#you gotta love that this is entirely marvel and dc
maxwell-grant · 3 months
"porous and easy-to-transplant like Spidey's villains" is it just me does Marvel have more of these guys than DC? Like we can just have random buff list villains go after a a variety of different characters?
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Oh yes, Marvel absolutely has the advantage when it comes to rogues gallery transplants, it's not even a contest. That's in large part because Marvel existed as a shared universe from the get-go: DC didn't quite jump on that wagon for a while. For most of the Silver Age, there was little to no cross-pollination between Superman and Batman, the existence of the Justice League not really mattering in their titles, where as Marvel was crossover town from day one. They each offer different kinds of narrative real state for their villains to exist in.
The DCU's defining figures, Superman and Batman, live in opposite cities with opposite tones and opposite casts and everybody else has to occupy the space between their two extremes, and most of the other bigger heroes have their own cities: your Star Cities and Central Cities and Hub Cities and Bludhavens and whatnot. Thus most of their villains and villain casts are centralized, and sometimes they even have formal agreements about this kind of stuff. There's almost like a Venture Bros-esque union thing going on sometimes in the DCU where most of their popular villains and heroes are fairly exclusive to one another, with characters like Killer Frost, Gentleman Ghost and Solomon Grundy who transcend this being mostly such due to their heroes being more absorbed and integrated into ensembles than their own adventures.
The major exceptions for these tend to be villains specifically made or set to menace the entire universe, like Superboy Prime or Perpetua or, Amanda Waller this month I guess, and Event Villains are kind of their own thing (and mostly not very good). DC doesn't have a Doctor Doom, in the sense of a big great iconic villain for the whole universe and specific heroes in it who also can and will fight anyone and it will pretty much always be great no matter who he's fighting. They try to make cosmic baddies like Brainiac into those kinds of figures and it never works as well, it always just makes them too generic, there's no spark to the ensuing dynamic. Vandal Savage is probably the closest to one that works and, love the guy, but he's sporadically great and simply not up to the standard this requires.
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Marvel, in turn, has been in the business of regularly loaning out bad guys, maybe ever since Sandman joined up the Frightful Four? He wasn't just a one-off thing like that time Daredevil and Doctor Doom swapped bodies and fought, no he was regularly showing up as a villain in F4, in a new costume even. Marvel already started with all of their major defining characters living in the same sandbox, everybody is within a few blocks away from each other most of the time, and so everybody is everybody's problem most of the time, it's the bastardverse and they are all crammed together, and it's not terribly surprising why they fight all the goddamn time. All the major Marvel villains are shooting to rule the same city/planet and destroy more or less the same people and therefore they kinda have to be on a first-name basis with each other, and all the middle-leaguer/second-stringer baddies are getting beaten up by the same people in the same city. Reverse-Flash and Joker going after anyone other than their respective arch-enemies feels fake and perfunctory, but guys like Ultron and Norman Osborn, who also have specific arch-enemies, can transit between individual problems for different heroes and larger-scale problems for everybody just fine. A DC hero will rarely be in Lex Luthor's line of sight unless they are specifically doing something that will piss him off, where as if you are a Marvel hero, it's a fact that sometimes you'll just randomly orbit Wilson Fisk's business and thus you gotta dodge gunfire for it that day.
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This especially applies for the smaller-scale villains, not too strongly attached to the hero they may have started out with to the point they become ensemble villains, the ones that easily and eventually become someone else's problem. Your Mr. Hydes and Absorbing Men and Arcades and High Evolutionaries and whatnot, Spider-Man is stuffed with these. Sometimes these characters will click so well with specific heroes they'll achieve wholly different kinds of stardom or characterization (Kingpin in Miller's Daredevil, Brain Drain and Kraven in Squirrel Girl, etc), and sometimes they'll graduate into the position of supporting character or even main character. The peak example of this is Taskmaster, because while the likes of Loki and Venom can claim greater stardom, they did so by becoming anti-heroes and are generally still attached at hip to their heroes of origin, where as Taskmaster is a midcard villain to the bone and it's extremely easy to forget he was an Avengers villain at first, he is just fully A Guy in his own right who will go anywhere and menace anyone for the right price (except Moon Knight, because he is too scary), he'll scale up and down and be everyone's problem until he's not being paid to do so and then it's cool. DC doesn't really have an equivalent to him (they kinda try with Deathstroke but, pfft, please, that guy is a diehard obsessive Teen Titans villain and that's not even the more embarassing thing about him). They have countless midcarders just picking dust within their respective rogues galleries that could easily be migrated elsewhere.
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But on the other hand, Marvel doesn't quite have what you'd call a Legion of Doom/Injustice League, in the sense of being able to pair all of it's biggest villains from the biggest corners of the world together in a team-up and have it work. There's been attempts over the years to make things like the Masters of Evil and the Cabal land as such and they never really stuck, the closest you get to an iconic Big Villain Team is the likes of the Sinister Six and the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, groups tailored to menace specific heroes or hero teams, or things like The Black Order and the Dark Avengers, ultimately extensions of bigger villains (the Thunderbolts are their own thing). Maybe it's because Marvel doesn't really have a major concentrated dominant heroic force on the level of the Justice League that would demand all their villains to put everything aside to try and stop it (although DC can't really justify the Legion of Doom/Injustice League as an ongoing thing most of the time, they don't exist as a regular thing). It might be a mismatch of priorities, that it doesn't have a Lex Luthor as a a clear-cut Union Chief to properly call in and command other arch-enemies who would be willing to pay union dues and work together to better destroy the specific guys they individually hate. Marvel's major villains are a clutch of arch-bastards all trying to be king of the world who hate each other as much, if not more, as they hate their heroes and the only one who could rise above them to the top leadership position is Doctor Doom, who has no need to be leading or participating in something like this. Loki had to put on a whole charade of pretending to be subservient to each of them in order to pull off the gathering he did in Acts of Vengeance, and that only worked once.
Another obvious immediate answer for why is that, as Acts of Vengeance and other stories have shown time and time again, you kinda can't gather all of Marvel's biggest villains in one place and not include the Red Skull, and thus other villains jumping over themselves to murder him the second he walks into the room. But they've done attempts without him or a significant Nazi villain in the room, and they still largely didn't land. It might be overall that, the point of the Legion of Doom is to force all the separate characters and domains of the DCU to join forces to oppose it and that's why they have to be a threat to the Justice League, with none of it's villains exactly meeting that standard on their own, but Marvel's heroes are already all crammed together in cliques on the same places and fighting/putting differences aside to tackle bigger threats all the time, and so there's not really a point of forcing that through a especially big villain gathering.
There isn't really a unity among the Marvel heroes comparable to the one that demands Lex Luthor to call in all the other arch-enemies to try and break, and the one time Norman Osborn attempted to call in one at the height of his power, it was repeteadly emphasized how stupid he was to expect to be able to gather and control and command said people (and when Namor tried to revive the Cabal for the sake of succeeding where the Illuminati failed, things went even worse for him). In the end, Marvel is just too chaotic for the villains to exist in a centralized ruling body like that, if the heroes can't agree on anything why would their villains be any different.
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winteriron-trash · 2 months
pinned faq
hi, my name is roman. i used to be a semi-popular winteriron blog, but now this blog is mostly dead. so. rip, gone but not forgotten. but i still get some pretty common questions so here's a one-stop shop for most of them as well as links to the important things.
My Tumblr Fic Masterlist
My Ao3
My (dead) WinterIron Discord Server
Did you write the Tony Stark wifi tower fic?
yes, i wrote that fic! it is by far the most popular thing i've ever written and it will probably outlive me.
I found that fic on [insert site here], do they have your permission?
probably not, no. i have found that fic everywhere. and i mean everywhere. pinterest, wattpad, facebook, instagram, tiktok, mediachomp, and so on. honestly, it's been years and i can't control or chase down every single copy and i have no interest in doing so. i don't love that it was stolen from me (especially on for-profit sites) but it just is what it is. it's a fanfic rite of passage to have your stuff stolen, honestly.
can i do a translation/podfic/write something inspired by one of your fics/posts?
yes! there is always a blanket permission to do any sort of transformative work with my work, especially my older stuff. if it sparks joy and creativity in you, run wild with it. i prefer to be credited, but honestly, i'm just happy to see my stuff still inspiring people.
will you ever write winteriron/mcu fanfic again?
well, you should never say never. but in this case, you might want to say never. i have very little interest in winteriron or the mcu in general outside of nostalgia, and i likely will never write anything substantial for them again. it's sad, i miss it too, but i just don't have that spark for marvel these days. mostly i write dc comics fanfiction.
did you write [insert winteriron fic/post here]?
idk. maybe. probably. i wrote and posted a lot of things. you can scroll the tag on this blog to find all my old posts, some more popular than others. if you think it was me, chances are, it probably was. i got around a lot from like 2018 to 2020.
do you have a tagging system?
i used to but lord if i'm going to use it now. i don't even remember it, so your guess is as good as mine. tbh i just use tags as a place to ramble these days so navigating my blog is about as easy for you as it is for me. which is to say, it's not easy at all. because tumblr's search function is ass. i do know one of my old tags has my deadname in it. you'll probably find it if you look hard enough, but that is what it is.
are you going to revive this blog?
probably not consistently, no. if i have something i really want to say here, i'll say it, but i don't have much interest in maintaining this like i used to. i want to be able to, i miss posting here a lot, i just don't think it'll spark joy for me the way it used to, which sucks but that's just the way things go.
why did you leave this blog?
idk. life happened. i was an 18-year-old fighting chronic health conditions and mental health issues that led to me dropping out of high school so, tumblr sort of fell to the back burner, then got forgotten about entirely. eventually, i lost interest in the mcu as i felt the quality of it took a turn for the worst and i went back to dc, which i'm still into. i read some marvel comics, enjoy an occasional mcu project, but largely i just don't have the interest i used to. it sucks and i miss it, this blog probably kept me alive as a teenager. but now it's mostly just an archive of my past, and i'm okay with that.
can i talk to you/send you an ask/befriend you anyway?
sure, if you want, don't know if i'm good company though. but i'm always open to making friends and reminiscing about winteriron, marvel, and all that good stuff. i've gotta warn you though, tumblr fucking eats my DMs on this blog like no fucking business. i'm regularly fighting it. my discord is devilbonesofmetal if you wanna yell at me there, just say you're from tumblr.
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hatsunevitu · 1 year
i, personally, am not really into stan getting into kyman’s way and trying to stop them from dating, but it seems to be one of the most popular trope for stan in kyman fics. and although i can see the appeal, i prefer another option.
please think about stan who’s actually helping kyman to get together.
so cartman has a big and (as he thinks) unrequited crush on kyle, and he decides that the fastest and most effective way to win kyle’s heart is to get stan’s support since stan and kyle are the best friends. and if you have stan by your side, you can say that half of work here is done.
and as a professional manipulator cartman convinces stan into helping him – he plays the “i’m on my meds & went through therapy” card, he says that stan is the one who gotta understand how broken heart and unmutual feeling hurt, that it’s almost their prom and cartman doesn’t have enough time to hit on kyle properly – and who knows, maybe they won’t even be in touch after kyle enters the university, so cartman has only one chance. he swears on his life he’s never gonna hurt kyle, and he flatters stan by saying he always hated him the least out of all the boys.
and stan as a hopeless romantic and sucker for stories with unmutual crushes finally gives in agreeing to help cartman. bonus if wendy is totally into this idea because a) it’d be amusing to watch them having their drama; b) she supports gay rights and wrongs; c) she think that kyle would be like a good influence for cartman and could “fix him” (my girl has never been so wrong in her entire life)
so they all start a whole new project for making kyle consider cartman as a proper romantic partner.
cartman: Okay. You have to invite him to the cinema BUT you will dump him at the very last minute so he’ll have to go there with me. What movie should we choose?
stan: Uhhh… There’s a new DC movie?
cartman: DUDE! Even I know he’s more of a Marvel fan.
stan: Well, I’m- I’m not supposed to memorize his preferences by heart, you know!
cartman: You’re his best friend?????
btw stanman and candy bonding over there :333
so wendy and stan help him to plan the whole dates, but the minor problem is that they have veeery different understanding of the romance.
wendy: The best way to win his heart and make some obvious hints is to take him out for a romantic dinner in the restaurant!
stan: No way, Kyle’ll hate that! Take him for a basketball game, he loves basketball.
cartman: …Can’t I just invite him to watch “The passion”?
wendy&stan, indignantly: CARTMAN!
cartman: What? It’s symbolic!
so they end up convincing him that kyle is never gonna like cartman if he doesn’t hide his true self, so he has to pretend a lot. he hates this idea, but eventually agrees and starts faking his behaviour being all nice, polite and kind-hearted, but every time their dates become a mess. and kyle seems to react veeery negatively, because even though he thought he wanted cartman to change, and he’s supposed to be happy that cartman is finally acting like a decent normal person – deep down he can’t get rid of this vague feeling that something is wrong, that he’s faking. and it irritates him so much he gets more and more angry and yells at cartman almost every time, even though there are no visible reasons for that.
and one day cartman just freaks out because he’s tired of faking, and if kyle doesn’t like the real cartman, than fuck him. and he finally asks him out the way he truly wanted – with mean jokes, rude behaviour, they just go to kfc and then sit at home watching dumb horror movies in cartman’s bedroom. and that was the first time they kissed – the first time in a long time when kyle saw cartman’s real self. and oh boy did he missed it.
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lexcellence · 3 months
What is it about Western comics as a medium that enables them to tell specific stories--or be types of art--that other media can't replicate? It feels like it'd be so easy to translate a comic to a film, but we've also seen how outrageously difficult it really is. What, to you, makes comics so worth it all?
This is gonna be long and hella cynical, and I'm going to specifically focus on the big two (Marvel and DC) here, but I think a big part of it comes down to money, and the fact that comics are largely considered to be disposable media by the companies creating them.
See, there isn't a ton invested into the actual creation of comics. Creators are freelancers, so no need to worry about pesky things like "paying a reasonable wage," or "offering health insurance" — every few months or so you'll see people who shaped and revolutionized the medium setting up gofundme's because they never got a safety net, and they aren't taken care of by the companies they put all that work into. IP rights and royalties largely aren't a thing, and the nature of capeshit is that you're always going to find some fan who is honored to have the opportunity to write for them, even as the creators they grew up reading are torn up and spit back out. Couple that with an inherently built in marketbase of nerds, and, more often than not, not "wasting" money advertising actual comics to anyone who doesn't buy them already, and to a large extent it doesn't really matter what risks a comic takes. Warner and Disney don't really have to give a shit —a "bad" superman comic, by any definition of bad, might piss off a few nerds, but isn't gonna do a damn thing to the cultural perception of Superman™️, the Brand™️, available on everything from t-shirts to truck nutz at your local Walmart. And hell, 99 times out of 100 the nerds will keep buying the book anyway, and who cares if they don't, because the comic shops will.
Movies, on the other hand, are a pretty significant investment! You've got actors, hundreds of people in cast and crew, and *actual marketing.* They've gotta make that money back and then some, while appealing to an audience of people who might own a Batman wallet, but couldn't tell you the difference between Joe Chill and Victor Fries. It's harder to take risks with movies, because suddenly you might actually taint the image of a seventy year old brand, and that terrifies all of the investors. You throw too much Comic Book Bullshit™️ at general audiences who haven't already devoted their personalities to caring about who Batman is fucking that week (Hal Jordan), and it gets messy. This isn't even some "general audiences wouldn't understand*" gatekeepy shit, either - if you pick up literally any random comic issue and you don't like it, worst case scenario you've spent like four bucks and fifteen minutes of your life, and you've got anything from dozens to thousands of other issues to try.
*that being said, I still maintain that Batman & Robin is better than any Batman comic that came out that year, and everyone who says otherwise is a fucking coward.
And so, comics end up in a weird, probably ultimately untenable position of being able to take more risks, and being made largely by people who love comics, and grew up speaking their bullshit language. They're self-obsessed and masturbatory, sure, but the thing about saying that derogatorily is that it ignores the fact that masturbation is fun? The worst comics I've read, and I've read a lot of bad comics, are still almost always labors of love, be that for better or for worse. As exhausted as I get sometimes, it's hard for me to write that off entirely.
And, ultimately, I'm just way too invested in who's fucking Batman (Superman).
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abyssal-ali · 1 year
Pretty Petty Pranks
Pairing: Brucinette
Rating: G
WC: ~1.5k
A/N: This wasn’t written with a specific Batman in mind, but he’s giving Battinson vibes with how pathetic poor wet cat he is.
“Just ask her out!” encouraged Superman, giving not-so-super advice as he followed Bruce around the Watchtower like an unwelcome stray. “She respects and likes you, I don’t see why she’d refuse!”
“Hn.” Bruce pushed the door to the meeting room open, effectively ending the conversation.
“Good morning, boys! It is a lovely day, is it not?” greeted Diana, cheerful as always.
“Good morning, Wonder Woman.”
“Howdy, Diana!”
The Trinity sat around the smaller oval table they used for their special meetings, ignoring the extra-long table across the room that could fit most of the Justice League around it.
During the entire meeting, Bruce tried not to sweat as he decided to follow Superman’s advice and ask her out.
Superman left the room immediately after the meeting ended, choosing not to stay and chat like usual. “I can hear Ma calling me to help Pa, I gotta go.” He winked at Bruce and flew out the door.
“So…how are things going in Gotham?” Diana asked, settling in her chair for a nice one-on-one chat with him.
Bruce tried not to squirm, thinking about how he wasn’t finished planning yet and how badly he wanted to ask and get it over with.
“It has been fairly quiet lately, I suspect one of the Rogues is planning something. How is DC?”
“Oh, it’s been okay. I was in Paris for the past little while, though.”
“Paris?” Bruce frowned under his cowl, trying to figure out why Diana would be in Paris.
Diana looked at him strangely, then seemed to realize something. “I had to visit an old friend of mine, Ladybug.”
“I thought Ladybug was stationed in New York?” Bruce asked, a little upset his files hadn’t been updated.
“She is, she was also just visiting Paris. Most of her friends and family are still there, you know.”
“Hn. Will she be back soon?”
“Yes, I believe she is returning today.” Diana paused, then added, “You know she attends every JL meeting, mandatory or not. You’ll see her in three days at the quarterly reports session.”
Bruce was glad the cowl covered his face so that Diana wouldn’t see the blush that grew after she subtly called him out like that. “Hn.”
 Three days later, Thursday
The main hall was full of various heroes, anti-heroes, sidekicks, and support members when Bruce arrived, opening the doors into the bustling, deafening space.
He moved through the remaining shadows of the well-lit hall to his preferred corner to scrutinize the attendees.
In the middle of a small group of Paris heroes was Wonder Woman, chatting and laughing with her acquaintances, but the group was missing their leader, Ladybug.
Bruce scanned the room for a red costume, pausing on Flash, Captain Marvel, and Plastic Man, but finding no Coccinellidae septempunctata-inspired heroine.
Superman called the meeting to order and Bruce focused on his notes for when he was called.
“Batman.” A hand hovered above his shoulder.
He turned to Wonder Woman. “Yes?”
“Ladybug is here,” she mouthed, nodding at the far corner, where Bruce could see her waving her hands animatedly as she laughed with some fellow heroes. “Good luck.”
“Thank you.” Bruce headed in Ladybug’s direction, crowds of heroes subconsciously sensing his directive and moving out of the way.
“Ladybug. Can we talk?”
She turned and smiled warmly at him. “Sure, Batman. I’ll be with you in a sec.”
Bruce waited nervously in the alcove away from the main hall.
A burst of noise hit his ears as someone opened the sound-dampening doors, then quiet footsteps made their way to his alcove. “Batman?”
“Ladybug.” She actually came.
They stared at each other in silence for a moment, then she stepped closer.
“There was something you wanted to talk about?”
Bruce stayed silent, trying to make his mouth say the words.
She moved even closer, directly in his personal space now, their boots touching. “...perhaps, about our relationship?”
“How did you know?”
Her grin was tinged with bitterness. “When you grow up suppressing emotions and looking out for other people’s, you learn to read body language and micro-expressions pretty well…And Diana gave me a hint.”
“Saturday, willyougooutwithme?” he blurted, re-seizing his courage and anonymity as Batman. Whenever he was around her, he felt like he was just Bruce, not Bruce Wayne, or Brucie, or Batman.
Sparkling blue eyes smiled up at him. “I thought you’d never ask! What time?”
“7:00 p.m., The Four Horsemen,” he managed to remember his plans through the mental reboot as he processed her smile and response. “I have the terrace reserved.”
“Ooh, does this mean I’ll get to find out who is under that cowl?” she teased. “ I’m honoured.”
He nodded and had just opened his mouth to ask her a question when Wonder Woman came around the corner. “Ladybug, we need you to join us in the hall!”
Bruce’s communicator beeped with a message from Alfred and he waved to the pair of heroines. “I have to go. See you Saturday!”
He escaped to the zeta tubes and gushed to Alfred about his future date with Ladybug.
Bruce’s nonchalantly affected posture at his table was belied by his nervous fidgeting. Ladybug was fifteen minutes late. He hoped she wasn’t late because she was needed in a fight.
No, she definitely wasn't–he had heard no reports of any instances requiring either or both of their presences, which meant she was late by a whole thirty minutes. The traffic couldn’t be that bad–he knew she lived in New York, so he deliberately chose a place close for her to reach.
Also, in New York, hopefully, none of his Rogues would attack.
Bruce thought back to when he asked her out. He’d specified the date, time, and place…what had she said?
…upon reflection, she never explicitly agreed to go out with him. He knew she was single and attracted to men, so why…
The longer he sat there, the angrier and more hurt he got.
Pushing back his chair, he flounced out of the restaurant and to his Pininfarina Batista, his drive home fueled by thoughts of revenge.
“Welcome home, Master Bruce. Short date?” Alfred greeted him.
“No date, Alfred,” he growled, heading straight to the Batcave and Batcomputer.
Three and a half hours later, he smiled in glee.
 Hello, Marinette Dupain-Cheng; you’re going to regret standing me up.
Raised voices muffled by the heavy wooden doors attracted Bruce’s attention.
“Excuse me, madam and gentlemen, I believe I have an unexpected visitor to see.”
His business partners nodded and excused themselves through the public entrance, and Bruce headed to his private entrance, where poor Caroline was trying to handle the woman who’d managed to get into his office.
“It’s okay, Caroline, I’ve got this.” Brucie’s charming smile and gentle guidance to the door made his secretary give up and leave.
Bruce turned to his visitor and leaned against his desk, smirking. “To what do I owe the pleasure, Ms-?”
“It’s Marinette Dupain-Cheng and you know it,” she snarled. “Why did you buy out my company?!”
“Why did you flake out of mine?” He raised an eyebrow.
“This is because I lost track of time and was late for our date?” She threw her hands in the air in exasperation. “You are so unbelievably petty!”
“Damn right I’m pretty,” he flirted, slowly advancing into her personal space.
“I said petty! Petty! I know I have an accent, but you know what I meant, Mr. World’s Greatest Detective!” She poked his chest to emphasize her point.
“Why were you late?”
“I was busy working on a design incorporating elements of Batman and Ladybug if you must know. I got caught up and lost track of time, which was completely unintended and I’m terribly sorry for that.”
 She made a design based on both of our hero personas?
"How did you know my identity to come here?" He suddenly realized that since she hadn't shown up to the date, she shouldn't know who he was.
"Oh, I asked Diana who you were on Saturday so I'd be prepared. I hate going into stuff unprepared.
"I did want to contact you and apologize for standing you up, but I couldn't find your personal contact info anywhere, and I was going to come in person and explain before I found out you took over my business and distracted me!
"How did you buy it so fast anyways?"
"Simple– I'm Bruce Wayne. Several of your major shareholders wanted to downsize or diversify. It was easy enough to sell them Wayne Enterprises stocks and shares."
Marinette huffed and crossed her arms. "Will you sell them back to me?"
"Maybe. Will you actually meet me if we go on another date?"
"Lunch at the café a couple blocks away, then? It has a lovely view of Robinson Park."
They walked past Caroline on their way to the elevator, all parties pretending that they hadn’t been yelling at each other and eavesdropping on said argument.
A/N: I actually did some research for this and found out that Caroline Crown was a Bruce's Canon secretary from the 1950s-1986! She spied on Bruce and fed information and files to his rival, Gregorian Falstaff, who had kidnapped her daughter and was working for Ra's al Ghul. I thought her eavesdropping on Bruce and Mari in this fic was a nice nod to her canon existence😁
Mari making a design based on their vigilante designs is the fashion designer equivalent of seeing how your names sound together.
Maribat taglist (open): @questioning-blob-of-fog, @jennifer-rose123
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loganlostitall · 1 year
C, F, L for ask game.
A ship I have never liked and probably never will:
Oooh girl you trying to get me in trouble LOL. Every ship from my last post probably falls under this category as well, besides Rickyl and Desus because I genuinely don’t think I’ve been in this fandom long enough to say that those won’t be my favorite ships in a few years. I don’t think they’ll grow on me but I also said that Daryl would never grow on me, and the same with Negan, soooo I’m not going to make the mistake of using those words ever again LOL.
I can say for TWD though that Daryl Dixon x Leah Shaw, Negan Smith x Alpha, and.. whew… Bethyl aren’t ever gonna be something I like. You’re gonna get me killed here. But Beth Greene x Daryl Dixon is almost exactly the same age gap as Amanda and I were, and you were already my friend when that whole mess happened so I’m sure that comes as no surprise to you. (Amanda is my ex girlfriend?? who was 38 when I was 15, fun time 😀). And Daryl was I believe 41 while Beth was 18 so that’s quite literally the same number of years. 23. No ty. It doesn’t nauseate me because she’d be an adult but I do try to avoid reading it; my mutuals can talk about it though if they want for all I care. I do in fact believe that Beth had a crush on Daryl and just wouldn’t have pursued him, looked for those traits elsewhere.
Marvel forever dislikes: Tony Stark x Peter Parker, Wanda Maximoff x Puerto Maximoff, Gamora x Nebula, Peter Parker x Morgan Stark (seriously, ew), Thanos x Loki Laufeyson, Odin Borrson x Loki Laufeyson, Odin Borrson x Thor Odinson, Odin Borrson x Hela Odindottir, Freyja Freyrdottir (Frigga) x Loki Laufeyson, May Parker-Jameson x Peter Parker, Norman Osborn x Peter Parker, Otto Octavius x Peter Parker, Skip Westcott x Peter Parker!!!!!!!!, Tony Stark x Sentient Armor, Steve Rogers x Peggy Carter, Steve Rogers x Sharon Carter, Bruce Banner x Natasha Romanoff, Brunnhilde x Hela Odindottir, Thor Odinson x Carol Danvers, James Howlett x Anna Marie, if I listed them all I’d be here all night
DC forever dislikes: Alfred Pennyworth x Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne x Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne, Lucas Fox, Barbara Gordon, or any of Batman’s sidekicks (I think you get my point by now), Jack Napier x Harleen Quinzel, Jack Napier x Clark Kent, Hal Jordan x Arisia Rrab (she’s an entire child 😐), Dick Grayson x Catalina Flores (sexual assault), there are just so many more
Shameless forever dislikes: Fiona Gallagher x literally everyone she ever dated, Debbie Gallagher x all of her exes as well, Lip Gallagher x Mandy Milkovich (she rped him guys!!! don’t forget), Lip Gallagher x Karen Jackson, Karen Jackson x Frank Gallagher, Frank Gallagher x Sammi Slott (that’s your child dude…), Ian Gallagher x Kash Karib, Ian Gallagher x Caleb Daniels, Carl Gallagher x Kassidi Gallagher (typing that made me laugh 😭), Carl Gallagher x Dominique Winslow, Carl Gallagher x Tish (she rped him as well), Liam Gallagher x Sissy (MORE rpe), please just let my babies be happy and in love
Euphoria forever dislikes: Maddie Perez x Nate Jacobs, Rue Bennett x Jules Vaughn, Cal Jacobs x Nate Jacobs, Cal Jacobs x Jules Vaughn, Cassie Howard x Nate Jacobs, Rue Bennett x Nate Jacobs, Rue Bennett x Fezco O’Neill, Fezco O’Neill x Ashtray
What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
I am still a Marvel and DC fan, so it’s gotta be those. I’ve literally been a fan since I was born.
Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves.
Maggie Rhee does her absolute best for her son. I… don’t have much /pos commentary besides that 😭
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zahri-melitor · 1 year
Is hoppy and captain carrot the same?
Right sort of idea, wrong universe! They're both animal shaped superheroes 'inspired' by heroes from the main universe, but have very different origins and backgrounds.
Captain Carrot and the Zoo Crew are native to Earth-C and DC, turned up in 1982, and were 'inspired' to be heroes by meeting a universe travelling Superman.
Hoppy however is a Fawcett Comics native who in his Animal Hero original existence belongs to Earth-C-Plus. This is an entirely separate set of comedy animal characters written by Fawcett that go back to the 1940s. Hoppy is a fan of Captain Marvel comics, and tries saying Shazam, only to turn into Captain Marvel Bunny. He's...one of the more ridiculous aspects of the Shazamily in his original form, so the fact he's now simply a talking magical rabbit is practically NORMAL.
You gotta love DC categorisation, they have 3 separate Earth-Cs: for the DC native comic animal superheros (Earth-C), for the cartoon animal superheroes drawn by Captain Carrot in Earth-C (Earth-C-Minus), and the Fawcett native comic animal characters (Earth-C-Plus).
I can understand having trouble telling them apart though, given they both look like generic copycat animal superheroes with powers.
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maybe-haunted · 10 months
I’m trying to be skillful around monologuing with friends (especially when they are like “I didn’t care for this) so I am redirecting my thoughts on blue beetle movie here.
Yeah I liked it. It was funny- the main guy and the romantic interests were like the least memorable part lol. Not a great way to reboot the DCU. But I really like how rough the “getting powers for the first time” scene was. Like there was humor because WE the audience knew it was safe. But that scene at face value was definitely leaning into the body horror. I also liked the visuals effects. It wasn’t like the cleanest of the clean but it looked better than recent marvel stuff I’ve seen. It could have been a bit more cohesive than it was. We didn’t get very many processing moments- it was very much like here is the next action and the next action and the next action. That is like the problem with the entire superhero template- they can’t go too far into details gotta tease sequels. But again- I loved the ensemble so much. It was a significant amount of screen time devoted to the family saving him which I really liked. And the design of a lot of it. Again - the body horror with it being embedded in his back. But it was very obviously trying to make a Tom holland type lead for DC. Now that I am actually talking about it I feel like they missed an opportunity for development with the lead and the voice of the beetle. It really was just like the Karen voice in the suit. Like wouldn’t you be asking it like a billion questions? We didn’t get any of that and the conflict over killing was very quickly accepted without push back from the voice. I did really like the hills of candles. That is a lasting image.
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sephinot · 10 months
Got tagged by @that-one-empty-skull
Rapid fire questions go
1.coke or pepsi? Don't care, just make it sweet
2.disney or dreamworks? DreamWorks def makes the better movies (looking at you, HTTYD)
3.coffee or tea? Coffee unless I'm sick then tea
4.books or movies? Can't decide, either one would be a devastating loss
5.windows or mac? Windows, what even is MAC?
6.dc or marvel? DC bcs Batfamily
7.x-box or playstation? PC Master race
8.dragon age or mass effect? Never played either of them, but dragons are hot soooo
9.night owl or early riser? Switches at random
10.cards or chess? Cards if I'm in a silly goofy mood, chess for serious occasions and special talks
11.chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla
12.vans or converse? My kicks are CAT (and I don't own any other)
13.Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar? I have no clue what that means
14.fluff or angst? Both. Both is good
15.beach or forest? Forest
16.dogs or cats? Cats. And I stg it's not only bcs of warrior cats
17.clear skies or rain? Clear skies
18.cooking or eating out? Cooking...except for the cleanup...
19.spicy food or mild food? Spicy. Can't handle it too well but what's life without pain, right?
20.halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas? I'm blasting Christmas hits in the summer so there you go
21.would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot? Too cold
22.if you could have a superpower, what would it be? Stop time. I'd get so much shit done and still be well-rested for the entire day
23.animation or live action? Animation
24.paragon or renegade? The jeep renegade is a superb vehicle
25.baths or showers? Showering while in a bath
26.team cap or team ironman? I dunno man
27.fantasy or sci-fi? fantasy (star wars is fantasy fight me)
28.do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they?
"Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement" - Tolkien (my favourite quote is basically the entirety of LotR I love that books to bits)
"You failed, Your Highness. I am a Jedi, like my father before me" - Luke in Ep 6, when he overcomes the dark side
"Mistakes are teachers" - my brother
29.youtube or netflix? Youtube
31.when do you feel accomplished?
After a day of work
32.star wars or star trek?
The love people have for star trek is justified and the message and all that runs deeper than most things star wars, but I gotta stay with my first love...
33.paperback books or hardcover books?
Hardcover, looks better on the shelf
34.to live in a world without literature or without music? Either of those means living in a world without me
35.who was the last person to make you laugh?
Some kid at work today
36.city or countryside?
Countryside. With decent wifi pls
37.favorite chips? The kind I can exchange for a ride on a rollercoaster
38.pants or dresses?
39.libraries or museums? Libraries
40.character driven stories or plot driven stories? Character driven tends to resonate better with me
41.bookmarks or folding pages? Folding pages and yes I hate myself for it
42.Dream job? Singer or author
43.What gives you comfort?
Hugs and friends, a sheet of paper and a pen, a good song
44.what are some of your favorite song lyrics?
And today we're all brother/Tonight we're all friends/A moment of peace in a war that never ends
Today we're all brothers/We drink and unite/Now Christmas has arrived and the snow turns the ground white
Sabaton - Christmas Truce
The silence isn't so bad/Til I look at my hands and feel sad/ Cuz the spaces between my fingers are right where yours fit perfectly
Owl City - Vanilla Twilight
45.favorite ice cream flavor ever?
Mint/after-eight (and yes I also like pineapple on my pizza and I salt my Nutella)
46.first fandom
First active fandom I participated in was either Eragon/Inheritance Cycle or Star Wars when I schooled a ton of adults at my first con at 7 years (I was an obnoxious child)
tagging others, add your own new question at the end if you follow up:
I'm kind of a lurker, I have contact with like one of my mutuals and I dunno who to tag so yeah...if anyone sees this, consider yourself tagged darling
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paraphernaliawagon · 1 year
ok so this is an amazing band that basically just writes songs about books that i like and i found out about them because the podcast “terrible book club” recently did a review of robert e. howard’s “sword woman.” both of its hosts are metal musicians and one said she’d never read any of the authors this band based songs on because she assumed they’d be misogynistic and unappealing to her but was pleasantly surprised by “sword woman.” you love to hear it. the other host accidentally read some of the other stories in the book and inevitably ran into howard being super fucking racist
they were both like “this guy was writing this in the NINETEEN THIRTIES?” like amazed. apparently the bar for representation of women in this genre is THAT low.
Ilian of Garathorm was the first canonical female incarnation of the Eternal Champion to be introduced but not the last. She comes from a world that’s covered in skyscraper-sized trees and she has to do a ferngully save-the-trees plot. she crosses over into Hawkmoon’s world through a portal in the Bulgar Mountains. The world where the Dark Empire of Granbretan (yes really, Moorcock is this unsubtle and some people still seem not to get it) is taking over Europe. (i think they’re the ones invading her world and destroying the forest?) I’ve never actually read that particular book, “The Champion of Garathorm” (it’s a fairly rare one, don’t think it’s had any recent reprints) but it’s top of my wish list.
imagine like the entire DC or Marvel universe with all of its attendant alternate universes and imagine there was just one guy writing ALL of it. That’s Michael Moorcock. (he’s also obsessed with incest for some reason. just gotta warn ya)
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habibialkaysani · 6 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
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kc-meets-dc · 3 years
Okay, so couple things with that episode...
1. When I tell you I screamed when the Phantom Stranger appeared, do know that I am not lying. I am so HERE FOR THIS!!!!
2. When I tell you I screamed when I saw Gar pick up those sleeping pills in the pharmacy, do know that it was for VERY different reasons than the Stranger scream. I have a feeling I know where they’re going with this and it is NOT GOOD!!!
3. Mary Marvel, Khalid Nassour, and Traci Thirteen are Zee’s proteges and Madame Xanadu has finally become what she was always meant to be. Gotta say, I fucking love that! Also, there’s absolutely something Zee isn’t telling us regarding when she said those three were her “best students.” Traci told her they were her only students, but somehow I don’t think Zee would say something like that especially with that small pause she took before saying it if that were the case. Is it possible Zatanna had other proteges before Traci that didn’t turn out so well? Raven or Zachary Zatara, perhaps? Or some other DC magician who is now on the side of evil or even just dead?
4. They’re finally exploring Traci’s urban magic abilities. Gotta say, that is something I can definitely get behind! It’s a power that I’ve been curious about ever since I found out it was a thing that actually existed. Plus there’s Mary who I guess can tap into outside magical sources to utilize the various powers of Shazam in different ways. Curious why she says she wasn’t ready for that power when she first got it.
5. The fact that they’re bringing in Khalid Nassour almost definitely means that Zatara will soon be freed from the Helmet of Fate one way or another since Khalid was the next Doctor Fate in the comics. I really hope Zee gets to be reunited with her father and also that the way Zatara gets freed from the Helmet does NOT involve him dying. We do not need yet ANOTHER tragic death for this season! I have fully reached my quota on that shit already and we’re not even halfway through this thing yet!
Finally, 6. Super curious who this “Child” is in the comics, since I doubt Grandon would just create a Lord of Chaos out of thin air. Her and Flaw definitely have to be from the comics and I just know this is gonna mean another deep dive into the DC Wiki for me. I both incredibly hate and love it when that happens (Which is entirely too often!)
Those are all the thoughts I have on this episode so far. I’m actually rewatching it already right as we speak, so stay tuned. I’m sure I’ll have more to say/reblog later
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batarangsoundsdumb · 3 years
Thoughts on Marvel?
love the concept, hate the execution.
i used to be like really excited for all the new movies, but the mcu is literally a bunch of cgi fights with some dialogue and no plot. all marvel movies since avengers are centered around a large final battle instead of an actual plot, which is just disappointing and while it’s cool to watch doesn’t really add to the experience. i love marvel comics but i do gotta acknowledge that all of it’s owned by disney and i feel like artists are held back by the rat in a way that independent comics aren’t, i also think they’re cowards for not confirming johnny storm as bi. 
i mean,,, i love it, but i also love to hate it yanno? and it’s also largely military propaganda  [1] and trying to make as much money as possible(ugh capitalism), which is why it has taken the mcu like 15 years to have a poc titular character (not counting the netflix shows) and like a decade to have a female titular character, and there’s not a single lgbtq+ character or superhero in the entire mcu continuity,,, which honestly just seems backwards.
let me just name a bunch of superhero properties with lgbtq+ and poc leads:
- Black Lightning
- Every single CW dc show, which are literal shit, so you understand what i’m talking about
- The Old Guard
- Umbrella Academy
- Doom Patrol
and i did this from the top of my head too, i’m not fucking kidding, it’s literally not that hard.
i’m just saying,,, it has its faults, just like dc does, don’t get me wrong. but i still love watching it and talking about it and interacting with it, i even have a marvel blog but there’s a lot wrong and unlike in the dc fandom, it’s not really talked about.
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Club ‘Illusion’
Fandom: DC x Marvel Pairing: Avenger x Batfam | Reader x Loki Word count: 3k (yes I can still write things over 1.5k words) Summay: With your hero work taking up most of your time you decide to find an outlet - that outlet turns out to be your own soon to be opened club. On the V.I.P. list for that evening? Two of the most important groups of people in your life. The only problem: they have yet to meet each other, not to mention the little fact that you’ve been keeping not just the club a secret... Requested by a universal fantastic Anon: If requests are still open, can I request a BatBoys x reader x Avengers where both teams meet through reader and fight because they were talking about which team reader likes more? Pairing would be your choice.
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“Where does this go, boss?” a man in a dungaree holding a box full of musical equipment, chords and the like asked you and interrupted the conversation you were having with the DJ. “Bring it up these stairs there and then set it onto the black clothed table, Marianne will be there in a minute, could you help her set it up? “Sure thing boss,” the man nodded and trudged over to the direction you had waved him to. You turned back to Marianne - the mentioned DJ - who had been your friend for years and she was the first person you had hired when you had decided to take the advice of your Avengers issued therapist and find an outlet for your creativity and passion outside of your time-consuming hero work all over the planet and the universe. So you decided to use your funds from years of getting paid by Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne (even though you continued telling them you didn’t want their money) to do something fun and - in the spirit of a certain green-themed archer - open a nightclub. You had kept everything under wraps, the only people knowing about it were the contractors, decorators and Marianne and they all pledged secrecy, but tonight you would lift the metaphorical curtain. With the Avengers and Waynes (including non-Wayne-named) invited and the news about this new club opening all over social media doing the rest you were positively sure that tonight would be a great night. “Y/N?” Marianne’s voice ripped you out of your daydreams and you had to shake your head free of other thoughts and focus back onto the matter at hand, with last touches still having to be made. “Uhm- yeah, sorry, I was lost in thoughts.” “Don’t worry, I’m sure everything will go just fine. Look around you, this place is amazing, everyone did such an amazing job,” she complimented and you couldn’t help but follow her advice and actually take a look around.The room was very spacious and even though it was almost empty except the worker getting ready for tonight and a few others who helped set some stuff up. In the middle was a lower dance area with small sets of steps leading up, the floor in a chess pattern, but neon techni-coloured instead of black and white, all around that area were booths to sit in and on the far end of the room, a bit off of the dance-ground were two circular bars that were fully stocked with every drink you could ever need or want. On the other end was a stage for life-performances and ten feet above that was a sort of balcony that served as the DJ-booth with a view over the entire club. And yet again on the other side, above the bars, was a V.I.P. room which was a bit more soundproof and where a conversation could be actually held, with a one-way-mirror facing the club. The way the lights reflected off the surfaces and the sound carried through the space really confirmed what Marianne had said, the place was pretty amazing. “You’re right, you’re right, I’m sorry,” you took a deep calming breath and smiled. “Yes I am, but now we gotta get going, I’ll be up in the booth if you need me. You better give the final briefing to the staff,” she instructed before turning around and walking away. Deciding that taking her advice was the best course of action you went to go to the staff room, when Marianne called out to you yet again, shouting after you: “Don’t forget that you gotta be getting ready in an hour, your special guest should be arriving around then.”
The evening was starting to greet the people and the sun had started to disappear a few minutes ago when a group of five and a group of six gathered before a clearly newly constructed building - a club - with the name ‘Illusion’ in enlightened letters on the front. A long line of interested people, mostly young adults around 25, stretched before what seemed to be the entrance, but it seemed to still be closed. Both of the groups looked around a little bit confused, but they didn’t notice each other, or at least found nothing suspicious about the other. Now, if you were to take a very close look at both of these groups beside each other you’d find a lot of similarities, like - for example - the redeemed ‘bad-guy’ who now acted as professional sarcastic commentator, the goofball with a history in circus, the genius, philanthropist, playboy billionaire and the bad-ass tech-savvy red-head. Not to mention all of their past-time ‘hobbies’. And yet, with all these great intellect and talent collected in front of the club, they did not seem to be able to figure out what they were doing there or that there was another group in just about the same situation. The doors to the club opened and a bouncer and two servers walked out, the bouncer stationating himself before the entrance and starting to check people in, and the two servers looking around for a second before catching sight of the groups. They exchanged a few words before each of them walked over to the collection of people. The group from New York was brought over to the front entrance, allowed to skip the line and enter the club, while the Gotham-group was brought in through the back-entrance, but even though the place where they entered the club was different, they were yet both stil led to the same room, up above the bars behind a one-way-mirror.
You had changed into your sparkle-y, y/f/c outfit with make-up that would glow in the ultraviolet light that would shine all over the club later and your hair in a fashionable hairdo, perfectly prepared for your great night, with Marianne’s outfit mirroring yours just in different colours. With a clipboard you made your last round through the different areas, checking in with your staff and manager to make sure that everything would go flawless and that they could come to you with questions or if they needed help - if necessary you yourself would change into the gender-neutral uniform and start serving people. In the end the last area you had to check before meeting your special guests in the V.I.P. area was the DJ booth. “Everything good?” you asked, enjoying the last moments of relative silence before the booming music would start as you leant over the balcony railing and eyed your own little business. “Yes, I tried it out during soundcheck earlier while you were getting dressed, it’s some sweet equittement you got here, a Dream,” Marianne sighed in bliss and you could see how happy she was to be able to work with this equipment that had certainly cost enough to deserve that demeanor from her. “You know, if you like it this much, I could use a full-time DJ,” you tried to mention as nonchalant as possible, but you could feel her piercing, unbelieving gaze in your neck. “Are you serious? I thought you had employed one over a month ago. I thought tonight was a one-time-thing.” “Oh well, I did talk to one but then I listened to some of his stuff and compared to you it’s like a ten years old project on garage band. But don’t worry, I get it, you’re right. I’m sure you have way better gigs lined up left and right, I’ll find someone,” you shrugged, a little bit disappointed that Marianne didn’t seem even remotely interested in working full-time, only to be stopped when she grabbed your shoulders and began to almost shake you. “Are you kidding, I would love to work here full-time!!! This job would be a dream: the equipment, the atmosphere, my employer! DJ’s would kill for an opportunity like this. That’s why I was so confused, I thought you’d have plenty of better DJs lining up for this job,” she gushed before hugging you close and almost sobbing with happiness and thanking you for this opportunity. You agreed that you’d talk the details over later before telling her to start the music since people started to walk in and you could see a certain group of Heroes being led by one of your bar-women walking towards the left stairs to the V.I.P. room and another group of vigilantes led by one of the security-members being brought to the elevator on the right side to exactly the same room. “Okay, I gotta go, Got me some guests waiting,” you winked at Marianne who just waved you off, too immersed in her element. With quick steps and a happy smile you walked along the side of the room and followed where you saw the Avengers walk up, a little skip in your step. Honoring your word, both groups had been brought into the V.I.P. area which was big enough for them to both sit inside it without having to sit together, with the security guard taking position at the wall and the bar-women at the small, private bar. Another calming sigh later you opened the door and walked into the room immediately catching the eyes of all occupants of the room and as you nodded at your two employees in thanks, both groups of superheroes had stood up to greet you, seemingly only now realizing the presence (or rather the reason of the presence) of each other. “Hello guys, it’s so nice to have you here,” you greeted all 11 with a big gesture before mentioning to the window, “So, what do you think?” Confused eyes found you and they looked between each other and you, only one pair standing out, but seemingly not ready to reveal themselves properly yet. “It looks amazing,” Stephanie, who somehow managed to look perfectly club-fitting even in her casual clothes with her blond hair laying over her shoulder in a braid, and jumped towards you and engulfed you in a sisterly hug like she always did, “How did you get us in? I saw the adverts for this place all over social media and the line was enormous. Do you know the owner?” You held back a chuckle and laid your head to the side. “You could say so,” you gave her a cheeky smile that she couldn’t quite decipher, before turning to face the complete group, “But first things first, introduction.” Since both of the groups were still standing separately enough to be distinguished between you motioned to the Waynes. “May I introduce my somewhat-adopted-not-legally-but-emotionally-family. This is Bruce Wayne - I bet you all have heard of him - these are his sons, Richard Grayson - you can call him Dick - and Jason Todd, and his daughter Stephanie - or Steph - Brown and close family friend Barbara Gordon,” you motioned to each of them in turn with their names and they nodded in greeting at the others, still unknown to them. Then you turned to the others and said: “And may I introduce to you my first ever superhero team slash found family group also known as the Avengers - or rather a view of them anyways. Here we have Tony Stark - I’m sure you heard of him too, Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton, our two super soldiers Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes and the trickster god himself - Loki.” “Wait, Loki-Loki? The ‘battle-of-New-York’ Loki?” Jason asked in a surprised, but also amused manner and you could almost hear Loki roll his eyes. “Oh please, get over it Mortal,” he answered sarcastically, but before you could intervene Stephanie took her turn. “Oh you’re one to talk Jay, let’s not forget that.” You couldn’t help but giggle a bit at that and even though the Avengers seemed confused at how easily that shut Jason up, they accepted it as the end of that part of the conversation. For a few minutes the gathered people - a few of your favorite people in the world - started making their own introductions and you were happy that you saw them get along well. Waiting for a good opportunity to get into the conversation and get back to what you wanted to tell them, you were stopped from taking it when Dick motioned at Loki’s outfit. A deep-green suit, black dress-shirt under it, a golden tie, black hair slicked back and black asgardian armor boots - putting that certain touch to it - adorned him and you couldn’t blame Dick when he stated: “How comes none of us got a warning that we’d need to wear something fancy, but he did?” It was only now that the people who had come there with Loki had noticed his outfit and it was Tony who raised an eyebrow. “What happened to the grey jumper you said was ‘nice enough’ to be seen out with when you have to be out with us annoying mortals?” “Well, I can’t let Lady Y/N be the only one who shows that she has a sense of elegance and fashion in this despicable planet, can I now?” Loki answered sarcastically and now you wanted to roll your eyes at him calling you ‘Lady Y/N’, something you had told him to stop ages ago. “Loki isn’t actually wearing this,” you tried to clear things up, ignoring Loki’s remark, only to receive even more confusing looks, causing you to sigh. “Loki is a trickster god, he uses Illusions, he’s probably still in his Pajamas, he just makes it seem like he is wearing this.” Before anyone would start bombarding the god and you with questions, you took hold of  the conversation and used your stern hero voice to gain the attention. “Now I’m sure you’re all wondering why I invited my favorite people to a newly opened nightclub and like Stephanie has already mentioned, one that is hard to get into nonetheless. The reason is-” you made a pause to emphasize, “-that it is my club.” A wave of confused ‘what?’s hit you and you quickly explained: “Well, I needed to find another outlet than hanging around with other heroes and busting bad guys and after a talk with Oliver - he’s a friend from Starling city,” you explained for the Avengers, “I decided that opening a club was just what I needed. That’s the reason I was so absent the past few weeks, I was busy planning and employing and stuff, but from now on everything should run itself. I will be able to perfectly split my time into three for the club, hero work and friends and family.” “That’s so cool!” Stephanie squealed and gave you a high five and the others joined in congratulating you, telling you how amazing everything looked and that they were proud of you. “Boss?” a voice interrupted from behind you and you turned to see one of your staff members, “Could I talk to you for a second?”   “Excuse me for a bit, I gotta go and run my business,” you cheekily smiled and left your two favorite teams to make conversation as you and the women left through the door that lead to the stairs. “So what’s the matter? What can I he-” you were rudely interrupted when the women’s form morphed into a taller, sleeker one of a certain trickster and promptly continued to press you against the door you had just left through. “Well, well, look who’s getting impatient,” you giggled as he pressed a kiss to your jawline. That was another secret that you had kept from your teams and even from Marianne. Loki and you. If you were being quite honest you were not sure how the two of you became a thing, but somehow you did and now the two of you were waiting for the right moment to tell the rest of the team that you were a lot more than just colleagues. “Can you blame me? You should’ve told me about this, beloved, then I’d known that you were not growing sick of me. I was all worried when you kept on disappearing,” he muttered as he relished in the closeness with you. Slightly shocked at this you grabbed his broad shoulders and pushed him back slightly. “How could you ever think that, Loki? I love you, I could never grow sick of you,” you assured him and pressed a loving kiss to his lips. “That is very good to know, beloved, and I’ll make sure to remind you of that whenever you need,” he winked and you couldn’t help but giggle. “Okay, okay, but I think I have to go back now, we can pick this up again later.” You turned around and opened the door again only to catch what was being said. “We’re obviously her favorites, I mean this club is in New York, not Gotham, why do you think that is?” “Oh shut your mouth, that means nothing. You heard what she said, we’re her family, we’re her brothers and sisters. The Demon is the best proof of that.” “Which Demon?” “Oh please, she called us her family too. After all we got all the appeal of you, but we also have gods.” “She has dinner every second weekend with Superman, an amazonian goddess, the king of atlantis and a world-class magician.” “Well with us she has the world's strongest AI, a world class witch AND the sorcerer supreme, two timeless soldiers, the world's fastest man and the god of thunder.” “Oh please, our fastest man could beat your fastest man in his sleep, not to mention that we have multiple of them.” “Well then bring it on” After having heard enough you looked at Loki, back at the group - and the illusion Loki that was standing bored beside them - and back at Loki, before closing the door again. “You know what, I think I’ll just let them talk that over for a bit.” “Yeah, I think that would be best,” Loki agreed, but he was clearly amused. “What do you think they’ll do when they find out that I am actually your favorite?” he asked teasingly and snug his arms around your waist. “Honestly I’m not sure you’d survive that…”
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poisonpeche · 2 years
Any other hyperfixations other than Levi :) ?
Levi is my one and only, but I loveee Jujutsu Kaisen. It was one of the first animes I ever watched on a whim, and got me so excited for this era of animation. I actually just got into anime on my birthday in December when my partner & I binged the entire AO T series. We instantly fell in love. I watched some animes here and there growing up, but nothing compares to the new gen shows; I’m in dEEP.
My 15 year old step son is a massive Marvel & DC fan, so he really got me into it & we’ve been taking him to every new release since he was 6. If anyone’s my hyper fixation, it’s my baby 🥺 I adore him to pieces & I’m a v v proud step mama indeed. We’ve been watching Marvel’s Moon Knight together and we love it so much.
I wanted to work in animation for the longest time, so any fantasy related movies/games I fall in love with: Lord of the Rings, Steven Universe (this was a big one for my gender identity journey - Rebecca Sugar is my hero), Bee & Puppycat, Over the Garden Wall, Studio Ghibli, HP, Star Wars, Dune, ATLA (Dave Filoni is another huge idol for me), Zelda, omg I could go on…Anything with 2D or practical effects. I’m a sucker for more tactile art forms.
Back to my boy, I just love Levi’s character design, so drawing him obsessively is helping me build my portfolio and try some new things as an artist. I really want to focus on concept art as a whole from color, character, and environment design. Eventually I want to expand to original characters (and possibly some stories too 😉). I went to art school to be a traditional artist, and very late after I graduated with painting & drawing as my focus did I realize I wish I had focused on graphic design/illustration/concept art. But it’s never too late, I tell myself! I struggle to teach myself the programs, but you gotta start somewhere.
Thank you so much for your ask! They really make my day & I love to get to know y’all better. 🖤🖤🖤
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lilfellasblog · 3 years
I tried to choose a question but, I'm pretty interested in answers to all those tbh
You. I like you.
Talk about the first ship you ever had. - Tiencha (Tien Shinhan/ Yamcha), which is why I'm very sympathetic to those also suffering in rarepair hell.
Talk about three of the most important ships throughout your life. Destiel, Tiencha, Analogical
What’s your current OTP? Oof, I think I gotta go Prinxiety! So much potential for angst with hurt/comfort.
What’s your current NOTP? You know, I honestly can't think of any tbh.
Do you have any poly ships? For my OTP question, I originally answered LAMP/CALM, so definitely that!
How do you feel about love triangles? I think they can be intriguing if done well. If there's cheating involved, it would be pretty difficult for me to feel sympathy for the cheater.
How do you feel about RPF? It's fine, do whatever you want. Fanfic has always been for fans, not for creators. Purity culture and entitlement needs to stop. It's like seeing a sign that says "Snapping Turtles", jumping in the pond anyways, then yelling at the people who put up the sign after you lose a couple pounds of flesh.
Have you ever shipped yourself with a character? Tbh, the closest I've gotten is wanting different characters to adopt me and take me from my home. But I don't think I've ever romantically shipped myself with someone.
Do you have many ships that never got together at all? *cries in All Of Them*
Do you ship any characters that have never met? Huh. I don't think so tbh.
Talk about your favorite first kiss. Well in college there was- Oh! You mean fictional characters! :3 I think Virgil's first kiss with Roman in Healing Broken Wings is my favorite.
Have you ever been disappointed when your ship finally got together? *cries in It's Never Happened*
Has a ship ever broken your heart? In fanfic? Yeah, I've read some sad endings before and that's usually not my jam.
How do you feel about will they/won’t they? I'm fine with it so long as it ends in "Yes they will!"
Have you ever “shipped at first sight”? Analogical, actually!
Talk about a ship you initially disliked. I think when Remus first appeared, I had a hard time imagining him with anyone because of what a gremlin he is. I've come around to the trash rat tho.
Talk about a pairing you’ve stopped shipping romantically. Destiel.
Talk about a moment which made you question an entire ship. Season 6 of Supernatural. Destiel. >:(
Have you ever shipped something despite yourself? Kind of? I've done spite fics with spite ships.
Talk about a ship you feel alone in shipping. Tiencha, or Tien Shinhan/ Yamcha. They'd be so cute together!
Is there a ship you just don’t get, but have nothing against? Any ships that are part of fandoms I'm not in. I guess maybe Tony Stark/ Steve Rogers? They have such different values and ethics. They literally need a threat to the entire universe to come together.
Which of your ships have the best chemistry? Oh Analogical, easily. Royality too I think.
Which of your ships deserve better writing? Tiencha :(
Do you mostly ship canon pairings? Lmao no.
Have you ever shipped a pairing before you even started watching the show/movie simply because of gifs and graphics or similar? Yes I have! Crowley/ Aziraphale.
Have you noticed a pattern in your shipping? Is there a romantic dynamic you’re more drawn to? Not really, it's kind of all over the map.
Is there a ship you’ve shipped for most of your life? Tiencha.
Does shipping come easily to you? Yes, I am trash.
Do you need to ship something to really enjoy a movie/book/tv show/comic? Definitely not. I was a Potterhead, and I still don't really ship anything there.
Name a couple of fandoms in which you have no ships. Harry Potter, Marvel, DC Comics. I'm not in those fandoms tho.
Talk about one of your favorite headcanons for a ship you love. Roman is playfully protective of Virgil, and Virgil teases him by dramatically swooning.
Share five must-read fics. "Unexpected Destinies" was my first fic that I got into. Destiel fic, very complex and interesting AU. I think it got deleted during a LiveJournal purge tho. I got really into the "Battle Scars" series for a hot minute. Disabled Goku/ disabled Yamcha. "Perfect Attendance" by Periwren is great hurt/comfort starring Roman and Logan. "Welcome to the Neighborhood" by LeFay_Strent is absolutely hysterical. Shenanigans with Remy and Virgil, background Prinxiety, baffled Logan, it's a good time. And "War is Hell (but crushing is way more awkward)" by Jasper01 is incredible in so many ways! Funny, tragic, accurate, romantic, sweet, heartbreaking, all the things!
Name your favorite fanartist(s). So many fanartists have moved away from Sanders Sides, so I'm having a hard time thinking of many. To make sure I cover everyone, if there are any recs please let me know and I'll signal boost!
Share your favorite fanmix for your OTP. *Googles fanmix* It would appear I have none.
Recommend 1-5 shipper blogs. Gosh, so many of the shipping blogs I follow have become inactive in the Sides fandom. So! If any of you shipping blogs would like a shout-out, lmk and I'll signal boost!
Do you create fanmixes/gif sets/fanart/fic/fanvids and so on for you ships? Fic. So much fic.
Do you have a favorite trope and/or AU for your OTP? I mean I'm partial to Healing Broken Wings AU. As for trope, I'm a sucker for angst with hurt/comfort.
Do you like and use ship names? Definitely! Much faster to type.
Is there a fictional relationship you’d really want for yourself? I'm taking the word "fictional" literally here, because there is someone I'm in unrequited love with that I'm working on dealing with and I would really love a relationship with this person even though I know any hope is fiction.
If you could change one thing about your OTP, what would that be? Prinxiety, and that Roman would get some goshdang therapy!
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