#[ ooc: i kiss my boy on the forehead. ]
talentforlying · 9 months
flat on my fuckin face buuuuut finally got the go ahead for top su.rgery!!!
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NAME: Aimon "To-Be-Titled" Elrose
AGE: 126
SPECIES: Cavern elf
GENDER: Masc-presenting, he/xe
ORIENTATION: Gay (homosexual, homoromantic)
PROFESSION: Heir apparent
—————————————————————————- { PHYSICAL ASPECTS }
BODY TYPE: Lanky and box-shaped; his chin is well-defined. He definitely is more 'arm' than 'leg.'
EYES: Much like the Boundless Azure, belonging to the lineage of Lord Ruvan and the sea nymph, he is pupilless, while the sclera and iris are one color. However, Aimon's eyes are much more teal in color (a personal theory between him and his advisor is that his connection to the nymph heritage is stronger, considering he can 'bend' water.)
SKIN: Rosewood orchard brown.
HEIGHT: 6'0"
—————————————————————————- { FAMILY }
FAMILY: "Adopted" grandmother; estranged father; estranged mother.
ANY PETS?: Sylvie, a chimera.
—————————————————————————- { SKILLS }
Adept flyer; architecture; thrifting; polyglot (ancestral linguistics); sailing; surfing; being a silly guy and getting away with it;
—————————————————————————- { LIKES }
COLORS: Bright oranges and pinks (enjoys an excellent blue and silver combo for his 'official' garbs)
SMELLS: Seasalt, kiwis, and strawberries, freshly burnt wood, polished wood, books
FOOD: Salted mango slices, meat skewers, grilled cactus
ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES?: yes [ x ] || rarely [ ] || no [   ]
FAVORITES: romance (smut) novels, aerial sports, pub crawling (and partying), musical performances (die-hard fan of elusive 'Soup and Bread'), beaches, and whatnot. (he'd tack on names on here, too, but I'm not letting him embarrass Maisie.)
—————————————————————————- { OTHER DETAILS }
SMOKES?: yes  [ ] || no [ x ] || occasionally [ ]
DRUGS?: yes [ ] || no [ ] || occasionally [ x ]
DRIVER LICENSE?: yes [ ] || no [ x ] doesn't exist in his world!
EVER BEEN ARRESTED?: no [ ] || yes [ ] || almost/detained  [ x ]
tagged by: @eraba-reta-unmei tagging: @caustichatred
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vastampede · 1 year
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would you kiss him yes or yes
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tartt9 · 1 year
forever screaming about the greyhounds that's found family babey
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shaisuki · 3 months
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content warnings: yandere themes, past mentions of abuse, noncon, baby trapping, dubcon, manipulation, stalking, forced pregnancy, stockholm syndrome, ooc characters, crying, redemption arc?, murder, abuse, rushed writing. dead dove do not eat.
notes. my first post in april. been struggling for awhile and having writer's block plus having the new addition of two chunky puppies that looks like potatoes with legs. requests are slowly being worked on and i deeply apologize for the delay. thank you!
synopsis: long they searched for you and only to find out you have a child. their child. would they be still the same person who had hurt you or a changed man for the sake of your child?
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“where's your mom, little guy?”
there is no doubt about it. the child in front of him is his. it is like looking at the younger version of himself except for the hair, dyed black to conceal the snow-white hair identical to him. how fast can he come up with the conclusion that the child is his?
gojo was careful of the past hookups he got tangled with. there's no way he will knock some random stranger and be forced to take responsibility for a child he didn't want. there is only one person he did get pregnant, you.
his wife who escaped left him a few years ago with his unborn child growing inside your belly. funny how all those escape attempts you'd done in the past, you only succeeded once and that is when you're pregnant and then after that you disappeared like you didn't exist in his life but gojo isn't that willing to let you go. he will find you. there's no force or power in this life that can stop in him and only fate to intervene and guide him to you which leaves him in this current situation.
the sun begins to set and the clouds turned into a mix of oranges and red. the swing makes a creaking sound as it sways back and forth along with chains clanging with every move. resonating into the emptiness of the park and his son only ignores him. barely glancing at him while staring at the distance. waiting. waiting for his mother. waiting for his wife to pick him up.
gojo chuckles at the cold treatment his son have been giving him. hadn't been the most affectionate person just like when he's at that age. unforgiving and arrogant. he looked at the ground beneath him. a brief memory flashes by before looking at his son again. leaving the swing at a flash and sprinting towards someone. he follows the little boy and gojo smirks. fate do favor him.
“mama!” your little boy called to you. almost jumping in your arms and you fumbled a bit. balancing the plastic bags in your hold to pick up your son. threading his hair with your fingers and kissing his forehead like you always do.
“satoshi! sorry for making you wait. mama had errands to do. how are you?” in which your son looks at you with a huge grin in his face. making you smile in return and he whips his head to look at the swings and you followed his sight. there he is, your nightmare. the reason you have your son.
the temperature drops with every second as the wind blows stronger. you hugged your son tighter to you. your body freezing with your mind telling you to run and with a deep breath. you squeezed your son before taking a step backwards and turning around. never looking back.
he watched as his son went to you and you picking him up and you realizing that he's near you. just within arm's reach and that fear coming from you. good to know he still have a hold on you.
calm down! you tell to yourself while you carried satoshi away from that man. you know you can't hide from him forever. you will just run again. no matter how many times. you did it once — what's the difference of doing it again.
you write a mental note to yourself to pack your bags after this. you're not going back again to him, not with your child. you don't want him to go through the same things he put you through. he was already dead to your son and to you and he's merely a ghost who terrorizes you. when you got home, you made sure to lock all your doors before making dinner and tucking your son to bed and then you grab the bags.
after packing up the last necessities, you slowly trudged your way up to your son's room and your heart drops when you see him looming besides your son's sleeping figure.
“quite bold of you.” he began to speak and your lips tremble. he didn't face you and kept looking at his son. your face bereave with anger. “s—” the words die out before he interrupted you.
“going as far to dye my boy's hair. almost thought he's not mine and thinking you found yourself another man to take care of you. breaks my heart to kill him and take you.” caressing his son's hair. satoshi remained asleep despite the scene unfolding.
“satoshi doesn't need someone like you. we don't need you. stay away from him. from us.” you murmured. careful not to wake satoshi up and find his father. you don't need someone like gojo to be around satoshi.
“can't i?” said satoru. slowly standing up and making his way to you. “cause the last thing i remember, you were still mrs. gojo. pregnant with my baby.” you let out a silent yelp when he suddenly hugged you.
“let go.” you firmly warned him. squirming from his grasp but he only held you tighter. “i won't. now you're here with me. you don't know how much i have missed you.” he breathes out. his hand in the back of your head until it slowly descends on your back. squeezing the dips of your hips and you silently gasp. trying to keep the tears at bay. his nose in the pulse of your neck. breathing in your scent. “you won't deny me.” he whispers and before he could fully go down in you. he hears the bed creak, followed by someone shifting and a sniffle coming from his son. his hold got loose on you and with that, you pushed him off. joining his son in his bed to comfort him.
satoshi sniffles, his eyes fluttering and showing the blues that he inherited from his father. “mama?” he calls you and you immediately shush him. “mama's here, satoshi.” you coo. pulling the covers and tucking it beside you and satoshi latched into you. his eyes beading with tears. “it's just a nightmare, satoshi. nothing's going to hurt you.” you lied. there's only one who could hurt you both. the man who put you in hell for his own. he can do that to satoshi too and you won't let him.
although gojo had longed and wanted to take you there at the moment, he let you tend to his son. set aside the urges of longing for you who left him. a discovery he just had found hours ago. he's a father now. his back presses at the cold wall behind him and he melts at the tender moment before him. this is what you had been doing for the last five years and is it that long. five years. five years had gone by and he missed it. he wasn't there to take care for you and watch his child grow up. you stole the years and the moments where he could be with you and his son.
there's the gnawing feeling that eats him inside. the betrayal simmering in his chest the day you left him, days after he received the news that you were carrying his heir. it feels like an eternity after that.
when satoshi finally settled and you can hear the tiny snores coming from him. you slowly removed yourself from his side. it took awhile to pry his hands clutching your top before replacing it with a pillow. you kiss him in the forehead and it's finally to face him.
you're beneath him. his head hung low while he stares deeply at your eyes. both of your hands are pinned beside you. he glances at your bedside table. littered with pictures of you and satoshi. it makes his heart bleed to see him absent from all of it. he wasn't even there to see satoshi as a baby, taking his first step and see him grow to what he is now. it's all because you choose to leave him.
“you raised satoshi well.”
“i did. i'm not raising satoshi with you around.”
gojo hums, “oh, really? he didn't ask who might be his father is?” quite curious about it and he knows what you're about to answer and you didn't disappoint.
“i did. told his father was dead because you don't exist to us. to satoshi. why bother with us who don't want you?” you bravely stared back at his eyes and you thought this is going to be satoshi when he grows up to be satoru's age.
“i am bothered with it. my wife leaving me out of the blue with my child inside you. i told you, didn't i? i will always find you.”
you take a deep breath to keep the tears from spilling out of you. “five years. five years, satoru. you should have moved on. find another woman who can give what you want.”
“they can't if they are not you. why would I want myself another one when i know my wife and child are alive. how could you be so cruel to me, (y/n). you're my one and only.” gojo holds your cheek in his one hand while his eyes roam to your face and then landing in your lips.
he's been dying to kiss you for a long time and he can do it again. it feels like the first time he had kissed you. soft. gentle and sweet. it hurt him a bit to see you bite your lips with your eyes closed but he didn't care. he knows this was also the same way you reacted when you both created satoshi.
a familiar warmth creep up on him. his once cold heart melting at the contact of your lips against his. heart thrumming in slow beats. shallow breaths fans your skin and he gazes at you, with the same adoration present in the blues of his eyes.
“leave, satoru.” you protested but gojo ignores it. “no, i won't. you're stuck with me.” you cry softly when he kisses you again. hands wandering all over your body and whispering filth of how he missed your body.
“satoshi's sleeping next room.” he shushes you. “i know, that's why we have to keep quiet. you sure can manage that, mochi?” he didn't change with his nicknames and you were left weak and hopeless against his touches.
that night he ravaged you. marking the expanse of your skin. praising how you were still his wife and you never changed. the plushness of your body and just everything about you. motherhood is kind to you. he says. your body is made for him, nurturing his child and you freeze when he talks about putting one on you again. saying that he will give the next his all love with you present and you will both take care of satoshi and his sibling. you were terrified. tasting freedom once and he's back on you again to take it. escaping will be harder and you don't think it'll allow you with again.
in a blink of an eye, you were in your own prison again. you find yourself staring at the familiar garden and you think five years will change it. he kept it the same as the last when you left with promises that you will both be watching as your children played.
satoshi's hair had gone to its natural color. he's the spitting image of his father much to his delight but his child remained wary of him. even he's staring at the older image of him. he remained by your side.
“will i have a baby brother, mama?” he asks you while you were resting. “i don't know, satoshi. do you want a baby brother?” caressing your swollen belly and you fought the tears. satoshi noticing the tears pooling in your eyes, instantly expresses his concern. “no...no. mama is just a bit tired, satoshi. don't you worry about it, okay?” you assure him. “is it the baby?” you nodded at his question. he pouts at your answer. “then i don't want a baby brother.... or a sister!” he exclaims before jumping to hug you.
“satoshi, don't be mean to your baby brother or sister.” your husband pulls satoshi from you. “i hate who makes mama cry.” gojo chuckles at him. “me too, satoshi. let's protect your mama, shall we?” he embraces your son. satoshi nods, and you die a little inside.
you will spend the next years playing house with him with a new addition to this family. you still can't accept this. his words haunts you and you just can't.
gojo caresses your belly. looking at you with a smile on his face. “can't wait for this little one to arrive.” he says to you and you crack a smile at him. the thought of escape no longer lingers in your mind. not that you can think when you have a child with him and one coming.
nanami didn't take you leaving him to be so distressing. his life revolving around you and a baby on the way. it's going to be complete. a life with you and it took one night for you to leave him without a trace and so he goes back to working overtime.
the first days were grueling. searching for everywhere. going as far in finding information with your relatives who had given up on finding you. there's no sign of you. he spent the days and night thinking about you. worried about how you're doing without him. what about the baby? if the baby was to survive and reach the age of consciousness will his child think of him? the thoughts are endless and he don't think he can live another day without you.
the fluorescent lights are too bright for his eyes that has been drowned by the darkness of his room. his headaches becoming unbearable as the minute passes by and the stench of the hospital adding to his already dulled senses. cheeks hollowed with his sunken eyes. dragging his step to move forward. he shouldn't be here but if he wants to continue his job, a prescription would be nice from a professional.
after a scolding from the older doctor, balding with a pot belly. yapping about his health while he wrote his prescription. consisting of vitamins and stuff he didn't bother to read cause he will only give it to the pharmacist and continue his own source of living.
he was nearing the exit when a particular sign caught his sight. pediatric & maternity ward. he stops for a moment. wondering if you were here and he's accompanying you to get the first check up of your pregnancy and then an appointment for your ultrasound. hear the first heartbeat of his child and know the due date of you giving birth.
it's almost a year since you left him and he was to blame. nanami knows it was wrong to keep you for himself. telling that the outside world is dangerous for someone like you and he's facing the consequences of hurting you.
you must have given birth at this day and the baby must be four-months old. his heart grows heavy the more he thinks of you and his child. he began to walk away, the ward giving him pain and the regrets showing up. before he could step outside the doors from the ward opens and he hears a voice that he misses dearly.
when he turned around, he had to rubbed his eyes to ensure his vision wasn't playing him. there you stood, a nurse assisting you and talking on what he can assume as good wishes to you.
his breath hitches and when the nurse bid you farewell before going back to her duties. you smile back at the nurse and your attention is back in your baby. adjusting the blanket to provide warmth for the infant and when you were contented from it, you raised you head to look at your way. beginning to walk and you notice him.
you stopped when you recognize him. out of all the places to meet him, a hospital it is. worst is — you have your baby with you. hesitating to move forward or turn around and look for a another exit but it's him. it's nanami. you couldn't forget him and his ways of making you feel trapped.
what feels like an eternity and standing like a statue you continued to walk. abandoning the fear of being under him again. you could just ignore him and go home and so you did.
it hurts so much to let you go and he didn't have the strength to confront you. knowing that you'll run again and he don't want to scare you and make things worst. it pains him and yet, he was at peace. a heavy weight being lifted from his chest and he thinks he can breath properly again.
it took him awhile to get back in his daily routine when you were still around. he'd gotten better. there's no longer the dark lines under his eyes and he seems productive nowadays. he knows you won't take him back and he can't do that again to you. he won't give you a reason to loathe him again — not when his child is present in both of your lives.
he got your address effortlessly and now, he's standing in front of your door. holding a bouquet of flowers and he's adjusting his tie before knocking in your front door. he hears the shuffle of feet and the lock clicking. revealing yourself in front of him.
in a span of a year, you slowly managed to get back on your feet. body aching while you wash yourself clean and heal the wounds you inflicted in yourself while you were in his captivity. you needed to change — if you were going to bring this baby in the world. a brand new start for yourself.
when you met him that day at the hospital with his child cradled in your arms. it won't be too long for him to get you back and you feared for the safety of your child. you know nanami isn't that heartless but considering how could he be selfish at times — you knew what fate would await for your daughter.
not until he came knocking at your door. you weren't prepared for it and you did what only you can do — shut the door. it didn't happen, his arm blocking the door. “please, darling. let me explain.” he pleaded and it kinds of break your heart to hear him pleading but you're too hurt to give in. “leave us alone, kento.” you say to him but he's persistent.
he won't be leaving anytime soon, you think and maybe he'll force his way and escalate into something that can harm you or your child and you give in. you pull the door open and nanami sighs in relief when you opened the door for him.
“what do you want?” you bite your tongue when you said it. he didn't need to answer, you know what he wants.
“can we talk?” although he's a little worried about how you will react about it considering his past mistakes and he knows you're not going to open up at him anytime soon.
he didn't missed the change in your attitude. what hostility forming into you change into something of a hesitation. chewing into your lips as you decide whether you were ready to talk to him until you nodded. granting him to explain what he was about to say to you.
“come inside.” you softly mutter as you turned your back around him.
the full force of his regrets came crashing down at him from how the way you treat him. a reflection of how he badly treated you from shielding you against the world when it was him who was truly hurting you.
“so...” you started to speak at him. “what brings you here?” why are you this!? you thought to yourself. screaming internally at the the questions you were asking to him. how come you are this weak when it comes to this. you needed to be strong. prepare for the worst.
“you. i came here for you and for the baby. forgive me, darling but is the baby mine?”
you flinch when he questioned your baby's parentage and the bottled up feelings you were suppressing instantly bursting into the scene.
“is the baby yours?...” your words drawl out. “is the baby yours!? i didn't know that you could be this stupid, kento?! you kept me chained for years and knocked me up with your baby and you question me about her! how could you....?” so much for suppressing the feelings you couldn't say to him for a long time.
a wave of regret washes over him and you were right. he is stupid. you were crying because of him again. you were shaking like a leaf while tears continuously flowing out from your eyes. your sobs are muffled and tears are soaking his shirt. his chin resting in the top of your head while he held you close. he wishes he could take your pain. redeem himself from his old ways of treating you bad.
“you come here telling me you want me back and you want to be a part of her life.....” days. nights. you were thinking of him despite what he had done to you. “i told you, i didn't want her. didn't want a child for me to raise... cried myself to sleep every night after escaping you.” it was true. how you feel your baby growing inside you every seconds of your life, it terrified you. thinking how can you raise the baby.
kento's eyes softened. he didn't know it would hurt so much like he felt when you left him. you were getting the brunt of it more than he did. he thinks back from the days of how he treated you and the whole duration of your pregnancy and you giving birth alone. you must been so scared and alone.
all of that, the words of what you said sinking deeper in his skin. remorse and regret is evident in his face while he held you.
“i didn't know.” he whisper, his voice above a breath. “i didn't know you felt that way, darling.” the endearment of what he used to call you and calling you again with it again cause more tears to spring in your eyes. oh, how you love and hate him at the same time.
“i didn't know i could hurt you this bad, i—i was only thinking that if i have you back, everything will be fine. i didn't realize i was hurting you this much.”
he slowly moves away from you. reaching tentatively to hold your hands and his heart breaks to see the face he loves so much to be this hurt. “i want to make things right, darling.” there's a slight tremor in his voice. “i know i can't undo what i had done to you, but please, let me be here for you, for our child.” he holds your hands gently. “i'll do whatever to earn your forgiveness.” you were taken aback from all of it but deep down you could never trust him or forgive him. you didn't respond and you can only shake your head not until you hear crying in the nursery room where your baby sleeps.
“if you want to be better, leave us.” you began to walk away and as much nanami wants to snatch you again, you stop in your tracks. “and maybe, i'll let you back to us.”
“for now.” you added.
he kept true to his words. it's hard but it can never compare of what you had been through and he respects the boundary you were setting. he sent you flowers during the time he wasn't around and it was not enough, he needed to see you and when he did, he was granted to see his daughter, hold her in his arms.
the baby looks like you except for the blonde hair and it was just like he dreamt. a family with you. she's perfect. perfect as her mother who graced him with her presence and this baby, he will protect this child with you.
he finds you crying. masking it as dust getting in your eyes but nanami knows you like the back of his hand. after tucking his daughter back to her crib, he joins you. sitting beside you and it broke his heart a million pieces knowing you were still in the process of forgiving him.
he's a father now but he is still your husband. “i'm so sorry, darling.” he whispers, holding your hand in his. pulling you closer to rest your head in his shoulder but nanami had longed to kiss you again.
he cups your face in his hands. caressing your round cheeks and despite wanting to recoil from his touch and avoid his gaze, some part of you wants to be held like this and you can't lie to yourself that you missed him despite everything. tough love it was or is it there still love in that?
“let me make it up you.” you shaked your head. closing your eyes and a tear escaped from the corner of your eye. nanami frowns. sighing before pressing his forehead into yours for a moment before pulling away to kiss your forehead.
this is nothing, he will endure it for a very long time until he can be yours again.
he call it a happy accident. toji happens to beat that self-proclaimed sorcerer piece of shit and now, that shit is meeting his creator. he pays the body no mind when that leather wallet of this weakling drops beside his body. well, it's not the body is only cold. he expects to find some cold, hard cash there and he gets more than that. a picture of his wife and toji clicks his tongue. kicking the son of a bitch's body. annoyed that his wife is playing house with a another man that didn't even manage to put a scratch on him.
an idea appeared in his mind and toji smirks. he could pay this wife of his a visit. you would be so happy to meet him.
he came knocking at your door and the look you expressed is the best you can ever muster in a true horror of him finding you, it didn't disappoint.
“hey there wife. remember me?” he said in the most cocky voice he can muster and look at you, you're almost shaking in your boots but toji is surprised as you are when you were holding a toddler in your arms. a dead ringer of him. round, emerald eyes with the same eyelashes and face as his. clutching your blouse with a pacifier in his mouth.
his sight narrows to his son and to you. his once surprised face being replaced with a bored look and you couldn't even bring yourself to close the door. you don't know what he's thinking and so he got you when you're weak.
“you birthed a brat and it's mine?” it's not a question really when he comes doing this. his hard body pressed against your soft one. trapped in the cold table where you prepare him tea. insisting that he's a guest in your house and you must be a good host to serve him.
toji sighs, a low grunt coming from him. “you could be so mean if you want to. hiding my child and you come playing house with a man you replaced me with.” your blood runs cold with every words he said and the hands wandering all over your body until it came creeping below your blouse and his rough hands are squeezing the flesh of your stomach. you closed your eyes shut.
“he's a good man. which you will never be and you killed him.” your lungs contracts before releasing a breath that will took you days, months or for years to tell him that and you said it in one breath.
his eyebrows twitch. a look of disdain dawning in his face. just because you tasted freedom and you're acting like a goddamn independent bitch. you deserved to be punished.
the tea's now forgotten cold. you're pinned in the counter top with toji's cupping your jaw in a deathly grip. the skin of your wrist turning into a another shade. the circulation cut off and it begins to numb.
“who said about me being good man? he's a weakling who can't even protect himself and that weakling lead me to you and you're his what? his bitch? a body to warm his bed? when you should be doing it to mine!? you're one ungrateful bitch.” toji chuckles and he smirks triumphantly.
“my kindness needs to be paid, princess.” and here he goes calling you with the spiteful nickname to you.
he didn't give you the time to reply and forcefully kissed you. you almost choked at his whole body weight crushing your own. you couldn't even move your face to the side and reject that kiss of him. you didn't need him and your mind froze thinking of megumi.
you don't want him to see you in this position with his father. you kissed back, giving him what he wants so you can tell him. resistance is futile with megumi present in your life now.
toji grunts. you can feel him smile against your lips and when he breaks the kiss. you stare at him with your eyes pleading. “megumi.” and toji got the message of what you're talking. he glances at the door of the kitchen and he can the tiny shadow of his son walking, although a little wobbly and using the walls to balance himself. he scoffs at his son, ruining his reunion with his mother and toji is quite annoyed by it but it didn't stop him from feeling proud of birthing his son.
toji lets you free and your knees wobbled, giving out on you and you were left kneeling at the cold floor. megumi spotted you and in his own steps made his way to you in which you hugged him tightly.
“you ain't going to introduce him to his old man, wife?” you pursed your lips at his question and ignored him. rubbing megumi's back and shutting his father out and it ticked toji to just take his son away from you but resisted the urge to do so. knowing he can use this to keep you to him again. you would be so obedient with a little threat.
“careful now. you don't want me taking our little megumi away from you.” he warns. “now, put megumi to sleep and we can continue this little reunion of ours.” you nodded and you immediately scamper away from him and you see the front door. you can run but he'll catch you. you accepted your fate now and you would take the brunt of his punishments cause you're a disobedient wide who didn't care about your husband's desire.
it would be a waste to chain you again. toji thought. you're a mother now and he got a son with you. he don't want any interfering from how you will raise his son. he couldn't think about anything and maybe after you put megumi to sleep. he could think the ways he could keep you by his side again. for now, he'll just be a little patient and he can have you again for himself again.
it was a mix of being ashamed and scared.
you knew this day will come when suguru and his child will reunite once again. the last he seen you was a baby bump visible in your dress in which he was happy. it did take root. a new lineage for the age of sorcerers.
dusk beginning to settle in the skies and you were supposed to fetch your son in the front yard telling that supper is ready and to your surprise. you found suguru standing tall, head low to face your son. a smile plastered in his face the whole time talking to your son and then he notices your stiff figure standing in the pavement before slowly walking towards them.
“i am your father. did your mommy told you that?” he asks and your son is processing what the words could mean. taking a glance between you and to his father. waiting for an answer in which you remained silent and only to tell him to go inside and wait for you.
suguru smiles. the smile that you hadn't seen for years and you can't deny that it still have an effect on you. “missed me, (y/n)?” the curse user spoke to you. his black and long hair swaying in the rhythm of the gentle breeze blowing.
“not really.” you honestly said to him and suguru's eyes changes into something dark from how you responded. “guess you got tired of all that luxury or everything's not enough for you.” he tuts. following the changes that is present in your face but he only received a curt shake of your head.
how shallow is that. you were like a pet to him. something he owned. a possession. he didn't like you being you and so you were lavished with expensive stuff that would keep you chained from the compound and to his little family. family. one you never had and never truly belonged in his place however you laid with him every night and the result, your son. living and breathing.
once you found out you were with child. it was a realization that you were never free and it hit you that this child will suffer the same fate as you and so you walked out. never looking back with the sole intention that you will raise this child with a perspective of the world and not to be influenced. his own and so you lived for years in peace until he showed up.
a shiver went down your spine from the contact of his fingers tracing to your soft jawline. electric and shocking. with a touch you will obey him but it's different. you're a mother now and something so good will only bring you to your own demise and it will extend to your child.
it is but you missed him touching you. a slave for his affections and you weren't really different from your past self. mustering the courage is the same as surrending yourself from the man who you treated as your world.
closing your eyes and you raised your head to meet suguru's eyes. purple it is. “you would understand why i left you, suguru. i can't raise ryū in that place.”
“and you think excluding me from ryū's life will change it?” not breaking eye contact while he caress your round cheek.
“yes. you're mad suguru and i can't change that.”
suguru chuckles. how motherhood impacted your ways of thinking. finding it so endearing to see you standing up and you wouldn't believe it that he's much more in love with your or whatever he was feeling. he knows it's bad for him and to you. “look at that, motherhood did you good. mad? i'll show what's mad, my dear wife.” he leans to whisper something to your ear. “i will let this go once and then prepare yourself. you will be back to me and with ryū, there's no chance of turning your back away from me.” he softly threatens to you and it weighs heavier. a contrast of the mellow tone of voice he was using.
“see you soon, (y/n).” kissing your cheeks before waving a hand to say goodbye to your son who was staring behind the windows.
suguru left after that and you knew what's about to come and you wished none of that will happen but suguru was always true to his words and you abandoned hope.
he will come back.
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komelrebi-san · 7 months
gem ♡ boy band ver.
will be performing in a band in talent show and it gave me ideas
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feat.: guitarist! childe, drummer! itto, bassist! diluc, keyboardist! kaveh, vocalist! venti synopsis: Hoyo Entertainment recently debuted a boy band! and you are their pretty little stage-styling manager. the catch? they can't seem to keep their hands off you...
a/n: i got carried away oops
tw: MDNI!!, characters slightly ooc, fingering, unprotected sex (wrap before you tap kiddos!!), semi-public sex, slight voyeurism, dacryphilia, p->v penetration, slight breeding, semi-clothed sex, edging/orgasm denial, hand fetish, praise kink, riding, marking (hickies), oral f!/m! receiving, slight manhandling, size kink, tummy bulge, tell me if there's more!
don't like, don't read.
guitarist! childe
always laughing on stage, bright cobalt eyes twinkling as he played
the kind to vibe with his members on stage, looking over at them now and then with a wide grin on his face
the cheeky smile he sends to the audience, the kind of smile where dimples appear at the corner of his lips, paired along with a charismatic wink, makes the audience go crazy
but who cares about the audience when he knows that you're backstage, watching?
always makes sure to throw his head back at back at the end of the song when he strums the last chord
he knows you can see his adam apple bob in his throat, he knows you can see how the light hits his jaw line, he knows you can see the sweat dripping down the side of his face, he knows you can see him pant and his hair stick to his forehead
he knows he's hot, and he knows you get antsy when you hear the fans scream
he's definitely the kind to stare at you intently when you're brushing highlighter onto his face, or using a blue eyeliner that matched his big eyes
'mhm? you're blushing~' he remarks, raising a hand to push away yours that's holding the eyeliner pen before cupping your cheek
insists that you kiss him before you go on stage, for good luck purposes only!
(not just that though, your lips are so soft, of course he'd wanna kiss them)
'ajax, you're gonna smudge your lip- mmh!' and he plants his lips firmly on yours, long slender fingers brushing against your waist
he laughs when he sees your red face, turning to walk on stage but not forgetting to plant another kiss on your cheek
oh, it's so cute, he thinks. he does it every time but you never fail to please him with your flushed cheeks
he knows you stare at his hands - dextrous fingers, prominent knuckles and veins, he knows you practically drool over them when he plays guitar
and you make the prettiest sounds when his fingers work their way into your panties
'wait- ajax- not here-' and he cuts you off by pressing his lips to yours, relishing the whimper that bubbled up your throat
'not here, mhm? that's not what your pretty little cunt says, princess. you're dripping wet, i can just slip my fingers right in.'
you're quite sure that you saw stars when his fingers reach a spot inside you that you'll never be able to reach with your own fingers
he chuckles when you break off the heated kiss, a loud moan tumbling out of your pretty lips when he curled his fingers inside you
'no no no, we can't have that, mhm? people are gonna hear.' childe leans in to whisper in your ear, raising his other hand to cover your mouth as you whined.
'unless...that's what you're into. you want them to hear, do you? you want them to hear how good i'm making you feel? naughty girl.'
he laughs breathily when you moan again, the sound muffled by his hand, lewd squelching resonating in the dressing room when he scissors his fingers in your cunt
'tell you what, if you are good and stay quiet, i'll let you cum. how's that?' and he grins when you nod feverishly, bucking your hips into his hand.
he knows you can't stay quiet, he knew, but maybe he'd play nice today, since you're so desperate for his touch, mhm?
he hears venti call for him, so he curls his fingers in a 'come here' motion, pushing his finger pads against that spot inside you that made your legs quiver
with a muffled cry, you gush around his fingers, juices dribbling down your thighs as your walls clamped tight around his fingers
'good girl.' he says, licking your juices clean from his fingers, grinning when you groan at the sight. 'wish me luck, mhm? maybe i'll treat you later.'
drummer! itto
the kinda guy that laughs while throwing his head back as he plays, especially when one of his band members pull off something sick
twirls his drumstick, it looks so cool fr fr
his arms!
there's this once when you told him being able to play drums is cool, so he tried to teach you
made you sit in the drum stool and sat in a chair behind you, wrapping his arms around your figure to take your hands in his own, guiding your hands holding the drumsticks to hit the different drums
back against his firm chest, veins gliding over knuckles when he squeezed your hands gently
oof his hands completely covered your own bc yours were so much smaller than his
you can see the muscles flexing in his arm when he plays, oof he's so strong
and he knows it, he wears tank tops all the time for a reason, bc tank tops meant that ppl can see his arms, good god
in between songs, he runs a hand through his hair and takes a drink of water from his bottle - but you're right there, backstage, watching their performance
so instead, he gulps the water because he knows you see his adams apple bobble up and down
he pours some of the water on his head (under the excuse of the heat) because he knows you can see the water wet his shirt (sticking to his muscles) and lifts his shirt to dry the sweat running down his face
he sees you staring, really - he sees you staring when he twirls his drumstick and pass it from finger to finger, knuckle to knuckle; he sees you staring when he stretches after a performance
'Sorry about my hair, it must give you a lot of trouble, huh?' He says as you stood in front of him, trying your best to curl the hair that fell beside his face
the way his voice was quiet and slightly husky, the way his large hands were dangerously low on your hips, the way he leaned closer to you whilst pulling you into him - everything about him made you melt
you give him a rather nervous smile before leaving him to change into his outfit, but wait - he pulls you back into him
the way he's manhandling you is so hot, ngl
partially, itto really wants to just prove his strength and manliness to you, to prove that he's the best because he knew his band members want you too (who wouldn't, mhm???)
your back was against the wall, his hands hooked under your knees holding you up while his hips rutted into you
'fuck, look at you, taking my big fat cock so well.' he groans. his cock tip was probably kissing your cervix because he was so big. he gripped your blush thighs tight, groaning when your cunt sucks him back in
'shit, you're so tight, doll.' he pants, laughing at your terrible attempt at trying to form a sentence, only incoherent babbles exit your mouth. 'i bet none of the others fuck you like this, mhm?'
you can barely think as he works you impossibly close to your climax, eyes rolled to the back of your head
'fu- i- i'm gonna cum.' he pants, lifting you slightly so that his cock head pressed against your g-spot every time, loud cries ripped from your throat at feeling the knot in your tummy threatening to unravel
he possibly got even harder at seeing your tummy bulge
'yeah? you want me to fill you up? you gonna take my cum like a good girl?' you couldn't answer him, drool running down the corner of your lips, tongue lolling out, way too fucked out to think or respond. but he knew your answer when you whined loudly, walls fluttering around him
he thinks you look pretty, even prettier than usual - barely able to walk, his cum running down your thighs
bassist! diluc
he's the quiet one
but bc of the kind of aura he has, bro's popularity skyrocketed
actually not the type to wear rings and shit, he likes stuff simple
but! the fans went wild when he started wearing them at your suggestion
upon noticing his popularity dramatically increase, kazuha started including more bass riffs in the songs
actually has a good singing voice, but only shines when he does adlibs for venti's vocals
he looks so good on stage, sheesh
long red hair usually pulled back into a ponytail with small braids here and there, bangs curled to frame his face perfectly, rings adorning his long fingers (very much at your genius suggestion, big thank you)
like childe, he interacts with his members on stage
doesn't just open up to everyone, but feels really close to his band members
he's not as outgoing about it, he only subtly shows his trust in his companions
he gives everyone a reassuring nod before lowering his head again to look at his fingers strumming the strings, or pressing down on the fingerboard
bobs his head slightly as he plucks the strings
redid his hair once in the middle of a concert, but he did it by fixing his hair while biting on his hairtie
ooof that was so hot
gentle in his approaches, generally prioritises you and your needs over everything
always brings an extra bottle of water to the dressing room - oh, one of them is for you
gives you a small but sincere smile as you lean closer, gently dabbing eyeshadow/doing eyeliner
the kind to lean closer to you, tuck a fallen strand of hair behind your ear before stroking your cheek
'thank you,' he whispers, leaning in to press the lightest peck to your cheek, before making his way to the stage, not forgetting to give you a small smile - a smile that he reserved only for you
oof i'm whipped
he rlly loves it when you do his hair, bc you're so gentle with him
catches your eyes in the mirror as you worked away on his hair, curling iron in one hand, hairbrush in the other, bobby pins held in your pursed lips and clips on your sweater sleeve
your touch feels so nice, oop
oh, you look so cute, he thinks. you look so cute when you're all focused on him, and not focused on childe's/venti's shenanigans
but - you look even cuter when you're on your knees in front of him, pouty lips wrapped around his dick, struggling to take all of him in your mouth
'you look so pretty like this.' he says, cupping your jaw in one of hands
quiet for the most part, but when you struggle take more of him inside your mouth, pressing your tongue flat against the underside of his shaft and raise a hand to fondle his balls, he loses it
a gutteral groan rumbled from his chest, throwing his head back, reaching to hook his hand on the back of your head, he pushed your head down slightly as he tangles his fingers in your hair
'you're doing so- ah- so good.' he pants, tugging your hair slightly as he bucked his hips, smiling slightly when you gag as his tip hits the back of your throat, fat tears rolling down your cheeks as you whimpered
'you look so pretty, good god.' he groans, rutting his hips into your mouth as he cums down your throat
keyboardist! kaveh
his hair is so soft!
literally doesn't give you any trouble when you try to style it
tie it up into a ponytail, half-up, braid it - anything works and anything looks pretty on him, and he has zero objections in you trying out new stuff
does the thing where he drums the desk or his thigh or the arms of the chair, his deft fingers playing his keyboard part, tapping away
at first it was really annoying, geez
but it slowly became comforting, calming, even
almost like a kind of silent noise at the back of your mind, soothing you as you do his makeup
big eyes peer up at you, batting his lashes innocently when you are not working away at his eye makeup
and when you are, a soft smile dances on the curves of his lips, feeling the brush against his eyelids or along the corner of his eyes
he's so gentle, so sweet with you, you could practically see all his affection towards you pour out of his eyes
your heart aches when he's around you because his attention is all on you
but at the same time, he wants, needs, craves your attention so bad at the best of times
quite affectionate with you too
ruffles your hair, pats your cheek, swings an arm around your shoulders - you name it
my gosh, have you seen his music scores?
any and all space is filled with doodles of you - and they look so accurate!
he's always focused on every little detail on your face, every tiny perfect imperfection, he can't get enough of you because you're so pretty that it hurts
it's only fair that he captures your beauty perfectly, since you make him look so pretty when he goes on stage
clingy! he's basically half hugging you when he peers up at you, taking in how you were frowning slightly as you worked away at his face, tracing his cheekbone with a dab of highlighter
takes advantage of every single chance he has to be alone with you, and that's how you ended up being pulled onto his lap as his bandmates filed out of the dressing room, heading onto the stage first
'ka- kaveh, you have to go on stage-' you manage to stutter, feeling him grind his bulge into your aching cunt
'shh, you want this too, no?' he whispers, leaning in to press openmouthed kisses to your collarbone
but it was obvious you were needy - small hand fisting and clutching his shirt tight, humping your hips against him to match his rhythm, quiet whimpers leaving your throat when you feel his erection against your barely clothed cunt
'you're so cute.' he says breathily, tugging you closer to him whilst moulding his lips with yours
oh, his lips are so soft, and he tasted so sweet - like strawberry and peach blossoms and all kinds of other nice things, you can never get enough - he tasted just as sweet as the way he treated you
and when he finally slips inside you, both of you groaned loudly, not even caring about other people hearing
you felt so full - his long-fingered hands on your hips, helping you move up and down on his cock
'i can feel myself here.' he pants, caressing the bulge in your tummy with his warm palm. 'shit- your gonna kill me with your clenching- god- just- just relax, yeah? i've gotchu.'
just like he knew all the small details on your face, he also knew exactly how to work his way around your body
'shh shh, you're doing so good for me, so good.' he praises, leaning in to suck on your neck, pretty red and purple marks blooming across your soft skin.
'i'm- nngh- i'm close.' you manage to make out, hands on his shoulder to support yourself.
'i know, princess. me too. cum with me, yeah?' he smiles, pulling you to him to cradle your head in his neck, voice cracking when he feels your walls clamp down on him again
he brought a hand down to swipe across your clit, feeling you quiver in his touch
with a sob, you cum around him, white strings of both your juices dripping out of your cunt as he pulled out
'good girl.' he says, leaning in to press another sweet kiss to your lips.
vocalist! venti
cheeky little shit
straightup just blatantly stares at you in the mirror when you're doing his hair
peeks under your skirt you're bent over, grabbing tools and getting ready to do his makeup (oh, how he wished he can bury his head between your legs)
always always always makes you dye his hair
under the excuse that the other styling team members never gets the turquoise colour quite right
'they can't mix the same colour like you can.' he complains, whining about you rushing off to do kaveh's hair instead of paying attention to him
no, that's a lie, because it literally has nothing to do with hair colours whatsoever
he just thinks that his hair should be only for you to touch and stroke
of course, he's exclusively yours, and only yours
the fans love him - he's lively, he hypes up the concert, he interacts with the fans while singing, leaning over the stage to highfive and take selfies with them
but he's yours, and only yours
stopped doing his braids by himself - must be you that does it!
whines that he can't do it as well as you do, but actually just really enjoys your touch
'ehehe, is this the tint that you use for your cheeks?' he asks, leaning in until you were nose-to-nose, while you are dusting his cheeks with the pretty blush
you don't reply, opting on leaning back to continue doing his makeup
he knew you were only trying your best to convince yourself, because you were staring at him, eyes wide, cheeks flushed, hands shaking slightly
'you always make me look so good on stage, i was wondering how you do that...is it because you use the same things personally? ehehe, i knew it~' he laughs, teal coloured eyes twinkling in feign innocence as he grabs your wrist, tugging you closer to him again
'hey, what flavour is your lip balm today?' he asks, batting his lashes, the rather mischievous glint doesn't leave his eyes as he leans in
but he doesn't wait for you to answer, this little shit guy literally just leans in to sneak a kiss by pressing his lips to yours, relishing the muffled 'mnhm!' of surprise
oh, you are so cute
the fans call him cute, but only if they knew, really, that you are the cutest
you're so sweet - you smell sweet, you and so sweet towards him, and you taste so sweet
your lips taste so sweet (oh, they are strawberry today) - but your cunt tastes even sweeter
he's obsessed with your taste - nose nudging at your clit, tongue eagerly prodding at your entrance, finally delving into your hole when he's had enough of slurping at your arousal
'you taste so sweet.' he groans, the vibrations against your folds drawing another whimper from you
'ven- venti-' you pant, but your voice disappears when he moves his mouth to suck on your clit, 2 dainty fingers slipping into your hole
'fuck- i can do this for hours.' he's almost whining, though really you are the one at his mercy. he was on his knees while you sat on the desk, desperately bucking your hips into his face as he worked his way around your folds
it was so lewd, you think. the loud slurps, your juices and drool dribbling down venti's chin, his whimpers and whines as he buried his face into your crotch as angelic as ever
who, amongst the countless number of fans, would think that their idol who had the most beautiful voice, singing songs that praised innocent, sincere love - would be here, your plush thighs opened wide, muffled whines leaving his mouth as he begged to taste you more?
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kelthebarb · 1 year
the dark
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pairings - carl grimes x fem!reader
genre - fluffy smut, slight angst in the beginning
warnings - p in v penetration, use of pet names ??(baby, mama, love, pretty girl), dirty talk, praise, carl’s a bit ooc, kissing, cussing, CARL & READER ARE 19!! (during the 6 year timeskip, if carl was still alive)
request: anon - ik you haven’t done any fanfics but can you do a carl grimes x reader? smutty ofc 😏😏 but the reader is laying in bed in the dark and carl comes through the window and then they fuck cus yk straight to the point 🤭. but he calls her “mama” bc ahhhh carl saying mama is my new hyperfixation 😁 anyways-
a/n: OOOH LORD, stop it y’all makin me act uppp 😭😭 anyway absolutely, carl calling you mama? BRO.
y/n laid on her bed, only half asleep. she hadn’t been able to completely shut her eyes since the bridge blew up with rick on it. she had stood there, right in front of carl to stop him from running towards it. she felt terrible, she herself was crying. watching carl break down and almost beg her to let him help his dad, to go save him from the flaming pit of walkers. even if it had been a few months, and carl had seemed to get a little better, she still lied awake at night, his face and the way he clung on to her while crying later that evening haunting her.
a few taps on her window were enough to startle her out of her train of thought. she jumped up and turned her head. somewhat hiding in the bushes, she recognized the silhouette of a sheriff’s hat and long hair that fell to the man’s shoulders. she scoffed and walked over to the window, opening it and taking the hat off his head.
“carl, what’re you doing? it’s late as hell,” she asked, crouching to meet his eye.
“couldn’t sleep. can i come in? i don’t wanna look like a creep, staring at a girl through her bedroom window,” carl said.
“isn’t that what you were just doing?”
“not necessarily.”
y/n chuckled and opened her window up as far as it would go, making there enough room for carl to slip through.
“quiet! i live with people! you’re gonna wake them up, dingus!” y/n whisper-shouted at the boy, who had just almost fallen straight to the floor.
“sorry,” carl grimaced. once he was through the window, he took his hat off of y/n’s head and kissed her lips.
“you sure you couldn’t sleep? or did you just wanna see me?” she asked, resting her hands on his midsection.
he pretended to think for a second, “both.”
he leaned down a bit too kiss her again, one hand on her hip and the other cupping her jaw. the kiss became heated, y/n standing on her toes to get closer to carl. the two started stumbling to her bed, almost tripping over themselves as carl laid her down on her back. he continued to kiss her lips, then moving down her jaw to her neck. he littered it with little purple marks - they’d definitely be noticeable in the morning.
she quietly hummed at his actions, entangling her hands in his hair. carl stopped for a second, lifting his head to admire his work. he chuckled, going back up and kissing y/n’s forehead.
“i love you,” he said, resting his head on hers.
“i love you, you little tease,” y/n giggled, smacking his arm playfully.
“is that so?”
“mm-hm,” y/n hummed with a smile on her face.
“well,” carl got close to her ear, “say the word and i’ll stop teasing.”
y/n’s breath hitched. she clenched her thighs together, trying to get any kind of friction. she looked up at carl with big eyes and whispered, “please.”
carl smiled, dipping his head to kiss her again. he undid the buttons on his flannel, tossing it to the floor next to the bed. y/n slipped off her shirt as quickly as she could. carl tugged at the waistband of her sweatpants, sliding them down her legs. he leaned up over her, unbuttoning his pants with his right hand and his left on the pillow right above y/n’s head for support.
his jeans were soon on the floor along with the rest of their clothes. carl could tell that y/n was getting impatient; she was rubbing her thighs together desperately.
“hey, baby, only a little longer,” he said, spreading her legs apart. “just take off your bra for me, yeah?”
y/n nodded, lifting her back a bit to unclasp it. she threw it to an unknown spot, not even caring where it went.
carl chuckled, “eager, aren’t you, mama? you want me inside you? want me to fuck you dumb?”
y/n whined in response, becoming a bit annoyed at carl’s lack of initiative at the moment. carl smirked and tilted his head to press more kisses to her neck. she moaned softly, practically begging him to stop it and just fuck her.
“didn’t you say no more teasing?” y/n asked, pouting. he kissed her lips, biting them a little so she opened her mouth with a gasp. he shoved his tongue over hers, lapping at it with desperation.
he pulled away, breathing heavily. “sorry baby, you just look so cute when you’re needy.”
he pulled down his boxers, letting his cock spring out. y/n had seen it a few times before, but it never failed to surprise her.
“lift your hips for me, love?” carl asked, tapping the side of her hips as she elevated them. “there we go, that’s my girl.”
carl slid himself in, her slick making it easy to do so. he groaned loudly as she clenched around him, hiding his face in the crook of her neck to shut himself up. he panted loudly in her ear, kissing her cheek while waiting for her to adjust.
“you okay, mama? can i move now?” he asked.
“yeah, please,” she breathed. carl started off slow, going deep and drawing long moans from y/n.
“you gotta be quiet baby, we don’t wanna get caught,” carl whispered. he went a little faster, making y/n dig her nails into his back. carl lifted his head to look at her, enjoying the way her face scrunched up with each thrust.
she noticed him looking and immediately turned red, she lifted her hand to cover her face, but carl moved it.
“nuh uh pretty girl, i wanna see you,” he said, connecting his lips with hers again. he shoved his tongue back into her mouth, swallowing her noises. his cock twitched when her hands went up his back to tug on his hair. he reached his hand down and started rubbing her clit.
y/n was close, she could feel it, but carl’s mouth felt too good on hers that she couldn’t form a coherent sentence. she came without warning, surprising carl entirely.
“yeah? only made you cum once and you’re already fucked out, baby,” he said, thrusting harder. he got louder as his climax neared.
“i’m- fuck, i’m gonna cum,” he whimpered with his forehead against hers.
“inside! d-do it inside, please,” y/n gasped as he hit her sweet spot over again. she felt him spill his cum inside of her, groaning as he pulled out.
“c’mon love, let’s go shower.”
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vxiphoid · 1 year
❨ summary ❩ twst › waking them up to tell them stories that don’t make sense
tags ✧ fluff, crack, savanaclaw boys, defo not proofread its like 7 am, cursing but nothing out of the ordinary, ooc(?), ruggie calls you a little shit like once (affectionate), jack is whipped for you
amanuensis’ message ⊹ I LITERALLY LOVE DOING THIS??? my friends hate me for it. but anyways hiii im back after like my month hiatus, how are thy sleeplings?😋 mb guys writers block has been really kicking my ass, i was spitting blanks on paper… i’m gonna hopefully post another pastry emporium soon for scarabia so stay tuned for that‼️
⌜ 300+ e/chara ⌟
♫ sunset boulevard - hohyun
twst masterlist
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— “leona… pspsps….”
— he hums gruffly when his name was called the first time, only opening his eye thinking you called him a second time when it was really just noise that you would make to get the attention of a house cat. he instantly pins his ears back. how dare you. “hmm?”
— “so i took our snail for a walk and i had accidentally left my feet here to wash the dishes because the grass was blue.”
— huh? you could see him trying to process everything you just said as you explained, his lips parting and eyebrows furrowing. it took everything in you not to laugh. he does one of those blinks, the really delayed ones, one eye opens before the other…
— he’s half asleep too so the confusion is just adding up altogether. if chicken scratch wasn’t a writing term, this is literally it in words. its like the books back at home he picks up to read (derogatory) its, what, 4 am? dont do this to him😭
— you’ve never seen him so expressive💀 this definitely makes his eye and ear twitch at the same time. what type of fucked up fever dream is this?? its usually a blessing seeing you as the first thing he wakes up to, not when you wake him up with some bull strung up in a sentence with your beady eyes staring at him while he sleeps. he loves you, yes, but what does he even say to this…
— “what…”
— your forehead met with his chest as you struggled not to laugh at the uncharacteristic break in leona’s voice. how many cups of coffee did you drink? he asks you to repeat yourself even though it kinda a mind mush decision so you did and by the end of it, he looks absolutely restless.
— “that’s… yes. that’s great, herbivore. can we go to bed now?”
— you note that leona is surprisingly patient when half asleep
┏━━━━━━ ━ ─ ╴⋯ ⟢
— deep sleeper. tug his ear. though he practically springs up before your hand makes contact, giving himself whiplash.
— “jack?”
— almost instantly relaxes when he realizes its you, tail wagging subtly☹️ “hi, baby. s’something wrong?”
— “hiii, do you remember a year ahead ago when i had to go to the dentist to get my spine fixed and the cats were barking at the flying dogs because the sky was in the water?”
— bro feels like he just had a stroke💀 he’s blinking rapidly, rubbing nose bridge as you explain. he really wants to understand, he does, but wtf did you just say??? it was the innocent “hi” before you unapologetically bashed his head in with the entire dictionary. its so ridiculous he couldn’t help but laugh.
— “jack, this is serious.” even as you told him that, your voice was not steady at all which made his shoulders shake violently in silent laughter.
— “im listening, i swear. tell me one more time?” yk his ass is not listening. he pulls you into his lap while his thumbs idly rubbed your sides, responding to your stories with “uh-huh” and “yeah?” with a lovesick smile on his face.
— eventually holds your face and starts pressing heart squeezing, fluffy kisses all over your face which truly made you more tired then you were. you honestly start forgetting what and where the story was going.
— jack only pauses his kissing attack to respond when you take a small break but even then he doesn’t pull away fully, he’s just speaking against your skin
— “—and the duck had my arm while i was taking it on a walk because gran tammy was in a flying shopping cart.”
— “oh wow. and then?”
— he’s listening but he’s not, mostly because he’s like two seconds away from dreamland and his brain isn’t registering half the shit you’re saying. he wants to see how many stories you can jumble up.
— “yeah, i think it’s bedtime for us…”
┏━━━━━━ ━ ─ ╴⋯ ⟢
— omfg he wakes up like a mom. like yk how you would barely touch them and they would gasp like they were just given cpr?? he wakes up like that.
— and you’re just standing there awkwardly 👁️👁️
— takes a quick look around before looking at you. “what happened? is it time to wake up leona already?” you shake your head and ruggie flops back, an arm draped over his eyes. “you scared me… come, lay down with me?” he held his free arm out for you and you did take your place cozied up against his side. to your surprise, you did actually scare the living shit out of him from how fast his heart was racing.
— “ruggie, yk i just found out you’re related to turtles, right? and i had to take uncle bobby to the vet to get a dna test because the fish drowned in air.”
— slow roblox turn towards you but instead its his head as he cranes it down to stare at you. you can practically hear the gears in his head turning and you literally could not look at him or you’d blow your cover.🧍🏾
— “i’m sorry,, what the fuck??”
— he’s genuinely confused, asking you questions about your story while his brain tries to put together the pieces. each question he asks, the more its harder to speak in full sentences other than wheezes
— “what are you laughing at, ya little shit? explain this to me!”
— “i’m trying!”
— and you are😭 its like when you have to explain the family tree really slow bc you cant say, “my father’s girlfriend’s son” without him like ???? and you’re trying to explain it to him slowly, eventually forgetting what you said in the first place…
— “…and the fish drowned in air.”
— “yes.”
— “sweetheart, you still haven’t explained how i’m related to turtles—”
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genshin-obsessed · 1 year
With any of the boys you feel like writing for:
(Both star rail and genshin are fine! But if you could include Cyno and perhaps Gepard that would be lovely <3)
Reader who accidentally loses their engagement/wedding ring. Maybe they took it off to shower and it got lost or (if you want angst) they got into a serious accident/were kidnapped/etc. and it was lost in all the excitement. In any case reader feels terrible about it and is crying and apologizing to him and we get lots of comfort at the end hehe
✧ Ooh I chose to do both fandoms! This sounds super cute and fun! This was a lot more fun than I thought it would be! I hope you like it ✧ Includes: Cyno, Kaveh, Alhaitham, Gepard, Jing Yuan, Blade. ✧ Extra: I think I’m starting to like my ooc Blade… also it's a bit lengthy!
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» Cyno «
Cyno had actually had the ring custom made. It was one of your few cherished possessions. You looked at it multiple times a day. Any friend you met, you’d happily show them the ring to which they just chuckled. Newly engaged couples tended to do that.
You did your best not to take the ring off willy nilly. If there wasn’t a reason for it to come off then it didn’t need to come off. You also placed it in one place if you ever did take it off, in a jar on your nightstand.
You… weren’t sure what the hell happened but the ring kinda vanished. It was one minute and then it wasn’t. You knew you didn’t take it off. But it was gone.
At first, you were in denial. There was no way it just disappeared like that. But it wasn’t on your finger, so where was it?
You had practically destroyed your bedroom in search of that ring. The fact that it wasn’t on your finger was sending so much anxiety through you, it was bringing you to tears. You hadn’t even realized what ruckus you’d caused since you were too busy in your own head.
“(Y/n)!” A loud voice called, finally breaking you from your trance. You looked up to see Cyno standing there with wide, concern-filled eyes. “What happened? Did someone hurt you? Are you ok?”
When you saw him, you started crying even harder, feeling the guilt well up in your chest. You knew it was difficult for Cyno to have that ring made and you just went and lost it like an idiot! You covered your mouth, trying to muffle your sobs.
Cyno, on the other hand, was also panicking, wondering if his simple entrance had ruined your day. Of course that sounded ridiculous so he slowly approached you, grabbing your shoulders.
“Hey, hey, ok, just- just breathe, ok? I won’t understand anything and I can’t help if you keep crying like this.” It took you a good five minutes before you were able to calm down enough to explain what happened.
“I-I lost the ring.” You managed how, holding your hand up to show your finger with the ring missing. Cyno felt both relief and sadness. He was relieved that nothing serious had happened such as someone threatening you, hurting you, or someone you loved. But he was also sad that you lost the ring- mainly because of how much you were crying. He loved how much you loved the ring, but it was never worth this many tears.
Cyno sighed and took that same hand, placing a kiss on your now lonely ring finger. He leaned in and kissed your forehead too, giving you a hug.
“It’s just a ring, my darling. I know you loved it- and I’m happy- but I don’t want you to cry this much over it. It’ll be ok, we can find it. Or get a new one.” You immediately shook your head at his last offer.
“No, I want that one. I don’t want a new one.” You said, looking up at him. He smiled a little at your stubbornness.
“Ok, then let’s start looking.”
It took a little while- almost an hour- before you two were able to find the ring. Apparently, you had placed it in the drawer of his nightstand accidentally and didn’t think to check it because you don’t usually touch his things. You felt a little silly but you were over the moon to have your ring back.
» Alhaitham «
Alhaitham’s ring for you was nothing short of magnificent. Everyone noticed it without you saying anything as it was so eye-catching.
Because of this, you were extremely careful when going anywhere alone. The ring was no doubt expensive, and you didn’t want to take any chances.
The thing was… sometimes people just followed without you realizing. Normally, if you were Alhaitham, he’d notice almost immediately. You on your own, however, could not do that.
You hadn’t even realized it but there was a thug in front of you demanding you hand over anything of value to him.
You scrambled to give him all the money and jewelry you had, hoping he’d let you go free. Then his eyes fell on your beautiful, sparkling ring. You felt your heart sink as he pointed to it.
“That too- gimme that too!” He yelled, wanting to show you that he wasn’t scared or in the mood to waste time. You slowly shook your head, feeling the fear spreading further through your body and solidifying your legs to the ground.
“Please l-let me keep this, I gave you everything else.” You said, tears blurring your vision, forcing you to blink to get them out.
“No, no, I want that too. You either hand it over or I take it off your corpse.” He growled, glaring at you. Realizing that Alhaitham would be even more angry knowing you put yourself in harm’s way, you found what little courage you had and slid the ring off of your finger. Your hands were shaking and there was a vice grip on it because you didn’t want to lose it. But eventually… you let go. The thug took it and ran off, leaving you standing in the dark, crying.
It was almost ten minutes later when you found yourself having the energy to walk back when you saw an extremely worried Alhaitham racing towards you.
“(y/n)! Where have you been?! Do you know how worried I was?!” He yelled as he instantly engulfed you in his arms, squeezing you almost too tightly. You hugged back immediately, needing that comfort desperately. 
Finally, you mustered up the courage to tell him that you’d given up the ring. Willingly. Kinda. 
“Good,” Alhaitham said, making your eyes widen. “It’s better than your life. I could buy a thousand rings like that, but I only have one of you.” He said as he took your face, gently wiping your tears away. “You did the right thing, we’ll get you a new ring.”
His words did bring some level of comfort to you, but you still felt a little guilty for having lost such a beautiful ring.
“W-what if I want that one? And only that one.” You asked, sniffling a little. Alhaitham smiled, kissing your cheek.
“Then we’ll get that one back.”
As promised, Alhaitham didn’t rest until he caught the thud, making sure to retrieve all of your items- especially your ring. He also made sure he was the one who slid it onto your finger- again.
» Kaveh «
Kaveh’s ring was intricate and on the inside, had an engraving which translated how much he adored you and that he would forever. That ring was something you cherished so much. You showed him every single day how beautiful it looked. He just chuckled and nodded, always kissing your ring finger.
You tried to keep the ring on your finger 24/7, making sure it washed well with every hand wash. You didn’t like taking it off very often, always worrying it might just get lost.
If you did take it off, you actually kept it in sight. Placing it in the center of the counter and making sure it would just fall off or something.
One day, you’d had a particularly busy day and you were pretty exhausted. You’d remembered taking your ring off for a minute to wash up but when you came back… it was gone.
All that exhaustion was gone and suddenly, all you felt was panic and dread. Where did it go? Where did the ring go?! You looked everywhere you possibly could, trying not to think of the worst. But with every passing second you couldn’t find the ring, those thoughts invaded your mind and all you could see was a very angry Kaveh.
You began to tear the entire room apart, throwing things around as you started to search in every nook and cranny. Of course, you didn’t realize Kaveh was even in the room until he grabbed your shoulders, making you scream.
“It’s me! What are you doing?” He asked with a look of concern as he gestured to your shared bedroom. You paused and started looking around- it was a disaster. Everything was everywhere and it would take hours to clean up.
“I-I’m sorry…” you mumbled in a small voice, wiping your cheeks. Kaveh’s expression didn’t change but he took both of your wrists and slowly pulled you to the bed, stepping over all the clothes and items.
“Sit.” He said as he grabbed a water bottle from off the floor. He took off the cap and held it out to you. “Just take a second and tell me what’s wrong.” He said before he kneeled in front of you, rubbing your thigh a little to comfort you.
You sipped the water, taking a few deep breaths to calm down so you could actually explain what was going on. You could see just how worried he was- not to mention, you could see the slight redness and glossiness in his eyes. Kaveh hated it when you cried- if you cried hard enough, that pain transferred to him and sometimes… he’d tear up a little.
“I lost the ring.” You said as you showed him your left hand. “I-I just set it down and I don’t know where it went.” You sniffled feeling the tears come back, but Kaveh grabbed your hands and kissed your ring finger.
“It’s ok, love. We can find the ring if it’s in here. But there’s no reason for you to be this upset. It’s just a ring, I could get you another one.”
“No, I want that ring.”
“What if I got you a ring that looked exactly like it?”
“It’s not the same one. I want that one- not another one.” You said, frowning at him. Kaveh only chuckled and nodded, standing up and lifting your head to kiss your lips.
“Ok, then let's start looking.” 
It took a grand total of two and half hours for you to clean up everything and finally find the ring. It had landed under the bed, right next to the leg hiding from view. You were so happy that it was back on your finger that you swore you’d never take it off no matter what. Kaveh just felt better knowing you were ok and happy again.
» Gepard «
Your engagement ring was like your most prized possession. You looked at it every single day since Gepard had proposed and almost never took it off. Even after a month, it was still the most beautiful piece of jewelry you owned.
You were still very careful with everything you did, treating it like glass at times. You even had little covers on the drains so it never fell down the drain. Your worst nightmare was the ring falling down the drain.
There were times you did take it off. Drying your hands was easy without the ring so when you washed your hands… you took it off.
You had ended up getting distracted and when you came back… it was gone.
Panic. Full fledged panic. You looked everywhere you possibly could for that little ring but it was just gone. You even went through the phase of looking at your own hands as if you could forget the feeling of the heavy gem on your hand. 
At this point, you were in tears- absolutely distraught. That’s when Gepard walked into the room.
“(Y/n)? What’s wrong?” He asked with a frown as he walked to you, seeing your state. He was extremely concerned as you were safe in your home so nothing could've happened. But he'd seen too many things to not start panicking a little himself.
“I-I lost it! I can’t find it- I looked everywhere!” You yelled, the tears just pouring down your cheeks. Your heart was beating out of your chest, especially now that Gepard was here. You weren't able to find your ring before he came home.
“Wait, ok, breathe.” He said as he took your shoulders and made you look at him. “Just breathe for a second. What did you lose?” 
You took deep breaths but held up your left hand, showing the missing ring. Gepard frowned and now he understood what made you so upset. 
“Ok, ok, don’t cry. We can find it. We’ll find it, so please don’t cry.” He said as he reached up and dried your tears. He knew the ring meant a lot to you but he didn’t realize how much. It was sweet… but he also hated it when you cried.
“It was s-so expensive! And I-I lost it!” You said as you looked around as if you'd just end up spotting it or something. 
Gepard sighed and shook his head, making you look at him. His warm thumbs slid under your eye to catch the oncoming tears.
“So? Besides, we’ll find it so there’s no reason to cry this hard. Come on, we’ll look all day if we have to.” He said, kissing your forehead. You could feel the intense relief, knowing he wasn’t angry at you or disappointed in you. Now you just had to find the ring. 
And you did. It had fallen and landed behind your desk. It was hard to see with how little room there was between the wall and desk.
» Blade «
You loved that ring. Honestly, even after a month or so, you still hadn’t gotten over how beautiful the ring was. You adored it.
When you took your engagement ring off, you had a special little box you put it in. You closed it and locked it every single time.
This particular time you were a bit busy and frazzled. You weren’t thinking and you just realized the ring wasn’t on your finger. So you went to your box to get it. 
It was gone. Like it grew legs and walked off! Panic set in immediately because there’s no way you left it anywhere else.
“Ok, ok, just… breathe.” You told yourself as you took slow, deep breaths. They were so forced that it made you even more anxious.
Tears blurred your vision as you tried to think where you could’ve left it. No location came to mind- only a very angry Blade. God, you were so irresponsible! That ring was so expensive and you lost it about a month after getting it!
So you began to tear apart your bedroom in a desperate attempt to find the ring. That’s when Blade walked in, but you were too busy to notice him. He looked around both confused and concerned.
“What the hell…?” His voice makes you yell as you turn around and his eyes widen a little at the sight of your tear-stricken face. “What happened? Are you ok?” He asked as he walked to you, stepping over the items thrown about.
“I-I lost it. I’m sorry! I’ll find it so don’t worry! I’ll look everywhere.”
“I’m sure we can just buy it again.” He said in his usual monotone as he began to wipe your tears with a tissue he grabbed from nearby. He had no idea what you were talking about at first, but if a missing item made you this upset, then he'd just get it for you again. Simple.
You just held your hand up to show the missing ring making him stare for a moment. Oh.
“Yeah, I can buy another one of those too.” You shook your head, sniffling. 
“N-no, I don’t want a new one. I want that one.” No ring could possibly compare to that first one. You refused to give up. If someone stole it- highly unlikely- you’d find them and take it back. You were that desperate.
“Fine. We’ll find it then but you’re not gonna see anything with all those tears in your eyes.” He said as he dabbed your eyes again. He wrapped an arm around you, giving you a tight hug, rubbing your back. It upset him when you cried… so now he really had to find that ring. 
You two eventually found it, you’d actually left it on the kitchen counter when you were going to cut the chicken, not wanting to get any on it. You didn’t put it away because it was only a few minutes that you’d be busy.
Somehow, the ring had fallen onto the ground and rolled under the counter. When Blade found it, he made sure to be the one to slip it back onto your fingers, asking if you felt better now that you had the ring back. You did. 100%.
» Jing Yuan «
The day Jing Yuan proposed to you was one of the happiest of your life. You flaunted that ring everywhere to the point where some of his friends were concerned you might get attacked for the ring. It was definitely expensive.
Removal of the ring was near impossible, you didn’t take it off for any reason. If you were doing something that might stain- you wore thick gloves. But taking that ring off never happened.
It was endearing for Jing Yuan. He’d often catch you just staring at it with that goofy smile on your face. And it brought him a world of joy. He was worried you wouldn’t like it.
But right now… you kinda wished you had been a bit more careful. You showed off your ring too much.
“A-and the ring! Gimme that ring!” The man said as he pointed his gun at you. You were willing to give over anything except that. You covered your ring with your hand and shook your head.
“N-no… no, I can’t give you my ring.” You said with a frown.
“I’ll kill you! Give it to me!” He threatened and you were terrified but you shook your head.
“Please don’t take it. You can take everything else just n-not my ring.” You said with the tears in your eyes. Your hands were shaking and your heart was pounding in your chest. 
A yelp escaped your lips when the barrel of the gun touched your forehead. All you could do was stand there as he reached over and slid the beautiful ring off your finger and scoffed. 
“Idiot.” With that, he ran off. You were frozen in fear, unable to move or breathe as if you were wondering if he’d return. 
You heard yelling only a few moments later but it didn’t matter to you. You just stood there, feeling the anger and frustration in your heart. Why didn’t you do something else!? You just stood there!
“(Y/n)!” A voice called but you were too busy in your thoughts. “(Y/n)!” You only registered the voice when you felt your shoulders move. It was Jing Yuan. He looked both angry and terrified as he tried to bring you back from your shock. “It’s ok, it’s just me.” He said when he saw you flinch.
You wasted no time hugging him so tightly as you felt a pang of guilt. You lost the ring. You never listened and now the ring was gone. You could just cry as he held you, trying his best to give you a moment. 
“H-he took it! He took m-my ring!” You said, barely able to breathe. 
“Shh, it’s ok, it’s fine. I’ll get you another one.” He said as he felt his own heart break at your distress.
“N-no! No, I want that one!” You said as you looked up. He frowned as he took your face and wiped your tears.
“Ok, I’ll get you that one. I promise, just please don’t cry.” Jing Yuan wasn’t one to cry but if you were crying this badly, then his eyes do get a little teary as well. He feels your pain, no matter what kind. Once you were calm, he made sure to take you back home, assuring you his men were out looking.
Eventually, you two were met with good news. The mugger was arrested only an hour or so after the crime and all your belongings had been taken back by the knights. Including your beloved ring.
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seivsite · 1 year
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synopsis: blue lock boys react to you arresting them for stealing your heart (♡ˊ͈ ꒳ ˋ͈)
includes: ( separated ) itoshi sae, itoshi rin, hiori yo, karasu tabito, otoya eita x gn!reader. but otoya’s hinted fem!reader, established relationship, a bit ooc (?), ( part two ) — wc: 758
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“Sae, you are under arrest!” you exclaimed, playfully brandishing a fake gun in your hands, pointing it towards Sae. Sae raised an eyebrow, looking at you with a mixture of amusement and curiosity. He responded, “Hmm, are you sure? Arresting me would be a big mistake, you know.”
Without missing a beat, you pulled the trigger on the gun, shooting a little heart-shaped projectile towards Sae. “For stealing my heart ♡〜,” you said with a playful smile.
Sae’s eyes softened, and a faint smile graced his face. His gaze shifted from the heart to your lips and back to your eyes as he spoke, his voice low and filled with a hint of anticipation. “I suppose I can forgive that crime... on one condition,” he whispered, leaning in closer. His lips met yours in a tender kiss.
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“Rinnie, you’re under arrest!” you exclaimed playfully, pointing finger guns at Rin. Startled by your sudden declaration, Rin sat up from his lying position on the bed, his face filled with curiosity. He looked at you, waiting for an explanation, and asked, “Why am I under arrest?”
Smirking mischievously, you responded, “For stealing my heart!” You playfully aimed your finger gun at his cheek, emphasising your lighthearted accusation. Rin’s initial surprise turned into a blush as he looked down, not expecting such a cheesy and corny reply from you. Trying to maintain his serious and intimidating demeanour, he chuckled, but couldn’t hide his flustered reaction. His face turned slightly red as a genuine smile appeared on his lips.
“How funny,” Rin said, his voice laced with amusement. He chuckled again, unable to resist the effect your compliments had on him.
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“Yocchan,” you said, breaking the silence. Hiori paused his game on his PC, turning his chair towards you on the bed. “Yes?” he responded, curiosity in his voice. You took a moment, adopting a playful tone, and said, “I think I should call the police to arrest you.”
Hiori’s tilting his head in confusion, his gaze fixed on you. “Huh? Why’s that?” he asked, a touch of worry in his voice.
“Because you need to be arrested for stealing my heart,” you replied, winking playfully. Before he could respond, Hiori moved closer to you, enveloping you in a tight hug. “Love, that scared me. Don't do that again,” he whispered, relief evident in his voice.
“Hehe, sorry Hiorin. Love you,” you responded, planting a tender kiss on his forehead, reaffirming your affection for him.
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It was the thousandth time that you let out a deep sigh, and Tabito was thoroughly confused. Did he do something wrong? He had asked you multiple times over the past 10 minutes what was bothering you, but all he received was a dismissive “It’s nothing, Bito.” This only made him more concerned. Suddenly, he saw you turn towards him, and he eagerly held your hand, ready to listen.
“Tabito, I have something to say,” you began, your expression serious.
“What is it, darling?” he asked, his grip on your hand tightening slightly.
“You are under arrest for stealing my heart. Pay up a 1000¥ fine ticket,” you said with a straight face.
Tabito couldn't contain his laughter and quickly pulled you into a warm hug. “I thought you were mad at me for a second there, darling. Sorry, but I'm afraid your heart is mine forever,” he replied playfully. You playfully responded with a pout and a teasing “Noo..”
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“Otoya Eita, you are under house arrest,” you suddenly announced, maintaining a serious expression as you stared at him. Eita’s immediate response was a panicked outburst.
“What did I do wrong? Are you going to leave me? I haven't hooked up with anyone but you! I love you too much to cheat on any other girl. You're the only one for me. Please forgive meeee,” he whined, clinging onto you desperately.
Unable to contain your amusement, your character broke, and you burst into a small giggle. “For stealing my heart,” you finally revealed, unable to keep up the act any longer. Eita’s bewildered expression only made you laugh harder. “That was a moment of weakness, fuck you,” he muttered, his face flushing slightly.
Observing his emotional rollercoaster, you couldn’t help but think, ‘This man is really something else..’ as he continued to curse you playfully for making him panic.
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TAG LIST. @rintosei
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jaelvr · 1 month
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Home | NCT 127 masterlist |
Requested : yes by @couturethiquefemboy
Prompts ;  121. “I miss you, more than I thought possible.” + 66. “kiss me harder.”
Pairing : frat! jaehyun x gn! reader
Pronouns : you/yours
Type : fluff, suggestive
Word count : 5k
Content: mutual feelings, opposites, college au, basketball jock, dancer reader, fluff, slightly ooc
Have a great day !! 
You excused yourself from the group in the living room, making your way through the sea of bodies to the kitchen to grab another drink, refilling the red plastic cup of God knows what. He was sat on the counter, quick to dismiss the people in front of him as he saw you, sliding himself off before approaching you. His red-tinted sunglasses sat on top of his freshly dyed hair, the leather jacket pulled over his iconic jersey. "Hey sunshine." he murmured, his hand finding your waist. "I was wondering when you were going to come and annoy me." you chuckled, eyebrows raised as you sipped your drink. Jaehyun snickered at your retort. He was hoping you'd speak to him tonight, watching you all evening. “Just taking a break. I’ll go find someone else to annoy.” He smiled, his dimple showing against his smooth skin. “Unless you want me around?”
"Never do." you joked back, a small grin playing on your lips as you wrapped your arms around his neck. He smiled down at you, grip on your waist tightening as he pulled you closer to his body, arms tight on your waist. "Never say never. I'll win you over eventually." Jaehyun gave you a cocky grin, gently nuzzling into your neck and placing kisses against it. "Keep dreaming, pretty boy." you whispered, biting your lip gently as your hand ran through his hair. Jaehyun smiled against your skin as your hand was in his hair. He kissed down your neck to your collarbone. His hands slowly made their way to your hips. Jaehyun kissed his way to your lips and finally claimed them. One hand gripping your hip, the other gently holding your chin. Your hand gently tugged on his hair as you made out, cheeks flushed. He smirked against your lips as he nipped at your bottom lip. His hand on your hip pulled you even closer. Jaehyun's tongue slipped through your lips to explore your mouth. His hand that held your chin slowly moved down your body to your thighs.
You grinned, pulling away as you heard your name being called in the other room. "That's my cue to leave." you murmured against his lips, pecking them one more time. Jaehyun was left disappointed. He wanted to keep kissing you. He leaned his forehead on yours with a smile. “Will I ever get you alone?” He whispered against your lips. Jaehyun pulled your face in for another quick kiss, his lips lingering. “I should let you go now. But please promise you’ll find time for me tonight.” He moved his hands to your hips so you could leave easily. His gaze not leaving you. "No promises, pretty boy." you giggled, kissing his cheek, your lipstick leaving a mark before you disappeared back into the crowd. Jaehyun watched you leave, still standing in the middle of the kitchen. He smirked, placing a hand over his cheek that still had your lipstick mark. He fixed his leather jacket and red-tinted sunglasses before going off to find someone else to pester.
He loved the chase, that's for sure.
Jaehyun slowly entered the studio, he watched your body move in the mirror. His eyes followed you gracefully throughout the room. Jaehyun loved watching you dance. He watched with such admiration. He was leaning on the door frame, just watching not wanting to interrupt your practice. You hadn't noticed him until you finished, seeing him smile as you looked up in the mirror. Jaehyun began clapping and whistling as you walked over to the stereo to turn the music off. He couldn’t help but watch you as you walked over to him. “That was quite the show sweetheart.” He smirked, his gaze roaming all over you. "Stalking me now?" you teased, shooting him a smirk as you wiped the sweat on your forehead, grabbing your towel. He followed behind you. His eyes were glued to your body as it was covered in sweat. Jaehyun bit his lip, shaking his head softly. He leaned down to your ear and grinned. “Just admiring the view.”
"Shouldn't you be in basketball practice?" you asked, head tilted as you drank some water. Jaehyun shrugged, leaning against the back wall. He crossed his arms over his chest. “I got out of practice a little bit ago. Figured you’d still be here so I came to bother you.” he smirked. “Besides… I got a better view here.” he murmured, eyes still wondering. "You always this insufferable? or just to me?" you asked, purposely bending down to place your water bottle back down. Jaehyun chuckled lightly. “Just you sunshine. You bring out the best in me.” His attention was pulled to your body when you leaned down. He licked his lips before going over to you. “You look… hot when you’re sweaty.” he murmured, arms wrapped around your waist again. "Is that so?" you murmured, hands resting on his chest. 
Jaehyun's hands slowly found their place on your hips. He smiled down at you, his thumbs gently rubbing circles. “You have no idea the things I’ve dreamt about…” he murmured, leaning a kiss to your neck. He planted a few loving kisses on your heated skin, nipping here and there. "Please do share." you murmured, smirking at him as you teased him with your wondering hands. His hands gripped your hips, pulling you closer to his body. He nipped and kissed all over your neck and lower jaw. “We could start out here. We could go over there.” Jaehyun gestured to the wall next to the stereo. His lips nipped at your earlobe. “Or… I can just take you right here...” Jaehyun's tone changed to a husky whisper as he kissed your skin.  "What if someone walks in?" you murmured, lips brushing against his neck. Jaehyun pressed his body against yours. “Mmm… I don’t care if someone walks in. Do you? I’d love for them to see how pretty you are.” 
"Jae..." you murmured, his name slipping out of your lips as he pressed kisses to your neck. Jaehyun paused. He pulled away slightly, looking into your eyes. He was surprised you had called him his actual name. “Say it again…” his tone was softer now. He caressed your cheek, his thumb brushing your cheekbone. "Jaehyun…" you murmured, looking up at him. “Much better. That pretty little mouth shouldn’t say my other name. It shouldn’t say any other guy's name.” Jaehyun had pulled your whole body against his. His lips captured yours. He poured his frustrations out through his kisses. They slowly grew more desperate. "Jae, please..." you let out whimpers, messily making out with him. “Mmm? Now you ask for things...?” he whispered into your ear. He nipped at your skin to tease you. “What do you want sunshine? Tell me.” Jaehyun's voice in your ear low and dark. The want building up inside of him. He began leaving more bruising kisses on your neck and collarbone. "You..." you murmured, in a daze.
“You have me sunshine.” Jaehyun murmured against your skin. He nibbled at the skin between your neck and collarbone, leaving soft and bruising kisses in his path. “All mine...” he nipped at your skin with a grin. Jaehyun took your hands in his and backed you into the wall. “Just like that. All mine.” There was a hint of possessiveness and jealousy laced in his tone. Just as things started getting more heated, his phone went off, interrupting the moment. Jaehyun was breathing heavily. His lips trailed to your collarbone and neck one more time. He stopped before pulling away altogether, reaching into his back pocket for his phone. “Goddamn it…. It’s probably coach.” He checked his phone and sighed. His breath was quick and his cheeks flushed. "S'alright, take it." you murmured, clearing your throat as you pulled away. Jaehyun paused and looked at you with an apologetic smile. He was obviously frustrated, and so close to losing it with you. He took a moment and pulled out his phone. “Give me a minute. I’ll be right back.” He sighed, stepping away from you. He went outside to take the call.
you let out a huff, running a hand through your hair. While this was nothing new between the two of you, it had never escalated this far. You sat down, reminding yourself that it probably meant nothing to the frat boy, doing this all the time with other people. Jaehyun took the call outside, his phone against his ear. He was pacing back and forth. The fact you let him kiss you like that was eating at him. You had turned him on more than anyone in a long time. he sighed as he hung up after a few minutes, and slowly made his way back into the studio, looking for you. Jaehyun's eyes were glued to your body as you started going through the routine again. Your body was so beautiful and graceful. He was mesmerized by you. He couldn’t help himself, his eyes took in every inch of you. Jaehyun finally stopped leaning against the doorway to walk over to you, he came up behind you. His hands slowly went around your waist, and he stood directly behind you. "Was it your coach?" you murmured, avoiding his eyes.
Jaehyun shrugged, his hands gently rubbing your sides. You could hear him take in your scent. “He can wait.” Jaehyun murmured. It drove him crazy. He moved your hair out of the way so he could plant a soft kiss on the back of your neck. "You should probably go to practice." you whispered, voice wavering slightly. "I was about to finish up and go home anyway." you lied, looking away. Jaehyun sighed, grabbing your hips tightly. He turned you around to face him. It was hard for him to be so close to you and not want to have you right there. “I just want one more moment with you before I go. Come here.” his grip tightened, not letting you out of his reach at all. "Jae-" you started before he cut you off. Jaehyun silenced you as he put his fingers against your lips, he pulled your hips against his body again, his body pressing against yours. “One minute. One more minute with you. That’s all I want and need.” He murmured, his lips meeting yours. His kiss was passionate and hungry. His hands gripped your hips, and he held you closer.
"You should go to practice now." you murmured once the pair of you had parted, not looking at him as you grabbed your stuff. Jaehyun stared at you. His lips curled in a slight frown. He hated the way you’d dismiss him. He'd had never felt such jealousy over someone before. He felt you belonged to him. Jaehyun knew he’d never be the guy to just let you go so easy. “You’re really leaving?” he muttered in a low and deep voice. "I'll see you tomorrow, Jaehyun." you murmured, sparing him a glance before walking out of the studio, leaving him standing in there alone. He watched you leave, His body was screaming at him to go after you. Every fibre in his being was pushing him to find you. But Jaehyun's ego, his pride wouldn’t let him chase after you. He clenched his fist and stomped out of the door. His mind screaming to go after you. Jaehyun leaned against his car in anger as his phone buzzed with another text and call from his coach.
You were so confusing.
Over the next few weeks, you avoided him, not responding to any calls or texts he'd left you and making sure not to bump into him in college. You were currently getting ready for your performance in the showcase for dance, doing a duet with Chan. He was part of the other frat group, and the rivalry between skz and ncit was strong, but you got along with both perfectly, his charming nature making it easy to bond. Your nerves were slowly kicking it, pacing around backstage. Jaehyun had given up on texting and calling you. He was frustrated and didn’t know what he did wrong. He knew he didn’t have any reason to be jealous or possessive of you, but that was exactly how he was feeling. knowing you would be performing tonight, he decided to come and watch your performances. Jaehyun entered the back room, standing close to the wall in the corner where he could see you without anyone noticing. He kept his eyes glued to you when you entered. He felt a spark of jealousy seeing Chan talk to you.
"Is it that obvious I'm nervous?" you murmured gently, looking up at Chan who was already gazing at you. Chan smirked, leaning against the wall. He had one arm crossed over his chest and his legs were crossed. He was trying hard to be cool and casual, it was hard with you so close to him “Yeah. It is pretty evident.” Chan mumbled. He leaned in close to you, placing his hands on your sides and whispering. “I’m sure you’ll do fine. You always do." He comforted, hands tightening. "What if I mess our dance up?" you frowned, unsure. Chan smirked. He leaned down close to you, his eyes looking into yours. He smirked and shook his head slowly. “Impossible. There’s no way you can mess up. Because if anyone screws up. It’ll be me, just so you know.” Chan leaned in to whisper against your ear. He smirked as his hands gripped your sides a little tighter. “But if you mess up. I’m making you come home with me tonight.” You wiggled slightly in his grip, laughing nervously, thinking he was joking.
Chan was definitely not joking. He had every intent on taking you home with him tonight. His plan was to charm you so much that you wouldn’t be able to say no. Chan had a cocky smirk on his face, his arms tightening around your waist. Before you could say anything, your names were announced, your cue to come on stage. You made your way on, your breath hitching as you saw Jaehyun in the audience, not expecting him to come.  Jaehyun's eyes were glued on you, the way the spotlight hit your skin just made you shine like a bright star. He hated that Chan was by your side. He could see the two of you dancing together, and it drove him crazy, attention was on you and not the performance. Jaehyun leaned back against the wall in the back to get a better view. Chan was taking a few steps with you, his hands gripping your waist tightly. Chan whispered sweet nothings in your ear as you guys danced. Jaehyun was fuming.
You focused on the dance, not paying attention to either of the boys throughout the performance, locking eyes with Jaehyun as you finished the routine. Jaehyun smiled as you locked eyes with him. His eyes were filled with pride as you finished the dance routine with Chan. He had seen your whole performance, his body was filled with jealousy and possessiveness during every movement Chan made with you. He clapped his hands as soon as you finished the performance, a jealous smirk on his lips as he saw Chan grab your wrist. you watched as you saw him disappear before you walked off stage, slightly tense with Chan's arm still around your waist, knowing that Jaehyun would be meeting you backstage. 
Jaehyun was waiting for you outside of the backstage room. His mood was different now. Instead of being frustrated and annoyed, he was possessive and jealous. You could see a dark aura around him. He grabbed your arm firmly, pulling you away from Chan’s grasp. “Come on, sunshine. I’m taking you home.” Jaehyun growled out as he pulled you deeper into the dark hallways. "Jae-" you started, eyes wide as he gently intertwined your hands. he shut you up by covering your mouth with his hand. One hand was still holding onto yours, the other one placed over your mouth. Jaehyun dragged you deeper into the back hallways, away from anyone else. “I don’t wanna hear a word of your bullshit right now sunshine.” he murmured. He dragged you into one of the empty rooms. "Jaehyun-" you murmured, trying to get him to listen. Jaehyun slammed the door shut, locking it. Jaehyun turned you around, so your back was against the door. He pressed himself against you. With his hands gripping your arms, he pinned you against the door. “Shut up for a minute and listen to me.” Jaehyun growled. His stare was intense and his grip on your body was tight.
“I don’t know what the hell you’re playing at, staying away from me. Ignoring my texts, and my calls and dodging me every chance you get.” Jaehyun muttered, his tone was angry and harsh. He looked as if he wasn’t himself. “I don’t know what to make of your little game. But I’m not going to sit back and let you just play with my feelings and mess me around. Got it?” His frustration was palpable, tension filling the room and his anger turning you on. "Just let me explain-" you started before he shook his head, finger on your lip again. “No. Don’t say a word. You've been ignoring my calls. you've been avoiding me. And the first time I see you in TWO weeks, you’re hanging onto a damn skz frat boy.” he bit back. Jaehyun gripped your waist tightly. He was a lot angrier than you had ever seen him. He felt his temper start to overtake him when he saw Chan take your arm and lead you away. He was so jealous that he felt as if he would blow a fuse right there. “I don’t want your damn explanations. I want you. I’m done with all the games. Whatever you’re playing at, stop it right now. Stop dodging me and coming up with excuses. And that little skz brat has no business having his hands all over you.”
"And you do?" you retorted, giving him a bratty attitude to rile him up. Jaehyun glared at you. Your bratty attitude had gotten to him. The anger from earlier was rising back up within him all over again. Jaehyun was losing his cool. His fists were clenched so tightly, his nails digging into his palms. “Yes. Yes, I do. I have every damn right to have my hands on you. I want you…all to myself. But you make it damn near impossible when you keep running from me.” he groaned. "I'm not running, I-" you grumbled, pausing as you struggled to come up with a reason. “Oh really? You’re not running away? Then how come every time I call you, you’re not answering, every time I text you, you text me back two hours later and you dodge me whenever I attempt to come see you?” Jaehyun muttered. His fingers dug into your hips and held you flush against the door. His body was pressed up against you so closely, his breath hitting you right against the neck and ear. He leaned his head in to whisper, his lips pressing in so close to your skin. “Quit the bullshit right now.” he ordered, looking at you. you let out a sigh, avoiding his eyes, not bothering to argue. 
Jaehyun stared at you. It infuriated him that you wouldn’t even be making eye contact with him. The anger was building up inside of him. Jaehyun gripped you tightly, one hand twisting into your hair. His breath was quick and heavy. he lowered his head close to your lip. “Look at me.” Jaehyun murmured. His voice was low and almost dangerous. He waited with bated breath for you to follow his order.” ...I'm sorry." you murmured, looking back up at him. Jaehyun released a soft sigh when you looked up into his eyes. His eyes blazed with anger and desire. He was so possessive of you at that very moment. Jaehyuns mood shifted at once he saw your eyes look up at him. His hands dropped to your hips again, his fingers digging in tightly. “I don’t want to hear your sorry. That’s not good enough. I’ve been dying to be in your life more. To be with you more. You are so damn beautiful and yet you keep running from me. Why?” he mumbled. "I…I got scared." you whispered, breath hitching. “Scared? Of what?” Jaehyun mumbled. The anger left him as soon as you said you got scared. Jaehyun's eyes instantly softened as he noticed how scared you were. His voice went softer, his hands dropping to your waist again. “Scared of what, baby?”
Your heart jumped at the nickname, liking how it sounded from him.” ...You know Jiung, right?" you asked hesitantly. Jaehyun nodded. He knew him pretty well. He knew the type of boy he was. His eyes dimmed at the mention of him. Jaehyun's jealousy got the best of him just thinking about him and what he'd possibly done to you. “Yeah…I know him. I know what kind of guy he is too. What did he do?” he asked, his face softening and voice full of concern and genuine. "I uh…me and him dated, last year. we...we were like this at the start, all over each other. Until I found out to him, we were never really serious, and he'd just led me on, seeing other people all the time. He laughed when I'd confronted him and told me I was stupid for ever believing a frat boy could change." you opened up, nervous about his reaction.  Jaehyun's eyes darkened as your words sank in. His hands tightened on your waist, his grip starting to tighten once more. He couldn’t imagine a guy doing something so horrible as to break someone's heart. No wonder you kept him at arm’s length. Jaehyun could hear your heart pounding a mile a minute, not even notice how tight his grip on you was getting. “And you thought I’d do the same? You thought I’d play you the same way he did?” he asked, his voice low. 
“...I guess. I was scared you would, so I thought pushing you away would be better and it wasn't because, fuck, I miss you, more than I thought possible." you explained, voice cracking. Jaehyun paused. He couldn’t believe what you were saying. You kept pushing him away because you were scared that he would break your heart. He finally loosened his grip on your hips and turned you around to face him. He brushed his fingers across your cheek. “I would never, ever do that to you. It’s not in me to break your heart. I’d tear the world to shreds rather than see you hurt or sad.” Jaehyun murmured. His fingers trailed down your cheek to your nose, his touch gentle. "I know you would. And I'm sorry for avoiding you." you murmured, forehead against his. Jaehyun gently gripped your hips again. His arms wrapped around you tightly, pulling you against his chest. Jaehyun's eyes were fixated on your lips. Everything about you right now was making him crazy. “I haven’t been able to sleep just knowing there is a chance that someone out there might hurt you. Someone like that, that frat boy…he had no idea how lucky he was to have gotten a chance with you. If only I knew I would have beaten his ass to hell and back…”
you laughed gently, shaking your head. "You two were good friends, I doubt you would've-" you started before he interrupted, kissing your forehead. He chuckled. Even with his frustration over thinking about how a guy could do that to you, your laugh and dimple were still so cute to him. Jaehyun leaned down and placed his lips against your forehead, kissing it gently. He pulled back. “I’m guessing you broke up during the summer?” he murmured, brushing the hair from your face. "Yeah, just before we started the second year. just before you started annoying me." you joked, poking his chest. He smirked to himself. He took in your adorable giggle and playful side. Everything about you was so irresistible, so beautiful. Jaehyun's eyes were glued to your lips once more, his hands slowly sliding to your hips. He pulled you back against him, your bodies pressed together, His breath hit you once more as he leaned in close to your ear. “I plan on making up for all that wasted time. I’ ’m going to be the best damn boyfriend you’ve ever had.”
"Who said you were going to be my boyfriend?" you teased, eyebrows raised in amusement. Jaehyun laughed at your comment. He smirked as a low chuckle escaped his mouth. Your brattiness was something that he absolutely loved about you. He grabbed your hips, pulling you flush against him once more. His body felt so close to yours, almost like he never wanted to leave you. “Who said I wasn’t already?” He murmured. Jaehyun was so serious right now, he wanted and needed you to be his. He couldn’t stand the thought of you with anyone else, especially Chan. you giggled, leaning forward and connecting your lips in a sweet kiss. Jaehyun groaned as your lips pressed against his. Every time you made a noise, it was like a jolt of electricity going through him. Your kisses were everything he wanted. And just how much you had missed him, made him want you even more. Jaehyun was kissing you eagerly, one of his hands sliding back up to your chin. He gently tilted your head back, his eyes glazed with desire. He couldn’t get enough of you, he never could. "Kiss me harder." you murmured in between kisses, arms around his neck. Just the sound of your whisper was enough to get his blood boiling. Jaehyun couldn't believe the amount of heat you were capable of generating in him. When you whispered those words, Jaehyun felt every nerve tingling inside of him. He wanted to kiss you harder, to kiss you deeper and keep you in his arms. Every inch of his body was screaming at him to do so. So, he did just that. Jaehyun grabbed your hips firmly, lifting you up in his arms. He pressed his lips on yours once more, the force of his kisses intensifying.
This was going to be a long night. 
cheers filled the sports hall. you stood up, cheering loudly, his jersey on as you watched him celebrate the win with his teammates briefly before he locked eyes with you. Jaehyun looked up from the huddle and saw you standing there. His heart skipped a beat when he saw you in the crowd with his jersey on. The cheers and voices around him faded as he locked eyes with you. Your cheering put a huge smile on his face. Jaehyun quickly broke away from the team and ran over to you. “Babe! What did I say earlier? You’re my good luck charm!” Jaehyun exclaimed once he got to you. He swung you up in his arms, lifting you as high as he could. You squealed, tightening your grip on him and laughing gently. "Well done, love." you murmured, caressing his cheek. Jaehyun grinned, the crowd cheering. The noise around them faded as he locked eyes only on you. “Thanks. But it’s all because of you. You came here and it brought me good luck.” He brought you down to his height and kissed your head gently. “Let’s get out of here. I wanna spend the night alone with you.” Jaehyun muttered passionately. He was ready to leave the game and spend an entire night with you. As he brought you close to his chest, his hand gently gripped your hip. "Got a reward for you at your place." you smirked, winking cheekily at him as your lips brushed against his neck. 
Jaehyun sighed at how playful and sassy you were with him. It got to him. The way you brushed your lips right against his neck made him want to pull you into the nearest room and shut the door. But not yet. He smiled when you mentioned the reward you had for him. But you could always have something new with Jaehyun, you were his reward. “Oh. I can’t wait to find out exactly what that reward is.” Jaehyun muttered sarcastically. But all of that sarcasm suddenly disappeared when your fingers grazed his waist. "I'm leading tonight though, baby." you murmured, your voice low as you kissed his neck. he moaned at the feeling of your lips pressing against his neck. When your fingers were lightly gripping his waist, that alone drove him crazy. Jaehyun could feel your hand on his side. His hips buckling, every cell in his body wanted to pull you to the nearest room. Your smirk only drove him crazy. The cocky grin on your face was hot as hell. Jaehyun groaned softly, leaning his head in close to hear better. “You think you’re leading tonight?” he whispered playfully, his voice hoarse. "Uh huh. gonna reward my baby..." you murmured, gently biting his earlobe and hands travelling down his chest.
"Give me one taste of your nectar."
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the-original-skipps · 9 months
I semi returned from the dead. Have I told you how much I’m obsessed with genshin?! Wanted to get back into writing so here I am. Apologies for the oocness this is the first time I’m ever writing then. Lemme know if ya want more!
Nevertheless Enjoy.
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❥ Heizou
As you gently place a kiss upon his hand. Your eyes widen at the sudden motion of Heizou pulling you towards him until your faces were merely inches apart. His green orbs sparkling with mischief within.
"Don't forget my lips." he says smoothly as his eyes gazes towards your lips.Waiting patiently for you to make the next move. You could only gulp before slowly closing your eyes to close the gap. Heizou then deepens the kiss as he places his other hand upon your warm cheek. After a while he pulls away, lightly chuckling at your cherry red face.
❥ Kazuha
"Now, this is a most welcome surprise."
Kazuha smiles fondly at your actions, his bandaged hand in yours.His thumb caressing your palm gently before flipping your hand over and pulling it towards his own lips. You can feel your breath catch in your throat as you see his scarlet orbs interlocking with yours.
"My beautiful eyes, you have my love, I can get endlessly lost in them."
Words flow just as easily as the kiss you placed upon him.
❥ Venti
Venti swoons as he places his other hand to his forehead. "Be still my racing heart..!" He exclaims, causing you to let out a laugh softly at his exaggerated response.
Before you could pull your hand away from under his, he reaches forward to your other hand bringing them close to his face. He places multiple quick kisses to your hands making sure his lips have covered them all. Before trailing his lips upwards to your arm.
"That tickles."
You giggle as his lips trail from your hand, to your arm, across your shoulder and towards the neck before resting on your cheek. Your cheeks warm as he pulls away only to smile brightly towards you.
❥ Xiao
"What is the m-meaning of this?"
Xiao tries to keep his voice steady as he feels his face warming at the touch of your lips to his hand. Yet he doesn't try to pull his hands away from yours. A smile forms on your lips at his appearance.
"Just wanted to kiss your pretty hand."
"Hmph, you humans..." The words die down before he can finish his sentence as his hand grips yours gently, eyes locked on your intertwined hands. Pulling your hand so that you can stand closer to him.
❥ Scaramouche/Wanderer
Scaramouche freezes as your lips make contact with his hand. You peer up only to see surprise reflected within his orbs expecting him to pull away instantly. He looks like he wants to say something but is holding back.
"A kiss for a pretty boy." You whisper against his skin, his eyes slightly widening before turning into a glare.
He pulls his hand away, a burning sensation to where you placed your lips upon. Looking away as he pulls his hat down to cover his reddening cheeks.
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790 notes · View notes
adisillusionedauthor · 4 months
Could you do fic for Checo with wife reader where she's Max's older sister and she just worried for them because of how the races could turned badly in a matter of second? Add something you'd like though. Thanks! :)
Fearful Velocity - Sergio Pérez and Max Verstappen
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Requested by: Anon
Pairing: Checo x spouse!GN!reader, Max x Sibling!reader
Warning: OOC Checo, OOC Max, fluff, sweet, concern about loved ones, Max being a sweetie, Checo being a sweetie and bad english
Word count: 713
The team always tries to make everything very comfortable for me when I go see the races in person, being the married and related to their drivers I get some sort of princess treatment, but it somehow doesn’t help the aching feeling that something is going to happen, I shake the thought off of my head once i realize Checo is walking towards me, I start to smile at him opening my arms for him, hoping he’d hug me. 
Of course he obliges and pulls me into a tight hug, since I’m sitting down my head rests comfortably on his chest and he rests his on top of my head, not before giving the top of head a kiss: “You’ve got that look on your face…” He says into my hair softly, I let out a sigh, nothing happens to me without this man noticing: “Is it the usual?” He asks with a knowing look on his face, I’ve shared my concerns with him, even asked him to retire once Sebastian said he’d be leaving F1, but it didn’t work, he wants to race longer; “Yup… It’s like this every weekend that there’s a race, but this time… It feels different, like something is going to happen…” I say, sharing this strange feeling makes my chest somehow feel lighter, Sergio pulls me even closer if that’s even possible, but before he could say something we could hear my younger brother’s voice saying “Ew!” from behind him, Checo turns with an more serious look which makes Max realize I’m worrying over them again.
He comes hug me for a while on Checo’s place while he goes get ready for today, Max keeps telling me that serious accidents barely ever happen, that there’s no need for me to get so stressed over this, today is supposed to be a day where I can take a breath and see my boys enjoy themselves on the track and he’s right, it feels weird even thinking about this: “I’m sorry for worrying so much, it’s just… I still see you as that boy who still raced in a kart, it’s weird seeing the little boy I held in my arms accomplish so much… I’m proud of you Max, truly proud” I say smiling at him proudly, in my heart he’ll always that baby my parents brought home when I was still two, he’ll always be my little brother, no matter how many championships he wins or how many podiums he gets: “Don’t you dare say stuff that’ll make me tear up right before a race, I can’t cry now, Y/N” He says while his eyes get glossy with tears, i hug him even closer and then Checo comes back to get Max to get ready for the race: “So… Feeling better about today, mi amor?” He knows that nickname is my doom, I melt into his arms as his fingers run into my hair soothing me even more: “You’re a very unfair man, Mr. Pérez…” I say resting my head onto his shoulder and he laughs gently: “Oh really? Or maybe I just know exactly what I need to do to calm my wife, Mrs. Pérez.”
I blush softly at his words, I’ve been his wife for four years, but everytime he calls me that I feel like I did on our first date, my smile turns even more soft and I answer him: “Maybe… But just maybe, you’ve helped a lot, darling” He smiles back at me happy that he could help me feel a little more safe about him and my brother racing, he gives me three kissed like he always does when he’s about to go race, one on  my forehead promising to keep me on his mind during the race, one on my cheek promising to never let me go and finally one on my lips promising to always love me, I kiss him back showing just as much love as he is into the kiss, when Max comes to call him so they can enter the car and go to the line up, I don’t feel as anxious as I did on the beginning of the day, because I know that they’ll both be okay and if something does happen they’ll have me to take care of them and nurse them back into healthiness just so i can scold them. 
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tsukkireei · 1 month
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𝘀𝘆𝗽𝗻𝗼𝘀𝗶𝘀 : a random girl screams his name at the top of her lungs, loudly than yours.
𝗳𝗲𝗮𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 : tsukishima kei, miya atsumu, kageyama tobio, suna rintarou
𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴(𝘀) : possessive act, y/n's jealousy, insecurities, harsh attitude, a little ooc for the characters, pet name calling to his s/o, and some typographical errors if found.
𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘆 : my first haikyuu headcannon! and a slightly new to tumblr so if there’s any mistakes found i apologize in advance :)
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he’s uncomfortable when some random fangirls screams his name loudly. he just ignored them, clicking his tounge in annoyance.
“kei! good luck, i love you!” that’s when he heard your sweet voice. he looked up at the bleachers, seeing you waving your hand at him. he let out a small smile, waving his hand at you a little.
the match goes on, the boys seemingly getting tired of it, but didn’t give up. their match with shiratorizawa was clearly getting you uncomfy as you saw how tired kei was. but nonetheless, you have faith in him that he won’t give up, and you smiled as you saw his serious expression.
yachi shuddered beside you, seemingly worried about their stamina. you patted her back comfortingly, telling her that they’ll be okay.
suddenly, a group of girls came to the karasuno’s cheering section, sitting at the next line of chairs. they internally squealed as soon as they saw the boys.
“oh my gosh! look how handsome they are! especially the blondie over there!” one girl said, and her friends agreed with her.
kei blocked one of the opponent’s spike, but before you could cheer for him, the girls stood up, screaming your boyfriend’s name.
“you’re so handsome!”
“be my boyfriend!”
you let out a scoff, glaring at them in your peripheral vision before looking towards at the match.
but the girls heard your scoff, and turned towards to you with a harsh stare.
“hey, you.” a black haired girl pointed at you, and you looked at them. “what?”
“what’s wrong with you? i heard your scoff.” she sneered at you, and you rolled your eyes.
“nothing, it’s just annoying when some squealing pigs try to cheer for my boyfriend.” you said, and they laughed at you.
“hah, girlfriend? are you being delusional? kei wouldn’t be with someone like you. i mean, can you look at yourself?” she looked at your form up and down, with a disgust look at her face.
her words hit your heart a hurt pang, but you ignored it. “we’ll see about that.”
the match ended like it seems forever. you walked down the stairs and ran towards to him. but before you could, the girl earlier ran faster than you and quickly reached him.
“hi kei! you did so good earlier!” she fangirls at him, and you scoffed. the girl smirked at your way, but her smug face quickly faded when kei ignores her and walks to your way.
“hey love.” he greeted, kissing your forehead. you blushed and smiled, holding up a towel to wipe his sweat.
“congrats, love. you did well! i‘m proud of you.” you kissed his cheek, and looked behind him. there spotted a fuming girl who has her fist clenched in anger and jealousy as she watched the sight before her.
she then rolled her eyes, “whatever.” she said, walking away from the two of you.
you sighed, holding up a bottle of water to him. he whispered a small thanks, chugging it down.
the team was now riding a bus on the way home after a joyful celebration. you sat beside kei, looking at the window.
kei’s voice made you looked up at him, “yes?”
“are you okay? you seem quiet.” he asked, looking at your features to see any signs of answers. you just sighed, and shook your head.
“it’s nothing. go to sleep, kei. we still have two hours to get to the school.” you said, and he glared at you.
“no, unless if you tell me what’s bothering you then i’ll go rest.” he said, and you chuckled. he won’t give up in situations like this.
“remember the girl from earlier?”
“no, who?”
“the girl who walked up to you.”
“oh. what about her?”
you fiddled your fingers, “well she said some harsh things at me when i was at the bleachers. she said you won’t date someone like me.”
he cursed underneath his breath, and wrapped his arm around your shoulders and bringing your face closer to his chest.
“don’t listen to her. she’s merely just a stranger and some fangirl who’s jealous of you. remember that i only love you, and no one else’s. you’re mine and i’m yours. no one can change that. you’re so beautiful, y/n. if that dumbass said some things that made you overthink about yourself, then you’re stupid to believe that. i didn’t love and date you because of your looks. it’s what inside made me attach to you.”
he tighten, but not hurtly, his hug around your form, and you let out tears, you didn’t know how much the girl’s words impacted you until kei said that. you hugged him back, sniffing a little.
kei brushed your hair away from your neck, and softly kissed it. thankfully, the boys were sound asleep so they won’t see you. his lips travelled to your cheeks, then to your lips, staying there for a couple of minutes.
“i love you, y/n. you will be my first and last love. i won’t leave you. i vowed to my self that you’re the girl that i would marry one day.”
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he told you to just ignore them and keep cheering for him because he will only look and listen to you. but it seems his words were not enough to comfort you.
the girls around you kept screaming mostly atsumu’s name. you cursed at yourself for having such a handsome and hot boyfriend, not that you were complaining though. you didn’t care about it though, but the girls pointed out how handsome your boyfriend was.
“hey, do you guys know? atsumu has a girlfriend?” one girl whispered behind you, and her friends gasped.
“wait, really?!”
“yeah! i saw her with him last week. i must admit that she’s so beautiful! though, i didn’t see her face clearly but i saw her eyes. it’s so pretty.” the girl gushed, and her friends awed. you smiled to yourself, touched by her compliment.
the girl beside you let out a smirk, “believe it or not, i’m his girlfriend.” she boasted and you raised an eyebrow. the girls behind you looked at her with confused faces.
“i don’t see any resemblance though-”
“it’s because i had my contact lense last week. so my eyes are different now.” she chuckled, flipping her hair.
they looked at each other, and choose to ignore her. you snickered, and the girl besie you switched her attention to you.
“is there any problem?”
“oh, nothing.” you chuckled, glaring at your boyfriend secretly. she narrowed her eyes at you, but then ignored you.
on the other hand, atsumu was having a trouble in the match. he can’t hear your usual cheer for him, saying ‘good luck’s and ‘i love you’s to him. he only heard an irritating voices of random girls that made him distracted from his game.
he finally looked up at the bleachers, glaring up to them and the girls went quiet as soon as they saw his expression. his eyes landed on you, and saw your glare. atsumu shuddered under your sharp gaze, and gulped down nervously as he continued playing.
after the match had ended, as usual, they won. barely, i think? atsumu wasn’t on his usual self as his concentration lost. that earned him a scolding from his coach and an angry twin.
you went down, and he quickly ran towards to you, ignoring the yelling of his name by osamu. once he reached you, he pouted.
“i didn’t heard your cheers for me, darling.” his cheeks were puffed out, and you restrained yourself from squishing his cheeks.
you sighed, whispering an apology as you looked down on the ground.
before he could say anything, the girl from earlier approached him.
“hey babe, you did so well earlier. i’m proud of you!” her sickly, sweet tone cringed you, as she wrapped her arm around him and looked at you, glaring.
“look, i don’t know what’s your business with my boyfriend, so hurry up-”
“can you let go of me?” atsumu brushed his hand off, and she looked at him surprised. he walked up to you, and kissed your cheeks. the girls around you gasped.
“it’s okay, love. we won, anyways.” he smirked, and you giggled.
“i knew it! it’s her!” the girl from the bleachers yelled, and you looked up to her, letting your features to see it clearly for her.
“omg! you’re so pretty, atsumu’s girlfriend!”
“i’m so jelly but you’re an exception!”
“i might be gay after seeing her, oh my gosh!”
you giggled, and atsumu stood proudly beside you as he listened to the girls’ compliment at your beauty.
the random girl behind you was gritting her teeth in jealousy, and walked away from the both of you, anger filling her. not that you cared, anyways.
atsumu looked at you and pouted again, “as i was saying, you didn’t cheered for me.”
you looked at him and pinched his cheek, “blame that girl for getting me distracted on the whole game. she kept saying to those girls that she’s your girlfriend.” i raised a brow at him, and he laughed at you.
“awe, my girl is jealous, i see.” he teased, patting your head, and you glared at him. “shut up.”
“don’t worry, my eyes are only looking for you, and my heart always searched for your love. no girls can’t take my faith and loyal away to you. so don’t be jealous and be proud because you have me, your handsome and awesome boyfriend.” atsumu said proudly, and you giggled.
“whatever.” you said, and blushed. he chuckled, and pecked your lips, making everyone on the stands gushed at your sweet interaction with him. they’re still there?
“you’re cute, i love you.”
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you don’t mind that his fans are cheering for him, because tobio assured you that you’re the only one for him. but that didn’t assured you well.
the girls from the stands kept annoying you as they loudly cheered for your boyfriend, well it makes sense, because they didn’t know tha you were tobio’s girlfriend.
you calmed yourself down, preventing yourself from telling them to shut up, but you didn’t want to cause a scene that will interrupt his game, so you kept quiet.
the match ended rather quickly, obviously his team won against their opponent. every girls around you are so loud that you almost covered your ears. you looked down to the team, as they bowed and thanked us for cheering them.
tobio made eye contact with you, and smiled. you were about to wave at him, but the girls behind you yelled.
“oh my gosh, tobio smiled at me! aaahhh!” they shouted altogether, waving at him. you sighed, bringing your hand down.
the gym were now almost empty, and you just got down at the stands, waiting for him. he came back with two cartons of milk on his hand, handing you the one.
tobio looked at you weirdly, and cleared his throat. “is there something wrong?” he asked, as the both of you followed closely behind at his team.
“no, i’m fine.” you replied, drinking the milk that he gave you. he shrugged, continuing the walk to the bus.
as the bus drove towards to the school, and he kept looking at you side-ways. he doesn’t know what’s wrong, but he knows that there’s something bothering you, but he can’t figure it out.
“alright, y/n, there’s something bothering you. speak up.” he said, and you jolted from your seat.
“i said there’s nothing.”
“clearly not.”
“can you just be quiet?”
“no, tell me what’s wrong.”
you sighed, and he waited for you to speak. “the girls from the stands.”
“huh? what about them?”
“they kept cheering for you.”
“is there something wrong about it?”
you exhaled, trying to calm down and not get mad about how oblivious he was. “what do you mean “what’s wrong”? they keep screaming your name loudly than mine.” you said, finally saying the problem.
“it’s not like i’m going to do anything about it.” tobio mumbled, and you were about to snap to him but he cut you off, “even if i tell them to stop, they won’t. if i tell them thay you are my girlfriend, they’ll probably target you and get yourself in trouble, i don’t want that to happen.” he said, and your mouth agaped on his words.
“nothing will exactly happen. i’ll just ignore them and pretend that they don’t exist. i’m only listening on your cheers for me. you’re the one that i always search whenever we have a game. you’re the only girl who made me fell in love crazy with you.” tobio looked at you, and you blushed. “y/n, i love you.”
“tobio..” you trailed off, and he brought you close to his chest.
“no matter how loud their cheers are, i’m always listening to you. now matter how they want my attention, they won’t get it. you’re there and that’s what it matters to me. i love you so much that even those girls won’t take my love away from you.”
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you clicked your tounge in annoyance as you watched the game before you. every time suna scores using his torso to spike, the girls screeched and cheered your boyfriend’s name.
you crossed your arms, your eyes twitching as you calmed yourself down.
the team called for a time-out, they are about to win this game, and you hoped for them to win. rintarou looked at you in the stands, and you smiled at him and waved. he looked away, and you giggled, knowing that he’s probably embarrassed.
the match continued, and you decided to cheer for him. “rin! go for it!” you shouted, making sure he will hear it. though, it seems that he heard that as he aggressively spiked towards to the opponent, scoring their team.
you smiled, and he looked at you, smirking. you giggled, and heard the girls behind you clicking their tounges in annoyance.
“oi, you. shut up. he won’t notice you.” the girl behind you sneered, and you looked at her, confusedly. “as if he will notice you too, i mean, you keep screaming that you might end up distracting them and it’ll be the reason they’ll lose.” you tilted your head at her, and she narrowed her eyes at you.
“as if they’ll lose! they’ll even thank me for cheering for them, especially rintarou-kun.” she said, and her friends giggled.
“alrighty then, whatever your delusions make you happy.” you shrugged, and sat back down. you heard her cursed underneath her breath, and ignored you.
the match ended and they won, you cheered for the whole team, the girls behind you interrupted by you but you’re not sorry for it.
you got down, and rushed for him but you were about to reach im when the girl from earlier pushed you aside harshly, making you fall down on the floor, and approached your boyfriend.
“omg, rin! you’re so amazing! here’s a towel, you seems so tired-” she was interrupted when rintarou pushed her hand away and glared at her form.
“who do you think you are, rudely pushing my girlfriend on your way?”
he walks up to me, helping me to stand on my feet. “are you okay?” he asked, and you nodded.
“w-what do you mean girlfri-”
“don’t make me repeat myself, she’s MY girlfriend.” he said, scowling at the girl who was shaking in fear by his gaze. “say sorry to her, now.”
she looked at you, and hesitantly spoke. “i-i’m sorry.” she bowed a little, and you didn’t utter a word at her.
“now scram.”
she stumbled a little before running towards to her friends who check up on her as they disappeared on the crowds.
rintarou sighed, and looked at you as he brushed your hair away from your face. “whatever that idiot said to you, don’t listen to her, okay? you’re my girlfriend, and the one that i will marry someday.” he said, and your face turned crimson as he said those words. atsumu looked at the two of you with a smug face and was about to tease him before his twin, osamu, smacked him on the head, telling him to leave us alone.
“o-okay..” you smiled at him, and he let out a small smile, kissing your forehead. thankfully, his body was covering your face to his teammates so they won’t see you expression.
“i love you, y/n. you’re the reason why i kept going, and i’m proud to say that i’m so lucky to have you in my life.”
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𝘃𝗮𝗹𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗰𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘆 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘆 : thank you so much for reading! hope you like this. ^^
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fandoms--fluff · 9 months
Pop of Colour
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Flufftober, October 9th
Female reader x Jess Mariano
Summary: Jess asks you paint his nails
Warnings: none
A/n: this is the first Gilmore Girls fic I've written, I hope it's good! Oh, and this is ooc but Jess is my sweet baby, so hush and read! ...only if you want to <3
Jess is sitting on your bed, leaning against your headboard with one of your pillows in his lap. He watches as you screw the top back on your nail polish. He watched you paint your nails the whole time.
He's always been interested in painted nails and always wished he could have his colorful as well. But he knows people will point it out and they'll make fun of him, as his mom had always told him, even when she was drunk or high as a kite. All her boyfriends and husbands had made it very clear that boys should never have painted nails or wear any makeup when Jess once came back home from school after coloring his nails with markers at school.
"You okay, Jess?" You ask him, noticing his eyes trained on your hands. "Um, yeah, sorry" he looks up at your face.
After a pause he opened his mouth again, "I-I was wonderin if you could, uh, paint...my nails? please?" He knows that he's not good at asking for things or asking about stuff, but he's been trying since you guys started dating.
"Oh, yeah, of course, hun. Come over here" You softly smile and nod over to the other chair with a sweater draped over the back of it.
He blinks for a second, surprised that you said yes, and puts your pillow back. He climbs off the bed and sits down on the chair. You pull out your small basket with nail polish and sit on your chair, holding it out to him.
"You can choose whatever colour you want," You tell him and he takes the basket from you.
He gently rummages through the different colours and pulls a dark red one out. He hesitantly hands it to you and places the basket on your desk.
You take it from Jess and shake it for a couple seconds. "Good choice" You twist the top open. "Okay, place your left hand on the desk and keep it still," You tell him. He nods, obliging to the order. He places his left hand on the wood surface.
As you paint his nails, his eyes are focused on the strokes of the small brush. Every time you dip the brush back into the polish and start on the next nail, he feels the coolness of the strong smelling dyed chemical.
"Aaand...done" you twist the top back onto the bottle and put it with the rest of them.
Jess looks down at both of his hands. A smile perks up on his face when he sees the shiny polish on his nails.
"You like?" You ask, seeing the smile on his face. "I love 'em...thank you" He answers, still working on not being closed off with his thoughts and emotions.
"Of course, any time. Now, just for the next five minutes, keep your hands still, especially the one I just painted, to make sure nothing smudges" You put the basket away before leaning against the desk.
"But what if I wanted to kiss you?" Jess smirks, trying to put his 'bad boy' image back up. "Hmm, cute" You smirk back, knowing exactly what he's trying to do.
"You'll have to wait, for now, this'll have to suffice" You lean down and kiss his forehead.
"Oh, come on, not even a real kiss" He pouts, something that's new for him, but he makes sure to only do it in front of you. He almost slipped up in front of Luke after he had a nightmare one night, and it was a complete disaster in his mind.
"Nope, you, baby, are gonna have to wait" You playfully wink, making him groan. The only good thing out of your teasing is now he knows what it's like to have painted nails like he's always wanted without someone making fun of him (at least right now at least), And if Luke brings up how his nail colour changed, no he doesn't.
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faetreides · 3 months
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summary: racer!john b x s/o!reader x racer!jj
cw: dom/sub undertones, spanking, dp in one hole, goes without saying but… unrealistic sex lol, threesome, armpit action (jj with john b), BOYS KISSING 😨, written in the middle of night while watching the powerpuff girls so once again don’t think just vibe, f1 racer john b & jj coded but i didn’t care enough to make it super accurate 💀, fucking on the hood of a car, possibly ooc since this is my 2nd obx piece, implications of plus sized reader
wc: 999
block & move on if uncomfortable !!!
don’t repost, translate, or give ai my work
kinktober masterlist
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“C’mon dude, be careful, ‘m gonna hit my head on the windshield if you don’t slow down.” JJ moans, lazily sucking your tongue. Every one of John B’s thrusts sends you further up the hood of his race car, which the three of you are recklessly fucking on top of. They just wanted to celebrate their positions on the podium with their biggest fan.
The garage in which the car is being kept is so cold your nipples could fall off, but the body heat being shared between the three of you will probably keep it at bay. Probably.
Both John B and JJ were drenched in sweat and some kind of grease, the smell only makes your pussy clench tighter around JJ, his hips shoot up in surprise.
“Oh F-fuck! Just like that, mama~ So tight….”
John B’s pace in your ass slows so he can smack JJ upside the back of his head, “Told you to be fuckin’ quiet, don’t wanna get your bare ass on the news, maybank.”
Before JJ can retort that he very much would not mind him accidentally mooning whatever poor race track employee stumbles upon them, John B is grabbing his hair in one fist with the hand that’s not clutching at your fat ass and shoving his smug face into his hairy armpit.
The lesson does nothing, like usual, JJ just moans as his boyfriend’s strong musk invades his senses. He can wet smacking sounds that are obviously you and John B making out while John B rams your asshole. Since JJ already came before the two of you earlier, he busies himself with cleaning John B’s armpit and weakly slapping his balls against you when the friction fades away too much.
“Always yapping our baby’s ear off for no reason, when you know what else your mouth should be doing instead.”
The unabashed freakish behavior tests John B’s resolve, and he slaps JJ’s face to signal him to stop so he can drag him into a sticky kiss. Your clit throbs at your favorite sight of your boyfriend’s tongues curling around each other, especially when the string of spit that connects them when they pull away snaps and falls on your face.
You’re suddenly taken hostage into a threeway french kiss, which you pull away from to gasp when out of nowhere John B gropes your jiggling ass before harshly spanking it. You moan and try to stick your hips out as far as possible in your sandwiched position, earning you more rough spanks that leave the flesh stinging like hell. Just what you wanted, with a red handprint to match too.
“Yeah I know you like that, baby. This pretty little ass looks so good in red.” John B coos, smoothing his hand over the raw skin to soothe the welcome pain.
JJ pouts at the display, despite his cock seeming to harden inside of your creamy cunt. You lean down to suck on his nipples to placate him, silently communicating that he always gets spanked after you anyway.
JJ threads his hands into your hair, making sure you keep his chest lookin’ pretty as he mentally prepares himself to start fucking up into you again. You’re just so heavenly and wet and warm and tight, he really does think you were put on this earth to drain the life outta him via his balls.
John B’s warning glare stops him, and when he obeys and keeps his hips still, the former’s gaze softens and JJ’s rewarded with a soft kiss on his forehead.
John B slowly eases out of your throughougly fucked ass, his thick tip catching on the puffy rim. You look over your shoulder to watch as he gives his stupidly big cock a few quick pumps before aiming the head at your stretched pussy. You nod and bite your lip when he shoots you a questioning look, having been together so long at this point that none of the three of you really needed any words to speak to each other.
The look of sheer excitement on JJ’s face when he feels the other man’s cock slide up along his inside of you is almost better than how pleased your greedy hole is.
“Oh shit, are you sure you can take it, mama? You’re already shaking over me, ‘s cute.”
“They’re doing just fine, aren’t you, peach? So good for us, our little cheerleader.” John B answers for you, you moan out a ‘yes, babe i can always take it’ to JJ as you get used to the stretch.
You don’t indulge in this often, and truth be told your boyfriends are usually hesitant to give you both of their dicks. Winning never fails to get them so horny that they’d be willing to listen to the devils on their shoulders that are their cockheads though. It’s why you always run to jump in their arms with an extra pep in your step when they break through the crowd of press and racing personnel.
You wiggle your hips to indicate that they can move, and they start fucking with gentle thrusts. They speed up their pace soon after, both of your boyfriend’s moaning at the feeling of their cocks rubbing together inside of you. Not one of you is thinking coherently, you’re all too preoccupied with panting into each other’s mouths and scratching red lines down whatever parts of your sweaty bodies you can reach.
It’s a miracle you and JJ don’t slip off of his car’s hood, there’s countless kinds of fluids all over you and you depend on John B behind you to hold you up. JJ’s too fucked out to down to earth. You suck bruises into his neck when he throws it back against the car as John B hunches over to bite down your back.
Two sets of hands toy with your fat clit, and your orgasm makes you black out so hard that you miss the questioning shouts outside.
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