#<- just incase something else happens. in the future
thrilloffirstlove · 2 years
Zora I need you to. I need you to attack the schools social worker
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redactedrem · 5 months
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You know what? Fuck you. *Ponifies Batman*
Guys I'm so excited to share my newest project of ponifying the Batfam, it started out small with the hypothetical "I wonder what Batman would be like in a mlp universe." And then the project kept getting bigger and bigger.
If anyones interested in my world building/ headcanons surrounding this project, you can see it under the cut. (I didn't want to make the post too long.)
Incase anybody couldn't read my bad handwriting, I gotchuuu.
-(First pic) Bruce Wayne: Bruce had got his cutiemark the night of his parents death, after the grief had broken his spirit and he realized that he never wanted anypony else to feel the same pain as he does. (He has a fake cutiemark to cover up his obvious destiny)
- The first pic is pretty self explanatory, but I want to make it clear that Bruce's destiny isn't "My parents are dead so now I dress up as a bat and beat up mentally ill folk". Because I've seen people on here give hot takes on cutiemarks that directly link them to a ponies destiny.
This goes for specifically in the mlp fandom but (for the sake of being on topic) I'll use the the example of that one post where someone gave the hot take that Jason would get his cutiemark in the warehouse right before he dies (or after he dies? smthing like that) because "It would be really fucked up to know that you were always destined to die." And listen, I can appreciate some good Jason Todd whump as the next guy but knowing that this would be based in a mlp universe . . . just doesn't sit right with me.
It sounds less magical that way. Its like saying that Rainbow Dash was always meant to be the fastest flyer, so theres no point in trying to compete with her. So uhm, trying to stay on topic here. My personal hot take is that a pony's cutiemark is symbol of something that they do/ a skill or talent that they have that makes them happy. And whats a more magical and fulfilling destiny than doing something that makes you happy for the rest of your life?
Looping back to Bruce, he didn't get his cutiemark the moment his parents died, but I like to think that he got it sometime later on in the night. After hours of being checked on by the police, getting looked at by the paramedics, and after Alfred took him home. Its 1:40ish in the morning and tiny foal-Bruce is just staring at his bedroom wall feeling numb and dissociated to hell. And sometime after processing everything that night- he just decides that this is the worst thing that has ever happened to him and that he will do anything to make sure that nopony will ever feel the same pain that he has felt. And then-- Ta da!! Cutiemark!! Too bad neither he or Alfred got to experience the excitement when they both saw it the next day :')
(Edit: I didn't know where to put this detail, but Bruce's fake cutiemark is based off of the "Make It Wayne" TV logo from this fanfic here )
-(Second pic) The Bat: This is heavily inspired by Flutterbat, I know theres canonically already a race of bat ponies made from Lunas stunt as Nightmare Moon. But I chose to go through with the Flutterbat route because batponies are a race, and have bat-like features 24/7. In comparison Fluttershy maintains her pegasus appearance by day and transforms into Flutterbat at night (ALSO with there being implications that there are "Triggers" for her transformations in the day too!!) Which adds the "Vampire." right in front of her batpony title.
I might do a lil comparison chart between vampire batponies and regular batponies in the future or something. But for now I'm focusing on my batpony Bruce Wayne headcanons so yea. My point is that I felt like making Bruce a "vampire" batpony would give him a more solid secret identity with also the bonus of a really metal origin story.
Now we all know that the canonical origin story of batman is that a few months after the tragedy of his parents death, Bruce had fallen into a cave? a well? a pit? of bats and triggered a fear of bats since then. Later on he decides to become Batman so he can invoke the fear of bats he once had into the criminals of Gotham. Yadda yadda yadda.
Now canonically, we don't know the exact science on how Fluttershy turned into Flutterbat. What we do know is that at the time, pony magic is not researched enough for Twilight to be aware that Fluttershys "Stare" is her own form of pony magic and that it would interfere with Twilights spell.
Do you see where I'm getting at here? Uhmm don't ask me what exactly happened in the cave, I'm doing this for fun and thinking about it too hard makes me spiral. But uhmm something something- Bruce looked at a bat in the eye and decided to embrace his biggest fear to fuel his cause, and his already traumatized and fucked up pony magic had transformed his body- something something. (Edit: I didn't think about this until now but maybe Fluttershys "Stare" and Bruces "Bat Glare" could be a usage of the same form of magic? Just a thought)
I'll probably come up with a more suitable explanation in the future, but like I said. All of this is just for fun.
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becstxr · 6 months
Foreseen future || 1 (EDITED)
Of all things to happen in your life, being sold to the two harbingers of whom you sought as most feared. The Regrator and The Doctor. Being blind didn't help much you didn't know what was happening until you heard the voices of the two harbingers.
"Dear Regrator, why must you take my funds to buy such things. My research is far more important then some street rat whose blind. even if she is quite a mythical Beauty... unless you bought her for my experiments..?" His voice had the distasteful husk in it, one that made you feel like your flesh was being singed from the bone. The Regrator, growled lightly filled with distaste as to what his 'business' companion was trying to suggest. "Such a captivating being is not for such things Doctor..." The Regrator's voice was so much nicer to listen too in comparison to The Doctors, his voice was smooth and velvety and gave off the feeling of wind when the temperature is at the perfect level, making you feel like your floating. The two, started to whisper most likely thinking I couldn't hear them, I could and it only scared me more. "Do you not know the joys of owning such beauty's as her? No one else gets to look at her, no one else gets to touch her, she all ours my beloved Dottore." Hearing that last word made me feel like a thousand Rifthounds where chewing on my intestines. "...Well... maybe it won't be that bad... I still wish to do experiments though, harmless ones at you request?" His voice sounded humored and it didn't help that knawing felling in my tummy. Tears swelled in my eyes behind the bandages that covered my eyes, and my breath turned ragged catching the attention of the two harbingers. "my darling~ do not cry!" The whine The regrator let out just sounded plain degrading, as he quickly walked over and cupped my cheeks. "We won't hurt you~ oh no~ We're simply going to look after you! We'll feed you, clothe you, bath you, your our little angel now!" his voice was strangely calming and it made me quite sleepy. "So obedient~ How about I give you a little treat? hmm? I'll get my servants you a nice warm bath, wash your hair, then I'll feed you, put you in a nice little dress to sleep in and let you sleep. doesn't that sound nice? It does doesn't it dear." I nodded my head obediently as he pulled me closer lifting me up and carrying me out of whatever room I was in, I heard The Doctor's footsteps as he followed suit. I heard doors open before a violently cold wind kissed my skin and the Regrator walked forward. The Regrator then put me down, making sure the Doctor was right behind me incase I tried to run. I heard the Regrator move into something creaky before I heard a horse snort, I felt hands around my waist lift me up and another pair grab me before I was put into (presumably) the Regrators lap. The Doctor got in immediately after and the two started talking about funds, upcoming fatui events and the Doctors experiments. It took about an hour before the carriage stopped came to a halt.
The doctor opened the carriage door letting the cold wind once again kiss my skin, he exited before I was pushed up by the Regrator and pulled down by the doctor. The Regrator held my waist and lead me inside before a bunch of various voices greeted the two, they took some form of clothing from the harbingers before the Regrator spoke. "Give her a bath and clean her, once your finished bring her to my room, don't clothe her just give her a robe." A gloved hand encased me own hand before the arm around my waist dissipated and two sets of footsteps retreated. "This way miss." A male voice said as I was lead away, after a small while I heard a door open before I entered a warm humid room. I was told to sit before the bandages on my eyes where removed. "please stand miss, we need to remove your clothes and put you in the tub." I nodded my head awkwardly and let them do so, after being put in the tub various people gently rubbed my skin with soft cloths as one of them gently cleansed me hair. "You can relax miss, you've probably been through a lot. Lord Regrator is a nice man you can trust him." A woman spoke, from the distance and direction of her voice she was the one washing my hair. I nodded my head as thanks for her kind words. After a half hour I was dressed in a robe and lead out of the room, The woman of whom washed my hair was leading me telling me I was very lucky. we stopped before she knocked on a door and the Regrator spoke. "Come in." the doors opened and I was lead inside. "We bathed her and cleaned her as requested Lord Regrator, and the food will be ready in about a half hour." "Very well bring her here." I assumed that was the end of the conversation as I was lead forward and another pair of hands held onto my waist, The woman's footsteps retreated before the door was closed. There was a pause before the Regrator spoke. "Now lets find you a nice dress too sleep in, Which ones your favorite Dottore?" "You know I do not care for such things Pantalone, I your the one who wanted her." I still didn't like his voice it just brang alarm. "I apologies for proceeding to ask your opinion on things. How about the navy one? with the lace?" "I do not care pantalone." "very well the navy one it is, won't you be a dear and get it for me Doctor!" I heard a scoff before I heard him stand up and walk away, a door opened and the sound of ruffling clothes could be heard before his footsteps got closer again.
The Regrator removed my robe before putting the small dress on me, He the pulled me into his lap and moved forward. In turn the sound of scribbles on paper could be heard. I sat stiffly in his lap for about an hour before I began to get tired and yawned. "Tired darling? I'll lay you on the couch you can sleep there." The Regrator said as he held me close standing up and walking around, I was gently placed down and some form of fabric was placed over me. the Regrators footsteps slightly dissipated before the sound of a chair creaking was heard and the scribbles started up again. Slowly my eyes shut and I feel asleep to the sounds of the Harbingers scribbles.
I need requests bc idk what to write about. so- yeah- and if you want to make regular requests just pick an emoji and ask to be that anon I'll literally write abt anything.
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fl3shm4id3n · 2 years
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𝓑𝓮𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓪 𝓣𝓸𝓰𝓻𝓾𝓽𝓪 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓸𝓷 𝓟𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓸𝓻𝓪 𝓹𝓵𝓾𝓼 𝓱𝓪𝓿𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓪 𝓻𝓮𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓹 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓫𝓸𝓽𝓱 𝓙𝓪𝓴𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓝𝓮𝔂𝓽𝓲𝓻𝓲
𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭: 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨, 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐭 𝐛𝐞 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐚 𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐬) 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐏𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐚. 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐞𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐉𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐍𝐞𝐲𝐭𝐢𝐫𝐢 𝐨𝐫 𝐑𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐢? 𝐎𝐫 𝐧𝐨 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬?
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ᴊᴀᴋᴇ ꜱᴜʟʟʏ x ɴᴇʏᴛɪʀɪ x ᴛᴏɢʀᴜᴛᴀ! ꜰᴇᴍ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
Tw: reader is 6′2 and orange skin with black eyes. 
Author’s note: Again, I don’t know much about Star Wars, but I’m trying. I’m sorry for not being very creative, I’m just very drained out the last few days working on stories, I’ll do better in the future. 
Everything had been fine, you were flying your ship across space. As you flew something had happened, something in your ship had broken due to flying for weeks nonstop. Now you had to land, you had landed to the planet closest to you. So you did, you had landed on a concluded part of the forest. Once on the ground, you had gone to check what had happened. As you checked the engine, you had heard noises. You grabbed your lifesaber, ready for anything to come out, until you saw a child, but this child had blue skin and markings. You had lowered your weapon down and got on your knees. “It’s okay, I won’t hurt you, I come in piece” you said said, seeing the child, had a curious look, then she approached. You saw a better look at her, seeing her short braided hair, wide cat eyes, the little freckles on her face. She was now in front of you.
You both stared at each other, but then the child reached up to touch your  montrals, her touches were gentle, she had a small smile on her lips. She continued to touch your headdress and had looked at your white markings on your face. She was child a sweet child to look at. “What is your name?” you asked, as she responded “I’m Tuk” she said, making you smile wider. “Well Tuk, I am y/n, could I ask you something?” you asked as Tuk nodded. “I need some help, my ship has a problem and I may need somethings, could you help me?” you asked the kid in front of you. “Yeah, I’ll take you to my mom and dad” Tuk said.
You stood up from the ground, and now followed Tuk, you had your light saver in had incase of anything. As you walked, you looked around, seeing the many trees and plants, it reminded you of your home planet. You continued to walk until you saw a small hut like tent with some people inside, you assumed it must of been Tuk’s family. They spoke in a language you couldn’t really understand, as soon as they saw Tuk, her who you assumed where her siblings approached her along with her parents. They had been talking in that language again. Then Tuk had pointed to you, then the adults had approached you, looking at you closely. “Hello” you said nervously, seeing how tall they were. Then the male asked. “Who are you?” he along with his Mate kept eyeing you. “I am y/n and I need some help, my ship had some issues and I need some help” you said, feeling the female’s eyes on you the most.
“Look, I just want to fix my ship then I’ll leave” you said, still holding onto your weapon. You normally didn’t go straight to violence, but you they just kept staring at you. Then the couple had a private conversation, you could hear them but not understand them. “Okay, you can stay and fix your ship, but cause any trouble or else” the Male said, as you nodded. “I am Jake Sully, this is my Mate Neytiri” he said gesturing to the female. Then he asked for the kids to approach. “They are our kids, Neteyam, Kiri, Lo’ak and I’m sure you already met Tuk” the kids did a greeting gesture, you weren’t sure what it meant but you followed their movement.
That night you had dinner with the family, they had been kind enough to invite you into their home to eat. You had been bombarded with questions such as where are you from? why is your hair like that? what is that stick you’re holding.
You had told them about Shili along other things, you had told them the environment and other things they had asked about your planet. That night you had gone back to your ship to sleep.
The next morning you had began to try and see the problem involving your ship, you had been working, but you didn’t think you’d get company by the kids.
Tuk had brought them to where your ship was. They had seen ‘ships’ but not ships like yours. They had gone very interested, you let them look around. Lo’ak had sat on the pilot seat while Neyetam had told him not to do anything stupid. Tuk and Kiri had been looking around the outside, noticing some weapons.
They had asked you questions about your ship in which you’d answer. You continued to work on your ship, while Lo’ak had hold of your Blaster Rifle and Neteyam had snatched the weapon away. 
After a while of working the kids hanging around the ship, Jake and Neytiri had come by to see if the kids have been with you. They saw how you interacted with their kids, at first they were a bit skeptical about you, since you had come from another planet and weren’t sure how you behavior was.
Who knows how long you’ll be staying, so might as well you learn somethings, such as the language. It wasn’t hard for you since you’ve travel across the galaxy and had learn a few languages. 
Neytiri was the one to teach you the most since she knows everything about the na’vi. During your lessons you began see her in a different light, but you weren’t the only one.
Neytiri had also began to have an iterest in you since that day she saw you interacting with kids. She had a feeling that you had been arounds kids during your lifetime. 
Jake was also looking at you differently, he looked at you the same way he first saw Neytiri. He felt as if their had been something missing, yes he had a mate and his family, but that feeling began when you arrived. 
Since Neytiri had been teaching you, so did Jake, they both had began to teach you all the things you needed to know about the Na’vi. Language, Culture and other things that Omaticaya clan did.
As you were taught by the couple, both Jake and Neytiri also learned about you. They realized that some of your culture was a bit similar to the na’vi but yet it was also different.
What caught their attention was the fact that you have canine teeth, but also had a venomous bite and that you also a weapon known as a lightsaber, along your ways of hunting and combat. 
While you continued to fix your ship, you had began to think if you should leave. You had been spending a lot of time in Pandora and not to mention the Sullys. You already had a soft spot for the kids, but when it came to the parents, that was the part that hit you.
You had fallen in love with Jake and Neytiri, you thought it would be best if you left as soon as possible. 
Now that your ship was now fully fixed, you went to say your goodbyes to the family, you didn’t expect for the family to be sad. You thought they’d be happy that you were leaving since you inferred in their lives. When you got back to your ship, Jake and Neytiri needed to talk with you before you left. It felt harder leaving, since you had fallen for both of the couple. You tried to get them to leave but they didn’t. Turns out that they have been trying to be alone with you to talk to you but you were either busy on your ship or hanging out with the kids. 
You let them talk, but you noticed how they had a worried expression, it must have been because you were leaving. What you didn’t expect was for them to also have fallen for you too, you were a bit to shocked to speak, where you dreaming? You didn’t know what to say, then that was when you admitted that you had fallen for the couple but that you couldn’t be with them since they had different morals and that is why you had to leave. Then Neytiri had asked to stay with them as their third lover, you basically already were a part of the family for the last month. At first you thought about it, but accepted this, staying as their third mate.
When it came to telling the kids that you’ll be staying, they were happy, then when you had brought up about being the third mate of their parents. They somehow already knew what was going on, they did not miss how the three of you would look at each other. They didn’t mind honestly, they were just glad that you were staying, even better that you were their other mother.
Since then you had been referred to as Ma by the kids and Ma y/n by both Jake and Neytiri, but sometimes they’d also call you Ma. 
During your time with the Sullys, you had began to adapt more towards the Omaticaya culture.
You had used your lifesaber and blaster less and began to use a bow, you were taught by Neytiri, since she as an expert. You knew how to use a spear, but the bow was better.
You in return taught her how to use a lightsaber, it was hard at first but she got the hang of it fast, Neytiri is very fast leaner.
You’d also began to dress like them too, you still wore your pants, shirt and armor every now and then, but you had got used to wearing na’vi attire.
Since your headdress couldn’t really be styled, Kiri and Tuk or Neytiri would put flowers or handmade headpieces, you would wear headpieces but they were mostly made of metal or gold.
Jake would be the one to tell about the banshee and he had also taken you on flight with him. You were used to flying but not in this way. 
Lo’ak and Neteyam had also been very interested on learning how to use a lightsaber, at first you weren’t sure, but you went for it and taught them how to use it. 
Lo’ak dedicated himself into becoming a master on the lightsaber, turns out that he wanted to be good at something that others weren’t so, he would learn how to use the lightsaber day and night.
Tuk had also become interested in learning, you didn’t hesitate since back home children where taught how to wield weapon at a young age. 
Jake wasn’t too sure about you teaching Tuk, but you told him that she is of age in learning combat and hunting. He hated it when you’d grab Tuk by one leg and dangled her, it made her laugh while Jake would freak out seen you hold her that way.
While Jake and Neytiri would be very soft with Tuk, you’d be kind of rough with her, telling your mates that you’re preparing her for the real world and that she’ll know how to be the best hunter and fighter. 
Kiri was the one to tell you about who Eywa is and the connection she had with the forest. It wasn’t any different since back home, you and the rest of your kind had a connection with the forest, that is why you had stopped wearing your boots, so that you can connect or reconnect with the forest of Pandora. 
You also felt as if Kiri had an unexplainable connection to this Deity, since you’d often find her bonding with the forest plants along with a little creature known as a woodsprite. When you’d go looking for her, you’d often find her asleep on the grass while some woodsprite would surround her. 
You didn’t find it weird, you just knew that she had a gift some kind, but no one knew for sure if this gift of hers would come out sooner or later. 
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adeliniel · 4 months
SFW alphabet | Iorveth
No one ever asked for it, but I wrote it anyway. Dear tumblr, just incase you wanted some Iorveth fluff, here it is! Happy weekends^^
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) 
Not a fan of making out in front of others, but doesn't hide his affection either. Holding hands or just holding you in his arms are absolutely normal things for Iorveth.
His true nature, though, comes to life when the two of you are left alone. Gentle and passionate kisses, touches all over the body, words of love and adoration and so much more. This elf has a big passionate heart and it stores so many feelings.
B = Body (Their favourite body part of their partner, why? Do they like touch?) 
He admires all of you, but your back is something that always draws Iorveth’s attention. He remembers you being younger and smaller, and with just looking on your back he can tell what a long way you’ve come to become who you are and how strong you are now. 
C = Courtship (What do they do to take your attention?) 
You have known each other since you were a child, so it all just happened naturally, when you grew up. The biggest show of his interest to you reached when Iorveth started dancing with you only during elven feasts and different celebrations. Even if the celebration will go for the whole night, he will prioritise you amongst everyone else.
D = Domestic (Are they the type to settle down with you? Are they willing to help with chores? What is your daily routine with them?) 
Despite the path Iorveth chose for himself long ago - to fight for the freedom of elves - deep inside he dreams more and more about a place he can call home. With a warm campfire, food always on the table, simple and steady life. The time is passing and Iorveth is getting older and more sentimental too. Although he's not sure, he'd be able to sustain a lifestyle like this, he definitely would like to try it with you. 
E = Espousal (Do they want to marry you eventually? Who proposes to who?) 
Yes, eventually, Iorveth sees you as his dearest spouse. Maybe not right now, as he’d like to believe that better times are lying ahead, and there’ll be more time and opportunities in the future. He’s also well aware that it might never happen as any of you can die any day, but the thought of having a family gives him hope.   
F = Fragile (How protective are they of you? If they are, how do they show this?) 
Iorveth knows well that you're a great and careful fighter. Yet in his sleep he dreams about a peaceful life where Scoia'tael don't have to fight to survive anymore. Any time he loses you out of sight in battle, his heart skips a beat. If only he could protect you from all of the misery of the world...
G = Gifts (What type of gifts do they give their s/o? Do they like receiving gifts?)
Elf doesn’t have much to give you, Life of an elven rebel didn’t bring him any wealth, rather the opposite. He and his squad are struggling to afford basic stuff like food or new armours and weapons, what to say about something luxurious. Iorveth realises it well, and sometimes sadness hits him hard, when he feels that you deserve better than this poor miserable life. Yet still he’s forever grateful that you choose him every day and that you stay.  
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) 
Not so huge on hugs at first, simply doesn’t remember how it feels. However, grew to like it really quickly. The feeling of someone warm and completely devoted to him is something incredible he hasn’t experienced for years. When you hold him back, gently but firmly, he for the rare moment finally feels safe.    
I = Intimacy (How romantic are they? Do they have problems with intimacy?)  
Iorveth has more problems with being intimate than he'd like to admit. Rough life of a Scoia'tael taught him to always be on guard, and it's really hard for him to just let it go.
Despite it, he always tries to give you his full presence whenever you're together. He listens carefully to what you say, he remembers little things, he tries to open his heart and share things with you, even if it's really hard.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?) 
You expected Iorveth to be more jealous than he actually is. Gets jealous here and there, but his overall trust in you and your relationships is way stronger.
When he does get jealous you can tell that he's starting to show off. Crossing hands on his chest, giving everyone that arrogant look of his, standing right behind you and stabbing the opponent with his stare. A frightening picture to look at and a really scary situation to be in. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?) 
His kisses reflect his passionate nature. They are hungry, sometimes rough, but always full of love. 
He likes to kiss your hands, starting with peppering your fingers with light kisses, slowly going up to your elbow and then shoulder, softly continuing until he reaches your neck. He is as gentle as he could be, patient and dedicated to covering as much of your skin with kisses as he can.
For himself, Iorveth enjoys when you kiss (and sometimes bite) his collarones. It makes him shiver, leaves goosebumps on his skin. 
L = Love language (What’s their love language?) 
In private Iorveth is rather talkative and manages to express his feelings in all different ways, be it words of love or appreciation or touches.
He's good at actions, always making sure that you have anything you need, like a covered place to sleep, food to eat and that he's always there for you.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?) 
Some time into the relationship you found out that Iorveth enjoys slow lazy mornings. He’s the type to stay in bed for longer, have cuddles, nap or chat, whatever brings you both joy. He calls it his guilty pleasure, that he cannot indulge in too often.   
N = Nicknames (What do they call you? What do you call them?)
Iorveth has so many names, given him by all the people he hurt and frightened, that he prefers when you call him by his name. Without fear in your voice or judgement it sounds nice to him.
Mostly calls you by your name as well, rarely adds something like "my dear" or "my lady".
O = Overture (How did everything start?) 
All of it began so long ago, that it’s even hard to remember when exactly. You just came out of your teenage years and started joining elder elves in their feasts and other entertainments. Iorveth was your older brother's best friend and witnessed how out of rebellious child you slowly became a beautiful young elf. And that’s about a time you both developed romantic feelings for each other. 
On one hand, Iorveth was worried that you’re still too young, on the other hand - he couldn’t help but fall in love with you.     
P = Pace (Are they fast-paced in a relationship? Or do they like to take things slow?) 
Elves live long and there’s no point in speeding things up. Even Iorveth with his passionate nature agrees that rushing is the last thing that makes a relationship stronger. He waited so many years to just be able to see you again, that couple of days wouldn’t change anything. He tries to take it as it goes and just follow destiny, believing that this time it’s not going to separate you.
Q = Queen/King (Who takes the initiative in relationships?)
It actually appeared to be quite equal. Although Iorveth is an intense partner with a tough, heavy personality, he manages to recognise other strong individuals and to listen to them (sometimes), to cooperate with them. He wouldn’t even consider you as a partner unless you live up to his expectations, so when you’re already together it’s easier for you to reason with Iorveth when needed.    
R = Remembrance (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?) 
He’d never forget your first kiss. After years of longing and waiting, he finally had you in his arms. When you were recovering from the battle, resting on the bench, enjoying the evening sun, Iorveth was massaging your injured arm. He looked you in the eyes and there he knew - it was now or never moment. He leaned forward, resting one hand on the bench and putting his other hand on the back of your head, and touched your lips with his. He deepened the kiss when he felt that you were reciprocating, letting him in. For a spare moment Iorveth felt a little bit lightheaded, barely believing that what was happening was true, his heart full of happiness.    
S = Salvage (What issues does this relationship help him to cope with?) 
These relationships do make Iorveth feel needed.He feels like he finally belongs somewhere, he’s cared for, loved and he’s not alone. It’s been years since he felt something like warmth inside, years since someone treated him with love. You took away his loneliness, his feeling of unworthiness. You showed him that life can be different and that there is more to it than misery, poverty and eternal fighting for survival.   
T = Tiny (How are they around children?) 
Iorveth is highly concerned about the future of Aen Seidhe, he worries about the extinction of your race, and if he’d be able to have offspring himself. Despite his harsh temper and complicated past, he actually likes little elven children and would like to have a kid or two (or three). Currently he understands he’s not in the position of having any, as he would never put his own child at risk, but he believes that there’ll be a time when you both can create a new elven life and provide it with a better future.   
U = Ulterior (What’s their secret?) 
This elf has a fear of rejection. Well, he doesn’t trust anyone, and no one likes him as well. So many times Iorveth and his Scoia'tael were used, abused and lied to, that his revenge fell a heavy burden on the shoulders of his enemies.
When it comes to relationships Iorveth knows what kind of elf he is (unkind and unfriendly at least), how much hurt he caused to others and that loving him is not an easy task. So he preferred to stay away from anything that might bring a rejection to his life. Because hearing it is hard, and it hurts more than any arrow that pierces the flesh.  
V = Vulnerable (How long until they can be vulnerable around their s/o? What are they like in this state?) 
Iorveth is definitely not the one who is used to being vulnerable in front of others. As a leader of his group of Scoia'tael he is forced to maintain an image of a strong and confident elf. When it comes to the vulnerability in the relationship, at the start Iorveth feels that if he lets his guard down he would be considered as weak and unable to protect you. As time passes he learns that it’s impossible to build a strong bond between the two of you without being completely honest and open, and that he has to make an attempt to risk and open his heart.   
W = Wound (How do they feel about exposing their scars/injuries?) 
It took you quite some time to understand how Iorveth himself feels about his scars. For a long time you were sure he was completely indifferent and didn’t care at all.
Right until one day you caught him looking at his reflection in the water with unbearable sadness. Iorveth knows very well what he has become and he accepts it, but you can still see that he’s mourning those long gone days of him being the pure beauty of an elf. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon about your relationship) 
Long ago, when you were just out of your teenage years, and Iorveth just joined Vrihedd, not wearing his scar yet, and was about to leave the camp, you gave him a little bowl of fresh berries, trying to show your affection and to wish him good luck. It deeply touched his heart and he remembered.
 So when you were injured in the battle for Vergen and ended up having a fever, Iorveth secretly went to the forest to pick some fresh berries for you.He wanted to remain anonymous and to just leave the berries by the side of your bed.
Little did he know that the whole Vergen already noticed his feelings towards you and it quickly became obvious who left those berries for you. 
Y = Yearning (How well do they cope when their SO isn’t with them?) 
Well, he waited for about 10 years to just have a chance to see you again. He devoted his life to the path of Scoia'tael and he was and is ready to sacrifice a lot for the higher goal.
Yet he still misses you badly when you part ways, even if for shorter periods of time. You both know that any moment can become the last one. You never ask each other to promise that you'll see each other again, but you both always hope for this.
Z = Zzz (How are nights spent with them?) 
Quiet and sensitive sleeper. Even if he’s deep asleep, Iorveth is still always on guard. Will always notice if you have trouble sleeping or something is bothering you. 
Since you got together, he started to care more about whether you have a good place to sleep, whether it’s protected from the rain and safe enough to relax and rest. This is one of his ways of showing you that he cares.   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Thank you for reading! You can find more of my works here. You can also leave your requests!
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yurislilygarden · 6 months
Hello, inspired anon here again ✨️
Happy you liked that ask and now it's yours to keep.
There were some details that I wasn't able to include in the skit about the angels thinking about Reader being God's sibling (leaning towards sister obviously) so I'll just include them here. There isn't really any talk about them being self aware and feel free to pick and choose any parts you like for yourself (also there is some easter eggs of a particular game I like, so expect that too).
Emily originally through Reader was God too but realised that they didn't act or sound like the way other people described God which started her thinking that they must be two different beings.
Emily wants to know if Reader has created their own Heaven, Hell and Earth or something completely different and if she could go and see them. She also wonders if Readers Earth would have its own humans, she can't exactly call them Adam and Eve so she calls them Alex and Steve.
Emily doesn't like that Sera stops her from talking to others about Reader, she just wants everyone to welcome this new deity and wants someone to gush over how God has a little sibling.
Emily likes to draw what she imagines Readers 'seraphim' would look like which are basically normal many eyed, many winged seraphim but with insect wings, mainly butterfly and moth ones, instead of feathered ones since Reader takes the form of a butterfly, she draws them in her idea of Readers heaven which involves lots of floating islands under a vast starry sky. She has made Sera and herself 'Reader angelsona' but keeps them hidden.
Sera was 100% sure that Reader was God until Emily's talk. Sera took along time to agree that Reader isn't God but someone else but still is hesitant to actually say that, God does like to test people and she fears that if they are mistaken and Reader is really just God in disguise that they would be harshly punished for blasphemy.
She also worries that if this IS a different God, then what does it mean for heavens future? Is this new God going to upset the balance of the universe? She would be powerless to stop them if they were going to. Good chance she'd think Pentious's redemption is Readers doing instead of God's.
She would eventually give Reader a vague title such as The Observer or The Watcher to distinguish them from The Lord without full differentiating them, just to play it safe.
Adam would claim that Emily, and eventually Sera, are just crazy for thinking that there's another God after the shock of Emily's talk passed. Firmly believes that there is only one divine being, the big G man himself. This is a lie though as he almost instantly believed that Reader is different to God, he should know since he used to talk to God alot.
Adam actually is in hard denial since he's actually extremely worried. He knows one of the reasons God favoured him so much was because he was made in his image, so would that mean you would favour Lillith and maybe even Eve if they were made in your image? He knows that he doesn't exactly have the best history with them and he's worried that you'd believe their telling of events over his, he's seen what happens to those that anger a God and he doesn't want any of that happening to him.
On the other hand, he does still want to meeting Read. He's sure that he'd win them over with his charm once them met and well, he wouldn't mind thanking them for being the blueprint of all women.
Lute isn't really bothered if Reader is God or not. As far as she's concerned, it doesn't really effect her. She has a job to do and as long as Reader doesn't have an issue with it then she'll just carry on just as she's always done.
Sure Lute is curious about there possibly being another divine being and had thought about trying to prepare plans just incase Reader was planning to take Heaven from God but she realised that it would be pointless to try and fight something as powerful as a deity.
Lute is concerned for Adam though. She is worried about how Adam isn't taking the idea of there being a second deity well and is worried that he'd accidentally offend Reader and be punished for it.
St. Peter hasn't been told about the idea of Reader not being God and is under strict order to welcome them as much as possible and to alert Sera of their presence when spotted.
I genuinely had to reread 3 times because I just had no words anon😭 Whoever you are, goddamn bless you, I'm so using your ideas once I get to writing heaven-
I have nothing really to add to this perfection, but I do wanna say that I will still try to keep in mind to use gender-neutral terms, even with the fact that it will imply reader is female because of the image that Lilith and Eve were made from is supposedly reader and shit, I will still use things like 'sibling' and stuff in the works to make it as gn as possible😭
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mayakern · 1 year
Hey Maya, I got my skirts and they are lovely -- but the box they were sealed in the tape split down the box seam and it arrived half open. All the skirts were fine because they were individually bagged and it was probably UPS being too rough with the box, but I just wanted to let you know incase it was a weird batch of tape or if it happened to someone else. Thanks for the beautiful skirts! I look forward to buying again some time in the future! :3
oh that’s so weird! im really glad everything arrived safely. i’ve passed this along to the work chat and we’ll keep an eye out for any similar cases in case we need to switch tape or something.
thanks for letting me know!
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des-no9 · 11 months
on Gith, Vlaakith 1 and Zerthimon
My mind's been whirring a tonne about the og trio the past several days because of @gothyanki and @nothingimportantanywhere so this is all thanks to them, their ideas and I just need to write some of this down.
It mostly stems from our desire to make more of Gith, of Vlaakith 1 and why she did what she did rather than the classic FR evil because evil.
However, thinking more on my githyanki language of love and affection and how too that impacted on their culture, and how they could have been, once, a more family, emotionally connected and caring within eachother, race.
During the uprising and gaining their freedom from the Illithid, I HC that Gith, Vlaakith and Zerthimon grew close and worked together for their people, becoming these revered figureheads for everything they achieved.
Gith the charismatic, powerful, furious leader; Vlaakith almost devotion to her, initially. A quieter presence of the three, but intelligent, scheming - close to what the githyanki of today see as gish (assassins and spies). Where Zerthimon was a balance between the three. Strategist, speaker. And they were all messily in love.
They formed (what they thought) unbreakable bonds between the three of them from the strife, the pain. Enduring slavery, breaking their shackles, and becoming their own people.
And then once freedom, the purpose of gaining that freedom that bound them all together is no more and changes. It's something else now. Survival; beginnings; hope; creation; domination; power; celebration. Whatever it means, not all three of them end up sharing the same vision. Because going through something like that changes you, irrevocably.
And some point through it all, there was Orpheus.
And for me, I think he could have been a catalyst for a lot of the breakdown of the three.
I like to HC that he's the son of Gith and Zerthimon, and initially while gaining their freedom, he was raised between all three, but when they saw he'd inherited his mothers powers too (they'd desperately hoped. I think this is a big reason maybe why Gith had a child. A failsafe, just incase the worst happened to her and there would be someone else to carry on where she left off) Gith and Zerthimon started to train Orpheus to hone his skills and powers so he could be the heir Gith wanted.
And Vlaakith watched most of this from the sidelines, feeling more like an outsider everyday. Resentment building that she wasn't, and couldn't truly be part of Orpheus in the way Gith and Zerthimon were.
(I need to be inside your son the way you are, my lover, but can never be. Vlaakith a little unhinged. Gith and Vlaaktih the original toxic yuri write that down)
She helped train him too, but Orpheus preferred his fathers skills and ways, and what psionic power Vlaakith had paled in comparion to Gith's. She was a shadow to so many, but she never expected she'd start becoming one to the two most important people in her life.
(re Orpheus knowing about both his parents: I'm unsure how explicit I want them to be about that with him or how much he or they cared to tell him the specifics of his dad. I think it's pretty obvious, but the significance of them being a 'unit' rather than just, Zerth being an imporant 'figure' in Orpheus' life idk. I'm fully on board with (fuck) Boy Prince Orpheus era where he's a little high on my power and status lording over all you losers. But that comes more once Gith's ascended the throne)
Anyway. So post-freedom, post Gith on the throne and Vlaakith becoming her right hand, Zerth doing his thing and they kind of....really started to fracture in their ideals and ways.
Gith became obsessed with never being a slave to anyone again. That fear drove her almost mad, I think. And so did Zerthimon turning away from her own vision, especially since they shared a son. He was the future, the security, the power and promise of their people, of her vision, and freedom.
She saw it as a betrayal. As him lying down and quashing that rage he should feel after all they'd been through. Why aren't you angry, why don't you want to rage across the endless and all after what happened to us and rip apart the planes which are now ours?
He tried, consistent at her side to sway her. But the uprising had changed her. Broken her in a way he'd been too close to see. Now stood back, the cracks were like maws.
Vlaakith stood fast by Gith during the civil war. If she doesn't want you anymore, Zerth, then she'll only have me. But Vlaakith's jealousy over Gith's power, how the people revered her, Orpheus - fucking Orpheus - and once more, Vlaakith was the shadow, the second glance, third.
(Orpheus' thoughts on the civil war are for another post because hoo boy that'll be a long one too)
Everyone wanted Gith. An audience, honour to view, to speak to witness their breaker of shackles.
Everyone took a piece, while Vlaakith was losing hers.
Obsessiveness consumed her to the point that 'if I can't have you anymore, no-one else will'.
So fast forward to their visit to Tiamat, and Gith being the offering for the dragons, and Vlaaktih sitting upon Gith's throne, becoming her.
I can't have you, so no-one else can-
I can't be you-
I can be you, watch me.
Then, with Oprheus, it's only sensible to her that she imprisons him. But that takes time. Patience. The shadows she's so used to, and ultiamtely, sealing Gith's power in a neat little box until that day she figures out how to consume Orpheus and his power for her own, and there will be nothing left for Gith then, but her.
Then from Vlaaktih, broken and bitter and twisted by so much, this bleeds and breeds and spreads and beats into the githyanki culture and the githyanki we know today, with so much less love, no family, empathy-
-just paragons of rage, power, hate, I take what's mine, I keep it, I am what I say I am, i conquer worlds, I conquer you.
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its-a-me-mango · 6 months
(Two Cents Anon) I've decided that I'm gonna start watching SMG4 content again, just because.. It looks like maybe the whole Celeste thing was settled. iirc she did give Lottie her blessing, AND Lottie was completely unaware of the situation so... yeah
The whole thing still kinda leaves a bitter taste in my mouth, HOWEVER I think this was a very good lesson not only for Jasmine, but for those also involved (other than Celeste, she did everything right in this situation)- don't jump to conclusions and communicate properly!!
So yeah :) looking forward to this new movie/arc
Haiii two cents anon haiiii :3 back to give me your two cents, I'm going to be RICH MUHAHAHHA
That's fair enough I'm also going back to watching SMG4 for now. In a way, I've kinda just accepted that, this is it, what we have is all we're doing to get unfortunately. Which obviously isn't the best outcome, but an outcome nonetheless.
The fact that Lottie is still voicing Tari in the most recent episodes says to me that she's likely going to be sticking with it, Celestes' statement, while very disheartening and upsetting, still gave her support to Lottie to voice Tari in the future.
Celeste has been treated like shit during all this, but thankfully she's a kind enough person to not take this out on Lottie. To me that really shows the kind of person she is, and I feel so bad for her that all this has happened. I can only hope that she can keep going and achieve greater things, I don't want to say she should "move on" because as far as we know, she hasn't been given the courtesy to do so.
I've said it before, but seeing VA's being treated like this sucks so bad, and I think everyone should still feel upset about it. This isn't something to be forgotten about, and I will still be keeping an eye out incase any other information is revealed.
For now though, I think this is it, I can only hope lessons have been learned and that something's been said and done behind the scenes to make this better (I'm still low-key pissed at Jasmine for lying, like why did she do that, girl...). If anything else happens, then I'm done, straight up lol, once is a mistake but twice is neglect.
Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the next movie/arc, excited to see what it is :3
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thesixthtester · 2 months
Journal 3008
Originally posted on my ao3 account with the same username.
“If you are reading this, maybe you’ve found this journal by my dead corpse, or maybe I’m alive and sharing my journal and experiences with you (if I ever escape this place).
My name is Kylie Anderson, and I am trapped in an endless IKEA.”
The journal of a woman trapped in an endless IKEA, better known as SCP-3008.
DAY 10
If you are reading this, maybe you’ve found this journal by my dead corpse, or maybe I’m alive and sharing my journal and experiences with you (if I ever escape this place).
My name is Kylie Anderson, and I am trapped in an endless IKEA.
I know that saying I’m trapped in an endless IKEA seems like a joke about the hard to navigate isles of IKEA stores, but it’s not a joke. I am literally trapped in an endless IKEA, no joke. How the hell this IKEA is somehow infinite, I have no fucking clue. Like, genuinely, what the actual fuck? I know for sure that this is not man made because there is no possible way for a human to somehow make an IKEA that looks normal on the outside but is fucking infinite on the inside. I never believed in magic and the supernatural, but I do now because that is the only explanation on how this thing was made. Still have no clue specifically how or why something like this happened, but it has got to be some kind of voodoo magic shit.
And the IKEA being infinite isn’t the only weird thing. The store has a sort of day and night cycle that is determined by the overhead lights being on and off (that’s how I know that I’ve been trapped in here for 10 days). And the restaurants in here just magically restock themselves overnight! I’m at least grateful for that, slowly starving to death seems like a painful way to go.
But the weirdest (and scariest) thing here are the giant faceless monsters dressed in IKEA uniforms that live here. You heard (read?) me right, monsters dressed as IKEA employees live in this place. They’re docile during the day (unless you provoke them) but at night they get violent and attack. They have hands that are big and strong enough to crush a human’s head. Trust me, I’ve seen it happen.
On my second night here, I managed to climb my way up to the top of one of those massive shelves so that I could be safe from those monsters. I was about to fall asleep when I heard screaming. I looked down and saw a man getting chased by 7 of those monsters. They managed to grab the poor man and one of them grabbed him by the head and crushed it. Blood and bits of brain exploded from his head and covered the surrounding area and those monsters. The stench was horrid. I cried myself to sleep that night.
Let’s talk write about something else now. How about the supplies that I currently have? Turns out that IKEA sells backpacks, and when I was wandering I found some on the shelves and took a black one. My backpack has some interesting stuff in it. I found a sewing kit that I snagged in case I need to repair clothes or get a wound that needs to be stitched. I also grabbed some cloth and tape in case I need to create a bandage. I know for a fact that this place is dangerous and I can get injured at any time. They’re not actual medical supplies, but IKEA doesn’t have those so I just gotta work with that I got. I am (was?) in med school and I took first aid and cpr training in high school, so while I’m not a full blown doctor, I know a lot about medical things. So I’m confident that if I get a wound that isn’t too severe I could fix it up with my improvised tools and hope for the best.
I have a few water bottles from the restaurants and a tupperware container (Ive learned that IKEA sells more than furniture) with some food from there as well just in case I’m in a situation where I can’t restock. I snatched two kitchen knives incase I need to defend myself. I picked up a tiny tool kit which could be useful in the future. I found some rope, too, which could also come in handy for something.
I’ll admit that I also have two useless items. I know what you’re gonna say, I should only take what I need to survive. But in my defense mental health is very important and these silly little things make me happy and therefore my mental health isn’t declining to the point of suicidal thoughts because of them so I do need them. HA! TAKE THAT NON EXISTENT PERSON WHO CRITICIZED ME! Anyway the two items are this funny little IKEA bucket hat I found and a tiny adorable cow plush. I wear the hat every day because it is my lucky hat and I love it so much. And I sleep with the little cow plush because it just brings me comfort. I know it’s childish but I’m literally trapped in an endless IKEA with seven foot tall monsters that want to kill me, I think I deserve a bit of childish comfort.
You can probably tell that I wander and explore A BUNCH based on the different kinds of stuff I have. I love going to the forest behind my parent’s house and then just wander and explore, following no particular path, I have since I was a kid. When I get out of here If I get out of here, the first thing I’m gonna do is go on a long walk in the woods…
I guess I used this page as a little sort of introduction to me, so if I die and someone finds this they will know what kind of person I was or something. Or maybe I just want to be remembered.
I can’t really think of anything else to write.
Until next time I guess.
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seth-shitposts · 1 year
ima actually write this out some time next week, but concept-
I headcanon Ezra as Trans because I relate to him a lot and I'm Trans, 😤😤😤
after Kallus has escaped the empire, at somepoint he and Ezra go on a mission that takes them a couple days to complete.
During a fight with the Empire, Ezra’s binder takes a hit and he doesn't have a spare. And to make matters WORSE, he lost his own blaster on the escape and had been told to leave his saber at the base.
They find a hiding place. Ezra's mortified and isn't at that point where he was going to tell his brother's boyfriend, if he was going to tell him at all.
But, unfortunately the universe had other plans and he has to say something. Because Kallus is worried that he got hurt from the hit.
It takes less than a moment for Kallus process the information. He hands Ezra his own blaster and tells him to stay put.
Less than half an hour later, Kallus returns with a variety of different types of binding. There's a few general binders, one made for swimming, a few for intensive exercise, a soft compressor for lighter days or to not over do it with wearing a general for too long, THERE'S A FUCKING BACTA COMPESSOR FOR INJURIES- and so much more.
Ezra just stares at them for a long moment. "...where did YOU GET THESE-"
"Stole them from the imperial medical facility nearby."
"WHAT. They just have these??"
"That and so much more. I didn't want to pressume anything, but just incase I also got these," and kallus pulls out a small box of hormone gel packets. "I can aquire more, if you want me to, and this is an open standing offer. At any point in the future, if you need anything and no one else is able to get it for you, comm me and I'll get on it immediately."
Ezra is at a complete loss as he tries to process what is happening. After a few minutes, "remember how I said you couldn't move in?"
Kallus raises an eyebrow.
"I take it back, you can take Zeb’s bunk. He can move in with Kanan-"
I did write it out :) Here It Is.
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Hi !! Just a few questions as someone who's suspecting that they're a permaregressor.
1. How'd you figure out you were one?
2. when/how old bodily were you when you did?
3. Is there a limit on body age and believing you're a permaregressor?
4. Would it be okay for someone to believe they're a permaregressor, but find out in future that they weren't? (Just incase)
I send my thanks in advance, and hope this ask finds you well
1. well i think for someone to find out they are a permaregressor you would just need to know/identify with the term. i know for me personally ever since i turned 15/16 i just felt stuck at that age mentally, and even when i was younger than that my parents and some teachers would say i was immature for my age and it really messed with me because i did nothing but be myself yet all these people looked down on me for being "immature" for seemingly no reason.
i have never been interested in typical things people my age should have been interested in. when i was a kid i hated live action shows and just wanted to watch cartoons. when i was 13 all my friends were just obsessed with boys and loved drama but i just wanted to listen to musicals and watch anime lol. they thought i was crazyyyy
and even to this day, it's the same. i feel so insanely disconnected from my peers and ive described it as "i feel like i missed a class on how to grow up. everybody else attended." i also have just been stunted mentally due to trauma and abuse as well, so that's a factor too.
but i found the term permaregression last year while looking for discussion of a fictional character. the character is a canon age regressor and i was shocked to see nobody talking about it. she is regressed due to trauma and sadly, her trauma was used as a joke in her source. but it said she was "permanently regressed to 2 years old" after she expierence something traumatic.
she even has a whole story arc where she regresses to a 5-6 year old girl and cries when she is told she's actually 19 and i heavily related to it. so i looked her name up + agere to find literally nothing except one post saying she was a canon permaregressor. i had never heard of what a permaregressor was so i clicked the link to the original post and was like "oh wow this makes my life make a lot of sense actually" and the more i read the more i realized i was one. so that's how i realized i was a permaregressor.
prior to finding the term, i always felt like i was never fully not regressed if that makes sense. like i figured out that i regressed to ages 4-9 but when i wasn't regressed i still felt like i was regressed. and when i found out about permare it made everything make sense.
kind of a silly story but lmao
2. i was 18
3. i mean i don't think so, i wouldn't tell someone they aren't a permaregressor just based off their age because it can happen at any age
4. yes, i used to think i was bi but the whole time i was actually a lesbian. labels are allowed to change and they're allowed to be wrong, it's okay if that's the case. you don't know what you don't know.
you can identify with permaregression, its terms, and the struggles of being one and not be a permaregressor. i've seen some people also use the term permakid or just identify with agere but not permaregression. it just depends on the person
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i hope i could help!
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 7 months
Updates and Announcements
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Wow I haven't done one of these in a while so I think it might be best to do one, right?
First and foremost, welcome to the new followers! I haven't had a chance to welcome you guys in some time. But I appreciate you being here! I hope that whatever it was that helped you to decide that I was worth following continues to happen!
Lets talk about a few things. Remember when I said I was going to move all of my 18+ work over to an after dark page? Well that happened forever ago and I NEVER posted on it again. I made pretty banners and everything for my masterlist and nothing came from it. SO after thinking long and hard about it, I will be deleting that blog altogether and moving everything back over here.
But Dom, what about the Minors that follow you? You see, I thought about it. I thought about just deleting the few fics I have and just moving on, but that feels like a lot like book burning and I'd rather not. So while I can put up several warnings and tag the living crap out of that fic, I can't stop them from ignoring all that.
But to ease my conscious a bit, here are some tags that I'll be using for all things of age. #babies not included #18+ #Dom's trash If you are currently under age, I'd greatly appreciate you adding these to your filters! Thanks!
With that being said, fics like Business or Pleasure and What the Future Holds will be added to the Masterlist here. BoP was simply linked to the afterdark page and thankfully I don't have to repost that. Cause I would absolutely hate to lose all those notes. What the Future Holds will need to be reposted since I'll be deleting the blog it's currently attached to.
I'll be adding a legend to my masterlists. That way it's a little easier to figure out what's what before clicking on them. I used to do this in the very beginning but somehow managed to stop. So that will be starting back up again.
Let's talk fics, next! In case you haven't noticed, some fics have a '-discontinued-' notice right next to it. For the time being, I will NOT be completing those fics. Its not that I don't want to finish them-especially with some close to the end-its just i have no motivation to finish them. Maybe one day I will come back to them. ALSO! SEQUELS! Many requests and comments have been about sequels. Second parts don't always get the same attention as the first. I've been so grateful that Phantom has been getting as much interaction as it has been. But that's because of all of the interactions it had been getting. So what I'm getting at is that I won't be continuing a fic if the interaction is low on it. I'm always happy to make a second part of something, so long as its getting notes. So be sure to interact with your favorites if you want to see it get a second part to it.
Interest Posts will be happening at some point again. I of course want you guys to be enjoying the things I post. I know there has been some notice that I've fully been focusing on Phantom a lot more than anything else. It honestly goes back to the interaction it is getting that is fueling my writing muse for it. So again, be sure to interact with the fics you like.
Remember These Violent Delights? As much as I loved Adriana, she didn't seem to be accepted here on tumblr like I hoped she would and I had eventually taken down that series. So now I wanna give that series another shot as a reader insert. I've been working on it a bit behind the scenes and I hope that this fic will have a better comeback as a reader insert than an OC. Posting dates for that will come soon!
Requests are OPEN! So send in those requests! Incase you need a reminder on who and what I write for, here is a quick list!
Fandoms: The Vampire Diaries Universe Marvel Cinematic Universe
Characters I write for: Elijah Mikaelson * Klaus Mikaelson Kol Mikaelson Damon Salvatore Jackson Kenner Tony Stark Loki Steve Rogers Bucky Barnes* I can write for others if the inspiration is there as well! *Indicates most read/requested fics, along with a larger quantity of fics available to read
I believe that is all I have for now. If you stuck around this long, Thank you so much for doing so and I look forward to interacting more with you guys!
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multifandoms27-blog · 2 years
Hey, hey...👀
Maki cuddling headcanons??? 👉👈
Omg you're a genius anon
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Content: Maki Zen'in x f!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of Zen'in clan homophobia
Notes: The anon said in a different ask that reader be female
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Definitely the big spoon
She can and will fight you on this
Also likes looking over your shoulder or head at whatever you're looking at
She probably wouldn't take off her glasses unless she planned to sleep, just incase there was a curse situation
If there did happen to be a curse situation, she'd be pissed and tell you to stay behind (doesn't matter if you're a sorcerer or not) and keep the bed warm, and wait till she gets back
Toge and Panda cackle as Maki grumbles about "not getting cuddles for this shit"
If they tease her for going soft, Maki is going to turn around and fight Toge and Panda once the curse is dealt with
She'll come back to you all annoyed and just hide her face in your shoulder as she holds you
If a curse doesn't interrupt though, she's gonna want to order some food so you two can eat while you binge a show (personally i'd wanna binge 90 day fiance with Maki. that'd be so fun)
Is gonna have her hands resting on your stomach if you're fully laying down, but if you're propped up cause you're watching a show, then she'll have one hand supporting her head to look over you and the other on your stomach
This doesn't have anything to do with cuddling, but Maki desperately wants to show you off to her family to piss them off. Obviously that's not why she's with you, she's with you cause she loves you, but its just an added benefit
Becoming a clan head and having you as her wife instead of taking a shitty husband?? Sounds like her perfect life (manga readers shut up I just want Maki to be happy ;-;)
Anyway, back to cuddling
The only way you could tell if Maki was falling asleep is by taking off her glasses and setting them down on your nightstand
While sleeping, she holds you even tighter if that's possible
Might even give you a sleepy peck on the temple or cheek
Your cuddles are her stress relief tbh, and they also help her when she's sad
Loves sending Mai pictures of you both cuddling with the caption And you don't get any ❤️
Tbh, I can really only see Maki being into women. Mai is kind of both, with possibly a male preference? But she's most likely never been with a woman, since the Zen'in family would obviously be homophonic, so Mai probably has some internal homophobia. But we can all agree Megumi is pansexual cause of what he said to Todo
Maki doesn't give a shit if someone walks in on the cuddling. All the more reason to show that you're hers soo...
Although she wants whoever just walked in to leave so she can relax again
She'd only want you to hold her if it had been a particularly hard day, if Mai went too far with the insults, or if she had been injured
She absolutely hates being vulnerable, which is why she almost never is the little spoon (also her reaction to Yuta saying he'd help her take down the Zen'in clan)
But, when she does show her vulnerability, don't expect her to show everything underneath all at once. She'll reveal it bit by bit to see your reaction, then rework her future actions and words depending on your reaction
My best advice? Be comforting and calm, but not smothering. Don't push her to talk about anything if she says she doesn't want to, offer cuddles and/or food while watching old re-runs or starting a new show. Offer to listen if she needs it, just let her know that you're there for her if she chooses to open up and talk about it. If not, smile and respect her boundaries, give her a few kisses, then start talking about something else to take her mind off of it
Don't do all of that in one sitting though. You can do different things for each time, and be slow about it. If you do all of that at once, you'll smother her
Maki is a big girl and can handle her problems, it just takes time for her to initially heal and return to normal. She'll be okay, you don't need to worry about her
wow i really got off track
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Here is my Masterlist in case you want to request, or look for more of your favorite character!
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lionessinarms · 4 months
The Months in Between chapter 10
Chapter 10
Early morning at the Shop before open. It's Friday, the start of the big weekend. Ember is sneaking around the hearth looking for something before her mother catches her. She is opening and closing drawers. Looking in sacks, vases, but can't seem to find it. She groans in frustration and gasps when she hears her mother's voice behind her.
"Looking for something?" Cinder asks leaning her back on the doorway with a raises eyebrow. It's not like her daughter hasn't gone through her stuff like this before but she isn't doing any deliveries so why the snooping around?
Ember nervously asks as she keeps looking through jars and cabinets hoping to find it on her own, "Yeah... where do you keep your bark again?"
Cinder tilts her head and asks suspiciously, "Which one?"
Ember stops what she is doing in frustration and defeat then slowly asks without looking at her mother asks, "The... lasor.. bark..."
Cinder gasps and yells, "EMBER!"
A panicked Ember runs up to her and pleads, "Keep your voice down! I don't want Dad hearing this."
Cinder is stern with her daughter, "You need to be careful."
Ember rolls her eyes thinking she is getting the talk, "Yeah yeah he's Water, I'm Fire."
Cinder takes her daughter's hands "That not what I'm talking about." She pulls Ember more into the back of the hearth and the two of them crouch down. Cinder then whispers to Ember. "I've never met a perfect match that did NOT get pregnant on their hunny moon." Cinder lets go of her hands and the two of them stay still, letting those words sink in.
Ember starts to look hopeful, "You really think Wade and I can have children one day?"
Cinder exhales out and says with compassion. "I don't know, but based on your smoke reading yes, and I've been praying to the Blue Flame that it will happen." She then switches back to stern mom mode and points to her. "When you're married!"
Ember steps up. "That's why I'm looking for the bark mom. And let me clear this isn't his idea or that he's pushing or I'm pushing it's just..." Ember takes a deep breath out then continues. "We really love each other and I feel it wouldn't be fair to not have it especially with us moving in together soon. I want to take the responsibility of making sure we feel comfortable together."
Cinder is surprise by her daughter being very mature with this. This isn't for an irresponsible one night stand but two loving adults planning as best they can for a future together. Cinder sighs, "This normally isn't Firish tradition."
Ember then finishes, "and just like I pointed out to Dad we're not in Fire Land. We make our own traditions now." Ember bravely asks her mom dead in the eye. "Am I wrong for wanting this?"
Cinder smiles, "No. And this will be our little secret between us women. Also is in the third drawer down to the left." Ember immediately grabs several barks from the drawer. "Hey not too much!" Cinder yells.
Cinder laughs at her daughter, "You need anything else I am here for you always."
"Thank you Àshká. I do need to grab some logs to make kol nuts. Wade wants to try out a new recipe for dinner tonight." 
Cinder then adds, "Let's grab some extra spices too just incase you need them."
Ember knocks at the door to Wade's place and he almost too enthusiastically opens the door right after she knocks. "Ember. Hi. How was work?"
"It was fine and I'm glad it's starting to slow down too." Ember is in her one piece work suit and steps in. Carrying a large backpack for the weekend over her shoulder and a grocery bag of Firish food in the other arm. 
Wade grabs the grocery bag, "Oh, here let me take that for you. You can drop off your stuff in my room if you want and I'll meet you in the kitchen."
Ember can tell, as best as he's trying to hiding it, he's a bit nervous for this weekend too. Ember though feels calm as a candle for the most part, especially now after finding that bark. They both needed this. As exciting and nerve wreaking as it is, they want to be together, and this weekend is going to be the best trail run of that.
Ember puts her stuff down in Wade's room. She has a date night outfit packed but after seeing how nervous he is she decides on her usual shirt and skirt outfit. Keeping it small. She enters the kitchen to see Wade in an apron humming as he wraps something green around the logs she brought with her.
"What's that you're wrapping on the logs?" She asks as she walks over next to him putting her hand on his back.
"It's dried seaweed with coral mineral sprinkled in. Ever since my first kol nut I've been curious about trying this out."
"Cool, I've never had anything from the sea before."
"Well it definitely has a different taste then land food." Wade hands her two prepped logs. "Work your magic."
Ember jokes, "Oh I'm cooking now?"
Wade laughs and assures her, "I'm in charge the prep and clean up. I could use the oven but let's be real your fire is way faster and more authentic." He ends with a smile.
Ember rolls eyes takes the logs and presses them into kol nuts. She notices the grittiness on her hands from the mineral power with a pleasant smell of the ocean. She places one nut in a bowl and the other in a mug for Wade. Wade adds his water to cool it down for him to handle.
"Okay you first." Wade says.
"How about together?"
"Fine on the count of three." 
Together they go, "One, two, three." And pop the food in their mouths. Well, Wade sips his like a hot cup of tea. Smacking his lips together deep in thought. It's a delayed reaction and both are unsure how they feel about the taste. It's very different from they've eaten before but it's not bad. Ember speaks first not wanted to be rude but gives an honest critique.
"It's not bad. In a weird way it works."
Wade is being more critical about it, "Yeah but I feel like it's missing something?"
"I brought some Firish spices." Ember grabs one of the jars of spices her mom helped her pack and takes the lid off for Wade to take a smell. "How about we try this?"
Wade closes his eyes and takes a sniff. He the opens them back up in surprise, "Oh I like that, that will pair well with the dry seaweed."
Ember smiles, "Okay. I know you said you're doing the prep but can you teach me what you are doing?"
"Of course."
Ember can tell this is calming down whatever nerves he's been holding onto. This right here has honestly been one of the best dates they've ever had because it's just them doing normal couple stuff. In the kitchen... Alone... All weekend... A thought creeps up on Ember and it makes her flame flicker. What if she's expecting something that Wade doesn't want to do or isn't ready or vise-versa? Now it seems like her nerves are creeping up on her. Wade is starting to notice.
"Hello? World to Ember?" Wade asks as he waves his hand in front of her face.
It surprises Ember, "Huh. What?"
Wade feels a little unsure of himself, "You okay? You looked deep in thought just now." He turns to take the platter of prepare logs over to the kitchen island so Ember has more room for her flame to cook the kol nuts. He's watching her patiently waiting to hear what she has to say.
Ember does a large exhale out and smiles picking up a log. "We can talk about it at dinner."
Wade watches her as she cooks the logs in to kol nuts with her hands and a thought pops into his head. "Hold up, let me try something." He walks over to right behind her and places his hands on top of hers holding a log. His hands are bubbling on her hands but is not boiling off.
Ember blushes a bright yellow at how close and intimate he is being but then she realizes what he wants to try. "Wade, I don't want to burn you."
Wade assures with a whisper since they are so close to each other. "If you do burn me then it's on me for being too curious. Please?"
A nervous Ember fires up her hands and slowly pushes the log inward. Wade's hand on top of hers follows. His hands are boiling with more steam being released but he isn't pulling away in pain. In fact Ember hears him take a quick breath in. Ember lets go of the now kol nut and it drops onto the plate in front of her. Wade pulls back his hands and steps back away from Ember. He bumps into the counter he forgot was behind him. He looks embarrassed. His eyes are wide as he stairs at the kol nut in front of them. Ember partially turns around to look at him trying to read if he's hurt. She can't tell. "Wade?" 
Wade still staring at the kol nut bashfully rubs his hands to his side and sticks them in his watery pockets. He is tense, blushing, sweating a bit, and of course the thought bubbles. He voice squeaks and he has to clears his throat. "Yeah, ahem, I'm.. I'm fine."
Ember then states the obvious, "Then why do you seem so nervous?"
Wade knows he can't lie to her but this one is hard to say. He rubs the back of his head. Not making eye contact with Ember, looks down embarrassed, "Because that... felt good... like really good."
Ember is understanding what he means. Meaning if things get "heated" between the two of them later it's going to be a lot harder for them to stop. It's time to clear the air and ask the big question that's been on Ember's mind and obviously Wade's too. She doesn't want him to feel ashamed by her question so she gives him a reassuring smile and takes his hand. "Wade, were you expecting us to have sex this weekend?"
Wade looks her in the eye trying to find anything negativity in her look and finds none. He then says pointing back and forth between the two of them, "I expect US to do whatever WE feel comfortable with." He pauses to look down at their hands together and then back to into Ember's eyes. "I... at least want to talk about it."
Ember smiles, laughing off the nerves, "Well what a perfect dinner conversation." And motions him to sit with her.
Wade smiles at her lovely. She really knows how to break the ice. Must be a Firish thing. He starts to talk as he walks over to sit. "Like for one, if it's a no before marriage I'm perfectly fine with that. So please I don't you to feel any pressure this weekend or us moving in together, like ever." He takes a sip of his kol nut tea to calm his nerves. It's working because it tastes really good. He blinks and stares down at his mug in surprise at the taste.
Ember is smiling at him starting to relax. She takes a bite of a kol nut, is surprise by how good it tastes, and she then tells him. "It is in traditional Firish culture but it's not a no for me." 
Wade looks a little surprise at her as he lowers his mug on the table. He flutters his fingers around his mug and admits to her. "I haven't been able to find fireproof protection for myself and I really want to make sure you feel comfortable."
"I've honestly never heard of protect for men but I brought some for me. I want to make sure you feel comfortable too."
Wade perks up with a big smile on his face and flirts, "Some? Like plural?"
Ember laughs getting the reference. Wade laughs with her too and reaches over to hold her hand. He looks her in the eye. "We don't have to do anything but it's nice to know that the option is there if we want to take it together. Also this tastes fantastic!" Pointing at his mug.
"I know right? We really make a great team."
Next scene they are relaxing on the couch after dinner. Wade's been getting into these old Firish soap operas. Ember though has seen them all and is just enjoying the time with her boyfriend. They are cuddling so hard it looks like they are fused together. Ember is snuggled up on Wade's side with her legs tucked underneath her. Wade has his arm wrapped around her and is resting his head on top of hers. His other hand is on top of hers which is on his knee. Wade can feel her flame on her head wisp over his cheek to the back his neck and head. Wade take a deep breath in and a dreamy sigh out. Enjoying the feeling of being so close.
Ember hears this and decides to try something. Not really thinking about the consequences of her actions, she glows a bright yellow, and let's her whole body heat up. To say this catches Wade off guard is a complete understatement. His hands on top of Ember's heating up felt really good like a pleasurable electrical current passing through him. Now nearly half his body just got hit with it hard. Especially where Ember has her hand on his knee. A moan escape his lips. Ember stares up at him in shock immediately feeling bad for what she just did. Wade shifts back and pulls his knees to his chest hiding whatever arousal he has. He looks at her with his brows in a frown and says sternly with a small hint of anger, "Not cool."
Ember immediately feels guilty and tells him. "I'm so sorry I didn't realize it was that much."
Wade can tell he has calm down a bit and stretches his legs out. He tells her quietly and less mad. "It's that much."
Ember puts her head down on to her hands. "Agh, I knew I would be the one to screw this up."
Wade feels a little guilt about getting mad and decides to joke around with her. "If you wanted to get physical you could of just said so."
Ember lifts her head up to Wade inches away from her face. He looks determined like he did the first time they played the crying game together. Ember's face glows very bright yellow. Wade then backs off and crosses his arms in front of his chest. "See? Not so much fun is it? Being caught off guar-WAHH!"
Ember has pulled him down on top of her in a kiss. Wade relaxes into the kiss and puts his arms around her holding her tight. They make out a bit and Wade finds his hands moving to places he hasn't gone before. A little but loud voice can be heard in the next room.
Wade in a panic jumps high off the couch. "AHH!" He yells. Then splashes into the water.
Ember quickly sits up on the couch adjusting her shirt, skirt, flame, whatever she feels is out of place. Then takes a few quick breaths trying to calm her yellow glow down.
In the next room which is also the front door. Allen is standing by the door's entrance while his son's Marco and Polo are looking for their Uncle. 
Wade pops out of the water to scare his nephews with a "ROAR!"
The boys scream in delight.
"Come here you little sea monsters!" and grabs them both in a hug. Wade laughs with kiddos.
Allen raises an eye brow because this isn't normally how his brother greets them. He feels like he is hiding something. 
"AUNTIE EMBER, YOU'RE HERE TOO?!" The boys cry out. Now Allen gets it.
Ember nervously, "Hey kids!"
Marco asks Ember, "Are you sleeping over too?"
Ember just smiles not knowing what to say.
Wade walks up to his Allen. Allen can tell his brother is throw off by their arrival. "Hey sorry I forgot I was watching them and I have Ember over too."
Allen looking a bit awkward asks, "Need me to cancel my date at the last minute?" You can tell by his voice that he really doesn't want to. His wife Eddy won't be happy.
Wade tells his brother, "No, no I don't want you to do that. It's my fault I didn't tell you about this weekend." Wade puts his hands on his face and slowly rubs them down groaning in frustration.
Allen with a smug look on his face whispers to his brother, "I interrupted something didn't I?"
Wade looks like he's melting from sadness and groans, "Yess.."
By this time Ember has walked up in earshot of the two brothers. Allen tiring to be upbeat opens his arms wide, "Surprise, you got some kiddos you're watching tonight because Wadey over here forgot to tell ya." Allen takes his fist to Wade shoulder and nudges him. Rubbing Wade's mistake into his pride. Wade rolls his eyes and sighs looking all droopy and sad.
Ember being a good sport smiles, "It's fine, you and Eddy enjoy your date."
Allen gives Wade a playful double punch in the arm and laughs, "Ha! Haaa!" Knowing he is getting some action tonight and Wade isn't. Wade is total unamused and annoyed.
As Allen struts out the door in happiness Wade leans in and whispers so only his brother can hear. "Don't get her pregnant again." Then shuts the door on Allen loosing his good mood. Got to give it to brotherly love. Wade turns toward Ember with a nervous smile on his face, "Sorry."
Ember laughs at Wade. Then says this to help him think he didn't ruin tonight, adding a flirtatious look and her hands on his chest. "It's fine and actually I think it's really sweet you watching them for your Brother."
Wade flirts back as he reaches up to her hands, "Yeah? How sweet?"
Before Ember can answer Polo yells, "AUNTIE EMBER! CAN YOU MELT SOME GLASS AGAIN?!"
Ember tells Wade, "We better do what the sea monsters say."
Wade laughs, "Good idea."
The four of them are snuggle up on the couch together watching some sort of kids movie. Polo is cuddles up with Ember over the space foil looking blanket from Wade's room. It's between them so their different chemistries don't hurt each other. Polo leans into her, "You're sooo warm."
Ember giggles and Wade smiles at Polo but the Marco peaks around Uncle Wade all angry, "HEY I WANNA TURN!!"
Polo points out, "We both can if Uncle Wade moves."
Wade chimes in, "Uncle Wade doesn't like that idea."
Ember laughs at the all the jealousy unfolding in front of her while Marco gives his Uncle Wade the sad puppy eyes.
Wade rolls his eyes and groans, "Fiiiine." He reluctantly gets off the couch and feels like he is going to cry not having Ember's warmth all to himself. Ember holds the blanket out for Marco as he scoots over to her. Wade tells him, "Be careful."
"I will. I don't want to put Auntie Ember out."
The boys snuggle on either side of Ember and they fall asleep from her warmth.
Wade then smiles at the scene thinking Ember would make a great mom one day. He catches a tear falling from his cheek with his finger and sniffs.
Ember looks up at Wade smiling. She then thinks just moments ago they could of been doing an act that could of turned whats happening now on the couch into a reality. Wade some how is thinking the same thing. Not quite sure if they are ready for that but it's does paint a nice picture for the future.
Author's Note: I know. I know. I am evil but this has been too much fun to write. Darn kids and Uncle Wade is not happy! XD Update next week... maybe... ;) The next chapter does get a bit steamy. Like really steamy.  XD
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rin-and-jade · 1 year
hello, cohost of a relatively newly discovered system here, i just saw a post you made in response to new system ask, and i was curious about how we would go about developing an innerworld.
i am led to believe we have aphantasia, so we cant "picture" anything in our head so i dont know if that prevents us from having a headspace/innerworld. i know some systems just dont have a headspace (a roommate of mine has DID and she has told us that she does not have a headspace, and she cannot communicate with her sysmates outside a discord server)
anyways, i was just curious if there would be a way for us to try devloping an innerworld or not after reading that post. ty
I can be of help to you, but this will heavily depend on yourselves as im here only capable of sharing what might work, from my own experiences.
To understand what makes innerworld an innerworld, by simple means,, it is a place that is reconstructed by senses mentally, vision (mental images) is one of them. You see where this is going.. right?
What if you try it by theory, i know you can't imagine, but im sure you know what it'll be like correct? For first advice, a small but functional innerworld will do because navigating in a big one whilst being 'blind' does not spark joy. Ok so, let's start the steps:
Using your other senses (tactile and hearing) as advantage: How do you want your floors,, is it solid, warm to touch and smooth? That could be porcelain. Straight ridges, un-even textures and cool to touch? That could be wood planks. Fluffy, scruffy texture and it damps noises? That could be carpet/rug floors. Now how do you want your walls,, is it wallpaper patterns you can feel by tactile? Maybe you want it the regular way that is painted smoothly? How thick or thin do you want it to be, enough to produce an echo from a knock or nothing at all? The rest then lies on personalization like furnitures and decorations,, i bet you can do this yourself. Also recommend you by practicing with little things for now and work from there, to bigger things.
Map it out: after determining which fits best, this is where the floor plan is arranged, you might want to draw it out physically (or use apps/webs its ok), from arial, or from side, or in 3d,, anything works. This will help you keep the world consistent as you can't see, as well as serving as a map to navigate around. I also have aphantasia where i can barely see anything as it fleets away so fast (i believe its in a spectrum, i saw it), leaving me having to navigate by touching the walls and guess the floor and temperature (i think windows make rooms feel hotter and in this case my living room has a big balcony). Do not over do the items as it can block your walking route leading to unnecessary bumps, if you want shelves or something hanged above, place them in a reasonable spot because bumping to it by forehead or elses is annoying.. i changed the height of my hanged shelf at the end and it never happen again. Especially if you don't have the innate 'gps' to navigate around.
Teamwork makes dreamwork: I assure you that you don't want to do this alone.. why not share some ideas of what the fronting room should 'look' like, or what the communal place should,, this is honestly done to make everyone feel at ease living in it, as well as sharing the work. You CAN do this yourself but it feels overwhelming and could lead to a burn out.. anyway, it'll take a while to properly build a world, so don't feel bad if its still going to be on progress for months,, no worlds are made perfectly in one try. Incase if you want to remodel the world to a new one at future, just repeat the steps.
Hope this serves you as an insight, this has definitely work for me, and i am not 100% sure it could for you, though, you still learn a few things from here. If you feel like giving up or see this as too much work there is no shame,, and so, i wish you the best luck.
- j
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