#wr info
Also this is 100% an AU but honestly Henry and L.L.'s relationship would just be insane. Because sure very sexual and hell even fucking domestic at times but also a very toxic one bc Henry is still an awful guy and they are still in an almost "scientist and lab subject" thing too.
Worth mentioning Dave is obviously still around too but he's younger and L.L. is kinda like their step parent or something. Their relationship is probably complicated too bc he's clingy so to have someone take Henry from him is a bit negative but at the same time L.L. enjoys things he doesn't and that's a relief. L.L. has also physically fought Henry over him which Dave didn't really appreciate but that wouldn't stop them. They'd be a complicated bunch.
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bumbelbee · 2 years
Ik weet nogsteeds nie op wie ik wil stemmen 😭
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writing-reposts · 2 years
Linden Tree symbolism.
A little bit of symbolism of the Linden Tree I found with links to the pages that have more information. The image below is a Linden Tree.
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The Linden Tree has a lot of symbolism behind it. Some of the symbolism of the Linden Tree is protection, healing, luck, prosperity, truth, justice, love, fidelity, mercy and victory in legal battles, peace, sleep, dreams, freedom, immortality, and protection.
In dreams sitting under a Linden Tree could mean you desire peace and stability in your life. Climbing it could indicate a yearning for knowledge and a mastery of yourself. Speaking to a Linden Tree can hint at some things happening in your life that you feel you don't have control over. Watering a Linden Tree suggests that you are about to share a happy experience with people you care about. The Linden Tree also symbolizes happiness, abundance, and beauty. It means that you will be blessed with all the positive and bright things in life.
Links to my resources with more information on Linden Trees.
🌳 Linden Trees – Myth and Lore
🌳 Acquaint Yourself With What a Linden Tree Symbolizes
🌳 Linden Tree Symbolism and Meanings
🌳 Linden Tree Symbolism and Meanings (Healing, Luck, Justice)
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shiftingconfessions · 6 months
I will be pulling a wild one here
I am shifter before shiftok and shifting tumbler and so on, I was part of the firsts shifting plataforms to ever exist, the work of my friends and colleagues are diluted and changed in many methods the community still using today, or use and not yet know about it.
Shiftok is a lie. It is straight up a lie, more than half of accounts in there are lying, take the big 10 accounts all around the globe and you will see how deeply unsettling and ego blinded these ppl are.
I will share a lil secret to shifting on tumbler, most influencers KNOW that they are talking shit nowadays. The so proclaimed creators of shittok vanglorizes themselves for creating it, but deep down one was a absolute baby shifter and the other one knew her stuff but was caught in drama.
They both are part of the first shifting community ever, started on 2017, they were warned to use their voice to spread information but they decided to blind themselves and continue their fights and dramas.
Besides that, the modern Mainstream Shiftok is around money. TikTok monetizes creators and for these creators to have a base, they need people to watch their videos
Information is freedom, and there is no way to get the proper amount of needed information on shiftok, it is a short video app, we are discussing a experimental practice on reality switching.
Besides that, people now want to make you pay for shifting info, or manifestions courses, and so on
Let me tell a thing that sadly will make sense in the future: Shifting is free, shifting has always been free and those people do not have authority on the matter to even teach it
While the community has been improving, there is a lack on the shifter vanguard, on ACTUAL new stuff and an actual understanding behind shifting. Some people shift by oversimplifying things, others by hard looking into why's and hows, both are valid but they need to correspond to each other. If a community is too complex shifting becomes too hard, if a community is too simple shifting becomes a myth.
That is the state of the community, anyones out there who wants to understand why's and how's can't even find good bases since everything is gatekept and even the so called shifters from shiftok can't even understand it or desire to share it.
Therefore creating a community that is constantly a lie, people tell experiences that don't match when being re-telled and either make sense, many have been spotted doing so. Shifting changes someone, it is a trace marked on their minds forever, to fully shift is to be forever changed. Most people are either LDs or having false awakenings and calling it a day.
Besides all that people are fighting for stupid ideas. Being taboo, race changing was never a topic in our community before it began on shiftok. You know why? Because everyone knew that infinity selfs does not mean that you are equally in all realities, we all playing roles, if I am certain race in my Dr that is not the one I am in this reality, then I won't act like I am part of the minority in this reality.
As for the hypocrisies of these people, most accounts that moved this debate was being xenophobic on Portuguese and Spanish communities.
As an extra information, If you know Sunni Method, you should know that sunni was one of the first shifters (on our understanding of DR, WR and scripting) that created and sourced so many different shifting practices and helped the first gen of the community to understand the practice. She did not only proved shifting to the subliminal communities as well define a work that would be still being used today, the Sunni method is the basic for every method. And she is afro American, and for today terms, she would be changing her race depending on the reality.
For the people that keep making futile problematization on this topic, it shows that you never fully understood shifting and created fake scenarios on your mind to source a point that was never a actual point. Minorities need support on day to day life, not whatever people are believing on determined practice.
tw: mention on self harm
As for respawning, anti-respawing are a bunch of ungrateful. Respawning made the very much bases of modern shifting. And for the respawners that belief that it should end on self harm, you do not understand how respawning work and how delicate are the structured you about to mess. If you are suffering from any mental difficulties, search professional help and not spiritual help that often leads to bad escapism.
Going back
The individual journey of someone starts on the seed planted by the community they find shifting, the hard truth is that shifting isn't only a personal experience but a collective one. In another words the community state you get, is the seed of your journey. Before 2018 people had a hard time shifting because they could not understand what it was, a few years later the community achieved a gold state with sharing knowledge and methods (which the English community would constantly gatekeek to their siblings communities btw) and after the mainstreaming on TikTok shifting went down to a stone age.
People are debating either if they can or cannot do things. In shifting. The. Belief. Of. Infinity.
I can understand why baby shifters do these questions, but I see people on this community since 2020 and the ones from 2019 who end up on the wasteland of other social platforms, asking questions that are so OBVIOUS
You don't need to know everything, but for star sakes you NEED to understand the basics of the thing you are doing, what a script is and how to write one, a few methods and your own cosmological view settled down.
Shifting allows you to mix and match beliefs like a Lego set, do it for your personal journeys using what other have found in the past.
While people are degrating the community and locking good stuff a way, shifting gets every day harder and harder, becoming everytime a godfied event and a hard and thought task that only a few can achieve, that is the mindset that is being grown on the community.
Why the hell the overall community nowadays have less and less actual experiences that the community a few years ago?
For the future, I am not sure but I bet on the end of the practice in a few years, when outsiders "grow out of it". Some will shift, others will just move on with their spiritual journey and so on, the community slowly fading.
I am not here to bring a salvation message, I am so tired, I have been making so much for the last 5 years, trying so hard to archive, share and teach people about shifting, in a way that was forgotten and locked down.
I am permashifting soon, and I am posting what I know on the community where I learned shifting in my native language, this end up more in a vent and a warning to what is happening. Do not believe me if you do not want to.
As for the people that want to understand more, I really recommend for you to dig in the past, a hint is that shifting started on amino. ik it is a bad app but sometimes gems appears. Shifting predecessors (quantum immortality and dimensional jumping) are available on Reddit to be studied (see the archives version of D.J) but they don't fully translate to shifting. (do not use the reality shifting subreddit)
And leave the damned app that is TikTok, you may be laughing for 3 seconds with some random girl talking about draco, but would be way better to be in your dr. why would you let your mind rot?
Shifting is a spiritual practice sourced on scientific facts and theories, both may be fighting a lot but a thing that they have in common is digging stuff, dig and search like never before, the community and it's beliefs are open on the internet, sometimes all you need is to answer a few questions and you will be able to find a good plataform
Your journey will be good no matter what.
Happy shifting.
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
There's this messy robins age reversal idea in my mind, but it centers around Tim mostly:
○ Tim Drake joins the batfamily late, only because him becoming a vigilante is still inspired by Dick, and Robin needs a Batman.
○ Ages: Babs - 9, Dick - 10, Cass - 15, Jason - 16, Stephanie - 18, Tim - 19, Damian - 25, Bruce - Old, Alfred - Ancient
○ Bruce is dead (lost in the timestream), Damian doesn't seem interested in taking care of Dick, Alfred is persevering, and Dick is on the loose and out for blood more than Damian and Stephanie are.
○ Not sure what Jason, Stephanie and Cass are doing :( I'm sorry
○ Nobody wants to take care of the newest ward with anger issues that rivals Damian. And no one stops him from going out one night. Because he snuck out.
○ Tim, on his usual night photography (collecting evidence for the GCPD AND some pics of the local vigilantes worryingly getting worse in their mental states) finds Robin cornered.
○ There's no way that the child is trained enough to be out on the streets with no parental supervision *cough*hypocrite*cough*, especially when they're wearing that.
○ Tim, who's only taken online self-defense lessons, jumps in and assists, "What's your vigilante name?!" "Robin!" "...You're serious?"
○ This is also the time he realizes the Batfam's identities because of Robin's quadruple flip. Yikes.
○ He lets Robin punch all the goons with all the anger of a prepubescent boy, and ties them all up.
○ "What are you doing out here? Where's Batman?"
○ "Batman's dead." And Tim realizes that Damian didn't take up the mantle.
○ After he takes Dick home, he tries and convince Damian to become Batman.
○ "Robin needs Batman!" "Being Batman is nothing but a curse!"
○ When a breakout happens, Nightwing (Damian) goes to take care of it, and Robin sneaks into helping. The both of them gets caught by Two-Face, and Alfred gives Tim Bruce's first costume. Which. Is super heavy so Tim opts to remove some (a whole bunch of) kevlar.
○ He arrives on scene, Damian tries to verbally eviscerate him, Dick is just happy to see Tim.
○ Tim outsmarts Two-Face and assists Damian and Dick in taking him down, mostly using more of his brain to beat Two-Face down smarter instead of harder.
○ The moment everyone is back home, Damian agrees to let Tim be Batman. But he (and Dick) will only go out once they're trained.
○ Ah, I know what Jason's doing now:
● "So, little warrior, do we have a deal?"
● "You better help me find my dad, Ra's."
● Maybe this is where Jason finds Cass, or something. Maybe before he left, he had a fallout with Damian because, "Him?! Batman is Dad's!"
● And you bet your money buckets that this family calls Bruce any variation of "Dad" because Damian calls him "Father" and when he's being affectionate, "Baba". Everyone picks it up.
● It's Dick who refuses to call Bruce anything more than B. Well, the others, too the first few months but, ehhhh... Also, Dick barely knows him other than that this is the guy who adopted him a week (months) ago and now he's gone???? What is his life? Why is it like this? Welp, time to punch some goons instead of facing the grief of losing another parental figure he definitely DID NOT get attached to :(
■ Jason, who recently died after Bruce because he was desperate to find at least one parent who isn't Damian to love him. Damian was Batman at the time, but was too late to save his little brother.
■ And then, Jason is revived because of universe altering shenanigans, and he sees that Damian let some random stranger take up the Batman mantle. He sees that there's this little child getting all of Damian's attention. He sees this girl who isn't Stephanie taking up the Spoiler Mantle.
■ Jason is still a child. One that Talia could use to manipulate to get rid of all the obstacles in Damian's way to greatness. It's so easy to whisper info into his head and let him come up with the wrong conclusions.
Like I said, this is all pretty messy. It made sense in my brain, but after writing it nothing made sense anymore.
There's a part in my mind where I want Dick to hand the Batman title back to Damian because the older man seemed ready for it, but Tim in his grief is still holding on to it. Damian, who is more mature about it, allows Tim to be Batman for a while more. He's waited his whole life, he can wait a few more years.
Heck, Jason could have a try at it as well if he wants.
Aghhh, I dunno. I just had vibes of: Older civilian Tim sees quadruple somersault = immediately knows almost all of the Batfamily's identities = "i can fix them and i'm allowed to because i'm an adult"
Hello!!! I love the opposite take of Tim becoming Batman for Robin instead of what happens in canon. It's a really cool idea I haven't seen before!
I am so interested in their backstories too. Did Tim's parents still die? Did Jason and Steph still die? How did Cass join the family? What was Damian's childhood like? Also, how does Tim joining late affect YJ?
There's so much to try to figure out here that I'm intrigued ^^
I would be down for figuring it out a bit more!
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radioactivemelody · 1 month
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siddyyyyyyyy · 29 days
Can you do a Duke Thomas/reader? Like brother’s best friend type of stuff. Or it could be friend of a friend type of romance. I’m sorry of that’s not a lot of info 😅
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Duke Thomas x Reader
wc: 2.6 K summary: Your brother's best friend likes you, but won't dare to actually do anything. warnings: none, fluff a/n: Don't worry about it, it was just enough info to get my brain working and I am very glad you requested such a nice idea! Hope you enjoy it!!
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You've known Duke since the first day your brother invited him over to your house when you were just little kids. He was pretty nice back then, but had more smart-ass comments back then. That led you two to having a sort of bickering relationship. Not in a bad way, no. He was funny and just liked to tease you often. Not that you minded.
It was pretty fun, you found yourself looking forward to when he will visit you for dinner again, so you can play a bit with him. He usually dreaded playing with your barbie dolls, but still did, having felt too bad to decline.
Now, of course a lot of years have gone by. You're both grown, but still two years younger than him. You've seen him just last week, when he dropped something off for your brother and stayed for a while to chat with your mother over a cup of tea. And now you find yourself missing him while hanging out with friends. You shouldn't feel so bored during a birthday, right? And yet you find yourself staring at his number in your phone while thinking of some excuses to leave the social gathering.
A small sigh leaves your lips and you tell one of your friends that you need to leave, resulting for them to groan and try to make you stay a little longer. Finally, you got out of the cafe and walk down the street to make a peaceful phone call. Your brother works at this time of day, basically leaving no choice but to call his best firend, now hoping that Duke will at least pick up the phone.
He surprisingly picks up just after the second ring, his smooth voice going through the speaker.
»What's up?«
»Are you busy right now?« You ask back and he just now realises it's you who calls him, his mind searching for an answer.
»Uh, no? No, why? Something happened?« He eventually answers back and continues to drive through the busy streets of Gotham on his bike, parking at a small alleyway and killing his engine.
»No, just got bored during a hangout... and they really drained me, to be honest. Anyway, can you pick me up?« He doesn't hesitate and nods, even though you can't see it through the phone call.
»Sure, where are you? I'll be there in no time.« Duke answers back while taking his gloves off, looking around before he changes out of his suit and back into his civilian clothes. He can take a small break during his patrol. No one will mind, since he is still helping someone out, right?
You see him approach after some minutes, having been scrolling through various stuff on your phone while waiting for him. He waves to you with a smile and is quick to be by your side.
»Being a grumpy cat again? You never last more than two hours with friends, I'm starting to think you need better friends at this point.« He nudges you gently as he starts walking you back to your home. You try to tease him back and just nudge him back with more force, making him chuckle.
»Careful, you are the last person I'm not constantly annoyed with.« You say back to him which makes him roll his eyes. You're currently walking through a park on the way home, the sun still being up but not as hot as earlier. It's actually the best weather to have a walk.
Did you hear that right? You turn your head towards the small sound, gasping once you spot two cats sunbathing on the free field of grass. They look so cute, it makes you have cuteness aggression while slowing down your steps. You are not the only one who noticed the cats, Duke watching your expression and reaction beside him.
»Do you see them? I want to steal them.« He almost chokes on air at your words and wraps his arms loosely around your shoulders to gently move you away from the cats who look peaceful at the moment.
»Nope. Let them be, you have enough cats of your own.« He guides you away from them, even when the cats are far away enough that you'd need to walk a bit to actually reach them.
»Wait, let me at least get a picture of them.«
He reluctantly stops and lets you snap a picture of the two cats, smiling widely some more as they move around and lick at each others furr, seemingly relaxed and having a good time.
After having made about ten or more photos, he drags you back the way to your home, having to lead you as you're looking through the photos as you trust him enough to bring you home safely this way. Eventually, he got you to your apartment and gets a hug in return for being so nice to waste his time to walk you home. Even when he wouldn't call it a waste of time. He will most likely think about it for the rest of the day.
Making his way back to his bike to change back into his suit, Duke makes it quick and continues to patrol until the evening. Getting back to the Manor, he didn't pay much mind to the chaos going on and just looked down at his phone while making his way to his room.
»Wait, Duke! I saw you with a girl today, who was it? Who is the lucky one?«
They've got to be kidding him...
He tucks his phone away and turns to face Dick, really not wanting for him to misunderstand anything.
»It was just Justin's little sister. She asked me to walk her home and I did.« He shrugs as nonchalantly as possible and hopes his brother will let go of the subject. »Are you sure? Why did you have your arm around her the whole time then, huh?« Duke has to restrain himself from rolling his eyes at his eldest brother, not wanting to come off as defensive but also explain it to him somehow.
»Can't I have friends of the opposite sex? It's really not that hard to be friends with a girl, Dick.« Dick scoffs, putting his hand on his shoulder to drag him towards the couch in the livinng room.
»No, sure... you just looked at her in a specific way.« »I didn't! Okay, what is this about?«
Duke halts in his movements and crosses his arms, looking very bemused by the antics of his brother. »Relax! I was just trying to give you some advice, but you don't want it, I guess...«
Of course he plays the wounded card on him now. This is really unnerving for him, especially when his brother is trying to play matchmaker in a weird way. At the silence of Duke, Dick decides to go on and give him some advice of his own.
»Just ask her if she wants to see a movie or get coffee or something. Worst thing she can say is no. It's not that bad.«
Duke finally rolls his eyes and mumbles, »She doesn't even like coffee...«, before he forced Dick to let go of him and enter his own room.
»Well, does she have a favourite movie?« Dick's voice sounds through the Manor, but Duke his already in his room, ignoring whatever advice he wants to give him. ----
A family gathering isn't a family gathering without Duke. Not only is he the best friend of your brother, but also gets along really good with the rest. Today was nothing new, sitting at the dining table at your Mum's house, having also your grandma and your aunt with his husband at the table.
Duke has even brought you a small gift, saying it would be rude to visit with empty hands. When your brother complained about getting nothing, he just brushed him off, claiming he is way to stupid to get gifts.
You're halfway through the gathering, and no one has asked these typical, annoying questions yet. It's then, when Duke has a mouthful of food in his mouth, that your grandma decides to drop some rather typical questions.
»You should be more like Duke, he brought a gift for a pretty lady. Why aren't you such a gentleman like him? That's probably why you don't have a girlfriend yet.«
Justin, your brother, feels a little embarrassed from your grandma's words, rubbing the back of his neck and looks across the table to her. Meanwhile, Duke almost chokes on his food, quickly swallowing it down before speaking up. »I think you're wrong ma'am. Why should he bring a gift for his sister for a normal gathering?«
He argues lightly, gesturing to Justin beside him who nods along. »I'm just saying he should take an example on you! You are so well-behaved and nice, it shouldn't be hard to at least be more charming like you.« Your grandma reasons as a matter of fact, looking to his grandson who seems slightly uncomfortable but not ashamed by this. It's mostly amusing.
The dinner goes by after sharing some more words and eating all together, eventually being able to retreat to your old childhood rooms. And it's finally time to see what he bought you! You don't know why, but you've always been giddy when he got you presents out of nowhere. Was he spoiling you in that way? Maybe. But you don't complain.
Opening it up, you are surprised to see a new, gorgeous-looking notebook. He knows you like to journal and just keep track of things with taking notes, being very pleaased with how stunning the smaller notebook is binded. It must've cost like... a lot? But then again, he never told you about the prices of the presents. Meaning, if you would ask him about it, he would down-right ignore you.
Things like this happen more often though. He regularly brings you some small gifts or giftcards to your favourite cafe whenever he meets up with a group of friends and you, or when you have another small gathering back at your mum's house. And you aren't the first to notice. Especially your brother keeps making fun of him, finding it a little weird and mostly unusual from his best friend to subtly hit on his sister like that. But Duke just brushes it off, always wearing a smug smirk while countering back with jokes.
»Can't help it. Your fault for having such a sweet sister.«
By now, he always swims around in your brain and his small gifts stand around in your room. You don't know if he just has too much money or genuinely wants to say something with that. Neither way, you won't complain and have thought about paying him back in some way. »I think you added too much sugar.« Your friend of probably a decade remarks while she watches you make a batch of brownies, while sitting by the kitchen counter. She came right into your apartment after calling for some company on baking sweets for Duke.
At first she teased you unecassery about it, already calling him your 'secret boyfriend' or something. Now she has the audacity to judge your brownies.
»Listen, he'll eat it any way. He never turned down any of the food I offered to him, and he has a sweet tooth, so...« Mixing up the batter was a hard task, but you finally got it mixed together well enough to fill it into the form. »Oh God, you even know if he has a thing for sweets or not...« She groans and rolls her head back dramatically, pretending to be very disgusted over this.
You finally get the brownies ready, having had about five meltdown's and three "I can't do this anymore", but you got finished. You really hope he will like them, because you aren't really sure if your friend was right about the amount of sugar. ----
You both settled to meet up at your place, finding it easier to just hang out while eating some sweets. Of course, he came in with a small gift once more, a handwritten letter from him. He specifically told you to read it when he is gone, probably so he won't cringe at himself for what he wrote down.
Finally, you settle down on your couch with a plate of freshly baked brownies and a tv series you both decided to binge today. How could it get any better. Duke compliments your homemade brownies through and through, even liking his fingertips to show you how much he enjoys them. Maybe he is a little overjoyed at this, but you enjoy the satisfied and genuinely happy smile across his face.
As the series marathon continues, you make yourself more comfortable beside him, getting a blanket out to share. He wraps his arm around you casually, keeping you close under the comfort of the blanket while the light of the TV illuminates your features gently. The evening goes on and you lean against him more the longer you watch the first season of the series. You can't help, he is just so comfortable. And he doesn't seem to mind at all as well and just stays close.
However, you weren't exactly paying any attention to the characters on the screen, but silently dozing off against his shoulder. He hasn't noticed yet and just watches the show, until he feels how limp and silent you've been for the last few minutes. Duke shares a small glance towards your sleeping form, his heart melting at the sight. It means a lot for you to feel comfortable enough to fall asleep against him. He tries not to praise himself too much for it, focussing back on the TV screen.
It's been one more episode, you seem to be dead asleep by now. He actually has no idea what to do now. What is he suppposed to do? Is there something he is supposed to do right now? It feels like when a cat falls asleep on your lap and makes you unable to move until it wakes up again. What would Dick do in this situation? Okay, he hates himself for thinking that. All his advice has been bullcrap over the last few weeks.
He decides on carefully shifting you enough so that you're both laying down on the couch, making sure you won't fall off from it while he holds you close. After turning down the volume of the TV, he settles down eventually and falls asleep right beside you. ----
You squeeze your pillow tighter to yourself, sighing out lightly once you're comfortable again and continue to lay in the soft cushion with closed eyes. That is until a hand pats your shoulder lightly, gasping surprised at the unfamiliar touch. You sit up suddenly and look down to Duke. Duke? Since when is he here?
He grumbles in response to your sudden movement, squinting his eyes at you. »Geez, am I this ugly?« You scoff at his light joke, finally remembering and getting why you were cuddled up with him on your couch. The evening ended with you falling asleep against him against your will. Which lead to this... you can't say you are complaining at the moment, but you don't want to come off as a desperate person.
»Just confused you for my pillow.« You mumble back finally and settle back beside him with a small sigh, relaxing again. He smiles amused in return and rolls onto his back next to you. The room falls into silence briefly before the rustling of a blanket fills it in, currently snuggling up to him once more.
Duke can't help but feel his heart race, sneaking his arm around you to keep you close to his side. You can hear the faint beat of his heart against your ear as you stay snuggled to him, finding it both amusing and sweet how his body betrays him for his nonchalant attitude at the moment.
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a/n: there's no part two, boohoo. But don't worry, there's anothe rbig fanfiction waiting for you, I'm just currently trying to take care of everything at once, soo..... it will take a while. But I hope you enjoyed this request! Thanks again!!
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lalalian · 2 months
Am I the only one that got all my basic shifting info from shiftstagram (shifting instagram)? When I mean basic, I mean like ‘what is a wr’ ‘DR vs IR’ ‘the Julia shifting method is…’
Also the term ‘IR’ makes me wanna shit my hemorrhoids out. Just use DR… 😭😭
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runawaycatwalker · 9 months
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Part 25. Best Friend Erasure (Oni-Chan 2.0, part B)
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Description below the cut
Catwalker approaches Ladybug as she stands on a roof.  She points off in a far away direction.
Catwalker: Ladybug!  Oni-Chan is back, and this time her powers are—
Ladybug: I need you to go to one of the rooftops way over there and stay right there.
Catwalker: Are you sure?  I could do more here if I—
Ladybug: Just.  Go.
Catwalker: ...Yes, Ladybug.
Ladybug swings towards a rooftop where the other heroes have congregated near a Find Adrien billboard.  Viperion looks up at Ladybug.
Viperion: Ladybug!  Why isn't Catwalker with you?  Did you talk to him about... that thing I told you?
Ladybug: We talked.  He wasn't hiding what you thought he was.
Viperion: Oh.
Ladybug stands in a ‘take charge’ pose right in front of the billboard with Adrien’s face.  Most of the heroes gather in to look towards her, but Carapace looks off towards the direction Catwalker took instead.
Ladybug: And everybody, gather around! You should all know this.  Catwalker is on probation until further notice.
Viperion: Probation?  Isn't that kind of extreme?
Ladybug: I have my reasons.  He's keeping his miraculous, but you're the people I'm going to rely on to beat the akumas.  For now, consider him an observer and just ignore him.
Carapace starts using his shield as a phone to text his girlfriend.
Carapace (texting): Rena, why is Catwalker allowed to keep his miraculous?  We *have* to stop him from causing more damage.
Rena Furtive (texting): I'm watching him, don't worry.
Cut to Rena hiding on a rooftop as she uses her flute simultaneously as a telescope to spy on Catwalker and a phone to tap out a reply to her boyfriend.
Rena Furtive (texting): But if you want to try to get more info out of him as Carapace...?  I'm sure Ladybug wouldn't mind...
Carapace leaps towards Catwalker, who looks at him suspiciously.
Catwalker: Carapace?  What are you doing here?
Carapace: Ladybug said you were alone, and I thought you shouldn't be.
Catwalker: You should go back.  Ladybug needs every hero she can get.
Catwalker perches himself on the ledge of the building he’s atop of.
Carapace: Then why did Ladybug send you all the way out here?
Catwalker: She needs me.  I just... need to wait here.  Until she comes up with a plan for how she can use me.
Carapace: If you want to help, we can always work to protect Adrien Agreste.
Carapace opens his arms wide and tries to give a disarming smile, but he can’t help but show his underlying malice.
Carapace: If you know anything at all, I'm all ears!  Even if it's something you need to keep on the down low, I can be your confidant.  I'm a hero, after all!  You can trust me to keep secrets.
Catwalker, completely uninterested in going through another round of ‘my best friend pretends to like me when I know he’s secretly mad at me’ points his finger in accusation.
Catwalker: I see what you're trying to do and I'm not going to fall for it.
Carapace: Whaaat?  I'm not trying anything!
Catwalker: Nino.
Carapace: How did—I mean, who's Nino?
Catwalker: You forgot to tell Adrien that he shouldn't reveal secret identities to anyone.
Carapace, completely off put, tries to make this new bit of information add up.
Carapace: He told you about me?  Why would that even come up?  Unless...  Did he tell you he had a superhero for a best friend to try and convince you he didn't need you?
Carapace points an accusatory finger at Catwalker. Catwalker tries to placate, but he’s distracted by a burst of red light in the distance in the direction of the other heroes.
Carapace: And then you forced him to leave when he didn't want to and—
Catwalker: You have it all wr—Oh no.
Oni-Chan rapidly teleports between temporary heroes (all of whom had just been staring towards the giant face of Adrien) and hits them with her sword in quick succession: Vesperia, Viperion, King Monkey, Purple Tigress, Polymouse, Pegasus, and Pigella are all frozen before they can do anything to fight back.
Oni-Chan: You!  Won't!  Get!  In!  My!  Way!  Anymore!
Oni-Chan lunges for Ladybug, but she manages to swing out of the way with her yo-yo and escape, unable to be tracked because she was the only member of the group who hadn’t been staring at Adrien’s face.
Catwalker: Come on!  Ladybug needs our hel—
Catwalker leaps into the sky to follow Ladybug, but as he is in midair, a green sphere forms around him.
Carapace: Shell-ter!
After the sphere hits the ground, Catwalker looks up at Carapace, who stands at the edge on top of the nearest building tauntingly.
Catwalker: I don't want to fight you.
Carapace: Good!  Because you won't be able to fight anyone!
Catwalker: Look, we're both heroes right now.  We need to be able to work together to help Ladybug.
Inside the sphere, Catwalker kneels and looks down dejectedly.
Carapace: Ladybug doesn't want your help!
Catwalker: Maybe not right now, but—
Carapace: Why did you think she sent you so far out of her way?  She can't even stand to look at you!  No one needs you.  No one wants you.  You should just give up your miraculous and save us the troub—
Carapace’s attention is caught by something happening across the skyline of Paris: with the Agreste mansion at the epicenter, a flurry of black ribbons launches into the sky, each one racing toward a Find Adrien billboard.  Where each ribbon touches, the place where Adrien’s picture should be has been replaced by an empty white void.
Carapace (to himself): What the...?  ...the Adrien billboards...  All the pictures of Adrien...  He's gone.
Carapace points down at Catwalker accusingly and brings his shield in close.
Carapace: Why couldn't you have just done nothing and let his real friends help him?  Some magic ribbons just wiped Adrien from existence!
Catwalker: That's impossible.  A sentimonster probably just got rid of the Adrien ads.
Carapace: You don't get it!  He exists nowhere!  And I'll prove it!
Carapace uses his shield to navigate to the pictures on his phone.  His hand touches at the shield when it displays a picture of Nino and Adrien smiling together, nothing erased.
Carapace: I'll show you how this picture of the two of us is—
Catwalker: Wait.  Carapace, you need to drop it.  Now.
Carapace (to himself): Huh...?
Catwalker: Adrien is alive, I promise—
Carapace (to himself): He's still here with me...?
Catwalker: —but she's going to find you if you keep looking—
Oni-Chan pops in and out of existence just long enough to stab Carapace in the back, sending his body off the edge of the building.  Below them, Catwalker looks up and destroys the sphere around him.
Oni-Chan: Begone!
Carapace: Ack!
Catwalker: No!  Cataclysm!
Catwalker leaps into the air, arms reaching towards Carapace’s petrified body, all while the shield Carapace dropped in the commotion falls next to them.
Catwalker: I've got you!
Catwalker tearfully embraces the frozen Carapace from behind.
Catwalker: I am so sorry.  For everything.
Catwalker continues to hug Carapace tight as a flood of emotions spews forth.
Catwalker: I never wanted to hide behind a mask, especially not with you, Nino.  You've always encouraged me to be myself.  Even though I've never been able to fully show you everything I am, you accepted the 'me' I could give.  It meant so much to know that you cared, not just about the idea of me, but the real me.  And now I'm less 'me' than I've ever been.  Maybe it would have been better if I did nothing. But when she tried to kill me, I just... ran.  Ran and insisted I was fine like I always do.  And now you're the one paying for my rash decisions and I feel so powerless to stop it.  I hope one day you'll forgive me.
Catwalker places Carapace’s body upright and touches his back in a gesture of farewell.
Catwalker: I wish I could talk to you for real.  But I can't.  I can't leave when I might be needed.  Even if everyone hates that I'm here, I've got to help however I can.
Catwalker gives Carapace a fist bump in one final promise of their friendship.
Catwalker: I'll come home as soon as it's safe again.  I don't know how long it'll take, but I promise I will come back.
Below is the same image as above, only without text:
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bnbnshiftz · 1 month
I dont have a lot of posts so ASK ME THINGS !!!
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Feel free to ask questions about anything 💋
I love yapping about…
- MY DRS !!
(mermaid, streamer, podcast, vtuber, jacksons diary, Mall WR 😱)
- Video games !!
- Anime
- Music taste🕺
- My gambling addiction My love for gacha games🤗
- Anything else you wanna know 😘
- my credit card info
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ieatmoonrocks · 6 months
Waiting Room
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Inspiration pic:
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Is an open-concept one-story house, furnished and decorated to fit my style.
Initially located in a seemingly endless body of shallow water, in perpetual sunset.
Has an extreme time ratio, one year here is one second in any other reality.
All realities I shift to include the safeword "sunset" which when said with intention to shift brings me here.
I am always aware that my WR exists in every reality and never forget how to get here
I initially am the only being in this reality.
It is extremely safe here.
I can't accidentally shift away, I must use the front door.
Anything I mentally script in cr shows up on a page in my scripts here.
The house "resets" when I leave, cleaning and restocking itself.
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The bed is massive and extremely comfortable
There's a storage cabinet with various objects I might need
The wardrobe fills itself with any clothes I want
The living room has a tv where I can watch anything I want, including "movies" of events from any DR
The living room also has a bookshelf that has any book I want on it, including books that tell me the secrets of the universe.
The kitchen is fully stocked with the best appliances and ingredients.
The dishwasher instantly cleans dishes and teleports them back where they belong
There's a cup that is always full of whatever drink I want at the perfect temperature
The front door has a screen that connects to my laptop so I can choose from realities.
The bathtub and shower have all the fancy products and endless hot water.
There is a high quality speaker system throughout the house
The back porch has a hot tub, hammock, and dining table.
There's a front deck with a few plants.
Objects not meant to break are unbreakable and don't malfunction
And of course endless free utilites
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Is connected to pretty much everything.
Sends and receives information to the laptop, controls the speakers and tv.
Has access to any song/ show/ movie/ podcast/ etc. I can think of, even has stations for each reality.
Connects to food preparation appliances, and will alert me when the food is cooked enough/ prepared for the next step.
When cooking there's options to fast forward or even instantly cook to that steps satisfaction.
Smart alerts - phone is aware of my proximity, as well as how much attention I am paying to the phone, and adjusts how the alert is sent.
Can order any prepared food I want and have it appear on porch table.
Can order additional objects which will appear on or next to the porch table.
Can look up any book from any reality I want even with ultra specific details and then ‘send to bookshelf’ causing a copy of the book to appear on the bookshelf.
Can look up and save different environments in my phone library, and set the outside environment to match.
Can add additional items or rooms.
Indestructible, infinite battery, infinite memory, amazing speeds, stays clean.
Has access to whatever social media I want from any reality. has the best feed in all social media.
Has a library that contains records of all versions of myself in each reality, section of most interesting versions of self.
Can send info to my mirror to project certain versions of myself which then changes my physical appearance in the WR. Can edit DR apperances.
Can "invite" copies of people from my DRs, who show up at the front door.
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Receives and sends info to the door screen and phone.
Archives all visited realities, auto generates info pages/ scripts from details received from door screen.
Has a program that works similarly to A03 ~
Can script random realities or offshoot realities, details can be filtered for/against. Pages of realities are generated with a list of ‘tags’, opening the page lists more in-depth information, that is searchable.
Realities can be saved to the main page. on the main page realities can be rated or flagged as no-go (these are unavailable in the door screen). keeps track of manually added likes/ dislikes, also generates suggested likes/ dislikes based off of traits in common between visited realities and my rating of them.
Can give summaries of what changes in between parallel realities when one thing is changed.
Has a section of good script suggestions that never end.
Contains a section per script of “mentally scripted” points that can be added or dismissed.
Has programs for designing characters, rooms, images, etc. that are very easy and intuitive.
Records daily journals of all visited realities (yes even WR), as well as videos that can be watched as any sort of genre.
High quality overall, unlimited memory and processing.
Has any video game from any reality I want, with no load times, high speed , all the good stuff.
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I can eat as much food as I want, the food/ drink disappears once it hits my stomach. (Alcohol still gets me drunk though)
I don't need any digestive bodily functions to survive, and therefore no need to use the bathroom.
I don't get a period.
Drinking/ others have absolutely no negative effects on me, and doesn’t effect my immediate or long term health.
I know where everything is located in the room. I can never lose/ misplace anything, especially my phone.
I never spill anything.
I'm very creative (script ideas, reality names, writing).
All the patience!
I can never get lost in this reality. I never stray too far from the house, and I always have my phone when I go exploring which will point me back, otherwise I pretty much always know my way back.
I can’t get hurt or sick or die, including environmental damage like sunburn, poison, etc.
I don’t have any mental illnesses.
I don’t care about any of my stresses from other realities. I see them objectively.
I'm extremely smart, great at analysis, great memory.
I have perfect senses.
My appearance upon arrival is that of whatever reality I came from.
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+1 Brownie Point if you read to the end :)
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markrosewater · 1 year
I Mark!!! I'll join to the voices of the LORE side and say that there'never enough articles.
5 main chapters for a story is barely accettable and many times it seems too short, but it's ok. The side stories are a cool to see other parts of the sets wich aren't the main focus (like the commander stories).
The "Planeswalker's Guide" is THE most important lore article, cause not only tell us many things about the world, but also help us to see what changed between visits and the "Legends of" tell us something about the legends of the set, so wr know how they fit, what they fight for excetera.
Considering how much you are secretive about lore and worldbuilding stuff, these are the only things we can use to know more about you beautiful worlds.
I think the biggest problem with WOE is also that you builded the set around ten stories wich we see in the set, yes, but we don't have a contest. For example, why Totentanz helps Lord Skitter, what gave him? Is Syr Armont in love with Yeva or another Redtooth werefox? Is Obyra the child of Talion? Did Ash whent to the Grand Ball to party hard or
We can't hope these info coming from random interview. We love this articles because they are are only window and only key to deciphre the 90% of your intricate "Trama".
Hope it could help you, cause we don't want the lore parte to disappear from this IP.
The creative team wants to produce as much outward information as possible. There are just a lot of worlds and stories and cards and sets for them to create, so they can get quite busy. I hear that many of the Vorthoses want more information, including some types of articles that we used to regularly do. I will communicate this to them. I'm just trying to understand people's preferences are, so the creative team knows what to prioritize.
Different players care more about different aspects of the cards, and we're aware the creative/story/world is super important for a particular portion, so thanks for sharing your insight and passion.
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sqiggle · 2 months
So if we use the logic of thinking the solver turned lots of workers into disassembly drones that means there could be more then one "cyns" by meaning there's more them one host to Infect faster since more then one cyn would be effective in blowing up the world (shit am I solver kin? Idk maybe) but doing logic to kill millions around the world they are gonna need way more then 10 so based of of ep 5 they killed n v and j to turn them into dd but wr didn't see it with other workers right??? Might have to rewatch 5 but if it's only the 3? Sint that stupid because more disassembly drones are always better but then again how hoe many exo planets do we need to blow up I mean what's the point, if we're following the rebirth theory is the solver playing god? The world to end for it rebirth? Bc also with biblical references that could be true, since that would be a great motive especially with the solver learning humans are evil, and vile, and rude.So back on track on, how many dd are there? Honestly we can't tell since we don't have enough info on the solver strategyThere could be thousands or only the few we saw, so either they took years to kill everyone (terrible idea since humans are still gonna reproduce and would be better to wipe them out as fast as possible) so I'm assuming after the massacre they layed low, making other dd so then they could wipe out all humans
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felinedetached · 1 year
The April/May 2023 MCSR Cheating Scandal Saga
(or, as much of it that I can explain as of May 3rd, considering we keep getting new info)
So, it all starts back in April of 2019 — 27 April 2019 exactly, when NikocraftHD posted his 3:59 Set Seed Glitchless Peaceful (SSGP) pre-1.9 WR. At 11 million views, it’s one of the most well known speedruns ever, and unquestionably the most well known run of its type. And four years later, on 30 April 2023, Eliotex dropped a video: NikocraftHD spliced his speedruns and nobody noticed.
Two of NikocraftHD’s runs were cheated: the 3:59, and a later 2:49 (26 March 2022). Both had evidence of a cheating method called ‘splicing’, or cutting videos of two attempts together. In this case, he additionally used a recreated world file and a NBT Editor to manually copy the previous world “level.dat” values for getting good End Towers. 
The 2:49′s evidence is, in retrospect, relatively obvious: Nikocraft had placed blocks during his run that should have been visible from spawn, but when he loaded back into spawn after going through the end portal, those blocks weren’t there anymore.
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The 3:59 was harder to prove — until Crafterdark noticed something odd about Nikocraft’s hunger bar. If you’ve ever played Minecraft in peaceful, you’ll know that your hunger bar will never deplete. However, there’s two aspects of the hunger bar: the food level, and the saturation level. In peaceful, your saturation level does decrease, and when it reaches 0, your hunger bar starts to ‘bounce’ or ‘jitter’ every 3-ish seconds. Saturation level persists even between dimensions, meaning even when you load into a new dimension, if you have zero saturation, your hunger bar will continue to make that constant movement. 
When Nikocraft enters the end at 2:54, his hunger bar doesn’t start moving again until 3:30. That’s over 30 seconds without the periodical 3-second jitters. In the 2:49, after he enters the end at 1:50, his hunger bar doesn’t start moving again until 2:14 — roughly 23 seconds without movement. That second run, with a 23 second section without movement — the chance of that happening legitimately is 3.9E-34. That’s 0.00000000000000000000000000000000039.
Sources for this section: Eliotex’s video | Cheating Doc | NikocraftHD’s runs (3:59) (2:49)
Cool. So NikocraftHD cheated, twice, but you may be wondering: all of this was uncovered on April 30th. Why is this the April-May cheating scandal?
That would be because ten hours later, at 8am on May 1st for me, a runner who was incredibly popular and well liked at the time, Lide — who is a huge part of MCSR history — admitted to cheating his world records.
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Lide got so many people into running. He was the first to use tower strats in a world record, he worked with so many of the legendary runners of that era. I need to emphasise: that this runner cheated, and sees it as a joke, has been heartbreaking for the community. I think Cscuile explained it best:
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Sources for this section: Falco’s tweet | Cscuile’s tweet
Unfortunately, this wasn’t the end of it: around the same time, Loth realised something interesting about a 4:41 pre-1.9 SSGP run by bruono1st — who would have had world record if not for NikocraftHD’s cheated 3:59. bruonost’s run also showed evidence of a splice — the hunger bar once again stopped moving after he entered the end. Unfortunately, upon being called out bruono1st privated his run, and we can no longer watch it, but here are the tweets about it: eliotex tweet | poisonousskely tweet 
As of May 3rd, this is all that’s come out in total, but I hope this was an understandable and informative explanation of what’s going on for those curious!
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system-of-a-feather · 11 days
(MultiplyDifficult, is a side blog). Kia ora, i was wondering if i would be able to got a little bit of direction / guidance from you around fusion (just to be clear, we don't want a full complete solution). I think to help you give a more useful response we'll have to explain a bit our situation & where we're coming from in a reblog, which might be kinda long. We wanted to check you're happy for this before shoving a heap of info at you!
Ayo wed love to give share some insights wr might have so Imma respond to this so you can reblog with any info you wanted to add ^^
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summeramkuv · 24 days
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After I finished reading it,
I drew a little bit(🥺👉👈)
First of all, thank you to the anonymous person for letting me see this. I really like it🥺💖💖💖
Poor police chief, you're about to kiss the detective!!!! He was interrupted by his brothers! 😂
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