#yes this is about the Knuckles show that recently came out
Just saw someone claim that representing Jewish characters in media is propaganda, and I'm just like, "What? Do you even hear yourselves right now?"
If you are genuinely upset about a children's show having an episode centered around a Jewish family's Shabbat candles, I don't know what can be done to help you.
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jimvasta · 4 months
Humans and their pets
The sentient races of the universe have just about started to get their heads, or approximate similar in function body parts, around the odd nature of humans but only recently have humans begun to bring other Earth creatures into space with them.
“Don't worry about Fluffy, he's totally ship trained.” the human designated Bradley spoke with frightening casualness about the creature sat at his side. It's muzzle was level with his hips and it's forward facing eyes showed it had predator history just as much as humans did.
“It has fangs.” Captain Mota'tog was unimpressed. The permissions were correctly stamped on the file and yet such a creature hardly appeared inoffensive.
“He does not, he's not poisonous. Of course some of his teeth are sharp, he's an omnivore.”
“He's a hunter.”
“He mostly hunts biscuits. He'll scavenge in the canteen from anyone soft enough to feed him. He's a certified well-being dog. People stroke him, he's got really soft fur, it makes them feel better. Look, he's wagging his tail, it means he likes you.”
Mota-tog whistled uncertainly.
“Oh wow!” One of the human engineers arrived at the airlock and dropped her bag as she stared at the dog. “So cute!”
Fluffy jumped round, tail wagging furiously, nuzzling in as the woman buried her hands in his warm soft fur.
“You are totally gorgeous. You're so fluffy and beautiful, you're like a little polar bear. You're here to stay, yes you are.” the woman happily baby talked to the dog who was more than half her size.
Bradley looked at the Captain and indicated. “See. Dogs make us happy.”
“You do all the care for it.”
“Of course.”
There were some false starts with the rest of the crew who were not so trusting of the huge pack hunter in their midst, but over the next few months they slowly learned to trust that the worst he would do was beg for food off their plates at meal times. Some of the braver aliens even began to pet him.
Then an alarm sounded.
Everyone raced to their emergency stations.
Bradley was in the cargo hold, his duty was to check the cargo was safe and secure.
He had quickly trained Fluffy to sit in a corner out of the way. It kept him safe in case anything shifted. The last thing he wanted was for his pet to get hurt by moving cargo.
The clang of magnetic grabs was deafening.
The alert was for a boarding raid.
Bradley cracked his knuckles and picked up a pry bar.
Through the rest of the ship there were varying degrees of panic.
A few of the other species could fight but most looked to the humans, having learned the way they fought when cornered and knowing their best hope to survive was to stay back and wait for the screaming to stop.
“What the fuck is that?!” the shout was shock and outrage. More anger than fear in the moment.
Crouching as it came through the main airlock was a creature taller and broader than anything else on the ship.
“Star spirits preserve us,” Mota'tog whistled. “A Batath.”
“It's a bloody troll is what it is.” Martins snapped.
Everyone froze as they heard the snarling and growling.
It was not coming from the Batath.
Fluffy arrived at speed and leapt, not caring can his opponent was huge. His fur was already matted with the blood of pirates and this was just another opponent.
The humans charged.
The Batath could only concentrate on one enemy at a time, it was used to picking off creatures as they ran, not fighting them off as something had its teeth deep around a knee trying to rip it apart.
The pirates ran when the Batath fell and the gore covered humans turned to face them.
Bradley let himself drop to the deck. “Don't worry, I'm fine. Good boy, Fluffy.”
Mota'tog shook his feathers as he watched the dog go back from snarling killing machine to placid fuss receiver. “I swear to the spirits, all Earth creatures are insane.”
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beenbaanbuun · 24 days
it begins - opposites attract universe
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a small snippet from back when darling was nothing more than a sugar baby :)
“you look—”
“tired? miserable?” you cut hongjoong off as you toss yourself down on the rug that the man had noticed you’d taken quite a liking to. honestly before you came he was wondering whether he should move it to one of the unused guest rooms; it is quite an old thing, after all. upon seeing how much you adore it however, he can’t quite bring himself to shuffle it even an inch to the side. he knows his husband is inclined to agree…
“i was going to say overworked, but i suppose tired and miserable works too,” he chuckles lowly. something about you has him doing that so often, finding himself amused by you even when you’re not in the room. there have been so many late night recently, just him and seonghwa lay together sharing stories of how you’d brightened their day.
“well if i look overworked it’s my bosses fault,” you lift an arm to shield your face from hongjoong’s watchful gaze, but even with that extra layer of protection you can feel him staring at you with that an unfamiliar look in his eyes. he’s been looking at you like that an awful lot recently; seonghwa too.
you wonder if they know that the way they watch you has changed? eyes shifting from lust to something strange that, if you didn’t know any better, you might muddle up with adoration. each time you catch it you have to scold yourself a little, warning yourself to not let your heart swell too much. you’re here on nothing more than a business arrangement; your company for their rewards. at the end of the day, that’s all this is.
but as you shift your arm just enough for you to peek at the suited man, you find yourself realising that this moment is worth more than anything they could give you. the money, the clothes; none of adds up to more than the sight of hongjoong staring down at you with such a bright smile on his face. a smile that you know you caused.
maybe that’s why you still have your job, despite the fact that you haven’t needed it for a while, or why you still wear all your old tatty clothes from before you met them on that fateful night in the club. maybe this whole thing has nothing to do with the money at all.
maybe it never has.
“that’s a pretty dress, lamb,” you hear a second voice enter the room, a pretty pair of black stockings passing briefly through your periphery. knowing seonghwa, they’re thigh high with little lacy details in his thigh, far too high up to be revealed without pushing the hem of his skirt up. “although i must admit, i don’t recall ever buying you anything so long…”
it’s a pointed comment, letting you know that he’s well aware of the fact that you’re not adorning any of the clothes they’ve provided for you. he means nothing by it, and you’re well aware of that fact, but you still can’t help yourself from sighing at his words.
“i can’t wear any of the clothes you buy me to work,” you reply, “i don’t want a trip to HR just because mommy and daddy insist on me showing every inch of skin i have.”
and perhaps that was the wrong this to say because as seonghwa sits down gracefully next to hongjoong, he lets out a little dismissive scoff. as you let you gaze shift from hongjoong’s face to his? you notice that his expression matches the sentiment of the sound. fed up and dismissive, but not angry. never angry.
“and how is work, little lamb,” his words are sharp, “i heard you telling hongjoong you felt—what were the words you used? ah yes, tired and miserable. good day then?”
“what?” he interrupts, “am i not allowed to speak your mind on issues that concern me? tell me, lamb,” he leans forward, elbows on knees and knuckles digging into his cheek, “should i not worry about what our darling does with her spare time?”
you freeze, not entirely sure of the meaning of the cadence of his voice or the words that it speaks. he’s always called you his, or theirs—after all, that’s what they pay you to be. never before has he said those words so possessively, though.
“cara mia,” hongjoong warns; something that you’ve never witnessed him do with seonghwa before. the taller man takes no notice of him, though, his eyes firmly rested on you.
“tell me, lamb,” he purrs dangerously, like a lion about to pounce upon its prey, “what are you here for if you’re not going to make use of our gifts? you are our sugar baby; why do you keep returning here if you don’t want to accept our part of the deal?”
your body sits up on its own; an automatic reaction to the uncomfortable tension that sits over the room like a heavy fog. you know the answer to seonghwa’s question, as you fear he does, but you daren’t say it. once it’s out in the open, there’s no taking it back. maybe that would be a good thing, to finally have your feelings out there, your soul lay bare for them. with seonghwa’s expression do unreadable, and hongjoong’s turning to worry, you’re not so sure.
“tell me,” he cuts you off, “because if you don’t, then darling, i’m not sure i’ll be able to live with this uncertainty.”
is this it then? you either tell them that you feel more than you should or this whole thing is off? for all you know, they might call it off once they hear what you say. they might kick you out, scolding you for growing feelings where there clearly shouldn’t be any. they might roll their eyes and dismiss you as if you’re nothing but dirt on the bottom of your shoe before telling you that this arrangement won’t work anymore.
perhaps more than that, though, is the possibility of them ignoring it. acknowledging your feelings and moving on as though nothing has changed when in reality, everything has. before you thought you could make it through this with those feelings kept a secret, but if they’re going to be out in the open, then you’re not so sure. after all, a rejection is closure, ignorance is not.
“i enjoy your company,” you say, hoping it’s vague enough to satisfy his curiosity. he narrows his eyes and you can tell it’s not.
“you can enjoy our company and still take our gifts,” he says, voice short and impatient, “the two aren’t mutually exclusive.”
you take in a shuddery breath and you can’t lie, part of you is tempted to crawl closer to them just to satisfy your nerves. everything seems okay when you’re bundled up in their arms.
“lamb,” he snaps, “please, just tell me whatever it is that you think you cannot. even if it’s not what we want to hear, i can assure you that nothing bad with happen,” a manicured hand with nails as red as blood reaches forward to catch your chin. you melt into feeling, even the slightest of touch being enough to make things seem just a little better. “you’re far too special for us to allow anything bad to happen to you.”
and just like that, your walls come crumbling to the floor. you shuffle closer to the pair, desperate for something more. you get that something in the form of hongjoong’s hand in your hair. he scrapes his nails against your scalp, humming appreciatively when you melt against the touch, eyes fluttering closed and lips parting. seonghwa, despite his desperation, can’t help but take the opportunity to trace your lower lip with his thumb, tugging it back just before you can resume your usual habit of taking it into your mouth and suckling upon it.
“nothing bad,” hongjoong repeats his husband’s words.
“your company,” you say, voice quiet and breathy as the touch of your two sugar-parents melt you down to nothing, “it means more to me than the gifts ever did. i can go without the clothes and the money, i—” you stop yourself, unsure whether you should let the next few words slip from your tongue. in the end, you know that you’ll have to, but perhaps you can relish in these few seconds in which your secret actually remains just that; a secret.
“you?” seonghwa urges, his hand flattening out against your cheek to stroke it. “what about you, lamb?”
you take a second, maybe two, to build yourself up for the plunge. it feels as though you’re stood on a pier, staring into the murky depths below. your don’t know what’s beneath the water, but what you do know is that seonghwa and hongjoong are already down there. they’re waiting for you to jump; to join them in the only abyss. you want to take that leap, even if you have no clue how deep the water really is. perhaps you will hit something and break your legs, but as you stare into seonghwa’s eyes you realise that they were telling the truth. nothing bad will happen when they’re there to catch you.
“i don’t think i can go without you,” you mutter, “and i think that’s been the case since the very beginning.”
“without us?” seonghwa asks as if the statement isn’t clear as day. what more could he want from you? “you mean to say that this isn’t what we thought it was?”
“well, it was still sugaring,” you try to appease him. he simply shakes his head with a smile.
“but if we’re in it for your company, and you’re in it for ours,” seonghwa breaks eye contact with you for just a moment or so. there’s an almost giddy look on his face as he glances towards the man he married and it remains once his eyes are back on you, “is this not just a relationship? are you not just ours?”
you suppose he has a point.
“is that what you want me to be?” you ask.
“more than anything, dove,” hongjoong replies, “is that what you want to be?”
“yes,” it’s a simple answer, but it says all you need to say, “more than anything.”
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connorsblog · 4 months
Season 4 Carl has a grab on me. Could please write a fic where Carl and Rick are in the house, Rick is unconscious, basically those episodes but when Michonne shows, she shows up with reader, whom Michonne found on her journey. Carl and reader become friends quite easily. Just a massive fluff. Pretty please, with a Dixon on top? 💕🙏
who's the cowboy? | c.g
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genre : fluff !
summary : read request
a/n : i love this idea, thank you for requesting !!
i didn't really know how i ended up with michonne, i was just pacing up and down this abandoned house's hallway — and i had heard something clang on the road.
i was hesitant to check it out, but i'm glad i did.
me and michonne were walking down this narrow street. i think she is looking for someone, but i'm not sure, she seemed preoccupied.
"are you looking for someone?" i inquired, focusing on my feet planting themselves on the gravel whilst michonne tried to find a way to answer.
"yes, i'm looking for my friend. his name is rick. he has a son, too," she seemed melancholy about them, almost like one of them were dead — or something of the sort.
"oh — here we are, i think." her head angled upwards as she looked towards the house. it was scuffed up, dirt projected all over the sides from the roamers' hands scuffing it up.
"you think?" i asked, squinting as far as i could into the window of the door. i couldn't see anything, nor hear anything. probably not a good sign.
"can't be too sure these days, kid." was all she had said before promptly walking around the house's outside area — probably inspecting it.
i heard a sudden clang, which made me jump. michonne came straight over as it happened, and it was from inside the building.
suddenly there was some sort of indistinct yelling, it sounded from a kid. he sounded angry, too.
michonne seemed to recognize that voice immediately, most likely this “rick”s son of his.
she didnt have any problem with knocking now, her knuckles making a firm noise against the white wood.
i saw a head peek into the door's window, a pale faced boy with piercing eyes — dark, almost an upsetting shade of blue surrounding the middlest hue, bright and electrified.
his face seemed to light up as he saw michonne, he hadn't seemed to notice me yet though. he'd figure out soon enough anyway.
after various locks unclicked on the door, it swung open to reveal a couch shoved into the corner of the main room, probably just recently.
he had a sheriff's hat on his head, uneven and disheveled — probably from the yelling that occurred just a minute ago.
"who's the cowboy?" i half-joked, teasing him about his sheriffs hat. truthfully, it suited him quite well.
"his name is carl," michonne spoke up, introducing carl to myself and me to him before we all three entered the house.
he closed the door loudly prior to us entering, clicking the locks with a certain precision, probably signaling he had been here for quite some time already. or maybe he just got used to the locks.
michonne stayed by the older mans body — presumably this rick she had talked about. he looked dead, which explained carl's disheveled appearance.
"do you read comics?" carl finally asked after he caught me staring. not a good first impression, i thought silently.
"i read some, i usually don't have time for it, though." i answered simply.
"i have a few michonne got for me. wanna see?" he voiced, seeming to get more comfortable with me as the seconds ticked on.
"yeah, sure." i squinted, following carl to one of the other rooms to check out his comic collection — or what was left, at least.
it had been at least an hour of me and carl talking about comics together before michonne interrupted him in the middle of an X-Men comic he had grown quite passionate about.
"carl," she started as she poked her head into the doorframe rather eagerly, saying both of our names. "you guys hungry?"
me and carl shared a glance before nodding, his smile infectious and spreading to my face almost instantly.
as me and carl ate, we had laughed about numerous things. stupid stuff like milk dribbling down carls chin as he ate eagerly, or my obnoxious laugh as he did so. it was refreshing, i had missed that burning sensation in my cheeks from smiling.
i had said something that caused michonne to chip in and laugh as well. they both seemed to forget about ricks figure on the plush couch.
well, they couldn't now — i saw his frame move. either he was a roamer now, or he had magically woke up.
"i don't think i've heard him laugh like that since — well, for a while." i heard rick murmur as carl began to laugh again.
"well — this one time, i had a friend in like second grade, right? i had tried his lactose free milk and i almost puked!" exaggeration seeped into his voice, but it was too funny not to start laughing along with him.
this conversation had started when michonne offered for carl to try this lactose free milk, cue his story.
"seriously? you almost puked? i doubt that," michonne chuckled, watching the both of us laugh along with her.
"no! i'm not lying, it was horrible!" he puncuated each word, making a vomiting sound at the end of his sentence.
that caused us to laugh even more — even rick ended up joining in eventually.
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note : i LOVED writing this so very much !! thank you again for this request, i appreciate it :)
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*the marriage between Lucifer and Lilith had been frayed even before Charlie had been born, they unfairly thought that if they had a child they could have a stronger bond which was unfair to Charlie, Lucifer adored Charlie from the moment she was born and he thought Lilith felt the same way, but she treated Charlie more like a doll than a person with feelings, he still remembered one night Charlie coming into his office because she wanted to see his magic and Lilith came and pulled her away from him claiming that Lucifer didn’t need to be bothered when he had work and that hurt, Charlie was in what was called an “emo phase” much to the annoyance of Lilith, this morning Lilith waved a note in Lucifer’s face*
Lilith: You remember that new embassy of Heaven, they have summoned us to meet their new military leader of a group called the Exorcists. Something about the troubling population of Hell.
Lucifer internally: More like they are concerned about your recent concerts where you are using your voice to rile up the citizens of Hell to rise up against Heaven,
Lucifer: If they summoned us then we must go.
*the royal couple left in a limo sitting at opposite ends of the backseat not even looking at each other, the embassy looked like a fancy church on the inside, a gold scroll appeared showing that they needed to sign in, once in the meeting room that saw a very unconventional angel sitting at the table, he was dressed in white and lavender robes with gold spikes on the high collar, his gloves were made to look like they had demon claws with gold spikes on the knuckles, his head was covered with a helmet with very large black and gold horns, he had a very unamused look on his masked face, what they didn’t know what was that this man was Adam the first man, Lilith’s ex husband and Lucifer’s soulmate*
Adam: It took you two long enough to get here.
Lucifer and Lilith: ADAM!!!!!
*Adam got up and he blushed, the horns making Adam look taller than his six and a half feet height, but what made Lucifer blush and place his notes in front of certain part of his body was the chubby stomach Adam was trying to hide with his robes*
Lucifer internally: Why would Adam want to hide something that beautiful.
Adam: Alright let's get this shit show on the road and get it over with.
This was the first time Lucifer had heard Adam swear, he didn't think that they would allow him to do that up in heaven.
Lilith: At least that's one thing we can agree upon.
Lucifer: So, what is this Extermination Day?
Adam sneered at Lucifer, making the short King feel even smaller under his intense gaze. Even with a mask on he could read Adams every emotion. Was he still mad about Eden?
His face said yes.
Adam: It's exactly as it sounds. Myself and my girls will fly down once a year and kill as many demon scum as we can in a 24 hour period.
Lilith snorted: Can those wings even support your fat ass to fly down?
Lucifer went wide eyed, what the fuck was she doing!?!
Adam glared at her, he spoke through ground teeth: Yes.
Lucifer: All demons?
Adam: No. Just the sinners. And in exchange for not killing any demons born in that pit, you stay out of it and allow us to do what we need to.
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thelov3lybookworm · 7 months
I literally just sent a cassian request but this one popped in my head for Lucien. Lucien falling in love with a smokehound breeder from the autumn court. Introduced to each other by eris when he’s going to pick out yet another smokehound for his kennels. The litter that was just born has the smallest tiniest runt that lucien takes pity on and he keeps visiting the breeder to make sure it’s ok and he gets the dog AND the girl in the end bc OF COURSE he does. He deserves the world. 🥹
Better place-
Summary: Lucien wants to go out, Y/n knows a better place.
A/n: i thought this would be longer, but it turned out like a drabble 🫠im so sorry 😭
Y/n smiled softly, her heart doing weird little backflips in her chest when Eris's brother grinned, his mismatched stare fixed on the little puppy, Berald, jumping around, chasing its own tail.
The male laughed when the puppy ran headfirst into his legs, bending to scratch behind the hound's ears.
He seemed so genuinely happy, Y/n considered telling him to take the pup home.
Y/n had first met Lucien two months ago, who had tagged along with the high lord of autumn when he came to get the strongest pup in the recent litter.
Eris, now high lord, had started adopting the strongest hound that was born every month, wanting to add more and more hounds to his army of canines now that his father was dead.
Lucien had apparently started visiting autumn court more frequently, having begun to rebuild a relationship with his very misunderstood brother. Eris, taking up any excuse for spending time with, arguably, his favourite brother, had decided it best to show Lucien the smokehound breeder he got his hounds from.
And now, Lucien had been visiting more recently, having taken a liking to the smallest pup in the litter. Also because he worried so much about the tiny thing.
Y/n had only had seen and cared for such weak pup maybe once or twice before, so when Berald was born, it was a surprise.
"He looks healthier than he did last week." Lucien mumbled, glancing up at Y/n with glittering eyes.
She smiled at him, wondering what the weird feeling that spread through her chest was, goosebumps rising under the sleeves of her dress under his intense stare. "Yes, he's been getting better."
Lucien grabbed the little pup from the ground, holding his wiggling body close to his chest as he stroked the top of Berald's head.
"Um... hey Y/n, can I have a word with you?"
Y/n blinked at the sudden seriousness in his voice. "Uh- yeah sure. What is it?"
His chest expanded with a deep breath, and Y/n could see the resolve hardening in his eyes.
"Have you tried the new restaurant that opened up a week ago down the street?"
Y/n stared at him for a moment. "Yes. I tried it the day after it opened."
Lucien visibly deflated, his eyes falling to Berald, who stared up at the redhead. Suddenly, his head jerked up, and with a lazy grin, he leaned close.
"Will you come with me to that restaurant? I've been wanting to go, but I don't want to go alone."
Y/n was dumbfounded, both at the invitation and his proximity and she was sure he could see her burning up.
"Yeah... yeah sure. But I know a better place-" Y/n smacked a hand over her lips, her eyes widening at her own boldness.
His grin widened. "Great. I will pick you up after sunset."
Y/n could do nothing but watch and blush as he reached out, grabbing her hand gently and placing his lips on her knuckles, a mischievous gleam in his eye.
Then he straightened, turning to drop Berald back to the ground before walking away.
Y/n stared at his retreating back, then turned to stare at Berald, as if the pup could give her the answers she sought.
The only answer she got was that she was not going alone on the date tonight. Berald needed to come too.
General Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless @harrystylesfan2686 @cassie6392 @kennedy-brooke @tele86 @miluiel1 @hnyclover @minnieoo @sidrapotter @piceous21 @mybestfriendmademe @saltedcoffeescotch
Lucien Vanserra Taglist: @mirandasidefics @fell-in-luvs
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 year
Jealous Student
Wanda Maximoff x Nerd!Reader (High School AU)
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You’ve been dating popular girl and magic user Wanda Maximoff for close to a few months at this point.
Honestly you’ve been on cloud nine. You and Wanda knew everything about one another already thanks to your strong friendship. Everyone in Wanda’s friend circle approved of you.
It didn’t matter to Wanda that you were a nerd, you were her nerd.
Everything was going well or so you thought. It was around this time that a foreign exchange student came in. His name was Vision Jarvis, a proper British chap.
It didn’t take long, literally five minutes of walking on to campus to make a beeline for your girlfriend.
“Excuse me, miss?” The proper British accent showing, “can you tell me where I can locate Mr Fury’s class?”
“Yes that’s Y/N and mine’s class” she explains, gesturing to you.
“Perfect. I’m Vision.” He shakes her hand and kisses her knuckles.
“Wanda” she gives a smile.
“And I’m Y/N” you give him a handshake, trying not to show the jealousy brewing in your very soul.
Wanda gives your hand a gentle squeeze as the two of you guide Vision to your class.
Vision quickly starting hanging out with you and Wanda. He quickly gained the affection of all your friends.
“Watch out, Hufflepuff” Tony Stark warns you within the week.
“Proper British dude? The accent?” He explains, “no girl can resist any accent.”
“I take it you used an accent when you asked out Pepper?”
“Didn’t fool her at all but I did make her laugh” he smirks.
Vision was seeming awful chummy with Wanda. He was a fan of Dick Van Dyke and Florence and the Machine.
Somehow you felt that you were starting to become the third wheel.
You approach Wanda during lunch, handmade lunches in tow. “Hey Wanda, I was wondering if you wanted to continue our Harry Potter marathon tonight”
“Harry Potter?” Vision chimes, “i love the Wizarding World!”
“Uhh…Vision was wondering if he could tag along.” Wanda looks at you uneasy.
“Oh” you find your voice brimming with sadness, “well…uhh…”
Vision interrupts, “Wanda I was inquiring if you and Y/N would like to join me for tea later”
“Well Vis the thing is-“ Wanda tries to say. But it was too late you walked away, a few tears making their way down your cheek.
“Detka?!” Wanda calls out to you before chasing after you.
“You seem awful chummy with him” you state, trying to keep from being heard by anyone else but her.
“Vis? Well he’s new.” Wanda tries to explain.
“It’s the accent right?”
“Huh? What are you talking about?”
“You like him. You like Vision more than me” you finally blurt out.
“No I don’t.” Wanda looks at you so confused.
“Does he even know we’re dating? No one is ever that chummy with someone unless they’re into you”
“Y/N will you just listen?” Wanda takes your face in her hands, “Detka you’re the one I love.”
Vision walks up to you and Wanda, “I apologize for interrupting, but Vivian invited me out for coffee.”
“Vivian?” You ask.
“Yes. She is quite lovely. Thank you both so much for being my friends recently.” Vision finishes, “I hope I haven’t caused any strife. By the way you make such a lovely couple”
“T-thank you” you shake his hand as he walks over to a young girl.
Wanda looks to you, a little cocked eyebrow, “was my detka jealous?”
“Maybe.” You whisper. “It’s just that you’re so amazing and I’m so…bland”
“No you’re not.” Wanda giggles pulling you into a hug. “You are just right…for me.”
“So do you wanna have a Harry Potter marathon, my Slytherin?”
“With only you, my Hufflepuff” Wanda gives you a kiss on the nose.
You turn to go to class but Wanda stops you. She pulls you close and whispers in your ear, “I think we can afford to play hooky at least once in our lives.”
The two of you quickly run out of Avengers High. Tony simply smirks, being the only person to see the two of you leaving.
One day out on the town won’t kill your grades. But one life without Wanda would be unbearable.
Tags @natashaswife4125 @jacelion @lifespectator @aloneodi @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @iamnicodemus @russianredassassin @kathleenmikaelson @kingofthelizardpeople @supercorpdanbeau @scarletwitch-n7 @family-house-of-m
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mama-qwerty · 4 months
I debated making this post for a long time. Something's been eating at me for a while, and I couldn't figure out what until very recently.
So I haven't felt inspired to really work on my writing for weeks. The hate and anger being spewed toward the SCU in general, and the Knuckles series in particular, has really affected me more than I thought it did.
I came into the Sonic fandom by way of the movies. I love that universe, I love the characters, Knuckles being my favorite. My writing is primarily for the movieverse. That's what I'm comfortable with, and what interests me to really dig into.
Yes, I love game Knux. I've written some stuff for him, and that's great. He's fun to play with, too. But the SCU is where I 'live'.
I know the series is extremely polarizing. You either like it or hate it, and I get that it won't be everyone's cup of tea. I get that they did some things in it that were odd and didn't make much sense. I would have handled some things differently, too. It wasn't without its flaws.
But overall I found it a fun ride, and took it for what it was intended as - bonus content that likely won't have that much sway over anything upcoming in the movies. Not everyone will be able to see the show, after all, so they can't drop any major lore or additional stuff that's need to know for the rest of the verse.
I've seen more than one person claim that they hated the show so much they now hate the SCU in general. That Knuckles' portrayal was so different from what they were expecting, they're hurt and sad and angry about it. Totally get that. They feel betrayed. Understandable.
But what I'm feeling now is also a form of betrayal, because I felt accepted and welcomed into the Sonic fandom, and now that the SCU is viewed with such disgust and anger, moreso than before, I feel judged for enjoying it. I feel hurt and sad and angry that people are being so down on and dismissive of SCU Knux, a Knuckles I absolutely adore, simply because he's not being portrayed like he is in the games or other media.
Like someone came into a secret place I felt most safe and comfortable, took a look at something that made me happy, and sneered with a "You like that?"
I don't know where I'm going with this. I'm in no way policing what people can talk about, or saying they can't hate something I enjoy. I'm not saying they're not entitled to voice their opinion on something. They're as free to talk about it as I am.
But I'd be lying if I said this didn't bother me. More than I thought it would.
Maybe I'm being too thin-skinned, or over sensitive. Maybe I'm just sick of all the hate thrown around in general. Maybe I'm hoping that giving 'voice' to how I'm feeling will help me work through it and feel better.
All I know is that I'm feeling uncomfortable really engaging with a lot of the fandom right now, and it's making me really sad.
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bamboobooshark · 1 month
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₊˚.⋆🕯️⋆⁺. T-SHOT PREFS : 941 WRDS
CW : Shots, Needles, Syringes, etc.
A/N : I came up with this idea in the middle of a class and couldn’t get it off of my mind! The scenario here is that you’ve recently received your first prescription and want the boys to have the honor of giving it to you. I don’t take T myself, but for those who do/want/plan to, I hope you all enjoy these prefs!
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You better bet your ass that Steven would love to help you with your T shot. He’d be smiling idiotically as you grab it. He follows you to the bathroom all giddy, unable to keep still as you get the small bottle from the cabinet behind the mirror.
“It’s a shot? Why does it have to be a shot?! Isn’t there an easier way to do this? What if I hurt you?”
He gets a little weary once you inform him that he will have to put a needle in your skin. You reassure him that everything will be fine. He’ll be fine. You’ll be fine.
Once you’re settled on the edge of your shared bed, he kneels down in front of you and offers to help you shimmy your pants off just enough to show your hip.
“I’m just making sure one more time; you want me to do this?”
His hand trembles softly as he holds the syringe. His cheeks are hot from being so nervous. His eyes keep flicking from your eyes, your hip, and the syringe.
You take his free hand and place it on top of your thigh opposite of the hip he’ll inject you in. Your thumb reassuringly runs over his knuckles before you clasp your palm on the back of his. You tell him once more that you’re sure and he nods his head, feeling more sure now that he has your touch to comfort him.
He carefully injects the liquid into your hip, cringing, but eyeing the needle intently, as he does so. In all honesty he looked more scared of giving you your testosterone than you were of receiving it.
“Hey! Look at me go! Look at us go!” He’s beaming after he’s done. He quickly gets up from his feet to lean forward and kiss your forehead. He’s proud of himself for giving you the shot, proud of you for taking it, and happy that you’re taking another step to being more comfortable in your own skin. “You took that so well! I’m truly amazed at how well you did. Good job, really.”
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Marc is familiar with the shots, syringes, etc. from all the hospital visits. As soon as you mention there’s the option of taking it in your thigh or hip, he tells you he won’t give it to you unless you let him inject your thigh.
It’s not because he’s a thigh guy, but because he knows it’s less painful and he would never want to hurt you. Espically if he has control of the situation the two of you are in.
He does everything pretty quick. Getting the bottle and syringe prepared, making sure you’re sat somewhere cozy, and moving your pants aside so he can get to your thigh easily.
Marc lets out a deep exhale as he looks up at you from his knees. “You ready? I can hold your hand if you want. We could get you some numbing cream. I’ll do anything if it means you’ll be a little more relaxed.” His other hand rubs the back of your calf, feeling your tensed muscles. He really would do anything to help you feel less stressed about this shot, espically considering how he would be given them with little to no warning and forcefully.
Once both of you knew you were for sure ready, he quickly but gently injected your thigh while he kissed the skin around it softly. “You’re okay, sweetheart. I’m here for you. I always will be.”
From his gentle touch, soft kisses, and reassurance, the shot felt like nothing. You were smiling the whole way through from how much he simply cared for you. God, he made your heart melt.
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Jake was on the fence at first when you asked him to help you with your T. He didn’t say yes, but he didn’t say no.
“Would it be better if I did it? Do you want me to hold your hand while you do it? You sure you trust me to do this?”
He felt so appreciative that you were giving him the option of injecting you with your first shot, but he also didn’t believe he deserved to do it.
Once you convinced him that you really wanted him to do it, he accepted it with a prideful and happy smile.
“No, no, no. Don’t even think about it. Let me get everything for you. Don’t move a muscle, mi amor.”
Jake was insistent that you relax while he does everything he can to make this moment memorable, comfortable, and happy. He kept rambling about how happy he is for you and that he’s proud of you for bringing it up with your doctor.
Some time later you were sat comfortably on the couch. He got your favorite blanket, some pillows to go behind your back. He lowered himself onto one knee and carefully prepared the liquid into the syringe.
You both decided that he would inject the testosterone into your thigh. He softly asked you to take some deep breaths with him before counting down until the needle reached your skin.
Jaked talked you through the whole dose of testosterone. His opposite hand slipped under your shirt, his thumb rubbing circles on your hip.
“One, two, three… There you go. You’re doing great, cariño. It’s almost all gone. You’re so strong. You’ve got this!”
Once he was done he got himself up off the floor, kissed your forehead, and safely disposed of the syringe. He gently ran his hand over your thigh with a subtle smile on his lips. He was incredibly proud of you, and himself for helping you out.
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ikeromantic · 28 days
That Foolish Organ
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A Chevalier Michel fanfiction. Approx. 3400 words. This scene takes place in Chapter 18-19 of the main route and is told from Chevalier’s POV. Part 16 of a series.
Chapter List
Newly carved memorial stones reflected the afternoon sunlight, the sheen on their surface a contrast to the worn stones from older conflicts. There were hundreds. Knights that gave their life to the service of the royal family. The Hill of Remembrance. Chevalier watched as the families and friends of the dead placed their tokens beside the memorial for their loved ones.
Some of the mourners spoke a few words, others only knelt in silence. The prince stood with his head bowed. His presence was the only acknowledgement he could give. What use, words? Tears meant nothing. He had no regret for his actions. 
He was not unaware of the looks directed his way. Awe and hate in equal measure. These deaths were on his head. The grieving knew it as they knew the beat of their heart. Every tear shed for the lost, held in his cup. The weight of it would be too much to bear, for anyone else. The ceremony ended, and the last of the mourners went home. 
He could have left then, perhaps should have, but his eyes lingered on the most recent memorial stone. Each name, a life ended in his service. He would carry them into the future, etched on his soul. No sacrifice without purpose.
Chevalier saw her before she saw him. Walking up the hill with a bouquet of white roses clutched tight in her hands. At this distance, he could just make out her expression. Her lips were set in a small, thoughtful frown, eyes damp, but her shoulders were squared and her chin held high. Emma. The Belle came to honor the dead. Yves stood by her side, his prim expression set in lines of disapproval. 
He turned away from them. 
“This is unusual. Prince Chevalier never . . .” The words drifted across the hill to his ears. 
“I wonder what he’s doing here?” The Belle’s voice carried to him, though he wished otherwise. Yves’ reply did not. Then, “Prince Chevalier!”
He was tempted to ignore her. To pretend he had not heard anything. After their conversation the previous night, there was no purpose to wasting more words. But he turned, his body obeying the dictates of his heart over those of his head. Chevalier steeled himself for the onslaught of her tears. “Did you two come here to pay your respects?”
“Yes.” Emma nodded emphatically.
“What about you, Prince Chevalier? Did you also come to mourn the fallen knights?” Yves cocked his head, causing a lock of hair to fall into his eyes.
Chevalier snorted. “Don’t be ridiculous. I would never do something so unproductive.”
Yves narrowed his eyes. “Unproductive? That’s hardly how I would put it!” The anger simmering below his voice was impossible to miss. “If I recall correctly, the knights who were mourned today swore their allegiance to you.”
“What of it? That is all the more reason it is unnecessary to mourn them.” He glanced down at the memorial stones. “Most likely knew when they began their service that they might die in battle. Standing here grieving and moaning over them is the height of stupidity.”
The fifth prince clenched his hands into tight fists, knuckles white. 
Chevalier was expecting an emotional outburst from his younger brother, but the Belle intervened. “Yves, thank you for showing me to this place.”
“Emma?” Yves’ expression shifted to one of uncertainty.
“If it’s ok with you, I’d like to have a few words with Prince Chevalier, alone.” She patted his arm reassuringly, and Yves’ hands relaxed.
Chevalier turned away, feigning disinterest. 
“But . . .” The fifth prince hesitated, the indecision audible in that one stammered word.
Emma took a deep breath, shifting a step away from Yves. “I’ll be fine. I promise.”
“If that’s what you want, I’ll do as you ask. But don’t hesitate to shout for me if you want, ok?” 
The ability of this plain, foolish peasant girl to turn the hearts of even more foolish men irked Chevalier in a way he could not quite put a finger on. Even haughty Yves was willing to - what? To fight him? It would be laughable if it were not so earnest. 
“Thank you Yves.” Emma said nothing more. Yves’ retreating footsteps were the only sound for a long moment.
“I think it would have been in your best interest to leave with him,” Chevalier said softly. He did not turn to look at her. 
“I still have something I need to do,” she countered. There was that familiar steel in her voice. He heard her walk slowly toward him until she stood at his side. Her head was bowed, eyes fixed on the memorial stone. “Prince Chevalier, what is it you are doing here?”
Chevalier glanced at her from the corner of his eye. In profile, her expression was one of curiosity, concern, and deep, inner conflict. “I have no obligation to tell you.” He paused, then, “If you have the time to engage in idle conversation, maybe you should do whatever it is you came to do instead.”
He turned abruptly, only realizing he was leaving when his feet led him away. His thoughts felt disorderly around the Belle these last few weeks. His actions and his mind out of alignment. An interference between them in the shape of a heart.
“Wait!” Her slim fingers grasped his cloak.
Chevalier turned his head to regard her with an icy gaze. “What? Your business is with the monument, not me. Correct?”
“That may be true. But -”
“Then don’t waste my time. I thought I told you last night to stay out of my sight.” He watched her reaction, emotions spilling across her face and form in turbulent sequence. 
She nodded, but did not let go. “If we part now I - I’ll never know what you were doing here.”
Chevalier raised a brow. “Is that a problem?” This went beyond her duty as Belle. Beyond whatever . . . relationship? . . . acquaintance they had.
“If you don’t like it, shake me off.” Emma’s defiant gaze met his, fire to his ice.
He pulled the cloak from her grasp and turned to fully face her even as she shrank back from the violent rejection of her touch. “I dislike speaking to someone with my back toward them. That said, why do you want to know the reason I am here so badly that you would physically stop me from leaving?”
Emma’s lips parted, then closed, as she decided how best to respond. Finally, “There’s no deep meaning to it or anything. It just doesn’t seem like you’d be in a cemetery without a reason, so I got curious.”
Chevalier snorted again. “If it was mere curiosity, you wouldn’t have such a serious look on your face.”
“I- I do not-”
He caught her chin between his thumb and forefinger, daring her to keep up the pretense. “I’ve told you before. Your thoughts show on your face.” Chevalier watched another internal battle in her eyes. A slight smile lifted one corner of his lips. “You’re the only simpleton who’s ever decided that I am a person. My guess is that you’re in low spirits because you know now that I am a merciless beast. But you can’t bring yourself to completely write me off as such. You want to know why I’m here because you hope to find my nonexistent human heart.” He took a breath, ignoring the way his heart drummed in his ears. “Am I wrong?”
She let out a shaky breath, unable to reply. 
Chevalier let her go. He poked her forehead ungently. “You are incredibly foolish.” And stubborn.
“Ha.” Emma rubbed the spot on her forehead. “I agree.”
“Yet you still want to ask?”
“Absolutely.” Her gaze was serious and solemn. Troubled waters.
It would be so easy to dismiss her. To walk away. End this . . . whatever it was between them. Prove once and for all that he was only the Brutal Beast. Only. Chevalier wanted her to see him, the truth of him. To decide, when he was laid bare, whether or not there was any heart beating within his chest. 
He knelt in front of the stone monument, eyes downcast. “I wanted to see these names.” He traced the sharp edges of the letters with a fingertip. A sudden skirl of wind ruffled his hair, tossing white rose petals into the air to drift in the space between them. “Remembering the names of those with no value to me is unnecessary, but I make sure to memorize the names of every single person who has worth.”
Emma took a sharp breath. “What? Why?”
“The responsibility for every death in battle lies squarely on the royal family’s shoulders. It’s the duty of royalty to carry on the will of those who died before they could see it fulfilled.” Chevalier heard the words from his own lips, the first time he’d bothered to say it aloud for someone. “Allowing their deaths to be in vain would be an affront to those who utterly devoted themselves to the kingdom. That holds true not just for the knights who died, but the citizens as well.”
He glanced up at her then. “And that is why I memorize their names. To carry their legacy into the future.”
“But, but you said - before, you said that the dead weren’t useful to you.” Emma’s voice sounded small and lost.
“What I meant was that time spent mourning them was better spent doing something useful. I have no business with the dead but carrying on their legacy is essential.” Chevalier awaited her judgement.
The Belle’s mouth firmed, her shoulders rising. “Prince Chevalier, you only dismiss the human heart as unnecessary. That doesn’t mean you don’t have one at all.”
“Hmph.” He stood, a slight smile on his lips. “Even if I do have a human heart, it is meaningless.”
“How so?”
He looked down at her, wondering what it meant that the pure-hearted, clear-eyed Belle would say such a thing. A heart was a weakness. A flaw. Like a crack in castle walls, it could not be allowed to stand. “I may have a heart, but it’s never felt necessary to me. If I cast it away, the result is the same as if it  never existed in the first place. The core of the Brutal Beast won’t change.” Chevalier brushed a bit of hair back from her face. “The miracle you’re hoping for won’t happen.”
Emma trembled under his light touch. “What miracle?”
The truth lay in the depths of her gaze. A truth neither of them could acknowledge. He turned it aside, a half-truth. A partial lie. “As Belle, you wish for me to meet the people of this kingdom halfway, don’t you?”
“I, well . . .” She took a moment to collect her thoughts. “So, from here on, you’re not going to change the way you are? As a ruler?”
“Correct. It would be a different story if I saw necessity in meeting the people halfway, but there is no logic in doing so currently.” He let his hand fall away from her. “If you can’t stomach the way I do things, just choose a different prince to be king. The fact that you haven’t, and what’s more, have pinned your futile hopes on me . . .”
Chevalier paused. The truth faced him still. He could not ignore it. “Even for a more foolish reason.”
“What? What are you even talking about?”
He slipped his arms around her waist and pulled her close. Her heart was beating so hard that he could feel it against his chest.
“P-prince Chevalier! What are you -”
“There’s a reason that is even more important to you.” He watched the heat spread through her cheeks, sparking in her eyes. 
Emma tried to feign indifference. “And that reason is?” Her body gave her away, every line of her molding itself to him.
“You don’t know?” He leaned toward her, letting his lips graze her ear. Desire pounded through his veins. “You want me to love you. That’s why you’re searching so hard for the human heart in me.” Chevalier could not help the smirk that turned his lips up at the corners. “Am I wrong?”
“I - I -” The tension in her eased as she took a breath. “It’s . . . really short sighted of me, isn’t it?” Her gaze met his as she leaned back to regard him. “You’re royalty. You live in a completely different world. And, after the rose loses its last petal, we’ll never see each other again. But still, I -”
Chevalier studied her. The mixture of love and loss. Hope and regret. “Even while fully aware of the foolishness of it, you can’t separate your mind from your heart. It’s difficult to be a decent human being, isn’t it?”
She looked away. “I wish I could live my life as skillfully as you do, Prince Chevalier.”
“No one would call someone with the ability to detach themselves from their own heart a ‘person.’ The way you are right now suits you more.”
Emma placed her hand lightly on his cheek, though she still would not meet his eyes. “But, Prince Chevalier, you are a person.”
“This? Again?” He frowned.
“Look. If you can completely detach yourself from your heart, as you’ve said, then how do you explain yesterday?”
Chevalier could not reply. She was right, of course. Seeing right through him, to the heart he denied and the emotions he eschewed. Which of them was truly the fool now?
Emma’s gentle smile returned to her lips. “At the very least, it didn’t seem to me that you were able to separate yourself from your emotions.”
“Back then,” he cleared his throat, “for a moment, only, unnecessary emotions manifested themselves.”
“Unnecessary emotions?” It was her turn to raise a brow.
“The most unnecessary emotion of all, which I, as a ruler, ought to cut myself free of. And I’ve failed.” The confession took the breath from him. His skin felt tight, and too hot. His chest hurt as if bruised. 
“You mean . . .”
Chevalier interrupted her before she could continue that line of thought. “I can cut myself free of it now, though. It’s not that powerful.”
He let go of her and took a step back, searching for that icy calm he needed. “It’s pointless to get your hopes up. There are many different emotions, but among them, love is especially unnecessary.” Memories of his mother’s tears, his father’s hopeless rage, welled up in him. Chevalier crushed them down ruthlessly, as he had learned to do. 
“Nothing good came of it in that book about King Arthur you brought me, right? A knight gone mad with love brought the downfall of the kingdom.” He paused, wondering if she understood. If she saw through his words to his heart. “Something like this happening in reality, a wise king being swayed and corrupted by love? It is no laughing matter.”
Emma nodded slowly. “That may be true but -” The words seemed to still her lips, unable to agree or disagree, though the desire to argue with him was clear.
“I think your viewpoint is opposite mine.” Chevalier’s smile turned bitter. 
“So you remember?”
“Indeed. I’d never heard a woman utter such nonsense as you do. When I look at you, I can assert that love really does have no value.” The pain Emma’s love caused her was written in the dampness at the corners of her eyes, and in the desperate rhythms of her heart. It brought her nothing good. 
She gasped. “What? Why?” 
“Tell me, what do you gain by loving me?” Chevalier wasn’t sure what answer he wanted to hear. “Because of your position as Belle, any feelings you have may affect your ability to judge with impartiality when choosing the next king. And if I’m not mistaken, Clause 99 of your covenant warns against harboring these feelings.” His eyes narrowed. “Despite all of that, you still believe there’s value in love?”
“Yes.” She smiled at him, a gentle, sad curl of her lips. “I do.”
Chev frowned. This was irrational, even for her. “Is that so? Then can you demonstrate the value of holding onto these feelings you clearly should not have? Can you show me the grounds on which you can say that it is better to feel these emotions that to cut yourself off from them?”
He waited for an answer, but she was silent. “If you can’t reply, that itself is my answer.”
“No. Wait.” She held up a hand. “Just as you said. I don’t know the value of my feelings yet. And I know the correct thing to do is to forget them because they are prohibited for the Belle.”
“Indeed.” Chevalier nodded.
“But my firm belief is that holding onto them is worth more than letting them go. There’s no way these feelings that make you so precious to me are worthless.” Her expression dared him to disagree. “I can promise you this. Even if it takes me until the day we say goodbye, I will find an answer to your question.” Her eyes held his gaze. “Will you stay by my side and watch over me as long as time permits us?”
Silence stretched between them for countless heartbeats. Chevalier did not know what to say. She was proposing madness. Setting herself up for more pain and sorrow. And for him, what? What use, this love? But he could not simply say no. His mouth would not form the words, nor his breath give them voice. 
“Supposing you do . . . demonstrate its value. And I accept this love. The time will still come when we will have nothing more to do with each other. It should be irrelevant to you if I remain a beast who cuts himself off from love. Knowing this, would you still want to search for an answer?”
“Yes. I will.” She sounded so certain. Sure of herself. “When you smile in a human way, that’s the Prince Chevalier that I love. Even if I am not there to see it.” Her voice was thick with emotion, heavy with the weight of it.
“I don’t recall ever smiling like that.”
Emma’s gaze pinned him in place, piercing him. “Sometimes you do. It’s such a gentle, happy smile.”
Chevalier looked away. He could not see her like this, overwhelmed by this senseless, foolish, mad love. This was no novel with a happy ending. Emma would only end up hurt, and for nothing. 
“That’s why, even after we part, I hope for a future where you will still smile like that. A future where the Brutal Beast is also a man.” She still held onto her small, sad, smile, but her breath shook with the effort.
“You’re far too devoted to this. I can’t understand it.” He shook his head, trying to dislodge her voice from his thoughts. 
She gave a slight shrug. “Doesn’t that happen in a lot of love stories? A character wants the person they care about to be happy. They want them to smile.”
“Even if you’re not there to see it?” 
Emma did not hesitate. “Yes. I have no doubt about that. Even after we part for the last time, my feelings won’t change.”
Could she truly mean it? There was only one way to know. It was the practical choice, or so Chevalier told himself. The only way to see if perhaps . . . maybe . . . there was some value to this warmth that filled his heart - that foolish organ - to bursting. “Very well. Prove to me that love has value. Maybe I will change my mind.”
“Thank you. I know I can prove it to you. Just wait and see.”
He hoped she was right, even if his mind told him logically this could only end in tears for her, or worse. “I hope you know, I still think this whole idea is foolish.”
Her voice was tight with held emotion, her feelings slowly overcoming her composure despite her best efforts. “Do I exasperate you?”
“Indeed. More than you ever have before.” He sighed and lifted a hand to her. “You really are so . . . foolish.” His fingers caressed her cheek and found a tear there that had slipped free from the corner of her eye. “Your smile does not fool me.”
“I . . .” She struggled to control herself, and failed.
Though he knew he should walk away, he pulled her close again, and let her hide her face against his shoulder. He did not know how to comfort her, but he tried. Stroking her soft hair, rubbing her back as she sobbed against him. “No one will ever be as much a fool as you are.” Making herself cry. Making his chest ache.
This could only end in tragedy. 
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Mycroft x reader - cakes
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- Mycroft x Reader with "I recognise that you made a decision but given that it's a stupid ass decision, I've elected to ignore it" about Mycroft & cake - @mxacegrey 💜
You were away for work, and Mycroft had promised you he was going to stick to his diet, so when you came home early he stood like a deer in headlights.
You looked at him, then to the plate in his hands then back at him.
“Welcome home dear.” He said.
He moved the plate behind his back and tried to quietly set it down on the counter behind him and you rose a brow at him.
“Mycroft, darling, what’s that?” You mused.
He quickly shook his head and stepped forward.
“Nothing, nothing. How was your work trip?”
Mycroft tried deflecting the question you had asked him so you started to go along with it.
You walked into the kitchen and began to tell him about everything you had been doing while you made yourself a drink and sat down at the table.
“How’s your day been today Myc?”
“Oh yes, rather uneventful if I’m being honest. Sherlock has been quite well behaved recently.”
You hummed, nodding your head.
“And the diet? I hope it went well while I wasn’t here.”
“Yes of course darling?”
You smiled, reaching out for his hand and he walked over, placing his hand softly in yours.
You ran you thumb along his knuckles as you smiled sweetly up at him, and he gave you a small smile in return.
“My dear, darling, my love. You sir, are lying.”
Mycrofts smile instantly fell and a guilty looked washed over his face as he watched you stand up.
You walked over and picked up the plate with a slice of cake on and showed it to him before you walked over and put it back in the fridge where you found the rest of the cake.
“Mycroft I thought you wanted to do this diet?”
“I do! I do darling, truly.”
“And I told you if you want to do it no. more. cake.”
Mycroft sighed and walked over, running his hands down your arms, to your hands before he settled them on your hips.
"I recognise that you made a decision but given that it's a stupid ass decision, I've elected to ignore it"
“A stupid ass decision?” You asked.
You smiled a little and laughed softly, shaking your head as you leant up to softly kiss him.
“You can finish your cake Myc, but really if you want to stick to your diet No more.”
He smiled and kissed your forehead, pulling you in for a gentle hug.
“I promise.”
You smiled and nodded, deciding to trust him on this again.
Until two weeks later when you caught him with another cake and had to practically chase him in order to try and get the cake away from him before he could eat it
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mywebfoot · 7 months
In Every Winter Night, Part 4 (Marry My Husband Fanfic)
Author's note: Don't read this in the office. Really. Don't. Part 4 of 4.
Ji Hyuk
In the car, Ji Won sat quietly in the passenger seat. The day was over, and they were crossing the long bridge south, headed home. The highway lights passed over her rhythmically, sweeping over briefly before going dark again.  Ji Hyuk glanced over occasionally, drawn by the high line of her nose, and the exquisite shape of her lips.
He'd always thought she was beautiful, but as her confidence and assurance had grown she became regal - a queen of her own destiny, wrenching victory where others would lie defeated. He’d been attracted to her before, for her protective, nurturing side. But this, this fiercer side, was new. In recent weeks she had fundamentally changed, no, morphed, tearing her way out of old skin, to emerge like some sleek creature prone to laying quietly while hiding vicious fangs.
It made him weak in the knees. 
He knew his feelings had left like, and love a long time ago, and was dangerously close to full on worship already. 
Like this evening, at the all-team meeting. Ji Won had been killing it with her presentation, developing her proposed marketing strategy with layer after layer of data, anticipating objections and pushing back with iron-clad logic that showed she had already considered the pitfalls. He knew he sounded like an all-out nerd, admiring the genius of her analyses, but a part of him would always be the guy with the thick glasses and the cheap haircut. 
And this was despite being turned on all day by the naughty idea she had planted in his mind. 
Speaking of which, his heart had nearly stopped when, about 10 minutes into the presentation, she had paused. Then she had looked him in the eye, and said, “It’s quite warm in here, did someone turn up the thermostat? Give me a second while I take off this jacket.” His eyes had widened and words he could not say rushed through his mind, stomped screeching brakes and ended up a steaming 4-lane pileup in the middle of his brain. Which then proceeded to melt as her hands reached up to peel her jacket back and off. He couldn’t help it, his eyes went right to her breasts. 
Or… where her breasts would have been if they had not been behind some kind of …band? Ji Hyuk knew little of women’s fashion, but whatever she was wearing under her white shirt, it had no straps. Instead, like a censorship smudge, the pale material slashed across her torso, redacting her body safely and snugly away from any prying eyes, including his. He looked back up at her laughing eyes. 
He had nearly had a heart attack, and there she was laughing at him. He wanted to end the meeting right there and drag her off somewhere to smack her pert behind for the sheer torture she had put him through today. Speaking of which, he glanced over at her again, seated in his passenger seat, once again bundled in all the layers that winter dictated.
“Did you enjoy it, half-killing me today?” 
Ji Hyuk glanced at her face, and saw the rueful smile. “Maybe a little.”
His eyes turned back to the road. “It seemed like a lot more than 'a little',” he teased.
He heard the rustle of her moving, and from the corner of his eye he saw her unbuttoning her coat. 
“Too warm?”
Something in her tone made him glance over. 
Then he gasped. He white-knuckled the steering wheel and somehow steered them across two lanes to the safety of the rode shoulder. An offended horn blared past, the driver flipping them off. Their car came to a shuddering, jerky stop as his foot spasmed on the brake.  
“Ji Won-sshi” was all he could say. His eyes were glued to the front of her shirt, where the chill air had made her nipples thrust into the placket of her silky shirt.  The material clung, and he learnt that she had slightly up-tilted breasts, with a generous undercurve. She was perfect.
“Touch me. Please,” she whispered, “- I..” Her voice shook, but her eyes remained trained on his. “I need you to touch me. You promised me it would be this week and all I did was think about how it would feel if you would just put your hands here.  All week, the slightest touch would make me hot, and I couldn’t stand it any more. So I wore the the tube-top today, just to have a thicker barrier than my bra.  But just now I took it off and-” and then she moaned from the heat of his hand.
He had cupped her. It was a very public area, and he wanted to protect her from prying eyes, but he couldn’t deny her, not when she was pleading for his touch. With shaking fingers, his left hand covered the luscious curve of her right breast, gently petting her. Experimentally, he squeezed, wanting to know how her flesh would give under his fingers. The car filled with the sound of desperate gasps for air, his, hers. 
Insistently, she arched her back, thrusting both breasts into the yellow street light slanting in from the windscreen. He could see the faint darker shadow of the tempting peak. With his index finger, he trailed an admiring touch over the insistent nubbin. Her body jerked, and the slight jiggle in her breasts broke him. His hand slid down to her waist, jerking her forward and burying his face between her breasts. He groaned and turned to mouth her. 
When she felt the wet lave of his tongue Ji Won’s body spasmed. Hard licks flicked her nipple through the shirt, followed by the desperate scrape of his teeth over the soaked cloth. She thrust both hands into his hair and pulled him even closer. “More, Ji Hyuk-sshi,” she whimpered. 
In the next second he was gone. She opened her eyes to protest. His face was grim and his hair stood up in tousled spikes. The fingers that until seconds ago had been loving her, gripped the steering wheel. He stared fixedly ahead as he fought to control his breathing. 
“Ji Won-sshi,” he growled. 
“Listen to me carefully. We have three and a half minutes before we reach home. For three and a half minutes, I will have to fight this damn erection and the urge to grab you. It will take everything I have.” 
He spared her one searing glance, taking in the wet, almost translucent spot on her shirt. His jaw worked and he determinedly pulled his gaze back to the road. 
“You, will now button up, and stay buttoned up. Do not move, by all that's holy, and do not make a sound or our first time will be on Seongsu Bridge, Seoul at, “ he glanced at the dashboard clock, “seven thirty-eight p.m.” 
Ji Won
Ji Hyuk would be a desperate but thorough lover.
That was the only thought in her head as they tore into the basement car park, and drunken parked across two lots. He got out, slammed the door behind him, and marched around to her side. She was out before he could get to her, tugging her firmly buttoned coat into place. His eyes were dark, narrowed, and the frown across his wide brow would have been intimidating if she had not known that she was the cause.
His hands came up as if in surrender. 
“Do not touch me in the lift, Ji Won-sshi. Please.” His voice came out low and strangled, but at least he could speak. She could not get a word out past the tightness in her throat. She just nodded once. 
He pushed his hands as deep as they would go into his winter coat pockets and turned, leading the way to the lift lobby. His long, urgent strides made his coat flap behind him. He stabbed at the lift button, then he turned to watch her as she caught up. She prayed no one else would get into the lift. They would smell the sex in the air. 
Finally, finally, the doors opened on his floor. Again he strode in front of her, leading the way and opening the apartment door for her to enter. The door clicked behind them and his hands came up to grasp her arms. Oddly, he didn’t pull her in, but instead leaned down to examine her face. One eyebrow lifted. 
“Are you sure?” he rasped, the arousal in his voice still apparent. “We can still just play, as much as you want. Just count what I said earlier about us making love as the madness of the moment. I want you, with every fibre of my being. But only on your time. If you turn around and leave now, I will take a cold shower and deal with it. Do you hear me, Ji Won-sshi? It only makes sense for me when it makes sense for you.”
Ji Won reached up and pulled is hand away, one, then the other. They dropped to his sides. 
Then she lifted her chin, kept her eyes on him, and slid her coat and jacket off her shoulders. It hit the floor. His eyes narrowed, his breath quickened, but still he waited. 
With the tiniest tremor, she reached up and unbuttoned her shirt. One button. Two. And then the rest. The silken barrier whispered open. She watched him stare at her, and saw his eyes devour every inch of exposed skin. His gaze slid down,  tracing her creamy cleavage, before it reached her taut belly button. She put one hand on his forearm, still in his coat, the bunching muscles underneath twisting at her touch. She slid her hand down, till she could twine her fingers with his. 
She led him to his huge sofa, tugging him behind her. “Sit,” was all she said. 
He sat, putting his head even with her breasts. They had not turned on the living room lights, so the only source of light came from the city laid out below them, a wintry blue outline on every surface of the room. Boldly, she slipped out of her shirt, and it slid down her shoulders, the material catching briefly on the tips before it sighed to the floor.  He swore, and stared fixedly at her exposed breasts. Her nipples stood proudly, turgid and flushed, as they had been all day.   
“Take me,” she breathed.
His hands immediately came up to span her waist. He tugged her near, and opened his mouth over her, but this time nothing was protecting her from the searing sensation of his slippery, sensous tongue on her. Their moans filled the air. Breathing became difficult and she whimpered and squirmed in his arms. The scratchy roughness of his coat brushed the skin of her uncovered back and arms, almost overwhelming her with the stimulation. 
Her fingers dug into his wide shoulders, and she buried her nose into his hair, breathing in his spicy male scent, some beguiling mix of Yu Ji Hyuk and clean soap. She drove all her fingers through his silky hair, guiding him from left to right and then back again,  as he tugged and loved her breasts. She couldn’t help it, and writhed and squirmed back and forth, unwittingly pulling her breast out of his mouth with a soft pop.
Now, the only thing holding her steady were his strong hands, spreading restlessly over waist and  back, sliding over her skirt-covered behind to drag her body over his. 
She wanted to straddle him, but her pencil skirt didn’t have much room. So she reached down and tugged it up. Ji Hyuk felt the motion and he leaned back to relish the incoming view. Her body was bisected by a tight band of black pencil skirt, with bare, glistening nakedness above, and a tempting wisp of lingerie below. The tiny, silky triangle of white lace protected her, for now. He swore, and whispered his desire for her, telling her in shocking details the things he wanted to do with her, in that low rough-edged voice. He was  factual, specific and to the point, as was his style.  She was scandalized, but his words made images form in her mind, of sweaty tangled bodies, of his muscled back as he thrust into her, of pure pleasure. 
“Do you want all that, Ji Won-sshi?” he half-groaned the words. “Or tell me it’s too early and we’ll stop now.”
She shook her head desperately, pride schooled by her frantic need for this man. "More."
With a deep growl he wrapped her legs around his waist and stood up. One muscled arm wrapped around her waist, the other grabbed her behind. 
He put his lips to her ear and rasped, “To the room then.”
Ji Hyuk
He wanted badly to make their first night special. But that was when he still could think. 
Now, as he laid her out under him, he could only act. He shucked his jacket, frantic hands throwing everything to the floor with abandon. He toed off his shoes and fumbled and tugged his shirt over his head in the same motion. She just lay in bed, her lithe curves outlined by moon and city lights, wickedly half-dressed with her skirt around her waist and the little triangle of lace winking at him as she raised one knee. His pants and underwear were flung away and he joined her in bed. 
He twisted his fingers around the tiny scrap of lace and tugged hard. It ripped and he was not sorry. Something feral had woken in him when they met again in 2013, and it would not be soothed. Their little seduction agreement had unleashed that underlying monstrous need for her. Their love play had merely whetted the beast’s appetite. She opened her legs with a gasp, he immediately sunk in and everything, everything became searing white heat. 
Her fingers dug into his back, clutched his butt and she arched,  half-crying as she came. The ridiculous speed of her orgasm surprised him, and his body went rigid. He groaned senseless, begging words into her ear, fighting for some shred of control as her inner muscles throbbed and pulsed around him. She writhed sensually under him milking him thoroughly.
He tried to last a little longer, tried to keep grinding his hips to maximize her pleasure, but just like her, he went down.  The waves of lava heat burned through him and crashed over him, drowning him in the smell, shape and red spice of her. His hips jerked wild and uncoordinated, his chest and belly slid against hers and he came blindingly hard. 
In every winter night, In every summer day, In the flights of spring, in the spirals of fall, You're in my minutes, in my meals, in my shoes, In the big, in the small, You're my everything, my all.
Author's note: Well. Ahem. I was trying to give them a beautiful first night to remember. But Yu Ji Hyuk happened. He gave me a tiny smirk and he whispered in her ear, and there went all my plans.
I really wanted to finish this before the finale, so please excuse typos and weird transitions.
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]
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spruzu · 7 months
Doing a silly post of all my (main) fav characters bcz why not.
They will mainly be in order of who i like the most but some are even and if i was asked to pick one between them i physically wouldnt be able to.
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HES SO COOOOL I CANT. Theres a knuckles shaped part in my heart. (kinda wanna be him in a way it's kinda embarrassing) I LOVE all of his versions in sonic prime, renegade knucks has a special place in my heart though he's top tier. Sonic boom knuckles is so funny and stupid like him going ''Oh wait i cant read.'' is so funny to me as a dyslexic person myself. Movie knuckles needs to be protected at all costs istg he's so sweet. GIVE KNUCKLES ALL THE GRAPES HE WANTS! 🍇🍇🍇🍇
-Sonic the hedgehog
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Sonic's on the same level as knuckles he genuinely so cool and i do base some of my personality off him... i love his character development in sonic prime but his attitude in sonic x is so funny its amazing. He's defo got a bit of attitude to him in the older stuff which makes me love him more. His jokes and ''Wtf is danger.'' attitude is so real. Also movie sonic voiced by Ben Schwartz HELL YEAH, i love Ben hes so funny i cant wait for sonic 3.
-Shadow the hedgehog
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''Another sonic character? is all your favourite characters sonic characters?'' no, just wait i get to other characters <3 but MY MY MY MY MYYY OH MY I LOVE SHADOW. I remember my first sonic game, if you can even call it that, being Mario and Sonic 2012 Olympic games and always playing as either shadow, sonic, silver or amy. I loved paying as him. Also his game is SO FUN and his backstory is so fun to learn and 100% take some of his personality and put it onto mine like i do with sonic. He's just such a good character and im glad this is the year of shadow bcz we NEED more shadow content. i would ramble about him more but i cant think of anything else to say.
-Leonardo (ROTMNT)
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Another character voiced by Ben schwartz! I just recently watched this movie and i LOVED it. I used to like TMNT when i was little but never fully got into it but my favourites were always Leo and Mikey. Im literally him /hj. He's such a cool character (i say that with all of them i just love them all so much). Also if any TMNT fans have any movie/TV show recommendations for TMNT i am willing to take them!
-Miles Morales
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I remember watching Into the Spider Verse and i loved it so much, i felt bad for miles in a way because he had to go through seeing spider man die in front of his eyes then realising hes the new spider man and blah blah blah. Im watching Penny's (from snapcube) VODs from when she played Spiderman 2 and miles' suits are so cool i love how they added the spider-verse movie suits into the game theyre defo some of my favs. Across the spider verse was such a good movie but into the spider verse was defo better (hot take? idk). Im so excited to see what happens in the next movie.
-Silver the hedgehog
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Another sonic character yes, but i love sonic so much its my main special interest/hyperfixation. Silver is so silly i need to see more content of him tho. It's also kinda funny how his first appearance was sonic 06 ,which as we all know, is an awful game. In need to see more of him we need another game with him in as a playable character. Smt like SA2 idk.
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All forms of batman, lego batman is top tier and the rest under him. I watched the lego batman movie in the cinema when it came out and little me loved it and i recently, abt 3 years ago, got fully into batman stuff. The movies are so good and batman is such a cool character to, i need to meet more people who like him.
Thats it for now, i would add garfield but i dont really have anything to say abt him other than hes the most realest character ever. Hate mondays, love lasagne.
Anyways, i love these characters so much most of them being my comfort characters **cough cough** the sonic ones **cough cough**.
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jeanette-luminia · 2 years
Any chance you'd write a super fluffy piece Larissa x fem!reader, Larissa has always wanted to go to a ball and loves the classic piece "on the beautiful blue danube" so reader surprises her with a trip to Vienna (can be anywhere, but Vienna and waltz kinda go together) and they have a super romantic evening and dance until morning? I just have this super soft image of Larissa dancing in a super flowy dress to a classic piece of music being regal and all. Thank you.:) If you're not interested it's also cool, I'll just keep dreaming. :)
Larissa Weems x French!reader
a/n: Honestly, I didn't really thought about making reader french but as I write this, I started thinking of French pet names and I had to.
edit: Thank you for @alder-saan for correcting me! I hope my changes are better! don't be shy to correct me if I'm still wrong.
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“What is something you’ve been longing for a while?” You asked while you gently combed her hair in between your fingers. Her head was on your lap as you both sat in front of the fireplace. Moments like these you wished would stay forever.
She hummed, shifting her body to think more comfortably. “I’ve always wanted to go to a ball. I’ve always imagined myself dancing to a classical piece I love. Maybe dance around till sunrise.” Her tone was almost bittersweet, almost as if she was calling her inner child.
You stopped combing her hair. Instead, you gave her a forehead kiss, and another, and another, until her whole face was covered with your kiss. She giggled, “Darling, what is this?”
“Hm, I just love you.”
“I love you too.”
Ever since she mentioned that to you, you started to look forward to this semester break. Normally, you and Larissa would stay indoors, reading books with each other. Sometimes, go to Weathervane for morning coffee after your walk. There is a rare occasion when you’d travel somewhere for a vacation. But you couldn’t think of a better way to spend a semester break with your wife.
Being stressed out from the recent activities, especially after the Marilyn-Laurel incident, she’s been overworking herself. If she wasn’t behind her desk at night, she’s pace around her office. She buried herself with work, forgetting to take care of herself. It breaks your heart having to watch her in this state.
At the end of the semester, most students were in their dorms, giving you the advantage to go to her office undetected. Students like to tease both of you whenever you visit her office. Not being a teacher at Nevermore, whenever you visit the academy, the students always anticipate their principal being more at ease, and chirpy even.
It gave them a slight advantage to slip away from trouble.
Your knuckles came in contact with the door. The sound of knocking made Larissa perk up and turned her attention through the door. “Come in.”
At the sight of you, she immediately relaxed her once rigid shoulder and let herself breathe for what seemed like forever. “Hello, my dear.” she smiled, leaning against your soft touch.
“Hello, mon ange.” Your French was rich, she mewls over the way your voice manages to send shivers down her spine.
“I have a surprise for you.” You slowly moved away as you approached her desk and placed your bag to search for a specific paper.
“Hm? What is it?” She curiously glanced inside your bag.
You perked up, grabbing the paper and turning in her direction before showing her the plane ticket you had bought. “I believe we deserve our overdue vacation.”
She read the ticket carefully, tracing her fingers against the paper. You pushed yourself onto her desk and sat comfortably, patiently waiting for her reaction.
“I…” She whispered, she looked up to face you. “I don’t deserve this.”
“Yes you do, ma cher. You’ve been stressing and overworking yourself. With the recent events, you haven’t had peace of mind.” She leaned her head on your lap whilst you’ve completely sat on her desk, laptop, and paperwork have been disregarded. “You out of the people need a break.”
She slowly shook her head. You gently grabbed her face and made her look at you. “I bought this ticket for you, just for you, ma chérie fille. Pretty please, come with me to Vienna, I’ll be lonely there.” you plead, giving her a forehead kiss, a kiss on both cheeks, and a deep kiss on her lips.
Her hands roamed around your waist, hips, and thigh before pulling away. Her lipstick smudged your face, it made you more beautiful than ever. “How could I refuse a kiss like that? Hm? Planning to leave me when I refuse.” she smirked.
“Well, I don’t wanna waste money now do we?”
The week goes by smoothly, packing the things you need and making sure you’ve booked the right hotel. When you arrive in Vienna, you can practically see her beaming face when she looks out the balcony to see the city lights at night.
“There's a ballroom here, shall we visit?” You asked, containing the excitement in your voice. When she turned around, her eyes were glistening with excitement, barely making the effort to hide it.
“Really?” She asked.
“Yes, but before we go, wear this, Love.” You pulled out a dress from the closet and showed it to her. Her reaction made everything worth it. “Is this…”
“Yes, I commissioned it just for you.” You said, placing the dress on the bed and the heels you bought for her. “Get ready, amour. A surprise will be waiting for you outside the door.” you kissed her forehead before heading out the door.
Watching you leave, she couldn’t believe she had found someone like you to marry. Deciding to not want you to wait any longer, she quickly made her way through the bathroom to change. You made the dress easy to wear, just how she always wanted it. The way their heels were the right amount of height for her. 
You notice every little detail about what she loves and what she does not.
When she was done, she stepped out of the door, hoping to see you. But she was met by a staff member from the hotel. “Ah, Mrs. Weems, follow me, your wife is waiting in the ballroom,” they said as they gently gestured for her to follow them. She bowed her head, silently thanking her as she followed the staff.
She could tell she was getting closer, with the music growing louder and louder until she was in front of the door. The staff opened the door, “I hope you’ll have a wonderful time.” they smiled as Larissa entered the door before shutting it close.
Her eyes admired how spacious it was. The decorations and the art on the ceiling, she spins, admiring the art she can admire right now.
“I knew that dress would suit you.” She stopped, her eyes landing on your figure. She could feel her jaw slacken, heat creeping up to her neck, making her heart beat faster than it ever was. Your dress hugged your figure just right, your hair nicely updo. 
“tu as l'air divine, mi amour.” you walked, opening your arms as you caressed her cheeks. “Darling, you know I can’t speak French.”
“That’s the best part, my darling wife.”
“I can’t believe you did this.” 
“Believe it,” you said, placing a kiss on the corner of her lip. “I’ll make you believe it. You deserve this. You deserve everything. You deserve my love, everyone’s love. You deserve to be spoiled with affection and showered with love. I love you forever. Even when I can’t.” 
“I love you forever. Even when I shouldn’t.” Tears slipped from her eyes. You gently kissed the tears and smiled.
“May I have this dance?” Suddenly, music echoed through the room. She was piqued when she heard a classical piece she loved so much.
You chuckled. “I remember you saying that you wanted to dance to a classical piece you love.” you paused, taking both of her hands and dragging her to the center. “So, let’s dance, beautiful”
You didn’t need to utter any more words, she grabbed your waist and held your hand up, waltzing around the empty room like you own the place. Feeling like a medieval princess dancing with a prince, but it’s not a prince. 
Her dress flows as you sprung her around, a smile you could never forget. Both of you laughed and danced. For once, forgetting that time was against you, that time was ticking. For a moment, you let this scene play out, as it should.
“Marry me.”
“Honey, I’m already married to you.” She chuckled.
“I know, but I wanna marry you again,” you said. “And again, and again, and again. Until we grow old.”
While everything around her was asleep, this moment feels alive, dancing till the sun has risen.
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mon ange - My angel
mon cher - My dear
amour - Love
tu as l'air divin, mon amour - You look divine, my love.
© 𝐋𝐔𝐕-𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐃 - all rights reserved. please do not repost, plagiarize, or translate. please ask me first then credit me once you shared my work to other platforms.
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perfectsunlight · 1 year
[𝟎𝟒] 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠
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𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐞
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬: 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐓𝐎𝐎 𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐋
𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 | 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭
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the atmosphere in the courtroom was tense as yujin took her place on the stand, her heart pounding in her chest. the divorce hearing between her and wonyoung was already a mess, but then the prosecution brought out the accusations of infidelity. yujin knew the truth, but admitting it meant unraveling a web of emotions and secrets she had carefully hidden.
her gaze shifted to her soon-to-be ex-wife, whose eyes held a mixture of anger and hurt. the actress could see the pain etched on her face, a reflection of the shattered trust and broken promises. the weight of her guilt intensified, and she knew she couldn't escape the consequences of her actions. nevertheless, she knew that she still had to do something. 
“did you know hwang y/n prior to your marriage with your wife?” wonyoung’s lawyer asked, arms folded across his chest as he stared at her intently. her palms were sweaty, gripping her knees as she sat on the witness stand. this was it. it was time to face the music, no matter how badly she didn’t want to hear it.
yet, when her turn came to defend herself, yujin couldn't bring herself to admit the truth. she still denied the affair with you, despite the gnawing guilt eating away at her conscience. 
“yes. we went to highschool together, had a few classes together. but it was nothing more than that. i was already dating wonyoung back in high school.” she answered, not technically fully lying, but also not being fully honest either. the court didn’t need to know that. they only needed to see that she loved her wife.
yujin loved wonyoung, but she knew that the evidence was stacked against her. 
wonyoung’s eyes burned with accusation and determination. she stared at the woman she once loved, who was once again lying on oath about her own adultery. ahn yujin was an outstanding liar, but jang wonyoung was an outstanding lawyer. she was going to get the truth out of her lover, no matter how long it took.
“okay. did you or did you not remain in contact with hwang y/n after graduation?” wonyoung’s lawyer asked again, the man’s lips pressed into a thin line. even he knew that yujin was lying, but he just needed to make her expose herself. 
yujin shook her head, knuckles white as she gripped her knees. “no. we never talked outside of class, we were just acquaintances. i occasionally saw her at award shows and we would exchange greetings, but it was nothing more than that.”
the man pushed the glasses up on the bridge of his nose before continuing with another question. “those photos of her were found in your camera bag. why were they there?”
the brunette sighed deeply before answering. “she had a crush on me for the longest time. it was more like an obsession than a crush. those were pictures she sent me right after i graduated high school. they aren’t recent.”
the memories of her relationship with the blonde flooded her mind. you two had shared a connection that transcended something beyond a “friendship.” but the fear of losing everything, including her reputation and the marriage she had built with wonyoung, had forced her to deny the truth once again.
as the proceedings continued, yujin felt a heavy burden settle on her shoulders. the weight of her deception grew unbearable, suffocating her with each passing moment. the damage was irreparable, and the foundation of trust she had built with wonyoung was crumbling beneath the weight of deceit.
then it was time for the testimony of the witness. the judge on the stand motioned for the doors to open, and yujin’s eyes darted to the door, searching for a lifeline, a reason to hold onto the façade she had created.
the tension in the courtroom reached its peak as you were called to the witness stand. ahn yujin's heart sank further, fearing what truths her former lover would reveal. the journalists and others in the room began murmuring to themselves, making the judge hit the gavel to bring order to the court.
the actress couldn't bear to meet your gaze. she knew you would recount the relationship, painting a vivid picture of their affair that would leave no room for doubt. however, some part of her was silently praying and pleading for you to defend her. 
yujin knew you loved her, you always had. there was still a slim chance you would lie on her behalf.
you sat down, facing wonyoung’s lawyer. technically, you had been summoned by the court to testify in defense of yujin. but you would do no such thing. 
“do you, y/n hwang, solemnly and sincerely swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?” the clerk asked, making you raise your right hand to swear in.
with your right hand raised, you took a deep breath before speaking. “i do.”
you could feel all the eyes in the room on your figure, and even though it was a feeling you were used to as an artist, you couldn’t help but feel that this time it was a bit different. this time you felt like a caged animal in a zoo.
but for the first time since meeting yujin, you knew this was your chance to finally free yourself from this cage.
wonyoung’s lawyer approached you, clearing his throat before asking you a question. “you and yujin went to high school together, correct?” you gave the man a curt nod. “yes, sir.” 
his black hair fell over his eyes for a moment as he looked down at his clipboard before his gaze met yours once more. “when you first met ahn yujin, was she dating wonyoung already?” 
for a brief moment, a flicker of a memory from all those years ago came to your mind. the day you first met yujin was a memory that once made you smile. except, now it only brought you to anger and disappointment. 
“no, sir.” 
yujin felt her heart stop. this was it, the beginning of the end. you were going to expose everything, weren’t you? and there was nothing she could do to stop it. her head hung as she gripped her fists in her lap. you were about to put a knife through the body of lies she had created so perfectly.
wonyoung’s lawyer nodded before following up with another question. “yujin denied knowing you as more than someone in your classes. could you please tell the court how you two met?”
you poked the inside of your jaw, gaze flickering to yujin’s hung head before looking back at the man in front of you.
“where should i start?”
you first met yujin your sophomore year in first period algebra. 
the bell rang overhead, different students walking into the classroom and taking their seats. the tall brunette took a seat next to you, with a sequin smile that made your heart skip a beat. she was a beautiful girl, you knew that much. last year you had seen her in your freshman english course, but you never spoke to her since you sat on opposite sides of the room. you didn’t even know her name, either.
“i guess we’re going to be partners for the year.” she said with a chuckle. her shoulder nudged you gently and you could only mirror the smile on her face. “it seems so.” you replied softly.
class went on as usual, the teacher already teaching a full lesson on the first day of class. in the middle of your note taking, you saw yujin’s finger sliding a small piece of paper towards you.
wanna go to a party later?
you let out a quiet huff of amusement before scribbling a response on it and sliding it towards her. 
i don’t even know your name.
yujin smirked as she wrote a response back, eyes glancing at the teacher to make sure she wasn’t going to get caught.
i’m yujin. wanna go to a party with me later?
a smile crept onto your lips as your gaze flickered to hers. her dark eyes glimmered with a look of mischief that somehow made you feel drawn to her. you slid the paper back again after writing a reply.
you don’t even know my name. how can i trust you?
yujin bit her lower lip to stifle a laugh, quickly looking across the room again to make sure the teacher’s eyes weren’t on hers before she slid her written response.
you can trust me. what’s your name, pretty girl?
you rolled your eyes playfully at the response, narrowing your eyes at the girl next to you who was smirking still. your pen slid across the paper, and you gave her a smile as the bell rang for class to end.
yujin watched you pack your things and leave the room quickly, making her scoff lightly. her eyes glanced down at the note you two had been passing and a smile crept onto her face once more.
i’m y/n. xxx-xxx-xxxx.
yujin’s baggy vintage tee flowed in the wind as she rode her motorcycle, turning the corner to your street. the moonlight casted shadows that danced in the midnight wind as she saw you standing on your porch. 
she smiled and motioned with her head for you to come hop on. “come on, pretty girl. we’re going to be late.”
“you don’t wear a helmet? that’s dangerous, and i don’t think it’s very trustworth of you.” you teased as you walked closer to her, smiling and raising an eyebrow. 
the girl on the bike simply reached into the compartment behind her and pulled out a helmet and handed it to you with that sequin smile. “i’m letting you wear it, and i think that is very trustworthy of me.”
you couldn't help but laugh as you put it on, shaking your head as you slid it on and hopped on the back of yujin’s bike. your arms snaked around her waist as yujin drove, the nighttime air feeling cool against your skin. 
once you got to the party, yujin helped you off the bike. your high heels stepped on the cobblestone pathway that led up to the house. the music was loud enough to be heard from the outside, people lingered on the patio and the front porch as you and yujin made your way inside.
the taller girl held the door open for you, and your eyes immediately met those of your best friend.
a grin appeared on your face as you saw the other girl run up to you and give you a hug. “y/n you came?!” she shouted over the music, feeling your chest vibrate as you laughed.
“yeah! yujin asked me to come.” you answered, still smiling as she pulled away to raise an eyebrow at you, glancing between you and yujin. “don’t start inez, we’re just friends.” you warned playfully, earning a snicker from yujin who was behind you. inez laughed as she shoved you playfully before dragging you by the hand. 
“okay, well then grab your friend and come dance with me!” inez shouted as she laughed, and you could only grab onto yujin’s hand and pull her away with you.
as you and yujin joined inez on the dance floor, the pulsating beats filled the air, engulfing you in a wave of energy. the three of you danced and laughed together, losing yourselves in the rhythm of the music and the feeling of the moment. 
yujin's laughter echoed in your ears, and you found yourself captivated by her contagious enthusiasm. then, suddenly yujin’s hands were on your waist as she whispered into your ear. 
“do you trust me?” she hushed, the closeness making her sound louder than the music in that moment. you turned your head and raised an eyebrow at her. “no.” a laugh escaped your lips as you looked at her.
the taller girl raised an eyebrow back at you, mirroring your smile. “you gave me your address and your number in one day, and yet you still don’t trust me?”
your eyes rolled playfully. “touché.” 
ahn yujin felt her heart flutter at the sight of your smile, and she whispered into your ear again. “wanna get out of here?” 
your eyes met hers once more, and you couldn’t help but feel your cheeks heat up for a small moment. logically, you knew this wasn’t exactly a smart idea. you had only met this girl today, but for some reason you felt like you could trust her. her presence was magnetic, slowly drawing you in with every passing moment.
you gave inez a quick wave before letting yujin pull you towards the front door. inez gave you an eyebrow raise, but you just gave her a reassuring wink before disappearing into the other room.
inez would definitely start talking about you and yujin at the party together, but you knew most people didn’t take inez’s gossip seriously. 
once you and yujin hopped back onto her bike, she drove off in a direction on the outskirts of the city by the beach. upon arrival, you two got off of the bike and walked under moonlight in the sand. the sounds of the ocean meeting the shore at this hour was comforting. 
you gripped the cardigan around your body tighter, the chilly ocean breeze felt a little too cold for your liking at this hour of the night. the taller girl turned her head and looked at you as you walked side by side.
“tell me something you’ve never told anyone else before.” she asked, hands in her pockets as she walked.
you smiled at her, watching as her hair blew over her face. your head looked to the sand beneath you as you hummed in thought. “in 7th grade, i kissed my best friend in the hallway and the next day i got put in detention for it.”
yujin couldn’t help but laugh at you. “did he snitch on you because you were a bad kisser?” 
“she snitched on me because she was a fake friend.” you corrected, rolling your eyes playfully at the tall brunette.
her eyebrows raised in surprise. “i don’t believe you. i think you’re a bad kisser, and you secretly don’t want anyone to find out.”
you scoffed lightly and playfully glared at her. “i’m sure you’d love to find that out for yourself, wouldn’t you?” 
“and what if i did?” she shot back quickly, slowly coming to a halt as she turned to face you fully.
you couldn’t help but keep smiling at her. yujin was witty, and you liked that. you liked that a lot. “i don’t kiss strangers, yujin.”
yujin’s jaw dropped but she quickly turned it into a smug smile. “you know my name, that doesn’t make me a stranger.” the sound of the midnight sea creating a comfortable ambience that surrounded the two of you.
“i don’t know you, that’s what makes you a stranger.”
the taller girl hummed in agreement, nodding slowly as she thought about something for a moment before speaking to you again.
“get to know me then.” 
your bare feet turned to face her fully, raising an eyebrow as you moved your heels into your other hand. when you two had first gotten here, you took them off because you didn’t want to walk in the sand with heels. you raised an eyebrow at the taller girl, scoffing a little.
“why would i do that?” your answer was laced with a tone of lightheartedness.
yujin only smiled at you. “because i want to get to know you.”
as the night went on, you discovered more about yujin beyond the classroom setting. she shared stories, dreams, and aspirations, allowing you a glimpse into her world. it was a night of forging a bond, one that surpassed mere acquaintances and delved into the realm of genuine friendship. 
perhaps there was something more to this connection, something that could potentially grow into a deeper connection than just friendship. 
when you are young, they assume you know nothing. except in that moment, you found yourself knowing one simple thing: you would forever remember this night, all too well.
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𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @silantryoo @neuftaeng @regaiis @jisooftme @skisk1 @pandamiswifey @bzeus28 @jiihu @jeindall777 @yacii @jiwoneiric @cooldazetidalwave @chaersly @sunasami @nkahydnxo @shashatonin @lea-pg @wonyoluvr @urfriendlylocalidiot @writingficsblog @yoontoonwhs @aurumness @pandafuriosa60 @solwanq @lizseos @yourlittlecherry @aloneinacity @luv4tzu @onecalm-anon @sewiouslyz @li0ilthecxnt @awkwardtoafault @kikelikesmc @1r3n31ty @mitangiieee
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filzmonster · 6 months
If I may, this brainrot has been eating away at me, I just need to hear someone else's opinion! ✨️
At what point did you start shipping Gil and Break? What made you go, "yes, that's it!"?
What do you like most about them? I beg, share as much as you can about your thoughts on them! I need to hear it all! 😭🙏
fuck yes of course you may! Thank you so much for asking! *cracks knuckles* I've been waiting my whole life for an opportunity like this, so let's dive right into it!!
So to answer your first question - how I came to shipping them - let me start by saying that it took me a while. Tbh at first I didn't really pay a lot of attention to Break and all the cryptic things he was spewing (I have no excuse for this except that at the time I was obsessed with another manga that had a similar clown-ish character, so Break, at first, felt a little bit too much like a copy of that character for me to really be intrigued by Break).
Also, I was very much blown away by the platonic ... whatever that thing is ... between Gilbert and Oz, so I didn't really put on the shipping glasses for a very long time.
I watched the entire anime without developing any ships.
Then I started the manga and by then I was already so very, very, very deeply invested in everything, so this time around when I got to the specific moment that made my brain go oh, there was nothing stopping it from going oh.
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It started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this? a look ...
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... and solidified itself with
1.) Break caring about the fact that Gilbert supposedly forced himself to act like he was still his friend after his past got revealed
2.) Gilbert caring about the fact that apparently the last ten years, in which he saw Break as someone he wanted to be trusted by, meant less to Break than they meant to himself.
(I could write an entire seperate post about what it means that Gilbert wants Break to trust him and the parallels to his entire "I want to be needed" issues because Gilbert is always more focused on being the person that "is needed/trusted/wanted/etc." by the people in his life, rather than being the one needing/trusting/wanting/etc. the other person - if that makes any sense. ANYWAY --)
There was no stopping myself after that.
My brain just went oh, this is very angsty from a platonic "my friend doesn't trust me as much as I trust him" perspective - let's make it EVEN MORE angsty by changing it to "my lover doesn't trust me" and the rest is history.
After that, I went back and looked at their other recent and significant interaction:
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What was, up until then, a very significant scene for Gilbert (and for me - I was shook, and still am by this scene everytime I read it tbh) in relation to his issues regarding Oz and being left behind/no longer needed, re-wrote itself in my head into something Break said to Gilbert, a piece of very important advice, something said to Gilbert by someone who understood and even shared his desire to serve a Master, someone who already went through the exact thing Gilbert was scared of going through - losing his Master - and tried to help him, tried to push him in the right direction.
Break was the first person who looked at Gilbert and said "I want to fix him".
He saw what Oz couldn't see, which as how desperate and messed up Gilbert had become with the appearance of Alice in Oz' life, and understood.
This kind of understanding is what, in my eyes, is at the core of this entire ship.
Then the gang went to the ruins of Sablier and honestly, I ate that shit up:
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This showed that, even though they understood each other, there was still some kind of power imbalance between them.
At this point in the story, Gilbert was still very much Not Aware of how messed up he truly was. Break, on the contrary, figured out that there's some other, far shadier stuff going on.
Break was admittedly smarter than Gilbert and tried to guide and help him. I love that he shows he cares like that, by slowly but not at all gently pushing Gilbert towards confronting his issues. He is definitely being a teensy-tiny bit manipulative about it, but who doesn't like a little bit of toxicity with their fictional ship??
Uuuuhhhhh after Sablier, the Isla Yura/Headhunter arc happened and while at that shitshow of a party, they had a lot of very nice interactions between them - alas, listing all of them in detail would make this already escalating post waaaaaaay too long, so here's the shortlist:
They confront Elliot together, and Gilbert manages to land a hit on Break
Gilbert realizes that Break is blind, all while Vincent is trying to lure him away so that he doesn't go to help Break
Gilbert's little flashback to probably the first advice Break ever gave him: get your priorities straight
Break sort of gives up the fight against Fang and Lilly
Gilbert shows up and kicks him in the back, going all "I'm his left eye" while also saying: you're my priority, too, you idiot.
Gilberts fixes up Break's wounds and then scolds him for not asking for help even though there are people he can and should ask for help - and isn't that a fantastic parallel to the very first scene I brought up in this post? How this entire thing, for me, started with Gilbert asking, desperately "Why don't you trust me?" and now we're here, with Gilbert, again, asking "Why don't you trust me?" Only this time Break doesn't meet him with the silent air of someone who sees himself as superior, more experienced, but answers his question with a request, finally accepting him as an equal: "please help me."
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And then .... AND THEN ... it gets even better:
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Listen. LISTEN.
Mere moments ago in the manga it was established that Break is utterly unable to fall in line with someone, unable to work in a team, unable to be a partner. He even repeats it himself: Sharon calls me Mr. One-Man-Show.
But here's Gilbert and he says: I don't care. Do whatever you want, I'll meet you halfway. I'll keep up with you. Let me show you, let me prove myself to you. I'll have your back. Trust me to have your back.
And Break does.
And then a lot of shit went down and it's all very, very tragic.
And then this happens:
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And I realize that this is not The Most Important Thing in that chapter and that what happens right after is way more important than this little panel, but I want to talk about the perspective used here for a moment.
This is shown from a frontal perspective. We see Gilbert standing in front of Oz from an outsider's POV, someone who looks at them, someone who sees Gilbert stepping in front of Oz.
This is an important scene and an important perspective in more ways than one, so bear with me for a second, please, as I go off on a little tanget.
See, this scene is very reminiscent of a later scene:
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A later scene that is shown from Oz' perspective. Because this time it is important that Oz sees Gilbert stepping in front of him, protecting him despite everything. This scene is for Oz.
The scene prior to that wasn't for Oz.
It was a little bit for us, as readers, foreshadowing that Gilbert, finally fully aware of all his memories, still choses Oz. It is the promise to us that Gilbert will pick Oz' side and ultimately safe him.
It was, truly, for Break.
Break, whose first priority was to get himself between Gilbert and Oz the moment he realized the truth about Gilbert.
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Break, who wanted to protect Oz from Gilbert, who wanted to protect Gilbert from Gilbert himself.
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Break, who saw, and realized and had faith without even knowing the whole truth.
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Now look at all of that and tell me how I was supposed to NOT ship them.
Also, feel free to tell me why YOU ship them :)
Alright, now that I've spent ... an atrocious amount of length on this post to tell you when & why I started to ship them, let's move on to your second question: what do I like most about them?
Weeeeeelllllllll ... a lot of that is already answered between the lines of the "how this ship came to be" elaboration, so I'll start with a short little summary:
there are a lot of parallels between Break's past and Gilbert's present that allow them to understand each other in this very specific way no one else probably can
they push each other to grow/be better (with Break pushing Gilbert to confront his issues and Gilbert calling Break out when he's being a stubborn idiot and refusing help)
they support each other through their lowest points, again and again.
the fact that Gilbert accepted Break, truly, for who he is. That he looked at Break and went "this guy's weird and creepy, but I'm still going to work with him, I'm still learning how to cook for him, I'm still going to try to listen to his advice even though I don't really understand it yet, I'm still going to be his left eye and stand by his side and build a relationship with him that is built on trust, and I'm still going to look at him as a priority"
the fact that Break looked at Gilbert and went "I see you, I'll help you. I'll use you, sure, but even after you've lost your usefulness to me, I'll still help you figure yourself out. I accept you as my equal, please help me. I'll act like I don't care about you, but I do, oh lord, I do. And I'm so relieved that you chose well. I always knew you could do it."
Also, the thing is - I'm a Gilbert girly, so obviously I care about him and his relationships the most.
And for the most part of the manga, the most important relationship, after his relationship to Oz, is his relationship to Break.
Sure, there are Alice and Vincent and Elliot, and even Sharon and Reim and Oscar.
But the one who keeps showing up in all his most important scenes, the ones that deal with his issues, his struggles, his choices - is Break.
And not just that, they keep showing up in each other's important scenes that don't focus on them at first.
E.g., Gilbert is there when Break asks Oz "Where are you?", a question that will haunt Oz for a long time.
Gilbert is there after Lutwidge academy, when Oz and Break have another moment together, and vice versa Break witnesses another key moment between Oz and Gilbert.
Break is there when Gilbert chases after Zai Vessalius in the ruins of Sablier. Gilbert is there when Break wakes up blind.
Break is there when Gilbert regains his memories, and he's there when Gilbert choses a side; and he's there, always there, when Gilbert is confronted with his relationship with Oz. He's even indirectly there when Gilbert gets inspired by Sharon who wants to become stronger so that she can stay by Break's side.
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They play a big role in each other's lives even when they aren't directly part of a main event.
Almost like they keep thinking of each other
They grow from "let's use each other for our own benefits" to "I'll risk everything for you". They inspire each other to be better.
They understand each other. Break gets a side of Gilbert that Oz, Gilbert's most important relationship, and even though he grew and learned to understand Gilbert better in the end, will never really get.
Likewise, Gilbert manages to cement himself in Break's life as someone he can trust and rely on, something that comes very hard to Mr. One-Man-Show. I'd even argue that not even Oz managed to become an equal for Break in the end, since Break's last thoughts towards Oz are still "I have to support and guide him", and Oz can't offer him any real solace - that position, ultimately, falls to Reim and Sharon. We're totally ignoring that Break and Gilbert do not really share a last, significant scene, just go along with me please
I guess what I'm trying to say is that their understanding of each other is the most important thing for me. That they are able to have this relationship outside of their other important relationships (Oz & Alice and Sharon & Reim respectively). That they help each other to grow and even teach each other how to better their other relationships.
They have such a big, positive, meaningful influence on each other without ever really trying. It's like they see no other choice but to be there for each other when one of them needs the other.
I love them, your honor.
Alrightttttt, with all of that said .... I think I'm done for now?
Feel free to add your own thoughts and tell me
a) How you came to ship them and why
b) What you like most about them and why
Again, thank you very much for asking!! This deep dive really did a lot for my general well being and showed me that while apparently I still know a lot about Pandora Hearts by heart, it may still be time for another re-read soon :)
Also, it's been sooooo long since I've had an opportunity to talk about Break/Gilbert and it was a lot of fun!!! I'm really grateful for that and I can't wait to hear your thoughts on them! <3
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