maarriiii · 5 months
When I get morning delulu I always think about the idea of Jason giving you an early morning back massage. His big strong hands rubbing circles into your soft skin and muscle, causing you to moan into the pillow. It's not his fault he ends up getting hard, grinding against your sweet ass as one hand slides down to your clit making you moan louder. Hell, not even three minutes later he's pounding you harder and harder into his sheets.
The thought comforts me every morning fr fr.
okay so maybe you workout the previous day and you're sore all over and jason decided to give you a back massage just because he's an amazing boyfriend (he totally doesn't have any hidden intentions at all)
his hands are so big and firm and he just pressed onto that sore spot very nicely that a moan just slip past your lips and jason's like very hyper aware of the sound now and immediately he feels himself grow hard. He starts pressing your back a little bit hard pulling out more moans from you and that point he just pressed himself against your ass and now you're moaning not just because of his hands.
the next thing you know your shorts/sweatpants was pulled down and jason starts thrusting his hips, pulling your ass up with one hand on your hips and the other rubbing your clit vigorously and all you could feel now is jason stretching and filling you up so deliciously, hitting that spot inside that just makes you drool and mewl, and his fingers rubbing so harsh, it makes your toes curled and your fingers clutched against the pillow.
and by the time both of you were done, let's just say you were sore for a completely different reason now
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fbfh · 3 months
Percy is pleasantly surprised. he wonders how he didn't know you have a cat, and starts asking you everything he can think of. do you have any other pets? what's your favorite animal? how did you come up with your cat's name? how long have you had them? he wants to know everything about you that he didn't before. while you lay with your head on his stomach as he picks your brain, you find yourself pleasantly surprised too. your cat will not leave Percy alone. kitty purrs, rubbing against him, demanding cuddles and belly rubs. kitty tries to move you off Percy so they can lay on him instead. kitty licks him, and you watch, giggling.
"I probably just taste like fish." Percy jokes, cuddling kitty right back.
Jason is a little scared of your cat. not because he doesn't like cats, but because he feels like he needs to impress them, gain their approval. and we all know that the more you try to make a cat like you, the more they'll ignore you. you explain this to Jason, but it does little to soothe his inner turmoil over the thought of not being approved by your beloved pet. he starts rubbing cat nip on himself before he comes over, bringing bouncy fuzzy mice and lickable salmon fillet flavored treats. he's armed to the teeth, determined to make your kitty at neutral towards him. slightly favorable would be a huge win in his book. your cat can smell his fear, and thinks it's... kind of funny. after three treats and enough whiffs of catnip coming off him, kitty butts their head against Jason, tail curling in approval before trotting off to nap in the window. never in your life have you seen Jason look so triumphant.
"Good. Good. This is good." You cut him off with a kiss before he can show you his 16 step plan to win over your cat.
you swear your cat loves Leo more than you. you can't believe your eyes when your cat runs right over to him when you bring him home.
"hey gaitito," he chuckles, bending down to give your now purring cat a scratch behind the ears. "look at you."
I swear to god cats are drawn to Leo. in Houston they would gather around his apartment building when he was a kid. he would sneak the neighborhood strays snacks and leftovers, naming them after tv characters from his mom's favorite telanovelas. your kitty is no different. they follow you two around all day, purring and demanding attention. they lay on his chest, drooling when he scratches their chin. never in your life have you seen a cat drool. but you drool over Leo a lot too, so you guess you're in good company.
Frank first meets your cat when you call him, asking for advice. your cat has been weird lately, and seems to be avoiding your kitchen. they won't eat or drink in there, and you can't figure out why. Frank shows up at your place, greets you with a kiss, and you bring him over to couch your kitty is curled up on. in the blink of an eye, Frank transforms himself into a large, gray, maine coon tabby cat. he trots over to your kitty, who wakes up with a little chirp. they stare at each other for a moment, making an occasional noise, tails flicking. your cat gets up and trots to the kitchen door, and Frank follows, entering hesitantly. he leaves as a human a moment later, nodding his head.
"It's white noise from your new humidifier." he explains, your cat's eyes trained on him the whole time. you had no idea one of the perks of dating Frank was dating an animal whisperer, and he tells you and your cat he's happy to help translate any time.
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ragnarokhound · 15 days
hey me again. god you must be sick of me. anyways i’ll be quick.
we talked about tim adopting a cat and the cat and jason having beef because jason is a werewolf and then (important for both plot and character development) jason and tim have dirty dirty sex and the cat still hates jason.
BUT: a coda
the cat and jason still have beef until Tim stumbles home not realizing he’s injured/he’s delirious/etc etc. He passes out. is very sick. Jason shows up a day later with breakfast or something (housewife jason todd), cat yowls at him, he follows cat to Tim, saves him.
After that Jason and the cat are ride or die for each other
Hey girl. Chappell, I could never be sick of you, you have provided me with nothing but banger after banger (and you don't have to provide bangers anyway, you delight me regardless)
But case in point
Nothing hits the same as 'i hate you but we both love him, so help me help him.' it's the GOOD FOOD, it's the enemies to friends, it's the found family of it all. And cat and dog(gy boyfriend) edition of this smacks me right in the heart skcnsksk it's so 'i may not like you but we are in agreement about One Thing and that is Keeping Our Mutually Favorite Person Safe'
They may not ever be besties per se, it's not like Jason's cooing at it for pets, and the cat doesn't curl up in Jason's lap the way it does in Tim's; but Jason doesn't growl at the cat anymore and the cat doesn't hiss back.
Tim is endlessly entertained by the respectful nod Jason will give his cat now when he comes by, and the pointedly uninterested stroll past Jason's boots complete with pausing to groom in the hallway.
There are a suspicious number of treats in the cupboard that Tim did not buy (he knows he goes through salmon churus about as fast as he gets them - they are the preferred flavor - but they mysteriously replenish whenever he runs low. Interesting.)
And when Jason stays over, Tim has caught the cat sitting careful watch outside the bathroom while he's in the shower, only to bolt the second the water shuts off. So as not to be discovered, presumably.
He should get injured more often, he muses. Jason and the cat give him simultaneous looks of animal disappointment. (And then Jason drags him off to make out I mean what) ("Sounds like you need a different incentive" "why, are you going to provide one" "[growling]" "!!") (haha anyway--)
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mangoisms · 1 year
hi it’s dc anon :D just know that if u ever drop a wally fic i will be #seated and ready to rate it 5 stars as if it was a beautiful film of letterboxd <3
HAHAHAHA genuinely i WISH i could but it takes so much for me to commit to an idea and see it through especially because i am so long winded it turns into something Much Bigger than i’d like. if only i could invite u all into my brain to show u all the fic ideas i have (like a movie. of sorts) because there are Many </3 but thank you sm anyway <3 maybe one day <333
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roseworth · 1 year
17, 18, 20, 21 :]
choose violence ask game
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
answered here but ill say something else too hehe
i wish there were more jason fics in the post-utrh pre-52 era where hes actually like. in character. so many act like its in that era but then still have him working with the batfamily and being in contact with them and <////3 that era is so much fun and comics didnt do a lot in it before morrison happened and there arent a lot of fics that do anything interesting with it 😔 where are the fics that use the "got real good with guns to piss off the old boss" & "just another bit of dirt in the sewers" dynamic. i am STARVED of bruce crying and throwing up saying he doesnt care that jason is alive and fighting him.
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
also answered here but i still have more to say
been trying so hard to not give obvious answers to these questions but i cant take it anymore i have to talk about lorena
everyone is sleeping on sub diego & lorena in general. i get it bc it happened like 20 years ago and i dont think its not even canon anymore but that doesnt mean im happy about it </3 my girl is criminally underrated she is my sweet little angel that refuses to process trauma <3 if it were up to me she would appear in comics again and everyone would love her because shes the best and i need someone else to latch onto her
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20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
another obvious answer but god. every issue of rhato 2016 after #25 was a fucking chore to get through. like idk how lobdell managed to make the first 24 issues readable but whatever happened he absolutely lost it after #25. i read it bc i wanted to know what jason was up to and i still refuse to read rhato 2011 but holy fuck. reading it felt like i was dragging myself over broken glass. they dont even try to do anything interesting AND dexter soy is gone so there arent any redeemable qualities
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
well while im on the subject of rhato 2016. i feel like i constantly hear people say that the last two issues (that werent written by lobdell) are really good and tbh. i thought they were alright ig? but nothing special. maybe people were just happy to have some jason that wasnt written by lobdell, or maybe it was just bc when i read it i read it after reading the rest of the run and i was just happy to be getting it over with. but i just dont remember it being that interesting! it was fine i didnt dislike it but. i see it on recommended jason reading lists sometimes and ?? like sure ig but it wasnt THAT good
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misspickman · 1 year
Your transfem Tim fics are just SO amazing and moving to me and I love them so much. But I'm curious since a couple days ago you said your most popular ('by any other name would smell as sweet') isn't your favorite you've written- which one is, and why?
Thank youuu also hm i think its too mean to say 'literally any other one' bc i dont hate it or think its bad i just. Looking back i would change many things. Like maybe lower the amount of supporting characters in that fic. Paralytic states + crude and graceless are dear to me bc i think the levels of repression and tiptoeing around the issue comes through better and it takes tim longer to come to terms with it, and i think he'd be much more withdrawn about it/keep it close to his chest than i wrote it in that fic. Thats just the sort of stuff i changed my mind on as time passed and i thought about this hc more so u know it happens. Drowning lessons has a vibe i still really enjoy it feels kinda self contained? And hairline fracture is special to me bc its a part of a kind of complicated au im probably never actually going to write. So yeah im v fond of all of them for different reasons
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sunliv · 2 years
(Dc and dp crossover anon)OH THANK GOD I knew you rb'ing a ship like that had to be a mistake,i was like 'Liv would never'😭I've seen the Jason/Jazz shippers say 'It's an au so it's okay to screw around with ages🙄' like girl what is this???V*ltron????Jason's not into minors,leave my man alone💀
i’m glad you recognized it and pointed it out to me!! i really hadn’t thought abt it, and i’m very thankful for you telling me!! it makes me super uncomfortable, glad you sent a message!!! also thank you🥺🥺i’m so touched u know me so well you were so sure it was a mistake!! thank you <333
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youknowwhoiamperiod · 2 months
sharing some jariel lore with you this night (it’s 7am) so here’s an easily top 3 song to have ever jariel-ed
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unladielike · 1 year
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Since Vivian wasn’t awake at the time to receive her ‘special gifts’ Hayate had already set up everything for today. He always let her sleep in whenever her birthday would come around ( because why not, he usually has her awake to at least eat something then she could go back to sleep afterwards ), and now he’s over here adding the last finishing touches to the crocheted butterfly. This time it was… bigger. The size of a pillow, probably. Hayate had started working on this weeks ago while Vivian wasn’t present in the house, he just wanted to get a good head start on it at first all due to him being busy like a fucking lunatic with work lately. It’s fine.
Hayate finished with the butterfly, and set it on the table that was nearby other presents that he bought. One was just a box full of assorted snacks, a few books of Vivian’s favorite manga ( clearly he wasn’t so sure on how many volumes she had so he bought… a plentiful amount. Almost the whole damn collection), there’s a comfortable blue sweater that he had made for her, too, and a stuffed bear that had a light blue ribbon around its neck. He made the ribbon for it since he didn’t want the bear to go ‘naked’.
Not today. Not on this day.
So, while Vivian had slept Hayate had made her a quick brunch that was just stuffed french toast with eggs. Something simple and nice for her to enjoy when she awakes.
[ HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIVI!!!!!!! AND VIVIAN. I'm late but its always party time. ]
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    VIVIAN'S BIRTHDAY BASH. always accepting no matter how late!
    Truth be told, she had already grown accustomed to Hayate’s tendency of being nowhere in their apartment by the time she finally woke up, so it doesn’t surprise her he had left again with only a faint sagging indentation beside her on the bed to prove he had been there, just the other night. Rather than lament the fact she had missed the opportunity to kiss him goodbye, however, Vivian would soon check her phone for birthday messages or social media updates before changing out of her banana onesie into a blue hoodie and grey cargo shorts. Afterwards, she then reluctantly heads to the bathroom to freshen up for the day, and while she couldn’t say the reflection staring back at her was one she regarded fondly the whole entire time she stood by the mirror, she still manages to brush her teeth and comb her hair until there were less tangled knots at the back.
    Of course, since she figured coffee could always come later, Vivian would then head downstairs... hoping somehow, she would be able to find Bugsby loitering around the kitchen, but what she found instead were gifts, heaped generously against the table alongside the meal Hayate had so lovingly made for her. Why, it came as such a pleasant surprise, her lips would subsequently stretch upwards into a soft smile.
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     Goodness... to think he would purchase almost the whole collection of Dandy Marmalade when she couldn’t even find a single volume in bookstores across Vancouver! Honestly, against her better judgment, she finds herself giggling upon imagining Hayate judgmentally eyeing the covers, featuring topless bara men, but at some point, she would reach for the crocheted butterfly, allowing her fingers to delicately skim it’s wings. Ah, talk about soft... seriously, once he comes back home, Vivian planned on giving him the biggest hug ever!
    For now, though, she would settle into a chair and begin to eat while never letting her presents stray far from her sight; in fact, she even managed to decide on a name for the adorable stuffed bear at some point... calling him Hercules. Regardless, Hayate would eventually receive a notification on his phone when next she finishes eating
You are the absolute best, Hayupin! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) Thank you for making my birthday the best one yet! I’ll be sure to wear nothing but the sweater you made for me when you get back home later on tonight. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ ...So when that time comes, bring more than a few condoms with you, okay? ( ˘ ³˘)♥
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auroreliis · 20 days
OMGGG!! Imagine platonic yandere batfam and reader on a vacation at the beach on a privat Island. Would you like to do headcanons/or a scenario (you can decide) of it. Hope you have a good day/night!!
Aaaaa anon <333 We had the same idea <3333 Thank you so much!!!
Perhaps a little late for summer, but inspiration only struck me now!!! <33
Also, I wrote this on like 4 energy drinks so forgive any spelling errors
Also it's not edited or anything...
If reception is positive on this one, I might make a part 2 with the other characters, so let me know if you'd be interested in that :)
Platonic Yandere!Batfamily
Summary: The Batfamily takes you to their private island for summer vacation.
It was just you. Just you and the gently lapping of the waves against the shore. Finally, some alone time. You had to make the most of it, since you were convinced that it wouldn’t last long.
It was about 8 o’clock in the morning. Bruce, Damian and Stephanie had left the island for whatever reason. Dick was either at home or at main beach, looking for you. You had come here about half an hour ago, surely they would’ve noticed your absence and the fact that you had left your phone at home. They were going to chip you eventually, you had come to accept that. However, you certainly enjoyed the time you had away from them whenever they couldn’t find you.
Jason was probably inside the villa. He wasn’t particularly fond of the heat outside. Either that or he’d gone swimming to cool off. Cassandra could’ve been looking for you. Maybe she had already found you.
Instinctively, you looked around. No one was in sight. Then again, she probably wouldn’t let herself be seen anyway.
The shore surrounding the island was wider at the main beach. Here, it was only a few feet wide. Behind you laid a sparse palm forest. Cassandra could certainly hide there. Whatever. You wouldn’t find her anyway. Besides, she would have probably come to talk to you. Probably.
Where would Duke and Tim be? At the villa, right? Where else would they be? Hopefully not looking for you.
Now that you had considered it, you were probably being observed by someone. And if you weren’t, then soon, you would be.
Whatever, just take your mind off it. Think of something else, like…the beautiful beach you’re at. Yes, it is much nicer to think about the gentle breeze. How wonderful. Just you, the beach and the ocean.
You hadn’t ever been at a private beach, so this was a unique experience. All of this belonged to you. Well it actually belonged to your new family, but still, it almost belonged to you.
Your soul nearly left your body at the sound of rustling coming from behind you.
“Hi”, Tim waved nervously after you had spotted him sneaking up on you.
You didn’t feel like answering, so you just turned back to the ocean. Wanting to engage with you somehow, Tim sat down on the sand next to you.
“So…what are you doing here?”, he kept looking at you, but you tried very hard to ignore his gaze.
“Just sitting.”
“Well, I can tell that, but why here? Why not on the main beach? Dick and Jason are scrambling to find you there.”
You had thought that was the case.
“I wanted to be alone.”, you emphasized every word.
He chuckles nervously. That was it. He didn’t say anything. That told you everything you needed to know: He was only here to annoy you.
“How did you even find me?”, you turned to him, your voice tinged with frustration.
“Find you? Oh, I wasn’t looking for you, I just wanted to go somewhere alone. You know, somewhere peaceful”, he turned to the ocean, as though in deep thought,”I get it, you know. You also want to be alone sometimes.”
If he “gets it”, then why is he always right behind you?
“I think you and I have a lot more in common than you think”, he said, crossing his arms on his propped up knees and turning to you.
The audacity to say something like that made you shudder.
“I think you’re full of shit”, you wouldn’t let him think that he’s getting closer to you. You could never like someone like him.
He tried to hide his frown, but you saw right through him,”That’s pretty mean, you know. I’m just trying to connect with you.”
He didn’t say it directly, but you knew his words were a warning. Bruce had talked to you about this. You were allowed to have your opinions about them, but being overly rude was a violation of the rules—rules, which he made up. In other words, if Tim thought you were being mean, then you were being mean. Against this, there would be no arguing.
Well, you know what they say: If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.
“Ahem, I’m trying to connect with you…”, Tim persisted. You merely pursed your lips and nodded.
Noticing the awkward silence, he spoke again, ”So, will you go swimming?”
You shook your head.
He nodded, “Yes, it isn’t that hot yet, so there’s no need to cool off, I suppose.”
“Well”, he turned to you with a smile, his determination unwavering, “What would you like for breakfast? Alfred already started preparing something. Let’s head back and let him know what you want before he finishes.” But wouldn’t Alfred already know your preference? Perhaps this was Tim’s idea of “bonding”…
Still, his offer seemed tempting, since you hadn’t eaten yet. However, you weren’t jumping at the idea of going back only to place your order with Alfred and then get dragged off to go swimming by either Jason or Dick. Or worse, Tim.
Only now that you felt the hopelessness more intensely, did you begin to question things. Why did Tim always find you first. And how? They didn’t secretly chip you, did they?
…Did they?
Asking them wouldn’t result in an honest answer, so you didn’t really see a point in it. But how else would you figure it out?
You supposed the best person to ask was Bruce—AKA. Dad. He was likely the only person who would answer truthfully…as long as you behaved properly, that is.
“Is dad home yet?”, you turned to Tim, ignoring his previous rambling.
“Oh uh, I’m not sure. Shall we go check together?”, Tim scrambled to use every opportunity he was given, despite being caught off guard.
Perhaps it won’t get any better than this: Mediocre at best.
“Fine, let’s go.”
From the corner of your eye, after Tim grabbed your hand, you saw his smile widen remarkably.
The walk was long and awkward. Your older brother was desperately trying to talk about something, anything, that would catch your interest. Meanwhile, you were silent for the most part.
You had to admit, the villa was quite nice (if only it came without the addition of desperate, touch starved reprobates). Despite having your own room, you were forced to share a room—and often even a bed—with someone, unless you gained Bruce’s special favour for the day.
Luckily, Damian, the person you had to share the room with last night, had left very early in the morning. You weren’t sure how long ago, though, since the letter he’d written to inform you of his absence was…detailed, to say the least. Surely it would’ve taken him more than an hour to even come up with it, let alone write it. What a waster of paper. He didn’t have to say anything at all…
Entering the cool living room made you relax enough to finally engage with Tim, “Um…are Jay and Dick home, or…?”
In respone, he laughed, “Oh, no. I didn’t tell them that you’re with me. They’re probably still looking for you at the main beach. Dick went on about how we shouldn’t let you go anywhere alone in case you drowned or something like that.”
“Wait, what? But I know how to swim! Please tell Bruce that Dick’s rule is unnecessary…I already have enough restrictions, don’t I?” You panicked.
“Well…” He grinned, “That depends on what you’ll do for me in exchange.”
Merely sighing was tiring for you, “Fine, I’ll sleep in your room tonight.”
“Until the end of the week, or no deal.”
Holding back a groan, you responded, “Fine, whatever, just…work your magic, okay?” He nodded eagerly.
“Greeting, Masters. Breakfast is almost prepared”, Alfred appeared from the kitchen.
“Hi. Alfred, did you make-”
“Your favourite? Of course I did”, Alfred interrupted.
“…Right.” You should’ve known, to be fair, “Well, when will it be done?”
“When Master Bruce and Master Damian return”
“What about Steph? Isn’t she returning?” If she didn’t return at all, your life would improve considerably.
“Oh, Steph? She wanted to stay in the city for a bit, probably to buy you gifts or something”, Tim responds in Alfred’s stead.
“Gifts…? You don’t think she’ll, you know, make me play dress-up again, right?”, the thought sent a shiver down your spine. In this heat? There was no way you’d wear layers upon layers of clothes just because she was bored. You immediately left the living room, leaving Tim and Alfred behind.
While waiting for everyone to return to eat breakfast, you went and hid somewhere in the villa to avoid social interractions. And hopefully the heat. It was very hot.
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ashwhowrites · 3 months
okay so basically i was wondering if you could do something with popular!bully!eddie x sensitive!reader
okay okay. so reader and eddie like each other but its a secret from the other and eddie bullies her lightly (cos he doesnt know how to deal with emotions) and shes super insecure cos she has like no friends and stuff and he went prom dress shopping with chrissy and saw reader there and teased her about the dress she picked and she got sad and cried at home then its prom and eddie's rejected everyone cos hes waiting for reader to show up and finally confess but shes nowhere to be found so he goes to her house with flowers or smth and he finds her crying and he comforts her and has her put her dress on and they kiss
but thank you SO MUCH ash your writing is literally amazing it always has me in my feels <333 thank you for bringing so much happiness (and angst LMAO) to my feed!!
You are so sweet!! Thank you so much 🫶🏻I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting!
Prom Dress
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Eddie never had a good hand on his emotions, he never learned how to express what he felt correctly. All he saw growing up was expressing emotions through anger. His dad was never around to tell him about girls and his mom was never there to teach him how a girl wants to be treated. So he went with what came naturally, except he barely ever felt real feelings towards a girl.
Until he met Y/N
Eddie was popular, it was easy to have girls on his arm and in his bed. But he didn't have feelings for them, so it was easy sweet talk and then they wouldn't talk again. But it was like his brain froze when he was in Y/N's presence. His sweet talk was out the door as he stuttered out something to say, and it was always a comment that sent her over the edge. He just didn't know that.
Y/N was a very alone person. She wasn't the best at making friends, making peace with being her own friend. She was insecure, never telling a boy how she felt because she knew it would go the exact way she thought it would. And when she realized her heart raced when Eddie walked in the halls, she knew that one would never happen.
Plus she has a good damn feeling he hated her guts. He added fire to the hell she lived in but there was something about him that she wanted. She allowed herself to be his punching bag because she felt alive when his eyes were on her. He was practically the only person that talked to her, and she didn't want to give that up.
Because at the end of the day, she had Eddie Munson's attention.
Eddie groaned as Chrissy picked up another dress to try on. He looked at his watch, annoyed that they had been in the same shop for two hours.
"At this point, Jason won't care what you pick. Can we please go?" Eddie moaned, his head thrown back as he sat on the uncomfortable chairs.
"You're fine. I have two more dresses and then we'll leave!" Chrissy sighed, going into the changing room.
Eddie moved his head back and looked around the store. He blinked a few times when he saw someone familiar. He stood up and slowly walked closer, squinting his eyes as a girl walked away from the register with a puffy pink dress.
She froze as she recognized the voice. Already on edge as she turned out. Panic in her eyes as she met his brown ones.
"Hi Eddie," she said, a small smile as she greeted him politely.
"Is that your prom dress?" He asked, his eyes looking over her shoulder as she held it.
"Yeah," she said quietly
"So you are going to prom? What? Alone?" He scoffed, a mocking chuckle left his mouth and Y/N shifted on her feet uncomfortably.
"Um, I don't know yet. Depends if someone asks" She shrugged
Eddie felt his body burn, a sense of discomfort thinking of someone asking her. Some guy takes her, takes pictures, and spins her on the dance floor. Someone she would have gotten dressed up for. He wasn't sure why the thought made him so damn angry. But the good news for him, he knew how to express anger.
"Ask you? You know that's not going to happen" he argued, his eyes dark as he stared down at her. "And while you are wearing that? A puffy pink dress, you think you are some fairytale princess? That dress looks like it's for a five-year-old old" He teased, but it wasn't his usual tease. This time it felt like every word he said sliced through her.
The one dress that fit her like a glove. The one dress that made every problem wash away. A dress where for once she felt beautiful.
She didn't say anything, just turned around and walked out of the store.
She cried as she raced to her car, harshly throwing the dress in the backseat. She cried the whole way home, feeling helpless in this world. She wasn't sure why it felt like everything was always up against her.
It was the night of the prom, and Y/N ignored the dress that hung up in her closet.
She bought it a week ago, a week since Eddie ruined the one bit of confidence she had left.
She wanted to return it, but the store wouldn't take it. So now she was stuck with a reminder that she would never be the gorgeous girl who walked into prom and changed everyone's perspective of her. She would still be that loser everyone laughed about.
So she stayed home. Her parents weren't too involved with her life, out on vacation as she sat on the couch. She watched romantic movies, crying as she stuffed her mouth with chocolate ice cream.
Eddie checked his watch for the tenth time of the night. The loud music overwhelmed him as he kept his eyes on the door.
"Want to dance?" A girl from the cheerleading squad asked.
"No thanks. I'm waiting for someone" he said with a tight smile, then moved his eyes back to the door
The prom started two hours ago, and she still wasn't there.
He turned down about ten dances before he took matters into his own hands.
He grabbed his keys from his pocket and hit the road. The flowers he bought sat in his passenger seat, guess he was going to drive them to her instead.
He pulled up to her driveway, letting out a nervous breath as he got out. He fixed his suit, patted down his hair, and gripped the flowers. He knocked on the door, stepping back as he waited for it to open.
"Eddie?" She was surprised, her body mostly covered by the door. Some sort of protection for herself.
He looked up and frowned. Her eyes were red and her cheeks were wet. And she wasn't anywhere near dressed up for prom. Her hair was down, but no makeup on her face.
"Hey, can I come in?" He asked
"Why?" She asked, covering her body even more with the door
"Why didn't you come to prom?"
She was surprised he even noticed. But she was more curious as to why it mattered to him.
"Didn't want to go. Is that all?" She snapped. It was enough that he could torture her at school and outside of school. But at her own house is where she drew the line.
"Um, uh, these are for you," he said shyly, not used to her face looking so annoyed and a snap in her tone.
She eyed the flowers as he held them out for her. She opened the door wider to grab them. They were truly beautiful and it was the first time she ever received flowers.
"Oh um thank you, Eddie," she said, smelling the flowers
"Can I come in? Maybe we can talk?" He asked, he twiddled his fingers as he waited for her to reply
"Uh sure but don't you have like a date or something?" She asked
"No, I was waiting for you," he said honestly, for once just saying what he felt instead of turning it into a joke.
She didn't know what to say so she opened the door and let him step inside.
She walked to the kitchen and got a vase for the flowers. He followed without asking.
"So why were you waiting for me? Was a big bucket of red paint gonna fall over me?" She asked, watching as the water filled the clear vase.
"No, why would I do that?" He asked, his head turned like a confused puppy
She laughed to herself bitterly
"Because you make my life hell" She looked at him like it was obvious. Softly placing the flowers on the kitchen table.
"I don't mean to, I'm sorry" his eyes looked sincere but she wasn't sure what trap he was waiting for.
"Then why do you do it?" She asked, her arms crossed as she angrily looked at him. Maybe this was her chance to finally stick up for herself and tell him to shove everything up his ass.
"Because I like you, and I wasn't sure how to show that" he explained, a small blush formed on his face as he muttered the words.
Y/N stood frozen as she stared at him like he had two heads.
Eddie confessed he liked her?
What kind of prank was this?
"Which I can see now I did in every wrong way possible. I'm sorry for everything, I didn't know I was upsetting you."
She sighed as the apology lifted some weight off her body. It felt nice to finally be apologized to.
"Thank you for apologizing," she said, a small smile on her face
"Thank you for allowing me to," he said, a shy smile on his face
They stared at each other, neither knowing what the next move should be.
"Can I uh see your dress? I saw it in the store but didn't get to see what it looked like on you" he asked, his eyes moving to the floor
"Are you going to make fun of me?" She asked, her arms crossed. Her protection shield is back up.
"No!" He shook his head dramatically, "I know my horrible take on flirting was more hurtful. So I will keep my mouth shut" he said
"That was flirting? God, you are horrible" she joked, loving the way the air shifted into something lighthearted. He laughed with her and agreed.
She led him to her room, allowing him to sit on the bed as she went into the bathroom to change.
She slipped on the pink dress, looking at herself in the mirror. That same rush of confidence filled her body. It was like the dress was magical and healed every broken part of her. She tried to reach the back zipper but couldn't get it. Her face was already on fire as she realized what she had to do.
She walked into the room, Eddie looked up from his hands and his mouth dropped. His eyes skimmed over her dress, the way it hugged her body perfectly.
"Could you zip me up?" She asked, turning around as she tried to keep her breathing normal.
He coughed and stood up. Wiping his sweaty palms on his suit pants. His fingers danced down her spine, making her shiver. He reached the zipper and slowly pulled it up, her skin disappearing under the fabric.
The room felt thick as she slowly turned around. The ghost of his fingers was still on her back.
"You look breathtaking," he said, his voice a quiet whisper as he looked into her eyes
She gulped when his eyes dropped down to her lips. Then he was slowly leaning in.
His hand moved up to hold her cheek, and his eyes moved up to her eyes to check for a sign of rejection. But her eyes were zoned in on his lips.
He smirked as he noticed, slowly leaning in until his lips pressed perfectly against hers.
She wasn't sure where to put her hands so she softly placed them on his chest. Her head turned as he deepened the kiss.
She felt like he kept chasing her lips, sucking away her breath as she gripped his suit in her fingers.
Her body buzzed with electricity. His lips and hands were softer than she thought they would be. His kiss was gentle and slow. Her stomach fluttered and her head spun.
He held back his moans as he slipped his tongue in her mouth. Her lips were soft and warm. Her hands on his chest made his heart race and his face flush. He tried his best to not get carried away, not wanting to scare her. His free hand slipped to her back as he pushed her further against him. He never felt this way ever when he kissed a girl.
She pulled back when she felt like she couldn't breathe. She took a huge puff of air into her lungs as they kept their faces close.
Panting against each other as they looked into each other's eyes.
Like she said, it was a magical dress.
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mxtantrights · 3 months
Omg on jason having twins, i think he’d be an utter mess on their first day of school. Like you got this massive brick shithouse of a man practically trembling while barely holding back tears as he drops off his babies at kindergarten or first grade.
a/n: thank you anon for sending this in! <333 I can't thank you enough and I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it!!!
You thought the hardest part of seeing you twins off to kindergarten would be the kids. But it's actually seeing Jason say goodbye to them that undoes you.
He's crouched down to be at their level. The both go them, Peter and Cassie, are looking at him intently. With their books bags on their bags and their lunch pails in their hands. Cassie let Jason do her hair today, two space buns with purple scrunchies. Peter let you pick his shirt, a fresh green graphic tee.
You sniffle as you take them in.
Jason holds onto Peter's hand and cups the side of Cassie's face.
"Now, you don't have to go today if you don't want to. You can stay at home and we can try again tomorrow. It's okay." Jason says.
"We wanna go." Peter says.
"Yeah daddy." Cassie agrees.
Jason nods his head, "Of course. You two are so smart. You're gonna do so good. You hardly get that from me."
"You're smart daddy!" Cassie says, throwing herself onto him.
Jason doesn't even move when she does that. He is kneeling there and his right arm at his side, the other in Peter's hand. Peter joins in on the hug too.
"I'm gonna miss you guys." Jason says.
Jason engulfs the both of them in a hug. You wanna go over there and join in but you know if you do then they might never actually go in. It's one thing to see Jason not wanting to let go, but if they see it from you they'll probably skip kindergarten altogether.
"Me too!" Peter says.
Jason lets go first. He pulls away from them and takes them in again. Then he gives them each a kiss on the top of their heads. Peter gets an extra one because Cassie turns around and runs through the front door.
Then Peter follows after her. Ever the little brother.
Jason stands up and turns to you. Now you can see his eyes that are red and brimmed with tears. You jog over and wrap your arms around him. He wraps his arms around you within hesitation and places his head into the crook of your neck.
"It's okay. We'll see them later." you say.
"Maybe we can pick them up early?" he asks, and you know he's half joking and half serious.
"No can do. We gotta let the little birds leave the nest." you answer.
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rabbitblackx · 1 year
Can u make a HC on how the slasher would react when the s/n gives them puppy eyes when the slasher said no to smt but then finally caved in for the s/n
(Ps. I love your stuff keep em coming<333)
Thank u!!! :’)💞
Slashers when Reader gives them puppy eyes
Includes: Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees and Freddy Krueger
Michael Myers💖
You could’ve looked at Michael that way for as long as you wanted. It wasn’t gonna work on him. There wasn’t a single bone in his body that felt the littlest bit of sympathy for you. Sure, he thought you were kinda cute, but he never let you take advantage of him because of that
If Michael was gonna cave in to your puppy dog eyes, it was because you were annoying him. Not ‘cause he thought you were adorable, okay? Never, ever because of that! …
Every time you gave Michael those big ol’ eyes, he couldn’t help but feel a little fuzzy inside. If he could smile, he would. It was still a no to whatever you asked him though!
Jason Voorhees💖
Jason never thought something so silly like your puppy dog eyes would affect him. He was a strong, indestructible killing machine. Your dumb eyes weren’t gonna—
Aw :)
Jason couldn’t help it. You were cute! You were a cute human, and he didn’t think that often. You usually didn’t need to beg him with your eyes. Like, he wasn’t your mother. You could do whatever you wanted. Just stay where he could see you and don’t talk to strangers
If Jason was in a bad mood though, expect no luck. Whatever you asked to do was instantly canned. You were to stay here in this cabin and not say another word. Got it?
Freddy Krueger💖
Freddy was a total bastard. You thought he’d cave in if you gave him puppy eyes? Real cute. Nah, you were gonna have to beg him in other ways
He couldn’t help but chuckle every time you put on those big eyes though. Freddy thought you were just too cute. If he wasn’t the man he was, they’d probably work on him every time
If you were giving him puppy eyes for something that actually interested him… like something fun or sexual, he was totally down. But if Freddy didn’t care for it? Consider it cancelled. Especially if you were asking to go out with friends of something. Like, no! You were to fall asleep and come hang out with him forever!
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katsumox · 1 year
hihi!! idk if ur reqs are still open but :,) thinking about jason coming back from a really bad patrol, like he's all bloody and bruised and shit. cleaning him up even when he insists he's fine and kissing his bruises, just like a lot of comfort. sorry if this makes no sense LMAOO i've never requested something before!! tysm for reading have a nice day <33
thank u for the request my love !!!!!! reqs for jason r always open<333
this is roommate!verse because hngghhhhhh okay anyways !
“Oh honey, I’m home,” a sarcastic modulated voice rings out from the balcony. You don’t even have to look up from your spot on the couch to know it’s Jason.
“Don’t ask me where the redheads are,”he continues, “Thing one and two are off doing… fuck if I know.”
His voice is tight with irritation and poorly disguised pain as he all but limps into the living room.
Your eyes widen at his state before your mind settles into work mode.
“Shirt. Off now,” you say, jogging to the bathroom for the med kit stashed under the sink.
“No warm welcome, huh,” Jason teases as he tosses his helmet to the ground. He hisses as he tugs off his shirt, exposing the bruise-littered expanse of his musculature.
“I’m fine,” he rumbles, “No life threatening cuts or nothin’. Just…” he trails off with a sigh as you apply the cold antiseptic to his wounds.
He shuts himself up, despite the quiet whines of discomfort clawing at his throat. He watches you work as he fights the urge to snake a hand around your waist and keep you there, pressed snugly into him.
“Just one more,” you mutter, tapping at the gash near his jaw, “Wonder Woman bandaid?” You ask, looking up at him with those big doe eyes.
He grunts in confirmation, eyes flitting from your form to something off in the distance.
“Let me kiss it better,” You coo as you press the bandaid to his jaw.
Jason frowns as he looks around the apartment’s living room. It’s dark and empty, save for the two of you.
“Thought we couldn’t do the whole PDA thing in shared spaces,” he rumbles, a smirk playing on his lips, “You’re breaking the rules.”
“Fuck rules,” You hum, “No one gives a shit about rules.”
You press a kiss to Jason’s jaw, right next to the bandaid.
“Fuck rules,” Jason parrots, slinging his strong arms across your hips.
You kiss the J shaped scar on his face before standing on your tip toes to let your lips ghost the yellowing bruise under his eye.
He exhales, watching you intently as you press feathery kisses down his bruised neck and collarbones.
His eyes stay glued to your lips as you kiss the now-scarring wound on his shoulder.
“Yeah,” Jason airily murmurs to no one in particular, “No one gives a shit about rules.”
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allllium · 4 months
Hiiii! I saw ur Jason Req!!
As a fellow Jason writer I would love to see ur take on Jason x less fortunate reader? Who like has trouble with accepting gift and didn’t/does have ye bast home life <33
Remember!! This just a suggestion :j if you don’t want or feel uncomfortable just ignore this lol!!
Drink water, rest, eat something tasty
-0n1x. <333
Princess Treatment
~ I fully believe Jason is the type of guy to completely smother his partner in gifts and anything else they want so I love this :)
~ WC: [Fluff, Hurt/Comfort]
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~ Jason has a habit of giving gifts
Jason who buys all the things you look at for a second too long in the store
Jason who never listens to you as you complain about the amount of money he spends on you
Less Fortunate!Reader who feels slightly uncomfortable when Jason gives you something too fancy
Less Fortunate!Reader who never knows exactly how to thank Jason for all the expensive gifts
Jason who never expects any repayment even as much as you insist
Jason who randomly goes through your online shopping apps to buy your cart and whatever else he thinks you might like
Less Fortunate!Reader who starts to gives gifts back to fend of the uncomfortable feeling you get
Less Fortunate!Reader who tries to explain to Jason that you don't need all these gifts for no reason
Jason who does everything he can to make you more comfortable accepting gifts
Jason who explains to you that you deserve everything he can give you
Less Fortunate!Reader who tries to hide how you feel, to not seem ungrateful
Less Fortunate!Reader who never opens half the gifts he gives you because the last thing you want to do is lose or dirty them
Jason who simply buys you more if you somehow lose something
Jason who understands how you grew up and knows why you feel this way but refuses to give up on giving you things till you accept you deserve it
Jason x Less Fortunate!Reader that work together in perfect harmony and eventually fall into the perfect cycle of gift giving where he showers you in gifts and you accept the way he loves you, it may be different from the past but it no longer makes you uncomfortable
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~ As much as I really wanted this to be a oneshot I couldn't think of any story line for it 😭 I will most likely do a part two in the future <3
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Hi Elle!! Hope all is well 💕💕
Can I request a headcanon or fic of where Dick and y/n have been in a serious relationship for a few years and OC has become a “mom figure” to all the other batboys. So when the batboys misunderstand Dick and OC getting into a big fight somewhere, they both come home (either to their place or to the manor) to find that the batboys have moved/thrown out all of Dick’s things because they love OC that much??
Thank youuu ☺️
Ahhh this is such a cute little idea!! Thank you so so much for the request it’s lovely to see an old friend <333
Found Family - Dick Grayson x Reader
Steph gave you a sympathetic smile as she poured the rest of the wine bottle into your now empty glass. “What’s wrong hun? Because if it’s boy troubles I will personally castrate Richard if he hurt you.” Which only made you sigh as you nodded. Her eyes widened, you and Dick never ever fought, and this foreign emotional territory was a shock to you too- hence the wine.
“Dick asked me to move in with him, but I’m not ready to leave my place! I love Gotham, and I’m not sure Bludhaven is where I’m meant to be. But I also know I could never leave him. I just told him I needed more time to think and I think he took it really personally. It’s not that I’m not ready to live with him, I’m just not ready to leave my life here even if it is just a town over.” You said, happy to put into words the emotions swirling in your chest.
“What?! You are NOT leaving Gotham anytime soon. What on earth would I do without you here?” Steph exclaimed, putting down her glass to pick up her phone, fingers typing frantically.
Less than a minute later, Tim was jogging into the Manor kitchen, “Dick’s tryna take Y/N from us? Over my dead body.” And before you could tell him otherwise, the young hero burst out the room, clearly on a type of war path.
“No! I love Dick and you guys, Bludhaven is great! I just need-”
“Taking down Richard has always been on my bucket list.” Damian’s snarky voice echoed through the manor as he stalked out the same door as Tim. You scrambled up and after him, but Steph side stepped in front of you, “don’t you dare try to fix this, we’ve got it!” Which only made you more nervous for the future of your relationship.
Before you knew it, another bottle was opened, and the colors of the Manor living room were awfully fuzzy. You were pretty sure you’d seen Jason, Tim, and Damian zipping in and out of the manor, each repeatedly promising an increasingly violent demise for your boyfriend, who’s radio silence was only making you more anxious. Steph, while physically with you, was terrifyingly glued to her phone, sending text after text- even taking the occasional call, but she was speaking quiet enough that your tipsy-mind couldn’t process the words flying out of her mouth.
You truly weren’t sure how much time had passed when Dick burst through the manor shouting “Stephanie Brown where the hell did you hide her!” And before you could shriek with excitement, Dick appeared in front of you, his eyes frantic until he saw you were okay.
“Dickie!” You cooed, outstretching your arms so he would scoop you up into a hug. And he did. He was breathing heavy, burying his head in the crook of your neck as he took a deep inhale. You were just giddy to see your handsome man, squeezing him tighter, wrapping your legs around his waist, happy to be carried as you weren’t sure you could stand in your current state.
“What on earth did they do to you sweetheart,” Dick mumbled, walking back towards the kitchen so you could place you on a counter, you leaned back to look up at his eyes. He swiped a hand over your cheek, you assumed you were still warm from the alcohol.
“She’s. Fine. Can’t say the same about you you selfish monster,” Steph slurred her speech, pointing an accusatory finger at Dick who gave you both a confused look.
Almost like a sitcom, the three other boys burst into the room, as if on cue.
“Step away from the woman Grayson!” Jason shouted as Damian lobbed the nearest manor antique he could get his hands on at Dick, who of course caught it effortlessly, setting it down next to you on the counter.
“What the hell is going on?” Dick raised his voice, but Tim was already in between the two of you, pushing Dick backwards as Damian hopped up onto the counter next to you, silently handing you a glass of water which you graciously took, enjoying the plot unfolding before you.
“No questions at this time Richard, as Y/N’s personal advisor I’m here to state the case.” Tim began, Jason and Damian nodding in agreement. Steph had her phone out, clearly filming the entire argument.
Tim continued, “it has come to our attention that you intend to take Y/N from us.”
“I asked her to move in with me?” Dick looked exasperated but intrigued by the way his brothers had turned on him in your name.
“And in doing so, you’d be removing her from Gotham, and therefore the four of us!” Tim concluded, and at the statement, Jason, Steph, and Damian mumbled angry agreements.
Dick scoffed, “I’m sorry, I thought she was my girlfriend, and you guys love coming to Bludhaven! With Y/N there it’s more reason for everyone to spend more time over there.”
Damian piped up immediately, “we hate Bludhaven Richard, Y/N is the only thing that makes it manageable.”
Jason snorted, “ever realized we only go over for dinner when Y/N is visiting you? Or that Steph only wants Sunday bagels in Bludhaven cuz Y/N spends the weekends there? Did you seriously think we just went over for you?” You cringed as the harsh tone, but Dick didn’t look offended, rather, proud?
Dick opened his mouth to retort, then closed it. Tim spoke up again, “Don’t worry Richard, I’ve already mended the problem at hand.”
Now Dick spoke up, “what the hell did you brats do now”.
“To the Zeta Tube!” Jason called, scooping you and Damian up in one arm and sprinting towards the teleporter, with Dick screeching for him to put you down following close behind. For once, Damian wasn’t squirming out of Jason’s grasp, rather he had quietly grabbed your hand, saying “I hope you love your new home” to you right before the Zeta Tube activated.
When you came through, Jason set you and Damian down happily, and you were situated in a fully furnished apartment. Furnished with your and Dick’s combined furniture. You froze for a moment, feeling like you were in a different dimension until you notice the window in the apartment. You recognized the block corner instantly.
“We refurbished an old safe house! It’s south west Gotham, so close enough to Bludhaven that Dick can’t whine too much, but only a couple minutes drive, or instant Zeta Tube to the manor!” Tim exclaimed excitedly.
Damian piped up, “we stripped Dick’s apartment to the ground to furnish it! Not like either of you will be needing it anyway!”
Dick had been silent, drinking in the new view. But he came up beside you to stare out the window, “I think they just made a compromise for us, but I do want you to love it. What I should’ve said earlier, is that I don’t need to be in Bludhaven, I need to be with you. You’re my home Y/N.” He pressed a kiss to your temple and you leaned back into his chest.
You spoke up, “I love it, and I love you, and I especially love you guys,” you turned around to face your family. Steph was grinning, Jason was nodding knowingly, Tim was off slightly adjusting furniture placements, and Damian was- wiping away a tear. Not worth pointing out, because he’d deny it anyway, but your heart was bursting knowing the little guy wanted you near just as badly as you wanted to be close to him.
“Tim! Get over here, it’s group hug time!” Dick called, throwing an arm around Jason and Steph while you scooped up Damian, who for the second time that day, wasn’t fighting back. Tim crashed into the hug and your swore you could feel your heart beating out of your chest with pride in your found family.
Tim’s phone vibrated and he shouted “Dick! You’re rich! The Bludhaven apartment just sold!” And Dick shrieked, “You put my apartment up for sale in a day!!” To which Damian shrugged, “not like there was anything in there after we were through.” Jason nodded in agreement saying: “yeah, you don’t even wanna know what plan B was if you said no to this place!” But Steph shushed him before he could divulge any more, most likely violent, secrets. You couldn’t help but grin knowing your family had your back no matter what, even if Dick was slightly concerned over his brother’s undying loyalty to you, it made staying in Gotham that much more worth it to you both.
“As your realtor I will be taking 15% of the profit! Gonna go meet the new tenants!” Tim called, beelining to the Zeta Tube before Dick could even try to tell him no. You gave Damian’s hair a ruffle, which he immediately tried to fix, as Jason and Steph nodded, knowing they could be over whenever, but you and Dick probably wanted a moment to get used to the new place.
And suddenly, it was quiet. The bustle of the Gotham streets was faint, and you walked through the apartment which was truly designed perfectly, imagining the dinner parties, late night adventures, and peaceful mornings you’d get to have in your new place.
“As much as I hate to admit it, they did good.” Dick broke the silence. You nodded in agreement, unable to wipe the heartfelt smile off your face, you gave him a peck and said, “They sure did, it feels good to be home.”
I hope you enjoyed!! Thank you again for the request!
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