#you should def pre-order
cellamare · 5 months
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joan he, you've won my heart with this duology. and the fact that there's a (intentionally not-quite-canon) bonus short story?? amazing. incredible. i have read everything you've written and will continue to do so forever.
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waywardsalt · 25 days
linebeck is probably so god damn paranoid all of the time
#like not even just. oh he's probably an anxious guy. hes def at least jumpy and his way of living puts him at risk of monster attacks#hes got some other person on the sea just straight up gunning to kill him whenever she sees him#he probably spends a lot of time agonizing abt how he should act in front of people on islands and putting his stories in order#linebeck#phantom hourglass#he has a crate in his ship near the wheel that he uses to hide in he likely struggles with fighting hes completely alone#he clearly does all of his ship maintenance alone and knows how to do it- but he does all of it alone#you know he's got some serious anxiety problems at the least. no fucking wonder he looks so rough#i imagine he prefers people who help him feel at ease like people he could rely on to protect him and keep an eye out#having link around lets him relax for sure though i dont imagine his paranoia gets too much better#in post ph having something of a crew around is a big help to like. help him relax and deal with all of those other mental illnesses#i imagine linebeck is generally kind of nervous and needs a friend. like those cheetahs with support dogs#in the bellum x linebeck fic linebeck's paranoia and issues around being alone and at risk are p important?#linebeck finding out that bellum is following and protecting him gives him a fuckton of peace of mind#linebeck seems like hed really benefit from hanging out w/ someone who makes him feel comfortable enough to be vulnerable#hes likely introverted but god he needs a friend to keep him from being on edge all of the time#salty talks#hes probably a lil better on islands? or at least islands with people on them. at least then his ship is in less danger#i was just thinkin abt this recently. like the idea of a short fic abt him just being fucking paranoid pre-canon#like a scene of him mopping the deck and. thinking. and spiraling really easily and becoming paranoia very quickly#he has issues <3
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aplateoflasagna · 2 years
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slavghoul · 1 year
Interview from Rock Hard [FR] Magazine 5/2023
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In which Tobias talks about Spillways, Phantomime, how he chooses what songs to cover, the state of the world, why he loves churches, and some touring technicalities.
Rock Hard: Let's go back to the version of "Spillways" that you recorded with Joe Elliott, the singer of Def Leppard. How did this collaboration come about?
Unfortunately, this story is less sexy than it would have been if I could have done exactly what I wanted. Before Impera was released, I regularly mentioned Def Leppard in interviews because some of the experimentation on that album was inspired by that band, their writing style. […] As I often mentioned Def Leppard, people around me eventually told me that Joe Elliott and Phil Collen regularly spoke highly of Ghost in interviews. Since I obviously thought it was cool, someone suggested a collaboration. A good collaboration shouldn't be forced, it should happen naturally. The best ones are often the ones that weren't supposed to happen. Two drunk musicians somewhere accidentally writing a good song... Crosby, Stills & Nash style. People who, by chance, find themselves together in a different context from the one they are used to and do something together, by accident. Something magical! That's how I would ideally have wanted it to happen. So I said I was ready to call Joe Elliott and see if we had a rapport. We started talking on the phone and texting a lot, me living in Sweden and him in Dublin. As we were both on the move almost all the time, and he was on tour, we couldn't meet. Suddenly, out of nowhere, he tells me that he has recorded some vocals for 'Spillways'! Quite frankly, I was surprised because I wasn't expecting it. I was anticipating a possible collaboration, but in a different way. To be honest, I thought we would create something new later on. But when I heard the result, I thought two things. Firstly, I found it very flattering. Secondly, I thought Joe brought something new and cool to "Spillways".
But you would have preferred to have the opportunity to write a new song with him.
Yes, that's the way I saw it, but I'm happy with the way it turned out. And then I said to Joe, "You know how we post those funny little episodes on our social media?" He replied "Yes, I think I saw that!" and kindly agreed to participate in one of them. Nowadays, many artists are over-solicited to record video clips for anything and everything in order to keep their channels updated: "Come and see us in concert in such and such a city!", etc. etc. The aim is obviously to keep the media space occupied.
By creating "content"!
Exactly! And that's exactly what I don't want to do. That's why, instead of all this crap, we started some time ago to create these little humorous episodes. One day, for example, I came up with the idea of an episode set in 1969 featuring a sort of "pre-Ghost" group. To do this, I obviously had to write a new song, which I did with this psychedelic track, 'Kiss The Go-Goat', which I thought was funny. When we recorded it, 'Mary On A Cross', another song of the same type, came along. So we ended up with two sides of a single that became 'Seven Inches Of Satanic Panic.’ Instead of just announcing the release on our networks, we chose to shoot a new video in which we featured Papa Nihil and explained the origins of this so-called 'pre-Ghost' band. I thought it was a much more clever and fun way of presenting the single. We do the same when it comes to announcing an album release or a future tour. Joe Elliott has a great sense of humour and is capable of self-mockery, so he kindly agreed to play this little game.
Ghost have made a habit of releasing an EP between their albums, mostly, if not entirely, made up of covers: If You Have Ghost (2013), Popestar (2016) and now Phantomime. How is it not just about “creating content”?
For me, it's a kind of exercise. I like analogies. Let's imagine that the place we are in is a theatre, and that this theatre, in order to be viable, has to host performances all year round. At least fifty weeks a year. Daytime rehearsals, evening performances... You are the director of the place and you know that the play that is currently being performed there will end at the end of the month. So you look for something else to program in order to make the most of the place and keep your staff busy. Maybe an old classic like Doctor Glass (Hjalmar Söderberg, 1905), an adaptation of John Steinbeck, or a rereading of Shakespeare's Hamlet that you could revisit by inviting this actor or that director, renting out your theatre for three extra months for the occasion. Working on this old material, even if it means not releasing it if it doesn't work. We do that to keep the team active, enthusiastic, focused. That's my way of working. I worked simultaneously on the Impera album and the demos of the covers that are on Phantomime. One day I could record 'Spillways' and two hours before leaving the studio to go home, I could look at any of the covers and decide which ones to keep. So, as soon as Impera was finished, I was able to concentrate on those covers that the album's producer wasn't interested in putting on the record. Which was fine with me. I spent some time sorting out the covers I had recorded as demos. There were ten in total, but I only kept five. Because with those five tracks I thought I could come up with a really strong rock EP. In my albums, there are highs, lows, really metal tracks, ballads, instrumentals, etc. So I thought it was a good idea to make a really strong rock EP. I felt it would be cool if this new EP was viscerally rock’n’roll. The opening track, "See No Evil" by Television, sounds like the Rolling Stones on methamphetamine! (laughs)
You like the songs you cover, that's a prerequisite. But their lyrics also play a very important role in your choice.
Yes, that's what makes me choose a song or not.
Is that the number one criterion?
Erm... (he thinks for a long time) If I hesitate between two songs, yes, absolutely! Let's go back to Leonard Cohen, for example. For the bonus tracks of Prequelle, I chose "Avalanche" because it seemed to me to have a biblical and existential significance. This was not the case with 'Take This Waltz', another Cohen song that I liked as much, if not more. The latter, with its Viennese waltz feel, would have metaphorically taken us to Austria, which would not have been very coherent, unfortunately.
Should these covers speak about God, the Devil, ask questions about religion?
They must speak about evil, about good. Be existential, biblical, philosophical, but seen from a certain perspective. Or at least tick one of those boxes, like 'Hanging Around' (The Stranglers) which is about Christ. Some of the other covers I've recorded are more specific, such as 'Phantom Of The Opera' (Iron Maiden), which is about horror. I also make my choice according to the humour of the songs I want to cover. It should be close to my own sense of humour.
You mentioned the first Phantomime cover, "See No Evil". It takes on a different resonance today because, on January 28, 2023, we sadly learned of the death of Tom Verlaine, the leader of Television.
When I recorded this cover in 2021, just after completing Impera, it was already a tribute. But obviously, with Tom's death, this song takes on another resonance, that of a final posthumous salute. I've been listening to Television for twenty years, and I love them and have always considered them a great band. In indie clubs they always play the same song, 'Marquee Moon', but Television had many other good songs, especially on their first two albums: Marquee Moon (1977) and Adventure (1978). I like those two best. It's a band that had a huge influence on one of my previous bands, Subvision. So much so that at the time, I thought several times of covering Television songs that I loved: "See No Evil", but also "Elevation" and "Foxhole".
The first single from Phantomime is Genesis' 'Jesus He Knows Me', a scathing critique of televangelist stars like Jimmy Swaggart, Jim Bakker and Robert Tilton. Ugly people who have made their fortune by 'promising salvation’ to naive believers for big bucks. Can we expect to see you wearing a wig in its video, as singer/drummer Phil Collins did in the original video for this song in 1991? 
(Laughs) We've already shot the video for this cover version (editor’s note: the interview was conducted on 11 March 2023) and I'm not in it, but it's a direct nod to the original video. I've always liked this song - except for the reggae part, which I thought was horrible in the Genesis version and which I reworked - and it's funny to see how this 1991 text is still relevant today. Except, of course, for a few "old-time" words, like "phone book". The televangelists are still there on television promising things to people who take their word for it and shower them with money because they are assured of "salvation", they are promised heaven. I also rearranged Iron Maiden's 'Phantom of The Opera' after taking care to contact Steve Harris for his approval.
Indeed, in your retelling of this song, you are the Phantom and not its victim...
Yes, I wanted to be the Phantom. I submitted the idea to Steve, who gave me the green light. I only made some surgical changes. Similarly, I would have liked to have proposed the same thing to Phil Collins so that the text of "Jesus He Knows Me" would have been more in line with the times. Change, for example, "but she don't know about my girlfriend / or the man I met last night" to "or the dude I screwed last night". Alas, lack of time prevented me from doing so. And then, since this was a slippery slope, I thought: - What if Collins refuses? Or what if he gets pissed off? - We could have made these changes without asking anyone's permission - as long as the artists get their royalties, it's not a problem - but there was no way I was going to do it. Neither I nor my label wanted to alienate anyone, obviously.
In 1977, in "Hanging Around" by The Stranglers, which you also cover on Phantomime, the singer Hugh Cornwell sings about several things, but also about Christ "telling his mother not to worry because he's comfortable in the city where he's high above the ground". Is that why you chose it?
Actually, the key thing that made me choose this song from the band over any other is that I grew up listening to the album it's taken from, Rattus Norvegicus (1977), the Stranglers' first release. There are a lot of songs on that album that I would have loved to play because, as a musician, I really like to play those kinds of songs. ‘Hanging Around' was a good fit for us because of the lyrics, but also because it was more in keeping with our style. Ghost are obviously a metal and hard rock band, but also have a strong punk sensibility. Punk, but well played (smiles). For me, The Stranglers have always done "well played punk": this band knows how to play, how to arrange its music, unlike GBH and Discharge, to name but two. Mind you, I also like the latter, but not for the same reasons. A lot of punk bands from the late 70s/early 80s sounded "sloppy". It wasn't for lack of trying to play better. When The Clash and The Jam went into the studio, they tried to do their best and they sounded great! The same goes for The Adverts. Those guys were doing their best. Nowadays, some people think that being a punk is to play badly on purpose, to be messy. No, no, no ! But I digress...
What is the reason for the nod to Metallica's 'Fade To Black' in the solo on 'Hanging Around'?
Just for fun. When I'm working on a guitar solo, I throw things in here and there, like a messy painter. It's like stretching a canvas on a wall and making big brush strokes... But when I start to feel like I've got something cool, I dig in more surgically, a bit like a collage artist would. I interweave little elements, and when it comes time to insert a solo into a piece, I refine things by continuing to add new elements. Generally, a solo gives you a space of freedom in the middle of an otherwise totally structured song. That's when you can come up with different things in terms of melody. So that's the way I do it, even on the demos of the covers. I ask my sound engineer, Martin Eriksson Sandmark, to play me the draft of the solos I've been working on over and over again, and then I try out different things, whatever comes to mind. It's as if I'm drawing a mental map of what the solo will become. Sometimes, if I'm on a part sometimes, if I'm on a bluesy part, I'll let myself play a few notes of Gary Moore’s "Still Got The Blues", or, if I'm tapping, Van Halen's "Eruption". When I was working on the solo for 'Hanging Around', I felt like playing this part of Metallica's 'Fade To Black', just for fun. And it ended up on the demo. I'm a decent guitar player, but I'm not at the level I could have reached if I'd worked harder. I could just record these solos in the studio, where you can always slow things down when you play them and then speed them up and put them on the album, but Fredrik Akesson can play these parts without tricks and with much more finesse than I can. He recorded the solo for "Hanging Around" as I had presented it on the demo, with this nod to Metallica, and we thought it was so cool that we kept it.
Hugh Cornwell, the ex-singer of The Stranglers, said in an interview that, although he was not a believer, he loved visiting churches. Is this also true for you? Are you also attracted to churches?
Yes, passionately! I believe in them like I believe in Star Wars. I've always thought of churches as stage props. Walking into one of them is a bit like walking onto a film set of the original Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom. It's awe-inspiring, even though you know it's just cardboard. Churches have magical powers because they are centuries-old buildings and we know that a lot of things have happened within their walls. Not that I'm trying to throw up on these places of worship, but when I go into a church I don't hear God, but the whispers of time. I am not an atheist, although intellectually I can see that there are many reasons why I should be. I believe in a Force, in an Energy. I also believe that we don't know many things, but that there is a balance between these different energies. The white and the black.
Good and Evil...
Absolutely! Right now the world is in crisis, but we're going to get through it. It's a vicious circle. We do ourselves a disservice if we think that if the world were rid of people like Vladimir Putin, Alexander Lukashenko, Jair Bolsonaro and the ayatollahs of Iran and Iraq, we would be out of the woods. I think all this can happen - and I hope it will, in a way - but Good and Evil will always be there. That balance is necessary. But I am an optimist by nature. I believe that there is a future for Volodymyr Zelensky and the Eastern bloc. That there is perhaps a chance to put into practice what was tried there some thirty years ago. And I believe in a free Iran, in a possible return to what this country was in 1978. What a beautiful day that would be! But that doesn't mean there wouldn't be a new war somewhere else in the world. I'm an eternal optimist, but let's face it: history is always starting over. As I said, it's a question of balance, a permanent coming and going. Because I believe in this Force I was talking about earlier, I truly believe that the West can win, that the way we live and the way we have built our society is a step forward that shows progress and can make a large majority of people happy. Not all, but most. But even if we all lived in love and peace for five years, something else would come along to create chaos! An alien or something! (laughs) That's how it works. Our mistake is to believe in the status quo, in nirvana. It's not going to happen. It's always about balance. The Vatican and organised religion... All that crap is just to pick people's pockets, to control them, to take their energy and scare them into plundering them. The same goes for the GOP (editor’s note: the American "Grand Old Party", suspected of having Christian nationalist leanings), which only deceives people in order to take their money! That's all you need to know. It's simple, so simple to understand. All this does not mean that the energy that emanates from churches is not real. When you walk into one of them, you feel - or so I believe - the energy of all those who have gone before you, for decades, for centuries. Their fears, their hopes, etc. So much so, sometimes, that you can feel oppressed, even upset. So I can walk into a church and feel a sense of awe. I love visiting these places, especially from an aesthetic point of view.
On Phantomime, you also cover "We Don't Need Another Hero" by Tina Turner. Don't you think that, given the state of the world today, we do need "another hero"?
I think Zelensky has shown how much we like heroes, how important they are to us. I think back, for example, to how the world went wild when Andrés Iniesta scored the decisive goal in the 116th minute to help Spain win the 2010 World Cup against the Netherlands. I believe in human determination and how it can inspire the world to distinguish between what is important... and what is really important. What is important for our daily lives. Yes, it's cool to have a complete collection of Venom's work, but it doesn't matter if I’m missing the most important thing. In the last ten years especially, the western world has been focusing on tons of unimportant things trying to pit people against each other, cancel culture and all that stuff... It proves that we are spoiled children. Our mentality shows it when it comes to security. Seeing Zelensky defend himself as he does appeals to our most primal instincts: it's beautiful and very inspiring. Nothing else is more important than that. It is the only thing that matters... Otherwise we have to be prepared for a lot of people to live in misery.
Next August, you will tour in the USA with Amon Amarth. I noticed that they will not accompany you on the last date, in Los Angeles, on September 11, 2023. There is no opening act, you ask the audience not to use their phones, etc. That sounds like a live DVD!
Yes, we are indeed planning to film this show, but it won't be the end of the Impera era cycle, even if we will not have so many dates left after this concert. There will still be a few shows in South America and Australia.
Nothing in Japan? A country that one might think Ghost was made for.
At the moment, it's not very clear. We had a lot of discussions with the Japanese promoters, as there was talk of us appearing on the bill of a Japanese festival scheduled for this month. Unfortunately, the festival was postponed... and then rescheduled for March! I think they originally had a big headliner, but the headliner didn't show up. So they cancelled, and then considered a smaller edition with Pantera. With all the back and forth, we ended up dropping out because it was too risky for us to play one date there after six months of inactivity. Our team is currently taking a break, but we preferred to use this time to rehearse for our next shows. The first one will be in Rouen on May 21st. We learned a good lesson the last time we played Hellfest. It was so hot that day, the conditions were so extreme, that we almost had a storm. We really had to fight against the elements and it affected me (Editor's note: the last encore of the show was not played, as Tobias was suffering from vocal problems). It was a very tough show. What really pissed me off was not the fact that I lost my voice, but the fact that the festival-goers who were there were not treated to our entire production. It was indeed difficult to foresee these extreme conditions. This summer we have to play festivals again, so we have reworked our production, which will be better adapted to the complicated weather. On this tour we will play in Spain, Finland, Norway, Greece, all within a few days of each other. So we'll be touring with two identical stages, so we can do all these shows without too much downtime. It's not very ecological, I'm sorry to say, because sometimes we'll have to take a plane to get to these cities in time. Not great, but it's the only way...
Will you play any of the Phantomime covers live?
One thing is for sure: we will play 'Jesus He Knows Me' because it's the first single from the new EP. As for the rest, we'll see during the rehearsals how the set evolves - because it's going to evolve a bit from the 2022 set. We're thinking of playing some songs from Impera that we've left out so far.
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absolutebl · 4 months
Hello, hi.
Next week is Cherry Magic's last episode and I'd like a suggestion as to what to watch next. Since last year I've watched some shows that I've enjoyed to different degrees. So far I've vibed more with the Japanese ones and only have watched two Thai shows: step by step and cherry magic.
I definitely like cherry magic more but I'd like to watch some more Thai bl, as I can see they're very popular, but honestly I don't know where to begin. I don't know if mentioning my favorite shows would help?
Old fashion cupcake
Cherry magic (JP)
I cannot reach you
Semantic error
Thank you so much in advance 🙌🏽
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This is a perfect question for me!
I think you're vibbing more with Cherry Magic Th because it's following the original yaoi so closely, so it's def more JBL feeling story than it is ThBL.
Okay so your favorites are:
Old Fashion Cupcake
Cherry Magic original
I Cannot Reach You*
Semantic Error*
You've named some of my all time favorites, and 2 of my VERY few top 10s*. (For more of my top 10 JBLs, try here (pre 2023). For my top 10 KBLs, those are here. And my top BLs of all time are here.)
But you want Thai recommendations?
Before I start, off script, seek ye Seven Days. It's my favorite JBL of all time and it's absolutely amazing and very special. It's in two parts and worth every effor to try to find. Here's me talking about it.
First, let me triage some connective tissue.
It seems like you like soft and gentle BL. (Try this cozy list.)
You like JBL so that means higher filming standards and certain aura of authenticity.
Also a lower heat level.
Okay, here are 10 Thai BLs I think you should try, in order...
10 Thai BLs to try if you prefer soft Japanese BL
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1 Until We Meet Again (YouTube)
UWMA is, without question, a work of narrative genius with a powerful and cohesive romantic backbone and stellar performances. It is (to date) the only Thai BL that I’ve rated a 10/10 predominantly on the basis of story structure. That said it is also very well cast (and it’s a BIG cast), with solid production values, and enduring pair branding and a softness and complexity that should appeal for a JBL stan. More of my feels on this on here.
trigger warning on the original trigger
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2 I Feel You Linger in the Air (iQIYI or grey)
I truly loved this time travel romance. IFYLITA is an exquisite BL, from filming techniques to narrative framework (much like Until We Meet Again). Steeped in history and family drama it edges into lakorn AKA soap opera. This is an elegant and classy BL… from Thailand which normally doesn't even try for classy. The main couple (both as a pair and individuals) were excellent, particularly Bright (Yai) whose eye-work acting style is a personal favorite of mine. Pity about the ending. Oh it wasn’t that sad but it wasn’t great either. However, JBL isn't noted for sticking the landings either. Full review and discussion here.
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3 My Ride (Gaga)
Thai BL grew up with this little pulp (the first ever to make my end of year top 10). It’s a truly lovely and special little show featuring the extremely rare pairing of sunshine/sunshine (AKA a cinnamon roll couple) plus mature explorations of relationships using one of the softest, sweetest and most innocent friends to lovers vehicles. Kindly, overworked doctor meets broken-hearted motorcycle taxi driver in an “other side of the tracks” slow burn romance. The support cast is excellent, making for great friendship groups and family dynamics. With honest queer rep that adds to, but doesn’t impede, the story, and genuine conversation about the nature of class, wealth, and classism, not to mention communication, honesty, and respect for boundaries, you can’t go wrong with this show. Full review.
My caveat with this one is, like Step by Step, it is a Thai pulp which mean production values will not be up to Japan's standards. So if you bounce hard off the style of the first few 2 eps, it doesn't get better, so drop it and move on.
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4 A Tale of Thousand Stars (YouTube)
With great casting and cinematography this drama nods at BL tropes but manages to elevate them (and itself) with a strong mature story concept about a spoiled rich kid who gets a heart transplant and becomes a rural teacher in order to pay out survivor’s guilt. On the way he falls in love with a local park ranger and contends with his own classism and escapist tendencies. Everyone seemed to perfectly suit their roles and GMMTV made the most out of its stable. Combined with excellent production (and post production) values, 1000 Stars is without question GMMTV’s most mature, charming, and smart BL series. I think it should go down as one of the top BLs of all time. I feel safe recommending this one to friends and non BL watchers.
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5 He's Coming to Me (YouTube)
Boy and ghost boy fall in love, must solve ghost’s murder. Peak pining but also pretty tame, features my favorite sweet but important coming out sequence. The third in my precious triumvirate of unbeatable Thai BLs, that are only nominally BL because the story, acting, and production values are so good. (others are UWMA & 1k*)
You don't mention any PNR or high concept, but I still think it's worth giving this one a try.
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6 Moonlight Chicken (YouTube)
I enjoyed this complicated little show, even though it’s spectacularly messy gay with lots of shrapnel and authentic pain. I thought the leads (EarthMix from 1k*) turned in their most compelling performance to date. But it was GeminiFourth (My School President) who stole my heart. That said, the most interesting central relationship was that of Jim & Li Ming, their father-son angst mixed with evident affection made me tear up. This was more slice of life than it was BL, but it ended happily so I’m not mad at it. Full review here.
It's not as soft as you like, but you might try it anyway, because it is Very Good.
A note if you watch this and enjoy GeminiFourth, you could try their BL, My School President. I chose not to explicitly rec it to you because it's VERY Thai Bl with lots of comedy and slapstick, and you named prestige JBL and KBL (which are the anthesis of this). Taht said, MSP has no more or less than Japan's Cherry Magic, so you might enjoy it.
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7 Make a Wish (grey)
An odd pull but I'm going with it. This PNR (from noted Y-novelist Sammon - Manner of Death & Triage) about a doctor who can see the dead and strikes a bargain with a wish-granting irreverent tree angel - naturally they fall in love. The Thai afterlife is incredibly bureaucratic but I enjoyed the premise and the unfolding of the story (it’s not predictable but still satisfying and with nice little twist). I like that the doctor is just gay af and has a fag hag bestie and everything. The cast is excellent but the comedic stylings could feel too overblown and tonally off. (But again no more than something like Japan's Cherry Magic.) It had sad parts and did make me cry but is ultimately happy with a great sex scene, good smiley kisses, and all the agency.
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8 Bed Friend (YouTube -cut version, iQIYI - v high heat)
You didn't name My Personal Weatherman (a great high heat JBL from last year) but if you want to try some Thai-style high heat, this is your best bet. Office frienamies transition a flaming hot one night stand into a f-buddy relationship that is built on a puppy/cat dynamic (and kinks into it at one point). Our puppy is loyal, smitten, and protective with endlessly longing eyes, while our cat is snarky, prickly, and deeply damaged (ALL THE TRIGGERS). NetJames give lovely high-heat with excellent chemistry and tuned-in performances of surprising depth, the story ultimately fails them at little as it waffles and went off the rails. But that's a Thai BL thing. Full review here.
Triggers include: child abuse, attempted rape, family abuse
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9 The Eclipse (YouTube)
This is a good show but the cast is excellent and the leads are absolutely flawless, which elevates it beyond just good. We got a nuanced and multifaceted burgeoning relationship: philosophical (and socio-political) conflict contrasted to moments of empathy; flirtation contrasted to moments of genuine affection, plus plenty of angst. This narrative is less about love than it is about courage and tenderness. However, near the end the pacing was off and the plot frustrating. Still, this is an enjoyable watch, with a finale that features verbal consent and a fun blooper reel.
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10 Love By Chance (YouTube)
Okay I dithered a lot over this last one and finally chose this. Because in an intro to Thai BL you should have at least one trail by fire and that's bound to be a MAME offering.
AePete’s meet cute is one of the best ever put on screen. They are just so genuine and soft with each other, it’s hard not to love them from the first moment. All the best Thai BL tropes deployed (and there are a lot of them) are earned honestly by the narrative, including the seme/uke dynamic (such as it is). The characters are unique as this is a poor/rich pairing, where Ae is tough & scrappy, caring & protective, and probably demisexual, while Pete is timid, shy, lonely, and out gay (with his peers). The language is also glorious with Pete using formal (even old fashioned) register, while Ae is entirely rude. You can train your ear for Thai high & low registers with this show (in fact, it's why I started learning them). As surrounding characters point out, they shouldn't work together, and yet they're very much wonderful when they are together.
HOWEVER: You watch LBC for the mains, ignore the sides (trigger warnings), and don't bother with any of the follow ups and you'll be fine. AePete will remain in your heart for a really long time. They are still one of my all time favorite couples. Also (still) two of the Thai BL industry's most famous actors.
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For those who are wondering, yes the last contender was, indeed, Bad Buddy. But I chose LBC purely on the basis of softness.
There it is.
I hope I have picked some winners for you and please loop back around and let me know how it goes?
I really want to know if any of these worked for you, this was such a fun challenge.
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bluejay-the-geek · 2 months
DC characters/moments as Tortured Poets Department songs/lyrics bc i have a light concussion and am very bored (in the album's chronological order)
(disclaimer before someone is triggered- some of the lyrics are taken out of context or interpreted differently than what they actually mean. this is just for fun don't come for me. also this gets pretty angsty towards the end so proceed with caution)
"I was supposed to be sent away, But they forgot to come and get me"- tim drake very obviously bc neglecting parents/boarding school
"I love you, it's ruining my life"- early harleen quinzel about joker
"My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys"- the whole song is just harley quinn idc (pre-harlivy of course)
"Now I'm down bad, cryin' at the gym"- nightwing def cried at the gym at some point
"I stopped tryna make him laugh, stopped tryna drill the safe"- dick grayson about bruce after moving out of wayne manor
"You swore that you loved me, but where were the clues? I died on the altar waitin' for the proof, You sacrificed us to the gods of your bluest days"- remember the whole selena leaving bruce at the alter thing? yeah
"I'd rather burn my whole life down, Than listen to one more second of all this bitchin' and moanin', I'll tell you something 'bout my good name, It's mine alone to disgrace"- I'm just getting red hood vibes from this no specific reason
"Now, pretty baby, I'm runnin' back home to you, Fresh out the slammer, I know who my first call will be to"- almost every gotham rouge to batman right after escaping arkham/prison. especially joker, catwoman and riddler lol
"At the park where we used to sit on children's swings, Wearing imaginary rings"- this one specific panel of tim and steph
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"And this city reeks of driving myself crazy"- everyone who's ever been to gotham
"All my girls got their lace and their crimes, And your cheating husband disappeared, well, No one asks any questions here"- it's giving gotham city sirens
"Am I allowed to cry?"- maybe it's just me but i thought about clark kent discovering he had different biological parents and grieving about them even though the parents that actually raised him are alive and well
"So I leap from the gallows and I levitate down your street, Crash the party like a record scratch as I scream, "Who's afraid of little old me?", You should be" red hood's debut
"The scandal was contained, The bullet had just grazed, At all costs, keep your good name, You don't get to tell me you feel bad"- jason todd about the whole making batman choose between him and joker at the end of under the red hood
"You wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me"- this is 100% Bane bc he was born and grew up in prison for a crime he didn't even do!! also cassandra cain and damian wayne
(^this is actually the lyric that inspired this entire post lol)
"You caged me and then you called me crazy, I am what I am 'cause you trained me, So who's afraid of me? Who's afraid of little old me?"- kind of a stretch but remember that time they put jason in arkham?
I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can)- again the whole song is harley about joker
"Your arson's match, your somber eyes, And I'll still see it until I die, You're the loss of my life"- bruce about jason. out of all the robins that died, jason's death hit him the hardest. even now when bruce sees red hood, he still sees that happy little kid that he lost
"I can read your mind, "She's having the time of her life", There in her glittering prime, The lights refract sequin stars off her silhouette every night, I can show you lies"- bc we all know Nightwing is always dying on the inside, and it was very true in the discowing era bc it was right after he left the manor
"'Cause I'm a real tough kid, I can handle my shit"- jason pre-bruce
"I'm so obsessed with him, but he avoids me like the plague"- ok so we got joker about batman, cupid about green arrow, hush about bruce wayne... and a bunch of others but it's too many to write lol
"And you deserve prison, but you won't get time"- fucking tarantula that bitch
"The smallest man who ever lived"- the atom! not any of the messages in the song tho ofc he's just very small
"What if I told you I'm back? The hospital was a drag, Worst sleep that I ever had, I circled you on a map ,I haven't come around in so long, But I'm coming back so strong"- joker to batman after escaping arkham again
"I haven't come around in so long, But I'm making a comeback to where I belong"- jason coming back to protect crime alley after being away from gotham for years after his resurrection
"Even if it's handcuffed, I'm leavin' here with you"- batman and catwoman<3
I Hate It Here- imagine the whole song as homeless jason todd taking shelter in the library💔
"I built a legacy that you can't undo, But when I count the scars, there's a moment of truth, That there wouldn't be this if there hadn't been you"- bruce built a legacy as batman, and created a huge family he loves, and it hurts to think about but he wouldn't have any of it if joe chill hadn't murdered his parents
"Please, I've been on my knees, Change the prophecy, Don't want money, Just someone who wants my company"- kid bruce grew up all alone in a huge mansion, but he'd give all his billions away in a heartbeat if he could change his parent's fate
"So, they killed Cassandra first 'cause she feared the worst"- ok so you might think i chose cassandra cain for this only bc of the name, BUT- cass notices things others don't (like cassandra the prophet...), bc of her skills and abilities she is feared the most (Ik the song said "she feared" not "she is feared" but idc lol). like if someone knew so much about you just by looking you'd think she's some kind of a witch too
Peter- picture this: jason had a childhood friend back at crime alley. he left to live in wayne manor and become robin, and said goodbye to his old friend, promising they'd reunite again in the future. 3 years pass and his friend reads an article about jason's death. now listen to the song and try not to cry (if someone writes that fic send me the link IMMEDIATELY this has been haunting me) here's the link to the song with lyrics bc ik you're too lazy to look it up. also jason's middle name is peter:)
"Splendidly selfish, charmingly helpless, Excellent fun 'til you get to know her"- brucie wayne vs batman
"Started with a kiss, "Oh, we must stop meeting like this" But it always ends up with a town car speeding, Out the drive one evening"- catwoman and batman of course<3 the town car is the batmobile speeding out the batcave to catch catwoman (to arrest her or make out with her? probs both)
Robin- ofc we have to go robins for robin! imo that's bruce to dick and jason's robins, and dick to damian when he was his robin. dick and jason- despite the hard times they went through that led to them becoming robins, they were still mostly happy curious kids that run around covered in mud while bruce tried (unsuccessfully) to maintain the innocence they had left. as for damian- it's more of a stretch than the other 2 bc he had no childlike innocence before robin, but dick tried his hardest to extract the child that was hidden inside the ruthless assassin the league created, finally allowing him to experience normal kid things. idk
"He said, "I'm not a donor but, I'd give you my heart if you needed it", She rolled her eyes and said, "You're a professional""-to me this is clark kent completely in love and lois with her sass
"And at last, She knew what the agony had been for"- almost every hero. they suffer, they sacrifice, they fight, and sometimes they want to give up- but at the end of the day, they save lives, so it's all worth it
and that's it folks! feel free to add more/share your insights!!
sorry for any spelling/grammer mistakes, English isn't my first language plus like the title said i had a minor head injury a few days ago and I'm tired soI'm not proofreading this bc I'm going to sleep rn goodnight to all✌️
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disneyprincemuke · 5 months
The fem driver series with logan has its own masterlist but its not in chronological order and I was wondering where to start
okay, so pre-formula 1 works are dated! so those ones, you do not need to read it in a specific order, they're just tiny little blurbs over the years
for the girls is set in bahrain 2023 right before her first race, the new hires is also around the start of the year, so also bahrain?? fly on the wall is in baku during their gp there! gone girl is a short fic between seb & femdriver
family day is also early races of the season? but definitely before the miami gp! after that is best dress with guest star jacob elordi <3 with long story short as a short aftermath piece
fake news is whenever the taylonso rumours came out, so mid 2023-ish? it's just platonic is over the summer break where logan & femdriver go with oscar for a visit in melbourne
the pet obsession is australia + monaco and just tells the story of how femdriver had gotten her pets (kidnapper + stubby) (hijacker origin story coming soon btw) look after you happens during the qatar gp
bother figures + the orange peel theory + in the name of friendly racing happen towards the end of the 2023 season when femdriver is a bit more opened up and comfortable, but there is no specific gp that it's tied to! they're all basically just a lot of crackfics + orange pulp
the camouflaging cat i imagine happens somewhere in the later half of the season during one of their short breaks between the weekends where they're not out for a race
not a gamer happens during the winter break! maybe it's in the name as well <3
OH AND OF COURSE in another life | fem!driver au x logan sargeant there is no specific timeline,, though i should def clean that masterlist up cause it could get a bit confusing cause i added a fic in there for before they got together
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roo-bastmoon · 11 months
The Great Radio Debate: Roo's (limited) Understanding of this Issue UPDATED
Disclaimer: Sensitive topics are discussed below the cut; please do not incite drama, speak hate, or engage in bullying. This is a collection of my thoughts about what is currently happening with regard to Jungkook's single SEVEN and the implications it could mean for Jikook and ARMY. If you click below this cut, you are assuming responsibility for your own behavior and agreeing to engage with my blog and others respectfully, or you will be blocked.
We now by know that Jimin's music was not promoted to radio. We know this because when we went to request it from various major radio stations, it was not an option in the drop-downs; we had to manually type it in. Being "sent / promoted / serviced to radio" means a compressed file is sent from the company to radio stations so DJs can play high-def spins that are universally compatible with their station's set up.
None of Jimin's songs for Face were serviced:
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The airplay audience was the lowest for any song this decade:
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The controversy around Jungkook's SEVEN began last week when one DJ tweeted the following:
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As we now know, "serviced to radio" means they sent a compressed file (which they SHOULD have done for Like Crazy English Version, but didn't). They did service to radio for Butter and Dynamite and it was a huge help. Even Yet to Come was serviced, so it cracked Top 50 on the charts, but none of Face's songs were sent, which makes zero business sense any achievement on that chart amazing.
Because even when serviced, it doesn't guarantee spins... "Add" means they hope radio stations will add the song to rotation:
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But then the DJ had to go and say this:
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So they have already sent SEVEN to the radios, hoping for spins. And now one person is publicly saying the song absolutely will get spins immediately. This heavily implies payola, because why else would a song without demand or requests immediately spin multiple times on everyone's shows the second it was released?
I feel (I, Roo Bastmoon, personally think and feel) Seven is being pushed this way for two reasons:
Billboard's recent changes around what kind of sales (physical, digital, bundled) will counts on the charts puts songs without radio play at an extreme, nigh-insurmountable disadvantage; even with excellent streams (which are heavily culled and filtered), it will be hard to break into the top 50.
Additionally, Taylor Swift's Speak Now re-release has dropped this week and will be gunning for the charts next week when Jungkook debuts, and that is a personal problem for Scooter Braun.
For those not familiar (as I surely wasn't; I live under a rock), Taylor Swift felt compelled to leave her old management company back in 2018. To do so, she had to abandon the rights to any original music she made with them. They kept her masters and sold them off to Scooter Braun.
Each time someone wanted to play one of her original songs, they had to ask his permission and pony up money for a license fee. Scooter Braun also managed Kanye, and I'm sure everyone knows the Beyoncé is the Greatest of All Time award show fiasco that led to some bad blood between those two artists, so it added insult to injury for Taylor.
Taylor has now re-recorded everything and released Speak Now: Taylor's Version. Of COURSE her fans are motivated to support her and get every single song they can into the highest position on the Hot 100 for as long as possible... and frankly, I am not a Swiftie but I can't blame them because if someone did that to BTS, I'd make it my life's mission to chart them as a big Fuck You, too.
But it does put a lot of pressure on Jungkook's single, because now it's very likely been weaponized in a personal dick-measuring contest where Scooter is concerned. Not sure if I mentioned it but I truly hate that man so I'm not sure I can be impartial when talking about him but I will try.
So Jungkook's single has been set up so far with pre-orders on iTunes and compressed files to radio, which is a first for any member's solo work. He also has a debut stage on Good Morning America, which has a huge range beyond k-pop.
So far, none of this is foul play. It is a company doing its best to represent and set up the best conditions for its artist under changed circumstances. You can make a case for favoritism, clearly, but at the end of the day, companies are about making profits and sometimes they grossly underestimate what has potential and what the market wants.
The issues fans are facing now around Seven lie in:
1) the neglect around Jimin's Like Crazy English Version, which is still so stable that it could be smashing charts if only it would get radio play so this just seems to make zero business sense and be more of a slight than anything else, so Jikookers are left wondering what that means for the relationship and,
2) the fear that Hybe America under Scooter Braun has abandoned BTS' founding values and taken the easy way out by paying to play on radio, which would severely damage credibility that BTS worked so hard to build as an organic, fan-driven success.
I think we'll have to wait to see how many sales, streams, and spins Jungkook gets to figure out if payola was likely. Maybe that one DJ was tweeting his own assumptions like they were facts. Or maybe Hybe has now decided to do payola. If that is so... not gonna lie, I will be extremely disappointed. I will need to take a break and figure out what this means for me as a fan.
The next question is how much did Jungkook know about all this? There seems to be two camps of thought here: one says the boys are involved in every step of the way and choose everything that happened around their releases.
(I know Jimin is very humble but I HIGHLY doubt he ever said to his company "Please rush my release in between other releases so I get physically sick trying to keep up with it; please never restock my physicals in WeVerse and don't send a file for the English song I studied for to US radios; and please also never post about my world record nor celebrate my albums' success in any way; yes, I worked 10+ months on this very personal opus but I absolutely don't want any of that." I very, very much doubt the ways Face was handled after Hot 100 #1 was Jimin's choice. This also makes me doubt if all the ways Seven will be handled will be Jungkook's choice.)
The second camp of thought is that the artists have absolutely no say in the marketing and promotion styles of their work, and that they are kept out of sales matters altogether. And here's the limit of my understanding, because I've not seen or read much on Hybe / BigHit's strategic plans around distribution for either BTS' group or solo works.
(Side Note: I have seen them set up TXT for a Billboard Top Ten, only for their collab to come in at #135, which shows a gross misunderstanding of their market right now--as well as disregard for their artists' feelings and reputations. My heart goes out to those boys; they worked hard.)
But drawing on my own experience decades ago when I used to work in entertainment out in LA, I can tell you, even as Chief Editor, plenty of my media content was changed without anyone informing me--back-cover blurbs, cover designs, release dates, shelf talkers, pop ups, print runs, print houses, store placements, advertising, interview articles--at some point in my former career, all of those things got changed around and I found out after the fact, on my own projects. Which pissed me off but I'd signed NDAs and couldn't do a single thing about it. And the authors / creators didn't know until *I* had the hard job of informing them. And they couldn't do anything about it because they were under contract.
So I think the level of members' involvement in solo works is somewhere in between. I think as artists and performers, BTS members can have a great deal of say in their look, styles, lyrics, choreo, merch, and venues. But not total say. Definitely not deciding-factor say.
I think the company can make them water down their lyrics, change up the choreo, and flat-out tell them no when it comes to music videos, performance venues, pretty much anything budget-related. They don't even have to explain why; it's their budget and their bottom-line. (In the old days, it seems like the members could freely express opinions around the works and even challenge management when it came to creative content. Maybe that is still true.)
As far as Jungkook's involvement in Seven's style, we have a stylist going on record about how some of the options were their ideas and that Jungkook had a lot of input on the look and feel, so it was a mixture:
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For this reason alone, the fact that things like mud were added to clean pants or spikes to a jacket after Jungkook had input makes me truly feel this was his way of honoring Jimin and Face. It just seems like something our Jungkook would do--he may not always say it, but he's always watching Jimin-ssi.
As for sales and marketing strategies? The boys may never get looped in. Or they may be told the plans, but not invited to give input. Or they may sit down and plan it all out to the last detail with each department. I genuinely don't know. And because I don't know, I will not be assuming the worst of Jungkook or any member until I have all the facts. That is anti behavior, in my mind, and I just cannot stomach it. I can never bring myself to believe the worst of anyone until they fully and consistently show me that's who they are.
We've spent ten years with these guys. They are flawed human beings, yes, but not cheats, not assholes. I think they omit plenty of details but I don't think they straight-up lie to us. I don't think Jungkook would ever look his staff and executives in the eye and say "Yes, I want you to illegally pay money under the table so this single will top the charts." Jungkook is competitive, but also a stickler for fair play. You spend any amount of time watching Run, and the only time he "cheats" is when he wants to be with Jimin (lol) and he's pretty endearingly obvious about it; guy has almost no game face.
Okay but joking aside, I'm honestly very worried for JK. It sort of feels like he's being set up. Many questions have arisen over the stylistic choices for Seven. There's the fan frenzy around having a hot female protagonist in his video. And now the question about how much radio play Seven will get, and why. That's a lot of controversy to hang on a young man's shoulders. Especially in light of the recent book that's come out, in which it's clear now that the company and the artists are aware of hate-trending hashtags in English. GOD THAT MAKES ME SICK TO MY STOMACH.
To me, it feels (it feels--as in, my gut is telling me this; I have no receipts) like the company is using JK to experiment with a different way of doing business--a way that may stray from their founding values.
And there's so much potential for this to blow up in JK's face. There are solos who will insist he's stealing Jimin's style. Antis who will insist he's cheated on the charts. Insecure shippers who will lose their minds if anything flirty goes down with Han So-hee on screen. K-poppies, Swifties, and local racists all insisting on undermining his creativity, talent, and character because they fear the competition.
This release on Friday has the potential to be a blood bath. And I just don't trust the company to have his back and take ownership of their part in this, if so. From everything I've seen about Jungkook, he deserves the benefit of the doubt.
My biggest question mark is how Jimin will respond to all of this. If he comes on live one day and says in a flat tone something like: "I was really surprised to see how similar Jungkookie's concept was to my own." or "How interesting that Seven got sent to radio--good for him, good for him. I wonder how that happens?" Then I'll take that to mean Jimin wasn't looped in on JK's plans and he doesn't feel great about it; that won't sit well with me.
Then again, if Jimin raves about Seven and plays it on live or joins JK in New York and mentions how flattered he was that they share the same style, how they click, how proud he is of JK's hard work and asks please ARMY give it a lot of love? Then I'll infer he was definitely looped in, this is a homage, and JK's actions were always above board. I will assume that because I will never doubt Jimin's integrity. If Jimin approves, I will approve. Jimin has earned my complete trust.
So this week is a very tense one (for me at least). But it does provide quite the distraction from the stress tests and specialist consults I have lined up, I'll give you that. Never a dull moment. (I am so ready for this fandom to have some dull moments.)
In the end, I'm going to chose to believe in the very best of our members until there's solid evidence to think otherwise. As of now? I think the only dirty cheater in the mix is the music industry at large. I know the entertainment world is corrupt, but Jesus, they are so blatant about it all.
Anyway, we may not get radio data for several days or weeks after the initial drop date, so I'm prepared to hang in there for a good bit. And if there is evidence of payola and JK knew about it... I'm gonna need time to process that and figure out where I go from there, as a Jikooker, as an ARMY. I will honestly be shocked.
One thing you'll never see me do is spout hatred for human beings. I will likely rant about the company. And there are plenty of people Scooter Braun that I viscerally dislike. But I'm making a commitment now not to spread dehumanizing hate speech on the timeline.
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That's not what BTS or Jimin would ever want. That's not what I want for myself, especially if my days in this life are limited. I don't need that kind of toxicity or karma.
Am I furious about all the crap that's gone down for Jimin (and other members too, to a lesser degree)? You bet your buttons, as my Nana used to say. I could rage and froth all day about it.
But I also remember who came online over and over to say Jimin's name, play Jimin's songs, mimic Jimin's interviews, giggle at Jimin's video clips, and invite Jimin into his life.
And based on moved lamps and dog scratches and Jimin bulking up, it's likely Jimin has accepted those invitations.
Whenever we do get to glimpse Jimin with Jungkook, he seems as endeared and besotted as he always has.
I trust Jimin to know if someone did him dirty, and to act accordingly. I do not believe any aspect of the Jikook relationship is performance.
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For those reasons, I'm gonna be withholding judgement until all info around Seven comes in.
I hope you will too, but I understand if you feel differently and I'm not on this Earth to judge other people's viewpoints or experiences. I just ask that if you want to be friends with me here, you try to be civil in your words and actions, even in the sway of big feelings. Every person behind the screen is a work in progress; we are all fighting invisible battles; there are many sides to each story.
All any of us can do is our best with what we are given. Let's wait and see what Jungkook (and Jimin, and the company) give us.
If you made it this far through my ramblings, kudos! I welcome ideas, so feel free to comment--but just remember, rudeness will be removed. There's no space for meanness on my blog.
Love and deep respect to you all,
So, it would seem the DJ who is hyping JK's Seven is also open to playing Like Crazy. This would imply it's been sent to some radio because before I remember he tweeted that he needed the compressed file in order to play it on his station (I am sorry I didn't save that link but he was talking about Hobi and Jimin if I recall, back at the time!).
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The radio stations that took requests (including the one mentioned above) back at that time were playing the music video version available to the public, not a compressed file sent by the company:
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And when I check on this linktree of top radio stations in the US, Like Crazy does not come up as any option in rotation. I have to manually request still, after four months of being stable on the charts.
So if Jungkook gets immediate spins and requests immediately come up in rotation... is that because radio stations really love Jungkook? Or is this a company "networking" deal? (And in any case, would JK be involved in that aspect?) Everything still remains to be seen. Let's be patient and try our best not to assume the worst.
Many thanks for JMDBJK for mentioning in the comments the likelihood that a title track would be sent out, which prompted me to go look soon as I could get to my computer. I really do value anyone willing to take the time to help me learn more info about this industry!
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stickyspeckledlight · 2 months
the week of waiting is going to kill me. i need him and to gather all my friends to watch my pulls go down the drain for this man. i will win the 50/50 on both him and his weapon. i already have the relics. i have all the materials pre-farmed. he is coming home and he will come home NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
(some nerdy stuff ranting about how one builds the glorious Aventurine and...things i heard from the slow drip drip of my sink...)
honestly the first character since furina i feel this determine to pull on. although unlike with furina, I won't be trying to go for e6 on him. they're not bad, but I don't think they're worth pulling for in comparison to other things, esp since they integrated his OG e1 into his base kit (the only thing e1 does is give a little crdmg and shield; not bad, but it's not like, amazing. lc over his e1, or save that e1 5* for someone with a bonkers e1 like Ruan Mei). and e2 is nice for ratio teams, but also...i feel like it should've also been able to apply with his fua as well....like again they're not bad, but I think one should only pull for his eidolons if they're truly down bad, or have $2000 just sitting there. his e6 is fucking broken tho, but it's an e6, so no surprises there (basically gets a free 150% dmg bonus; sure technically he needs shield teammates, but when you're at e6 this bitch will never give you up and throw away his shield srsly wtf my guy)
and i do have to be honest...his LC is really good on him, no doubt his BiS (and before you go to Trend of Universal Market, no, his LC is way better at debuff application than it. Gepard's LC is his 2nd best lc tho), but you should consider which teams you want to run with him. this LC shoots up in value if you're planning to build a fua team with him, as I am doing with ratio-aven-topaz. However, if you're really wanting to commit to this team, these are priorities (in order excluding Robin, since she's still not properly released)
Robin (like RM she buffs the whole team, and seems to be really good as a premium FUA harmony like RM was to DoT teams; although RM is still really good, since she can apply debuffs for ratio. Tho frankly, I think both RM and Robin are REALLY good for DoT teams and you can use them pretty interchangeably. RM's delay lets more DoT trigger, as does Robin's action advance; RM's dmg boost and be increases DoT, Robin's ATK and dmg boost scales with all DoTs; RM gives free speed, robin action advances whole team with ult; honestly it's a bit of a tough call, and I'm sure there'll be a lot of theorycrafting and stuff. but with boothill and a general increase of break effect focused units, I'm sure RM will be implemented in those teams) ok now that I think about it she might not be the penultimate fua harmony lmao
Topaz s1 or e1. I think s1 is a bit better, but do whichever one is cheaper for you (which...would likely be s1, since weapon banner has lower pity lmao)
Ratio LC. It's fucking ridiculous AND THERE'S AN EMOTIONAL SUPPORT DUCK. DO IT FOR THE DUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!
So Aven LC is not bad, as it boosts his and his team's dmg by 12% from what I've seen, and it helps him reach the full 4k def to max out his crate passive, but you should be aware of other priorities if you are going for a fua team. esp since its effect allows him to act as a better subdps and enables ratio and topaz, effectively giving the team THREE subdps (and you're getting dmg from a SUSTAIN. sustains usually contribute to only 5% of the team's dmg, but aven has been able to go up to 12-18% alone, which is pretty nuts). as for me...i am lacking a topaz and ratio lc. But I am pulling for Aven's LC because I love love love this man hey in fact did you know I have saved up ~308 pulls saved up hahahahahhahahahahahahahahahaha and it would've been ~378 if I wasn't such a kafka believer (and also because it was, um. cheaper than going for an acheron team....😅)
ultimately, although aven has sub-dps capabilities, most people should prioritize his sustain first, I think. if you want him as a sub dps, then you should go for his LC. I'm personally going to try out a 2pc salsatto + 2pc pioneer + 2pc knights, and then go for a 4pc pioneer + 2pc salsatto to get extra *spicy.* I will be running def boots on him, but go for speed boots if you want him to generate more SP (but also note that he has like. 106 SPD at base, which is as fast as asta & yukong for reference). tho if you run spd boots, you would prob have to run a def body and 2pc belobog.
however, 4pc knight is never a bad idea. But don't farm too hard for a 4pc; I just have a lot of knights pieces from when I was farming Kafka artifacts pre-Prisoner set. you can really just run something like 2pc knights and then flex the remaining slots. the two remaining slots could just be rainbow artifacts with a lot of def or crdmg. or maybe something like 2pc pioneer for dmg (ONLY IF YOU HAVE A DEBUFFER THO, OTHERWISE RUN 2PC DUKE OR 2PC BANDIT), 2pc guards for his own dmg reduction (but 2pc guard is really awful for him since it does. basically nothing for him), 2pc hackerspace for spd.
planar sets are a lot easier. salsatto for dmg, broken keel is always good and he won't have any issue proccing its effect because of the insane amount of eff res he provides, and belobog (but only if you're really struggling hitting his 4000 def requirement). maybe you can run signoia on him too? but only in pure fiction, and even then it's better you prioritize it on your dps (and also survivability isn't as important in pure fiction as it is in MoC; you probably should only run aven if you're really struggling to kill the enemies. if you are having issues with survivability tho, I actually do recommend running 4pc guard on your supports, if you have any lying around after farming the quantum domain. the guard set is rlly niche, but when it works it really works. it's the only reason I was able to 36* last moc, since my team on the second half consisted of ratio, tingyun, pela, and fire MC (my lynx and natasha couldn't keep up with their healing, and can't apply debuffs like fire MC can w/ taunt or universal market))
anyways, that's all i have for nerding out about aventurine. I will be maxing out his traces (relatively. his basic atk is useless as fuck, so L bozo) and laying at his feet. wish me luck in my pulls.
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kaysdenofchaos · 6 months
Hi again! Weird question, if I buy the full Turtle-Spiders keychains set now, when do you think will arrive?
'Cause I may have convinced my parents to buy me that but only if I can assure them it will arrive before Christmas (I live in Italy) :]
Should I take the chance? Because I saw people posting that they already received your merch with the preorders so I would give it a shot ^_^
Thank you and have a beautiful day/night :]
Hi!! Those pre-orders are actually from last month, but if you put in a request to your order I’d be more than happy to get it shipped as soon as I can! The pre-order listings are mostly just a barrier in case I run out of stock lol, but I can def reserve a set for you and ship this weekend as long as you order it by Friday ^^
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kingkatsuki · 2 years
you’ve tainted my bookstore meet cutes with your filthy mind!!! but who am i kidding 😫 look at what blog i’m on.
shindo is def a little bastard, fingering you in the stacks when you’re supposed to be reshelfing. it’s so slow and there’s barely anyone in the store, but that makes it all the more important to keep your mouth shut. and if you can’t shindo will just have to make you bite down on the hardcover book and just bought.
kiri is following you around like a little puppy as you’re pulling books for some online orders. rambling about his latest manga, but you’re not really listening. too preoccupied with the sight of his thighs in those shorts. so when you ask him if he can reach the tallest shelf for a book you need, you quickly drop to your knees, pulling his soft cock free and immediately taking it into your mouth. man nearly pushes over the whole bookshelf in surprise.
and bakugo? well that little fucker knows just how to wind you up. sliding some of the filthiest books across the counter, saying you should take a read and maybe the two of you can have an after hours book club. and how did even know about this series? it’s absolutely depraved you realize, both when skimming the first chapter on your break and when he’s forcing you to read the best parts out loud while his head is mouth at your cunt between your thighs
I’m sorry😭I just can’t help myself.
You can hear the little bell at the front of your shop to indicate someone’s just come in while Shindou’s fingers are buried knuckle deep inside you, his lips scorching your throat as he grins at the sound. “Yo, someone’s gonna see—” You break off into a sultry moan as he presses down harder against your clit, curling his fingers inside you. The lewd squelch almost enough to cause a scene as he directs his attention to that soft spot as you bite down on your glossed lip in a feeble attempt not to add to the noise. “Better cum quick if you don’t wanna get caught, sweetheart.”
The hardback book Kirishima was grabbing for you narrowly avoids your head as you slip his soft cock between your lips, feeling the telltale throb as he begins to grow inside your mouth. Your tongue swirling around the flushed tip as you lap at the first drops of pre that ooze from his slit, gazing up at him innocently as you hear a low groan leave his lips. “Fuck, baby. What you doin’? Anyone could see.” His knuckles are turning white as he holds onto the shelf in front of you, resting his forehead against his forearm to allow him to gaze down at you on your knees for him. You suck harder in response, leaving lines of your glittery gloss around his girth as you bob your head along his length. His hips stuttering as you reach up to palm his balks, “Gimme your cum, then I’ll stop.” You almost pout as you talk against his tip, your tongue lapping at the fresh pre as he twitches in response.
Bakugou makes you wear one of those remote controlled vibes while in the shop, smirking from one of the worn leather armchairs as he peers over his book at you. Thick rimmed glasses perched on his nose as he smirks at the way you clutch the counter, leaning your forearms against it as he turns the vibrations up. You were trying to read the book he’d gifted you, the words now just black splodges against the page as customers continue to walk by. Dropping his book to the side as he stalks towards you like a predator hunting it’s prey, leaning against the other side of the desk as his lips brush your ear, “Did I tell you that you could stop reading, princess? Tell me what happens next—”
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dogcodedcatboy · 4 months
pre relationship: 3, general: 3, 6, love: 10, 13, domestic life: 7 !!
hihihihihihi !!!! i cant wait to start s2 tonight i need to see my kittycat i need to see him !!!!! thank u for always sending asks my aaroman warrior o7 u should rb this ask game 2 so i can pelt u w waystarshipping and jermstone questions
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together?
absolutely fucking not!!!!!!
by the time any of the roys find out its too late, theyre already very much together. i think the fam knows abt aaron before 04x03 and like, willingly keeps him a secret (have 2 believe none of them would out a family member for personal gain. if not just to avoid the shitstorm for logan). some of them wuld obviously would prefer for roman to a) not be gay or b) at least not be dating a Fucking Weirdo. oh well!
aarons friends are also not. thrilled. for obvious reasons. reactions range from 'ok...u r gold digging, right? does this mean we can afford a hot tub :D' to 'morally/ethically what the Actual fuck is wrong with you bro???'
What was their first kiss like?
hmm the first time they kiss probably an impulsive. half-drunken thing. prolly after their first '''date''' (which roman insists is not a date despite calling him up and inviting him for dinner and drinks). it's rlly messy, roman is kind of an awful kisser at first (out of practice #nobitches) so aaron is kinda like...ok....but it's very endearing somehow.
What’s their relationship with each other’s families?
i could write a dissertation on. aaron and the roys. i think he's...polite? i mean, he knows roman is super close to them despite how fockin shitty they are to him all the time, so he's willing to grin and bear it. he doesnt like ken for Reasons (annoying on twitter, involvement in 'dog pound', annoying in real life)*, he's rightfully intimidated by shiv, he thinks connor is rlly fuckin funny, he has a weird psychosexual obsession w tom (as stated, would put tom in a saw trap), he thinks greg is cool and would like to talk about his record collection w him.
*authors footnote: i personally like kendall a lot i do love the fucked up brother dynamic between ken and rome BUT aaron is protective and an asshole and doesnt care abt nuance if youre mean to his boyfriend you go to the gulag for 1000 years ! aarons friends are hsi family! he lives w his childhood + college besties! they are all spectacular assholes as well so roman weirdly fits in! roman likes aarons bff because he is also a snarky asshole. one of aaron's college friends actually is from LA, so that's another person he can relate to somewhat. ovi he's a rich asshole tho and like, has to adapt to how normal people live and socialize (aaron and his friends arent even normal theyre like a weirdly codependent found family) but. they all kind come around to him! (will post extended oc universe lore someday on god)
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
i think they both are kinda stupid abt feelings and prefer physical affection, as sometimes its easier to manage than like, pouring your heart out. aaron is big on words of affirmation tho, once they r more comfy in their relationship/roman is more comfortable w receiving stuff like that.
Who remembers the little things?
aaron is def a romantic, he's big on anniversaries, quick to pick up little things like roman's coffee order, his favorite snacks, etc. roman is a little rusty but is surprisingly sensitive when he cares about someone. he's super in to aaron, so he makes sure to note all of aarons favorite movies and albums (so he can bring them up later and Totally sound like he knows what he's talking about).
[also they r a beautiful ocd (aaron) x adhd (roman) couple so in general aaron is Incredibly on top of things (or else he might die, who knows!) while roman is a fockin mess with remembering shit.]
Who kills the bugs in the house?
the real answer is gustav. he eats them. aaron will hold the cat up and he will take care of business.
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ashen-crest · 1 year
a stats report on the rk ashwick books (as of April 2023)
some folks responded positively to the idea of seeing data on how my books have done (for indie author research and benchmark purposes), so here you go!
I'll put everything under the cut:
📚 What do I write?
Cozy fantasy romance under the pen name R.K. Ashwick.
📚 Why do I write?
Because I love it. I have a full-time job that isn't related to writing, so I write in my spare time. I should also note that I do not have dependents, am not a caregiver, and I do have anxiety and ADHD. I am not certain that I want to be a full-time writer, given the financial instability and the joy it could take away from writing. However, I want my books to be and perform the best they can, so I try to be professional about my product and methods.
(To me, this is all important context to be up-front about. Finances, family size, and health all have a huge impact on an author's goals and strategies.)
📚 How many books do I have out?
The Stray Spirit: released August 2022. First in a planned trilogy.
A Rival Most Vial: released March 2023. First in a planned trilogy.
📚 Online Visibility
Here's what I have going on:
Website (requires $ for hosting)
BookFunnel for newsletter promos, sales promos, and ARC distribution (site requires $ to join)
Newsletter (currently managing on free version of Mailerlite, since I'm under 1000 followers)
Facebook page (not consistently maintained, mostly for SEO)
Instagram, posting 5x/wk
TikTok, posting 5k/wk
Tumblr- hi!
using things like LibraryThing, GoodReads forums, Reddit, and FB pages to find more ARC readers
I was doing Amazon ads, but recently nixed them, as I didn't feel they were really getting me anything. I'll likely return to them once I have more books out.
A Note on Follower Count: I have, like 10 FB followers, 400-ish Insta followers, 1500 TikTok folders, and almost 1600 Tumblr followers. I've been on Tumblr the longest and TikTok second longest. TikTok had the fastest growth, Insta the slowest. However, general advice is that engagement rate is more important than follower count. I'll be real, I'm not doing that hot on that front. I'll consistently get around 20 likes on Insta posts and TikTok often caps my video views at around 200 or 300. The videos that do the best on TT often aren't the ones related to my books. Fun times.
A Note on Newsletter Stats: I have a pretty consistent open rate of 25-30%, which I think is okay. I'd like for it to be closer to 40%. (It's also hard to actually track open rates, so that number isn't entirely reliable.)
A Note on ARC Reader Stats: I got 100 readers for TSS and almost 200 for ARMV. This resulted in a ballpark count of 20 reviews for TSS and 30 reviews for ARMV around release time.
📚 Other Marketing Strategies
What you see above under Visibility is my ongoing work. I also do more limited-run strategies, like:
occasional free book giveaways on social media
pre-order gifts for my book
I sent out around 20 pre-order gift envelopes for TSS and 45 for ARMV. I operate the pre-order gifts at a loss, but I really enjoy doing it, so I'm okay with it. I also have lots of leftover stickers and bookmarks that I can bundle with giveaways.
📚 Distribution
I distribute wide through:
Amazon: both ebook and paperback
IngramSpark: paperback only
Draft2Digital: ebook only
📚 Orders & Royalties
So, what did all this work and shennanery get me?
From July 2022-April 2023 (10 months):
Books Sold: 575
Total Royalties, paid and unpaid: $1543.49 ($2.68 per book)
📚 Is that good or bad?
I have no idea!! And I think in the end, it all depends on your goals.
If my goal was to make a living: welp, it's def not enough.
If my goal was to break even: between website set up, DBA set up, cover cost, editing cost, illustrator cost: nah. I'd have to make about $4,000 more to safely say I've broken even.
If my goal was to get strangers, and not just family and friends, to read my books: oh hey, I did that!!
I hope this information helps you set a goal, so you're not mentally wandering around like I am.
📚 Other Notes
A big factor in having a financially successful indie book is fitting genre conventions in your chosen subgenre, or 'writing to market.' I will say that A Rival Most Vial is more written to market than The Stray Spirit is. The Stray Spirit sort of straddles cozy, historical, and academic fantasy without actually leaning in to any of those things, so it's a little harder to market.
I also spent a lot on cover, editing, and illustration. That makes it harder to be a financially viable business, but it's what I wanted to do to have a strong finished product. I am lucky in that my full-time job can cover these expenses.
I'm not very good at social media. I've never had anything go viral on any of the sites.
The most rewarding part of all this is seeing how people react to the book: reviews, videos where they're almost crying over the book, podcast invitations, and [something a bit bigger than I'll announce in the summer.] At the end of the day, if I have a small group of buyers who are vocal in engaging with my books, that's far more rewarding than a large group of buyers who don't engage.
📚 Parting Thoughts
I'm happy to talk about any and all aspects of my self-publishing experience. If you have more questions or want more details, feel free to reply, send an ask, or DM me!
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aplateoflasagna · 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
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nothorses · 6 months
Asking on anon because I don't feel like getting fucking lambasted by both radical sides of this. But I think they're are some folks that talk about transandrophobia (not you, baeddel-txt, etc) that are starting to pick up on toxic masculinity in the same way TIRFs picked up on TME/TMA shite and the like. (I have it on my blog but only because I'm tired of getting a toss up treatment from shallow transfems and getting reduced to either a cis man or them insinuating I'm not who I say I am, and the like. Frankly as of today I'm muting all of the related tags on both sides because frankly... I need a break).
I agree with y'all just like, be aware of it just like transfems should be aware of our own problems.
I also dislike the whole TIRFs "reclaiming" baeddel as a.) It's literally a ye old slur for intersex people (re: tfems having a problem with fetishizing intersex people, speaking from personal experience here)
b.) it reads like a far inferior version of reclaiming the tslur, which tbh, I would just prefer if they did that.
Also I guess if you ask this and you care so much about who's sending this, I'll reveal myself, just don't make it public because I don't need to be getting harassed by TIRFs for being a weird reject because I just choose to be both a girl and a boy identity wise and clearly the everything not binary fem phobia (even if I meet the criteria of not "CAFAB" to them.) they have is still clearly alive and well considering I took a soft ban 3 months ago for it. (After getting a full ban rolled back bc of staff reviewing it.)
The "baeddel"/TIRF ideology reminds me a lot of my own internalized transmisogyny turning me into a shithead radfem both pre and post coming out, but also everything else going with it.
That's not to say that there isn't some areas where it can be disproportionate. I also don't understand the obsession with violence statistics when a.) It shouldn't be happening period and b.) I don't think either side is accurately reported, really, unless it's entirely relying on self reporting. Also c.) I don't know how much of violence on trans SWers is reported in that, i could see it being even or even mildly trans fem biased, not statistically significant though.
I'll be honest here in that I am not 100% sure I'm understanding you correctly, but it sounds to me like you're making a couple of different points that I'd love to be able to engage with- I think I just need some clarification first so I can make sure I'm not completely misinterpreting what you're trying to get across.
So like, if it's cool, I would love a follow-up ask to clarify a couple of things!
What are folks doing with "toxic masculinity" that you feel is similar to what TIRFs have done with TME/TMA? My understanding would be that TME/TMA were turned into a kind of definitive label that people use to determine who's allowed to speak on certain issues, who's "oppressed enough" to matter, etc., but I don't really see a way that parallels "toxic masculininity" among folks who talk about transandrophobia. Unless you mean that people are distancing themselves from the possibility of being masculine in a toxic way on the basis of their identity? (If that's the case, I think I'm misunderstanding the connection to TME/TMA)
Could you expand on: "The "baeddel"/TIRF ideology reminds me a lot of my own internalized transmisogyny turning me into a shithead radfem"? I think the sentence after that muddied what you meant, for me, and I'm curious what insights you have there!
Also RE: statistics, I really agree that there need to be more studies and research into these issues in order to get any real sense of clarity. IMO the best uses for statistics of violence and discrimination against trans people, specifically stats that tell us who is facing what kind of discrimination, is to better understand the systems causing us harm in order to work towards dismantling them.
Trying to determine "who has it worst" overall is pointless and self-defeating. The goal should be to understand why transmascs tend to face more lifetime sexual violence, while transfems tend to face more childhood sexual violence. Not to decide which issue to give a shit about and which issue to ignore, or which trans people "deserve" to be prioritized over all the others.
I will also say that the study I draw from more than others is the U.S. Transgender Survey, which relies on self-reporting. I recommend checking them out if stats interest you; they're pretty expansive and had a massive sample size. The 2015 results have been published for a while, and 2022 results are coming soon.
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danko420 · 2 months
Fallout TV thoughts
Under a cut because I rambled... SPOILERS AHEAD BE WARNED
So seeing people complain about morality of certain writing choices in the fallout show- like Cooper saying there will always be factions fighting each other etc (there's been other examples that's just one I've seen most recently)
and its like... yeah, but he's wrong? Everyone in this world is wrong? Everyone is a product of their traumatizing experiences and upbringing... Even the vaulties, even Moldaver, and the BoS etc...
Like for example I didn't expect to like Thaddeus when he showed up (after like... his initial intro in ep 1), but then he starts talking about HIS traumatic experiences and they give him more characterization and its like yeah, he's just another fucked up little guy in a fucked up world. The people in power when he was growing up didn't protect him from the pecking order (in fact probably encouraged it) so he was bullied and then in turn bullied Max...
I guess that's my takeaway from the show, everyone has a horribly skewed perspective, they're working with ONLY the info they were taught (except Coop I guess, but he's ALSO only working with the info he was given as a pre-war American citizen)
Like they're all cults, the vault is a cult, the BoS is a cult, hell even the pre-war american attitudes were cultish. None of their opinions are true or valid, they shouldn't need to spell that out, you should be able to tell their opinions are wrong just with like... your own logic and critical thinking skills...
ALSO, I saw someone complain about how we should never know who dropped the bombs and the fact is we still don't? We just know who's intention it was to drop the bombs... doesn't mean they got to it first. I guess we'll see what unfolds?
idk all in all I liked it? I think it's a good starting point anyway, and if they're allowed to get more political they should but I also know studios may not let them... I feel like that's the issue with every big piece of media lately (movies, shows, games, etc), they can't be truly controversial (in any way that makes a real difference) because the people funding it won't let them.
Still they had plenty of jabs against capitalism/corporate monopolies so like, I don't think they were pulling as many punches as people seem to suggest? They just had to be more coy with it- or have the person delivering those lines say it in a heroic way (because from their perspective they're the heroes- that doesn't mean they're right)
ALSO ALSO (Last thought) Seasons used to be 24 eps long... then they got cut down to 12 and now 8... that's not enough time to meaningfully flesh out a story with this many moving pieces? They have to squeeze in as much as they can in every moment and sometimes that means they can't spell things out as explicitly as they may have wanted to.
I wish shows could be 24 eps again I feel like we'd be really able to get into the nitty gritty of the world and characters with that kind of time...
Someone was complaining about it erasing pre-war racism (which like yeah huge issue) but they were also acting like the bombs dropped in the actual 60s and that's not how the fallout timeline works... the bombs dropped in 2077, in the FUTURE from our perspective, because the timeline split IN the 60s and their world went hard on developing Nuclear tech whereas we did not. Their culture didn't change over those 100+ years, which is weird to me but they wanted the 60s aesthetic so I'll let it slide as a like... everyone got so passionate about developing tech they stopped investing energy in fashion or culture? (Yeah doesn't make sense to me either) but yeah the point is that's another 100 years for race relations to change, and although there's def canonical anti-Asian racism in the games (because the communists they were fighting were Chinese instead of Russian) but idk it's possible the world changed enough for a black woman to be in a position like Barb.
(also also also I liked Maximus, I saw people saying he was boring or they hated him because hes BoS but that isn't his fault, he was basically stolen as a child and BoS is A BAD ORGANIZATION. THEY DO BAD THINGS. They're not as cartoonishly evil as the Enclave (literally tossing puppies in a furnace- again cartoonish but a very fast and efficient way of showing THESE PEOPLE ARE VERY EVIL when introducing them) but yeah Max is a victim of the people who raised him but they weren't able to totally break the gentleness in him. His inherent goodness and desire to help or save people the way he was saved remains intact. It's a cult, he's been brainwashed by a cult, but he's still soft spoken and he likes popcorn and hot showers as soon as he gets a chance to experience them. He's an interesting character and I can't wait to see how he handles things in the next season!!!
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