#yeet them into the ocean
stellavesperis · 25 days
“Insufferable.” Well I’m glad Círdan agrees about Daeron.
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livstarlight · 2 years
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This is literally how I imagine their ship dynamic
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deadsetobsessions · 9 months
AU List
Hello! Welcome! This is my attempt at keeping the AU's boiuncing around in my head in order. They should be mostly in chronological order.
Some of them are getting turned into full length fics! The list (and it's open to suggestions) can be found here: Fic List
A couple of things:
Please feel free to write your own fics based on any of these! No need to ask, simply link it so I can also read it <3
If you have any specific scenarios you have an idea for and would like me to write- my asks/prompts are always open! I can't guarantee quality as I do most of my writing at like, 3 AM but I'll try my best!
I don't condone racism, bigotry, homophobia, etc.. I do not welcome it here. I acknowledge that I have biases that I've yet to unlearn. If there's something that makes you feel unwelcome in the things I write, please let me know and I will fix it ASAP.
I write these mostly on little to no sleep (that’s when I get creative I guess?) so good luck.
Update: Apparently you can have too many links on one post (which was news to me) so the links are in the titles lol
Squatter!Danny Phantom Raises Tim
Tim 'self-preservation instinct of a wet paper bag' finds Danny Phantom squatting in his house as an injured vigilante and they immediately adopt each other.
Ghost King and the Justice League
Different scenarios where the Justice League (and extensions) deal with a Ghost King Danny Phantom, who generally just wants to get some sleep and avoid his paperwork like he avoids his problems- actively and indiscriminately.
Alcoholic! Danny Adopts Jason Todd (Fic)
Danny Phantom, a struggling alcoholic, finds his way into Gotham where he adopts a young Jason Todd... after accidentally making a name for himself, again.
Spider in Gotham (Fic)
Peter Parker found himself unceremoniously dumped into Gotham and merged with his younger, formerly dead, alternate self.
Gotham! Danny and His Bats
Different scenarios wherein which Danny Phantom is Gotham's city spirit and the task of wrangling Gotham's vigilante and villainous population is laid at his feet.
Danny in Gotham
Somehow, somewhen, Danny finds himself moving to Gotham. Other than the aesthetics, Danny finds it to be pretty similar to Amity Park's insanity.
Sea Cryptic!Danny Phantom
Danny Phantom cleans beaches in his off time. One day, he has to pick Batman (and his plane that was littered all over the ocean floor) out of the sea.
Danny Gets Yeeted (Yoted?) Into Gotham
Danny Phantom dented the Batmobile and got an adoption, vigilante siblings, and a gang of kids following him for his troubles/
Danielle "Dani/Ellie" Phantom
Danielle Phantom travelled to Gotham. Gotham encounters a wild Danny amidst its tall towers.
Timothy Drake-Centric
When Tim Drake is set on something, very little can stop him, With sub catergories : Reincarnated as Gamer! Timmy Drake (fem Tim)(Fic) and New Tim-line, Who Dis?
Reincarnated as Damian Wayne's Older Sister
Based on a nightmare, an OC finds themself reincarnated as Damian Wayne's older sister. She does not have a good time.
Prompts Found
A collection of prompts found and filled. Includes Triplet Tim and Reverse Trope Prompt.
Misc. ficlets and thoughts
My brain vs. whatever errant thoughts and ideas that decided to pop up when I'm trying to sleep.
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the-music-maniac · 9 months
Not that I read mpreg all that often (not really my thing generally speaking) but I came across some "Sanji is pregnant" fics in the sanzo/zosan tag, and not nearly the same amount for Zoro. It got me thinking about the trope. I think the lack of Zoro fics here is a tragic oversight. I think we as a fandom are absolutely and tragically ignoring the potential comedy gold of Zoro being the one to be pregnant instead.
Because when people write Sanji, the general trend I'm seeing (upon scanning through some of the fics quickly) is that he's cautious about it. Conscientious, careful to make sure things are okay. Which - arguably I could see, Sanji is probably the more practical of the two (not by a whole lot but still)and he didn't have a good childhood. Sanji being pregnant is usually a fic about his heaps of parental issues, childhood trauma and angst - which is fun to read. It's good. It's amazing, even.
Zoro being pregnant is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT gonna be a COMEDY. We're talking about a man who once tried to fight Kuina holding like 20 bokkens. We're talking about a man who got stuck in wax and thought the reasonable solution was to cut off his legs.
The entire crew spends the next 9 months tearing their hair out, preventing Zoro from doing stupid shit (exhibit A: cutting off his own limbs). They spend the same amount of time trying to stop Luffy from gum-gum-grabbing Zoro and yeeting him anytime he needs to get them out of a sticky situation.
The crew (mostly Sanji) is on 24/7 prevent-zoro-from-drinking-alcohol duty (impossible). Chopper is constantly stressed in the later months cause no one puts it past Zoro to get lost somewhere, give birth out in the woods and come strolling back with a baby tucked under his arm. They have to start hiding Zoro's dumbbells.
Franky and Usopp design and build a nursery and spends the entire time suspiciously teary eyed. Sanji tries to pretend he's unaffected but spends an entire night creating a 9 month meal plan of all the nutrients Zoro and the baby are gonna need. Not even a day later, one of the crew finds him up at 2 am making a mountain of food because Zoro made the mistake of offhandedly mentioning he had particular pregnancy craving within earshot of Sanji. In the end Zoro has to sit on him to stop Sanji from running himself ragged.
Robin keeps spouting morbid childbirth facts and quotes from parental advice books in equal measure. Nami keeps going on shopping sprees for cute baby clothes and adding the cost of them to Zoro's debt. Brook keeps writing lullabies and trying to sing them to Zoro's stomach. Zoro 100% uses his pregnancy belly as an excuse to walk around without a shirt 24/7 without getting nagged.
Somehow word gets out that the famous pirate hunter Zoro is pregnant, and at the next big fight with the Marines, half the soldiers refuse to fight him and instead start telling him to sit down, take it easy, shouting advice at him etc. Etc. Zoro loses his shit a little bit and cuts their boat in half.
Mihawk, upon finding out, tells Zoro in no uncertain terms that that is his grandchild and he's expecting them to visit so he can meet the baby when they're born. Zoro vehemently denies that Mihawk is his father (he is). Zeff upon finding out, is almost as bad as Sanji when it comes to being a mother hen. Perona buys even more baby clothes for the baby. She buys one singular shirt for Zoro as a joke, and it coincidentally happens to be the exact same brand of "mama" crop top he was forced to wear in that one filler episode. Zoro tries to chuck it into the ocean (he fails).
I'm essentially saying it would be absolute chaos, and it would be the funniest thing I've ever read. 9 months of Marimo wrangling. Can you imagine the look on Zoro's face if one of the opponents he was fighting were to tell him that he's "glowing"?
PLEASE, I would actually wheeze myself to death. The best part is you can still have plenty of Sanji angst. He still has parental issues except now they're flavoured with "I'm not ready to be a father" and "I'm terrified I'm gonna become my biological sperm donor" and "please don't die because of childbirth complications, that happened to my mother(sort of, I know she died after but it kinda counts), and I can't handle that happening again to you". Lots of cute/tender moments of Zoro comforting and reassuring Sanji. We can even have Zoro angst. He probably views protecting his crew as the one and only job he's good for (not true but that's probably what he thinks). Not being able to fulfill that is probably not helping his self esteem, and that sense of uselessness warring with his need to protect the baby - but the contradictory thing here is that to protect the baby he HAS to sit back and let other people do that FOR him. That plus all the other restrictions, people treating him differently, but him at the same time refusing to view his own child as a weakness. Imagine the havoc that would wreak. Oh my god.
Y'all don't understand, I don't even read mpreg that often and yet this is literally my ideal fic HAHAAAAA
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numptypylon · 1 year
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Drawn before S5 aired, 2023 OCEAN themed rayllum spideykiss (there’s ones from 2020-2022 on my blog, I’ll get them added to the [rayllum spideykiss] tag). I was imagining this mid-battle smooch, POTC style
I’m in Europe and had stuff to do today, so am just now getting to watch S5, so I’m just quickly yeeting this before 1) it’s refuted by S5 in my head and 2) I get distracted for the foreseeable future
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atlantis-just-drowned · 3 months
"Hey now that Nevermore is on hiatus why not read the very beginning again to catch some small foreshadowing" Well my dudes...
Lenore and Annabel wake up near the sea like they've been transported to this world by some sort of maritime current, which is fucking cool because who doesn't like being yeeted out into an unknown world by the cold ocean (also the ocean is seen in many cultures as a threshold from life to death)
The orbs Lenore and Annabel are chased by are probably dead students but those are different from the ones we witnessed in the recent chapters in the infirmary after the ghost hounds attack. They have a sort of colored substance around them. Which means they either acquired it overtime, or there's a possibility this substance is a sort of deterioration caused by the world outside of the Academy
Also Poppets said those orbs were insentient but... Outside of Nevermore they speak and show sentience? Did Poppet lie? Is it regained over time? Is it one more difference between the dimensional rules of Nevermore Academy and those outside of Nevermore?
Don't fucking mess with me the Wild Hunt could have ripped Lenore apart sooooooo much sooner. If it's Theo I'm a firm believer he's coming back at the end of this season to get his sister the FUCK out of here
Poppet's introduction class seems to be confirming that a soul gets stuck in their ghost form if stepping outside of Nevermore
Holy shit I forgot Duke was introduced in chapter 3 (the mini-grey-him is fucking funny btw)
How many of you fuckers remembered Lenore has LITERALLY SAID THE GUN HAS NO BULLETS way back when we've seen it for the first time? Because I sure fucking DIDN'T
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jackalopesao3 · 3 months
HCs For What The Obey Me Cast Smell Like 🌹🌼
Characters: everyone that has had a face reveal
This has been in my drafts for over a year. I finally finished it. Enjoy!
A cologne with a signature mix of fresh scents with some notes of leather. When he’s tired, he’ll occasionally switch to a cool cologne with minty notes to perk himself up. There’s also a faint aroma of tea or coffee in him depending on what he’s brewing to stay awake to burn the midnight oil to finish his endless work.
Money Hmmm…a luxury cologne for sure! We all know he has a taste for high end items. I think he’d go for an old school fragrance, maybe something citrusy with a hint of tobacco.
Say it with me: Axe Body Spray
When Asmodeus yeets his axe into the void like the good little brother he is, he will gift Leviathan with cologne he thinks he will like. This means anything that comes in an anime-style container. So Leviathan’s scent will vary.
New book smell, old book smell, catnip - it depends on what he’s up to. I don’t doubt for one second he always has at least one pouch of catnip on him. He probably has some nice cologne too courtesy of Asmo or his various connections in his social circles.
He likes to burn vanilla, sandalwood, and amber scented candles and incense so he has those scents on him. Asmo also has a variety of colognes and perfumes so his scent changes almost daily.
Beel could smell like the most heavenly cupcakes ever baked or the greasiest burger ever fried. It all depends on what he just ate. Because of how much the boy eats he tends to smell like the food he ate.
No one is to give him food-scented cologne because he will just eat the bottle. He uses neutralizing scents to bathe so the scents don’t get in the way of him enjoying his food later.
Fabric softener with notes of lavender. He needs the softest of sheets with the most relaxing scent possible. Sometimes he’ll opt to use a lavender and eucalyptus scented pillow mist too so that scent will cling to him.
A woody cologne to go along with his naturally smoky scent from his constant use of fire magic. Sometimes he changes it up with warm scents like cinnamon and ginger or something lively like citrus.
If he were to wear cologne at all it would be something very subtle with notes of bergamot that closely matches earl grey tea. The notes are calming yet revitalizing at the same time. Sometimes it’s whatever pastries he’s just baked. He smells sweet and warm. Barbatos can also smell very clean like tea tree oil with notes of mint. It just depends on what he’s doing at the time.
Most mornings he smells like pancakes since he’s constantly making them for Luke. Simeon also likes refreshing scents with minty notes or anything with an “ocean” or “sea” label as it helps him to relax and focus on writing.
He is constantly burning sage, patchouli, nag champa, or frankincense to cover up the smell of his various potions and experiments so he smells like an incense hippie shop. (I highly approve btw!)
BUT I could also see this weirdo quickly spritzing Old Spice on himself as well.
Little angel baby bakes a lot so he smells sweet with notes of whatever it is that he’s baking or like the pancakes he loves to eat!
It depends on her mood! Some days it’s strawberries like her favorite strawberry shampoo and body wash. Other days she goes for something different like amber or a floral scent.
On days he pulls all nighters working on the newspaper, coffee: black, medium roast. Besides that he wears a posh cologne brand with notes of rosewood and tobacco.
Pine trees and woody notes with a hint of spice. Is it cologne, his body wash, or his natural scent? You’ll have to ask him!
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tothepointofinsanity · 11 months
Observation Log Series: Sayaka [III]
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Today on: Visual metaphors for depression and the actual “magic of friendship”.
Images are taken from this Magia Record game video on YouTube.
I am pretty sure someone else in the ages past had already covered this bit, so I suppose I will add this to the archives for my own documentation purpose. Or for just anyone who feels like reading it, really.
Sayaka’s magical girl transformation in this sequence is very interesting. There are a lot of jokes about how she’s yeeted everywhere by the Holy Quintet in her own transformation, so here are the notes:
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The beginning of her transformation is shot in the sequence of a downward spiral. Sayaka falls through the hoops and into the ocean as her opening, a reference to her descent into madness (keep in mind: the sea as a metaphor for an inescapable expanse of darkness; the abyss) in the main show, as well as her deteriorating mental health. The spiral drawn to resemble piano keys (🎹) is also no coincidence, but they break apart when Sayaka plummets past them, much like music becoming discordant and incoherent.
Right after that, she gets thrown around respectively by her friends, each of whom gets her to the destination of being fully transformed. What is important to notice is that for the majority of this part, you cannot see Sayaka’s face, and she appears completely indifferent and motionless as others pass her around without hassle. You would think someone like Sayaka, who typically exhibits stubborn tendencies, would be resistant to being literally thrown around, but I feel that there are reasons for this:
• Sayaka being shown not as weightless, but rather as something heavy that makes an impact wherever she goes. She’s literally dead weight in the water despite her Witch being a mermaid. There is no attempt whatsoever we see from her where she tries to swim gracefully or float naturally in the sea. She just seems to be…there, being moved rather than performing her transformation by herself like all the other magical girls.
• The Holy Quintet are the essence of friendship that help Sayaka not necessarily out of her depression, but rather giving her a massive boost by flinging her to the next appropriate person. Given she is portrayed as dead weight, she doesn’t transform manually and do fancy dances, instead heavily reliant on the support of the crew to help her get changed. The sequence where she’s thrown onto the bed and lies there before being flung out again is very reminiscent of the tragedy that individuals struggling with mental health problems can barely get out of bed on their own at times, even to the point where it seems they might never leave said bed. Homura has to pick up Sayaka in a bag before tossing her to Kyoko, where it unfurls and it becomes her cape.
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It is also interesting to note that the bed is surrounded by mirrors of all sizes and shapes that don’t reflect Sayaka at all, but rather the oceanic creatures and environment. Her self image is nonexistent and replaced by the sea. When she’s thrown to Kyoko, it is only then she is “stopped”, and we finally get to see her face. Her hair is long, unlike the appearance of her short hair that we are used to. Kyoko helps her with the last part of her transformation by putting on the gold hair pin.
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Kyoko being the one to not throw Sayaka but rather casually stop said impact is likely symbolic of their relationship. The ocean is stopped by the unmovable rock.
• In the very last part, Sayaka appears standing on a platform that arises from the sea, and only then she seems fully refreshed and ready to go. Once again, instead of swirling out of the water or something, she needs something solid to stand on and raise her to the surface as she is incapable of doing so herself. Her entire transformation seems to highlight that others need to be on standby to support her, or else she will likely just dwindle and sink motionlessly to the bottom of the ocean. By the way she’s posed, it also seems to imply that she has complete trust in her friends, who were there at every turn to assist her transformation.
Something else I thought about as well is the irony that despite being mermaid coded in terms of her own Witch and backstory, Sayaka is almost always portrayed as a sinking vessel the moment she hits the water. A finless mermaid, yet frustratingly a mermaid that cannot even swim or float. I find that this interpretation would fit into the existing narrative that Sayaka and the Incubators view her as useless or inadequate. What good a mermaid who sinks in the sea? What good a magical girl who needs others to help her transform proper? Noting that Sayaka’s transformation always involves her emerging out of water seems to tell us that she has always pulled her weight out of the abyss by herself.
TLDR: It wouldn’t hurt to show that Sayaka requires support from everyone in order to do her best.
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glassartpeasants · 3 months
Run Rabbit Run .11
Yandere!Eustass Kidd x F!Reader
Warnings: Angst, depression, pregnancy, mentions of death, very weird pregnancy cravings from reddit
A/N: yeet, have this. Its is very short compared to all the other chapters ive done on this series. I'll add links and shit after i wake up to go to work. (Chopper: small orange) (Nami: regular orange) (Kidd: small red) (Luffy: regular red)
pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 pt.5 pt.6 pt.7 pt.8 pt.9 pt.10 pt.11
It had only been two days since you’ve reunited with the Straw Hats at Sabaody when you got the news. Having the newspaper fall into your hands with those big, bold letters yelling at you felt gut-wrenching. Once more, the worst came true.
‘G-5 Wiped Out By The Kidd Pirates! No Known Survivors!’
‘The Navy group G-5 had sent out a distress call yesterday night, claiming they were under attack. Captain Tashigi sent out the call in a frenzy, saying that the ship was on fire. As she kept the Navy Headquarters on the line, we hear Vice Admiral Smoker tell her to run and hide. Which is the last we hear from him.’
‘Only when it seems Tashigi was discovered is when we know the culprits for the attack. There seemed to be a struggle before we fully hear the Captain of the Kidd Pirates speak through the transponder snail.’
“I know where she is, and no one is going to stand in my way.”
‘Captain Tashigi’s body has not been found.’
Dropping the papers to the ground, the urge to vomit felt overwhelming. Turning to the railing, you hurled up your lunch as everyone began to ask what was wrong.
“(Y/N)! Are you okay? What’s wrong?” Nami’s voice did little to pierce through the clouds of thoughts in your head. Looking down, Nami saw the newspaper you had just read. “G-5? This is a navy group what-oh, this is about those two marines we saw in Alabasta!” More of the Straw Hats gather around the paper.
“Ooh! What does it say?” Chopper says as he gets picked up by Robin to see.
“It says…” Nami's voice trails off as her face drops in horror. “That they’ve been killed.” An icy silence falls over the Thousand Sunny.
“What? No way!” Grabbing the paper, you see Luffy’s face drop before going blank. “That red-headed bastard.” Gripping the paper tightly, Luffy almost tears it apart.
“But I don’t understand. Why did he attack G-5?” You let out a shaky exhale as you looked over your shoulder.
“Cause they were the ones who brought me back to Sabaody. I managed to escape Kidd again and floated in a barrel on the ocean for about seven hours before they found me. They didn’t know I was a Straw Hat, but they took care of me. They were the ones to help me in the first trimesters of my pregnancy.” Biting your lip, you grip the railing as your eyes grow glassy. “They knew Kidd was after me, and they still helped me. They taught me to fight and how to use my devil fruit powers. Every night, I begged some higher power that he’d leave them alone or not even find out about them."
You feel a hand on your back. “(Y/N), it’s not your fault. Please don’t blame yourself for something Kidd’s done.” Hiccups slip from your lips as tears stream across your skin and into the ocean water below. 
“But now they're dead! They wouldn’t have died if they hadn’t helped me! Why does everyone I care about die?” The familiar tingling feeling covers your body as a similar ZAP ring in your ears.
You see Nami rip her hand away. “I’m sorry, Nami! I didn’t mean to! God, I can’t do anything without hurting the people I care about!” more sobs fly past your lips as electricity slithers around your body.
Rubber limbs wrap around you as Luffy pulls you into a tight embrace. The lightning that surrounded you did nothing to your captain. “(Y/N). I promise you that I’ll kill that man, and you’ll never have to live in fear again.” The zapping stopped as Luffy hugged you.
“Thank you. Please don't let me go back. I can’t go back.” More arms wrap around you.
“Don’t worry, you’ll be safe with us.” While Robin's words gave you a sense of comfort, it wasn’t much. If Kidd was truly able to wipe out an entire Marine group like it was an ant under his boot, then what would he do to the Straw Hats?
Whether you wanted to accept it or not didn’t matter. Kidd wasn’t far and was coming to grab what he believed was rightfully his.
“(Y/N)? Can I come in?” Nami’s voice cuts through the silence that was suffocating.
“Yeah.” the sound of the door opening and the light entering the room woke you up more. Her footsteps echo throughout the room before you feel a dip at the end of your bed,
“How are you feeling? Any better?”
“No.” You whisper as you curl up more. “The gnawing feeling is only getting worse.”
Sighing, Nami scoots closer to you. “You can tell me if something is bothering you.” She tries to reassure you.
With a shaky breath, you barely tell her the chaos going on in your mind.
“I almost forgot you.”
“What?” She asks, confused.
“There was an incident when I was with Kidd. I hit my head super hard to the point I could’ve died. And the sheer intensity of the hit caused me to have severe amnesia. I didn’t even remember that it was Kidd who attacked my island.” Your voice was soft as you continued. “He told me he saved me. And I believed him. He made himself sound so trustworthy. He fed me lies. Built up a whole relationship for me to believe. And it almost caused me to miss our meet-up. If it wasn’t for someone on the inside who was helping me.”
“Really? Who was it?”
Looking away, you stay quiet for a moment. “I'd rather not talk about it.”
“That’s okay. We don’t have to if you don’t want to.” You nod.
“There's a small, sickening part of me, a part of me that I wish would go away, that misses him.” Gripping the blankets tightly, you grimace. “I know he made up so many lies, but the five months I lost my memory, I remember being so happy.”
“No one is gonna hate you for that (Y/N).” Nami rubs your back.
“It’s been six months. Why can’t I get over it? Why can’t I get over him after all he’s done? Why is my body still cold at night, no matter how many blankets I have? Why do I still have dreams where I love him and want nothing but him?” As your voice grew quieter with each word, guilt continued to eat at you.
“Sometimes our brain works in silly ways, despite how cruel it is. It’s not uncommon for victims like you to experience this. So please don’t think your alone.”
“Even when I’m not thinking about him, I always feel like something's missing. I try so hard to be happy and ignore these feelings, but they eat me up every day. And I hate it. I hate how I can’t go a day without crying.” Your words become shaky as you bite your lip.
“(Y/N)...you have been through so much. No one’s going to hate you for crying. All the tears you shed are justified.”
Letting out a sniffle, you hold your pillow tighter. “I know you're right…so why can’t I accept it? Why do I feel like this? I have so many questions, and it makes my heart heavy—almost all of it unbearable.”
“And yet here you are, alive and pushing through the pain. Even if you don't see it, you're much stronger than you give yourself credit for. Your parents would be proud, even if they're not here to say it.”
“You think so?”
Nami nods. “And the people who hate you for Kidd’s actions don’t deserve your tears. They’ll never know how strong you truly are. Your one of the strongest people I know. Even through hell and high water, you're here.”
You stay silent for a moment. “Do you think I’ll be a good mother?”
“I think you’ll be great.” Hearing Nami’s words, you smiled with tears.
“You're so sweet, and you're all so kind.” Tears slightly slip down your cheeks. “Why am I crying? I’m happy, so why am I crying?” You say through tears.
“Pregnancy’s rough.” Nami chuckles before looking out the window. “I’ll let you get some more sleep, so sleep well, okay?”
“Will do.” You salute with a chuckle of your own.
“That’s a first.” Robin laughs as she watches you chow down on grilled cheese with pickles in it while dipping it in maple syrup.
“Ew, that looks gross-” A WACK could be heard throughout the dining room as Sanji cut Zoro off.
“Shut up, moss head! She eats what she wants!” While they begin to argue, you can’t help but continue to eat your food, the weird textures satisfying your cravings.
“Is it good?”
“I think so. Why? Wanna try some?” Tearing a part off, you give some to Luffy. You watch as he inhales the piece you handed out to him. The whole table laughed as Luffy gagged.
“Why are you eating that?! It’s like poison!”
“It’s called pregnancy cravings. Many pregnant women have them. It’s very common in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy. They do leave closer to the early trimester, but it’s not always the case.” A chuckle leaves your lips as you watch Luffy listen to Chopper's words.
“Wow! What other weird cravings have you had?”
“Well, before I came back to Sunny, I couldn’t get enough of tuna sandwiches with oreos crushed in them.” You answer, slightly embarrassed.
The conversations about your pregnancy cravings could have gone on for hours before you began to have a terrible feeling in your chest. Like something was wrong, but you couldn’t put your finger on it. The seas were clear, and there was no sign of another boat in sight, so why were you feeling this way?
Probably because it’s only been two days since you’ve left G-5, and Kidd had already found them. Which, in turn, means he found you.
Even if the seas were clear now, how long would they be? Whether you’d admit it or not, you knew Kidd was coming. And with him was the blood of the people he’s killed just to get you back to him. All the guilt soon began to flood through you again, but you didn’t want to show the others and ruin the joyful mood around you.
You couldn’t help but be jealous of all your friends around you. They all looked so happy while you silently wallowed in your misery, drowning in your fear of the unknown. You didn't know if when you closed your eyes, you’d open them and see fire surrounding you as Kidd attacked The Sunny or that you’d wake up and see yourself stuck back into the small dark room that Kidd held you captive in.
“(Y/N) are you okay?”
“Hmm? Oh, uh, yeah. Just thinking.” You lie, hoping it’ll be enough.
“If you say so.”
“I promise, Robin, I’m okay. I’m simply thinking about names.” Again, you lie hopefully to put Robin at peace.
“Really?!” Jumping up and down in his seat, Chopper looks at you excitedly. “What are they?!”
While you didn’t have names for the actual baby in your tummy, you had names for the baby you would’ve had with your fiance if they were still alive to this day. “Well, there are (....), (.....), and (....) if they’re a girl, and (.....) or (.....) for a boy.”
“Oh, I like them! Especially the last girl's name.”
“That’s nice to hear. I’m glad.” It was nice to hear how you and your fiance's choices of names were liked. It brought a warm feeling to your chest and helped calm the internal storm inside you—if only a little bit.
“Princess, where are you?” The sickening sing-song voice of Kidd invades your ears.
‘Oh my god, please no. This can’t be happening.’ Covering your mouth, you hide in the Sunny’s kitchen closet. 
“You can’t hide forever. You know I’ll find you.” His voice gets louder as the sound of his boots makes your heart speed up. How did he know you were in the kitchen? Where were the others? How did he even get on the Sunny?
The sound of his boots stopping right in front of the locked door had your blood running cold. There was a sickening silence outside the door, and it made you sick to your stomach.
The bright lights of the kitchen hit your shaking form as Kidd’s shadow soon took over the small hiding spot. You look up in horror and see Kidd’s amber eyes looking down at you. A crazy and sinister smile played against his painted lips.
“There you two are.” With a rough grab, Kidd brings you to your feet and pulls you close. “I’ve been looking for you two for a long time.” The smell of sake and fresh blood invades your nose. 
“No, you can come back where you belong by my side. No one here to save you now, princess.”
Your eyes shoot open as you quickly look around, terror filling you as you fear you were no longer on the Thousand Sunny. But thankfully, the sound of a giggling Luffy, Ussop, and Chopper calmed your nerves. Taking a deep breath, you close your eyes and try to go back to sleep.
But as time passed, no amount of counting sheep helped you go back to sleep. All you could think about was the nightmare. It had felt so real. It felt as if his skin had really touched your own. That his presence was really there, even if it was only a dream, you felt dirty. His ‘skin’ touching yours, his hands covered in the blood of hundreds who opposed him. Innocent lives were taken simply because you were no longer trapped in his insanity.
And knowing it ate you alive.
The incident at Halyard Island still plagues you months later. A whole island burned to the ground just like your own. Not to mention the blame they put on you. Even though you know, there was nothing that could have foreseen such a tragedy. It also unfortunately became a reoccurring nightmare. Every time you saw the little boy you had met that day surrounded in flames, calling out to his mom. When you go to try and save him, the flames grow brighter as you're stuck in place. Watching him call out for his mom. The flames would get hotter and hotter as screams of terror echoed around you. Causing you to wake up in a cold sweat. 
The nightmare was way more consistent when the incident first happened. But thankfully, it’s not as common as it used to be. Instead of five times a week, it only happened three to four times a month now.
But that didn’t mean all the nightmares stopped together. You had more nightmares than you did nights where you had nothing. Each one leaves you in a cold sweat when you awake from them. Shaking and scanning the room in fear, you were on the Victoria Punk instead of the Thousand Sunny. You had bags under your eyes from the lack of sleep, not including being pregnant. You were even more tired than someone usually would be. At least that's how you felt.
Getting up from your bed, you let out a sigh. Your body hurt, and you just couldn’t wait for the entire pregnancy to be over. No more having to go to the bathroom twenty-four-seven, constant body pains, and nausea. The day couldn’t come fast enough.
The sudden sound of knocking makes you more alert. “Hello?! Uh, come in?” As you try to calm down your heart, you see Robin and Chopper enter.
“Oh, Robin! Chopper! How can I help you guys?” You watch as they look at each other in the eyes before looking at you. “Is something wrong?”
“There’s something you need to see.” Holding out her hand, Robin looks towards you. Carefully, you took her hand in yours. A horrible feeling runs through you as soon as you grab her hand. You feel Chopper grab your other hand.
They lead you to the deck where everyone else surrounds a transponder snail. All their faces filled with anger, and clenching their fists as they stare at Luffy, who holds the mic.
“How the hell are you able to call this snail?” Luffy’s voice has you breaking a sweat as you walk down the stairs. You can’t hear the voice on the other line or what they're saying, but it dug a crippling fear in your heart as your mind soared.
“You have a lot of nerve calling my ship and threatening my crew members.” The venom dripping from Luffy’s words has goosebumps on your skin.
“Who is he talking to?” You whisper to Robin. She turns her gaze to you before finally leading you close enough to hear the voice beyond the other line.
“Listen here, you bastard. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll turn around now. Cause the moment I see you, I’m going to kill you for all you’ve done to (Y/N).”
Covering your mouth, you feel lightheaded as you hear his voice.
“I’d like to see you try Straw Hat. I’m going to take (Y/N) back, and the moment I do, I’m going to make you regret stealing from me. Stealing what’s mine.”
“Oh my god.” Your body shakes in its spot.
“She’s not going anywhere with you, Eustass Kidd. I’ll make sure that you’ll never even see her before killing you.”
“Listen here, you little shit, I’m taking her back, and I’ll kill every one of you pathetic Straw Hats. No one, not even the devil, can stop me from taking her back."
You walk over to Luffy, trying to gather confidence before tapping his shoulder. As Luffy turns to you, the look of hatred and rage bubbling in his eyes. “Can I?” As soon as Luffy sees you, his features soften, but not by much.
“Are you sure? You don’t have to.” He whispers to you, yet you nod. There are just so many things you have to ask. Sending a nod in return, Luffy gives you the transponder snail.
“Hello, Kidd.”
“Ah, well, if it isn’t my princess. What a surprise to hear your voice so soon. Thought I’d have to wait just a little longer.” Even if he wasn’t with you, you could practically envision the wide smile on his face.
“How are you able to call us?”
"That doesn’t matter, princess. What matters now is that I found you. After months of looking for you, I finally found you.” The insanity in his voice slipped through the phone, making your chest beat harder.
“Where are you?” I ask as I look around but see nothing. The seas clear as the sun began to set.
“That's not important right now, but I just know you’ll see me soon. And when you do, I’m going to grab you and never let you go.” You're left speechless as you listen to him. “I’ll hold you close and make you watch as I kill off every single Straw Hat before your eyes.”
“You can’t! I won’t let you!” Kidd chuckles from the other side, making a shiver run down your spine.
“Oh, but I will. And when I do, you and our unborn child will be right back where you belong. And you and I both know that you're at a dead end. No more running away from me, princess. I suggest getting ready and packed.” His nonchalant attitude brings you over the edge.
“I won’t be going anywhere! I’m my own person, not an object!” Gripping the snail tight, you yell into the snail. “I won’t let you near my friends or my baby!”
“You know, that’s almost the same thing that Vice Admiral Smoker said before Killer took care of him for me. Went down like a sack of bricks!” Laughter rang through the line, making you ball your hands into fists.
“What did you do to Tashigi? The paper said they never found her body. So what did you do to her?”
“You mean four eyes? Well, that’s actually something I was gonna discuss with you about.” You can practically hear the smirk on his lips. “She’s alive, but her life is in your hands.”
“What? What do you mean?”
“I’ll spare her pathetic life if you come back to me without a fight. But if you don’t, then I’ll kill her.”
“B-Bullshit!” Looking at the snail, you feel a brand new burden on your shoulders. “How do I know you're not lying to me?”
“I thought you might say that, princess.” Scuffling comes from the other side before a door opens and closes. “Oi! Wake up four eyes. You’ve got a person wanting to talk to you.”
A raspy voice answers the phone. “H-Hello?”
“You're really alive! I thought you were dead!” You cry through the phone. “I’m so happy you're alive!”
“See? I told you she’s alive. And if you come to me like a good girl, she’ll stay that way. But if not, you can say goodbye to Tashigi." His words cause your plan with the Straw Hats to turn upside down. If you don’t come to him willingly, he’ll kill Tashigi, but if you don’t fight back, he’ll kill the Straw Hats. Or hell, he’d try to kill the Straw Hats no matter what you choose. Plus, how are you so sure he’d keep his word? All of it made it feel like your heart and chest would burst.
“Why? Why are you doing this to me?” You clutch your chest as you wait for a response.
“Because people do crazy things when they're in love. And fortunately for you, I am.”
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brittle-doughie · 1 year
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The Incorrect Quote Cookie Jar V1.5
Apologies for going dead for a while, sometimes I’m motivated to do a couple posts, sometimes I just post whenever. An Easter short is arriving soon! I might make a new part when I find enough quotes
Kouign-Amann Cookie: Why does Y/N Cookie call you baby-girl?
Prune Juice Cookie: [blushing intensely] How about we stop talking for a little while!
Y/N Cookie: Why is everyone so obsessed with top or bottom? Honestly, I’d just be excited to have a bunk bed.
Peppercorn Cookie:
Peppercorn Cookie: I'm gonna tell them.
Centipede Cookie: Don't you dare.
Light Cream Cookie: Y/N Cookie , are you drinking… drinking hydrogen peroxide?!
Y/N Cookie: It says H2O2! That means it’s the sequel to water!
Lotus Dragon Cookie: I need you to come meet me, and I need you to come alone.
Y/N Cookie: And I need you to be less vague and weird.
Golden Cheese Cookie, near tears: Please, Y/N Cookie, I don’t speak meme! I don't know what a 'yeet' is!
Y/N Cookie: Well, Frost Queen Cookie and I finally did it!
The rest of the squad: *gasps, shocked expressions, etc.*
Y/N Cookie: That's right...We kissed!
Pure Vanilla Cookie: I dare you to kiss the next person who walks into this room.
Dark Cacao Cookie: Screw that, I’m not kissing any of you.
*Y/N Cookie walks in*
Dark Cacao Cookie: Fine, I’ll do it. Rules are rules you know.
Sea Fairy Cookie: Due to personal reasons, I will be sinking to the bottom of the ocean in a large metal box.
Moonlight Cookie: Did Y/N Cookie say 'I love you' and you said 'Thanks'?
Y/N Cookie: Have you heard of Murphy’s law? The one where if something can go wrong, it will go wrong?
Jungleberry Cookie: Yeah, I have.
Y/N Cookie: Have you heard of Cole’s law?
Jungleberry Cookie: Is this a joke about coleslaw?
Y/N Cookie: …maybe.
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milaisreading · 7 months
Hetalia AU:
Yn, while holding a puffling: Awww! These are adorable, Iceland! So they got lost in the city?
Iceland, holding a puffling while walking towards a cliff: Yep. They confuse the city lights for the moon and end up there instead of the ocean.
Yn, walking over to Iceland while patting the puffling: So, why are we here again? Shouldn't we give them some food and-
Iceland: Yeet! *throws the puffling off of the cliff*
Yn: AHHH!!! *covers the puffling's eyes while watching the other fly away*
Iceland: We need to throw them like this.
Yn: Can we keep this one, at least?
Mr. Puffin while landing on her head: No. There can only be one!!
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blackknight-100 · 2 months
Rama: *yeets Maricha into the ocean*
Shiva: ...he's supposed to be human
Parvati: Give them another chance dear.
Lakshmana: *stays awake for 14 years*
Sita: *takes shortcut to Vaikunth via earth*
Parvati: Umm...
Krishna: *lifts up a mountain*
Balarama: *starts dragging a whole city*
Krishna: *makes solar eclipse happen*
Krishna: *shows his actual form*
Parvati: ...dear, what are you doing?
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watatsumiis · 7 months
Have yall ever heard about that study a while back where some folks studying butterfly migration habits couldn't figure out why the butterflies would take such a large detour, then after some research they found out there was a mountain there millennia ago and detouring around it was just something that got hardwired into their brains?
I imagine things like that are actually semi-common in places like Liyue and Mondstadt, where the land has undergone so many physical changes over the years (whether that be due to giant pillars of stone being tossed about haphazardly, or a god deciding they're sick of a certain set of mountaintops and yeeting them into the ocean like frisbees). I think that, once discovered, these strangely adjusted little animals would probably be celebrated in vastly different ways by the neighbouring nations.
A kaleidoscope of butterflies is celebrated twice a year as it passes through two small villages on different sides of the border - the Liyuens see it as a reminder to not get their heads stuck in the past, because it can make the future all the more inconvenient (like taking a long, winding path when there is a straightforward one readily available). The Mondstadters, however, see it as a symbol of their own freedom to be as rigid as they please, if the desire so strikes them - to stick with old, futzy traditions and do things in their own way.
It's a very localized celebration, not often talked about due to the size of the villages. It's passed down purely by word of mouth to the children of the villages, so the irony of the situation is, through pure happenstance, simply never noticed.
But, it goes to show, no matter how different each nation and its people are, they are all humans at heart, and are wowed by the same feats of nature.
Please don't repost, steal, copy or otherwise plagiarise my writing! I do not consent for my works to be translated and posted elsewhere, or copy - pasted into bot or AI technology.
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blacklegsanjiii · 8 months
did the strawhats find out abt amputee!sanji's prosthetic from the newscoo? or did they just think sanji got injured but was generally whole until sabaody came around? maybe sanji thought they knew and didnt mention it (nobody noticed cause the man always wears long slacks) and luffy followed suit. all comes to a head when during a spar zoro accidentally hits it wrong and it falls off. usopp faints. chopper thinks he has to amputate ("somebody already did that, doc"). franky is mostly offended that sanji didnt ask him to build the prosthetic and proceeds to make a SUUUPER robotic leg. sanji and luffy hold it over zoros head forever.
So Ace and Luffy found out during/after marineford that Sanji lost his leg, he left them without his right leg to go train, comes back with two legs, gotta imagine Luffy is probably confused but kicks his leg lightly and nods. As for the other Strawhats I think the newscoo said outside of Luffy's 3D->2Y picture. So outside of Sanji, Luffy, and Ace I doubt the crew knows and think Sanji has two normal legs.
Love the spar idea where there was no way to block this one particular hit from Zoro so he armaments his prosthetic and it flies off. If it goes into the ocean Luffy yeets Zoro to go get it as Nami and Chopper scream and Sanji is just standing there with one leg. Usopp is laying on the ground and Brook has stopped playing and is also murmuring about Zoro committing a great sin. Franky is rushing to Sanji as Robin points out the lack of blood. When Zoro resurfaces and gets back onto the Sunny with the leg and he looks freaked out too.
Luffy has to be laughing as Sanji just sits on the deck and is trying to dry out the inner socket and moan about the sea water hopefully not rusting his leg. Franky offers to fix it and Sanji takes it up on him and tells Luffy to call Ace. Chopper is freaking out and pulling on Sanji still and crying about his leg and Sanji is like "Well if I can get to the kitchen I can make snacks? Would you like some cotton candy?" Chopper wails that that won't make him happy even though Sanji is pretty sure it would but with how upset it is kind of hard to tell if he is being serious or not. Sanji lets Chopper look him over to calm him down.
When Sanji gets his new leg from Franky he is staring at it as Franky shows him everything it can do and Sanji, who just wants to kick people and have a waterproof/fireproof leg that won't just fall off if it gets hit too hard. Franky is sad to have to redo it again and take out the super modifications to it. Luffy tells Ace and Sabo all about it in Dressrosa and they're laughing their asses off about it. Sanji uses it for making Zoro his pack mule every time they have to reup on supplies. Zoro does not ask for forgiveness and threatens to send it to the depths quite often.
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moongothic · 6 months
You know we all meme about how Luffy doesn't give a shit about his parents/Dragon, how he seemingly has no interest in learning about the man or meeting him at all, and like yeah that is a Luffyism
And for a long time I figured Baby Luffy would be the same too; that Luffy in his naïvete just accepted he must've spawned from the ocean itself into Garp's care or something, not realizing he should in fact have parents, thus Luffy's seeming disinterest in them
But you know what
Luffy did spend most of his early childhood alone
Sure, he had Garp, but it seems like Garp wasn't always there to look after him every day, he had his duties as a Marine too. Had Garp been there 24/7 all year then Garp would never have allowed Luffy to interact with Shanks (a filthy pirate) to begin with. So yes, Luffy had his grandpa, but not all the time. And sure, Luffy also had Shanks, but Shanks didn't spend all his time in Fuusha Village either, he came and went whenever he pleased too until his final departure when Luffy was just six years old. And yes, there was everyone else in the village too, people who cared about Luffy and were helping look after him. But Luffy's early childhood was one without a stable family.
It wasn't until Garp yeeted the child into Dadan's care that Luffy actually gained a proper family, where after months and months of trying Luffy managed to win Ace's trust and gained Sabo as a brother too. But as we know, by that point Luffy already hated being alone
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All of this to say; Luffy growing up essentially orphaned would explain why he's so afraid to be alone, the way he clings onto people
In some ways Luffy's POV is meant to be the reader's POV, to some degree Luffy's feelings and thoughts are meant to be how we the readers feel and think about whaveter is happening in the story. Not a 100% by any means, but somewhat at the very least.
Perhaps Luffy's lack of interest in Dragon isn't just "Luffy not giving a damn about blood family because chosen families are better" nor "Luffy is too stupid to understand where babies come from". Perhaps Luffy, who may have assumed he didn't have parents at all (as in "might've assumed they were dead or had intentionally abandoned him"), doesn't know what to think about the fact that he does have a father out there, one whom he has never as much as met. Because yeah, Luffy doesn't know why Dragon left him with Garp, why he never got to be with his dad. Should he be angry at Dragon, hate him for being left alone? Or did Dragon have a good reason for it, does Dragon wish things could've been different?
Perhaps Luffy's seeming disinterest in Dragon isn't because he doesn't care about blood family, but because much like us the readers, Luffy doesn't quite know what to make of Dragon, and figuring those feelings out hasn't been relevant to the plot yet.
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minecraftbookshelf · 1 month
I keep thinking about MoS and I have two main questions if you have an answer for either of them :]
1. What would the main traveling methods be between empires? Mainly between Rivendell and the Codpire? And how long would it take either Scott or Jimmy to get from their own respective empire to the others or vice versa??
2. Is Third Life in any way canon? Like how in a lot of fics Third Life happened and then Scott and Jim (and everyone else in 3rd Life) were reincarnated into Empires?
I just keep having thoughts about this au ‘cause you’ve made such an interesting story <3
Empire Travel!
I do have a previous post on the topic which i'll yeet up HERE just so that i don't repeat myself too much.
I also talked about elytra (more focused on design but i think its still relevant) HERE jhgfgf
Specifically Rivendell and the Swamp is going to depend on who is doing the traveling. It is several hours flight and about as many days by horse (for an individual, traveling at optimum speed) as it is hours by air. There is also a river to travel by from the coast up the base of the mountains near the border with The Overgrown, there is some boat traffic on there and it is also swimmable, though going inland is against the current.
Jimmy mostly flies to Rivendell and swims home, for example.
There is also less travel than you would think, at least on an individual level.
Just using Flower Husbands as an example:
Jimmy is going to go up to Rivendell a handful of times during the wedding negotiations and preparations, but only a few. Mostly he will be in the Swamp and Scott will be in Rivendell, both of them preparing for their own sides of the wedding. During the actual wedding (a process that will cover over a week) there will be a whole procession from Rivendell all the way to the Swamp. The end of that, and the final day of the wedding itself (which will actually take place in the swamp) will be Scott's first time there.
Once they are married, there won't be a lot of travel for a bit, most of the interactions between kingdoms will be through communications with ambassadors. Eventually, Xornoth and Scott will fly back and forth for visits on a personal level, and there will be state visits as well, travel methods of which will vary.
Nether portal locations are fiercely guarded secrets, revealed only to the closest allies. Rivendell's portal is only known to Pearl and Katherine, maybe Gem. Not even most of the WRA knows where it is.
And only Katherine and the Ocean Alliance members know where the Swamp Portal is. (Pix helped relocate it after they became free of Mythland.)
Portals are a Whole Thing.
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