#'in a fight right?'
whimsical-westbrook · 10 months
If you're still doing this i will have a simple but indeed invasive question
How much can you take?
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thatrandomblogsays · 9 months
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I’m so happy for them
[Image Description: Castiel from Supernatural is saying I love you, underneath is an image of Dean Winchester with the caption: “After four months of striking the WGA has a reached a tentative agreement & finalizing the contract. If all goes well writers will get to return to work with better pay and protections. They did it. Go unions”]
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morallyrainyday · 7 days
happy father's day to palestinian fathers. happy father's to palestinian grandfathers. happy father's day to palestinian fathers who have lost children. happy father's day to palestinians who have lost their fathers. happy father's day to palestinian fathers older than israel itself. happy fathers day to palestinian fathers forgotten by the media. happy fathers day to fathers living in the gaza strip and west bank, and to fathers that have escaped palestine.
happy father's day to all palestinian fathers. you are not weak or any less of a man for struggling or showing emotion. you are some of the bravest men out there. 🇵🇸✊❤
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transassdemon · 2 months
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[My art, don't steal, tag if reposting]
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desolationlesbian · 9 months
still the funniest plot point in all of pmmm that Homura Akemi is a 14 year old magical girl who realized that her sparkly transformation sequence did not come with a cutesy custom weapon like everyone else's so she just went online and googled "how to build a bomb"
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candycornstudios · 2 months
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I drew Bridget enjoying an impossible burger, chicken nuggies, and she is also enjoying fries that are salted with TERF tears
This is a redraw of the “estrogen burger” meme, which itself is also a parody of that one pic that some conspiracy nut made
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minkkinii · 1 month
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Pat the catboy 🐅
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thecosmicpunk · 4 months
Nex Benedict was an Indigenous, Two Spirit, Trans teenager who was murdered by three other students who attacked them in a school bathroom.
This is what we fight for, this is what we march for, this is what we have Pride for.
Because of the Anti-Trans hate and violence that is continuously being spewed.
You say protect the children well NEX WAS A CHILD! WHERE WAS THEIR PROTECTION?
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Nex I am so sorry, I'm so sorry this was done to you, you deserved to live a life full of love and joy. 💛💜🖤
Say his name, and never forget them.
Nex Benedict.
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jedaos · 3 months
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he gets it he really does
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dailyjermasparkle · 4 months
I love how @photomatt and the Tumblr staff are focused on banning trans women for showing off non-sexual transition pics while there are literal hundreds of photos of naked women mistagged with fandoms in my "your tags" tab with links that I can only assume lead to virus-ridden websites.
Yes, I know I'm on strike for one thing rn, but tumblr staff needs to get their crap together. They have banned a bunch of trans women on invalid claims while trans people get harassed and stalked and their reports go unnoticed or ignored.
Fix your freaking site matt. 🔨 🚗
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politijohn · 6 months
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Said the quiet part out loud!
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lilpomelito · 4 months
it’s always hilarious to me how the show manages to portray steve as both the town’s cassanova and terminally bitchless. everybody wants him yet he still can’t find a girlfriend. my only conclusion to this is that while all the bittanys and jessicas in hawkins are fighting over who gets to ask steve out on valentines day he’s over there tragically sulking because he was destined to be the princess trapped in a high tower by a dragon saved by the knight in shining armor and is doomed to be trapped in the body of a hot twenty year old dude. to any outside observer it doesn’t make sense how he doesn’t choose any of the hot girls who are desperate for him to ask them out, but to those who know steve they know he’s just waiting for someone to romance him. and because of how young women work the fact that he’s still single and chronically unhappy just makes him even more desirable, because now not only is he hot and a nice guy he’s also pathetic and that is kryptonite to middle class women. robin keeps tearing her hair out watching how many hot women launch themselves at her wet cat bestie meanwhile steve is over there wondering if eddie likes guys and if pretending to enjoy metal music is worth the migraine just to be noticed by his crush, and the inevitable conclusion being that he’s going to die alone.
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fairuzfan · 7 months
i have a special hatred for liberal zionists who say "you're not helping Palestinians" and pretending to advocate for us. keep our names out of your mouth. you do not speak for us. only talking about how you feel victimized while we watch people die of bombardment and starvation. i would rather you admit your selfishness than for you to pretend to care about us only to use us for your own self interests.
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trans-axolotl · 10 months
nothing makes me more insane than the phrase "selling your body" btw. like was i not also selling my body at every other job i've had where i had to be on my feet all day, lifting boxes, working in a warehouse, etc. why is it that sex work is uniquely labeled as "selling your body" while every other job is sorted into another category, no matter how much that job might have a physical impact on your body. lmao.
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some good news!! the spanish state's ministry of equality has finally passed one of the most progressive trans laws on the planet, shielded free and universal access to abortion and banned conversion therapy and genital surgery for intersex babies, among a lot of other feminist policies. the minister of equality irene montero gave a speech thanking spain's lgtb and trans associations for helping her draft these legislations. couldn't be more proud!!
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bobcatblahs · 22 days
I’m simple, really.
If one of these people:
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Walked up to me and ask for help/offered me help, I’d be fine. Feel safe. Know I’d survive. I’d trust any of them.
If one of these people approached me for the same:
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Absolutely not. In danger. No thanks. Don’t wanna die.
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