#women supporting women goals
stil-lindigo · 2 years
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a comic about a love story between two girls who only have each other, and take a chance on it.
Buy “Soliloquy Down To Three”, an anthology of blood stained sapphic comics (including this one) here.
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panimoonchild · 25 days
Love wins all
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Unexpected post from me. But to whom I'm lying it was expected 😅 I'm an asexual person myself who never fell in love with someone. Maybe even aromantic. Who knows...This label I don't want to put on myself just now. But... If I see lovely people, I will share it. So, here we go my queer Ukrainians and around the world.
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I needed some detox from interaction with russians.
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martyrbat · 7 months
a female character isn't allowed to be a character that is also female. she isn't allowed her own agency and complex motives nor any deeper emotions without it being centered around the male cast around her or a child. even if she's not a mother, she remains one because she could always potentially become a mother or she is the ‘mom character’ to the men/children around her and her actions MUST reflect that. if they don't, she's labeled a selfish bitch. if she is an (actual) mother than that's all she is—she isnt allowed deeper characterization or discussion because thats all she'll ever be, that's all she was made to be. male characters are allowed to be fathers (lireral or in the sense of providing for the people around them) with deeper feelings but a mother? never a mother.
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tw: for israel/palestine stuff and war crimes.
fucking left wing brainrot on here has people unironically saying shit like "its not palestine's fault, theyre just trying to reclaim their homeland" after watching a video of armed men parading a dead woman around in her underwear on the back of a truck with their boots on her back. spitting on her head while cheering. the fuck is wrong with you guys. what piece of land is worth raping women and deliberately hunting and gunning down civilians over.
edit: this post is NOT pro israel. it's just anti-war crimes. im leaving for work but if i come back and there's any discourse in the notes about supporting israeli occupation or saying racist shit about palestinians as a whole, this post is getting nuked.
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fawnim · 15 days
[TIMELAPSE] POV: You're on a date with the gorgeous Miss Fell - 4hrs, 20 mins
You can give love to the finished piece through here!
If you want to support me, please consider commissioning me or even tip me on kofi! I have a goal of $200 for school and living expenses, just so i can help alleviate some burden for my dad who's getting a heart surgery soon. Any help would be a biiiig help. Thank you so much!
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dailybrittanysnowpics · 3 months
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birlcholtz · 3 months
not really on topic for this blog but i recently found this queer speculative fiction small press called neon hemlock (and just read yellow jessamine by caitlin starling, published by them as part of their 2020 novella series), and i found out they're doing a kickstarter for their 2024 novella series!!
the kickstarter is to cover upfront publishing costs for 6 novellas, plus a short story collection - caitlin starling is one of the authors, which is what drew my attention, but honestly all the stories sound cool, and you can get ebooks of all the novellas and the short story collection by pledging $42, which is like. SIX DOLLARS A BOOK. Y'ALL.
the kickstarter page has information about each of the books, so if you're interested in queer speculative fiction and/or supporting small presses, please take a look!! i've been browsing neon hemlock's catalog on their website as well and there's tons of stuff i want to read and i want them to succeed and keep publishing stuff ajflskghldksjf
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elisaa-suu · 2 years
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dreamlanddoll · 5 days
I wish men actually liked women... a lot of them say that they do but they don't realize that they're usually just talking about our bodies.. or how we can serve them.. I want men to look at women and say wow, they're so smart and have so many cool intrests and I love it when a girl is super talented or talks a lot about her passions I want men to want to learn from us and look at our souls instead all I ever see is how much they love our bodies. I don't actually hate men, I think lots of men are great, but I'm always hit with the painful reminder sooner or later that even though they SAY they like women, I know what they mean. They may not realize it, but from mine, and a lot of girls perspectives, it's obvious. And it hurts. It sucks.
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man-squared · 11 months
People really think when you talk about lesbians being men or having relationships with men means you want them personally to go sleep with every man and not that you want every lesbian to have their own autonomy to decide what lesbianism means to them personally.
Like literally, the people who make large ass call out posts or posts that whine that there are people who are mspec lesbians or lesbian men or just that some lesbians have sex with men always make it so personal no matter if they are a lesbian or not. They seem to not be able to remove themselves from someone else's lesbianism and autonomy.
No one (seriously, no one besides actual lesbophobes) are claiming that you, a lesbian, has to have any relation to men. You do not have to date or have sex with lesbian men (or mspec lesbians), and guess what! We don't want to do those things with you either. No one is saying that because a small percentage of lesbians might have sex with men and/or be attracted to men, you as a lesbian have to. I don't know why you decided that you have to live in a world with communal absolutes. Not all lesbians are you, and you are not all lesbians (like really do you like the same women as every other lesbian? No, because you aren't other lesbians). Let lesbians have autonomy. Let lesbians live. Let queer people be!
Tldr: you don't have to do what other lesbians do. Just because a lesbian has any kind of relationship with men doesn't mean you have to. Other lesbians existing do not negate your lesbianism.
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totallynotgoat · 2 years
Shoutout to Howard for still loving Pearl even after finding out about her crazy escapades while he was at war
Honestly relationship goals, I wish someone loved me like that
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moonilit · 11 months
All I have to say for Joshua is Jote can rediscover herself, be a free woman, get a new job and dreams and also choose to be with him like two things can be true at the same time
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chelseajackarmy · 3 months
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maddzroks · 11 months
there should be an app or extension that fucking filters out misogynistic content from your entire internet experience like idk how that would work but i would pay for it
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theygender · 1 year
As an afab nonbinary butch who's trying to gain muscle without losing weight the sexism in the exercise industry makes me fucking see red. Just found an exercise program that boasts being entirely based in science and has the sources to prove it with well-controlled, recent, and relevant clinical studies backing up all of their stuff and as someone who's pretty well-versed in scientific research and fed up with fad-based pseudoscientific bullshit in the health industry I was fucking ecstatic. They had a little quiz you could take to find out which program would suit your needs the best so I filled it out and when it asked me about my goals I selected "I have a low amount of body fat and want to build more muscle" and it took me to a program called Strong. Great! ...Except as I read into it I kept finding references to "burning stubborn fat" and other similar shit. Scrolled down to the FAQ and found a question where it explained that this program was different from their Build program bc Build is "better suited for those who are skinny and at a relatively low body fat" ...even though that's exactly the option I selected in the quiz. Turns out they have three options for males: one for people who want to lose weight without focusing too much on muscle mass, one for people who want to become leaner by focusing on both weight loss and muscle mass, and one for people who want to gain muscle mass without losing weight (Build). But for females, they've only got two options, and neither one of them are designed to help you gain muscle mass without losing weight. I would ask why tf it's ALWAYS assumed that women have to want to lose weight but I know it's fucking sexism
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spiritrosesaga · 5 days
A Formal Apology for My Absence
So, before I begin, I want to take this time to thank all of you wonderful people here because of your continuous support, I've been able to accomplish so much in such a short amount of time, and my dream of becoming a writer, discussing my experiences as an individual with AuDHD, and being an influencer, are all coming into fruition.
However, I am sorry for disappearing for a while, it wasn't my intention but life got the better of me for a bit, now I'm back in action, ready to meet new lovely neurodivergent and LGBTQ people and continue posting for my fellow mutuals.
I also have a huge new announcement to share with you all and one I'm quite proud of!!
Here goes....
I've written and published my first Article on a website called Medium, I know it might not seem like much but to me, it's everything, especially due to my struggle with dyslexia and grammatical language impairment.
because of the amount of time, dedication, and effort I put into my writing, despite it being lackluster at times, this is a HUGE achievement for me!
Please check this out when you get the chance!
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