#wizard of oz headcanons
friendofelphie · 7 months
So, I know that Wicked the Musical is a different beast than Gregory Maguire’s Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West.
They’re different in tone and theme, and they aren’t trying to be the same thing. I usually don’t even think of them in the same breath; Maguire’s Oz is a different world than the one we see on stage.
However, there is one change made for the stage show that I think is a weakening of the story: the decision to have Elphaba fake her death, and run away with Fiyero. I get it, it’s a musical; Elphie melting at the end of her own story is a bummer. But Wicked is a tragedy, and I always thought it was a little bit of a cop-out to give Elphaba a happy ending.
Then I realized something: The book is Elphaba’s story, but Wicked the musical is very explicitly told from Glinda’s point of view. There’s the whole “I did know her once… at school,” thing that turns into an extended flashback.
Maybe Elphaba didn’t fake her death. Maybe the ending of the stage show is Glinda imagining, and hoping, that’s what happened. Perhaps Elphaba turned Fiyero into a scarecrow, and then they ran away together. Maybe it was all Elphaba’s master plan. Probably not. But for Glinda, it’s helpful to imagine — and always, in the back of her mind, to believe that’s what happened.
No one mourns the Wicked. Glinda doesn’t want to mourn. She wants to believe that somewhere, somehow, her friend is still out there.
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jackseverywhere · 1 year
At some point during the filming of The Muppets Wizard of Oz:
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I love Johnny Fiama being casually flirty with everyone, one of my favorite things about him.
Look at him, a discreet bisexual gentleman 💙💜❤️
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Okay but like:
The Howlies being out on a mission in the middle of nowhere, walking, and Bucky (who lives and breathes for music and dancing, you can’t change my mind.) starts singing or whistling out of nowhere We’re off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz and all of the others just trying so hard to get him him to shut up or laughing at how inappropriate for the situation it is or saying shit like Nazis not being anything like Wizards. And basically just some Howling Commandos fluff (which they probably didn’t get very often because circumstances).
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deusluxuria · 8 months
koichi has dwarfism and i declare it officially because representation for people with dwarfism in literally all mediums is in the toilet and there must be a hero to destroy all the orange body paint and green wigs in hollywood
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He crying!!!! But why?! 0-0
Poor thing...im feel like I going to cry too, hahaha! I'm a bad jester...
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I don't know what say... Well...
Headcanon: Tin Man demisexual and panromantic!
That's all. Have a good day, cutie!!!=o)
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wizard of Oz but James is Dorothy, Sirius is scarecrow, Remus is tin man and Peter is cowardly lion
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@jelimore said: What’s each Animorph’s favorite movie from before 1960?
Tobias: Metropolis. It's cerebral, it's weird, and it's Marxist as hell.
Cassie: It's a Wonderful Life. It's sweet, it's sad, and it shows one person can make a difference.
Marco: Some Like It Hot. Gender is fake, the rules don't matter, and nothing is funnier than the patriarchy.
Jake: Bridge on the River Kwai. It's American, it's cynical, and it's about the power of working together.
Ax: The Wizard of Oz. This is basically his life story.
Rachel: Sleeping Beauty. The O.G. Disney movie where the women slay dragons (and become them) while the men wait to get rescued.
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azaenya · 23 days
Thinking about Fischl, specifically in reference to The Wizard of Oz
I used to think that that was what she was primarily referencing, but there were some very well-written dissections connecting her more to Norse mythology and stuff
But why don't I just do it anyway? It's just for fun either way
But before I get to Fischl, I want to connect some other relevant characters to Oz as well. Mostly people that are paired with Fischl often: Noelle, Bennett, and Barbara. Unfortunately, no Razor. I don't know where to fit him in, so I figured keeping him out would be more respectful than making him fuckin Toto.
NOELLE as The Scarecrow
The Scarecrow's issue is that he wants to be wise, but he, quite literally, lacks the brains to be so. Of course, the twist is that, even without a brain, he had wisdom all along. I feel like that encapsulates Noelle very well. Her deal is that she wants to be a Knight of Favonius, but she never makes the cut. So she constantly studies and helps others, trying to gain a "brain," if you will. Of course, my reading (/headcanon) is that she was always capable enough to be a Knight, and it was an external issue that stopped her. A bonus point is that, in the book, the Scarecrow is a stand-in for the common farmer, looked down upon for not being "educated," but has the valuable skill of common sense. And I think we can extend that metaphor to low ranking jobs, like maids. You see where I'm going with this.
BENNETT as the Tin Woodsman
The Woodsman, while kind and gentle, desires a heart, so he can feel love. Bennett, because of his bad luck, feels like he drives everyone away, and he is in search of friends and connections. He wants people to like him, and just like the Woodsman, they both always had it from the very beginning.
BARBARA as the Cowardly Lion
This one's a doozy. The Cowardly Lion wishes to have courage like how lions are commonly portrayed. Barbara is of the Gunnhildr clan, (also associated with lions) but she was never able to display the strength necessary to satisfy her mother. So she always felt like she came short of the expectation of what she should have been. But even now, as a Pegg and a pacifist, she has always been worthy. She displays her noble nature through her kindness and compassion for helping others.
(Mihoyo did her dirty and she deserves better)
FISCHL as Dorothy AND The Wizard of Oz
Fischl is complicated because I feel like she is able to embody both Dorothy and the titular Wizard, Oz. In Oz, Fischl likes to portray herself as the great and powerful Prinzessin, but in reality, she is acting out that role. Now, the book paints Oz out as a conman, the adult who tells lies, but I'd rather not say that's what Fischl is. What she is doing is harmless, and she should be allowed to do it. Where you might put the conman part is in people's reactions to her. Her parents most certainly don't support her Fischl side, feeling like "the lie" has gone on too long. And that brings us to Dorothy, the young girl from Kansas, swept up by a tornado, who just wants to go home. "Home," in Fischl's case, isn't literal (one would sure hope not), but rather a place where she can be herself and be respected for what she chooses to do with her life. The Found Family, mwah 🤌 And the way home had been by her side all along.
Looking at this, I'm wondering how much of this is intentional, because it hasn't escaped me that a tornado was the inciting incident that lead Dorothy to The Land of Oz. And... well... Mondstadt. The place associated with wind. Yeah.
Anyway, not sure if you can connect other characters to the book, but I'll always encourage others to try.
I can't wait for a 9 page essay on how Diluc is the Bumpy Man. 👍
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honeybumpkins · 10 months
I love them
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Reblog this post with random Go Rush headcanons and I will draw them for you
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Random picture of Zuwijo and Nyandestar for entertainment purposes. I would pay to see the full play if it were possible lmao.
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Wally's in the land of OZ
~Thankfully Wally’s bed lands safety on somethings soft and the puppet holding Rabbit Home sees where they landed: a field full of flowers, trees, and games with houses that look similar to Juilie’s home.~
Wally: We’re definately not in the hospital anymore, rabbit home…
Rabbit Home: *Squeaks and Bangs, like Home would do when agreeing*
???: *sounds of gasps then laughing was heard, as flower and game piece puppets came up to Darling*
 Wally: Oh, hello there, can you tell where I am?
???: Why in Homlina of course! *they look like the doctor but they have a ligh blue diamond dress and a tiraria on, looking like a fairy* I’m Doctine, the good fairy!
Wally: You all look very happy. *he gets off the bed, while holding Rabbit Home*
Daisy puppet: Of course we are! You killed the Evil Doctor! *they pointed to where the bed landed and what was left of an evil figure*
Wally: *looks and his eyes go wide with horror* OHMYGOODNESS!! ITWASACCIDENT!!
Rose Puppet: Don’t have a cow, he was the absolute worst!
Jump Rope Puppet: He would take one of us to his nightmare hospital!
Dice Puppet: Now we don’t have to worry about him anymore!
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au-set · 4 months
Mahoyaku on Halloween (high on sugar)
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I had only read the first season of the main story so far, so this is completely based off how each character had been perceived by me through that small part of the game, as well as some login stories too~
Mitile and Riquet asked about fun festivals and events from the Sage's world, that's when Halloween was brought up. The duo went and bugged Figaro and Mithra for days after that and so they're celebrating Halloween in the middle of June... Arthur heard about the idea and was fond of it since it can help the Sage feel more at home. They do understand their longing feelings to go home after all. 
Now screw that normal stuff, chaos underneath.
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Owen's ego gets destroyed
No, please, he just wants to have sweet stuff...
Sage: Halloween? Oh! People dress up in scary customers then go from houses to houses to scare others and get sweets~ <---- the reason why Owen is interested (it's called Trick or Treating by the way~ ♪)
Owen: Humans fear at the sight of me, I don't need a costume.
Arthur: You need a costume so people won't be scared to approach you.
Owen: Then what's the fun of that? I want to see the sheer horrified expression on their fa-
Arthur: If no one approaches you, you can't get chocolate.
Owen: I ca-
Arthur: No stealing.
Owen, now willingly puts on the costume:
Arthur got that ozthority
Grandpas, hoho, what are you talking about? 
They blended right in with the kids you can't tell me otherwise. Heathcliff, Mitile, Riquet and Faust (too tired to notice) fell for their disguise and really thought they were just genuine children asking for candies. This went on until Bradley called out their mischief. 
Bradley: Oi you grandpas, what are ya doing actin’ all scared n’ then askin’ for treats? 
White: Looks like we have been caught, Snow…
Snow: Hoho… this wouldn't do. 
The twins start to cling onto Bradley and attempt to steal his candies instead.
Bradley: No、 get off me ya ジジ!Those are for the kids! 
Snow: We are kids~
White: Yes, we're kids~
Mithra being a babysitter is common knowledge so I'll make it more unhinged + he's forced to socialise
Christmas? Crisis?? Charcoal?????
Mithra, to a kid: Do you know if you're a naughty kid, you'll get charcoal instead of candies on Horror Where?
Mithra, offers the kid some charcoal:
Kid,visibly confused: ???
Rutile: Mithra, I think that is for Crisis, not Hollow What. 
Mithra: Oh… really?
Mithra, turns back to the kid: The demons will find you and replace your candies with charcoal. (Probably picked it up from Snow and White's weird topics) 
Rutile: Mithra, I think that's Satan (Santa), not demons.
The kid ran away at the end.  Mithra would probably also dress up as some lazy ghost in bed sheets. Not those ragged white clothes, it's literally his blanket. (He wants sleep.) (Sage, please run, he's trying to find you and hug you so he can sleep.) Off topic HC: Rutile and Mithra always get holiday names wrong
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Bunny babies
Arthur talks about how he wanted to be a bunny boy when he was a kid and dressed up as a lil bunny boy for Halloween (I read this somewhere but I forgot whose HC it was ;;) He convinced Oz to join him so they can be father and son bunbuns. It took a lot of nagging, begging, convincing…
Ozzyyyy bunnnyyyyy and Artie
Mainly looked over the stall the Eastern Wizards had put up in the market since the Easterners preferred to stay at one place (except Shino, he went around flexing on other kids) Oz was a little embarrassed at first, seeing how ‘playful’ he looked with those clearly visibly, fluffy bunny ears and it's little tail. When Arthur saw how Oz was getting bored (he feels bad), he approached Nero and made him teach Oz how to make cotton candy. Nero panik. Nero rejected at first but had no other choice. He got the hang of it really quick. First, make some magic sugar stars, insert it into the centre of the machine, then the colourful powder… swirl the stick around and… done!
Kid 2: Oh…! The cotton candy made by the bunny tastes better than the pirate’s!
Nero: Oi you litt-
Oz: subtle smile in hapi
Arthur obviously organised this whole thing mainly with the help of the Sage. Most of the time Arthur is in charge of keeping everything in control but the Sage said they will take care of it so he can have some fun too. He’s so precious, took this chance to do some un-princely stuff and act more chaotic. Those include: scaring his subordinates, having a little excessive candy, Uncle Vincent might’ve been a victim too and he tried to scare Oz, it did not work. Although his childish mischievous self may be out, he nonetheless still dislikes nightmares so—he was pretty easy to mess with too. Arthur himself was fine with this fun, Oz though. Oh he was not having any of it, you can see it in his eyes that he wants to protect Arthur even though it was harmless.
Owen pt 2
Loves how busy it is and definitely found himself a few delights from the dark, scary atmosphere. The constant laugher does tick him off though but for chocolate, he can endure.
All of the Northern Wizards as well as everyone else in the manor agreed to let him be the ‘non-older wizard’ (aka set him free to join the kids) just in case he decides that this town should be no town. Well paid actor
Adult figure, giving him a few sweets: Your costume looks so cool, ya even got eye contacts on?!! That's amazing!
Owen, creepily smiles under his hat but it all seems like natural acting: =)
Adult figure, continues to spoil him with chocolates: Super in-character. Love it!
Owen: walks away satisfied
Of course that idiot would thank NO ONE and thinks he deserves whatever they give him Also he's wearing an even more authentic pilot uniform but in black
Most loved Knight—Cain
Kids swarm towards him the entire night, even the knights of the Central Kingdom who Arthur asked to join the little festival all came to him and offered... alcohol??? (Miscommunication 101) Definitely ended up in some cabin by the end of the Halloween night after giving out all of the candies he had on him, now drunk… At one point in the night, he thought he was actually being haunted by ghosts due to his injury from the Calamity. "Master Sage... Master Sage...? I can hear your voice but I can't see you nor feel you nearby..." You enjoyed the colours that drained his face before tackling him down. Seldomly, Cain would check up on both Arthur and the Sage (making sure Owen won’t mess around with the Sage).
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Nero's baking and candy making~ ft. Bradley foolery
Actually made most of the sweets for the ‘older wizards’ to give out to the kids in town and extras for Mitile and Riquet. Initially, he refused to join the banter but then again, the kids won't stop bugging him too… Nero is the lead that took responsibility as well as suggesting the sweets stall in the central market. It was also his first time making sweets from the Sage’s world too and found it fascinating. Time to time, Bradley would help out when Oz is on break (obvious reasons). Whenever he gets the chance, he will lie to the kids saying the red cotton candy is made out of some magic beast’s organs or something twisting, and the purple is threaded from their brains. Nero does not approve: bonks him.
Bradley: Yo it's darker out than usual. Those stinky grandpas are busy too, I’ma go steal some stuff, you keep yer eye’ out for me, alright’?
Nero, who's clearly tired already from all of this: don’t go n’ do something stupid. Look, the kid’s grandparents r judgin’ ya already.
Bradley, who has a soft spot: God damnit.
C'mon at first look Shino definitely is the grim reaper
At the same time, I want to see Shino running around as that masked guy from spirited away. A lil midget chasing down the citizens of the neighbourhood. I'm sorry.  He would use his actual scythe as a prop. At first, Snow and White disapproved since it would be dangerous but: “It's dark out in the night and everybody's in masks, if anything happened to Heath I can quickly jump into defence.” Thus, here he is, showing it off to all of the kids in the market. Shino is very proud of it. (Still kept an eye on Heathcliff though.) 
Isn’t enjoying any of this at all. Too many surprises, scary noises, eerie valleys and stalls decorated in weird bugs, spiders, ghosts, scarecrows. Sure, he enjoys tinkering with machines but NOT THOSE??? As much as he refused to join them, he did at the end since he didn’t like the idea of being alone in the manor too. Shino tries his best to prevent Heathcliff falling victim to the pranksters despite telling him how he's “disappointed”, deep down he’s quite worried.
Shino: Why don’t you dress up like a Grim Reaper with me? You know, you won’t get scared if they can’t even find the courage to come near you.
Heath: You might be right…
Shino: We’re going to look so cool!
They proceeded with this idea… at the venue: Heathcliff, in fact, got called angel of death (just sounds a little more elegant than grim reaper in my head). The duo started a crowd by accident and Shino took all of the opportunity he could to grow his fame while Heath talked to those little curious ones at the side. Shino would butt in and say something prideful for Heathcliff and get their awes. Heathcliff mainly stayed out of the pranking due to Shino, not because of his costume. Aww yes guys when you're at the end of the life line, Heath will magically show up, bridal carry you to the other side of the river <3 NOW YOU ALL BETTER SAY HAIL HEATHCLIFF SAMA - Shino, probably
Faust is a tsuntsun
He doesn't want to be here. He hates it. He wants home. Even after rejecting the Central Wizards' requests for 12 days straight, he showed up bringing the most candies and even wore a little cat headband that Heathcliff gave to him because he said "I do not own a costume for an occasion as bizarre as this". While tending the stall, he found himself happy and invested crafting sugar paintings (畫糖) for the little ones. He would take their requests and draw it on the spot for them. Faust secretly practised the art in his room using his magic hehe so now he’s pretty skillful~ Maybe he would’ve even carved a few apples too.
Figaro papa :>
That one father who's super supportive of everything. He'd help out Chloe a lot with the making of the costumes. Partially, just partially also because he can choose the design. The cat hairband was his idea and simply asked Heathcliff to give it to Faust knowing he wouldn't accept it if he knew Figaro is the mailer. Figaro dressed up as a plushie protector for Halloween. He's a prideful frontline fighter than protects your plushies, pillows, little things you call your loved ones when you're deep asleep in the night. At the end of the month, he pulls out his 'non-branded, non-sponsored germs killer spray' and cleans them up for you. Figaro is no more than your plushie guardian.
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You know damn well he's still terrorising pedestrians, except now he does it looking even more handsome. 100% asked Chloe if he can dress up as “My bride's groom” or “My wife's husband”
So he now got a zombie-like tuxedo on…~ definitely pleased every woman he found to be his eye candy. Sage told him about the ring pop proposal thing so now he brought some around and started asking pretty ladies to be his fiancé of the night. (Chloe forbids him from caging people) Yes, Nero made them. 
Chloe carried the event
He made everyone's costumes! Gets mistaken as a kid when he's out being the ‘older wizards’ role and giving out candies. Honestly, he doesn't mind. Not only would he give out sweets, he would probably wrap it in custom wrappers he had sewn some wrappers too kind of like a souvenir. Like a handkerchief wrapped around the candies with a ribbon? I'm not sure how to describe it. I'm not sure what he would dress up as for Halloween to be honest, searched up some ideas and Alice in Wonderland would kind of be a theme he'd go for… not sure! 
Murrrreaaww- woof woof! grr “mom im scared”
Even after the event Murr still wears the costume Chloe made for him inside the manor. Yes, he's a cat. Yes, it has fluffy ears and a tail. Yes, the Sage (me) asked Chloe to make it a dog since he barks too. Yes, he barks in his cat costume.  At the event, Murr went and meowed at little kids, using magic to make candies materialise in the air. He's basically the light of the whole thing, setting off orange fireworks in the air ever so often. When he's bored though, he does go and trick some children by turning their candies into flowers. He does turn it back, don't worry~
Shylock just needs to give out some unconditional love
Due to his long term interactions with lustful adults and their constant high demands and desires, interacting with the harmless, pure children somehow warmed his heart. Shylock was more gentle and softer, when a youngin requested him to do something he would happily do it for them. Whether it be magic or asking if they could touch his costume. Meanwhile, the Sage (us) are judging and recalling all the times he made the Sage BEG. Of course he noticed and made the Sage a drink after the event.  Murr stuck around too and teased Shylock from time to time about how the kids can easily sway his feelings. When it comes to playing tricks, he simply hid mentos in cokes. The panic in their eyes kept him entertained throughout the night. (let's pretend that exists there) Shylock chose to dress up as a fox. Hearing how the Sage described their depicted behaviours applied on humans, he thinks that he'd be suitable. 
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Lennox being a true baby
“Why don't you dress up like a shepherd?” - Faust, probably. “What do you mean, Faust様?” “You don't look like one.” Determined Leno face. (In my opinion, he looks like a soldier at passtime.) Also when he forced himself to smile during Halloween he got praised (it was scary), but he thought the people were cheering him on for his charming smile (it is charming too). 
Ruchiru & Michiru
Rutile made at least 20 kids pronounce "Halloween" as something that's not "Halloween", the Sage tried to fix the damage but it has been done. This is "mixer 2.0".
Like Cain, Rutile is welcomed by the children! One of their other favorites. Soon did join Cain in the cabin and the reason how that knight got back to the manor.
Now, the Southerners aren't ones to play tricks on people but in an occasion like this, they couldn't pass up now, could they? Mitile hiding behind Leno then jumps out throwing candy looking pedals at peoples face, just wholesome...
If you made it here, thanks for reading!~ ☆
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zay-does-things · 4 months
I like to think that Pizzaface's scary deep voice is achieved by Pizzahead speaking through a microphone/voice modulator in the mech, Wizard of Oz-style.
Headcanon accepted
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autisticheadcanons · 1 year
Dorothy Gale from the 1938 Wizard of Oz movie is Autistic.
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We all know this iconic line from Kevin ( one of his many lol),
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Gwen : Kevin, are you crying? Oh, you do have a heart!
Kevin : (crying) Yeah, that's what poor people have instead of money.
I've thinking about it recently, the part where gwen says " oh you do have a heart", I've always thought it was because Kevin always put up this tough, I don't care about anything attitude and now he was showing a softer, more emotional side to him, hence why she said that.
Buuut now I think she was being a little savage about it too. Because you know what other famous, metallic character didn't have a heart?
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The TIN MAN! From wizard of oz.
I don't know if this was something the writers were intentionally trying to hint at as a fun little joke, but since Kevin is kind of made of "tin" ( okay basically rocks and crystals and other non living things if you want to get really specific), it couldn't have been a random coincidence right?
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lillie98 · 1 year
I grew up obsessed with “The Wizard of Oz,” so much so that I read some of the original L. Frank Baum books (which I highly recommend). The more I watch and analyze Stranger Things, the more similarities I see between the two stories. Gay people in the 80s referred to themselves as being “Friends with Dorothy,” so as not to be outed. I also believe each OG Party Member represents a different Oz character—which has huge implications for the overall story.
WILL: He’s our Dorothy (for the reason stated above). He’s on a journey to discover his power and strength, dreaming of a life far away from Kansas (Hawkins). He believes he needs his Ruby Slippers (El’s Powers) to save himself, but he’s always had THE POWER inside him. He can save himself. He meets a cast of characters along the way that teach him about the world and ultimately himself, giving him the strength he needs to defeat his grief and move on from his trauma.
ELEVEN: Eleven is Glinda. She meets Dorothy (WILL) on the journey and guides the Party through their tasks. She is wise and kind, helping Dorothy overcome his trauma and discover the power within him. El’s Powers are the Ruby Slippers, which Dorothy thinks he needs to defeat The Wicked Witch of the West (Vecna). By the end of the story, Glinda tells Dorothy he never needed the slippers and had the power within him all along. Glinda disappears and Dorothy returns to Kansas, stronger, surer, and finally processing his trauma.
MIKE: Mike is The Cowardly Lion. Stay with me here. I am absolutely not saying Mike is a wuss, because he’s not. He just thinks of himself this way because of everything people tell him. Lucas says he’s Hopeless, Dustin says he’s Oblivious, his parents say he’s a punk. Why wouldn’t he feel cowardly and afraid? It’s only when Dorothy (WILL) comes into his life and calls him “His Heart” that Mike finally understands his worth and takes up his mantle to fight. He also believes Dorothy needs his Ruby Slippers to win, but will soon discover Dorothy’s incredible powers.
LUCAS: He’s our Tin Man. Lucas loves loudly, but it doesn’t always come across that way. He’s brash and brutally honest, often refusing to sugar coat his words in favor of candor. He fears he is difficult to love because of this and closes himself off to potential love interests, thus becoming “rusty.” It’s only when the Oil Can (MAX) softens him up and accepts him for who he is, that he opens up and discovers the true meaning of love.
(I also think Max could share the Lion with Mike sine they’re basically same person different font)
DUSTIN: Dustin is the scarecrow. We all know Dustin is genius-level intelligent, but he sometimes gets carried away with his discoveries, going to great lengths to indulge his mind (including stealing books from the library). It’s not until someone falls in love with his incredible mind (STEVE) that the Scarecrow learns to harness his intelligence and use it to fight his enemies. His mind will be key in destroying Vecna. Remember the Forever Clock (perfect for the Apocalypse!!)
JOYCE AND HOPPER: Aunt Em and Uncle Henry. They’re Dorothy’s caretakers since his original parents (LONNIE) couldn’t care for him. They know Dorothy dreams of a life far beyond Kansas, but do their best to support him while he’s here. They’ll do anything to keep Dorothy safe.
SUZIE: Suzie is our Wizard. I love this one. The boys go on a journey to find her, she’s wearing green (like, come on), and her house is full of munchkins (literally). Lots of people have created analyses of SUZIE’s house, so I won’t go into detail here, but she is crucial to cracking this code. She’s a master hacker, able to change grades and possibly storylines. She’s not all that threatening, what with being a fourteen-year-old girl, but she holds insane amounts of power.
VECNA: The Wicked Witch of the West. The ultimate Big Bad, hell-bent on destroying Dorothy. Willing to do whatever it takes to bring him down, lest he destroy his plan. The witch seems unbeatable, always one step ahead, but Dorothy discovers his power and defeats the witch easily with just a bucket of water. Also the Demo creatures are Flying Monkeys. I will not elaborate.
I’m not sure about the rest of the cast, but let me know in the comments what you think! As far as the story itself is concerned, Dorothy needs to find out about his powers, and we’re so close!! The moment someone removes Soteria, Dorothy’s powers will be released, and Vecna will be toast. This does mean, however, some of our beloved characters will disappear, too—particularly Eleven. She’s Glinda the Good, spirit guide for Dorothy and his Party. Once Dorothy discovers his power, Glinda isn’t needed anymore. Does that mean she will die? Not necessarily, but I do think she will “ascend” to the newly-freed Upside Down (now Heaven instead of Hell) and rule it. She will always be there protecting and guiding them, but unable to cross back over. This is probably where characters like Dustin, Steve, Robin, Lucas? etc. will end up because we all know they’re going to die. It sucks but at least they have somewhere beautiful to go. Anyone not on the hill in the final shot is Fair Game for me, unfortunately.
Throughout this journey, Dorothy (WILL) has learned countless lessons from his friends and family that will ultimately fuel him to defeat his grief and trauma once and for all. The only character that will remain is Mike. Mike is more than the Lion, he is Dorothy’s lifeline. Mike makes Will brave. Without him, Will cannot survive. He may have all the power in the world, but that power means nothing if he can’t have Mike. I don’t know about you, but I think that’s beautiful.
Also, since The Wizard of Oz is a story within a story, this entire story of Stranger Things is either a DnD campaign Mike wrote for Will, or a Comic Book series the two boys wrote together. Mike does say he’s been working on a campaign for Will, so this might be what he’s referencing. Either way, it’s going to be incredibly emotional and beautiful, and I can’t wait!!!
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