a lucky guy😌
jokes aside, it's not that hard to exchange numbers-
keep in touch if you want
ok I really like Jack now
if he comes back in season 3, maybe have him be LGBTQ+ ?
like the only out characters they have rn are Seb and Carlos and they're like the sterotypes, yk?
I'd love to see jack kinda break the mold
Ricky's breaking my heart
that song just hurts
the only thing
now I don't hate Lynne????????
I mean I don't live her now but she's good
but honestly
"mom can I show you something"
I'm sobbing please help
Gina saying she's just waiting for the right guy and then EJ coming to the airport to pick her up late at night without her asking, offering to bring her back in the morning so she won't have to Uber, bringing her a granola bar (WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT SHE FORGOT TO PACK) and without expecting anything in return???
ms ma'am you've got a keeper right there
her smile at the end was so heartwarming I really can't.
this episode was great.
it felt really short but I liked it, great character development for Ricky, Lynne and Gina.
Cant wait for next episode to see more of EJ being the ideal boyfriend /hj
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sailorshadzter · 3 years
Hiii! Welcome back!!! If you are still taking requests, how about an one shot where Cersei kind of notices the tension between Jon and Sansa and comments on it? Maybe in a "We are not so different" way? Or she straight up encourages them bc she's a horrible person and thinks if there are rumors about the Starks, they'll forget about the Lannisters?
ANON. whew this has been in my ask box for a while! but i opened my inbox to find some inspiration to write and yours was the one that clicked first! so i hope you see this, anon, wherever you are, and know that i FINALLY got to your prompt request!!!
as always, you're always welcome to drop a prompt request in my inbox.
The ball is grand and glittering.
Cersei has ensured that this night would be perfect, putting far more coin into it than Robert ever would have allowed. But there is little else she can do, what with the trouble brewing all around them. She's lost one son already, she will not lose another- and so she has gone to great expense and trouble to make sure that this room was full of loyal nobles and fearsome knights. This wedding would not end the way the last one had, even if the bride was the same.
From where she sits, she watches as the young Sansa Stark dances with her half brother, the bastard born Jon Snow. The young man had been intended for the Night's Watch, but Tyrion had developed a fondness for the boy during their visit North, and so, he'd come along with the Stark's. They are close together, the dance bringing them so, but the smile that lights up the redhead's face is one that Cersei swears she's worn herself, but when she looks upon Jaime. And the usually stoic Snow looks just as delighted to spin his sister out and back in, hands at her waist to lift her high into the air as the music swells. Cersei chuckles, wondering how's she's not noticed it ever before. The wheels in her brain are suddenly spinning, whirling several thoughts throughout that bring yet another smile to her face.
As if her thoughts have conjured him, she feels Jaime's presence at her elbow; he bows over his arm, ever the courtier, but she knows it's more for show than anything else. "What has you so cheery?" He asks, his green eyes scanning the dance floor, where sure enough his gaze falls upon the Stark siblings as they finish their dance among all the others, though it quite seems they've forgotten they aren't alone. "They make a handsome pair, do they not?" Turning back to face his lover, he sees he's right, for she's staring down at them with a look he's seen before. "What are you thinking?"
"That proud Ned Stark's children are falling in love right before our very eyes." They both knew what the world would say about two siblings, albeit half, falling in love. Was it not why they themselves took every precaution? Cersei shudders to think what would happen if the truth was ever discovered... The rumors were bad enough. But this... Two Stark children in love? It would cease the rumors about her and Jaime, that she was certain of. She watches as Sansa dips a quick curtsy to Jon before he offers her his arm, which she readily takes, and they disappear into the crowd.
"See that Lady Stark is brought to me tomorrow morning, won't you?" She says to the nearest lady, who nods, curtsying before she scurries away to do as she's been bid. Cersei turns back to face the dance floor, but it's suddenly become far less interesting.
And so she must wait until morning.
[ x x x ]
It's late, yet she cannot bring herself to leave his arms.
Jon holds fast to her, kissing the top of her head, her silk gown soft beneath his touch as his hands span the length of her spine. "I should go..." She whispers for the tenth time, though his grip does not relent, nor does she make any attempt to pull away. He smells of spice and smoke, comforting and strong; she buries her face deeper into his chest, wishing she could sink into him. "Jon..."
His name is soft on her lips.
Their gazes meet and he's lost, as he always is, in the depth of her blue eyes. "I know," is all he can say, knowing as well as she that it was best for her to go. They both knew where this moment would lead- after all, how many times had they been here before? But more than anything, they both knew what would happen if they were discovered in such an embrace. And yet... There's a part of him that doesn't care. There's a part of him that wishes with all of his might that they could be together in the way that they wanted. No more secret midnight rendezvous that only left them both feeling more strained than being without the other. "I'll walk you to your rooms..." He begins, but she shakes her head.
"Shae is waiting," she says softly, finally freeing herself from his grip. She feels cold without his touch and that is almost enough to send her back into his arms. "I will see you in the morning," she goes on, reaching out her hand to tenderly touch his. Jon nods, catching her hand so he might bring it to his lips to kiss. The brush of his lips to her knuckles steals the breath from her lungs and time is suspended as they stand there, the only sound in the room that of the fire burning in the hearth. "Until the morning..."
"Until the morning," he parrots back as he let's go of her hand. "Good night, Sansa."
The way he says her name sends shivers down her spine. "Good night, Jon." She says instead of every other thing she wants to say.
[ x x x ]
In the morning, a lady arrives at her door to inform her she's been summoned to see the queen.
Though no longer truly queen, Cersei Lannister runs the Seven Kingdoms through her youngest son, the now King Tommen. Just a boy, he's been married to Margaery Tyrell, who only several weeks before had instead been married to Joffrey. Poison had taken care of him, but Margaery and her family, ever the schemers, ensured that she would take her place as queen. Sansa was certain that it would not be long before a new power struggle would emerge. Soon, it would be Margaery and the Tyrell's fighting for control of poor, young Tommen.
Once she's dressed, Sansa, with Shae beside her, makes her way down to Cersei's office.
When she's been announced, she steps into the room, one which she has spent much time in over her years in King's Landing. Once she had been thrilled to be invited into this room, to spend private time with Queen Cersei... But things have changed. Though she dips her the curtsy due to her rank, Sansa does not return the smile offered to her by the golden haired woman behind her oak desk. "Lady Stark, tell me, how did you enjoy the ball last night?" Cersei asks, gesturing for Sansa to take the empty chair across from her. The young woman frowns, but does as she's bid, clearly surprised by the question. Cersei notices she wears a new gown of pale blue damask, made from a bolt of fabric she was given by Jon Snow a few short weeks ago; though it is fashioned in the Southern style, Cersei sees that the trailing sleeves are stitched with falling leaves, weirwood leaves, like those that grow in the North. Even her hair, which once she wore in styles that mirrored her own, is fastened into braids in a way that reminds Cersei of Catelyn Stark. It is Sansa's way of breaking with the Lannister's entirely; she is no longer theirs to control.
"It was wonderful, your grace," Sansa answers honestly, shifting slightly in the chair, brushing a lock of red hair across a shoulder before she accepts the goblet of wine being offered to her. "Very grand." She goes on, though she's no longer thinking of the ball, but of the last dance she and Jon had shared together.
"Your brother is quite the elegant dancer, I must say I'm surprised." Cersei's voice breaks into her thoughts and Sansa blinks in surprise. This certainly was not the topic of conversation she expected to have upon being summoned to this room. "The two of you make quite the couple." At this, Sansa chokes on the sip of wine she's just taken, her stare wild and frantic as it rises up to meet the queen. Inside, Cersei is laughing- she's been right there was Sansa was before, so many years ago. Back when her feelings for Jaime had first begun to grow into what they were now. She could recall their dance lessons, when a compliment on how well they fit together would leave her blushing and stammering, just as Sansa Stark was now. "You needn't hide it from me, Lady Stark," she goes on, taking advantage of the young woman's silence. "I see how you look at him... And how he looks at you."
Sansa's heart was beating fast within her chest, so fast she can barely catch her breath. Was she and Jon truly so obvious? They had painstakingly tried to keep what was brimming between them beneath the surface... But had last night been their very downfall? "I-I do not know what you mean, your grace," she says, adopting a cheery but confused tone, cursing herself for being a terrible liar. From the way Cersei is smiling, Sansa knows she does not believe her, not even for a moment.
"You know, Lady Stark, if there is one thing in my life I regret... It is not ever being with the one I truly loved." Cersei speaks from total honesty, saying aloud the words she's never spoken before to anyone. Not even to Jaime. She knows what it will take to sway proud Ned's child into something such as diving head first into an incestual relationship. But she knows the way to sway the young woman, for it was the same way she swayed herself all those years ago. "Someday you will be married to a man who you likely do not love," they are both reminded of a similar conversation, one they had shared before her marriage to Joffrey was to take place. "You should experience true love, even just once in your life." These words resonate with her and Cersei knows it. Her blue eyes widen and she opens her mouth as if she means to speak, but cannot find the words. "We cannot help who we love," Cersei says, though now she wonders if she's still speaking to Sansa, but rather to herself. "But if any love was so truly wrong, why would the Gods allow us to feel it in the first place?"
Sansa's heart beat has not ceased in it's pace, but a slow realization is dawning upon her as she listens to Cersei's words. There is meaning behind them and she knows, those words are not meant only for her. She recalls the rumors spread just before her father was beheaded, rumors about the truth of Joffrey and his siblings parentage. The truth about Cersei and her brother, Jaime. There is a part of her that worries this is just a trap, a set up to catch her and Jon in the act, something that would earn them the scorn and disgust of all of King's Landing and likely the North.
And yet...
You should experience true love, even just once in your life... Those are the words she's replaying in her brain, over and over again, knowing that Cersei was right. It would not be long before a marriage was made for her, one that would likely be loveless and political, one that would do nothing for her but everything for the Lannister's. Without her father or mother or even Robb to protect her from such a fate, she would be doomed to marry a man of Cersei's choosing.
When she's dismissed a few minutes later, Sansa wastes no time.
Shae, who has waited for her outside Cersei's room for her, rises up from where she sits on the windowsill. "Find Jon for me, won't you?" She asks in an undertone, to which her lady stares back at her for a long moment before she nods. If there was anyone she could trust with what she was about to do, it would be Shae.
Once she's back within her own chamber, she brings herself to stand before the looking glass, staring at her own reflection. She knows that doing what she's about to do will change everything, but she knows she cannot go on in life without knowing what it will feel like to be held by a man that truly loves her. If she can only taste his love this one time, then she will go willingly into any marriage presented to her, for Jon's love she will carry with her for the rest of her life.
A knock on the door comes.
By the time she's turned around, the door has opened and it's Jon standing there. He's staring at her, taking her in as he always does, those Stark colored eyes enough to bring her to her knees. "Sansa," he greets, feeling just as she does, the shift in what lays between them. She crosses the room as he does and so they meet at the center, a minimal distance between them. The blue damask gown suits her in a way he cannot describe and he's, as always, struck by her beauty. Somewhere behind them, Shae quietly ducks into the antechamber, out of sight, out of mind- but there all the same.
There's so many things she wants to say, so many things she needs for him to hear. But the words do not come, no matter how hard she wills them to. And so, instead, she does the only other thing that makes any sense; she kisses him. She kisses him with as much passion as she can muster and he falls into it, his arms winding around her only so he might pull her closer. When he breaks free moments later, it's to stare into her eyes, to ask her one single thing. "Are you certain?" She nods.
That's all he needs.
This time, he's the one to kiss her, leaning in to capture her mouth with his. One hand remains perched at the small of her back, though the other one slides into her hair, uncaring of the pins he knocks loose. She's kissing him back, meeting his tongue with her own, the sensations rushing through her body unlike anything she's ever felt before.
It does not take long before they stand at the side of her bed, the canopy hangings pushed aside so Jon might sit upon the edge. He beckons her closer and she comes to stand between his knees, allowing him to turn her around so her back instead faces him. Then, she feels his hands as they begin to loosen the laces of her blue gown until it begins to slip over her shoulders. That is when she turns back around to face him and she allows the gown to fall to the floor at her feet, all so she might stand there in nothing but her chemise.
And then, Jon draws her down into the bed, and into his arms.
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Euronymous Interview in Decibel of Death, ‘87. English Translation. Ft. Euronymous’ depraved torture fantasies involving Coca-Cola.
‘Decibel of Death’ was a French fanzine from the 80s. It’s first issue was released in ‘86, and by the summer of ‘87, it switched over from French to English-language. This has been my favourite interview of Euronymous for a long time now, so I decided I’d translate it to English so that other, non-francophone, people could enjoy it too. This issue in particular is from February of ‘87, and was their fourth issue overall.
I’ll add a link to where you can find this, and other D.O.D scans, below. If anybody wants me to translate more French, or Russian, interviews, feel free to PM me.
Note: NDLR is the editor’s notes. Any commentary or context by me will be in bold and in parenthesis, so feel free to totally ignore it. If something is between “« »” it’s because it was already written in English to begin with.
Disclaimer: if some of the sentences sound like the energizer bunny is hooked on an iv rig full of pure meth, don’t blame me, I did my best. Take it up with Euronymous himself. Also, I’m not excusing Euronymous’ poor behaviour, I’m just saying his poor behaviour is kind of entertaining.
Without further ado...
D.O.D: And once again, here’s Norwegian Mayhem. If you remember, we presented them to you back in the May issue of D.O.D. Since then, they released a new demo titled “Death Crush”!! Because of this event, we decided to ask the guitarist of this rather sinister band a few questions.
D.O.D: Okay, there’s been more than a few line-up changes in Mayhem. Can you tell us what the current one is?
Euro: Alright, there’s me on guitars, Manheim on battery, Necro-butcher on drums, and our session vocalist, Maniac.
D.O.D:  And what is the medium age of the group?
Euro: We are all 18 years old.
D.O.D: How long has Mayhem been around for?
Euro: Mayhem has been around since August of ‘84 with this line-up, before that, I played in another shitty metal group that was also called Mayhem. The other members also played in a crappy band before we all met.
D.O.D: How would you describe your music?
Euro: Ah, well, it’s like a wall of sound played at extreme speed all mixed with the sound of a chainsaw!!
D.O.D: In your opinion, who are the biggest posers on this planet?
Euro: That definitely has to be the Swedish group ‘Europe’. «Fuck them!!» I hate this band!!
D.O.D: Ha ha, what would you like to do to make them suffer?
(This is the exact moment where the interviewers realize that Euronymous is literally fucking insane. The editor censors some of the things Euronymous says because he has a very vulgar manner of speaking, so, brace yourselves. To make it abundantly clear— I didn’t censor any of this, if it was me, I’d let him continue swearing ‘til next year if he wanted to. Take it up with D.O.D!)
Euro: First of all, I’d cut them and make them eat their own (bleep)!! Then, I’ll fuck them in the ass with an empty bottle of Coke, and if they’re still alive somehow, I’ll drown them in their own piss!! (NDLR: I’d do the same to a few guys in Germany and Switzerland!!) But all of this is reserved for their guitarist, drummer and bassist, I have a far crueler torture for their singer, for him, I’m simply going to break his mirror and steal his perfume!! Haaaaafuckinghah!!! (NDLR: ahahahaha, this is so much fun!!)
D.O.D: Okay, Euronymous, onto more serious topics, who composes the most in Mayhem?
Euro: It’s me and Necro, but sometimes Manheim comes up with good riffs, he actually wrote most of P.F.A (Pure Fucking Armageddon)
D.O.D: I believe thrashers reacted pretty well to your first demo, right?
Euro: Despite the zero sound of this demo. It's true that it's actually the hardcore thrashers that appreciated it, although it was the others hating it that gave us an enormous promotion like with 'Metal Forces'.
D.O.D: Has there been groups that have influenced you?
Euro: Of course, early Venom has really inspired us, although we don’t sound like them in any way. We’re also influenced by bands like Hellhammer and Sodom.
D.O.D: Mayhem is a common band name, what do you think of other Mayhem (such as NYC Mayhem, Mayhem (WC), Mayhem (Oregon))?
Euro: NYC Mayhem* are excellent, I adore them! (NDLR: me too!!) and they call themselves NYC Mayhem. But as for the other Mayhems, they stink, «fuckin’ shit»,  like the Mayhem that’s on Metal Massacre VI*, they really stink, their music isn’t destructive like ours is at all, they don’t deserve this name, I hate them!!
D.O.D: I heard you guys played a show, how did that go?
Euro: It was really «cool», it was at a small rock festival that had around 3-400 «discofucks» (NDLR: this is the censored translation) and when we went on stage with our first session vocalist “Messiah”, we broke a bass over their mouths!! We gave these idiots hell!! Ha ha!! (I’ll link the show he’s referring to below)
D.O.D: And how did your other gigs go?
Euro: For now this has been our only show!! And we don’t know how the crowds will react at the prospect of future gigs.
D.O.D: Fair. Since we’re talking about future gigs, what will those be like?
Euro: They’ll be full of occult things, we’ll play in complete darkness and there’ll be red blood spots, chandeliers, smoke, and pig heads on stakes, it’ll be totally thrashing!!
D.O.D: How’s the Norwegian thrash scene? It’s pretty dull, no?
Euro: Right now, «it sucks», there’s no audience, but it seems to be going in the right direction with bands like Vomit*, Septic Cunts, Decay Lust, and Flowers in The Dustbin.
D.O.D: And what kind of things are your lyrics about?
Euro: depravity, like tearing someone’s (bleep), eating worms, and all those fine things!!
D.O.D: What are your favourite bands?
Euro: Really hard question, there’s so many good bands coming out but I think the bands I like the most are old Venom, Deathchamber, Sodom, Necrophagia, Destruction, Death, Kreator, Poison. (No, not THAT Poison)
D.O.D: Do you ever listen to hardcore?
Euro: «Yeah» I like Chaotic Discord, Septic Death, UK Subs, and others. It hasn’t been that long since I went to see Disorder and it was awesome!!
D.O.D: Are you considering going on tour?
Euro: No, not exactly. But soon we’ll play at a Norwegian thrash festival. We’ll also play at a thrash festival in Copenhagen, and probably do a few shows with Kreator/Necrophagia in ‘87.
(No, this isn’t a typo on my end, it actually says ‘87. There’s two reasons why this might be the case. One, it could be an error on the part of the editor, who deserves an interview of his own, or two, it could be an error by Euronymous himself since the interview might have been conducted in January. Euronymous could have mixed the years up as one sometimes does. However, ‘Death Crush’, the demo, actually came out in March of ‘87. What the interviewer and Euronymous are referring to as ‘Death Crush’ is likely ‘Death Rehearsal’, which is exactly what it sounds like, and was taped back January of ‘87.)
D.O.D: I heard you guys are recording a new demo, is it ready?
Euro: We just entered the studio to record the second “Death Crush” demo, but at the moment, we only have three songs. I’m also unsure of whether or not we’ll have enough money to record anything else, and the vocals still haven’t been put to music!!
D.O.D: There’s some rumours that you guys were contacted by certain record labels, is this true?
Euro: It’s true, we got a letter from Axe killer records saying that they were interested in us but they never listened to our music and I also sent them our demo tape but I don’t believe we’ll be receiving any letters from them now!!
D.O.D: Do you have anything to add?
Euro: Of course, «fucking ARGHHHH!!»
There, that’s all :)
If you’re interested in some of the asterisks I put in, here they are in order of their appearances:
*Unlike most of the bands Euronymous named in this interview, NYC Mayhem (and later as Straight Ahead) never released more than a few demo. They were a straight edge band from, you guessed it, NYC— Queens to be exact. Despite never releasing a full album, their sound inspired some grindcore and death metal bands, notably Carcass. They were also straight edge, which makes Euronymous’ mental breakdown over the Mayhem that was on Metal Massacre very, very ironic. Especially considering he was pretty straight edge himself, especially back in 1987– outside of maybe smoking some pot.
Here is their 1985 demo, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=t-3geR1JbY4
*Metal Massacre is a series of compilation albums starting in 1982, released by Metal Blade records. Typically, these were independent and unsigned bands. Some notable ones include Metallica on the first edition with ‘Hit the lights’. Slayer in ‘83 with ‘Aggressive Perfector’. The ‘84 edition had Voivod, Overkill, and Hellhammer.
The one which Euronymous is referring to, however, is the one from ‘85. Here it is, the timestamp is 14:19 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HqwfsLvLvuY
It’s really not that bad— certainly not worth the double exclamation points.
*If you don’t know who Vomit are, you must not know much about early Mayhem. They were another thrash band who shared rehearsal space with Mayhem. Torben Grue and Kittil Kittilsen (what a sad fucking name) were also ‘in’ Mayhem at some point. Kittil once shaved off his eyebrow, but I don’t know why. Here is a picture of the dork:
Tumblr media
The show Euronymous is talking about: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mjay2Lmj9C8 yes, this is the show where Euronymous flashes his ass. I think it’s funny because he talks big but he seemed very hesitant to do it, and practically ducked backstage afterwards. Necro, on the other hand, was very proud to have broken his bass.
Well, that’s all I have. If you read this far, I hope you enjoyed the additional notes I left. Outside of a few more interviews of Mayhem, I also have a few obscure Emperor interviews that were posted to the internet in late 90s. There’s an especially funny one where Faust is allowed to interview Ihsahn and Samoth from prison. He’s sarcastic the entire time, refers to the readers as ‘morons’ and proclaims everyone should all die in a nuclear war with the same energy you cross yourself with. Overall, it’s a funny read. I also have one where he interviews Varg, and Euronymous (separately) for his own ‘zine back in the early 90s. Actually— I have A LOT of interviews of Faust for some reason, including two where he’s actually on camera. I might post them if I feel like it, or if somebody wants them. Is anyone here an especially big fan of Faust?
Last but not least, here is the link to the ‘zine:
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FatGum (Taishiro Toyomitsu) X Chubby! Confectioner/Baker! Reader: Sweets and Treats~
(Description: Woo, I’m so excited for my first story on this account! This inspiration came to me after thinking about our one and only, favorite chubby pro hero and me wanting to see some puppy love for you two. Also, the title says Confectioner/Baker, I want to clarify that Reader isn’t truly a baker but I feel like “Confectioner” wouldn’t reach as large of a crowd as “Baker” would, not a big deal but just FYI. I hope my first fic is enjoyed by those who choose to read, thank you for the support.)
Fanfiction Lingo
(Y/N) - Your Name
(H/C) - Hair Color
(E/C) - Eye Color
(F/C) - Favorite Color
“Normal speech.”
‘Inner thoughts.’
Requester: No One!
Reader Gender: Female (She/Her)
Style of Story: Oneshot // Entirely fluff, a pinning love on both ends, and a happy end to boot! There is one little heartbreak moment, but it’s over in a second.
Word Count: 4.5K Words
WARNING(s): None, unless you see adorable, tooth-rotting fluff as a crime!
“Morning, Tammy! Lovely day, isn’t it?” you greeted your employee with a bright smile as she stumbled through the door into your bakery.
She huffed, still rubbing the sleep from her eyes, “Sure, but I’ve hardly been up long enough to notice it. How are you always so peppy this early?” She pointed to the mechanical clock ticking from the left wall that read ‘4:04 AM’. You glanced outside and saw hardly anyone walking through the streets, except the occasional drunkard or lonely soul.
You bashfully shrugged your shoulders, “Well, after years of suffering waking up at three in the morning, you kinda get used to the torment! But, hey, so happy we got the shop far away from the center of the city, you can actually see the sunrise from here!” you tried to help her look on the bright side as you handed her one a cup of one of your homemade coffee brews. She took a sip of the drink and let out a content sigh through her nose, a small, but thankful smile on her face.
“You know, for being a confectioner, you make some pretty solid coffee. What is that?” her eyebrows furrowed as she asked, taking another swig to figure out the secret intense flavor.
You giggled, “That’s probably the nutmeg I added. Is it good?”
“More like fantastic, (Y/N). Trying out new recipes again?” she asked over her shoulder, hanging up her light jacket that protected her from the early morning breeze while grabbing her apron. Though, it being July in Japan, she probably wouldn’t need it again for a while.
“Yeah, I think this one will really please the early risers. It gives a special sort of kick to the taste, don’t you think?” you asked while gently sliding open the glass case that held all of the beautifully decorated pastries, grabbing a pair of tongs and a small floral ceramic plate, carefully placing a fresh Apple Strudel onto the plate, and setting it down on the counter.
“Totally. Hey, can I have a--,” Tammy stopped mid-sentence as she turned around to see the delectable treat already waiting for her.
“Your breakfast awaits, m’lady~,” you slurred out in a fake British accent with a cheesy smirk and a dramatic bow.
She scoffed, “You dork. Am I really that predictable?” she asked, scarfing down the pastry in a matter of seconds as she leaned on the counter.
“Yeah, you kinda are,” you joked as she playfully shoved your plush side.
“You know,” she continued, looking down at the gooey food, “It’s a shame you aren’t more popular with the people. You have a great location, an amazing personality and work staff, if I do say so myself, and don’t even get me started on the incredible stuff you make,” she praised.
“Oh, stop it, Tammy. You’re gonna make me blush,” you flushed from her sincere words, “Besides, I’ve only been open for two weeks, it’s going to be slow for awhile. It’ll ramp up eventually.”
“Yeah, I guess, but you can’t deny that your baked goods are better than most of the others in the country! One day, when people get their heads out of their asses, these little gifts of magic are going to make you RICH!” she threw her lanky airs up into the air and around your shoulders. She spun your smaller frame in a circle while the two of you laughed.
“Ha! Yeah yeah, I know! Now, stop your messing around and come help me fill the rest of these Cream Horns.” you concluded while you pat her taller shoulder. She groaned at the request but gave you a tiny nod. Tammy turned around while tying her short, brown hair into a messy bun, readying herself for the busy day ahead. You smiled while she retreated to the kitchen but before you went to follow her you decided to look out the window again.
Shuffling your legs over to the windows, you got a clear view of the rising sun and all its glory, the hints of yellow, orange, pink, red, and even blue from the night's previous dark veil still clung onto the brightening sky. Somehow you had this weird feeling that today something life changing was going to happen. You didn’t know if you should be excited or worried, but you decided to push those thoughts aside and continue on to the back of the shop where you could already hear the clutter and clang of falling pans, no doubt Tammy’s handy work.
Oh, if you only knew how right your hunch was…
~ Timeskip to a little later in the day and a P.O.V change to FatGum ~
“How much longer do I have for patrol?” I asked myself, pulling out my phone to check the time. The time read ‘9:12 AM’ and I huffed, still a couple more hours to go. Putting the device back in my pocket with a grimace but quickly faked a smile as I continued down the bustling street. The active community, excited civilians, and eager children usually never fails to put a smile on my face, but today everything just felt like a drag. I was sluggish, unfocused, and I couldn’t understand why. I shook my head, get your head in the game, Taishiro. You don’t have time to let your mind wander on duty.
After what seemed like hours, but was more than likely only 15 minutes, I felt my stomach let out a rumbling growl which made me groan. I stopped walking on the sidewalk and took a second to consider the situation, wandering the city for a couple of hours with nothing too exciting to do really works up an appetite, and I do need to keep up my strength. I’m a hero after all, and denying myself is like ignoring my civic duty to protecting the people! At this point, I’ll take any excuse to get out of this pointless shambling. But the REAL question is, what to get? I glanced around the street and noticed a few shops further down the block that looked to be food related. I smirked, perfect.
I wove through the few people occupying the area, past a few excited teenagers who asked for autographs, and eventually made it to the shops. Looking around I saw some insurance shops, an enticing Pad Thai sit down, and few others, but the one that caught my eye was a cutesy, (F/C)-painted bakery named, “Queen of Tarts”. Chuckling at the interesting name choice, I looked inside the establishment through the plexiglass windows.
The inside carried a light, fluffy atmosphere, pastel colored walls combining with the checkered tile floor caused a small smile out of me. A few small tables with delicate iron chairs here and there, but the real prize were the copious amounts of sweets that were displayed in the glass cases. Each were different colors, sizes, but they all looked delicious. Feeling my stomach grumble, I grabbed the door handle, flung it open, and walked into the scrumptious smelling shop. After walking in, the tiny jingle of bells alerting the workers of my presence, I finally saw the most stunning sweet of all.
“Hi, welcome to the Queen of Tarts, how may I help you today?” the gorgeous woman at the counter asked but it didn’t register in my brain because I was already lost in thought. Her adorable (H/C) hair framed her face to show her soft, chubby cheeks, her eyes glistened in the sunlight, and her smile, oh, it completely lit the room with its radiance. Curves in all the right places, I felt my cheeks heat up as I let out a nervous laugh, cursing my inner self for not holding it together. Seriously, I can face the nastiest of villains but throw one pretty lady in front of me and I fall apart? Fantastic. Realizing I wasn’t answering, I quickly stepped forward and cleared my throat.
“Uh, yeah. Hi,” ‘Wow, so smooth, Taishiro,’ I criticized in my head, “I...haven’t seen this store here before, you new?” I offered a smile, which she returned tenfold, making me even more flustered.
“Yes, actually! I set up shop here only a few weeks ago, finally settling in with the hustle and bustle of city life.” she finished, leaning in closer against the marble counter with her arms crossed.
“City life? You didn’t grow up here?” I asked.
“Yeah,” she shrugged, “Grew up on more of the countryside style of life. I love the city though, do you?”
“Yeah, you gotta get used to it when you spend all your time protecting it.” I let a hint of boasting attitude out, hoping she’d realize who I am.
“Ha, I hear ya! I do my own share of ‘protecting’ around here too. Well, if you count making goodies, that is.” she giggled, standing up and walking over to the glass containers. I deflated a little, guess that wasn’t going to work this time. I shuffled over to where she was standing and looked down at the treats they offered.
“So, kind stranger, what is it you’ll be having?” she asked after a minute of me inspecting the pastries. The problem with not being picky about what you eat, means there are tons of more options than that of others, and when all the items look equally as delectable, you get a little overwhelmed. Plus, the fact that a beautiful woman whom I would very much like to not embarrass myself in front of is waiting for my answer doesn’t help.
I gulped, “I don’t know, they all look amazing. What’s your favorite?” I asked, hoping to know a little more about her.
“Oh, gosh, let me think…” she pouted, resting her head on the palm of her hand while looking deep in thought at the treats. The adorable crease of her eyebrows scrunched together, the tip of her tongue poking out in concentration, her lovely, curvalicious body...that’s it, I’m so screwed.
“I think I’d go for the Chocolate Cream Puff,” her answer drawing both me and her out of our distracted states, “My dad taught me years ago this amazing chocolate ganache recipe and I drizzle that all over the tops of homemade pastry puffs and the whipped filling, ugh! It’s to die for, seriously!” she finished, a sparkle in her (E/C) eyes that fueled the fire in my gut. She spoke about food just as passionately as I did! She’s perfect.
Without thinking, I quickly said, “I’ll take ten.”
~ (Y/N) P.O.V ~
“Alright, there you go, 10 Chocolate Cream Puffs. Have a wonderful day, sir!” I said with a bright smile.
“Please, call me Taishiro. And you are..?” he asked.
I flushed, I’m such a klutz, “(Y/N), pleasure to meet you, Taishiro. I hope you enjoy them and come back to visit m...us! Come visit us again!” I hastily fixed my wording.
As he smiled and waved goodbye, I rolled the tension out of my shoulders and breathed a sigh of relief. It’s okay, he was nice...and cute...and...really handsome. Wow, I am I sweating?
“HOLY CRAP!” I jumped as I heard Tammy squeal out behind me, I spun around to look at her standing in the doorway to the back, watching the leaving guest with an awestruck face.
“What?! Where’s the fire?!” I shouted running up to her, grabbing the edge of my apron.
“(Y/N), look at me,” she grabbed my shoulders and forced me to stare into her hazel eyes, “Do you know who that was?”
I shrugged my shoulders as best as I could under her vice grip, “A customer, right?”
“A custom--ugh, curse you for not keeping up with the media,” she yelled while flinging her arms to the sky in exasperation before shoving them back on my shoulders, “(Y/N), that wasn’t just any old customer! That was the FatGum!”
I blinked, “Uh, who?”
“Aarrghh! The rank 58 Pro Hero in Japan! What did you say to him?!” I paled as her words sunk in. My legs felt like jelly and I wanted to lie on the floor and die of embarrassment as she raved on about my ignorance.
‘Oh, so I’ve fallen for a Pro Hero. Awesome.’
~ Timeskip to a few weeks later, same P.O.V ~
Who knew meeting a Pro Hero and potentially having a crush on him could be so amazing? After Taishiro, who is apparently a hero named FatGum, left the store, he personally posted on his main platform of media about the shop and how incredible the desserts were! Of course, to get a compliment from a hero who's Quirk is literally based around food, who’s eaten hundreds of thousands of different dishes, for him to specifically point out your’s brought the media swarming. Business went from nearly dead to tons of people coming in at all open hours! It was fantastic, and the handsome gentleman kept his promise of continually coming in and buying heaps of pastries.
You sighed, leaning against the marble counter after helping a few beautiful ladies buy some tarts, watching their desirable, attractive forms leave the shop and walk past the window. Looking around the busy lounge area, all of the customers were stunning, unique, and most of all thin. You glanced down at yourself, insecurities filling your mind about your appearance and unsurprisingly flickering back to the man plaguing your thoughts. You poked the chub, would he? No. He probably already has someone and even if he didn’t, why would he go for you? You’re a no one to him, someone who just sells him baked goods to fuel his Quirk, nothing more.
“Hey, boss man, what’s up?” Asher, a friend and employee of yours, asked while spinning you away from the counter to face him, drawing Tammy’s attention from her place on the stool behind the counter.
“Oh, it’s nothing, Asher. Just distracted is all, I’m fine!” you sighed and faked a smile.
Asher pulled a skeptical look and without looking at Tammy he said, “She’s thinking about him again, isn’t she?”
Tammy, like it was her sixth sense to pick up on gossip, flung herself to Asher’s side with the same skeptical look, “Yep, it’s so obvious.”
“I-It is?!” you yelped, pulling your hands up to your cheeks to hide your growing blush.
“What are we gonna do about them, Tam?” he asked, still not looking at her but instead grabbing your chin and tiling your head from side to side to inspect you.
 “I don’t know what else to do, Ash. He so likes her back but both are too scared to make the first move. Truly a dilemma.” she said, twirling a lock of your (H/C) hair.
“Wait, he does?! How do you know?” you pleaded but they weren’t paying any attention to you anymore, making you puff out your pudgy cheeks in frustration. Opting to ignore them, you listened to the aimless chatter of the seating area. The ambiance of the confectionery made you smile because it was exactly how you’d pictured it as a little girl, the sweet smells, the laughter, it finally felt like home after all these years in the making. All your hard work was paying off in the end. Suddenly, the ringing bells of the door opening drew your attention. Glancing back, you caught a glimpse of a familiar yellow and orange clad figure whose head almost touched the ceiling. You gasped and shoved your friends off of you and to the backroom, spun around, and greeted your favorite customer with a bashful smile.
“Taishiro! How lovely to see you again,” but you quickly noticed it wasn’t just him. Two teenage boys, one with striking red hair and a warm smile and the other trembling and hiding inside of his cloak’s hood, were by FatGum’s side, which made you ask, “And who is this with you?”
“(Y/N), this is Eijirou Kirishima and Tamaki Amajiki, they are training under me for hero internships. I wanted to bring them here so they could try your wicked sweets!” he finished, making you blush even harder.
“Aw, that’s so sweet of you, FatGum! It’s a pleasure to meet you, boys.” you finished, holding out your hand for them to shake.
The red-headed boy, Kirishima, shook your hand with a gentle, but strong grip, “Same here! I’ve heard all about this place because of the news, sorry I couldn’t come sooner!”
“Oh, that’s alright, and it’s wonderful to meet you, Tamaki.” you held out your hand, but all you got from him was a curt nod as he shrunk further into his suit.
“You’ll have to forgive, Amajiki, he’s sort of shy.” Taishiro chuckled, rubbing his hand behind his head.
You pulled your hand back with an understanding smile, “No problem, I totally get social anxiety. Happens to the best of us, I’m afraid.”
“No way,” you suddenly heard Tammy mumble behind you, no doubt to Asher, “He brought his kids to see her. Did not expect that. I respect the flex.”
“Isn’t that a little far for first base material?” Asher whispered back to her. You proceeded to shoot them a terrifying glare and subtly kick both of them in the shins, a symbol for them to scram. They gulped and hobbled off to the back to avoid your wrath while you huffed and whipped your hair out of your face with a smile.
“Anyways, since the three of you are here, what would you boys like? It’s on the house!” you confidently boasted.
Taishiro gasped, “(Y/N), no. I can’t do that to you, we’ll pay.”
“Ah, ah, ah, Taishiro. You are by far the most paying of customers and since you’re my favorite of all I want to give this to you. Call it, uh, thank you present for all the publicity you’ve given my store! I couldn’t have made it this far without you.” you grinned.
He sighed and, though it could have been your imagination, blushed a little, “At least let me pay for my portion. I get considerably more than them.”
“Nope, it’s already been decided! Kirishima, what would you like?” you changed the topic before Taishiro could argue with you again. He rolled his eyes, clear girl.
“Hmm,” Kirishima thought, “Do you have anything with strawberries?”
“I got just the thing for you. How about a Strawberry Turnover?” you directed him over to the case with the pastry. He took one glance and excitedly nodded his head and you smiled, grabbed the sweet with a clean pair of tongs, placed it on a napkin, and handed it over to the young man. He grinned and shoveled the pastry into his mouth without hesitation. 
“Thanks so much, Miss (Y/N)! It’s delicious!” he praised through a mouth full of food, making you giggle at his silliness. Walking back over to the registrar, you saw Tamaki looking at you. When he was caught, he gasped, quickly spun around, and hid himself away from you by pressing into FatGum’s body.
“What would you like, Tamaki?” you patiently asked. Taishiro looked at you with doubt and started saying something but you quickly shushed him and continued to wait for the teen’s answer.
Knowing that you weren’t going to give up, Tamaki quietly mumbled out, “D-D-Do you...have anything with...b-black raspberry? I-If you don’t that’s fine too, I-I didn’t mean to sound too rude or--”
“I believe I do,” you quickly interrupted so he didn’t go into a spiraling haze of self doubt, “Would a Black Raspberry Lychee Cake suffice, Tamaki?”
“Y-Yes, Miss (Y/N)...” he sighed in relief, glancing at you with tears in his eyes. You gave him a reassuring smile and grabbed the treat for him, handing it to FatGum so he could hold on to it for Tamaki.
“And now, what’ll you have, kind stranger?” you grinned as he chuckled.
“I’ll take my usual then, 10 Chocolate Cream Puffs, please.” he concluded while giving a sweet grin.
You snarked, “You always get the same thing every time, Taishiro. Don’t you wanna try anything else? I promise they’re poisoned.” you smirked.
He quirked an eyebrow at you, “Are you sure about that?” he joked.
“Taishiro! What kind of business would I be if I poisoned all my guests?” you laughed at him.
“Okay, okay, I’ll try something different, ma’am. Do you have anything with pineapple?” he asked with curiosity.
“You betcha. How does a Pineapple Poke Cake sound, sir?” you interrogated. You saw stars glisten in his eyes and you giggled at his excitement.
“How many?” you joked.
“I’ll take 12!” he concluded, blissfully staring off into space.
You packaged up his request in a cutesy (F/C) box with your confectionery’s logo and, biting your lip in apprehension, decided that if he wasn’t going to make his move then you would. You quickly wrote down your phone number on top of the box in Sharpie and signed off your name with a small black heart. As you finished the lettering you stared at the box and thought about your previous insecurities. There was still time, still time to take out the pastries, put them in a new box, and forget the whole number thing ever happened.
“Hey, don’t you dare take out those treats and put them in a new box, you hear me, girl?!” you heard a tiny male voice whisper above you. Startled, you looked up to see Tammy and Asher peeking through the window that let the customers see into the back of the bakery to watch the baking happen. You glared at the two, so they had been watching you try and confess your feelings to the fluffy hero in a discreet way.
“What am I supposed to do? What if he doesn’t like me and all the signs I’ve been getting from him are me making up a love story that is never going to happen between us?! What if by doing this I ruin our relationship and he makes sure the business tanks?! This is my life's work and I’m putting it on the line for a stupid chance at love!” you whisper yelled at them, the familiar feeling of fear and pain coursing through your system from previous failed love confessions.
“You really think a sweet man like that is going to make your life’s dream completely fall to pieces?” Tammy questioned and you exhaled, shaking your head ‘no’.
“Then go out there and get yo mans! You have to at least try and snatch that, I have to see my OTP become canon!” she sent a determined glare at you, grabbed the box, shoved it in your hands, spun you around, and pushed your forward. You stumbled and almost tripped onto the floor but caught yourself on the marble counter. Standing up tall, you took a deep breath in and urged your legs to move forward. Getting to the registrar, you smiled at Taishiro and the boys and handed over the box to FatGum after giving a subtle cough.
“Thank you for everything, Taishiro, you’ve helped me in ways you could never imagine. Now, I hope you boys come back sometime!” you spoke to the teens, Kirishima grinning at you with his shark-like teeth.
“Will do, Miss (Y/N)! I couldn’t stay away from this place even if I tried, your desserts are the BOMB!” he laughed, punching his fists together in excitement.
“...Thank you, Miss (Y/N).” Tamaki shyly whispered, giving you half a grin before cowering away once more.
“Don’t mention it, loves! Now, Taishiro, remember that I said this is on the--whoa! Are you okay?” you asked the man. His face was almost as red as his student’s hair, his eyes wide and unfocused as he stared at the top of the box, where your number neatly sat. You gulped, maybe it was the wrong decision after all.
Waving a nervous hand in front of Taishiro’s face, it seemed to break him from his spellbound state as he glanced at your eyes, “Are you...feeling okay, Taishiro?”
He looked at you with a shaken gaze as he laughed off his nerves while saying, “Y-Yeah! Just, um...yeah...you...let’s go, boys! Gotta get back to the patrol! Bye, (Y/N)!” he said while ushering the confused boys away from the counter and to the door. You felt your heart shatter into dozens of pieces as you turned your head down to conceal your sorrowed expression from the rest of the lounge area. You felt your eyes wet with tears but you used the sleeve of your white button down you dry them, you have to stay strong. At least you got it off your chest. Sniffling, you turned your head back up only to see FatGum’s face, only he was suddenly a lot more chiseled in the face and body and wow, did it just get hot in here?
“I forgot one thing.” he said with a flustered smile. You, less heartbroken then before just more confused, shrugged your shoulders in question. He then grasped your shoulders, tilted his head to the side, and planted a loving and firm kiss on your right cheek. You felt your face melt into a puddle of red as he held the kiss for a few seconds longer than anticipated but eventually released your cheek, staring back at you with the same expression as you.
“Did you really think I was going to leave without paying you back, cream puff?” he chuckled with a grin.
“I-I, um…” no longer sorrowed, your brain couldn’t catch up with the fact that he most definitely liked you back.
“Heh, you’re cute when you’re flustered for me. I’ll text you later, okay? Keep on the look out for me!” he said, backing up from the counter, only to grow immensely in size as he returned to the state you had met the hero in. He waved goodbye as he walked back to Kirishima who was practically bouncing off the walls in his excitement.
“Congratulations on the relationship, Miss (Y/N)!” the teen sang out as the three of them left the store to patrol the streets for their hero duties once again.
The entire restaurant was silent as they watched your chubby form turn into a puddle of emotions and ditzy giggles, the only thing that was heard was a loud, “YES! IT’S CANON, BABY!”
~ The End ~
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moonlight--cafe · 2 years
Thanks! And sure thing! I'll let you know when I post my story in the future 😊
About your fic, the story sound so engaging so far 😯 I have a suggestion (if you've haven't done it already), what if you made a playlist to go with your story? Since you said your fic is based off TxT's discography, I can totally see the story aligning with songs like "Anti-romantic" or "I know I love you". I was thinking of doing the same thing with my Spotlight fic, but you know, you can do you. You know what? I just had an idea. Would you be down sending a list of song recommendations to each other (in the asks I mean, doesn't have to be outside of Tumblr in case you were worried about that) to make a playlist for our fics? Idk it literally just popped in my head. It's cool if you don't wanna do it.
If it's ok still, I have another fic I'd like to share (it's still in progress of writing though)
I'm still trying to find a title but it's another BTS fic. This time it's in a dystopian setting. And it's based on the "ON" mv. This fic is inspired by movies, tv shows, and/or youtube videos. Mainly the Marvel movies, RWBY (the Rooster teeth series), and the youtube series “Autodale” (if you haven’t seen those last 2, you should check them out when you get a chance). 
The story is set in a world called Cyron, home of the Seven Houses. And each of the Seven Houses have a certain theme. I thought of either basing them on real life cultures, elemental or giving them different military values. But like I said, this is still in the works. Cyron is ruled by a queen, named Sylas, who is also the villain of this story. And each of the Houses possess a map (appearing as an ancient amulet), known as the Seven Maps. I'm still having trouble writing y/n's background (and some of the lore), but the main plot is that in Cyron, people who have super powers are called "Users". They were once known as heroes until Cyron started to decay. When Sylas came to power, she saw Users as the root cause and makes a plan to eliminate every single one of them. Many years later, a rebellion formed, and they're known as the Red Hoods (or The Seven), lead by the members of BTS.
Ik some of this doesn't make sense. I'm also struggling with y/n's background but that's the main plot I have as of now. Sorry again for making another long ask (hopefully you don't mind) but that's just another fic I've been working on haha
Honestly I love how your brain works! I actually did start compiling a bit of as playlist, it's not official yet but it's basically just the songs I’ve had on repeat while I weas writing my fic . And can you believe I totally didn't add Anti-Romantic! I'll actually do that now, It would honestly work so well😋, And of course I would love to share song recommendations, I'm always listening to music and I don't really have people who really ask for song recommendations so hell yes! Plus I also need some more suggestions from you, and when I finally finish this fic I'll definitely credit you for your help 💜 And I also don't mind it can be on tumblr or somewhere else I'm not too fussed it's really all down to what you feel comfortable with.
Also I would love to share the playlist I currently have because I was actually invested in my own fic for once and I've given it a type of early 00's/ late 90's coming of age feeling, which just worked with Yeonjun.
And wow!!! I'm so bloody floored by your ideas, you are so unbelievably creative, I'm speechless. I've seen all of your references except for Autodale so I will totally check it out when I can 🙂
And don't apologize I love seeing your asks in my inbox also I hope it's okay but I wanna dub you my fic buddy so I can bounce ideas off of you and get playlist advice, and if you feel comfortable and you want to I can totally bounce around ideas and suggest music, this can be a mutual thing! Thank you so much for sharing these ideas with me seriously it all sounds insanely cool.
P.S don't worry all of it made perfect sense 😁
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kurt-nightcrawler · 4 years
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐌𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞! 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
Request 1: Omg I just read the I have a boyfriend and the opposites attract and I'm aksjksjeje. Idk if ur taking requests, but in case u are I need more on that mother nature reader and Warren pleaaaaseee!!! Maybe something with angst, like some conflict in their relationship, but with a happy would be greatttttt I absolutely love ur writing x
Request 2: I have a idea for mother nature x warren: how about an angsty fic about their first fight? And for the first time mother nature feels heartbreak and is really hurt. Her eyes are pitch black and empty. Usually, when she relaxes, she grows pumpkins etc. But this time all the vegatables are rotten or too small. Maybe you feel inspired by this :) (would be great if it has a happy ending though haha) Thank you, you're great!
Warnings: Language, mentions of sex, underage drinking, panic attack, and assault
Word Count: 8k
A/N: This took a long time but I hope you guys enjoy it! This builds more into Warren and Mother Nature’s relationship, probably set before fairytale
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 Everything had been perfect. Halloween was coming up, and (Y/N) asked Jubilee if she’d do a group costume with her and another girl. 
Jubilee said yes, trusting (Y/N)’s opinion on people, for she always saw the good in them.
Jubilee took her, and the other girl, Jessie Rowe, to one of those pop up Halloween shops to look for costumes. 
“We can just get inspired if we don’t see anything perfect, you know?” Jubilee said. “We can always make our costumes.” (Y/N) nodded while looking at the different colored crayon costumes. 
“But it would be so much easier just to get one now. We could all go as like— sexy angels or something. In honor of Warren!” Jessie suggested. 
(Y/N) grimaced a little at the outfit Jessie held up. She didn’t feel comfortable wearing something so thin and tight at some house party on a cold October night. 
Jubilee laughed, “That’d be cute.” 
“Come on,” Jessie nudged her. “(Y/N), I bet your boyfriend would go nuts seeing you in this.”
“Mmm, I think he might find it kind of offensive or something…” She didn’t want to go as a sexy anything for Halloween. No offense to anyone who did dress sexy on Halloween, but that just wasn’t (Y/N)’s vibe. “Not my thing anyway…”
“Oh, come on! He wouldn’t be offended; Warren’s such an angel. I bet he’d fuck you if you wore this.” 
(Y/N)’s eyes went wide with shock. She’d never had someone be so blunt and explicit with her— Well, she had, but it wasn’t directed at her. 
“Um, we’re going to a party, Jess…” (Y/N) awkwardly reminded her. 
“I know, but you guys could sneak off somewhere or leave early. People do it all the time.” 
“What about vampires?!” Jubilee interrupted, holding packages of fake fangs in her hands. 
“Oh, that’d be fun! And we could get fake blood too!” Jessie put the angel outfit back on the rack and went to a different area with Jubilee. 
(Y/N) followed behind, thankful for the interruption, but still thinking about Jessie’s comment. 
“If you two do decide to fuck at the party, I want all the details…”
Why did she care so much if Warren and I are having sex?
She tried to focus on other things as Jubilee attempted to change the subject. 
“Fruits? Personally, I’d like to be a strawberry.” 
Jessie laughed, “We’re not in elementary.” Jubilee shrugged before holding up a banana costume and made a suggestive joke. Jessie and (Y/N) laughed at her. 
“I think we should be pink ladies.” Jessie morphed her voice to sound like Olivia Newton-John. 
“From Grease? But that’s so overdone,” Jubilee didn’t like the idea, but it was the first decent one Jessie had all day. 
“I mean, if someone else shows up in the same costume, we’re technically not matching…” (Y/N) said. 
“See?” Jessie smiled. “(Y/N)‘s smart!” 
“Alright, alright, give me some time. I’ll think about it,” Jubilee stated. 
“Trust me; you’ll come around.” 
Warren was lying in bed, fast asleep. He’d just showered after training with Mystique and got his ass kicked. Even when he thought he was getting better, he still wasn't as good as her. 
(Y/N) entered the room, excited to tell Warren about her Halloween costume plans. 
Sure, she could have just texted him, but she hadn’t seen him all day. 
“Warren, Angel baby—“ She quickly shut her mouth when she saw him sprawled over his bed, fast asleep. 
She cooed over his sleeping figure, tempted to leave him as he was. 
What if he’s been asleep for hours? Or all morning? It’s still light out, though. I better wake him up anyway.
(Y/N) tapped his shoulder and said his name a few times, trying to get a response from him. 
He slowly stirred in his slumber, waking up from (Y/N)‘s interruption. “Hmm?...”
“Hey, War,” 
“Mmm… what time is it?” 
“Join me.” (Y/N) sat on his bed, sitting next to him as he shifted, snuggling next to her, and slowly woke up. “How’d shopping go with Jubilee?” 
“It was alright.” (Y/N) massaged his scalp as she retold her day. “Jessie kept shooting down our ideas and the ones she had Jubilee never really liked, so we didn’t exactly settle on anything…” 
Warren looked up at her. “I thought you guys were going as crayons?” 
“Jessie said no.”
(Y/N) shrugged, “She suggested we go as sexy angels.” 
Warren’s facial expression was piqued with interest, despite him trying not to show it. 
“I said that would be offensive to you, and we’d freeze to death anyway.” 
Warren chuckled, “I’ll be there to keep you warm.”
“Aren’t you gonna be shirtless?” 
“Maybe. I said I might— Roger Taylor didn’t wear a shirt most of the time.” 
Warren was teaming up with Kurt, Scott, and Peter to dress up as Queen, the rock band, for Halloween. 
“You could get sick! It might even rain on Halloween, which will make you even colder!”
“I’ll be fine.” Warren wasn’t too worried. 
“Wear a jacket, please.” 
“I will. I will…”
(Y/N) huffed, “Good… Cause if you don’t, I’ll bring you one, and it will be tacky and ugly and totally ruin your costume.  So you better bring one…” She jokingly threatened. 
Warren chuckled, “Yes, Mom.” (Y/N) laughed at his demeanor. 
Warren looked up at her, lifting his head up, lips puckered. A way of silently asking for a kiss. 
(Y/N) complied, and gave him a peck on the lips. 
“Wanna get some food? I’m kind of hungry.” 
Warren nodded. He finally, and officially, got out of bed since his nap, (Y/N) next to him. 
As they were about to leave his room, a leaf fell from (Y/N)‘s head. 
“You dropped a leaf.” 
She frowned, eyes purple with embarrassment, “That’s the fifth one this week.” 
Warren bent down to pick it up. “It’s fall. I’m surprised you still have a few left.” 
“I’ve still got about a month.” 
The vines wrapped around (Y/N)’s legs and the leaves in her hair were shedding— Just like the trees outside, as the weather dropped and plants prepared for winter. 
Warren took the leaf and set it in a book. He liked to press any of (Y/N)‘s leaves he could get his hands on. 
She thought it was silly, they were just leaves, but Warren liked them. 
(Y/N) rummaged through the fridge for something to eat. 
“I think there’s leftover Chinese from last night,” Warren told her. 
“Yeah, but I don’t want to take those. They aren’t mine.” 
“You can say I ate them. Ororo and Kurt took my pizza after we went to East Village Pizza.” 
“Didn’t you label the box?” 
Warren nodded, “Yeah, but it’s Kurt and Ororo. They ignored it.” 
(Y/N) stifled a laugh as she took out some milk, deciding to make mac and cheese. 
“They’re the only ones who don’t fear me.” He joked. 
“Hey! I’m right here… and besides—“ She turned the stovetop on. “—No one here “fears” you. Not even the little kids. Jamie Donaldson told me he wanted to be you for Halloween.” 
Warren tilted his head slightly in confusion.
The water in the pot had reached a boil and (Y/N) poured the dried noodles into it. “He said you were his hero. That he wanted to be like you when he got older.” 
Warren dismissed it, “His friends are gonna tease him.” 
“I’m sure they already do… he has gills… Deny it all you want, Worthington, but you’re not tough as nails. Underneath the metal, you’re a big softie who cries during The Notebook, and helps Alex teach the second graders.” 
“Babe, everyone cries during the notebook, and I had a free period, and Alex needed help.” 
(Y/N) nodded, “Mmhmm… well, you can’t let Jamie down. It would crush him.” 
“I’m no—“ Warren stopped. 
“You’re no what?” (Y/N) teased nonchalantly. She knew what he was going to say. 
“You’ve trapped me.” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“I’m not gonna say it.” 
(Y/N) mixed the milk, butter, and cheese powder in a separate bowl. “Say what?” 
“Oh, so that’s how we’re gonna play it?”
“You’re too hard on yourself! Be honest and caring for once.” (Y/N) pouted. 
“I’m not saying it. It’s dumb and cheesy.” 
“Fine. Then you don’t get any of my mac and cheese.”
“I’ll steal some when you’re not looking.” 
(Y/N) widened her eyes for comical intimidation. “I’m always looking.” 
Warren crossed his arms, “I’m still not going to say it.” 
“I’m a bad person, (Y/N), I’ve done bad things…”
(Y/N) chuckled lightly, “Isn’t your therapist Brenda helping you not sound like Batman so much?” 
(Y/N) kissed his nose. “Okay, Angel.” 
“(Y/N), I’m not—“
“Yes, you are! Say it.” 
“Fine,” He caved. “I’m an angel.” 
“Say it like you mean it. A positive tone of voice and affirmations improve a plant’s lifestyle and growth.” 
Warren couldn’t deny the small smile on his face, “I’m an angel.” 
(Y/N) squealed and kissed Warren’s lips. His cheeks were red, for he was flustered. 
“Can you get some bowls? Mac and cheese is done.”
“Yeah, sure.” Warren got two bowls and forks for them both and set them on the counter. 
(Y/N) scooped some macaroni into both bowls, then she and Warren sat on the barstools on the other side of the counter and chowed down. 
Jessie entered the kitchen as they ate their food. 
“Hey, (Y/N). Hey, Warren.” 
“Hey, Jessie! I just made some Mac and cheese if you’re hungry.” 
“I’m good, thanks. I don’t really eat carbs.”
“Oh… Okay…” (Y/N) looked down nervously at her bowl, trying to hide her purple eyes.
“Yeah, they just don’t agree with me, ya know?”
(Y/N) nodded, “Yeah, yeah, I don’t really like hot Cheetos.”
“See? We’re practically one and the same.” Jessie smirked.
Warren’s gaze kept shifting between the girls. He was confused at the tone of the conversation. 
“Anyway, I came down here looking for you.” She said to (Y/N). 
“Really? What’s up?” 
“I convinced Jubilee that we should go as pink ladies.” 
“That’s great!” 
Jessie nodded, “We’re gonna get the stuff we need for our costumes tomorrow.” 
“Sounds good to me.” (Y/N) said. 
“Uh, huh… what are you going as for Halloween?” Jessie asked Warren. 
“A few other guys and I are going as Queen.” 
“Ooooo! I love their music.” 
Warren nodded, “Scott’s going as John Deacon, Peter’s going as Brian May, I’m going as Roger Taylor, and Kurt’s going as Freddie Mercury.” 
Her voice shifted to a flawless British accent, “Well, I’m sure you’ll look amazing, darling.”
Warren laughed, “Thanks.” 
“Of course… (Y/N) I’ll talk to you later about Halloween stuff.” 
“Okay. See you later.”
As Jessie sauntered away, Warren was a bit unsettled by Jessie’s attitude but was more worried about his girlfriend.
“You need to eat some carbs…” (Y/N) mumbled. 
“She’s probably just doing some fad diet,” Warren reassured her. 
“I dunno…” 
Warren shrugged and gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze, “There’s no harm in eating macaroni… and no matter what you do, you’ll always be healthier than Peter.”
“Oh god, yeah,” (Y/N) jokingly grimaced. No offense to Pete’s lifestyle, but consuming only twinkies and Diet Pepsi would not go down well for Mother Nature, or anyone else. 
“I’m gonna save the rest for later.” (Y/N) went through a cabinet looking for some Tupperware. 
“Alright. Want me to put what we didn’t touch in another container?” 
The girls all grabbed pink ladies jackets and paid for them. 
“I was thinking we wear all black— heels, shirt, and leggings or maybe like a skirt or something.” 
“Heels?!” Jubilee shrieked. “You’re crazy if you think I’m gonna wear heels all night on Halloween.” 
“It’s just for pictures,” Jessie reassured her. “And besides, you’ll kick them off at the door anyway.” 
“Why would I wanna roam around barefoot at a party?” 
“(Y/N)‘s barefoot all the time. To feel one with nature.” 
(Y/N) furrowed her brows, eyes orange. “No, I’m not. I rarely ever do that…” 
Jessie held up her hands in surrender, “Well, I heard it from Nancy Robinson…”
“She’s wrong… I told her I connect easily with plants.” 
“She must have misunderstood.” 
(Y/N) nodded, unsettled. 
“Do you guys wanna go to the mall? There’s this cute little black dress at Forever 21 I wanna get for Halloween.” 
“Yeah, sure.” 
“Yeah, that’s fine.”
“I need to get some more foundation at Sephora,” Jessie stated. 
“Good, cause we were going anyway.” Jubilee joked threateningly. Jessie and (Y/N) laughed. 
As they walked around the Sephora, Jubilee scanned the isles for blue eyeshadows in different shades. 
“Kurt asked me to do his makeup for Halloween. He wanted some 70s glam rock.” 
“You’re gonna do a great job!” (Y/N) told her. 
“For sure— I’m also doing Warren’s and Peter’s too.” 
“They’re all going to look great. I hope we can get a group photo of them before they get all sweaty and tired out.” 
Jubilee nodded, smiling, while she placed all her items on the counter to be rung up. 
“Why didn’t Warren ask you to do his makeup?” Jessie asked. 
“Oh, uh… I dunno.” (Y/N) shrugged. “I’m not very good at super dramatic glittery looks.” 
“I’m just surprised he didn’t ask you, is all. I thought he would’ve, considering you’re dating.” 
“I mean, he’ll probably ask to borrow my mascara or something... It’s not a big deal.”
Jessie raised her eyebrows in questioning before paying for her foundation. “If Scott was going to wear makeup, I’m sure he’d ask Jean to do it for him.” 
“Scott would just want an excuse for his face to be inches away from Jean’s face, and for her to constantly be gazing into his eyes and glancing at his lips. Until they finally break the tension and spend the whole time making out, and Scott’s still not even wearing any makeup by the end.” Jubilee states. 
“That’s very specific… Also, don’t they kind of do that already, anyway?” (Y/N) asked. 
“Yeah,” Jubilee chuckled. 
“Still, I don’t know why Warren didn’t ask you.” Jessie interrupted. “Maybe you should ask him.” 
(Y/N) nodded, “Yeah, uh, I— I might.” 
Warren was lounged on (Y/N)’s bed, focusing on a textbook assignment. 
“Why didn’t you ask me to do your makeup?” 
Warren looked up. “Hmm?”
“Jubilee said you asked her to do your makeup for Halloween… I could’ve done it.” 
“Oh, uh, I mean Kurt asked her to do his, and then Peter asked her, and we both figured why not do mine too? She’s just going to do some eyeliner and highlighter. It’s no big deal.” 
“Oh…” (Y/N)’s eyes flashed purple. 
“Do you want to do my makeup?” 
(Y/N) shook her head, her eyes slightly red and orange. “Never mind… It was stupid… I’m not even that good at makeup…” 
Warren blinked, no longer focused on his homework. “Are you okay?” 
“What? Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” 
“I mean, if you wanna do my makeup, go ahead. I don’t care. If it’s that big of an issue—“
“It’s not an issue. I was just wondering why you didn’t ask me.” 
“I didn’t think you’d want to do my makeup.” 
(Y/N) pursed her lips. He was kind of right. She really couldn’t have cared less— Halloween was proving to be so stressful already. 
“Yeah…” She mumbled. 
“See, problem solved.” 
A weird feeling of tension filled the air. 
Warren and (Y/N) never fought, and they rarely argued or bickered over things that weren’t Warren’s low self-esteem. 
Despite him saying, “Problem solved.” It didn’t feel that way. 
Warren barged into Peter and Scott’s room. Inside were Scott, Kurt, and another kid. 
“(Y/N) and I had an argument—“ Warren glanced at the short blonde guy sitting on Scott’s bed. “Who is he?”
“Warren, this is Bobby. Bobby, this is Warren,” Scott introduced. “Bobby’s new, he’s a freshman, and we’re kind of the only guys his age, so he’s just hanging out with us.” 
“Hi,” Bobby awkwardly waved at Warren. 
He waved back, “Hey.” 
“Anyway— what happened with you and (Y/N)?”
Warren sat down on Peter’s bed. “We got into an argument about the dumbest thing…”
Kurt squinted his eyes in confusion, “That’s not— you guys don’t do that… Or is that a normal thing for most American couples? All the fighting and yelling.”
“Okay, first off Blue, you need to stop watching sit-coms with Jean and Jubilee where the middle-aged suburban couple’s hate each other’s guts. Second, we weren’t yelling, and it wasn’t really a fight fight, but there was uncomfortable tension.”
The other three boys were focused solely on Warren, waiting for him to explain more. 
“She like got mad I didn’t ask her to do my makeup for Halloween, but then she wasn’t mad and said she didn’t even want to do my makeup. And like we settled it, but I still felt weird afterward. Almost like we didn’t settle it.” 
Kurt was baffled, unsure of what to say. Scott was taking a moment to formulate a good response, but before he could even open his mouth, Bobby spewed some words of… wisdom.
“(Y/N)— I’m assuming you guys are dating, right?” Warren nodded. 
“Okay… (Y/N) doesn’t care about who’s doing your makeup. She’s upset over something else but is using the makeup as a cover-up. She doesn’t want to admit she’s upset over… whatever she’s upset over, but she’s upset, so little things like, you not asking her if she’d do your makeup, are going to make her like, really mad, even if it seems like they shouldn’t or ordinarily wouldn’t.
You have to get her to talk, or find out from one of her girlfriends, what’s really upsetting her.” 
The other boys left their mouths gaping, blinking in shock. 
“You’re like, fourteen, why’d you give such good advice?” 
Bobby shrugged, “My parents fight a lot. They need a divorce, but they’ll never get one.” 
“I was gonna tell you to apologize…” Scott sheepishly admitted.
“Apologize for what?” 
“I— I don’t know…” 
“She said she was stressed out about Halloween…” Warren confessed. 
“There you go—“ Bobby exclaimed. “—She’ll be fine. Don’t even worry about the little lovers’ quarrel you guys had.” 
Warren nodded, feeling a little bit better about the situation.
He still wanted to talk to (Y/N), though. 
“Hey, Jubes!” 
“Oh, hey, Jessie. I was just headed to Bio, what’s up?”
“I heard, a few freshmen girls are going as Pink Ladies for Halloween—“
“And?” Jubilee hugged her binder tight in her arms. 
Jessie huffed, “We just can’t go as the same thing as some freshmen girls!” 
“Why not? Halloween is in two days! We can’t just change our costumes at the last minute.” 
“Jubes, we’ll look like freshmen. We can’t have that!” Jubilee opened her mouth to object, but Jessie didn’t let her. 
“(Y/N), and I already agreed we should switch. We’re going to go as the plastics from Mean Girls.” Jessie’s voice had shifted to sound like Rachel McAdams. “I’m gonna be Regina, and (Y/N) will be Karen.” 
“Okay, that’s fine. I can go return my jacket.” 
“Yeah!” Jessie grinned. “Plus you can wear your shirt that says “On Wednesdays we wear pink! Perfect!” 
Jubilee smiled, “Yeah… Well, uh, I gotta go—“ She motioned to the door. 
“Right! Don’t wanna make you tardy. I’ll see you later!” 
“See ya.” 
Weird, Jubilee thought to herself as she took a seat in Dr. McCoy’s classroom. But not unusual for Jessie, always changing her mind… She’s so wishy-washy on things… Oh well.
(Y/N) was quickly trying to finish her makeup and get dressed so she could help the little kids trick or treat. 
Older students could volunteer to take the younger one’s trick or treating until 9, and then if they wanted, they could go to whatever house party the locals from the public school in the area were hosting. 
Luckily for the X-Men, Jubilee was extremely popular with the public schoolers, and they were invited to most house parties.
Ororo had already left, for she had just worn a unicorn onesie she borrowed from Peter. 
“I think this is his sister’s, but hey! It’s comfy.” 
“You look great!” (Y/N) only glanced at Ororo, for she was worried about her own look for the night.
“Thanks, I’m sure you’re going to look great too. Don’t sweat it… you have a half-hour left.”
“I’ll meet you downstairs with the others!” 
“Sounds good to me.” 
The others being Scott, Jean, Kurt, and Warren. Jubilee, Peter, and Jessie had decided to skip the trick-or-treat assist and go straight to partying. 
Warren knocked on (Y/N)’s door, asking if she was ready. 
She opened it and stepped out. 
Warren glanced up and down, checking her out. She looked good. Then again, she always looked good. 
(Y/N) did the same, checking her boyfriend out. Maybe I should have gone as a slutty angel to compensate… Warren looks… hot.
Tight leather pants, a sparkly fringed vest with nothing underneath— showing off his toned abs— his classic, worn-out combat boots, and his makeup. Jubilee did an excellent job with it. 
Her eyes were magenta. 
Warren kissed her cheek. “You look great, babe!” 
“Uh… thanks… um… you— you…”
Warren chuckled, “I look stupid, don’t I?”
“No! No— you look, whatever the opposite of stupid is… Stupidly hot, maybe…” (Y/N) felt like a pile of mush. 
And for what? Warren in tight pants, no shirt, and black lines on his face? That was a regular Tuesday look for him. 
“Maybe?” He teased. (Y/N) avoided eye contact, her eyes a vibrant purple.
Warren intertwined one of his hands with her and kissed her cheek again. “You’re adorable.” 
The gang made their way to the party a little after 9. It was in full swing by then, with loud music vibrating the outdoors. It just got amplified as they walked in. 
“I’m gonna look for Peter,” Warren told (Y/N). 
“I’m gonna try to find Jubilee and Jessie, get some group photos.” They parted ways, agreeing to meet up again later. 
(Y/N) got distracted along the way— she danced to the Monster Mash with Jean and Kurt, helped with any trick or treaters that came to the door, (despite it not being her house), and she took a few photos with a group of freshmen also dressed up as pink ladies. 
“Where are they?” 
She spotted Jubilee’s big mop of black curls and quickly made her way over.
“Oh my gosh! I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” 
Jubilee and (Y/N) stared at each other, both extremely puzzled.
“I thought we were going as pink ladies?”
“I thought we switched to The Plastics.” 
“What?” (Y/N) asked.
Jubilee took a sip from her cup, “Jessie told me you guys agreed on us switching to the plastics cause a bunch of freshmen were going as pink ladies.” 
“She never said anything to me bout going as the plastics. I haven’t seen her in like, two days.”
“What?” Jubilee was beyond confused. 
“Yeah, I thought we were still all going as pink ladies. I even saw the freshmen you’re talking about, and they took photos with me!”
“That’s nice…” 
“Why didn’t you clear this up with me, Jubes?” (Y/N) asked, her eyes slowly turning grey. 
“I thought Jessie did. I was busy trying to scope out a good place to crash and party at.”
(Y/N) crossed her arms, “Where is Jessie, anyway?” 
“I think she’s in the kitchen.” 
Warren was trying to have fun at the party. He didn’t drink as he did in Germany, so everything just seemed less exciting… but with his friends, they never failed to disappoint. 
He wanted to find Peter so they could get group pictures before a group of girls swarmed Kurt, fawning over his accent, soft blue fur, and gymnast body. Before Scott gave a little pep talk on safety to whichever friends would listen and then run off to make out with Jean in the nearest bathroom. And then he wanted to spend time with his girlfriend. 
He found Kurt, no problem— but finding their Brian and John was proving much more difficult. 
“Maybe Peter shouldn’t have worn a wig. We usually spot him due to his grey hair.”
“Then it wouldn’t go with the costume,” Kurt pointed out. “And the whole group would look out of place.” 
“I guess so…” Warren spotted Scott as they walked into the kitchen. He was talking to the new kid— Bobby— with Jean next to him. “Let’s get Scott.” 
Kurt waved at the group, and they motioned him over. 
“Hey, guys! This is Bobby,” Jean introduced.
“We already met,” Warren explained. “Have you seen Peter?” 
Jean shook her head. 
“I think I saw him—“ Bobby spoke up while filling up a cup from the “monster mix” punch bowl. “He had on a big curly brown wig…?” 
Kurt nodded, “Ja, that’s him!” 
Bobby handed Kurt and Warren cups. Warren sighed quietly to himself. He didn’t want a drink of some mystery liquid. He knew there was probably alcohol— Bobby probably didn’t, though— the kid was a freshman. Warren didn’t have time to refuse it though, for Bobby told Kurt where he last saw Peter, and then— bamf!
Kurt teleported him and Warren to that same place. The backyard. 
Warren felt a little nauseated— he hadn’t eaten anything all night except for a few pieces of candy, and the smell of sulfur was disgusting. 
Peter ran up to them and quickly noticed Warren’s turmoil. 
“Oh, dude! Here— drink up—“ He quickly put Warren’s cup in his mouth and almost forced him to drink up the “monster mix.” 
“Peter—“ Kurt scolded. “That’s not water!”
Peter’s face paled. “Oh shit. Shit! Dude, I’m sorry— I thought— cause you don’t drink—“
“Bobby gave it to me… He doesn’t know any better. I can handle myself. It’s one drink.” 
Peter almost scoffed at the mention of Bobby. “Who invited him?”
“Probably, Scott.” 
“I dunno… Make him feel included, I guess…”
“You good?” Kurt asked Warren. 
He nodded, “Yeah, I’ll be fine. Let’s get Scott… Come on…”
They decided to walk back to the kitchen, like ordinary people.
Bobby was gone, but Scott was still there, along with Jean, and Ororo was there too this time. 
“Did Bobby give you the monster mix?” Peter asked.
“Oh, dude— I had like three cups of it, and I feel a little tipsy— I think— but dude! I’m so sorry—“
“Peter, it’s fine. It just burned a little going down. It was only one drink— I’ll be fine. Stop worrying.” 
“Hey! You found him.” Jean smiled. “Photo time!” 
Everyone smiled and got into various poses and huddled little groups to take many silly pictures— many of them not even ending up on the group’s Instagrams— but still fun nonetheless. Jean telekinetically held up her phone so that everyone could be included in the pictures. 
Warren could feel himself getting a little tipsy as they kept taking photos, but he ignored it. 
“Oh my god! Warren!” It was Jessie. Not in a pink ladies costume. 
“(Y/N)’s been looking for you— come on, I’ll take you to her.” She grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the kitchen. 
He squinted his eyes, puzzled as to what was going on. 
They were walking upstairs. 
“Where are we going?” 
It was dark. 
Warren couldn’t see the figure in front of him too well anymore.
The highly spiked drink he had was starting to get to him.
The voice sounded like (Y/N)’s. 
“You— You sounded like, (Y/N).” 
She giggled lightly, “I am (Y/N), silly.” 
She led him upstairs into an empty room. The lights were off. He still couldn’t see her very well. 
“Angel, baby,” She cooed. “I missed you.” 
“I missed you too.” He went to go and turn on a light, but she stopped him. 
“Leave them off… I wanna have fun tonight…” 
“Oh?” Is she talking about earlier, before we left the mansion? Has she been drinking? I would like to do stuff but—
“Mmhmm…” She kissed his neck and kept kissing him, leading up to his lips. He kissed her back, hands on her until they got near her neck— he wanted to tug on her hair a little, but upon touching it, he realized something was wrong.
He didn’t have time to figure it out, though, for someone opened the door. 
Warren and the other person turned to see who it was. 
It was Jubilee and (Y/N). 
“Have you seen Jessie?” (Y/N) asked. 
Her friends in the kitchen eyed her and Jubilee up, confused— weren’t they supposed to go as the same thing for Halloween? 
“Um, she was just here. She said you were looking for Warren, and then they went upstairs.”
Jubilee glanced at (Y/N) nervously. That wasn’t a good sign. 
“Thanks.” (Y/N) and Jubilee headed upstairs to find the two. 
Once they got to the top of the stairs, they walked around, trying to open every door they could to no prevail. 
“Wait— Shh!” Jubilee whispered. She motioned to a door they hadn’t opened yet. 
(Y/N) didn’t waste any time opening the door. 
She wished she did, though.
Because she saw them.
Warren and Jessie, so close together. It looked like they had been kissing moments ago. 
When Warren’s eyes met (Y/N)’s, she felt sick to her stomach. He looked lost, confused even. 
He looked almost terrified. 
Warren looked over at the girl who he thought was (Y/N). The light from the open door revealed it was Jessie. 
Warren started internally panicking. He kissed Jessie thinking it was (Y/N)! 
She can change her voice to sound like whoever she wants! How could I think— So stupid of me! 
He looked over at (Y/N), trying to form words to say. Her eyes— they’d turned completely black. He couldn’t tell her iris and pupil apart. They’d never been pitch black before. 
“(Y/N)! Jubilee! Thank goodness! I was looking for you guys—“ 
“No, you weren’t… What’s going on?” 
“Warren’s drunk he thought I was you and he tried to come onto me—“
“No, I didn’t!” (Y/N) glared at Warren meticulously, making him shut up.
“He kissed me! Can you believe it?! He couldn’t tell his own girlfriend apart from me, and he was forceful!” Jessie stepped away from him in “fear.” 
“You’re lying— I would never—“
(Y/N) wasn’t even paying attention anymore. Everyone could see that. 
“I’m going home.” 
“What? (Y/N)—“ 
She glared at Jessie, “Fuck off. I don’t want to talk to you anymore. And you—“ She looked at Warren. She felt her heart breaking, tears threatening to spill from her eyes. She didn’t know what to think, and she was so tired. “We’ll talk about this later. I’m leaving.” 
She took a ride home with the freshmen girls. They didn’t ask why she needed one or why her eyes were all black. 
(Y/N) wasn’t in the mood to answer them anyway. 
How could he do this? It doesn’t feel right! But Jessie— Jessie wouldn’t lie to me. Would she?
She was snapped out of her thought when one of the girls gasped. 
“Look! Look at all the plants! They’re all dead! Even the carved pumpkins are rotting.” 
“Yeah, Lily, that’s what plants do—“
“No, look!” Everyone looked through the car window, shocked by what they saw. 
(Y/N) took one look at the dead plants and started shaking. She didn’t have the strength to bring them back to good health. 
It worried her, but her mind kept focusing on Warren…
Jubilee dragged her friends outside to the front yard. She had Jean use her powers to keep them from running off anywhere. 
A few people were watching, but she couldn’t have cared less.
“Okay! What the hell happened? And none of the bullshit you told (Y/N) earlier! I know you took Warren upstairs, Jess. I know you didn’t tell (Y/N) we changed our group costume at the last minute, and I usually don’t say this kind of stuff, and I've held it back for (Y/N)’s sake, especially since she felt bad for you! And asked if you could do a group costume with us.” Jubilee was practically fuming, sparks almost igniting in her hands. 
“You’re kind of a bitch.” 
“Jubilee! Warren tried to fuck me! He was drunk and not acting right, and he started kissing me and stuff!”
“Warren doesn’t drink!” 
Kurt glanced at Peter and Scott before speaking up, “Warren had one drink…”
“Okay? That’s not going to get him shitfaced enough to fuck you!” Jubilee stared at Warren, trying to see if he’d finally speak.    
“I was a little tipsy, and Jessie said you and (Y/N) were upstairs. It got dark, and I thought I heard (Y/N) talking to me, but I think it was just Jess. She started kissing me, and it took me a minute, but I realized it wasn’t (Y/N). Then you guys came in.”
Everyone was in shock about Warren’s side of the story. 
“Isn’t it illegal to lie about this kind of stuff… and to kiss someone without consent?” Kurt whispered to Scott.
“He’s lying!” Jessie exclaimed. 
“Jean, read my mind. Read Jessie’s. I’m not lying!”
“He’s a monster! Why should you believe him?!” Jessie spat.
Warren was disgusted by her words. “You tried to fuck me!” 
“And with all your weird questions and comments about their sex life, I’m not surprised you kissed Warren,” Jubilee stated angrily.
“He kissed me back!” 
“He thought you were someone else!” 
“Guys! Shut up!” Jean told them. “I’m trying to focus!” 
She dove into Warren’s mind to see the events play out before her. She did the same when in Jessie’s mind. 
“Warren was telling the truth.”
As (Y/N) walked into her room, every plant in there withered and died. 
Typically, she’d fall to the ground and sob for accidentally killing what she practically considered her children, but she felt too numb. She kicked off her shoes and flopped onto her bed. The vines around her bed didn’t even move out of her way. They were lifeless and still, just like her.
(Y/N) was restless trying to sleep. She only slept for about fifteen minutes, and when she awoke, she was covered in ivy… poison ivy. 
Most of the time, when she was restless, she’d grow a watermelon or a pumpkin in her sleep, but this was new. She didn’t want to spread it to Ororo or let her see that she killed all the plants in the room. 
She grabbed a piece of paper and a pen, scribbling down a note for Ororo, telling her what happened and for her to not come in until the ivy went away, and it was safe. 
She quickly tapped the note to the door and locked herself inside. 
The rest of the gang quickly headed home. They didn’t notice all the decaying plants outside. 
Scott parked in the garage. 
“Hey, Kurt…”
“Ja, Ororo?”
“I need to check on some of the plants in the attic. I didn’t have enough time to water them all before we went out. Can you take me up there?” 
Kurt nodded, “Yeah, of course.” 
They were gone in the blink of an eye. 
Everyone else was lingering around, deciding on what to do. 
“I’m going to go talk to (Y/N)—“
A blood piercing scream interrupted Warren’s words. 
“Oh my god! Is that Ororo?” 
“I think so!” 
Jean used her telepathic powers to see what was wrong. 
“All the plants… they’re dead!” 
“Jean, check the fridge. See if the fruits and vegetables are alright,” Xavier instructed.
She opened the fridge, and to her horror, the produce rotted.
“But— I went with Sean and Raven to the grocery store two days ago! It shouldn’t have all gone bad.” Peter was puzzled.
“Do you think it was (Y/N)?” Jubilee asked. 
“I’m gonna go talk to her.” Warren head off to her dorm room. 
He felt so guilty and heartbroken. Even though it technically wasn’t his fault, he felt pathetic for not being able to tell his girlfriend apart from a stranger in the dark. 
He kissed Jessie! Nothing was going to undo that. 
Warren stopped at (Y/N)’s door, about to knock, but he was distracted by the note on it. He removed it off the door and read it. 
“I’m not feeling great right now, and I accidentally grew some poison ivy when I took a nap. I’m trying to get it to go away, but for now, people shouldn’t come in. I don’t want it to spread around. Also, I killed all the plants in our room. They’re going to be fine, but for now, I can’t help them.”
Warren knocked on the door, holding the note in his hand. “(Y/N)?” 
“You can’t come in here.” 
“Can you open the door?” He pleaded. 
“No, you can’t get close to me. The ivy came from me. I don’t want it to spread.”
“I won’t come in.” 
“Warren,” She cried. “Can’t you just wait?!” 
“I want— I need you to know what actually happened.”
It was silent from (Y/N)’s side of the door.
She didn’t respond, but Warren heard her unlocking and opening the door. He took a few steps back to respect her boundaries and commands. 
He took in her appearance. She switched from her pink ladies outfit to some pajamas. She didn’t wash her makeup off makeup, so it smeared all over her face.
Her hair was messy and her eyes… her eyes were pitch black. 
“I went to go look for Peter. I looked in the kitchen and didn’t see him. The new kid— Bobby— he gave me a drink, and I didn’t know how to explain I didn’t want it. Kurt teleported me to the back porch when we got word Peter was outside. I hadn’t eaten anything since lunch, so I felt a little sick. Peter came over to us and noticed I looked bad and had me force down whatever was in my cup. He assumed it was water or something else non-alcoholic, cause I don’t drink.”
“I was like, ‘this is fine. It’s one drink of vodka, cranberry sprite, some hooch, and like whatever else was in the monster mix.’ Then we took photos in our Queen costumes and goofed around for an hour. I was getting a little tipsy, but I didn’t think it was that bad. Jessie came in, saying you were looking for me. And she just dragged me upstairs. It was extremely dark, and my brain was getting a little fuzzy, and Jessie shifted her voice to sound like yours… She led me into a dark room and said she wanted to like, hook up, or do stuff. I tried to explain to her I’d been drinking, but she started kissing me before I could.” 
(Y/N) stood on the other side of the door, listening inventively to Warren. 
“I kissed her back. Then I realized it wasn’t you— it didn’t feel right— and then you walked in.” 
(Y/N) sighed. She was sure he was telling the truth. Their friends wouldn’t let him come up and see her otherwise. 
“I am so sorry…” 
“Yeah, um… Jessie’s kind of… kind of mean. But like— I just— I got so upset because of a lot of different things. Um, Jessie had been asking and saying stuff about our relationship— saying like, we should have sex after the party, I should hoe it up more, or trying to get me to accuse you of not trusting me cause you didn’t ask me to do your makeup… and I just thought she was being weird or whatever, cause like, those were the vibes she’d given me almost all the time. I never thought she simply wouldn’t like me. Especially since I asked if she wanted to do a group costume with Jubilee and me… and I just—“ (Y/N) scrunched her nose. “I don’t let stuff like that get to me, but… but I’m so inexperienced, and you’re not. I don’t really care if people talk about whatever they do behind closed doors. I don’t care about that… I just don’t want people interpreting that I’m like the Virgin Mary, or there’s a problem in our relationship, cause there’s not. There’s not!” 
(Y/N) started crying. She was crying and shivering, and poison ivy started growing and wrapping itself around her body. 
“I’m not mad at you. I just…” She sighed. 
“...Am I not enough?”
“What?” Warren was confused.
“Would you leave me for her? Or anyone else?”
“No. Never— I should have done more, I shouldn’t have followed her or let myself believe it was you— I’m so fucking stupid.” 
Her voice was stern. “No. You’re not stupid. I just… I just need some time to think and be alone right now.”
“Whatever you want,” Warren nodded timidly. “I’ll tell Ororo she needs to sleep with Jean and Jubilee for the night… Although I doubt she’ll leave the attic.” 
“What happened in the attic?”
“All the plants in the attic died… She’s extremely torn up about it… (Y/N)?”
(Y/N) zoned out a little, her heart was pounding heavily in her chest, she was sweating, quivering, and all she could focus on was how she killed everything. Everything she loved and touched, she destroyed it. She couldn’t control herself, and she was hurting the world around her. She heard Warren yelling her name, but she couldn’t find herself to respond. Her breath was quick and eradicating. 
Warren was trying his best to respect her wishes by not coming to close, but he had to help her. 
“(Y/N)— (Y/N), baby, look at me, look at me,” Warren stepped closer to her. “Sit down, sit down, okay?” He helped her sit down on the ground. She leaned against the right side of the doorframe. 
“Um, I need you to— I need you to focus on my voice. Focus on me, okay?” 
“I just— my entire life—“ She broke into a sob. 
“Hey, hey, hey, you’re okay. The plants are going to be okay. We’re going to get through this. I need you to breathe. Focus on my breathing, okay?” 
“I can’t!” The ivy from her body was overgrowing rapidly, clinging onto Warren. 
“Yes, you can. Just focus, you’re going to be okay.” He put one of his hands on her arm to stop her from shaking. Her muscles tensed at first, but they slowly relaxed under his touch.
“You’re doing good, just breathe in slowly, okay? Copy me—“ Warren slowly inhaled air. (Y/N) tried to copy him, but it didn’t help her out. The ivy kept growing around the two of them, getting tight as it tangled between them. 
Warren had to move closer to (Y/N), to try and make more space. He wrapped his arms around her body. The out of control vines caused his grip to tighten on her. 
The feelings of his arms pressing against her helped (Y/N) focus in on something.  
“(Y/N)? Hey, it’s going to be okay. You’re going to be okay. Close your eyes and just focus on my voice, okay? Can you do that for me?”  
“I…” (Y/N) felt dizzy and nauseous like it was just piling up inside her. 
Warren coaxed her into slowing her breathing down, but her heart was pounding. Every breath she took felt shaky. 
Yet, the ivy slowed down, wrapping itself around Warren and (Y/N) like old stone walls. 
She was slightly shaking still, but her mind wasn’t getting as overwhelmed anymore.
“Hey, hey… Sweetheart, it’s okay. You’re going to be okay… the ivy stopped. It’s okay.” 
“It— it did?” 
Warren nodded, “Uh, huh. Everything’s going to be alright.” (Y/N) slowly stopped shaking and buried herself into Warren’s chest. 
“Do you want to get some water or maybe take a shower?” 
“Um, yeah, but I can’t— I can’t get rid of the poison ivy… Like I can’t—“
“That’s okay. We can just leave it.”
“Oh, okay…” 
“Let’s go shower in my room, okay?” 
She nodded. 
“Can you walk, okay?” He asked her. 
“Um, I think— I don’t know— I’m sorry.” 
“Hey, no, no, no. It’s okay. I can carry you.” 
Warren carefully scooped her up in his arms. He looked at her once over before heading to his room. 
He set her down on the edge of his bed. “Do you want me to help you get undressed?” 
“I can do it.” She answered in a small voice. 
Warren nodded, “Okay, I’m gonna get undressed too.” 
Warren didn’t face her as he stripped off what little clothing he had on and threw it in a small pile. 
“Is it okay if I take my underwear off?” (Y/N) nervously asked. 
“Yeah, we’re going to shower. It’s okay.” 
(Y/N) left her clothes on Warren’s bed. She slowly got up, and Warren quickly rushed to her aide. She used him for support as they walked into his bathroom. 
He turned the shower on and let it heat up for a minute before stepping in. 
(Y/N) leaned against Warren’s chest as the water rained on them both. 
“Is the water warm enough? Is it too hot?” 
“It’s fine,” She mumbled. 
Warren nodded, understanding she didn’t really want to talk. 
He grabbed his shampoo from the edge of the tub and poured some into his hands. Warren rubbed his hands together before massaging the shampoo into (Y/N)’s hair. It was hard to rake through, her hair was thick and tangled, but he tried his best. 
He applied a little conditioner to her ends. (Y/N) hummed against his chest. 
He chuckled to himself, “You asleep?”
“Mhmm…” She half-heartedly replied.  
“Wanna go to bed?” He asked. (Y/N) nodded, and Warren felt it against his chest.
He washed the conditioner out of her hair and turned the water off. 
He grabbed a towel and helped (Y/N) dry off. When he finished, (Y/N) sat on the edge of the tub and watched Warren dry off. 
His eyes caught (Y/N)’s in the mirror. She looked better than before, a bit more relaxed, but still nervous. 
“I’m really sorry for what happened at the party…”
“I’m sorry about… you know…” 
Warren nodded, “Yeah, um, it’s okay. It’s not your fault. And, and I’m here for you— always. If you want to talk about it, or not.”
“Same goes for you.” 
Warren nodded, “Yeah, yeah, um, let me get us some clothes.” Warren stepped out of the bathroom for a moment. 
He gave (Y/N) one of his much larger sweatshirts without holes in the back and a pair of boxers. “Is this okay?” He asked. 
“Yeah, um, these are fine. Thanks.”
Warren nodded and stepped out of the bathroom again, so (Y/N) could get dressed in private. 
Warren was planning to sleep on the floor for (Y/N)’s sake, as not to make her uncomfortable, but she objected to it.
“I… I don’t want to be alone.” 
“I’m right here,” Warren was quick to wrap (Y/N) up in his arms, having them both get under the blankets on his bed. “I’m not going anywhere, okay? You’re safe…” 
“Promise?” She asked, looking up at him. Her eyes weren’t entirely black anymore, but they were very gray. He could have sworn they were pink for a moment, but they were just grey. 
“I promise.” 
(Y/N) was reassured by his words and snuggled into Warren’s chest. His wings wrapped around them, almost like a cocoon. 
“Can… Can you kiss me, please?” (Y/N) asked. “Just like, my forehead or something…” 
“Of course.” Warren laid a small kiss on the top of her head before whispering, “Goodnight.” 
“Goodnight, Angel.”
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neoskidz · 4 years
The Heart Stealer || Na Jaemin
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WC. 1.5K 
GENRE. Fluff / Phantom thief!au / High school!au
ELSIE’S NOTE. This is an old fic I had published before, titled “His Fallen Star”. The content itself doesn’t that much different, but with some upgrade. And some of you might be familiar from which anime this fic was inspired ;) 
Being one of the famous detective’s closest childhood friends does have its perks, especially when a certain phantom thief takes interest in you. Little did you two know, this thief is closer than you thought.
TAGLIST. [Networks] @czennienet​​ @neowritingsnet​​ @dreamwritersnet​​ @nct-writers​​
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Being one of the famous detective closest childhood friends do have its perks; such as him taking you to every case he works on to sharing secrets about a mysterious Black Organization that keeps targeting him. But of course, you’d promised to keep all that information to yourself as well as helping him with preventing the others from finding out. He didn’t want to worried them than they already were now.
Tonight was the grand opening of the museum which location that you found rather odd; it’s built quite far from the city where, you have to admit, wasn’t really your usual construction site for historical museums and people that invited to the grand opening were no other than conglomerates. 
The only reason for you—an normal high school student with no power or status—to be invited to the celebration was because of a certain famous detective who wanted to tagged you along. But, he’s already gone off into the sea of guests, leave you alone without knowing what to do. You tried to remember the phantom thief’s notice while looking around the room.
When the rays of light have been curtained by the earth’s dark shadows, I shall strike, and steal the fallen star.  
Paused in your tracks as you took a moment to process the riddle in the notice. ‘When the rays of light have been curtained by the earth’s dark shadows, I shall strike… that means he’s coming when the sun sets.’  Your gaze travelled forward and landed on a glass case-located on the stage in the middle of the crowded room-covered under a thick, red cloth where the “Fallen Star” placed.  
You furrowed your brows, something’s not right here. The notice was so straightforward, too straightforward for the phantom thief’s term. It must have some meaning behind the notice.
“[Name],” You turned around to saw Mark ran toward you. “Find anything suspicious?”
“Yeah. It’s about the-” You tried to tell him about the strange notice but was interrupted when a bearded-old-man, who is suspected to be the owner of the museum walks to the main stage where the Fallen Star been shown, spoke into the microphone that’s provided on stage. Claps can be heard from the guests as the light turn down low. Polices stand not far from the stage, guarding the necklace against any danger possibility.
"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for coming to the grand opening of Seoul Jewelry Museum. As for our tonight main event, we will see the famous Fallen Star.”  
The red cloth fell onto the stage, revealing the clear glass case out in the open for all to see. But instead of cheers and clasps like earlier, numerous gasps and shocked murmurs escaped the large crowd. All the lights turn down, making the room completely dark. A familiar laugh can be heard around the room.
“Najaem!” The unspoken name in your mind was shouted by a man beside you whose voice belongs to none other than Mark.
“Ah, Mark Lee, it is good to see your lovely glare again,” You heard the phantom thief’s silk-smooth voice spoke. “And looks like you bring your beautiful companion too.” 
“I’d love to stay for the rest of the celebration, but, I need to steal what I came here for tonight and take my leave.” Puffs of smoke flooded the room, making you cough as your vision blurred. 
A hand snaked around your waist pulled you out from the sea of guests. When the smoke finally cleared and you’d regained your vision, you’re no longer in the ballroom. You were on the rooftop of the building, along with Najaem whose hand still around your waist.
“Najaem!? What…” You were speechless, completely didn’t understand the situation you in. He just smiled as he noticed the confused on your face. 
Without wasting any more time, he cupped your face with his other hand and pressed his lips against yours. You swear your heart stops for a solid second before pounding wildly against your chest. You become paralyzed, lost in the feeling of the phantom thief’s soft lips and confusion. It was wrong, you know it was wrong to kiss the phantom thief in front of you, but at the same time, it felt right. 
However, the moment had to ended by the loud bang of the door. This made the phantom thief let out a low ‘tch’, just like what he thought. 
Mark pulled you away from Najaem, hiding you behind him protectively and ready to attack him. The phantom thief only smirked before activated his hang-glider.
“So long, [Name], until we meet again.” Were his last words before he jumped from the roof, leaving you and Mark alone on the rooftop.
“Are you okay?” Worried, Mark asked you.
You touched your lips where the warm sensation of the phantom thief’s lips still lingering, blushed at the thought that Jae just stole your first kiss. But in the middle of your action, you felt something under your other empty palm. 
You curled your fingers around it and held it up for you to examine. It… was a rose. You pulled it closer to you and that’s when you noticed that there was a piece of paper of some sort taped to the stem of it.  
When we meet again, I will not only steal your kiss. But a whole you. ‘Till we meet again, my Fallen Star.
After the incident with the phantom thief that claimed you as his in the previous heist, Mark seems can’t leave you alone and became more protective than usual. To make it worse, the inspector for Seoul district was actually elated, saying that they could use you as a weapon against the young thief which means your assistance will be needed for the phantom thief’s next heist. Even though you don’t want to be the bait, you still didn’t have any choices—Mark promised to always stay by your side, to make sure nothing happens to you.
That morning, instead of greeting your deskmate with your usual smile, you slumped on your desk with a tired groan. Snicker was his only response as he looked at your state. “Looks like you have a bad day. Care to share some story?”
“It’s actually worse than you thought, Nana.” You turned your head to looked at Jaemin, your deskmate, with a pout as you remembering how your life has just turned into a hell in one night.
Sometimes you can’t help but wonder, how can your sweet deskmate kinda reminded you of the Phantom Thief Jae. Despite the similar name—the one you gave him before you changed it to “Nana” per his request, Jaemin who sit beside you is far different from that flirt phantom thief. He is a total introvert (though he looks more like extrovert than you) with zero filters, never without coffee in his hand every morning, constant hugs, cute smiles, and has a soft spot for Park Jisung, the freshman in the first year.
The only same trait that you can see from your friend with the phantom thief is only how he can be a flirt sometimes. But still, there is no way your sweet deskmate is the phantom thief just because of how flirty he can be, especially with you.
“Is it really that bad until Mark hyung can’t stop watching you from far?” Jaemin raised his eyebrows as he tilted his head toward the door. 
Without turning your head to where Jaemin pointed, you already knew what he means. You can only let a tired sigh. 
Mark was watching you from outside the class.
“He has been doing that since the night that phantom thief kis-” You halted the sentence, earning a curious stare from Jaemin. The thought of the phantom thief kissed you made your face turned red. 
“He what?” Jaemin who noticed the sudden shyness gave you a teasing look. 
“Um… nothing. Just forget it.”
Oh God, you almost spill the embarrassing detail. You still could heard Mark’s nagging you about being so defense less in front of a boy. Not just any boy, but the phantom thief who known as flirtatious and womanizer. Therefore, there is no need for anyone else to know about the kiss incident.
“Uh-hu. What did that phantom thief do, huh?”
Great, now he will not stop pestering you about it.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” you whined with red cheeks.
When you and Jaemin out from the class for the lunch break, Mark decided to join you two, saying that he needs to keep you safe though there was no way the phantom thief will be in your school. He kept talking about it with Jaemin all the way to the canteen, which you didn’t mind.
But, that’s where you were wrong.
You never expected to saw a familiar piece of paper that taped to the stem of the familiar rose inside your locker, just right when you about to put your books. A doodle of a phantom thief can be seen at the corner of the paper, clearly telling the world that the flower indeed from the phantom thief.
On the night the door between death and life opened, like Julius Caesar kneeling down in front of Queen Cleopatra, I will come to  you to completely finish what I started.
A little warning for you, don’t be deceived by what you see before you. The shell always different from what stored inside it.
The thought of him might be around you made your heart fluttered. Seems like he never fails to surprise you. You looked around to find any sign of the phantom thief where being, however, there was no sign of him. Seems like the simple little gift from him made your day, well, much better. Though you want to hate him for the kiss, you can’t stop smiling by the small notice. You shouldn’t be affected by whatever the phantom thief tried to do, yet your heart already damaged already beyond repair by him. 
Hate to admit it, but you might have fall a little for him.
“[Name], what’s wrong?” You abruptly close your locker before Mark could see it, surprising two boys behind you. “Did I just see a rose inside your locker?”
“It’s nothing!” You answered rather quickly, pushing Mark away from your locker. 
The detective looked at you suspiciously before decided to shrug it off, thinking that it may be from an admire and you’re just too embarrassed to show it. 
While busy pushing Mark away, you failed to notice the smirk on Jaemin’s face as he followed the two of you from behind.
“Hurry up before we don’t get lunch, Nana!”
“I’m right just behind you two, you know.”
If only you know the truth.
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The REAL Story Behind The Crooked Man And The 7 Other Fairy Tales & Nursery Rhymes With *Even More* Disturbing Backstories
It was 4 years ago that we first met the Crooked Man.
With a *sickening* reveal via rottweiler fit for the latest season of Rupaul’s Drag Race, the suited gentleman staggered his way from The Conjuring 2 (2016) into our nightmares.
But his ashy undertones, gnashing teeth, and general aura of “I’m a demon, or something, which means I have no real motive apart from wanting to kill you” isn’t the only thing that fits the film far too well.
The Conjuring universe is the definition of ‘based on a true story’. And the Crooked Man fits the brief.
In the opening scenes of the film we see lovable and bulliable Billy stutter through a nursery rhyme:
There was a crooked man, and he went a crooked mile, He found a crooked sixpence against a crooked stile; He bought a crooked cat, which caught a crooked mouse, And they all liv'd together in a little crooked house.
Accompanied by a totally-cursed-i-mean-just-look-at-it zoetrope (it’s a bit like a mini projector that shows you a moving cartoon), Billy introduces us to one of the handful of extra entities terrorising London’s most haunted house. You can discover more about the true story of 284 Green Street which inspired The Conjuring 2 here. 
But Billy also introduces us to a real nursery rhyme inherent in British culture - and British history.
Yes, the nursery rhyme, like many, is based on dark and twisted reality softened for a bedtime story. And amongst this history was a real person. Unfortunately, the Crooked Man is not the only fairy tale monster or nursery rhyme entity that will be haunting your dreams.
Are y’all tucked in?
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The Crooked Man
The nursery rhyme was first told sometime in the 17th century during the reign of King Charles I. But the Crooked Man was not the Stuart King - it was allegedly inspired by Scottish general Sir Alexander Leslie and the covenant he signed.
The covenant secured religious and political freedom for Scotland despite prevailing animosity between the English and the Scottish.
The crooked stile is the awkward alliance between the two parliaments and the crooked house refers to the collective union the Scottish and English lived together in. But the ‘crooked’ part works on another level, too.
The great recoinage of late 17th century meant sixpences - which feature in the rhyme - were made of very thin silver and thus easy to bend.
An alternative origins story links it back to Lavenham, a village in Suffolk (England). The half-timbered houses leaned at off angles as if supporting each other, creating a crooked aesthetic that matches the nursery rhyme.
The Pied Piper Of Hamelin
I distinctly remember hearing the story of the Pied Piper when I was about 7 years old. I was there, sat crossed-legged on the wooden floor in assembly and listening to the headteacher tell us the tale of the musical maverick with an overhead projector.
I remember it being far more nostalgic and not so traumatising.
The story goes that sometime in the 13th century a peculiar man dressed in brightly-coloured clothes (pied clothing) was hired by the town to rid them of the rats with his pipe-playing abilities. Hamelin had been suffering from an infestation that would threaten the locals with the plague. The piper was to play his pipe, entice the rats with his magical music, and lead them to a river where they would promptly drown.
He was hired and he did the job - but they didn’t pay up.
The piper couldn’t exactly refund his services. Instead, he sought vengeance, luring away the children of the town with his magical pipe. He waited until Saint John and Paul’s day where the adults would be in the church, dressed in green like a hunter, and played his pipe. The children of the village swarmed to him, all 130 of them, following him out of the town and into a cave. Three were unable to follow due to being blind and deaf and thus told the villagers what had happened.
The real story:
Some versions of the story claimed he made them walk into a river, others claim he returned them after payment. But what we do know for sure is that there is a street in Hamelin called Bungelosenstrasse. On this street - ‘the street without drums’ according to translation - the children were seen last. No music and no dancing is allowed on this road.
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We open on a typical Medieval scene: a powerful and wealthy man is looking for a young wife to replace the last one who mysteriously went missing. Bluebeard’s been through quite a few women, actually, but it’s his latest bae that stars in this story. Bluebeard marries his neighbour’s daughter and goes on a business trip.
He tells her he can stay alone in their house but she cannot open a certain door.
Of course, she opens the door and finds the corpses of his ex-wives. Her and her sisters band together to kill Bluebeard, showering themselves with a wealthy inheritance.
The real story:
This tragic tale of murder and mystery is unfortunately all too true.
There are many alleged origins of the folktale. Let’s start with the Medieval ruler of Brittany, Conomor the Cursed: his new wife agreed to marry him to prevent him from invading her father’s lands but accidentally walked in on a room full of his dead, old wives. She was visited by their ghosts who warn him if she falls pregnant, he will kill her, preventing a prophecy that claims he will be killed by his own son.
She gets knocked up, gives birth, and then she gets her block knocked off.
An alternative inspiration could be a similarly brutal figure: Gilles de Rais (15th century). He was accused of murdering approximately 140 children who suddenly went missing in the Nantes countryside. He was condemned to death and executed in 1440.
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Snow White
It’s one of the most popular fairytales of all time.
The story goes that a queen gives birth to a baby girl but dies in childbirth. The king’s new wife is wicked and vain, asking her magic mirror ‘who is the fairest one of all?’ on a daily basis. When the child turns seven, the mirror changes its answer from the queen to the child, Snow White (yeah, that’s weird). The queen hires a huntsman to kill Snow White, but she begs for mercy and says she will live in the woods and he can pretend he killed her.
She finds shelter in a cottage belonging to seven dwarfs who agree to let her stay as a maid until the evil queen asks the mirror her favourite question. It claims Snow White is still alive and the fairest of them all. She goes through several methods of attempting to kill Snow until she falls into a deep coma. The dwarfs host a funeral, a prince comes along, and he, uhhh, kisses what he assumed to be a corpse and she is awakened.
They then get hitched but don’t invite the queen to the wedding. The queen asks the mirror yet again the identity of the fairest, assuming Snow is well and truly deceased but the mirror breaks the bad news to her again. The queen tries to kill her once more but Snow’s hubby forces her to wear red-hot iron slippers and dance in them until she dies.
There’s a lot going on here.
But rather than unpacking everything that's wrong with all of this *gestures to everything*, let’s just get to the dark reality beneath it all.
The real story:
The inspiration is generally deemed to be Margaretha von Walbeck, a young woman who had a terrible relationship with her stepmother. She was forced to move to Brussels and fell in love with Phillip II of Spain, a romance not popular with her parents.
Suddenly, however, Margaretha died. Rumour has it she was poisoned.
Another detail of her life also links her to Snow White: her father’s copper mines were often filled with child labourers whose growth was stunted by working in them, mirroring the ‘dwarves’ in the story.
But Margaretha is not the only contender: Maria Sophia Margaretha Catharina Freifräulein von Erthal *inhale* also hated her stepmother. This - and the fact that her stepmother was given a mirror as a gift by her husband - also ties her to Snow White.
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Hansel And Gretel
It’s possibly the most simple fairy tale up for discussion: a brother and sister are sent out to the woods by their father. The mother asked for him to send them away so they can survive a famine. But Hansel uses stones to trace their steps back home. One day, however, he uses crumbs. They get eaten by the local wildlife, so the kids get lost.
They then discover a witch's house, a gingerbread cottage. She lures ‘em in, fattens up Hansel, and prepares to feast on his flesh. The kids plot against her, throw her in the oven, and steal her stuff before heading back to live with their father.
Okay, so maybe this one isn’t based on a true story. It’s based on true stories. Yep - plural.
The real story:
Child abandonment and infanticide was pretty common during plagues, famines, and all other circumstances of poverty. In fact, this particular tale is believed to come from the Great Famine which stretched across Europe from 1315 to 1317. Child abandonment surged during this time.
Turns out Disney lopped off a lot of Rapunzel’s real story to make it a family friendly movie. Yep, this is a weird one.
A pregnant woman begins to crave a kind of salad leaf (Campanula rapunculus, also called rapunzel) in the garden of the house next door. He goes out to nick it but is caught by the homeowner - a witch. She says he can take the rapunzel, but in return he must give her the child once it is born.
The witch raises Rapunzel as her own but locks her away in a tower when she is 12 to protect her from the outside world.
A prince eventually rocks up and decides to climb her immensely long hair. Unknown, probably PG-13 and probably not consensual acts happen. Still, given it's the medieval era they agree to get hitched after escaping.
The witch discovers her plan, cuts off her hair, exiles Rapunzel, and uses the locks as bait for the prince before throwing him to the briar roses below where he is promptly blinded. Rapunzel gives birth to twins and the prince finds her, identifying her only by her voice. Her tears restore his voice.
The real story:
Being kidnapped or being kept hidden away from the rest of the world is pretty common, well, all of the time. But Saint Barabara, a Greek saint, was the main inspiration for the tale.
She was locked away in a tower in Turkey in the third century by her father in an attempt to protect her Christianity. But her Pagan father’s efforts did not succeed and she discovered the ways of Jesus. She escaped but she was eventually caught by her father who then tortured and beheaded her.
Religious intolerance, y’all.
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Beauty And The Beast
Time for another Disney classic with a heavily edited plotline.
The father of a family seeks shelter in a grand palace during a storm. In the morning before he leaves he takes a rose from the garden but is caught by a beast who threatens to kill him for nicking a flower. But the beast agrees not to kill him if his daughter takes his place instead.
The daughter moves to the palace but asks to go see her family for a week. She is then convinced by her sisters to stay at home. A magic mirror then reveals the beast is dying because she isn’t with him. She returns to him and her love breaks the curse that makes him appear so monstrous.
The real story:
Petrus Gonsalvus (1637-1618) was born with hypertrichosis. This meant he had a thick layer of hair all over his body - his physical difference didn’t go down very well. He was kept as a ‘wild man’ in a cage and fed raw meat.
When he was 10 years old he was gifted to the king of france. But he wasn’t kept as a ‘beast’. He was educated like a nobleman and was taught to read, write, and speak three different languages. He was then married off to the daughter of a court servant.
He was married to her for over 40 years and they had seven children together.
Three Blind Mice
Three blind mice, three blind mice, See how they run, see how they run, They all ran after the farmer’s wife, Who cut off their tails with a carving knife, Did you ever see such a thing in your life, As three blind mice?
The real story:
It's one of those nursery rhymes you grow up with - and 17 years later you realise how traumatic it actually is.
This nursery rhyme can be traced back to the reign of Bloody Mary (16th century) who had a tricky relationship with Protestants. And by that I mean she burnt them alive, hence the nickname.
The three blind mice represented three Protestant bishops who may have been blinded before their execution or spiritually blind for following Catholicism. Another reference to Queen Mary was her as a farmer’s wife.
Her husband, Philip of Spain, owned several estates and thus was technically a farmer.
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Welp, there goes your childhood.
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See you next week, kiddos. Sleep tight.
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razorblade180 · 3 years
Twin Snowflakes 26: Preparation
[part 2 of 2]
Another day, another classroom bell. As far as Monday’s go, today was pretty harmless for Summer. Classes went by fast, Veronica only nagged her about what to eat for lunch, and P.E. was used for tournament announcements so she didn’t have to change. In a few minutes she’ll be able to walk out of the student council meeting and go home to escape-
“We’re all staying after school today, all of us.” Eliza said, filing papers.
Summer planted her head on the table. “Why do you hate me!? I’m nothing but kind to you.” She whined.
“Stop crying! Did you expect to go into the tournament performance cold turkey? This isn’t one of your concerts. Multiple things need to work at once. Which is why Harriet was kind enough to keep a platform up to act as a stage in the gym. You and your brother will have the band’s support.
Nick’s face turned to terror. He could see Summer’s face begin to get excited. “Summer, I know that look. Please remember that neither the band nor I are as skilled as you. Don’t go full dictator on us.”
She could only laugh and smile energetically. “That won’t be a problem if you hit the notes.”
“Not what I wanted to hear, Summer!”
Veronica got up from the table and packed her things. “You all have fun. I’m gonna get started on that outfit. The materials should be at your house by now.”
“Not so fast.” Eliza interjected, “Did you forget that you’re filling in on the cheer team? Their practice starts in fifteen minutes.”
“B-But my fabrics!” She gasped.
Eliza folded her arms confidently. “Sorry, tough luck. Harriet saw your moves and she gets what she wants. If only Amber didn’t twist her leg.”
Nick let out a snicker before hiding his smile from Veronica. Karma is a cruel mistress.
“I myself will oversee everything as best as I can while leading my own rehearsal. Don’t think twice to come find me, or the President, who should really be the one leading this meeting.”
“Nah you’re on a roll.”He smiled.
She gave him a glare before continuing. “Anyways, I also need somebody to let Valerie know the water heater is screwed up again and also that she should at least help with hauling supplies to Amity Arena; since she so rudely skipped this meeting.”
All of the council and other student body members turned to Nick instinctively. It was warranted but man did it blow. Summer glady stood up to take the bullet.
“I will tell her everything she needs to know, after rehearsals.”
“Works for me. Let’s move people! Time is ticking.” Eliza gathered her belongings and went out the door with the rest of the staff. Summer and Veronica gave him a nudge as they walked by. “You two still have enough time to do the outfit?”
“I fixed your sister’s uniforms in no time at all. I already have all her measurements I need so the annoying part is over.”
“What she said.” Summer added. “At this point I guess I’m being moved to wherever I’m supposed to be. Eugh, after school, even the name hurts my throat.”
“Think of it like this. We get to spend all day with Eliza!” Nick yelled out the door cheekily.
“I will answer none of your questions!” She yelled back, knowing she basically has to spend the entire day around Nick. She hadn’t told him yet but she was going to accept his offer. Her curiosity about his plan was too strong. The tournament was quickly approaching. Every step forward counts. Time to kick things into high gear.
Nick found the strength to leave the table and face judgment. “Alright, let’s get this pain over with.”
“Quit exaggerating! I will be a humble singing instructor.”
“COME ON NICK! YOU CALLED THAT A HARMONY!?” Summer was not humble, or quiet for that matter. “I know you can do better!”
Nick endured the criticism as he sipped his water. He was prepared for this but obviously the band wasn’t. Summer had everyone in their group scared stiff and onlookers watching in awe. This might be the first time they’ve heard her speak in school, let alone emote.
Her fiery nature was on full display and it’s intensity was higher than her ponytail. Free from uniform constraints, she wore compression tights and a thin long sleeved shirt that hugged her frame. Summer looked more sporty right now than she has in her entire school life.
The many eyes on the twins' practice didn’t seem to bother her. “Let’s take it from the top.” She grabbed her guitar and began to play immediately. A quick glare to the drummer snapped him out of his trance and got him to play, making the rest fall in line. Live practice was never a thing she did often. People ceased the opportunity all around the gym to watch magic be created before their ears.
Some legends are told, some turn to dust or to gold.
But you will remember me~
Remember me for centuries~
She nodded to Nick and he gripped his mic.
And just one mistake... is all it will take.
We’ll go down in history~
Their breathing synced up.
Summer raised her fist, silencing the band. The performer turned towards her brother and band. A fraction of a smile crept onto her face. “Better. Not perfect, but much better.” She took a sip of water. “Not to be tyrant-”
“Yet here we are.” Nick said, earning a few laughs from the band and a glare from his sis. “What!? I’m boosting morale!”
“I know. It’s the only reason I’m not chewing your head off. Here I was about to compliment you too.”
“The biggest compliment you can give me is letting us finish the song completely. We’ve only gone about a fourth through it. Everyone knows this song.”
“Anybody can know a song but few feel it. I know you know this. The crowd at the tournament is gonna want hype and they’ll most likely sing along. Our job is to cultivate it to its peak. We are the opening of the event. I picked this song for a reason. If we come out firing on all cylinders then I know we can ride the wave through the whole song! Let me feel your hype, your energy!”
Nick pursed his lips. “If you want energy, then you let these guys have fun! Ice breaker time!” Nick spun around and pointed to the band. “Give me a funky beat!”
The members looked at one another, shrugging before kicking in a fun, funky classic; Billie Jean!
Nick let out the biggest “Yeah~” then started moonwalking around Summer. “Come on Summer, you can’t resist the beat!”
“Really? Of all the songs you think I’m just gonna-” She kicked her leg out and then twirled to the microphone.
She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene…!
Nick hopped with joy before chiming in as the band jammed out. Eliza watched the two from off stage with her color guard troop in disbelief, joined by Veronica seconds later in her cheerleader uniform. Eliza waved her hand to her group. “Guys, take ten. I guess it’s break time.”
“Those two seem to be having a ball. They always like this with council stuff?”
“Hardly. It’s the only reason why I’m not yelling at them right now. Can’t remember the last time they looked happy to participate. They can laugh their lungs out as long as the work gets done. Might motivate the others. Anyways, how are you holding up?”
“Oh you know, as much as a newbie could be in this situation.” Veronica shook her pom-poms for dramatic effect. “Feels nice to do something like this again though. It’s like wearing an old glove.”
“History with cheerleading?”
“Gymnastics, my ribbon work doesn’t stop with a needle. That was some time ago but I digress.”
“I see. Well...you move like a pro.” Eliza said, a little stuttery. She played with her hands a bit while focusing on the twins.
Her elevated heart rate rang like a bell while her movements reminded Veronica of herself whenever she first met Coco Axel. “So...a little birdy told me I got a fan of my work here? Got any clue who?” She teased, enjoying Eliza's jump a little. Poor girl's cheeks went red.
Eliza felt a crushing betrayal. “Which twin opened their big mouth?”
“Is the ‘who’ that important?”
“Ah so it’s both?”
Veronica tucked her lips in. “Uhhh I won’t confirm or deny that. To think I’d have a fan all the way up in Atlas?”
“Please, we don’t have to discuss .”
“Why not? No reason to hide it. I’m honestly flattered by it. Civil rights movements don’t attract the right kind of like-minded individuals typically. Then there’s the obvious regional differences.”
“Huh? Regional differences?” Eliza tilted her head. “Have faunus here been giving you a hard time?”
“No, but that’s because I’m making zero effort to approach them. Faunus here as a whole are treated crueler than other places. An outsider like me coming in and trying to ‘relate’ never goes over smoothly.”
Eliza was surprised. She had never heard of that before. “Oh, I guess I was being a bit presumptuous. Apologies.”
“No it’s fine. It’s just one of those annoying little things. A lot of the preach about wanting a voice and equality but sing a different tune when those voices start speaking because they aren’t the ones those people had in their heads. Sigh, we faunus are fickle creatures.”
“Boy, sounds like you hate your job?”
Veronica laughed, “Haha! I wouldn’t go that far. Maybe it’s my unique circumstance but as far as my personal beliefs go, Faunus and Humans are basically the same. They both hate and judge others far too viciously due to bias. I may advocate for our rights, but I’m not above calling ourselves out. It’s probably why the elders especially don’t care for my efforts.”
Veronica turned to Eliza and smiled. “Sorry, rambled for a bit there. Hope I’m ruining your hero perception of me. That is if I am a hero to you?”
“No. Wait! I mean it’s not ruined! You’re definitely inspiring to me. So much in fact that I got a cool magazine cover of you!” It took a minute, but Eliza’s brain registered what she had just said. “I…why did I tell you that?” Eliza facepalmed.
Vee was in shock. Her jaw slowly fell open. “Wow, you are a total fangirl right now. I didn’t think you could look embarrassed. Ha, you’re adorable blushing!”
“Please don’t talk about it…”
“Can I see the magazine cover? I’ll be honest. I rarely pay attention to those puff pieces. My mom handles all that.”
“Really?” Eliza patted her pockets before pulling out her scroll. “It’s from your rally in Vale.”
Veronica had a peek. “Oh I remember this!” The picture was from a year ago. Vale’s rally was pretty huge and loud. The photo was taken right when she had stood proudly on top of a car with a megaphone, protesters following her to city hall. “Not to toot my own horn but look so cool in this.”
“It’s surprising you’ve never seen it.”
“My eyes are usually glued to my sketchbook or a threaded needle. If I’m looking at myself then it’s in the mirror to see how fabric falls onto me or someone else. Speaking of clothes, maybe I can make you an outfit? First one is free. Just wear it to an event; tell your friends about it.”
Eliza lit up, but then immediately started to cringe. “An event is no problem. However...uhhh, yeah, rain check in the whole friend part. A social butterfly, I am not. Don’t have friends.”
“Uh Nick and Summer?”
Veronica could barely stop herself from laughing out loud. The speed in which Eliza answered was swift to say the least. “Wow, and I thought the twin’s aunt was blunt? Are you sure that message is clear to them, because I’m positive they think you’re a friend.”
“I’m friendly, but not a friend.”
“Do you have their number?”
“Sad to say you’re their friend. Don’t fight it.”
“What!? That’s not how- what!? From what I understand you and Summer aren’t friends, but I’m positive you have her number.”
Veronica nodded. “Yeah, but that’s necessary for multiple reasons. Besides, we actively shit talk one another. I reckon you don’t. I’m not saying you three are tightly knit. Just that you’re close enough.”
Eliza folded her arms and huffed. “I suppose so. That’s...annoying.”
“Look on the bright side.” Veronica grabbed Eliza’s scroll to put her number in. “Now you aren’t alone. We can complain about their antics together.”
The grin Veronica gave Eliza made her Eliza sheepish. The abrasive girl took her scroll back. “That...sounds nice.” She laughed under her breath.
Veronica couldn’t stop examining Eliza. This girl was all over the place! It was a little funny, awkward, and yet flattering. “Is this how the twins feel meeting fans?” The young lady could get used to this.
“Your last name is Marigold right? I’m so used to such a fierce expression that seeing you like this feels a bit unusual.”
“Used to? I take it you’ve spoken to my aunt then?” Eliza lit up.
“Not really. She’s been at events my mom dragged me to before. Didn’t speak with her directly but she looked pretty interesting. Her and my mom worked together before. You both and your father have some strong genes. I bet the mom must be jealous.”
“I...doubt it.” Eliza said, her tone drifting. The smile on her face faded back to neutrality. A silent breath escaped her lips while her eyes gazed into distance. Her change in attitude didn’t go unnoticed. Veronica’s ears fell watching her.
“Shit, did I...bring up something touchy?”
“It’s okay, honestly. I just wouldn’t know how my mom feels since...I’ve never had one.”
“Oh. I had no idea. Do you wanna talk about it or…?”
“Not really. It’s really not that big of a deal. You just caught me off guard since I’m used to people knowing that part of my life.” Eliza raised both her hands and gave her face a light slap to get out of her funk. Moping about nothing is pointless. Right now she was talking to Veronica, a person she admires! This was supposed to be exciting! “Phew! That’s better. Let’s change the subject. I don’t know much when it comes to fashion, but I have read about some of your involvement in contests.”
For a moment it felt like Veronica’s body had been hit by a truck. The muscles in her body constricted at once and her stomach felt queasy. “Have you now?”
“Just a little bit. It came up from time to time when I learned about your work with your mother. I gotta say your outfits definitely have your personality. More so than some of your contestants.”
“Heh, that’s not what judges think.” Vee uttered. “Not a first place prize to my name.”
“That may be true but that doesn’t make your designs less interesting in my opinion, but I know how you feel. It stings entering contests and sometimes not even making it to the end. Still, I really thought one dress in particular had it in the bag but…” Eliza silenced herself suddenly. She had forgotten the topic of this particular contest may not be light at all. “You...got disqualified?” She finished, cringing at her own stupidity.
“Yep. I got disqualified. No medal at all for that one.”
The air felt dead. Eliza clicked her tongue. “I had forgotten that part. The article never said why though, so it stuck out to me. If..if you don’t mind-”
“I actually do, a lot.” Veronica’s sharp response made Eliza jump a little. A few people passing by took notice of the aggressive tone, making Veronica mentally kick herself. “Shit, that wasn’t supposed to be so...I’m touchy about that day.”
Eliza waved off the comment like she was the one in the wrong. “It’s fine! I should’ve known better.”
“I guess we’re both even now huh?”
“Even!? I wasn’t trying to get back at-”
“Haha, relax before your heart explodes. It was just a tease.”
Eliza’s for got red. “Oh...of course.”
“You weren’t kidding about not having friends. I thought I was bad at small talk.”
Eliza held her head down. “I’m like a dumpster fire…”
“Ha, I can see that. I guess I’m fortunate to do speeches often. Easily the savior of my social skills. My parents are great but I wouldn’t say they aren’t the most elegant people in conversations. At least not ones that aren’t in front of a camera where they have to be. In a regular conversation they are as uncoordinated as they come.”
“I can see that. Yang’s sister does live here after all. She definitely has her own way of holding a conversation.”
“Pfft, that’s one way to put it. Just shake it off. We’re all kinda tone dead I guess.” Veronica laughed. This was fun. This was actually fun. Talking casually, who would’ve thought? She grabbed her water bottle to drink.
Eliza was also having a pleasant time. She was running low on conversation starters though. There had to be something that shouldn’t go horribly wrong. That’s when it came to her…
“So your head over heels for Nick right?”
Water sprayed out of Veronica’s mouth. How did each question keep getting her!? It shouldn’t even have been that bad yet here she was, choking over the most basic thing that everyone knew! Normally she hated being touched but feeling Eliza pat her back was gladly welcomed.
If Eliza didn’t feel bad before, then she definitely did now. “I am so sorry!” her voice was so spastic it would make Summer look calm. “I told you I’m terrible at this!”
“No, agh, no… this one is me!” Veronica coughed. “Damn, that really hurt my chest. It’s like the entire gulp went down the wrong pipe!” A few more coughs and another sip of water cured the promise. Veronica rubbed her chest and tearfully looked at Eliza. “Yeah I’m into him. Why do you ask?” Her desire to act like she didn’t nearly die was strong. “Wait, don’t tell me you like him too!?”
Water wasn't the only thing that was gonna be on the floor with questions like that. Eliza made a face that looked like she may have gagged out of spite. “Ugh, not a chance.” She folded both her arms aggressively.
“Cool, that would’ve been weird.” Veronica thought. Then Eliza began rubbing her chin. That was never a good sign.
“Weeeeeell…” Eliza said.
Veronica deflated like a balloon. “Here we go…”
“Huh? No! It’s not what you think. I don’t like him like that, or much at all really. However, I can’t deny he is...charming to put mildly. I can recognize that. As a whole, I don’t like Nick that much. There’s too much that grinds my gears. That said, there is a side to him I deeply appreciate. Don’t tell him that or I’ll deny it.”
Her tidbit made Vee’s cat ears wiggle. “You gonna leave me hanging like that? Elaborate a little.”
“Really? I didn’t want to diss him in front of you or anything.”
“Tah! Nick doesn’t need anyone coming to his defense and I’m not gonna bite your head off over an opinion, most likely.” She had to add that last part. Veronica doubted Eliza was going to say something that would be unapologetically mean but you can never know what a person could say. “Speak your mind.”
Eliza looked towards the stage to watch the council president in question adjust some light equipment to put on his sister. “That boy is...selfish in the wrong way.”
That sure was an answer. Veronica tilted her head. “I...don’t follow.”
“Nicholas Schnee is a people pleaser, yet he goes out of his way to do things on his own and inefficiently. He has the qualities of a great leader but doesn’t truly lead anyone. Instead he bends over backwards. This entire concert was his idea yet he chose not to fill anybody in on this for weeks; leaving us in the dark when we could’ve been further along. All that money, trust, and influence, yet I fail to see him use it with the care I know he knows how to do. It’s so annoying! Agh, I wish I had a fraction of what his name has.”
“Sounds like to me you’re a little envious?”
“A bit, but that doesn’t change my view of him. You know him. Am I wrong?”
“I’m the last person to judge right or wrong here, but I see what you mean. Nick definitely has his faults, no argument there. I told him the other day he was a bit pushy at times and overbearing. Still, I wouldn’t say those qualities are bad. Nick is… a man on a mission.”
The administration in Veronica’s eyes was clearer than air to Eliza. “Opinions aside, his heart is good. The love he has for family and friends is undeniably. I respect that.”
“Is that the part you deeply appreciate?”
Eliza shook her head. “No, that quality is a given. The side I like is one few people see. I witnessed it for the first time at a red carpet event several years ago. It was our first time actually speaking. I stubbornly declared I’d beat him in a tournament and show everyone how beneath me he was.”
“Wow, your social skills really are rough.”
“Cut me some slack. I was fourteen and cocky. Anyways, I expected him to laugh it off and give that fake smile he gives to the public. Instead, he gave this smug smirk at me and said ‘I can’t wait.’ It was actually chilling. I could tell from his eyes that he was threatening, no, intimidating me. He had no problem letting me know he wanted to take me down, and that’s exactly what he did on tournament day. However, right before our match, Nick took me to the side to chat. It was my first tournament. The anxiety I had was a plan on my face. Instead of using that weakness, he gave me tips to calm down. Having him focus solely on me in that ring was thrilling, different from his usual self. There’s an honesty about it I like. No way somebody can be nice all the time.”
It was for that very reason Eliza knew she had to hear Nick’s offer out. Whenever that look comes out, it spells trouble for who caused it. To think the plan involved beating Valerie? What could he possibly be up to?
Veronica rubbed her chin, intrigued. “So that’s your reasoning. Hmm.” She snapped her fingers and smirked. “Masochistic.”
Eliza bugged out. Her jaw dropped and she was seconds away from protest, until the snickering from Veronica let her know she was teasing again. A smile slowly formed and Eliza playfully elbowed Vee. “Shut up.” She laughed. “Talk about a mood killer.”
Veronica stuck her tongue out before breaking out into laughter when Eliza. Hard to believe the key to being social was being kinda bad at it? It was nice making a friend. Veronica didn’t say it but they were glad to be here.
Across the room, the gym door opened. “Well look who’s having fun!?” A voice bellowe, the condescending echo gaining everyone’s attention. To many’s displeasure, it was Darren sauntering in with his silent partner Max behind him. “Sounds like a real party here. Care if I join? Maybe shake things up a little?”
The upperclassman paced like he owned the place, watching. “Hard at work for my big day?” His eyes go to the stage. “Well if it isn’t the Jester of the School!”
Nick rolled his eyes. “Very original. I’d love to hear more of this comedy act but unfortunately the gym is closed for regular students. Please take your friend and your clown makeup somewhere else.”
“Pfft, you diss like a child.”
“Said the man who called me a jester.” Be it a deity or the universe itself, people should count themselves lucky Nick had high tolerance for stupidity. Darren’s presence was grinding it down however. Punches and nearly getting a friend hit by an asshole’s car did that to an individual.
Summer could see the sparks fly between the two. Grabbing the microphone from Nick with no hesitation, Summer took the lead. Unfortunately for Darren she didn’t have her brother’s tolerance, and she was on her favorite spot in the whole world. “You’re interrupting our practice and wasting my time. Beat it.”
The gym went silent. Did everyone hear that right? Summer Schnee...was rude!? Darren blinked twice, stunned. “Excuse me but, nobody was talking to you.”
“And nobody invited you. Scram.” She shooed him away as if he was a bug.
“Now is that anyone to talk to a superior? I don’t care how famous you are or what your last name is, you little princess. You just keep singing like a little songbird; it’ll be the only good press you get that day before losing to yours truly!”
Summer out of this expression of confusion. “And your name is…? Sorry, I just have a really hard time with faces when they don’t even rank in the top five.” Multiple ‘oooos’ and chatter started going. “Is Dean? Dunce? …..Dumb and Dumber?”
Max let out a simple “Hmph” while Darren got pissed. “So you got jokes huh?” He said through his teeth. It only took one step closer before Nick immediately stepped in front of his sister. Before either could give the audience a glimpse of tournament match l, Eliza flicked the lights off and on to gain everyone’s attention.
“HEY! Knock it off, all of you.” She demanded. Darren’s gaze came her way and towards Veronica by extension. Eliza took a step between the two, stopping a problem before it could start. “Na uh, eyes on me. One word to her and I might let Principal Coal know. May I remind you that after recent behavior it would behoove you to act like a respectable upperclassman, or else-”
“Hey hey hey there, little one, I just came in here to mingle a little; shoot the breeze and all. I’m not the one who got all bent out of shape and started insulting people. Ain’t that right Max?”
Unbothered, Max put his hands behind his head. “That is what happened; dumb jokes or not.”
“Yeah that’s- hey! You aren’t talking about my jokes are you!?”
Eliza took a deep breath. “Consider the breeze shot to hell. Now if you would kindly be on your way so-”
“Uuuugh, you’re so boring, acting like a lifeless doll and shit. Even her frail and tone deaf highness behind me showed some backbone for once.”
“Tone deaf!?” Summer yelled. She would’ve thrown her microphone if Nick didn’t take it from her. “Oh I really hope your bite is at least half as good as your bite. This ‘Princess’ thinks you deserve a public beat down for the world to see, personally delivered!”
“See you at the tournament!” Nick added.
Darren pointed behind himself. “See? At least they’re interesting.”
“If getting egged on by your limp insults is what you want then why should I even bother?” Eliza stepped to the side. “Best be on your way. You can earn my wrath whenever you feel man enough to enter a solo tournament instead of hiding behind your partner.”
“Oh yeah?” Darren glared. “Tough talk from a-” The back of his shirt was pulled by Max.
“Time to go. You’ve had your fun, and I’m getting a headache. No use talking. Let the tournament do all the bragging.” Max began dragging Darren to the exit until Darren brushed him off to walk himself. He gave Eliza one last pissed off look before giving a smug face as he walked away. “Tsk, drug baby.” He mumbles.
Loud footsteps and the sound of metal clanged behind him. Darren quickly turned around, ready for a fight. “Well I guess you can get ma-”He didn’t move. What he thought was Eliza losing her cool was actually her defending him with her baton from a very pissed heir with an Arma Gigas.
“He’s quicker than he looks.” Max grabbed Darren again and all but tossed him out the gym before any actions became an incident.
“Care to tell me why you wanna fight my battles?” Eliza complained.
“I’m not fighting your battles. My patience just got a little restless.” Nick unsummoned his blade and walked away. Thoughts of last night suddenly came to mind, making him sigh. “Sorry. Overstepped a bit. I’m gonna cool off.” He groaned.
Eliza rubbed the back of her head. That was...off. Nick must’ve been more ticked off by Darren than she was aware of. “Just don’t get so jumpy. The last thing I need is you not being able to kick his ass because you got suspended.”
“Haha yes ma’am.”
Eliza clapped her hands loudly. “Okay everyone! Get back to business!” She shouted, returning everything to normal. Thank the gods for at least giving Eliza cooperative staff members. Her body slumped over. Why can’t any event be peaceful! Damn that Darren! Now she wished he was in the solo bracket. Her head lifted to look at Veronica. “I take it if Nick heard that then so did you?”
“Little bit. I can pretend I didn’t. Makes no difference to me.”
“Don’t sweat it. Who likes beading around the bush anyways? You asked about my mom earlier. Now you basically know. To make a long story short, my dad in his younger years spent his money in...less than responsible ways. Who needs love when there’s plenty of clubs and corners with people looking to make a quick buck? My mother just so happened to get a little more than just lien.”
Veronica’s face scrunched up. “Yikes. That’s a lot to unpack.”
“Not really. Never had a mom so it’s not like I’m yearning for a connection when there never was one to start with. One day my dad noticed her pregnant and like you said before, I have strong features. A woman parading around with no home, every drug under the sun, and a potential baby that looked like the CEO of a company one kingdom above is a recipe for ruin. Many board members thought it best for my father to deny anything and everything. Apparently a few of them along with some kind individuals thought it best to move my mother in with him. This way the baby, me, would at the very least be healthy.”
“What about your mother?”
“Ultimatum. Fall in line with this new society and learn to act like a high class citizen, or take a generous amount of money to keep quiet. I don’t look like her so spinning a story wouldn’t do her well, and high class society didn’t mean she could get high any hour of the day. Took the money and never looked back. Tabs were kept on her for a while but she eventually became white noise among the gutter trash of Mantle. A druggie with tons of cash is never good. Most likely ended up in a gutter from overdose or somebody who caught wind of her spending habits.”
“Eliza that’s...I’m sorry that happened.”
“Eh, I’m not losing sleep over it. Not like I got a bad deal either. Contrary to what people might say about my name, my father is a decent man and cares for me as well. He’s by no means perfect but who is? Aunt May told me once that if nothing else, my dad doesn’t make problems bigger than what they have to be. I didn’t ask to be born, so resenting me would be shallow. We get along and that’s all that matters family wise. Though...it’s not like he got a raw deal out of it.” Eliza conjured a small flame in her hand. “He took the high road and learned he got Remnant’s first magical daughter in ages. Talk about good karma.”
“Way to look at the positives.” Veronica said.
Eliza put out the flame. “It’s just the facts. Unfortunately rumors floated and not all people were happy with the decision, so little tidbits here and there got learned. As you can see with Darren’s mouth almost getting him into trouble. The only thing bigger than his mouth is his ego.”
“Yeah, I’m familiar with his type.” Veronica said with annoyance. She was too familiar with it.
“Anywho, I should get back to practice. Thanks for chit chatting. And people say it’s bad to meet your heroes and stuff. I guess they’re meeting the wrong ones.”
“I wouldn’t go that far. I mean I’m pretty rad but you know...modesty and all that. I’m no Blake Belladonna or Yang Xiao Long. Just little ol’ me.” Veronica chuckled. “See ya around?”
“Sooner than you might think.” Eliza twirled her baton and went on her way.
Veronica watched the girl leave. No wonder Nick chose Eliza to be the one to keep an eye on her. She was tough as nails; with or without the uniform! A shame Darren outed her like that. Veronica felt a little dirty learning something Eliza didn’t want to tell her. Veronica was surprised that Eliza didn’t ask for her to return the favor. Then again, it would’ve been pointless. Veronica knew herself. She wouldn’t say a word regardless of fairness. She might have even lied. The girl let out a sigh, taking a moment to look down at herself before heading back to practice. Some things are just better left unsaid.
9 notes · View notes
lily-lilou · 4 years
My understanding and analysis of the magical system in The Dragon Prince. Part 2. Primal, dark, love and life magic.
So, this second post (here’s the first one) will present my theory about this: about the magical system as a whole thing (more or less), about love and life magic, I will explain why it’s two different things, what’s their place in the magical system, their role, about how they're supposed to work.
1st part. what proof, in the show, do we have about another kind of magic?
Well, take a look at this:
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The two pictures are when Avizandum and Zym are attacking, with lightning. they are the exact same colors (cool, nothing exceptional, Lily, really cool...)
Yeah, but now look at this, when Zym is trying to wake up (maybe even heal?) his mom:
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See all the colors, here? We have white, green, blue, purble, some kind of pink-orange-yellow...: well, every colors, as if every kind of primal magic were present. And I don't think it's just to make things pretty here.
Because it's not the only time we see this phenomenon, where “all the colors” are here. There’s two other examples:
1st look at when Viren is sucking what I suppose is Zym's life/magic's force out of our dragonling:
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Once again, we can see all the colors, like with Zym's lightning to wake up his mom.
But the most impressive example is when Zym’s egg is hatching:
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The egg was dead (he had turned black for several minutes) we saw some usual lightning (blue) who then changed with all colors and he literraly turned back to life:
So, from the interview linked in the post before (at 9min00 or something), we know there is that "earlier, less differenciated power", a "kind of magic that's deeper". With this statement (“less differenciated power”) and pictures above, it seems we have a magic who looks like a mix of all primal magic. I will even say it’s “life-magic”.
I found this following pictures in “the art of the dragon prince”. Here, the colors are even more differenciable. And there is indeed, six of them (white(a little blue), yellow, green, purple, red and blue (I guess respectively sky, moon, earth, stars, sun and ocean)
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2nd part. What is “life-magic”?
I said what we saw above is “life-magic” and it could make sense:
First, because of all the colors we saw (as I said, as if all kind of primal magic were here).
Second: just observe the world, how it works: the sun, the moon, the earth, the ocean, the sky (and I guess the stars too) need to work together to bring life. (Hey, what is the sun, alone, if not a giant useless fire ball? What is the earth without the sun to warm it, the ocean to irrigate it? Doesn't the ocean need the earth to contain it? et caetera...)
(still in the same interview above) we know Aaravos sutdied magic deeply, that he was interested in this "deeper, less differenciated magic" they mentionned. So, "life magic" being a mix of all others magic would makes even more sense if Aaravos is the one (from the artbook we can guess he has at least a hand in it) behind this symbol (because it would represent “life” it more or less perfectly):
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Plus, you'll notice another thing when Aaravos and Viren tried to kill Zym, Viren's eyes became, while he was filling himself with Zym's “life”, just like those of Aaravos in S2:
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If I'm right, Aaravos could have known there is a deeper magic and so find a way to harvest it with dark magic. It could explain why he tried to reach other arcanum, to reach that "deeper magic", that "life". (or maybe he doesn't know it's "life"? too early to say anything here, I guess)
(speaking aside, another theory of mine is that he harvested other primal creatures to gain their power and so reach others arcanum, which would also explain why every Xadian hates and fear him - which also could mean he was trying to give this to Viren, the sky arcanum, I mean... anyway, that's not the topic yet.)
BUT, stating that Life-magic is composed of all primal magic only is maybe true, but incomplete.
I just said this symbol (yes again, I love it):
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Could be “life magic”. But if “life-magic” is only composed of all kind of primal magic… what does that giant rune in the middle is for?
Dark magic, you’ll said.
Dark magic? But we said earlier that dark magic is the exact opposite of “life-magic”. Because it’s “death and hate”, when the other is “life and love”.
Wait, love? The big rune in the middle would be “love”?
Exactly! (I promise, we’ll dig into this in the following part)
“love is magic, magic is life, so love is life”.
(PS. Again: “love is magic” is something you can find in Callum’s spellsbook several time. It’s not from me)
But in dark magic, no love, so no life. Why? Think at how dark magic works: it's killing and stealing and it hollows you from the inside (more about this in the part dedicated to dark-magic). I would even say: It's stealing life from others, so the price you have to pay is to lose your own (life-life? life-love? Viren became so hateful with time... but I'm digressing.)
So, now, look at Zym again when he's trying to save/wake up his mom.
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We find all these colors, but he's not like Aaravos, he never reached any other arcanum. I mean, he can barely control his own. I think in that moment, Zym isn't using his usual lightning but, maybe without even knowing it, he's digging in that life-love magic because he loves his mom, he wants to help her, to save her. So something else, something big is happening.
And it would be wonderful if his attempt to wake her is the true reason she wakes up at the end of S3...
I would even add Aaravos’s quote before I conclued the end of this 2nd part: “Those who fail the test of love are simple animals, that deserved to be motivated by fear". It could means Aaravos know, to some extent, the existence, or maybe the importance of love in magic. And if he’s really behind the symbol above… (but I won’t digress on my theory about Aaravos and magic and the test of love, because it’s not the subject either and this post is already long enough…)
So, conclusion of this part: true "life magic" would be composed on all primal magic AND love. (That, or "true life magic" is composed of all primal magic and the way to reach it without killing others is love. I would also makes sense but we’ll see when we will talk about “love magic”)
3rd part: what is “love-magic?
I just said that the symbol of dark magic could in fact represent the magical system, and so “life magic” and the rune in the middle would be the representation of “love”.
Nice statement! Any proof? Let’s analyze this closely, then!
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On the symbol, we can see two things:
1st, all the primal magic.
2nd, a big rune in the middle. Until now, we thought it was a rune representing dark magic, I just stated it wasn’t, that it could be “love”.
When I said that on Reddit, a nice fella, u/randomorph came with his own theory, here: he proposed the interesting idea that the two soulfangs we can see in the endcredits in S1 with a heart above their head (meaning "love"), just look like the symbol/rune of dark magic.
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One one part, soulfangs serpent seems dark-magic related in some aspects, but on the other part, what we see here, it's love. Two serpents who are in love.
So if that dark-magic's rune above is inspired by the two soulfangs, it could really be the proof the very rune of dark magic means, is, in fact, the rune of "love". (And maybe that Aaravos doesn’t fully understand what “love” truly is... but once again, that’s another theory...)
Sidenote: another nice fella thought that the two serpents are also similar to “Caduceus”, the symbol used in the medical world, with the two serpents. I still don’t know exactly what to do with this, but the parallel is interesting. And it wouldn’t be the first similarity with the bible.
4th part: how is this love-magic supposed to work? (I'll talk about dark magic later)
Nice, we have now proof (well, more or less, it’s still a big theory who could end up being totally wrong) that we have a life-magic, composed of primal magic and love magic, with a dark magic who’s strangely not fitting in this…
But for now, what about love-magic?
I had a theory I couldn't prove a while ago and I had let it down: I thought that "love" was the kind of magic humans could really do. But I had let it down because Xadians have proven they can love too. And I also had to place Callum and his arcanum in this.
BUT! thanks to u/the_mad_ and his superb theory here, we have proof now. To summarise it partially (but go read it, it's worth it): humans have some special kind of power, they can create a magical connection with other, it's "love-magic", and dark magic is a corrupted version of it (but once again, I'll abord dark magic later). As he said it "humans can do this special form of magic because humans have (or can form) a special magical connection with each other and with other creatures and objects, in particular through love (and empathy)".
And indeed, we saw this three time, especially in the novel.
We saw this with Marcos when he made a connection with Rayla (it's the-mad interpretation since we have the scene from Rayla’s POV and I totally agree with him ^^),
Ezran made a connection with Zym while in the water, in the frozen lake.
Viren made one with Harrow in the novel, and it ended really bad for him because Harrow rejected him. (no really, I insist, go read his post).
And all these connections are more or less described in the same magical way.
u/the_mad_ also mentionned Ezran's power as a more visible, powerful manifestation of this love-magic humans can perform. I had that HC too, I never agree with the idea of our boy being earth-primal-related, because in Callum's spellsbook, it's never said earthblood elves can talk to animals. In fact, no primal-magic seems to really fit with this power.
But with love-magic, it does.
But… what about Xadians? They can also love. The moonfam is a proof of this, Janai and the dragon queen too. Well, yes, it's love, and yes everyone can love, without exception. But for Xadian it's not necesseraly magical because it's not their magic. Xadians have primal magic and humans love-magic.
So, to summarize this part: humans have a magic on their own. It's love, but not usual love**, it's something that gave them the ability to "link" themselves to others, even to link others together**, but that's another part.
5th part, how love and primal magic works? What happen when separated? What happen when reunited?
Thanks again to u/the_mad, I finally found an explanation (I could be totally wrong but let's just say I'm at least not far from the truth... hem!!)
Take a look again at what I now call the "life-magic" symbol, formerly called "dark-magic symbol" (it’s the last time you’ll see it, I promise ^^):
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The important part now is the big circle (in white) in the middle, circling "love" and connecting all primal magic. The important part now, is this "connection". It's as if "love" is the link between all primal magic, as if love it's what makes them work together.
u/the_mad_ talked about love-magic connecting people, which seems to be true. But I think it's not only between individuals. If this theory is right, that connection could be applied in a much larger scale. I would even said it concernes the whole world.
So, what did I mean by "love-magic is connecting all primal magic? Well...:
In HBMP ep2, Aaron Ehasz talked about how Xadians live in their part of the world, and it appears they're not really cohabitating together. They know each other, they know about each other, but it doesn't seem to be more than that.
In HBMP ep5, we even learn that there's probably several Mooshadow village in the forest other than the Silvergrove, and they don't know where all the others are. They're not "connected", not really.
We also have a description of Ibis on the official website, where we learn that "He has long been a liaison between elves and dragons", which could mean the two species aren't that close.
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And what about the "I know that sound, that's not a good sound" from Rayla when she heard the dragon roar?... that reveal a lot about relationship between elves and dragons... (plus, still in HBMPep2, Aaron teased a story who happened between Rayla, Runaan and a dragon, which would explain the quote just above (personal theory: the dragon is the reason of Runaan’s torso scar). But alas, j.Richmond stopped him before we could get more. my HC is that Runaan's scars came from here, which would add to the idea elves and dragons aren't always getting along.)
Another proof would be the dragonguard, elven warriors, running away when the dragon king died. They didn't care about Zym's fate. (Except for Lain and Tiadrin, but I'm gonna talk about this later)
I would add how the other moonshadow elves except Runaan, in the novelization, showed how... deeply attached they were to Rayla. A child they saw growing up for almost 16 years. Worst of all, Moon magic, according to Callum's spellsbook, is supposed to be love-related. If that's "love" for any lambda Moonshadow elf, don't show me what "hate" is for them, please!
(and here my... approximative localisation of elves in Xadia...)
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All these points lead to this: we don't have yet a whole picture of Xadia, but it seems that Xadians are not close to each other, in a matter of relationship. It's not war or anything like that, it more looks like a huge lack of socialisation, lack of relationship.
So, no humans = no love-magic = no connection. It seems coherent. Xadians never approached humans, they studied them from afar (I had found a super analysis on Tumblr about informations each side has on the other, about how it seems elves have more accurate intel on humans than humans on Xadians - but sorry, I can't find it anymore :() they even bannished humans and look at the result: Xadians are separated from each other, barely interacting it seems. Dragons from elves, elves from elves according to their arcanum. Xadia is stagnant.
But now, what happened when Xadians get close to humans, when they work with them?
At the storm spire, one human boy (ok, it's Ezran, not any human could have done this) brought several dragons to fight alongside sunfire elves and humans to fight an army of monsters, (not sure if Ibis would have achieved this alone)
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Callum started to talk through Rayla about that toxic cycle in the beginning of S1, and it touched her profundly (as we can see at the end of S2). He and his brother managed to touch her to the core and it changed her on a lot of aspects. She's more healthy now, everyone can agree on that...
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Her contact with Villads changed her
And talking about their quest, they literally changed the world (... ok, it's only the beginning but the idea that 3 children, a baby and a unidentified glowing thing stopped an imminent war does talk a lot about what both sides reunited can do).
We can also see Janai changing (I wonder if she got "linked" to Amaya the way u/the_mad_ talked about in his theory about love-magic). She first wanted to kill her enemy, and she ended saving her, fighting with her (and maybe slowly falling in love with her, but that's another story)
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Side note to complete this part: what's happening to humans, while separated from Xadians? Look at how humans live in their side of the border. The five kingdoms came to an alliance, but the  land is mostly deprived of primal magic, probably because there's almost no elves or dragon. it's slowly dying, physically-materially speaking. (remember that famine who would have killed hundred of thousand people 9 years ago)
Conclusion for this part :
1.     Xadians need humans to be linked, they need "love" to be and work together and not being separated from each other. Just like Humans needs Xadians to "live".
2.     Xadians and humans are currently separated from each other, and they both lost something, they're both missing something. And for them all to be complete, for them to live, they need to be together.
6th part : if Xadians have primal magic and humans love-magic, why can Callum use primal magic? Could a Xadian use Love-magic?
I've stated that Magic is life. If magic is life, then it's in everything that's alive. Which mean, everyone, Xadians and humans, have everything in them. Humans and Xadians have both love-magic and primal magic in them.
But just like Xadians are naturally born with a connection to a primal source, humans have a natural one on the 7th: love.
From this, it seems logical that a human can reach an arcanum, since it's in him too. It's just... dormant, passive. If he wants to reach this other side, he needs to forge a connection.
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And so, the opposite could totally be true, a Xadian could forge a connection to love-magic.
Okay, but how does it works? Why didn't this happened earlier?
Once again, I think it's related to what I said: both sides need to work together, to learn by proximity from each other. A true relationship. Callum first started to learn about Xadians by being close to Rayla and Zym. He trusts them, loves them. I don't know everything that's necessary to reach an arcanum as a human, but I think this close proximity, this trust in the other side, incarnate in Zym and Rayla, count.
And so? Can a Xadian use love-magic?
Logically, yes, and I think we have already an example : Zym
Zym who was born amongst humans and elves. Zym who's connected to an arcanum by birth, and to love by Ezran.
It's only my HC here, once again, but the bond they're sharing is too deep to be just from Ezran. I mean, Zym can literally reach Ezran when he's afraid, the boy can see through his eyes. I think Ezran and him are so profundly connected not only because Ezran linked himself to the dragonling, but also because Zym connected himself to him because he learned that "love-magic" by being with them.
The other proof (well, once again it’s HC^^’) to that, is that Zym seems to have litterally used life-magic on his mother. (remember life-magic = love + primal magic - remember how his lightning were different when he used them on his mother than when he attacked Viren, and all) And I still have that HC that she wake up in the end because he used it.
What about the moonfam? (take this part as some kind of side note? It’s still incomplete and full of imprecise HC. I'm wating for S4 to see more of them)
Well, that point is tricky. The moonfam is Xadian but has "love" as a really, reeeaaaally strong thema.
- it has been officially stated than Runaan loves Rayla deeply. After some researches, we can find several interesting things about him to realise how "love" is indeed a strong thing here. Like the fact he never planned to kill Rayla (post from the lead-writer at wonderstorm), or his thoughts described in HBMP ep5 (here’s some excerpts:
" [...] And I think those are the types of things that he’s still stewing on. Like, did he overstep? Was he so eager to give her the opportunity to prove herself that he ultimately put her in a position where she could not succeed? [...] I think he took her off the mission both because he very, very much wanted to give himself and the others a chance to complete the mission, even if it meant their deaths, but it also meant that Rayla had the chance to survive. Even if it was potentially going to be misinterpreted and she’d get slapped with the Ghosting. I think he believed that her alive was better than everybody being dead. And I think he feels guilty. [...] Again, a lot of time to potentially stew on and reflect on, is that he does feel like he put her in a position that was not fully taking into account the type of person she was, and more projecting onto her the type of person he wanted her to be, and the gift he wanted to give her, of redeeming herself in the eyes of her people for her parents. And I think he’s gonna have to work through that. Poor dude"
We can also add the feelings he shows, in the novel, toward who I totally assume being Tiadrin and Lain when he saw their coins. He loves them, he still loves them even with, until now, he thought they had betrayed them (which means, for me, that his insult to Rayla in the novel, about her parents, is really an attempt to make her leave instead or staying and being killled _ pure HC again, could be wrong...
PS. thanks again @beautifulterriblequeen and @kotikala for this point :))
Ethari lost Runaan and made a mistake, but in the end he chose Rayla by (HC again, here) breaking the rules and talk to her, to understand what happened. He told her he loves her at the end of S3ep3. Him, giving her that moon opal while telling her what he said to Runaan, means the same for her "my love will be with you even when the moon is not", meaning "I still love you no matter what".
Lain and Tiadrin (thanks again for this HC @beautifulterriblequeen) know what it is to love a child, because they have Rayla. That's also why they stayed to protect Zym, not just because of their oath.
And don't make me start about Rayla and love, about how she loves Ezran, Callum and Zym, so much that she can sacrifice herself to protect the wee cutie ^^
(well, Idk if describing all of this about Runaan is as necessary on Tumblr than it can be on Reddit...)
But once again, is this magical-love or is it just a strong, normal love?
I’m still not sure of the answer. I would say it is probably "normal" (strong, but normal). But it could evolve to "love-magic" at some point, maybe even "life magic".
I guess (a huge, vague guess), that to reach "the other side" (primal magic for a human, or love-magic for a Xadian), you need to have some proximity with someone from the other side and what I would call... predisposition? Callum had definitely an affinity with primal magic from the very beginning (if not "predisposition", maybe "destiny" will fit, then? For this part, I really don't know, as I said, it's pure guess.)
But if predisposition is required, then the moonfam could totally fit to reach "love-magic" and maybe "life-magic", since there is such strong love between each of them.
And, who know (once again it’s a huuuge guess), maybe those who are related to the moon have some kind of natural predisposition?
I think this way because of my current (still have to work on this point) interpretation of the moon arcanum. We do know they’re love-related. We can see it here, in Callum’s Spellsbook:
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My HC here is that “love-magic” is partly about linking, connection. And the moon arcanum, in his duality, is also about the connection between life and death, between living beings and dead ones. So, yeah, maybe they do have a predisposition...
But how would they reach that “love-magic” exactly? I dunno. Maybe Viren will capture Rayla and taunt her with the coins and they will free themselves from it, out of love for her because she's the most precious life for all her parents? (I still have that theory where Harrow will talk to Runaan in the coin to make him evolve the way he did while facing his last days)
Or maybe it will be Callum who will free them, don't know how, out of love for Rayla? Or Lain and Tiadrin would be some kind of "genius" who doesn't needs humans to reach the “love arcanum”, because they love Rayla so much, and they have the mind of a protector, and they were ready to die to protect Zym... that would fit with the "reward-theory" and "destiny"... arf! another aspect I have to study here. I really don't know. We'll see this in S4, I hope.
Anyway, that's it for the moonfam!
Now! We've established what love-magic could be and where it stands in the magical system. How it works.
But what about dark magic?
Last part: Dark magic in the magical system.
u/the_mad_, in his theory I mentionned, advanced the idea that dark magic is a perverted version of love magic.
He thinks so because these "magical moments" he mentionned, when people are magically "linked", are described in a similar way than using dark magic, which add a point to his thought about dark-magic being love-magic but corrupted.
I mostly agreed with him, but I would push his theory even further (I thought about this during the night, in fact, and I couldn't sleep and then... "ting"!):
the effects of dark magic, using it is described in a similar way that "love-magic", when a connection is made between two beings.
dark magic also uses primal magic.
I’m still hesitating about that interpretation, however. She’s pretty solid, but I’m bothered by a point: something similar to love-magic AND using primal magic? that does sound a little like what I call “life-magic”, no? So what if more than being a corrupted version of Love-magic, dark magic is a corrupted version of life-magic?
A corrupted version who gives a mimic of life magic but in the end, desecrate it. Dark magic means stealing, killing. It's death. And it's not normal death, as a part of the life-death cycle. It's something else. That could explain why Callum feels it's so "wrong". He values life, he's a lot about love.
The dream he made about dark magic is really interesting, too. Somehow, that evil version of him lied to him. (I still save a room for the idea that it wasn't him but something else disguised as him,) telling him he can't do magic, that dark magic is the only way. If you think about it, the message given by that... thing, is : "you love them, you want to protect them, you want them to live, then use dark magic because it's the only way for you".
But dark magic is a corrupted version of life, it's literally "death".
Okay, but you'll tell me that Viren and Claudia used it to save someone who was dead. Yep, but to do it they killed someone else (for Viren it's a theory a lot of us belive). I'm pretty sure "life-magic" doesn't work this way. Callum didn't kill anyone when he broke the primal stone to save Zym and then, at some point, we saw "life magic" (it's in the post I linked in the beginning). I mean, Zym was dead. The egg was black. But he came back to life.
Zubeia was dying too, but it seems, once again if I'm right, that Zym saved her with life magic. He didn't kill anyone.
I said once ("epiphany on the moon arcanum", if I remember...) Darkness is an emptiness of light, death, an emptiness of life.
So, why not? How do you kill death? with life....
An additional thought about Dark magic :
Once again, thanks to The_mad_ on Reddit, we got an interesting analysis: he noted that the seven sources are similar to the creation, in the story of Genesis. God created the world in six days:
“The only one that isn't directly mentioned is the stars. On the first day God separated day from night. (This presumably gave the stars.) On the second day God created the sky. On the third God separated the earth from the ocean. On the fourth day God created the Sun and the Moon. There is no primal source (that we know of ;) ) for the 5th day when the sea monsters were created. But then on the 6th day God created humans and gave them dominion over all of the creatures of the earth (i.e. Dark magic). On the seventh day God rested. »
So I pushed the analysis further:
On the 5th and especially 6th day God created living beings, especially humans. And when you put all of his creation together, all the days, it's "life" (Just earease one of these elements and there wouldn't be life anymore _ok, human's place in the world's ecosystem could be discussed but that’s not the topic... so let's say humans are the soul, the spirit, and the world the body... or something.)
Much later after God finished his creation, a shadow, the devil, came and infiltrate the world to make humans "fall". (Now that I'm pointing that out, it's pretty much the same in LOTR, no?... anyway). He made them fall with lies.
So now, let's suppose that these theories about a "love-magic" and a "life-magic" are accurate and that parallel between genesis and TDP’s magical system has a solid ground, that maybe "love" is indeed a source in itself, like the others (In genesis, it would correspond to the 6th day, when God created humans).
Now, I wonder. If it's this way, if the parallel between Genesis and TDP's seven sources is that strong, then, could "dark-magic" be "the shadow" who made humans fall?
I think it could be this way for two reasons:
1st. dark magic appeared, it seems, at the very least 2000 years ago with the rise of Elarion (maybe earlier, but probably not 5000 years ago, during the era of the first elves), just like the devil in Genesis did (I mean, about the fact he came later, not at the begining).
2nd, we saw the... dark-mage-Callum, that sort of... evil avatar of him, in his dream, literally lying to Callum himself about humans not able to do primal magic. (that, if it wasn't just his own belief impersonated. We still don't know yet).
And so, Dark Magic, being a person or a "thing", a concept, I don't know, would really be something else, something corrupted who perverted and disturbed the world.
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Okay, this post is the last one, it’s finally over!! Thank you for those who had the courage to read it until the end!!! I hope I didn’t bothered you too much ^^
It was a little difficult to put all in one thing (all of this are in fact several post on Reddit) so I hope the continuity is coherent. I’m working on this since ... ARGH! 5 hours? Okay, I’m gonna eat something.
I hope you had fun to read this :D
Now, to the kitchen! I’m Hungry!
edit: I forgot to tag @beautifulterriblequeen​ and @kotikala​: what do you think of this? 
External POV are awlays welcomed (but don’t feel obligated to read it, I know it’s pretty long... wait, if I tag and this message is in the end... will you see it right away?)
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mercedestaylor · 4 years
Just Let Me Adore You
Roger Taylor x fem! reader AU
You and Queen have known each other for many years. Through the years you and Roger have some intense moments and try to be near each other. On the way to a pub you and Roger have another intense stare. This time in his car.
A/N: So, this was the first ever complete written fic I’ve done. I thought this was the best timing to post this to celebrate the most beautiful person alive.
Happy Birthday Roger! Long live the Queen (one of four ;) )
word count: 1987
warnings: swear words, slight nsfw? let’s call it a hot moment
THIS gif inspired me to write this :)
I touched up my last swing of mascara when I looked at the clock. It was already 8:20. Roger and Freddie would be here in 10 minutes. I brushed my hair one last time so it looked fresh and glowy. I wore a red bodysuit with a flowy black skirt that was still over my knees and some baby blue sneakers. My hair was open with little braids in them. We were going to a newly opened pub to check it out. We wanted to get there later but since it was summer it was still bright outside. We were meeting the rest of the boys there. When I checked my makeup and outfit the last time my doorbell rang. I quickly grabbed my purse and ran to the door. I grabbed my keys and went down the stairs only to see that the boys were already back in the car.
I waved at them and got in the back seat.
„Hey girls, are you ready to rock?“ I smiled. I looked at them expectantly and waited for their response.
„Are you ready to roll? I’m really sceptic dear, nothing can be better than The Rabbit Hole. “ Freddie said.
„And what do you think?“ I smiled at Roger. He was looking at me through the rear view mirror and smiled back at me.
„I have no expectations. Let’s just make the best time out of it.“
I looked at him questioningly. „BORING!“ I said and laughed.
They both did too and Roger said „Let’s just go and see.“
So he started the engine. The pub was all across London so we had to drive 20 minutes. I got my seatbelt on and when they heard the clicking sound they softly laughed. I glared at them and told them to shut up because I would be the one that wouldn’t die in a car crash.
I looked out the window to cherish this beautiful city. I’ve lived my whole live in London, but only lived in this area for 3 years. I’ve met the boys on a gig they had and we befriended really quick since Freddie is so open with people.
I was on the bar to get myself a drink when he came to me.
„Oh my god, shut the fuck up! Your outfit is amazing! I love how you combined this super cute dress with those rocking boots and to top it off a beautiful leather jacket. You have an out of this world fashion sense. You should totally go to my friends and I’s shop in Kensington Market.“
When he was finally done with complimenting me I thanked him and told him that I was interested in visiting his shop. He then introduced me to his band mates.
„My darlings, this is a new friend of mine!“ he shouted over the loud music.
„What was your name, dear? “ he asked me.
„I’m Y/N.“
A tall young man with a lot of black hair came to me and gave me his hand.
„Nice to meet you Y/N, I’m Brian.“ he smiled.
I shook his hand and smiled back. Brian got back to his seat. The guy beside him waved at me.
„Hi I’m John Deacon.“
I waved back „Hi“.
Freddie walked to them „We’re just waiting for Roger now. “
And at that second a beautiful blonde boy came up and got next to me. He shortly looked at me then the boys and then looked me up and down.
I looked back at him and coughed to get his attention back to my face
„Can I help you?“
„You could but I’d rather help you.“ He smirked and I heard the boys laugh.
„Take it easy, Rog.“ Freddie said. „This is our new friend, Y/N.“
He still looked at me and gave me his hand .
„What a pleasure to meet you.“ Roger grinned.
The way he looked at me gave me shivers, but in the best way.
„I can only agree. “ I took his hand and we held eye contact what felt like minutes. His eyes really were what you call beautiful. We parted our hands yet kept looking at each other the remaining night.
Since then many years have passed however nothing ever happened seriously between us. In fact, he recently got out of his relationship that lasted 4 years. He still got his „flings“ from time to time, still mostly he would get a girl for one night. Queen had quickly risen to fame and success and just dropped their new album. They would soon be touring again in Europe.
Roger just drove past a yellow traffic light when I looked at him. I looked at the back of his head with his beautiful blonde hair. It’s been always so fluffy and soft. I was sitting in the middle seat so I had a perfect view of his side profile while he was concentrated on driving. I’ve always thought he was too pretty to be human but here he is.
Roger tried to get at me on the first years we’ve known each other. Except I knew what he was about, that’s why I never agreed with it. But I secretly crushed over him. How could you not? I tried to take a glance when he wasn’t looking, I tried to stand close to him, we often hanged out together and he would visit me in my dreams. Even so in the early years there wasn’t any chance of him being in a serious relationship. Now he isn’t as bad as then anymore, though still I’m scared of getting hurt by him.
I look at his eyes through the rear view mirror. His big, deep blue baby eyes with these long lashes. They keep moving to check the street or just staring at the horizon. His eyes are so hypnotizing.
Sometimes I almost couldn’t control myself because we would look at each other while talking and when we were done he would keep staring at me with this soft yet intense look on his face. I had too much pride to look away so I held his gaze and we would just sit there and stare at each other.
And it was at these times where I just wanted to climb over the seat, sit on his lap and kiss him. I would touch his face while his hands grab my waist. My fingers wander through his soft hair, pulling some strands and him moaning into my mouth. His hands go up my body to my arms and chest. He kisses down my jaw to my neck and gently sucks on my pulse. I’d grind my hips on his and he would grab his arms under my legs, pull me up and get us out of the room for privacy.
Well, that was only my imagination. In reality I needed to keep my stand and stay in my seat while breaking the eye contact.
It was an advantage for me that he was distracted because in that case he didn’t notice me staring at him. I just couldn‘t help it. His face was mesmerizing. But just as I fell into another fantasy he looked at me. He noticed me staring at him. In his car. Though in a second he looked back on the street. Or so I thought because after he checked the street he looked back at me. And I didn’t know what to do.
Then I had the idea, when he was driving I couldn’t lose my control of holding back. Because when we would have another staring contest, I couldn’t get on his lap because he was driving. So I kept looking at him. He had his slightly orange tinted sunglasses on. Although I could still see his eyes through them.
I looked at the street to check if something’s in the ways of passing. I looked back at him and I see he also checked the street. He kept giving me this intense stare and I lifted an eyebrow. He started to smirk which I could see on his side profile. I tried to hold my incoming smile back but I couldn’t. I must have looked ridiculous trying to hold back because he chuckled shortly after. Roger looked back on the street to check.
I looked to Fred who didn’t seem interested in our „conversation“ or why Roger had laughed. When I looked at Roger I saw that he was looking up to the mirror. But I didn’t want to look away from his face. I studied his features like his jawline or his hands on the steering wheel. I could look at his hands all day long. My attention got back to his eyes when we needed to stop and he gently coughed. He was still looking at me. I playfully rolled my eyes whereupon he just winked at me.
We soon arrived at the pub and Roger parked on the lot. I unbuckled my seat belt and before I got out of the car I waited until one of them opened their door. I never wanted to be the first one to leave in case we had to stay in the car for some reason. When Freddie opened the door I also got out. I was on the same side like Fred so when I got out I turned around to check on Roger. He was just getting up and taking a first look at the pub.
„Wow, this is huge.“ He turned back to us.
„Oh darling, I can tell you some other things that are huge.“ Freddie commented. I hit Freddie with my arm and laughed.
„We all know, Fred. You don’t have to tell us again.“ I said.
Roger smiled at us and said „Let’s look for the others.“
We went to the entrance and searched Brian, Chrissie, Deaky and Veronica. Jim couldn’t come because he had to work early in the morning. He trusted me with the safety of Fred.
„I see them!“ Freddie shouted and jogged to them leaving me and Rog behind.
He walked right beside me, his arm brushing mine every now and then. We walked to the direction Freddie went off. Normally I was totally relaxed in his presence but now I felt somewhat tense. I felt the warmth his body was radiating.
„You shouldn’t do that again while I’m driving. Especially when you look like that.“ He said to me.
I looked at him questioningly. I knew what he meant but I wanted to hear it from him.
„What do you mean?“ I innocently fluttered my lashes. He laughed lightly.
„Oh I think you know what I mean. Listen, these moments that we have… I can’t ignore them.“ I looked forward because I felt my heartbeat quickening.
„I think we should talk about what has been going on between us for some time.“ He said slowly looking at me expectantly.
I’m trying to think of an answer to give. I feel rushed because it felt like minutes that I was thinking.
„Uhm, you know… uh...“ I’m so confused, this came out of nowhere.
„Maybe we can meet tomorrow? I think you know where I live.“ Roger jokes.
„I could make some dinner for us.“ He continues.
I stop walking and look at him.
„Uhm yeah, sure. Dinner sounds good.“ I said hastily. I play with my fingers.
He wanted to talk about what has been going on between us? Like the staring and standing close? How could I talk with him about that.
„Great.“ He smiled and started to walk again.
I kept looking at him and watched as he made his way to the boys.
„Hey Y/N! Get your pretty ass here, we want to party!“ Freddie shouted.
I smiled and walked to them. I greeted the rest of the group and we all went to the VIP entrance into the pub.
I want to thank @ineloqueent for giving me the motivation to write this, just because they replied my comment! And I also want to thank @perriwiinkle for reading this and giving me the confidence to post it!! You MUST check them out!!! @perriwiinkle wrote my favorite Roger fanfic series, so you also need to read her stories!! Out of time is the best shit ever!!
I hope the few people that read this story like it, too. Please give me some feedback 😊
And who got this far: THANK YOU FOR READING IT!!
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Flower Child (Peter Parker x ofc)
Chapter 11: Just a Nobody
I’m really sorry I haven’t been consistent in updating on this platform, I think I’ll just mass update on here and catch up to speed? Idk, it’s a lot and again, I’m sorry. I’m trying to find inspiration to write!
warnings: Peter being rude, angst, depictions of anxiety… sorry 😬, mentions of death
The pair of them didn’t leave the greenhouse until midnight that night. Papers had been scattered around a workbench in the greenhouse under a single lamplight, covered in formulas that had been scratched and edited past legibility. Lila and Peter made an incredible team, much to their surprise, and within just a few short hours, a new webbing formula had been made.
Peter also walked her home, despite Lila reassuring him that he didn’t have to. He merely brushed off her attempts and bid her goodnight at her door. And despite the crazy events, like her almost dying, she went to bed with a smile on her face. Her crush was a superhero, how could she not?
When she went to school the next day, Lila was tired but cheerful. A light kind of air sat in her chest and put her in a good mood, even with the whispers of what happened the day before following her to her locker. She supposed the feeling of falling in an elevator made things like school more enjoyable since they were a part of living, but she attributed her happiness mostly to the two boys who walked quickly over to her locker as soon as they saw her.
“Hey, Lila,” Peter said, lips twitching in a nervous smile.
“Hey, guys, what’s-?”
“So you know?” Both Lila and Peter looked to Ned, whose expression was unreadable. “About-“ His voice lowered into a whisper, “-Peter’s sticky situation?”
A patch of red grew on the boy in question’s face, and he sent an exasperated stare his friend’s way. “Dude, come on, at least think of a better code name.”
“So you know?” Ned asked Lila again, to which she nodded apprehensively. Her eyes flickered to Peter, who offered an apologetic shrug. When she looked back to Ned again, he looked relieved. “Finally. I’ve really needed this, I didn’t know how much longer I could keep it a secret-“
“Ned,” Peter said, “You found out last week.”
“- I thought I was gonna blow it, but I didn’t. And now I can talk to you about how totally amazing this is.” Ned inhaled deeply, launching into a slew of questions. “So how did you know it was him? Are you psychic? Did you psychically connect to Peter, and that’s how he saved your life? Do you have, like, a spider-link now?”
“N-No, it wasn’t anything like that,” Lila answered him, Peter giving her a thankful look that she interrupted Ned’s questioning. She tucked her hair behind her ear before continuing, “Peter disappearing the night before, y-you having the Ch-Chitauri core, and - and the Stark Internship. Just… a lot of it d-didn’t add up.” Lila looked around them to see Michelle walk through the front doors. “Look, I’d b-better go before MJ gets suspicious but I’ll see you guys for fourth.”
Peter and Ned said their goodbyes while Lila walked down the hallway to her friend. Before she could reach MJ, however, Lila was stopped by Betty Brant, who had a fiercely determined look on her face. “Lila,” she practically addressed, her tone was so formal.
“B-Betty,” Lila swallowed, raising her eyebrows in surprise. “Wh-What’s up?”
“Midtown is running a story on the survivors of the almost-tragic Washington Monument scare yesterday. I need to know that you’ll be available for lunch to answer a few questions with the rest of your team. I would do it now, but I don’t have my co-host.” The last sentence ended with a note of bitterness, and Lila tilted her head in concern.
“Oh n-no, where’s - where’s Jason?”
Betty rolled her eyes, “His mom called him out of first period for some stupid dentist appointment and wouldn’t cancel. I’ve told him time and time again that his mom doesn’t understand how brutally competitive journalism can get in the age of technology.” Her eyes narrowed at the apparently sour thought. “Like, she doesn’t even know how embarrassing it was to see Principal Morita’s fall after the floors were waxed with new wax on Flash’s Snapchat story first. That should’ve been our story, but no, Jason had strep throat.” Her tone grew mocking and she put air quotes around “strep throat”. There was a beat of silence, and then, “Anyways, so I’ll see you at lunch?”
At this point, Lila had been daydreaming of a way to get out of the heated one-sided argument. “Sure.”
Satisfied, Betty nodded. “Good. And don’t talk to anyone else about what happened.” She strode away, leaving Lila feeling slightly confused as she walked over to where MJ was standing, watching the whole interaction.
It didn’t go unnoticed that Lila was becoming fast friends with Peter and Ned. Soon enough, in the span of the next two days, they popped up nearly everywhere in her daily life. For some, it was a welcome addition to Lila’s friend count (now up to three). For others, it was a topic of slight confusion.
“I’m not, like, unhappy for you or anything,” Sophie commented one evening in the flower shop. She was watching Peter and Ned leave through the front doors, the cooler air from the outside falling at their feet. “I just didn’t know you were so close.”
Lila and the boys had just brought over some chemicals they’d nicked from school, and finally perfected the stronger webbing for Peter. It was all discreetly put away in a box tucked underneath spare gardening supplies. The box in question was placed in a corner, out of sight and hopefully out of anyone else’s minds that weren’t Peter’s, Lila’s, or Ned’s.
The door had shut by the time Lila turned back to Sophie, a light blush on her cheeks. “Falling in an e-elevator is a surprisingly easy way to m-make friends.” The flicker of suspicion in Sophie’s eyes disappeared almost immediately at Lila’s reply, and for a moment, Lila had the gut-twisting sensation of guilt. It was confusing: she wasn’t actually lying to Sophie, but she was hiding the truth. Plummeting to her death with Ned by her side did craft a strong foundation of friendship at a remarkably fast rate. And being one of about four people who knew Peter’s secret identity also warranted spending more time together than what was considered normal. Only, she couldn’t tell anyone that last part.
Lila hated that her cover story for spending time around the two boys was her near-death experience, but even she couldn’t deny its effectiveness. Sophie stopped asking questions after her comment, and soon started addressing them with the same familiarity as she would Michelle or her dad.
Michelle, whose skepticism came as easy as breathing, wasn’t as easy to persuade. MJ knew Ned was in the elevator with Lila, and her interest in them hanging out didn’t extend farther than a simple statement of, “Ned needs to download the free VPNs I sent you. I don’t want my network data accidentally getting monitored by the government because he’s using the WiFi at your shop.” Which was fine with Lila, Ned would be one less thing to worry about in regards to her most perceptive friend.
However, with Ned deemed not a problem, MJ’s wariness was focused on Peter. If she thought he was sketchy before, it was nothing compared to how she felt after he started to hang out with Lila. Michelle wasn’t much for holding a conversation with people she didn’t know, but the times where she did talk to Peter, it almost always was staged as interrogation. Lila felt sorry for Peter, for she knew MJ was intimidating, and too smart for her own good. She also knew that Michelle’s intention was a heavily-veiled protectiveness for her friend.
Ted Landry seemed to be the only person in Lila’s life who wasn’t suspicious of her new friends. In fact, he was completely clueless. Peter being around Lila more was merely a correlation to him personally checking on her the night she got back from D.C. The worst part was that Ted told Lila that the reason Peter was starting to be around her so much was because he had a crush on her.
“It just seems kind of obvious,” Ted said, ignoring the choking noises Lila emitted after hearing her dad’s thoughts. He merely patted her on the back as she tried to dislodge the granola that she accidentally sent down the wrong pipe. “I practically did the same thing with your mom, we became inseparable.”
Lila wished above all that her dad’s thoughts were the truth. But the brief look in Peter’s eyes that appeared whenever Liz walked by the three of them in the school’s hallways sent those thoughts crawling on all fours to the back of her mind.
Over the next few days, Lila grew privy to the information Peter was gathering over the last week as Spider-Man. It all started with the bank robbers that accidentally decimated Delmar’s bodega, which Lila learned were capable of doing so with the acquisition of illegal weapons. Weapons that happened to have access to alien technology.
Peter and Ned explained that someone was stealing alien technology and fashioning weapons to distribute on the black market. Their target was Damage Control, whose existence was to be the clean-up crew of the Avengers.
“For lack of a better term,” Peter went on, fiddling with the screwdriver in his hand. That Wednesday evening, Peter had Ned and Lila over after he had perused the streets of Queens as Spider-Man. It was then the two boys filled Lila in on their mission. “But basically this department’s been confiscating all the alien tech and Ultron mess for the past eight years. And the helicarriers in Washington? They’re still working on that stuff.”
“And this guy in the wingsuit… the birdman?” Lila asked, trying to keep up with the nearly unbelievable tale.
A spark emitting from one of Peter’s web shooters had him diving back with his screwdriver. Ned, meanwhile, took the reigns. “We’re pretty sure he’s their leader. But they’ve got this stuff nearly on lockdown. Peter figures he must’ve been doing it from the beginning.”
Lila looked back over to Peter, “Do you know who he is? O-Or any kind of clue?”
The web shooter made a clicking noise that seemed to satisfy Peter. He turned away from his desk and set his eyes back on Lila. Shaking his head, he answered, “No, I’ve got no idea. And he got away with some of the stuff that was in the Damage Control trucks. Best guess, I’ll just have to catch them when they’re out selling this stuff again.” He paused, eyebrows furrowed in concentration. And after a moment, he added as an afterthought, “You didn’t happen to catch what Puth assigned for homework, did you? I wasn’t paying attention.”
“Peter, dinner’s on the table - Lila!” May poked her head inside Peter’s door. Lila whipped her head around to see her large grin, and heard Peter hastily slam his desk drawer shut to hide his web shooters. “I had no idea you were here!”
“Hi, May,” Lila smiled, a pale pink dusting her cheeks. “H-How are things?”
“Finer than wine, honey. I feel so bad, I would’ve made more food if I’d’ve known you guys were going to be here.” Her lips pursed briefly as an afterthought came to mind. “Actually, it might be better if you guys hit the road.”
Peter stared at his aunt exasperatedly, “Oh, c’mon May-“
“Uh-uh,” her expression was suddenly stern when her eyes fell on him, “If you’re going to ditch class, then you’re not going to have friends over.” She softened her gaze when she moved back over to Lila and Ned. “You guys need a ride home?”
Lila grabbed her backpack, eyeing Peter and feeling confused. Why would he ditch class? Peter’s eyes met hers before answering her with a jerk of the head to his desk, where the web shooters lay hidden.
“No,” Lila finally answered, brushing off Peter’s answer with a wave of dismay. “N-No, thanks. My neighborhood’s just f-five blocks over.”
Betty Brant released her story on Thursday morning. Apparently Jason actually did have a pretty awful tooth infection, and wasn’t able to co-anchor her story until then. When Lila walked into school, the conversation, which had just begun to die down, picked right back up, and attention was back on the academic decathlon.
Everyone at Midtown pretty much knew of Lila and her inability to confidently socialize with peers, but that didn’t stop them from pointing at her while poorly concealing whispers. So she was left to navigate the crowded hallways alone, doing her best to ignore the eyes that followed her and the sounds of the news story reporting on her brush with death. One thing she did manage to catch was Jason saying, “Thankfully, no one was seriously injured, thanks to Spider-Man. Up next, the Spider mania is sweeping the school, how can you show your Spider spirit?”
And Jason wasn’t wrong. The talk of Spider-Man was re-invigorated at the school news’ story, and if they weren’t talking about the decathlon team, they were talking about Spider-Man. Some people wore shirts they bought from street vendors, and talked about how amazing he was. Flash was the biggest proponent of this, boasting about how Spider-Man made a harrowing rescue, pulling Flash out of harm’s way just in time, and giving him a fist bump right afterwards. All of which was untrue, and Charles and Abraham we’re glad to remind everyone around Flash of the fact.
Lila felt a deep sense of pride as she made her way down the stairs and past the mural. She knew Peter must’ve been at school, and hearing all of the positive thoughts everyone had on his secret identity. She could feel it in the air: pride. A sense of pride that one of New York’s own was a hero, a champion of Queens. Even Lila herself felt that pride, but for other reasons entirely.
She ran into Ned first, who was beaming at the television screen in the corner of the hall. The two of them shared a knowing smile, and the pair launched into a quiet conversation about it in the otherwise loud hallways. Ned spotted Peter ahead of the two of them, and pushed around the students in his way. He and Lila met Peter at the foot of the stairs, all three grinning from ear to ear.
“Dude, dude, dude, what is it like being famous when no one knows it’s you?” Ned asked.
Rather modestly, Peter smiled and gripped the straps of his backpack. “It’s crazy,” he whispered, looking around to make sure other people weren’t listening.
“Crazy,” Ned repeated, almost in awe. “Should we tell everyone?”
Peter still smiled, but his head tilted a little in confusion, “No.”
“Should I tell everyone?”
“No, dude, that’s not a good idea.”
Ned looked to Lila, “Lila could tell everyone.”
“I-I would not,” Lila said, briefly panicked. She felt better seeing Peter let out a breathy laugh. “Really, I w-wouldn’t do it.”
Ned sighed, his hopes dashed. “Well, come on, we’re gonna be late to class.”
Lila was prepared to bid them goodbye, since their classes were on opposite sides of the hallway, but Peter didn’t follow Ned. “I’m not going to class.”
Ned looked at Lila and looked back, apprehensive, “You're already in so much trouble for ditching the decathlon-“
“P-Peter, you can’t keep d-ditching school-“
“Would you listen? I figured it out, right?” Peter’s voice dropped to a whisper. “I’m going to see if my suit can go back to the deal I walked in on the night of Liz’s party and find out where those guys came from. Maybe they can lead me to the wing suit guy, and then I can catch him!”
“But we have a Spanish quiz,” Ned argued.
Peter looked at Ned with an expression that felt a little belittling. He was tired of arguing and clearly didn’t see why Ned and Lila would want him to stay in school. It was a kind of reckless determination that didn’t sit well with Lila at all. “Ned, I’m probably never going to come back here. Mr. Stark is moving the Avengers upstate. So, when I bring this guy in-“
“Dude,” All the excitement from the morning was gone from Ned. “You wanna be a high school dropout?”
“It wouldn’t be like that,” Peter assured him, even though that’s exactly what it sounded like.
“Ned’s right, Peter, you can’t - you can’t just skip school t-to fight crime. High school’s important-“
But Peter wasn’t listening. In fact, he started walking away. “I am so far beyond high school, right now.” And as he turned to a pair of doors that led to the exit, Principal Morita stood in his way.
“Ah, Mr. Parker,” he said, already walking back down the hallway. “Come with me, my office. Ned, Lila, get to class.”
“Here, c’mon,” MJ pulled at Lila’s arm. The girls had a free period, and usually spent it in the library. Lila has fully planned on spending it pretending to do her homework when in actuality she was just going to worry about Peter.
Skipping school just wasn’t like him. Lila thought he was getting caught up in his situation. True, it was extraordinary beyond belief, and there was no way to tell how she would handle it, but she thought Peter had more grit than what he was showing. School was important, almost if not equally as important as the crime Peter fought in the afternoons.
And then there was the issue of Tony Stark, and Peter’s idea of where he stood. Peter had the mindset that he had to prove himself to Tony Stark in order to be fully accepted into a world he’d always dreamt of, but that made little sense to Lila. In her mind, Tony Stark already was accepting of Peter. If he wasn’t, he wouldn’t have given Peter the suit.
Those were the thoughts Lila distracted herself with in her first two periods, anyway. She’d planned on delving further into her worry during her free time next period. That is, until MJ changed their plans. “And where are we going?” Lila asked, allowing herself to be steered by her taller friend.
“I’ve been sketching the kids in detention,” she answered, ”Lila, they’re the perfect inspiration: they basically all just sit and wonder if they’re lives are going to spiral out of control. Like first, it’s detention, next it’s prison. I mean, you can’t get that kind of raw panic anywhere else.”
“I’m slightly worried you seem so excited about this,” Lila muttered, filing into the classroom where detention was being held. Coach Wilson was already perched at the desk, the TV on the stand waiting to play the Captain America tape that was at the ready. Michelle sat at the edge of the classroom, and Lila sat with her, already pulling out her homework.
She thought she got a few odd stares from the one or two kids that were further in the room, since Lila had never been in any kind of trouble in her life. Even though her presence wasn’t mandatory, she was still unsettled at the thought of being so close to a trouble she had no interest in ever being a part of. She only felt slightly better when Peter walked through the door as the bell rang. He eyed her suspiciously, and seemingly answered his own question when his gaze slid over to Michelle, who was already sketching away.
Peter looked antsy. Sitting in his seat, Lila could see the tension in his shoulders as Coach Wilson lazily went over the rules of detention from his desk chair. He proceeded to play the clip of Captain America lecturing the kids in detention, but Lila could tell Peter wasn’t taking in a word of it. She was considering shooting him a text when suddenly he shot up and grabbed his backpack. He marched out of the room without another word.
After a moment’s hesitation, Lila made the decision to go after him. She told Michelle she’d be right back and hurried after her friend. When she caught up to him, he’d reached the row of lockers where he hid things and lifted it one-handed. Despite her worry, Lila watched him in awe, having to take a second to adjust to the fact that he did actually have super strength.
When the moment ended, her sense caught up to her. “Peter!” She called out, jogging the rest of the way up to him. He turned, impatience dotting across his features. “You can’t go.”
“Lila, I don’t have time-“
“But you do,” She insisted. “Y-You do have time. You can’t just - just leave.”
“Yes, I can,” Peter actually rolled his eyes. It stung Lila more than she thought it would. “Look, you don’t understand, I’ve gotta do this for Mr. Stark. Now, I’ve really gotta go.”
He tried to turn away, but in a bold move, Lila grabbed his arm, “T-Tony Stark is a c-certified genius, and even he stayed in school. Why can’t you?”
“Because when the Avengers move upstate, I’ve gotta be there. The best school I could have would be by learning from him. Who knows, maybe - maybe I’ll get a tutor or something-“
“P-Peter, you’re chasing a-approval from someone who already gave it to you. I mean - look at what y-you’ve already done. The whole school’s b-been talking about it for the entire w-week.”
“Lila,” irritation at still being in school was what made Peter grow short. Lila flinched at the tone. “You don’t get it. I can do so much more if he could just see it, that’s why I’ve gotta go.”
“You do so much, Peter. You - you saved my life twice-“
Peter snapped, “Lila, stop. I’ve made up my mind. I can’t just be Peter Parker anymore, you know? I finally have a chance to prove that I’m so much more than just a nobody now. Because while that might be fine for you, it’s not for me.” The words left his mouth harsh and bitter before his mind could even keep up. Peter didn’t even realize what he’d said until he watched Lila take a step back.
White hot anger burned her skin and flushed her face. Hurt came quickly after, and Lila blinked furiously to stop the tears from rushing to the surface. She released a short breath and made eye contact with Peter. He felt bad, she could tell, but he didn’t offer any kind of apology.
So much for being friends.
“You w-wonder what that life is like, Peter? Being an - an Avenger?” Her voice was quiet, more quiet than normal, but the emotion seemed to amplify it down the empty hallways. “I’ll t-tell you. It’s staring d-down at people who are dead for the sole r-reason that pure evil just likes it that way. It’s being unable to s-save the people you love most, and l-living with that when all is said and - and done.”
“Lila, I-“
She angrily brushed the lone tear away that managed to escape. “You wanna hear wh-what I think? I think that if - if Tony Stark wanted you to b-be like him, he would’ve given you an I-Iron Man suit. Instead he gave you the Spider-Man suit. But what do I know, r-right? I’m just a nobody.” She gave Peter, the boy who broke her heart, one last look. “Good luck out there.”
And she turned around, walking away from Peter Parker with a few tears falling down her face.
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