#(insert terrible pun face)
footwine · 3 months
The upside of having memory issues is definitely that i can go back to rewatch Monk every 3 years or so and I don't remember the conclusion of like half the episodes
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sarafinamk · 1 month
Fallen Angel (Reader Insert) Incorrect Quotes Part 3
The Smiling Critters Space Riders Au and the character "Z" belongs to @onyxonline
If you haven't checked out the Fallen Angel (Reader Insert) series, you can check it out here. The reader will be referred to as both (Y/n) and Archangel. Enjoy!
Warning: Cursing
Bobby: Don't break someone's heart, they only have one.
Archangel: Break one of their bones instead, they have 206 of them.
Crafty: Do you guys ever have a civilized conversation that doesn't require insulting each other every time you get a chance?
Z: No.
Archangel: No.
Crafty: Didn't think so.
Archangel: I've invited you here because I crave the deadliest game...
Hoppy, nodding: Knife Monopoly.
Archangel: I was actually going to play Russian Roulette, but now I'm really interested in whatever knife Monopoly is.
Archangel: I found a note in one of my old logs that said Note to self: Get revenge on Captain Dogday.
Archangel: Except I couldn't remember what I was supposed to get revenge for.
Archangel: But I trusted my own judgment, so I went with it.
Dogday: Hmm... I don't know what you were supposed to get revenge for, either.
Archangel: I can only assume you got what was coming to you. Not 100 percent sure, though.
Dogday: Well, whatever I did, I guess I deserved it.
Archangel: Let that possibly be a lesson to you.
Archangel: The only thing keeping me from running away and hiding from society for the rest of my life is spite. I could disappear forever, but there are some bitches whose downfalls I have yet to witness, and I wanna be around when that happens.
Poppy: Your archangel was in a fight.
Dogday: Oh no, that's terrible!
Catnap: Did they win?
Dogday: Did Z just tell me he loved me for the first time?
Archangel: Yeah, he did.
Dogday: And did I just do finger guns back?
Archangel: Yeah, you did.
Archangel, watching Hoppy do something stupid: Kickin, you're officially only the second highest risk here...
Kickin: Hell yeah! I'm gonna-
Archangel: Don't finish that sentence, you'll move back up.
Archangel: How do ethical philosophers feel about murder?
Bubba: Well, it's frowned upon.
Archangel: Okay, but what if the reason you want to murder someone is to make your life easier?
Archangel: That's okay, right?
Bobby: And now for a gay update with Captain Dogday and Z.
Dogday: Getting gayer.
Bobby: Thank you, Captain.
Bubba to Archangel: We call that a traumatic experience.
Bubba, turning to Catnap: Not a "bruh moment."
Bubba, turning to Kickin: Not "sadge."
Bubba, turning to Hoppy: And DEFINITELY not an "oof LMAO."
Archangel: Why do you look like that, Captain?
Dogday, laying face-first on the floor: Like what?
Archangel: Like you're dead.
Dogday: It's because I'm dying. Leave me here to perish.
Catnap: Dogday accidentally called Z "babe" in front of everyone today.
Dogday: *sobs into the floor*
Archangel: What's this?
Bobby, hugging Archangel: Affection!
Archangel: Disgusting.
Archangel:... Do it again.
Kickin: You know, (Y/n), when you generalize, you tell general... lies.
Archangel: ...
Archangel: Are you trying to teach me moral lessons through puns?
*One of the many, MANY fights before the events of Fallen Angel*
Dogday: You tricked me!
Archangel: I deceived you. 'Trick' makes it sound like we have a friendly relationship.
Archangel: Here's a fun Christmas idea. We hang mistletoe, but instead of kissing, you have to FIGHT whoever else is under it.
Dogday: (Y/n), no.
Hoppy and Catnap: Mistlefoe.
Dogday: Please stop encouraging them.
Archangel: I have a plan.
Dogday: No murder!
Archangel: ...
Dogday: ...
Archangel: I no longer have a plan.
Archangel: If I die, you can have what little I own.
Bobby: Wait. What do you mean "if" you die?
Archangel: My unending existence is fueled by pure spite, that of which the painful experiences of life have rendered me full.
Bubba, sighing: Let me call your therapist again.
Archangel: I'm bored, any suggestions?
Catnap: Sleeping is nice.
Archangel: I acknowledge your suggestion, and I'm deciding to ignore it.
Hoppy: You think you're smarter than everyone else.
Bubba: I don't think I'm smarter than everyone else. I know I am.
Kickin: So, I MEANT to say: "Oh crap, I left my phone my car," but what I ALMOST said was "Oh no, I left my cone in my phar," and damn, wouldn't that have been embarrassing, but I caught myself, and what I ACTUALLY said was:
Kickin: "Ah, my fart cone."
Kickin: So, anyway...
Archangel: I know you don't have to listen to me...
Z: Glad we agree on something.
Dogday: Do you have any skeletons in your closet?
Archangel: You mean literally or figuratively?
Dogday: Honestly, the fact that I have to specify...
Dogday: (Y/n), I am questioning your sanity...
Hoppy: I never questioned it. I knew their sanity was missing from the start.
Catnap: Why is Hoppy rolling on the floor laughing? And what happened to Kickin's head?
Archangel, sighing: Kickin was about to hit his head on the door frame, so I told him to duck and he quacked at me.
Archangel: And then he hit his head.
Catnap: *wheezes*
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Ghost x Reader
This is written with a reader who is in their mid 30′s, is smol and is older than Ghost by 6-7 years. In my mind they’re female but can be read as gender neutral.
I’ve been craving SOFT Ghost. I don’t see him ever being aggressive with his lovers after the domestic abuse he grew up with.
So I wrote him soft.
Cross posted from my AO3.
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The fact that you had one of your tiny fingers in his thigh searching for a bullet he was shot with couldn't stop Simon from watching your pretty face.
Your brows were furrowed in concentration and it was all he could do not to reach out and smooth them with his thumb.
"there she is.. nestled up against the bone" you said as you pulled forceps out of your medkit "this is going to hurt but do your best to keep still for me, yeah?" you spared him a glance and a smile that made a sound bubble from his chest that you mistook for pain and frowned.
Without wasting a moment you inserted the forceps into his thigh and latched them onto the bullet before pulling it out. As soon as it popped out you pressed gauze to his wound firmly while placing the forceps on the ground next to you.
You smiled at him again, this time cupping the side of his masked face and praising him for how well he did. "You did so well, Sweetheart. All that's left is to make sure the bleeding is finished and to stitch you up"
The pet name "Sweetheart" from you made his heart beat faster, he hoped you couldn't feel it through the throbbing of the wound on his leg.
After helping him to the safe house, you deposited him on the couch and helped him lay out to rest.
He watched you flit around the space and started to think back and wonder when it was that he developed feelings for you.
Price had suggested you to Laswell as a field medic, saying he had known you for many years and that you were trustworthy.
He hadn't expected a tiny thing like you to show up nor for you to be so experienced with field medicine. That's not to mention how good you were with combat.
You were in your mid 30's, had once been a nurse with your country's military, having known Price for near a decade and had worked on some pretty dark stuff together that neither of you were too keen to elaborate on.
Your bedside manner went from soft encouragements of "you're doing so well, sweetie" to "If you do not stop fighting me I will strap you the FUCK down to this god damned bed!"
You absolutely lost your shit at his and Soap's terrible jokes and puns, Simon often found himself pulling out his best ones just to hear you snort and giggle.
At some point he must have fallen asleep because he woke with his hand in yours and your fingers on his pulse point. "You can go back to sleep, extraction will be here in 3 hours" you say quietly.
He chuckles "can't leave ya sittin 'ere alone, can I? Wouldn't be gentlemanly of me"
You keep his hand in yours, patting the top of it gently "You're definitely a gentleman. Try and rest either way, you lost a considerable amount of blood back there".
As you stand to move away he gently grabs your wrist and sits up on the couch before pulling you down next to him. He knows you let him as you plop down next to him on his uninjured side, he has seen you dead lift more than he weighs in the gym before.
"you should rest too, ya damn near carried my ass here" he whispered as he moved his hand from your wrist to hold your hand.
He sees your cheeks tint red even though your face is covered in dirt and dust.
This man was going to be the death of you, you were certain. You leaned back on the couch, closed your eyes, hand still in his and sighed "you're right, I probably should rest some"
The mission was supposed to be recon, you sneaking into the ceiling of a few buildings and placing wire taps while Ghost watched your six. You had to sit still and quiet for an extended period of time causing him to worry and come closer than he should have. You tried tapping morse code on your mic to tell him to stay where he was but he didn't hear or didn't care to listen. You were used to being crouched in a spot for hours at a time but he for some reason wasn't content on waiting.
In the end he ended up taking a bullet to his thigh, lucky for him it missed any major arteries in his leg.
You couldn't be too mad, you both got out in one peice more or less. Though the mission had been a bust, luckily it should be salvageable.
You could feel his eyes on you again, even with your eyes closed. His hand tightened slightly in yours.
Things had begun to change between you two, the hand holding being most evident of that, but you weren't sure what to think. You know you're about 5 years older than him, you felt too old for romance, you were closer to 40 than you were 30.
You had noticed the both of you touching each other more than was necessary as colleagues, you could almost always feel him looking at you, sometimes he wouldn't look away when you caught him looking.
"I can hear you thinking from here, luv" he said with a tired drawl "50 pence for your thoughts?"
You let out a breathy chuckle, looked at him, then down to your joined hands and lifted them slightly "I was thinking about this and what it means".
His gloved thumb stroked the top of your hand "What do ya want it to mean?"
You could feel your heart thump harder with anxiety "Truthfully? I don't know, I know I like you more than I would just a friend. But this feeling makes me anxious as fuck. Past a few shags here and there I have very little experience with romance and I have a feeling you want more from me than a passing shag"
He hummed "You're right, I do want more than just a passing shag from you, luv. I'd like to spend time with ya, go on dates, hold your hand, kiss your forehead, hold you close and get to know more about you" he moved his fingers to interlock with yours "If ya want that is" he finished with an almost pained laugh.
Looking up at him you searched his eyes for a lie but only finding softness "It doesn't bother you that I'm almost as old as Price?"
"What? No? Why would ya think that? I'm almost 30, I'm no spring chicken either" he laughed before taking a serious tone "Maybe I need to have a word with whoever made you feel like you're old"
You giggled, not meaning to and suddenly feeling embarrassed, not able to stop yourself from stuttering slightly "Th-Then I think I would like to spend more time with you too, to get to know you better. Maybe I could make you dinner some time while you're recovering?"
You could tell from the way his mask moved and his eyes crinkled that he was smiling "Then when we're alone together how about you call me Simon?" he offered.
This had you smiling and testing his name out "Simon.. I like that"
Simon brought your hand to his face, lifting his balaclava up enough to place a kiss on your hand "My name has never sounded so sweet before".
The two of you ended up sitting together hands linked only breaking when you checked his wound again and extraction came.
Probably going to write smut with them at some point??
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Henry Danger Reader Insert | Captain Man x Reader: SEASON 1
Episode 11: Henry the Man-Beast
~The Man Cave~
As per Ray's orders, (y/n), Henry and Charlotte were sorting out all the junk which was kept in the Man Cave's storage rooms. There were machines, boxes, spare parts, and it was all theirs to reorganise. Of course, (y/n) loved a tidy workplace, but the prospect of the three of them doing all the work in one afternoon was exhausting.
"Ugh, why do we have to reorganise the stupid storeroom? Shouldn't Ray be doing this?" Henry asked the woman, who was emptying a load of boxes.
"Probably, but he's the one paying you two, so just tell Charlotte what that is so she can write it down."
"Uh, it's a big, heavy thing with things on it." The boy described it since he had no idea what it was or what it did.
"Great. Another big thing that's a thing with things on it." Charlotte complained. Her list wasn't making much sense.
"Ah, whatever." Henry shrugged it off, thinking that the poor stocktaking would make Ray sort through his own stuff next time.
"Right, you two, I'm going to take these back. Oh, don't touch anything while I'm not here, some of this stuff's pretty dangerous." (y/n) warned them in a serious voice, wheeling the boxes through the door next to the supercomputer.
"Ok." Henry leaned against a machine once she had disappeared. An orange light fizzled out from the top of the device and shocked Henry, making him convulse in pain. Charlotte watched in horror as the shock came to an end.
"What are you doing? Ray and (y/n) said not to mess with this stuff." She told him in a concerned voice.
"I wasn't messing with it. I just leaned on it--" The teen boy was cut off as Ray and Schwoz came through the sprocket.
"You're wrong," Ray said to his friend.
"I told you that--" Schwoz tried to argue back, but he was interrupted by the larger man.
"Give it up, Schwoz! The answer is wild monkeys." He shouted.
"It's not--" Again, Ray's voice overpowered him.
"Well, I told you you're wrong." They were both stubborn men, and without a referee to control them, their arguments got the better of them.
"I told you the answer is soup." Schwoz protested, the two of them walking down to where Henry and Charlotte were stood.
"Well, I disagree." Ray noticed the kids standing around.
"Okay, let's ask them." He gestured to the teens.
"Ask us what?" Since (y/n) was busy, the job of settling their squabbles was up to Henry and Charlotte.
"If you kids had to choose, would you rather..." Schwoz started.
"Be eaten by wild monkeys..." Ray said his answer.
"Or you get boiled in a big pot of soup." Schwoz finished, passing the query to the kids.
"What kind of soup?" Henry asked, as (y/n) came back, smiling when she saw all her friends together.
"Someone say soup?" She asked.
"Listen, my favourite little helper, would you rather--" Ray started to ask her, but unexpectedly, a beeping red alarm sounded on the wall. 
"Ugh, Gooch needs me. I'll be back down in a sec." Charlotte groaned, knowing her time in the Man Cave was up.
"Hey Ray, can we finish going through all this stuff tomorrow?" Henry asked his boss.
"Why? It's only five o'clock." Ray looked at his watch in confusion.
"We can't leave all his crap lying around." (y/n) said to Henry, the thought of living with a huge mess made her skin crawl.
"I know it's just that..." Henry started, but Charlotte shouted over from the elevator.
"He wants to leave early--" She tried to explain.
"Don't tell them!" Henry warned her.
"Okay. Henry's got a date!" Charlotte quickly said as the elevator doors closed and she went upstairs.
"Why did you have to--ughhh." Henry frowned and then turned around to the smiling adults behind him.
"It's not a date." Henry tried to keep them calm, but their excitement only grew. Henry, on a date? Yeah, they were going to be ecstatic!
"I bet it isss." Schwoz teased him.
"You gonna wear your fanciest pants?" Ray joined in, as the blush on the boy's face grew.
"You guys are terrible." (y/n) punched the two men on their shoulders, Henry glad she was there.
"Is she pretty?" She smiled cheekily at him, revealing that she was just as bad as the other two when it came to Henry's love life.
"Can I knock off early or what? And yes, she's very pretty." His answer made (y/n) squeal, happy that the kid was crushing on someone.
"Yeah sure, kid." Ray smiled at him.
"Thanks." The boy walked towards the tube area.
"Hey, where are you going to take her?" Schwoz asked him.
"To dinner at Sotto Voce," Henry replied, impressing the woman who looked up at where he was standing. 
"Oooo, Sotto Voce. I wish I had a man to take me there." She said, a tiny bit jealous that a 13-year-old girl was getting better dates than her. Ray looked at his best friend with a wistful gaze, wishing he could be the one to take her to dinner.
"How can you afford a place like that?" The superhero asked Henry, knowing that the classy restaurant was way more expensive than what he could afford.
"Because I took 100 bucks out of your wallet." Henry showed him the bill, as Ray's smile fell.
"What?" He said, as (y/n) laughed. Man, he'd been hustled by a kid half his age.
"Up the tube!" Henry was off before Ray could process what had happened, leaving the man to check his wallet. He cursed to himself when he noticed that Henry had swiped it.
"Hey. What is this machine? Did I make this?" Schwoz spoke out suddenly, the unknown object making him examine it with a confused face.
"No, my father made that. Long time ago." Ray sounded slightly downhearted at the thought of his father. Their estrangement had left him feeling hurt and abandoned.
"What this do?" Schwoz asked.
"Isn't it the doohickey that was supposed to make you even beefier?" (y/n) squeezed his arm, her small hand barely fitting his rock-solid bicep.
"Yeah, it was supposed to make me stronger, more powerful, you know, manlier." He developed her answer, fully explaining the intended purpose of the machine.
"So it didn't work." Schwoz deadpanned, and (y/n) snorted at his comment. 
"Nice one, Schwoz." She gave him a high-five, the joke was spot on.
"It was never tested on me," Ray said to him in an irritated voice and mussed up (y/n)'s hair as revenge for laughing at him.
"We tested it on my nerdy cousin," Ray explained.
"So, did it make him manly?" Schwoz asked, interested in knowing what went wrong.
"It made him too manly." The tall man said, remembering how his cousin transformed into a macho beast.
"The effects started slowly but... a few days later, he was...less of a man." He grew misty-eyed and mysterious, figuratively leaving his two friends on the edge of their seats.
"Yes?" (y/n) looked at him expectantly.
"More of a beast." He revealed, shocking them at the thought of the savage man.
"Ohhh." Schwoz and (y/n) winced back, Ray nodding at their reactions. They were all oblivious that whilst they were speaking, Henry was turning into a man-beast too. 
Charlotte screamed as she came back down in the elevator, tumbling onto the floor as it fell. Stumbling out, she brought the drinks they had ordered ten minutes beforehand.
"Here's your coffee." She handed the soggy cupholder to Ray, who looked down at the smashed cups with a frown.
"Thank you?" He looked at her in confusion, wondering where all the coffee had gone. Charlotte walked off as Ray picked up one of the cups and began to lick the remnants of the coffee off the side.
"The hell are you doing?" (y/n) asked him, taking the cups and their holder from his hands and dumping them onto the couch table.
"So...what are we gonna do with this manly machine?" Schwoz asked his boss, gesturing to the device in question.
"Oh yeah." He and (y/n) looked at it in thought.
"It's obviously majorly dangerous." Her words caught the attention of Charlotte, her face dropping at the mention of the machine that struck Henry.
"We better destroy it. Or I guess we could donate it to a school." He thought, believing that all the puny kids would benefit from being made tough.
"You just love to create problems for yourself, don't you?" (y/n) looked up at him.
"Hey...what do you mean that thing's dangerous?" Charlotte asked them, a sense of dread in her stomach.
"Well, it was designed to make people stronger, more powerful and manlier but it goes too far. Take a look at what it did to my cousin, Elliot." Ray pulled out his remote control and put a picture of his cousin on the monitor.
"Ew." Charlotte wrinkled her face in disgust.
"No, that's the before picture." He told her.
"Oh." She said awkwardly.
"I don't think he looks that bad." (y/n) looked at him and weighed up his features. Whilst he was no Ray Manchester, he wasn't the ugliest man she'd ever seen.
"Here's what Elliot looked like a week after my dad tested this machine on him." Ray wanted her to stop analysing his cousin in terms of attraction, so he changed the screen to a photo of a crazy, hairy-looking man.
"Sweet cheese!" The two females hugged each other in fright from the picture.
"Yep. He turned into a man-beast." Ray said as the two parted.
"Hey, he looks like my sister." Schwoz stared at Elliot.
"Ha! Your sister wishes!" (y/n) joked, remembering how ugly Schwoz's sister was. 
"She is an animal." Ray joined in and the three adults laughed at their inside joke.
"She smells like a horse!" Schwoz giggled. He had no trouble talking about his sister like that since it was the truth. She smelt really, really bad. 
"She looks like a horse!" (y/n) said, the three of them laughing harder. Ray held his stomach and bent over in a fit of giggles. 
"Guys! You guys!" Charlotte urgently needed their attention.
"Yeah?" The men acknowledged as (y/n) wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.
"Henry accidentally touched that machine." The joy was instantly gone from their bodies as she spoke the words. 
"He..he turned it on? I told you to watch them." Ray asked Charlotte whilst looking at (y/n).
"I did watch them! I told them not to touch anything when I was in the back!" She insisted to him. She always took her job seriously and would never risk one of the kids getting hurt.
"He didn't mean to. His hand just hit one of those buttons and it went all...bzzz....bzzz." Charlotte explained, not wanting the woman or Henry to get into trouble.
"Uh-oh." Schwoz turned to the pale-faced best friends, as it sunk in that Henry was going to become a man-beast.
"Did you see Henry start to show any signs of..." Ray couldn't think of the right words.
"Exaggerated manliness?" The woman next to him finished.
"I'm--I'm not sure." Charlotte stuttered. She hadn't been concentrating on the boy enough to have noticed any obvious changes.
"Well, where is he?" Ray exclaimed, needing to find his sidekick and fast.
"He's having dinner with the pretty girl at Sotto Voce." (y/n) reminded him.
"Oh, right." He clicked his fingers as he jogged his memory.
"I hear they have good paninis." Schwoz butted in, getting off-topic.
"Oh, shut up, Schwoz. I gotta go get Henry before the symptoms advance too far and they become permanent." Ray snapped at him. There was no time for levity.
"Come with me." He snapped his fingers to the two girls and the three of them ran to the tubes. (y/n) wrapped her arms around Ray so they could share and not have to take multiple trips.
"Bye!" Schwoz waved at them as the tubes came down. He would look after the Man Cave whilst they were saving Henry.
"Up the tube!" Ray called out, his strong arms holding the girl tight.
"Buh-bye!" She wiggled her fingers at the little man and they lifted out of the Man Cave. 
~Sotto Voce~
Henry was stood at the waiting desk of Sotto Voce. The effects of the manly machine had started to become clear as he now had a beard coming through on his face. A man and his wife walked past, accidentally knocking into him, which normal Henry would've just brushed off, but macho Henry wasn't going to take it lying down.
"Oh, excuse me." The man apologised.
"Ohh, no. I will not excuse you." Henry barked at him.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you, I was just passing with--" The man said to him in a polite voice, not wanting to cause any trouble.
"What?! You wanna take a swing at me? Come on!" The boy said in a deep voice, raising his fists to the frightened man.
"Let's go, Mark." His wife pulled him away from the weird boy.
"Yeah...go Mark. Enjoy your salad." Henry seethed at him. Chloe walked up behind him, wearing a really cute, colourful dress with a blue purse and grey boots. 
"Hey, Henry." She greeted him with a smile.
"Hey, dude, what's up?" Henry picked her up and replied in his masculine voice.
"Uh, is that...are you growing a beard?" Chloe looked at him in confusion as she felt his face. No other 13-year-old boy in their school had a stubble like Henry's.
"Huh?" Henry touched either side of his face.
"Nah, I think I just need a shave," he smirked at her.
"Wow, when did you start shaving?" The girl asked him, wondering why he had started so early.
"I guess tomorrow morning, ha!" He said in a loud, laddish voice.
"Hey! Let's get us a table! We hungryyyy!!" The man-beast boy shouted across the restaurant, making the manager come across to tell them off.
"Young man, this is Sotto Voce, would you please lower your voice?" The posh man said in a low, silky-smooth accent.
"Yeah, I'll lower my voice." Henry crouched to the floor.
"WE HUNGRYYYY!" He howled, as his date stood there in embarrassment.
"Yeah! We gonna get food!" He shouted, disturbing the other diners as he led Chloe to a table.
~20 minutes later~
"Lasagne for the young lady." The waiter placed the food the two had ordered down on the table.
"Oh my god, it smells so good." Chloe complimented, smiling at the waiter.
"Yeah! Smell that!" Henry leaned over the table and stuck his nose really close to the girl's plate.
"And, um, are you sure you want your steak raw?" The waiter asked Henry, concerned at how unsafe the raw meat would be to eat without cooking it first.
"Yeah, man, just set it down, yeah." Chloe gagged at the raw meat, as Henry chucked the plate back to the server and stuck his fork into it.
"Okay, enjoy." She looked on in disgust at how Henry smelled the meat, then shoved it into her face.
"Oh yeah, smell that!" He brought it back down to his side of the table and began to chew on the meat with his hands. He tore a piece off, much to his date's repulsion. He chewed it like an animal, as Jasper came into the restaurant, clearly upset about something,
"Hey, Henry! Remember this guy?" The curly-haired boy marched over to their table. He was angry that Henry had cancelled on him to go on a date with a girl, and never gave him any notice.
"Bye, Jasper," Henry growled at him, so Jasper remembered what Piper had told him earlier on.
'If I were you, I'd tell Henry that he's rude, and then I'd shove his face down right into his food.' He liked the sound of her advice.
"What are you thinking about?" Henry said, breaking up his daydream.
"Your sister." Okay, that sounded wrong.
"What?" Henry asked in a grossed out manner.
"Now, I'm going to teach you a lesson." Jasper tried to push Henry's head into the steak on the table, but the manly machine had made the blond boy ten times stronger. They both grunted from the effort, but Jasper couldn't move him.
"Are you trying to push his head down?" Chloe asked in a weirded-out voice.
"Yeah, what are you doing?" Henry added, making Jasper stop from exhaustion. He walked over to another table and grabbed some vegetables from Mark's plate. Poor guy was just trying to have a nice dinner with his wife. Jasper threw them at Henry's face, enraging the aggressive boy.
Henry stood up and grabbed the meat lying on the table, slapping it across Jasper's face. The entire restaurant gasped at the harsh noise the steak made as it came into contact with Jasper's cheek.
"You just beef-slapped me." He cried, tears springing to his eyes at what his best friend had just done.
"You want some more?" He threatened, the meat still in his hand.
"Henry!" Chloe protested.
"You're--you're acting weird!" Jasper ran out of the restaurant before Henry could hurt him again. 
"Bye, Jasper!" The girl said sadly, as Henry sat back down with pride.
"Woo! Is it hot in here?" Henry tugged at his collar and unbuttoned his shirt to show off his chest hair to Chloe. The sight of the excessive amount of hair was starting to put her off her lasagna, as Henry leaned back into his chair. 
Ray, Charlotte and (y/n) were sneaking into the restaurant, intent on finding and stopping Henry from becoming a fully-fledged man-beast. They hid behind a wall and looked at the couple on the date.
"Whoa, look at Henry's beard." Charlotte pointed out, seeing how the boy was shovelling lumps of steak into his mouth.
"And is that raw beef? He's gonna get a serious E-coli infection." (y/n) grimaced at the sight.
"I knew it. It's the effects of that device. Henry's changing." Ray said as he hid fully behind the wall.
"Then if we don't do something quickly, in a few more days he could be a full man-boy beast thing!" (y/n) whispered, panic in her voice.
"Why can't we ever have normal problems?" Charlotte complained, and the woman raised an eyebrow at her.
"Normal? He fights crime and I run his base under a store full of junk. We've never been normal." She joked, but Ray shushed her.
"Just, go get Henry. Make up some reason why he's gotta leave with you." He hissed to Charlotte, who looked reluctant to do as he asked.
"What's the problem?" (y/n) saw how she was contemplating the situation.
"I feel bad. Henry really likes Chloe and she's already mad at him." Charlotte explained to two adults, who had bent down to her eye level.
"Why?" Ray asked, wondering what Henry had done.
"Because he keeps flaking on her because he's always busy working for you." The best friends sighed, not aware of how much Henry was sacrificing in his normal life to help them out.
"I think you need to rethink your strategy." The woman spoke in Ray's ear, so he pushed the two females into a secluded corner.
"Okay. All right. I know how to get Henry out of here without Chloe thinking it's his fault." He said as he chewed a gumball.
"What are you gonna do?" Charlotte asked, as (y/n) checked if the coast was clear. Giving Ray a nod, he ducked behind a mesh wall and transformed into Captain Man.
"Wait here." He said to them, as he dashed into the restaurant. (y/n) and Charlotte eyed the mints on the reception desk and gave each other a look.
"Let's take 'em." The woman said as she picked up the box and poured them into the girl's jumper. Sucking on the confectionery, they watched as Ray worked his way awkwardly around the tables. Checking that no one was watching, he used his laser remote to set fire to some bread buns.
"Fire! Quick, everyone, exit the restaurant!" He shouted to the room.
"Captain Man?" Henry was confused to see his boss on his date.
"Wow." Chloe breathed out.
"Sir, you are at Sotto Voce. Please lower your voice." The manager said to the superhero, even though there was an emergency.
"Sorry. Sorry." He whispered in apology and began to tell all the tables to leave.
"Fire, please keep your voices down and exit the restaurant." He repeated as he ran around the room, the final table being Henry's.
"Fire don't scare me." Henry laughed.
"Well, fire do scare me," Chloe said, grabbing her purse and rushing out of the building.
"Thanks for coming." Charlotte and (y/n) were talking to the guests as they ran through reception. 
"Sorry, no mints left." (y/n) smirked at a woman who looked at the empty bowl.
"Appreciate your business." The younger girl hurried her along. 
"Get out." (y/n) said to the last few guests. Ray took out his laser and tried to stun Henry with it. However, his machoism stopped him from going down.
"Nuh-uh, dude. You're gonna have to zap me harder than that." Henry looked at him, shaking off the laser's effects. Ray zapped him again a couple times, Henry grunting and stepping back, but the boy was still on his feet.
"Come on, kid, I'm trying to help you. Just drop." Ray said to him.
"Well, sorry. Three little laser shots can't hurt me." His aggressive words frustrated Ray, so he spammed the laser at Henry, this time making him pass out. Ray caught him before he fell on the floor and lifted him over his shoulder. The waiters watched in fear and uncertainty.
"Ooh, panini." Ray grabbed the food as he walked to the doors.
"Come on, hurry!" (y/n) whispered at him and he jogged over.
"And stop eating that!" She said as he took a bite of the panini. He put Henry's unconscious body in the back of the Man Van with Charlotte.
"Want some?" He offered her the bread as they climbed into the front seats.
"Oh sweet cheese, yes." She smiled as he broke it in half and passed it to her. He knew the way to her heart like the back of his hand.
~The Man Cave~
Henry had entered the next stage of the transformation, and now he was a mindless savage. Schwoz and Ray had had to restrain him in a chair when he lashed out at (y/n) and Charlotte. Currently, the boy was roaring and struggling against the cuffs as the small genius finished his machine that would reverse the effects.
"Let me go!" His voice sounded demonic, making the two females shiver as they tweaked the machine's settings.
"Can we please hurry up and get this done?" Charlotte looked at Schwoz, feeling antsy at how animalistic Henry was becoming.
"It is ready. Pick up the meat-beef." Schwoz pointed to the steak they had prepared, and Henry went crazy at the sight of it once Ray raised in it his fist.
Schwoz released him from the chair and Ray dangled the meat in front of him.
"Throw it in!" (y/n) shouted at the superhero, who did as she said and lobbed it into the machine. Henry dived in after it, letting Ray lock him inside. 
"What happens now?" Charlotte asked.
"What that machine did to Henry, this machine do the opposite," Schwoz explained.
"Turn it on, turn it on, turn it on! He's getting worse!" (y/n) cried, feeling Henry beat against the door. Schwoz pulled a giant lever and pressed the controls. 
"I go speedy," Schwoz told her, as Ray pulled her away from the door and put his body in her place. If Henry broke out, he couldn't risk the boy hurting her.
The machine illuminated once it was activated, and Henry roared and groaned as his body changed. Ray moved the two girls away from the machine and pulled (y/n) behind his back. Slowly, the lights stopped, meaning that the process was over. They looked to Schwoz to see if it worked, but all the little guy could do was shrug. He had no idea if they had been successful. 
"Open!" Schwoz lifted the lever and the three opened the door, letting Henry step out. Only, something must have gone wrong, as now Henry was a girl.
"What happened? I feel so... different." Girl Henry said in a feminine voice and wiggled her hips, much to the horror of the four other people in the room.
"Oh my God, it's Henrietta!" (y/n) exclaimed, and Ray quickly picked up the girl and put her back in the machine. 
"I need to make some adjustments," Schwoz said in an abashed voice. He quickly typed away on the machine's screens and Ray, Charlotte and (y/n) watched on with bated breath.
"Okay, we go again." The genius activated the machine and it lit up again. Smoke poured from the vents and they could hear Henry's groans. As the process came to an end, they tiptoed towards the door. Schwoz gave Ray a grave nod, knowing that they had to see if it had worked.
A figure stepped out of the machine and collapsed into the superhero's arms. His face looked up, and to the man's delight, there was no facial hair, or female features staring back at him.
"Ray?" Henry asked in a hoarse voice.
"Henry!" They all piled onto Henry in a group hug, so relieved to have him back to normal. Henry laughed and patted them all on the back as he returned the hug.
"What happened to me?" He questioned them after he pulled back.
"Oh, you nearly became a man-beast," Charlotte told him and the boy had a disturbed expression on his face.
"Then Schwoz turned you into a girl." (y/n) added on, making Schwoz run upstairs when Henry looked at him with anger, which quickly turned to dread when he remembered the disastrous date. 
"Oh no! Chloe! I gotta go home and apologise!" Henry cried out, running to the elevator.
"Yeah, I should go too. Rescuing one man-boy beast is way out of my job description and I'm beat." Charlotte groaned, following her friend across the room.
"Bye guys!" The teens waved as the elevator doors slid shut, leaving Ray alone with his best friend.
"Stay safe!" The woman called out to the kids, turning away to the computer once they were gone.
"Hey." Ray started, swallowing the lump in his throat.
"Yeah?" (y/n) didn't look away from the screen.
"Sotto Voce is probably open again." He mentioned, shuffling his feet and looking down.
"Yeah, so?" She wasn't picking up on his hints.
"We could get some more paninis." The man poked her shoulder with a cheeky grin, making her turn around.
"After everything that happened tonight?" She raised her eyebrows, but he just smiled.
"Yeah, I'll even buy you an ice cream." Ray offered.
"Okay then. But I want two ice creams." She giggled after thinking for a moment. She stood up and linked her arm in his. They walked to the elevator together, their hearts fluttering in each other's company. 
Looks like Ray got to take her to dinner after all.
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mrdrhenwardhykle · 8 months
INSERT 25¢ TO CONTINUE : Into the AudoScape- Level 4: "Attack of the Talking Heads!"
Previous Next
To the common man, the evening host of the annual Thanksgiving dinner at the Silverman's flowed flawlessly. There was a slight dimming in the dining room, but the lovely warm theme to the meal was welcoming nonetheless. There were no visible quarrels. Aunts, uncles, a few cousins, and grandparents stomped off the cold frost of the winter with wide open arms welcoming the residential hosts.
Freddie usually got a pat on the back and a conversation about his football team. Allope either got a pat on the head, a smooch on the nose, or a high five from the younger relatives, and Rebecca unusually got a nod, the brief lift of a hand and tightened smile, or a simple and emotionless "hi." The three kids stuck together just out of separate reasons for keeping distance from others.
Freddie was easily exhausted of being framed as just the 'football' guy and hated having to play through the same conversations of pretending to like something he didn't. Relatives would kindly ask him what college he was planning to apply to, to which he would name off a few on his long list of research, but usually being faced with the same reply of "What? Why that one? That team is terrible".
Rebecca kept active for only a little while, but backed out as soon as she caught onto conversations about some unnamed 'distant and ungrateful freeloader,' that her aunt and uncle just couldn't stop gossiping about, other than some weird TV personality that everyone seemed to like.
As for Allope, she was sick to her stomach with the inconsistency that two girls on a commercial couldn't come close to acknowledging her existence, but the artificial man who could clip out of his own body could; even getting to the point where he could possibly see right through the screen. The time for curiosity was behind her; even the thought of walking in front of the TV was like stepping on a minefield. Too bad for Allope, the TV was on all evening,with crowding adults laughing at whatever it said when given the chance.
"Hey, Al. What's up, kiddo?" Reb bumped the kid with her elbow to pull her out of her current habit of spiraling in abstract forms of thought. Sunk deep into her chair, Allope was bursting at the seams of keeping the knowledge of another realm from all those who could listen. "GRAH!-It's that creepy guy on the TV! He's just watching me, I just know it!"
Reb just struck a look of concern while Freddie held in his laughter, "What guy, Allope?" she replied.
Allope performed her sign for the name she forgot, by making an 'm' with her fist and making a 'v' shape around her jawline. They both seemed amused at the charade, but Reb still didn't follow along. "Y'know! The one with the teeth that go-" she clicked her teeth together while making a snarling noise.
Laughter escaped from Fred as he made an attempt to cover his face, "She's talking about Max Headroom. It's these clips of a computer generated AI; basically an artificial person, like a robot. He sometimes shows up between music videos from Channel 4. Allope was sneaking around and got into some troubles with her new headset last night. She just got freaked out when she saw him on the TV right after taking the set off, that's all."
Allope glared at the opposer in the corner of her eye, lifting the brand new Max Headroom-brand dishware that their mother with 'classical taste' so happened to choose for this year. Not only that, but weighing alongside the fact that almost the only brands they chose to use for dinner had the face of Max Headroom in front of his distinctive, shifting background lines right on the cover alongside some corny pun or catchphrase here and there.
"Yeah, that is a little weird", Reb agreed without either side fully catching on to who she believed the most, "Are you kidding? It's a robot. It's programmed to say all those things to please us. Maybe if they like it so much, it's just doing its job. It's in their name, ya know? They're supposed to serve man; we have souls and a consciousness, which always puts us on the top. But even when it comes to those things; we haven't gotten close enough to replicating life like this. It's likely just some guy in a,mask or clay or something-" Freddie argued.
"A-Ah. Yes; it's always just 'my life for you,' isn't it? I mean, what else was somebody like me made for?"
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The group's attention turned towards the other room. Most adults were dogpiling on the chairs and couches facing the blaringly-loud TV. The dim lights included the living room as well; however the television emitted a bright, sickly, turquoise radiance that permeated through the darkness.
"A-A-As your entertainer, I serve nothing more than to-... well-[heh]... entertain. But also-But also-But also- as your entertainer, I should serve as a source to find happiness, should I not? [hm!] Th-is holiday season  might I suggest  helping out our sponsor by beating a bop by Big Burger Bobby's; back to bring a bright and brand-new smile to yo-yo-yo-your face!
Try now their new b-butter?Buh...
[[Oh N-N-N-NO! NO! You somehow managed to mess up the teleprompter, AGAIN! DAMMIT, MARTY!-
'Don't you just know the menu'  D-D-D-Does it look like I can eat? Aha-And I tell you if I could,-I wouldn't be at some greasy low-rate-]]
[Ah-hem], sorry about the  interruption ; it looks like there's technical difficulties. Bu-but don't worry! This old gun always has  a big shot left  to  fire!  [isn't that right, Marty?]"
He looked to the right glaring and smiling passive-aggressively as the intermission closed. The adults chattered and repeated the words everyone else heard as if they didn't, and as if it was their own joke, just before walking away when a music video started to play.
"Allope," Rebecca spoke in a hushed tone as she tugged on the kid's shirt. Freddie was far enough away not to hear them, as he was still distracted by the television.
"Yes?", Allope looked up at her cousin.
"Don't doubt the impossible when it comes to that stuff. You'll wish you knew better if you do," Rebecca allowed herself to reveal a layer of honesty through her hushed tone. Allope was haunted by this sudden change, but nodded and gave a little "okay" anyways. Rebecca propped herself in her chair in a lese tense manner, "Plus, I know we can't really get rid of that box, but Fred said it can change the channels without even touching the tv, right?"
"Right. And then maybe it's of use to us. Just... Be careful for now-with everything. At least until we know a little more about that device, and maybe even where it came from."
The three kids had no idea what to make of the tv's response, but took this as a good sign to stray away from the TV when it was turned on. The tactic worked enough for the afternoon to follow along smoothly once again as everyone decided to return to their houses.
Sleep was never a problem for Allope before, so why would it be now? Though always feeling as if she was not getting enough rest at night, she hardly broke her dream-state; wandering in and out between vivid images of static and collaged photos shifting on a colorful pattern. She would always take naps during the day, but was still absent at night. Her dreams felt almost exactly like the virtual world, but in so many different visual qualities and styles. Minnie accompanied Allope on her exploration across the electrical patterns. The more she dreamt, the more she suddenly learned about her set in real time; even to the point of noticing buttons and switches on her set that she had not noticed before. She at least assumed that these recurring situations were all a fantasy, as she felt like she was somebody much different. She was taller, a little braver, and broke the laws of physics by clipping through as many walls as she could. Unlike her real controls, in her dreams she could go blocks away from her house without climbing down the stairs or even opening a door; it was all through the lightbulb to her Rainbow Brite and Twink shooting-star-themed lamp.
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Each dream, though different in location and adventure, would all end with her staring into a lone reflection left into a dark abyss, gazing upon the disfigured and indecisive face of somebody or something else; some nights appearing clearer than others. Allope had no clue of what it meant, but always took note of how odd it felt; as if she died and took the place of somebody from another planet-or even universe! But when she woke up, it always felt as if she was absent from her original state of skin and bones; as if she was resurrected. These dreams cost Allope sleep; daily dragging herself everywhere with one eye pried open more than the other. This feeling of fatigue wasn't natural in the slightest; it weighed like an anchor with the feeling as if her soul was being cut and broken away into little pieces like a pie. Each slice of energy was borrowed rather than eaten up, and would come back briefly in the evening.
Her mother attempted to drag her into shopping in the upper level of the mall during Black Friday. Allope stayed awake by focusing on little things like only jumping on the colored diamond-shaped floor tiles, attempting to make a tune out of the soft echoing speakers, as well as involving herself to whatever the elongated screens stuck onto the walls beneath and between the crosswalks on the upper floor said.
"Hello fellow foodologists, Nation-Wide trusted spokesman, Ma-Ma-Ma-Max Headroom here to inform you the importance of your child-child-child-child's  fundamental brain-development . Creativity. We can all agree that CREATIVITY is an important factor in your kid's transition to adulthood. Bu-u-u-u-u–u-u-u-u-ut answer me this; how-how-how-how can your child or a fine adult such as yourself be confined to the horribly bleak concept of minimalism? So why waste your time by  EXPOSING  you and your children to the con-con-con-con-confinement of boring circles and shapes in their everyday junk food, when they could have the wide open world of cheese crackers in the shape of ASTONISHING HISTORICAL ICONS [such as yours truly]  [hah~]  Buy now for the greater good [[unless you wish to doom your child to the latter]] Starting at the low-low price of only  $9.99  at your local food stores and outlets!"
Allope shrieked loudly, while maintaining eye contact with the disturbing computer man. She tried to run while dragging her mom behind. Her mother stood her ground to stop Allope, tugging her hand; "Allope, what is it, sweetheart? Do you see something you want?"
Allope tucked in her lips and widened her eyes; scanning each shop for an excuse to change their surroundings. A sparkling glimmer of starlight, sprinkles, rainbow, and forgotten children's hopes and dreams filled the coloring of her eyes when taking in the glorious view of a toy store with an endless shelf line of the brand-new 'Advanced' Limby Friends. "What are you looking at, Allope?" her mother asked.
"My Christmas list," she replied.
She barreled into the store with her mother following closely behind. To her relief, the enemy likely didn't catch sight of her presence. 
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I was tagged by @magic-ace in this post where they wanted me to answer all of them, so here it is:
🎱 ⇢ post your AO3 total stats
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🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
A classic tale of "my favorite character didn't get enough screen time" led to this.
🌵 ⇢ share the link to a playlist you love
🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?
Give it a 5. I don't mind it but it's difficult to focus on the proofreading side of it.
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
@magic-ace @mecha-milkers @i-am-an-omen
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
I haven't finished it, but Descent by Zakharie.
💌 ⇢ how many unread emails do you have right now?
🌻 ⇢ tag someone you appreciate but don't talk to on a regular basis
🐇 ⇢ do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both?
Original characters. Reader inserts aren't for me.
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
I will share one of my favorite taekwondo stories from many years ago because I think it is funny. Two different short dads I was sparring with managed to accidentally nail me in the face with the same kick on two different occasions, months apart. (You cannot hit the face in taekwondo but going for a headshot it happens a lot.) The first time miraculously didn't knock out any teeth but my upper lip got stuck in my braces and I had to rip it out while laughing maniacally. I looked like a corpse for weeks. The second time was straight in the nose, so my nose is still slightly crooked and makes a crunchy noise if I wiggle it to this day.
Both of the dads felt terrible but I was a teenage boy so I thought blood on my uniform was cool.
The "short dad curse" was real for a bit there and the only reason it hasn't continued is because I am now the short dad myself.
🎲 ⇢ what stops you from writing more in your free time?
I don't have this problem.
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Knock Out and Breakdown roughhouse a lot.
🧸 ⇢ what's the fastest way to become your mutual?
Reblog my shit with silly tags.
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
I'm learning to animate, which is cool.
I'm feeling a little more hopeful about finishing my degree.
My friends are wonderful.
📚 ⇢ what's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app?
I don't use the notes app.
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
I know better than to share that on this hellsite.
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Typical murder-related writing searches.
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
I got a small notebook to write tasks in, things I've done, what and when I ate, etc. This has been very helpful for memory loss and blackouts.
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
Don't have one, but one of these days I want to write something more hopeful, something along the lines of a 2010s-era superhero cartoon but as a novel. Don't have a plot for that one yet. It's rotating in my head, though.
🌿 ⇢ give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
One of the best pieces of writing advice I ever heard was "give yourself permission to suck." When you sit down to write you can't be fixated on making it perfect the first time. All your first draft has to do is exist. Anything you write down you can change later, but you gotta get it down first.
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh
My roommate and I keep saying "inch resting" and "ingredience" to each other.
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
🍦 ⇢ name three good things about a character you hate
He makes admittedly funny puns. That's it. That's all I'm giving Silas.
🥝 ⇢ do you lie a lot? what's the most recent lie you told?
I don't lie except for safety.
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing?
A few.
🍅 ⇢ give yourself some constructive criticism on your own writing
Don't give my characters enough time to "rest"--it's one crisis after the other. That's the way I like it but someone get em therapy what the hell
🐚 ⇢ do you like or dislike surprises?
It depends what kind.
🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
She barely made it halfway down to the gallows before something slammed into her, knocking her into the side of the building and shattering a line of windows. The crowd gasped and looked up, and then all Suncatcher could see was shadows and broken glass and the gun someone shoved into her face.
“If you can’t sit back and watch nicely,” Crossfire said, “then you can’t watch at all.”
“Go to hell,” Suncatcher said, and the blades on her forearms snapped out and stabbed into Crossfire’s midsection.
☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
Thought ShortCircuit would be a good pen name for Transformers fanfic. It eventually became a new pen name overall, though I still use NobleRunaway in other spaces.
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
@magic-ace @mecha-milkers @i-am-an-omen I love you guys so much. May your pancakes always be fresh.
🌸 ⇢ do you have any pets? if you do, post some pictures of them
So remember when I answered one of these with "grief"
🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
This doodle of Knock Out because it speaks to me.
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
I wrote an entire rant and deleted it because the internet can't read. But there is something and it falls under mischaracterization.
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arlecchno · 1 year
IM SO GLAD YOURE ALSO LOVING SUMMERS FIC IM LIKE ACTUALLY SO IN LOVE WITH IT (insert me going batshit insane) alsooo do look forward to more stupid banter in the middle of supposedly serious situations , they are the best and there are more . stan mcs little water creations tbh
bleh , honestly all my other writing works are old and i think pretty shitty at this point but i can link you to some if you really want (or i could write you a short story / drabble , i feel like thatd be less embarrassing on my part lmao , lmk if you want that) about my games though ... 1 2 3(WIP) the first two are well over a year old now , plus primarily unedited , so dont mind any possible grammar mistakes or generally terrible story flow (i swear ive gotten better since these 😰) and the third was also created last year (for a school project) , im slooowly chipping away at finishing the code haha ...
I ACTUALLY COMMENT ON MY OWN DOCS AS WELL !!! there arent much of them because .. well i havent wrote much outside of my private dms LOL
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i also think it is insanely fun to comment on my own work
aand ive contacted my friends (aka my two and only true loves /p /hj) about the kinnie thing .. and one of them sent me this to fill out
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youre not wrong actually haha , am i that easy to read ?
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im an ambivert , i dont like seeking out social interaction irl unless its one of my close friends or im just that bored , but i do get really loud / energetic when i am comfortable (i think you can tell that by how much goddamn energy i put into these asks) but my "social battery" still drains relatively fast i cant handle people very well lmao honestly , my and cynos reasoning for making our terrible jokes align a bit , although most people (apart from my irl friends apparently ???) dont find me intimidating , my main motivation when i slip in puns is to get people to laugh at how terrible they are , because im well aware theyre pretty bad (or all my friends just have the same broken sense of humor i do) . but yeah , i guess now theres two people on my genshin kin list now why do i kin both of the artificial humans in the game -
lets play a game where we ask eachother random questions , so its easier to end things off lol , got a window in your room ? if so , rate the view it has !
- jellyfish
yes the summers fic is so good thank you very much for recommending me it 😖🫶
AND YOOO THOSE GAMES ARE CUTE HAHA i liked nel and akira!!! also impressive how you did 2/3 of them in scratch,, i've had very little experience with it from like a few years back when i took a computing class and damn was it hard as hell 😵‍💫😵‍💫 so kudos to you man
glad i'm not the only one who comments on my own fics on docs LMAO and like you said, it's insanely fun!!!
the way that you're technically all of the above in the bingo 😭😭😭 and that drawing is sooo pretty!£8483£!!£! is that you or an oc of yours? (either way i've been eyeing it ever since i started typing here, hehe)
sooo i basically predicted what you're like irl?
i think for the most part it's because i'm a bit similar to you in some sort of ways, i'm only ever close with my closest friends and can get tired by interacting with people sometimes 😞 but the downside is that everyone finds me scary HAHA 😭😭 my friends had told me a bunch of times on how intimidating i look, when i really just have a normal expression on my face... apparently they said i always look like i have murder on my mind 🚶‍♀️
you now have another addition to the kin list, congrats 🤗
GREAT GAME!!! i do have a window in my room but it doesn't really have a great view... i'm currently living in a shitty apartment for the time being and the only thing i see from the window of my room is my neighbour's unit from my apartment complex 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ so i'd probably give it a 3/10 T-T
now, a question for you! what's the most silliest thing that you currently own? (it can be a purchased item, a gift you got, etc)
hope you're having a great day jellyfish ^^
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watercolourdreamer · 2 years
Unravel (NSFW)
Viktor x Fem!OC
It had initially been a nonchalant agreement last year — to couple together. A scientific experiment to unravel the carnal knowledge unknown to them and transform the theoretical into actuality; or at least that’s what they had convinced themselves before their trysts became a regular occurrence — before Viktor had learnt all the ways Iris was malleable to his touch, which sparked a pleasure in her that left him dizzy and in awe of her.
AO3 Link
Author's note: Posting a little smutty treat for you all before I take a writing semi-hiatus to recover from surgery for a month. This is a third-person piece I've worked on for ages but never ended up posting because my anxious brain felt trepidation and timorous. Mostly because Iris is a reader-insert (with a terrible pun of a name), whom I explicitly wanted to be a woman of colour.
Unravel is also not your typical smut. It's meant to capture the awkward moments of sex, the tender moments, and even the ones that leave you heady and breathless with pleasure. Hopefully you enjoy it and I'll see you again post-convalescence! 💕
As always, smut below the ‘read more’ line.
Tags/Warnings: friends with benefits, protected p-in-v sex, communicative sex is good sex, mentions of fingering, oral sex (fem!receiving) and bathroom sex; mild exhibitionism (if you squint), use of sex toys, both reader and Viktor are unashamedly horny and secretly besotted with each other.
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Word Count: 2.2K
“Fuck. Viktor.”
The curse hissed through Iris’ clenched teeth as her fingers dug deeper into the flesh of his forearm beside her; her body arched upwards towards him, pliant as a sapling bow. There was sweat on her brow, and it glistened in the early morning light as they moved together; where it travelled down the zygomatic arches of her face, into the plains and valleys of her brown skin.
She was sublime. A goddess in the morning light — and if Viktor wasn’t careful, he’d vanish over the horizon without her. He was close, but he needed her to be closer, to unravel like she’d done for him so many times before.
It had initially been a nonchalant agreement last year: to couple together. A scientific experiment to unravel the carnal knowledge unknown to them both and transform the theoretical into actuality; or at least that’s what they had convinced themselves before their trysts became a regular occurrence — before Viktor had learnt all of the ways Iris was malleable to his touch. How to spark pleasure in her that left him dizzy with awe as she clenched around his fingers, back arched as she choked out his name.
Viktor’s hand grasped the headboard of her bed more tightly, both to limit its banging against the thin dormitory walls and to steady himself as he adjusted his right leg on the pillows beneath him. It alleviated the pressure on his knee as he shifted his hips, canting them into her more deeply. They both groaned at the movement, her cunt clutching around him as Iris’ fingernails dug and pinched into his arms to brace herself. The combined sensations skyrocketed up his spine, leaving him heady with pleasure.
Beneath him, Iris’ hooded eyes and lip caught beneath her teeth mirrored his own; and her hands found purchase on his hipbones, holding him still against her. With their foreheads pressed together, they steadied themselves in the morning light.
“Take your time,” said Iris softly, breathlessly. But her irises betrayed her desire, pupils dilated and rimmed with gold. If Viktor had a mirror, he knew his eyes would reflect hers: unadulterated lust that would not be bridled by parentheses in their trysts.
“No,” said Viktor firmly, grinding his hips against hers again. He watched the way her eyes closed and her mouth gaped open in a breathy moan — symmetrical actions on the exquisite planes of her face. He wanted more. Viktor needed more.
Viktor could feel the sweat across his shoulder blades, the exertion of the sex on his body but he was impatient. Truthfully, Viktor was usually impatient during their carnal exchanges. Both Iris and Viktor were in their final year, bound to the pressures of their part-time research and tutoring positions, and the full-time workload of completing their individual dissertations. Viktor would be remiss to dismiss they had fucked in the library bathroom during a thesis–writing session late one night because of his impatience; his hands gripping her bare arse as he guided her up and down his cock in the toilet cubicle. It was definitely not his proudest moment but definitely one of their hottest fucks.
“No, no. I’m okay,” repeated Viktor and he slowly started moving again before canting his hips back into hers. Hard. Just how Iris liked it. It drew a gasped moan from within her and it heated the space between them like a furnace.
“Yes, fuck me like that,” Iris said lowly, her voice thick with desire; and when her hands gripped his arse Viktor felt white–hot desire course through him, drawing deep sighs and whimpers from within him.
He canted his hips into hers again. And again and again until Viktor just wanted to sink into her moans and press every inch of his skin against Iris’ until they merged together in cosmic euphoria. In lieu of the inconceivable, he pried his hands off the headboard, which he had been gripping tightly and lowered himself onto his forearms above her.
It took the pressure off his legs as he slowly rolled his hips into hers. The bed rocked sporadically, the wooden headboard hitting the wall, especially on each hard thrust.
“Viktor – ah – everyone will – ah – hear,” whined Iris, her gaze so close to his now. Their breaths were so close now, and Viktor closed the distance between them to taste her pleasure alongside his own. Iris’ arms wound themselves around his waist, fingers biting into his back as she drew him closer to her. Until their skin touched, and he felt each inch of her body against his own.
“Ah, don’t you already think they know we’re fucking? You, eh, we have never been particularly quiet about it,” teased Viktor, a playful smirk curling his lips.
This close to her, Viktor could see each individual bead of sweat on her skin, smell their intermingled sex and how it permeated the air.
“Heavens above, you’re insufferable,” groused Iris with a melodramatic eye roll. “You’re lucky I find you attractive. Otherwise, I don’t know how else we’d be doing this.”
Then Iris rose up and slotted her lips messily against his own, teeth clanking as their hips rutted against each other’s. They continued moving together until it built to a fever pitch that coiled and threatened to snap within Viktor.
“I’m close. Ah, very close. Are you?”
“Nearly,” breathed Iris over the sound of their slapping flesh. A particularly sharp snap of his hips against hers drew out an indiscreet cry of his name; and Viktor revelled in the way it echoed in her bedroom and reverberated within his being, every fibre of his body and soul. His name on Iris’ lips was — it was ambrosia to his ears, he thought, intoxicating holy wine to his ears.
“Do you, ah, eh, have the vibrator?”
The last thing Viktor was going to do was leave her unsatisfied.
Viktor wanted her back bending with abject pleasure for him again; just like he’d done with his mouth, his tongue and his fingers earlier that morning. He wanted Iris’ only thoughts to be of him and how fucking blissed out he made her feel. Viktor wanted to feel her clench tightly around him again, her mind pressed temple-to-temple with the thoughts of how he wanted to continue making her feel this way.
“Yeah,” said Iris with a short nod. “Fuck.”
Her right arm reached out blindly to the bedside table as her eyes closed in utter pleasure on a particularly deep thrust. A stroke that nearly sent Viktor’s eyes rolling into the back of his head. “Gods above, where’d you learn to fuck like that?”
“You. You. I learnt from you,” replied Viktor. The quip was facetious, he knew, because Viktor had never fucked anyone else. Nor had Iris. But the witticism was worth the mixture between a gasp, moan and snort that erupted from Iris.
“Did you need me to stop?” asked Viktor a couple moments later, after he caught the flash of a grimace on Iris’ countenance. Her face slackened when Viktor stilled inside her.
“Yeah. I just need a moment. A moment to catch my breath. Everything’s a little overwhelming,” answered Iris, her left forearm covering her vision as her chest laboured for breath. Viktor tenderly ran his fingertips down the inside of her right arm before he interlaced their fingers together and kissed each of Iris’ knuckles — thirteen in all.
It was a response reserved for these moments: when their trysts felt like a little too much. Viktor had learnt over their friendship that touch grounded Iris during these moments: a simple hand between her shoulder blades, fingertips pressing firm circles into her back in consolation. Other times it was a hand on her forearm that steadied her, braced her against the onslaught of when the world was too much.
In these moments, Viktor appreciated how Iris trusted him deeply enough to let him touch her, hold her, kiss her wherever he thought he could bring comfort and amelioration. Eventually Iris removed her forearm from her brow, a soft smile curling the corners of her mouth gratefully.
“Feeling better?” asked Viktor softly. Iris nodded and hummed in agreement.
“Much better.” There was a foreign softness in her mien that Viktor couldn’t place. “Shall we continue?”
“Please,” answered Viktor.
Her fingers reached out to her nightstand again and caught the smooth surface of her vibrator, pulling it towards them clumsily. With practiced ease, she turned it on and it hummed between where their bodies joined. Viktor felt her tighten around him deliciously. He felt the way her muscles coiled in anticipation of her release; and Iris tried to muffle her moans into her clenched hand, teeth biting down on her knuckles to dampen her loudening moans.
“No. I want to hear you,” panted Viktor, an almost desperate whine to the words as he reached out and grasped her wrist. Tenderly, Viktor pulled Iris’ hand away from her face and kissed the heartbeat lodged in her wrist, holding her golden eyes with his own the entire time.
Iris’ ears turned bright red above her dark hair, incisors clutching her bottom lip tightly. After Viktor placed her hand above her head, Iris spoke again:
“Does your ego get high off this?”
“Eh — perhaps,” answered Viktor sheepishly with a self-effacing shrug, after a contemplative pause. “You’re lucky I find every sound you make attractive.”
Then Viktor did something he knew he would regret tomorrow. Viktor lowered himself further into the bed, his forearms bullying her legs wider. Using his knees as leverage, he thrusted more vigorously into her centre, grinding down roughly every time he reached the hilt of his cock.
It was exhausting and deliciously painful work, and if he believed in a deity, it would be Iris and how fucking euphoric her cunt felt in this exact moment. Viktor hoped it was the thing to tip her over the precipice, over the horizon.
It was.
Iris gasped loudly, breathless as her orgasm swept through her. A deep red blush bloomed across her chest, which was tinted a honey-coloured hue in the dawn light. Vermillion stretched up towards her face as she arched her back up into him, a choked groan on her lips as her cunt fluttered around his stilled cock.
Iris’ descension was the thing that shattered him. His orgasm rushed over him like a thunderstorm on a balmy summer evening: a rumbling euphoria followed by a deluge of simultaneous pleasure and relief. The feeling rolled up his spine as Iris held him, fingers combing through his hand as he sobbed into the juncture of her neck and shoulder.
Eventually, when the air was spent from his lungs and his body still tingled in their post-orgasmic glow, Viktor collapsed on top of Iris. Her breath shuddered against the helix of his ear, her fingertips languidly tracing the notches of Viktor’s spine as he returned to reality.
Viktor was aware his body would demand compensation for the overexertion of today; and he made a mental note to drop by the infirmary this morning for painkillers in advance. That, coupled with the mandatory vacation day for Academy staff following Progress Day festivities, should be enough time for him to recover, thought Viktor to himself.
“That was delightful,” whispered Iris contently against his cheek. Her words flicked the corners of Viktor’s mouth upwards. Bashfully, he nuzzled her neck and pressed a kiss against the start of her jawline.
“Mm. It was. Wasn’t it?” agreed Viktor softly, after a moment. He was content and slack with pleasure — and if Iris merely asked, he would not leave her side or her bed all day. Heimerdinger’s lab reports be damned.
“We should probably get ready soon.”
As if it had heard her, Iris’ alarm began chiming on her bedside table; the mechanical contraption lifting the vertical clock face from the base to reveal a miniature marching band pretending to play the melody that emanated from the musical alarm clock.
“Ugh,” groaned Iris in anguish as the trumpeter wiggled his pygmy instrument left-to-right. “Viktor.”
He didn’t need to be told twice. Viktor reached across to the nightstand and turned off the alarm, then he slid out, and off, of Iris. He stood and carefully removed and tied off the used condom before he wrapped it up in a tissue and disposed of the prophylactic in a nearby bin.
Gingerly he limped back to the bed to find Iris still reposed, eyes closed in the morning sun. The sight of her left him temporarily thoughtless, breathless and stunned to her design.
Freckles adorned brown skin, marking galaxies and constellations across her body that Viktor had become intimately familiar with in the past year. He knew the darkened birth mark behind her knee, the mole on the inside of her knee that he kissed with reverence each time they coupled.
Iris was a goddess in the morning light. Always had been a higher being from the moment he had met her at The Academy induction training for research assistants three years ago. Viktor knew he was besotted with Iris, but he also knew they didn’t have time to cross that divide and transform their close friendship into something else, something divine.
So instead, Viktor had made himself comfortable with their casual arrangement until life was more felicitous to them. Until life offered them time to unspool their hearts, and unravel and wind their lives back together — hopefully forever, added his mind.
Viktor sighed and hobbled back to bed. Rolling onto his left side, Viktor leaned down and kissed Iris, and as they parted, her eyes opened drowsily, a small smile mirrored on his lips. Carefully she curled a strand of his hair around her forefinger before she spoke — murmured.
“Happy Progress Day, Viktor.”
Thanks for reading!
If you like my work, please consider joining my taglist. Taglist: @thedreamlessnights; @gl1tchfairy
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tomboy-writer · 3 years
Hungry Demon
Requested by @starwithaheart
Includes: smut (18+), oral (female and male (ladies first though) receiving), sorta kinda rough sex, my terrible writing of Fin's accent...slight monster lover vibes??? Maybe??? I don't know. Whatever mistakes I missed while editing. I go back and forth with spelling his name Fin and Finn and was too lazy to change it. My bad.
Also shoutout to @prurientpuddlejumper cause I googled how to write smut cause, like I told ya'll in my last post, my smut game got a little weak and good ol' google recommended their blog cause they have a smut thesaurus and it helped out a lot. So, thanks a bunch to them.
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"This is a bunch of fooking shite! How in the hell are they gonna let John Cena take my damn title shot away from me!?!" I could hear Fin yelling at himself and slamming the door to the hotel room. "He's not even full time anymore!!"
Fin dropped his duffle bag down on the floor and made his way to the bed where I was relaxing and reading a book. Well, trying to at least; Fin's yelling made reading a little hard to do. My boyfriend sat on the edge of the bed while I rubbed his back, trying to calm him but it didn't seem to help as Fin's body was heated with anger.
"Corbin comes the fook outta nowhere, made me miss the signing of the contract and then John fooking Cena taking my title shot away from me! All for that damn, stupid movie he's in."
"Oh babe, " I softly said as I continued to soothe Fin. "The Suicide Squad was a good movie though." Balor glared at me, but I just smirked at him. This wasn't my first Irish meltdown. "His character from the movie is getting his own show too."
"FOOK!!" Fin slammed his fists onto his knees and I couldn't help but to laugh. "Oh, you think that's funny, do ya love?"
"Of course not, babe. But I don't think you should worry about it; you'll get your shot."
The wrestler sighed, finally done with his rant and feeling a bit better, thanks to my great, goofy love (thank you, very much). "I guess you're right, Y/N. But Roman better watch out, cause I'll have a surprise for him later."
I don't know why, but for some reason the way he said that and the look in his eyes made me feel uneasy...and turned on??
Next week I was watching Smack Down at a hotel again. (As you can probably tell, I don't like being around too many people, so sue me.) I watched the whole episode and enjoyed the main event: Roman Reigns versus Montez Floyd. Though, the moment Montez broke the commentator's table by barely standing on it kinda puzzled me (and Montez too, it seemed). Roman won the match and then called out his cousins to deal some more damage to the Smoke Wanter.
The Bloodline stood outside the ring, daring Montez to get back up. Then suddenly the lights go red and Fin is on the top rope, decked out in his Demon King body paint and jumps on top of the Usos. While Fin is beating the members of the Bloodline to a pulp, I couldn't help but to notice how hot my boyfriend looked that way. I rarely get to see the Demon King and seeing him now, slapping a chair on Roman Reigns' back, I got turned on in a way that I didn't know that I could be turned on. Was it the Demon that got me going? The violence? A weird combination of the two??
Whatever it was, I couldn't take it anymore! I could feel myself already getting wet, so I took a few fingers and started to rub one in. [insert winky face here.]
The big O came to me (pun intended) in a glorious moment. Woulda been better if Fin had brought me to that point, but that's what I get for being horny and impatient. I went to the bathroom to wash up and went straight to Snooze Town afterwards.
I don't know what time it was, but I woke up to Fin sitting on his side of the bed, kicking his shoes off his feet. He must've taken a shower at the venue cause all of his demon paint was off his body. Since he had his back facing me, Fin didn't know that I was awake, so I just laid there and watched as Fin threw his shirt off, his back muscles flexing a bit.
"I can feel ya watchin' me, love," he said, turning around to face me with a smirk on his pink lips. "Did ya enjoy the show?"
I sat up and smirked right back at him. "Which show, babe," I asked, scooting closer to him so I could cuddle my man. "Smack Down? Or the one that you just gave me, live and in-person?"
"Both." Fin kissed me on the lips before continuing to speak. "Didn't I tell ya that I had a surprise for Roman?" I nodded my head yes. "And now at Extreme Rules, it won't be Fin Balor versus Roman Reigns; it'll be the Demon King versus Roman Reigns!"
Hearing that must've really excited me because I involuntarily let out a deep exhale through my nostrils.
"What? Am I turning you on, Y/N?" He didn't wait for an answer. Fin just leaned towards me and started to kiss down my neck, hitting all the sweet spots and making me moan. He kept going, but as soon as I ran my fingers through his hair, Balor stopped pleasing me, backed up from my neck and asked "remember a couple of weeks ago when you brought up John Cena and his new t.v. show?"
"Yes," I muttered in response.
"Well, this is payback," Fin replied, booping my nose. He turned off the bedside lamp and got under the blankets so he could doze off.
I laid back down with a loud huff (I heard Fin laugh at it) and internally kicked my own ass.
Karma's a bitch.
It was finally time for Extreme Rules and I couldn't be more excited! Finn was going up against Roman for the belt and I couldn't wait for the match. To show Finn my support, I went with him to the stadium instead of staying at a hotel like usual. We stayed in his dressing room for half of the show, until Finn said he had to go get ready for his match and the body paint apparently takes awhile to put on.
Sometime later the main event came around and holy hell Finn was looking hot as hell in his Demon paint! The match was awesome too; I couldn't deny how greatly talented these two men were during their fight. Roman even had the strength (and the audacity) to pick the Demon King up and all I could hear was Pat McAfee shouting "ONE CHEEK BARE!!". Hmm, one cheek bare indeed I thought as everyone watching from the stadium and people watching at home got a clear view of Finn's ass cheek.
Later, more mayhem was happening, Finn was laying on the ground outside the ring and the lights went red. You could hear a heartbeat coming the speakers and see the Demon's body move as if it were his own heartbeat waking him back up. He got back up and started kicking ass, had Roman in the ring and on top of the top turnbuckle ready to jump when...the fucking rope broke??? WHAT THE HELL!?!?! Finn ended up losing the match after being speared by Roman and oh god I could see the fury on my man's face and he had every right to be.
I'm sure Finn was storming down the hallway, now that the PPV was over, and I decided that since this was a very important night to him and he didn't get what he deserved (the belt), that I wouldn't give him any sass tonight. Or, at least, just keep it to a minimum. Balor busted the locker room door open and slammed it shut before plopping down on the sofa next me. I eased my way over to him, not sure if he wanted any comfort. When he didn't push me away, I took that as permission to start rubbing his back.
"Fooking stupid ass rope breaking," Finn shouted. "Cutting the damn rope; who the fook thinks to do that!?! That's the way you want to win a match?? How you want it to end?? I hate this planet."
I tried my best to stifle a giggle, what did the Earth have to do with anything? I held back the laugh and continued to listen to the Demon King rant, but it was really hard to do so. Fuck, why did Finn have to stay in his demon paint? God, he looks hot this way. I mean, don't get me wrong; Finn is definitely hot even without the paint. But with the paint? I melt like butter on top of a running microwave. Especially with the demon tongue with painted on his torso. Mmmm, I wonder what it be like to have that monster tongue licking me up and down. To have a demon arm pinning me down, one hand gently squeezing my throat while that demon cock pounds into me. Fuck, my face was getting hot and I was getting wet just thinking about it.
Fin finally took a breath after his venting and looked up at me.
"Fook me, babe, your eyes have gone dark," he said shocked. "Does me being pissed turn you on? Or," Fin licked his lips, "is it the Demon that turns ya on?" I turned away from Fin when he said that; I didn't want him knowing that! But he cupped my chin and forced me to look back at him. "It's nothing to be ashamed about, Y/N. If that's what you like, then that's what you like. Besides, I think it's kinda hot."
"Don't have anything else to say now, Y/N," he asked when I didn't respond. I shook my head no because I was very speechless. "That's alright, babe, I'll be able to get you to make some noise."
Fin pulled me on top of his lap and put his lips on my neck, kissing on me softly at first. I let out a low sigh and Fin started to kiss and suck on my neck as rough as he could. He then snaked his hand up my shirt, undid my bra with ease (he was always a pro at that) and threw it on the ground. Balor continued his attack on my neck while rubbing my breasts and slightly pinching my nipple. He threw my shirt off and his mouth went straight to my breasts, sucking on one while while rubbing the other.
Try as I might, but I just couldn't keep quiet anymore. "Fuuuuuuck, Fin," I softly moaned. The things this man did to me! I could feel Fin's smirk on my breast -the smug asshole- as he kept sucking on my nipple.
"See love, I told you I could get you to make some noise," Fin teased. He then looked into my eyes; his own light blue ones now dark with lust. His thick fingers trailed their way down into my short shorts and Fin once again smirked as he realized that I wasn't wearing any underwear. "That's my naughty girl."
Fin rubbed me really slow, making me shiver. "And you're so wet for me already. So, tell me darling before we begin: do you want Fin Balor? Or do you want the Demon King?"
I gulped. All this time I never knew I had options!! Then again I haven't seen the Demon but so many times and didn't know that I could be aroused by a...monster? Lord help me. "Mmmm," I moaned as Fin sped up his pace.
"I need an answer, Y/N."
I looked at Fin, still in that beautiful paint I knew what I wanted. "I want the Demon."
"Good, cause the Demon King is hungry."
I knew exactly what he meant that; especially after Fin -ahem, excuse me- the Demon King slipped my shorts down my legs, got down on his knees and spread my legs wide open before face diving into my pussy. Holy shit this man could really work that tongue. But I remembered how a few weeks ago I wanted to find out what that demon tongue do and holy fuck was I finding out!! The Demon licked my slit slowly at first, making me let out a low whimper. He looked me in the eyes mid-lick and winked at me before speeding up. My breath hitched my legs jerked from the sensation I was feeling. I tried to move my legs away, but the Demon pinned them down and spanked my thigh.
"Don't be naughty, my love," he said while pumping his index finger in and out of me. "You keep moving away from me like that and you won't come for the rest of the week."
This man was pure evil! But I listened to Finn cause I'll be damned if I'm going a week without my pleasure explosions. So I listened to the beast, he proceeded to slurp my moist area and I ran my fingers through his hair. The Demon sucks hard on my bud and tug harder on his strands.
"F-fuck, baby," I basically screamed as I came all over his chin.
Fin lifted his head up from between my thighs; my juices glistening in his beard and some paint missing from his face. He licked his chin, smiling as he did so. "That was fookin' delicious," the Demon moaned. "But I'm not full yet, baby."
I watched as the Demon stood up to his full height, pulled down his wrestling briefs and kicked them and his boots off his feet. Totally not a surprise to see that he wasn't wearing anything underneath his ring attire, and definitely not a surprise to see that the Demon King was rock hard. His dick was standing to attention and leaking a bit of pre-cum. I let out a low whimper, wanting so badly to lick the head of it but also being very impatient cause I know that the Demon King wants to pound into me just as much as I want him to.
As if he could read my mind, Fin said "Why don't ya give me a quick suck off before we really get started, hmm" and I've never sunk down to my knees fast enough before. I kitten licked his hard member at first before I wrapped my lips around his cock and started to bob my head up and down on his cock.
The Demon King threw his head back in pleasure. "Aww, babygirl," he groaned, "that feels so fookin' good! Just like that, Y/N." He gripped the back of my head with both of his hands and started to buck his hips. Finn was fucking my face so roughly that I had to hold onto his body to keep my balance and I'm sure that I got some black and red paint on my hands, but it was worth it just to be able to taste my demon.
With a few more sucks (and some gags), the Demon King finally came, moaning my name and spilling his seed on the floor. I lifted an eyebrow up at him, to which he with "I'll clean it up before we get back to the hotel". I rolled my eyes but it go anyway. Then the Demon walked over to the sofa and down on it and beckoned me to him with his thick index finger. I stayed on my knees and made my way over to Finn as fast as I could and stood up once I reached him. Finn opened his legs -his dick still standing hard and tall despite the amazing suck I had just given him.
"My dick is your throne, my Queen," Finn said. "Come have a seat." He licked his lips and patted his thigh. I did what we both wanted me to do and hopped on Finn's solid member, both of us moaning as his cock got buried in my core. I started to bounce, but my baby stopped me. "Hold on, darlin'. I want to feel your warmth around me first."
As much as it pained me to, I stayed still like the Demon King wanted me to and while one of his hands gripped my waist, the other massaged one of my breasts and teased the nipple. Finn then started to buck his hips into me really slow like. He continued to do this for a while, groaning in pleasure until he stopped moving.
"Make your king proud, babe," the Demon King growled in my ear, "and fuck me as hard as you want to!"
The Demon King didn't have to tell me twice! I started to bounce on his dick a little slow, just to start a bit of a build up. But Finn didn't seem to like that as he smacked my ass.
"Don't tease me, Y/N," he growled. "Need to feel that sweet pussy of yours riding my cock."
I kissed my king roughly on his mouth before I went back to bouncing on him, much quicker this time. The locker room soon became filled with sounds of skin slapping skin, heavy panting and words of appreciation.
"F-fook, Y/N," the Demon gasped. "You take my dick so well baby; and the way your ass bounces on my thighs!"
He grabbed a handful of my ass cheeks and then started slapping them hard enough for them to sting and probably leave a palm print for the next month. But the pain of his slaps were also very pleasurable and it encouraged me to go faster, but my body soon grew tired. The Demon King could tell that my body was slowing down, so he took over and started to jackhammer inside of me as I screamed out loud, not caring of people outside the room could hear me.
"Fuck, Finn I'm gonna come," I wailed.
"Not if that's what you're gonna call me, my love," Finn replied, slowing his pace.
"What??" I couldn't believe that he could torture me like this!
"Ya didn't want Finn Balor, remember sweetheart? Ya wanted the Demon King and if you want to come so badly, then you need to address me as so."
Just like I said earlier: this man is so evil! But I'll be damned if that wasn't hot. I held onto the back of the sofa, readying myself for the explosive climax that I knew i was getting ready to have.
He went back to quickly pumping into me and five words just flew right out of my mouth: "Fuck me good, Demon King!!"
That got my Irish lover going again, as he went back to hammering my walls with one hand on my back and the other reaching down, fiercely rubbing my bud.
"Mmm, oh fuck," I cried out as my release finally rushed out of me. Finn coming right after me as his legs jolted and his eyes rolled to the back of his head. That will never stop being hot to me. I continued to sit on Finn, feeling his member soften around me and we stayed in our positions just trying to catch our breath as the Demon King gently rubbed my back. Once we had some energy back in us, Finn helped me to stand up, but he chuckled when he looked at my body.
"What is it," I asked, looking down at my torso to see what Finn what seeing. When I did, I laughed right along with him seeing paint smeared on my body.
"I guess this what I get for fucking with the Demon King, huh," I jokingly asked.
"It's what you get for just fucking the Demon King, sweetheart. But it looks good on ya."
Finn and I showered together, gently touching and kissing each other as our aftercare language. Once we were done, the two of us got dressed -Finn now in streetwear rather than his wrestling gear- and we made our way out into the arena's hallway, holding hands and making our way to get some food.
"So, love," Finn started as sat down across from each other in catering. A smirk was plastered on his face and I knew that he was going to say something crazy.
"Yeah, babe," I replied.
"I know we've never done anything like that before, so I just wanted to know one thing: did you have fun with the Demon King tonight?"
I bit my lip at his question. "I had a ton of fun with him. And ya know, Finn," I reached across the table and caressed Finn's beard, something that I know turns him on. "I would definitely love a round two with the Demon King."
Finn's smile grew wider. "I have extra paint in my bag, so I can have that arranged tonight," he said with a quiet moan, so that no one else in catering could hear us.
Needless to say, I couldn't wait for that second round. But first, a girl's gotta eat; that rough fucking worked up my appetite!!
A/N: I honestly wanna know what happened when Montez set one freaking foot on the commentator's table and then it just...broke outta nowhere lol. but also, when Finn started hitting Roman with all those kendo sticks, it reminded me of this old ass smut I wrote about CM Punk years ago...shameless link to it here.
Like this story? Lemme know by buying me a ko-fi!!
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feelingofcontent · 2 years
DNP Rewatch: The Story of How We Met
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Date video was published: 12/19/2020 (X)
DNP Main Channel Rewatch: 431
PJ was the first “surprise” Stereo guest! Phil announced it was them on Twitter just ahead of the show on December 15. (Also, the title of this...if you weren’t aware of the Stereo shows and saw a notification for this, pretty sure you would assume a DNP video. Phil knew exactly what he was doing with the titles of these.)
0:00 - Phil was using the “coming up” teaser at the start of all his videos at this point. it’s fine and I understand why it’s useful for longer videos to get people to watch, but it’s not my favorite as I feel like it spoils some of the funniest moments
0:18 -  that picture from Japan had been Phil’s phone background at least since January
0:38 - love that PJ went with a clown nose for his Stereo icon 😂 and they’re coordinating with the red shirts. also Phil’s background lamp has been a different color for each one of the Stereo videos so far
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1:20 - PJ’s birthday! I didn’t really watch PJ’s videos regularly before this, but the video they posted for this birthday made me start watching more
1:41 - “haunted, but like, galactically” Phil coming in with a strange but perfect description as always
1:52 - important clarification there 😂 he’s so right though...adulthood is being excited by kitchen tools and home goods
2:17 - it had been over 12 years at this point! 🥺
2:34 - fireworks effect!
2:50 - aww, nervous early-YouTube Phil
2:59 - I always forget that PJ is Dan’s age and several years younger than Phil
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3:34 - Phil getting all the cat content from his Stereo guest between Seth and PJ here
4:06 - they’re just having fun with this, I love it
4:55 - PJ just immediately laughing at Phil’s very sad tree. They must have a pretty big monitor to be looking that far off to the side at Phil’s background
6:04 - the conversation keeps going on tangents but somehow it just works for Phil and PJ together
6:40 - aww, PJ sounds like a good cat parent
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7:15 - love Phil remembering and referencing that from the quiz show, and PJ’s terrible pun
7:44 - you can see in PJ’s eyes that they’re remembering this incident
7:58 - Phil inserting the editing screenshot, lol
8:47 - that would be terrifying. it must have been a large bird
8:59 - poor Sophie. I would not want to be the one actually driving during that
10:14 - both of them with the gross bird stories, although at least this one is less scary and more funny
10:45 - yes very old fashioned but I like that Phil listened to him
11:19 - Phil knows a lot about various types of pigeons, somehow
11:38 - nooooo...being pooped on by a bird at all is the worst, but on your face?!
12:18 - gah. I didn’t ever need to know that
13:05 - Phil starting to do more with the app by this show
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13:46 - “I’ve had too much sugar today” of course he has 😂
14:38 - Phil is so attached to all of his pets. I can’t tell if Norman was still alive at this point or not...they didn’t talk about him dying until January, but pretty sure that was delayed some
15:10 - Phil is so shocked and happy that the fish was okay
15:42 - this is a great one for PJ and Phil because they’re both such creative storytellers
16:26 - yeah, we do not have that in the US
16:56 - why is Phil’s ‘spraying’ gesture the same as his air quotes
17:01 - “vigorous polishing” and “rubbin’ the wood” nope nope nope! 😳
17:08 - Phil knows exactly what he is saying; he’s is failing at not laughing
18:13 - PJ’s specific accent really comes through on “buried”
18:51 - Phil is very intently listening to his story here...can’t wait to see where PJ is going with it
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19:23 - yeah the flying feature is helpful, haha
19:47 - hearing “nipple tassels” come through live and then trying to figure out what Phil was going to do with that was a moment
19:57 - 😂 oh Phil
20:45 - the editing’s getting a bit choppier and sped up towards the end here; he’s trying to fit things in in under 30 minutes I’m guessing
20:57 - PJ’s just going to accept that “everyone knows” statement
21:48 - another “everybody knows” haha
22:38 - were they even doing winners for the previous rounds?
23:02 - ah, reference back to The Forever Train that DNP both participated in for PJ!
23:21 - I love them reminiscing and laughing
24:20 - ahahaha! the clip! Phil is almost unrecognizable in it, actually
24:31 - PJ appreciated that compliment. and Phil is self-aware
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25:11 - interesting insight into PJ’s brain there
25:46 - of course Phil has a pee-related one and had to share it. of course.
26:28 - this is a great example of PJ just going right along with and expanding on whatever Phil comes up with
26:42 - Phil really does want everyone’s opinion on beards after that video. he asked Seth too. and he looks so shocked that they both have liked it
26:48 - would love to know which “some” PJ is referring too 😂
27:26 - well he had to know the audience would deliver on that request!
27:53 -  the full audio version of the show with PJ is also available on YouTube thanks to In Depth Bants!
28:15 - he must have been making bank from Stereo to do all that
28:22 - after-show bonus content! lol at Phil having the mustache filter on and the IMMEDIATE posting of the PJ beard edits
I love Phil and PJ’s dynamic so much. PJ is great at bouncing off of Phil’s sense of humor and they are so willing to jump 100% into whatever strange thing/idea Phil says. It’s so good.
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 317: My Boy Was Just Like Me
Previously on BnHA: AFO randomly blew up Lady Nagant as a good reminder of why you should never make a deal with this fucking guy, smdh. Hawks was all “well if it isn’t my two best friends, Deku and Lady Nagant, both of whom I respect and love tremendously.” Everyone was all “??” and Horikoshi was all “shh... just pretend” because it was too embarrassing for him to admit that he forgot to write a couple of set-up flashbacks I guess. Anyway so Hawks got Lady to tell them where AFO was hiding out, and everyone said goodbye to her and Overhaul, who never did get to see his boss (sorry buddy, I’ll send you a vial of my tears in the mail), and headed out to a house in the woods. AFO was all “hello Deku :) :) it sure is fun making you suffer :) :) :) anyways this is a trap”, and blew up the house. Yeah, we all here are getting reaaaaaaaal tired of your shit, AFO.
Today on BnHA: The Hawksquad and Edgeplatoon meet in a warehouse and are all “what should we do about the fact that everything sucks?” Mt. Lady is all “here’s a thought, what if we tried battling AFO with more than six people.” Hawks and Endeavor are all “great initiative, but just a friendly reminder that our friends also suck and would probably betray Deku which would suck further still.” Shouto is all “ANSWER THE PHONE DAD” and Endeavor is all “[IRONICALLY DOESN’T ANSWER THE PHONE].” Meanwhile over in Sadtown, capital of Sadland Prefecture, Japan, Deku is all “All Might, as you can clearly see I am completely fine and good, never been better in fact, definitely not caught up in the throes of an epic mental breakdown which is shutting me down emotionally, anyway so on that note I would like to leave you now goodbye!!” All Might is all “[can’t actually form any words because he’s too distraught].” Fandom is all “o(╥﹏╥)o.” Horikoshi is all “(*^-’) 乃 [pew pew finger guns and barrel rolls into the darkness].”
sweet jesus lord
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this literally doesn’t even look like Deku anymore?? this looks like Dark!Deku who shows up to fight you in that one room in the Water Temple. he looks like he’s about to crawl out of my television set and murder me with his psychic powers good lord
holy shit lmao Horikoshi is really just shrugging his shoulders and resolving last week’s cliffhanger with a single line of dialogue
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fire is no one’s weakness. idk what other options you’ve got, AFO, but you’re gonna have to go back to the drawing board. maybe try bees or something. I’m just saying. we’re all expecting fire at this point but nobody is expecting bees
anyway so now they’re all sitting in some warehouse somewhere chatting about it I guess. shoutout to Horikoshi for finally giving my man Edgeshot some more dialogue at long last
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well, Edgeshot, to answer your question, she exploded. so naturally she’s fine
nah just kidding, Hawks says she won’t be able to help them out much because she’s recovering from being exploded. this is the part where we all ignore the fact that Hawks got set on fire for like a full ten minutes back during the War arc and was only in the hospital for a day. anyways enjoy your temporary plot hiatus Nagant
man there’s a lot of dialogue here and I’m trying to figure out where to insert commentary but it’s kinda difficult lol. basically, Edge and the others are saying that they should gather up the other remaining heroes and get them all caught up on the whole OFA situation. which, hmmmm
like on the one hand, these guys definitely aren’t going to cut it on their own, so it’s a reasonable suggestion on the face of it. but on the other hand, do we really want to entrust the OFA secret to a bunch of other people, most of whom shat the bed during the War arc to be quite frank? is it really worth the additional risk? especially given that any one of them might go spilling the beans to the public -- or worse, betray them to AFO??
also just a quick side note here, Mt. Lady’s character development never ceases to delight me. she’s become so committed to her responsibility as a hero these days, and it fucking suits her. I genuinely consider to be one of the elites now. I mean it doesn’t hurt that all the other elites are fucking dead lol but still
wait what? Death Arms retired??
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Death Arms as in the guy who was too afraid of a little fire to try and save a terrified 14-year-old kid who was slowly suffocating right before his eyes?? that Death Arms???? color me surprised. shocked, I tell you
...okay but holy fuck
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Death Arms. bro. my expectations for you were low but holy shit. like I’m sorry, but I don’t even have it in me to try and pretend like I feel the slightest bit of sympathy for him or Old Man Samurai or any of those other guys today. thanks for a whole lot of nothing my dude. good riddance
(ETA: so I’m rereading this the next day and realize this comes off as kind of harsh, so let me just try to clarify. it’s not the fact that he’s quitting that bothers me, to be honest. it’s the fact that he’s quitting specifically because he feels like the public is being mean to him. that’s it.
seriously. it would be one thing if he was quitting because he was scared, because now that is human. nobody wants to die, and I doubt any amount of training can ever fully prepare someone to go up against that fear. but the thing is, he never once mentions that, or talks about the danger aspect. instead, I got the distinct vibe from this speech that Death Arms is one of those people who only became a hero because of the limelight. and I just don’t have any patience for that. if all you care about are likes and subscribes then go become a fucking youtuber or some shit. nothing wrong with that! but you didn’t; you signed up to be a hero and protect these people. they gave you their respect and admiration because they trusted you to protect them. and now that they’re no longer in the mood to worship and applaud your every move on account of them being scared shitless because they’re living in the literal end times, you decide to dip. so like okay, fine then. don’t let the door hit you on the way out. anyways lol sorry for the rant.)
anyway so yeah. perfect example of why I don’t exactly have a ton of faith in most of the remaining heroes out there lol. also let me just once again give a shoutout to my best girl Mt. Lady whom I suddenly find myself appreciating all the more
“please calm down makeste. drink some water and enjoy this fresh new jeans pun” listen Horikoshi don’t tell me what to do dammit
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fine. it is a nice pun, I guess
-- damn so now Endeavor’s saying that the media is already being fed info by the retired heroes. so for some of these guys it wasn’t enough for them to abandon all the people they swore to protect and to leave their fellow heroes out in the cold; they decided they might as well actively make things worse for them while they were at it, huh. like I get wanting to spill all the dirty secrets from your old job that you just quit, but this isn’t Jeff Bezos you’re screwing over, this is a sixteen-year-old kid
-- like, yes!! this, right here!!
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exactly!! let’s not forget that there are already two prior instances of this happening. Endeavor arguably deserved it, but Katsuki not so much
huh. Endeavor seems to have a more optimistic outlook regarding this than I do lol
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I mean, this is the same public that didn’t hesitant to blame a kidnapped child for his own kidnapping, and then later on for being the downfall of the Symbol of Peace. but okay then
anyway so blah blah blah, more talk about how they need to use Deku as bait, which basically puts them back at square one, and then they’re all just trailing off into silence and sitting around in the dark lmao this is getting very depressing
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OH HOW THE TURNTABLES OMG. THE GHOSTER HAS BECOME THE GHOSTEE. Endeavor you petty son of a bitch. and what a brutal cut to that flashback too. “let’s stop Touya together” nah Shouto I’ve got a better idea why don’t I abandon you in U.A. and sally off with Hawks and Jeanist to found the “let’s pretend like we’re doing something to help Deku” club, which basically consists of us sitting around making terrible decisions all day long
Shouto, honey. you deserve better my little Coca Cola can. .........but if you really do have something important you need to tell your dad you could just text it to him. all the love and support, hugs and kisses, you’re doing amazing sweetie. but if you need to pass on any vital information you can just write it down and hit send honey that’s all I’m saying love
now he’s getting another call?? -- or, no, Hawks is getting a call from All Might
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so while you all were sitting around talking about how useless you are, the kid you’re supposed to be protecting was battling another hired gun. I see. please pardon me for one second, I have a phone call to make. the phone call is to RockLockRock and Manual. the reason for the call is to apologize for calling them the worst bodyguards ever back during the War arc. the reason for the apology is because it turns out I WAS SEVERELY MISTAKEN OMFG
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shoutout to Horikoshi for offscreening this fight. we get it, lol. Deku strong and scary, villains ineffectual and feeble, and AFO... [checks notes] yep, still a dick. the angst arc continues
-- the angst arc continues, SIR
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jesus christ I may have to rethink all of my opinions about Deku being framed for murder in movie 3 lmao. never mind. he did it, your honor
holy fucking shit Deku. “he might blow up, so please be careful” fdlskjflk jlskdjflk lwkejflk anyway so I’ve decided the explosion running gag can stay, actually
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lol why do I get the feeling some serious shit is about to go down. ALL MIGHT NEVER MIND BACK OFF I THINK HE NEEDS HIS SPACE
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shit. shit shit shit shit and OF COURSE all I can fucking think about is that stupid fucking prophecy and gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Deku please. please please please if you really are going to leave All Might here, please be so very careful in choosing your farewell words to him now because have this sudden horrible fear that this might be the last time you ever see him alive and oh god. oh god oh god
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holy shit. and the fucking callback to the prophecy now. just in case we forgot. WHICH FYI, WE DIDN’T. but that’s basically confirming that this is all still very much on the table and HORIKOSHI NEVER FORGETS oh my god someone please hold me
and the fact that Deku’s flashing back to it now too, though?? because he never forgot either, because of course he didn’t, and now all this stuff is happening, and AFO’s words are getting to him, and this is literally his worst fear come to life and so of course he’s distancing himself from everyone, and now it’s finally come to even this. even the person he admires most
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(ETA: just a quick note that even though some of the posts I’ve read have described these as All Might’s flashbacks, I’m pretty sure they are Deku’s. most of these are scenes that only he was there for, so yeah. even though All Might is the one thinking the thoughts on the next page, the flashbacks are what’s running through Deku’s mind right now, and so we’re getting that emotion from both of them, which makes it extra devastating lol.)
wait, what???
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WHAT??? do you really think that’s why he’s been so determined to protect you this entire time?? simply because you’re his successor?
-- oh no wait lol I think I got that mixed up, this is All Might saying that Deku feels the need to protect him. well that makes more sense lol
oh my god I cannot
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his last words. his last words to him. and we can’t even see if he is smiling, like All Might always encouraged him to do. but what are the odds he can’t actually bring himself to do it. what are the odds he’s actually crying. oh god this scene is going to rip my heart out and STOMP on it in the anime isn’t it. Deku’s VA is going to full on murder me with emotion. not that there’ll be much of me left to murder after the thorough job that Horikoshi has already done here
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nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope no words just feels just a big ol’ pile of feels. I do not have the strength. future me... [broadly gestures] good luck with all that
what breaks my heart here is All Might. All Might, and everything he’s been through, and history repeating itself, and forcing him to live this moment from both sides because he wasn’t strong enough to fix things.
Toshinori had only just turned eighteen when Nana died. like, I feel like we don’t mention this enough. the All Might we know is a sixty-something-year-old man, and so everyone always talks about him like he’s basically been an adult forever. but he was a child when he met Nana. and he was still just a child when she died. barely a year older than Deku is now. younger than Mirio was when we first met him.
and we don’t talk about that. we don’t talk about how devastating that was for him. and we don’t talk about how the reason he grew up to become so reserved and withdrawn -- for all that he always tried so hard to outwardly project the image of a bold, confident, smiling hero -- was specifically because of what AFO did to him. because AFO targeted him in the exact way that he is now targeting Deku. because that’s what he does. he goes after every new user of OFA, and he finds out what’s most important to them, and then he destroys it. and for Toshinori, that was Nana. if you’ve read All Might Rising, you know that AFO basically killed her in front of him (and only killed her, while letting Toshinori and Gran get away). Toshinori (while crying) later says she was like a mother to him. and interestingly enough, during this same conversation, Gran tells Toshinori that he can see “that madness in [his] eyes” when Toshi talks about becoming strong enough to defeat AFO. madness in his eyes. sound familiar??
what’s happening to Deku now is the exact same thing that happened to Toshinori when he was a boy. AFO tried every bit as hard to break him as he’s trying with Deku now. “the path you’ve chosen is a thorny one. every battle grinds away at your soul with no end in sight.” we don’t talk about how Toshinori experienced this same thing for forty fucking years. and all the while isolating himself, exactly like Deku is doing now. pushing people away, exactly like Deku. because he never had anyone who was able to reach out and pull him back. and those words that he now finds himself frozen and unable to speak -- “don’t push yourself”; “you can rest” -- are the same words that no one ever said to him until decades later, when it was already far too late to make any difference.
everything that Deku is experiencing now is what Toshinori also went through. and it’s only now, as he watches it happen to his student, the boy he loves like a son, that he’s finally starting to realize the full extent of how wrong it was. you shouldn’t have to fight alone. you shouldn’t have to bear that kind of enormous burden alone. you shouldn’t have to push yourself, and you can rest. you can rest.
but it’s too late. just as he’s finally coming to understand it all, it’s all too fucking late. and he can’t say the words, he doesn’t know how to say the words, and then just like that, Deku is gone.
and he’s alone. again.)
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I can’t. this can’t be their goodbye. I’m not ready. for this to be how they finally part, and then they never see each other again except in OFA. how is that fair. how is that fair. how is that fair
fuck me. lol. how many pages are left in this thing. let’s just wrap this up lol. so now of all the times for this fucking guy to finally show up
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I can’t believe Stain has been here literally this entire time hiding behind this random wall and cutting onions. that was you who was cutting the onions, right. no need to answer that we’ll just say it was
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Stain did you also let AFO give you a new quirk. what’s with you guys. do you like blowing up
oh nvm lol because they were talking about THIS GUY ohhhhhh my fucking god
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omfg. and so yes, good, the chapter is ending here now on page 15. for once I am FULLY on board with that lmao
anyway so tune in next week for more adventures of Werewolf Deku!! that is, assuming we don’t finally cut back to U.A. at long last, which is actually a strong possibility considering that this chapter will likely mark the end of volume 31. it sure wouldn’t kill Horikoshi to start giving us some hope after everything he’s just put us through lol. KACCHAN COME GET YA BOY
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hypmicdaydreams · 3 years
I saw requests were open and I wanted to ask
could I possibly get like Headcannons or scenarios of the Osaka division boys as dads when their kid comes out as Nonbinary
Ofc you can anon! I wasn't entirely sure if you wanted general hcs or like reader inserts, so I went with the latter if that's fine with you! Also, just a disclaimer, I'm not nonbinary myself, so please let me know if I accidentally wrote anything harmful/misleading/offensive/etc. It never is my intention to hurt anyone. Thank you sm for the request, and I hope you enjoy! And just a reminder that you're valid 💕
𝗗𝗼𝘁𝘀𝘂𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗛𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗼 𝘄𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗶𝗿 𝗸𝗶𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗲𝘀 𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗮𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝗻𝗯𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗿𝘆
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-pairings: sasara nurude x nb!reader, rosho tsutsujimori x nb!reader, rei yamada x nb!reader
-genre: fluff, comfort, platonic
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he had a tendency (a bad one at that) of cracking jokes even amidst the most serious of situations, so when you come out as nonbinary, the first thing he does is say a dad joke
“hi nonbinary, i’m dad!”
that doesn’t mean that he’s making light of the situation, however; it’s quite the opposite actually. he could only imagine how difficult it must’ve been for you to come out, especially to a close family member. he’s glad that you felt safe and comfortable enough to come out to him
but well, sasara is a comedian, and above all, a father, so it was somewhat expected that the first thing he thinks of are a bunch of god-awful jokes
immediately apologizes though and clarifies that he didn’t mean it in a negative light at all. his brain was just sorta on autopilot, and that was simply the first thing that popped into his head
he’s extremely supportive of his kid coming out and accepts it without hesitation really. all sasara ever wanted was for them to be safe, happy, and secure, so he’s glad that you found a way to comfortably express yourself
at first, sasara doesn't have many questions given how he was a bit too caught up in the moment. but he does have a few afterwards such as what pronouns do they prefer or if they wanted to change their name or anything of the sort. he doesn’t want to accidentally call you anything you didn’t like
as he researches more and more, sasara starts to have more questions, to which he either asks his child or continues to learn more about it
and sasara adjusted quite well and rather quickly to your new pronouns and titles. there most likely weren’t many instances where he misgendered you, and if he ever did, sasara always caught and corrected himself and apologized to you as well
i don’t think sasara knows all that much about gender, gender expression, etc., so he does do more research about it by reading books or articles online as well as trying to find other ways that he can support them
he may even ask you if he’s confused on anything, but sasara doesn’t want to push or make you uncomfortable if you didn’t want to talk about (which was totally fine as well!)
he simply wanted to support and understand his child more, to make you know that you’re seen and valid
get ready for a ton, and i mean a ton, of nonbinary jokes courtesy of yours truly. sasara absolutely loved thinking of new puns and whatnot and telling them to you, if you were fine with it of course
comedy was always something he held near and dear, so he simply loved telling jokes to you, excited to see your reaction
"since you're nonbinary I guess you can't use a computer!"
they were sorta endearing in a way though and perhaps they put a smile on your face despite how exhausted you seemed to be from your dad’s terrible jokes, which was all sasara asked for
he always loved to see happy
given how beloved he was among his students, i'm sure a few of them have come out to rosho before, who they saw much like a reliable mentor figure rather than their teacher
so rosho knows exactly how frightening it could be to come out, especially to someone you deeply cared for and loved, wondering if they'd accept you for who you are
he’s honestly really proud of you for coming out. it did require a lot of courage after all, and rosho is happy to know that you felt safe and comfortable enough to tell him about it
being open and honest is quite important in any relationship, familal or not (rosho learned that the hard way way back when he and sasara were a duo), so he, of course, is glad to know
despite his intimidating glance and perhaps slightly terrifying look (that’s simply how he looked like), i can see rosho being very soft and perhaps gently holding his child’s hand or sitting close to them, saying how grateful he is and how hard it must’ve been for you to come out
definitely reassures you that he supports and loves you still, especially if that was a big fear of yours. it may even move you a bit to tears if you’re simply overwhelmed at the entire thing
it was most certainly a big thing to come out to your father, and it could be quite scary, so to see him so soft and accepting and him saying that he still loves you, dismissing all your fears beforehand, well, one could see why it’d be so emotional
i do personally believe that rosho gets quite soft around children, especially his own kid, and is supportive of everything. he wants to offer them the guidance, support, and love that he may have not had in his own childhood
and besides, this was who you were! how could he not accept you?
rosho does have a conversation with you afterwards, asking if you wanted to change your name or pronouns or if there was anything he could do for you, no matter how big or small. once more, he reassures them that he’s always there no matter what
and it goes quite well as he’s following your lead and listening to everything you say
he adjusts and adapts well to this change (is it a change if you were always nonbinary but simply found out?), calling you by your preferred pronouns and name almost immediately
since i do believe that he could be a bit protective of his kid, rosho would also want to make sure that no one was giving you a hard time for it if you were out openly as well
might be too pushy about it, though that’s only because he wants the best for you
overall, rosho is very supportive and reassuring all throughout the process as you figure out or have figured out your gender identity. he’s always prompting conversations and pushing you to tell him if you ever needed anything since he couldn’t read your mind, even as your father
you surely felt lucky to have someone so loving and accepting as your father
given how mysterious he was, you couldn’t even read your father at times, despite the fact that you quite literally lived with him, and he takes care of you
so coming out to him specifically might seem much more difficult and terrifying since you never did know what rei was thinking or how he’d even react in the first place
but when you gather up the courage and decide to come out as nonbinary to him, you’re quite surprised to see your rather carefree and teasing dad suddenly become serious, though in a good way
admittedly, you may have thought that rei was going to make light of this situation given how playful he was with you, always saying such vague things or simply poking fun at you in a lighthearted way, and that thought hurt a bit since it took a lot for you to come out
so when rei sits you down and becomes serious, asking you what you’d like to go by and informing that he supports and accepts you, one hundred percent, well, you were somewhat speechless
you didn’t know, but rei could be serious whenever the situation called for it. most of the time, however, he was pretty much a chill and laidback sorta father, well, at least to you anyway
rei wasn’t entirely a ‘soft’ guy or showed much emotion, even in his tone, but this time around, he wanted to make it abundantly clear that he still loved you no matter what and that he was glad you felt comfortable enough to come out to him
(you swore you could see just the tiniest bit of a soft gaze on your father’s face, though you brushed it off as your imagination)
it may not look like it at times, but i do think that rei cares for and supports his children, even if he made some, er, questionable decisions before. so he of course is going to accept that you’re nonbinary
i feel like he might be nonchalant about it afterwards? like, obviously, you coming out was a big deal, and rei didn’t want to invalidate your feelings and make it seem otherwise; but he accepts and adjusts to your new pronouns and name - if you changed them - so quickly that it feels like it’s always been that way, if that makes sense
it was as if nothing changed between the two of you (not that it did), and for you, it may have certainly felt relieving in a sense to see him adapt so quickly and naturally
i believe rei is the type to think carefully of what he wants to say before actually saying it, so he was always careful to call you by your preferred names
i feel like rei is also the type to splurge on his kid, so if you ever wanted anything, such as a new wardrobe or haircut or medication, in order to express yourself better, he’d buy it for you without much of a second thought
probably would say something along the lines of “wow, you look even better than your old man” afterwards as well simply to joke around with you
it may be hard to tell just what exactly rei was thinking at times, but despite that, he always made sure that his kid knew that he supported and accepted them when they came out as nonbinary
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mochegato · 3 years
Hope on Board
Chapter 8 – Walking My Baby Back Home
Chapter 1     Chapter 7
“Are you sure you should be lifting that?” Dick asked anxiously.  “Maybe I should…” He reached out and grabbed the bolts of fabric out of Marinette’s hands. Marinette squeaked in surprise as the weight of the fabric was suddenly lifted, nearly falling backward from the shift in weight.  Dick groaned under the unexpected weight, not expecting fabric to weigh so much.
“What are you doing?” She asked amused.
“You’re pregnant.  You shouldn’t be carrying this much weight,” Dick insisted.  “How were you carrying this much weight?  I swear this weighs more than you do.”
Marinette chuckled.  “This? This is nothing. I grew up in a bakery and helped stock the flour. Do you know how much one of those bags weighs?”  She looked away with an indulgent smile to look through more fabric.
Dick cocked his head to the side to think about her question.  How much did industrial sized bags of flour weigh?  He honestly had no idea.  But the idea of Marinette, little tiny, pixie-sized Marinette carrying heavy loads didn’t seem possible.  “No. How much?”
Marinette blinked a few times not expecting the response to her rhetorical question.  She wrinkled her nose as she thought about it.  Dick smiled at her expression, wishing his hands were free to pull her into a tight hug and snuggle.  “Um... I don't know in American measurements. But a lot. Like… 1000 hooves.”
Dick blinked at her a few times this time.  He looked at her uncertainly.  Was that a French term?  Was it a mistranslation?  That couldn’t have been what she meant to say.  It had to be a baking term.  “Hooves?”
“I don't know. I made up a unit, just like Americans do.  So, 1000 hooves.” She nodded in confirmation.
Dick leaned his head back to fully laugh, eyes crinkling, chest rocking.  Marinette took a moment from her search to appreciate how gorgeous he was when he laughed.  “Wow.  That much huh?” She nodded solemnly.  “I apologize for doubting you.  Now quit foal-ing around.  What do you think of these fabrics?  Yay or neigh?”
Marinette stared at him open mouthed for a few seconds.  “No.  Nope. Nuh uh.  I already have to deal with Papa and Adrien.  You are not allowed to make puns too.”  
“So you’re saying I need to reign it in or you’ll bolt?” He wiggled his eyebrows at her.  She rolled her eyes at him but couldn’t stop herself from giggling and he laughed again. He stared at her for a few more seconds before sighing.  “I wish I wasn’t carrying these so I could kiss you.”
Marinette looked back in surprise until a sultry smile overtook her lips. “You could always set them down on the cutting table over there, you know.”
Dick followed where she was pointing and grinned back.  He quickly made his way to the table to drop off the bolts and rushed back to her side, picking her up as he rushed to her, then backed up between two overstuffed aisles.  Marinette let out a surprised giggle that turned into a full belly laugh at his excitement.  Dick’s watched her dreamily as she laughed.  “I hope our baby laughs like you.”
Marinette quieted immediately and looked at him in awe for a few moments. She smiled lovingly and traced the smile on his lips.  “I hope the baby has your smile,” she looked up to peer in his eyes, “and your eyes. You have the most beautiful eyes and the most captivating smile.  Your smile makes it hard to remember my name sometimes.”
Dick gazed at her, studying her features and thinking again how lucky he was to have her.  How amazing she was, kind, thoughtful, brilliant, creative, brave… he could list attributes all day.  “I like your eyes and smile better.  I guess we’ll have to have a second so they can have yours.  And that one can have my laugh.”
Marinette gaped at him, her face turned deep red.  “Um… how about we get this one out before we plan the next one.”
Dick’s face fell.  He’d pushed too far.  He’d gotten carried away again.  He was going to scare her at this rate.  He stopped when he felt Marinette’s kiss on his lips.  He melted into the kiss and moved to deepen it.  She pulled away after a few moments.  “I like that combination though.  And once I don’t feel like throwing up constantly, maybe we can think about starting to practice for the next one.”
Dick’s face lit up and he nodded excitedly, but quickly became concerned. “How are you feeling now?  Need to sit down?  Need water or food?”
Marinette giggled and pecked his lips quickly.  “I’m okay for now, but I anticipate needing something in my stomach in like… twenty minutes.”
Dick furrowed his brow.  “We should probably get going then.  It’ll take that long to find someplace and order.”
Marinette looked around anxiously.  “Good point, but I’m not done.  It’s… I need more time.  I don’t want to have to come back.  I’m actually feeling not terrible for a few moments today.  I can push it a bit.”
Dick shook his head and leaned his forehead on hers.  “The baby doesn’t like being pushed.  It’s quite insistent.  I’ll grab something quick and not messy from the store next door.  That should give you a bit more time, right?”
Marinette looked up at him relieved.  “Yes, thank you.  A snack should help.”
“I mean, I’m already right here,” he gave her a sly grin.  She cocked her head to the side in confusion.  “I’m a snack and I’m right here for you.”
“Oh my God,” her cheeks flushed and she buried her head in his chest.  She shook her head and gave him a playfully dirty look as he folded over in laughter.  “Believe me, I agree.  You are. But, how about one the baby can appreciate, not just me?”
He smiled and kissed her temple.  “Of course. I’ll be right back.”
“Okay. It should just be a few more minutes. Like… thirty minutes?” She offered apologetically.
It was not.  It was two hours and several snacks later by the time she had finally compared, sketched, tested, and finally selected the fabrics and taken them to get cut.  But that wasn’t the end of it like Dick expected. That just led to the next phase in shopping, the accessories.  She scrounged through all of the buttons, zippers, clasps, inserts, thread, and ribbon.
Dick had never known there was this much thought in an outfit.  And this was supposedly just a quick trip.  He couldn’t imagine a full trip.  He would have to make sure to be busy when that happened… unless she wanted his company or asked, in which case he’d say yes.  He sighed at himself.  He was whipped.  He looked over at Marinette’s shining face and couldn’t bring himself to care that he was. He would happily be whipped for her as long as he got to see that smile and be a cause for it.  No matter what she said, he hoped their baby had her smile. All of them.
“Hey, there’s a good little diner around here.  Want to get lunch there?” He asked when she was finally done and had arranged for them to drop it off later.
Marinette nodded happily.  “Yes.  I think the little one wants food now.  No more snacks.”  She absentmindedly rubbed her flat stomach.  The motion made Dick smile.  She was already so protective of the baby, which he could understand, he was too, of the baby and her.  He pulled her closer into his side and leaned down to kiss her cheek.  She looked back up at him with a brilliant smile and oh yeah, he was gone.
As soon as they walked into the diner, there was a loud, enthusiastic greeting for Dick from an older woman and a smile from the man in the kitchen who had peeked around to see him.  “Dickie!  It’s been too long.  How are you?” She brought him in for a hug.  Before he could answer she looked over at Marinette with a kind smile.  “And who is this?  Don’t tell me someone has finally caught you.”
Marinette smiled back at her and waved.  “Hi.  I’m Marinette, madame.”
The woman moved quickly to pull Marinette in for a hug as well. “Now, none of that.  I’m Kora.  Any friend of Dickie’s is family here.”
Marinette giggled and looked up at Dick with an impressed gaze. “Dickie is that good, huh?”
“Best teacher my grandson ever had.  Only one to get him interested in something constructive. But, come, come.  You didn’t come here to chat.”  She showed them to a table.  “Here are a few menus.  Let me know when you’re ready to order.”
“Actually, I wouldn’t mind catching up for a second.  How is Eddie?  How about Rachel?” Dick spoke up before she could get far away.
“Oh, you know Eddie.  He’s trying to stay out of trouble, but not too hard.  It doesn’t help that the police keep an eye on him constantly.  Makes him jumpy.  Makes all of us jumpy.  Rachel is doing great.  Eddie’s making sure she stays safe.  More responsibility than a young kid should take on, but what else can you do?  She loves school.  Taken a liking to clothing if you can believe it.”  Marinette perked up instantly.  “Decided she’s going to start designing them at fourteen.  Saves money I suppose.”
“Would she like to see someone do it?  Design I mean?”  Kora looked at her questioningly.  “I’m a designer.  I actually moved here because I’m working on designs with Wayne Enterprises.  I could take her with me to a meeting, if they are okay with it.  There’s some top secret things going on, so they might not want anyone else there, but if they’re okay with it, I can show her the process.”
Kora looked over to Dick looking for his input, but Dick was too engrossed looking at Marinette in awe to see Kora’s inquiry.  Kora laughed at him.  That was endorsement enough for her.  “Yeah, I think she’d like that.  I’ll give you my number.  We can arrange something.”
Marinette smiled excitedly and bounced in her seat.  “That sounds great!”  She looked back over to Dick as he took her hand.
“We better order before you start feeling sick.  Know what you want?”  When she nodded, they both placed their orders.  
“I was fourteen when I started entering design contests,” Marinette said excitedly.  “Hey, do you think Tim would be interested in sponsoring a design contest for kids?  I think kids like Rachel and me at that age, would really love it.”
Dick smiled proudly at her.  “I really think he would.  And I think Jason would probably be willing to help out too.”
Marinette nodded decidedly.  “I’ll talk to Tim about it at our meeting on Monday, the contest and Rachel.” She looked to the side for a moment and returned her gaze to him with a sly look.  “So… you teach gymnastics to kids?”
Dick looked down shyly.  “When I can. I haven’t in about a year because of other obligations, but… I miss it.  I really liked doing it.”
“I would pay to see that.  I bet it’s adorable.”
He smiled at the memory of the kids.  ��Yeah they were.”
“Them too.”  She smirked and took a drink of her water, enjoying the sight of Dick blushing.  Her expression slowly morphed to more dreamy. “Maybe you can teach our baby.”
Dick perked up at the idea.  “I can’t wait.  I started when I was in diapers.  I’d like to pass that on to my kids.  Oh, speaking of that, I was wondering if you might be interested in doing some pregnancy yoga classes or we can YouTube it and do it at home.”
He shrugged.  “I thought it might be something we could do together.”
“Yeah.  I think that might be fun.”  She squeezed his hand and blushed when he pulled her hand up to his lips to kiss the inside of her wrist.
They pulled apart when Kora came back with their food.  She gave them a knowing look as she set the food down for them.  “Young love. You two are adorable.”
Marinette blushed but Dick grinned.  “Hey, Kora?” Dick spoke up before she could turn to leave.  “What do you mean the cops are keeping an eye on Eddie?”
Kora sighed out.  “It’s like they’re waiting for him to mess up.  They’re constantly watching him.  We try to make sure he’s never alone and there’s always surveillance cameras somewhere but it’s just about impossible.  Honestly, I almost trust the gangs more.  At least they’ll try to keep him safe.”
Dick shook his head.  “I didn’t realize it was that bad.”
Kora shrugged.  “No accountability and a gun.  Who’s going to stop them?”  With that, she walked away to let them eat, leaving Dick to consider her words.
“So you’ve been doing gymnastics since you were in diapers?”  Marinette prompted Dick as they walked hand in hand through a park on their way back to her apartment.
Yep,” Dick confirmed doing an aerial front flip without breaking his stride.
Marinette pulled him to a stop so she could gape at him. “Oh yeah, by all means, pretend that’s completely normal.”
“What?” Dick asked innocently.
“Don’t give me that, show off.”
“What that ?  Oh!  That. That was nothing.  You should see what I could do if I was trying.” Dick shrugged casually, but the smug grin on his lips gave him away.
“Oh yeah, I could do that too, if the idea of being upside down didn’t make me want to throw up.  But just wait, in 10 months or so, I’ll show you a cartwheel that will knock your socks off,” she mock threatened him.
He grinned, a sincere, warm look in his eyes. “I can’t wait to see it.”  He did a side flip into a walk out without losing his breath.  “I’m going to have our baby out doing you by the time he or she is one.”
Marinette playfully narrowed her eyes at him. “Okay Mister gymnastics is in my blood. Let’s see what you can do when you try.”
Dick grinned and leaned down for a quick kiss before moving a bit away to start.  “Don’t blink, you’ll miss some amazing moves,” he winked at her before launching into a completely unprepared gymnastic routine.  He did flip after flip, moving through the air with an ease she didn’t even think she had even as Ladybug.  He jumped on the back of a bench with a single fluid movement, using it to launch into a double summersault flip. It went on for a few minutes at dizzying speed before his finale, using a water fountain to give him enough height for a triple flip.  Only he didn’t quite land it right.  He landed in an awkward, painful looking roll until he was laid flat out on his stomach.
Marinette stopped breathing as she waited for him to move. After a few seconds he still hadn’t moved.  Her heart faltered.  “Dick?” her voice was weak and uncertain.  “Dick?  Are you… are you okay?” the anxiety was becoming more apparent with every word. “Dick!” she ran to him, cursing herself for encouraging him and pushing him.  “Dick!”  Her hands were trembling as she turned him over to face her.
He looked up at her with a radiant smile.  “I guess this means I fell hard for you.”  
She stared at him for a few seconds while he curled up from laughing so hard. Tears started falling down Marinette’s cheeks while Dick continued to laugh.  He immediately froze when he heard her let out a sob.  He looked up at Marinette but she wasn’t kneeling above him anymore.  She had backed up a few feet and was sobbing into her knees.  “Marinette?” He reached out for her tentatively, her whole body was shaking.  “Marinette? Are you okay?”  He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his chest. “I’m sorry.  That wasn’t funny.  I’m sorry,” he whispered over and over again in her ear, breaking it up with the occasional kiss to her temple.
After a few minutes her cries started to quiet.  Dick brushed her bangs out of her eyes and wiped away her tears.  “I’m sorry, Marinette.  I wasn’t expecting you to take it so seriously.”
Marinette’s eyes flashed from distressed to anger in the span of a second. She backed away and shoved him in the shoulder.  She wanted to punch him instead but she wasn’t at a good angle to punch his perfect jaw and even as upset as she was, she knew that wasn’t okay.  “Seriously?  I wasn’t supposed to take it seriously?”  Dick stared at her in confusion… and pain.  That seriously hurt.  “I thought I pushed the father of my baby into killing himself.  I thought you got hurt or broke your neck because of me.  I thought you were hurt and I caused it,” she repeated again, tears starting to form again.
Dick’s expression softened and turned to guilt.  He was an idiot.  She was pregnant.  Her hormones were going crazy.  Not that he was stupid enough to mention that in his apology.  He watched her cry over a commercial the other day, not even a particularly sad one.  She was not in the frame of mind to accept jokes like this.  “I’m sorry,” he said again as he rubbed her arms and pulled her back into his chest.  “That was thoughtless and mean.  I’m sorry.”
After a few minutes she pulled away just enough to look up at him through glassy eyes.   “No, I’m sorry.  I absolutely should not have shoved you.  Normally I would have just rolled my eyes and pushed you back down, but these damn hormones.”
Dick nodded.  Again, not something he wasn’t going to agree with verbally though.  “Maybe I’ll do it again later.”
Marinette scoffed but pushed further into his embrace.  “Nope that one is done.  You’re going to have to come up with a new one.  I’m sure you can do something with flipping or flopping or making your heart do cartwheels.”
Dick grinned and hugged her closer.  “You’re taking all the best ones.”
Marinette smiled back and wound her arms around his neck.  “I already have the best one.”  She pulled him down for a kiss pushing all her anxiety and relief into it.
Chapter 9
@dickinette-february @demonicbusiness @ichigorose @iloontjeboontje @ladybug-182 @toodaloo-kangaroo
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Henry Danger Reader Insert | Captain Man x Reader: SEASON 3
Episode 10: Space Invaders Part 1
~In the Man Cave~
Swellview was known for a lot of things: a terrible police force, some awesome superheroes and more supervillains than the mayor knew what to do with. But one thing that was not common knowledge was that it had a rather talented astronaut currently circling the Earth high above the city's tallest skyscrapers.
Well, it was widely known now because of the "tragedy". Jim Dickie, the hotshot astronaut and his buddy, Neil, had been taken hostage on their space station and since the Earth's upper atmosphere fell out of the Swellview cops' jurisdiction, Captain Man had taken it upon himself to bring back his town's hero. And Miss Danger was just as patriotic, just less thrilled about how they were gonna be getting there.
"What kind of maniac holds two astronauts captive?" (y/n) asked her boyfriend as they jogged down from the sprocket. They needed to use the supercomputer and even if it meant they had to roll out of each other's arms and exit the comfort of their bedroom, they were gonna make contact with Henry.
"I don't know, but we need to get Henry here and fast," Ray replied and strolled up to the holo-caller, his large fingers immediately punching in the digits he needed for his sidekick's whiz watch. They couldn't go into space Kid Danger-less and no matter what he was doing, he had to drop it and get to the Man Cave ASAP.
"Ray!" Henry's little floating figure appeared in front of them after a few seconds of waiting. The boy hated that he had to lie to his family every time he had to take a call, but duty calls.
"Henry! There's an emergency in spac--are you wearing a Fred Lobster shirt?" The pressing task at hand was swiftly out of the window for Ray as he took notice of the odd choice of shirt Henry was wearing. It was weird to wear something that promoted a seafood restaurant, but he rocked it anyway because it was for Piper and some dumb commercial she had landed a role in.
"Uh, yeah." Henry smiled, looking down briefly to catch a glimpse of the lobster mascot smiling back at him.
"Why?" (y/n) questioned, unable to help her curiosity at Henry's fashion lapse. She knew Jim and Neil were in danger or whatever, but the longer they took, the more time she had before literally rocketing off-world. Plus, it also gave Ray a little more time to slide his hand into the back pocket of her jeans, a move that she'd chastise him for later, but deep down, she secretly loved.
"'Cause, my sister's in a Fred Lobster commercial, so I bought this shirt, but--" The kid started to explain, but then Ray's sense of urgency crept up on him and forced the superhero to butt in. 
"All right, look. There's no time to talk about your shirt!" He snapped, making Henry frown. Geez, he was in a crabby mood, no seafood pun intended. 
"But--But (y/n) asked me." He stuttered, baffled at how Ray could go from fascinated to bossy in point two seconds, especially since he had his girlfriend next to him. She usually mellowed him out.
"We have an emergency! Guess where we're goin'?" Ray smirked at his sidekick through the hologram and (y/n) gulped at the idea. She wasn't a baby and she'd been on crazy flights before, but outer space seemed so daunting. How did the mousy college student turn into a crime-fighting, space-visiting superhero?
"To space?" Henry gasped, the thrilled smile growing on his face by the second. This was huge, space was, like, the dream destination for any kid who loved adventure and adrenaline as he did. If he could brag about this, he so would. Henry Hart, the boy in space, now that had a good ring to it.
"Not just space, Hen. Outer space, like you know, space that's outer." (y/n) giggled nervously, trying to be braver than she felt. 'Just breathe, Ray will be with you.' She breathed to herself and tried to remember that this wasn't a suicide mission or anything. They were coming back...hopefully.
"Wait, how are we gonna get to outer space?--" Henry asked, but once again, Ray "I can't focus for more than two minutes" Manchester was off on a tangent. 
"Y'know, (y/n) and I were in a Fred Lobster last week, and they told me they didn't have those shirts anymore," Ray mentioned, making the young woman next to him groan. It was true; they did go to Fred Lobster last week, for an actual date that didn't involve Drill Finger and psychotic teenagers. It was a lovely evening, just the two of them and it was all going smoothly until Ray asked for the bill and...he started an argument about lobster t-shirts. Typical Manchester move.
"Not this again..." She pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. It was just a damn shirt and yes, he would look super hot wearing one and yes, the seams would probably pop as they tried to stretch over his biceps, but was it worth more bickering? No.
"Uh, yeah. I had to order this one online--" Henry just couldn't catch a break today. Another interruption from Ray meant his sentence was cut off again and he was starting to get cheesed off. 
"Oh, so, you really wanna talk about lobster shirts while astronauts are in danger?" Ray scoffed, trying to build up an argument, but his pettiness outshone anything he was trying to say. He was in a really grouchy mood, probably because he had to stop cuddling his sweet girl earlier than he would've liked.
"You really wanna talk to me with your hand on your girlfriend's butt?" Henry bit back, causing his boss to pull his hand out of (y/n)'s back pocket like he'd been burnt. It was a good comeback and the blush that covered Ray's cheeks made (y/n)'s embarrassment worth it. 
"Henry Prudence Hart! You little...just get to the Man Cave!" (y/n) squealed, feeling all flustered since she hadn't known the kid could see. If she had known, the hand squeezing her ass would've been given a sharp smack straight away.
"How do you know my middle name?" It was Henry's turn to blush. His second name was a sore point for him and it killed him that (y/n) had sneakily discovered it behind his back. She'd have to thank Charlotte later.
"Fast!" The young woman replied curtly, pointing a stern finger at the boy who thought he had the upper hand. It was never a good idea to try and outwit her.
"Okay, I'm on my way." Henry sighed and snapped his watch shut. He got the feeling that he'd been beaten, even if it was amusing to see Ray lightly fan his still scarlet cheeks. He never cared if Schwoz saw him like that, the little guy normally just scuttled off when he was making a move on his girl, but in his mind, Henry was still the cute little kid from two years ago. He was so innocent and cute, even though he was on the verge of becoming an adult.
"Y'see? That's why you don't put your hand on my ass when other people are around!" (y/n) scolded her boyfriend as soon as the pixelated Henry disappeared from the computer. Here came the chastisement, not that Ray was scared, she was so cute when her nose screwed up in anger.
"But I love your sweet, little heinie." He smirked and brought his hand back down and around her waist so it could slide to her butt. The blush rose from her neck and the words died in her throat, making him chuckle in amusement. There was that little nose wrinkle he adored.
"Yeah, well, Henry and Charlotte will be here soon, so it better be gone by the time they get here!" She told him, her voice wobbling slightly as he rotated his body so he was facing her completely and then another large palm came to rest on the other cheek. 
"We've got, like, twenty minutes and we got outta bed way too early." He mumbled, leaning down to capture her lips with his. Maybe his mood would perk up a bit after this.
Well, the peace didn't last long. Charlotte was speedier than usual, meaning the couple had mere moments to catch their breaths and shrug their scattered clothing back on. Still, it would do for them and at least Ray had stopped his pouting.
"Happy now?" (y/n) giggled and wiped her sticky forehead with the back of her hand. He was insatiable, not that she was complaining because this was what she'd been dreaming about for eight years. Giggly, midday sex with the hottest man she'd ever met.
"Very, sweet girl." Ray breathed out and pressed a kiss to her forehead after he'd zipped up his hoodie again. Their clothes were a little rumpled, but with a bit of luck, no one would be able to suspect a thing, not when they were hunting for an insufferable little rat known as Schwoz. Yep, Schwoz.
The guy was key for Ray's big plans for getting into outer space because he owned a rocket. Yeah, a rocket; some technical wizardry that would send the three superheroes into outer space and get them to where they needed to be. There were a few wrinkles that needed to be ironed out, mainly that the shuttle had enough space for two people (a small hiccup, easily rectified) and that Schwoz wouldn't give Ray the damn key.
Okay, it wasn't called "Schwoz's rocket" or "Schwoz's spaceship", it was known as "the love shuttle" because its sole purpose was to take Schwoz and his future bride-to-be off on a jolly honeymoon in space. Not that there would ever be a Mrs Schwartz, Schwoz could never get a girl to. look at him twice and him withholding the key was driving Ray insane. 
"Schwoz...I can see you." Ray called out to his handyman as he and (y/n) crept down the sprocket stairs. The little man had caught wind of Ray's plan to use his honeymoon transportation and rather than give it up, he'd swallowed the key and had found refuge of the roof, which seemed like a safe place, but there was one small problem. Ray had a blaster and Schwoz had no cover.
"Go away!" Schwoz hissed and stuck his tongue out at the couple, who weren't fooling him with their glowing faces and rumpled sweaters. They got to have their fun, why did he have to give up his planned fun? The astronauts could save themselves. Deciding that he was being selfish, Ray took a shot at Schwoz, but his notoriety for being a terrible marksman meant he missed by a mile and a load of debris came falling from a new hole in the ceiling. 
"Hahaha! You missed me!" Schwoz giggled as (y/n) gave Ray a pointed look. He knew that he couldn't hit a target to save his life, so why was he the one doing the shooting?
"How did he get up there?" Charlotte pondered, staring at the man in confusion. It was a valid question, the walls were sheer, smooth stone, so it was a wonder how Schwoz had managed to shimmy his way to the top.
"He's like a goddamn ape." (y/n) shrugged and followed behind her boyfriend as they moved into a better firing position. They needed to get Schwoz down, even if it meant blasting him in the ass.
"Come on, Schwoz, you're gonna have to come down from there eventually." Ray pointed out, knowing that the roof didn't have any food or water, which meant that Schwoz's chosen safety spot was a poor one.
"Leave me alone!" The man cried out, hugging a support beam in fear as he braced himself for another round of lasers coming his way. 
"Come on, Schwoz! I need it!" Ray shouted desperately and fired his blaster again, causing more rocks to fall to the Man Cave floor. How they were gonna patch these holes was anyone's guess.
"No! I'm saving it for marriage! You marry (y/n) and you get your own!" Schwoz replied indignantly, making the couple below him freeze up. Marriage was something they had lightly touched upon in their late-night confessions, but it was still a foreign idea to them. They'd spent so long dreaming of mutual love that the thought of a white dress and vows made butterflies flutter in their tummies, but they weren't totally against it. Husband and wife sounded quite nice, it was just a tad premature.
"Hey!" Henry greeted his friends as his tube came down and he landed in the "Mad Cave". Schwoz was on the ceiling, Ray was firing a gun at him, Charlotte and (y/n) were watching, there was dirt on (y/n)'s meticulously clean floors, yep, everyone had gone crazy.
"Hi, Henry." Schwoz smiled down at the young boy, a new perspective for one who was usually so small. Normally, he'd be looking up at the lanky teen, but it was Henry's turn to crane his neck.
"Whoa! Why is Schwoz on the--" Henry gasped, both at Schwoz's remarkable acrobatic feat and the laser that Ray fired at him, which missed and sent more rock chunks to the boy's feet. 
"Ha! Missed me! Missed me! You are very stupid!" Schwoz jeered at Ray, who'd had just about enough of the repairman's lip. If he wanted to get mean, he'd return the favour tenfold.
"Those are not the lyrics!" The superhero growled, shooting Schwoz with slightly more concentration this time. Schwoz whimpered as he felt a burning sensation in his foot, but he clung to the roof even harder, sacrificing his shoe for the sake of his love shuttle.
"Okay, what is going on?" Henry asked, his brain spinning from everything he'd witnessed in the twenty seconds he'd been at work.
"Schwoz won't give Ray the launch key to his little rocket ship," Charlotte explained, blowing her friend's mind. 
"Why won't he-Schwoz has a rocket ship?!" He exclaimed, his eyes lighting up at the notion of knowing someone who could fly out on a jaunty space trip whenever he wanted. Now that was cool.
"It's called the Love Shuttle!" Schwoz squealed, happy to brag about his invention, but not share it. He didn't want people to roam around his future love nest, that would be weird.
"Why did Schwoz build a love shuttle?" Henry asked, looking at the couple in front of him. He didn't even want to know why their previously smooth outfits were now full of wrinkles and preferred to just look straight past it.
"For his honeymoon." Ray answered, his tone of voice basically saying "yeah, right like that's ever gonna happen". Girls weren't fond of Schwoz, which was sad, but true,
"Yeah, he says that when he gets married, which, let's face it, is only gonna happen with an insane amount of luck, he's going to have his honeymoon on the actual moon." (y/n) rolled her eyes and hugged herself to Ray's arm so she could inhale the smell of his cologne. All this space talk was making her stomach do somersaults. 
"Don't be ridiculous, Schwoz. You're never getting married!" Ray hissed, agreeing with his girlfriend that Schwoz had no chance of getting a girl to look at him, let alone promise herself to him for the rest of time. Although, the glare (y/n) gave her boyfriend suggested that if he kept creating new holes in the ceiling and scratches on her shiny floor from all the rocks, he wouldn't be getting married either.
"It could happen! There are women out there who'll take anybody! And you can't talk! It took you eight years to tell your girlfriend you loved her, so who's the real loser here?" Schwoz poked his tongue out at his boss and tried to fold his arms even though he needed them to stop himself from falling. 
"Give me that key!" Ray yelled, fed up with all the tormenting and before anyone could stop him, he unleashed a series of rapid firepower, but all he got was more mess and a burning sense of failure. Dammit, why couldn't he just shoot the little bastard?
"I think you might be overreacting," Henry told the panting man gently and placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him from lashing out again. They needed (y/n) cuddles, stat.
"Here, doofus, gimme that. You're never gonna hit him." (y/n) smirked at her boyfriend and took the weapon away from his hand before he could lose his temper again. They already had too much sweeping up to do, god forbid he caused anymore.
"You trying to say I'm a bad shot, sweet girl?" Ray asked the small woman, who gripped the large blaster with her small but deadly hands. Her experienced and dextrous fingers curled around the trigger as she looked to where Schwoz was hanging on and took aim.
"Yeah, I am. You're a shit shot." She deadpanned and slightly squinted her eyes as she honed in on her target. With Ray, Schwoz wasn't scared, but with Miss Danger doing the job, the instinct to scurry for cover reared its head.
"Wait, (y/n/n), no, no--" He cried out, trying to swing his way across the roof like a monkey, but even a moving target was no match for the woman and she blasted him, right on the ass. That would teach him to not mock her boyfriend.
"Ha! You shot his butt!" Henry laughed as Schwoz groaned on the floor. Ray couldn't help but admit defeat and he gave his girl a sweet victory kiss for successfully getting the guy down. Maybe he was terrible with his aim, but if it ended with a kiss every time, (y/n) was down for it.
"Hey! Did you guys hear?! There's a hostage situation up in space!" Jasper's sudden appearance put an end to Ray's happy mood, which progressively soured as the overly-happy boy stepped out of the elevator. His slowness of hearing the breaking bulletin and getting to work irritated the superhero even more, but he kept his cool.
"We heard,"
"We're aware." Charlotte and Ray told him dully, not finding Jasper's exuberance as infectious as (y/n) or Henry did. 
"Well, did you know that one of the astronauts is from Swellview?" The curly-haired boy went on, not realising that everyone in the city had found out before him. He was behind the times, Ray had come up with an entire rescue plan in the time it had taken Jasper to walk to Junk-N-Stuff.
"Yeah, Jim Dickle. I used to have the biggest crush on him when I was in college...until I met Captain Man." (y/n) confessed, but quickly saved it at the end when she heard the low growl in Ray's chest. He did not know that and the thought of rescuing Dick-le was suddenly slightly more bitter for him.
"You went to college with Jim Dickle?" Charlotte looked at her friend in awe, also not knowing that she had actually met the famed astronaut and known him on a personal level, even if personal was far from the truth.
"Well, yeah. I did mechanical engineering and he did...physics and astronaut stuff, so we occasionally bumped into each other. He was older though and a bit of a prick." The young woman shrugged, wondering what she ever saw in that guy. Maybe it was his fascination for all things with cogs and wiring that echoed her own, but she was much happier with her grumpy superhero.
"Stupid Jim Dickle..." Ray mumbled under his breath but soon cheered up when his girl snuggled into his side and leaned her head against his chest. He was the one who got to share her life, no one else and that made him feel so special.
"Well, did you know I was born with eleven toes, but only nine on my feet?" Jasper asked them, knowing that it was something they definitely wouldn't know. Okay, Jasper was born a freak, no doubt about it.
"What he say?"
"He's a mutant." The four stunned, but also disturbed friends murmured, wondering how the hell Jasper was now walking around with ten normal toes. A miracle of modern science.
"Yeah, who's got news now?" Jasper hissed, glad that he'd rendered them speechless with something, even if it was the weirdest fact about himself. Just as Schwoz began groaning in pain (his butt was spectacularly sore), the computer began to beep, indicating that whilst there wasn't a full-blown emergency going down, there was something that needed Captain man's attention anyway.
"I'll check that," Charlotte told her boss and hurried over to the control panel so she could analyse the data. At least she was helpful.
"Hey, shouldn't you be up at Junk-N-Stuff, watching the store?" Ray suddenly asked Jasper, remembering that he paid the teen to guard his shop on his behalf. He'd be going bankrupt at this point and have enemies crawling all over the place.
"Well, I have to use the bathroom, but the one upstairs is broken," Jasper whined, trying to appeal to (y/n) and her sympathetic side as she reluctantly checked out Schwoz's injuries. It was difficult to remember sometimes that just because she was immune to wounds, it didn't mean others were. Even if Schwoz had been a pain in the ass.
"That's why we told you to use the one across the street at the gas station," Henry replied, getting. there before (y/n) could  with a kinder answer. Going down to the Man Cave was probably quicker, but the fewer times Ray had to be reminded that he'd employed the world's most annoying kid, the better.
"I'm no longer welcome at that gas station," Jasper mumbled, scuffing his shoe against the floor awkwardly. He left it open for Ray and (y/n) to think about why that might be and all sorts of weird and troubling things popped into their heads.
"Do we wanna know?" (y/n) asked as she flopped Schwoz's arm back to his side. She was certain he'd be fine, just whiny for a bit. And sore, very sore.
"Uh-oh. You guys, the space station is gonna be orbiting over Swellview in one hour." Charlotte announced once she had checked out the alarm and saw that their moment of opportunity was quickly drawing near.
"So?" Henry asked in confusion, him and (y/n) leaving Schwoz to moan in pain on the floor. They had more important things to focus on now.
"What does that mean?" Ray added, striding over to the computer so he could see what was happening for himself. 
"That if you guys don't head up there soon, you'll have to wait another twenty-four hours," Charlotte answered, making everyone realise that the space station was orbiting the Earth like the moon and they only had one shot to do this.
"If we don't make it, it could be too late by then." (y/n) panicked, suddenly feeling sick when the urgency mixed with her nervousness. It was safe to say that this was going to be the biggest moment of her superhero career, the most perilous certainly.
"Come on, we have to help those astronauts...at least the one from Swellview who (y/n) used to like." Henry sighed, knowing that it was their duty to help since no one else was. For all they knew, Jim and Neil could be being tortured and interrogated. The mentioning of (y/n)'s schoolgirl crush on the guy made Ray bite his lip harshly to stop himself from cursing his name. He knew that his relationship was exclusive, but other guys just made him prickle up.
"It was for like one year. He graduated and next thing I knew he was on the moon or whatever and I was gainfully employed by a hot superhero." She brushed off Henry's teasing and lovingly placed a kiss on Ray's cheek. Well, he wasn't grumpy now.
"C'mon, Schwoz. Give us the key to your Love Shuttle." Ray begged his battered and bruised friend, who had only just got to his feet. He was clutching his butt in pain and the handyman was still grouchy about being shot own from his hidey-hole.
"Wait, why doesn't NASA just send someone up there to help the astronauts?" Jasper suddenly jumped in with a reasonable question and Schwoz agreed. You'd think that a governmental agency like NASA would jump at the chance of bringing home two national heroes, but in reality, they weren't so keen.
"No can do. They just sent a supply rocket up two days ago and it's gonna take them six months to whip another one into shape." (y/n) shook her head, remembering Trent Overrunder saying something on the topic when she and Ray were watching the news in their bedroom,
"Well, can't we just borrow a rocket from China?" Henry asked, not realising that "China" and "rocket" shouldn't be said together in Ray's presence. Touchy subject.
"No! No! I'm not getting inside a Chinese rocket ever again!" Ray snapped moodily, making the boy drop the subject immediately. Looks like their only shot was the Love Shuttle and Schwoz still needed buttering up.
"Hey, come on, Schwoz. Let us use your Love Shuttle." Henry told the guy gently, seeing that a calm, soft approach was best. 
"Yeah. You're never gonna need it." Ray added in, still a strong believer in the fact that Schwoz would get married the day pigs started flying - never, not a chance in hell.
"I will! For when I get married!" The small man insisted, but his friends weren't so convinced. All his past romances had failed and merely getting a date was a mammoth task.
"Oh, to what, Schwoz? What's gonna marry you?" Ray exclaimed dramatically, thinking that Schowz could only score mutants freaks or blind alcoholics for lovers.
"Gerta, your robot girlfriend that you built specifically for yourself, even she left you. Surely, that tells you something." (y/n) sighed in exasperation, hating to see Schowz build himself up just to be knocked down. The truth hurt; Schwoz was never getting a girlfriend.
"Nooo...we...we're just taking a break." Schwoz shrugged, trying to make himself feel better, but deep down, he knew that his chances of seeing Gerta again were slim to none.
"Oh, come on!" Ray threw his hands up in the air. The guy was in denial and it was so frustrating to put up with. 
"She turned herself into a bird, Schwoz! Then she flew away!" Charlotte recalled and Ray imitated a bird flying away with his hands. Geez, that seemed like ages ago, back when Ray still thought he didn't deserve (y/n)'s love and she thought he would never look her way.
"Wait, when did that happen?" Jasper asked, flabbergasted at this new information. He had missed so much when he wasn't in the know with Henry's secret identity and everything was news to him.
"Last season," Henry answered aloofly to no one in particular.
"So you mean winter?" Jasper asked, confused with Henry's odd choice of language.
"Yeah, that's what he meant. Back when Ray was still my best friend." (y/n) smiled at her. boyfriend fondly, who pecked her hairline to show her that he regretted every second they spent together as just friends. He wished his younger self would've been braver, but things had worked out well enough and he was happy now.
"Look, buddy..." Ray stepped away from his girl momentarily so they could work the old charm on their little genius friend. 
"Dah, don't choke me!" Schwoz jumped at the sight of Ray's large hands stretching out towards his neck and the man held them up to his ears to show that he didn't mean to be threatening.
"Look, Schwoz, are you planning to marry someone in the next...ten hours?" (y/n) asked him, getting a rough estimation of how long they'd be gone in space. Ten hours: too many in her mind, but she'd die before they left without her.
"Well, I don't plan to, no." Schwoz shrugged, supposing that if it was for that meagre time, he might be tempted to let them borrow it just this once.
"Okay, so just lend us your Love Shuttle, and we'll bring it right back." Ray smiled, his hands patting Schwoz on the back in a friendly matter. Now, they just had to clinch the deal.
"And I'll bake you a batch of my oatmeal raisin cookies. The ones you love..." (y/n) told her friend in a sing-song voice and gave him a. sneaky smile. Bribery was always a good option.
"I do like your cookies. You promise to be careful with it?" Schwoz gave the grinning couple a stern smile and Henry decided that he should swear on their behalf. 
"We all promise." He said, walking over to Schwoz who took a second to mull over their oath. It was his precious ship and it had to be perfect for his future wife.
"And you two promise to not do grown-up things in it?" Schwoz lowered his voice to add in the final clause of the agreement, but everyone heard it, even Charlotte and she was on the other side of the Man Cave.
"Ew!" She and Henry groaned, their faces screwing up in disgust as Ray and (y/n)'s ears started to burn. Seriously? Did he have to say something so embarrassing?
"Schwoz! We're not animals!" (y/n) shrieked, hiding her face into Ray's shoulder so she wouldn't meet anyone's eyes. Like they would do it in Schwoz's weird love nest spaceship whilst on a life or death mission. Geez, they weren't that desperate.
"Well, never say never." Ray joked, laughing when the young woman gave him a furious look and Schwoz stamped his foot in anger. He didn't want to give his rocket to some jokers and Henry and Charlotte didn't want to hear this conversation. Adult things, ew.
"Schwoz, just give us the damn launch key!" (y/n) snapped at the handyman, who was enjoying her discomfort way too much.
"Okay...hold out your hand." Schwoz sighed, giving in to their demands. Doing as he had instructed, Ray stretched out his hand to receive the key, thinking that like any normal person, Schwoz would have the key in his pocket or on a chain, but no. The little weirdo had swallowed the key and began to gag and gargle to get it from his stomach.
"Oh my god..." Charlotte wretched, feeling like she was gonna puke if she even dared to peek through her fingers.
"I can't watch this...but I can't look away." Henry was feeling the same, but at the same time, he had a morbid fascination with seeing Schwoz regurgitate the key like an emperor penguin. He really was a freak of nature.
"What are you doing?" Ray asked the smaller man, not realising that it was a huge mistake to volunteer to be the recipient of the key.
"Are you sure you want to hold your hand out?" (y/n) whispered to him, but it was too late. The key erupted from Schwoz's mouth and landed in Ray's palm as a slobbery, bile-covered mess. 
"It's wet!" The teens cried as (y/n) swiftly stepped back from her boyfriend. She loved him, but not when he had half of Schwoz's stomach contents in his hand. 
"That's the launch key." Schwoz panted, feeling both queasy and exhausted from the strain he had put on his digestive system. He'd puked once, now he wanted to puke again.
"All right, Jasper. Looks like Captain Man needs your help." Ray told the aforementioned boy in his hero's voice, knowing that it would trigger his need to please his idol no matter what was asked of him.
"Sure! Anything! What do you need?" Jasper rushed past Henry, (y/n) and Charlotte to enthusiastically bounce in front of Ray, who took advantage of his generous nature by wiping the icky launch key on his shirt. 
"You're a good boy," Ray told Jasper, who quickly forgot about his filthy t-shirt when he heard Captain Man's praise, but (y/n) wasn't so impressed.
"And you're a bad man," She quipped back, shaking her head at Ray as he admired the now spotless key. No matter her sarcasm though, she couldn't get away from one thing, mission save the astronauts was about to lift off.
~In the Love Shuttle~
It was go time; Ray, Henry and (y/n) had taken their positions onboard Schwoz's craft, which was strangely decorated in a way that only Schwoz would think was intimate or romantic, and they were taking the final steps for launch. (y/n)'s heart was hammering inside her chest and she was praying Ray wouldn't feel it. Since Schwoz had built the rocket for two people, there were only two seats, so she had been forced to snuggle into Ray's lap, an experience that was both a blessing and a curse. His strong arms around her were comforting, but she didn't want him to sense her dread and send her home, that would be awful.
"Okay, guys, I'm now going to insert the key into the console," Ray told his sidekicks and reached around his girlfriend's hips so he could slot it into its hole.
"Uh, okay," Henry said cooly, feeling completely chill with the whole setup, even if he was probably the youngest person in Swellview to ever go into outer space. 
"I did it." Ray smiled at the two, who weren't sure if he wanted a round of applause or something. The boy just wanted to ensure the coordinates were punched in correctly and (y/n) was trying not to freak out. 
"Well done you." She breathed out with an airy chuckle and hoped that she didn't sound as nervous as she felt. There was nowhere safer than being in Ray's arms and it's not like she was going to die if they crashed, but leaving Earth sounded so crazy in her mind. She had no time to dwell on it though as she soon caught on that Henry and Ray were feeling for their gum tubes and she did the same.
"You are aboard the Love Shuttle. Welcome, Schwoz and...woman's name. Prepare for your honeymoon." Okay, that was the weirdest onboard announcement ever recorded in the history of aviation. Hearing Schwoz's voice on the tape was odd and the cheesy, romantic music that followed made the whole thing even more insane, especially when Henry and Ray started to dance in their seats.
"Ray..." (y/n) whimpered, trying to keep her balance as her boyfriend sneakily ground his hips against her. Like hell was she going to let him have her twice in one day, especially when they were supposed to be professional, but that didn't mean that the friction of his jeans didn't feel good.
"Okay, Schwoz! Schwoz, how do I turn this love music off?!" Henry suddenly yelled into his headset when he realised that they were actually here to do serious things, not listen to some groovy music. 
"Oh, come on. Love music isn't for turning off. It's for turning on." Schwoz joked and continued to slide across the Man Cave's floor to the beat of the saxophone. 
"Amen to that," Ray growled into his sweet girl's ear, his hands coming to rest between her upper thighs. It was a dangerous attempt to try and persuade her to give in just this once, so he could indulge in the sweetness he'd been denied for seven years, but they just didn't have the time.
"Don't worry, I got it." (y/n) told Henry and felt Ray slump back in disappointment as she killed the track. Ugh, killjoy.
"Okay, Henry, (y/n), Ray, we pre-set the flight computer to automatically take you to the space station." Charlotte's voice came over the radio and the crew settled down to begin the takeoff procedures.
"Copy that. And we are...prepped for launch." Henry confirmed, flicking the last of the switches in the cockpit and they all let out an excited gasp when the rocket's thrusters began to power up. 
"Hey kid, let's go to space and kick some ace." Ray chuckled and his silly comment made (y/n) relax a little. It wasn't a death sentence, more like an adventure and that thought helped her get in the mood for their trip.
"To the stars!" Henry declared and the three blew their bubbles so they could leave the Earth as superheroes, which was awesome to hear over the radio in the Man Cave.
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"Hey, we're so cool." (y/n) giggled as they stretched out their costumes and got used to having them on. Ray was particularly pleased with the costume change since it meant he was now able to let his hands roam around his girl's smooth thighs. Sure, his gloves were in the way, but that was just a minor technicality.
"Never done that sitting down before," Henry commented, noting how every time he'd ever transformed into Kid Danger, it had always been when he was stood up.
"Yeah, I wasn't sure if it was gonna work," Ray replied and the two boys laughed at the adrenaline high they were experiencing, leaving (y/n) to roll her eyes at them.
"All right, you guys. I just wanted to say...be careful up there." Jasper told the giggling boys, drawing them back to calmness. They had to have their minds focused because this shit was high-risk.
"Roger that," Henry answered, glad that he had his best friend at the base to keep him grounded. Jasper's support was just what he needed to keep any doubt at bay.
"We copy," Ray replied solemnly too, remembering that not only was he putting himself in danger, but he was also taking his entire world with him in his arms. Lying back with her cuddled up against him made it so easy to forget, but he was determined to keep her out of harm's way. 
'Cause, you three are the only, Ray, (y/n) and Henry I have!" Jasper added, his sweet words going over the boys' heads, but at least (y/n) could appreciate his sentiment. 
"Aw, thanks, Curly!" She told him happily, thinking that he'd leave it there, but nope...
"I've never told you this before but...I just wanted you guys to know that..." He sniffled and his imminent confession caused all those listening to cringe, hard.
"Hit it." Ray quickly ordered Henry, who wasted no time in whacking the launch button. Ray only needed one person to say those three little words, and that person wasn't Jasper. As soon as the button was pressed, the rocket propelled itself into the air and each hero was pressed into the seats as the immense g-force of the takeoff affected them
"We're going to space!" Ray exclaimed as he gripped the wall with one hand and tightly secured his girlfriend to his chest with the other. He didn't want her to roll around the cabin and hurt herself and it was so nice to feel the way she buried herself into the safety of his chest.
"I know! It's so fun!" Henry cried out, loving every minute of the blast-off, although it felt like his face was going to be peeled off from the force.
"This is your idea of fun?!" (y/n) hissed back and braced herself against Ray so she could wait for them to reach the outer atmosphere. It wouldn't be long, just a few seconds and then it would be smooth flying from there on out. 
"Cruising altitude. You're now free to walk about the ship, Schwoz and...woman's name." The rocket's automated voice and its creator announced, allowing the superheroes to relax as they started to gently drift towards their destination.
"Space, the final frontier. How many guys can say they took their girlfriends to space, huh?" Ray spoke as they broke free of the Earth's gravity and he altered his voice to sound like some famous captain off an old sci-fi series from when he was a kid. 
"What does that mean?" Henry asked, wondering why his boss was being all mysterious and weird. Obviously, he had never heard of Star Trek.
"Y'know..."the final frontier". Last place in the universe that mankind hasn't explored yet and I'm showing it to my girl. Space!" The superhero exclaimed and wistfully stared at the woman in his lap rather than the stars outside their window because she was infinitely more beautiful to him. 
"What about oceans?" (y/n) piped up after a few seconds of pondering her boyfriend's words. She loved his fawning over her, but what he said wasn't quite right.
"What was that, sweet girl?" Ray mumbled against her hair as Henry too looked at her with confusion. What had the sea got to do with space and frontiers or whatever the hell Ray was on about?
"Y'know, oceans. We haven't explored all of the oceans yet. Eighty per cent of our oceans are unmapped and unobserved, so aren't they an unobserved frontier? Oceans and all the weird little fishies we don't know about yet?" She rambled, feeling a bit drowsy and loopy as his warmth soaked into her body. A small nap wouldn't hurt. 
"Okay, fine. Space, one of the two final frontiers." Ray corrected himself and cradled her neck into his neck as her shallow breaths danced across his collar and exposed skin.
"What about parallel universes?" Henry was soon joining in on the conversation, although a swift finger over his lips from Ray told the boy he wanted to let the sweet little thing in his arms snooze for a bit.
"What?" Ray sighed quietly, not believing that what was meant to be a cute, cool comment was turning into a damn debate.
"Remember that time that Charlotte and I went to that parallel universe?" Henry jogged Ray's memory, making him bite his lip was all the details came flooding back. In that world, he turned evil after losing (y/n), his wife and the mere thought made him shudder. 
"I suppose," He nodded slightly, trying not to make any jagged movements that would disturb his girl from her rest,
"The one where I died." (y/n) muttered and shifted her body so she was comfortably sprawled sideways in Ray's lap. The man had no idea how she knew that, but he didn't want to find out. The less he thought about losing her in all matters of speaking, the better.
"Well, there's probably lots more parallel universes that none of us has explored, so I guess you could say--" The boy tried to explain his theory, but his boss had heard enough. He got it, space was a load of shit, big deal.
"Space! One of many, many remaining frontiers." He snapped in a voice that was a little louder than he wanted it to be and all the shouting made (y/n) flinch in his embrace.
"Stop yelling, doofus. M'trying to sleep." She scolded him with a pathetic slap to the chest, which was more of a light tap since she gave up halfway through. Sleep sounded nice and she just felt so cosy, a few minutes with her eyes closed.
"We'll be there soon," Henry told her, but she just ignored him with nothing more than a hum to answer him. "Soon" actually meant like half an hour or forty-five minutes, plenty of time for a power nap.
"I like sleep. Sleep kicks ass." She muttered incoherently and drifted off peacefully, leaving the boy's to entertain themselves.
~Forty minutes later~
A decent conversation, a game of I-spy and several rounds of rock, paper, scissors later, Ray and Henry were left completely bored. They had nothing to do, no phone signal, no games, no TV, nothing and (y/n) was still fast asleep and dead to the world (or was that space?). Henry had grown tired of watching Ray gaze at her like a lovesick puppy and for the last ten minutes, the cockpit had been silent.
"Ughhhh, I'm sick of just sitting here," Ray complained, shuffling his butt backwards so he could sit up straighter, but still rock his girlfriend like a baby. It was nauseating to see, but certainly better with the knowledge that it wasn't oblivious pining anymore. 
"Shhhh! You'll wake your girlfriend up! And, Schwox said that we should be at the space station pretty--" Henry tried to keep his boss entertained, but he was like a toddler a long flight; five minutes and he was touching stuff again.
"I wonder what these buttons do." Ray mentioned like a curious child and began to tap all of the shiny buttons that caught his eye, even though one wrong move could trigger a self-destruction protocol or something.
"Do I have to slap your wrists again?" A gravelly, sleep-filled voice rumbled into his ear, signalling that his sudden movements had woken (y/n) up prematurely. Well, that was her nap over.
"Don't start pressing random--" Henry too protested, but he started selling when his seat began to vibrate and massage his back muscles. Hello, Schwoz had installed a few gadgets on this thing...nice.
"What's happening?" Ray asked his gleeful sidekick as he giggled and (y/n) slid off his lap so she was sat on the chair in between his legs.
"You made my chair start to vibraaaaaaaate." Henry's voice trembled as his vocal cords were shaken, but even then could the couple hear how pleased he was and his fun made Ray pout.
"Aw, no fair! I wanna vibrate!" He whined and against (y/n)'s pleas, he bashed the buttons randomly again, hoping to score lucky. And he did, one tap and his chair was vibrating too, making him and (y/n) collapse against each other in a fit of giggles.
"This feels sillllllyyyyyy." She laughed at how all of her body was tingling all over, like she was being tickled but without the torture.
"Hey! My voice sounds weird. Listen, ahhhhhhh!" Ray's baritone voice began to wobble and Henry's did too, but their combined sounds covered up the crescendo of the computer telling them that they were five seconds away from docking with the space station. Four, three, two, one...
"Arghhhhh!" They all screamed at the violent impact and the boys quickly shut off the vibrations as they thought about all the worst scenarios in their minds, but everything was fine. 
"Hey, Schwoz, think we just docked with the space station," Ray spoke into his microphone, not realising that the genius had just said the exact same thing to Charlotte when she verbally wondered. what all the noise was about. 
"Oh, really? My goodness, thanks for the information." Schwoz replied sarcastically, but Charlotte ignored him so they could get straight down to business. No time like the present after all.
"Okay, you have a pressure lock, so you are good to enter the space station." The girl told the heroes like a proper controller and they heard her loud and clear.
"Ten-four, good Charlotte."
"We ten-ten on the side."
"Over and out." They replied and shrugged off their headsets so they could stand up at last. This was it, it was just them now and whatever they find on the other side of the door.
"All right, guys, we're about to leave the Love Shuttle and enter the space station. " Ray told his sidekicks, but they didn't need a running commentary, they had their blasters and were ready to kick some ass.
"Yep, I'm up to speed on the story." Henry nodded, feeling like Ray was babying him just to sound cool.
"I also know what's going on." (y/n) added, locking and loading everything she needed to fight any bad guys. Maybe it was an alien, who knows.
"I know, I'm just saying, we have no idea who or what hijacked that space station and we won't know until we go in there and look inside." The man elaborated more, but it was all just waffle. They knew this and were fairly certain that this was just a stall tactic.
"Yeah, which is why I've got my gun so I can shoot it or them in the face." His girlfriend nodded, raising her weapon and shaking in front of Ray's face so he'd get the picture.
"Then let's go do this." He nodded.
"Waitin' on you..." Henry mumbled, knowing that he and his fellow sidekick were ready to go, it was the boss who was keeping them behind.
"Set weapons to stun," Ray ordered them, not wanting any deaths or injuries on their hands. Mass murder wasn't Captain Man's style, even if his work involved low-down, criminal assholes.
"Is this right?" Henry asked the experienced couple, whose eyes widened when they saw that his setting was completely, cataclysmically wrong.
"Shit, no, Henry, that's set to melt. You wanna melt the place into a puddle?" (y/n) fretted, her panic making the kid rapidly change from one mode to the right one. Well, that could've been a disaster.
"No, I do not," Henry replied, glad that they'd spotted the mistake. A melted criminal would be a long and icky cleanup.
"Give it...here you go." Ray sighed when he saw that the boy was struggling to work with Schwoz's technology and it was just kinder to do it himself than let him struggle. Okay, weapons, check, next, the door. Ray pushed the lock that released the door pressure and the hatch slid open. Into the unknown...well, it would be if either one of them knew some common courtesy.
"Do you wanna go first?" Ray asked his sidekick and after a few seconds of floundering, the two had worked out that Henry would go first. Geez, it took them ten minutes just to leave the damn rocket.
"Ray..." (y/n) grabbed his wrist just before he entered the hatched and he turned around to see her big, round eyes staring up at him with so much wonder and love. 
"Yeah, sweet girl?" He whispered, brushing some stray hairs away from those eyes so he could gaze into them one last time before they entered the battlefield.
"I love you." She told him cutely, wanting to say it as in their line of work, every moment could be their last.
"I love you too. Always." He whispered their promise again and sealed it with a hungry kiss that was far too short for his or her liking, but the desire it left only meant that the next would be so much better.
"Always." She mumbled against his lips and reluctantly pulled away so he could step through the hole first. Their hands were tightly conjoined as he checked to see if Henry was still alive with no mad murderers around. Thankfully, there were none and they were left in an eerily quiet room with nothing but the pulsing beeps of the machinery around them. God, this was spooky. 
"Okay, kid, stay cool," Ray told his sidekick, who was nervously clutching his blaster for dear life since a sneak attack could happen at any given instance. Anything could happen, for example, a small, metal door could fall from the ceiling and crack (y/n)'s skull, sending her to the floor in agony and Henry into hysteria. Shit, what a good start.
"Ahhhh, what is that? What is happening?" Henry squealed in fear as Ray instinctively threw his gun down and ducked down to shield his girlfriend on the floor from any more blows. His sidekick rolled around, shooting rapid-fire at every blinking light he saw. "Cool" went out of the window; Henry was suddenly shit scared and Ray was fretting over the blood flowing through (y/n)'s hair whilst her skin patched over. No biggie, the wound was gone in a flash, but it left them all on edge.
"Hey, I think I got whatever it was that attacked (y--" Henry's caution was right, something was going on. Two more pieces of metal fell from the ceiling and whoever or whatever dropped them had blinding accuracy since they hit Captain Man and Kid Danger on the head too. 
"Captain Man? Miss Danger?" A sweet, innocent voice sounded out and the three heroes looked up in horror to see that a little girl had swiped Ray's gun and was now pointing it directly at them. A kid was behind this? What the actual fuck!
"Uh, I'm here too. Kid Danger, also relevant." Henry groaned as Ray helped his girlfriend to her feet and gulped at the predicament they found themselves in. The blood trickling down her forehead was no longer a concern as (y/n) prayed for salvation.
How were they gonna get out of this one?
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angryinternetduck · 4 years
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harry styles x reader: 
Bet On It - 5.9k You and Harry are friends; you’re betting he wants more. It takes a few joking confessions of love, a no-show date, a yellow flower, and charming forms of communication to determine a winner. 
a ghost of a chance - 600 You just don’t have a ghost of a chance with Harry Styles.
oh to stay - 4.9k a friends with benefits situation featuring rules, tennis balls, and crumby bread puns. 
Lucky - 6.7k 🎃 The house is haunted, the cat is lucky, and the neighbor is not, in fact, a ghost. A halloween fic published in August!  Cocoa - 4.5k 🎄 A Christmas party at James Corden’s house turns into a hot chocolate excursion with Harry Styles. You’re supposed to call, he’s supposed to text, you look cute and in love... And according to Harry, you’ve got a nice voice. Harry Styles x famous!reader; a Christmas fic published in August <3 
sleepover - 1.5k Pure fluff. You and Harry have a sleepover, he does a gecko impression, and wow, he sure does love you a lot.  yellow & blue - 2.7k Pure angst. Harry reminiscing, regretting, despairing you and his relationship with you at the 2020 Brits. 
a mutual feeling - 9.5k You’re antsy, Harry’s not your friend, and the answer - is yes. Harry doesn’t do relationships but he does do sex. a boxerry au of sorts where Harry’s dad is your trainer but you’re a better fighter. 
When All Feels Lost - 30k Three chapters of you, a struggling actress, and Harry Styles, a has-been producer, trying to find a play just terrible enough to be perfect.  
Pickpocket - 1.5k Stolen rings, a far away Harry, and lots of ice cream. You moonlight as a pickpocket, and Harry’s proper entertaining.
‘twas the night before tour - 925 Quiet dinners, sweet singing, and clumsy dancing. When he comes back, he’ll bring you a wedding ring. 
goodnight n go - 5k Harry’s gotta go. He’s always gotta go, always just about to miss his train, and your apartment feels emptiest right after Harry leaves. Your heating’s down, Harry can’t cook, and it’s disorienting to wake up in Harry’s arms. A game of Go Fish and some not-so-cool moments later, and, well, Harry’s goodnight n go is pretty much out the window. Based off Ariana Grande’s goodnight n go! 
Key - 4.3k Harry’s a cute barista, he wore some atrocious neon green crocs, and his sole purpose in life is flattering you. You’ve got to quarantine, so you consider buying a monkey and painting the cafe. Two proposals and several cookie deliveries later, and still nobody knows what’s happening with quarantine. But you and Harry will figure it out together. Written for the Quarantine Challenge!
Questions - 855 He’s missing out on all the fun, you’re less subtle than you think you are, and Harry stole a telescope. Plus a shooting star. For the amazing Fic Slam!
A Clean Break - 1.9k  You said you wouldn’t cry, and he said it would be a clean break, but the “want” is present tense. Harry’s got a dog named Noodle.  Noodle - 2.2k The before and after of A Clean Break. Harry gets a dog, eats some ramen, and then takes a detour on his way to a double date. 
Sweet Creature - 1.2k It starts with a few notes, and ends in a kiss, and Harry’s written a new song.
I Guess So - ~400 You want to drive, but it’s just so hard to argue with Harry Styles. 
Sunshine - 4.6k Harry calls you Sunshine and you light up his world like nobody else. Only problem is that you’re both involved with other people. Then, suddenly, you’re not, and he’s not either, and Harry still compares you to a star. 
Cheers - a little under 1.5k  A college au kinda thing where you’re a bit tipsy, very rambly, and not a fan of the Christmas in July party you’re at. Written for the 20k fic celebration! 
Like a Fool - just under 2k A college au of a reader insert featuring a coffee discussion, some rom coms, and a bad Grease reference. Also, there’s a party, and there’s a kiss, and there’s just a bit of heartbreak.  ...In Love - 2.5k A little while later, and there’s a double date. Harry has a thing against pencil tapping, and this wasn’t his plan at all. One more double date, and a little switcheroo, and you’re a fool in love. [part two of Like a Fool]
Meant to Be - 1.5k It’s cheesy, but true: you and Harry were meant to be. You just hope your first fight won’t ruin everything. Written for the Boyfriendathon!
fireworks - 2.5k A reader insert featuring lots of fireworks, a lack of wine, and a New Year’s Eve party. Harry doesn’t like fireworks, but he gets them anyway. He should dye his hair pink. Some failed dates, a birthday surprise, a summer wedding.
Ice Cream - 1.5k Maybe you work at an ice cream shop. Maybe Harry Styles comes in one night, pissed off his face, and maybe he throws up all over you and figures he’s got to take you out to dinner to make up for it.
Brit Awards 2014 - 415 words He was having a wee. The toilets were ages away. Really.
harry styles x original female characters:
Kiwi - 2.3k
She’s crazy, she has a cactus, and she smells like caramel; Harry Styles is into it and gets a song out of it.
Carolina - 2.7k She’s got a family in Carolina, and she’s at a bar, and Harry Styles sees her, and they click, and then she’s gone, and Harry writes a song.
Canyon Moon - 3.2k She’s got a yellow guitar, and a rabbit named Rabbit, and Harry Styles keeps thinking back to that time under the canyon moon.
Only Angel - 2.3k She loves old rom coms, and she used to play piano, and she’s got Harry Styles wrapped around her little finger. She’s pandemonium, and there’s nothing she can do about it. Meet Me in the Hallway - 1.8k  She’s still pandemonium, but she’s breaking his heart. Over and over, but Harry can’t let her go, because she may be the pain, but she’s also the antidote. Arabella’s gotta get better, Harry needs his morphine, and purple is the color of royalty. [part two of Only Angel]
~ fic rec ~
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sunseteyes · 4 years
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prompt: puns (prompts are by @jojosmilktea)
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word count: 1,329 words | themes: gen!reader. bokuto being a sweetheart. mentions of death but just a teensy bit. tried to make this as fluffy as i can don’t worry !!
tags: @kacchanori @chickynn @todominica @sparkleswritings @brinthie @patricia-ceballos @giyuus-wife @bitchtrynafck @astrxrism @animatedarchives @deephasoceanmagic @strawberrysalwa
rv: this is so cute i can’t even describe how soft i felt for bokuto here. enjoy reading!!
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✒︎ make you smile
you had a feeling that today was a special day.
your hand shoots up to your forehead as you tried to hid your face by bowing down, chuckling on your own, your shoulders shaking as you try to not let your laugh as loud as possible or else to make the situation worse.
"if you can't stop him, (y/n)-san, i can't." akaashi says, he himself looking away from bokuto who seems to be unstoppable by this very moment.
you only look up to your boyfriend, now talking to his other teammates as he was probably inserting a pun in his each and every conversation.
"hey coach! are we not gonna practice? come on, let's get the ball rolling!"
you sighed loudly and you could see akaashi shake his head as he takes a step to join the group on the corner of your eye. you watch from the sidelines as the fukurodani volleyball team just like you always do, eyes boring to each and every player that receives the ball before eventually landing onto bokuto’s, finding yourself be pulled into his presence like a boulder would to gravity—probably just as much as the usual days would.
there were times when he’d meet your eyes and flash you one of his big and wide grins, waving at you then gesturing you to watch him closely as he does whatever is needed during the training, may it be a receive, spike, service, or even any kind of exercise or stretch.
“that was spiketacular! oh yeah!" you could hear bokuto's exclamations even from afar, his hands raised to the sky as a sign of victory—as if his spike was not just a training for the team. you could almost see akaashi slap his face at the utter stress he most likely feels. as for you, no matter how embarrassing he was acting, he still makes that curve of a smile appear on your face, making you forget of everything else aside from him.
"your boyfriend is really something." kaori, one of the managers of the team, says with an unsure tone, probably feeling the same as the others who had noticed the chirper bokuto that day. of course, you noticed it too, ever since the sunlight hit the corners of your bedroom, in the morning when he woke you up with a peck on your forehead, he attempt to cook you breakfast and bring it to you on the bed.
the food was edible, to say the least. but then, you could remember how he said he tried to make the egg perfect, only to fail before then making a pun over it.
"yeah, i've got to agree." you say yourself, gazing over bokuto's way with an emotion you couldn't particularly identify. and as if he could sense your eyes over his own figure, he looks your way and flashes a smile and raises his thumb up—which you knew was his way of showing that he was incredibly happy to have you on the court like every time you do visit him. and that he likes receiving your attention too.
time passes by until it was finally time to wrap things up. going home meant that bokuto would walk you to your apartment and that you'd have time talk to him without anyone else around you. these moments are what you try to relish in the relationship with the said man, especially since he's always busy with volleyball and his studies, of course.
you may not have spoken it out loud but deep inside, hidden in the corners of your brain and your heart, you knew that you wanted to spend more time with bokuto, becoming hungry for more quality time that were stolen by his love for volleyball and trainings. you admired his passion and tenacity, you really did,  especially at the start of the relationship. but as time went by, you juggled to find more intimate one-on-one moments that volleyball takes from you.
your attention was pulled away from the dark thoughts circling your head, a familiar warm and comforting hand encasing yours that seemingly cuts your train of thoughts all of a sudden.
"so babe, what do you think? i think having eggs in a cake has plus points because that's gonna be tough to beat, right? as a baker what do you say? did you get it?!" bokuto looks at you with a bright face, turning to you like a bright sunshine beaming underneath the dark sky above. his words processed in your brain like a broken internet connection, unable to process fast with the intensity of the previous thoughts that you were pulled away from.
the smile on bokuto's face vanishes and a look of worry and concern appears in his face in an instant, his eyes boring into yours as he reaches out for your arm and halts the both of you. "are you alright, babe? you've been out of it since we got out of the gym. is it-i mean, do you uh-is there something bothering you?"
for a moment there, your heart sank at the thought of bokuto sensing what he shouldn't have. as someone who didn't want to trouble your boyfriend with your problems, you were doing a terrible job at it.
"no, i'm fine. we should resume walking, anyone can pass by here." you try to get him to move but he held you in place, a serious look already plastered on his face. and by this, you already knew he wouldn't back down whatever your reason may be.
sighing, you were about to speak when he interrupts. "is this about your worst day ever? did i make it worse with the puns?"
you didn't even realize you were avoiding his gaze until you whip your eyes back at his, seeing the saddened look on his handsome facial features—one that always has a grin and smile whenever he sees you. one day, akaashi praised you for always brightening up bokuto's mood, rescuing the whole team eventually. his other teammates and managers also encourage you to come to their matches because there is a good chance they win just by your mere presence.
and now, you're one of the reasons why he doesn't act that way.
but what is he talking about anyway? "my worst day? what-what are you talking about?" you inquire carefully, brows furrowed as you try to scan your memories for any hints that may come up for his words.
and then it hit you.
"are you talking about my uncle's death anniversary... today?" slowly, you came to a realization. each and every smile, gesture, and word that bokuto made to you the entire day, it was all to make you happy.
to make you smile.
"uh-yeah i saw in your calendar that you have this day crossed out and when i asked you about it, you told me that it was your worst day—about... the anniversary." you could tell just how much he was being careful with how he was choosing his words and prevented whatever may trigger you. honestly, you didn't even feel and remember the sadness that this day was supposed the bring because of the positivity that bokuto immediately welcomed you in just from his morning shenanigans, and throughout the day. even if you didn't want to admit it, his puns may have helped in your mentality.
for you, it was more than enough reason to not feel anxious anymore.
"h-hey why are you cry-"
"you remembered." you say, suddenly tackling the boy into a big hug. you didn't care if there was anyone around you who could have seen the scene. right now, you were feeling overwhelmed with the warmth of bokuto's caring personality and you've never felt so lucky your whole life.
bokuto was enough. his mere presence is enough to make you happy. and now, you know why he always brightens up at the sight of you.
you make him smile too.
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