#''the commander-in-chief in the sky'' so
secondbeatsongs · 7 months
you know a book is romance-focused when there are multiple full scenes of people doing home repair and gazing softly at each other, but then when a main character interviews a literal convicted murderer, it happens offscreen
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marlinspirkhall · 7 days
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The Un-Maker
To the uninformed, you are nothing more than a necromancer. You wear their sigil on your chest; the chief mage insists on it- after all, he can read magik better than most. He is the first to discern the true meaning of your gift, years before even you do.
His own magik is significantly strong- though, like him, it has withered with time. By and large, the other mages ignore you. After all, you are only a svvein.
The first time you leave the magery, he gives you a cloak. It's dark purple- the robe of a novice- which is a generous assessment at best. You can barely resurrect a magefly.
His eyes sparkle, then grow serious. “Take it,” he insists. “It will help you blend in.” Of course, you take it only to humor him- blending in comes naturally to you. It might be your only skill.
You perform small tasks in the village, basic magecraft which is little more than a conjurer's trick. You un-break a wheel. You un-graze a knee. When you pass, the best blacksmith in the village watches with baited breath.
You un-forge his sword.
While hiding from the smith, you crouch behind the stables. You won’t realise for many years, but the gate you closed on the way in prevented the escape of a horse. The horse- who dreams of the apples in the nearby grove- snickers sadly to herself.
There is a boy at the magery who wears red. Red, the robes of a master. He holds himself with the confidence of someone older, but both of you are five-and-ten.
One night, he lifts a heavy staff above his head, and performs a summoning spell: the most powerful of all magecraft. In an instant, the sky trembles, and rolls with dark clouds. The old masters rejoice, and sing his praises in the downpour, of a boy so powerful that even lightning obeys his command.
You shelter at the edge of the courtyard, and watch without envy.
He's the first to leave, when the war comes.
In the coming weeks, you wander the village. You are the only teenager left now that the others have gone, but there are still children to babysit. There are still bloody noses and scraped knees to un-attend to. By now, the villagers know your gift well- that strange, backwards magik you perform without intention. When your mere presence stops an axe falling on his head, even the blacksmith learns to forgive you.
But then, the war comes for the innocents, too.
Families flee Vale-Meg'ed with oxen, horse and handcart. The mages buy them time, and instruct you to leave with them.
“I want to help,” you say.
“Perhaps I can un-make the war!”
The chief mage smiles a grim smile. “It will not obey you.”
“But we haven't tried-”
“No.” He wheels on you, his eyes fury and fire. “Take this, and flee.”
It's his first-hewn staff: a spindly thing he carved as a mageling. It's little more than a bolt of wood, but you feel its weight when you touch it. Your hands tremble, and the old mage drives it into the ground afore you.
Sparks flicker.
When you stumble, the staff catches you.
You flee. You trip on your robes, drive the staff into the path, and watch dust fly where sparks ought to instead. You drive the staff down again and again, but it leaks no more magik.
In the distance, storms rage over Mages' Hill. Thunder crackles, and lightning flickers back and forth. Two dark clouds loom beside each other, fighting for dominance.
There's a body on the road out of Vale-Meg'ed.
You can't help but slow down. You've seen dead bodies before, of course– they used them for practice at the magery, even those that you couldn't resurrect– so you know what they look like.
For the first thirty seconds, this person is definitely deceased. Then, they gasp, and sit bolt upright.
You scream, and they do too.
Once the shock of not being dead has worn off, they cough soundly, and offer you a swig of water from their flask. Not knowing what killed them, you shake your head.
They down it, then cough some more. “Young svvein. You are but a novice?” They say, seeing your simple robes.
“I–” you say. “I didn’t–”
“Why, magikst most powerful!” They declare, as they check their wounds. “I thought I was going to lose my leg.”
You stare at them in silence as they reach for their purse. “Svvein, I know not why you've saved my life- and I have few coins to give- but accept my thanks.”
You take their silver, if only to preserve your cover, and help them to their feet. They accompany you to the end of the road, where the path splits. Then, they give thanks, and head towards Mages’ Hill.
It’s silent now, but the fires are still burning.
You turn away, and touch the embroidered sigil on your chest: the necromancer’s coil. You wonder if the chief mage knew more than he let on.
True necromancing is a complex task, often requiring a pack of mages. Death has compounding interest. The more injuries, the more mages are required. The longer dead, the longer the spell must prevail. Ordinarily, necromancers work long, arduous hours to resurrect a single person. Those who have an understanding of the mage’s art are shocked to see only one of you.
“Where are the others?” someone asks, as you pass them.
“They... Went to lunch,” you say.
“That's unheard of.” They stretch, and crack their back. “The first thing they do is always to collect payment.”
“This isn't your first time being resurrected, is it?” You realise, with a sinking feeling.
They grin toothily, and accept a discount, in exchange for not asking too many questions.
In the coming weeks, you un-kill many people along the battlefield. The bodies you pass wake up more often than not, always coughing and spluttering. That which once was jarring becomes routine. Some scream in fright, others clutch at long-healed wounds. Others jolt at the sight of a mage, and cower in your presence.
“Get away, get away!”
Beside them, a cracked mage-staff lies in the mud, snapped cleanly in two. You decide to forgo payment.
You make a living this way for a while, drifting from battle to battle like a vulture. It pays little- the soldiers that die are never the best-equipped, and you get there long after the looters do. Still, those who find themselves alive are invariably grateful to do so, and reward you as well as they can. It's enough to buy you board at the tavern most nights, if not a meal, too.
With time, the war moves on from the valley, though it rages in the distance. You are older now, broader of shoulders, and the First-Hewn staff is older, too. It grows brittle in your fingers.
Before long, it is broken.
You stare at it for a long while, for you are not in the business of breaking things. Still, breaking is a kind of un-making, you suppose. It falls to pieces with nothing more than a whisper, and you mourn it: the First-Hewn staff of an elder holds great power. That it is freed from your possession is a bittersweet relief.
For the first time since the war came, you think of the man who forged it. They say in the early days of war, Mages' Hill was razed to the ground. You haven’t returned to Vale-Meg’ed since.
That night, you rent a room at the tavern, and weep.
It's impossible to blend in without your staff, so you attempt to carve your own. For seven suns and seven moons, sparks fly, and lightning pummels the forest. You abandon the task.
The trees are scarred and pockmarked, and the ground will never be the same, yet not a single beam struck you.
For a week, you remain in the valley, but your purse-strings are tight, and the taverns are fit to burst. With little choice, you venture out into the marshland. You out-grew the purple robes years ago, and you’re dressed simply: in a linen shirt and trousers. For now, you are simply a traveller, and you don't intend to continue your grift. Without a staff to speak of, you hardly look the part of a necromancer anymore.
Battle does not suit the marshland. It makes the swamp reek worse than usual, and the reeds are soaked with blood. When you trawl for treasure, you find bodies instead.
Bodies who wake up confused, and ask you what's going on.
You sigh, and help them out of the mud.
You wade through the bog for a while, stepping on stones where you can. There's a strange smell in the air; acrid, like burning. The tips of the reeds are signed.
A soldier lies in the dirt, facedown. You roll her over so she doesn’t choke when she wakes, and begin to move on your way.
Her dark eyes open, looking up at the sky. She coughs, and you offer her your water-skin.
She refuses to take it. “I have nothing with which to pay you.”
“The water is a courtesy.”
“And the undying?”
You shift your feet. “That wasn't me.”
She leans back on her arms, and peers up at you sluggishly. “You have no staff.”
“Well-noticed.” You offer a hand.
She doesn’t take it. “There is one other mage who summons without a staff. This war is his design.”
“I am no summoner.”
“Yet you summon the dead.”
You watch her mutely.
“Have I revived you before?” You say at last.
“No, but I've heard of you. You travel alone, and revive villeins when others raise kings.”
You bristle, and take a step backwards. “Your payment is commuted,” you say, and retreat as fast as the mud will allow.
It is not fast at all.
“Wait!” She curses, and coughs furiously. There's a rending, and the slap of footsteps.
You turn. This time, when you offer herr water, she drinks.
“I'm Merra.” She hands the skin back, and wipes her mouth.
“I'm no-one,” you say, which is true enough. You fasten the skin to your belt, and, again, walk away.
Merra keeps pace with you. “I heard you were once a Svvein.”
You remain silent, heading back across the marshland to see how far she will follow. This is the path you cleared earlier– free of bodies– and you retrace your steps where you can. Merra follows all the while, and her sword creaks at her belt.
“Have you no business to attend to?” You say, at last.
“No more than you,” she says, with a smile in her voice.
“I have my living.”
“Then attend to it,” she says. “You think I haven't noticed you're avoiding the dead?”
“Necromancing is a hallowed ritual,” you say.
She scoffs. “Which is why you perform it in galoshes.”
You look down. “There's nothing wrong with my galoshes.”
“Most mage-shoes are hidden by their robes,” she muses. “But I'd imagine mage-shoes are made waterproof by enchantment.”
“That would be a waste of enchantment.”
“And what of your robes, or lack thereof?”
You grunt. “The war destroyed Mages' Hill.”
“Yes, many years ago. But I have seen robes since, and mages too.”
“And what of their magikal shoes?” You ask.
She purses her lips, and surveys the landscape. “There were bodies here, Necromancer. Did you resurrect them all?”
You say nothing.
“It's just past noon,” she reasons. “And this swamp was full of the fallen. How did you recall them all in one morning?”
You glance at her. “How can you be sure I revived you on the same day you fell?”
“As surely as I know there are no maggots in my mouth and nose.”
“Perhaps you have them on the brain.”
You spy the valley up ahead, and slow your pace. You're not eager to return to the villages, with their heroes and veterans and small opportunities; but you can't cross the marshland with Merra- there are too many bodies. Tentatively, you turn onto the village path.
“What killed you?” You enquire, as you walk along.
Merra gives you a look.
“It must have been significant,” you say. “For not all undying know they are so.”
She falls silent, and so do you.
You encounter a body on the way into Vale-Egar.
It's a maimed thing, old, bloated, and past its prime. Ordinarily, you wouldn't worry about it- you never seem to wake those who are too far gone- but, today, you pass it with a kind of trepidation. When nothing happens, you let out a breath.
“He looked like a noble,” Merra says, as you hurry past.
“Nothing noble is found in Vale-Egar, especially not by the side of the road.”
“Is that why you won't resurrect him?”
“No,” you say. “It's because he won't come back.”
The next body you stumble upon is more intact: a young man with a gaunt face who might as well be sleeping. He's hunched over and leaning against the wall, a tin clutched in his frozen hand. You don't wonder how it stays there- you know better than anyone that rigour mortis begins in the fingers.
As you pass, some colour returns to his face. You hurry Merra along.
The next person you pass is alive, and welcomes you to the village with a smile.
You have no coin with which to pay, but it's no matter. The presence of Merra's sword is payment enough, for there is a bed for all warriors in Vale-Egar.
“That explains why it's so crowded,” you say, as you untie your shoes and leave them at the foot of the bed. You offer to sleep on the floor, but Merra won't hear of it. Apparently, she's got it into her head that she owes you a life-debt. Tonight, you are too tired to argue, so you lay down beside her.
For a long while, she watches you.
The room in this upstairs tavern contains five beds, all of which are crammed with people. You lie on your back and listen to their breathing. This is the closest you've been to the living in a while, and so many, at that. You recall the last time you were around people, of the dormitories on Mages' Hill.
You can feel Merra's breath on your cheek.
“You said not all undead know they are so,” she says.
“Yes,” you murmur.
“So, that beggar outside-?”
“He was merely sleeping.” You move to roll over, but she catches you by the shoulder.
“Credit me some intellect.” She peers down at you. “It was fast; faster than any magecraft I've seen. How did you do it?”
The others in the room are all sleeping soundly.
“I know not how,” you say, in a single breath.
In the morning, you leave the village.
“You have no staff,” Merra says, again.
You watch her for a moment. All these years, the staff was your only companion, and now, you have another.
“I haven't the skill to make one,” you admit.
“So, you are no mage.”
“And yet you raise the dead.”
Over the coming days, Merra accompanies you across the marshland, and the dead spring up in your wake. There's no coin to speak of, but the soldiers pledge fealty to you. You tell them you already have a knight, and a fine one, at that. Merra smiles, as a knight clad in well-made plate armor shakes his head and walks away.
“Have you seen her fight?” Asks another, dressed in mail.
You bristle. “No, but neither, sir, have you.”
He offers her his armor, but she won't take it.
“I travel light.”
As you traverse the valley, the marshland turns to grass. You encounter fewer bodies, and those you find are too degraded to wake.
The horizon alights with a flash, and Merra freezes. Thunder roils over the hills.
“You never did tell me what moved you to fight,” you say, quietly.
“I had a quest,” she says, simply. Her hair whispers in the wind, and you nod.
“Then you are bound to it.”
She looks at you with pleading eyes. “But I was dead.”
You shake your head. “It doesn't work like that.”
Thunder resounds.
After a day's travel, the once-lush grass turns to scorched earth underfoot. You stop in your tracks.
“This is Vale-Meg'ed.”
Amongst the rubble, there is but one field undisturbed by ash. It's the stable where you hid from the blacksmith all those years ago. Most unusually of all, the gate which you closed has since remained intact.
The horse stands alone in the field, her tail flicking back and forth. She's much older now, and has a grey streak on her nose, but you'd know her anywhere.
“You survived the war,” you comment, as you reach for her mane. She huffs, and hoofs at the dirt. You raise an eyebrow, and turn to Merra. “Could you open the gate?”
She opens it, and the horse races through the ruined grove. You follow behind.
Merra gasps. Right before your eyes, the charred treetops flourish and bear fruit. The horse gallops towards them, and you sprint to catch up.
You chuckle, softly. “Do you forgive me now, mare?”
The horse scarfs down her apples, and allows you to pet her mane.
You sleep in the rubble of the magery, and Merra takes first watch. The next morning, you are woken by the sun.
“You didn’t wake me,” you say.
“No,” she says, as she watches the sunrise.
You fall silent. This is her quest, not yours.
You spend the day on Mage’s Hill. Merra prepares barricades, and whets her blade. Somehow, you feel as if you've known her a lifetime.
You search the ruins one last time, and are not surprised when you find it, in the remains of the novice quarters.
It is a first-hewn staff. The wood crackles beneath your fingertips.
The ruins are painted orange by sunset.
Past nightfall, you remain alert. You sit a few paces from Merra, twisting the staff in your hands. There's a familiarity about it you cannot place, a raw power which stings you if you hold it tight.
The wind picks up suddenly. Too suddenly.
“This is magewind!” She yells.
You jump to attention. It's been many years since you've felt anything like it, but it chills you to the bone. All you can picture is that night on Mages' Hill, on the eve of war: a staff, held aloft as red robes billowed in the breeze.
Tonight, a mass moves upon you: denser than storm itself.
“Merra!” You cry, as the gale sweeps her aside. She catches hold of one of the barricades; hefty chunks of stone which buckle under the pressure.
You run for her, but the wind picks you up like a ragdoll. You fall, and scrape upon every rock as you’re dragged dowhill. You are drowning in wind itself, the breath rivened from you faster than you can draw it. Your clothes tear, then your flesh. You thrust the staff forwards, blindly, and puncture an air pocket. You push down, and pressure slaps you back. You tumble again and again, until at last you make contact with the ground.
You lie, spread-eagled on the floor.
A numbness overtakes you. You grip the staff so tight that it flares with energy.
The sky above you dances. Merra lunges at clouds, and purple lightning arcs around her. A shadow flits through the smog, impossibly light and fast.
The shape moves upon you: dark, tattered robes, deeper than blood, deeper than red, but unmistakably the same robes from all those years ago, held together by magiks. His boots- made of a fine, red leather, have similar weatherproofing, and your eyes dart to Merra.
“Face me,” says the storm.
Your head tilts back to observe him. It hurts to watch, this splicing-together of mage and fury. You try to turn away, but the wind holds you fast. You see Merra from the corner of your eye, silhouetted against the storm.
The Summoner moves upon you slowly, as if he isn't used to walking. “You’re no mage,” he says, at last.
On the hill, Merra drives her sword into the clouds, but The Summoner ignores her. He circles around you. Far too slowly, the feeling returns to your legs.
“Years ago, when the battle was won and there were less bodies on the battlefield than there should be; I heard the strangest whispers from the valley.” He speaks in a low voice, barely above a whisper, but the breeze carries every word. “They spoke of a novice, who summoned the dead.��� He turns his attention back to the top of the hill, where Merra is fighting shadows. “You have resurrected one of mine.” He raises a hand. “It’s time to correct that mistake.”
Lightning connects with the tip of Merra’s sword, and the flash lights up the mountainside.
“Mer…” you twitch.
Soil cascades from the heavens, and you hold the staff aloft. “Heed me,” you say. “Heed me!”
It might as well be a twig.
The Summoner laughs. “You cannot resurrect ash.”
You roll onto your front, too weak to stand. For the first time in your life, you attempt to use your powers with intention. You draw runes in the dirt and chant long-forgotten spells, as The Summoner watches with cold amusement.
“You don't know our craft. The magik you do have is little more than a parlour trick.”
“I knew enough to thwart you,” you wheeze.
“Can you undo this, Pretender?”
He unfurls his palm, and the storm rages louder than before. It howls and howls, and lightning blasts the ground until Mage’s Hill is cratered.
Earth is loosened. Stones and rocks turn to vapor, and become part of the storm.
You crawl towards the place where Merra was standing, though you know it is useless. You might as well be crawling through mud in the swamp where you found her. There's an uphill climb past jagged rocks, and another fall would kill you. You have never had to un-make your own death. You wait, as the land continues to slide.
The hill remains un-mended. This cannot be undone– but you can still fight.
“This staff was yours,” you whisper. You haven't seen it since you were three-and-ten, but you recognise it's power.
“Yes.” He holds out a hand, and it flies to him. The staff cracks with energy, and he weighs it in his palm. “I have surpassed the need to bind my magik to the physical realm. But you… You cannot even cast an illusion.” He tosses the staff back to you, and it lands in the dirt.
You make no attempt to pick it up.
“You saw that first summoning spell on Mages' Hill, and were powerless to stop me then. What makes you think you can stand against me now?” His hand forms a fist.
For the first time in your life, lightning makes no effort to avoid you. It arches out of the sky, and bears down on you again and again. You lie in the dirt. You know there is no escape, for this is the mage who commands the four winds as he pleases.
You should be dead, like Merra.
The Summoner’s voice booms, magnified tenfold by the storm. “All that I call for comes to me but The Dead. You have hidden that power from me for too long!”
You open your eyes. A flash of silver runs down the hillside, too small to be lightning. You steady your breathing, and fix your gaze on The Summoner.
“You are no chosen one,” he bellows, as the light flashes again.
“No,” you gasp. “But she is.”
He turns, as Merra strikes true. It's a killing blow, perfectly aimed for the heart, but the storm coalesces around him, and the sword is ejected from his chest. Red blood whips around him, the same colour as his robes, as the heavens bend towards Merra. With a yell, she drives her sword into the ground, and the sky detonates. The energy flows through it once more, illuminating her skeleton, but she stands strong.
She grabs The Summoner with both hands, tearing his robes. He holds out a hand for his magestaff, and you close your fingers around it. It drags you through the dirt until you fall beside him, and you grasp his foot.
You have never needed to fight before, and you're not suited for it. Your attempts to trip him are met with a single kick to the forearm, as the wind tears at you. The lightning which rains down upon you hits all three of you indiscriminately, but The Summoner only grows stronger from each strike. He holds his arms out, bathing in it, as Merra wrenches her sword free.
The blade swings in a wide arc. It hits him at the same moment the lightning does.
For a moment, they are bound together; Knight and Summoner both. They fall as one unit, and crumple to the ground.
Merra smoulders. You struggle towards her. Your back stings; patches exposed to the open air as rainwater falls into the cuts.
Though it feels like an age, you reach her. The Summoner lies mere inches away, motionless.
You place your hands on either side of Merra’s head, and call on a power you have no control over.
With surprising strength, her hands push yours away.
“You must leave this place,” she whispers. “Leave, or he'll never die.”
You grasp her hands with your own. “But you will live.”
Her laugh is a death rattle. “He has killed so many. What's one more?”
You shake your head, and force yourself upwards. Your arms tremble with effort; your legs won't respond.
The Summoner does not stir.
“Leave,” Merra utters.
You fall at her side. “I cannot.”
You're not sure for how long you lie there. It could be days, it could be mere hours.
The storm passes on, though the skies remain grey.
The horse trots towards you, and, at last, you find the strength to sit up.
“Merra,” you say.
She looks up.
The two of you struggle to stand, sliding in the mud as you do.
You stroke the mare. The grey streak has disappeared from her nose, and Merra notices it too. She scratches her ears, and you let out a breath.
“A fine steed,” you say, “For an immortal knight.”
She looks at you with wonder. Neither of you know if it is true.
No one has ever died in your attendance before, and you've yet to see if it's possible. As you leave the crater which was once Mages’ Hill, ash falls upon you, followed by light rain. Merra tenses, but says nothing as she climbs onto the horse. She helps you on, and the horse moves in a direction of her choosing.
Neither of you turn to see what becomes of The Summoner’s remains, but the rain doesn't follow you for long. There begins a light sunshine, and the horse gains to a canter, as Merra hugs her mane for balance, and you cling to Merra for yours. She laughs, and spurs the horse onwards with a shout.
The three of you ride towards Vale-Egar.
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bean-bean2000 · 3 months
The Maid - Part 6
Pairing: Loki x reader
Warnings: Angst, mentions of violence, depression, mentions of suicide, despair, feeling trapped. Mentions of abuse and rape.
Please read at your own risk. Your own media consumption is not my responsibility. Please read and review the warnings before proceeding.
Thank you and enjoy!
Part 5
Series masterlist Main Masterlist
You walk towards the middle of the bedroom. You decide to not push your luck and remain silence. It is a pure miracle he has yet to punish you for your disrespectful actions and words. He is a royal, the king, a god. He should be ordering your beheading, or worse.
You shiver at the idea and shuffle in place in the centre of his room.
Loki stalks towards you slowly, hands behind his back with his lips pursed together in thought.
"Sit down." he commands. Before you can point out to him that there was no chair for you to sit, you see a cloud of green smoke and a chair appear right beside you.
You notice Loki's gaze following your every move, trying to decipher your thoughts and feelings. He smirks when he sees you shake your head in annoyance at the appearance of the chair and huff as you sit down.
Loki steps toward his window and opens it, whistling three distinct notes into the sky.
Is he really whistling right now?
Then you hear a caw and the flapping of wings as a crow lands on the windowsill.
"There you are my pet. Were you successful as always?" Loki questions the bird.
You're staring at the interaction with confusion. Is he talking to a bird? It then dawns on you that you do not know the true extent of his powers. All you know is that he is the god of lies and mischief but who is Loki truly?
Your thoughts are interrupted when you hear Loki thank the bird who caws in reply and flies away.
"That bird as you call him, is my pet. My most trustworthy friend. He has never failed me."
Your head snaps up "I didn't say anything." How did he know I called it a bird? Was I talking out loud without knowing? I must be very tired.
You're so confused and lost in thought that you don't notice Loki shift uncomfortably at his realization.
She doesn't know that I can hear people's thoughts at times when they are loud enough... does she not know the extent of my powers? Loki thinks to himself.
"Who is this 'snake' you speak of?" he asks, abruptly distracting you from your thoughts.
You look at him in confusion. How can he not know who the snake is?
"He is the Chief in command of the royal guard." you explain.
"Impossible, I appoint only those with my highest regard to such positions of power. I know of no man under the name snake. He is an imposter." Loki declares.
You press your lips into a tight line and say nothing, staring at the floor.
He can't be serious? He appointed him. He orders that monster around. He tells him what to do... who to punish.. and how..
You swallow thickly and shiver from the terrible memories. You shift in your seat and remain silent.
"What are his duties, according to your understanding of his ranking. What has he told you?"
I can't. He'll find out. He knows everything. Deny it all. But he can taste lies... I can't lie... the truth with holes isn't lying.. right? It's just not telling him all the details...
Loki is watching you intently. He hears your thoughts, they are so loud, laced with such extreme fear, it sounds like you're shouting them in his head. You're terrified.
"I asked you a question." Loki says to you calmly. He pulls a chair out of thin air and sits across from you.
You try answering but your voice waivers. Your whole body is shaking. You will yourself to stop, to compartmentalize, for your own sanity.
You sit up straight and wring your hands together, clearing your throat. You cross your legs and notice Loki's eyes shift to your bare legs in his oversized green pyjama shorts. You uncross them immediately.
His eyes shift back up to you. You stare at the floor, avoiding his gaze. He looks at you with sadness. Small indications of a traumatized woman trying her best to survive in the world she was thrown into.
"You are terrified of him. Every time I mention his name you shrink into yourself. You stare at the floor. You begin to shake. You stop speaking and you slow your breathing. You do everything to make yourself as small and invisible as possible. Now, please answer my question."
Your throat feels dry, your hands are clammy and you're heart rate increases. You try to swallow again.
If I lie to him he will know and he will punish me. If I tell him the truth, the snake will punish me. Why do I get the feeling the snake's punishment would be worse than anything the king could ever do to me?
"His- his duties are to watch over the maids quarters. He - he um does the check every night with a few other guards. He said - I was told that he is your first in command. Everything he does is ordered by you." you explain and you continue to wring your fingers together and look anywhere but at the king.
Loki shifts in his seat and leans back, placing one leg above the other knee. You dare to glance at him and see his features flash with frustration and anger.
Oh norns. He knows I'm not telling the entire truth. There's no way he knows. I just didn't elaborate, that doesn't count as a lie, right?
You stare at the window and imagine yourself flying away like a bird. Free to do as you wish, fly wherever and whenever. Freedom and liberty.
"What does he do every night as part of his duties?" he pushes further.
"The check. He does the check." you answer quickly. keeping your gaze on the window.
He sighs heavily and leans forward.
"What is 'the check'? I want specifics." he pushes again.
" The Sn-...He- He checks the maids quarters. He makes us stand up in a horizontal line and makes sure we are all where we're supposed to be."
"That's it? That is 'the check'? This is what has you shaking at the very mention of his name?" Loki keeps pushing.
I can't I can't I can't I can't. Just lie to the king. The snake - if he finds out - he'll... I won't be able to stop him. They can all overpower me. They will torture me until I beg for mercy. I can't let it happen. Even if it costs me my head.
"Yes. That's it." you whisper as you continue to avoid eye contact. You're imagining yourself as a bird flying away, maladaptive daydreaming to maintain your sanity.
"The least you could do is look me in the eye when you lie to me." The king says stoically.
You freeze.
Oh my gods. I'm screwed. Why didn't I just do it faster in the bathroom? This wouldn't be happening right now. I had my chance...
"Look at me." he commands.
You slowly raise your eyes from the window and meet his. They're shining a dangerously dark green.
You immediately cower, shrinking into yourself further if possible, willing yourself to disappear.
"What does he and the guards do during 'the check' of the maid's quarters?" he asks again, slowly, in a threatening tone. He's challenging you to lie to him again.
"Please. I can't. Please let me go. I will not say a word to a single soul, I swear. I can't tell you, he'll - they will. Please. I'm begging you." You feel the tears cascading down your cheeks. A never-ending river. All of the repressed tears over the years, flowing out of the broken dam.
You stop shaking. You realize he did it. The Snake succeeded at what you vowed you would never let happen.
"He broke me." you whisper.
Loki's face falls and his eyes darken with rage and pain.
Part 7
Let me know what you all think of the story so far!! Feedback is welcome!
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cinebration · 10 months
5 Times Cyclone (Barely) Kept His Cool (& 1 Time He Didn’t) (Cyclone x Reader) [One-shot]
Disclaimer: I know nothing about how the Navy and Air Force work.
I had originally planned an entirely different multipart fic, but my brain won't let me write.
Tagged: @crispysublimecupcake, @failure-of-a-student, @abaker74, @green-parx, @ahopelessromanticwritersworld, @deanscroissant, @b-bradshaw, @alldaysdreamer, @bat-luna-cat, @auntiegigi, @another-bookwyrm, @littlewhiterose, @lucy-sky
Warnings: none
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Gif Source: garethamm
Beau “Cyclone” Simpson rarely frequented the bar, not merely because he didn’t much care for the atmosphere but because he felt it necessary to remain distant and aloof from his subordinates—even ones that were just names on paper to him.
After the success of Maverick and his team in destroying the unsanctioned uranium enrichment plant, however, Cyclone found himself alongside Warlock in the bar, watching the TOPGUN pilots toast their triumph. Music thumped a steady beat in the background as the chatter, laughter, and cheers swelled in rolling waves through the enclosed space. Sweat trickled down the back of Cyclone’s neck as the heat of the room pressed down on him.
He tried to let his professional façade relax a fraction. He was just as elated as the flyboys at the success of the mission—more so, considering he had known the full ramifications of the crisis should they have failed. His relief was as palpable as the strength of the relieved expression on Warlock’s face.
Sipping his beer, he scanned the room, lips bearing the faint ghost of a smile as he noted the euphoric faces of his subordinates. Beyond the core group clustered around the pool table, several pilots sat or stood in scattered groups, elbowing each other and laughing, beers in hand.
Beyond them, in the far corner beside one of the windows overlooking the beach, you sat at a table, a half-filled glass in front of you. One foot propped up on the chair across from you, aviators hanging from the collar of your blouse, dark jeans, and ankle boots the same color of brown as your faux leather jacket, you had the same easy confidence tinged with a hint of arrogance as Maverick, of all people.
Cyclone stared.
“Cyclone? Beau?”
Cyclone’s attention snapped to Warlock. “What?”
“Are you really so incapable of enjoying yourself?”
He frowned. “What?”
“You really weren’t listening.” Warlock shook his head. “We’re here to relax and enjoy the win.”
“There are too many other things to win,” Cyclone countered. “This is just one.”
He glanced at your table.
Your seat was empty.
Cyclone straightened in his seat, scanned the room. The flyboys blocked his view, flaring his irritation as he strained to see past them.
Cyclone ground his teeth in disappointment.
“What’s the matter?”
He shook his head, biting back the retort surging through him: You let her get away. Again.
“Nothing,” he muttered. He sucked on his beer, the taste of it flat on his tongue. “Nothing at all.”
A week and a half later when Cyclone had finally succeeded in pushing away the frustration and disappointment, he sat in a war room across from his counterpart in the Air Force, a man he begrudgingly respected not so much for his track record as for his personality. The man had managed to rise with a stellar career through the Air Force without turning into a total asshole.
Seated at the head of the table, the Secretary of Defense, a retired general of significant pedigree, intoned in a deep, buttery voice, “The mission requires a joint operation between the Air Force and the Navy. The Commander-in-Chief is demanding that it be done quickly and with such precision that it would make a neurosurgeon eat his shirt.”
General Charles Mcloughlin chuffed a quiet laugh. “The neurosurgeons I know would never.”
Unamused, SECDEV continued, “This mission is top priority. I don’t need to remind you that we need top-level talent and genius thinking to get this done. So do it.”
With that, the man left the room, his aide scurrying after him like a remora trying to keep up with a shark. Cyclone turned to Mcloughlin, who returned his hard stare with a heavy calm, unaffected gaze.
“I take it you heard about this beforehand,” Cyclone noted, inclining his head at the folder in front of the other man. “You already have a plan?”
“A semblance of one,” Mcloughlin demurred. “I already have two pilots selected from our end, the real crème-de-la-crème of the entire Force.”
Cyclone sighed. “But?”
“We need to use F-22s.”
Raking a hand over his face, Cyclone leaned forward, forearms digging hard into the table. “F-22s can’t land on aircraft carriers.”
“No, but the carriers can launch support for one.”
“Why would an F-22 need support from anything? No other aircraft matches it.”
“Because we’re going to crash it.”
“You’re fucking kidding me.”
Mcloughlin shook his head. “They’re being phased out by the F-35s. This mission requires us to complete the objective and then make it look like our aircraft can’t handle it anymore.”
“And you want my men to, what? Take enemy fire to make your crash look good?”
“Something like that.”
This job is going to give me an ulcer. The muscle in his jaw jumping, Cyclone stretched out a hand. Mcloughlin placed the folder in his palm. Leaning back in his chair, Cyclone flipped it open.
Your eyes stared at him from the first page. The ghost of a smirk played on your lips, the lens flare in your eyes a mischievous glimmer.
Cyclone swallowed thickly, his heart flinging itself against his ribs. Carefully, he flipped past your dossier, spent as many seconds on the second one as he had on yours.
He snapped the folder shut.
“When do I meet them?”
Cyclone’s general dislike for the Air Force stemmed from a well-hidden jealousy. He had always wanted to get his hands on an F-22 Raptor, but the Navy didn’t use it. Even in his flyboy days, he hadn’t even been able to share the same airspace as one. He had never seen one in person, grounded or airborne.
Standing in a hanger on the Pearl Harbor-Hickam base in Hawai’i, Cyclone could barely contain his excitement and awe as he took in the F-22 Raptor standing but a few yards away. It took all of his control to keep his expression an impassive, unimpressed mask, even with only the general and Warlock in the hanger with him.
“Couldn’t bother to do this back on our home turf,” Warlock muttered to him, shaking his head as he stared up at the fighter. “No, they want to rub it in our faces.”
Cyclone made a noncommittal noise in his throat, then added, “Our pilots could use the humbling.”
“Nevertheless.” Warlock shook his head again.
Mcloughlin stood behind a small podium they had set up off to the side, a number of seats arrayed before it. The TOPGUN pilots and the two Air Force ones were yet to arrive to fill them. With each passing minute, Cyclone felt his heartrate kick up another notch. He ascribed it to the proximity of the stealth aircraft he had once dreamed of being close enough to touch.
It wasn’t until the soft tread of several booted feet scuffed over the cement floor that the blood roared through his ears. Woodenly, he turned to face the assembled pilots taking their seats. Despite their newfound friendship, Rooster sat in the row behind Hangman with Phoenix and Bob, the latter two taking surreptitious glances at the two Air Force pilots. Fanboy and Payback were the least discrete, staring both at the F-22 and the Air Force pilots in turn.
You sat at the back, dressed in a flight suit not dissimilar to the ones the TOPGUN pilots used. The two bars signifying your rank as a captain gleamed sharply in the light streaming through the open hanger doors.
You met Cyclone’s stare. One eyebrow rose up your forehead.
Hands clasped behind his back, Cyclone fought to keep his eyes ahead as Mcloughlin outlined the mission to the pilots. Your stare was magnetic, the pull of it almost irresistible.
By the time he stepped up to the podium, his wrist ached from squeezing it so tightly.
“This mission is a joint Navy and Air Force mission,” he reiterated, his throat straining not to give his nerves away. “That means General Mcloughlin and I retain the same authority.”
Sweat collected beneath the collar of his uniform. He glanced at the Air Force pilot leading the F-22 mission, a Daniel Hummel.
Your stare burned fire through him from the back of the room.
“If you don’t play nice with my men, if you are insubordinate in any way, you are off the mission. The general won’t listen to any appeal.”
His gaze shifted to his own men and women, careful not to pass over you.
“The same holds true for you.” He made a point of looking at Hangman. “There is no inter-branch rivalry here. We’re all on the same mission, which means you have to trust each other. If you don’t play nice, if you are insubordinate in any way, you are off the mission.”
His hands gripped the edges of the podium hard enough for his knuckles to turn white.
“Is that understood??”
A chorus of “yessirs” filled the room.
He risked a glance in your direction as you stood to file out with the others. The ache in his hands hardly matched the one in his chest when you didn’t look back.
Rage burned in Cyclone’s veins. It would be one of his own men that instigated the fight during training for a mission crucial not only to the objective but to strengthening Navy-Air Force relations.
He could already hear the Air Force brass whispering up the ladder about the lack of discipline in the Naval Air Forces.
Nerves buzzing, he felt like pacing and screaming at the two troublemakers standing in his office. Instead, he sat rigidly behind his desk, a glower on his face as he stared at Hangman and Rooster. Both men barely met his eye, their postures just as rigid, hands clenched behind their backs.
“What were you thinking?” he asked, the steel in his voice dangerous.
“Nothing, sir,” Rooster answered.
“We were being challenged, sir,” Hangman answered.
Cyclone clenched his teeth. “Did I or did I not say to play nice?”
“Yessir,” the men agreed in unison.
“Then why is Captain Hummel in the hospital?”
“Airmen are made of weaker stuff,” Hangman quipped.
Cyclone’s jaw audibly popped. The faint smirk on Hangman’s face evaporated.
“Thanks to you, the primary on this mission can no longer serve on the mission. We don’t have the time to train another pilot to act as this mission’s secondary, so you both are relieved of duty. I can’t risk you injuring the other pilot. Dismissed.”
Both men shouted “sir, yessir” and filed out of the room so stiffly they threatened to snap their spines. Cyclone passed a hand over his face, releasing an explosive sigh when the door swung shut. His stomach spasmed as he thought of you taking Hummel’s place on the mission. The mission was dangerous as it already was, given the enemy aircraft that were likely to be encountered, but to deliberately trash a fighter in the middle of potential dogfighting another layer of suicidal to an already insane mission.
He hadn’t even spoken to you directly yet. The opportunity hadn’t yet arrived.
There’s no point, he thought to himself. You aren’t built for…anything but this job. It is your only mistress.
His nails dug into his palms.
Now he might never have the chance to find out otherwise.
Chaos reigned on the aircraft carrier. The last of the F-18s had yet to land, instead doing circles above the aircraft. The enemy fighters had disengaged when the carrier had come into view, but not before launching a missile that hadn’t been intercepted.
It hit your win, as you rolled, sending you into an out-of-control spiral. Your engines clipped the edge of the aircraft carrier, a quarter-of-a-mile off your intended target.
The crash had been real, taking a section of the landing strip with it.
The urge to vomit overwhelmed Cyclone. Breathing shallowly through his nose, he waited. He waited an eternity for the final F-18 to touch down, Phoenix and Bob climbing out of the cockpit with unsteady legs. He waited an eternity for the rescue team to launch out after you, your parachute a clear beacon on the choppy water.
He waited an eternity for you to be brought onboard. Another eternity for the medics to flock to your side, surrounding you like vultures around carrion.
His stomach dropped when the chopper lifted off, carrying you to the nearest base for emergency medical assistance.
He slumped in the chair of his tiny office onboard the carrier. Numb, he reached for the phone already connected to General Mcloughlin’s line.
The general answered immediately.
“I heard,” he said.
The silence felt like a vacuum sucking out Cyclone’s breath.
“You ever bring a mission like this to my table again,” he hissed, “I will make you eat the proposal.”
He slammed the phone back in its cradle. Stared at it.
Picked it up again and slammed, slammed, slammed it against the desk until it shattered in his hands. A roar filled his skull.
Anything not bolted down smashed across the room, tore in his hands. The rage and despair gripped him in a dark whirlwind that violence didn’t satisfy.
He sunk back down into his chair, slid off it in a heap as its broken leg gave way.
Warlock found him sitting up against the wall, shirt unbuttoned, hair a mess.
“She’s back at Pearl Harbor,” he said simply.
“Get me there.”
When he arrived, you were out of surgery and recovering. Forced to wait half a day before he could see you, Cyclone diverted all his calls to Warlock and delegated everything else. He sat statuesque in the waiting room, consuming nothing but bitter, thick coffee that made his stomach burn.
You were awake when the nurses let him into the room. Bruises mottled your face, your broken arm in a cast.
He almost couldn’t bear to look at you.
You tilted your head to better see him. A faint smile split your cracked lips. “Did that catch your attention?”
He choked on his tongue. “What?”
“I’m glad to see I’m important.”
Cyclone gently grabbed your hand. “You were always important.”
You laughed brokenly. “Come back when I’m not hopped up on meds. We have a lot to talk about.”
He promised quietly to return the next day.
Only when you were out of eyesight did he lean against the nearest wall and thank God for your survival. He fought back tears of relief through the prayer.
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boldlyvoid · 1 year
Bigger than the whole sky | Part Three: Electric Hearts
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Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Summary: As it turns out, getting pregnant was the easiest part... The hard part is making sure Jack is okay with it and the team understands what it's going to look like when Hotch goes on paternity leave... and Peter's moms reaction to a grandbaby that isn't hers.
Warnings: pregnancy, canon rewrite season 10/11 - no scratch plotline, spencers mom's dementia mentioned, JJ's pregnant too, lots of Jack content, doctors appointments and ultrasounds, nondescript case in LA -- hotel quickies, showering together, lots of fluff over all
Word Count: 13.5k
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Derek is so used to being called into Hotch’s office now that he’s the second in command, that he no longer feels anxious when Aaron asks him to close the door behind himself. He always knows that Aaron just wants to talk about a new case or some bullshit higher up… today he comes right in, closes the door and sits down like he owns the place.
“What’s up?” 
“That place you’re letting Y/N stay in, how much were you going to sell it for?” Aaron asks.
“Why?” Derek smiles, sitting up straighter. 
“It’s the perfect size for us and the kids,” Aaron answers, smiling right back, letting Derek in on their little secret. 
“No way?” Derek can’t believe it, he’s so proud, he’s practically oozing happiness. “You didn’t even skip a beat, she said she wanted kids and you just went and did it?” 
“We did it…”
Derek gets up from his seat and meets Aaron halfway for a hug, he pats him on the back and just laughs, “Wow… you’re going to be a dad again.” 
“And that’s another thing I need to talk to you about,” Aaron says, making him sit back down. “Not only do I want to buy that house from you, I would like you to step up and take over when I go on paternity leave.” 
“Obviously,” Derek shrugs like it’s nothing to take over as Unit Chief. “I don’t mind, I’m just starting to get used to the paperwork again.” 
“I’m going to ask JJ to step up into your spot during that time and we’re working on 2 new hires so you’ll have almost a full team in our absence,” Aaron explains further. “And I’ll be 1 call away at all times.” 
“And I’ll know where you live,” Derek teases. “Speaking of the house, it was foreclosed when I got it so it was only 153k and I put about 100k into it, so I can settle on 255, even though I know the market value now is close to 800.”
“I don’t mind paying the full—
“No, no. Put the rest of the money into the kids' college funds, please? You know I don’t need it.” Derek stares at him with his immaculate brows arched. 
“I can do that,” he agrees easily. “Can you just keep it a secret for me? I want the house to be a present for her and she doesn’t want anyone but you to know about the baby yet… she really wants to make it to 12 weeks before she starts to tell anyone in case it doesn’t work out.” 
“Of course, man… but I’m sure the others will figure it out, I mean, she’s not really going after unsubs as hard as before and she’s sticking to your side at the precincts instead of going out to interview suspects, she’s been having a snack at 3-hour intervals… she ever stayed back with penny cause she wasn’t feeling good. I had a feeling this was coming. ” 
“She doesn’t want to transfer, she’s going to switch on desk duty around 20 weeks… she’s actually been doing the interviews for me so we can fill up the team again,” Aaron explains. “Have you heard anything about a Luke Alvez?” 
He nods, “Yeah, he’s on the fugitive task force, right? He’s gone after some of the unsubs we’ve profiled but couldn’t capture, right?” 
“Yeah, he did.” Aaron nods, “he and Dr. Tara Lewis, a forensic psychologist from San Fransisco, are our top two. She’s been interviewing convicted serial killers for the last 4 years, she has the most updated insight into why they do what they do.” 
“Our team would be absolutely stacked with them,” Derek all but cheers, he’s so excited.
“So, should I make some calls?” Aaron asks with a smile. 
“You better, or I will.” 
At the same time Derek disappears into Aaron's office, JJ pulls Y/N aside. “Hey, can we talk?” She asks, tugging her all the way down to Derek's old office for some privacy. 
Y/n has a feeling she knows what’s coming, either JJ is pregnant or she’d figured out that she is. No matter what, it’s going to be interesting if she’s pulling her this far out of ear range from the team. “What’s going on?” 
“You’re doing the rehiring with Hotch, right?” 
She nods, “Yeah, why?” 
“You might want to consider a second person…”
“Third,” Y/N can’t help but correct her with a smirk. 
“No way?” JJ’s eyes light right up. “You too?” 
“Yeah, I’m 7 weeks tomorrow.” 
“I just hit 10 weeks,” she says and then her jaw drops, she can’t believe it. “Holy shit?” 
“Oh man… this is going to ruin Aaron’s plan…”
“What is?” 
“He was going to ask Derek to step up as chief and have you move into Derek's spot,” Y/N shares. “I guess we have to ask Spencer now.” 
“He’ll do it,” JJ all but answers for him. “Him and Derek running shit will be interesting but… I think they can do it.” 
“And Penelope will be there to keep them in check,” Y/N teases. “But anyway, how are you feeling? Are you okay?” 
JJ nods, “I’m good, it’s surprisingly a lot similar to Henry’s pregnancy so I’m just nauseous all day and sore when I come home and I could honestly fall asleep anywhere… but I’m good.” 
“I haven’t been sick yet,” Y/N shares with her fingers crossed. “I really don’t want to throw up but I know it’ll hit me out of nowhere soon. I remember when Peter's cousin had their first she was only sick in the second trimester and I have a feeling I might get that too.” 
“Spencer would say that’s because in the first semester, your body sometimes heals everything in you in order to make the most habitable home for the baby and then you’re so worn down in the second trimester that you get sick easily,” she explains, having heard it all before. “He said the same thing to Callahan last year when she had her baby.” 
“What’s in the water here getting us all knocked up?” Y/N teases. “I mean, who’s next?” 
“Derek,” JJ jokes. “With the rate he and Savannah are having weekends alone… it’ll happen.” 
“I just hope he waits until Aaron is done with his paternity leave.” 
Finding a doctor that could do appointments on weekends was hard. They couldn’t find a way to sneak out of the office during the week to go to an appointment without the team figuring out what was going on and most of their cases took them out of D.C. for 2-4 days so they’d have to reschedule anyway. 
It’s actually Derek who’s able to hook that up for them. He simply asks his Doctor girlfriend and she asks one of her OBGYN friends at the hospital — who are more than willing to help out a couple of FBI agents on a weekend. 
Y/N and Aaron come in that next Saturday at 10am and finally get to see their tiny little baby in her ever-growing stomach… she was already having a hard time fitting into her work pants and she was only 2 months along. Aaron loved it, which she knew he would, she just didn’t expect him to have his hands on her all the time. At work, he’d rest his hand on her side with his fingers slowly inching towards her tummy and at home, he was all over her. The doctor's office was no different. 
He helps her out of her pants and into a gown for the ultrasound and then onto the exam table. He takes a seat beside her and quickly his hand comes up to rest on her stomach. She covers his hand with her own and caresses him with her thumb, “you’re so cute,” she compliments. 
“Why?” He laughs, “cause I can’t keep my hands off you?” 
“I don’t know if it’s your fatherly instincts or what, but you basically guard my belly now,” she teases. “It’s cute.” 
“I love you two, sue me,” he teases right back. 
The two of them laugh together more than anything else. He makes her so happy that her cheeks always end up hurting from smiling too much. They’re so in love it makes her feel a little crazy because there’s no way this is how love is always supposed to be. She can’t believe she missed out on these feelings for so long and she also can’t believe she gets to be this happy with him for the rest of her life. 
“Knock knock,” their doctor says as she opens up the door just a few inches. “Are you ready to start the appointment?” 
“Absolutely!” Y/N cheers, she sits up ever so slightly and squeezes Aaron's hand. “Thank you so much for taking us on a Saturday.” 
“Oh, no problem, Dr. Hayes told me all about what you guys do for our country, I wouldn’t dare turn you away,” she raves as she approaches them. She takes a seat on the little rolling stool and moves in closer to them. “Thanks for catching bad guys, you guys are like heroes.” 
“He’s the hero, he’s been doing it for 13 years,” Y/N pushes the compliment onto Aaron cause she doesn’t take them well. 
“It’s nothing,” Aaron waves it off. 
“Not nothing, it’s amazing… I’m Dr. Samantha Connors, by the way,” she says as she reaches out to shake Aaron's hand. “Is this your first baby?” 
“Mine, yeah,” Y/N smiles. “Aaron has a 10-year-old son named Jack, he’s the sweetest.”
“Okay good, so you’re familiar with these appointments, aren’t you Dad?” 
Aaron nods, “I wasn’t at all of them with my ex-wife, but from what I remember this appointment is just for the heartbeat and making sure the baby is growing properly, right?” 
Dr. Connors smiles, “Yeah, that’s exactly right. So, if you don’t mind, I’m going to get started with your ultrasound, okay?”
“Okay,” Y/N agrees, she gets comfortable in her seat, her feet in the stirrups, and she takes a deep breath knowing what was about to happen wasn’t comfortable. 
Aaron holds her hand the whole time that the doctor looks around without showing them the screen. They share little smiles and stare down the doctor together, both of them being experts at studying body language… they know everything is fine even before she turns the screen to them and says, “Are you ready to meet your baby?” 
They both beam, nodding as words escape them… their baby is so tiny and real and right there on the screen. “She looks like a cashew,” Y/N can’t help but say as her eyes well with tears. “Oh my gosh.” 
“I always forget how small they start out,” Aaron swoons just the same. 
“they’re measuring perfectly for 8 weeks and on my monitor here I see the heart beating but let’s hear it,” Doctor Connors says as she turns on the Doppler effect and the woosh of her heartbeat comes through. 
Y/N starts crying almost immediately, she tries so hard to hold it in but the tears run down her face, anyway.  Aaron is quick to cup her face in his hands and wipe her tears away, he presses a kiss to her cheek, “you’re okay,” he reminds her. “You’re doing so good, she’s so healthy.” 
“Very healthy,” Doctor Connors affirms. “We’re just waiting on the blood work you did in the other room to confirm, but just from the looks of things I think this is going to be a very successful pregnancy.”
“It’s my first time ever being pregnant,” Y/N shares. “I was trying for years with my ex-husband but he had a vasectomy and never told me so I always thought I couldn’t but it was him that was the issue. I’ve always wanted to see this, that’s why I’m crying.” 
“I’m so sorry,” she places her free hand on her chest. “That’s awful, I can’t believe that happened to you.” 
“It was awful… but I’m much happier on every front now,” She says as she smiles at Aaron. 
“You and me both, honey.” 
Aaron keeps looking in the rear-view mirror, he’s staring at Jack in the back seat. He still hasn’t told him where they’re going… Jack spent the night with Jess last night, he’s expecting to go right home but Aaron’s taking him to Y/N’s house for the first time. Y/N still doesn’t know that Aaron is working on buying the house, Jack has no idea either, so really it’s just Aaron trying to get them both used to being in that house together before he announces or proposes anything. 
At the end of the day, Jack's happiness and comfort are very important and if he isn't happy with this, Aaron will just have to find a way to make living in 2 places work for them. 
“Dad?” Jack asks from the back seat. 
“You missed the road we take to go home…” 
“Oh… uh, I thought we could go see Y/N for dinner tonight? Is that okay?” Aaron asks, “She’s making pasta, you like pasta, right?” 
“Yeah, that’s cool,” Jack says with a smile. “I like her, she’s a good cook.” 
“She is,” Aaron smiles back. “You’re going to like her house, too, she has a big yard and a nice new couch for movies and she has Netflix, too.” 
“Oh! Yes, can we watch a movie before we leave tonight?” 
“I think that could be possible,” Aaron agrees. “But you’ll have to ask her, she worked all day and we didn’t sleep on the plane and now she’s making dinner, she’s probably going to be tired.” 
“I’ll be extra nice when I ask, I promise,” Jack says with a giddy look on his face. His shoulders rise as he clenches his fist and shimmies in his seat, overjoyed to get to spend more time with her. 
It’s everything Aaron could ever hope for and more, his two (almost 3) favourite people love to hang out together. That’s all he wanted. 
Y/N meets them outside on the front step when they arrive, she’s changed into her comfy clothes and she opens her arms wide when Jack runs towards her for a hug. “Hi buddy,” she coos, she pets his hair and gives his head a gentle kiss. “How are you?” 
“I’m good, Dad said you might be tired tonight but if you’re not can we watch another movie together?” He asks right away. 
“Oh, yeah, yeah we totally can, buddy. I’m a little tired but staying up with you is worth it,” she gives him a smile as she leads him inside. “What movie were you thinking?” 
Aaron just lets them go. He watches them talk to each other and share little smiles and laughs and he can’t believe this is his life.
When Haley died, the last thing he could imagine was feeling this in love again and the second last thing he could imagine was Jack having a motherly figure as he grew up. He was so scared to do it alone and fuck him up and then he blinked and his life fell into place once again. His son is happy, his girlfriend is happy, and their baby is healthy. There’s nothing more he could wish for. 
“You know, I actually have a surprise for both of you,” Y/N announces midway through dinner.” 
“Really?” Jack perks up. 
“Really?” Aaron is surprised, she hasn’t told him anything and normally they’re like open books with each other. 
“I saw that one of the neighbours was moving a bunk bed into the bed of her husband's truck and she said they were just going to take it to the dump because no one would answer their Craigslist add for a free bunk bed… so I took a look at it and it was in great condition and I gave her husband 50 bucks to help me put it together in one of the spare bedrooms,” she explains, smiling with all her teeth the whole time. “And then I messaged Derek and he had 2 single mattresses in the storage unit and he dropped them off for me so now Jack, you have a place to sleep here if you want to stay.” 
“I’ve never had a bunk bed before!” Jack says as he gets up from his seat at the table to run over and give her another hug. “Thank you, Y/N.” 
“You’re welcome,” she says just loud enough for him to hear. Her shoulders drop and she holds him close, resting her cheek on top of his head. “Next time we have a day off we can go pick out some stuff to decorate your room, okay?” 
She peers over to Aaron, he’s smiling at her with his heart in his eyes, “I love you,” he mouths, not yet ready for Jack to hear that but it’s true. He sometimes can’t believe the amount of love he feels for her, it’s overwhelming in the best way possible. 
After dinner, Aaron sends them both out to the living room to pick a movie and start watching it while he cleans up the kitchen for Y/N. He doesn’t know what they’re watching, but hearing them laugh together makes him smile as he fills the dishwasher and hand-washes the pots and pans she used to make the pasta. When he comes out of the kitchen, Jack is snuggled back into Y/N’s side with his hand on her belly, watching the movie without a clue that she’s carrying his little sibling in there. Aaron takes a sneaky picture of them on his cellphone, he wants to remember this moment forever. The moment both his families became one unit.
He takes a seat on her other side and she’s quick to take his hand in hers. She gives his hand a squeeze and he caresses her with his thumb, she leans over and rests her head on his shoulder, giving him the chance to press a kiss to her temple.
When it's time for Jack to go to bed, he sits in the bottom bunk of his new bed and he looks around the room like something is missing. “What’s wrong?” Y/N asks.
He shrugs, “Nothing.” 
Aaron isn’t in the room, he’s stepped out to the car to get Jack's overnight bag with his pjs and toothbrush, so he can’t read Jack and tell her what’s going on. She has to pry. So she takes a seat beside him, making sure she doesn’t hit her head on the top bunk and she smiles softly, “You know you can tell me anything, right?” 
He nods and bites his lip, avoiding eye contact with her. “I need a night light.” 
“Oh,” she should’ve known. “Um… I don’t have a normal night light but I have some string lights for Christmas I could put up, would that work?” 
“Yeah, I don’t like the dark,” he shares. 
“I don’t either,” she shares right back. “I think the lights are in a box under the stairs, do you want to come look with me? You can hold the flashlight?” 
“Okay!” Jack agrees pretty easily, they run down the stairs together and to the kitchen where her flashlight sits in a drawer and she gives it to him. He flicks it on and off a few times with a smile, “thank you, Y/N.” 
“You’re welcome, buddy,” she waves it off as no big deal and leads him to the cubby under the stairs. 
He stands to the side, behind her, with the light on for her so she can see into all the boxes of things she hasn’t unpacked yet. She digs for a while, both of them don’t notice that Aaron has come back in or that he’s standing in the doorway, once again listening to them. “Here they are,” she announces as she pulls out the bundle of lights. 
She holds them up to show Jack and he smiles, big and wide, “You’re the best… I really liked Beth and I was scared my dad wouldn’t find another nice lady to love like he did before with my mom but you’re even nicer. I’m really happy he loves you and you love him. He’s a lot happier now that you love him.” 
“Jack,” she swoons and wraps her arms around him, trying not to cry. “That’s the sweetest thing you could’ve ever said to me!”
“It’s just the truth,” he laughs awkwardly while hugging her back. 
When they come out of the little cubby under the stairs, they’re both shocked to see Aaron there, smiling. “Oh, hi,” Y/N smiles at him, still all teary-eyed. 
“Dad, we’re going to hang these in my room!” Jack cheers, he’s so excited. 
“Alright… with what?” Aaron asks, ready to help. 
“I have some push pins in the kitchen we can just put them in the wall and drape the lights over it,” Y/N suggests. “And then when we go out to the store for decorations we’ll get you a real night light, okay?” 
“Okay!” Jack shouts, overexcited, “You get the pins and I’ll put these upstairs!” And then he runs up the stairs to his new room. 
“You’re so good with him,” Aaron coos, wrapping his arm around her and bringing her in for a hug. He kisses the top of her head and then she looks up at him with tears in her eyes. “What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing. Nothing is wrong. I’m just so happy,” she admits. She leans in for a quick kiss, pressing her lips to his, they breathe each other in for a quick moment before pulling apart. “Are we going to tell him tomorrow?” She whispers. 
He nods, “I was thinking we could take him to the restaurant where I introduced you to him, for breakfast tomorrow, and we could tell him there?” 
“That sounds perfect,” she agrees, “you can go help him get dressed and I’ll be up in a minute, okay?” 
“Sounds good,” Aaron gives her a smile, his hand grazes her tummy as he pulls away fully and heads towards the stairs. 
She watches him go with a soft smile on her face, she just shakes her head… she can’t believe this is her life now. She has a wonderful husband, the sweetest stepson and she’s pregnant with another perfect Hotchner. What more could she ever wish for?
When she gets upstairs, Jack is in his pjs, his teeth are brushed and he’s sitting happily in his bed, waiting for Y/N to return with the lights already plugged into the wall and turned on, ready to be hung up. She hands Aaron a few pins and they each stick them in the walls, an equal distance from each other so they hang nicely. “I really hope Derek won’t mind…” 
“He won’t, it’s not going to be his house for long,” Aaron says with a sneaky smile on his face like he’s been planning something. 
She doesn’t say anything, it’s not something they need to discuss in front of Jack but if he was going to buy this house to make it their shared home, she would not be mad about that. In fact, she’d be overjoyed to have her whole family under 1 roof. 
Once the lights are up, Jack lies down in his bed against the pillows and smiles. “This is perfect.” 
“You really like it?” Y/N asks, seeking his approval. 
Jack just nods with a hum. “I’m really tired now.” 
“okay buddy, we’ll get out of your hair,” Aaron announces, moving towards the door. “Sweet dreams.” 
Y/N brushes her hand over Jack's hair and makes sure it’s out of his face and she leans down to kiss his forehead. “Thank you for a wonderful night, buddy. We’ll see you tomorrow.” 
“Is Dad going to be in your room?” 
“No, why?” Y/N shakes her head, wondering why he’d ask that. 
“If I have a bad dream, I need to know where he is… don’t most grown-ups in love sleep in the same bed?” 
“Yeah, but we didn’t think you were ready to see us sleeping together in the mornings,” Aaron answers. “Would you be okay with it?” 
Jack nods, eyelids getting heavier. “Yeah, it’s okay.” 
“Okay then, that’s where you’ll find me if you need me. I love you, buddy,” Aaron says as he flicks out the light. 
“Love you. Dad Love you, Y/N.” 
She tries so hard not to cry again, “I love you too, Jack,” she whispers and heads out with Aaron. 
They shut the door to his room once they’re out and she places her hand over his heart, “You have the sweetest son in the world.” She whispers. 
“He was never this cute with Beth, I mean, he was nice to her and he invited her to have sleepovers in the tent we made in the living room but he never told her he loved her…” 
“He’s the son of a profiler, I think he’s just good at reading people because I do love you, Aaron Hotchner, I love you so much,” she drapes her arms over his shoulders and smiles up at him. 
He wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her in close so their tummies touch, “I love you, too… Y/N Hotchner.” 
Her brows raise at that, surprised, “really? I didn’t think you wanted to get married again?” 
“I didn’t either,” he admits. “Come on, let’s go hang out before bed.” 
“Once I go down the stairs I don’t know if I’ll have the energy to come back up,” she admits. “Can we hang out in my room?” 
“Yeah, of course,” Aaron doesn’t mind as she pulls away, he simply runs his hands over her upper arms and smiles. “Anything you want from downstairs? I’m going to go lock up and make sure everything’s secure, maybe grab a water for myself.” 
“Um, maybe a water and a ginger ale for if I get nauseous in the night and some crackers?” 
“You got it, go get in bed and I’ll be right back up.” 
She goes right to her room after that, she changes for bed and does her night routine in the bathroom. She’s midway through putting lotion on her belly and hips when she hears the alarm system turn on with its signature charm and then the sound of feet on the staircase. He puts everything on her night table and then peeks into the bathroom, standing in the doorway with a smile when he sees her shirt up, exposing her belly, as she rubs lotion over it. 
“What?” She asks, “Never seen a pregnant lady try to avoid stretch marks before?” 
“You’re just so beautiful,” he muses. 
“Well, then, look all you want,” she teases. 
He steps into the bathroom and makes his way to her, he places both his hands on her belly and he shakes his head in disbelief. He knees to the ground and places a kiss on her belly, “You know they can hear around 18 weeks? So I’ll get to talk to them in a few weeks.” 
“I did know that,” she smiles down at him. “I’ve read all the books, you know? I had 8 years to prepare for this.” 
He kisses her belly again and again, his hands wrap around to her lower back and one drops down to cup her ass, bringing her in closer to him. He hugs her that way, resting his cheek against her belly. “I can’t wait to talk to you, sweetheart.” 
“You really think it’s a girl?” 
He nods, “Yeah, I do. But even if I’m wrong, I’m just so excited to get to bond with them. When Haley was pregnant, I wasn’t home very often, I felt like I missed almost everything and then when Jack was born I did miss all the big moments. I wasn’t a good dad until she died and I had to be. I don’t want to do that this time.” 
“I don’t think you were a bad dad, there are mothers who work and don’t see their kids often, too, you know? Do you consider JJ a bad mom because she missed Henry's first word and she wasn’t there when he walked for the first time? No. You don’t,” she points out. “You were working, and so was she. Working didn’t stop you from loving him with your whole heart, that right there, loving him, all of him, is the most important part of being a good parent.” 
“God, I love you,” Aaron sighs, his shoulders drop and he looks up at her with the softest expression. “Thank you.” 
“Come here,” she says, placing her hands under his armpits she helps pull him back up to his feet and then she wraps her arms around his middle and leans in for a kiss. She whispers against his lips, “Come to bed with me?”
When Jack wakes up in the morning he unplugs the Christmas lights and carefully opens his door so he doesn’t wake anyone up. He knows he has a tendency to wake up extra early, and he doesn’t have a clock in his new room so he has no way of knowing if it’s a good time to wake up or not. He simply goes to the bathroom, brushes his teeth and heads downstairs to look at the time. 
It’s almost 7, his normal wake-up time for school, and his Dads normal wake-up time for work, so he doesn’t feel bad going back up the stairs and knocking on Y/N’s door. 
“Come in,” Y/N answers from inside, so Jack opens it slowly. 
“Hi,” he smiles once he’s inside.
“Good morning, buddy,” she smiles back, blinking into the morning light, slowly waking up. She’s on her side, cuddled into a pillow with Aaron cuddled up behind her, his arm slung around her and cupping her stomach. “Did you sleep okay?” 
He nods as he makes his way over to the bed. “Yeah, did you?” 
She nods and Aaron groans behind her, “What time is it?” 
“Seven,” Jack answers. “I can go back to my room if—
“No, no, it’s fine,” Y/N stops him. “Do you want to climb in with us for a bit? We’re going to go out for breakfast later.” 
She moves the pillow she was cuddling to the floor and lets Jack take its place. He snuggles right in and sighs as he relaxes. “Where?”
“At McGillicuddy’s,” Aaron answers. “You like the pancakes there, right?” 
“Yeah, but it’s not a special day? We only go on special days?” 
“Every day with you is special,” Y/N teases, she snuggles him in closer and kisses his cheek.
“Okay,” Jack laughs, a sweet pink blush on his cheeks. 
Y/N lays on her side still, cuddled into Jack, as Hotch sits up and rests his hand on Y/Ns shoulder and then rests his chin on his hand. He tilts his head to the side and smiles, he hasn’t had a morning lay-in with his family in a long time. Jack hasn’t either. He smiles back at his dad, “Did you sleep okay?”
“We did,” Aaron answers for them both. “How were the lights?” 
“Good, I didn’t get scared when I woke up to roll over,” Jack shares. “I really liked my new bed, too.” 
“I’m glad,” Aaron says with a sigh, he’s still tired and Jack can tell. “Do you want to go get ready? There are some extra clothes in your overnight bag.” 
“Not yet,” Jack snuggles in even closer to Y/N and holds onto the arm she has slung over his chest. “I want a few more minutes before everything changes.” 
“What do you mean?” Y/N doesn’t understand. “Nothing's changing? We’re just going to get breakfast.” 
“Okay,” Jack whispers. “It’s just… Dad took me to Disney World when him and Beth broke up, I know he takes me places when he has big news.” 
“You took him to Disney world for that?” Y/N turns to him, she can’t believe she didn’t know that. 
“Yeah, I thought he’d take the news better if he was having fun,” Aaron explains, he rubs his hand over his eyes and shakes his head, “I’m sorry, Jack, I don’t want you to equate bad news with your favourite places, I didn’t mean to do that.” 
“So it really is just a trip to get pancakes?” Jack sits up and looks at them both. “You’re not breaking up?” 
“No, we’re not, sweetheart, I promise,” Y/N assures him as she takes his hands in her own. “I love your dad, I’m never leaving him… we did want to tell you something though.” 
“Y/N,” Aaron warns, he didn’t want to do it this way. 
“Aaron, he’s scared, we have o tell him the truth,” she says as she sits up as well. She rests against the headboard and lets the blankets pool around her waist. She runs her hands over her shirt-covered tummy, “I’m pregnant, Jack.” 
His eyes light right up, “really?” He goes to touch her belly but he doesn’t, he holds himself back. He doesn’t know if it would be weird or not. 
She nods, “Yeah, I’m far enough along now that I know the baby is safe and healthy and hopefully, nothing bad can happen to it now, which is why I wanted to tell you. I didn’t want to get your hopes up if I lost it, but you’re going to have a sibling.” 
“Are you okay with this, buddy?” Aaron asks, overanalyzing his facial expressions. 
Jack starts to cry a bit as he nods, “I’m going to be a brother?” 
“Yeah…” Y/N wants to cry too, so she rubs his arm. “It’s okay, Jack, you can be emotional.” 
He covers his face as he cries, “I’m so happy, I promise!” 
Y/N pulls him into a hug, crying now as well, “I’m so happy you’re happy, Jack, I’ve wanted to tell you for so long now. It was so hard keeping it a secret.” 
He hugs her so tight, he rests his cheek on her shoulder and reaches out for his dad to pull him into the hug as well. So Aaron wraps his arm around them and presses his cheek to Jack's head. When he pulls back, so does Jack, he wipes his tears and smiles with all his teeth, “Do you know what it is?” 
Y/N shakes her head, “Not yet, we find out next weekend. You can come with us if you want?” 
“I want to,” he agrees. “Are we still going to get pancakes?”
Y/N and Aaron laugh, “Yeah buddy, we can,” Aaron agrees. “Do you want to go get ready now?” 
He nods and bounces on the bed a bit before moving to hop off. As soon as his feet hit the floor he runs out the door and down the hall to his own room. He’s quick to change and then he has to wait. Y/N takes a bit longer than he and his dad to get ready, she wants to look pretty and he understands that, but he already thinks she’s the prettiest girl in the world. 
He even tells his dad that. 
“I know, I tell her all the time,” Aaron says with a blushy smile.  “I’m really proud of you, you know that, right? You’ve been so kind and accepting of our relationship and Y/N’s always wanted a baby, so you being happy with her dream coming true means a lot to her.” 
“Really? I didn’t know that.” 
Aaron just nods, “she was married before too, but her ex-husband wasn’t a nice guy and made her feel bad for wanting a baby so bad—
“Did he not want kids?” 
“No, and he lied to her. You know how babies are made, you said so yourself… well, he had a surgery done to stop him from being able to get anyone pregnant and never told her so she thought she didn’t have any good eggs, he made her feel really sad all the time. All I want is to make her happy, and that means making sure you have a good relationship with her too because we’re going to be one big family in 6 months,” Aaron explains it all to the best of his ability. 
“Oh,” Jack sits back, sad for her. “That was mean of him.” 
“He was really mean.” 
“That makes me sad… Y/N is so nice, she didn’t deserve that,” Jack says. It’s really mature of him, he feels really bad for her. 
“I know, but she’s really happy now with us,” Aaron assures. He places his hand on Jacks shoulder and smiles. “I promised to always make her happy, I’m glad you want to, too.” 
And he does. He wants to make her the happiest and he thinks he knows how. 
At the restaurant, they all order pancakes and a few sides, and as soon as the waitress walks away, Jack stands up. “I have to pee.” 
“you know where the bathroom is?” Aaron asks, making sure he’s okay to go alone.
He nods, “I’ll be back.” 
He walks towards the bathroom, which is right beside the kitchen, and out of view from their table. He stands in the doorway and waves his waitress over. “Excuse me?” 
“Did you forget to order something?” 
He shakes his head, “My stepmom is having a baby, can you write ‘congratulations mom’ on her pancakes with chocolate syrup like they wrote happy birthday for my birthday last year?” 
She swoons, “of course, we can! That’s so sweet of you to ask, she’s going to love it.” 
Jack thanks her and does head to the bathroom after, just to make sure they believed where he went. When he comes back, they carry on a conversation like normal, they ask Jack about school and he asks about work and when he’ll get to see Derek and Spencer again, he loves his uncles a lot. He has a playdate with Henry this week, so they’ll get to bond over being big brothers together and Jacks is so overjoyed with the news. He thought he’d have to just watch Henry get a brother and not get to know what it’s like, but now he will. Secretly, he hopes it's a boy, but if he got a sister he’d be okay with that too. He’d love her just as much. 
“Okay, I have pancakes and bacon for Dad,” the waitress says as she places a plate in front of Aaron. “Pancakes with extra syrup on the side for the little guy… and I’ll be back with yours.” 
“Okay,” Y/N smiles at her, she doesn’t mind waiting. 
It takes all of 2 minutes for her to return, the waitress smiles so big the whole room shines. “Here you go, Mom,” she says as she places the plate in front of her.
Y/N’s jaw drops, “how did— Jack?” She knew it was him by the way he giggles and rubs his hands together. “Did you ask them to do this?”
He nods, “it’s a special breakfast, you said so yourself.” 
Aaron looks over at her plate and reads the “congrats mom” written on the top pancake. Even he swoons. 
“Jack, thank you,” Y/N says, she gets up and hugs him in the middle of the restaurant. 
“You’re welcome,” he says with his face pressed to her tummy from their height difference. “I’m really happy for you and my dad, I always wanted a brother or sister… and secretly,” he whispers to her and she moves down so he can speak just to her. He cups his hand over her ear, “I wanted a step mom after my mom died.” 
She hugs him again, even tighter. “I love you, Jack, I really mean it.” 
“I love you, too.” 
 She brings a box of donuts into the office on Monday morning, the team watches with wide eyes as she sets the pink box down on the conference table, ready to attack like Vultures. “I know you guys already guessed and probably have a bet going, but, I wanted to tell you all… I’m pregnant too!” 
“Ah!” They all shout as they stand up to congratulate her, they surround her with hugs and questions and happiness. 
“Two BAU babies in one year, what am I going to do?” Penelope teases. “Should we do a combined shower?” 
“Y/N gets the shower,” JJ insists. “This is my second baby, I already have everything I need from the last time, we should celebrate her.” 
“Okay, so a shower and a sprinkle,” Penelope compromises. 
“I’d love that, thank you, Penny,” Y/N smiles at her and then turns to look out the window to see her boyfriend talking to Anderson in the bullpen. “I’m not sure what’s going on, but Aaron will be up in a minute, he’s got some news for you too.” 
“Here,” Spencer rushes over to help Y/N get into a seat. “You don’t need to be standing anymore.” 
“Thanks,” she loves being pampered like this. “I’m still going to come out with you guys for a few more weeks, I’ll be moving to official desk duty at 20, maybe 25 weeks.” 
“I’m not sitting out till my water breaks,” JJ teases. “And if this is anything like the first time, it’ll probably happen around 37 weeks.” 
“He’s your second boy though, he might be a bit lazier,” Y/N says, she’s read all the books, and she’s talked to all the moms. Second boys typically stay in longer than usual.
“Do you know what you’re having yet?” Derek asks, he’s known the longest so this isn’t really a shock to him. 
She shakes her head. “We find out on Saturday, but we think she’s a girl,” she runs her hand over her belly with a smile. “Jack wants a brother to be like Henry but he said he’ll still be happy with a sister, too.” 
“How's that going to work? You and Aaron making a family while he has Jack and their own apartment?” Spencer asks, always wondering about the logistics. 
She shrugs, “I think he’s planning to move Jack and himself in with me but we haven’t talked about it… I’d be fine with it, I’m just worried we’re moving too fast and Jack's going to have a hard time with it all. I mean, I’m not his mom, I can’t replace her and I don’t want to, but the kid is so darn cute and I love him to bits. Playing happy family with him would be easy.”
“Have you talked to him?” Derek asks. 
She nods, “We wanted to take him out for pancakes yesterday and he thought because Aaron only takes him there for big news, that we were breaking up. So we had to tell him before we left and he’s happy, so, so happy he cried… and then he got the waitress to put ‘congrats mom’ on my pancakes. He has a room at my place now, too, and we’re going to go shopping after the ultrasound this weekend. He’s really happy with all this, I’m just scared it won’t last.” 
“He is a sweet kid,” JJ agrees. “I can have Will talk to him when he comes over this week? See how he really feels about all this?” 
“Yeah, that would be good,” Y/N nods. 
“Can I say something?” Spencer interjects. He waits for a nod and then continues. “If someone loved my mom the way you love Aaron and they entered my life when I was 10, right after my dad left, and loved me and cared for me and made a conscious effort to make sure I felt safe and included… it would’ve made a world of difference for me. Having just 1 parent who isn’t around very much is difficult, but you’re making that hurt a bit less for him. When he says he loves you, he means it. Believe me.” 
“Oh spence,” her heart breaks for him. “I had no idea?” 
He shrugs, “newer members wouldn’t… but it’s okay, I have my family here, my childhood just pushed me to get here.” 
Derek reaches over and rubs Spencer's arm, “and we love ya, kid.” 
Spencer just nods, he bites his lip as if there’s more and he doesn’t know what to do and then it all pours out of him. “I uh… I don’t want to make this about me, please don’t—
“It’s okay, Spence,” Y/N sits up a bit straighter and stares at him with a comforting look, “We’re here for you, whatever it is.” 
“My mom's doctor called me and he thinks she might be exhibiting signs of Alzheimer's and they don’t know what to do for her because they’re not a nursing home, they’re a sanatarium,” he explains with teary eyes. “I really don’t know what to do, either.” 
“Bring her out here, we can get her into a facility closer to you and Will and I can help out,” JJ offers. “The boys can call her grandma, we can visit when I’m on maternity leave and you’re on a case, we can take care of her.” 
“And we’ll bring Jack and the baby around too,” Y/N adds. “I’ll be off for the whole year after, maybe longer. I would love to go check on her for you.” 
“We could even reach out to Dave and see if we can borrow his plane cause she doesn’t like to fly,” Penelope is already in planning mode. “We can make it as easy as possible for her.” 
“You guys would really do that for her?” Spencer asks, so close to really crying. 
“Of course, we would,” Derek says, still rubbing his arm to comfort him.
Aaron walks into the room then, “What’s happening?” 
Spencer panics, suddenly feeling bad for sharing his personal life on company time like this is a bad thing. Y/N can see it on her face so she jumps in, “We’re just sharing some personal stuff… I can catch you up later, honey.”
“Okay…” Aaron takes a seat at the table, hesitantly. “But everything’s fine?” 
They all nod, “congrats by the way,” Derek throws in. 
“Oh, thanks,” Aaron starts to smile, overjoyed that everyone knew now. “As you all know, I didn’t really take time off with Jack, so I will be taking 6 months of paternity leave starting mid-September, and my replacement will be Derek. We still need to figure out who will bump up into Derek's space for the time I’m away, but we have lots of time for that.” 
“I would do it, but,” JJ points down at her bump and shrugs. 
“I have reached out to Emily,” Aaron adds. “She’s thinking about it, but if she says no, Spencer I would love—
“I can’t,” Spencer immediately cuts him off. “I have too much on my plate right now, I wouldn’t be the best choice.” 
“Okay, well, maybe one of our new members would be willing to step up,” Hotch slides that in. The rest of them don’t even know who’s joining the team yet.
“Do we know them?” JJ asks. 
He nods, “Dr. Tara Lewis is going to start next month. She’s a forensic psychologist who’s spent the last 4 years interviewing psychopathic criminals to ensure they’re fit for trial, she has a lot of insight on the criminals we’ve caught and she’ll be very handy going forward. However, the reason I’m so late is because I was telling the new guy where to put his things.”
“He’s starting today?” Y/N lights up. “Oh, you guys are going to love him. His name is Luke Alvez, he’s from the fugitive task force and he has a cute German Shepard he got when he came home from Iraq and he’s just amazing.” 
“Wow, that’s high praise coming for you,” Derek teases. 
“Oh hush,” she pushes back. “Aarons the first real man I’ve ever been into, I’m not normally one for the manly, in charge, leader types—
“Okay,” Aaron reaches over to hold her hand and make her stop, he’s getting a bit blushy. “Before we all get written up, the new guy is coming up in a second and we do have a case to get to.”
“That we do,” Penelope stands up with the remote in her hands. “The wheel has been spun and your destination is sunny southern California.”
This case is a slow one. 3 bodies over 6 months caused the case to pass by his desk and be on his radar, however, the 4th body was found only 2 weeks after the 3rd and now they’re officially on the case… but they still don’t have enough information. Knowing the timeline, a 5th body should drop within the week with a slue of new evidence for them to look over live and in person. Until then, they all head back to their hotel rooms for some much-needed rest and alone time. 
Aaron leads her from the elevator to their room, he’s carrying both bags while she opens the door and lets them inside. He places the bags on the floor by the dresser with a sigh. “I am exhausted.” 
“Me too,” she agrees with a matching sigh. She places her hands on her hips and sticks her belly out, trying to stretch her back which hurts more and more as their baby grows. 
“Do you want to hop in the shower with me and then we can go to bed?” Aaron asks. 
She nods and makes her way to the bathroom, she turns on the shower and immediately starts to undress. Aaron watches her with a delicate yes, unbuttoning each button on his dress shirt as slowly as possible so he can appreciate her as she gets naked. 
“You coming?” She asks as she steps into the shower, wondering why he’s taking so long to strip.
“Mhm,” he nods, “am I not allowed to admire you?” 
She gives him a knowing look, dipping her head and looking at him through her lashes, “I thought you were tired?” 
“Last time I was tired after a shower, I got you pregnant,” he reminds her. 
She just laughs, “We haven’t had much time to fuck since I got pregnant, have we?” 
He strips out of his shirt and pushes his pants to the ground, “not really, but I don’t mind.”
“I do,” she whines. “There’s nothing I want more than to spend all my time with you in our bed, making up for lost time and appreciating what little we have left before we have a baby… but I feel weird doing it with Jack in the house.” 
“He’s a heavy sleeper and he knocks before entering,” Aaron assures her. 
“Still feels weird.”
Aaron doesn’t fight her, he just gets into the shower with her and watches her relax under the water. They wash off the day with complimentary body wash and share little conversations about their co-workers and even the case. They share sweet glances and soft touches and they don’t want to get out even though they know they should. She just wraps her arms around him and rests her cheek on his chest as the water cascades down her body and his strong hands hold her close. 
Out of the shower, Aaron brings her all of her lotions and creams and he sets her pjs down on the bed to wait for her. He changes into fresh boxers, he checks his phone and hops into their single queen size bed all alone and awaiting her return to his side. When she does return, she smells good and she’s soft and she doesn’t change into her pjs… she stands at the foot of the bed and drops her towel, naked and on show just for him. 
“I think that shower just woke me up, if anything.” 
He smirks, throwing the blankets back, he beckons her closer. “Come on then,” he says, sitting up a bit so he can push his boxers off his hips and slip them down his legs. 
She climbs onto the bed, crawling on her knees towards him, she helps him remove his boxers and toss them to the floor before she takes a seat in his lap. His hands soothe over her thighs, up to her hips and then her pretty little bump. He smirks, keeping his dirty comments to himself. 
The head of his cock brushed her clit as she ground down on him, his hands found her hips once more as he instinctively helped her find a rhythm. He could feel how wet she was, helping her glide over him so easily, her breath hitched every time her hips bucked, she was enjoying herself just like this. It made him even more excited. She leaned in then, kissing his neck as she continued to grind down on him.
“I need you,” he gasped.
She smiled against his skin, lifting her hips enough for him to line up with her before she started to sink down on him. “Fuck,” she gasped as she sat down fully, her hands resting on Aaron's shoulders as she tried to get used to it all. Lifting herself up and grinding down little by little to get the rhythm going again.
Aaron held close as he scoots down the bed a bit, he lays back against the pillows while she stays sitting up. She rests her hands on his chest now, using him for leverage to ride him. He grips her ass, helping her rut against him but it’s hard. She really is tired and riding him takes a lot of effort with a basketball-sized bump between them. She leans in to kiss him on the lips, holding his face with one of her hands. Aaron's hands encapsulate her back, his big strong hands hold her closer
“Fuck,” he groaned, bending his knees, he pile drives up into her over and over. 
She’s been a lot more sensitive since getting pregnant, the simplest, lightest touch to her clit could get her off. Each and every time their bodies connect, his groin slams against her swollen clit, exciting her more and more. 
“I’m so close,” she whispered in his ear, kissing his cheek and resting her open mouth against his. They weren’t kissing, they were panting over each other with their foreheads resting together. “Aaron,” she whines, a bit louder than she expected to be. 
Euphoria fills the empty spaces between them as she came, gasping and shaking over him. He’s right there behind her, sucked in deeper than before, she tightens around him and his hips sputter as he finishes deep inside her. She collapses against him only moments before she lifts her hips and rolls off of him and onto her side of the bed. Still breathing heavily, she covers her face with her arm and melts into the bed. “Holy fuck…” 
Aaron laughs as he turns to his side and cuddles into her, his head on her shoulder and hand on her stomach. “Feel better?” He teases. 
She nods, breathing steadying out. “Too tired to change now.” 
“You gotta pee, too,” he reminds her and sits up. “Come on, the quicker we do this, the quicker we can go to bed.” 
She sighs as she sits up, but she knows he’s right. He helps her back to her feet and he changes while she goes to the bathroom. When she comes back, he hands her her underwear to put on and helps her into a shirt, they fluff their pillows and get under the covers together and go right back to cuddling. 
Aaron has an alarm set for tomorrow morning and the lights turn off. It’s quiet as they lay there, holding one another. “I love you,” Aaron reminds her.
“I love you, too,” she replies, smiling to herself. 
He can sense she wants to keep talking until they fall asleep, she usually does. It’s something he loves about falling asleep beside her, she tells him anything and everything on her mind and it’s always sweet. 
“What are you thinking about?” He asks. 
“Baby names… after Saturday we’ll know who they are and we’ll have to start to really think about a name that suits them,” she explains. “You remember back when the divorce went through and we were talking about names you liked when you thought Jack was going to be a girl?” 
He hums, “like it was yesterday.” 
“I keep thinking about Juliet and how you said you like it… but I like it with e-t-t-e on the end, Juliette Hotchner.” 
“Oh,” Aaron's heart flutters. It sounds perfect for his little girl… if he ever gets his dream of having one. A tear bubbles in his eyes, “yeah. Yeah, it sounds perfect.” 
She places his hand over his, cupping her belly, and she grips it tight. He snuggles in even closer, he kisses her shoulder and lets the tears fall down. “I love you and our family.” 
“We love you even more.” 
The case ends mid-day on Friday, but by the time the plane is ready and they’re taking off, Jack is already going to bed back in D.C. with Haley’s sister, Jessica, watching over him. They land around 9pm EST and go right to Y/N’s house to sleep. Aaron texted Jess around 10, telling her that he’d be over in the morning. 
When they show up Saturday morning, Jess is standing in the doorway of Aaron's apartment with a smile. “I have a proposition for you…” 
“Okay?” Aaron is a bit hesitant. 
“My girlfriend is getting into photography again and she’s trying to set up her portfolio, would you guys like some free maternity photos?” 
Y/N's eyes light up, she doesn’t know if Jess means girlfriend like a Girlfriend or like how some women call all their friends girl-friends… either way, she’s excited. “I’d love that!” 
“She’s really nice, you’ll like her,” Jack adds, apparently he’s already met her. 
“Oh,” Aarons just as shocked about it. “When did you meet her?”
“On Tuesday,” Jess admits. “We already had dinner plans so she brought some takeout over and we all ate here, I hope that’s okay?” 
“Oh, yeah, that’s fine. I’m happy you have someone, Jess,” Aaron admits, he’d never say it but he had his suspicions the longer she went without ever having a boyfriend. 
She smiles even more, “Thanks, Aaron… uh, her name is Mel, by the way, she heard Jack talking about you being pregnant and she really wanted to do a shoot for you whenever you’re free.”
“I mean if tomorrow is too soon—
“Tomorrow could work, I can ask her?” Jess jumps in before Y/N even finishes her suggestion. 
Y/N reaches out for Jess’ hand and pulls her close, she hugs her, “I’m so glad you’re okay with all of this.” 
Jess holds her close, resting her chin on her shoulder. “Haley would’ve liked you, you know,” she whispers. 
“Don’t make me cry,” Y/N tries to laugh it off, it’s weird to think how much different all this would be if she was still alive. “I’m going to do enough crying this afternoon.” 
“You find out the gender today, right?” Jess asks as she pulls back. 
Y/N nods, “I’m so excited to know, then we can move on to naming them.” 
“Oh, no, it’s just one, I just find calling them ‘it’ is weird and calling them she when we don’t even know is making me feel bad cause what if I get attached to them being a girl and then they’re not? You know?” 
“Oh, okay I thought you were having twins I was like… how are you going to do that with Aaron being gone all the time?” 
“I’m taking 6 months paternity leave,” Aaron says and he doesn’t look too happy about the way Jess said that. “I’m still sorry I wasn’t always there for Jack, but they don’t need me as much as they did back then. I had 4 new members, and we were getting the team off the ground again. I can leave easier this time.” 
“What do you mean, Dad?” Jack asks, not ever thinking anything was wrong about his childhood. 
“I’m sorry,” Jess slips in first. “I didn’t mean it like that.” 
Aaron sighs and he ruffles Jack's hair, “I worked a lot when you were a baby.” 
“But you saved people, that’s worth it,” Jack understands.
“He did,” Jess agrees too, even though he couldn’t save the one person that meant the most to all of them. 
“Okay,” Y/N cuts into the tension with a knife. “Jack, are you ready to go? I was thinking we could go shopping before the appointment instead, okay?” 
He nods, “I have to grab my backpack.” 
“Where are you guys going to go?” Jess asks as she grabs her purse, she’s going to leave now too. 
“Ikea,” Y/N enthuses. “We’re going to get a lot of stuff, so hopefully it all fits in the SUV.”
“If not, their delivery options aren’t too bad,” Jess eases her mind. “And I’m free most of the time so if it delivers while you’re gone I can be there for you.” 
“Thank you,” Y/N really appreciates it. 
“Okay, I’m ready!” Jack cheers as he comes running back.
They all take the elevator down to the parking lot, they say goodbye to Jess and Aaron helps Jack into the back of the SUV. “Have you been thinking about your new room, bud?” Aaron asks. 
He nods, “Can we do a superhero theme?” 
“Absolutely,” Y/N’s actually excited about that. “Are we thinking Batman and Superman or Iron Man and Captain America?”
“The X-men…” 
“Oh,” she’s surprised by that. “That sounds cool, we can get some Wolverine sheets and some artwork of the beast and Professor X? Maybe even something for Mystique, she’s my favourite.” 
Jack’s smile lights up his whole face, he can’t believe she knows this much about the X-Men, it’s impressive. So much so, that he feels comfortable completely geeking out with her on the drive to Ikea. He talks nonstop about his favourite comics, the characters and their plots, explaining to her just how cool he thinks Jean Grey is and how he can’t wait to see them make a movie about her one day. What Jack doesn’t know is that while they’re talking, Y/N is searching the internet on her phone for some cool posters about the characters he says he loves so his room can be fully decorated to reflect his passions. 
When they arrive, Jack is so full of energy he takes Y/N’s hand and he drags her into the store, raving on about what colours he wants his sheets to be and how happy he is to have a room he can decorate again. 
“I even asked Derek if we can paint the walls and do wallpaper and he said we can do what ever we want in there,” Y/N explains, “we can fully redecorate it together.”
“That’s because it’s not Dereks house anymore,” Aaron throws in, making them both turn to him with shocked expressions. 
“What?” Y/N asks, not knowing anything about this. 
“I bought it… I wanted our family to have a place to grow and be happy altogether and it’s perfect for us, there’s room for Jack to have his own room, the baby has a room and there’s a 4th room for if we ever have more, it’s perfect for us so now it’s ours. The papers are all ready, we just have to sign them on Monday.”
“Oh my god!” Y/N cheers a bit too loudly for being in the store. “Aaron?” 
“When do we move in?” Jack asks, getting right to the important stuff. 
Aaron laughs as he wraps his arm around Y/N and pulls them both into a hug. “You two get along so famously I couldn’t keep us separate anymore.” 
“I love you,” she rushes out. She can’t find any other words that fit the situation, she just loves him and how much he thinks about their family. 
With 40 minutes to get to their appointment, they finally check out with more things than they expected to buy. They got night lights, bed sheets, burp cloths, swaddle blankets, stuffed toys, a crib and baby mattress, mattress protectors, room decor and trinkets, shelves, a changing table and even ordered a rocking chair to be delivered sometime next week… they not only found everything for Jack but the baby’s room as well. 
The baby they’re about to know a little bit more about in a few minutes. 
They say hi to Savannah in the ER and then make their way up to the Obstetrics floor. They have a short sit in the waiting room and then they’re ushered into a little room with ultrasound equipment. Jack and Aaron sit side by side in two chairs while Y/N’s on the exam table, her shirt up over her belly and pants unbuckled with a piece of absorbent towel tucked into them to catch the excess jelly. And they wait. 
“Have you ever seen an ultrasound before, Jack?” Y/N asks. 
He shakes his head, “No… does it hurt?” 
She laughs lightly, “No, buddy, it doesn’t hurt. They use sound waves to see through skin and tissue and observe the baby inside the amniotic fluid.”
“Cool!” Jack nods, sitting up in his seat and wiggling excitedly. 
“Knock knock,” Dr. Connors says as she opens the door. “Oh my, we have a full house today.” 
“Jack, this is our doctor, Sam Connors,” Aaron introduces her. “Sam, this is my son, Jack.” 
“Hi,” he waves to her.
“Welcome, welcome,” she smiles at him. “Are you guys ready to know the gender or are we keeping it a secret?” 
“We’re ready,” Y/N’s quick to answer. She’s giddy with excitement. “You can tell us when you know, we’re not doing a party or anything so you don’t have to write it down like some couples ask you to.” 
“Oh, good that makes this easier for me,” Dr. Conners lets out a sigh of relief. “Its so hard not to slip up and say the right pronoun after I see what’s goin’ on.” 
“We’re ready,” Y/N says with an unbreakable smile. “So, so ready.” 
“And I have to remind you that because this is the 12 weeks can the gender can be hard to tell, we can do blood testing to double check but if they’re in the right position I can probably tell,” she adds. 
“That’s okay, I know sometimes people wait 'till 20 weeks but if you can tell now, I want to know now,” Y/N adds. 
Dr. Connors is quick to squeeze some warmed jelly onto her belly, she grabs the wand and starts to search for their ever-growing little one. She mumbles to herself, “There you are,” as the baby pops up on the screen. “I’m just going to go through and take some measurements and mark the important things and then I’ll turn to you, okay?” 
“Yeah, that’s fine,” Y/N nods. 
Holding Aaron's hand as he sits beside her, she squeezes him for reassurance. And he squeezes back 3 times. A silent “I love you” just for them to know about. 
Time tends to stand still in moments like these. The week of waiting blew by, she can’t believe that this time last week she was putting a bunk bed in jacks room, nervous as hell to tell him about the baby and now they’re all in a room waiting to see said baby. Jack's giddy, she’s overjoyed and Aaron… Aaron glows. His eyes gleam, and his smile is small but it packs a punch with all the emotions he’s trying so hard to conceal. he’s the strong stoic type on the outside, but inside he is a proud father, a loving life partner and the most gentle, beautiful, wonderful man she’s ever known in her whole life. 
There was a time when she only looked at him like her boss. Her hot boss, but her superior nonetheless. Somewhere between realizing the team was her new family and getting to know him as a lifeline and not a leader, she fell in love with him. It was seamless, too. The way she fell out of love with Peter and into love with Aaron, her heart ebbed and flowed with the emotions and the hurt wasn’t too bad because she had him… she doesn’t know pain because Aaron hasn’t left her, and my god, she hopes he never does. 
“Okay,” Sam announces, ripping Y/N from her thoughts. She turns the screen to them and flicks through the screenshots she has taken with labels on everything. “Everything looks good, we’re measuring at 3.6 millimetres, which is just point 1 more than the average ‘normal’ length. Their heart and brain are looking good. On your last blood test, all the screenings came back negative and I’m not seeing any abnormalities or defects, either.” 
Jack's now standing beside her on the table, he wants to be as close as possible to see the baby. “It doesn’t look like a baby,” he exclaims. 
“It’s hard to see but here,” Sam flicks back to the live screen and moves the wand so the baby is in a better position. “This is the head, this is their spine, you can see their little arms and legs here… it’s super tiny, about the size of a plum, or a crab apple. You could hold it in just one hand, that’s how tiny a baby is at 12 weeks.” 
“Oh,” Jacks a bit taken aback by that. “how many more weeks are left?” 
“28,” Y/N is quick to reply, she’s been counting down since week 1. 
“Wow,” he breathes out, his shoulders dropping and all the tension leaves his body. “Do you know if it's a girl or a boy yet?” 
Sam nods, “I do… do you want to come over and read the screen for me?” 
He nods and walks over to her on the other side of the table, Sam turns the screen to him and flicks back to one of the screenshots with the gender labelled. “You see right there, what does it say?” 
Jack gasps and tears bubble in his eyes, and for a split second, Y/N’s heart drops. She’s sure he’s about to read that it’s a boy. He wanted a brother. She had it wrong in her mind this whole time… and then he says it. 
“Female… I’m having a sister.” 
Y/N cries out a happy sob, she clutches her eyes shut and covers her face with her free hand. She can’t believe it. She’s going to have a little girl, a tiny mini-me… or maybe a headstrong, confident little girl who mirrors her dad. Either way, she’s beyond happy. 
Aaron rubs her arm, also crying, “Happy tears?” 
At first, all she can do is nod as she calms down. “I can’t believe we were right,” she says through the tears. “Oh my god!” 
“Congrats, guys,” Sam swoons. She’s overjoyed by this reaction, “I’m going to print out a bunch of pictures for you—
“Can I have one?” Jack asks, cutting her off. 
“Of course,” Sam doesn’t mind. She prints out a long strand of photos from every angle, some with descriptions and some without. And she prints out another single sheet of the best photo just for Jack. 
Dr. Connors cleans up her belly, goes over a few more things and they schedule another appointment for 20 weeks. She has Sam’s number if they need to contact her before then, but after that, they’re good to go home. 
Aaron texts Jess the good news while Y/N is readjusting her pants and giving her belly an extra wipe down before she lowers her shirt, the jelly is so sticky after it dries she still doesn’t feel totally clean but it’s the best she can do right now. 
Jess has talked to Mel and she is free tomorrow so they’re going to be able to take lots of early maternity photos and they have enough ultrasound pics to include in the shoot. Y/N's mind is racing the whole way back to the car about what she wants to do, what she’ll wear, where they’ll take them… she’s never gotten this far before. She never thought she would. 
“Hey, Aaron,” she asks quietly in the car. 
“Hm?” He hums, keeping his eyes on the road but one hand comes off the steering wheel to hold hers over the centre console. 
“Would you be okay with me posting some of the photos on my Facebook? I haven’t even told my parents yet and I kinda want to just announce to everyone at the same time…” 
“Yeah, that would be okay with me,” He doesn’t mind at all. 
“Okay good, I know you don’t have an account and Jess and JJ aren’t allowed to post Jack but, I just want to post something about this,” she explains. 
It's actually something she admires about him, the way he keeps Jack safe from the creeps of the world. It's so easy for people to see his name on the news when he does press conferences and google him that he worries someone could find out about Jack and snatch him up as revenge or just because they could… they’ve seen way too much at work to not be helicopter parents. 
“I won’t post her face or anything when she’s born and Penelope helped me with my safety features when I first joined the team, so we’ll be safe… I just always dreamed about posting a bump photo and telling everyone about my baby one day.”
“I trust your judgement, sweetheart,” he says, caressing her hand with his thumb. “She’s not just my baby, you can set boundaries for her too.” 
“I know… sometimes I forget you’re not like him,” she whispers. 
“Like who?” Jack asks, cause of course he was listening in.
“Uh…” she looks to Aaron for some support, she has no idea what’s appropriate to tell him and what isn’t. 
“Remember I told you she had a mean ex-husband?” Aaron asks, looking at Jack through the rearview. 
He nods. “Yeah…”
“His name was Peter and he was a bit of a control freak, he’s like one of those mean kids at school who make you follow all the rules to a game and will stop the game to tell you where you went wrong or kick you out of the group,” she simplifies it for him. 
“The worst,” Jack says and rolls his eyes. “I’m happy you picked my dad instead.” 
“I didn’t really pick him,” she admits, turning back to look at him with a smile. “Falling in love isn’t that simple, it kinda just happens.” 
Jack smiles back. “like fate?” 
She nods, trying not to cry because that’s the most sweetest and perfect way to put it. “Exactly.” 
This is where she was always meant to be. 
One thing she forgot to do in the midst of the divorce and moving on, was delete Peter's family from her Facebook friends. She barely uses the site, so of course it slipped her mind until it was too late. 
She posts 1 picture from their maternity shoot, her belly under lace with the sun setting in the background. It’s beautiful. She adores the photo so it’s the one she picked to share, alongside some ultrasound photos, a single pink rose and the caption “baby girl Hotchner coming this September” 
She couldn’t believe she got to this point, sharing that she’s pregnant with her family and friends, having a big belly or this tremendous burst of love that courses through her veins as she reads all the comments of congratulations.  
And then she see’s it. 
Peter's mother commented. 
“I always knew you’d be beautiful pregnant. So happy to hear your dreams are coming true, dear. Congratulations to you and your new family.” 
It’s nicer than she expected. She knew that Peter’s mom was a sweetheart, but she also knew that he was her only baby and she sometimes took that a little too far… she was the type of boy mom that Y/N never wanted to become.
She simply replies, “Thank you so much, Jane<;3”
She doesn’t get a comment back, instead she gets a private message. “I was sad to know you broke up but after hearing why, I’m so, so sorry for what Peter did to you. He never even told me he had the vasectomy. 
I would love to send you some things I made during the first few years of your marriage to my son, I always wanted a grandchild, but now that I know I’ll never have one I’d still love for your baby to have a homemade blanket from me. You’re going to be a wonderful mom.” 
Her heart breaks for Jane. She would’ve been a good grandma, Mimi is actually what she wanted to be called. There were so many conversations they had about names and birth plans and nurseries… and Peter kept his mouth shut during all of them. He broke both of their hearts. 
So she types back, “My friends at work are throwing me a baby shower in August, you’re more than welcome to come.” 
It takes a few hours but Jane finally responds a little after 11. Y/N and Aaron are just about to go to sleep. He’s in the bathroom, she’s in bed on her phone about to set an alarm and turn it off. But she opens the message anyway. 
“You know where to send the invitation. I’ll see what I can do. And don’t worry, I won’t bring Pete. We’re not really speaking at the moment. I’ll always love you as a daughter, Y/N. I’m so glad we’re still able to talk.” 
She never would’ve thought an olive branch would grow out of the hostile ground of her divorce, yet here she is. Reaching out to a woman she was once related to, with things they can now relate to. 
Horrible ex-husbands.
“What are you smiling at over there?” Aaron asks as he comes back into the room, in nothing but his boxers. 
She looks up from her phone and sighs, smile only widening. “Life is so weird sometimes.” 
Aaron makes his way to the bed, he kneels on the end and crawls up to her only to lay on his stomach between her legs and rest his head lightly on her belly. “Weird but beautiful.” 
“Peter’s mom has been messaging me… she’s really happy for us and not talking to her son,” she shares. 
He perks back up, “Really?” 
She nods, “I’m not sure if she knows about the abuse but she knows about the vasectomy and she’s furious. She wants to send me all the blankets and things that she made when we started trying… so I invited her to the baby shower.” 
“Luckily we’ll have a bunch of agents there to escort her if things get dicey…” 
“I don’t think they will,” she says, locking her phone, she places it on her night table and runs her fingers through Aaron's hair. “But if it gives our baby 1 more grandma, I’m willing to hear her out.” 
“You’re a good person,” Aaron compliments. 
“You’re just rubbing off on me.” 
His brows arch. “I mean, I’m not currently.” 
She lightly swats his cheek, “you pig!” 
He just laughs and snuggles back into her belly. “You love it.” 
She just sighs and lays back, still running her fingers through his hair. “I love you.” 
“I love you too… and you three, Jules,” he whispers to her belly and then kisses her bump gently. 
“So we’re set on Juliette, like firmly? It’s happening?” 
He just nods. “Yep, my baby Juliette. Jules, Julie, juju… I will be calling her all of those nicknames.”
She lets out a little giggle. Smiling to herself, he mind wanders to middle names. “I want to ask Jack for help with her middle name, do you think he’d like that?” 
“He’d love to,” Aaron knows that. “Just look at all his other reactions, the boy is obsessed with getting to have a sister.” 
“He’s going to be the best big brother.” 
“You’re going to love him, Julie,” Aaron whispers to her bump. “You’re going to love everyone we know, you’re going to be so loved baby girl. So, so loved.” 
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@mrs-ssa-hotch @14buddy22 @spottedzebrasinpartyhats  
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madamvanrouge · 9 months
Lilia Vanrouge x Reader
✿Briar's Secret [PART 1] ✿
Notes: Angst, slight fluff? Fae-human war era, Meleanor's little sister!reader, Chief strategist!reader.
Includes my twst OC Midnight. [Might post him soon]
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Shallow sunlight streamed in through the enamoring quartz balcony of the throne room, which, draped in curtains of velvet and obsidian, failed not to pay worthwhile tribute to the dweller of the grey, marbled throne. The crown princess of the fae, her hair as raven as the night sky and eyes emerald as the sea- Meleanor was her name, tapped a clawed finger on the throne impatiently as the General of Briar Valley entered the hall. 
Her younger sister [Y/N], who had eyes in a glistening shade of [e/c] and only a single horn wrested on her head, immediately wasted no time in absorbing the General's features and etching them into the depths of her essence. General Lilia Vanrouge. Her lifelong love. He took off his mask, which had met with many a worn out tear during the intensity of his numerous battles on the front lines, to reveal a set of precious ruby red eyes set under long eyelashes that fluttered open as if to endeavour the commemorative moment that marked the reveal of his beautiful irises. His dark lips were pressed in a thin line, his black hair messy from being on the front lines, yet to her, it was perfect from all angles, with those conspicuous red streaks that only accentuated his beauty further. Behind him, trailed his trusted aide, Baul Zigvolt.
"YOU'RE LATE, LILIA!" Meleanor roared, the echoing thud of her staff sounding in the room as she slammed it against the ground. 
"My apologies, Princess." Lilia bowed courteously, remembering to be formal to the future queen of his nation. [Y/N] found it quite adorable, in all honesty. "There has been quite the miscalculation in our strategy." He glared at [Y/N], who only shrugged in response. Not even she had the ability to bring about prediction on every outcome. "The enemy has surrounded Ibara Castle. We must leave immediately." 
"Leave? Due to those petty humans that squander on our land?" Meleanor scoffed as she crossed one leg over the other. "Never. I thought they were but mere pigs yapping outside. I shall not leave this castle." 
"Quit being stubborn!" Lilia yelled, in his familiar tone. [Y/N] chuckled, remembering those days when she had endeavoured to put Lilia in dresses and play house with him as kids. He'd always raise his voice at her and she'd end up crying. Those were the days. Innocent ones, of fun and play. "We have to leave! We aren't kids anymore! When have I ever been wrong?!" Lilia yelled, his voice hoarse and desperate. 
"Take my sister and my child. And leave." Meleanor commanded. [Y/N]'s eyes widened before a small smirk broke out on her lips. They were really alike, the two sisters. Always so self-sacrificing. Not that she would allow a sacrifice from Meleanor's end. 
"The hell?! No way! All of you are coming with me! Thats you included, Meleanor!" Lilia protested, but Meleanor threw her egg at him. He managed to catch it in just the barest of timescales, a scowl etched on his face as he turned his nose up at her. 
"What the hell are you thinking?! What if the egg broke?!" Lilia clutched the egg tightly, embracing the pitch black covering holding the future prince tightly to his torso. 
"I entrust it to you, Lilia." Meleanor smirked. [Y/N] crossed her arms over her chest. In her mind, there was only one plan as the chief strategist of the royal court. One that certainly did not involve the sacrifice of the future queen of Briar Valley. Rather one that included the sacrifice of a singular, expendable pawn titled the 'second princess of Briar Valley'. 
"Hell no, you don't. Besides, the egg won't hatch without its parents' love! I can't love anyone!" Lilia barked. How untrue his words were, how vile a thought that Lilia was not capable of loving. A mild ache spread in [Y/N]'s heart. 
"You love me, though, don't you? Or was that all a lie when you proposed to me? Besides, you love Raven too. You guys spent more time together than married couples." Meleanor chuckled. [Y/N] forced a smile on her face. She knew Lilia loved her elder sister. She'd never be a choice. All she cared for most was the smile that decorated Lilia's face. So for him, she would . . . 
"THAT WAS WHEN I WAS A KID, 200 YEARS AGO! It doesn't mean anything now!" Lilia shot back. Ah, but how difficult it was for [Y/N] to believe the raven haired General's words when he so clearly preferred the company of her elder sister. [Y/N] felt the leader of the Midnight Solstice, her personal assassin Midnight, tug at her sleeve. His pleading azure eyes bore into hers. He defied none of her orders, yet at this moment, he showed a single sliver of wavering hesitance. She gave a light pat to his short jet black hair before walking towards the General. 
"I am telling you, take [Y/N] and my egg and leave-" Meleanor was interrupted when [Y/N] cleared her throat. Meleanor's brow rose in slight curiosity as she gazed at her little sister. 
"You have it backwards. Big sis Meleanor, you are going with them. And I am staying here with Midnight to defend the castle." She announced with a slight wave of her hands to gesture her intentions. 
"DON'T BE CRAZY! YOU'RE NOT EVEN STRONG, YOU'RE JUST THE GODDAMN STRATEGIST! You're a weakass princess who's never been on the front lines! You're not even half as strong as Meleanor is! No, not even a damn tenth of it!" Lilia scowled harshly at her, his crimson eyes glinting with a raging fury that rivaled the embers of fire. How his words dug daggers into her heart. His comparison of her wretched nature to that of the benevolent and strong image of her elder sister pained her to the core.
"Lilia is right. You can't stay here, [Y/N]. It would be much too dangerous." Meleanor frowned, with a look that only displayed concern for her younger sibling. 
"I am the chief strategist. I have a plan." [Y/N] murmured as she tapped her foot in slight frustration on the ground. 
"Oh yeah?! Most of those damn plans involve a low survival rate for you! Even your new strategy led to the enemies surrounding us! Explain that!" Lilia growled, his fists clenching as he tried hard to suppress his anger. [Y/N]'s heart further shattered, she knew deep down that every soldier's death on the front lines was only the result of her damned strategies. Lilia didn't need to say that out loud for the Sevens' sake. 
"I plan to use my unique magic." She finally revealed. A look of shock crossed the looks of every person present in the room, save for Midnight. 
"You don't have one!" Lilia scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest as he glared at her icily. 
"I do. But it can only be used once. I was saving it for a moment such as the one currently upon us." [Y/N] answered sternly, glaring back at the furious General. "It has power enough to take out every single troop out there." 
"Then I shall permit you to use it. However, we shall remain in the castle." Meleanor offered gently with a smile painted upon her dark lips. 
"No can do. It is too powerful a magic. You must escape or you will face the brunt of it as well. Only someone so capable of defense magic as Midnight could survive it. Hence why I plan on taking him with me." [Y/N] replied, a serious expression on her otherwise laid back face. The one horned princess was serious, which was not something out of the ordinary, yet at the same time, it was excruciatingly new. 
"Then I shall permit it. I trust you to not lie to me. I shall escape with Lilia and the others." Meleanor nodded. Something was off, it was not that difficult to sense, yet the frustrating reality of the situation veiled Meleanor's eyes with a blindfold of hope. 
"You're not telling us something." Lilia snarled. As always, the General was quick to pick up on things out of the mundane, his fists still clenched in an effort to rein in his anger. 
"I will return alive. This, I promise. Please, Lilia. I beg you, trust me." [Y/N] implored as she looked at him pleadingly. Despise was all she felt on lying to her beloved General, yet it was all she could do to convince his stubborn intellect to run away to a place of safety where harm had little to no reach. 
Lilia gazed at her, his crimson eyes scanning her expression for anything he could use against her. He took a moment to think before he finally relented. "And your chance of survival?"
"Guaranteed." Lie after lie exited [Y/N]'s mouth. "I'll regroup with you guys after I'm done with those nuisances outside. I promise. We will meet again." . 
Lilia groaned before tousling his hair with his hand. "Fine. I'll leave it to you, Chief Strategist. Even Meleanor believes you, so I have no reason to doubt you." She knew why Lilia trusted her this much. She'd never once lied to him. 
Her thoughts only raced thus:
Sorry, Lilia.
Please run away.
Please don't look back.
Please don't feel sad.
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oneshotnewbie · 4 months
Can you write a story about Natasha Ross? I give you full creativity to make whatever you want.
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Summary: Fire Chief Natasha Ross, Captain y/n y/l/n and their team are called to an operation that confronts you with your own past. While you try to help others, you also have to fight your own demons. Natasha will help you with this. This experience will strengthen your friendship and help you heal.
⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️ This one-shot includes the topic of loss and death. Those plots are presented. If this triggers you too easily or you just can´t handle the subject, I urge you NOT to read this work. I am NOT embellishing this topic under any circumstance. Read at your own risk.
The sun was dipping towards the horizon as the loud wail of sirens broke the calm evening silence. Natasha, the veteran fire chief, looked up from the latest reports and operational plans on her desk and immediately sensed the urgent tension in the air. Something big was afoot.
She jumped up and grabbed her helmet that was hanging on the wall before putting on her jacket and hearing the first instructions over the radio. "All units, we have a major fire at Pier 25. Immediate standby. Repeat, immediate standby."
Natasha rushed out of her office, where she already met you, the captain of the fire station. The tension in your eyes was unmistakable, and Natasha knew this wouldn't be an unusual mission. You also felt an inexplicable restlessness rising within you. “What do we have, y/n?” She asked as she bumped into you.
You panted as you jumped down the last steps from the top and followed her into the hall. "It's one of the old storage complexes on the pier. It looks like a devastating fire with possible hazardous materials."
The fire chief nodded seriously and got into the car, followed by you and the entire team. The streets whizzed past you as the blue lights showed the way through the paths. Thoughts swirled through Natasha's head as she focused on the mission at hand, wanting to do everything right. However, a vague feeling of oppression still didn't leave her.
When you reached the pier the scene was chaotic. Flames danced wildly, thick black smoke covered the sky bathed in evening sun. Workers had gathered around the cordoned off site, some in panic, others stunned by the extent of the destruction.
Natasha jumped out of the car and immediately took command of her team. "Security squad, search for survivors and direct them immediately to the rescue squad. The rest run in ahead of the security squad and fight the fire. We have to get the flames under control before a dangerous explosion could occur."
The entire team, including you, nodded and charged into the blazing hell of the complex. The heat was intense, and the crackling of the fire added to the air. The smoke was so thick that it obscured visibility and as you fought your way through each hallway, the desperate symphony of fire roaring where suddenly overwhelmed by a familiar smell - a smell that triggered a flood of memories.
You knew this place. It was the same warehouse where you had experienced one of the worst missions of your career years ago. A tragedy that haunted you to this day. You stopped abruptly in the middle of the building, and Natasha felt an inexplicable tension as she listened through the comms as Andy and Maya encouraged you to keep walking and stay with the group.
"Y/n, what's wrong? Talk to me." Natasha asked worriedly and you turned your gaze towards the ground. Confronting your past brought with it a wave of emotions - guilt, sadness and anger. You forced yourself to concentrate while Natasha, full of tension from the mission and nervousness of the fire, had completely forgotten what memories this place held for you. "T-this is the place where y/s/n d-died in a fire years ago, 'tash. Y-you and I were h-here and couldn't save her."
The fire chief froze for a moment as the memories came flooding back to her. She had taken part in this tragic incident almost a decade ago; the three of you were a rescue team in one of these warehouses when the ceiling partially collapsed and buried your sister under the flaming roof. The image haunted you like a dark shadow. "I know it's hard. But now we're here, and we'll do our best to help anyone who's in danger. I know it's hard but you have to suppress your feelings, y/n."
You nodded silently without her seeing and continued on your way, with Natasha resolutely accompanying you in your ear. The fire raged wildly around you as you delved deeper into the burning complex. The heat was suffocating, the smoke made it difficult to breathe even with a mask, but you couldn't give up. People's lives depended on your work.
But while you desperately tried to save others, you battled your own inner demons. The memories of your sister's tragic loss washed over you like an unstoppable tide. The image of your sister caught in the flames haunted you amidst the chaos. The scream before everything came down, every smell of the fire reminded you of your own powerlessness when you had failed to save her. The thought of being here again, in this place of loss and pain, threatened to overwhelm you with every step.
Outside the squad car, Natasha listened intently to her team's radio transmissions as she tried to support you. She heard your desperate breathing and felt her own helpless rage at the ruthlessness of the fire. But she knew you were fighting - not just against the flames, but also against your own ghosts of the past and she knew that she couldn't leave you alone. “Y/n, do you hear me?” She called over the radio in a calm and firm voice, directing her attention only to you to try and calm you down. She knew the rest of the team would make it without her.
A weak response came back, punctuated by coughs and a muffled voice that made her think you were trying to hold back your tears. "Yes, 'tash. I hear you."
Her heart ached at the sound of your voice and she forced herself to stay calm, even though she wanted to grab you out of there and pull you into a hug. "You can do this, honey. You are strong. Remember why you are doing this. Think of the people who are counting on you." She replied, forcing you to take a deep breath as you fought back tears. You knew she was right, you could feel her words being an anchor in the middle of a storm, and you couldn't let your fears paralyze you, not now when so many lives were at stake.
With renewed courage you continued on your way, focusing on saving others instead of getting lost in your own thoughts, Natasha repeatedly whispering a few soothing words into your ears. You reached for the injured worker, surrounded by flames, and without hesitation, you pulled him out of harm's way and led him through the thick smoke to safety.
Natasha, meanwhile, followed your every move, every instruction you gave, feeling relieved and worried at the same time. She knew that this deployment was an emotional rollercoaster for you, but she was also proud of the way you once again asserted yourself, overcame your fears and rose to the challenges.
Finally, after endless minutes of fighting, you emerged from the burning inferno with Maya and Andy, followed by the last survivors. Your face was covered in soot and sweat, but there was an unwavering look of exhaustion and triumph in your eyes.
Natasha rushed to you with quick steps and hugged you tightly. "You did it, y/n. You and your team saved them all." She spoke proudly, hugging you tighter. You smiled tiredly, the demons of the past had exhausted you. "Thank you, Natasha. I couldn't have done it without you."
Hours passed, but it felt like an eternity as the rest of the teams, including yours, got the flames under control. Natasha watched you stand still, staring at the charred ruin as she slowly approached, and crept up on you before an arm wrapped around your shoulder, momentarily startling you. “Are you okay, sweetheart?”
“I don’t know,” you said quietly, the memories still swirling vividly in your head. Natasha was fascinated by how you seemed calm and collected on the outside while you were drowning on the inside. "I thought I had processed it, I mean her death. But this mission showed me that there are still a few things I need to come to terms with."
"You know I'll support you, right?" She asked and a small smile escaped your dry lips. "Whether you want to seek professional help, talk to me about it, or need some time to strengthen your mental health.. I'm here. And I won't leave."
You nodded and rested your head on her chest as she rested her cheek on your hair. You had to learn to live with your loss and stay focused on helping others in need.
In the days and weeks that followed, Natasha took time for you to reflect on what had happened and accompanied you to a psychologist. Confronting your past had shown you that it was important to face your fears and weaknesses and learn from them. With the support of the fire department chief, you were slowly able to completely come to terms with the demons of your past and in the process formed a closer and deeper friendship with Natasha, who you never thought you would ever have with anyone.
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teriri-sayes · 7 months
Reactions to Cale Snow's Chapter 220
TL;DR - CH, Hannah, and Witira accompany village chief. Lock goes to meet Jessie. New characters from the 1st Knights Order and people from the Har Kingdom.
Cale's Group Most of the chapter focused on the 1st Knights Order side, so the part about Cale's group was minimal. CH, Hannah, and Witira were with the village chief, awaiting the arrival of the subjugation force.
Lock, Gashan, Archie, and Mila were guided by Koukan to meet the chieftain of the wolf tribe, Jessie, in the Erghe Mountains. There was no mention of Lock accepting the offer to be Jessie's teacher. Perhaps he wanted to meet her first before deciding.
The rest of Cale's group were inside the invisible black castle, overlooking the village.
1st Knights Order More new characters. First was Nine, a knight of the 1st Knights Order, who was hot-tempered and liked to pick fights with anyone. Another was Wei, a mage of the 1st Knights Order too. Both were described as disrespectful, but Nine's arrogance was sky-high.
Nine thought of himself as noble for being a mixed blood dragon, and hated the fact that he had to do grunt work in a backwards place to take care of dirty bloods.
There were also people from the Har Kingdom who served as guides. Of course, their relationship with the 1st Knights Order was bad because they kept getting harassed and bullied by the latter.
One such victim was the young knight Sam, who was Nine's prey this time. He could only hold in his anger, and try to be okay. Fortunately, the commander of the 1st Knights Order, Jenyu, continued to stop Nine from going further.
Present was the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Har Kingdom, Bailey, an old woman. She tried to excuse Sam's behavior, and was worried about what the 1st Knights Order were secretly planning.
Anyway, Jenyu sent Nine, Wei, and Sam to scout the village ahead. It was implied that he did not care if Nine killed Sam along the way, or if Nine destroyed the village and killed its residents. Bailey's opinion of Jenyu was that he was a worse version of Nine. In short, the 1st Knights Order were total villains.
Ending Remarks Not much happened today again. Next chapter would probably be a battle chapter between Nine's group and CH's group. Or Lock's meeting with Jessie. I'm looking forward to see how CH, Hannah, and Witira will fight despite the power restrictions.
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mintartem · 5 days
I wanted to make character promo art for my Hazbin OCs. So, I use my first OC as a test. I’m going to make some with the main Archangels (Luci’s bros) and Adam’s family next time.
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The angel of the sky and one of the angelic princes of a heavenly host under Michael’s command. His name literally translates to “Ingenuity of God.”
More info about the character:
Sahaquiel is an open-minded individual who is not afraid to tell hard truths without sugar coating it. As his name suggests, he is quite creative and clever, known to bend the rules and twisting them to his favor. He is disliked by the elders for the constant rule bending and unfiltered mouth.
He is mostly seen wearing a blindfold, but was seen without it on rare occasions. One eye is always covered when it’s off. As the angel of the sky, Sahaquiel uses to the sky to watch the happenings of both Heaven and Earth. He sees almost everything if he is using his power. He holds dominion over the sky.
Random things about him:
He loves relaxing on clouds
He banned Adam from cloud creation after creating boob and dick shaped clouds. He is considering to unban him but it’s still up for debate.
Doesn’t really like the fact that Adam swears all the time. “Language, Adam. This is a formal meeting”
Sneaks away during training. Always gets caught
Like all the other angels, he is proficient at musical instruments. His favorite instrument to play is the flute.
Adam showed him Hell’s sky after an extermination once. He proudly exclaimed: “My skies are better!”
Started watching Adam humanity after Adam and Eve got kicked out of Eden (ordered by Michael)
Can fly without using his wings. “Gee, I wonder why the angel of the sky can fly without wings” was heard from him once.
“I am not going to turn the sky red. It’ll give many angels unwanted flashbacks”
He usually has a poker face but he doesn’t hesitate to smile or laugh
Implied Guitarhero: “Alright fine, let’s see what your crush is up to on Earth… Chief, everyone knows you have a thing for the first man”
Voiceclaim: Khoi Dao - listen to Albedo from Genshin Impact
Quick doodle in my style:
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xluna-reclipse · 1 year
If you wouldn't ask Lan Wangji to move on from Wei Wuxian, you shouldn't expect Lan Xichen to do so either. Lan Xichen, by the end of the novel, decides to enter seclusion for Jin Guangyao just as Lan An did for his wife. Whether or not you subscribe to the Lan only love once theory, Lan Xichen has made his choice. In the novel, you see, even months after, through the eyes of Wei Wuxian, that Lan Xichen behaves as if his soul has left him. In The Untamed behind the scenes, Lan Xichen's actor even stated that without Jin Guangyao, Lan Xichen will not return to the world. Enter the world for one person and leave when they go, leaving only dust in the wake (Wei Wuxian's observation upon seeing the Lan murals).
Lan Xichen was a gentle, compassionate being before Jin Guangyao, equal in his love and care for all living beings, heart the surface of deep calm waters. He was the ideal of Taoist goals, a person without waves and attachment. Lan Xichen, after Jin Guangyao entered his life, was a person brought alive, finally bound by the red threads of emotion and living, a statue become human.
Lan Xichen looks at no one the way he looks at Jin Guangyao, treats no one the way he treats Jin Guangyao. Just as Jin Guangyao considered Lan Xichen the impeccable, flawless moon in the sky. To Lan Xichen, Jin Guangyao was the scorching, life bringing fire of the sun. Here existed a man who was born in the mud, but rose above to stand above all men. Not only did he command the world, only in his hands was power a force for good. Jin Guangyao alone, saved the most lives in Mo Dao Zu Shi. He built a temple to Guanyin for his mother, and through it, offered food and medicine for those the cultivational world were only willing to offer their pity and unwilling to lift a finger to help. He built the watchtowers when all of the cultivational opposed it, fought day and night, endured his father's abuse so that places considered beneath other cultivators would receive timely aid. When others took power, they just wanted to elevate their own family and oppress others. Jin Guangyao took power and saved the world.
Lan Xichen loved exactly this man. The man who was covered in scars and bruises from the circumstances of his birth, who was smeared with the biased opinions of others and the crappy luck that plagued him wherever he went, who was oppressed and abused by those with power, and yet never broke, never stopped lifting his head to the heavens and standing up again to climb. The man who saved him from the moment they first met and repeatedly after. Jin Guangyao rebuilt the Cloud Recesses for Lan Xichen. Lan Xichen decided to build ties with the world for Jin Guangyao. The man who acquiesced to pressure in the treatment of the Wen, bore the scorn of the cultivational world beside Jin Guangyao to build the towers, to elect Jin Guangyao Chief Cultivator.
Lan Xichen loved him and only him. With the long life of a cultivator, and the reliable promise of human greed, that coffin will open while Lan Xichen lives, and he will be ready. Just as Lan Wangji regretted not standing beside Wei Wuxian in his first life, Lan Xichen will finally be able to stand beside Jin Guangyao in his next.
The knife in the dark is effective because you cannot see it. Lan Xichen won't repeat his mistakes this time. He will be prepared to support A-Yao.
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arminsumi · 1 year
Armin x fem!reader
Chapter index / Chapter Ⅰ: Secret
Overview; a story of your forbidden love affair with Lt. Armin during the war.
Content; 1940s au, fluff, romance, drama
Warnings; angst, tragedy
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A warm sunset light cast over Armin and Eren as they crossed over the bridge that lead to their barracks.
They kept a slow pace and absorbed the warmth of the dozing sun.
"So, are you going to tell me about that nurse who you've been swooning over?" Eren asked nonchalantly.
Armin responded defensively, "I'm not swooning!"
"Yes, you are." He replied with a smirk.
There was a pause of silence between them. Armin let out a suppressed sigh.
"I don't know her name," Armin began.
"You don't even know her name?" Eren interrupted.
"No, but," Armin continued regardless, "I remember hearing her sing down the corridors in the early morning. If I would hear her voice again, then..." He trailed off, almost murmuring dreamily at the end, because of the memory of you appearing in his mind.
Eren waited for Armin to finish his thought, but he never did.
"You can't find someone with just the memory of their voice. What did she look like?" Eren asked.
Armin was visibly struggling to recall the image of you in his mind.
"I can't remember too well." He finally responded, "But I recall her father; he had a sullen face that I won't forget. When he entered the ward once, he gave me this prejudiced look."
"A 'prejudiced look'? Oh, you've got to be kidding me, Armin. You're swooning over the Head Chief's daughter? Do you realize what kind of trouble that could get you into?"
Armin gave a sheepish smile, "I know very well the kind of trouble that it can cause, Eren. I already got in trouble once with him, when he walked into the ward while I was laughing with his daughter."
"What happened?" Eren asked half-sympathetically, half-curiously.
They descended the steps at the end of the bridge, and took a moment to look out onto the glistening sea.
"He called for her to meet him in private. They must have had a brutal argument, because afterwards I saw her wailing on her friend's shoulder, and the next day she didn't show up to administer medicine to the patients. I learned through her friend that she was moved to the East wing, and was forbidden from even walking near the West wing."
Armin distantly observed the rolling waves, feeling his spirit sink as low as the depths of the ocean.
But like a soldier, he quickly masked his feelings, and straightened his posture before his heavy mood affected Eren.
"Let's get back." He said.
Eren didn't say anything, but he mustered a sympathetic look for his friend. He could tell how great of an impression you had on him by how fondly he talked about you.
A deep navy washed over the sky, and dots of stars came out to gleam and twinkle.
The lamp posts lining the cobblestone road lit up. Armin and Eren headed down this road to the barracks, and just before they entered their bunk room, Armin turned to Eren and asked with great seriousness;
"Eren, can you promise me something?"
"Promise me that you will keep this between us... if the Captain finds out, he's going to tell the Commander."
Eren scoffed, "I'm sure that would strip you of your 'lieutenant' title very quickly."
"Eren." Armin looked at him pleadingly, "I'm not the only one who would get in trouble; so would she, and I don't want that."
"Yes, yes, alright. I will keep it secret."
"Thank you." Armin thanked him with relief in his voice.
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"What's a secret?" Connie smirked when Armin walked into the bunk room.
He had overheard enough of their exchange to become curious.
Armin immediately tried to brush off Connie's curiosity by acting a fool, "Huh?"
"I heard you guys! Come on, what's a secret? You can tell me. I'm the best secret keeper." Connie said.
Eren quipped, "Connie, you can't keep your mouth shut to save your life."
"Hey!" Connie frowned.
Jean snickered behind his sketchbook, so Connie spun around and looked at him.
"Don't you laugh! I'll snatch that thing outta your hand and show 'em what you're drawing — or rather, who you're drawing!"
Armin laughed under his breath while climbing into his cot on the top bunk, "What a promising secret-keeper."
"Mind your own business, buddy!" Jean snapped at Connie.
They playfully bickered, and to deter Connie's curiosity, Armin fueled their jokes. Anyone passing by their window would see the glow of light and hear the ringing laughter coming from within.
But by the midnight hour, the lights were out, and everything fell silent.
Armin tossed around in his cot, his mind buzzing.
"If you keep tossing around like that, your bunk is gonna come crashing down on me." Eren's voice sounded from the bottom bunk.
"You're still awake?" Armin whispered.
Eren spoke in a low voice filled with sarcasm, "Of course, I'm brooding on your tragic love story with that nurse." he said.
Armin excitedly sprung to life at the mention of you, "Oh Eren! I wish you could have met her," he rolled over excitedly in his cot to peer down at Eren, "She had something absolutely wonderful about her. I felt as fulfilled and peaceful in her company as I did when I first saw the sea."
Eren pondered Armin's words in silence.
Eventually, he replied teasingly, "Maybe if this whole lieutenant thing doesn't work out, you can become a poet."
"Hey now, you be careful with what you say. Remember, I'm on the top bunk; I could crush you." Armin warned.
"How intimidating. You should use that line on the battlefield next time, it'll scare them shitless."
The two of them giggled quietly.
"You're not the God of Destruction anymore, you're the Cot of Destruction."
Armin repeated the pun to himself to savor the humor. Connie stirred awake and grumbled for them to shut up.
"Hey, Connie, don't talk to me like that; I'm the Cot of Destruction, you know! I could crush you!"
"What on earth are you on about?" He mumbled sleepily and dozed off without catching the joke.
Eren and Armin's banter tapered off, the atmosphere became still again.
"Eren, do you think I'll meet her again?" Armin asked seriously.
There was a lengthy silence.
"It's more than likely." Eren speculated.
Armin fed on Eren's response as if it were the only thing giving him hope.
Once Eren fell asleep, Armin laid awake in his cot like a lonesome insomniac, daydreaming of you to whittle the hours down until the new day dawned.
The anticipation of his awaiting duties had his gut clenching with anxiety. He was no longer just a somebody on the Captain's squad, but a newly promoted lieutenant; expected to be the replacement of the Commander, should the war take him.
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foibles-fables · 2 months
praying that Horizon 3 gives us gay Kotallo trutherism & has him and Ikkotah ending up getting together in the between time of Forbidden West and the next game
think about it, Kotallo heading back to his old Sky Clan after the awkwardness & betrayal of his former commander, but then he runs into Ikkotah and remembers Marshal Chekkatah talking a lot about Ikkotah so he decides to check up on him and they unexpectedly hit it off and grow and heal two old Sky Clan soldiers' wounds together, and then a month or so later Chief Hekkaro sees them together at the Grove holding hands and the Chief starts wondering why all his Marshals turn out gay 🤔
LISTEEENNNNN nonny I am shaking your hand in admiration and solidarity--I am a gay ace Kotallo truther through and through. All of my eggs are in the pre-canon Kotallo/Fashav basket. Brothers in arms? yeah in each other's arms
ougghhh the thought of him forming a connection with Ikkotah.....healing from their very similar losses, waahhh I will CRY
you KNOW Hekarro would be the proudest most supportive ally dad in the world
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y-0-sha · 1 month
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i decided not to sell him ....... =) [demo version of the ref]
edit : belongs to enterjokeshere ☀☀☀
a little bit info if you are interested -
Mizar is practically not a person , his appearance as a “human” has almost left him , leaving behind only the location of his facial features and physique, after several rituals , Mizar will boast of a new appearance , but this is for the next time .
"Mizar" is not a real name , that name was given to him in honor of the " Ursa Major " star . Mizar is a blue dwarf and although his height is not great , he has endurance and speed.
Mizar has vague memories of his past , remembers practically nothing due to the rituals in the sect, where he once ended up by accident (like the other 6 characters, with the names of stars). Mizar himself denies the fact that he fell into a sect; he respects the commander-in-chief and the rest of the team.
has a friend Alcor
Mizar is "a star" that , together with "the star" Alcor , creates a binary system
* i would like to explain a little about the sect:
The sect called “Ursa Major” is a group of creatures that believe that the cosmos is the progenitor of everything and that the stars in the sky are future new creatures and civilizations with which they will establish contact.
short name of the sect members : " UrMa "
At the moment , the progress of UrMas was enough to establish cosmic communication through the brain and radio magnetic waves , a magical core was formed and strengthened in the body , the most advanced are capable of tlikinesis .
UrMas believe , the creature has not only an ordinary physical body , but also a so-called "subtle body" , which can connect with others using energy channels and perceive people as a biofield ..... the info is a kinds of "demo" version =)
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eaglebow09 · 5 months
Art Trade with @autumnsakurajayy !
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This is my VERY FIRST Deviantart Art Trade! And it's with THE  AutumnSakuraJayy to boot!  AutumnSakuraJayy has been such a fantastic friend and a huge supporter for easing into and becoming a part of the online community. She was there almost on day one.
Their love of Rito and her fantastic imagination made all this so fulfilling and easy to love.
I had saw them recently post a redesign for their badass Rito OC "Mallow" and just HAD to ask if I could take a crack at him. Such a pretty man. Here is a quick story and art piece surrounding that very Rito and our Gerudo Champion training deep in eye of a desert storm in the heart of Gerudo Desert.
-------------------------------------------------- As the vast Gerudo desert stretched endlessly a distant sandstorm swelled, shrouding the landscape in swirling grains of golden sand. The tempest raged, and amidst the chaotic winds, the ominous rumblings of thunder reverberated through the arid expanse. Yet, within the very heart of this elemental maelstrom, an extraordinary spectacle unfolded.
Urbosa, the fearless Gerudo Chief and Champion, stood tall with an air of supreme confidence. Her commanding presence was accentuated by the howling winds that whipped around her. With a swift and graceful motion, she snapped her fingers, an act that beckon the heavens themselves. In response, a brilliant bolt of lightning descended from the skies, splitting the darkness with its electrifying blaze. It crackled with raw power, a testament to Urbosa's mastery over the element.
Amidst this dramatic display, Mallow, the nomadic Rito, showcased his own incredible prowess. With the storm raging around him, he soared through the tumultuous winds with the grace and mastery of the sky his years wandering the kingdom's heavens would give him. His lithe form weaved effortlessly through the maelstrom, a dance of wind and thunder.
In his hands, Mallow held his formidable ThunderBow, an heirloom enchanted by his late mother, bestowing upon it the power of electricity. As he drew the bowstring with fluid precision, a crackling spark of energy ignited at the arrow's tip. His eyes gleamed with confidence, and a mischievous smirk graced his beak, revealing his daring spirit.
"You can keep up, my friend!" Urbosa's laughter and approval resonated above the howling winds, a vibrant expression of camaraderie in the face of the tempest. Her voice carried an infectious warmth and pride that cut through the storm's fury.
Mallow met her gaze with a chuckle, his eyes sparkling with friendly rivalry. "Oh, my Lady, I can do more than keep up!" he retorted, a playful glint in his eye as he drew back the bow. The banter between them was a testament to their growing friendship forged through countless training sessions.
As the electrical storm continued to rage around them, their banter turned into a spirited exchange of words and power. Urbosa's voice echoed with wisdom as she shouted over the storm, "Remember, Mallow, control is the key to wielding such power. Let the lightning flow through you, not just ignite you!" she chuckled.
Mallow's reply was swift and lighthearted as he deftly maneuvered through the electrified gusts. "Oh, I intend to, Urbosa. But don't expect me to go easy on you!" 
He notched another arrow, this one even more charged with crackling energy.
Urbosa's laughter mingled with the thunder as she countered, "Good! I'd expect nothing less of you my fine feathered friend!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------  Thank you again for the opportunity! You are simply lovely! Mallow (Rito OC) : AutumnSakuraJayy 
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scotianostra · 1 year
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On June 6th 1944 Allied forces stormed the beaches of Northern France on what became known as D-Day.
There were no doubt many acts of bravery on that day when the tide started to turn against the Nazi regime that ultimately ended World War Two. I shall concentrate on one, but will also tell you about a German sniper that day and a wee tenuous brave Canadian.
‘Piper’ Bill Milllin landed on Sword Beach on the Coast of Normandy as part of the 1st Special Service Brigade in the second wave of the operation.
Pipers were banned from being on the frontline during the Second World War because of the number of casualties seen during the First World War. The enemy figured out that the piper helped boost morale to the Allied troops, and they were slaughtered because of this. This led the War Office to restrict their presence in camps as well as on the frontline.
Millin pointed this out to his Commanding Officer  Brigadier Lord "Shimi" Lovat  Fraser, hereditary chief of the Clan Fraser, who was a law unto himself. “Ah, but that’s the English War Office, Millin,” Lovat told him. “You and I are both Scottish so that doesn’t apply.”
As Bill Millin embarked from the landing craft and waded through chest high water making his way toward dry land, high above his head he carried his pipes, the only weapon he would need that day. Around him bullets flew, mortar shells exploded Bill_Millin1and his friends, comrades and countrymen died, but Bill carried onward.
It was what came next that made Bill Millin a legend! Lord Lovat, the Chief of Clan Fraser and Brigadier of the 2,500 commandos, instructed the 21 year old Bill Millin to fire up his pipes and play a tune to inspire the men. And with the five words ‘Give us “Highland Laddie” man!’, the Legend of ‘Piper’ Bill was born.
Amid the carnage and destruction Bill Millin played as he had never played before. While marching up and down the beach of Normandy, Millin played the tunes ‘Hielan’ Laddie’, ‘The Road to the Isles’ and ‘Blue Bonnets over the Border’, and at one point added ‘The Nut Brown Maiden’ for a redheaded French girl who had strayed out of her home.
The day would see Millin and his unit march four miles inland to a point known as Pegasus Bridge, which was a strategically vital point for the German 21st Panzer Division. D-Day was the turning point in the Allies’ battle against Hitler and ‘Piper’ Bill Millin stands a reminder of the bravery and sacrifice made by ordinary people in extraordinary times.
Facing the soldiers coming ashore that day was Horst Hrubesh, German machine gunner, he too can be seen as a hero of sorts, if you read the poem he penned, I will let you decide;
Scottish soldier play your pipes
Even though your in my sights
Just like me you have a wife
I aim above your head
For full five minutes i fire up high
Keep my bullets up in the sky
No mad piper, you will not die
I will not lay you dead.
Now at my Nazi captains call
He wonders why you do not fall
They drag me from my post in haste
Another gunner i am replaced
In a cell now i await
Whats sure to be a bloody fate
Jack boots stamp across the yard
By my cell with windows barred
Soldier friends i stood beside
Now gather in a long straight line
Blindfold no i did decline
To see their faces full of guilt
As they take my life for i shalt not kill.
Horst Hrubesh was German , but not a nazi, he paid the price for his act on D Day.
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The third person to get a mention today is James M. Doohan who landed ashore at Juno beach. Later that day se would be shot 6 times, survive and go on to become Scotty on Star Trek.
Doohan was a commissioned lieutenant with the 14th Field Artillery Regiment of the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division, and was tasked with invading an area of Normandy code-named Juno Beach. As the meme states, Doohan successfully led his men across the beach littered with anti-tank mines, and also managed to take out two German snipers:
Lieutenant Doohan was however not shot by a German sniper. He had been shot by a nervous, trigger-happy Canadian sentry.
Doohan said. "We landed safely, thank God, through those Y-shaped steel barriers you see in the film, tracer bullets, all that, none of our men hurt, and dashed 75 yards to the 7-foot tall dunes," Doohan said. 
"Crossed a minefield, found out about it later: It was meant to blow up tanks, and we weren't heavy enough. Moved up through a down - hardly a town just a village - called Graye Sur Mer, saw a church tower that was a machine-gun post, firing off to our left. 
Doohan took out the machine-gun post with a couple of shots. "I don't know if they were killed or wounded, but it shut them up," he said.  The Canadian soldier later said he didn't notice the gunshot wounds in his legs until he got to the medic who told him;
'You also have four bullets in your left knee.' I said: 'Well, I walked here.'"
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capriciouswriter207 · 4 months
Beacon AU: the beginning
The beacons have failed.
It was the news on everyone’s lips. The beacons have failed. The gentle light they once cast across the sky, only barely perceptible at night, had gone away. It had been strange - to go into the night and instinctively know that something is wrong, but not being quite sure what could be the case. That is, until the first undead shambled out of the forests and targeted everyone in sight.
Wels, at the end of his stay at his home village while recovering from a serious injury that left his left arm wounded, held back the mob of undead with the town militia. It was a long and arduous night, but no more than two casualties were made in the night.
It was the beacons, everyone knew - they had failed. Wels told the people to remain as calm as possible, asked for the militia to always be on guard and for everyone to stay inside their homes, as those undead who did not find the main group of protectors neither seemed intelligent enough to target the doors nor tried to bust into homes to go after people. Once all these preparations had been made, Wels returned to the capital city.
He hadn’t been back since his injury; his duty as the commander of the king’s guard passed down to Etho until Wels had made a full recovery. He still couldn’t quite remember what happened that day; he just knew that he agreed to be part of some official mission for the crown. During this mission, he narrowly escaped death (according to Bdubs) and Cub, the king’s chief arcanist, vanished without a trace. Cub’s responsibilities have been handed to his apprentice, Xisuma, to navigate the landscape of strange magics that King Ren knew so little about. 
He was supposed to spend another week at home to recover. Yet, when the knight returned to King Ren’s court, he formally requested that he be sent to relight the beacons. The king was hesitant, but granted him his leave. Before Wels left for his mission, he spoke with Etho about his responsibilities being extended. Bdubs came to visit as well, for an extended conversation about the beacons and all the information he had already found on the subject, giving all of it to Wels as “light reading” for the road. Wels thanked him for the research - which said nothing that he didn’t already know, though he did learn the locations of each of the beacons. 
Armed with the knowledge, Welsknight set out on the road to relight the beacons.
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