#writing in my home language is still more comfortable tho
jjkfanatik · 3 months
Pablo Martin Páez Gavira x Reader
Summary: You find out that the guy you have been going out with has been lying about who he really is. How did you guys even meet, what were his reasons and thoughts and will your relationship remain?
Warnings: grammar issues, brief and light mention of drinking, other than that it’s pretty fluffy.
A/n: Hello Ladies! This is the first time i ever wrote something with the intention to post it. Feel free to give me some tips on how to better my writing, as long as you are kind. Keep in mind that english is not my first language. I hope you guys enjoy this. 🤗
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He knew he shouldn’t have lied about who he really is, but that one little lie came out of him before he could even think about it and now what is he supposed to do! Should he just run away and tell you the truth after those two weeks of such nice dates he is almost convinced that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you.
Run away and block you as soon as he gets home, yeah thats whats going on inside his head standing still and silently in front of you.
Does he even want to leave you? No, of course not. He wants to get to know you even better and continue all those dates and show you what you really mean to him.
can you really blame him tho? football players often don’t have the best reputation, pablo would never want you to think of him as arrogant or a player, or -even worse- an arrogant player. But you found out and now he needs to fix it bevor he never gets the chance to talk to you again.
“Um… your name is pablo right? Not actually Martin…”You asked, again seeing as he stood there not even blinking an eye, after you just asked him the first time, standing infront of your dorm room door.
keeping a soft voice and trying not to look too angry while asking the question that has been on your mind ever since he picked you up to take a walk and later on eat a sweet treat. Understandably you were angry, after finding out about his, real identity you could say, you have been nothing but thinking about why he would hide it.
Many emotions swirled through your body. Anger, disappointment and sadness. Feeling stupid for not having known him and needing your friend to look at you like you have grown to heads when you told her about this Martin guy and later showing her a picture of him “well thats pablo gavi” she told you. Thinking so much about it had you starting to form some self doubt, quickly shoving those thoughts away before they got to serious. Getting the idea that he may had gotten a wrong impression on you when you first meet him, causing him to lie but why would he then ask for your number and later on take you on really amazing dates where he had been nothing but a total sweetheart, nothing made sense anymore.
Bringing you flowers which seem like so much thought had been put into picking each and every single flower in there, holding every door open for you and making sure that you were nothing but comfortable and content during each and every second of the day. You guys had meet due to a really good Friend you had made during your first week here at university, Sira Martínez is her name. Having moved from a foreign country to peruse your dream, i had not been easy to make many -really any- friends since every student has their friendgroup and being pretty hostile when someone tried to come to close for their liking. When you had meet her in the community bathroom crying about her boyfriend beeing injured and not knowing how to help you could just not leave her there. Sitting there for more than two hours and talking about various things, both of you knew that a new bond was just formed.
After your first exam Sira had been trying to talk you to come clubbing with her, adding that you should “loosen up or else you wont find a boyfriend ever” and after hours of her sticking to your side like gum and telling you how both of you could even go into the vip section of that club because her boyfriend is known by the locals and many more, you agreed just so she would give you some peace.
Thats how you found yourself in a way to fancy club in the even fancier vip lounge all alone sipping on some cold beverage thats to expensive for its bad taste. Your gaze is set on Sira and her man laughing und danzing like there is no tomorrow. Your eyes sometimes shift to this one guy standing there with his friends conversing. Something about him just seems to draw your attention on him. Maybe its the way the purple light shines on his face, even a couple of meters away you can tell hes got those birthmarks on his really, really handsome face.
A scream shifts your attention to the other side of the club. Just some girl having had to much to drink. You want to turn around again and get back to observing that guy. But hes sitting right beside you. Jumping a little you look at your hands on the table holding an overpriced and not so good tasting beverage. Thank god its on the house -again Siras boyfriend- your bracing yourself because your sure your about to get told off for looking like some creep. But that never came instead; “I like your dress.”
And thats how you hit it of talking about how the club does not suite both of y’all’s taste and you would have much rather been invited to a more closed of, private and chill get together.
Never would you have expected him to lie about who he really is.
“I didnt want you making assumptions about me im not a bad person just bc i play football, im a nice guy you know that. I just thought that you would rather give me a chance being just me.” His eyes never meeting yours
“Your cute and kind Pablo, i like that about you and your fist name is nice, it fits you better”
Inching closer together and standing a bit on your tippie toes to fully reach his face
Pablos and your lips met in a soft and short kiss which had soon been intensified by Pablo’s hands that pulled you two closer together. His fingers caressed your cheeks. Even after parting from your lips they stayed right there providing you warmth and comfort You both stood there for a couple of seconds just smiling at each other, like some silly in love teens, which to be honest you guys kinda really are.
As you both then backed up a little bit. You wanted to make sure that nothing about your relationship -if you could call it that- had changed. “ so will you pick me up tomorrow? we should go on a date you as pablo and me as me.” I see his eyes get a bit wide wondering if he really thought that I would be so mad at him to not want to see him again my heart breaks a little thinking of that.
My stream of thoughts soon gets interrupted as he answers me. “Yeah! Definitely i will come straight after practice, don’t worry really!” His answer is a bit rushed. He seems excited. At least i hope he is. “Just make sure to not come smelly” we both laugh at that slowly inching more and more away even tho both of us would have loved some more time together. Having reached the door and getting my keys out i open the door, turning to him one last time debating if I should blow him a kiss or not but deciding against it, that can wait for after our date tomorrow.
Alter Just found this after like 6 months 💀
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senbbonzakura · 5 months
Hello Dear! I wanted to make a request for main 4 (from South park obvs) where their S/O meets their family's for the first time if that's okey (you can ignore Cartman if you'r not comfortable with writing for him its okey, I get it LMAO) <333
Also I recommend you do the list of things and characters you will and won't do as fast as possible!
Sorry for possible grammer or spelling errors, English is not my first lenguage :))
sure sweetheart!! ill try to do the list as fast as i can, thank you <3 also i get the grammar, english isnt my first language either, everyone starts somewhere and its okay :) also i made the reader female and no cartman, i hope thats okay!
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✩ — STAN !
at first i feel like it was supposed to be just his mom you would meet
stan does NOT want you to meet his dad.
what if you think stan turns out like him? he doesnt want u to leave him bc of that :(
so he picked a day his dad wouldnt be home on purpose
turns out he actually was home so u met both his parents..
sharon loved you! she thought youre so kind and a perfect partner for her son😭
you didnt talk really much with randy bc stan tried to keep you away from him. i guess randy was just glad that stan isnt "funny"
shelly was actually excited to have another teen girl under the roof
she says youre "meh" but enjoyed meeting you
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✩ — KYLE !
my boy was nevrous bc i feel like sheila has some high expectations
higher than kyle..
even tho its his partner😭
she just wants her son not to end up in drugs or smth
when she meets you shes actually obsessed with you!
buttttt, she still keeps an eye on you
just mothers instinct, but she still likes you!
i guess gerald just went with whatever sheila said, but he thinks youre nice
they definitely want you to come over more
i almost forgot that ike also exists
ike is that type of kid to disturb you two every second no matter what youre doing
he just wants that attention from teenagers
imagine how cool he feels hanging out with 2 teens?!?!!!?!!
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✩ — KENNY !
his parents made some "drunk" talk with you😭
"life's good? yeah?"
no but fr now
kenny tried to get his parents to stay sober for the day you would meet them
but oops they forgot and drank a little
just enough to still luckily remember that they met you
although you didnt talk much with them bc kenny dragged u to his room
and guess what
omg dude. karen is so in love with you fr
atp kenny is jealous
its basically the same thing with karen and with ike.
the only different thing is that kyle probably tells ike to go away or sum while kenny actually agrees for karen to stay
he sees how much joy you bring her!!
if karen is happy then kenny is happy too <3
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gimme more requests ygssss
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kittyadore · 1 year
our home
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—𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘦42!𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘴
—𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵; 0,7𝘬
—𝘢/𝘯; hi lovelies, im awful at writing in english, as its not my first language, so im sorry for any mistakes, feel free to correct me tho ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ (to clarify this, i do think my english is good. its just writing the story, creating a plot nd stuff like that that are a trouble for me) tbf i think this scenario fits e1610!miles more, but e42!miles can be a sweetheart too, right?
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Soft rays of morning light peeked through the curtains, sending a warm glow into the cozy living room. The familiar scent of freshly brewed coffee blended with the gentle notes of a song playing softly in the background. You stood by the window, enjoying the peacefulness that surrounded your home.
As you turned around, a smile tugged at the corners of your lips when you caught sight of Miles, without a shirt on, standing near the kitchen counter. The way he focused on whisking the pancake batter, a look of concentration on his face, filled your heart with affection and care.
Miles glanced up, meeting your gaze, and the world seemed to pause for an instant. Your eyes held a silent understanding, a connection that transcended words. His gaze went back to the work he was doing.
You approached him slowly, his back was turned to you, engrossed in his thoughts. You slid your arms around his waist, resting your cheek against his broad back, and appreciated the warmth that radiated from him. Your boyfriend paused his whisking, his hand reaching to cover yours, your fingers entwining effortlessly.
The soft melody continued to fill the room, creating a soundtrack for your private moment. You felt the steady rhythm of Miles' heartbeat, a comforting lullaby that whispered promises of love and security. You closed your eyes, your breathing synchronized with his, admiring the serenity of your embrace.
"Good morning," you murmured, your voice a gentle melody against his skin.
Miles turned in your arms, his eyes tracing the contours of your face as if capturing the essence of your being. "Good morning, ma," he replied, his voice warm and filled with affection. "There's something special about these quiet mornings at home with you. It's as if time stands still, and the world outside disappears."
Your heart beat faster, overwhelmed by the tenderness in his words. He leaned in, capturing your lips in a soft, lingering kiss, a testament to the love you shared. It was a kiss that spoke volumes, conveying your loyalty and the depth of your connection.
When you pulled apart, he laid his forehead down on yours, creating a bridge between your souls. In that intimate moment, time seemed to slow, and the world around you faded into insignificance. It was as if the universe held its breath, witnessing the profound connection between two hearts that had found their way back to each other.
His warm breath mingled with yours, creating a delicate dance in the space between you. It was a silent exchange of promises, of unspoken vows to cherish and protect the love you had discovered. The weight of the past melted away, leaving only the purity of this present moment.
You stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, knowing that within the walls of your home, your love would flourish and endure. It was a place where you would build countless memories, where laughter and tears would echo through the rooms, and where your hearts would forever find refuge in the embrace of your shared love.
"Let's go back to making breakfast, shouldn't we, ma?" The sound of your boyfriend's soft voice filled your ears. You smiled, feeling the love and affection fill your heart, and nodded in response.
Together, you moved in harmony, Miles reaching for the frying pan while you poured the batter onto it, creating perfect circles that sizzled and transformed into golden goodness. The rhythmic melody of sizzling pancakes filled the kitchen, creating a symphony of morning delights.
As the first batch cooked, filling the room with a mouthwatering aroma, you and Miles took a moment to steal a taste. You stood side by side, flipping pancakes with playful competitiveness, you giggling like a child as you tried to outdo him with your acrobatic pancake-flipping skills.
As the final pancake cooked, you arranged the stack on a plate, topping it with a generous drizzle of maple syrup and a sprinkle of fresh berries. You sat down at your small kitchen table, the smell of pancakes surrounding you like a delicious embrace.
With a fork in your hand, you dug into your morning creation, savoring the fluffy texture and the burst of flavors that danced on your tongue. As you were eating your pancakes, your eyes met, and in that shared gaze, you knew that this simple breakfast had become an essential ingredient in the recipe of your love.
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zaimta · 1 year
Hi i saw your requests was open and wanted to ask if you could do a fire force benimaru x fem reader bath nsfw oneshot/fic if possible with the reader being a second gen just getting back from helping company 8 with a tough mission (sorry if thats a lot)
a/n- no nsfw the most i can do is suggestive/spicy (i hope fr) but imma still write this out bc i love fire force, it's sfw tho i hope that's okay!
˗ˏˋ«────── « 𓆩♡𓆪 » ──────»
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you stretched your sore body after a long day of assisting the eighth, they needed some extra help around their derestriction. a product from their “investigation” left a ranging infernal in its wake, as a second-gen your powers came in clutch. you assisted maki with fire control, and at times you were on the front lines assisting their third gens as power support. it was a long and exhausting battle once it was over you were overjoyed and immediately collapsed to the floor to catch your breath.
the eighth's captain squatted next to you with a smile "need a hand there y/n?" he extended his hand to you which you gladly took, slowly sitting up with a slight pain in your core "thanks." you returned the smile he sent you "after this, I need along relaxing bath." he chuckled at your comment "I hear ya! hey, thanks for your help again y/n we couldn't thank you enough." you waved your hand dismissively with a smile "it's nothing really, i'm sorry beni couldn't make it though i'm glad I was able to help you guys enough though."
"dont sweat it were glad to have such powerful allies like you guys at the seventh." he nodded his head towards the matchbox "let's get you home, that bath is waiting for ya."
the car ride was a calming change compared to the battle you went through, you had a good time getting to know the members of the company you were allied with but all good things must come to an end as the matchbox pulled up to asakusa, you waved goodbye to you allies and walked to your home longing for relaxation.
the second you stepped foot into your home you were greeted by hina and hika who ran around your legs in circles "she's back! she's back! waka get your lazy ass up shes back!!" they shouted in unison with excitement, you also made a mental note to yourself to keep beni way from the twins for a while his language was starting to rub off on them.
you kneeled down and opened your arms to hug both of them, they gladly jumped into your arms with wide smiles "what were my two favorite troublemakers up to while i was gone? i hope you didn't give beni too much trouble."
hina shook her head "we were on our best behavior n/n i promise-"
"my ass." a brash voice interrupted her, at the sound of his voice the twins scattered running in different directions with impish giggles. you rolled your eyes with a grin at the sound of his voice "benimaru don't tell me the twins gave you a hard time." you teased him with a smile on your face.
"they were nothing more than a pain in my ass." you giggled at his frustration with the twins, normally they would listen to him more than anyone else you assumed they felt like messing with him a bit today "you need a break as much as i do, let's go to the hot spring i was heading there after i stopped by." you lace your fingers with his and lead him to the bathhouse so the two of you could get washed up first. he helped lather up your body with soap in comfortable silence a few moments went by before he said something "how was your mission with the eighth?"
you sighed "it took everything out of me, but i did enjoy working with them they're an interesting bunch!" you smiled.
"thats one way to put it huh." he continues to lather your body and you roll your eyes at him, in return he pinches your side. you rubbed circles on the spot he pinched unaware of how he saw you rolling your eyes if your back was facing him.
once you were cleaned off the two of you took a dip in the hot spring, you leaned against his chest while he wrapped an arm around you. you were completely content, this kind of relaxation was exactly what you were craving. while soaking in the hot spring you found yourself dosing off, you were woken up by benimaru shaking you gently "let's get you to bed y/n that mission took a lot out of you."
you silently nodded and he helped you out of the hot spring, you didn't realize how tired you were until you noticed how hard it was for you to keep your eyes open, your head was bobbing all over the place as you tried your hardest to keep your head up. he walked you to your room and laid down with you, as soon as your head hit the pillow you were out like a light immediately.
he smiled softly at the sight of you sleeping sound in his arms "goodnight y/n."
as you walked to back to your home after the eight gave you a ride to akakusa, you couldn't help but long for a bath. after a long day it was just what you needed.
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astrologythingzzz · 1 year
Moon sign observations ✨🌝
Hi everyone! I've thought about doing these for a very long time now! I'll be using my own experiences with the moon signs! 🌙
Some observations are going to be more accurate than others!
Take what resonates and please know that none of these are meant to hurt anyone! 🌝
P.s. I started a tiktok account. It's called Astrologythingzzz too. Check it out if you want to! 🧡
Aries moon
My mom has this placement. She's very ambitious, but also really loves to experience new things every other day! She can be very impulsive with money (it is in her 2nd house). Her emotions sometimes get the best of her. She needs variety and stimulation, when she was in her 20s she travelled a lot and had a big friend group! Personally, I've never met many people with aries moons so she's my only reference.
Taurus moon
My dad is a taurus moon. His most used sentence is "You can save money in every part of you life, but you should never save money when it comes to food." I think that's very typical for taurus placements. He craves stability and peace. He loves good food, dancing and family time. His love language is also giving you food that you like! He likes tradition, he's from Italy so he always makes sure that his children are very much in touch with his roots.
Gemini moon
That is my placement! I don't know anyone else with that placement, so I'll write down my own experience with this one. I'm bored easily, but I'm not superficial. Actually I'm not that social and not very outgoing. As a Child i loved reading and fantasising. I get very restless and nervous, sometimes I have sleep issues if my body is in distress (it is in my 12th house tho). I feel like there are two different gemini moon people, the one is the social, outgoing one, the other is socially withdrawn and nervous. Guess I got the latter one! 🌝
Cancer moon
These are the most loving, warm hearted people ever. They do everything for their family, they provide and make the best gifts! They really listen to the people they love, they also sense your feelings and are amazing at comforting. One of my best friends that I used to talk to had this placement. Sadly we are not involved with each other anymore, but she always felt like home to me. You can count on them to cook you your favorite meal or bake your favorite cookies!
Leo moon
Sadly I've never been truly involved with one. The ones that I know are very obsessed with their image. The girl has really long hair, she's even known for it. But the guy has always been very attention craving. He is very sweet deep down and romantic. But also kind of toxic, I feel like he's an unevolved leo moon. Hopefully I'll get to know more leo moons, they seem so warm and welcoming!
Virgo moon
My girl bestfriend has this placement. We both love talking about kind of everything (mercurial moons) wether it be books, gossip, personal stuff... She gets stomach issues when stressed. She loves animals, she has a very deep bond to her pet dog. She lives vegan and loves minimalistic interior design. She always cared for her younger siblings, cooking for them, sometimes even taking the role of a caretaker (she's a cancer sun). We haven't been very much in touch lately, but I still cherish her a lot! She helped me getting through many things and I can count on her to always be honest with me. I have also shared a flat with two other virgo moons, the one was absolutely crazy about houseplants, she had like 30 in her room. She was very nice and gentle, but a little too naggy for me. The other one is my soulsister, we always grabbed food or cooked together which was very fun!!
Libra moon
Sadly, I didn't have the best experience with this placement. A friend in school had this, and she just was very passive aggressive. She wasn't romantic or warm, she was rather cold and aloof. When I started dating my boyfriend, she got so jealous and accused me of never having time for her. We never really hung out anyways, but that's when she started getting toxic. Her mother was very strict so she also became like that. She was also the one person that always complained about the exams but in the end she always had A's. We lost touch after school and I'm very glad about it. I know that she was probably an unevolved libra moon, so I hope I'll get to know the nice, gentle and loving ones! 🌚
Scorpio moon
I lived with one for about 4 months. She was very shy, but she was willing to open up. When you criticised her, she felt completely offended and never really talked to me ever again. She moved out very soon and my other flat mates and I weren't so sad about it. She never talked to us, she didn't even get out of her room after this one incident, where we criticised her for never coming out of her room. We were 4 girls sharing a big flat, 3 of us were always going out and having fun together, she never even read our text messages so we just assumed she didn't want to be involved with us. She just seemed very cold. In the end she blamed us for being cold, even though we invited her out for like a 100 times. We were even a little scared of her, she just seemed so unfriendly. I have never heard of her every since and I'm not mad about it.
Sagittarius moon
I know some people with this placement. Actually many of them are studying to become a lawyer and they're pretty good at it. One of them is becoming a police officer the other wants to be a politician. They cherish their own opinion a lot, they love living life as they want to. They are down for partying every weekend, I also saw a connection with drinking too much... Sometimes the girls are "not like other girls" because of their love for danger and adventure. One of them always felt the need to rub under my nose how much she liked to perform sports and whatever. They are very sporty though. But I sometimes get the feeling they take themselves too seriously. Not my favorite moon placement, but they're alright. They can be a little braggy and their political views can be a little extreme. A love for animals and justice.
Capricorn moon
Sorry, but no. 🧡 They treat everything as a transaction, if they're giving you something, you automatically owe them. They can be funny though and really nice. They are very ambitious. I noticed they do have a problem with feelings, and if they're getting involved with you, it is for the long run. On the other hand, if you don't seem like the one, they will just leave you hanging around until they find a better option. Maybe that's just my experience. I feel like their childhood was very strict, they had to look after themselves and their parents weren't very supportive of them. Might have a narcissistic mom.
Aquarius moon
That's another placement that was my flatmate. She also had a very rough childhood. Her father wasn't even involved, her mother always favoured her brothers over her. It was really hard getting to know her and even though i had loved to stay in touch with her, I haven't heard of her after moving out, which is kinda sad. She was very emotionally codependent on her boyfriend, so there wasn't really space for any other relationship in her life. I just hope she's happy now. :) The other aqua moon I know studies the same subject at university like me. We get along very well, but we're not best friends. She also seems a little distant, she lives in her own world and has her own circle of friends. But she's very nice and very human(?) I love talking to her, it just makes me feel great! 🧡
Pisces moon
This one is a little tricky. My boyfriend has this placement, and he's the most gentle, kind, supportive, understanding and loving person I know. Pisces moons can be the most creative, selfless and caring people in the world. On the other hand, my bully in high school had this placement 💀 She always used me for homework and talked sh*t about me behind my back. I feel like pisces is a placement in general, that really needs to learn how to deal with their gentle and sensitive nature. It seems like many of them try to mask their feelings by being mean/ dominant/aggressive. But it's no weakness to show emotions! 🧡 Because of my boyfriend, it's probably my favorite moon sign! 🧡
That would be it! Hope you liked it!
If you can't resonate, please know that these are my personal experiences with the moon signs. Every moon sign has an evolved and unevolved part. I feel like I met a lot of unevolved ones. Sadly.
Anyways, see you soon, love you. Byee🧡
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dramallamas · 11 months
Because you cannot pry British Juwon from my hands here are some Juwon headcanons based on his time in England and a bit about how it affects his life in Korea. Featuring Kwon Hyeok obviously.
Language Headcanons:
He is bilingual and is fully fluent in both English and Korean.
He learnt French in school but has forgotten most of it.
It actually got to a point where he would forget words in Korean and ask Hyeok what they were. So he would write down words he forgot and memorise them.
He still sometimes, tho very very rarely, forgets words. He has a note in his phone of them.
He spoke Korean with Hyeok but whenever either of them went out, they spoke English.
Hyeok was fluent but has not maintained the same level as Juwon since moving back to Korea.
Juwon mumbles in English to himself when thinking hard and believing he’s alone. However, people have caught him do this from time to time.
His English voice is a tiny bit deeper than his Korean one but not many people notice it (DS does tho 👀).
He speaks English pretty articulately, and has more of a southern accent.
He says scone like phone and not like gone.
Dongsik adores when Juwon speaks English and has actually picked up a couple words himself.
Unconsciously swears in English… including in rated E moments.
When he’s stressed/upset and gets the opportunity to just explode (obviously after he’s bottled it) he talks in a mush of both languages.
Other Headcanons:
Juwon went to a private school in England and Hyeok taught him extra at home.
He did not have a lot of friends but had one or two that he liked tolerated.
Definitely got picked on by other kids for being quiet or weird. That was until he full on punched a kid and got in deep shit for it, but nobody picked on him again so Juwon called it a win.
He though british/western food was mostly bland but there was a certain elegance and comfort in its simplicity.
Did not go out often, and flat out refused to go to clubs.
He did apply for UK universities and did a year or two before going to the Korean Police Uni.
Did get into a good uni, like Russell group uni (maybe Oxford?), and yet didn’t get accommodation and simply got his own place instead (his hate of sharing things and richness coming into play). He also learnt to cook there.
His father never visited but did send money to the two of them, though Hyeok also got a job out there.
He does not have the best spice tolerance due to western food being… not that spicy.
He has an English name, but doesn’t like to use it unless he has to. He much prefers Juwon.
Has been asked out by a variety of people but turned everyone down as politely as possible (unless they were pushy then he got annoyed and was very bitchy about it). He has never been interested in anyone.
Has read every single sherlock holmes book in English and still has copies in his Seoul apartment.
The only jobs he had in England were from mandatory work experience. 
Despite not really being social, he did get to know a book store worker when he went to purchase something out of the classics section.
Yes he read classics and older literature, you’re gonna tell me he didn’t? But his guilty pleasure was fantasy books. He definitely read mostly in English (more accessible) but did pick up the odd Korean book too.
His notes for cases in korea are a mash of Korean and English, mostly just writing in whatever language flows out first. There’s not a lot of time to get them down and nobody else is gonna see them so he doesn’t care about it.
Feel free to drop your own thoughts and opinions and reminder that these are MY HEADCANONS and may not fully align with yours :)
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unsaidthingsj2e · 1 year
that one good cologne, that you bought when we were fighting
Summary : Memories of the night Jude broke up with you are flooding back as you smell his perfume in the bus.
a/n : once again, ignore any spelling mistakes, english is not my first language,
this is inspired by memories by conan gray (<3) and most specifically by the lyrics i put as the title of this fic!!
this is just angst but also i don't know if anything i ever write has any value so don't get your hopes too high, tho i would love to know what you thought ab it!! love ya
It annoyed you, how memory worked. How the sight of a picture, the sound of a melody, the taste of a pastry, the texture of a shirt, the smell of the air would make you remember stuff you tried so hard to bury deep inside your mind.
You hated how it would hit you at the most random moments, taking you by surprise and sending you into memory lane without your consent.
Because you just entered the bus, eager to finally go home after a long day at uni. You had to run in order to catch the bus and not wait for another 10 minutes in the rain. For once, you spotted a free seat that would relieve your back of the heavy weight of your backpack, the bus ride would, for once, not be living hell.
Quickly making your way to the back of the bus where you saw the seat, you sat and sighed, letting the stress dissolve. After taking quick breaths in order to allow oxygen to course through your veins again, it hit you.
You found yourself physically unable to move as the smell of the air hit you. Your brain only took seconds to catch up, pairing the smell of the cologne the guy behind you wore with what you still describe as the worst period of your life.
Too vividly for your own liking, the scene seemed to play in front of you.
You usually weren't the confrontational type, always preferring hiding your feelings deep inside you, convincing yourself you overreacted when something seemed off.
This is something your boyfriend, Jude, made sure to change throughout your relationship. He made sure you knew he would not react like your parents and past partners always did when you brought up an issue.
You loved him, and this part of him, that was making sure you felt safe, was your favorite. He clearly cared for your bond and wanted you to be able to express whatever was on your mind.
Him reassuring you did not make the process less stressful, as you usually fell back into old patterns, but after a year of dating him, you were beginning to get more comfortable at the idea of openly communicating your feelings.
That's how it started.
"Jude? Can I talk to you please?" you said before you could chicken out of this
"Hi love, I didn't know you came home already" he left his spot in front of the TV to come greet you with a kiss, "sure, what's on your mind?"
This display of attention, that became so rare lately, made you pause, wondering if you were indeed making it all up. But when you made eye contact with the boy, you could still see all the space between you two, that wasn't there before.
"Can we go back on the couch maybe? I'd like to be sitting to discuss this" you tried to create an environment that would lessen the pressure on yourself, not trusting your knees not to break right here and there.
You used to be so sure Jude would be your lifeline, having been friends for so long before dating, and now, knowing how good he could treat you as his girlfriend, you could not help but be confused at what he was becoming.
His eyes grew cold and distant, the time he dedicated to you kept on reducing, the affection behind his nicknames seemingly gone. You wondered if you did something to activate this slow and agonizing descent into your personnal hell; a life without him.
You could see worry creeping up in his eyes, vector of so many emotions, or lack of thereof, he could never hide, "Whatever you'd like, is something wrong?" Jude asked.
"Maybe? I don't really know if i'm making all of this up but you're the one that always insisted I don't let myself spiral with my thoughts right?"
"Yeah, always love, I want you to be comfortable around me"
"Okay, uhm, I couldn't help but notice you slowly slipping away? It's just that you're not around as much, you don't seem to long for the physical touch you usually crave from me and, I feel like you don't even care about me anymore, like you've seen all that was to see and you've just grown bored"  you spit out in a single breath, worrying you could change your mind if you didn't say it fast enough.
It's the way the worry in his eyes shifted to a shade closer to annoyance that was the exact reason why you hated doing this, "Hey, I don't know where you think you saw that, but I still love you as much as I did yesterday and all the days before, none of what you said reflects what I'm feeling for you" his honey slicked voice tried to reassure you, but it just didn't seem enough this time.
Engulfing you in a hug to shut down any answer or further explanation you may have had, Jude started kissing your face everywhere he could, "My pretty girl spends her time worrying when she's the only one I see"
You let it slide only because coming up with this took all your energy and you still were unsure whether or not you made everything up,
but the next month just further proved your points
You did try again, multiple times, to bring it up. When you did, he would shut you up with physical attention, hugs that smelled of a new, foreign cologne he bought, and pretty words. Other times, he would straight up avoid the topic. The drastic change in his behavior concerning conversations came with a return of every insecurities he once erased, you stopped trying and just let it eat you from the insides.
A month ago, you had tried to surprise jude by going to his place before he could arrive, and prepare a romantic evening that would serve to cover up your broken relationship. Cooking his favorite meal, baking the desert that he could not get enough of and putting on your guys' favorite playlist, you were happy with your work.
While you were finishing cooking the main dish, your phone vibrated, indicating a new text from your man
"we should talk, come by my place in an hour?"
Not knowing what it could mean nor if you were supposed to reveal your surprise, you did not answer.
10 minutes later, Jude entered his appartement, not expecting to see you here already. You could tell he was about to ask why you showed up so early when he told you to come in an hour before he noticed the music, the smell, the state of the dining table.
"Hi, we should probably talk before doing all of this" he said while gesturing to all the stuff you prepared. the lack of kisses and "thank you"'s were not unusual but still stung as if it was the first time.
"Yeah, sure, what do you wanna talk about?"
"I'll go straight to the point to make it fair to you, because I haven't been. I met a new girl."
Time stopped
"I'm sorry that you were right about all these things you used to hold myself accountable for, but I found myself falling for her and it had to come with putting space between us. I wish things were different but I have to break up with you in order to make things fair for both of us, we just aren't made for each other and it's time we accept it"  he said, still filled with confidence and when you dared to look in his eyes, shades of honesty and the lack of empathy or sadness felt like just another knife being thrown into your back.
He was so convinced he was being the good guy, coming clean and acting as if the relationship was a burden to both of you. You wondered how long he has been feeling like that, what triggered the need to be fair now, when he hasn't been for at least a few months, if he said your accusations were correct.
You felt dizzy, confused, hurt, but neither tears nor words were coming out. You could only bet your face was one of stone, with pain all over it written in capital letter with glittery paint. All you knew was that you had to leave, so you did.
Jude had anticipated the shutting down part, knowing you well enough to know this many emotions and facts to process would send you into overdrive, so he did the talking, "As much as I appreciate you and I always did, I doubt a friendship between us would work again. It would, this time, not be fair to my girlfriend, I'm sure you can understand."
The word girlfriend being used for someone that wasn't you made an unexpected sob rip through your chest. You had an hard time believing the man in front of you was the man that used to be your best friend and lover. Such hard words used carelessly, no matter what you felt was so unusual for him.
That cologne, so foreign, caused an headache. Or maybe it was the wave of intense emotions, the contained tears and the broken promises. You made your way to the door, opening it and freezing.
You considered saying a snarky comment about dinner, attacking him about the trust you had put in him, asking about this new girl, but you just couldn't.
You'd look for closure later, when your mind was not foggy and threatening to shut down as well, but for now it's you leaving the double of the keys he gave you behind. More than a key, it was ornamented with keychains from places you had visited together, mostly places where he played with his team. And the key of the heart shaped locker you two had put on the infamous love lock bridge in paris, when he would insist you keep it instead of throwing it in the water, because you would always be the key to his heart.
All hope of a peaceful bus drive was gone, as you still found yourself glued to your seat, paralyzed by the scent of the cologne.
It caused you the same headache it had back then, accompanied by the tears you had held back when last confronted to this smell.
part 2 right here <3
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depressopax · 7 months
LCDP character valentines day headcanons
Fandom - La Casa de papel/Money Heist
Pairing: Nairobi - Berlin - Denver - Tokyo - Professor - Alicia Sierra - Bruce - Cameron - x gender neutral reader Genre: Fluff Warning(s): No smuts, but suggestive themes. Reader is gender neutral. Words: 1.3K Summary: How do the LCDP characters celebrate valentines together with reader? English is not my main language, if I make any spelling mistakes please let me know so I can improve my writing! <3 AO3 link soon
I made one of Breaking Bad characters, so ofc I gotta make one for my babygirls in LCDP 🫶
Enjoy and happy valentines day to y'all!!!
(single gang wya?)
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Nairobi LOVES valentine’s day.
Cheesy stuff is her favorite thing - romance movies, dates etc…
So for Valentine's Day, she wants to have a big celebration with you.
She makes plans weeks ahead, booking a weekend for the two of you.
She likes taking you on roadtrips and also going on mini vacations to other towns
So that’s what she does on february 14. 
She doesn’t GAF if it’s in the middle of the week, you’re going lmao
Of course she’s also brought you gifts, probably some jewelry or a plushie. …Maybe both, actually.
Her face lights up when you hand her a gift too.
Will be all over you with kisses
She takes a lot of photos of and with you, and everything the two of you see and do. She wants to document it all and look back at it. 
The day is spent at the hotel, going to a spa, sightseeing or just a candlelit dinner, whichever you prefer.
She also books the fancy room, making sure the two of you have some privacy for the nights… ;)
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Cheesy, romantic mf man
Andrés would spend a ridiculous amount of money for valentines day 😭
No but fr, you’d have to stop him from spontaneously paying for a trip to another country.
He treats this damn “holiday” like it is a life or death situation
Which can be both charming, but a bit concerning.
Luckily, he listens to you and decides on going for a weekend away instead. …His treat, of course
He books the two of you into some romantic spa hotel, and takes you out for fancy dinners.
Of course… Gifts, too. 
He buys you those things you’ve half mentioned wanting earlier. He memorizes everything you say, basically. 
He does all of this, yet still gets flustered when you give him something back. “Mi amor… You… You didn’t have to.” Meanwhile he has a big grin on his face, feeling grateful for every single thing you do.
The weekend away is full of love, relaxation and… Passion 🤭
“King of valentines day”, what can I say?
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I love Denver, but he is pretty forgetful. 
He remembered it was Valentine's Day the same morning.
But this doesn’t mean he doesn't make an effort. 
He loves you, and even if you don’t care that much about it being february 14, he wants to show his love to you.
He rushes to the store to buy you flowers and some other gift.
He takes you out on a date in the afternoon, making sure he looks extra nice for you. 
The date is something romantic, yet fun.
Either an amusement park, picnics somewhere beautiful, ice/roller skating… You name it. 
When exchanging gifts, he feels bad for almost forgetting, but you don’t seem bothered at all, just happy to be with him. 
He gets excited when you hand him over a gift, feeling damn lucky to have you in his life. 
He doesn’t care what you give him, just happy you had him in mind.
Although, if you were to be angry at him, he has more surprises waiting once home iykwim ;)
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A bit like Denver, but at least she remembers the day before lmao
…Might be because you reminded her
She feels bad, tho, so she makes sure to buy you something and also flowers.
Tokyo doesn’t hate valentines day, but does find it annoying with all lovey-dovey couples. 
But she loves you, and defies her dislike for the day.
She warms up a bit at your reaction to the gifts, tho.
And loves what you get for her.
Doesn’t matter what it is, it will be her new comfort item, and a reminder of her love for you.
She takes you out for a romantic dinner, but then drags you out to the club.
She just wants to party the night away whilst keeping you close, showing everyone that you’re hers. 
The night probably ends with the two of you making out on the dance floor, and taking it somewhere more private…
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This man… 
He’s not used to “celebrating” valentines day, so he is awkward about it.
Probably pleads Andrés for his help to pick out a gift to you and give him advice
…Although he ends up roasting his ideas/suggestions, since they’re too bold, perverted or cheesy. 
Still, he ends up taking some advice.
Homeboy just wants to give you a good day
And he does.
Sergio ends up going for the classic - flowers, suit and romantic dinner.
Also buys you some gift, just simply something he knows you like/need. 
Although he’s a bit nervous/awkward at first, being around you makes him less tense.
He totally stops functioning when you smile and give him what you bought for him
Legit a blushing mess lmao
It ends up being a good valentines day, and you make sure to thank him in more than one way 🤭
Alicia Sierra
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Alicia has a busy job, but she tries taking a day off, or at least the afternoon - to spend it with you. 
She’s not that cheesy. 
She likes Valentine's Day, since it is a day of “celebration”, but she usually doesn’t bother with it. 
Until things got real with you.
She buys some simple (but probably expensive) gift and some flowers and picks you up with her car.
She takes you out to watch some movie and then to her place, where she’s fixed a candlelit dinner.
That way, you have more privacy and focus on each other. 
Alicia likes spoiling you, even if she doesn’t admit so out loud.
That’s why she looks so smug as you open the wrapping paper to the piece of jewelry she brought.
The gift she got from you, she carefully places in her living room, where she can look at it all the time. 
After dinner, you spend the night at her place.
You won’t be sleeping much, tho… ;)
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Bruce sees Valentine's Day as a chance to impress you.
Sure, you're already his, but he still wants to seduce you. 
He’ll have you sleep over the night before, and wake you up with breakfast in bed, and also give you the gift he’s brought. 
Might not be the best food, but at least he made it with love lol
Literally spends the whole day pampering you, making you feel like a royal, which is his only goal.
And you do the same for him.
Which is pretty easy. A couple of kisses, and you’re all his.
Which is why he got so emotional when you gave him a gift too.
The day is spent with home spa, watching movies, making out, and either ordering food or takeaway. 
Basically just a day where the two of you relax together and do other fun stuff, happy to have found each other.
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Due to her last relationship, she’s not that fond of valentines day.
She doesn’t see the point in being extra affectionate once a year, when you can do so everyday.
Still, you buy her a valentine's gift and surprise her with flowers.
She’s stunned at first, then flustered, and then smiles, pulling you into a kiss. 
As a thank you, she takes you out on a date.
Together, the two of you like adrenaline and action.
So of course, you either go to an amusement park, or go sightseeing on her motorcycle, with you sitting behind her, hands wrapped around her hips as she speed drives through town.
The rest of the day, you explore random places together, taking pictures and making memories. 
Cameron can’t help but just stare at you, feeling so incredibly lucky to have you.
You go to some cozy restaurant to eat. 
Once going home, it’s getting dark. 
The two of you can’t keep hands to yourself during the trip home
So you end up doing that at the most random place
Afterwards, you are cuddled up and stargazing. 
Although you’re supposed to watch the stars, you and Cameron only has eyes for each other, tbh <3
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yurislotusgarden · 1 year
Hello there, are still open for some requests ?
If you are, may I request some platonic short fic for Dazai, in a story where Dazai and reader (female) are hanging out or having fun together at a Cat Cafe. So reader is having a bad day and Dazai decided to cheer reader up by taking her to the Cat Cafe
Some small information, Reader is Dazai’s younger sister in the story, and she lives together with Dazai, but to avoid some misunderstanding they sleeps in a separate bed room
That’s all, thank you, and I hope you have a lovely day 💐💖💐
Cat Cafe is the solution
ʚїɞ Platonic!Dazai Osamu x Reader
ʚїɞ Keep in mind English is not my first language, so there may be mistakes!
ʚїɞ Word count: 927
ʚїɞ I don't like this one too much, it sucks compared to my other works (in my opinion). I do not know why I struggled with this one so much since I never struggled with writing platonic fics??? We are also gonna ignore that I didn't post anything for almost a month :)
ʚїɞ Tw's: None! reader's gender is said to be female from one "little sister but otherwise I didn't write anything else about the gender (I didn't even notice help)
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A knock on the door to your room caused you to pry your eyes away from the book you were reading. Looking up, in the doorway was standing none other than your annoying, yet beloved older brother, Dazai Osamu.
“Do you need anything?” You asked looking over at the clock on your nightstand. 14:52 (2:52 pm), an hour Dazai still should be at his job, but it’s normal for him to randomly come back to the small agency apartment you two live in. “And shouldn’t you be in the agency? Kunikida is gonna scold you again” 
“We’re going out!” You get dismissed, but you ignore that fact due to your confusion. “Huh? Where?” “That’s a surprise!” You sighed. Of course, the brunette wouldn’t tell you, what did you expect? Before you could react, the brunette came up to you, grabbed your wrist, and pulled gently until you stood up from your bed where you were sitting, the book falling onto the bed. You just hope the page you were on wasn’t lost.
“C’mon! N/n, we need to go before Kunikida realizes where I went” Oh, so you weren’t fully dismissed earlier.
“Why did you even randomly decide to take me somewhere?” “Oh why, It’s my duty as your older brother  to make your day better, little sister!” How did he even know your day was shit even without talking much with you today? You won’t question it, you gave up on that years ago.
“Cat cafe?” 
Here are the two of you standing in front of a small cafe which you quickly noticed to be a cat cafe to be specific. If you remember correctly, the cafe opened only 2 weeks prior, you’re not gonna hide you wanted to go here with what you heard about this place.
“Yeah, Yosano-sensei told me that you talked about this place last week in one of your guys' gossip talks” “Wha- She said she won’t tell you!”
The ‘gossip talks’ as named by Dazai, aren’t really only for that -even tho gossip is the thing that is mostly talked about at those meets- but just talking about random things with a little alcohol… no one needs to know about the other part.
“She didn’t want to tell me absolutely anything until I bribed her with something that will hurt my wallet a lot”
“You mean Kunikida-kun’s wallet”
“I don’t know what you are talking about” 
You think that maybe you should buy something for Kunikida for putting up with your brother’s bullshit all the time, maybe a new pen? Or pay for one of his meals? Maybe- And there you go being dragged again, this time into the cafe itself instead.
The interior was welcoming when the two entered the cafe, the bell above the door jingling, alerting the workers that more customers arrived. The beige and brown walls made it seem homely and comfortable. The cold air from the AC was gently blowing on you and the brunette, instantly cooling both of you down from the warm fall air. Since the cafe was fairly empty at this time, you and Dazai went to sit down at a booth in the far left corner by a window after ordering drinks. You could hear quiet music playing from the speakers in the cafe after listening a little more closely.
“Do you even know anything about cats?” You started a conversation knowing that your brother may start something that will get you kicked out of the calm place. The safer option is to start it yourself.
“I do! Quite a lot actually!”
“I don’t believe you. Why would you know anything besides the basics? Look at you.”
“I’m taking the last part as a compliment. But! To answer your doubts, searching stuff up between work is much more entertaining.”
“What work? You mean sitting in the office and annoying Kunikida-kun until he’s close to having an aneurysm?” A fake offended gasp came from the brunette, as you expected.
“I’ll have you know that I work very hard every day!”
“You being late every day and paperwork being given to Atsushi-kun speaks something different!”
“Do you want me to prove that I know a lot?” Dazai leaned onto his arms on the table.
“Do it.”
Surprisingly, he indeed knows a lot more than you expected. Is that what he does when he isn’t jumping into rivers? Searching up stuff about cats? Why does he know all that stiff if he never did and still doesn’t own a cat?
“You thought that my bad mood will disappear just because we came here?” It was over 15 minutes before you remembered why were you even in the cafe in the first place.
“Of course! We both know my ideas don’t fail!”
You were going to say how coming here won’t magically fix your mood, that it doesn’t work like that,  but that was your thought before 2 of the cafe cats decided you’re the perfect person to bother. One cat -who you heard didn’t even like people that much and normally just sits in random places to evade people- is casually lying on your lap and accepting pets like it’s normal for him, and then there’s the other one who’s sitting beside you in a way that you have no option to put your hand comfortably to the side, therefore, resulting in you petting that one too.
A chuckle came from the older who unlike you didn’t have any cat anywhere near him. “You were saying?”
“Shut. I at least have cats that like me”
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Notes, comments, reblogs and anything else is greatly appreciated <3
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raven-the-claw · 1 year
A Complete Guide To Chaotic Academia
bc its my fav aesthetic and there is not enough content about it
most people say that chaotic academia is just dark academia but a little bit more messy, and, well, chaotic. the truth is, chaotic academia is A LOT more messy than dark academia. you can still use dark academia as kind of a "base", but you are going to replace your blazers with flannels, your turtlenecks with tshirts. as for pants, you can go with litteraly anything: cigarette pants, tailored trousers, ripped-up jeans or normal black leggings. i personally really ike ripped up overalls bc they give that "i dont really give a damn, im so misunderstood, my parents didnt love me, im a crazy lonely introverted teenage child" vibe...idk. whatever you wear, make sure you feel comfortable in it! even tho in chaotic academia there are almost no rules at all, here are some things that might help you!
colours: any earthy tones are fine, brown, caramel, dark green, dark red, white, etc etc
fictional characters that might inspire you:
-remus lupin
- any dpc character
- jess mariano
- sydney novak
accesories: flannels (a personal fav + they make even the most boring fit look better), cardigans, converse (bonus points if you draw/write on them or if you have them laced in a weird way), bracelets or necklaces that mean something to you, harry potter back packs, tote bags...
hairstyles: whatever you want, just make sure your hair is ALWAYS messy, looking like you just fucking woke up
Activities and Traits
ok now we're getting to the actually important part bc (repeat after me): chaotic academia is not about how you look, its about how you live and how you act. so here r some thing that might help:
- annotating books with the most unhinged random thoughts
- learning poetry or speeches word for word but not remembering most of the things for school
- studying in the (school) library and being besties with the librarian (optional)
- leaving notes (on trees, mailboxes or library books) for strangers to find
- "studying while listening to classical music" and then instead of studying you end up agressivly mouthing your favorite song
- im sure yall already heard this one, but yes, swearing and slag while discussing deep academic topics is incredibly important
- speaking of important topics: posting something important on social media knowing no one will read it
- doodles on your hands 24/7 (NO SUSAN, I DONT GIVE A DAMN THAT ITS BAD FOR MY SKIN)
- sarcasm. a lot.
- random thoughts
- random quotes
- knowing a ton of conspiracy theories that you dont even beileve in by heart
- listening to all different types of podcasts
- one day reading the classics, the next ya fantasy and day after that ao3 smut
- multifandom, multishipper
- tea/coffee addiction
- adding b.c. to todays date when writing it in school
- random thoughts and the weirdest annotations in your school notebooks, especially the classes that you find boring
- "going to the bathroom" and then spending half of your math class drawing/reading/smoking/crying/thinking/whatever the fuck you wanna do there bc ur tired of everything
- stealing random stuff from stores (tho it is not encouraged blah blah blah)
- watching gilmore girls every fall
- telling people ur favorite colour is green even tho it isnt just to let them know that ur gay
- reading in class, on breaks, at home, parks, meetings, aethletic events, and generally all the fucking time
- doing (mostly) everything last minute
- bad at photography, but you enjoy it
- cold tea my beloved
- wearing one item every day: it can either be a necklace, a flannel, a bracelet, a badge, headphones, earrings etc etc
- extremely messy handwriting, always writing with black pen
- crying at least once a day, but only when ur alone, being super emotional but never showing it
- hobbies include reading, screaming in your pillow, learning unique languages that you will probably never use, rewatching dead poets society, harry potter, enola holmes, end of the fucking world and gilmore girls
- massive bookworm, reads all the time, always has a book with them
- skipping class, not that often tho
- 💫anger issues💫
- hyperactive and lazy at the same time
- uses big words but makes fun of other people when they do it
- writes (rebellious) book quotes everywhere, every single one of their notebooks had IF WE BURN, YOU BURN WITH US written in them lol
- random useless powerpoints
- analysing taylor swift's folklore and evermore instead of sheakspeare because its just better
- retired almost-emo, had a phase when they wore black and acted all mysterious but were never really emo i cant explain it
- likes mcr. this one speaks for itself.
- gay and sad. no explanation needed.
Books, Movies and Music
- Harry Potter by you know who (WE DONT SUPPORT HER THO)
- The Secret History by Donna Tartt
- Night School by CJ Daugherty (is that how u spell it lol)
- The Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo
- Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
- Heartstopper by Alice Oseman
- Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
- Emma by Jane Austen
- Hamlet by Do I Really Need To Say Who
- The Perks Of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
- The Picture of Dorain Gray by Oscar Wilde
- Frankenstein by Marry Shelley
Movies/TV Shows
- end of the fucking world
- heartstopper
- harry potter
- enola holmes
- dead poets society
- gilmore girls
- httyd (no kidding lol)
im not really a film girlie so if yall have any recs please lmk
- Mother Mother
- Taylor Swift (obviously)
- Lana Del Slay
- Conan Gray
- Olivia Rodrigo
- My Chemical Romance
- Lovejoy
- Bowie
- Queen
- Radiohead
- Björk
- Those random Disney songs i know you scream to at 3am
also whoever sings the IMJUSTATEENAGEDIRTBAGBAABBYY song
here is my playlist if yall wanna listen to it
hope that helps lol
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whole-circus · 1 year
i luv your account aesthetic or wtv its called!! it’s rlly cool, mmm i wanted to request for smth!
could you write homicidal liu and jeff tk with a selective mute male or gender neutral reader? if u write for only one then jeff would be ok! and if you don’t know how to write for a mute reader, feel free to ignore this!!
the reader doesn’t communicate at all with words, and only use nods and stuff 4 answers. thank u sm !! <3
Jeff the Killer and Homicidal Liu x gn. reader with selective mutism!
➥ Ah thank you so much, you are so sweet!! T^T No problem! I tried my best to educate myself, but please free to correct me! :) Im at your service! And also - please take care of yourself!
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.•┈••✦ 🖤 ✦••┈•.
Jeff the Killer
☆ He can be a bit tease at moments, but he has good intentions - i mean, only he can do that?? Also no worries, he is a bit of a talker - leave him with someone he likes and he will talk and talk for hours.. For that he doesn't need any words, just small gestures showing that you are listening to him! Like the way you look at him..ah he just love that! <3
☆ He is like this scary dog privilege, wouldn't let talk shit about you! Pretty agressive from me huh? Good! He is so, so protective of you! He knows people can be terrible and he doesn't tolerate meanies. Any person that makes you sad will land on his black list. That doesn't mean that he doesn't trust you, Jeff knows that you are able to manage..but he want to help you if you would need that! (plus you would spend even more time together!).
☆ This man doesn't except a lot, deep down he is just a softie who wants someone to love. Oh? And what is that? His precious partner? He would jump from joy, if he didn't had this cool persona to hold up! I promise your selective mutism its not a big deal for him, after all he is killer, come on..everyone have imperfections huh? You do you, you are still amazing! You are still his sweet S/O, and he loves you the way you are! But the same as Liu - he wants the best for you, and would love you to get professional help (only if you are comfortable tho, its a big and hard step).
☆I think he would like to do stuff with you that helps you express yourself. Listen, he would love to learn you how to play guitar - unless you are this cool person who can do that. But maybe writing poems? Okay, this is just straight sweet. Photography? Hell yes, you could even make some journal together? You know, to never forgot your shared moments? Or even an art! Like painting, sculpting, drawing..he is up to anything, as long as he gets to spend time with you!
Homicidal Liu
☆ He doesn't mind in the slightest! I think he is pretty observant person, so nonverbal communication would be his thing. And if there is something, that would help you communicate better then he is right by your side - no matter if you would like to learn sign language, or maybe start using communication cards! Would do anything to help, if you would feel better then he would go with you to places, and if needed - react.
☆ Liu is a patient partner and just a sweetheart! That means that he would never pressure you over something, with what you wouldn't feel comfortable. Of course, he wants you to feel better, but it doesn't matter if you speak or not. Your well being is the most important. But! If you would be open to therapy, then he is your number one supporter!
☆ Loves spending time with you..- just you both relaxing in home. The choice is yours - games, movies, baking. Man, he would also love to slow dance with you (I bet he is a good dancer with his long ass legs). You are his safe place and he hopes he is yours..!
☆ He would do anything for you, he loves you so much! You are his favorite person and he wants you to remember, that even if mutism is part of you, then it isn't everything you are! You are your favorite drink, your favorite sweater or the way you walk.. you are this little things that makes you you..! And also! The relationship is supposed to be for good and bad times, so its perfectly normal for partners to feel vurnable and safe around eachother, just the way they are!
.•┈••✦ 🖤 ✦••┈•.
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dreamersville · 1 year
FATGUM head cannons
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an? i wrote this so long ago i just wanna clear my drafts out😭😭 soo sorry if its bad but you could always send me a request 💜.
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- because hes my fav and i love him so much i just wanna tackle his 7 foot ass and love him for the rest of his life... ANYWAYSSSSS 
- this man is known by name (and sometimes order) by every restuarnt in a 10 mile radius of his agency. and i knwo your probably like “he a pro hero ofc they know his name” no. his given name and the first time it happen he was shocked 
- sings in the shower, off key, loud and proud, just straight butchering all and every song in his playlist. 
- his home is custom bulit to him. everything is like 2 feet taller than it would be for somebosy in averge height. somebody (me) said it reminds them of jack and the bean stalk and he doubled over laughing
- kiri and tamaki come over to watch cooking show because one he wouldnt be able to fit as comfortably at their dorms, and two because he got a big ass tv and watching on his tv is so much better, and he got snacks out the ass.  im talking pantry overflowing, with everything. tama used to the system but kiri swears he could get lost in it
- im sorry but, he can only cook stroke inducing food. which makes sense for quirk and what not but dont eat it unless you trying to put yourself in an early in a early grave. smothered everything, if its baked, best believe it was fired first. cheesy everythinggggg like omg, i still love him tho
- his favorite food shows be the baking shows, especially Cupcake Wars. he gets up-fucking-set if his favortite contestant loses or gets kicked off before the finalem hes gonna be talking about it for the rest of the week about how unfair it was and the judges didnt know what they were talking about because how could they not win. 
- relationships hcs or what not
- ahhhhhhh love language is most definitely acts of service and quality time. he livesss for when he got a second to just hold you, or be in your presence. it just so calming to him, the acts of service parts is bringing you food to try. ooo when he went on a mission outside of Esuha City he sends you a selfie with  e v e r y new food/ drink he tries on his mission. so expect a lot of of pictures and sometimes videos from him
- top tier cuddles in that giantic ass bed. and he has a weighted blanket with a big ass fan AND black out curtains ????? need i say more
- drags you down into his baking show addiction, but yall always tend to go for the rivals. so yall make bets on who’s gonna last longer. right now you’re winning 7 - 6 
- but you watch Extreme Cake Makers and write down recpies you wanna try and little things the contestant did so you could test it out. so you have notes deicted to ths and you sometimes go back and rewatch episodes to catch small stuff that you missed. he lovess when you get like this all nerdy and focused, it soo cute ugh. 
- likes to take you through the city at night because its look pretty at night when its lit up. you take a lot of pictures of bridges and in front of different signs and stuff
- omg, if you just so happen to walk past the shower whiles he in there singing his heart out, he’s gonna stop singing and say “take it away babe”. 
- a sucker for your southern nicknames. all the sugar, sweetness, bubs/bubba, honey. say anyyy of these and this man is at your feetready to do anything and everything just to hear you call him that again
- baby be feening for thanksgiving and christmas to come around. first time he was on a long mission, was gone for a week and came back on thanksgiving eve to see that you were cooking up a feast, he was so happy he cried.
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ik the ending seems kind meh .. but then again this been sitting in my drafts
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ros3ybabe · 1 year
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Update Check In - October 7th thru October 10th, 2023 🎀
I am officially back home from seeing my boyfriend and now I am big sad because I already miss him again. I was not as productive as I thought I would’ve been while with him these last three days but I’m also not mad about my lack of stuff done. I got some quality time with him and I am so happy with that. I did do some things that would count s productivity, such as some Japanese studying and a short amount of homework. I think I’ll use this post as a motivator for some stuff I need to do with a little bit of what I did this weekend.
🩷 What I Accomplished -
Kept up Duolingo daily streak
Kept up Busuu daily streak
Began working in Lesson One in Genki I
Submitted and passed Psyc Quiz for Chapter 7
Began using LingQ for Japanese
Looked into Kanji learning books
so yes, I didn’t accomplish much but again, not mad. I am still happy with what I did accomplish. I also really enjoy the Genki I textbook so far, I’m still trying to figure out a good note taking technique for myself with this textbook but I really like writing down the end of lesson practice exercises. I think I want to get better at reading and writing, and listening, and my goal is to start italki lessons by December/Jaunary. If I don’t start my italki lessons until a bit later tho, I won’t be upset because I know learning Japanese is a long process and something I’ll be working on for a good chunk of my life.
🩷 ToDo Personal Today, Oct 11 -
Wash bed sheets + pillowcases
Wash + put away all laundry (clothes)
Do dishes
Continue to work on Genki I lesson one
Maintain Duolingo streak
Maintain Busuu streak
Use Renshuu
Look for some more affordable Japanese language resources for my IPad
Talk to my boyfriend in video call
Make a shopping list for language tracker/bullet journal (I get paid tomorrow)
Make a schedule/routine for working out (I’m going back to the gym next week!)
🩷 ToDo Academic for Today, October 11 -
Lifecycle nutrition chart for NUTR
Lab 7 Pre Lab for my Anatomy Lab
Discussion 3 for NUTR
Culinary chapter 10 quiz
not much academic stuff on the list for the day but I’m trying to take it a little easier with my school things as I am exhausted from a long day of flying and airports yesterday. However, I am using today as like, a set up day for my upcoming days/week. Productive planning is basically my goal for today with a little bit of actively doing some work. I am excited to start my language tracking bullet journal and plan some stuff for working out as I am planning on going back to the gym next week. I want to start with light cardio for the first week just to get me in the habit of going and then after I’m going to step back into the weight room and start lifting light. My boyfriend got me motivated to work on my mental and physical health a bit better, so I’m definitely excited!
I feel with the exercising, it will help me manage my stress better, which I feel will lead to better mood and better food choices. Exercising alone is enough of a motivator to take my nutrition more seriously. I’m more focused on the mental and emotional health aspect of working out than I am the physical stuff, but I’m excited for all the benefits regardless. I just want to take better care of my health in every aspect, in a way that aligns with my values. Hopefully I will have better posts full of more information and stuff I’ve done during the day once I get all areas in my life back in balance with each other.
that’s all for now! I appreciate all of you who read and comment and send me the most encouraging and supportive messages, you all keep me motivated and inspired to continue being my most authentic self and help me feel comfortable with expressing myself in this community. I am so grateful for everything that goes into this blog and everything it’s done for me and the direction it’s helped me guide my life in! Much love to all of you <3
til next time lovelies 🩷🤍
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Hi, I stumbled across your blog and I'm really excited to try the match-up✨
Sorry if I write anything wrong, this is my first experience
I have always been told I am a very kind, caring and compassionate person. I think this is true, I always try to help people around me. I am also very optimistic and always try to think of the best. I am still a very shy, insecure and irascible person, but my bad moods pass quickly. If this helps you I am pisces and infp
Speaking of hobbies I really love my favorite manga and anime and cooking. Although some of my recipes sound suspicious but the dishes turn out really delicious. I can't imagine my life without music, I listen to it all the time. I think it's a bit funny, but I do know a lot of facts from many different fields
Oh, I'm afraid I've written too much. If something is unclear then please apologize, English is not my native language. Anyway thanks and good luck, looking forward to your reply💐
Hi there!!! Thanks so much for this request, I was really excited to fulfill it! And don’t worry about too much info or anything like that, this is great! This is also my first time writing a matchup so I hope it’s alright dkdnjsmd You didn’t specify an age or any preferences, so I’m gonna give you a canonically adult character & assume you don’t have a preference for other stuff, like gender or what part they’re from - if you’d like to resubmit with that in mind tho, that’s okay!
With all that in mind, here are some honourable mentions:
Noriaki Kakyoin was the first to come to mind when I read your request, but with the age thing in consideration, I decided to choose someone else.
After that, I considered Jonathan Joestar, Erina Pendleton, and Mohammad Avdol! Ultimately, though, I ended up choosing:
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Robert E.O. Speedwagon!
Your positivity and kindness hooked the man in faster than he could even blink - we all know exactly how loyal he is and how quickly he can tell who deserves that loyalty. It only took him a few minutes to read that you’re one of those people.
He’s also pretty intrigued by how much you know. He likes to exchange little bits of knowledge and stories with you, especially after he’s done some travelling and has a wider expanse of knowledge. Even before that, though, he always keeps your words in mind - who knows, one day one of those facts might just save a life!
He also very well understands the difficulties of insecurity and hotheadedness, having faced them himself. He does his best to keep you grounded, and encourages you to leave your comfort zone now and then - it’s key to growth, after all - but he knows when to back off. He can be a little stubborn, especially if he’s enthusiastic, but in the end your comfort matters more. If you’d rather stay at home with him than go out and dance or something, that’s fine by him. Hell, with all the travelling he does, he may actually grow to prefer that more relaxed atmosphere.
On that topic, Speedwagon’s pretty good at reading people’s moods and actions. On top of knowing when he needs to let you chill, he also knows if/when he should make somebody else do the same. If he sees something or someone bothering you, he’s quick to swoop in and do whatever he can to settle the situation, whether that’s just to comfort some insecurities or get a particularly annoying person to back off. If he knows that you can handle it, though, he’ll take a backseat and play cheerleader. In fact, it makes him proud to see it.
Also, this man grew up on the most dangerous street in London. He’s no stranger to meals with some odd ingredients, and frankly, he’ll be even happier to learn how good they taste! He’s not the best cook himself, he’s the type of man who uses whatever he has on hand to try scraping together something reasonable, so a good meal will go straight to his heart.
For the sake of anime and manga, I’m gonna go ahead and pretend we’re a little more modern day for the next few. I feel like Speedwagon is more of a reading guy than a television guy. After a long day, he’ll to sit down and read with you, manga or not. He’ll watch a show too if you ask, but there’s something quite romantic about cuddling up and sharing a book that he feels can’t be matched by much else.
On that note, please forgive him ahead of time - if you do get him to sit down and watch your favourite shows, he will have a lot of commentary. He’s the type of guy who will interrupt a scene to enthusiastically declare something like, “So THAT’S why the bugger carries that chain around!”, or confoundedly question what a character thinks they’re doing. He’ll probably do this while reading too, just maybe not as often. He’s not trying to interrupt, he just gets excited - if you tell him to settle down, he’ll do his best to accommodate, but he might slip from time to time.
Also, (and this is another one of those modern day ones) depending on your music taste, he may or may not buy vinyls or discs of your favourite bands and try to get you to dance with him to them. He’ll probably suggest a concert at least once - something tells me that he’s the type to prefer live music.
Knowing that you’re passionate about something makes him passionate, too. He’ll try his best to look into your interests on his own time, and try to involve you in whatever he finds - maybe he asks an older lady he knows for interesting recipes to show you, or he scours a book store for a series he hasn’t heard you talk about yet. He’s doing his best to match your love for these things, even if they’re sometimes new to him.
Your bright outlook on life, your compassion, your love for the things you enjoy - they’re all astoundingly inspirational to this man. He may sometimes worry that you deserve better than an Ogre Street ex-thief, but by god, will he use all the motivation you give him to make a good life for you.
Okay - I think I might have rambled a bit there, but yeah, thank you so much for the request!! It’s the first one I’ve gotten anyways so I hope you’ll forgive all the babbling jehdjjfs
This was a ton of fun to write, and I hope that you’re happy with it!
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nomsfaultau · 3 months
ask being weird again
wlwdwtys asked: (Potentially) Daily ask №7 Locations edition!
How well do you envision the locations when you write? How much do you think them through? Does every location has a geographical position?
What's your favourite location to write? Maybe it's pretty or has symbolical significance or you just like the idea?
Do you tend to make your charactes interact with the environment a lot? During fights as well, cause it can be quite an interesting thing to take into consideration while strategising?
What are the fault crew comfort places if they have any? Besides Wilbur, I know he's a damn immigrant to wherever he goes /j
Where do you tend to write? Like, in your bed/at work/a desk?
Bonus question not relating to the theme: You mentioned that Wilbur can speak all languages?? Including mole language somehow? How- why? Also it's just so funny to me for some reason cause I imagine cursing him out in russian, polish, french, Ukrainian and English at the same time and him just getting it. (I speak all those languages partially just wanted to show off. Still. Ты крутой, чел ♡)
Oh hoho ho. Boy do I! The Foundation site in modeling Fault off of is site 81, which is a subterranean location partially beneath a lake near Bloomsville, Indiana. Hence why the Ranboo incident takes place in the Marengo Caverns, because the only thing you can do in Indiana is a cave I guess. So the fact it was a hewwo Obama joke was not my fault! I’ve also come up with a general floor plan for the Foundation:
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For the upper floor where actual human stuff happens. Then below with a few flights to map out plot events. They get darker lower down.
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I also have a general idea where Rosalind’s house is in Bloomsville, and where her family is living near Chicago, which the guys head to eventually. Chicago was chosen bc at their pace it would take approximately a month to get there (time necessary for plot point) and I picked the area based on demographic distribution statistics. I plotted out their on foot route including partial driving time, diversions, getting loss, how frequently they need to steal supplies, following rivers, calculating hiking and resting speed, etc to the point where google maps stopped letting me plot more stops. All this for….uh. Occasionally referencing a town name and knowing how long the travel takes. Also useful for knowing what they can potentially forage tho!
Some places are far less pinpointed on a map, like Tubbos’ childhood home, though it’s also pretty vivid to me. Other places that are brief settings tend to have less detail unless it’s important tho.
2. I love describing literally anything in nature, which really shines through with Tommy’s obsession with the stars, Tubbos’ flower stuff/Hive tree, The Blade in WHiT Cliffs. Which sucks because I only realized how much I like writing nature stuff after like a year and a half of the entire setting being in grey halls and white rooms. But it becomes a really nice symbol of freedom from the Foundation, so I think it’s worth it.
3. In part 2, the environment very much comes into play. Not that it doesn’t have significance in the first part with things like Tommy’s door, or the corridors of the Foundation being a huge influence in the amnestic arc culmination, but there’s a lot more variety once they’re out. The outside offers them freedom, and certain types of protection, but it also offers its own threats and vulnerabilities. Like, surviving in the arcadia is a big part of part two, how to get food, how to avoid infections, how to hide. Plus fight scene stuff like you mentioned. If Wilbur has shade or not can shape his strategy, or like Philza having a harder time flying in trees than Tubbo does, if there’s a place to shelter Tommy and Tubbo in or not, etc. And The Blade’s powers are nearly tailor made for environmental based fighting. Random trees/ceilings falling and unfortunate lightning strikes in a storm are his bread and butter. Plus just yeeting trees at people. (…not full trees he’s not THAT strong but still)
4. Tubbos’ is the Hive tree hands down. That’s very much explored in chp 5/WHiT Croplands, but it’s like where all their hives were, massive oak tree, over flowering year round. Very warm and happy place for them. Tommy yearns for his room. To just flounce on his bed and sink in. I also imagine he really liked school since that’s where his friends were. The rest it’s more difficult because they’re all pretty nomadic. The Blade’s would be crashing at one of his college friends’ houses. Like make no mistake it’s a hovel, but it’s still comfortable to him to chill on a stained carpet and eat a slice of pizza with Averil while chatting about video games. It’s the closest thing to a real home he’s ever had. Wilbur…I don’t know. Everything feels temporary to it. He’s never considered a place his. And on the flip side, Philza’s had so many loved places over the years, and his favorite spot of all is right beside his Collected.
Funny how they all seem to be yearning for home.
5. In bed for the vast majority, though sometimes at work. Last summer the answer was literally anywhere since I had no phone access and would pour everything into a small notebook. Alas my current job is far more hands on.
6. There is no reason for the void to speak English, and due to the variety of creatures in there it made sense to me that they had an infinite number of usually evil languages, which Wilbur would need to know how to speak to communicate. So Wilbur can speak all languages especially the dark forbidden ones. Actually it’s its main source of education beyond Phil and eldritch secrets, since Wil instantly knows the definitions of all words…if not necessarily the context or how it’s applicable. Leads to some very strange conclusions. Also most void languages aren’t usually possible with a human tongue, so Wil’s biology actually can stretch to accommodate in some. Well unfortunate ways usually, but hey! Bonus language to talk to Tubbo and Philza with! If cursed out in all those impressively known languages…he wouldn’t register it as different from a normal tongue lashing. Wilbur doesn’t understand that humans experience language barriers because “what do you mean? Isn’t it just a different accent of Human?” This was not helped by the number of languages, many dead or severely out of date, that Phil speaks.
bonus: The Blade learned to speak English from the voices. Now why do they speak English? Uhhh well The Blood God picked California and was like ‘hey I’ll make it easier for my vessel by localizing the language of the voices.’ And then picked. A pig. Which are notorious for only speaking pig Latin.
I suppose I’ll sign off in the only other language I speak: y’all best take care now, yah hear!?
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gingerpeachtea · 4 months
20 questions for 20 writers !!
ty for the tag @aaronstveit :D <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 13 so far
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 19,163
3. What fandoms do you write for? graceland, braindead, and whatever musicals have crawled into my brain like a parasite and won't leave. i used to write a lot more for aos but i've been slacking </3 daisy johnson i miss u!!!!!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? i already know exactly what these are gonna be lmao
sweet words and fevers (143 kudos, aos, quakerider) lose your faith in me (67 kudos, aos, staticquake) somewhere in the haze (43 kudos, graceland, mike sickfic) wrap it in gauze and light the way home (29 kudos, graceland, mike whump, 10 year anniversary fic :3) if i make it to the morning (28 kudos, graceland, mike/charlie/briggs ot3, mike whump)
5. Do you respond to comments? yes!!!! i looove comments i love talking to people about my fics!!! i love fandom i love community!!! peace and love on planet earth!!!!!!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? out of what i've posted so far, definitely trial by fire, because the point of conflict between mike and paige/their guilt doesn't really get resolved so much as just...they go on with their lives. almost all my fics are hurt/comfort but tbf leans more towards hurt/no comfort. HOWEVERRRRR i do think that once i post something's in your eyes then that will be the angstiest bc i just find the last scene to be really sad
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? not an option for me NEXT! jk it's pillow
8. Do you get hate on fics? naur <3 yay
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? yes. gay👍. if the characters are a man and a woman no they aren't. not to me. also it has to involve some kind of deep psychological issue or else i get bored LMFAO
10. Do you write crossovers? naur
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? not that i'm aware of !
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? nope, but i would absolutely be open to it if someone offered
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? no BUT there is a doc titled MIKEJOHNNY FOREVER where reese (@cemeteryklaus) and i planned out a co-written mikejohnny fic and even started it but she is lost to the depths of my google docs </3
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? you absolutely cannot make me do this. if there was a gun to my head and u asked me this question i think id just let you shoot me
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? OH GOD. UM. to be so honest........ bus kids existence of all time :( just because SOOO much of it has to be rewritten since i started it YEARS ago and have changed soo much as a writer. i love her so much like that's my BABY that's my actual physical tangible child in a bassinet but....... goddd it's just sm longer than my fics usually are so there's so much to do and so little time </3 and even if i finish it the sequel is definitely not seeing the light of day just bc there's like three missing scenes i still have to write and have 0 ideas for lmao
16. What are your writing strengths? LOOOOOOVE a good metaphor. so sexy so fun to write etc shes my best friend. my silly rabbit. i also think i've gotten really good at showing and not telling :)
17. What are your writing weaknesses? keeping dialogue in character!!! the way i speak irl is so specific and strange and i usually tend to default to my own voice and then i have to go He Would Not Fucking Say That and fix it. also i am so violently indecisive, i usually have 9238642879845 versions of the exact same paragraph or phrase and i can never choose which one i like the most. 70% of the editing process for me is choosing between different versions of something
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? i don't know any other languages so i can't rly do this lmao. i like it tho!!
19. First fandom you wrote for? h*rry p*tter WE DONT HAVE TO TALK ABOUT IT!!!!!
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? FUCK um. okay so like. let me do one per fandom because i am so violently indecisive.
for braindead it's a no-brainer (hehe) it HAS to be when memories snow bc i LOOOOOVE giving characters my very specific issues and writing laurel's recollection of her finding abby's body and writing the last two paragraphs literally felt like unlocking something in my soul it was so much fun!!!
for aos, bkeoat (bus kids existence of all time) is so self-indulgent and every time i read it it's like OGH OGH OGH OGH OOGA BOOGA AWOOGA many consecutive shots to the chest etc etc and so on and so forth. bc i cooked it specifically to have that effect <3 but out of currently posted fics it has to be lyfim <3333 for the same reasons.
for graceland TRIAL BY FIRE!!! i'm so proud of it and it turned out basically exactly how i wanted it to and i just!!! aaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!! HOWEVER something's in your eyes will in fact be tied with it when i post it so. get scared
i don't know 20 writers so i'm just gonna tag a random number of mutuals: @emeraldelysium @dandelion-writes @the-sparkling-diamond-satine @jortspheus @wheelsup-sevenup @acerobbiereyes @cemeteryklaus @saint-ossifrage <3 and anyone else who wants to do this!! :D feel free to tag me if u do!
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