#you’re gonna have to click the link to find out what it is
crushmeeren · 2 days
thoughts on the bnha guys grabbing/pulling your hair? it just sounds so hot
keep up the work crush ♥️ everything you touch turns into a masterpiece
Hi anonnie friend! Your comment is so kind and when people send me stuff like this it encourages me to keep writing, I appreciate you more than you know! I hope this fulfills the fantasy. (ˆ ̳ , ̫ , ̳ˆ)
⋆ ft. katsuki, eijirou, shouto⋆ ⋆゚꒰ FEM READER ꒱ ⋆゚
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Katsuki, without a doubt, would pull your hair. He’d be the man to fuck you from behind, ass in the air and face shoved into the mattress. He’d spank the hell out of you when you try to stifle your moans in the sheets. He’d chastise you, playful yet mean until your fingers curl into fists.
Doesn’t matter if your hair is down, in a braid, in a bun, whatever style you have it in, that man is forcefully lacing his fingers through it or wrapping it around his hand and yanking you up until your fingertips are all that support your weight. Your neck would be bent at an awkward angle, scalp burning and tingling but the pain would only electrify the blood in your veins and makes your pussy flutter.
Katsuki would snap his hips even harsher than before until you’re crying out his name with abandon, pure sinful noise crawling out of your throat.
The position would bully his cock into you just right each time and it’d be soon after that you find yourself resisting his pull, trying to escape the overwhelming build of your oncoming orgasm. You’d need anything to hold onto for leverage, but he wouldn’t give even an inch. He’d click his tongue and tug harder, a breathy laugh leaving him as he watches you struggle.
Your breath would get caught in your chest when he pushes inside you so roughly you’d face plant if not for the death grip in your hair.
“Katsuki!” You’d gasp brokenly. “Fuck, please please don’t stop.” Your scalp would start to throb at this point and your cheeks would be burning and hot to the touch.
“Fuckin’ pussy is suffocatin’ me baby, you’re gonna cum aren’t ya?” He’d be unbearably smug when he teases you and you’d want to bitch back but you’d have no time to reply because the coil in your belly would release and all your muscles would lock up as you cum.
Your mouth would drop open in a silent scream and Katsuki would give you a throaty moan and speed up the rhythm of his hips if only to drag out your pleasure and work you through it.
Safe to say Katsuki would really love pulling your hair.
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Eijirou’s the kind of man who enjoys yanking on your hair when you’re sucking on his cock. When he thinks about how he can control the way you move and the speed at which your head bobs, he gets shivers. Granted, he’s often gentle in the beginning, when you first push his soft tip between your lips and creep down his thick shaft until you’ve almost swallowed him entirely.
He’ll delicately lace his long fingers through the hair at the base of your skull, a barely there pressure to guide you.
He’d make soft sounds of encouragement when you start to really move, fingers curled around the base because you can’t possibly fit all of him into your mouth without working up to it first. He’d watch your features pinch with concentration as your jaw started to ache, sucking obscenely when you pull back and swirl your tongue around the head.
He’d be so sweet and kind it’d rot your teeth, cooing at you while he lets you play into the illusion that you’re in control and you’d fall for it every. single. time.
At some point though you’d get tired of doing the work and you’d whine around his cock in frustration. Eijirou would laugh softly in return. He’d know what you want without words.
Then Eijirou would tighten his grip in your hair until the pain is pulsating and tangible underneath his commanding hands. He’d hold you in place and roll his hips again and again until you can comfortably take most of him as he fucks your mouth like a cock sleeve.
You’d squeeze your eyes shut, nails digging into his thighs but ultimately you’d love the way Eijirou uses your throat to make himself feel good. It’d make your pussy drool and your thighs clench together until he’d be gasping your name and jerking back to rest his cock head on your tongue.
You’d open your mouth and lock your half lidded gaze with his as stripes of his cum coat your tongue and hit the back of your throat. It’d be too easy to swallow it all and the sweet grin Eijirou would shoot you afterwards would be more than worth the sore throat you’re sure is to come.
Lucky for you the man is an overgrown puppy, eager to keep going and make you feel just as good if not even better.
This time though, you’d pull on his hair.
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Shouto would specifically fixate on pulling your hair when he’s got you laid out on your back. When he’d be in between your thighs and fitting his cock snugly into your pussy.
Shouto would fuck you in such an undemanding but intense way. He’d get a thrill out of forcing you to keep eye contact with him as he brings you closer and closer to cumming. He’d love the way your lips part to gasp his name when he curls his hips a certain way. Or when your eyes would get so wide and shine with an almost panicked look to them when the pleasure gets too close to overwhelming.
Mostly, he’d pull your hair when you toss your head to the side or squeeze your eyes shut. Shouto would sneak his hand underneath your head, cradling the back of your skull before fisting a handful of your hair and tugging until your throat stretched painfully.
“If you look away from me I won’t let you cum,” he’d murmur in warning, a piercing cold trickling onto your scalp when his hand frosts over. You’d nod if you could but he keeps you motionless. Shouto watches you closely when you bite your lip in lieu of an answer. The reality is you know he’d make good on that promise if you didn’t listen and you aren’t taking any chances.
Shouto would sneak a hand down and press on the underside of your knee, bending it until your thigh is close to touching your chest, your other leg hanging loosely around his hip.
The look he’d give you then could never be called anything other than heated. His half lidded stare would be unashamed and his mouth would drop halfway open as he memorized your expression. He’d easily make you feel naked and vulnerable underneath the weight of it but it’d send you to the edge.
Shouto would lean down until your lips barely touched, waiting until your pussy clenches in response. “That’s it baby, you feel amazing. You’re about to make me cum.” His praise will get you every time and then you’d be cumming, desperately trying to keep your eyes open as you do so.
He’d follow you after a few thrusts and finally he’d release his iron clad grip on your hair, burying his face in your throat and scratch your scalp gently in apology. Your head would throb but your limbs would be jelly and you’d admit that you fucking love when he pulls your hair.
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ao3-crack · 2 years
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anim-ttrpgs · 6 months
Help Save the World of TTRPGs and Their Creators.
Okay I’m being a little dramatic, but at the same time I’m pretty serious. This is a call to action, and the livelihoods of myself and lots of other people, many of them (like myself) disabled, are depending on it. This is a post about why, what you can do about it, and (perhaps least often answered) how.
This post is actually an accompaniment to another discussion by someone else. If you don’t want to listen to a 90-minute in-depth discussion of much of what I’m about to tell you, you can just keep reading. Otherwise, click here or here and listen to this either before or after you read this post. (They’re the same thing, just different sources.)
If you have ever made or reblogged posts urging people to switch from Google Chrome to Firefox, you should be willing to at least give a try to other TTRPGs besides D&D5e for much the same principle reasons. I’m not telling you you have to hate D&D5e, and I’m not telling you you have to quit D&D5e, I’m just asking you to try some other games. If you don’t like them, and you really want to go back to D&D5e, then go back to D&D5e. But how can you really know you won’t like other games if you have literally never tried them? This post is a post about why and how to try them. If you’re thinking right now that you don’t want to try them, I urge you to look below to see if any of your reasons for not wanting to try them are covered there. Because the monopoly that WotC’s D&D5e has on TTRPGs as a whole is bad for me as a game designer, and it’s bad for you as a game player. It’s even bad for you if you like D&D5e. A fuller discussion of the why and how this is the case can be found in the links above, but it isn’t fully necessary for understanding this post, it’ll just give you a better perspective on it.
If you’re a D&D5e player, I’m sure at some point or another, you’ve been told “play a different game”, and it must get frustrating without the context of why and how. This post is here to give you the why and how.
[The following paragraph has been edited because the original wording made it sound like we think all weird TTRPGs suck.]
Before that though, one more thing to get out of the way. I'm going to level with you. There’s a lot of weird games out there.
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You are gonna see a lot of weird TTRPGs when you take the plunge. Many of them try to completely reinvent what a TTRPG even is, and some fail spectacularly, others really do even up doing something very interesting even if they don't end up being what a core TTRPG player wants. But not every indie RPG is a Bladefish, lots and lots of them are more 'traditional' and will feel very familiar to you, I promise. (And you might even find that you like the weird experimental bladefish type ones, these are usually ideal for one-session plays when your usual group can't play your usual game for any reason.)
You're also going to probably see a lot of very bad games, and man have I got some stories of very bad games, but for now I'm just saying to make sure you read the reviews, or go through curators (several of which will be listed below), before you buy.
Now that that is out of the way, I’m going to go down a list of concerns you may have for why not, and then explain the how.
“I don’t want to learn a whole new set of rules after I already spent so much time learning D&D5e.”
Learning a new set of rules is not going to be as hard as you think. Most other TTRPGs aren’t like that. D&D5e is far on the high end of the scale for TTRPGs being hard and time-consuming to learn and play. If you’ve only played D&D5e, it might trick you into thinking that learning any TTRPG is an overwhelmingly time-consuming task, but this is really mostly a D&D5e problem, not a TTRPG problem as a whole.
“D&D5e has all of these extra online tools to help you play it.”
So what? People have been playing TTRPGs without the help of computers for 50 years. To play a well-designed TTRPG you won’t need a computer. Yes, even if you're bad at math. There are some TTRPGs out there that barely even use math.
“I’m too invested in the narrative and characters of my group’s current ongoing D&D5e campaign to switch to something else.”
There are other games, with better design made by better people for less money, that are the same kind of game as D&D5e, that your current characters, lore, and plot will fit right into and do it better. And no, it's not just Pathfinder, there's others.
“I can’t afford to play another TTRPG.”
You probably can. If you’ve only played D&D5e, you might have been made to think that TTRPGs are a very expensive hobby. They aren’t. D&D5e is actually uniquely expensive, costing more than 3x more than the next most expensive TTRPG I can think of right now. Even on the more expensive end, other TTRPG books will cost you no more than $60, most will cost you less than $20, and a whole lot of them are just free. If you somehow still can’t afford another TTRPG, come to the A.N.I.M. TTRPG Book club mentioned below, nominate the game, and if it wins the vote we will straight up buy it for you.
(By the way, if you had any of the above concerns about trying other games besides D&D5e, that really makes it sound like you are in a textbook abusive relationship with D&D5e. This is how abusers control their partners, and how empires control their citizens, by teaching you to think that nothing could ever get any better, and even though they treat you bad, the Other will treat you even worse.)
“If I don’t play D&D5e, which TTRPG should I play?”
That’s a pretty limited question to be asking, because there will be no one TTRPG for everything. And no, D&D5e is not the one TTRPG for everything, Hasbro’s marketing team is just lying to you. (Pathfinder and PbtA are not the one system for everything either!) Do you only play one video game or only watch one movie or only read one book? When you finish watching an action movie like Mad Max, and then you want to watch a horror movie, do you just rewind Mad Max and watch it over again but this time you act scared the whole time? No, you watch a different movie. I’m asking you to give the artistic medium of TTRPGs the same respect you would give movies.
“I want to play something besides D&D5e, but my friends won’t play anything else!”
I have several answers to this.
Try showing them this post.
If that doesn’t work: Make them. Put your foot down. This works especially well if you are the DM. Tell them you won’t run another session of D&D5e until they agree to give what you want to do at least one try instead of always doing only what they want to do. This is, like, playing 101. We learned this in kindergarten. If your friend really wants to play something else, you should give their game a try, or you’re not really being a very good friend.
If that doesn’t work, find another group. This doesn’t even mean that you have to leave your existing group. A good place to start would be the A.N.I.M. TTRPG Book Club which will be mentioned and linked below. You can also go to the subreddit of any game you’re interested in and probably meet people there who have the same problem you do and want to put together a group to play something other than D&D5e. You might get along great with these people, you might not, but you won’t know until you try. Just make sure to have a robust “session zero” so everyone is on the same page. This is a good practice for any group but it is especially important for a group made of players you’ve just met.
“I only watch actual plays.”
Then watch actual plays of games that aren’t D&D5e. These podcasts struggle for the same reasons that indie RPGs struggle, because of the brand recognition and brand loyalty D&D5e has, despite their merit. I don’t watch actual plays, or else I would be able to list more of them. So, anyone who does watch actual plays, please help me out by commenting on this post with some non-D&D5e actual plays you like. And please do me a favor and don’t list actual plays that only play one non-D&D5e system, list ones that go through a variety of systems. The first one I can think of is Tiny Table.
“I can just homebrew away all the problems with D&D5e.”
Even though I want to, I’m not going to try and argue that you can’t actually homebrew away all the problems with D&D5e. Instead, I’m going to ask you why you’re buying two $50 rulebooks just to throw away half the pages. In most other good RPGs, you don’t need to change the rules to make them fun, they’re fun right out the box.
“But homebrewing D&D5e into any kind of game is fun! You can homebrew anything out of D&D5e!”
Firstly, I promise that this is not unique to D&D5e. Secondly, then you would probably have more fun homebrewing a system that gives you a better starting point for reaching your goal. Also, what if I told you that there are entire RPG systems out there that are made just for this? There are RPG systems that were designed for the purpose of being a toolbox and set of materials for you to work with to make exactly the game you want to make. Some examples are GURPS, Savage Worlds, Basic RolePlaying, Caltrop Core, and (as much as I loathe it) PbtA.
“I’m not supporting WotC’s monopoly because I pirate all the D&D5e books.”
Then you’re still not supporting the smaller developers that this monopoly is crushing, either.
Now, here’s the how. Because I promise you, there’s not just one, but probably a dozen other RPGs out there that will scratch your exact itch.
Here’s how to find them. This won’t be a comprehensive list because I’ve already been typing this for like 3 hours already. Those reading this, please go ahead and comment more to help fill out the list.
First, I’m gonna plug one of my own major projects, because it’s my post. The A.N.I.M. TTRPG Book Club. It’s a discord server that treats playing TTRPGs like a book club, with the goal of introducing members to a wide variety of games other than D&D5e. RPGs are nominated by members, then we hold a vote to decide what to read and play for a short campaign, then we repeat. There is no financial, time, or schedule investment required to join this book club, I promise it is very schedule-friendly, because we assign people to different groups based of schedule compatibility. You don’t have to play each campaign, or any campaign, you can just read along and participate in discussion that way. And if you can’t afford to buy the rulebook we’re going to be reading, we will make sure you get a PDF of it for free. That is how committed we are to getting non-D&D5e RPGs into people’s hands. Here is an invite link.
Next, there are quite a few tumblr blogs you can follow to get recommendations shown to you frequently.
Plenty of podcasts, journalists, and youtubers out there do in-depth discussions of different systems regularly, a couple I can think of off the top of my head are:
Storyteller Conclave (I’m actually going to be interviewed live on this show on April 10th!)
Seth Skorkowsky
Questing Beast
The Gaming Table
Rascal News
Lastly, you can just go looking. Browse r/rpg, drivethrurpg.com, indie press revolution, and itch.io.
Now, if you really want to support me and my team specifically Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy, our debut TTRPG, is going to launch on Kickstarter on April 10th and we need all the help we can get. Set a reminder from the Kickstarter page through this link.
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If you’re interested in a more updated and improved version of Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy than the free demo you got from our website, there’s plenty of ways to get one!
Subscribe to our Patreon where we frequently roll our new updates for the prerelease version!
Donate to our ko-fi and send us an email with proof that you did, and we’ll email you back with the full Eureka prerelease package with the most updated version at the time of responding! (The email address can be found if you scroll down to the bottom of our website.)
We also have merchanise.
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tojipie · 1 year
prison bf series linked here !
hii ! not rly phone sex, but sex nonetheless. i’m rly loving this series <33 prison toji unboxing fic coming someday in the distant future.
content: nsfw + phone sex
the sudden vibrations of your phone’s ringer rips you from the boundary between sleep and awareness. you groggily reach for the device from it’s place under your pillow, clicking the off button twice to end the call.
the number rings again, then a third time before you finally pick up, ready to tear into the poor soul on the other line. it’s a facetime call from an area code you don’t recognize, probably just a misdial if you’re lucky.
you hesitantly accept and tilt the camera towards the ceiling, shielding your face from the stranger.
“hello..?” you mumble sleepily, trying to get a good look at your phone without revealing too much of yourself. the person’s screen is grainy from the lack of light, probably calling you on an older model.
the stranger’s camera pans down, revealing familiar tufts of straight raven hair. toji stares up at you from his bunk, shirtless with the sheets bunched up to his chest.
“you too good to pick up the phone now?” he asks, clearly teasing. the inmate’s voice is quiet, coming out in choppy rivets as his dated microphone picks up what it can.
“toji!?” you whisper scream, sitting up to turn your beside lamp on. the additional light helps illuminate your figure better, you notice his eyes perk up at the clearer sight of you.
“mmmh, happy to see you babydoll.” he grins, leaning closer to get a good look at you. your eyes are puffy with the promise of rest, giving you that extra bought of softness he loves so much.
“oh shit, were you sleeping? m’ sorry.”
he doesn’t sound sorry at all.
“nono i’m awake.” you reassure the older man, taking in the sight of him laid out on the narrow cot. your boyfriend had aged since the beginning of his sentence, though you figure that’s not out of the ordinary for someone serving time. “how’d you even get a phone?”
“s’ a secret.” he muses, clearly finding the situation amusing. “i get to talk to my baby though, isn’t that nice?” he states plainly, shifting to prop his head up with his hand.
“it is, actually.” you mumble apologetically, feeling bad at your initial lack of a greeting. “m’ happy you called me.”
you pause, choosing your next words carefully “don’t you have bunkmates?” you wonder, searching the background for any signs of other men in the dark cell. the promise of being ratted out by a cell mate was one that wouldn’t end well for either of you.
“nah, lawyers said i’m too dangerous to be staying in D-block with everyone.” he states boredly, shifting again to lie on his back with a grunt.
“wh— are you serious?” you whine, already mulling over the countless conversations you’ve had with him regarding his nasty fighting habit.
“pfttt, no?” the inmate chuckles, throwing his head back with a hearty laugh. “last guy in the cell got out on wednesday, ‘s just me in here till’ my sentence is up.”
he stills, looking you up and down quickly.
"fuck." he grumbles, you look real pretty right now."
you sigh in relief, ignoring the compliment to continue grilling him. “so you’ve been getting along with people?” you ask, skill skeptical.
“you know—hah- how i am.” he tells you, clearing his throat before continuing. the screen begins to wobble a little, blurring his figure for a moment. “when have i —fuck- ever been out of line, huh? ”
“i think you were pretty out of line when you went to fucking jail.” you tease, pausing to analyze his hurried breaths on the other line.
“toji? do you feel ok?” you ask, wishing you were there to check up on him.
“yeah—mmgh- why? his camera starts to pan up shakily, phone slipping from his hand. the last of his facade shatters as a pleased groan rings out in the tiny cell.
“fuck.” he whines, “fuck— oh my god. you’re gonna make me fucking cum.”
“show me.” you command, finally piecing everything together.
the older man flips the camera and brings it right up to his hard cock, stroking it from the base up with vigor.
his tip is an angry pink, weeping milky precum down his shaft to glaze his knuckles. the sounds coming from your phone are absolutely filthy, a hot mix of pants, groans and expletives .
“oh my god.” you giggle, propping your phone up to watch better. “is that all for me?” the dips and hills of his abs jolt as he laughs.
“all for you.” he pants, bucking his hips up every time his fist meets his tip.
“is this why you called me?” you tease, watching his cock bob back and forth in his hand. the older man stops to thumb his slit, massaging milky pre into the tip before starting up again. “you just wanted to get off? didn’t wanna talk to me or nothing?”
“no—hah. i mean—.” he groans, clearly too out of it to answer. “fuck. fuck i’m close.”
you squeeze your legs together to quell the ache between your thighs, content to just watch him enjoy himself.
sharing a room with 4 other people means little to no time alone, that much you knew from your visits. it wasn’t rare for him to pitch a tent during your supervised phone calls, squeezing his cock behind a glass barrier while you gushed about your day.
a hearty groan knocks your train of thought loose as ropes of cum stream down his knuckles and onto the sheets. you watch in awe as he milks his dick, slapping it onto his stomach for the added simulation.
you wait until his breaths even out to speak, watching him grab a towel from off camera to clean himself up.
“feel better?” you ask, so badly wishing you were there to kiss him in the midst of his afterglow.
“so much better.” he sighs, shifting to lay on his side again.
“they definitely heard you. i mean those rooms don’t have doors right?”
“of course they fucking have doors.” he grumbles, clearly embarrassed at the thought of getting caught dick-in-hand.
“did you..” he trails off, rubbing his eyes with a soft yawn.
“too tired.” you state plainly, shifting the focus from your pleasure to his.
“i don’t deserve you.” he mumbles, dark eyes barely open.
“course you do baby.” you whisper. “you wanna head to bed? i’m coming up on thursday to visit.”
“you are?” the excitement in his voice is adorable.
“mhm, might even bring you a charger for that piece of shit burner you swiped.”
the jab earns you a booming laugh, lulling you back to the precipice of sleep.
tag list ! <3 🏷️
@honeybee54321 @m150-50up @kuryoomi @t4naiis @serendippindots @sillyalo @levixbby @powerrwa
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myfictionaldreams · 1 year
Day 1: Pegging - Mafia!Stucky
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Summary: Steve had once instructed Bucky how to pleasure you, but what happens when you’re the one being given the instructions?
(this is basically part 2.5 to my fic 'Steve's Birthday Wish') Tags: 18+ readers only, smut, threesome f/m/m, polyamorous, pegging, strap-on, size kink, dom/sub, pet names, scratching, kissing, handjob, blowjob, anal fingering, anal, vaginal sex, creampie, praise kink
masterlist 📚 
kinktober masterlist😈 
AO3 Link
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Steve Rogers, the leader of the Rogers Mafia, the most renowned organisation throughout Brooklyn, was a highly inquisitive gang member. He had to be in his line of work to continue deceiving the cops or work with people who were so dangerous he didn’t dare to even blink more than necessary whilst in their presence.
Due to the threatening line of work, Steve had to be prepared for anything, making quick decisions to protect his friends, family and business in the heat of the moment. Over time, this could strain him, verging on feeling burnt out; therefore, he needed others to cling to and help unwind, where you and Bucky would always thrive.
However, it wasn’t so much that Steve would lie down and expect the two of you to care or pleasure him; it was quite the opposite. His ideas usually consisted of kinky scenarios you would never even dream of thinking about.  For example, the only reason Bucky was in the relationship now was that Steve had suggested that his second-in-command fuck his girlfriend whilst following his instructions with where to touch you. Never would the thought have crossed your mind to include Bucky in a sexual situation as not only was he your bodyguard but Steve’s best friend, but now, the three of you were inseparable, and you couldn’t imagine it any other way.
This all leads to a dark autumn night, the leaves covering the ground in a sea of burnt orange and brown shades, the sun having set hours ago over the tall Brooklyn buildings as the weather changes. These earlier nights, however, did nothing to stop Steve with his intense working schedule, and neither did it for Bucky, as they both had been in the office at your home for hours on end. Even as you wished them a good night did neither man stop to have a break; only when Bucky glanced at the clock and saw that it was nearing midnight did he mutter that he was going to join you in bed, kissing Steve’s temple tenderly and murmuring for him not to be long. He all but collapsed into bed, only just managing to strip down to his boxers before wrapping his body around yours, his metal arm sliding beneath your head as the other cocooned around your chest and hand resting over your heart, his face nuzzling into the back of your neck as the feeling of your heartbeat lulled him into a deep sleep.
Sometime later, you found yourself waking, detecting warmth behind you but not in front, which felt unnerving and like something was missing, which happened to be Steve. Carefully reaching across the bed, you grasped your phone and clicked the button to see the time was nearing 3 a.m. and still no sign of your blonde boyfriend.
“Is he still working?” Bucky’s voice croaked, startling you, having not realised he had woken from your slight movement.
“Yeah, I’m gonna go and find him”, you respond whilst untangling your limbs from his. Bucky sighed away, the sleep still settled heavily in his body, before following you, not bothering to pull on any clothes as you’d stolen his oversized shirt from where it lay on the floor. It took only seconds to walk across the hall and find Steve in the same position as hours ago. Your voice was soft as you explained, “Steve, you can’t work 24 hours a day; you must sleep at some point. The bed’s getting so cold without you.” Your bottom lip pouted dramatically as you stood on the other side of his desk, looking at him with wide, sad eyes and fingers teasingly stroking the edge of the oak surface.
The corner of Steve’s lips turned up as he took in your sleepy appearance and then over to his just as tired boyfriend over your shoulder. “Is Bucky not keeping you warm?” he asked, his voice deep and full of jest.
Bucky rushed up behind you, his arms wrapping around your waist and pulling you flush against him as you squealed in surprise, “I’m doing a perfect job, actually”. You melted into the embrace, tilting your head to the side so he could dramatically kiss your cheek with an audible smooch noise.
The brunette man dropped into the leather chair behind him, pulling you with him. You laughed at the sudden movement but quickly righted your position to feel more comfortable, turning slightly so that your legs were slung over his lap, hands resting against his toned shoulder and face resting on his chest.
Steve watched you curiously, especially the skin of your bare legs as he rested his chin on his closed fist, the material of his black button-up shirt straining to keep his muscles contained. You noticed the look and gave him a flirtatious smile whilst reaching up to scratch your nails through Bucky’s buzzcut hair. “What’s going on that’s keeping you up for so long and can’t wait for the morning?”
Steve sighed and leaned back in his bulky leather chair, causing it to squeak under the strain of his massive muscular body. For once, Steve looked to be contemplating something and being careful how to phrase his words before explaining, “I’ve actually been thinking about you two and distracting myself with work”.
You could feel Bucky adjusting his position as he frowned, “What about us, Stevie?” His tone was calm, but you became more aware, fingers pausing with their idle distractions as your attention fixed completely on Steve.
“I’ve bought you both a present”, Steve simply explained, offering no further description and leaving you both with more questions than answers.
“Are you going to tell us, or will we forever remain in suspense?” Bucky drawled tiredly, his hand beginning to stroke a swirling pattern against your ticklish thigh.
You yawned from the comforting touch, leaning further into Bucky again, eyes feeling increasingly heavier with each passing second as you struggled to stay awake. 
Steve’s ocean-blue eyes flicked between his two lovers as he continued to be careful with his wording. “I’m not being upfront about the gift because I’m unsure if you’d be into it. Wait, let me rephrase that, Bucky, I know you’d be into it, and I sure as hell would be, but little miss Sleepy head over there is the one I’m not sure about”.
Your posture straightened as you pushed off Bucky’s chest to give Steve a toothy grin, “I’d be up for whatever you have bought us!” you say happily, being a people pleaser and automatically agreeing to it.
Steve smiled, knowing you’d already give this sort of response. “You don’t even know what it is yet, baby”, he laughs under his breath before reaching next to his chair and lifting the gift onto the desk.
A confused frown settled on your expression as you visually inspected the boxed gift. “You want to fuck me with a dildo? But you’ve both done that in the past anyway-” Steve’s shake of his head stopped your words.
The man then looked away from you towards Bucky and asked, “Do you remember the first time Bucky touched you? I want to do something similar, but I want you to touch Bucky while I tell you what to do. How does that sound?” His eyes flicked back to you, waiting for your answer.
“Good. It sounds good.” Your words came out with a rushed, warmed breath as your body heated from head to toe; all lingering exhaustion suddenly disappeared. You thought more on it; you were always the submissive one in the relationship, so at least Steve was still technically in charge of the fucking, but the thought of Bucky lying down with you pleasuring him in such an intimate and dominant way, him allowing you to fuck his body, would he even want that? Sitting in Bucky’s embrace, you turned your full attention to him. “How do you feel about it?”
The handsome smirk already displayed across his face was answer enough, but then he readjusted in his seat so that his half-hardening cock brushed against your lap. Bucky leaned his face closer to yours, confidently stating, “I’d want anything you’re willing to give me, mama”.
And this was how Steve’s latest idea had you standing in your bathroom at 3:30 am, completely naked and stepping into a harness as Steve crouched down to help you into it, tightening the straps until comfortable. You were surprised just how cosy it was as the straps wrapped around your hips and between your legs, resting over your cunt without irritation.
Looking down, you couldn’t help but giggle at seeing the dildo pointing out from between your legs. It was thick, probably the same thickness as Steve, which you had a secret suspicion was on purpose; it even had veins along the shafts and balls beneath. Almost on instinct, you gripped it, running your hand up and down just to feel what it was like, but then the searing gaze of Steve’s caught your eye as his hands rested on your thighs.
“Why does that turn me on so much?” Steve mumbled as he stood, dipping to kiss the pulse point on your neck. You lean into the touch, especially as his hands grasp your waist and pull you closer to his naked body, his cock already hard and flush against your abdomen. “I’m half tempted to just ask you to use it on me”, Steve suggested, leaning back to look down at your body to stare at the toy that rested against his thigh.
Before you could ponder over his words, he gently directed you back towards the bedroom where Bucky was naked and lying in the middle of the giant bed, his metal arm casually under his head as he waited for you both to return.
Bucky’s cock was already hard with anticipation and resting against his abdomen, red and visibly pulsing with desire. His eyes darted from your fake cock to Steve’s real one, a smile brightening his handsome face as he sat up on his elbows, announcing, “I can’t fucking wait for this”.
The warmth behind your back disappeared as Steve dragged a cushioned chair to the side of the bed, extending his arm towards Bucky to encourage you to approach your boyfriend. Bucky licked his lips, sitting up fully to help you climb onto the bed and straddle his lap, hands resting on his shoulders and the dildo awkwardly hitting Bucky’s chest as you hadn’t been careful where it was positioned.
You giggled, flustered, hiding your face behind your hair to avoid ruining the moment, but Bucky tilted your chin up so your eyes met his bright blue orbs. “Don’t hide that pretty face from me, Doll”.
The tension that you hadn’t realised was thick in your shoulders loosened as you relaxed further into his touch, fingers caressing his cheeks and gliding over his stubble as his cold and warm hand smoothed over your hips, pulling you closer over his thighs as your dildo brushed his cock. The two of you simultaneously turned towards Steve, waiting for instructions. Still, all he was doing was looking happily and lovingly at you both before he decided, “Kiss each other, make sure you tease him real good, Baby”.
You looked from one man to another and didn’t waste another second before pulling Bucky in for a heated kiss. Lips slid and massaged against each other as he tilted his head first, deepening and thrusting his tongue into your mouth to taste you, moaning as he did so. It was an automatic response to roll your hips and then brush your breasts against his chest, your nipples pebbling at the contact.
Then there were your fingers; you didn’t know where to touch him first because you wanted to touch him everywhere. But you remained on his face for a moment, over his cheek, his jaw, pulling him closer and holding him there before moving to other areas. Your nails scratched over his shoulders, careful not to irate the joining between his flesh and metal arm before running your fingers down each of his muscled arms, enjoying the contrast of the metal components and then the warmth from his muscles on the other arm.
You were loving every hitch of his breath against your mouth, the throb of his cock that brushed against your thigh, but then, Bucky was doing his own teasing. His large hands cupped your arse, massaging the cheeks and pulling you closer until there wasn’t a gap between your fronts. Both of you were grinding against each other, releasing sweet little moans to show how much you were adoring the other.
In fact, the two of you were getting so into it that the whole notion of the strap-on was a distant memory until Steve’s voice interrupted as he instructed, “Bucky, why don’t you touch her cock”.
You couldn’t feel anything at first because it was a sex toy, but then the harness straps tightened around your hips and between your legs, as Bucky's metal hand moved up and down your thick shaft. You broke the kiss, desperate to see the sight as you looked down between your bodies as he even brushed his thumb over the tip as if he was spreading the precum over the dildo. You were mesmerised, moving your hips in a way that the cock brushed into his circled fist.
Bucky was breathing heavily as he moved his lips to your neck, leaving open-mouthed kisses and then scraping his sharp, straight teeth against your pulse point, making your moans deepen in pitch, more wetness forming between your legs and soaking the harness strap.
It was a new form of erotism to see Bucky jerking off your fake cock, as if it was a real one; even though you had seen him doing the same movements to Steve, it still made you feel hot under the skin. Especially when you could see how much he was being turned on by it all, his precum coating your thigh from where you were grinding against his shaft.
Steve was leaning forward in the chair, his hands clasped together as he rested them on his knees, his eyes moving up and down your bodies as he tried to not touch his cock for as long as possible, playing his own erotic game. “Think he needs some stretching now; why don’t you lie Bucky back and work your magic. Remember, don’t listen to his whining; just listen to me, Baby Girl”, Steve continued to instruct.
You pushed lightly against Bucky’s shoulders, and he lay back against the soft sheets; you took a moment to take in the beauty of his swollen lips, glazed-over bright eyes and his chest broad and decorated with red lines from where you’d been scratching him.
Trying to maintain confidence, you smiled seductively down at him before beginning a taunting crawl backwards down his body, not keeping your eyes off of his as you stroked the tip of your cock along his lean muscles as you moved.
Settling between his heavy thighs, you didn’t start immediately stretching him, instead continuing to arouse him further by starting with your tongue licking up the entire length of his cock, feeling the soft yet hard member as it throbbed. Bucky gasped, looking down his body to you on your knees, sucking him off, starting slow, tasting the salty clear juices bubbling at the tip before letting the tip rest heavily against your tongue. You sucked him gently at first, the mushroom head of his cock sensitive from the gasps and groans coming from the man beneath you. Further, you took him into your mouth until he tickled the back of your throat.
Only you didn’t stop there as you pulled off the tip with an audible pop before delving south, sucking his balls into your mouth, a move that you knew drove him insane, and you were greeted by his hips thrusting into the air, his cock throbbing, begging to be touched again.
“You’re doing so well teasing him, Sweetheart”, Steve suddenly mumbled from beside you, still on the chair but finally giving in to his internal game as he was stroking his own cock slowly, his hand squeezing and tugging on the end and then down the length.
Seeing the glorious sight beside you of Steve masturbating and Bucky led out in front of you, the ache between your legs was now becoming nearly painful. You were absent-mindedly rutting your hips onto the mattress, letting the strap of the black harness push against your cunt, trying to relieve some of the need.
Reaching over Bucky’s hairy thighs, you fumbled around on the bed from where you’d caught sight of the bottle of lube hidden within the sheets. Finally, you found it and quickly squirted some on your index finger.
Bucky heard the cap of the lube opening and immediately opened his legs to give you a little more room and better access to your finger's intended goal. Releasing your mouth’s grip on his balls, you licked his inner thighs, teasing him further before stroking the lube around his asshole, ensuring it was thoroughly covered before applying some pressure.
Quickly you could breach through the ringed muscle, and simultaneously, you sucked his length back into your mouth. You worked your digit in and out for a minute before adding another finger, angling and curling them until you massaged his prostate.
“Fuck, that feels so good, Doll, don’t fucking stop; you’re doing so well”, Bucky praised, which pulled a smile to your lips as you were still sucking him off. You moan to add more stimulation before adding a third finger. Bucky almost whimpered at the intrusion, more precum leaking onto your tongue as he begged, “More, I want more”.
Steve’s chair creaked as he leaned forward again, and his voice drew your attention to him as he demanded, “Remember, don’t listen to him. Just listen to me”. So this is what you did, as you didn’t rush to do anything further to Bucky, making sure his hole relaxed around your fingers. Bucky sometimes liked to rush moments like this to get to the main event, not caring about the burn from the stretch or any discomfort as he only needed and wanted to be fucked so Steve usually had to be firm with him to make sure he was thoroughly prepped before continuing any further.
You were thankful for Steve’s directions, even though you did all the movements. It was nice that Steve could still tell you when and how to touch Bucky, and now you had a slight inclining as to how Bucky felt all that time ago when he’d first touched you with Steve’s instructions.
“Add another finger”, Steve encouraged, his hand returning to his own cock, never taking his eyes off of every little gasp that Bucky whimpered. Your fourth finger inserted into Bucky as your mouth continued to tease and tempt Bucky closer to the orgasm that you knew he was dangerously close to. You were shocked to have so many fingers into his hole, having never usually been the one to stretch him out, but then you remembered just how big Steve’s fingers were, and he usually prepped Bucky with more force than your dainty fingers were doing.
The mafia leader finally stands up from his perched position, but only so that he can sit next to Bucky’s head, his hard soothing over the man's throat and forcing him to look up at him. “How does she feel?”
“So fucking good”, Bucky groaned as he began to rock his hips to push your fingers deeper. “But”, he continued, “if she keeps sucking me off like that, I’m going to cum before we even get started”.
You pull off with a sheepish smile, looking between your two boyfriends, but you keep your fingers inside. Steve smirked at you briefly before dipping his face to kiss Bucky, holding his hand around his throat and forcing his tongue into the other's mouth. You watched, all hot breaths and swapping saliva, battling for dominance that both wanted and neither would be willing to succumb to. Only as you removed your fingers from Bucky did the man force his head away from Steve to look down at you.
“Please, fuck me already, hot mama”.
You looked towards Steve, waiting for him to tell you to do as Bucky wished verbally but instead, he moved off the bed and came up behind you, kneeling on the bed. Without a word, he helped you to your knees, pushing back Bucky’s legs even further so that you had better access to move forward. With further lube coating the dildo between your legs, Steve pointed the toy towards Bucky’s prepped and begging hole.
Gently, Steve nudged you forward, slowly and watching Bucky’s expressions over your shoulders as inch after inch of your cock stretched the man’s asshole. You were in awe at seeing Bucky’s reaction, the way his fists gripped the sheets beside him, his cock dribbled with his juices and was red and aching against his abdomen. His eyebrows were furrowed, and his mouth gaped open so that all his gasps were unfiltered.
The man behind you moved his hands to your hips, where they rested warm and heavy against your skin, pushing you further and further until your hips were flush against Bucky and the length of the blue dildo was penetrated within him.
It took a couple of thrusts to know how you were supposed to move, finding the right rhyme that felt good for you and Bucky, who was an absolute mess beneath you. You started slow and shallow, knowing that the dildo was moving deep and stretching areas your fingers couldn’t reach.
You were also distracted by Steve, who had begun to kiss along your bare shoulder, up the length of your sensitive neck and to the shell of your ear, where he nibbled on the lobe. “Do you like seeing Bucky like this beneath you? Do you see why we both love being dominant? There’s nothing better than seeing your lover sprawled beneath you, responding so well to your touches, until they're sobbing with need, their thoughts only of you and nothing else. I love it so much, making you feel good and seeing you make Bucky feel good”.
You’d begun thrusting harder, driven by Steve’s words and moaning yourself at his explanation. But then you’re halting as Steve starts to move your thighs apart so that he can slip his fingers from your hips, over your mouth and between your legs, pressing on the harness directly over your clit.
“Let me just move these out of the way. I bet you’re dripping, aren’t you, baby?” Steve mumbled against your neck as he moved the straps to the side to caress his fingers through your drenched folds. He chuckled as he confirmed his suspicions, “Always so wet for us; you’re just such a good girl. I think it’s about time to treat our good girl; what do you think, Buck?”
“If you don’t fuck her, I will”, Bucky decided as his hands released their grip on the sheets to begin fondling your tits, twisting and flicking on your nipples and making your hips snap forward harshly.
Steve shifted once again behind you, and before you could even moan his name, his cock slid between your legs and pushed into your soaked, aching pussy. Your hands reached out to grab onto anything and ended up grasping Bucky’s wrists, your eyes shutting and hips pausing as you thrived at the stretching from the Blonde’s cock.
Bucky readjusted his hands so that both of your fingers were linked together, holding you up as you took a moment to get used to the size of Steve as he kissed along your neck to help soothe you. “Feeling good, Sweetheart?” Steve asked, smugness evident in his tone.
“So-... So good”, you stuttered over your words as you tried to accommodate his length, groaning as he finally bottomed out and his tip pushed into your cervix.
“Now the real fun begins”, Steve grunted as he pulled out and pushed back in, causing your hips to snap forward and fuck into Bucky. The two of you gasped at the movement, and then you truly realised Steve’s plan. In this position, as Steve fucked into you, it caused you to thrust into Bucky so effectively; Steve was fucking both of you at the same time, which was probably why he had found a dildo that was similar in size to his own cock.
“Holy shit!” Bucky groaned, his back arching as his hands gripped tightly around yours as Steve began to move faster, the wet sounds echoing around the bedroom as the morning sun began to seep through the gap in the curtains.
Steve rested one hand against your hip, and the other reached around your body to grab your hand, pulling it out of Bucky’s grasp but only so that he could move it down to the man’s cock, wrapping your fingers around his shaft and then covering your hand in his. Matching his thrust, Steve used your hand to jerk off Bucky, and this only made your walls tighten around Steve at seeing the man beneath you crying out.
You knew Bucky was trying not to cum, Steve knew Bucky was trying not to cum, and Bucky was desperately in his own world of attempting to prolong the pleasure. He never wanted it to end. Even as his shaft hardened and his moans became more urgent, he still tried to will his body to not orgasm.
However, this all went out of the window as you had the sudden confidence to say, “I want you to cum for us, Bucky; I know you want to”.
It was almost instantaneous. Bucky’s eyes shut as his back arched further, his hands falling back to his side as long streaks of hot cum lathered up his chest as he came hard, his hips thrusting around your dildo and his cock into your hand.
Steve grunted over your shoulder, his movements quickening as he reached his peak, but he, like Bucky, tried to hold it back. Releasing the grip on Bucky’s spent cock, he reached between your thighs and stroked against your clit, pressing harshly and snapping his hips into yours.
It was like a burst of warmth and tingles spread from your abdomen, over your pussy and down your thighs as you came, slumping forward against Bucky’s chest as you lost any energy you had. Your pussy spasmed around Steve and he heaved a finally harsh thrust into you before he was pouring his seed into your hole, seeping out of the edges and pooling onto the sheets below.
The three of you tried to catch your breaths, not rushing to move as you each kissed random body parts lovingly, not quite having the energy to express how much you loved each other, but the touches conveyed the message thoroughly enough.
Steve was the first to move, kissing between your shoulder blades once before pulling out and then carefully beginning to help you ease out of Bucky, who gasped at the loss of the dildo. Next, Steve helped you stand on wobbly knees, only briefly so that he could clean between your legs with a warm washcloth and remove the harness from your body.
You then turned to Bucky and helped to clean all the cum and lube off of his body and then collapsed onto his chest, cuddling close as his arms wrapped around your shoulders as he kissed the top of your head. Steve did the same on Bucky’s other side, kissing your head and then Bucky wrapping his big arms around the man's abdomen and laying his hand over yours. No further words needed to be said; Steve finally found the calm that came from being with you and Bucky, the ideas and thoughts quietening in his mind as he found the peace he’d been craving all night.
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be3per · 4 months
showering their wife some love 💗
PAIRING: you x jjk men
includes: kissing, praise, biting, fluff, crack, suggestiveness (can’t find out how to do the colour gradient thing on mobile 💔 i’ll try to find out how soon dw 🔥)
not gonna include all the men but i might do something related to this in the future!
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love them <3
you woke up to the feeling of someone gently jumping on your bed. eyes fluttering open, you took in the sight of your lovely husband with your baby in his arms, making their chubby legs bounce around beside you.
“toru.. what’re you doing?” you smiled while wiping the sleep from your eyes. his piercing, yet soothing blue eyes staring at you. a huge grin was plastered on his face as he gently handed you the baby while you sat up.
“mornin’ baby.” he spoke, admiration in his tone. it always was there, but thicker than usual. he sat down on the bed beside you, pulling you into a kiss. he pulled away and took something out his pocket. something like a credit card?
you took it from his hands. “hun? this is..?”
“money. bought you a specific card linked to my account with a specific amount of money in it for special days.” he said confidently, kissing your cheek.
“special day..? today is..” your baby gently tugged on your shirt, smiling up at you.
“ma! mama!” you cooed at the baby, tapping her nose. “yes baby?”
“ma.. mama day..!!” you laughed softly, kissing your baby on the forehead as satoru watched you do so.
he’s so grateful to land you.
“mother’s day.” he whispered. you looked at him, your smile wider. you brought your other hand and grabbed his, kissing his palm.
“you’re ridiculous. you waking me up with our baby and giving me a whole card? did you teach her to say that as well?” he laughed, nodding and letting go of your hand to circle around your waist and pulled you closer to him. he kissed your jaw affectionately.
“‘course darling. anything for you. you know that, right?” you nodded, letting go of our baby and letting her crawl into his lap. you nuzzled your forehead against his, sighing contently.
“i’m so lucky to have you.” you mumbled.
“our baby is lucky to have you as her mama, ain’t that right?” and your baby giggled beneath him, innocent eyes sparkling.
he had his eyes.
you had to run errands, coming back with a loving kiss from your husband. “hey baby,” he whispered against your lips. “missed you.”
you giggled, kissing his cheek. he took notice of the grocery bags you were holding, immediately taking them from your hands. he began walking to the kitchen, you following right behind him. he placed the bags on the table.
you looked around for a moment, noticing how there was a rose petal on the floor.
“baby?” he hummed, turning around and raised an eyebrow. you picked up the rose petal, showing it to him.
“was this you?” he looked confused, grabbing it.
“no..? i would’ve shown you flowers if i bought them, babe.” you turned to the hallway, seeing more. a path?
you began following the path, suguru following in confusion.
it led to your shared bedroom. you turned the handle, candles and rose petals in the shape of a heart on the floor. you walked inside, the smell of the candles was comforting.
until you heard the door shut and lock with a ‘click!’ behind you.
“sugu..” he laughed softly behind you, scooping you into his arms swiftly and putting you down on the bed, trapping you between his arms.
“happy mother’s day, darling.” he whispered, kissing your neck as you squirmed, still trying to render in what was happening.
“m-mothers day?” you ask. “i don’t..”
“you already treat the girls well, baby. why don’t we make one ourselves?” he asked, his lips still attached to your skin.
“unless you’re not ready.” he corrected, now lifting his face and hovering over you. you thought for a moment.
a baby.. with him.
and with a nod, the two of you went in heated, out with a content sigh.
“i love you baby.” he whispered. you whimpered in response, voice slack from his repetitive thrusts and rough teasing. he only smirked in response, taking your lips against his instead.
you were busy making dinner, toji and megumi in the living room toying around. as you tossed vegetables into the boiling pot, a tug at your leg was felt and you looked down to see megumi and a huge grin on his face.
“hey megs.. what’s up?” you kneeled down, scooping him up and cradling him with one hand as you stirred the pot. he simply giggled in your grasp, little hands holding onto your arm.
toji came by from behind, arms wrapping around your waist and pulling you back against his chest. “he said he missed you. tired of playing with daddy, huh?” he looked at megumi, a laidback smile on his face.
“dada wanted me to.. say something to you!” megumi exclaimed, making you pause with dinner. you looked over at megumi then over your shoulder to toji.
“i swear.. if you taught him something naughty like you did earlier..” toji’s rasp laugh filled the room, his chin resting on your shoulder and a kiss to your neck. “no ma, trust me.”
you playfully rolled your eyes and turned off the stove, looking back at megumi. “so megs? what’s up?” your other available hand went down and held toji’s hand, his large one interlocking fingers with yours.
“happy.. mother’s day!” he said, toji cheering behind you. one of his arms unwrapped your waist and went to ruffle megumi’s hair. a proud father.
“good job!” he praised, your eyes widening at the wholesome sight.
“oh my god!!” you say, laughing softly. “that’s what it was?” megumi nodded happily, toji’s cheering dimmed but his proud expression didn’t.
“i knew he could do it. got the confidence from his dad.” toji smirked and kissed your cheek before letting go of you, taking megumi from you. he let go of him, tossing him in the air and caching him. you snickered, shaking your head as you turned the heat on the stove on again.
toji let go of megumi, his little legs running to the living room before toji stood beside you, kissing your cheek.
“happy mother’s day, ma.” he said smoothly. you looked at him and kissed the corner of his lip, where the scar was. you could’ve sworn you saw hearts in his eyes.
“go monitor gumi, hun.” his hand met your ass and gave it a firm squeeze, a gasp leaving your lips. he smirked, lips going to your neck and sucking, leaving a fresh hickey.
“annnddd?” he coos, peppering kisses on your shoulder.
you sighed, smiling. “i’ll give you something in the bedroom later for my gift of gratitude.”
he gave your ass a squeeze again. “good girl.”
you could hear megumi call for toji and he gave you one more kiss on the cheek and a quick ‘love you’ before he went to the living room.
you were waiting for kento to come home. he hated working overtime but he was still out.. for an hour.
worry filled you, but it quickly diminished when you heard the front door open. you rushed over, seeing him and his handsome face. a sigh left your lips as you embraced him, his hand going over and pressing against the small of your back.
“hey darling.” he mumbled. his other hand came and handed you a bouquet of flowers.
“aww ken! you got me these?” you smiled, kissing his cheek as he closed the door behind him and took off his coat and work shoes.
“mhm. today is mother’s day and even if we don’t have a kid, doesn’t mean that i’m gonna skip today.” you stared at your husband, tilting your head.
“huh—?” and he showed you a cage.. for a pet.
“NANAMI KENTO I’M GONNA MARRY YOU.” you screamed excitedly, taking the cage from him and running to the living room, his deep chuckles heard behind you as he followed suit. even if you didn’t know what was inside, you had a hunch. “we already are.” he says.
you giggled as you took off the blanket that covered the cage, revealing a small baby golden retriever. you tried not to scream again, not wanting to hurt the poor puppy. the dog wagged its tail happily, letting out small barks.
“i know that you’re scared to give birth, so i decided to get you the second best option. you’ve been obsessing over getting a dog so this works just as well.” you opened the cage, the puppy barking excitedly and jumping into your arms.
you looked at your husband, teary eyed.
“i love you.” you mumbled, emotional.
he only smiled, bending down a bit to kiss the top of your head.
“i love you more, beautiful.”
you groaned as sukuna massaged your shoulders and neck.
you were still confused as to why he was so passive today, but you didn’t complain.
“woman, i’ve been thinking.” you hummed. his movements slowed. “yeah kuna?”
“you’re my wife.” you slowly nodded, trying to see where this’ll go.
“i need a child.”
if you had a drink in your mouth, you would’ve spit it out.
“we’re making one tonight.”
the silence was thick, but judging how he didn’t say anything more, he was dead serious.
“kuna.. i would love to but.. i only every had one of your cocks. can i try both then?” his cheeks flushed, a cough coming from his throat.
“yeah, sure woman. make sure not just cry as much tonight then.” you nodded, stomach full of butterflies. he was direct, demanding. but he was softer today, was there a reason? wait..
“are you only saying this because it’s mother’s day?” he stopped massaging you, moving over to stand in front of you. he kneeled down in front of you, kissing your thigh.
“not just because. for some reason, i’ve been tempted to put a little shit in your tummy for days.” you smiled down at him, hand going in his hair and carding through his locks.
“wording it like that makes me feel weird.. but since it’s the same message, that’s alright.” you laughed softly, his hand coming up and cupping your cheek before he stood back up and kissed your lips.
“you’ll be the perfect wife.” he whispers.
“happy mother’s day, woman.” and you giggle.
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absolutebl · 3 months
Love Sea - A Trash Watch Smolder
Well my BLabies, do you have your drinks ready?
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Are your smores stabbed on dildos, ready to roast over the stinking flames? (Or whatever one prods smores with, I missed that weird American tradition in my misspent youth.)
Can you smell it in the air? The smell of burning trash?
Let the dumpster fire begin. Another Mame offering is upon us.
The Background
The Mameverse tends to interlock, but all signs point to these being entirely new characters. (Click on that link if you want my thoughts on this author/producer and what I feel she does well and poorly.) Meanwhile, here's the brief:
FortPeat - established couple from previous Mame offering Love in the Air AKA LITA (trash watched here).
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How do we feel about them? We likie. They a great pair. Steady, established actors, good a promo, but not too good. Bit one note but can't ask for too much when it comes with such great chemistry.
What do we know about them as actors? Fort is legitimately in Engineering (hilarious). Peat and he started in the industry around the same time with bit parts, but Peat is 4 years older. They do high heat and they do it well. They were quite popular after their first series and have received sponsorships. So they wisely stayed branded and it's nice to see them on our screens again.
Love Sea
While travelling a writer has a one night stand with a very irritating man.
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iQIYI (AKA icky)
To what degree?
Stick your thermometer into that fire, we gonna find out. 102°C I expect.
Episode One - That's An Outfit We'd All Wear to a Tropical Island
Here’s the thing. Icky has decided (in its infinite wisdom) that it will no longer allow screen caps on mobile devices. Which means you’re going to get my loquaciousness on this dumpster fire with no respite from the unmitigated madness via photos of pretty boys saying stupid things.
So. Read at your own risk.
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I have a bottle of sake and a maple doughnut (don’t knock it 'til you’ve tried it) so let’s get started!
Hold onto your dildo smores BLabies we are in Mame Country. And apparently that country has its very own baby drone to film with now. (Look, the one thing BL rarely needs more distance shots. That’s not what we’re here for, people. Certainly not from FortPeat.)
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Rak, baby, I'm loving the all-black western meets goth-rocker look but that eye make-up is the true star. This is how I shall dress when I visit Thailand next. (Oh, you think I'm joking? Gotta work on my smokey eye.)
Meanwhile, if your suitcases are that expensive, why aren’t they matched?
P'ABL asking the important questions for once.
Speaking of important questions:
Why are siblings always trying to pimp each other out in Mame’s stuff? Does anyone else find this creepy? I think it’s odd to be your sibling's wingman when he's chasing tail. It’s edging into the incest taboo. Oh dear, I said edging and incest in the same sentence, I’m probubly giving Mame ideas.
I’m getting Hometown Cha Cha Cha vibes from Mut.
Rak is such a cat, very picky and stand-offish. Mut is such a puppy. Very conflicting personalities. Not a bad combo. Also Rich/poor. Country/city.
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The "let’s get it on" music is hilarious. But at least Mame doesn't use egregious sound effects in her shows. Well, not as many as GMMTV. Small mercies.
I will say, FortPeat do hurt/comfort very well. Peat is good at prickly fragile baby-girl. Fort is good at cocky arrogant prick. They are good at bouncing off of each other and still showing desire. Frankly, chemistry is not one of their problems. They’re fine little actors. It’s just the story is going to betray them. Characters are going to be inexplicably evil for no good reason. And we are going to feel manipulated as a result.
But right now?
It’s fine.
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And that's it, that's how I feel about Love Sea.
All in all, I’m quite drunk and it wasn’t warranted.
Waste of sake. Not a waste of a maple doughnut. No such thing. Maple donuts are always put to good use.
Okay, so Mame? Just keep it on this level and we'll remain fine. Some light terrorizing and stalking, a smidge of breaking and entering. Nothing more offensive, okay?
But that’s my eternal optimism (and the sake) talking.
Right now I’m not feeling very strongly in any direction about this show. I haven’t been whipped into a verbal frenzy.
This has been a lackluster start.
Kortord tukorn
(sorry all)
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This trash watch has started off as more of a dumpster smolder. A light recycling. (Like Mame and her character archetypes.)
We smokey rather than flaming (Like Rak's FANTASTIC eye makeup.)
Oof, I feel faintly ill. I think that is the sake, tho, not the eye make up. Which was on point! Although when he started to cry, it should’ve started running down his face. Life has very few stand out moments of glory apart from an adorable young man with eye makeup running down his face.
Catch ya next week. More sake, less doughnut.
su su na
Episode Two - Rack's Green Knit Shirt is Kinda Cute
I seriously cannot fault FortPeat's chemistry. And the opening sequence for this ep was intriguingly full of banter and then...
Surprise, BJ!
I do hope that beach is private. Starting with a BJ is very unusual in a BL. We certainly lick live in interesting times.
I feel like I haven't quite been warmed up to a sex scene yet. Kinda came out of nowhere. I mean it IS quite gay, making the prick front and center before the relationship gets going. But I was oddly indifferent to this start.
I'm on gd roll tonight apparently.
You know why? (Well, I'm me, but also...)
I feel like I have license. This show is kinda rude. Is that the word I’m looking for? Yes, rude. It's not very sexy, and it's not quite dirty, it's something else. Rude.
I’m not upset about it. It’s just odd. Like Thailand is trying on some Japanese button pushing for size.
I’m not mad just mildly confused.
Meanwhile, the GL sides are a "whipping girl" trope? Not sure I’ve ever we seen that combo before. Gay mean girls or something?
On an entirely different note, BL universe, I just thought I'd tell you that’s not where a gay man of Rak's caliber puts his perfume. Just FYI. 
I love claiming.
I love a public claiming!
I don’t care if this is Mame.
Also, I am very much enjoying MutRak banter. Actually, I’m pretty much enjoying this episode.
OOOO, I typed too soon.
The second half is kinda dull.
Mame's little moment of "Author insert" was awful ham-handed and on the nose. On the prick? On the ego? She compared her own rampant mischaracterization and audience manipulation to the presence of dragons in a fantasy world? Basically saying: in BL my characters don’t have to be consistent, because that’s part of the genre.
I assure you, sweetheart, there are plenty of BLs and plenty of authors who have honest characterization that stays consistent throughout, and GASP actually bolsters faithful stories and drives plot with a conflict sourced in that consistency. Wandee Goodday... to pluck a randomly contemporaneous example out of thin air. You should try it sometime.
Ooo, now I'm salty.
Episode 3 - But Now, I'm Bored
Before we start....
Linguistics Corner!
Because I got an Ask here's a bit on these two and their pronouns! (We can see if my predictions are correct during the course of this trash watch.) We are in the realm of adult characters not school setting or friendship groups so Rak is using chan/nai and khun with Mut. There is a class & wealth difference with them, + Mut starts out as a kind of employee, so chan/nai makes perfect sense. It's an old fashioned but polite way of speaking that dodges age negotiations. Rak likely doesn't know their respective ages (he could be the older one). To even begin the discussion implies a willingness to use more intimate language so Rak likely doesn't wanna open that can of worms pronouns. He is using both chan/nai and his lack of flexibility around their use as a distancing tactic. Probubly instinctively. Pom or own name would be both intimate and status lowering for him to use. With most adult characters, phi/nong takes longer to establish (if ever), particularly if they start out as strangers. Also, it has much more intimate connotations. And by that I mean: emotional vulnerability not sex. It's fun to pay attention tho, because when these two pronoun shift (and they will) it's likely to be a significant moment in their romantic arc. If I'm lucky we will get a negotiation but that's not really a Meme thing so I suspect Mut will soften his language first. Because of Mut's characterization, and in order to ramp up the romance, I would actually expect these two to (eventually) parlay into rao/ter instead of phi/pom or guu/mueng. But I am looking forward to finding out how it's handled.
And now onto the episode.
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Over a quarter way through and I have absolutely nothing to say. I apologize, this muse be a very boring trash watch. (Imagine how I feel?) I’m too tired to drink but even if there were alcohol in my system, I still think I would have nothing to say. 
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Oh. Is that? Do I sense.... *GASP*
Traumatic backstories for our characters?
From Mame? Who seems to believe that no character can have depth without suffering?
Say it isn't so?
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OK we’re now halfway through this episode and apparently there’s been a Time-lapse of some kind? A couple of weeks?
So this little cat & dog game they’ve been playing has been going on for a while?
I had a huge grin on my face at the moment Ja showed up. I guess I really miss him on my screen. Hi tall drink of water.
Oh, hydration.
Back to the show.
Just two boys with abandonment issues learning how to turn a vacation fling into a relationship mistake.
Also it’s a bit too early for that level of confessional. Isn't it? Well pacing-wise for a BL it feels that way. Are we now about to turn into a country mouse narrative?
On an entirely different note, it’s fascinating to have FortPeat and MosBank airing to high heat BLs at the same time. Especially as they're running on about the same release schedule. I’m enjoying watching 2 pairs both like in chemistry.
I sense a parody coming on.
Two branded pairs, both alike in chemistry, In fair Thailand, where all the cute boys yearn, From ancient grudge to suffer new Mame, Where trash watches make dumpster fires burn. From Fort the fatal loins of these two hoes (I HAD TO). A pair of branded pairs take on the heat; Whose narratives will oft include no clothes, Do with their smooches fight Tumblr critique. Such shameful usage of the dub-con trope, (Contrasted to others thirsty scenes,) Which, but for Mame's brand, all would say nope, Is now 12 eps of angst upon our screens. To wit, if you want sex without my diatribes, Give this a pass and watch Sunset X Vibes.
Thank you thank you. That is for the 3 people reading this who care.
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Where was I?
Or right, no fault to FortPeat. Both pairs are working with the characters and scripts that they've been given.
But right now the sexitimes in this show just feel a lot more service and a lot less genuine (for lack of a better word) then Sunset X Vibes. Now, I know that the characters, narrative, and production company preferences are completely different, but the consummate interplay between surrender and hunger and consummation are oddly similar between these pairs, and yet they're reading (from this side of the screen) completely differently.
I don’t know where I’m going with this.
I just think we have an interesting study in heat and chemistry airing double down right now. And I wonder is anyone else is sensing what I'm sensing.
Writing that sonnet (or whatever) has utterly exhausted me. Nighty night. Don't let the guy-who-took-a-copy-of-your-hotel-key-and-broke-into-your-room bite.
Episode 4 - And Now, I'm Bored & Annoyed
I rushed back from the wilds of foreign climes to trash watch what exactly?
All this time spent establishing Mut as a
pillar of his community
really important lynchpin for oceanic conservation work
striving for his independence
building local friendships and surrogate family
the de facto mayor of this island
And he just leaves for Bangkok to be a boy toy?
And they JOKE about it?
Is the stuff between Mook and Mut supposed to be funny? It's not.
I got so bored I started looking up ways to organize my sunglasses.
Why is Mook so worried about Rak? He’s clearly an asshole who can take care of himself.
What is Mut doing with his life?
What am I doing with mine?
Too early in the series for an existential crisis.
I definitely need to start drinking again for this one.
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Episode 5 - In which I simultaneously got even more bored & more annoyed
This time I armed myself with both booze and sugar. Unfortunately, there are some things even alcohol and chocolate can't cure. Mame is one of those things.
The bullying GL subplot is just BAD.
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I’m getting an overall EPIC SQUICK from the fact that the two rich privileged characters are essentially taking advantage of the two lower class poorer characters. It’s not a power dynamic I enjoy at all. Ever.
So... everyone in Rak’s family is an extreme bitch, including him? Okaaay.
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I mean Rak is pretty and all but I fail to understand the appeal. Maybe Mut just likes bitches? Maybe the sex really is that great?
I tell you, I wouldn’t put up with it.
ARGH. I'm just I’m not finding any of the character dynamics appealing in this show. I never thought I’d say this, but I wish I were back in LITA territory. 
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I’m honestly sorry this trash watch is so bad.
This show isn’t inspiring me into anything but a general feeling of mild annoyance and slight fury.
It's like this rash I had in Stockholm one time.
Startlingly unpleasant, not what one might hope for, but also it could be worse, I suppose.
Episode 6 - In which I get very upset about jealousy
Tonight I'm combining my sugar with my alcohol and drinking chocolate soy milk with chocolate liquor in it. I'm aware that I have a child's taste in booze. The secret is I don't actually enjoy alcohol, I simply need it to survive Mame.
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OK let’s do it.
Rich boy shops when sad.
Frankly, that always makes me feel better too. I prefer the snack aisle myself.
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Oh. Goodie. You get to now watch ABL completely losing an entire brain due to raging at the machine because of one sentence.
Chapter 6: Jealousy is a Sign of Love
Jealousy is a sign of love?! You absolute fuckers. Jealousy is not a sign of love, jealousy is a sign of possession, insecurity, insanity, and often abuse. Jealousy is a sign to dump that shithead as quickly as possible.
I mean, we all understand the story beat: in BL possession is revered and admired and used to drive plot when all other avenues have been exhausted. But you can’t just say it as the title of an episode! That’s too blatant.
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Returning to the traumatic backstory. 
No, actually. Let’s skip that part.
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I do like it when Rak gets all bossy. I love it when a spoiled boy manipulates his man's body to be his bolster pillow. Taiwan is particularly good at this.
Should I just go watch We Best Love for the 1millionth time instead of this show?
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Too tempting.
Where was I?
It’s not even halfway through and I’ve already finished my drink in desperation. And am day dreaming of better shows.
Honestly, I have had many feelings about Meme over the years, but I don’t think I’ve ever been this bored with any of her stuff. I’d rather feel something than nothing.
Meanwhile, the GL moves on from bullying to outright manipulation and gaslighting. Cute. Added French for flavor.
I do like a smile kiss. And a lap sit. And so forth. So Fort.
Yes these two do sex scenes very well.
Give me something more.
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On the bright side... so far... no singing.
Episode 7 - I'm Too Drunk for This
This time, I decided to pre-game. So I went in tipsy. I’m hoping this improves my mood.
Look, I'm doing my best for you here. (Or am I doing my floppyest for you? Eh, same difference.)
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Frankly, what’s really annoying me is that I am neither upset nor pleased with this flipping show. Turns out, I like to be driven one way or the other by Mame. But this show? Nada. It's a VOID.
At this juncture I'd prefer to feel rage than indifference.
I gotta say that thinking about this purely as a soap opera makes me understand it more. I don't like it any better, but I get what's going on. These are the Days of Our BL.
Oh hey, I know that convention center! Best food in the biz.
The revenge bit was fun I guess?
Ooo. Now I kinda wanna rewatch Shelter. It’s been ages. Such a great movie. 
Where was I?
Oh, right, the crazy cousin character. I don’t understand what’s going on with her. Why do we need her? Why is she here? What’s her motivation?
I’m too drunk for this shit.
I'm going to bed.
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Episode 8 - I'm Not Drunk Enough for This
(I detect a theme)
Okay so the hotel wifi is not awful, we gonna try watching icky with it. Always a challenge. Wish me luck!
Wouldn't it be fun if Mut has been conning Rak with this good guy persona the entire time and he really is just after money? I kinda love the idea.
Sadly, I think this is way more boring.
Rak is just a bitch, not even a sublime bitch, but a boring bitch. That's worse than a basic one.
The drama with the dad just seems manufactured. I mean what does the dad want except to be evil?
I mean I know what Mame wants, an excuse for Rak to break Mut's heart.
And now, I'm annoyed and hungry. Imma eat hotel snacks and disappointment in equal measure.
Episode 9 - Perhaps I'm the problem?
I did this already and then tumblr ate it so this time around it's not as witty. Trust me that in the first assessment I was all charm. Now I am all sarcasm.
I enjoyed the random fight scenes. At least something happened. Also the collapsing in his arms was very dramatic.
I can see why Mame reused this pair for this show, because Peat is so good at being broken & fragile (see previous role).
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But also… I feel like I’ve seen all of this before. Oh right, the psychotic breakdown scene in TharnType. The fragile broken uke from Love By Chance. The seme with a heart of gold and fists of steel from… all of them. 
I find this exhausting.
Is anyone else exhausted?
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They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again (AKA watching Mame) and expecting a different result. I must be certifiably bonkers at this juncture.
Second half of this show I begin to wonder one thing. (Well my mind wanders a lot but this particular thought bubbled to the surface.) 
Is this show actually an okay Thai BL?
Wait! Hear me out.
If this were ones first Meme, would it be… fine? In other words, if I didn’t have this storied (or lack of story, nash) history with her creative endeavors, would this bore me this much?
Is this actually just an average mildly enjoyable high-heat Thai BL to others, who are coming to her stuff for the first (or maybe the second) time?
Is it over-exposure or the has traumatized me in this way?
Am I corrupted through overindulgence?
Is this all my own fault?
Should I be taking a break from her? Should I not watch the next 3 productions that she does, and then return to her with fresh feelings of openness and amenable temper?
Is it me who is the problem? 
Yet the act of asking that last question makes me feel like I’m in the same kind of abusive relationship with Mame that Rak was with his father.
Then I feel like I need to drink more. Or see a therapist.
So that’s enough philosophy for one evening.
And then, at the very very end A THRILL DESCENDED UPON ME.
Watching the stinger for next weekI was all… 
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Is this a 10 epper? Oh my God it is! Fantastic. Next week is the last one! I SEE THE LIGHT. 
Episode 10 - The Lingering Scent of Disappointment
Today I am drinking a soju cocktail. Which I can highly recommend. If you're a lightweight but you like vodka, Fresh Soju is actually a pretty decent substitute with a lower alcohol content. 
This has been your bartender lesson for today, moving on.
If the Maa could’ve fixed this all along by throwing the Dad in jail, why didn’t she? Why did she put her kids through all of this bullshit with stalking and abuse? Also the mom character was basically a deus ex machina, except she didn’t even happen on screen. It was action taken to solve what little plot there was... entirely off screen. How weird. I don’t even have a term for that. Bad writing? Recon explanation? Of screen resolution?
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OK, Fort is acting so well in the breakup scene. I adore that “how much do I need to pay you to fall in love with me” parrots the original “how much do I need to pay you to sleep with me”. I must give props for that level of emotional manipulation in a romance drama of this type. 
That said, I feel for Rak, it’s rough to learn that someone else is playing a long game with feelings while you were playing a short game with d**k.
Meanwhile... I have run out of alcohol and I am now eating brownie bites. Because life (and d**k) is too short and so is my patience. 
Why is that tattoo so absolutely terribly obviously fake?
Someone take tattoos and wigs away from Thailand. Just strip them out of all wardrobe departments in the entire Thai film industry. Clearly they can’t handle that level of POWER. It’s giving me trauma.
I do like that the solution to the drama of the break up was an actual sincere and abject apology. Very mature and grown up of you Mame. 
I wish they’d woven the number 8 throughout more of the show, like into the pattern of Rak’s shirts and maybe an earring or cuff.
Did they entirely forget about the GL side not-plot? Or is it just me not paying attention because I’m distracted by brownie bites? 
Regardless, I genuinely let out the biggest yawn during the very ending scene. It’s nowhere near my bedtime.
And… that’s it I guess.
I’m going on the record at this point. I don’t think I can do a trash watch of Mame again. It’s exhausting. And also is it really worth my (or your) time? This screed was so lackluster.
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Final thoughts? 
This is probably a solid 8/10 show but I’m mad I wasn’t madder at it, and mad I was so bored throughout.
So It gets a 7/10 and let us not speak of this again. I’d like to simply forget about it.
Conclusion? I’m left residually upset that FortPeat and all their talents are wasted on Mame. That seems unfair to them. And to us, quite frankly. 
All my trash watches are here:
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mimisplayground · 9 months
Jealous Jealous Jealous Boy ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
Tags: Hookups, Jealous Toji, Rough Sex, Dumbification, all fully consented!!, Orgasm denial briefly, dacryphilia, Mean Toji
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
Toji Fushiguro was a lot of things.
A womanizer.
A sleaze.
A bum.
And most importantly to you, a great fuck.
Which was really all you cared about, if you had to think about it. When he was behind you, and his pace was downright cruel, you found yourself caring very little about the rest of the things that Toji was.
Because out of the two men you kept on speed dial for a quick hook up, Toji was certainly the one you frequented most. His thrusts bordered onto brutal and the huffs and groans he made when you two were fucking like dogs in heat, it was nothing short of pure bliss in your opinion.
And there was rarely any real talking involved. Small words exchanged before he would demolish you and then leave. The other hook up was better at talking. But you really shouldn’t be thinking about that guy. Speak of the devil and all of that.
Though, you had a feeling the real devil was the man behind you, when you caught a glimpse of the frown on his face as he stared at your now ringing phone. And yeah, maybe “Quick Hookup #2” wasnt the most discreet name, but how were you supposed to know you would have to be discreet on your own phone? The glare Toji had was deadly, and his thrusts had completely stopped.
A silence overtook the room at that point, the phone finally finished ringing before a ding spiked through the silence. You hear Toji hum to himself, reading off the text in his head before his voice, with a cruel tone to it, read it out loud. “Had fun last night babe, wanna link again tonight…” he finished off like it was just something in the news.
You quickly go to crawl away, caught off guard by the hand that pushes you down, and stayed firm on your back. “Why you runnin’ away, babe?” His voice downright murderous and you could only let out what could be described as a squeak in response.
When your silence rang out, Toji laughed. An insincere, mean, and angry laugh. And when his hips snapped forward and you let out a harsh wail at the unexpected movement, the laugh turned to more of a growl.
“Now you wanna make a noise,” He huffs, your phone abandoned and both hands gripping your hips harshly “now that I’m fucking you the way you needed, ain’t that right slut?” His words are cruel and his thrusts are even crueler. Your moans and sobs are echoing through the room, barely able to get louder than the slapping of skin.
The room smelled of sex and sweat and you couldn’t possibly think straight, nothing could fix the almost broken babble streaming out of your mouth. Small and pitiful pleas of “sorry” “didn’t mean it” “gonna cum” and indecipherable babble between it. A tiny please peaking through some of the rambling if you listened hard enough.
“Oh you’re sorry? Sorry but you’re still begging for this dick, fucking whore.” He grunts out, his grip getting tight enough that you could expect bruises there in the morning. And right as you were at the peak, teetering that edge, he stopped.
You let out a broken sob, pleading for him to continue before your phone was held in front of your face, with “Quick Hookup #2” pulled up on your phone in your contacts. “Block ‘em. Or I’ll quit fucking you right now.” Toji said firmly, letting your hands grasp the phone and fumble with it, dropping it once or twice before finally managing to click the block button.
When your phone was pulled from your hands, you let out a sigh of relief as the thrusts picked up again. “If I ever find out you go fucking someone else again, I’ll kill them and fuck you so hard you’ll forget your own name.” He huffed, and then the brutal thrusts started again, and his skin slapped against yours. And even as you reached your peak this time, he didn’t stop.
He fucked you through your first orgasm and sent you hurdling straight towards a second one, dismissing your twitches to get away in favor of your pleads for more coming from your mouth.
And that night you learned something else about Toji Fushiguro that you never knew before.
He was an extremely jealous man.
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scream4ash · 3 months
listen here!
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amber freeman x gp!reader
warnings: smut 18+; degrading; r has a dick; r’s a nerd, but muscly? (me, r is me.); amber’s kinda mean, she’s a cutie tho; slapping; edging? (just a tiny bit)
summary: amber’s a bit.. obsessive. u? ur totally submissive.
a/n: was going thru my playlist n decided to name ts after a song. click the link, listen to it. in chase atlantic we trust.
smut under the cut, mdni.
the club was loud, overbearing. u didn’t wanna be here, but amber managed to drag u along with her. she had u wrapped around her finger, she knew it too. she had went to the bar to get another drink, leaving u alone in the middle of the floor. u searched through the crowd, trying your best to find her. u felt a touch on ur arm, hoping it was amber. to ur dismay, it wasn’t ur girlfriend. it was another girl. u felt her grab ur bicep, mumbling something in ur ear about how u must workout.
u look over to the bar, seeing amber’s jaw clench. she walks over quickly, too quickly for your liking. she grabs ur hand, wrapping ur arm around her waist, pressing a kiss to ur cheek. “y/n, i was looking everywhere for u,” she says with a laugh, her smile a little too big to be genuine. her eyes are locked on the other girl, watching her with a harsh glare. “i think u can leave my girlfriend alone, now. i have her.”
you lean into her familiar touch, happy she’s back. “ambs, hey,” you mutter softly, pulling her closer to u. the other girl walked away, pissed.
“care to explain why that bitch was hanging off of u?” her tone was harsh, practically a growl.
“amber, i wouldve shut it down if u gave me a chance.” u say softly, drawing small patterns in an attempt to calm her. “but thank u though. i didn’t wanna be mean.”
u feel amber grab ur bicep, feeling it. “do u workout?,” she says with a mocking giggle, venom evident in her tone.
“amb-“ you were cut off by her dragging u out the club door, leading u to her car. she pushes u into the backseat, straddling u.
“i take u out once, and u have whores hanging off of u, hm?” she grinds down against ur lap, grabbing at the collar of ur shirt. “can’t leave u alone for a minute, can i?”
“amber, baby.”
“zip it, slut.” her words are harsh, barely above a whisper. she trails kisses from your jaw down to ur neck, sucking an array of love bites and hickeys. you whine, hands tangling in her hair. “oh, so u can shut the fuck up when i’m touching u, yeah?” she grinds down against your lap, feeling your bulge through ur jeans.
“amber, please.” your words are met with a soft slap against your cheek, her fingers wrapping around your throat.
“i told you to be quiet. you’ll take what i give u, when i give it to u, ok?” she pulls up in for a bruising kiss, grinding against ur bulge and moaning. she undoes your belt, freeing ur cock. “did that bitch make u like this? did she get u all hard?” she strokes your cock slowly, pulling away to spit in her hand. “would she make you feel this good?” she rubs her thumb against the tip of ur cock, her other hand playing with your balls.
you whine, hips bucking into her hand. “no, no, amber.” god, u sounded so pathetic. she continued to stroke ur cock, watching u intently. she felt ur cock twitch, telling her u were close.
“you gonna cum, baby?”
“mhm.. gonna cum for u amb.”
“no, you’re not,” she says with a teasing smile, stopping abruptly. she smacks your cock gently, her expression hardening. “sluts don’t get to cum.”
“amb, please.. y’know i’m yours, please..”
she kisses you messily, teeth and tongue clashing. she smiles into the kiss, hearing u whine. she lifts her skirt, pushing her panties to the side. “god, i need you, baby.. wanna see how wet i am?”
“yes, please.. amb, please..” she grabs your hand, guiding it to her cunt.
“would she be this wet for you?” she sinks down onto your fingers, a soft moan slipping past her lips. “god, you feel so good.” she starts to rock against your fingers, moaning into your ear. “such a good fucking slut, hm? just desperate to get your fingers wet, yeah?”
you moan at her words, looking up at her with wide eyes. she pulls your fingers out abruptly, bringing them to her mouth. she moans around your fingers at the taste of herself, watching how your practically mesmerized by the sight.
she grips your cock with one hand, teasing her entrance with it. “do you think you deserve it, y/n?”
you nod, biting your bottom lip. she sinks down onto your cock, taking it all in one go. “fuck, you’re so big. so good for me.” she starts to bounce on your cock, watching your face. she brings one hand to your shoulder, supporting herself as she rode you.
you moan, eyes closing in pleasure. your eyes snap open feeling her thumb tap against your lips. “suck. and keep your fucking eyes on me, hear me?” you take her thumb in ur mouth, watching her.
her movements falter feeling your mouth around her finger, her cunt clenching around your cock. “i’m gonna cum, baby. wanna fill me up?”
you nod, moaning around her fingers. she pushes her fingers deeper down your throat, smiling when you gagged. she saw tears forming in your eyes, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “such a pretty fucking whore, yeah?”
you moan, bucking your hips up. “nuh uh, you were doing so good. stay still.” she forces her fingers further into your mouth, moaning. “i’m gonna cum. c’mon, cum with me..”
she clenched around your cock, moaning loudly in your ear. you felt her tighten, her orgasm washing over her. you gripped her hips tightly, face resting on her shoulder, pumping your load into her. you moan around her fingers, helplessly fucking up into her.
she pulls her fingers from your mouth, bringing you into a heated kiss. she pulls away, pressing a soft kiss against your cheek. “i’m the only one that gets to see you like this, yeah?”
“ ‘course, baby,” you muttered softly, your words muffled by the skin of her shoulder. one of her hands threaded through your hair, lightly scratching at your scalp, the other drawing small patterns into your back.
sure, amber was a bit aggressive, but how could you say no? not when she threw her body in your arms like that.
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suhkusa · 2 months
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PAIRING. Atsumu Miya x f!Reader
CW. plot, angst, did i say angst, betrayal
A/N. atsumu biting the curb in 4k
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Atsumu’s been nervous, yes. He’s also been scared. But nothing can describe the pure terror he felt in his heart when he opened up the link to gossip about you with a picture he took being the star of it.
He barely slept last night. He’s scared because things had just gotten good with you. He’s scared because how else did the media get a hold of this? He was never planning on releasing, nor does he ever remember sending it to anyone. So, why?
Atsumu is stuck where he is. He can’t move. One because you’re sleeping on him, and two because he doesn’t want to wake you up in fear of how you’ll react. He can hear your phone buzzing on the floor from when it fell.
He’s absolutely lost.
Atsumu decides it’s for the best to keep his mouth shut. To just be there for you. 
No one would ever have to know.
You wake up to Atsumu shaking you, “Y/N,”
You’re groggy as you open your eyes. You’re almost blinded when Atsumu shoves a phone in your face, a twitter post being left on the screen.
When you finally come to your senses and read it, you jump up.
“W-What?” you feel around your person, “Where’s my phone?” 
Atsumu is slow but he finally hands it to you. You’re frantic as you open your messages to almost 100 new notifications.
Coach Foster [7:45AM]: Stay indoors, there are paparazzi everywhere. Take care of yours…
Sissy [8:01AM]: are you okay? please call me back when you get a chance. me and mom are…
MSBY JACKALS (25 New) - Meian [8:04AM]: This is so weird, people have nothing else better….
Kiyoomi [8:07AM]: Are you okay? 
You don’t know who to answer, what to answer. This is bad, really bad. Your eyes begin to water when you look at Atsumu, dumbfounded.
“I-I don’t know what to do,” your hands are shaking, “Do I make a post or- or-”
His eyes look worried as he pulls you into a comforting hug, “It’ll be okay, alright?”
You nod into his shoulder, “Just listen to Coach for now and we’ll figure out how to settle this,”
You sigh in defeat as you shut your phone off. “This is so bad, a scandal right after you guys won, I-I’m so sorry,” you begin to cry.
“I shouldn’t have gotten so drunk, I should’ve been c-careful,” the palm of your hands dig into your eyes as you cry as if they were trying to plug the waterworks.
“It’s not your fault, there’s always journalists around trying to find their next hit story,” he comforts, hand on your back rubbing soothing circles in it.
“Just rest, I’m gonna make some breakfast,” he kisses you on the forehead before leaving you alone with your thoughts.
You snatch your phone up to look at your Instagram. There’s DMs, new followers, likes and comments. Out of nervousness, you temporarily deactivate your account. Closing out of the app. 
You’re about to click onto Twitter when a call begins to make your phone buzz. “Kiyoomi” labeled as the suspect.
“Kiyoomi?” you answered, “L-Look, I’m so sorry, I didn’t think-”
“Why are you apologizing?” he interrupts, “It’s not your fault, alright? But are you okay?”
His voice is filled with genuinity, it somewhat calms your nerves.
“No, I’m nervous, I’m scared. What if I lose my job? What if something happens to you, I don’t know how I’d deal with that,”
There’s a pause on his end before he continues, “You shouldn’t have to worry about any of that. Coach Foster knows what happened that night and wouldn’t lay it out on either of us. Gossip on social media is out of our control,”
You sniffle in response, allowing him to continue, “Just lay low for a little bit, we already have people working on stuff behind the scenes. I only called to make sure you’re alright,”
“Thank you, Kiyoomi,” you cry, “I hope you’re alright as well, and I’m sorry again,”
“No worries, I’m glad to know you’re safe. And again don’t apologize,” Kiyoomi comforts, “I’ll see you soon alright,”��
“See you,” is what you mutter to your phone before you’re met with the sound of an ended call.
With a sigh, you fall back into the pillow and comforter of Atsumu’s bed, wallowing in your own thoughts. 
“Food is ready,” Atsumu pokes his head into the room, a white apron adorning his body.
“You look goofy,” you laugh a bit, “I’ll be right there,”
With a nod he’s whistling through the halls on his way back to the kitchen. 
Working up the energy, you force yourself up and walk with sore legs into the kitchen, finding a seat on the stool by the counter.
“How are you feeling?” Atsumu questions with a mouth of waffle, pushing a plate towards you.
“Are these Eggos?” you laugh, grabbing one with your hand and taking a bite.
“Duh, never said I was a chef,” he smirks back before finishing the one in his hand. “You didn’t answer my question, though,”
“Oh, yeah. I’m feeling somewhat better,” you start, finishing what’s in your mouth, “There’s not much I can do about it you know?”
There’s a look of relief on Atsumu’s face that confuses you but you look past it.
“Coach already knows what happened that night, and so does Kiyoomi, so there’s nothing I really have to worry about,” you sigh, finishing the waffle in a swift bite, “just gotta wait for it to die down,” 
“Mm, I see,” he grabs your plate before placing it into the sink. “That’s good then, but unfortunately for you, that just means you’re stuck with me for another day,” 
“Oh no how terrible,” you roll your eyes, pushing your chair back and hopping off of it, “I’m gonna watch TV,”
Atsumu nods at you before turning the faucet on to wash dishes.
You click some random Netflix show to play in the background as you filter out your thoughts. It feels for a while you’ve been on autopilot, but the gravity of everything is finally hitting you. It’s terrifying.
You went from hating Atsumu Miya to essentially dating him. The team you helped manage won the Division 1 Volleyball championships. And now, you’re in a dating scandal with someone you considered a close friend. 
If there was a way to put your life on pause, you would. In a heartbeat. 
A buzz on the table catches your attention. Atsumu’s phone buzzes a couple more times before halting.
The name “Angie” appears on the notifications, drawing your curiosity.
“Atsumu, who is Angie?”
You look back at where he stands in the kitchen, and he looks like he’s seen a ghost.
There’s a brief moment of silence before he snaps out of whatever trance he’s in.
“Oh, that’s my cousin,” he says, drying his hands off, “Sorry, I just haven’t, um, spoken to her in a while,”
“Ah, I see,” you put his phone down before drowning yourself back in your thoughts.
Atsumu joins you on the couch, grabbing his phone before his butt meets the cushion. He puts it on the side of the couch before wrapping a strong arm around you. 
“What show is this?”
“It’s this one show, Ginny and Georgia, terrible, but I like to experience it,” you say which he nods in response to.
“I see,” his phone buzzes again, causing him to pick it up and type a somewhat long message.
“What does she want?” you prod.
He looks down at you then back at his phone, “She’s just reaching out after some family drama,”
You mouth a silent oh before turning your head back to the TV. 
The 50 minute episode ends and Atsumu hasn’t gotten off his phone since then.
“Atsumu, pay attention to me,” you pout, shaking his arm.
“Fine, fine, let me send one more text,” he quickly taps his phone a couple more times before setting it down.
You smile before you hug him, earning a kiss in response.
“Ah shit, I need to piss, just give me a second, ‘kay?” you nod before he’s frantically rushing through the hallway, pants pulled down before he even reaches the bathroom door.
You laugh a bit to yourself. You reach for the remote when you see his phone light up with a new text. 
He didn’t shut it off.
You’re stuck between a rock and a hard place. You’d be lying if you said you trusted Atsumu with all your heart, but it’d kill you if you didn’t trust him and he caught you in the act of something stupid like searching through his phone.
Curiosity might really be killing the cat, because you can’t help the way you look at the bathroom door then back at his phone, quickly grabbing at it and reading the most recent texts.
If you were a cat, then curiosity really did kill you. Your heart sinks at the texts between his “cousin” Angie.
Angie [10:02AM]: URE the one who took those pics. i just happened to find them
Angie [10:02AM]: who do you think uploaded that picture of sakusa n that girl? lol u can finally get ur mind off of her now
Angie [10:03AM]: what do u say? u tryna come over or what ;)
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© all writings belongs to suhkusa 2024. do not repost or change.
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
i don’t know if this is something Jojo is doing on purpose, or if it was an intentional detail but i grabbed and ran away with it, or if I’ve just completely read far to into things and entered the realm of just making shit up, but Warriors and his little crooked smile are so GODDAMN important to me and I am shaking him like a squeak toy (gently)
(big yap/analysis under the cut)
disclaimer, i just have a lot of thoughts, probably way too many thoughts, and 97% of them are about Wars so I might be insane, and what you’re about to read provided you’ve stuck around so far might be the equivalent of your high school english teacher yelling with tears in their eyes about how the curtains were blue to “symbolize her sadness”. also my apologies for weird spelling mistakes or oddly misspelled words, i am dyslexic 💔 but with that being said:
Warriors to me comes off as someone who’s constantly acting larger than life. He masks a LOT in front of the chain, he acts overdramatic and a bit ridiculous on purpose, and to an extent he just is a bit ridiculous, but his reactions to things are sometimes blow way out of proportion or are just larger than life in a comedic way where it just seems like he’s doing it intentionally. He comes across as a very extroverted, talkative person, and he seems like he’d honestly be a bit loud too (whether that’s who is REALLY is or what he’s REALLY like is a yap for another post). His (physical) image and the way his character/personality is perceived by others both seem like things that are not his CORE values or the things that mean the most to him, but they do seem to be at least a LITTLE bit important to him just based on how he presents himself and the way he acts. And to an extent, the whole thing with him caring so much about his looks is canon in LU, with that one sketch of him and Legend where he’s looking at his eye in a reflection of a shield and Legend says “alright break it up you two” being the first thing that comes to mind (which is in the post “Mirror Shield”, click the name for the link)
To me, from what I’ve seen and from my perspective, there are very few times we see an actual genuine smile from Warriors, and when we do it tends to be in moments where he’s not in the spotlight, he’s not trying to command the center of attention, and/or the focus is NOT on him. It tends to be moments where he just seems genuinely happy or at peace, and those seem pretty rare. He smiles a LOT, but the majority of his smiles seem big and flashy and performative, and not that that means he’s not happy AT ALL in any of those moments, but those smiles seem a lot more controlled and closely managed because he’s aware of the attention on him and therefore thinking about how he’s perceived. (I’ve made some posts in the past and I’ll probably make others in the future about how I think Warriors puts on this “Captain” or “Hero of Hyrule” persona because of how an entire war was started because a sorceress found him beautiful, and how he feels like him being just him isn’t really good enough for that and how he feels like he needs to fit in and look/act/seem like the legendary heroes he’s being compared to. He’s created this idea of what he COULD be and that’s what he presents to others, fake it till you make it and all that, but thats another yap for another day)
However there are these little moments where we see him smile, and the same one side of his mouth is pretty consistently always just a little bit higher no matter which way his head is facing (here’s a few examples):
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@/linkeduniverse, from the 2023 monthly art, “January- Cold Sunrise”
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@/linkeduniverse, both from “Dawn pt. 2”
And the thing that really started this whole headcanon of mine that his REAL smile is crooked was this specific part of Dawn pt. 2 where Warriors sees that Twilight is gonna be find for the first time after most likely worrying about him and being up all night:
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That middle panel, to me at least, is probably the most genuine expression of a positive emotion we’ve seen from him this entire time. No one’s focus is on him, no one’s really looking at him, he doesn’t have the pressure of being the center of attention on him, and honestly even if that WERE the case, the genuine relief that hit him once he was Twilight was gonna be okay probably would’ve been enough to get a genuine smile out of him anyways. But the second he walks into the room officially, he kinda, for lack of a better way to put it, announces his presence and starts “acting” again (also from Dawn pt 2):
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And while that same one side of his mouth does seem a bit higher and not very straight, it’s definitely more even than it was just five seconds previously
Now, acknowledging there is an art style, and that I also just might be insane, but Warriors’s smiles for the most part (when they seem controlled) appear to be a Lot straighter and more even to me than when it’s a more genuine moment and he doesn’t seem like he’s “acting” so much (and just a note: it certainly isn’t EVERY time, but in general, in moments like these his smile seems consistently straighter unless he’s just flat out smirking. and im not saying it’s PERFECTLY straight either, just noticeably more even). When he’s being more dramatic or intentionally obnoxious or the attention is on him, it really does feel like his smile is more controlled: here are just a few examples, obviously this isn’t every single time he’s smiled in all of LU
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@/linkeduniverse, from “Swords”
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@/linkeduniverse, from “Shady Escape pt 2”
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@/linkeduniverse, from “Divine Dark Reflections pt. 8”
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@/linkeduniverse, both from “Magic Sword”
am i looking too far into a little thing? probably. am i insane? yeah. but i just really love the idea that when Warriors is truly, genuinely happy, the part of himself that he tries to hide, the sweet and caring person he hides underneath all the dramatics, that true self he’s probably kept hidden away since the start of the war who’s been buried under insecurity and hidden because of the fear that who he is just isnt ENOUGH peaks through, and that person comes out through his happiness in the form of his smile. and yeah it does probably mean nothing and Jojo might not have done any of this on purpose, but i’m crazy, and Warriors’s crooked little smile is so so important to me *insert image of a guy crying face down on the floor because unfortunately i’ve hit the image limit*
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jinxhallows · 11 months
kinktober #o17 | glory
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KINKTOBER 2023 || jinxhallows glory (praise kink) || chan x fem!reader summary: you and chan met as volunteers for the local cabaret theatre, working as stagehands, but when it blossoms into something more, and the temperatures drop below freezing, chan figures out a way to warm you up, and fast... warnings: praise kink, and all that entails, plot heavy, fluffy, lots and lots of praise, 'daddy' petnames, non-idol AU
word count: 4k masterlist - click here
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The first time he let it slip, you two were still just friends.
You both volunteered as stagehands at the downtown cabaret theater, and you had been sent out to purchase some last-minute supplies. Your coat was dripping wet over your arm from running through the rain, a shopping basket hooked in the crook of your opposite elbow, and you held the phone to your ear, spinning around to decipher the location of the checkout.
"Did you get the safety pins?" Chan's voice came through the phone.
You nodded, even though Chan couldn't see you. "Yeah."
"I also got the glue gun sticks, an extra pack of AA batteries, and a small can of black acrylic paint," you rattled off.
"Good girl," Chan responded, genuinely impressed.
At the time, he had no idea that his words had a much different impact on you than he could have ever imagined. The idea of him praising you under very different circumstances had ignited a fire within you, one you couldn't ignore.
The season progressed and Chan worked up the courage to ask you out for drinks and now you two are barely two months into a very new relationship. Still working together, now as hired staff seasonally, at the cabaret theatre, you two are now working together on helping out with the production of A Christmas Carol.  It’s two months until showtime, so you’re in the thick of things, managing a team of stage designers. Chan is managing the costume department and overseeing music direction. He has a brief gap between meetings, so he decides to surprise you by grabbing your favorite drink and muffin from the local coffee shop. After leaving a generous tip in the paper cup at the front of the register, he heads back to the theater through the brisk winter cold.
Chan enters the theater's workshop, finding you in your office. He closes the door behind him, greets you with a kiss and your drink, and then takes off his coat. As he hangs it on the nearby coat rack, you take a sip of the drink, savoring the warm, spicy flavors of your favorite spiced winter beverage. Opening the small, white paper bag, you take out your favorite muffin. "I needed this so badly. I was late this morning and couldn't grab breakfast."
"Why didn't you call? You know I could've picked you up," Chan says, sitting on the edge of your desk as you ease into your chair. You blow on your drink, preparing it for a sip. "Your car's been in the shop for weeks now. Any word on what's going on with it?"
You pause for a moment, taking a sip of your drink as you ponder how to address the issue. You've been avoiding Chan's questions about your mode of transportation since receiving the bad news. You're hesitant to reveal that you don't have everything under control, fearing it might push Chan away. After swallowing, you gather your thoughts and finally speak up.
"It's gonna be a while," you say, your voice tinged with a touch of uncertainty.
At this point, Chan has confirmed his suspicion that you're intentionally keeping this information from him. He nods, taking in your response, and glances at his watch. Fiddling with one of its links, he contemplates whether you've been together long enough for him to press you about these matters. He doesn't want to start an argument or intrude on your privacy, but he's genuinely concerned, especially with the weather getting colder and the distance you live from the theatre.
"That... doesn't sound good," Chan finally says, after you've taken another sip, looking back at you. You can feel the hesitation in his words and sense that he's holding something back. Your fingers nervously tap against your cup in an unknown rhythm that's stuck in your head. "Yeah, the engine, it's kind of... shot," you say, tapping the cup at a higher tempo. You find the lid of your cup more interesting than Chan's attempt to hide his shock. He knows he's not great at concealing his emotions, and he clears his throat, suddenly fascinated by his watch.
"Wow, that's... I'm sorry to hear that. Engine troubles can be expensive. You know if you need any help at all—"
"I'm just getting another car. I've been looking, but I haven't had the time yet, especially with the production coming up, so I've been taking the trains. I'm okay, though, Chan, really," you reassure him. Setting your cup down, you interlock your fingers, resting your chin on them, and offer him a disarming smile.
"Since you've had time to come visit me, I'm guessing you're ahead of schedule?" you inquire, relieved when you see his focus shift, steering the conversation in a different direction. 
For now, you've evaded his questions again.
"Like a well-oiled machine. In fact, there's a little bit left over in the budget to get the fog machine fixed."
"Chan!" you laugh, "How did you manage that?"
"A few people owed me a few favors. I know how much you wanted to give those Ghost of Christmas Future scenes more ambiance." Chan embraces you, and you eagerly rush into his open arms, hugging him tightly, the scent of his shampoo and cologne filling your senses. When you let go, he slowly turns you around in his embrace, his arms encircling your body, your back against his chest.
"Thank you for this. Oh, Hailey will be so excited to hear this, and Thomas, we'll have to space out the set for Act Three, but that's no problem. I—" You stop yourself, your hand on your forehead as you catch yourself from rambling again. Chan loves seeing you excited like this, so he never stops you during your enthusiastic outbursts. You turn around, your arms resting on his shoulders, and you kiss him, expressing your gratitude with a hundred silent thank-yous.
Chan finds the courage to speak out, his hands gently resting along your waist. "Please let me give you a ride, at least to and from here. You live outside the city, and I'd feel better knowing you're safe in this cold." He anticipates a rebuttal and adds, "Just for the cabaret. Whatever else you do is your business, but if you did need me for other rides, I'd be up for it—just needed to get that out there," nodding affirmatively to you and himself.
You decide to accept his offer this time. You had guessed wrong; it had never left his mind the entire time.
"Fine," you roll your eyes with a small smirk, "I just know you live in the city, and that's out of your way."
"It's not, honest," Chan stands up and leans forward, kissing your forehead. "You're really special to me." With a smile, he heads out and adds, "I'll meet you in the lobby after rehearsal."
"You're really special to me..."
Those words reverberate in your mind for the next four hours of work. They're louder than the hammering of nails into wooden boards, louder than saws cutting through plywood, and even louder than the timpanis in the orchestra pit.
As you work, your head down while distressing the paint on the side of a fake building, you can hear Chan stopping and starting the musicians, going over pieces meticulously. It's hard not to lock eyes with him when he glances over at you occasionally.
Unbeknownst to you, Chan is entranced by the way you bring a vision to life, ingeniously assembling pieces that leave him baffled. He observes you walking among other stagehands, adeptly adjusting a streetlamp, your gloved hands confidently resting on your hips, toolbelt hanging down. You point, shake your head, and oversee adjustments, stepping back and tilting your head, scrutinizing it from various angles before granting it a thumbs-up.
Every so often, you cast an inconspicuous glance over your shoulder, but Chan has already shifted his focus long enough to deceive you into thinking he wasn't watching. He splits his attention between you and the piano, directing the musicians, a sight he relishes.
At one point, a designer stands beside the piano with a partially costumed actor, waiting for the right moment to approach Chan. The designer holds up a piece of velvet red fabric against the navy blue costume.
"Was thinking maybe this material?" the stylist asks.
"Nah, not really, the blue is better against the gold buttons," Chan nods, providing his expert opinion.
"Take a picture, it'll last longer," Thomas' voice teases, breaking your focus and startling you from your reverie.
"Oldest one in the book. And corniest," you quip back.
"Don't do it, boo. I'd be distracted if Chan were mine too," Thomas remarks, and you both sneak another glance in Chan's direction. "He is a delicious piece of sweet potato pie, ain't he?"
You nudge Thomas playfully, and both of you head backstage.
As the day concludes, everyone gathers around for announcements and updates from the director. Afterward, people begin to disperse. You're embraced by hugs from Thomas and other crew members who've become like family. The holiday break is upon you, and some are leaving town to enjoy their vacation. The lobby teems with people, and amid the crowd, you spot Chan. You hear him chatting with others, and as he finishes, his expression brightens as he spots you.
You’re really special to me… You give Chan a warm hug. It's cozy inside, a welcome refuge from the cold winter winds outside.
"Ready?" he asks with a grin.
You nod, and together, you make your way to the exit. The bitter cold greets you as you step outside, and the wind feels like needles on your exposed cheeks. You tug your scarf up around your nose to protect yourself from the icy gusts. Chan holds you even closer as you both step out into the open, and he opens the passenger door of his nearby parked car.
The car's interior offers immediate warmth, and you welcome it with relief. Chan yawns as the silence settles in around you. He had a busy but good day, and now he's just as eager to hear about yours, especially after getting lost in watching you do your thing.
"Are you sure you wanna do this? Like, drive me all the way home?" you ask, your voice tinged with doubt.
"Yes, I want to drive you all the way home," Chan says with a chuckle. He starts the car, shifting it into reverse to back out of the parking space. "And then I want to walk you all the way to your door, and then I want to kiss you, like we're a couple of teenagers from the fifties."
You laugh at his sweet sentiment.
"I'm serious! You make this relationship thing feel like it's worth something, like it's something I can do... forever," Chan says. He starts to feel a little self-conscious about gushing and quickly dials it back. "You're just... really special to me." There it is again.
"Chan," you begin, and there's a moment of hesitation.
"Yeah?" Chan's gaze remains fixed on the road, but he's eager to hear your words.
"I love you," you say, surprising both yourself and him with the sudden confession.
Each quiet second Chan spends frozen on the road ahead makes you want to backpedal.  It’s too soon.  Are you dumb? He’s gonna think you’re crazy.  It’s not even three months yet.
“I love you too.” He says, and it comes out like his own kind of word vomit, at the tail end of his ruminating thoughts of whether or not you actually meant your statement.  Then he guilts himself for doubting the expression of your feelings. Chan would just like to get out of his own head for thirty seconds.
"Ok, now that that's settled," you say, your humor helping to break the tension, and you settle into your seat with a sigh. "I'm sorry I get so weird about you helping me sometimes. I just feel like you have your shit together, and I'm still trying to figure it all out. I know you didn't sign up to get a girlfriend with a bunch of problems—baggage."
Chan snorts, a mixture of amusement and relief. He's glad to hear that this is what's been on your mind, that you've been carrying a self-imposed burden. He appreciates the vulnerability in your words. Sometimes he needs to feel needed, especially in a relationship.
"I'm not sure what your definition of having my shit together is, but this version of me, isn't it," he says with a smile. "I didn't sign up for a girlfriend with a perfect life. I signed up for Y/N, and all that comes with her. How dare you short me the fries to my combo?"
You both share a laugh, and as the car settles into the quiet hum of the engine, you notice snow falling and sticking to the slushy roads as you leave the city behind and enter the suburbs. You check the weather forecast on your phone, prompting you to speak up.
"There's a frost advisory tonight, love," you muse. "You think you should stay over tonight? The roads are gonna be awful."
Chan hadn't planned on it, but he realizes he has nothing urgent to rush home to, and he's getting pretty tired too.
"Good idea."
It takes another thirty minutes, but soon, Chan is pulling into your driveway, turning off the car and walking you to your door just as he said he would. He waits patiently next to you, his hands warming in his pockets as he looks around at the snow falling and piling up, covering the black streets in blinding white reflected against the streetlights.
It's a perfect night to snuggle with a special someone.
You turn on the music, an old Aqualung album filling the former silence, making the blanket of white outside look even more magical. You had never found yourself enjoying the quiet company of another until you started dating Chan. It's a new experience for both of you since you can get lost in conversation for hours. But with Chan, there's no pressure to keep coming up with new topics. It's one of the many reasons why he enjoys your company. He can just be himself around you.
You come over to join Chan as he sits on the floor against the couch. He initially begins to unfold his crossed legs to make room for you, but you extend a leg over his, straddling him instead, holding two cups of hot cocoa in your hands.
"Oh, well hello, beautiful," he chuckles, taking one of the mugs from you.
The way he says it makes your heart flutter, and you can't help but tease him. You sip your drink, looking at him with a mischievous gaze. "There's just something about the way you say those things to me."
"What things, baby?" Chan asks, playing along. He knows what you mean, but he loves hearing it from you. "When I tell you how pretty you are? How I get caught staring at you at work at least five times a day by the other volunteers?"
You can't contain your giggles, and he takes your mug and his, placing them on the coffee table as he cups your face. "I can feel how hot your cheeks are getting too."
"Because why? Give me one good reason why I shouldn't list every reason why I've fallen in love with you to your face."
You bite your lip, realizing Chan's winning the playful banter. He holds onto your hips, shifting himself underneath you and readjusting, all while focusing on being romantic rather than all the nasty things he wants to do to you with you straddling him like this.
He kisses you, gently at first, and then more passionately. "For one, you are beautiful. Anyone with eyes can see that..." You notice the drop in Chan's volume and the edge his tone gains, making you crave him in ways you haven’t been able t0 have him yet. “I like that.” “Yeah?  You do? You should, ‘cause you’re a pretty girl, my pretty girl of course.” Chan's eyes linger on your lips, and you lean forward, capturing his lips in a single kiss that leaves both of you lingering, breathing heavily, your faces close.
"Call me your pretty girl again, and you might start something you can't finish."
"Who says I can't finish it, pretty girl?" Chan counters with a sly smile, his lips dangerously close to yours.
Chan is the next to initiate another kiss, drawing you into a passionate embrace. His hands trail up the bare skin of your back, hidden beneath your hoodie, leaving a trail of sinfire in their wake. You lean your head back with a gasp as he hums against your neck.
"Listen to those breaths you take, so sweet for me," Chan says, eager to hear more of your reactions. He sucks hard enough to leave a bruise under your collarbone, making you gasp in response.
"Oh my God, Chan, I—" You start to express concern, but the juxtaposition of his arousal and your own, both concealed beneath clothing, interrupts your common sense. He shouldn't be marking you up like this. You realize you'll need to wear a turtleneck or a collared shirt to cover your collarbone.  “B-Be careful-”
"I'm sorry, baby. You're just so intoxicating, you know that?" Chan manages to peel himself away from devouring you for a brief moment, a feat that takes immense self-control. "And you have the most adorable smile."
You try to hide your smile, but he pulls your arm away. "No, let me see it. Look at how you get when I compliment you. I can't tell if you love it or hate it, but it's damn hot seeing you get all shy like this. Makes me want to say more, see how else your body responds to me."
"I think it's turning me on," you admit, your voice slightly shaky, and a coy smile forms on your lips.
“You think?” Chan states more than questions, running his nose and lips against your chest, peppering kisses up your neckline. He sucks again, leaving another mark, this time closer to your jaw. You moan in response, and he tangles his fingers in the hair at the nape of your neck as he pulls you in for a kiss. Your lips bruise against his, swollen as he pulls back, looking up at you as if you were Aphrodite herself.
“Thank you, babygirl. I’m sorry I left a couple of marks.”
“It’s okay, you should leave a couple more.”
So Chan does just that.
You hold onto his neck as he moves forward, pressing you into the floor, lifting your hoodie up and sliding it over your arms so he can lay more open-mouthed, deliciously wet kisses down to your navel. He dips his tongue in, taking your piercing between his teeth. Your back arches, and he's going for your jeans, ready to unbutton them, but he stops, sitting up on his knees.
Chan knows if he goes any further, it would be akin to dragging him from quicksand.
He has to ask first.
“We’ve never gone this far,” Chan says, feeling somewhat awkward for not just outright asking you. You realize, of course, that you two haven't gone this far, but Chan wants to ensure you're comfortable. How much further are you willing to go? Chan can easily wrap things up right here, but the way you're writhing underneath his lips every time they press into your skin, leading further and further down south; Chan needs you to tell him otherwise. “I want to go further,” you say, your thumbs hooked into the top of your pants. “You told me you'd finish it, didn't you?”
You assist him in getting your bottoms off, and he nuzzles against the damp fabric of your panties, taking in your scent. “Had no idea you’d smell this amazing,” Chan says, pulling your panties aside to slip a finger in, curling it up. “You must really want me, hmm?”
“Mhm, I do.”
“Can you take more fingers, baby?” “Yeah, I can,” you nod fervently, vigorously, eager to feel him spread you further. Chan gets two more fingers inside of you, and he pulls the panties even further around your lips, leaning down to kiss and suck your clit. He enjoys the way his saliva catches the light as you buck your hips up.
“Prettiest pussy I've ever seen, babygirl. Are you going to let my cock feel it too?”
“Yes, please, daddy?”
Chan has to process the fact that you've called him this. He nearly short-circuits.
“You must want to be my good girl tonight,” he says as he pulls off his hoodie, tossing it aside and unbuttoning his pants.
“I'd give anything to be your good girl, Chan.”
His fat cock slaps against your wet slit as he holds it firmly. “Anything.” you begin to twist your hips, attempting to grind in a way that will make him slide inside you. You're wet, it's spread everywhere, slicking your inner thighs and cheeks. All it takes is one good thrust, and he can –
“I want this, right here,” his firm taps stop you in place, and his eyes lock onto yours as he pushes his cockhead between your folds, stopping as soon as he's sheathed inside, feeling your walls begging for more. “You feel so wet, baby. Is this for me?” he asks, inching inside until he's halfway in. Chan wants to stop, but the sensation of your walls squeezing him proves to be too much, and he bottoms out inside of you.
“Yes!” You cry out, stronger and louder than you intended, spawning Chan to thrust again, rutting into you. He doesn't always go deep; in fact, he's stroking you at just the right angle to make you see stars as you drag your almond nails down his back, feeling his muscles tense under your touch.
“S-sorry,” you hiss, your head falling against the floor as you cum around his cock. “Keep it up, baby,” he encourages you, “You look so good taking me like this right now, so fucking good.”
"I-I look—"
His firm grip on the strands of your hair at the nape of your neck forces your gaze upwards, compelling you to meet his intense, smoldering eyes.
"Beautiful," he breathes as his thrusts take on a deliberate, measured pace. Each motion propels you closer to the precipice of another orgasm, and you can barely keep your eyes open. His hand presses flat against your head, angling it so you can witness the raw, primal connection between your two bodies. "You look beautiful, say it." You gasp and muster the strength to whisper, "Beautiful," as he introduces two of his fingers to your lips. You eagerly accept them, your tongue tantalizingly caressing the pads of his digits, still bearing traces of your earlier essence. He withdraws his fingers and expertly circles your clit with confident, steady pressure, evoking whimpering pleas from deep within you.
"Such a good girl," he praises with a low, smoky voice, pride lacing every word. "I'm so proud of you, baby. Can you cum again for me? I just wanna see that face one more time.” He wants to etch the vision of your blissed-out expression into the depths of his consciousness, ensuring it's the first thing he sees every morning as he awakens with thoughts of you.   Instinctively, you attempt to shield your contorted, furrowed brows with your hands, but Chan swiftly restrains your wrists, pinning them above your head with a powerful grip. His other hand intensifies its attentions to your clit, moving more vigorously.  He pairs this with shallow, accurate thrusts,each one striking your g-spot with unerring accuracy, causing you to unravel until you could think no more.  You’ve been fucked dumb, for the first time in your life.  As you gradually return to your senses, you struggle to find words or even make sense of how another human being can make you feel this extraordinary.
Amidst the haze of your post-orgasmic stupor, a lucid thought pierces through: sex is a potent, heady concoction, a force to be reckoned with.
Then, the second wave of awareness washes over you when you hear Chan's voice, close to your ear, whispering those two potent words, "Good girl." - fin
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stylespresleyhearted · 5 months
pt. ✌🏻 ~ fc: beautiful rosie hunington-whitely ~
masterlist here ; part one here
enjoy ♥️
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liked by user02, user14, and 71954 others
dailymail Callum Turner made a surprise appearance at last night’s award show with girlfriend Y/N and we were all shocked to see she is no longer pregnant. She’s even back in shape! Click the link in bio to find out everything we know about the birth of their child
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fan21 did ya’ll think she was gonna be pregnant forever ???
fan23 What a horrible thing to do. Talking about a woman’s body and her being in shape after she’s carried and birthed a child? Do better dailymail!
fan33 luckiest child ever
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liked by austinbutler and 93715 others
yourinstagram happy daddy day my love 🫶🏻 we love you a million
(also yes our baby was born. he’s perfect.)
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fan23 omfg ima cry i know he’s the best fucking dad
austinbutler ❤️
yourinstagram we miss you uncle austin!
keoghan92 I remember when Cal used to carry me on his shoulders like that around set 🥺
anthonyboyle you’re ridiculous
yourinstagram LMAO happy fathers day! Come visit soon 😘
yourfriendsinstagram omg so you aren’t gonna be pregnant forever? what?! (😒)
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liked by rafflaw, austinbutler, and 76199 others
callumturner I made an Instagram to publicly wish my beautiful partner and the best mum around (sorry Mum) a happy birthday. I love you darling and you two are the most precious things in my life 🥳
comments have been limited
florencepugh I too would make an entire Instagram just to love on @yourinstagram so I get it 😝
anthonyboyle OI IT’S Y/N DAY
camilamorrone happy burfday y/n!!! love you loads!!! 🥳❤️
austinbutler Funny thing, I took this photo. 🌚
keoghan92 LMAO calling him out! tbh it looked like a photo taken by you 😉
callumturner Fuck off the both of you 😂
rafflaw Austin won’t reply to a text but he’ll comment on an Instagram photo. Got it.
yourinstagram austin i told you not to send him the photo 😩 i look horrible! delete!
callumturner Impossible. Never.
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liked by zendaya, rafflaw, and 41896 others
yourinstagram Thank you for all the wonderful birthday wishes & thank you to all my friends and family who joined our little family on my birthday excursion 😘 life has never been better since our little man joined us ♥️
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keoghan92 not fair that austin hogged him the entire week! me and brando had plans for the little guy!
oliviadejonge love you 🥀
fan23 This little family owns my heart. ❤️
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liked by user12, yourinstagram, and 577 others
callumnews Callum’s happy reaction when his son yelled out “daddy!” during the panel 😭
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fan23 all the guys talking about what a great dad he is made me tear up
fan42 “Uncle Austin is the favorite” confirmed by callum lmao barry was heated!!
fan12 He was eager to get on that stage haha! @yourinstagram looks like he’s gonna follow in his dad’s footsteps!
yourinstagram 😂😂 seriously he loves the attention and he’s such a daddy’s boy he kept trying to head on stage
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liked by appletv, rafflaw, and 12945 others
yourinstagram #tbt dad life
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keoghan92 Oh yeah 100%
user13 this is the most of his face they’ve shown
user14 don’t be weird
callumsfamily I miss when the little man couldn’t walk y/n have another!
yourinstagram 😉
fan21 OMG
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liked by fan13, zendaya, and 17322 others
yourinstagram MOM LYFE
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yourfriendsinstagram I miss kissing his chubby baby rolls (and tell Callum to stop taking photos of you in the shower)
fan12 LOL
fan23 It’s funny to picture Y/N trynna shower and Callum and their baby waiting patiently on the toilet 😂😂
yourinstagram they do NOT wait patiently 😂
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liked by fan13, fan55, and 88154 others
callumnews Callum greeting his mother as she joined him, Y/N, and her grandson for a day at the park. She was bestowed an award at Parliament House last week for her contribution to gender and cultural equality and she dedicated it to her grandson. All photos of their child had his face blurred out of respect for the Turner family.
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fan23 He lives on Callum’s shoulders 😂
fan12 Y/N is living all my fanfiction dreams tbh
user23 I hope magazines and fans continue to blur out his face in photos until Callum and Y/N are ready.
fan53 Callum’s mom is so awesome wow
yourinstagram she’s the coolest & the most amazing nan! ♥️ the little guy calls her about 20 times a day because he loves her so much and we have to remind him she has work which he does not like to hear 😂
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liked by austinbutler, yourinstagram, and 1533470 others
callumturner time flies when you’re having fun has never felt more existential than since we were blessed with this little human.
We are aware that because of my line of work people will be curious and photos will be taken. As his parents, me and Y/N want to protect him and get ahead of it. To my fans and to the media, if you respect me or basic human decency, we ask that you please only allow the photos we post of our son to grace the internet. Thank you.
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fan23 Guys if we love and respect Callum like we say we do let’s promise to help protect their son’s privacy!
anthonyboyle Holy shit he’s looking more like his dad every day ain’t he?
keoghan92 Poor lad
Completely fictional! Barry is all up in the comment section and Raff Law is always all up in the likes but it’s because those two are always (or used to be) online haha
Let me know if ya’ll liked it and if you’d want more 🫶🏻
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spidernuggets · 7 months
Hi hope you’re having a good/night can you do a Jason Todd x detective fem reader. She meets Jason , but she meets him when he’s red hood at a crime scene.
Jason Todd x FemDetective!Reader
"So you're the guy that's making my paperwork pile up higher than the Empire State Building."
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"Christ, another one?" One of your coworkers said as the limp, dead body was zipped up into a body, and evidence collected and put away.
You shrug a shoulder, writing down in your notepad a list of suspects and witnesses involved in this new murder, which was also linked to other recent killings.
"Adam Matthews." You state the victim's name.
"Drug dealer?" Your coworker asks, looking at the substance that Matthews had on his person being bagged for evidence.
"Mm. He was a cook for a drug dealer who tested on homeless kids or orphans. But Matthews was also known for being an accessory for other murders, kidnappings, and was guilty for sexual assaults," you state, sighing, putting your notebook away.
Your coworker fell shocked. "How the fuck is he not locked up?!" He yells.
"Links with richies," you scoff. "Well, he's dead now. His long, overdue debt it now paid." You always believed these kinds of people never deserved a second chance. All the previous murder victims were similar to Adam Matthews. So, others may call you crazy, but you were thankful for this anonymous killer going out of their way, killing scumbags like Matthews.
"I'm going to scout around the area, Parks," you told your coworker as he nodded and went to discuss with the other officers around the area.
You shone your flashlight around the narrow alleys, searching for any clues or evidence you could use to help solve the crime and catch the murderer. Or in your eyes an anti-hero.
Just as you were about to turn around and return to the scene, you heard grunts and strings of profanity coming from behind one of the dumpsters.
Your hand hovered over your gun in your hip holster, walking towards the sounds.
You swiftly turned to see the source, hand on the handle of the gun, and saw a certain, outlawed vigilante leaning on the dumpster, holding his arm, his body stained with blood.
His helmet lay in between his legs, his domino mask remaining on his face.
"What the fu- Red Hood??" You exclaim.
"You mind?" He groans, holding his hand out, trying to avoid the flash shining in his eyes.
"Shit, sorry," you reoly, turning it off and placing it on your utility belt. Your head tilted to the side, seeing that Red Hood was struggling to wrap his arm up. "It's loose," you say, referring to the bandage- or rag that he was tying around his bicep.
"Wow, really? Didn't- fuck- didn't notice," he says, cursing once more when the bandage fell down.
You roll your eyes, crouching beside his and taking the bandage from his, unwrapping his arm and rewrapping it tighter as it should be.
"So you're the guy that's making my paperwork pile up higher than the Empire State Building." You mutter, tying the bandage to stay in place.
"Sorry, little cop lady. Just doing my job." He hisses.
"It's little detrctice lady to you. And I'd appreciate it if you made your little killing sprees a little more discreet. Eventually, the actual cops are gonna catch your ass," you snicker, getting up.
"As if I let them." He bites back.
"L/n. Where are you?" Parks says through your walkie. "Did you find anything?"
Red Hood gets up, putting his helmet back on, looking down at you, waiting for your response.
You click on the button to reply. "No. Nothing here. Coming back now."
The white glowing eyes pierce through yours as Red Hood chuckles. "Hiding a criminal? Haven't taken a look through the law book in a while, but isn't that illegal?" You couldn't see it, but Red Hood grinned, amised at this new encounter.
You shrugged. "I'm only doing this because I know I can't stop you, even if I wanted to. Besides. If these ass rat criminals kept scurrying around, the papaerwork would be much more than you're making." You smirk.
He laughs. "So you're saying you don't want to stop me?" He crosses his arms.
"Have a good night, Mr. Hood." You bid him goodbye, walking back to the crime scene.
"And to you too, little detective lady," he says, quietly hoping to run into again after he puts lead into the head of his next target.
"Jeez, I thought you died or something. You were gone for a while, are you sure you didn't find anything?" Parks quickly asks you.
You quickly wipe away the blood on your palms from Red Hood's wound onto your black jeans. "Save the interrogation for the suspects, Parks. Nothing there but dead rats and graffiti."
You walk off, almost missing the shine of a red helmet running off on the roof of a building in the distance as you smirk to yourself, also secretly hoping Red Hood would cause another casualty to meet him again.
Parks was about to walk off, too, almost missing the tiniest splotch of red on your white shirt as he raised an eyebrow.
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I didn't want to leave this ask in my inbox for too long and forget about it 😭😭
BUTTTT if you or anyone else wants!!! I can make a part 2 where Reader and Red Hood begin a constant meetup after every death Red Hood causes (only to those criminals who deserve it, obvi). And Parks becomes suspicious of Reader and threatens her or that Reader's job is put on the line!!!!
I was going to add this idea in, but I'm really bad at making long fics cuz I always wanna get it over and done with and I'm so impatient 😭
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x-reader-theater · 1 year
Breaking and Entering {1}
summary: Someone breaks into your flat through the window, and you don't have enough energy left to care.
pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x Gender Neutral!Reader
word count: 1801
warnings: The Reader is described as having depression and suicidal ideations. Nothing is done about it, but it's very obvious so if you don't think you can handle that please do not read.
a/n: this is also going to be a series, but i have no idea how long it's going to take to finish it or how long it's gonna be. also if you haven't seen, my requests are open and you can find my request rules here.
Breaking and Entering Series: {Chapter 1}, {Chapter 2}, (You can also use the tag #breaking and entering series as well if you don't want to use links)
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It was supposed to be a normal night. Lonely. Depressed. It was going to be the perfect terrible night.
So of course someone had to ruin it.
You’re sitting at the kitchen table, about to disassociate and share at the wall across from you for eight hours, when you have to go back to work, when you hear a loud crash coming from beside you.
“Shit!” you exclaim, jumping back and over the back of your chair, stumbling over it and smacking the back of your head on your old wooden floors.
“Shit,” you hear a low, gravely voice say from where the smashing sound came from.
Your vision is blurry for a moment, but it clears as you see a skull leaning over you. The skull talks, but your ears have started ringing, subsiding right as he finishes talking.
“What?” you ask, dazed and probably a lot more calm for someone who just had a floating skull smash through what was probably their window, but you’re too dazed right now to really care.
“I said,” the heavily accented skull says and as your vision clears, you see the skull isn't actually floating, but is attached to a body covered in what looks to be some sort of tactical gear. “Sit up. I want to have a look at your head.”
“Oh, uh, yeah,” you say, before slowly sitting up. The man holds out his arm, and you feel his hand on your back push you up as well. He shifts, so he’s looking at the back of you, and you stare forward at the wall, trying to get your senses back.
“I don't see a wound,” the man mumbles, probably just intended for himself, but you definitely heard. You’re just too shocked to say anything. The man sits in front of you again, his hand still on your back as he pulls out what looks to be a pen light. He holds it up in front of your eyes, and you move away from it, but he reaches out with the hand holding the light and places it gently on your cheek, pushing your head, so it’s facing you again. “Stay still.” Gus gruff voice is contradictory to how gentle he's handling you right now. “I need to look at your pupillary response.”
You try to sit still, though you still jump at the bright light. He flashes the light in your eye and away and back again a couple of times, moving onto the second one and doing the same, before finally clicking it off again. You sigh in relief.
“Response looks good, but you should probably have someone monitor you in case something happens,” the man says. “Does anyone else live here?”
“No,” you say, probably unwisely but, again, you’re exactly sound of mind right now.
“Do you have anyone you can call? A friend or a neighbour? Someone who might stay with you and take care of you?”
You shake your head, but instantly regret it as it causes a lance of pain to shoot through your skull. You hiss and clutch at your temple.
“Careful,” the man admonishes, his voice gentler than it has been. “You don't have anyone?”
“No,” you say, watery and thick with building mucus. You blink a few times to drive the tears back as you are suddenly faced with how lonely you really are.
The man hums, but doesn’t say anything more, instead opting to ask, “What’s your name?”
You wipe at your eyes to get any stray tears and say with a tight throat, “[Y/N]. What about you?”
“You can call me Ghost,” is all he says.
You chuckle. “Terrifying,” you mock. You think you hear a laugh coming from the man, but underneath that skull mask you can’t tell. You get up and walk over to the freezer, grabbing a Ziplock bag you left on the counter a little while ago. You fill the baggie with ice before walking back over to the table and flipping the chair back onto its feet before sitting down again. Pressing the ice to the back of your head, you wince as you ask, “What are you anyways? What are you doing in my flat?”
“It's classified,” Ghost says.
“Ooooooooooooh,” you draw out, nodding. “You're military, aren't ya?” When the man doesn’t answer, you make a clicking sound with your teeth. “Right. Classified.”
“I could be a murderer,” the man says suddenly.
“I mean, so could I,” you say, just as cryptically as he did. “Besides. If you really are in the military like I totally think you are, you probably have killed people so, you’re probably right that you’re a murderer. But I’m also not a soldier so if you did kill me that would be like, some sort of violation of something, right? If not totally illegal,” you ramble, using your one free arm to gesture wildly as you talk.
“Do you have no sense of self-preservation?” Ghost asks finally after you take a pause.
You stare at him, taken aback by the question before saying, “Uh, aha… you could say that my will to live is currently… wilted, at the moment.”
Ghost stares at you for a long moment, for several moments even, and you fidget underneath his gaze. When you glance at his eyes, you see they’re a deep brown, almost black, ringed with black eye makeup to conceal anything that could give away his identity, you guess.
When he finally speaks again, he says, “Maybe you could use a friend right now.”
You stare at him blankly, and say, “Yes, I want the masked soldier man who broke through my window to be my friend…”
“Do you have much of a choice otherwise?” Ghost asks and your mouth clicks shut with a clack of your teeth. You look away, dropping the hand with the ice and wrapping your arms around your body.
“Why are you doing this to me?” you ask, finally raising your eyes and catching Ghost’s stare.
“Because I’ve been you,” he states plainly. “You’re better off alive than dead.”
The way he says it so plainly, in a way you’ve never heard before, it makes your heart thud in your chest, like it hasn't beat for so long that no it finally is, it has to work in overdrive to pump blood through your veins. You've gotten the pitying glances, you’ve felt the patronising slaps on the shoulder, and you’ve heard the infuriating “It will get better soon” speeches.
But this six foot, masked, most likely military, stranger, telling you he was just like you? Somehow, that's what makes you have a little hope. Because he’s still here.
“There must be something wrong with you to want to be friends with someone whose window you just crashed through,” you judge, putting the ice back against your head.
Ghost sighs but gets up, going to your oven and grabbing the tea towel. He walks back over to you and gently pries the baggie of ice from your hand, wrapping it up in the towel and placing it back on the back of your head, moving your hand, so it’s placed on top of his before he slips his hand out from under yours. “I think there’s always been something a little wrong with me,” he says, and you look up at him standing over you, that white skull with brown eyes looking down and through you. You expect him to say something serious, but instead he says, “I’m wearing a fuckin’ mask, there’s obviously something wrong with me.”
You stare at him for a moment before bursting out laughing, wrapping your free arm around your stomach as you howl out laughter, probably more laughter than the situation required, but you just can’t stop. Eventually you suck in large lungfuls of air, hiccuping as you try and catch your breath, wiping your eyes for the second time today, but this time for a different reason.
When you catch your breath, you look over at Ghost who has sat down again, and you see his eyes are crinkled and his shoulders and bouncing up and down, and you realise he’s laughing as well.
You watch as he laughs, realising he’s been tense since the moment he got here. Now, he seems relaxed and open. You can see the laughter in his eyes before he closes them and throws his head back in bliss. This, human connection, laughing with someone else, just being near someone who doesn’t hate you, you think it could help fix you. Maybe not entirely, you’ll need more help for that, therapy and maybe some drugs, but having someone else, it could really help you.
And you don’t want to lose that.
“Will you come back?” you ask while Ghost is still laughing. He takes a moment to catch his breath, steadying himself again.
“When I’m in town, I’ll stop by,” he says, his voice sounding inhumanly steady after laughing so hard for so long. The control he has over himself makes him even more alluring.
You smile and nod. “Yeah. I’d like that.” You feel your eyes begin to get heavy, and you ask, “Is it okay for me to sleep?”
Ghost nods. “You don’t have a concussion. But I’ll stay until I have to go.”
“No one’s going to follow you here, right?” you ask, laying your head down on the table and placing the towel-wrapped bag of ice on the table next to your face.
Ghost chuckles guiltily. “No, I think before I smashed through your window, I lost them.”
“Why did you crash through my window?” you ask, fading off to sleep.
“I slipped,” you hear Ghost’s low voice mumble as it lulls you to sleep.
When you wake up the next morning, Ghost is gone. In his place there’s a small sticky note like the ones in a drawer in your kitchen, a pen that looks like it’s from that drawer as well. Probably because it is from that drawer, you realise as you rub your eyes to try and get them to work again. When they finally clear a little more, you see that the sticky note is a lot bigger than it should be. Grabbing it and pulling it towards you, you see there’s money folded neatly underneath it. Unfolding it, you see a couple hundred dollars, and on the note it says, “Sorry for your window.”
Looking over at the window, you see Ghost has patched up the window temporarily with a rubbish bag and some tape. You have no idea how he could have slipped and fallen into your seventh story flat, but you also don’t really care. You clutch the note to your chest with a smile, the first real smile you’ve felt in years.
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littleplantfreak · 3 months
Say my name - Sakura Haruka
Normally I'm bad with titles but without further ado! A ficlet(?) about Sakura struggling to call his lovely partner by their first name! It's SFW (but still under the cut) btw
I tried to keep it they/them for neutrality but if you find a stray 'she' somewhere that's my bad
(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
“I really don’t know what to do with him Suo! Every time he tries to say it he just freezes and sputters until he calls me ‘you’ or he changes it to another word last minute. Last week he tried so hard he nearly turned purple and gave himself a headache!” whining, you practically drape yourself over the table in defeat.
“Wow…our captain really is shy when it comes to that stuff, huh?” Suo’s holding back but you can tell he wants to laugh. Once Sakura shows up he’ll throw a teasing remark or two in but you’ll still be at square one.
“Maybe a nickname? Or what if you don’t look at him when he says it? What if he spells it out-“
“I don’t think we need to go that far,” interjecting gently before Nirei could start going through an insane list of things that may or may not actually work for the present problem, Suo leans forward, looking at you from across the table. “There’s something we can try that might work if you're up for it."
It’s not a bad plan actually, if more simple than you thought it’d be. You’re waiting behind the support wall in the middle of Cafe Pothos, obscured from anyone just walking in. Nirei and Suo are at the same table near the front that you were at before, and Kotoha is cleaning dishes at the sink, though she knows what’s going on and has a ear turned towards the main stage of this event making sure she doesn’t miss a thing.
From where you’re peeking before Haruka opens the door, you can see Nirei’s tense shoulders, both trying and failing to appear casual not that your boyfriend will pay it any mind. Sometimes you're afraid he'll end up like Hiragi and his nervous stomach issues. Suo is the picture of tranquility as he eyes Nirei’s notebook before greeting Haruka. You hear your boyfriend stop, possibly looking around for where you said you’d be waiting for him earlier.
“Bathroom~,” Suo singsongs smoothing over his partner’s stuttering. “By the way, Nirei’s been wondering about their first name! It seems the notebook page he has on them is incomplete without it…” he’s drawing attention, not to the boy himself, but the pen and notebook he’s gripping on to waiting on Sakura to take the bait. Nirei had opted for silence as he clicks his pen and as if to write it down.
"It’s-" a short pause before he actual says the full weight of your name, matter of factly too, without fumbling it at all and you’re suddenly too giddy to contain yourself.
“S-Sorry I wasn’t listening. Could you say it again?” Nirei squeaks out.
There’s annoyance in his voice as Sakura says it again, and before he can get anything else out, you’ve decided this is your cue.
“Yes, Haruka?” You blink looking at him, poorly portraying innocence but you can tell blood is rushing to your face and you cannot rub your smile off if you tried.
“Oh my~ Sakura you’re so bold calling your partner by their first name!” Red eyes glittering wickedly as he taunts “How romantic!” He gasps with a hand over his mouth. Looking flustered but proud is Nirei, nodding vigorously, and Kotoha giving Sakura a pat on the back in congratulations. You’re proud of him yourself, despite having to coax your name out of him with the help of his vice captains.
He's wide-eyed going between you and Suo, gears clicking in to place that he'd been set up as he settles for firing at the brunette "Wha- you- I'm GONNA KNOCK YA-,"
"Oookay we're heading out now!" Before he starts a fight, you link an arm through his and begin leading him towards the door. He’s puffed up like an angry cat but his body completely yields when it’s you who’s maneuvering him away the cafe after saying a quick goodbye to everyone.
It's quiet, the path you take through town on the way to your house and he doesn't look at you when he mumbles a quiet apology. You aren't quite sure what he’s apologizing for but you stop walking and wait for him to start speaking again.
“Sorry fer takin’ so long to say it.” He’s still not looking at you but your heart breaks a little at how small he sounds. You touch his cheek enough for him to turn and look at you, uncertainty clear in his bi-colored eyes.
“Honey I never meant to rush you. If you’re still working on it that’s okay! I never wanna make you feel uncomfortable,” brows knit together in worry now that you’re holding his face in both hands, searching signs that you took it too far.
“I think I’ll be able to say it now - especially if it makes ya look as happy as ya did at the cafe. Not all the time, but when we're alone I think I can." He’s almost fully settled into your hands now, melting into warmth he’d been craving since he woke up this morning. He always wondered how such soft hands could touch something as rough as him and still continue to make the effort to hold him. You wait for him to finish soaking up his much needed affection for a few more minutes and then you're both walking again, slowed by the urge to stay close for as long as possible.
"...and she popped out from behind the pillar and said "Yes, Haruka?"" Kotoha mimics your voice as she's giving Umemiya the rundown of what he missed.
"He's growing up so fast!" He wails theatrically wiping a tear from his eye.
"He's changed a lot since he came here, and even more since they started dating. I think he's getting soft with how fast they were able to drag him away without a fight."
"So he went from alley cat to house cat huh. Nothing wrong with that." he grins digging into his omurice. Kotoha smiles and hums in agreement. Nothing wrong with that in the slightest.
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