#yang Xiao long x lie ren
darksaiyangoku · 1 year
RWBY x DMC: Protective Nephew
Yang walked the down halls of Beacon Academy with a big smile on her face. Several of the students waved af her, including 3 second year students; Colton Winchester, Aaron Zest and Fred Yún.
Yang: I hope you boys are ready for Combat Class later today. I'm counting on you representing Vale for the Vytal Festival.
Colton: You've got nothing to worry about, Mrs Ren. We'll give it our all!
Aaron/Fred: Yeah!
Yang: Now that's what I like to hear! *smiles* I'll see you and your teams soon. Right now, I got papers to grade. So long!
Colton: See you later, Mrs Ren. *smirks*
Aaron: Aw man, did you see her ass just now?
Fred: I know, right? What about those tits? Absolutely gorgeous!
Colton: Oh what I wouldn't give to have my own, private combat lesson with her. Pinning her down to the ground and- gah!
Before Colton could finish, he was slammed into a wall. He looked up to find a younger student glaring angrily at him. Blonde hair and silver eyes, it was Vergil Rose-Arc.
Vergil: You make one more comment about my aunt and I'll carve you up like a Thanksgiving turkey.
Colton: Hehe... y-you're bluffing.
Vergil: *draws Tsukiyomi and slashes the wall*
Colton: *squeals*
Vergil: Do we understand each other?
Colton: ...Y-Yes, sir. C-Come on guys, we better get going.
All 3 boys ran off screaming at the top of their lungs. Vergil sheathed his sword and smirked proudly.
Ren: I must say that was quite a show. I'm sure these boys won't bother Mrs Ren again.
Vergil: No sir. *laughs*
Ren: But you do have 2 weeks of detention.
Vergil; *turns around* W-What?! Why?!
Ren: *points to wall* For damaging school property.
Vergil: ...fuck.
Ren: Make that 3 weeks.
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superiorsturgeon · 13 days
The Great Cupcake Caper
Glynda: *storms out of her office* Everyone, front and center, NOW!!!!
Ren/Pyrrha/Yang: *scramble to the center of the room and stand at attention* 😰
Glynda: *stalking up and down the line* I was just in my office, about to enjoy a delicious red velvet gourmet cupcake as a reward to myself for the CONSTANT mayhem I have to deal with on a daily basis…
Glynda: But when I opened the box…I FOUND NOTHING.
Glynda: Someone in this room took my cupcake, and nobody is going anywhere until the cupcake thief confesses!
Interrogation #1:
Glynda: *leans over the table* …and where were YOU when my cupcake was being stolen?!
Ren: I didn’t take your cupcake! I wasn’t even here!
Ren: I was at home, slow-roasting a Mistral duck for my son’s lunch tomorrow! It’s a 24-hour process! 😤
Interrogation #2:
Glynda: *steeples her fingers and leans back* …Pyrrha, I’m not angry…I just want to understand. Please, tell me what you know.
Pyrrha: I’m sorry ma’am, but I didn’t see anything! I actually left early to go to the gym for a session on the cardio machines.
Pyrrha: It’s my anniversary tomorrow, and Jaune’s making an elaborate romantic dinner! Pyrrha’s gotta EARN those calories! 🥰
Interrogation #3:
Glynda:*folds her arms* All right, tough biker girl, why’d you do it?
Yang: *also folds her arms and matches Glynda’s glare* I didn’t do anything. Couldn’t have! I was in the garage changing the oil on my bike for a solo bike ride this weekend.
Glynda: *standing at the front of conference room, gazing out the window* Well…it seems all of you have an alibi…
Ren/Pyrrha/Yang: 😮‍💨
Glynda: *rounds on the room* EXCEPT YOU DON’T!! 😡
Glynda: Ren, I pulled your credit card history, and you know what wasn’t on any of your grocery receipts? DUCK!
Ren: …
Ren: …all right, fine…!
Ren: All Magna wants to eat and drink is plain milk and buttered noodles!
Ren: *face in his hands* …my son is a basic bitch! 😩
Glynda: …okay…
Glynda: *points at Pyrrha* …but that doesn’t change the fact that YOU, Mrs. Muscles, couldn’t POSSIBLY have been working out last night, because your gym was closed yesterday for renovations and won’t reopen for the next week!
Pyrrha: *crumbles* I’m sorry! I was running around town looking for a last-minute anniversary gift for Jaune! I forgot all about it until he hinted that he had something special planned!
Pyrrha: I just didn’t want anyone to know that I’m a terrible wife and partner…! 😭
Glynda: *turns to Yang* …so, that leaves you…!
Glynda: If you’re really going on a cross-country trip, why is your motorcycle’s tank only half full?! J’accuse!
Yang: You dipsticked me?!
Glynda: Spill it!
Yang: …fine! I admit it!
Yang: I’m not actually going on a solo motorcycle trip, I’m going to see a musical with Blake and my parents!
Yang: *opens her jacket to reveal a CATS t-shirt*
Yang: I’m trying to reconnect with my mom, and I’m introducing Blake to my dad at the same time! Musicals are the only thing we can all bond over…
Yang: I just want my family and my girlfriend to all get along! 😢
Glynda: …so…
Glynda: …if none of you sad sacks took my cupcake, then who did?
Weiss: *carefully backing out of the room while frantically wiping red crumbs off her face* 😅
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rachetmath · 16 days
Seduction Strategy
Yang: Jaune, I need your help.
Jaune: With what?
Yang: You see a friend of mines was having trouble pleasing his partner last time. She wasn't-
Jaune: He or she?
Yang: Pardon?
Jaune: Like is this person a he or she? Is their partner a girl or boy? I mean you and this person are two different people so-
Yang: Okay. I-I need help. I need another way to please Blake in bed. I've tried everything but nothing works.
Jaune: Why me though? I’m not in a relationship.
Yang: Come on, what about your sisters’ advice?
Jaune: Have they ever worked though?
Yang: Okay, yeah, j-just guess. I’ll take anything.
Jaune: I mean what are Blake's interest.
Yang: Well. She likes fish. And reading books. And that's it.
Jaune: Okay does she have a favorite book?
Yang: Well, she does, and it is called “Ninja of Love.”
Jaune: So read the book and find some way to focus that into sex.
Yang: Hm. Really?
Jaune: I mean, “Ninja of Love”, doesn’t that scream sex?
Yang: ….
Afterwards Yang read the book and put her plan into motion. Blake was heading to their room to figure out what Yang wanted after she texted her. She walked inside and;
Blake: Yang. What did you- *gasp*
Blake was in shock. She saw her girlfriend was wearing a very sexy ninja outfit. Her hair was in a ponytail. She was wearing black but the skirt was short. And her top was tight, revealing her breast. Yang smiles as she saw her girlfriend blushing at her and decided to make a move. She walked towards the bed, swaying her hips as she slowly laid down, giving Blake a lot of the details.
Yang: Hi Blake. Care to learn the ways of the ninja.
Blake: Yang. Why are you-?
Yang: Oh. Sorry. I should probably mention I read one of your favorite books and I was wondering… would you like to reenact a few scenes with me?
Blake gave Yang her answer as she strips down naked. Afterwards Yang and Blake were going at each other for weeks. Then when Ren asked on how she did it, she replied to ask Jaune. Ren was confused at first but she said “Trust him.” Ren then goes to Jaune for advice.
Ren: Jaune. Yang told me how you helped her. Can you help me with Nora?
Jaune: Ren. Come on, you know me, I am not qualified to help with your relationship problems.
Ren: I mean so far you have been able to help everybody with their issues by talking to them and listening. How is this different?
Jaune: Look man., figure that out yourself.
Ren: Jaune, please?
Jaune: Fine. Um. Just wear an apron that states "Baked With Love" and say "I have a new pancake recipe for you to try." I guess.
Ren: Hm. Alright I’ll try.*leaves*
Jaune: Don’t blame me if it doesn’t work.
Later that night.
Nora: Ren. What do ne-e-eed… Oh my
Nora was stunted for words. She was looking at Ren completely naked with just an apron as she stared at his butt. Ren turned around revealing “Baked With Love” imprinted on the apron and said the words exactly as Jaune told him.
Ren: Hi Nora. Sorry to have called you so late. But, I made a new pancake I need you to try.
Nora: R-really? So where are the pancakes?
Ren: Oh don’t worry. *pulls up his apron* I have a special one made just for you.
Nora saw what Ren was doing and she liked it. Afterwards Nora was blowing Ren like no tomorrow. Both Ren and Yang were enjoying the results of Jaune’s guesses. However one thing they never accounted for is Oscar listening in on them. Oscar wanted the same result so he can finally score with Ruby, so he asked Jaune for help. However;
Oscar: Jaune, help me score with Ruby.
Jaune: Nope.
Oscar: Please?
Jaune: No!
Oscar: Please.
Jaune: No!!
Oscar: PLEASE!!
Jaune: NO!!!!
Oscar: Why not?!?
Jaune: First, Yang will kill me! Second, you’re too young, so I don’t know why you’re thinking about this, after everything you’ve been through. Third, Yang will kill me!
Oscar: I'll tell Winter you almost got Weiss killed.
Jaune: You little bastard, you wouldn’t.
Oscar: I would. And she could kill you faster than Yang can.
Jaune: Damn, you right. Fine. Um… go to the store. Buy some whip cream and gum drops. Get naked. And make yourself look like a gingerbread man.
Oscar: What? Why?
Jaune: Ruby loves cookies. And you almost look like a cookie.
Oscar: Jaune that isn’t going to w- oh yes!
Oscar was feeling the up most pleasure as Ruby was bouncing up and down from his pine tree in her team bedroom.
Ruby: Yes. Harder. Harder!! Make me your wife, Gingerbread Man!
Oscar: Yes ma’am.
Afterwards, Jaune, finally thinking he’s done, was relaxing. That was until Cinder Fall appeared out of nowhere. She was very angry too.
Cinder: Seriously?
Jaune: What?
Cinder: I mean, come on, you can help everyone get laid but not yourself. Pathetic.
Jaune: Okay. What’s your point? Why is this your business? Also how did you get in this house?
Cinder: Okay?! Look Arc, I'll show you pity for today. If you can get me to sleep then you get me as your reward. No attempts on your life at all.
Jaune: What if I say no?
Cinder: Why would you?
Jaune: I mean Pyrrha was better looking than you. So is Winter. And Penny.
Cinder: I am very capable.
Jaune: Really?
Cinder: Must I-
Cinder stops and thinks for a minute. Jaune knows she loves to prove how better she is than everyone else around her. She thought for a moment and realized Jaune was toying with her emotions and pride. She smiled, giving him some credit but a failed attempt was still a failed attempt.
Cinder: Ah. You almost had me. Try again.
Jaune: Okay. Hand please.
Cinder: Why?
Jaune: Give me your hand and find out.
Cinder grabs his hand. Jaune uses his semblance to amplify her powers. Cinder felt a surge of power flow in her body as her maiden power suddenly activated. She then stares at Jaune, with smug look on his face.
Cinder: Wha- what did you-?
Jaune: Liked that huh?
Cinder: Um… no.
Jaune pulls Cinder close where her back is towards his chest.
Jaune: You know Cinder, instead of having to track down maidens to gain power. How about I let you take a bit of mines?
Cinder: Um… well you see- Ah~.
Cinder can feel Jaune’s sword rubbing on her butt as she blushes. Jaune continues to smile as he sees her so flustered. To Jaune, Cinder look so cute. However, he wonders why she so was easily tempted. He thought about it and came to the conclusion that;
Jaune: Oh. Cinder Fall, is this your-
Cinder: S-shut up!
Jaune laugh sand gently places his hand on Cinder’s face, turning her towards his own. Cinder was amazed by the glow of his eyes. She was enjoying this. She could feel his power coursing to her veins. She want more so bad she was close to kissing him however-
Cinder: No. You fool. We can’t. We’re enemies.
Jaune: So what? I mean we don’t have to love each other to make a fire. So, are you going to make the first move and express your dominance? Or am I going to show you how strong I really am?
Cinder giggles and turns towards him with her chest to his.
Cinder: Is that a challenge?
Jaune: If that’s how you want it to be.
Cinder: Then don’t hold back.
Jaune: Same.
Jaune and Cinder, without hesitation, kissed and spent a whole night in a ‘hatred’. Cinder was screaming in pleasure as Jaune brutally ‘stabs’ her.
Cinder: I am so glad I killed Pyrrha! ~
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howi99 · 3 months
First time at the cafeteria
Jaune: *eating like a starved man*
_NPRRWBY: ....
Jaune: *looking up at them, gulping down the food with some orange juice* Oh uh... Sorry. My mom's not really the best at cooking anything other than sweet and my father can't taste anything so.... *Start eating again with twice the gusto*
Yang: Damn, where will those calories go?
Nora: *grinning* I WON'T GET OUTMATCHED! FOR I, NORA VALKYRIE, NEVER LOSE! *start eating as much as him*
Nora: *in the bathroom, sick* Uuugh, how did he ate that much? Why am i sick?
Ren: *deadpan* You ate 47 pancakes and only pancakes. What did you expect with so much sugar?
Nora: *being miserable*
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rocknroll7575 · 2 months
Percy jackson au,
How many Demigods did Jaune and Hestia have and how does team RWBY and Ren, Nora react.
Yang: So VB... Who's the kid?
Jaune: Oh! Right! *picks up 5-year-old Furiosa from behind his leg* Everyone, this is Furiosa Arc, my daughter!
Ruby/Nora: DAUGHTER!?!?
Ren: *looks at her with a raised brow* She looks almost nothing like you
Jaune: She takes after her mother more, which isn't a surprise, her family genes are pretty powerful.
Blake: Who's her mom?
Jaune: Uh... well... you guys might not believe me
Weiss: Why? It's not like she's a demigod- Oh my oum she is, isn't she?
Jaune: Yep!
Yang: Whoa! Way to go VB! Which Goddess?
Jaune: Hestia
Yang: Really? So if she's anything like Percy and the others, is she gonna be as strong as them?
Jaune: Well... because I'm not exactly from Earth and Humans here on Remnant had to adapt and evolve differently, it's possible she'd be stronger
Yang: How strong?
Jaune: I really don't know but Hestia says she'll be really strong, way stronger than Hercules!
Ruby: Who?
Jaune: Long story, also she's pretty much a goddess herself
Nora: Really? Goddess of what?
Jaune: Fury
Nora: Why that?
Jaune: *lets out a long sigh* Another long story, but trust me, you don't want to anger her without me or her mom around! *Chuckles*
Furiosa: *embarrased* Father!
Jaune: *Smiles* Oh she speaks!
Furiosa: Father, you're embarrassing me!
Jaune: Well I kinda have to in front of all your aunts and uncles!
Furiosa: *hiding her face* Father! Stop!
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lordoftime01 · 5 months
(A rewrite of sorts)
Yang: Lying in bed with her head handing off the side
Yang: "Ugh! It's been soooo boring since team JNPR got sent on that mission several months ago."
Ruby: "Hey, at least there was a bright side. Since it was Miss Goodwitch that went with then, Combat Class has become a free time."
Weiss: "I still can't believe that Professor Ozpin had Miss Goodwitch go with them. Especially considering her condition."
Yang: "Oh don't worry I'm su-" Interrupted and startled by a loud yelling.
???: "It is nice to be back, yeah. Those Grimm just never seemed to end"
???: "Oh yeah, and if it hadn't been for fearless leader unlocking his semblance, we could have been goners"
Yang/Ruby/Weiss: In their heads 'Wait, Vomit Boy/Jaune/That dunce finally unlocked his semblance"
???: "And even better that he saved his and Miss Goodwitch's baby"
Yang: "Wait, not only did Jaune unlock his semblance, but he also knocked up the goodbitch our teacher?!"
???: "Thank you... Nora for reminding me of that... really appreciate it"
Yang/Ruby/Weiss: Huddle around their dorm room door to be able to hear much better. They heard Nora, Ren, and Pyrrha but haven't heard Juane yet.
Nora: "You know Pyrrha, you have no one to blame but yourself"
Ren: "Yeah. Nora and I told you that if you didn't tell him soon-"
Nora: "Then someone else was going to be his"
Pyrrha: "You're right. I took too long to confess my feelings. And I lost him to our teacher of all people. There has to be some sort of law against that." The pain and hurt in her voice was evident
Pyrrha: Punches the wall hard enough for it, and the surrounding area to rattle a bit.
Blake: Burst out of the bathroom wearing only a towel, pen and notebook in hand. Bowling over her teammates and slamming the door open, startling _NPR
Blake: "What's this I hear about Jaune knocking up Miss Goodwitch!? Give me the details, leave nothing out"
Nora: "Ok so apparently Jaune Jaune and Miss Goodwitch banged each other on Velentine's day." She had a shit-eating grin on her face as the sound of Pyrrha crunching JNPR's door handle was heard.
Nora: "And from what I know, the two of them had been together together for a few months before that." She proceeded to go into great detail of all that she knew.
Glynda: Carefully sits down while groaning. One hand on the chair to help stabilize, the other hand on her extended belly.
Jaune: Comes in with some tea and quickly rushes over to help her
Glynda: "Don't worry Jaune, I had it." Gives Jaune a peck on the lips
Glynda: "Thank you though. I really appreciate it"
Jaune: "You really shouldn't be moving yourself so much. We already had that close call with the Beringel." Pours Glynda some tea before giving it to her.
Jaune: "Ozpin has even told you are to take it easy." He sits beside Glynda and wraps one arm around her shoulder, pulling her close while he places his free hand over Glynda's hand and belly, intertwining his fingers with hers.
Glynda: "Oh, but I'm sure there's so much paperwork that is backed up. Paperwork that I'm 100% sure that Ozpin didn't do and so will just push the work load onto me." Her voice had a slight whine to it as she sipped her tea.
Jaune and Glynda just sat there in silence, enjoying each other's company. Their eyes widened in surprise when they felt their child moving inside Glynda's womb, a smile on their faces as they just basked in the moment.
The two of them hadn't been able to get much alone time during the mission. Now was the perfect chance for them to make up for lost time. Glynda turned her head and gently pressed her lips against Jaune when there was a loud knock on the door.
Glynda: Let's out a groan as their alone time was interrupted. She struggles a bit to get up from her position
Jaune: Gently, yet firmly, keeps her seated as he gets up to see who it was. At the door was Ozpin with a large stack of papers.
Ozpin: "Ah hello, Mr Arc. If you would be so kind as to hand Glynda these papers. I'd be ever so grateful."
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moistmailman · 5 months
*yang kicks down JNPR’s door*
Jaune, alarmed: Whoa?! What the hell is going on?!
Yang, angrily: Get dressed vomit boy! We got to kick someone’s ass today!
Nora, immediately up: Hell yeah! Let’s go!
Jaune, baffled: Wait hold on! What’s happening?! Why are you angry?! Wait is that your team behind you!?
Ruby, with her weapon: Yep! We’re going to kick someone’s butt today!
Jaune: Why? Wait, even Blake and Weiss are here too?
Weiss: We need to break some bones, Jaune.
Blake: This honestly has to be done.
Ren: Uh….what’s happening exactly?
Yang, showing Ren her scroll: Look at this shit!
Ren, looking at scroll:……..Nora, where are my weapons?
Nora: Hell yeah! I don’t know what this is about but this is going to be amazing!
Jaune, completely: Okay, this is not like Ren at all. What the hell got all of you guys riled up so bad?
Yang: This! *shows Jaune her scroll*
Scroll: *a website that has a countdown to Pyrrha’s 18th birthday*
Jaune:……is this like the scenario with the twins from full house?
Yang: Yep.
Jaune:…..do you know where this person who made this is?
Yang: Yeah.
Jaune:…….Nora, pack as many grenades you have.
Nora: Woohoo!
Pyrrha, walking in: Hey guys. What are you doing?
Yang: Oh nothing. Just grabbing your boyfriend and your team to do something for your birthday. Catch you around.
Pyrrha, smiling: O-oh, okay. What are you planning?
Yang: We can’t spoil that. It’s a surprise.
Pyrrha, smiling: Right. Okay. Have fun.
Jaune: Oh don’t worry. We will.
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reashot · 5 months
Red Like Roses... (It's period 🔴)
Warning: fluffness inside. Also really long.
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At Beacon during a more peaceful time.
Pyrrha: Hmmm it's quiet, too quiet.
Ren: I agree. It's never a good sign. We should be ready for something.
Jaune: Ready for what?
Nora: Oh you know usually things never stay quiet for long especially when we're right next door to the main characters.
*yang burst into the room*
Pyrrha: And speaking of the devil.
Yang: Quick hide! *brace the door behind her*
Jaune: Oh Shi- okay gangs we trained for this! Quick initiate Pattern Delta Phi.
Nora: Aye, aye dear leader, let's initiate plan hiding under our bed's like cowards.
JNPR: *Bracing for Impacts.*
*Yang holding the door with all her might*
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Ren: Wait what are even hiding from in the first place?
Yang: No time to explain. Here it Comes!
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A large sounds resembling explosion came from across the hallway. The door starts to violently shakes and rose petals soon violently burst into the room. Even with Yang putting all her strength into the door. Some rose petals still managed to get inside.
Yang: .... I think we're in the clear now.
Pyrrha: What just happened?
Yang: Eh, promise not to freak out?
Jaune: Okay, I guess...
Yang: Good enough. *shows team JNPR the source of the roses*
Ruby: Huee~ *sniffs* huee~ ���
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Jaune: Ruby?
Ren: It seems to be her.
Pyrrha: Wait. Where are Blake and Weiss?
Nora: Found them. They're buried under all of this Rose petals.
Blake: *coughing up a bunch of petals* Eww I got some of it in my mouth.
Weiss: .... I just saw my grandfather.
Jaune: Okay, can someone now please tell us what is going on....
*Cardin burst into the room*
Cardin: Why the Fuck are there Roses all over the damn hallways!?
Russel: Don't try to lie we know it's coming from team RWBY!
Yang: Wow, wow! False accusation, much?
Dove: Well we can't help it. Because whenever something bad happened It's usually always you four.
Sky: Fucking Main characters shit...
Nora: I know right!
Pyrrha: Nora! Which sides are you on?
Nora: Oops my bad... (I mean, I'm not wrong 😒.)
Ren: *shrugs his head* Nora...
Jaune: Can all of you please stop being aggro for just one second!
You're upsetting Ruby for brother's sake.
Ruby: Wah! Wah! Wah! 😭
Jaune: Also can someone please tell me what just happened?
WBY: *looking at each others*
Yang: *sigh* (I guess I'm the one that should tell everyone.)
How do I gently put this? Ruby is in her special time of the month...
Jaune: Oh...
Cardin: The fuck does that even mean?
Russel: the month?
Dove: I see... (Maybe if I silently nod people will not think I'm dumb.)
Sky: (okay, she had her period. What does that have to with anything?)
Blake: Typical.
Weiss: Can you guys be anymore of a dudebros cliche?
CRDL: Hey!!!!
Yang: Let me put it this way. Every time Ruby has her "special month" her semblance's goes all haywire for some reason.
Jaune: Okay I get the gist of it. Team CRDL go outside and clean the hallway.
Cardin: What! Why the fuck should we clean up their mess?!
Jaune: Because I fucking said so. Now go!
Cardin: Geez... Whatever. C'mon boys, we better clean up team RWBY's mistakes. Again!
*slams door*
Blake: Thanks Jaune.
Weiss: Geez Arc, when did you grow a spine?
Yang: I gotta say Vomit Boy. I never knew you had it in you.
Pyrrha: *blush* (So manly.)
Nora: That's our Jaun-Jaun.
Jaune: Blake, Weiss. Please help Cardin & his team with the clean up outside.
Weiss: What! No way. Why should we help those dunderheads in the first place.
Jaune: Because they're right that the mess was started by your team.
Weiss: I'm sorry, our? For the record it's just Rub...
Blake: We're on it Jaune. C'mon Weiss let's help clean up all this roses. *drags Weiss away*
Jaune: Pyrrha, Ren, Nora. I also want you to go out side and help them.
Pyrrha: I understand Jaune. I will do as you ask.
Nora: Oh c'mon Jaune, why us too?
Jaune: Because they're our friends, Nora.
Nora: Well I'm about to go back to my room... *gets yoinked*
Ren: It's okay Jaune. I will get her to help us.
Nora: *grumble* (Fucking Main characters....)
Jaune: Thanks Ren. And Yang I want you to stay and find Ruby's "hygiene" products.
Yang: Wow, wow! Settle down cowpoke. I don't think you being a man is qualified to be the one to help with Ruby's "issue."
Jaune: I have seven Sisters...
Yang: Sweet brothers in heaven!
Uh, I take that back you're clearly overqualified.
At least I don't have to help clean up. But what're you going to do Jaune?
Jaune: I'm going to go back to my room to make a tea for Ruby.
A few minutes later.
Jaune: Here you go Ruby. A sweet herbal tea with plenty of honey and sugar.
Ruby: ... *sniffs* Thank you Jaune. 😢
Jaune: It's okay Ruby you don't have to thank me.
Ruby: But I caused so much problems for everyone. *sniffle*😞
Jaune: *headpat*
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There, there Ruby it's okay that what's friends are for. And you didn't troubled me one bit. In fact I'm happy to be of use to you. It reminds me that I'm still useful to someone.
Ruby: Jaune please don't think like that. You always were important to everyone.
Jaune: *kiss forehead*
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It's nice of you think that Ruby. But I'm not. I'm not special like you. You're destined for great thing while I'm.... Just me.
Ruby: 0-0
Jaune: What's the matter... Ohhh, ohhh no. I'm so-so sorry Ruby I didn't realize that... I usually did that to my little sister whenever she's sad.
Ruby: *blush*
I-I don't mind it at all Jaune. It's just that if you want to do it to me again a little heads up would be nice. 😖
Jaune: I'm so-so sorry Ruby I promise that I... Wait, what do you mean by again?
Ruby: Uhh....
Yang: *clears throat*
I seems to have interrupted something here.
Jaune: Y-Yang!
Ruby: Sis!
Yang: Look Rubes I don't need to say this but remember what dad said. No boys. And Jaune please don't take this the wrong way but please for your sake please don't get any idea with Ruby. It will not end well for you.
Jaune: O-of course. I will never-ever think of Ruby like that. We're just friends after all.
Ruby: Friends... 😭
*starts crying*
Jaune: Oh, what's the matter Ruby?
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arc-misadventures · 1 year
Fathers Day Letter
Beacon Academy lunchroom, and everyone is looking over the mail they have each recently received.
Ruby: Ohh! Dad sent me something!
Yang: Me too, wonder what he sent me.
Weiss: Oh? My sister sent me a package, I wonder what’s in it.
Pyrrha: My mom sent me a care package~!
Ren: I got a parcel in the mail: I hope it’s those tea leaves I ordered.
Nora: My magazine is in! YES!!!
Blake: Yes! The latest book in the, ‘Ninja’s of Lust’ series!
Ruby: COOKIES!!! He sent me cookies! Yayyyyy! (Nom,nom,nom,nom!)
Yang: Save some for later, Rubes. Now lets see… Awesome! He sent me the bike polish I use for, Bumblebee! I forgot it, when we left! I’m gonna have some fun spreading you on tonight~!
Weiss: Oh? ‘Dear sister, I lost a gentlemen’s wager, and they requested several signed copies of your latest album. Since I assume this would be no problem, would you kindly sign these copies, and send them back to me. Love, Winter.’ This is rather… unexpected.
Yang: Are you going to refuse her request?
Weiss: No, this should only take an hour to do. What did you get, Pyrrha.
Pyrrha: Cookies, chocolate, and some beauty products from home, nothing much really. Did you get your tea, Ren?
Ren: Yep; I’m looking forward to having these later.
Yang: What magazine did you order, Nora.
Nora: ‘Pancakes Illustrated’
Weiss: Excuse me?
Yang: That’s not what I think it is, is it?
Ren: Well…
Nora: Ohh yeah~! Let that butter run off you, you naughty girl~!
Yang: UHHHH?!
Pyrrha: Don’t ask.
Yang: Okay…?
Blake: And, you say I’m the depraved one…
Ruby: Isthat… (Gulp!) Is that a father’s day card, Jaune?
Yang: Wait, what?
Weiss: Excuse me?
Pyrrha: You’reafather?!
Nora: I’m an aunt?!
Jaune: Oh, yeah. It’s just a little joke card really. My sisters see me as the father figure they never had, so they send me this as family joke.
Pyrrha: Oh thank gods…
Yang: Oh, so what’s the joke, I bet it’s pretty funny!
Jaune: Well… It’s kinda funny… in the shear ridiculousness of it.
Blake: How ridiculous is this?
Jaune: Well, lets start at the beginning: My family consists of me, my older sisters, Saphron, and Thiriana. My mother, Juniper, my grandfather, Álkimos, and lastly my father, Evinder, or simply, Evin.
Pyrrha: I thought you said you were an only child?
Jaune: I’m the only son, I have lots of sisters though.
Pyrrha: Oh okay. Please continue.
Jaune: So when I was three years old, my father disappeared while out travelling. We had no idea what happened, my mother was so distraught that she begged my grandfather to go find him. So, my grandfather who is a, Huntsman, who also loves his daughter very much, went out to find him.
Ruby: Did he find him?
Jaune: No. He spent two years trying to find him, but he found no trace of him. However, a year later, when I had turned five, my grandfather was in another town a ways away from where I lived. Then town was attacked by some, Grimm. Luckily there was only one casualty. That one casualty was where things got interesting!
Weiss: What happened?
Jaune: Well, my grandfather went to the woman, her name is, Isleen, a snake faunas with beautiful blue, and gold tipped scales. And, she had three daughters: Luna, and a pair of twins named, Angela, and Janette, ages two, and one. And, she told him that her husband was missing, my grandfather asked what his name was, and she said his name was, Gregory. She then showed him a photo of him, and my father was left gobsmacked! He had a new hair cut, and a beard, but he knew very well what the face of his ‘deceased’ son-in-law looked like.
Yang: Wait, what?!
Weiss: He wasn’t dead?!
Blake: And, he abandon your mother?!
Ren: Along with you, and your sisters?!
Pyrrha: And, started a new family with another woman?!
Jaune: Yep. He wasn’t happy to say the least. Then, my grandfather showed, Isleen a photo of my mother, me, and my sisters, and my recently ‘deceased’ father, Evinder. She did not take it well that her husband was not who he said he was, and seeming abandoned her, like he had done with my mother really, really hurt her. So, my grandfather decided to take her, and her kids back home. To live with me, and the rest of my family.
Blake: Was your mom okay with that?
Jaune: Eventually. She didn’t like that her father brought some random woman, and her kids home with him. But, she understood why grandfather invited them to stay with us. I mean, learning that their husband was living under false identities, and had married two separate woman, and had kids with them, and abandoned both of them. They had plenty of things in common together to bound with one another.
Yang: I’ll bet they did.
Jaune: Shortly after that, my grandfather was called to deal with a missing person report in another town. So he went there, and this woman asked if he could find her missing husband…
Weiss: Don’t tell me. He looked like your father?
Jaune: Same hair cut, and beard, just with thick rimmed glasses.
Blake: Given years apart you’d think he’d come up with a better disguise.
Jaune: Yeah… about that… The wife, a silver fox faunas who’s name is, Evenora, had two daughters with, ‘Stavon,’ their names were, Luna, and Carol.
Weiss: Hold old were they?
Jaune: One, and two years old. I know that doesn’t sound like much, but you need to understand this… Isleen, and her family lived about two weeks away from, Evenora, and her family.
Yang: I don’t get it.
Blake: So he didn’t go far this time when he faked his death again.
Ren: Wait, they lived two weeks of travel apart? Oh gods…
Pyrrha: What is it, Ren?
Ren: He was married to both of them at the same time… He was double timing them wasn’t he?
Jaune: Bingo bango bongo! You are right on the money, Ren!
Ruby: Wait, what?!
Weiss: You’re kidding me right?!
Jaune: Nope: He was double timing the two of them by being the cheating bastard that he was. He was a travelling sales men, so he two two weeks to travel between the two villages, stay for a month with one wife, then when back, and lived with his other wife for a month. And, he did that for over two years
Yang: You’re fucking kidding me?!
Jaune: Oh gods I wish.
Nora: What happened next?
Jaune: Well, my grandfather showed her photos of the two other families he abandoned. Needless to say she was absolutely devastated by this news. Now, my grandfather would have stay with her, and consoled her through this, but he was only missing for about three days. He needed to find him before the trail turned cold. So he hunted him. Now you gotta understand my grandfather is a vindictive monster; he was absolutely pissed when he learned he abandoned my mother, and, Isleen, he was fucking furious when he learned learned he did it a third time to, Evenora. So, he was after him like a bloodhound.
Weiss: Please, pleassssse tell me he found the cheating bastard, and made him payyyyyyy!
Blake: You’re really getting into this.
Weiss: This fucker makes all the emotional abuse my dad put me, and my family through feel like school yard bullying.
Yang: Same. My mom may have abandoned me at birth, but this. This is fucked up!
Nora: I can relate with them…
Ruby: You can?
Nora: My mom abandoned me. So, know how it feels when a loved one abandons you…
Pyrrha: She what?!
Jaune: It’s okay, Nora, we’re here with you know, and we’re not going anywhere.
Nora: Thanks, Jaune.
Jaune: My pleasure. Anyway, my grandfather did find him, or more precisely what was left of him.
Blake: Did a, Grimm get him?
Weiss: Fuck yeah!
Yang: That sounded so wrong coming from you.
Jaune: Well, yes he was dead. But, I’m not sure if a, Grimm did him in.
Ren: What makes you say that?
Jaune: My grandfather is an extremely experienced huntsman. He’s seen plenty of peoples corpses that are the result of a, Grimm attack.
Weiss: So you think he killed him, and made it look like a, Grimm attack?
Jaune: That, or my grandmother got to him. She is really protective of her family, and can really, really, really hold a grudge. She’s still upset with her ex… Anywho, after he, ‘found’ his corpse he took, Evenora, and her kids with him back to our home.
Ruby: Where they live as a happy family all together!
Jaune: Eventually.
Weiss: Let me guess, they had some difficulties getting along together?
Jaune: Mom was upset as it was that he left her, and three kids all alone, but even more so that he did that to two other woman, and their five kids too. She was absolutely angry from all of this. Sadly she took out her anger, indirectly mind you, on them which was making them angry in turn at each other even more so.
Pyrrha: And, what about you, how did you handle all of this.
Jaune: Well, I never really understood what my dad did until I was older. But, I was happy. I wasn’t the youngest child, and I now had five younger sisters! i was the older brother I always wanted to be. My, Mom thanked me for being the older brother that I was, loving each of them unconditionally as I did. Because I did this, it showed my mother that she was being petty, and mean to the other woman for things they did not do. So, she managed to fix, and even improve her relationship with the other mothers. They used to sleep in three different rooms, then after me, and my older sisters found the three of them in the same bed, all cuddling against one another they started sleeping like that ever since. Now I’m a brother with two older sisters, and five younger sisters, a loving grandfather, and grandmother, with three loving mothers, and I couldn’t be happier.
Blake: That sounds beautiful.
Pyrrha: I’m glad this had a happy ending b
Yang: That sounds lovely, but how does this relate to you getting a fathers day card?
Jaune: Oh, because I was the ‘man of the house’ I tended to look over, and protect my younger siblings. So I became the ‘father figure’ they never had.
Ruby: Awww~! That so sweet!
Pyrrha: You are a really nice brother, Jaune.
Jaune: Thanks. But, sadly this resulted in all of my younger siblings in developing father/brother complexes with me, just like it did with, Nora…
Yang: Pfft! Hahahaha! You’re right, Jaune; in the shear ridiculousness of it all, that is quite funny.
Ruby: Your family is quite something, Jaune.
Blake: I could make so many stories with this as a basis…
Yang: Settle down, Bla…? Wait, Nora? Do you have a brother/father complex with, Jaune too?
Weiss: You’re kidding me, right?
Nora: Y-Yeah… I do…
Pyrrha: What?! How did that happen?!
Nora: I couldn’t help it! He runs his fingers through my hair to comfort me when I have nightmares, and he gives me goodnight kisses on my forehead before I go to sleep. It’s really nice.
Yang: Do you seriously do that?
Ren: Yeah, he does that almost every night, it’s really nice to see.
Pyrrha: How come I’ve never seen this before?
Ren: You’ve been asleep whenever he does it.
Pyrrha: But… I… Jaune! I want goodnight kisses too!
Jaune: Okay.
Pyrrha: Yes!
Jaune: So, anything else you guys wanna ask about my families.
Blake: Yeah, so, Jaune, if you’re in the mood, do you want to pretend to be my daddy, and give me a good spanking because I’ve been a bad girl?
Jaune: No.
Blake: Naww…
Weiss: How about me instead?
Jaune: Excuse me what?
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zexapher · 7 months
A Fond Farewell
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With Rooster Teeth beginning its draw down, an era has truly passed. The company has lasted more than two decades. 18 (soon 19) seasons, five mini-series, and cameos and references in Halo itself for Red vs Blue. 9 volumes alongside two movies, a chibi series, Ice Queendom, and its own games for RWBY. And so much more beyond that, RT Shorts, podcasts, Achievement Hunter, The Slow Mo Guys, and on and on. That’s a lot, especially for a little startup launching off a web series. I was listening to “This Isn’t Goodbye, It’s See You Later” by Richie Branson while I was making this little memorial post. It’s a song made for another Rooster Teeth show, Camp Camp, and I have to say it’s some very appropriate music for this moment.
The day the news dropped, I wrote up a little comment in response to Rooster Teeth beginning its closing down, and I thought I’d share some of it here. I grew up with Rooster Teeth, a bit of a cheesy line I know, but it’s true for a lot of us. I was just a little kid way back in the early 2000’s, a kid that liked Halo (a game I didn’t even own for a long time, but played at a friend’s house), and was just getting curious about what I could find about it on YouTube. And that brought me into the world of music videos and skits and montages made for that little game I liked.
From there, I discovered a small web series called Red vs. Blue. I’d sneak onto my folk’s computer to watch it since they didn’t appreciate the language, and in doing so I dipped my toes into the wide world of the internet for the first time. As I got older, I eventually hopped onto Reddit for its discussion threads of Rooster Teeth’s latest show, RWBY. I began my first in-depth fandom interactions, speculating about the show, enjoying the flood of fanart, even got into fanfics about RWBY (those fics have had their own amazing evolution alongside the show) and to this day it’s the fandom I’ve followed and bookmarked the most fics from. All the while I was making friends and bonding with people through the community this company and its shows have created.
Watching the shows and people grow over time was, looking back on it, just like watching myself grow. I was never really a social media/internet kind of guy, until it came to Rooster Teeth. The shows, shorts, podcasts, it all opened up a whole new world for me. It’s sad to see it coming to a close, and I hope it gets picked up in the future. But I’m happy, too, that it’s left so much behind, and had such an impact on me. It’s left me with so many good memories. Rooster Teeth, its shows, those that created and worked on it, and above all the community around it will always have a special place in my heart.
So, I bid a fond farewell to Rooster Teeth and its crew, and anyone who may drift away from the fandom in time. I wish you all the best.
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howlingday · 2 days
Ren: JAUNE, LOOK OUT! The fandom is gonna turn you into a harem protagonist again!
Sun: OH FUCK! He has headphones on, he can't hear us!
Jaune Arc hummed to the music playing in his ears, writing down names to try out for battle plans. Walking up behind him, Weiss sat down and looked over his shoulder. On the other side, Ruby sat down and watched him, too. From above, in the tree, Blake and Yang watched his pencil dance across the page, sometimes in short skirt, other times in long strides.
As Jaune continued his work, more and more girls drew near, with some men also joining in the buzz. Jaune didn't hear any of it. He was too busy listening to some calming music using his earbuds connected to his scroll. It helped him relax, helped him think. However, it also dulled his senses, blinding him to the 100-plus individuals who were surrounding him.
As Ren and Sun watched with bated breath, only one question hung in the air to be answered.
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juanarc-thethird · 1 year
Getting Even
Jaune: *Staring at a door *
Ren: What are you doing?
Jaune: I'm waiting for Yang.
Ren: For...?
Jaune: Well, I'm tired of her pulling pranks on me all the time. So I came up with a plan to be even with her. Hehehe, my revenge will be sweet.
Ren: And what is your plan?
Jaune: Secret.
Ren: That doesn't sound good.
Jaune: Relax, my plan will not fail.
Yang: *Comes in*
Jaune *Quietly* She's here!
Jaune: Hey Yang!
Yang: What's up?
Jaune: Do you know Suk Mai?
Yang: Suk Mai?
Jaune: Suck my nuts! Hahahaha!
Yang: Ok
Jaune: What?
Yang: I'll do it. Drop your pants.
Jaune: *Confuse* What's going on?
Yang: I'm going to suck your balls, that's what's going on.
Jaune: Wait, it was a joke.
Yang: But I'm not joking.
Jaune: *Worry* B-But
Yang: You know what, I'm going to suck your dick too.
Jaune: *Grabs Ren's arm* Ren help me!
Yang: Where do you think you're going? *She grabs Jaune by the waist and puts him on her shoulder* You're coming with me, sweet cheeks. I'm going to leave you dry~💕 *Leaves*
Jaune: Ren!!!!
Ren: *Praying* Good luck.
Jaune: RENNNN!!!!
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superiorsturgeon · 16 days
Bowerbird Faunus!Jaune: Hey, Pyr…I’m not great with words and romantic speeches…😔
Bowerbird Faunus!Jaune: …so to tell you how I feel, I built you an entire house. 🛠️
Pyrrha: Oh my gods, it even has a built-in gymnasium!! 😲
Peacock Faunus!Ren: ✨It took me all day to get my makeup, clothes, and hair perfect, but it’s all worth it for you, Nora. 😉✨
Nora: *staring in open-mouthed wonder at her beautiful, beautiful man* 😳
Jacana Faunus!Yang: *wearing a toddler in a baby carrier, cradling baby, and cooking a grilled cheese for oldest Bumbleby kid* Blake, babe, go ahead and put your feet up! I got this! I’ll call you when it’s time for dinner!
Blake: *sighs lovingly and watches Yang juggle the Bumbleby children* 🥰
Weiss: Ruby, I’m back from running errands! I picked up that upgraded receiver bolt you wanted for your scythe!
Bird of Paradise Faunus!Ruby: *flips her cape over her head and launches into a frenzied, flailing dance around Weiss* 😘
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rachetmath · 3 months
Retracing Steps
Nora: Jaune?
Jaune: *researching*
Nora: Jaune?! Jaune?!!
Jaune: What?
Nora: Jaune I get you and Lewis were friends but he’s gone.
Jaune: I know.
Ren: So what are we looking for? His grave?
Jaune: No. That’s not what I’m looking for.
Emerald: Then what is it?
Jaune: His first draft.
Nora: You mean his book?
Jaune: Yeah. Lewis censored a lot of information. More importantly, his story was based on his diary. I don’t know what happened to him but he still lived in Vacuo or moved. He had to have taken it with him.
Nora: But what’s so important is that you need his book.
Jaune: *silent*
Nora: No. Jaune you’re not thinking– Are you-
Jaune: Slow down. Yes, I’m looking for a way to return to the Ever After. But not for me. For Salem.
Ren: What?
Jaune: When I was in the Ever After, I thought Ascension just meant death. Which it is. However, it’s also about rebirth. Making changes in one’s self. 
Emerald: And? What does this have to do with Salem? 
Jaune: Think about what Ruby told us. Salem failed to learn the value of life and death. In The Ever After you still die but-
Emerald: Salem’s immortal Jaune.
Jaune: Listen. After you die or are taken by the tree as Ruby described, you are sent to the forger. The forger has the power to create, reforge, and repair you.
Nora: Jaune we fail to see your point.
???: I get it.
Ren: Ruby? When did you and your team-
Ruby: Sorry. I was looking for Jaune a while ago. They were just helping me look. I wanted to talk but that can wait. Jaune, if what I’m guessing is correct then if you find this portal back to The Ever After, you can send Salem there.
Jaune: Yes. However once I find it and see if it works, I need Raven there before sending Salem. 
Yang: Why my mom?
Jaune: Her semblance allows her to travel anywhere as long as she has been there before. 
Ruby: And unlike the staff, it ignores time and space. That means Raven can easily leave the Ever After without having to go through the door again.
Emerald: Okay. Stop! You keep talking about the Ever After but what about Salem?! What does any of this have to do with beating Salem?!
Ruby: *smile* It’s possible but only a theory. If we send Salem to the Ever After, allowing the tree to take her-
Weiss: Then she ascends. 
Blake: Allowing the forger to reset her.
Yang: Leaving her-
Jaune: That’s right.  She can be imprisoned or she can return but maybe as… a mortal.
NER: !!!!
Nora: Meaning…
Ren: She can finally be killed.
Ruby: Exactly. 
Nora: Yes! Fearless Leader strikes again. *hugs Jaune*
Jaune: Nora, calm down. Besides like Ruby said it’s theoretical. And even so, she could come back maybe stronger than before.
Weiss: Maybe. But still-
Yang: It’s better than nothing.
Jaune: *continues his research*
Ruby: Hey, can you all leave for a minute? I want to talk to Jaune alone. 
NER and WBY: *leave*
Jaune: *sigh*
Ruby: I’m… I’m… I’m sorry.
Jaune: For what?
Ruby: For what happened on the bridge? 
Jaune: *stops what he’s doing for a second*
Ruby: I… I figured out what happened. Put two and two together. And… I’m sorry.
Jaune: *continues working* Just promise this. Don’t be like them.
Ruby: Like who?
Jaune: Pyrrha. Penny. And Alyx.
Ruby: I don't -
Jaune: Pyrrha thought she could do it. Though it was slim she still went in with no way out. She could have lived to fight by our side if she hadn't been egotistic. Penny could have lived if she had been a little more selfish. Willingly to put her life first before others. What made her death even sadder was… she died a puppet on the strings. Alyx died because of ignorance. She thought irrationally. Jump to conclusions. Not taking the time to think things through. All those things probably are what ultimately led her to her death. She was truly a naive girl.
Ruby: *silent*
Jaune: Look Ruby, your silver eyes are not the only things that make you special. And just because you get praise for it doesn't mean you should let them define you. You are not alone. So please, count on me to help. Or at least your team. Don't die over pride. 
Ruby: *hugs Jaune*
Jaune: Hm. Hey, what's- …oh.
Ruby: *in tears* 
Jaune: *sighs and smiles* Alright, I’ll take a break, for you at least.
Ruby: Thank you.
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howi99 · 3 months
Forever fall accident
Nora: *looking at the sap from the tree slowly filling her jar* Soon, soon you will be mine~
Ren: *sigh* Nora, the sap is not for you. It's for the professors. Please don't drink another jar... Again.
Nora: *cheekily* I can't promise~
Pyrrha: *looking around* Did anyone see Jaune?
Nora: *looking up to Pyrrha* Maybe the call of nature got the best of him?
Ren: *sigh even louder* Nora, i don't think Jaune would just leave without saying a word just to go to the bathroom.
Pyrrha: He probably was lost in his own head. He does that a lot, we should try finding him.
Jaune: *looking at team CRDL* Now that i helped you with getting more sap, do you need anything else?
Cardin: *smiling* Jauney boy, you've been such a good help today. So much so that me and my team decided to finally move on from you.
Jaune: ... What do you mean?
Cardin: *taking one of the jar* See, whatever we do to you, you seem to not mind. And frankly, it's booooriiiiing. So, instead of trying to get a reaction from you, we thought "what if we tried on someone else?"
Jaune: ...
Cardin: Now, we both know how much of a pushover you are, soooo *put the jar back in Jaune's hand* We want YOU to throw that bottle at Pyrrha.
Jaune: ... Excuse me?
Sky: *with a box in his hands* We got a rapier wasp nest, and they love sap!
Cardin: *spitting on the ground* She keeps beating us up because we are a bit rowdy with you. And we want to teach her a lesson. And you *poke Jaune chest* will help us.
Jaune: ... *Sigh* Cardin, i give you 10 seconds after I finish speaking to reconsider your actions.
Cardin: *laugh* You think you can threaten me? We all saw how bad you were during practice.
The jar breaks in Jaune's hand
Jaune: *coldly staring at cardin* The only reason i don't do well in class is because if i actually tried, i might kill people. Now, i will ask you again to rethink your decision, Cardin.
Cardin: *a bit less sure* You might be good at bluffing, but i still know that you wouldn't be able to fight the 4 of us by yourself! I- *get punch in the guts. Then, while trying to catch his breath, Jaune caught him by the throat* Ack!
Dove, Sky and Russel: *ready their weapons*
Jaune: 10 seconds. *Sigh* i let you walk all over me, pushed me and sent me into dangerous situations but i didn't care because you weren't trying to hurt anyone that was important, just me. *Bringing Cardin to eye level, not even flinching when Cardin desperately tried to punch him to get released* But you had to try going for the ones that matter. Now this is your last warning Cardin; Forget your plan, and i won't break your neck like a twig. *Jaune's grip tightens even more, breaking Cardin aura*
Sky: *screaming* URSA! WE GOT URSA!
Jaune: *finally look around him, seeing the Ursa's encircling the group* Hm... *Release Cardin* Get out. All of you.
Dove: H-how!? There's no exit!
Jaune: *smiling* You make yourself a path. *Goes in front of one of the Ursa* Like this! *Use his spear to behead the ursa in one swing*
Sky and Russel: *help Cardin getting back up*
Dove: *looking at Jaune smiling after killing the grimm* You freak...
Jaune: *turning to Dove* Yes, i am.
Pyrrha: Jaune! Where are you!
Nora: Fearless leader, we got sap for your dessert! We know you love making them!
Ren: ... Nora, i highly doubt he will-
Jaune: *coming out from the trees* More sap? Nice, my jars are broken!
Pyrrha: Jaune! *Goes to him* Thanks the gods you are okay and- *look at the broken lance* What happened!?
Jaune: Oh, you know, a little grimm ambush. *Smile* Nothing to worry about.
Ren: We were supposed to tell Glynda for any sighting of grimm.
Jaune: Don't worry, their's none left. *Turning to Nora* And you won't need to break Cardin's legs, i don't think he will try anything else against us.
Nora: Ohoh!~ You kicked his ass?
Jaune: *scratching the back of his head* Not necessarily. But i don't think he will want to try anything else.
Team RWBY is walking back to the bullhead
Yang: ... He was laughing.
Blake: ... Yeah.
Weiss: he dismembered those grimm like if they were made out of paper.
Ruby: *sigh* and the way he talked to Cardin...
Blake: Can't say he hadn't it coming.
Yang: ...
Ruby: *looking at Yang* Hey, i know what it looks like, but i'm sure we can talk with him about it, right?
Yang: *sigh* Yeah... Probably.
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brokentrafficknight · 8 months
Ren sees it at Jaune is surrounded by different women and is happy that he doesn't have to deal with the same problem. Little does he know that Yang and Nora are standing right behind him, ready to claim him.
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