#//sorry for not doing much today been feeling kind of crappy but I’ll try and get to stuff tomorrow!
mechahero · 2 years
//things that also have a stranglehold on my brain rn: designing lambda’s recharge coffin but designing it as if it was a mon.ster high playset in the same vein as the bedroom sets that came out with the dead tired line
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“Their Deepest Desire” || a short Bunnydoll story
I'm a big fan of Miraculous Ladybug and somewhere in the middle of the night I got this idea based on the season 5 episode "Jubilation", so I thought why not write something like that with Bunnydoll? You can consider this an exclusive story for tumblr people 😎
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“Alright, my superstars! I hope you are ready for what is coming today!” Caine exclaimed, scanning each circus member with his big heterochromatic eyes. The previous adventure had taken longer than expected, causing the characters to fall asleep late and wake up not too many hours later.
Pomni thought sleep deprivation lethargy was non-existent in the Digital Circus, but here she was, trying to stay on her wobbly legs and keep her eyes open. Though her comedy mask was already broken, Gangle smiled and giggled uncontrollably from lack of sleep. Kinger seemed to be sleepwalking, occasionally bumping into walls and props. Zooble, on the other hand, decided not to give a damn about the day’s adventure and fell asleep standing up.
The ringmaster paid no attention to their current state, instead focusing on something else. He quietly counted everyone present in the main area and quickly noticed that someone was missing. Caine looked around to see if he wasn’t going blind from all the flashing lights and bright colors, but after a while, he could finally confirm his observation.
“It seems we encountered a problem at the very beginning of our adventure!”
“Don’t worry, boss! I’ll find them and suck their souls out!” Bubble was prepared to do so, but Caine popped him as soon as Jax and Ragatha arrived, the tension between them clashing with the friendly and colorful image of The Amazing Digital Circus.
Unlike the rest of the cast, the rabbit and the rag doll seemed much more lively, Jax walking casually with a grin plastered on his face and Ragatha yelling about something no one could understand. Their argument continued even after they were standing next to the others, and showed no signs of ending any time soon.
“I wouldn’t be yelling at you right now if I hadn’t caught you in my room in the middle of the night, tucking disgusting centipedes in my hair!”
“I just wanted to help them get their midnight snack.” Jax bared his yellow teeth and wrapped a strand of Ragatha’s hair around his finger.
“For the last time, MY HAIR IS NOT LICO-”
Before Ragatha could finish her sentence, Caine teleported right between them, not wanting their bickering to waste the precious time that was allocated for the adventure.
“Excuse me, but I do not recall you two being an old married couple. However, we can give you a speed-run wedding if you’d like!" The ringmaster was about to snap his fingers, but the rag doll shook her head and protested immediately.
“There is no need to! I am truly sorry for being late.”
Jax, on the other hand, was not. He was looking forward to an occasion when he would finally have the chance to mess with Ragatha for an entire day instead of going on some crappy adventure that didn’t involve even a tiny bit of violence and blood.
But would he really spend that much time making his Dollface’s life miserable? Probably not. For weeks, Jax had been bottling up his newfound feelings for her until he couldn’t handle them anymore. They were slowly opening his eyes, showing the poor rabbit boy the true beauty within Ragatha’s smile and personality. And though he showed no signs of it, she was on his mind all the time.
So he was on Ragatha’s. She felt like the protagonist of a typical love story who, as the plot progresses, falls for the bad boy who probably broke her heart once or even twice. The more time she spent in his presence, the more she found herself admiring his attractiveness and blushing whenever he caught her in the act. What was she even thinking?
Still, they argued a lot. There was no way any of them would show any kind of affection for each other, no matter how strong their feelings became. Not to mention how the others would react if they started to notice and suspect something, especially Caine, who actually wasn’t completely against having romantic feelings for someone or the idea of dating itself, but he mentioned once that such a thing could change the dynamic of the group drastically and he didn’t recommend it.
“Let’s not waste any more time, then! A very special adventure awaits you!” With that, Caine snapped his fingers, and a set of what looked like photo booths appeared in front of them. “These are brand new machines that will reveal to you your deepest desires! The ones you didn’t even know existed! Not the obvious ones like finding an exit, for example.”
“Aren’t these just photo booths?” Pomni asked, slowly dozing off, but her head still managed to register what Caine had just said.
“DEEPEST DESIRES REVEAL MACHINES!” The ringmaster shouted in Pomni’s face, and one by one he threw everyone into the ‘booths’.
Ragatha groaned as her back hit the wall of the booth. She was used to being thrown around like a literal rag doll from time to time, but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt anymore. She tried to sit up, but that was when she realized that something heavy was on top of her.
Or rather someone.
She thought everyone would be able to see their deepest desires individually. But the number of booths did not match the number of circus members. There was one too few. And that’s why Caine either decided to throw both Ragatha and Jax into the same one, or he actually planned it beforehand.
Jax got up, not even bothering to ask Ragatha if she needed any help standing up. He had to keep his cool, even if no one was watching. He sat on a bench, hands behind his head, waiting for something to appear on the screen that would take a picture.
Meanwhile, Ragatha sighed and slowly moved to the spot right next to Jax, adjusting the bow in her hair a bit. At first, there was complete silence between them as they waited. Yet the screen remained black.
“Oh, come on, do something, you useless device.” Jax complained, clearly not pleased with what Caine had prepared for the day and what he called an ‘adventure’.
“You know you have to press the button to turn it on?” Ragatha asked, a soft laugh escaping her mouth as she observed the rabbit's frustration at such a silly thing.
Jax blinked a few times, realizing that the rag doll was right and noticing that there was indeed a button right under the screen. He tried to play it cool, muttering ‘Of course I know’, while feeling embarrassed and wanting to slap himself in the face for acting like an idiot in front of Ragatha. And he would never want her to see him as an idiot.
Finally, he pressed the button and a pink, bright light spread through the room. Jax and Ragatha quickly covered their eyes, surprised by its intensity. When it faded, they found themselves staring at the image of the main area in the circus. Ragatha felt like she was still sitting in the booth while Jax couldn’t move an inch. What was going on?
Then they noticed that everyone, including themselves, was sitting at the table as usual at their feasts. However, something was different. Jax wasn’t seated between Pomni and Zooble as always, but he had two similar boys next to him. They had bunny ears like Jax, but they looked more plushy and their skin color was blue.
“Slow down, kiddos. Nobody’s gonna steal your food, you know?” Jax rolled his eyes, a smile forming on his face. The boys lifted their heads, their mushy cheeks covered in jam.
“Let them eat, Jax. I bet you were a glutton yourself when you were a kiddo.” Zooble commented as they watched the bunnies eat their tasty breakfast. Pomni, who was sitting next to one of them, giggled and handed him a tissue.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the table, Ragatha sat and instead of enjoying her own food, she concentrated on feeding a little girl in a high chair. Kinger cooed to her from time to time as she played with what looked like a rubbery centipede.
“Good morning, my superstars! I hope you’re eating well and gaining strength for today’s adventure!” Caine appeared out of nowhere and flew up to the boys who were devouring their pancakes. “Don't think your godfather Caine forgot about my adorable rag bunnies! This adventure is one hundred percent safe for the two of you, and even for your little sister!”
The ringmaster moved over to the girl Ragatha was feeding and pinched her cheek, causing her to let out a cute giggle and raise her little hands in his direction. She also had bunny ears, confirming Caine’s words about her being the boys’ sister.
Jax and Ragatha were still glued to the bench in the booth. The rabbit looked confused, wondering what was going on and who these kids were. He glanced at the rag doll sitting next to him, her face turning bright red as she connected the dots. Her lips were trembling, she wanted to say something but couldn't get a word out. Meanwhile, Jax still had no idea why Ragatha was blushing so much.
When everyone had finished their breakfast, Ragatha picked the girl up from the high chair and headed to the bedroom area.
“Come on, Ellie. Mommy has to get you dressed for adventure.” She kissed the baby’s forehead, and the other Ragatha, watching the whole scene, made a series of unclear noises.
Then the two boys ran up to their mother and sister, demanding attention as well. Last but not least, Jax joined the four of them.
“Alright, little guys. You two go to your room and get ready. You don’t want to be late and make Uncle Caine angry, do you?”
Owyn and Ethan, whose names had been mentioned somewhere at breakfast, nodded their heads and began racing to their room. When they were out of sight, Jax took the opportunity to wrap his hands around Ragatha’s waist.
“How is my beautiful wife doing today? I hope Ellie isn’t too fussy.” Saying that, Jax tickled Ellie’s nose, making her wriggle and happily call him ‘Dada’.
“I am good and so is our little rag bunny. She’s so excited for the adventure.”
“I see. But to be honest, I would like it better if we were just alone, without kids or anyone who would want to interrupt our moment of privacy.”
The moment he kissed Ragatha gently on the lips, the other Jax finally realized what this all meant and why the rag doll was blushing. The booth they were in was meant to show their deepest desires. And apparently, theirs was to have a family together one day.
After a while, the pink light shone again and they found themselves back in the booth, with Caine waiting for them outside.
Ragatha was burning up, her mind replaying every single detail of what she had seen. She didn’t have the courage to look at Jax even a little bit. The said rabbit also felt a little warm in his face, trying to get rid of the image of him and Ragatha being a happy couple with kids.
“So, you want a gun or something?” Jax asked casually, ready to get up and have a ‘nice’ conversation with Caine.
“Better get two, just in case.”
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Thanks for reading!
(we finally have something else than angst lol)
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calamityandme · 1 year
Today has been a day already lol. I went to a OBGYN appointment this morning and it went well.
In my appointment I was asked if I am eating and drinking enough. I was honest and said food has been hard recently (didn’t get too into it because I didn’t want to freak anyone out). I then talked to a social worker at the hospital and she gave me some resources in town.
Resources in hand, I picked my fiancé up from our house and we went to a local organization that provides utility assistance. The employees were really nice and helped answer our questions. Now we’re waiting for a call to see if we need to do anything else/if we’ve been approved.
After that we decided to try a food pantry. I used to go to the food pantry as a kid with my mom. I’ve also been many times as an adult, but it’s been a couple years since I’ve been.
The food pantry I used to go to made themselves primarily a mobile pantry. That isn’t that big of an issue, but because I only have one car between me and my partner it can be hard to access. I might try it again though.
The one I went to today was through the Salvation Army. Yes, the Salvation Army is a terrible organization, but they were to only ones open when we were looking.
We waited an hour to fill out paperwork. I was grateful to be able to wait indoors and not in the heat.
While we were waiting I couldn’t help but overhear a conversation between someone seeking assistance and the volunteer/employee.
“Do y’all have any fans?” The heavyset woman asked. She had a slicked back ponytail. She reminded me of myself.
“No. I’m not sure when we will be getting more,” The woman behind the desk answered.
“My house is really, really hot. Is there anyway I could get a fan?” She asked again. I could hear the desperation in her voice and it made me want to do something. The woman behind the desk shook her head no.
I thought about offering her one of our small, crappy fans we had just been using to cool down our 86 F house. I wanted to say,
“Girl I’m so sorry. We just got our air conditioner fixed and I understand living in a hot house”, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t guarantee my help would be better than what she already had.
The sad truth is also that I may need my shitty fan back. Our house is so much cooler than it was, but it’s still 77 F. It’s only going to get hotter from here. A selfish part of me knew I needed to keep my fans in case we need them.
The heat exhausted woman left. I felt empty.
Finally, we got some food. At some food pantries I’ve been to you get to choose what you get. This was a “you get what you get” sort of deal. Which is fine.
I was excited when I peaked at the four grocery bags from the pantry but decided to look completely when we got home.
Once I started putting food away did I start to feel stupid. Stupid as in, “you deserve what you’re getting for assuming your problems will be fixed with one pantry visit”.
We got a box full of glazed donuts. I was so excited until I picked the box up and noticed it was physically and visibly wet. The donuts leaked on the kitchen table. The expiration date said July 1st. Today is July 11th.
I don’t mind eating expired food but these were inedible. My partner tried microwaving one to give it a taste test. He isn’t usually squeamish with food but he couldn’t even swallow one bite.
Oh well.
The rest of the food was alright. There’s some things I’m very grateful for, like eggs, sausage patties and biscuit mix. Canned fruit cocktail. We also got some frozen catfish fillets! I have never cooked catfish before but my partner is excited to possibly fry it. Those things I’m very excited for.
There were some other things I am kind of bummed over. We got a large bag of frozen blueberries, which I’m glad to have…but we already had frozen blueberries. They happen to also be one of my least favorite fruits lol. Food is good though and beggars can’t be choosers. So now I just have an abundance of blueberries. I’ll have to find a recipe. Maybe blueberry pancakes.
I got a large can of pork from the pantry. I’ll save it in case of emergencies, but canned meat makes me feel so sick.
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Picture from online for reference lol.
Now I’m home for the day and I feel like I should be doing more. Even though I’ve done a lot of things already today, I can’t help but feel time slipping through my fingers sitting on this shitty couch.
As I sit, I feel like I should go find another food pantry, hustle around town, anything that could help us survive. But my body is saying stay home.
I’ve talked to too many new people today. I don’t know if I can handle going to any more food pantries and explaining our financial situation over and over to people who have heard worse.
I’m going to fill a bowl, smoke out the window, and maybe try eating some of the new food.
I am excited for the food I can make. Now I could make breakfast sandwiches with the biscuit mix, frozen sausage patties and leftover American cheese slices from the fridge.
I know we will be okay. Every day things slowly get better.
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fandomout · 3 years
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Lip Gallagher X Reader
Gif Credit-Basura 2.0
Don't mind the suit.
Basically, your having a pool day with the Gallagher family, and Lip finding you more interesting than anything else going on. This is more toward high school era of Lip's life.
Everyone is playing and swimming around in the pool.
”Hey guys you guys should play Knockdown.” Debbie suggests.
”Yes! That would be so much fun. Me and Lip are a team.” Karen grabs Lip’s arm possessively.
”Oh, Me and Y/N!” Ian calls out.
The adults played for a little until they decided to start preparing the food. The only teams left were Karen and Lip, Ian and you, and Debbie and Carl. Although Carl tries his best to cheat, he fails to win and loses.
You readied yourself on Ian’s muscular shoulder and mutter, ”Wow! Ian you’re ripped. You do lots of exercise for training, right?” as you bend over to look at Ian’s face.
”Yeah. Thanks.” Ian gives a warm smile.
Ian’s eyes meet Lip’s jealous eyes and smirks before splashing his face.
You guys play and time flies. Before you know it, Kevin is screaming, “Food!”
Everyone rushes inside for the 1st grabs at food. You see that some aren’t so lucky like to get he 1st rounds. You spot Debbie and hand her your plate. She smiles at you and you pat her head. She runs off, and you sit in waiting for your turn. Lip sees this interaction and feels his heart warm up. Some more food gets to the table. Carl tries to hog all of it. You almost wouldn’t have had a chance if it weren’t for Lip’s interference. Lip slapped Carl upside the head and waved him off before gesturing for you to have at it.
You uttered, “Thanks.”
After eating, you headed outside, but you didn’t head back to the pool. Instead, you lay on one of their chairs and closed your eyes.
It’s suddenly darker. You open your eyes to see it was Lip, and he asks, “What are you doing?”
“Lying down in the sun, digesting.” Lip laughs at the comment and sits next to you, and he just stares at you. You narrow your eyes slightly and ask him, “Is there a problem or something?”
”No! It’s not that. I just thought it was so nice today. Kind of got me thinking about how you're so nice.” Lip admits.
”You must have been through lots of shit to be concerned with my nice.”
“You bet I’ve been through shit. It’s just there so much bad shit that happens, and it’s hard to see and feel nice.”
“I’m sure that’s not 100% true. You have to have at least some happy moments even for a moment. Just because there’s bad shit doesn’t mean you have to become part of it. It’s just how you decide to be. Even though I've got some shitty situations going on, I still try to be the way I am because I don’t want to end up crappy with the world.” You rambled.
Lip hears every word you say and finds your point alluring. He falls into the words you say. He focuses on the way your mouth and facial expression changes with each few words. He can feel the power of your words. When you finish speaking, Lip is left staring at you. ”Sorry. I didn't mean to get into some deep shit or anything. It just happened.”
”It’s fine. I actually enjoyed hearing what you had to say, and I think your right about it all, so don’t go feeling bad about speaking your mind and telling it like it is.” Lip gets close to you as he speaks and puts a hand on your thigh to rub it comforting.
You look at his hand then up at him to meet eyes and respond, ”I guess I’ll try.” You can’t help falling into the blueness of Lips eyes while Lip does the same.
Both of you only looking away when a loud cough brings both of yours attention’s back to the world. Both of you snap your eyes to see Ian eyeing both of you.
Ian stands almost guarded and asks, ”You guys coming back or what?“
You give him a sheepish smile and immediately walks ahead of Ian and Lip and go back to the pool with the others, which left Ian to stare at Lip with an expression that Lip can't read.
In turn, Lip had to ask, ”What?”, hoping to get some clarity from Ian. However, Ian responds, “Nothing.”, which left a confused Lip.
By now it’s around 7:30, everyone is winding down, hanging out, listening and singing to music. You were in the pool chilling with Ian when Ian gets a text, ”Hey. I've got to go, but I'll be back.“
Ian says getting out of the pool and going inside.
As you lay back in the pool, you over hear Karen attempting to persuade Lip to go to the house, but he clearly doesn’t want to as you sit up in the water and see him pull his arm away from her.
You almost laugh out as you see Karen’s responds is to put and ask, “Lip why don't you want to go?”
His eyes snap over to you for a second. It was so fast you’d miss it, but you knew he’d looked at you. The intensity of the glance making you look down as you await his next words, which were, ”I just don't want to. If you want it badly, call someone else up or just go home if you want.”
He said it with some annoyance and that surprised you.
Karen huffs out and states, ”Fine. I will go home and call up someone with a really big dick.”
With no response out of Lip, she stomps off like a child to grab her things and exits their yard.
Lip walks over to you as he scratches the back of his neck and says, “Sorry about that.”
You shrug and reply, “Shit happen. There’s no reason to apologize to me...I mean...” You trail off with an idea popping of in your head. You hold back your smile as you resume serious and say, “I should be the one whose sorry bec-”
“You sorry? Don’t be. You have nothing to do with that. I mean, yes, I have feelings for you, but you aren’t apart of me not wanting Karen...” He lays both his hand on the pool rim firmly.
You stand and laugh out. Lip looks to you and wears a small innocent grin along with his confused expression to ask, “Are you seriously laughing at the confession?”
You tap his chest with your palm gently and utter, “No. It’s not that.”
“Then, what?”
“I was just gonna say that while you and Karen angrily discussed that I really wanted to laugh. She looks so funny, and you were so annoyed. It was hilarious.“
He really analyzes the situation at hand as exclaims, “Oh!”
You nod and say, “Yeah.”
“Guess I didn’t need to cut you off like that.”
“Don’t sweat it. We can forget it.”
“Not letting me die of embarrassment? How kind.”
“I try.” You say and splash back into the water a bit. He smiles and looks around before asking,? “Where’s your best friend, Ian?”
“He went to take a call or somethin. It’s whatever.”
He crosses his arms before leaning down against the railing, so he could rest his chin on them. He look the cutest not to mention the muscles, but you tried to shake off the thoughts. He starred at you for a second too long and stated, “There’s something I’ve definitely learned since being around you.”
“What might that be?”
“Your always alone. I always seem to find you alone.”
You swim up to him and get close to answer and tease, ”Maybe you that think that because you're always looking for me.”
He quirks an eyebrow at you before moving his head a little more forward towards yours.
You move your head back startled. He smirks and yells, “Geronimo!” before launching himself from the railing and floor into the pools.
You dive down and open your eyes under water to see him right above you.
You swim back up to the surface, and Lip follows after. He burst out laughing as soon as he catches his breathe, so it’s your turn to be confused. However, you shake the confusion off and hit him a bit and admit, “You scared me.”
He stops laughing and says, “You should of seen your face.”
“Why would you do that?”
“To one up you. I mean you’re so so right.” He trails off and moves closer toward you, which leads to your back against the pool. “I do find myself looking at you…at you. I can’t seem to help it…I mean that in the most not creepy way though.”
The seriousness in his voice catches you off guard more than the behavior since he’s always such a smartass and or sarcastic just anything but serious with you.
The only words to utter are, “I-You-Well…” He gives a small grin followed by the words, “Cat got your tongue?“ The next thing you know water is splashed on your face. You look toward him and splash back, and you both stay that way contently.
Shameless Masterlist
Full Masterlist
Hope your day got better!
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artzee-bee · 3 years
You love me? | Lucifer Morningstar x reader
Fandom: Lucifer (Netflix)
Request: “ I was wondering if I could make a request where the reader is Lucifers best friend and can always cheer him up. One day (maybe after something with his brother happens) he is really upset and no one can communicate with him so the reader comes over worried sick. I thought that maybe they could have a moment after but that’s entirely up to you if you would like to write this! If you are uncomfortable or you just don’t want to write this let me know! “
Genre: a good chuck on angst but fluffy ending
Warings: nothing besides some arguing
A/N: This turned out very differently than what I was initially going for but I hope it’s somewhat good
You were more than aware of how everyone saw Lucifer: eccentric, sarcastic, over the top, at times an insufferable ass. You couldn't exactly disagree with any of those, but somehow you and the handsome gentleman got to be an inseparable duo. 
You met him at Lux while out with your friends. His good looks caught the eye of mostly everyone inside the club, you included. He was attractive but you were stubborn. You weren't going to go out of your way just to talk to him, no way! Plus, you weren't exactly looking for a relationship or anything like that, so what was the point? You were only there for the drinks and the dancing, except you ended up being quite disappointed in the drinks department. The barman was slow and alcohol was a lot more expensive than you were anticipating.
You were waiting for your drink when he approached you. He was trying to get away from a girl that was freaking him out. He made a comment about being “so irresistible” and you replied with a joke about the crappy alcohol. One thing led to another and before you knew it, you had been chatting with him for hours!! Your friends had gotten sick of waiting around for you to be done with your new pal, and left early, not that you minded much. You knew they were probably under the impression that you were trying to get in bed with him and they were mostly excited about how well it was going for you, so they weren’t mad and you were enjoying yourself.
After that night, you and Lucifer became more or less inseparable. Almost every night was now spent either at Lux or in his penthouse, chatting and drinking liquor. Lucifer would visit you at work every now and then, when a case he was working on would get on his nerves. He would sometimes drag you to the station to “keep him company”. You were, in other words, his moral support.
This position came with a lot of wild adventures and incredible stories, but also with a lot of difficulties. Lucifer wasn’t the easiest to talk to when his emotions got the best of him. He had a tendency to shut down and avoid real life at all costs. You’ve been with him through that many times before and you were convinced that there was nothing he could do to shock you anymore.
Late in the evening, you got a call from Mazikeen. She was fuming and screaming over the phone about how Lucifer was in a mood and he went off on her for no reason and that you better get to him and figure it out because she was over it. You’ve received many phone calls like this, so you weren’t alarmed but as soon as you entered the penthouse and saw the mess that was covering every square inch of the place, you began to question your judgement.
“Lucifer?” you asked but he didn’t reply. You called out to him a couple more times, until you finally found him tightly tucked in bed. 
“Yeah…” his voice was muffled by the blanket and his eyes were shut
“What’s going on?”
“Nothing at all darling, I was just going to sleep”
“It’s 8 pm”
“Yeah, well, tough day at the station today. Not easy solving crime, you know?” “Oh really?” you questioned, to which Lucifer nodded slightly “Funny thing, I talked to Decker not too long ago actually. She hasn’t seen you all day.” Lucifer’s eyes stayed shut
“Don’t lie to me Lucifer” finally, you got his attention. He stood up with an exhausted sigh and rested against the bed frame
“What happened?”
“It’s just...Amenadiel…”
“What about him?”
“Always so curious, aren’t we Y/N?” he got up from the bed and headed towards the bar in the main area with you following close behind
“I’m trying to help you” “I don’t recall ever asking for it” his tone was harsh, but you’ve heard worse from him
“That never stopped me before”
“It never does any good either and yet here you are”
“Yes it does, you always tell me I’m a huge help” Lucifer frowned at your words, knowing full well you were right. He poured himself a drink, choosing to stay silent “I can’t help you unless you tell me what’s bothering you”
“It’s a fight between brothers, just like many others we’ve had before and we’ll keep on having for the rest of eternity probably”
“You’re really bothered by it”
“I am not!” his tone was firm. For just a second his eyes flashed red.
“It’s ok to feel upset”
“I am not upset!” he screamed, his face all of a sudden red and hot.  His devil face. Blood red eyes piercing your soul, a threatening smile displayed his sharp, yellow teeth . You’ve seen this side of him before. You could say you were even somewhat accustomed to it, except you've never seen him do this. Use it as a weapon against you. To threaten you, to push you away. That, more than anything, was what scared you. You’ve seen him so angry at times and yet not once did he change out of rage. You stepped back, almost tripping and falling back in the bed but Lucifer reached out and caught your hand. He held it softly, as if you were made of sand. As if you would slip from his grip any second
“Y/N?” when you looked back up to him, his face was back to normal “Y/N, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to, I mean, I didn’t realise I-”
“I’m just trying to be a good friend Lucifer”
“I know you are”
“I didn’t deserve that Lucifer” his eyes were full of sorrow and regret. You could see tears threatening to spill and you almost felt this man crumble in the palm of your hand. You pulled him into a tight hug and as soon as your arms went around his waist, Lucifer nuzzled his face in your hair and began to sob
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you, I didn’t mean to do that…”
“It’s ok Luci”
“You didn’t deserve that”
“Yes but you’ve apologised, I forgive you. Everything is ok” Lucifer pulled away slightly, just enough so he could look into your eyes without leaving your embrace. His face was red and stained with tears.
“How do you do that? How can you always forgive so easily?” he asked as you wiped away some of the tears with the sleeve of your shirt
“Well, with you it’s quite easy. I care too much about you to stay mad.” Lucifer rolled his eyes, as if he didn’t believe you “Plus, I know you. You are kind and caring and would never do anything to hurt me. You have a hard time managing your anger sometimes, sure, but you are working to improve.” You cupped his face with your left hand and Lucifer immediately leaned into your touch
“I’m doing my best.” he said
“And I’ll be here for you. No matter how much you dislike it sometimes!” you giggled, but than Lucifer whispered something in your palm
“I love you.”
“I love you too, Luci.”
“No, I love you Y/N” he took a step back as he said that, the closeness between you two suddenly too much to bear. You looked at him with glossy eyes, scanning his features as if you weren’t sure you heard him right and each look made Lucifer want to crawl back into the pits of hell because he was not worthy of you and he knew that.
“I’m sorry, it wasn’t the right moment, I should have just-”
“Lucifer” your voice was warm and welcoming which only made the devil feel worse. You were trying to reject him nicely, he just knew it!
“You love me?” when he didn’t reply, you took a step closer, asking him again “Are you in love with me Lucifer?”
“Yes” he was crumbling once again under you. He was the devil and he’s known no weakness but somehow, someway, you managed to bring him to his knees with a single glance and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Did I get the devil to fall in love with me?”
“Perhaps..” you looked him in the eyes. You were once again standing close to him and Lucifer felt weak
“Good” you said, before grabbing onto the collar of his shirt and placing your lips on his, kissing him hard. Lucifer didn’t realise at first what you did, boldness wasn’t exactly your thing, but then, almost naturally, his arms went around your waist, pulling you into him. He felt his worries and tears fade away with every second that he felt your lips on his. He swore in that moment that no matter what, he would never ever push you away again. You were way too important!
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weirdkpopgirl · 3 years
Enhypen Reaction: When You Need Comfort
Reaction: When you need comfort
Reaction: When their s/o needs comfort
Genre: Mostly angst...a little fluff
Warnings: uh...some sensitive topics like food, nightmares, and mental health, self-harm. Please be aware of this before you read!
A/N: I wrote this for anyone who is going through a hard time and needs comfort ^-^
❉ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╤╤╤╤ ❉
This time you sprang up from your bed, sweating bullets. Sobs escaped your mouth, as you remembered the horrifying nightmare you had just woken up from.
“Bad dream?” You suddenly heard Heeseung’s voice murmur in a sleepy voice. You almost forgot that he was staying over tonight.
You grabbed a tissue from your nightstand and blew your nose, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up.”
Heeseung sat up and gently stroked your hair in hopes to comfort you, “You’ve been having a lot of nightmares lately. Is everything okay?”
“This week has been so stressful,” You said honestly. “And you know stupid me always overthinks every little thing.”
Heeseung caressed your cheek, “One, you’re not stupid and two, do you want to talk about it?”
You shook your head, “No it’s okay. I’m okay.”
“Are you sure? Do you need anything?”
You nodded, “Just...just hold me please.”
If Heeseung was more awake he probably would’ve smiled at what you said. He happily brought you to lay back down on the bed and held you as you asked him to. You instantly felt better by his warmth and touch.
“Good night Jagiya,” He whispered.
You snuggled closer so your head could rest in the crook of his neck, before pecking his lips.
“Night, Heedeungie.”
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You really didn’t want to go to Jay’s dorm at 11 pm, when it was nearly midnight. Especially because he probably had a hectic schedule today and he needed to sleep. But here you were, pathetically standing at his front door wearing only a thin sweatshirt, shorts, and sliders.
“Noona? I didn’t know you were coming,” Niki was the one who answered the door.
You tried to smile at the younger boy, “I’m sorry...but is Jay home?”
Fortunately, Jay had already headed toward the entrance after Niki went to answer the door. His heart rate increased when he recognized your voice. He motioned for Niki to let him know he could handle this. The maknae nodded and carried on with his nightly routine.
“Jagiya, what are you doing here?” He asked without thinking. “I mean not that I mind at all.”
For a few seconds, you looked at Jay who looked exhausted, most likely due to hours of dance practice. You regretted why you even came here in the first place when Jay and his members needed to rest.
“I-I...it’s not a big deal actually,” You lied. “I’m sorry for bothering you guys at this hour, I’ll just leave-”
But Jay took your hand before you could take off, “No you’re not bothering us. Stay.”
When your eyes met his own, he could tell that you need him right now. He knew better than to let you slip away like this when you clearly weren’t okay. He could care less if it was late.
He knew it must’ve been really bad because you never came to him like this. Usually, you kept to yourself. He felt a little guilty for feeling happy that you finally came to him.
“Were your parents fighting again?” He asked after bringing you into the dorm’s living room. He gestured for you to come to sit beside him so he could bear hug you.
“Yeah…” You replied, almost inaudibly. “My d-dad was cursing at my mom and she was saying really hurtful things.”
“And you couldn’t sleep?”
“Yeah pretty much…” You gave a half-suppressed laugh. You always made it seem like a joke when you were talking about your struggles. It was how you coped.
You wiped away tears that fell without you knowing, “I don’t understand why they don’t divorce already. Our family is already a wreck.”
“If I could make everything better with the snap of my fingers, I swear I would (Y/n),” Jay gently moved your head so you could rest on his shoulder.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and hugged him tighter, “Can I stay here, just for tonight? I promise I’ll leave first thing in the morning.”
“You can stay here as long as you want Jagiya,” Jay kissed your temple. “Hell, you could even move in with us if you want.”
“Jay, you know your managers will not allow that.”
Jay shrugged, “I’m sure we could work something out. Besides, I need someone to help me cook for these six children.”
He smiled when he saw you laugh at his humor. At least you were feeling a little bit better.
“But seriously, you’re always welcome here,” Jay said. “Don’t you ever feel like you’re bothering me because you’re not, okay?”
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“(Y/n)-ah, I made some ramyeon for us!” Jake came over to you with a steaming pot. You weakly smiled when the puppy came to sit down next to you at the table.
“I’m sorry Jake,” You said quietly. “But I’m not hungry.”
Jake set the food in front of you and pouted, “Really? But this is your favorite!”
“That’s why you should eat deliciously for the both of us,” You encouraged, patting his shoulder.
“Jagiya, I know you’ve been skipping meals recently.”
In contrast to his words, the kindness in Jake’s voice didn’t change in the slightest. You could hear the genuine concern in it though.
You’ve never had such a sweet boyfriend like Jake before. He always wanted to take care of you as much as you took care of him. So whenever something felt off about you to him, he immediately wanted to find the cause so he could help.
“I’m just on a diet, Jakey,” You ruffled his hair, trying to downplay the situation. “I’ve been wanting to lose some weight.”
“Diet?! Why?” Jake was so confused. He had never seen you like this before. “You don’t have any weight to lose, Jagi.”
You avoided eye contact, looking down at your hands.
“I just don’t like the way I look okay?” You said in almost a whisper. “I want to be pretty like all those girls in the k-pop groups.”
“But you’re just as pretty as they are, (Y/n)-ah,” Jake said, not understanding how you could think you weren’t. He absolutely adored you.
“Did someone say something? Is that why you’re dieting?”
You quickly shook your head, “No, not at all. I was just looking through Instagram the other day and I got insecure.”
“I understand how you feel. But you’re perfect the way you are,” Jake said. He made sure to be careful with his words because he didn’t want you to feel hurt.
“And you shouldn’t starve yourself,” He added, taking his chopsticks and twirling some noodles around them. “It’s not healthy and I don’t want you getting sick.”
“Jake…” You looked petulant when your boyfriend held up some food to your mouth.
“Please eat. Just one bite, I promise!”
You just couldn’t resist those brown puppy eyes of his, could you? With a defeated sigh, you let Jake feed you. When you did, he kissed you happily on the lips.
“That’s my girl!”
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“What’s wrong?” Sunghoon asked when he saw the look on your face. It was a mix between mild panic and disappointment.
Your eyes didn’t leave your phone, “I-I got 0.5 off on my math test.”
“What? That’s pretty good!” Sunghoon smiled, thinking that you were happy. But you weren’t, you really weren’t.
You knew that everyone hated that overachiever type of person who got angry when they got anything lower than an A. But it wasn’t just that for you. The standards you brought onto yourself was anything you did that was less than a 100, was considered a failure in your eyes.
“I-I don’t know what I did wrong. I should’ve studied harder,” You started to ramble to yourself. “Damn it, now my grade is going to lower.”
Sunghoon’s smile was crestfallen when he heard this. He knew how much of a perfectionist you can be but he didn’t think it was to this extent.
“(Y-Y/n)-ah, are you crying?”
You quickly swiped your cheek with the back of your hand, “I-I’m sorry. It’s just I really want to get straight As by the end of this semester.”
“I know you do. You’ve been working so hard,” Sunghoon said, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “But you shouldn’t be so hard on yourself Jagi.”
“I know...but I can’t help it,” You said, trying to keep your voice stable. “I just feel like I could do so much better.”
Your boyfriend sighed, wanting to cheer you up. He understood the feeling of not being good enough.
“It’s okay to want to improve,” He told you. “But your grades don’t determine who you are (Y/n)-ah. You can fail a class and I’d still think you’re the smartest person I know.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at Sunghoon’s ridiculous statement, “You’re just saying that because you’re my boyfriend.”
“No, I mean it,” Sunghoon insisted. A teasing glint appeared in his eyes. “Should I show you that I mean it?”
“Sunghoon I don’t think-” You tried to say before Sunghoon shut you up with a passion-filled kiss.
He was going to make sure you knew how much he truly admired you, no matter what your expectations of yourself were.
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“I wasn’t yelling at you (Sister’s Name), I was just saying that-” You tried to keep your voice calm. You were flustered enough as it is because you were having an argument with your sister when your boyfriend was here.
“Stop acting like you’re better than me,” your younger sister retorted. “At least I’m not the one who cuts myself!”
Sunoo watched as your face turned red at her sister’s hurtful words. You wanted to scream and tell your sister to shut up and that she didn’t know what she was saying. But you knew that you wouldn’t be making anything better. So you stormed into your bedroom.
Sunoo quickly ran after you, “(Y/n)-ah!”
He made sure to close the door when he entered the bedroom. There you were with your head in your hands, trying not to pull your hair out.
“(Y/n)-ah…” Sunoo slowly walked over to hug you because he knew you needed one.
Tears streamed down your cheeks, “I-I can’t believe...I can’t believe she said that to my face. Sh-she has no idea how crappy I feel.”
“I know,” Sunoo spoke softly, gently patting your back. “Don’t listen to what she said about you.”
You pulled away but still held his hand, “I’m sorry you had to see that.”
“It’s okay,” Sunoo reassured you. “I’m right here by your side. So you can just let it all out alright?”
You giggled when he peppered your face with kisses. He always did that whenever you were feeling down.
“Thank you, Sunoo-yah.”
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It was late in the evening and you two were the only ones still awake at the dorm. You had come over earlier to bring them food and by the time everyone finished eating, it was too dark out. So Jungwon insisted that you stay the night.
That’s what brought you two sitting together on the sofa and just talking. One of Jungwon’s favorite things to do with you was to cuddle and talk for hours. You always listened to whatever was on his mind, whether it was good or bad.
But tonight was different because Jungwon wanted to listen to you talk. He didn’t want you to think that he didn’t care about your life and how you were doing. So you just told him about school and how things were going at home. Somehow the topic traveled to your mental health which was something you hated talking about with others.
“It’s okay, Jagi,” Jungwon reassured you. “You can talk to me, I promise not to judge.”
You let out a shaky sigh, “To be honest I haven’t been doing that great.”
Jungwon sat up straighter so he could listen to what you had to say. Just by your first sentence, he could tell that you’ve been holding in a lot of feelings.
“I just hate myself so much,” You confessed quietly. “And I know, I know there’s something wrong with me.
Even though he wanted to say something, he stayed silent and placed his hand on top of yours.
“But I’m afraid to get help because my-my mom has anxiety and my sister has her own problems and I-I know it’s hard for my dad to handle,” You added, feeling tears build up.
You mentally cursed yourself, you didn’t want to cry in front of Jungwon but your heart wasn’t listening to you. You couldn’t hold it in, no matter how hard you tried. Jungwon held your hand tighter when the first tears fell.
“I don’t want...I don’t want to be a burden to them and I don’t want them to see me as weak. So I decided that when I’m older I can find out what’s wrong with me. But...but sometimes I’m afraid that the longer I wait...the longer I wait...I’m scared that something bad will happen.”
At this point, any walls you had built to protect yourself were taken down. You usually never let yourself be vulnerable in front of someone. You don’t know why you were being so emotional right now. Maybe...maybe it was because you had bottled it all for so long and everything has piled up until now.
Nonetheless, Jungwon didn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around you. He felt upset with himself because he didn’t know you were feeling like this and he wished he had known sooner.
You harshly wiped your tears away and sniffed, “I don’t even care anymore, Jungwon-ah. I’m fine and I’m...I’m sorry for telling you all this.”
“Why are you sorry?” He frowned. “I’m your boyfriend, so you should tell me these things. I’m sorry if I made you feel like you couldn’t.”
Jungwon held you tighter and kissed your forehead, “If you ever want to get help, I’m right here for you. And if you don’t then just come to me whenever you need to.”
You listened quietly to Jungwon’s comforting words and let the warmth of his hug envelop you. For the first time, you didn’t regret spilling out your heart to someone. Then just thinking about Jungwon made you realize that-
“You’re not alone Jagiya. I may not understand everything you’re going through but I love you a lot and I don’t want you to feel like a burden anymore, because you’re not.”
“You love me, Jungwon?”
Jungwon looked into your eyes for a moment before he leaned down to kiss you tenderly.
“More than you and I could ever imagine.”
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Niki didn’t know what to think when he found you sitting on the floor, hopelessly crying in the dance practice room. You had been here since last night, trying to perfect this one choreography. But you kept making the same mistake no matter how hard you practiced. At this point, you were losing confidence and breaking down.
Niki kneeled in front of you, “(Y/n)-ah?”
“I keep screwing up this one part in the dance Niki,” You cried out in frustration.
Niki gently reached his hand to wipe your tears, “Don’t cry, (Y/n)-ah. It’s okay.”
“No it’s not okay,” You said in denial. “If I don’t get this dance right, I won’t be able to debut. And-and then I’ll let my members down, my managers, and you.”
“(Y/n)-ah, you’re going to debut. I know you are,” Niki tried to encourage you. “Everyone has those off days, even me.”
You had stopped crying by now, which left Niki feeling relieved. Still, he made sure to hug you.
“Let’s just take a break,” He said. “I promise to help you with the choreography later, okay?”
He smiled when you nodded and cutely sniffed like a bunny rabbit. He wasn’t used to taking care of others, but he learned a lot from watching his hyungs. So just like his hyungs, he was going to make sure that you didn’t overwork yourself.
❉ ╧╧╧╧ ✿ ╧╧╧╧ ❉
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rowyn-writes · 4 years
Mending A Broken Heart (Jared x Reader)
Warnings: SMUT, breeding kink, unprotected sex, (wrap it before you tap it, kids,) oral sex, female receiving, slight praise kink, angst, mentions of miscarriage, mentions of non-con, mentions of cheating, reader has PCOS, fluff, strong language.
Pairings: Jared x Reader
Characters: Jared, Jensen, Danneel, JJ Ackles, Misha (mentioned only)
Word count: 3.7k
Summary: You get a call from you older sister, Danneel, saying that she is in labor. When you arrive, your first niece is being born. You call your soon to be husband to inform him of JJ's birth, only to have a woman answer his phone.
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You were on a mission.
You walked with purpose through the hallways of the hospital, not even stopping when a nurse asked if you needed help. You were Y/N Graul. You didn't need help to find your sisters freaking room.
"Ackles." You said, approaching two men. "Padalecki. How's my sister?" Just as the words left your mouth, you heard an ear piercing scream. "That answers that question." You pushed past them and into Danneel's delivery room.
"Ma'am, you can't be in here!" The doctor ordered.
"She's my sister." Danneel waved her off. "She can be here." The mother to be let out another groan of pain. You grabbed her hand, letting Danneel use it to relieve some of her pain. You winced slightly. Your sister had a strong grip.
You didn't understand how women could all over the world could go through this pain. Especially those without epidurals. 
"I want Jensen!" She cried.
You nodded, quickly making your way out into the hall. "Ackles! Get your ass in here!" Jensen gave Jared a scared look before following you inside.
"I'm here, sweetheart." He assured her as he took your place. You hid your smile at brother-in-law's kindness. You and Jensen never got along, mostly because you were so alike. You were both hard headed, but you had a big heart. You'd never say, but you secretly liked him.
"C'mon, Dannie," You encouraged, coming on the other side of her. "You've got this. Push!"
Danneel yelled once more, gripping both of your hands and she tried to push. "No! No, no, no. I can't do this!" She whined.
"You can and you will!" You demanded. "You are Danneel Ackles, you are a badass, powerful woman and you will be a great mother! All you have to do is push!"
"Easier said that done!" Danneel barked, her  auburn hair sticking to her forehead with sweat.
"We're almost there, Mrs. Ackles! One more push!" And with one last scream, and one last push, Danneel fell back on the bed, panting heavily. There was a small cry that pierced through the room, which caused the three adults to look over at the doctor.
"Congratulations," She smiled softly. "You just gave birth to a healthy baby girl."
Danneel and Jensen shared wide smiles as their newborn baby girl was set into their arms. "She's beautiful." Jensen whispered. "She has your eyes."
"She has your nose." Danneel looked over at you, her eyes filled with joy. "Y/N, can you give us a minute?"
"Of course, Dannie." You kissed her forehead. "I'm so happy for you."
You exited the room, only to find Jared pacing back and forth. "How are they? Danneel stopped screaming. Is she okay?" He asked, worry written across his face.
"They're okay. Better than okay, actually. Danneel just became a mother to a beautiful baby girl." You beamed proudly.
Jared let out a relieved laugh as he surged forward to hug you. You stood stiffly in his hold, unsure of what to do. You weren't used to physical affection, as your boyfriend rarely held you anymore. The last time you had been this close to Jared was at Jensen and Danneel's wedding when you both walked down the aisle together.
You slowly wrapped your arms around him, patting his back awkwardly. "Sorry," He apologized sheepishly. "I'm a hugger."
"So I've noticed." You said, stepping away. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some exciting news to share with my family."
You found an empty hallway and began to call every family member you could think of. Gino was first, obviously. You knew how excited he was when he found out Danneel was pregnant. Your parents were next, and then your cousins, aunts, uncles, etc.
You cringed as you looked at the last name on your contacts. Will.
You hadn't been on very good terms as of late. The two of you had been fighting constantly, especially after you found out Danneel was pregnant. You were beyond happy for her and Jensen; they were finally starting the family they had always dreamed about.
Fuck it. You might as well get it over with. It rang three times before it was finally answered. "Hello?" An unfamiliar female voice said.
"Uh, who is this?" You questioned, starting to get defensive. It was four o'clock in the morning in Vermont.
"Lacy," She answered simply.
"And what are you doing with my fiance's phone, Lacy?"
"Who is it, babe?" You heard Will in the background.
"It's your fiance, William. The one that I didn't know you had!" Lacy screamed. "You asshole! I can't believe you cheated! And I can't believe you dragged me into it! We're done!" You felt your throat close up, your eyes began to well up with tears.
Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry. You kept repeating to yourself. This was the happiest day of Jensen and Danneel's life, you couldn't bring them down.
"Y/N, baby, this really isn't what it sounds like." Will claimed after Lacy threw his phone at him. 
"No, Will, I think it's exactly what it sounds like." You whispered harshly. "You cheated. After three years, you cheated on me."
"Well you didn't give me much of a choice, did you?" He growled.
"Excuse me?"
"You haven't let me touch you in almost eight months. What else was I supposed to do? I have needs, Y/N."
"You know why we haven't done anything!" You hissed, tears running down your face. "You know exactly why!"
"Can't you just get over it! God, Y/N, we could always try again!" He yelled.
"Get over it? Get over it?! I lost my baby and you just want me to get over it! I can't just forget about it, Will. I should be having  my baby - our baby - in five weeks. July ninth."
"You know what I mean, Y/N. Of course I don't want you to forget about the baby, but we could always try again! It wasn't the end of the world!"
"Yes, it was, Will! You know how hard it is for me to get pregnant ever since I was diagnosed with PCOS-"
"It always comes back to that! 'Sorry, I can't have sex with you today because I feel bloated,' or 'Sorry I'm acting so down, my depression is bad today.' You use PCOS as an excuse to everything!"
You stayed silent for a moment, trying to calm yourself. "It was never going to work, was it?" You said quietly. "We both want kids, but I can't give you that. I can't give you a lot of things, apparently. When I come back, I want you out of my house. I'm going to be staying with Danneel and Jensen for a while. They're going to need some help with the new baby. It's a girl, just in case you were wondering." You hung up the phone, taking in a shaky breath.
"Son of a bitch!" You wailed as you threw your phone against the wall. You slowly slid to the floor, putting your head in your hands. You tried to quiet your sobs by biting your lip, which only caused your mouth to be filled with a metallic liquid.
Get it together, Y/N. You wiped the tears off your face, trying to calm yourself down. You couldn't believe this was happening. Your sister, your best friend, just gave birth to a healthy daughter. You should be celebrating, not crying over your crappy fiance. Ex fiance. 
You picked yourself off the floor, grabbing your phone as you did so. Of course it was shattered. You quickly went to the bathroom, your puffy face startling you. You splashed cold water on your face, which got rid of it for the most part.
You made your way back to Danneel's room, where the atmosphere was happy and joyful. Something that made your mood lighten just a fraction. "Hey Mama! How are you?"
"Doped up on pain meds," She grinned. "Having a baby really hurts. I knew it would hurt, I mean, I've seen the videos, but damn, that was awful." You laughed as you brushed her hair back.
"What's her name?"
"Justice Jay Ackles." Jensen answered, bringing your niece forward. "JJ for short. Do you want to hold her?"
You nodded eagerly as JJ was set into your arms. She began to fuss a little, reaching out for her father. "Shh, shh." You cooed. "It's okay, sweet JJ. I'm your Auntie Y/N/N. You'll get to meet the others soon enough. They're going to love you, just like your mommy and daddy love you. You are going to have a whole village looking after you, did you know that? Yeah, you have me, your uncle Gino, that's mommy's brother. Then you have your uncle Josh and Aunt Mack, that's your daddy's siblings. Then of course you have Uncle Jared and Misha. Those are daddy's best friends."
Jared and Jensen smiled at you. You were already so in love with JJ. "Danneel's knocked out." Jensen whispered. "The nurse wants to take JJ up to the nursery while she sleeps." You nodded as you handed over the baby. "Alright, I'm gonna go get us some food. You guys want anything?"
"No, I'm good." You shook your head.
"Same." Jared agreed.
And with that, Jensen left you and Jared alone with a sleeping Danneel. You grabbed your phone out of your back pocket and tried to turn it on. Just your luck, the screen stayed black. That's what you get for throwing your phone at the wall.
"What in the hell happened to your phone, Y/N?" Jared questioned.
"It fell out of my pocket." You lied. "I guess I'll have to buy and new one."
"Damn, that sucks." He frowned. You gave a small shrug, not saying much of anything. "Are you okay, Y/N? You don't seem like yourself."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, normally you like to take jabs at me and Jensen. Hell, the only one you really like is Misha. Plus, ever since you came back in the room, you've been frowning and your eyes are still puffy from where I know you've been crying." You felt your heart sink to your stomach. "I know you don't like me very much, or Jensen, for that matter, but we do care. What's wrong?"
You stayed silent for a moment, trying to sort out your words. "I can't say it here. Follow me."
You grabbed Jared by the hand and led him to where the nursery is. You needed something happy to cheer you up.
"Let me start this by saying that I don't hate you or Jensen." You didn't take your eyes off the adorable babies, but your hand was still brushing up against his. "I have known you both for a while now, and I care about you guys. Making jabs and snarky comments is how I show that I care." You could see Jared smiling out of the corner of your eye.
"I called Will this morning to tell him that Danneel had the baby." You saw Jared's smile fade slightly. "A woman answered his phone, and usually I wouldn't think anything of it. I would make an excuse that it's his secretary or assistant, but it was four a.m in Vermont when I called. Her name was Lacy." Your voice cracked.  "And it's my fault!"
"Y/N, it's not your fault-"
"But it is, Jare," You whispered. "It is. I pushed him away for months. Do you know how long it's been? Eight months. It's been eight months, Jared. And Will 'has needs.'"
"That's the dumbest excuse ever." He mumbled.
"This next part. . . I haven't told anyone but Will. Not Danneel, not Gino, not my parents, anyone. So you have to promise not to tell anyone. I'll tell my family once I'm ready, but for now, they don't need to know."
Jared's frown deepened. "I won't say anything, Y/N, I promise. Are you okay?"
"No," You shook your head. "I haven't been okay for a while now." You took a deep breath before continuing. "Last year I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome – PCOS for short."
"Yeah, I've heard of it." Jared said softly, his eyes filled with pity.
"Will and I had been trying so hard for a baby. And when we found out I had PCOS, we stopped. And I was heartbroken. I've wanted to start a family for so long, and to get that news hurt me. And it hurt Will." You felt your hands start to shake.
"One night after I had one too many drinks, I passed out on the couch, and I woke up the next morning in my bed with all my clothes off and Will lying in my bed beside me. I don't know what happened that night, but I know I didn't want it. And four weeks later I found out I was pregnant." Jared's jaw clenched and his eyes held something malicious.
"I didn't care how it happened. I know I should have, but I was just so excited to have a baby. To be a mother. And then when I went to my OBGYN, she told me I had. . . I had a miscarriage."
"Oh, Y/N," Jared said sadly, resting his hand on your shoulder.
"I lost my baby. And I don't know what to do with myself, Jare." You cried. "W-what am I supposed to do?"
You were shaking uncontrollably now, unable to calm down. "That m-might have been my only chance!" Jared swallowed hard as he brought you in for a hug. "I want my baby!" You wailed.
"I know," He whispered as he gripped you tight. "I know, honey. I am so sorry. This is so unfair to you. You deserve so much better than this."
"What if it was my last chance?" You sniffed.
"It wasn't," He assured you as he rocked you back and forth. "There are fertilization treatments, surrogacy, adoption. . . You'll be a mother one day, Y/N, and you'll be the best mother a child could ever ask for."
"Really?" You asked in a small voice, looking up at the tall man. He smiled as he brushed back a piece of your hair and wiped away your tears.
You felt your heart beating out of your chest and your breaths quickening. "Jared,"
"Kiss me."
He didn't have to be told twice as he leaned down to kiss your lips. He cupped your face with both of his hands, bringing you closer to him. "Mm," He moaned, pulling away. "Not in front of the babies. They're too young to be scarred this way." You laughed as he dragged you away to a bathroom, making sure no one was in there before locking the door.
Jared grabbed you by the waist and gently pushed you against the wall. He wasted no time as he pressed his lips against yours once more. His tongue slid across your lower lip, asking for permission to enter, which you happily granted.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, trying to pull him closer. Jared put his hand on the back of your thigh, encouraging you to jump. You got the memo as you lifted yourself up, wrapping your legs around his waist. He moved and set you down on the counter.
"Do you want to keep going?" Jared asked, breathless.
"Yes," You nodded, your face flushed. "Please, Jare." He groaned at the nickname.
"I love it when you call me that." He said as he ran kisses down your jaw and to your neck.
"And I. . . Love it when. . . You kiss my neck like that." You panted as you began to unbutton Jared's shirt. You ran your hands across his abs and looped your fingers around his belt buckle.
"You are far too overdressed." Jared complained as he tugged at the hem of your shirt.
"Why don't you fix that for me?" You smirked. There was a mischievous sparkle in his eyes as he pulled your shirt off your body.
You covered your stomach as you suddenly felt shy when Jared's eyes raked over your body. He frowned as he pulled your arms away. "Why are you hiding from me?"
"I- I dunno. It's just. . . All the girls you've been with in the past like Gen and Sandra are so beautiful and I look nothing like them -"
"Let me stop you right there," Jared said sternly. "You are gorgeous and incredibly sexy. Don't you dare compare yourself to them, because they could never be as beautiful as you. Don't let any asshole tell you otherwise. Do you understand?" You nodded slowly, fighting off the smile that crept onto your face. "Good, now let's pick up where we left off, shall we?"
Jared pulled down your jeans and tossed them aside, along with your panties. He looked at you like he hadn't eaten in days and you were a four course meal.
He began to trail kisses up your thighs, getting so close to where you wanted him to be only for him to pull away. "Quite being such a tease!" You growled.
Jared have you a smirk. "Yes ma'am." And with that he pulled you forward slightly so you were sitting on the edge of the counter. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion before a wave of euphoria hit as you felt Jared's tongue on your clit.
"Oh-" You moaned, only for Jared to cover your mouth with his hand.
"Shh, you wouldn't want anyone to hear, would you?" He questioned. You shook your head, desperate for him to return to where he was. "Be a good girl for me and stay quiet." His kissed you on the mouth before going back to eating you out. You bit your lip in attempts to silence your moans.
"Fuck," You whispered as you leaned your head back. Jared began to tease your hole with his tongue, making you gasp and grab onto his long locks.
You felt warmth spread through your stomach and a familiar coil began to tighten. "Oh, god, Jare, please keep going!" You encouraged him. "I'm so close."
At those words, Jared pulled away abruptly, making you want to cry out. "Sorry babygirl, you can only come when I say you can."
You frowned at his words. "Don't worry, I'll make sure you enjoy it." He winked. Jared began to unbuckle his belt; you could see his growing erection through his jeans. "I don't have a condom." He said defeated. "Are you clean?"
You nodded. "What about you?"
"Yeah, I'm all good." He assured you.
"Then we should be fine, it's not like I can get pregnant anyways."
"You never know." Jared said as he nipped at your neck. As he left love bites on your neck, you began to pull down his jeans, revealing his hardon. You pushed yourself off the counter and got on your knees, only for Jared to pull you back up.
"Not this time, kitten. This is about you, not me."
"But I want to make you feel good." You protested.
"Next time, baby." You smiled at the thought of a next time. He quickly turned you around so you were bent over the counter. "You're so wet." He growled as he grinded against you. "All this for me?"
"Yes, Jare. Only for you." You panted, desperate for his cock.
"Good," He murmured against your neck. "I've been waiting a while for this to happen, there is no way I'm letting it go to waste. Do you still want this?" He questioned, wanting to make sure you were still comfortable with it.
"If you stopped now I might have to kill you." Jared slowly pushed into you, as he didn't want to hurt you. You gasped in surprise; you had never been with someone as big as him. He gave you time to adjust to his size. "Move." You pleaded.
Jared chuckled as he slowly began to thrust into you. He grunted at the feeling of your warmth. "Fuck, Y/N." He moaned. "You're so fucking tight."
He began to pick up speed, which earned a moan from you. Jared put his hand over your mouth to silence your sounds, but you could still hear you skin slapping together.
"Oh, fuck." He growled. "I'm gonna cum. Gonna fill you with my seed, make you all round. God, you'd look so fucking sexy carrying my baby." Your eyes rolled into the back of your head at his words, causing your walls to clench around his dick. "Would you like that, huh? Being so full of my cum that it runs down you legs."
"Oh, fuck yes." You nodded. "Please, Jared, fill me with your cum. Make me carry your child." You begged.
Jared gripped your hips tightly, (definitely leaving bruises) as he rammed into you. You struggled to keep quiet, as all you wanted to do was scream from pleasure. "You're going to look so good filled with my cum." He purred.
"Let me cum with you." You whined, the coil in your stomach was ready to snap.
"I'm so close." He grunted, sweat dotting his brow. "Cum with me, babygirl. Cum." He demanded.
You shuttered as your coil finally snapped and you rode out your orgasm on Jared's dick. He followed soon after you, blowing his load into your womb.
"Holy shit," You muttered. "That was so fucking hot."
"You're telling me." Jared said as he slowly pulled out, making you feel empty. You began to clean yourself up and put your clothes back on.
You both looked a mess; swollen lips, messy hair and to top it all of, hickeys scattered your neck. You reached up on your tip toes to flatten Jared's hair. "At least our hair covers the bruises." You grinned.
"So, what happens next?" Jared questioned.
"I guess that's up to you." You shrugged. "We can either go on a date and see how this plays out, or we can forget this ever happened."
"I don't want to forget." He shook his head. "I don't think I could forget."
"Good," You smiled. "I was hoping you would say that." Jared grinned as he leaned down to kiss you once more.
"I have a really good feeling about this."
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robinofinashiro · 4 years
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prompt/note: i wanted to a break between the AoT posts so i wanted to post a prompt about the BNHA bois forgetting about your birthday and them attempting to make it up to you. / the req status should be opened soon if any of you want to start of thinking of reqs you want to send me. fandoms and rules are pinned to the top of my blog. also, for any other blog writers, isn’t the beta testing their doing super fucking annoying.
request status: CLOSED
pairing: bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto, iida tenya
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you were bit more dressed up more than usual today and bakugou noticed. he didn't say anything as he thought you were just getting more dolled up for the hell of it. he gave you a quick compliment and went on his way, stating that he had a few things to do with Kiri before the day ended
you got a bit down, feeling that maybe he had forgotten. you quickly dismissed that thought, realizing that maybe he was planning a birthday party for you and didn't want you finding out.
the rest of the day flew by, an excited feeling bubbling up inside you as you inched closer to the end of the day. you wondered by Bakugou was planning on doing for your birthday. you knew Bakugou wasn't good with planning such lovey dovey things but since it was your birthday, you figured he must've done something.
you went to Bakugou's room, knocking on the door softly as you heard a rough come in. you were about to say hello when you realized he was in training close, ready to go workout with Kiri.
"where are you going?" you asked, twiddling with your fingers. he didn't bother to even look back at you, "training with Kirishma," he murmured.
you sighed, "oh, I just thought you would be able to come out with me tonight," you tried to say. he shook his head no. "no, I already told you I was going to train with weird hair so stop asking!" he screamed, making you jump a bit.
Kirishima gave you a sympathetic look as you gave Bakugou one last look and walked out of his dorm.
you walked into the hallway, seeing Uraraka and Momo walking out of Momo's dorm with a small cake. they immediately saw your tear stained face and put the cake down.
"hey, what's wrong?" Momo asked. you sighed, trying to get out what you were saying but the sobs that racked your body wouldn't let you, "wait, are you trying to say that Bakugou forgot your birthday?" Uraraka asked.
you nodded, "I thought he was trying to throw me a surprise party but I walked in there, asking him if he wanted to do anything and he kicked me out saying that he was going to workout with Kirishima," upon you finishing your sentence, Bakugou and Kirishima walked out.
Uraraka gave Bakugou a death glare as Momo pulled you into her arms and walked you into your dorm. Bakugou paid no mind to them as Kirishima looked to him and sighed. "pretty crappy day for her, huh?" Kirishima asked, looking at your dorm room door. Bakugou shrugged, "she'll be fine later. she's probably mad about earlier," he said, not putting much mind on it.
Kiri gave him a look, making Bakugou confused, "I guess. just sucks she spent her birthday trapped in her room but whatever you said bro," Bakugou stood in place, wide eyed realizing that today was in fact your birthday. "
don't tell me you forgot." "FUCK."
Kirishima slammed his hands against his face, not wanting to see Bakugou's face. Bakugou felt his heart drop, feeling a huge sensation of guilt and sadness washing over him. "that's why everyone was surrounding her desk this morning," Kirishima nodded, shaking his head in disappointment, "I don't know dude, you better figure it out before it gets worse," he mentioned before walking away.
Bakugou walked into his room, slamming the door and laying his bed. he had no idea how he was going to even start to apologize to you but he knew he had to do it tonight.
he knew Kirishima had a point.
he hadn't been the most diligent in trying to be with you recently and he kept shoving and cancelling your dates last minute to train or get work done. Bakugou was the one who asked you out first and promised you he would try his hardest to make it work out and now you were crying on your birthday.
the night was coming in and he walked over to your door, quietly knocking on it. you didn't bother to open it, knowing it was Bakugou who was more than likely to be the one who was knocking.
you flipped to the other side of the bed and ignored the knock, figuring he would leave you alone if you didn't answer. Bakugou knew that you kept the spare key for your dorm room in the small pot by your door. he dug for it, panicking that maybe you had moved it but as he finally found it, he grabbed it and unlocked it.
“hey,” his rough voice said. you shut your eyes, pretending to be asleep so he could leave quicker. he went by your side of the bed, realizing that you had fallen asleep, “damn, I didn’t think you’d be in bed this early.”
he sighed, sitting on the edge of your bed.
“listen, I know you probably don’t care for what I have to say but you mean a lot to me, idiot. I know I fucked up, big time actually but I want to make it up to you. please? I thought maybe we could get dinner, let me treat you right and like I’m supposed too.”
Bakugou moved a piece of your hair out of the way and kissed your hair softly. a part of you wanted to continue to be upset at him but hearing his apology and what he wanted to do to make it up to you, you wanted to wake up.
“I guess I’ll be leaving before Aizawa kills us.”
you shuffled in place, pretending to wake up, making Bakugou turn his head around to look at you. “Suki?” you whispered, rubbing your eyes.
he made his way back to you, sitting on the edge of bed, “I’m sorry for what I did today,” he murmured, not even wanting to look at you in the eye, “I’ve been a dick, more than usual recently and none of it has been your fault. can I make it up to you?” he asked.
you stayed silent for a moment, “Suki, I understand that you’ve been a lot more busier than usual but that isn’t my fault. it really hurt that you forgot my birthday and it hurts even more that you’ve been putting me in second place,” you murmured, trying not to sound hurt.
Katsuki nodded.
“I know. I promise I’ll do better.”
he gave you a kiss on the cheek before getting up from the bed and getting ready to leave, “love you Suki’,” you said, finding a comfortable spot in bed again, “you better,” he laughed before leaving.
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you were beyond livid. todoroki had been anticipating your birthday for weeks now. the two of you were planning on going out to dinner if Aizawa had given you both permission, which he gladly allowed but two days before the outing came and he wasn’t having a good day. insults were being said and now the two of you were angry to say the least.
you figured that maybe by Saturday, he would have forgotten about the argument and the date would still have happened but what you hoped for fell through and now it was noon on Saturday and you were in your room crying to Kaminari of all people. 
he rubbed your back, trying to get you to calm down as he told you to try and forget about the argument. he knew the two of you liked each other a lot but he couldn’t help but side with you on this one so he suggested a plan!
he took Todoroki’s spot for the day and the two of you went out for your birthday. since no one else had gotten permission to leave for the day, only Kaminari was able to do this but in the backside of your mind, you knew Todoroki was going to be upset to say the least. 
both you and Kaminari walked to the nearest train station and took the ride to the outskirts of the city and went to a small ramen shop to catch a late lunch/early dinner. 
the only one who knew about you and Kaminari leaving was ironically enough, Bakugou. he had saw the two of you leaving the building, unenthusiastically asking where the two of you were going since you were leaving school premises. 
“so, we still have a few hours before we’re due back to school,” Kaminari reminded you. you gave him the signal to give you a minute and pulled up the nearest arcade, which happened only to be a few blocks from the ramen shop and a bit closer the train station, “you in the mood to play arcade games?” 
Todoroki walked down stairs to the kitchen, hoping that you were to see what kind of mood you were in. he wanted to apologize for getting angry at you and prepare himself for you dinner date in a few days. 
“hey Todoroki!” Midoriya greeted, as happily as ever. he waved at the green haired boy as he sat down next to him and watched him scroll through his Snapchat story, “oh, ( your name ) isn’t on campus?” Midoriya asked him. 
Todoroki gave him a confused look, “what do mean?” he asked back, a small bit of panic settling in the pit of his stomach. “oh, well, since it’s birthday, it looks like she went out with Kaminari,” he replied, showing Todoroki his snapchat. 
you and Kaminari both had posted a few photos and videos from the day. the ramen the two of you had eaten and then a few videos from the arcade. you were playing Mario Kart, singing some really REALLY shitty karaoke, and eating some really bad junk food. 
“is something wrong?” Midoriya asked. Todoroki ran his fingers through his hair, panic finally fully setting into his stomach, “I didn’t remember that today was her birthday,” he murmured, playing with his lip as Midoriya’s eyes widened, hearing what his friend was saying.
the two of you remained quiet, trying not to freak out. 
“what do you mean forgot? I thought the two of you were both planning something out!” Midoriya exclaimed, “we were but then the two of us got into a pretty bad argument and haven’t talked since. I forgot that we were supposed to go out together today and I think she took Kaminari instead,” he explained. 
Bakugou chuckled, shaking his head, “she sure did. I’m on Kaminari’s private Snapchat story and they seem to be getting really close,” he tossed his phone to Todoroki who watched the two of you dancing and singing together.  
Kaminari was sitting pretty close to you, his arm was around your waist, a little too firm for Todoroki’s liking. Bakugou couldn’t help but laugh at his ‘friends’ reaction as he tried to keep his anger to a minimum as he continued to watch his story. 
you were damn near cuddled up to his chest, laughing and giggling at whatever Denki was telling you and he HATED it. you never acted like that around him. you never laughed or giggled that way with him. never have you ever held yourself like that with him.
“well, did you get her anything at least? that should save your ass, at least a little bit,” Bakugou said. Todoroki stared at the floor, too scared to look at them when he replied no, “well then....don’t act surprised if she doesn’t take you back after this,” he added on. 
“Kacchan!” “it’s true! you’re just mad I’m right. Kaminari might be an idiot but he can actually hold a conversation with a girl and be civil around them when he puts his one brain cell to use.” 
Todoroki growled, remaining silent for the rest of the night as he stayed downstairs to wait for you. now that he was realizing it, the way you were being with Kaminari did correlate to what Bakugou was saying and although he didn’t want to admit to it, he knew Bakugou had a point. 
the night crawled in as Todoroki was now alone in the living room. you were getting to the front of the building, Kaminari telling you some stupid joke that made you hysterically laugh as you walked into the living space. upon entering it, you saw Todoroki sitting there with shame and anger on his face.
you waved Kaminari good, telling him you’d text him later to thank him for hanging out with you. you stared at half-n-half, not saying a word, your face saying everything it needed too. 
“where were you today?” “out with Kaminari.”
your short sentences made him realize you were still as angry as you were the day you argued with him. “I saw you getting pretty close with him,” Todoroki stated. you chuckled, not believing what he was telling you. “yup, that’s kind of what happens when your boyfriend was being a dick on your birthday,” and there it is, Todoroki thought. 
“you could have reminded me about today.” 
your voice was at an all time high, not caring who heard. “you know what? this is useless. your playing the victim when in reality I should be! it’s my fucking birthday and you know what I got as a birthday gift? another argument from my fucking boyfriend and not even a measly happy birthday text.” you continued to yell.
“you know what?” Todoroki was suddenly nervous about you quick attiude change, “maybe what Kami said was true. maybe you need to weed out the dicks in your life until you get to the good people.” you said before walking away and not sparing Todoroki another glance. 
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this argument happened the day of your birthday, actually.  he had forgotten your birthday and although you had told him a few days in advanced, you weren’t making a big deal of the day itself. 
you just wanted to make a small cake, enough to feed you and Iida so when you asked him if he wanted to come to your dorm after dinner so you could eat the cake together and he outrightly denied, claiming he had a ton of training and homework to get done. 
“seriously? it’ll just be thirty minutes!” “no! I told you, I have to train for exactly an hour and a half before I take a shower and do homework! you should have known that. I wonder why we’re even together with that dismissive attitude of yours.” “IT’S MY BIRTHDAY YOU DICK!” 
he stared at you, your birthday had completely passed his mind and he felt so shitty as you dropped the cake on the floor, letting it splatter everywhere. 
everyone who heard the conversation stared at each other, not wanting to say anything as they saw Iida process what he had told you. he never meant to insinuate that he wanted to break up with you but it came out like word vomit and you were gone. 
he grabbed a mop and broom, slowly picking it up as he saw the disappointed faces of his friends. Iida knew he fucked up, way too badly this time and now you were crying on your birthday, practically broken hearted and angry at him. 
Iida sighed, sitting at his desk and mourning silently. the time read 7:30 and he wanted to do nothing more than bang on your door and apologize like there was no tomorrow but he knew that idea could be thrown out the window as you weren’t even texting him back. 
he saw the small gift you had given him on his birthday and felt a small wave tears hit his eyes. you did so much for him, going out of your way to bring him lunch on some days and other days, you offered to patch him up if you saw that he had gotten busted up during training. 
Iida stood up, going to the door and running to the kitchen. he knew this could be the only thing he could do to even start making it up to you again. you loved the cookies that Tensei had made for him a few weeks ago when he dropped by to visit.
he called his brother, explaining the situation to him as he immediately got a mini lecture as a response. Tensei basically yelling at him for not treating you right and how guilty he should be feeling for not only forgetting your birthday but also making you cry today. 
Iida got work as Tensei explained everything to make the cookies. he was lucky enough to have everything he needed to make the cookies, even going out of his way to remind himself to put small written notes on the cookies themselves when he finished. 
within that time, you were laying in bed, thinking about everything that Iida told you. you tried not to think about it, putting it on the fact that maybe he was stressed and forgot and everything just came tumbling out of his mouth. regardless, you tried to sleep, only to be awoken by a frantic knock.
you growled, slipping on one of Iida’s sweaters and going to the door. to your surprise, it was Iida himself, holding a plate of cookies and words coming out of his mouth like vomit. 
“I am so sorry. I meant nothing I said earlier and I apologize for acting extremely out of line. I never meant to insinuate that I wanted to break up with you and I never wanted to in the first place. please forgive me.”
you stared at him, lifting an eyebrow before rolling your eyes playfully, “the next time you decide to say something like that, we’re over and you’re not getting another chance after that,” you stated, taking a bite of the cookie and instantly letting out a moan of pleasure, “holy shit, are these Tensei’s cookies?” he nodded as you snatched the plate out of his hand. 
“that sucks that you made me cry tonight because we could have shared them but since you are on thin ice, these are mine! see you tomorrow, Iida!” you giggled, shutting the door on his face. “see you tomorrow, love.” he replied, a smile on his face as he made his way back to his dorm room to finish up some homework. 
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idy-ll-ique · 4 years
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x F!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Mutual Pining, Roommate AU
Requested: by @tom-hlover
Tom Hiddleston x (roommate) reader where reader is harboring a secret crush on Tom, but she thinks that Tom only sees her as a friend, she loves to sing when she's alone, and sends Tom letters through the mailbox making it seem from another place,but in reality the return address is from her friend's address whom is out of the country and lets reader use the address for now, as she is serving as the house's caretaker as well 😅😅 until Tom finds out and also turns out hears reader's singing? And I was thinking of the song "Bali Song" by Rivermaya for that one particularly 😅😅😊😊
Summary: Y/N, who is roommates with Tom Hiddleston (omg they were roommates) has a crush on him and instead of confessing her love like a normal person, she writes him love-letters using a fake identity and address. What happens when Tom finds out, though?
Warnings: None
Author's Note: Hey guys! Special shoutout to @tom-hlover for the prompt, finished writing it under an hour so you have to excuse me if it's crappy. Enjoy!
"Oh, look, another letter from the secret admirer. I wonder what she wrote this time."
I looked up from where I was tending to the houseplants and gave Tom a quick grin. "Endearing words, as always. She does like you a lot," I professed with a slight chuckle, giving him a small smile and looking away when I felt a blush creeping up on my cheeks.
Tom sat down on the couch and opened the letter. "Dear Tom…" I stopped listening after that, I knew the whole thing to heart anyway. Wondering how? Well, I was the one who wrote it, simple! Let me explain. I'm Y/N Y/L/N and the person I was speaking to? Tom Hiddleston, my roomie.
Yeah we lived together; we had been friends for a long time and I needed a place so Tom offered to keep me at his home until I found another home. Nearly 5 years had passed since that incident and now we sort of just lived together, fallen into a nice, daily routine. I also happened to have a huge, huge, huge crush on him. Knowing how many other people, much better than myself, adored him, I kept my feelings to myself.
Oh and by the way, I paid my share of the rent so don't come at me! "She's so sweet with these, I might just pay her a visit! What is the address?" I looked up, wide-eyed as Tom took the envelope in his hand. "Do you really need to?" I blurted out, turning red when he squinted his eyes at me. "Do you know this person?" he blinked, raising an eyebrow.
"Of course I don't," I muttered, "You know what? Fine, go meet this person. I just hope they're not, you know, a psychopath." Yes, I knew I was talking about myself but was I wrong, though? Instead of confessing my feelings like a normal person, I was sending letters to my crush like I lived in the Victorian Era, using my best friend's address while she was out living somewhere else.
"I'm sure she's not. Anyway, what are your plans for later?" He let out a yawn, slouching on the couch. "Nothing much, I finish some work and then bam, dinner time." Tom laughed. "I have an interview early tomorrow, so I'm going to sleep early tonight. What do you want for dinner?" I shrugged. "Anything's fine, thanks!" He ruffled my hair and got up, going to the kitchen.
Okay, I see a lot of you are staring in confusion, let me clear things up yet again. I liked Tom for nearly 3 years now, but had no idea how to proceed with my feelings. Did he even like me back? Would he even like me back? That's when my best friend gave me a brilliant idea.
She said she was moving elsewhere and that her previous house was going to be empty but she was still going to be the owner. "Hey, Y/N, maybe you can go live there if you want!" she suggested. And I told her, "Hm, I'll think about it." Ever since then, I was the caretaker of the house, visiting it once a week to see if everything was okay with it.
One day when I was there, looking out the balcony into the garden, I came across the said brilliant idea. Why don't I just send letters to Tom from this address confessing my love?! He didn't know about it, and I technically won't be telling him anything in person. A great way to get the feelings off my chest while not getting the feelings off my chest!
Ever since then, I had started writing letters to him, once a week. Most of them were small, one paragraph long, along the lines of "hey how are you I love you thanks" while in some, I included lovesick quotes from famous authors like William Shakespeare, Virginia Woolf, Jane Austen or Anaïs Nin. Tom was a fanatic of classical literature, it only made sense.
With a sigh, I got up and went to my room, getting started with my work only to end up spending all my time on social media until Tom called me over for dinner.
Tom POV:
"Ah, yes, this is the address," I said to myself, stopping outside a beautiful estate surrounded by pretty gardens. I parked the car and stepped out, heading to the door. As I was about to knock, I noticed that the door was locked. "Huh?" I whispered, maybe she wasn't home at the time? "Excuse me, sir? I saw your car parked outside…" I turned to see an old man blinking at me.
"Where's the woman who lives here?" I asked him. "Woman? This house has been empty for years, son, the last woman that lived here moved to the colonies 3 years ago." My eyes widened. So all this time, I was getting letters from… a ghost? Or was someone using a false address?
"Are you sure no one comes by, or anything?"
"Well, a fair young lady does stop by every week. Her name is Y/N Y/L/N, very polite and kind, she's like a daughter to me. She looks after the house; she's looking to move in, I guess but I'm not sure. Nice meeting you, young man! If you do want to meet up with the pseudo-owner, Y/N, she will stop by next Sunday at 11 am."
"Oh, I wouldn't need to do that," I muttered, bade him farewell and got back into the car. Well well well, things just got… interesting. I smiled widely as I drove back home. I had no idea Y/N felt the same way! All this time, the one-sided pining was actually mutual pining… it all ends today. Now that I knew she liked me back and my love wasn't in vain, there was nothing that could stop me from confessing.
Upon reaching home, I quietly opened the door only to see that Y/N was in the kitchen, singing a song unknown to me as she cooked. Like a thief, I tiptoed in and quietly closed the door behind me. I walked up to the kitchen, stopping when I heard the lyrics.
To speak or not to, where to begin
A great dilemma I'm finding myself in
For all I know you only see me as a friend
I try to tell myself, "Wake up, fool
This fairytale has got to end"
I leaned against the doorframe of the kitchen, finding it strange that she still hadn't taken notice of me. You only see me as a friend? Nonsense, I definitely liked her more than that. For some reason, the lyrics seemed familiar— Oh yes, the song Y/N apparently liked to sing all the time! What was the name, uh…
Never in my life have I been more sure
So come on up to me and close the door
Nobody's made me feel this way before
You're everything I wanted…
When she (amazingly) sang those lines, I decided to make my move. I walked forward and put my arms around her from behind, laughing when she screamed. "Tom! Oh my God, when did you come home?!" I spun her around, trapping her between the kitchen counter and myself. "A few minutes ago. You sing wonderfully, love," I smirked. She visibly gulped. "Uh, what are you—"
"Don't play dumb now. Aren't you the one who writes those letters? Don't lie to me." Her eyes went wide. "How did you find out? I'm sorry, I—" I cut off her trail of words by leaning down, capturing her lips with mine in a magical kiss. She, thankfully, didn't push away, instead wrapping her arms around me.
"I didn't think you'd like me back," she mumbled when we pulled away to breathe. "All that matters is that we're together now." She chuckled and snuggled into my arms. With a content sigh, I pulled her close, running my fingers through her hair as I held her close. "I love you," I said simply, dropping a kiss to the top of her head. "I love you too, think that's quite obvious."
We laughed. "How did you find out, though? What gave it away?" She got out of my arms and turned back to her cooking. I leaned against the counter next to her, crossing my arms. "I just visited the address on the letter. The door was locked, then I met an old man who said the person who lived there moved to the USA 3 years ago."
"My best friend, Y/F/N."
"He told me your name, saying how you went there every Sunday to look after the house. How come I didn't know?"
"Oh, Bertram. I always lied about going out on Sundays. I guess we sort of owe our relationship to Bert, don't we?"
I laughed and kissed her on the temple. "For sure, we do. What is that song you sing all the time, you were singing it just now?" She snorted and took out her phone, opening Spotify. She put on the song and turned to me, holding her hand out. "Balisong by Rivermaya. Care for a dance?"
"Don't mind if I do."
A/N: Oooh two fics in a row?? leave a like if you enjoyed lol thanks for reading!
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mah-gah-lee · 4 years
be stuck with you - owen patrick joyner x (reader)
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Word Count: 2303
Request: YES, from that sweet @idontcare011​, hope you’ll like it ! 
Summary:  you were late and a random boy comes into the elevator at the last minute. By some incredible force of fate (or pretty crappy weather) you find yourself stuck with the young man in this narrow cabin.
Warnings: panic attack and i think it’s all
disclaimer: I don't know Owen personally or what his life is like. All you will read in this "x reader" is from my imagination. My point is not to invade Owen's privacy. I don't want to offend him or offend anybody else in his life (family, potential girlfriend…I heard maybe he has one, so I don’t know but I don’t want to offend her).  All of this is not the reality
Tagged: @asdfghjkl-fanfics​ @standingtalllove​ @lukeys-giggle​ 
Thanks God, the quarantine was over and everyone could travel again. However, this stupid virus was not completely gone. Since the health crisis, you have adopted new habits, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator. But today, you were in a hurry, so you entered the cabin eagerly. The conference you were due to attend was starting in no less than twenty minutes, and your itinerary had said it would take you 15 to get to your planned location. But with the weather conditions creeping in out there, you were sure you would need a lot longer than advertised. The automatic door was closing when a hand stepped in the way. A young blond man appeared and slipped into the elevator. You grumbled at the action, making you fall a few more seconds behind.
 "Sorry" the boy said through his mask.
 But you didn't answer.
 You had almost ten floors to go down together. You looked in your bag for a while to make sure you had your recorder when you felt an uncontrolled jerk. Your body no longer held you in balance but you caught yourself on a side of the elevator as the young man accompanying you tended to stabilize you. The lights flashed for a while and then went out. Your eyes widened as your heart pounded.
 "oh no no no no no no no. Anything except that, please!" you said, frantically pressing a random button.
 “I think we stuck…”
  "Oh yeah, what makes you think that?" The fact that we weren't moving or that the lights went out? "
 The boy threw up his hands in defense, eyes wide with so much animosity.
 "Hey, I'm in the same situation. You don't have to be aggressive."
You groaned before leaning against one of the elevator walls, peering into the face of your elevator failure companion. He had blond hair; his tips reached the base of his neck. But his expressive blue eyes - seeming constantly anxious - reminded you of someone, but you didn't know who. You have pushed the alarm button to warn the staff that there was someone in the lift.
 “Sorry, it’s seems to be a bad day. I’m late and now I’m stuck in an elevator with a perfect stranger”
 “I’m Owen…Not a stranger anymore”
 “I’m y/n, but yes, you still are”
 Owen laughed at your outspokenness and you gave him a polite smile before you were silent for several minutes.
 After what seemed like forever - when it was only ten minutes - you looked at your phone. No networks. For no obvious reason, when everything seemed to be going well, your heart started to beat faster. The thought of being stuck here forever crossed your mind and ached in your chest. The boy in front of you seemed so calm, which made you even more anxious.
 "How the hell can you stay so calm"
 "Oh ... I'm dying inside, just trying to play it cool"
 You can help with giving him an amused smile, he had been so frank. But this little interaction did not bring you back down from your state. You were breathing harder and harder, your chest was heaving quickly, it was nearly out of control. Owen seemed to notice that and give you a concerned look.
 "Panic attack?"
 You nodded briskly and Owen approached you cautiously. You saw his hands move towards you and your gaze expressed fear but you were paralyzed to do anything.
 "I'm going to take that damn mask off you already."
 Gently, he grabbed the fabric mask and pulled a little on it to lower it, he reproduced the gesture with his own mask.
 "Look at me, just me. There's nothing around us. Take a deep breath. I'll count to 3 and then you'll breathe out. Okay?"
 you nodded and when he shook his to urge you to breathe you took a deep breath, like he told you to.
 You sighed, keeping your gaze on him. You started once more and when the blonde asked you if it was better, you were shaking your head negatively.
 "We're starting over but… take my hands and squeeze them as much as you need. Don't worry about grinding them."
 You grabbed his hands and restarted each step over, crushing his hands. But the contact with matter, your breath and Owen's comforting eyes, help you gently. A soothing silence has settled between you. Owen had helped you through this panic attack when you didn't even know each other. But you could feel deep inside that this man was good. Things seemed to calm down for you and you thanked Owen with a genuine smile.
 “You know how to deal with it ... Thanks for that.”
 “I also suffer from anxiety and panic attack. But the elevator is big enough here that it doesn't cause me one. Although I am a little anxious ...”
 “hey, breathe Owen.” You replied with a smirk
 Owen laughed and shook his head as if to say "that's a good one!" You look at the young man again, staring at him intently. It was very rude but you couldn't put a name on his face anymore. You were sure you knew him. Was he a distant cousin? A neighbor? A guy you knew in high school? Or just a guy you saw in an ad? Maybe the ad for these new cereals!
 “Excuse me but ... I've seen you somewhere before, haven't I?”
 “In an elevator, yeah!” he joked
 You laughed he was funny
 “No, I mean ... I feel like I've seen you before but I really can't remember where.”
 he sighed, as if a little tired of the question. You were surprised at his reaction but Owen answers you anyway
 “Yeah, I don't usually talk about that when I first meet a girl, especially when I'm stuck in an elevator with her but ... I'm an actor. I played some stuff on Nickelodeon and now I'm supposed to shoot season two of Julie and the phantoms, it's a Netflix series.”
 You watched him chattering, you nodded then wide your eyes. This is where you saw it! You had been relentlessly browsing the Netflix catalog and seeing the trailer for the series he told you about, but you had avoided it, the show seemed too childish for you. You first reaction was to make fun of him
 "Again, don't forget to breath Owen. But the way, I didn’t want to bother you with that question."
 He laughed lightly then smiled politely at you. You didn't seem to be a hysteric or a weird person. He had a deep feeling that you were a good person, which is why Owen seemed to relax.
 "It's just ... for a while, I thought you were a fan and I didn't want things to be weird all suddenly "
 "Oh don't worry I haven't seen any of your shows.” you said nonchalantly
 Owen burst into laughter. Once again, it was bafflingly sincere and he was really starting to enjoy being stuck in an elevator with you. You smiled, the energy in the cabin was positive that you almost forgot you were stuck with this young man for almost half an hour. You didn't know when you were going to be able to get out of here but you didn't really care anymore for the sole reason that you wanted to get to know this man. You tilted your head back, resting it against the elevator wall before sighing loudly. Seconds later, your gaze turned to Owen again.
 “So tell me about this series that you’re filming. What is it about?”
 "It's a pretty cool show actually. It's directed by Kenny Ortega, I don't know if you see who he is."
 "Hell yeah ... he's the choreographer of Dirty Dancing"
 "Himself ... So what about the storyboard ... It's about ..."
 And then, you listened to him to tell you about the series. Something like a '90s band dying of food poisoning from a bad hotdog and returning twenty-five years later as ghosts to help a super talented young girl to make music after her mom passed away. It made you laugh; it was probably the dumbest death on TV after Marion Cotillard's in Batman. He couldn't even stop anymore so that he sometimes swapped over a few anecdotes from the set. You even got a little exclusive on season two before Owen stopped in the middle of a sentence.
 "Sorry, I got a little carried away. But when you like your job, it's pretty easy to talk about it."
 You smiled at him and Owen started asking you questions, about your work, your life, your passions and you were giving him back. The conversation was fluid, natural You learned that he was German, that his mother tongue was German until he was about four years old, that he had a sister and had lived with his parents until that year when he moved into his own apartment. Getting to know Owen was really nice and you could feel your stomach twist every time he smiled. He was a boy full of humor but also sarcasm.
 You've been stuck with Owen for an hour and a half now. You ended up sitting on the floor of the elevator. Boredom was really starting to take hold of you. You rummaged through your bag for something, anything. An idea crossed your mind when you saw the small block of post-it notes.
 "How would you like to play a game?"
 "What kind of game do you want to play here?"
 "Who am I?"
 "Obviously you are y/n" he tells you with a smirk.
 You laughed before pulling out your notepad and a pencil to show it to the blonde. He claimed to have understood your intention, which made you smile even more. Of course, Owen knew the game you wanted to play. He nodded, and you'd write a celebrity's name on a sticky note before sticking it on your new friend's forehead. He did the same for you. Fortunately, your two post-its are well stuck. Owen spoke
 "I start: am I a man?"
 "Obviously" you say with a smirk, responding to the blonde's previous joke.
 Owen laughed, catching the tone of your voice.
 “But how funny she is! Is my character a man?” He continued.
 You did several parts. You even teased him when he made you guess Julie and the phantoms, because the game didn't stop only with characters, celebrities but also series, movies, musicals. You were laughing when there was another shake, stronger than the first, the lights came back on and you couldn't help but be disappointed. You looked at Owen and he seemed to have the same gaze as yours. The doors barely opened and you found the hotel staff, patiently waiting to ask if you needed medical assistance, while also offering you a bottle of water. You left the elevator car, hurriedly stuffing the many post-its into your bag. You didn't really know how to act with the blond guy next to you. You had formed a little bubble in that enclosed space and now it seemed to have burst. For some strange reason, it made you sad. Now is the time to part ways with your new friend.
 “well, good-goodbye, it was nice to meet you.”
 you rushed into the hotel lobby a little more, but Owen seemed to catch up with you, his long legs only having to take a few strides.
 "wait, y/n!"
 You turned to him, you could see the embarrassment on his cheeks, asking with a frown what was the cause.
 "I think you let that go"
 "No, I don't"
 You looked at the crumpled white paper. It even looked like a piece of chewing gum. And at first glance, Owen's perfectly white teeth were chewing one.
 "I think you did."
 He handed you the paper with a determination that convinces you. You bite your lip as you look at the series of numbers on the packaging: a phone number. His telephone number. Owen swallowed hard as he looked at you. His eyes never leaving your lips.
 "It's pretty spontaneous of me but ... I won't start filming until next week. I hope you're still here the day after tomorrow ... because I would really like to ask you to come have a drink with me ... "
 Your cheeks turned red, did he really just ask you for a date? You did not know what to answer. The urge to say yes was so present but you were afraid to rush. Perhaps humor was your only defense
 "it depends"
 "about what?"
 "Does this appointment include a blocking session in an elevator? This is the only way it works"
 Owen laughed before giving you a genuine smile, showing his perfectly aligned white teeth. God, what a beautiful man.
 "I can try to fix this and find a faulty elevator."
 "So expect a text from me"
 You smiled back at him and gave him a wink before turning on your heels. Owen's heart skipped a beat and he when he arrived several hours late in the hairdressing section of the set, Charlie laughed at him saying that he had never seen him so happy to have a haircut. hair. But in reality, the blond was only waiting for one thing, and that was to receive a message from you, which arrived in a second.
 (y/n) text : "After being stuck in an elevator, here I am stuck in traffic ... Are you sure you want a date with me, you might just end up stuck with me?"
 Owen couldn't help but smile broadly.
 Owen text : "I'm sure. I'd love to even be stuck with you (again).”
(y/n) text : “Fine, ghost boy. See you soon”
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starrybouquet · 4 years
On Seasons 9 and 10 of Stargate SG1
A note: I wrote a series of essays several weeks ago, when I was feeling particularly crappy. I'm not particularly proud of them--they're pretty dramatic--but they do explain several of my more personal fandom feelings. I know I don't always tend to be the best at explaining things on the spot, so I'm posting these with the hope that I can refer people to them the next time that happens.
Um, I mentioned they're a little dramatic. I'm really, really sorry about that. But hey, if I can't be dramatic on Tumblr, in fandom, where else is that gonna go?
But still - if you're feeling a little sensitive today, maybe you wanna skip this. Or not. Just a light warning. :)
This piece is on seasons 9 and 10 of Stargate SG1, but they aren't all Stargate-related. I'll be posting them in the next few days, hopefully.
To those of you who like s9-10: I have nothing against you. Some of you I know better, some less well. In general, though, I like you, you seem like fine people. This is not about you, I hold nothing against you for liking those seasons. In fact, I envy you. This is more a personal post about why I'm an idiot. If you want, feel free to scroll down past this. I won't be offended. I'd put it under the cut but I'm on mobile.
Okay. Why, hello, those of you willing to read this rant...
No matter how much I denounce and ignore it, I cannot get past the pain of seasons 9 and 10 of Stargate SG-1. I've never watched them in full. Seen a few episodes here and there.
I cannot, repeat, CANNOT stand the thought today. It hurts.
It's an old pain, and it's not just SG1. SG1 is just one of the highlights in a long line of books and shows that have repeatedly broken my heart by being SO GOOD and then taking an, uh, precipitous right turn, shall we say. Because a hard right seems too kind, and a precipitous drop too harsh.
I love SG1. I love love love it. I like the plots and I love the science, but what I really fell in love with was the characters.
I loved all of them. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: if Sam, Daniel, or Teal'c had been on any other show, I guarantee you they would have been my favorite by far. Jack is just so...Jack that he has to be my favorite. That's SG1 for you.
I've never had super close friends. I have good RL friends, don't get me wrong. They're nice people. But we don't have much in common.
That's okay. That's been my experience forever--really nice folks who maybe didn't always get me or have anything to say to me, but were good, decent people.
And this is good. Really, it is. It's just that SG-1, for me, has always represented the promise that there *are* people out there that are your true friends, and you will do brave and brilliant things with them. It will happen.
It's naive, I know. But I haven't been able to let it go. Maybe someday. But not right now.
Which brings me to s9-10 of SG1. It hurts.
It hurts that SG1 scattered to the wind.
It hurts that they sent Jack away from a place where he was happy, where he'd found friends and meaning in life again, away to fucking DC. To be...what? A politician? I could write a whole post just about this. Actually, I have. I could still write more posts about it!
It hurts that Sam went to Area 51, and nobody seemed to mind, the 'Gate didn't spontaneously combust as we were always led to believe it would.
It hurts that Daniel's personality supposedly changed that much, in the absence of his friends. Though some of his lines are funny, they aren't the earnest, idealistic, thoughtful Daniel I fell in love with. I get the idea that new-look Daniel would roll his eyes at s3-8 Daniel, and beat up floppy hair Daniel. And floppy hair Daniel is my baby and anyone who doesn't appreciate his brilliance can face my wrath. That includes you, buff s9-10 Daniel, and also whoever decided/approved that change in characterization.
Really, the only one who doesn't hurt is Teal'c. Because it feels like he's moving forward, toward happiness.
So...here we are. Season 9. Mitchell, Landry.
I often say I hate Mitchell. Do I resent him for replacing Jack? Yes. I do. We can talk about plot reasons and all that, but at the end of the day, I was going to hate anyone who tried to be Jack.
This is true in real life, too. You can't try to be anyone else. You've gotta walk your own path.
Now, people say that I didn't give Mitchell a chance. I say that the way he was portrayed, in the few episodes I've seen, tells me enough.
I can think of lots of ways Mitchell could have been interesting. How would Daniel and Teal'c react to an old, actually bad tempered (not Jack bad tempered, actually bad tempered) hardass after eight years of their best friends leading them? Or--start with his actual character. Mitchell, he hasn't been at the SGC. Wouldn't he get some flack from the longtime team leaders of SGs 2-5ish? They'd be insulted, right?
Or we could've gotten a nice Daniel Teal'c episode arc and then we could've had one Samantha Carter as team leader, though we won't get into that.
Bringing me to my next point. Co-leads?? Seriously?? You're trying too hard, folks. Telling me Sam used to know Mitchell does not actually make me like him.
Same thing with Landry. Unlike Mitchell, I guess I don't really have an opinion on Landry. He's just....there? No character development for this man.
Anyway, back to the team.
One of the things I love about SG1 is how the humor and friendship was so damn natural. Other than a few episodes (Urgo comes to mind), the plots weren't intentionally humorous. They were campy sci-fi plots sometimes, sure. They were funny because Jack was funny, yeah. They were lower budget than some other sci-fi. But they were as serious as sci-fi gets. It was how the characters reacted that made it funny.
Similarly, we were never told SG1 were found family. We just Knew. Because of the way they acted with each other. Because of the way Jack would "order" them to do things.
And hey, by the way, they weren't always family. Sam used to be less willing to ignore Jack. Daniel used to be less willing to trust Teal'c. Jack used to be a little more stern.
So...they meshed together. Like all found families do.
Every time I see a photo of new-look SG1 in seasons 9 and 10, I can't help but feel that they're trying too hard. I don't get the family feel because they aren't a family, damn it. It doesn't matter how many times you *tell* me they're super close. One of the reasons the original team got so close is because they all needed each other. Jack was depressed, Daniel was grieving, Sam was alone and had lost her mom and wasn't speaking with her dad and had never opened up to anyone in her life, Teal'c was an alien fighting for freedom after spending 100 years essentially as a slave.
And partly because of that, by season 9? Daniel and Teal'c (and Sam, when she comes back) don't need a family the way they used to. They have each other. They have Jack, or at least they *should*. *Glares in angry at Jack in DC vibes*
So...they simply don't have the relationship with Mitchell they do with each other.
It'd be different if Mitchell needed a family. It's not that SG1 hasn't added people before--I think Jonas is a perfect example of this. He wasn't Daniel, and that always hurt. But he was young, and naive, and innocent, and he needed SG1 because he'd left everything he'd ever known.
And that worked.
Without needing family, Mitchell is just a coworker. He can be a friendly coworker. A friend. But if he wanted to become better friends, family, he needed to show depth and vulnerability. He needed to need SG1.
And he never does, from what I've seen and heard about and read about. Or if he does need SG1, he doesn't need them badly enough to show more than an occasional bout of thoughtfulness before returning to his normal pale-Jack-imitation ways.
Now, I don't know why that is. I lean toward bad writing. I haven't watched Farscape (it's on my to watch list) but it seems like Ben Browder is a fine actor.
So, seasons 9 and 10 are probably fine TV. I'm never going to watch them through, so don't ask. I've tried and failed and every time it just tears my heart a little more and I'm won't be doing it again.
Those seasons...they just lost everything I watch SG-1 for, and so...yeah. I feel the hate strongly. Not because they're bad--I think they're different, not necessarily bad. My hate is only because in creating those seasons, they tore down the parts of SG1 that I loved most.
So s9-10 show me a few nice hugs and laughs? That's nice. I like comedies, I do. However...that's not my Stargate. Not the one I love. I liked the sarcastic one, the one full of wonder, the one where they had to scrape and claw their way through the galaxy with naivety and courage and brilliance. The one where they ate together, fought together, died together, were resurrected together.
It hurts, man. It hurts when the things I love turn into something that's lukewarm. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
That's why we have fanfic. And, with any luck, I'll actually start that AU I've been talking about.
It's fanfic, and so it'll be my Stargate. The ending I wanted--which really wasn't an ending at all, more of a closure of one chapter of the story.
Damn, did that turn dramatic. Um, sorry about that, and also sorry for spilling my feelings all over you guys. Thanks for reading, if you got to the end of this.
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saffronwritings · 4 years
C L U M S Y | I I D A
Never meant to make you fall with me. I let you down - I've been clumsy with your heart again. I guess you figured me out. Now here's a taste of my own medicine. And for all this pain, that I can't explain, there's a black flag wavin' tonight.
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I I D A | P a r t  T w o 
[Part One] [Part Three]
C L U M Y  M A S T E R L I S T
Word Count: 3.1k
A/N: i actually did not expect to enjoy writing Iida as much as i did. But it resulted in me writing the second part very quickly LOL. I got such good ideas while I was brainstorming with a friend of mine. Here it be. :) 
Following the rules is all he knew how to do, until he met you.
               To say you were a tad bit disappointed when Iida never showed back up at your dorm to check up on you was a bit of an understatement. You had felt better the next morning after taking the time to rest and take the medicine Recovery Girl had given you. However, even though you were feeling better you didn’t know if you wanted to face the class after the day you had yesterday. Would you be able to face Iida without blushing your brains out? You doubt he had said anything to his other classmates in fear of his reputation as the class rep. Iida wasn’t one for secrets, but you knew he kept a lot of things to himself.
               With a defeated sigh, you decided to get ready slowly for homeroom. You were sure your tie was crooked and that your blazer was not ironed, however, everyone should just be thankful for you showing up. While you felt better you didn’t feel back at 100%, with a bit of a lingering headache to follow your morning routine. Sighing and dragging yourself out of your dorm room, you avoided the obnoxious voice that was Kaminari to keep your migraine at bay. “Look who’s deciding to show up to class today.” Sero announced, making you roll your eyes and give him the middle finger. Although your actions had caused a disgruntled class rep to clear his throat.
               You two made eye contact and quickly you put the finger you were practically shoving in Sero’s face away. “Sorry.” You muttered and headed out towards the main campus. While you knew you should probably have shown up to homeroom early to get the work you missed from Aizawa, you instead decided to go over to get medicine from the Recovery Girl. Sadly, she kept you a lot longer than she should have - taking your temperature, giving you headache medicine, and trying vigorously to give you an icepack to take with you to class. She sent you off with a pack of ice and a late note to give Aizawa.
               When you showed up for class, all eyes were on you. “Ms. Y/L/N! You are late for class again!” You heard Iida say, which almost made you giggle. However, you decided to keep a straight face. You decided not to look at the sea of eyes staring at you and handed the note to Aizawa. “Glad you decided to show.” He stated in an annoyed tone. You turned towards your desk and rolled your eyes at Aizawa’s comment. Before you sat down, you caught the gaze of the stern class rep. “Sorry.” He mouthed, nodding towards Aizawa. Obviously apologizing for yelling out to the class that you were late. You shrugged your shoulders and sat down.
               The medicine was making you extremely drowsy, though you tried to push through at least until homeroom was over. Aizawa was too keen on your antics of trying to skip class that he rarely let you leave the classroom. Present Mic on the other hand was more than easily fooled by your constant skipping. Either that or he was just used to them by now. “I’m glad you’re feeling better, Y/N.” Ochako exclaimed, coming up behind you after class. “I’m still feeling pretty crappy but not as bad as yesterday.” You admitted silently cursing for Ochako walking with you because that gave you less of a chance to sneak off.
               “Iida seemed worried about you enough to be late to class yesterday. Which is surprising coming from him. He usually rarely breaks the rules. You must have been really sick.” She continued, saying her comment as if it weren’t a big deal. You tried to fight the blush that was coming onto your face. “Yeah, I was in pretty rough shape yesterday.” You whispered, trying to get him out of your head. “I’ll meet you in our next class Ochako, I got to get something from my locker.” You lied, immediately dashing away from your fellow student.
               When Iida arrived at his next class, he was half expecting you to be in your seat already. Well, he had hoped. Even though he was trying to avoid you, he still felt drawn to you. Yet, he was still upset that you were not in your assigned seat. Present Mic was setting up the board for whatever they were going to be learning that day. As the clock ticked closer to the start of the class, he became more and more frustrated. Ojiro and Shoji were the last two to arrive in class before the bell rung.
As Present Mic was taking attendance, he checked your seat and just shook his head. “I’m assuming Y/L/N is not coming to class today was well?” He asked in a defeated voice. “She was in homeroom class, and mentioned she needed to grab something from her locker.” Ochako pointed out, making Iida roll his eyes. Of course, you were going to be late to yet another class. Iida thought to himself, shaking his head and pushing his glasses back up the bridge of his nose. As time in class had passed and he still recognized your absence, he decided he was going to go looking for you.
After asking Present Mic permission to go to the bathroom, he had set off towards the school rooftop. You may have been avoiding class, but you were very predictable in the places you liked to escape to. Behind the second-floor stairwell, the janitors closet on the first floor, the mostly empty classroom up on the third year’s floor. He knew all your little hiding spots around UA, but never had the heart to actually report you to Aizawa or any of his other teacher’s. When he reached the roof access and quietly opened the door, he saw you laying on the ground with your eyes closed. If you hadn’t looked so peaceful, he might have considered yelling at you.
However, the pure look of being serene made his heart flutter. It might have been because he had seen you sleep before but something about your resting presence just seemed so comforting and inviting. He quietly walked over to where you were and sat down next to you. Relaxing his mind, he even made the bold move to lay down and stare at the clouds. “You know, Present Mic is going to get used to all of your rule breaking shenanigans.” Iida stated in a calm voice. “I know, I feel bad that I use his class to ditch but sometimes I just need the fresh air. In between classes doesn’t give me enough time sometimes.” You answered almost immediately.
This shocked him because he was almost positive you were asleep. The silence continued as Iida watched the clouds and enjoyed the breeze that was blowing across their faces. “Why don’t you just…follow the rules like the rest of the class, Y/L/N?” Breaking the silence, Iida asked the question that had been plaguing him for months. Even his most troublesome classmates like Mina and Kirishima didn’t cause him as much strife as you did by skipping your classes. “Maybe it’s because it is the only way I know how to get your attention.” You dared to admit a loud. Almost instantly Iida got flustered and a blush spread from his neck to his face.
You almost immediately started to regret saying out loud your true intentions of slacking off in your academic career. You didn’t want to peep and see the expression on his face incase it was one that you didn’t want to see. “There are better ways to get my attention, but that doesn’t really seem to matter now because you already have it.” He expressed softly, refusing to also look at you afraid he also had said too much. He didn’t know that those words specifically would send your heart racing instantly. A smile spread across your face as you stood up from your spot on the roof and started towards the door. “Good to know, class rep.” You mentioned before opening the door, emphasizing on the words class rep. Iida could feel the residual rise of his blush and tried very hard to shove it away.
He heard the door open again and expected you to be there. Instead, he was met face to face with Aizawa-sensei. All the color drained from his face as Aizawa had processed what he was seeing. Iida, sitting casually on the rooftop and was red in the face. It wasn’t just embarrassment from your words, but from being caught in such a position. “Well, well, well. I would say I am surprised by this but after yesterday’s little escapade, I’m not.” Aizawa started to say. Before Iida could even begin to give an explanation, Aizawa held his hand up as if he couldn’t be bothered to hear what he had to say. “I expect this kind of behavior from Kaminari or Bakugou even. Yet, here I am, extremely disappointed to see that it’s you, Tenya Iida.” Aizawa scolded, eyes looking even more tired than usual.
Iida sat in silence, taking in the scolding he probably deserved for even thinking it was a good idea to lie to Present Mic. “Now, I have every right to pull you from the hero program.” Aizawa started with a rough tone to his voice. Iida’s heart stopped by the mere thought of that happening. “However, because this isn’t the most severe thing you have done in your time here at UA, I won’t do that. You will, however, be staying after school and cleaning up my classroom. Top. To. Bottom.” Aizawa explained, staring daggers into Iida’s eyes.
“Yes sir.” He responded to his teacher, feeling all but shame rising into his throat. “I won’t catch you slacking off again, Tenya. Now, go back to class before I up the punishment.” He growled, opening the door to the roof access, and motioned for Iida to go. He quickly walked past his teacher and found himself returning to Present Mic’s classroom. While it seemed that Present Mic had not noticed his long absence, Izuku had. “You were gone for some time, Iida. Is everything okay?” Izuku had whispered to him. No, everything was not okay. He was falling for a girl who was getting him in trouble the more he was around her.
               “Yes, I am fine, Midoriya. Go back to what you were doing.” Iida quickly replied, pulling out his school supplies and frantically found where the class had left off while he was off searching for you. Izuku didn’t seem convinced, however, he did not want to push his friend into telling him something he did not want to say. Izuku was not the only one to notice the mood change of one Tenya Iida. You had made it back to Present Mic’s class before he had returned. Honestly, you didn’t think it would have taken him as long to also return to class.
               After class was over and it was time for lunch, you were going to attempt to approach Iida to ask to sit next to each other at lunch. Yet, the glare he sent your way before exiting the classroom spoke volumes. You felt like you had been punched in the gut with the look he had given you. Shaking it off, you had decided to just give Iida his distance. You knew he could get into his head about his studies and maybe for once he was just struggling with the material. In the back of your head, you knew that wasn’t it. For once, you decided that you would show up on time to the rest of your classes. Concluding that maybe he was tired of playing cat and mouse with you. Tired of trying to get you to understand his plights.
               When school was let out, you had heard him talking with Momo Yaoyorozu in the hallway about staying after school to help Aizawa with a project. Momo had always been pretty popular in the class, despite you thinking about her being a rich brat. She had done nothing in particular to make you dislike her, but there was always something about people showing off their financial status that bothered you. “I admire how you always go above and beyond for Class 1-A, Iida. You truly are an outstanding student.” You heard Momo compliment him, tone almost too friendly. You didn’t have any reason to be jealous – Iida wasn’t even yours. Yet, hearing her compliment him so calmly and confidently struck a chord with you.
               Iida was out of your league, and always had been.
                You weren’t the best student regarding both your attendance and your grades. Momo was way more popular than you were and honestly, in your own opinion, way better looking. Who were you to think that Iida had actually liked you? “I appreciate that, Yaoyorozu. I try my best to stay on top of things as Class Rep. Especially when it comes to the other students. I try to pick up where they lack to help the image of 1-A come to fruition.” He declared proudly. The color drained from your face hearing the last part of that sentence.
               Was it all a ploy? To get you to play by the rules so he wouldn’t have to constantly remind you of their classes’ image. A strange anger burned inside you as you clenched your fist and you fled back to your dorm in Heights Alliance. The following days played out the same as they usually did for you. Iida was back to focusing on his schoolwork and his group of friends while you mainly stayed secluded to yourself. You would skip class every now and then, but not enough to really irritate the class rep. The last thing you wanted was for Iida to come stomping up to you, whining about attendance and the image he so desperately wanted to portray for his classmates.
               You had kept your distance from him. It didn’t help that you kept catching him hanging out with Yaoyorozu. They were a perfect match. Two of the best students in the class being together. It didn’t hurt you any less of shatter any bit of confidence you had left. The thing that really pushed you over the edge was overhearing Momo talk to Jirou about how she thought her, and Iida looked good together. “I never really stopped to consider him as a possible date, but he really has it all together. A good family, a great goal, and even better quirk to really get him up in ranks.” Momo gushed, sighing afterwards. You hid yourself back in your dorm room after that. You stuck to studying and ignored if anyone had come to your dorm room to interact with you.  
               However, Iida noticed you also distancing yourself from him. He noticed every time you were slightly late to class, every time you skipped or just out right refused to show up and noticed how you didn’t pay attention most of the time when a teacher was giving a lecture. Surely you had to be doing this on purpose to gain his attention. You had admitted it plain as day to him on the top of the school rooftop. The annoyance he was getting from you playing this out, knowing how much it frustrated him, was rising each passing day. Especially when he kept getting looks from their teachers about your lack of care for the class. While it wasn’t directly his fault, it still fell on him when the rest of the class was slacking.
               So, when you weren’t on time on Friday for your homeroom class once again, Iida had had enough. When you entered the classroom, once again all eyes fell on you. Iida could feel the burn of Aizawa’s gaze on him upon your late entry. “Miss Y/L/N. You are once again late to homeroom. You have consecutively been late to most of your classes this week. Your behavior is unacceptable! You are making the rest of the class look foolish with your lackadaisical attitude. We expect this kind of behavior from Denki! Or even Sero for that matter! Yet, here you are, showing up once again late to homeroom!” Iida exclaimed loudly, standing up from his chair at his desk.
               The entire class went silent. You could hear a pin drop from how quiet it had gotten. The eye contact the two of you shared was intense. No one dare spoke up, even during the awkward burning silence that took place after his reprimanding. You were trying to keep yourself composed but it felt like he was personally attacking you. Tears had threatened to fall from your eyes because you were tired yourself. You stayed up all night beating yourself up about why you thought you stood a chance. You obviously didn’t. Especially with the look he was giving you right now. The anger that was burning in his eyes and directed right at you. “What do you have to say for yourself.” He demanded, challenging you to challenge him back.
               And challenge him back you did. The tears threatened to fall down your burning cheeks. How dare he yell at you in front of all your classmates. In front of your teacher. When he was the one who led you on, thinking you even stood a chance. Your eyes glanced over to Momo, and you felt your anger flare up more with her looking so impressed with him. 
             “WELL, MAYBE IF YOU DIDN’T SNEAK YOUR WAY INTO MY BED WHEN I WAS SICK AND MAKE ME FALL FOR YOU, I WOULD PROBABLY ACTUALLY CARE MORE.” You shouted. You almost enjoyed the look of shock that came from Iida’s face at your statement. Everyone’s jaws dropped at your comment and looked back from Iida to you.  If the classroom could get anymore quiet, it would. Tears had started falling down your face as you rushed out of the classroom. Sero had fallen backwards out of his chair being in absolute shock of what you said.
               “Dude seriously? Now is the time you don’t keep your balance?” Kaminari questioned him. Iida took a moment to compose himself before turning swiftly to Sero. “You told me you had it safely balanced with your tape! You need to be more responsible Sero!” He scolded him while chopping his hand in the air. The class started muttering in wonder about what you had said. “Take your seat, Iida Tenya. Everyone else quiet down. Class is starting.” Aizawa sternly said. Iida slowly slid down his seat and tried to focus on what Aizawa was saying.
               But your voice kept ringing in his ears, the sentence that plagued for the rest of the day. What had he done?
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five-rivers · 4 years
Prize for @reblogthegods!  This is a no one knows AU!
Danny touched down behind the school and leaned against the wall, one hand firmly over the gash in his hip.  He blinked at it, feeling bleary.  It wasn’t bleeding, exactly, ectoplasm was too viscous for that, and it tended to gel quickly, but…  Yeah. It didn’t feel good either, and it had been oozing before.  
He should get it cleaned out and put a bandage on it.  Fast. Before he missed even more classes.
Also, what would happen when he changed back to human?  Like, when he changed back, his wounds were usually less bad, but they were never completely gone, and he usually didn’t get anything quite this deep.  Or long.  
Mostly he just got bruises.  Or scratches.  One time he thought he’d broken a couple of fingers.  Which had motivated him to learn how to punch properly, but, well. Yeah.  
Cuts like this were new and terrifying territory. Why did that ghost have a sword?
Maybe he should just try and stay a ghost for as long as possible?  Would he heal faster like that?  He didn’t know.  
Between keeping everything secret from everyone, protecting everyone, and trying to live his life to whatever extent ‘live’ and ‘life’ still applied to him, he hadn’t any time to test the- the limitations of- of whatever he was now.  Maybe he could have made time, but he hated this so much.  
He just-
He just-
(He wanted to be a normal person in a normal town with a normal family.)
He took a deep breath, and trued not to notice how it didn’t make him feel refreshed, or that he hadn’t been breathing since he sat down against the wall.  
Right.  First aid.
And he still had classes.  
Slowly, he reached into the wall and pulled out the kit he had hidden there.  
He slouched into sixth period, avoiding Sam and Tucker’s eyes.  No one else really paid him any mind, although the teacher frowned at him.  It was still passing, though, and he didn’t get called up or told to go to the office.  So.  A win.
It didn’t feel like a win.  It felt like pain.  
Sam leaned forward.  “Where were you?” she hissed, through her teeth.  “You missed fifth period completely.”
Danny shrugged and regretted it instantly.  
It hurt.  
Tucker huffed and turned away.  “If you’re going to skip class,” he said, “you could at least tell us what you’re doing.”
“I’m just—” started Danny.  “I’m not doing anything.”
“Don’t lie to us, Danny.   We—”  She bit down on her lip.  “We are still friends, right?”
“Of course we are!”
Sam looked dubious.  Tucker, for all his staring as he came into the classroom, wouldn’t meet his eye.  
Then the teacher started class.  
“It has to be drugs,” said Sam to Tucker, sitting on the steps in front of the school.  “I don’t know how Danny could be that stupid, but it’s the only explanation.”
“Maybe the hospital gave him painkillers back in August and he couldn’t get off of them?” suggested Tucker.  “I think that happened to one of my aunts…  She got better, though.”
“Maybe,” said Sam.  Her face twisted up.  “But how is he paying for them?  Like, he doesn’t have an allowance.”
“Underground fighting ring?”
“You’re kidding, right?”
“Someone’s beating him up,” said Tucker, “and it isn’t Dash.”
Tucker shrugged, scowling at his PDA.  “I hate this,” he said.  “I hate – Why won’t he talk to us, Sam?  It isn’t like we’d throw him under the bus or rat him out. He knows that.”
“He should know that,” corrected Sam. “And I’m so mad at him, but…” She trailed off, staring down at the weathered concrete of the steps.  
“Yeah,” agreed Tucker.  “Do you think we should tell Jazz?”
“Heck, no,” said Sam, immediately.  “What is that going to do?  We need, like, an intervention or something.”
“Don’t you need someone’s whole family for something like that?”
“I’m going to intervene right in the face of whoever is selling Danny drugs.”
“Ah, the violence route,” said Tucker.  “How did we get here so quickly?”
“Shut up,” said Sam.  “Anything else we do is just going to get Danny in trouble, and I’m not doing that.  Even if he’s being a garbage friend right now.”
“Yeah…” said Tucker.  “So how are we doing this?”
“I may not be the best friend in the whole wide world, but even crappy friends don’t let each other beat up drug dealers in alleyways on their own, even if they do have five years of self-defense classes under their belts.  What if this guy has a gun?  What if there’s more than one?”
Sam buried her head in her hands.  “Frick,” she said, very softly.  
“Would this count as vigilantism, by the way? That’s illegal, right?”
“Frick,” repeated Sam, more passionately.  
“Is this going to be our superhero origin story?” asked Tucker, turning his eyes skyward and making his voice waver dramatically.
“Don’t even joke about that.  The only superhero we know of is dead.”
Tucker turned to look up at Sam.  “I still can’t believe you believe that.  Something weird is going on, but… ghosts?  That sounds more like Danny’s parents than anything acquainted with reality.”
“You’d believe it, too, if you were there,” muttered Sam.  “If you—”  She shook herself.  “Whatever. You, me, tomorrow?”
“If I knew what you were asking me to do, I’d probably say yes.”
“Following Danny, duh.”
“Sure, but… Joking about punching drug dealers or whoever is beating Danny up aside, we should probably treat this as just recon. Because I don’t want to get shot by some crackhead in an alley.  Like, if I did become a ghost, my parents would kill me.”
“Not if the Fentons got you first.”
“Aw, Sam.  You wouldn’t let them hurt your bestest undead friend, now would you?”
“Best undead friend?  No.  You? Yes.”
Tucker snorted, choked, and started wheezing.  
“Anyway, I’m not getting into a fight with you anywhere near me.  If you didn’t take yourself out, you’d take me out.”
“Don’t say it.”
“Bad luck Tuck.”
“Ugh, you said it.”
Both of them sighed, staring across the street without really seeing anything.  
“Tomorrow, then,” said Sam, feeling vaguely relieved.
“Tomorrow,” agreed Tucker.
Whatever had decided to crawl out of the woodwork to torment Danny today hovered on the edge of his awareness, making him shiver intermittently as he played the most aggravating game of ‘hot and cold’ in the world.  Where was it?  He’d lost track of it after he chased it away from Mr. Quigley, the janitor.  
His breath came out blue, briefly, and green flashed in the corner of his eye before something checked him against the shoulder.  He stumbled, biting back curses (he was a superhero, now, technically, and he needed to be a good role model), and gripping his hip.  The cut from yesterday had healed a lot, but not completely.  
But- He knew the ghost was close, now.  Close and fast.  He’d been trying to save his energy by tracking the ghost down as human, but now…  He felt himself smile.  
It was not a particularly nice smile.  It was full of all the stress and nonsense he’d had to put up with since August.  
He was going to beat this little interloper into the ground, teach it better than to haunt his town, hurt his people and get away with it.
Bright white light swept over him, and he jumped into the air.  
“No,” said Tucker.  “We did not just see that.  I refuse.”
“That was—” Sam made a large sweeping upwards motion. “He just flew off!  What the heck kind of drugs do that?  This is—This is—I don’t even know how to say it!”  She kicked a nearby garbage can and then sunk down into a crouch.  
(Even in this state of mind, she was not kneeling on the ground here.  It was gross.)
“We didn’t—It’s got to be something his parents made.  Like Fenton Ghost Steroids or something,” said Tucker, who was shaking.
“His parents,” said Sam.  “His parents.  They’ve been shooting at him, Tucker.”
“I mean…  Yeah.  I guess so. But we didn’t…  Sam,” he croaked.  “Did Danny die and not tell us?”
“No.  No. Just, no.  No way.  He—You were right, earlier.  It has to be ghost steroids or something, and his parents don’t know, so that means we still have to beat up his dealer, but they’re probably a ghost, how do we beat up a ghost?”
“We could ask Danny’s parents?”
“God, no!”  She shook her head violently.  “Did you miss the part where they’re shooting at him?”
Tucker shrugged, defensively.  “Well, who else could teach us how to fight ghost drug dealers?”  He pushed his glasses up his nose and stared up at the sky.  “Maybe it’s not drugs, though?  Like, in retrospect, if it isn’t painkillers, I can’t really see Danny taking drugs.  Even ghost drugs that give you superpowers.”
“I hate all the words that just came out of your mouth.  I must be having a psychotic break.”
“Hey, wait, that’s my line.  I’m the one in denial.  Give it back.”
“Find your own denial.”
“We can’t both be in denial.  Someone needs to drive this car.”
“Drive you right off a cliff, that’s what I’ll do. And I’m going to kill Danny for not telling us about whatever this is.”  Sam’s gestures grew progressively more violent.
“I don’t think you can kill a ghost.  They’re already—”
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence.”  
Tucker held up his hands in surrender.  “Do you think we should wait for him to come back?”
“He probably won’t,” said Sam.  “I mean… he can… fly… apparently.”
“Yeah.  Can’t believe he had his superhero origin story without us.”
“This isn’t a joke, Tucker,” snapped Sam.  
“Well, I’m sorry I have a coping mechanism, okay?” Tucker sighed.  “Should we go back to class?”
“I guess,” said Sam, kicking at the ground. “We’re jumping Danny at the first opportunity, though.”
“Duh,” said Tucker.  
Danny limped into seventh period, drained, and flinched away from Sam and Tucker’s glares.  He felt sick.
There wasn’t anything he could do about the ghost attacks except try to finish them faster, but he’d been a terrible friend lately. They probably were starting to hate him. They were going to leave him.  He could tell.  He couldn’t even blame them.  
If he told them—
They’d be in danger.  
Danger from what, at this point, wasn’t clear, because even if they knew, Danny wasn’t going to let them near any ghost fights, but danger was definitely involved.  A lot of it.  
But if they stopped being friends with him…
The cold thing that had taken up residence in his chest cringed, and he stumbled.  Dash laughed, made an inane comment about his coordination, and lobbed a ball of paper at the back of Danny’s head.  Danny barely noticed.
He didn’t want that.  He needed his friends.  
Sam and Tucker were having some kind of conversation with only their facial expressions by the time Danny sat down, effectively ignoring him.  Now the little ball of cold in his chest felt crushed.  
(Just barely, he resisted the urge to check his pulse.  Whatever had been added to him, he still had that.)
(He was still alive.)
Sam and Tucker were very studiously not looking at him.  
He sank lower in his chair.  
It hurt.  
As soon as they were able to, Sam and Tucker dragged Danny into a secluded nook formed by the intersection of two of the school’s exterior walls and shaded by a large bush.  It was unlikely that anyone would bother them there.  
Danny looked surprised, apprehensive, and oddly pleased at the same time.  
“Uh,” he said, very eloquently.  
He probably intended to say more than that, of course, but Sam didn’t give him the chance.  
“We followed you when you skipped today,” she said.
Immediately, all the blood in his face drained away, leaving him bone pale.  “What?”
“In our defense,” said Tucker, “we thought you were meeting a drug dealer.  Or going to fight in an underground club.”
“No, we didn’t,” said Sam.  “Well, we did with the drug dealer, but not the underground fighting ring.  That’s stupid.  Drugs make so much more sense.”
“You think I’m on drugs?” wailed Danny.  
“Thought,” emphasized Tucker.  “Past tense.”
“That’s not any better!”
“Au contraire!  Now we think you’re on ghost drugs!”
“I am not on ghost drugs!” hissed Danny. “Where would I even get ghost drugs?”
“Your parents?” suggested Sam.  
“Why would my parents have ghost drugs?”
“To drug ghosts with? I don’t know, man, your parents are weird.”                                                                                                                                        
“Why would ghost drugs even—Wait.  How much did you even see?” asked Danny, squinting suspiciously.  “Did you actually see anything, or are you just trying to get me to say something?”
“To be fair, we are trying to get you to say something.”
“We saw you turn into the ghost boy and fly off after a ghost,” said Sam, sharply.  
“Oh.  Heck.”  Danny leaned against the wall.  “You did see something, then.”
“Yeah, and we want to know, if it isn’t ghost drugs, how?  And why?” asked Sam.  “And why didn’t you tell us?”
“I just, um.  I didn’t—This is just—I’m freaked out, okay?  This is really freaking weird, and I—You’re not going to tell my parents, are you?”
“If you’re getting high off of ghost drugs,” said Tucker, “then, yeah, maybe.  Don’t think we haven’t noticed you looking like hell.  There’s got to be a bunch of side effects from ghost drugs.”
“Oh my gosh, Tucker, I’m not on ghost drugs.  There are no ghost drugs, and, considering everything, I’d really prefer it if you didn’t give my parents the idea of ghost drugs because that’s the absolute last thing I need.”
Danny finished the sentence in a rush and now he was breathing too much, which was just great, because apparently that was a thing that could happen to him, now.  Going from maybe not needing to breathe to breathing too much…  He was really having doubts about his humanity right now, and his friends were mad at him because they thought he was on ghost drugs.  Ghost drugs.  
“I’m not on ghost drugs,” he said, perfectly calm.
“Are you—Dude, I think you’re hyperventilating.”
Okay.  Maybe not perfectly calm.  He slid the rest of the way down the wall to the ground, which, wow, was a thing he was doing a lot, lately.  
“Danny?” asked Sam, hesitant.
“I’m fine,” he said.  “Mostly.  Just. Give me a minute, okay?”
They gave him a minute. The minute spiraled into five. Then ten.  Which was a really long time to spend in anxious, awkward silence.
“Okay,” said Danny.  “So.  Uh.  Accident.  In the lab. With the stupid ghost portal.  It kind of messed me up a bit.  Like.  And then I’ve been able to, uh, turn into a ghost.  Since then.”
“You can just… turn into a ghost?” ventured Sam.  
“Just, like, whenever?”
“Yeah.  Pretty much.  At the beginning I couldn’t control it at all, which was pretty, um…  Yeah.  And I can’t when I’m too tired.”
“So, you can die on command?”
“I’m not dead!” snapped Danny.
Tucker took a step back, hitting the bush.  “Sorry. I’m just trying to wrap my head around this whole… thing”
“Yeah,” agreed Sam.  “I mean, you’re breathing and everything. That means you’re alive.  You’re not dead.”
“I’m not dead,” repeated Danny.  “I’ve just got, like, ghost powers, or something.”
“Yeah.  That makes sense.  Because you can’t be dead and alive at the same time.”  Sam laughed.  It sounded more than a little forced.  “That would be—That’s impossible!  Right?”
“Right.”  Danny took a deep breath and let it out slowly.  He was alive.  Sam agreed.  
“And, uh, thanks,” said Sam.
Danny looked up, surprised. “What?”
“For saving me from that ghost,” explained Sam.  
“Oh.”  He blinked.  “You’re welcome?  It really—I mean, of course I saved you.  You’re my friend.”
Tucker leaned in.  “I think Sam has a crush on ghost you.”
“Tucker, if I kill you, they’ll never find the body,” said Sam.
“No murder, please,” said Danny.  He sniffed. “Are we—Are we okay, now?”
“No,” said Sam.  She poked him in the head.  “I still don’t get why you didn’t tell us.  And you have to tell us everything.  And let us help you.  Because you really do look like you’re on drugs.  That’s how crappy you look.”
“You can’t,” protested Danny, alarmed.  “I’ve got, you know, but you-!”  
“I don’t think she means actively fighting the ghosts, dude.”
“The hell I don’t.”
“Okay, maybe Sam wants to actively fight the undead, or whatever, but you need people to cover for you, at least.  Your skipping out of class thing is… not subtle.  Why do you do that, anyway?  Why not go after the ghosts when it isn’t school time?”
“I don’t really have a choice,” mumbled Danny.  “I can feel them, and it’s like, I don’t know…”  He looked up.  “Can we… talk about this somewhere else?  I don’t want to do this in the open.”
“Crud.  Yeah,” said Tucker.  “No superhero stuff where normal people can hear it.  Come on, we can camp out in my attic or something.”
“Are there even normal people in Amity Park?” asked Danny, pushing himself off the ground.  
“I don’t—Oh my god, Danny, what is that?”
“What is-?  Oh.  Yeah. So.  Ghosts are not gentle.  And some of them have swords.”
“You got stabbed?” wheezed Tucker, his voice squeaking.  “By a ghost?”
“More like slashed, but…” Danny raised his hands helplessly. “Yeah.”  He rubbed one of his eyes.  He was exhausted.  
“Are you… okay?”
Danny laughed.  “No.  No, I am not. Can we go, now?  Please?”
“I’m saying this as someone who hates hospitals, but you should get that looked at.  Really.”
“I’m ninety percent sure I have ectoplasm in my blood, so I’m going to take a hard pass on that one.”
“Ouch!” said Danny. His most recent fight with a ghost had been violent, and he’d yet again come away with injuries Sam and Tucker deemed ‘serious.’  “Are you sure you’re doing this right?”
“Look, Mr. No-Hospital, I had to learn first-aid from YouTube.  And I’ve only had a week to learn, because you didn’t tell us you decided to take up the family business.”
“Still more than what he did for himself,” said Tucker, peering over the back of Sam’s sofa.  “It’s just butterfly clips, anyway.  Not stitches.”
“Heh, butterfly clips,” said Danny.  “Makes me think of—Ouch!—barrettes.”
“Berets?” asked Tucker, adjusting his hat.
“Barrettes.  Hair barrettes.  Like, you know, the one Star wears all the time.  With the flower.”
“Oh.  Yeah.  No, I get what you mean.  But, yeah, you’re right about Danny’s medical skills.  Or should I say, the lack thereof.”
“Guys, I’m injured. Can you give it a rest?”
“Hm.  As you let yourself walk around with a mostly untreated stab wound, no.”
“It was more of a slash,” protested Danny.  Again. “A cut.  Not a stab.”
“Keep telling yourself that,” said Sam.  “Anyway, I’m done.  And you’re lucky whatever’s going on with your body keeps you from getting infections. I had to pick so much gravel out of your back it isn’t even funny.”
“Are we sure he can’t get infections?” mused Tucker.  “He could just be really lucky.”
“In no universe am I lucky,” groaned Danny.  “You’d think the freak lab accident would have shown you that.”  Danny sat up and stretched before pulling his shirt back on.
“Speaking of,” said Sam. “Are you ever going to tell us what actually happened?  You said it had to do with your parents’ portal, but…”
Danny had frozen.  “I…” he said, softly, not looking at either of them. “I will.  It’s just… not yet.  I’m not…  Just not yet.”
“It’s cool, man,” said Tucker.  “Take your time.  We’ll be there when you’re ready.”
Danny smiled.  “Thanks.”
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khaotic-kitsunes · 4 years
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Okay, but like, I suffered through this fucking request for a solid 48 hours. That’s how many hours I put into the actual writing, that doesn’t count anything else but sitting here, writing this request. Don’t get me wrong, I love writing for everyone but this one, single request just threw me for a fucking loop and don’t feel bad or anything but I just. I couldn’t. I tried, I really tried. The closest I got, was what I’ve put below...
Shouto is a character I STRUGGLE with on a good day, but this, was mind-bogglingly frustrating because I WANTED to write a good smutty scenario for you but I just couldn’t and I’m so, so, so sorry about that!
But even so, I hope you can still enjoy what I managed to write up for your request, even if it isn’t smut...please feel free to come let me know what you think of it anyways. And remember! Any feedback I get at this stage is just, really nice to hear while I’m writing stuff every day...
Click Me 
Cheeky Kitsune 🦊💋
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 You frowned as you looked at your phone, after the crappy day that you had had, you weren’t particularly in the mood to socialise; however, seeing Shouto’s name flash on the screen had you re-thinking your sullen mood-based decision.
 It was impossible for you to work out how the Alpha knew when you were upset, but each time you had a bad day, without exception; he would call you and ask if you were alright. Though, sometimes he would come by anyway no matter your response to the question; one day you might even be brave enough to ask how he knew, but for now it was a question better left unasked.
 Chewing on your bottom lip, you reached for the device. If you didn’t answer, he would simply show up on your doorstep in a matter of minutes and it would be better to avoid that if you could, given the reason for your bad mood.
 “What’s wrong?”
 “A bad day at work, that’s all” You responded with a quiet voice, trying your best to hold back all of your emotions so that he couldn’t read you. Shouto wasn’t the best when it came to reading people, but somehow, he had picked up your moods and emotions; which made the idea of a dragged-out conversation with him at the moment, incredibly unappealing.
 “Do you need me to come over?”
 His question made you smile silently to yourself, gaze flickering to the ceiling before you closed your eyes in thought; briefly considering the idea of asking him to come over. Truthfully, it would be nice to enjoy his company, but then you would only be reminded of the very gossip that you had discovered hours earlier; the gossip that had led to you getting in an argument with your fellow workers and that was the last thing you wanted.
 “…Not today Shouto, I’d rather be alone” You sighed out the answer, sealing its finality as you opened your eyes and pulled yourself up into a sitting position; the blood beginning to rush to your head in the position that you had been in, leaving you feeling queasy.
 “Are you sure? I could bring dinner?”
 You hummed faintly, pretending to consider his offer before moving off of the bed and walking out of the room, making your way through your humble home. The idea of food did appeal to you, but the idea of having to explain what you had heard to Shouto made that feeling shrivel up into non-existence.
 “Thanks Shouto, but I’m sure. I’ll find something around the house to cook up. Maybe another time?” You frowned at the unusual silence on the other end of the line, wondering if you should have accepted his offer rather than turn him down; though it was far too late now. You had made your decision.
 “Alright, I’ve got to go. I’ll call later.”
 You blinked in surprise, hearing the faint beeps that told you he had hung up as soon as he had finished speaking; leaving you no time at all to wish him a good night. It was strange, but then again, he could still be working; you had no idea if he had called you during one of his breaks or if he had called during work.
 “Bye…” You whispered out the farewell to your phone, staring at the ‘call ended’ message on the screen before pressing your thumb to the standby button; shoving the unneeded device into your pocket, not wanting to make any phone-calls that you would likely end up regretting.
 ~ ~  ~
 “…I should have guessed you’d stop by anyway…” You sighed out in defeat, smacking your head against the front door that you held open part-way; not enough to let Shouto inside your home, but more than enough for him to observe your current display.
 “You didn’t sound okay on the phone.” You pursed your lips at his statement, tilting your head to the side as you watched him. Even though you knew there was a possibility that he would show up on your doorstep anyway, you had thought that he would know when you didn’t want to be disturbed; apparently, you had been wrong.
 Then again, maybe he realised that you always wanted his company. You hoped that that wasn’t the case but it was hard to imagine him showing up for any other reason, that and ‘you didn’t sound okay on the phone’ wasn’t the greatest reason for visiting someone unannounced. Especially when that someone said they wanted to be alone for the day.
 “…I brought your favourite…?” Shouto mumbled the offering under his breath, lifting his hand to hold up the take-away dinner that he had clearly bought for the both of you as a way to get inside after disobeying your wishes. For as oblivious as he could be, he certainly knew how to get his way into your home.
 “You know where the kitchen is” You shrugged off your annoyance at his visit, opening the front door further as you took a step back; allowing him to enter and make his way through the house that he had become familiar with over the years of knowing you.
 “Are you upset that I’m here?” You closed the door as Shouto called out the question to you, locking it before making your way through the house, mirroring his footsteps until you reached the kitchen doorway. You didn’t bother going into the somewhat cramped space, not wanting to get in his way as Shouto went about gathering the necessary plates and utensils; getting the shared dinner ready before it went cold and needed reheating.
 Though you suspected that he had been using his left side to keep the food warm on his journey here; you were certain he didn’t realise it, but you were well-aware of the little habits he had developed when concerning his left side.
 “Not upset…maybe a little annoyed though” You spoke softly as he continued to plate up the food, a slight frown forming on his features as he moved about. Even though you hated to see him like that, you knew it would be pointless to lie to him; you had always been a terrible liar according to those closest to you.
 “Because I’m here?” You nodded in response to his question before stepping closer to take the plate that he held out to you, a knife and fork resting neatly on the edge of the plate; ready for you to take into the other room where you would undoubtedly settle to watch some kind of show or movie together.
 “Because you’re here when I said I needed to be alone.” You clarified the reason hesitantly, keeping your voice quiet and soft so that he would know you weren’t mad with him as such; you had just needed time alone. Though it was too late now, he was here and he had brought food with him; it would be rude to kick him out.
 “I could leave, if that helps” Shouto watched you closely as he suggested the idea to you, hands hovering by his own plate, likely ready to pack up his share of the food should you agree to the obvious last second plan.
 “I don’t think it would.” You turned your back to him slowly, satisfied when you heard him pick up his own plate and cutlery.
 “But next time, I won’t let you in. Even if you do have delicious food to make up for the fact” You peeked over your shoulder at him, waiting until he gave a nod of understanding before moving to walk into your lounge room; pointing over at the remotes on the table for Shouto to grab on his way through.
 “…Even if you don’t sound okay on the phone?” You sighed out at his question, plonking yourself on the couch and cradling the plate carefully so that the food wouldn’t spill; sending Shouto an unamused look.
 “Right, okay…” He avoided your gaze as he picked up one of the many remotes, knowing it was the one for the TV without much more than a glance; getting himself comfortable on the other side of the couch. If this were any other day, you might sit closer and use his left side for warmth; but today, you weren’t in the mood for such antics.
 “Are you going to kick me out after we’re finished eating?” You looked over at Shouto when the question fell from his lips, raising an eyebrow in surprise as you began to eat your still hot dinner; you couldn’t deny that it was an appropriate question to ask. It had simply surprised you; that was all, that he had been concerned enough to ask about it.
 “…No, you can stay” You mumbled out the words after swallowing the mouthful of food, taking note of how he visibly relaxed before turning your head back towards the screen; a comfortable silence settling over the two of you as you ate your dinner.
 ~ ~  ~
 “Are you going to tell me what happened today?”
 You glanced at Shouto briefly, sighing out as you looked back towards the plate in your hands, running the tea-towel over it while Shouto continued to wash the dishes the two of you had used earlier; now that the movie was over, it was time to clean up and while you had hoped that he would leave well enough alone. It seemed the half-and-half Alpha had other ideas.
 “Does it really matter that much? You have bad days at work and I don’t pressure you about them…” You trailed off into a quiet grumble, closing your eyes to force away the bitterness from your voice before moving to set the plate down in its rightful place, reaching out for the next thing to dry; though before you could grab a hold of anything, Shouto’s soapy hand shot out to grab your wrist.
 “Hey! What the he—”
 “It matters to me (Name)!”
 Your mouth dropped open as he tugged on your wrist, turning your body to face him as he stepped closer, boxing you in against the kitchen counter; releasing you only to press his hand against the bench beside your hip. Trapping you in place and leaving you no other option than to stare up at him in bewilderment.
 “You’re my friend and I care about you! Instead of brushing me off, just, just talk to me…” Shouto breathed heavily as he stared down at you, frustration present on his usually calm features; faint sparks of flame coming from his left side. A sight that you had seen many times before, yet it still amazed you; especially with how close the two of you were. Chest to chest, in your kitchen that suddenly felt far smaller than it really was.
 “…Talk to you? You want me to talk to you? And tell you what Shouto? That I got upset over finding out that I’m the talk of the office? The little Omega that can’t find herself an Alpha, or that the Alphas that do hang around her don’t want her, so something must be wrong!” You frowned deeply as the words began to spill out past your lips, the day’s frustration and anger filling the explanation that Shouto had been after ever since he called you. It was maddening, having to tell him something so personal; to have had no time to collect your thoughts on the matter to the point where you could at least talk to him without your emotions getting the better of you. Without the doubt nagging away at you that they had been right, that there was something wrong with you.
 “I just wanted to be alone, Shouto. I haven’t had a moment to myself all day and when I finally think I’m safe, when I’m finally at home after having to deal with the entire office talking about me behind my back about what’s wrong with me…you’re calling me! Then you’re visiting me and god damn it Shouto, I love having you around. I do.” You leaned your head forwards as you closed your eyes, squeezing them shut tightly so that the tears of frustration that threatened to fall, couldn’t; using his muscled chest to hide yourself from him.
 “Is this one of those times where there’s a ‘but’?”
 You laughed quietly at his awkwardly muttered question, a dry, exhausted laugh formed of all the emotions you had done your best to bury throughout the day; or maybe even longer than today, you really didn’t know anymore.
 “Yes, Shouto…it is” You whispered out the words, taking a few seconds to regain your composure before leaning your head back and lifting your hands to rub at your eyes; refusing to let him see the tears that had nearly fallen.
 “As much as I love having you around, there are some things that I can’t tell you…and I know, you’re right. We are friends and I know you care about me; I do…but, something like this…it feels too personal to tell you.” You managed to get the words out without any anger, your shoulders slumping as you lifted your gaze to stare up at the conflicted looking Alpha; his silence making you feel uneasy about the words you had just said.
 Even though Shouto wasn’t the problem, he was most certainly one of the symptoms of your current mood and it was infuriating trying to get that across without telling him any more than he needed to know.
 “I want you.” You opened your mouth to say something in response before going still, closing your mouth before opening it again only for silence to occupy your tongue; you couldn’t be certain but you could have sworn that Shouto just said that he wanted you.
 After everything that you had just said to him, that was certainly not the response that you had been expecting.
 “You…you what now?” You continued to stare at him like he had grown a second head, unable to tear your gaze away after having heard such an astonishing thing come out of your friend’s mouth; it didn’t matter that you had just heard it, there was absolutely no way that you could believe it.
 “You said they were saying that the Alphas that hang around you don’t want you, right? They’re wrong. I want you.” He spoke quietly, his voice coming out strong as he stared down at you, keeping his hands glued to the bench so that you couldn’t run away from the conversation that you had been doing your best to avoid all night. Though the end result had taken a surprising turn, thankfully not for the worst.
 “That isn’t funny” Your bottom lip trembled as the words escaped you, even though you knew this definitely wasn’t something that Shouto would joke about; it was hard to believe that he had really said such a thing to you.
 “I think we both know I’m not making any jokes, (Name).” You gulped at his words, pressing yourself back against the bench behind you more when he leaned down to your level; lips brushing against your own. Almost as if he were testing your reaction, then again, that’s probably exactly what he was doing.
 “I want you…it took a long time to work that out, but if you don’t feel the same wa—” You leaned up to silence him, pressing your lips against his properly while your arms moved around his neck; keeping him at your level. If this was his awkward confession, then you were going to make your feelings on the matter crystal clear; that you very much felt the same for the half-and-half Alpha.
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honeypirate · 3 years
Just In Case part two
Part one here
The awakening
(Lol that’s kinda dramatic)
Bakugou x fem reader married pro hero au
The first paragraph is kind of a spoiler for season five ep one.
Anyway!! I hope you like this!! I hate angst with not a good ending so I had to make it a good ending with family fluff.
(You went to the hospital as a hero so he uses your hero name at the receptionist)
Kirishima feels like he’s in school again as he races his car from the office down to the hospital except this time Bakugou was in the passenger seat instead of on the hood.
“Can you go any faster? Fuck” bakugou grumbled and kiri laughed once “I’m going seventy in a 45 I think I’m at the limit. Plus we’re here” before he can even stop the car, Bakugou is slamming the door and running. “Lightseeker?” He’s asking the receptionist who seems a little star struck “come on!” He shouts and slaps the counter making her jump. “DynaMight” recovery girl says from the doorway and he’s never moved this fast before in his life.
“What happened? They told me she was gone” his voice is angry, he’s pissed. He’s never been this god damn angry before in his life. They said she was dead but she’s alive! These goddamn doctors don’t know shit apparently.
“We don’t know. She was dead. She was gone. They were about to take her to the morgue but her body lit up with electricity and then she was breathing and alive and screaming for you. We just got out of surgery and she should still be under anesthesia until the morning.”
The first responders get there and bakugou checks out, they order him to move rubble or move other things and he helps how he can moving immediately. They free your body, one first responder had her hands on your face the whole time already healing what she could and pulling your body back together as the heavy piece of building was levitated away.
He followed behind them and sat by you in the ambulance, quiet and in shock as he numbly watched them work over you. He watched, like an out of body experience, as you flatlined. Watched as they tried to resuscitate you. Watched as the woman’s hands fell from your body and watched as her mouth moved calling the time of death.
He stared at your face the rest of the ride, ingraining your face in his memory. Trying to grasp the fact that he will never see you smile again, never hear your voice, never experience parenthood with you.
That’s what breaks him. Thinking of the half painted pastel green room, flashing back to finding you laying in the middle of the room unsure of the color again (the fourth color you’ve painted it) he laid beside you and you talked about colors and baby names for hours looking around the small room and imagining your future.
He had quiet tears going down his cheeks and he’s only semi aware of the woman handing him a card to the hospital morgue and their grief therapist before the police chief is there wanting a statement.
(Back to present)
He looks through the room window, watching you breathe with the help of a breathing tube. Your right arm was in a cast and your chest was bandaged under your hospital gown.
He was scared, terrified the moment he walks through that door he’d wake up and this would be a dream, you’d be gone.
Recovery girl has gone and he’s by himself but he still can’t go in there. “Hey man” Kirishima says softly “what happened?”
“She came back. They don’t know how”
Kirishima takes in Bakugous state, noticing the worry in his eyes and how he seems frozen to his spot. He decides to take the lead. “Hey y/n” Kirishima says gently as he walks into the room, Bakugou feels panic and follows him quickly.
“I’m glad you’re back. I don’t know how I could have lived without your caramel cake and your sense of humor. No one can put Bakugou here in his place like you could. He’d be insufferable without you so truly from the bottom of my heart, thank you”
Bakugou glares at him, but is grateful for him taking the lead and helping him through his fear.
“Hey pretty girl” Bakugou says and takes your hand, Kirishima smiles softly and pats his shoulder as he leaves the room.
“You scared the fuck outta me” he said, tears filling his eyes again as he sits in the chair beside the bed. “Never do that again” his voice cracks and he drops his head to the bed next to your left hand which he has clasped between his. Hot tears falling to the crappy hospital blanket that scratches his face. He was so broken, so terribly ripped to shreds when he thought you were dead. And to have himself be ripped to shreds and then tell him you’re alive? Fuck it hurt. He cried harder than he ever had from the pain of losing you to get you back, he didn’t know how to handle the whiplash of emotion.
At some point he must have fallen asleep because he woke up to the sensation of you running your fingers through his hair. His head shot up and the moment he’s looking into your eyes he’s crying again, his eyebrows knit as tears spill from his eyes “you dumbass” he mutters with a thick tongue and you chuckle “don’t cry sweetheart” you say softly and brush his tears away with your left hand, not moving more than that. “I’m right here” you whisper, your eyes filling with tears.
He stands and leans over, pressing his forehead into yours. “Please” he whispers. Not really sure what he’s asking, just knowing he needs you to be with him longer. “I’m here. I’m with you. Right here” you say and press your lips to his in a little peck causing his breath to hitch.
When he relaxes and sits back down, his hand never leaving yours, you tell him your experience.
“I woke up a little while ago as the doctors removed my breathing tube and I made them be quiet so they wouldn’t wake you” he chuckles gently, everything still feeling so fragile, “always thinking of me” he says and reaches out, brushing your cheek softly and you lean into his touch
“I remember what happened” you whisper and he raises his eyebrows “when you died?” He asks in a whisper and you nod “do you wanna talk about it?” He asks gently and you sigh softly
“I was floating in the darkness. I was wondering where you were. I wanted you. All of my favorite memories of you and I together filled that darkness. I saw what our future will be like” you close your eyes as tears start to fall “it was so beautiful. Our family” he feels tears prick his eyes as you talk and his hand tightens around yours.
You look into his eyes and smile “I don’t know if it was real. But she looked just like you, Katsuki. Crazy blonde hair and she had a quirk where one hand is explosions and the other was electricity. She was funny and sweet and she had my eyes” he smiles softly imagining the child “she ran to me and placed her palm against my chest and used her electricity and then I was here”
He lays his cheek against your thigh facing you and closes his eyes “I don’t know if it’s real or just a dream” he says softly “but I’m grateful to whoever it was who gave you back to me”
(Skippy skip)
He’s been so much more open with his feelings after that day and it’s been amazing. You two had gone to couples therapy just to help guide you both through that process and it brought you both closer together.
Healing was bitch. Physical therapy was a bigger bitch. But Bakugou was there every step of the way in your recovery. You’ve never seen him more attentive since you were dating. He got home from his patrol and wrapped his arms around your middle as you cooked dinner “I missed you today. The office is so empty without you” he mumbles against your neck and you smile, reaching up and cupping his cheek “I’ll be back soon” you say and turn in his arms “buuut maybe not that soon” you say with a knowing smirk and he raises his eyebrows “what do you mean?” You pull the stick out of your pocket and hand it to him
He’s quiet for a moment, looking down at the capped pregnancy test in his palm and at the pink line that confirmed his dreams “is this..” he looks up to you and you see the tears in his eyes “we’re gonna have a baby, Katsuki”
(Skippy skip)
He opens the room to the doctors office panting “sorry 'm late” he says as he takes his spot next to you in the bed, your hand taking his and squeezing it. “Right on time” excitement fills your voice and he kisses the top of your head. “I see the feet here” the doctor points out and types into the computer “and here’s the hands… and here is the little face” your eyes are hooked on the screen, so enamored by seeing your little one in your tummy. You hear a sniff and look up to see bakugou crying and it makes your heart swell “and here it is..” she turns to you “do you wanna know the sex?” You and bakugou both say yes at the same time and she laughs “it’s a girl”
(Skippy skip)
You hear an explosion in your house and panic, running to check on your daughter. You bust through her door and find her holding a busted and charred plastic dinosaur. “Sweetie what happened?” You kneel in front of her and she laughs “he was going to eat my Barbie and I had to save her”
Later that evening when Bakugou is sitting down with her explaining her quirk and his, that’s when the electricity manifested and she shot a bolt at your tv making it explode. You stared for a moment then looked at Bakugou both busting up laughing before helping her with ways to control it.
Later that night
“It’s real” you say as you cuddle into his side “it’s her” he hums and holds you close “she brought me back” he fights back tears “my precious girls” he says softly.
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emeraldbabygirl · 3 years
N.Flying reaction to you being on your moon
So I decided to write a thing. I’m not sure if this is a reaction but I know it’s not a headcannon..at least I don’t think it is. And I wanna start with this one and from here on out write the titles at the top and fix any previous works that are framed like this so it looks better? I’m still trying to figure out how I want my layouts to look like. Btw for some reason tumblr is whack and it’s not showing me any gifs of N.Flying except for like five and they’re all recent from the Moonshot mv and it’s not what I’m looking for. It’s been happening with me a lot not whenever I search for a gif it only spits up a few and they are recent like everything else got deleted? Idk it could be a bug on my end or just tumblr doing its stupid thing so this reaction unfortunately won’t have gifs :( I’m sorry
Seunghyub: Seunghyub was a man that would come running to you at the drop of a hat. He was very gentle and understanding with you while you were on your moon and he loved showering you with cuddles and kisses in hopes it would cheer you up cause he knew how moody you could get. You came home from work and not meaning to sound like a bitch you grumbled at his friendly greeting. Seunghyub was too smart to frown as he knew you couldn’t help it. He followed you down the hall entering you room and then the bathroom to draw you a nice bubble bath. He figured the light might be to harsh if you had a headache so he lit a couple candles around and found you in your room attempting to crawl into bed with your work clothes still on. “Darling come here I drew you a nice bubble bath.” He said pulling you out of bed. You grumbled and attempted to fight him like a cat afraid of water. “Come on now you don’t want to sleep in your clothes. You’ll feel better after a bath huh?” You huffed in defeat as Seunghyub led you into the bathroom. Helping you with your clothes he held your hand as you stepped in the warm water. You immediately sighed and began relaxing. Seunghyub let you close your eyes as he gently washed your hair and scrubbed your back. “Thank you for this Seunghyub really. And the candles are cute.” You smiled warmly at him. Seunghyub hands are covered in bubbles but he still cups the side of your face to kiss you. “Anytime Darling.”
Chahun: For the most part you were calm as far as mood on your period but your cravings for random foods and your appetite always increased. Chahun has picked you up from work and you were passing every fast food place and restaurant in the universe. Well that’s what it felt like. “Hunnnnn I want fried chicken..or a hamburger. Look there’s a sushi restaurant right there let’s get something to eat pleaseeee” you whined pressing your face against the window. “It’s late love, we’re going home. I’ll fix you something then okay?” Chahun said. You appreciated and loved Chahun cooking for you but you wanted greasy food right now and you felt bad about him always cooking despite you knowing full well how to. “Chahun..don’t you think you cook too often for me? I mean..wouldn’t you like a break? Besides I really want to go out.” The rest of the ride was silent. You sat at the table in sweats and watched Chahun shuffle around the kitchen. You loved watching him cook you just felt bad that he was always doing it and even when you weren’t hungry he still insisted. You felt even worse when you were on your period. Chahun finished up and plated food for both of you landing a kiss on the top of your head before placing your food in front of you. “I know you want fast food and I know you think I cook to much for you but I think home cooked meals are better on your tummy, especially during your lady time. Also you are my girlfriend and I enjoy cooking for you as a sign of love. Now eat up and then we can do whatever you want for the rest of the evening.” You smiled taking a bite of food. Chahun was too sweet.
Jaehyun: Jaehyun always did his absolute best to cheer you up whenever you were having your monthly and most of the time he could get a smile out of you. Tonight though you were laying on the couch in tears from the cramps you were having and Jaehyun couldn’t seem to cheer you up. He tried jokes, dancing goofy, breaking one of his sticks on purpose but nothing was working, you were in too much pain. Jaehyun kneeled in front of you moving your hair away from your face so he could wipe the tears that were falling. “Sweetie I’m sorry you’re so much pain..is there anything I can do?” Jaehyun was sad seeing you like this. “Rip out my uterus please” you said. This sent Jaehyun into a laughing fit. The sudden outburst from him and seeing him roll around on the floor from how silly you were being put a small smile on your face but that went away when you got a cramp the felt like you got kicked really hard in the stomach. Jaehyun settled down and noticed your silent suffering. “Hey, let’s lay down on the bed it’s probably more comfy. I can make you some tea and..” Jaehyun stopped talking. You probably didn’t feel like getting up. Jaehyun decided to just sit with you and comfort you as best he good. He heated up a hot pack and placed it on next to your side. Running his hand through your hair helped you relax a little and the hot pack slowly started to help with the cramps. Jaehyun covered you up with a blanket as you drifted off to sleep and quietly cleaned up the living room.
Hweseung: Hweseung was use to how moody you were. He comforted you whenever you cried wheather it was cramps or you got sad, he bought you your comfort foods when you were hungry and cranky and he even put up with your random laughing fits. He knew how your emotions could get on your time of the month but he was confused this month as you kept initiating sex. You weren’t normally like this and poor Hweseung didn’t know how to go about it. “Fuck me Hweseungggg” you blurted out while you to were on the couch watching tv. Hwesung was so surprised he nearly spit out his tea. “W-what?” Hweseung said after catching his breath. Did he hear you right? “Come on I’m hornyyyy” you whined starting to attack his neck with your lips. “Babe, do you really feel like having sex right now? It’s messy and you might hurt more. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable..also you don’t want to get pregnant now do you?” Hweseung was very aware of the ovulation cycle and knew that today would be the best time to have sex if you were looking to make mini yous. “Yesss let’s make lots of babies please Hweseung. Fuck me I’ll feel better.” You said against his neck. Hweseung sat as you cuddled and crawled all over him. Hweseung himself wasn’t fond of the idea of period sex at all. He definitely thought it was a bad idea while you were menstruating but he didn’t want to upset you. After contemplating for awhile and going over the possibilities of you actually getting pregnant he decided he would go through with it. But he took to long as he could hear your light snoring as you must’ve conked out from exhaustion. Hweseung sighed in relief seeing you out with your head on his lap. You looked like a cat, it made Hweseung smile. He repositioned your head in a more comfy direction and rubbed your lower back while he continued to watch tv. He chuckled to himself at the thought of you falling asleep during sex. You were just too tired and you needed your sleep.
Dongsung: Dongsung was really good to you around your time of the month. He would give you hot packs if you were having cramps, cook for you or order anything you wanted, draw you baths or set clothes out for you after a shower. He would tend to your every need and you were thankful but he was always running around too much. “Dongsung,” you said coming out of your room after changing from your work clothes. Dongsung practically rushed to your feet with a concerned look. He was always so adorable it made you sad that he felt he had to tend to your every need. “Is everything okay babe?” He asked worry in his voice. You sighed. “Can we just watch a movie tonight. You always work so hard to help me and I just want you to stop and relax. Can we just have an easy night tonight? Please?” Dongsung nodded quietly and grabbed your hand and you both walked to the living room. “Can I still make popcorn though?” You smiled out how perfectly silly he was. “Yes of course, but hurry up please I wanna cuddle.”
I did Hweseung’s last so sorry if it’s kind of crappy towards the end. It took me two hours to finish this cause I was distracted from vibing to N.Flying lmao. Anyway I wanted to make this cause I’m in my N.Flying feels again and I just thought this would be a nice lil thingy. (Also side note I feel like Hweseung would be really sweet and neat during sex in general and even more so if it was period sex even though period sex is gross and messy but I just wanted to add all the aspects and things around your moon time)
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