#working on my mushroom puzzle now….
musrum · 1 year
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Check out this sick ass Frankenstein puzzle I finished yesterday
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temiizpalace · 8 months
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SUMMARY: red alert! he’s injured! it’s alright, for the prefect of ramshackle is here to save the day.
CHARACTERS: leona, jade, jamil, rook, idia
(i spun a wheel to try and write other characters.. jamil and leona just love me teehee)
GENRE: fluff
WARNINGS: the boys get injured, but nothing is life threatening. — cursing — MENTIONS OF BLEEDING (not fatal)
reader is g/n, reader is yuu
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“shit! ow—“
leona groans, feeling the stinging pain of alcohol rubbed onto his forehead. spelldrive didn’t go as it usually did.
everything was normal. practice was going well, and everybody was doing the proper training regiments. it was all fun watching leona and everybody practice by a nearby tree. except leona wasn’t practicing this afternoon.
today, he felt like napping right beside you. he laid his head in your lap, sound asleep. this all goes south when some freshmen decide to mess around, sending the disc flying in your direction.
typically leona would’ve been able to divert it with magic, but feeling a little hazy from barely awakening, it hit him straight on the forehead.
now here you both are, present in the infirmary, leona sitting on the cot, and you being his own personal doctor. “i can’t believe the great leona kingscholar got hit by a spelldrive disc. it is truly an honor to witness it first hand.” you joke, causing him to roll his eyes.
“tch.. whatever— FUCK.” it’s funny to see leona in such a state. one where his tough guy act isn’t all the way up. you thought he’d brush off the pain like a man, but surprise! we learn something new everyday.
“haha.. wait here. i need to find bandages.” you walk over to the cabinet, only to find all the boxes of bandages empty. except for one. a bandaid box. you snicker at the sight of them and take a couple out of the box. leona raises a brow as he heard your giggling in the back til you made your way back towards him.
you stood in front of him and placed the bandaids on his forehead. he liked the close proximity. he likes being by your side. you caring for him like this is actually one of his deepest desires. he won’t ever say it aloud of course, but he hopes you take the hints.
“you are now officially cured.” you grin, finally applying the last bandaid. he stood up, looking you in the eyes. he wanted to thank you. wanted to thank you for helping him. wanted to thank you for caring enough about him to do this. to help him.
but leona being leona cannot say thank you. “..I don’t wanna owe you any favors so,” he pulls out his wallet from his pocket and throws it to you. you catch it, nearly dropping all the thaumarks inside on the floor. “go buy somethin’ while you’re at it.”
he ruffles your hair, walking out of the infirmary. you flip through the wallet, it barely closing due to the amount of cards and thaumarks inside. rich boy privileges go crazy. ruggie wasn’t kidding when he said leona was stinkin rich. all you could do was stand there, shocked.
leona walks back out to the field, hearing the team laugh as he approaches. he looks at them with a puzzled look, the laughing becoming unbearable. “oi, what’s so funny? mind tellin’?”
“cute bandaids ya got there, boss. shishishishi..” ruggie chuckles, looking at leona’s super cute and silly unicorn bandaids on his forehead. at first, he’s confused. then he rips a bandaid off and looks at the patterns.
start running <3
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“jade, stop moving!”
you sigh, trying to place a bandaid on jade’s cut. you wanted to help him cook today since mostro lounge has been extremely busy lately. azul had been working him to the bone, so he used his time off as a way to spend time with you.
only to end up back in the kitchen, but whatever. since you’re there, it’s all good. while chopping a mysterious vegetable, (it’s a mushroom..) he accidentally cut his finger. he wasn’t paying attention to where he was cutting. cause he was looking at you.
normally somebody would wince in pain, but jade is jade. so. “oh my, this is unexpected.” he says, as his blood gets on his gloves and contaminates the mushrooms. “oh my what— OH MY GOSH, JADE.” you yell, as he’s abnormally calm about the fact blood was all over the mushrooms.
so now he’s sitting at one of the barstools in mostro lounge as you try to patch up his finger. anytime the bandaid gets remotely close to the cut, he squirms and jerks his hand away. you can’t tell if he’s messing with you or if he’s just sensitive to touch because he still has his dumb polite smile.
“jade. stop. moving.” you grunt, trying to grab his wrist to hold his hand still. “fufu..” his stupid chuckle is usually very nice but it’s just growing irritating.
for some reason he still has the impulse to tease you. even when injured. all you want to do is care for him, so why is he making this so difficult?! is he waiting for something?
oh. that’s an idea.
“jade, may i see your hand?” you ask, putting the bandaid on the counter. he raises a brow, but complies nonetheless. “of course. do be gentle though, im wounded.” well no shit.
you held his hand gently, raising a finger up to your lips. you place a gentle kiss on his finger. not on the wound exactly, but near it. his eyes slightly widened and his cheeks tinted slightly red. he loses his composure for just a moment, giving you time to apply the bandaid onto his cut.
you smile in victory, standing up from your seat. “there, all better!” you winked at him before making your way back to the kitchen. he sat there, dumbfounded. how curious.. if that’s a way to get free kisses..
“oh dear, it appears i had just cut my lower lip. what a shame. it appears i am in need of some assistance.” this wasn’t even five minutes later.
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“you scream like a girl.”
you laugh as jamil looks away from you. he couldn’t bear to look you in the eyes. a little earlier, the both of you were sitting in the lounge of ramshackle as comfortable silence filled the air.
he was flipping through pages of a book while you leaned onto his shoulder, playing a game of some sort on your phone.
that silence was interrupted as you heard a high pitched scream next to you, turning your head to see jamil absolutely mortified and panicked.
“JAMIL?! WHAT IS—“ then you spotted it. the wretched cockroach crawling on the table. he shut his book and threw it at the table, missing. now he’s grabbing all nearby objects to kill the insect.
“JAMIL PLEASE CALM DOWN, PLEASE! FUCK, JAMIL—” he ended up using his magic, but used a lil too much. as you held him back, his leg bumped against the table, causing him to scurry back to the couch.
confirming that the roach had cleared the premises, you sat next to him and checked the bump on his leg. his breaths were heavy and a sweat was across his brow. you would’ve thought he looked insanely attractive if it weren’t for the incident just before.
now he’s embarrassed, his hood is pulled over, and he’s pouting as he looks away from you. “i think you got a small cut, but it should be fine. i’ll go get some bandaids!” you hum, getting up from the cushions to find the box of bandages.
he completely humiliated himself in front of you. he was weak in front of you. and he hates that. “im back and here to repair your boo-boo.” you came back with the box, sitting back down and opening it. you remove a bandaid and slowly apply it til you hear him mutter something.
“hm? sorry, couldn’t hear ya. mind speaking up for me?” you heard him perfectly fine. he irks before speaking up, his tone hinted with annoyance. “sorry.”
“all is forgiven, my love.” you smile, wrapping your arms around him and pulling him into a hug. he sighs, reciprocating the hug and leaning onto you. “please forget you saw that..” he mumbles, his face practically burning.
you chuckle, playing with loose strands of his hair as the both of you now lied on the couch. “no promises..” he clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes, but placed a quick kiss on your cheek. he shuts his eyes, needing to recharge.
“mhm. love you too, jamil.” you whisper, allowing him to rest on your chest. he fell asleep in no time flat. let him rest. or even better yet, join him!
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“how’d you fall?”
you ask, seeing as rook lied on the ground. i don’t know how to explain his pose, he’s just a theatre kid.
“never mind the details, ma chère. all that matters is that you had rushed to my rescue!” he smiles as you stood there. the most deadpan expression on your face. “i’ll just go get you bandages and not question it.” “merci!”
you rush to the infirmary, grabbing the bandages and rushing out. if nobody knew better, they’d all have assumed that rook was dead. he hasn’t moved an inch.
“where’d you injure yourself?” you ask, crouching down and inspecting his arms. “non, non. you must guess!” he laughs, sitting up right away. you groan as he initiated such an idea. “rook. im not going to guess—“
“if that is the case, ill be stuck in everlasting pain! it’d be unbearable.” he sighs dramatically, causing you to furrow your brow. “fine. did you injure your leg?” you grumble, checking each limb.
he shook his head, smiling like an absolute idiot. “here, allow me to give you a hint.” he grabs your hand guiding it to the place of the wound. of course he can’t do it without teasing you a little.
he places your hand on his shoulder, his hand, his neck, til eventually he stopped on his cheek. “my injury can be found around here.”
you look at his cheek, but there is no cut, scratch, or bruise to be seen. you raise a brow at him, but he has no shift in reaction. “rook, are you lying to me?” rook shook his head, looking you in the eyes. “I wouldn’t lie to you, mon amour. perhaps you need a closer look.”
before he could even explain what that meant, he pulled you towards him. causing you to fall onto him. “can you see it now?” he asks, staring at you lovingly.
you sigh, pulling a bandage out and placing it onto his lips. his eyes widened, but he wasn’t mad. not in the slightest! he wrapped his arms around you. taking this opportunity for a cuddle session.
despite your “annoyance,” you smiled and laughed slightly. “you’re impossible, rook.”
he nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck, humming happily as you spoke. his fingers intertwined with yours as the sun hit both of your figures. creating a scene resembling one of a fairytale.
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“you can’t lock yourself into your room because of this.”
you slightly chuckle as you patch up idia’s knee. moments before, his PE class had to do the sprints. looks like he went to class on the wrong day.
while he was running, he tripped on a conveniently placed rock and fell on his knee. ortho quickly went to find you and bring you to idia so that you can comfort him.
he had tears coming from his eyes, which caused ortho to panic. you both carried him to the infirmary since he had an inability to walk. you situated him onto the cot and grabbed some bandages from the cabinets. “don’t worry niisan! the prefect will take good care of you!”
ortho chimed, trying his best to comfort his brother. idia felt his stress lessen, but that doesn’t change the immense pain he was in. “thank you, ortho. but i don’t im ever gonna to go outside again.”
he mumbles, causing ortho to pout. you come back with the bandages, smiling as you sat to the side of the cot. “im gonna have to go explain to coach vargas why you’re not here! hang tight, niisan!”
you waved to ortho, leaving just you and idia in the infirmary. “idia, you’re not going to die because of this.” you smile, placing the bandage onto his knee. idia groans, picking at his fingers. “i looked so cringe just now. definitely not my moment.”
“you didn’t look cringe, idia. you got hurt.” you grabbed his hand and held it in yours. he smiles slightly as you tried to reassure him. it was endearing to him. “thanks.. but i want to lock myself in my room for like ever after this..” he quickly mutters, hoping you wouldn’t hear that. surprise! you heard him.
“no idia, you can’t lock yourself in your room forever after this.” you sigh, realizing this was the man you fell in love with. “what? you can come too. you’d be free from all the normies surrounding you.” he stated bluntly.
“..no.” you hesitantly said, squeezing his hand slightly. you both sat in the infirmary for a few more moments before you sat up and let go of his hand. “can you stand?”
“no.” he quickly replies, not even bothering to try. you stare at him before exhaling deeply. “i’ll bring your switch then. wait here.” he smiled as he watched you exit the room. he appreciated how understanding you were. how you knew what he wanted before he even had to ask. ..well, most of the time anyway.
when you came back, you sat next to him on the cot. you both played smash bros together, playing until the console runs out of batteries. lucky for him, his console lasts for almost an entire week before it runs out of power.
let me just say, he beat your ass in smash bros.
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A/N: this sat in my drafts for a very long time. i had to brainstorm A LOT to see how idia could get injured.
date published: 1/27/24
© temiizpalce — don’t steal or copy my work!
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oepionie · 2 years
Synopsis: You have two tweels fighting for the ownership of your heart. When a fight breaks out between them, you're left to choose among the two.
Characters: Floyd Leech x GN! Reader x Jade Leech
Tags: Warning, it has mentions of violence and injuries. The tweels throw hands. Slight angst, Floyd accidentally hurts you. Jade Leech is a little shit. Floyd Leech is a little shit(2). Riddle plays doctor.
Wordcount: 1.7k+ | 💌Masterlist
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Jade and Floyd had always been extremely close from the start. Even as little guppies, they were glued to each another, fitting perfectly like a puzzle. The bond between these two brothers ran deep. Forged as they grew up in the Coral sea, facing the harsh environments of their habitat together.
The two were more similar than people thought. Often sharing the same morbid interest in the most esoteric and obscure of topics. Both eels had a talent for causing mischief, always acting with an ulterior motive in mind.
Still, disagreements and fights between them were unavoidable. Despite the fact that their opposite personalities tend to work in their favour (Floyd calls it their 'good cop, bad cop' scheme), they do occasionally clash and fight.
This fight was...different though.
Ramshackle's prefect, an awkward and odd yet endearing little human who crashed the dorm assignment orientation. Despite being devoid of magic, they somehow managed to get themselves enrolled into a magic academy with a funny little cat by their side. Like moths to a flame, the two eels were practically drawn to you and your intriguing, fairytale-like life.
Everyone and their mother could see that both tweels looked at you with hearts in their eyes. They were constantly glued to your side, trying to win you over and one-upping one other. Despite the constant barrage of courtship from both eels, you appeared to be completely unaware of anything.
That was fine by them, they would give you time to gradually figure it out on your own. For the time being, they were intent on getting rid of the competition and winning your favour.
A little sibling rivalry wouldn't hurt, now would it?
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Curse Crowley and his 18 foot-high kitchen cabinets. You glared up at the jar of candies perched atop the highest shelf. Now, you don't know why on earth there were candies in the home economics kitchen but you weren't against it.
You saw it and you wanted it. Now, if only you didn't have the height of a dwarf...
"I'm not giving up that easily..." You muttered, scanning around the room to look for someone, anyone, who was tall enough to reach those dreaded cabinets. You grinned wickedly as you caught sight of Jade chopping up some mushrooms. Perfect.
"Jade!" You called, pressing a hand against his shoulder. He seemed startled as he turned to face you though his eyes later softened. With a warm smile on your face, you bounced on the balls of your feet. "Are you busy?"
"Oya? Not at the moment. What seems to be the matter, prefect?" Smiling, he placed his hand over yours, tenderly stroking your skin. You intertwined your fingers with his, pulling the merman towards your station. Once you arrived, you sheepishly pointed to the jar atop the cabinet.
"I can't reach it but...I really want to have that candy." You spoke slowly, suddenly embarrassed at the somewhat childish-sounding request. Jade only chuckled, squeezing your hand in comfort. My, you really are so adorable.
"Heh heh. Of course, let me just-" Before he could finish, the eel suddenly toppled forward, his head narrowly missing the oven. Gasping, you ran to help him up but before you could, an arm wrapped itself around your torso. You turned to see Floyd holding you, lazily resting his head atop your own.
The eel grinned, all bright and sunny, acting as if he didn't just ram into his brother like a bull.
"Shrimpy~! Ya need help reaching for something? I can do it for you instead, y'know!" Floyd cheered. He sent Jade a cocky grin before turning his attention back to you. "I'm taller after all!"
"Only by a single centimetre." Jade spat out, getting up off the ground and dusting his clothes, all with a strained smile on his face. Floyd snarled at him, hugging you closer to his body. "I'm.Taller."
You were left captive in Floyd's iron grip as the two eels stared each other down. Groaning, you sunk into Floyd's embrace.
You...you just wanted candy.
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"That is indeed a foul sprain." Riddle muttered, compressing your leg with a handkerchief as a makeshift bandage. Once he finished tying it all together, he irritably turned to the students crowded around you.
"Didn't I tell you all not to crowd them?!" He yelled, and the mob that had gathered around you two instantly dispersed. Shaking his head, the dorm leader guided you to sit up. "I've already wrapped up your ankle. Though it's best if you go rest in the clinic. Can someone carry them there?"
"Goldfish! I'll do it~!"
"Allow me."
Both Jade and Floyd blinked, side-eyeing one another. Growling, Floyd ran forward and impulsively yanked you into his arms. In his rush, he accidentally made you jerk your foot causing pain to shoot up your leg.
"Ah-!" A strangled scream escaped your lips, tears forming in the corner of your eyes. Floyd cursed under his breath and quickly loosened his hold on you. You shed a few tears, and he appeared to visibly deflate as the guilt set in.
"I-Im sorry, shrimpy!" He sputters out, awkwardly trying to comfort you as best as he could. Riddle moved quickly to inspect your ankle.
"You-Be careful!" Riddle scolded. Once he made sure no further damage was done to your foot, he turned to glare at Floyd.
"It would be preferable, in my opinion, if Jade carried them. I can't have you putting any more strain on their foot!" Riddle lamented, pinching the bridge of his nose. Floyd tried to sputter out excuses, but he was futile. Defeated, he handed you over to his brother.
"Not to worry, prefect. I'll make sure to take proper care of you." Jade stepped forward, tucking the long dark strand of his hair behind his ear. The older Leech brother held your body in a gentle yet firm bridal carry.
Once you both began to proceed in the direction of the nurse's office, you snuggled up against him. Jade turned to look back at Floyd, a devilish grin on his face as he mouthed. 'I win.'
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Over the previous weeks, the tweels have been in a constant push&pull battle for your attention. They've been passive-aggressive with one another, pulling all kinds of shady and underhanded tricks. It seemed that all that pent-up tension between them was just about to boil over. And it didn't look very pretty.
A phonograph set up on one of the display tables of the lounge was playing soothing oldies music; the melody echoing throughout the empty cafe.
Jade rolled the sleeves of his button-down shirt up. He reached for a cup, adding sugar, vanilla extract, and strawberry slices before dropping them into a blender.
Jade received a call from you earlier wondering whether Floyd was free since you were craving a strawberry smoothie. It seems that his brother had promised to prepare one for you.
Oh my.
How unfortunate that Floyd had club responsibilities to attend to! Not to fear, prefect, he assured you that he would gladly step in and make you one himself.
The door creaks open just as he was about to pour the strawberry smoothie into a couple of highball glasses. He lifts his head up, thinking it was you, a smile spreading across his face. Though, it disappears right away, being replaced with a grim expression. Floyd was fast approaching, stomping, his fists balled up at his sides and his jaw clenched tight.
"Oya? Floyd. I wasn't aware you were free. Shouldn't you be-" Jade gets cut off when Floyd slams his fist on the wall next to his face. Unfazed, Jade observes as the wall breaks apart, a chunk of concrete falling to the ground. With a smug smirk on his face, his gaze drifts to the club uniform Floyd was still dressed in.
He continues. "-at basketball practice?"
"Don't play coy with me." Floyd spat out.
"What's all this about shrimpy telling me you told them I was too busy to hang out?"
"Well, I didn't want to disturb you from practice. Especially with that big game coming up." Jade sneered, sending Floyd a condescending grin.
"You piece of shit."
Floyd grapples Jade, smashing the teen against the bar. The glasses shattered into bits when they tumbled from the counter and landed on the floor. Jade snarls and sharply kicks Floyd in the ribs. Once his brother doubled over, Jade took this chance to drag him to the floor. Having the upper hand, he smashed his fist down on his twin's face, beating Floyd into the floor. Hissing, Floyd retaliated and grabbed Jade by the arm. He flipped the two of them over, dropping his entire weight on Jade.
"This is getting interesting!" Floyd laughed hysterically, spitting a tooth out. He raised his fist, but the doors to the lounge opened before he could even strike. There you stood, mortified, hand shakily grasping the door handle. Both of the twins froze, sporting the same dumbfounded look on their faces.
The color from your face all but drained. Your legs shook tremendously and both the tweels quickly strode over to you, afraid that you were about to just keel over.
"What- What on earth are you two doing?!"
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Standing outside the nurse's office, you wring your hands together while keeping your head down. After yelling at them for getting in a fight, you dragged both of the eels by the ear to take them to the clinic. You've been waiting for a full hour now, worrying yourself sick over the two idiots.
The hanging bell above the door chimed as the nurse stepped out of the clinic. She beckoned you over, waving a clipboard in her hands.
"They've both been patched up. They'll be fine, a few broken bones and bruises but they'll heal." She spoke casually, flipping through the report on her clipboard. "I take it you want to see them?"
You hastily nodded, rushing to enter the clinic. However before you could enter, she put her palm on your chest and pushed you back.
"Hold on. I don't really think it's a good idea to visit both of them at the same time. So here's what we'll do, you choose who you want to go to first. Alright?" She spoke, raising a perfectly manicured finger at you. You hesitated for a split second before nodding. "Alright."
"Now, dear, which one of them would it be?"
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Likes and Reblogs are greatly appreciated and really motivating on my end!
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jo-harrington · 3 months
Pwdre Ser (Eddie Munson)
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Summary: It's Saturday Night. Eddie has no plans and the trailer all to himself. Of course he's gonna get himself into a sticky situation...
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings/Themes: Eddie implied to be dating/in a relationship with an unspecified partner, Smut, Male Masturbation, Monsterfucking...kind of?, Fantasies, DnD References
Note: Alright, so I've been playing the Stranger Things Puzzle Tales game and relaying all of my silly little fangirl thoughts about the Hellfire Club levels to @fracturedarkness because why wouldn't I? And the way some of these monsters in-campaign are named definitely confirm Eddie is a monsterfucker.
Thanks to @courtingchaos for the middle-of-the-night beta read.
You can find my masterlist here.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
Eddie couldn't help himself.
Well, ok. Rewind for a second.
Eddie was rarely able to help himself when the mood and timing were just right and his cock was just hard enough.
But tonight was a perfect storm.
His date canceled on him, Wayne was out of the house, he'd just read an issue of Batman featuring the true love of his life--one Dr. Pamela Isley--and he got inspired for an upcoming Hellfire Campaign.
"A haunted forest," he'd contemplated as he flipped through his Dungeon Master's Guide and wrote notes down. "No, an infected one." The Guide was carefully set on the table as he flipped through other books that he'd accumulated from library rummage sales and the second hand bookstore he favored in Indy.
He always liked to add some personal elements to the adventures and not go strictly by-the-book.
So from his pencil, an army of new creatures were born.
An old tree that housed a mimic-like creature.
A burrowing worm with hundreds of teeth that he affectionately nicknamed "Mouthy."
A moldy mushroom creature that released hypnotic spores.
And the crowning jewel...the boss...part human...part something else...with vines and a sharp-toothed grin and...
He scratched out a rough shape of the creature in the margins of his notebook and then squinted.
Now Eddie wasn't the best artist, but he could get by. Even to the untrained eye, his boss monster looked a little too much like Poison Ivy than he was comfortable with.
Those nerds would sniff him out immediately.
"Ok," his head tilted to the side, tongue sliding along the seam of his lips as he furiously erased parts of the figure. "Maybe...less boobs."
But the boobs were the best part.
"Boobs that...open up and turn into mouths?" He contemplated and then nodded and scribbled. "Venus flytrap boobs...yeah yeah yeah."
He snorted thinking of this boss seducing one of the players only for them to get their hands bitten off when they'd try to cop a feel. Some Botanical Femme Fatale.
"It'll serve them right," he snorted.
Even though he was sure, if he was in their position, he'd do the same.
"Alright, what else?"
And that was where he worked himself into a predicament.
Time was spent perfecting the Boss' body with all sorts of tentacles and teeth and dips and curves--
Not to mention all the ways that a player might be lured into the temptation of said Boss.
--and before long Eddie was well and truly fucked.
Well, more accurately, he wasn't fucked.
Nor would he be.
Because here he was, 9pm on a Saturday, dateless, with a drawing of a gorgeous, giant, monster woman...and a stiffy that he just couldn't ignore anymore.
"Damn," he sighed and leaned back, eyes clenching shut as he realized just how hard he was and just how much it ached just to sit there.
It was the best case scenario though: he had the trailer to himself, didn’t need to keep quiet or crank one out in the shower. He could take his time and savor the act.
Savor the fruits of his rogue imagination.
And he was at a bit of a standstill thinking about the mechanisms of his boss…what better way to figure out the ins and outs and what made it tick?
Before long he found himself in bed, propped up by pillows, jeans and boxers around his knees—he hadn’t been patient enough to fully undress—as he licked his Ticonderoga-and-big-pink-eraser-tainted palm in the absence of any other lubricant.
“Sometimes,” he hissed and let his eyes fall shut as he finally took his cock in his hand and squeezed. Delicious. “You just gotta go for old faithful.”
He treated himself to a few tentative strokes as he imagined himself in his foe’s forest.
His boots sloughed through the muck, clothes smattered with gore and remnants of spores and tar-like blood. He spotted her in the distance…draped in sheer fabrics that refracted the light like dew-covered cobwebs that stretched across the trees.
“Oh, that’s good,” he nodded and squeezed his shaft. If he got his players to focus on her clothes, her body…they wouldn’t be aware of her intentions.
He trudged across a vine-covered ground, the same vines that kept her tethered helpless to the trees. He called forth to assure that her rescue was imminent, but the more he closed the distance, the harder it got to navigate. Until he came to a halt right in front of her…
He pumped his fist.
…Against his will…
And again.
…As the vines slithered around his ankles and up his legs, locking him in place.
While the hand around his shaft twisted and pumped--fingertips dancing lightly as he circled the head and then back down--he traced pathways up his thigh with the other. He played with variations in pressure, much like the vines would, alive and throbbing.
He considered, in a moment of clarity, if his players would be disturbed by the trap they were lured into.
Perhaps they’d find some concern if the vines reached their waists—he traced up the indent of his hipbone and along his happy trail—or if they would only try to slash their swords through the intruding organisms once they were at their throats—he gripped his own throat tightly for a second.
But his neediness took over once again and his free hand found its way back downward and he cupped his balls instead. Less of an unsettling tightness and more of a pleasurable one.
He made to free the damsel, hilt of his sword gripped masterfully—
He snorted at the joke, amused by himself even as he was jerking off.
—in his hand, ready to slash.
He felt himself close to his release and he immediately let up, not wanting to lose this moment yet--lose the feeling, lose the fantasy.
He let go of himself, cock flopping against his stomach, and he covered his eyes as he took a breath and brought himself back down to earth.
Is this where he would have his players roll for an attack? Or a spell? Roll perception? Would the damsel talk? Stop them from attacking? Would she lure them in that way?
"No physical attacks," he decided. "Only magic to repel the vines. And then she opens her mouth to thank them and her tongue...oh, fuck, her tongue..."
He couldn't get another word out as the images started up again in his head, and he quickly resumed his ministrations.
The boss approached him, motions smooth and unsettling, but her beauty belied the danger. Her mouth opened to offer her thanks...when her tongue slithered out of her mouth unnaturally and she licked along his jaw...
His fingers danced along the path the boss licked, along his jaw, down his neck. The hand around his dick became her hand. Or maybe a second tongue...could she have multiple mouths? Her boobs were already venus flytraps.
That would be a genius move, his boss not just one being, but made up of many in some sort of unholy amalgam. A hive mind, a swarm. Once you were in its clutches, it was too late.
"Perfect," he hissed, fingers trilling back and forth over his sensitive head, spreading precum and spit.
When he was well and truly trapped, she would bite him, paralyze him, render him helpless...
Eddie bit into the part of his free hand between his thumb and pointer finger. He whined and savored the feeling of his breath cascading over his skin, as he stroked harder and harder.
...and then she would feast. Pull flesh from his bones, take his blood, take his soul. Maybe in the feast he would become a part of her, absorbed into the swarm, no longer a man but a part of this thing. Part of this system that sought to consume him all along.
His breathing grew shallow as he chased the high of an orgasm, as his strokes got wild and fast and wickedly erratic. Eddie could hear the slapping of skin and his own breathing and the rush of his blood.
What a strange thing to think about...the pain of being consumed and the pleasure of consuming. Maybe at a certain point the boss monster has its own release--a puff of toxic spores and gunk--and he would feel it too, one with his undoing, one with the forest.
At that thought the pleasure hit him, soared through him, made his legs twitch and toes curl as he kept on stroking and squeezing through his release. His teeth sunk further into the flesh of his one hand as his hot cum coated the other. And his thighs and his belly. As he writhed against the pillows and sheets.
As he writhed against the vines and the moss on the ground, whatever was left of his body, as the vestiges of his mind became a part of the beast.
"Fuck," Eddie groaned as he loosened his jaw, now sore, and stared down at himself. One hand bitten and bruised, the other covered in his spunk.
But he knew he had to act fast as his mental clarity returned to him. With a singular focus, he got up from the bed and hobbled back out to the living room. He couldn't be bothered to fix his clothes or clean himself up otherwise he was gonna lose all of the ideas that had been drummed up in his fantasy.
He picked up his pencil and scribbled next to the sketch of his boss. Note after note after note, as quickly as he could.
Careful not to get any of his cum on anything.
His cum.
He hesitated and considered it. Considered the organic, unpredictable shape it made against his skin. And he was reminded of something else, something similar. White and pearlescent and a little bit otherworldly.
He flipped through the pages of the books he'd abandoned, until he reached it.
Gelatinous substance, amoeba and slime molds...it was perfect.
He narrated aloud as he wrote it down:
"This creature eats its prey and absorbs them, then excretes a euphoric release to continue the infection in the forest. Pwdre ser. The rot of stars."
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dtfpeta · 1 year
Domesticity with Price...
(a/n: yes I want to make my lover a home cooked meal. yes I want him to wrap his arms around me while I cook. also I was this close to putting nsfw but I may just make a part two)
tags: husband!price, fluff, mentions of pregnancy, f!reader
Word Count: 1.8k __________
Price who comes home to his doting wife standing in front of the stove. A roaring pot of boiling water being salted by your delicate hands which form a harsh pinch on the granules before releasing them into the porcelain dish.
He watches from the door as you slowly canter your hips, humming along to the soft melody of Al Green from your distant record player. His cheeks contort with a smile when he hears your abysmal attempt to recall the lyrics. Startling you out of your unaware serenade when his hands catch in the fabric of your dress to wrap around your waist.
"Smells good." He comments regarding the dish. His face is buried in the side of your neck, breathing in the scent of garlic, rosemary, and other spices that coat the house in its aroma. Your own fragrance of vanilla overwhelms his senses as he sighs into the crook of your neck.
"It's not nice to sneak up on someone like that..." You chastise, knowing the irony that lies in your statement being as stealth is not something your husband is unaccustomed to. "Could've burned myself." You add, half-heartedly scolding and rolling your eyes as his arms tighten their purchase on your hips.
On the stove lies a pot boiling with its now added component of rigatoni. To its side is a sizzling pan that has been providing the house with its encapsulating smell. John eyes the skillet. The melted butter works to caramelize the now translucent onions coated in sparse flakes of red pepper and rosemary. A wooden spatula wielded in your hand stirs the minced garlic cloves, doing your best to prevent their quick to burn nature.
Price loves your cooking and you love to cook for him. Seeing as his face melts into bliss when he tastes what magic you have cast on something as simple as a chicken pot pie. Or the way his eyes bulge when you reveal that a dish he has been scarfing down like a starved dog over the past several months contains mushrooms.
Ever since that day, he has not once argued about an ingredient in your cooking. Even as he eyes the tomato sauce being added to the pan, knowing he is going to suffer a severe case of heartburn but almost welcoming it, as he knows it will accompany an array of flavors he will be holding up his plate for more of.
"M'sorry love." He relishes. "Been looking forward to this all day. N' watching you from the door just made me miss ya' even more."
You scoff at his cheesy comment, placing your left hand to rest on his forearm that is draped around you as your right stirs at the still hard noodles.
You lay your utensil down and lean back into his embrace. Closing your eyes as you feel your bodies link together like a puzzle. One piece being a head taller than the other, but fitting together nonetheless. You sway with your husband to the tempo of the song playing in the background. His body is warm against your back, being stripped of his tactical gear and left in a black cotton shirt tucked into the waist of his same toned cargo pants, the legs of which are folded above his combat boots.
"How was work?" You ask, eyes still closed and body entangled in him. He regards your question with a low hum, feet lightly stepping side to side.
"Hm, the usual. Told some of the boys we could treat em' to dinner sometime. Be nice to get together, maybe show you off a lil'?"
He lightly pinches at your sides while pulling you closer to him. The scruff of his beard dances against your skin as he attacks your neck in quickly scattered kisses.
"John!" You laugh while attempting to distance yourself from his assault. Only to be swiftly turned around where you find his blue eyes smiling fondly at you. The warm tinted light from a nearby lamp casts soft shadows on the crows feet that crinkle near his eyes. The edges of his smile lines sharpening the more he beams at you.
There's not a place on Earth he would rather be.
For the longest, he distanced himself from love. Only finding that unachievable compromises would be asked of him, and due to his work, he was never able to fulfill those wishes. It only put a strain on his and his partners' relationship. He learned to deal with the lack of intimate companionship over the years. Just having the bond of his brothers in arms till he would return to his empty flat and scrounge up whatever microwaveable dish hadn't gone freezer burnt or remnants of leftovers left in his barren refrigerator. Until he met someone he could incorporate into the unpredictable schedule of his life.
The first time you cooked for him he was floored. Joking about how he'd have to hire you as his personal chef and saying how he could only dream of coming home to this every week. You had brought the ingredients to his apartment, insisting that you would treat him to a hot meal if he helped you, which he gladly agreed to. He stood slicing carrots and celery while you stirred a pot of chicken stock, placing sprigs of thyme and bay leaves into the broth as the chicken roasted in the oven, soon to be shredded and added to the pot. Said pot being three times bigger than your head.
"You trying to feed the whole squadron?" He'd teased. To which you only responded with a light snicker, knowing that in making such a large portion would provide him with leftovers for the rest of the week-and then some.
Several years later you now stood in your shared home, a simple wedding band adorning the both of you two's hands. Price's socks litter the shared space until you have to reprimand him to pick them up. Him responding with his own accusations of how you frequently leave your bra on the couch as well as your adversity to keep your hair ties in one place. What can you say, it's just more convenient when they're around the house.
The two of you's cleaning habits aren't the only thing that could use work though. The decorations are an obvious clash of one person who enhances the space with homely, comforting pieces, and another who has a hard time letting go of secondhand artifacts. And after Price's constant defense of his 'live laugh love' banner hanging on the wall of the kitchen, you began to give in to the cliché relic.
A more than familiar tune begins to play from the record player.
"Oh my God" Price's teeth shine through his grin as he picks up on the melody as well. It's the song you shared your first dance together to.
His coordinated hands move to your hips, your own responding by wrapping around his neck. You gaze up at him. The quickening of your heart makes its frequent appearance as he looks down at you. The butterflies you feel every time you look at him have yet to diminish their strength over the years. Even as you heard stories of the dreaded period following the honeymoon phase where couples do nothing but bicker, your heart remained the same.
The only thing you can focus on is his hickory-toned voice humming to the lyrics of the track. The vibration rumbles through his chest, making its way to your ear resting upon him. He sways with your body against his until you are replicating the dance from that night. Since that night he has always made it apparent you were his first priority. He protects and serves you, as you have brought a peace to his life he didn't think was possible.
"Y'know on my way home," he began "saw this woman with her kid. Maybe 5 years old. He was sitting on a bench while she was on the ground tying his shoe. He was swinging his leg, reading some comic book to her. Poor lasses feet barely touched the ground!" He lets out a breathy laugh before pausing for a moment. "Just got me thinking."
"Bein' a dad." He stated, kissing the temple of your face. "Making you a mum."
You smiled into his chest. John knew you wanted kids, and he did too. The time just never found itself convenient. And even now there are uncertainties, but the knowledge you have that John would be an excellent father left you planting seedlings of the idea in his head when you had the chance. Passing by a pair of cute baby shoes in the store. The ring of adolescent laughter when you'd visit the aquarium. Or even a dress you would buy, waiting for your husband to compliment it before mentioning the garment worked as a maternity piece too.
Something had been pulling at his paternal strings lately, however. He yearned to fill the house with the both of your makings. Leaving your marks in its foundation. Whether that be with the rug you both haggled for at the flea market. The broken spring of your living room couch, product of an intense wrestling match between you two. (In which both parties were considered victorious by the end.) Or the poolhouse-toned blue paint that made its acquaintance on the crown molding of your bedroom wall. (Also caused by some spout of play fighting or whatever attempt Price had to get his hands on you.)
You leaned back to search his face, only finding a look of great fondness pulling at his features. Your palms came to cradle the sides of his face before a smile stretched on your own.
"Yeah. I think I'd like that." You brought his lips to yours, embracing him in a tender touch as you laughed into the kiss. Your hold on one another tightened. Knowing that Price was ready to take such a giant step now made you giddy as you imagined him holding his future child, playing make-believe with them, and cleaning up their bumps and bruises from playing in the yard.
"Can't believe you're saying yes to a baby before a dog, John." You both laughed before you turned your head at the smell of burnt garlic.
"Shit!" You quickly grabbed a wooden spoon to stir at the red mixture before turning the stove off.
"Don't tell me you lost your touch already, sweetheart?"
"You were distracting me." You declare, pointing your spatula at the towering man. "Just get the bowls from the cabinet and set the table, yeah?"
"Of course, hun." He mocked.
You glared a burning look into the back of his before he did as instructed, your temper cooling as you poured the pot of soft noodles into a strainer.
You and John were able to turn a house into your home. Soon the floor and walls would be sheathed in memories of your family. One of the first being your dinner of a burnt tomato rigatoni pasta.
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nanivinsmoke · 11 months
Bestfriend’s Toy
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Gojo x F!Reader
had to reupload because tumblr found my og picture nsfw. baby that’s what I write here! anyways, enjoy ~
summary ~ gojo uses you as his toy, whenever, where ever he wants. gojo x f!reader
warnings ~ dom, sub, dominate male, sub reader, cream pies, multiple orgasms, orgasm denial, breeding, public sex, exhibitionism and more!
the sound of squelching and loud creaks of the bed vibrated throughout the room. their bodies moved in sync as they indulged in one another. her moans were muffled by her pink laced panties that the male had put into her mouth, as he pounded her cunt sloppy.
he was underneath her, supporting her from the top, as he jackhammered her hard; her wetness making a white slippery mess on his cock. her legs were weak and wobbly, yet she was taking his dick perfectly. “mmm. take my load. yeah?” she nodded her head quickly, feeling another orgasm approaching.
he pounded faster and harder, his mushroom tip kissing her spot each time. his warm thick load pooled inside of her as his stroke became sloppy. her eyes began to roll back and that feeling came in her stomach once again, but before she could enjoy it he pulled out of her immediately, making tears brim her eyes and whimpers muffling against the fabric.
he chuckled and pulled her panties out, letting her speak her mind, “gojo…..” she whined looking at him with sad eyes, wanting to feel complete. “what’s the matter, doll?” he teased as he grabbed his boxers, knowing exactly what she wanted. “please…please let me finish,” she begged and spread her thick thighs, which let his kids flow out of her.
“my toys don’t get to finish. now be a good cum dump and put those back on, you’re wasting it” he pointed at the pink garments lying next to her, before he continued to get dressed.
y/n and gojo were best friends. they met in college and did everything together, even working at the same job as each other. one night during a game of strip poker, y/n had the winning streak but the tables turned in gojo’s favor, which ended up having the game end up as a tie. as a tie breaker he suggested something different, something that changed their relationship forever. to make that long and lewd story short, they ended up being a six and a nine that night, seeing who could cum first. he was the loser that time, but seeing how well she could make him cum loads, he decided on making her his fuck toy and she obliged.
“your receipt is in the bag, enjoy your day. beautiful” the customers squealed and smiled as Gojo flirted with them, exiting the store while giggling and talking about how cute he was. while he was putting their cash into the drawer, he glanced over at the girl that was crouching next to him, shivering and whimpering as the toy that was inserted inside her went rampant inside her hole.
“you didn’t make any noise, good girl. as your reward, im going to turn the toy off for now. in the meantime, you can go stock the shelves” his blue eyes trailed over to the next customer walking into their convenience store and a smirk appeared on his face.
waddling over to an isle, y/n moved slow as she was still weak from being overstimulated a few minutes ago. her panties were soaked with her fluids, making it uncomfortable for her to move around, she had came so much she was sure he drained her. but, the thought of being caught, the thought of someone hearing the buzzing of the toy, the thought of someone finding out what she was doing; made her blush. gojo had brought out a side she didn’t know she had. she liked it.
the customer that entered the store looked around puzzled, not able to find what they were looking for, which made the white haired male smile. he knew exactly what to do, “you need help miss?” his smile seemed genuine, but it was hardly that. “oh im looking for this,” the woman pointed at her phone and that cause gojo’s smile to widen more. “ah yes, that’s down that aisle. there should be a woman down there that can help you,” his smile was bright and the woman nodded her head.
“miss? can you help me find something that im looking for?” the woman’s voice called out to y/n who turned around and nodded with a smile, slowly waddling over to her. “Oh, that’s over he—OH!” gojo had turned on the toy once again, putting it on the highest setting. “are yoh alright miss–oh my god!” y/n had dropped to her knees, as the orgasm came upon her. the orgasm she so desperately needed caused her legs to go weak. her breathing picked up and her mind went blank.
“oh my! sorry about her, she hadn’t slept much. here! this is on the house. Im going to take care of her for a bit. thanks for stopping at our store” gojo handed the woman the item she was looking for before picking y/n’s body up and making his way to the back room. when the two were finally alone, she was still in her daze as gojo stared at her with a smirk with the remote in hand. “how many times did you cum?”
her eyes fluttered up to his, “five times…” she replied weakly and he chuckled before turning off the toy with the remote. he swiftly pulled down his zipper and pushed his hard cock through the hole and with no hesitation he slipped y/n’s panties to the side; his pink tip at her slick entrance before he stopped. his blue crystal eyes met her’s for a brief moment, before she looked away and bucked her hips closer to him and pushed him inside. “shit! attagirl. taking me so well”
her wetness immediately coated his dick, creating a film of cream over it, “you came again didn’t you?” he already knew the answer as he felt her walls contract around him. she nodded weakly her eyes fixtated on the door behind them, her ears perked up when she heard the store’s door chime on the opposite side of the door. “oh? you got excited didn’t you? let’s make sure they can hear you take this dick”
he slammed his hips foreward, pushing himself deeper inside of her making her yelp out. He continued this action more, loving the noises she finally decided to let out. “mmm. so fucking sexy, I can do it inside?” he groaned softly, stroking in and out of her sopping wet cunt. she nodded frantically hearing the customers call out for them.
gojo’s strokes became sloppier and fast paced, and his dick twitched inside of her. y/n’s orgasm came crashing down on her hard, her body twitched and her back arched, “YES!” gojo let out his load inside of her, his thick white semen dripped out of her when he pulled out.
“you know I’m going to punish you later for cumming so much, right? now, let’s go see what they want”
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kuromispamton2000 · 29 days
An SMG4 AU Story:
Mr. 4's attack plan
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it was another day, as any others in the mushroom kingdom, any normal day as anyother, we must admit, Mr. 4 by his side, he had FINALLY finished his prototype of a robotic clone of SMGP the meme guardian with a peculiar robot head, he had put his hands together as he smirk evilly, and yelled
then he made a evil laugh, KAT (evil business partner of Mr. 4) who was just on the livingroom enjoying some reading just would get startled by the screaming and laughing, as the being stopped read and peeks from the door
"4, what are those screams and laughing fo-?"
KAT noticed the clone of SMGP, then at Mr. 4
"oh, now i understand, your prototype is finally done?"
"Yes! finally done, KAT, we now can get our plan going"
"remember, 4...i start need do some testing first, we need to confirm our clone has the personality as our target"
KAT said as he stepped in front of SMGP robot, arms behind his back as looked directly at the robot and spoke
"SMGP, describe yourself, how you love your friends and how much you'll do for them"
the robot clone stepped through as he changed his emotion and personality chip to the SMGP emotion and personality and spoke
"I...I am SMGP! a...a meme guardian, i love my friends and i'll do anything for them! specially for my husband SMG3! who i care with all my soul...i-i really fear of Mr. 4, i have a bad feeling...he is onto something...."
"perfect..~ and now...what's your mission till you have all the gang together and fooled?"
The clone switched to it's default personality, as spoke with a smug expression on it's screen
"of course, brainwash the SMGP gang, so they can serve Master Mr. 4 and you as you two please...so then we all can rule ovet the mushroom kingdom!"
"see? all under control, my dear friend, all is going to be, according to the plan, and nobody would ever stop us!!"
Mr. 4 said excited
"i must say, i am very surprised by your work, Mr. 4, you even if had beem goofing around with "your true love" had manage to work pretty well onto the plan but what would your girl think of it"
Mr. 4 stand by as looked at a photo of Jess which he always had on his pockets as said
"...she shouldn't notice...she shouldn't, i no want hurt her and wouldn't hurt her, but, the SMGP crew must suffer, mostly Mario and SMGP himself!"
Mr. 4 would put it back onto his pocket as he turned to look at KAT, with a decided look on his face
"KAT, get Sirberus, we must put this plan on action, i need him to..."
the scene now shows in a very late in the night, SMGP and SMG3 who was just on the castle, watching something together and cuddling
"today was perfect, wasn't it? i am sure now we have everything under control, nothing bad would happen ever again"
SMG3 said as SMGP smiled and nod
"it could had been double perfect, if i kept my normal head in"
"shhh...is all alright, not care how much time Mr. 4 tries hurt you, me and your friends will always be there for you, ok?"
SMG3 gave a reconfirming smile to his husband, SMGP smiled and nodded as a small blush show on his screen, SMG3 got up and stretched, it was bed time, luckily they both was on their pajamas, ready to sleep
"well, is getting late, should we sleep, my dear?"
SMG3 asked, SMGP nodded as wouls get up, helped by 3, both of them walked to their bedroom...
it was very late on the night, SMGP got suddenly awake by some sound that he only could listen, how he knew only he could listen to it? because he looked at 3, who was deeply asleep, Puzzles would sigh as he decided to investigate the sound by himself for the first time, so he got up slowly making sure SMG3 doesn't wake up by movement, as Puzzles walked to the door, he felt a sudden shiver, fear was getting him, but he really wanted make that noise stop...he opened the door closing it behind him, he walked to behind the castle, trying to inspect the sound, as found an oddly device which luckily was making that sound, but before he could turn it down, a hand pressed a button to turn off his tv head, so he couldn't make any sound, and wrapped the meme guardian and made him disappear, it was Sirberus, which had kidnapped SMGP..
When SMGP's screen turned on all he could see was he was tied on a chair, both, from legs and arms, till he saw a familiar face, Mr. 4's face, which had a confident smile
"Welcome, Super Meme Guardian Puzzles, to my...mansion!~ my apologies for the rough invite"
SMGP started to panic as he tried to shake to get free
"M-Mr. 4! what do you want from me!? get away from me! let me go!!"
"shhh...calm down, i just want...have fun with you...TORTURING YOU!"
Mr. 4's half blue part of his eyes turned ref as then soon turned blue again, clearing his throat
"you and your friends had cause me...quite a lot of problems...so for now, i will have fun with you and them, till i have them under my control"
Mr. 4 smiled as would put his arms behind his back and walked
"i hope you no cared for the rough dragging here, but it was needed so you didn't made any noise!"
"h-how...how you did this, why you want to hurt us so much, why-"
Mr. 4 rolled his eyes as let out a annoyed sigh, getting close to SMGP's screen, he then said
"guess i'll present you...my business partner, ahem"
as soon Mr. 4 gave the signal, KAT would come out from the shadows of the already not very lighted basement, as would stand next to Mr. 4
"greetings, Super Meme Guardian Puzzles, is a honor to finally meet you, sorry for the conditions we're meeting too...the name's KAT, hope my precious Sirberus hasn't caused any uncomfortable feeling at the moment he took you into our lair"
"w-what...h-how? why...why you are teaming up with someone! w-why-"
"shhhh, KAT offered his kind help to me, as i offered him part of the mushroom kingodm once and we get successful with this, we are tired that this world is just as dumb as memes because of you, and apart me...i hate you so much because of you ruined MY SHOW!"
SMGP eyes widen, as he would shake his head trying to be on denial
"m-my friends would notice i am gone! a-and then they.. they gonna"
"i am afraid, your friends would never notice you're gone, since we have a perfect replacement for you, for get our second part of the plan going"
"indeed my friend...come here, Mr. Puzzles or might say, SMGP"
Mr. 4 snapped his fingers and an exact clone of him stepped in front of him with still the smug expression on it's screen, the meme guardian's eyes widen as looked at the exact clone
"really, your friends and husband wouldn't even notice i am gona!~ i am an exact copy of you and with my acting skills, i would be total in your place in not time...but i think i need something to be complete"
the clone said as looked behind, at SMGP's hand
"you're right, my dear creation, this is what you need"
Mr. 4 smirk as he would slowly take off the marriage ring from SMGP, he started to shake more uncontrollably as started to scream
scars started to grow on his screen as he started to panic a lot, Mr. 4 eyes rolled up again as he just would grab a controller and mute SMGP's voice taking off the ring, showing it in front of the meme guardian
"hope you no care, lend it to the new Super Meme Guardian Puzzles!"
and with that, he gave to the clone the ring, which gladly, he would put it on his finger
"he's ready to go"
Mr. 4 made the signal to Sirberus to just take the clone to SMGP's castle
"look at him...so defenseless, what should we do with the real meme guardian now, 4?"
"....let's break the rest of confidence he has~"
"ohhh, hohoho! now we're talking"
before the next morning we could see a lady who was spying on Mr. 4's house and then saw the clone and Sirberus walk off, she would think to herself as saw the scene
"this could be a good opportunity to ruin Mr. Dumbass' plans...and have a little revenge for play with my weakness....maybe i should wait till the morning"
on the morning...SMG3 woke, it all seem like normal, because his lovely husband was there by his side
"...good morning to my wonderful husband on the earth"
3 said with a smile as "SMGP"'s screen turned off the sleep mode as turned to 3 and smiled
"good morning sweetheart, wonder what a wonderful day awaits us!"
3 nods as would notice his "husband" was using a scarf, as he looked concerned, normally, Puzzles wouldn't wear a scarf, weird on him
"dear, why you're wearing a scarf? it isn't cold outside?"
the meme guardian asked as the other tried to not be in panic
"...well yesterday i just listened something horrible, and i went check, when i noticed, some nightly creature just scratched my neck, but...don't worry! i got it healed...but...i have much scars recently...and now i have the opportunity of hide one...well...you know, i took it!"
"erm...if you say so my love...but later you might show me that scratch to see if it isn't that deep, not be offended, but you never was good at healing someone OR yourself"
"...ugh, yeah... yeah...i know"
his expression changed to an annoyed one as the "meme guardian" got up from bed, and walked off, 3 was a bit stranged by that reaction, but he supposed he just was upset by get hurt...again- as he shrugs and got up
the day almost happened normally, as the clone would walk behind the castle alone using a magical communicator to speak to Mr. 4 and KAT
"the plan is gonna be so easy, master and boss, they're so stupid to even realize i am a clone, all i had to do is lie about i got scratched and wanted cover a physical scar on my "human" body part...easy!"
"that's perfect, without the heros, the mushroom kingdom would be doomed, and finally, me could take control of it, as well Mr. 4 making Glitchvision big again! they're so terminated'"
"my perfect minion...you're almost to get something big...no mess up, alright?"
"you can count on me boss, master"
the clone said before hang out the communicator and started walk to where the crew is, Mrs. Angel would look from the roof of the castle as smiled evilly (for ruin Mr. 4's plan)
"SMGP! what got you so busy behind da castle?"
Mario asked as "Puzzles" would look behind
"was just that clown again and some rats...not worry, i got rid of him by now, becuase you know how i hate rats"
"Okie Dokie!"
"gee, i hate rats too, good you got rid of them, Puzzles!"
Bob said as just chilled, "SMGP" smiled as would attempt walk to the castle, as saw Tari
"Puzzles, ready for another newly good function? i think i got something you might like!"
"...erm, not today, Tari, i am a bit tired"
"but you said between me and you will get that function so we both could express more and other stuff, Puzzles"
Freya said as just looked down, the clone was starting to lose it as just would walk inside
"you...uhhh...whoever you are, i am tired, i even think i lost some memory data..."
"maybe i can help? you know, i wouldn't mind help you!"
"or maybe you shouldn't"
the voice said as the crew looked up
"oh, perfect, is you, the enemy of that Mr. 4...what the fuck do you want? saw the weirdo do something evil?"
SMG3 said as as crossed his arms, Mrs. Angel smirk as she jumped off the roof landing slowly on the floor as she nods
"actually, i pretty know that Puzzles you're talking with is false, Mr. 4's creation..."
"you're saying bullshit, Ashley! stop wanting try SMGP's life, i will not allow you to ruin others life like you did to mi-"
"shaddap your plump ass for a second Princess Angel! i am saying the truth, look at this"
Mrs. Angel with her wand reproduced the exact moment when the clone was talking with Mr. 4 and KAT, the crew looked at him as the clone just looked left and right frenetically, trying be calm, scars growing on the screen
Mrs. Angel took off the scarf, revealing he had wires on his neck the clone yeeped as just quickly retracted it's body on the tv, for then it disappearing into the nothing before the crew could do something else
Meggy yelled out of frustration as she tightened her fists
"when Mario gets his hands on Mr. 4-"
Mario said as looked real mad
"o-oh god, what are we gonna do?"
Boopkins started to panic as started sweating a bit
"calm down, maybe that...Mrs. Angel knows what happened and how, and where they could be"
Saiko said as they all look at Mrs. Angel, who shrugged with a smile rolling her functional eye
3 grabbed Mrs. Angel by the shoulders altered by the situation, as felt his trauma is growing again
"...3 calm down, we'll find my brother, let that fine lady help us...in her way"
Minion said as she put a hand on SMG3's shoulder trying to calm him down, Mrs. Angel just gave a smirk as then the scene cuts to Mr. 4 saying the most hurtful things
"and then nobody would be there for you, you think it is soo...so sad?~ nobody will every love you...because boo-hoo, they'll all be under my control!!"
"and even some of your valuable friends would make a great servant of mine, of course...I'll need to take their souls for them to be...perfect servants but i think you wouldn't mind, don't you?'
KAT added as smirk under his mask, SMGP functional eye was starting to tear up as he shakes his head, trying to ignore all those closing his eyes, KAT taking the opportunity, using magic to make scenes inside SMGP's head as Mr. 4 imitate voices
"you failed us..., you did everything wrong, you was so coward"
Mr. 4 said imitating Meggy's voice for switch between various of the crew's voices
"i trusted you, Puzzles, Mario can't believe now he's dead and the world destroyed thanks to you"
"i loved you Puzzles...why didn't you was strong!? by your fault, now i am dead! I REGRET HAD EVEN MEET YOU!"
SMGP sobs as just would want to retract on his head but he even can't
"y-you...you...what you want of me...i...i can-"
Mr. 4 would punch against his screen breaking it and the meme guardian screaming in pain
"ugh, what a scream...it isn't a big deal, cry baby!"
KAT said as just would by slowly damage his speaker, which gives Puzzles the voice, he would end mute now
"had you even noticed how much damage you caused to the mushroom kingdom!? you had notice? EVERYTHING WAS PERFECT! TILL YOU RUINED IT ALL!!"
SMGP couldn't do more than cry as more scars grow from his damaged eye, almost covering the damaged eye....
suddenly a loud BANG was heard, continuing from the door falling down, both turned around to see Meggy which she had thrown the door with a kick
"w-what!? how? if my clone had everything control-"
Mrs. Angel peeked with a smirk from the door frame as waved
"hello 4, missed me?~ i had or not had spied a bit your big ol plan with that little friend of yours~"
"...YOU BIT-"
Mr. 4's voice changed to a demonic voice but couldn't finish cuz he was drop kicked by Meggy immediately, one diamond of his hair disappearing and healing him
"You can't attack 4! Sirberus, attack them!"
KAT ordered to his animatronic, he was almost gonna reach Meggy and Mrs. Angel when a bomb hitted the animatronic damaging it a very big part, SMG3 was holding more bombs as his face was darkened
"you...wouldn't get alive from this..."
The Animatronic would rush at SMG3 more quick that what he can react, but Saiko came to smash it's head off with her Hammer, knocking the robot off
4 yelled as was smashed by Melony and her sword, he started to spill blood from him mouth, trembling a bit
"you don't have a salvation now, Mr. 4, you crossed much lines"
Melony said in her fierce deity form
"shit is better i sca-"
before the being could react, he was smashed to the other side of the room by Saiko
"you too weirdo! if you're with 4 you're against us! not excuse!"
"you stupid anime bit-"
KAT felt his mask rip apart as it eventually rip off as quick the being would groan, covering his face
"this, isn't the end, SMGP crew"
kinda damaged and exposed, KAT disappeared between the shadows
"KAT! no leave me here you cowar-"
Mr. 4 was grabbed by the throat by SMG3 who now was strangling Mr. 4, Mr. 4 would try to set free from his own strength but he couldn't, soon summoning his tentacles, to stab SMG3
Melony said as she went quick, slashing Mr. 4's tentacles to half, he would struggle on pain as fall on the floor gasping for air another diamond from his hair disappeared as he and his tentacles was regenerated
"Mario got the impostor"
"G-Gah! let me go you pesky worm!"
which with a quick movement Saiko smashed the head out of the robot, and 3 throw a bomb to the rest of the body blowing it up
"You said it, "worked" but now your work, was for purse shit, Mr. 4"
Meggy said as Tari was pointing at Mr. 4 with a shotgun that her arm had turned into, Minion would get close to SMGP as she untied her brother and hugged him with tears on her eyes, SMGP hugs her as well
Mr. 4 looking around had look at Mrs. Angel then at Mario pointing at them
Mr. 4's tentacles came out as these wrap around Mrs. Angel and Mario and others wrap around 3, Meggy, Tari, Saiko, Melony, SMGP and Minion, Mrs. Angel screaming because her trauma
before he could finish water splashed at him as he hissed his tentacles retracting, as covered his face, he was steaming, it was holy water, when the crew looked, it was Freya/Princess Angel which had throw holy water at Mr. 4
"...d-did i make it in time?"
Meggy, Melony, Tari, 3, Saiko, Bob and Boopkins that just arrived would surround Mr. 4 which was still covering and hissing from the holy water, he had no choice more than scape...
"this...this wouldn't end like that, i could had been defeated a third time but i wouldn't-"
he got stabbed in the stomach by Melony without his powers Mr. 4 would tremble as he quickly summoned a tv with the remain of his power and would jump onto it, the tv disappearing
"...Puzzles, love!"
SMG3 would pick up his husband as Puzzles was just trembling and crying over, the scars almost covering his damaged eye as 3 would rub his back to calm him down, slowly the scars disappearing
"...thanks you Freya, you saved us, us all"
Meggy said as put a hand on her, she smiles as nods
"...i must admit that even if we hate each other...i owe you one, you saved me...and them..."
"...i am not sure why you wanted help us, you are evil, after all, ruined my life and"
"because i HATE Mr. 4...is all...well, see ya"
Mrs. Angel would start to walk off as SMG3 just stops her a bit still carrying SMGP
"...hey, Mrs. Angel...thanks for everything...without your help, maybe...Mr. 4 and his...partner would had win this time"
"meh, no prob, just did it once, because Mr. 4 is a piece of crap, if other guy attacks you, now i wouldn't help, huh? bye"
With that, Mrs. Angel fully walked off, SMG3 looked at his crew, knowing he must be a leader now Puzzles is mute
"Ok, crew...time to get back to the castle...Puzzles need us and too need rest"
the crew nodded as they all returned home...once again, Mr. 4 and now his partner KAT had been defeated, but obviously that's not the last they'll see of 4, alone or not, he would try attack again...
SMGP might be mute for undefined asks till someone offers to fix his tv or to steal one of Mr. 4's tvs
thanks for reading peeps, as said i am not a writer, but i tried my best because do a comic...meh, i was lazy
KAT and Sirberus by: @mysteriesinsideaheartlocket
Mrs. Angel and Princess Angel/Freya by: @myrandomocsposts
Mention on the story, Jess by: @literal-dumbass
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mrhyde-mrseek · 4 months
So I recently started practicing paganism! I currently worship Hades, Persephone, Dionysus, Athena, and Hermes, and I wanted to tell y’all about their altars
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Hermes’s is a work in progress, I’m still looking for stuff to put on it (I commissioned a custom deity candle from Darkly Divine Crystals for him & I’m just waiting for them to accept the request), but right now the altar has:
My Polaroid camera
A Newsies keychain
A turkey(?) feather I found in my yard
A pretty rock from the waterfront when I went with some friends
A couple coins from my backpack
A wax Voodoo doll my dad got on a business trip to Louisiana
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And this one’s Athena’s! It has
A wooden puzzle game
My kindle
A blue rock that says “creativity” (it was from a shop downtown)
A different blue and gray rock
Two tiny plastic trophies
A flowerpot (her offering bowl) with a Good Omens pen and two feathers in it
A Kamala Harris magnet from the Female Power Project
My desk lamp, which was already there but I thought Athena would like it
A scented candle
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Dionysus’ altar used to be on my radiator cover next to my Playbills, but it’s really wobbly and I got scared of things falling and /or breaking, so I moved it to my bookshelf next to my makeup. Currently it has:
Two amethyst crystals
One of my several pronoun pins
A pinecone
A purple candle
A crystal ball-shaped cup (their offering bowl) with a purple wildflower in it
A gold paper heart one of my friends made me
An old painting I made that coincidentally had some of Dionysus’ exact colors
A satyr statue I made during an art class
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(He also really wanted this goat plushie and these red heart sunglasses but there was no room on the altar, they’re still his tho they’re just on my other bookshelf)
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Hades and Persephone share an altar, partially because I only have so many places to put an altar, partially because they’re married and don’t seem to mind sharing! Since it’s a joint altar, it’s definitely the biggest one, and has:
Red Crowley-esque sunglasses I got for my last birthday
A skull and raven Halloween decoration
Another Halloween decoration, it’s like a little shelf thing with bottled fake(?) dried herbs
A candleholder from the thrift store (Hades really wanted it)
A bat plushie that my friend named Marcel the Mycelium Bat because it has mushrooms on it
A flowerpot (Persephone’s offering bowl) with a (now dead) flower that I’m gonna return to the earth for her and a crow feather
A spellbook Halloween decoration
A Hadestown magnet
A little red candle
A metal bowl from 1978 (Hades’ offering bowl) with some crystals, loose change, and a letter I wrote to him
A little stone snake
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chosovixen · 2 years
ushijima loves to take care of you and there was never a day you weren’t feeling appreciated. it didn’t have to be a specific occasion for him to shower you with affection and tasty meals. in all honesty, he enjoyed cooking for the two of you, mostly being that you were a terrible cook.
“i want to help you,” you whined.
“no, just sit there and look pretty.”
it was a tempting offer, but you’ve always sat and looked pretty whenever he started prepping for meals. you wanted to at least do something, even if that meant cutting a few vegetables. 
“ushi, please,” you whined, holding the ‘e’ for as long as you could. he sighed and put the knife down before turning to you with a charming smile that melted your heart each time.
“fine, come here.” he finally gave in when noticing your soft eyes and puffy lip sticking out as you pout. you quickly hopped to your feet and made your way around the counter to meet him. he informed you on the importance of cleaning yourself before preparing anything, and you simply nodded to his mini lecture— watching closely as he pumped a dime-sized amount of soap into his hands. he then turned on the warm water and pulled your hands in with his, washing them for you.
“i am completely capable of washing my own hands, thank you,” you advised.
“i know, sweetie,” he murmured before turning the faucet off and guiding your hands to the kitchen cloth that rested next to the sink. letting out a little ‘hmph‘ you playfully rolled your eyes towards his gesture.
“okay, now what?” clasping your hands together, you looked up at him with enthusiasm.
“first we need to cut the chicken.” he pointed to the rinsed chicken breast that sat on the cutting board.
“ew, yuck,” you said, slowly backing away as your face scrunched in discomfort.
“it’s all slimy,” you informed him.
“want me to do it?” he smiled, letting out a low chuckle.
you pondered the thought, but it quickly diminished when you realized he’d be doing all the work again. “no, but do we have any gloves?” he slightly tapped you on the nose, then made his way to the small draw that resided underneath the dish rack—pulling out a pair of disposable rubber gloves. 
“thank you,” you said and immediately slipped them on. when done, ushijima handed you a knife and then watched for what you’d do next. “so...how do i cut it?” 
ushijima grinned and made a motion with his hand so that he didn’t interfere in any way. you could only look at him puzzled, as he continued to explain how the chicken should be cut. 
“like this?” genuinely asking, you looked at him while you made a small incision on the chicken.
“no,” he quickly said while slipping behind you—feeling his large, warm hand encircling yours as he held the knife in your hand. ushijima then guided your hand up and down—cutting delicately into the meat. with his hand moving against the cutting board, you could finally see what he was instructing you to do.
“just like that, okay?” and you felt your whole body heat up with the way he whispered huskily into your ear.
“okay,” you softly spoke as he let go of your hand and moved from behind you.
the rest of the night he had taught you different things like how to “julienne an onion” or how to “sauté the minced mushrooms,” and you vowed never to intervene when he’s cooking unless he really needed you to. luckily for you, he was more than happy to serve you.
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icedmatchatae · 2 years
No Kisses | KTH Epilogue: No Kisses
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Pairing: Captain of the Football Team fuckboi Taehyung x Class President goody two shoes Reader
Genre: FWB AU-ish, enemies to frienemies? with benefits to lovers, smut, fluff, angst?? I guess
Summary: It's championship week! The most anticipated week of the school year; however, leading up to the events, you and your council must collaborate with the football team to promote school spirit and pride. Unfortunately, you're forced to work with your number one enemy, Football team captain and fuck boy, Kim Taehyung, known for having a mysterious "no kisses" rule.
Epilogue: No Kisses || Series Masterlist
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After the celebratory party—there were so many fucking parties—Taehyung needed you immediately. You could barely unlock your apartment without his lips attacking your neck and his hands massaging your breasts over your blouse. You finally entered your home before Taehyung kicked it closed.
“Princess, I need you so badly.” He muffled into your skin, licking your neck. A hand moved south, cupping your clothed cunt underneath your skirt. “Ahh, I miss my kitty.”
“Tae! At least let’s reach the bedroom first!” You begged. He cradled you in bridal style without missing a breath and went down your hallway. You had your arms around him and kissed him sweetly even if you knew he would ruin you soon.
He laid you down on your mattress, then hovered over you. “I love you so much, you know that, right?”
“Yes, I love you too.”
He leaned down to kiss you as he unbuttoned your blouse. He pushed it off you before getting to your bra, freeing your supple breasts he loved so much. “Fuck, I miss you. Can’t wait for everything.” He was about to go for your skirt, but you stopped him. He looked puzzled, wondering what was wrong.
“Let me give you your reward.” You smiled innocently, but he knew your actions weren’t anything like that. You rolled your bodies over, you were now on top, straddling, and he was under you, captivated by how ravishing you were.
Slowly, you unbuttoned his shirt, exposing his honey skin torso that was absolutely appetizing. Your fingers ran down his chest until you met his buckle. You took your time unbuckling his belt, carefully pulling it out.
“Baby, please.” He begged.
“Tae, you’re doing so well. Let me take care of you for once.” His belt slid off his waist. You didn’t want to waste any more time, so you unzipped his pants down, resting them on his shins.
You domed over his protruding cock, rubbing him from over his restraining boxers. You watched his face contort in pleasure with his eyes closed, pushing his hips into your touch. You spotted a small stain of his arousal, dampening the more you were cupping him. 
“Baby, enough teasing.” He breathed out.
“Not fun when you’re on the other side, huh?” You smirked playfully before your hand trailed onto the band of his boxers.
“Shut your mouth before I do it for you.”
Your submission peeked through your plan, reaching his eyes with your glowing bright ones. You couldn’t help but nod slightly, commanding his demand. You pulled his boxers down, revealing his giant glory. His dick bounced back, slapping the top of his stomach. God, you missed him.
The mushroom top leaked pearls of pre-cum as your mouth dropped with a bit of drool, wanting to taste him again. With a steady hand, you grabbed the length and tested yourself by giving a kitten lick to the head.
He hissed above you, throwing his head onto the pillow. “Baby, will you be okay?” He asked, given you always struggled with oral. 
“I’ll be okay, daddy. I promise!” You smiled cutely and nodded. He looked at you with so much love as you shifted yourself lower to wrap your lips around him.
Your tongue poked out, licking more of him and touching the vein before he let out a curse. You moan in satisfaction before suckling on him lightly. You pushed down, taking in his cock until he hit the back of your throat. Your palms stayed by the sides of his hips. You gulped, and it caused a loud moan from him.
You remembered to breathe with your nose as you began your pace. You bobbed your head, consuming his thickness into your mouth. Your gagging and sucking noises were overpowered by his writhing, his sounds making you drip down your inner thigh. His long fingers touched your hair, pulling it into a ponytail so that he could see your flushed face.
With a filled mouth, you raised your eyes to his fucked out ones. He looked so hot, and so yours. You gulped again, making him curse again. Your pace quickened, wanting to have his cum in your mouth, but he pulled you back.
A string of slobber connected from his wet cock and your reddened lips before breaking. His thumb grazed your cheeks, then patiently towards your mouth. Your tongue rushed to his thumb to suckle on him as your eyes stayed focused on him.
“Fuck, I don’t deserve you.” He grumbled.
Letting out a popping sound, you released from him. You got up and bent towards his face. You pecked his lips before saying, “You deserve all of me, we deserve each other.”
“I love you.” He showered your face with kisses.
“I love you too.” You giggled, ticklish to the sensation.
He gripped your hips closer to his swollen dick until his head propped between your folds. “I want you now. I want to be inside of you.”
You say nothing but position yourself over him as you keep your eye contact. Your hands laid on his torso for stability. Without breaking, you lowered yourself. Your lips quaked while squinting your eyes, feeling the damn good stretch to your walls. Once you felt his tip buried deep into you, you released an exhale.
“Are you okay, my love?” He asked with all the love he had for you.
Finally adjusting, you hummed, “I’m fine, it’s…just been a while.” He chuckled at your comment, yet his dick twitched inside you. He was still too big for you.
“Don’t push yourself, okay?” He asked once more.
For the first time, you finally acknowledged that you made love through the night. Your sweating skins rubbed against each other, holding onto one another like glue, unwilling to let go. The lustful adoration of moans echoed around your apartment, showing off your confessions. Gentle sayings and kissing of I love you’s were exchanged with the blissful highs you gave.
But once he flipped you onto your back, the purple hues of hickeys, the pink stains of fingerprints, and the red streaks of scratching on the skin were visible everywhere. Moans turned into squealing and screaming. Endearing proclamations turned into dirty, harsh begging and degradations.
It was only a matter of time before Taehyung got rough with you. The type of roughness you enjoyed and loved so much.
When you squirted, he snickered devilishly at your gargling mess. “Oh, how much I missed my little squirt.”
By the end of it all, you cuddled together when the sun said hello. The morning shine came through your window as you both laid silent, wrapped around new bedsheets. Your body heat warmed your naked bodies.
“Tae?” You muffled into his silk torso. Though staying up, you weren’t as tired. You adjusted your head to rest your chin on his pecs. His eyes were closed, but you knew he wasn’t asleep.
“Yes, baby?” He grunted immediately, opening his eyes to see you. Stretching his arms before circling them back on you.
“You never did tell me why you made a “no kissing” rule. Jimin didn’t even know.” You mentioned. It had been at the top of your mind since the day you heard about it. Even after you slept with him, the answer remained unknown. “I know Bini knows.“
“I know you spoke with her. Jimin told me.” He sighed, tightening his hold. “But yes, she does but that was only because it applied to her long ago.”
You nodded, waiting curiously if he would tell you the truth about his rule. He knew you were going to ask sooner or later. He saw it in you every time he told you to not kiss him or when he pulled back. 
“It’s stupid, really. It was made long ago when I was little but it stood out to me.” He scratched the back of his head, laughing nervously at his reply. “When I was younger, I’d see my parents kiss like all the time and they kissed me! It would be traumatizing but I was always curious so I ask why.” You smiled at the idea of little Taehyung. “My dad told me you only kiss the ones you love because kissing is special. It means you really love them. It’s embarrassing to say out loud. I still don’t have the heart to even tell Jimin or others. “
You cooed and pouted, your heart twisting in loving ache. You didn’t expect the reasoning behind his “no kissing” rule held so much meaning and innocence. It was a side of Taehyung you never saw until you saw him shine at his answer.
“It’s not embarrassing. Kissing means a lot to you and it holds a lot of affection and intimacy for you, seeing as your parents did it to each other and you growing up.”
“Still, I don’t like telling people.” He shrugged before sniffing the top of your head. “It defeats the purpose if people find out. I like to keep to myself and those I truly love in that way.”
“So with Bini?” You never asked him these questions before. Now that you were with him, the boundaries were all gone. “Wait, was there someone else before her that you kissed? I mean, like, your virginity and stuff? Did you lose it with her?”
“You’re a curious little one with all these questions.” He laughed, shaking his head. “She was my first love and kiss, but not the first girl I was with.”
“Yes, my first kiss was with her despite losing my virginity at 16.” He responded before you could say your next question—which was that. “I did love Bini but she cheated on me. She didn’t love the way I loved. “
“I’m sorry that happened to you.” You frowned, not really knowing what to do with that sad information.
“It’s okay. The only thing it did was make me even pickier of who I kiss.” He reassured, caressing your hair and playing with the strands. “I was still your lovable man whore after that.” You rolled your eyes before snorting at his comment. “I didn’t mean it when I said “no kisses” to you because I loved you for so long. Saying it was more for me because I didn’t think you’d like me. I didn’t want you to think so into it, analyzing everything which you do, so I tried my best to keep a boundary.” He clarified the past instances and your characteristic, making you slap his chest. “Dear God, how badly I wanted to kiss you all those times.”
“I swear on my life that when I kissed Bini was a mistake and when I did it, I only thought of you. She just confused me with my feelings, saying you didn’t love me back.“ He apologized once again. “I love you so much. If I could, I would change the past.”
“I’m sorry again too.” You said. “I’m sorry for not listening to you. I was scared and heartbroken when you kissed her.”
“Don’t be sorry. It’s in the past now.” He grinned as he sat up, leaning into your headboard. “I have you, I love you now.” You followed him and sat on his bare thighs.
“Jimin also said you had a crush on me? When we first met?” You voiced out.
He snorted, knowing you already knew. “Who wouldn’t have a crush on his best friend’s cousin? Jimin also mentioned you had a crush on me.”
“He did?? I’m gonna kill him.”
“Yeah, but that was a long time ago, though. I thought it died down once I annoyed you.” He specified as he stared at you, recalling the memory of your first meeting. “You were so cute…but you seemed super uptight, so I played with you. Just wanting to see how angry you got because you’re so adorable.”
“You’re getting punished for that.” You glared at him before pushing your signature pout.
“I don’t care. Punish me all you want. Just kiss me at the end of it all.” He muttered nonchalantly at your annoyance.
“So there’s “no kissing” rule anymore?” You wondered, holding no doubts.
“There’s still a rule, but instead of no kissing, you have to kiss me all the time.” He redacted, pecking your nose. “Which reminds me: kiss me, princess.” You smiled at him. You were hopelessly in love with the man. Through the tribulations and weird time frame, you guessed, you can say it was all worth it. He loved you back with all his might. Just the way you liked it.
So you kissed him with all your heart. Just the way he liked it.
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A/N: Thank you for reaching the ending! It was a long journey but hope you enjoyed it all! I don't know how Tumblr works! So my formatting is probably off LOL
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useless19 · 9 months
In one of my previous posts I mentioned reading/playing the old Nintendo Adventure Books when I was a kid. Out of curiosity, I managed to find some scans of them online and poked through some of the ones I didn't used to have.
They still have an old-school cartoon vibe (constant quips, a lot of nasty appearance-shaming toward the bad guys, etc - they're from 1991), but if you can get over that, I really like the way they often have puzzles to give you hints as to which way to go. It's something I feel is missing from most choose-your-own-adventure books.
(Okay, yes, sometimes the puzzles pushed you in the wrong direction or were just straight up wrong, but the concept is there at least).
However, the reason I'm making this post, is because book 4 Koopa Capers has an opening which I'm amazed that the bowuigi crowd seems to have missed.
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"KoopExpress," a voice yells outside the Super Mario Bros. plumbing shop in the heart of Brooklyn, New York. "Special Delivery!"
Luigi looks up from his new invention, a water-powered pasta machine. It isn't working quite right. "Strange," he says. "Mario and I weren't expecting any deliveries today."
The tall, thin plumber tucks his high-tech plumber's helper into the pocket of his green overalls and heads for the door.
When Luigi opens the door, he sees a big package on the stoop. It looks like a giant hero sandwich wrapped in brown paper. "Mmm, looks tasty! But there's no return address," he says, stroking his thick black mustache.
Luigi is even more puzzled when he takes the paper off. "It's a rug!" he exclaims. "I wonder where it came from?" He unrolls the carpet on the living room floor. "Very pretty. It looks like a Goomba pattern."
He steps onto the rug to get a better look. "Hey!" he shouts as it comes to life under his feet. It's a magic carpet!
Before Luigi can escape, the rug wraps itself around him so that only his head and feet protrude from the ends. It rises into the air and zooms down the hall through the special pipe in the workshop that leads to the Mushroom World.
The next thing Luigi knows, the rug screeches to a halt in front of Bowser Koopa's castle. "Oh no!" Luigi thinks. "I'm being served to my worse enemy for dessert."
Out of the corner of his eye, Luigi sees two large helmeted red turtles carrying hammers. The Hammer Brothers! They waddle up to Luigi, pick him up, and carry him into the castle, still wrapped in the magic carpet.
Soon Luigi's bearers arrive at Bowser's enormous throne room. They unroll the carpet and send Luigi tumbling across the floor. He rolls to a halt at the scaly feet of Bowser Koopa, king of the turtles and leader of most of the bad guys in the Mushroom World.
"Good," Bowser says, squinting down his slimy snout at the prisoner. "Now, everybody out! Not you," he growls as Luigi tries to sneak off with the rest of the crowd.
Bowser waits until everyone else leaves. Then, in an embarrassed whisper, he says, "I need your help, plumber."
Before Luigi can recover from shock, the turtle king goes on. "My daughter, Wendy O. Koopa has vanished! She may have been kidnapped," he gulps, shedding a large crocodile tear.
He wipes his eyes with his sleeve and continues. "I sent my Koopa Troopas to search for her, but with no luck. I need a real hero to find her!" He puts his arm around Luigi's shoulder and adds, "I know you can do it. But the whole thing must be hush-hush. I want it kept a secret from my sons, the Koopalings. It's possible that one of them may be the kidnapper. Besides, no one can know you're working for me. It would be terrible for my image."
Luigi is very confused. "Let's recap," he says. "You want my to find your daughter? And you don't plan to tell anyone I'm working for you? So I'll still have to fight your flunkies, including your bratty kids, while I'm doing it?"
Bowser nods. "Right. Of course, your brother Mario might have been a better choice, but---"
"Oh sure, everyone would rather have Mario," Luigi retorts, offended. "Too bad he's fixing that drip at Niagara Falls. What if I say no?"
"I'd be very annoyed," says King Koopa, showing all his teeth in a sinister smile.
As Luigi looks at Bowser's enormous teeth, he says to himself, "Maybe Bowser is telling the truth. There's a first time for everything. And he does seem upset."
Luigi takes another look at the turtle. Bowser is now gazing at the ceiling and whistling innocently. "On the other hand, he's a born liar," the plumber thinks. "Well, maybe I should look into this mystery, just to see what the real story is. Besides, it would be quite a tale to tell Mario."
"Are there any clues?" he asks aloud.
Bowser holds out two shreds of paper. "There was a note in her room, but her Nipper plant chewed it up. This is all that's left."
Luigi can read only two words, FORT and MAGMA, on the scraps. "Intriguing," he says. "Okay, I'll do it. It might even be fun!"
Solve this puzzle to see what happens next:
Help Luigi find his way through this message maze to see where the clues lead.
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If you think Luigi should go to the Magma Pits, turn to page 55.
If you think Luigi should go to the Fortress, turn to page 20.
If you think Luigi should look around Koopa's Castle, turn to page 29.
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4e7her · 1 year
May I request 14 with Jade Leech for the event? :) I love ur work!! Im so excited to see the rest of the event drabbles <333
hi. hello. it is almost october. i'm sorry but i hope you enjoy!!! going through all old asks currently! ty for supporting me!!
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ for my new years event ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
character: jade leech, twst
contains: fluff, gn reader
"How did I ever get so lucky?"
You let out a confused little 'huh?' at the sudden contemplation, looking over to the eel-mer with furrowed brows as you process what he's said.
"Where'd that come from?"
"I'm just thinking, my dear." He hums, and there's a glint in his eyes like he's amused by how you seem unable to decide how to react, if you should be embarrassed or not. You don't think you can love him any more than you do, but he just keeps surprising you. "I'm ever so lucky to have you in my life, darling. I'm wondering what good deed I possibly could've done to deserve you."
"Have you ever even done a good deed? Seen one, even?"
Your disbelief forces a huff of laughter out of Jade, and he's grinning at you now, even as you make like you're genuinely trying to puzzle it out.
"No, really, Jade, when could you have possibly? You're so busy being in the like, fish mafia. I don't believe it. You do care for your mushrooms and terrariums, but I hardly think that caring for nature counts as a good deed."
"Really? I think it should." He plays along, mirth clear in his eyes even if his smile is the same as always. You know him enough to know that he's more than amused by the derailment of his affectionate sentiments. "And fish mafia? I'm hurt, my dear."
"You know I'm right!"
He laughs again, and you think it might be your favorite sound.
"Just don't let Azul hear you say that, my love."
[click here to go to masterlist.]
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lemonwood31 · 2 months
So writing Halsin/Shadowheart is a thing I appear to be doing now. I wasn't particularly sold on them as a pairing when I started but thought it might be fun to try to make it work, and now I'm enjoying it way more than I expected. So much potential for angst and conflict and misunderstandings, it's great.
Here's an out-of-context mid-fic scene:
It’s late: the camp has quieted for the night, and I’m sitting in front of my tent, trying to meditate, when I hear footsteps, and open my eyes to see Halsin approaching. He’s been away on some errand of his own for most of the day, missing dinner; I try to squash down a foolish little thread of relief, at seeing he’s returned safely. The relief is dwarfed, in any case, by my trepidation at what he might want.
‘Good evening,’ he says to me. ‘I wondered if I might have a moment of your time?’
I can’t really say no; what’s worse, I don’t really want to say no. Ever since the moment in my tent – or perhaps longer than that, if I’m being fully honest with myself – I’ve felt drawn to him, craving his company, wanting to feel his quiet, solid presence by my side, to hear the warm tone of his voice. An impulse as idiotic as it is dangerous. I’ve been trying to suppress it, but I’ve still found myself watching him more than I should. Puzzling over him, over what it is about him that I find so hard to resist.
‘All right,’ I say to him now, against my better judgement, and he sits down next to me: a respectable, platonic distance away, but still my whole body tingles with awareness. ‘What is it?’
‘I’ve brought something for you,’ he says, and holds out his hand to me, opening his fingers to reveal… is that a mushroom?
I stare at it for a moment, and then look back up at his face. ‘If you’re interested in giving me a gift, I really prefer night orchids,’ I say, and then curse internally. That was outright flirting. Get it the fuck together! I tell myself, not for the first time.
‘Noted,’ he says with a wry smile, no doubt contemplating how many of the Hells would need to freeze over before he’d be inclined to present me with flowers. ‘Perhaps this will serve as a good second best, though. It’s a noblestalk mushroom. Have you heard of them?’
‘Uh… vaguely,’ I say. ‘I can’t remember their properties, though.’
He hesitates for just a moment, almost as if he’s nervous. ‘They’re said to have some efficacy at restoring memories.’
The first emotion that crashes into me is longing: a longing sharper than I would have thought possible, at the mere thought of regaining even the smallest piece of my missing self. The second is guilt: to consume this mushroom would be to defy my Lady’s charge, defy my mission, defy Her divine will. I shouldn’t even be contemplating it. The third is confusion; why is he giving this to me, when surely he cares nothing for my lost memories? Cares nothing for me? And then the confusion coalesces into the fourth emotion, which sinks its icy claws into my stomach: certainty. There can only be one reason why.
‘You’re trying to get me to defy my Lady’s will,’ I say coldly.
He’s been watching my face; at my words, his own closes off a little. But only a little, as if he’s been expecting this reaction. ‘I suppose I am, yes,’ he tells me.
This is quite possibly the only response he could have given that would have disarmed me. ‘How stupid do you think I am?’ I ask, but my tone is more wondering than accusatory.
‘I don’t think you’re stupid,’ he says. ‘I think you want your memories back. And I think you have a right to get them.’
‘It’s not about rights,’ I say. I’ll leave the first part of his statement alone; he’s clearly read my face accurately enough that he knows as well as I do that it’s something I want. ‘It’s about duty.’
‘There are duties that are reasonable for the gods to ask from us,’ he says, quietly, implacably, ‘and then there are duties that are cruel for them to demand. Such as the duty to sacrifice pieces of your mind in service of a mission. Or the duty to wear a glorified shock collar so that you can be punished every time you have a thought your mistress doesn’t like or make a decision that she doesn’t agree with.’
I stare at him open-mouthed, and then suddenly tears are coming to my eyes, and I have to cover my face.
‘I’m sorry to cause you pain,’ he says, ‘and I won’t try to persuade you to consume the mushroom. That’s a decision that rests with you alone. But I wanted you to have the option. To give you one of your choices back, since so many have been taken from you.’
I’m trying to hold back my tears; my shoulders are shaking a little with the effort of suppressing them. ‘I’m so tired,’ I whisper into my fingers. And it’s true: I’m tired of being strong, tired of being careful, tired of being stoic. Tired of holding myself apart, from other people, from the things I want. Tired of lying awake at night, circling around and around the few, confusing memories I still retain, wondering how many more I’ve lost. Tired of trying to prove myself worthy. Tired of having to be perfect all the time.
And so for once, I give in to an impulse that’s purely selfish, purely about me, with no regard for what Lady Shar wants or where my duty lies. I take my hands away from my face, pick up the mushroom from where it lies in his palm, and put it in my mouth.
It’s bitter, and the texture is spongy, but I manage to chew and swallow, and then there’s a moment in which I feel nothing, and then a moment in which I think, Oh gods. What have I done?
And then the memory is there, in my brain, neatly slotted in as if it’s been there all along, and I open my mouth without consciously deciding to, and tell Halsin what I remember. Of the teasing I endured at the hands of the other children. Of the tiefling boy, Rennald, who defended me.
He listens, without interruption, without showing any sense of triumph at having got his way, and then when I’m finished he says simply, ‘I’m glad to hear that you had a friend.’
‘I–’ I begin, and then trail off. It’s an inconsequential memory, on the surface, and yet he’s right: what could be more important than knowing I had a friend? ‘I am too,’ I say at last.
He nods, and then starts to get to his feet, and I say, ‘Wait.’
‘What is it?’ he asks, pausing.
I take a deep breath to gather my courage. ‘Thank you,’ I say. ‘That was… kind of you. Is there some way I can repay the favour?’
‘No repayment necessary,’ he says, and something about the way he says it crystallises a thought that has only existed in my subconscious brain until now, a thought borne of all my foolish, longing observations of him this past tenday.
‘You don’t like being repaid, do you?’ I say, and it startles him: he stops trying to get up and leave, and drops back down into a seated position, staring at me.
‘You don’t mind negotiating,’ I continue, thinking aloud more than anything, trying to put my sudden conviction into words. ‘If it’s all up front and equal and the terms are stated clearly in advance. But you don’t want people to repay you for your kindness. Or… no, that’s not quite it. It’s not that you don’t want it. It’s that you don’t expect it. Because people don’t, do they? I imagine Archdruid is the kind of role that’s all about giving and not about taking. Particularly when that Archdruid is you,’ I add, dryly.
He's looking as shocked as I’ve ever seen him. Just as shocked as when I told him about Kagha, if not more. It takes him several moments to get his face under control.
‘I-’ he says slowly, and then shakes his head. ‘That’s very perspicacious of you.’
It’s my turn to nod at him. ‘Well, then,’ I say, utterly carried away now on the spirit of recklessness that’s possessed me ever since I picked up that mushroom, ‘I’ll just have to find some way of repaying your kindness that you won’t expect. Good night, Halsin,’ and I get up and retreat into my tent without a backward glance, savouring the look of renewed shock that I catch on his face as I do so.
And then the pain crashes, belatedly, into my body, radiating not just up my arm into my chest but into my neck and my head and my other arm, into the muscles of my back and the sclera of my eyes and the tendons behind my knees, and in the effort to keep myself from crying out and having him hear me, I bite all the way through my lip.
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bluestrawberrybunny · 15 days
Garth from @ask-marios-apprentice asks
I don't think we have the same idea to what we are talking about.
I'm taking Mario's mantel of SUPER. Like the protector of the Mushroom Kingdom.
Mario is not the avatar of this world. I don't think our world works that way. Mario is going to die eventually from old age or something. And the universe certainly didn't begin with him.
The world didn't begin when the stork delivered him.
I think I'm just going to talk to SMG4 and SMG3 about the romance stuff though. Looks like I'm going to have to put my verbal abilities to use.
Also what's your Mario like even.
It looks like he's hanging out with some television headed guy. I've never seen that person before.
Let's see if our Mario's matchup
Mario was delivered with his brother by the stork on March 11th 1962.
His parents are Alejandro Alexander "JumpMan" Jupmin and Polly Anna "Pauline" Brickle.
He was delivered in the Mushroom Kingdom. But moved to New York to live closer to his dad's family. And to avoid perilous situations like the invasion of the Shroobs.
He graduated from the his University of plumbing in 1983. And was able to pay tuition with the contract they made with Kopai to make those Donkey Kong and Mario Bros arcade machines
In 1984. He and Luigi got warped to the Mushroom Kingdom by getting flushed down a tub drain.
He saved Princess Peach from Bowser.
Merida relinquished the title of SUPER to Mario for his heroic deed.
Then after Miyamoto flushed himself down the toilet to follow him and Luigi. Then they decided to make Super Mario Brothers for the Kopai Entertainment System.
Then a bunch of stuff happens.
In 2007. After the Peace treaty with Bowsers Kingdom. Mario and Peach get married.
In 2009. They adopt an inkling named Meggy after she escaped from a facility under Port Aurora.
They also meet SMG4 after he takes a USB looking spaceship from Australia to the Mushroom Kingdom.
The electro magnet scrambles everyone's minds for a while. Then the first war of the fats Italians happen so everyone turns back to normal.
Then in 2016 Mario meets me (I brought this up already)
Then in 2018 we had the whole Warp Point fiasco where Earth found out about the Mushroom Kingdom the rest of panko. Mario pretended to brake his leg so I can prove myself that I was capable to my mother. But then he broke his leg for real after he was eaten by Pipe Lion.
How much of this matches up with your Mario.
SMG4: Um... not a lot, from what I know?
SMG4: Mario is still dumber than a box of rocks. And he definitely wasn't delivered around that time. If I renember right... Mario was delivered more-so around 1998? Cuz he's 26 here. We don't know too much about his childhood though, either. He and Luigi don't talk about it much.
SMG4: He and Princess Peach had dated for a bit, but broke up. Meggy is actually closer to our age. She's just 3 years younger than me and 5 years younger than Mario and Luigi.
SMG4: He's definitely... something... he and Mr. Puzzles have been together for awhile now and they did get married recently too. They definitely have a lot of differences by the look of it too...
SMG3: Why Australia??
SMG4: Hm?
SMG3: Why did you come from Australia??
SMG4: I don't know man. Ask that other me.
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vixstarria · 4 months
✨Prepare for an unsolicited info dump✨
I was tagged by @herdarkestnightelegance - thanks!
Do you make your bed? Yes, always - I might leave other things lying around, but the bed is the no. 1 thing that always gets done - otherwise the bedroom looks too messy and irks me
Favorite number? I don't have a favourite number.
What’s your job? So... I work in a small law firm as the person who does everything but provide legal advice. Accounts, IT, HR, admin, random paralegal stuff - I'm your guy (gn). No one at work really knows exactly what it is I do, but they generally assume I'm always busy, which provides ample opportunity to shitpost on tumblr during work hours. E.g. right now. I love my job.
If you could go back to school would you? Absolutely not, I still have PTSD and recurring nightmares about school. I mean, I don't mind learning, per se, but I would strongly prefer it to be on my own terms, remote, and outside of a formal academic environment. And definitely not in the country I grew up and went to school in.
Can you parallel park? Strangely enough, yes. I do note that I do not have a license, however.
Do you think aliens are real? There has to be alien life of some kind out there, but it won't be little green men in blinking flying saucers. ...Although then again, hey, within the infinity of the universe, maybe there ARE little green men in saucers as well, somewhere, who knows?
Can you drive a manual car? Strictly within the confines of an empty parking lot - sure
What’s your guilty pleasure? Oh gosh, of what kind? Food - spicy ramen noodles with a bunch of stuff (mushrooms, egg, etc) thrown in. I love it, but I swear I immediately gain a kg any time I have a bowl. Music - early 2000's R&B, pop and nu metal. It's nostalgia, okay? Media - reality fashion shows that involve competitions, e.g. Project Runway, or ANTM. And cooking shows, but I don't feel guilty about those lol.
Tattoos? No, nothing's ever struck me as significant enough for me to want to have it on my skin permanently. If I had a weird scar I would cover it up with a tattoo, though.
Favorite color? Purple, especially lilac and lavender shades.
Favorite types of music? It fluctuates, but I've mostly been on an electronic / industrial binge lately.
Do you like puzzles? Puzzles often make me feel like an idiot, but if there is no timer, pressure or audience - sure. ...Or like, jigsaw puzzles? I fkn LOVE jigsaw puzzles.
Any phobias? Nope.
Favorite childhood sport? Bold of you to assume I participated in ANY sport as a child, much less had a favourite. Uh. Ice skating and rollerblading was fun, I guess. I sometimes contemplate getting rollerblades again, but then I also rather enjoy all my bones being intact. 🤔
Do you talk to yourself? All the time, although mostly in the form of muttered swears and various exclamations.
What movies do you adore? I'm going to pass on this one, or it might turn into a very long rant. To summarise: I like weird movies, horror and comedy horror. Some examples: Mulholland Drive, Eraserhead, Army of Darkness.
Coffee or tea? Both. Start the day with coffee, then drink tea for the remainder. I'm very particular with my coffee though - every morning begins with a little ritual of grinding whole beans and preparing it with a french press.
First thing you wanted to be growing up? One of my earliest memories is me wondering what I wanted to be when I grew up, and my little 4 or 5 year old brain thinking that my only options were teacher, doctor and cashier, for some reason, and being sad because I didn't want to be any of those. I don't think I ever wanted to be anything, as a child - I just wanted to read my books and play with my toys. In fact, I still feel that way. 😠
No pressure tagging (and sorry for any repeats): @spacebarbarianweird @thechaoticdruid @snowfolly @brabblesblog @confused-butter-toast @tragedybunny
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saline-coelacanth · 2 months
Oc rambling under the cut because it involves spoilers for the leaked episodes
The poll results gave me the ok to ramble about my ocs in regards to the leaked episodes, but I'm still gonna try not to post TOO much about them so I'm not too annoying for the people who want to wait to watch the episodes.
So as someone who has DR ocs with elemental powers, one of my fears while watching the Tournament of Sources was that they were gonna introduce new characters with the exact elements my ocs had. Leo I was less worried about because Color is a pretty unique power that seemed less likely to appear in the actual show. The one I was actually worried about was Vivey since he has a preexisting element, that being nature. And you know what, I count this as a win for me because even though it's revealed that Zant-Tanz has plant powers, he doesn't actually say that he's the master of nature, he just says plants. So in my world, I'm counting that as a different element than nature. Zant-Tanz is the master of plants and Vivey is the master of nature.
However, that does give me the puzzle of figuring out what differentiates the element of plants and the element of nature, which is what I want to ramble about now. I don't have things fully figured out yet, I'm kind of just spitballing ideas, but here's what I have so far.
The element of plants gives you the power to control... well, plants. The element of nature also lets you control plants, but I like to imagine their control over plants isn't quite as strong as the actual element of plants. (Example: A master of plants could grow and entire tree with ease meanwhile a master of nature has a much easier time with smaller things like vines and flowers)
The element of nature allows you to control mushrooms, meanwhile the element of plants cannot control mushrooms. That's because mushrooms are a fungi and not a plant.
I also like the idea that the element of nature let's you communicate with animals, at least to some degree. Nature doesn't just include plants, animals are also a big part of nature, so I feel like it makes sense to include them.
Going off of the animal idea, I think a simple way to nerf that ability is to make it so they can only really interact with woodland creatures. The more exotic the animal is, the more difficult or even impossible they are to communicate with.
They also cannot control the animals, just communicate with them. I think if the master of nature could actually control the animals, then that would be way too powerful
So these were just some of the basics that I came up with for the differences between plants and nature. It does suck that we weren't really able to see much of Zant-Tanz's element in the tournament, but at least it made things more open ended for me to work with.
I'm also open to ideas if anyone wants to suggest things. I'm trying my best not to make the element of nature overpowered, because it very easily could be. It's definitely an underutilized element in Ninjago and I think it's really fun to play around with underutilized elements :3
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