#[pencil and paper: writings]
fudgecake-charlie · 10 months
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shh i'm posting no one tell my professors or the projects im involved in
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beastwhimsy · 3 months
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six YEARS of art between these two drawings. I'm proud of where I am now and the practice I've done over the years [: I can't wait to see where I go next with my art!!
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azereus · 2 months
Wedding Headcanons !
Ghost / Gaz x Gn! Reader ( Separate )
Warnings; Technically None besides potential occ and small mentions of Ghost's past ? Just fluff and getting married otherwise ^^ ( I don't know shit about weddings )
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Ultimate Pretty Boy ( Gaz );
The most sappy boy ever before, during, AND after the wedding
Almost fainted when you said yes to his proposal
His hands were so fucking shaky when he slipped the ring on your finger
Legit is the happiest man on earth, he feels so euphoric during this phase like he is on cloud nine and doesn't want to come back down
He is planning out EVERYTHING with you, and by everything, I mean EVERYTHING. The venue, the suits and dresses of the party, down to the flowers of the bouquet if you let him go that far
That one crappy aunt that gets in your business and makes everyone uncomfortable? Blacklisted
That very distant family member that would totally wear white to your wedding just for attention? Blacklisted
His mom? Blac- actually no, his mom is very nice. She adores you
It gets tiring but he looks so happy while doing it. He has a goofy smile on his face as he asks you about what type of cake you want
He isn't one for church weddings, more so outside of it isn't overheating or rainy - but he will do it if you want one
The day before the wedding he nearly passes out because HE is getting married to this wonderful person that is somehow his partner and soon-to-be spouse??
Yeah he is head over heels in love with you
Poor boy gets choked up when he sees you walk down the aisle and nearly trips over his own two feet during the vows
Very quick to say 'I do!' aswell
Gives a very nice speech, how he met you, some nice moments, compliments, etc.
Safe to say the honeymoon phase will be extremely nice
Ghostface ( Ghost );
How do I even start this ?
He went all out for the proposal, mentally preparing himself for weeks. He wanted it to just as planned
The wedding, now, unlike the proposal, was smaller and tamer and he wasn't racked with anxiety. Just close friends and family
The Taskforce, your family, and a few close friends on both sides
Just a small wedding that had a lot of thought put into it
Though it did have it's stressful moments
He and You planned it out together, having light arguments when you couldn't meet eye-to-eye. It was fine otherwise
But He almost had a heart attack when he saw you walk down the aisle. It dawned on him that, yes, this was really happening and he was marrying you. A small bit of normalcy for once was happening in his life.
Honestly him being happy and treating his soon-to-be spouse better than his dad did to his mom is probably one of the biggest 'fuck you's to his dad ever and he enjoys it a lot
Soap was his best man. That is all
He is honestly on board with wherever you want the wedding. Beach, church, home? You name it and he can ( probably ) do it
Throughout the whole wedding he was so excited to dance one-on-one with you. Soap teased him about it and got a smack on the back of the head in return
He is extremely happy throughout the wedding, having a small smile on his face the entire time up until the end
He spent a lot of money on the honeymoon, so you better like it 🔫
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satuwn · 7 months
i think carrying around a notebook and doodling in it freely like i did in middle school would fix me
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forsty · 9 months
feels like we need to be way more vocal about bullying people who do AI generated stuff
no fucking tolerance for that soulless piece of crap
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maybe-a-dinosaur · 11 months
matsukawa uses cheap basic black pens. the ones that you always have to test before using and sometimes leave little gaps when writing but they’re smooth and easy so that’s all that really matters makki says “they match ur personality” mtsk drawls “thaaanks”. he keeps them in his front pockets and they break all the time and leak out so almost all of his pants have ink stains on the front somewhere but at this point he’s accepted it as part of his aesthetic. bc of this he doesn’t Always have a pen he can use so his backup is basic wooden pencils he finds on the ground or left on a desk somewhere almost always sharpened down super small with no eraser left so his paper are always covered with scribbles and scratched out kanji mistakes are never erased.
hanamaki primarily uses basic mechanical pencils. he likes the sharper point so he can fit more scribbles in the margins and he buys the cheapest ones he can find and claims they’re “more cost efficient” bc you can just refill the led but he always loses them before they need more. he just throws them in his bag or leaves them in books when he shuts them or tucks them behind his ear or slides them into the spiral of his notebooks wherever he puts them they’re not secure. he also has a habit of pushing the led out a little too far and breaking off chunks with his finger or on his paper whenever he starts writing then he flicks said broken pieces off his desk at unsuspecting victims (and issei). he steals cute little puzzle erasers from his sister but always loses pieces so they never go back together all the way and he doesn’t really use them to erase bc they always smudge the paper really bad he just thinks they’re fun and teachers frown upon them so it’s a win-win
iwaizumi uses exclusively basic wooden pencils. they come in big packs they have good erasers they last for a long time and they’re strong enough to withstand how hard he presses into the paper. also they’re easy enough to break for dramatic effect (he’d never admit this one). hajime NEVER experiences pencil sharpener anxiety he gets up he sharpens he sits back down. no hesitation whatsoever. plus if he’s mad he just goes up and sharpenssharpensssharpsens until his pencil is a nub but whatever he feels better now. oikawa calls him “boring” and “lame” he breaks pencils shreds them up and leaves the shards in oikawa’s bag. tooru bitches about it later he truly has “No Idea where these Splinters are coming from they’re ruining my nails!!!” iwa (smug) doesn’t plan to tell him any time soon.
oikawa uses Nice pens to take notes and fancy mechanical pencils to do work that might need erasing. he doesn’t bother with fun colors or anything just basic black but they’re expensive and write really nicely and he has highlighters for organization. he keeps them all in a little pouch with a keychain iwa gave him when they were kids attached to the zipper very cute very sweet hajime (pretends) not to notice. his work is always neat and deliberate but not obsessively so like it’s obvious he cares about school but isn’t passionate about it. there are often little scribbles off to the side that he shows to people bc he is above passing notes and talking in class but sometimes a man’s just gotta share his thoughts!!! but yeah fancy writing stuff his sister sends them in from the big city he gets them as gifts etc etc
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mossflower · 6 months
did you guys know it is so much fun to draw badly and not care and never post it anywhere ever <3
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mysticarts · 11 days
♤ The Moutain of Water ♤ A LMK MINI FANFIC
(AKA, how Hui and Tai met Shuimu)
(Note: this takes place during the first season of LMK!)
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"Wait, why are we here again?" Hui Ying asked, following her brother, Tai, as they walked through a empty and freezing cave, the sound of a waterfall being apparent.
"Auntie Yujin said that there was a power energy of a demon God here. We're investigating it" Tai answered casually, still walking throughout the mountain, observing its surroundings.
There was few trees on the surface, letting the shining sunlight through. However despite the sunlight being present in the mountain, there was a sense of lost hope and sadness that hung throughout the air of the mountain. As there was no animals, or grass. Just plain stone
"Oddly enough, I can't sense any demons around here yet" Tai commented, putting his hands into his jacket pockets.
Hui Ying sighed. "Atleast this made us go outside! It's healthy for us...." Hui Ying then decided to walk towards the noises of the water fall, her steps echoing throughout the mountain.
As hui Ying got closer to the waterfall noise, she stopped in her tracks when she saw almost a curtain made out of leaves, surrounding the curtain where two stone pillars, having a symbol of ocean waves.
Hui Ying walked up too one of the pillars, observing it before taking out her camera from her bag and taking a picture of it. When the photo came out of the camera, Hui Ying took the photo and waved it side to side before putting it away in her bag.
"Hey, Tai, I found something over here!" Hui Ying called out, getting the attention of her brother.
"What is it?" Tai asked walking to over hui Ying was, only to freeze in his tracks when he saw the two stone pillars with the leaf curtain. Tai's expression quickly turned from relaxed to cautious.
"Let's be careful. Something like this here may imply someone was or lives here...." Tai stated, quickly making a trident out of light before going through the leaf curtain, with Hui Ying following behind.
When Tai and Hui Ying walked through the leaf curtain, it only revealed a waterfall. They where behind the waterfall. The room was only illuminated by the light coming from the water fall. Yet, even though it was just a simple waterfall they where behind, the air of sadness and dread increased.
"Huh.....nothing" Hui Ying commented, looking around as she rubbed her arms in discomfort.
"No, not nothing.....something Is here. We just need to unlock it" Tai corrected, still looking at the waterfall. Tai turned his trident made out of light to just an orb, and held it out in front of the water fall.
Hui Ying looked at Tai and nodded, taking a deep breath in and out. Unlike Tai, hui still wasn't as good with her powers yet since her past teachers told her that she wouldn't need to use them in her life. But this was the Mortal realm, not the Celestial one. With that, Hui Ying created a small blue orb of lighting, and held it out in front of the water fall aswell.
Suddenly, the orbs slowly turn into some kind of sigal design, with one of them being a lotus, and the other being a crown shaped headpiece, similar to the headpiece Wukon was known for. Slowly, the mountain began to shake as bubbling water then could be heard from the middle of the mountain.
"..alright maybe that wasn't such a good idea" Tai commented as he turned his head in the direction of the noise of bubbling water.
"You think!?" Hui Ying yelled in reply before running out of which she came, running towards the center of the mountain in panic.
When hui Ying at the center of a mountain, she saw a large snake creature, made out of water with perishing red eyes. At the end of the water snake's tail was blood red water. However, it was only moments before Tai shined a bright light in the Snake's eyes, letting it drop to the floor. Hui Ying snapped her head to Tai.
"Why the hell did you do that!?" Hui Ying asked
Tai rolled his eyes. "Easy, because that wasn't some Celestial creature, that's the form of a demon." Tai stated, pointing to where the snake had collapsed.
Hui Ying turned her head back to see a woman around Tai's age lay on the same spot the snake collapsed, the woman had torn up, raggedy clothes, with her black hair disheveled except some of it tied up in a bun.
"You.....we just unleashed a demon from their prison huh?" Hui Ying said, dread filling her voice as the dread and sadness in the air of the mountain started to clear.
"Yep. I'm surpsied that it needed two people to unlock her. She must have been a problem back then if two people where needed to seal this woman away" Tai replied indifferently. Tai knew more things about humans and Demons did than Hui Ying, and he always took pride In it.
The Woman on the floor then took a almost dramatic gasp of air as she quickly sat back up. The woman had long, white, tear drop like eyelashes with dark blue eyes. By the looks of it, the woman hasn't slept for centuries.
The Woman noticed Tai and Hui Ying and quickly backed away defensively into a corner, glaring at the both of them with contempt but also fear.
"Hey, calm down ma'am, we mean no harm...." Tai stated, his voice being gentler than it usually is in hopes to calm the disheveled woman down.
"Who are you two? And why....why can't I remember anything??....." The woman snapped back in reply, a sense of dread in her last words.
Hui Ying and Tai glanced at each other in worry before Hui Ying took a step forward.
"I'm hui Ying, and this is my brother Tai. We are the ones who kind of....unlocked you from....wherever you where...." Hui Ying explained slowly and gently, not wanting to scare her. "You said you can't remember anything. Do you need some help?-"
"Shuimu" The Woman stated, her body language slowly becoming calm as she stood back up.
"What?" Hui Ying asked in confusion
"My name is Shuimu"
Feel free to ask questions!
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excaive · 11 months
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woah sunshine carrot boy that's not very in character of you, did something happen mid story to hurt you that got you coping terribly :(
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the-ellia-west · 30 days
@pastellbg I did an art!!!
@darkandstormydolls I gave him the outfit you suggested :]]
I tried to Draw Marril
He looks a bit... scary, but It's actually not bad for my first Try actually drawing something with a face
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Here he is without a face
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The clothes are my favorite part
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wolfstargazer · 5 months
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From the desk of wolfstargazer
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afaroffsong · 4 months
The sun is shining but it is cold as HECK outside (feels like -7 even though I think it’s somewhere about 2 or 3?) and we’ve no power which means no water (even for flushing toilets) and no cooking. But at least the sun is shining…?
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kawipan99 · 2 months
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Requested by @justapplyjuice !! Glomer Hicner from Vast Error Stimboard!!
[🍟🍟🍟] [🔅❌🔅] [🌭🌭🌭]
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deoidesign · 19 days
Adam and Eve anon here, it wasn't an actual request, sorry if it came across that way, I was just suddenly struck by the realization they're Adam and Steve and I needed to scream about it
LOL no worries!
You're not the first person to have suggested it either, don't worry!
I also have never taken anyone's suggestions to heart. no offense you guys but I've got the "doing whatever I want" job, I'm gonna do whatever I want!
I appreciate when people care enough to notice things and send me suggestions, though, I think it's cute and it doesnt bother me at all.
I just have a curse that if something is funny to me I literally have to do it. This includes like, eating the flower in the middle of the table at a fancy dinner, or spending 5 hours making a meme... It also applies to answering anons. So you just caught me!
But yeah the Adam and Steve thing was completely deliberate. I named them when I was doodling in the back of church and everything.
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kurt-stims · 5 months
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Jorge Ruiz stimboard rqed by anon.
📝 | 📝 | 📝 🗑 | 💼 | 🗑 🏀 | 🏀 | 🏀
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bmpmp3 · 5 months
so often i'll get that sudden and wonderful urge to make comics and stories of my OCs that I can actually show people but then just as quickly that urge is dashed by various foolish reasons, and one of the most foolish of those reasons is i get. scared. about committing to stylistic choices in a webcomic or illustration
WHICH is foolish BECAUSE
you can just. change them
really gotta stop thinking about branding and shit. some people are good with that but it always just paralyzes me LOL especially because when i think about all the comics and fiction and all that i like you can see signs of stylistic choices and characterizations shifting from the original vision at the start to how it ended up because things EVOLVE that is a Normal Aspect of storytelling IT TRULY is a foolish thing to get scared by orz
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