#« headcanons › but if i didn’t speak it wouldn’t be real.
kinopio-writes · 7 months
Hi! Would you be willing to write something for Adam with a sensitive reader?
Everyone knows that he is loud-mouthed jerk, even reader, and she loves him regardless, but one day he crosses the line and says something particularly mean that makes her cry. Like REAL mean. To the point that he pauses because he did not think before speaking (or, well, less than usual lol)
I'm happy with whatever format you feel like using! Thank you!
A/N: I will be more than delighted to write that for you. But would you excuse me for a moment? AHHHHHHDISJDIOEOFJSKXJND—I’m sorry; I love this idea so much. Reading ‘Adam with a sensitive reader’ got me hooked instantly. But I’ll go over that in the headcanons, along with the general stuff. And I’ll add a oneshot at the end that plays the exact scenario of Adam taking it too far.
Holy sh!t. I made it so that the reader being sensitive is their greatest but also weakest point and it turned out pretty angsty. Has a bit of hurt/comfort, though. Did I go overboard? Maybe. That’s why it took so long. Sorry, anon.
Words: 2,328 (edited)
Warnings: Sex is mentioned (only a bit, surprisingly), Angst, Adam being Adam
Adam w/ a Sensitive!Reader
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• ha, this man is also sensitive himself
• well, sensitive about himself
• he feels his own emotions strongly, so he’s not the caring, easily able to pick up on other’s feelings and empathize type of sensitive
• you, on the other hand, are on the opposite end of the spectrum compared to Adam
• so you experience other people’s emotions just as strongly as yours
• you easily know what makes someone tick
• you’re selfless
• you’re able to admit your mistakes and apologize
• you’re respectful and actively listen to people when they talk about themselves
• you don’t push people down to make yourself seem better
• you try to make everyone feel good and comfortable
• you’re everything he isn’t
• because you fit in Heaven perfectly
• you deserve to be there
• and Adam knows that he doesn’t belong (subconsciously at least)
• you’re able to draw people in just for being yourself
• and he’s envious of it
• so he demeans you and is snarky about everything you do, and every time people give you praise or affection, he tries to divert the attention to himself or just stares at you with utter hatred from afar
• although all of that is just when he hasn’t even had a conversation with you
• after a while of being around you, he’ll cling to you because you give him the reassurance and validation he oh-so craves (he acts as if he didn’t hate you before. What do you mean? You two were always buddy-buddy!)
• you acknowledge all of the things he puts his worth to
• heck, you hang out with him—you sometimes even initiate it—willingly, and you’re genuinely interested in everything he has to say
• but he‘ll only hang out with you where no one recognizes you (so you don’t get all the attention)
• terrible transition here, but he notices that you mimic people’s expressions often
• he definitely makes fun of you for it
• and also mocks you
• up until he realizes that you do the same thing to him, too
• which is fine and all, if only you didn’t do that when he’s upset
• well, you mimic him when he’s joyous as well, but he (already subconsciously) expects you to. I mean, why wouldn’t you? He’s fucking hilarious!
• so you copying his negative emotions just stands out more
• and he…doesn’t like it
• that’s only really what he doesn’t like about you
• and the fact that you hog all the attention
• and the fact that people see you as perfect…
• buuut what happens when he gets to see a new side of you that isn’t exactly upholding that image?
Your phone lit up from your bedside table, brightening your otherwise dark room along with the soft glow of your halo. You only moved your eyes to the light, not wanting your tears to spill and dampen your pillows.
You had an inkling as to who was texting you this late—if the fact that your phone lighting up several times in the span of 5 minutes had anything to say.
When the texts stopped pouring in after a few seconds, you heavily sighed, wings ruffling. You resisted the urge to rub your face as you went to grab your phone.
Figured. Of course, it was Adam. He was the only person you knew who’d be awake at this ungodly hour. And the only person you knew who’d disturb your peace if it meant curing anything that ailed him. Which was now about boredom, it seemed.
You read a few of his texts displayed on your lock screen before tapping one of the notifications and opening the app, scanning the rest of the unread messages.
Adam was going on about ‘that bitch with the huge tits’—her name was Tiffany, you were sure—and how she was rumored to have slept with an archangel to assume higher authority. He also went on to complain about how he didn’t have the chance to bed her anymore since she was basically deemed an outcast and that he couldn’t be seen with someone like her.
You frowned, not believing any of it, but you didn’t have time to think about it enough when he began typing again.
You barely finished reading the new message when another one popped up.
You frowned deeper, quick to type out a reply.
i’m not (2:43) i was just reading your texts (2:43) don’t worry (2:43) i’ll be there soon (2:44)
When he stopped typing, you placed your phone back on the nightstand, sitting up on your bed as you carefully wiped away your teary eyes. You hugged yourself for a moment, wings functioning as a cocoon while a hand tugged on your hair.
Today had been draining—both mentally and emotionally. Just like the day before, and the day before that. But you didn’t want to think about it, lest you start to cry some more and smear your face with tears this time. What mattered was that everyone was back on their feet again.
Since you didn’t bother changing into your sleepwear when you got home, you only checked your face in the mirror to see if your eyes were puffy or not. You then took in deep breaths, holding up your drooping wings before putting up a charming smile.
You couldn’t stay in the bathroom for long, quickly leaving to tread the path to Adam’s.
“BOO!” Adam’s masked face suddenly peeked from the corner of his hallway, earning an indescribable scream from you as you jerked back. He burst out laughing, brows creased in confusion but also amusement. He couldn’t even make fun of you for getting scared. “What the—what the fuck was that scream?”
Recovering rather quickly as you blinked, you only smiled at him. You were expecting him to wait for you on his couch as his front door was left unlocked, but you weren’t complaining; his action took away any drowsiness you just had.
When Adam didn’t hear you laugh with him, his laughter subsided as he opened his eyes to look at your face. He raised his brows and placed the back of his hands on his hips. “What’s up with you?”
Shit. There was no way Adam was seeing through you.
“Nothing; I just love hearing you laugh.” You heard a tiny squeak in response. “Anyway, what did you make me come over for? Surely not just to scare me.” You moved past Adam and tightly crossed your arms, entering his spacious living room.
“Pshh, fuck no. You’re so easy to spook. Though that was a first. Didn’t know you could hit high notes, (Name).”
You didn’t know what to say to his…compliment? And sort of insult? Was it really either of them? Should you thank him? But in a sarcastic way? No, you weren’t known for being sarcastic, so he might think you were being genuine and look at you weirdly. And it would also seem highly egotistical.
Not as if Adam had much to say about that…
You tugged at your hair when you caught yourself with those thoughts. Shit, that’s so rude! You can’t think that! You shouldn’t think that!
You settled on an awkward chuckle, making yourself appear smaller as you averted your eyes to his TV space.
It was different, certainly. The modular couch pieces were rearranged into a pit sectional. And it looked as though he had chucked a bunch of pillows and one large blanket as an afterthought. It appeared messy, but at least it looked cozy.
“What’s this?”
“Hm? Oh, well, since you were taking your sweet ass time coming here, I thought to switch things up a bit.” You flinched when his head appeared right on your shoulder. “What’d ya think?”
“It looks super comfy.” Adam wore a goofy grin behind you as you walked closer to the area and noticed that he already prepared snacks on the low table. “Is this a way to say you wanna do a movie marathon?”
“You know it, baby.” He flew past you and landed on the sofa, patting the space beside him with a smile you just couldn’t reject.
Heaven’s natural light beginning to peek through the open windows indicated that it was already dawn. Thank goodness you didn’t have work today.
You two—or rather, Adam—had settled on watching the film series, Die Hard. Every single one. You didn’t mind, but you didn’t understand why Adam invited you over if you two were just going to rewatch the film series for the eighth time.
He had also been pretty immersed in the large screen in front of him, so he hadn’t attempted to converse with you ever since the first movie started. In all honesty, he could have just watched them all by himself.
But you didn’t question it. This time was the same as the last seven, after all. You always concluded that maybe he just wanted someone to watch movies with, no talking necessary. Even if the no-talking part sounded a bit out of character.
Was it though? Because he did that quite often. For instance, he constantly brought you along to whatever mundane errands he had to do during the weekdays and never really talked with you unless he found something cool and pointed it out.
Although, the earlier times you tagged along with him on his errands, he kept yapping his mouth off about the ‘totally awesome’ things he does. He talked about music, his own albums, his band, women, sex, and himself as the first-ever man.
As time went on, however, the talking was replaced with silence. You wondered if he just ran out of things to say or if he found it unnecessary to talk anymore.
You also sometimes wondered what was going through his head when he thought you didn’t see him glancing at you while he was doing something he believed was boring.
The sound of Adam’s stomach rumbling broke you out of your train of thought.
You both looked at each other blankly as if either of you were to blame.
He blinked to break the eye contact between you. “(Name), I’m hungry.”
You snorted, facing ahead. “You ate all of our snacks before the first movie even finished.”
“Don’t blame me.” He hugged the pillow he held tighter. “I’m still fuckin’ hungry, though.”
You hummed as you reached for your pocket. “Do you want me to—oh. I…I forgot my phone.” You frowned. You never forget to bring your belongings.
Adam merely stared at you, unblinking.
You averted your eyes and held your legs tighter. “Uhm, We could get delivery if you want. Can you lend me your phone?”
“Oh, yeah, sure.” He casually tossed you the device before laying on his back and looking up at you. “I’m down for anything.”
His phone hit your knee before you could catch it, silently landing on the cushions. “Are you sure?” You picked it up, opened his unlocked phone, and stared at his basic home screen.
He didn’t really use his phone that often to know that it could be changed. He only really used it to fetch one-night stands or occasional dates, text, play music aloud, look at outdated memes, take random blurry photos, and right now, order delivery.
“Totally.” His crow’s feet displayed on his mask as he puffed out his cheeks.
“Because last time you said that, you didn’t like what I had to pick.”
“That’s because the 5 ʼn 2 is so fucking overrated!” he suddenly started to complain. Your wings ruffled. “Jeez, I swear, every fuckin’ time I take a chick out and ask her what her favorite eatery is, basic bitches always go, ‘Oh, bREaD & fIsH, ceRTAinLy’ or ‘bReAD & FiSh’S a cLAsSIC’” He used his hand as a puppet to imitate their words before waving it. “Like, helloooo? Can’t you see the joint that’s literally on the other side of the street’s a hundred times superior? It’s cheaper, too, unlike Bread & Fish. Overpriced ass. You get me, right—?”
“Then you pick!” Adam jumped at your volume, and your eyes widened upon noticing yourself. You quickly gave back his phone as you turned your face away from him, and he slowly took it with a weird look.
“Shit, chill, (Name). The fuck’s up your ass?” He kept his gaze on you before turning to his phone.
While he was serious about his opinions of your bland tastes, he didn’t think it was that personal. Your preferences were the same as everyone else and that was boring. He was just being honest. And you usually didn’t take the things he said that seriously.
“Adam, I’m sorry,” you spoke up after a moment of silence and ran a hand through your hair. “I didn’t mean to yell at you.”
“ʼs not a problem.” He was still a bit weirded out, but he was willing to shrug it off.
You insisted, however, “I mean it. I’m not mad at you.”
“Okay…?” he muttered when he saw a notification pop up from Lute. Her message consisted of how some of the exterminators got into a quarrel during roll call and the ones involved got injured in the process. She said she was going to discipline them.
Adam did not want to know what she meant by that and was most likely not going to stop by their place today.
“Really. I’m not. Sorry. It’s just that yesterday’s been…”
“Uh-huh…” At this point, Adam was not listening to anything you were saying. But when he still heard the static noise that was your words, he groaned. “Look, sweetie, I really don’t give a fuckin’ shit about your fuckin’ apology, ʼkay? I don’t fuckin’ care. Now what do you want?”
You saw Adam’s confused yet concerned expression after he looked up from his phone and immediately noticed that you were starting to cry. You instantly turned your face away as you carefully wiped your eyes.
“Sorry. Sorry. I’m not crying because of you.” You didn’t know if that was true. You didn’t know if you were crying because of his words or were crying because of everything else.
That was the first time he ever used a sweet petname for you in a long time. He only ever used that to demean or mock other people.
Shit. Stop thinking—you were going to cry more. But even after carefully wiping your eyes away, new tears kept flowing. You couldn’t stop. This was humiliating. You wanted to disappear. You didn’t want anyone to witness you in this state. It was mortifying.
“Shit.” Adam’s voice came out panicky as he held his hands out towards you, but he hesitated. Hesitated in what, he didn’t even know.
He…didn’t think you could cry.
Adam didn’t know what to do; this emotional shit wasn’t his thing. He couldn’t ask you to leave, he knew that much, but he didn’t want to leave himself. This was his place. Why should he leave?
So, he did the only thing he could do in this situation.
You suddenly felt something warm envelop you.
You didn’t look up, but you knew it was Adam. You could feel the texture of his robe on your hands and the side of your face. You could feel his hands on your shoulder blade, but you couldn’t quite feel his arms on you.
You stopped wiping your eyes for a moment.
No one had ever hugged you before when you were sad.
No one had ever let you be sad.
Adam heard you sob.
Fucking great. He made it worse. What the fuck was he supposed to do then?
But when he went to unwrap his arms, he felt yours slip around his midsection, pulling him closer than before as he grunted from your firm hold.
So you wanted to be hugged? Alright. Whatever.
Adam slowly hugged you back after you muttered a ‘sorry’ and loosened your grip.
The next seconds were silent, so when he heard muffled words coming from you, he looked down. You also looked up moments later when he didn’t respond, realizing he must’ve not heard you.
Your gaze softened as you two held eye contact, and with teary eyes, you smiled. “Thank you, Adam.”
Something about his expression changed, but before you could stare any longer, you felt a hand behind your head push you back to his chest as the arm on your back held you tight.
“Yeah, whatever…”
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ellecdc · 7 months
We need dating remus lupin general headcanons with YOUR wonderful writing. Please. 🫶🏻
I don't know if this is my best work - but hopefully this is what you were looking for. Thanks for being here with me <3
Dating Remus Lupin Headcanons
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This man was completely oblivious to the draw he had on other people – including you. His quiet, sarcastic, mischievous but kind persona meant he had a lot of admirers that he never did anything about 
I fully believe Remus Lupin was the biggest flirt without necessarily realizing it (or if he did realize it, it wasn’t a conscious action - he really didn’t mean to be flirty, he just was)
Also don’t believe he knew how fuckin’ hot he was: denim jackets, oversized cardigans and knitted jumpers, converse, beanies - like he always looked so comfortable and casual but so put together despite of it?
Stealing his clothes is actually a dream of mine – his denim jacket with patches sewed on and a hole or two????? Need it
Curling up in one of his sweaters and warm socks by the fire? Fuckin’ hell 
His friends knew better than to ever try to (outwardly) set him up with anyone since he was so damn stubborn, so they would just happen to be in the library at the same time as you [the person they’d seen him bantering with in class time and time again] and also just happen to say hey and decide to catch up with you and then also just happen to sit at your table since they were already standing here talking to you anyway.
Forced library dates that neither of you really realized were dates, courtesy of his friends 
Remus caught on after a little while what his friends were trying to do, but didn’t mention anything in case you hadn’t realized yourself; he wouldn’t want to embarrass you
And welcome to the one thing we all sort of hate about Remus Lupin: he of course believed nothing would/could/should ever come about between the two of you
I believe him to be somewhat flighty – the second he realizes he’s falling for you, or, God forbid, realizes you’re falling for him – he hightails it 
Not for long though, I really don’t see James Potter letting him get away with that (Remus is stubborn so he gets ‘his way’ for at least a little before James forces the two of your out of your mutual misery)
I think you guys would grow closer and closer without ever actually saying anything about it:
Sitting beside each other would turn into leaning against one another
Leaning against one another would become the odd cuddle session 
Walking together to class would turn into a gentle hand on the small of your back guiding you through the castle (but also to keep you close) [this is that mentioned unknowingly flirty side] 
Hand on the small of your back would turn into his arm around your shoulder or your hand in his 
And he would prefer it this way, afraid that saying anything would make it too real (flighty), or, that you would deny having feelings for him and that would hurt in an entirely different way
You tried to be okay with it – to pretend that you were satisfied with whatever Remus was willing to give you because, come on, he was one of the most popular boys in school, he was the most well-liked Marauder, he was super smart and a powerful wizard, and he was so sweet to you.
But after a while, you couldn’t deny how much this unspoken space between you was weighing on you – particularly the somewhat routine periods where he’d completely shut you out
Was it you? Had you done something? 
Was he seeing someone else?
Were you just imaging this whole ‘thing’ between you?
He’d get increasingly agitated – almost like he simultaneously wanted you closer to him and further away from him; you’d never know how to help him in these moments
He’d speak more sharply to you, spoke less in general, and downplayed your friendship/relationship when other people would comment on it 
“We’re not even that close, we just study together sometimes” you head him say to Marlene McKinnon
“It’s not like that” he told Benjy Fenwick when he asked if you two were dating 
“She’s just a friend.” He’d said to Sirius, and that one hurt because why would he lie to his best friend? And what about you made it so difficult to see you as more than a friend?
Maybe you really had completely imagined the whole thing in your mind? Maybe he really didn’t care for you at all.
You began to pull away – less study dates, more excuses as to why you couldn’t meet up after class, sitting with Lily or Mary at quidditch games instead, staying at Hogwarts on Hogsmeade weekends – anything to avoid having to face the friend that you quickly realized you were halfway in love with who never even gave you a second thought
He did give you a second thought, though – in fact, he gave you a first thought as well as a third, fourth, fifth and sixth
“Do you think I did something to offend Y/N?” He asked James and Sirius one day – the two exchanged a knowing look 
“Why do you ask?” James asked with a smirk
“I think she might be avoiding me.”
“Does that bother you, Moons?”
Remus scoffed “of course it bothers me”
“I thought she was just a friend?” Sirius taunted
“Sod off...”
Remus couldn’t ignore it anymore – you weren’t just a friend. Never could be in his mind, he doubts. He would be your friend for the rest of your life if that’s all you ever wanted from him – but he’d probably always hold a candle for you; that’s why this divot you seemed to be carving between you two hurt like hell
He decides to do something very un-Remus like and face this head on (thoughts and prayers)
“Hey Y/N” he said gently as he approached your table in the library 
You seemed surprised at seeing him and started packing your things up
“Oh, hi Remus...” and the lack of your usual ‘hey Rem’ furthered his suspicions. “I was just finishing up, actually.”
“Have I done something to upset you?” He blurted suddenly. His assertiveness threw you off kilter – was he...talking? About feelings? You paused in your haste to pack your things
“No?” you said in the form of a question – you knew he picked up on it when the space between his eyebrows dwindled 
“Are you sure? I just feel like you’ve been avoiding me lately.”
You were starting to get frustrated. “What do you want, Remus?” You asked sharply. He winced.
“I just miss you, is all.” He admitted quietly as he played with a fray on his sweater between his tantalizingly long fingers.
“What exactly about me do you miss, Remus? You have plenty of friends; I hardly see how Sirius, James or Peter can’t fill the same role.”
He guffaws – actually guffawed! The bastard. “What are you on about?”
“What are you on about, Lupin? I’m tired; I’m tired of being called a friend while you keep me closer. I’m tired of feeling like I’m being played by arguably the most important person in my life. I’m fucking exhausted – so tell me exactly what you’re ‘on about’ Remus, and make it count because I’m done.”
“No! No, not done; don’t be done.”
“What do you want, Remus.” You whispered dismally. 
“You.” He whispered back
“Don’t fuck with me, Lupin.”
He couldn’t help but chuckle at you a little bit. “I’m not. I’m not, I swear it – I’m sorry if you’ve felt played by me. I’m sorry if I’ve made you feel anything but loved because... because I do – I love you.”
“Love me?”
“Love you. So much.” He professed as he dared to step closer to you. When you didn’t seem entirely averse to his proximity, he moved to close the gap – enveloping you in a long-needed hug. “I’m sorry.” He apologized again.
“You should be” you murmured petulantly from his chest.
He chuckled and pressed his lips to the top of your head “let me make it up to you?”
And he did – you spent that evening on the astronomy tower, enjoying the view of the stars as they melted into the forbidden forest along the horizon and the rest of the Hogwarts grounds – and he told you his secret, that he was a werewolf
You were the first person he willingly told – James, Sirius, and Peter just figured it out on their own and there was no hiding from them
You were the first person he chose to let in – so uncharacteristic of the lycanthrope, but that just went to show how serious he was about making it up to you and garnering your trust
This changed everything 
There was no more pushing you away near full moons, in fact – he got nearly downright territorial 
No one else was allowed to sit beside you – that was Remus’ spot
He was irritable and snappy with everyone, but instinctively melted at the sight of you
“I can’t believe we survived Moony all these years without Y/N – she’s like a sedative” Peter muttered as he picked up the cards Remus had thrown at him in a fit during their game of exploding snap. There was no sign of that Moony now – smiling down at you as you sat curled up in his lap like he had nowhere else he’d rather be
I believe Remus was the king of trinkets – his dorm was littered with little bits and bobs he found that he thought were cool/interesting
He started gifting you little things once you began dating 
An enamel pin that made him think of you 
A small pewter wolf 
A cool rock that he thought looked like the colour of your eyes (you didn’t see it, but who were you to argue?) 
Little themed snow globes
Flowers he found on his walks 
Pretty beads/crystals 
Tealight candle holders 
The ribbon from a box of chocolates he got from his mum that he thought you would like
Acts. Of. Service. This man didn’t come from money, the way he saw his dad spoiling his mum was through his actions – so this caring attitude came super naturally to him 
Fixing up your tea/coffee the way you like before you’ve even thought about it 
Carrying your bags/books for you 
“Your shoe’s untied, dovey. Give ‘er here.” He said as he patted his thigh for you to place your foot so he could tie it for you
If you got sick/under the weather, he’d totally do your homework for you (his friends have done the same for him due to the moons – pay it forward)
I think he’d be so soft and needy after a moon – just melt into whatever love and care you’re willing to show him; give you complete control and take care of him.
It may have been super hard to get Remus to give love a chance – but once you got it, you were stuck with him because he was not going anywhere 
Loyal to a fault 
He’s so afraid of losing good things that he’s willing (and desperate) to do anything and everything he can to keep it [i.e., you]
Thankfully, you make it very easy to do <3 
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mrsdarkandyandere7 · 11 months
Headcanon: Soldier Boy as a father
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Pairing: Dark Soldier Boy x (female) Reader
▶ This is a yandere/dark work and it may contain triggering content so please READ THE WARNINGS before. Do not read if minor.
More at Masterlist
WARNINGS: Implied Noncon/Forced Pregnancy.
Please, reblog and give me feedback.
Let me know your thoughts on this and please leave a comment or an ask, I feel like you guys are very silent lately 🥺
From the first moment that Ben holds the little baby in his arms, his whole world transforms radically.
The feeling of finally being able to see and touch the child he wanted for so long is indescribable. The love blooms in his heart wildly like it’s a force of nature.
The tiny boy feels so fragile against his muscled arms, not even the size of his arm. His eyes half-closed and mouth open as he soundly sleeps.
His skin is all wrinkled and bloody, but Ben swears it’s the most beautiful sight in the world.   
It finally feels like everything in his life makes sense, all the pieces clicking into place. In that moment, Ben knows everything he did to get to that moment was worth it.
All the screaming and pleading, the tense moments where you’d cry your eyes out in despair because you didn’t wanted Ben.
The times he had to force himself on you even though you begged him not to. All of it worth it for the mere sight of his son.
Ben vouches not to be like his father. He’ll do much better.
He tries to be a present father, wanting to raise his son with values of discipline but also with love.
But not too much love, he doesn’t want his kid to be a complete pussy after all.
He does install real man's values into his kid. To be brave, to never lback down from a good fight and to always speak his mind out.
Very toxic misogyny mindset, basically.
Father-son bonding time means taking the kid to some low-level missions, teaching him how to maintain his calm and how to deal with bad guys.
Although you freak out about him taking a small toddler to risky situations, Ben knows that your son is a strong supe. Not to mention that he wouldn’t actually let anything happen to the kid.
Another thing he teaches to your son is to always protect you.
“Listen to me, buddy. When dad is not around, you’re the man in charge, got it? That means mommy is your responsibility and you take good care of her. Don’t let her talk too much to strangers and if any man gets too close, just throw him a punch.”
And then of course Ben is gonna want more kids. He wants two more, at least.
Even if you don’t want more, it doesn’t matter cause in the end, Ben always gets what he wants. 
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mockerycrow · 1 year
hii! i love the way you describe the 141 so far, and i would love to see how you would write an konig, ghost, soap, price and alejandro reaction and headcanons with a s/o who has an accent?
i taught myself english from a young age so i never really had someone to practice with, so my accent is very strong (im from south america, which also helps lol) and i would like to see how the cod boys can react to this in your style <33
Reader With An Accent - MWII
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GIF BY: @collinnmckinley - masterlist
A/N: thank you so much for your patience and thank you for liking my writing!! please let me know if i executed this right!! i am american and i don’t want to misrepresent. also this is lowkey coded for people w/ accents from non-english speaking countries, so sorry everyone who is from a english speaking country and has an accent oops — i also kinda took your “i taught myself english from a young age” for alejandro’s chunk. hope that’s ok!
König wouldn’t react to your accent very much, unless it’s a very thick accent because then he would have trouble understanding you.
If your accent is thick, he probably asks you repeat yourself a couple of times; English isn’t his first language either, so I can imagine maybe a couple of times you both sit there in silence with each other because neither of you guys can understand each other. He has a semi-thick accent, too.
Sometimes, he does understand you but he just wants to hear you continue to talk.
Maybe König and you practice English together, while teaching each other your native languages on accident. You guys didn’t mean to, but you end up trying to explain what a word is in your different languages and by the end of it, you begin to understand full sentences in german; the same for him with your language.
He considers this a bonding experience :)
Like König, he probably wouldn’t react to your accent too much unless it was incredibly thick. Ghost has met all different types of people and his native language is English, so he has a better understanding of what you’re trying to say, but he pokes fun at you like he pokes fun at Soap.
On the topic of Soap, you two together is his worst nightmare.
“Speak English.” Is his favorite phrase when you are speaking English, but your accent is just overpowering literally everything.
You like to throw his words back into his face when he says some sort of British slang—you get a surprisingly loud chuckle out of him when you pick up some of his slang. He thinks it’s funny whenever anyone who isn’t British begins to talk like him.
If Ghost isn’t already fluent in your language, he pretty much becomes damn near fluent by the time you’ve known him for a good couple of months. He picks this stuff up easily.
Oh, this would be actual hell on Earth. Not for you two, but for the others.
Soap doesn’t comment on your accent initially, but you two begin to share a brain cell and a half (on accident) when Ghost’s eyes show visible frustration.
“He can barely understand me, the two of’us will be a real party trick!”
You and Soap gang up on everyone else if your accent is thick. He understands the frustration of people not understanding you.
Sometimes it takes Soap a moment to process what you’re saying, but he only asks you to repeat yourself a couple of times. (He has a good method of deciphering words, even if he cannot understand through an accent).
Soap likes to teach you his Scot phrases and you teach him your own in return.
He gives you an eyebrow raise as a reaction, but that’s about it. Price has worked with so many people all over the world, he doesn’t really care to comment on your accent.
Price has gotten pretty good at understanding thick accents through the years, so he probably only asks you to slow your speaking when giving him a verbal report about something.
Price 100% is the type to accidentally pronounce something wrong but say it with full confidence and you always correct him, leaving him dumbfounded.
“My lips just don’t move that way, love.”
It’s likely he’s fluent in your language so he doesn’t mind if you talk to him in it; just give him a few seconds to translate in his head, okay?
If you meet outside of a total progressional setting, he probably has the most reaction to your accent out of anyone.
Alejandro’s language is a very big part of him so he assumes it’s the same for anyone else.
Alejandro doesn’t have an incredibly thick accent, but he knows people who do and he’s known them for years, so it’s easier for him to understand than a lot of other people.
If you taught yourself English and you end up pronouncing something wrong, Alejandro casually corrects you to help you out. He doesn’t make a big deal out of it either, he knows sometimes people get embarrassed from it. His first language isn’t English either, so he understands the struggle.
He DOES start laughing if you try to pronounce something that you so clearly cannot, even after being corrected.
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varyajc · 2 months
Can you do the Hashiras with a partner who is an ex dancer that is very flexible and fast? They became a hashira very quickly and were usually quiet until they became comfortable with the hashiras😺 it can be nsfw or sfw🍕🦄🐺
CONFESSING TO AN EX-DANCER - Sanemi Shinazugawa, Giyu Tomioka, Shinobu Kocho, Mitsuri Kanroji, and Kyojuro Rengoku
a/n; UGH, THANK YOU FOR THE ASK! These are just headcanons for now since I’m working on a Sanemi fic! (I was originally going to do them dating, but I decided to do confessing, why? Because..I dunno. Pls lmk if you wanted something different!) I’m going to be real here, I don’t write for demon characters often, so this might be out of character. Forgive me.
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~When you first became a Hashira, he didn’t exactly care for you. He simply thought you were another Hashira, so why the fuss?
~However, you thought he disliked you, which somewhat let you to also distancing yourself from him.
~Soon, you found yourself becoming close with the other Hashira besides Sanemi.
~You attempt to make a conversation with him, getting nowhere.
~Despite all this, you still attempt to speak with him, go on missions, etc. He soon found you quite..alluring? Your voice was extremely soft, you’re good what you do, and even took notice of your physical abilities.
~I wouldn’t say he was exactly impressed, but it did catch his attention somehow.
~Then when he finally took notice of your skills, I would say his respect for you went up more. That’s when he decided to finally make an effort to somewhat form a friendship? He was hesitant to try and become friends, so he stubbornly figured he could at least speak with you more.
~After a while, he devolved a crush on you. Why? Because of your unshakeable character, how attached you are to your family, and is very intelligent.
~He confesses to you, and oh my, he’s so awkward. He’s stumbling over his words, his hands are shaking, whilst his eyes are bloodshot and pupils incredibly small.
~To his surprise, you say yes to dating him, which catches him off guard but also makes him the happiest man on earth.
~The rest is history.
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~When you first became a hashira, like Sanemi, Giyu didn’t exactly take notice of you.
~Whenever you tried to speak with Giyu, he’d just stay silent and listen, and after you finished, he walks away without another word.
~You’d speak to Tomioka normally, with you doing the talking.
~However, when you two went on a mission, he finally saw you in action. He wasn’t exactly like mind-blown impressed, just respected you more as a Hashira rather than someone who’s just there.
~However, you started to show interest in him. It was very subtle, but he was very overwhelmed by the way you attempted to give him affection.
~I’m extremely doubtful that Giyu would be the one to confess, I think you would confess. However, he doesn’t accept your confession, in fear he’d hurt you or lose you.
~I feel like he’d use an excuse. “Give me more time.”
~I don’t see Giyu dating anybody..unless; They defend him, go out of their way to speak with him, and definitely gives him space whenever he needs it.
~And when he does reluctantly agrees to date with you, I’ll just say he’s comfortable..for now.
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~When you appeared as a Hashira, she was pleased that another one has been added to the mix.
~I can see her making an effort speaking with you, she’s quite pleasant and that’ll make you feel more comfortable around her.
~You guys speak fairly often, often going on missions together, even. She was also shocked to see you being so..flexible and quicker than her.
~However, when you started to show interest in her, she noticed it IMMEDIATELY.
~I can see her confessing, but I feel you’ll crack first and confess. She’s not opposed to the idea of dating you, but you two are hashira, remember that, so you have to somewhat keep the public affection subtle.
(I can’t write for her, I’m so sorry if this is out of character.)
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~I just know she’s excited she has a new comrade to speak with! I can see her totally speaking to you first, as you are very shy.
~Her bubbly personality makes you most likely open up to her immediately, I guess I can say you feel somewhat safe around her.
~You guys eat together all the time, go out to eat, train together, send each-other letters. I can see herself making hand-made gifts for you as well.
~I can see her falling for you easily, your angelic face and soft voice makes her melt.
~She confesses to you, and she ends up crying of happiness when you accept her confession.
~The love you both have for each-other is so beautiful, you two spend even more time together after you two become official.
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~I know Rengoku would go up to you first, with his loud, booming, voice of his.
~The more he approaches you, the more you warm up and start being more relaxed around him rather than tense whenever you hear his loud voice.
~I can see the more you two interact, the more you two want to spend time with each-other. (In a friendly matter.)
~However, the more time you two spend with each-other, the more you start slowly start falling for Kyojuro.
~Does he notice? No. I feel like he’d be completely oblivious to any romantic interest shown in him, even when you give hints!
~This man is completely shocked when you confess to him, doesn’t accept confession right away because he know if he likes you like THAT.
~After a while, he does chose to date you, and long story short, I’ll say you two are happy..for now.
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a/n: can you tell I got lazy at the end? Wtv, I need 🍃 + 🚬
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controversialcoven · 4 months
Outsiders gang headcanons
(That really aren’t headcanons because im a ponyboy fictive and just sharing random memories)
Johnny didn’t talk much, but if you got him talking about cats it would never stop, real lot of fun facts saved in his brain
Especially calico cats? He really liked calico cats, like the pattern or something
Ponyboy hated the blonde cut hair, but always left it alone since he felt like that was the last thing he’d ever have of Johnny
The Shepard gang did not like chocolate (I don’t know how)
Dally had this secret rivalry with everyone that only he knew about, where he made everything into a competition he would win
Darry is the only person to say “I wouldn’t get addicted to (insert thing), id just stop” and be right about it
Ponyboy didn’t like alcohol because it was beer, hand him a fruity drink like a strawberry daiquiri and he’ll be all over it
He still wouldn’t drink it regularly though, insert “that’s a girls drink” and he has enough addictions under his belt already
All of the Curtis siblings have chronic migraines but deny it
Soda once made himself cry in a movie by going “I will cry if this happens in the movie”
He wasn’t even sad he was borderline laughing
Pony and curly both have various scars on each other from doing extremely dumb things
Pony would say it’s stupid, but curly would call him chicken so then he’d do it anyways
Johnnys favorite place to sleep if it was late and he needed to get out was under a huge oak tree not to far from the house (if he didn’t crash at the Curtis house of course)
Speaking of the Curtis house, it was a one floor ranch house with very little rooms. It was a 4 bed 1 bath, but one of the rooms got turned into Darry’s work room
If any of the boys got asked the “bring only one thing to a deserted island” question, they’d all say hair oil with no hesitation
Half of the dirty things dally said he didn’t know what he was talking about and picked it up from a movie
If Johnny were alive today he’d have one of those raccoon tail hair styles (probably blue)
Darry would listen to Taylor swift
Pony started a running joke of saying “don’t tell darry” over everything (ex. He pours himself a soda in front of Darry and says “don’t tell Darry” as loudly has he possibly can) ((he gets jokingly shoved for this every time))
Pony is not the type to remind the teacher of homework, more like confusedly bring his homework to the teacher after class is done and walk away
Almost everyone had a specialized nickname for eachother, some that only a specific person could call them and if someone else tried they’d get the tar beaten out of them
In pony and sodas room the closet was full to the brim of snacks in emergencies
It also had an ash tray only pony knew about in case he wanted a smoke
This post is gonna be a mile long if I continue but I might do a part 2 some day
Edited a few things because I wrote it at 1am and it had issues
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gay-dorito-dust · 8 months
Okay, since you’re rereading the books and your up for this request, can I request headcanons with the same hades reader you wrote earlier where she meets Nico di angolo when he arrives to camp and from the moment they met, they hit it of instantly and Nico clings to the reader his entire time there, and even hangs out with Luke cause Luke is the readers bf?
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This was long as shit as I got carried away…oops. Not so much on Luke and Nico spending time together but more so reader and Luke talking about Nico.
The moment Nico was brought to camp, a wide eyed boy who was so full of awe and wonder and excitement, you just knew how special he was and you couldn’t help but feel a familial sense when it came to the boy.
Almost as if you knew him your entire life when in reality this was your first ever meeting the boy, but something deep down told you that you would do anything to keep this boy safe and happy for as long as possible before it would be taken away from him; after all life as a Demi-god wasn’t all glory and valour and you all had to learn that rather ruthless lesson one way or another…oftentimes prematurely.
Then again, you chalked this feeling down to you being protective towards the younger Demi-gods that entered camp but this feeling was a lot stronger then that, a hell of a lot in the sense that a older sibling would fret over their younger siblings…but Nico wasn’t your sibling…well not that you were aware of seeing as he was still unclaimed but you guessed being a child of the big three had made you envious of what children of other gods had; family. You were alone and have been alone for quite a while…
Luke, your beloved boyfriend, was able to fill that void for a while, but sooner or later the realisation of just how lonesome you have been would come to consume your every thought.
Mythomagic. You hadn’t heard of that game for quite some time but you had a deck of Mythomagic cards locked within a box, underneath one of the floorboards inside your windowless cabin. Why? They had become so severely damaged and worn with time that you were scared that if you were to pick one up, it would crumple to dust within your palm. Plus it was a sentimental gift from your mother before she…never mind.
The memory was still too painful for you to recollect.
So when you saw Nico fiddling with a Dionysus card -the weakest card in the card game- between his fingers out of nervous habit, you almost didn’t recognise yourself speaking until Nico’s dark eyes looked directly at you with excitement.
‘A Dionysus card, haven’t met anyone who played Mythomagic that genuinely liked that card, you like Mythomagic kid?’ You had asked.
‘Do you?!’ Nico exclaimed as his smile matched his dark obsidian eyes in how brightly they shined.
‘Does Hades have 4000 attack power, 5000 if the opponent attacks first?’ You quickly corrected your self as Nico moved to sit next to you under the tree. ‘Who’s your favourite?’ You added, wanting the lad to feel at ease with you despite what everyone else might’ve told him about you in terms of unapproachableness.
‘Dionysus obviously!’ Nico replied, showing you his card as if to emphasise his point. ‘People think he’s not all that good but I think his powers are pretty cool and to find out that he’s real?! Even cooler!’ He adds on as he looks down at the card as if he was debating whether or not he was going to ask Mr D to sign it. However if Nico was the type of player that you assumed him to be, he wouldn’t dare tempt the idea. ‘Who’s yours?’
‘Hades.’ You said point blankly before continuing, ‘and it’s not because he’s my father.’
‘Hades is your father?!’ - Nico near enough shouted to ear you both the eyes of a couple of campers but you shot them a deadpan glare and they were quick to go back to whatever it was that they were doing beforehand. You softened your face as you looked back at Nico and answered his question. ‘Yeah, he is. He’s not as bad as people make him out to be, he doesn’t get in other people’s business like some gods and goddesses, considering he’s got his own dealings that take presidency but he’s more accommodating then most seeing as I’ve visited him on multiple occasions.’ You finished, shrugging your shoulders, you didn’t want to add on the fact that he had even gifted you Dvir, a hellhound, just yet. In due time you would but, some people would consider that too much.
‘Wow, you’re so cool.’ Right then and there you decided that you would have Nico’s back no matter what, for he was the only one besides Luke that didn’t fear you for your father and by god was it the most reliving thing ever!
You became someone Nico felt comfortable being his true self with, and would even try to sneak into the Hades cabin whenever he needed you to give him comfort and reassure him that you wouldn’t leave him for the Hunters Of Artemis like Bianca did; despite it being against the rules and all but it’s not like you didn’t do the exact same thing with Luke whenever you needed his presence to sooth and put your mind at ease.
He even tried to sit next to you during dinner time at the pavilion, another camp rule he had broken in order to be by your side, but no one dared to speak up upon it and instead bite their tongues, seeing as you and Luke were equally challenging anyone to speak about this to Mr D or Chiron but, nobody dared to do so. Meanwhile Nico was completely obvious to it all and was showing you all of his Mythomagic figures, Mythomagic expansion packs and bestowing every last drop of his knowledge of the card game onto you, all the while you were storing it within your own head as though it was something you were going to have to use later on.
No matter where you went, Nico wasn’t far behind following you like a lost puppy. Needless to say that whenever anyone saw Nico on his own, they knew better then to try anything for you were often lurking within the shadows nearby, watching over the boy with such a fierce protectiveness whilst giving him his freedom to better aquatint himself with camp. When it came to Nico, it seemed as though you became a complete different person, you didn’t know why but all you knew was that you weren’t going to let anything harm Nico while you were able to do something about it.
‘Doesn’t it bother you? Having him cling onto you all the time?’ One brave camper asked once and in all honesty? You didn’t care that he clung to you do suffocatingly. If anything you were glad that he choice you to be the one he relies on for anything and everything, it made you feel an whole assortment of things, the main one being happy knowing that someone openly sought you out because they viewed you as someone who’s opinions are worth listening and taking head to.
Nico felt safer with you than he ever did elsewhere, which was saying something considering he was within a camp built to protect people like him but he felt his most safest with you; Someone whom he quickly began to form an attachment towards and would oftentimes find himself clinging to your side like a second shadow. So much so that Luke would playfully tease you about it whenever he saw you both.
When in actuality Luke loved the fact that Nico was so attached to you. He wasn’t stupid, he knew that even with him by your side you still felt like you were alone, and could only hope that Nico would be the one to fill in that void within your heart completely. He was also happy for Nico for having you to fall back on because there was no one in camp that he would have to watch his back then yourself.
‘He’s asleep.’ You mused, looking at Nico, who fell asleep against Luke’s shoulder and was snoring softly.
‘He’s a good kid.’ Luke replied, ruffling Nico’s dark hair as a smile appeared on the younger boys face as he readjusted himself before falling still. Still like the dead Luke once playfully commented.
‘He really is.’ You said aloud, grasping Nico’s hand upon watching it reach out for you, squeezing it in hopes of showing him that you were with him. Luke pressed a kiss to your forehead as he saw the variety of emotions that flashed through your eyes as you kept watch over the sleeping boy. ‘You’re a good influence on him babe, don’t doubt yourself, the boy practically idolises you.’ He tried reassuring you but still the thoughts wouldn’t let up.
‘What if there’ll be a time where I can’t reach him, where I can’t save him from himself and he’ll resent me for it.’ You asked, needing Luke’s guidance more than ever in your time of uncertainty. Luke pondered this for a bit before finally responding. ‘There won’t be a time where Nico would ever resent you and even if that did ever happen, I just know that he would hate himself even more for pushing the one person who had his back and cared for him like their own flesh and blood.’ He then squeezed your thigh reassuringly. ‘That and you’d dive into the depths of the labyrinth to bring him back no matter what and he knows that better than anybody that you’d endanger yourself just to save him, even from himself.’
He was right. You knew he was right. You would wholeheartedly throw yourself into harms way if it meant Nico came out unscathed and that terrified you and Luke could see this. ‘So don’t doubt yourself because if you doubt yourself then Nico will doubt himself by extension. For if the person he admires doubts themself then he would feel like he should too.’ Luke then rests his forehead against yours, his eyes staring deeply into yours. ‘I know you can guide him down the right path, be the kind of person you needed when you were in his situation, be the person you know you’d feel safe with, be his protector because I know you can. He needs you.’ He finished.
You looked down at the peacefully sleeping Nico before looking back up at Luke with a look of determination. ‘I promise to protect him and help him in whatever he may need.’
Like smirks. ‘That’s my baby.’
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mjso-soupp · 2 months
Subaru Headcanons
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shitty headcanons for my fav vampire bcs i haven’t updated my fic 😍
Around you: Now I don't think he would necessarily be shy, but more afraid to embarrass himself around you. He’d check himself more than usual, making sure his face wasn’t bright red whenever you held onto him tightly around his brothers, or make sure he didn’t stutter when your eyes looked more doe than usual.
Belly: He probably eats a lot, like a real teenage boy. He doesn’t have a favorite food so he just eats whatever he finds in the kitchen, and that includes lots of snacking since he doesn’t feel the need to make a meal that would actually fill him. He’d rather just wait til some food pops up to eat it.
Clothes: His wardrobe consists mainly of black, white or some other dark color. I like to think he wears one of those compression shirts to bed or under his jackets. He definitely keeps old clothes too because he thinks it ‘matches his vibe’. Due to his strength, if he was late for school one day, he probably tore a hole in his shirt from pulling it violently over his head in a hurry.
Dating: I dont think it’s him that has much trouble snagging a girl— definitely not. It’s what he does AFTER snagging a girl that confuses him, because, what now? He’s awkward because of his self destructive self image so all he can really think about is, “Will she really stay with me?” Or “When will this be over?” But I don’t think he’s much of a dater, more like hoping to just pop up on the ‘one’ some day (Which seems inevitable because he never leaves his coffin).
Excess: It’s a good thing he’s an albino because this man probably grows so much hair, like peach fuzz all along his body. His character design obviously shows he’s an albino but his eyebrows probably have a thin shape made up of long hairs he doesn’t care to pluck because they don’t really show. He also has a long full head of hair that in the art shows red undertones.
Eye contact (Bonus): Since he’s an albino, his eyes twitch and that leaves more reason for him not being able to hold eye contact. He subconsciously looks away and focuses on inanimate objects rather than the person directly in front him.
Fangs: This man was blessed with a strong pair of fangs. They show the most out of the other brothers when he speaks or eats. He wouldn’t so much as take pride in this but focuses on why having such sharp canines is much more of a nuisance to him, like accidentally biting his cheek while chewing.
Grooming: He doesn’t smell bad, everyone has their own scent and his is strong with musk and soap. Probably uses a bar of soap for his body and face, then follows up with whatever shampoo appeared in his shower that day. Whenever he brushes his hair with no care whatsoever, he just brushes til he can’t feel a tug on his hair from the brissels. Doesn’t matter if he brushed it out of place, it’ll fall back later.
Health: I guess in the long run this doesn’t matter since he’s a vampire, but he probably has some unhealthy habits. He definitely smokes or has smoked cigarettes. His relationship with drugs is inconclusive. But I like to think that his relationship with Kou has something to do with Kou’s potential past addiction(?) They probably bonded over that.
Intelligence: Being alive for years means something has stuck to him. He’s more street smart than book smart though, he doesn’t really pay attention in school (RIP Subaru you would’ve loved chat gpt). He forgets how to find the circumference of a circle but knows how to kill someone in one swift motion(?)
Jaded: Subaru’s probably tired of the whole madonna or mistress dynamic. Why can’t he have both? He wouldn’t necessarily want someone to dominate him but more so have someone who can keep up with him, less work for him you know? He already has a bad relationship with the idea of a woman on his side. Why does he have to choose between a woman to accompany him in his dreams (Madonna) or a woman who helps him fulfill his desires(Mistress)?
Kinks: Definitely into some sort of knife play, choking or really anything that exerts his dominance over you.
Laugh: He doesn’t really laugh but when he does it’s mostly a scoff or a chuckle. Maybe if something really is funny to him he might laugh for more than a second but that’s really it. His laugh isn’t loud but it’s more like really low and deep so it comes out louder than he wants it too so he’ll get embarrassed.
Mature: Subaru’s definitely one of the more mature brothers. Dealing with his mother’s mental illness and instability at a young age really rocked him, he grew up way too fast. This is genuinely the reason as to why he doesn’t like children or doesn’t like to associate himself with them. He truly believes he’ll ‘ruin’ them and ruin their childhood like he had his ruined.
Nature: He loves it. He doesn’t admit it though because he tries to be hard. (These are misogynistic vampires after all..) In anger he likes to rip and tear petals off flowers but feels bad after, just another thing to add onto his list of things he’s corrupted. He takes care of the rose garden in his free time.
Open-minded: Considering his personality (Edgy, angsty, rule breaker) I think he’s in the middle. He’s definitely more open then Reiji, Carla and other more superior brothers, but he’s not as open as Laito. Maybe to societal norms he’s more open but to sexual topics he’s closed and private about.
Personality: He’s rude, like, really rude. How he acts with you depends on your relationship though: If you’re more well acquainted (in terms of Subaru acquainted) he’s probably rude and likes to insult you through jokes, but if you’re more romantically involved it’s less subtle (He’s still throwing insults, just at a less) He’s probably really funny without meaning to be. More so if he says something and his brothers turn it into a whole different embarrassing topic making him turn red and everyone laughing at him. He’s of course, the definition of ultraviolence, and probably wants to get into being a gym rat but isn’t that motivated.
Quirks: Has so many. He likes to cover his left eye with his hair, but brushes it out of his face over and over again. His pale hands that are bruised and beaten make him stand out also, he likes to pick at his nails too. When he’s in a bad mood, his legs bounce annoyingly, making his boots click repeatedly. When a shirt is a little too tight, he stretches it out but rips it in the process (He’ll still wear it.)
Romantic: Well he’s not materialistic.. he doesn’t lay rose petals everywhere, open a bottle of champagne while sharing a five-star hotel with you. He’s more likely to stay in and just spend time with you one to one. He definitely tries to be more affectionate at times but it just seems awkward to him.
Smells: Probably doesn’t enjoy super sugary smells like vanilla or caramel. He likes to smell lightweight floral or mature scents on a woman, sweet smells don’t taste good on your skin. For a man, he likes to smell very strong cologne, it’s just satisfying to him for some reason.
Touch: Is a hugger. He loves hugging you from the back and wrapping his arms around your shoulders. Also is a kisser(?) He’s always kissing you DEEPLY. It’s a shocker lol, but he definitely enjoys some sort of connection with you.
Unique: His appearance, overall that’s pretty much what everyone notices at first. Considering his mom was a ‘white rose’, his way of standing out from the other brothers is his soft color palette clashing with dark fabrics that are ripped. I really do believe his eyes are the next thing that are unique because of how much they tremble.
Vocal: Maybe, in the chance you get him to open up to you, he would talk for hours. He would talk about what he thinks about his life, his brothers and why he feels the way about himself. He would speak about his mother in a soft delicate manner but go bitter right after and go quiet.
Water: He didn’t have exactly the best time in the pacific ocean after destroying that statue, so it’s a no. He’s obviously very clean but prefers quick showers and doesn’t like waiting for the bath to fill up with water.
Xanax: He def needs a xanny.
Yucks: He doesn’t like seafood, (although he would eat ayato’s takoyakis in the blink of an eye) Doesn’t like school, at all. Doesn’t like hyper pop music, or just like pop in general. Likes shoes that are easy to slip on, his boots are molded to his feet. So church shoes that require you to wear nice socks and tie them are a no for him.
Zzz: He loves to sleep, he genuinely enjoys sleeping in his tight coffin every night. He goes to sleep late on school days so he can easily sleep through lectures and such, but loves going to sleep early on weekends so he can rest for a couple more hours.
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primaviva · 1 year
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PAIRING: gwen stacy x fem!reader
SYNOPSIS: how you met, confessions, and relationship headcanons for your favorite ghost-spider. gwen stacy.
WARNINGS: me rambling about gwen, kissing, some suggestive but no smut ofc, height difference, some angst but mostly fluff, gwen is so fine and pretty and 5’7 that’s not even a warning she’s just sooo?? also not spell checked
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this all started out as a hallway crush.
she saw you in the halls and thought your style was cute but she never got a good luck at your face
you were a new student and was getting the rundown of the building and where your classes were
so when she walks into class the next day and sees you sitting next to her? with a better view of your face?
she folded.
CAN YOU BLAME HER? you’re so beautiful she literally forgets how to put words into proper sentences
gwen can be socially awkward in situations she’s not prepared for but she’s never acted shy talking to others and always acts like such a tough and cool girl… just not around you
she was acting mad dumb i can’t even lie to you
her words always came out and in the wrong order like yo you would have to get a descrambler to translate her whole sentence because she would just get caught so off guard looking into your gorgeous eyes and your cute smile and your- she could go on.
“gwen? earth to gwen? hello-“ peter kept calling to try and get the blondes attention. his annoyance soon turned into a smirk as he realized just what has her full attention. you.
“you know if you actually talked to her you, guys would probably become friends and you wouldn’t have to admire the back of her head every day” he teased which brought gwen right back to reality.
she didn’t really know you yet, but she wanted to. she just got so shy around you it was uncommon. gwen blushed at the sound of peter's teasing words. she knew that he was right - if she just talked to you, she might actually have a chance to get to know you. but every time she tried to muster up the courage to approach you, her nerves got the best of her. she couldn't help but feel self-conscious around someone she admired so much.
as peter continued to make jokes at her, gwen ouldn't help but feel a mix of embarrassment and frustration. she didn't want to be known as the girl who couldn't talk to her crush, but she also didn't want to make a fool of herself in front of you. taking a deep breath to calm herself down, she made a silent vow to try and talk to you the next chance she got. Maybe with a little bit of practice, she could get over her shyness and make a real connection with the person who had captured her attention.
little did gwen know that you thought she was cute herself and wanted to get to know her
even luckier for her that YOU wanted to make the first move
today's class was more boring than ever, but when did you ever have high expectations and the word fun in the same sentence about a math class. you kept noticing gwen looking at you every other moment and decided it was time to “break the ice.”
“hey, i like your eyebrow piercing! it’s really cool…and cute,” you said, smiling warmly at her.
gwen was taken aback by the compliment and also your sudden interest in her, her heart raced as she felt the familiar fuzzy feeling in her chest grow when you looked at her. “o-oh? this? thank you. i got it a while ago,” she replied, feeling her shyness begin to melt away.
“it really fits-” you tried to finish but the teacher yelled at both of you for speaking during her lesson. you both quieted down but glanced at each other and let a snicker out.
“do you even know what’s happening right now?” you asked in a hushed tone.
“no clue, and im pretty sure it’s been a decade or two since she’s last picked up a protractor,” she joked, making you giggle so hard you had to cover your mouth.
gwen thought update? I MADE HER LAUGH I MADE HER LAUGH
best believe she was so proud of herself that day
and she still feels a warmth spread to her cheeks when you slapped her shoulder telling her to stop making the witty comments before you piss yourself or you two get in trouble
gwen and you eventually got closer
so close that you guys begun to hangout outside of school with the plus one of peter to ease gwen into it
but those group hangouts turned into solos…and those trips to the mall turned into you hanging out in her room in her bed…
and the tension was thick.
the way you two brushed shoulders, how your hands would touch when you reached for the same thing, looking at each other for longer than needed
you could imagine how painful this was for peter to watch. IMAGINE HOW BAD IT WAS FOR GEORGE TO WATCH
even her dad caught on to the way gwen would look at you when she invited you over to her house for dinner with peter that one time and she was staring at you so hard while you talked to him that he thought his daughter was gonna have hearts come flying out of her eye sockets
in order for gwen to like somebody and want be in a relationship with them, she needs to have a emotional connection with them too
she wants somebody who puts up with her, who understands her, who accepts her, and a shoulder to lean on to.
especially with her living her double life as the heroine of new york?
it definitely caused problems as the two do you got closer and reached the best friend mark
she began flaking on hangouts, not answering calls or texts, acting mad sketchy with her lying which you so easily noticed
but you didn’t force her. you didn’t make her explain when you saw her face drop at your questions.
you understood it was personal and instead just gave her a hug around the neck whispering in her ear that you’ll always be a shoulder to lean on and be there for her
she wrapped her arms around your waist tightly and reciprocated the hug as she buried her head in the crook of your neck as an attempt to try and stop the strong urge to cry…that’s when she knew you were the one.
one of the common things you both bonded over was music and that’s when she found it fit to tell you bout the band she’s in
when she told you about how she was in the mary janes and was their drummer you couldn’t lie and say it didn’t make her 10x cooler in your eyes and attractive
gwen decided it was time to tell you about how she truly felt about you. she has played the drums for years, so when her band got the opportunity to play at a venue, she was thrilled to tell you about it.
she invited you, peter, and her dad to the show. before she even went backstage to prepare she saw a glimpse of you in the front row all dolled up for her and her heart skipped a beat at what she was planning.
the show was spectacular. song after song after song the music was catchy and addicting and you couldn’t help but stare at gwen so in her element. if only you knew the struggle for her to not glimpse up at you and see you dancing and smiling to the songs. when it ended and everybody got the chance to go up to her they all praised her. you went up and hugged her, telling her how amazing she was but before she could reply to you she was called backstage by her band for cleanup. the last thing she saw was you waving at her with a smile.
she wasn’t going to back out if this tho. she was going to to confess to you. you ended up going backstage after seeing the rest of her band leave but noticing she didn’t leave with them.
“i really did mean it when i said you were amazing, gwen. i had no idea you were that talented,” you complimented, making her jump a little at the sudden sound of your voice. she turned around with a flustered look as you just giggled at the reaction you got from her. ‘there goes that feeling again’ she thought as the familiar pounding in her chest started and heat began to rise to her cheeks.
“you doubted me before?” she teased, getting herself back into reality. “nah, not at all.”
you were gonna be the death of her.
“look, i don’t know how to say this but i didn’t just invite you here to watch my show. it’s not like i didn’t want you to come it’s just- ugh..” she signed, glancing up from her fidgeting hands to meet your eyes, you were watching her intently, listening to what she has to say.
“i know we’ve been friends for a while and i don’t want to ruin what we have and i just need to tell you that…that i have a crush on you and i really like you,” she confessed, her voice lacking it’s usual confidence and barley above a whisper.
in her nervousness she ended up blabbing on saying how she understands if you don’t feel the same way and sorry she did this to you and it’s completely ok if you don’t want to talk to her again- meanwhile she can’t hear you saying you like her back.
that’s until you grab her by the hands and forcefully grab her attention. her eyes stare into yours confused at the smile beaming on your face.
“gwen, i like you too.”
gwen was frozen in shock she didn’t even believe her reality even tho it was happening right in front of her
she was literally baffled when she looked down at you and saw how close the two of you were
she didn’t ask you to be her girlfriend right away
she took you on a date to a pizza place because she wanted it to be casual and then after you guys walked around going to corner stores
y’all walked into a radio store that had a bunch of vinyls, cds, literally everything and you saw gwens eyes light up at the sight
she would tell you about certain bands, how they compose their music, etc and even if you knew the band you would still let her tell you because you loved how happy she looked talking about her interests
she def recommended you new songs for your playlist and said she would play them on the drums for you sometime
anything you saw in the stores that you liked gwen would buy for you in an instant
the night would come to an end and she would walk you to your house or even go on the commute home with you if you took the bus
if only gwen checked the weather because none of you came with an umbrella for the torrential raining that was waiting for you both
gwen ended up giving you her jacket because you were cold and she didn’t want you getting sick
as she walked you home after your fate, the rain began pouring down. “here, take my jacket,” gwen said, slipping out of it and putting it around you.
"are you sure?" you asked, knowing damn well you wanted it.
"yeah, i don't want you to get sick and catch pneumonia," gwen joked as you both laughed.
you both continued walking down your block until you reached your place. before you could say your goodbyes, gwen stopped walking and held you by the hand which made you stop as well.
"hey, before you go inside, there's something i really want to ask you," she said, taking a deep breath.
you looked at her curiously, "hm, what is it?"
gwen took a moment before finally blurting out, "can i be your girlfriend- or er..will you be my girlfriend?"
your eyes widened in surprise before a smile spread across your face. "for real? gwen, yes i would love to," you replied.
a big, dumb smile made its way onto gwen's face at your answer. you wanted to make her smile even bigger.
you walked up to her and cupped her cheek, lowering her down to your height so your eyes met. you leaned in, giving gwen a gentle kiss on the cheek as your cold lips met her warm skin.
she was on cloud 9, so much so she didn’t even care that you took her jacket.
you kept that jacket of course
and she LOVES seeing it on you.
gwen is so loyal and loving to you
she’s not the best at affection at first but she gets better at it
her love languages are AND IN THIS ORDER : acts of service, physical affection, words of affirmation
like i said, she isn’t the best at first with affection and don’t even get me started on her fear of initiating kisses…
to compensate for that she shows that she loves you through giving you her jacket when she’s cold, bending down to tie your shoes so you don’t have to, buying you things you want (this includes if you take certain meds like for my pcos people: birth control, iron, etc if she can she will pick it up for you so you can relax at home), and sm more
if you mention a place you wanna go? you both are there INSTANTLY
it’s just part of how good she listens to you
with physical affection it starts off slow with hugs
she may be tense at first even if you guys hugged as friends it’s just so different now for her
but she’ll slowly go from hugging you back, to your waist, and get comfortable enough to put her hands on your hips
she’ll rub circles on your thighs, back, arm and won’t even notice
she’s a big spoon.
she doesn’t mind being the little spoon, especially after a long day when she just wants to throw herself onto you
gwen was tired patrolling the city as spiderwoman. she had been on her feet all day, and all she wanted to do was see you, collapse on your bed, and rest. since you weren’t aware of her secret identity yet, she did a quick stop at her place to change close before she went to see you.
she knocked and you opened the door in an instant as she had texted you beforehand she was coming by and you were waiting impatiently to see your girlfriend. you took gwen up by the hand to your room and laid on the bed asking her about her day as she set her bag down with no reply.
without a second thought, gwen padded over to the bed and climbed on top of you, laying her head on your chest. you giggled and wrapped your legs around gwen’s waist, pulling her closer.
“tired girl had a rough day?” you teased, looking down at her head buried in your chest. "mhmm, you have no idea. i just need to rest for a little bit,” she replied, snuggling closer into you as if you guys weren’t skin to skin already.
you guys sat there for a couple moments enjoying each others company and the warmth you both provided to each other. that was until gwen’s weight became too much for you.
you tapped her back a couple times, "okay, okay, you're crushing me. get off!"
gwen, feeling mischievous, refused to budge. she flexed her muscles and held her ground, playfully messing with you and refusing to move.
"what, you can't handle a little weight? come on, show me what you've got," she challenged, her voice raspy and low from being tired.
“you’re such a menace gwen! if you don’t get your 5’7 goliath self off of me-” you groaned out, pretending to struggle. but it was clear that gwen's muscles were too strong for you. “fine, fine! you win. you’re too strong for me… and heavy,” you admitted in defeat.
"that's right. you better remember that,” she joked, shifting her body to make it less heavy on you. “i will, damn. just come here.”
gwen relented and got off you. an hour after tho.
she also likes words of affirmation because sometimes she has self doubt of if she even deserves to have you or if she treats you right
the last thing she wants is for you to feel neglected or unloved because of her secret duty as spiderwoman
she’s not a fan of super cheesy pet names and plus you both are teens going into young adult so she def ain’t pulling no “honey where’s my super suit” frozone shit on you
she doesn’t like using baby, she thinks it’s cringe
her favorite n most common pet names for you beside calling you your name is babe, my girl, beautiful, gorgeous and anything that doesn’t sound like a middle aged couple
random but she fidgets with your hands like she plays with them when she’s cuddling with you and in deep thought or when she’s just bored
gwen also isn’t too big on pda
in public she’ll hold your hand and give you quick kisses but never will she ever start eating your face at lockers before class im sorry to say this to you
gwen is super protective tho she’ll hold you waist and guide you through a crowd
like she will walk you to class and give you a quick kiss but major pda is just cringe and uncomfortable for her
trust she’s all over you in private, public just isn’t for her
but this girl is the EMBODIMENT of wlw hand placement
you like how calloused and rough her hands feel because it reflects her personality being a drummer and all but also her love for music, the reason for why her hands are so tough
y’all could be cuddling or just sitting next to each other watching tv and all of a sudden her arm is around your shoulder and her hand is laying on your chest inches away from your boobs
or another time she let you sit on her lap and while you’re there she’s rubbing her hands up and down from your waist to your thigh to your knee and back up again where she’ll caress the curves of your waist and all around
and trust she will have a firm grip on your hip to hold you down closer
she doesn’t mean it in a sexual way tho she wouldn’t mind it getting suggestive and turning it into a makeout if you love her touch that much
it’s just that she’s a touchy person and loves to have a hand on you just to feel you there
speaking of kisses…gwen loves them
she’s just too shy to initiate.
you just make her nervous like she’s very secure in your guys relationship and is comfortable but you’re just so pretty and she loves you sm she doesn’t want you to hate it-
as you two got closer you saw glimpses of into her life you never would have seen before. but you also saw glimpses of gwen’s other life, which she didn’t want you to see. not just yet.
you and gwen had a date at the park, you just wanted to do something peaceful with her since she seemed bothered with something lately, and whatever it was she avoided telling you in the slightest.
it didn’t help that when she finally showed up she had a black and blue at the side of her lip with bruised knuckles.
you went up and hugged her tightly, her hands running up and down your back as you pulled away and sat her next to you on the bench. “gwen, what the hell? are you ok? where were you?” you questioned.
gwen just scratched the back of her neck anxiously ready to spew out another excuse to you. “my dad needed me to pick up some groceries last minute. but me being stupid trying to rush, i tripped and fell down some stairs haha,” she lied through her teeth. “what’s crazy is that you think im stupid enough to believe that,” you answered, eyes squinted as you stared into her.
as the moments passed in silence, gwen's heart raced with anxiety. she knew that she had messed up by lying to her girlfriend, but she couldn't bring herself to reveal the truth about her secret life just yet. finally, she spoke up, her voice barely above a whisper.
“i’m sorry," gwen said, her eyes still fixed on the ground. "i shouldn't have lied to you, but k just… i’m not ready to share everything with you yet. It's complicated."
you took her hand and squeezed it gently. "i understand that, gwen. i don't expect you to share everything with me right away. but just please, don't lie to me. i just want to be here for you and support you, no matter what. i can wait for you as long as you need me to until you're ready.”
gwen felt a wave of gratitude wash over her. she’s never felt so seen and understood by anyone before. she was so grateful to have you as her girlfriend.
"thank you," she said, her eyes meeting yours for the first time since she arrived at the park.
gwen squeezed your hand back, looking down at your lips and the beautiful smile displayed on them, then back to your eyes.
without a word you both started to lean in. when you both were inches apart and you felt her breath on your lips, she locked eyes with you as you felt the anticipation before closing her own and kissing you passionately. it was soft and sweet, but there was an electricity between them that made gwen's heart race. when you both pulled away, you looked at each other with wide eyes and big smiles.
"wow," gwen said, still feeling a bit breathless. you chuckled softly, "yeah, wow…you have such a way with words.” gwen laughed, feeling a sense of lightness and joy that she had never felt before.
"i can't believe we just did that," she said. "me neither," you replied. "but I'm really glad we did." gwen felt a sense of warmth spread through her chest.
"me too.”
you both sat in silence for a moment, still holding hands. gwen's mind was racing with all sorts of thoughts and emotions, she didn't know how to articulate them all. but what she did know is that she would come clean to you about her double life, just when she’s ready. like you said.
her kisses are gentle and sweet
at the beginning of the relationship they were quick or just pecks on the lip but now? she loves to just hold you in place while deepening a kiss and she doesn’t mind if it gets sloppy she just wants to feel your love every way she can
she’ll kiss all over your body
kisses to your legs, kisses littered on your thighs, kisses down your neck, kisses to your temple, a soft kiss to the forehead, you name it she will press her lips against it and kiss it
she likes to make out…like a lot
it’s not in a way where she wants to do it every time she sees you, she just likes how slow you two can go and revel in each others company and how she can feel her lips on yours and her tongue kissing the inside of your mouth
bonus points if she gets you in her lap or straddling her waist so she can hug you, feel you, push your back forward with her hand to press you closer to her
she can get flustered about it, especially that one time she was so into it that when she pulled away a thin string of saliva kept the two of you connected
but that’s a fic for another time
she’ll lick your bottom lip for entrance and when she feels like messing with you she’ll bite it
and she does love kissing your neck down to your chest and plenty multiple kisses on your chest
i don’t think she would do hickies tho unless by accident but when she does it’s not anywhere visible because she does NOT want her father seeing allat
ANYWAYS she eventually tells you about her secret identity and she really stresses out about it
like she’s crying on the verge of violent sobs and you tell her that you love her for the first time even if it’s as mind baffling as it is
the “i love you” bit doesn’t make it any better considering she’s now an even more emotional wreck
gwen took a deep breath and mustered up the courage to tell her girlfriend the truth about her secret life as the ghost-spider.
she knew it was a risk, but she couldn't keep lying to the person she loved.
"i have to tell you something," gwen said, her voice shaking slightly. "i'm spiderwoman. i fight crime and protect the city. i know it’s hard to believe but it’s true. and it’s who i am."
your eyes widened in surprise, but then she smiled. "i had a feeling there was more to your life than you were letting on," you said. "gwen if you think this is gonna make me run away from you im almost offended. i didn’t even know you were taking this up all on your own and im definitely not letting it stay that way. im here for you, always. gwen i… i love you,"
gwen felt a weight lifted off her shoulders as she saw the acceptance and love in her girlfriend's eyes. "thank you," she said, feeling tears of relief and joy welling up in her eyes.
it was like gwens ghost astral projected into heaven and came back down. she was in disbelief and immediately pulled you into her arms, telling you how much she loved and appreciated you too. the tears threatened to fall. and they did.
you’re relationship after that was just as strong
when she got hurt as spiderwoman, she would visit you through the window for you to patch her up
just in general now that you knew, she would pull up to your place anytime if she wanted to see you
she would shoot you a quick text about it tho…it just may be while she’s already outside
and the text may read “babe open your window pls”
she’ll even come during the middle of the night if she can’t sleep but for this she will actually text you to see if you’re up. she’s not gon break into your home and sneak into your bed she is not miguel on some daddy daycare meets freaky friday type foolery
she loves sleeping with you because you provide her so much comfort and clear her mind
there is nothing that could bring her to sleep faster than her holding you in her strong grasp, hands around your waist, and her head in the crook of your neck while you string your fingers through her hair
she’s just so whipped for you like she may not act like it in front of you but to others it’s very clear that you have her wrapped around your pretty finger
she literally spontaneously combusts when she sees you in her clothes
because of you being the height that you are and gwen basically being a giant compared to you, her clothes tend to be big on you
which she loves
you just look better than her in her own clothes
and DONT think she doesn’t take your clothes too, because she does
sweaters, shirts, pants, SHOES…she’s a thief and she knows it
bonus points if the clothes she take still smell like you and your signature perfume, it makes her blush
sometimes when you two plan a date she stops because she likes to see the thought process behind your outfits and help you with your look if you ask
truly she’s there to admire you
one time she came and your guardian answered saying you were upstairs so she opened the door and you weren’t even fully dressed it was a skirt and your bra on while you were in the mirror deciding between a pink shirt and another
gwen freaked out and slammed the door muttering like eighteen apologizes but you told her it was ok for her to come in but when she did she couldn’t look you in the eye for too long and stared at her feet so she didn’t die of embarrassment
she chose the pink top.
but she loves when you wear her clothes out like not even as pajamas so you can sleep soundly to the smell of gwen
especially if you two are on a date and you wear one of her jackets it just feels like you’re truly hers
and it lets others know too
“hey ladies, mind if i join?” the guy asked, sliding onto the barstool next to you both.
gwen leaned closer to you as you turned to her with an awkward smile, a clear sign of discomfort that she didn’t like one bit.
"actually, we do mind. we were just enjoying some alone time," your girlfriend snapped at the guy.
the airhead didn't seem to catch on, and instead turned his attention to you. "so, what's your name?" he asked, leaning in a little too close for comfort.
gwen felt a twinge of annoyance, but tried to remain polite. "i’m (y/n), and this is my girlfriend," you said, nodding towards her. “yeah im gwen, her girlfriend,” she said in a low, rough tone, her eyes dark with frustration. gwen ightened her grip on her girlfriend's waist, silently daring the guy to make another move.
silence fell at the info drop of you two being together.
then he finally got the hint.
"oh? ohhhhh… didn't realize you two were a couple” he replied blankly, still not leaving.
"yeah well, now you know," gwen said firmly, placing a protective arm around your shoulders. "but we're going to go back to our date now, so if you'll excuse us…”
when gwen is jealous she immediately gives to person glares of death like literally staring daggers into them
her jealousy doesn’t even stem from another person just talking to you like don’t get her wrong, she loves your attention! but she’s not gonna side eye anybody just because they shook your hand in told you good job or if a classmate needed help with something
no, her jealousy comes from when she KNOWS people want you
she can’t blame them you’re literally gorgeous in every way and you guys aren’t a “in your face” type couple but you never deny being together
so when somebody starts trying to flirt with you or make any advances she usually goes quiet because she trusts you know how to take care of yourself and handle a weirdo or two
if she’s there she’ll put a hand on the small of your back or around your waist
she gets involved only when you start showing signs of discomfort at the person talking to you
she won’t stand for it.
she’ll tell them off and if worse comes to worse she WILL fight a mf for you and accept the consequences later
it just all comes from a place of wanting to protect you
you mean so much to her and after everything she’s lost she doesn’t want you to be one of those
that’s why she tries to keep you out of her spiderwoman lifestyle as much as possible because if she found out you got hurt or she put you in danger because you were dating her, gwen could never forgive herself even if you could
overall, gwen is the most loving girlfriend, wants to give you the world, and will try to. you just understand her so well and are so patient, who can blame her for looking at you like you hung the moon and stars? because to her, you did.
A/N: hey so this is my first time posting on tumblr because i noticed the drought under gwen x reader and decided imma feel this shit up so im writing a oneshot next and my requests are open <33 ty for reading i hoped it quenched y’all thirst
© 2023 primaviva
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bluexiao · 2 years
#kunikuzushi, how do you love? 
—rewritten relationship headcanons (from “scaramouche, how do you love?” )
THEMES. (pre)relationship, fluff, domestic, character analysis, love languages, use of his real name
NOTES. okay, just a little bit of storytime on how i was so tempted to write this (albeit again) is that recently my mom got fractured and as i am an only child and away from home since i’m going to uni and in a dorm, it’s my dad who’s taking care of my mom. and oh my god. both scara and my dad are capricorns and their bdays are even next to each other,,, and i just cant help but like compare their love languages a bit (it may sound weird but trust me this will be good)
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He knows love—knows its meaning, knows what it does, and knows what its consequences are. Love is but a rose with thorns, pricking whoever chooses to admire its beauty and immerse them in its pleasure. Love is a danger, and far too humanly him. 
It will not be long until he recognizes this disgusting feeling since he met you. 
But as he was his own person, he chose not to identify it—to call it by its name. Out of fear? No. Out of instincts. 
He who didn’t have a heart suddenly felt love? Preposterous. Absurd. He wasn’t human, nor will he stoop so low to pretend to be one. 
Yet he underestimated you far too much—your… charm… so to speak, along with the unpredictability of your actions. How you show up and how your lips curl up in a gentle smile and how his name slips out of them ever so… gentle. Everything about you is gentle, and kind, and so… so-
“Good morning, Kunikuzushi” 
His jaw tightens and he dreaded for the sudden presence almost immediately as it had appeared. 
“It’s you.” It’s always been you—the only one that actually makes him want to run away from. But he won’t, no. He wouldn’t give you the pleasure to know, not ever. 
“It’s me,” you smiled, “hey, I haven’t seen you for a while. You even changed your outfit! Blue looks good on you.” 
He scoffs, almost out of instinct. It is true that it has been a while since he last saw you and yet, it felt like it was just yesterday. And with that thought, he couldn’t bear to look directly in your eyes that with a hand on his hat, he looks away. 
“There’s no need for pleasantries,”—like usual, he replies, and he adds on, “but it’s not much of a surprise to see you again, Y/n.” 
Which actually translates to “it’s nice to see you again”. 
The only time he will actually “confess” with such feelings in mind to you is never—not outrightly or with words, but rather by his actions. 
The indication you may want to look out for is when he himself attentively seeks you out, if you see him often, and if he actually stays with you for a long time, almost the whole day—actually, even if he spares you just a bit of it would be a good indicator. 
When he places an arm over your form whenever there’s an incoming enemy, muttering a “Move back” and makes sure you would actually listen before he proceeds to atack and defeat anyone on his way—both of yours.
When he offers his hand every time there’s a steep slope that you had to pass by, scoffing at your surprised look and says “Couldn’t have you fall down and whine all the way back. Now, come on, lend me your hand before I change my mind.” 
When he waits for you until you finish your work—you’d almost think he wouldn’t since it took you a while, only to find that he’s still there, arms crossed over his chest as he’s leaning on a wall on a far corner, yet it’s still enough to have you visible from his view. “What? Why are you looking at me with that face? I’m not tired, is that what you’re thinking? I don’t tire easily, human.” 
And whenever you’re sick or you’re injured, he will be more silent than he ever was, by your side with pursed lips, nursing you back to health. Even without him actually saying it, you will know how affected he was just by seeing your state. If he told you of his history, you’d know right away that seeing your fragility, vulnerability, your mortality… it can trigger memories that were not really the nicest to him. 
“What happened?” 
For a moment, you can see the hurt in his eyes, struggling to find the right words even if you knew you could explain the situation very well only to falter right in front of him. With this side of him. 
“Kuni, I… I just-“ 
‘How can you be so careless?” His voice was weaker, much more gentle despite its usual tone still laced with it. Yet the Wanderer finds himself unable to change his disposition, not with you like this. 
“Humans…” he mutters under his own breath, and you are unable to speak any more. 
But despite everything, he only knows love, he spent most of his lifetime seeing it as a nuisance, a danger. He did not want to love, did not want the desire to flow in his mechanical and heartless body. 
And yet, it seems that even a puppet without a heart like him can. Love—whatever it is. 
“I love you,” it was you who confessed, “Kunikuzushi.” 
Despite already knowing it deep down, the crease on his brow was visible despite how he tried to look calm, but as you didn’t see such a tiny detail with your head bowed down, you continued on. 
“It’s getting… I mean, I don’t know if you really like me the same way, or you’re just too bored on your own or just treat me as a friend, but… but I don’t think I can go on without being honest to you.” 
Only when you looked directly at him did he feel it—a pang in his empty mechanical chest and a pressure on his shoulders. 
“I don’t like you as just a friend, Kuni.”
A minute or two passes—that’s what you felt like anyway as you melt under his gaze, awaiting for his answer or just… anything! 
“Ugh… why…” 
Then his facade fades, all by a bite on the lip as he looks away for a moment with a hand on his hat. And even if he tried to retract his face away from your view, you could still see enough to notice the pinkish red hue on the skin of his face, all the more so with his exposed ear. 
And as if the pressure in the air gives up to gravity, that same weight on your own shoulders eases up, eyes widening at the sight in front of you. 
Then he peeks from his hat and glares at you, “Why… why are you doing this to me, Y/n?” 
The transition to dating wouldn’t even make much of a big difference, actually. That was what he realized when you two were already “dating” so it seems. Frankly, he was confused by it, only to come up with the conclusion that it is better this way anyway. You and him… are just you and him, there was no need for extravagance and grand changes. 
But really, it was because you two were already comfortable with each other. And the only thing that changed was… 
You blink your eyes open and you welcome the sight of him right in front of you, his soft laughter enveloping your ears as he grins at you. You didn’t know what amuses him so much that he can smile like that, but… 
“What? What is it, Kuni? Did I…” 
“You fell asleep just from reading a couple of books. To think you’d be this lazy in studying, darling.” 
He then leans in and presses his lips on your forehead, not before swiping his palm on them and scoffing afterwards. “Overworking doesn’t make you more intelligent. How about falling asleep on an actual bed so you can have an adequate amount of energy left,” he crosses his arms, “Actually. Sleep on the bed now, or I’ll have to carry you instead.”
He scolds you more… and also kisses you too. A lot of it consists of pecks here and there, it doesn’t really matter to him when or where. He doesn't care if people saw or not—if they did, it’s a good thing anyway, they’d know who they’ll come up against if they ever mess with you. 
He’s with you most of the time but in times that you’re not and he’s having his own travels alone—which happens quite rarely, actually, he would always go home immediately. He’s not that privy of having to part from you for so long—not that he’d admit that outrightly, but you’d notice it straight away. 
And if he does part with you for a while, he will make you give him your handkerchief or anything small that belongs to you, something that reminds him of you and the home he will go home to. That he’s not just a wanderer now. 
He’s just… him with you. 
And that’s how he loves. He loves slow, but he loves with just… himself, his entire being. Even without a heart, he knew of love. He knew of you. 
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lxmelle · 6 months
Geto was loved even in death.
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Wouldn’t it be nice if he were judged by his intentions in the afterlife - wherever that was? He had suffered living with the love he had. We see through the eyes of those left behind, that the ill deeds didn’t define him, as strange as that may be to us as readers in the real human world we live in. Geto’s influence and loving nature were far reaching; Gege certainly made him so treasured by many even after his death. If Gojo was touched by his caring influence, this was also Geto’s will he passed onto his students.
NOT spoiler-free as I’ll be referring to the recent chapter, 255.
I wrote this the other day:
And honestly it’s long enough; here’s part 2.
Is it obvious I’m suffering from brainrot? All my drafts from jjk brainrot are rivalling my thesis/dissertation from way back (lol)
Here is more under the cut:
I’m really moved by the reasons for why Miguel and Larue have decided to join in the risky fight against Sukuna.
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It’s very obvious that Miguel is reluctant at first. He says he he’d rather terrible curses arrive at his shores than to fight with Sukuna, adding that he doesn’t see himself having any ties with Japan any longer.
We can deduce that this was part of Gojo’s plan for the possibility that he dies/loses, and I had a post about this saved in my drafts - but I guess I never got around to finishing it. Basically, in sum, he will achieve giving Geto a cremation (avenging him) and gets to show off to his students (which he does enjoy) by going all out (soo satisfying), and in the worst case scenario, he loses but gets to go all out, weakens Sukuna (for the rest to handle), and idk if he really is that romantic (so it’s really stsg headcanon fantasising) he will die on the same day as Geto.
The Opening theme is rather beautiful in that it interprets Gojo having the words, “we’ll meet again” stuck in his throat, which he doesn’t say. But I’m a bit weird and tend to separate anime from manga. But it’s worth noting that here.
I digress. Back to Miguel and Larue who have moved to speak privately without Yuta.
In a previous post I wondered aloud about what Yuta knew about Geto from others aside from being villainous and I guess this implies he doesn’t know much, since he wasn’t close to Miguel enough to sit around to chat with them. It makes sense.
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Miguel and Larue both agree they followed Geto in jjk 0 because they wanted to see him become King. What does this even mean, really? Gege, you’re missing stuff out again!
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Nevertheless, we understand how reluctant Miguel was. He enquires that Larue intends to do, clarifying: is it for revenge or to take Geto’s body back?
And it seems like their main motivation for putting their lives on the line... is to honour Geto’s memory. Like a traditional ritual one makes for the dead (customary in Japan on death anniversaries - not limited to the year, but also number of days).
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It’s incredibly moving how much they love him. This is actually what led Miguel to reconsider. We see him go silent as he thinks “...” before he reaches a moment of clarity/a decision.
Tbh I have issues with interpreting his statement in between the two panels (re: hell) in Japanese - it doesn’t directly indicate if he is referring to the former part of the conversation (whether he thinks Geto is in hell), or the latter (he thinks the battle will be hell). The phrasing goes like this: “no matter how I think about it: it’s hell.” - I’m not a native speaker so it’s difficult for me to be certain which is right. But the consensus is as translated above. Larue thinks Geto is in heaven, Miguel thinks it’s hell, and we see the airport scene where presumably Haibara and Riko with Kuroi have been there for over a decade. lol. Who knows!
So the bottom line is… regardless of where they think Geto ends up in the afterlife, Miguel is willing to give Geto a send off that’ll even reach hell. Or, despite it going to be hellish, he will do it. It also seems so heartwarming how they still emphasise family and friendship in wanting to fight together - perhaps things we can surmise had meant something to Geto.
They will fight Sukuna because it is for Geto. Geto was so loved that they would risk themselves - not for a title, not for revenge, but out of … love. Again. That’s pretty damn loving. Can we imagine what Geto did and was to them, for them to experience such loyalty and reverence?
Sadly, it goes without saying that Geto’s body being used as a vessel and puppet by Kenjaku has possibly evoked an emotional response by those who cared for him - namely Mimiko and Nanako, and also Gojo. Arguably, even if it were a death without his body being hijacked, Gojo did refuse to cremate his body or have it processed “by the book” of jjk high through Shoko. If that’s not out of a form of love (or “consideration” as Kenjaku put it), I don’t know what is.
The twins went against what Geto wanted for them (to carry out his will) to fight against immensely power beings in hopes they could bring him home. Those were their reasons to fight. Gojo scheduled 24th December - this was after he teleported to Kenjaku immediately upon unsealing so he could bury Geto. We saw Larue and Miguel’s. Toshihisa is alleged to be quite weak, and despite potentially being considered a son to Geto (if his life situation did mimic that of the twins’ - source: jjk character book), he opts to follow the inherited will as prescribed by Geto.
It’s all love. Geto was loved, I’m telling you. I want to shout if off the rooftops because that man just looked so darned sad and deranged after he lost it.
So. Continuing where I left off: Everyone thus far has had a reason to go into battle with Sukuna. I wonder what / who will actually reach him? I hope it’s Yuji ... and that Megumi will react again at some point. They have their own themes relating to love and purpose. I’ll leave them to someone else more familiar with their characters to write about!
And now I’m going offside quite a bit, but it’s still of relevance to Geto and the theme of love that seems to surround him. Way back to jjk 0 and Hidden inventory.
I wanted to just bring this into the picture as well now that I’m already writing a post on that topic, but please feel free to stop if you’re bored now.
So. Jjk 0!
There were direct parallels with Yuta & Rika and Gojo & Geto. This was also confirmed by the director when discussing their vision for the movie. The light novel also drew a link between Geto and Yuta where they were described as being too sincere for this world.
There is a direct theme of love - the type, is open to interpretation.
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Kenjaku also makes reference to this in the Shibuya arc. So to me, it remains relevant. Love in its many forms is somewhere in what Gege wishes to convey thematically.
Within jjk 0, Geto seemed to pursue power but this was also a symbolism where power = love. It is twisted. In light of recent events, we know that the pursuit of power leads to the dilution and even absence of love. Love that gives birth to power becomes cursed. So it seems.
As we know, Yuta bound his lover to himself to gain power.
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If only he had Rika (metaphor for love: Gojo) he probably wouldn’t have had to skulk around the shadows consuming curses which he hated doing. Geto was lamenting on the past in the above panels. He probably was determined to carry on, as he vouched to give it all he got (Haibara’s last words to him echoing here).
A flashback to the past:
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Geto doesn’t do things in half-measures. To avoid hypocrisy, and I headcanon that it was a merciful killing to protect them from him, he kills his parents. To die by his hands than to be used as a pawn to get to him. For them to see the horrors their son could be capable of. It is so very wrong, and we can see the twisted nature of his love in this interpretation.
And Gojo delivers the ultimate blow that leads to Geto reflecting - depicted by the mysterious ellipses “…..” (gege really likes the reader to work hard huh) - insinuating it is impossible for Geto, so don’t even bother trying. The blossoming possibility of discourse was nipped, as the strength differential was implied - you’re the strongest now, whereas it used to be “we”. There was no more place for Geto; it was probably a misunderstanding. Gojo was protecting everyone in his own way, and the only way he knew how.
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For power, Gojo was a source - but Geto couldn’t do that in Shinjuku, nor earlier in the arc, when Gojo himself was on the brink of insanity and deferred to Geto about annihilating humans as he held Riko’s dead body. Geto in the scene above acknowledges their different paths they needed to take - Gojo had a place as part of the elite at the school - Geto was already facing an execution order.
And after hearing Gojo’s condescending tone in an emotionally-fuelled attempt to reach out to him. He turns away to protect his friend from himself, and himself from his friend. Anyway, I touched on this in my previous post. Geto feels they had fought and didn’t deserve a place next to Gojo. But deep inside, even his body remembers the sound of Gojo’s voice, reacting to it when called despite his soul no longer being there.
sigh. Moving on... back to jjk 0:
After witnessing the bonds through willingness to sacrifice and the love between these students, Geto was really moved. Gojo trusted Geto retained his sense of humanity / love / idealism - even if it would lead to him sacrificing himself.
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He was finding it difficult anyway:
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He could always empathise with love. I suspect he tried his best, but the binding vow for Yuta’s life was also just the cherry on top to make Rika super saiyan.
Kenjaku knew Geto probably could’ve won though, had he been more selfish.
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Geto conceded without a fight with Gojo. Maybe it was a matter of trust in that they both knew his living on borrowed time. As the light novel insinuated, this was the only way it could ever end. And Gojo would have to carry the curse that was Geto. This seems... so cruel.
He did his best. He perhaps always wanted the love but set it free.
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He did so many things for others in spite of himself, in sacrificing himself, in staining himself with blood drenched hands.
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Avenging Riko by killing Sonoda. Note how manipulative “humans” are by using Jujutsu rules against them.
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He embraces a life of smoke and daggers. Living in lies and half truths in order to live, survive, and find justice in a wicked world.
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Watch me closely, I’ll protect you, I’ll avenge you, this is how you protect yourself.
This is the path I’ve chosen.
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I’m not saying he was right or justifiable. His character is just tragic. The system had set him and others to fail.
The worm foreshadows Geto’s maternal nature. Calling him “okaasan”. I mean, this very worm had a binding vow with Toji. And now it calls for a new owner? I’m not sure if Gege had anything else in mind with this... is the womb protrusion domain Geto’s? But that’s tied to a sorcerer’s soul…. Anyway, I digress again. (Sorry). Geto did have a martyr complex and was written captivatingly well by Gege. The extra touches where how he has been perceived by others and the effect he has (and continues to have) on those we see.
And I just want to leave this heartbreaking thing here:
Source from twitter/now X:
Wouldn’t it be so sweet for Geto to get one (love declaration) at the end of his life, regardless of the way you perceive Gojo and Geto’s relationship?
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Wouldn’t it be nice for him if he could know that his family who he instructed to flee had all loved him, adored him, and would honour his sacrifice in differing ways...
Instead, a form of love meant his body was desecrated and used by Kenjaku. His girls were killed, and his full potential was not quite realised at all.
If only things were different.
Gojo should have kept him in his basement!
But at least, I think, Gege is giving Geto some love even after his death.
For that I’m thankful.
And thanks for reading if you made it this far with my rambling!
If you want something more light hearted I have a fluffy fic up on AO3 (it isn’t great but i enjoyed writing it to fantasise about what happens at the airport) and if you want more angst and pain, please browse my tags (lol).
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Do you have any Dallas Winston hcs? Either in present day or modern day?
Hi anon! Sure, I can try my best, sorry if they’re not the best Dally is tricky for me to write.
(Sort of) Modern Dallas Winston Headcanons:
-Is not a dog person OR a cat person but a secret third thing: a ferret person. He had two back in New York but sold them when he ran to Tulsa
-Ignores best before dates completely. Unless food is mouldy or smells RANK bro will still eat it
-Has a half sister ten years older than him on his dad’s side who looked after him when he was really little…until she got addicted to heroin. Dally hates her and misses her all at the same time. She was still alive when he ran to Tulsa but he has no idea if she’s still alive now.
-Loves anything cinnamon flavoured. Bro would fuck up a bag of cinnamon hearts.
-He likes to sit near couples who are very obviously nervous on first dates and do stuff to make them awkward/uncomfortable. Sometimes he enlists Two-bit’s help and they chew with their mouths open and tell gross stories really loudly. Once he brought Johnny and loudly gave him the sex talk when some couple was starting to get handsy and Johnny didn’t speak to him for a solid week.
-Jumping middle schoolers is a weird sort of way of getting back at the universe because he got jumped a bunch of times when he was their age and why should they have it better than him?
-Has a favourite horse he jockeys, a pretty, spirited, kind of mean horse called Lullabelle that he plans to steal if he ever has to run from Tulsa the way he ran from new york
-Refuses to ever talk about why he ran from New York
-Modern Dally would hate vapes and think they’re for folks who ‘can’t handle real cigs’
-Is almost as much of a car guy as Soda and Steve
-Couldn’t see him liking much social media. Maybe Snapchat a little bit but in general I think he wouldn’t be super plugged in, mostly because he didn’t have much access to technology as a kid 
-Stole Johnny his Jean jacket which is part of why Johnny likes it so much
-Always smells RANK, hygiene is not his number one priority (or even his number 2)
-Has a bunch of dumb tattoos, like none of them have meaning he just thought they looked cool and WILL regret some of them one day. He’s got a fuckass snake on his calf and it looks SO bad and he knows it but refuses to admit it
-Chipped a tooth once when he lost a fight to Tim Shepard and it’s not SUPER obvious but he whistles a bit when he makes an ‘s’ sound if he’s not paying attention and he hates it
-Often ties his hair back in a ponytail because he doesn’t like the feel of grease in his hair
-He, Ponyboy, and Johnny all tried to outsmoke each other once. Dally lost to both of them, and Pony ‘won’ overall but at what cost? (He got real nic sick and Darry was FURIOUS)
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rendy-a · 1 year
Hey, um hi! I'm new here, nice to meet you, sorry I'm a bit awkward with requests
So, Could we have some of the Self aware AU with Idia and Sebek? It can be whatever you want, a headcanon or a mini one shot, whichever you prefer more^^
Thank you ahead!
The interesting thing with Self Aware AU is that you can write it like the game characters are aware of you as you play or you can write where the player is isekai’d into the game and everyone knows about it.  Last time, I had written it in the perspective of playing the game irl.  I thought this time, I’d write it as though the player was somehow drawn into the game.  Hope you enjoy it. 
Remember, the Self-Aware AU is a yandere AU!
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When you’d awoken inside your favorite phone game…well, you’d freaked out.  But then!  You’d made one rule; never mention the game to any character.  It was just strange.  Plus, you weren’t sure how they’d react!  It was a rule you’d managed to follow, until today.
You, like the character Yuu in your game, were a first-year student at NRC.  As much as you’d liked to have avoided all the game characters to prevent triggering any dangerous events, you shared class with Ace and Deuce (plus lived with Grim).  Over time, you’d been pulled into lunches and joint classes with all the first-year students.  Thankfully, the first-year students weren’t where the problem was.  That was with the Housewardens and you avoided them in every situation possible.  You were relieved that the plot of the game had you living in such a remote dorm and excused you from attending any sort of club activities. 
And yet, you sometimes wished you would meet the characters.  It would be so cool to talk to your favorites, see them in actual real life!  Only, you were also pretty sure the minute you came face-to-face, you’d say something embarrassing or stupid.  Like you did when you met Ace and Deuce.  You still cringe when you remember calling them the ‘single braincell duo’ to their faces.  Yes, it was probably for the best that you took isolated halls to class to avoid the seniors.  You wouldn’t want to turn the corner and ACK!
You rolled over from where you’d fallen and gazed up to see who or what you’d collided with.  You recoiled in horror as nebulous blue flames made patterns across your vision.  “What kind of ridiculous anime situation is this.  Real people should look at where they are going in the hall.  This place needs a mini-map to avoid NPC’s like this.  I can’t believe on the one day I have to attend class in person some extrovert is lurking in my quiet hallway…”  He hadn’t looked up from where he’d fallen but you could tell in an instant that you’d triggered some rare event and encountered a wild Idia.
You spend this small moment wondering if you should pretend to know him or not.  He’s a Housewarden, so you should probably know who he is, right?  But at the same time, he never leaves Ignihyde, so how would you know him?  Maybe you should pretend to not know him.  “It’s you,” a small voice interrupts your dilemma.  You look up at Idia in surprise only to find a matching expression of surprise on his face.  Then his mouth parts slightly and a string of words emerges.  “What should I do?  I didn’t prepare for this event.  I’m not ready to meet my Oshi in person.  How do I trigger the correct dialog option here?  I’m going to get a death flag; I just know it…”
He says a lot of things, but one thing catches your attention: Oshi.  Were you somehow Idia’s favorite?  That can’t be, right?  You let out a giggle at the absurdity of the situation.  Idia’s eyes grow large, and he shrinks back at the sound, started to hear it coming from your mouth.  “Don’t be so nervous Idia.  Nothing bad is going to happen,” you say softly.  When you speak to him, Idia loses control of himself and starts talking rapidly, “Of course!  If the Player says so, then it is so.  They are so amazing, like limited SSR class amazing.  I don’t deserve to even be in their presence.  They are probably thinking, who is this gloomy weirdo with the fire hair?  Why is he dressed so strange, he probably doesn’t have any fashion sense.” 
“That’s not true!” you shout, “I remember when your Ghost Marriage card came out!  Oh my gosh!  It looked so cool!  It was totally my favorite card.  I had to pull 200 times to get it!”  Then you abruptly stop, realizing you’ve said too much when Idia’s hair turns completely pink.  “I…I’m just going to go,” you say as you cover your face in embarrassment and walk back around the corner the way you had arrived.
The students of Ignihyde gave Idia a wide berth as he returned to the dorm.  No one dared approach him while his hair flickered so violently from gentle pink to blazing red.  Idia himself seemed entirely unaware of the bizarre show he was putting on.  He continued mumbling and giggling to himself all the way back to his room.  When he finally found the solitude of his inner sanctuary, he jumped on his bed and hugged his Player-print body pillow.  “Hee Hee Hee!” he laughs out loud for no one to hear but himself.  “I did it.  I meet my Oshi!”  Then he rolls over onto his back and stares dreamily into the ceiling, “They knew who I was.  That must mean something.  Maybe, this is fate?” 
There was only one rule all the inhabitants of Twisted Wonderland had; don’t interfere with the Player.  It was a rule he’d managed to follow, until today.  Today, Fate intervened.  If Fate wanted you two to be together, who was Idia to argue?  As he stared at the ceiling, Idia’s engineering brain went into gear planning designs for a place he could take you where no one else could reach.  A place where you’d finally be alone, with only him.  Just like Fate had planned.
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Over time, you’d noticed that the residents of Twisted Wonderland treated you differently.  You remembered the first time you heard Crowley tell the aggravated student body he’d assigned weekend cleaning duty to all students to clean up the campus for their use…because he was so kind.  While all around you, students started grumbling, you’d burst out laughing.  When everyone had started looking at you, you’d choked off your laugh and covered your face.  “Sorry, he just…he said the thing,” you managed to get out between smothered chuckles. 
No one ever called you out on your strange behavior.  It was like they all collectively got together and decided that you were allowed to behave in any way you chose.  They, on the other hand, often seemed to struggle with deciding if they should act normally in your presence or not.  The number of times you’d slipped into a room of rowdy students to have the conversation cut off into a silent awe was alarming.  Today was just another example.
You’d gotten back after a class and lay in your bed, bored.  You’d think that being pulled into your favorite game would give you endless entertainment but, after a time, it just settled into being exactly like school in your world.  The only difference is you occasionally went out looking for locations or characters in the game, like a sort of anime pilgrimage.  Sometimes, you’d been caught in awkward situations, but you’d just sort of nod and say, “This all looks fine,” and leave.  No one has ever called you out on your intrusions.  So…you just felt free to invite yourself anywhere you were curious to go.  Today, you thought about things you were interested in and decided that you’d go to some of the clubs to find out what the club uniforms looked like.  After all, not all those cards were released; it’s like the ultimate preview!
You were almost used to the way things fell silent when you entered the stable yard.  Members of the Horseback Riding Club stopped what they were doing to stare at you.  Those who faced away noticed the attention of their fellows and turned to see you before they too, fell silent.  In almost no time at all, they had casually circled you, as though waiting for you to hand out some sort of instruction or give a speech.  You rubbed your head and thought, guess it’s time to break out the old ‘nothing to see here’ and bounce.  Before you could though, a call broke the silence.  “HUMAN!”
You turned toward the sound, an eager expression coming over you.  Were you about to experience the famous rants of Sebek?  As you hoped, Sebek was loudly berating students at the outer edges of the semi-circle for their inattention during club activities.  You eased yourself forward, hoping to catch sight of him.  No one tried to bar your way, parting before you as you progressed.  You easily reached his side and leaned forward to watch his antics.  Suddenly, he turns and grabs onto YOU!  “HUMAN, YOU AREN’T EVEN DRESSED YET!  THIS SORT OF SLOVENLY BEHAVIOR…” and then he trails off as he looks at your face and you can see the awareness fall over him.
His eyes go wide, and he immediately let’s go of your shoulder, visibly taken aback.  He stammers and you imagine you even see tears gathering in his eyes.  You think to yourself, time to find a way out of this before things get even worse.  “I…I’m here for an inspection…” you say carefully.  All the gathered students listen intently, standing just a touch straighter.  “Sebek, I have decided…I have decided to see how many push-ups you can do in a minute.”  It made no sense, and you knew it made no sense.  You wondered if this would finally be the time someone calls you on your BS but instead, Sebek perks up to an extreme degree.  “YES, OF COURSE!  RIGHT AWAY!” he bellows. 
You stand at his side as he begins, pretending to care far more than you do about the results of this demonstration.  Honestly, it is impressive.  The speed at which he sets out to complete the exercises is extreme.  You wonder for a moment just what sort of training Lilia DOES give to Sebek and Silver to get them to this level of fitness.  When he is finished with the allotted minute, he jumps to attention, standing much as you’d imagine he does on guard over Malleus.  You give it a moment and then say, “Yes, that will suffice.  You may all return to your duties now.”  Having ordered the students to depart, they comply with a surprising speed.  They all still watch you but now they do it while pretending to be engaged in filling buckets with water or looking over curry combs. 
You give one final nod to Sebek and say, “Good job,” before you walk away.  That was more than enough excitement for one night.  You’d rather spend the rest of the evening in Ramshackle than deal with any more things like this tonight.  Behind you, Sebek watches you go in awe.  You praised him; you told him he did a good job.  Before you quite got out of earshot, you heard one last shout, “SILVER WAKE UP!  THEY PRAISED ME, THE PLAYER PRAISED ME!”  You laughed to yourself, what a strange world this was.
That evening in Diasomnia, Sebek carefully pulled his portrait of Malleus off the wall.  Nestled behind it was a photograph of the Player.  He gazed at it reverently.  They’d spoken to him today; praised him even.  He wasn’t yet over it.  He thinks we will never get over it.  He places your photo next to his pillow as he lays down to sleep.  In the morning, he’ll put it back behind the portrait.  He’d not dare to change his room’s layout from what the Player knows!  But for tonight, he’d fall asleep to your face and the remembrance of your voice.  Someday…maybe he’d not even need to use a photograph.  ‘NO!’ he tells himself sternly, ‘the Player is not for you!’  And yet, some dark corner of his mind tells him that ‘good job’ is just a small step away from ‘I love you.’
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ohthewh0rror · 11 months
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A/N: if you’re looking for a “bad boy” with behavioral issues, but none of the homicidal tendencies, look no further than Tom Riddles son! (Or in some cases his brother, an idea I still don’t understand)
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Honestly he flirts with you at first as a joke.
Which sounds bad! I know! But he wasn’t doing it to make fun of you. He’s a flirt, that’s just who he is, it’s harmless fun.
That’s the dynamic for a while: the whole annoying classmate and/or housemate that teases you who you say you can’t stand but are sad when they aren’t in class.
Once he does start to develop a crush on you, the teasing let’s up, and he starts just having genuine conversations with you.
You think this is him losing interest in you, so imagine your surprise when he says, “you know you’re my girlfriend, right?”.
And that was the start of the relationship!
Let’s get real here: Mattheo would not be a “bad boy 🥰”. He’s a boy with serious authority and anger issues. The childhood trauma this boy has from having Voldemort as his father is through the fucking roof.
The relationship is very fragile, it’s a on-again-off-again type of relationship for a long time.
One minute he’s the best boyfriend you’ve ever had, and the next you’re screaming at him to get away from you because of something he’s said or done.
It always ends the same: you ignore each other for a while, no one apologizes, and then one day Mattheo will start talking to you again like the argument 2 weeks ago didn’t happen. Now you’re back together.
This relationship is never going to last though unless Mattheo can work through his personal problems.
Mattheo wouldn’t be a bad ex to have, unless you two ended on a bad note. Mattheo enjoys ruining other people’s life/day for fun, and he will do the same to you if you crossed him in some way.
On a good note!! Let’s get the sweet side of him:
Loves to play with your hair. Takes the ends of your hair and twirls them around his finger.
Gets you things he thinks you would like, even if it’s just a little trinket he saw while out at Hogsmeade, he will buy it and bring it back to you saying he has a surprise for you.
Loves to situate himself between your legs, resting his head on you, his cheek squished against your chest as you run your nails lightly across his upper back.
Helps you study by making up ridiculous games to play using cards. It also helps take your mind off the nervousness you may have about said test.
If you’re having a bad day he won’t hesitate to sweep his thumb under your eyes, wiping the tears away and pulling you in for bone crushing hug.
Has no problem letting you cry it out on his shoulder, and honestly gives you great advice, no matter your situation.
Is always on your side!! Literally your #1 supporter.
Even when you two are on a break and you’re not speaking to each other, he will not let anyone disrespect you. Any hateful word uttered about you is met with him smashing said persons face in.
Mattheo takes care of your needs first in bed. Makes you cum before he’ll fuck you.
It doesn’t matter if he has to finger you, eat you out, etc. he’ll do it every time if it’ll get you off.
Loves aftercare, is very touchy after the fact, and it’s why (contrary to popular belief) he’s not the biggest fan of quickies.
Might call you a ‘bitch’ and a ‘whore’ in bed, but never outside of that.
He refers to you as “my girl” to his friends, but uses pretty generic pet-names to your face.
Will refer to you as his “sweet girl” even if you’re an absolutely terrible human being!!
Because to them you may be awful, but to him you’re the best things that’s ever walked earth.
Marriage/Father bonus:
First of all: doesn’t want kids.
You two probably won’t have kids because he’d be very cautious.
But!!! If you two did have an accidental baby, he’d be a girl dad.
Though he didn’t want kids at first, he is a good dad in the end. Well, as good as someone with his trauma can be.
Tries to be the father that his wasn’t.
You two get married either way!! It’s your dream wedding, he will spare no expenses for you. If it makes you happy, he’ll find a way to make it happen.
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backwardsbread · 6 months
Hi!! I loved your Hazbin character proposal headcanons for Lucifer, Alastor and Vox! I was wondering if you could do the same for Angel dust x gn! reader and how Angel thinks about the idea of marriage and how he would propose? Thank you love!!❤️
The support in my last two writings was OVERWHELMING- I have a ton of stuff saved in my drafts that I’m finishing up, so more is to come. But I’ll never turn down an opportunity to write more fluffy scenarios.
They heal my soul— ANYWAYS, I hope you enjoy~ I had so much fun writing this- this is my first time writing AngelDust, so bear with me!
AngelDust x GN!Reader
~Marriage proposal~
Warnings‼️: Mentions of past trauma, established relationship, mentions of harassment, working for the V’s, swearing, fluff, Gn!reader, toxic work environment, mentions of Valentino?? I think that’s it?
~Not proofread~
Angel Dust:
The thought of marriage very much unsettled AngelDust.
Sure, on the inside, Angel was a complete sap. He loved pure sentiments, mushy couple clichés, the thought of loving somebody as much as his heart and soul would allow.
It all made Angel’s heart skip.
But in his head, all of that was just fairytales. Stuff he only saw on screen. The real thing was ugly.
Messy, uncomfortable, and painful. Throughout his life and throughout hell, romance didn’t come as pure and joyous.
It came as rough, forceful, and sad. So he threw his hopes and dreams of being swept off his feet to happily ever after out the window.
Besides, it threw off his entire persona of who he was in Hell! His face was on every other build-board, showing off a lewd expression or erotic poses.
It’s who sinners knew him as. AngelDust. The porn demon who fell for Valentino’s tricks.
You were a film assistant, not exactly an actor/actress, but you did more work behind the scenes.
You helped AngelDust with makeup, scripts, costumes (that were absolutely useless in your opinion when most got torn to shreds during filming)
You were there to offer water to him, a rag when needed, overall you were pretty much a silent helping hand. An oddly comforting presence for Angel.
Whenever you would help Angel with production, he would find a sense of relief knowing he wouldn’t be rushed or harassed before working. He could sit in comfortable silence with you or rant about his long day.
You didn’t speak back a lot to Angel, only giving occasional hums of acknowledgement, or quiet directions for helping put on his makeup.
You weren’t trying to be rude or anything, you just knew that Angel needed a listening ear more than anything.
The first time Angel heard you add to his ranting was when Angel was telling a story about Valentino. One of his favorites to tell, when the moth man couldn’t count up the cash Angel had just earned for him, despite it only being three bills.
At the mention of the overlords name you mumbled a quiet, ‘blind moth bitch’ under your breath, that clearly caught Angel off guard, as he stopped his rambling immediately.
The two of you stare at each other for a moment and you fear for a moment that you crossed a boundary. That fear quickly fades when AngelDust bursts out into a fit of belly laughs and snorts.
His laughter was so contagious.
You find yourself giggling, then full on wheezing along with Angel.
You can barely finish his makeup properly that day because of the back and forth banter the two of you engaged in. Constantly in a fit of giggles or telling stories about a certain moth overlord.
Angel and you exchanged numbers after that interaction and the rest was history.
From that moment on you and Angel were texting almost everyday despite if you saw each other.
Texting turned into routine late night phone calls and occasional hang outs outside of work.
Sure, Angel would slip into his flirty persona every so often, but you had a way of bringing who he really was out.
And to Angel, it was scary, but it also felt amazing. To have somebody see him.
But Angel had walls he had built up over years and years that he had worked hard to keep stable and it would take time to tear those down.
It took time to build trust and to know you were there for no ill intent, just to be his friend and enjoy his company.
To be there for who he was and not who he had been made to be.
It was a long process getting Angel to open up to you, for you to tear down the brick walls he had surrounded himself in.
To Angel, it felt like you had done it so easily. It felt like you could see right through him!
Did Angel feel those fuzzy bubbly feelings towards you because of this? Of course he did. Was he 100 percent going to ignore them? Absolutely.
Love isn’t easy, that’s what he always knew. Yet it felt so easy to love you and that slightly terrified him.
He tried to bury his feelings for you. He cared too much about your guys’ friendship to attempt to peruse anything romantic at first.
He appreciated the friendship you guys had too much for that.
So the beginning of what you guys had together was definitely a situationship in my eyes.
Mutual pining at its best baby.
However, gossip was popular in the studio. So if one person finds out about your crush on Angel, or his crush on you, EVERYONE knows.
Once the information gets back to either one of you, depending on who got outed, you guys talk it out and decide to give a relationship a shot.
You guys aren’t really fond on telling other sinners your an item,
(Can you imagine if that information got out to Valentino?? Oh boy-)
But you most definitely aren’t ashamed to be with each other. Angel LOVES romance. He’s a sucker for it.
Cheesy love notes, bouquets of flowers, chocolates, dates, picnics, movie nights, etc.
Any mushy gushy thing on the list is all there babes.
One of Angel’s love languages is quality time. So while you guys aren’t particularly all over each other at the studio, any moment in private together you have is cherished.
Whether it’s sitting in comfortable silence cuddling with you or going out to a club together, spending time with you is important to him.
Regarding Angel’s job, you understand it’s still something he has to do. While you’re not a fan on how he’s treated, he is under a soul binding contract. There was nothing you could really do about that.
Besides, you worked for the V’s as well. It was a sticky situation.
You could only be there for him as he was there for you. Through the ups and downs that the Overlords put you two through, you guys supported each other the best you could.
Now, the thought of marriage to Angel had popped up in his head a few times. It honestly gave him the jitters.
A sort of nervous excitement. Intense anxiety that he couldn’t place in the category of positive or negative.
He knew he loved you of course. More than anything. He’d sell his soul all over again if it were for you.
But in the back of his mind, he couldn’t shake the thought of this all being too good to be true. You were in Hell after all. Couldn’t all be cupcakes and rainbows.
Communication was important in your guys’ relationship, so Angel did bring up this topic to you once or twice.
You could always tell how much it stressed Angel out whenever he brought up the topic, assuming it made him wildly uncomfortable.
You always made sure to reassure him that no matter what, you would be his, even if you didn’t wear a pretty halo on your finger to represent that.
And each time you gave your reassurance, he would cover your face with kisses, showering you in affections for your understandings.
When Angel told you about moving into Charlie Morningstar’s little hotel, you were a bit skeptical. But hey, anything was better than staying with the V’s 24/7.
It was a sort of escape. Of course you didn’t take the Princess’s cause too seriously, but she gave the both of you a place to crash rent free, so you played nice.
Besides, the hotel was a place you and Angel could be more open about your guys’ relationship. It opened a new world you guys didn’t have back at the studio’s in a toxic work environment.
It felt more domestic. It felt comforting. It was more private and intimate for you guys. It felt like the two of you were taking your relationship to the next level.
But moving was a hassle.
Having to haul all of yours and Angel’s belongings into one hotel room seemed impossible and was exhausting.
Especially with Angel’s extensive wardrobe and his pampered pigs lavish lifestyle.
(Seriously, that pig had a bedazzled water bowl)
You had just arrived back at the hotel from grabbing the last of your belongings.
Hauling the box down the hallway, your door feeling like it was getting further away as you dragged your feet down the extensive hallway.
You fish your key out of your pocket while balancing the box against the wall and atop your knee, trying not the drop it.
You fiddle with the lock, slowly turning the key counterclockwise, then pushing down the door handle. You bump the door open with your hip, letting the box crash to the floor with unintended aggression.
Looking around the room, you’re confused when you don’t see your partner right away, he was meant to be at the hotel still. Perhaps he was downstairs and you had missed him.
You close the door but hear the sound of paper crinkling and soft crunching.
Your heart nearly skips a beat when you see Fat Nuggets on your shared bed, eating fresh flowers that were laid there. He’s clearly enjoying himself, not a care in the world as he munched away at the beautiful bouquet that was no doubt meant for you. It had all your favorites arranged beautifully while Fat Nuggets saw it as a free buffet.
You’re quick to wrap your hand around the pigs torso, pulling him back from the bouquet. You grab the greenery with your other hand, lifting it off the bed away from the troublemaker, who was letting out dissatisfied squeals, upset he didn’t get to finish his snack.
You scold the pig, looking at the damage he had done to the gift your lover had gotten you. You frown a bit, feeling bad that it was a bit ruined, but nonetheless, your heart melts at the gesture. Seeing as Angel went out of his way to get you a gift with no special occasion in mind.
The pig squirms in your hand, that’s when you notice something foreign around his neck. Anxiety shoots through you and you’re quick to drop the flowers, trying to coax the pig into allowing you to take off whatever was on him.
Fat Nuggets put up a bit of a fight, annoyed at the sudden tussle you had started with him, but you succeeded in pulling off the piece of twine that was wrapped around his neck. Once it’s off, you release him, mumbling an apology to the pig as he retreats to his plush pet bed.
You sigh, adrenaline high falling as you hold the piece of twine in your hands. You look down at it, assuming it was part the bouquet he was feasting on.
When examining it, you see a piece of silver/gold tied in the middle. You pick up the band, twisting it to look at it from each angle. When it dawns on you what it actually is, you don’t have time to react.
Your lover is now walking into the room, holding a bag of your guys’ favorite takeout in one hand and a gift box in his lower set of arms. His phone is pressed up against his ear with his one free hand and you can hear Cherri’s voice booming from the other side of the phone.
The two of you make eye contact and it becomes an intense staring contest for what feels like the rest of eternity. Cherri’s screaming fading into background noise while Angel’s face contorts into panic as he sees the display in front of him.
Torn flowers, a very grumpy pig in the corner, and ring gripped in your hand as if you were trying to hide the fact that you knew what was happening.
Without breaking his gaze from you, Angel hung up on Cherri. He finally looks away from you, trying to find anything to relieve the tension in the room.
“Soo.. uhh.. how much did Nugs tell ya?”
He asks nervously, sitting down next to you on the bed.
You stare at him dumbfounded for a moment.
Was he making a joke now of all times??
You can’t help but grin and snort, covering your mouth. You smack him lightly before laughing at what he had said. Tension completely melting away by your lovers remark.
Angel relaxes and smiles, adrenaline in his body still running high. He sets down the food he had brought in on the bedside table and the gift box on the ground.
He gently grabs your hand that held the ring tied in with twine, causing your laughter to calm down. You slowly open your hand, revealing the piece of jewelry. Angel slowly takes it from you.
Realization of what is happening dawns on this man WAY too late. He fidgets with the ring, trying to undo the twine from it, his fingers trembling slightly. He swears under his breath while trying to explain himself.
He stumbles over his words, explaining how this subject had been a constant in his mind for a long time now.
He knew you had said you would be fine without a ring, but he wanted to get you something special for staying with him. A symbol on your finger that you would always be his, whether you be near or far.
He didn’t want to be with anyone else. It was you and it was always going to be you.
His proposal was slightly awkward, butchered, and god was it cheesy.
But it didn’t fail to make you emotional. It was so intimate and personal. Despite it not going quite as Angel had planned, it was perfect in your eyes.
If you could have hearts in your eyes, you totally would
Angel fidgeted with the ring, unsure on what to say next. He started to ramble a bit, saying something along the lines of if it was too soon he would totally understand.
Which you respond by quickly plucking the ring away from him, and sliding it onto your finger. He looks at you, blinking a few times before blushing brightly at your acceptance.
You chuckle at his reaction, gently holding one set of his hands, and pressing a gentle kiss against his lips.
Angel melts into you, reciprocating your embrace and cupping up your face in his other set of hands.
You smile, leaning into your lover. Feeling absolutely enveloped by adoration.
Before the two of you can fall too much into each others embrace, you’re interrupted by the sound of curious snorts and snuffs.
The two of you pull away from each other, looking down to see Fat Nuggets with his head in the gift box Angel had brought into the room. His curled tail wagging away excitedly as if the gift was for him.
Angel bolts up, quickly lifting up the pet pig who lets out an alarmed squeal. You can’t help but laugh as Angel scolds Nugs, who had spoiled another surprise your partner had set out for you today.
Yeah.. this was something you could definitely get used to.
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distorted59 · 11 months
could you write something bout going to prom with 80s James? I don't know headcanons or something, pleease. that would be so sweet of you <3
hey, lovely!! sorry for the long wait! i hope you enjoy! also, i have no idea what prom is like, since I'm not American, so i hope it's a little accurate! <3
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the two of you have been friends for the longest of time, had classes together and hung out with the same people.
you two would jokingly flirt with each other and some small kisses would be given here and there.
you didn't think much of it until it was almost time for senior prom. 
“Who are you thinking of taking to prom, Jamie?” you asked him with a playful smile on your face.
“Quit callin’ me that.” He tries to sound intimidating, but he can’t help but smile back at you.
“Well? "Who is it?” You want it to seem like you’re genuinely interested, but the only reason you’re asking is because you want to know if the thing between the two of you could be something real. 
“I don’t…  I haven’t asked anyone yet.”
Hopefully he finally grows some balls and asks you. 
It was a few days before prom and you were actually thinking you and James weren’t going to work. And you were really upset about it. You and James weren’t hanging out as much, and it was really fucking with you.
until… you heard tapping against your window. 
James was throwing rocks against your window! He's here! at your house! again, finally!!!
he climbed up the drainpipe clumsily, (how cute). He handed you his Iron Maiden ‘Killers’ vinyl first and then crawled in. 
“what’s this?” you grinned.
“What do you mean, ‘what is that?’. It’s Iron Maiden!” He was breathing heavily and his cheeks were bright red. 
“Yeah, I know that, dumbass!” You giggled. “ Why did you bring it?” 
“Open it!” 
You took the lp out of the art cover and on the protection cover there was a text, written in James’ messy yet perfect handwriting. “Will you go to prom with me? x Jaymz” 
“You dork! of course I will!” You wrapped your arms around him and you must’ve kissed him a thousand times. 
Both of your lips were sore from kissing that night.
When the time came, both of you were all dressed up. (80s prom was something else). matching corsages and he wore a tie that matched with your dress. 
He picked you up in his brother's car and he was a blushing and stuttering mess. (so were you).
His hair was a little messy, so it was obvious he tried to do something different with it. you told him you liked his hair this way and he thanked you shyly with a kiss on the cheek. 
The school’s gym was transformed into a dance floor and there were beautiful decorations on the walls and ceiling. there were your typical snacks and drinks, (which were obviously spiked). but the two of you had already brought your own drinks. 
you had a lot of fun with each other and your friends! dancing and singing your heart out to your favorite songs. 
you were looking forward to the somewhat slower songs, because that meant slow dancing with James. 
he’s not a great dancer, you didn’t care though. you just wanted to be close to him. 
after all that the two of you make out underneath the bleachers, just like in the movies. 
he asks you to be his girlfriend after the make out sesh. 
“I was wondering….” James starts. 
"Yeah?" you try to catch your breath after the intensive kissing. 
He traces his fingers over your dress, drawing a pattern. He doesn’t look at you until he speaks again.
“do you…. want to be my girlfriend?” he blushes. 
“Thought you’d never ask~”
seal the deal with a kiss. (again)
I wouldn’t be able to stop kissing him either.    
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