#(the human world with no humans nor living beings since they all died in a nuclear accident)
cartoon-angerr · 9 months
Apologies for my sudden disappearance again 😭 I hope everyone is doing okay!
I've got news! First of all, happy new year 2014 ,,☺️ Second of all, I am rebranding my MSM AU, Loodvigg's Day at Disneyland. I lost motivation to write it, but l've somehow grown deeply attached to it. So I turned AU Loodvigg into an OC... erm hi Viggy sorry you're a furry now
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They're going to be an important character in an OC story I'm planning to develop! I'm basically gonna implant the story I had for LDaD into this character and his own backstory. And I've got a lot planned for this fella... By the way, their name is Guillaz!
Ok so that's it that's the announcement. Uh. I won't go more into detail for now but yeah! I might post the art concepts I had for LDaD in an art dump at some point.
Okay back to my hibernation... Zzz
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you know i've been thinking about the consequences of malleus's actions in book 7 and i realized how much he's fucked everyone over including his grandma. bc like other than the fact that he ob'd (which literally has NEGATIVE connotations one of which being is idk ""UNSTABLE"" which isnt necessarily a good look for a crown prince is all im saying) he's literally causing terrorism (??? can you call it that idk how else to call it) which is going to setback his grandma's efforts (and lilia's and baul's, and every supporter of his and his family) in keeping peace in their kingdom and the favor of the humans towards the fae. Like. i feel so bad for grandmother draconia rn i can only imagine the stress and pressure she's under.
Then theres also aside from PHYSCIALLY compromising everyone's healths in sage island (BECAUSE THE MAJORITY ARE HUMANS OR AT LEAST THEY DONT LIVE AS LONG AS THE FAE). He's also fucked everyone mentally twice over!!!! By booting them straight into a world where none of their problems exist. Now that wouldnt sound bad if it weren't for the fact that dreams have to end, and life isnt kind. It rarely ever is, and i can only imagine how distraught i would be if i were to say, hypothetically lost someone a year before and the wound is so fresh and raw and, in my dreams, they never died and everything is okay, then i wake up and realize that it was just that. A dream, they are still gone and i wish i never woke up which would be a LITERAL DEATH SENTENCE. This isnt just an event that takes place in NRC either BUT THE WHOLE ISLAND and that domain is GROWING, GROWING. I can't imagine just how many would be so emotionally ruined after this. Like.....
If Malleus does not suffer the consequences of his actions istg i will be so pissed, at least REMOVE HIM FROM THE PREMISE OR SOMETHING GODDDDDDD this cannot be remedied with a slap on the hand!!!!!
(Note: Sorry for the long rant. I felt the need to get this out of my chest bc i dont mind malleus's archetype actually nor do i actually hate him, bc i enjoy him interacting w other characters a lot (my fave ever vigenette is him giving deuce the equivalent of minecraft diamon for fixing a retrobit gaming toy) BUT GOD DOES HE MAKE MY BLOOD BOIL)
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Yeah, I do feel like the scale of Malleus's actions cannot be understated. I know it's kind of a fandom joke that the OB boys are left off with a slap on the wrist + maybe some social ramifications at school, but this is the ONE time in the main story where things are getting super big and the effects could be cripplingly long-lasting.
I don't know if TWST will seriously address the consequences after book 7, but I sure hope they do!! There is a lot of interesting ground to cover (many points which this anon has already brought up) in a follow-up main story arc or the next book.
For example:
Malleus obviously has to regain the trust of his peers and staff. He didn’t really have it before but now has to work twice as hard to make connections since he just took a drastic action that confirmed the rumors some were already spreading about how he’s a monster.
He’s the sole heir to the throne and has just betrayed the trust of the people of Briar Valley. How are they feeling about him now? Do they still trust him to lead them?
How does this impact their relations with other countries (since Malleus himself stresses how he represents Briar Valley)? This is a problem visible on a global scale, and surely this would damage their rep with other nations, particularly the predominantly human ones. It’s setting back what is hundreds of years of trying to fix the broken trust between their races.
Malleus’s UM potentially puts his victims in physical harm; in book 7, Ortho suggests that since everyone is sleeping, their bodies are not getting the food or water they need. As a result, they may physically waste away and then perish. (We have seen that there are sleep blessings that keep people sleeping for hundreds of years without detriment to the blessed though, such as the one cast on Silver—so we cannot be entirely sure if Ortho’s theory is correct or not.)
There is the possibility that Malleus’s dreams may traumatize or retraumatize his victims, particularly those with deep rooted troubles. An example of this is Idia, who had suffered the loss of his brother when he was like… 8 years old??? But then in his dream, Idia is living a happy false reality that Ortho never died. When he finally comes to this realization, he has to relive the trauma of the discovery all over again and breaks down sobbing. We also see in the most recent book 7 update that Vil had to face the evilest aspects of himself and a dark reality; Rook became very emotional upon waking himself. Admittedly, Idia and co. coped with it well enough—this is proof of their character development and the strength of the new friendships they’ve formed. However, all the people on Sage’s Island/Twisted Wonderland may not react so positively or be so accepting of their cruel realities.
Again, just the overall moral dilemma of one person robbing all of Sage’s Island (and soon all of Twisted Wonderland) of their autonomy.
Potential extra work for STYX and whichever countries Malleus’s magic manages to spread to (repairing any physical damage caused by the thorns + mental damage done to those that fell asleep). That’s money, time, and resources that aren’t going toward other everyday endeavors.
How will Malleus himself mentally and emotionally cope with what he has done? Is he going to show remorse and shame? How does he plan on rectifying his actions, if at all?
Will this change how his dorm members + family view him? For example, will Sebek become disillusioned with his liege/realize Malleus is not as perfect as he seems? Will Maleficia blame herself for not being there for Malleus? Will Lilia feel guilty for not teaching Malleus right from wrong? Etc, etc, etc.
I’d honestly love to read all of these! 🤔 It would add a lot to the lore and history of Twisted Wonderland, as well as serve as motivators for Malleus to change, “be better”, and actually earn the respect he’s so used to being handed by default. This would be huge for him, especially seeing as he has not really faced significant backlash or consequences for any other missteps he was responsible for or involved in. (I know I bring this one up a lot, but Endless Halloween Night is one such major example.)
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moonyswritinq · 5 months
runs in the family — platonic! edwin payne x sibling! gn reader
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SYNOPSIS ➢ Edwin had been dead for decades and you had wandered the earth as a ghost in search for him. Who would have thought that you would find him in a small town in America, just strolling down the street?
PAIRING ➢ platonic! edwin payne x sibling! gender neutral reader
CONTENT WARNING ➢ mentions of death, kind of flirty reader, not much more warning needed than that, takes place end of chapter three, so spoilers?? not beta read
WORD COUNT ➢ 2.7 k
AUTHORS NOTE ➢ seeing as the reader is written as a sibling to Edwin it is implied they are biologically related and therefore caucasian. But since I have not specified anything the reader could just as well be adopted and of another ethnicity, so I leave it up to be your choice.
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It had been a hundred years.
A century had gone by since you died. And still you had not managed to finish your business in order to move on to the afterlife. How could you? When your older brother had mysteriously gone missing from his boarding school, simply presumed dead, and labeled as ‘an act of God’ and nothing else had happened. No one made inquiries. No one bothered to try to do him justice.
No one cared.
And it infuriated you. So much to the point of taking up the quest of finding him yourself. But no one knew anything, nor cared to tell you anything, so you were unable to find anything worthy of interest. Edwin simply did not matter to anyone besides you—even your parents were frustratingly unhelpful. It broke your heart. You didn’t want to live in a world that didn’t care about its people. Luckily, you didn’t have to for long.
It happened a year after you graduated from high school, making you three years older than the age Edwin  had been when he disappeared. As soon as you’d completed school you had gotten out of your conservative town, opting to travel to London instead to settle down there. The aftermath of the war had just calmed down and you thought you could get a new start. You hadn’t entirely left the business of Edwin behind you, but knowing there was nothing more you could do for him settled your guilt slightly.
When you had finally started getting used to the idea of Edwin actually being gone and of the possibility of moving on with your life, you died. A simple case of wrong place, wrong time in a robbery. And you reckoned some part of you weren’t completely ready to let go of Edwin because you had woken up again, as a ghost.
It was strange at first, feeling nothing but still being there, invisible to everyone but yourself. And it hadn’t hurt much—you had died immediately.
What should have been a tragedy left you feeling nothing but relief. You were finally free from the world’s boundaries and rules and the idiotic people that wouldn’t help your brother. Then being able to travel anywhere you wanted, speak to other dead people, and uncover all the supernatural entities that had been hiding under your nose your whole living life was more than you could have wished for. Was it possible Edwin could also be somewhere? Wandering around as a ghost, the same as you?
The thought was too good to even hope to be true. As it turns out, it was.
You visited all the places Edwin had been or he had talked about going to or anywhere you could have imagined his ghost to have gone. But there were no signs of him—at least no signs that you could find. No one had any information about your brother. It almost left you feeling like how you had when you were alive. Your world had gone from the bright colours of hope back to the dull monochromaticity that your life had been.
For years you had wandered the planet, going from country to country, adapting to the changing years and humanity’s new technology. It interested you to figure out the new things that were invented and to keep up with the modern world—not to talk about all the different ghosts, people, and other supernatural beings you met. While it was nice to travel around without a clear goal, your mind was constantly stuck on the thought of your brother being alone somewhere.
You needn’t have worried though, you realised, when you had found yourself in the small town of Port Townshend, walking down the street and seeing a very familiar face. Right across the road, a figure clad in a brown coat was walking with an all too rigid posture and pursing his lips at the teenagers surrounding him. You were too stunned to speak, your tongue felt as if it were locked, unable to voice any of the jumble of thoughts currently bouncing through your mind.
“Edwin?” you croaked, voice strained as it fought against the constricting of your throat. You hurriedly ran to cross the road, narrowly missing a car. It wouldn’t have hurt, but habits die hard—even if it had been a hundred years since you were alive. And so you let out a loud curse, swivelling out of its path, “Oh, bloody hell!”
When you turned to continue to the other side of the street you already found a familiar pair of eyes locked onto yours. Edwin had stopped completely in his path and with his mouth agape, arms hanging by his side. You couldn’t fight the grin that made its way to your face and broke out in a run, crashing into his frame with a hug.
“Wha—” he stumbled, before embracing you back and nestling his face into your shoulder.
It felt as if he would never let you go by the grip he had on you—and you couldn’t blame him. It had been way too long since you had hugged him like this and you couldn’t help the relieved chuckle that escaped you. It also felt weird hugging another ghost—it was like he was there and he wasn’t, but you could feel his presence in a way you couldn’t when you touched the living.
“It’s you,” you whispered, pulling away to grab him by the shoulders and really take him in. “It’s really you.”
Edwin looked just like you had remembered him to have looked when he disappeared. The same eyes, with which he always sent glares your way, and the same smile he hid in the corner of his lips by turning away from you, although it shone through at you then as a grin. He couldn’t help it, and neither could you.
“I—I never thought I would see you again,” he said.
You scoffed. “As if you could get rid of me that easily.” Then your eyes softened. “Though you scared me half to death.”
“More than half, it would seem,” he said, looking you up and down. “What are you still doing here?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” you asked, a smile on your lips despite your soft tone. “You were my unfinished business.”
You went in for another hug with a chuckle, holding him even tighter as if he would disappear if you didn’t. All that worrying, all that searching, all that trouble you had gone through to find your brother and it was all finally worth it. The thought made you almost want to cry—almost. You pulled away then for real, letting the both of you go back to your regular composure as a relaxed grin settled against your lips and Edwin’s went back to hiding in the corner of his lips.
That was when you noticed the questioning stares from his three friends. They were all glancing back and forth between you in clear confusion. 
“Sorry, did everyone just see what I saw?” questioned the dark-haired girl with a frown, gesturing between the two of you. “Who are you?”
You smiled at her. “Forgive me for being rude. I forgot myself for a second,” you said with a glance at Edwin. “I’m y/n, Edwin’s sibling.”
The three of them stared in astonishment upon hearing the words uttered, again looking between you two.
“I see the resemblance now that you mention it,” said the tall boy.
You shot him a playful smile. “I’m clearly the better sibling, though.”
“As if,” scoffed Edwin and tugged at his cuff. “At least I am older.”
You raised an eyebrow and pursed your lips. “Don’t know if that is actually true, anymore. I was alive longer than you were.”
“What? No.” He looked affronted at your words. “My birth was before yours and I am thus older than you.”
The boy next to him cleared his throat with a pointed glance. Edwin resumed to his usual composure, a curtain falling over his features as his bickering spirit died out. You let out a snicker, glancing between the four of them.
“You gonna introduce me to your handsome friends, Edwin?” you asked with a grin, eyeing the tall boy specifically.
Edwin glared at you. “Don’t,” he spit out, warning lacing through his tone. When you held up your hands in surrender he turned to his friends, gesturing to them all in turn with their names. “Y/n, this is Charles, Niko and Crystal.”
“Nice to meet you,” Niko’s soft voice said, hopping forward to give you a hug.
It caught you slightly off guard, but it was welcomed even though you couldn’t feel it as well as you could feel Edwin’s ghost hug. Crystal gave you a hesitant hand to shake and you took it enthusiastically with a smile. She smiled then, apparently less apprehensive. Charles also thrust out a hand along with a charming smirk.
“Any sibling of Edwin must be brills,” he said. “Also a ghost, by the way.”
You took his hand with an appreciative nod. “Did you hear that, Edwin? I’m brills,” you said and looked over your shoulder.
By doing so, you didn’t miss the soft gaze Edwin was looking at Charles with and nodded to yourself, smiling coyly. While you had learnt to adapt to the modern times, and even back then had always been quite open about yourself, Edwin was a shyer and more private person. You would let him work it out by himself.
“You know, I missed your miserable face,” you remarked, turning to nudge him with your elbow. “I also think we have a lot to catch up on, Edwin.” 
“I would say that is quite correct. We will take care of that, later,” he nodded in his stilted way. Weird as it was, you had missed his gestures.
When the four of them turned to keep walking, Niko suddenly let out a loud gasp. “There’s Monty, our new friend,” she exclaimed.
You turned to look where she was gesturing and saw a very handsome boy looking up when hearing his name. He smiled easily at the five of you and stood up from the bench he had been sitting on with a few books in hand. The boy, Monty, let out what sounded like a nervous chuckle while glancing between the group, definitely noting the closeness between you and Edwin.
“Hey. Wow, quite the crew you got here.”
“So, he’s alive and he can see the boys?” asked Crystal.
“Oh, he can definitely see Edwin,” replied Niko. You saw Monty smile at Edwin and turned to your brother with a questioning glance. He only shrugged.
When you turned back, you found Monty was already staring at you. His eyes were dark and thoughtful, jumping from your face to your clothes and your boots and your frame and your hair and your smirk—which spread even wider. His mouth opened in a silent gasp as he took in the sight of you. You could feel your lifeless cheeks warm with blood—if they could do that—and let your gaze skirt away nervously.
“Oh, hi, I, uh, don’t believe I have seen you before.” Monty smiled sheepishly at you and his voice was warm and sweet. “I feel, uh, like I would have remembered a face like yours.”
His face got redder the longer he talked and the more he tripped over his words. It was weirdly endearing and you smiled at him as his gaze jumped between you and Edwin.
“Edwin’s my brother,” you said. “I’m y/n. Also a ghost.”
“Charmed.” Monty’s grin grew wider. “I suppose good looks run in the family.”
You saw Edwin shift uneasily out of the corner of your eye and smiled at him. Monty’s unashamedly flirting was clearly not something Edwin was entirely ready for yet, but it only made the whole thing more amusing. And you couldn’t ignore the playful smirk Monty was giving you nor the glint in his eye.
“And I’m Charles. Nice to meet you, mate,” interrupted the other ghost, his own charming smile fixed on his lips, and extended a hand for Monty to take. “Any pal of Edwin’s is aces in my book.”
Monty’s lips pursed. “Yeah, sorry, hands are full,” he said, his voice suddenly cold and stand-offish.
He moved past you, closer to Edwin, but you didn’t miss the way his gaze lingered on you. You smiled to yourself as you turned to the other three, looking back at Monty.
“I was polite, wasn’t I?” asked Charles. His voice sounded much smaller, almost insecure.
“Yeah, you did good,” replied Crystal and patted him reassuringly on the shoulder.
You crossed your arms over your chest and leant closer to him. “Don’t take it personal just ‘cause you aren’t pretty enough to earn Monty’s kindness.”
Charles turned to you, affronted, and glared at your cheeky smile. “Oi, hurtful. I’m very pretty, I’ll have you know.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you said, glancing up at him. “And don’t you worry, Edwin knows it too.”
His brows furrowed. “What do you mean?”
You only shrugged, glancing back at your brother and Monty. You saw Edwin take the book from him, completely oblivious to the way his gaze was fixed on him, and Niko was unashamedly listening in on their conversation. You took the opportunity to study Monty’s feature’s more carefully, gazing at the ways his lips lifted ever so slightly, and how his eyes suddenly jumped to yours. Immediately, you looked away in shame at being caught staring at him and you were sure to be blushing if you were still capable of it. When you dared look back at him his eyes were yet again on Edwin, but his smirk a bit wider.
“Hey.” You looked to Charles again, nudging him in the side. “If Edwin doesn’t know, though, at least I do.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed his grin widen as his eyes fixed on you. That was when Edwin glanced past Monty, meeting your eye briefly before flickering over to Charles. You noticed him hesitate in his reply to Monty and furrowed your brows. It wasn’t like your brother to be careful about his words. Crystal seemed to know what he was thinking as she suddenly brought her hands together.
“Ah, well,” she began, sighing with what sounded like very bad conviction, ”Axe-murder, suicide Groundhog Day drained me, so, uh… I’m gonna head up.”
You shot her a questioning glance but decided against asking her about it. Whatever Edwin and his group had been up to you had more than enough time to figure out. Now that you had found him, there was no chance you were letting him go.
Niko nodded at Crystal’s words, still caught up with whatever Edwin and Monty were speaking about. “Okay, I’ll be up soon,” she said.
Crystal sighed and went over to the other girl, taking ahold of her arm and dragging her away from the boys. You shot a questioning glance at Edwin, but he just nodded for you to go without him. Briefly, you met Monty’s gaze as well and were almost pinned to the spot by his smile before he turned back to your brother. You swallowed and made to walk away when you noticed Charles was still stuck to the same spot, his gaze pinned to Edwin.
“Come on, mate, let’s go.”
He scoffed but let himself be guided away to follow the other two. You heard the traces of Edwin and Monty’s conversation follow behind you, their voices floating through the air. Monty’s was melodic and it made you sigh at the sound of it.
“He’s very cute, isn’t he?” you asked Charles, nudging his side with your elbow.
“Yeah,” he nodded, glancing over his shoulder.
You weren’t sure you were talking about the same person.
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Tag list: @a-gay-dumbass @eunxhan @loverclear
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hanafubukki · 4 months
Kingsroad: The Sword for the Crown
We assume that The Knight of Dawn was forgotten by history because we haven't heard about him until recently in Book 7: Part 5. But, what if that is not the case? What if his story was passed down orally? What if Princess Leah lived and that's how his story was told?
And it was right in front of us all along? Specifically in Rook's Endless Halloween card, as can be seen below.
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I talked to Mumble, @irafuwas, about this and isn't the lyrics rather interesting and very reminiscent of the Knight of Dawn?
King of a Land, Knights that he led were capable, fact that Lilia is singing and telling this story to Malleus. The parallels with Lilia, who's also in history books. (Altered as we know now, in this case, it might apply to KOD as well since we don't know much about him yet.)
Rook never mentions his name, but as we don't know the King's name, we also do not know the Knight of Dawn's (please tell us soon twst devs). This song symbolizes the Knight of Dawn from his hardships to his contributions to his kingdom.
On a further note, look at the lyrics. Those lyrics can apply to the KOD but they can also apply to Silver.
Hear me out. There is a sword in RSA. What if that is the KOD sword? And the one who pulls it out is Silver?
There are many connections of the lyrics with Silver: he's KOD's son, Silver has the sword symbolism, and the title also is "Kingroad: The Sword for the Crown," It can have two meanings here. Silver, who is the prince of a fallen kingdom, but he's also The King's Sword. The Sword of the Crown (Malleus' Sword).
Additionally, Silver has fought in land, the dream squad has been traveling by air In the dream world and I wouldn't be surprised if we fight Malleus in the air if we have a fight with his dragon form. We might even fight in water in Octa dream chapter thus fulfilling the lyrics in this musical. (As if it is a prophecy, as if it was foretold, who else do we know that can "see" the future? 👀)
Let's also think about Silver as a character. The current struggle can be considered a King's road, trying to bring back Malleus to his senses. Also, Silver as the Sword for the Crown, does this not also remind you of Silver's determination? His embrace and renewed dedication to Malleus and Lilia. He wants to be a knight and he's more determined than ever to bring a smile back to Malleus' and Lilia's faces.
Now let's talk about Princess Leah and her role. It was never confirmed she died, but that she ran away when the castle was being invaded.
What if Princess Leah lived and helped founded the RSA and helped pass on the memories of her kingdom. After all, we don't know much about the curriculum of RSA nor do we know who they look up too. With the Inter-School SpellDrive possibly being in Book 8? We might just get some of the answers we seek.
Moreover, RSA seems to be a newer school especially since General Vanrouge never mentioned RSA. He mentioned NRC but not RSA. Knowing General Vanrouge? Who made fun of NRC's capabilities? Would he not have also made fun of RSA if it existed back then?
According to Book 5, Ambrose mentions that if they win the inter-school tournament in May, it would be their 100th victory. So the school is at least 100 years old.
This tournament is also in May, and do you know who else's birthday is in May? Silver's, the one who this musical has such great ties with. It also brings into thought, Silver was recently found and woken up, he's 17. What we know now from Lilia's dream world, the treaty with the humans was signed around the time Silver was found. All of this has some interesting timing. 👀
(maybe it took so long because of the treaty negotiations, because it takes time to found a school and their dorms, maybe Ambrose's ancestors plays a role since we saw those animals in part 5 of Book 7, but you have to admit; the timing is all suspicious, especially considering that the dark mirror has been picking students since only a hundred years ago. 👀)
If I extrapolate even more, we saw RSA students using wands like how the “Fairy Godmother” does. If the Fairy Godmother is an actual fae and a diurnal one at that, would that not be another connection?
We know KOD was blessed by a diurnal fae and we saw Silver was put to sleep by them too. Wouldn’t it be interesting if RSA was somehow connected to diurnal faes? Especially given the fact that Silver took part in the Fairy Gala If Event with said type of faes? An event where he wishes for all races to live in harmony?
This card is also interesting because we have Rook, Idia, and Malleus in it. Characters we have seen recently in Book 7 part 8. Who are talking about kings, knights, and history. Topics that have been emphasized in both gameplay lessons and in Book 7.
Geographically, Briar Valley is considered "North" in the twst world map. The king in the musical ruled a small northern country. Meleanor's castle could also apply here could it not? After it was taken over?
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Recently, we have also seen an emphasis on music and dance and its importance. Giving us more clues to focus on this tidbit of lore. Importances in cards such as Ace's Endless Halloween Card, this Rook card, Malleus' Glorious Masquerade, Silver's Platinum Bday. (Events and characters who might/have play a important role in the future)
History being passed down orally usually has some ties with music and dance. Even now, in modern times, such methods are used. With the musical being one of the three greatest in the twst world? It will never be forgotten, so the Knight of Dawn will never be forgotten and will always be loved.
I can't wait until more lore is revealed. I feel many of our questions can be answered when we find out more about RSA, especially in terms of the Knight of Dawn and Princess Leah. I always find it amazing how cards and events from the past still gives us main story hints even now and how intricately laid out the entire twst lore is. It always has me in awe. 😊💞🥰
Translations and Credit to @/mysteryshoptls
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deathbxnny · 1 year
☆《A letter away. (Neuvillette x Reader x Ex-husband!Zhonghli)》☆
A/N: Hello everyone! This is me officially coming back through a very special request! I was thinking of a good way to get back into writing and so I asked my best friend, my ride or die, my literal everything to give me something to write about. And since I know she loves Neuvillette alot, this is my official thank you to her for being a phenomenal friend and waif. Also, HSR requests will come in due time, after I get used to writing again. So without further ado, please enjoy and thank you again to my bestie for helping me with my comeback!<33 Summary: Zhongli wanted to embrace his new life as a human to the fullest, which also meant that his dragonic wife couldn't be in it. Heartbroken and hopeless, you feel abandoned as you wonder what you should even do now, after eons of being with him... until one day, you receive a letter from an old friend, that finally showed you the way forward again. Content: Female reader, some angst, hurt/comfort, mentions of divorce (kind of), reader has some physical descriptions that hint to them being a dragon hybird, Zhongli being horrible, some hints of possible emotional abuse (no detailed descriptions), happy ending, somewhat of a healing journey, writing warm up, sfw
Reader has she/her pronouns! (Not really proofread)
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The summer came to an end early this year and not because of the seasons changing, but rather your husband doing so. Despite the scorching heat that left the usually busy streets of Liyue mostly empty, you felt the cold seep through your skin, whenever he came back from work. You'd shiver, nearly imagining the cold puffs of air whenever he passed you by wordlessly. You only barely remember the days of happy greetings and warm welcomes, but perhaps you were only imagining those too. You felt like a simple shadow in your own home, always disappearing from the presence of the light that was Zhongli's intimidating figure.
And today was no different.
He walked in, took off his coat, then his shoes. He paid no mind to you hiding in the doorway to the kitchen, slitted eyes flickering between him and the food he brought with him, despite you telling him that you were going to cook for him earlier that day. You should've known better, than to think that he was listening to you after all. You opened your mouth to greet him, but your voice was missing. You didn't want him to snap at you again for making him awknowledge you. Slowly retreating back into the dim room, you shivered when you felt his dark gaze on you. You made too much noise for someone who was just a ghost in his home now.
It couldn't always have been like this, you concluded, as you stood over the now cold food on the table. No, there was a time where you two were happy, mates for life. He built a home for you in Liyue, kept you protected during the archon wars, practically laid out the world down at your feet... until he didn't. Until he became this. A god who wanted to pretend to be a human for a reason nor you or any other adepti could ever understand. You weren't able to hide most of your dragonic features like he could and therefore you were mostly stuck in the home. Human men usually didn't have dragons as wifes, you figured bitterly. But he was no human, no matter how much he wanted to pretend he was.
He gave up his Gnosis and decided that faking his death would get him closer to living his ideal life amongst his people as nothing more than Zhongli. And you hated that name. That wasn't your husband. Maybe he had died years ago and you simply didn't notice. Whatever it was, you felt empty as the last warm sun rays of the day hit your face and you slumped into the nearest chair with a weak sigh. Deep down, you knew you were a hindrance to him. Something that kept him from becoming fully human. And it hurt, that he was willing to give you up so easily over this.
Weren't dragons supposed to mate for life?
You pressed your face against the cold surface of the table, your eyes catching the sight of a white envelope resting on the kitchen counter. Your tail swished once in recognition, before stilling. You knew who it was from, your heart clenching nervously at the idea of Zhongli seeing it. He wouldn't like who it was from, surely. But then again, he didn't seem to care anymore either. If you left tommorow, what would he say? Would he stop you? Beg for you to come home with him again? You pressed your lips into a thin line. He would have maybe once eons ago... but not anymore.
It was proven to you, when your zoned out gaze on the letter was blocked off by a certain man's torso. You didn't bother raising your head or looking up at him. If he was finally awknowledging you now, then it was only for one reason you were afraid of. Your time with him was up. He began a speech, one you could barely hear through the foggy haze of your mind, until he stilled too. There was no point to sugarcoat it. "... I want you gone by morning." He simply said, knowing that you at least caught those words. He turned, deciding to leave for the house whilst you were still there, when you enacted your final attempt at revenge. It was weak, nothing in comparison to what he had done. But it was enough to enrage him deep down.
"Very well, Morax." You made sure, that his old name rolled off your tongue perfectly, cutting him deep with the knowledge, that you will never see him as a human. He paused in his step and you could imagine the way he clenched his jaw when you closed your eyes with a bitter chuckle. Your keen ears heard the leather straining as he closed his fists tightly. You felt his head turn to look at you, his breath hitching to say something... before he simply left, the door slamming behind himon his way out. It was hard to make him lose his composure, but you knew him all too well. He was too prideful even now.
When you opened your eyes again, it was late into the night. You lit a candle, your eyes flickering to the letter again. You had yet to open it. perhaps you were afraid of it's contents, despite having no need to. You always knew, that you should've chosen him instead anyways. You weakly pushed yourself up onto your feet, your hand reaching for the letter. You turned it, a shadow of a smile on your lips, when you see your old nickname on the back of it. Neuvillette remembered it even all these years later.
'To my dear Water Lily.'
You opened it with shaking hands, your eyes looking over it's contents with a worried gaze, that melted away the more you read. It was an invitation to come visit him all the way in Fountaine. He had hoped you were still wiling to speak to him despite your marriage to Morax- no, Zhongli. You were childhood friend's once, two dragons that kept to themselves in the depth of the oceans, until the wars came along. You should've married him when you had the chance, but Zhongli got to you first. Would you have married him instead, if he hadn't hesistated?
You shook your head, your hands pressing the letter to your chest. To your heart. You might as well go. You had nothing to lose anymore. slipping off the ring on your finger and placing it onto the table, you packed some simple things for the trip, before stepping out of the once warm home. You walked quickly, your head low to not attract any attention. You'll never come back to Liyue, you decided then. But you couldn't help but stop for a moment to look back at your home city with a deep, heartbroken sigh. Mainly because you felt a certain Adepti's gaze on you. You looked up, meeting his eyes with a sad, pained frown. Xiao's face was unreadable, but you knew, that he knew that this might be the last time you saw eachother. And so, all he could do was bow deeply, before disappearing. You nod in understanding.
There was no need for goodbye's, as they hurt more.
You went on to travel for a good month straight, seeing sights you could never have been able to witness at Zhongli's side. You met new people, even friends, as you traversed through the thick forest of Sumeru, no one giving your inhuman features a second look. Sumeru city was a sight to behold, the Archon of wisdom being kind enough to point you towards the direction of your destination. The vast desert was an experience you never thought you'd appreciate either. And by the time you finally stood at the port to Fountaine's entrance, you couldn't help but look back at Sumeru with a fond gaze, lost in thought, until a something pulled at your sleeve.
Looking down, you saw a Melusine tilt her head up at you. "Hello... Do you need help getting somewhere, miss? You've been standing here for about an hour now." She said bluntly, making you blink, before fishing out the letter with a hum. "I... need to meet the Chief of Justice." You mutter, the small creature nodding in understanding, as though this was a normal request for her. "That's easy. You just have to take the Aquabus to the city first." "Oh..." Your eyes looks up at the large wall of waterfalls with a confused gaze. "... Do you know what an Aquabus is?" "I... no." You say after a moment of hesistation, making the Melusine nod again. "Follow me then. I'll get you to your destination, miss." She said.
And as promised, you soon enough nervously sat in this so-called Aquabus, waving the helpful Melusine a thankful goodbye. the ride was long, yet far from boring for your curious eyes. You had become near addicted to the thrill of adventure, to the thrill of seeing things you could never have been able to before. Perhaps you've just been trapped for way too long. An excited smile crossed your face, when you finally arrived in the busy capital city of Fountaine. You felt out of place, but couldn't care for it through the glee you felt. He was so close, you could feel it. And it made you wonder if he felt it too. You entered the large building that he was the leader of, a Chief of Justice, something you never expected him to ever become. But then again, you never expected to end up like this either, although you should've perhaps known better.
You were let through quicker than you anticipated, after you showed them the ticket that came with the letter. A Melusine led you to a grand balcony that oversaw the entire city, before telling you that he'd be there soon. You leaned against the marble railing, eyes sparkling at the breathtaking sight before you. Your heart fluttered with an odd sense of belonging, memories of a childhood spend in vast oceans coming to mind and filling you with painful nostalgia.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" A deep voice hummed, a soft gasp leaving your lips, as you looked up at the familiar tall man beside you. You were so deep in thought, that you hadn't noticed his presence approaching you. You gulped, so many emotions and thoughts running through your head. There was so much you wanted so say. But ultimately, you could only turn to look back at the vast ocean with a small smile, when you felt his pinky finger touch yours. A silent promsie of being here for you. Always.
"Yes... Yes, it is."
A/N: Alrightttt! This was a very nice warm up for me and quite the long one too... I hope you guys liked this one! And a special thank you to my bestie once more for being my favourite person ever and giving me this great idea.
It's great to be back!<33
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eularin · 24 days
I was quietly browsing the obkk tag on ao3, looking for a hot and erotic read to spend the night when I came across a common headcanon: Obito, the greatest terrorist of the Elemental Nations is a virgin with zero experience and Kakashi is the greatest fucking machine in Konoha (or, in other words: much more experienced than Obito)
This got me thinking. I thought about it so much that I came up with several ideas, several headcanons that I need to share with you since I don't know if I'll be able to write a story like this on my own. (I have so many stories in progress/on hiatus in Google docs that I get all messy 😅)
Okay, here we go! How about a reverse trope? We know that ninjas are excellent war machines, they can also be great fucking machines! (They know the anatomy of the human body so well. Isn't it stupid to think that they can use this knowledge for other things that have nothing to do with killing and torturing)
I like to imagine that Kakashi is a reserved man in his private life. He doesn't kiss and tell. Not at all.
Kakashi is known as a pervert because of his beloved icha icha book, but we know that being a reader of porn stories doesn't make someone a sex-active person (or does it? I'm not sure if it counts that way). Anyway, moving on: Kakashi is reserved and rarely gets sexually involved with anyone (oh, he certainly has experience, but you know, PTSD, depression and other various triggers that can be triggered at any time are not good libido stimulants, in my opinion), continuing:
When Kakashi is feeling good and wants to have a casual encounter and a quick hookup, he doesn't go for it as himself. In other words: He doesn't like being Hatake Kakashi at those times (too public, too infamous, too risky. Too problematic. Better to disguise himself)
Kakashi is the king of disguise. He has several disguises - and Obito knows all of his disguises because Obito is a stalker freak who has a sixth sense for when Kakashi is feeling good enough to socialize. So he stalks Kakashi and monitors him.
Creepy, I know, but that's canon.
From here on things get... A little crazy? Disturbing? In short, things get a little dark.
Obito is so obsessed that he doesn't like to see Kakashi "moving on" much less getting involved with someone because for Obito Kakashi has to live in misery like he does. They need to make an agreement like this - in Obito's opinion.
But if Kakashi wants some sexual gratification, Obito can give it to him. (And why not? Obito already gave him the eye.) But Obito can't always intercept Kakashi (remember how Obito is a criminal busy plotting world domination? Destabilizing Kiri? Recruiting ninjas for the Akatsuki?) so Obito can't always disguise himself, intercept Kakashi, and be his one-night stand. What does Obito do when Kakashi spends the night with a literal stranger? It's not too hard to guess: Obito kills Kakashi's temporary partner. (Possessive, obsessive, and delusional Uchiha make a disastrous combination.)
There may be some torture and a crazy speech about "you're going to die bc you touched my teammate"
Unnamed character tied up and kidnapped by Obito: "What? Are you crazy? I don't even know who you're talking about!"
Obito: "I'm talking about Kakashi! MY teammate. Mine to touch. MINE to make him suffer. MINE to kill. MY Kakashi! And you dared to sleep with him! I hope you enjoyed your night because you're not getting out of here alive. I don't want you living in the peaceful and perfect world that I WILL CREATE in a few years. Like I'm going to let you enjoy my hard work and dream about MY Kakashi.
*Cut 🔪* the unnamed extra dies and Obito is ready to give Kakashi some nightmares (in his opinion, Kakashi needs to be punished and reminded that this hellish reality is not worth living in nor looking for good things)
Okay. Now let's move on to my second idea!
We know that Obito is obsessed and obsessive. He's a crazy stalker who always watches Kakashi.
Obito is one of, if not THE greatest assassin of the Elemental Nations. He can easily be the greatest fucking machine as well. Imagine the fame that Don Juan Obito has! (let's call him Don Juan Obito, bc I can't think of a pseudonym right now).
Consider all the physical changes in Obito's body. He has seemingly limitless stamina, lots of energy to burn; lots of stress; lots of hormones inside his body going crazy during spring, mostly (Mokuton's fault. You have no idea how much it affects him.)
Jiraya wants to declare war on this ninja who dares to bewitch all the ladies in the red district wherever he goes. And the worst part! It's not just the ladies who sing praises to this magical dick Don Juan Obito.
Jiraya can't stand to hear the giggles and sighs around this man whose identity he can't figure out. (Tsunade is laughing somewhere)
Bonus scene: imagine that Kakashi (in one of his disguises) is also sighing in delight.
He didn't just have the best sex with this stranger (sort of familiar), he also received the best aftercare. But Kakashi is a reserved man, he doesn't kiss and tell. He also doesn't tell that this sex god always favors him and comes to see him every night 🤫
Kakashi wouldn't be Kakashi without a little angst and drama, right? So he has these uncontrollable Hatake instincts whenever his sexual partner is around. He wants to bite, to make his claim on this man obvious, he also gets jealous when he hears all these compliments about his man (it's not his, he knows but try to convince his instincts otherwise).
Also: to drive Kakashi crazy and mortified with himself: he thinks about Obito. Always. He slips up and calls out Obito's name and his sexual partner happily ignores it (in fact, his partner gets even wilder). But sometimes his partner is also a shit, he will ask blatantly: who is Obito? His ex-boyfriend?
(Kakashi is freaking out internally. How the hell does he imagine his ex-teammate dead at these times?)
Obito is having fun. He will probably try to sell his idea of a perfect world to Kakashi (he is so good at pillow talk. Kakashi is being seduced and manipulated.)
Bonus Scene 2: Imagine when the Eye of the Moon Plan is realized. Imagine how many people are dreaming about Don Juan Obito!
That's it. That's the post. I needed to get this out of my mind and ramble on about obkk/kkob 🤯
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despairots · 9 months
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a special oneshot!
description, it’s special to know how the other feels. to communicate is the best, though, dazai isn’t one for words but it’s fine, you’re the same. neither of you can put the feelings you have into words.
— story contains, angst, established relationship, swearing, suicide mentions, depressing talks, “no longer human” connections i think?, r! psychoanalysis’s i guess?, mental health, trauma talking, character deaths, if i missed anything let me know! gender neutral! reader.
“why are you writing this?” bc dazai is one of the characters i heavily relate to on another level. hes so much different from mizuki akiyama and satoru gojo. and this is just me talking a lot about dazai’s character and analyzing him… btw, r! wears a black blazer (or leather jacket) white button up with a black waist coat, either brown shorts or pants (maybe black of u want), underneath the shorts or pants are like black tights and slip on penny loafers.
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long before you started dating dazai, there was an obvious connection that you only saw and felt. obviously, you were friends during those time periods because you worked in the same place, everyone there were friends.
though, the friendship you two had were entirely different from the rest, had the same humour but showing it differently. you wouldn’t lie and say that dazai flirting with you just to ask for a double suicide didn’t concern you, because it did. there’s no doubt that he’ll try and eventually succeed (although, death doesn’t accept him).
there’s nothing that can kill this man, no matter how hard he tries. you picked that up during one of his failed attempts, it almost succeeded if kunikida wasn’t there, you thanked him a ton. all he said in response is that; “i have to look over that idiot one way or another.” no matter how much dazai annoys his coworkers, they still care.
when dazai tries to commit and somewhat fails, it’s almost like he’s punishing himself for still being alive. you know his past, after all, you were in port mafia with him, even though you two didn’t work together or how he didn’t know you during that time, you sure knew him.
he was surrounded by death, in the port mafia and the ada, it follows him yet never accepts it’s his time to come to the afterlife. he makes these plans that somewhat end up succeeding though he hurts himself in the process, always worrying you. what if eventually death actually accepts him at some point?
dazai has been extraordinarily smart every since he was a kid to the point where he’s been dehumanized by dubbing him; “the demon prodigy”. you didn’t know anything about his parents, you did know what drove him to be tired of living. he’s tired living, bored by life and the people around him, to him, they are easily predictable and manipulated that nothing can surprise him.
he can’t find sense to the world but most importantly, he doesn’t find sense in life, he ends up reverting to extensional depression, continuing the cycle he lives in.
dazai has been exploited ever since he was 14 and taken into the port mafia by mori. he was kept alive by mori, by chuuya, by everyone. he was used until there was nothing left. he never had any love nor hope (that he’d ever have someone to understand him) until a friend he later brought up to you, oda.
he truly believed he deserved everything that happened to him in the port mafia.
you believe that younger dazai never believed that he could be better, but if he’s changing now than he always had the ability to change, just never tried. he was sure the mafia was the only fate he had and the only place to escape of living.
then oda died. dazai was free, with ango’s help of wiping his criminal records. without ango’s help, he would’ve never been free from mafia, though he knows his past will always haunt him, he’s accepted that. he also knows that his indebted to ango, he knows he owes him.
since oda’s death, dazai’s trust had ran thin and he’s always on guard, his ability to open up to anyone had been cut off because he can not lose anyone again. the things he cares about and didn’t wanna lose, is lost the moment he gains it.
his plans always evolve other people, rather to manipulate or exploit. you don’t blame him, if it meant surviving, you would do it too.
he is someone who jokes but never opens up nor can be his true self. he’s a wreck who will drag anyone else down with him, that was a price you had to pay for dating him. he repulsed the idea of love and being in a relationship with you because of how he’ll be afraid of losing you.
dazai dated you as a joke, to see how thing will end, until he realized that you were somewhat different. you were always one step of ahead, had almost the same ability that involved contact, and you had this missing glint in your eyes. that’s just the surface though.
dazai knows there’s more to you— he doesn’t know about your connections to the port mafia though— but he doesn’t bother bringing the topic up to you though nor does he like talking about it.
at nights like this, where he’s staring aimlessly somewhere and devoid of emotion, he’s completely vulnerable in your shared dorm. sitting on the couch, cheek on the palm of his hand as the other searches the cold touch of your hand, seeking for some company.
—and you’re there. sitting on the couch with him and a book discarded in your lap, only staring at dazai with a look of curiosity and content, he looks peaceful despite the war going on in his head.
(you were memorized by the destruction he creates and has, it was peaceful to know what beautiful destruction that dazai carries with him).
when dazai feels the cold skin of your hand, he could feel his ability cancelling yours out as your hand covers his, holding it tightly yet so soft that he wonders if you’re even there. dazai finally looks at you, face still devoid of emotion, watching you reopen your book.
“morning, sleeping beauty.” you hummed softly, an amused tone with your words. dazai groaned and knocked your book off your lap, kicking his legs up into your lap and laying down, now staring up at the ceiling.
hearing dazai go silent wasn’t rare, it was rather common when you two are in your shared dorm, but not hearing him say something stupid back confused you.
you turned your head to dazai, taking notice of his eyes that threatened to pour tears in front of you, “you okay, ‘samu?” knowing him for a while now, he wouldn’t open up and talk about his feelings. it’s fine though, you’re like that too, and you wouldn’t mind waiting forever even if it didn’t come.
dazai didn’t respond.
he never did.
he closed his eyes and if you listened closer, you could hear the shaky breath that he exhaled. taking his hand in yours, you placed a chaste kiss to his palm, the contact making dazai open his eyes slowly and sit up on his elbows.
“when are you gonna leave?” he’s says stupid shit all the time, it doesn’t effect you, none of his words effect you. it should’ve effected you but it didn’t, and dazai could tell by the unamused look on your face, “when are you gonna take your life seriously?” you lightly jabbed at him, hearing him scoff and mutter ‘hypocrite’ underneath his breath.
dazai sat up properly, scooting closer to you and grabbing your hand, setting his head on your shoulder. dazai’s touch starved but refuses any contact that doesn’t involve him initiating it, you’re an expectation, you’ve always been every since the relationship started.
silence took over you, the fan in the background aswell as dazai’s calming breath stirring you into a tired state, laying your head on dazai’s head (knowing the neck pain wouldn’t be worth it tomorrow).
“y’know i’d wait, right?” dazai hums underneath his breath as a response, “how do i know you’re not lying?” and you scoff. rolling your tired eyes, for a guy like him to ask you that question is amusing. “we’ve been lying to eachother for a while but i’m not lying about this, ‘samu.”
the former executive makes himself more comfortable in the crook of your neck, forcing you to lay down and keep him close, “i know.” the words came out muffled, and alas, his eyes are shut again and his sleeping in your arms that are now warm.
with him being asleep, you could pick out the smallest details about the boy in your arms. in your arms, he isn’t the former demon prodigy, in your arms, he isn’t a former port mafia member, in your arms, he isn’t a dehumanized person.
he’s just a boy.
osamu dazai isn’t one for words, but it’s okay, because you’re not one for words either. it’s gonna be like that for awhile, or forever, only time could tell. dazai knows this; you know this. and since dazai’s betrayal to the port mafia, he’s changing, but if he’s changing now, he was always capable of changing, he just never cared enough to try.
osamu dazai isn’t one for words, neither are you.
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 10 months
this might be weird to ask on a writing blog but do you have any manga recs?
yeah i got some recs! i'm gonna assume you mean less talked about titles rather than more well-known but quickfire popular recs i have are: chainsaw man, fullmetal alchemist, jjba, fruits basket, jjk and hell's paradise. but onto my other recs:
children of the sea**: a troubled teen named ruka embarks on the summer adventure of a lifetime after meeting two boys raised by dugongs at her dad's aquarium in the middle of a mysterious event taking place in the ocean.
the summer hikaru died: it's been months since yoshiki's childhood friend and secret crush, hikaru, went missing in the mountains for a week. hikaru's the same as usual, with his jokes and silly rambles and yet, yoshiki can't shake the feeling that whoever came back from that mountain, it wasn't hikaru. much to his horror, it wasn't. but rather than face reality and grief, yoshiki decides to play along with "hikaru's" act (body horror)
dorohedoro**: in a world where there are humans and magic users, humans have it rough being virtually treated as second class citizens. day after day, year after year, magic users come to the human realm to experiment on them with their magic. and after having his head turn into a caiman, kaiman, wants to get it back in blood and have his true form restored (body horror)
witch hat atelier*: in a world full of magic and witches, it's always been normal human girl coco's dream to be one. but after accidentally discovering a truth of this world and her mom getting caught up in the spell, coco becomes an apprentice of witch qifrey. (it was recently announced there's an anime in the works!)
skip & loafer**: desiring to become a government official to revitalize her hometown in the japanese countryside, iwakura mitsumi's first step to accomplish this goal is by going to a uni prep high school in tokyo. she's got a foolproof 10-step plan to boot! but of course, life hardly ever goes as plan, not even for a prodigy (mc's aunt has great trans rep)
sign of affection*: as someone deaf all her life, yuki has dealt with discrimination in both small and broad strokes. nor has she ever experienced romance. this all changes when she meets backpacker itsumi, a guy who goes to the same uni. just as he opens her world, she opens his
debu to love to ayamachi to***: after waking up in a hospital with no memories to her name, plus sized yumeko is told she is there after surviving a suicide attempt. the thing is, yumeko isn't sure why when she's just so beautiful! with a strong desire to live life to the fullest, yumeko decides to do everything the past her was to afraid to do. all the while it is revealed that her suicide attempt was more of an attempted murder... but who could have wanted to kill her?
my love story with yamada-kun at lv999**: nothing is worse than getting cheated on especially after akane invested a lot of time and energy into her shitty ex's gaming hobbies. but through gaming, not only does akane find herself healing, she managed to get herself a pretty cool boyfriend too
NANA**: 2 women, 2 different lives, 1 name shared. komatsu nana is quick to fall in love and after a series of less-than-lucky relationships, she finally has someone she thinks is the one. abandoned by her mother and her ex leaving her band, osaki nana hasn't had the easiest life. but on the same night, on the same train, these two women meet and their lives become deeply intertwined
a condition called love*: when it comes to romance, hotaru's never experienced it besides stories of her friends relationships. but she soon finds herself about to experience the whirlwind of a lifetime when hananoi, the most popular boy in school, asks her to be his girlfriend
a bouquet for an ugly girl***: as her class' resident big girl, hana isn't expecting a blossoming spring in her high school career. and she's okay with that. she has everything she needsー otome games and gardening. but after her class' pretty boy catches her in the midst of changing the class flowers, their lives become a bit more intertwined
uruwashi no yoi no tsuki: yoi is quite popular at her school because of her neat short hair, beautiful face and overall princely appearance. in fact, it's gotten her dubbed 'prince' many times. but when the other prince of the school finally meets her, cupid's arrow quickly knocks him on his ass
frieren**: a manga that picks up after the journey has ended. the demon king has been defeated and the heroes have saved the day after 10 years of traveling together. 10 years? that's not even a 10th of elf mage frieren's life. but as her companions begin dying one by one of old age, she finds herself desiring to learn more about humans and the short yet impactful lives they still manage to have
dungeon meshi*: when a dungeon raid goes terribly wrong and laios' sister gets swallowed by a dragon, those that remain in his party decide to get it back in blood by saving laios' sister before she gets digested. in the mean time, there's nothing wrong with gordon ramsay-ing miscellaneous ingredients found in the dungeon along the way, right?
and if you like manhwa or would be down for some manhwa recs these are titles i don't see getting recommended enough
concubine walkthrough: a scifi & philosophical spin on the otome isekai genre that asks 'what is reality truly?', 'is your life any less real if you found out all your experiences were a simulation?' and 'what is reality to you?' where protagonist lee yona finds herself stuck in a VR edition of a game she only played once
a wicked tale of cinderella's stepmother: usually when someone wakes up in the body of a villainess, she's the same age as the protagonists. mildred, on the other hand, is stuck in the body of this story's cinderella's stepmother. with no husband and three daughters to take care of, there's only one thing she can really doー build up her daughters' sisterly bonds with one another and make sure they marry into good families (or that they can at least live lives they're happy with)
tricked into becoming the heroine's stepmother: at least mildred got the body of an important character, daisy on the other hand? she's in the body of an NPC you never even see in the story. bright side? this is a story she helped write and after meeting the presently six year old protagonist's father, she and father of the year decide to team up for the ultimate mission: making sure his daughter never meets any of the love interests
inso's law: ham dan-i is in a bit of a pickle when she wakes up and her new school uniform is completely different than the one her mom bought weeks ago. there's a drop dead gorgeous girl next door who claims to be her childhood best friend. even worse, like something straight out of a drama, there are four heavenly kings that rule her school. by the end of the day, dan-i has no other choice but to accept the fact........ her real life has somehow turned into a web novel. even worse, she's a side characterー the main character's best friend
plum: in a world where fruit stacking is a major sport, little plum decides to be the very best like no one ever was and moves to the big city to compete in the fruit stacking games along with making some friends and rivals along the way
webtoons that are probably popular enough if they have hardcover copies at my local bookstore but i wanna talk about it anyway
cursed princess club: as the youngest princess of the pastel kingdom, gwendolyn loves her family. her protective papa, her oldest sister maria who often awakes to woodland creatures doing her hair. her older sister lorena who makes flowers bloom with her every step. and her younger brother jamie who's so pretty, he sparkles. and they adore her just as much. but things come to a very reality shattering halt when their father introduces maria, lorena and gwen to blaine, lance and frederick, the princes of the plaid kingdom and gwen overhears frederick call her ugly, something she's never heard in her entire life. somehow, gwen finds comfort in a club full of cursed princesses (and one prince) who teach her how to start loving herself again
*) receiving an anime adaptation
**) has an an anime series or movie
***) receiving an anime adaptation & contains a story with a plus-sized protagonist that doesn't involve weight loss
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shaisuki · 1 year
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— being attracted to blood and or enjoying the sight of it.
• pairing: todoroki shouto x chubby reader
• content warnings: vampire! shouto, cunnilingus, blood, biting.
for centuries had passed, the younger todoroki embraces what darkness lurks inside him.
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there is only much of a what man like him could do in the dark.
for centuries had passed, watched as civilization changed. from stones to bricks to glasses. from bows and arrows to swords and guns. humans who died in each other's hands. he lived long enough but does he? when all he got is a heart that stopped beating long ago, stuck in the endless cycle of witnessing blood shed in the difference course of time.
he got no reason to live. stay long in this world as he walked through the empty hallways of his house. what is dead may never live but the curse his father had put upon them — bounded them for eternity without seeing the sun rise nor live in the daylight.
beads of blood sprouted to your skin where his fangs grazed upon. his finger tips feathery-light skimming through the expanse of your shoulder blades and where your pulse rests in your neck. your heart thumps with anxiousness and with the beats of your heart music to his ears. pumping blood throughout your veins and his stomach churns in desire. a certain hunger for your blood.
he holds your arm where the strap of your dress had fallen. tilting your head and he lodges his face in the space of your shoulder. his nose brushing — smelling the tantalizing scent of the crimson liquid trapped under your skin.
pain erupts throughout your system as his sharp canines pierces the thin barrier of your skin where your flesh rests. you let out a shaky breath. pursing your lips in a thin line — closing your eyes for the pain to subside.
when his canines pulls to your skin, droplets of the crimson liquid flows in your skin. coming from the hole where his fangs breached your skin. he catches the sweet blood with his tongue. licking a stripe in your skin where the blood stops to flow until it reaches the two tiny holes where his fangs had sinked before his mouth engulfs in the skin.
there's only a hum of satisfaction buzzing through his lips and to your skin while he sucks the blood in your veins. it flows down his tongue and to his throat. dripping like honey with the taste of sugar — it's been a hundred years since he tasted something pleasant — exquisite rather. it was different from the flesh and the blood he had consumed from the past decades. horrendous with the pungent smell of foul mixing in the blood and flesh — the vileness in their being seeps in their flesh while you — tasting like a freshly picked fruit. ripe and sweet. ready for the taking. the plummy taste lingering in his tongue.
the more sips he takes from you, the more your world starts to spin with spots of white dancing in your vision. your muscles turning into goo. you couldn't even complain nor fight while he drinks from you. you're no match for him for someone who lives in the dark for a long, long time. who stole you at the dead of a night.
when your body slumps to him. you didn't even mind the weight you have. his mouth reluctantly pulled away in your skin — wiping the corners of his mouth from the blood pooling in them. licking his fingers clean — not wanting to waste a precious drop of your blood.
he's satisfied for the night — not wanting your body to give up when the night is still young. he still need you to satisfy the desire — a hunger for something.
the moonlight passing through the large windows of his manor. candlelight softly glowing in the darkness of the room. his pale-white skin glistens like the first fall of snow in the ground. the greys and the turquoise of his eyes looking back at your own. it's unlike for someone like him to have this mismatched eyes for a creature of the night.
it holds no emotion. devoid of warmth and life in them. his knuckles grazed in your cheek. your body pressed in the wall while his fingers worked on the way to the strapped of your dress. showing the generous flesh of your body. he needs to see more. cold fingertips dancing at the top of your flesh. bite marks littering on them. they are yet to heal, some of them freshly bitten. his gaze falling into them. he marked you. a claim for you to stay with him — for eternity.
your dress falls down to your feet. there's a cloud of predatory gaze on those orbs of him. he drinks in the sight of your supple body in front of him. bare with the flaws a human can have. the scars, the marks, the lightning strikes in your stomach and into your arms. the thickness of your skin. a delightful texture to sink his teeth in.
he falls to his knees also — beneath you was him. leveled with your thighs and his palms splayed in your wideness of your thighs. his cold breath tickling your skin sending tremors to your very soul. you leaned your back in to the wall. supporting yourself while his hands pry your thighs apart to place his face between them.
placing one of your thighs to his shoulder and his lips brushes through the skin of your thighs. pressing a kiss to them and it made your thighs quiver. you almost fall but his arms is quick to support you. his fangs nudges to your skin before taking a bite. puncturing your skin and with that. blood rolling to your skin and just like what he did to your for many times — he takes a lick, then suck until his tongue swirls.
“shou—” you head falls back. looking at the ceiling above. pain and pleasure is mixing with the other emotions you are feeling. blinking back the tears pooling in your eyes.
he nibbles in your skin, traveling upwards until his mouth is faced to your weeping pussy. your puffy folds covered in slick and without warning he take a deep between them.
he breathes in and out before taking a long lick to your perineum and to your clit. his lips wrapping into your swollen pearl and giving it a harsh suck. his hands holding the plushness of your waist while he takes long licks to your cunt.
his face smothered while he feasts to your fat pussy. his nose nudging your clit while his tongue wriggles in your hole. your fingers grasping to his red and white locks — pulling them that your didn't care that you're pulling a few strands of his hair. your hips rolling matching the rhythm of his tongue sliding in and out of your hole.
his cheek smothered with your blood while it trickles from your thighs where it had bitten. the smell of your sweet cunt and your blood adding to the haziness of his mind. desperate for more. addicted for the saccharine taste that only you could provide for him. more, more, more.
groaning at your taste, the sensation of your warm walls against his cold touch. it heightens his senses as he worships you like a deity that will provide him food for a long time.
he didn't regret taking you. away from the sunlight where you bask in. you belong here — with him in the darkness. he's a prince — who'd be so lonely that he doesn't know that if there is salvation for someone like him and then you came. his princess waiting to be saved by him. away from the prying eyes and the destruction that humans bestow to others.
the swish and flick of tongue getting rougher and so is the knot waiting to be unfolded in the pit of your stomach. your breathing getting ragged and you looked below him. his eyes finding yours and he's beautiful.
your slick mixing with your blood is a forbidden concoction one should never have — except for him. it's meant for him and only him. waited for you so long that he won't let a human nor creatures like him touch you. you are only for him to feast and to worship. let there be blood if that's the only way he can keep you away from them.
he can hear your heart beating a mile and he knows you were close. he focuses his tongue in licking and swirling your cunt. his fangs grazing to your clit and with a last harsh suck. your juices came bursting and he drinks it with such want that he didn't give you a moment to adjust to your orgasm. greedily lapping at it like it's the only source of water in a dessert.
your body trembling, hips involuntarily arching as you've reached your high. he takes it all. he lazily laps through it and pressing a kiss to your mound before taking a lick to your thighs.
your back slides down and then you fall to the the floor. he may have tire you out for tonight but he ain't stopping. he picks you up as he carries you to your shared bedroom. the night is young and he is still beginning.
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aetherdecember · 8 months
Look, I love BBC Merlin and how they told the lore, but I’m a sucker for the relationship between Arthur and Mordred in the mythology. Specifically, I love how Mary Stewart (author of The Arthurian Saga**) and Nancy Springer (author of I Am Mordred**) wrote about the father/son relationship between them. So naturally, my brain has been conjuring up how I can include that in my Flipping the Coin au.
Since the main premise is Merlin died/Arthur lives, and now Arthur is the one waiting for Merlin to come back, things would stay consistent with canon up to the last episode (when Merlin flips the coin of their destiny and sacrifices himself so Arthur can live and thus stop Camlann from happening altogether). Which is where this idea will start:
Gwen is barren. She and Arthur never have kids. Eventually, everyone Arthur knows and loves dies. He can’t rule Camelot forever, and after Gwen’s death, he no longer wants to, so he fakes his death and wanders off figure out why he’s still here. He never gets an answer for that. Arthur spends the next millennium waiting. He keeps living. He meets people, experiences things he’d never experienced before, and learns things he’d never dreamed of learning. He can’t stay anywhere long, or else suspicions will rise, but he gets to see the world change, how technology advances, and witness humans continuing to be humans. When war breaks out, he joins the battle. It’s familiar. The rush of adrenaline is the same whether he’s wielding a sword or a gun. Only, he can’t see the enemy’s face anymore.
Peace comes again. At some point, he sleeps with a woman, and she happens to become pregnant. Bisexual disaster that he is, he’s had all sorts of partners from both sexes, but has never had this happen, even before the advent of reliable birth control. Later, he’ll learn her name is Morgause. She doesn’t look like the Morgause he knew before, nor does she act like her, but her name haunts him. After the baby is born, she gives him to Arthur, says she has no intentions of being a mother, and leaves. The last thing she had said to him was the baby’s name.
That night, Arthur holds Mordred and weeps.
There is irony in his son being named Mordred. First, in that the legends surrounding him, Merlin, Camelot, the Knights of the Round Table, and all of it, had long ago decided Mordred was his son. And two, in a retelling of that legend, it had aptly phrased what he sensed was happening now. Granted, he isn’t a sorcerer, he doesn’t have magic, so he can’t support his feeling with anything other than he’d been around a long time and knew to his very core that it was true. Mordred’s birth is a signal of the beginning of the end.
Fatherhood brings him a new sense of purpose. Gone are the days of loneliness and drudgery. Every day with Mordred brings a new light into his life. Each smile is a miracle. Seeing Mordred experience things for the first time brings a new appreciation. Being there to watch him grow makes time fly like it never has before. But Arthur is afraid. He doesn’t want to be his father. He doesn’t know how to be a father, or what the right way to do it is. In all the years he’s been on the Earth, he’s never known a man who could concretely say, “This is the way to raise a son,” and actually reap the fruits of their efforts. Too frequently, he’d seen sons grow outside of the visions their fathers molded for them and receive only disappointment and disdain in return. So he was afraid, because he too had been that son.
*cue a series of fluffy father/son one shots of Arthur raising Mordred until Merlin comes back, takes one look, and is is like WTF????? No, I won’t have Mordred for a step son >:(*
**Mary Stewart and Nancy Springer have several other works, not just the stories I mentioned. The ones mentioned are the ones I’m pulling inspiration from ^^
Additional notes below the break:
Guinevere’s barrenness is not a headcanon I typically subscribe to for BBC Merlin. My headcanon is that after Arthur’s death, Gwen gives birth, and their child eventually succeeds her as ruler.
I’ve always seen Mordred’s appearance as the harbinger of Arthur’s downfall. Thus, the reason for the plot bunnies in my brain going crazy with this idea of how I could bring him in, still remain mostly canon compliant with BBC Merlin, and build off some of my favorite parts of the lore. (Mandatory disclaimer: for BBC Merlin, I don’t headcanon Mordred as Arthur’s son. But for the mythology, I do wholeheartedly support that canon.)
Arthur’s choice to participate and live once Camelot is gone is a decision to contrast my headcanon of how Merlin handled it. I don’t think Merlin thrived. I think he stayed busy, and tried to remain hopeful, but I think he was anxiously consumed with the anticipation of wondering when Arthur would come back. In this au, Arthur may or may not know that Merlin is supposed to come back (I’m still working on that detail), but he’s always been around others. I think he would seek camaraderie, and companionship, and that he would connect with others but only to a superficial level. I don’t think he’d exist in a void of loneliness. Plus, he doesn’t have the guilt of knowing he failed because the pressure from the prophecy is very one sided *coughcough*causemerlinnevertoldhim*coughcough*
Anyways, that’s enough rambling from me about this. I’ll probably share some snippets of writing next because there are some fantastic scenes coming together in the draft so stay tuned! ;D
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slime-sandwhich-nom · 15 days
Don’t suppose you have any headcanons for Cosmo’s parents are their dynamics? I saw your post earlier and felt kinda bad for Mama Cosma (until she got toxic with Cosmo lol)
Also, I don’t mean to make u uncomfortable but I keep thinking about Cosmo blowing up half of Fairy World when he was born so I imagine how rough the pregnancy was.
let's see ...
To be honest, in my head Cosmo parents were like those super sappy couples, kind of like Cosmo and Wanda are right now. Or like parents in a sitcom during the 90s.
Then schnozmo came in, and everything was still super great. No toxicity nor abuse, nothing.
Just a family of three in fairy world ( + personally I don't think any of them had any thoughts on godparenting.)
Then Cosmo came in.
I haven't really thought of it but it's kind of like this
happy family + new member of the family + somehow inherited powerful powers from jorgen side of the family and this is where shit goes downhill.
it's a whole series of events where they wanted to take Cosmo away because he was too dangerous (and strong), then the abolition of new babies, then assuming papa cosmo died (in my head it was because of a failing organ after getting turned into a fly, the same cosmo had a surgery on in the og series or something like that) then schnozmo went off and it was just mama Cosma all alone with this power baby she ended up attached on in a very unhealthy way.
it's like if the entire family slowly, very slowly crumbled and she held onto the first and only thing that was left of it, becoming clingy, toxic and neglective of cosmo actual needs.
also I do imagine her being sort of a boy mom in general.
for the pregnancy part I assume it was easier than Cosmo's only because they at least knew what to do.
Cosmo struggled so much because it's been thousand of years since the last baby, and he didn't even know what to do when he went to labor.
also by the baby flashback he seems pretty big for a normal sized fairy (taking poof as a comparison.) so..that was something !
I guess that was because of the jorgan genes.
(it can always be that poof was just odd shaped, though.)
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But back to the dynamics (and headcanons)
- papa cosmo was generally a very calm guy, he's the true malewife staying at home taking care of the kids while mama Cosma goes to work.
- always cold for some reason (thank God mama Cosma is a living furnace, much like Cosmo.)
- he always had health problems, which lead inevitably to his death. (Organ failure.)
- there's a tiny bit of size difference between him and mama Cosma, she's taller and bulkier while he is more shorter and skinny.
(if you have seen the design post, you'll get a better idea of the size difference.)
- he gets extremely flustered and very easily too with mama cosma
- he died kind of..WHILE he was a fly because he was kind of already dealing with his organ failing.
To put it short, the organ fairies have that makes them shapeshift (which I don't remember the name for the life of me) was already failing, and when he got turned into a fly he..got stuck like that. leading to him to die because of it.
This means Cosmo failing organ that he replaced with surgery is inherited!
- it's clear Cosmo took the majority of his traits from his father, and this meant mama Cosma was always more attached to Cosmo than to schnozmo (who was also pretty similar but because of his big nose it didn't do the same effect) because she just..saw her husband in Cosmo.
- papa cosmo liked to knit and cook :]
- he probably had those nerd jobs like scientist or something. I remember seeing somewhere someone saying that papa Cosmo's job had to do with researching about humans which would help for the future god parents (assuming they need to learn how a human works, talks and behaves for future disguises and to make sure your god child doesn't die immediately) and its really cool so I took it. So whoever had this idea, credit to them.
- mama Cosma job was probably pretty simple, like a maid.
- in my head, despite mama Cosma putting all of her attention on Cosmo, she was still super clingy to schnozmo too just not as much and this lead to schnozmo desperately looking for a way to get away (since we saw in the show cosmo was like trapped in his own house at that point, assuming schnozmo had the same treatment.) and that's how he ended up in the crime world.
^^^ always assuming that she was starting to get too clingy with her own kids because of papa cosmo dying
- super straight thin hair papa cosmo x super thick curly hair mama Cosma (which lead to wavy hair Cosmo and schnozmo)
- this is a general headcanon for fairies, but I enjoy a lot how in the tinkle bell movie (1953) whenever she gets mad she turns all red, so now all fairies in FOP do.
- also, another headcanon but it's more Cosmo centered.
As much as I enjoy Cosmo, the og show brutally butchered him and since I can't go against canon that he's now an idiot and has a high pitched voice, I present to you these two headcanons.
(more theories than anything but I embrace them as my headcanons.)
vvv for context they're talking about pilot Cosmo and specifically the line "I gotta get this thing (wand) fixed."
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And! The scene where Timmy eats part of Cosmo brain, which is also a reason why later on he gets slow and more incompetent.
+ after Timmy they retired and got their very earned vacation, which helped Cosmo a TON as we can see how in a new wish he's back being an actual decent person and competent again, but still has some side effects like the high pitched voice and being rather slow to get things.
Credit to the original commenter of course.
And yes, this doesn't change that he sucked in school. Cosmo was never academic smart, he was always street smart, I can see him sucking ass in school still.
Also with this hc we can have the trope that Cosmo went from awkward shy guy > smug happily married man because I love that trope.
I think that's it, from what I remember at least.
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obey-me-disaster · 1 year
hey im the gal who requested ya write the whole, mc dies and doesnt come back thing. i just read the first part and i gotta say it was really well written lol. and if you dont mind, could i ask for the side characters' reaction?
thanks :yellow_heart:
I am glad you liked the first part ^-^
Spoilers for lesson 16!!
Warnings: death and description of it, grieving.
Side characters x gn!MC(Luke is of course platonic)
MC stays dead for good
He was aware he was most likely sending MC to their death but he still held onto the hope that they will make it out alive. They have been doing so well until that point, managed to get pacts with over half of the brothers, but unfortunately, fate had other plans for them.
He will beat himself over this whole affair for a long time. Not only did the exchange program failed, but he also let down a friend and led them to their own death.
He got so carried away when MC said they want to prove that Belphegor was innocent that he forgot they were only human. They didn't have a grasp on how to use their magic and pacts.
This failure as both a ruler and a friend will always live in the back of his head. That day he failed multiple people and he was the one that had to tell them there is no saving MC in the end. The only thing worse than the memory of MC's corpse being craddled gently by Mammon were the defeated looks of all the brothers.
Belphegor should count himself lucky he is not killed on the spot. All of Diavolo's hard work went down the drain in one night. It would probably take another 2000 years before he could even attempt peace between the three world again. The only reason Belphegor is only locked up and not killed is because of the brothers. He will have to deal with political fallout that MC's death would bring, he can't deal with the chaos the brothers would rise if he were to kill Belphegor.
He knew this would happen yet he still hoped that MC would make it out alive, there are timelines where they do that after all.
In the end, he didn't get his hopes up and he was grateful for that. The sight of their corpse, the looks on the brother's faces, even the disappointed and sadness on Diavolo's face, he was able to keep his calm demeanor through all of that.
He was the one that dealt with all the details that about proceedings after MC's death. Their families would have to be informed but still hide all of the details about the exchange, Belphegor's imprisonment and standing by Diavolo's side as the consequences begind to follow.
He didn't get the opportunity to get close to MC and for that he was glad. It was easier to deal with their death and the fact that they were never coming back.
The only thing that bothered him is when he would see them happy and healthy in other timelines. That's when all the 'what if?' question would pop up in his mind. But in the end those were not his timelines. He knew better than to indulge in worlds that he did not belong to after living with his powers for so long.
He only found out days after MC's actual death but he felt something was deeply wrong even before that. Neither the brothers, nor Diavolo and Barbatos would show up to school and he couldn't reach MC.
When he heard that MC died he thought it was at the hands of a lower demon. He didn't know the whole attic ordeal so that was the only logical explanation at the moment.
When he learned the whole truth, he wasn't sure if he would have preferred to live in ignorance or not. It really shaken his perception of the brothers for a bit, after all he knew Belphie since he was an angel. To find out that the angel that loved humans so much turned into a demon that hated humanity was quite the shock to him.
He insisted to remain for MC's funeral. He wasn't there for their last moments, so he wants to be there when their soul is sent off to the Celestial Realm.
He tries hide how much MC's death hurt him from Luke. He is young and just lost someone, so Simeon tries to be there for him before the tries to work through his feelings.
He really saw MC as someone to cherish and even look up, often times referring to how they would make a better angel than him. To him they seemed so untouchable that he forgot how humans with no control of their magic could be.
All the progress he made about seeing demons in a better light is gone. He even sees them as bigger monsters than before.
Poor kid really looked up to MC as an older sibling figure so to hear that they have died broke him. Since he wasn't alive through the wars, MC's death was probably the first violent death he had ever have to deal with. Maybe MC the first person in his life to even die.
He is aware that Simeon is pushing his feelings aside for him and he hates but doesn't know how to deal with these knew feelings so he just accepts his help.
Will probably bake MC's favorite deserts in their memory...poor kid isn't really sure on how to deal when loved ones die, especially when they are murdered.
If MC died at the begging of the exchange program he wouldn't have been surprised, it's Devildom after all. But not only did they not die, they made 5 pacts with the lords of Hell and managed to sneak their way into his life.
He wasn't expecting that he would get so attached to his fellow human exchange but they did. So when things started to change about the brothers he started to expect the worst.
He knew there would come a day when MC would leave him for good and die, all the people in his life did that but he didn't expect for that time to come so soon. Especially in such a cruel manner.
MC was the one that made him see demons as friends, and while not all the progress is gone he will still need to take some time for himself.
He has done it 1000 times over the course of his life span, he dealt with the death of his loved ones more than he would like yet, it's still never easy to get used to their presence being gone. Especially when it's so out of nowhere.
For quite a while he doesn't even dare to try and make a pact with Lucifer. Is it due to MC's memory, knowing that he won't get a pact in those circumstances? He isn't really sure, he just knows he wants to throw himself into his research to distract himself from the wound MC's death left in his heart.
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thelunarfairy · 11 months
The green eyes of perdition
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It seems like we haven't talked about this little princess, right?
Sweet and kind, but secretive and apathetic Sakura.
Let's not be so mean to her, let's be fair. Her face always seems to be sunk in sorrow and sadness over something she has no control over.
Sakura is the human who has a bond with a supernatural, in this case Tsukasa, ok, we know that. She is his assistant, which means there is a contract between them. Sakura is not dead since Hanako said that "the traitor" is a human linked to a supernatural and that he is spreading rumors.
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Another indication that she is not dead is that students can see and interact with her. But then you ask, if she's not dead, how does she have a bond with Tsukasa if he only grants wishes to the dead?
There are some possibilities, let's list them
She died and came back to life
She has special blood just like minamotos
She is a type of deity
She works directly for a greater deity
In the first possibility, she may have died in the red house or school and asked Tsukasa if she could come back to life in addition to another complementary request to this one, which would make her have a very long bond with him. So we have our first counterargument, if that were the case, she couldn't have been alive for so long. Even if she suddenly came back to life, would she live more than 100 years?
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The second possibility would be a plausible explanation, but we have another counterargument, if that were the case she wouldn't be able to make a wish to Tsukasa, since he only grants wishes to dead people.
Being a deity still has a foundation. We don't know what her abilities are and if she has them, but would a deity be considered a dead person? And if she really was some kind of God, why would she need to bond with Tsukasa to fulfill her own desire? He is clearly superior to her and she is uncomfortable with having to live with him and obey him. He is her "master" as she said. But there is an interesting fact about it, Sumire asks Hakubo if he was working for her.
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We don't know if this is true, he neither denied nor confirmed it. She asks if Sakura put him to be one of the seven mysteries, that's very curious. But we can't completely trust what Sumire said because she was imagining that was the case, that is, it was her deduction that Hakubo worked for Sakura. Maybe she thought of this because of the way Sakura spoke to her, we don't know, Sumire is naive, she didn't know much about the world, since she spent a good part of her life and post-death (?) in that village.
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Anyway, she relayed what Sakura said to Hakubo, reminding him of his duty. And he says this
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It seems like he recognizes who Sumire is talking about?
If Sakura had the power to appoint or remove the mysteries from their positions, then why would she be going to all this trouble to remove the yorishiro?
The last possibility, she works for a greater divinity. It's an interesting argument, let's assume she made more than one request to Tsukasa and in addition to the bond she had to do some things he wanted. Or, Sakura made a request that only a God could grant, and in order for her to have that wish fulfilled she would have to obey that God in some way.
So let's suppose, Sakura died and asked Tsukasa to come back to life, ok, then she made a complex request (that everything cease to exist, something she left between the lines) so Tsukasa asked God to fulfill it and in exchange for that she would have to help Tsukasa remove all the seals from the yorishiros, as she is actually doing. Then, when she did as he asked, her wish would finally be fulfilled. That makes sense, doesn't it?
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She would be working for a deity, a deity that would be linked to Tsukasa, the boy with whom she has a bond and whose wish can only be fulfilled after God's wish ends. Makes sense, doesn't it? But what about Natsuhiko, where does he fit in here? A human but immortal guy who is there to "take care" of Tsukasa. That was the only reason that was explained as to why he is among them.
He himself says he is responsible for taking care of Tsukasa and the boy never went against him even when Natsuhiko interrupts him (we know that Tsukasa doesn't like being interrupted and he gets aggressive) this never happened, even when Natsuhiko tried to stop Tsukasa from playing Katanuki , something that Amane makes clear that makes Tsukasa angry.
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Don't you think it would be funny if Natsuhiko was that God? hahaha it would be a really big plot, but I don't know if I believe in that hypothesis because he's a human, but it would be funny. Natsuhiko is strangely similar to the Kannagi who was trapped in the red house, maybe they have some family connection? And if they did, how would that change Natsuhiko's life? That Kanagi didn't appear for nothing, he must have some greater importance in the future (perhaps). I still don't have much to say about this flirt, we have almost no clues about him.
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So to finish, we have one last hypothesis, Sakura being the former or the next number 7. I saw some people talking about this because of her name, but that doesn't seem to make much sense. It doesn't seem like Sakura wants to be tied to a bathroom fulfilling other people's wishes, she doesn't care about anyone, and she wants all the mystery seats to disappear. So how does this hypothesis fit in?
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She and Tsukasa want all mysteries to cease to exist. Tsukasa wants humans, both living and supernatural, to be able to do whatever they want, and Sakura wants everything to cease to exist, and she went after this desire even though she had to put up with Tsukasa and wait for so long, in addition to remorselessly using other people to do so. .
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Despite this, Sakura doesn't really seem satisfied, even though she is so close to getting her wish. As always, JSHK being contradictory.
Does it seem to you that she is happy?
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He says "you don't know that for sure" and she reacts that way. We can even see the little stars next to her, showing that she was happy to hear this. Was she happy when he said she's not sure it will all disappear?
But, as I don't like to rule out possibilities, let's imagine that she also reacted that way because even if everything ends he wants to go out with her.
This story always comes down to a "wish" what is Sakura's real wish?
There are still other hypotheses and possibilities that I want to develop about this trio, perhaps in the next opportunity, for now I am satisfied with what we have.
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r3g-p14y3r · 18 days
HeheheHEHEHEHEHEHE seven-hundred and twenty-six words worth of angst.
CW: death
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Still Here.
Why are human lives so short?
Pen brushes their digits over the damp soil that lays in front of their seated form.
Here. Here is where you lie. The headstone may have been corroded to the point of illegibility with the passage of time, but they still remember where you were buried.
“Hey comet,” Pen softly addresses the worn stone. “Hope you’re doing well here. I…I know it’s been a while since I last visited, I’m sorry. Even after so many decades, it’s hard to bring myself here and remind myself that you’re gone. Me and my brothers still miss you.”
Gone. Is that what you are? Away from this world, away from where they and their siblings can reach you? Where they can hold you once more in their arms when their spark finally dies out? When that happens, can they?
Could they?
It still hurts so much, your passing. It really doesn’t feel all that long ago when you stargazed with them and took care of the children, despite the number of human generations that’ve gone by.
Around the gravesite, flowers of many colours bloom and brighten the atmosphere, at least by a little. Just like you, these plants don’t last long. It’s a reminder of sorts, he supposes, and also a source of comfort. The petals are as bright as you were in his life and his brothers; it makes the place feel like it still has you around.
“Lunar, while still refusing to visit you, is doing better. He’s started patrolling again…though he says they’re much more lonely now without you to accompany him. Helio continues to watch the stars and imagine you’re there among them. I do so too.” Penumbra pauses for a while and takes that brief silence to rove his optics over the garden that lays before him. He did consider planting a willow tree, what with the longer lifespan, symbolism and all, but chose flowers instead. They seemed more in line with what he had in mind: respect for you and your humanity.
“It’s a nice thought,” he adds gingerly.
It’s nowhere near dark enough to spot those shining lights, but he turns his helm towards the sky anyways. They can still recall what it felt like with you in their palm, so small, so fragile as they listened to you talk of the little starlings with pride and joy in your voice. And when you’d lean against their thumb as you slowly drifted into dreamland under that speckled sky, that’s when their spark would warm the most. Moments like that remind him of how much you trust h— trusted him.
Said starlings have long since passed as well. He watched them grow, learn, struggle, thrive—
—and die.
“Perhaps when my spark extinguishes, I can join you among those stars. It’d be lovely to see them up close with you. Helio and Lunar would love to as well, I believe. We could all explore your Milky Way together, along with our little ones.”
Pen falls silent. He’s heard of the belief of souls in human culture. Of reincarnation, of sticking around the living plane and watching over loved ones.
Maybe you are watching over them right now? The notion causes a fire to burn in the back of his eyes. “Oh, comet…” their voice breaks at last.
It feels like his spark chamber is being teared open from the inside out. It hurts. He can’t bear to look at that veil above Earth anymore and buries his face into his hands. They try not to cry, they really do, but his efforts aren’t enough.
They sob out your name in a way that calls for one more hug, one more kiss, one more night of spending time under the stars with you. Just one more time.
They’re still here, and you are not. You aren’t here to wipe away their tears and comfort them. You aren’t here to hold their pinky with those tiny hands in a heartwarming display and assure them that you’re alright and at peace.
You aren’t here, nor are the children.
Penumbra curls in on himself further and continues to cry out your name in heartbroken pleas that’ve long grown quiet with strain. They don’t know what to do other than let out all the pain in this vibrant, lonely garden.
They hope you aren’t suffering, watching them bawl like this over your grave in agony.
They hope you aren’t crying too.
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yuliasolsystem · 1 year
Behold my craziest theory about the Plants in manga.
Everything below is not my take on the actual canon, but rather just a fun theory I came up with based on some plot holes.
Okay, so listen: people in Trigan didn't just become incapable of obtaining food and energy naturally, without the Plants. They're probably genetically altered in such a way that they are unable to use food and energy that doesn't come from the Plants.
That's why they don't use solar panels on the No Man Land, even though it would seem like an obvious solution. And that's why the townsfolk in Chapter 47 all died out in a few days.
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Soldiers speculated that it could have been up to two months after the city was cut off from the world.
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But in such a period of time, the Ark would have time to fly over the horizon and it was seen on the fifth day of the soldiers' stay in this area. And the day before, that is on the fourth day, there were still people alive in the town and they still had the strength to make riots.
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But on the 7th day, when soldiers reached the town, there was no one alive (except for one man).
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"Exposure" in the original was "burns" ( implying sunburns). That is, people not only managed to die of hunger and thirst before the Ark had time to disappear beyond the horizon, but sunburns also were mentioned among the causes of death. So, the Plants not only provided food and water, but also somehow protected against solar radiation, which is probably why there are so few suntanned people on the NML.
This means that the bodies of the humans in Trigan are completely changed and die in a matter of days without a Plant presence anywhere near them and without consuming food containing Plant biomass (since even the cannibals in that town didn't survive). They are literally completely dependent on the Plants, just as the Plants are dependent on the life support terminals they are connected to.
And we also have mutated humans and humans with Plant-like abilities, like Elendira, who can create matter from nothing (her nails literally appear in her suitcase out of nowhere, they are neither stored in it nor teleported from somewhere else by some device)
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and Legato, who can manipulate electricity and take control of other people's bodies, which is reminiscent of Knives' ability to control the merged being. When Knives "connected" to Domina with a thin feeler, it looked very similar to Legato's technique.
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(It's not impossible, however, that Knives intentionally copied Legato's trick. )
What's my point? You know, there's this trope in horror stories: an alien ship/meteorite falls from the sky and infects the land and living things all around so that people, who lived there, become unable to live outside the ship/meteorite radiation zone or eat normal food. And they, these people, gradually turning into aliens or mutants. So, what if the same thing happens in Trigan, it's just that in this universe humans, unlike in all these movies and stories, didn't avoid the " impact zone", but rather took the alien DNA and spread it all over the Earth. So Trigun humans are no longer 100% humans, but part of the Plants' biosystem, which is why dependent Plants forgave them so easily and don't really mind to be "used".
This could also be related to the presence of ghosts, which can be both human's (like Conrad and Wolfwood) and independent's (like Tessla). The existence of ghosts is not revealed to public, most likely so that people won't find out that after death they will spend eternity in a gloomy black void.
What are independent plants for then? Most likely they are some sort of walking weapons. From the conversations of the Earthlings we can conclude that Knives is not the only aggressive independent (he was just the strongest of the known ones) and that independents on Earth have their abilities blocked for humans' safety ( so most likely all independents have weapons built into their bodies).
What's the need for weapons against humans if the dependent plants don't mind their position and "humans" are in some sense part of them? Maybe to regulate their numbers, or to stimulate their reproduction and further mutation, maybe the Plants need not humans but their souls (ghosts), or maybe independents are something like immune cells that get rid of improperly developing body cells.
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corvidcrybaby · 8 months
Say, after reading your last commentary on Integra, now I need your POV on something I've been wondering.
What do you think will happen to Hellsing once Integra dies? To Alucard and Seras? Integra has expressed no interest in having children, and since she wants to avoid becoming a vampire, we know she won't be alive forever. Does she have a plan for that?
Hi! Omg so sorry to take so long to get to answering this, life has been insane on my end.
To answer your question, I'd wager there's a plan in place. Whether it pans out according to Integra's expectations or not is what remains to be seen. Integra mentions that the Organization will be passed over to the general military once she passes, and the Crown will thus assume direct control of the agency and its vampires. I'm willing to bet good money that the sigils that bind Alucard and Seras could potentially be transferred. If they are, then they'll keep up their job as the UK's resident vampire pest control until something extreme happens to break that bond of servitude. The nature of these sigils is unfortunately never explored fully, nor how they work, which leaves us with naught but speculation. However, this is my educated guess at how they probably work.
On the other hand, let's entertain the more interesting prospect of if those sigils are less malleable than we think, and it becomes impossible to bend Alucard and Seras to the will of someone else. From there? If the British military effectively has to try to keep these two under control through... What, good will? Threat of force? Both ideas are ultimately laughable. If that is the case, then I think Alucard is going to assess the inheritor's character and convictions. If he finds Integra's replacement to be unworthy, and there are no magic spells forcing him to play nice, then I think he probably peaces out to take a nice long nap. I think he probably goes into hibernation after Integra's passing - which, mind you, I think he'll be destitute following. It would be hard to read from him, but he holds Integra in high esteem, and went out of his way to return to her after Schroödinger-gate. That shows a high degree of loyalty, and I think Alucard would be laying low for a minute. After he wakes up, however, is when I suspect he might piss off into the unknown, wandering around the world - perhaps in search of interesting people to meddle with the lives of, secretly hoping he'll find the next Anderson, the next Integra, et cetera. I suspect he'll probably go right back to eating people, though. I'd put money on him perhaps being a bit more Punisher-esque on the humans he kills for food than before, since he has hinted at the idea of humans rubbing off on him in the series before. So less the kind of guy who devours the most innocent and defenseless people imaginable, and more likely he interferes with mortal affairs that he can justify to himself are morally bankrupt so he has a steady supply of enemies to destroy and humans to feed on. I don't see him turning all of England into a necrotizing wasteland with him at the head. I think that would beneath his interest by now. I think harassing and stalking people he deems unique or entertaining would occupy much of his time post-hibernation.
Seras, however, is interesting. I suspect Seras would stick around at Hellsing of her own volition, and would continue aiding Britain in its cause to protect people and slay undead monsters. That's what she became the person she is while doing, and I think with or without Alucard, she'll keep on generally being a goody two-shoes. But I think even she would grow weary of it eventually. With Integra gone, I think it becomes less and less like the home Seras "grew up" in - and if the new commanders are inept, then I think eventually Seras would reach a breaking point where she too, might go rogue. She might tag along with Alucard for a while, and I'd wager they keep regular contact and check in with one another on a semi-frequent basis (which, for vampires, might mean catching up once a decade or some shit). Seras is her own independent person, especially after accepting her vampirism and drinking blood to become autonomous as Alucard always urged her to be. But just as that's true, I feel their relationship was always one of Seras, despite everything, wanting to remain by Alucard's side. Their relationship would no doubt shift, and I suspect they might grow more reserved with one another, but I think they might find a new kind of emotional intimacy with one another - not romantic (I like Aluseras from time to time but this is my baseline read), to be clear, but I think Seras has the vampire equivalent of her late-twenties-development after Teggy passes. And from there? Anybody's game, but I think she keeps on bumping off rogue vampires - although I think with time, it might become more territorial than altruistic in how she carries herself. Less general heroics talk and more like, a vigilante warden type of dealio. She might come to see Britain as HER TERRITORY which would spell doom for any foreign vampires thinking they can feed on "her" humans. I think time as a vampire makes everybody go a little dark, but this is still pretty tame. It's Seras, after all. She'll flay you to ribbons but only if you really, REALLY press her.
Thanks so much for the ask!!!
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