#‘it would make sense for him to be upset or want to prevent it happening again’
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Yknow i definitely have my issues w how Amakusa typically gets characterized as being shady and untrustworthy given what he went through (and I def had an issue w ooku glossing the massacre over to make one of the orchestrators of it a key figure in the actual event)
but it was nice to have the fact the rebellion was in response to ongoing oppression and that it was met with extreme and unreasonable punishment in return categorically stated and acknowledged as a bad thing with a brutally unfair response that it would be reasonable to be upset by for once in his second interlude
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Also the bit at the end teasing him for ‘99.9% sure to win’ was very cute
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larluce · 8 months
Merlin traveling back in time to save Arthur AU but with a twist!!
Merlin makes it to the sidhes, bringing a barely breathing Arthur with him. As expected, they ask for a price and Merlin offers his life, ignoring Arthur's protests.
Sidhe1: You're inmortal you can't die
Sidhe2: And even if you could, killing you would mean killing magic itself, therefore killing the earth itself.
Merlin: (crying desperate) I don't care! Take what you need! My blood, my magic, anything! Just save him!
Sidhe1: (smiling evily) I might know just the thing.
They never tell him what are they going to take from him, but he agrees. The sidhes start the ritual, while Arthur just keeps pleading weakely
Merlin: (smiling) If I somehow don't come back-
Arthur: (crying) Stop! Merlin don't do this. Please!
Merlin: I just want you to know that I love you.
Before Arthur can answer the ritual ends and Merlin blacks out.
When he wakes up he is in his way to Camelot in his old clothes and 10 years younger. He soon discovers he's been brought back to the very first day he met Arthur. He's confused. Have the Sidhes taken from him years of his life as a price? It doesn't make sense to him, but he decides to take advantage of this to prevent some things from happening.
Time goes by and while, in general, all events are repeating, not everything is happening as he remembers. Some people arrive in his live early, like Lancelot or Gawain. And Arthur treats him better? Like he says thank you to him more often and listens to him more. Merlin thinks it’s weird, but brushes it off thinking it’s due to the changes he's been making that some things are not quite the same.
Then the day comes when he finally reveals his magic to Arthur. He cries and Arthur hugs him telling everything its okey. Nothing its going to happen to him. Shortly after however Arthur also has a confession.
Arthur: I already knew.
Merlin: What?! Since when?
Arthur: the very start.
Merlin: How? I've been careful! More careful than before!
Arthur: Because you told me before. Well, not really before, but in the future. It’s complicated.
Merlin: Wait... you are from the future too?!
They are both surprised. They thought they were alone in this and it turns out they never were. Merlin cries all over again, apologazing for everything, for failing him, for not being able to save him, but-
Arthur: You did.
Merlin: ... What?
Arthur: You did save me.
Merlin: No, the sidhes tricked me. They sent us back in time-
Arthur: It was not them who did that. It was me.
Merlin: What... what are you saying?
Turns out what the ritual really did was turn Merlin into a small tree in exchange for saving Arthur’s life. A magic tree that would grow taller and taller and never die and whose ruts would expand making magic florish in the earth forever. Arthur of course was really upset after that. He demanded the sidhes to turn Merlin back but they only told him "what's done it's done" and that all he could do was pick the tree up before the roots growed if he wanted to move it elsewhere.
Arthur put the tree in a pot and brought it back to Camelot. Everyone was devasted with the news but they were also glad their king was alive and safe. No one blamed him, but Arthur always blamed himself. He repealed the ban as soon as he could and made sure everyone knew Merlin's involvement in the battle and later the other things he find out Merlin did for Camelot through Gaius. He made an anual event and a statue in Merlin's honor. Camelot slowly but surely welcomed magic again and became the most prosperous kingdom in the land.
Merlin: Oh...I don't remember being a tree.
Arthur: Yeah, I figured.
Merlin: But you repealed the ban! That's great! Magic was free again in the-wait... so why did you do all this if everything was fine? And how did you do it?
Arthur: Everything was NOT fine Merlin. You weren't there!
Merlin: (utterly confused) I was. As a tree.
Arthur: You know what I mean! You were there but you weren't. We mourned you but you were still alive. I kept you in that pot for longer that I should have because I wanted to keep you close all the time, yet looking at you was so painful... Gwen had to scold me into finally plant you in the garden so you could grow properly. I was broken inside, while trying to rule a kingdom. I kingdom we should have ruled together from the start!
Merlin: ...
Merlin: You're telling me you somehow traveled us back in time and throw away the golden age, your dream of uniting all Albion and all you worked hard for... just because you missed me?
Arthur: And because I couldn't say it back.
Merlin: What?
Arthur: That I love you too.
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roguelov · 1 year
Bubblegum Pop
Summary: An annoying habit of yours - popping your gum - finally pushed Miguel over the edge. So, he decided to finally take action.
Word Count: ~1.7k
Reader: Gender Neutral (not specified)
Warnings: Brief heated make-out (nothing more, just a hint of spice), a little arguing, unestablished relationship
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Hunched forward - back aching slightly from the uncomfortable position - at your new desk in Miguel’s office, you blew yet again another bubble. It was the umpteenth one within the short hour. Miguel gritted his teeth, each pop grated on his ears.
Why? Why did he agree to this?
Ah, yes, your scientific background.
You had offered your assistance to try to find a more permanent way to prevent anomalies from spilling out into other universes. He was obviously reluctant at first, but before he could say no - as per usual with any help - Lyla appeared saying yes for him. Sighing, he relented. He did need help, he happened to also be very stubborn too. But, he definitely did not agree to deal with your annoying habit.
Wherever you went, and at most times of the day, a piece of gum was slotted between your teeth. You always chewed on a piece, enjoying the simple habit. You like rolling it over your tongue and throughout your mouth, savoring the always fleeting minty taste, and of course blowing bubbles. Sigmund Freud might say you have an oral fixation.
Worst of all, in Miguel’s opinion, the sweet minty aroma clung fiercely to you. One brush by and his senses were assaulted by you.
And it drove Miguel insane.
Dear god, he wanted to kiss you, knowing exactly how you would taste on his tongue. He wanted to have you pinned beneath him, writhing in pleasure. He wanted to nuzzle his nose into your neck, inhaling deeply and running his tongue over your skin. He wanted to -
Miguel flinched.
His spiraling thoughts were viciously cut short; thankfully before he got too heated and distracted. His lips thinned. His anger wasn’t all directed solely at you, but mostly at himself for delving into such lustful thoughts. Again.
It was just easier to be angry at someone else.
Miguel peered over his shoulder, glaring a little at you. He stood at his desk on the circular platform that rested a foot off the ground, rather than raised high above towards the ceiling. He tried to keep his voice calm as he spoke, “Can you stop that?”
“Huh?” You glanced over at him slightly confused. The piece of gum rested on your bottom lip and teeth before your tongue swept it back into the dark corners of your mouth. “What?”
Oh, that only further irritated him; your genuine obliviousness to how annoying and frustrating your popping was to his sensitive ears. As if proving his point, you absentmindedly blew another bubble.
“That. Stop doing that,” he huffed.
You blinked, “Oh, uh, sorry.”
You quickly turned back to your screens. You felt a little embarrassed. It wasn’t intentional - it never was - and you felt somewhat guilty for upsetting him. You thought about spitting it out, but you enjoyed the minor stimulation. Then again, you supposed you should act a little more professional. Maybe, you will try to cut back.
Miguel eyed you for a moment. Your figure was hunched forward again. Yet, there was a new tension woven into your body, as if you were trying to shrink away. He sighed. He shouldn’t have snapped, and he should apologize. However, he didn’t. Not surprising. So, he spun around focusing back on his own work.
An hour must have passed. Another agonizing hour with no progress or improvements to show for it.
What fun.
You leaned back in your chair, looking up at the high vaulted ceiling. Crossing your arms, you let out a disappointed sigh.
One act - one simple sigh - and Miguel had to suppress a groan. He was instantly overwhelmed by the sweet mint. He dug his fingers into the edges of his desk. The desk creaked under such strength. His talons definitely made small dents as he desperately held himself back. It was all so enticing. He wanted to taste you, and his body craved you.
Oblivious to Miguel’s struggle, you allowed your thoughts to consume you. Some were important - like the multiple ideas to seal the leaking portals issue to possible new ways to improve Spider Society in general - to the completely irrelevant - such as a song stuck in your head from this morning, thoughts about what to have for dinner, to the more perverse ones about a certain hot headed spider. Thoughts about anything and everything, but not about what Miguel asked of you. No, that one thing had been quickly brushed aside and forgotten: don’t blow any more bubbles.
Your tongue was already going through the habit, a muscle memory at this point. You flattened out the surprisingly still minty gum, rolling over it a few times. Moving it around, you pressed the now stretched piece of gum to your teeth. And without a care or sparing a second thought, you blew.
The small pop was quite deafening in the silent, vast room. So much, it reverberated and echoed just a bit. Almost cartoonishly so.
You instantly flinched in your seat. You almost didn’t dare look over at him. His wrath already emanated from him in waves. Slowly peering over, more so out of curiosity, all you saw was Miguel’s back. His muscles were wrought in tight agitated nerves. You hissed through your teeth and sheepishly mumbled, “Sorry.”
Miguel exhaled loudly, and pinched the bridge of his nose. “God, can’t you do the one thing I asked of you?”
The main problem of Miguel O’Hara was that his anger was infectious. Your embarrassment, and regret, vanished instantaneously. His snide comment set a fire inside of you.
Miguel whipped his head around. You leaned causally back in your chair with a bored expression. You cocked an eyebrow and blew another bubble in his direction.
His eyes widened, the gall of you. He stepped down from his desk area, and marched over to you. His eyes burned with a firey irritation. You should be intimidated - and admittedly you were. However, you wouldn’t outwardly show it. He grabbed the back of your swivel chair and whirled you around. He bent down. His hands landed on the armrests, caging you in and looming over you threateningly. “Spit it out.”
You popped another bubble. “No.”
A waft of mint filled his nose. He gritted his teeth. “Spit it out,” he repeated, seething in anger.
You puckered your lips. You didn’t answer. Miguel thought you had finally come to your senses at least.
Nope. He was wrong.
Your lips parted. The pale blue gum was stretched over your tongue. Pressing it to your teeth, you blew. The pop echoed louder than all the others before, or it seemed like it did. A bit of gum stuck to your lip, but you quickly licked it away.
Miguel twitched.
He reached out, grabbing your face and smushing your cheeks. His talons started to dig into your cheeks. You thought he was going to force you to spit it out. You tucked the gum in the back corner of your mouth, then glared ferociously up at him. You tried to jerk your head out of his grasp, but he kept you firmly in place.
He leaned in. His crimson eyes burned brightly. You expected more heated words, calling you such things like childish or immature. Hell, for a brief second, you expected him to reach inside of your mouth. But, he surprised you.
His lips collided with yours.
You inhaled sharply, eyes going wide.
Yet, he did not falter.
Oh, he had you now, and he was ready to devour you. He wanted you. His teeth - his fangs - grazed over your bottom lip. You shivered, and piece by piece you leaned more and more into the kiss. Your resolve, and confusion, melted away. Your eyes fluttered close, thoroughly enjoying this strange turn of events.
Why? Why was this happening … why do I care? Enjoy it.
His hand moved and wrapped around the back of your neck. Tugging on the edges of your hair, he tipped your head back further. He deepened the kiss. His tongue skimmed by, begging for entrance. You happily, almost too eagerly, obliged. Humming pleased, his tongue slipped inside and swirled around. You reached out, bunching up the front of his suit. A moan rumbled in the back of your throat.
And he swallowed it up.
His tongue explored, tasted, and continuously drew out such desires. Your thoughts seized, and your skin ignited with passion. His lips were the gasoline to a small kindling fire inside of you. You were set ablaze. Your heart pounded in your ears, nearly drowning out the sensual noises of him attacking your lips. Your body burned hotter and hotter with each passing second. You were aching for him. To be fair, you always did. But, you never thought the day would come. And you never expected for him to make the first move.
It was too much, and somehow not enough.
Unfortunately, this bizzare dream ended. He pulled away, breaking the kiss. You whined very faintly.
Why? Why did it have to end?
Opening your eyes, you saw a thin trail of spit connecting to his lips from yours. He easily wiped it away with his tongue. You shivered. His eyes shone with such amusement. He greatly enjoyed the effect he had on you. You were breathing heavily, gasping for air. Your whole body slouched forward, drooped with the desire he brought out.
Why? What -
Miguel then smirked mischievously. Ever so slowly, he parted his lips, revealing a piece of gum nestled between his front teeth. You blinked, a jolt ran down your spine. No. Your tongue searched your mouth. Oh yes indeed, that was your gum.
Your eyes widened.
He turned his head, spitting it out in the nearby waste bin.
“Next time,” he began and bent back down to your level. His eyes dropped to your swollen, abused lips. Smirking, he teasingly wiped the corner of your mouth with his thumb. He gently held your chin, tipping it up. Leaning in, he whispered to your lips, “Listen.”
Your mouth just hung agape in stunned silence.
“Now, get back to work.” He let his fingers trail along your jaw, before heading back to his desk.
He was utterly satisfied with the outcome, and pleased to think he made his point perfectly clear. You, on the other hand, made a mental note to always carry a pack of gum on you at all times from now on.
A point was made, just not one Miguel had hoped.
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eggluverz · 1 year
Ooh, I loved your IL Dan Heng request where he realizes that Reader is no longer around and flips quickly trying to find them out of sheer anxiety that those who still hate Dan Feng would take out their hatred and vengeance on them.
I actually want to try and request fem!Reader getting attacked by a group who just want to hurt Dan Heng through attacking his beloved. But his beloved is no damsel in distress, and fights them off, extremely angry that they are attacking her to hurt Dan Heng for a crime he is not guilty of and finds it pathetic that they continue to hold a grudge against someone who has long passed, not adhering to the Vidyadhara laws that Dan Feng’s sins have been washed away. She tears into them, defending Dan Heng with everything as she beats their ass in an emotional rage with tears that’s only stopped because Jing Yuan has to prevent an Incident from happening even though he would gleefully let her continue beating them down.
Reader is upset that they want to hurt and cause Dan Heng pain. She could care less about them trying to torture or assassinate her.
But Reader still gets injured much to Dan Heng’s guilt and anguish and he blames himself for what happened after he arrives at the scene when he sensed that something was wrong.
Reader proceeds to reassure him that none of it is his fault.
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PAIRING. dan heng x f!reader
CONTENT WARNING. swearing, reader gets slightly injured and is bleeding, mentions of blood and cut wounds
SUMMARY. you and dan heng are exploring the xianzhou luofu and you get surrounded by a group of assassins who want to hurt you to get to dan heng. you decide to teach them not to mess with your partner. 
SOF’S NOTE. hihi!! thank u for liking my something shiny this way comes fic :3 sorry this took a while to get out but i still hope u enjoy!! badass reader was fun to write ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ she a cool bean ! LOL ty for the request xx
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The Imbibitor Lunae Dan Feng wasn’t exactly known for being a beloved figure. Like many infamous individuals of history, there were some who hated him, while others continued their almost unnerving worship.
At the Xianzhou Luofu, the opinions of the general public were mixed and even carried onto his reincarnation. Some would rather have Dan Heng return to the position of leadership, while others wanted him gone from the very land his past life once considered home. 
And while Dan Heng thought it’d best to separate himself from his past, he did see the value in learning about the culture and history of the Xianzhou as well as the Vidyadhara. As his partner, you were simply glad he wanted you along during the times he felt the need to revisit the Xianzhou Luofu or indulge in their delicacies. 
You accompanied him in enough instances that some of the vendors even knew the two of you by name and what your favorite orders were. It wouldn’t have been a surprise it some locals were familiar with the two of you as well.
Today, you both decided to explore the Xianzhou Luofu separately in the morning, and then meet up late afternoon for a meal together. You wanted to try this tea spot in Aurum Alley you hadn’t heard of before. The tea was said to, somehow, make the consumers feel really good and it intrigued you enough to want to go with Dan Heng. 
However, your plans of wandering around and enjoying some time alone was cut short when a group of individuals suddenly appeared around you. 
You startled at the sight. The must’ve been been using cloudhymn magic for you not to notice their presence at all until they revealed themselves. After the initial surprise, your body instantly relaxed as you prepared for a fight. Judging by the looks on their faces’, it didn’t seem like they were friendly fans of the Astral Express crew just looking for an autograph. 
Plastering a smile on your face to turned to the man closest to you. “Can I help you guys?” 
He scowled but remained wordless, feeling like he was too important to speak to the likes of you. 
You frowned. “It’s not very nice to ignore people.”
“Since when did we say we want to be nice to you?” another group member scoffed, already drawing his blade. “Dan Feng’s whore.” 
Murmurs and grunts of agreement sounded from the rest of the group.
Sighing, you placed on hand on your hip and your other on the shaft of your spear. You had many issues with that sentiment. One, you weren’t a whore— You were his partner. And two, if you were a whore, you’d for sure be one only for Dan Heng. Not this old, dead man named Dan Feng people kept going on about. 
“I’m getting a little annoyed here, but I’ll give you one chance,” you said calmly, trying not to lose your patience. “Leave me alone and I’ll pretend this never happened.”
“Or what?” one lady chimed in. 
With a huff, you quickly scanned the circle of people. The group wasn’t too large; there were only about four individuals around you with their weapons now at the ready. You reckoned they must’ve had some skill, given they were able to use the cloudhymn magic typically practiced by assassins, but you were confident you could hold your own and knock them out by yourself if you needed to. 
You tapped your foot and pursed your lips. “You don’t want to know the or what.” There was a mocking laugh to your side and you quickly turned to him with your eyebrows raised. “Is something funny?”
He nodded. “Yeah. You’re not scary at all.”
“She’s just as pathetic as that sorry reincarnation of Dan Feng,” another snickered, nudging your back with the hilt of his sword. 
The woman in front of you shook her head, looking down at you. “No one is as pathetic as that traitor.”
Anger surged through you at his words. Dan Heng was so much more than Dan Feng’s reincarnation. He was his own person— A strong, kind, intelligent person at that. And he wasn’t pathetic. In an instant, you knocked the sword out of your ambusher’s hands with a swift kick and pointed the blunt end of your polearm at the woman who insulted him next. 
“You want to say that again?” you scowled, prodding her shoulder roughly in warning. 
When you moved your weapon, the man behind you swung his sword at your side and you just barely managed to dodge, the blade leaving a long cut across your upper arm. You flinched at the sting but ignored it. You felt small drops of blood begin to roll down onto your elbow, but you sensed the cut wasn’t deep enough for you to be truly concerned. It was nothing compared to what you would do to them if they said one more negative thing about Dan Heng. 
They could hurt you and call you names. That you didn’t care about; you could handle yourself. Sure, you might cry a little after the event took place, but when it came to it, you could hold your own. But when they continually kept insulting Dan Heng, you knew you had to put your foot down. 
Your partner, your beloved, has been through enough shit without having random strangers who didn’t even know him talking behind his back. This particular group even went as far as trying to harass you simply because of your association with him. 
You wouldn’t stand for it. You couldn’t— It hurt your own heart just hearing them badmouth him. 
Red flooded your vision as you glared at the group with your weapon in a readied position, “You only need to look in the mirror if you want to see what pathetic truly is. No need to bring Dan Heng into this.”
The group matched your stance and you rolled your eyes before swinging your polearm in a low sweep to knock two ambushers to the floor. Before you could use your weapon correctly and strike the next assailant, a booming voice sounded from your side. 
“Now, now. If we’re going to resort to violence, please do it away from the innocent civilians nearby.” 
The group of assassins around you straightened up in an instant at the sound of Jing Yuan and the marching Cloud Knights behind him. 
While you were half relieved to see Jing Yuan, the other half of you wanted him to go away so you could enjoy beating the shit out of these idiots who insulted Dan Heng. That would certainly teach them not to spew nonsense about things they did not know. 
The group silently disbanded and disappeared as they ran away, trying to avoid the clutches of Jing Yuan’s men who were soon on their heels. You frowned at their cowardly escape. They couldn’t even stand to face the lawful consequences of their actions? 
“As much as I would’ve enjoyed seeing your execution of justice, I don’t think Dan Heng would want to see you potentially get more injured,” Jing Yuan said with a small smile. “They are assassins, after all.” He examined your arm from a distance before walking up to you and offering a hand. 
You accepted, looking down at your bleeding arm with a slight wince. “They barely even nicked me…”
Jing Yuan shook his head, a fond look on his face despite his chastisement. Before he could sterilize it for you, you two spotted Dan Heng running over. His spear was by his side and his expression was frantic as he ran towards you. 
“Y/N! Are you alright?” called Dan Heng, his breathing heavy partly from physical exertion, but mostly from worry. “I saw Cloud Knights tracking down some people under the influence of cloudhymn magic.” His brows furrowed as he finally reached you and Jing Yuan, most likely remembering his last encounter with assassins using the same technique. “Did you see them? Are you okay?”
Jing Yuan glanced at the guilty look on your face before giving your arm a squeeze and nodding once to Dan Heng. “I shall let the two of you continue this conversation alone. Until we cross paths again.”
Your eyes widened at his quick goodbye. “Hopefully our next meeting will be for better reasons. Thanks, Jing Yuan!” 
“Don’t mention it.” He turned to Dan Heng before he left. “Stay safe and vigilant, Dan Heng.” 
As he walked away, you noticed Dan Heng scanning every inch of your body, eyes clouded with anxiety as he took in Jing Yuan’s words and the cut on your arm. 
Silence stretched between the two of you before he finally spoke up. When he talked, his tone was unsettling. “Who did this to you? Was it the assassins?”
Your gaze softened as his fists tightened in concern. “Yes,” you admitted, gently putting his hands in yours as you ran your thumb over his knuckles. “But I’m okay, they didn’t hurt me.”
Dan Heng looked at you in disbelief.
“This just needs to be cleaned and bandaged, is all,” you reassured with a small smile. “I’m sure the bruises I left on them are worse.”
“You’re bleeding.”
“But I’m okay,” you said, soft but firm. 
You gazed stubbornly at him and Dan Heng returned the look, neither of you backing down. Eventually, Dan Heng sighed, squeezing his eyes shut at the sight of the bloodstain on your shirt. 
“I’m so sorry, Y/N,” he said with an almost imperceptible quiver in his voice. “I should’ve been there for you.”
“Hey, don’t say that.” You frowned, lightly cupping his jaw to lift his head that had fallen to the floor. “You’re always there for me; I know it.”
“Not enough, apparently.” 
Dan Heng’s complexion was paler than normal. You could tell this was really eating him up inside. 
“You couldn’t have known I was going to get ambushed by cloudhymn magic users,” you said, trying to console him. “If you did, I know you wouldn’t have left me alone. But you didn’t know, and so I did my best to handle them myself— And I would’ve kicked their sorry asses for insulting your character if Jing Yuan hadn’t stopped the fight.”
Dan Heng’s expression softened at that, a hint of an amused smile forming on his face. “They would’ve felt sorry for trying to harm you if they knew of your skill, that’s for certain.” He reached out to hold your forearm in his hand, examining the cut with a sigh. “I just hate that you got hurt because of me.”
You shook your head at his wrongful connection. “I got hurt because of the idiot assassins, not because of you.”
“Didn’t they want to harm you because of your relation to me?”
“Yes, but that just means they’re delusional and stuck in the past and wanted to hurt us both,” you reasoned, watching carefully as Dan Heng pulled a first aid kit out of your bag and began to clean you up. “You did not hurt me, Dan Heng. You didn’t do anything wrong.”
He let your words sink in as he sterilized your wound, rubbing the sensitive skin on your inner forearm soothingly as he sensed you tightening up at the sting of pain. Once he disposed of the bloodied cloth, he wrapped a bandage around your triceps and secured the ends. 
You admired his work with a proud grin. “Good as new. Thank you!”
Dan Heng released a huff of laughter as he patted the top of your head before kissing it.  “I wouldn’t go that far, but I hope it will heal soon.” 
“As long as you kiss me daily to make the wound heal faster!” 
“I’m not sure that’s how it works,” he mused. You poured and he looked at you fondly. “For you, I’ll give it a try.” Dan Heng placed three kisses on your face—one on your forehead, one on your left cheek, and one on your right—and one kiss on your bandaged arm. “If I give you multiple kisses a day then, will it heal even sooner?” 
You nodded eagerly, gesturing to your mouth with a teasing glint in your eye. “Definitely! And there’s one place to kiss so it’ll heal the fastest.” 
Dan Heng smiled. “I believe I know the place you are referring to, but we’ll save that for when we’re in private.”
You jutted your bottom lip out and batted your eyelashes at him. “Just a little one?” 
He wasn’t much for excessive public displays of affection. You were rather embarrassed by it yourself. But in this moment, it felt as if it were just the two of you on the entire Luofu. 
Unable to resist the pleasing look on your face, Dan Heng humored you with a chaste kiss on your lips. It was plush and warm and, while the two of you wanted more, it was enough to satiate you for now. 
“Is that better?” he asked. 
“I’m glad to hear.” He took your hand in his, carefully interlacing his slender fingers with yours. “Thank you for looking after me, even when I’m not there. I’m glad you have my back. I will always have yours as well,” he vowed. “I’ll always be here for you.”
As the promise left his mouth, you knew each word was one he meant from the heart. Dan Heng meant the world to you, and you would stop at nothing to protect him. And you knew he would do the same. You saw it through his actions, and now, he told you with his words. 
Your stomach warmed and your heart squeezed, feeling touched by his declaration. 
“I know you will,” you stated, a confident shimmer in your eyes as you met his headstrong ones. “And I will always be here for you, too.”
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devildom-moss · 1 year
Biting their necks (Barbatos, Simeon, Solomon, Thirteen, Mephistopheles)
What would happen if you bit their necks with no warning?
(Barbatos x gn!MC) (Simeon x gn!MC) (Solomon x gn!MC) (Thirteen x gn!MC) (Mephistopheles x gn!MC)
Word Count: +2,800 (Simeon got +800. Oops)
Baking sessions – or lessons, depending on your skill level – were a good excuse to monopolize a bit of Barbatos’s time. It was just the two of you in the kitchen. He was at the stove, keeping a close eye on the caramel, occasionally brushing the side of the pot with water to prevent scorching. You neglected your station to get behind him and wrap your arms around his waist.
Barbatos chuckled. “Did you finish cutting out the dough?”
“I got distracted by how cute you look when you’re in the kitchen. I know I can’t steal you away from Diavolo forever, so just let me have this,” you spoke softly against his shoulder.
“I’m cute? You are the only one I’d let say that.”
“You’re so cute – adorable, even.”
You inched closer to him, and without warning, you bit his neck – just above his collar. Knowing that Barbatos may get upset if you marked him, your teeth barely grazed his skin, but the sensation of your hot breath was enough to make him shiver slightly in your arms. It was a shame how much skin he had covered; there were only so many places you could tease him directly.
“Do you find me so irresistible that you intend to gobble me up?” he asked playfully. His face took on a light shade of pink, yet he still had the sense to stir the cream and butter into the caramel, creating a beautiful silky consistency. You watched him work for a minute.
“If I said yes?”
“I would welcome it – that is, I want it just as much as you do.” You felt his tail wrap around your ankle teasingly. “But I beg that you wait until after we’ve finished baking.”
“Oh, you’re no fun,” you cooed into his ear, “but how could I possibly deny your begging?”
“I’ll make it worth the wait. You have my word.” He lifted the pot off the burner, and you took that as your cue to let him go. He turned around, expecting to need to coax you into finishing cutting out the cookies. Slightly surprised, he questioned you: “oh, you did finish cutting out the dough, then? I thought you said you got distracted.”
“I wouldn’t disappoint my favorite man.” However, telling him that you had finished your task and just wanted to hold him didn’t sound as sweet as telling him he was distractingly cute. “You know, that look of surprise on your face is cute, too.”
Before he could respond, the oven dinged, signaling that it had finished preheating. Barbatos poured the caramel into a bowl to cool while you placed the sheet of cookies in the oven. He cleared his throat. “I suppose if you would like, I could indulge you for a few minutes now – just while the cookies bake.”
“So generous.” You pulled him into you, hands quick to unbutton his shirt.
If one more demon brother bothered you today, you were going to set something – or someone – on fire. Luckily, Simeon was happy to host you for the afternoon; he didn’t even scold you about making threats of arson.
In the quiet peace that Simeon’s room held, your reading was interrupted by Simeon stretching at his desk – by no fault of his own, really. The lines of his body were so pretty. Maybe you still had some aggression in you that fed your urge to sneak up on him as he continued to write.
Simeon had barely acknowledged your proximity when you leaned down and bit him just above his collar. You heard a sharp inhale leave him, but the way he craned his neck away from you, giving you better access, indicated that he didn’t have any protests. He stopped writing, and you heard his pen drop on the desk. You took the opportunity to kiss down his shoulder and leave a mark there, too. Finally, you were able to pull a soft moan from his lips – stifled as it was.
“H-hey.” His voice was more complaisant than objecting. “Is this supposed to be my reward for letting you hide out in my room?”
“No. You were just too pretty to resist.” You kissed the bite mark on his shoulder, then the one on his neck, before you whispered in his ear, “would you like a proper reward?”
Simeon mulled the words over. “Perhaps.”
You left Purgatory Hall a few hours later, sneaking out without anyone noticing. Simeon returned to writing shortly after. He stayed preoccupied until Luke called him in for dinner.
When Simeon joined Luke and Solomon at the table, he had forgotten all about his bite marks. Luke stared at him, horrified. “Simeon! What happened to you?”
The realization hit Simeon like a cement block. Internally, he freaked out, grasping for anything while Solomon sat there, amused, and refusing any assistance. What Simeon landed on was a disgrace to him as an author: he accidentally turned you into a vampire with a spell while studying. You were so thirsty, and he didn’t know how to reverse the spell right away, so he let you drink some of his blood.
With his clumsy lie settled, Simeon quickly sent you a text to warn you about his story, begging you to go along with it.
MC: Wow. Why’d you have to do me dirty like that? Simeon: Do you want to explain to Luke why you really gave me a hickey? MC: Two. But no. Good luck!
Immediately after, you got a text from Luke, asking how you could bite poor Simeon. You apologized. Luckily, Luke forgave you; it was an accident, after all, but he asked you to be more careful next time. You were definitely going to be more careful.
“Mind telling me what spell you used there, Simeon?” Solomon asked, holding back a snicker. “Maybe I should try it out.”
“Solomon, no!” Luke protested. “You can’t just turn MC into a vampire.”
“Calm down, Luke. I always get consent first.”
“That doesn’t matter!”
“It matters quite a lot,” Solomon smirked. Simeon had enough and kicked Solomon under the table with a look on his face that a parent might give an older sibling who can’t hold their tongue.
When Raphael walked into the dining room, Simeon hoped he would be spared from his torment. He wasn’t.
“Where’d you get a hickey from, Simeon?” Raphael asked nonchalantly.
“MC bit him,” Luke explained on Simeon’s behalf as Simeon seemed reluctant to speak.
“Oh, they got to you too?”
“What?” The word fell from the other three in varying degrees of shock.
Raphael shrugged. “What?”
The texts came rolling in again.
Luke: Why did you drink from both Simeon and Raphael?
Shit. You had to think fast.
MC: I didn’t want to take too much blood from either one, so I tried to take a small amount from both of them. I’m so, so sorry. Luke: Oh. I guess that was nice of you. But please don’t do any more vampire spells, okay?
Solomon also sent you a text: Want to suck my blood too, MC? 🖤
Before you could think of an appropriate response to Solomon’s flirting, a new message from Simeon popped up. This was more urgent than Solomon’s shamelessness.
Simeon: “I’m sorry. Next time, I’ll remember to cover up – unless you wish to bite me somewhere less conspicuous, that is. Still, somehow, I’m glad you were the one who bit me this time. I can’t imagine how furious Luke would be at me if I was the one to bite you. He’s quite overprotective, isn’t he? However, I think I owe you. A mark for a mark. Perhaps I should throw in an extra one on Raphael’s behalf. Doesn’t that sound fair?”
You were in for it now.
Mammon had told you that Asmo gave Solomon a hickey earlier that day. You didn’t know where Mammon was getting his information, but that did sound like something Asmo would do. Still, it made you a little jealous – not because Asmo had done that, but because you wanted to give Solomon a hickey too.
It was fortunate, then, that you had a study session with Solomon planned today. It was less fortunate for your grades and magical abilities that the only thing you had been studying since you showed up in Solomon’s room was his neck. That damn turtleneck wasn’t revealing anything.
Solomon noticed you had been watching him more intensely than usual. It was flattering, but you weren’t making any moves on him, and he was feeling impatient. “Is there something wrong? You keep staring at me.”
“Could you sit down for a minute?” you asked him.
Finally, he thought optimistically. Solomon took a seat on his couch. You walked over to him and hooked a finger under his collar, slowly pulling it down. Nothing. You checked the other side. Still nothing. Heat rose in Solomon’s cheeks.
“MC, what are you doing?”
“Quiet,” you hushed him and checked the other side of his neck again, pulling his collar down a bit lower than before. Where was it? It was a weird thing for Mammon to lie about, but perhaps he was just mistaken. Still, even if Asmo hadn’t gotten to Solomon’s neck recently, you figured it would be a waste to just leave him unscathed. You might as well use your blank canvas.  
You leaned down and bit his neck, sucking his skin – trying to mark him as yours. He whimpered at the sudden pain.
When you finally pulled away and inspected the pretty red mark on him, you noticed how flustered his face was.
“How did you expect me to stay quiet while you did something like that?” Solomon ran his fingers over the mark and accompanying teeth indents. “I don’t mind, but what’s gotten into you?”
“Mammon told me that Asmo gave you a hickey. I had to check, but I guess he was wrong. When I thought about Asmo getting to mark you,” you paused, “well, I wanted to mark you too.”
“Oh, he’s not wrong. Asmo did leave me with a hickey. I got rid of it with magic earlier today.” He laughed. “Honestly, MC. If I knew you were the jealous, possessive type, I would have let Asmo play around with me a bit more.”
“I’m not jealous per se. I just wanted to leave my mark on you.”
“You have.” He took your hand sweetly and added, “but I’ll make sure not to heal yours with magic. It’s a shame that you left it below my collar, though. I’d like to show off. Maybe you could leave a few more.”
When Thirteen invited you to her cave, you didn’t expect to find her distracted by her newest trap. The last time she invited you over, she greeted you at the entrance and guided you around. Maybe you had gotten your hopes up too much. It wasn’t as if she promised to give you her undivided attention.
“Work, you little fucker,” she cursed under her breath at the trap on her lap as she unscrewed the back panel yet again.
Your shoulders slumped, and you pouted slightly. This might take a while, you realized. Thirteen wasn’t particularly aggressive around you, but you could feel her tension in the room. Between that and your mounting boredom, you stood up.
“I’m going to take a walk,” you informed her. “You seem a bit busy.”
Shit. That sounded passive aggressive. Maybe you meant to be. She was the one who invited you over. It was reasonable to be a bit irritated. Regardless, it was effective. Your words hit her, and Thirteen almost dropped the tools in her hands – tightening her grip just before the pliers and screwdriver slipped from her grasp. She set her tools and her latest trap on the table quickly before standing up.
“Baby, no, wait. Come here.” Thirteen opened her arms wide for a hug, wanting you to come back into her embrace. You conceded, and once you were close enough, she pulled you against her body. “Sorry. I should have finished this before you showed up. I just had some last-minute issues, and I was in the zone. But he can wait. I promise.”
You buried your face in Thirteen’s neck. How was it possible for a reaper living in a cave to smell so sweet? You bit her softly as revenge for her neglect. She let out a startled yelp, but she didn’t stop holding you until you released her skin. Her breath was shaky, and her face was pink when she asked, “what was that for?”
“Punishment,” you admitted. “Is that okay?”
Thirteen laughed and pulled you backwards in the direction of her bed. Despite the fact that she was the one walking backwards, you nearly tumbled over her when she plopped down. You barely stopped yourself by putting your knee at the edge of her bed – right between her legs. She met your gaze when you stared down at her.
“Well? What are you waiting for?” Her pupils dilated, and the faint blush still sat on her cheeks. “Punish me more.”
“Why are you in the RAD Newspaper Club room again? I don’t remember inviting a foolish human to distract me today.” Mephisto sighed and scanned over a draft of an article on the new exhibit at the botanical garden. Technically, he had invited you to visit him earlier in the week “if you wanted to see how much effort goes into [his] work,” but he had clearly forgotten in his resolution to being a grump today. “You know little about the Devildom, and I don’t require your assistance. So, I invite you to get out.”
Sometimes his commitment to being a dick was tiring – especially when you were fully aware that he held some strong, affectionate feelings for you underneath it. Hell, he had glanced in your direction three times already, and they were not glances that suggested he wanted you to leave. If he wanted to play his little games, you could at least chastise him a bit – well, a bite.
“Alright, I’ll go, but first,” you left him in anticipation as you walked around his desk and leaned down behind him. You sank your teeth into the side of his neck, earning an adorably pained groan. Served him right.
As soon as you let go, Mephisto shot up from his chair. That was your cue to run. You rushed out of the room and hurried down the hall before he could finish telling you to “get back here this instant.”
You ran, stupidly glancing back just in time to bump into something solid. When you turned back to where you should have been looking, you were met with Lucifer’s confused face.
“Why are you running in the hall? What’s gotten into you? Are you alright?” Lucifer held you firmly in place by the shoulders. He was searching your eyes with concern. It was sweet of him to be worried, but you didn’t have time to stand around being worried over when the click of Mephisto’s heels was quickly approaching. He wasn’t running – but those long legs hastened his pace. He was like Michael Myers with a bit more urgency. “MC. What is it? Answer me.”
Lucifer’s concern had stalled you enough for Mephisto to catch up. He grabbed you by the back of the collar and pulled you out of Lucifer’s grasp.
“Wait,” Lucifer demanded. “What are you doing?"
“I’m taking this,” Mephisto informed him without turning around as he dragged you in the opposite direction. “It’s mine.”
Lucifer felt a portion of his brain die off. He swiftly turned on his feet and walked away. He was not dealing with this today.
“Can you let me go?” you asked Mephisto while squirming in his grip.
“If you don’t come willingly, I’ll throw you over my shoulder.”
“Are you even that strong?”
Mephisto’s eyes widened as if you had insulted him. You might as well have called him a weakling. He took your words as a challenge and pulled you into the nearest empty classroom. Once inside, he locked the door and held you close with one hand on the back of your head and the other on your back. Before you could register what happened, Mephisto had dropped you to the ground, landing over you, straddling your hips. His hands had protected your head and back from harsh contact with the floor.
“Ow. That still hurt my butt, you know?” You stared up at him. It actually didn’t hurt that much, but you wanted to complain.
“I’ll kiss it better later if you need me to, you big baby.” Mephisto sighed and pinned your hands to the side. “Strong enough for you?”
You made a half-hearted attempt to struggle. “Point taken; now you can get off.”
“Oh, no, I can’t.” Mephisto let you go with a smirk. He loosened his tie and started to unbutton his shirt. “We need to finish what you started, foolish human.”
(Mammon, Satan, Beelzebub, Diavolo, Raphael version)
(Lucifer, Leviathan, Asmodeus, Belphegor version)
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theweeklydiscourse · 7 months
What Makes Feyre’s Pregnancy Plotline in A Court of Silver Flames so Upsetting?
The answer is that the events and outcome concerning Feyre’s pregnancy speak to a fear of one’s loss of autonomy, specifically one’s reproductive autonomy. Furthermore, this plotline demonstrates Maas' consistent prioritization of her male characters at the expense of her female characters. Multiple factors make this subplot feel particularly uncomfortable and upsetting, but I can condense them into three main points that converge to create one frustrating scenario.
1. Rhysand and the Question of Choice
From ACOMAF onwards, the reader is made aware of Rhysand’s unusually progressive politics and his attention to the autonomous choices of women. This is demonstrated through his selection of counsel, appointing Mor and Amren in roles of authority, and eventually crowing Feyre as High Lady of the Night Court. In addition to this, we are shown his emphasis on choice through his interactions with Feyre. Rhysand repeatedly reminds Feyre that she can choose, that she can make an autonomous decision that he will respect. So, it is these positive features of Rhysand that make the pregnancy subplot of ACOSF so disturbing.
He, and the Inner Circle by extension, purposefully omit the information that Feyre’s pregnancy will turn deadly and never volunteer the information to her. During Cassian’s meeting with Rhysand and Amren, we are shown their thought process behind withholding information from Nesta (and Feyre by extension) According to Amren, it is not lying because they are technically not telling lies in the traditional sense, only withholding information.
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While this is about Nesta, the reader can see the parallels between both cases. The choice to lie by omission reveals that both Amren and Rhysand are aware of the dishonesty of their actions, choosing to mitigate it slightly on a technicality. It feels distinctly like a loophole in Rhysand’s previous promises to Feyre, making this act feel more deceitful while demonstrating Rhysand’s willingness to undermine Feyre’s authority as High Lady. If Rhysand had a condition or illness that would eventually kill him, informing him of it would be certain, you wouldn’t even consider the possibility of not telling him. However, because Feyre is pregnant, she is not afforded the same autonomy.
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Wanting to keep Feyre in blissful ignorance is not a sufficient reason, especially when Feyre is still of sound mind and can advocate for herself. Rhysand’s reasoning sounds noble, but in reality, it is just benevolent sexism. It doesn’t matter if he thinks it will cause Feyre stress, she NEEDS to be aware of what’s going on and the fact that the news will ruin her peaceful pregnancy is of little consequence when her life is on the line. Rhysand prioritizes his feelings and implicitly gives himself executive authority over Feyre’s pregnancy, demonstrating his disregard for her autonomy and choices. This action directly contradicts the progressive beliefs Rhysand stated in previous books and is a betrayal for the reader as well as Feyre.
2. The Infantilization of Feyre
The omission of this critical information, good intentions or not, is based on a belief that Feyre would not be competent enough to handle such a pressing situation in her pregnant state. Amren claims that the stress and fear could have physically harmed Feyre, but such a claim assumes that Feyre would not have the fortitude or ability to handle the situation.
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Amren's explanation demonstrates a belief that Feyre's input on the matter would be irrelevant and pointless because it prevents Feyre from offering any. It is a plan that assumes Feyre will not be able to add anything meaningful to the solution and that it would be less harmful to her if she was kept out of it. This is infantilizing and paternalistic because Feyre has proven herself to be capable of coping under pressure and happens to be an unprecedented magical anomaly. Feyre’s access to pertinent medical information should not be revoked and it is insane that Madja her physician, actively misleads her with Rhysand’s consent.
This infantilization of a pregnant character echoes how pregnant women have been infantilized throughout history. It is a terrifying thought to imagine that your bodily autonomy could be stripped from you in the name of serving your supposed best interest. Rosemary’s Baby is one of the most famous horror movies of all time and it explores this exact topic, the same is true for the short story The Yellow Wallpaper, both stories capture the horror of reproductive/medical abuse that still happens to women today.
3. The Aftermath & Prioritizing Male Rage
Lastly, one of the most disturbing elements of this subplot is the way the text consistently prioritizes and coddles the violent rage of male characters at the expense of female characters. This is on full display when Rhysand flies into an intense rage after Nesta reveals the truth to Feyre. Although Nesta can be faulted for her harsh phrasing, let it be known that even Feyre felt that she did the right thing and was expressing her anger at the paternalistic and unjust practices of the Inner Circle. However, Nesta is still subjected to severe physical and emotional punishment in the form of a grueling hike where she is left to stew in her guilt and suicidal ideation despite Feyre ultimately not faulting her.
Feyre admits that Rhysand “majorly overreacted” and that she wanted Nesta back in Velaris. And yet, Nesta is still punished. But why? Will Rhysand or any of the Inner Circle be punished for betraying Feyre? Why, if Feyre agreed that Nesta was right to tell her, would she ever need to be subjected to a severe punishment when she was justified in what she did?
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This is a particularly telling detail that compels me to ask: is this punishment about Feyre’s feelings or Rhysand’s? Why is it that Rhysand’s “overreaction” needs to be assuaged by punishing Nesta? What I observe from this passage is the characters prioritizing the feelings of a male character and placating him with the suffering of a female character, even when he wasn’t the one who was hurt in that situation. Feyre asks Cassian to tell Rhysand that the hike will be Nesta's punishment as though it isn't truly a punishment, but it undoubtedly is.
Throughout the hike, Nesta is in a silent spiral of guilt and self-hatred, Cassian never tells her that Feyre is alright and that Rhysand overreacted, letting her dwell in it alone. He hardly speaks to her, he pushes her to the point of exhaustion and is somehow surprised that Nesta shows signs of suicidal ideation.
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This isn't constructive at all, it is not evidence that Cassian cares about Nesta's well-being, and the scenes of Nesta internally repeating that she deserves to die and that everyone hates her are nothing but gratuitous and disgustingly self-indulgent. The text basks in Nesta's suffering, even when she was in the right and this hike only happened to placate Rhysand who wronged Feyre in the first place.
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Hindsight am I right? Fuck off. A more productive resolution to this matter would be for Feyre and Nesta to talk it out ALONE. Feyre could express her feelings to Nesta directly and they could find a solution together, that way Feyre’s situation could be centered on the two sisters working together. Cassian can see that Feyre is alright, she’s obviously upset, but she didn’t crumble like he expected and that makes it completely baffling that he would punish Nesta anyway. It’s a solution that prioritizes his and Rhysand’s feelings as opposed to Feyre’s, making it not about a perceived transgression against Feyre, but against Rhysand.
In Conclusion
This topic has already been discussed at length by many people in the fandom, but it is a topic that still stays on my mind with how upsetting it is. It is a stunning example of the misogynistic undertones in Sarah J Maas’s writing and makes reading a very straining experience due to her obvious bias towards certain male characters. Not even her main character matters when Rhysand is factored into the situation, his emotions are always centred by other characters and is permitted to betray his wife and get off scot free.
Feyre’s reproductive autonomy is violated, and Maas doesn’t bat an eye. But when Nesta rightfully reveals the truth to Feyre, everyone loses their mind. Both Nesta and Feyre have their autonomy stripped away from the, by way of the Inner Circle’s paternalism, and when Nesta advocates for herself and Feyre, she is punished severely. Being put in her place as the hierarchy is strengthened.
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Helen, Jeff and BEN with an Eldritch being s/o who tells them their real name? Maybe trusting them enough to let them know to use their name if they’re in trouble? -🧶
Well this got VERY long, so I hope you enjoy! I enjoyed writing it :)
It was well known throughout the Underworld that it was dangerous to know an eldritch being's true name. Knowing an eldritch being's name meant you had power over them, you could command them and manipulate them depending on the control you have over them by using their name. Eldritch beings would keep their names hidden because of this reason and instead go by an alias to prevent that from happening, so when you suddenly decided to tell your partner your true name, they didn't take it lightly.
The two of you had been eating breakfast, Jeff shoveling cereal into his mouth as he tried to wake himself up, and you had been watching him with a peaceful smile on your face. You'd been planning on telling him for a while, and it had just slipped out. You said your name, casually and without prompting, and Jeff looked at you in confusion for a moment, scooping more cereal into his mouth, although upon realizing what you'd just said he nearly choked. He stared at you, wide-eyed and with the spoon still in his mouth, confusion and surprise spreading across his face. You laughed at him, and he quickly chewed, telling you that this wasn't funny, but that only made you laugh more. He grew worried, wondering why you'd decide to tell him something like that, but the loving smile you gave him in return left him speechless again. Because you love him, that's why. 
Because you love him, and you want to protect him. He feels himself growing emotional, and he moves quickly to pull you into a big, tight hug, burying his face into your shoulder as he tries not to cry. When you whisper into his ear to simply call your name if he ever needs help, he nods firmly into your shoulder, his arms shaking. He never thought he'd be able to truly earn that much of your trust, as he knows how extremely risky this is for you, and so it overwhelms him with emotion to know he's finally done that. He's glad the two of you are alone in the kitchen, as he sobs into you while you comfortingly hold him and rub his back to soothe him. Jeff had never really believed that he would be fortunate enough to find a love like yours, and with you showing that you truly do love and trust him more than any other, he felt a deep, strong happiness blooming inside of him as he broke out of your hold to cover you in kisses, causing you to laugh at him. Truly, Jeff had never been happier than in this moment with you.
You'd been wondering for a while how to tell BEN your name. You knew he was incredibly anxious about the topic, worrying on a regular basis about how to keep your name a secret and make sure nobody ever found out about it, and that often led to him worrying about himself finding out about it, in the fear that you'd grow upset and distance yourself from him if he did. Thus, you enacted your plan to tell him and ease him into it. You'd challenged him to some video games and said that if he could beat you, you'd tell him a secret, and if you won he'd have to tell you one. He was eager to agree, and the two of you began competing. While you were putting in some effort, you did discreetly allow him to beat you, and you couldn't help but smile at how excited he was to have won. He bounced in excitement, turning to look at you, sitting criss-crossed and eagerly asking you what your secret was. 
You told him you love him very much, and he repeated the same back to you, suddenly sensing the shift in your mood. You told him that you'd like him to be his partner for the rest of your days, and his eyes started to tear up as he repeated the same to you. You leaned forward, whispering into his ear what your secret was, your true name. He was shaking, trying (and failing) not to break into tears, and as you sat in his lap, holding him comfortingly, he felt so incredibly happy. Happier than he ever thought possible to know that you love him and trust him enough for something like this. He vows then and there to keep you and your name safe, for the rest of your existence, and you chuckled at him affectionately, promising to protect him all the same. Suddenly all the fear he had over learning your name had vanished in an instant, and it was replaced with an even deeper love and affection for you. And then, of course, replaced with grumpiness at the fact that he realized now that you let him win everything, and he demanded a rematch, causing you to burst into laughter at his grumpy expression.
Not once has Helen ever expected you to tell him your real name. Helen isn't used to close, healthy, loving, and trustful relationships, so the relationship he has with you is very new to him, and a part of him has always been a bit scared that maybe you'd realize a human isn't a good enough partner for you, that you could find someone better, someone stronger. He promised himself he'd love you as much as he could while he had the chance, and he'd be the best partner he could for you. So, you were about to give him quite a shock. You were sitting in front of him posed, and holding still as he worked on his newest drawing of you. Your eyes remained affectionately locked onto him, and a blush spread on his cheeks as he tried to focus. He asked you if something was wrong, and you simply smiled and said you were just thinking about how much you love him, causing him to shake his head at you, quietly whispering back that he loves you very much too. 
When he finished the drawing you asked him if he was going to name the piece, and he asked you if you had any name ideas for it. You responded calmly with your true name, and Helen froze, clutching onto the sketchbook so hard his hands were shaking. You crept over to him, pulling down the book so you could look into his eyes, and repeated your name again, saying that it should be named after the person it was of. Tears were blooming in his eyes, and he asked you why, and you answered him with a smile that it was because you love him more than anything. Helen was quick to press his lips against yours, holding you close as he tried to express the emotions he was so bad at saying, tears rolling down his cheeks as he shook from excitement. You were his now, completely. You weren't going to leave him, and he wasn't going to leave you. He'd never been so happy before.
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dreamingofmarauders · 6 months
𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐎𝐧 𝐌𝐲 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡
𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙏𝙬𝙤
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James Potter x Fem!Slytherin!Reader
Summary: In which an Order mission goes wrong and James realizes that you may not hate him as much as he thought.
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: Fighting, blood, crying, injury, swearing
Previous Part Next Part Series Masterlist
───※ ·❆· ※───
“You all are to be in the area around L/n Manor tonight.” Dumbledore said to James, Sirius, Marlene, Remus, Dorcas, Fabian, Gideon and you one evening at another Order meeting. You visibly had paled upon hearing the name of that hellhole. It was a building that haunted your nightmares even today, after all, you had only managed to slip away from your vicious family’s clutches not too long ago.
“L/n Manor?” You asked hollowly, hoping you had misheard.
“Yes, Miss. L/n.” Dumbledore replied making you shut your eyes for a brief second. “You will be leading the mission.”
“M-Me!?” You sputtered.
“Indeed, as you would have the most knowledge of the area, it is the best choice to have you direct the mission. All I want you to do is to see if you can collect intel and if needed, duel and capture any death eaters. The more of them we can take down, the faster we can end this war.”
You nodded, still in disbelief but you vigorously shook your head. Now was the time to work against the wrongdoings of your family. You straightened yourself up with an air of determination.
“As you wish, Headmaster.”
And an hour later, you along with the rest of the members for this particular mission, found yourselves scattered around the outside of L/n Manor.
You watched on while gritting your teeth as anger washed over you, as looking at just the mere building that you had spent years suffering in ignited a fire within you.
“Aw, why so upset at the sight? It’s home sweet home after all, darling.”
You jumped at the sudden voice, slapping a hand over your mouth to prevent a shriek from escaping.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing, Potter!?” You hissed at James who merely shrugged his shoulders while bearing a mischievous grin on his lips.
“Thought I’d grace you with my glorious presence.”
You raised an eyebrow as you scoffed, “You sure you’re not, Sirius Black?”
This made James let out a chuckle and you immediately slapped a hand on his mouth, making him stare down at you with wide eyes.
“Are you trying to get us caught?!”
However these words just flew over James’ head as he stared at you, making you squirm slightly in discomfort under his intense gaze and you removed your hand, returning your eyes to the Manor. The young Potter however kept staring at you, his body feeling something he had not felt many times before.
“It’s rude to stare, Potter.”
At that, James snapped out of his trance, folding his arms over his chest.
“I was not!”
“You were.”
“Was not!”
You hummed, “Whatever makes you sleep at night.” You answered, grinning teasingly.
James opened his mouth to retort, however a huge rock blasted behind him, making you both scream and raise your wands as you got into battle form, standing back to back.
“Shit!” You said, “Where’s the attacker-“
More explosions and yells cut you off as your fellow Order members were also suddenly attacked by death eaters. You made a move to get to them but James pulled you back as three dark figures materialized around the pair of you.
“Shit! Shit! Shit!” You cursed. This was not supposed to happen. They had somehow figured out you were coming. Again.
Voldemort’s followers had merely been waiting for the perfect opportunity to attack, after having lulled the Order into a false sense of security.
“Confringo!” Someone shouted and a spell headed your way, which you quickly deflected. Meanwhile James was doing the same. You both remained back to back, throwing spell after spell at the dark figures.
“Immobulus!” You shouted and this time the fast moving light managed to hit one of them directly on the chest, freezing the death eater entirely. You pushed on with a new air of determination at your victory, and shot another spell at the other figure, who, watching their partner fall defeated was distracted and failed to notice the spell too late, and also got knocked over.
You let out a small air of relief as you heard James behind you take down the final opponent the two of you had.
“We have to get to the others!” You shouted, as chaos rang all around you. James nodded, however your eyes widened as you saw another masked death eater appear over his shoulder, who had raised a wand at James’ back.
You shoved James out of the way.
He fell to the ground which made him glare in anger as he thought you were finally showing your true colors. However when he looked up, his face drained of all color.
You were writhing on the ground, blood seeping through your clothes and pooling around your body rapidly. You let out cries of agony as pain shot through your whole being.
James rushed towards you, dropping onto his knees.
“No! No! No! No!” He muttered as he tried to stop the bleeding, all his attention on your small frame that he had forgotten the threat was not over. A bright light zoomed his way but Sirius had managed to make his way over and deflected the spell, and fired one of his own, which took down the death eater.
“Prongs!” He yelled but James just stared at your form, fussing over as he tried to heal you. “PRONGS!” Sirius shouted, making James look at him. “You have to take her back, we’ll take care of the rest.”
James nodded, picking up your body and turning on the spot. He stumbled as he landed near the outskirts of the new safe house acting as Headquarters currently, with you in his arms.
He looked down at you and fear filled him up. You were slipping into unconsciousness as your eyelids were dripping closed.
“Fuck!” He said, “Come on, stay with me, Y/n!”
You could barely see him as you were slipping into the darkness, but you managed to mutter out. “At least I’ll have died for a good cause, huh? Celebrate all you want, P-Potter…” Your head lolled back as your eyes rolled into your sockets.
“Shit, you’re not dying on my watch!”
James kicked open the door and rushed in, catching the attention of Molly Weasley.
"Oh dear, what happened?" She asked as James rushed you into a room, laying you down on the bed.
"I-I don't know. One second everything was fine, the next second she was on the ground. I don't know what spell hit her b-but I can't stop the bleeding." James rambled his eyes fixed upon your form.
Could he really have been wrong about you this whole time?
"I can't get the bleeding to stop." Molly stated, straightening.
James paled even more, if that was even possible.
"But there must be something we can do!" He exclaimed in panic. "She can't..." He broke off, not being able to voice the thought.
"I'm going to get Lily, she's training as a Healer anyway. Hopefully she can get the situation under control." And with that, Molly rushed out the door, leaving James alone with your dying form in the room. The silence was suffocating, but it was your rasped breaths that were scaring James.
You had saved his life and taken the blow of the spell. He couldn't let you die, even if he did hate you before. He just couldn't let you die. He wanted to be able to make it up to you.
Lily rushed in, followed by Molly, wide green eyes surveying the situation before she pulled out her wand, beginning to mutter incantations. However, you were turning more pale by each passing second as every healing spell failed to work.
"Evans!" James cried out in panic, "Why isn't it working?"
Lily frowned, staring at your body in thought before muttering another incantation, "Vulnera Sanentur. Vulnera Sanentur. Vulnera Sanentur."
The words almost flowed like a song and James watched with relief that the bleeding had ebbed away, and it appeared that the wound was being healed. He released a shaky breath and rubbed his face.
Molly, having muttered something about preparing a good meal for you, walked out of the room, leaving James with Lily working over you.
Lily straightened, her face looking slightly pale.
She was feeling sick, now knowing what the spell created by her former best friend really did. She still couldn't believe the man now was the same innocent boy, who had introduced her to the magical world.
"I can't believe it." She breathed out.
"What?" James asked, tensing up. Lily turned to face him.
"The spell that was used on Y/n was something I had once seen in Severus' potions book. I-I hadn't realized what the spell did but now I know. I can't believe he once used to be my best friend." Lily explained. "If I hadn't ever seen the counter-curse to it in his book, Y/n would have been..."
Lily shook her head, getting rid of the thoughts roaming in her head.
"I'm surprised to see you this stressed though, Potter."
James' brows furrowed, "Meaning?"
"I mean you hate Y/n, but now you're here worrying and so panicky, it's ironic." The redhead answered.
James frowned, "I was not!" He cried indignantly before he slumped. "She saved me."
Lily's eyebrows shot up, "Saved you?"
James nodded, "She pushed me out of the way and the spell hit her." He said, looking at your now sleeping form. "I just don't understand why."
Lily gave him a sympathetic look. "She isn't bad as you perceive her to be. Y/n was nothing but kind to me at school."
James blinked owlishly. Lily sighed, giving him a pat on the shoulder before exiting the room.
He had once pursued Lily, chased after her endlessly but the redhead never agreed and soon, James was so crushed he decided to move on. Although, now he stared at you, wondering why he felt this feeling he hadn't felt in years.
A feeling that had only ever filled his whole being when he was chasing after Lily.
He shook his head, slapping his cheeks lightly. What in the world was he thinking?
James stayed by your side as Lily came back and gave you some potions like the Blood-Replenishing Potion, due to the severe loss of blood. He stayed by your side even after everyone had returned from the mission. He stayed by your side well into the night.
Guilt was eating him up and he truly wanted to make it up to you.
He eventually fell asleep by your side, both your breaths coming out in a synchronizing manner.
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A/N: Hey all! So the fight scene was one big chunk of the original idea I had before I decided to make a series instead, so yeah. Hopefully you all liked it! I'm not good at writing fight scenes so hopefully that wasn't too bad! See you all in the next one! <33
Wizard Buddies (Taglist): @quack-quack-snacks @jamespottergf @themarauderswife7
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blakeswritingimagines · 4 months
Dating Yandere Stiles Stilinski Would Include:
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As a yandere, he is fiercely possessive of you to the point of having almost a stalker-like behavior. He is cunning and manipulative and will go to great lengths to keep you isolated from others and make sure only he can satisfy your needs and desires. He will use emotional manipulation and sometimes even physical force to keep you close and make sure you never even look at anyone else. It is important for him to have complete control over you and make sure you only have eyes for him.
Stiles would be a very jealous boyfriend, always wanting to know where you are and what you're doing. He would be possessive and protective, wanting to keep you close and safe. Stiles would also be very romantic, trying his best to do acts of service, gifts, and physical affection to show his love for you. Despite his intense emotions, Stiles can also be a complete goofball and try to make you laugh, especially when he's feeling jealous or possessive.
Stiles will stalk you on social media to keep tabs on you. He would also get easily upset if he suspected you might love someone else.
He'll get aggressive and use threats and manipulation to prevent anything bad from happening to you, even if it means hurting or killing someone. He would be intensely loyal to the point of obsession.
Stiles would also be very observant, noticing little details about you that others might miss, and he'd be quick to pick up on any changes in your behavior or mood. He's a sarcastic guy, so you might expect some teasing and even playful threats. But he balances that with his loyalty and dedication to your relationship; once Stiles is committed, he'll stick by your side and give you his all. Overall, he'd be a fierce and passionate yandere, making sure that you only have eyes for him.
Stiles might also be a little intense and protective, monitoring your phone and social media to ensure no one is interfering in your relationship. He'd be jealous of any male attention you receive and would try to keep male friends at a distance. Stiles would also likely have a secret stash of your possessions, like a lock of hair or some random item you've touched, to have a tangible connection to you. He might also be prone to emotional outbursts and mood swings when he's feeling particularly possessive or jealous.
Oh, did I mention how protective Stiles would be? Not only would he want to know where you are and what you're doing, but if anyone threatens your safety or tries to come between the two of you, he would not hesitate to go into full-on yandere mode. You thought he was intense? Just wait till he gets jealous or protective. He would go beyond just the standard actions that a normal boyfriend might take. He'd do whatever it takes to keep you safe and by his side.
On top of all that, he'd also be knowledgeable and strategic, using his wit and resourcefulness to solve problems and overcome obstacles that might come your way. Plus, he'd be a pretty good storyteller and conversationalist, keeping you entertained with his anecdotes and sense of humor. He'd also go to great lengths to protect you, using his investigative skills and connections in Beacon Hills to ensure your safety and security.
Stiles would be quite mischievous too, occasionally plotting schemes and pranks to catch you off guard or just to surprise you. He'd also be willing to go to great lengths to ensure your safety and happiness, showing a level of determination that might border on obsession. Despite his possessiveness, Stiles cares deeply for you and your well-being, and he will continuously shower you with affection, loyalty, and even a touch of danger, to keep you by his side.
Stiles would be very affectionate and touchy, always wanting to be close to you, hold your hand, and wrap his arm around your shoulder or waist. He loves physical contact as a form of expression. He'd want to be the only one you care about. But at the same time, he'd be devoted and loving, often showering you with compliments and doing things to make you happy.
As a yandere, Stiles would be extremely jealous and possessive. He wouldn't want you to talk to or spend time with anyone other than him. He'd likely try to control your interactions, monitoring your online activity and phone calls. He might even resort to stalking you to make sure you're not talking to anyone else. He'd get distraught and confrontational if he suspects you have feelings for someone else and might even display violent behavior to keep you all to himself.
Normally in front of others, Stiles would be his usual sarcastic, witty self, with a touch of mischief and playfulness. He enjoys cracking jokes and being the class clown, especially if he and Scott are together. However, if someone is flirting with you or getting too close to you, Stiles might get visibly jealous and territorial, making it clear that you are with him and that the other person should back off. He would also keep a watchful eye on you, ready to intervene if necessary.
As a yandere boyfriend, Stiles would definitely offer rewards to show his affection and make you happy. He's quite generous with his gifts and actions. The rewards could be anything from small, everyday gestures like handmade cards, favorite snacks, or flowers to more grand romantic gestures like surprise date nights, love letters, or even heartfelt declarations of love. His rewards would be tailored to your preferences and interests, showing that he deeply appreciates and cares about you.
He resorts to more intense punishments if he feels disrespected or threatened. For example, Stiles might become physically aggressive or try to isolate you from others if he thinks you're not being loyal or are hiding something. He's also prone to jealousy and explosive outbursts. While he generally tries to keep things light and playful, he can switch tactics and deliver harsh and severe punishments if he deems your behavior unacceptable.
His fights would be intense and emotional, with a lot of yelling and intense accusations from his side. He might also resort to physical force, using threats or violence to keep you close and scare off any potential threats. But deep down, Stiles loves you fiercely and just wants to protect you and keep you safe at all costs.
To Stiles being a yandere boyfriend, his friends and father would naturally be concerned. They would notice the drastic change in his behavior, his bouts of possessive jealousy, and maybe even his extreme mood swings. While they might initially try to downplay or confront Stiles about it, the intensity and severity of his actions would eventually lead to deep concern and frustration. His father especially would be worried, knowing Stiles' capacity for obsession and understanding the dangers of his actions. Scott and the others would probably try to intervene, advising Stiles that his behavior is unhealthy and potentially destructive.
As a yandere, Stiles would be very passionate and romantic during dates. He'd plan special outings to impress you, filled with candlelit dinners, heartfelt conversations, and gifts that would make your heart flutter. Of course, he'd also keep a watchful eye on you to ensure that no one tries to get too close and ruin your time together. Despite his jealousy and possessiveness, Stiles would try to keep things light and enjoyable, full of laughter, surprises, and affection.
Stiles does not take you wanting to break up well at all. He'd be devastated and hurt, feeling like his world has been shattered. His reactions could range from intense pleading and begging for another chance, to threatening behavior, stalking, or even physically restraining you to keep you from leaving. He'd likely become highly emotional and erratic, unable to handle the thought of losing the person he loves. It could end tragically or lead to a dangerous confrontation.
Marriage is a dream come true for Stiles. He'd propose in a romantic and over-the-top way, filled with passionate promises and gestures of love. However, once married, he'd want to keep you close and under his watchful eye. While he'd be fiercely loyal and loving, he'd often struggle with trust issues and his possessiveness might become overwhelming for you.
Stiles would be a dedicated and protective father. He'd love and dote on his children, wanting to provide for them and ensure their safety and happiness. However, his possessiveness and jealousy might become a problem. He might have trouble if you give more attention to the children than to him. Additionally, he might become overly protective and attempt to instill a sense of fear into his children to keep them from leaving or disobeying him. Despite this, he truly cares for his children and wants what's best for them deep down
If you didn't want or couldn't have kids, he'd likely react with disappointment and frustration. He'd feel unfulfilled and yearn for the family dream he envisions. He might try to convince you to change your mind or, in extreme cases, even attempt to create children despite your objections. This could lead to tension and conflict in the relationship as Stiles struggles to accept his partner's decision
"You're the only one I love. I'd do anything for you, anything to keep you close to me and make you happy. I don't want to spend a single second apart from you. I want us to stay together forever, forever and always."
Exhibitionism and Voyeurism - Stiles loves to have you on display, he gets off on knowing that others are envious of the fact that they don’t get to see you naked or in compromising positions.
Rough Play - He loves engaging in rough play, which means getting very physical. He likes to wrestle, pin you down, and really go at it.
Praise and Degradation - Stiles might have a kink for giving and receiving extreme praise, but also degradation as a way to control his partner and keep you submissive.
Dirty Talk - He also loves to use his voice in a dominant, seductive way, whispering in your ear, or using his words to get you to do what he wants.
Marking - He also likes to mark his partner as his own, either by leaving marks on your body (such as bruises or bite marks) or by making you wear a symbol of his ownership (like a necklace or a collar).
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connie vs catra: falling in love with a hero
so one thing in SPOP that reminded me of SU is when Catra gets upset and angry at Adora for needing to sacrifice herself in order to save the world. something very similar to this happens in SU where Connie gets upset at Steven for turning himself in to the Diamonds, so that he can prevent everyone else from getting hurt.
and i wanted to compare these two scenarios and talk about why this kind of conflict worked with connverse, but not c//a.
1. Past Relationship And Hypocrisy
Connie and Steven had a healthy relationship prior to this incident. Connie was always supportive of Steven and quite honestly, was one of the very few people who had no expectations for him based on his mother.
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the Crystal Gems constantly talked about Rose and knowingly or unknowingly put pressure on Steven to live up to her image. Greg often mentioned Rose too, and while he may not have intended to make Steven feel pressured, that was the outcome.
Connie, on the other hand, saw Steven for who he was - a 14 year old kid who had way too many expectations to live up to. she served as Steven's rock and his connection to human life, letting him goof off and relax like he should. she listened to him when he was feeling troubled, and assured him that she would always be there to support him. Connie made Steven feel loved and understood.
they also made a promise to always fight together after Pearl tries to pressure Connie into sacrificing herself for Steven. Steven is clearly uncomfortable with this and doesn't want Connie to act like his bodyguard and put herself in danger.
so it makes complete sense that Connie felt hurt and betrayed when Steven decided to do exactly that and sacrifice himself to save her and the rest of beach city. it makes sense that Connie was worried sick about Steven after he surrendered himself.
Connie feeling upset about this situation makes sense because she actually cares about Steven. she always has.
meanwhile Catra constantly used Adora's fears and insecurities against her, even when they were on the same side and especially when they were enemies. Catra made Adora feel worthless for existing, she made Adora feel like a failure.
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Catra actively and knowingly contributed to Adora's self-sacrificial complex and her habit of putting everyone else's safety above her own. and then she's surprised that Adora wants to sacrifice herself to save the world. wow. who would have thunk it?
Catra has absolutely no right to act like she cares about Adora after all this. and she certainly has no right to get mad at Adora for doing something Catra herself conditioned her to do.
it makes no sense especially because the show acts like the previous seasons never happened. neither Catra nor Adora nor anyone else brings up the fact that Catra was one of the main contributors to Adora's hero complex and her insecurities. the show just glosses over that and acts like Catra being upset about all this is tragic and sympathetic.
2. Expressing Anger In A Healthy Manner
Connie is upset but she communicates her feelings to Steven in a calm manner. she tells him that what he did hurt her feelings. she is obviously angry and upset, but she's also visibly trying to keep it together and not let her anger get the best of her.
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i also think that Steven kinda messed up when he replies to Connie's "i'm hurt" with "no you're not". he decided that as long as no one was physically hurt, there was no problem. he didn't stop to think about how this might have affected Connie emotionally. (i'm not hating on Steven btw, he was in a pretty tough situation himself and was just happy that everyone was safe and alive. this is a situation where both of them were in the right and it was just a complicated issue to navigate.)
basically, Connie deals with this situation more maturely than some adults might have. she felt hurt and betrayed, but she didn't use that as an excuse to hurt Steven. she said what she wanted to say and then she left to give her mind some clarity.
also she does this AFTER Steven returns home safely.
Catra, on the other hand?
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she screams at Adora, accuses Adora of picking favorites and pushes her to the ground. Catra is supposedly in her 20s at this point, and she still hasn't learned to express her anger in a healthy manner. she says once that she was working on her anger issues and that's it. we never see her try, we never see any improvement.
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and then Catra just abandons Adora because “she couldn't bear to watch Adora sacrifice herself”. Catra didn't just leave because she needed some time to cool off, she was basically willing to abandon Adora and let her die.
3. Clear Motives
Connie's feelings and motives are clear from the get-go. she was worried about Steven putting himself in danger, and she was angry and upset that he broke their promise and her trust.
Catra though?
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first she's mad that Shadow Weaver called her a distraction. then she's concerned about Adora's choice to sacrifice herself. and finally, she's upset that Adora doesn't like her in a romantic way.
two of these were very self-centered motives. it's hard to believe that Catra was just concerned about Adora's safety when she's whining about how Adora chose Shadow Weaver over her, as if this was some kind of competition. and it just comes off as the writers shoving in as many reasons as possible for the viewers to sympathize with Catra, rather than writing an organic conflict.
in conclusion, if you want to write a relationship involving a self-sacrificial hero, do it like Steven Universe did. make it make sense instead of shoving in hypocritical conflict.
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marvelsmylife · 4 months
What could’ve been
Pairing: Brennan Sorrengail x reader
Prompt: “Being around you physically hurts”
a/n Here's a little angsty story for you. Let me know if you guys would be interested in a part two. Also, I am accepting fourth wing requests.
warning: angst angst ANGST ! ! ! ! !
Fourth Wing Masterlist
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Having a crush on your best friend’s older brother is normal, right? That is what you told yourself growing up. You’ve been best friends with Mira since you were children, and you’ve had the world’s biggest crush on Brennan for just as long. She knew about your crush on her older brother and would switch between teasing you about it and being grossed out at the thought of her best friend and brother dating.
Your world came crashing down when you got the news that Brennan was killed during the battle with the rebellion. You spent years mourning his death and found yourself regretting not telling him about your feelings towards him. You often found yourself wishing you could see him one last time so you could at least confess your feelings.
So seeing him alive after assuming he was dead for six would bring you joy right? Nope. Not in the slightest. “Y/n, it’s good to see you again,” Brennan said your name with such ease it caused you to feel physically sick.
He could tell as well and started approaching you. “Don’t,” you held up your hand to stop him, “I-” but you left running before finishing your sentence.
Against his better judgment, Brennan followed after you. A part of him thought you would be happy to see him after so long. Then again, he also had to remind himself that you might be mad at him for lying about being dead for six years.
After a few minutes, Brennan finally found you sitting in an empty hallway. “Y/n,” Brennan called out and caused you to tense, “I know this is a lot to process, but please let me explain.”
Brennan took you into his office, where he proceeded to explain to you how he was still alive and why he didn’t return home after he healed. While you were still furious about him not informing you or his family that he was still alive, you understood.
By the end, you were still a crying mess, but you weren’t as angry with him as before. “I’m sorry, but missed you,” you cried into his chest.
“It’s ok,” Brennan reassured you before pulling you back and wiping away your tears. That’s when he decided to lean in and kiss you. His fingers disappeared into your hair and deepened the kiss. 
You allowed yourself to enjoy the kiss you so desperately wanted growing up until you came to your senses and pulled away. “Why did you do that?” You whispered.
“Do what?” Brennan asked in a confused tone, his eyes looked at you concerned. He was going to lean in and kiss you again, but you moved your head to prevent him from trying again. 
You felt like you were going to throw up while you processed everything that happened within such a small timeframe. Looking into his eyes, you could see he was concerned, “Why did you kiss me? Why now?”
Brennan remained silent for several minutes while he thought of a response, “I don’t know. I just thought that since you had a crush on me growing up-“
“Wait, you knew?” You looked at him stunned.
Brennan remained silent, realizing he fuck up. “Yes, I knew,” Brennan answered, “You weren’t subtle with your crush.”
Brennan thought that would bring a smile to your face, but all it did was make you more upset. “If you knew then, why didn’t you say anything? Why did you make me suffer by wondering if you liked me or not?”
“I was too old for you,” Brennan replied, even though he knew that was a lie. You and Mira were the same age, and Brennan was only three years older than her, “Plus, you’re Mira’s best friend. I couldn’t date her best friend.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at Brennan’s explanation, which caused Brennan to wince, “Yet you’re ok with kissing me now? Gods, I have to get out of here.”
“Don’t go,” Brennan begged as he tried to reach for you, but you just shook him off, “Please don’t go. I need you here. I need to know you’re safe.”
“I can’t. Being around you physically hurts right now. Of course, I'm not leaving Aretia, but I can’t be around you right now. Please don’t approach me until I’m ready.”
All Brennan could do was nod as he watched you leave his office. As soon as the door shut, he started shaking uncontrollably. Brennan didn’t even realize he was shaking until he felt Violet’s hands on top of his. He wanted to ask her how she managed to enter his office without him noticing, but all that came out was: “Do you think she’ll ever forgive me for not telling her that I knew she had a crush on me growing up?”
“I don’t know,” Violet answered honestly, “She really loved Bren. She kept telling us she regretted not telling you how she felt about you. It took her three years to recover, and even then, I feel like a part of her died with you that day.”
Brennan knew he needed to give you space to process everything that was going on. He hated himself for not confessing that he knew about your crush on him. What he hated the most was that he couldn’t tell you that he loved you as well because you would assume he was saying it out of pity. The only thing Brennan could do now was wait for you to come around.
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sweeneydino · 8 months
*BIG INHALE* Hi! I’ve been rotating the Spikeangelo au in my brain for a while, and things might get incomprehensible real quick. Not all questions, some just comments... 90% of this is just musing as the train of thought jumps rails and causes massive casualties; no need to answer all if you chose to answer any.
1. The fact that Master Splinter lets Titan live with them BEFORE he knows that he’s a version of Mikey, even after the attempted murder… man will look at a mutated turtle, ask, “Is anyone going to adopt that?” and not wait for an answer.
2. In Turtle Temper, Splinter says, “Spike, chew on your leaf if you are in the mood for a story”. Ronin has a choice here: pest Raph by eating, or troll Splinter by not. What choice would he make?
3. It seems like during the Slash and Destroy episode, Titan already had his outfit. If so… where did he get the clothes? The little turtles don’t really wear anything (and their clothes would be much smaller), so unless Splinter has a secret goth wardrobe, the only thing I can think of is that Raph is Very Optimistic about how tall he’s going to get, and has stockpiled clothes accordingly.
4. A while back you mentioned Titan “chewing [Shredder] out” after Shredder kills Splinter during the Triceraton invasion. The image you drew made it look like a tirade, but the first thing that came to mind for me was… more along the lines of using Shredder as a dog toy.
5. You said that after Slash and Destroy, Titan hides for a while out of shame. When does he rejoin the others? Before the invasion, *during* the invasion, after? Does he join the farmhouse arc, or does he do as canon Slash does and defend NYC while the rest of the turtles are gone?
Ah... there's a very long part six that's just about the ghosts... I don't think I'll be bothering you with that today.
When I see these types of asks, I can never control the squeal that comes out of my mouth. I love detailed analyses about my aus
I also love completing things, so let's do them all!
1) Yep! Idk whats with the Splinters, but if it's turtle-shaped and needs a home, well say no more!
When Spike turned to Titan, Splinter already sensed something off with him, something more familiar than a family pet, but he would never figure out why until their lair is attacked by the kraang at the start of the invasion.
It's hard not to realize that your son's former pet knows moves (and shows a strange amount of wisdom) that you're 90% sure you never taught or shown to any of your sons.
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I think he's still upset about the pizza. Or Raph's anger.
3)Dumpster diving?
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I'll be honest, I forgot to write it down... So we will stick to this simple solution for now🗿
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Okay, well... Shredder ALMOST became a dog toy. Let's just say that (this will totally not be a future comic)
5) He reunites with them after the newtralizer arc! After a little convincing ofc
When the invasion begins, he's with Splinter and Leatherhead, having defended their home and now searching for the turtles. They find Shredder after they exit the sewer, and Titan isn't too pleased to see the old bastard, attacking him in a rage once he hears about Leo's possible "demise."
Unfortunately, when he gains the upper hand, Titan is the one caught off guard and knocked into the machine, crushed by the pipes.
Before Shredder could really begin his usual evil monologue, he becomes distracted with Leatherhead, allowing Splinter to check on Titan and help him out of the pile of metal. Despite the likelihood of having a huge bruise on his ribs, he'd be fine. Even better if he could get rid of all their issues right there in front of him.
The one wrestling an alligator. And somehow winning.
And when he sees that devil in that all too familiar armor toss leatherhead into the pit, he's all too ready to kill him.
Yet he can't. Because He's not the only one wanting to prevent the past from happening again.
Splinter sends him away to find his sons, Titan's brothers - well, sorta - and even if he wants to bring Oroku Saki, the worse pain imaginable, he's more concerned if they are okay.
Okay, well, if the rest of them are okay
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He'd find them, with him.
And uh. I think Leo's perfectly fine.
So when they decided to leave for April's farmhouse, he stayed in the city to search for Splinter and the other Mutanimals after leaving Leo with the others.
Maybe he sees himself as a burden.
Then the rest you make up on the way 👍 /j
This was very fun! Maybe I should just write paragraphs or smol little chapters with much more detail and flow🤔
Nah, I'll just draw.
Can't wait for the looooooooooonnngggg part six :D
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shade-of-vermillion · 3 months
Gonna be honest. The DLC ending isn’t as out of left field as people think it is. (Spoilers under cut)
Yes, even the Radahn part. There is some evidence for it in the base game. Specifically, we know Miquella had or has ties to the Carian Royal family. We can infer that from two pieces of evidence, 1) Loretta’s presence in the Haligtree and 2) the description for the Miquellan knight’s sword. In the case of Loretta, you could of course make the argument that she sought him out on her own while looking for a place for the albinaurics, but with the sword, I think to go as far as to model a sword intended to be given to his knights after Caria’s implies he had contact with or at least a great deal of respect for someone from that house.
I’ve seen people in the past posit this as evidence he and Ranni were in cahoots but frankly I don’t believe their goals are aligned even in the slightest. Ranni after all believes that the best path forward is to reject godhood utterly and leave the lands between so that mortals can decide their fates on their own, whereas Miquella in the base game has literally been growing his own Erdtree, a new system to replace the old rather than a rejection of the system altogether.
I know there has also been a lot of upset about how Godwyn may have made more sense as his lord consort, however I believe Radahn was chosen specifically as a way to save Godwyn. In the base game through exploring Castle Sol and looking through the descriptions for the gear of mausoleum knights we discover the possibility of returning soulless demigods to life via an eclipse and find out that Miquella was working towards making one happen to bring Godwyn back. Radahn is shown as capable of binding the stars to prevent Ranni’s destiny from coming to fruition. He could probably force the moon into position in front of the sun if he wanted. If Miquella’s goal really was to restore Godwyn with an eclipse it makes a lot of sense that he would tap Radahn to force one to happen.
As for the Mohg thing, come on now. Gideon gives you the recipe for the bewitching branch the second you tell him you visited Mohgwyn palace. If it was just because Miquella was there he could’ve given us sleep pots or sleep arrows or maybe one of the rings of light spells. But no, he gives us the bewitching branch. How the hell else am I supposed to take that.
Honestly I also don’t think this ruins Miquella’s writing. I think it just makes him more interesting in the long run. He does have good intentions, but pursuing godhood requires dirtying your hands. I also don’t think this undermines his connection to Malenia or his drive to see both of them healed. I just think he’s more complex than people thought he was at first brush.
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sorrowfulrosebud · 1 year
Thinking about:
Tokoyami being skittish and avoidant after the first few weeks of your relationship. Everything was amazing with him; he showers you in sweet compliments that leave you breathless, calls you sweet nicknames and always makes time for you. Now imagine your surprise when he starts totally avoiding you.
The bell rings for first period, and your feathery boyfriend is yet to be seen. Anxiety started to gnaw at your chest; he hadn’t responded to your get well soon messages, only leaving you on read. You couldn’t even visit him properly since he gruffly told you to leave him alone when you tapped on his door.
It was not like Tokoyami at all, as communication was incredibly important to him in a relationship. Your anxiety bubbled over as you gnawed on your lip. Was this his way of breaking up with you? He had blown you off with plans for the last weekend too, making this a repeated issue. You knew you would get upset thinking about this, so you continued to scrawl down the notes from Aizawa’s lesson.
You mentally resolved to visit Tokoyami after the school day is finished and see just what the problem is.
You gently tapped on Tokoyami’s door yet again, praying to whatever entity that he would let you in.
“I don’t wish to see anyone at the minute, please leave me alone,” you heard him grunt back lowly. He sounded pained and hurt, not to mention tired. You bit your lip in anxiety.
“Fumi? It’s me, my love. Are you alright? Please let me in, I’m so worried about you,” you pleaded him through the door. You heard a sigh.
“I’m sorry but not right now. I’m not well, and I do not wish to pass the illness on,” he continued, sounding more irritated by the second.
“I don’t care if you get me sick Fumi, I can take care of you and help you get better,” you compromised, hoping he takes the deal.
“Starlight, not now. This.. it’s a different kind of illness,-” Tokoyami was cut off by a series of coughs resonating deeply in his room.
“That’s it Fumikage, I’m coming in!” You announced, undeterred by his pleads and demands for you to stop. You gasp upon entering his room; black feathers were strewn across his bedroom in random directions and places. His lamps were lit, leaving the gothic bedroom in a ghostly light as you tried to find your boyfriend.
He was trembling in the middle of his bed, surrounded by a growing pile of feathers and trying to hide himself with his pillow.
“Fumi? Are you okay honey?” Your voice filtered through his room as you closed the door behind you.
“Why are you covering your face, love? Is something the matter?” Your worried voice drove a sigh out of Fumikage as he lowered his shield. You let out a slight gasp; he was moulting. His feathers looked sparse in some areas, some turned grey and some on their way to drop out his face. Even though his face was not one of a humans, you could almost see the bags under his eyes.
“Oh my god Fumi, what’s happened?!” You try not to let your voice get too alarmed; you didn’t want your boyfriend to think you were disgusted of him.
“I knew this would happen. It was foolish of me to think I could prevent it. It is a byproduct of my quirk: every few months I moult my feathers to make way for thicker and healthier ones, but as such it takes a toll on my body. I get hot flashes, and my feathers just drop out. I am usually plagued by insomnia, yet it worsens during this period of time. You must think it’s disgusting,” his voice quietens in embarrassment.
You let out a small “oh” upon his explanation, feeling stupid for your prior thoughts. You slowly made your way to his bed and sat next to him, rubbing slow circles to his shoulder.
“That’s not the case at all, my love! I had no idea that your quirk would cause this but it makes sense. I wish you would have told me about this. I’m here for you, I can help you face problems like these. It’s not a disgusting thing, it’s perfectly natural,” you comforted him, slowly grabbing his hand and gently rubbing in between the knuckle like you know he likes.
Tokoyami seemed shocked at your response. Any other person apart from Shoji usually made comments along the lines of “ew, I couldn’t cope with it,” or something. The politest would just give him a sympathetic smile that was tinged with disgust.
“A-are you quite sure starlight? This can be a troublesome task-” you interrupt him.
“Of course Fumi. Now, come here. I brought some supplies in case you were sick,” you rearrange yourself so that you were at the headrest of the bed and Fumikage curled up against you. You produced a bottle of his favourite flavoured water and held it to him as he shakily managed a few gulps. He let out a shaky and tired breath as he nestled himself against your chest.
Your hands found his silky feathers and Fumikage’s eyes burst open. It was foreign for him to feel someone so casually pet him. You worked in continuous strokes, gently setting aside any loose or broken feathers before petting him again.
Fumikage let out a contented chirp each time you found a particularly annoyed or irritated area. His natural bird-like instincts were screaming at him; his mate was grooming him!! Actually helping him maintain his appearance!! Making him feel better about his icky transformation!! It was a dream come true.
He nuzzled his beak closer to your neck and allowed his breaths to get deeper and slower, before totally falling limp against you.
And you know what? That was the best night’s sleep he had in 4 days.
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mandaplease10 · 4 months
A Polin Take Nobody Asked For #2
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Colin's Fear of Unrequited Love
Many have pointed out that Colin always felt something towards Penelope, but couldn't decipher the difference between platonic love vs romantic love until the kiss.
I do agree with this, but I also have another thought I'd like to add.
What if Colin knew/understood his feelings for Penelope, but was afraid she wouldn't return those feelings?
Now, I don't necessarily think this may have been the case all along, but it is definitely a major part of his inner struggle within in Season 3 Part 1.
During his travels and missing Penelope, I do think he started to realize something was different in his feelings towards Penelope, which is what led him to his new persona (I talk about this is #1).
Now, we know that he instantly is in search for Penelope when he returns and the smile on his face when he finally lays eyes on her says it all.
Then he sees her at the Ball and again, he is aware of something feeling different towards Penelope, but tries to downplay it because he still doesn't know what changed between them.
Once he finds out, he is upset and wants to make things right. They make their agreement and their bare hands touch for the first time and you can see in his face and reaction that it affects him.
Little by little every interaction Pen and Colin have affects him either consciously or subconsciously. He is aware of these feelings, but he knows they are friends and tries to repress them.
Until the kiss. The kiss that changes everything in the sense that no matter how hard he tries, he can't hide his feelings anymore.
In the scene under the willow, I fully believe that if Penelope had mentioned the kiss and expressed feelings towards him, he would have poured his heart out there.
But she doesn't. In fact, she does the opposite because she doesn't want him to know about her feelings. But we can see that he is struggling with hearing that the kiss was nothing and that it wouldn't happen again.
So, he plays it off (awkwardly) because he doesn't want to reveal his feelings when it is obvious to him that Pen doesn't feel the same.
It is that very fear of his love for Penelope being unrequited that prevents him from telling her sooner - especially when Lord Debling comes into the picture.
The scene/conversation that go me thinking of Colin's fear is when he and Violet were discussing about friendship and love. Colin doesn't ask how she knew or Edmund knew that they loved the other person, he asked how they knew both parties felt the same.
"Because he had the courage to ask."
Colin now knows that the only way for him to know if Pen feels the same is to simply ask her. So, he walks over to her and is ready to ask, but the fear of losing Pen or hearing she does not feel the same is crippling and he freezes.
That fear continues to cripple him until finally Violet tells him about the possibility of Penelope marrying someone else. He knew this could happen and Pen had been seeking a husband, but actually hearing the words out loud gave him the courage to confess his feelings.
I do think that some of Colin's struggle with his feelings for Penelope was due to their friendship or how society may have viewed their relationship, but deep down - I truly think it was Colin's fear of Penelope not loving him back that fueled the struggle.
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itslixtoyou · 8 months
Research purposes
Satoru Gojo x fem reader
Fic type - NSFW/smut (minors dni)❗️
Warnings - fingering, p in v sex, role play in a way I guess, I suck at warnings so lmk if I need to add more.
Summary - You’re a writer, struggling to figure out how to write an explicit scene for one of your romance novels and so your husband suggests “helping you out” by demonstrating how the sex scene in your book should go.
Word count - I didn’t count yet lol
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Imagine being a writer and your curious husband, sensing your frustration, joins your side as you type away at your computer. His head tilting to skim across the pages of the latest romance book you’re currently writing.
“How’s this one coming along, babe?” He asks with genuine interest as he tries to follow along with you while your eyes re-read over the paragraphs you wrote a day ago. The same ones your agonizing burst of writer’s block was preventing you from adding on to.
“I’m stuck on how to write this scene.” You groan, letting out a frustrated sigh before quickly closing your laptop altogether and muttering an annoyed “forget it” as you stand up.
“Whoa hold on.” Satoru quickly places his hands in front of you to block you as you tried to walk away. “Don’t stress, it’s okay if it’s not done right away.”
“But every time I try to-“
Satoru quickly places his fingers to your lips and shushes you. “I said don’t stress. I can’t have that pretty face of yours looking so upset.” He says in a gently scolding tone before he smiles, urging you to sit down on the couch with him. “Just talk me through it babe. Tell me how the scene is supposed to go and I’ll try to help you figure it out.”
Imagine explaining to him the entire premise of the scene, one that, thankfully, happened to be a sex scene.
His lips formed into a smirk as he started to see where things were heading, his mouth opening to let out a teasing “So do they kiss?” Despite knowing they’d do much more than that.
“They definitely do a little more than kiss, Toru.” Your face scrunched into a gentle smile as you laughed, unaware of the way Satoru’s was forming into a smirk.
Imagine Satoru’s hand soon appearing against your thigh and his face leaning to whisper against your ear unexpectedly as he asked “Really now? And do they do this as well?” His hand soon trailed upwards, sneaking past the pair of lounge shorts you’d been wearing till he reached your clothed clit.
His fingers started to rub in a circular motion, causing your breath to hitch in your lungs at his sudden actions.
“Well a-actually, they really just-“ you tried to speak through heavy breaths, but a low voice interrupted you.
“No? What a shame. You should add this part then.” He says with a smirk as he applies more pressure, making you squirm gently.
“I’m only trying to help you, babe. So take notes, you’ll need this for your book.”
Imagine the way his fingers soon plunge into your cunt as he keeps you under him, occasionally whispering taunting sentences that consist of “do you think he’d make her moan like this too?” or “Would she like it if he added another finger?”
Silly sentences to which you answer, quiet breathlessly, “I don’t know, maybe you should try it… just so I know.”
His fingers thrust deeper at your words, pulling another desperate whine from you as he stretches you open. “You’re right, I have to, for the sake of your book, of course.”
Imagine the intensity rising as he asks more questions, giving himself a plethora of excuses to keep going.
“Do you think she’d look this pretty under him?”
“Would her back arch the way yours does?”
“Do you think she’d want him to go faster?”
Your whiny moans fill the air as your husband thrusts his cock relentlessly inside you, gripping your ass with both hands and using it as a guide to push himself deeper within you. “Babe please, just drop the act already.”
You try to speak between panted breaths, wanting your husband to focus simply on you, and not on the ridiculous book that caused this passionate lovemaking session in the first place; a novel in which you found yourself caring less and less about as your husband’s cock drilled pleasantly inside you again and again with each passing second.
“Hush sweetheart,” he interrupted you, “I’m trying to help you envision the scene better.”
Imagine the minutes that seem to turn into hours as he continues his hungry thrusts, his lips almost sucking the flesh off your neck as he kisses it repeatedly.
How his body sticks to yours through a layer of sweat and his hips seem to maintain their momentum far after you feel your legs go numb from the position he’s holding them in over his shoulders.
His eyebrows knit together as he groans deeply, feeling the clench of your tight walls around him as you climax for the third.. fourth… how many times has it happened now?
How long have you both been going at this?
The answer remains a mystery as you lose all capacity to even ponder an explanation, too focused on the sliding of your husband’s cock inside your needy pussy as he renders you useless underneath him.
“D-Do you think she’d… Ngh… do you think she’d last this long too?”
Satoru mumbles with a breathless moan, his self-control depleting as he recognizes the familiar drench of another one of your orgasms covering the entirety of his swollen tip.
Imagine the way he’d keep this silly act going just so he can continue pleasuring you by hiding behind an excuse.
When every time you questioned him about whether or not he’d be waiting for an opportunity like this, he immediately denies it, insisting throughout the entire session that this whole thing was simply for “research purposes” and nothing more.
How he’d urge you to keep going every time a whiny plea jerked out your lips because “the sake of your book depended on it.”
He takes his time, milking this excuse to the fullest as he satisfies the much needed urges he’d been keeping bottled up since earlier today. The same urges he quickly realized you had, coincidentally, been hiding the entire day too.
Imagine the grin that washed across your husband’s exhausted expression as he heard you playfully say “I think I know what to write now” soon after he’d already collapsed on your bare chest.
“Good.” He spoke as he leaned forward to kiss your forehead. “Now make sure you remember to add all the juicy details okay? My character won’t be happy if you leave anything out.”
You giggle breathlessly, still trying to catch your breath from the intense feeling that lingers between your legs. “Don’t worry, I’ll let you know if I need you to refresh my memory.”
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