#yes. yesss. it’s all coming together
dinitride-art · 10 months
looks at ao3, finds nothing new that I want to read right at this moment (probably a fic in there I’m gonna end up reading later and being like woah this is great! But I don’t have the energy for that right now). Goes to my own works page. Stares. Glances over a multi chapter fic (incomplete), moves on. Sees another multi chapter fic, my baby, (incomplete) but… there’s not much else left to do. What if… no. I couldn’t. I- I shouldn’t. But… maybe… if I opened the document I could just… look and see
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lexithwrites · 2 months
*sees the jegulus breeding kink request in my inbox*
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dumbseee · 1 month
in which max is tired of lando being a single mess, so he plays matchmaker.
lando norris x famous!reader.
fc: sabrina carpenter.
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liked by landonorris, francisca.cgomes, madisonbeer and 1 738 929 others.
y/n: lil photodump 💭
madisonbeer: my goddess!! miss you pookie xx
liked by y/n.
user: she’s addicted to slaying
user: pls come to brazil!!
user: can’t wait to see you in paris!!
user: she’s so pretty wtf
user: emails i can’t send is a masterpiece y/n!!
user: the man who’s going to date her is literally the luckiest man on earth
see more.
imessages between max and lando.
i have good news
i’m scared actually
fuck off
it’s for your own sake
okay NOW i’m terrified
you’re going on a blind date tonight
wasn’t a question you idiot
be ready at 9
a car will come pick you up
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imessages between max and lando.
max fewtrell.
did you REALLY sent me on a blind date with Y/N FUCKING L/N??
i was SO embarrassing
okay for my defense, i didn’t know
i asked kika to find me someone who could match your vibe and apparently it had to be y/n…
BUT apparently it went well so we good
i fucking spilled my wine on her expensive looking dress
i tripped over my own feet when i got up to pay the bill
i stuttered when she asked for my NAME
i almost slipped when i tried to open the car door for her
i answered « that’s cool » when she told me that the inspiration for her new album was her past and traumatic relationship
holy shit dude
she’s never calling you again that’s for SURE
well at least we tried
wait till i catch you and kika
i’ll run you over with my car
i’m innocent
it’s all kika’s fault
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imessages between max, kika and lando.
why are we yelling
go on twitter and see for yourself
she should be the one to dislike me i literally made a fool out of myself BECAUSE I WASN’T PREPARED TO MEET MY CELEBRITY CRUSH???
you should be always prepared lando norris
omg give me a break
what should i do?
her fans hate you lmao
text her maybe?
invite her for the miami gp!
yes i’m a genius
do you want me to crash on the wall francisca?
i will 100% fumble the race if i know she’s watching
oh my god
why are you such a pussy?
fuck YOU
this is all your fault
if you don’t invite her, i WILL
but if i die i’ll haunt your ass forever
who knows maybe you’ll finally win a race ;)
mister lando NOwins
wow i didn’t know mister pierre gasly was a race winner already
okay enough you two
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liked by landonorris, maxfewtrell, francisca.cgomes and 2 628 048 others.
y/n: may not know a lot about formula one, but i know for a fact that you deserved that win. i can’t wait to be with you during your journey, pretty boy <3
landonorris: i couldn’t ask for a better partner, pretty girl <3
user: omg they’re together??
user: no bc why are they so cute??
user: aww she was so happy for him when he won
user: lmao the cameraman kept zooming in on her when lando won ajsksllz
user: he better treat her right
user: they’re cute ngl
see more.
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taintedtort · 2 months
Hihii...!!! i really love ur HCs and i wanted to ask if you're comfortable with these types of character writing, what r ur headcanons on kenma, kuro, tsuki n maybe suna would act when they're drunk ? like would they be a bit different than their usual self ? sorry to ask a lot but im more curious on ur thoughts on kenma ;; .. write whatever u can, idm ! thank u ehehe have a good one ! >_< <3
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summary. they’re drunk lolz
characters. kenma, kuroo, tsukishima
warnings. afab!reader, drinking/alcohol, post timeskip!!!^^
a/n. yesss i love kenma, many thoughts on him!! he’s my favorite!!! didn’t add suna because i don’t really know his character that well :( added a kenma bonus to make up for it tho!
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☆ i think he’d be a sleepy drunk. he's out as soon as his head hits any soft surface— maybe even before! i feel like he also acts grumpier, mumbling complaints when you wake him up and try to move him (he was passed out on your shoulder in the car, you have to get him to bed!)
☆ his face gets kinda pink, like he’s blushing. he’s pale, so it’s more noticeable than it would be on someone else. his eyes get droopy and his face sort of relaxes, so he looks mean and tired.
☆ he stubbles slightly, but he surprisingly manages to maneuver himself pretty well for a drunk person. just don’t ask him to do a cartwheel or anything… he couldn’t even do one of those while sober.
☆ he doesn’t drink often, so he’s a light weight… plus he’s skinny and on the smaller side, so he doesn’t have to drink much to get a buzz. he’s usually responsible though, but sometimes he celebrates too hard (with a bit of a push from kuroo)
☆ he doesn’t get any more talkative, but he’s less filtered that normal. i don’t think he’d be too flirty or mean, but if he got drunk enough he may compliment you a couple times.
☆ the type to get so drunk he forgets who you are. you come find him to pick him up after someone called you, and he’s face down on the table. you nudge him, trying to gently guide him to stand, but he’s immediately swatting you away, grumbling about how he has a girlfriend.
"leave m' alone— got a girlfriend already," he slurs, raising his head to drunkenly glare at you. his eyes narrow further when you laugh.
"kenma… i’m you’re girlfriend," you tell him, always finding it a bit amusing when he gets this drunk. he’s not too much of a hassle though, since he usually knocks right out when you get home and tuck him in.
he's silent for a moment, just staring at you up and down. he wears the same expression he has whenever he buys a new video game, excited and in awe.
"really…?" he asks, a hopeful tone in his voice. now that he’s looking at you… you are really pretty. he really hopes you're his girlfriend.
"yes, really. i’m gonna take you home, okay? cmon," you urge, gently grabbing his arm and helping him stand. he complies this time, his eyebrows raising.
"we live together?" he questions, the situation just getting better and better to him.
"we do," you confirm, another giggle leaving you. it doesn’t really hurt your feelings that he doesn’t remember, you find it more amusing and entertaining than anything.
"… im so lucky," you hear him whisper under his breath, looking at you as you guide him to the car.
☆ he'd be a funny drunk i think… a bit of a handful, and is entertaining at first, but eventually gets annoying. his emotions kind of double when he’s intoxicated, and he’s also kind of erratic. really energetic after his first few drinks, but if he’s extra drunk, he’s more emotional.
☆ his eyes get a little watery, but that’s about it. he actually looks more lively while he’s drunk, because he makes more facial expressions.
☆ he can’t stand straight at all, especially if he’s had more than a couple drinks. needs support to walk, otherwise he'll fall. he’s heavy though, and puts majority of his weight on you, so sometimes you end up falling anyway.
☆ he can handle his alcohol pretty well. takes him a few drinks to get a buzz, but he doesn’t usually stop there. mostly drinks to celebrate things, or at parties. never drinks alone, that’s just boring and sad to him.
☆ probably asks you random stupid questions like "what number am i?" or "what animal would i be?" (follows up that second question with "would you still love me if i was that animal?")
☆ i think he’s more talkative, but he speaks faster and his words are kinda jumbled, so it’s hard to understand him sometimes. he gets a lot more sappy, constantly complimenting you and telling you that he loves you (he does that all the time already)
"y're sooo pretty, love you s' much."
☆ not that much different than when he’s sober, honestly. he gets more mellow, surprisingly, though it might be because alcohol makes him a little sleepy, similar to kenma. he isn’t quick to fall asleep, but he’s not energetic and jumping around.
☆ his face is more relaxed, which makes him look even more intimidating and mean. his eyes get a little red around the edges, but that’s mostly it.
☆ stubbles quite a bit and holds things for support. if you try to help him, he’ll snip and you and complain that he doesn’t need your help to walk. (he does, and eventually gives in and leans on you a bit when he almost falls on his face)
☆ also a lightweight. doesn’t go drinking unless he’s invited, and even then he’s usually the designated driver. on top of that, he hates being hung over, and he hates throwing up, so he rarely gets super drunk. kuroo tries to persuade him sometimes, but the most he gets his a little tipsy.
☆ probably gets into debates with people about certain topics that he likes, arguing with them about facts and opinions. he usually wins. even when he’s drunk, he’s still quick witted.
☆ he fights you on everything, insisting he’s fine and "not drunk" whenever you try to help him. you end up ignoring his complaints and just assist him with changing and getting into bed anyway. he’s asleep pretty quickly, especially if you run his back/scalp.
"i don’t need help— i'm not even that drunk!"
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inkyray · 1 month
Can you do a angsty Matt story? Maybe when hanging out with friends he made a rude comment and the reader got upset but he didn’t notice so when they go back to his house Chris/nick notice somethings wrong not Matt which makes the reader angry and they fight?
a/n: if you look at my doc where i wrote this at, this took up 15 pages of utter horror
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warning/content ahead: ANGST LETS GO, matt x anxious!asthmatic!reader, fighting, crying, arguing, anxiety attacks, asthma attacks, bsf!chris yesss go girl, like one oc i made up, lmk if i missed anything
You trail closely behind your boyfriend, the mall large and filled with people, getting stopped every five minutes for a new fan to take a photo with him. You being the one forced to take them.
You hand a fan their phone back, watching as they skip somewhere off to the side. You sigh, and Matt goes in to reach for your hand, understanding your frustration, but you flinch away, making sure he doesn't grab a hold of it. "You okay?" He questioned.
You guys have barely made it past the entrance of the mall and this was the eighth fan to come up to him, it was a day made just for the two of you and now it's being slowly stripped away from you as you take pictures of him next to strangers. You didn't want to seem sensitive, but answered nonetheless, lying through your teeth. "Of course."
You dart your eyes around the place for a distraction, landing on a pretzel stand. "Oh! Wanna get a soft pretzel?" You get excited, gesturing to the stand. Matt follows your gaze and his face brightens. "Oh, god yes. I've been wanting one for weeks." He utters.
He grabs ahold of your hand and you take it back immediately, shoving it in your pockets and looking around to see if anyone saw that. No, thankfully, not. You hoped.
You watched his adam's apple bob as he dropped his gaze, you two walking over to the stand. "You looking to buy a pretzel?" A young woman in the stand asks, fixing her uniform hat. "Yes, please--" You start but quickly get interrupted.
"Wait, are you Matt Sturniolo?" She asks, her demeanor changing to reach for her phone. You swallow your throat dry as he answers. "Oh my god, can I get a picture?" She doesn't wait for an answer, getting around from the stand as she gets her phone ready. Matt shoots you an apologetic look as you ignore it, taking the phone that was handed to you and snapping a picture of them, your face expressionless.
"Thank you so much." You give her a small smile just to quickly realize she wasn't even looking at you, but at your boyfriend. "What did you guys want?"
You order, every sense of excitement completely flushed out of your body as you chew at your pretzel. You guys were now standing at some corner of the mall shadowed, somewhere Matt had insisted on standing to eat your pretzels in peace.
You chew on your soft pretzel, calculating the place around you before turning your attention to look up at him. He examines your face, one side of his cheek stuffed as he chews on it. He chuckles to himself, "You got a little somethin'' Matt's gaze was on your upper lip, lifting a thumb to brush off whatever was on there but you quickly moved your head back. You block his gesture with your own hand, removing any crumbs that were on you.
He finishes what was in his mouth. "Look," He starts but you dismiss it immediately, knowing what he's about to say. "Let's spend this day without any problems, okay?" You tell him softly before he could get a chance to explain himself. He sighs, looking like he's considering what you're saying.
"Okay." He agrees, "But, can I get a quick kiss?" He asks, a small frown on his face. You look around, seeing one too many people. "When we go home." You answer.
PDA in general isn't your cup of tea, but little stuff like holding hands and small physical touching you didn't mind. Matt was aware of that, you guys have been together for months. You'd think he'd got you all figured out. But as his career was skyrocketing, so was your problem with PDA.
It felt like everyone was watching, the anxiety of his fans probably seeing something and snapping a picture, posting it to the internet without either of your consent swelled your mind. His fans are what worried you, with how cruel they could be and the all seeing eyes of judgment. You loved Matt and wouldn't leave him for the world, he was your partner in crime. But making it public seemed like a death wish, millions of fans deranged enough to find a way to have you two broken up.
You weren't embarrassed of him, that was the farthest thing you felt. If anything, you felt like you were the one embarrassing him. You couldn't afford to paint such a picture for him and you didn't want any more fans to go any harsher on him. You were doing this because you cared for him, that's what he didn't seem to understand.
You stood in front of your mirror, having your hand slide down your curves, the dress hugging you exceptionally tight in all the right places. Your hair was in a messy updo, revealing your delicate shoulders and collarbones, messy strands untied to the updo, flying filmy around in soft motion. You were thrilled to see the look on your boyfriend's face when he sees you, knowing this a dress he would drool over, especially on you.
Picking up your phone, you notice your girl friends texting you, saying they were outside ready to pick you up. You, your boyfriend Matt, his brothers, and a bunch of friends are all going to some fancy restaurant in LA. Excited, you spray yourself in your signature scent and head out.
You got multiple compliments, which meant a lot coming from your close friends, but whether you wanted to admit or not, nothing mattered until you saw Matt.
You spare your friend, Em, a lip liner from your bag as you watch the restaurant appear into view. Em had made it her mission to somehow get Chris to fall in love with her by the end of the night, and you were curious to see how that would go. Peering out the window, you see Matt, his brothers, and their male friends conversing in front of the place, waiting on you guys. Almost everyone you were hanging out with tonight were influencers, not you though.
You feel your heart skip a beat when you see him, urging your friend to hurry up and park. He looked perfect. "Okay! Okay, give me a minute." She laughs, doing as you please. In seconds, you're out of the vehicle and greeting everyone, greeting the ones closest to you first. Nate, Chris, a friend, Nick, who doesn't hide his impressed look on his face. "Are you heaven sent? Holy fuck, you look amazing." He says and you fail to hide the erupting flattered chuckle, "Says you, wouldn't be surprised if you left tonight with multiple new numbers in your phone." You say, before turning to your boyfriend with a dimpled-smile.
You engulf him into a hug, one that has his scent swirling around you and comforting you instantly, one that takes him by surprise and stiffly hugs you back. "You look so handsome, pretty boy." You look up at him, pulling away from the hug. His expression was confused, the smile he had when talking to his friends disappearing when you pulled him into a kiss in front of everyone. Pulling back down, you stare up at him, waiting for him to say something.
"Thanks." He says, looking away from you and going to greet the other girls that tagged along. You were still smiling, but you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. That was it? He's usually more touchy than this. You watched him hug all the other girls, with hands around their waist a gleaming smile playing. You wondered if that's what he looked like hugging you too.
He pulls away and you stare at his hand, his finger ringed and the urge to hold it was strong. You reach a hand out to hold onto it, but he moves all too quickly in a motion of conversing with a friend before you can grasp onto it. Leaving you holding no ones hands but your own.
Turning your head away, you go and greet his other friends.
You sat at the long white-clothed table, picking lightly at the petaled roses displayed in front of you. Your boyfriend sat somewhere far down the table, across from Em. While you sat across from Chris, with Nick right beside you. Nick seemed to be caught up in a conversation with the girl on the other side of him. As for Matt, he was talking to both Nate and Em.
You can't help but look at him every second, he was so interested in whatever they were talking about he didn't even bother to make sure he sat next to you. He wasn't that far down the table, but far enough where you couldn't reach him. You could see and hear him, yet not touch him. For the first time in a while, you were upset about it.
You were forced to break your gaze from on him, turning to examine the beyond-fancy restaurant. Gold plated things everywhere, marble, high ceilings and long draped curtains. Maybe you were underdressed. Looking back down, you look at the rose petal you had accidentally broken off.
Everyone around you was engulfed in their own conversation while you just sat there, feeling the softness of the petal before slowly ripping it to shreds. Everything around you began hitting you in the wrong places, everything was too loud, the lights felt too hot on your skin, the place needed air conditioning, the waiter was taking too long. Your hands began to shake as the ripped petals fell from your grasp.
"Hey." You feel a quick kick to your shin and you look up. "Hey, Chris." You couldn't help but smile. Chris was definitely one of your best friends, all of the triplets were. But Chris knew how to take your mind off anything. His eyes darted from your shaking hands to your expression. "Why aren't you next to your boyfriend?" He asked with a small smile, one that made you feel like he was about to crack a joke.
"You mean Matt?" You dart your gaze over to him, he was fully laughing now. "Yeah. Unless you have a separate boyfriend here." Chris practically rolls his eyes as you feel the quiver of your hands quicken. You try to stop them, putting your hands on top of each other and applying pressure, hoping to stop it. "I think he just got caught up with his friends on a topic or something." You say in regards to Matt.
"Mm." Chris hums, nodding to what you're saying. He slowly leans against the table, getting closer to you. His voice drops a few tones as he asks you something. "What's wrong?" He gestures to your hands, voice whispery. You look back down to see your hands still shaking, you quickly hide them under the table and rest on your lap.
"My anxiety, Chris." You answer, looking at the open lights behind him before quickly looking away, feeling a headache form. "Everything here is so overwhelming." You answer honestly.
In Chris's mind, he puts two and two together. He knew you were telling the truth, but he also knew you wouldn't be this anxious unless you were seated next to his brother. He was aware that his brother had an effect on you that would immediately help with your anxiety, giving you some sort of comfort in uncomfortable scenarios. Chris cared about you like you were his sister, and he wished he had that sort of effect on you too, wanting nothing but to keep you happy.
He sighs, leaning back. "It is pretty overwhelming here, huh." He mutters, taking a sip from a water that was definitely Nick's, but he was too distracted to notice. You smile at the gesture, and he sips down the water and holds it up to you. "Want some?" He lifts his eyebrows, and you shake your head with a smile. "You sure, 'cause the ethereal hint of Sir Nicolas's saliva really just melts on your tongue."
You scrunch up your nose with a laugh as Nick's head snaps to Chris's direction. "What the fuck are you doing, Chris?" Nick's tone was warning. Chris pops a shoulder. "Oh, you know, drinking some delish water."
"Delish?" Nick repeats, "Did my water turn you gay?" That's what makes both you and Chris erupt into laughter, and you can't help but to even rub your eyes, careful not to mess up any of your eye makeup. Chris does the same, laughing more because you were rather than Nick's joke. Nick even chuckles a little, snatching his water back and keeping it beside him. "Dummy fuck."
It takes you a second to compose yourself, noticing just how loud you and Chris are being. With the failed attempt to keep yourself from laughing, you lean to Chris. "Sh–" You interrupt yourself with a laugh. "Shh, we're going to get kicked out." Your cheeks were hurting, the joke wasn't even that funny. Now you guys were just laughing because of the other one. 
Chris opens his eyes, squinting at you as he tries to lower his laugh a notch, holding a finger in front of his mouth as he attempts to shush you too, but only laughs more.
The two of you were unaware, but Matt had been staring at you since the moment Chris had kicked your shin. He watched as he leaned into and whispered something too inaudible, then kept his gaze on you guys until you were almost on the floor laughing. Jealousy burnt through his chest, and some form of hurt anger erupted, aiming directly at you. 
Everybody at the table now was looking at you guys, laughing a little along with you guys from the scene in front of them, not really sure what you guys were laughing at. You watch as a waiter begins to approach from behind Chris, and you immediately kick his leg, maybe a little harsher than intended. "Ow!" He jumps, and you point to the region behind him, he turns his head and sees the approaching waiter. He turns his head back immediately, his eyes widen as he tries to swallow down his laughs. Which seemed even funnier to you.
It was a struggle for you two to order, and Nick had to be the one to order for you guys. You felt immature and childish, but it somehow made you feel better about yourself knowing that Chris did as well.
Em starts talking from your row, across from Matt, as she aims her topic at Chris. "We're gonna have to wait even longer for our food now, am I right?" She says, making her voice slightly louder so Chris would be able to hear her, but his attention wasn't even on her, he was completely fixated on you, accidentally ignoring her completely.
"Ugh." He mutters, clenching onto his stomach. "My stomach hurts so fucking bad now." He almost moaned, and you grin. This is the most you've smiled all night. Now that he's mentioned it, you feel a cramp begin to form in your stomach too. "Oh, shit. Me too." You lay your palm on the thin material of your dress. "Fuck you, making me laugh so hard." You say, feeling your stomach begin to worsen.
"Me?" He scoffs, "Nick is the one that made the joke, loser." He defends, both of you guys matching with a hand on your stomachs. "Yeah, but your laugh is stupid." You tell him, he has an offended look on his face. "Your laugh is also stupid."
You shrug. "Your laugh is stupider."
In all honesty, Chris is what got you through the entire night. When the conversation would die down and you would shift your attention back to Matt, Chris managed a way to keep you from feeling gloomy again. Your boyfriend hadn't spoken a word to you since the moment you guys had stepped into that restaurant.
Now, everyone was getting up from their seats on the table and they left tips under their empty plates. Soon, everyone would need to leave.
You follow them out of the building, noticing how later it was at night and how you should've brought a jacket for the chilly night. You look for Matt, hoping he would provide you with some sort of warmth with his body heat. As everyone approaches their cars, they all linger there, deciding to hang out in the parking lot a little longer.
Chris was now talking to Nate and his other friend, not paying any mind to Em that was trailing behind him. You notice Matt telling Nick and his friends a few things, and you immediately get the idea to stand next to him. Hopefully the quiet game was over now, and he would finally talk to you now that you were closer. Standing next to Matt, who's in a conversation of his own, you gently lean yourself on him, letting your bare arm brush against his clothed body, providing you with the smallest bits of warmth. Usually, he'd cover your shoulders with an arm draped over it, but here, he doesn't do anything.
You lay your head on his shoulder as he continues talking, not even batting an eye toward you as you let out a small breath, watching as the air coming out of your mouth turns into cold fog. It was freezing out, and a gust of wind flew your way, giving you a series of shivers down your back. Subconsciously, you lean close to him.
"Can you stop?" He huffs, stepping away from you as you almost trip, just now noticing how dependent you were being on him. Nick furrows his eyebrows. The trip had sent your ankle to bend, small rocks digging their way into your skin. "Sorry." You swallow, fixing your shoe, your foot stinging.
The groups navigated to this one, and everyone was around each other, getting ready to head home but wanted to spare the time a little longer. You spoke to Em, who admitted she gave up on Chris. "He was hopeless." She sighed.
You spoke to the girls who drove you here. You loved them dearly, they were the kindest and the closest girls to you. Now, your attention shifted to Matt, who was listening to Nate speak to everyone. "Bro, I'm just glad the plans made it out of the group chat and everyone managed to come tonight. You know how long we've wanted to do this?" Nate mumbled the usual way he does.
"For real, plus, everyone looks fucking fantastic." Nick says, turning his head to you. "I'm looking at you, cutie." He points at you, winking. Everyone begins agreeing, and you start to believe it. Maybe you did look good tonight.
You turn your head to look at Matt, cranking your neck a little to look up at him. He looks past you, down at the pavement. "Whatever you say." He mutters under his breath, his face blank and you feel your heart begin to shatter like glass. No one seemed to have heard him, and you begin to wonder if it was just your imagination.
"What?" You question, looking at him. Your eyes start to get glassy, and the moonlight hits your face just right, making Chris notice what was going on. Matt ignores you, clasping his hand together. "All right, I guess it's time to go home."
"You're coming with us, right?" Nick asks you as everybody begins getting in their cars. "That was the plan." Chris says, looking at you for confirmation as you tried to bite down every part of your body that felt like it was being stung with needles. Swallowing your mouth dry, you answer. "I think I'll go home tonight."
Nick and Chris's faces visibly go confused. "Home with us, right?" You shake your head, your neck stuck in a stiff and still to keep yourself from accidentally looking at Matt. It felt like if you even tried to look at him, you would burst out crying. "Home to my apartment."
"Aw man, please?" Nick frowns, and you shake your head, hearing their car start. You hear Matt call your name out and you physically feel your heart clench. "Just fucking come." He groaned, entering the car and slamming the door harshly, enough to leave you flinch. Your eyes got subconsciously wide, trying to expand your sight as if it'll keep the tears from rushing out completely. Chris and Nick look at Matt then you, then at each other, utterly bewildered. "I'll come." Your voice barely came out, completely dumbfounded by his aggressiveness.
"Let's go." Chris puts a gentle hand on your arm, leading you to the back of the car as Nick rushed to the passenger seat. "Matt, what the fuck is your problem?" Nick was a tone away from considering yelling, no doubt angry with the way he was treating you. Matt just sighs.
Chris watches you with sorrow as you take your time entering the car, noticing just how bad you sprained your ankle, needing to hold onto his hand to enter the vehicle. The second you scoot to the middle of the back of the car, Chris immediately shoves himself inside, shutting the door as he glares at Matt through the rear mirror. "Took you two long enough." Matt grumbled, his voice was quiet but he spoke volumes.
"Matt, seriously, what stick is up your fucking ass?" Nick spoke with his hands, his palms spread open but his fingers clasped together as he was vigorously waiting for a response. God knew you were waiting for one too, desperate for one. It felt like piles of bricks were being laid on your chest, one by one.
"Nick, shut the fuck up." He had begun driving by now, all you could do was lay your head against the window and wait for this ride to end. "Watch your goddamn mouth, Matt." Chris didn't have his seatbelt on, sitting on the edge of the backseat as his voice was laced with impatient annoyance.
You closed your eyes, holding your own hands, lacing your fingers together as they began to shake just as they were in the restaurant when you first got there. "What are you going to fucking do, Chris? Kiss my girlfriend?" Matt argued, his voice getting louder. Your eyes fly open at the phrase.
"Matt, what?" Chris uttered, nothing but confusion written on his face.
"This is so fucking stupid." Nick declared. "Let's make it home and give her a peace of calm fucking mind. I just want her to have a good night's sleep, honestly." He sighed, referring to you. He cared about you deeply.
The ride home was uncomfortable to the brim. It felt like someone had poured thick fog into the car and made it difficult for you to breathe at a normal pace, your breaths either lasting too long or too short. The invisible fog picking at your nose and eyes, a push away from letting a tear slip. At least, for you.
Now, you are back home in your boyfriend's house. Nick leaves for his room to quickly change, as Chris lingered to do something on his phone. Usually, you'd head straight for Matt's room, given it was the one that had everything that belonged to you in, the one you'd sleep at every night.
You stood around, unsure of the next move you should make. Matt took a rootbeer out of the fridge and popped it open, looking at you as you glance at your splintered feet. "You just gonna stand there or what?" He says after a sip, another brick adding to your chest.
You approach the kitchen, passing Chris on the couch who had his gaze fixated on you, mentally begging for you to stand up for yourself. You bring up the courage to look him dead in the eye, the same ones that you had declared the most perfect eyes in the world just earlier today. "Matt, what did I do?" You finally ask, straightforwardly asking the question.
He furrowed his eyebrows in mock confusion. "What did you do? 'Cause frankly, I'd love to know." Sarcasm laced his tongue and you felt your hurt turn into anger. "Stop talking out of your ass and answer me." You say, getting closer to him that the only thing separating you two was the wide table in the middle of the kitchen.
"There's always fucking something with you, isn't there?"
"Always something with me!? You're the one who won't tell me what's wrong." You make your voice louder to match his.
"You always have some sort of problem with something, don't you!?" He was determined to out-yell you, as if his words would hit harder if he made it's volume that way.
Your body was boiling, confusion, impatience, and pure irritation an ugly mix in your stomach. He won't give you an answer, and you are fed up. You cannot let him treat you like this any longer.
"What the fuck are you talking about!?" You begin to use your hands.
"You fucking know what I'm talking about!"
With that being said, you two were now yelling over each other. The argument quickly turns into a fight, your hands shaking uncontrollably as you move them around. His voice booms throughout the house and it's enough for Nick to quickly notice what was going on from upstairs. You shouted back, begging for a simple response as he accused you of acting dumb on purpose.
The shouting was layering on top of what you two were saying, screaming and yelling what immediately comes to mind, paying no attention to what the other person is saying for the interruption until a phrase slips out that triggers the other person into saying something else.
Chris screwed his eyes shut tightly, a depressing wave floating in his chest as he felt the hurt wafting from both of you. The two people he cared about the most, fighting as he heard it all. He shuts his phone as he raises both his hands to rub on his eyes until he sees static. The unbearing sound of the two of you only getting louder.
The second Nick was done changing he was flying down the stairs, determined to break up whatever was happening.
"Matt!" Nick tried yelling over you two, but quickly noticed he'll have to do more than that, you two louder together than Nick was on his own. He attempts to call your name as well, but neither of you are aware of his presence.
You couldn't help it, hot tears were streaming down your face now as you pleaded for him to compromise. Your emotions shift between hurt, anger, and everything that comes with it. Matt definitely noticed, his gaze lingering on your glistening cheek as he only argued back quicker.
Nick shoots a quick and worried look at Chris, who just so happened to open his eyes right when he did, concerned this would become something physical. Chris gets up from his spot on the couch, approaching Nick with a look that says 'how-the-hell-do-we-stop-this'.
The sight in front of them begins to get messier and their heart skips a beat when Matt doesn't stop his yelling, leaning over the table to point a finger at your face.
"You know what you're fucking—"
"Get your finger out of my fucking face." You spit.
" 'because it always has to be your way—"
"Matt, I said get your finger, Out. Of. My. Face!"
"Oh but as long as I'm doing what you–"
You and Matt were now inches away from each other, leaning across the table but your faces uncomfortably close. A vein was practically popping out of his forehead and no doubt so was yours. Nick silently thanked God for the table that was between you two.
You begin choking up your words and losing your breath, every word attempting to form was now a struggle, a new and harsh cough interrupting it. Chris's eyes widen and Matt abruptly stops. A silent second passes as all three of them stare at you, hoping for a false alarm, but your coughs get worse as you attempt to get some air in your lungs, failing to do so.
"Her inhaler." Matt yells, panicking immediately. Chris begins shuffling under his feet as Nick has no idea what he's supposed to do. Matt slaps Chris's shoulder, "Get her fucking inhaler, now." Matt orders Chris, the two of them sprinting to Matt's room to get it.
They come back in actual seconds, Matt's room turned to junk after throwing everything out of his drawers to find it. You never thought you'd have to use your inhaler, only ever using it once a year, more or less. Your asthma was mild, but this argument definitely triggered it. It was brought to your mouth in seconds, and you needed a full moment to get your chest working properly again.
Matt's expression was now plastered with worry and fear, every sort of angry bone in his body disappearing. Now, all that mattered to him was that you were okay. And honestly, once you could see straight, you had begun crying again.
"I'm sorry." Matt brushes the hair out of your face, strands sticking to your forehead from sweat, watching you uncontrollably bawl. "I'm so sorry."
Your tears were the hottest you've ever felt on your skin, and your eyes were glowing red from how much this all hurts. "Matt, I just can't do this. Either– Either tell me or fucking don't."
Nick helps you sit up and Matt swallows, deciding that he should just come clean with his behavior. But first, he needed his brothers out of here. He gave Chris a simple look and he nodded. "Nick, let's go."
And they were gone.
You had your eyes closed, all the energy in your body gone completely in one go as you waited for him to speak, a tear following another as it began to calm down. A few seconds pass as Matt tries to recoil his thoughts before finally talking.
"You hate touching me when we're anywhere that isn't a private setting." He starts, sighing through the sentence. "You'd flinch when my hand would even touch yours in the slightest. After a while, I began understanding that maybe that's just who you were. You know, not the biggest fan of public display of affection, or whatever."
He swallows. "So, I got used to it. You hated it and I began working around it. Until tonight. You hugged me and kissed me in front of everyone, trying to do the things I would pray to try and do to you on the daily. I got confused." He swallowed. "You were embarrassed of me, and that's the conclusion I came up with. Deciding to touch me when the setting involved my friends." You furrow your eyebrows.
"As if.." He sighs and looks down, his chest breathing heavily as he stays like that for a moment. You opened your eyes and noticed he was about to cry. "Matt." You try to say, but your voice is hoarse and chalky.
"As if you wanted to give them this image that everything was all good. You're embarrassed of me on every single occasion except for this one, and it just fucked with my head."
You sat up fully this time. "Matt, are you nuts? Seriously?" You scoff, finally understanding everything. "I do what I do because I'm embarrassed of myself." You laugh at the irony. "If you pay attention, everytime I act this way is when we are in reach of any potential fan of yours." You say slow enough for him to process. "This restaurant was too fancy to have a deranged fan there. I was comfortable to be myself with you there because I knew that no stranger could misread the situation."
You fix a strand of hair quickly behind your ear before continuing. "I kissed you because I knew those people, and I knew that they wouldn't take a photo of it and post it on the internet without my permission, letting the internet speak absolute crap about me and judge me solely because I'm your girlfriend."
The scene was quiet as Matt registered your words, and you made sure the second was longer, replaying what he said back in your mind, as well as the entire fight that had just occurred. It all felt so pathetic to think about now, and the reason for it all finally dawned upon you two.
"All I wanted was to finally hug–and touch–my boyfriend tonight. But all I got was an anxiety attack, an ankle sprain, and a fucking asthma attack." You finish off with a stupid laugh.
He's silent for a moment before laughing, "I should've known. Seriously. God." He rubs his eyes and you see snippets of tears slip past his fingers. You get up and hug him, and he engulfs you in the embrace before you could fully even reach him.
"I'm sorry for making you feel that way." The side of your head laid on his chest as you hugged him tightly, and he gradually took it tighter.
"No way you just apologized before me. I was supposed to do that." He sniffed, trying to lighten the mood.
"Sorry about that too."
He mutters your name and you look up, your chin on his chest. "I'm sorry for treating you that way. I feel like the worst human being on earth, and that's a fucking understatement." It was cute. Both of you guys are crying for the dumbest miscommunication ever. "I know." You say.
"Like, I somehow managed to fuck up so bad Chris had to be the one to comfort you tonight." He shook his head.
"Yeah. That was a crazy low you did for it to reach that point."
He shushes you. "I don't need reminders."
"You brought it up." You shrug. He nods, "Yeah. I guess so." He finally cracks a smile, and you follow the curves of his lips, unknowingly grinning with him.
"I really fucking missed you today." He admits, kissing your nose, your eyes fluttering shut before opening them back up immediately. "You have no idea, Matt. Promise to forget today?"
"Now let's go to your room, you need to get these splinters out of my feet."
"You got it, love."
880 notes · View notes
astralnymphh · 16 days
- 🩵
a/n + cw; OMGG AN EMOJI ANON i haven't seen you guys in a hot minute, but YESSS BLOCKBUSTER ELLIE!! specifically x customer reader. it's a cute duo! and let me relay why from my very scrambled 3 am jot-down. was going to make this a blurb, but it better translates through something more structured. ++ SFW! kinda mean!reader tbh (but ellie likes that), very fluffy you might squeet, quickly written, awkwardness, ellie being a nerd. [first pic from amoaeIIie on pinterest]
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Imagine Ellie, in her blockbuster getup, leaning her butt into the edge of the register counter, jamming to whatever is playing on her hand-me-down walkman; earsbuds in, eyes downcast, head bopping slowing - soundly unaware of you awaiting service on your over-due rental. "Hello?" your volume divides the soft ambiance of the store, but it isn't enough to rope Ellie's mindspace from the clouds. Calling out again, "Hell-looh?" you extend beyond the cash register and wave your hand - nothing, nada.
How the hell has this girl not gotten her ass fired yet?
After numerous roadblocks, a brazen last resort comes into play. You cut around the counter briefly to take things into your own hands (literally) because you have not the time, nor the patience, for her slacking off.
Beryl eyes drop sharply to the walkman in her pants pocket when a single earbud is spooled from her ear, assuming it fell - but to her surprise, it hung low from your finger, and a glance above that finger was your face. Risen of one brow, flat-lined of your lips; impatient.
And her entire focus blanks out when you begin to speak, curtly and satirically, "Hey, I know busting out your Dad's old walkman in public makes you feel cool and whatnot, but you're on the clock." handing the slim cord back over to a stunned girl, flushed behind the pop of her freckles. Maybe your tone of voice sent her higher into the clouds, past a coven of angels, because her lips part narrowly and remain still for a single second - save two or three. Or maybe it's 'cause you specified it as her 'Dad's' which was.. spot on.
And whatever excuse she had quickly cherry-picked for you, hesitated audibly in her throat before it split from it, "O-Oh, right, shit sorry - was about to end my shift n' thought the store was empty. My bad." scrambling to stuff the other earplug in her pocket and avert all attention to you. Very eagerly.
"Looks like you've got a late fee on this one.." her pitch pummeled deeper, and coarser as she concentrates on the clunky screen she hunches slightly to use. Scrunching the freckles of her face together, hogging the blue-lit screen. Poor girl probably forgot her glasses at home. "Annnd are you looking to rent the sequel?" she peeks her auburn head from the screen and holds up the cased movie, tracing her index over the plastic cleft, tapping twice. "To this - it has a second part."
There's no denying it: she is cute - and guilt rolls your guts around for being so snippy and sullen to her earlier. But based on her demeanor growing enthused the second she saw what movie you had in hand - she doesn't seem to care a hoot.
"Out of stock," replied you, indifferent-sounding - and strking; crossed arms, bent knee, stiffly-standing. Comparable to a millpond. "Guess I won't be the only person with late fees." you take a breath to jest, shaking loose strands of hair from your eyes.
"Haha," you're no world-class comedian; that joke wasn't all that funny, but the need to hurl any affirming noise at you, was necessary. Relenting to reflex. What can she say? Love at first sight! "Yeah, that seems like the agenda these days," Ellie sighs out, molding the plump of her lip under her teeth and reshapes it into a dorky smirk. Isn't she just a sweet chocolate-box of adorability?
"Hmm, bummer."
That hum and word trips into her ears, knocking some brain-cog, and an idea limns her features; they glow wide. "Actually - um, I've got a copy of the sequel at my place. Technically it's my Dad's, but.." her pitch fluctuates, mindlessly thumbing the case between two fiddly hands. "Maybe you can - if you want, not pressuring you or anything - come over?" she throws a pointed thumb backwards, motioning a potential future. "Watch it? If you weren't planning on watching it with somebody else."
Slick trick to seeing if you're single; of course you'd watch movies with your boyfriend - or girlfriend.
"Hmmm.." you hummed longer this time, and this time it admitted the mushrooming of an almost aggravating anticipation in her belly. Like you meant to torture her with 'hmms' and nothing but 'hmms' as your answer hung high in cloudy abeyance, until, "What's the name on your tag - ah, Ellie."
"Ellie," you confirm her name twice, and speak it to enthrall her full-scale attention. Made it sound fucking sugary sweet, through a swirly whisper and a twist of your head. "If you can give me a discount, or a full wipe on that late fee, then yes. It's a date."
Light panic ensues. "Date?" she croaks and laughs it off, "I mean - pshh, guess that's one way to put it." backtracking to her hunched, elbows-on-the-counter pose.
"You put it that way."
"Yeah, I just.. didn't wanna admit that." immediately, she uncurls her spine again, relaxing her muscles to somewhat peer at you. "Sure. No more fees." Rounded eyes lost - adamant on indirectly staring at you and the space below you, because Goddess forbid a stroke of idiocy flickers through her while gawking at you.
The store runs dead-quiet in the background of your conversation, leading you to one golden question. "Your shift over after this?"
Oh damn, her cheeks are pink. "Uh-huh," bet she's oblivious to that red-hot beam nearly bursting the seams to her face, too. Nasal lines fold as a severe smile tugs, shadowed by her bent thumb poking at it. "Takin' my car?"
And that's how you pick up girls at a video store in the 90s - the Ellie Williams way.
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this isn't even the full idea
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livwritessometimes · 26 days
So Long London - Lando Norris
: Lando Norris x singer!reader
: y/n is ready to move on
: Part 3
: Masterlist
: Author’s Note: And with that we come to the end of Love lost series. I hope you guys liked it (if so do let me know) 💕 also I had no idea there was a 30 photo limit!! Had to delete 2 photos for the story to make sense.
Yourname added to their story!
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seen by User48 and 76,021 others
| User48 replied to your story
-> why are you here?? Didn’t you and Lando break up! Why are you still hanging out with his friends??
| User02 replied to your story
-> Yessss I’m so glad you’re here to support max 💕
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liked by maxverstappen1 and 65,528 others
👤: maxverstappen1, schecoperez, kellypiquet, redbullracing
Yourname: Congratulations Max and Checo!! P1-P2 💪🏻 (also last slide is max emilian’s live reaction to the tea ☕️)
view all 52,301 comments
schecoperez: Thank you y/n 🙌🏻
*liked by yourname*
maxverstappen1: you swore you won’t use the 3 pic 😃
-> Yourname: Yes and I lied 😙
redbullracing: Thank you for coming y/n 💙 you’re always welcome here!
-> Yourname: Thank you for having me 🫶🏻
*liked by redbullracing*
kellypiquet: The 2 pic is so cute!! Send that to me <3 also I’ve been telling you that max is a girls girl 🎀
-> Yourname: Sending!! And yesss I believe you now
-> maxverstappen1: :/
*liked by kellypiquet, Yourname*
User62: I wonder what Lando has to say about their friendship
-> User48: I know right like you’re no longer a wag stop trying to be one
-> User50: umm first of all Max and Kelly both are friends with y/n (and dare I say they’re closer to her than him) and second of all she can do whatever she wants!!
*liked by kellypiquet*
Yourname added to their story!
🎶 The Night We Met by Lord Huron 🎶
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seen by alexandrasaintmleux and 76,021 others
| alexandrasaintmleux replied to your story
-> let’s meet tom? Have a girls dinner!!
Yourname: are you sure? I don’t want you to take on unnecessary stress just because of me
-> ofc I’m sure!! And don’t say that, it’s been so long since we’ve seen each other
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liked by charles_leclerc and 83,294 others
👤: alexandrasaintmleux, kellypiquet, lilymhe, francisca.cgomes, iamrebeccad
Yourname: Previously on Gossip Girls!! (missing @/lilyzneimer and @/carmenmmundt)
view all 68,361 comments
Yourname: also @/charles_leclerc I stole your girlfriend!! She’s mine now <3
-> charles_leclerc: Whatttt!!! 😨
-> alexandrasaintmleux: yes @/charles_leclerc it’s true
-> charles_leclerc: Alexx!! we have a child together 🐶 think about him
-> Yourname: oh yes! Forget to tell you, we get Leo’s custody 🐕 I got your girl and your dog leclerc 😌
-> alexandrasaintmleux: sorry baby but it is what it is 🤷🏻‍♀️
User13: why is no one talking about the last slide 🫢
User32: I bet the reason why lily is not here is because she’s staying loyal to Lando and McLaren!!
-> User02: ????? Lily is Oscar’s girlfriend why would she stay loyal to Lando!!
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liked by User04 and 32,942 others
👤: landonorris, magui_corceiro, Yourname
F1updates: Lando Norris spotted with a new beau! The McLaren driver was recently seen attending the Monte Carlo Masters Finals with Portuguese model Margarida Corceiro. Fans spotted the two getting dinner after the event. Norris recently ended a 5 year relationship with Singer Y/n L/n. There has been no confirmation from either the two about whether they are dating or not. Only time will tell if it’s time to welcome a new wag in the McLaren garage.
view all 26,305 comments
User04: I’m so happy for Lando to finally be with someone worthy!!
User79: she’s so pretty 😍
User05: can’t believe he wasted 5 years of his life with y/n
User86: why would you tag y/n in this?? It’s not even related to her
-> User51: why else, she deserves to know how happy Lando is after he left her
User01: that’s so soon!! Didn’t he just got out of a FIVE year long relationship?
-> User74: it’s been 2 months relax he can do whatever he wants
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Yourname added to their story!
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seen by User33 and 59,621 others
| User33 replied to your story
-> hmmm weird timing to post this 👀
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landonorris added to their story!
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seen by Yourname and 96,204 others
| Yourname replied to your story
-> so five years meant nothing to you
landonorris: why do you care? It’s not like you did that during our entire relationship
-> what do you even mean by I didn’t care!! I was with you through everything! All your wins and all your losses. How can you say that after I’ve given you so much
landonorris: I loved you but you never bothered seeing any of my efforts. There’s no point of arguing, after all this time you’re still the same old selfish clueless person who let us go. You were never there when I needed you, and now that I am happy you can’t seem to digest that. Move on and let me move on as well.
*seen by Yourname*
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liked by User02 and 83,574 others
Yourname: You’ve been on my mind, and I’ll waste my time 🚬
view all 65,026 comments
User02: prettyyy 💋
User96: girlll are you okay you’re quoting cigarettes after sex 😀 I don’t think you are okay
-> User21: are we all gonna ignore the fact that the next line is “‘til you lift me off the floor and love me again”
*Incoming Call from Y/N*
Kelly: “Hey how’s your night going? I just saw your post-“
Yourname: “kell” y/n said as she tried to control her breathing. “I texted him after I saw his story. He’s blaming me for our break up. I- i did so much for him and now he-“
Kelly: “ok sweetheart listen to me, first try to take a deep breath. Now tell me exactly where you are Max and I will come and get you”
Yourname: “I’m near our regular bar”
Kelly: “okay we’re on our way. Just stay where you are and we’ll get you. And know this y/n it’s not your fault. You guys breaking up was not your fault! don’t let his nonsense get to you. We’re almost there, see you in 5”
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liked by User99 and 62,838 others
👤: Yourname, maxverstappen1, kellypiquet
Celebritygossip: Singer Y/n L/n was spotted crying outside a bar by some of her fans. The fans claim that the singer was hysterically crying over the phone. Bystanders also said that they saw Formula 1 driver Max Verstappen and his girlfriend Kelly Piquet arrive at the location trying to console L/n. This news comes right after L/n was seen partying according to her last Instagram post. There has been a lot of speculation going on behind this breakdown, but many believe this is the aftermath of L/n’s ex, Lando Norris confirming his new relationship.
What do you think about this situation? Let us know in the comments down below.
view all 53,829 comments
Yourname added to their story!
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seen by User02 and 63,027 others
| User02 replied to your story
-> 💙💙
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liked by kellypiquet and 75,728 others
Yourname: Gone was any trace of you, I think I am finally clean 🤍
view all 61,839 comments
kellypiquet: 💕
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liked by User99 and 62,838 others
👤: Yourname
Y/nNews: It is being reported that singer Y/n L/n has sold her house in London. The singer bought this house in 2019 and lived there with her now ex-boyfriend Lando Norris. The couple broke up a few months ago. Since then, the house has been occupied by L/n alone. There has been no news about whether she bought a new house yet. Stay tuned for more updates!
view all 61,839 comments
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liked by kellypiquet and 82,738 others
👤: kellypiquet
Yourname: A much needed day out! (Also Kelly was concerningly good at the gun range)
view all 74,838 comments
kellypiquet: what can I say I’m a women of many talents 💪🏻
-> Yourname: that you are (@/maxverstappen1 hide all sharp objects in the house)
-> maxverstappen1: So glad you guys had a good time 🥰 (way ahead of you)
-> kellypiquet: 🙂🙂 (y’all better run)
-> Yourname: 🏃🏻‍♀️
-> maxverstappen1: 🏃🏻‍♂️
-> User61: these two are such clowns 😭
*liked by kellypiquet*
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liked by User31 and 88,025 others
Y/nUpdates: Y/n L/n at the Variety Interview “I guess I’ve been exposed to the world in a sense, people prey on that and take advantage of that. They twist it in a way that you don’t always expect.” L/n got emotional as she continued “Sorry I didn’t mean to do this, but it is such a hard thing to balance, because how do you be honest without jeopardising anything. It is very easy to feel out of control and I feel so grateful to be with family and friends who have been with me through my toughest time.”
view all 79,628 comments
User31: It’s so heartbreaking to see her get emotional while talking about the negative effect that fame has on a person.
User08: I’m so glad to see that she’s doing better! It’s nice to finally see her happy and smile genuinely 💕
User22: Not her mentioning Max, Kelly and P as the family she has made along the way 🥺🥺
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liked by Yourname and 111,838 others
👤: maxverstappen1, Yourname
kellypiquet: Home sweet home 🏠
view all 92,837 comments
User02: Alt caption: Max and Kelly with their overgrown child 👧🏻
*liked by maxverstappen1, kellypiquet*
Yourname: 💕🧿
-> Yourname: also tell max he better hide 😃 because when I find him, I will hit him with the same shoe 👟 he kicked me with
-> maxverstappen1: You’ll never catch me 😌
-> Yourname: P told me where you are 😈👟
-> maxverstappen1: 🏃🏻‍♂️💨
-> User66: at this point I feel P is only smart person in this household besides Kelly
*liked by kellypiquet*
User01: I live for all the y/n x P content! It’s so wholesome 🫶🏻
*liked by Yourname*
Yourname added to their story!
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(You know what time it is 🎶)
seen by User02 and 69,737 others
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liked by kellypiquet and 99,261 others
Yourname: Sometimes when you have something for so long, life without it feels meaningless. All these years you’ve spent building up something so special, only for you to watch it crumble right in front of your eyes. It takes a lot of strength to move on and finally let things go. But that is part of life, slowly you learn how to breathe again. It took me a long time to be okay and today I release a part of myself to the world that I no longer am. I hope that you can find it within yourself to let go and move on. Here is So Long London.
view all 91,739 comments
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liked by User13 and 54,986 others
Y/nfanclub: Honestly speaking if I were y/n I’d be mad as hell too! I mean just look at London 💔
view all 46,728 comments
User13: But it’s a different kind of pain when someone ruins a place for you. @/Yourname I hope that you get to love London again ❤️‍🩹
Yourname added to their story!
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seen by User44 and 69,737 others
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81folklore · 1 month
i can do it with a broken heart - f1 grid
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parings: gn!driver!reader x platonic!f1!grid x ex!jacob elordi
summary: after yn and their ex break up, they carry on as best they can and no one had any idea how bad they were struggling
type: social media au (smau)
notes: george is in this but he does not drive for mercedes, yn does. i also used a mixture of fem and masc pictures because i couldnt decide and thought you could just imagine whatever you wish!!
notes 2: probably the longest fic ive done so far but im pretty proud of it. the time stamps above each section are semi important so i would keep an eye on them!! also i know ive been gone for so long but i do not promise ill be back. alsoooo i know i only included a bit of the grid but i kept getting distracted and then couldn’t figure out how to include everyone!!
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march 2024
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charles oh my god i cant believe my cat is finally the pfp
i have been waiting for YEARS
max yes well you better enjoy it because it’ll change soon and you’ll be back to waiting again.
lando jesus max do you have to use punctuation???
alex be glad he doesnt use captials
oscar one thing at a time lando, we dont want to scare him
max ???
lando anyway
yn mate you ok?
yourname im fine? ur scaring me you never ask how i am
lando yeah but usually your not single
lewis oh no! you and jacob split?
yourname yeah, wasnt working anymore
charles ah im sorry, that must suck😣
yourname i mean it does but its been coming for a long time so its not surprising
fernando hello! yn what is wrong? you always use emotes!
yourname theyre emojis nando, and im fine just a bit lost
fernando do not worry, i will come and find you!
yourname no, i dont mean literally just..we were together for so long i dont really know what to do now you know?
lando i get it, you wanna play tarkov with me???
yourname cheers ill get on now
george let us know if you need anything!
may 2024
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liked by mercedesamgf1, lewishamilton and 814,583 others
p✌️ was just what we needed this weekend!
thank you to everyone who came out and supported myself and the team and huge thank you to the team for working so hard all weekend⭐️
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mercedesamgf1 mega job this weekend yn👊 *liked by author*
landonorris nice to share the podium with you mate
yourusername same time next race?
user33 loved seeing you back on the podium
user2 absolutely smashing it this season
user21 more podiums please🤲 *liked by author*
user3 fourth podium of the year first p✌️*liked by author*
*pretend it says after march i changed dates around last min*
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august 2024
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liked by lukehemmings, charles_leclerc and 1,124,642 others
did some reading, painting and writing
baked some good food and spent time with some good people, also got a cat…not bad for summer break☀️
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user66 AHHHHHH
yourusername ahhhhhhh
user26 cats name plsplspls
yourusername norman🐱
lukehemmings nice music👍
yourusername woah arent you the guy who wrote mum?!
mercedesamgf1 ready to see you back on the podium
yourusername always!!!!
user74 have you had funnnn??
yourusername yesss!! ive been doing lots of things i enjoy, basically treating every day as my birthday😋
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*was supposed to write them instead of her sorry!! was doing two stories at once and kept getting mixed up😅*
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october 2024
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liked by mercedesamgf1, gracieabrams and 1,291,638 others
p☝️ for the 3rd time this season, very very pleased
huuuuuge thank you to the team, every single one of you who worked tirelessly over the summer break and every moment since then, these have been for you⭐️
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user55 what a good season to be a yn fan *liked by author*
user6 these races have been incredible to watch, so proud
yourusername ⭐️⭐️
gracieabrams woop woop!!!!
yourusername 😝😝
user2 gracie??
user41 why have we not had any personal photo dumps yet😕😕
user88 right we miss seeing you yn!!
yourusername sorry guys😣ive been suuuper busy working on something i just honestly forgot
user41 NEW PROJECT?? WHEN?? (also pls dont feel bad we love u)
yourusername soon!! (and i love u guys too)
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november 2024
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liked by taylorswift, lewishamilton and 3,689,921 others
tagged: taylorswift
i cannot believe i get to say this, but my new friend taylor just released a new album and i was able to write a song on the album
im honestly not sure how this came about but i had so much fun writing this and expressing all my thoughts and feelings in a way ive never done before
i poured my life and soul into this song and im so glad taylor is the one who is singing it and really bought it to life
send some love to my friend and go and stream THE TORTURED POETS DEPARTMENT (most importantly i can do it with a broken heart😉)
comments have been limited
taylorswift thank you for trusting me with this song, so much love🤍
yourusername NO THANK YOU!!! i will be forever grateful⭐️⭐️
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yourusername added to their story
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seen by taylorswift, lewishamilton and 729,282 others
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charles i feel completely betrayed yn
fernando oh no😟! what did yn do?
yourname sorry charles, surprise?!
charles ill forgive you because its a good song
yourname thank you my life just got infinitely better!
yuki very good song yn! has been on repeat☺️
yourname thanks yuki, glad you like it!!
but seriously are you ok?!
yourname yeahhh im better now
was just a lot to navigate
lewis glad you found an outlet! but remember you can always talk to any of us
yourname i know and i appreciate it, i really do
alex yn was that twitter thread right?
yourname mate youre going to have to elaborate
alex user56tweetlink
yourname oh pretty much yeah
some things were changed with taylor but not much
fernando just listened to the song yn! very nice👍well done!
yourname thank uu
max good song yn!
lando can you please tell me what you meant on your twitch stream!
oscar max is kind of scary
max dont make me talk about that interview next oscar!
763 notes · View notes
delimeats-000 · 6 months
Can you do either Dom Matt or Chris x reader smut where the reader has a massive praise kink?
summary: idk man js read it if you care that much.
warning: sex. on the kitchen counter.
pairing: chris sturniolo x reader
“hey cutie” chris walks into the kitchen.
“im busy chris.” i say quickly trying to strain the pasta before my sauce burns.
“busy cooking?” he comes up behind me“that’s kinda laaame”
“at least i can cook” i roll my eyes at him.
“oh really? lemme taste it.” he takes a spoonful of my homemade marinara. blowing on it a little he tastes it, licking his lips he smiles. “that’s fucking phenomenal ma.”
blushing at the name and the compliment i smile, “really? you like it?”
“i love it.” he seems to take notice of the change in my demeanor. he takes another spoonful and blows on it cooling it down before bringing it up to my lips. he places a hand under my chin lifting my head. “open.”
doing as im told, i take the spoon in my mouth, “good girl.” he knows what he’s doing, he knows he’s distracting me.
he wipes the corner of my mouth licking his finger. “tastes good right?”
“mhm.” i say quiet.
“don’t be shy cutie, being so good for me so far.” his hand snakes around my waist pulling me in. “you gonna keep being my good girl?”
“yes chris.”
his lips crash against mine, the kiss is hungry and loving. he lifts me onto the counter behind me, “take off your shirt baby.”
i pull my shirt over my head and his eyes trail down to my tits then my stomach all the way back up. “so fucking beautiful ma.” his lips attack my neck leaving marks down to my collarbone.
i reach my hand into his hair tugging as i moan his name. “you sound so pretty.”
“chris please, i ne- need more.” he detaches from my neck and looks at me.
“tell me what you want pretty girl.”
“touch me please, i need you so bad.” i whine as he brings his hand up to grasp my throat gently.
“since you asked so nicely..” he pulls down my pants getting lower and spreads my thighs. “so pretty baby.” he says trailing a finger on the went spot covering my panties.
slowly he peels away the only fabric keeping his from putting his long calloused fingers in me. he runs the tip of his pointer finger up and down my slit, his finger getting slick in the process.
putting his two middle fingers in me steadily i let out a cry. “chris fuck” he begins scissoring his fingers as they move in and out of me.
“does that feel good princess?” i nod my head in response, “no no baby, lemme hear that pretty voice.”
“yes chris, feels so good” i bring my hands to rest on his shoulders gripping onto them for dear life. “chris fuck i- im gonna cum” he stops immediately. i cry out and he kisses me softly.
“gonna cum on my cock, ok baby?” he says lowering his sweats to his knees.
“yes fuck me chris please.” he spreads my legs even more, and lining himself up with my dripping pussy he slides in.
bottoming out, we let out loud moans while resting our foreheads against eachother. “fuck- you’re so tight baby.” he stays still inside of me but i can still feeling him twitching.
“chris please move” he begins slowly thrusting into me, “FASTER-” i accidentally scream out.
chris covers my mouth with one hand while the other is wrapped around me so he can fuck himself into me faster. “those pretty moans are just for me cutie.”
i can feel him twitching inside me as i come closer to the edge. “you’re fucking me so good chris- gonna cum soon”
“me too baby cum with me” he gets sloppier with each thrust until me and him finish together, feeling his cum shoot deep inside of me, we ride out our high sweating and out of breath.
he kisses me softly before pulling out, i feel myself dripping out onto the counter. “fuck i gotta clean this up.”
“nah i got it cutie.” chris puts my clothes back on me, “i’ll take care of dinner too.”
“yeah right, you’ll burn it.”
“fine go right ahead, less work for me.” he shrugs.
giggling i push him away, “no more distractions.”
been a while, love you🫶🏼
taglist- @dev-speaks @strniohoeee @daddyslilchickenfingers2 @daddyslilchickenfingers @sturnphilia
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marlenesluv · 8 months
could u do like shes just started leave after a tour? and then like shes now able to go with him to races and its like their hard launch
Hard Launches Only. (OP)
yesss, i can do this for sure!!
pairing: oscar piastri x military!reader
fc: haylujan on insta
request: link
masterlist here -> masterlist link
^ check my list for all posts! ^
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liked by: oscarpiastri, yourbsf, and 61,023 others
y/n.user: leave starts now, thank yew 😋
view comments…
piasstri.81fp: oscar?? what are you doing here???
y/nfp.rahhh: babe come home, the kids miss you
user3: ty for you service, now pls marry me
f1updates: any other oscar piastri fans see him liking this and following her??
↳ papayafan814: yea but oscar follows and likes a lot of stuff
logansargeant: RAHHHH 🇺🇸🦅
*liked by creator*
user8: you are slayingggg
keekeeaye: brooo, you’re so pretty what the hell
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liked by: y/n.user, landonorris, and 246,092 others
tagged: y/n.user
oscarpiastri: welcome home, babe ❤️
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user7: 😱 OH MY GOSH
papayaposts: bro doesn’t know what a soft launch is
osca81: my heart stopped, y/n is his gf!!?
↳ mclaren4edit: YES
↳ osca81: they are sooo cuteeeee🥹
y/n.user: home just in time for singapore🤗❤️
↳ oscarpiastri: my lucky charm🤭
user5: SHES A PILOT???????
↳ y/n.fp: YUH
landonorris: Y/N IS BACK?? YAYAYAYA
↳ y/n.user: LANDOOOOO
alobonooo6: between the hard launch and y/n being close with lando, im gonna squeal. i loveeee
your instagram story:
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seen by: oscarpiastri, danielricciardo, and 82,924 others
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liked by: oscarpiastri, francisca.cgomes, and 94,024 others
y/n.user: singapore, you’re stunning ✨🇸🇬
view comments…
oscarpiastri: you make singapore shine brighter
↳ y/n.user: osc🥲🫠
user4: the outfit is outfittingggg
formula1updates: they just make sense together
y/n.fanage81: anyone else curious how they met…
↳ y/n.user: i was on leave last year and met oscar in australia on my vacation with family!
↳ y/n.fanpage81: ohhh okay! (totally not freaking out that she responded to me)
mclareneditpage: oscar’s face LMAOOOO
grandprixoff1edits: my new fav wag fr. i cant believe she’s in the army
y/nedits9: prettyyyyy
vroomvroom69: can’t wait for wag posts with y/n eee
your instagram story:
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seen by: mickschumacher, oscarpiastri, and 95,824 others
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liked by: oscarpiastri, lilymhe, and 94,130 others
y/n.user: my fav part abt races is pic time, oh, besides oscar winning the singapore gp🤭🫶
view comments…
oscarpiastri: it’s cause you’re my lucky charm 😁🫶
↳ y/n.user: no, babe, you’re just that good😚
landonorris: 😒
↳ y/n.user: you’re gonna get like next week, lan🔥
↳ landonorris: i better
user3: literally create a .jpg, you’re too good
*liked by creator*
f1editpage: you were so iconic in the interviews. i cant wait for more content with you!
francisca.cgomes: you’re so sexy
↳ y/n.user: you’re sexier
piasstrisfpbb: she serves in the army and on instagram
↳ y/n.user: i also served in hs at a cheesecake factory😝
your instagram story:
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seen by: oscarpiastri, maxverstappen1, and 98,024 others
oscar’s instagram story:
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seen by: y/n.user, charles_leclerc, and 187,024 others
(reposts, comments, and likes are appreciated!^-^)
506 notes · View notes
thenickgirl · 1 month
BSF!Nick HeadCanons
nick x fem!reader
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disclaimer: this is all fictional, and based on my own conclusions.
warnings: kinda long, very very self-indulgent, pure fluff, swearing.
Nick as your best friend:
⚤ he loves to spend time with you, always asking you to come over and keep him company.
⚤ the two of you are so close and so comfortable with each other that you tell each other everything, the good, bad, and the ugly.
⚤ he’s protective, not overly, but you always know that you’re safe with him. he’s not letting any hate get to you, and if it does he’s always there to comfort you. he doesn’t hesitate to put haters in their place when it comes to you, not caring about any backlash it could cause him.
⚤ you both send tik toks and instagram reels back and forth all day long.
⚤ you share locations with each other, and anytime he checks and sees that you’re somewhere he doesn’t recognize he’s calling you immediately:
“bitch! where the fuck are you???”
“nick, are you fr checking my location again?”
“yes, now take your fast ass home”
⚤ when you’re sick, he’ll come over and help take care of you. attempting (failing) to make you soup, but then decides to just order in from panera. he’ll cuddle up with you while you watch movies or some reality tv show.
⚤ he’s always teasing and making fun of you, you both playfully argue so much that people on the outside think you actually hate each other.
⚤ you’re on the phone with each other for literal hours, whether it’s texting, on a call, or on FaceTime.
⚤ if you’re in college, he’ll make sure you stay on top of your studies. he’ll never let you put off schoolwork just to go hang out with him:
“nick come onnn, i can study when i get back, it’s fine i promise”
“un uhh, nope! you’re not gonna blame me when your ass fails”
“but ni-“
⚤ he loves when you go shopping or thrifting together. he’ll pick out outfits for you to try, and you do the same for him. the both of you hyping each other up when you come out of the dressing rooms.
“yesss girl, you look so amazing in that dress!”
“says you, i love that shirt on you, it’s definitely your color!”
⚤ he’s a big foodie, and so are you. so breakfast and/or lunch dates are a staple in your friendship. he loves going to your favorite restaurant or cafe to just sit and talk about whatever and whoever. sometimes you like to try out new places and add them to your list.
⚤ he’ll send you flowers or candy on valentine’s day because he’s such a sweetheart, and never wants you to feel alone or unloved.
⚤ he’s always gassing you. he never hesitates to call you pretty or gorgeous, saying how much he loves your outfit, your hair, or your new bag. he’s your number one hype man for sure. you of course, are the same way with him never passing up an opportunity to let him know he’s so handsome and the baddest bitch.
⚤ you’re pretty much the ceo of the nick defense team, always on go when it comes to people being disrespectful towards him.
⚤ he’s basically your personal photographer. he loves taking your pictures for you, and you love to brag about his skills. he loves when you take pictures together as well, adding them to his photo dumps, giving very much bff goals.
⚤ since he doesn’t drive he loves riding with you, he even bought a “passenger princess” sticker to put on your glovebox just for shits and giggles. sometimes you guys would just spend the day riding out, blasting music and singing along, snacking on the random goodies you pick up along the way, just simply enjoying each others company.
“bitches be quick but i’m quicker”
“bitches be thick but i’m thicker”
⚤ if you’re in a relationship or get into one, he’ll be very protective over you, yet respectful of your relationship. he’ll make friends with them, and try his best to get along for the sake of your friendship. he’ll even plan group outings so you all can hang out together and get to know each other.
⚤ however, the second you call him in the night crying, he’s ubering over to your house to comfort you. he’ll hug you and wipe your tears, reassuring you that you deserve so much better than them.
“you’re amazing and i love you so much, y/n. you didn’t deserve that, and if you want, we can go egg their car right now”
“you get the eggs, i’ll start the car”
⚤ he doesn’t believe in fighting with friends. any arguments between the two of you wouldn’t last very long, you’ll always end up talking things out and laughing about it later.
⚤ he loves to include in the videos, especially any challenges they do like the baking videos. you always get front seat if you’re ever in the car videos, and he makes sure you get to speak.
⚤ he absolutely loves the bond you have with his brothers, and you would tease him about liking one of them solely to get on his nerves:
“matt has been looking really good lately..”
“y/n i swear to god…”
“what?? i’m just being real”
“i’ll actually kill you both”
“bitch, shutttt up! you love me too much”
“you’re right. now stop talking about matt before i throw the fuck up”
⚤ if the stars happen to align where you and one of his brothers fall in love and actually get together, he’ll be so annoyed at first, not willing to share you. eventually he’ll be okay with it, just happy that you both are happy, as long as you keep the pda out of his line of sight.
⚤ he fucking loves your cooking. he knows better than get in your way by trying to help so he’ll sit at the table and watch you. you don’t mind his company at all while you’re cooking, even letting him taste test which he never refuses. he’s constantly calling or texting to see what’s on your menu:
“please please PLEASE tell me you’re cooking tonight. i cannot eat in n out again”
“well, i guess i am now”
⚤ you always have him, matt, and chris over on Sunday’s. you love giving them the ultimate sunday dinner experience. you make sure you cook more than enough so they have some to take home as well.
⚤ any time one of you sees those cute and fun best friend date activities on tik tok or instagram, you’re instantly texting it to one another, making plans to try it out.
⚤ when you take him out to the club or a just night out with the girlies, he’s having the time of his life. he’s hyping you up while you’re dancing and throwing it in a circle. he’ll capture every second to show to you later cause you’re so gone you won’t remember a thing. the next day he’s asking you to teach him how to twerk like that for the next outing.
⚤ since you have similar music taste, you love going to concerts and festivals together. all in coachella with your matching crop tops and boots, turning heads left and right. you two are literally glued to the hip the whole weekend, holding hands and jumping around, dancing to the beat just loving the experience.
⚤ he absolutely loves sleepovers, and he’ll always be the one to suggest them. he’ll have a space for you in his closet and at his sink because of how often you stay over.
“bro is there a reason you called me 15 times??”
“uh is this the body scrub that you use? i��m gonna get it for my bathroom so you don’t have to keep bringing yours every time”
“nick, you really could’ve just tex-“
“YES OR NO??!”
⚤ whenever you sleep over, you always do your nighttime and morning skin routines together. ‘faerie soirée’ playing softly on the portable speaker while you go through your skincare steps, singing along, and swaying your hips to the beat.
⚤ he is obsessed with the different ways you style your hair. his jaw drops every time you pull up with something new. he was completely gobsmacked when you showed up with a 30 inch bust down after just rocking your natural fro, then two weeks later in some knotless braids down to your knees. he’s always asking your opinion on his next hair color, but you beg him to keep his natural hair for a while longer.
⚤ he always waits to get his nails done with you so you both can match. in the days before your appointments with analysse, he’s sending you different ideas he sees on pinterest for you both to choose from only to ultimately decide to just let analysse freestyle.
⚤ when it comes to his brand, space camp, he’s always giving you the sneak peeks. he’ll let you be the first one to try the newest flavor because he trusts your judgment, and knows that you’ll always be honest with him:
“okay, what about this one? did you like it?”
“friend, i ain’t gone hold you…that shit nasty as fuck”
“well damn bitch, tell me how you really feel. okay, we’ll scrap that one”
⚤ he loves when you come to boston with him to visit his family. mary lou and jimmy absolutely adore you, and so does all his hometown friends nate, mckayla, and chloe.
⚤ the snap streaks between you two go crazy. you’re both constantly snapping each other the most random shit.
⚤ he’s always telling you about the guys he’s crushing on or talking to. he’ll ask you if you think they’re cute or not, and wants advice on what to say to them. if they send him nudes, better believe he’s immediately sending them to you for you both to talk (or laugh) about:
“girl you won’t believe what he just sent me”
“ouuu how big is it?”
“bitch, i’ve seen baby carrots bigger than that”
⚤ on halloween, you guys love to find matching costumes (when he’s not matching with matt and chris) and sometimes the four of you would find costumes to match together.
⚤ on your birthday, don’t be surprised to find yourself plastered all over his story. he’s posting a photo dump of you together with a lil paragraph, going on and on about how amazing his best friend is. you’ll have gifts galore from him, matt, and chris.
⚤ he’s super supportive of whatever you do, helping you in any way you can to achieve whatever it is you need to.
⚤ he’s the perfect best friend and he takes the bond that you have very seriously, never letting anyone or anything jeopardize it.
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🏷️: @muwapsturniolo @mattslolita @guccifrog @luverboychris @freshloveforthefit @matty-bear @sturniolossss @imsosillygoofylol @nickgetsmewetter @mybelovednick @moonk1ss3d @ghostking4m @certifiednatelover @meg-sturniolo
318 notes · View notes
strniohoeee · 5 months
matt hard launching his and readers relationship
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Matt and Y/N decided it was time to tell their fans they were together….after a year of being together and no one suspecting a thing
Warnings⚠️: None, kind of short?? Also based on the video I put at the end 😋
Song for the imagine: All Mine- Brent Faiyaz
Used to refer to a thing or things belonging to or associated with the speaker
Matt and I had been dating for a year. A full fucking 365 days with this man, and not a single soul knew. It was actually really funny…. We’d always see on TikTok their fans shipping or assuming he was dating all these random girls.
It made us laugh because yes he was in a relationship, but no not with any of these random girls. I was in the influencer world, and I did in fact know them and a lot of their friends. That’s actually how we met through our mutual friends. I was in a few of their videos as they were with me, but not a single person suspected we were a thing.
Personally we preferred it that way because a lot of their fans were a bit harsh with their feelings towards a lot of their female friends.
The hardest thing was to not be seen in public as a couple, so we’d always do group outings and not play the couple role. We wanted to tell our viewers, but on our own timing and when it felt ready.
I think 365 days was more than enough time to know this was a solid relationship, and that we were ready to showcase our relationship.
I’m not even going to lie, we didn't even hint not in the slightest that any of us were in a relationship. I mean no faceless pictures, no subs, no selfies together, not even sitting next to each other. We kept it really low for a long time.
About a few day ago Matt and I had decided we wanted to hard launch our relationship, but we thought a YouTube video was a bit outdated and cringe, so we decided on a TikTok which isn’t better, but still preferred it.
“I’m thinking that NLE song” I said looking at matt
“Which one?” He asked raising his brow at me
“The one where it’s like you can call her phone, but she ain’t gonna answer” I said
“Waittt I like that tell me more” he said scooting closer to me
“Soo basically I can lip sync you can call her phone, but she ain’t gonna answer and then I pan it to you and youll be like you can call her phone, and I’ll probably answer” I said scrolling on TikTok to show him the videos
“I fuck with that idea let’s do it” he said watching the videos with me
“Okay so I’m going to lay down on your lap and then pan the phone up to you” I said
“Sounds easy” he said laughing
Matt took his phone out and opened TikTok to the sound bringing the phone down to me so I can grab it
“Ready?” He asked looking at me
“Yesss” I said getting excited
I brought the phone close to me and began
“You can call her phone, but she ain’t gonna answer” and panned the phone up to Matt
“You can call her phone, and I’ll probably answer” he lip synced
He looked down at me with a smirk and kissed me
I stopped recording and looked at the video, and we thought it was perfect.
“This is coming out of left field your fans are going to be so shocked” I said giggling
“I’m actually really excited for this” he said giggling
We watched the video one more time, and then Matt captioned it “Hard Launch?” And posted it
We started to giggle because we were so excited to tell our supporters we were together, but also because it felt like a huge accomplishment to go a year without anyone finding out.
Immediately his phone was blowing up with notifications. The comments, the likes, Sturniolo fan accounts posting the news. I mean it was huge
“Holy shit” we both said looking at everything
The comments were crazy
“Holy fuck we’ve been shipping him with other girls and the whole time he was with Y/N”
“We accused him of dating all these other influencers…and we were wrong LMFAOOO😭😭”
“Must be new because how did nobody guess this??”
“They are so cute together holy shit🥹”
“God damn he bagged a bad bitch😩”
I mean the complete love we were getting was astonishing like we never would’ve guessed.
“I say we post on Instagram?” Matt asked looking at me
“YESSSS” I said smiling at him
We decided to do a collab post and do a faceless picture which we found ironic but it was funny to us.
matthew.sturniolo and y/nthedawnnnn
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matthew.sturniolo: 365 days with the love of my life….I can't believe it’s been a full year with this amazing woman. She is the best thing to have ever happened to me. To many more years baby I LOVE YOU❤️
Ps check out our TikTok for our hard launch.
y/nthedawnnnn: I fucking love you so much, 365 days of pure happiness 🥹🤭
nicolassturniolo: my fucking queen Y/N…..this was the hardest secret I had to keep btw 😩
christophersturniolo: mom and dad??
christophersturniolo: the amount of clips that had to be edited out of our videos because I spilled the beans….
Larray: Matt got the cuntiest girl out there okay matty poo I see you😉
nathandoe8: so no more bedtime kisses for me??
madisonbeer: I love yall omg 🥰
naileadevora: Literally stole my bestfriend… like Y/N come back home the kids miss you😔💔
Sturnioloteam: OMGGGGG I LOVE YALL
sssturnioloz: shut the fuck up YES OMG
Chrizz_Sturnz: I can smell the edits and I can’t wait😋
The amount of love we were getting from our announcement made us sooo happy. I’m so glad we waited a year! This was the best day of my life!
The End
Idek how tf I was supposed to end it, but I hope you enjoyed it I LOVE YALL🤭🖤🖤
348 notes · View notes
cxcewg · 10 months
here with you
pairing: charles leclerc x fem!model!reader type: social media au author’s note: first time writing a social media au, hope you enjoy! lots of high school musical references in this haha but this was sm fun to make (took some time since it was my first time) and i did spend some time raging at tumblr before realizing id messed up i was gonna release this on tuesday, but because of charles's pole and then p3 i just had to get this out early so 😘 warnings: none! masterlist
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liked by pierregasly, francisca.cgomes, and 88,855 others
yourusername good times
tagged francisca.cgomes, pierregasly
view all 1,389 coments
verstoppn1 liked by pierregasly?!
verstoppn1 oh he’s tagged im stupid
francisca.cgomes sm fun 😂
yourusername haha a bit too much francisca.cgomes pierre was not happy  pierregasly my head still hurts 😔
indy019 wasn’t charles there?
yourusername he couldn’t make it sadly 😭 indy019 OMGG IM SCREAMING ILYSM
charles_leclerc wish i could have been there
yourusername ❤️ charlos4life omg the red heart? sharl.lecf1 i lowkey ship im ngl charlos4life ok chill its just 1 red heart
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liked by charles_leclerc, yourusername, and 125,307 others
pierregasly 🌃
tagged yourusername, francisca.cgomes
view all 3,917 comments
yukitsunoda0511 where was my invite?!
pierregasly you told us you were busy yukitsunoda0511 oh right i forgot
yourusername same time next week?
francisca.cgomes yesss
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liked by charles_leclerc, georgerusssel63, and 225,206 others
yourusername take 2 (ft. charles)
tagged francisca.cgomes, charles_leclerc, pierre_gasly
view all 5,826 comments
carmenmmundt ill bring george next time
yourusername yes carms!!
lilymhe so sad i couldnt make it 😭ill see you at silverstone though!
yourusername gl at shoprite ❤️ lilymhe 😘 f1vibes she’s going to silverstone?
cnlarlslec wait they’re so cute together
gaslypxiere fr, kika and pierre are a match made in heaven cnlarlslec i was talking about charles and yn but yk that works too
lannorrizz id give my liver to be a part of this friend group
mclaren.fan01 double date?!
nightsanna yn and charles arent dating tho? mclaren.fan01 shut up and let me be delusional ty
ynfan.1 you have to admit theyd be one bombass couple
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liked by charles_leclerc, pierregasly, and 139,008 others
yourusername silverstone you were amazing
tagged francisca.cgomes, pierregasly, alpinef1team
view all 4,842 comments
charles_leclerc come to ferrari next time?
yourusername get me a paddock pass and i will charles_leclerc already done lestappen4lifx OMG WHAT
alpinef1team happy to have you, come again sometime!
rosiesangel who is she?
f1luvr she’s a model who works at the same agency as kika and shes friends with the grid through pierre
hppycharles dang she should take up photography
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liked by charles_leclerc, pierregasly, and 211,923 others
yourusername spa i love you (p.s. congrats on pole charles)
tagged scuderiaferrari, charles_leclerc, carlossainz55
view all 4,842 comments
carlossainz55 it was amazing to meet you :) charles has told me so much
charles_leclerc CARLOS naatt03 DAMNNN LMAO OK CARLOS
scuderiaferrari we loved having you!
charles_leclerc ❤️
lecharles bro the second yn shows up charles gets a pole, does ok in the sprint too, AND THEN P3 IN THE ACTUAL RACE
lechairxx fr shes like his lucky charm or something yukisan he wants to impress her 😉 pierre_gasly yes he does lecharles PIERRE?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?
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liked by charles_leclerc, mickschumacher, and 129,201 others
lando.jpg he got some moves
view all 1,005 comments
charles_leclerc i didnt even know that was being taken
lando.jpg thats because you were too busy flirting with yn essiebessie DAMN LANDO AIRING OUT CHARLES’ BUSINESS LIKE THAT bellie02 wait so is this confirmation? applebottomjeans lando you’re so screwed lmao
pierregasly gvmve mewqeo photo ofre chslr aasdk yn ksifn
yourusername someone take his phone away charles_leclerc on it pierregasly smtgnfrn yudont wnna say snarls? yourusername where is kika 😭 lechres1 pierre had way too much champagne lechres1 wait lechres1 THE ;JLSDKGJRELNJKTWL lechres1 YALLL DID REWENJ JSUT GET CONFRIMATION lechres1 HOLD UP IM POSTING THIS ON TWITTER
comment has been deleted
amhyy lando being charles’ biggest fan
gusgus208 yn and charles again?!
1vstarpen the f1 grid is suc a vibe tbh
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liked by your_username, antoinetruchet, and 928,167 others
charles_leclerc Home GP video on my YouTube channel now 🇲🇨🤍 Link in bio
view all 9,840 comments
lechres1 at 7:10 timestamp estie.bestie WAIT I THINK THATS HER
indy019 anyone else hear about yn in this and came straight here to check
amizesgrace ✋  sleepininspa ✋ paddockgirlie ✋
nlsonarp we love you charles!
isa.bel are you and yn dating?
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liked by charles_leclerc, scuderiaferrari and 712,127 others
yourusername ive never had someone as good for me as you ❤️
view all 11,993 comments
pierregasly 👀
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liked by yourusername, francisca.cgomes and 1,099,328 others
charles_leclerc I've never had someone that knows me like you do
view all 19,916 comments
liked by charles_leclerc unliked by charles_leclerc landohasrizz4 ASDAFGHJKGFDSD HE LIEKD IT ITS YN
happyinlove ALSO HSM LYRICS
hungrif1fan im more surprised that charles has watched hsm happyinlove HE SURPRISES US EVERYDAY
charlos4life wait yn didnt like is it actually not her?
lechres1 BOTH OF THEIR SOFT LANCHES ARE FROM WHAT IVE BEEN LOOKING FOR FROM HSM ITS DEFINITELY HER lechres1 if its not her i will break osmething tho
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liked by charles_leclerc, pierregasly, and 1,401,416 others
yourusername it feels so right to be here with you ❤️
tagged charles_leclerc
view all 23,912 comments
charles_leclerc I've never had someone that knows me like you do
charles_leclerc je t’aime i love you your_username mon amour my love
landonorris fine landonorris charles you really failed me supamaxvst1 i love that the grid is just as happy as we are your_username YOU GUYS BET ON US?! landonorris uhhh pierregasly yea we bet which of you would hard launch first charles_leclerc sorry lando
landonorris great now stop making out when im literally in the room
carlossainz55 yeah its disgusting yourusername you guys are literally in love dont even
charlos4life ok shut up sharl.lecf1 😌
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liked by landonorris, pierregasly, and 1,806,784 others
charles_leclerc you might be ready to say good bye to east high but ill never be ready to say good bye to you
tagged your_username
view all 34,890 comments
yourusername the high school musical quote ❤️i’m so proud of you
charles_leclerc je t'aime tellement ma chérie i love you so much my dear
charlos4life WHEN IS IT MY TURN
josieeeee why don’t you do this for me?
maximx_ because the last time i tried to do a cheesy instagram launch you broke up with me josieeeee yes but we got back together didn’t we? maximx_ someone save me please
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liked by maxverstappen1, pierregasly, and 909,412 others
yourusername 800k likes and i’ll force charles to watch high school musical 2
view all 19,175 comments
yourusername god that was fast
yourusername kk we’re gonna watch it yourusername will update y'all l8r
charles_leclerc il n'y a rien que je ne ferais pas pour te faire sourire mon amour theres nothing i wouldnt do to make you smile my love
yourusername 🥺 landonorris whipped pierregasly whipped yukitsunoda0511 whipped carlossainz55 whipped charles_leclerc what does whipped mean?
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huggybearluvr · 7 months
one | jd6
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instagram edit
summary: You and Jamies One year anniversary post.
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liked by trevorzegras, jamiedrysdale, and others yourusername Happy One year Jamie Baby <3 This past year has been nothing but exciting, i love you more than anything in this world (yes, even more than Robert Pattinson). I cant wait to celebrate with you tonight...
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jackhughes I cant decide if I want to throw up or jump up and down
colecaufield MY PARENTS EVRYONE!!! Happy one year mom and dad!
anehiemducks our favorite couple!
jamiedrysdale I love you so much baby! Happy one year, I can't wait to celebrate😉😜
jackhughes MY EYES
colecaufield MOM DAD WHAT IS THIS
yourusername yes Z you do.
alexturcs My favorite couple of worms!
yourusernmae what.
Jamiedrysdale what.
Jackhughes they just don't understand us turcs
Alexturcs they really dont
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Liked by Yourusername, Lukehughes, and others...
Jamiedrysdale to my pretty girl, happy one year! and many more to come! I love you more than words could ever express.
view all comments…
yourusername awww baby, im gonna cry, I love you!
Jamiedrysdale I love you more
Lukehughes mama y papa
Yourusername MY SON
Jamiedrysdale HES NOT OUR SON
Yourusername YESSS
Jamiedrysdale NOOOOOO
Lukehughes dad doesn't want me?
Yourusername its okay my son!
TrevorZegras I love you guys together but it makes me wanna throw up, cry, and shit my pants all at the same time.
Anaheimducks our favs!!
yourusername Can we get a puppy now please?
Jamiedrysdale yes!
Trevorzegras no!
jackhughes YES!
Trevorzegras you dont even live with us.
jackhughes I stay over there all the time
Jamiedrysdale no you dont?
jackhughes I will if you get a puppy.
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kylelovskii · 11 months
like with how angry he gets— bully kyle just seems right 😇😇
holding my kyle plush as i write this tbh
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"you’re pretty..y'know that?" cartman asked you, pushing your hair behind your ear. you looked down, all shy, and nodded. "thank you.."
you knew this was wrong. kyle would surely find out, but you couldn’t help the way the compliments made you feel, and you also couldn’t help the way you felt when kyle would say such degrading things to you.
you two weren’t even together, so what was the harm of a little flirting with eric?
"bet you’re a good girl too. wanna show me?" your faced turned red. "are you sure? i don’t have much experience.." you bashfully admitted. cartman waved a hand and shook his head. "i’ll show you the ropes, doll."
"really?" you asked, eyes wide and expecting.
the the whole group was at eric’s house, but without kyle noticing, eric led you to a secluded area to whisper sweet nothings to you, and possibly get in your pants. it was definitely working.
"really," he answered, giving you an affirming nod.
you smiled as your eyes strayed over his shoulder, then you spotted kyle, gripping a cup of some sort of drink, tight. so tight you could see his knuckles turning white.
eric noticed your smile fading and the direction you were looking in. removing his hand from your face, he slid it down to your waist as he turned around.
his smirked faded as well, noticing the very tall red head. his face almost matched his hair, he looked so mad.
he dropped the cup on the floor, the liquid seeping into the carpet. cartman mentally cursed kyle. now he had another mess to clean up.
kyle shoved past cartman and gripped your arm, dragging you upstairs. as you squeaked know fear, he stayed silent. having been to cartman’s house a shit ton of times, he knew there was a guest bedroom. he swung the door open and slammed it shut. loud enough for the whole house to hear.
"doll? yeah fuckin' right. doll." he shoved you down on the bed and forcefully pulled your panties down. "more like a cheap whore."
"wait— st—" kyle grabbed your face, squishing your cheeks, and pulling it closer to his. "shut up. quit talking. i’ve heard enough of your annoying voice for one day."
kyle let go of you, taking off his glasses and shoving them on your face. he then unbuckled his pants, pulling them down slightly. he climbed into the bed, on his knees, then pulling his boxers down, freeing his cock.
"remember what i said last time? how you’re being punished and you’re not gonna get your way?" you started to say yes, but you were cut off, "i said i don’t wanna hear you. i know you remember. this is exactly one of those punishments. now you shut up and take what i give you."
he pried your legs open, then shoved himself inside you. he leaned his head back, groaning. "god, you are tight."
he started to fuck you at a brutal pace, harder than you could take. you sobbed loudly. "mgh—! wai—" you cried out, reaching up to put a hand on kyle’s shoulder.
"go on, cry. no one’s gonna come up here and fuck you like i do though. not cartman, not kenny, not anybody," he spat, grunting out each word. "i’msorryi’msorryi’msorry— kyle, pleaseee," you cried, tears streaming down your face from how good it hurt.
his pace was getting faster, and your screaming louder. his glasses began to fall off your face. he felt so good, but at the same time it was hurting. it hurt so good though.
"oh, don’t beg for me now. you were so ready for cartman to come up here and take you. but..i beat him to it, didn’t i, bitch?" the nickname made you pulse around him. he let out a loud groan.
"mmh…you like it when i call you a bitch, huh? thought you were a good girl? so much for that." the grip he hand on your waist was harsh and painful, surely to leave bruises.
you were so lost in the pleasure until you felt a sting on your cheek. then you felt it again. he was slapping you, trying to get your attention. "hey! i’m talking to you, cum dump."
a lovesick smile painted your face. "hmm?" you whimpered out. "you think anyone can fuck you like i do? s'that why you go around, lookin' for to someone to fuck you stupid?" you shook your head, letting out a desperate moan.
"speak up," he demanded. "n—..no. i don’t!" you whined, still shaking your head. "then why the hell do you do it, huh?"
"’cause…‘cause you’re mean! they’re n—nice!" kyle let out a loud, high pitched laugh. "i don’t give a shit if i’m mean or not. still fuckin' you, aren’t i? and look at you, you’re about to cum."
then kyle pulled out, ruining your orgasm. you cried, more and more tears falling down your face. "noo! nonono!" you whined, the brattiness lacing your voice. "shut up."
kyle scooted up, stroking himself quickly before letting out a loud moan and cumming all over your face.
he sighed, pulling his pants and boxers back up, then buckling his belt again. he looked at you, smirking. "god, you’re so pretty like that. go clean up. i’ll see you down stairs." he took his glasses off your face, and wiped the few drops of his release off them, then put them on his face, pushing them up with his thumb.
he got off the bed, then left the room before you could even beg for him to let you finish.
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lovelywritinglady · 1 month
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Beach Days
Gojo Satoru x f!Reader
Reader and Gojo spend the day at the beach together along with their classmates. Fluffy, Gojo being a slight ass. Some Nanami x reader because I felt like it. (especially after season 2 of JJK)
“Pleaseeeeee, come one Y/nnnnn! It’ll be so much more fun if you go too!” Gojo practically yelled trying to convince you to go with him and a few other classmates to the beach this Saturday.
“Gojo I already told you I’m busy that day.” You told him as your eyes never the assignment you were working on.
“Look I will fucking pay you to go with me, just please tag along! You ain’t afraid of water are ya?” He teased
“Fine, I’ll go. However, you’ve got to promise not to whine when I have to leave early. I have a test that I need a lot of time to study for.” You reluctantly told him secretly happy that he asked you to go to the beach with him and your other classmates. You blushed at the thought of being able to be with them in a positive way instead of fighting curses.
“Yesss, I promise we’ll have a shit ton of fun! And don’t you worry about that test. Even if you didn’t study you’d ace that shit, but as long as you go I won’t be sad you’re leavin’ early I guess.” He said excitedly with a slight pout on his oddly perfect lips.
“Maybe you’re right, but I’m not taking any chances.” You slightly laughed finding it cute that he was pouting a little.
“Alrighty, we’re all meeting up at the front of the school and taking a school van at 11. Don’t be late sugar.” Gojo stated as he quickly left but not before giving you a wink and a big wave goodbye. You rolled your eyes at his flirting but still felt butterflies in your stomach all the same. You hated your crush on Gojo but, seriously, who could help themselves when it’s the Satoru Gojo.
The next day…
You arrived at the meeting spot five minutes before 11 just in case. Funny enough, only Nanami Kento, your classmate, was there witha borded expression on his face. You walked up to him with your beach bag in hand and wished him a good morining.
"Good morning Nanami." You spoke to him giving him a small smile
"Ah, good morning L/n, I'm guessing that Gojo's constant pestering go to you too." He said in an irked tone.
"Yes, he was quite annoying about it, but I think it'll actually be good for me to have a relaxing day at the beach with you guys. Besides when is the last time we were together that didn't include killing something." You pointed out
"True, I didn't take that into consideration. It will be nice not having those responsibilities for once." He agreed giving you a small smile.
"So where is Haibara? Isn't he normally with you?" You asked him genuenly curious where your sweetheart of a classmate is.
"He said he would meet me here at eleven due to the face that he overslept a bit. I came earlier just in case Gojo decided to be spontaneous again and leave without us." Nanami responded checking his watch.
"Makes sense you'd be here early. You're always so punctual, that's what I like about you so much!" You complimented him giving him a wide smile.
"Oh, well thank you L/n." He said quietly blushing slightly at your niceness.
"Anytime, now when will they get here?" You questioned out loud.
As if you could see the future, there walked your remaining classmates along with their beach bags. Gojo, funny enough, had a big pink flamingo floaty on his arm and you laughed slightly at the sight. As soon as he saw you he picked up the pace, giving you one of his signature goofy smiles. Geto, Shoko, and Haibara waved at you and Nanami and the two of you returned the gesture. Your attetion turned to your white haired classmate as he strolled right up to you.
"You actually came and early too!" Gojo said excitedly
"Of course I did. I decided that it would be nice to get some sun." You told him slightly blushing at his exposed abs as him, Geto, and Haibara all were shirtless except for unbuttoned shirts.
"Well good Y/n, glad you're here!" he said getting closer to your face making you blush more.
"Alright Satoru, lets get loaded up!" Geto yelled getting into the drivers seat.
Everyone got in and Nanami made his way to sit next to you only for the seat to be taken by Gojo. You gave Nanami an apologetic smile as he took a seat next to Haibara instead. Gojo started yapping on about some video game he just started playing with Geto and how he was kicking his ass in it. You heard Geto mumble how Gojo was actually losing a lot, which earned a few chuckles from you and your other classmates. Gojo pouted and looked out the window with a huff. You thought it was cute seeing his lips pucker the way they did. A few minutes passed when he finally got out of his little trantrum and gave his attention to you. He began yapping and then proceeded to ask you all kinds of questions. However, one question stuck out from the rest.
"So y/n you got a boyfriend or something?" He asked but unlike the other questions, he spoke in a serious tone.
"Um...no." You responded back slightly confused as to where this question came from.
"Hmm... okay then!" He chirped and continued yapping once more. You looked at the front of the van only to see Geto smirking at you which caused your face to feel hot and your hands slightly clammy.
"Oi Y/n! Oi Y/n! Y/nnnnn, are you paying attention?" You finally heard Gojo whine.
"Oh sorry, what were you saying?" You asked giving him an apologetic smile. This yapping continued as Geto drove everyone to the beach.
After some time later, you all arrived at your beautiful destination. Geto and Shoko were the first ones to get out of the van. You and Gojo followed and then Nanami and Haibara were the last ones. You took in the sights before you. The ocean was a magnificent deep blue and the beach was vibrant white. The sun beamed down on you making you squint despite the fact that you were wearing sunglasses.
Before you could react you saw Gojo, Geto, and Haibara all running at full speed as they raced towards the water ahead. You could hear Haibara say the sad was too hot as he finally made it to the water, coming in third place with Gojo in first. A laugh erupted from you and Shoko as you held onto each other. You then looked at Nanami who had a content smile on his face which made you even happier. Just as you were about to say something to him, Shoko grabbed your arm pulling you to the other boys that were now splashing each other aggressively.
“Come on y/n!” Shoko yelled as she pulled you. You can’t remember the last time she was so lively, but you relished in it.
“Shoko we need to put sunscreen on first.” You giggled
“Oh yeah, right.” She stopped giving you a sweet smile.
“Might as well set up a spot too I guess.” You chimed in. You looked back at Nanami who also made
“Good idea, because there is no way in hell these boys are going to do it right. Well maybe Nanami.” She spoke.
The two of you then set up a spot with towels and a few beach umbrellas. It didn’t take long as the two of you were eager to be in the water. You and Shoko then got the sunscreens out of your bags and began putting it on yourselves. What you didn’t notice was Gojo staring intently at you, as he had for nearly the whole time you and Shoko were setting up the spot.
Just then, Gojo ran up to the two of you. His whole body soaking wet from the endless splashing he did with the boys. He stood in front of you with a wide grin on his face.
“Hey, you need help putting that sunscreen on y/n? Wouldn’t want ya burning.” He asked with a playful smirk
“Sure, why not. Thank you Gojo.” You responded handing him the bottle of sunscreen.
He took it happy from your hands as he gestured for you to turn around, to which you obliged. You could hear the sound of it opening and soon enough Gojo was applying it on your back. You didn’t even realize the furious blush on your face in this moment. The feeling of his hands on your body gave you goosebumps. And a content sigh left your lips. Gojo chuckled at this as he took it upon himself to give you a small massage which made you let out another sigh.
“There that should be good.” He commented but before you could respond he bent down and began whispering in your ear. “Y/n from now on I’d be honored if you’d call me Satoru.” He whispered as his right hand was still on your lower back. You turned your head to look at him as your eyes met his. You were so close to each other and if anyone was looking at the two of you, they would assume you guys were a lovesick couple. Shoko who was next to the two of you smiled thinking how finally the two of you were finally getting somewhere.
“Thank you Satoru.” You whispered looking back in fourth between his lips and his piercing eyes.
“Anything for you.” Satoru responded getting closer.
You moved yourself closer too even though space was rather limited at this point. You could feel his breath on his face. His eyes bore into yours as you couldn’t hide the fact that you wanted him to kiss you. Satoru could tell you wanted it and just as he was about to kiss you a beach ball was launched at the two of you. Thankfully, Satoru turned on his infinity shielding the two of you from it.
“Sorry Satoru! Sorry L/N!”Yelled Geto who stood in the water.
“Dammit Suguru!” Satoru exclaimed as he ran towards Geto. As he did he made sure to turn and give you a wink before running off towards his best friend.
Satoru tackled Geto and the two of them began wrestling in the ocean. This made you roll your eyes as Shoko laughed. The rest of the day consisted of you and Shoko talking under the umbrella talking and enjoying each others company. And occasionally going to the beach and making sandcastles. The boys spent the day playing in the water and making a sand fort. Nanami and Haibara took a walk down the beach with Haibara talking Nanami’s ear off, not that he minded. All of you enjoyed your time so much that when it was finally sunset, it had felt like the day had passed quickly.
“We should probably get going soon.” Shoko groaned.
“Yeah, or else Yaga is gonna be on our ass for being late.” You sighed dreading going back to school.
“Ha, not you with your perfect grades and all.” She teased putting away her beach stuff.
“Oh hush.” Responded.
As you and everyone else were putting away your stuff, you noticed Satoru missing from the bunch. You looked around only to see him standing in the ocean looking like he was staring off into the distance. He looked sad, almost melancholy. Your heat skipped a beat and before your brain had any say, you walked up to him. You then stood next to him looking up at his expression. He still hadn’t turned to you but you soon felt his hand grasp yours. You let this happen wanting to feel his warm hand on yours too. You both enjoyed the warm and comfortable sounds of the ocean with the waves crashing softly against your knees.
After a little while, he turned his head in your direction as a small smile appeared on his face. He couldn’t help but look at you. To him you were simply beautiful and someone he looked up to. You were strong, brave, and kind. However, you never boasted your power like he did. Instead you were humble about it and always congratulated others on their achievements without even a drop of envy. You were someone he dared admit that he really liked. And he was so glad that you agreed to come here on this beach trip with him. He then sighed gathering enough courage within him to ask you something that had been plaguing his mind for months.
“Y/n..” he dragged out feeling nervous
“Yes Satoru?” You asked with sweetness lacing your voice. This made his insides turn to mush.
“I’m sorry if this is forward, but would you like to date me?” He asked feeling relieved that he finally got those words out. You paused for a second taking in the question he asked as your chest filled with a warmth that only he seemed to ignite within you.
“Yes.” You replied simply. As you turned your head to him squeezing his hand softly as you did so. You then smiled at him giving him a loving gaze that made him give you one back. “What took you so long?” You teased to which he rolled his eyes playfully.
“To be honest, you make me nervous. You’re strong and your confident. And that’s super sexy.” He teased back wiggling his eyebrows
“Oh shut up.” You replied
“Oi, lovebirds we gotta go!” Yelled Geto from a distance.
“Shit.” You both muttered at the same time.
You both the began walking hand in hand back to the van. However, with a sudden burst of confidence, you swiftly turned around wrapping your arms around Satoru’s neck. His expression was a mixture of excitement and shock. You then pressed your lips against his, piling him closer to you. Satoru wrapped his arms around your body pulling you closer too as he reciprocated the kiss adding even more passion. His lips were addicting to say the least abc you wished that you had more time to savor him. Satoru felt the same as he brought one of his hand ups to your face caressing it slowly. You then broke the kiss feeling hot from the feeling of being that connected with him.
“Are you okay?” He whispered being his other hand up to your face as he held it gently.
“Yeah, are you?” You asked putting your hands on his giving him a content smile.
“I’m absolutely perfect.” He replied
“We should be getting back not.” You said reluctantly
“Yeah, don’t want Yaga getting on our asses for being late.” Satoru said as he took your hand once again as the two of you even waking. You already missed the feeling of his large hands on your cheeks.
“True that.” You replied giving his hand a squeeze.
“I’m glad you came with us today.” He said happily.
“Me too.” You replied.
“Fucking finally.” Geto and Shoko said in unison as you and Satoru sat together in the van. A furious blush gracing both of your cheeks.
“Agreed.” Nanami sighed behind you.
“Happy for you guys.” Haibara chimed in being positive as usual.
“Thank you.” You replied to him putting your head in Satoru’s shoulder.
The drive back was peaceful and filled with hope. Despite your lives, you and Satoru were content knowing that despite the shit that you would both experience, you would have each other. As the future for you both you be tough but in the end happy…or was it?
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Thank you so much for reading!💜
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•I do NOT own any characters except y/n•
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