#‘all women are a little bisexual’ no… they’re really not <3
pollenallergie · 5 months
i don’t think casual biphobia was ever really that funny. honestly, i don’t think the things some of you are saying are even jokes at all, no matter what tone you’re saying them in. i think some of you are just biphobic. hope this helps clear things up a bit 😇💕
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tenderhungering · 5 months
veep headcanons? :3
oh this will take a WHILE……i love veep so much. i’m about to wrap up season 6 right now ! i think i’ll do little headcannons / analysis for each character ! i might do a part 2 because i want to also do some more supporting characters. like you know damn well im gonna wanna write for catherine and marjorie as a whole,,,
named catherine “catherine” like her mother in order to be able to yell said name in anger the way she never could yell back at her mother
the severe mommy issues make her need every single one of her staff to be emotionally involved in her. if she isn’t the center of their life, she gets anxious about it, even angry. she needs to be validated
depends heavily on spellcheck,,, i just think she hates phones for some reason.
she can tell EXACTLY how someone is feeling by making it up in her head and believing it ❤️
got arrested once in her youth and it was wiped off the record. #supportwomen’swrongs
would do super super well taking up something that makes her adrenaline pump. they keep trying to get her to relax by making her get massages, meditate and be in quiet. she needs NOISE. she should be allowed to beat someone up at least once a day
had a little gray cat whenever she was younger. she likes them ! they’re similar to how she is whenever it comes to boundaries.
bisexual but she has a stressful job so she doesn’t have time to think about that rn
she would benefit from me in her life actually
actually really liked dan bc dan seems to personalize the relationship to the person (dan is so kind ❤️) so she was into him but suddenly got the ick.
trigger warning for SA and grooming: i think dan’s relationship with sex is so affected by the fact he slept with his teacher whenever he was younger in exchange for a good grade. it has made him view it was an exchange, a transactional affair. it’s why he’s so shit at intimacy, he doesn’t see to her anything out of it.
watches all the latest movies but it’s only because he keeps taking women out to go see them:
has a really sensitive stomach,,,,he says it’s something he ate but i feel like whenever he gets anxious it happens to
catholic guilt galore but he’s busy so he CANNOT get into it
he’s so the type of boyfriend who does baby talk and when he’s recorded he gets real mad about it. get that camera OUTTA here
he is like a baby duckling to me that’s why he wanted to raise them actually
has so many useless apps on his phone. why do you have a flashlight app you have a flashlight BUILT into the phone. its okay though bc he watches lot of youtube tutorials
probably wanted to vlog at some point but he got yelled at by selina in a clip so he stopped
the personality hire,,, everyone loves him but god he can be so bad at his job sometimes. everyone gets mad but never enough to fire him
because he started dating wendy, he started to dress up a little more ! ties and handkerchiefs match. i love you dad
he so ran one of those private meme accounts whenever he was younger but he got so bad at everyone saying they were lame he just posted a screenshot that said SUCK MY DICK SON and blocked everyone
his incessant gross comments are a result of being around a bunch of rich white men that happen to be politicians that tend to laugh at them. he has daddy issues. he needs the validation
his little curls going missing are a result of him getting his hair straightened because he wanted to look more professional actually. he burnt his hands so he begged his mom to help him
gets really anxious about his health CONSTANTLY and has a will written out already because he’s scared one day it’ll (he doesn’t know what) catch up to him
he knows the lyrics to every new pop song ever. he loves it. he used to play Just Dance whenever he was in college or something i don’t know i feel like he might’ve even been in a club that requires that
has an extensive skin care routine. he puts on those fluffy headbands sometimes but stopped bc he realized it was to keep your hair dry and his is so short lmao
definitely has an undiagnosed anxiety disorder. he just pops a pill of whatever and hopes that it works (it doesn’t)
needs heavy validation from authority figures,,,like badly,,, i think that’s why he enjoys it so much whenever any of selina’s boyfriends acknowledge him as a person (or anyone gives him any importance)
he needs someone to tell him what to do because he is so lost on having any identify that isn’t directly tied to someone else ? he’s not even really sure what he himself likes anymore. uses “we” more than he uses “i”
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sokovianfortune · 5 months
hello . i would like to talk about my own sexuality/relationship headcanons for the wbn trio since it’s a topic of conversation today :3
jack and elsa are both bisexual. this is a semi-recent discovery for both of them, given that most of elsa’s sexual partners have been women and most of jack’s sexual and romantic partners have been men. had they been asked about their sexualities pre-special, they’d both probably identify themselves as some flavor of gay (here meaning same-sex attracted, rather than an umbrella term like queer!). there is a reason why i have referred to the two of them running into each other in the maze as The Bisexual Jumpscare.
jack is also asexual! he’s not particularly sex-repulsed, he just largely views sex as a bonding activity and a way to make his partner feel good/express romantic love. this is fine by ted because uhh. i mean. let’s all be honest with ourselves here, it is very doubtful that my man has a libido anymore or the hardware to make it happen.
on the other end of the spectrum, you have elsa who only rarely indulged in sex as a way to scratch the human need itch. most of her past partners were one-night stands and she never stuck around for long, either way. but, once she and jack got together, her libido went fucking haywire and now she’s constantly (willingly!) dragging him into ulysses’s old bed chambers. good for her. good for them.
ted only the other hand is Gay gay. he did have a wife pre-transformation as per comics canon but, at the time they were married, he hadn’t really realized or even explored that particular facet of himself. workaholic scientist, yknow. he was operating under the typical “oh i guess i have to get married now because that’s what people Of My Age do.” there also might have been some period-accurate comphet involved, depending on how old he actually is.
ironically and perhaps to metatextually lean into monsters being queer-coded, becoming what he is now, while obviously a traumatic experience at the time, eventually allowed ted the freedom to explore this facet of himself and become comfortable with it.
jack and ted call each other husbands. they are not legally married. it just kind of started as a bit one day and it stuck. at what point did it stop being a bit? they don’t know and have not addressed it. jack would love to wear a ring regardless but he’s very worried about accidentally severing a finger if he forgets to take it off before the full moon.
on the hand, if anyone refers to jack as anything less neutral than elsa’s partner, she Will start gagging. she is forty one years old, she is nobody’s fucking girlfriend. wife is also off the table. she’d get married for practical tax reasons or something maybe but it would have to just be signing a paper in a courthouse with one (1) witness. an actual wedding ceremony (having to bear her stupid soft feelings in front of everyone she knows!!!) would be akin to a particularly humiliating trip through the nine circles of hell for her.
i call them the people’s polycule but they’re really more like a poly v with jack as the midpoint. ted and elsa are decidedly not romantically interested in each other at all but they Are besties united by their love for their beloved little bow wow. i know we have confirmation of the “she’s not into dogs” line but my headcanon is and always will be that the thing ted says to jack to make him laugh at the end is only kind of a joke about being willing to try opening things up if he wanted to.
(jack immediately dismissed this as A Joke and that was when ted knew he was in for a whole lot of yearning. god help him.)
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captain-mj · 1 year
Vampires Part 8
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Soap sat at the table right after sunset. His vampires, Price, and now Chuy, because apparently he decided to invite himself in, were sitting with him. Chuy was wearing his outfit again, deer skull included. It made him look very unnerving. 
“So your fiance will be here soon?”
Price nodded excitedly. “Yep. She’s wonderful.”
“She?” Ghost laughed before realizing he was serious. “Ah. Damn. Seriously?”
Price frowned. “I’m bisexual.”
“I know, I just thought better of women. Even witch women.” Ghost replied, shrugging. 
Price stared at him, slightly opened mouthed. “Damn. Cold, Simon.”
“Simon. Anyway, she’ll be here shortly. Her name is Clara.” He looked so happy that Soap couldn’t help but feel happy for him. Even if he was pretty sure Price was being used. 
Alejandro hummed. “Right. Anyway.”
Rodolfo raised his hand. “I don’t really care about your fiance, I’m more worried about the hunter walking around talking about bigfoot. Can we focus on that?”
“No. you guys gotta meet my fiance.” 
“Fuck that.” Alejandro spoke up. “I agree with my lovely husband.” He kissed Rudy’s hand, looking at him with giant heart eyes. 
Ghost groaned. “Do you guys have to be so in love?”
“Lonely ass bitch.” 
Ghost frowned. “Goddamn…” 
Price hissed loudly and they all turned towards him. He looked a little flustered, as if they weren’t actually supposed to hear him. He took a deep breath. “As the eldest vampire, I am requesting you guys please meet her.” It was said with a touch of… sincerity that had been absent from Price in a wild. 
Interviewer: I’ve been meaning to ask. Ghost puts up with Price because he’s his sire. Rodolfo seems to like him. However, you don’t seem to like him. 
Alejandro: Don’t know. Guess I miss how he was. Sometimes it feels like I got the last few years of lucidity. He probably told he was four hundred years older than Ghost right?
Interviewer: I thought he said two hundred.
Alejandro: He told Rodolfo a hundred. I thought for the longest time it was just something he did, but I think he just doesn’t remember.
Interviewer: Ah. And the comment about lucidity.
Alejandro: I think he’s half insane. It happens. Mentally, being alive a long time… it makes things tiring. 
Interviewer: I noticed the way you looked away when Rodolfo asked if you regretted being turned. Do you?
Alejandro: No. Course not. I love my husband.
Interviewer: I can see your love and devotion to him. But I’m asking, do you wish you died human? 
Alejandro: Sometimes, I do. I wish Rodolfo killed me that night. However, I’d never want to make him go through the centuries alone, so I’m glad I am here with him. 
Interviewer: Thank you, Alejandro.
“Alright, sir.” Ghost mumbled. “I’ll meet Clara.” He smiled, eyes crinkling. 
Price smiled at him gratefully. “Thank you, Simon. Rodolfo, Alejandro, Gaz, I hope you all like her.”
Simon and Chuy looked at each other and shook their heads.
Gaz hummed. “Will it be super awkward?”
“Oh, yeah.”
Gaz nodded. “That sounds nice. Like chicken soup after a hard day. I’m in.” 
Interviewer: So do you regret turning into a vampire?
Gaz: How do you know I wasn’t born an energy vampire?
Interviewer: Oh, were you? That’s fascinating.
Gaz: No, I mean I was turned. Just why did you assume?
Interviewer: I mean. I just thought all vampires were turned. Who was your sire? 
Gaz: My mom when she birthed me. I lied, I was born.
Interviewer canceled the rest of the interviewer due to “broken pencils”. 
Price smiled fondly at Gaz before quickly going to get the door, answering before Clara even had the chance to knock. She giggled as he picked her up and twirled her before leading her to the kitchen. 
“Oh this is nauseating.” 
Rodolfo hit Ghost. “They’re cute.”
They kissed passionately. 
“Nevermind.” Rodolfo hissed under his breath. “Clara?”
Clara quickly pushed Price back a little and properly introduced herself. She was how described. Dark hair and nice. 
Too nice. 
Soap liked her. She shook his head and smiled at him before moving on to them. 
“Oh!” Clara said softly while staring at Ghost. “You must be Simon.”
Price flinched and looked guilty. And a tiny bit betrayed, as if he had warned her prior.
“Don’t call me that.” Ghost got up. “Okay, this is horrible. I need to leave.”
Price grabbed his shoulder and pushed him back into his seat. “A little effort.” 
“Don’t call me something stupid.”
Price sighed and plastered a smile on his face. “Ghost.” He introduced everyone there to Clara and Clara waved just a little. She didn’t look at Price much, but when she did, she did look like she liked him. Maybe not love in any of their opinions, but that’s okay. Maybe it would blossom? 
If they stayed together long enough. 
The two of them stared at each other for just a second and Chuy got uncomfortable. 
“Alright. I’m gonna head out.” 
Clara frowned a little before perking up. “I’ve heard about a hunter in this area. Hope you’re doing okay and he hasn’t given you too many problems.”
Chuy faltered and shrank down when Reyes got brought up. Ghost wondered why he didn’t just have them get rid of the guy. It would be easier. 
“Well… yeah. He’s uh… Yeah…”
Clara noticed his hesitance and decided to drop it. 
They had a delightful conversation honestly. 
Price informed them all that the wedding would be that Friday. “Because of the goddess Freyja. May she bless our marriage.” He smiled, showing fangs. 
Rodolfo looked at the interviewer, clearly cringing. 
“That sounds wonderful.”
“May Clara stay here until then? We’re having the ceremony in the graveyard nearby.” Price took his hat off and held it to his chest in a pleading manner.
Collective groans occurred before they agreed. She could stay. 
Interviewer: The vampires think you’re after Price for his… uh…
Clara: His money? No. I’m rich enough actually.
Interviewer: No his… um… Dick?
Clara: It’s great, don’t get me wrong, but I’m not that artificial. I just want his heart. 
Interviewer: That’s sweet. 
Gaz put his hands on the table. “Before I ask this, I promise not to feed on anyone.”
Price nodded. “Okay.”
“Can I bring Alex?”
“That dog?” Price groaned. 
Alejandro started to look at face masks and Febreze. 
“Yes. He’s my boyfriend. You can’t tell me he’s not attractive.”
Soap nodded. “And really cool too.”
“See! And he doesn’t smell bad. He smells like cologne because he drowns himself in it before he comes here.”
“Maybe that’s the problem.”
Gaz sighed. “If he can’t come, I’m not coming.”
Price rubbed his temples. “Alright. He can come. Have him invite Laswell too.”
“At that point, why not invite the rest of the pack?” Alejandro pointed out, frowning. More out of confusion than anything else now. 
“Fair. Let’s just invite all of them. And Chuy. And Koenig if the lad can ever make it here. I heard he was coming to our area a while ago.” Price pointed out. 
Ghost hummed. “I’ll reach out to him through the ether later.”
“Fantastic idea!” Price clapped, looking very excited. “I’m getting married again!” 
Interviewer: So, why do you want to kill bigfoot so bad?
Reyes: Bigfoot took someone very dear to me. 
Interviewer: You want revenge?
Reyes: Yes. Bigfoot took… well. I shouldn’t say boyfriend. We were neighbors. Jesus. He was beautiful. He was kind. Rather generous but could set harsh boundaries if needed. I fell in love with him more every time we interacted. I watched that thing disappear from his home the same night he disappeared. 
Interviewer: And why a crossbow?
Reyes: Well, the majority of hunters use them. They’re quieter, easier to certain materials, and you can reuse arrows. Plus, a lot of creatures aren’t hurt by bullets and needed something sharp that will pierce them. 
Interviewer: Fascinating. Thank you so much. What else do you hunt?
Reyes: Well, normally I hunt and kill werewolves but since the night happened, bigfoot is all I have my eyes on. 
Interviewer: Understood. And where are your plans now?
Reyes: To break into the Scottish man’s home because I know he’s harboring monsters. 
Interviewer: How can you tell?
Reyes: Only someone who knows of monsters listens to advice from someone who’s a monster hunter. He didn’t take me seriously, so he wasn’t paranoid. 
Interviewer: That’s smart.
Reyes stayed true to his word. He caught them by surprise because the interviewer wasn’t going to interfere there. With his crossbow in hand, he aimed right at Chuy. Deer skull shining in the cryptic light of the room. 
“You bastard. I am finally getting my revenge against you.”
Chuy perked up when he came into the room. Not flinched or shrank or looked to leave. He leaned into Reyes’s aim. Soap thought he was an odd fellow. 
“Why?” Rodolfo interrupted his clearly well thought out speech. He was currently sewing and seemed a bit put off about being interrupted. Everyone else was around doing similar hobbies now that Price had stopped talking to them. Even Soap was just casually drawing. 
Reyes stumbled over it, caught off guard. “As I was about to explain.”
Clara snapped her fingers. There was no blast or light. Just a simple sound. 
Reyes swallowed thickly and shook his head. “Ah…. I was saying…” He paused again and this time frowned. His nose twitched and all the bravado left him. 
The man shook and shuddered, not fully reacting yet but clearly something… internal was happening. 
Chuy stood and rushed to grab Reyes who tried to get away from him. Soap prepared himself to watch Chuy rip the man to shreds but before Chuy could even lift his mask to uncover his mouth, Reyes shrank and contorted. His body twisted and curled, enough to drag ragged, pained groans before they transitioned into squeaks. The shirt in Chuy’s hands stayed solid but the rest dissolved and bubbled into the rest of him. And in his place stood. 
A rat. 
Well groomed and with fur as dark as Reyes’s hair. It looked soft. Almost cute. 
Chuy scooped him up immediately. “Enzo?”
The rats frantic movements to escape halted as it went still, looking at Chuy with wide rat eyes. 
Chuy slid the mask off, revealing his face to the rat who continued to stare.
“Mi corazón. I am so sorry. I was so bored with my old life, I never anticipated anyone noticing me being gone. Yes, I lived as your neighbor your years, but I never realized how you looked at me.”
Alejandro stopped playing the piano. The room was silent.
“I noticed you but you were human. I couldn’t… drag you into this world when it’s so unsafe.”
If Ghost put his hand on Soap, it wasn’t noticeable. 
“I live so long. I wanted to start new. Do something completely different. You were… new. So fun. Interesting. As you chased me, I will admit, I grew affectionate for you. Maybe that was my mistake, putting you in such danger.” Chuy gently pet the rat, watching it relax. “Mi corazón, can you understand me?”
No response. 
“That is okay. It’s best you still don’t know my affections. You should go home. Be human like you’re supposed to be.” 
Chuy gently held the rat. “My sweet Enzo.” He took a deep breath and held him out to Clara. “I appreciate what you did. But I’d like you to turn him back and erase his memories of me.” 
Clara frowned. “No.”
Chuy frowned. “What. No. You don’t get to say no, change him back.”
“I can’t. I’m not able to erase memories. Not the right kind of witch for that. If I make him human, he’ll probably kill us.”
“No, listen, I can talk to him then. Convince him to leave, he has a soft spot for me, It’ll be fine.”
Clara frowned and waved her hand, but nothing happened. “Sorry, out of juice. He’s stuck.”
Chuy stared at Enzo, the rat in his hands. 
“Look, luckily with his age, you have another few months!” She clapped happily. “Plus, well, he was only human. What’s the saying? Don’t worry about breaking them, they’ll die soon anyway? Or is it don’t worry about breaking them, they’re replaceable? You said it yourself, this world is dangerous for him. At least now, you can keep him safe in your pocket. Now, I’m going to go finish planning my wedding.”
Chuy stared at Reyes in his hands, clearly seething. He growled and Soap noticed how many teeth he had. 
“Do any of you know any other fucking witches?”
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fic rec friday 18
welcome to the eighteenth fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
1. A Kind Of Cosmic Joke by @eatdirt
And it's not like it's a big deal. It's decidedly not a big deal. Really it's hardly a deal at all. It's just that, maybe, in the trick of the light, if you squint and turn your head just so, Keith is…
Keith is big.
nothing in the entire history of voltron legendary defender, nay the history of voltron entirely, is funnier than the moment where lance called keith grizzled. he absolutely deserves to be clowned on for that for eternity, even in modern aus, like this fic. lance freaking out about keith getting bigger is funny in every universe in every way and this fic nails it lol
2. only a hippopotamus will do by perfchan
Lance walks into the kitchen and stops. Physically stops, the cup in his hand that’s in need of a refill completely forgotten.
He turns, slowly. Raises an eyebrow. Are those...cookies? He blinks.
Yep. He leans in closer to inspect. Sugar cookies in the shape of pine trees. Green icing, mostly, with the stars on top slathered on in yellow. Well. They’re sort of messy, more like green and yellow blobs, actually. But that’s clearly the intention. Sprinkles for ornaments.
Christmas cookies.
There’s a whole plate of them---a paper plate, stacked high with handmade cookies, wrapped in plastic wrap---and they just randomly appeared. Right here on his kitchen counter.
Lance huffs out little sigh and shakes his head. Maybe mutters something under his breath. But he doesn’t give it much thought once he’s left the kitchen. Afterall, his perpetually cranky, sourfaced roommate basically lives to do weird shit to annoy him. Or something. Lance has found that living with Keith means one thing: expect the unexpected.
And everything tends to get a little crazier when the holidays roll around.
sweetheart keith! overdramatic lance! yes yes yes! and i mean overdramatic lance in this fic lmfao he is epitome dramaqueen bisexual. this fic kills me tho bc for starters its a modern au, and i fckn love modern aus, but further still it is an au wherein lance gets keith as a roommate entirely bc he finds keith hot and his smile breathtaking. what a dumbass nerd. love him
3. Trying Times by @shyfoxes
Keith comes back Hot and Lance has a crisis on the bottom bunk.
u know those fics that make u fan ur face a little? not necessarily bc it’s explicit or anything but bc its just so swoony and romantic and shit and ur embarrassed about how affected u are?? that’s this fic.
4. As If by @surveycorpsjean
The five times Lance was his impulse control, and the one time he wasn't.
y’all know me with 5+1s. i love this one in particular tho bc keith is such a prick lmao. i love when keith is rough and scowly and doesnt handle other people well and can’t emote to save his life. i love when he loves deeply and endlessly with his whole heart but in the least conventional possible way, and i love fics where lance slowly learns to recognise the strange ways in which keith says i-love-you and this fic kills that
5. A Human Thing by @xirayn
Lance comes through a wormhole as a woman. It doesn't change much. aka Lance is gender fluid so getting gender bent by space magic only presents one problem, which turns out not to be Keith.
“Lance, can we just talk? After that you can go back to avoiding me.” Lance scoffed even as her eyes remained stubbornly forward. “I’m not avoiding you.” “Then what are you doing?” That earned him a glare, which would have been annoying if not for how happy Keith was to have her looking at him again. “I’m being a good partner and giving you space while I'm not your type.” Keith crossed his arms and met her eyes with a glare of his own, brow furrowed and lips a tight line. “Not my type?” Lance let out a long sigh of exasperation. “Female, Keith. I don't want you to feel like you have to force yourself to be attracted to women just because your boyfriend currently is one.”
genderfluid lance loml! this fic explores that entire concept so so well, even with the complications of extablished klance and team dynamics and UGH this fic is genuinely one of my faves. the slow trickle to the reveal near the end was planted there the whole time, but i was so caught up that i didnt realise it so when it finally came to light i was gagged!!
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!  
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Do you think you’d be interested in doing a nsfw A-Z for BCS characters but mainly Jimmy😳🥴
ive had this in my drafts for the longest time but this was such a good idea!!! i rly wanna do more prompt type things so i may try to find some more :3
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
jimmy is the sweetest most cuddly loveydovey man you'd ever have the pleasure of banging 🥺🥺🥺 lots of hugs and kisses and telling you what a great job you did and oh my god you're so gorgeous he could do this every night
saul is not as affectionate but he'll give you some praise. maybe a high five and a "woo! nice job, kid!" if he's feeling silly. unless it's during business hours. then it's "get back to work, mr. squidward."
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
partner - chest. man is a boob fiend. partly why trans men are a guilty pleasure for him bc whether they've had top surgery or not he's fixated on their chests
himself - i actually don't know? maybe his hair. he seems to put a lot of effort into it (even when he starts going better call bald 😔) so i think maybe that. also he loves having it tugged on bc he's a slut
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
facials. dirty boy loves making a mess of you >:3
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
i expanded on this here but basically he's repressing his bisexuality. he would like to have sex with men more often but he can't bring himself to go out and get some dick. again, trans men are a guilty pleasure bc to him they're a compromise. he rationalizes that it's not really gay if he has a pussy (let him have this he's trying)
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
he is VERY sexually experienced with cis women. not at all with anyone else. but he's a quick learner. regardless of what setup anyone has, he'll figure out what makes them tick
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
cowgirl!! ride this baby boy he loves it. he likes it bc he loves having someone push him down and take what they want from him (and also he doesn't have to do as much work which is great for his old man joints ���)
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
he'll be silly goofy in foreplay, but he gets more serious as things heat up
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
fuzzy wuzzy baby boy 🤗🤗 he may trim a LITTLE if it's getting too wild but never totally shave
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
depends! not at all during his saul era. as jimmy he's more likely to be sweet with you in that way
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
the first time he touched his prostate he screamed and came harder than he ever had before and he's scared to do it again
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
dirty talk!!! he's got a lot to say. he just loves seeing the effect his words have on you and how they can really make the difference between good sex and mindblowing sex
also when he's having sex with other men chances are he's topping, so if they're okay with it he'd be into calling them slurs bc it makes him feel powerful
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
car sex! getting ridden in the driver's seat, his body pressed on top of yours as he fucks you in the backseat, bending you over the hood, he loves it all
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
he's a shameless flirt. he'll go in with STRATEGIC rizz to try to get someone in bed with him, but he CANNOT deal with reciprocation. the second someone shows a crumb of interest in him he fumbles. and if you fire back with sass he'll basically beg you to take him right then and there
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
he cannot take extreme pain. he's curious about masochism and likes getting slapped/spanked and having his hair pulled but he's not into anything that would bruise. he's sensitive :( also he likes choking his partner but he doesn't like getting choked himself
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
absolutely loves receiving it!! he loves having his balls licked ehehe they're sensitive
loves giving it too BUT if it's not a cis woman's pussy he's in the trenches. the first time he saw a t-dick he was stunned. but, being the man of reason that he is, he figured "well! that looks like a little dick. can i suck it?" and immediately tested his theory and fell in love with t-dicks
when it comes to amab dicks? he's trash. he cannot suck dick to save his life. no lips and too bad of a gag reflex ☹️
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
tends to be on the faster/rougher side. slow and sensual is only if he's in a long term relationship with someone (or if he's subbing and needs his partner to be gentle)
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
man CANONICALLY gets blown in his office during the work day. he loves em
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
see above.
also! generally yeah. i think he's in the camp of "don't knock it til you try it" so he'd be down to try almost anything once
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
old man. he can maybe nut once or twice before he taps out. but he'll always make sure his partner's taken care of
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
YES i think he'd have a pretty decent arsenal. he's got a couple vibrators for partners and some cock rings/sleeves for himself. for either he's probably got a ballgag and a blindfold and he's definitely the type to own a pair of those cheap fuzzy handcuffs.
also i can't get this idea out of my head of him trying to talk himself out of it but finally cracking, buying a buttplug, and then never trying it out because he's scared 😭
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
if i have to answer this question im logging off y'allready KNOW
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
jimmy's a whiny bitch and he's LOUD!!!!! saul does a better job of keeping it down (he actually tries to stifle himself a bit bc he doesn't wanna show feelings teehee send this man to therapy)
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
he has a piss kink. cope.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
abt 5.5 inches, fat, uncut, big juicy buals
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
i think pretty high! mentally he's always down but he got old man dick (canonically takes viagra 💀) so he can't go as much as he'd like
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
after a particularly intense round he'll conk out almost instantly. but most of the time he's down for cuddling and pillow talk
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aphantpoet · 2 years
Queer rep is not a vacuum
There is so much debate over what is and is not queer rep and it seems to change with each new show. For this I’m going to explore four series that I’m personally a fan of and break down their rep individually ;LOK, SPOP, TOH and Arcane. I will do it this way because Queer rep is not a vacuum.
It is first important to understand the perspective I’m coming at from this: so Yaama, if you don’t know me I’m a queer [Enby and Demi sexual lesbian]and indigenous [Australian] writer; I mainly write about queer people for queer people. I also want to say that I am not bashing any of these series, I love them all.
1. Korrasami
Korra and Asami have a slightly rocky relationship when they first meet but they become fast friends. Both characters are confirmed Bisexual and their relationship is far more obvious from a  queer perspective. They are far less explicit than other shows on this list but that is due to studio censorship.
The ship itself is really sweet. Both women are close and support each other with Korra writing to only Asami at one of the roughest times of her life.
This ship, being the first queer rep in Avatar, followed by Kya being confirmed as a lesbian, gets a lot of flack for being too subtle and not built up enough. As much as I do not like Some writers on the Avatar team, I do genuinely believe they were trying their best here.
The ship itself isn’t problematic and came at a time when there was little rep in mainstream media, let alone kids media. While it has it’s issues, it is some of the first rep kids in my generation saw. Sue me, I’ve got nostalgia.
This is a contentious one but it cannot be denied that SPOP was full of Queer rep. Spinetossa, catradora, None of the princesses were straight and Double Trouble.
SPOP is unashamed of it’s queer rep and as world where no one is straight, no one is homophobic. This provides escapism that we as queer people sometimes need.
While Catradora has it’s criticisms, it’s a beautiful ship that underpins the narrative  and drives the plot. to call it “toxic” or “abusive” ignores the nuance of the story.
Spinetossa is a solid relationship that provides fluff and comedic relief in the darker episodes. they’re background characters but the nature of their relationship is clear from the start. they’re always together, they wear chokers with each other's colours . From the get go, before we even hear the cute nicknames we know they are a unit. 
Double Trouble , while  stemming from a problematic trope, is a solid character with complexities and comedy gold to spare. While the trope of making nonbinary characters non human is dodgy at best in a show where cis characters are also not human they don’t stand out too much so they can have a pass.
3. TOH
TOH is also unashamedly queer, Eda, Raine, Willow’s dads, Lumity, Edric.I’ve also seen commendations on the Neurodivergent rep  but that’s not my place.
Disney was obviously trying to censor things earlier on but around late season two A Dana stopped giving a shit and good for her. We got Edric having a partner, to quote his sister Emira “ After he accidentally sent  a love poem to THEIR mum”. Love that for him. The first Lumity kiss and them getting together and everything after it.
Willows dads’, minor and cliched as they may be do not come of a tokenistic, a nice change from other shows there the Mc’s best friend’s queer parents is often some of the only rep.
And Raine, a nonbinary person, who while not quite human isn’t an alien/robot/demon/spirit. They’re also a prominent character and their relationship with Eda is just a delight.
Cool Aunt Lilith, AroAce queen and all the flags in season three and it’s only the first episode.
there are some issues with Luz dating her friends ex bully but they address it and smooth it over.
The biggest thing to come out of Arcane was CatVi/Violyn. I’ve seen some people ship Caitlyn and Jayce but that’s a small group.
Both character’s are confirmed as lesbians.While I love Luz I do find that lesbians do often get left behind in representation or claimed as Bi when they aren’t.
there’s not much else in terms of queer rep for Arcane but it’s very clearly a world where homophobia isn’t an issue.
The CatVi relationship is also important to the story and builds up over the first season. the show isn’t concerned with it but it’s nice to see.
All this to say, Queer rep isn’t a vacum, just because one series shows wholesome queer people and another shows messy,complicated queer love does not make either superior to the other. To put wholesome queer relationships over messy ones perpetuates respectability politics. Both can be good queer rep, both can be bad queer rep.
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catchyhuh · 11 months
Please please please hit us with the Gender Studies!!!!
YOU HAVE OPENED TJE FLOODGATES!!! LET’S GO GENDER actually sexuality too let’s hit ‘em both because i have my piece and need to speak it. less about their physical bodies, more about their Mindscape. do i sound insane? i will by the end of this i promise!
lupin: listen give me a week i will compile all the evidence i have that lupin is CANONICALLY bisexual. beyond that he’s… also probably polyamorous cuz. y’know. look around. this is one hell of an open relationship. i feel like out of all of them though he’s the only one that’d like. bring it up. state it proudly. his gender is fun because you know mp didn’t MEAN anything writing a ? next to GENDER on Lupin’s little govt file but. oh baby. there’s definitely some meshing of a man and a woman in there, simultaneously coexisting even if he’s in guy mode or whatever. but like. he would only really notice that if it was pointed out to him. y’know that tweet that says “i’m probably nonbinary but i have a job rn so i’m not really thinking about it too much rn” that’s Lupin the Third
jigen: yeah prepare to be shocked. that’s a gay man. that’s a homosexual. contrary to the jokes i don’t think he’s GAY and misogynistic because of it, i think he just has (lets be real somewhat understandable in his position) beef with fujiko specifically. but when you look at his other interactions with women, they’re either just basic decency for a fellow human being or largely apathetic. and that getting betrayed thing but lets be real again that’s happening regardless of if he’s truly in love with them or if it’s just an “i have eyes” aesthetic appreciation. the transmasc reading of jigen like clicks in my head and it’s hard to pinpoint why exactly? i guess it’s just because he’s got that like. completely self-assured guy vibe. he knows he’s a man and that’s how it is. he doesn’t give a shit!! which could be taken as a cis guy thing too but either way he’s very comfortable in his guyhood and that’s cool. there’s a confidence and comfortability in his man-ness that you only really get after a level of selfintrospection, if that makes sense. if jigen isn’t actually trans he must be cis+ or some shit but. i’m leaning towards the former
fujiko: where lupin puts a label on it, fujiko simply makes a coy little face and shrugs her shoulders. changes the answer a little each time she really thinks about it. bi, pan, unlabeled, questioning? she’s scratched off the last one at least. she’s pretty damn sure she’ll bang any sane consenting adult with enough money. but that does bring us to another thing that i haven’t brought up with anyone yet: i’m a firm believer in demiromantic fujiko. that’s what that’d be called right? the romantic version of demisexual? fujiko just cannot form a romantic attachment to anyone unless there are years, like YEARS of consistent, honest trust and understanding in there. it’s not even an option in her mind until she’s known someone 3 years minimum, and even then that’s only when it BECOMES a SUGGESTION. sexual attraction is easy, romantic attraction is a sidequest altogether. it’s not just a mental mindset thing it’s like. her chemical makeup dude. but veering back on course, she’s got the same solidity in gender that jigen has, just in the Pink direction, so the same general reading of “is she a trans woman or does she just Get it” hits for me
goemon: goemon really hasn’t thought about his sexuality too much. he sees it as more of a person by person basis rather than a potentially gender specific attraction? if he finds a woman attractive, he finds a woman attractive, if he finds a man attractive, he finds a man attractive, if he finds a person who is attractiDo you get the general gist here? at best i could say he has a slight skew towards women, but it doesn’t like ERASE the rest of the options here. goemon views gender similarly, almost like an outsider looking in. it’s not some deep psychological perspective where he’s like, intentionally distancing himself to best study it, it’s just that he doesn’t feel a huge need to label himself in that sense. a foot in the nonbinary door. any pronouns, any terms of address, it’s no biggie to goemon! i do think he’d be somewhat interested to hear others’ perspectives on it, but he knows who he is. the one with the kickass sword lmao
zenigata: this shit is hard uh damn. nothing would shock me with him in any sense. he could be anything, he could be gay (lots of people get married to women before realizing who they are later in life!) he could be bi or pan, he could just be really butch for all i know brother!! any reading is a whole new canvas for unsuccessfully repressed tension and internal sexual turmoil! as for gender, uh it’s kind of. the same sense? he could really be anything. maybe like, betwixt jigen with the “solid in the dudeness” sense and goemon in the “just checking off boxes” shit. like regardless of if he is a MAN man his masculinity is a choice (wild sentence to be saying about the guy drawn to look silly on purpose) and HE wouldn’t get it, like he wouldn’t just start spouting off all this shit if you asked, i mean you'd probably just hear a distant dial-up tone looking at the expression on his face if you asked him. but like. a well-informed third party would get it. i know i sound wild cuz this is literally a baby boomer but listen to me,
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quillkiller · 18 days
🤍 anon here. saw ur post about lesbian effiemonty. im obsessed. i need to know; how does all of this affect james and his relationship with queerness? I feel like growing up with parents who are "not like the other queers" could really affect him, especially since his entire friendgroup is queer and express it in different ways and some of his friends ARE "the other queers" and are walking stereotypes of queer people.
im obsessed with you…
so!! my james potter is bisexual but heavily leaning towards women.. 🤍 i also love him being raised by lesbian effiemonty because i just know for a fact that he’d genuinely be a feminist (<- does NOT mean i think women he knows or meets should trust him more than other women. but what i love about him is that he Also knows this). i have a dyke friend with two brothers that she basically raised and they’re literally the only men i dare to almost say i trust. one of her brothers used to date a bisexual girl and then broke up with her because he genuinely felt like she woule be happier dating women/was dating him for comp-het reasons. which turned out to be true and they’re still friends!!!! her other brother was at a party once and said yes when a girl asked if he was a feminist. the girl then continued to flirt with him and said things like ’there’s nothing sexier than feminist men’ and he was TURNED OFF because he wanted BETTER for her. so he politely said he wasn’t interested lmao. both her brothers know that they’re doomed to always date feminist bisexual women and will always feel just a little bit guilty about it because they believe queer women would be happier dating other women. they’re so funny to me. <- that’s how i see james potter being raised by lesbian effiemonty
and the whole ’not like other queers’ is really interesting to me, because like. society is always evolving and changing and i think effiemonty considers that something very beautiful. and that they’re very openminded about it. they’re very on-paper lesbians, stereotypical and super dykey. whereas several of james’ friends are a lot of different flavors of queer. some of them being lesbians, some of them being gay, some being bi, some being nonbinary, trans women or trans men, etc etc etc. i think effiemonty thinks that’s a very beautiful thing, that james has a group of friends where they can openly queer and openly explore and not have to ’hide’ in the same way they had to do in the 80s. their son has a safe space to explore his. own identity, and he goes through a lot of silly phases, and it’s a very sweet and lovely journey that effiemonty are very supportive of <- which is very important to me because some or james’ friends don’t have that kind or support system in their own homes
i imagine that the potter home becomes a safe space for a lot of young people, people that james’ knows. and it also adds a lot to when sirius is disowned, because then maybe he’d also be disowned because he’s gay. and lesbian effiemonty obviously take him in without question. PRECIOUS to me. sirius losing his parents and gaining two lesbian moms …….,,,,,
i rememeber growing up in a small town and i was genuinely the only gay person that i knew of when i started ’high school’. i was the only other gay person i knew of until i reached adulthood, but when my sister who’s three years younger than me started high school there were several queer people in her class. society changes and evolves !!!!!! in just 3 years sometimes !!!!!!!!! i was so so so alone growing up, turning to the internet and having a long distance relationship on tumblr and MOVING COUNTRIES for her as soon as i graduated. i dont regret any of it, but i was miserable and lonely and in therapy and distancing myself from friends and family for the (lovely) community i had online. those two things couldnt co-exist when i was a teenager in a small town and now they can. for a lot of people. and i think it’s very beautiful that people have a safe space to explore. and i think lesbian effiemonty would think so too. they’d probably not understand everything and be confused a lot, but i don’t think they’d ever rob a young queer person of their exploration of identity. and i think a lot of james’ friends would feel comfortable seeking their support… 🤍
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tuesday again 3/21/2023
i didn't want to sit down and write this bc i was having too much fun playing viddy gaem
"i'm starving...darling,,," is very sexy but the way the lyrics slowly slide into something more and more horrifying until the chorus hits??? mwah. lovely.
my one critique is that this song is...breathy, for lack of a better word? does not showcase the man's magnificent pipes. oh well! there are other songs.
how'd i find this: im gay, also he is one of the most popular indie artists in the World. his first album went platinum six fucking times.
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i read all of frank miller's sin city bc im on a noir kick and i didn't have a good time. the closest i got to fun was (deadly little, always described as "deadly little") Miho, a mute japanese??? generic asian??? assassin who is tits out not in these panels but in almost all others, rollerblading around mowing down guys with her katana. that was a painful sentence to write.
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i read a lot of genre fiction. i read a lot of older genre fiction. they are not written with me, a bisexual "woman", in mind. and that’s ok bc not everything has to be written with me in mind. rarely have i read something that is more For The Boys Only!!! than frank miller’s sin city. felt kind of gross and a little put off the whole time i read these and they made me a little bit upset and afraid of men in a way i have not felt since high school. now it does feel odd to go “i didn’t think this noir was very pleasant >:(“ but miller’s work feels unpleasant and distinct from, say, chandler or hammett in a way i am still having trouble articulating. it is possible that the misogyny in chandler is a flavor i already know and barely register the taste of anymore. it may be that i got tired of looking at miller's women with twelve-inch waists and nipples as full and perky as their mouths.
mostly i think the labor market in sin city is super fucked up. women in sin city exist to have their value extracted from them in a way that is different and worse than normal capitalism. like, i can see how someone would read these comics and go full SWERF. women are literal trophies, both arm candy and in a very upsetting trophy hunting way. especially in the final volume, women are machines of potential profit. aside from one landlady and one cop and one child who grows up to be a prostitute, all the women in this whole city seem to be prostitutes or prostitutes who have married up and out. like there aren’t really even any women on the street just walking or in diners. it’s all dudes.
this is probably a comics vs novels thing, but miller is often sadistic in a way that chandler is not. a guy dies on a page to make cool art. they fuckin mow through dozens of goons a volume. if a guy dies in chandler it’s usually bc chandler's philip marlowe has stumbled across a dead body accident and it becomes a tremendous pain in order to tip off the cops that a body needs retrieving without getting framed for the kill. marlowe (and by extension chandler) is a people person-- he is a detective bc he likes figuring out what makes people tick. he is alert and it's hard to get one over on him but his resting state is congenial. despite his job, he still does believe in the concept of justice.
sin city (more of a comment than a question) says "if people piss you off you should kill them." this is not to make light of the very real Situations that protagonists in sin city find themselves, but there are very few problem solving skills on display other than "apply dick" or "apply gun". VERY RARELY, "apply pussy". that last one almost never works out tho.
aside from All That, it does contain some of the best straight up art (not just comics art) ive ever seen. the command of light and shadow is incredible. the command of negative space is incredible. panels aren’t busy unless they’re showing the chaos of a scene. he doesn't draw every single brick bc that's not important to the scene. it’s really quite stunning.
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also the MOVEMENT in this fringe is incredible. do u see what i mean about the nipples tho
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i gotta lotta fuckin bones to pick with the manda/lorian but they're all spoilery. this shit fucking sucks man. it's twenty fucking twenty three we have had well over a century to master storytelling through the art of the moving image.
all three eps so far have felt very weirdly edited-- like a lot of changes happened after filming and there wasn't enough time for pickups?? this is a gajillion dollar show just reshoot some shit on your little fake stage i am Begging you. at least bo-katan looked hot. god she's awful i love her
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again again i say to ye, what if star wars was good? i am slightly terrified that andor may have ruined me for any s/tar wars that follows but by any metric these first three s3 mando eps are simply not good television.
ty @pasta-pardner for gifting me Weird West some weeks ago bc it is the new thing i am obsessed with. this first trailer gives a better sense of the Vibes than the launch trailers imo
i find it is scratching a lot of the rpg itches that new vegas does: you wander around beautiful western settings running into weird shit, followed around by a hot butch you've recruited to your cause. unlike new vegas, it is a little less forgiving and you have to really scrap and loot everything that isn't nailed down.
this is a top-down action rpg with a weird little aiming system that is sort of a 3D twinstick? it takes some getting used to, and shooting is not the part of any game i am particularly good at. here's xbox wire's screenshot, which gives a good idea of how isometric it is and what enemy detection looks like. i do wish i could expand the minimap, bc some of the locations like mines or bigger towns can really sprawl.
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i have one big annoyance bc it is a thing that made me take a break and sulk for a bit: as you're traveling across the map (not open world, location-based), you can run into Travel Encounters. you can decline to engage with some of them. you cannot save within or between the encounters unless you stop and make camp. if you're on a long journey to a different corner of the map, you might run into three Travel Encounters. if you die on the third, you are catapulted back to your starting point. this is tremendously annoying in the early game, so either take short trips or get good at about-facing and exiting areas quickly.
a writer i admire likes games that let him tell stories about what happened in the game to other people-- this is a game that very much facilitates that. i was ambushed during a Travel Encounter by the some outlaws, bc i accidentally let one escape while i was trying to collect a bounty on his boss, and that specific named grunt came back with a Vendetta. but! i met a dying outlaw from the band who kidnapped my character's husband in a different second encounter, swapped some bandages for a treasure map, and he is now a Friend for Life. so he showed back up to help me during that ambush AGAINST FELLOW OUTLAWS WHO SEEM TO HAVE SOME SORT OF MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING??? mWAH. DELICIOUS. LOVE SYSTEMS INTEROPERATING.
ive put like six hours into this, and it has five chapters with five different characters. i have not progressed past the first chapter bc i am having so much fun poking around. i am so so so grateful that the first character is a wife seeking revenge and not the other way around. ppl are throwing big baby tantrums in the steam forums about this but you know what? some husbands should be macguffins sometimes. widens their perspective.
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i am fascinated by the drips and drabs of lore this game is feeding me. there's an order of witches with huge underground temples that (crucially!) they did not build, but have adopted for their own uses without really understanding who built them and why. i want to know so much more about their whole shit. there are werewolves but idk what their deal is bc i haven't met any yet.
i am a simple woman! i only demand perfect cowboy western-flavored rpgs and so far this is holding up. i will have more thoughts as i go along but goddamn is it fun to play. we truly do love a competent little rpg with interesting lore and good stealth mechanics that lets you loot everything in sight.
mostly fallow week, wrists hurty
made this tuna-chickpea salad for lunch. it is quite rich for a lunch. there are a lot of components that may be challenging to digest all together for a milennial with tummy troubles.
this would have definitely been improved by solid instead of cheap chunk tuna (or salmon. this would be great with canned salmon) and if i actually chopped the baby spinach instead of going "it's fine" and flinging it all in. or maybe wilting the spinach, but that's a lot of extra work and this would be a very warm, wet salad :/ the point is the chickpeas really want to sink to the bottom. i like that there is no cooking involved, only assembling, but realistically i have only half of these ingredients in my house at any given time. screengrabs from the site bc i paid a dollar but there's no reason you have to
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madame-mortician · 4 months
For Pride Month I wanted to discuss LGBTQ themes in Horror (slashers in particular) because it’s so interesting how queer themes have been present in this genre for MANY decades now, it’s insane that there are homophobic slasher fans lmao.
I mean, literally 3 out of the Top 6 slashers are LGBTQ lmao. Chucky, Pinhead and Freddy are LGBTQ, and technically Jason/Michael at a stretch (this is if you seen them as asexual, which I mean they kinda are, you think Jason gives a shit about sexual attraction? Bro doesn’t give a shit about anything except his mother lol)
Anyways, as I was saying, Chucky is bisexual, as is Freddy and Pinhead is Pinhead. It seems most classic slashers were either (A): Silent, emotionless killing machines or (B) Comedic and evil psychos. Most of the silent slashers have little to no character outside of killing, and things like sexual attraction (or attraction in general) would just not apply to them, not really because they’re asexual, but rather because they don’t think about anything other than killing. The comedic characters have way more personality and usually they have actual lives and relationships outside of murder, so they actually do have bonds with people, romantic or otherwise. It really comes down to who had an outside life, since Michael spent his whole life in a hospital, and when he’s not incarcerated he’s killing people, bro has no friends, relationships, aspirations, hobbies he just kills. Freddy on the other hand, has a life, he has friends, a house, a wife and a job, he does stuff he isn’t just mindlessly killing people all day. The characters like him are more likely to actually have attractions because they don’t completely focus on murder and do think of other things. Pinhead isn’t a comedic jokester but he’s also not a silent killing machine, so him and some other exceptions are odd cases. Pinhead especially in regards to this topic because Pinhead’s whole motivation revolves around physical attraction, so unlike the other slashers who’s ideals are focused on murder and the other stuff is not the priority, Pinhead focuses on the attraction and puts the other stuff second. Of course in his case that “other stuff” is eternal (and internal) damnation and torture, but considering he sees this masochism and sadism as pleasure and is attracted to it, his killing stuff is basically the attraction stuff.
Moving away from that, back in the 30s, Dracula’s Daughter was released. It was a sequel to Dracula and focused on *gasp* his daughter as she tries to stop being a vampire. The entire film is her seducing women to eat, whilst mourning her loss of humanity. It’s pretty interesting actually, because she acts exactly like Dracula, with her victims being women who she assaults in rather seductive ways, however the difference is she feels guilty about her monstrous form, unlike Dracula. It’s been considered one of the oldest queer horror films ever, and it’s not hard to interpret the Countess’ “vampirism” as an allegory for lesbianism, especially since she tries and fails to cure herself of it and feels guilty the whole film for it, unlike Dracula who’s allowed to like women because of his gender. It was probably intended to be homophobic due to the times, however this actually raises an interesting topic I want to discuss.
Part of older horror, especially the homoerotic ones, is the characters who can be interpreted as part of the LGBTQ, typically being bad guys. Most of them are the blasphemous villain who the good guy defeats, with the message obviously being that gay people = bad, and people should be scared of them. The interesting part though, is the modern interpretations of these things. These were supposed to be homophobic, cautionary tales advising people that queer people were evil villains and they never get a happy ending in these films and yet, modern audiences have reclaimed these characters and almost “praise them.” Like a reclaimed slur that becomes a compliment to people in that community, characters who were canonically LGBTQ, but were only so, so that they could be the bad guy of the fable, were now being reanalysed and adopted by modern audiences as progressive and queer characters. Sure Dracula’s daughter is certainly and canonically a lesbian, but the movie makes it abundantly clear that this is a “bad thing” and that she is a bad person for this… yet modern audiences saw she was gay and reclaimed her. I probably should mention I think this is a good thing as it’s kind of petty and really funny to grab characters meant to hate on us, and then we admire them.
I see it sort of like this:
“I’ve created a story about a gay person, who is evil and the villain, and dies at the end and the message is that gay people are bad and straight people are good.”
“I love this gay villain! I love that they’re LGBTQ like me, and I love villains, they’re so cool!”
“No, wait, you’re supposed to be rooting for the heroes-“
“Fuck yeah, gay people are awesome.”
Of course nowadays representation isn’t as big an issue as back then. Back then the only gay characters you’d see would be evil or stereotypical, and now we do get diverse characters so it’s definitely not an issue as much anymore.
I probably should also mention a LOT of 80s-90s slashers had LGBTQ people working on it, like as directors, writers or actors, so that’s why there’s a suprising ammount of homoerotic themes in those (Looking at you A Nightmare on Elm Street 2)
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prvttystvr · 2 years
House of Ashes headcanons🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
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Jason Kolchek: bisexual, he/him
there’s no way this guy is hetero. The way he smiles at Salim, the way he looks at him. Even if you chose the “bad options” it seems like they’re flirting (we can also see Jason’s choking kink eheh). I like to think that he has a lot of internalized homophobia, probably because of his childhood. I also like to think he signed up in the military just to see muscular men and women✨✨
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Salim Othman: bisexual or pansexual, he/him
same as Jason, he can’t be hetero when he’s with the marine. He probably doesn’t have internalized homophobia, but didn’t realized easily he was queer (probably because ofhis family). My indecision between bisexual and pansexual comes by a fanfic I read where Salim said he didn’t care about the gender of who he loved. Besides that, his son accept him and just wants to see his dad happy <3
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Rachel King: bisexual, she/her
House of Bisexuals. Jokes apart, I love to see how she immediately began to take to heart Clarice. I both ship her with Clarice and with Eric+Nick (when the love triangle becomes a polyamorous relationship>>>). In both cases, I can see the passion she puts in all her relationships, which are different compared to the ones with Jason, Joey or Merwin. Also mommy vibes
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Nick Kay: questioning, he/him
my man didn’t know he would eventually fell in love with both a cute blondie and a badass blondie. As I said, I really love to see Eric, Rachel and Nick as a polyamorous relationship, but with some other things. Rachel is totally ok with this and with her sexual orientation, but Eric and Nick needs to understand a lot of things. Eric is ok with his sexual orientation, but it would take a little while to understand that he’s polyamorous. Beside, Nick is ok with the fact that he’s polyamorous, but still needs to understand his sexuality
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Eric King: bisexual, he/him
my man has more mommy issues than water in his body. Probably his friends understood he’s bisexual before himself, and when he understood it he was scared. Rachel always supported him and wanted him to be ok. After a while, he accepted he was bisexual, but was still a little scared to talk about it to the others
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Clarice Stokes: lesbian, she/her
you can’t tell me otherwise, I refuse to hear she doesn’t like girls. You can say she is bi, pan, omni and so on, but you can’t say she is hetero. I read somewhere that at the start she flirted with Jason, but I didn’t see it (maybe because I’m dumb)
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Merwin: hetero, he/him
I like to think he acts like a homophobe and makes a lot of jokes about the gays, but when he discovers a friend of his is queer, he’s going to protect them with all himself. Still a misogynist, but maybe not a homophobe
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Joey: gay, he/him
he didn’t come out to anybody except for Merwin. This is way he makes a lot of jokes about the two being together and doing things. Maybe someone understands it, but doesn’t say a word. He’s too scared to come out
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Dar Basri: hetero, he/him
he’s homophobic, I just know that
sorry for my English :’)
I did the edits, fell free to use them!
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Lilly (@cyikess) vs. Cassandra "Cass" Frye (@ineedaplacetostay, picrew credit here)
Lilly info:
Description: Lilly has so many things wrong with her <3 She's aware of the narrative but not the fourth wall. She's god's special little girl and she hates that. She's bisexual and her husband is a malewife. She's blind in one eye, then she loses that entire part of her face underneath her hair. She's the protagonist of a cosmic horror story but she's being cool about it (not). She's just trying to protect her friends and family and does horrible things because of it. She's even transgender.
-Pissed off god enough that she had a tantrum and banished the entire world to the Void -Was a bit of an asshole to her friends due to, yknow, the Void. -At least one count of assault, possibly murder, that was undone by time travel (nobody remembers this however) -Manipulated a couple people outside in order to try and escape the Void -Made a deal with this Void -Used this deal with the Void to end the world, killing (almost) everyone -Sliced open god with a pair of scissors -Stole a legendary artifact
Other notes from the submitter: OKAY SO. whats the point of awful bisexual women if we cant give them a bit of reasoning to their actions? she ended the world because she thought that was the only way to free everyone from being under god's control . she'd rather die than be puppeted, especially cause shes AWARE of the fact that theyre all puppets. she failed tho because there was another survivor and she couldnt push her in in time. everyone else is still dead*
*not really
Cassandra Frye info:
Description: 40something woman with blonde hair and brown eyes. Always smiling, but never looks happy. Dresses in blazers and skirts regularly, wears 60s themed shirts and slacks on vacation.
Works with people-eating aliens, has lured people in to be eaten and has killed for them. Thinks that the earth is about to be conquered by the aforementioned aliens and has decided there’s no choice but to let the aliens win so she might as well help them. She tried to keep this alien contact secret from her wife while also quitting her job to better serve the, again, people-eating aliens.
This made her wife leave her and Cassandra still didn’t explain what was going on because the aliens told her not to.
She likes feeding some people to the aliens (but this is because they’re racist conspiracy theorists, up to y’all if that’s a crime-crime or not).
Other notes from the submitter: She’s so pathetic and sad. The aliens don’t even respect her. She misses her wife who divorced her for acting so weirdly.
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itlivesproject · 2 years
I'm gonna follow that other anon's example and ask some rapid fire matthias questions 🥰
1. Is he bisexual like the other LI's? I romance him with a male MC so has he been with men before or only women?
2. Since he usually doesn't really celebrate his birthday, how would he react to MC taking him out on a special birthday date and getting him a nice gift? themself👀
3. What is his favorite food? and how would he react to MC making said food for him?
4. What does he like & dislike most about himself?
5. What does he like & dislike most about MC?
6. What is his love language? and does he like physical touch bc I want to hold him in my arms for eternity.
7. How does he feel about PDA?
8. How would he take care of MC if they got really sick? and how would he react if MC took care of him if he got really sick?
That's all I got for now, sorry it's a lot 💀 Give Matthias a kiss from me 😚
I’m loving these rapid fire questions guys I feel like an athlete after the big game with 30 microphones in front of my face 🥰
1. Yes he is also bisexual and has been with men before
2. He would be thrilled, beyond words thrilled. It’s been ages since anyone really celebrated his birthday, and so few people have even asked when it is that he would just be over the moon. He would make sure to do something of equal value for MC’s birthday, and he would truly treasure whatever you got him
3. His favorite food is probably homemade shortbread. He doesn’t mind the stuff you buy at the store, but it doesn’t taste right. He has a family recipe he’s used for years and it reminds him of when he was a little boy. He’d be beyond thrilled for you to make it. It doesn’t really feel right having the maid make it, and he’s not a big cook himself, so he rarely has it.
4. He likes his eyes. They’re a really brilliant sort of shocking blue, which isn’t necessarily uncommon or anything, but as he’s grown older they’re the only part of him that’s stayed the same, and he likes to see them when he looks in the mirror.
He dislikes his temper. It doesn’t come out often, but when it does he knows he’s probably about to screw up. He really admires his own ability to remain calm and in control, so when he finally lets his temper get the better of him it feels like a personal failing.
5. He likes MC’s strength. No matter the personality, no matter the choices MC makes, they have to be strong to endure what they have endured and continue to fight. Matthias admires strength like that, because it’s rare and it reminds him of himself. Most people stay down after the kind of hits MC has taken, and he admires that you haven’t.
He dislikes MC’s naïveté. For being so strong and so powerful MC knew so little and was fighting in such a purposeless way. When MC began they were just hunting monsters in the woods one at a time, with no real goal. In his mind, MC should’ve been much more proactive about finding out where to aim their considerable power. He finds solace in the fact that at least he’s there to guide you.
6. His love language is quality time. When he loves someone, really loves and trusts them, he wants to be around them constantly. He’s tired of being alone in his big house with no one who really cares about him or that he really cares about. He wants to be around someone who loves him, someone he loves.
And don’t worry, anon, he absolutely loves physical touch and will hold you in his arms until his dying day if you let him ;)
7. He’s a little old fashioned in the PDA department, and doesn’t typically like it. That said, he doesn’t typically feel what he feels for MC. His dislike of PDA is a little hypocritical, because if given the opportunity he would be around you constantly, touching you always. But he is the proper sort, so he won’t initiate PDA.
8. He would find the best doctor in the world, fly them to Westchester, and demand in no uncertain terms that they fix MC. He would never leave your side, even when the doctor was with you. He would be very attentive and make sure you took everything prescribed and were taking care of yourself.
If MC took care of him, his mind would be a little blown. Nobody takes care of him, ever. Maybe two people all his life have ever bothered to try. He’s not the greatest patient, he gets irritable when he’s sick and he always thinks he knows best, but he’s deeply, deeply touched by your help. So deeply touched, in fact, that once he was better he would tell you to ask him for anything you want in the world, and he’d get it or do it for you. No questions asked, no conditions given. Whatever it is, it’s yours.
Thank you so much for the questions, anon! I’m always happy to answer questions about the silver fox 😘
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keira-kaz2y5 · 7 months
Hi! Welcome to my blog, everyone is welcome!
I don’t write fics but I love to read them <3
My name is Keira, I’m female (she/her), bisexual
and I’m currently studying music at college. I’m British and have strong Welsh heritage 💪🏼🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿, but I was born and brought up in England.
I’m currently obsessed with: The Rookie, Marauders, 9-1-1 (& 911 Lone Star), Marvel, X-Men, Good Omens, Supernatural, Doctor Who (2005-2024), Sherlock, Criminal Minds, Merlin, Percy Jackson series, Hannibal, Marauders, Outer Banks, Agents of SHIELD and Moon Knight
I’m a musician in training so feel free to ask any questions!
My biggest ships: Buddie (9-1-1), WolfStar, Destiel, JohnLock, Merthur
Films I love: Atonement, Dead Poet’s Society, Little Women, Hamilton, Hacksaw Ridge, Nowhere Boy, Knives Out, Gifted, Tick Tick BOOM!
Top artists are Noah Kahan & Taylor Swift
But I really love Hozier, Dermot Kennedy, Billie Eilish, Reneé Rapp, Lizzy McAlpine, Gracie Abrams and Mumford & Sons
I listen to lots of genres but my main would be indie, folk/alternative, pop, soul and rock.
I especially love when every now and then I’ll find a fanfic like Loki x pianist!reader or rockstar!marauders fic and stuff. As a pianist myself I love this and would love to see it represented, so I am more than happy for u guys that are writers (or just curious) to ask me about this like the industry, or live sound (I’ve seen on tiktok lately people thinking every performer has a metronome in their monitors, this isn’t always correct, there’s a lot more to it) or even all the jobs you take on within the industry like session musicians, library musicians etc.. so I’ll quite happily answer questions or help people out if they plan on writing fics with musicians as main characters or au’s so please please please don’t hesitate to ask! I go all nerdy for this stuff I think it’s pretty cool
Thanks for finding my page and reading all of this, if you got to the bottom, thank you so much I love you <33
Have a great week babes xx
For anyone interested, I’m on a Pop Music course and I’m study the music industry in business classes, with theory (boring as hell) classes too and I have recording sessions, music history & context lessons and on Fridays we have perfomance workshop, where we pick a song to learn in the morning and practice with a band or solo or whatever is needed, then by the end of the day we have an hour of tech set up and then we perform it to the rest of the people on the course. It’s a lot of fun but hard work, we have tech students doing live sound and someone from tech doing the lighting and stuff. Feel free to ask me any questions about it!
My posts:
Buddie 911 s7 theory/reaction https://www.tumblr.com/keira-kaz2y5/743347204314497024/i-know-no-one-will-read-this-but-omfg-so-today-i
Harry Potter marauders fancast rant https://www.tumblr.com/keira-kaz2y5/723047186541232128/jkr-can-fight-me
Tumblr did a thing
Happy news
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bi-sapphics · 2 years
I think I used to follow your old blog, and I have some good faith questions: 1. What made you become more incluse IRT to LGBT discourse? 2. Do you consider "bi/mspec dyke" to be separate from "bi/mspec lesbian"? (I personally do think bi women can use butch/femme or reclaim dyke but consider these different and the latter concept is harmful) 3. Why are you against trans-friend radfems/gender criticals? (not radfem, I'm critical of them) 4. Do you consider Febfem problematic by proxy?
you mean p-c? yeah. fun fact: i actually plan to move again once i turn 18 in a few months.
anyways this post took me a while to write lmao, i wanted to make sure i got everything down perfectly, both so that it helps you and so that i can refer back to it in the future.
1. this post should answer your first question, though i think i forgot to include that the bi community has always been tied in solidarity with other queer communities that are often excluded (such as ace/aro + trans), and biphobia more often than not parallels harmful rhetoric to other ‘xphobias’ that lie outside of the LG(B). if exclusionists successfully eliminate the TQIA+, then no matter what they tell you or genuinely believe about themselves, they’re not gonna stop there. bisexuals are inevitably next, whether it’s right at the front of the line or somewhere down along it.
2. that same post mentions and explains why i don’t actively have anything against ‘mspec’/bi lesbians. i consider it a separate identity from ‘bi dyke’ because that’s how labels work, every label is a little different from another and definitions + experiences simply vary from person to person. however, functionally, no i don’t consider them any different. people can be and are bi lesbians for the exact same reason(s) that they can be and are bi dykes, and you can’t easily argue for or against one without inherently doing the same for the other. if you’re really, genuinely interested in my thoughts on this since you’re asking in good faith, i would personally recommend this post + this tag, which both explain how being an ‘mspec’ lesbian actually works. it’s also important to remember that ‘lesbian’ used to mean all wlw/nblw/sapphics and belonged to us too before it didn’t, which we didn’t actually have any say in. if you agree that the separatism movement was harmful to bisexual women, and that bisexual women also have the right to claim butch and femme for ourselves due to them having been our terms while we were considered lesbians, then everything falls apart and becomes inconsistent when you don’t agree with bi women also being lesbians if they so choose to be. it’s that simple, honestly.
3. because radfems and gender-criticals don’t support trans(-identified) people back. all trans people, be them transfem, transmasc, transneu, or anything else along the spectrum, are victims of this type of activism and always have been. i think it’s okay and acceptable to have basic views that align with women’s liberation and combatting worldwide misogynistic oppression without aligning with radfems directly, since they have an inherent connotation as their own separate group of activists that harm others just by being associated with the idea. whether or not you believe in trans rights and, by extension, whether or not you put a disclaimer that you believe in trans rights, you’re still signing up to hurt trans people by proclaiming yourself a radfem. that’s part of the contract, especially since many of them have recently admitted on twitter that the most important priority of feminism is taking down “gender ideology”, rather than most common feminist factors that address fighting in favor of women across the world. to be quite honest, i don’t have the means to strongly expand on exactly how trans activism is incompatible with radfem activism, but i’m sure blogs such as @genderkoolaid​ could hit the nail on the head with it for you!
4. if you haven’t already guessed following the third question, realistically yes i do. theoretically i think it shouldn’t, as to me it’s a nice-looking and nice-sounding label, as well as the fact being that there’s nothing wrong with being a bisexual woman seeking to date only other women ─ that’s what i do myself, which is exactly why i coined camellian! but, again, ‘febfem’ is a label that is inherently by nature tied with radical feminism and gender criticism (and any belief system or passive alliance related to them).  the community was created by and for those people (i’m positive this is one of the very first posts regarding the term - the one in the screenshot, anyway), which makes it harmful to position yourself with. i do like the flags though, and their creativity.
i hope this helps! i’m not even sure how much i trust some random anon in my inbox (lol lmao) but all of the information i shared is stuff i’ve posted about before, so i tried to be as honest and open as possible with it.
i don’t want to see lots of red-highlighted tumblr blogs in my mentions and i don’t have the energy to argue, so just fuck off for the love of god!
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