#(and because i know i won't get a new person to prescribe them to me if my psych stops working
hanafubukki · 29 days
Yuu being a little afraid of being pregnant, but the world of twisted wonderland has much better healthcare and overall treats children better
They're not getting any younger and neither is Lilia, so why not have a baby before they become too old to engage and raise them?
It doesn't take long, between the prescribed gummies from Riddle (their family doctor and old friend) and Lilia's ahem- enthusiasm, they start showing signs 2 months after they popped the question to Lilia
They remember how Lilia literally flew with joy when they told him they're ready. Of course after the initial joy they started discussing how they will go on about this, how Yuu will probably need to go on a vitamin rich diet, start doing pregnant yoga and require daily massages the farther along they get.
However Yuu's pregnancy seems to get harder everyday. A fact so alarming that they bring it up at their next checkup
"well? How's everything?" Lilia asked tentatively
"weeellll...." Riddle began with a sigh as he discarded the gloves " I have some good news and some.... neutral news?"
"neutral news?"
"I'll start with the good news!" He quickly added
"Good news is the baby's healthy! The growth rate is normal and they seem to be doing well"
"and the neutral news???"
Riddle but his bottom lip wincing "Neutral news is... The babies are healthy. Plural. There's 3 in there."
Yuu and Lilia's faces were complete opposites. Moving at the same time, Yuu's face pulled into a horrified open mouth look while Lilia couldn't hide his grin. He fixed his expression once he noticed Yuu's horror.
"Luckily, we have magic here that'll make your labour be as easy as blinking, however you'll need to eat more. The reason why you've been exhausted is because you were only eating on account of one baby, sometimes if you're not consciously aware of the fact you're pregnant the body will not experience any additional cravings. In your case, you weren't aware just how pregnant you are"
"I.... How did this even happen- I mean what are the chances????"
"are we happy with this?" Riddle asked, looking only at Yuu with a gaze that told them they're his only priority
Yuu held eye contact and thought about it.
"...Yes. It'll be difficult but I want this"
Riddle smiled at both Yuu and Lilia. After everything, they deserved this.
"Very well then! I advise investing in a pump so that can lessen your load when the babies are born. If you need an extra fridge or an electric kettle please don't hesitate to ask, I know a guy" he says with a wink
Lilia smiled, trying to tone down his excitement "we appreciate your help Dr. Rosehearts"
Riddle scoffs "Oh please we go way back. Consider this my personal 'thank you' for helping me out back then, Yuu"
As they walked from the clinic to the nearest portal Yuu could practically feel the joy radiating from their husband. It was impressive how he managed to keep a hold on them and help them walk rather than outright carrying them and flying away
They decided to break the ice "soooo?"
They hear him him take a deep breath before scream-laughing. It honestly startled them
"I GOT A 3 FOR 1 DEAL!" of course this is how he chose to express his joy
Yuu groaned " anymore of this and I'm telling grim you hid his tuna away"
"aww so mean~ can't an old man be happy?"
"you're a particularly loud old man, and I too am old with a terrible headache so have some sympathy, sir!"
"ah anything goes for my cranky old spouse"
He peppered Yuu's face with kisses before carrying them through the portal
It's a good thing they preemptively bought multiple baby clothes (mostly because Yuu was scared of leaving the baby and Lilia in the kitchen together would lead to unsalvageable tatters)
"Well at least now Silver, Malleus and Sebek won't need to fight about being the favourite older brother"
"let's not kid ourselves batsy, they will still engage in petty competition"
"but we did kid ourselves.... 3 times kfufufu"
"no more cuddles for a week"
"wait no-"
Hello Anonie 🌷💞💚
THERE WAS 3!!! 😆😂 not only was lilia enthusiastic but so was his seed it seems omg 😆
Which makes sense because bats do tend to have more than one at once.
Everyone gets a baby! One for brother mal, one for brother sil, and one for uncle sebek. 🥳🥳
You get a baby and you get a baby and you and you 🤣
Riddle is so sweeettt 😭😭💞💞 I’m so happy. He’s attentive.🥺🥹
…”3 for 1 deal”!!!!! LMFAOO I’m crying 😂
This was adorable. 💚
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aita-blorbos · 6 months
AITA for being the favorite child despite simply being the home nurse?
This is... a lot to get out. Many of you probably saw it on the news so I won't dive into too much detail. Essentially, I was a nurse for this older gentleman who is very wealthy. He has so many family members and they are... a fucking handful and a half. He was an author and as many of you know probably know, he passed away a few months back.
(This is making me sad wow. I thought this world be easier to write in a light hearted way so I will try and keep it that way.)
Because he had such a big family, everyone wanted in on his will. Of course, who wouldn't in this country? The thing is, they all suck. I already said that. He knew that his family sucked. It's just true. But he was the nicest person I have ever and will ever meet. He took me in, gave me a job, and was my friend. Maybe even a father figure to me. He took care of me in more ways than one and I can never repay him for that.
On to the story: If you didn't know already you may have figured it out by now. He passed away on the night of a family gathering, and gave all of the inheritance to me. Now here's the kicker, I thought I had killed him. I may have... been doing some un prescribed drugs with him and thought I had given him a lethal dose. In the end I did not kill him, thank god, and his death is officially a suicide.
Thats not all though. Because his death was so untimely and everyone was mad about the inheritance, a detective was brought in. He kept me by his side the whole time which was excruciating for me and my stomach. (I can't lie without throwing up). All the evidence was piling up on me by the hour, and in a shocking turn of events I was framed! Or at least attempted framed. By his own grandson! Who is a piece of work.
It was a very... stressful experience. And the family absolutely hates me, simply because I am a better more deserving person than all of them combined. It can be humorous looking back, but I hope I never see any of them again. AITA for taking a families fortune from them?
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hils79 · 1 year
Hils Watches Mysterious Lotus Casebook - Ep 25
Our house is getting inspected tomorrow (the joys of renting) so this is my reward for mopping the floors on a stupidly hot day considering it's nearly the middle of September.
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He is a good husband. Just ask Li Lianhua
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But if you send him home who will make puppy eyes at you and take care of you?
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I wish someone would prescribe me medicinal wine
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Oh, yeah, I forgot about them. I have minimal sympathy given they tried to assault the women being held captive there. Fang Duobing is a good boy though so he won't just let them die
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Me whenever there's a new plot development
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When Fang Duobing's mind is on other things his 'must protect Li Lianhua' senses are dulled, which is why Li Lianhua immediately fell into a pit
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Is this going to be a thing now? Li Lianhua is in danger and I need help, call on A-Fei and he immediately appears
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Ooh is he starting to suspect?
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His face when Fang Duobing yells at him 🥺 Is he starting to care for the puppy?
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"While you two were running around in a cave looking for me I found all the clues because I'm awesome." I love him.
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Oh my god Fang Duobing DOES suspect! And he's going to let Li Lianhua get stabbed to test his theory. Come on, Di Feisheng won't let him get stabbed and he's always nearby
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Aww he stepped in at the last possible second and saved him
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Test passed or failed depending on which way you look at it. I'm guessing Li Lianhua knew Fang Duobing was there which is why he didn't defend himself
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God, I just want to hug him
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Clearly he doesn't know what genre he's in
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Well at least he just came out and asked
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Every time Li Lianhua lies it reminds me of all those memes in the Guardian fandom about Shen Wei and his addiction to lying
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You may as well get used to it. He's not going to stop.
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I love him
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I think your beloved might have a thing or two to say about your plans to kill his beloved
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Fang Duobing is more concerned about the interruption to his personal hygiene than he is the fact that a bunch of people have showed up to kill them
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Fang Duobing is back in protecc mode, but I think he also just saw Li Lianhua do some sus footwork while he was trying to avoid being killed
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Oh no
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No one has asked Di Feisheng if he's okay 🥺
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Oh now that he's visibly in pain they care
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Fang Duobing! You are better than that! How many times has he helped you as soon as you called?
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Wait, I recognise this set! I'm pretty sure it was used in Heroes too
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I mean the last one wasn't actually haunted. That was kind of the whole point of the case
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rainbowbeanart · 5 months
I'm gonna rant about something that sucks because its late and I can't stop stressing about it.
I have type 1 diabetes. I was diagnosed at 9 years old. There is currently a nationwide shortage of insulin. I have been dealing with this personally for a few months now.
This is a shortened list of the bullshit I have been dealing with. Keep in mind every time I say there was a phone call, I had to call minimum 3 times and talk to 3 different people for anyone to figure out their shit.
A few months ago i had to FIGHT with my pharmacy because I had a script available until August for insulin and they insisted I didn't. I asked my doctor to send over a new script because they just couldn't fucking find it and a few days later that was through. I can get my insulin now right???
Then there was an issue with insurance. I'm on government insurance. My doctor prescribed ✨️name brand✨️ insulin and insurance said NO and completely denied my prescription. Call insurance and they say "you need to take the generic (Insulin Aspart) for a trial period until its proven it doesn't work" so days later (again) I finally have a script to fill. I can get my insulin now....RIGHT???
Its been over a week at this point. I was trying to get ahead of the game but my supplies is dwindling and i desperately need to pick up my insulin. Pharmacy says they are on backorder and won't have insulin for at least a week OR drive an hour to a completely different town. So i drove an hour and I finally got my insulin.
Next month, I call a few days in advance. Insulin is still on back order and won't be available for 2 weeks OR I can drive an hour to another different town and pick up half a months worth because that's all anyone in my whole fucking state even has???? So I drive an hour (AGAIN) and set a reminder in my phone to call over a week in advance to see if insulin is still on backorder.
Surprise! Now we are to this month and I called WELL OVER A WEEK IN ADVANCE. Insulin is still on back order and won't be available until END OF MAY. So I set up an amazon account and ask them to transfer the script. My doctor calls me a couple of days later to make sure I'm not getting scammed and want my script sent to a different pharmacy. I confirm and say I haven't been able to access my insulin from my current pharmacy. Please send the script.
Amazon lets me know a couple days ago they weren't able to contact either my provider or my pharmacy and I should try having my doctor just send a new prescription. So i call my doctor and I leave a voicemail with the nurse (because not even ONCE has she EVER picked up the fucking phone and she's a bitch and doesn't do her job and I hate her) and nothing happens. I call after hours today and am surprised to learn there is a doctor on call after hours for emergencies. The person I spoke to was very nice and said she'd mark it urgent for me and to keep my phone on me because I might get a call back from the on call doctor. I did not recieve a call back and as far as amazon is concerned I still don't have a script.
I'm okay right now. I still have two vials of insulin on hand (which lasts me about 10ish days) and I'm gonna call my doctor again tomorrow and keep fighting until someone does what I need.
But on top of all of this, not knowing if I'm gonna get another month of supplies every fucking time, I have looked at my backup options and I literally do not have any.
Eli Lilly does not allow you to sign up for their affordable insulin program if you are on government insurance.
My doctor does not have "sample vials" because of the shortage (and it would last me 6 days MAXIMUM)
And there is a specific law called "Kevin's Law" after a guy who died unable to contact his provider for a refill that allows pharmacies to do an emergency 72 hour worth fill in the case that a doctor cannot be contacted. Here's the kicker. It's active in my state! But it doesn't apply to vialed insulin because the amounts in them are predetermined and they can't take out the appropriate doseage and GOD FORBID they give you a little more insulin than you actually need.
Closest thing we've found is an RX coupon that makes a single vial of insulin, five days worth of living, $100. It is an absolutely worse case scenario.
I'm so sick and tired of all of this. My diabetes anniversary was in April. 20 years. I did not celebrate it. I don't feel like there is anything to celebrate right now.
Thanks for reading.
EDIT: Nurse finally got back to me today after a 3rd call to claim she had already sent the script on the 25th and was gonna call amazon to see what was happening. Not even a MINUTE later I get a text that amazon has it now. If you don't remember from above, I fucking hate this nurse and I guarentee she lies to my face constantly. Anyway, amazon is also out of stock, so I get to call back tomorrow and have it sent to my old pharmacy again just to see if I can make a 1-2 hour trip out of town just to get 1 or 2 vials. Wish me luck 🙃
EDIT 2: Just for anyone who finds this in the future, things are better! I got switched and approved for one of the only insulins that isnt on shortage right now, so I'm not currently struggling to access my insulin. Can only hope things stay good 🤞
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berf-a-smurf · 5 months
A letter to my therapist (that I probably won't send/read to them)
It's weird how in the mental field, others help you how they want to help and not how you ask to be helped. I know the "person in a wheelchair" simile is cliche but like... everyone's at least seen someone in a wheelchair (and mental problems aren't visual like that).
So like imagine someone struggling to get up a ramp. Maybe the bottom is buckled and they don't have the strength to roll over the bump. If someone else were to ask them "hey, how can I help?" they could say "oh, just nudge me over the bump and I can push myself the rest of the way" and they'd be believed because they have presumably lived with the wheelchair for several years and know how to prescribe a solution.
It's not like the other goes "hmm actually I know a better way; leave your chair here, put your arm over my shoulders, and we'll go up the stairs."
So why is it, after living with my brain for 26 years, and given what I need to research and consider Autism for 13 of those years, that people keep telling me to take the fucking stairs?! Please just listen to me when I tell you that I need a different type of help. Please!! I mean, literally speaking, I am able bodied and can do stairs, but using the metaphor, I know my brain better than you so if I prescribe a solution please trust that I know what I'm trying to get at more than your "hmm actually I don't think it works that way."
DBT has been helping my confidence, don't get me wrong. There's still a lot I'm getting from the program. But I keep hitting these little bumps in my day-to-day that I need different help with. Suicidality keeps coming back because I'm so fundamentally different from others. All of these little things keep adding up and make me feel flawed and mostly hopeless. But it's so normal to me that I don't catch it in the moment as something to write down nor log in memory for later. I need to pay someone to shadow me all day every day and watch how my behaviours come out and make the notes that I can't so that I can finally get the help I need. For the love of all that is good, please help me explore neurodivergence to some capacity. I know BPD is only a layer on top of more. And that's all you want to focus on. And it makes me feel a bit frustrated. It's not severe frustration, it's more like a nagging hang nail.
And the BPD diagnosis came from a psychiatrist that only saw me for two hours and nurses that had me for two days. I was mostly dissociated and overwhelmed with all the 'new' around me in the hospital. And I coped with my obedience mask. I wish, I wish the BPD thing didn't stick. I wish, I wish someone would care enough to help me pull back the (now automatic) mask and help me with the problems underneath. DBT feels like a step in the right direction and that gives me some hope. But it's frustrating to think about this being as far as I'll likely get.
Does this make sense to anyone? Is this something worth mentioning to my therapist? I would love advice. Thank you 🫶
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colorisbyshe · 2 years
aces face medical discrimination that allos don’t.
I'm only answering this discourse ask because this is like... really... really harmful rhetoric.
If we're talking about HSDD (Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder), I have a tag to debunk any point you want to bring up. It's an older tag, so it might not be incredibly up to date but it covers a lot.
But in the broader sense... no, y'all don't. I'm sure individual doctors can be discriminatory or not understanding but... that's true of anything. There are licensed fucking doctors who think vaccines are fake and filled with trackers. Some doctors jsut fucking suck.
What you need to understand is, doctors expressing concern that your lack of sexual desire is connected to either mental health or physical health isn't discrimination but rather a legitimate medical concern.
Being gay can't be caused by cancer. Being straight can't be caused by depression. There is no state of being that can really alter which gender you prefer. There mgiht be extreme cases of trauma where maybe someone stops pursuing relationships with a specific gender or whatever but that's VERY fringe AND would STILL be something you should talk to about with a professional. Not to "fix" necessarily but to better understand and process.
But... lack of libido, which has HEAVY HEAVY HEAVY fuckign overlap with lack of sexual attraction (or even just lack of perceived sexual attraction), can absolutely be caused by cancer or trauma or depression or a hormonal disorder or internalized homophobia or internalzied fatphobia. There are conditions where some people are SOOOO shamed for sexuality that it is literally impossible to penetrate theri vagina without extreme pain. Reactions to sexual desire and attraction and behaviour can affect your perception of said things (and vise versa).
Most of the time, a doctor will not care if you tell them this has just how you felt your entire life. HSDD already has a little annotation saying "Hey! Some people just don't feel sexual desires, that's fine! No treatment needed :)"
But sometimes... they need to know if this is a symptom, especially if this a new/sudden revelation.
Framing doctors doing basic work to figure out if you are experiencing a health problem as "aphobia" is going to prevent a LOT of vulnerable people from getting the healthcare they deserve and nEED.
And I've seen some of y'all fucking weirdos saying that if you're ace/celibate you don't need pap smears, which is fucking insane.
Asexuals and people who mistakenly think they are asexuals because of health conditions--which are not the majority but certainly do exist--need full check ups just liek the rest of us.
There are bad doctors out there. There are doctors who haven't heard of asexuality before. I am not denying that. Again, there are doctors who think vaccines are fake, who won't believe you when you say you're having allergy symptoms, and who will try to diagnose your chest pain as heartburn and send you on your way.
But a doctor meeting your "I'm ace" with, "Hey, will you consent to a hormone work up?" or "Hey, are you doing alright? Do you have any history of trauma" is not an aphobic assault on your sensibilities. It is not comparable to converion therapy or a doctor telling a gay person they are lying or need to be fixed.
And I've said ti before--a doctor is MUCH MUCH MUCH more likely to prescribe you something that KILLS your sex drive, makes you wholly disinterested in sex, makes it nearly impossible to even tell if you are experiencing sexual attraction, than they are to be invested in making sure every random patient wants to fuck and is attracted to random people on the street.
Most doctors do not care if the life saving/changing shit they prescribe you alters your sex drive at all. Won't even fucking tell you if it's a side effect. It's not on their mind. Your sex life is not on their mind unless it is affecting your health.
Anyways, last ask I am touching on the matter. Buy me something, prove you bought me something, and maybe I'll consider talking more
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nvcr · 2 years
Lots of surgery questions
I know that it's dependent on doctor and whatnot but I have a few questions just to get a general idea
1. How long did it take insurance to approve your surgery after sending in your therapist letter?
2. How soon after approval did your surgery get scheduled? How far out?
I have my consults on the 6th (telehealth) and 7th (in person), and I'm hoping to get scheduled before July, but I'm worried my insurance just won't process fast enough to get it there. The hospital said they're currently scheduling out to late May/early June, so I feel I have a chance, but just concerned something may happen that'll delay it
I already have my therapist letter, I just haven't sent it in yet because my insurance plan doesn't start until April 1st.
Just trying to see if you all think it will be possible for me to get my date scheduled before July
Other questions as well:
1. How many post-op appointments did you have? I've heard different things from different people. Some people say one (to get drains removed and everything) and some people say they've had multiple. If you've had multiple, what was each one for?
2. I know there are plenty of essential item lists, but anything you 100% stand by needing to buy before surgery to have for recovery? Any recommendations for a second chest binder? I would like to be able to switch mine out and wash it every once in awhile since I'll be wearing it for about a month or so
3. How soon did you stop taking prescribed pain meds? I have problems with prescription pain meds (they make me really emotional) and I was wondering if it'd be possible to stop taking them just a few days out
4. Any overall tips? I'm just super nervous! Surgery is one of those things that I've only had once, and my first time was terrifying. I'm definitely not as scared this time around, but just want to be prepared for anything. How did you all feel after waking up? Etc etc
6. To trans people in TN (since that's where my surgery will be), do you think it'll be risky going out in public? Should I just go to the hospital and straight home? (I live in a border state). I'm just scared with the new bills, so being put and about in TN is something I'm anxious about. What do you recommend?
7. How did your recovery look? Like, how many days before getting drains removed, how long until you could shower, could take off your compression binder, etc. Again, I know it's different for everybody, but I want a general timeliness
Sorry for So Many Questions, I just want to be prepared as possible. Feel free to ignore this or just answer a few questions, no need to answer them all! Just whatever you can and are willing to answer
Thank you guys So So So much!!!
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askanaroace · 1 year
Am I aplatonic? I don't have any feelings on having friends. Yet I know I need them. There have only been 3 times at the most when I felt that someone was important to me. Maybe Demi-platonic? I don't know if it's autism, having a very isolated childhood or something else. Every time I've tried to go out and meet new people it's never worked. I'm worried that I won't get anywhere in life because if I can't make friends I won't be able to succeed at anything.
Aplatonic, like any other label, is something intensely personal. Something only you can decide to use or not use for yourself. Aplatonic isn't some diagnosis someone can prescribe you. It's just a word to help you communicate your feelings to yourself or others. You don't have to perfectly fit it. You don't have to have always perfectly fit it. (I knew about the label aplatonic for years before I ever considered ID'ing as it.) The label is open to anyone who wants to use it or otherwise feels it would be useful.
As for why - that's always a very difficult question and one you're unlikely to narrow down a simple, singular answer for. It could be autism, having an isolated childhood, and something else that all contributes to your feelings. :) Humans are a mess of nature and nurture, and it's more rare than not that you can pinpoint a feeling to one, specific action/event/reason.
You don't need friends to succeed at life, and there's tons of skills out there that have nothing to do with the skill of making friends. And heck, tons of people that enjoy and want friends really struggle to make friends. It's a hard skill, and if you don't really want friends or don't value friendships that much, it's really hard to hone that skill!
It sounds like a good idea to discard this focus on something you don't want/possibly aren't good at and instead focus on things you do want and things you are good at. Do you enjoy writing? Creating? Sculpting? Math? Running? Climbing? Music? Building? Organizing? Public speaking? Learning? Playing? Fishing? Birding? Sparring? Joking? Fashion? Interior design? Baking? Cooking? Skateboarding? Gardening? Volunteering? Bugs? Crocheting? Weight lifting? Movies? What are you good at? Making people laugh? Innovation? Creativity? Strength? Emotions? Puzzle solving? Helping others? Listening? Caretaking? Did you get good at these things with no work or did they take some time, patience, and effort to foster?
All kinds of skills are needed for all kinds of things. And not knowing a skill right now doesn't mean you're incapable of improving it. What are some goals you have for your life? What do you need to help yourself achieve these goals? How can you access what it is that you need?
Something else you can do is look back and appreciate past successes. What are things you've done that you're proud of? What are things you've done that others are proud of you for? What are things you've done that you weren't sure you'd be able to do? This could be things like: passing a test, graduating, learning how to take care of a pet, baking a delicious cake, perfecting your mascara game, learning a new language, landing a new job, finishing a long book, etc. From the day we're born, life is all about learning new things: learning to talk, learning to listen, learning to crawl, learning to walk, learning fine motor skills, learning to feed ourselves, learning to put on our own clothes, learning to use the toilet ourselves, etc. It's all about learning things at a pace that works for us. Learning a skill and then building on it (like learning to sit up, then crawl, then toddle, then walk, then run). And these aren't skills accessible to everyone, but there's also adaptations (for example, learning to wheel yourself in a wheelchair rather than walk) and just plain other things to learn. You have already succeeded at so much. There's so much success to come.
Just don't give up on yourself.
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lets-donate-a-kidney · 9 months
Reasons to Donate a Kidney
You can make terrible, terrible kidney puns, and no one can stop you from kidney-ing around.
The average lifespan on dialysis is only 5-10 years. You might extend someone's life by 20 years or more!
Dialysis is painful, exhausting, prevents a person from holding a regular work schedule or traveling, and weakens their body over time. Eventually, it fails. You'd be freeing someone to have a normal life.
You aren't just helping the recipient: you're giving something priceless to all the friends and family members who care about that person.
Kidneys from living donors have a higher success rate than kidneys from deceased donors, and last for twice as long!
You might start a kidney chain, in which multiple people receive kidneys! The longest chain on record gave kidneys to over 100 people - and was started by a stranger who didn't know any of them.
Over 80,000 people in the USA alone need a kidney transplant, and several thousand die every year waiting for one. But if even just 1 in 1000 adults donated a kidney, we could wipe out the waiting list overnight.
Kidneys almost always fail in pairs. Your chance of kidney failure isn't much higher with one kidney compared to two.
You get cool donation scars to show people!
Kidney donors actually live longer than the general population, and have a lower rate of kidney failure! Why? Because the screening process for kidney donation screens out potential illnesses early, and kidney donors are more likely to take care of their bodies afterward.
If your remaining kidney does fail, you'll be put at the top of the kidney wait-list, and spend much less time on dialysis. As a result, kidney donors actually have a higher survival rate for kidney failure than non-donors.
The National Kidney Registry also lets kidney donors extend this waitlist benefit to several friends and relatives, in case any of them ever have kidney failure.
The risk of long-term complications from kidney donation is extremely low. Most people can start walking within a day of surgery, go back to work in 1-2 weeks, and are back to 100% within a month.
Doctors and nurses LOVE doing living donor transplants! The success rate is high, complications are low, there's none of the tragedy associated with postmortem transplants, and for once their patients are eager to be there. And, as my nephrologist said, "It's a lot more rewarding than prescribing Viagra!"
It's a way to put a little more kindness into the world, and your example might inspire others, too.
In the USA, all costs for surgery and screenings are covered by the recipient's health insurance or Medicaid/Medicare; you as the donor will not have to pay for it. You can also get reimbursement for lost income through the National Kidney Registry.
Most people will have to get surgery and spend a night in the hospital anyway if they live long enough. Donating an organ lets you have this experience on your terms, while you're healthy, so hospitalization won't be scary or overwhelming if you need it later in life.
You'll learn new things about your body! I discovered that I had an extra vein on the left side of my torso, and that my hemoglobin levels were low. The vein is harmless and cool, but the hemoglobin thing (and taking iron supplements for it) actually helped me avoid developing an iron deficiency later.
It's a chance to be part of something bigger than yourself - a miracle of modern science!
I won't say donating a kidney was "easy," but I will say it was 95% waiting on people, 4% letting doctors and nurses talk at me, and 1% letting them stick me with needles. The hardest part wasn't pain, or fear, but sitting around tired for a couple days.
You probably won't have to make many modifications to your lifestyle after kidney donation. Literally the only activity I was told to avoid was contact sports, and if I'm in pain I take acetaminophen instead of ibuprofen.
You can get a tattoo that says "Some parts may be missing," or "Organ donation - it takes guts!" and a kidney pillow souvenir.
If donating while alive isn't right for you, you can still sign up to be a postmortem organ donor, and increase awareness of living donation! Remember, it would only take a small percentage of people donating to make a BIG difference!
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softgrungeprophet · 1 year
i write obviously, i took a lot of language and linguistics classes in college. it's a mix of art, science, it's deeply intertwined with anthropology and culture
it's rare (but possible; there are no universals in language) that a word is brought into the world bad. a word is a tool. it can be used to describe, to free, to find community and like minds (whether going on the adhd subreddit or being like, wow i'm gay too, let's chat) and of course it can also be used cruelly or twisted, to hurt people and confine them. words old and new can be used for all kinds of purposes of varying shittiness, varying goodness, varying neutralities...
but it's the people behind the words, not the words themselves making them tools/weapons/beauty etc.
on the one hand this means there are always new ways to use words and new words to exist, for better and for worse, and on the other hand this means that the problem is rarely the word itself (though obviously slurs are a bit more complicated in that regard) (and rarely straightforward among the people they are applied to) and rarely is a cultural or social problem addressed by something as black and white as "stop making words, stop using words, stop labeling experiences"--etc etc, take your pick of argument
the thing is, with words... is that stuff like that (restriction of any and all descriptions) is never going to happen (and if it did, that would be bad, imo), that's what words are and what language is
i think the most key thing i've ever kept in mind both during and beyond my language studies (and my general passion for linguistics, even as very much a low level non-professional--a hobbyist with a BA, if you will) is that words, grammar, intonation, all of it--language is context.
that might legitimately be the only universal in language now that i think about it lol. context. it's key--KEY--to meaning, to intention, to metaphor and color and poetry and all these other things. What language are you speaking? that's context. the fact that i'm writing this in english is context. it tells you how the letters and words i'm using should be interpreted.
context is the way language joins with culture (in all interpretations of the word: community, sexuality, ethnicity, class, etc.), with humanity and so on. they're linked so closely imo. this why any language class that's even halfway decent will generally have small mini-lessons, side paragraphs, tangents, about the culture in which they're spoken. Why IS this idiom? What DOES this word's use need? (though of course at a certain point you get into etymology there and ime most classes won't go too deep into that lol. it's essentially an entire field.)
now, listen, I don't buy into the sapir whorf stuff. for the most part, i think they were full of shit. at least when the hypothesis is taken to its most strict reaches. its highest concreteness. (not that there isn't sooome aspect of truth; i don't necessarily discount the hypothesis entirely and linguistic censorship and control 100% is a real, fashy thing, it's just... what i said. people make new words and find ways to talk about things they don't have words for. i don't think the nonexistence of a single or a few words necessarily prevents the entirety of a concept from existing, personally, though i won't argue that it can't mold perception or anything like that. what is propaganda after all...)
i'm rambling.
you know, last year around 8 months ago, a year or so after i first got diagnosed with adhd (was almost 28 at the time, am now 29 (and a half), took me... 5 years to find someone who would do anything) i was looking around, because i was physically allowed to begin stimulant medications after a couple of years of some serious health issues that prevented me from being prescribed anything other than non stimulants (probably reasonable at the time but still frustrating)--i went on reddit (i know 😂 but it's not that kind of story) to see what others' experiences were like.
the recurring thing people would say most often, of course, is that everyone on the board is different, that everyone's experiences will be (have been, are) different. not just medication but holistically. ADHD may have many commonalities but nonetheless, everyone's brain is different.
the other thing was me looking at threads of people saying, "am i the only one who does this?" and "no one i've ever met irl has this thing" and then seeing dozens of people say, yes i do this too, i also have not been able to meet other people doing this, i also thought i was alone,
and so on. little struggles and strangenesses that often felt like a pressure from everyone around them (us) irl asking why can't you just do X? (if you just cared more/tried harder) and you get a bunch of people saying, you're not actually alone, we're all here and not all of us do that but here are six or twelve or twenty or two hundred people who do.
it's funny because until my mid twenties (around senior year of college i think is when i began to look into it, thanks to posts i had seen online describing various aspects of adult adhd, adhd in girls, etc (not that i necessarily go with "girl" atm)) i had no word for describing what i was.
but the thing is i could tell there was something. so without the word to actually find other people like me or to learn about ADHD in a practical way, what i ended up with was not a lack of boxing myself in or of confining myself to a label. lol. lmao. prior, without "ADHD" as a reference point, what i had for myself was instead, "lazy" and "stupid" and "broken."
i don't trust any post that declares a cure to a cultural issue being to remove a word or words. rarely if ever will that solve anything. what it almost definitely will do, however, is deprive. when you do not have a word you can share with anyone else, it is very hard to find people who are like you (bisexual, ADHD, possibly a "drop of autism" as one of my therapists said) but people, including yourself, will still notice the things that make you yourself. that's the context, so where are the words?
(you know something funny? in either 6th or 8th grade (i only remember it was not 7th because we were in a different building in 7th grade) a friend of mine, in the gym, named Sadie, asked me "are you autistic?" Because she noted that i almost never make eye contact. i told her no. now, of course, with an unquestionably autistic younger brother (and me finally w an ADHD diagnosis like... 10 years later) all of us have begun to wonder about for example me and my sister but also about others in our family. we are a strange bunch. for some of us it's definitely ADHD, though some of my uncles are dyslexic, and for others... well you know how it is lol)
anyway what the fuck was i saying (how the fuck do i get my gboard to recognize context and stop suggesting "duck" no matter how many times i delete it?)
i just think it's always key to remember that the thing about words is that it's how you use them.
("born this way" is not innately a confinement; it was made that way out of a phrase intended to mean "this is who i am and there is nothing wrong with me"--not to restrict oneself to being only one immutable thing but to say I Was Born Me. Who "me" is doesn't have to be set in stone) (that's how i feel at least)
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inherstars · 7 months
When we first started dating, my husband told me a story about his Mom and his sister.
His sister, in every way a good girl and a good student, had made some small teenage slip-up of smoking a cigarette or maybe having a drink with her friends, and her parents found out.
Their mother took her out of school the next day, and they went out to get their nails done, their hair done. They had a nice lunch together, she took her out and bought her a cute outfit. Afterwards she sat her down and said, "Did you have a nice time today?" When his sister agreed that she had, their mother said, "Good, I'm glad. You can either have it this way, and enjoy nice things, or you can keep drinking / smoking, and you won't have these things anymore."
Sister decided that nice things and nice days out were the way to go, and it was never a problem again.
When we moved my parents here, I feel like this is the conversation I should have had with my mother.
When we moved them here in the summer of '18, my Mom was still all-in on a steady diet of Vicoprofen and some kind of anti-depressant that I don't remember, the combination of which alternately turned her in a zombie or a rage monster, and had some other unpleasant physical side-effects as well.
It took a good year to get her off of both these drugs. It helped that our area has a huge opioid problem, and doctors are gun-shy about prescribing unnecessary narcotics. Not that she didn't put on a VERY good show. Every day she was wincing and sucking her teeth over some new excruciating pain -- her hip, her back, her shoulder, whatever. When one failed to illicit the reaction she was hoping for, it miraculously got better and something else would start to pain her.
It also helped that when I would take her to these appointments, I would pull the nurse aside and let them know that she has a history of drug and alcohol abuse that she will not personally disclose.
She went through a LOT of doctors those first few months. You could tell the instant she asked for narcotics and was denied, because it was immediately a snappish declaration of, "I don't like this doctor, I don't think he knows what he's talking about."
Eventually all that shit got out of her system. The pains all suddenly went away, no more ooch'ing and ouch'ing, no more falling asleep slumped over her chair, no more shitting herself constantly and losing her dentures constantly.
For a long while, in fact, everything was fine. Which isn't to say she was always pleasant, because she's often still miserable and ungrateful, but she definitely became more tolerable. And for a while we had a pretty decent relationship.
I would take her out shopping, and introduced her to stores that she'd never been to before, and enjoyed. I would bake things for her and buy her little gifts. We would send each other memes and funny cat videos back and forth on Instagram. It was probably as good as it had ever been.
The problem is, I let my guard down. And that's where I fucked up.
She had an unrelated medical event (unrelated, although directly caused by her love of self-diagnosing and self-medicating herself, this time incorrectly), which landed her in the hospital, and which she managed to parlay into two separate prescriptions for Oxy, plus some muscle relaxers, plus some barbituates.
Suddenly she was spending all day slumped over her chair passed out, waking up only to argue with me or her husband, or shit herself.
I called her newest PCP, who -- surprise! -- had no idea that she had ANY history of substance abuse, and prescribed Narcan. Then we had a fun trip to the hospital, where we got to spend a fun 4 hours of her alternately vomiting into an emeses bag, howling that she was in pain and that everyone there was an idiot, and insisting that she hadn't taken a single pill that she shouldn't have in the past 27 years.
The level of delusion is astounding. Addicts live in their own reality.
All this to say that it's been a rough month or so of ER visits, hospital visits, rehab visits, medical ups and downs, caring for her and my stepfather while trying to also hold down my regular full time job and not just come home at 8:30 and immediately go to sleep.
She was released from the nursing facility on Wednesday, and immediately got snippy with me, demanding to know where her fucking pills were. Because I guess she assumed I'd just... what, leave them behind?
Right now, tentatively, she is back to taking care of herself and her husband, and I'm trying to get back to what was previously my normal life. She still can't drive, so anything beyond puttering back and forth is still left to me, but at least I don't have to make the trip there twice a day, and get an eyeful of my stepfather's naked 90-year-old ass and balls, because he refuses to wear pants.
But she's also doing things like sending me memes and funny cat videos on Instagram. And it's clear... she wants that back. She wants to have it both ways. I think she thinks I'm "mad at her" and that's why I'm not responding, that's why I'm going through the motions and doing what needs to be done, but declining to hug her or send her heart emojis or be her friend.
I don't want to be her friend. She had the choice of the good life -- shopping trips, little gifts, day to day conversation -- or drugs, and at the very first possible opportunity, she decided she wanted drugs.
I'm not sure if she'll ever ask, but I'm trying to formulate in my head how I'll explain to her, if I need to, that it's over now. The station is closed, the lights are off, the train doesn't stop there anymore.
You had a choice, and you made it, and you are already way, way past your lifetime allotment of do-overs.
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anotherdayforchaosfay · 11 months
Exciting good news! Gods know I fucking need it right now.
I'm starting ADHD meds this week!!!!!
So, I had made the appointment for a referral, but my PCP cancelled the appointment after I confirmed it. This is the third time she's cancelled, so I opted to see someone else in the clinic today. The new doctor? Oh, I fucking love her.
I went in for two reasons. The first is to get the paperwork verifying I need immunotherapy aka allergy shots. Otherwise I'll be paying around $2k for a year of these. The second reason was to get a referral to a clinic that will treat and medicate my ADHD. She had me fill out a questionnaire, and then observed me while I was talking.
"If you hadn't been diagnosed with ADHD yet, I would diagnose you right now." She has experience treating adults with ADHD and can prescribe the medication.
She was also very angry when I told her that the last time the referral went through, the only clinic that picked it up doesn't accept Medicare or Medicaid. Do you know who most needs the care? People who use those as insurance. "We offer a sliding scale." To which I responded to the clinic with "you can slide that scale up your ass." That made the woman on the phone laugh because apparently no one has said that before. That was six months or so ago.
The doctor went over different meds and options. We determined I don't want anything that goes for 12+ hours. I have severe insomnia (and she supports my using an edible every night for pain management and so I can sleep) and don't wanna be alert longer than necessary. Basically, no overlap. I'm home 24/7, so something that will kick in fairly fast but wear off by dinnertime. That gives me plenty of time to do house stuff, sewing/quilting, yard stuff, and time to wind down in the evening.
She also fully supports my semi-self diagnosis of autism. My therapist diagnosed me with both, and this doctor also said I'm very much definitely autistic. I explained why I won't go through the official evaluation, and she 100% agrees it's in my self-interest to not have it made official. For the unaware: my parents will use that as a way to gain conservatorship of me should something happen to my husband. It will basically be what happened to Britney Spears. I would be dead in less than a year.
I'm starting at a low dosage, 10mg, to see how it affects me, and I'll remain at that dosage for at least two weeks. Then, if it's too low or ineffective, or even if I simply don't like it, we can make adjustments.
Oh, and the doctor thought my metaphor of "my brain is a bag of angry ferrets" was hilarious and 100% accurate.
Tomorrow, I'll be picking up my drugs, and day after, I'm getting up at 7AM and taking a dose. Let's see what it's like to be able to do housecleaning and not get distracted nor paralyzed on the couch because my brain says NOPE.
I'm so excited!
Tumblr media
Also, neither she nor the nurse believes I'm 40 years old. They asked me to write down the skincare stuff I use because my skin "looks amazing." Oh, and the doctor pointed out that ADHD referral was put as a note for the appointment, which is why they blocked 45 minutes rather than the 15-20 minutes, because they assume the patient will be, um, like me. Chatty, animated, bouncing between topics, constant interrupting, that sort of thing. I did make both of them laugh a lot, but Bubby and friends have informed me that's very likely my autism making it impossible for me to read people...so I just talk. I'm just talking. The fact I'm funny is a side effect others can enjoy. Ask damn near anyone who has spent time with me in person when I let myself loose. Otherwise, I'm silent and doing my very fucking best to pay attention.
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gaypleasantview · 2 years
life rant below:
everything feels so messy, i haven't been able to go to the doctor because of my social anxiety but i think something may be deeply wrong with my body bc i have symptoms of what could be a bad chronic illness?? i hope i can make an appointment this week bc im putting it off and its just devastating me. ive realized the only moments i can be brave despite my horrible anxiety are when i think of my life as something bizarre. like, my life is a joke, kinda. it makes no sense. i had no plans for adulthood but never in my life have i ever planned to seek refuge in a different country, that's for sure. and we're so lonely here, we have no one to hang with in our city, im not a big person for meeting irl but there was always someone, i had friends in uni, even in school, i had flatmates back home, now i only see friends once every few months and most of them i havent seen for so long at all. its been a year like this and i had no idea it would be so damaging to me and my perception of reality, i feel like im in a constant state of dissociation kinda because how could you accept this new reality? i still think somewhere in me that this is all a dream i'll wake up from one day and yeah, i may be gravely afraid of talking to the post office lady or whatever, but how hard can it be when perhaps the worst thing that could happen in anyone's life's basically already happened? i just hope the doctor won't gaslight me again, last time he told me my headaches are due to the post-war stress but my man the day before it happened i sat at my shitty job (want it to go bankrupt lol fucking bigots) and i felt soo fucking bad? i hope i at least get prescribed glasses or whatever. i dont know. and its funny because life is way better now than it was before anyway bc im less fucking poor but it still sucks ass im so tired and i need a therapist which also idk where to find them so as im searching for the possibilities im just venting here for some relief. yeah thats somewhat new. i miss home
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companionplanting · 2 years
We've been debating on how to properly tackle this kind of subject without coming off as ignorant, contradictory, or belittling to others. So if our words come off in that way, please reach out to us and let us know.
With the rampant scene of various mental illnesses being painted as malicious (ASPD, NPD, Schizophrenia, etc.), TERF/SWERF ideology being mainstream as well as on the other side of that same coin of "Alpha" males, it has clearly been shown to us what we had speculated for a while.
People don't want to confront their pain, and blame their trauma on anything but the truth.
I'm gonna go more in depth with this so hear me out.
We had (and still have) gone through a multitude of confronting our trauma, processing it, then eventually having to accept it and move on. It's challenging to say the least. But it's necessary. We have a lot of trauma, so we have had to do this song and dance multiple of times. None of us can say it gets any easier each time, but it has always lead us to getting better.
Each time we are confronted with the same question,
"Why did this happen to me?"
Of course sometimes it goes deeper with other questions, but we always circle back to that same one. A lot of people have asked that, honestly it's not new. We also acknowledge the outside factors that lead to moments of abuse or trauma like systematic oppression of various groups, indoctrination of ideologies, generational trauma, as well as lack of different kinds of support and community. Of course those are explanations, not excuses.
So we then go back to that question after learning what we know about the world and it's harmful systems. "Why me?". What we ultimately came up with was
"It just happened because."
It's anticlimactic and frustrating, we acknowledge that, but true. You can point to all the outside influences, you can dissect people's personhood down to their very core, you can label them with whatever would fit best but none of that is going to answer why it happened to you.
And it won't. But that's okay. There wasn't a grand scheme, it's no one culprit, it's not a big master plan, it's simply just happenstance. You were in the wrong place, at the wrong time, and it's awful, but it had nothing to do with you specifically.
It's easy for us to create a big boogyman to blame our problems. It makes it simpler, easier to digest.
For one example this comes in the form of vilifying people with mental disorders. Maybe it's to excuse their parent's or partner's selfish actions, sudden and aggressive bouts of unexplained violence, or simply neglect in every field.
For TERFs and SWERFs, it's anyone one that doesn't prescribe to their definition of 'womanhood'. Maybe it's to excuse the way past partners would twist and violate their romantic and sensual attractions. Maybe they feel hurt and scared in a patriarchal society, constantly watching and judging. Perhaps even just feeling scared and lost in a world they have very, very little control over.
For 'Alpha' males and their ilk it's to men not prescribing to their definition of 'traditional values'. Maybe it's an excuse to direct sadness and anger that has built up for so long towards society's lessers. Maybe it's an excuse to feel powerful and important in a sea of random unimportance.
I cannot say for sure what these people have been through or desire. Even still it's simply, again, explanations and not actual reasons. But it all goes back to pointing the blame at something, anything to make the world less scary.
The truth, the much more scary truth, is that there is no reason. The world is random, and that includes pain. Those people didn't hurt you because of their mental disorders, their gender, their occupation, none of what that person was.
It happened because.
Of course more awful things happen to various minority groups (LGBTQIA+, disabled people, POC, etc.). Even still, that is again an explanation not a reason.
But there is no one singular monolith you can tear down to make the world freer and happier.
It's just the many complicated and absolutely random layers of the universe.
That's okay, and you will be okay. It makes the world more unpredictable, but you'll find your footing. We're sure of it.
-🖋️, 🌲 & 🍂
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kyrdjava · 2 years
Hello everyone. Sorry for the bad English, it's not my first language.
My name is Daria and I'm a neurodivergent queer woman, who really doesn't know where else to go for help.
I have a borderline personality disorder and a recurrent depressive disorder. Right now I'm not taking any medication or getting any therapy, and things got so bad I can't ignore them anymore.
I've delt with depressive episodes and my BPD acting up before, but only once it was so bad, and that time I ended up in the mental ward after a suicide attempt.
My episode started in spring and it only got worse since. Right now it's at the point where I'm seriously struggling with doing the most basic things; it's hard to wake up, to do my bed, to shower, to feed my cats, to makeyself a cup of tea. Cooking or dying my hair seems an impossible task. Going to work exhausts me to the point I can just stop in the corridor on my way to the office, because I just can't move anymore. I'm not even talking about losing interest and ability to enjoy my favourite things, I'm loooong past that. Now even food can't make me feel better.
I am extremely tired all the time no matter how much I sleep. I've lost appetite almost completely. I'm suicidal. Yesterday I caught myself on planning a visit to a lawyer to make a will. I'm 27, for fuck's sake, should I be thinking of this right now?
Plus, my BPD is making me super sensitive to the littlest things. I can crash and have a meltdown because a customer told me I sound like a robot. I'm constantly suppressing the tears, because when I stop for a moment and try to think of my situation, I get into so much despair, I can start wailing in public.
I have a pretty stable job (thought they cut my pay just a few weeks ago), but due to all my issues my performance is suffering severely. I work in customer support, where I have to be nice and cheerful all my 12 hours working day. I cannot. I became rude, inattentive and indifferent. My superiors already noticed that, and I'm not sure how much longer they will keep me around. Now it is the worst fucking time in my country to try and find a new job, so I really can't afford losing it.
Now to the point why I don't ask my family and friends. I have a moderately supportive family, though our relationship is kinda complicated, and an amazing best friend who always volunteers to help me. But a disaster struck us a few days ago, and now all our finances are going there. And by all I mean even my siblings' who don't even live with us anymore.
Our oldest cat is very, very sick. She has cancer; she needs a lot of medication, regular checkups and tests, blood transfusions and specialised diet.
If you ever had a sick pet, you know how incredibly expensive it can become, and I'm constantly crushed by immense guilt that I can't afford everything my cat (and my three other cats) may ever need. So everything I earn goes towards their needs, except for basic necessities like food, hygiene and transportation. I simply won't let my pathetic self spend any more on myself, when my Musya is suffering so much.
And considering how much everyone in my family has given and continues to give for Musya's treatment, I really, really can't ask them for fucking anything ever fucking again.
I also won't let myself ask my best and only friend for money, because she provides for her whole family, and the crisis wasn't kind to her either.
I also have a shit ton of debts I'm trying to pay right now, that I got in when I tried to change my job (and failed), and also because I eas really stupid towards my finances before.
So I came here. I calculated the amount needed for a single visit to my psychiatrist and roughly a month of medication (if it would be the same medication I've been prescribed before), and it comes to about 150$. I don't even know if it's possible to raise such an amount, but I've seen people try to do it on Tumblr, and I am desperate.
So, here's a link to my Buy Me A Coffee, that I made yesterday.
I've never used it before, but I did a little research and it seems like an only option, considering the country I live in.
If I'll be able to raise the needed amount, in, say, a couple of months, I will post all the receipts for my doctor's appointment and all the meds, so you can be sure all the money was used as intended. Even if I won't, every donation will be spent on Musya's health, and, of course, I will post all the receipts also.
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I'm a drug user. 
Let me clarify... I'm a prescription drug user. In fact, currently I take so many pills that I need to have them sorted into multiple blister pill packs. 
Due to this I am unfortunately too familiar with my pharmacy. 
I've known my pharmacists for over a decade as well as most of their assistants. So when I call they often recognize my phone number. With that said there's a lot of trust built into the relationship between them and me.
A few days ago I called the pharmacy to get a refill on my medication. They promptly informed me that my medication had not been approved for refills by my doctor. 
Like most patients with chronic pain, upon hearing this news, I fantasized about numerous scenarios. All which were increasingly horrific in nature. Fantasies such as: putting doctors into various, elaborate, Jigsaw traps. Then me flickering the overhead lights on and off frantically, throwing my head back and cackling with gleeful anticipation. All the while my thoughts bask in satisfaction knowing that these doctors might finally know what it's like to be at the mercy of a gatekeeping sociopath.
On the other hand, upon hearing that my prescription wasn't approved I also panicked. Then quickly called the doctors office to resolve the issue. I soon discovered by talking to the Clinic Lead that I wasn't approved for a refill because I had "missed" my last appointment. Correcting her I replied, "No I rescheduled the appointment". 
For reference:
I had rescheduled the appointment because I have to rely on alternate transportation which is typically unreliable. In this case, the person that usually assists me with transferring to my wheelchair had a previous obligation that changed her schedule. Because of this I had no one available to help me transfer into my chair so I could make the appointment. 
After explaining all of the previously mentioned information to the nurse I assumed it would make sense to reschedule the appointment. 
Apparently, it doesn't matter if you reschedule or not. If by the initial appointment, you're not physically in front of the doctor they won't approve any medicine. 
I wasn't aware of this before and this is a problem. The medicine my pain management doctor prescribes aids in preventing my seizures, trimmers, spasms, constant pain, overactive nerves, and overall sensitivity. I can't participate in therapy without the medicine. I can't go to my appointments without the medication. The moment a medical professional weaponizes medication used to treat chronic conditions that dramatically affect the life and well being of a patient you know they're gatekeeping. 
This is dangerous. 
If you have ever felt as if you cannot function without the care that doctors provide you are not alone. Physicians have an inherent sense of God-like-complexities. This infectious plague of "Mean Girl"-like arrogance is fueled by a continuously failing healthcare system that gatekeeps patients who otherwise would struggle to survive.
Physicians have an ethical responsibility to their patients to offer the best available medical care. Through the power of their prescriptions and orders for tests and procedures, physicians are the de facto gatekeepers of medical resources. In the era of health maintenance organizations and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) physicians practice parsimonious medicine. The Choosing Wisely campaign orchestrated by the American Board of Internal Medicine Foundation encourages doctors to limit the use of minimally beneficial services. The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute aims to compare the effectiveness of different treatment options to allow physicians to choose the most beneficial and effective care for their patients. What is the right thing to do when a patient requests services that are judged by the physician to be unnecessary like refilling prescriptions?
Here's the ugly truth. The healthcare system isn't about patient care. It's about money and politics. The entire medical system is one big Monopoly game set up to benefit the old-white-guy with the top hat. If it was about patient care then doctors would focus each case on the individual's needs. Instead, doctors sit on their throne of textbooks and store-bought degrees, choosing to play God by deciding who thrives and who suffers. 
This is not the worst part. The worst part of all this is that we, the patients created the monster. 
The very basic dynamic of doctor-patient relationship is a play of the "Have's" vs the "Have nots". Patients come to see doctors because they need help and doctors can offer help they can't receive elsewhere. The dependence on assistance goes one way and this can easily translate to a position of power for the monster (i.e. the doctor).
There’s also the flattering position of generally being knowledgeable. Doctors have medical education. This provides them with confidence in knowing how to answer questions with what the patient will most likely believe as truth of their condition. The patient is assumed to have little to no knowledge of their condition. As such patients must solely rely on the doctor's opinion. 
But why? It's not like doctors themselves figured out all of medicine.
To quote Isaac Newton: “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” Doctors owe their knowledge to generations of global collaboration, not their IQ.
And as for that sense of importance, on average there’s about 3 doctors per 1000 people in the Western world - if one individual doctor simply vanishes, there will be many to take their place. This is not true for great innovators who shape the course of history. The work of doctors needs doing, but it’s not that special or unique of a performance.
In summation, patients are owed the right to have freedom of choice with their health. Patients are also owed care catred to the individual. Not care that is copy and pasted to cater to insurance and politics. 
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