#why doesn’t he put all of his money into bettering Arkham and Gotham in general
cherrysnax · 8 months
autisming but my biggest pet peeve abt Batman is when someone who only ever consumed fanon is like “why doesn’t Bruce do *insert thing that he’s done since nearly his conception*
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Why isn't Nightwing a bigger deal? He has all of Batman's skills and Superman's faith in humanity and is arguably the most beloved hero in the DCU, but most people seem to know him either as the leader of the N̶o̶t̶ ̶J̶L̶ Teen Ttians or just Robin.
Thank you for asking me about Nightwing, I've been wanting to write a piece about him for a while now. The short version is that everyone who claims Dick becoming Nightwing was him "moving out of Batman's shadow and becoming his own man" is completely wrong.
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Dick Grayson is a fantastic character, someone who saved Bruce Wayne in-universe both by forcing Batman to grow up a bit, and the countless times he saved Batman's life as his partner whether as Robin or Nightwing. Dick saved Batman in the real world as well, hard to believe but Batman was actually in danger of being cancelled due to poor sales early on. Enter Robin, a young daredevil audience stand in the creators hoped would get kids interested in reading Batman. And it worked! Sales on Batman doubled once Robin showed up which is crazy to think about, but Dick Grayson has always been a popular character. Cartoons like Teen Titans, Batman: The Animated Series, and The Batman only helped grow his audience.
Character-wise, Dick Grayson really does fill a number of crucial roles in the DCU. For Batman, Dick is proof that Batman is a positive force. Meeting Batman helped change Dick for the better, helped him heal after his parents died. With Dick, Batman can take comfort in knowing that yes, he has made a difference in the world for at least one orphan boy, which is all he wanted when he lost his parents himself. To the wider DCU, Dick is a friendly face who convinces others that Batman is competent and not a complete asshole. He took this kid in, trained him to be one of the best heroes the DCU has seen, and did it all out of the kindness of his heart. That someone like Dick can confront the evils of Gotham and not break means there's still hope for that city. As Robin, Dick has led the Titans and is an icon in his own right as The Sidekick, the original, the one every other Robin is built around copying or contrasting. The one all other superhero sidekicks are drawing on as a basis. As Robin Dick Grayson is very much on Batman's level.
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Just not as Nightwing. As Nightwing, Dick has been a second rate Daredevil which means he's a third rate Batman (fully prepared to get hate for this but I've read and enjoyed the Miller and Bendis DD runs so I feel entitled to my opinion). A typical Nightwing run tends to go like this: Moving to Bludhaven (which is Gotham... but WORSE!), Dick Grayson usually enrolls in a pointless job we don't care about in order to provide some meaningless soap opera drama that doesn't go anywhere. Patrolling the city as Nightwing, he fights a variety of bad guys who are usually rather lame and unthreatening, with his big bad being a Kingpin knockoff called Blockbuster. Villains are fought, long running plotlines are set up, then everything is abandoned because it's Batfamily event time, and Dick has to run back to Gotham in order to play sidekick again. Usually his involvement is completely superfluous and it would've been better if the writer had gotten to opt out. By the time we finally get back to Nightwing's solo plotlines, the audience has usually ceased to care and the run gets cut short.
That's how Nightwing has been since the New 52 at least. Anyone who thinks that's "becoming their own man" is out of their mind. Dick is so thoroughly in Batman's shadow that he got shot in the head and spent a longer time as "Ric" which everyone fucking hated and sold like shit, than he did as Agent Grayson which was extremely well-received. Reiterating: Ric went on longer than Grayson because of a fucking Batman plotpoint Tom King wanted where Bruce was sad and cut off from the Batfamily because of Dick getting shot. Not just calling out King either, how many times was Kyle Higgins Nightwing run derailed because of Scott Snyder's crossovers? Or how about that entire run getting dumped to the side because Johns wanted to out Dick during Forever Evil, a Justice League/Lex Luthor story? DC has repeatedly made their contempt for Nightwing clear, he's Batman's sidekick still in their eyes, and he serves whatever story role the Batman writer wants.
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Hell his best stories tend to have been the ones where he's not Nightwing. He was Robin in a good chunk of the Wolfman/Perez New Teen Titans run. Morrison really showcased his depth as a character when they wrote him as Batman, their time with Dick under the cowl was actually one of the first Batman runs I ever read, and no Nightwing run has ever matched it in terms of quality in my humble opinion. Scott Snyder's work with DickBats also was a high point for the character, showing Dick as competent and examining his relationship with Gotham and the Gordons. King and Seeley gave him one of the best comic runs with Grayson, a series where he wasn't even a "superhero" technically! When it comes to actual pre-New 52 Nightwing runs that are highly recommended where he *is* Nightwing, there's Chuck Dixon and uhhhhhhh... Tomasi's brief run before Dick became Batman? It's not exactly an overwhelming list.
Look there has been good work done with Nightwing, I'm not claiming there hasn't been. Tim Seeley wrote a great run with Nightwing Rebirth. Seeley fleshed out Dick's Rogues Gallery with cool new ones like Raptor, he brought back old foes like Dr. Hurt (why oh why couldn't you have brought back Flamingo too?), he gave Dick's world some character it solely needed. Bludhaven under Seeley is pretty much the only time I've really felt like it lived up to being Dick's city.
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The problem with fictional cities is you have to put in the work to give them the character of real cities. You have to make the cities feel like characters in their own right. Gotham is the best example of this, it's a character all it's own, one that tells you a lot about Batman and his cast. In contrast Bludhaven is usually one of the worst. Any place that wants to claim to be worse than the city that is built over the gate to hell and gets wrecked every other month by the Arkham freaks has to really put in the work to compete. Simply put, Bludhaven typically fails utterly. There's nothing about it that makes you really buy it's worse than Gotham, I mean does anyone really think Nightwing's Rogues wouldn't get their lunches eaten by Batman's? No, no one genuinely buys that. When Bludhaven claims to be worse, it just comes across as tryhard, an attribute that does end up telling you about Nightwing in unintentional ways.
So Seeley didn't do that. Instead he created a city built for a hero like Dick Grayson. Someone who is bright and flashy, but does have an element of darkness to him. Someone who loves the spotlight, but often uses it to obscure. Seeley turned Bludhaven into Las Vegas, and that was the fucking best concept for Bludhaven I have ever seen, it makes so much sense. Las Vegas is the "Entertainment Capital of the World" and isn't that the perfect city for a hero who got their start working in the circus? Isn't the aesthetics of the gleaming casinos, the glamorous sex appeal of the performers, and the spectacle of the shows, all being used to cover up the seediness of mob bosses meeting backstage perfect for Nightwing? It's so utterly unlike New York City, yet Las Vegas is still dangerous, it's got a crime culture all it's own. Seeley used it to great effect, as did Humphries during his brief run, and I will always be pissed that DC didn't continue to use it. That should have stuck around and been the definitive look for Bludhaven.
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How Seeley's take on Bludhaven was treated feels like a small scale version of how Nightwing in general gets treated. Whenever creators pitched ideas for him, if editorial thought there was potential to break big, they asked for those ideas to be repurposed for Batman instead. Anything big or good gets repurposed for Batman or tossed to the side so Nightwing can go back to his default: having irrelevant adventures in a city that is supposedly worse than Gotham but can't live up to it. Just like how Nightwing is supposedly better than Batman but never gets to show it. Goddamn it's so frustrating seeing his potential get wasted like that.
The Nightwing book should be one of DC's most ambitious books in terms of storytelling. You can go from traditional superhero stories, to romantic soap opera, to spy stories, to crime noir, to horror, to cosmic adventures, and ALL of them would fit because Nightwing is someone who has a foot in both Gotham and Metropolis. He's got friends everywhere on every team, and has been a hero longer than most Leaguers have at this point. No reason DC should still be afraid to let him loose and insisting on hewing close to what Dixon established almost over 30 years ago is only holding him back. At the very least get him some better Rogues, why the hell didn't he get to keep Professor Pyg? That's Dick's villain not Bruce's! Bullshit that they didn't let Dick keep him. Hopefully Flamingo comes back, with a slight revamp I think he'd make a great reoccurring Nightwing Rogue.
Luckily it does look somewhat like Nightwing fans have reason to be optimistic. While Taylor isn't to my taste, DC clearly views him as a "big" writer, and that they put him on Nightwing says a lot. Taylor has been selling well so far, so hopefully he gets to tell his story, hilarious that even he lampshaded having to write Dick running over to Gotham for another tie-in after Taylor's big opening arc was all about Dick committing himself and his money to Bludhaven. Scott Snyder is apparently working on a Black Label Nightwing book which will explore how he's a different detective than Bruce. The Gotham Knights video game has him as one of the main stars, and while Titans is... controversial, it's one of the most popular streaming shows and Dick is the main character. There's a lot of content coming that features him in the starring role, and that will only help his star rise further.
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For the first time in, well, ever it feels like DC may be serious about elevating him. Time will tell if it pays off, but I for one choose to be optimistic that the 2020s will be a turning point for Dick Grayson where Nightwing becomes hugely popular in his own right. Not just as Batman's sidekick.
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scaryscarecrows · 4 years
Beggar, Pick Up Your Crown
AN: Title from Jerry Cantrell’s ‘Siddhartha’. Takes place the day after ‘Out of Hell’.
Happy birthday, Jason!
* * * 
Jason wakes from the...he’s thinking the third-best nights’ sleep he’s had in his whole life. First one was...pfft, one’a those random nights, Mom had been feeling okay, and they’d stayed up to see the sunrise and made s’mores on the stove. Second had been after his first. His. Patrol. First patrol.
He has no idea what time it is, and he’s afraid to open his eyes, lest last night turn out to be a dream. He stays still for the moment, concentrating on the cheap hotel mattress under his still-aching body, the smell of complimentary soap and cleaner and that lingering people have been born, had sex, and probably died in this room smell that these sorts of places have. He can hear rain and traffic and general Gotham Living outside and in the rooms around him.
And he’s hungry.
Okay. Okay. He’s woken up out of nice dreams before, and it hurts, but. But he can do it again. One more time.
He cracks his eyes open.
The room is beige and...rusty orange...and very bright. Well, bright to him, anyway. It’s empty, but he rolls over and, muscles protesting the whole time, peers under the bed. Zilch.
Still unconvinced he’s not hallucinating or unwillingly playing one of the clown’s head games, Jason stumbles out of the warm bed, ankle cracking horribly when he makes it take his weight, and shuffles to the bathroom. Nothing. Nothing in the shower, or wedged into the little cabinet under the sink. He’s alone here.
He lets his breath out slowly, slumping forward against the sink to take some of the pressure off his ankle. He’ll have to look at it later, look at everything later, but...but not now. Not this second, huh?
His hair’s too long; his bangs are in his eyes and he can feel dead ends scraping the back of his neck. No way in hell is he letting anyone near him with scissors. That’s okay. He did self-trims when he was a kid.
He’s out.
He’s out, he’s free of that monster. That bastard’s never going to hurt him ever again. The thought makes him lightheaded, brings an unfamiliar twist to his lips that feels like it might be a smile.
And then he makes the mistake of looking up at the mirror.
The boy-no, he’s not a boy anymore, is he-looking back at him looks dead. He’s pasty white, thin and hollow-cheeked with no spark to his eyes. There’s cuts and gashes all over his face, his nose is crooked, and...and there’s that. The brand on his face, the one that still hurts, the one that screams to the world, PROPERTY OF THE JOKER, IF FOUND, PLEASE RETURN!
I’ll never get away from him.
The mirror shatters under his fist, shards jabbing in between his knuckles and falling into the sink and bouncing off the counter to hit the tiles by his feet. He doesn’t care. He can’t face this he can’t face this he can’t--
This is too much for his ankle; it buckles and then he’s kneeling in the glass, sobbing so hard it’s silent and hurts his throat and chest. He chokes, doubles over so’s his forehead’s pressed against his knees, bites down on his lips to try and...and…
Willis always said, ‘boys don’t cry’. Bruce hadn’t...he’d never known what to do with tears. Or any outpouring of emotion, for that matter. And Joker had loved them. But Jason? Right now, he doesn’t care about any of that. He wants Mom, but Mom can’t be here anymore.
It takes him several minutes to register that the tears have stopped and that he’s just...huddled here on the floor with glass jutting out of his skin. The glass doesn’t hurt, but his ankle does and he slowly and carefully brings it up to investigate.
It’s swollen and hot to the touch and it...something about it doesn’t look quite right. He’ll wrap it, he decides, he’ll get a compression bandage or something later today. Okay. He’s okay. He’s just gotta breathe, get up, clean this mess up because he was raised better than to leave this shit for the housekeeper, and then...if he is where he thinks he is, there’s a bodega two blocks south, one that has a gray tabby that lounges in the window. They’ll have a thing of chips or something he can choke down (safely), maybe bandages. Definitely a hoodie, at least, a nice touristy hoodie.
He can make it two blocks. Like he’s got a choice, but he can make it two blocks.
* * *
The smell of rotting watermelons, cheap ice cream bars, and packaged bread is possibly one of the best things Jason’s ever smelled in his life. He’s starving, and now, confronted with food choices, he knows he’s gonna have to exercise some restraint and not just devour a stale baguette in the middle of the store. Crackers. And maybe a soup-cup-thing, that’s mild. And, uh, cranberry juice, yeah, that’s sorta healthy. And a Reese’s. If the Reese’s makes him sick, it’ll be worth it.
The owner is dancing lightly to the mariachi on the radio and the cat is more interested in the birds outside than in him, which means he can limp through the store on his own sweet time. They do have bandages, and the food he thinks he can do, and a red hoodie* proclaiming, I Survived Gotham. It’ll do.
What’s worrying him-apart from, you know, everything else-is where he found money last night. He doesn’t remember a damn thing after leaving Arkham, and it scares him. Mystery for later, though, because he’s hungry and grateful he doesn’t have to rob the bodega man, who-miracle of miracles-doesn’t so much as look up at him. He pulls the hoodie on the second he’s outside, though, tugs the hood up to try and cover the damn thing at least a little.
He doesn’t know what to do.
He can’t go back to him-he’ll die first-and he can’t...s’like they say, you can never go home again. If Wayne Manor was ever home. 
Left me he left me with him he said he’d always be there and he fucking left me with that bastard--
He just doesn’t know what to do.
He stumbles back into the hotel room, debates on whether or not he wants to use the grody microwave provided, and decides that yes, yes he does. This will be the first real food he’s had in over a year and he wants to try and enjoy it, if that’s possible.
Man, he hasn’t had one of these in...geeze, since before Mom died. They’re not Old Money Approved, after all. Good. He’s not Old Money Approved, either.
It’s done, he decides, when it pops and the lid gets all soft and hot. It smells okay. Safe, anyway, no hint of Joker venom or any other little surprises. The steam curls around his face, making the...the burn a little tender, but it’s fine. It’s fine. He bought it all sealed up and he’s the only one who’s touched it. He took off the safety tin.
So why can’t he eat it? His appetite’s vanished, even though he knows he needs to eat, it’s just…
You gotta eat, baby.
That sounds like Mom, and it should be concerning, but...he does need to eat. And he can’t just chug it, either, much as he’d like to get it over with. He’s gotta be slow and careful.
Cracker! He’ll dip a cracker in.
The soup’s hot and salty on his tongue, miles above the slop he’s been eating in the asylum. Once he swallows the slightly soggy cracker, his appetite returns with a vengeance and it’s an effort not to pour half the column of crackers in, smash them to bits with the spoon, and eat the resulting mush here and now. But he can’t. He’ll be sick. Hell, he might be sick anyway, who knows.
He dunks another cracker in, catches a wispy noodle on it this time. Jesus. Jesus Christ, this is it, he’s living on soup and crackers forever, this is the best thing he’s eaten in his life--
--no. No it isn’t, is it. Alfred. Alfred made…
Not now. Just eat.
That’s right. He can’t think about anything, that’s not...he’s spent a long time, trapped in his own head. Not now. He can’t do that now. Food first.
The soup goes down easily enough, the cran juice a little less so but it stays in, and then he has to admit that yup, time for some self-examination.
He’s not facing the mirror-or what’s left of it-again. It’s better to stay here, to strip off despite knowing that hotel beds are scuzzy, and, well, survey the damage. And there is a lot of damage. Burn scars, wire scars, marks he can’t even begin to trace. He doesn’t really want to know what his back looks like, but he’ll have to find out.
Further poking the ankle says that oh, sure, it’s...healing, or maybe as good as it’s gonna get, but that squeezing certain spots of it makes his vision go white and over-manipulating it is worse than that. He puts the bandage on it, because what else can he do, and struggles back into his clothes. No more. He can’t do more right now.
* * *
Jason does not mean to fall into a fitful sleep, but that’s what happens. He wakes up gasping and soaked in sweat, a man’s shouting echoing in his ears. Sounds like Willis.
After a minute of lying here, he comes to realize that it isn’t Willis, and it isn’t a dream. It’s...lobby, something’s going on in the lobby.
It’s hard to move as steathily as he used to, but he’s still quieter than the average schmuck when he slips out of bed and opens the door to creep down the hall. It’s late, which means the clerk should be alone, which makes them easy pickings. People never change, much as Batman insists that they do.
The shouting man has a gun. He’s wearing a scarf around the lower half of his face and he’s actually kinda big. Looks plenty comfortable threatening a woman half his size.
He doesn’t think, just moves; grabs one of the little chairs near the doors and hurls it
Owowowow not good movement not good
at the man’s back. He trips, gun falling from his fingers and sliding under the desk. The woman, wisely, ducks.
“What the fuck--oh, we got us a Batman-wannabe.” The guy cracks his back. “Come on, then, hero.”
He’s out of practice. Doesn’t mean he’s helpless. He dodges the oncoming haymaker and retaliates by going straight for the jugular.
Or, in this case, the balls. Fighting fair does not get you far in life.
The bravado vanishes. It’s hard to be badass when you’re shrieking like a little girl with your testicles twisted in a fist. Jason lets go, headbutts him to get him down, and steps around him to fish the gun out from under the desk.
“Get the hell out of here,” he says, more out of breath than he should be after that. His shoulders hurt from the throw. That can’t be good. “Or pray to God Batman shows up to save you in the next thirty seconds.”
“You son of a bitch--”
“Twenty-nine. Twenty-eight. Twenty-seven--”
“I’ll kill you!”
He cocks the gun. Little awkwardly, it’s true-Bruce taught him the absolute bare minimum of gun handling-but it gets his point across.
“Twenty-six. Twenty-five.”
The man can’t quite get upright, but he manages to hobble outside. Jason doesn’t chase after him. He’s shaking, a little, and the gun’s awkward in his hand.
“Thank you.” Oh. Yeah. He forgot about her. “I don’t know--he wanted money, I guess--”
“Don’t they all.” He doesn’t turn around. He can’t; he’s way too identifiable. “You’re welcome.” Back to his room it is, to get his crap and clear out. “I’m gonna check out before the cops show.”
“I’m not calling them.” Huh. “They never come. That’s the third time in two months we’ve had someone in here.”
He doesn’t answer-what do you say, huh?-, just shuffles back to his room. He doesn’t realize, until the door’s locked behind him, that he’s still got the gun.
Well, he figures, as he stumbles back towards the bed, at least if Joker manages to track him here, he won’t have to go back. He’ll kill the clown or himself, it doesn’t matter which, but he’s not going back.
He crawls under the blankets this time, tries to get a little more comfortable. It must work, because in five minutes, he’s out. Nothing wakes him this time.
*Arkham!Jason has a fondness for red hoodies even pre-Red Hood; both baby Jay and grown-up Jay are shown wearing one in the prequels. For obvious reasons. :p
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sick-raven · 4 years
Ghosts of the Present - Chapter 2
Chapter 1 + warnings
Previous chapter
Chapter 2
Miranda sat at the table, head in her hands. Jonathan across her thought through what she just told him. Silently sipping coffee, he figured the best approach to this will be an interrogation.
“You were part of the League of assassins.”
“And you thought it was a good idea to move to Gotham.”
“I didn’t know he came here so often!”
“He does. From time to time Ra’s makes a mess in this city,” agreed Jonathan. “How did that slip you?”
“I guess I didn’t ask right questions,” sighed Miranda in capitulation. She kept tucking on the charm as if she was ready to tear it down and let the ghosts kill her. Empty unfocused gaze showed she is also thinking hard. Is she considering running away? Jonathan knew this bond of theirs were just words. She left her life behind before, why would he be any different?
“You cannot do this, Jonathan,” she surprised him instead of running, “you cannot work for the Demon’s head!”
“Didn’t you say he doesn’t know you?” Jonathan ignored her request on purpose. Even Miranda can’t boss him around. This wasn’t his first job for Ra’s. Most of them were small, drug selling or making correct people crazy. Ra’s was always fair. Now, Jonathan didn’t trust him, however, he didn’t have reason to expect this job will go sideways. When Ra’s promised something, he delivered. Loyalty was more valuable to him than money or whatever else he offered.
“No general knows all his foot soldiers. He is the Demon’s head! I worked under the captain so to say. In completely different part of the world. I’ve seen Ra’s al Ghul once as a kid. Master Khulan wanted us to see him, so we know who we die for.”
“Why worry then?”
“Are you for real?” Miranda grimaced disgusted. “They are the League! If you are not careful… If… Aagh! One wrong step and I am dead!”
Jonathan bit his tongue so he doesn’t say something that would send her to rage. He didn’t need that now. Angry Miranda would be able to book a ticket and fly to Europe without second thought.
“You are supposed to be dead for a decade, Miranda. Just don’t cross their way and you will be okay.”
“I don’t know,” she whispered. “If they realize, I am as good as dead. And they may not stop there. You would be in danger too. Please, Jonathan, the work can’t be that important.”
“You know science is always the most important thing,” he replied in calm voice. “And I cannot cancel now, that would be the real death sentence.”
Miranda grumbled in frustration. “Fine, I am not helping you with this.”
“I can accept that.”
“And remember one thing,” her eyes finally focused on him, “if it comes to decision between you and me, I am choosing myself. You got yourself into this, I am not dying.”
Jonathan laughed silently. “Miranda, that’s obvious.”
He rested his head on his palm. The expression on her face was joyous. They might have built something, he might have liked her… loved her even… but that was it. He wouldn’t sabotage himself for her. Not again, not after the last fiasco. Jonathan decided he will not go outside his plans. Control was important, he cannot lose that. No holding city hostage again.
“People don’t do that,” he explained slowly. “They do not sacrifice themselves for the others. They might say so, but when faced with the possibility, everyone will always pick themselves. Noble sacrifices are book fantasy, made up so people can feel good about their fake morals.”
That shut her up. She silently watched him, anger slowly disappearing from her face. Then she nodded. “Fine. I am glad we understand each other.”
The situation wasn’t fixed. Miranda still looked around nervously and tucked the bell. It dinged silently. It was funny, Jonathan has read about these charms some time ago. Apparently, silver bells were new age thing that pregnant women wore to be on the same wavelength with their child. Did Miranda know her anti-ghost pendant has different purpose for general population?
“What are you doing for them anyways?” Miranda interrupted his train of thoughts.
“You said you don’t want it.”
“I don’t. I want to know what made you jump after it like a horny teenager at a sex doll.”
“Excuse me?”
“You didn’t even think about the offer. What did he promise, tell me?”
Why the hell did he ever started dating someone whose metaphors always revolved around sex? And her vocabulary consisted of seventy percent of swear words? Charming, Miranda, really.
“Here,” he handed her the envelope.
There! That was it! Miranda’s behaviour may be rude, but when she thinks, her face makes this expression and that’s what he enjoyed. She read through the task, frowning a bit. Finding new things, and realization connected to exploring was Jonathan’s life, he loved to learn and think. That’s what he looked for and Miranda was opened to learning. Maybe not at the moment, but other times, she took his suggestions and she talked with him about things she hardly understood and tried to grasp at them. That’s what he liked about her, she could catch up with him. Now only if her taste in books got better.
“Let me get this straight,” Miranda put down the paper after few minutes. Jonathan was curious what did she figure out. “They want you to mix some chemicals from plants they imported.”
“I know them. They are used to drug their soldiers to not fear death. Kinda breaks your modus operandi.”
“It’s a job. I will not use it, they will.”
Miranda nodded. “I expect they want Ivy to fasten the speed of growth.”
“That’s what I figured,” agreed Jonathan.
“Who were the people at the Legion? Nygma I know.”
“Waylon Jones, or also known as Killer Croc, and Jervis Tetch. That one is a madman with good hypnotic skills. The last lady I don’t know, but I have my suspicion.”
Miranda bit her lip thinking. Jonathan smiled.
“What is Croc anyways?”
“He was born with rare skin disease. Years of ridicule made him succumb to this nature. More years of Arkham experiments made him… worse. He lives under the city.”
“So, he knows sewers.”
“And Nygma? What is he good for in his mess?”
“What is flamboyant idiot who can’t keep himself hidden to save his life good for?”
Miranda grinned. “He’s a Bat bait.”
“Most certainly,” agreed Jonathan.
“And hypnotist… drugs, hypnosis… What are they doing?” mumbled Miranda to herself.
“That’s the point…”
“…foot soldiers don’t need to know what generals want,” she finished for him. “Yes, I know this strategy. I lived it. But I still don’t get one thing. The reward. You want these new plants to test on, that’s clear. And then there is this,” she pointed at the paper. “What’s the bottle?”
Jonathan laughed in surprise. “You’ve been in the League and you don’t know?”
“Don’t patronize me and explain,” she snapped.
“Sorry,” he backed off. “It’s bottle of water from the Lazarus pit.”
Miranda’s face turned white in surprise. Eyes wide, mouth open. “What!?”
“The Lazarus pit is…”
“I know! It keeps the Demon’s head alive for centuries. He just hands it out!? And how do Gotham rogues know about this?” she raised her voice. This information made her nervous. Jonathan had the same inner reaction when he read about the reward. The possibilities! But also, the danger. Lazarus pit had shadow of evil hoovering over it. Worse evil, than even most of the rogues accepted. Yet… having something this powerful…
“It’s well known in Gotham that the Lazarus pit exists,” Jonathan explained. “Few years back Joker killed one of Bat’s boy wonders. Nasty stuff, it shook bones of all of us. We all wish them dead, but not like this.” Miranda watched him in silence, listening carefully. It reminded him times when he taught at university. He loved the job. The curious looks of students, questions he could answer. He wished to go back. Unfortunately, there is no going back. They never understood his approach.
“Bat has heard about the Lazarus pit, so you can imagine what he did. He found it and tossed the dead body in. Who can blame him? But it was long after the body died. Way too long. The boy came back… different. Wrong. Him and Bat never made up. The boy almost killed Joker if his saviour didn’t stop him.”
“Bat did that?” Miranda said unsure.
“That’s what they say. Truth will be somewhere in between, only he knows. But the word spread. That’s how people know about the pit.”
Miranda shook her head. “That’s insane. This whole situation is insane.”
“You understand that getting my hands on the water is incredible opportunity. I can’t begin to imagine what could be done with it.”
Miranda smirked. “Yeah. I get it,” she replied annoyed.
Jonathan sighed. He didn’t expect she will calm down, but he hoped. Not everyone can keep his level of stoic. If it was about his past, he would probably freak out too. Thankfully, he got rid of any danger from that long ago. He walked behind Miranda’s chair and put his hands on her shoulders. Stiff.
“I am sure you will not get in danger,” he said massaging her. “You are clever.”
She relaxed a bit. “I will lay low for a while,” she agreed.
“That’s going to be for the best.”
“Are you sure it’s not a trick? That they won’t kill you after they are done with you?”
“You can never be sure in Gotham.”
“I guess.”
He leaned to her and kissed her neck. “Now, are you staying or are you moving to Europe?”
Miranda laughed sincerely. “I don’t know. Convince me?”
Jonathan grinned. “Convince you, hm? Let me think.” He ran his fingers on her neck and through her hair. She purred like a cat when he touched her collar bone. Her clothing became more relaxed after ghosts went. She stopped being afraid to show her skin and the charm. Goodbye to turtleneck, hello to free neckline. He appreciated this small change.
“I think I got it,” he said after kissing her cheek and neck. He slid his hands lower, now massaging her breasts. “You will get dressed up,” he whispered, “and we will go together to the bookstore. My treat.”
“Ah, damn you, Jonathan,” Miranda smiled. “You are a devil. Let’s go!”
“Yes, I am. Don’t worry, I will collect my debts.”
“Whatever you want, professor.”
Next chapter
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sunlitroom · 5 years
Thoughts on ‘The Beginning’
So - as with The Trial of Jim Gordon, I'm going to regard this episode as an extra, and do some meta as opposed to a full recap.   My rationale is pretty much the same: this is an optional easter egg, and one that can easily be regarded as outside canon if desired.  
Also - I found the deeper message, like that in The Trial of Jim Gordon, was so unpalatable it strained the show’s broader ideas and themes.  So I’ve decided it’s not part of canon, for me.
Thoughts after the cut.  Same disclaimer as with The Trial of Jim Gordon.  I love the show.  I tweeted like a maniac as episodes were airing, and got booted from Twitter.  I want another network to pick it up.
However, my idea of meta is the old fandom one, which is critical analysis.  If that’s not your thing, fine - but that’s what I’ll be doing here.
So, first things first.
I understand the rationale behind the time-jump, to an extent.  The two extra episodes were just that - extra.  One was spent on The Trial of Jim Gordon, which I have already been salty about in another post.  This one was a sort of nod to the fans - offering Batman as a sort of reward.  I’ve always been more interested in the story Gotham actually set out to tell, though, the story before Batman.  The story of the city and its inhabitants.  As such, I was always going to be less taken with an episode which was fundamentally mostly interested in giving us Batman. 
But there were a couple of other issues that confused me.  Gotham has always presented its own vision of the city, the characters.  It’s shown it can be creative with canon, as well as adding its own ideas.  Not only, for example, is their take on Oswald unique, but Fish Mooney – so pivotal in his development – only exists within Gotham’s universe.  We got the Executioner and Cyrus Gold – yes, but we also got Nathaniel Barnes and Butch Gilzean, who had character and stories and lives all of their own.
I like that it thumbed its nose at Jim’s moustache.  But go all the way with it.  Yes, we know Batman’s coming.  But if you want to continue to focus on Jim, and his wrestling with the notion of heroism – then just do that.  Have the courage of your convictions.  You can draw inspiration from the 60s series if you want, but you’re not shackled to it: Oswald doesn’t have to don a top hat and become 60s Penguin if you don’t want him to.  The city doesn’t have to morph aesthetically into something we saw in the movies.  You’ve told your own story. See it through.
That aside - the details.
The flash-forward was also a difficult ask because the story has been unnaturally cut short.  Characters who were still wrestling with huge issues didn’t really get to address them in a truncated season and - as such - it’s sort of hard to accept where we find them now.  
For example
We’ve seen Jim deal with several demons over the years.  He has major issues with authority.  His relationship with his father looms large.  He wants to be a hero, but gets on better with the villains.  He compartmentalises like crazy.  He’s emotionally dishonest with others and himself.  He enjoys playing dangerous games.  He can’t resist a pissing match. 
Am I to honestly believe that Jim has been entirely clean and pure in the interim?  Why?  Because the city was saved after near destruction?  That’s happened before – he didn’t change.  If anything, he’s more likely to have reverted to old habits once the crisis was over.  Is he reformed because he’s a father now?  Didn’t stop him killing Theo Galavan while Lee was pregnant.  
Jim’s development was still very much in progress.  As such, he feels unsatisfying here and - given what we know about him - you can’t help but feel he’s probably been up to his old tricks, but we’re just getting to see the sanitised surface of his life.
Lee likewise generally suffered quite a bit from the truncated season, and is  good example of how the flash-forward doesn’t serve characters well.
In season 4, we saw her explore a darker side to her personality that the show has strongly and consistently hinted at since way back in season one, explicitly – when she says that Jerome’s confession of matricide thrilled her, and implicitly, when we wondered why the hell she was working in Arkham.  We also saw her enjoy power in season 4.  We saw her deeply committed to improving the lot of the residents in the Narrows, even if her way of going about it was short-sighted. We saw her shoot Sofia Falcone point-blank in the head in cold blood.  We saw her, although many hated it, form an intense romantic relationship with Ed, where she seemed to find a fulfilment and recognition that she never found with Jim or Mario.
However, in season 5, the show clearly needed her to quickly step into the role of Mrs Jim and stepmother to Barbara.  This meant becoming the angel at the hearth again, so it essentially erased those experiences, all that new characterisation.  
As such, like Jim, she feels flat here – like we’re only getting to see a facade.  She’s back in her old post of intermittently saying supportive things to Jim, and apparently quietly looking forward to him quitting his job.  When she's bizarrely given the task of defusing the bomb, as Lucius the tech specialist stands by the side - it really only underlined that stripping her of all that history and characterisation meant that she doesn't really have a real role of her own in the wider workings of the city.
Now to the heart of my problem with this episode.
We’re told, without any explanation, that Oswald was sent to Blackgate shortly after reunification, and Ed to Arkham.  
Now, to be honest, I find this fairly implausible.  In all the rebuilding efforts, I doubt the authorities would have the will or energy to go back and rake over who committed what crime when the city had been abandoned by the government. And even if they did, both their actions – willingly manning the barricades (Oswald sustaining an injury when doing so), would have likely gone some way to mitigating everything else.  
You could argue that it's for some nameless crime they committed later - but the show could easily have indicated that by throwing in a line about some heist or scheme they tried to pull off that ended up with them being put away.
Mayor James - ‘Oswald Cobblepot is getting released tomorrow’
Harvey - ‘Should have got 20 years for that stunt he pulled after reunification - not 10.  So should Nygma.’
It didn't take the trouble to do that - so I'm left assuming they were sent away on the basis of crimes committed during the split.
However, this poses us with some problems both in terms of the plot, and more deeply in terms of narrative repercussions.  Because if we are going to start to get persnickety about charging people with crimes they’ve committed, and then having them face actual consequences – well, we saw Barbara shoot loads of randoms in season 5.  Going back not too far, Lee shot Sofia Falcone in the head.  Going back further still, Jim murdered Ogden Barker and Theo Galavan, and was indirectly responsible for several deaths by inviting Sofia Falcone to town.
So – then – if we’ve decided that actually charging people and sending them to prison is now the done thing, why are we so selective with who’s punished? Gotham is a show with a million shades of grey.  It gives its villains humanising back stories and motivations – but it ultimately still wants to punish a select few like it’s a black and white universe.  You can’t do that when your good guys are equally tainted. Not unless you want to give off an unfortunate stench of hypocrisy, anyway.  
Oswald flat-out asks Jim on the pier.  I could have escaped this city.  I chose to stand shoulder to shoulder with you and defend it.  Why was I punished?
It’s telling that Jim never actually furnishes Oswald with any good answer to his question on the pier.  Because - over the years - the show itself has never quite figured out how to answer this one.   He can’t answer.  What could he possibly say?
Why then, do some get away scot-free, while others are punished?  Why, as Ed observes, do some get to make choices - while others never get the chance?
Jim and Lee are ‘heroes’ (arguably wandering into designated hero territory, at points).  They're never going to face consequences for anything.  Jim going on a self-pitying drinking binge doesn’t count - not compared to a ten-year stint in Blackgate or Arkham.  Lee never expressed any remorse for Sofia.
As for Barbara, well Barbara is brought back into the heroic fold, too.  
First and foremost, she’s offered moral redemption by bearing Jim’s child.  Becoming a mother meant all previous sins were forgiven.  
When we meet her here, we see now that she’s wealthy and powerful – playing a serious role in the city.  It’s empowering in a way – but it’s also a means of re-affirming the established order and putting her back in her box.  Remember that Barbara is from one of Gotham's elite families - and she's finally behaving like someone from an elite and wealthy family would do.  To make her position clear - she’s explicitly placed in the same category as Bruce here in terms of her wealth and control of the city.  I’m assuming that pregnancy also made magically clean whatever money she used to buy up the city when it was on its knees.  She didn’t seem to have access to her parents’ cash before now - so she must have used her ill-gotten gains.  
(I would argue that strategically buying up parts of the city post-reunification is screamingly Oswald, but like other chunks of his characterisation and storyline, it got sent Barbara’s way in season 5 in a bid to flesh out her character)
Last up, she’s not demanding a romantic relationship with Jim anymore, but they’re now forever safely tied in that context due to their daughter - there’s no mention of Tabitha, or casual mention of a new partner.   Troublesome, restless Barbara, poor little rich girl – demanding of Jim’s time and attention, namelessly unhappy, and with a murky ‘past’ is now ‘fixed’ and neutralised.
Thinking about those brought into the fold necessarily asks you to think about those who were excluded.
Oswald might have roots in an elite family, like Barbara, but - crucially - he’s also one part poor immigrant (as well as all his many other markers of 'otherness').   He can’t escape this - we got his jangling east European music as soon as we saw him in this episode, and we were reminded of Gertrud when he said he would lay flowers on her grave as his first act after his release.  
Ed’s background is unknown, but we can safely hazard a guess that there’s no moneyed upper-class upbringing there.  He was also willing to step up when it counted, and was even used by those in power for their own ends during the break – but none of that counts for anything, apparently, and he finds himself in Arkham.  You could argue that Ed is unwell, and needs to be in a hospital – but Arkham is not shown as a hospital in any meaningful sense in the show.  It’s an oubliette, where you send those you just can’t be bothered dealing with.  It doesn’t look any better here than we’ve seen it before.  Why hasn’t anyone tried to improve it? Again, they don’t have to succeed - if you’re determined to stick to canon, but why not suggest that Jim or Lee or Lucius has at least tried to have conditions improved or an official review launched into treatment of inmates?  It would go a long way to nodding to the long and complex histories these characters have.  However things ended – Lee and Ed had a pretty intense relationship.  They cared about each other.  She can sleep at nights knowing he’s in Arkham?  
Jeremiah might have been clever enough to win himself a scholarship and a way out of the circus – but it’s not enough to enable him to escape his past – either explicitly, when he was hunted down by his resentful brother, or implicitly – when he winds up in a similar situation to the other outsiders.  Yes, Jeremiah might have been manipulating the situation – but he was still sent to Arkham and left vulnerable to casual abuse.  Whether it’s intended or not, Jeremiah’s accusation of abandonment can be read more deeply.  Bruce left town - but, just like Oswald and Ed, the city in general abandoned him.
Selina’s an example who, I would argue, reinforces that this moral order of the universe.  She's always been depicted more ambiguously - capable of villainous acts, but tied to the heroes through her bond with Bruce.  This is reflected in what we learn about her here.  Like Jeremiah, she's been punished by Bruce's abandonment, but her grey heroic status means that she doesn't lose her freedom, despite living a life of crime.
So what picture are we painted of the city?
Aubrey James is back in charge - corrupt as Oswald ever was as mayor, but less competent.  The city’s remains were picked clean by Barbara - it’s now seemingly largely owned and controlled by two scions of the city’s elite. The commissioner’s got more than one murder to his name.  His wife has one attempted murder to hers - giving her the benefit of the doubt and assuming that Sofia’s still in her coma.  Arkham’s still a hellhole.
What does all that say?  Like I said before, you can argue that this was the inevitable endpoint – but you’ve changed the story already, so that doesn’t wash.
What you’re left with is the outsiders comprehensively punished.  You can sacrifice your chance at escape and an easy life in favour of standing shoulder to shoulder to defend the city, you can be unwell, you can be a victim – doesn’t count.  No matter what you do – you’ll always be an outsider anyway.  You can’t win for losing.  Some are chosen, some aren’t. And if you’re not, tough luck.  
So in this universe, why the hell not don a showy suit and your best hat and commit yourself to villainy?  Go for it, I say.
(Yes - I’m aware this is more analysis than it warranted, and it really just wanted to say ‘look Oswald has a monocle and Batman’s here now!’ - but I felt the need for venting meta)
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violetsmoak · 5 years
maybe this is how it starts [2/?]
Cover & Disclaimer 
Author’s Note: Sorry it took so long since the last update. I ended up deciding not to pants this thing and just do whatever with the chapters, but I went and found an honest-to-goodness plot. Go me! So, to further said plot, have some Jason and Roy Bromance. Because as far as I’m concerned, the best jaytim fics I’ve read always have Roy and Jason doing their girl-talk thing.
The Red Hood’s base of operations is in a bomb shelter beneath the One Police Plaza in Gotham. It’s chilly inside, which doesn’t bother Jason under normal circumstances, but then everything is pissing him off today.
There are a lot of things Jason has learned to endure over the years—torture, death, total mental and physical exhaustion, unending moral dilemmas…
All of them are just more of what life has to throw at him and what he responds to with a smirk and the middle finger. Physical limitations are something for lesser men—men who were never trained by Batman or the League of Assassins.
And yet…
If there’s anything that might drive him almost to the point of Lazarus-Pit-crazy, it’s itching.
“It’s decided. I’m going to kill Ivy,” he growls, slopping another handful of aloe vera over the expanse of his arm, leaning back so as not to drip the green gel onto his keyboard.
Whatever was in the venom from the vampire-plant hybrids, the rash has lingered for the whole week without a sign of improving. He has a peevish hope that Tim is having a worse time of it, since it’s his fault Jason is even in this situation to begin with.
Can’t even fucking go on patrol without wanting to tear my skin off every goddamn minute.
He’s been trying to fill the time doing the whole research schtick for a few of his ongoing cases but has barely even been able to focus on that. It’s irritating and leaves him alone with his thoughts much more than he’s comfortable with.
It’s been three months of pushing down any acknowledgement of what happened. That for the first time in his life, Dick Grayson is dead. Not somewhere being Nightwing or filling in as Batman, but dead. His predecessor-mentor-not-brother-but-yeah-sorta-brother got himself unmasked and killed.
Jason is not entirely sure how to deal with the new reality, and it’s possible he’s been more adrift than he would ever admit. But the cure to that is denial and distraction, which is why when the giant screen in front of him fills up with a picture of Roy making finger guns, he accepts the vid call.
“I swear to God, Roy, if you’re calling to tell me you’ve been evicted again and need money,” he trails off, feigning annoyance despite being glad for the interruption.
“Hello to you too, sweetheart,” his best friend replies dryly, fiddling with something metallic and sprouting wires. He squints at Jason. “Dude, what’s with your arm? That rash is fugly.”
“Compliments of a soon-to-be-dead Poison Ivy and an idiot in a cape.”
“Heh. Which idiot?”
“The one who’s supposed to be the smart one.”
Roy raises an eyebrow, but doesn’t ask for clarification, either because he knows who Jason is talking about or because he knows he won’t get an answer. “That’s more polite than you’d usually put it. You feelin’ okay?”
“No, I’m not feeling okay, I’ve spent the last week scratching my nuts off!”
“Man, come on! TMI!”
“You know what I mean.” Jason rubs his back against his chair, seeking relief from a spot he can’t reach to scratch. “Fuck Ivy…”
“I thought you liked Ivy.”
“Respect. I respect Ivy. I don’t like her.”
“How did you even end up running into her? I mean, greenspaces aren’t exactly your thing.”
“I told you already, I was saving the moron in the cape. Who’s damn lucky I did, because I wasn’t even going to take that route last night.”
All because he’d (not that he’d admit it) been thinking about Dick. Which he had been for months now, a fact which he’s pretty sure influenced him to help Bruce and the rest of them go on that suicide mission to get back Damian Wayne’s body. He’s still a little in shock that the whole thing ended in the kid’s resurrection and not a second explosive and painful death. But then, he’s living proof that it’s possible, so maybe he shouldn’t be.
Roy must sense the direction of his thoughts, because he changes the subject. “So, have you given anymore thought to that idea I had?”
Jason gives himself a mental shake.
“No. Because going after Kori reeks of desperation, and you’re better than that.”
“Am I? Am I really?” Jason exchanges looks with Roy, who then sighs. “Fine. So how long are you hanging around Gotham? Because, by my count, this is the longest consecutive amount of time you’ve spent there since before you died. Family hasn’t grounded you, have they?”
Jason scowls. “They’re not my family.”
“Right, okay, sure. That’s why whenever there’s a fart jammed out that way, you go running—shit!” One of the devices he’s working on emits a minor explosion.
“I go back because it’s my city and I have stuff to take care of.”
Rapists and human traffickers won’t break their own kneecaps.
“And because the Bats are your family.”
“I’m going to shoot you.”
“Wouldn’t be the first time.”
“That was an accident, and you know it. This time it would be on purpose,” Jason grunts, using the heel of his hand against his arm. He winces when the action brings on equal parts of relief and pain, since his skin’s already been clawed almost raw.
Roy snorts in disbelief.
Jason pauses for another moment, considering his best friend, and then decides what the hell, they aren’t the type to keep secrets from each other.
“Demon brat’s alive,” he says at last.
Roy startles, dropping his soldering iron. “Whoa. No shit?”
He was the one who showed up to drag Jason out of the bars he’d practically destroyed in the days directly following the kid’s death. He knows the exact depths to which Jason was or wasn’t affected.
“No shit. It was this whole…thing. Ninjas and boom tubes and a Chaos Shard.” He doesn’t mention the overly-sentimental team-up with the Bats, or the surreal “birthday” dinner afterward. Damian and Tim had been almost pleasant to each other, and Jason had caught Bruce watching him with such overwhelming gratitude in his eyes he’d had to duck out early.
It’s still weird to him when he sees anything other than judgement in the older man’s eyes.
Roy whistles. “Damn. He okay?”
“I didn’t really stick around for the group therapy session. I’d say so—the little shit got superpowers when he woke up. I figured I should make myself scarce before he took it into his head to throw me like a javelin.”
“Didn’t we do that once with Kori?”
“Kori’s end goal wouldn’t be for me to go splat.” 
“Not unless you left the toilet seat up again.” 
“That was you.” 
“Can’t prove it.” 
“Of the two of us, who was practically raised by a British butler that wields guilt and disapproval like the Lasso of Truth? You think I will ever in my life dare to leave a toilet seat up?”
Roy sniggers and Jason smirks, and the tension hanging in the wake of their conversation fades somewhat. Humor is how they have always dealt with this kind of stuff.
“Still, that’s pretty heavy,” Roy says after a beat, reaching for a pair of wire strippers and electric tape. “I get why you’ve been hanging around there. I mean, what is this, three out of four now? Four out of five?”
“Dead Robins. You should start a club.”
“Who says we haven’t?” Jason grumbles. “I’m the goddamn president.”
“I’m just saying, I see why you’re staying. Going by the balance of probability, the moron in the cape is probably next. It’s, like, his turn or something. So I get it—you want to keep an eye out.”
Jason narrows his eyes. “Drake’s not going to die if I have anything to say about it. No one gets to kill my replacement except me. When I feel like it.”
If I feel like it.
He and Tim have sort of come to an understanding of sorts in the past few years, if only in a professional sort of way. Exchanging information or giving the heads-up on a rogue showing up in each other’s territory. Occasionally sharing a bite to eat.
And saving each other’s lives, apparently.
The idea that a grisly death awaits Tim just because he had the misfortune of being a Robin bothers Jason more than he likes.
“When you feel like it?” Roy prompts. “You’re just trying to sound tough to cover up the other thing.”
“What other thing?”
“The thing where you feel like you have to step into big brother’s shoes now,” Roy informs him. “With Dick gone, that’s you, man.”
Jason physically jerks away from the screen, staring at Roy. “Fuck no. That’s not my deal.”
“If you say so.”
And just…no.
He jokes about it, sure. Calls them ‘bro’ or makes pointed remarks related to family or siblings, but it’s always tongue-in-cheek and more mocking than serious. It’s just to get a rise out of them, to remind them how he really doesn’t fit in with Bruce’s messed up idea of a ‘family’.
Besides, he’s pretty sure even if he wanted it, he’d be a shit older brother—he doesn’t have any of Dick’s likeability or sense of responsibility or general concern for everyone’s welfare. And Bruce’s kids all have their own level of fucked-up that, coupled with his own many and varied list of issues, could very well land them all in Arkham.
No way he’s going back there.
“Sorry, you’re breaking up,” Jason says flatly, and terminates the call before Roy can get too smug or think he’s actually on to something. He glares at the blank screen for a few minutes, and then queues up all the overseas cases he’s been flagging the past week.
Time to get the hell out of dodge. Before I get called to babysit or something…
Tim is not keeping tabs on anyone.
At least, no more than usual.
The myriad of windows open on his workplace computer screen, showing several different sources of surveillance footage, is simply his method for remaining prepared for whatever crisis is inevitably coming.
(There’s always a crisis coming.)
And he’s definitely not watching out for Jason, even if his eyes keep drifting toward the grainy image of the Red Hood followed by traffic cams in Montreal, where he’s infiltrated a human-trafficking operation.
Tim justifies it as pre-emptive damage control, in case he needs to send someone to save Jason from himself.
(Never mind that Tim never did this before three months ago, never mind that Jason’s mellowed out a lot in the past two years and has developed something almost in the realm of good judgement, never mind that—)
As if to make the point to himself, Tim focusses his attention on the other windows. Damian at Wayne Manor, singlehandedly lifting the roof onto what appears to be a new pet enclosure while Alfred watches, bemused. The kid still has superpowers, which is another mark against the existence of a higher power—what kind of benevolent force would give the brat heat vision?
Bruce isn’t in Gotham; last Tim heard, he’s gone to the Hall of Justice, probably to figure out how to drain off Damian’s powers. There are no camera there (and if there were, Bruce would probably have disabled them by now), but the tracer Tim slipped into the cowl the last time they met is still going strong.
Tim pretends he doesn’t know that Bruce knows he put it there; he hates feeling like he’s being humored.
Steph is in class, Cass is out of the country, Barbara is at a information management conference in Metropolis.
They’re all fine.
And he’s not keeping tabs.
He just has to be ready. In case he needs to shut down the power for a city block or remotely cut camera feed, if it looks like someone is about to die or be unmasked.
Not again. Never again. Not like Dick, won’t let it happen—
The speaker on his office phone trills. “Mr. Wayne? Your eight o’clock is here.”
Tim shakes off his disjointed thoughts and reaches for the intercom button. “Send him in.”
Warrick Powers has a face Tim would very much like to punch.
Maybe if he was in uniform, he would find an excuse, but at the moment, he is fully immersed in his Timothy Drake-Wayne persona. Any attack on the CEO of Powers Technology would not only bring a few dozen lawyers down on him and Wayne Enterprises, but it would also wreak havoc on Tim’s image as a feeble, recovering cripple.
Which would be a waste, since he’s been cultivating that image for over two years.
His crutches are long gone, but he still carries a cane with him everywhere for ‘bad days’. It’s not even really a lie, since there are mornings after he hasn’t slept in thirty-six hours where he needs something to fidget with. Some kind of prop to offer a believable reason for his pauses. It’s better if people think he’s reliving the shooting that supposedly injured him, rather than pay attention to the obvious sleep deprivation or concealed injuries. 
“Tim! Great to see you again,” Powers declares in a false voice that would do even Brucie Wayne proud. “Glad you could fit me in this morning.”
“It just so happened I needed to speak to you about something,” Tim replies with an insubstantial smile.
“Excellent, excellent,” Powers says vaguely, by-passing the usual polite handshake and sprawling in one of the chairs across from Tim. He hasn’t said so out loud, but it clearly bothers him having to do business with a teenager. “I just wanted to come by and tell you that our little project is right on schedule. Ahead of it, in fact…”
Out of the corner of his eye he watches the footage of Jason outside a restaurant in Chinatown and he suppresses the urge to swear.
The idiot had better not be messing with the Ghost Dragons, because I cannot deal with that right now.
Though, the older man is in civvies, so it’s entirely possible he’s just grabbing lunch.
And…nope. Wishful thinking. Damn it, Jason.
If his suspicions about what’s about to happen onscreen are correct, Tim’s going to have to put an end to this meeting faster than he expected.
Powers is still rambling.
 “…we could move up the launch by a month or two without sacrificing quality. Maybe even release it as a limited-edition prototype. For a higher price, of course, but people have been waiting on this model for five years now, they’d pay for it.”
The older man chuckles; it doesn’t reach his eyes, which remain cold and calculating as a snake’s. The overall effect makes Tim’s skin crawl, in a different way from the lingering phantom itch of Ivy’s toxin.
(Stupid mistake. Shouldn’t have been anywhere near Robinson Park without backup, even if it was recon. Another stupid mistake—)
“Thank you for the progress report, Mr. Powers,” Tim says, cutting his thoughts off before they can become too rambling, “but that was not the reason I agreed to see you today.”
“Oh?” Powers looks politely interested.
“I received a tip two weeks ago from a concerned individual that Powers Tech has been dumping toxic waste,” Tim tells him, careful to keep his inflection mild. The term ‘concerned individual’ is loose, but it was Ivy that mentioned it to him and told him to fix it or she would. He doesn’t remember if that was before or after she let her plants have their fun, though. “We take that kind of accusation very seriously. The entire reason Wayne Enterprises agreed to collaborate with your company was because you’ve boasted about your eco-friendly containment practices.”
Powers expression doesn’t betray anything; in fact, the way his eyebrows raise, and his mouth turns downward in confusion, anyone else might consider him legitimately affronted.
“And you believed it? Come on, Tim, I’m sure WE gets half a dozen similar accusations a week. It’s just the granola movement trying to shut down our operations. They’d be happy if we still did things the Amish way.”
“Maybe. But those accusations don’t usually come with evidence to back them up.” Tim slides several folders across the desk. “Only a percentage of your industrial waste is being disposed of responsibly, I imagine for publicity’s sake; the rest, you’re burying in the sublevels of your main facility.”
Powers lips thin ever so slightly. “Hearsay.”
“We do our due diligence in these matters. Some of your employees were willing to confirm the report—anonymous now, but willing to come forward in the event of a formal investigation,” Tim says. “There was also an undercover investigation commissioned by…outside parties.”
No need to admit he was the outside party.
“The results indicate that not only are your containment measures insufficient, but the run-off from that waste is close to entering the groundwater, which could jeopardize Gotham’s entire water supply. Possibly even on a global scale if it gets to the ocean and reacts with the salt water.” He holds his hands in front of him. “I’ve held back on having this released to the public as a curtesy to you to get your affairs in order today.”
“What?” Powers growls and there’s not even an attempt to keep his charming mask on.
“I’ve asked you here so that we can finalize the dissolution of Wayne Enterprises partnership with Powers Tech,” Tim continues. “It’s a fairly cut and dried situation, so there was no need to call in the board.”
“That isn’t going to happen—”
“In exchange for an uncontested dissolution of our agreement and a clear plan to fix the problem, I continue to keep this information from going public—along with several other discrepancies I’ve discovered in your company, many of which are such blatant health-code violations that if they’re made public, you’ll be declaring bankruptcy by nine o’clock tonight. Personally, that isn’t the path I’d choose; your recent indiscretions aside, Powers Tech has the potential to do great things—if it’s being run by someone with half a conscience.”
Which you clearly don’t possess.
“You’d do well to watch your tone, boy,” Powers growls. “Does your father know the career suicide you’re committing right now?”
“He trusts my judgement or I wouldn’t be sitting at this desk,” Tim shrugs, unconcerned, and slides two more folders across. “These are to dissolve our partnership. Feel free to have your lawyers look it over, but I am serious about the nine o’clock deadline. If you intend to keep your company operating for the foreseeable future, you will sign it and send it over before then. You’ll also make an announcement that you intend to step down from your position as CEO, since you are taking full blame for your company’s blatant disrespect for environmental laws.”
“I will do no such thing! That’s tantamount to an admission of guilt—and I have no intention of going to jail over these…these fabricated accusations.”
“The choice is yours, of course. And you are pretty well-off, so even though this is an open-shut case, I’m sure you’ll land in a white-collar institution that’s nicer than most of Gotham’s criminals enjoy. But make no mistake—either you come forward on your own, which will be helpful in negotiating a lesser sentence, or you wait for the evening edition of the Gotham Gazette, which I know won’t paint you in a very favorable light.”
“This is blackmail.”
“Actually, it’s extortion,” Tim corrects him, reaching for his half-filled coffee cup. As Powers eyes gleam at him, a small smirk forming, Tim continues, “Oh, and just so you know, anything we’ve said in this meeting is completely confidential. I took the liberty of installing a scrambler in this office, which knocks out all mechanical devices. Your phone and the recorder in your pocket won’t have caught any of our conversation. To ensure neither of us chooses to play any unfortunate quotes out of context, of course.”
“Of course,” Power grunts tightly.
“I would go with the first option,” Tim says, switching back to the previous conversation with ease. “This way your company’s stocks won’t fall too badly. And this way your son has a chance of being a better man and better CEO than you. I look forward to discussing the changes with Derek at the Green Energy Expo in Hong Kong next week.”
Powers looks as if he’s about to jump across the table and throttle Tim, who casually reaches for his intercom, “Mr. Powers will be leaving early, please ensure someone can escort him down to the lobby.”
“I can find my own way,” Powers snaps, shoving his chair back and grabbing the folders Tim gave him. “And this isn’t over, you jumped-up little brat. You’re going to regret this.”
“I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard that before,” Tim replies, adopting the cold, distant smile of Janet Drake. “Have a nice day, Mr. Powers.”
As soon as the older man has stormed from the office, Tim lets out a breath he hadn’t even noticed he was holding. It only occurs to him when the tight feeling in his chest dissipates. He leans back heavily in his chair, feeling like he’s run a marathon, which makes no sense. It’s not the first time he’s had to strongarm a partner or competitor.
He notices he has been bouncing his knee up and down under the desk, and scowls. Good thing Powers didn’t notice that, or he might have taken it as a weakness.
He’s hungry, but the effort involved in procuring food is too much. The stupid cane is not worth it, and despite his stomach complaining, he has no appetite. Not worth it.
On screen, Jason flips a table through the restaurant window. 
Damage control, Tim decides, relegating his hunger to the back of his mind and preparing to scrub any footage of Jason’s activities. It’s not keeping tabs.
So, yeah, Tim’s in denial and Jason doesn’t do warm and fuzzy family feelings. And Roy is way more observant than he would like heehee.
Sorry there was a lack of direct jaytim interaction this chapter, but I’d kind of like this fic to be more than boy-broods-about-other-boy-every-chapter. I find it makes for a more authentic slow-build relationship if they also have other stuff going on in their lives. But next chapter, we shall have dialogue once more!
NEXT CHAPTER ( in progress)
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qtcomicsblog · 5 years
Justice league unleashed “Harley comes to stay”
Justice league unleashed "Harley comes to stay" Metropolis. Diana is at a ice cream parlor eating a sundae. She gets a text from etta candy and is trying to text her back. Diana: This texting, is so hard. Diana gets an alert of a robbery. Diana: Looks like something's going on, i better go see. CAN I GET THIS TO GO?! At a jewelry store harley quinn is breaking the cases Harley: Come on, come on! Diana: HARLEY QUINN! What do you think you're doing? Diana eats the rest of the ice cream and throws the empty bowl on the floor Harley: Wonder woman, thank goodness. I need you the hide me. Diana: Hide you? A car pulls up and men with guns get out and open fire in the store. Diana: By the gods! Diana generates a shield to protect herself and harley. She throws her shield at one of them knocking him out, she makes quick work of the men and tied them up with the lasso of truth. Diana: why did you attack me? Man: we weren't attacking you we wanted the clown chick Diana: Harley? She sees harley trying to get away and one of the men try to run her over. diana crushes the car and grabs harley and flies off. She drops harley on a roof. Diana: What was that harley, why were those guys after you? Harley: because of this Harley shown diana a wanted poster with harley's face on it. Diana: an addition to everything else you have a bounty on your head? Harley: Well the thing is... ummm Diana: Harley what's going on? Harley: ehhh, I may have take out a loan from the penguin to finance an evil scheme i was planning, and when i say "evil scheme" i mean go on a gigantic shopping spree. Diana: and you welshed on the loan Harley: if by welshed you mean try to blow penguin up when he came looking for his money, then yes i welshed up bad. Diana face-palms Harley: That's why i caused such a ruckus at that jewelry store i wanted to get the leagues attention. Diana: harley can't you get the joker the help you or your bff poison ivy Harley: Ivy's in arkham and puddin' would just rat me out to save his own booty. Diana: Then why don't you just tell batman, he's in gotham Harley: I can't trust battsie with my safety, he'll just throw into arkham and pengie can bribe a guard to put a bullet in me. Look, i know this is alittle un-lady like but... Harley breaks down on her knees and beg and pleas for her help Harley: YOU GOTTA HELP PLEASE, YOU'RE HEROES YOU'RE SUPPOSE TO HELP PEOPLE IN NEED EVEN PEOPLE LIKE ME! I'LL NEVER SURVIVE OUT THERE, PLEASE YOU THINK I DESERVE TO DIE, I NEED YOU SUPERHEROES PLEASE PROTECT ME! Diana: For hera's sake Harley show some dignity Harley: PLEASE PLEASE I AM BEGGING AND PLEAING TO YOU PLEASE! I CAN'T DIE! I CAN'T DIE! Diana: Alright alright i'll help you Harley: Really? I knew you would if i cried enough Harley hugs diana. diana holds her up Diana: Alright i'll put you in the one place penguin and his goons can't get to you At night at the watch tower diana is sneaking harley in and take her to an empty room. Harley is giggling. Diana: Shhh, quiet harley you'll wake everyone up Harley: i'm sorry it's just, i'm in the watch tower, at night. Diana: shh, the watch tower is the only place in the world where penguin wouldn't dream of finding you. I'm already stretching it for sneaking you in here, if batman finds out about this he'll give me that "Look." Harley gets chills Harley: I hate that look Diana: We all do diana opens the door Diana: you can stay in here for the time being so please don't touch or do anything to cause attention. Harley: wonder woman i want to thank you help me in my time of need like a human being Diana: Sure thing harley just don't let the rest of the league find out your here Harley: Wait, how about alittle jack and the beanstalk? Diana: I am not reading you a bed time story harley Harley: no, it's a drink i made. It's green beans, sweet corn, and chocolate mixed together harley squirts it in her mouth Harley: it taste terrible Diana: Goodnight harley we'll talk in the morning The Next Morning Diana goes to the kitchen and the league is eating breakfast Diana yawns Superman: Morning everyone, hey has anyone seen my bathrobe? Green lantern: Nah uh. Green lantern eating cereal. Flash runs in Flash: Anyone seen my I-pod, i can't exercise without my inspiring jams Diana: Did you forget them in your room again? Diana gathers some food and about to go to harleys room. Hawkgirl rushes in angry Hawkgirl: ALRIGHT WHO TOOK MY BOBA?! Green lantern: Don't look at me Harley walks in wearing superman’s bathrobe listening to flashes i-pod and drinking hawkgirls boba. Harley: Morning all! Flash: THAT'S MY I-POD! Superman: THAT'S MY BATHROBE! Hawkgirl: THAT'S MY BOBA! Green lantern: HARLEY QUINN! The league goes to attack harley but diana stops them Diana: STOP! Green lantern: What are you doing diana, their's a villain in the watchtower! Diana: I know, i'm the one who brought her here. Hawkgirl: Say what?! Flash: WHA?! Green lantern: YOU DID WHAT?!! Superman: WHAT IN THE WORLD?! J'onn: Diana. Diana: just let me explain but please don't tell batman she's here Batman: who's here. batman appears behind them and scowls Harley: hi battsie! In the conference room the league are having a meeting about harley's situation Batman: No. Diana: But bruce she has a price on her head and she has nowhere to turn to Batman: if she wants to go somewhere she can go to arkham Diana: She can't, she'll be a sitting duck Batman: She's not staying here Diana: Come on she needs our help, we're heroes we help those in need, even people like harley Superman: She's right, if we turn our back on her where we could've helped her, how could we call ourselves heroes. Batman: No Flash: I guess we could let her stay Green lantern: if she's desperate enough to come to us for help, she must really be in trouble Hawkgirl: Ok just as long as she doesn't drink my boba again J'onn: Agreed Batman is silent Harley is waiting in the living room and the league enters Diana: Harley, After much discussion, we're all decided to let you stay Superman: but only until we take care of penguin Harley: YAHTZEE! I'LL MAKE WAFFLES! Harley goes to kitchen Batman: You're gonna regret this Later in the watchtower wonder woman is on monitor duty and Jessica is playing video games. loud sounds of construction can be heard from harley's room. Jessica: What is all that noise? Diana: Harley, i can't work with all the racket going on The noise stops and harley opens the door Harley: oh hey Wondy Diana: Harley what are you doing in there? Harley: oh just some re-decorating, making this room feel like home. Diana: That's nice harley but please just keep it down Harley: Aye Aye Cap'n! As soon as diana leaves harley gets back to building Diana: Harley i told you to keep it... huh? Diana sees harley's finished room with all the circus themed furniture Harley: Pretty fly huh, now this place feel like home Diana: uh huh In the watchtower media room jessica is playing video games and harley is working out with loud music. Jessica: harley i'm trying to play my game Harley: Just doing my daily workout keeping my girlie figure girlie. Jessica groans Flash is in the kitchen and goes to the refrigerator Flash: We're out of milk? i just bought this milk he sees harley eating cereal straight out of the box Hawk girl is looking around for her mace Hawk girl: Has everyone seen my mace? Harley: you mean this birdie girl, here you go. Hawk girl smells something and it comes from the mace Hawk girl: what's that smell? Harley: Oh i had to unclog the toilet be sure to wash that really good hawk girl eye twitches Superman doing laundry and he sees all of her white shirts are pink. Superman: What the... Harley shows up Harley: oh thanks supes, awww fresh clean shorts. Harley mixed her red shorts with superman's white clothes Night time harleys loud snoring can be heard throughout the watchtower. No one can sleep. The next morning the league is exhausted and harley is cheerful Harley: Good morning everyone! Hawgirl: Yeah maybe for you it is Harley: What with you guys? Hawgirl: Your snoring kept us up all night, i'm use to diana's snoring but yours is just unbearable. Harley: I don't snore Flash: Yes you do Hawkgirl: What happened to all the cereal? and the milk? and the butter? And the eggs? Harley burps Harley: Pardon me Hawkgirl: I just get some OJ. Harley: Uh about that... Hawkgirl: You drank it all did you? Harley: Yes. Hawgirl: I think i'll skip breakfast Flash: I'm gonna go get a breakfast burrito Jessica: I'm gonna go play a game Jessica leaves to kitchen. Jessica is upset Jessica: HARLEY! Harley: Yep. Jessica: Did you perchance play my game? Harley: Maybe alittle Jessica: Alittle? YOU BROKE MY CONTROLLER! Harley: Sorry, the game cheated on me and i got angry Jessica's face turns red in anger and creates a chainsaw construct to attack harley. Diana use the lasso to stop her Diana: Calm down jessica jessica calms down and walks off Harley: Where ya goin' greenie? Jessica: To the game store to buy a new controller Harley: ok, hey you mind getting me a burger? Superman: I think i'll go on patrol Diana sighs Diana: harley this is not going well, if you're gonna stay here you need to be more considerate to the league Harley: Sorry wondy Diana: It's ok harley, can you at least clean of the kitchen? Harley: OH THANKS FOR REMINDING ME WONDY! I've been here for two days and i haven't had a shower. Harley leaves the kitchen Diana: Wait harley.. Harley: Don't worry i'll find it! Harley sees the league locker room Harley: aw sweet Diana is cleaning up the kitchen when a mirror sparkles and Heatwave goes through it determined to claim harley bounty Heatwave: Alright that money it mine He goes to find her until he is hit from behind by diana Diana: Heatwave? HARLEY! Diana spins around transforming into wonder woman. Harley is taking a shower A mirror in the locker room sparkles and out came killer croc, he sees harley showering and sneak up to her and opens his jar to bite her. But diana gets his tail and throws him away from her Harley: Huh? Diana fights croc to keep him away from harley Harley: What in the world? Crocie? Diana: Run harley! Harley: I'm still naked Diana: GO! Harley runs wearing a towel. Harley goes into the nearest room where happens to be Diana's room. Harley: (Gasp) I'm in wonder womans room. She looks into her closet and harley eyes sparkle and she makes a big smile.   Diana is fighting killer croc Diana: there's only one villain that could make this possible.. A mirror sparkles and mirror master walks out Diana: Mirror master! Mirror master: Hit the nail on the head amazon, we're here for the clown but beating you is just a bonus. Diana throws croc at him and goes to the main computer and contact the rest of the league Diana: JUSTICE LEAGUE! INTRUDERS IN THE WATCHTOWER! GET BACK HERE NOW! I REPEAT INTRUDERS IN THE WATCHTOWER! Heatwave attack diana with his flamethrower Heatwave: you're not gonna stop us amazon The three villains surround her Diana: I can handle you three on my own no problem Harley: BUT YOU WON'T HAVE TO! Harley jumps out wearing one of diana's suits Harley: NO NEED TO FEAR, WONDER HARLEY IS HERE! Diana: Harley? IS THAT MY SUIT? Mirror master: There she is! Wonder woman and Harley quinn attacks the villains Wonder woman crushes heatwaves flamethrower and knocks his out with a punch. Mirror master shoots at harley and she dodges them. She pulls out diana's sword and lunges at him Diana: Harley careful with that! Killer croc grabs diana and she throws him. Harley hits mirror master with the flat part of the sword and wonder woman kicks him in the face. Harley: Booyah team supreme! Diana: Give me that harley! Croc gets back up and charges at them. They dodge him and harley pulls out her hammer Diana: Much better choice Harley: Awww. Croc attacks diana and grabs his tail and spins him around and harley activates her hammer thrusters and spins around uncontrollably and diana swings him into harley hammer spin hitting him in the face. Diana stops the hammer and harley is dizzy Harley giggles Harley: Did we get 'em? Diana: Yes, we got them Mirror master gets up and points his mirror gun at them. He is stopped and restrained by jessica and the rest of the league show up and restrain the other villains. Harley: Well aren't you guys tarty to the party, ME AND WONDY ALREADY TOOK CARE OF IT! Superman: I can see that, and batman called he took care of penguin and called off the hit Harley: YAHTZEE! The next day harley has all her stuff packed. Harley: Well that's all of it. Looks like it's time to head out Jessica: Goodbye harley Flash: Stay in touch Harley: Before I got I want to say thanks to you guys for letting me stay, especially you wondy. You helped me when I had no one to turn to, you're a great hero and a good friend. Diana: You're welcome harley, and good luck. Harley: Thanks and don't worry about me no one can hold down Harley quinn, oh and I left you guys a goodbye gift in the kitchen. Bye! Harley leaves on her motorcycle Superman: I got to admit harleys not that bad Diana: Yeah, it was the right thing to do and if i had to do it again I will. Superman and diana see the gift harley left Superman: Harley wrote on the wall! Diana: "Thank you Justice League!" Aww so sweet Hawkgirl: Uh diana, looks like harley wrote this in ice cream, your ice cream. Diana sees an empty container and her eyes widened and irises shrink Diana: GET THAT CLOWN!!!! Diana runs after her wielding her sword Diana: I'LL RIP YOUR LUNGS OUT!! Superman: DIANA CALM DOWN! Batman: I know this was a bad idea. END.
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twothreads-archive · 6 years
So, I decided to turn this meta into two different parts. This first part, the “inspirations” part, is the part where I basically just list up all the most important quotes, scenes and overall storylines from other canon Joker stories outside of the telltale game, that I take inspiration from when it comes to my portrayal of John (note that when I say inspiration, I mainly mean that I look at what kind of mindset / person it takes to say and/or do these things, not that my John actually has done any of these things yet...)
The second part, which will be the “character study” part, will be in another post, and will be the post where I talk about how everything listed here plays into my portrayal of John, and basically try to explain as much as possible about John’s mindset / behavior / beliefs / etc, etc.
Anyways, this part is basically just for those who are interested to know just exactly what it is I’m looking at, and what I keep in mind while I try to flesh out John’s character beyond what just the telltale games did, because (as I will get more into in the second part of this meta, the John we see in the telltale games, and the John you mostly see in my interactions on here, is just a facade that he puts up, and not actually the real him.)
Either way, here’s the list of the most important things I draw inspiration from.
“ Do I really seem like a guy with a plan? You know what I am? I’m a dog chasing cars. I wouldn’t know what to do with one if I caught it. I just do things.” - The Joker, about himself
“ I try to show the schemers how pathetic their attempts to control things really are.” - The Joker, about his “plan” so to speak
“ See, their morals, their code... It’s a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble.” - The Joker, about people in general
“ Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.” - Alfred, about the Joker. 
We also have a few scenes in this movie I think is important to his character too. There’s the scene where the Joker laughs while being beaten by Batman in the GCPD interrogation room. There’s the scene where Batman is driving the Batcycle towards the Joker, and Joker, in turn, walks towards him, shooting at random cars driving by, while talking about wanting Batman to hit him. There’s the scene where he gets thrilled when Dent decides to flip his coin on whether or not he’ll shoot him in the head, and there’s the scene with the Joker laughing while he’s falling towards his death, before Batman saves him.
Every scene he comes up with a new backstory for how he got his scars, are also scenes that I find worth taking note of.
And of course the iconic scene of the Joker burning up basically a small mountain of money.
There’s also the scene at the very beginning, where the Joker comes up with a plan to rob a bank, except he executes it by telling some of his men, individually, to kill the others once their part of the job is finished, basically setting them all up to take out each other, until there’s only one left, who the Joker then proceed to kill, before driving off with all the money alone.
Here, I think the storyline overall is a very important aspect of his character. For anyone unfamiliar with this comic, we see the Joker trying to prove his point to Batman, that everyone can go insane by just having one bad day. Though instead of targeting Batman directly, he decides to prove his point by targeting Jim Gordon. So the Joker and some of his men shows up at Gordon’s home, shoots his daughter, right in front of him, the bullet ending up paralyzing her. then the Joker proceeds to take Gordon with him and tries to mentally torture him to break him and make him go “insane” just to prove to Batman that he’s right.
There’s also a few quotes from this comic that I find important to his character.
“ Most repulsive of all are it’s frail and useless notions of order and sanity. If too much weight is placed upon them... they snap.” - The Joker, talking about people in general
“ Faced with the inescapable fact that human existence is mad, random and pointless, one in eight of them crack and go stark slavering buggo! Who can blame them? In a world as psychotic as this... any other response would be crazy!” - The Joker, about people in general
“ No. I’m sorry, but... No. It’s too late for that. Far too late.”  - The Joker, after Batman offers to help him at the end of the comic.
In the Arkham Origins game, I look at how the Joker is shown to be capable of pulling off making others believe he is Roman Sionis ( Black Mask ) by dressing up as him, imitating his voice, general mannerisms, behaving more “sane”, etc. I think it really shows an interesting aspect of his character that we don’t get to see a whole lot outside of telltale, which is that he is very talented at deception, acting, manipulation, etc, and that he’s not necessarily always blowing things up or killing people off left and right.
There’s also the scene where the Joker was ready to be shot by a bazooka by Bane, laughing excitedly as he’s blown off the building and falling towards his death before the Bat saves him (quite similar to near the end of the Dark Knight movie.) Then, after Batman saves him, he even puts a gun to his head, with every intention to pull the trigger, only to see if the Batman would save him again or not.
Here, it’s not so much the Joker’s quotes I take inspiration from, but more the various Joker thugs on the streets talking about him.
“ Today, however, we shoot ‘em. Yesterday we took 'em in the back room and burnt off their skin. But sometimes, Joker just lets anyone join. Keeps things interesting. [...] You’re just lucky you joined on a good day.”  - The Joker’s men, talking about Joker’s way of “recruitment”
“ At least with the Joker, you know he’s got a plan.” - one of Joker’s men, arguing why he thinks it’s better to work for the Joker than Two-Face.
“ The Joker’s crazy.” - thug 1 “ At least he’s funny.” - thug 2 “ ‘til he kills ya.” - thug 3. - ( Joker’s men, discussing working for the Joker)
“ We do this for the Joker!” - Joker’s men, basically expressing their loyalty for the Joker, even when he’s sick and possibly dying.
There’s plenty more quotes like these, but you get the drift. Some of them aren’t so sure about working for the Joker, while others actually seem to like / prefer working for him.
There is also two scenes with the Joker that I find important in this game. First, the one where Harley approaches a tied up Batman, wanting to remove his mask, but the Joker stops her, because he doesn’t want Batman’s identity to be revealed as he thinks it would spoil the fun.
The second, which is more the overall storyline, is that the Joker wants a cure from the deadly disease he has, so he won’t die, showing that sometimes he actually doesn’t want to die / is worried about death.
In the Arkham Knight game, I take inspiration from the “flashback” scenes that Batman hallucinates / sees Joker’s memories, where the Joker physically and mentally tortures Jason Todd (a teenager at the time) for an extended period of time, and the flashback scene (and Killing Joke reference) of the Joker showing up at the Gordon’s house and shooting Barbara Gordon, paralyzing her, then taking photos of her to show her dad in an attempt to drive him insane.
I also draw inspiration from the generally really dark sense of humor he shows in this game, such as "joking” with Batman by saying that he can’t really save ALL of Barbara, as he (the Joker) killed half of her already, or after he shot Barbara, saying “oh, don’t pass out just yet. Show a little spine.” etc. You get the drift. Really dark “jokes” that aren’t really jokes at all.
While I don’t draw a whole lot of inspiration from the animated series, I do think a few small scenes are kind of interesting that we don’t really see a whole lot of in other Joker canons, and that is that in certain moments, he actually does seem worried at the thought of dying. e.g. in the ‘Last Laugh’ episode where he’s dangling upside down over a pit of fire, a wire around his foot being the only thing between him and certain death, while he’s not terrified, or even straight up scared, he does seem mildly concerned at the thought of Batman not saving him. Or in the ‘Joker’s Favor’ episode, when Charlie threatens to blow them both up with Joker’s bomb, the Joker seems genuinely worried, scared even, at the thought of dying there with him. Even to the point of being relieved when Batman shows up, and then, when Charlie tosses the “bomb” at him (which turns out just to be a fake bomb.) he runs to take cover behind Batman.
I also notice in the animated series, that the Joker often pulls out dangerous toys / weapons a lot, which are usually in locations he’s familiar with / spends time around, for example one of Gotham’s abandoned carnivals, which suggests that he makes sure to have lots of getaways and back-up plans to get out of unexpected situations that may arise.
... There’s probably a whole lot more canon Joker stories that I also take inspiration from that I just can’t think of right now, but if I do think of something, I’ll update this list later. For now, I think this summarizes the most important things I look at pretty well, though. So, stay tuned for the second part of this meta, where I go into detail about how all this plays into my portrayal.
                                                          [ PART 2 ]  - [ PART 3 LINK TBA ]
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My Reaction to “Gotham” S4E20
AN:  I managed to record my reactions to this episode and hopefully I can transcribe what I said into this post (even though about 20% of this post is screaming and inarticulate flailing)
*imitates the Epic Voice Trailer guy doing the Gotham commercials*
Oh my gosh...
[RIP Jerome Valeska Second Time’s the Charm] Hahahaha!
“To Jerome!”  *tries to toast but can’t do it with a cell phone*
*The Jester rolls up on her motorcyle*  It you... OK.
Oh that costume is awesome...
She has bells!  On her coat!  Oh my gosh!
“Dig me [Jerome] up!  Dig me up!”  *nervously laughs*  Whaaaaaa.....
They keep reusing that same panning shot from the angel statue on...
“I [Jim] don’t need that crap thrown in my face right now.  [Harvey] Get outta here!”  Hooooooooo....
When is Lee going to cut this crap out?
“I’m [Lee] not betraying my friend [Ed].”  Are you serious?
“If the law has lost its meaning, it's because people like you [Lee] are turning your back on it.“  Hooooo....
“I don't want to send you to Blackgate!  That's the last thing I want to do.  Don't you know I wish I could let you walk out that door, turn my head?”  “What's holding you back?“  The laaww....
Guys, c’mon, I want them [Jim and Lee] to be happy.  Not necessarily together but happy.
That’s the same freaking font as the one on the Wayne Enterprises “gift” that Jeremiah got
[PLAY ME]  Oh my God
Oh my God!  That font though [on the screen]!
“I want you to throw me a wake at the GCPD.“  Nooooo...
Air horn!
Noooo-oh my God!
Oh no-oh my God!
*Jerome’s cult brings the casket*  THEY DID IT- WHA-
“I [Ed] would sooner debate you all on teleology versus deontology than leave her [Lee] with that overgrown Boy Scout [Jim].“  Whooohoohoohoo....
Oh my God...
“Team, we have everything?  Bicycle pump?  Can opener?“  Are they preparing a jail break or fixing the TARDIS console?
Pickle jar?!?
Oh I like that shot of Ed putting on the hat
Oh God... ooooohhhhh God.
“But right now, Jeremiah's maze may actually be the safest place for them.“  *nods*
OK, a 2 by 10 (whatever that is) plank is not going to barricade the door!
Did they say open the armory?  Oh my God.
“This wake is just intended to distract us while his followers hit the real target.“  What’s the real target?
*claps hands*  I like this plaaannn....
*sing songs*  [Electricity whirring down]
*The generator turns on*  Oooohhhh.... ooooohhh... wow!
Oh my gosh, there’s a solution poster of the maze on the wall in Jeremiah’s office.
That [generator] is HUGE!
“You’ve kept this project a secret, yes?”  “No one outside of Wayne Enterprises knows it exists”  *hisses*  This just seems really dubious...
“It's the ones who are closest to you that you have to keep your eye on.“  OK what does that mean?  What does it meannn...
“Arkham Asylum sent me [Jeremiah] Jerome’s personal effects.  And amongst them, I found his diary.”  What?
Haha oh my God!
I don’t want to even ask why there’s a glittery ice cream cone sticker on the cover
“Maybe you [Jeremiah] shouldn't spend so much time reading it.“   Yeah....
Oh my God...
Why don’t you actually close it?
*Bruce puts his hand down in the middle of the book*  There we go.
“Your brother is dead, Jeremiah.  It's time for you to come out of this bunker and join the world.“  *nods*
This just seems really dubious!
“Jerome Valeska’s acolytes are kicking off again”  *whispers*  Oh shit!
God, look how freaking paranoid Jeremiah is!  Man!
Is that how it’s gonna kick off?  What happened to his face?  Didn’t it turn white?
“He’s alive and he’s coming after me!”  He’s dead.  He’s dead.
*Glass shatters in the background*  Oh God, please...
*Alfred gets attacked offscreen*  Oh my Goddd!!
“Bruce, I [Jeremiah] need to tell you something.”  Oh, he’s gonna tell him about the gas!
I can’t freaking believe that this is the same actor.  Bravo, Cameron!
“What if I [Bruce] could show you he's [Jerome] dead and buried?“  Is that gonna help?
“Then I’ll [Jeremiah] try.”  There we go!
“You’re a good friend, Bruce.”  *clutches chest and leans back in pain*
Ugh, man, they’re gonna set this up and then it’s just gonna go downhill from there
Oh God, who brought the chainsaw?
Oh my God...
Is that the Jongleur character?
AN:  Yes
“Hi, guys.”  *in best George Clooney Batman voice* Hi guys, I’m Jim!
Freaking Jim gritting his teeth... I love it
Oh my God...
Oh my God, what happened?!?!?  WHAT HAPPENED?!?
“He [Alfred] was on his way to your office. He'll wait for us there.“  Bruce....
“What was that?”  Oh my God, he’s so paranoid!
Oh my God, they actually dug it up...
*Jeremiah bolts*  Haaaaahahaha!  Oh my God!
Yeah, no, Jerome’s dead.  He’s so dead.  I’m sorry, man, but he dead.
Oh my God... they’re [Oswald and Butch] watching cartoons!
Wouldn’t make-up work for Butch?
“Not run apace”.... that’s a new term
“Did you [Oswald] just shush me [Butch]?!?!?”  Hahahahaha!
“Confusion is always an opportunity for the clear-headed.“  Oooohhh, that’s a good line.
You’re gonna interrogate him [Jongleur] with a cattle prod near reporters?!?  Are you serious?
*The Riddler arrives*  Oh crap!
“We need a costume shop.”  Oh my God, they’re gonna go in disguised as some of Jerome’s followers.  Oh my God.
Lee, get up!
I like that dude with the black lace umbrella in the background!
Guys, what are we doing?
Of course he [Jeremiah] hides in a freaking... mausoleum.
That shot of Bruce is awesome.
“You can trust me because I'm your friend!”  *whimpers*
“I want you to be my friend, Bruce.”  *clutches chest*
“And then you came along and offered me everything I could dream of.”  “Because I believe in you, Jeremiah.“  Oh my God...
This is breaking my heart.  This is freaking breaking my heart!
“All we have to do is get out of here.“  *starts singing “We Gotta Get Out Of This Place” by The Animals*
*Jeremiah fires off a warning shot near Bruce’s feet*  WHOA!
Where did he get the gun?
“You can fool everyone else but I [Jeremiah] know you made a switch.”  Oh my God...
*actually clutches hair in stress*  Oh my God...
“And you can't hide, not even behind that new face of yours.“  What?  Wait, what?  What?
“I know it’s you.”  What?
“I know it’s you, Jerome.”  Whaaaat?!?
Oh my God, Jeremiah, noooo....
“You killed my friend Bruce. Now it's time to put you back in your grave.“  Nooo....
*Jerome’s casket is revealed to be actually a beer cooler*  HAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA...
*slaps chair in hilarity*  Oh my gosh...
*Lee accidentally knocks out Ed*  Oh my God!
Jiiiimmm..... this is such a bad idea, Jiiiimmmm....
OK, there’s the generator.  They left it on?  Why did they leave it on?  They just wanted to see how long it would run?
Whoa.... what’s going on?  What’s going on?
*Jerome’s corpse is found propped up next to his tombstone*  OHHH MY GOD!
Jerome’s hair looks different... whoa...
*The Jester points a gun at Jim*  Oh my God!
Is he [Jerome] just.. gaslighting the crap outta him [Jeremiah]?
*Jeremiah goes after Bruce with Jerome’s straight razor*  Oh my God!
*gasps when Jerome starts getting strangled by someone offscreen*
Oh my God...
AN:  Take a sip every time I’ve said this during this reaction.  Careful, there’s a lot of them.
“Hold still, brother.  Let's peel off that grotesque facade.”  Oh my God...
What kind of rule is that sharp that it can embed itself in a wall?
OK, what’s going on?  Seriously, what’s going on?  What’s going on, what’s going on, what’s going on...
*jaw drops to the floor*
Whaatt... whaaat...
*Jeremiah shoots one of the cult followers through the chin*  AAAAAHHHHH!!
What’s going on, what’s going on...
*absolutely screams when Jeremiah starts wiping off his makeup*
*absolutely screams again when Jeremiah does the same thing in the video that Jim is watching*
Oh my God, there’s ten minutes left!  WHAAAAAATT?!?
“Other than some mild cosmetic effects...”  Hahaha my God...
Oh my God...
I just wanna know where Jerome found the time to make a freaking journal of all his escapades
Wait, so did he [Jeremiah] set up the whole thing?
Ohhhh my God....
“I [Jeremiah] would hate to be within a mile of it [the generator] if it were to... overload.”  Oh my God...
“Jerome wanted to slather you [Bruce] in honey and have you eaten alive by corpse beetles.“   Eeewww...
Also, whoa there, Jerome.  Calm down.
Can’t believe I’m kink-shaming a dead clown.  What has this world come to?
“Are you gonna listen?  Or you gonna behave like children?”  Pfftttt.....
See, I [Jeremiah] don't want to kill you [Bruce], because I want to show you how much I've changed things. How much we've changed things.”  Oh my God... oh my God....
Bruce doesn’t know about the generators.  Ohhhh shit!
Oh my God, they’re not gonna kill off Jim!
“See those generators that we built with your [Bruce’s] money, they work even better as bombs.“  Oh my God...
*gasps when Jeremiah’s bunker blows up*
“Jim Gordon is dead.”  No Jim ain’t dead.  C’mon.
“In fact, I [Jeremiah] can honestly say... you [Bruce] are my very best friend.“  *through gritted teeth*  Oh my Goddd...
My hands are actually shaking...
“I [Oswald] don't expect you [Jongleur] to betray the memory of that old corpse.“  Hoooo...
Roll credits!
“Is your [Butch’s] plan to gain his sympathy by reciting your tale of woe?“  Pffffttt....
*Butch starts shoving chicken bones up Jongleur’s nose*  AAAAAAHHHHHH!
Hahaha Oswald in the background!
*pumps fist*  Whoo whoo!
So do they [Ed and Lee] actually like each other here?  What’s going on?
“I'm assuming you [Ed] brought one of those [clown costumes] for me [Lee]?”  “Oh.  Now, I would be into that, but they only had one.“  Hahahaha oh my Goddd...
*jams out to “Rockers” by U.K. Subs*
*Ed and Lee share a kiss*   Oooooohhhh....
“Don't just wrap me [Ed] around your finger, Lee.“  That is exactly what’s she’s doing.
“You know, it's funny, it kind of reminds me [Harvey] of my first apartment in Crown Point.”   “How long ago was that?”  “I still live there.”  Heehee...
*Ecco shoots the guards*  OOHHHHH
Wait, are they [Jeremiah and Ecco] holding each others’ arms?  Almost protectively?
I’m.. actually totally down to see where this relationship goes in this show.  I know it was mentioned that Ecco is “devoted” to Jeremiah so I’m not sure how far that goes. 
There’s definitely an implication of romance in this bit but I’m very interested in how this goes down.
Ohhhh my God...
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dalekofchaos · 6 years
Why I hate DCEU/Jared Leto’s Joker
I’ve watched Suicide Squad multiple times and I’m sorry I just can’t bring myself to like this version. I honestly find it so bad that I can only see this version of Joker existing in Joel Schumacher’s Batman universe. This is a Joker who belongs with George Clooney’s Batman, not in the DCEU.
Yes, yes, yes, I know that 90% of his scenes were cut. But honestly? I don’t care. If you’re gonna advertise that they are “gonna lock me up for my Joker” saying “I can’t tell where Joker ends and Jared begins” say that he sent twisted gifts like dead animals, bullets(to his black co-stars during a time of police killing unarmed black civilians)  and used condoms and anal beads only to say that was all for hype. That’s just like an asshole who made an offensive or racist joke taking it back saying “I was only joking” oh and how about constantly saying that he was going to be better than Heath Ledger’s Joker but not delivering. They didn’t even try to do their own thing, all he was doing was imitating Jim Carrey and went out of their way to try to better or be as good as Heath instead of doing their own thing.  
He was so cringe worthy and his voice was barely audible to me.  He barely even had a presence in the movie outside of Harley’s flashbacks.
The design. Okay The Joker is a clown and there is nothing clownish about this Joker. No suit classic clown suit, he is either shirtless or wears a purple leather coat. Instead of looking like a clown at all, he looks like a Die Antwoord reject and is said that he was based off the drug lords of Instagram. Ummmm It’s like Ayer doesn’t understand Joker at all! I don’t mind the tattoos, the body tattoos work, although one more tattoo of “I love R” to mock the death of Jason would be nice. But two things I cannot forgive. Destroying Joker’s smile and putting “DAMAGED” on his forehead. I will get to the former later, but DAMAGED and the grills. The reason is this “Batman basically smashes his teeth out and locks him up in Arkham Asylum. It's in the asylum where Joker would have done the 'damaged' tattoo as a message to Batman saying, 'You've damaged me. I was so beautiful before and now you've destroyed my face.' That's where the grill comes from.” What’s the point of taking away the most iconic feature of Batman’s archnemesis. That’s like taking away Vader’s mask. Having DAMAGED on his forehead is completely unnecessary and is telling instead of showing. They don’t explain why he’s damaged, they just tell in the dumbest way possible. Putting damaged on his forehead is like defacing the Mona Lisa.    
Also that cringey club scene. Nevermind how awful the scene looked in general, the ring scene. Do you honestly expect us to believe the other rogues would ever respect this version of The Joker or take him seriously? Do you think they would ever kiss Leto Joker’s ring? You honestly expect us to believe Penguin, Two-Face, or Black Mask would ever bow down and kiss his ring? Penguin would shoot him with his umbrella and squack. Two-Face would flip a coin and blow his head off and Roman would laugh in his face, chain him up and get out the torture tools. 
The Joker does not care about the Gotham Underworld. Nor is he a pimp. The Joker doesn’t care about money, and he doesn’t care about respect. The Joker is a force of nature, the anarchy of Gotham, symbolizing that life is the joke and death is the punchline.   in his sick twisted way he does love Harley, but he would not go through everything just for her, there had to be an ulterior motive, but the sad part is there was none. Joker and Harley Quinn have a complex relationship. It’s abusive, not black and white, but on and off again, It’s a complex relationship and I just felt like we got Joker and Harley watered down.    
Joker tortures Harleen into becoming Harley Quinn and thus Joker takes away her agency.  Harleen Quinzel was not tortured or thrown in chemicals to become Harley Quinn. Harleen Quinzel fell in love with The Joker in therapy. There is a large portion of manipulation on The Joker’s part, but it was Harleen’s choice to become Harley Quinn. She’s not a victim of The Joker’s madness, she chose to become who she is. It was a severe departure from her first origin, and a far inferior one due to one factor: it removed Harley’s agency. In other words,  it took her choices out of her hands and put them in the Joker’s.  She chooses to become a supervillain. And there’s what’s wrong. She CHOOSES it. It isn’t forced against her will. Harley’s smart and tough, yet vulnerable and damaged. In a way there was already madness buried in Harleen Quinzel but The Joker just helped it surface. And that’s the problem Harleen Quinzel’s choice to become Harley Quinn is taken away.
It was just not Joker to me.  He was not a Joker that I could see tormenting Batman. He’s not a Joker that I could see paralyzing Barbara Gordon and  torturing and eventually killing Jason Todd.
The one thing about Jared Leto’s Joker that’s unforgivable has to be the fact that they took away the smile. he’s not smiling.
it’s the most important, most telling piece of the joker’s ensemble; the part that tells the story of man who thinks suffering and pain are punchlines. that’s the big, cosmic joke that makes him the ‘joker’ - beating you to death is just for kicks. it’s just for fun. the last thing his victims see? the smile.
the joker didn’t just slap on red lipstick for no reason. he’s a performer, always performing for an audience - he wants the last people see to be a smile. he never wants to stop smiling. the fact that they took the smile out of the joker is just terrible.
And too all of you who say that’s what his hand smile tattoo is for and “it’s a different take”, I’m just gonna say this. If it’s not fucking broken don’t fucking fix it and “different” does not always mean it’s good. They removed the most iconic and most recognizable part of Joker’s character and they removed and that is just what I cannot forgive.
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hellsbellssinclub · 6 years
Two-Face as Tim’s dad au. Part 5.
Part 1/ Part 2 / Part 3/ Part 4 / Part 5/ AO3
This chapter just kept writing itself.
Tim plans some more and has some inner monologue. 
Routine is something that Tim found easy to get into. He gets up in the morning. Gets ready for school. Is dropped off by Mrs Mac at the front gate of the school. He goes to classes, talks with his friends and classmates, does his work at an ‘average’ standard. After school he goes to his martial arts classes and gets his arse handed to him by his teacher, Nyssa. After that he goes to the library and finishes off the rest of his homework before heading home and watching Netflix until it is time to eat dinner.
This was not his normal routine, not really. Normally he would head out into city itself once he was done with his homework at the library. He would take his camera and take photos of the different buildings and landmarks Gotham had to offer. While he did enjoy following Batman and taking photos of the caped crusader, Tim loved taking photos in general. He loved finding beauty in the simplest of things, like a crumbling gargoyle on the roof of the older buildings in Gotham or the remaining plants left over from Poison Ivy’s latest fight that were still vibrant and feisty despite being weeks since Ivy herself had been near them. There was beauty in everything and with his camera and his dark room, Tim was able to bring that beauty to life.
But with Nightwing still stalking outside his window at night and the possibility that he could be followed and or tracked down if he isn’t home at a reasonable time, Tim was left with altering his normal routine to make himself look more acceptable and normal; something he had unfortunately gotten used to these last couple of years of being Tim Drake.
It was well into the second week of waiting to see if Bruce/Batman acted on the information Tim had all but waved in his face, when he received a text from Detective Bullock saying that there was another letter in the drop box. Tim was more than surprised to hear that there was another letter so soon. Tim had received a letter just over a month ago, the one he had shown Dick and Bruce. Normally his father would only write once ever two months when he was in Arkham, mostly due to the security risk of Tim being found by someone with a grudge against Two-Face and the fact that his father was often put into the Rogues Gallery where most of Gotham’s A-List criminals are put. In theory, the Rogues Gallery was an isolation ward where no phone calls or letters were allowed to be sent out or received.
That was only in theory. Everyone and their dog knew that it was only a semi isolation ward where if you had enough favours or money, you could theoretically get whatever you wanted sent in and out of the Asylum.
To get the letter from the drop box, Tim is going to have deviate from the routine that he has set up. It technically would not be out of place for him to go and get the letter from the drop box but it would show the location of the said drop box to anyone watching him. That is assuming that they don’t already know where it is. He trusts Detective Bullock, he does. The older man may be rough around the edges but he would never endanger Tim knowingly. Batman and Nightwing won’t hurt him either, but they might try and stop him from communicating with his father.
There were a lot of variables that Tim simply did not know. He did not know if Batman or Bruce Wayne had even started looking at Arkham or not nor does he know if this was just a trap that was set up by Bruce and or his caped counterpart to ‘show’ Tim how easy it would be to take him or lead someone back to Drake Manor. But Tim would have to take the risk of getting the letter anyway. There was no telling of what information it could hold about his father’s mental state and what was happening in Arkham.
Tomorrow was Friday. And a half day at school due to a planned teacher’s strike. The drop box was at a small post office not too far from GCPD. There is an arcade half a block away from drop box.
Tim leaned back on his computer chair and frowned, he was twelve. Going to the arcade with friends is not out of place for a twelve-year-old boy. He could meet up with his school friends after they get out, making a quick excuse of going home to grab a bag of clothes for when he has his martial arts class would give him enough time to grab a change of clothes and grab the letter without raising much fuss of worry.
It could work. It could definitely work. Biting his bottom lip gently, Tim sent off a message in one of the many group chats his school friends his friends had set up, asking if anyone wanted to meet up at the arcade after they got of school. The response was overwhelmingly welcoming, seeing as it was a half day at school and the said arcade that Tim mentioned was considered to be one of the better ones in the city. It took about half an hour of messaging back and forth before he had a small group of friends agreeing to meet with him at the arcade at one pm.
That will give him plenty of time to head back to Drake manor and grab a change of clothes for his martial arts class at four thirty pm and grab the letter from the drop box without anyone seeing him and asking questions.
It was a good plan. Yes, there were variables and a good chance that he could get caught by his friends getting the letter or that the letter itself was a trap but there was very little Tim could actually do about all that. It was a risk he had to take. He needed to get that letter. He needed to know what his father had written to him. It could be anything, from more information about what was happening in Arkham to how his current mental state was fairing or it could even just be a small letter saying how much he was proud of Tim and how much he still loved his son.
Tim needed to know what it said. It was…The letters meant so much to Tim. His father means so much to Tim. It doesn’t matter that it would be safer for Tim to just forget his father and go about living his new life as Tim Drake. It doesn’t matter that he was putting his life and the life of his mother and stepfather at risk. Harvey Dent was Tim’s father and Tim still loved his dad, no matter what he has done.
Tim really hoped that it was a letter from his father and not a trap or something else from Bruce or Dick in an attempt to ‘help’ him let go of his father. Tim could completely understand why the two older men would do such a thing. Getting Tim to forget or to at least stop maintaining contact with his father would mean that Tim and his mother would be safer than they currently are with Tim compromising them by getting these letters. But it would still hurt and Tim was not sure how he would react in that situation if it occurred. He would be angry yes, and hurt, but what would he do?
A spiteful and vindictive part of his mind that he normally tried to supress briefly brought up the idea of writing a letter in Jason Todd’s handwriting and sending it to Bruce and or Dick to see how they would like it but Tim was quick to dismiss that thought. He was not cruel. He could never be that cruel. Jason Todd was dead and Tim respected his memory too much to ever do such a thing.
No, he would find something less cruel and more appropriate if the letter was fake. Maybe he could add something to plan two? Tim wasn’t sure on what to do. In any case, Tim was not going to find out if the letter was real or not until tomorrow, so there was no point thinking about what could be or what could happen.
It was still early by his normal standards but Tim thought it would be best if he got ready for bed anyway. Placing his phone on charge, Tim grabbed the towel that he had used yesterday and walked to the small bathroom next to his room. Nightwing had not yet turned up to do his normal spying thing and probably won’t come for another hour or so. Mrs Mac had already gone home for the night and it was just him in the house, seeing as his mother and stepfather would not be home for another eight weeks.
Being home alone is something that Tim had also gotten used to while being Tim Drake. His mother and stepfather were always away on some business trip and Mrs Mac did often leave him at night to go back home to her own family. At first it had been overwhelming and terrifying. Even before Harvey had become Two-Face, Tim was always with someone or in the same area as someone else. He was never left truly alone. But once his mother married Jack for both of their safety and wellbeing, his mother had to leave constantly with Jack for his business and Tim was left alone. In the manor outside of the city.
It wasn’t all bad, if Tim was to be honest. Yes, it could get lonely not having someone there with him all the time but Tim adapted. He had independence and freedom that he would not have if he was constantly watched over by a guardian. Tim never would have been able to go Batman spotting over the years if there was someone at home who would miss him if he went out at nights. He never would have been able to do much of anything if he wasn’t left alone like he was.
And there is a plus side to not having constant guardians watching him, Tim mused to himself as he looked at his now bare chest in the mirror, cataloguing the new and old bruises that coloured his chest like a canvas of blue, purple, yellow and black water colours splattered across his skin. With no guardian to watch and monitor him, Tim was allowed to train as hard as he wanted with his teacher.
When his mother first reached out to his teacher, Nyssa al Ghul, she had strict instructions that Tim was only to learn how to defend himself in situations where he was kidnaped or cornered by attackers. His mother wanted Tim to learn enough defence so that he could hold off any attackers long enough for him to run away. And Tim respected that. There was no point of trying to be a hero or a big guy in a fight when living in this city. Gotham was a place where learning defence was a good survival skill and being able to get away was always your best bet of surviving.
But even though Tim did respect his mother’s wishes, he wanted to learn everything he could from his teacher. He wanted to learn how to fight hard and dirty and he wanted to be able to take a hit and get back up and keep fighting. He wanted to learn how to fight like his teacher, who moved like she was death incarnated ready to strike down her enemies with a simple but devastating blow. When he approached his teacher about his desire to learn, she had laughed at him. Called him a small little hatchling bird who was not ready to learn how to truly fight. That he was to young, too innocent and sheltered to learn how to fight like she does.
So, he told her to teach him. Told her that he wanted to learn and that he was willing to do whatever it took to learn to do what she does. It took time, but Nyssa finally agreed to teach him, really teach him, how to defend and attack. And she did not hold back. Her blows were painful and his body was always in a state of low key pain these days but Tim was happy. He was learning more than just how to get out of ropes and cuffs or how to evade multiple attackers. He was learning how to disarm someone who was holding a knife to his throat. He was learning how to break holds and take down multiple attackers who came after him. He was learning not only how to evade someone with a weapon but how to use that weapon against someone else.
In the past year alone, Tim has managed to learn so much from his teacher and he was always looking forward to leaning more and more from her. The bruises and pain were worth it, no matter what people might think. Tim was proud of each bruise that marred his pale skin. They were there to teach him to move faster, think smarter and be better.
The bruises always sting at first when the water hits them but the sting is quickly gone and the aches of the day are eased under the warm spray. Despite the fact he does enjoy the warmth of the water and relaxing under the spray after a day of school and his training with Nyssa, Tim was limited to only three minutes in the shower each day. Jack was forever worrying about the costs of utilities in the house when he and Janet were overseas and Tim did not want his stepfather to be angry at him for making the water bill once again go up because of his enjoyment of showers.
Tim stepped of the steaming shower and looked at himself in the fogged mirror. The image before him was distorted and barely visible but it was there. It was him Timothy James Dent and Timothy Jackson Drake. Both sons of Janet. He doesn’t look like his father. Tim is his mother’s son, through and through. From his slight, slim frame to his bright blue eyes and pale skin, Tim was every little bit like his mother. And it was disappointing that he could never pick out his father when he looked at himself in the mirror. Tim has made peace with that fact. He has his father’s determination and stubbornness to do what is right and that is all he needs right now.
It will be his father’s determination and stubbornness that will help him achieve his goals. And it will be his slight figure and pale skin of his mother that will make everyone underestimate him, giving him an advantage that will further his goals with much more ease.  
Wrapping a towel around his waist, Tim walked back to his room, ready to call it a night and be rested up for tomorrow. He had busy day a head of him and he wanted to be rested and ready for anything that could happen. He dried himself off and dressed himself in his sleep pants and shirt before nesting himself in his sheets with still damp hair. Tomorrow was going to be a long day but he would be ready for it.
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lookatthisdork · 7 years
Meditations of Jason Todd (Draft)
In the spirit of NaNoWriMo, I’ve made several attempts at drafting different fic ideas, which inevitably meant blocks of Batfam fanfic drabbles that don’t have any coherent plot, flow or continuity. They’re all basically unfit for internet consumption right now, except for this first attempt at writing in Jason’s voice. 
(Um, I’m still reading Pre-Crisis and 90s comics in my free-time, so the only canon Red Hood I have is his single animated movie. Since this is set significantly after that in his character arc, I’m not super confident when writing him. I have a problem writing characters I haven’t read the canon for, honestly.)
The problem with trading and selling drugs in a city like Gotham is that no matter how careful you were with recruitment, no matter how high your people’s morale and loyalty, you inevitably have to get your hands dirty to keep the money flowing. There are always incentives for both defectors and saboteurs to take pot shots at your stake. Offing a boss could mean a bigger piece of the pie for yourself, better job security (in the short-term, if your employment was tenuous), averting your boss throwing you under the bus for a job gone wrong. If the guy up top doesn’t maintain an aura of invulnerability, a willingness to crush any dissent under his boot, he quickly finds himself faced with with mutiny.
Dealing in drugs always ends in blood, one way or another. Jason was well aware of this. He was also aware of the fact that if you wanted to finance something really expensive quietly and quickly, drug money was the most sure-fire way of getting what you wanted.
(Actually, well-done white-collar fraud was the most sure-fire way, but if there was one thing he’d absorbed from watching Oracle, it was that fraud was never as secure as people made it out to be. It only took one individual with a computer and more skill than you to blow your operation to bits. Maybe it was old-fashioned, but at least drug-money was a physical object that couldn’t be “lost” with a few keystrokes.)
(Also, fraud was boring as a sole source of income. Too much time behind a screen, not enough explosions and punching people in the face.)
The Red Hood had been a damn-good drug lord, Jason liked to think. He’d run a tight ship, and the “severed heads in the duffel bag” shtick had quickly established just how out-of-their-league everyone else in the game was. Sure, he hadn’t stayed in business all that long for several good reasons (only one of which was Bruce), but extorting organized crime bosses was like riding a bicycle – really hard to forget. There was no practical reason for why he shouldn’t just recycle his old plan in a new city for some fast cash. Wasn’t like the shit-hole he was stuck in had anyone equipped to take him down.
Of course, striking fear into the hearts of criminals by decapitating their peers wasn’t the best strategy to use when your little brothers had front row seats to the carnage via helmet-cam.
He could just disable the cam for that part, of course. But the brats would definitely put two-and-two together and hatch some plot in response. An unnecessary headache when there was no Dick to foist them off on.
And...Jason wasn’t the best role-model in the world. He could admit to that. He used the phrase “little brothers” to refer to Tim and Damian very, very lightly in deference to the uncomfortable number of murder attempts among the three of them. Nowadays, he did regret all the stabbing and shooting and general dickery. Even though Damian was genetically engineered to be the most aggravating child on the planet and Tim kept stealing Jason’s alter-egos out from under him (unrepentantly now, the little shit). They were still better than uninterested-and-unhelpful-unless-I’m-sending-you-to-Arkham Dick and fucking Bruce. They didn’t deserve half the shit they were dealing with.
But his regret didn’t magically fix everything. There were 100-to-1 odds that neither kid saw Jason as anything more than “that one fuck-up that we don’t discuss in polite company.” Fair enough. Still, didn’t mean that the Red Hood had to live down to their expectations. He could do better – be the responsible adult, make sure they were fed and watered regularly, maybe (maybe) address their allotted emotional-expression-of-the-week.
Jason blamed his previously non-existent brotherly streak on Cassandra. She’d not only spoiled him by re-familiarizing him with friendly human contact, but she also subtly planted in his mind the idea that hey, you know who else would appreciate Jason’s company when Cassandra was busy? Tim and Damian. And you know who would benefit most from Jason’s unique perspective on life? Who needed a reprieve from Bruce and Dick and all of their frankly impossible expectations? Who could always use another person watching their backs, making sure they end up in an early grave?
(Honestly, Dick should watch Cass in Big Sister Mode and take notes.)
A soft huff of static came through the comm in his ear without warning, followed by the ridiculously-identifiable Damian’s click of the tongue. (Bruce was trying to train him out of doing it in costume so people wouldn’t catch on - with no success, of course.) “Todd, have your remaining neurons finally ceased to function? You’ve been standing outside the warehouse for five minutes. Are you ready or not?”
“Yeah, yeah, hold your horses,” he said as he checked the indicators for the explosives one last time. (Still all green, ready and able to wreck a certain someone’s next fiscal quarter.) “I was just reminiscing about the good old days, back when we all hated each other’s guts and I still blew up drug dens with the dealers inside instead of out. Ever miss those times?” he asked, heavy on the sarcasm.
Tim’s voice was dry as a desert, even with the slightly-tinny reception. “I miss them as much as I miss the knife that was embedded in my spleen.”
“Well, you have to admit, a knife in your spleen was probably the most exciting thing that happened to you that week, even if it was bad for your health long-term.”
“Clearly Todd’s mental dysfunction is worsening,” Damian said. As usual, his tone gave no indication if that was meant to be a joke or an insult.
Probably both, actually. Kid got a kick out of riling people who weren’t Dick up.
At least it was a joke clearly aimed to get a chuckle out of Tim instead of a joke at his expense. If there was one thing this months-long jaunt into the multiverse was doing, it was driving the boys together through their shared survival instinct and the fact that Jason deprived them of all baked goods whenever he had to break up their fights.
(Bribing his brothers with freshly-made cakes and brownies in exchange for good behavior was really the only reason they were three months into this shit-show with no major casualties.)
“Ain’t that a shame,” Jason replied. “It’ll just be you and Tim, stuck all alone in Not-Gotham. What a perfect opportunity for you two to bond.”
No,” both boys said at the same time.
Then the sound of Damian trying to land a hit on Tim (and failing judging from the lack of a pained grunt) filtered through Jason’s headpiece. Because Damian couldn’t stand to agree with Tim on anything for more than 10 seconds without ruining the moment.
Well, whatever. The brotherly-bond was a work in progress. “Stop fist-fighting so we can finish this,” he said. “I’ve got Falcone’s heroin wired up to an irresponsible amount of explosives, and I’d like to get our racket money before dawn.”
What I just wrote makes no sense out of context, but since this is the only thing I have written for this AU, I’ll just explain here:
This is from the “Jason-Tim-Damian get stuck in Flashpoint” AU I mentioned at some point, a few months into their impromptu stranding. How they got there isn’t super important, and I’m handwaving intervention from standard Earth not being able to get them back home in a timely manner. (Note: Bruce, Dick, Cass and everyone else aren’t trying really hard to get them back; it’s just not working for Reasons.) 
After thinking about these three in a strange Not-Gotham for a while, I came to the conclusion that they’d lay low and avoid drawing attention to themselves instead of trying to approach Thomas-Batman or Alt-Cyborg or someone else. Things might be different if Dick or Cass were the oldest sibling on the ground, but Jason’s much slower to trust, as are Tim and Damian. A virtual stranger that also happens to be Batman would be the last person Jason would trust with his and his brothers’ safety. 
Naturally, that means the guys need to find a source of income and a place to hole up. The former, Jason gets by extorting the local organized crime - charging money to sabotage competitors and charging money to not sabotage his employers. Lighter on the murder than his first return to Gotham, but Tim and Damian noticeably don’t bring that subject up anyway. I imagine they picked a spot that was an auxiliary batcave on their Earth and fix it up as a temporary base where Tim is trying to engineer something to send them back to their Earth (funded by Jason’s extortion racket). Damian is stuck as the odd-jobs kid, which he handles with as much patience as he can. (Hint: he’s not a very patient person.)
It would be a waste of the setting not to get the three of them involved with Thomas-Batman and possibly even the main plot of Flashpoint, so this scene would be a sort of in-between-scene prologue before the status-quo changes. I’m leaning towards either Red Hood crashing one of the Cyborg-Batman scenes because he needs tech only Cyborg has or one of the guys interrupting Martha-Joker’s last crime.
Of course, this premise requires a long-form fic, which I’ve never written before. This is all wild speculation, really. I’ll probably never write all of this out.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
BUT IF I DO, you can count on Jason finding out that in a world with no Bruce and no Robin, he STILL ended up dead and resurrected. The multiverse just has it out for him, clearly.
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everygame · 7 years
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Batman: Arkham VR (PS4)
Developed/Published by: Rocksteady Studios / Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment Released: 11th October, 2016 Completed: 6th August, 2017 Completion: Finished it. Did some of the extra stuff, but none of the Riddler’s nonsense at all. Trophies / Achievements: 61%
Well, I’m doing these out of order because this game actually wasn’t the first thing I finished on my (borrowed!) PlayStation VR, but the other thing is brilliant and I want to talk about it (feel free to guess what it is, it’s definitely the first thing you would think of playing on VR?) whereas this is total balls and a really good thing to use to talk about VR.
First up: VR! It’s weird! I’m surprised to discover that the PSVR feels like, well, the budget option that it is, with a much ropier resolution than I remember it having at E3s and the like (I probably just wasn’t using it for as long to notice) but that the head tracking—as to be expected—is one to one, and when you are in a game world—any game world—it’s nice to just look around, and the one thing that you never seem to get tired of is moving your head in 3D space without moving your entire body. So, you know, peeking around a wall, or in a doorway, or sticking your head through a window. It’s brilliant after a lifetime of first person games where your hero is basically strapped to one of those Hannibal Lecter carts and you’re just wheeling them around.
The thing is, though… looking around is kind of… as fun as it gets. Because—and here’s me going to sound fat and pampered—the other VR opportunities are… kind of a chore? Or rather, they’re “events” that you genuinely very much have to be in the mood for. So: standing while playing the game, and walking around (a bit, not too far, watch out you’ll hit your shin off the coffee ta—see I told you). Or doing stuff with move controllers. Although to be fair I haven’t used that Farpoint gun thing yet. Somehow, the feeling I’ve generally had with this helmet on has been “hmm, I wish I was just sitting on the couch looking at a screen holding a controller.”
I mean, let’s take Batman here. Batman Arkham VR literally never gets better than the title screen. Standing in front of the bat signal, looking out over Gotham. The actual game… well, I mean, I hope it cost you less than a tenner, because it’s about an hour of content, and the content is so incredibly slight that I was shocked. Literally the first third of the game involves going downstairs to the bat cave and putting your suit on.
Actually wait that’s not true. In hilarious fashion, the game opens with you watching—in VR, from the height of a child—Bruce Wayne’s parents get murdered. How many times have these poor bloody people been murdered? I guess it’s fun that you can just, like… turn around and not watch it. VR!!!
Here’s the thing—and this is probably going to annoy you if you didn’t enjoy my “why didn’t they just do this???” from the Wolfenstein: The New Order article—When you get to the end of this very short little game, there’s a “twist” that I thought meant the game was actually going to be really clever. Basically, I thought it was going to work like one of my absolute favourite text adventures, 9:05, where by finishing the game based on all the prompts you learn something and can then play the game through again and… do the actual right thing.
However, it doesn’t do that! There’s one story and that’s it. My mistake was based on the fact that at the start of the game (well, a third of the way through the game) in the Batcave there’s a blood-sample kit, and I didn’t use it. So I thought that what you would actually do is test your blood at the beginning, realise you’re infected and then do something else instead of what you’re originally planning to do.
But then I found out that the game is set after Batman: Arkham City, where you already know Batman is infected, and anyway he’s done something so terrible that you sort of can’t fix it. (The worst thing of all is probably that it’s “all a dream” anyway—or at least, that was my understanding.) I do wish it did something—anything—clever at all, though.
Ok. wait, maybe I didn’t really explain what the game was? Look, all you do is, as Batman, is stand and look around, and then essentially point and click to make things happen. It’s the world’s most basic adventure game. You don’t even need to, like, go between different places to solve a puzzle, you just do them all linearly. And the only even vaguely action-like thing you do is shoot batarangs in a practice mode, which is fairly fun but it takes about two minutes.
Now, I’m not going to say that I hated this. Actually, it does exactly what you probably want for it—it’s a VR tech demo where you get to look at Rocksteady’s excellent Batman assets, and sort of get to “be” Batman, vaguely, for an hour. This is not so far from, like, a FMV game being used to show off your new CD-ROM drive in the 90s. I mean, that’s fine! But it doesn’t bode well.
Will I ever play it again? Heck no!
Final Thought: Batman is good though, isn’t he? What a weird dumb thing to think is good, though. A sad billionaire who uses his money to beat up people while dressed in bondage gear with more backstory and continuities than are bearable. And yet playing this—and hearing my pal Brandon Boyer bang on about how good it is—sure did make me want to finally get around to playing Batman: Arkham Knight! Ah well.
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greenwater76 · 4 years
Batman is wonderful
a brother and his younger sister are noticed to be in arkham. They have no prior records before coming to the prison and they do not have case or transfer records. According to the records, they do not exist outside of arkham. The boy, about 17, has the ability to change people’s perception of himself and a small number of people. Additionally, he can change facts. The limit is that he can only change things that will have a small effect. For example, he can change the fact that poison ivy’s hair is orange to it being yellow, but he cannot change, for example, the color of a species of butterfly. These things are often not noticed unless they are closely monitored and usually are accepted easily due to his powers. The girl, around 14, is incredibly smart and attentive. She has the power to force people to keep deals with her if they sign a contract she has drawn up. She cannot force them to do things that are impossible for them. If at any time, either side will not be able to uphold their side of the contract, (such as when one side dies and cannot be revived or fulfill the conditions without their lives) the contract is nullified. She can cancel a contract at any time. If the other side wants to, she must also agree to cancel it. She also is very protective of her brother. You threaten her brother, you die. They have committed crimes, but nothing anything like most of the people at Arkham. The girl assaulted someone both because they were discriminating against her friends and because they had insulted her brother. Additionally, one of the newest superweapons’ blueprints had been traced back to her as the original creator. Her brother is her mental anchor because she has both a god complex and is mad at her family for not believing in her because of her gender and because she was the second child. She is very arrogant because of this, although she does not mind people insulting her, because she believes that they could not possibly see how wonderful she is if they are no higher than water bugs. However, the brother is especially caring about other people’s opinions of him and he does not feel very comfortable about himself because of that. Although, his sister’s rampages make him feel better because he knows she loves him very much and sort of idolizes him. The brother was always kind to her. They have a deep bond. They would also die for one another. She keeps him from doing anything too dumb, he keeps her temper in check. They do have separation anxiety. They have a very deep instilled fear that if they are kept apart for too long, both of them will die inexplicitly. The two siblings reside in arkham because 
1.  They are homeless, since they ran from their parents.
2. They liked the food ok.
3. They are provided mental help for free and without much identification needed.
4. The inmates respect them because they assume they did something very bad in order to be prosecuted as adults.
5. They were bored and so they decided to try and help the inmates, since most of them are decentish people.
The brother is an introvert who doesn’t like inconveniencing people and hates starting a commotion because of something small. He cares very much about what other people think of him and he lets a lot of things go. The sister, however, is sort of an ambivert and doesn’t mind not seeing anyone but him. She does, however, pick up on social cues very well and this makes her a very good socializer. It also allows her to predict what her brother is thinking easily, especially since she’s known him all her life. 
Rising from her hunched posture over ivy’s neck and slowly getting off of her back she said,“Ah. It should be deactivated, but I wouldn’t suggest you try to take it off. It should still have the alarm system and think that it still blocks your abilities. Besides, if you weren’t wearing it, you’d probably add years to your sentence.”
“Thank you.”
“It’s no problem. I’m glad you entered this agreement with me! Just remember, no harming anyone unless someone else lets you out of the collar.”
“I will.”
“Ah bats, ya’ know, the people here in Arkham often don’t get the help they need to rehabilitate. It’s a shame really. So many missed opportunities. Ah! Ya’ know I’ve met a few that even want to start their journey to becoming a normal, functional citizen. Sadly, this place just doesn’t have the funding.” Batman stands in silence, his eyes narrowed at the girl. It sounded like she was trying to get something out of him. “Oh! Maybe you could have that billionaire persona of yours donate some money to Arkham! I bet people will eat that up. Just think about it, ‘Generous Bruce Wayne Donates Money to Rehabilitate Criminals and Ensure the Safety of Gotham!’ A nice headline, eh?” 
“How dare you fucking maggot even think to speak about my brother that way! You who are so low that I wouldn’t dare touch you unless it prevented harm coming to my brother!”
“So what? What are you gonna do about me talking about your brother that way, ya’ little bitch? Gonna go cry to the staff that we’re bullying you? Oh boo hoo. Grow up.”
“You forget that I’m the one who controls this prison. I’m the one who FUCKING OWNS YOUR LIFE AND YOU SHOULD DO WELL NOT TO FUCKING FORGET IT!” In the middle of this exclamation, she had to be held back by her brother physically, so she did not bring harm to the man. 
“Oh~! Does big bro have to hold back his little gremlin of a sister? I thought you ‘owned my life’ and ‘controlled this prison’? Oh well. Maybe you wanna put this little liar in a time-out corner.”
“Ivy? As if Ivy’s gonna attack me on your command! She doesn’t even have the collar off! How could she--” It was then that that man decided that he regretted doubting the little girl. Ah~~~ He had just wanted some extra food. 
“Sister? Sister, it’s fine! I didn’t even care.”
“You know you fucking did and thats why I’m showing this bastard that he’s wrong. He’s just saying that because he’s mad that we’re better than him.”
“You didn’t have to start such a commotion for me.”
“Yes, I did. Because even if I didn’t you’d worry about it all night.”
“I would not!”
“You would!”
“Anh! Besides, I’m just going to worry about this so why does it matter?”
“They’re my actions, you shouldn’t worry about them.”
“But you’re my little sister, I’m responsible for you! And you wouldn’t have to do this if I had self confidence”
“Just cause you’re responsible for me doesn’t mean you should worry about something I did endlessly! And you don’t have self confidence because of people like him and because of mom and dad’s lofty expectations!”
“It’s not their fault!”
“Yes it is! You know it is! We’ve had this argument time and time again, and it always ends with you saying you know it’s their fault and that you know they’re shitty, but you can’t help but defend them because they’re your parents!”
“You’re right.”
“Of course I am.”
“Let’s go back to our room.”
“Sure. Oh! Thank you, Ivy.”
0 notes
sunlitroom · 6 years
Gotham – s4e22 – No Man’s Land
As I watched it, and some random observations here and there.
Previously on Gotham:
Oswald strutted into Sirens.  Hugo can apparently fix Butch.  A completely-normal other-than-being-slightly-blue Butch tells Tabitha this might be their only hope.  Jim cares about Lee and always will.  Jerome is dead – long live Jeremiah.  Ed tells Jim that once the buildings collapse, the structure of the maze will be formed.  Or would have been, only Jeremiah’s switch didn’t quite work – and he has to go back to the drawing board.  Ra’s has a vision of Gotham in flames.  Selina is shot.  Alfred rugby tackles Jeremiah and punches him repeatedly in the face.
As always, long post will be long.  There are likely to be rambling digressions. Gobblepot might appear (although I welcome all shippers and non-shippers alike :)).  There will be naked favouritism and naked not-favouritism.  Broader comments at the end on plotlines and parallels and general direction.
At the hospital, Selina is wheeled into surgery.  She desperately asks Bruce if he’s going to leave her.  Bruce says he’ll be right here.  Selina’s voice cracks as she asks him to promise – which he does.  She’s wheeled away – Bruce and Selina both terrified and in tears.
 A cell in GCPD, where a bruised and battered Jeremiah sits, demure and calm, under graffiti of frowning eyes – painted by one of Jerome’s followers.  A police officer drags a baton across the bars, and others stand beside her, glaring at him.
Jim and Alfred regard from a distance.  Alfred says he should have killed him. Jim tells him he did the right thing, but Alfred replies that he didn’t see what he did to Selina.  He tells Jim he’s going to the hospital now, and Jim tells him he’ll stop by when he can.
Harvey approaches and shares Alfred’s sentiments – killing Jeremiah would do the world a favour.  He adds that they’re still clearing bombs – but the mayor wants to lift the evacuation.
Jeremiah looks directly at him.
Pardon me, Jim?
He doesn’t raise his voice – but he can still be distinctly heard.  Jim approaches.  Jeremiah tells him that he wants to press charges against Alfred, sourly adding
I mean, just look at my face
An unimpressed Jim stares back
I think you look great
Jeremiah wants to talk to Bruce – they were interrupted by his girlfriend bleeding out.  Jim tells him dismissively that all he’s interested in is proving he’s better than his brother – but he’s sill here, the city’s still here, and Jeremiah is a failure.  As a parting shot, he tells him to
Enjoy Arkham - your brother did
Jeremiah doesn’t respond to that, but as Jim walks away, quietly says if that he brings Bruce here, then he’ll tell Jim where the other bombs are.
Jim stops – and he and Harvey exchange glances.
Jeremiah reminds them that he’s an engineer – and he would always build in redundancies in case of failure
Harvey says he’s bluffing – but Jeremiah asks Jim how many lives he’d be willing to risk?  He has a new goal, and he now understands the vision he is servicing. Ummmm. I mean, you can use servicing, technically - but I’d choose another verb, maybe.
My eyes are now open as yours will be
He turns his back on them both and tells them to bring him Bruce Wayne and coffee, black, two sugars.
At what I’m assuming is still the Falcone mansion, as opposed to the Van Dahl place. Hugo Strange looks over a prone Butch – connected to many wires and machines. and remarks
No heartbeat.  Extraordinary
Hugo is a dreadful person, but BD Wong’s delivery just makes me laugh so much.
Tabitha being Tabitha is entirely unable to be anything other than unpleasant, and threateningly tells Hugo that this better work.
Hugo says that the chemicals made him a beautiful specimen – with well-preserved organs.  If they flush him with anti-toxin – give him fresh blood (we see some unhappy ‘volunteers’) give him a jolt to the heart – and the job should be done.
Tabitha smiles at Butch and asks him if he heard that – he’s going to be cured.
Oswald stands quietly in the background.  Tabitha’s phone rings – giving her the news about Selina.  She immediately makes to leave.  Butch acknowledges that she should go check on the kid – but Tabitha says she’s off to kill Jeremiah. Butch wants to join her – but the procedure can’t be interrupted.  
Oswald says he’ll stay, and make sure everything goes as planned.  He adds that he’s doing this for Butch, not Tabitha.  Tabitha eyes him sneerily, but smiles at Butch before leaving.
 Lucius and Harvey are discussing how many bombs Jeremiah might have made.  Lucius says there’s no telling – but Harvey still thinks he’s bluffing.  Harper says the mayor phoned again about the evacuation.  Jim has been quiet, but – frowning – says something has changed with Jeremiah.  Up until now he was just Jerome’s echo – but something is new.
(An aside.  Jim is at his best when he has this oddly personal relationship with the villains – first name terms – and actually tries to understand their motivations and behaviour.  That’s not to say he in anyway condones what they do – but just shouting about them being bad people makes him look dumb.  This is so much better.)
 In the mayor’s office, the mayor blusters blusterily.  An assistant informs him that there’s a hot man in a black and gold lame jacket standing on the roof of a building opposite, smouldering meaningfully at them.
We look and see that it is indeed Ra’s – projecting his hotness at them
We then see that there is a bomb in the mayor’s building – which promptly explodes.  Ra’s stands motionless as the cloud of dust sweeps over him.  Let’s hope he has a change of clothes.
 Jim slams Jeremiah against wall – who barely reacts, only reiterating that he wants to see Bruce. Jim punches him and asks who’s helping him.  No reaction. Jim tries to punch him again – but Jeremiah only tells him that more will die.
He slowly turns his head – which had snapped to the side when Jim punched him – to look him in the face.
But then, you were never good at holding on to what you care about - were you, James?
Harvey interrupts before Jim can reply.  Jim leaves, and Jeremiah slowly slides down the wall, humming – iirc – Ode to Joy.
 The army has arrived at GCPD – because the mayor (very new acting mayor?) has declared martial law. The Major who is in charge of things is the hugest man ever, and make Jim look tiny.  Jim is unhappy about the move, of course, but the Major tells him this isn’t a pissing match – he justs wants to restore order
He asks Jim if he can count on him, to which Jim replies
Yes Sir
Jim explains about the extra bombs and the request to see Bruce – adding that there’s some new element in the mix he hasn’t figured out yet.   The Major promptly tells them to bring Bruce here.
But Jim says no.  The Major turns away, reiterating his order – but Jim grabs his arm.  The Major orders that he is arrested and taken across the river.  For a man who wasn’t into engaging in a pissing match – he sort of needlessly escalated things there.
A struggling Jim is dragged away, yelling that the Major is out of his fricking mind, while the Major comments disapprovingly on his insubordination.  I somehow feel we just saw Jim’s military career, condensed.
 When we get to the carpark, Jim’s guards are shot with tranquilliser darts.  It’s Ed – who starts reciting a riddle, which Jim quickly solves.
It’s sleep
Ed pissily remarks that it’s rude to interrupt, and then shoots Jim – knocking him out.
 Oh no – a profile shot of a sleeping Jim. More fuel for the Jim crush.  The camera goes to a funny angle as Ed leans over him, which reminds me of that upside-down Spiderman kiss.
Ed yells rise and shine in Jim’s face – following it up with a good morning sweetheart at a more normal volume.
He blabbers on about history repeating itself, and then backhands an immobilised Jim in retaliation for the punch he received last week.
Jim doesn’t care.  He urgently tells Ed that Jeremiah has more bombs – he has to set him free.
Ed carries on, bored
So you can save the city?  We tried that - Lee and I are still fugitives
Well – you got caught robbing a bank.  You robbed lots of banks.  What’s that phrase?  Play bitch games….?
Jim says he offered Lee a way out - returning the money, but Lee has apparently dispersed the money throughout the Narrows.  I’m sure that will have achieved meaningful and lasting change.
Ed puts on his showman act – saying that he’s pressed for time.  He presses a button, and a huge weight descends towards Jim’s chest. Jim, panicked, asks him wait.
Ed stops only so he can show off – explaining the torture of peine forte et dure to Jim.  He lowers the weight further.  Now it’s 100lbs of force.
Jim groans why – and Ed says he wants to help Lee break free from her history – Jim anchors her, and he is a dead weight.  Without him, Lee will be free to be the person she’s meant to be  - the one he wants her to be.
He increases the weight to 150
Ed says he saw them together.  
For her sake – you’re going to die
For my sake - you're going to suffer
He adds more weight as Jim groans.
 At Sirens - Barbara is talking about the evacuation leaving undefended territory, and how it would be a shame not to capitalise on it.  The lights flicker.  Her henchwomen are taken out, and Ra’s appears.
Hello Barbara
Ra's is hoping to talk. He says he’s leaving, and wants her to accompany him.  Barbara is angry, however, not overly impressed by his talk of a vision when he took back the Demon’s Head – all about destruction and flames.  It wasn’t as clear as it could be, though, and has disappointing him since –and he wonders if some powers were perhaps left behind in Barbara.
Barbara assumes that he’s here to kill her – but he denies this.  He lied about the woman in the painting to get under her skin.  He actually loved her very much – but she turned down the offer of eternity that he made her.  He wants to make her the same offer – rule the League of Shadows with him.  
She says she’ll consider it. As he leaves – she asks again about his vision.  He says that he will make sure of it, and it will give rise to the one he foresaw, his heir.
 Alfred and Bruce are dragged reluctantly into GCPD.  The Major says Jeremiah has been prepared, and Bruce will be safe.  Bruce just wants to het back to the hospital as soon as possible.
 We reenter the interrogation room.  Jeremiah is restrained Hannibal Lecter style. Bruce is alone with him, everyone else watching on a screen in anther room.
Hello Bruce - great to see ya.
Bruce hangs back near the door, but Jeremiah’s not having that
Closer please.  Closer 
It’s an homage to two scenes from Silence of the Lambs – the dialogue from the first time Lecter meets Clarice, and the style of restraints from later scenes with Chilton and Senator Martin.  There’s quite a lot of Hannibal influence here and there in Gotham, and there’s a scene later that is closely related too.  Jeremiah’s manner here echoes it too – deliberately friendly and avuncular – asking familiar questions to needle a response.
Tell me - how is the young lady doing, hmm?
Bruce doesn’t reply. Jeremiah continues anyway.
You know why we’re destined to be best friends?  We’re very much alike.  You are as I used to be.  At war with your true nature.  You should embrace it.  I’m trying to help you
Bruce stares at him disbelievingly – and asks if torturing Alfred and shooting Selina was supposed to be help
He goes on to say that there’s darkness in them both – but he knows how to control his.
Jeremiah smiles at him
I think you could be so strong.  I see it.  He sees it too
Bruce frowns.  The Major talks to him through a headset, asking him to ask about the bombs.
A smiling Jeremiah says there was only one bomb.  There only had to be one, to bring him here.  
 A panicked Alfred says this is enough – I want my boy out of there, mate
 Bruce asks who’s he?
Jeremiah tells him he’s the one who opened his eyes – to show him the Gotham he should make should not be Jeremiah’s, but….
Yours.  The one you need
Bruce draws closer – demanding a name.  Jeremiah looks calmly at him
Tell me what the doctors said.  Will the little bitch ever walk again? What vertebrae did I sever?  I was hoping for lumbar
Bruce grabs him and demands the name again.  Jeremiah smiles
You already know his name.  You’re his heir
Bruce looks aghast
He steps back, starting to panic.  Jeremiah shushes him
Sh sh sh.   Calm
The lights suddenly flicker and go out.
 In the other room, everyone panics and runs out – but it’s too late.  The soldier in the interrogation room is dead, and Bruce and Jeremiah are gone.
Back with Jim and Ed. The weight is now at 350lbs, and Jim is gasping.  Ed gleefully comments that they will hear ribs cracking soon.
Lee walks into the room. She tells Ed that a healthy human male can take 450lbs before ribs would crack.  She seems irritated, but not panicky.  She tells Ed she’s the Queen of the Narrows – did he think he could keep this hidden?
Ed says he knows how this looks.  Lee remarks that it looks like he’s going to crush Jim to death because he thinks they still have feelings for each other.
Ed slips almost into Ed of old in demeanour, explaining to Kristen Kringle why his filing system works better.  He says he’ll tell Lee why that’s a good thing.  It’s because Jim is holding her back from being person she was meant to be – the woman he loves.
Lee sighs
Do you really think so little of me?  How weak would that person be if Jim Gordon could hold her back?  It's insulting
Ed fumbles – and says that this isn’t what he intended.  Lee says this is enough.  She approaches Jim.  She tells him that yesterday he said a part of him would always care for her – but that the woman he loved is gone.  She asks if he understands.  
Poor squished Jim does look finally resigned as he says yes.
Lee says that the Narrows is now free from landlords and gangs, and families are free to live. That’s right.  Just handing out wads of cash fixes hugely complex structural problems.
Her gap year now over, she asks Ed to come with her.  If he does, he’s not to kill Jim.  She will decide who she’s going to be, and she’s leaving tonight.  It’s Ed’s choice.  
She leaves.
Ed smirks down at Jim
She chose me, Jim.  Did you hear that?  That’s all I wanted.  You can have Gotham.
He puts the control beside Jim, and leaves.
 Sirens.  Alfred marches in looking for Bruce – wondering if they know where Ra’s is.  Barbara says Ra’s plans to leave Gotham in rubble – but she has a plan.  Tabitha gets to kill Jeremiah, Alfred gets Bruce, and she get Ra’s.  She apparently has a surprise for him
Oswald strolls in with a shotgun and one question – who does he get to kill?  He glances over at Tabitha and says that the only way to keep Butch on the table to promise help.
Barbara comments that they’re quite the gang, and they all stride out.
 Meanwhile, a gasping Jim staggers out onto the street.  
It’s Lee.  She tosses keys at him, and says her car is around the corner.  I don’t know how conscious the costuming is – but while she’s still largely in her Narrows aesthetic – sparkly gloves and all – her blue coat is a call back to a colour she used to wear – maybe suggesting that she is trying to become a more integrated version of herself.
She tells Jim to ice his ribs.  He asks if it’s true that she’s leaving.  She tells him it is.  He asks if Ed is going with her – but she tightly tells him that’s none of his concern.
Jim tells her what he was starting to say back at GCPD, when she was arrested, is that if he could go back, he would change everything.  Leave Gotham with her the first time he saw her. Had a life.
Lee smiles wryly, but tells him then he wouldn’t be him.  Jim morosely remarks that would be a good thing, but Lee tells him it wouldn’t be. She then reiterates what she said before.  She’s not going to go back to who she was – but she will always care for him.  
She gives him a brief kiss goodbye – and tells him to go save Gotham.  They turn, and head in different directions.
As Jim is leaving, his phone rings.  It’s Harvey – telling him that things are bad: Jeremiah has Bruce and bombs.
 A hooded Bruce is brought into a room with a huge window (is this the same room where the Owl guy tried to convince Bruce to destroy the city?).  Ra’s stands by the window.  
Jeremiah removes Bruce’s hood with a flourish, and goes to stand by Ra’s
Bruce asks how they found each other.  Ra’s says Bruce brought them together.  He and Jeremiah gloat a little about their smooth plan.  
Bruce tells them they’re both insane.  Ra’s says this is for his benefit, and talks about his prophecy again – referring to blood and fire.
Jeremiah tells Bruce that - to be honest-  prophecies and visions aren’t his cup of tea, but that Ra’s revealed his twin obsessions are one and the same: rebuilding Gotham, rebuilding Bruce.  Bruce is the brother he never had – the brother Jerome could never be.
He puts a hand on Bruce’s shoulder
As Gotham falls, we rise.  Together.
(An aside.  Jerome and Jeremiah both definitely considered Bruce as a brother substitute in different ways.  I’d maybe suggest, though, that the intensity of Jeremiah’s obsession wanders into somewhat less fraternal territory.)
Back at GCPD – they pore over maps.  The stolen vans with the bombs are being driven to the outskirts.  The Major asks Jim to explain – but he, Harper and Harvey ignore him.  They recall Jeremiah’s talk of turning Gotham into a dark island – and it dawns on Jim.
He says that they need to get people off the bridges,  The Major objects, because he is an obstructive authority figure.  He tries to arrest Jim again – but Harvey pulls his gun. Then all the other cops likewise point their guns at the soldiers.
Defeated – the Major can only watch as Jim grabs a radio and puts an order out: clear the bridges immediately.
 Back with Ra’s, Jeremiah and Bruce.  Ra’s comments that civilisation is so fragile – Gotham will be each man for himself, a savage place.
Barbara strolls in, commenting that this sounds like fun.  She acknowledges Bruce and ‘freak’.  Jeremiah looks put out at this.
Ra's is glad she came, but Barbara says she’s not leaving – Gotham is in her blood.  
She shows him the knife. An amused Ra’s said that she had it reforged
Well now
Barbara says that she doesn’t trust that he’ll leave, and doesn’t want to live looking over her shoulder. Ra’s remarks that she’s outnumbered. She grins – and tells him the Demon’s Head really isn’t working, as Oswald sweeps into the room – shooting at all and sundry.  The rest follow behind him, and a huge rammy ensues.
 On the streets, police cars gather at bridges.  Jim gets out of a car.  The officer tells them they’ve cleared the bridges – but the vans are already in position. They’re too late.
We hear bombs start to detonate.  Jim spots a little girl who has somehow been left at the bridge nearby, and sprints towards her.
 Back with the huge fight. Alfred and Barbara tackle Ra's. Tabitha has her whip wrapped round Jeremiah’s throat, and tells him that this is for Selina, but he manages to stab her in the leg and flip the tables – pinning her to the floor.
In that case, this must be very disappointing for you - dying like this
Before he can kill her, though, he’s shot by Oswald.  Tabitha stares at him disbelievingly
Barbara grabs Bruce. He asks what she’s doing – but she clasps their hands together, roars, and runs at Ra’s – stabbing him.  It’s a very stabby episode.
Jeremiah sits up in surprise as this happens.
Ra's gasps a well done, Barbara – but is interrupted by an explosion.  The bombs are starting to detonate, and the bridges are falling.  Oswald looks shocked, while Jeremiah grins maniacally.
 Jim grabs the little girl and shelters behind a car.  There’s a huge explosion, and the bridge falls.  At the window, Oswald, Barbara, Alfred and Tabitha all stare solemnly at the destruction.
Ra's grabs Bruce and tells him that the choice is now his – he can stay, and become Gotham’s dark knight. I… he’s not really given him a choice, though, has he?  He’s forced him down a specific path.
He then distintegrates ickily.  
Bruce stares.  The sirens stand out most amidst the other sounds, a nice touch that it’s the general humanity of the situation that will affect Bruce most.
 The Narrows.  Lee is drinking.  We heat helicopter and sirens in the distance, general chaos.  Ed approaches.  
It seems Jeremiah made good on his threat.  I guess this means you’re not leaving
Lee asks how she can, they’ll need her now more than ever.  No-one will help them but her.  
Ed asks what that means for them.  Lee looks round, and tells him that it’s the end of the road for them.  Ed flicks the knife open behind his back.
I thought the other Ed was stupid – but I'm the idiot.  You were never going to leave with me.  It was just a ploy to save Jim.
Lee looks tired, faintly wry.
You and Jim aren’t that different.  You both think know me.  You both want to change me.  But neither one of you really sees me.
Turning, she beats Ed to the punch – stabbing him in the gut before he can stab her.  With her free hand, she cups his face.
For what it's worth, I was offering something real.  But I would never be who you wanted.  Sooner or later, you would have killed me.  It’s just what you do.
She makes to walk past him. Ed replies.
That’s entirely possible
And turning, stabs Lee in the gut.
He goes on to add
You’re wrong, though.  I do see you
They lock eyes and kiss as big dramatic music swells, and they both start to fold to the ground.  
It’s very similar –ambiguous body language blurring lines between stabbing/sex, talk about leaving together, letting someone else truly see and know you – to the Hannibal season 2 finale scene here.   Give it a watch and you’ll see what I mean
(A lengthy aside:
First up, the obvious stuff.   The scene is heavily sexual. You’ve got the whole sex and death thing anyway, which seems to get them both going.  You’ve also got the fine line between pained facial expressions and sexual facial expressions.  There’s a gifset going round that really illustrates it, though.  Lee’s hand placement with the knife is pretty suggestive, Ed’s hip thrust forward as he stabs her is very suggestive. They’re standing very close. Ed grunts with the effort of stabbing Lee, given his own wound – and there’s very heavy breathing from both.   It’s maybe no coincidence that we were only shown kisses before (although sex was implied). This moment was essentially consummation - when they were finally fully intimate.
That aside.  I’m…. confused.  I think the take home from this scene is that Ed and Lee do apparently see each other, and want what they see.  I get that.  I’m not entirely sure why they had to stab each other, or how/when/why their mindsets flipped so dramatically from one scene to the next.
Last we saw Ed, he was gloating triumphantly over Jim that Lee had chosen him.  But now – about an hour or so later – he’s consumed by insecurity again? Just because Lee is now likely to stay in town due to Jeremiah’s destruction?   Meantime, Lee was apparently genuinely offering him the chance to leave town with her – but now that the move is off, everything’s over for some reason – and apparently he’d have murdered her anyway?
Maybe some of what’s confusing me is to do with the assertion that Ed would definitely have killed Lee.  Because while I think it’s a real risk – because Ed is Ed- I don’t think it’s inevitable.  I don’t think it’s a compulsion.  I didn’t with Isabella either, to be honest.  I think if it has been decided that this is something Ed will always do –  murder his girlfriends - then that’s a pretty fundamental change in that character. Need for attention and praise, compulsion to solve puzzles, to set puzzles, to demonstrate his cleverness – yes. Killer with a tendency towards sadism, yes.  If you’re adding this new element, then we’re implying some very specific serial killer type stuff.
I dunno.  I don’t have a problem with this pairing.  I think there’s a good chemistry and a lot to explore. But I feel like, at some point, some decisions had to be made about motivations and characterisation.  As it stands, it feels like there’s lots of idea strands – but no definitive line.)
 Back at the manor, Tabitha pulls a knife on Hugo – who tells her to calm down. She demands to know where Butch is
Right here
His complexion is now normal.
You're you
I’m me again
Oswald smiles
Tabitha gazes up at Butch
I love you
Butch stares back at her
I love you too
He turns to oswald
I'll never forget this.  Anything you need. I'm there.  Thank-you.
Oswald smiles at him – slightly teared up.  
I want you to know, Butch, I consider you a friend.  And I’m truly sorry
Butch is confused.
Oswald raises his gun and shoots Butch dead.  Tabitha kneels next to his body.
Oswald walks closer
Did you think I forgot you murdered my mother?  Do you think I just got over it? I’ve lived with that pain every day for two years.  I could have killed you anytime – but I believe in an eye for eye.  You took away the one person I loved, so I took away the one person you loved.  And you get to live with that.
Tabitha tries to run at him – but Oswald shoots her in the shoulder.  She stares up at him
All this – was just so you could kill him in front of me?
Oswald smiles
Exactly.  But don't worry.  When I think you’ve suffered enough, I’ll kill you too
She snarls not if she kills him first.
Oswald grins and tells her she’s welcome to try
Tabitha is taken away screaming that she’ll kill him.  Oswald looks regretfully down at Butch’s corpse.
(Another lengthy aside:
Oswald’s revenge was a long time coming.  I’m not sure if I’m supposed to believe this was his plan from the moment he said he could help Butch find a cure – or if it formed later and he couldn’t pass up the chance – but it’s believable that he planned to get revenge somehow.  Tabitha laughed as she and Theo showed Oswald footage of his weeping mother.  She told him she enjoyed listening to her pleading.  She murdered her in front of him, and enjoyed doing it.  She’s never expressed even a scrap of remorse.   Oswald adored his mother and lost her in the most traumatic way possible.  I have no sympathy for Tabitha.
As for the notion that we’re supposed to consider Oswald’s actions monstrous because she’s heartbroken, I... don't really care much about this?  Apart from the fact that Oswald has my sympathies in virtually everything - it's not much of a deep, meaningful love on Tabitha's side - is it?  Specifically not when it's considered in the light of one of the key tenets of the value system that the show has built for us and repeatedly shown us - the importance of acceptance.
Acceptance, especially in a town full of outsiders and 'freaks', is everything.  I see you - I see all of you - and I still want you/forgive you/care about you/value you/love you.  
Oswald knows how powerful this is.  That’s why, when he twists the knife in Sofia, he does it by telling her that his parents loved him unconditionally - while Carmine did not see her, did not accept her. It's why the moment where she asked to see his leg was so cruel in retrospect: because she wheedled the intimacy out of him – he let himself be seen -  and then she faked that acceptance.  In Gotham, that recognition and acceptance is everything.  
We see it all over the place, in different relationships.  Harvey knows every last one of Jim's failings and sins, but will always wind up looking out for him anyway.  He doesn't magically stop being his friend because he knows he can be a self-righteous ass at times.
Bruce and Selina are equally aware and accepting of each other's weaknesses – even if they infuriate them.  Jeremiah believes that he truly sees Bruce, and is possessed with the need to have Bruce acknowledge that, and accept himself.
This is paramount in Lee and Ed’s big scene.  Lee is completely frustrated by the notion that Ed doesn’t see her for who she truly is. When they finally fully see each other for what they are – having knifed each other in the gut - and Ed tells her that he does see her, the moment is acknowledged in their kiss before bleeding out.
It's even glimpsed in smaller relationships.  It's what makes Jonathan and Jervis talking to each other in rhyme oddly sweet.  A willingness not only to see someone else, but accept and indulge them in their differences, which just so happen to be dressing as a scarecrow and talking in rhyme.
So when that acceptance isn't there - its absence is glaring.  Butch is the love of Tabitha's life - for whom she was willing to lose a hand - who not only came back from the dead, but regained his mind and memories....and Tabitha hesitated about getting back together because he was a slightly funny colour.  In the context of the value system that the show has offered us, this is about as pathetic as it gets.
As such, this isn’t exactly a moment worth weeping over.)
 Selina is being taken from the hospital.  Bruce runs over – asking for an update. The nurse tells him that she has a severed spinal cord and the damage is likely permanent – and also that there’s room on the ambulance for him
Alfred heads immediately to the ambulance – but Bruce hangs back.  He says he can’t leave.  Ra’s is right – this is what he’s meant to do.
Alfred tells him the city's abandoned – and there’s nothing more to be done.  He adds that Jeremiah is not his responsibility, and nor is Gotham.
Bruce says he’s making it his.  Alfred says sod it, and makes to join him – but Bruce tells him he needs to stay with Selina – Bruce has to know that she’ll be OK.
Alfred looks tearfully at him – and tells him that he will come back and find him.  He turns and gets into the ambulance, leaving Bruce behind.
 At GCPD – Jim looks out over an empty precinct.  Harvey approaches.  The mayor essentially wants to evacuate – give up on the city, but Jim refuses. They’ll have to arrest him.  He and Harvey comment that the government has abandoned the place, and gangs are dividing the turf.  The city is a battleground. 
We get a montage of the battlelines that are being drawn.
 Oswald enters a beautiful-looking abandoned building – his weird jangly theme tune playing.  Some thugs try to tell him this is their turf, but he gestures to his henchmen – one of whom is faithful eyepatch guy! – to kill them, which they do.  He nods
Yes.  this will do nicely
Look at my boy.  I’m so proud.
 In a tunnel somewhere – another thug indignantly tells a newcomer that this is their territory. The newcomer turns out to be Victor Fries, who tells him,
And now it’s mine.
 Meantime, Bridget wants a ring of fire ten blocks wide around her lair.  If anyone objects, burn them!
 In a presumably abandoned home somewhere, a thief creeps into a room with a makeshift lab – and stares round incredulously
The hell?
Not hell
It’s Jonathan – who gasses him, then decapitates him.
Hell is what's coming
I assume Jervis is just having afternoon tea in another room.
Back in the manor, a random thug tells Hugo
Penguin says fix ‘em
And leaves
We see Ed and Lee’s bodies on makeshift stretchers
Hugo smiles
What should I do with you?
There is no italicisation strong enough to convey Hugo’s voice.  He’s another level of italicisation.  Something needs to be invented.
 Sirens.  Two of Ra’s acolytes stand before Barbara
Ra's is gone.  You defeated him.  We have spoken and agreed.  We will follow you.
They kneel.
A bored Barbara remarks that, wow she is honoured.
A bleeding Tabitha is dragged in.  Barbara exclaims.  Tabitha tells her that Oswald killed Butch and shot her.
Barbara pulls a sulky face and begins to speak in a trembly voice.
Everything wrong with Gotham: greed pain corruption destruction….
Is apparently all down to men.  Yup.  All men’s fault.  
(An aside.  Barbara.  Oswald took revenge on Tabitha because Tabitha murdered his mother. You know about this, because you were living with the Galavans at the time.  You know Tabitha got her jollies listening to Gertrud cry and beg to see her son.  You know she all too willingly and gleefully put a knife in her back.  Where, pray tell, does tormenting and murdering old women fit into your big girl power agenda?  
As for corruption and destruction – you plotted with Ed way back when to bring the city to its knees. Greed?  Your first thought on hearing about the evacuation of the city was carving up turf.  Pain?  Remember when you helped to kidnap a child who could easily have wound up dead?
This whole idea and direction is execrable.   I hate it. Everything about it.  Is anyone honestly supposed to be cheering this moment on?  It’s flat-out nonsense, and hearing Barbara earnestly espousing it is going to garner more dislike for her – which is irritating, because she could be better than this.)
She goes on to say that it’s time they had a men-free zone.  She sits back and sips her drink while her lackeys murder the two men.  Their corpses are displayed outside with a big sign that says ‘Sirens turf.  No boyz allowed’.
 Really, Barbara?  Really?  This is asinine.  Whatever. I don't think I can fully articulate how little I care about this or want to see time spent on it next season. If, like, some loose bridge debris somehow landed on Sirens right now and flattened it, I don’t think I would give a stuff.
 GCPD.  Jim wanders the darkened station alone – but only momentarily, as we hear Lucius arriving cheerily – along with the power coming back on. Jim smiles at him as Lucius remarks that Jeremiah’s generators are quite ingenious when put to their original use.
Harvey walks in behind him, commenting that he figured they’d need help with…. science stuff
Lucius turns and smiles at him.  He turns back to Jim and says that there’s others on the way, this is their city, and it needs help.  Jim says that there is something he needs him to do.
 In an alley somewhere, Bruce beats the bejesus out of a random guy before grabbing him and adking where Jeremiah is.  The guy doesn’t know – but Bruce tells him when he sees him to tell him that Bruce is looking for him.  That should take approximately 30 seconds, then, since Jeremiah seems completely obsessed with Bruce – and I can’t honestly imagine him managing to stay away for too long.
As Bruce strides down the alley, he looks up into the night sky and sees a light – what will become the bat signal.
 Up on the roof of GCPD, Jim stands next to the batsignal, staring out over the city. 
Bruce approaches.  Jim tells him that he’s not supposed to be here. Bruce retorts that he isn’t either, but he stayed to fight for the city.  Jim says they’ll have to go block by block, with no idea what they’re going to find.  This darkness will bring out whatever’s lurking in the shadows.
 We see homeless people shuffling into church, where some weird ass thing drops down from the ceiling. What in the name of fuck was that?
 Elsewhere a creepy masked woman walks through a dormitory type room containing creepy dolls, to where a creepy masked child is beating a corpse.
 Bruce comments that the light is daring what's out there to come after him.  Jim says let them come.  There are still good people out there, and they need to know that they’re here – and willing to fight.  Bruce smiles and says he remembers the night they met, when Jim told him that the world may seem dark…Jim finishes his recollection.
.....but there is light.
(An aside.  Aw.  Bruce and Jim’s relationship is nice – when they let us see it. I’m guessing Alfred’s absence will allow them to develop it a bit more.)
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vrsystem-us · 5 years
15 BEST GRAPHICS on Modern VR Systems
we don't get to talk about VR very often but we love it when we can and we love graphics so we figured it was a good time to feature 15 VR games with some of the most insane graphics let's just get started with number 15 and talk about Vader immortal it's by far not the best-looking game on this list but it has a few key things first it's one of the better-looking games on the quest the wireless oculus device the quality and detail they cram on the headset for this game in particular is just incredibly impressive but also now that it's on the standard rift platform you could really see the graphical effort even more but the big thing I want to point out with this game is just Darth Vader himself when he walks up to you and he stares you down you can really tell they put a Hall of the budget into him he looks incredible and the sense of presence he gives off when he's standing in front of you is nothing short of amazing you really feel like it's him so we're giving the game big points for that but moving on to number 14 let's talk about red matter VR red matter VR is awesome there are a few VR games on this list that are like this but I think whew look as cool the concept is you're exploring a Space Station lab on a moon of Saturn to investigate shady secret research projects it's like an alternate universe sci-fi cold war dystopia and if something went wrong so it's up to you to figure it out it's atmospheric but it's also strikingly detailed even more than you'd expect and some of the weird evil red visual effects they use in-game are a sight to behold really check it out but next at number 13 zero caliber VR this game is impressive in a different sense I mean it looks pretty decent but it's all how it comes together as a first-person shooter you have full movement around the environment and can take cover at will it's all freedom you have big guns that you can realistically hold and interact with different parts of it and there's just lots of explosions and the game doesn't really take a hit up close some things can look kind of crappy but when it's all in motion the ambition of the game itself makes it really visually impressive it feels like you're dropped into a real first-person shooter like Call of Duty or something since you shoot things and it looks cool that's what I'm trying to say and next up at number 12 we have Arizona sunshine a game that you might think at first it's just another throwaway zombie shooter game like you see on every other app store but this one actually looks damn good once you get into it the use of lighting in just the outdoor environments and just the art style of sort of being kind of artsy but sort of realistic make this thing quite a looker and more than you'd expect especially if you're running on a decent machine aside from just the bright color and the lighting and stuff the explosion effects and some of that stuff is really really impressive this game isn't like the absolute masterpiece or anything but it is absolutely solid and consistent and just fun to look at so that's why we considered it plus honestly it's just fun as hell shooting zombies is always cool and Arizona sunshine is of the higher quality so check it out but moving over to number 11 something I really want to talk about is the gallery part of the Ember stone this is actually the follow-up to the gallery call of the star seed which was a big hit for a lot of vibe players back in the day when it first launched it's a really cool puzzle mystery adventure game which already looked damn good and the developers cloud head games really stepped it up with ember stone I just look at it now that in the game story you're entering a new ancient hidden world everything is just bigger and more fantastical within the game so the art design and the graphic line should really keep up and make up for this it really looks better than ever visually and gameplay wise it's a massive improvement over a call of the star seed and I would highly highly recommend it but next at number 10 singularity 5 it's this awesome wave shooter that I'm really hyped to talk about it looks incredible and has a great sense of style the art direction is like a crazy high-concept sci-fi kind of artsy fartsy vibe that they completely nailed from the vision to the actual execution in the game not only is it stylish though but the on-screen menus and the fonts and everything like little things are really cool too it's just you know like I said sometimes with stuff it's just really the little details and when people really pay attention to every single individual element in a game they're making I just really appreciate there are a few other games like this on this list in terms of just like wave shooter type thing but it's still worth pointing out just because it's art style is so different and eclectic now at number 9 project cars to VR I still really firmly strongly believe that racing games are the perfect style of game to really get people into VR and just show them what it can do and right now really the best showcase of that is project cars - now straight up it's not my favorite racing game by any means but the VR component is just extremely extremely well done and the fidelity is perfectly translated to the VR options and in the best ways you really feel like you're in the car and there's still a surprising amount of detail on everything kick-ass graphics are needed to be able to properly convey a good sense of speed and if that's not done right the fun factor can drop instantly thankfully though project cars 2 succeeds and then some like from that - detail - just everything you want to blow somebody's mind put a VR headset on them and put them in a racing game and like I said earlier project cars - is the one to do it with at number 8 primordial this is a weird otherworldly first-person shooter with a single-player adventure and an arcade mode and despite there being so many other VR shooters this one just feels super unique and it looks great I think primarily it's because of the scope of this dense looking world as well as definitely these weapon visuals that the guns or weird gross weapons use are hyper detailed and cool and the game makes really fun use of glowing colors and bright neons - just great great effect it was made by like two dudes it's really amazing that it looks as good but we got to give them props next at number seven let's talk about how blade we love how blade here at game ranks and it also got of the arm oh it's just a damn good looking game it was a good looking game then and putting it in VR was a weird choice but it totally works the way it's set up essentially most at a time you're acting as the camera the game is still you know in third-person perspective only the camera has some slight movement and freedom with your head in motion and stuff there are other games that do it like this but I think he'll played is just one of the best-looking ones you know there is a loss in graphical fidelity in some spots as there always is with VR but experiencing this game in front of your damn face is still really cool and the characters and a creepy environment still look great and absolutely emulate you feel of playing it the traditional way honestly however you play it maybe you're watching this you don't even have a VR headset I'll say it again play hell-blade cuz it's a really cool single-player adventure anyway let's move on next at number six in death people describe this game in death kind of like as a Dark Souls VR game and yeah that works it has a lot of like great bow and arrow gameplay in it and it's a robe light so it has a satisfying challenge loop but gameplay aside it looks really good it's been hailed as one of the best-looking VR games and I really got it in particular point out how cool the enemies look and especially the way they move and animate here this is one that you just really kind of need to see to believe in motion like it's gotta be on your face as generic as that sounds I really think it's true some of the games on this list is better off you actually seeing them in person than a YouTube video with awful compression in 1080p showing it but getting down to the final five let's talk about Batman Arkham vr this is honestly like a relatively simple Batman experience this is really freaking cool and immersive and it looks so damn good and what started out as a psvr exclusive has been ported over and it's just really goddamn awesome it looks good on every platform because it preserves the look of the Rocksteady Batman Arkham games from style tough all that gritty detail and it puts you in Batman shoes literally it has a depth and scale of Gotham rooftops where you can look down to the busy streets below but also all of Batman's gadgets and his cool clubs are recreated with a bunch of really really fun detail this game is really more of an experience you know a museum type thing but it's really awesome and impressively running in real time I played this one like well over a year ago at least and I still can't stop thinking about how good it looks but moving on to number four just a quick one lone echo lone echo is awesome the movement and zero-gravity the puzzles and seriously I can't say enough good things about this one but it also looks awesome despite the simple premise of a Space Station floating through empty endless space it's the detail in the environments the lighting and really the character models you get up close and personal with that really impressive this one might make you queasy you know but the floating around in space is so much fun and I'd really recommend it especially because it's practically a graphical powerhouse dude but next up something I'm really excited to talk about at number three is Resident Evil 7 it's one of the more impressive triple-a VR outages Capcom definitely gambled on this one it's been probably a ton of money because the entirety of Resident Evil 7 can just be played in VR first of all this makes it incredibly scary the atmosphere and the graphics are preserved enough in VR to make certain sequences of the game still feel genuinely spooky also the detail of the character models is still insanely impressive those Baker's are messed up I don't know but really this is truly a VR game on a massive budget and if you can experience it you should because they gave it their all as long as you have the stomach for it it sucks EDD it's still just a psvr exclusive but still it looks damn good now down at number two let's talk about less of an official one its ally and isolation alien isolation is a crazy looker I mean creative assembly put a ton of time into the visuals here and just support in general with the game the dark hallways atmospheric lighting emergency lights the faithful level design that just really recreate that feeling the original alien it's a no brainer for looking good when it's also strapped to your face and ER this has to be access to with mods though there were like files in the game for VR support groundwork but it never came through as official DLC or an update like ii sega didn't support but it's worth tweaking fairly easily and checking out it's very scary and very moody and I think more than anything alien fans need to get themselves in this but finally at number one we want to talk about Robo recall okay where to start on this one ooh Robo recall kind of acts as like a nice graphical showcase for Unreal Engine VR stuff but thankfully it's also fun as hell but also more importantly on this list it's an absolute looker it's got a little bit everything you know semi explorable environments with impressively detailed city streets and tall skyscrapers where the scale actually feels properly massive up close and personal you have these highly detailed robot character models that really get in your face and look pretty amazing they can be blasted with bullets and damage and you can also grab them and slowly rip them apart with your hands before your very eyes and see all that stuff happening in motion in real time is so cool everything is shiny glossy detailed sharp it's highly stylized while also just making you feel like you're really there a robo recall is something really special everybody's gonna have different opinions on like what the best looking VR games are like there are more than we can even include on this list and everybody has a different type of preference for a graphical style and art style but these games look really amazing and we just wanted to highlight them but of course for VR enthusiasts down in the comments we want to hear what you guys are up to you what are you playing what do you think looks the best what are you really in love with what's whisking you away if you learned about a new game or something like that from us clicking the like button is the best way you can show appreciation and help us out we would love that but if you're new consider subscribing and hitting that notification about in it because we put out videos every single day but hey as always thanks for watching we'll see you guys next time
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