#(jk never stop šŸ’š)
frodo-with-glasses Ā· 2 years
This isn't a specific number of friendship ask (though kind of related to "would you be friends with them"): if you could pick a "Fellowship" of nine non-Fellowship members from LotR to hang out with for a day, who would you choose? :D ~meg
GAAAASP oh man I completely misread this the first time, you said NON-Fellowship members!! Heckinā€™! Okay this is gonna be FUN šŸ¤©
First pick goes to Beregond and Bergil, obviously. Gotta have my husband and my son. Then Bilbo, for the Stories and the Sass.
I feel like it would be fun to hang out with Treebeardā€”all hail King Tree!ā€”but I almost wonder if his slowness would dominate all conversation and leave no room for the others to be themselves, so Iā€™ll go with Quickbeam. Heā€™s got fun stories, and heā€™s ā€œhastyā€ enough to not bore all the non-Ents.
Do non-speaking creatures count?? (I ask, as if you have any way of answering this before I publish the post.) Iā€™m gonna assume the answer is ā€œyesā€ and add Bill the Pony and Shadowfax. Because who wouldnā€™t want to spend time with Best Pony and King Horse??
Thatā€™s sixā€¦I need three more.
From the Elves: Glorfindel! Because Glorfindel! He is noble and light-hearted and joyful even in the greatest peril and doubtlessly has amazing stories. (And Asfaloth would probably come with him! Iā€™m sure heā€™d get along splendidly with Shadowfax.)
From the Dwarves: Gimli is off-limits, so Gloin! Grandpa Dwarf who can tell us all about the exciting things happening in Dale. And he can offer corrections when Bilbo grossly exaggerates his stories, as he is prone to do.
And finallyā€¦(oof this is a really difficult decision uhhhā€¦.)
HAHAHA okay I was gonna say Theodenā€”because Dad VibesTMā€”but now I think itā€™s even more hilarious to say Butterburr, because all of the sudden Iā€™m imagining this menagerie of various peoples of Middle Earthā€”including two or three equines, a tree, and one modern girl in blue jeansā€”rocking up one day to the Prancing Pony and asking for dinner.
Iā€™m seeing drinks for all the grown-ups, and fresh-pressed juice for Bergil and meā€”because he is a Child and I have alcohol poisoning issues LOLā€”and the finest apples and straw for Bill and Shadowfax, and a long draught of rainwater for Quickbeam, and then a good long night of tales and songs and laughter, until the moon is high and Beregond carries a fully dead-to-the-world Bergil to bed, and Quickbeam steps away to have a sleep standing in the nearby field, and the rest of us slowly trickle away to our own rooms.
That would be just. āœØMagical.āœØ Iā€™d probably pass out on the spot. (And not from the alcohol because I didnā€™t have any šŸ¤£šŸ¤£) Thank you for this ask, Meg!! It is absolutely splendid and I love how your mind works!
(And now Iā€™m asking all of YOU GUYS: Who would be in your Fellowship for the day??)
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cat3ch1sm Ā· 7 months
So umm I wanna start writing hxh stuff but I'm scared it'll be really ooc :(( I watched the whole anime, restarting it and I'm reading the Manga too so I know the personalities of the characters well but I'm still not confident I can portray it right... it would be super embarrassing if I post my first story/ headcanon and the comments i get are "they wouldnt say that" "they wouldnt do that" "that wouldnt happen" šŸ˜­the way you write characters sound so like them and I rlly wanna make hcs and stories like you so pls spill your secrets šŸ™šŸ™ if it helps, the characters I think I'll be most writing for are the main 4, kalluto and alluka (they're so underrated!!) mb hisoka andddd silva & kikyo? (I kinda wanna make some cute scenarios w them like they go on a date or smthing šŸ„ŗ idk why) but ofc, I would love to learn how to write for the majority of the hxh characters. But ummm it's okay if u don't have any advice, I'll just cry infront of my blank Google docs page šŸ˜”šŸ˜” (I'm jk, have a good day!!)
šŸ¢~ OMG HI IM SO SORRY THIS IS SO LATE I FEEL AWFUL :(( @xl3vviii i love uu thanks for your request and patience šŸ’ššŸ’š i will try my best to explain my process in a general way so itā€™s easy to write for any character youā€™d like! i really hope this helps you<333
šŸ€~ and i totally feel you on the not wanting mean comments thingšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ broo ive been fortunate enough to not really receive those kind of comments but i did once and WOW was i embarrassed and changed it immediatelyšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ and the crying in front of a blank google doc page?? you are so real for that šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
šŸŒ²~ another note to my followers in general: i want to sincerely apologize for my absence. my devices i usually post on all decided to conveniently stop working so that really sucked but my phone is back again!! im really grateful for you all and your patience, and i want to thank you guys so much for 3.5k! i have no intentions of leaving and i hope i can write lots more for you guys. hopefully i donā€™t ever need to be gone that long again! i love u all so muchh and thank you a million times šŸ’ššŸ’š
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š”šØš° š¢ š°š«š¢š­šž šœš”ššš«šššœš­šžš«š¬!
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a/n~ so sorry if this sucks cause ive never given a tutorial for my writing but i will DO MY BEST
so you said you wanted to write cute scenarios of dates for the hxh main four+ hisoka, silva , and kikyo! first thing i usually consider when i get requests especially, or just when i have an idea, is: would this character even do this? like if someone asks me, ā€œhey, can you write headcanons for illumi zoldyck with a soft/sweet/kind s/o?ā€ that would be possible (though maybe a little far-fetched canonically). itā€™s fine to stretch those boundaries a bit for fanfiction, i think. but if that request had instead been like ā€œcan you write reader x soft/sweet/kind illumi?ā€ that wouldā€™ve been a hard no. donā€™t alter charactersā€™ natural personalities because then itā€™s not the same character. what sometimes helps me is, especially if i havenā€™t watched or read any media of the character im writing for in a while, is looking up the characterā€™s wiki on the FANDOM site and reading through their personality traits as well as their key moments because it helps me to determine what the character would do in the story and how they might react to some things. feel free to also go back and look at clips of the anime or pages of the manga; i find it helps as well!
so for what you want to write specifically, cute dating scenarios, i think that most of the characters youā€™ve chosen are a good fit. the main four are good for a prompt like that, and the zoldyck children youā€™ve chosen can be fitting as well. but as for hisoka, kikyo, and silva, that kind of prompt might not fit so well because obviously these characters canā€™t be seen as sweet or kind or loving. has hisoka ever expressed any interest in wooing someone properly or is he someone who operates on lust? did kikyo and silva court each other and go on little dates or was their marriage probably arranged/forced/only useful for selfish purposes? do their personalities even allow for sentiments like dates? would they even consider that? before writing something ask yourself if you can really see the character doing that clearly in your mind.
i think itā€™s a great thing that youā€™ve watched and read the respective canon content of your characters, and itā€™s good to refer to it if you ever find yourself struggling to characterize someone accurately. however, it is fanfiction, so donā€™t feel like you need to be super rigid. write whatever youā€™d like, honestly. but hereā€™s a really common thing i notice when people write fanfiction: they take one aspect of the character and run the shit into the ground. a prime example of this is hobie brown from across the spiderverse and his ā€œi donā€™t believe in consistencyā€ line. like Jesus Christ. well-written fictional characters, like the ones of hxh, are often as versatile as real people are. make sure the character doesnā€™t feel like some one-dimensional version of themselves, and please donā€™t write for the character only based on one aspect of their personality. for example, hisoka is rather unpredictable, so thatā€™s something youā€™d probably want to incorporate into writings for him. but for characters like most of the zoldycks, youā€™re going to want to tread a little lighter since they arenā€™t the main characters and thus we donā€™t see a whole lot of them. in situations like this, you might have to focus on just what you can see of them. so again, just ask yourself if you can see the character really doing what youā€™re writing them to do. would they act that way in an actual episode of the anime or volume of the manga? if youā€™re unsure or the answer is no, try going a different route.
it is also okay to make mistakes. practicing a lot will eventually get you to where you want to be. i still find myself slipping up in my writings and getting carried away (so read over your writings before you publish them)!! my dms are open if you ever would like me personally to review a piece and offer maybe more specific advice!
i hope this helped you, dearšŸ’š again feel free to dm me if you have any more questions. thank you for your support šŸ’š
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taekooktimeline Ā· 1 year
April 24-25, 2023
April 24-25, 2023: Tae posts a series of photos on his IG, captioning the post ā€œThese daysšŸ¤Øā€ One of the photos posted is this lovely photo of Tae and Jungkook, taken after they attended the ā€œDreamā€ premier. Tae is, once again, leaning into his safe space, which 1000% is JungkookšŸ’š
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He also posted a video of the two of them walking with Wooga squad friends Hyungsik, Wooshik, Peakboy, in addition to other friends. This makes the above photo even more special, because he didnā€™t share photos with anyone else on this outing, just this adorably domestic photo of him and Jk (that Iā€™ll never stop gushing about).Ā 
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https://twitter.com/ging_jjk/status/1657588024216281089?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/thetkglobal/status/1657586721058590720?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
According to sleuths, Taekook took their photo on Hwarang Street -
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For cuteness: The snacks that were in the bag -
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Jungkook really likes the Kancho choco biscuits, as weā€™ve seen him snacking on them in the past (again, just noting due to cuteness) (and because this snack in particularly really is delicious šŸ˜†šŸ„°).Ā 
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https://twitter.com/diionysustkk/status/1657637974551429120?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/keeponlovingv/status/1657593862301564933?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
Tae also shared this photo of him wearing the bunny keychain from his Molang snack, looped around his pants buckle. Based on the clothing, this photo wouldā€™ve been taken the same night Taekook went to the ā€œDreamā€ premier, then spent time with their Wooga friends + other friends (whose names I donā€™t know for certain).
Fun cute fact - K-ARMY shared photos online of them buying anywhere from 14 to 37 boxes of the now sold out Molang Halloween candy to get the same keychain as Tae.
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For fun - The snacks and keychain possibilities -Ā 
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https://twitter.com/975street_/status/1657604595710042113?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/taehyungimpact/status/1657599766447128579?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
It seems, based on the brick wall behind Taeā€™s keychain photo, and the snacks scattered around Peakboy, the group went to a Nike customization private room after the ā€œDreamā€ premier.
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More info here https://www.instagram.com/p/CsOwV5iOwbX/?igshid=MTc4MmM1YmI2Ng==
Donā€™t forget that Wooga and Koreaā€™s Nike Director celebrated Wooshikā€™s birthday at a restaurant together back on March 26, 2023 (Wooshik was part of Nikeā€™s ā€œplay newā€ 2021 advertising campaign), so Wooga are clearly friendly with Nikeā€™s director, based on the birthday dinner and the Nike private room after the ā€œDreamā€ premier.Ā 
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You can view these photos on Wooshikā€™s IG - https://www.instagram.com/p/CqRcBZIPZAI/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== and https://www.instagram.com/p/CqRgK_LvWNx/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
After Taeā€™s IG post, Taekook trends on Twitter and Chinese Weibo -
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And K-Media wrote articles covering them -
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For additional cuteness - a J-media article title after Taeā€™s IG post -
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Peakboy reposted Taeā€™s video to his IG stories with a red heart -
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You can view Peakboyā€™s story at either of these links - https://twitter.com/tigreyconejo123/status/1657614177475731457?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
It should also be noted that the company posted back to back BBs after Taeā€™s post. However, it should also be noted that the day Tae posted the photos is Rose Day in Korea (May 14). Jinā€™s content is related to Rose Day, and it makes sense it would be uploaded that day. Still, the BBs dropped soon after the IG post. You can decide if it was a coincidence or not.
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daramdarararam Ā· 3 months
Akala ko talaga iiyak ako malala during Ed Sheeran concert, pero hindi pala. Sobrang saya, super ngiti ako the whole time, legit. Ang saya na ang sarap lang ng pakiramdam ko.
Yung buong longest relationship ko kasi, ikinubli ko, inilagay, iniincorporate ko with ed sheeran songs, specifically sa Multiply album. Ed Sheeran became part of our relationship. Kung merong OSTs story namin, ung buong Multiply album yun.
Sarap sa feeling i-reminisce ung buong journey namin together nung ex ko na yon. Hindi man naging maganda ung ending, pero hanggang ngayon baon ko ung great memories na hinding-hindi mananakaw sakin. I was just happy and thankful, I got to experience all my first with a person like him. I know hes happy with someone else, pero mas masaya ako that he already found that one, na kaya syang sabayan hihi. Yun ung napakatagal kong dasal, coz i felt guilty nung iniwanan ko sya, so i promise myself na pag di naging okay ung taong yon, its all on me. Wala na din naman ako balita sa kanya now, pero sa nakikita ko sa mga friends nya na friend ko sa fb so dun ko nalang sya nakikita okay naman na so, yun masaya na din akooo. Sobrang relievedšŸ’š
Ngayon kung magkakaron man ako ng bago, gusto ko experimental kami bwahhaha! Idk. Sobrang pahirap na ng pahirap at komplikado ang buhay, idadagdag ko pa ba ung komplikadong relasyon? Gusto ko sana chill chill nalang, super open, madaling kausap and kayang sabayan utak kong may ubo? when and where kaya sya susulpot? ... pero baka kasi nasa tabi ko na diko lang talaga pinapansin, pede ding nandon na pala kami, hindi ko lang binibigyan ng kulay,. bwhahaha. Di naman sa pagaano, para kasi talaga nareach ko na ung peak in terms of relationship. Parang wala ng hihigit pa don,.. like masaya na ako don. kung may dadating pa ipapabasa ko muna ito para aware sya, para gawan nya ng thrill bwhahaha! jk lang.
Di naman ibig sabihin pag naaalala natin ung tao e, need uli natin sila ibalik. Sadyang hindi mawawala ung feeling, it stays with you, in every bit of you hanggang sa mamamatay ka. Mas naalala ko nalang now is ung mga magaganda. Malaki ang pasasalamat ko, kung ano ako ngayon ay gawa din nya. Wala na akong maalalang masyadong bad from our past... Mapapakanta nalang with matching ngiti mula sa mata, gang sa puso sabay kanta,..
"Well, I will always love you for what is worth, we'll never fade like graffiti on the overpass. I know time may change the way you think of us. But I'll remember the way we were, you are the first full stop. Love that will never leave. Baby you will never be lost on me"
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ambivartence Ā· 10 months
Hi Siyuan my lovely lovely friend šŸ’š
For the ask game: šŸŽµ and šŸ’—šŸ‘Æā€ā™€ļøšŸŒŸ for The Boyz!
šŸŽµ recommend a song based on your vibe/blog
šŸ’— send w/ a group, and i'll tell you my favorite thing(s) about one of the members (you can choose or let me decide who!)
ooooooh okay well i'm literally paid to talk about jacob (jk i wish) ! one of my favorite things about him is how competitive he is :') he's normally very kind and angelic and puts others first BUT when it comes to winning he does NOT hold back hsieofaksdfasdlf he's srsly so competitive that it's so funny and entertaining to watch the drastic measures he'll take to win (like that one time he fully picked up Q like it was a wrestling match but rlly they were just supposed to flip the square tiles over....)
šŸ‘Æā€ā™€ļø send w/ a group, and Iā€™ll rant about a favorite friendship
i love sunnyu so much they're so tom (chanhee) and jerry (sunwoo) !!! always bickering and sunwoo is always baiting him (or worse, spilling flying roe all over his computer caught in 4k on vlive rip) and and then the trio of sunnyukyu (sunwoo, chanhee, and changmin) always get along so well together and are constantly laughing and taking turns picking on each other, this combo just never fails to brighten my day!!
šŸŒŸ send w/ a group, and Iā€™ll talk about my favorite era, concept, and/or album
ok im honestly obsessed w the current concept christmas in august ! it's so whimsical, and it's true that tbz comebacks really make it feel like christmas is here early with all the gifts they bring us in the form of new content (and praying for more tour stops announced....) ALSO having eric back just makes everything feel right again!! but honestly my fave era/concept might be their debut era with all 12 of them (hwall šŸ„ŗ) and their cute predebut show Flower Snack and their predebut single I'm Your Boy and their debut song Boy! it was all so wholesome and fun!!!! i watched a lot of their super old ot12 content when i first became a deobi spring 2022 ! beyond that, i think my fave tbz album is either Reveal or Thrill-ing <3
> kpop emoji ask game <
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I posted 42 times in 2022
That's 4 more posts than 2021!
5 posts created (12%)
37 posts reblogged (88%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 42 of my posts in 2022
#not writing - 32 posts
#not mine - 10 posts
#art tag - 6 posts
#lol - 4 posts
#resident evil - 4 posts
#@hermione-grander - 2 posts
#my love! - 2 posts
#i dont think im capable of normal anymore - 1 post
#me w/ my villians - 1 post
#next tumblr april fools pls and thank u - 1 post
Longest Tag: 82 characters
#like i adore all of the adaptatiosn but am also sad that were loosing the og myths
My Top Posts in 2022:
hey... r u alive??
Am,,, I...?
(Lol, jk- yes I am. And I'm working on stuff I promise.)
((On A Totally Unrelated Note: Do NOT stop masking and get covid again because it can literally steal months of your life.))
0 notes - Posted October 11, 2022
not for nothing but i absolutely do see the trend of newcomer tumblr users only liking posts and not reblogging them
0 notes - Posted May 6, 2022
actually have a wip!!!
6 notes - Posted March 30, 2022
update. ask box still closed.
i survived the fall semester only to get covid.... ugh. omnicron is no joke.
stay safe out there yā€™all!
-Mothmom šŸ’š
7 notes - Posted January 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Nurse!Reader x Carlos Oliveira & Nikolai Zinoviev Headcanons
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A/N: (Everyoneā€™s a touch OOC as I doubt either one would willingly drag a civilian along, albeit for different reasons: Carlos because once youā€™ve been escorted to safety, youā€™re no longer his immediate concern; Nikolai because he was never all that interested in saving civilians, to begin with, but letā€™s say youā€™re just so darn cute/special that you alter canon circumstances, okay? Okay. Also, all of them survive RE3 in this, so yeah.)
ā˜£Ā Ā Ā Ā  ā˜¢Ā Ā Ā Ā  ā˜£Ā Ā Ā Ā  ā˜¢
When shit starts hitting the fan, you don't panic immediately. After all, you work in a hospital, what better place to be during a pandemic, right?Ā 
Wrong! Oh so wrong.Ā 
You see the effects of the T-virus up close and personal, and itā€™s not pretty. Prior to this point, you thought such viruses only existed in science fiction or cheesy B-grade horror movies. But here it was in your workplace, quickly overcoming all quarantined forces, hospital staff, and security.Ā 
So you flee. You leave through a back exit and get the hell out of dodge, or at least, the center of dodge. You soon find, however, that itā€™s not just the hospital thatā€™s overrun, but the city as well.
Maybe thatā€™s how you meet themā€¦
He swoops in and saves you from a hoard of zombies, looking like an A-list action star as he does it. (Itā€™s the hair- itā€™s incredible.)
He tells you his platoon is rounding up survivors in the subway, that itā€™s a temporary shelter until they can get the trains up and running again. That he and his teammates were sent in to get everyone safely out of the city. Youā€™re not sure if you believe this plan, but you follow him eagerly as he leads you to the subway.Ā 
On the way, you tell him who you are. When he finds out youā€™re medical personnel, heā€™s both impressed and relieved. He tells you his captain has been injured, and they havenā€™t come across a doctor or nurse that hasn't already been infected. You of course offer to help in any way your can. (Because youā€™re awesome like that.)
Youā€™re not surprised when he tells you heā€™s working with Umbrella because you also work with Umbrella as a hospital employee. But to you, theyā€™re a pharmaceutical company, why would they need military personnel? It doesn't sit right with you, but Carlos is an absolute sweetheart. (I mean the man is cracking jokes in the middle of the apocalypse.) So you trust the guy.
Carlos does his best to assure you youā€™re not a burden or some sort of unwanted weight when you first arrive at the subway car. Mainly, because he can tell by the way you keep offering to help get the trains running, even though youā€™d be no match for the horde, but also because of Nikolaiā€™s snide comments about Carlos bringing in ā€œyet another oneā€ when the cars still werenā€™t working. ā€œHey, donā€™t worry about it,ā€ he says. ā€œItā€™s our job to protect you.ā€
Carlos takes you to his Captain- Captain Mikhail Victor in charge of Umbrella's Delta Platoon. You try and treat the Captainā€™s injury the best you can, using what little supplies from the first-aid kit thatā€™s available. You apply a generous amount of first aid spray and wrap a makeshift bandage around the cut. You would have attempted sutures if the kit had any but unfortunately for the Captain, it didnā€™t. The wound isnā€™t deep but itā€™s in a compromising place. You know this man wonā€™t make it out of here on foot.Ā 
Overall, you feel youā€™ve done an inadequate job because you know the Captain is still incredibly vulnerable, but both Carlos and Mikhail assure you, youā€™ve been more than helpful.Ā 
But you want to help more! When Carlos admits he and Tyrell wonā€™t be catching the train and will instead stay behind to look for Bard, you offer to come with them, to help them navigate the hospital.Ā 
Of course, everyone thinks itā€™s a horrible idea. One: because Bard is supposedly at the police station, not the hospital, and Two: because you have no weapons training whatsoever. Youā€™re a walking liability. Nikolai teases Carlos about ā€œtaking on the burdens of straysā€. You flip him off behind his back.Ā 
After a ton of back and forth, you insist you go with Carlos and Tyrell, refusing to get on the train. At one point you take a seat on the ground of the platform and cross your arms stubbornly. (Youā€™re not going and they canā€™t make you!)
Carlos is the first to accept the situation and roll with the punches. ā€œAlright. But I have one rule.ā€ He says. ā€œNo dying on me.ā€Ā 
You stand, smile, and shake his hand. ā€œDeal.ā€
The three of you make it to the police station, where you hang back with Tyrell in the main lobby as Carlos looks around for Bard. Once itā€™s revealed that Bard is still at the hospital, you offer to escort Carlos there. After giving him your best ā€œI told you soā€ smirk that is.
On the way you find Jill, clearly having been infected by something, even though youā€™re not certain what. But none of that matters as you and Carlos bring her to the practically abandoned hospital.Ā 
Once Jill is settled, you give Carlos some directions and a rudimentary drawing of where to locate the asshole Bardā€™s office. ā€œYouā€™ll need a voice key,ā€ you tell him. ā€œYouā€™d have to look around these rooms for one of his cassettes.ā€Ā 
He thanks you before asking you to look after Jill for the time being. You promise to radio him if her condition worsens.Ā 
When Carlos comes back with the vaccine, you could practically kiss the man. You donā€™t, of course, it wouldn't be appropriate. (But the thought does cross your mind very briefly.) Carlos lets you administer the vaccine to Jill, you being the trained nurse and all. With all that's happened, being able to do some actual healing feels like nothing short of a miracle.Ā 
You begin to take notes on Jillā€™s condition, commenting that although it doesnā€™t seem to be a speedy cure, her feverā€™s going down and her skin doesnā€™t look as clammy.Ā 
The miraculous feeling doesn't last long, however, as Tyrell comes bursting through the room, clearly out of breath and pretty banged-up. He turns on the TV and to your horror, you find you have only hours to make it out of Racoon City unless you want to be vaporized. (Which, no, thank you! You certainly donā€™t!)Ā Ā 
After catching up, Tyrell being high-key surprised youā€™re still alive, (which honestly, youā€™re like ā€˜sameā€™ lol) you decide to go with Carlos underground, to locate the stockpiled vaccine as a last-ditch effort to save the city. You hope whatever they made, that thereā€™s tons of it.Ā 
Before going underground though, Carlos gives you a gun from one of the killed security guards. It only has a few bullets but he feels safer knowing youā€™re not just going to walk completely weaponless into whatever danger Umbrella has waiting for you.Ā 
See the full post
187 notes - Posted April 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review ā†’
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sparklingchim Ā· 2 years
i just want everybody to stop and put themselves into oc's shoes:
you're overwhelmed. the person you wanted to say that they loved you, said it, but the timing couldn't be more wrong - they mentioned their ex leaving, them thinking that being with her on good terms could be good for the child (but never thinking about what the baby would feel when the person would leave, IF they leave, of course), and they just recently have punched a person close to you in the face
you've been on bad terms because they almost told you that you're not enough - maybe they didn't mean it, but it sure as hell sounded like it
would you forgive quickly? would you stay and let the person talk more?
or would you take a breather?
and now let's go and talk about jk's shoes:
you're not enough. you've thought about it for so long that this thought is already a part of your skin when you pick on it during moments of nervousness. you've thought about what would be good for the brightest star in your universe - your child but at the same time you don't want to forgive about yourself. what can you give to a child if you're not a person with your own needs but merely a human following a role that you didn't even want before it fell on your head like a boulder?
he wanted to be good. for himself. to find somebody to love, to take care of himself and his baby. and he's alone. yes, he has a friend that he's in love with but she's there when she has time because she - too - has her own life. and you should have one too.
so you ask for a favour.
and another one.
and another.
and in this pursuit of remembering who you were apart from a father, you don't realise how your relationships are getting worse.
not with your baby - she adores you but she's so small.
but with the person who will never be yours (or would she?).
so when you see the opportunity to be yourself, to juggle between work and a baby AND your own person - you take it. even if it comes in form of your ex.
and you lie and hide because you know how your friend will react.
but you'll tell.
of course you'll.
not now.
but when it's too late.
and you're not enough yet again.
i don't think that they're past the point of no return - they're at the crossroad right now.
and they need to choose their next step carefully.
*coughs* I wish that this new year in your life would be full of precious moments and happiness, that you'll achieve everything you've set your mind on
šŸ’š love ya lots, your supernova anonnie)
i literally adore!!!! ur asks !!! everything u write is just so šŸ’žšŸ’žšŸ’ž makes me wanna give ur brain a kith <3 THANK U for the birthday wish !!!! i love uuu
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sribbles-drabbles Ā· 2 years
Hey I have a small request and was wondering if you could write fluff about Trey , Malleus , Idia or Diavolo?
If you chose to do this thank you very muchšŸ˜‡
Thanks so much for the request!!! Not quite sure you wanted in general for fluff, but given how many characters you asked for iā€™m going to do fluffy head cannons if thatā€™s alright!!
ā™£ļøTrey Cloverā™£ļø
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This man-
You wanna pay attention to him??? Him??
Heā€™s flattered that you love him
Often offers to bake for you or bake WITH you if you prefer
Heā€™ll make any ļæ¼recipeļæ¼ you that you want but keep you within the realm of reality (No you canā€™t have a cake made our of pie crust)
Heā€™s a busy guy as a vice house warden so any time he gets to spend with you heā€™ll often relax and recharge
For him, youā€™re his battery. He likes to cuddle or watch movies, and any attention youā€™re willing to shower upon him is greatly appreciated
Looks for you often when he has a break. If you choose to hide from him as a joke, let the game of hide and seek begin!!
His younger siblings back home ask about you a lot as well as his parents. Theyā€™re all super excited to meet you, and Trey feels just a tad overwhelmed, but is happy they approve.
Nicknames: Love, Babe, Sweetheart
ā€œHey babe, Iā€™m homeā€¦Riddle had a lot of paperwork today, so Iā€™m feeling peckish, mind if I make us something sweet?ā€
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This man may appear intimidating but is actually fluffy as hell
Heā€™s super touch starved and loves your attention
When you first started dating heā€™d get you flowers everyday until you had to tell him to stop because you had no space for all of them
Another big cuddle-bug behind closed doors
He just likes sitting with you, wether it be in the quiet or while you two talk the night away
He loves to spend time outside with you, mostly at night because it gives you both more time alone
This goes without saying, but Lilia already views you as his future child in law wether you like it or not bc even after a week or 30 years of being together Malleus never shuts up about you
Tells others how wonderful you are and how happy you make him
On one of your many walks or hang out sessions, ask the man about gargoyles and heā€™s yours
He almost physically melts and then proceeds to tell you about them for 5 hours while cuddling you close. (He only stops at dawn)
Nicknames: Child of man, my dearest, my darling
ā€œAh, you wish to know about the gargoyle near the entrance of the Academy? Well my dearest, I will tell you any and all secrets I know, so please listen closely~ā€
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Otaku (derogatory) jk (Affectionate)
Idia is not exactly a social person, so if you managed to become his S/O you must have some strong will and personality he can clique with
Given all that youā€™re definitely the social butterfly of the two of you and while Idia doesnā€™t understand it, he DOES appreciate it
You slowly pull him out of his shell along with Orthoā€™s help
You and Ortho got up early and made him breakfast and cards for his birthday one year and he nearly started crying
Nearly. Refuses to let you see him cry.
He tries to be strong and a bit braver for you but is still really anxious
MASSIVE cuddle bug
Dear LORD is he touch starved, thus heā€™s super clingy and loves to hold you behind closed doors or not
While heā€™s pretty much totally against PDA heā€™ll never NOT hold your hand. It calms his anxiety a lot, especially when you give it a reassuring squeeze
Buys you all the merch you want bb
Nicknames: Babe, Baby, Angle face
ā€œY-You wanna come with me to this weekā€™s board game club meeting?ā€
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This man is BUSY
Being the prince and current ruler of an entire realm is hard work, and if youā€™re willing to make time to be with him around both of your busy schedules heā€™s over the MOON
Tea time together is a MUST. He asks Barbatos to make your favorite tea and sweets for the times you two are together
Heā€™s unfortunately not a subtle oneļæ¼ so prepare for some inadvertent PDA
Like, heā€™d make a whole festival just to celebrate you and how much he adores you
Youā€™re just to great in his eyes and he wants you to know that!!
Heā€™s less of a stay home and cuddler more of a ā€œletā€™s go on a walk/mini adventure!!ā€
I say heā€™s tired but I mostly mean of work. He has golden retriever every and simply wants to do lots of fun, high energy, things with you to ā€œrelaxā€.
If you genuinely need a break however, heā€™s more than content to go bother the brothers while you simply watch fondly and are served tea by Barbatos
Nicknames: Darling, My dear, my Queen
ā€œMy dear!! Itā€™s so wonderful to see you!! Did you know that Devildom is having a fireworks show tonight? We should go together!!ā€
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