#xenogender scifi
pluralsword · 2 years
Xenogender and Ao3 and Art
Hi xenogender and xenoaesthetic folks, entities, and realms and all and none,
it has occurred to us that we um, have written the majority of works on Archive of Our Own that have the xenogender tag. And we’re asking ourselves, we can’t be the only [(alien) robot] persons that plays around with this stuff right? (we’re plural btw)
When we talk to trans folks whether plural or nonhuman or no a bunch of folks relate to our terminologies we’ve come up with and sometimes giving people a look at the worldbuilding doc we’re not quite ready to post yet helps especially if they aren’t going to read fics generally, but also we know that our own experience with aesthetics that our oldest headmate struggled with for more than two decades to put words to and we helped her grasp she pronouns for, for herself in non-human history and assemblage terms, is just one small part of the vast xeno aesthetic spectrum. We’re just one system, and we want to know... what stories have you written, or are writing or making? We thought it might be cool if people reblogged around with their own stuff so their could be a post where all our stuff is together. More than anything- we feel a bit lonely sometimes, because being both on a xeno aesthetic spectrum and by and large a bunch of robots- we are beloved by our community and friends and loved ones, for which we are very thankful, and know a folks who can relate, but we wanna know what people are up to, or just thoughts.
So for those unfamiliar with us, our fanfic (we will eventually do original fiction) is about (Trans)formers and navigates hopepunk stuff regarding autonomy and aesthetic iteration with sparring, family, war, subaltern and community, love, diplomacy, gestalt consciousness, and so forth, drawing in part on the beautiful lore from seven different gender expansive canonical transforming robots in particular before Transformers Earthspark hit and introduced Nightshade (aside from how their whole choosing alt mode thing very much feels like choosing aesthetic expression and in Twitch’s case came before her pronouns were used but anyway) but specifically Arcee(s), Anode, and Lug. Our pg-13 or g-rated works thus far are mostly in the Autosignet Cycle aside from a few shipping fics. The Autosignet Cycle, mostly set in an original continuity, is probably going to continue for years with more fics to come, we started planning out very early versions of this in 2020 but tfwiki’s discord is what jumpstarted our first fic for the series, Day of Multiflame:
1. Day of Multiflame (complete)
A day of mirth, of memory, of rejoicing, of flames dancing together. On this ancient Camien holiday, some plucky heroes young and old across assemblage including two organics come together to celebrate, and to face the struggles ahead, of transformer majority worlds approaching outright conflict over rejoining the largest treaty organization of the galaxy… All the while ancient conflicts and motives beyond their current understanding overshadow everything, rolled up in the origins of these transforming robots. Between intergenerational family, swords, gifts, and I love yous and more, the steadying of each other is enough, to have a little bit of joy and wisdom on this Day of Multiflame. 
2. Wheels of Mutuality and Symbiosis (complete)
Glyph tries to lucid dream to solve the puzzle of her sleep issues, not all is as it seems- but her love of Tap-Out and what informs her aesthetic experience runs strong, helping her through to some long awaited elucidations that are big if true.
This has some big zoomdare energy but I think that is what I often will end up writing.
3. Hold on to Your Dancing (complete)
In honor of xenogender visibility day (May 15th)- I resolved to write two poems, one about my own experience remains unfinished, but one in honor of robot aesthetics via fanfiction was something I was able to finish.
Here you'll find some hints about my plot - some of what this story is on about - with a visiting of the past: the beginning of the last territorial campaign of the Anti-Functionist War, from two war veterans you'll meet later.
4. Honey I’m Cheering For You But No (complete)
A blast to the past before the Anti-Functionist War- archivist Prowl is trying to sort out his life, hasn't been so easy for him after an awful job that has left him very sensitive to the disquiet of society as the very subtly not so Golden Age reaches an end. His old friends Arcee and Aileron who unintentionally helped spark his journey are visiting- and he is beside himself. What does it all mean to him, to them, to carry on as they do, to transform?
In short, we the author finally give some answers with words to the slice of life actions you saw play out in Day of Multiflame- answers very much in context with Sparkflung Trust.
5. Rekindling Flight (incomplete, 7/13 chapters)
At long last, The vast majority of transformers, residing in the Planetwell Polity Alliance, are about to rejoin the largest galactic alliance, which the PPA originally helped create and was expelled from after the Unicron invasion and the subsequent thousands year long war with Functionist usurpers. But, all is not well- threats loom from all corners upon the Autobot revolution: Decepticons, Unicronists, Functionists, and deep existential problems with past, present, and future will try people from all walks of life fighting for intergenerational hope and love.
Nonetheless, something new and wonderful yet old and familiar is afoot- efforts by trillions and their many subalterns are not vain: the power and practice of iterative story.
6. Addendum (incomplete, estimated 10/30 chapters)
7 million years ago, the latest blow to gender on Cybertron is dealt by the rising Functionist tide, stirring an Arcee struggling with loneliness and aesthetic dysphoria into enraged action to help bots in the Hadean System across the aesthetic spectrum save their transformative glory and stories… in the process, she finds aid from the scientist Jhiaxus, who also offers her a new reformatting surgery to let her spark do shaping with CNA editing help. Thus begins a new chapter in her life as a founding member of the expansion of what would later be called the Anti-Vocation League alongside her beloved partner and fellow old person Codexa, while grappling with her own growing pile of pains and traumas. As the millennia carry on and she heads to space, she eventually meets Anode and Lug in the stars, and some dear moments near the present all the way through to events after Transformers: Optimus Prime #25: Post… where she helps some gender expansive bots, and with help from Aileron and her pals she finally gets some answers and closure to her own self, and has a reckoning with forces pitted against her for millions of years. The years after are not what she expected during most of her life prior, and she is glad for them…
This is a fanfic revolving around IDW1, that seeks to add to her already detailed and beautiful arc of a trans woman errant warrior sage coming to terms with herself and deciding to trust people and herself. We love her transformations very dearly, and wanted to attempt to reconcile her appearance in Spotlight: Arcee with her later writing, drawing on wisdom gathered through study and experience, and imagination to connect the dots. As you can tell just from the mention of Codexa in the tags above, this revisiting of IDW1 Arcee’s tale is in part made possible by later writing of gal transformers who we adore, and we will note we draw from ones from all across the decades of fiction of Transformers. What can we say, we love them, and know so much more about ourselves than we ever would have because of them.
For this post, we will note: though it is an IDW1 fic with m-spec and f-spec bots, we build quite a bit of gender variety and relation into it that makes it readily apparent that Cybertron of old is even more different from human histories of such in that regard, we will spoil a little and say that we intend to show how of then aesthetics is remembered and remade into something new and old in the years after the end of the official story...
7. Sparkflung Trust (complete)
Written for a Transformers "fanthology" and also is a tie-in to the Autosignet Cycle original continuity we have been writing - along with a bit of IDW1, Cyberverse, and Alternity. A story about transformation in many senses (surprise), including a quest for the Transformation Matrix … inside of one of the most powerful creatures transformers have ever encountered. What will the errant people on the journey realize, and will it be enough to put into practice to succeed?
If you want to see the other standalone fics we’ve done, including ones about beloved Acid Storm and Overlord, go take a look at our Ao3 page! :3
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Neopronouns in action: cy/cyb/cybryk, which will follow the same rules as it/its/itself for this example.
Replace it with cy
Replace its with cyb
Replace itself with cybryk
"It is going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as it gets a fence set up around its yard so the puppy can go outside without it having to walk it. Its uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he's letting it use, since it lost its."
"Cy is going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as cy gets a fence set up around cyb yard so the puppy can go outside without cy having to walk it. Cyb uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he's letting cy use, since cy lost cyb."
This is also a writing prompt! Go wild! And by "writing prompt" yes I do mean you can use this for an original story you intend to publish!
(can you tell I'm mad about ableism?)
= = = Indispensable===
“What do you remember?”
Those were the first words cy could ever remember being spoken to cy.
What did cy remember? “Nothing.” Nothing except...
Cyb pronouns. Cy knew cy was a “cy”, rather than an “ae” or a “they” or a “he” or a “she” or a “ze” or a “xey” or any other pronouns cy had ever heard anyone use.
Cy didn't know how cy'd lost cyb memories, or why other people could move around by themselves but cy couldn't, not until Sumac, the physician cy was most familiar with, explained it to cy after cy'd asked again. (Cy had already asked twice before, but cy hadn't been fully lucid during those times, so fell unconcious again before cy could hear the answer)
Sumac didn't really want to tell cy, not until cy was feeling better, but she said cy had a right to know, so she told cy the story.
Cy hadn't always been here. Not in this hospital, or this city, or this country, or this continent, not even this planet.
The planet was called GG047, the continent was Weavanim, the country was Part Six of Seventeen, the city was Krosgate, and the hospital was Weavani River Medican.
This star system, cy was told, was called the Xyvis system, had seventeen planets, and over five hundred moons. GG047 liself had five of those moons.
Cy was not from this planet, which was the closest one in the system to the central star, cy was from VT086, which was the fifth planet from the star. Cy wasn't a vi'an, like most of the physicians, like Sumac, cy was a drex, like the youngest physician, Ka'ri, and a few other staff members.
Cy had been sent here from VT086 by an extremist group known as Next Dawn, who believed that all life that hadn't evolved on VT086 was an affront to their god. Cy had been sent to Krosgate to assassinate the leader of the SP-FR Congo, an inter-species organization that encouraged friendly cultural exchange and education.
Before cy could become too shocked and horrified, it got worse. No, cy wasn't in trouble or going to be punished, because, and this was the part that made it worse, cy hadn't had any choice in the matter.
This was why Sumac hadn't wanted to tell cy until cy was more recovered. It was stress no one wanted to put on cy while cy was still sick.
New Dawn had kidnapped cy, drugged cy out of cyb mind, and brainwashed cy until cy could do nothing but follow the orders of the people who'd done this to cy. Cy had been a slave, with no control over cyb mind or body.
No one blamed cy for what cy had done under the affects of the control of the New Dawn slave masters.
The people who had fought to defend the leader of SP-FR had done their best to restrain cy without hurting cy, but none of them were experienced in combat, and hadn't realized how comparatively fragile drex cephalothoraxes were compared to the similar structures of vi'an or drerokai anatomy.
In an effort to pin cy down so cy couldn't hurt anyone else, they'd accidentally crushed cyb hydraulic system, so now cyb body couldn't pump the necessary fluid into cyb legs or pedipalps to move around by cybryk.
The hospital was working to have more drex physicians transferred in to help with cy treatment (which could include a number of additional mobility aids of different varieties and complexity, ranging from, at the most basic, a hoverchair designed specifically to fit cyb body, to, at the other end of the spectrum, a full replacement of all cyb affected limbs and organs with cybernetic prosthetics. It would all depend on what cy wanted to do. No matter what cy chose it would all be provided, free of consequences, and cy didn't have to do anything except sign the records of approval.)
There were other injuries the hospital was treating, not just from the attack itself, but from the conditioning and drugs cy had been subjected to prior to it.
One of the effects was memory loss, the first thing cy had noticed when cy regained consciousness for the first time. Cy knew cy'd used to have memories, and now they were gone. It wasn't like looking at a blank wall, it was like looking at a wall that you knew had once held a mural, but had now been knocked down and burned to ash. All that remained was the empty space, with no hint to what had been there before.
Another affect was cyb inability to sense pain. The combination of drugs had been crafted with the express purpose of, among other things, permanently overloading cyb ability to recognize pain signals. This, Sumac explained with heavy regret, came from the misguided idea (not helped by the many fictional stories across the entertainment styles that used the idea as a “quick and easy” way to make their villains seem extra scary and threatening) that not sensing pain would make you stronger and more durable, able to keep fighting no matter your injuries.
This was patently false on multiple levels, but, unfortunately, the people who were willing to enslave others and use them as tools didn't pay much mind to caring about them or even caring enough to check if their idea made any sense.
As evidenced by cyb destroyed hydraulic system, not feeling the pain didn't mean the damage didn't exist. Just because cy couldn't feel the pain from cyb hydraulic system being crushed didn't mean cy could jump or climb the way cy could have before the injury.
Just because cy couldn't feel the pain from the headaches cy got didn't mean cyb thinking didn't become clouded and sluggish.
Cy would probably never regain cyb memories, or the ability to feel pain. The drugs that had erased them had been too potent. Even if the hospital were able to contact any of cyb friends or family members, cy would never know for certain that what they said was the truth. Cy would always have to be careful to make sure cy wasn't injured without noticing. Cy would no longer be able to tell when cy needed to go inside to avoid damage from the sun until cy became light-headed, which was one of the last signs of xyvar-burn to occur. By the time you became light-headed, that meant it was already life-threatening.
Cy couldn't remember who cy'd been before cy woke up in cyb hospital room, on a strange planet surrounded by aliens cy could never remember meeting before.
Cy was going to be disabled for the rest of cyb life.
The people who had stopped cy from murdering the leader of the group could have killed cy, decided that cyb life wasn't worth saving, that cy was no longer worthy of any consideration or compassion, because cy had been “brainwashed” and drugged and enslaved.
But they hadn't. They hadn't even meant to hurt cy at all. No one had intended to damage cyb hydraulic system. They'd tried to stop cy without hurting cy, even though cy had been trying to kill them.
They'd cared about cy, they'd known it wasn't cyb fault or choice to be doing what cy'd been doing, and they'd done everything they could to stop cy without killing cy.
Cy was disabled, and would never be the person cy was before cy was kidnapped and poisoned and turned into a weapon.
But cy was alive, with cyb whole life ahead of cy, all because other people had chosen to care, and cy would be grateful to them for as long as cy lived.
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xeniden · 3 years
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Name: Cyberiden
Description: A xeniden based on a connection to the Cyberpunk aesthetic. Cyberpunk includes, but isn't limited to the "high tech, low life" trope, a focus on artificial intelligence, and media such as Blade Runner and Cyberpunk 2077. However this xeniden can be used to describe any connection to the Cyberpunk aesthetic, and can be used by anyone, whether or not they have a deep interest in the Cyberpunk aesthetic.
Colours: Black & any neon colours
Themes and aesthetics: Cybercore, Detroit: Become Human, bright neons against black, order/organisation.
Name ideas: Cyrano, Icarus, Rueben, Aitor, Harlin, Solon, Andromeda.
Pronoun ideas: Ae/Aer, Null/Nulls, Syn/Syns. Music ideas: Holding Out For A Hero - Nothing But Thieves. Soulless Meat Puppet - Death Stranding (Original Score).
Outfit themes/ideas: Black denin and neon tshirts, bright eyeshadow, dark clothes and/or a mix of everything mentioned
Other inspirations: Very inspired by Cyberpunk 2077 and Detroit: Become Human
Related terms: This xeniden could also be used with the cybercoric label.
This was a submission from the Discord!
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Genregender Pride Flag
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Genregender: when your gender is related to certain genre(s) of writing in some way. Also an umbrella for any genric gender identity, such as fantagender and scifigender, literary subgender examples.
Similar to bookgender, it stands more for literature’s genres than music, film/television/movie and video game genres, since there are already terms for them, such as moviegender, showgender, musigender and gamegender. 
Not to be confused with gendergender. ~ap
[Image: a 4-striped horizontal flag; shades of tan, darker on top to lightest on the bottom]
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cheeryfairygender · 3 years
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[ID: A banner that reads 1980s/1990s sci-fi and retrofuturism related names/pronouns. It is on a background of a retrofuturistic city, where you’re able to see what appears to be a bridge for train tracks and skyscrapers in the background. End ID]
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ID: A banner similar to a DNI banner with Cham-P, a large hamster, and Maga-Z, an aggressive hamster with a tear in its left ear, both belonging to Gundham from Danganronpa. They both are on the left and break the border of the banner. The banner reads as follows: Do not respost onto flop/cringe accounts! It triggers my paranoia, and you are not immune to being reported to your website’s staff! “My paranoia” is implied to be referring to Mod Bede. End ID]
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[ID: A DNI banner with Jum-P, a curled up and sleeping hamster, and San-D, a calm/happy hamster holding a sunflower seed, both belonging to Gundham from Danganronpa. They both are on the right and break the border of the banner. The banner reads as follows: Do not interact: Ed, Edd, n Eddy icons, Nazi, pedo, bigot, truscum/transmed/”nonbinary skeptic”/”gender critical”, against xenogenders, pro-shipper, think bisexuality doesn’t include trans/nonbinary people, antikin. End ID]
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zaolat · 3 years
This will be a pinned post with links for mobile as well as a short intro.  To start things off, I’m Eren or Sionainn (pronounced the same as Shannon in English).  I’m 30 and a xenogender nonbinary and intersex pan aroace.
My pronouns are xey/xem/xyr/xyrs/xemself.  They’re used like they/them, so it’s “xey are” and not “xey is”. They/them is okay if you can’t use any of my other pronouns.  
My interests are scifi and fantasy roleplaying games, scifi and fantasy media in general, and natural sciences with a focus on geology and astrophysics.  Current interests or hyperfixations may change and I’ll try to keep this updated.  The Destiny series is my special interest and it's always in the background lurking. Watching. Waiting. The Final Shape came out and I'm a mess.
I’m an Irish-Italian American from the Midwest US.  I speak some French, but I’m learning to speak Irish and hope to be fluent someday.
Here is my about with more details.  I don’t have a “real” dni because I find them performative, here's a joke one, but I do have a reasons why I specifically will block page.  People under 18 can follow, though be warned I do reblog the occasional dirty joke, which will be tagged as “nsfw text”.  I tag common triggers, as well as “bare chest” for characters with visibly uncovered breasts for blacklisting purposes.
I have photophobia (light/brightness sensitivity) and bright images can cause migraines so mutuals please tag them if you can! I blacklist the tag “eyestrain”
Ok thanks for reading :) Slán!
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neopronouns · 4 years
Do you know of any technology/sci-fi based neopronouns and/or genders?
here are some robot/ai pronouns, tech pronouns, some more robot pronouns (they’re down the page a bit), robot/android pronouns, and webcore pronouns! genders are under the cut!
(quick unreality warning, since some of these terms reference simulations)
scifigender: a genregender related to science fiction
digigender: a digital gender. can range from any digital thing or file - virus, malware, .txt, .mp3, anti-virus, trojan, email, etc
technogender: encompasses any gender that is linked to technology
erroricine: a gender related to being an error or a glitch in a robotic/computer/ai sense. related to harsh neon reds/blues/greens and white. it’s cold, chaotic, brutal, and has no inherent alignment, but can be aligned.
simugender: a gender that makes you feel like you’re living in a simulation
vurilic: a gender connected to computer viruses
wirelessgender: a gender with strong ties to wireless communication and/or the world wide web
cybergender: a gender that is associated with technology. a cybergender person may have one or more primary identities and ‘glitch’ to an identity they don’t typically identify with
glitchcoric: a xenogender related to glitchcore
arcadecoric: a xenogender related to arcadecore (includes the aesthetic of arcades, cabinet video games. and old video game technology)
rogogender: a xenogender that’s animalistic and otherworldly, with a strong connection to glitches
vibrogender: a gender that feels like it buzzes, vibrates, and is static-like. can be tied to glitches, tv static, and coding
androidic: a term for androids whose android identity affects their gender. only to be used by alterhuman/nonhuman folks (kin, nonhuman system members, etc)
botgender: a gender that feels like a robot. it’s tied to the idea of robots not feeling emotions, and feels cold, steel-like, and staticky
botic: a gender alignment with robots
robilel: when you’re genderless because you’re a robot or other technological being. could also mean one is genderless and has a gendered connection to robots.
robiline or mendecure robot: when you’re a masculine gender because you’re a robot or other technological being. could also be a masculien gender with a connection to robots
the feminine version of robilel/robiline hasn’t been officially coined, but i think it would be ‘robinine’? i could be wrong tho
robotgender: a gender that feels robotic in a sense, like it’s trying to copy another gender, but not quite getting it
crewic: a gender related to the crewmates from among us. it’s determined, grounded, and connected to technology
gendertech: a gender related to technology
pantechnicum/pantechnicaeic: identifying with all technology-related gneders within one’s experiences
glitchgender: a generally vague gender that is often fluid, detached, missing, and/or confusing, feeling accurately represented by glitches/tv static. also can be a gender related to tech glitches and malfunctions in general.
unifogender: a gender associated with the 70s’ space age and alien phase, old-school scifi and mystery (such as the x-files, twin peaks, etc), space, aliens, ufos, cryptids, etc
scivillain/scivillainic: a gender related to mad scientists
techfluid: fluid between tech-related or tech-aligned genders
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ardyns-corner · 3 years
Hello My Fellow Sleep Deprived Authors!
My name is Ardyn and I am new to the Writer side of Tumblr. I mainly write things like fan fictions on days where I need to cope with chronic fucking anxiety, but I also write my own literature. 
About Me
I am 17 Years Old
I am Genderfluid
My pronouns are he/they
I am a lesbian
I used to be an avid Kalvin Garrah stan. I personally believe that motherfucker contributed to my various mental illnesses and gender dysphoria. If you find my old Truscum Tumblr from when I was 12 and when I thought I was a cis lesbian, no you didn’t.  
I practice African American spirituality (hoodoo) and I also practice chaos and green witchcraft. I am also clairvoyant. 
My main genres are SciFi, Romance, and Fantasy.
I roleplay on Amino from time to time
I am black
I support Neopronouns. If we become moots and you have neo pronouns you want me to use, I will use them.
I also support Xenopronouns and Xenogenders. I don’t give a flying fuck what you identify as. I will not pop a rage boner if you want to be a cat and be referred to as meow/meowself. Thats yo fuckin business. 
I will write a few articles on social topics.
I still use my old Wattpad from when I was 12 to upload my new shit. If anything on there is posted before 2020, brace yourself.
I’m very insecure about my literature.
If you want to request any fanfictions right now, you must be a patron on my Patreon. 
I am a poet as well.
It takes me up to seven hours to fully write, edit, post, then promote my works. Thats why my tiers are $8-$15 on my patreon. 
I usually eat very little on days that I work.
I am just not getting my professional career started.
I upload new things to my Patreon everyday.
I am autistic
I am a wreck, but a productive wreck.
I write NSFW things as well.
I’ve been on this accursed site since I was 12.
My favorite video games are Minecraft, Skyrim, Oblivion, Subnautica, etc.
My favorite author is Brandon Sanderson (I like his books, not his crusty dusty ass though)
My favorite book is Skyward by Brandon Sanderson
My favorite book series is The Hunger Games (don’t dog on me, it may be a bit overrated but things are overrated for a reason)
My favorite TV show is Girl From Nowhere 
My favorite movie is Mulan (1998)
My favorite animes are Demon Slayer, Akame ga kill, and Parasyte.
My favorite anime character of all time, however is Sailor Jupiter.
My favorite video game character is Ardyn Lucis Caelum from FFXV. (I am so sorry if you haven’t finished the game yet LMAO)
My favorite vocalists are Beyonce, Nina Simone, Miki Matsubara, Malukah, Whitney Houston.
My favorite bands are BABYMETAL, Coldplay, Mother Mother, and Black Veil Brides
My favorite rappers are Nicki Minaj, Doja Cat, Flo milli, and Kendrick Lamar
My favorite genres of music is literally everything, including country (the good kind that isnt beers, trucks, and racism)
My favorite instrumentalist is RichardEB
My favorite artists are Mitski, Army of Lovers, Melanie Martinez, and Lorde. 
My Socials: 
Info on my patreon:
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abbyfreemansmind · 4 years
My sexuality and genders:
Sexuality: Bisexual/asexual
Gender: Fluidflux - A combination of genderfluid (gender changes between genders) and genderflux (gender changes in intensity) Kawaspecio - A gender that has a cute and sweet appearance that surrounds something far more ominous and threatening in nature that you don't notice until you start poking at it Gendersofte - A gender related to winter, space, and soft, sweet, pastel things Eldristellargender - A gender related to being eldritch and interstellar Techchaoen - A gender based on chaos and technology elements Spacechaoen - A gender based on chaos and space elements Monsterchaoen - A gender based on chaos and monster elements Magichaoen - A gender based on chaos and magic elements Cryosic - A cold, cryptic gender, with a strong relation to cryogenics and cryogenic freezing Ọmutic - A gender that has strong connections to vampires Mothgender - A gender relating to moths Lovegender - A gender relating to love Genderwarp - A gender relating to time, space and the scifi genre Horrorcosmium - A xenogender influenced by or related to the genre of cosmic horror Langualiusen - A gender that's related to and/or feels like an alien language Bioluminen - A gender relating to bioluminescence, especially blue bioluminescence Genderportal - A gender related to the Portal series Heartscarden - A gender related to the hearts card suit Voidvastus - A gender that is heavily related to cryptids, the vastness of the ocean and space, abandoned arcades, ominous and/or cryptic music, empty forests at night, being alone, the noise and scent of heavy rainstorms, the smell of salt, and mysteries Pastellon - A gender related to cupcakes, frosting and pastel colors Demigirl - A gender with a partial connection to femininity Demiboy - A gender with a partial connection to masculinity
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Neopronouns in action: it/its/itself
"It is going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as it gets a fence set up around its yard so the puppy can go outside without it having to walk it. Its uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he's letting it use, since it lost its."
This is also a free writing prompt!
The Interworld Growing Club
It was the first human to join the transworld growing club, and it brought Sambucus canadensis, Diospyros virginiana, Prunus caroliniana, and Passiflora incarnata seedlings with it as the four traditional gifts.
Each new member brought with them four species native to their planet that weren’t already included in the collective. 
It wasn’t the first new member to join, or the only first of its species - on the same planetary cycle (defined by the system’s governing council as being forty-seven hours long), the first seyeir also joined, and zainun brought four species whose names the human couldn’t remember how to pronounce (and thus, remember) yet.
Most of the other members of the club had never met a human before, since they were still so new to having interstellar travel capabilities, so the pre-approved list of questions it was okay to ask almost got used up entirely.
How often did it need to sleep? What did it eat? How often did it need to eat? What did it drink? Did it eat the species it had brought with it? Were the species it had brought with it pets? Did it have any pets, and if it was safe, could they meet them? 
How long did it need to sleep? Was it telepathic? Did it have any disabilities among its species? Could it smell their pheromones? Could it see their colors? Did it know what dreams were? Did it dream? Did it remember its dreams? Was this its first time leaving Earth? How many planets had it gone to? How many space stations had it gone to?
What was the spaceship it had come here in called? What was its favorite color? What was its favorite sound? Did it have a favorite time? What was its favorite food?
How many genders did humans have? What was its gender? What were its pronouns? If it was attracted to any genders, what kinds of genders was it attracted to, and how?
Would it be interested in courting an alien? Did humans lay eggs? Did humans reproduce by budding? How did it get its name? Did it have any siblings or parents or friends?
How long could it stand? How much weight could it lift? Did it take any medicines? What should they do if it was injured and couldn’t help itself? What should they do if it stopped breathing?
How long could it survive in the vacuum of space? What should they do if it was exposed to the vacuum? What should they do if it got too hot? What should they do if it got too cold?
What kinds of foods could it eat? Would it show them how humans cooked and ate the species it was gifting to the collective?
The last question would take a while to come to fruition, because the seedlings it had brought with it were still very small, and wouldn’t produce fruit for anywhere from a few months to several years. And the Prunus caroliniana wasn’t edible for humans, but the on-station medical experts had concluded that the fruits would be edible for several of the other member species, which was why it had chosen it as one of the gift species. The other three were edible for humans, and for half a dozen member species, each.
Three other members were delighted that it used it/its pronouns, just like they did, though they each described their genders very differently than it did. 
Once the questions were done, it was led on a tour of the communal growing area, where, safely contained behind several layers of state-of-the-art forcefields, physical walls, airlocks, and other safeguards to prevent any escapes, all of the hundreds of species that had been gifted to the growing club were cultivated in a self-contained, self-sustaining, completely unique ecosystem.
Each new species was carefully integrated into the rest so that its outputs and inputs would work in a careful balance with the rest of the system, so that each species got what it needed, and gave what it didn’t. The species weren’t limited to what humans called plants, either, since most non-Earth species didn’t conform to anything that could easily be categorized within the normal Earth standards. What humans called plants, animals, and mushrooms were all involved, as well as hundreds of species human taxonomists hadn’t even begun to think about sorting.
The four species the human had brought with it would be given their place, once they were studied and understood by the club members who were most familiar with the system, and until then, they had much to teach the human, who was more than happy to learn, and ask its own questions.
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027: Crash Landing on Earth
Neopronouns: neo/neos/neoself, used the same was as it/its/itself
Replace it with neo
Replace its with neos
Replace itself with neoself
"It is going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as it gets a fence set up around its yard so the puppy can go outside without it having to walk it. Its uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he’s letting it use, since it lost its.”
"Neo is going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as neo gets a fence set up around neos yard so the puppy can go outside without neo having to walk it. Neos uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he’s letting neo use, since neo lost neos.”
= = =
The reports started flooding in, almost overwhelming neos interface with the sudden deluge of information. Temperature, humidity, salinity, too many statistics for neo to keep up with by neoself.
But Razing was still offline, and to make everything worse, the proximity alarms started screaming overhead, several minutes far too late, the ghost of Razing's sensor contact finally catching up with real time.
The warning song scared the iflings even more than they'd already been frightened out of their tiny wits, and neo felt them prickling on neos back, digging their claws in deeper so they couldn't be pried away. Neos planetsuit would stop that from happening in any case except for the worst possible scenario, but it was an instinctive holdover from much harsher times, and right now, neo was just comforted to know they were all safe and accounted for. Every one of them had packed themselves down into the very bottom of their cradle cells, leaving the only cold spots in the six hexes that neo'd eaten on the disastrous trip here when the rest of the supplies ran out, all along the front, where they were easiest to reach.
That left neo with thirty-one iflings left, and neo intended to keep it that way. Neo had come out here to the stars to show neos children the wonders of the universe, neo wasn't going let something like a crash landing stop that from happening.
Neo was going to get Razing back online, figure out what had crashed into them and knocked Razing out, and get back on course.
Assuming neo could figure out what that course was supposed to be. The last time neo'd been able to look at the navigational systems, neo'd had no idea where they were. This was not the first time they'd been slapped out of their path, though, this time it hadn't been so much 'slapped' as 'pulled with all the sudden force of gravity'.
They had been more than far enough away from the well of this planet's gravity to avoid any disturbances. They might have been in an unfamiliar stellar system, in an unfamiliar section of the galaxy, but gravity still functioned by the same rules as it always had - - they should /not/ have been pulled down to this planet at all, let alone so suddenly and violently that poor Razing blacked out from the force of it.
The only upside to this whole situation was that tal hadn't been conscious for their entry into the atmosphere - - tal'd always been afraid of crashing, and now it had finally happened. Maybe it was for the best that Razing had been knocked out before it happened. Neo knew that if neos worst fear ever came true (becoming the host to a farik, which had been a reoccurring nightmare ever since neo was a crawler [why neos family had thought it was a good idea to show crawlers such a documentary, neo would never understand]), and neo had the choice, neo would rather be unconscious until it was over.
Well no, there was another upside - - they were all still alive. Neo could feel Razing's life signs deep inside, still going strong, just subdued and dreaming for the moment.
Neo pushed neos senses out beyond Razing's hull, trying to get a sense of their surroundings. There were still too many status reports for neo to sort through without Razing's help, but this at least would let neo get an idea of the situation.
Neo felt a sensation of liquid, along with gas - - it didn't take much guesswork to figure out they'd crashed into a body of liquid of some sort, and were floating on the surface, which meant it was denser than the oceans on Liavar. It also wasn't burning Razing or causing any sort of adverse reaction, so as long as nothing attacked them, they were probably safe enough, for now.
And as though the universe itself wanted to spite neos optimism, outside, at the very edges of neos senses, there was movement.
Heavy, big movement, approaching from below at a diagonal.
Something was coming, and if neos senses were to be trusted, it was as big, or bigger, than Razing.
And tal was still unconscious. There were no defensive systems neo could access without Razing's help. They were defenseless.
The shape came closer, and there was nothing neo could do about it.
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pluralsword · 4 months
one thing they don't tell you about 'make the stories you want to see in the world' but usually gets discussed at some point is how exhausting it is when you're 1 of maybe a handful to a dozen of people you know/know of doing that whether in fanfic or original fiction & everybody's trying to do what they need to besides that to live too. so to everybody who plays with alien robot gender in a way that draws on transness & wlw, we love you 💜🏳️‍⚧️
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029: “Blurry Shape at Corner of Eye”
Neopronouns: heart/hearts/heartself which follow the same rules as it/its/itself
Replace it with heart
Replace its with hearts
Replace itself with heartself
"It is going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as it gets a fence set up around its yard so the puppy can go outside without it having to walk it. Its uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he's letting it use, since it lost its."
"Heart is going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as heart gets a fence set up around hearts yard so the puppy can go outside without heart having to walk it. Hearts uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he's letting heart use, since heart lost hearts."
= = =
It started as something heart saw out of the corner of hearts right eye, right at the very edge, where heart couldn't make out any of the details. It was just a grey blur, and almost entirely beyond hearts ability to perceive it, like a shadow.
It was mildly annoying and weird, but didn't scream “I'm dying and need to go to the emergency room immediately”, so heart ignored it.
For weeks, the grey shadow didn't change in any noticeable way, and after the first three days, heart stopped noticing it at all. It began to fade into the background, something heart only noticed if heart was already thinking about it, the way you usually didn't think about seeing your nose, even though for most people, you saw it all the time.
It became a fact of life, no more worth thinking about than the outline of hearts glasses.
But then, one day, almost a month after the first time heart saw it, heart suddenly realized that it had changed. It had moved. The shape was bigger, no longer right at the very edge of hearts vision, but still near it. Heart still couldn't see any details, but now it was starting to block part of hearts vision.
Heart was at home when it happened, so heart ran to the bathroom and stared into the mirror with wide eyes, afraid of what heart would see.
But there was nothing. Hearts right eye looked exactly the same as it always did, and so did the left. They weren't bloodshot, and no matter how closely heart peered, heart couldn't see anything odd or different or wrong about hearts reflection. Hearts eyes were still brown, just like always.
But every time heart moved hearts eyes, the shape followed, like it was stuck to hearts eye, or like the interface in a video game, always staying centered with the camera.
Nothing hurt, so, trying not to panic too much, heart went online to look it up, hoping heart wouldn't see “yeah you're definitely dying, have fun with that” as the top result.
That was not the top result when heart typed into the search bar, “Blurry shape at corner of eye”.
No, heart probably wasn't dying.
Heart probably wouldn't die for at least a couple hundred more years.
This was not a disease or an injury.
This was possession.
Heart had been chosen as a vessel for one of the wild ones, and it was going to, slowly but surely, take heart over from the inside out, until heart wasn't the one seeing the shape at the corner of heart eye, but the blurry shape slowly fading out of sight until heart was nothing but a memory.
It was too soon to tell which wild one had claimed heart. It was a grey blur, that was all heart could tell. Heart couldn't make out any features – ears, stripes, spots, horns or antlers, nothing.
If the charts were reliable, heart had probably five more months until hearts transformation was complete. By this time mid April, heart would no longer be human. Hearts entire personality would be changed and erased into something else. Heart would have walked away from hearts job and everyone who knew heart, without a second glance backward.
All heart could do was sit there, staring at hearts computer screen, reading the words over and over again.
How could this be happening to heart? Out of all the people on Terra, why did it have to happen to heart? Why did it happen to heart? Heart wasn't anyone special, heart wasn't descended from anyone important, heart wasn't even particularly good with animals!
But none of that mattered.
Heart had been chosen as the host to one of the wild ones, and soon enough, heart wouldn't even be upset about it anymore, because the spirit's personality would have overridden hearts own, smoothing away all hearts worries and fears and anger into calm acceptance.
No matter how hard heart tried, no matter how heart stared, heart couldn't make out any distinguishing features on the blur in hearts vision.
Only time would tell.
And by the time heart could tell, heart would no longer care.
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