#(it's on tv at the moment in the mornings but I have all morning classes  so I can't watch it til break -_-)
yugioh-why-not · 2 years
I have one question with Yu-Gi-Oh! Sevens. Do they not know you can just play duel monsters how ever you want on a desk without the holograms and duel disks? get five penalties who cares! No one can stop you from duelling on your bedroom floor, what are they going to do? send in a squat team and be like ‘kids! How dare you play a game meant for children!!!’ 
They just stress about the penalties so much -w-
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blush-pedri · 2 months
fans are assholes | r. dias
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summary: fans compare your pregnancy to fellow wags, leaving you to feel not so good.
notes: as requested! i don’t think i specified that it was twins but it still works. dad!ruben has to be my fav genre 🤪 i hope you all enjoy, some very cute at moments 💘 let me know what you all think! <3
IT WAS MATCH DAY, and although you were feeling rough like you had done the last 7 months, you had promised your fiancé you would make it to today’s knockout game rather than watching from home. he wanted you to support from the stadium, but he also wanted to get you out of the house too.
you were 32 weeks along and feeling very heavily pregnant.
yeah, it’s all fun and games when dating a tall man until you have to grow his unnecessarily large children.
all you wanted to do was lie down and moan this entire trimester, having nothing but a hard time with this one you were growing. you’d had every bad symptom imaginable, from the nonstop sickness and heartburn, to back and hip pain, difficulty sleeping and sore boobs, and now in the final stages you were experiencing braxton hicks, so yeah - all you did want was to lie down and whine. more than ever, you just wanted to stay in the comfort of your own home and nest.
“—you’re not even nesting though! you’re sitting here watching tv all day! get up and get ready!” rúben had said to you just yesterday morning after you’d told him you were too busy nesting to grab a coffee with him before training.
“mama, i think you should go tomorrrow . .” another sweet voice said from the sofa, glancing sympathetically in your direction.
your sweet boy, elias, didn’t want to offend you and make you feel like a slob, but he really wanted you both to go to his papa’s games. with school, you didn’t allow him to go to any late night matches which were always the majority, but tomorrow’s kickoff was 3:30pm and when he pitched the idea, you felt awful for feeling like you’d deprived him of some fun memories.
you really didn’t want to go, but your baby boy deserved it. he’d been working so hard in the last weeks of school and rúben would agree that you needed to take him - he wanted you both there just as much but he also knew not to tell a pregnant woman what to do - he wasn’t the one carrying an 8lb baby around in all summer.
“you nearly ready, baby?!” you called from your room, trying your best to look acceptable for today’s outing. you couldn’t remember the last time you’d done your makeup and styled your hair so neatly, baby dias was really kicking your butt that you hardly had any energy after a shower, let alone doing your makeup and hair.
you really needed them out so you could go back to your old self.
you didn’t remember pregnancy being this hard with eli. with him, you were able to get through the rest of school with him growing in your belly! taking notes and listening in class. sure, you had sickness and a sore back but that was really only at the start and at the end. given, you were younger and full of energy.
eli came along in the last of your teen years but you wouldn’t change anything for the world, same with rúben. he blamed that baby boy for being the reason he pushed himself so hard to get where he was today. he was such an easy pregnancy, and an easy kid.
being honest, you felt more unprepared for this new baby as a grown adult than you did as a teenager back in 2016.
with a few thuds across the landing and a solid jump at your bedroom door, you turned to see your 8-year-old all ready holding two thumbs up. with a man city kit on and trainers, he looked like rúben more than ever. seriously, if you got a photo of rúben back then, it was like looking at eli with a slightly different haircut. it scared you so much. “ready!”
traffic was always bad no matter what time you left, but you got there in one piece and already left eli with one of your closest friends and bernardo’s wife, ines, while you had to run to the bathroom even after such a short journey. jeans were longgg out of the equation so you’d gone with some loose, white trousers to go with the blue football shirt, hoping they didn’t wrinkle too much but still looked good with the outfit. “you are glowing!”
“no, it’s probably just my highlighter,” you pointed to your cheekbone as ines laughed cheerfully.
“no! you look amazing, what are you talking about?! i have missed you!” she couldn’t help but hug you again. “you’re ready to pop!”
she felt your bump and you huffed a sigh, pulling your sunglasses down, “i know, it feels like it.”
you didn’t really like being out this far along, not because you were afraid, but you were at that stage were you were starting to feel gross. like, you looked like a whale no matter what you wore or styled yourself to look like. realistically – you were one of the most beautiful pregnant women the internet had saw. truly, you may have felt like an elephant, but you were still posted on WAG accounts, getting shared by millions of women who begged they could only look as good as you when pregnant or better - envied you for still looking so hot while suffering the struggles of pregnancy.
how?! 😭❤️
life’s not fair!!!! 😫
what’s her secret?!!! 😍😭🙏🏼
but you could have gotten a thousand comments like that . . but all it took was the one bad one.
fucking hell, keep her inside 😂🫣
who is that??
a lot of the time you didn’t care because you knew how the internet worked, and you know the majority were sad-little-pathetic-football-fan men. they barely impacted you.
when it was women on the other hand . . .
“i just can’t believe one woman would say that to another woman,” you tilted your phone to show ines the replies. “what happened to the whole ‘girls help girls?’” you had to put your phone down before you ended up on a gossip page for arguing with people in your comment section.
“it’s always down to jealousy, babe. they hate you ‘cause they ain’t you,” she pointed, the same thing you had told her when she got her first negative comment, and you smiled at her attempt of making you feel better. she was such a good friend.
the internet was a weird place. your life was a weird place, you didn’t think there’d be a day people hated you for simply being with a person. you found it weird paparazzi followed you around when rúben was the famous one. you found it weird there were accounts dedicated to you when you didn’t do anything. it caught you off seeing people notice every little thing about you or knew things you forgot you’d explained. it did add a little bit of pressure knowing you were being watched and most likely compared to other beautiful WAGS. you’d be lying if you didn’t say you’d put on makeup in fear you’d be posted all over those news articles and WAG accounts.
you forgot how stressed matches made you until kickoff, two minutes in and already overthinking how this would go down. rúben had your heart fluttering nontheless with how he ran up and down the pitch, giving orders all sweaty and even repping the captain band for a bit. it made you feel real good about your baby daddy.
“come on, pa!” your son would shout when a bit of a ruffle would occur, his father speaking passionately to the ref with frustrating hand movements.
the halftime whistle blew and you let out a breath, fanning yourself as your body relaxed for a small moment. 0-0. “ma, i need to go to the bathroom.”
“me too, let’s go!”
perks of dating a footballer? renting out their own box for friends and family - including the private bathroom. no queues around hereee.
walking through the rows and steps, you couldn’t help but feel eyes pinned to you. ines would tell you because you’re a WAG of a player (you regret ever educating her on that term) but really you felt like it was because you looked like a whale making her way through the stands.
eli convinced you to do a lap of the stadium just once to ‘stretch your legs’ when really it was something he always liked to do as he believed it ‘made halftime pass quicker’. so hobbling around with few staff members recognising the kid (or rather seeing the clear evidence he was a mini rúben) , you strolled around the packed building, trying to squeeze past football fans, getting stopped once for a picture.
“thank you so much!”
“no worries at all,” you waved to the two girls, shooting them your kindest smile. they were so lovely, and even complimented you for ‘pulling off pregnancy so well’.
“you’re sLayiNg” eli mocked them, taking your hand.
“shut up,” you tutted. you appreciated being told you were still slaying.
the 8-year-old suddenly bolted to a familair security guard in a neon vest who was delighted to see the boy. “my man!”
you didn’t bother rushing over, you were out of breath as it was and decided to just lean on the wall while elias got his quick catch up, waving at matt instead. halftime was almost over. you should be heading back now.
“—not the best one though.”
“—no, sasha is definitely the best wag.”
i swear, the word ‘wag’ triggers you like nothing else.
you tried not to look around, but to your left, you could make out two bodies mingling with each other. both wearing light blue tops with stylish jeans and trainers, the two girls waiting outside the bathroom, trying to talk quietly between then in a mumbled manner.
you were a mum - you had mastered your hearing to hear the grass grow.
“–but sasha’s not pregnant?”
“–but if she was, she’d have a cute bump, not . . ”
their silence had you believe they’d glance in your direction, and it took every bone in your body not to stare dead on at them with a smile to let them know you heard every word - but you didn’t. you played oblivious and stayed watching eli, a forced sweet smile on your lips.
“–foden’s girl always has a cute little bump too!”
“–oh my god, yes. she’s stunning.”
“–he’s stunning too, to be fair.”
“eli, come on son!” you wanted to bang your head on the wall not wanting to endure the conversation anymore. now you’d tune in, you couldn’t tune out.
“–ok. bye matt! see you later,” he didn’t waste a second to return to you. “see you soon, buddy!”
you waved at matt and led him through the crowds, not meaning to hold his hand so tight until he pointed it out. “ow, ma, you’re hurting me.”
“sorry baby.” you didn’t sound sorry but you felt utterly hot and bothered. and not in the good way.
for some unreasonable reason, a small line of carts drove through the halls, and you stood against the wall as they passed by, holding your son by his shoulders. you could hear a small utter of whispers from your side but refused to turn your head. you really needed to fucking sit down.
“—dias’ girl! look at the size of her!”
“–rob that’s so mean! she’s pregnant!”
“WOW!” eli stole your attention as he almost stepped out in front of a last minute one zooming by. you smiled, and quickly manoeuvred him on your way.
“keep going, keep going,” you shuffled behind him in the stands, but stopped amidst a waiting line as someone caused hassle. your foot kicked something. “oh i’m so sorry!”
you accidentally tapped your foot to a lady’s handbag, but she smiled and waved you off. “you’re alright, don’t worry!” shortly adding, “i’m not surprised!” glancing to your belly.
it wasn’t malicious, but it was about to be the last straw of some floodgates. “ha! i know . . I’m like a whale.”
“how far along are you?” her friend asked.
“about 7-8 months,” you smiled sweetly, ignoring the fact they didn’t assure you that you didn’t look like a whale. thanks.
“oh wow!”
“i know,” you fake laughed. why wasn’t this line moving?
“is it twins or just the one?”
you tried to stop your eye twitching. who in the right kind said that?! was that . . a backhanded compliment?! what that even a compliment?! or was she genuinely asking in a stupid and nosey manner? “no, but it feels like it,” you fake laughed, and they did too. twats.
“oh my! you’re so big!”
“he or she will be a big boy or girl,” the other corrected with her pint in hand, knowing her friend’s words had just flown out of her mouth.
“yeah . .” you were done with this conversation but you didn’t dare be rude. thankfully, the line moved, and they waved goodbye. “congratulations!”
“thank you!” you replied, turning back around, mouthing absolute knobheads.
“mum, i don’t think you’re a whale,” eli’s hand patted your own that rested on his shoulder, bringing you back down to earth.
your heart thumped and although he didn’t look at you, your heart melted to a puddle as you squeezed his shoulders and ruffled his hair, knowing you’d embarrass him with a kiss. “thank you baby. you’re always to sweet to me.”
and he was. you actually . . wanted to cry. shock.
“hey!” ines greeted. “where’d you guys go?”
you only shook your head and nodded to you son who was standing again, ready and recharged for more yelling. you felt ines squeeze your hand and you looked at her, “are you ok? you look . .”
“yeah, i’m fine,” you dabbed your eyes and put your sunglasses back on. “just . . stupid stuff, and then e said something really sweet and i just,” you held your heart which made her laugh and reassure her for the time being. “ok, but . . you can tell me, y’know?”
“just being emotional,” you said the obvious, making her laugh as you leaned into her for support.
you would tell her later, but right now, you were going to use the rest of the game as your excuse to start screaming.
the game ended on a win. you saw rúben briefly when the players walked around and applauded, and eli mirrored his excitement and happiness, waving and calling to him as he spotted you guys. he was ecstatic you could make it.
it was after 6 by the time you got home and settled. you were about to order food when you second guess your options, today’s events replaying in your mind:
look at the size of her!
sasha would have a cute bump.
you’re so big!
you knew you were pregnant but there were far nicer things to say to a pregnant lady. what a bunch of assholes.
instead, you cooked some carbs up for eli and made yourself a seperate dinner, feeling the need to watch what you were eating now - you’d be giving birth soon and all those pregnancy cravings didn’t just leave when the baby came. you weren’t silly - you weren’t going to deprive yourself of food, but maybe they had a point - why wasn’t your bump considered cute? was it hard to tell you were pregnant? what were you doing differently?
you were on the verge of calling sasha and asking her what she put in her green smoothies when the door opened.
“meu amor?”
“in here champ,”
something rúben didn’t expect to see what you lying on the couch with a salad balanced on your bump, and you munching away like it was a 5-star dish. “what’s this about . . ?” he smiled sceptically, dropping his bag to the floor.
“what’s what?”
“that.” he nodded to your plate.
you shrugged. “took a notion for it.”
“for . . a salad?” he clarified, looking down at you, entertained in some sense.
your craving for the last 5 months had been anything with chocolate frosting on it. rúben had watched you talk yourself out of buying a tub of it on its own because you knew if was weird and would have to bake go use it.
to be fair, the salad was tasty, and you were enjoying it but . . at 7 months pregnant? rúben tilted his head. “where’s eli?”
“is his room.”
“he had salad too?”
“he had pasta and garlic bread.”
now he knew something was up. you? not eating garlic bread? italian in general?
someone had said something to you.
he looked at you concerningly, but he was too afraid to ruin the peaceful moment. you seemed calm. he had won a game and you were in a good mood today. baby boy or girl mustn’t be giving you too much trouble so that was a win in itself. so he just leaned down and kissed you lovingly. “hi.”
“hi,” you smiled, pecking him three more times before he rose again. “well done today.”
“thank you,” his hand touched your belly for about two seconds before you swept it off smoothly with your own, squeezing it instead. you smiled up at him again, “love you.”
he kissed you again trying to hide his confusion – but something was up. you were being odd. “love you too.”
and he left and headed for eli’s room, leaving you to let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding before slouching again and continuing with your dinner.
the rest of that evening, rúben was correct. you weren’t yourself.
your mind was somewhere else, and your head wasn’t out of your phone. constantly scrolling, you had overanalysed every picture captured of you today and tried not to nitpick. reading comments. comparing yourself. he wondered what you were doing.
but everyone else did have small bumps. everyone’s looked so cute. they didn’t use pregnancy as an excuse to eat whatever they wanted or slack with self-care. they still wore tight clothing. they still looked gorgeous. you began to compare yourself to all these other wives and girlfriends on the page, wondering how on earth they looked that good.
ummmm, ‘cause maybe they’re 12 weeks along and you’re triple that?
the next morning, rúben kissed you in the kitchen before leaving. “what’s that?”
“that,” he nodded to the drink in your hand.
“a smoothie?”
“for breakfast?”
“well yeah,” you furrowed your brows, and he immediately shook his head, pulling that judgemental, disapproving look you sometimes wanted to punch. “no, no, come on, don’t be silly, now,” he almost laughed, “you need to eat something proper.”
“it’s a smoothie, it has everything i need in it?”
“y/n, make something to eat. you’re almost 8 months pregnant for crying out loud,” he looked at you seriously. he didn’t want to sound like he was scolding you or making you feel stupid but you knew he was worried about the lack.
overprotective rúben had always been a constant in your relationship but when you were pregnant — phew, “you got my baby in there.”
“–and he or she is looked after, it’s a healthy drink—”
he took it from your hand and kissed your cheek in the process, taking it with him to training with a smirk, “stop being lazy and cook.”
you were furious. you were actually annoyed that he had taken the drink himself and didn’t find it funny. he kissed eli’s head and the door closed, and you were left highly irritated.
you couldn’t see eli shrink, but he did, looking wide-eyed at the table as he considered his dad a brave brave man in that moment to do that to you - considering the look of your face.
and as a pregnant woman with her emotional struggling to stay in check - you lost it as they all blended together once eli was dropped off at school, sitting in a car park of a café you regretted going too now that you sat with your decaf latte and triple-choc muffin. the frustration quickly turned to tears as you had a moment, eyes in your hands, thinking over everything the last couple days.
yes you were pregnant, but was there a need to be that big? were you even that big compared to others? were you really that bad to look at? that unflattering? did it even looking like you were pregnant? the loose clothing probably didn’t help, but who wanted to wear tight clothing? pregnancy was hard - it was hard to glamourise it all the time!
you’d never cried over looking bad the first time you were pregnant, maybe once or twice when a pair of jeans didn’t fit or you couldn’t reach your shoelaces, but never over the way you felt about yourself. you actually were starting to feel disgusting, and it was embarrassing because you let randomers make you feel this way!
. . and then the pathetic-ness turned into anger because why were people such assholes?! how can they not keep an opinion to themselves?! making you feel bad about your baby!
. . and then the anger turned to guilt because your sweet little baby was just trying to grow and be healthy and you were upset over it. tears again.
you didn’t know how to fix it. the damage was already done, you had a month left, there was no going back now with salads and smoothies, you yanked your paper bag with your muffin off the floor, eating your money’s worth. rúben subconsciously popped into your head as he was probably eating some fruit salad or nutritious sandwich at this time.
oh rúben. you wished he was here but you also knew you wouldn’t want him near you at the minute, not when you weren’t feeling yourself and you had people in your comments telling you he was on his way of replacing you.
he would call you stupid, but rúben just wouldn’t understand. he wouldn’t get being on the other side, the built in competition that automatically comes with being a woman, more than ever with this lifestyle he had given you. one where you’re compared left right and centre with a certain standard to achieve.
you bet every handbag you owned, he’d screw his face up and go ‘are you serious’ if you told him your issue. he knew you were above anyone commenting stupid things on your posts and found it immature of you in a way if you did take those things to heart - i mean they were nobodies! jealous nobodies! but that’s easy for him to say, his comments are flooded with never ending support, guys praising him for his talent, physique and hard work and most girls telling him to hurry up and leave you. spamming with flame and tongue emojis, thirsting over your man just the way you did, only boosting his ego more which rúben did not need.
so you just felt silly, and picked at your muffin, accepting your were going to be a whale wag.
you felt like a slob when you got back home, staying on the couch after cleaning, and then crying except you were watching a movie to blame it on that.
you still couldn’t get comments out of your head, i mean what was an ‘expired wag?!’ or a ‘busted oven?!’ what did that mean? and why always the skull emojis?!
scrolling once again through photos of comparison, you scrolled onto a beautiful pic of your beautiful bestie, ines, and straight away phoned her. “hey.”
“hey! what’s up! what’s going on? why do you sound you out of breath?”
“why do you think?” you laughed.
“girl are you crying again?!”
and you started talking. you had to get things off your chest and you needed ines to make you feel better, to assure you and let you rant, and she happily did, after all, you’d always been there when she was having a moment.
“–what did rúben say?”
“nothing, i haven’t told him anything. he’ll just tell me i’m being ridiculous.”
“he won’t!”
“ines, he would, he’s not like bernardo. rúben’s harsh!”
“so are you! which is why i can’t believe you’re still crying over this!”
he was harsh in the good way, in the same way you were. you were both practical. real. realistic. you picked each other up and told each off when you were being ridiculous. pulled each other out their asses. brought you back down to earth.
but you just needed comforted at this current moment by your girl.
as you continued to chat and laugh more than you thought, the front door opened without your acknowledgment and rubes stepped through. freshly showered after a long morning of training, he instantly heard your voice rambling over the phone. he took notice of the tissue also crumpled on the floor by the door (you’d been carelessly tossing them for dramatic effect) and paused after he thought he’d heard a sad sniffle. he closed the door quietly and crept near the living room.
“i can’t help it, i do just feel . . blegh,” you felt like you were being ridiculous but you couldn’t help it. “like, why does everyone keep making a big fuss about it? am i really that massively huge or am i just not liked?”
he heard another woman’s laughter on your phone and recognised her as soon as she began talking to you, “y/n, i promise no one is making a fuss of it, it probably just seems in your face all the time because you keep going back to check. i promise the world is not broadcasting you,” ines chuckled sweetly, which followed your sad laugh also.
“well the wag world does!”
“y/n!” she laughed, “you’re overthinking it. i promise you have nothing to worry about. the only person who’s opinion should matter to you is rúben’s and everybody knows he has you on a pedestal!” rúben found himself smiling. he’d always been a fan of ines. “he’s called you his wife since you came to manchester! he’s always been proud to show you off, you look good - you look amazing! people are just saying that stuff about you to make themselves feel better.”
“mm, i guess,” you sniffed, holding your forehead. “i don’t know, it’s just been getting to me . . and i’m not saying to rúben because he’ll tell me i’m being stupid. i wouldn’t be surprised if he was leaving an hour earlier in the mornings to get away from me. it’s not like my looks can make up for my psycho-ness anymore,” you joked.
“y/n!” she tried not to laugh. “though, pregnancy psycho-ness is definitely real.”
it is, rúben mentally agreed also, though his heart still sank further as he heard you talk about yourself in such ways. he didn’t want to call you ridiculous but come on, you were pregnant! didn’t they all count as compliments to a pregnant lady?!
“it is,” you let out a sigh, “i wouldn’t want to be around me either, just this big angry rhino walking around the house,” you laughed together, “he goes to a paris event on friday anyway, he’ll get a break and have plenty of french models to—”
a clear of a throat had you whipping your head to the door, seeing rúben’s hard stare. your mouth went dry. “uhhh, ines i’ll call you back.”
you felt bad hanging up as she was speaking back, too shocked you’d been heard rambling for the last couple minutes. or probably longer! how long had he been standing there?!
“french models?! french models, y/n.”
“rúben, it’s not in context—”
“oh i heard the context, i heard everything,” he came in the room, not one spot of happiness found on his face. he was fuming. you could tell, and disappointed too, you felt like eli getting told off by him, throwing yourself back into the couch as he stood with that gruff, intimidating look, hands shoved in his pockets.
“you don’t get it—” you could already feel the tears welling in your eyes, though a pit of frustration was brewing in your chest hot and fast. this was going one of two ways.
“what don’t i get? you don’t tell me what’s wrong when i ask you!”
“‘cause you wouldn’t understand!”
“ok but what i do understand is my wife accusing me of what? getting to pick which ‘french model’ i want to take home next week?”
now your face fell flat, realising how ridiculous and cruel that sounded. you shouldn’t accuse him of that kind of stuff.
“rubes, i just—” your mouth felt dry again. tears brimming again, you could feel how hot they were. the words were on the tip of your tongue but you didn’t know how they were gonna come out.
“what is it? tell me,” he pushed, eager for you to actually get out what you wanted to say so he could help sort it. “i’m here to listen.”
and you did, you unleashed it all. “people are assholes. your fans are assholes. i’m sorry but i cannot believe the stuff people have no issue saying to other people - pregnant people at that! as if the 9 months aren’t hard enough, i have this mob of men and women on my back, judging and critiquing my every outting. i can’t do it anymore, it’s actually ruining whatever self-confidence i have left!” the tears were streaming as you began your rant, choking down sobs as you moved your hands, a fury behind all the sadness.
rúben crouched down, wanting to be nearer as you let it all out. “every day, every hour, i have someone online, reminding me off how big i am, how unflattering my paparazzi pic is, how whale-like i am! how hard it’s gonna be to shift this baby weight! i’m getting put in competition with every other pregnant wife and girlfriend of your teammate and showed how much better they pull it off! how gorgeous they look all the time! how their bumps are ‘cute’ and small and ‘suits them.’ i heard it myself at your game the other day! it’s like they’ve never seen an un-photoshopped pregnant woman before!” you met his eyes, realising you were probably being silly and that there were bigger problems in the world. “i just feel disgusting, rúben. i never felt like this with eli, i was in this perfect little bubble but this time so different. i don’t want to leave the house when i know a monstrosity of photos are getting taken of me, pointing out every flaw. i don’t have a cute, small bump! i do look like a whale! i can’t dress sexy! and i get what people are saying when they say it’ll be a bit before you can look at me again ‘cause god knows—”
“shh,” he quickly silenced you, placing a finger to your lips. his brows were furrowed as yours did, fed up of hearing you ramble about all the bad things about yourself. he felt pain in a way. he just couldn’t believe you actually thought these things about yourself. “wha— . . . are you being serious?”
“OH MY GOD!” you threw your arms up. see!
“i’m sorry, i’m sorry, meu amor,” his big hands softly caressed your legs in front of him, along your smooth thighs to stop you from exploding again, “i’m sorry. it’s just . . i . . it annoys me that you let these things get to you, these random, strange people that you don’t even know. you take their opinion over mine. so mine doesn’t matter, it doesn’t count?” he looked you deeply in the eye, “how does that make sense? explain that to me.”
your head hit the cushion as you groaned but rúben held your hands comfortingly. he didn’t want to make you feel stupid, but he wanted to hear your thought process. “to me, it’s like . . you have the choice of walking into a room full of all these people who hate you, and you know the hate you, after being in one full of people you love . . and you go into the hateful one and are surprised that all these people are saying all these bad things about you when you could have just left it alone and focused on the lovely ones - from people who matter to you! who are actually in your life! do you understand?”
you nodded along, entranced by his eyes and how they were able to ground you alone. “you know that i think you’re the best thing in the world. you know i would love you if—” he thought off the top of his head, “you had 10 extra toes. a third eye. if you had a cow nose. elf ears!” your hair slipped silkily through his fingers, “you know i think you’re the most beautiful woman ever even dressed in a trash bag. i would still love you if you did wear trash bags. if you had a cow nose. if you weighed the same as a cow. if you weighed the same as a baby cow,” you broke a chuckle at that. “i’ve loved you through our ugly teen years, when i shaved my hair and your eyebrows were stick thin,” you laughed more as he let out a breath of relief, “i loved you when with vomit down your shirt and your hair dyed that weird colour—”
“rúbennn . .”
“what? and i loved you when you had eli in your stomach, and he was big baby,” his hand touched your belly, moving it in the same motion he always did because that’s when he got to feel the small kicks of this baby dias. “i loved you even more even when i saw how he came out,” he shot you a wildered look.
you facepalmed, dragging your hand down dreadfully at the thought of having to relive that moment all over again in over a months time.
his features turned as his thoughts turned sour, “why are you letting stupid fucking people affect you?”
“i don’t know . . i guess ‘cause so many people are saying it i . . it must be true to some extent—”
“seriously, rúben. i don’t have a cute, small bump. ines and rebecca are always such sweet—”
“Y/N! have you SEEN the size of bernardo and phil next to me! is it any wonder they’re small! their child comes out the same size as them!” his hand shot out with passion.
now your head was in your hand with muffled laughter, caught off guard by his statement. “seriously! seriously, now you’re supposed to be the smart one,” he tried to look at you, that loving smile shining your way as his heart sang at the sound of you laughter. “you’re shocked that me, that we, have big babies . . that ines has a much smaller bump than you . . are you serious? that rebecca has a smaller bump than you? rebecca, phil and elway stacked on top of each other wouldn’t even reach the height of me!”
“rúben,” you laughed, feeling an actual blush of embarrassment coat your face at how stupid he’d made you feel, but in a good way.
he was so right. what were you thinking?
“i’m like, the biggest guy on the team! sorry i didn’t realise that was gonna be a problem for you,” you lightly hit his shoulder to wrap up the sarcasm, still giggling. he looked at you from the floor, his hands still on you, on your leg on bump — the bump that he did make look small next to his hand. “and please remember you’re a month away from giving birth, you’re supposed to be a healthy size. and i been going to training an hour earlier ‘cause i know when this one comes along, i’ll not want to go as much and i’ll want to stay with you both. i’ll start working on my dad bod . .” he felt the small, subtle movement happening inside, but he could feel them if he kept still enough.
“you’d look good with both.” you rolled your eyes.
“and you’d still look better. y/n, you’re not a whale. please stop saying that,” he finally crept to his feet, climbing on the couch on top of you, leaning his arm behind your head. “you are the most beautiful-est woman to me and no-one, NO-ONE can convince me otherwise. you’re my standard of perfect, of gorgeous and sexy and all the rest of it. i’ve found you sexy before this baby, during this baby, and after this baby — i still get comments of people telling me how ugly i look when you’re next to me! you bring my value down!”
his arm wrapped around your neck while the other threw itself over your bump, shifting and snuggling into the sofa more comfortingly, you relaxed alongside him, the tears no trickling down but with good reason behind them as you were shocked to find your love growing even more for rúben when you thought it was impossible. “i don’t know what comments you’re seeing because all i see are the ones calling you a milf, and it takes too much time to try and report them all.”
you held his hand at your shoulder, his lips kissing your cheek repeatedly, over and over again. you knew how much he loved you. “yeah, you’re right. fans are just . . assholes.”
“fans are assholes,” he agreed, stroking your cheekbone, “. . don’t listen to them. you think i listen to everything they say about me?” he perked a brow.
sometimes! you wanted to say but knew better. it was rhetorical question, and you knew his sweet intentions.
“alright? i don’t so why should you? you’re hot stuff babe,” he looked at the side of your face, inspecting every little freckle and faint scar, he just wanted to never stop kissing you. “i love you the way you are. eli loves you for the way you are, and this baby,” he rubbed circles on your belly, “he or she is going to be so unbelievably lucky when they see who they have as their mam. i know it’s not the smallest bump but i think it’s the cutest i’ve ever saw, with my baby girl or boy in there,” he kissed the size of your stomach. he grew more and more excited each day as he got a day closer to meeting who was inside. he couldn’t wait. “. . who they get their good looks from and skill and personality - well, i mean i would like to take some credit for the both of those ‘cause i mean their daddy is pretty c—”
you playfully jabbed his side, making him laugh. “yeah, he’s the hottest one on the field,” you glanced at him, kissing his cheek.
one thing about him, he’d always blessed you with beautiful children.
“yeah, and their mum is coolest one at the school pick up,” his lips trailed along your cheek to your jaw, the slight scruff of his beard tickling you. “you’re the biggest milf to walk the planet–”
“rúbennn,” you chuckled, blushing at his words whilst trying to push him away.
“i’m serious,” he proceeded, peppering kissed down your neck, “and she’s coming to paris with me for the weekend so she can outshine me like she does at every event she comes to.”
you laughed at that, smiling dreamily as he proceeding to love on you.
“and eli?”
“elias gets to stay with his favourite uncle who owes a favour,” he winked.
“hmm. ok.”
“and i’ll give her a reason to cry if she starts thinking like that again,” he whispered in your ear.
your heart slipped a beat. “oh yeah?”
“ohh yeahhh,” he nodded, standing to his feet, not before a loud ‘smack’ echoed the room as he mimicked what your poor backside would get if you kept up that kind of behaviour. “see you upstairs, mama.”
you blew your hair from your face, heart thumping, your hands slowly crept up to your adorable little bump where you caressed it gently as he headed for upstairs, whispering softly, “you are soo lucky he’s your papai.”
your heart raced as he peeled his hoodie off, back muscles staring right at you as he headed for your room, you felt your insides begin to sizzle.
— but you were even luckier he was your husband.
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primaviva · 1 year
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PAIRING: miles g. morales x fem!reader
SYNOPSIS: your boyfriend, miles, invites you over to his place since his moms not home and he can finally have the door shut. but one teasing comment you made later and suddenly he’s asleep in your arms as you smother him in tender kisses. is he really tho?
WARNINGS/NOTES: pure fluff, one suggestive joke? heavily coded latina reader w implied curly hair, miles being petty, that’s all !!
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“translations:” ¿qué onda? = whats up, novio = boyfriend, relájate = relax, chuleto = used to refer to a fashionable/flirty boy or fboy, tonto = idiot, lo siento = i’m sorry, princesa = princess
after an exhausting heatwave, new york had been graced with a week of downpours and cool streets.
you hadn't recently seen your boyfriend. yes, you spoke to him in your classes and in the hallways when you saw him at school, but it had been some time since you had last seen him outside of the school building. he frequently claimed to be busy with whatever the hell it was. but you decided against pushing it. miles is loyal to you and has been through a lot, so you don't push him to tell you when he's busy or doing something else to fill the time. instead, you wait for him to open up.
currently, you found yourself comfortably sprawled on the couch in the living room. the morning's heavy downpour had gradually subsided as the afternoon arrived, leaving behind a gentle drizzle that cascaded down the windowpane. without any particular program capturing your attention, this day seemed to be a slow one you just had to follow the vibe of. as you idly absorbed the atmosphere, your eyes wandered to the television, where a journalist was discussing the prowler's recent involvement in a local drug bust.
exhaling a sigh, you contemplated switching off the tv and surrendering to another nap, when suddenly, a notification chimed on your phone. your gaze shifted to the coffee table, where the glow of your phone illuminated the surroundings.
it was a message from your man, miles.
mi novio : ¿qué onda, mami? i miss you 😩😩
you couldn't help but roll your eyes at your phone as you silently read the text. miles had a penchant for playfully teasing and maintaining a smooth facade, all in an attempt to fluster you.
you : relájate… we texted this morning and it was you who stopped replying
you : but ig i missed you too
you could almost picture the expression on his face at that moment. maybe a subtle smirk adorned his lips in response to your sassy reply or the mention of missing him. or maybe he even did a small pout, feeling defeated that you didn’t completely fold.
mi novio : ik you missed me
mi novio : you tryna come over?
as soon as you finished reading the last line of his message, a loud laugh escaped from your lips. once again, he was acting cocky. your mouth stretched into a soft smirk as you realized you couldn't pretend that you didn't like the way he acted. it didn’t help how bold he was asking for you to come over. now that’s when you knew something was up.
the supple fabric made contact with your skin as you took up your phone and sat back against the cushions, instantly soothing your muscles as you typed up a response.
me : come over and do what lil boy…
with a laugh, you rose from the couch and strolled toward your bedroom, mentally getting ready. it was a familiar routine, the satisfying dance of teasing and banter that defined your dynamic. deep down, you knew you would end up there regardless, but relishing in the opportunity to playfully toy with him was irresistible.
you put your phone down on your bed as you opened your closet and began to put an outfit together. you felt your phone ding as you jumped into your jeans and pressed the buttons together. picking your phone up, you glanced at the text message that flashed across the screen.
mi novio : girl you know not the start with me
mi novio : and don’t act like i’m on some freaking timing when you texted the prowler to stop by your window the other night, ma
a gasp escaped your lips, and your hand instinctively flew to cover your mouth, overwhelmed by the sudden nervousness that surged through your body. your cheeks were so warm from the sudden boldness of his comments you swore you could feel the steam radiation off of them. you were well aware of his nature, but this time, he had truly caught you off guard with his little comeback.
your head quipped at the sudden notification that dinged your phone again.
mi novio : what’s wrong, you stopped typing? don’t get all shy on me now when you started it
mi novio : just come over and we’ll figure it out damn i jus wanna see you
despite your nervous state you couldn't help but smile warmly at what she said. miles isn’t always vulnerable but you loved the little crumbs you got when he spoke his mind. you could tell he really missed by just how much he was double texting, something he only does when he talks to you.
you : i'm comingg you can stop now 🫶
as you coated your hands with the product, carefully working it into a rich lather, a playful image of him rolling his eyes in response to your text crossed your mind. undeterred, you tenderly scrunched and massaged the product into your luscious locs. casting a final approving glance at your reflection in the mirror, you made sure your fit was good. with your headphones and house keys in hand, you slid into a jacket, being mindful of the weather. swiftly, you shot miles a text, letting him know you’d be there soon.
you took a deep breath as you stepped out of your house, the familiar door closing behind you with a soft click. the gray sky’s gentle glow kissed your skin, casting a dark hue upon your face. the sound of your footsteps created a comforting cadence as you strolled through the gloomy neighborhood. with each step you glanced at the dark shadows that had overtaken brooklyn throughout time.
within a short time, you found yourself on his block, reaching into your pocket to retrieve your phone and let him know you were about to pull up. as you turned the corner, his apartment building came into view, and there he stood, positioned at the entrance, patiently awaiting your arrival. clad in an oversized black puffer jacket, he exuded a sense of warmth, his hands tucked protectively into the pockets for an extra layer of comfort in the outside weather. drawing nearer, his face gradually came into focus, revealing the cool, icy gaze that harmonized with his stoic demeanor. yet, behind the stoicism, a gentle smile graced his lips, radiating a tenderness that could not be concealed around you.
he let out a sigh as a cloudy mist escaped his soft lips. “hey baby,” miles whispered, his voice raspy almost as if he’s a bit tired as he moves closer and wraps an arm around your shoulders, holding you close.
“hola chuleto,” you replied back, enamored by how gorgeous he looked in pale sunlight. you put your hand on his cheek and felt his supple skin beneath your fingertips. “so, can i get a kiss from my boyfriend now?”
before he responded, you prepared to start leaning up to kiss him but miles had playfully straightened his back and added to the distance between you two. you looked up shooting him an annoyed glare as a smirk painted his featuress.
“ah, mami. y’know i can’t resist you,” miles mumbled against your ear as he leaned back close to you and let out a small laugh.
he leans down and kisses you, both of his hands resting softly on your hips. he let out a satisfied hum as his lips met the warmth of your mouth. the feeling was something of ecstasy. he had missed you so much all he wanted to do was just be near you. his hand moves down to your lower back, pressing you against him. miles pulled back with a hum as he looked down at you with soft eyes as you gazed up at him through your wispy lashes. he pulled you into a hug as you both slowly rocked back and forth in each other's embrace.
as the chilly mist continued to linger in the air, miles gently pulled away from your embrace, his concern evident in his eyes. "hey, we should probably go inside the apartment building before we catch a cold," he suggested, his voice carrying a note of practicality. his words were accompanied by a warm smile, a gesture that conveyed both consideration and a desire to keep you safe.
nodding in agreement, you intertwined your fingers with his as a silent affirmation. miles opened the door to the lobby and guided you to the staircase as you began your descent up to his floor.
your kisses always had a way of melting his demeanor away into something much gentler, if your friends ever saw him this way they would barely recognize him.
as you reached the landing, miles fumbled for his keys, his hand briefly brushing against yours, a fleeting touch that sent a shiver down your spine. the door swung open, revealing the dimly lit and mostly empty apartment.
“you hungry? cus’ i cooked if you want anything,” he mentioned from behind you as he locked the door.
"cooked too, huh? and here you are always tryna act all hard," you giggled. "no, i’m good but thank you"
it always was amusing to you how miles acted so differently than how he actually felt but at the same time it gave you butterflies that he had made something with you in mind. he really did have a soft spot for you.
miles shot you an annoyed glare at your words. he never liked being called out, did he?
“i’m not hard or whatever,” he mumbled as he reached behind you, his large hands going around your waist to pull you close behind him before removing your jacket and putting it on the coat rack.
miles turned, catching sight of the amused expression on your face. his eyebrows furrowed in curiosity, prompting him to take a step closer, deliberately lowering himself to meet your eye level.
“yeah, i cook,” miles stated, licking his lips. “so i don’t know why you’re giggling at me. a man can’t show off his skills once in a while?”
before you could let out another laugh, miles had grabbed you by the hand and dragged you into his room.
“c’mon, let’s relax and watch a movie or somethin,’” he suggested as you both made your way inside and kicked your shoes off.
miles settled onto his bed, reaching for his laptop and powering it on. as the soft, ethereal glow of the screen bathed his face in a light blue hue, he started looking for fall movies.
"and what movie might that be?" you asked, your expression tinged with curiosity and skepticism.
"i wanna watch a scary movie, but you're too scared so i'm letting you choose. just no more romcom nonsense." miles pleads as he pats the space beside him.
"whatchu mean romcom nonsense?" you repeated in a mockingly hurt tone. "i don't wanna hear that from somebody that said jason x was heat…”
"oh? so we gon bring that into this,” miles groans as he lays back onto the couch, pulling you down gently so you're laying on top of him.
you looked up at him with yet another raised brow as a small pout formed onto his playful lips. "jason x was heat, you're jus’ too much of a hater.”
“yeah i am a hater, but because i love you imma refrain from clowning you for that false statement,” you playfully teased, feeling miles grab your shoulder and lean back, creating a comfortable space for you to rest against his chest. he smirked, and you could tell he was enjoying the banter.
miles sighs, "alright alright, i guess jason x wasn't the greatest...”
he shifted slightly, propping himself up to lean over your body, his gaze fixed on you with gentle intent. with a tender touch, he reached for the blanket, enveloping both of you in its warmth as he carefully draped it over your bodies.
“jason x sucked,” you spat out as miles began to tuck the blanket into your sides.
miles reclined once more, his arm finding its place on your shoulder, drawing you even closer to him. the warmth of his touch sent a pleasant shiver down your spine.
"you always smell good," he remarked, his voice laced with admiration, as he gave your waist a gentle squeeze. "is that the perfume i got you?"
a smile effortlessly spread across your lips at his question. the fact that he had noticed the fragrance you wore, especially since it was the dior one he had given you some time ago, filled you with a sense of excitement.
"could you really tell?" you asked, feeling a bit bashful.
he could sense the flustered effect his words had on you and responded with a sly smirk. as the remote made a satisfying click noise, miles finally selected a movie, capturing your attention. it was a satirical classic— a scary movie that promised both fright and laughter. "of course, i could tell," he quipped playfully, "the bag it came in made my room smell for weeks."
the sassy retort that was on the tip of your tongue dissolved into laughter, unable to resist the infectious humor he exuded. these were the things that made you appreciate his sarcasm even more, and more importantly, made you realize just how deeply you loved him.
miles smiled down at your laughing form, relishing in the pure joy that radiated from you. his fingers danced through your hair, a soothing gesture he often performed, as he loved these intimate moments you shared. planting a tender kiss on the crown of your head, he tightened his embrace, drawing you even closer as the movie commenced.
giggles escaped your lips as his hands continued to play with your hair, his gentle touch leaving a trail of butterfly kisses along your scalp. as the movie progressed, your positions shifted, with miles essentially becoming your cozy human blanket, his body nestled on top of yours.
with one hand lightly caressing his scalp, you both remained engrossed in the film. however, you couldn't help but notice the subtle heaviness in his eyes. between funny scenes, instead of laughing he would slowly blink, accompanied by silent chuckles that escaped his lips.
"tired?" you ask softly, noticing his drowsiness.
he responds with a gentle "mmhm" and a light snore, his grip on you tightening as he draws you closer. despite his fatigue, it's evident that he finds complete comfort and trust in your presence. as he starts to drift off, his breathing becomes more relaxed, and his hold on you gradually weakens, revealing his vulnerability. in this moment, there's no facade of stoicism or toughness, just the authentic him.
as the movie reaches its conclusion, the blooper reel snaps you back to reality. you reach for your phone in the corner, curious about the time. your heart sinks as the bright text on the screen reveals it's already 9:30.
"my mom is gonna kill me," you whisper under your breath, a hint of worry in your voice.
turning to your boyfriend, who is sound asleep in the crook of your neck, your senses come alive as each gentle breath of his tickles your skin.
"miles?" you call out, trying to rouse him from his nap, but there's no response.
cautiously, you place your hands on miles' shoulders and gently shake him, hoping to wake him up. but of course, he remains deep in his sleep, undisturbed by your sad attempts.
out of desperation you continue to try, shaking him a bit more, but it seems miles is completely lost in dreamland, his snores filling the room. he shifts slightly, but remains peacefully asleep, holding onto your neck and cuddling you tighter.
this turns out to be the worst possible scenario for you. the impending lecture from your mom, the potential attack with a lanky shoe, the grounding— everything seems likely to happen. miles shifts once again, clinging to you, and you can't help but feel both exasperated and affectionate in this bittersweet moment.
"miles, please..." you silently pleaded, but as you looked down at his serene face, a wave of tenderness and adoration washed over you. he looked so peaceful and irresistibly cute, and a part of you hesitated to disrupt his slumber.
a defeated huff escaped your lips as you surrendered to the sight before you. his bottom lip slightly tucked under his top lip, his eyelashes resting gracefully against his cheeks, and the faint smile that graced his face as he dozed off—all of it captivated your attention. it was an irresistible combination, making his features appear kissable and utterly adorable. the soft snores he emitted only added to the charm.
unable to resist any longer, your desires took over. cupping his face gently, you leaned down and pressed a tender kiss on his forehead. miles stirred slightly at the unexpected touch of your lips, but his response only made him look even more endearing as he leaned into your affection.
a smile played on your lips as you let go of any reserve, fluttering his face with multiple kisses. from his hairline to his cheek and jaw, your kisses were light and ethereal, filled with both gentleness and profound love for him. another kiss found its place on his nose, until the vibration of your phone interrupted the moment once again—your mom calling.
"damn, i really have to go," you muttered under your breath. summoning the courage, you slowly maneuvered miles off of you without disturbing his peace. gathering your belongings, you kneeled by his bed and pressed a gentle kiss on his scalp, one last show of affection before you run on home.
as you tried to move away, he unexpectedly grabbed your thigh, his grip leaving a faint imprint. with a laugh, you carefully pried his slender fingers off, savoring the sweet connection before leaving his side.
"goodnight, tonto," you whispered teasingly, ready to make your exit.
just as you were about to close the door, you heard miles mumble something under his breath.
"goodnight, ma."
he had been awake the entire time.
in an instant, it was as if you were hit with a flashback, remembering how you used to mock miles for his tough and stoic demeanor. was this his way of playfully getting back at you, by pretending to be a big baby?
"don't 'goodnight ma' me! you weren't even asleep this whole time?" you exclaimed, feeling a mix of surprise and embarrassment wash over you. the kisses you had showered him with while he was awake suddenly felt awkward.
"oh, come on, don't be embarrassed. i'm sure we both enjoyed it," miles chuckled, sitting up and leaning against the bed frame. "yeah, i was just messing with you a bit. it was funny."
"yeah, i bet it was real funny," you retorted, crossing your arms and standing defiantly in the doorway. "you always play too much."
miles let out a laugh, thoroughly amused by the small pout that formed on your lips. he rose from his comfortable position on the bed and approached you.
"aww, is la princesa mad at me?" miles teased, leaning down to your height, playfully taunting you.
"oh, can't you tell?" you shot back.
as miles sluggishly smiled, he couldn't help but say, "but you're so easy to mess with."
"being easy to mess with doesn't mean you should actually do it! i thought you were asleep for real," you commented, moving closer to him. "lo siento, pero i have to go home before my mom skins me alive or something."
miles mumbled, "didn't deny that you enjoyed it, though," clearly trying to push your buttons.
and it worked.
"miles!" you called out, your irritation evident in your voice.
"you're cute when you get all angry, you know that?" he continued to tease, his words meant to playfully provoke you.
as much as you wanted to maintain your anger, you couldn't help but let out a dry chuckle. you were still annoyed with him and his antics, but there was no denying the underlying affection he had that melted your heart.
he goes in for a hug, sighing softly as he kisses your cheek while embracing you. "alright, mami, go home before her anger starts to grow and she starts getting the chancla," he teases, but there's a hint of wistfulness in his expression as you prepare to leave.
you laugh at his joke. "don't manifest that for me!" you reply, worry in your voice as you slip on your sweater. miles walks you to the door, still holding onto your arm.
"no promises," miles jokes back. when you reach your front door, he keeps his grip on your arm and smiles. "i had a lot of fun today." he glances down briefly, his cheeks turning a shade of red.
"yeah, today was nice," you reply, returning his smile.
he doesn't say anything in response, instead emitting a soft hum. you turn to face him and smirk as you notice miles leaning in.
however, you interrupt his attempted kiss with a finger, playfully reminding him of his prank. "should i tho?"
"aww, come on, i'll make it up to you," he pouts, looking down. "please?" miles appears genuinely sad, and it becomes clear that you won't be able to keep up your annoyed facade for much longer.
frowning, you find yourself unable to resist any longer. you rise up on your tiptoes and cup his cheeks before leaning in for a kiss.
miles' eyes light up in surprise as you kiss him. after a moment, he kisses you back, and the kiss lingers on. eventually, miles breaks the kiss, his cheeks flushed and a smile on his face.
he looks at you, his expression hopeful. "are you not as mad at me now? did i make it up to you?"
"hmm, i'm not as mean as you, so i guess you're forgiven or whatever," you say, rolling your eyes playfully as you step outside, ready to start your journey home.
"so dramatic," miles chuckles, watching you walk away. however, he stops you at the door, a mischievous grin on his face. "hold up, did you see how red your face got?" he pokes your cheek and teases, "i didn't know you got that flustered." miles continues to poke your cheeks while smiling, clearly enjoying teasing you a little too much.
you give miles a deadpan look as he laughs at your reaction, not quite amused by his amusement.
miles kisses your cheek once more as you walk out, and calls out to you, "be safe and remember to text me when you get home!"
you hoped too that you’d be safe.
what awaited you at home, however, was pure hell. your mom sent you straight to your room after a heated argument that you wisely chose not to escalate. the interrogation that followed only added to your annoyance. you were definitely in trouble.
as you changed into your pajamas, you settled near your window and observed the serene scene outside. the orange and green hues of the falling leaves gracefully descended from the slender trees, landing softly into puddles. it was a tranquil moment, and you found solace in witnessing the slow descent of the fall beauty.
suddenly, a notification from your phone interrupts the peaceful atmosphere. it's from miles.
mi novio : i miss you already mami…
with a sense of contentment, you let out a loud giggle and swiftly reached for your phone to respond to miles. despite the trouble you’re now in with your mom, at this moment, it feels like a small price to pay for spending time with your boyfriend.
art from crittlyworm on tiktok
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snowy-vee · 7 months
All Mine (2)
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oblivious loser bsf! ellie williams x posesive popular bsf!fem reader
n/a: I've spent my whole day squishing my head to finishing it today, and here it is! Also I won't be uploading the pt.2 of Academic Rivals, because I prefer to leave it as a One-Shot but I have in mind another, much better, plot with the trope Enemies to Lovers with Ellie. Read the final note!!
Pt. 1 Here Pt.3 Here
Inform yourself about what's happening and how to help! FREE PALESTINE, FREE CONGO.
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Ellie knocked on your door for the third time that morning. The first one was before her morning run, the second one was after that and the third was once she was done in the bathroom.
When she heard no answer, she went in and opened the curtains right away. “Get up, it’s the same every morning.”
You covered your face with the blankets to avoid the sun, saying, “Give me five more minutes,” but Ellie wouldn’t have it.
She got on the bed and shook you. “You have practice in an hour; I’m not letting you leave without breakfast, and then you’ll complain I didn’t wake you up,” she said. “Come on, get up.”
Sitting upright in bed, you let out a sigh, looked at the clock on the nightstand, and let out a moan. “Els, just give me five minutes.”
She shrugged and said, “Your call,” but before she could move, you grabbed her arm and drew her nearer to you.
“Lay down with me for those five minutes,” you requested, hugging her until you managed to lay her down beside you, even though she was fighting to break free. You didn’t want to let her go.
“Fine! Just five minutes, I’ll set the alarm, I have places to be,” she said, taking her phone out of her sweatpants pocket.
When she was done, you muttered, “Yeah, yeah, whatever, shut up,” and placed her phone on your bedside table. With a smile on your face, you raised the covers to allow Ellie to slide into them, encircling her waist with your arms and placing your head on her chest.
She was trying not to touch you with her free hand and you could hear how quickly her heart was beating, as if it was your first time sharing a bed. “You can give me a hug too,” you muttered.
With a clear throat, she said, “If that’s what you want.”
You appreciated that she was a little flustered, even if you couldn’t see her face. It was something you truly enjoyed doing to her.
She relaxed and soon fell asleep. Your plan was to sleep too, but you were thinking about where she had to go when her classes didn’t start until 2 p.m. You turned around slowly and grabbed her phone, unlocking it.
The notification startled you for a moment, almost making you scream. You quickly checked if Ellie woke up because of the sound, but she was asleep.
“You have to be kidding me,” you whispered, reading the notification from the panel.
Dina (Campus) : I’ll see you in an hour then! I truly want to try those croissants you’ve been talking about, and I also wan…
Rolling your eyes was the least you could do. You shook your head, going to the alarm and deactivating it. Dina was a big girl; she could eat those croissants alone. You hoped she choked on them.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
The sound of the TV, the microwave, and your humming was enough to wake her up. She yawned and stretched out, all calm until she saw how late it was.
“Fuck!” Ellie said getting up from the bed and grabbing her phone “No,no,no��”
You were scrolling on your phone, having breakfast, hearing how she was going side to side. From the bathroom to her bedroom and vice versa until she came to the kitchen.
“Why didn’t you woke me up? I told you I had places to be!” she walked past you to the entrance to put her white sneakers on.
“Good Morning to you too” you said sarcastically “I thought it was your classes where you had to go, it’s 1 p.m, you still have time”
Ellie shook her head “No, it was something else! What are you doing here, tho? Shouldn’t you be at practice?”
“I woke up like 30 minutes before you, so” you shrugged “You’re not going to drive me to campus today?”
“Uh…” She was roaming through her backpack making sure she had everything “I can’t today, sorry but here, call an Uber”
She left some money on the table beside your plate before stealing on of your toasts “Bye, see you later!”
“She is joking, right?” you thought picking up the money. “Seriously, Ellie?!”
You yelled from the balcony, seeing Ellie running to her car
“Sorry, no time!” She yelled back getting into her car with her mouth full of the toast.
The thing is, Ellie was in a hurry. She had arranged to meet up with Dina for breakfast before class at a café she had suggested herself, and on top of that, she had overslept.
She started the car and began to drive. When she reached a red traffic light, she took the opportunity to call Dina, who answered almost immediately as if she had been waiting for her. She sounded a bit annoyed; after all, she had been waiting for her for a long time. But she understood that Ellie had overslept. She suggested they meet at the entrance of the building where they had their only class together.
Obviously, Ellie agreed, but she couldn’t go empty-handed. So, as soon as she arrived on campus, she went to the cafeteria, ordered two coffees, and some cookies that Dina had mentioned she liked yesterday.
“Ellie, you didn’t need to buy breakfast,” the dark-haired girl said, trying to hide her big smile. She grabbed the bag and chuckled softly, looking at the cookies. “Wow, you sure know how to apologize.”
“Sorry, again, for standing you up. It wasn’t my intention.”
“It’s okay. Next time, I’ll come pick you up at your place.”
Next time? That meant Dina wanted to keep meeting up. Ellie nodded energetically. By the time class started, they had finished breakfast, talked about different things, sat together, and also had small conversations during class.
“That’s all for today. Remember, we start presentations in two weeks. Goodbye,” the professor said, collecting his briefcase and leaving the classroom.
“Well, on Tuesday, I’ll pick you up, and we’ll go to a café to finish it?”
“Yeah, sounds good,” Ellie said, gathering her things. “See you tonight at the party?”
“Yes, but aren’t you going to the parking lot?” Dina asked, watching as Ellie walked in the opposite direction.
“No, I have one more class, and then I’m meeting a friend.”
Dina nodded, waving goodbye. Ellie didn’t have another class, but she usually waited for her outside hers to go eat together. She had no idea why she had said that.
Your building wasn’t far from hers, so in less than 20 minutes, she arrived. She went up to the second floor and could see people coming out of your class, and finally you, but behind you was Abby Anderson. Ellie saw how she grabbed your arm and pulled you away from the others. It seemed like you were arguing about something until you pushed her aside and quickly walked to the stairs.
“Ellie? I didn’t think you were going to come pick me up today. Never mind, let’s go!” you said, intertwining your arms, almost dragging her to get out of there quickly. “I think they’re serving carbonara pasta in the dining hall today. You love pasta, right? How great that it’s on the menu today.”
Ellie nodded, frowning as she glanced at Abby once more before leaving. She would ask you about it later…
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
“I don’t like it, I’ll just wear something else,” Ellie said, entering your room for the third time with a different outfit than before. You rolled your eyes at her. “Ellie, I’m going to hit you if you don’t decide,” you said, watching her with frustration as she seemed unable to choose her clothes for the party. “Who do you want to look so good for?”
“No one. Could you help me instead of judging?” she replied, tossing the shirt she was taking off towards you. You dodged it, laughing, before throwing it back at her.
“Cargo pants and a black top, good combo, simple and it looks great on you,” you suggested. A few minutes later, she came back into your room wearing the suggested outfit. “See? I never fail,” you said with a grin.
“Fine,” she said, sitting on your bed as she watched you apply makeup. You were wearing a brown top tied at the top with a bow and a denim mini skirt. Ellie couldn’t help but admire your body, especially your legs, and you could see her doing so in the mirror. With a smile, you turned to her, and her gaze shot up to your face.
“Let me do your makeup,” you said.
“Why?” she narrowed her eyes and shook her head as she watched you approach with a playful smile. “Okay, but only the eyeliner.”
“Kay. Close your eyes,” you requested, opening the black eyeliner as you positioned yourself between her legs. “I’m going to sit on you.”
“Is that necessary?” Ellie asked, opening her eyes slightly, to which you nodded.
“I’m not comfortable, and if I’m not comfortable, it won’t turn out well,” you said, sitting on her and starting to apply the makeup. The only sounds in the room were your breaths and the low music from the speaker. “So… where did you have to go early this morning?”
“I had something important,” Ellie said, almost stuttering. She didn’t expect you to ask anything, but why wasn’t she telling you the truth? Why did she feel weird mentioning that she had plans with Dina?
“Ah, really?” you responded vaguely, clicking your tongue.
“Yeah… And what were you talking about with Abby?”
“Something important,” you shrugged. “There, it’s done, open your eyes.”
Ellie opened them, blinking a bit, smiling sideways. “Does it look good on me?”
You nodded, still on top of her. You grabbed her cheeks and squeezed gently, making her lips press together, and asked, making eye contact with her, “Is it for Dina that you’re getting all dressed up?”
“Are you planning to kiss her tonight?”
“Maybe?” Ellie was confused about where these questions were coming from and at the same time thinking about how well you knew her. Perhaps she shouldn’t have ‘hidden’ her meeting with Dina from you in the morning…
“When was your last kiss? Like four years ago, right? Wow, you’re rusty,” you teased.
“Well, let’s not exaggerate,” she replied, her cheeks turning pink, not only from your grip that was tightening more and more but also from the image that crossed her mind of kissing Dina.
“Do you want to practice?”
“I mean… I don’t want her to think that I don’t know how to kiss. I know how to; I’ve kissed a lot of girls.”
“You only kissed two girls: me, for your first kiss and your ex-girlfriend, Cat. The little kisses at some parties while playing ‘spin the bottle’ don’t count.”
“Well, they should because I kissed plenty of girls,” Ellie mumbled.
“Decide before I change my mind or suit yourself,” you said, finally releasing her.
Ellie bit her cheek from the inside before nodding. “Okay, let’s practice.”
You did not wait to join your lips to hers, starting a slow kiss with a slow peace. Your arms were resting on her shoulders, bringing her closer to you, and your hands were starting to play with her hair. You wanted to explore Ellie’s mouth; you needed to feel her.
The kiss became deeper, and you buried yourselves more into each other’s mouths eagerly, feeling your lips closer as if there was a need that must be fulfilled. Soon Ellie’s tongue found yours, and they intertwined, making you moan in the midst of the kiss.
That made Ellie press her hands that were on your thighs; she had liked that sound a bit too much. Slowly she began to slide her hands upward until she touched the hem of your skirt, which was hiked up due to the position you were in.
Your breaths became more ragged as the rythm of the kiss quickened, and you wanted to continue, but no. If you didn’t stop, Ellie wouldn’t learn, she wouldn’t learn that only you could kiss her like that, you had to keep her yearning for more of you.
So you had to cut it off and watch as Ellie tried to reconnect your lips; it was so satisfying, you had to stop her gently, “Wow, Els, calm down, this is practice,” you said in a joking tone, getting off her, patting her knee to get her attention. She was still lying on the bed with an embarrassed expression on her face. “There’s a party we have to attend, come on.”
You grabbed your minibag and left your room to the front door, and Ellie did nothing but get up and follow you, not without first processing what had just happened a few seconds ago.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
Ellie opened the passenger door once you arrived so that you could get out of the car.
She had to park a bit far from the house, but from there, you could hear the music and there were already drunk people in the street as you walked towards the entrance. You walked with your arms intertwined as you told Ellie the most recent gossip you had heard in the locker room or that you had been told, and Ellie listened, reacting when she could put faces to the names.
“He said that it was Sarah’s underwear, and Sarah denied it, saying that she was not ghetto and that she would never wear that. Imagine who snapped? April!”
“The church girl with brown hair?”
“Yeah, that one! It was so messy because the previous day she was preaching about how she was going to see the pearly gates since she was one of the last ‘pure’ girls on the team.”
“No way!”
“Yes, way! She’s so dumb, I hate her and more with the fa-”
“Hi, Ellie.”
Oh, you were going to kill this bitch. Dina was sitting on the porch of the house with a glass in her hand; she had probably been there for a short time. She looked at Ellie with a wide smile that decreased when she looked at you.
“I’ll see you inside,” you said, letting go of Ellie and passing by Dina without saying anything. Once inside, you joined your group of friends who were already quite drunk; they all greeted you, some with mini hugs or two kisses before giving you a glass full of rum and cola, more rum than cola. “You all know me better than I know myself.”
“Of course we do, silly, we love you.” You let yourself fall into the couch, tasting the drink, when your eyes diverted to see Ellie and Dina finally entering the party, giggling and whispering in each other’s ears because of how loud the music was.
“I love you too, April!” You smiled in her direction, drank all the liquid in your cup in one go, and handed it to her. “Be a doll and refill this.”
April looked at the rest of the girls and then at you, grabbing it. “Slow down, we don’t want you to repeat the Anderson accident again.”
The ginger girl beside April pushed her slightly, looking at you with her eyes wide open and laughing awkwardly. “She doesn’t mean that.”
Your eye twitched looking at April go refill your drink; you were going to brush it off for now because you had better enemies to fight than her. You had a whole plan on how to snatch Ellie away from Dina, but it hadn’t been formulated clearly, and you didn’t like to act on impulse. Anyway, you were at a party, and you were going to enjoy it.
By the time it was 3 a.m., you were already dancing on the table and shouting the lyrics of the songs you knew, swaying your hips against whoever. You stepped aside for a moment, saying that you were going for another drink, jumping off the table almost falling to the floor, but you could only laugh; everything was funny to you at that moment, and you wasn’t even that drunk! You had high tolerance, only your tongue was kind of asleep and you were stumbling from time to time but you loved to play silly and pretend to be more gone then you really were.
You reached the kitchen, looking for a new glass in the cabinets because you had no idea where you had thrown yours, when you found one, you began to decide what liquor to drink with eeny, meeny, miny, moe, before someone took away the glass and took you somewhere no matter how much you protested. The other person had a strong grip, and no matter how vaguely you were saying to let you go, they didn’t.
“I can’t believe you have me added as Dina (Campus), how lame, I’m going to change it,” Dina said, changing her contact name, but Ellie, who had seen the situation, was not paying attention.
“As you wish,” Ellie murmured, watching you disappear to the second floor; that didn’t sit well with her.
“Done!” Dina smiled, returning the phone to its owner, but Ellie’s gaze seemed worried. “What’s wrong?”
“Wait for me here, yeah? I’ll be back,” Ellie said, grabbing her phone and following where she last saw you.
She went upstairs dodging some drunk people and the long wait line to enter the bathroom, trying to see if you were in any of them, walking in the hallway close to the door to see if she could hear your voice in any of them until one door abruptly opened and you came out of it with teary eyes but laughing. (What happened in the room?)
“Are you okay?” She asked. Hearing her voice surprised you.
“How long have you been there?” Depending on her answer, you had two reactions.
“I just got here, I was searching for you.”
There it was! The cherry on top of your plan. You hugged Ellie and started slowly sobbing, whispering in her ear, “I want to go home now, please…”
“Hey, what happened? what’s wrong?” Ellie asked, breaking the hug to look at you and wipe your tears with her thumbs. “Let’s go.”
She held your hand and walked to the stairs, turning her head for a moment to look at you once more, and her eyes saw the other person who was in the room with you. Abby Anderson.
Had she made you cry? She was lucky that Ellie was more concerned about getting you out of the party than beating her up.
“Wait, Ellie, my bag is in the living room with the team,” you said before she went outside.
“Oh, okay, wait here, I’ll get it for you then.” You nodded and waited until you couldn’t see her to fucking smile because of your victory.
“Hey,” a touch on your shoulder made you come out of your little mental dance, “Have you seen Ellie? She went somewhere around 15 minutes ago, and I can’t find her.”
Of course it was Dina…
“She doesn’t feel well, must be something she ate before.”
“You sure? Should I take her to the hospital?”
“No worries, we are going now, but here, money for an Uber,” you said, taking some money out of your pocket.
The same money Ellie gave you this morning. You were giving it to her, and for you, it felt so good as you patted her shoulder and sighed with a little smirk.
Dina thought you were calling her poor and mumbled a “fuck you” before dropping the money on the floor and leaving you there just in time for Ellie to come back with your bag.
“Sorry, there were a lot of people in the way,” she handed the bag to you, “Whose money is that?”
“Yours,” you grabbed the bag and started walking out. Ellie frowned, confused, but still picked up the money; it was free money, and everybody was too drunk to miss some dollars. She felt as if she was forgetting to do something before leaving. “Els!”
“Coming!” Whatever, maybe tomorrow she’ll remember; now she had to assist her best friend and be there for her as she always did… like a loyal puppy, a cute and precious one of your property.
Note: I will upload Pt.3 once this chapter and the first one reach 250 so I have time to write and to know that you all like it and want more ty♡♡
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twice-my-age-simp · 3 months
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Warnings: High School AU, fluff, smut, kissing, marking, angry Sokovian that wants to kill you, oral sex, bottom!wanda , top!reader, mention of using strap-on, I think that's it
Summary: Wanda's late to school after an eventful night and morning in your house while your parents are away. When Wanda was changing, her friends noticed something very interesting in a very interesting place.
Notes: Sorry for any mistakes. English is not my first language, and I don't know the US school system. Also, gif's not mine so big credits to the author.
Word count: 2.2k
Wanda was a little late.
Okay, she was super late.
She missed two first periods, but she made it in time for the PE lesson. She ran into the locker room, finding her friends from class.
"Well, who has finally decided to come to school?"
Was the first comment when she entered the room. Natasha, Wanda's best friend, was standing with her arms crossed and a smug look on her face.
You see, they have known each other since kindergarten. They are basically sisters. Nat knows when her best friend is trying to hide something; she knows her better than Wanda herself. So it isn't surprising that when Wanda didn't show up for the first two periods, she instantly knew that it had to have something to do with her girlfriend.
And the comment resulted in a bunch of questions from her other classmates. Everyone was now curious, especially when Wanda normally isn't late. To anything.
"So, why are you late?" asked Carol as everything slightly calmed down.
"I was at Y/N's..." Wanda responded in a whisper, so the girls could barely hear.
That was it. Once again, the girls started commenting on one another. They were excited, to say the least. They wanted to know everything. Of course, they knew that Wanda was in a relationship, but she didn't talk much about it to them. She preferred to keep her love life to herself. Well, maybe Nat was an exception, especially at the beginning of Wanda's relationship. After hours of listening to her best friend rumble about her girlfriend, she teased her, saying that she was a simp.
"Can you stop? It was just a sleepover." said Wanda with a little blush on her cheeks after teasing she got from her friends.
"So that's why you are late? How much sleeping was really on this 'sleepover'?" teased Carol, looking for a reaction from her friend.
"It was just a sleepover, nothing more." answered Wanda, annoyed. She was already late to school, and she hates being late, but on top of that, she has to face the teasing from her friends. "We just lost track of time watching TV." she added. It was, of course, a lie, but she didn't want to say what truly happened yesterday.
"Okay, okay. If you say so.." it was Nat this time. Wanda just glared at her and went to change into her PE clothes.
For a moment, the teasing stopped, and everyone went to continue changing. However, when Wanda took off her jeans with the intention of putting on some shorts, Carol noticed something in a very interesting place.
"Wanda, is that a hickey-" Carol started, but was cut off by Wanda. "Yes, we might have made out. It isn't a big deal; couples do this all the time. Can we drop this topic?" She said, very tired of this.
Nat then looked Wanda's way and also noticed a not-day-to-day thing. Of course, she couldn't let this go and also had to add her two cents.
"No, of course, couples can make out. It's just... it isn't a common thing that they leave a hickey on your ass." She said, smirking while also trying to hold back her laugh.
Wanda immediately stopped what she was doing. "A HICKEY WHERE?!" she shouted. She couldn't believe you did that. Out of all the places you could do it, you chose her ass.
*Flashback this morning*
You were lying in your bed, Wanda next to you, still asleep. How can someone look so beautiful while sleeping? You looked over her features. Her gorgeous freckles, cute nose, kissable lips, little wrinkles on her forehead, her sweet, smooth skin you adored to nip, kiss, and bite on. She was lying on her side, facing you, wrapped in sheets with her arm outside. You could also see her bare collarbone. Both of you are still very naked from your last-night activities.
You can't help but wonder how lucky you are to have her in your life. She's sweet, kind, smart, beautiful, just perfect.
You bring your hand to her face to tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear. Then you shift to caress her cheek lightly, not to wake her. You move slightly closer to her and plant a little kiss on her forehead, then cheek, other cheek, her nose, and finally, her lips.
When you lean back, her eyes flutter open. Only for a moment, because the light from the sun makes her close her green orbs. So, instead, she smiles a little and stretches her limbs with a soft groan.
"Good morning." she said, her voice filled with an accent. She slightly opens her eyes to look into yours. "Were you watching me sleep?"
"Good morning, sweetheart." you said back. You smirk at her question. "I wasn't watching you; I was..." you try to find words.
"You were what?" she asks amusedly, breaking eye contact. "It's clear. You were watching me sleep."
"No, I wasn't. I was just.. making sure you are still.. breathing.." you answered a little unsure. It was a lame excuse, but it was still an excuse.
"Oh, really?" she said with a smile. She loved your little talks in bed, whether it was while falling asleep or waking up together. It was your special bubble that nothing could beat.
"Really." you said, sticking to your mind. You think that if you talk long enough, she will believe it. Well, you knew that wasn't true, but who could blame you for having hope? "I care about you a lot. It's not weird that I want you to breathe all the time. It would be a pity if you had stopped breathing because who would give me their homework?"
Wanda laughed and hit your arm. "You're an ass."
"Maybe I am, but you love me." You said smiling and leaning to peck her lips. You pulled back a little, but you were still close enough that your noses were almost touching.
"That I do." Wanda said, stealing another kiss. What started as a little peck quickly turned into a long and passionate kiss, then hungry kisses and a full make-out while still lying next to each other sideways.
When your lungs were screaming for air, you moved your kisses to her cheek, then her jaw, and finally her neck, where you began to suck and nip on her skin.
Wanda moaned quietly. "Fuck, don't leave any marks." how you loved her sounds, you could never get tired. If you had closed your eyes, you could still hear her screaming your name when you were buring your strap inside her last night.
You moved your hand under the sheets, down towards her ass. You bit her neck, immediately smoothing it with your tongue while giving her a little squeeze on her butt. You hear her let out a loud moan, one hand flying to grip your hair, the other scratching your back.
You moved your bodies, so Wanda is lying on her back now. You started to kiss her collarbone, your hands caressed her whole body.
"What time is it?" Wanda asks breathlessly, hoping there is still some time before you both have to leave for school.
Stopping, you lean on your nightstand and pick up your phone. "It's four past nine." you said without a care.
At that, Wanda jumped out of bed and quickly started to look for her clothes, which should be lying somewhere on the floor. "Shit, we're late. Our first class started twenty minutes ago!" Wanda put on her bra and panties hastily, almost losing her balance.
Everyone knew that Wanda was a smart girl. On top of her classes, always gave her assignments on time, wanted to get into a good college and a real role model. So it's no surprise that, for her, being late for school was the end of the world. After you and Wanda got together, you helped her get loose, but that doesn't mean she dropped her grades. She was still her nerdy self, but you made her realize that sometimes it's good to give herself a break and have fun without caring about her responsibilities.
You slowly got out of bed and walked to your girlfriend, hugging her from behind and stopping her moves. "Honey, it's okay. We're late, but it's nothing bad. I know it's important to you, but in order to have a successful and full-of-learning day, you have to relax, get ready without hurting yourself, and eat breakfast." you said with a calming voice, kissing her shoulder sweetly.
"I know, but I really don't like being late. It makes me look like I don't care." Wanda signed, slowly relaxing in your arms. She closed her eyes, laid her head on your shoulder and took a deep breath.
"Teachers love you. I am positive that they will not think such." you said, leaving another kiss on her skin. "Now, let me help you relax and we will be in school in no time." you added, slowly moving your kisses down. You made a path from her shoulder to the other one, then down her back, getting on your knees behind her.
Wanda signed and kept her eyes closed, letting herself loose in the moment. You slid her panties down, which she then kicked aside. She feels your hands on her thighs that slide up to squeeze her butt and your kiss that soon turns into sucking.
After some time, you asked her to turn around so she was in front of you. You run your hands up and down her thighs, looking up into her green orbs. Clearly, Wanda was struggling to keep her eyes open when you kissed pussy. And clearly, she failed to do this when you licked a long stripe between her folds right to her clit, sucking a bit. That made Wanda moan and grip your hair, pulling you closer to her now-wet pussy. "Please, Y/N." she moaned, her grip tightening when she felt your tongue teasing her entrance. "Please, I want to.. I need to.." she kept pleading.
"You need what, my love?" you pulled back from her, smirking at her and groping her ass once again. "Tell me, what do you need?" you asked, staring at her.
"Please, I need to cum. I want your tongue, deep, deep inside me." she pleaded, trying to pull your head back to her pussy.
That was all you needed. You dove right in, pushing your tongue past her folds into her. Wanda threw her head back, moaning loudly.
It's good that your parents went on vacation and you were home alone. Otherwise, they would definitely hear your girlfriend.
You grabbed Wanda's left leg and threw it over your shoulder to get better access. Wanda could feel your tongue go deeper and deeper every second. She started grinding on your face, screaming your name repeatedly and moaning on top of her lungs that you think she's going to lose her voice.
What you did next was definitely not helping, as Wanda screamed even louder after you moved your hand to her pussy and started to circle her clit with your thumb. She could feel the unpleasant feeling in her stomach while you felt her clenching around your tongue.
"I'm gonna cum." she uttered between moans. That made you move your tongue faster, hitting her in all the right places. "Cum for me, Wanda." It was all Wanda needed. She tightened her grip on your hair and came with a silent scream leaving her body.
You work her through her orgasm. She was grinding on your face sloppily. After some time, she pushed your face away because of her oversensitivity. You got up and pecked her lips while holding her by her waist in case she didn't have the strength to stand. "Now that you are relaxed, it's time for a quick shower." you said, smiling at her.
"I can't feel my legs." she said with a lazy smile, wrapping her arms around your neck.
You chuckled at that and picked her up bridal style in order to get into the shower.
*End of the flashback*
Wanda quickly put on her PE pants while listening to her friends tease her. A really red and visible blush formed on her cheeks. Nobody knew if it was embarrassment or because she was so angry.
All they knew was that Wanda, after the lesson, hastily changed into her normal clothes and rushed out of the locker room without saying a word.
While they didn't know what she was going to do, surely you knew. Especially after you heard Wanda shouting your name angrily behind you. Especially after you saw her rushing towards you. So you, like the smart girlfriend you are, started to run for your life from the angry Sokovian. You, of course, knew about the mark you made, and you knew that she had PE lesson. It was obvious that someone was going to point it out.
You are sure that Wanda will be angry with you for a while, but she will forgive you eventually. For now, you have to run, praying that she will be too tired to do something to you by the time she catches you.
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mixtape-racha · 1 year
like a virgin | choi soobin
you'd been together for so long, so why did soobin feel like an overwhelmed virgin every time he fucked you? // 18+, minors dni
words: 1.20k // warnings: dom!soobin, size difference, reader is described as short and petite, reader gets called "bunny", oral (m. receiving), horse cock soobin agenda
a/n: based on this request by 🎡 anon!! i hope you enjoy! ♡
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choi soobin was many things, but inexperienced was not one of them. it seemed everyone and their mother - sometimes quite literally - wanted nothing more than to cum on the cock of the nerd of a man down the street, and it truly did wonders for his confidence and abilities in bed.
so by the time he met you, juniors in college, both ancient greek history majors, he was well aware that he could ravish anyone who wanted it in bed. he just wasn’t expecting that anyone to be you. you, with your pretty face, and charming disposition. you, who - despite your protests and detest for the word - was “popular” on campus; friends with almost all cliques, never sticking to one social class or friendship group. you, y/n l/n.
when you approached him at a party, slightly buzzed, face flushed and a beer in hand, he was surprised to say the least. but that was nothing compared to how he felt when you told him you wanted him, wanted him more than you’d ever wanted anything. and not just in bed - oh no - you wanted all of him. the lazy mornings after a party, the impromptu dates because your class got canceled, the late-night coffee runs when you were studying for finals. it took all the alcohol in your system to gain the courage to come up to him and ask him on a date, but he was so, so thankful you did.
soon after, you started officially dating. soobin was over the moon to have bagged someone as perfect as you, and you were just thrilled that he actually liked you back, too. it was just a bonus that the sex was amazing, too. the first time you saw soobin’s cock, you eyes nearly bulged out of your head in shock. he was huge, and you were in absolute disbelief. you even had to take a moment to express your concerns to him that he would fit inside of you, which he just chuckled at - and soon proved you wrong. he had you creaming on his cock, drooling and eyes rolling back within minutes.
it was pretty much from that moment that an innate feeling woke deep within soobin. seeing your struggle to take him had him throbbing, and it even developed to the point that he’d get hard whenever someone mentioned your height difference. being a foot taller than you, and just so much bigger in every way, send him on a complete power trip. 
most of all, you loved watching how he fell apart when you sucked him off. something about him towering over you while you were on your knees had you dripping, so you couldn’t even begin to imagine how he felt.
he was sitting on the couch watching a shitty tv show that you didn’t understand how he found funny when you got bored, moving from your spot curled under his arms. he was confused, reaching out for you when you got up, his perfect lips forming a pout that almost had you going straight back to him. but instead you grabbed a cushion, placing it on the floor before nestling yourself between his legs. soobin had a habit of manspreading, so that gave you ample opportunity to seat yourself and rest your head on his plush thigh.
he honestly didn’t even question it, just resting a hand on your head and fussing with your hair occasionally. he was used to you putting yourself in odd positions for comfort, and just assumed the couch was hurting your back or something. of course, that soon changed when you swiveled around, facing him and looking up at him with those big doe eyes he loved.
“you okay down there, pretty?” he asked softly, eyes flitting between you and the tv screen which caused you to whine softly. “oh, you need attention, yeah? got yourself all comfy down there hoping i’d give you what you want?”
you nodded, the fabric of his jeans providing a strange comfort on your skin, and he grinned, eyes crinkling slightly. he thought you were so adorable, his perfect little bunny. and how could he deny you what you so desperately wanted? with a slight nod of his head and a tap of his thigh, you almost became rabid with the way you began clawing at his jeans, desperate to pull them down.
he was already half hard in his boxers just at your enthusiasm, hissing with his lip tucked between his lips as you pulled him out of his confines, too overwhelmed to even pull his jeans or boxers off properly.
you were always surprised by how big soobin really was, even half-hard. maybe caught off guard was better, but nonetheless it always made you wonder if you could fit him in any of your holes - although, clearly you could. you couldn’t help the way you licked your lips, wanting nothing more than for him to stuff himself in your throat, but you knew he’d make you work for that. so you settled for kitten licking the tip while looking up at him to watch his reaction.
he hissed at the contact, hips itching to buck up at the way you looked so at home between his legs. as much as he wanted to tell you to stop, to give you a night purely filled with your pleasure in mind only, he knew that you enjoyed giving head almost as much as - if not more - he enjoyed getting it.
you were quick to take as much of him as you could into your mouth, stretching your jaw as much as you could to fit around his impressive girth. he let out a low groan, head lolling back on the couch as you swallowed around him, wrapping your hands around the second half of his length that you couldn’t fit in your mouth.
you looked so small and delicate below him that soobin couldn’t help but wrap his fingers through your hair, guiding your head up and down his length. it took everything in him to not buck up into your mouth, not wanting to make you choke - even though it would be so fucking hot.
“fuck angel, feel like i’m gonna hit your lungs if im not careful.” he moaned, the idea making your eyes roll to the back of your head as you began grinding on the pillow below you, needing any form of release you could get. it felt like you had no more room in your throat, soobin’s cock taking up any space available. you hummed softly, the vibrations making his hips buck involuntarily, which in turn made you gag around him. he was quick to pull his length from your mouth, looking down at you in concern even when you whimpered and tried to go back.
“oh, come here, pretty,” he cooed, lifting you onto his lap, which you happily accepted. you straddled yourself on his thick thigh, instantly rocking your hips just like how you were on the pillow. he was so enamored with you, and he knew if he didn’t have you creaming on his cock in the next 5 minutes he might go insane.
“let me fuck you dumb, yeah?”
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taglist: join taglist here @pretty-racha @demetrisscarf @bangtancultsposts @watariisbestboy
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mangosrar · 8 months
call it what you want pt4.
matt sturniolo x fem reader.
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“i mean what even is that” you said looking at chris while taking a bite of your burger, flailing your free hand around in utter confusion.
“you’re thinking too deep into it y/n he’s just fucking with you, he does it to us all the time you know this” he replied, chewing on some fries
“oh your brother pulls you into a closet and kisses your neck?” you laughed, looking at him with a cheesy grin.
“not exactly but he’s just trying to get under your skin…or maybe just under you” he said giggling and dodging the punch you sent him.
you just rolled your eyes and tried to hide your smile.
“but in all seriousness, kid probably smoked too much weed and started bugging, don’t get in your head about it” he told you, nudging you with his elbow, attempting to settle you.
that’s what you loved about having chris as a best friend. he always knew how to put you at ease. like now, after you straight up dragged him out of class and forced him to drive you to mcdonald’s, just so you could rage about his brother, he still somehow knew exactly what to say.
“do your parents know yet?” he asked, looking at you with a worried expression.
“i haven’t told them but, caden saw us this morning and when you’re the favourite child desperate for mommy and daddy to hate your sister, word travels fast” you replied, nodding your head as you spoke.
he just hummed in agreement, as you both continues to eat, basking in a comfortable silence.
you never really understood how matt was the way he was, when his brothers were so great. you always wondered what matt would be like if things were different. would you be as close as you are with nick? would he be able to make you laugh like chris does? or would you still hate the bones of him?
“chris bring me a drink” you shouted from the living room, as you cuddled up on the couch with a blanket, waiting to start the movie.
“do we have to watch this?” chris whined, padding over to you with a bottle of water in his hand for you.
“yes we have to watch this, it’s the best coming of age movie ever” you replied, taking the bottle of water from him and watching as he slumped down on the couch, huffing as you pressed play, and the movie began.
“i hate this movie” he muttered, crossing his arms, like a grumpy child. you just laughed at him before a voice appeared behind you.
“what movie?”
it was like he was always somehow creeping up on you, ready to pounce at any moment.
“the breakfast club” chris tensed up, not bothering to look back at his brother, instead keeping his eyes trained on the tv.
you weren’t sure if he was miraculously interested in the movie, or if he was too scared to look up, in fear your gaze might catch his and kill him instead of matt.
“and what the fuck are you doing here?” matt said turning to you, with furrowed brows.
“oh did you not notice? i’m re designing your living room. what the fuck does it look like i’m doing ass hat” you scoffed, turning your eyes away from him and back to the tv.
“so hostile y/n” matt tutted sarcastically before sauntering off into the kitchen. god how you just wanted to grab his face and-
“y/n!?” chris yelled snapping you out of whatever daze matt had managed to get you in. you hadn’t even realised that you were watching him.
“you’re staring” he spoke quietly in a sing song voice, smirking at you while wiggling his eyebrows.
you just swatted his arm before muttering a quick “shut up”. was it that obvious?
9pm rolled around fast, and before you knew it, chris was pulling up in your drive way.
“hey let me know how it goes in there” he said as you got out of the car, referring to your parents.
you just smiled, thanked him before closing the door and making your way in the house.
the thing was, you had great parents, but boy were they strict. they had rules for everything. no parties, no drugs, no boys, no skipping school, no staying out past 10, no grades below a B, the list went on and on. the only time the rules were let a little loose was when you came home with elija whitlock.
if your parents wanted you to be with anyone it was that man. he was your ex boyfriend of 8 months, and your parents worshipped the ground he walked on. he was smart and funny, came from a good family, he was well respected, and had a first class scholarship to the top college in boston. what more could they want for their little girl?
but in reality he was a complete and utter jackass. he was the most generic, stereo typical, fuck boy, captain of the hockey team, jock who partied, smoked and cheated behind closed doors.
everyone wanted him, and some how he landed the good girl with parents who would choke at the sight of a tattoo.
but all good things must come to an end, and after months of cheating, lying and borderline torture, you called it quits. you dumped his ass and left him in the dirt. it was like all hell had broke loose. everyone in the school had heard about it, but it hit you pretty hard.
although he was a complete douche bag and treated you like shit, he was your boyfriend and you loved him regardless, wether it was one sided or not. but no one loved him more than your straight line down, watching paint dry parents.
“you’re home late”
his voice made you jump as you placed your foot on the bottom step of the stairs, closing your eyes and scrunching your face up before turning around to face him. you had almost made it. almost.
“yeah, chris drove me home” you spoke quietly, before clearing ur throat.
“mhh. have fun?” your dad asked while looking at you and standing up, putting his hands in his pockets.
“yeah we just watched a movie” you replied. swapping from one foot to the other, like a nervous child.
“was matthew there?” shit.
“um, no he-“ you began.
“don’t even try and lie to me y/n because i already know” he cut you off. his face was hard as he stared at you from across the room.
you just swallowed and looked down.
“what has gotten into you? he’s not a good kid y/n and you know it. he drinks, he smokes and you know what? you will follow in his footsteps” he paused, pointing a finger at you, jabbing it in the air as he spoke. “i’ve seen it happen before, one week you’re fine, the next you’re on drugs, getting in the back of a police car” he nodded
“what are you even saying dad? that’s never going to happen!” you exclaimed, throwing your arms up by your sides and letting them fall again.
you weren’t sure why, but your mom had been oddly silent this whole time. usually she loved giving her 2 cents on things like this. but she hadn’t even looked at you yet.
“does he play sports?” your dad asked, raising his eyebrows.
“yes he’s on the hockey team, the same as caden” you sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose.
there was a brief moment of silence, your dad rubbing chin, like he was deep in thought and your mom looking at whatever book she was reading, like this conversation wasn’t even happening.
“the same as elijah” there was that 2 cents.
“fantastic observation mom. yes he’s on the same team as elijah, are we pointing out any other obvious facts that we’re all aware of or just that one?” you snapped, cocking your head in her direction.
she turned to look at you with her eyebrows raised as if to say “excuse me”, making you feel small.
“we’re looking out for you, he’s a bad influence y/n” she stated.
“you don’t even know him” you spoke quietly. this whole interaction made you feel a little stupid, they were completely right, but for the sake of your fake relationship, you had to fight your corner.
“no but i know he liked to drag you into janitors closets to do god knows what” she smiled sarcastically, looking back down at the book in her lap. and as if on cue, that shit eating, vile little creature you call a brother appeared in the doorway.
“snitch” you spat at him. he just frowned and placed his hand over his heart, in fake sadness.
“hey! he’s looking out for you, like we all are” your dad spoke, sending you a authoritative look. you weren’t actually sure you had the brain power or energy to entertain this conversation much longer, you were never going to win. between your parents and your brother, you were toast.
“whatever. can i go now?” you sassed, crossing your arms over your chest.
“don’t let me catch you in any closets, up to no good” your mom demanded. you just rolled your eyes and stomped up the stairs.
although that whole lecture was soul sucking, there was a small part of you that wanted to jump for fucking joy, purely for the fact that matt sturniolo was your long haired tattooed, weed smoking, fake boyfriend.
i message.
chris 🤓
y/n: parents flipped. they think i’m gonna be arrested🥳
chris: i can’t tell if thats a good or bad thing
y/n: time will tell. elijah was brought up
chris: should have known. your parents think the sun shines out of that dudes ass
y/n: trust me i know
chris: want me to tell matt?
y/n: na it’s cool i’ll tell him
chris: gotcha
matt 🖕
y/n: you didn’t tell me my brother saw us today?
matt: i forgot your dumb and can’t read context clues
y/n: oh so pulling me into a closet kissing my neck are context clues? makes sense matt good job!!!!!!!!
matt: i had to keep up the act or he would know it’s fake.
y/n: wow. i wasn’t aware caden could see through walls😱
matt: don’t act like you weren’t enjoying it.
y/n: i think having needles in my eyes would have been a better experience. nice try tho !
matt: whatever helps u sleep at night sweetheart.
ass hole.
taglist: @christinarowie332 @jenna0rtegaswife @mattswifue @chrisenthusiast @mattslolita @secret-sturniolo @gloomymatt @urfavstromboli @gwenlore @mattestrella @iloveneilperry @ifilwtmfc @iammattsturniolo @sturniolos4lifee @honestlybabymiracle @sturns-posts @carolinalikesthings @kasiaslayuje @blondiesjailer @crazycoka @honestlybabymiracle @morgannmay @megamia44
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Imagine sucking frat peter off and him gripping your hair and calling you princess or baby and him stutteringgggg uuhuuuuuu
End Of Semester Stress (And Relief)
--genre + trope: SMUT!!! MINORS DNI 18+, NSFW, college!au.
--pairing: frat!tasm!peter parker x college!f!reader
--word count: 1.0k
--summary: stress has creeped up on peter. balancing the end of the semester and his frat has not given him a break. noticing his unease, you visit him at the delta chi house and give him some well deserved relief from this crazy time.
--warnings: SMUTTT, oral sex (m!receiving), a heated makeout, fluff, cum eating, reader has hair that can be put up in a ponytail, peter has a messy-ish boy room, slight hair pulling, language.
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The end of the semester made Peter’s life a living hell, to say the least. Like any college student, finals have seemed to arrive sooner than expected. Not only his academic life but organizing end-of-semester events for Peter’s fraternity has consumed his entire life. He knew that the only way to forward was through, and that killed him. 
The Delta Chi house was quiet this time of day. Most of the guys were in class, or making their way back from their set of morning lectures. The sunlight of the early afternoon danced on the water spraying from the sprinklers dancing on the front lawn. As you make your way to the front door and ring the doorbell, the face of a semi-familiar face greets you with a grin. There were no words needed as he turned back towards the stairs and shouted, “Yo, Parker! Your girl’s here!” Opening the door wider, you step into the familiar foyer of the house. Looking towards the stairs, you see a disheveled version of your boyfriend descend. There’s a moment right before he recognizes it’s you where his face changes from a deep pout to a satisfied smirk. Peter wastes no time before he makes his way towards you and wraps you in a bone-crushing hug, “Hey bug, what’s up?”
“Nothing, I just missed you today,” you reply as he pulls away to grab your hand. 
Still holding your hand, he leads you up the stairs towards his room. Locking the door behind him, he takes a quick scan of his room like he hasn’t been in there all day. There were a few piles of paper located on his desk, some clothes on his floor, and his unzipped backpack lying on the floor near his door. “Sorry for the mess,” he starts sorting the paper on his desk into neater piles, “the end of the semester is killing me.”
You let Peter fix his desk before speaking, “It’s alright baby. It’s a lot, with finals and the frat, I don’t blame you.”
“Yeah, it’s getting pretty crazy,” he groans as he runs his hands across his face.
“Let me take your mind off of things, yeah?” you suggest, walking over towards him. 
He finally sits down on the bed before he grabs the remote next to him, turning the TV on, “What kind of moving were you thinking-”. You cut him off with a deep kiss as you straddle his lap. His hands immediately make their way to your hips. You’re lost in his lips as you bring your hands weave their way through his thick brown hair. A smirk rises to your features as you pull away, a soft whine escaping Peter’s lips. 
“Shhh,” you whisper as you caress his cheek, “be patient.”
Slowly crawling off of his lap, you sit on your knees between his legs. The second you reach for his belt, he reaches down swiftly to take off his boxers and pants in one fluid motion. Now that he knows what you’re doing, he can’t stand to wait another second of you not touching him. 
Taking his still-soft cock in your hands, you bring the head up to your lips and lick his slit, rubbing the tip against your lips painfully slow. In your peripherals, you can see Peter’s head being thrown back as a lengthy sigh leaves him. His now, hard cock, aches to be touched. His head is now a pretty pink color. You admire his sluggish state for a second before pumping him a few times, still so very slow. 
Just when he’s about to open his mouth to interject, you take him entirely in your mouth. Taken back by your sudden eagerness, he speaks, “Oh fu-fuck, baby…” This time it was his turn to push his fingers through your hair, pulling the messy strands away from your face, and gathering them into a messy ponytail for him to hold onto. As one hand holds your hair in place, the other is slowly brought down to hold the side of your head, his thumb gently moving back and forth as you slightly gag on him. A silent encouragement. 
The only way you knew when Peter was close, was when he began to ramble. Mostly incoherent words are heard throughout the room, but sometimes a rare full sentence reaches your ears. “Oh my god, princess…I’m gonna,” he takes a sharp breath, “I’m gonna cum.” His words are so breathy as he’s right on the edge, that it makes your heart explode. 
His hips snap forward as he cums, and the warm feeling of his seed leaks down your throat. You notice a deliciously sharp feeling fluttering throughout the skin on your scalp, Peter is gripping your hair as he starts to come down from his high. As you carefully rise from his cock, the pull on your hair loosens until his hand falls onto his side. Pushing yourself off of your now aching knees, you crawl back on the bed on top of him, caging him in your arms. 
Leaning down to give him the gentlest peck on his lips, his honey-brown eyes fluttered open to meet yours. A satisfied smile creeps onto his face, “Where’d that come from baby?”
“You work so hard for others,” you push the hair off of his sweaty forehead, “ you deserve something sweet, especially after this crazy week.”
“Well…I definitely feel better, baby.”
Falling by his side, he reaches a hand over to pull your face closer to his and places a delicate kiss on your forehead. “Okay, now,” he mumbles into your skin, “what movie do you want to watch?”
For the rest of the day, you remain nestled into Peter’s side. The thoughts of finals and Greek life were placed somewhere far away in his mind. All of his thoughts are consumed by you. 
--author's note: GUYS...thank you for these asks!!! i love them so so much! frat!peter is my weakness right now holy shit, i need him so bad...ANYWAYS! don't forget to support your writers by liking, commenting, and reblogging! my asks/inbox is open, so feel free to send anything!! im all ears for requests and if you just want to chat, im here for that as well!!! ok, ily bye<3.
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shaunamilfman · 3 months
Being Jackie Taylor's controversially young gf
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pairing: jackie taylor x reader note: let me be delusional lmaoo
definitely broke up a semi-serious relationship with a man she'd been dating for a year or so when she realized she would have to spend the rest of her life with that guy. In my mind she got really drunk one night at a sorority party and had an “oh, shit” moment and avoided him for two weeks before breaking up with him. 
i see Jackie as a news anchor. honestly, I think it would really fit her. always struck me as a morning person.
meets you at a coffee shop that she has to rush into at the crack of dawn before work. she's so fucking happy and in a good mood that it puts you off at first. like seriously, it's like 6 AM, why is she smiling??
Jackie immediately takes a liking to you. starts going out of her way to stop by whenever you're working, even though it's five minutes out of her way and she likes the coffee at the other shop better. 
she's so flirty, incessantly even. she derives so much pleasure from making you nervous. even with all the flirting she does, she doesn't seriously expect you to reciprocate her interest. she's immediately stunned and a little unsure when she realizes you wrote a flirty comment on her cup, because don't you realize how old she is? 
comes back in the next day and mentions it and is immediately flattered when you just shrug and hand her the usual before she can even order it. Jackie's so flustered by your attention that she leaves without paying. runs back ten minutes later and practically throws the money at you before sprinting back to work. 
Jackie really likes the fact that you don't know who she is. i mean, who watches the news anymore?? 
you finally catch a clip of her as the anchor and realize what she does. she gets so shy when you tease her about it. asking her for her autograph as a joke and she's tripping over herself and bright red
god, she's never like this but you just make her so nervous sometimes. makes her feel like a kid again and she never thought she'd like that. 
doesn't even cross her mind to be embarrassed or hesitant about dating someone half her age. starts talking about your college classes and one of her friends is like “oh, it's good they're going back to college at their age” and Jackie's just like “oh no, they went straight out of highschool 🥰.” doesn't even notice the way their jaw dropped as they're doing the math. 
worries constantly about how you perceive her. she seems so charismatic and confident that you wouldn't think she would be so insecure, but it's constantly on her mind. she's not embarrassed about you at all but she keeps waiting for the day that you realize she's too ‘old’ ever since someone pointed that out to her for the first time. 
tries way too hard to seem hip and cool. she spent hours researching how to use modern slang correctly even though she already mostly had it down. 
over the moon whenever you reference liking something from the 90s. she'll talk your fucking ear off about it if you let her. 
Jackie values your validation a lot less than she would've at 18, but she still really needs to be the center of your attention. one off comment from you can really have her off kilter for the rest of the day even if you didn't mean it. Jackie's more chill about it now, but she still has a desperate need to be liked. 
she gets so jealous when it comes to people your own age. there's so many spaces you’re in that she really just can't enter due to her age and it drives her crazy thinking about all the people who might be able to relate to you better or on a different level. 
such a reality TV fan. has you on the couch for days getting caught up on all 12 seasons of her favorite show before the new season airs. you just know she's got the best snacks though. 
ridiculously supportive of every little thing you do. if it has a competition attached, trust that she will be in the front row with your picture on a t-shirt. People definitely think she's your mom with how extra she is about it, but she doesn't even care. the crowd audibly gasps when she kisses you afterward, but she doesn't notice as she's too busy hyping you up about getting fifth place.
most considerate gift giver on the planet, I swear. she only gets better with age. it's so sweet and thoughtful that you almost tear up every time. 
won't lie about her age but also won't correct other people. your friends are like “what is she, thirty???” in disbelief when they meet for the first time and Jackie's ass is just like “... yes. that's it.” 
world’s most expensive makeup collection, i swear. it’s so expansive that you're almost in awe the first time you see it. entire shelves dedicated solely to it
sometimes when you get bored sitting outside the shower listening to Jackie yap you start googling the prices of things just to feel something. what do you mean that skin cream was $250???
Offers to give you a tour as an excuse to get you into her room. You’re looking around her one-story house like 🤔. You’re not sure there’s a single room in this house you can’t see from the living room, but you’re not stupid enough to give up that chance.
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jjkilll · 3 months
-——-✫ I THINK HE KNOWS | JJK ✫-——-
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— pairing | basketball player/frat boy jk x tutor y/n
— summary | Jungkook is failing math and you tutor him between classes. You didn't think he ever caught you eyeing him, but after the way he teases you, you think he knows.
—  warning | virgin reader, oral sex (f receiving) jk #1 munch
— word count | 2.6K
— song | I Think He Knows - Taylor Swift
Jungkook wasn't the most studious student. Partying late and having an 8am class just doesn't mix too well.
It's mid-semester and Jungkook is failing math, there you sit at the front desk of the tutoring office as he begs for your help. A hot guy begging to spend time with you talking about math? You were beyond down.
So for the next few weeks, Jungkook came in after practice to work on his assignments with you. He'd usually be hot and sweaty but somehow still smell good. His long hair is usually tied up with the shortest pieces escaping in the back. His hands were something you'd stare at often. His hands were big and his fingers were long and thick you'd think about how they'd feel inside you, you're fingers were nothing compared to his. "Y/n" He called snapping you out the the trance you were in. "Oh sorry, yeah what's up?" He tilts his head catching your eye. "You seem distracted." He spoke. "Umm, it's just... I was." You give up trying to lie. His eye contact makes you nervous. "What's got you so distracted then?" He brushes his hair back with his hand. "I'm just daydreaming, I guess." You glance at his paper, "You are so close with number 7, look back at the last step." You say looking away from him.
He looks down at his paper, going back to fix his mistakes. After your session, you say goodbye and tell him you'll see him next week before finals. He begins to walk away but stops all of a sudden. "Hey, Y/n?" He says turning back and walking to the desk leaning over it. "I'm having this party tonight, I just thought maybe you'd want to come. I never see you anywhere but here. You don't even have to stay, you know, if that's not your thing." He says. He's right, parties are very far from 'your thing' but you wanted to see him outside of work, and he was inviting you. You ponder for a moment, no homework to be done, you cleaned your apartment the morning prior. Tonight you could choose you and your comfort movie, or some alcohol and a hot guy.
"Umm. Yeah, I'll stop by." You say with a small smile. He flashes you a small smile and wink. "I'll keep my eye out for you. I'll send my address." He turns leaving and you aren't sure if you're actually prepared for what you've signed up for.
✫ -----------------------✫
"I don’t think beer pong is my thing." You say looking toward the group of people looking at you and Jungkook. He waves them away telling them to go on without him. 
"Oh, that’s fine. Minecraft?" He asked his eyes bright, he looked happy to see you. You think back to the conversation you had with the boys at the front door. One of them said something about Jungkook having a crush on you. It had to be the alcohol in their systems because in no way did this man have a crush on me. He never even looked at you that way. "I’m down." He nods grabbing your hand once more and rushing up the stairs. You stop at his door as he pulls out a key and unlocks it. He walks in and you follow in behind him. "Welcome to my room, pretty cool right?" He asks with a smile. His room was decorated with band posters and tapestry, something you would’ve never expected from him. "It’s dope, I didn’t know you were into Mac." You say pointing to the Mac Miller poster above his bed. "The man’s a genius, anyone who doesn’t think the same has to be deaf." You chuckle at his joke, "Sit anywhere, you want the beanbag?" He asked pointing to the blue one in the corner. You nod and he quickly drags it over for you to sit. "I’m glad you came." He spoke turning on his TV and setting up the controller handing one to you, then finally sitting beside you. "I’ve been wanting to get to know you more, I thought maybe you thought I was like those other horrible frat guys. I just suck at math and have a hard time saying no." He chuckles and you join him. "I was shocked you invited me, I don’t usually get invited to things like this. Especially by guys like you." He hums, "Guys like me?" He questioned. "I just mean, every girl is dying to get to know you. You wanting to get to know me is a first." He pouts. "I’m kinda overlooked until someone is paying to do their bio projects." You laugh. "Well, I’m not using you, I promise. I got a head start on my math study guide for the exam. Just if you were curious." You nod. 
"So what do you want to know about me?" You ask. "Everything, I guess. What’s your favorite movie?" He asks to break the ice. "The Truman Show." You respond simply. "No fucking way…" He almost shouts. He quickly rolls up his sleeve revealing a fresh tattoo with the famous quote. 
"And in case I don’t see you…" He starts.
"Good morning, Afternoon, and Goodnight." You finish. "See I knew you were cool." He says nudging your shoulder. "I try but my exterior doesn’t scream ‘cool girl’ Even your friends called me a nerd." You laugh but Jungkook doesn’t. "Who?" He snaps his neck toward you. "Jimin, I think his name was." He shakes his head. "He’s an idiot and you’re beautiful." He says quickly. You blush at his compliment. "Thank you." You say softly.
" I mean it." He says surely. "I’m sorry about them, they’re just mad I want someone who cares about their future instead of someone who’s only into frat guys for status." He realizes after he finishes his sentence that he confessed to you but tries to play it cool. Inside that man is shitting himself. 
"So, it’s true?" He hums at your question. "What?" He tries to act clueless. "You like me?" He swallows thickly. "I do. I think you’re pretty and smart, and you’re witty. I like that. You are the only cute girl with some brain cells on this campus, I’m sure of it." You laugh. "Well, I like you too. I just think we’re from two different worlds almost." He sighs, you said the one thing he feared. "I think we’re more similar than you think." He says reassuring you. "Maybe." You say looking at him. "I was staring at you. Well, your hands." He tilts his head confused. "Most times when you think I’m daydreaming I was staring at you. God that sounds weird." You laugh faintly, sliding your hands underneath your glasses and covering your face. "Sometimes, When I’d wave to you passing by, I didn’t even have to go that way. I just wanted to see you. So I guess that makes me weird too." He says scooting closer to you. You move your hands away, your face red from embarrassment. 
He sits in front of you. His eyes were soft and warm. Then you suddenly gain the courage to do something you never thought you would. You sit on the ground in front of him, and he flashes a cute smile. You peck his lips quickly. You almost instantly regret it after he says nothing. His eyes are stuck on you and he’s unreadable. He quickly pecks you back and stays close to you. A small smile grows on your face. "You are so cute." He says. Your cheeks flush. He kisses you again this time deeper. His lips are soft and sweet from his chapstick. You’ve never made out with anyone before but you follow his lead, kissing his lips as hungrily as he kisses yours. 
"You’re such a good kisser." He says breaking the kiss. "Really? I’ve actually never done this before." His eyes widened. "You could’ve fooled me, you’re a natural." He says before pecking your lips one last time. "Yeah, I’ve never done anything with anyone before. I told you I’m not the hottest thing smoking." You joke. "I’m also a virgin, if you were wondering." He hums. "I hope this doesn’t sound weird but I just have to know… but, have you never like… had an orgasm before?" You scoff. "What?! Now that’s just crazy. I have a vibrator. I’ve just never had anyone else… get me there." You realize how much of yourself you’re revealing. Jungkook falls silent not reacting to your previous statement. "Before I suggest what I’m going to suggest, Will you go out with me?" He asks. "I want to get to know you more Y/n. Seriously." He finishes. "Yes, I want to get to know you too." You say with a smile. He’s giddy and pumps his fist and whispers a small ‘yes’ to himself. 
"So, what were you going to suggest?" You ask. His neck starts to heat up after was reminded of how this conversation came about. "Oh… maybe, I could… you know… uh give you an orgasm. Only if you want to and if you don’t that’s fine, and I’m not mad." You smile as he tries to clean it up. "I mean, I don’t know… I don’t know." You stutter, unsure of how to tell him you’re afraid he might judge you.
"If you don’t want to I understand, but if you’re nervous, I promise that I won’t hurt you. I’m not that type of guy, I really hope you know that." You nod quickly. "I know, you’re a great guy Jungkook. I’ve just never shown anymore this part of myself. I don’t want you to see me and change your mind. I’m not as pretty as the other girls." He holds your hand.
"I don’t know who told you that, but you are one of the most beautiful girls I’ve ever laid eyes on. I’d never judge you." He spoke. His hand lifts your chin so he can look you in the eyes. "Any guy would be lucky to have you. I would be the luckiest." He says with a smile. "Okay." You say. "Don’t just say okay because you think this is something I want. I just want to make you feel good and comfortable. I want you. Whatever that looks like." He smiles. "No, I want you." You say. "Are you sure?" He asks again. "Yes Jungkook, I’m sure and I want you. 
He kisses you deeply making you lean backward on the beanbag. "I’m going to make you feel are beautiful as you look Y/n." His words make you throb, you feel yourself aching for him. He grabs your hip, pulling you in closer as your lips reconnect. You loved the way he touched you, he was soft and gentle. Your hips buck in excitement, craving him. You moan into the kiss. "You are so cute, God I can’t with you." He says breaking the kiss. "Arms up," He says tugging at the hem of your shirt. You follow his instructions and lift your arms. You almost want to cover yourself before he says, "You are so beautiful. Such a pretty girl, I don’t understand how someone hasn’t snatched you up already. Such a smart and beautiful girl." He whispers his last sentence grabbing at your waist. He stands grabbing your hand and helping you stand with him. He kisses you again, this time you’re closer than ever. You stumble back onto the bed. "Lay back for me, love." You follow his instruction and you prop yourself up on your elbows. He grazes the button of your jeans, "Can I?" He asks. You nod quickly. "Words, love. I want to make sure you’re comfortable." He says surely, no trace of jokes or playfulness in his voice. "Yes, please. I want you so badly." You whine. "I’m here, love. Let me please you." He says unbuttoning your pants and pulling them off. He stands leaning over you placing a light peck on your lips. He rubs you over your panties and your breath hitches. "Does this feel okay?" You nod but stop yourself, "Y-yes. Feels g-good." Only you have touched yourself before his strong hands and soft touch is making you brainless. Your breath is shaky as he rubs your thigh. "Can I take these off?" He pulls at the side of your panties. "Please, please touch me." You beg, unable to recognize your voice. 
He slips your panties off, tucking them in his pocket. He kneels in front of the bed grabs your waist and pulls you closer, putting your legs over his shoulders, giving him the perfect position in front of your heat. He lets spit drip from his mouth onto your wet cunt. You gasp at the nasty sight. "Fuck…" you mutter. He licks a long stripe up your cunt before wrapping his lips around your clit. You whine as he eats you. He wastes no time swirling his tongue around your clit. You’ve never felt pleasure like this before, you’re mush under him. Whining and moaning as he fucks you with his tongue. "I-I think, I’m close." You say breathlessly as he moans onto you. He looks up at you his eyes dark, only focusing on pleasing you. "Come for me, love. Make a mess on my tongue." His words are so dirty and it turns you on to no end. He flicks his tongue on your clit and you’re closer than ever. You moan as you come undone on his tongue your body pulsing as you come but he told you in place. He kisses your thighs as you come down from your high.
"Come here." You say and he quickly stands leaning over you. "Thank you." You say breathy kissing him gently. "You don’t have to thank me, love. I only want to make you feel good." He smiles.
"I’m just glad my instincts were right." He says, "I’m not sure, I’d have if I didn’t guess." You tilt your head confused. "What do you mean?" You ask sweetly. "I noticed you staring a while ago. I thought you liked me. I’m glad in right." He says sitting beside you. You look down and he boner leaves a tent in his pants. "Y-you’re…" You start. "It’s fine, it’ll go away." You grab his tattooed arm, "I can help you. I don’t know how but you can teach me right?" You suggest. "Tonight was about you, dear. Maybe another time. Okay, don’t think you owe me anything." He smiles gently brushing your hair back. 
"I’ll be back." He stands walking into the connecting bathroom. He comes back with a warm towel cleaning you up. He wasn’t like the other guys. He was a sweetheart, he cared for you. He wanted to make sure you knew it.
He takes your panties out of his pocket sliding them back onto you. "You’re too good for me." You say brushing over his hand. "You deserve everything good, don’t you know?" You really weren’t sure, you never had someone feel this way about you. You nod, he made you feel so pretty. You couldn’t believe someone like him was into you. You were glad he was. 
"Still down to play Minecraft?" He asked putting your jeans back on. You smile. "Of course but…What about the party? Aren’t you the host?" You ask. He shrugs. "I am but there’s enough alcohol down there to keep an alcoholic going for years." He jokes. "I want to stay here with you anyway." You smile picking up the controller.
You couldn’t wait to see what the future held for you and him. You smile as he smiles at you. You know everything is gonna be just fine. You’re so glad he knows. 
✫ -----------------------✫
a/n: hope you like, i had super hard time writing this as my laptop has decided to give me issues the moment i enjoy writing... anyways. feedback and requests are appreciated.
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bitchinbarzal · 7 months
talk to me | f minten
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summary: When miscommunication strikes he just wants you to talk to him.
You trusted Fraser with your life, he was your entire world.
Things were hard for you when he headed off to Saskatchewan after it didn’t work out well with the leafs. You were proud of him regardless but it was hard.
It was hard when you had so many classes back to back which was only made worse when his games and training schedule was on the opposite schedule to yours.
You’d hardly spoken in weeks outwith casual morning and what you up to text messages.
You missed your boyfriend.
You were supposed to fly to visit him for Valentine’s, finally having a long weekend to spend with him albeit watching him play but you’d rather watch him play and be able to hug him afterwards than just sending a text.
However, the tickets were sent to be refunded as soon as you saw the photo.
You always encouraged Fraser to go out, do something other than play hockey and when he did he was usually texting you, telling you how he wished you were there.
However, looking at the picture on your Twitter you realised he had avoided telling you he was going out which wouldn’t have been an issue if the photo you were looking at wasn’t a picture of him with his arm around another girl, curled into his side.
Your heart dropped as you flicked between the few images on the screen. The smile on his face hurt your heart, having been absent from your FaceTime calls for weeks.
You unpacked your bags for your trip and sat on your bed, turning on the tv to find a show to distract you.
A little later your phone buzzed, his photo appearing as your background, his smile wanting to make you smile. You looked at the notification and read the text
hey, call me when you’re checked in and send me your flight info so I can track you landing! I can’t wait to see you sweet girl 💙
You read the text and sighed, typing out your response.
Not coming, cancelled my ticket.
the typing bubble appeared, then disappeared over and over until he began calling.
You stared at his contact picture, a photo of you both together. You contemplated not picking up but you knew him, he’d never stop calling.
“Babe… what’s wrong?”
“I just don’t wanna come anymore”
You could just see the frown on his face in your head
“Why? I thought you were excited, we haven’t seen each other since October?” He sighed.
“Just changed my mind Fras, sue me” you snapped to which he mumbled “Ok rude”
And you just hung up, unable to continue your conversation without getting mean.
When you did he text you.
somethings wrong with you, I know it. I love you and I wanna talk to you so call me when you want 💙
You rolled your eyes, why did he have to be so supportive when you were mad at him.
He’d sent you multiple DM’s and texts overnight to which all were read and none responded to, leaving him with only one option.
When you woke up the next morning there he was, asleep on your couch. You stared at him softly, noticing he was hugging into himself clearly cold.
You may be mad but never that mad. You waddled into your bedroom and pulled out your blanket, draping it over him.
You hadn’t noticed in the darkness of your living room that your movements had woken Fraser up until he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you into his lap.
You landed with an “oof” and looked at him, your eyes sad and red from crying all night. You hoped he couldn’t but he could see them in the light coming in off the streets of downtown Toronto.
His thumb brushed your cheek “Hi sweet girl, what’s going on? Talk to me…”
You shook your head, attempting to get up but be stopped you “Y/N you need to speak to me! We’re a team”
You just glared “were we a team when you had your hands on her?”
His grip kept tightly on you as he frowned “What?”
“You- there was that picture of you online with some girl from last week” you stumbled, picking up his phone from right next to him.
In the moment you never registered how he didn’t even flinch when you picked up his phone or how the lock screen was a picture of you.
You found it eventually and showed him to which he nodded “Yeah that’s Kayla”
“Well Kayla is too close to Fraser” you said as if it was so obvious.
Fraser smiled “That’s Easton’s sister, she was visiting him that’s all… nothing weird”
You huffed a little, not used to being spoken to so honest and calmly
“You didn’t tell me you were going out”
“You were asleep because you felt sick! Babe stop trying to find a problem where there isn’t one, please just let yourself be happy for once in your life”
You deflated, leaning your head onto his shoulder
“I was so angry with you”
“I get it”
“You’re perfect though”
“I’m far from perfect but to someone who loves you, you’re everything” he mumbles, holding your hand “You’re everything to me you know that right?”
“I guess…”
He grabs your chin to make you look at him “No, you are! I was so scared I’d lose you last night I had to come here… you’re too important for me to lose”
“I promise I’ll talk next time” you admitted, kissing his jaw.
“Just talk to me, I love to hear your voice”
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babyleostuff · 1 year
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summary | what can be better than a night stroll with Seungcheol and your daughter Kkuma
genre | fluff
word count | 1.5k
pairing | choi seungcheol x gn!reader
author’s note | someone please give me a choi seungcheol 🫶🏼
With a sigh you flip the page of your textbook, not even bothering to understand what you have been reading. It has been at least three hours of you sitting in the same position, but your brain stopped comprehending anything at least half an hour ago.
The exam season is just around the corner, but you have never felt less motivated and not only to study - to do anything. Even watching TV felt too tiresome. The fact that your sleeping schedule was shit and you didn’t even bother to make dinner, certainly wasn’t helping.
“I fucking hate this.” you muttered under your breath, flipping the page once again.
“What was that?” asked Seungcheol, who just came into your shared office. Behind him you saw a small, white fluffball that was happily following him.
You didn’t even have to say anything, Seungcheol could clearly see how tired you were and not only physically, but mentally.
The only time he has seen you these past two following weeks were when you came from the library basically at night and during the mornings, when you had to rush out to attend your classes.
He absolutely hated seeing you like this, drained from any happiness and energy, to the point where you couldn't even stand up without tumbling a bit. Seungcheol would do anything just so he could see your bright smile again, but he felt helpless.
Not knowing what to do, he came up behind you and put his arms around your shoulders, squeezing you lightly.
Surrounded by his warmth and comforting scent, you felt like you could start crying any second, so you simply put your cheek to his, to be closer to your love. He responded by hugging you even more tightly, which you didn’t mind at all. It felt like you were wrapped in a warm blanket with all your favorite sweets.
“You know,” he said softly, while tilting your chin in his direction. “I’ll always be there for you and I’m already so proud of you,” he looked deep into your eyes. “But you need to take care of yourself. It is killing me love, seeing you like this.”
You sighed for the hundredth time today, stroking his arm that was still securely wrapped around you.
“I know, but I really need to study for this. I can’t give up now.”
“I’m not telling you to give up, but you still need to take care of yourself. You haven’t eaten even one of my dinners I made for you.” He looked at you with so much care and worry at the same time.
“I’m so sorry Cheol,” you pouted, pecking his jaw.
“There is nothing to be sorry for love, but this doesn’t mean I’m going to let you study yourself to death. You’re going to take a break. Right now.”
„But,” you were interrupted, by his soft lips on yours. You didn’t even have the energy to fight him, so you simply let yourself enjoy this moment.
One hand on your cheek and the other in your hair, you leaned against him to deepen the kiss. It felt like an eternity since you’ve been this close and this reminded you just how safe and protected you felt whenever you were with Seungcheol.
“I love you,” he said, while repeatedly placing featherlight kisses on your lips, almost as if he was afraid to hurt you.
“I love you too, Cheol.” you said, burying your head in his neck and placing kisses there too.
Almost as if she also knew that you needed comfort, Kkuma, who was still laying beside you two, started to nudge her head against your leg.
“See, we’re both worried for you,” Seungcheol chuckled and picked her up, just to place her in your lap. She was always able to put a smile on your face and calm your anxiety down.
Patting her head with one hand, you grabbed Seungcheol’s hand with your other, finally not feeling as miserable as before.
You couldn’t see this, because you were so focused on Kkuma, but your boyfriend had the softest smile ever, looking at you like you were his entire world.
Pecking your temple twice, he gave your hand a little tug to get you up from the chair you’ve been sitting in for the past hours.
“Let’s go out. We can take Kkuma on a walk,” he said, dragging you out of the office.
“But it’s so late and you have a schedule early tomorrow,” you complained, worried about your boyfriend, who probably once again will get no sleep.
“Oh, so now you know how I’ve been feeling these past weeks. Suck it up love, we’re going out,” he said strictly and handed you his hoodie.
“It’s probably cold now,” he muttered to himself and grabbed one of his jackets for you.
“We’re not living at the North Pole, I think you can chill with all of those clothes,” you laughed, but still put on everything he gave you.
“Wha-, oh so now you’re going to complain that I want to take care of you? Do as you wish, go ahead, but don’t complain if you get cold. You can even go with no clothes on, if you dislike mine so much. No problem for me.”
“Cheol, stop sulking so much baby. I was only joking,” you laughed even more, not being able to resist your adorable boyfriend.
“Well, it wasn’t funny,” he still sulked, while putting on his shoes angrily.
Knowing what makes him always melt, you came up behind him and wrapped your hands around his middle.
“I’m sorry. Forgive me please?”
“I don’t know, you were being really mean,” he said. “I think I can forgive you if you,” he pointed to his pursed lips.
Shaking your head at your boyfriend's antics you gave him a quick peck and grabbed Kkuma’s collar.
“Hey, I wanted a proper kiss,” he said surprised.
“Well, you didn’t specify what exactly you wanted, so,” you chuckled.
“I hate you.”
“I think you said something about loving me just like what, five minutes ago?”
“Sometimes I really want to strangle you, you’re unbelievable love.”
“Save that for another time Cheollie, let’s go.”
The moment you stepped out of your apartment doors, you silently thanked Seungcheol for all those clothes, because it really was cold.
“So, where do my girls want to go?” he asked and laced your hands together. “Han River?” “Ah, you know us so well,” you smiled and squeezed his hand.
“Let’s go then.”
As the sun set and darkness descended, the city transformed into a mesmerizing tapestry of light and shadows.
The first thing that caught your eye was the radiant glow emanating from towering skyscrapers, their windows transformed into a symphony of twinkling lights. The air carried the scent of street food wafting from food carts, which only makes you crave something to eat.
“What do you say about Tteokbokki?” you asked and looked at your boyfriend.
“Ah, you’re reading my mind.” he smiled at you.
Giving you Kkuma’s leash, he walked away to get you both food, and you took this opportunity to take a look around you.
As you looked upward, the night sky became a canvas adorned with stars and a few scattered clouds. The street lamps cast pools of warm, golden light upon the pavement below. The comforting silence is broken only by the occasional hushed footsteps and the distant hum of passing cars. The absence of the daytime chaos allows the sounds of the night to come alive.
“Here you go love,” suddenly Seungcheol breaks you out of your thoughts. You take the food from him and hand him Kkuma’s leash back.
You continue your walk in a comforting silence, munching on your food and smiling at Kkuma from time to time.
The presence of Seungcheol and Kkuma envelopes you in a sense of security, peace, and reassurance and you could almost see all your anxiety and worries disappear.
Finally, arriving at the Han River, you take a seat at one of the benches, your hand still in Seungcheol’s.
“Thank you. I really needed this,” you said, putting your head on his shoulder.
In moments like these, time seems to stand still, as the world fades into the background and almost as if only the two of you existed in this universe. It fills you with a deep sense of gratitude and a reminder of the incredible power of love.
Not saying anything, Seungcheol leans in and places a kiss on your lips.
As your lips meet, there's a delicate meeting of warmth and softness. The kiss is gentle, yet purposeful, carrying an abundance of emotions you can’t express through words.
There's a softness in the way his lips move against yours, as if he’s savoring every second, cherishing the connection that exists between you.
The kiss is unhurried, as if it holds a secret desire to make the moment stretch on forever.
As the kiss lingers and finally comes to an end, there's a soft parting of your lips, a bittersweet separation that carries the promise of so much more to come.
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ineedhaikyu · 3 months
Inspirational Drabble
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Summary: The match between Inarizaki and Karasuno is about to start! The crowd was buzzing with excitement, ready to cheer their hearts out for their favorite team. As everyone prepared themselves, one person couldn't help but torment himself. Luckily, Asahi didn't have to drown in his self-deprecating thoughts as someone became a lifeline.
Word Count: 2.8K
Warnings: Spoilers from the manga, especially chapters 248 and 249! A lot of fluff. Inspired by the picture above!
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Asahi tried his best to breathe as normal as he could. He had to stay calm, not just for his sake but for his team’s sake. All of their hard work paved their way all the way to Nationals.
Out of habit, Asahi traced the kanji of person (人) on his palm before swallowing it. It might look like a silly routine but it helped. Though for some reason, he wasn't as nervous as he usually was. They're playing against Inarizaki, one of the top favorites to win this whole thing.
Yet, here he was hoping to catch another glimpse of his opponents before the match officially started. Specifically, the girl that brought a storm of warm emotions inside his stomach. (L/N) (Y/N), Inarizaki's manager, the girl he met just yesterday but already made her way into his fast beating heart.
The eagerness to see her again began this morning when he woke up in the very shirt she gifted him. It wasn't just the fabric that kept him warm but the feelings he had for (Y/N) as well. It almost seemed to good to be true but once he replayed the conversations and read their texts from yesterday, Asahi could honestly believe that (Y/N) wasn't just his dream girl... She's the girl he wanted to be with.
But would she go for someone like him?
He hoped so and if not... Well, a guy could dream, right?
"On a different topic entirely," Suga began as everyone finished changing into their alternate uniforms. "I saw a girl carrying an Atsumu fan earlier. Is he an idol now?!"
"Actually, he pretty much is for high school volleyball. The Inarizaki team garners a different kind of popularity than Itachiyama." Coach Ukai explained. "They have a solid core of talent and a wide array of spectacular, crowd-pleaser plays. That makes them the ultimate contenders."
"We do see them getting interviewed on TV a lot too." Suga pointed out.
Asahi confirmed with a nod. "(Y/N) mentioned yesterday how they're always being interviewed by multiple reporters and journalists."
"Oh?" Suga smirked up at him. "Was this on your date yesterday?"
"N-No. We were just talking." He defended though he couldn't do anything to hide the stutter in his voice. "She even told me she once got interviewed."
"Woah, really? That's cool! I guess that's the advantage that comes with being a part of a high class powerhouse school. I mean, have you seen their cheering section? It's huge."
"And that means no one here... Not a single person in this whole crowd, thinks we have a chance."
To his and Suga's surprise, it was Daichi who voiced this sad fact. Asahi wondered if he was in an alternate dimension. Ever since last night, his friend has been wound up.
"Gah! Daichi, what's gotten into you?!" Suga shouted. "Pull it together, man!"
Asahi was just about to say something similar when he saw Daichi lips turn into a smile. His eyes gleamed with determination as he said, "Now I'm fired up!"
The two third-years sighed in relief, knowing they had nothing to worry about as their captain was back to normal.
"It's about time you snapped back to yourself, Daichi." Suga commented.
Asahi nodded in agreement. "Yeah. You've been awfully quiet since last night. Meek, even."
"H-Hey! I-I was focusing."
The moment Daichi opened the doors to the main arena everyone was blown away at the sheer intensity the crowd produced. The lights of the gym shined like mini suns above his head. The gleam of the laminated floor looked untouched, almost spotless. It was enticing, begging to be played on.
Then there was the crowd. Asahi can easily see their supporters standing behind their signature black banner, sporting their signature orange colors. It was a welcoming sight.
The warm reassuring feeling quickly left his body when he looked at Inarizaki's section. They had triple the amount of fans Karasuno had, not to mention they even had cheerleaders and a marching band. It almost made Shiratorizawa cheer section tiny in comparison.
Asahi clenched his fist tightly and took another deep breath to calm down his nerves. Though the Inarizaki's marching band wasn't helping his case at all.
Suddenly, the crowd cheered loudly and Asahi took this as a sign that their opponents have made their appearance. Which means-
(Y/N) walked next to Inarizaki's coach, looking unbothered by the amount of fans cheering for her team. The smile on her face was enough to calm his nerves from her intimidating teammates. Even from the other side of the court, his eyes met with her (E/C) ones. The connection was instant as they smiled at one another.
"Okay." DU-DUM! "Let's go." Daichi's voice could barely be heard over the marching band's drums.
So he tried again. "I said, let's-" WAAAA!!
This time it was the cheerleaders' collective cheering.
Asahi watched as Daichi grew frustrated with the crowd's interference. So much so that the captain yelled from the top of his lungs, "LET'S!! GO!!"
Official Warm-Ups
(Y/N) felt her heart lurch against her chest when she saw Asahi again. She felt a bit silly with how happy Karasuno's ace makes her, especially when they spoke to each other just a few minutes ago.
She shook those thoughts from her head. Now was not the time to daydream about Asahi.
'Focus! Your team needs you!' Thought her brain. 'Don’t get distracted!'
'But Asahi's so cute. He’s such a gentle giant.' Her heart argued. 'Omg, his biceps look amazing! Just imagine having those strong arms wrapped around you and having him lean down to kiss-'
'STOP! Now is NOT the time to think about that! At least, wait till AFTER the match is over.' Her brain tried to reason.
'Fine…' Her heart relented to her brain’s demand but it only took one more glance before crumbling once again. 'Those broad shoulders though… Asahi is literally hot guy status.'
“Yes, Coach?”
“It’s the twins' turn to warm-up and you know how superstitious they are. You know what to do, right?"
"Yes, sir."
She caught the ball with ease and made her way to where Atsumu and Osamu were waiting for her.
Ever since the Miya twins joined the club, they began a silly little routine of her tossing the ball for Atsumu to set to his brother. The first time was during the twins' first appearance playing for Inarizaki. Usually, the coach or assistant coach would do the tosses during warm-ups, but at the time they were occupied which led her to do the toss for them. Atsumu was perfect with his set and Osamu effortlessly spiked the ball. From then on, they demanded, Atsumu more than Osamu, for her to toss for them in future warm-ups, claiming she had the lucky touch.
(Y/N) smiled to herself at the memory. She didn't believe in luck but she went along with it. For two years, she tossed them the ball in each official warm-up and now that this was her last year with them... Well, they weren't going to change tradition now.
"You guys ready?" She asked them, tossing the volleyball up and down.
"Heck yeah!" Atsumu answered excitedly. He held up his hand for her to high-five. "No way are we going to lose."
(Y/N) laughed as her hand connected with his. She turned her attention on Osamu, the small pout on his lips was enough to know what was on his mind.
"The faster we win the match, the quicker we can go out to eat. I'll even treat you to dessert. How does that sound, 'Samu?"
With the promise of food, the twin straightened up and high-fived her. His eyes sparkled with joy. "Let's show these guys what Nationals is all about."
With both twins looking eager to start, (Y/N) stepped back and stood next to the net as the twins also went to their positions. Without meaning to, she looked over at Karasuno's players and internally smirked when all eyes were waiting to see the twins in action.
After counting to three, (Y/N) tossed the ball in a beautiful arch as it made its way to Atsumu's waiting hands. Not surprisingly, the ball was set perfectly for Osamu to spike strongly.
"Nice kill!" She told them, her chest swelling with pride.
"One more!" Osamu called out.
(Y/N) raised a brow and was about to ask why when she saw both twins sharing a look.
"Alright, last one!"
Tossing the ball one more time, (Y/N) watched as the twins jumped in unison and her smile grew when she witnessed Osamu displaying his setting skills for Atsumu to spike.
"Ha! Ha! Super body and soul switch time delayed spike!"
'If only they could find a better name for that move...'
Despite the move they just did wasn't a delayed spike, it still made the crowd go crazy, screaming several compliments.
After the twins waved to their fans, they made their way to her.
"How was that, (Y/N)-senpai?! It looked cool, didn't it?!" Atsumu bombarded, looking for her praise more than anything (as if the crowd's praises weren't enough for him).
"Amazing as always, Miyas!" She complimented them as she clapped both of their shoulders before making them lean down to her level. "What's your reason for doing that move?"
Atsumu looked smug while Osamu answered her. "We have to prove the other team what we're all about."
"Uh-huh..." (Y/N) raised a brow looking unconvinced with his answer. "Now give me the real reason."
The twins looked at each other and (Y/N) wondered if twin telepathy was real because a few seconds later Atsumu sighed before replying, "To intimidate that crush of yours. He kept starin' at you when you weren't lookin'. It's creepy."
Osamu lifted his head for a second before crouching back down. "He's still starin'."
"Oh my god, you guys. I appreciate you caring for me but focus on what's important, okay? Right now, in your eyes, Asahi is your opponent so just view him as that and nothing more."
And with that, (Y/N) gave the twins another pat on their shoulders before making her way to the bench. Unbeknownst to her, the twins didn't take her advice to heart. Instead, they focused on something else.
"Did ya notice how she's on a first name basis with that guy, 'Tsumu?"
The twin nodded as he placed his hands on his hips, his eyes narrowing on Karasuno's #3 from across the net. "They literally met yesterday, 'Samu! How did that samurai guy make an impression on our manager?!"
Osamu shrugged his shoulders because the answer was a mystery to him as well. "You're just jealous that (Y/N) likes him."
Atsumu whipped his head to glare at his brother. "AM NOT!"
"Are too."
"Am not!"
Osamu sighed, not wanting to continue this argument. "Whatever. We still have to beat them."
"Without question. If he can't beat us then he has no right to even talk to (Y/N)-senpai." Atsumu declared.
The twins took one more look at Karasuno's ace, making a mental note to pay special attention on the guy… and crush him.
National Spring Volleyball Tournament, Round 2
Hyogo Prefecture Rep: Inarizaki High School (3rd Appearance Straight, 31 Appearances Overall)
Miyagi Prefecture Rep: Karasuno High School (1st Appearance in 5 Years, 9th Appearance Overall)
It was time. Both teams stood on either side of the court, every member held a sense of seriousness as they tried to make themselves as imposing as possible.
At the sound of the referee's whistle, every emotion seemed to jump to another level. Asahi's hands fidgeted anxiously. Call it paranoia but he felt like he was wearing a large target. It looked like everyone wearing a black Inarizaki uniform were glaring daggers at him. He hoped it was just his imagination.
Then there was (Y/N) by the sidelines. Even from afar, he could see the excitement in her eyes. She looked so angelic with that smile of hers. He felt a wave of relief when he recalled how much support she gave him the day before.
"I’m not saying you should just get over yourself because we all have experienced some level of negative emotion in our lives, right? And it’s not as easy as turning a page in a book. Trust me I know. So believe me when I say this, it’s okay to express those feelings. Maybe one day, you’ll find solace in someone."
Asahi felt his spirits lifted when he thought about (Y/N)'s words. Solace... She didn't know it but that was what she became to him. Her words gave her comfort and alleviated all the strangling roots of anxiety that surrounded him. He smiled to himself at the memory. It was enough to fall for her all over again.
After mentally counting to three, both members of the Karasuno and Inarizaki team bowed down to each other and yelled, "Here's to a good game!"
Asahi's feet moved automatically to where the coaches were standing. His heart was still beating like crazy. His nerves were still going crazy because in a few seconds they were about to play a high caliber team that were the people's favorite to win this whole thing.
That's when Takeda-sensei came to the rescue and provided the much needed words of wisdom. Asahi listened as his head coach spoke, "You know... Two months ago, during the qualifier finals, no one thought we could beat Shiratorizawa either." A bright smile accompanied as he continued, "What say we surprise everyone again!"
"YEAH!!" They shouted in unison with Hinata and Nishinoya jumping with joy.
It was time for the announcer's to present to the crowd the starting lineup. Asahi took a deep breath as he waited for his name to be announced. Not wanting to look any more nervous that he actually is (and to hide away his fidgety hands), Asahi crossed his arms and tried to look brave.
Physically, he looked intimidating. Mentally... Well, it went something like this:
'Daichi's right. Nobody's paying any attention to us. I don't have to be nervous. Nope. Nuh-uh. I'm not nervous at all. Nobody's looking at me. That means I effectively don't even exist!'
With a furrowed brow, Asahi quickly shook his head at the thought.
'Wait, no. Now that I think about it, that was going too far. Heck, it was pretty sad!'
And of course his friends noticed how quiet he became.
"Asahi. Get over here." Daichi called, his voice full of authority and masking the slight anxiety he had. He didn't need his ace player to go down the rabbit hole before the match even started.
Suga couldn't help but laugh as he said, "I don't have to be a mind reader to know there's something laughable on your mind right now."
Daichi narrowed his eyes at Asahi. "Whatever you're thinking, stop it! That's an order!"
It was scary how frightening Daichi can get.
"I-I wasn't thinking a-anything bad." He defended through stutters. "At least... Not anymore."
Before Daichi could reprimand his ace, Suga cuts in with a slap on his shoulder and said, "Hey, don't make it obvious but (Y/N)-san has her eyes on you."
All the thoughts from a moment ago disappeared instantly at the idea of his crush paying attention to him. It gave him a new sense of motivation to play the best that he could. Volleyball was something he was good at, like really good, and (Y/N) took notice of his skills from yesterday's match. If he could impress her even more then maybe... He has a chance.
"Let's win this match and then win some more!" Asahi declared as he made his way to his assigned position. His aura was slowly but surely glowing with confidence.
Daichi and Suga sighed in relief as their ace finally looked mentally ready to play.
"Tell me the truth, Suga, was (Y/N)-san actually looking at Asahi when he wasn't looking?" Daichi asked his vice-captain.
Suga grinned. "Come on, Daichi. Just like I don't have to be a mind reader with Asahi, I don't need to be a psychic with (Y/N)-san. Those two are perfect for each other. Just you wait, a confession is going to happen in the future. Mark my words."
Daichi could only sigh at his friend's words but he didn't say anything against Suga's prediction. Even he could see the effects the pretty Inarizaki manager has on his gentle giant of an ace. He wouldn't be surprised if they kept in touch after all of this is over.
Little did anyone know, this wasn't going to be the last day for Inarizaki's manager to be a part of their lives, especially in Asahi's.
Next: Chapter Four
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mistydeyes · 1 year
cold coffee and sloppy notes
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summary: As the 141 returns home, they're always more than happy to support their favorite student as you work towards your degree.
pairing: Task Force 141 x student!civ!Reader
warnings: none :) all fluff
a/n: i thought this was fitting as i'm now officially back in school! good luck to everyone who is also heading back and feel free to reach out if you need any help or just want to destress :)
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price - defending your thesis
"How's it going in here, love?" John asked as he entered the living room. He observed the TV that had your thesis defense presentation and the collection of papers and notecards on the table. "It's…okay?" you said, almost questionably. In fact, it was not okay. You had gone over your presentation to the fictional group of panelists thousands of times but always tripped up on your words. He could sense your distress and enveloped you in a comforting hug. "Is there anything I can do to help?" he asked as he rubbed your back lightly. "I don't know," you mumbled, "I just need to get this presentation down." He took a step back and made his way to the couch. "Then present it to me, and I'll give you some feedback."
“Good morning panelists,” you began nervously as you clasped your hands together. “Take a deep breath,” John corrected and you sighed before taking a seat next to him. He placed a comforting arm around your shoulder before you leaned into his side. “What if they don’t approve of my research?” you shakily spoke as your mind flooded with the possibility. You had spent 4 years researching this topic and the only thing in between you and your doctorate was your thesis defense. “Well you can’t go in like that,” he advised, “researchers can smell fear.” You lightly punched his shoulder as you both laughed. “I’m serious!” you exclaimed, “What if they tell me I wasted all these years?” You sighed again and he placed a gentle hand on your cheek. “You’re the expert on this topic, you just have to show them that,” he reassured and you smiled back to his soft gaze. You spent a few moments like this before getting up again and trying to go through your presentation.
You looked down at the coffee table of notes before John snatched them in his hand. He held them gently in his lap before looking back at you. You were about to object when he placed a finger to his mouth. “Love, if you keep a script then you’re going to sound like wet cardboard,” he explained as your face twisted in a mix of emotions, “I doubt they’d want to sit through another boring defense.” You took a moment to compose yourself before he gestured for you to start again. “Good morning panelists,” you repeated, with more vigor than the last time, “I am Y/N, a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of…” Even if tomorrow you left as a candidate, you knew that you would have John’s unwavering support through it all.
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soap - mathematics work
As you lay on the loveseat with Johnny, you groaned loudly. You stomped your feet childishly on his lap which caught his attention. He looked up from his phone as you frustratingly erased at the paper. "You alright?" he asked and you shook your head. This assignment for your maths class had taken you hours and you still could not figure it out. The words on the page began to blend together and you were at a loss of where to start. "I don't understand why I took a maths class," you mumbled and put your forearms above your head. Soap patted your leg reassuringly before trying to peek a look at your notebook. "Let me take a look," he offered and you couldn't help but laugh.
“Thanks, babe but I don’t know if you can help,” you said, chewing on the end of your pencil. “Try me,” he joked as he looked at you. Deciding it didn't hurt to let him try, you threw over your notebook with impossible equations and problem sets. You took the time to check your phone and take a break from your calculations. After a few moments of him thinking out loud and throwing out various “hmmmms” and “I sees,” you sighed as if you were wasting his time. You were about to take the notebook back when he hit a eureka moment. “Pencil me,” he commanded and you passed it over to him. After a few more scribbles and mental math, he presented you with the solution. “Here ya go,” he said smiling and you couldn’t believe he found an answer. Your eyes scanned over the sloppy handwriting but you were able to see it followed the equation you had learned and the answer was reasonable.
“How-how did you do that?” you asked as you looked over his work. You hoped it was correct but we’re at a loss for his sudden stroke of genius. “‘m more than just a pretty face,” he joked and you pushed you eyed him suspiciously. “I’m serious, Johnny.” “Think ‘bout it, my job is all about maths,” he explained, “demolitions is about figuring out how much ya need, how big the building is, and where the pressure points are.” You shook your head in disbelief. He was right after all, geometry was so integral to many professions even if you didn’t enjoy it. "Thank you," you smiled and leaned forward to give him a quick kiss, "might just ask for your help on all my assignments."
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gaz - studying
Kyle returned from the kitchen with two cups of tea, surprised to find you had overtaken the living room floor with your textbooks, notes, and electronics. You had been at it for hours now and Kyle was more than happy to make dinner and clean your flat while you worked. The room was filled with a mix of classical music and lo-fi beats. Somewhere in there, he could've sworn he heard the Coconut Mall theme song. "Hey, you," he called and you looked up at him. He noticed the bags around your eyes as you pushed back your blue light glasses. "How's it going," you weakly asked and motioned for him to sit. You shuffled a few papers around on the couch behind you as he maneuvered through the mess.
He placed your favorite cup of tea down on the glass table before settling on the comfortable seat. You sipped it gently and savored the taste. "Decaf?" you asked, looking back at him, and he nodded. "I don't think you need more caffeine," he chided as you rolled your eyes in response. "I just have so much to do," you replied before looking back down at your organized mess. You always dreaded finals season and would procrastinate studying until the last week. Despite having copious amounts of notes, you were at a loss to remember all the material asked of you. You wished there were more hours in the day to study.
“Love, you should rest,” Kyle gently suggested as he put a hand on your shoulder. You leaned back into his touch, groaning at the eye strain and the now persistent headache. “I don’t know if I’m ready,” you whispered, trying to overcome your anxiety and disappointment in your lackluster study habits. Kyle massaged your shoulders as you closed your eyes. “We’ll wake up early tomorrow and I can help you study in one of those cafes you love,” he offered and you nodded with a smile on your face. As you relaxed into his soothing motions, he stopped before cupping your tired face. “Let’s go to bed and start again tomorrow, yeah?” you again nodded, this time eyes heavy with sleep, before you followed him to bed.
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ghost - reading and revising
When you were nose-deep in a textbook heavier than his tac vest, Simon knew to vacate the room. You were a model student and Simon would always let you know when he returned home. While you loved seeing your boyfriend, you also enjoyed his clean flat without any flatmates. You’d often lug your materials to his and request a table to organize everything. After five minutes, Simon would walk by to see you with a stack of textbooks to your side and your iPad propped up in the center of the oak table. He also noted the sticky tabs and highlighters organized by some unknown hierarchy delicately placed in arms reach. You were your own tour-de-force and with your large headphones, it was only you and your revisions in this world.
Simon didn't mind the peaceful atmosphere. It often allowed him time to clean his flat from the accumulating dust or exercise in his bedroom. "Just tell me if I'm being too loud," he'd whisper before you put on your headphones, tuning out the world. He would leave you until you finished or you found him in another room. It was a functional routine and Simon enjoyed it. This time, you had a large exam coming up and Simon had run out of errands and chores to do. As he entered the room with some paperwork in hand, you nodded in approval before returning to your work. Every so often, he would look over at your hunched-over figure and smile to himself.
Eventually, as the sun began to set, Simon decided to return to the paperwork another day. He closed up the manila envelopes before stretching slightly and making his way to the door. He was pondering what to order for dinner when he heard you take off your headphones. “Can you stay?” you said, barely over a whisper and Simon stopped in his tracks. He looked over to you but your eyes remained trained on the minuscule font. “You want me to stay?” he questioned as he walked back over to the couch. As he reclined himself on the seat, you looked up. “If you don’t mind,” you smiled, “your presence is reassuring.” Simon let out a soft chuckle at your explanation. It wasn’t every day someone told him he was a comforting presence in the room. "I can stay for few," he replied, "but we're getting dinner in an hour and you're taking a break." He laughed as you shooed him away with your hand before returning to your productive state. Simon closed his eyes and rested, knowing you wouldn't mind. Hopefully, your headphones were loud enough to drown out his snoring.
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fbfh · 1 year
older!logan x reader hcs
wc: 1.6k
genre: age gap, sort of sugar daddy logan
warnings: big (but legal) age gap, logan is early 40s reader is like early 20s, brief odette mention, logan is a killer lawyer, rory kinda traumatized Logan lol, I haven't finished gilmore girls or ayitl yet so don't come for me lol, logan is obsessedddddddd with reader, mildly smutty, mentions of marriage and proposals, your relationship progresses really quickly
summary: you were reading in a coffee shop when a charming gorgeous much older guy decided to strike up a conversation. little do you know that within a very short time that same charming stranger will know your dress size, your shoe size, and your ring size.
song rec: off to the races - lana del rey
a/n: the choke hold older logan has on me..... euthanize me at this point lmao
tags @yesv01 @magcon7280
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As with all nsfw works, all characters are aged up to 18+ (like way over 18 in logan’s case lol)
That being said jesus christ let’s dive right into the brain rot
First things first, a little more about Logan
He’s in his early 40’s and aging like a fine goddamn wine
MEGA MEGA dilf vibes
After the whole millions of dollars sunken into a bad investment in his family’s massive media conglomerate mishap, he still faced a lot of pressure to join the family business
But with Rory rejecting his proposal, he felt so fucking down and beaten up by life
He just had two massive blows to his ego back to back
And he needed a win
Then the strangest thing happened 
He just got back from another late night of partying with his friends and switched on the tv so he wouldn’t have to fall asleep with his thoughts, and some random movie was playing
The girl in the movie is at dinner with her boyfriend and thinks he’s going to propose, but he breaks up with her instead
It hits a little too close to home and Logan’s about to switch it off
Then she decides to go to law school to prove herself
He finds himself getting more and more invested in this movie, relating more to Elle with every scene, and by the morning he confronts the idea he’s been shoving away for too long so he doesn’t rock the boat
He talks to his dad and they decide Logan will go to law school, but remain a prominent board member and shareholder of the family company
Mitchum is surprised by how responsible and well thought out Logan’s plan is
He’s forging a path to a very lucrative field - one Mitchum can tell he’s going to be very successful in - while still staying involved enough in the family business 
So Logan goes off to law school, and 20 years later he’s a total shark 
He’s a prestigious, expensive lawyer with a reputation for never losing and a long streak of killing it with really high profile cases
Now the Huntzberger name carries all the weight and power of his father’s media reach, and Logan’s success in the courtroom 
He’s excelling 
And he’s excelling enough to keep his family out of his personal life for a while 
He’s living the bachelor life until he hits 40
That’s when his parents decide it’s really unacceptable that he’s still not married 
So they tell him if he doesn’t get married soon they’ll arrange something
Some french heiress or something 
And Logan finds himself right back where he didn’t want to be
And then, like a gift from god, he sees you
Like I said in my initial drabble, Logan first saw you in a cafe reading some dusty novel no one actually reads like war and peace or crime and punishment or something
He's seen people your age do that before, reading complicated stuffy literature to seem smart and make some pretentious English class commentary that barely makes sense 
So he calls you on it
"War and Peace, huh?"
He’s expecting you to say something fake and pretentious
Some bullshit fake deep pseudo intellectual shit
But you look up at him, only pausing for a moment before you speak
You’re surprised to see such a gorgeous guy in a little cafe like this
Especially one that seems interested in talking to you
And god, the way you talk about it
The way your eyes light up
It takes him by surprise
He's not just interested
He's invested 
You start talking and realize that you've been talking for way longer than you expected to
And he wants more
He wants to know more about you, wants to see you sweet smile and hear your cute little laugh when he says something charming or compliments you
So he takes you out to dinner, his treat 
He guides you out the door and into his Porsche with his hand on your back 
It's a subtle gesture but it makes your stomach flip 
Then he buckles your seat belt for you
If you weren't sold before you sure are by now 
So he takes you to this nice fancy restaurant, wines and dines you, and he is laying on the charm thick
"Oh, come on. A pretty young thing like you must have a boyfriend."
"Really, you have excellent taste.”
You don’t miss the way he’s been eyeing you all night
And he doesn’t miss the way you squeeze your thighs together when he touches your face or plays with your fingers
One thing leads to another and after he pays the bill and leaves a generous tip, you find him ushering you back into his porsche
And yet again he closes your door for you and gets you all buckled in
This time when he drives his hand rests on your knee
He thinks he can handle this
He’s the biggest whore on the east coast /affectionate 
Then you grab his hand and move it up your thigh
There’s no going back now
He’s in just as deep as you are
Before you know it you’re tearing off each other’s clothes
His lips are all over you and motherfucker does he know what he’s doing
He worried for a moment he might have lost his edge
But as he lays you down into his big soft bed, your skin touching his silky sheets for the first time
But definitely not the last
As he finally touches you and feels how wet you are for him
He knows he didn’t peak in college
“Shh, listen,” he says between kisses that make you feel dizzy, “you’re gonna tell me if it’s too much for you, can you do that?”
You nod while he holds your face in his big hands
“You gotta say it,” he chuckles at how sweet you are, how well you respond to him, “use your words, baby…” 
You manage to choke out a desperate yes between kisses that makes his stomach twist
And that is the very beginning to your intense affair with Logan Huntzberger 
He’s desperate to see you again
He sends flowers and a dress and a gorgeous necklace to your apartment
And not the normal amount of flowers
The Logan amount of flowers
So a lot
And you can’t believe your luck finding a hot rich older guy that’s so into you 
You really like this attention
Your daddy issues are SCREAMING
And Logan likes having someone as gorgeous and intelligent and into him as you are
And he wants to do this right
But he’s rapidly approaching the deadline his family set
He doesn’t want to scare you off
GOD that’s the last thing he wants
But he is terrified of proposing and having it end up like it did the last time
Eventually he works up the nerve to talk to you about it 
He’s explaining everything to you while you pay your bills 
But it says they’re already paid
And your credit cards are paid off
And your debt has just disappeared
Even your student loans are gone
And there’s a fat deposit in your checking account 
He paid off all your debt and didn’t tell you
By the time he’s done explaining that you basically either need to get married asap or you can’t see each other anymore he still hasn’t brought it up
And you realize he’s not going to
He didn’t pay your bills to guilt you into anything
He’s not holding it over your head
He’s taking care of you
And all you’ve ever wanted is someone who will take care of you
Logan is surprised when you agree
But he’s even more surprised at how fast you agree
You sit in his lap and end up rambling about how much you love him, how you don’t think you’ll ever find anyone you like as much as him or anyone that treats you as well as he does
To no one’s surprise the conversation ends with him taking you on every surface of your apartment
Hours later you’re cuddling naked on your couch, resting your head on his muscular chest and listening to his heartbeat
“So like… are we engaged now?” you ask looking up at him
He laughs sweetly
“No, not yet. I have to actually propose first.”
You think back to your conversation earlier when you first said you’d want to marry him
“So that didn’t count before?”
His heart breaks at how little you ask for
“No, that didn’t count.” He kisses your head, “I’m going to take you out somewhere nice, give you a proper proposal, with a nice ring.”
You get butterflies thinking about it
You can’t believe how much he does for you
How much he wants to do for you 
You’re quiet for a moment, and he can feel you smiling into his chest
Your voice is so small and bashful, and he can hear you suppressing a flustered giggle
Fuck he can’t get enough of you 
He laughs and pulls you closer, grabbing your chin and makes you look up at him so he can kiss you 
You fall asleep in his arms
And you think that you won’t mind being married so young if it’s Logan you’re marrying
Logan is looking at you with so much love and adoration
And right before he falls asleep 
He thinks that maybe it’s not too late for him to find love after all
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natsgrave · 10 months
TOLERATE IT | elizabeth olsen
while you were out building other worlds, where was i? you assume i'm fine, but what would you do if i break free and leave us in ruins? ( story inspired by @taylorswift song bcs i love her sm ) i'm not sure if someone else already wrote something like this or what, but if you see a story quite similar to this, let me know so i could give them a proper credit. thankyou!! ( colored wording would be the lyrics ) i do not give permission for my work to be copied or translated on other sites. plagiarism is a crime!! masterlist
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Y/N'S POV Lizzie and I had been together for five years. We met in college, fell deeply in love, and spent countless nights talking about our dreams and aspirations. We were each other's rock, supporting each other through thick and thin.
But how can a perfect relationship turn into a toxic one where we barely talk anymore?
I sit and watch you reading with your head low
I don't know what happened. I don't know how to fix it, it that I didn't even know exist. One second we were fine then the next, we're like strangers.
All I could do is sit here and watch her read the script for her new movie. Reading with her head low and sitting far away from me, almost as if I have a disease. As if there's an invisible wall between us.
We would always sit in silence, her pretending to watch TV or read books, but the tension between us was palpable. I know she could feel my eyes on her, but she never spared me a glance. It was as if she was avoiding me intentionally.
Minutes ticked by, and I decided to make her food. After making anchovy, I gently touch her on the shoulder. She jumped, startled, and looked up to find me standing next to her, holding out a plate.
"I made you your favorite," I said softly, my voice barely above a whisper. "Anchovy toast."
Lizzie took the plate from my hand, "Thank you." she replied before looking back at the script once again.
I simply nodded and sat down where I originally sitting, and focused on my own hands folded in my lap with a sigh.
I wake and watch you breathing with your eyes close. I sit and watch you, I notice everything you do or don't do, you're so much older and wiser
I woke up around five in the morning, the sun hadn't completely risen yet, but the little lighting shone through the curtains, casting a soft glow across the room. My gaze fell upon my girlfriend, who lay beside me sleeping lightly. The rise and fall of her chest matched the rhythm of her breathing, a calming sight that used to bring me comfort.
As I lay in bed, I couldn't help but watch my partner, Lizzie, sleeping peacefully beside me. I stayed there, watching her for a moment and appreciate the sight before me. But despite the serenity of the scene, I still felt a pang of sadness in my heart.
Lizzie had always been a restless sleeper, constantly shifting positions throughout the night and sometimes even talking in her sleep. But tonight, she was lying completely still, her face calm and relaxed. If someone saw it, they would instantly let it go and think that she's in a deep slumber but I'm not just someone.
I know the truth.
She was pretending to be asleep and it felt like she didn't want to wake up beside me, like she is simply tolerating my presence.
I wait by the door like I'm just a kid, use my best colors for your portrait
They were small things I did for her, but meaningful nonetheless. Always wait by the door every day to greet her, to offer and show her some love and comfort after a hard day at work. I would always stand there, gazing out into the evening sky, hoping to catch a glimpse of my lover making her way home from work. It didn't matter what time it was, or how tired I am after a long day, I always made sure to be there, waiting for Lizzie.
I even took painting classes as it seemed to ease my mind. I poured all of my emotions into my painting, using every color in the palette to capture the beauty of Lizzie's face. I spent hours each day working on the portrait, trying to convey the depth of my feelings for her and I'd use my best colors for her portraits.
Lay the table with the fancy shit, and watch you tolerate it
I had always been a perfectionist when it comes to cooking and entertaining. I would always spent hours in the kitchen, preparing elaborate meals and setting beautiful tables for my lover. I would carefully select the finest ingredients, meticulously prepare each dish, and arrange the table with exquisite linens, flowers, and candles.
I'd make her favorite dishes, lay the table with best cutlery and yet again, no matter how hard I tried, she never seemed to appreciate my efforts. All Lizzie gave back were strained smiles, small and almost whispered hums, and nods in acknowledgment of my attempts, and a whisper of "thanks," as she shoveled the food into her mouth, barely taking the time to taste or savor any of it.
she seemed to simply… tolerate it.
If it's all in my head tell me now, tell me I've got it wrong somehow
Despite my best efforts to communicate openly and honestly with Lizzie, I felt like she wasn't really listening to me, and it made me feel invisible. I began to wonder if I was overthinking everything, if maybe I was the one who was misinterpreting our interactions. Maybe I was being too sensitive, too needy.
Maybe I was the one who was crazy, paranoid.
I felt so alone, so lost, and so unsure of what to do.
I know my love should be celebrated, but you tolerate it
I began to feel like I was living in a dream world where everything I created was invisible to everyone else. It was as if I was speaking a language that nobody understood, except for my own echoes in mind.
"Liz," I said with a trembling voice, "I've been giving everything I have to make you happy, but it feels like you don't see or appreciate it anymore. I feel taken for granted."
My choice of words caught her off guard, she paused for a moment before responding. "Y/N, I never asked you to do all these things for me. I don't need grand gestures to feel loved, I thought you knew that."
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Was this really what our relationship had become? A constant stream of argument and neglect?
Tears welled up in my eyes as I realized the disconnect between our expectations. I had been trying so hard to show her love in a way that I thought she would appreciate, but it had only pushed us further apart.
And it happen, I finally snapped.
I felt a surge of anger and frustration well up inside of me.
Why was I putting so much effort into something that seemed to bring her no joy? Why did I care so deeply about pleasing someone who didn't seem to care about me at all?
I knew, I couldn't keep living this way, constantly pouring my heart and soul into something that brought me nothing but pain and disappointment. I realized that no matter how much I gave, Lizzie would never truly reciprocate and still, I constantly yearn for someone who clearly did not want me.
With a heavy heart, I packed my bags. Our relationship had become toxic, with me constantly sacrificing myself for someone who didn't appreciate me. I knew it was time to leave, before I lost any more pieces of myself.
Before leaving, I took a one last look, the last thing I want to remember was the way Elizabeth used to laugh at my jokes, enjoy our food, take me out on dates. The last thing I want to remember was how she used to love my presence, and not just tolerate it.
Maybe one day someone would be enough to have their love celebrated by her.
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