#witches in fiction
cavorta · 6 months
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April 7, 2024 My novella "Dreams of Loki" is now also available as a print. It is about spirituality, modern paganism and the struggles and joys of being queer. The Norse deity Loki plays an important part in it and some of the characters are witches.
🔥 Why did I write this novella? Several times, I heard stories about people who left a conservative or fundamentalist Christian cult or congregation and later explored a pagan path. But I do not know any fiction books which deal with this topic, so I decided to write such a story myself. This is also a devotional work dedicated to Loki. 🔥 The ebook and print on Amazon:
Amazon.com: https://www.amazon.com/-/de/dp/B0CZ7G16S5/
Amazon.co.uk: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0CZ7G16S5/
Amazon.com.au: https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B0CZ7G16S5/
Also available in all other Amazon shops worldwide.
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aesethewitch · 5 months
When I was a kid, we moved into a house that had a huge lilac tree out front. It was mostly rotten, and it needed to be taken down before it fell. It took a while, but eventually, it was gone.
Mostly. A couple years later, little lilac babies popped out of the ground in its place. My mom was determined to get rid of them, because she'd planted a beautiful flower garden there, and the lilac trees would overshadow and kill the whole garden. I insisted on saving at least a few saplings. She said fine, but I had to dig them out and put them in pots myself.
So, I did. I spent days digging little lilac bushes out of the ground and putting them into pots. Some couldn't be saved, but some could. When all was said and done, I had five brand-new lilac saplings. Seven or eight years old, and it was my absolute pride and joy.
Three died due to sun scorching, severe drought that no amount of watering could save, and perhaps just being moved from their place in the ground. But two survived, and I was awfully proud of them! I'd go out and talk to them every single day. I watered them by hand and made sure they were fertilized properly. I learned all about their favored environments, and I was determined to make sure they lived.
One of my mom's friends saw what I was doing with the lilacs. She asked if she could have one to put in her backyard, and I agreed on the condition that she take very, very good care of it.
It's now fucking enormous. I'm talking ten feet tall and bursting with beautiful purple flowers every spring. My mom still gets updates each year as they start to bloom, which she forwards to me. And all I can think is, "That's my friend! Thriving some twenty years on, there it is."
The other tree nearly died, too. It lived in a pot for far, far too long. I wanted to plant it somewhere in my parents' yard, but my mom was reluctant. Eventually, we agreed to put it in the far back garden. It grew okay for many years, despite the shade, but in all these years, it's never bloomed.
Last year, the massive tree casting massive shadows over the lilac and the garden cracked in half and fell. It tumbled into the garden, crushing part of the nearby shed and destroying a few plants beneath it.
It missed my lilac by inches.
The clean-up is long done. The rest of the tree has been cut down, and my lilac has full sunlight for the first time in fifteen years. It won't bloom this year, I know. But it's got new shoots up. It's taller than ever. I spent half an hour a few weeks ago praising it for surviving all this time, dreaming about its future and telling it how I believe it'll become the tall beauty it's always been meant to be.
I think next year, I'll see flowers.
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spoldhamauthor · 9 months
New Year, New Audible Read
Why not start the year with a new Audible read? You can listen to a sample of 'Hag's Breath: A Collection of Witchcraft and Wickedness' by clicking the link below. You could even have 30 days FREE with Audible's offer (conditions apply.) Written by myself, S P Oldham and narrated by Paula Hines.
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homage-to-errata · 1 month
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From @tracedinairlwa's adorable fic Heartbeat, which you can read here! All writing is theirs, taken directly from the fic.
Thanks so much for all your diakko contributions, Trace. I have really enjoyed reading your work.
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winter2468 · 3 months
so I've found the greatest elden ring fanfic of all time:
Things Tarnished Are No Longer Allowed To Do In The Lands Between
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absentwriterdoll · 2 months
What is a doll?
Tell me, do you know what a doll really is? A happy little thing that is beholden to its specific purpose, a specific being - that's what they always say, right?
You do understand how they got to this point, right?
A doll is a doll before they ever end up in their shells of whatever it is they end up made out of.
They don't come into existence trained to seek out Purpose and Stillness - no that happens somewhere along the way.
A person becomes not a person.
They know witches before they even know what the concept is - witches in a different way than the ones we usually speak of - witches that need no magic to effect their ways.
Take, for example, the "gifted student".
That's a doll right there.
Their Purpose is success in education. Their Stillness is respite from the otherwise ire of their witches.
They aren't a person:
They're their achievements.
And, tell me, doesn't that sound just like a doll to you?
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dani-r · 3 months
I mean, she was brutal and cruel with John, but she was smart and cunning and had him run in circles and only lost for time travel shenanigans.
The Hag had it all, including the biggest power move I've seen in a long time.
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bodhrancomedy · 1 year
Just a list of children’s books that did impact my life way more than Harry Potter.
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night-market-if · 28 days
Chapter Six
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Welcome to Chapter Six, Public Release. I think this is the chapter that has really gotten the ideas moving for me and while I am taking a brief hiatus, I cannot wait to get back to this story. Please note that there is a cheat sheet for you to rechoose some options at the beginning of this chapter. Twine updated and has broken a lot of codes. If this still does not work, I would suggest deleting cookies, browser history, and restarting your game.
I do hope you all enjoy what is about to transpire and cannot wait to hear your thoughts.
Book 2
If you want more after this chapter, there are a lot of post chapter six shorts up on my Patreon. Be sure to check that out.
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gameraboy2 · 2 months
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"Burn, Witch, Burn!" Famous Fantastic Mysteries #20 (1942) Cover by Virgil Finlay
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cavorta · 1 year
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September 15, 2023 Very recommendable witchy fiction.😍 I love the series "The Witches of Portland" by T. Thorn Coyle because the witches there and their magic are depicted in a realistic way. T. Thorn Coyle is a witch and it shows in their fiction. Also, the characters are diverse and there are also some interesting activism topics. The ebook of part 1, "By Earth" is currently free on all retailers. https://books2read.com/by-earth
Image by T. Thorn Coyle.
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strangelittlestories · 9 months
When the adventurers reached the next town, they were horrified to find the inhabitants gathered by the river in order to dunk a witch.
The party drew their weapons, summoned their magicks (both divine and profane) and demanded the townspeople cease at once.
The people of the town who were not actively holding the witch underwater formed a quick circle to elect a spokesperson. That spokesperson stepped forward with palms outstretched and begged the visitors to stay their righteous wrath! The scene unfolding was not what they thought.
How exactly, inquired the party Paladin, did we manage to misinterpret the fact that you are currently dipping a witch in and out of a body of water? Because, oh gosh, if this is a humorous misunderstanding, then it is a *doozy*.
The spokesperson conceded that, yes, the people were currently in the act of dunking the witch in the river and then pulling her out again, before pushing her back in again. However! They were not doing this as any kind of test or punishment, but simply allowing the witch’s magic to diffuse into the water. This would ensure bountiful fishing and also make it nicer for the local water spirits.
But, the Rogue interjected, does the witch not have any strong feelings about this?
I should say she does, replied the spokesperson, she thinks it’s a marvellous time!
At this point the witch - in the act of being lifted out of the river - did indeed give out a screech of delight and proceed to scamper up the bank, before cannonballing back into the water with an almighty splash.
The party Wizard admitted this did look like fun and asked if she could have a go.
Well, remarked the Paladin as the group relaxed by the water to watch the frolicking, I’ve never seen a magic user used as a mystic tea bag before. Truly, these local traditions have a unique kind of magic to them…
Indeed, added the Rogue, you could say the place is quite literally *steeped* in it.
And this is how a strange little anarchist commune of a town founded the world’s first water park.
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wandanatrules · 9 months
Locker Room
Pairing: shy nerdy g!p wanda maximoff x popular cheerleader reader
This is the fic for the request I got literally so long ago I’ll put the request as the summary, I just started winter break so i’m gonna try to write sorry I haven’t posted in forever school has been on my ass
summary: Hiiii, I saw that you were taking requests and I just had to ask, could you do awkward emo!wanda and cheerleader!r where they’re both in high school or college and wanda likes r nd gets all shy and embarrassed around her, so r takes advantage of this and tries to make her as flustered as she can..and wanda
can’t take the teasing one day so she builds up the confidence to ask her out which eventually leads to them having sex in the girls locker room 🤭
warnings: wanda has a penis, oral (w receiving), heavy make out, smut, foul language, there isn’t really that much smut sorry
Even in her sophomore year of college Wanda was still nervous to talk to girls. She wasn’t the most social person, which played a part in it. It wasn’t that she wasn’t attractive enough to get girls, believe me she was.
She had an athletic build and long flowy hair. She ran track in high school and ever since then maintained the abs and the muscles she acquired from that, by joining the soccer team in college. Wanda was the MVP player, which gave her a lot of female admirers. Many of the females at her games, especially the cheerleaders, would make passes at her but she was too oblivious and shy to notice.
Ever since freshman year the only person that Wanda had her eyes on was you. You were on the cheerleading squad, and well known for your looks and popularity. You also liked Wanda, but for some reason she always rejected your advances.
Tonight was the celebration party for the girls soccer team after winning the tournament. The whole team and all the cheerleaders would be there.
Wanda was nervous to go knowing that parties weren’t usually her scene. Even though she was expected to go since she scored the winning goal and led her team to victory.
You and the other cheerleaders were in the locker room getting ready, before you left for the stadium to join the party.
“I’m gonna try to get with Maximoff tonight” you said to your friends while finishing up your makeup.
“Oh, really?” your friend Maria asked, “She’s so nerdy and shy and awkward all the time.”
You smiled and thought back to a couple of days ago when you tried to flirt with her.
Wanda was standing outside of the soccer locker room, right after practice. She was wearing a muscle tee showing off her toned arms and covered in sweat.
“Hey Wans.” You said to her after sauntering over to her, while putting your hand on her arm. “You looked real good during your practice.”
Wanda’s face turned red and she felt herself getting nervous again. “Oh thanks y/n.” she said while nervously playing in her hair, “I was working on my form for the tournament.”
“Yeah, I bet you're gonna win it for us Wanda, and when you do i’ll give you something to celebrate.” You said in her ear with a seductive voice, before walking away with a sway to your hips.
Wanda let out a deep breath after you walked away, cursing herself after feeling her erection hardening.
As you reminisced in the memory of how cute Wanda looked all flustered you couldn’t help but wait for you to get to the party and see her. You just knew that tonight would be the night you would get your hands on her.
It was later that night and Wanda was talking to her friends from the soccer team, while nursing a drink at the party.
“I’m telling you Wanda, she wants you.” Natasha said, trying to convince her to go over and talk to you.
“No I don’t think so, she’s just friendly.” Wanda insisted while looking over at you.
You were at the other side of the party making eye contact with her, while seductively sucking your straw between your teeth. You lifted your hand and waved her over.
Wanda tensed and looked behind her, not believing you were beckoning her.
“She wants you, you idiot.”, Natasha laughed, as she shoved her over to you. “Good luck.” , she called out behind her
Wanda nervously walked over to you, wiping the sweat off of her palms on to her pants.
“Hi Wanda.” You husked looking up at her with your best doe eyes. “Let’s dance.”, you said, putting your drink down and leading her to the dance floor by the hand.
The song had just happened to change from some loud rap music to a slow and sexy RnB song. You used this to your advantage as you wrapped her arms around your waist and began to sway.
Wanda, tensed not knowing where to put her hands, trying to be respectful of her touches. You sensed this nervousness and placed her hands on your butt.
“You know Wanda, literally everyone has hit on me and asked me out except you. I’ve never had to make the first move like this. Do you not think I'm pretty, Wanda?” You said with that sickly sweet voice that drove Wanda crazy and iginitied a stir in her pants.
“Oh, no y/n definitely, i think you're absolutely gorgeous.” Wanda said nervously, careful to not hurt your feelings.
You turned around to face her with a smile, “That’s exactly what I was hoping you would say. You better come with me so I can give you your surprise for winning us the game.
You took her hand and led her through the crowd out of the party, into the locker room. You pushed her against the wall and kissed her roughly, grabbing handfuls of her arm muscles and abs.
“You know Wanda, I love when I talk to you after soccer practice. When you’re all sweaty and your muscles are all pumped. I use that time to tease you and get you all worked up, and secretly watch you sneak back into the locker room to take care of your little problem.”
Wanda’s lips parted when she felt your hand grip her length and slowly rub up and down.
“Damn Wanda you’re so hard.” You whispered in her ear. “You gonna fuck me?”
Wanda stammered too nervous to respond, lost in the pleasure of you rubbing her length.
“Or did you want me to fuck you?” You said with a smirk as you pushed her down onto the bench with a hand on her chest.
“Yes ma’am you can do whatever you want.” Wanda said repeatedly nodding
You slowly pulled down your panties from under your dress and threw them at her before loosening the straps on your shoulders and pulling the dress down.
Wanda put the panties in her pocket before you pulled her belt off and ripped her pants and boxers down.
You gripped her length, roughly stroking it up and down. Loving the way her face contorted in pleasure and over stimulation. You looked up at her with those big round eyes as you slowly sucked the tip between your lips, before going deeper and deeper.
“FUCK y/n” Wanda groaned thrusting her hips up into your mouth as she holds down your head. The muscles in her arms straining she roughly fucks your mouth. You hold onto her chest to brace yourself as you move your mouth faster.
“Damnit fuck that was so good y/n thank you” Wanda said flustered trying to catch her breath
“That’s so cute Wans, you don’t have to thank me.” You said looking up at her with a smile while licking your lips. “But I do know how you can repay me”…
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natsgrave · 3 months
THE MANUSCRIPT | wanda maximoff
the only thing that's left is the manuscript. one last souvenir from my trip to your shores. now and then i reread the manuscript but the story isn't mine anymore. i do not give permission for my work to be copied or translated on other sites. plagiarism is a crime!! masterlist
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It was a serene Saturday afternoon, and Y/N and Wanda were cozily ensconced in their favorite spot in the living room. The fireplace crackled softly, casting a warm glow over the room. They were wrapped in a shared blanket on the couch, Wanda's head resting on Y/N's shoulder, a feeling of contentment enveloping them.
"Y/N," Wanda began softly, breaking the comfortable silence. "Have you ever thought about what our wedding would be like?"
Y/N smiled, tilting her head to look at Wanda. "All the time. What about you? What do you imagine?"
Wanda's eyes sparkled with excitement as she shifted to face Y/N fully. "I've always dreamed of an outdoor wedding. Somewhere surrounded by nature, maybe a beautiful garden or a vineyard. Lots of flowers, twinkling fairy lights, and the sun setting in the background."
Y/N nodded, picturing the scene vividly. "That sounds perfect. I can see you walking down the aisle, looking stunning in a dress that flows with the breeze. I'd be waiting for you at the altar, feeling like the luckiest person in the world."
Wanda blushed slightly, her smile widening. "And what about the ceremony? How do you see it?"
"I think it should be intimate," Y/N said thoughtfully. "Just our closest friends and family. I want it to feel personal and meaningful. We could write our own vows, speaking from the heart about our journey and our love for each other."
Wanda's eyes misted over at the thought. "I love that idea. Our own vows, spoken with all the emotion and memories we've shared. It would make the moment even more special."
Y/N reached out, taking Wanda's hand in hers. "And after the ceremony, we could have a reception under the stars. A big tent with fairy lights, good music, and delicious food. Lots of dancing, laughter, and love filling the air."
Wanda squeezed Y/N's hand, her heart swelling with happiness. "Yes, and we could have a dance floor set up in the middle of the garden. Our first dance as a married couple would be to our favorite song, something that means a lot to both of us."
Y/N grinned. "Maybe 'Can't Help Falling in Love'? It's timeless and beautiful, just like you."
Wanda's cheeks flushed with warmth. "I love that song. It would be perfect for our first dance." ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶
Y/N stood in the middle of the sprawling garden, taking a deep breath as she surveyed the space. This was where their dream would come to life, where Wanda's vision of a perfect wedding would unfold. The garden was a beautiful, verdant expanse, with lush greenery and vibrant flowers blooming everywhere. It was a picturesque setting, and Y/N could already see the transformation beginning in her mind.
The first step was to ensure the area was properly prepared. She had spent weeks coordinating with a team of landscapers and gardeners, making sure every detail was perfect. The grass was meticulously trimmed, and the flowerbeds were overflowing with colorful blooms. There were roses, lilies, daisies, and tulips, each chosen for their vibrant colors and sweet fragrances. The garden's natural beauty would serve as the perfect backdrop for Wanda's special day.
Next, Y/N focused on the seating arrangements. She wanted to create an intimate yet elegant setting for their guests. She decided on wooden chairs with white cushions, arranged in neat rows facing a beautiful archway covered in flowers. She enlisted the help of a skilled florist who spent hours weaving flowers and greenery into the arch, making it a stunning focal point.
As she supervised the setup, Y/N couldn't help but smile, thinking about how Wanda's eyes would light up when she saw everything. She knew how much this day meant to her, and she was determined to make it perfect. The ceremony area was taking shape beautifully, but there was still so much more to do.
Moving on to the reception area, Y/N envisioned a large tent set up in the middle of the garden. The tent would be draped with white fabric, creating a soft, romantic atmosphere. She worked closely with the rental company to ensure the tent was spacious and elegant, with enough room for dining, dancing, and mingling.
Inside the tent, Y/N decided on round tables covered with crisp white linens. She chose centerpieces of wildflowers arranged in mason jars, adding a touch of rustic charm. Each table was set with fine china, polished silverware, and crystal glasses, creating a beautiful contrast with the natural setting. Small, flickering candles were placed around the centerpieces, adding a warm and inviting glow.
The dance floor was another important aspect of the reception. Y/N envisioned a wooden dance floor under the stars, surrounded by twinkling fairy lights. She spent hours stringing the lights across the garden, ensuring they were evenly spaced and would create a magical atmosphere once the sun set. The lights would not only illuminate the dance floor but also add a whimsical touch to the entire area.
Y/N also arranged for a small stage where the band would play. She and Wanda had chosen a local band known for their ability to set the perfect mood, from soft, romantic ballads to lively dance numbers. The stage was decorated with more flowers and lights, blending seamlessly with the overall theme.
The food and drink were carefully selected to match the garden setting. Y/N worked with a caterer to design a menu featuring fresh, seasonal ingredients. There would be a variety of appetizers, a sumptuous main course, and a selection of decadent desserts. A long wooden bar was set up at one end of the tent, stocked with fine wines, craft beers, and signature cocktails. Bartenders were instructed to create custom drinks that reflected Wanda's tastes, adding a personal touch to the celebration.
Finally, Y/N turned her attention to the smaller details that would make the day truly special. She designed a welcome sign made from reclaimed wood, with elegant calligraphy welcoming guests to their wedding. She also created personalized wedding favors-small potted succulents with tags that read, "Let love grow." These would be placed at each table setting, giving guests a beautiful and lasting memento of the day.
The final touches were in place. The garden was a vision of beauty, filled with vibrant flowers, twinkling lights, and elegantly set tables. Y/N stood at the entrance, her heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. She hoped that Wanda would love what she had done, even though the day wasn't exactly what she had envisioned for them both.
As Y/N took a deep breath, she felt a presence beside her. It was Natasha, one of Wanda's closest friends and someone who had been a rock for both of them through the planning process.
"Hey, Y/N," Natasha said softly, her voice filled with warmth. "You did a really great job with everything. It's absolutely beautiful."
Y/N turned to her, a grateful smile spreading across her face. "Thanks, Nat. That means a lot coming from you. I just wanted everything to be perfect for her."
Natasha nodded, her expression thoughtful. "It is perfect. Wanda is going to love it. You've put so much heart into this, and it shows."
Y/N looked down, her hands trembling slightly. "I just want her to be happy."
As the music started to play softly, signaling that the ceremony was about to begin, Natasha gave Y/N one last encouraging smile. "Are you ready?"
Y/N took a deep breath, her heart aching but resolute. "Yeah, I'm ready."
Natasha gave her one final squeeze before walking towards the seating area, leaving Y/N standing at the entrance. She watched as the guests took their places, the garden filling with an air of anticipation and excitement.
And then she saw her— Wanda, looking breathtakingly beautiful in her wedding dress, her eyes sparkling with happiness taking in the beauty of the garden and the thoughtful details that Y/N had put into making her dream a reality. Wanda's gaze found Y/N's, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. Wanda's eyes softened, and she mouthed, "Thank you," her expression filled with gratitude and love.
Y/N managed a bittersweet smile, nodding slightly as she mouthed back, "You're welcome."
As the wedding march began to play, Wanda turned and started her walk down the aisle towards her groom, Vision. Y/N's heart clenched as she watched Wanda move gracefully, every step taking her further away from the dreams they had once shared.
Y/N found a spot at the back, where she could quietly watch the ceremony without drawing attention. She saw the joy in Wanda's eyes, the love between her and Vision palpable. It was a beautiful ceremony, filled with heartfelt vows and tender moments.
As Wanda and Vision exchanged rings and sealed their union with a kiss, Y/N couldn't hold back the tears any longer. They flowed freely down her cheeks, a mix of sadness and acceptance. She was happy for Wanda, truly, but the ache in her heart was undeniable.
Natasha found her after the ceremony, pulling her into a comforting hug. "You did great, Y/N. It's okay to feel what you're feeling. Just remember, you're stronger than you think." Natasha placed a reassuring hand on Y/N's shoulder. "You're incredibly strong for doing this, Y/N. Letting Wanda go and still making sure her day is perfect— it takes a lot of courage and selflessness."
Y/N sighed, her eyes glistening with tears. "I just… I love her so much. I want her to have everything she's ever dreamed of, even if it means I'm not the one standing beside her."
Natasha gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze. "Wanda is lucky to have someone like you in her life. And remember, you're strong enough to get through this. You've shown that already."
Y/N nodded, wiping her tears away. "Thanks, Nat. I needed to hear that. I just… I need a moment."
Natasha gave her a reassuring pat on the back before heading back to join the other guests. Y/N took a deep breath, looking around the garden one last time. She had poured her heart into this place, for Wanda's happiness, and that was something she could be proud of.
As she walked away, leaving the newlyweds to their joy, Y/N felt a sense of closure. She had given her all, and now it was time to find her own path, her own happiness. The garden, with its beauty and memories, would always be a testament to the love she had for Wanda, a love that was selfless and true.
Ans now, the only thing that's left is the manuscript. Now and then Y/N reread the manuscript, but the story isn't hers anymore.
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hi, everyone! i hope you like this one, i really don't know how to feel about this... i hope this is good enough and reblog is highly appreciated!
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mommywandas · 3 days
Icky Dreams — W.M
Pairing: Mommy!Wanda x Sub!Fem!Reader
Summary: You have an icky dream caused by Wanda.
Warnings: mommy/mama kink, strap on (r receiving), pet names, general smut, mind controlled dreams, choking.
Words: 1.9k
A/N: expansion of an imagine I wrote on an icky dream that Wanda created. (based on a dream i had)
Beta read by @poulengp <3
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You woke up slowly, humming as you adjusted to the darkness of your bedroom. You didn't remember falling asleep, but here you were in bed, and by the sound of light breathing, your girlfriend was with you. Smiling, you were about to turn over to say hello, when you felt an ache between your thighs.
"Good evening, sweetheart."
Wanda's soft voice filled the silent room, making you smile but your eyebrows were furrowed. Suddenly your dream hit you. Oh wow, it had been glorious.
"What's wrong, detka?" Wanda whispered, tilting your head to make you look at her. You squirmed, making eye contact reluctantly. It was embarrassing, the way your thighs rubbed together.
"N—nothing, mommy.." You mumbled, trying to turn away to hide but she stopped you.
"Did my poor baby have a bad dream?"
If you didn't have your eyes closed (because if you couldn't hide then you decided not to see her) you would have noticed the smirk on her lips.
"Mhm." You hummed, clenching your eyes shut as you drifted off into your dream, it had been heavenly. So.. heavenly.
"Tell me about it."
You opened your eyes, squinting in the darkness, noticing the way a shadow highlighted your girlfriend's cheekbone. "It was, uh.." You trailed off, your cheeks flushing. "I—it was.. icky."
A low chuckle reverberated in her throat. "Oh? What type of icky?" Her fingers played with your hair gently.
She knew exactly what you had been dreaming of. Because she had been the one to plant it in your sleepy mind.
"I can't say!" It was impossible to refuse that expression of hers, though. She smiled, biting her lip as she looked down at her precious girl.
"You will say it. Don't make mommy upset."
Your heart sunk at the idea of mommy being upset. You grabbed the fabric of her pyjamas and pouted. "Don't be sad!"
Her lip tucked between her teeth, she tilted her head. "Then tell me." It was as simple as that.
"Fine.." You huffed, crossing your arms, eyes fluttering closed again. "It was an icky feeling, down there." You pointed to your thighs.
Wanda couldn't help but let out a little excited hum. "Ah, in your big girl parts? How naughty. Tell me what was going on."
Sighing softly, you held onto mommy's hands to ground yourself, stop your mind from drifting off into that heaven. "You were touching my special parts, and— and—"
"And?" It was Wanda's turn to clench her thighs. Oh she had been longing for this moment for a whole week. How dare someone make her wait for a damn week. She'd been giving you those dreams for seven days, and every time you'd managed to stay in a deep sleep, not remembering anything, until today.
"You used your.. thing.." Pointing to the special closet where all the naughty toys were kept.
"Mommy's cock?"
A gasp left your lips at her blunt choice of words. "Mama!" You squealed because those words caused a stirring in your lower stomach. Whenever you called Wanda that, her heart soared, no matter what the situation. It was a special name, that only the two of you shared privately, a silent sign of trust and love.
"Well that's what you meant, wasn't it? I want to hear you say it." She murmured, looking you directly in the eyes making you squirm once again.
"It was mommy's cock." You mumbled dejectedly. Why had your dream so been so fun? Why did you want to beg your mommy to recreate it? And why was it always so hard to verbalise it?
She tilted her head to the side, as if reading your mind. "Poor thing, you just don't know what to do, huh?" You shook your head, a helpless expression washing over your face.
"Well, let mommy do the big girl thinking for you." Her whisper was low, "Close your eyes and lay down."
You did exactly as she said, trusting her because she knew best after all. The weight of her on the bed disappeared, and a minute later (you counted it) she returned, the mattress dipping. You felt her settle below you, slowly spreading your legs.
"Oh my, you really did get excited." She commented once noticing the damp patch on your white laced underwear. You hadn't been wearing anything but that and a loose band T-shirt you loved, that Wanda didn't particularly like but she was happy if you were happy. She slowly pulled them off, discarding them somewhere behind her.
"Mhm, because mama was being naughty and.. and.." You struggled to speak because you were about to say a bad word. Wanda didn't like when you used adult words, because it was for bigger girls who had no respect, so she said.
"You can say it, sweetheart." Whenever you felt like she knew what you were thinking, the light in the room always seemed to play a trick on you, because there would be a glint of red in her pupils. But you didn't know if it had happened as you were still momentarily sightless.
"You fucked me." Very small and quiet words.
"You must have had a really good dream if you want to curse like that." You agreed with her by giving a shy smile. Finally you opened your eyes, and gasped at sight. Your mommy was naked, save for the harness around her pelvis, a large toy attached to it, larger than you'd tried before. Another ache pulsed through your core, begging to be touched.
"Mama, please.." You whined impatiently. "I don't wanna wait! Please!"
"You know I love it when you beg." She smirked, lining the toy up with your folds. She didn't need any lubricant today because you were clearly already so wet. She teased your entrance, humming as she slowly pushed halfway in.
A squeak escaped your throat, trying to get used to the size. "T—too big! Mommy is too big!"
"You can take it." Was all she said before sliding the whole length in. You shrieked, grabbing at her shoulders as she bottomed out inside you, reaching the depths of your insides, causing an obvious tummy bulge. The sight made you moan. "See that? Mommy's inside you, filling up your special parts."
You nodded frantically, bucking your hips desperately to get her to move. She knew what you were begging for so she started to move in and out, thrusting slowly. Your mouth dropped open into an O shape.
"Mm— ah!" Every so often the toy would hit your g-spot, causing you to groan, eyes rolling to the back of your head. Wanda's hand quickly pulled off your shirt, revealing your perky breasts.
"So perfect, my little doll." Lips wrapped around your left nipple, sucking gently. Your breasts had always been sensitive, she knew that, and always used it to her advantage because she craved for more noises from you. It was like a game, seeing if she could get you to moan louder each time, almost training you.
"M—mommy.. so.. good.." You breathed out, body jolting with each thrust as she quickened her pace. But there was something else you wanted, needed. In your dream she'd done something you'd never asked for before, but the more you thought about it the more turned on you got.
"What is it, dorogoy?" Of course she knew there was something on your mind, and judging by the smile on her lips, she knew exactly what.
"C—can you put your— ah— hands a-around my neck?" Whispering, you pointed to that area as your words struggled to stay coherent.
Her eyes darkened, not with a hint of red, but something more human. "Only lightly, this is your first time trying it." She had been aching for this moment. She didn't know what it was about you that made her crave control over your body. She desired so much that she had never mentioned, knowing you needed to be eased into these things, and if it took making you dream of those things, so be it.
"My icky dreams of mommy keep getting— ickier." You moaned, words stuttering out with each deep thrust. The slick noises filled the room, tummy bulge tightening as you felt the band in your stomach coil up.
Wanda's right hand moved to your neck, carefully, with precision, as if she'd rehearsed it. "You remember the safe word if it gets too much?"
"Y—yes, red." Repeating the word seemed to relax her, as it seemed even though she wanted to choke you so badly, your safety and comfort were always her upmost priority. She smiled slightly before her grip grew firm.
A dizzy feeling overtook your head, though you weren't sure if it was the pressure on your windpipe or the pure bliss of being handled like this.
"Fu—" You stopped yourself from swearing, knowing you'd have to receive a punishment for it, and you weren't in the mood for that, just focused on reaching your peak and letting go of all that pent up energy that had grown in your sleep.
"Watch your words very carefully, sweet girl, because I can stop all of this and leave you a squirming mess." Her voice was deep, full of lust and desire.
"Sorry mama.." You gasped for your words, and you felt your orgasm pushing closer. "I.. I'm gonna—!" Meeting her eyes, a desperate plea for her to let you release.
"Go on, come for mommy."
You didn't need telling twice. The mix of dizziness and pounding of a very big strap made you shriek again as you came. Your arousal dripping down the toy and onto the sheets. It would be a mess your mommy would clean up later, you were sure. She always made sure everything was clean, everything just perfect for her bunny.
"Mhm!" Body trembling and shaking from the after shocks, she helped you ride it out, her thrusts slowing until the dildo slipped out of your tight walls, settling against your cunt.
"How did that feel, darling?" She sounded softer now, not that she hadn't always been soft, but more nurturing. The grip of your neck loosened.
"Amazing." You smiled dreamily. "Icky feeling is gone. I feel.. floaty again." That was a word you often described your emotions after sex with Wanda.
"I'm so glad. Mommy just wants you to feel good." She nuzzled her face into the crook of your neck, inhaling your sweet scent, the scent of the body lotion she specially bought for you. Her favourite smell of roses. So wonderful she could almost eat you. "I'm going to run you a bath, then we'll sleep, it's very late."
"No, I just want cuddles now." Your pout never failed to melt her, so she gave in, a smile tugging at her lips. "Okay, let's cuddle, but we're having a shower in the morning."
You nodded, not fully paying attention to her words, busy floating in the clouds. "Thank you, mommy."
Her heart squeezed with love and affection. "I love you, detka."
"I love you too."
You slowly drifted off into a peaceful sleep in her arms.
Wanda watched over you, biting her lip before her eyes glinted red, in a way that couldn't be a trick of the light. She set up your dream, this time including herself waking you up with the strap buried inside you. She could predict how icky you would feel, in a very good way. The smile never left her lips as she relaxed and fell asleep.
Tags: @godhatesgoodgirls @alexawynters
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