#(he doesn't)
skylersprompts · 7 months
DC x DP Prompt *10*
It had been a relative uneventful day in Gotham, the new Week just started and most of the big rouges were still in Arkham after the last big breakout. And even tho the nightly patrol wasn't done, Batman send most of his charges that were still somewhat injured home. He, Orphan and Robin would be able to handle the rest.
They had stopped some muggings and one break-in by the time patrol officially ended. His children made their way back to the manor on their bikes, while the Bat made one last round through the docks.
He had a feeling of foreboding, not necessarily a bad feeling, but he was cautious. Even if Cassandra and Damian weren't hurt that badly, he still wanted them home. He wasn't entirely sure why, but he didn't had much time to think it over.
A swirling green Portal opened in front of him and a figure started to emerge from it. Bruce got into a fighting stance, his eyes trained on the unknown.
The Portal vanished after a young man, almost still a boy, stepped out of it. He had white hair that seemed to sway as if he was under water. Green freckles glowed in the dark, just a little muted in contrast to the vibrant green eyes. The boy - because the longer Bruce looked, the younger the being seemed - floated a few inches in the air. In his hands he held what looked like a type of thermos.
"You are Batman, right?", his voice seemed to echo a bit, even in this open space. Bruce just gave a little nod, still in his fighting stance. Just because the other seemed young, didn't mean he wasn't dangerous.
"Good, good... ahem... So my name is Danny or Phantom or Danny Phantom and I know this might come a bit suddenly, but a friend of mine - well more like my mentor - said that I was on the way for the best possible timeline and I think he really needs someone like you - you know with all those contingency plans - and a different dimension than ours and he is already 3 years in the thermos, well minus the bit he was out for a moment where Clockwork sat his Bodytime a bit back, so that he can have a childhood again, but that was like five minutes max. so that doesn't really count, because ha was also in timeout, so for him it was more like a few seconds, but ahem, what I wanted to ask you Mr. Batman, sir... Would you take my evil self from a different timeline, so that he can have a better childhood and maybe be not evil anymore?", Danny rambled and Batman really wished in this moment to have any of his children here, just to make sure that he did indeed hear correctly.
Even if everything had came out in one breath, the things he could piece together didn't paint the best picture. But it seemed like his brooding had taken to long, because the child folded into himself and started do fidget.
"I understand that you don't want to, you don't know me or Dan or anything about us, but you seemed to be the one most capable of handling him and I looked through so many dimension in the hope to find a good place for him... I can understand why he is like he is, but I will never be able to talk sense into him. His actions are unforgivable, but his timeline doesn't exist anymore, the things he done never happened and he is alone in a dimension that would just remind him of everything that happened if he would life with us... But I can totally just look into some more dimension if you don't want to! It's not your problem and I shouldn't have bothered, sorry!" Phantom started to raise his hand and a green line became visible where his finger cut through the air. If Bruce didn't do anything the being would go with a child that needed his help.
"I want a list with all his abilitis, his weaknesses, his potential triggers, dietary needs, allergies, a way to contact you, your mentor and a third trusted person in case of an emergency and a weekly check in system from your side", Bruce knew his kids would make fun of him when he brought another child home, but someone said he was the best possible guardian for this boy, so he would take him. And if he felt pleased about Danny's surprised and relieved face, than no one needed to know.
"Of course! I think Clockwork gave me a folder with everything!", the boy exclaimed, before he led the riff he started to open close, just to open another one. He seemed to rummage in the small Portal, until he showed him a folder full of papers. This would take a while to go through, but at least the boy was prepared.
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onnahu · 27 days
Duke is Bruce's favourite Robin solely bc of that kick in the face of Hal Jordan.
He's protective of the cave, what can he say.
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valdeswan · 10 months
Alberu and Choi Han being friends
@ringoahiru you ask for it. I did my best but I stoped reading the novel in the 700ch almost three years ago(shame on me, yes.)
Choi Han is an absolutely sarcastic asshole with no chill, and Alberu vibes with that even if he shouldn't because he is like the crown prince. Like, Choi Han would tell a noble to shut the fuck up, and Alberu would just gaslight the poor man into thinking he said nothing.
They are the type of friends who absolutely roast each other with no hesitation. They are like:
Choi Han: morning, fake ass prince. How was your day? I hope bad like your hair style.
Alberu: *not missing a sec* Good morning, overrated stinky dog. My morning was good until I saw your ugly face.
And Cale just learned to not try to understand them anymore. He is sitting there, looking at them, eating cookies, and thinking, 'They're such good friends, bc he has a distortion of the concept of friendship.
And their bond activity is just fucking with Cale until he looks like he regrets every decision in his life. Alberu and Choi Han agree that he looks one step closer to committing first-grade murder and is the most hilarious shit ever.
Alberu: hi, old man, How was your day?
Choi Han: dunno, how was your day, Cale-nim?
Choi Han: the other day I was thinking-
Alberu: do you think? I thought domestic dogs didn't
Choi Han: *not even blinking*-is Cale-nim the protagonist of a reality show for the Ancient powers?
Alberu: holy sh-
*Cale with his eye twitching as his only reaction, plotting how to ruin the rest of the week of these motherfukers*
But at the end of the day, both of them know deep down that if something happens to the other, they will throw hands with the gods if it is necessary.
Choi Han would punch some Nobels without a thought in his mind if someone insulted Alberu, and Alberu would ruin the life of the first idiot to say something about his Instructor-nim. They love each other; they know it, but they will rather kill themselves than say it out loud.
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awkwardpossum0 · 9 months
For the LU moth ideas, maybe them trying to explain what a krill is or showing of some of their emotes? (i love the crossover btw)
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Campfire story time
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txgrl4u2 · 3 months
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I'm a fuck up
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kujakumai · 1 year
Cannot explain the whiplash I felt upon hearing this guy
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casually assert that he's a high school junior
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oblivionscience · 8 months
Naminé: I'm about to do something incredibly stupid.
Ienzo: My brother has a name, you know.
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sweaterkittensahoy · 2 months
@eganeyes I am loving all the ideas for your were/vamp/creature AU and I want you to know I am quietly obsessed with vamp Ken and human Rosie. Like. I have THOUGHTS of Ken, who likes humans but has never turned one, and then he meets Rosie and there's a life and a fight and a kindness to him that makes Ken's mouth itch to make him a vampire because, God, that is a man who deserves to live forever.
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pocketramblr · 5 months
I want to know how all might reacts to reincarnated afo!aizawa
Like I think All Might would understand that Aizawa doesn't remember his villainous past, and has essentially been reborn, but the fact that afo somehow managed to get away with it (in a matter of speaking at least) must be like one of those forbidden itches from another dimension: forever vexing him
So All Might doesnt find out about this until Aizawa goes to him himself a few months after the worst of it, which is important because the reaction is defintely something that would vary based on when and how he learned it.
As it is, Aizawa goes to Might Tower and is like "Hey, I'm a UA student, Nedzu emailed All Might and said why he needed to see me, if he hasn't checked it tell him its about All For One." and is quickly sent up to talk. All Might is confused about the why- this kid is like, sixteen, AfO could have been dead before he was born.
But then Aizawa sighs, and says "I was born on the day you killed All For One," which means he knows way more information than he should, and All Might listens even when the kid immediately seems to go off topic by explaining that he's always wanted to be a hero, even though erasure is a weak quirk, and he knew he wouldn't be able to be a hero like All Might. Then he gets to the Garvey fight, and very quietly says that when he tried to erase the villain, he stole one of his quirks instead. All Might looks at the boy's palms, and sees.
But he doesn't quite see the truth yet.
"You're All For One's son." He breathes.
Shouta shakes his head. "No. Worse. I was born the day you killed him, right? Well, the hospital I was born at, there was a doctor that worked for AfO. Tried to save his life. Couldn't. So AfO ordered him to grab a baby, and transfered his quirk... to me." All Might relaxes, because that is tragic, but easier to deal with- "And then, I guess, they lost me? Not sure, but um, after Gravey, i went to the hospital and the Doctor kept messing with me. He was giving me more of All For One's quirks... and his memories. And i- it was so stupid, I went in there alone, and now... it's all there. in me."
All Might is no longer relaxed. He stares at the kid. Miserable, Aizawa holds out a hand, and a spike shoots out from it. One All Might remembers going into his chest, and he flinches.
Aizawa puts his hand down.
"I can't figure it out."
"Can't figure what out?" All Might asks.
"I can't figure out if I'm more me or more him now. I mean, I feel like I'm in charge. But he's been alive a lot longer, even if so much of those memories a blur. And, logically, even if he isn't in my head, his memories have to affect me. I mean, i knew going alone was stupid, but all those memories of his power, his pride, i ignored it and went anyway. I can't figure out what it means to know all of this now, who I am or what I should do."
All Might nods. He feels such pity for the boy, such grief he didn't prevent this. caused it, even, really. "And you came to me?"
"Yeah. You're the person alive who's known All For One the longest, except Gran Torino and I didn't know how to find him." The teen shrugs. "You'd be the one to know if he's... you know, if i'm him. You'd be the one to stop him."
All Might stares at him, not moving, not speaking. Aizawa beings to twitch despite himself.
"You trusted me to fix this." He finally says. "Yeah, there's no way in hell All For One's in charge of your brain then. You're safe, kid. You might have the memories, but i take it you hate the guy in them?"
"More than anything. You're sure? It makes sense that i could be influenced-"
"Young Aizawa. You're safe. I am sure. And if that changes, i'll make sure to help you. I am here."
Aizawa goes nearly boneless on the couch. "Thanks."
"No problem. I'm guessing you'd feel better if you were doing something about it, though?"
"You're a hero. You feel better when you're doing something."
"Yeah. What do you have in mind?"
"Let's see if any of your new old memories can help us weed out anyone else who could be planning something like the Doctor was, and then come up with some plans to use all those quirks in you now for good."
Aizawa smiles for the first time in weeks. It is a terrifying smile, but it is absolutely nothing like All For One's too-calculated smirk. All Might smiles back.
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cinnamon-phrog · 5 months
Girls when the character they hated in their childhood is on the cusp of becoming an f/o for the exact reasons you hated them
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theevilresident · 2 years
people who make playlists of music that herbert west would listen to are all wrong. that bitch doesn’t even listen to music.
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Aw f*ck I remember when I mispelled Later somehow on Latter's birth doccument....that was so embarrassing...well good thing I spell things better now!
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tennessoui · 1 year
Ganymede au got me like 🥺🥺🥺
I loved the eye colour switch because it shows an irreversible change, and part of me wonders if Anakin settles down and enjoys his new role after only a few days because he's fundamentally not human anymore. He's changed and his human ties can't survive it however much they meant to him. God Anakin is happy but human Anakin may have wept.
I like to believe Padme ended up making Anakin a cult figure by building statues and temples to her lost love. Obi-Wan might have made him immortal but Padme makes him a figure of worship. But anytime she tries to put herself next to him in images or statue her image doesn't survive for some reason, and she can't even be with him in representation. Anakins story might be remembered but the woman who made sure he was remembered might not be...
(the ganymede ficlet)
ah this is some top tier analysis on anakin's humanity--i feel like he takes to godhood super well because of the sort of life he led while human. he was brutal and violent and known to take no prisoners. his loyalty was to the gods first and then to his almost wife, and he cared for few besides his innermost circle.
(and i think obi-wan king of the gods really really liked that about him, enough that he couldn't watch him give his loyalty away. he needed it all.)
so i think that all relates to how easily anakin settles into godhood and his new life. i think when he's upset, he's selfishly upset about obi-wan's actions. he doesn't remember to be concerned with his almost-wife or anyone else for a bit and then when he does...i love what you said, that he's not human anymore so it's harder for him to care. but i think there were parts of him who were never that human, so the transition is that much easier.
also i like the idea that everything feels different as a god. sex with padmé as a human may have been good, but sex with the king of the gods just blows everything else out of the water. being so horny and satisfied, never cold or hungry, relaxing under the heavy, overwhelming attention from kenobi himself....it's an easy existence to get used to
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starchaserdreams · 1 year
Wolfstar Microfic: Hate
Remus Lupin hated Sirius Black. 
He hated that Sirius had betrayed him. 
He hated that Sirius had had his trust and then thrown it away. 
He hated that Sirius had made him the villain, made him the dangerous creature he’d tried to imagine he could hide away forever. 
He hated that Sirius had seen the worst in him and tried to use it to hurt people. 
He hated that Sirius had said that he loved him, had whispered how important he was, and then had torpedoed that into nothing but a memory. 
But mostly he hated the way he didn’t hate Sirius. Not even close. Not even a little bit. Not even at all.
On AO3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44982076/chapters/113184991
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cynassa · 2 years
everyone except Jason knows that Dickie is his favourite brother. Dick really wishes this wasn't the case because Jason never got over that phase where your little brother follows you around and annoys you constantly and also steals all your friends
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txgrl4u2 · 2 months
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Show me and tell me😉
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