#SORRY IT’S VERY SUDDEN I’ve got this idea for a while actually
cartoon-angerr · 9 months
Apologies for my sudden disappearance again 😭 I hope everyone is doing okay!
I've got news! First of all, happy new year 2014 ,,☺️ Second of all, I am rebranding my MSM AU, Loodvigg's Day at Disneyland. I lost motivation to write it, but l've somehow grown deeply attached to it. So I turned AU Loodvigg into an OC... erm hi Viggy sorry you're a furry now
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They're going to be an important character in an OC story I'm planning to develop! I'm basically gonna implant the story I had for LDaD into this character and his own backstory. And I've got a lot planned for this fella... By the way, their name is Guillaz!
Ok so that's it that's the announcement. Uh. I won't go more into detail for now but yeah! I might post the art concepts I had for LDaD in an art dump at some point.
Okay back to my hibernation... Zzz
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kayentokk · 4 months
Hey :) How are you doing?
Okay so, i wanted to request a platonic father Aizawa in which he is out patroling and he finds his teen daughter doing something ilegal with her friends or something like that.
Please and thankss :)
A/N; I’m okay thanks for asking! Love this idea, I’ve gotten many requests somewhat related to this lately actually! I’ll be posting those throughout the week. Also sorry it’s taken me a while to get to this! 🥲 I truly believe Aizawa is a girl dad and a softie parent. 
Pairing; Platonic!Father Aizawa x Fem!Daughter Reader
Contains; a little ooc Aizawa, fluff, soft, drug mentions, reader is about 16-17 like mha characters, quirk-less reader, death mentions, bad friends, comfort
wc; 1,763
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You weren’t supposed to get caught. In fact, you didn’t even think you would. It wasn’t a big deal anyways, you only did it because you thought it’d be a way to relax with your friends. Plus, if you guys did get caught your backup plan was your father. It wasn’t like he was going to detain you…right?
You were very wrong to believe that your father wouldn’t take you into custody over a little weed with your friends. You just wanted to have fun! Besides, you didn’t want to be the ‘perfect heroes daughter’ who’s a buzzkill. Why couldn’t he understand that? 
There was just so much pressure that came with being the child to a hero. Your friends already joked about how you were too ‘good’ to do anything remotely illegal. Which is part of the reason you were in this situation in the first place. 
Of course he just happened to be patrolling around the alley you and your friends decided to get a little high in. That was just your luck, he didn’t seem mad though. So you thought he’d just tell you guys not to do it anymore, and move on. Nope. Leave it to Aizawa to want to teach you a ‘lesson’ all of a sudden. He was normally just a “don’t do it again,” kind of parent. Mostly because you had never done anything of this caliber before.
“Did you really have to bring me in?”
“I mean come on, none of the other heroes care. They’re too busy thinking about protecting the city, shouldn’t you be too? Nobody cares about a couple of kids getting a little buzzed, besides everyone does it nowadays-“
“That doesn’t make it okay y/n.”
You’ve rarely seen him like this, so tense. He didn’t look angry, but you couldn’t shake the feeling you got that he was. It was almost….scary. 
So you resigned to a simple, “Okay, I’m sorry.” Were you really sorry though? Not that much, you still didn’t see the big deal. 
He let out a low grunt, “This is serious y/n, I know you think I’m making a big deal out of nothing,” well he said it first, “but you could’ve been seriously hurt.”
“Hurt? From getting a little high?”
“Criminals lace that stuff all the time, whether it’s with poison, more drugs, or whatever else they decide-“
“Yeah sure, but we got it from a trusted source-“
“And who’s that?” He said crossing his arms. 
You decided it’d be best not to respond right now. Especially since the source wasn’t technically trusted, just another kid who got it from someone else. Who probably got it from someone else too.
Sensing your apprehension he decide to drop it, “we’ll revisit that later,” he said waving a dismissive hand. “I’ll drop you off at home, you’re grounded.” 
You internally groaned at that, grounded? That’s a new one, you were starting to really regret your decision. You should have just told your friends no, even if it meant being the ‘buzzkill.’ Then you remembered, your friends-
“What about my friends?”
“We’re working on calling their parents to come pick them up soon.”
“No!-“ you said sharply, “I-I mean, can’t you just let them off? Or something?”
“You know that’s not how this works, they are already getting off with a minor offense. The worst they’re going to get is their parents’ scolding.”
“Dad! You don’t understand-“
“I understand perfectly fine, a bunch of young kids wanted to ‘have fun’ and thought this was the best way to do it.”
Okay maybe he did understand, but not your side. He didn’t get that now you’d officially be the outcast, the top 10 ranked hero’s daughter who gets everyone in trouble. Does he get how embarrassing that is? 
“Come on, let’s get going.”
You stood from the chair leaving the comfort of being shielded, by the small desk separator, from your friends’ piercing gazes. They thought your dad would let you all off too considering the chaos the city’s currently in. 
You nervously waved and mouthed a quick ‘sorry’ to them before rushing out the door trying to follow closely behind Aizawa. 
You guys didn’t speak the whole way home, you opted for silence mostly because it wasn’t that big of a deal and he just didn’t know what to say. You had never done anything like that before, or had he just never caught you? When did that start?
He remembered when you were little and you’d give your vegetables to stray animals so you didn’t have to eat them, or when you tried to sneak out at night and he caught you. But those were all pretty minor things, and he was only always concerned with your safety.
You’d never done anything this bad, and in terms of the worst thing you could do of course this wasn’t horrible but he still didn’t get why. It couldn’t have just been for fun.
He entered the house after unlocking the door and opening it for you. Before you could make it to your room, where you’d probably go to sulk, he decided he’d ask.
“Why did you want to do that y/n?”
You stopped and turned around to face him. He was standing in front of the door, and now that you actually took in his appearance he looked tired. His dark circles more prominent, eyes a light pink most likely from his quirk, and his black pants had small patches of dust that had been hastily patted off on them. 
You replied after a moment, briefly forgetting his question, “For fu-“
“And don’t just say for fun, because I know you and there are plenty of other things you would do for fun.”
You huffed resigning to just come out with it, “it was a bet.”
“A bet?”
“My friends bet me that I wouldn’t get high with them since I’m a hero’s daughter.”
“And you decided to take them up on that?”
“Yes, I know it was stupid okay?”
“I know you know, you’re smarter than that. So why’d you say yes?”
Why’d he have to be so persistent? “Maybe because I thought I’d finally get some friends.”
“What do you mean y/n? You do have friends.”
“No, I don’t. Momo, Tsu, and Uraraka only hang out with me out of pity, since you’re their teacher, if they even have time-“
“Pity? Y/n no they don’t, there’s nothing pitiful about you at all-“
You scoffed, “don’t lie. I get you’re my dad and all but be honest with yourself, truly honest.”
“I am being honest. I’d never lie-“
Guess you’d just have to spell it out for him then. “The only daughter you had killed your wife, was born quirk-less, and there’s nothing special about her!” You were shocked at the admission of your own feelings but kept going, “I don’t have a talent, I’m not exceptionally smart, I’m not breathtakingly pretty, and I can’t even make friends!” You listed raising a finger for each reason, “Now tell me what about that is not pitiful?”
After that question there was silence, and Aizawa was just looking at you. You hadn’t even noticed you were crying until the first tear slid down your nose crease and hit the corner of your lip. Before touching could even wipe your tear or register the sound of footsteps approaching you, you were being hugged. Fully covered by his arms, your head grazing the bottom of his chin where stubble had began to grow, face buried partially into his scarf. 
You heard high pitched wailing, which you hadn’t even registered was you until his hand began to rub up and down your back with quiet ‘shh’s to try calming you.  
“Don’t cry, it’s okay. It’s not your fault, none of it okay?” He began whispering in your ear.
“Your mom and I both knew the challenges she’d have if she gave birth to you. We were well aware, and she wanted to have you. She didn’t care if she’d die in the process, you are our child.”
He continued comforting you, and when you eventually calmed down he let go and gently pulled your face out of his chest so you could look him in his tired, red eyes. “I love you so much, and I’m sorry if I don’t tell you that enough okay? It’s my fault I’m sorry. You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and you’re perfect. I mean that, I’d never lie. You don’t need a quirk, to be super smart, or have a special talent. You’re perfect to me, okay? And that’s all that matters. You’re important to me,” he said firmly. 
You sniffled, reaching a hand to wipe your nose, “okay.”
“Hey,” he said turning your face back to his, “I really mean it, I’d be no where without you. And how could you say you’re not beautiful? I know I’m not the best looking hero, but haven’t you seen the pictures of your mom? You take after her, gorgeous. Nothing I’d ever change about you, I don’t regret anything.”
“Okay,” you said slightly unused to him saying these things, “I’ve never heard you say something so corny dad,” you said chuckling trying to lighten the mood. 
At that, he gave a small grin which faded when he remembered your earlier point, “And Ochaco, Tsuyu, and Yaoyorozu do like being your friend. Not just because I’m their teacher, trust me I’m more of a supervisor if anything. I let them figure most stuff out on their own. They wanted to meet and hang out with you. I don’t think you give yourself enough credit, you make friends just fine.” 
“I know, I know, it was just heat of the moment stuff dad.”
He let out a sigh of relief, hugged you once more, and pressed a kiss to the top of your forehead.
“I still have about another hour of night patrol, but I’ll stay here if you want me to?”
“No dad, it’s fine go.”
He looked at you once more as if saying, ‘are you sure?’ 
“Yes I’m sure I’m fine, it’s only an hour anyways.”
“Okay, call me if you need anything, I’ll be back soon,” he said headed towards the door.
“Okay,” you said starting to walk to your room. 
But just before he shut the door you dashed for it and started, “Hey! does this mean-“
“No you’re still grounded,” he said. 
And with that the door shut.
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@/cafekitsune for the divider!
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stellarfoxian · 6 months
can i request v x fem human reader where it takes place during the promening episode? maybe they have a little dance together or bond during the battle with doll i guess :P
character: serial designation v (murder drones)
a/n: hey guys…!!!! it’s been a while !!!!!! sorry for disappearing for 296721 years i’ve been really busy and demotivated recently lmao- anyways, im not really big on doing requests but this is such a cute idea and it gave me a sudden hit of inspiration so !!! im gonna do it :3 ALSO idk when or how you end up joining the crew so that’s up to you tbh.
warnings: human x disassembly drone (if that needs to be a warning? idk i know some people don’t like that), probably ooc im sorryyy
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: ̗̀➛ v inviting you to prom ? oh, you got LUCKY.
: ̗̀➛ well… i guess it wasn’t really her inviting you. she explained her plan of “kill everyone, pop uzi’s little head off!” to you and was like “well. i guess you can come too or whatever.”
: ̗̀➛ and…. Depending on your personality you end up going with her to either make sure she doesn’t kill people or to help her kill people. fun !
: ̗̀➛ as for your outfit, n brought it back when he got his and v’s outfit !
: ̗̀➛ so, you go with her after she beheads n, (he’s fine. You hope.) the worker drones are SUPER curious about you. like what the hell are you doing here human. uzi already wasn’t very fond of you and you’re getting kinda nervous with all these stares.
: ̗̀➛ v notices, because of course she does.
: ̗̀➛ “just ignore them. they’re jealous of how fabulous you look.”
: ̗̀➛ she says as you step up backstage with her, waving at lizzy.
: ̗̀➛ this isn’t about her, but lizzy’s pretty chill with you.
: ̗̀➛ ANYWAYS! you probably know how this goes. v steps up to do her speech, gets crucified by doll. you try to help, but get THROWN by doll and her solver powers. Ouch. (you’re fine, trust.)
: ̗̀➛ after uzi and n pop in and n and v both get torn to pieces, you rush over to help them, picking up v’s arm- which she grabs from you.
: ̗̀➛ “MINE.”
: ̗̀➛ Okay, V.
: ̗̀➛ you’re just as mad at lizzy as she is. that traitor!
: ̗̀➛ fast forwarding to when everything is over, v wants to stay with you, so she convinces n and uzi to let her stay behind.
: ̗̀➛ though the music is kinda… janky, now that the boombox has been messed with, she holds her hand out to you.
: ̗̀➛ “wanna dance?”
: ̗̀➛ you’re kinda stunned. you didn’t know v liked to dance. or that she knew how to, actually.
: ̗̀➛ “do you… know how to dance?” you ask her in confusion.
: ̗̀➛ “…well, no. but it’s not too late to learn. just say yes before i change my mind!”
: ̗̀➛ so you take her hand. it’s a little hard to dance with a disassembly drone, considering that you’re a human, but you do your best! and it goes quite well, even though you stumble a bit.
: ̗̀➛ dancing with her is a learning experience for both of you, even if you already know how to dance. you have to learn how to dance with a drone now, so it takes some getting used to. but you manage!
: ̗̀➛ she learns pretty quickly, matching your movements almost perfectly.
: ̗̀➛ but eventually, you both tire out. so you call it a day and start to head back to the landing pod, holding her hand.
: ̗̀➛ wait.
: ̗̀➛ holding her hand?
: ̗̀➛ it took v a good while to realize she was holding your hand. and when she did, she pulled it away immediately. don’t take offense to it! she’s just embarrassed. you can tell by the blush lines on her visor…
: ̗̀➛ “i don’t want your human cooties.” she’d say, crossing her arms.
: ̗̀➛ i know what you are, v.
: ̗̀➛ you get back to the landing pod before n and uzi, and she turns to you before going to do her own thing.
: ̗̀➛ “i… i had fun. thanks.”
: ̗̀➛ and just like that, she’s off.
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lulahwrites · 1 year
Slow Down
Pairing: Remus Lupin x reader (smut)
Summary: Remus has a low body count and is set up with the reader by Sirius to fix this issue. It's pretty unrealistic but it's cute so let's not talk about it.
Warnings: Smut (that is also very sweet,) NSFT, reader being sexually experienced is a major plot point, Fem!reader, P in V sex, Unprotected sex.
Word count: 2.3k
Remus Lupin was clearly a guy with many issues. Even if you didn't know him that well, you at least knew that about him. After graduating Hogwarts, he really didn't expect being inexperienced sexually to be his biggest issue. Clearly, to Sirius, it was a way more pressing matter than the approaching full moon.
'I just think it'd do you some good.' Sirius said firmly.
'I'm fine as it is,' Remus told his friend, laughing humorously.
'Well, I have (l/n)'s number, if you're interested.' Sirius smirked cockily.
He stopped when he heard that, breath hitching at the mere thought of you. '(y/n) (l/n)?' Remus asked, trying hard not to sound too desperate. He failed miserably as Sirius' grin became wider upon hearing his voice crack.
'Yeah, you want me to call her? I'm sure she'd sort you out pretty well.' Wiggling his eyebrows causing Remus to sigh at him.
'Yeah sure,' trying to calm himself down. 'See if she's interested.' He nodded.
His smug friend now cockier than ever, 'of course, I thought you might have said that.'
The air in the room felt a bit thicker at that point, suddenly he was strangely aware of his arms, not too sure what to do with them.
‘Next Monday, 7, be ready mate. I told her your address.’ Sirius finalised it.
Monday came fast approaching, you readied yourself, packed a little overnight bag just in case. You weren’t really sure what you were expecting when Sirius called you, getting to sleep with Remus Lupin wasn’t really the first thought that popped into your head though.
You knocked on the door and waited for a sec and Remus came to the door.
‘Hi,’ he said breathlessly.
He kind of just looked at you for a minute, a look you couldn’t quite place.
‘Maybe I could come in?’ You questioned.
‘Yeah yeah, of course. Sorry.’ His cheeks got a bit red at this.
You just smiled and walked into his small house as he opened the door further.
‘You fancy a tea?’
‘Oh no, that’s alright, I should be ok.’
He stuck the kettle on for himself and turned the TV on.
‘Haven’t seen you in ages, you been ok?’ He asked.
‘Yeah, I’ve been ok I guess, looking for work. Been living with Marlene for a while. What about you?’
‘Not too bad, been shacked up here for a bit now, seeing the lads a lot.’
Small talk wasn’t usually part of your exchanges and when it was, it was never delivered with the care that Remus Lupin delivered it in. He was always quite kind, you never really spoke much but he always seemed to be a source of good book recommendations. Maybe you should have payed more attention to him.
It was the first time you really looked at him properly too, his eyes were hazel and his lips were thin but not too thin. His hair was slightly covering his eyes and his nose had a slight bump to it with scratches across it. They were never hard to miss but you always thought he suited them.
You didn’t really know how to handle the whole someone actually giving a shit about your well-being situation. Especially from someone you didn’t know so well so you decided to just kick things off. Thinking about the idea of possibly having to be the assertive one.
He was caught off guard by this. The sudden movement that caused you to be now on top of him, knees on either side of his legs. Quickly brushing your noses together, you’d pulled him into a a very deep kiss. Just wanting to be in an out, the kiss was a bit rushed.
‘Do you just want to go to your bedroom or are we staying here?’
Still in a bit of daze it took him a second to really understand what just happened. He snapped out of it and lead you upstairs holding your hand.
Still holding your hand he lead you to four-poster bed, standing to the side of it. He’d looked you in the eyes for a second then pulled a hand up to hold your face. You were just looking at him again, not entirely sure what he was thinking or what to do under his gaze.
Slowly, he leaned in, bringing the other hand to your hip and kissed you. He set a different pace, he kept it soft and slow but you were trying to up the anti and make it faster. It was just another hook up.
He wasn’t budging though, he was taking his time. His hand slowly moving to the back your head so he could get a better grasp of you, pulling gently at the roots of your hair. His other hand moving to the small of your back, pulling you in even closer.
You’d decided to push him down to the bed, breaking the kiss. At a quick, more desperate pace you kiss down his neck. He indulged you for a second but when you sat up to undo his belt, a calloused hand reached for your less stable one. Before you could get it undone he’d placed his hand very gently to stop you.
‘What is it? What’s wrong?’ You asked, confused.
‘We can slow down you know? I’m not going anywhere.’ He told you, he was also confused, he didn’t understand why everything was so quick.
‘I’ve never really done slow before,’ you looked at him, feeling a bit shy now.
‘Like I said, I’ve got all the time in the world, I can teach you.’
You just nodded at that, the words not being able to find their way out of your mouth. Legs still on either side of him he sat up. Face-to-face again, he stared into your eyes and placed his hands back to where they were before you’d push him down. At a loss as to what to do with your own limbs, you just played with the buttons on his shirt, unable to match where he was looking.
With that, he used the hand that he had in your hair to guide you head up, giving him access to your neck. He left a kiss just on the pulse point below your ear and then kissed a small path to your cleavage, guiding his hand down your arm. Pricking goose bumps as he did so.
When he’d finished kissing your chest, you looked back down at him. You’d matched his pace now, bringing your hands up to cradle his face. He smiled at this, lightly kissing you on the cheek. It was barely there. Gently this time, your noses connected and rubbed together smiling as they did so.
You brought him into a kiss. There wasn’t any grabbing, or biting, nothing rough. Just lips dancing together in a very soft manner. He pulled away, looked at you and gave your t-shirt a small tug.
‘Can I take this off for you, please?’ You smiled and nodded. You mimicked him and pulled at a button on his shirt, he hesitated for a moment but allowed it. You looked down at it as you undid each button, one at a time. You’d normally just rip a shirt like this off.
His shirt was off and you’d been presented with look of more scars on his body. For the first time, it was Remus who was the one who couldn’t meet your eye. Sensing his discomfort, you traced them with a touched that skimmed his raised skin and gave him a kiss on the shoulder.
He looked back and smiled pitifully. From there, you’d went down his shoulder and kissed up his neck to his jaw. You could hear his breath catch. You navigated back to his lips and met him in an intense kiss that still held his same slowed down manner.
Caressing up your back, he wrapped his arms around your legs and place you on the bed. Him hovering above you. You smiled into the kiss and he broke it to find his way down the path he had defined for himself just before that. Following his way down kissing every inch he could get to with in a straight line he stopped at the top of your pants. Giving each hip bone a kiss, he looked back up.
‘Can I?’
You just nodded, almost choking on your own breath. With ease he slipped them off, now standing. He grabbed your thighs and pulled you closer to him. Thumbs tracing a circular pattern on then when he placed you to his liking.
He then dropped his knees and pushed your legs up so the bent for him. From this position, he placed small kisses on one thigh, presenting you with the same circular drawings on the other one. He kissed it at a pace that could only be described as painstaking and torturous.
When he felt that thigh had enough, he switched to the other, ensuring the the tip of his nose brushed your covered clit as he switched. He heard your breathing get shallower so with a squeeze of the thigh he just payed attention to he gave the other a small bite. Not painful, just to let you know he was there. As nice as it was of him, he didn’t need to do that, you were very aware of his presence.
Working his way up, he tugged on your underwear and pulled them off. Agonisingly slow. Leaving a feather light kiss on your pulsing clit. Remus made sex into an art form. He wasn't fucking for pleasure, he was doing it for intimacy.
Still as gentle as ever, small licks were felt on the swollen bud between your legs, teasing once again. You couldn't take it. Needing more pressure, more of his touch. You wrapped your legs around him to pull him in closer. You weren't met with what you needed, instead a hum.
He was laughing at you. He got you all worked up, decided he wouldn't give you what you wanted and then laughed about it. There wasn't anything you could do really. His amused hum only elicited a pathetic whimper. You'd say it was cruel but if anything it was adding to the pleasure of having him between your legs. You'd keep him there all day if you could.
Your desperation hung around the room, it clung to the walls. Sensing this, Remus decided to indulge you further. He was almost insatiable. Head between your legs, you couldn't even tell what he was doing. Your head felt like it was buzzing.
This all came to a crashing halt as he moved away and looked up at you very proud of himself. You just looked at him. Still in a pleasured daze. You couldn't even ask why he stopped.
'You ok, love?'
'Mhm.' It was quite pitiful, not being able to even round up the syllables to answer his question properly.
He stood back up, his cock hard and covered by his jeans. You sat up and reached for them, wanting to repay the favour. He stopped you and shook his head.
'I don't think I could take that right now,' his cheeks warming as he spoke.
He pulled you in for another kiss, laying you on the bed. Hovering over you again. You'd spend the next 10 minutes kissing, hands whispering over each other's skin. Sometimes, stopping and giggling where things were awkward or one of you wasn't sure what to do. Laughing especially hard together when Remus tripped over his pant leg when taking his jeans off. He was fervent in the way he kissed you but delicate in the way he touched you.
'You think you're ready to start?' Both of you very bashful after you asked this. He nodded, pulled off his boxers then you pulled back the covers and laid next to each other.
You both leaned on your sides to kiss before the deed was done. He rolled over to be on top a final time. He finally gave you a kiss on the forehead as entered slowly, looking into your eyes.
'Tell me if you want me to stop.' He whispered.
'I'm sure I won't need to but thank you,' eyes lulling shut as you felt him get deeper. His head then resting where your neck and shoulder meets. Low and heavy breaths being pulled out of him. Your body arching as his thrust got deeper and harder.
He was restless, his hands grabbing at anything he could, there was not a part of you that didn't get to know Remus Lupin that night. It was almost too much for you especially when his hand worked down your body to have a firm grasp of your thigh.
The night was hot and the kisses you shared as he pulled you closer were sickly sweet. He was desperate to keep this going for as long as possible, worshipping you in bed as long as he could. As if it was the only way he could have you. As if you weren't at his beck and call after a night like this.
His thrusts became slower but more urgent as he was growing closer. Your sobs from the overwhelming sensation in your stomach being met with groans of of delight. As you came he softly brushed your hair and slowed his thrusts to accommodate for your over stimulated state.
His thrusts stalled and then stopped completely. Resting for a second, breaths heavy and foreheads pushed together. He got out of bed, helped clean you up with a towel and then presented you with some underwear and a t shirt.
You turned to the side and he crawled in next to you, pulling you close to him and gave you a kiss on the shoulder.
'I hope it was ok, I don't do this very often,' he told you nervously.
'You couldn't tell.'
'I'm not joking.'
'Neither am I.'
He smiled at this, holding you close. Both of you silent and content.
'Oh shit, my tea!'
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chishiyaisasnack · 1 year
So I got this idea from an ask I saw somewhere and now I’ve written this. I might have plans for a part two, we’ll see. I’m writing and posting on mobile so I’m sorry if there’s wierd formatting.
Disclaimer! This is very nsfw. Contains smut and smut only. Don’t read if you are underaged. Also, this is not real life. Use a condom and protect yourself.
Part 2
”Have you heard of cockwarming?”
Your sudden question made Chishiya choke on an inhale as he opened the door to his room for you.
”You can’t just knock on my door and say..” He cleared his throat with a cough that might have been a bit more dramatic than he intended to ”… that.”
”Well, have you?”
”Good, because I have a new dare.” You stepped through the door frame and grabbed him by the wrist to pull him along with you.
It had been quite a while since the two of you started to be in this wierd, competetive friends with benefits relationship, except no friends and only benefits. It all started out of hornyness and boredom and Chishiya took on the challenges just to spite you, even though he was just as bad at winning as you were. After a month of these games the awkwardness of figuring out the situation had stopped and now you could look up the other person purely out of lust. It didn’t really have to be a challenge behind it anymore, every reason to fuck was a good one. But you both loved a challenge so when one of you came up with one a no wasn’t on the table. Unless a yes meant that you’d lose.
You dragged him to the couch that sat in one corner of the small hotel room containing a bed, a couch and a shower that was now considered his. It was always neat and tidy. It barely looked like anyone lived there. The only sign of life was an occasional pair of shoes by the door. Once you reached the couch you pushed him down so that he was now sitting while you stayed standing in front of him, enjoying the opportunity to look down on him for once. His blonde hair framed his face which was glowing in the light coming from the window that covered most of the wall, and plastered with that infuriating ’I’ve already won this’-smirk that was all over it. As usual.
”And the dare is?” He cocked an eyebrow and waited for you to reveal this new grand scheme of yours. It was faily simple actually. You were quite proud of this idea.
You made your way on top of him, one leg on either side of his lap. His hands landed on your ass and he moved you so that you were sitting right on top of his crotch, right where he wanted you. This time it was your turn to give him a smirk when you leaned in over him, making sure that your chest, only covered by your bikini top, pressed firmly against his and your mouth barely grazing the side of his face.
”Your cock deep inside me. The first one to move lose.” It came out as only a whisper against his ear but it was enough to make his fingers dig into your thighs. You had him hooked. Just as you expected. This was the perfect challenge for him, the king of self control. Which meant that it was the perfect challenge for you to win so you could rub it in his stupid face whenever he deserved it in the future.
”You know that there’s no chance of you winning this, right?” Chishiya sounded like he had won already and you couldn’t wait to make him suffer.
”Oh, you might be suprised.”
”Any time limit?”
”My visa ends in three days so we’ve got time.”
”I guess we better get started then.”
You smiled against his ear and leaned back just enough to look down at his throat and shoulders. Maybe to sneak a glance at his face when he was busy looking elsewhere. Maybe.
He went straight to work, just like he said. His hand left your thigh and found it’s way to let a finger slide along the seams of your bikini before pulling them to the side. The cool air made you shiver and it didn’t go unnoticed.
”So eager already?” He whispered with that stupid grin of his that you wanted to smack right off his face. Or kiss away, you weren’t so sure these days. ”Do you still think you can win this or have you come back to reality yet?”
You felt him move under you while pulling his shorts down. He didn’t miss the opportunity to press his leg up into your center to earn a displeased grunt that was actually just covering up the moan that you forced quiet.
With some small manouvering it didn’t take long before he was buried inside you. He fit perfectly, warm and hard against your walls. You sighed, leaned back in against him and placed your head on his shoulder, letting his hair fall over your face.
”And now what?” He was impatient. You could hear it on his voice even though he was trying to hide it.
”Now we wait for you to lose.”
”You have high hopes for yourself y/n.”
”And you think that you have a magic dick if you think that just having it inside me is going to drive me crazy.”
”I can feel you twitching already.” He pointed it out by dragging a finger down your inner thigh. You retaliated by clenching around him, making him the one to twitch.
”Maybe my body is just trying to evict you.”
”Evict me?”
”You know what I mean.” You rolled your eyes even though he couldn’t see it. He knew you well enough by now to know that you did though, so you earned a small laugh as a response.
”Mhmm. Sure. You’re a lousy landlord.” He placed a soft kiss on your shoulder.
”Maybe you’re just a lousy tenant.”
Even though the stupidity of the situation you felt very at ease. Sitting on Chishiyas lap with your face buried in his hair and your hands resting on his shoulders was very comforting. He was holding you, rubbing your back and moving his lips wherever he could reach. It was almost sweet, if you didn’t know better. There was only one problem - him being inside you and none of you moving. Every breath he took made his lower stomach move ever so slightly against your clit and your thoughts were split between thinking about every unsexy thing you could come up with and pressing down harder on him to get some relief. You could feel his heart beat faster by the minute. The only indication that this was affecting him too.
”Hey, I have a question.” You whispered while you took a strand of his hair between your fingers and started to twirl it around.
”Do you want to give up?”
”No, and that is not a question.”
”Fair enough.”
”What does it feel like being inside someone, being inside me?”
You were genuine with your question, not trying to tease him. You were curious what it would feel like for someone with a dick and for some reason this felt like the right time to ask. An intimate question for an intimate moment. He wasn’t expecting that so it took a moment for him to figure out what to answer instead of just being sarcastic.
”Hmm… It’s warm. Soft. Wet.” He murmured as he moved his lips over your shoulder, barely touching you. ”It’s like you’re shaped after me. Hugging me like you don’t want to let me go.” He was kind of right, you didn’t want him to go.
”And when you are moving?” You punctuated your question by moving one of your fingers back and forth on his chest.
”All that. But every time I push into you I get to feel it all over again. It feels incredible. And the better you feel the tighter you clench around me. Sometimes it feels like you’re going to snap my dick in half.” You felt him twitch inside you again, which drew out a long sigh from you. You knew very well how good it felt at those moments. ”But then, right when you come, it turns into this soft pulsing around me. You get so wet. It feels incredible.”
”It sounds nice.”
”It is.”
”Much nicer than just having a dick inside you.”
”You know how to ruin a moment, don’t you?”
You smiled into the crook of his neck before placing a small kiss there.
”You feel good too. You’re warm. Somehow soft even though you’re hard. You feel so much better than the toys I have back home. They’re cold and hard and need to be bent into shapes and vibrating to get me off. I don’t need any of that with you.”
”Good to know that I feel better than plastic.”
”If you’re not nice I’ll go back to the plastic, so watch it.” Your threats meant nothing and you knew it.
”I’d be up for watching that actually.”
”I bet you would.”
”How long are we doing this for again?” Chishiya asked while he stretched his arms and wiggled his toes. You didn’t know how long you’d been sitting there like this. Too long. It was getting more maddening by the minute and you were silently begging that he would slip up and move. Even by accident. Would poking him in the waist be considered cheating? You were already aching with need and considering that he was still hard inside you he was just as turned on as you. How did people do this on a regular basis? You were impressed.
”I told you, I have three days.”
”You’ll die from dehydration before that.” he scoffed.
”So will you.”
You felt his hand move from your ass where it had been resting for a while now, down to your leg, swiping over your skin on your inner thigh, then let his thumb slid across where the two of you were connected. You couldn’t help but to let out a whimper.
”You’re so wet.” Chishiya lowered his voice when he said that. He sounded like he wanted to eat you alive. ”I can feel it running down my legs. You won’t last a day.”
You hated to admit it but you really were that wet. The feeling of him filling you up, the warmth of his body enveloping you and that husky voice he put on just for you were making your head spin. But you couldn’t lose, you couldn’t give him the satisfaction. There has to be something you could do to get some relief. And possible torture him a bit at the same time. And then it was like a lightbulb went on inside your head. How stupid were you to not have thought about this before?
”I just remembered something.” You said proudly. This was going to be fun.
”And what is that?” Calm and collected. You were definetely going to break him.
”I don’t need to move to come.”
You moved you upper body back so that you were looking at him again. His face was flushed, eyes deep and his lips parted slightly. Fuck, he looked good.
You let your hands wander from his shoulders down to the part of his chest that was exposed under his hoodie. You could feel his breath becoming faster under your touch and when you dragged the zipper down you could see goosebumps starting to form on his stomach. He was just as on edge as you were and you were loving it. Once the zipper was down you reached in to taste him. Starting on his collarbone, kissing, licking and biting your way from one side to the other. You let your hands explore his stomach. One thumb running across his happy trail while the other hand caressed the side of his waist and ribs. And even though you were aching for him you made sure that you didn’t move your hips an inch. You were winning this, wether you wanted to or not. What you did want was for him to flip you over and fuck you senseless. But that would have to wait.
”What was that about coming?” he asked breathlessly when you moved from one collarbone to the other.
”Ah, that. Watch this.”
You stopped your kissing spree on his chest and looked at him again. His stare was as intense as always, but there was some curiosity behind it. He was amused. Horny, curious and amused. A good combination. You let one of your hands travel down his body, all the way down until your fingers landed on your clit. And of course you were going to make a show out of it. As you moved your finger over it the first time you made sure to look him deep into his eyes, quietly moan and clench around him. The groan he let out was unlike anything you’ve heard from him before. It went straight to your core and lit your insides on fire.
”Fuck.” It was barely audible but you heard it leave his lips and you couldn’t help but to whine in response. He sounded so good. He barely ever made a sound but now that you knew how good he could sound, you had to do all you could to hear that from him again.
”That’s cheating y/n.” he almost choked on his words when you reacted to another press of your fingers.
”I’m not moving, am I? That was the only rule. That’s not cheating, that’s being smart.” Chishiya quietly groaned, displeased with the fact that he couldn’t argue with that logic.
You kept going, your fingers dancing over yourself and all your focus was on sitting still. It didn’t take long until your face was back in the crook of his neck, moans spilling out of your mouth and your body tightening around him. He was panting, leaning his head back to rest on the back of the couch and you could feel his thighs trembling underneath you. He was struggling. Your orgasm rushed through you, from the tip of your toes and out to your fingers, far too fast for you to really enjoy it but still much better than nothing at all. Somewhere in the midst of it you heard Chishiya swear again but it was drowned out by the sound of your own heartbeat. It was over before you knew it. And even though you got some release you were still far from satisfied.
”That’s unfair.” Chishiya sounded like he had just finished a marathon. His hands were grabbing onto your legs again, fingers digging into your flesh like you would lift off of him if he let go. Oh, you were definitely winning this.
”You’re welcome to come too, you know. Some people can come untouched, have you tried it? Or you can just give up and fuck me. I won’t mind.”
”You just came and you’re already asking me to fuck you?” His breathing had slowed down again and the grip of his hands were softening. Damn it.
”I’m not asking, I’m offering.”
”How nice of you.”
”I am nice, unlike you.”
Once your breathing was steady again you went back to letting your lips explore him. From his shoulders, along his throat, his jaw and right to the corner of his mouth before stopping. His lips were so close. They looked so soft. The corners were always turned upwards even when he wasn’t smiling and a small beauty mark was placed right beneath his lower lip. You wanted to taste it.
”Chishiya?” You kept your face close to his, and he let you. You could feel the warmth radiating from him and onto your face. You wanted to touch it. Let your fingers slide over his lower lip, watch him relax under them and then…
”Why haven’t we kissed yet?” Because neither of you ever felt the need to do it. You knew the answer. But for some reason you didn’t like it.
”We haven’t had enough time for it.” He answered honestly and way to calm for your liking. ”My mouth is usually busy in other places anyway.” His smirk was back. Cocky bastard.
Your eyes never left his mouth but you could feel the intensity from his stare burning your already heated skin. You were almost afraid of looking up, afraid that you would get lost in that stare and feel things you didn’t want to feel.
”And you never stop talking, so there’s that too. I can’t get your mouth to stop moving long enough to catch it.” Well those things that you didn’t want to feel just flew out of the window.
”You really are an asshole, you know…” The smirk still hadn’t left his lips, but one of his hands were back to caressing your back so you knew that he didn’t take any offence. Then again, when did he ever? And when had you ever cared if he did?
Your thumb had ended up on his jawbone. You couldn’t remember moving it there. Yet the faint traces of his beard felt so nice against it. You wondered what it would feel like if he forgot to shave.
”You keep telling me that.” he whispered against your lips that somehow had ended up so close to his that there were barely any room between them. Fuck this, you could regret your choices tomorrow.
You leaned in, slowly to give him a chance to back away if he wanted to. Instead of doing that he put one hand in your hair and parted his lips. They were soft. Softer than you imagined. And damn did they feel good. Soft and warm moving against your own. You forgot to breathe for a moment, the intensity of it all was taking away all ability to focus on anything other than the feather soft touches against you. Every time you leaned in for another kiss you were met with the same desperation you were trying so hard to control. Your hands were all over him, just as his were on you. Your tounge was met with his, lips pulling at eachother, breaths warming up eachothers faces. You couldn’t get enough. You leaned into him, let him mold you, pressed yourself as close as you could and oh. Oh no.
In the midst of it you’d completely forgotten that he was in fact still inside you and you had insitinctively grinded your hips against him. You had moved. Fuck.
You slowly leaned back from his face just to be met with a smile bigger than any he’d ever given you before. God damnit, you were never going to hear the end of this.
”I told you that you would lose. I didn’t expect it to happen like that though.”
You didn’t even know how to respond. Annoyance with yourself for being so easily distracted washed over you but after a second of that you decided that, no, you weren’t going to give him any chance to gloat. So you did what you knew would shut him up. Before he had a chance to stop you, you started to ride him with urgency. You dragged your body up from his, creating the friction inside you that you needed so badly. Your hips moved by themselves, up and back down again, and you quickly found a rhytm that made everything around you disappear. All you felt was the delicious moving of his cock inside of you. This was what you needed.
You expected to hear some kind of protest from him, him mocking you or trying to tease you into being a sore loser. But he must have had it too because not only did he actually shut up for once, he started to fuck up into you with the same urgency as you had.
You fell forward onto him with his first thrust and then let him take over. His hands were gripping your waist so tight that you couldn’t move even if you wanted to. His pants against your neck sent shivers straight through you and every time he hit that right spot you couldn’t help but to beg him for more.
Your moans were filling the space between his groans and small sounds, and the slapping of skin from when your bodies connected sounded filthier than ever. There was nothing more there than the two of you chasing your highs together. Mouths searching for eachother, hands grasping and clawing on the others skin, his cock reaching as deep inside you as it could just to leave you and do it all again. Somewhere in the midst of it one of his fingers found your clit and it didn’t take long for you to finally fall over the edge, taking him with you. You saw white as your orgasm tore through you and you weren’t sure if you imagined it but you swore that you could hear Chishiya moan into your neck as he came inside you. You sure could feel him though, pressing into you like he wanted to stay forever. Like he couldn’t get deep enough no matter how hard he tried. Every press from him drew out another wave from you and you kept dragging out everything you could from eachother before eventually collapsing onto one another, gasping for air. Your whole body felt like jelly. Like all your muscles decided to leave your body all at once. You let it melt and draped yourself over him. And as lovely as always, instead of letting you cling on him, Chishiya pushed you down onto the couch while he himself stayed right where he was, lifting your trapped leg over his and putting a blanket over both of your midsections. How romantic.
For a while you both just stayed like that. Catching your breaths. Chishiyas fingers drew circles on your shin while he absent mindedly stared up into the ceiling. The sun had started to set and it left a soft glow over his face which made his eyelashes sparkle whenever he blinked. He was pretty. Not that you’d ever admit it to him.
”You have pretty good ideas, you know.” He closed his eyes completely and moved around a bit under your legs to get more comfortable.
”Wanna hear my next one? You not talking.” you muttered, pretending to be sulking. You wiggled your toes and pulled the blanket up a bit further over yourself. Chishiya didn’t answer but the corners of his lips curled a bit upwards. It would barely be noticable to others but you saw it as clear as day. You let the minutes pass by in silence, the only noise coming from outside where another pool party was going on. You wished you could find a pair of those noise cancelling head phones. Maybe there was a store nearby. You should go look tomorrow.
”So about those toys.”
Your thoughts were disturbed and you looked up at Chishiya who was happily glaring down at you with that infuriating smirk back on his face. You had made your mind up - you definetely wanted to slap it off, not kiss it. Jerk.
”If you plan on making one yourself I won’t let you come near me again. You’ll electrocute me. Vibrations are good, pure electricity is not, thank you very much.” You furrowed your brows just imagining it.
”You’re giving me ideas y/n.”
Wierdo. But of course you caved in.
”Find a toy, not one you made yourself, and I might use it. Might. There’s no promise there.” You sighed, displeased with how easy you were to talk into these things.
”Who said you’d be the one using it on yourself?”
”Do you even know how to use them?”
”I’m sure I’ll manage. Like you said before, it’s just a vibrating piece of plastic. How hard can it be?” You didn’t even have time to look up at him before rolling your eyes.
”You make it sound so sexy.”
”Does it matter, as long as it feels good?”
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chuuyasheaven · 1 year
Day 8 with Tecchou and afab reader maybe? 😳
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“—As you recall, you know I love to show off..” — Flashing lights by Kanye West !!
Tags: Tetchou Suehiro / afab! Reader, original! au, dom!Tetchou, sub!Reader, foreplay (eatin’ out), passionate but rough sex, overstim, praising kink, pet names, might contain grammar errors, ooc!, lazy, etc.
Notes: I’ve never written for Tetchou before, but GOOD LORD IS HE FINE. MIGHT BE A LITTLE PROJECTED ON ME BUT OTHERWISE ENJOY!!
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Man, you have no idea how lucky you are..
I mean, you’re having a relationship with THE Tetchou Suehiro, one of the strongest hunting dogs. But from his view, he was the lucky one. You were way too perfect for him. And of course, he’ll make sure you know how much he loves you.
It was pretty easy actually, as a hunting dog you probably make an hell amount of money, and Tetchou’s not afraid to spoil you with it. Even without it, he will kiss you, hug you and show lots of affection towards you! As if he was showing you off to everyone.
Not to mention, there’s other ways he can make you ‘feel good’..
“Fuck, right t-there, Tetchou!..”, you choked as you felt his tongue drag over your folds, getting to taste your ‘desperation’.
“Here?”, Tetchou asked you after he licked that spot again, you just nodded. He smirked and went down on you again, and you kept on playing his favorite tune, your moans and whimpers.
Tetchou was leaving time for you and your pleasure, wanting you to know that he worships any body part of yours. As his tongue was doing wonders to your cunt, you could manifest your orgasm coming through soon. And you were right, it came crushing to you, it was quite intense.
After coming back to your senses, Tetchou got up from his knees, licking your slick and cum off his lips and chin.
While doing this he wore a small smile on his face while holding eye contact with you, this just turned you on even more than it should.
“—Oh? Seems like you got wet again, princess. We can’t leave you like that, now can we?”, Tetchou noticed as he walked towards you while removing his belt and freeing his hard cock.
Finally, as you felt his dick at your pussy, you nearly felt like cumming again. But when he pushed it inside you, the pleasure fell beyond you, a loud moan was heard from you while Tetchou let out a pleasured grunt.
When he started to thrust inside you, you went into heaven, his cock filled you up so nice!
It hit all the right spots, and your cunt hugged him so nicely! He was starting to get impatient anyway, so he got a little rougher than usual.
“Such a good girl f’me, aren’t you, baby? F-fuck I needed you so fuckin’ bad, o-oh god—”, Tetchou cursed under his breath, getting even more focused on both of your releases.
He started to get a little more passionate with you, giving you kisses and whispered sweet nothing to you. “Are you close, my love?,”, he asked you.
“S-shit, ‘Hiro! Y-yes, fuck me faster!!”, you nearly shouted, being quite at peace with this response, he picked up your request.
First he placed one leg of yours next to his waist, holding it with a death grip, pounding into you faster to chase both of your orgasms.
Soon you got louder and your knot snapped, your pussy hugged his cock even tighter, which brought Tetchou’s own knot to snap.
Squeezing your eyes shut, Tetchou watched some of his cum leak out. “S-shouldn’t you pull out, ‘Hiro?”, you asked him.
“—Why should I? It’d be an waste to leave all of my cum leak out of you, wouldn’t it, darling?”
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IMPORTANT NOTE: I might need to pause this event because I’m traveling with my family! So I’ll be able to post like 2-3 fics before I go! Sorry that it came so sudden, but I promise I’ll be very productive after!! Until then, bye pookies!!
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nicolesainz · 2 years
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Lavender Haze (MM19)
Mason Mount x reader
In honour of mother taylor FINALLY releasing the Lavender Haze MV, I decided to write this one shot. Hope you enjoy loves <3
Warnings: fluff, major fluff and jealous Mason
“Who would have thought you’d be smitten with my baby sis?” Declan whispered in Mason’s ear, waking him up from the dream he was having by looking at you.
Mason flicked and let out a soft yelp, as he got scared by his best friend’s presence.
“Wha-what? What do you mean? I don’t like your sister!” he kept on denying but clearly failing
“I’m neither dumb nor blind, Mase. I’ve seen the way you look at my sister” Declan put his arm around Mason’s shoulder, who was still looking at you talking with Kai and Sophia.
“And I’m telling you. I don’t have a thing for Y/N. Knock it off” denying his feelings about you, was worse than being scared of being hit by Declan.
“So that means I can give Ben the green light?” Declan says, hitting Mason’s back before his attention was grabbed by his words.
“What? What green light? What about Ben?” The footballer was at a boiling point, waiting to explode.
“Ben has shown interest in my sister and they’ve been hanging out a lot while we were at the World Cup” those words were Mason’s breaking point
“They’ve been dating? What do you mean by hanging out?” He was bombarding Declan with questions.
“Not yet. He’s kinda holding back, but I guess that since you’re not in love with my sister, I can tell Chilly to make a move” Dec whistles to Ben to come around
Mason’s knuckles had turned white. Of course he wouldn’t hurt neither of his friends. It was jealousy taking over him.
“Oi lads. Hey, Mase, why’s your face red? Are you alright mate?” Ben said to the two men standing in front of him.
“It’s just really hot in here. That’s all mate” Mason took a few deep breaths and tried to calm down.
“Chilwell, my sister’s there alone. Go and have some fun” Mason was shocked by what his best friend had said. Was he fucking serious?
“You sure Dec? Does she want me to-?”
“Yes! Now go. I’ll be here with Mount” he shoved Ben away and they were once again alone with Mason.
Your POV
“I’m probably a dead man now” A worried Ben Chilwell made his way towards me.
“What’s wrong Ben? Did something bad happen?” I look up at him with a stressed look in my eyes
“In, maybe 10-15 minutes, my body will be snapped in half by loverboy Mount. Unless I manage to run really fast, which now, is a bit difficult”
“What happened with Mason? Why will he kill you? What did you do to him?”
“Not me. You’re the one who’s done something to him”
“What? Me? Why? What did I do? Why am I to blame?”
“Mason’s in love with you. And he thinks I’m here to ask you out. It was your brother’s idea, but we thought it was a good one, since the feelings between you two are mutual even though you deny it”
My jaw dropped to the floor. Mason was in love with me? How? I thought he just saw me as a little sister too, given he’s ride or die with Declan. It feels surreal.
“Are you messing with me? He doesn’t!” I grab Ben by the hem of the shirt, which will probably infuriate Mason and turn this into something that clearly isn’t.
“Very gently, let go of my shirt and no. We aren’t. Why do you think he’s staring at us while squeezing his cup full of red wine and it dripping on your brother’s carpet?”
“DUDE! This was new!” Declan shouted at Mason and he’s clearly not influenced by his words. Mason’s and my eyes lock and I can see his mouth stiffening a bit. I still hadn’t let go of his friend.
I’ve never seen Mason with that look in his eyes. I can tell he’s not happy with what he’s seeing.
“You’re actually starting to choke me so please let me go” the footballer says and I remove my hand from his shirt.
“Sorry. Got a bit lost. Does he actually like me? This is not a prank, is it?”
“If he wasn’t too much of a coward, he’d confess his feelings, but apparently can’t.”
A sudden bump from a more tipsy Kai to Ben, brings up closer, causing Mason’s eyes to blow up.
He can’t stand being around this scenery any more so he leaves the room and excuses himself. Kai starts apologizing about hitting Ben, to which he says that it was the perfect timing. All three told me to follow Mason and try to comfort him. That’s how Kai also made a move on Sophia too. Well, almost. At least he had the guts to tell her straightforward.
I make my way towards the door and open it, trying to move past some of Declan’s WestHam teammates. I try to spot the Chelsea player, until I see him sitting alone, right next to the football net Declan had bought for his house.
Mason’s POV
I can hear footsteps coming towards my path. I look up only to be met with a sweet expression drawn on Y/N’s face. She flashes me a soft smile, while I just nod my head and keep looking on the ground.
I’m hoping she doesn’t notice the redness in my eyes. I had a sudden outburst once I was outside and all alone. This was an indication of how in love I am with Y/N. In the 24 I’ve been on this planet I’ve cried only 4 times in my life. When my sister’s got married, when my nieces and nephew were born, when Chelsea won the Champions League and now this.
“Mind if I sit?” She asked me quietly, as if she felt scared to even be near me.
“Be my guest” I replied and made her some way to sit down next to me
I could hear her fast breathing and heart pounding almost coming out of her chest. Why was she nervous? Uh oh!
“I love you”
“Do you love me?”
We both say in sync, being shocked by the others statement. Wow. This came out very wrong. My hands are getting all sweaty and my throat is drying up.
“Yes, I do love you. I have been in love with you since probably forever. I know, I know, that sounds cheesy and weird, but it’s the truth. I’ve never felt about a woman the same way I have for you. You’re just so special!” I don’t even know how those words managed to come out of my mouth. But I’m glad they did.
“Mason Tony Mount, you are the most cheesy, humble, sweet and kind man I’ve known. And just to let you know on something, I love you too. And even if you don’t wanna get together, you’ll still be the only man I’ll ever love” she replies and making me the happiest version of myself
I lean forward and smash our lips together, bringing her body on top of my lap. The kiss is full of love, passion and years of agony. Something we both wanted to experience with one another.
“This may answer your question, as to whether I want to be with you or not” I caress her maroon shaded cheeks softly.
“Then, I’d be more than thankful to be with you. For as long as fate allows us. Hoping this is forever”
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bunitivity · 8 months
I really REALLY need to tell you my hc that Luffy and Usopp sleep in the same bed 98.37% of the time. They are EXTREMELY hard to seperate.
When Usopp first joins the strawhats along with Merry, the boys have to make do with what they have. And that includes taking turns sleeping in the hammocks. Now I'm going to reference that pic where Luffy is hanging down on Usopp's body from his hammock. Also the one where Zoro and Sanji sleep on the floor face to face. That one. One time Luffy actually falls into Usopp's hammock but neither of them realize it and in the morning the sniper might have hit his head when falling on the floor from the sudden surprise. But then it became a usual thing and both of them were becoming closer friends so eventually Usopp just proposed them sleeping together since they're gonna end up like that in the end. Of course the more they travelled, they got bunks for comfort, because sleeping on the floor/couch got annoying.
Then Water 7 happens and Usopp is devastated. He really wants to go back to them snuggling but he feels like if he offers it right after what happened to them it would feel like he didn't feel sorry at all, which is not true. And besides, Sunny has all the comfort you could ever want, so no more "well, if you're gonna slip into my bunk anyways, why not just share it from the start" excuse.
However, Luffy's thought process is a little different. He gets a little confused as to why Usopp still hasn't invited him over. Well, the sniper apologized, they had an emotional reunion, spent the rest of the day together and now they won't even snuggle like they did before? Something's gotta be up.
So as soon as Luffy makes his decision, he "slips" into Usopp's bunk and hugged the shit out of the sniper, making sure he wasn't going anywhere. Usopp let him stay. He wanted to anyways.
So since then, their habit of sharing one bed and cuddling was fully established. Oh boy, I sure hope they don't get seperated again only for a longer period of time.
No listen you literally read my mind! I’ve literally been thinking about this idea nonstop I’ve it written in my draft somewhere. Still think about that moment post dressrosa where usopp just goes to sleep right on top of luffy and no one bats an eye lol(really tried to find a pic of it but it isn’t in my tag ://) it was just business as usual for everyone but there’s no way that’s the first time that’s happened. They definitely sleep together all the time. It’s just second nature to them to just curl around each other and fall asleep.
And oh w7 ;-; the most devastating arc my beloved <3 neither of them sleeps during their separation(i dont actually have long they were apart but I’m pretty sure it was just one night considering how fast paced one piece is but it was a very looong night either way with Usopp staying up working on the merry while luffy just tossing and turning until he just ends up staring out over that rooftop where nami finds him the following morning telling her he was looking out for robin but really he was just looking out the sea to where the merry was docked🥲)
and ofc luffy would be the one to push past the awkwardness because once usopp apologized that was it he had already forgiving him the moment he saw usopp on that bridge screaming at him to keep fighting(still think about how ready luffy was to bring him to the crew immediately post ennies lobby until zoro knocked some sense into him lol) there was no way he was going another sleepless night without him
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forbidd3n-w1re · 2 years
Letting the walls down - Billy Butcher x Reader
hey-ho! i've had this idea for a while and had to pour it out, enjoy! 
 originally this was supposed to be a butcher x reader but while writing it i put in a tiny bit of hughie x reader, i mean you can see it if you squint lol-
 summary : you and butcher have been somewhat okay friends for a while, and even though he doesn't want to acknowledge it, he cant push everyone away.
 warnings : so much angst (i feed off of it.) nightmares, beating up, billy actually being nice to someone(you lol), billy also attacking hughie, scars, panic attack, flashbacks, heavy alcohol use, passing out, venting, traumatic past, mention of shootings, "cunt"'s (tell me if i forgot something please!)
 if any of these trigger you, please dont read this fanfic!
commission : nope!
 word count : ≈2800 words
 genre : angst, hurt/comfort (someone's gotta do it, right?)
(im so sorry this is so long i went wild with this one)
Butcher wasn't a talkative type when it comes to his past. In fact, he never let anyone come close enough to him to know him very well. In the team, he was just the leader, the one that organized the plan and the strategy, the one that went head-first into danger.
You? You we're the one that held the team like a magnet.
When Hughie first joined, Butcher looked like he'd screw his head off if he made one wrong step. Every single time Butcher offended him and told him he was a cunt, you'd fight back for him. You knew that Hughie had it in him, he knew how to be defensive, but at that time it was risky to talk back to Butcher due to the fact how much Billy hated him. It happened a lot. It was like you were Butcher's tranquilizer.
Hughie appreciated everytime you stood on his side, even after every glare Billy made to you. Billy knew the death glare would work on Hughie because he looked like he shat his pants, but you? You did not twitch at all. No shiver. Nothing. You couldn't even bother to look back at him.
Sooner or later, Butcher's "cunt"'s and "wimp"'s that were addressed to Hughie weren't that frequent anymore. Sure, Butcher without using the word cunt at least once in a day was nonexistent, but they weren't said to Hughie anymore.
Until one day they had a pretty big fight about the new member, Annie, AKA Starlight. Butcher, the no.1 Supe hater immediately started swearing at Hughie for bringing her to the hideout. After some time, Annie left, and then the shit hit the fan.
"Oi, kid. Who the fuck do you think you are, bringin' over here some random chick? Who is, apparently, a fuckin' Supe?" Butcher started yelling at the guy, pushing him around.
"Listen, I-I know it wasn't a good idea, but please, hear me out--"
Butcher grabbed Hughie by the collar, slamming him against a pillar hardly, and the smaller figure of Hughie's let out a loud grunt.
"Shut yer' fuckin' trap right the fuck now. Do yer' understand in what danger we could be if she had a mic?" Butcher held his collar more tightly now, looking at him like he might just chop off his head at that moment. "No, you don't, Hughie. You know why? 'Cause you're nothing but a trashy, shitty li'l cunt who had managed to grab a single bit of luck to join my little team. If you continue being a little pussy, I swear on my mother that i will-"
Sensing that the fight seriously escalated, and totally not because Hughie had started to breathe more shallowly because of how hardly his chest was pressed against the pillar, you stood off the couch, grabbed a foldable plastic chair and pushed Butcher as far away from Hughie as you could.
Butcher not detecting the sudden attack had a much more violent tone in his voice now. He wanted a fair fight.
"Oi, the fuck do you think you're doin', li'l shit?" Not bothering to deal with Butcher's bickering, you focused on helping Hughie not fall down as he heaped for gasps of air.
"Hey, Hughie, focus. Focus on your breathing, alright?" You got the comment from other members of the team that you and Billy actually had a lot in common, but the calmness of your voice was something Billy could never achieve probably. Hughie looked at you, his look revealing how many apologies he wanted to tell you for making this now your problem, but you only gave him a hopeful nod and a smile. "Go take a seat on the couch. I have an inhalator in one of my jackets if you need it, alright hun?" Hughie only let out a quiet agreement, following your orders.
Butcher, on the other hand, his eye twitched a little when hearing the nickname you gave Hughie. He knew that the nicknames you gave to the team were all in platonic meanings, but he still felt that little twinge in his heart when he knew the silly nicknames weren't for him.
You followed up now to Butcher, staring up at him. He reeked of alcohol, probably from last night, and cigarettes. He tried to hold up a pissed face to you, but you knew he couldn't do it. Everyone has their secrets, Butcher's was his past, and the fact that everytime you looked badass, he loved it.
"Stay the fuck away from him, or I will pluck out your little so-called "bollocks", one by one, painfully." There was your angry tone, along with a bit of mocking his british dialect. Others were right, you guys did have a lot in common. Billy only smirked at your threat. Billy pushed past you, grabbing his jacket, and stated something that made you chuckle. "Im going out for a drink, try to stay out of the little wimp's underwear while I'm gone."
Hughie and you were alone in the hideout now. Annie left, M.M. was in a visit to his daughter, and Frenchie and Kimiko went on a date.
Approaching the curly haired figure, you heard his small coughing fits. Surely Butcher didn't hurt him that badly, right?
"Hughie? Hun, you alright?" Putting your hand on his shoulder from behind, you jumped over next to him. Hughie brought his head up, only this time he wasn't startled.
"Yeah, I'm alright. Thank you for everything that you've done, really. Especially back there, not everyone has the guts to practically throw Butcher away with a chair." He gave you a small smile.
"No problem. Besides, he shouldn't act like that towards anyone. And Annie was really sweet too-"
Hughie stopped you, quickly apologizing, but immediately continuing.
"No, no, I understand him. I shouldn't have done that, besides he isn't a big fan of Supes, and Annie might've had a mic but I know she wouldn't. We can't be careful enough, if they find us we're practically doomed." Hughie was now on Butcher's side at this point.
"But, you know… He does have a weak spot for you." Hughie gave you a smirk, knowing that if you had water in your mouth you'd probably spit it out after hearing this.
"Pardon?" You looked at him with wide eyes, not believing a single word the curly haired boy just said.
"Back there, when you threatened him. I know that he has this façade of his where he pretends like he's the strongest man alive, but he gave you a smile upon hearing you. I think he even liked the fact that you weren't scared to stand up to him."
You got up from the couch, looking at Hughie with the biggest shock. "What the hell do you mean?"
Hughie just smirked, "You should go check up on him. See how he's doing. I think you're the only one of us that might get closer to him. Don't tell him I sent you there though, please." Nodding in agreement, you grabbed one of your oversized leather jackets and went to the door. Soon, Hughie stopped you.
"Oh, and Y/N? Thank you."
"No problem, hun." And you headed out to find your stupid ass loverboy.
Heading into the bar, you looked at the clock that was placed next to the cups. The clock showed half past 11, and your view fell onto the slouched, buff figure that was Billy. Walking up to him, you tapped flicked his head lightly as a sign for him to wake up.
"Oiiii, yer lil cuntttt…" He sounded wasted more than he ever was. He used to drink a lot on work, one time he even wanted to dance with M.M., but the 17 glasses of whisky gave you a very bad impression on how he felt right now.
"Hi to you too, cunt ass." You lightly shook him with a small curl of your lips on your face showing.
"The fock do ya want, kid? Can't you see a man tryin' to enjoy himself?" His british accent came out even more unclear when he was intoxicated, which would be funny if he wasn't laying down on the table, alone in the pub. "Go get me another round, be useful for once, N/N." That was a new one, you never heard anyone from the team use a nickname on you.
"Absolutely not. Butcher, c'mon, get up, we're leaving." You tried to give him a hand, but he wouldn't budge.
"Where the hell we goin'?" He groggily asked.
"Im driving you to my home since I don't know your adress.Now Butch, please, cooperate."
Agreeing for once, he put his arm around your shoulders and hung onto you as he struggled to walk.
Walking to your car, you felt like you were walking sideways the whole time, probably because he was much bigger than you. "Lean onto the car, Butch, okay? I have to get my keys, then I'll help you get in the car." You felt the need to give him instructions and steps for everything, because after seeing him passed out on that table circled with whiskey shots, you felt more safe if you did that. Listening to your idea, he leaned on, and you quickly unlocked the car and opened his door. "Alright, hun, let's get you in." Your arm sneaked around his torso, guiding him to sit down into the passenger seat. He smiled lightly at the nickname. Buckling him up, you closed the door lightly and went into your seat, turning on the car and driving away.
Driving around the city, you realized Butcher was quietly snoring. Probably the most peaceful you've ever seen him.
Parking into your backyard garrage, you got out of your car and went to Billy's side, unbuckling him. "Hey, hun, wake up." You lightly gave him a slap on his right cheek, figuring it was a better idea than pouring a bucket of ice on him. Unfortunately, he was not a light sleeper. Giving up, you put your arms around him once more and somehow getting him out of the car, making him lean onto the vehicle for a moment while you locked it.
Swinging your arm once again, you went into your house and layed him down on the couch. By now, it was way past midnight and you came to the conclusion that he wont be waking up until the morning. You went into your bedroom, taking off your work clothes and dressing up into your pj's. Grabbing your phone for a sec to text Hughie that Butcher is in an okay condition, unfortunately you were stopped by Butcher's grunts from the living room.
Getting up and sighing, you realized how much your eyes were close to closing themselves and going off to sleep, how much your arms felt like you had a fist fight with someone and how much your legs burned, including your back that was almost folded in half by Butcher's weight while you carried him. You were tired, but you needed to keep the team in top shape. After all, you were their magnet, which also meant that you should be there for everyone, even Butcher. Even Butcher, who behaved like a bag of shit towards everyone. Knocking on the door side, you stepped in the living room, the floors creaking.
"Butcher, is everything alright?"
Your eyes headed towards his sleeping figure, but he didn't look like he was enjoying his resting time as he kept shivering and thrashing in several points of the night. You got the blanket at the table next to you, slowly putting it over him. The blanket used to provide you heat, but also comfort and a safe space. Maybe it would also work for him. Hopefully.
You wanted to bet that if Frenchie and M.M. were in the room with you right now, they'd probably take a bunch of pictures to make fun of you both. Thankfully, they weren't here, and you thought that Butcher might sometimes lack of rest. Climbing onto the couch, you lightly rose his head up and sat down, putting his head onto your lap and ruffling his hair. He was taller, so you didn't get a lot of opportunities to ruffle his hair at all. You didn't even know you wanted to do that, but you did either way.
Although he was a heavy sleeper, apparently he realized what you were doing. Still woozy from the alcohol and driving around, he barely recognized the place he was in when he woke up, but what he did see was your face. Along with the blanket that you gave him. Snuggling a bit closer to you, he pulled the blanket up closer to you so that you don't feel left out and he mumbled something.
"Didn't hear you, love… Mind trying to repeat it?" You spoke, removing a bit of his hair from his forehead, feeling that he was sweating a bit.
"Hnnnnhhh….y'know 'm nun' like 'im…" His drowsy voice was back, and even though you loved how calm he sounded, you started to get a bit worried. You didn't know the real reason why he was so uptight with everyone, not letting his guard down.
"Like who, love?"
"My fatherrrr…" You don't know his past. You shouldn't jump to conclusions. You only knew that he didn't like his father because Hughie told you that once when you went out for a coffee.
You face was forming a very sad look, trying to keep yourself at bay and not let a few tears drop down to his head. You have to stay strong for everyone. For you. For him.
"No… No, Billy, you're not. You will never be like him. You're better, darling, you know that yourself already." Stay strong. Keep yourself at bay.
"Yeh…yeh…y'know, those scars on my back, the ones you saw during the fight in Russia when you treated my wounds…" His voice didn't sound confused by the alcohol anymore, rather just sad, guilty and ashamed.
"Yeah, what about them love?"
"He did that to me. With a belt. Like I was a fuckin' animal. I tried to save him, Y/N, I-I really did." He was sniffling. If you weren't having the table lamp turned on, you'd think he has a pollen allergy.
This is where your façade started breaking down.
"Who, hun? Who did you try to save?"
"Lenny, my brother. He…" Butcher stopped, looking like he's having an internal fight with himself whether he should continue, because he's showing his vunerable side now. "He shot himself. Because of me." Tears started sliding down his cheeks, silent ones that have shown how much he has been through. How much he has been keeping the truth in for himself. How long he kept it from the public, knowing that if he was left alone his whole life he'd probably rot. The tears showed how much he hated himself for his actions, for leaving his younger brother unprotected, for not standing up to his father more often (even though he tried his best), how much he missed Becca, how much he regretted for leaving Ryan with Homelander, how much he hates looking vunerable. You, though? You didn't question any of his actions. You simply brushed away his tears and gave him a peck in his hair.
"I'm so sorry, love. I'm sorry that happened. Some things just make us stronger, but you were a child back then, you didn't deserve any of this. You didn't deserve to be treated like trash from your father. You didn't deserve Homelander suddenly flying fuck knows where with Ryan. Darling,"
You started, wiping another tear and smiling at him softly. He loved seeing your smile, whether it was a feisty one or a caring one, a silly one or a tired one. It made him feel… loved. "I believe in you. You are literally the strongest person I know. Not a monster. Not a killing machine. Not nothing. You are a person, just like the rest of us."
He sat back up from his sleeping position, only to lay his head down onto your shoulder. You've never seen him this affectionate, nobody probably ever has besides Becca. She was a nice woman, you remember Butcher showing pictures of her sometimes, it's a shame she had to die like that.
"Hey, Y/N." He looked at you.
"Thanks for being a kind cunt."
"Back with your cuntiness, i see…" you chuckled, and he only closed his eyes again, deciding to fall into the slumber of sleep once again.
"Love ya', Y/N."
You swore you felt heat rise to your cheeks, hell if your blood wasn't all the way into your brain like you were hanging off of something.
"…Love you too, Billy."
His beard tickled the everloving shit of you, but you didn't have the guts to wake him up again. Not while he's getting something he hasn't had for a while, rest. Before joining him in the nap, you swung your arm across his shoulders, pulling him in closer. He seemed to like the action, scooting a bit closer to you.
AAAA i hope you liked the fic!! i usually dont write a lot, but since the fandom needs more x reader fanfics (esp angst because im so good at it, haha slay), i've came in clutch! B)
 till next time!!
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stemms · 2 months
Hello, guys. I’m sorry for being inactive in terms of original content lately, but I’m back, and right now I would like to give you an important update.
I’d briefly mentioned my abusive familial situation in the past, but I never really went into details. However, I’d like to share more context now, as it is directly related to the reason for my sudden disappearance.
I’ve been trapped in an abusive situation for the past seven years, and the longer I stayed in this household, the worse it became. While the abuse was mostly psychological, it escalated to the point where one of my abusers nearly choked me to death. I will elaborate on that incident after giving you some context.
My abusers are my mother and stepfather, with the latter causing me more harm. He tends to always blame me for everything, invent more and more nonsensical rules for me to follow (and randomly abandoning some, only to come up with something else) and get mad if I don’t learn them by heart the moment he introduces them (which happens because of my horrible memory that his abuse worsened). He always expected me to reach out to him if I needed emotional support, but when I was actually struggling mentally, he either preferred to ignore it or cut off the internet because “it was obviously the reason”. Additionally, he’d always get mad at me over the stupidest things ever and use it as an excuse to yell at me for 2 hours. Also, fun fact: some of my top posts are heavily inspired by something he did to me (: (: (: My mother isn’t better because she watched every single time he was abusing me, but never really tried to stop him. Yet, when I tried to confront her about his behaviour and explain that this is literal abuse, she’d gaslight me into thinking it’s normal, and it could’ve been worse, so I’m lucky and he “has good intentions anyway”. She’s also extremely controlling, manipulative, and obsessed with the idea of moulding me into the person she never got to be, as well as always keeping me around.
Since I’ve been dealing with this kind of behaviour for so long, my mental health seriously deteriorated. My hands are always shaky, I flinch whenever my stepfather enters the room, I tremble if he comes too close, I flinch if he touches me, I’m horrified of maintaining eye contact with him, I’m always in the fight or flight mode, I overanalyse his behaviour and always make sure to do anything I can (even if it's humiliating) to ensure that he doesn't hurt me again. Recently, I started going to therapy and taking medication, and it's been very helpful so far.
Although things weren’t perfect already, I didn’t expect my life to be threatened. A while ago, I was having an argument with my transphobic mother about my identity, and after it was over, we had dinner. During the argument, my stepfather wasn’t home, so he was unaware of it, but he noticed the tense atmosphere, and it infuriated him to the point where he went to the kitchen to do the dishes instead of eating with us. I had a feeling that he thought it was my fault, so I followed him to reassure him that my mother’s state wasn’t his fault, and it was just a small argument between us (which was literally true), but he started shouting at me because he assumed I was accusing him of something???? I tried to reassure him some more, and then he lashed out at me and said lots of transphobic shit. After that, he grabbed me, pushed me to the floor and got on top of me, pressing me harder and harder to the floor, started choking me so hard that I could barely breathe, so I bit him, and he continued to choke me and pull my hair. I messaged my English Literature teacher and she called the police. We were interrogated and although my mom told me to downplay it, I was too scared to do so and told them everything, plus showed them the pictures of my bruises.
After that, I couldn’t look at any c!Prime content for a while because it suddenly felt triggering, so I just needed to take a break from my blog and work on my mental health for a while. But right now, I'm doing better and I’m feeling more comfortable about c!Prime again, so I should be able to make more content soon. I must admit, I'm not that hyperfixated on it at the moment, but I’m definitely going to do more c!Prime content soon because these freaks are too fun :)
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calissarowan · 4 months
You’d Be My Favourite
(I wrote a very short fanfic of Flora and Anagan’s points of view during their flirty interaction in episode 7. Everything in pink is Flora’s POV, and everything in black is Anagan’s.)
‘What are they doing?’ Bloom asks me curiously, watching Gantlos and Ogron inspecting the ground. It’s unclear to her, but I’ve got a pretty good idea that they’re trying to track Roxy. Well, that isn’t happening. Not today, not tomorrow, not Tuesday, not ever. I flutter my new Believix wings, landing gently about five metres away, my steps a little unsteady in my new boots. At least the soles of my feet aren’t exposed like in my Enchantix form.
Well, this got out of hand fast. How do Ogron’s plans always turn into fights? And this time, even though we’re easily holding our own, we’re certainly not leaving the Winx defeated on their knees. Roxy’s belief has made them stronger, for reasons I don’t really understand. Speaking of Roxy, I can see Ogron and Gantlos across the industrial estate, the former standing over the latter, watching him try and track the last fairy. And just over them, Bloom and Flora, watching curiously. Flora flies lower, coming into land, walking towards Gantlos and Ogron. If she interrupts Gantlos’s tracking spell, he’ll have to cast it again, and that’s time we really don’t need to lose. ‘Sorry, gotta go,’ I say to Stella and Aisha, giving them a casual salute. ‘It’s been fun dodging all your blasts and generally showing you up.’ Okay, I wouldn’t normally say something like that, but the look on Stella’s face is too priceless not to. Employing my super speed, I zip to where Flora’s about to reach Gantlos and Ogron, appearing in a blur of speed.
I gasp with surprise as a sudden wind whips my hair, blowing it into my face in a cloud of lavender-scented conditioner. I cough, spitting a chunk of it out and brushing the rest of it out of my eyes, gasping and stepping back in surprise to see Anagan in front of me. I have to admit that while Gantlos is more destructive, Duman is more versatile, and Ogron is more powerful, Anagan’s super speed is the most annoying. The way he can just pop up out of nowhere; not a fairy’s best friend.
I watch her splutter and choke on her own hair, my lips quirking into a small, unexpected smile at how cute it is. Her eyes widen as she sees me, and she steps back, but I note it’s more with surprise than fear, her green eyes narrowing as she realises it’s me. She brushes her hair out of her eyes, and I can’t help my gaze drawing to its long, soft waves falling down her back. ‘The nature fairy,’ I greet her, sweeping a bow I hadn’t really been planning on.
He’s…bowing to me? Not really what I’d been expecting. Anagan looks up at me, his dark eyes meeting mine, and I raise an eyebrow, my lips quirking into a curious smirk.
Maybe I’m still in a quippy mood from my remark to Stella and Aisha, but honestly? There’s truth in what I say next. ‘If we weren’t sworn enemies, you’d be my favourite.’
Is…is he flirting with me? I have heard our villains say a lot of things, but never once has one of them flirted with me. They barely acknowledge me, to be honest. The others draw a lot of attention. And yet…Anagan is quite definitely in a bow, looking up at me with a lightly teasing gaze. What do I say back? That he’ll never be mine? That would be a very smart, sensible answer. But instead, I smile. ‘Nice of you to say.’ I raise my arm above my head and summon one of my news spells; I will neither confirm nor deny whether I know that it’s actually the least harmful of my new arsenal. ‘Autumn Wind!’
I expected plenty of different responses to my words. Hers didn’t even make the top hundred most-likely. Was she…was she flirting with me? She seemed to be… Not to mention that she could hit so much harder. I know that. She knows that. Even if I didn’t run, I’d recover from the swirl of brightly-coloured leaves in a heartbeat. Is she holding back? Interesting…
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fistfuloflightning · 4 months
If you ever have the sudden urge totlk about Kushina/Fugaku, please do <3
(Totally unrelated to me reading your fic and finding a new rare pair. Honest. /lh)
Why yes I do love talking about my rarepairs!! *chin on hands* I’m so glad you asked! Also, sorry for the incredibly late reply!! 
Okay. So. Fugashina. I haven’t actually had to put down my thoughts about this ship beyond fic ideas before, so be forewarned that some of this is just brainmush and might not make sense.
I’ve mentioned this a couple other times, but I’ve long held the headcanon that the Uzumaki and the Uchiha are linked, through their sealing abilities (actual seals vs the sharingan which I would argue acts as a seal on the mind) but also as narrative foils. And that trickles down to their members. We already got the Naruto/Sasuke dynamic in canon, along with some teeny bits of Kushina and Obito also as foils (outcasts desperate to prove themselves to the place/people that regard them as Other).
Kushina is a fantastic character, strong and determined and so very underutilized. Admittedly, it is mostly Minato’s story but Kushina just gets swept under the rug. And while I lovelovelove Minato’s character, there’s a power imbalance in the relationship between the two of them that I don’t particularly like, (probably why I ship both Minato and Kushina with people that are not each other lol). They each deserve to have an equal partnership (and if that means writing fanfic, then fine damnit). Kushina doesn’t deserve to be that wife who wields power over her helpless husband; Minato deserves to be more than just a malewife after we got glimpses of what he could be. Kushina just feels like wasted potential (admittedly we only see her in domestic scenes in the anime, and mayyyyybe some fights scenes in the movies I think if I’m remembering correctly) and I think that’s just sad. It’s like… watching Padme, once the queen of an entire planet and then a senator in the galactic senate, spend most of RotS barefoot and pregnant. Idk I just think it’s wasted potential and it’s stupid and I want to make it better.
I already said I like the Uchiha and Uzumaki as foils, and the one who seems to beat balance her out personality-wise is Fugaku: he’s another case wasted potential (not as bad as Kushina, but still). I like having someone more serious and a little older than her to balance her immaturity and whimsical nature, someone who has the physical and mental stamina to keep up with her, and abilities that compliment hers. I think there are a lot more thoughts about those qualities but I’m exhausted rn. BUT. All this to say Fugaku seems to fit perfectly with her personality and her abilities and has the mental resilience to keep up. He doesn’t strike me as someone who would put her on a pedestal (like Minato did) and instead would challenge her and force her to think instead of behaving recklessly. In canon he’s stern (discipline-wise)with his children—I can see him taking the same approach with Kushina pre-relationship because he can see the potential and will try to help it grow the best way he knows.
She probably likes him for the fact that he doesn’t care she’s an outlier in the village—he likes competence and assertiveness and she’s got that in spades. He treats her as a person and a contributing member of the village—treating her like she has value beyond being a jinchuuriki (which I’m pretty sure was kinda hush hush at that point in canon but idc shhh). 
I just want mutual respect and a balanced relationship and symbolism with an Uchiha/Uzumaki union. A kind of closure to these two once great clans.
…And their babies would be hella cute ☺️ 
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Diabolik Lovers CHAOS LINEAGE ー Subaru [03]
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It was decided that from here on out,
I would be living in this spare room,
which Subaru-kun escorted me to. 
I’ve been told to stay put,
and while I finally have some privacy,
I just cannot seem to calm down.
Whenever I think about the future,
I feel overwhelmed by a sense of anxiety.
ー The scene starts in the spare room at the Violet Manor
*Knock knock*
ー Laito enters the room
Laito: Hey there, Eve~ Can I come in?
Yui: Laito-kun...
Laito: Are you alone right now? Perfect~
Yui: Is something the matter?
Laito: What do you mean? There’s only one I could want from you, no?
Yui: Laito-kun, what are you doing all of a sudden...!?
Laito: No need to act innocent. You’re teasing me by playing ignorant when you know very well what I want, aren’t you?
Yui: Kyah!?
Laito: I know Carla said that your blood tastes bad, but it simply smells so sweet and delicious.
It’s actually scrumptious, isn’t it? Let me have a taste as well.
Yui: Stop, Laito-kun!
( He’s got a firm grip on my arm, I can’t run...! He’ll suck my blood... )
Subaru: Oi, whatcha up to?
Yui: Subaru-kun...?
Laito: What’s wrong, Subaru-kun? Want to join in?
Subaru: Fuck off. Why are you trying to suck her blood?
Laito: Why not? Carla even gave us permission to do so.
Subaru: She doesn’t want it. Don’t be a loser who sucks people’s blood without consent.
Laito: ...Fine. No need to glare at me like that. You’re so scary, geez.
Subaru: Leave me alone! Scram!!
Laito: Sure, sure.
See you later, Eve. Let’s do it somewhere private next time, okay?
ー Laito leaves the room
Subaru: He finally left, huh? ...God. You shouldn’t just keep quiet and let people suck your blood either.
Yui: T-Thank you, Subaru-kun. Did you save me...?
Thanks to you, he didn’t get to suck my blood.
Subaru: ...Hmph.
Yui: ...Fufu.
( He won’t say anything, but he did save me, didn’t he? That gentle side of him hasn’t changed at all. )
Subaru: Buzz off, whatcha laughin’ for?
→ Apologize (🖤)
Yui: I-I’m sorry.
( Oh no, seems like I upset him. )
Subaru: ‘I’m sorry’, my ass. I want to know why you were laughin’ in the first place. Are you makin’ fun of me!?
Yui: Oh no! Not at all!
( I just love his awkward ways of showing kindness and how he gets embarrassed when sharing his true feelings... )
( I was simply happy to see that he hasn’t changed even now that his memories have been messed with. )
( But I doubt he’d understand that right now, even if I were to try and explain. )
→ Tell him that it made you happy (♡)
Yui: ...It made me happy.
Subaru: Haah?
Yui: That you came to my rescue.
Subaru: ...That wasn’t my intention, honestly.
It just pissed me off how Laito was botherin’ you.
Yui: ...I see.
( I guess he might be speaking the truth and he didn’t actually do it for me. )
( But I can assume that he helped me out because somewhere deep down, he does remember me, right...? )
( Because I believe that Subaru-kun is still himself, even without his memories... )
Subaru: ...You’re a mystery.
Anyway, take this as a lesson and stay put. Lock your room just in case as well.
Yui: Thank you for being worried about me, Subaru-kun.
Subaru: Who says I’m worried about you!? Don’t be gettin’ the wrong idea now!
I don’t care if Carla gave them permission or not. 
If you let those guys do as they please, they’ll devour you in no time.
I’m not sharing my prey with anyone else. That’s all.
Yui: I see...Yeah, but still, thanks.
Subaru: ...Che. You’re annoyin’. What’s your problem, for real?
ー Subaru leaves the room again
Yui: ( I don’t care if he thinks of me as mere prey. I’m still happy that he saved me. )
ー The scene shifts to the hallway
Kou: Oh? What are you doing over here? 
Yui: Ah, Kou-kun. I’m thirsty, so I wanted to get something to drink.
Kou: Gotcha. That’s why you’re headed towards the kitchen.
Yui: ( Subaru-kun did tell me to stay in my room... )
( So I was going to head straight back after getting some water, but I didn’t think I’d run into Kou-kun. )
Kou: Where’s Subaru-kun, by the way? He’s supposed to be keeping an eye on you, no?
Yui: He is, but I’m only gonna get some water, so I felt bad for asking him to come along for something so trivial.
Kou: Hmー So that’s why you’re wandering around over here all by yourself?
I didn’t think you’d make it that easy for me...Thanks.
Yui: Eh...!?
Kou: You’re basically asking me to suck your blood by walking around here all alone, aren’t you?
Yui: No, you’re wrong!
Kou: But you let Subaru-kun suck your blood, didn’t you~? Then let me have a sip as well!
Yui: ...Stop...! Let me go, Kou-kun!
Kou: I don’t care if you want it or not. Carla-kun gave us permission, so I can have some as well, correct...?
Subaru: Hell nah!
Yui: ...
Kou: Ahーah. Subaru-kun’s here.
Yui: Subaru-kun...!
Subaru: Kou, what are you doin’?
Kou: Oh geez, don’t be so scary! I was just having a little chat with Eve!
Subaru: Aah!? That’s not what it looked like to me.
Kou: Oh come on, don’t glare at me like that. Turn that frown upside down. Come on, smile~
Subaru: In your dreams. Fuck off. 
Kou: Don’t get all upset~ Scary guys aren’t popular with the ladies, you know?
Subaru: Kou, you bastard...
Kou: I know, no need to throw a fit. Guess I have no other choice, so I’ll give up for today.
Bye! See you later, Eve!
ー Kou walks away
Yui: ( Thank god he left. Subaru-kun had to save me again... )
Subaru-kun, uhm, thank you for saving me.
Subaru: Cut it out already! Do you fuckin’ realize what kind of position you’re in!?
Yui: ...Ugh.
Subaru: I’m pretty sure I told you to stay put in your damn room!?
Yui: I’m sorry...I got thirsty, so I figured I’d go get something to drink.
Subaru: You’re supposed to tell that to me! ...I mean, I guess I wasn’t there with you...But you could have just waited for me to come, no!?
I won’t completely leave you to your own devices. So rely on me a bit more!
Yui: Subaru-kun...
Subaru: ...Don’t be gettin’ the wrong idea now though. I’m in charge of watching over you. That’s all.
Yui: ...Yeah. Still, thank you.
Subaru: ...Hmph.
Anyway, you should hurry back to your room right now. I’ll go fetch you a glass of water.
Yui: Okay. I’ll do that. Thank you, really.
Subaru: Shut up already.
Azusa: ...Huh? What are you doing over here...?
Yui: Azusa-kun.
Azusa: ...I believe it’d be better if you don’t wander outside too much...
Yui: Y-Yeah, good idea. I was actually on my way back to my room after Subaru-kun warned me earlier.
Azusa: I see...That’s good...
I don’t think the inside of the manor...is all too safe for you either...
Subaru: Oi, you’re still wanderin’ ‘round in the hallway?
Yui: Wah...Subaru-kun?
Azusa: Subaru...What’s wrong...? The water’s...spilling from the glass...
Subaru: Oi, Azusa! Are you also tryin’ to get a piece of her?
Azusa: Eh...? I...
Subaru: Shut up! God, every single one of these fuckers...!
Yui: ...! My arm, it hurts...!
Subaru: Come on, start walkin’! We’re goin’ back to your damn room!
Yui: H-Hold up, Subaru-kun...! I’m sorry for making you worried! But Azusa-kun hasn’t done...
Subaru: Don’t be makin’ excuses!
Yui: ...Kyah!
Subaru: Listen up! Why are you lettin’ another guy catch you literally seconds after I warned you!?
Yui: I’m sorry...I just happened to cross paths with Azusa-kun while on my way back to my room...
Subaru: Then you could have just ignored him and quickly made it back there, no!?
Are you lurin’ out these other men on purpose ‘cause you want to have your blood sucked by someone!?
Yui: Kyah...
( He’s really mad, taking out his anger on the wall... )
( I’m happy that he’s looking out for me by coming to my rescue or getting me water, but I wonder why he’s so upset? )
( I mean, I guess it’s true that it was careless of me to leave my room but... )
( Still, it’s not that I want other people to suck my blood. )
Subaru: You’re a delicious treat to us Vampires!
Don’t forget that.
Yui: ( I’m nothing but a piece of food in his eyes, aren’t I? So why would he get so irritated? )
( It makes me hopeful that perhaps he does somewhat remember that we were once a couple... )
( But it makes me sad to have him get mad and lash out at me like this. )
Subaru: Oi, why don’t you say somethin’, huh!? Are you listenin’ to me!?
Yui: ...I am.
Subaru: ...Ah.
Yui: I never asked to be attacked either!
( Ah, perhaps I went too far just now...But the sadness I’ve been keeping inside burst open all at once just now... )
Subaru: ...Fuck.
Then don’t be lettin’ other guys suck your damn blood!
Yui: ...Kyah!
Subaru: You can just have me suck your blood.
If you don’t understand that, I’ll just have to tell it directly to your body. I’ll thrust my fangs into your throat and show you the hard way.
ー Subaru bites her
Subaru: ...Hah...Nnh...
Yui: I-It hurts...
( I can’t believe he’s being so rough with me... )
Subaru: ...Nn...Nn, nnh...
Yui: ( He’s actually so gentle at all times...Always sucking my blood while being mindful not to hurt me... )
( This is wrong. )
( Even if his memories have been altered, I don’t want this...! )
Subaru: How’s that? Does that dumb little brain of yours get the message now? Then I’ll suck from here next...
Azusa: Subaru...What are you doing...!? 
Subaru: Azusa...!
Yui: ...Azusa...kun...
Azusa: Carla told us to treat her with care...
Eve, you seem to be in a lot of pain...Are you alright...?
Yui: Y-Yeah...
Azusa: I see...I’m glad...
Subaru: ...Damnit!
ー Subaru walks away
Yui: Ah, Subaru-kun! Wait...!
Azusa: He left...But...Eve, why did you try to call him to a halt...?
Yui: ...Well...
Azusa: You’re...bleeding...Laito or Kou might approach you, drawn in by the scent...
I’ll walk you to your room, okay...?
Yui: ...Yes, please.
Azusa: ...Yeah.
ー The scene shifts to the spare bedroom
Yui: Thank you, Azusa-kun.
Azusa: Tell me if you need help, okay...?
Yui: Yup.
ー Azusa leaves
Yui: ...Ow.
( The place where he bit me still hurts. )
( But what aches the most is my heart... )
( Subaru-kun’s behaving the same way he did when we had only just met. Before he opened his heart to me... )
( Subaru-kun is still the same, even without his memories. )
( That’s what I wanted to believe but...It’s painful to continue having him act this way around me. )
( It’s almost as if I’m a stranger to him now, even though I’m supposed to be his girlfriend. )
( What if he stays like this forever? )
( How can I get him to remember? )
( Subaru-kun... )
I closed my eyes,
while thinking of Subaru-kun. 
It’s not as if sleeping on it will change anything,
but I hope that at least in my dreams,
I can meet the kind Subaru-kun.
The one who is my boyfriendーー
*Knock knock*
Subaru: Oi, are you in there?
ー Subaru enters the room
Yui: ...Subaru-kun, what’s wrong?
( It was only yesterday that he aggressively sucked my blood. )
( So it’s still a bit awkward to meet him. )
Subaru: Oi, come with me.
Yui: Eh? To where?
Subaru: Shut up. Just shut up and follow me.
Yui: ....Okay.
ー Subaru walks ahead
Yui: ( He seems to be in a bad mood so I’m a bit worried about where he’s taking me but... )
( I don’t want to get into an argument, so I should probably listen to him for now. )
( ...I wonder where he’ll take me? )
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writer-of-sorts · 2 years
written with @wolfstarmicrofic prompt: market
“I have big news!”
Sirius burst into the four marauders’ shared dorm to find James and Peter engaged in a very intense game of Exploding Snap with Remus as spectator. All three heads jerked up from their game to see Sirius’ blinding smile.
James immediately jumped to his feet. “What is it?” he asked excitedly, “Filch is retiring? You got a new package of dung bombs? Your mother died?”
“I...” Sirius announced.
He raised his head high and paused dramatically. Peter’s eyes widened in anticipation. James hopped up and down. Remus raised an eyebrow.
“am back on the market, baby!”
James, Peter and Remus deflated in unison, instantly turning back to their game of Exploding Snap, grumbling as the cards reshuffled.
“Thought it was something interesting.”
“Melodramatic as always, Black.”
“Ground-breaking news for sure.”
“Hey!” Sirius said, sounding a little hurt his best friends’ quick dismissal, “I was expecting a little more reaction here.”
Remus snorted. “Maybe there would be if this wasn’t your fourth break-up this month –and it’s only the seventeenth,” he added with a hint of venom in his voice.
Sirius looked taken aback. “What? My fourth— No, that can’t be. Have you been counting, Moony?”
To Sirius’ immense surprise, Remus’ face had turned a severe shade of crimson.
“Oh, dear!” James exclaimed, pressing the back of his hand against Remus’ forehead, “You’re not coming down with a fever, are you, Moony?”
But Remus seemed unable to answer. Indeed, as Sirius dropped to his knees beside them, Remus seemed unable to even hold eye-contact with anyone.
“Peter,” James commanded urgently, “Go fetch a wet washcloth from the bathroom. We need to—“
“—get out of here,” Peter interjected, standing up.
James looked confused.
“Me and you, James,” Peter continued, a curious gleam in his eye, “We need to get out of here right now.”
A look of dawning comprehension passed over James’ face.
“Right you are, Wormy my boy!” he chirped. All the worry in his voice was replaced by a sudden joviality.
And just like that, James and Peter had rushed out of the dormitory, leaving Sirius and Remus behind before they could get the chance to ask any questions.
“Uh, hi,” Sirius said, suddenly nervous after realising he was alone with Remus.
“Hi,” Remus replied, his voice sounding unusually high-pitched and not masculine at all.
“So… you’re not actually sick, are you?”
They both chuckled nervously, and before Sirius could stop himself, he blurted out the question that had been nagging at him for weeks.
“Why are you avoiding me?”
Remus blinked. Sirius blinked. Remus blinked again.
“I’m not avoiding you,” Remus said, sounding doubtful.
“Yes, you are!” Sirius insisted, all his shyness vanishing, “This is the first time we’ve been alone in weeks! When it’s all four of us, you act like everything is just peachy. But whenever James and Peter aren’t around, you start making up lame excuses to not hang out with me. Sorry, Pads, I have to finish homework. Sorry, Pads, I have to do Prefect rounds. Sorry, Pads, I have detention with McGonogall; she wasn’t too happy about that pixie stunt I pulled.”
Remus was so scandalised by Sirius’ horribly inaccurate impression of him. He stood up and yelled rather shrilly, “Well, it’s not like I’m the only one who’s been busy lately!”
“What do you mean?” Sirius demanded, standing up too.
“While I’ve been trying my best to distract myself with school and pranks, you’ve made it your goal to shag every breathing body at Hogwarts! Do you know how much I’ve had to put up with? You bringing a new person to the dorm every week, each one better-looking and more charming than the last!”
The redness of Remus’ cheeks was spreading down his neck. His words were coming out fast, louder, rawer.
“Do you have any idea how painful it’s been for me? How excruciating it is to see you snogging someone else? To see you laughing and talking and holding hands with someone who isn’t me? Do you know how much it hurts to know that you will never love me like-like I love you?”
And with that, Remus descended into tears. He covered his face with his hands. His shoulders shook. His throat ached from sobbing.
He was so, so embarrassed.
Then he felt Sirius gently pull his hands away from his face and envelope him in a tender embrace. All the reckless mistakes Sirius had made over the last few months came crashing down on him in huge waves of regret, and a great realisation hit him.
“Oh, Moony,” he whispered, rubbing Remus’ back and sounding on the verge of tears himself. “I love you too, Moony. I always have.”
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justkending · 2 years
Finding Memories. Chapter 7.
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Series Summary: Waking up with little to no memory of her past, and being saved by a group of individuals who call themselves heroes, sends a long time captive for a whirlwind trying to find some form of grounding in this world she quickly learns runs on chaos. But she’s not the only one trying to figure out her forgotten backstory. Bucky Barnes, along with the other Avengers, can’t help but sense that there is a lot more to the whole situation than a diagnosis of amnesia. Her background slowly starts to come forward in pieces of her past and hidden information discovered. Who is she? And why was she in the room they were meant to destroy?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader 
Word Count: 4500+
TW: Torture, cussing, and blood. 
A/N: I’m hoping to get chapter 8 out in time, so bare with me! Thank you for reading:) 
Chapter 7:
“Y/N?” Nat asked, slowing her steps closer as she took in her new look. 
“Hey,” Y/N said with a quick smile while walking toward the red head. 
They were now face to face and Y/N was semi-avoiding eye contact as she could tell Nat was studying her. 
“I have a favor to ask you,” Y/N said softly as she tried to move the attention away from her. 
“If it has anything to do with helping you with your new look, I think you’ve got that down,” she smirked, crossing her arms. “I’ve been through enough identity crises to know a thing or two about drastic hair changes.”
That lightened the mood like Nat had hoped to and Y/N smirked slightly at the comment. 
“Thank you. I,” she paused, debating if she should confide in her or leave out her true reasoning like she was used to. But Nat had become a very understanding and sympathetic female friend that Y/N bonded with quickly, and the second guessing thought process was becoming easier to ignore with her around. 
“You don’t have to talk about it right now if you’re not ready,” she answered for her. “If you want to talk about it later we can… Or not. Whatever you want.”
Y/N was thankful for the deflection because she knew her own reasoning, but didn’t know if it sounded like stupid reasoning. The second guessing thing was something she was going to need to become better at ignoring herself.
“I appreciate that,” Y/N nodded. 
“Of course. Now… What kind of favor are we talking about?” Nat asked.
Instead of answering, Y/N looked back at the boxing ring debating if this was actually a good idea. 
Nat followed her eyeline and caught onto her thinking.
“Well, this could go a lot of different ways,” she thought out loud. 
Y/N turned back to her, getting her explanation out.
“Last night,” she started. “Last night was a really… ugly night,” she closed her eyes at the thought of seeing herself in the bathroom mirror right as the attack happened. 
“It was a really fucked up night, Y/N. You can call it what it is,” Nat encouraged, feeling for the other woman and everything she’s gone through. 
Y/N couldn’t help but feel comfortable with her casualty and agreed with her statement. 
“It was a fucked up night,” she sighed, and Nat let out one big laugh and a huge smile lit up her face. “What?” Y/N couldn’t help but smile a touch at the giggle spy in front of her. 
“You said it,” Nat grinned. “I’m proud of you.” Y/N tilted her head in confusion at the sudden pride Nat had for her. Nat caught on and chuckled before walking and putting her jacket on the chair next to the ring. “You’re allowed to be angry,” she explained. “No matter how much people tell you to look past it and move on, you're allowed to be angry that it happened to you. And sis,” she walked turned back to Y/N with a smirk. “You went through hell and back. I will be proud anytime you speak your true feelings on something.”
It was a sweet moment. One Y/N didn’t expect in this conversation at all, but a sweet and healing moment nevertheless. 
“Sorry, I keep redirecting the conversation,” Nat apologized, walking back to the ring and looking around. “What business are you trying to meet up for, in here?”
Y/N weighed her head back and forth softly while trying to find a way to convince Nat to help out.
“I need help trying to find a memory,” Y/N said in an exhausted and worn-out tone. As if she was becoming frustrated and sick of this process of stepping on eggshells in order to figure out who she was.
“What?” Nat stepped closer.
“I think last night when I was ambushed, my muscle memory kicked in,” she summarized. “The woman came up behind me and the other immediately pulled my legs together and almost had me pinned. It’s nothing that I imagined myself doing, but it was like my body took control, and-” she stopped, realizing this was the most she had talked about it yet. 
“What happened, Y/N?” Nat asked, intently listening. 
Y/N closed her eyes and her arms came closer into her body. Just enough for a spy who played off of people's behavior to notice the shrinking back into her shell.
“I remember blacking out, but this morning I could have sworn I saw something very… Unlike me?” She questioned it because she wasn’t truly sure of the person she was before all this.
“Piece it back to me.” Nat turned and sat on a chair and patted the seat next to her. 
She went on to explain that it was spotty, but there were points where she saw defensive maneuvers done in ways she didn’t know she could move. Then everything at one point had more vibrant colors, but she wasn’t sure if that was due to the adrenaline or something else since it faded quickly. 
She talked about how right before she knocked the woman out, that blackout was one of the hardest parts to piece together. One second the woman was looking at her in pain from the twist she had her arm in, and the in next, she was unconsciously molded into the wall. 
“And you don’t remember anything that happened in that split second?” Nat asked for confirmation. She shook her head no with pursed lips as her answer. “Interesting… So that leads us back to here,” she motioned to the boxing ring behind them while in the plush chairs they had settled into. 
“Yes,” Y/N nodded, looking back to the giant square too. “I know this is going to sound strange and maybe a step too far forward, but I think if I were to practice some of the movements that came to me, I could maybe… Piece things together?” 
She had asked the last thing in a question as she wasn’t sure if her plan was even worth trying after saying it outloud. 
“No, it makes sense,” Nat brushed off the insecurity she attached to it. “But the real question is do you want to take the risk of triggering something worse? Because there are going to be possible consequences if we do this. It’s nowhere close to the route Bucky wants you to follow.” 
The last part was said as if she meant to say that in her head, but she didn’t flinch when Y/N gave her a weird look. 
“What do you mean?” she tilted her head.
“Bucky knows a thing or two about everything you’ve been through. Has he told you about any of it?” Nat asked. 
“Um, not really…” 
Y/N thought back and realized she only knew small personal details about Bucky in her time here. And they weren’t things about his past really, but instead just quirks and likes and dislikes. 
For instance, when he was lecturing Peter with Steve one night while he did his homework in the living room, he would scratch his beard when he had to really think back on a detail to keep the story accurate. It was his tic she had noticed he commonly did to concentrate harder. 
Another time, when they had movie night, Bucky made sure to get one specific blanket everytime. He would kindly share it with her though as he prided in showing people how soft it was. He was right too, if you had ever felt the softness of the softest bunny on earth, it couldn’t compare to this blanket. 
He rolled his eyes dramatically everytime Sam made sure everyone remembered he was the one who bought that for Bucky as a gift for Secret Santa. Everyone said the last thing the tough soldier would want was a fluffy blanket. But they were all wrong and Bucky wished he had never shown his excitement at the thoughtful gift before learning who gave it to him. 
Or the time he had joined one of Wanda and her walks one day, and while on the trail, he would stop to point out certain trees and characteristics of them. He had mentioned that his time in the army gave him limited things to find hobbies in, so he took up reading about things that could help him survive in the heavily armed forest and woods they were stationed in. 
He made notes about a group of bushes that would bloom a berry in the spring that was similar to blueberries in taste. He had mentioned things about the dandelions and how they were actually very beneficial in helping with health issues. If cooked and concentrated right, it could give all kinds of healing properties. 
She had also learned on that hike he was a fan of astronomy. Another hobby picked up during the war and his extended periods of time outside under the night sky.
And there were tons of other little details that she had learned as well. 
He liked his coffee black with 2 sugar packets. He always made sure to open doors for every woman he could. He would call Sam Skuttle, which always made Sam annoyed, but he did it solely for that reason. He always had a jolly rancher or wart heads on hand, mainly for Y/N, but also because he knew what it was like to be socially uncomfortable or anxious, and the sour and sweet options helped give your brain another focus. Taste. 
He liked just sitting in common spaces while doing work of his own because he liked hearing the background conversations and being around people he trusted. He hated running with Steve because he would always say, “One more lap,” and it would never be just one more. He always smiled on one side of his mouth when they watch mystery movies and he somehow solves it before everyone else. Majority of the time he doesn’t say anything, but at the end when everyone discusses their theory, his happen to always be right and his points make it seem obvious when they never are. 
All of these traits and interests brought a different kind of comfort to her as it helped her humanize the man who saved her and also continuously proved that good and genuine people exist out there. 
“No, he hasn’t told me much besides how old he is, Steve and his friendship and when it started, and he told me he has enhancements,” she listed the things that would be of importance now. 
“Nothing about his arm?” Nat was semi-surprised.
“I’ve never asked about it, so no. Nothing,” she shrugged. 
“Huh,” Natasha hummed with a small smirk. “That’s… Interesting.” 
Y/N was blushing a bit, but mainly just because Nat was giving her a cheeky look that she didn’t know what to read it as. 
“I just assumed he didn’t want to talk about it since he never brought it up. I’m sure there’s a story to it, but I would want him to tell it to me in his own time,” she added. “He’s been patient with me while trying to learn all the things that’s happened to me, the least I can do is return the favor.”
Nat again couldn’t hold back the grin that was taking over her face now. This girl was a special and knowledgeable one and it showed effortlessly. 
“I’m sure he appreciates that,” Nat nodded, looking down to hide her growing smile, but then quickly putting her serious side to work. “Now, you wanted to give a punch or two a try? Let’s see what we are working with.” She stood up motioning to the ring. “Ready?”
“Surprisingly,” she hesitated, taking a deep breath and feeling a small wave of confidence hit her after Nat confirmed this was a good idea after all. “I think I am.”
“Have you seen Y/N?” Bucky asked as he walked past Sam who was at the kitchen island with his cup of coffee in one hand and his phone in the other. 
“Not this morning, no,” Sam answered, never looking up. “Why?”
“I went by her room to check and see if she was still sleeping and I didn’t hear anything inside.”
“Did you knock?” 
“Yeah, no answer,” he replied with a breath as he grabbed his own mug. “I would have peaked my head in, but I didn’t hear a heartbeat on the other side. Her room was empty.” He paused trying to think of the possibilities. “I usually wake up before her and wait until she comes around in the morning to double check on her.”
“I know,” Sam chuckled. “You look like a dog waiting for their owner to wake up so you can hang out with them.” Bucky sent him a glare. “Don’t act like I’m wrong,” he chuckled, bringing his mug to his lips and going back to his phone. 
“Hey, guys,” Steve walked in. 
The two mumbled an early morning hello back.
“You haven’t seen Y/N by chance, have you?” Bucky asked him while he grabbed an apple from the fridge.
“No. Why?” Steve furrowed his eyebrows as he answered.
“I haven’t seen her this morning,” Bucky answered and their shared look silently communicated that something felt off. 
“Is she on a walk with Wanda? Maybe they got around earlier than usual,” Sam interrupted, still unbothered knowing she couldn’t and wouldn’t have gone far. 
“I just passed Wanda and she was headed to the gym,” Steve answered. 
“I’m going to go check her room one more time and do a walk around. See if anyone has seen her,” Bucky decided, leaving his empty mug by the coffee machine he never used. 
“Want an extra set of eyes?” Steve asked, ready to pack up his breakfast and go. 
“No, I’ll be back. Just text me if you hear from her,” Bucky began walking out. 
After an uneventful night of trying to unblock memories by using muscle memory, Natasha and Y/N called it eventually and went to bed in hopes of getting a few hours of shut eye before waking up early with the rest. 
After deciding to reenact the maneuvers Y/N was able to piece together, frustration started to weigh heavy on her shoulders when nothing triggered a memory. 
Nat offered multiple times to put a pause on it if she needed rest, and that they could come the next night to try again if she wanted to still. 
Y/N had shook her head in determination and refocused. Each time saying, “One more try.”
By the time it was close to 2 in the morning, Nat knew it was time they both went to bed. They were mentally and physically exhausted trying to pull moves and think back to what could have started this in the beginning, and each time came up empty handed. 
The redhead thought she was one of the more hardheaded individuals of the group, but she had found a worthy opponent in Y/N. 
She was somehow able to convince her to get a few hours of rest and come back at 5:30am before most came to the gym. 
It was a Saturday which meant the capacity of the compound was slower than normal, and she knew the boys gym schedule for the most part. They wouldn’t need to worry about interruptions or concerned Bucky’s that morning. 
But just for extra measures, they went to a private conditioning room and stayed out of sight in case someone came along. They were the only two that knew about this idea and Y/N wanted to keep it that way. 
“What am I doing wrong?” Y/N grunted in frustration after doing another punch to the bag in front of her and nothing happening. 
It was interesting seeing this side of her as she had been so timid and quiet most of her stay here. Nat knew there was more to her than just that quickly after meeting her as she had wit. But she had still never seen her angry. Only scared or nervous when it came to the more intense emotions. 
“Maybe it wasn’t the move that caused the trigger to come back. Maybe it was the people,” Nat offered a new viewpoint. 
“It was the move,” Y/N shook her head in disagreement. Her eyes were on the floor and her arms were crossed in front of her after. The tap wrapping her knuckles were peeling and changing colors at the beating they had too against the punching bag. “I just don’t know how to reenact it better,” she sighed heavily. 
Nat gave her some space to think while she grabbed them waters and walked over to hand her one. 
Then, as a light bulb popped in her head, Y/N looked up sharply.
“That’s it,” she said softly, looking at the water bottle extended in front of her. 
“What’s it?” Nat asked confusedly as she looked at the plastic cylinder as if it had the answer. 
“Nat, I have another idea, but I’m not sure how you’ll feel about it,” Y/N took the water slowly as she gaged Nat’s face. 
“That sounds promising,” she smirked, nodding on for her to continue.
“I think I need you to actually fight me…”
Nat didn’t answer right away, but instead just stared at her blankly for 20 seconds before saying, “Come again?” 
“I think the only way we are going to get over this obstacle we’re in is if we are actually fighting and I have to truly defend myself. All this so far is just a slowed down version of it all. It’s not going to give me the adrenaline and survival instincts I need to get past this bump.”
Nat understood her reasoning after thinking about it, but at the same time couldn’t bring herself to give in to the request.
“I don’t think you understand how bad of an idea this could be,” Nat crossed her arms. 
“You and I both know you aren’t going to hurt me,” Y/N was quick to wave off.
“That would be the true intentions, but you are asking me to swing at you.”
“It's the next best option,” Y/N shrugged. “That or we keep doing this fake fighting thing and hope that one day it’ll spark something.”
“I like that idea better.”
“We don’t have much time for that kind of plan,” Y/N looked at her deeply. “Please.”
She considered it, but immediately thought of the repercussions they could hit if it ended up not working like they hoped. 
“Bucky, would kill me if I left a single scratch on you,” Nat shook her head. “I would feel awful-”
“If the person getting hurt is the one who asked for it, you shouldn’t feel guilty about it. Especially if I know what could come out of it,” Y/N bribed, picking at her wrapping. “Plus, I heal fast. By the time I saw anyone, no one would ever know you and I went up against each other.”
Again Nat was skeptical about the whole thing. A piece of her knew what it was like to try and get information from something that hurt you more than a scratch or two would. But Y/N was so fragile in her mind and the thought of pulling any kind of Black Widow move on her made her think about how unfair a fight like that could be. Especially if they didn’t know for sure if Y/N would react how they hoped. 
“I promise to tap out if I can’t handle it,” Y/N pushed on.
“It’s not you that I’m worried about being able to handle it,” Nat smirked. “I’m not sure I can handle being the one causing the damage.”
“Then do something simple,” Y/N offered, moving to the center of the mat. “Something that if I do have any sort of preservation muscle memory, I’ll react.”
Nat slowly walked to the mat with her, but didn’t make any moves. 
“If I do this, and it doesn't work, promise you won’t make me try again,” Nat bargained. “I don’t want to beat you up and you keep asking for more cause you want to try one more time.”
“I won’t make you do anything you aren’t completely comfortable with,” Y/N agreed. 
Nat hummed and thought about certain moves that she knew would just have to be quick reflexes to counter more than defend against. They could start off small. 
“Ok, but I’m not throwing a punch at you yet,” Nat pointed to her. 
“Works for me,” Y/N smiled. 
Nat and her got positioned on the training mat and Y/N bounced on her feet some, anticipating Nat’s next move. 
“Ok, I want the first move that you do to be strictly your gut reaction,” Nat instructed and Y/N nodded. 
Giving a few seconds of suspense to catch her off guard, Nat quickly took a step forward invading her space. Instantly, Y/N backed up. 
Nat surveyed her feet and body language and was surprised to see her in a staggered yet balanced stance. Not necessarily in a fight stance just yet, but at least she had decent counter poses. 
“Ok, nice start,” Nat smiled. 
Y/N seemed to be proud of that reaction and smiled more as she continued to bounce on her toes ready for the next move. 
“Maybe we should put on gloves. That way I can soften the blow a little-” Nat debated with herself, but Y/N shook her head. 
“Just swing,” she instigated, and she looked to have shocked herself a little at the snap. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sound-”
“Don’t worry about it,” Nat chuckled. “I’m glad to know you have a little spitfire in there.”
Y/N smiled shyly at the comment and they went back to it. Nat practiced a few more moves mainly just to study her stance and reflex of it all. She had shown promising reactions to each push Nat hit her with. 
“You’re walking on eggshells still,” Y/N noted as they circled each other. “You still haven't done any type of actual fight move on me.”
“I’m warming you up,” Nat played off. “I just needed to double check that you have promising reflexes.”
Y/N looked at her with a bitch face. Again that spitfire Nat mentioned earlier was becoming more apparent with each dragged out next move. 
But little did Y/N know she was building up her frustration to help in her defense. Nat had always said she was a better fighter and shot when she was mad. The rush of angry adrenaline was a different type of fuel. 
Just when she could see Y/N on the brink of giving up from frustration, that’s when Natasha striked. And instantly Y/N maneuvered in a way her opponent recognized. 
“Whoa,” Nat smirked, repositioning herself after being deflected in a smooth manner. “That was new.”
Y/N noticed it as well, but she wasn’t sure how she did it still. 
“Try it again,” she pushed on, straightening her stance as she focused. 
Nat shrugged and continued to size her up and play offense, and each time Y/N had moved herself out of harm's way. Sometimes it would be slightly clumsy as she would over think her next step and not let the natural instincts kick in fully. 
But that was part of the progress. You can still get rusty over time, especially if you weren’t actively practicing in ways like this. 
But for the most part, she was holding her own. When Natasha reminded her to follow her gut instead of her head, her next move would improve and hold strong. 
Then at one point, Nat came at a new angle and it was as if the realization of what they were doing sunk in.
It was no longer Nat that was throwing the next punch, but instead some flash of a man coming at her. 
Instead of fighting back, her learned behavior of shielding herself from the hit, instead of redirecting it, came flooding back as her survival instincts.
She threw an arm up in her face as she turned away, ready to take the hit this time, but instead a strong force propelled Natasha across the floor. 
When Y/N felt a vibration bounce around her, she opened her eyes in shock to see herself still standing and Natasha about 10 feet back from where she stood. 
Natasha groaned some, but sat back up with her hands propping her upper half up and her legs spread out in front of her. 
Instead of saying anything they just stared at the other in shock. Neither moving from their spot as they were trying to wrap their head around what just happened. 
Then Nat broke the silence with a single word. 
“Shit,” Y/N followed after a second. 
“Kurva,” another voice sounded from behind them. 
They both turned their heads quickly and saw the second redhead of the group at the door with her eyes in wide shock.
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97 notes · View notes
sl-newsie · 8 months
Query: Q x 00 Agent- Ch. 10: Cold Hands, Warm Heart
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I’m ready in 10 minutes. That’s how it works when all your belongings fit into a single storage room. I make sure I’ve got my pendant and matching bracelet, as well as extra ammunition. After leaving Cricket with a large supply of food and packing a heavy set of winter clothes I meet Q outside the lab. He’s waiting next to my motorcycle and is wearing a gray striped sweater, which is very different from his usual suits. He almost looks like a tourist.
Q notices me looking. “What? Is it too dull?”
I shake my head. “It’s exactly how I pictured you in a sweater, Quartermaster. Ready to go?”
He gestures to the bike. “You drive. I’ve deactivated the tracker and C doesn't know its registration so it’s the best way for us to disappear. I’ve already booked tickets under a false identity.”
As I mount the motorcycle I can’t help but admire his planning. “You’re surprisingly skilled at planning a sudden absence, Quartermaster. Have you ever gone on holiday?”
He sits down behind me and chuckles. “Not exactly. My childhood didn’t consist of many events people would classify as a holiday.”
“I see.” What’s your story, Q? I turn the key and the bike roars to life, yet he’s still leaning back. “Q, have you ridden a motorcycle before?”
“Once, in the country. It was a slow ride with lovely scenery-”
“Well this bike isn’t built for slow,” I say as I lift the kickstand. “You better hang on tight.”
With that I rev the engine and speed off at a meager 50 miles per hour. Q is very quick to wrap his arms around me to keep from falling off, though in his haste he grabs a bit too much.
“Passengers usually grab the driver’s waste,” I say nonchalantly.
“Then what am I-? Oh.” Q shakily lowers his hands from my bust. “Sorry. I’m not used to- Jesus!”
We accelerate past a yellow light heading to the Eurotunnel station. I feel Q bury his face in my neck. Now I understand just how little he gets out. It’s no wonder he’s afraid of flying.
“Now I see why you and Bond are such good chums! You drive like a madman!” Q shouts against the traffic. “Did he teach you?”
“Partially. I’m also self-taught,” I explain. 
We weave through traffic and quickly make it to the station, where I hide my bike under a tarp in a nearby alley. Once we’ve received our tickets and boarded the train Q takes out his laptop to check Bond’s status. Meanwhile I take out handkerchiefs to cover up the few security cameras in our private car.
“He’s changed course. He’s heading to the mountains… Looks like a very expensive psychological facility.”
I lean in and get a better look at the map. “Oh no. The only way to the lab is by plane!” I gasp dramatically. “How will you manage?”
“Shut up.”
We ride the rest of the way in silence. Q keeps to his laptop while I go back and forth between staring at the passing scenery and reading Einstein: His Life and Universe by Walter Isaacson.
“I’m surprised you picked that book,” Q comments, not even looking up.
“It was actually you who inspired me to, Quartermaster. After your World War II voicetape I took up a hobby in history.”
He hums. “Glad to know not all of my lecturing is ignored.”
I spot the next station approaching and gather my bag. “We’re here. Do you know what plane we take?”
Q’s getting nervous. He keeps fidgeting with his hands and biting his lip. And I thought my fear of failure was outrageous. He leads me to a charter bus station that leads directly to the airport. I look around to make sure we’re not being followed, wondering if my skills will pay off. This is the first time I’ve ever directly disobeyed orders, and it probably won’t be the last. This was Q’s idea but I’m the most experienced. He’s my responsibility.
The time spent boarding the small plane is almost like escorting a kid to get a shot. The whole time Q’s fidgeting gets worse, and it doesn't help that our seats are near the window. The plane begins gliding down the runway, gaining speed-
All of a sudden Q takes my hand in a death grip, all but squeezing the blood out. His breathing is getting heavier.
“Keep cool, Q,” I whisper soothingly. “Planes have been flying for decades. There’s nothing to be skittish about.”
He faces straight ahead. I can almost see his mind racing from how wide his eyes are. I tug my hand free and use both hands to grab his face. “Get a grip, Q. We’ve survived far worse. You cannot let this get to you, because the fighting hasn’t even started yet.”
My hand finds his again, hoping to give any degree of comfort, and I turn to look outside. It’s a gorgeous location. Majestic white mountain tops along with the crisp clean air provide a very peaceful setting. I only wish we weren’t here on such pressing matters.
The ride only takes half an hour. On the ground I see a small village and a road leading to a tunnel. Maybe we won’t have to relive this plane episode on the way home? After we land and exit the plane (and I wait for Q to start breathing properly), we make our way to a giant glass building. On top of his coat, Q’s also chosen a wool hat that I can’t stop staring at.
“Really? The hat? You look like a poster boy for a ski commercial.”
“It keeps my head warm!” 
We continue walking and I start to look for anything suspicious. Where are you Bond…?
My eyes flick to the stairs. “I see him. He’s headed to the bar.”
Q scoffs. “How can you-?”
“Because half the whole building is made of glass.”
The structure reminds me of ice. Cold, boring, and gray. It’s curious how anyone would find psychological comfort here. I’m thankful for Q’s quirky sweater because it drives away all unwanted attention. We probably look like a couple on holiday so the security guards don’t give us a second look. Bond, of course, chooses to go to the bar.
“I’ll wait here,” I say to Q and lean against the back wall. “I’ll keep watch.”
Q nods and goes to approach Bond.
“Vodka martini, shaken not stirred,” Bond orders his usual.
The bartender smiles. “I’m sorry, we don’t serve alcohol.”
God this place is depressing.
“I’m starting to love this place,” Bond mutters dryly.
“He’ll have a prerogative digestive enzyme shake,” Q states plainly as he removes his coat.
The bartender nods. “Certainly.”
Did he just make that up? That sounds made up. Who would drink that?
Bond keeps his cold stare at the counter. “If you’ve come for the car I parked it at the bottom of the Tiber.”
“Not to worry 007, it was only a 3 million pound prototype-”
“Why are you here, Q?” Bond interrupts.
Q huffs. “Oh I just fancied a break, if I’m honest. I’ve been a tad stressed at work recently.” That’s the understatement of the year. “What with C’s people crawling all over and the fact that M wants my balls for Christmas decorations.”
Did he just crack another joke? I swear my witty remarks are starting to rub off on him.
“Get to the point,” Bond grumbles.
I decide to step out now, tutting at his attitude. “Still so stubborn.”
Bond turns around and sees me, then he looks between me and Q. “You followed him?”
I snicker. “Hilarious. No, Bond. I’m here because I’m trying to help unscramble this mess you’re in. I never minded covering for you when we went on missions as long as we trusted each other. Now you apparently don’t trust me at all.” I know Bond won’t care about the invisible knife I just jabbed at him but I’m still mad. “Was your secret business in Rome productive?”
Q decides to continue. “The point, 007, is that Franz Oberhauser is dead and buried. And unless you come back with me right now my career and Moneypenny’s will go the same way. 0011’s as well. Do you understand? All Hell is breaking loose out there and-”
“I saw him.”
Bond saw a dead man?
Q quirks a brow at him. “You saw him? We’ve been through the records, he died in an avalanche with his father 20 years ago.”
“Yes I know that. Then I met him.” Bond shakes his head. “He’s not someone I will ever forget.”
“Ah.” Q nods. “So you have a lead?”
“I have a name. L'Américain.”
He gives a short laugh. “Well that narrows it down. Look, 007, time’s up.” Q looks at bond with both anxious determination. “My whole career is on the line here and you will come back and do this through proper channels or I will report you to M.”
I’m not sure how Q thinks he’s going to get Bond to budge. He knows as well as I do that Bond won’t back down from a lead no matter who’s career is at stake.
“Do one more thing for me. Then you’re out. Find out what you can from this.”
He hands Q a small silver ring. The geek looks like he’s fighting the urge to say no.
“I really really hate you right now,” Q states plainly.
Bond gives him a pat on the shoulder. “Thank you, Q.” He looks past him to look at me. “We’ll discuss more later. I’ve only got a few moments until security escorts me out. Where are you staying?”
Um, where are we-?
“The Pesnica, Room 12,” Q says without question.
"Excellent." On que some security guards appear and start ushering Bond away. "Right now I’ve got to go retrieve Dr. Swann before she’s kidnapped."
I frown. “Kidnapped-?” Then I spot a blonde woman being driven away by men in black suits. “Oh. Right. There she goes.” I nudge Q’s shoulder as we head out. “You really are a pushover.”
He groans. “That man is going to be the death of me.”
“You booked a room?”
Q nods proudly. “Always prepared.”
“That you are, Quartermaster. I suppose we should get there immediately and secure a proper research setting.” Q nods and we go on to the front lobby. “How do we get there? Those?”
I point to what looks like an elevator hooked up to a ski lift that’s carrying passengers up the mountain.
Q’s jaw drops. “Oh God. You’ve got to be joking.”
I grab his coat and push him towards the next available lift. “Suck it up, Q. It’s not flying, it’s just sitting hundreds of feet up in the air in a moving elevator.”
“Thanks for putting it in perspective.” Q retrieves his laptop and begins examining the ring. “Are you coming?”
I shake my head, still standing outside. “I’m taking the scenic route via snowmobile, just in case Bond needs help. I’ll meet you up there.” He’s still fidgety about this so I change to a softer tone. “You’ll be fine, Q. Just breathe.”
The doors shut just as one last passenger steps in, and it takes off up the steep slope. Now I’ve got to find a good snowmobile- ah. Bingo. There’s one right outside, and doesn’t look to be in order. After a quick jump the engine starts up and I start driving up the mountain. This place must be popular for tourists because there’s a well-groomed trail leading straight up. It’s much much chillier than London but I’m not complaining. I’d rather have my face frozen than be melting away. Now that I’m halfway up I activate my earpiece.
“How are you coping?” I ask Q.
“This isn’t so bad, actually. It’s steady, and the view really is lovely.” He actually sounds… relaxed. “What’s the news from down there?”
I look over to where Bond disappeared. “3 large vehicles headed to a tunnel. And- Oh God.” I give a heavy sigh.
“What?” Q asks anxiously.
“And Bond’s flying a plane after them,” I grunt. “He’s following them to the village. I’m almost at the lift checkpoint. Meet you there in 3 minutes.”
Jesus, Bond. You go from wrecking trains to wrecking planes. What’s next? Space stations? I see from where I am that there’s approximately a 2-minute window before Bond flys by the resort. I’m going to be cutting it close-
Q speaks up. “I need help.”
Almost there! I huff. “Isn’t that the truth?”
He sounds worried. “I’m stuck on the ski lift.”
Now I’ve made it to the resort parking lot. “I know you don’t like flying, but you’ve really got to get over this whole fear of-”
“I mean I am literally stuck on the fucking ski lift!” Q shouts. “There’s 2 blokes who are about to skin me alive! Maybe put your annoying tongue to rest and do some of that punching you’re always going on about?!”
Oh. I guess he’s not joking. I jump off the snowmobile and weave through the mob of patrons. The good news is that this messy crowd will allow a decent getaway. I get to the ski lift and try to Spot Q. He’s spaced himself between the corner and a bunch of noisy tourists. And he’s right, there’s two men watching his every move-
A loud noise catches everyone’s attention just as the plane flies past. Right on time. Nice going, Bond. Q doesn’t miss his chance and slips off before the two men notice he’s gone. But they quickly regain focus and start running. He keeps looking over his shoulder and doesn’t seem to notice me. I hold out a hand and grab Q’s coat to yank him into a storage closet just as they pass by. Though now we’ve both discovered how cramped the closet is and Q’s practically pushing me into the wall.
“Where were you!” He hisses in the dark. “I believe I said to administer some punching, yes?”
I scowl. “‘There’s more to being an agent than punching,’ Q. Ring a bell?” I feel his angry breathing against my face. “Besides they’re gone now and we didn’t need to punch our way out. What matters now is getting to our room and laying low.”
It takes a few seconds but we both eventually start to calm down. Q must also notice how close we are because he’s trying to find the doorknob.
“Here it is-” I grab it the same time he does, sending a chill through my arm.
“That’s your hand, right?” Q asks a bit awkwardly.
“Yes, Q. That is my hand. Do you want me to open the door?”
“Please do.”
He removes his warm hand from my cold one and I turn the knob, allowing us to squeeze out of the closet. 
“Why is your hand so cold?” Q asks openly.
I give him a pointed look. “You had a nice cozy ski lift to travel in. I was driving a snowmobile. I’m not immune to the elements, you know.”
Q’s eyes widen and he starts tugging at his coat. “Well then if you’re cold I could-”
“No no, that’s not necessary.” I hold up a hand. “I’ve dealt with worse and from the looks of things you need that coat more than me.”
He frowns. “Why’s that?”
“Because your face is so red it looks like a tomato.”
This comment drives Q to look away and busy himself with his messenger bag. “Yeah. Must be the cold wind.”
He walks off towards the ledge where people are gathering. I follow him and we both look down to see what’s left of a plane next to a crumbling cabin.
“Another one of Bond’s perfect landings,” I say. “More property damage. M’s not going to like this.”
“Bond can get away with it, because he’s right.” Has Q gone mad? Bond is right? “Oberhauser is alive. And right now I have to do one of the most scary things I can think of: apologize to Bond.”
Oh. That’s never an easy thing. 
I pat Q’s shoulder. “Prayers be with you, Q. Now let’s get to our room before another catastrophe happens.”
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