#(the thing it will awaken is More Treason)
muffinlance · 10 months
Lochlann: “I am begging you, people care about you, please ask for help.”
Aaron: “No? Why would I do that??”
Lochlann: “…”
Lochlann: “Would it help if I commited treason. Would that make you listen to me.”
Aaron: But is it really treason if you're just being a "good person"?
Aaron: Hmmmmm
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sunderwight · 2 months
SV Game of Thrones AU where Shen Yuan transmigrates into a character who is basically Joffrey Lannister.
Luo Binghe is a mix of all the Stark kids, but mostly Sansa Stark and Jon Snow. Su Xiyan and Tianlang Jun had a Rhaegar-and-Lyanna thing going on, and Binghe's adopted mother was Su Xiyan's older cousin, who took him in after the fact and had him legitimized because she was the only remaining heir and had no other kids.
In the original story, King Shen Qingqiu (Jiu) develops a suspicion about Luo Binghe's heritage and, being just as paranoid about Heavenly Demons as Robert Baratheon was about Targaryens, invites the Luo family to come to court. Ostensibly so that Binghe can be playmates with the king's son and heir (Shen Yuan). Binghe's mom is horribly worried that they've been found out, but has not choice but to accept the invitation.
Of course, OG Prince Shen Yuan was a rotten little sadist who made it his life's mission to torment Luo Binghe, was eventually revealed to be the bastard spawn of Queen Qiu Haitang and her own brother, executed Binghe's mom for alleged treason, is party to the slaughter of the noble Liu family, and is eventually gruesomely assassinated at his own wedding feast.
Shen Yuan himself doesn't want to torment Binghe, or slaughter anyone, start any wars, or of course be gruesomely assassinated at his own wedding feast. He would much rather live his cushy life as a crown prince, figure out how to administrate a kingdom properly and also implement some better waste management practices to reduce the awful city stench (like, Shen Yuan was never terribly interested in plumbing in his first life but he is absolutely invested in the subject now.)
The problem is that the System absolutely demands that there be a war and certain other plot points in order to propel Luo Binghe into some sort of narrative destiny. Shen Yuan's not sure why because the last time he checked, the book series was stalled with Luo Binghe seemingly dead, and the television series had basically rendered everything he'd done pointless by the end, but regardless the System won't just let him peacefully evade all the drama and spare Luo Binghe all the suffering.
Plus there's the concerning matter of the Northern Demon King awakening and mustering armies to conquer the south (and getting derailed by the beleaguered quartermaster of the Nightswatch, who keeps wondering when the fuck the actual protagonist is going to show up to handle the increasingly concerning plot points, because Binghe should have been exiled by now...?), Zhuzhi Lang resurrecting his uncle (as a dragon?!) across the Narrow Sea, and the Qiu family plotting the murder of the king and a coup to seize power...
(Also featuring: Yue Qingyuan as the parts of Jaime Lannister's character not currently owned by Qiu Jianluo, the Huan Hua Palace Master as a Littlefinger proxy, Meng Mo as Bloodraven, and many more!)
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thesilmarillionblog · 4 months
𓏲 𓂃 L o s i n g Y o u
Part: 5
Click here to read the first part.
Summary: Everything was good as a member of Payback and Soldier Boy's secret girlfriend until the team and your relationship with him began to fall apart due to a new member and her developing relationship with Ben right in front of your eyes.
Pairing: Soldier Boy / Reader
Warnings: heavy angst, hurt, PTSD, violence, mentally unstable Soldier Boy, anger issues, Soldier Boy hates everyone, Countess is a bitch
Word Count: 3032
A/N: English is not my first language.
* This story is inspired by the song "Losing You" by Dream Evil.
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Present, 2022
Butcher grinned and added, “Lift your asses up, boys. We're heading to Russia. Let's see what's being hidden there that could kill.. Cuntlander.”
Butcher had been looking for any other way to terminate Homelander and was working hard to get the chance to succeed. Butcher's past was clear after everything that transpired with Stormfront, but he didn't like the quiet. He still had unfinished business with Homelander. He was willing to take a chance and find a way out, but he wasn't sure if his plan would work out well. He would fuck around and find out.
It wasn't challenging to enter the Russian basement with Temp V on his body and the boys around. When they stood near the well-guarded metal object that concealed the potential end of Homeland, they took extreme caution. They all were aware of that was their final shot. Butcher didn’t know what could he done more to end Homelander.
Kimiko and Frenchie retreated a step as Butcher approached and removed the metal object's door with ease. Frenchie's gun-wielding fingers clenched, and Kimiko attempted to peek inside the box. As the strong smoke began to reduce, MM's eyes grew wide with horror, his heart paced with distress. Butcher leaned forward and muttered, “Soldier Boy.”
Ben removed the handcuffs and the object from his face with ease as his senses began to awaken. His legs felt like jelly, and he was holding on to the metal object he was in. He couldn’t see a shit at first; everything was blurry as fuck. When he began to realize the real gravity of what was happening, he understood that he was completely naked. He was being watched intently by a few people around him. He blinked in confusion, sensing immense power beneath his chest. His muscles began to tense with fury.
“It’s okay,” one of them said with a calm voice.
That fucking calm voice, Ben thought. It was the same tone as the fucking scientists who tortured and poisioned him for years, like they were studying a fucking little rat. They were all going to pay for what they did to him.
Ben experienced an immediate increase in warmth and energy in his chest. As he exploded, he let out a painful shout and felt a wave of relief afterwards. Fuck, he thought. What the fuck was that? What they have done to him? He was aware that he had to leave the region as soon as possible. He needed to get out from the lab as quickly as he could before they caught them again.
Ben then remembered you. He was informed that Vought had punished you for treason by shipping you to Russia in a metal box where you would be subjected to the same smoke that he had breathed for decades. You were nowhere to be found, even though he tried his hardest to locate and rescue you. When he realized that fucking Crimson Countess had betrayed him, it was too fucking late. She would be the first to die.
He would track them down and rip their limbs off for their betrayal. Stan Edgar would be the fucking second among them, if he was still alive. He had to find you first, though. He didn’t know what exactly happened to you. He didn’t want to think the possiblity of your betrayal. Ben had done unforgottable things to you, hurt your heart pretty bad, after all. He wouldn’t be surprised.
Ben stuck into an airport after he stole some clothes and illegally boarded a passenger plane bound for America, New York. It was the city that he had known you had been last time he remembered. However, he got confused seeing huge buildings and crowd. The city was nothing like he remembered at all; there was huge screen around, everywhere. Ben paused for a moment and thought what he should do. Everything he knew had changed and he didn’t feel like fit in there.
A nearby location played Russian music on the radio that Ben heard as he wandered down Manhattan's street. He recalled all of the torture and shit he had endured over the years. Back in Russia, he experienced the same overwhelming sensation in his chest. He struggled to control this new power without drawing attention to himself or doing any harm, but the terrible memories overpowered him so much that he was unable to control it and let out a loud groan as he exploded.
“Oh fuck,” Ben whispered when he opened his eyes. Maybe he needed to find Legend first to make a start somewhere before he exploded the whole country. Fuck, he needed you.
Butcher and MM were too late when they arrived in New York, where Soldier Boy exploded. Their eyes widened with shock, seeing the entire building burn out. There were at least ten corpses around the building. It was a big fucking mess. Butcher’s chest overwhelmed with remorse. He was the one to free Soldier Boy after all. But there were no place for soft heart at that moment.
“Where could he have fucking gone?” Butcher murmered as he wandered around, overwhelmed by the chaos in the street and hearing cryings. He wasn’t sure at this point if Soldier Boy was really controllable or not.
“Who else lives in this city?” MM said, raising his eyebrows. “Think about it.”
Butcher’s eyes widened with excitement, and he said, “Legend.”
Legend was drinking his visky in joy when Butcher, MM, and Hughie knocked on his door out of the blue. He resisted letting them in after seeing Butcher among them, but he eventually gave up and invited them in.
“I swear on my kids,” Legend said, raising both hands up. “I haven’t seen Soldier Boy.”
“You hate your kids.”
“Well, you’d hate them too if they were your kids,” said Legend with an irritated voice.
“Fuck, stop being stubborn. Nothing will happen to you. I give you my word,” MM said, trying his best to convince him to talk. Butcher’s patience was also growing thin.
“Your word? He gave his word too once. I fucking lost my leg.” Legend snapped suddenly, showing off his prosthetic leg and waving it on the air.
“You’ll have to order another one if you keep talking like that old man,” said Butcher, getting up from his couch.
“Let’s calm down,” said Hughie. He got anxious because of the heat of the moment, but nobody gave a damn about him at all, so remained silent.
Legend sighed as he kept sipping his visky, and he murmered “I thought I'd seen a ghost. Fuck, he never aged a day, despite his long, odd beard. He just took his suit, nothing more.”
MM and Butcher exchanged a look.
“It seems like he demanded something,” Butcher stated, casting Legend a wary glance.
“Well, he requested the address of the Crimson Countess. I don't know, but he appeared quite furious. I don't expect to have an enjoyable visit.”
Ben learnt that Countess had been living in a trailer before he arrived. Thankfully, it was very easy to locate the bitch. His heart filled with anger seeing she lived her life while we was burn and tortured for decades. Before he entered the trailer, Ben had seen the same cocksucker back in Russia. His eyes narrowed in confusion. He had a very punchable face.
“You’re the same asshole in the lab,” Ben said with a questioning voice.
“Yeah. I am the asshole who let you out. Your lovey-dovey countess is inside the trailer. All yours. Consider it a good gesture of faith,” said Butcher giving him a sly glance.
“Good faith for what?” Ben asked in an arrogant voice, ignoring his little stupid comment about Countess. Ben didn’t even know that cocksucker, but he had a lot of things to do, and he didn’t have time for games. He couldn’t rely on anyone either.
“I was thinking, you and I might come to an arrangement, you know.”
Ben didn’t say a word as he walked by him and went inside the trailer.
“Ben?” Crimson called him with a shaky voice. Her hands were in chains, and she was looking at him with fear. The place she lived looked pathetic to his eyes. Ben’s heart was filled with immense hatred seeing her face after all those years. How could he even spend a minute with her? “You look so young.”
“You don’t.” Without letting her talk, he inhaled deeply and asked with a calm voice, “Why did you even sell me out? How much did Russians pay you?”
“I wasn’t paid,” Countess said, closing her eyes with shame and fear. She never thought this day would come.
“What?” Ben blinked his eyes in confusion.
“What did you thought would happen? Everyone hated you so fucking much,” she went on while she was looking at him with despise. “It wasn’t my idea, but I wish it was,” she said cruelly. Ben’s grip on his shield grew tighter as she spit hatred towards him.
You also warned him that Countess would be the first to betray him if he continued to behave as he used to. It felt like it had been a day ago when you had that talk, and it was painful to realize how correct you were. He bet you would die to see his face right now.
He didn’t care what she or others felt towards him at that moment, though.
“Where is Y/N?” he asked with a firm voice as he got closer.
With a sly smile, Crimson raised her eyebrows, saying, “How could I know this? But she’s most likely napping. Perhaps in China, perhaps in Russia, who knows.”
Every time she spoke, Ben's chest grew warmer, but he had to maintain his composure in order to get to know your location. “She was already off the team. What the fuck have they done to her? And Why?”
“If anything bad did happen to her, it was due to her own naivety,” Crimson snapped. “You were the only person they intended to capture, but they also wanted to ensure that no one would come to your rescue. She tried to save you, and that was a big mistake.”
With one quick motion, Ben grabbed her throat, his glowing chest continuing, he knew it was getting out of control, but he couldn’t stop it. “I asked you a fucking question, and you'll fucking answer me,” he repeated while still strangling her.
She was attempting desperately to free herself from his strong hold, but she remained helpless, his strenght was unmatchable. Ben continued to choke her and ask the same question, and she closed her eyes in misery.
“You’ll never know. You lost the only person who wanted to rescue you. Good luck with living with this,” Countess whispered with a weak voice. Not being able to control himself anymore, Ben exploded with an angry growl.
He walked out of the trailer with a heavy heart. He considered the awful experiences you may have had for decades because of him. Despite everything he had done to you, you still loved him and attempted to rescue him. However, all he gave you was pain and suffering. You may be in a container of metal or suffering from torture right now while he was free. Feeling his shield becoming heavier in his hands, he tried to process what was happening. He fucking had let you down. He has never felt so lost.
He didn't know where to look for you because he was unfamiliar with the modern world. Even if he was still the strongest supe, he didn't feel that way at that point in time. He knew he would never give up looking for you, even if he had no idea how to find you. There was nothing that could stop him.
Ben turned to face the cocksucker who had been following after his balls since yesterday after sensing that someone had been observing him.
“It seems that you require a place to stay, don't you? After all, you are currently the state's greatest enemy.” With an encouraging smile, Butcher added, “You need our help.” He was closely gauging Soldier Boy's facial reactions.
Ben nodded and followed him out to his car. Hughie and Butcher exchanged a look and both sighed with relief that Soldier Boy wasn't hostile or anything.
Ben was given a cheeseburger and anything he wanted, including cocaine, some pills, and a drink, by Butcher in the morning. Ben needed to be in business and in shape, and he needed his fucking energy back. 
Ben continued eating his hamburger and said, “So, what exactly in the world do you two fuckfaces fucking want from me?”
Hughie turned to face Soldier Boy's enormous shield and used all of his strength to try to raise it. It was so freaking heavy that even with his best efforts, he could not get it to move an inch.
Ben angrily commanded, “Hands of the fucking shield,” to which Hughie responded with a shy smile and a mumbled apology. 
“We will assist you in locating your former teammates who betrayed you,” Butcher stated bluntly as he settled into the seat. “so that you can take your revenge.”
Ben instantly dropped the hamburger and furrowed his brows in suspicion. “But how can you manage to track them down?”
With hesitation, Hughie walked up to Ben and smiled slightly, saying, “Internet, GPS, Google Maps—you can find anyone with those things.”
Ben’s heart paced with hope as the bottom-faced guy said strange words. They could find Crimson even before him, after all. Maybe finding you wouldn’t be so hard. He had no other choice after all.
“You made those words up,” Ben said, not sure if they were talking true shit or just trying to deceive him.
“Those words are real words.”
“The kid’s right,” Butcher said as he gave a sly smile to Ben. “We will find every single member of Payback, so you can have your revenge.”
“And what do you cocksuckers want in return?” Ben asked rudely.
“We just want you to add one single person to the list. The cunt’s name is ‘Homelander’”
“Alright,” Ben responded without raising any further concerns. He wouldn't bargain when it was your life he was talking about. He could easily kill one more jackass; he'd killed plenty already. “But who is he? I’ve seen his pictures.”
When Soldier Boy didn't even hesitate, Butcher and Hughie sighed with relief and were unable to control their big smiles.
“He’s the new you,” Butcher said with a smirk.
“No one’s the new me, pal,” Ben answered with pride and arrogance, but deep down, knowing he was betrayed by his own country and team, he couldn’t help feeling a bit insecure. Nevertheless, he surpassed his feelings with a smile.
So, that was it. His nation used him in every operation, every war, and anything that required a supe, but they treated him like a worthless piece of trash in return, repaying him with disloyalty. Despite everything he had done for his nation, he was ignored and treated like a rat in a lab. He realized at this point that you were the one person who had never betrayed him and that you were the only one who would care about him. He made a promise to himself that he would make everyone pay for how they treated him and you, and he would make sure you and him would rule this modern world together.
“Let me to test you. What functions does your so-called internet offer?” Ben asked Hughie seriously, changing the subject.
“Alright. It can display images, films from all eras. You can even see the space through Internet,” Hughie answered, attempting to seem straightforward and sound simple like he was talking to a child so as not to confuse him. “You can learn everything from it. Billions of people are having their job done through Internet.”
Fuck, Ben thought. How the fuck he was supposed to save you through Internet thing? He was so fucking unfamiliar with that bullshit.
“Is there a way to see a photo of a Payback member?” Ben got up and asked. The excitement in his voice was obvious. 
“Absolutely. You can even find more information about them on several websites.”
Soldier Boy was watching very carefully when Hughie asked him the name he was interested in, and Hughie then showed him your images, saying “Here.”
Ben quickly grabbed Hughie's phone and gazed at your photo with a heavy heart. Fuck, he thought to himself. Undoubtedly, the term ‘internet’ was real and it fucking knew everything. He felt helpless at that point, since he had missed you so much. To find you, he would kill anybody those fuckers needed him to.
“I need to find her,” Ben whispered, showing your picture to both of them right to their eyes like they were blind or something. “If you help me find her, I’ll help you two fuckers kill that guy, Homelander. That’s the fucking deal.”
Next Chapter
A/N: Consider this chapter as a filler chapter. Sorry, if it is bad. I kinda didn’t like it personally, but here we are. Comments and reblogs are very appreciated! ♡♡♡
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drarryspecificrecs · 2 months
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2024.07 ~ Top 5 longest fics posted on AO3
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disasterstans · 6 months
I am a DIE-HARD BUDDIE SHIPPER!!! in my mind they've been married for 4 years, but anyone with eyes can see that BuckTommy/Kinkley😂 are sort of cute together, and while yes I think Tommy isn't Buck's forever (that's Eddie's job! Thank You!) I still think they should have some time together and be happy during that time, it doesn't mean I hate Buddie, or I'm jumping ship, it just means I think they're great for now. I think it's more genuine for Buck to explore his bisexuality with Tommy before he ends up with Eddie (he deserves to be taken care of for once), but I also just think Tommy would be a good fucking boyfriend to Buck and that's enough. I think 911 is one of the first fandoms I've been in where shipping the same character with different people is an act of treason, like it's normal everywhere else😂😂. Also are we forgetting that when Mr. Eddie 'panic attack(anxiety and overthinking extrodinaire)' Diaz has his queer awakening someone will need to anchor him. So since Eddie will probably have his realisation with Buck.....
Buck needs to already have some things figured out before he gets with Eddie, so that when Mr. Edmundo 'Catholic Guilt' Diaz kisses a boy and likes it, Buck can ground him.
If they're both having their queer freakout (for lack of a better word) at the same time, it'll take away from the foundation of their relationship and it might bring doubt or issues down the line, because they're both rookies when it comes to queer relationships so...
You don't have to like Tommy, but if nothing else appreciate what his service now will do for Buddie's relationship in the future. 😂
Also HOT TAKE! but I think they'd make a cute throuple😂 just saying...👀
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book--brackets · 2 months
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Amidst the decaying splendour and poisonous intrigue of Chalion’s ancient capital, Cardegoss, Cazaril is forced to encounter both old enemies and surprising allies, as he seeks to lift the curse of misfortune that clings to the royal family of Chalion, and to all who come too close to them...
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Arthur Penhaligon's first days at his new school don't go too well, particularly when a fiendish Mister Monday appears, gives Arthur a magical clock hand, and then orders his gang of dog-faced goons to chase Arthur around and get it back. But when the confused and curious boy discovers that a mysterious virus is spreading through town, he decides to enter an otherworldly house to stop it. After meeting Suzy Blue and the first part of "the Will" (a frog-looking entity that knows everything about the House), Arthur learns that he's been selected as Rightful Heir to the House and must get the other part of the clock hand in order to defeat Monday. That means getting past Monday's henchmen and journeying to the Dayroom itself. Thankfully, Arthur is up to the challenge, but as he finds out, his fight seems to be only one-seventh over.
The Riyria Chronicles by Michael J. Sullivan (2013-present)
Hadrian Blackwater, a warrior with nothing to fight for, is paired with Royce Melborn, a thieving assassin with nothing to lose. Hired by an old wizard, they must steal a treasure that no one can reach. The Crown Tower is the impregnable remains of the grandest fortress ever built and home to the realm's most prized possessions. But it isn't gold or jewels that the wizard is after, and if he can just keep them from killing each other, they just might succeed.
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skyward-floored · 1 month
- hero-of-the-wolf
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@hero-of-the-wolf @asocial-lobster here you go :)
(happens within hours of this fic)
Twilight heard footsteps.
He groggily opened his eyes, looking around the tiny bunk he slept in while he was on duty. The lights were off, but there was a thin crack of light coming from under the door, and Twilight’s night vision made up the difference. All he saw was the same cramped bed and desk though, and his suit hung over a chair.
The footsteps were outside in the hall he realized, getting closer, and he held back a groan. Great. He was probably about to be dragged on some late-night patrol even though he’d had the night shift last week.
Twilight began blinking the sleep out of his eyes as the door slid open, and paused, his senses picking up on a whole lot more people outside than he was expecting. That was way more than a simple patrol would merit, why—
Electricity shot through Twilight’s veins and he cried out, falling out of his bunk and onto the floor.
It was a lower charge, but it still hurt, and as Twilight convulsed with the leftover shock, he felt hands grabbing at him, and something pulling his arms behind his back.
His brain was scrambled from the abrupt awakening and subsequent shock, but he still fought against the hold, panic beginning to hit him. Something cracked him across the shoulders when he tried to fight back, and he cried out as his wrists were snapped into handcuffs.
“Wh... what...” he gasped, and saw through bleary vision his agent step forward, a hint of an apology on his face.
“Link Twilight Forester, you’re under arrest,” he said as Twilight was dragged to his feet, and Twilight stared at him in disbelief.
Under arrest? What— I haven’t done anything, I haven’t even been doing research this shift, and Legend just went on break so it couldn't be his—
Dread washed over Twilight as he thought of his brother, pieces fitting together that he didn’t like one bit.
“Why?” he finally managed to get out, and his agent sighed.
“Treason, apparently, and a long list of other things. Order went out for your whole family. Sorry Link,” he added with a shrug, and it was so casual and uncaring that determination rushed through Twilight, banishing the pain.
He snapped his head back and hit one of the guards in the face, then kicked his legs and took out the two holding his arms. His agent shouted, but Twilight jumped over his arms so his wrists were in front of him, then punched the man in the face, knocking him to the floor before he could shock him again.
Twilight bolted out of his room as one of the remaining men radioed for assistance, and he saw a handful of other supers poke their heads out of their doors as he ran by, woken by the noise. Nobody offered him any help, though he saw some sympathetic looks.
That was all right. He wouldn’t expect any of them to risk their necks for him.
Twilight kept running, ignoring the remaining shake in his legs and the ache in his shoulders, thinking through where the closest exits were. He was sure they’d already blocked off the nearest one, but if he went a bit further away...
Twilight heard a shout behind him and gritted his teeth, pushing himself faster. They wouldn’t be expecting him to go further from the exits, so if he headed for the fancy offices and slipped out there, he’d have a chance.
A small one, but a chance.
Transforming would slow him down, so Twilight kept running as a Hylian, keeping an eye out for a spot to hide. The hallways were gradually getting nicer, fancier lights and bigger windows, and Twilight grew more and more on edge. Any doors he’d tried had been locked so far, and he hadn’t found any exits, or even just a place to hide.
It was a miracle he hadn’t run into anybody yet, but it was only a matter of time. It was early yet, but morning would be coming soon, and with it an influx of people.
None of whom would be inclined to help him.
Twilight turned around a corner and slammed into something, scrambling backwards and cursing himself for focusing his senses behind him and not in front.
He’d crashed right into another super, a bodyguard if the clothes were any indication. The teenager was as surprised as he was, but almost immediately switched to a defensive position in front of his charge, his cerulean eyes blazing. Twilight saw a blonde head peep out from behind his shoulder, looking at him in fear and interest.
Twilight locked eyes with the bodyguard, unsure if he should fight or run, but the decision was made for him when the footsteps of his pursuers thumped quickly in their direction.
The guard’s eyes flicked to Twilight's cuffed wrists, then back at the hallway, and then suddenly he’d grabbed Twilight and pushed him through a door so fast Twilight barely registered it happening.
He fell to the ground with a hiss at his sore body, and heard the door shut behind him, the guard nowhere to be seen. Talking was coming from outside though, and Twilight caught his breath a little, then carefully got to his feet and pressed an ear to the door.
“—super who’s under arrest,” a familiar voice puffed, and Twilight felt some satisfaction at the stuffed note to it. It sounded like he’d broken his agent’s nose. “Did either of you see him?”
“Oh goodness yes, we did!” a feminine voice gasped, sounding the definition of terrified, “he looked half-mad! Isn’t that right, Champion?”
There was a pause where Twilight assumed the super had nodded, and he abruptly realized he recognized the name.
Champion... wait, doesn’t he guard—
“He went towards the main level, you might be able to catch him!” the woman’s voice continued, and Twilight heard some hurried footsteps and the click of a communicator.
“Thank you for the assisdance, Miss Hyrule. You should ged to safety while we deal with this. We’ll try ad flush him out,” the stuffed voice reassured, and loud footsteps pounded past the door and down the hall.
Whoever Miss Hyrule was must have replied, but Twilight didn’t hear it. He was more focused on a different tell-tale click he’d heard, and he had just enough time to shove his sleeve in his mouth to muffle his cry when electricity shot through him again.
The charge was higher this time, stabbing, shooting pain wracking through him, and Twilight bit back his scream as much as he could. He had no idea if his sleeve was even still in his mouth anymore his world was so narrowed down to pain, and when it finally stopped he was gasping for breath, tears in his eyes.
He distantly heard the door open, and the part of him in survival mode let out a snarl. Even if it came out as more of a pained whine, he wanted them to know he wasn’t going down without a fight.
A shadow loomed over him, and Twilight weakly kicked at it, frustrated when it didn’t connect. A hand grabbed his arm, and he tried to lunge away, still shaking from the most recent shock.
“Wait! We’re trying to help you, hold still!”
Twilight blinked rapidly at the voice, not expecting it to be the same accented one he’d heard outside the door, and he tried to focus his vision. Two blond heads swam into view, one closer than the other, and then gentle hands were on his wrists, messing with something.
Twilight felt his cuffs suddenly fall free, and his vision finally focused enough for him to confirm the two figures in front of him as the same that he’d run into outside.
“H... huh?” he said blearily, and the girl smiled at him, even as her guard frowned.
“Are you quite all right? I know this is probably a shock— ah,” she winced, “—bad choice of words, I’m so sorry. Anyway. Please tell me that you’re not actually a dangerous criminal and we didn’t just save someone who’s going to murder us?”
“I’m... not,” Twilight rasped, rubbing his wrists a little. They’d only been cuffed for a bit, but his hands still hurt. Probably from his efforts in trying to muffle his scream. “Why..?”
“One second,” she interrupted, and took his hand, studying his band. “I need to make sure they won’t track us in here.”
“That is my cue to remind you that this is extremely dangerous, and your father would not approve,” Champion said quietly, and the girl tossed her hair, giving Twilight a smile.
“Don’t mind him, he always says that,” she said, pulling out some small tools from her pocket.
“Because it’s almost always true.”
“May I remind you that you’re the one who pulled him in here?” the girl said casually, and Champion went quiet, and resumed his watch at the door without saying anything.
The girl went back to messing with the band on Twilight’s wrist, and a few quiet seconds ticked by, plenty of time for Twilight to wonder if he’d been knocked out and this was actually a bizarre dream. He looked over at Champion, standing silently by the door of what Twilight now realized was an empty office. His gaze was fixed firmly on the door, but he must have felt Twilight’s gaze on him, because his eyes flicked in his direction.
“Thanks,” Twilight said quietly, and Champion gave him a little nod.
Twilight closed his eyes with a sigh, feeling wrung out and confused. He was worried about his family. He was in pain and barely knew what had happened. And... now he was more or less on the run, and a politician’s daughter and her bodyguard were helping him.
Or something.
He was pretty sure he was right about the girl’s identity.
“And... there. I disabled the locator,” the girl said suddenly, tucking her tools away again. “I couldn’t do anything about the shocks right now though, I’m sorry. We’ll just have to hope they don’t keep it up.”
“Unlikely,” Champion murmured.
Twilight looked at his wrist in surprise, and gave her a grateful look. “Thank you. I... why are you doing this?”
The girl looked over at Champion, and though his expression remained the same, Twilight thought his posture softened.
“You needed help,” he said quietly. “And we could help you.”
“Yes. And it’s high time I did something other than follow my father around and give speeches nobody listens to,” the girl said, and Twilight breathed out a dizzy laugh.
“Knew I recognized you. You’re Zelda Floriana Hyrule.”
She nodded. “Yes. But you can call me Flora.”
“Flora. Ha... sure. No problem,” Twilight said with another faint laugh. He’d been right. Could this morning possibly get any stranger? “People call me Twilight. You uh... make a habit of helping random wanted supers who crash into you?”
Flora looked at Champion, and he shrugged.
“I’m making this up as we go,” she admitted, and Twilight couldn’t help his laugh. "I'll admit I've never done anything quite this extreme before."
Twilight was about to ask more questions, but then he heard his band make a noise again. Dread swamped over him, and Twilight frantically scooted back from Flora just in time for the electricity to course through him again.
It wasn’t higher then last time, but it was just as bad, and Twilight’s back arched as his world shorted out into a flash of white, a scream he couldn’t stop escaping his lips. Something quickly covered his mouth, but Twilight barely registered it, lost in the current tearing through him.
Either the shock didn’t last as long or Twilight passed out, but soon enough the electricity faded, and he was left gasping on the floor again. His cheeks felt wet, and his whole body was shaking as he dragged in heaving gasps.
Voices were swirling over him, and Twilight tried to focus past the agony searing his skin to listen to them.
“—still trying to flush him out,” Champion said, pressing his fingers to Twilight’s chin. Twilight vaguely realized he was taking his pulse, but he barely felt the touch he was shaking so hard.
“I have a couple tools in my bag that I should be able to use to shut off the shocking mechanism,” Flora said, her voice much smaller than before. “He won’t be getting out of here unless I disable that. But it’s in my father’s office here, we’ll have have to get Twilight there without being seen.”
“Easy,” Champion murmured, and carefully lifted Twilight up into a sitting position. “Can you hold your weight?”
“Y-yeah...” Twilight managed to groan, and Champion slowly helped him stand, more easily than Twilight would have guessed. Champion shifted his arms around to better hold him, and Twilight managed to catch his arm, and give it a grateful squeeze. “Th-thank you, so... m-much,” he whispered, and Champion nodded awkwardly in return.
“Just passing it on,” he said softly, and they got going without further discussion.
Twilight was having trouble focusing on much as they hurried down the halls, his entire body aching, thoughts scattered and bleary. He found his focus drifting back to what his agent had said initially, and he closed his eyes, anxiety for the rest of his family hitting almost as hard as the electricity had.
Somehow he had to warn them. Get word to them, tell them to get out, just... something.
He knew he was in no position to do that though, and even with his scattered thoughts he was well aware that by the time he could, it would... probably be too late. He had to hope that they somehow knew, and were preparing. Legend... Mom...
Two other faces joined theirs, and Twilight swallowed. He couldn't help any of them now. He couldn't even help himself.
All he could do was let two teenagers he barely knew drag him silently through the hallways.
And pray that his family was safe.
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lizamango · 5 months
Cruel World 2/? (Brainwashed Black Widow!Reader x Steve Rogers)
summary: A war between SHIELD and HYDRA rages on in the shadows of the world. You live for the kill as a Black Widow until you discover Steve Rogers, the weapon for the opposing side who makes you question the side you’ve been fighting for. (inspired by Underworld, just go with the lore on this fit pls)
warnings: smut later, cussing, canon typical violence
wordcount: 1425
Part 1
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I decide it would be safer for Steve to stay on the ground while I deal with the repercussions of “disobeying” Rumlow’s orders.
“You know, I can handle myself.”
“I can’t just bring in a stranger. You’ll get thrown into a cell-“
“A cell?” he interrupts. “Geez.”
“So stay here. Please.”
“I just think it would be good for you to have back up.”
I walk towards him, forcing him to take a couple steps back towards the barred radiator.
“Steve…” I look up into his eyes. His dreamy blue eyes that, in the dark of the night, look like the sky full of stars. I lift my hand to his cheek and press my lips to his, softly at first. He immediately springs to action, kissing me back. I feel alive as he kisses me, his warm breath on my cheek as he tries to tease my lips open.
He pulls back suddenly at the cold contact of the metal. Looking down he frowns. “What are you doing?”
I smile up at him though it’s more of a smirk. “So you don’t go anywhere.”
He tugs at the cuffs. “Fuck.”
I leave the cabin and make my way to the Red Room.
The greeting is less than warm as soldiers find me and escort me to the hall where Rumlow is pacing.
“How dare you defy me.” He orders everyone out. “Embarrass me! Everyone knows that I am in charge here, how could you disrespect me? I had plans for us.”
“Rumlow, when are you gonna get it through your brain? There is no us and there never will be.”
“Why did you spend a night out there? Did you find what you were looking for?”
I think back to how Rumlow’s allegiance is to Schmidt and how he lied to everyone about killing Captain America. “No, I didn’t.”
“So I was right.”
I can’t help rolling my eyes.
“Get yourself cleaned up. Schmidt will be here tonight to awaken Pierce.”
I leave the hall. “Zasranets,” I whisper to myself. Asshole. I walk towards the Cryochambers. It’s time to put an end to this.
The guard looks up at me as I enter. “Melina is looking for you.” He nods and leaves. I’m still trusted.
I lock the doors and disable the cameras from the control centre the guard just abandoned. Sitting at the machine I feel as though I am committing treason, which I suppose I am. To my knowledge no one has attempted cerebral messaging to reanimate cryogenic suspension other than our three leaders: Dreykov, Schmidt and Pierce. This requires training and discipline of the mind. Skills I have not refined. Cerebral messaging allows the former leader to pass down their memories of their term to the next leader to rule for a decade and the cycle continues. They planned this to prevent usurpers and to keep the peace among the faction. This cycle has not been broken. Until me.
“My Lord, please forgive me. I desperately need your guidance. I apologise for waking you ahead of your time but I fear the power is in the wrong hands. You may be in danger if left in cryo… I believe that Schmidt lied about killing SHIELD’s Prize for he is alive and well. I also believe SHIELD to be more organised than ever before as they were the ones to find him. I hope that when you wake, you will believe me and set things right.” I leave the machine and disable the cryogenic chamber, turning the cameras back on and exit without a trace. I decide to pick up some clothes that would fit the Captain on my way back to my quarters.
“Sestra!” I turn back and see Yelena. “Big problem.” She grabs my arm and speed walks me in the direction I was going in anyways.
“What?” I ask annoyed.
“Please tell me why I found a golden retriever wandering the grounds looking for you? What did you do?”
“Fuck.” I open my doors and see Steve sat on my ottoman looking through a book.
He stands up startled as he sees me. “I- I broke out of the handcuffs.”
I cross my arms and raise a brow. “I can see that.”
“Wow, he looks even better in the light,” Yelena comments.
“This is Yelena, one of my sisters. Widow. Yelena, this is Grant.” I lie. I’ve never lied to one of them, omitted a truth or kept information classified but never a lie.
Steve goes along with it. “Hi,” he smiles in his charming way.
“You can leave us now, Sestra.”
Yelena rolls her eyes and groans. “Fine, you’re both just boring.” With the door closed I inhale sharply and look at Steve disapprovingly.
“What are you doing up here?! How did you even- actually, I don’t want to know.”
He starts with saying my name so seriously it’s a jarring contrast to how he acted while Yelena was here. “Why is there HYDRA insignia all over this place?” he asks in a grave tone.
“You shouldn’t have come here, Steve. I - I left you down there because I knew you wouldn’t understand.”
“Understand? Understand that you’re the evil! HYDRA started the war-“
I shake my head almost to the point where it hurt. “You’re wrong. You don’t understand. You don’t know what you’re talking about, they’ve lied to you.”
“No. It’s you they’ve lied to.”
“You’ve been asleep for 70 years, I hardly think you have any right making such outrageous claims,” I shut him down and open my closet, stocking up on Widow’s bites, bullets and bigger guns. I throw the clothes I collected at him. They’re more appropriate tactical gear rather than having him run around in jeans and a tee, James Dean style. “Put these on.” He changes in front of me and I distract myself with the armoury. “Schmidt will be arriving here tonight, we don’t want to be the ones caught off guard.”
“You’re bringing me with you? You’re going to trust me? After what I just told you.”
“You’ve told me nothing, you’ve just made a bunch of nonsense up and I blame being frozen for decades. Now come on.”
“I’m starting to notice a pattern where I just follow you wherever you tell me to go…” he whispers.
“As you should. You wouldn’t make it out of here alone.”
We sneak off back to the quinjet, avoiding the guards since I know their rotations like the back of my hand. Firing up the quinjet I take off.
“We have to get somewhere Schmidt won’t find us. Somewhere he doesn’t know about…” I say more to myself but I know Steve is thinking.
“New Jersey. The barracks I used to train at.” He stands from his seat. “Let me pilot.”
I look up at him skeptically but I give him the controls. “If you think I’m so evil, why aren’t you trying to fight me?”
“I don’t think you are.”
His answer makes me frown.
“It’ll take a couple of hours for Dreykov to fully wake and get his strength. We’ll need to lay low before then.”
Steve just nods. “I never thought I’d see Johann Schmidt again.”
When I really think about it, Steve was actually there but he’s telling a completely different story to the history we’ve been taught. I shake the thoughts out of my head. Treason. If anything, this is Schmidt’s doing…
“You should get some rest,” Steve says.
“Don’t tell me what to do,” I snap stubbornly but he only chuckles. I walk to the passenger seats behind the cockpit and take off my jacket, rolling it up as a pillow. Sleep comes shortly but not without the company of nightmares.
Johann Schmidt’s stronghold is based in Germany so his travel to the Red Room is arduous. As such, he does not expect to be met with news of rebellion.
“Tell Commander what you told me,” Rumlow states as he pushes Melina to the ground. Widows are lined up in the gathering hall.
“There has been talk of treason, Commander,” Melina whispers but Schmidt hears loud and clear. “Talk of America’s Prize being alive and well.”
“Lügen! Wer spricht von diesen Lügen?” he spits out like venom. Who speaks of these lies?
Rumlow answers with a name.
“Dreykov’s experiment?” Schmidt enquires.
“Yes, Commander.”
Schmidt clenches his jaw. “You are all dismissed.” As the Widows leave, Rumlow believes he is the exception to stay.
“Commander, what are you going to do?”
“Set course for Serbia.”
“Yes, Commander.”
please comment any feedback i beg
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lucifersresources · 5 months
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taylor swift // the tortured poets department : the anthology rp meme. part one. part two here.
edit/alter/change pronouns etc as you see fit!
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i was a functioning alcoholic.
i hope you're okay.
no one here's to blame.
but what about your quiet treason?
for a fortnight there, we were forever.
i wanna kill her.
all my mornings are mondays stuck in an endless february.
i took the miracle move-on drug.
the effects were temporary.
i love you, it's ruining my life.
my husband is cheating.
i wanna kill him.
the tortured poets department.
i think some things i never say.
you're in self sabotage mode.
i've seen this episode and still loved the show.
who else decodes you?
who's gonna hold you like me?
who's gonna know you, if not me?
this ain't the chelsea hotel.
we're modern idiots.
you awaken with dread.
i chose this cyclone with you.
i wonder if you're gonna screw this up with me.
everyone we know understands why it's meant to be.
who else is gonna know me?
that's the closest i've come to my heart exploding.
my boy only breaks his favorite toys.
here we go again.
my boy only breaks his favorite toys.
i'm queen of sand castles he destroys.
i should've known.
we could've played for keeps this time.
i know i'm just repeating myself.
he runs because he loves me.
i knew too much.
there was danger in the heat of my touch.
he saw forever, so he smashed it up.
once i fix me, he's gonna miss me.
i felt more when we played pretend.
he stole my tortured heart.
told me i'm better off, but i'm not.
down bad.
did you really beam me up in a cloud of sparkling dust, just to do experiments on?
i was the chosen one.
this world is bigger than us.
i knew cosmic love.
for a moment, i knew cosmic love.
now i'm down bad.
everything comes out teenage petulance.
fuck it if i can't have him.
fuck it if i can't have us.
they'll say i'm nuts if i talk about the existence of you.
for a moment, i was heavenstruck.
i was heavenstruck.
i loved your hostile takeovers.
how dare you think it's romantic.
fuck it, i was in love.
fuck you if i can't have us.
so long, london.
i kept calm and carried the weight of the rift.
i pulled him in tighter each time he was drifting away.
my spine split from carrying us.
i stopped tryna make him laugh.
how much sad did you think i had in me?
you'll find someone.
so long.
i didn't opt in to be your odd man out.
i founded the club she's heard great things about.
i left all i knew.
you left me.
i stopped cpr, after all, it's no use.
the spirit was gone.
i'm pissed off you let me give you all that youth for free.
two graves, one gun.
i'll find someone.
you say i abandoned the ship, but i was going down with it.
my friends said it isn't right to be scared every day of a love affair.
every breath feels like rarest air when you're not sure if he wants to be there.
how much tragedy did you think i had in me?
just how low did you think i'd go 'fore i'd self implode?
you swore that you loved me.
you swore that you loved me, but where were the clues?
i died on the altar waiting for the proof.
you sacrificed us to the gods of your bluest days.
i'm just getting colour back into my face.
i'm just mad as hell coz i loved this place for so long.
but daddy i love him.
i forget if this was ever fun.
these people only raise you to cage you.
these people try and save you coz they hate you.
they slammed the door on my whole world.
but daddy, i love him.
you should see your faces.
floor it through the fences.
no, i'm not coming to my senses.
i know he's crazy, but he's the one i want.
growing up precocious sometimes means not growing up at all.
he was chaos, he was revelry.
stay away from her.
the saboteurs protested too much.
i'd rather burn my whole life down.
i'd rather burn my whole life down than listen to one more second of all this bitchin' and moanin'.
i'll tell you something about my good name, it's mine alone to disgrace.
i don't cater to all these vipers dressed in empath's clothing.
god save the most judgmental creeps who say they want what's best for me.
they think it can change the beat of my heart when he touches me.
you ain't gotta pray for me.
it's just my choice.
scandal does funny things to pride, but brings lovers closer.
we came back when the heat died down.
fuck em, it's over.
time, doesn't it give perspective?
no, you can't come to the wedding.
he's the one i want.
fresh out of the slammer.
i'm running back home to you.
he doesn't understand me.
handcuffed to the spell i was under.
it's gonna be alright, i did my time.
now that i know better i will never lose my baby again.
my friends tried, but i wouldn't hear it.
he kept me going.
i swirled you into all my poems.
ain't no way i'm gonna screw up.
ain't no way i'm gonna screw up now that i know what's at stake here.
they said i was a cheat.
this city reeks of driving myself crazy.
your home's really only a town you're just a guest in.
can i use you up?
me and my ghosts, we had a hell of a time.
i'm haunted but i'm feeling just fine.
i did my best to lay to rest all of the bodies that have ever been on my body.
i need to forget.
tell me i'm despicable, say it's unforgivable.
love left me like this and i don't want to exist.
guilty as sin?
this cage was once just fine.
am i allowed to cry?
what if he's written 'mine' on my upper thigh only in my mind?
i keep recalling things we never did.
without ever touching his skin how can i be guilty as sin?
there's no such thing as bad thoughts, only your actions talk.
we've already done it in my head.
i've screamed his name.
they're gonna crucify me anyway.
what if the way you hold me is actually what's holy?
they don't know how you've haunted me so stunningly.
i choose you and me religiously.
who's afraid of little old me?
you don't get to tell me about 'sad'.
if you wanted me dead, you should've just said.
nothing makes me feel more alive.
who's afraid of little old me?
who's afraid of little old me? you should be.
the scandal was contained.
at all costs, keep your good name.
you don't get to tell me you feel bad.
is it a wonder i broke?
i was tame, i was gentle, till the circus life made me mean.
don't you worry folks, we took out all her teeth.
they didn't do it to hurt you.
i wanna snarl and show you just how disturbed this has made me.
you wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me.
i'm always drunk on my own tears, isn't that what they all said?
i'm fearsome and i'm wretched and i'm wrong.
you caged me and then you called me crazy.
i am what i am coz you trained me.
i can fix him (no really i can)
the jokes that he told across the bar were revolting and far too loud.
i can fix him.
i can fix him, no, really, i can. and only i can.
he had a halo of the highest grade.
good boy, that's right.
i'll show you heaven if you'll be an angel.
trust me, i can handle a dangerous man.
who's gonna stop us waltzing back into rekindled flames?
we were just kids.
i thought i was better safe than starry-eyed.
i felt aglow like this never before and never since.
you and i go from one kiss to getting married.
we're never quite buried.
you told me i'm the love of your life.
you blew in with the winds of fate.
you took me to hell too.
you shit-talked me under the table.
i wish i could un-recall how we almost had it all.
should've let it stay buried.
our field of dreams engulfed in fire.
you're the loss of my life.
i can do it with a broken heart.
she's having the time of her life.
i can show you lies.
i'm a real tough kid.
i can handle my shit.
you gotta fake it till you make it.
lights, camera, bitch, smile, even when you wanna die.
he said he'd love me all his life.
he said he'd love me all his life, but that life was too short.
all the pieces of me shattered.
the crowd was chanting 'more'.
i was grinnin' like i'm winnin'
i was hittin' my marks.
i can do it with a broken heart.
i'm so depressed i act like it's my birthday every day.
i'm so obsessed with him but he avoids me like the plague.
i cry a lot, but i am so productive.
you know you're good when you can even do it with a broken heart.
i keep finding his things in drawers, crucial evidence i didn't imagine the whole thing.
try and come for my job.
the smallest man who ever lived.
was any of it true?
now you know what it feels like.
i don't even want you back.
i just want to know if rusting my sparkling summer was the goal.
i don't miss what we had.
could someone give a message to the smallest man who ever lived?
you hung me on your wall, stabbed me with your push pins.
you didn't measure up in any measure of a man.
were you sent by someone who wanted me dead?
did you sleep with a gun underneath our bed?
were you a sleeper cell spy?
in fifty years, will all this be declassified?
confess why you did it.
good riddance.
it wasn't sexy once it wasn't forbidden.
i would've died for your sins.
i would've died for your sins, instead i just died inside.
you deserve prison, but you won't get time.
you said normal girls were boring.
you were gone by the morning.
in plain sight you hid.
you are what you did.
i'll forget you, but i'll never forgive.
the alchemy.
this happens once every few lifetimes.
what if i told you i'm back?
i'm coming back so strong.
i'm the one to beat.
the sign on your heart said it's still reserved for me.
who are we to fight the alchemy?
clara bow.
did you know you'd be picked like a rose?
i might die if it happened to me.
this town is fake, but you're the real thing.
the crown is stained, but you're the real queen.
you're the new god we're worshipping.
beauty is a beast that roars.
it's hell on earth to be heavenly.
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natequarter · 1 year
tudor gothic:
the lord chancellor is called thomas. he runs the country. he wants no part in where england goes from now. the lord chancellor is being arrested for treason. the lord chancellor was executed. the lord chancellor was never arrested. there is no lord chancellor.
the crown is dissolving monasteries. this is standard practice. all the monasteries are shutting down. this is thomas's fault. you have no idea which thomas. the crown wants the monasteries back. the monasteries are never coming back. you visited an intact monastery just yesterday. when you blinked, the ruins gave alms to the poor.
the wars of the roses have just ended decisively. the wars of the roses have been over for decades. the legacy of civil war haunts england. you've watched shakespeare's wars of the roses plays. the wars of the roses must have been over when the throne passed peacefully to henry viii. when you close your eyes, you can somehow hear reginald pole laughing at you.
the duke of somerset was beheaded for treason. so was the duke of buckingham. so was the duke of northumberland. so was the duke of norfolk. so was the duke of suffolk. the duke of suffolk never lost the king's affection. all the dukes are vying for power. but then you remember: there are no dukes. perhaps there never were.
the howards are not to be trusted. thomas howard was thrown in the tower. thomas howard was executed for treason. thomas howard lived out his life peacefully. thomas howard only narrowly escaped henry viii's reign with his life. you are drowning in thomases. they never end. one thing you are certain of, though: thomas howard is long dead. thomas howard will outlive us all.
you know the names of every courtier in the kingdom, and yet more go missing with every passing day. you try to note down the name of thomas wryth, but you cannot put quill to parchment. how is it spelt? wriothesley? you have always known that. you know it deep in your bones. and yet, when you try to say it out loud, words fail you. words fail everyone, where the earl of southampton is concerned. somewhere dark and terrible, an ancient beast awakens from its slumber. like everything else, it is also called thomas.
you turn to noting down the name of the queen. kateryn parr. this is a simple task. your subconscious whispers catalina to you in a distinctly spanish accent. your hand shakes. you try to write down catherine, but it morphs into a k against your will. you drop your quill, hand trembling. nonetheless, there is a name before you. whose name it is is anyone's guess.
mary is queen. which mary? which queen? suddenly, you are not so sure.
the bible is written in latin. the bible has always been written in latin. you flick through the pages of your bible, and greek letters swim before your eyes. you check the book again, and find you are holding a book of hours. all the words are in english. you cannot read any of them.
the king of england has ruled for many years. he is nine years old. the king of england is a foreign power. elizabeth was king; now james is queen. long live queen james!
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sneezypeasy · 2 years
ATLA Original Scripts: Extra Goodies
As I’m sure you may have guessed, the very first script I chose to open at the WGF was The Southern Raiders (I mean, can you blame me? 🤣). But shippy lore and zutara fandom history aside, I did unearth quite a few unrelated tidbits, author’s notes and script changes that I found interesting or funny enough to note down. As promised, here is a compilation of some of these tidbits, with little connecting theme or pattern other than “I thought the fandom might find these snippets interesting” 😁
1. Elizabeth and Aaron Ehasz are genuinely hilarious.
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Credit for finding #1 and #3 goes to my husband, who was with me on Day 2 of Original Script Investigations :3
I don’t mean to say that the other ATLA writers are necessarily boring or unfunny – as I said I didn’t get a chance to read every script and there may have been other genuinely amusing snippets from other writers that I honestly just missed. All I know is, the most entertaining action/non-dialogue lines that I did find were written by these two chuckleheads. I fuckin’ love them, lmao 🤣
2. In Day of Black Sun, Zuko was originally meant to redirect lightning using his dual swords.
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I can see why this detail was changed during the storyboarding/animating process (as he just uses his bare hands in the show, the way Iroh taught him), but at the same time the sword-lightning-redirection thing really intrigues me. Dual swords are strongly associated with Zuko’s Blue Spirit vigilante persona, and there’s several episodes where Zuko uses them as part of obscuring his Fire Nation identity, whether that’s to help him keep his cover or even to help him get away with what the Fire Nation could reasonably consider as acts of treason.
So the idea that Zuko would use his swords to redirect Ozai’s lightning comes across as powerfully symbolic to me: Zuko standing in defiance to his abusive father, channeling some Blue Spirit energy to defend but not to kill; Zuko facing down a terrifying display of Fire Nation aggression and wrath, absorbing it into himself and then directing it back to its source, using a non-bending instrument, one he’d previously used in service of vigilantist or even sabotage/treasonous acts… yeah, I think that’s pretty damn cool, ngl.
From a Doylist standpoint, I like it. Very nice.
From a Watsonian standpoint, I can (grudgingly) understand why they likely chose not to portray this scene the way it was scripted.
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Ah well.
3. In Lake Laogai, Katara’s healing water was meant to “turn black” as a visual indication that Jet’s injuries were too severe for her to heal.
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This scene kind of plays out in the show, but not in the way that the script implies it should:
You can see that in the show version, the water turns black right as Katara appears to pause her work and look up to say “This isn’t good”. Maybe it’s just me, but the show doesn’t seem to imply that the water “turned black” despite Katara’s best healing efforts; I instead get the impression that the water stopped glowing because Katara (momentarily?) suspended her healing efforts upon registering how bad Jet’s injuries were.
The script seems to suggest that the scene should have played out like – Katara tries to heal Jet, the water turns black while she’s still moving her hands and working, Katara might then visibly react with shock or alarm, before finally looking up to remark, “this isn’t good”.
And honestly, I’m actually really bummed that they didn’t animate this sequence out! It would only have taken maybe a couple more seconds, but can you imagine if the writers had been able to employ the dramatic effect of “[Character] is so heavily injured, the healing water turns black” to its maximum potential?
Imagine Katara trying to heal Aang’s lightning wound in The Awakening, but it turns black and then he has that chi-shock attack. Imagine her explaining beforehand that she’d tried healing his wound multiple times over the two weeks he’d been unconscious, and it had always turned black, but she hoped that with him being awake maybe it wouldn’t fail this time - except that it does 😭
Imagine Katara trying to heal Zuko after the lightning scene in Sozin’s Comet, and the water turns black, and Katara grits her teeth “Oh no don’t you dare” and visibly puts all her effort into making that water glow again and finally he wakes -
Argh, it’s one tiny visual clue and yet there’s so much potential for drama and angst (yum!) - I’m so frustrated it wasn’t kept! Huge missed opportunity imo. Ah well, for all you fan-artists and fanfic writers, consider it free real estate. Make it canon, let’s gooo 🤣
4. In The Runaway, after being accused of being “too motherly”, Katara actually slaps Aang when he doesn’t respond fast enough 🤣
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I don’t really have much to say about this one other than that I just found the mental image pretty funny. I do find it interesting that as much as the writing did a better job of developing Kataang in the original script, there also isn’t any serious effort to tone down Katara’s motherly tendencies towards Aang either (in fact, I think one could easily argue that slapping Aang’s hand away makes the whole mom thing come off stronger, but idk). Either way, this was pretty entertaining to read. 😂
5. In Tales of Ba Sing Se, Zuko and Jin are both a lot more expressive in the script, and it’s way more fun:
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In the script, Zuko looks “totally overwhelmed” when Jin asks him out. In the show, he just looks… blank? Expressionless? Idk. I did get the sense that this was unfamiliar territory for him, but to me the show doesn’t animate him to be nearly as flustered as the script suggests he ought to be. He doesn’t scowl at Iroh immediately either, and even when he does he looks more irritated than “furious”, imo. 🤷‍♀️
I did figure that Zuko telling Jin she has a large appetite was his attempt at making polite conversation, but the script makes him come off more sympathetic with that too:
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In the show, the waiter doesn’t roll his eyes at anyone, he just walks away, the shot does pan out to the other diners staring but they move on very quickly, and notably Jin appears completely unperturbed by the whole thing. She doesn’t look sad or “hurt” as the script suggests, and Zuko’s attempt at a compliment isn’t framed as him regretting his outburst and awkwardly trying to make up for upsetting her (as she doesn’t seem to be upset at all).
I’m honestly a little sad that so much of this was cut; it really softens Zuko’s character a fair bit. I mean we already know that underneath his hot temper Zuko always had a deep sense of compassion and empathy for others, but these little details really help bring that side of him to the surface and I’m just sort of bummed that they shaved them off here :/ not sure why they felt the need to do that.
Anyway, we all love awkward turtleduck Zuko, so here, have some more:
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I like that Zuko is explicitly written as being more at ease once he and Jin have found a quiet area to be alone in. Neurodivergent Zuko confirmed? :P
Also, love the little addition that Jin “peeks” through her fingers right before Zuko starts firebending (they didn’t include that part in the show either). Makes you wonder, did she see? Did she see, and accept Zuko anyway? :P
(Too cute.)
6. In Zuko Alone, Zuko stops Lee from hurting himself with the dual swords:
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On the one hand, I don’t mind that the show portrays Lee just having fun with the swords and looking to Zuko for approval (and getting it!). It’s sweet. On the other hand, I think there’s a layer of foreshadowing here that the show missed - without Zuko there to help, Lee’s recklessness and impulsivity will get the better of him (as it ultimately did). I’m sort of torn on this one.
Edit: I’ve been thinking about this a little more and I think I definitely prefer the script version, if only for the fact that Zuko’s “imperceptible smile” is at the end of his and Lee’s encounter. In the show, Zuko smiles at Lee encouragingly after he gives him a swordfighting “lesson” and then lets the kid swing the swords around a bit, which is definitely a heartwarming moment but it has a very different connotation to Zuko smiling with Lee after Lee opens up about Sen Su to him. In the show Zuko is smiling for Lee, to give him encouragement and support. In the script, Zuko smiles during a bonding moment for both of them, in a way that seems to suggest he is grateful/touched that Lee is sharing something so personal with him. It’s a really soft moment for Zuko and upon thinking about it more I’m definitely bummed they cut that little smile. :(
7. In The Chase, after Azula attacks Iroh, Zuko is apparently doing his best to comfort and stabilise him – he is not simply overcome with despair over his fallen uncle:
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And in Crossroads of Destiny, Katara isn’t just angrily pacing the “prison cell” back and forth before Zuko is thrown in with her; she’s actively searching for a way out:
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I kinda wish both of these were kept in too. Zuko and Katara may be hot-headed at times (they are definitely two of the most passionate characters in the show, if not the most passionate) – but not to such an extent that it overwhelms their ability to work through a crisis; I find it more consistent to their characters that they would still try to do something even when they appear to be in a pretty hopeless situation. That seems to be a trait they both share, in the show.
I also like that Zuko’s efforts to help Iroh humanises him a bit more and puts the emphasis on Zuko caring about Iroh’s recovery, rather than Zuko just being upset that things have turned out so horribly. I was sympathetic to him before, but I’m even more sympathetic now, if that makes sense. 😭
8. In The Painted Lady, Katara’s disguise is blown due to a hair-loopie malfunction, rather than Aang literally blowing her disguise (off).
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This is more of a subjective thing but I wish they kept this one in too! I think it’s cute :P
9. The Puppetmaster was originally meant to be titled The Dark Side of the Moon, and includes some differences on how Katara regains control of herself in the battle with Hama:
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I understand why the script made Katara “pirouette” and dance under Hama’s bloodbending – it’s a reference to the whole “puppetmaster” thing (which, by the way, I have to say “The Dark Side of the Moon” is a much cooler title, but I can see why they changed that too – it’s way too spoiler-y, sadly). Ultimately though I prefer the show’s version where Katara is forced to her knees and then breaks free – it’s more dramatic, I think, and it reminds me of the earlier scene in The Waterbending Master where Pakku has knocked Katara down, and she takes a breath and steels herself and then gets back up to fight again. I’m not sure if the animators meant to mirror that scene or not, but either way I think Katara standing up after being pushed to the ground is a lot more powerful and compelling, both visually and symbolically, than Katara breaking free of a dance that she’s forced to move to under Hama’s hand. Maybe that’s just me.
I will say though, the ending shot is different to how it is in the script, and I wish they’d kept the script version:
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10. Finally, the ending of The Fortuneteller has Katara actually hearing and reacting to Meng’s insult.
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Which I thought was mildly amusing. Slightly bummed this was cut, but only a little 🤣
I hope you guys enjoyed reading these as much as I did 😊 I actually have about 6 or 7 more tidbits left that I want to share, but I’ll pause this compilation here as 10 is a good number and I think this post has gotten long enough already 😅
Thanks to @korranguyen​ for her effort in spotting and transcribing the Zuko/Jin snippets 😊
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atomic--peach · 1 year
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Her Grace's Handmaiden Pt.15
(Sandor Clegane x Fem Reader x Cersei Lannister. TW: Domestic abuse.)
AO3 VERSION: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48276340
The stand off between you, your husband, and the queen had gone on for days.
You certainly didn't intend to apologize for a bit of teasing, in fact it only made you more determined to win.
Brushing off Sandor was easy enough once you got past his kicked puppy face when you reject his advances. Though you had to admit, the dejected look in his eyes did pull at your heart strings.
The queen, on the other hand, was harder to fend off. It was clear she hadn't expected this stand off to last more than a few hours.
But you were determined neither one of them would touch you until YOU approached them.
But that didn't keep you from your duties, tailing the queen throughout her day and tending to her needs as you had done before.
"Are you still being stubborn?" The queen asked cooly
"Yes, Your Grace."
"And how is your husband taking it?"
You smirked a little.
"I think I saw him hit the training dummy a little harder than necessary, Your Grace."
Cersei couldn't help but chuckle, but stifled it as a page approached them.
"The Hand has awakened, My Queen" the young man bowed. "You asked to be told immediately."
"Finally." Cersei hissed. "I won't let Robert wriggle Ned Stark off the hook this time. Come."
Cersei snatched up your hand and all but dragged you to the Tower of the Hand.
Robert had beaten you both there and was already standing by The Hand's bedside when you entered.
Robert glanced at you a moment but decided you weren't worth the fight as Ned's head shook from side to side.
The onslaught of questions was so immediate, you almost felt bad for Lord Stark, who firmly stood his ground.
The options were simple, it seemed. Lord Stark was to make amends with Jaime, his wife was to release Lord Tyrion, and he was to return to his duties as Hand.
Cersei fumed at this. "You allow his daughter to attack our son, his wife to kidnap my younger brother, and his men to attack my twin?" She hissed. "I took you for a king! I should wear the armour and you the gown!"
You nearly lunged forward when Robert's large hand came across Cersei's face. The queen sat a moment in stunned silence before smirking, rubbing the growing red welt on her face.
"I shall wear this like a badge of Honor"
You felt the burning fires of rage eat away in your chest as Cersei dragged you away. For a moment you looked into Robert's face and only saw red.
The two of you walked silently before you could not longer keep yourself from speaking out.
"That was wrong of him." You said plainly, the lines of your face tight and drawn. "Very wrong."
"I know"
"That wasn't the first time, was it?" You grabbed her arm, daring to show a level of familiarity outside the bed chamber.
Cersei looked stunned but shook her head. "No, darling. It wasn't"
"Do they know? Your brothers, your father?"
"Jaime would cut him in two." Cersei scoffed.
"Maybe he ought to" you sucked in a breath. "I'm sorry your grace. The was a treasonous thing to say and completely out of line"
Cersei's eyes watched you for what felt like an eternity before touching your face gently. You moved to do the same, caressing the swelling side of her face and frowning.
"This needs ice"
Cersei nodded with a thoughtful sigh. "Why don't you fetch me some? Bring it to my chambers."
You obeyed swiftly. You knew Pycelle would have what you needed, and were willing to risk a long winded conversation to get it.
You didn't mention what it was for, which Pycelle muttered in dissatisfaction over. The old man was a wizened busy body, constantly monologuing.
As he fumbled with an ice pick, chipping away at the carefully stored block of ice kept under the floor boards, you glanced around at the bottles and vials, all containing unknown liquids of various makeups.
Your eyes glanced over one that looked familiar.
Essence of Nightshade.
You had delivered this particular potion to Cersei more than once in the past, always with the warning to only administer 1 to 3 drops.
Anymore was deadly.
"Grandmaester" you said curiously. "I do have one more question if you don't mind."
"Of course, my lady" the old man nodded. "Anything"
"It's something of a private matter" you began, "I was wondering if you had anything to boost fertility? As you know it's been several months since my wedding night and I'm afraid we havent had much luck."
"Ah!" Pycelle seemed eager to aid her, fumbling with tomes and ledgers of every combination of herbs imaginable."Of course! Not that you should be worried yet, after all it's only been a few months. But I can understand your nervousness. Yes, it's quite common among older wives, but not to worry. It is still very possible for a wife your age to bear many children."
As he rambled, your hands moved like a shadow. By the time he turned around, the vial was tucked securely in your bodice and your face told his you had listened to every word he said.
"Here you are, my dear" Pycelle handed you a large sachet of strange smelling herbs. "Have this made into a strong tea and drink three cups every day. Is that clear?"
"Perfectly clear, Grand Maester" you nodded, taking your leave without waiting for him to dive into another lecture.
The ice was half melted in your hand by the time you arrived in Cersei's quarters.
"Thank you, pet." The queen pressed the cold bundle to her face. "I take it he took his time?"
"Not as much as he could have" You shrugged. "Are you alright?"
"Fine" Cersei nodded, "Robert is going hunting tomorrow at dawn, so at least I won't have to see him."
You nodded, finding your opening. "What poor souls is he dragging with him this time?"
"Oh, Barristan of course, Renly. And of course Lancel, my poor cousin. I should have known better than to make Robert take him on as Squire."
Lancel, you thought, you knew that name.
"I think I've met Lancel, haven't I?"
"Once, briefly." Cersei beckoned you onto her love seat and leaned against you. Even now she was a true beauty, all golden shimmers and scarlet silk. "You probably remember him running after Robert looking like a scared chicken."
Oh yes, you thought, I remember him now.
"I should get going." You breathed reluctantly. "Pycelle gave me these herbs and they're supposed to help with....you know"
"Ah" Cersei smirked knowing. "So you've decided to call a truce."
"For the sake of House Clegane and my marriage, I have decided to yield" you confessed, planting a firm kiss in your lover's lips before making for the door.
At first, you had no idea where to find Lancel, then you remembered what 90% of his duties were.
The wine cellars of The Red Keep were cold and dank, perfect for preserving the thousands of vintages stored in wooden barrels that lined the stone walls.
"Lancel" you called softly. "Are you down here?"
You spied a crop of white blond hair in the torch light and smirked, "are you hiding?"
A pair of sea blue eyes peered out from behind a set of stacked barrels.
"Please don't tell the king" he nearly whimpered.
"I won't" you assured him kindly. "I'd hide down here too, if I had your job."
Lancel got a good look at you in the flickering flames and frowned, "Lady Clegane?"
You noticed the half empty wine flask that dangled from his hand and motioned to it.
"May I?"
"Oh!" The squire paled and extended the flask to you. "Please, my lady."
"You don't have to call me that, you know." You chuckled lightly, "I'm not a lady. Not a real one."
"Whatever would I call you then?" The young man asked, slowly relaxing as you took a swig from the flask. The wine was sweet and rolled down your throat like liquid silk. An excellent vintage.
"You have good taste" you complimented, handing the flask back to him, "you may call me Y/N, if you like."
"Really?" Lancel blinked, a light pink blush filling his face. "My lady, I don't think-"
"Relax, Lancel" you scoffed, "I didn't come down here to seduce you. I came to check in."
You frowned, moving closer to the squire, "he's very cruel to you, isn't he? I've heard the way he talks to you, and it isn't right."
Lancel paused a moment before nodding, looking at his feet. "He called my mother a dumb whore."
"And that was very wrong of him." You pressed. "It's not right to talk like that to anyone, even if he is the king."
"But what can be done?" Lancel bemoaned. "He doesn't listen to anyone. Not even Ned Stark."
"I think" You began slowly. "The only thing that gets to a man like The King, is to be reminded that he isn't all powerful. That even kings must depend on those around them when they stumble."
"What do you mean?"
Slowly, you removed the Essence of Nightshade from your bodice and handed it to him.
"Put a few drops of this into the king's wine during the hunt tomorrow." You instructed, "when he gets too drunk, he will have to lean on others to make it back to the palace. Maybe then he will realize how vulnerable he really is."
"Do you really think that will work?" Lancel turned the vial over in his hands, "and it won't hurt him?"
"Just don't add more than 10 drops" you instructed firmly. "Just enough to throw him off, not enough to hurt him."
Lancel seemed nervous but nodded.
"Brave Lad" you cupped his cheek tenderly and he seemed to lean into it. "Now remember, this stays between us. We aren't hurting anyone, just teaching him a lesson. Right?"
"Right." Lancel's voice went from soft to firm and you knew he was ready.
"You're a good man, Lancel" you assured him and the squire blushed.
The tea Pycelle perscribed smelled even worse when brewed.
The scent was sharp and medicinal and it stung your throat when you chugged the liquid to avoid actually tasting it.
"This shit better work" you muttered, trying not to gag.
The door to the chambers squealed open as you looked over your shoulder with a small smile.
"Good evening husband"
"Are you still cross with me?" You said in a teasing tone, curling your feet up into the chair you sat in and tucking them into your night gown.
He didn't answer and you rolled your eyes.
"Can we stop this please?" You sighed
"You started it." He snapped.
"No. You started it." You corrected him with a huff. "This isn't helping."
Sandor kicked off his boots in frustrated silence and you moved to the bed next to him.
"Can we talk about this?"
"Not much to talk about."
"Well," you breathed, "It felt really, I don't know, strange, that you and the queen talked about me."
He glanced at you but didn't fully turn to look. "Why?"
"I don't know" you mumbled, "I guess I just have a different relationship with her than I do with you."
Sandor frowned at this but tried not to jump to conclusions. "Explain"
"The queen is....I love her. I would do anything for her, but she isn't like you. She is the queen, and I am still her servant. She tells me what to do and where to go because when I'm at court and around her it is my job to. And it's a job I take great pride in."
You crossed your arms and leaned on his slightly.
"But you. You're different. I love you so much. If I lost my place in court tomorrow it would hurt. Maybe more than anything ever has hurt. But I know that I could move on from it if I needed to. Because it's a job. But I don't want to be your servant Sandor, I want to be your wife. I want us to be partners. Does that make any sense?"
You waited for a response, but all that came was a large arm draping itself across your shoulders, pulling you into his chest with a deep sigh.
"Come to bed" he grumbled, pulling your body with his as he moved up the bed towards the pillows.
He was a man of few words, you knew that. So if this was the only acknowledgment you were getting, you accepted it openly, curling against his chest as his arms locked around you.
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merlinemrys · 1 year
Hello there! I saw you giving some recs for Merlin fics and wanted to ask for some too if you don't mind 👉👈
Do you have any recommendations for Merthur gen angst hurt/comfort? Hell I need more angst in my blood stream
of course!!! idk if u mean merthur w a general rating or just gen fic that's focused on arthur & merlin, but just to play it safe im doing gen fic 💙 if u mean merthur fics that are gen rated then just lmk !
scorch marks and embers by southfarthing (rated t, 93k)
Summary: Everyone he trusted with his secret – Will, Freya, Balinor, Lancelot, and now Gaius – was gone. Arthur would never bring magic back to the land, and he would never let Merlin stand at his side the way Merlin had hoped he would. It was a cold awakening, years of baseless faith dashed against the fraying tapestry that destiny had made Merlin sew into his own skin, but an awakening nonetheless. Merlin is shaken out of his obsession with destiny and his blind faith in Arthur. Arthur just wishes he knew how to get his closest friend back.
New Beginnings by nsowlwrites97 (rated t, 33k)
Summary: Traitor. Merlin. Magic. Merlin. Traitor. Friend. Sorcerer. Merlin. The words seemed to lose their meaning the more Arthur tried to make sense of them, bleeding in and through each other like ink dissolving in water. The only fact he knew to be true – absolutely, permanently, irrevocably true – was that Merlin was dead.
go boldly by CaptainOzone (rated gen, 7k)
Summary: “It is not like you,” Arthur muses suddenly, and very, very quietly, “to lie to me.” Merlin’s lungs freeze in his chest. “What?” he chokes out. Or: yet another 5x05 The Disir AU.
New Duties by s0mmerspr0ssen (rated t, 17k)
Summary: With Uther’s death, Arthur ascends to the throne and officially becomes King of Camelot. Naturally, this means that Merlin is now the King’s manservant, not the Prince’s. What sounds like mere semantics turns out to be much more than that. As Merlin struggles to keep up with the demands of his new job, Arthur finds himself burdened by the realities of kingly responsibilities. Soon, the strain of stress puts their friendship to the test…
Treason by N16 (rated t, 9k)
Summary: Arthur knows four things: Merlin committed treason. Merlin is loyal to him. Merlin wants to tell Arthur the truth. Merlin is scared Arthur will kill him. All he needs to figure out now is what on earth his servant has actually done.
Loyalties by reelin_writer (rated t, 25k)
Summary: “Arthur.” “Merlin?” he said, instantly angry. He shoved himself into a sitting position, fumbling for the candle on the table by the bed, and blustered, “What on earth are you doing? It’s the middle of the night! I don’t know about you, but that’s when I sleep. Don’t you--” Finally managing to get the candle lit, he looked up at Merlin, fully prepared to continue his lecture. But the words died in his throat at the sight of the young servant, and he choked in the rush of panic that assaulted him. “Merlin!”
The Price of Loyalty by Obsessionist (rated t, 18k)
Summary: Uther activates a device that repels magic, but Merlin's loyalty to Arthur knows no bounds.
Loyalty Was Never A Question by ValiantGinger (rated t, 27k)
Summary: Morgana gets her hands on something that puts Merlin in very serious danger. When Arthur's manservant goes missing, he can't help but be worried about him - worry that becomes legitimate when it becomes clear that Merlin is being used as a trap to lure Arthur in. Still, it's Merlin. How can he do anything but go and rescue him?
Between A Rock and A Hard Place by LFB72 (rated t, 30k)
Summary: A visiting noble makes Arthur an offer he can't refuse, putting Merlin's secret in jeopardy. The warlock takes drastic action, risking his health and ability to respond when crisis strikes.
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jeannefostergoriot · 5 months
The Prophecy x Sophie Foster
(How that, it’s my third analysis of the day?)
« Hand on the throttle, thought I caught lightning in a bottle »: she literally caught starlight as one of her first accomplishments. And then unending fire. Lightning here as a symbol of power. Fire as the fact that she is right.
« Oh, but it’s gone again »: but no one ever let her decide, she always have opposition, whether it’s the Council, the Black Swan, her bodyguards, even her friends, she has to argue. Power never stays hers.
« And it was written, I got cursed as Eve got bitten »: all her life was thought before her, her wars exists before her. She’s cursed from beginning to end.
« Oh, was it punishment? Pad around when I got home » is how she feels after every defeat, after every time she couldn’t keep things from going bad, every time Keefe left.
« I guess a lesser woman would’ve lost hope »: she is still a fighter. As of the end of Unlocked and Stellarlune, we see that awakening, and she starts to take pride in it.
« A greater woman wouldn’t beg »: she has yet no trust in herself. Almost no confidence. She isn’t as great as she could, thinks she.
« But I looked at the sky and said »: through the panakes branches, Sophie is looking at the sky every night, and she is begging.
« Please, I’ve been on my knees, change the prophecy »: everyday wishing, waiting for a change, hoping it could be easy for once.
« Don’t want money, just someone who wants my company » *look to Keefe*. And it’s not just someone, it’s peace, she wants peace by her side.
« Let it once be me… »: let her be just a normal teenager. She deserves it.
« Who do I have to speak to, about if they can redo, the prophecy? »: she’d bargain for so long. If she just knew who to address. She’d bargain for everything and if she’d get a rebuttal for peace for herself, she’d ask for her friends…
« Cards on the table, mine play out like fools in a fable, oh » is about how she’s feeling about the fact that the Neverseen always seem so much further in their plans and their attacks. Like they always know what Sophie will do next.
« It was sinking in, slow in the quicksand »: the progressive realization over the four first books that she has, not only a whole world to discover, but secret organizations to deal with. And in background the fact she actually has to *stop* one.
(Also, yes, I thought of the access to Atlantis and the cover of book 6)
« Poison blood from the wound of the pricked hand »: post Neverseen, post Unlocked. Even more Unlocked. Cause Keefe ran away, refused to stay, to be helped, and even if it’s not treason this time, it hurts. And she doesn’t know who to trust. She doesn’t know who she loves. She doesn’t know who she is.
« Oh still I dream of him ». Sophie, if you ever get sleep, we all know Runaway Boy is in your dreams.
« And I sound like an infant »: she prays, she hopes, she doesn’t want this place. But she gets remorse from this, calls herself an infant who has to grow up and stop complaining.
« Feeling like the very last drops of an ink pen »: she’s alone. The story can’t continue without her, the ink has to be used, but she is terribly lonely and vulnerable. The last on Earth able to do something.
« A greater woman stays cool, but I howl like a wolf to the moon »: Sophie is over-achieving and going to burnout. That’s pretty clear. She has that idea in her mind of the greater woman she has to be. But she’s here, crying, praying, trying to go on, having panic attacks, insomnia, anxiety.
« And I look unstable ». She often looks very tired, it’s said multiple times. Also, at the beginning of Stellarlune, everyone looks at her like she’s crazy for the storehouse fire.
« Gathered with a coven at a sorceress’ table »: her coven is her friends, her team, all around her, doing planes. And the sorceress table is that magic thing Mr Forkle showed us with different views of places and options.
« A greater woman as faith, but even statues crumble »: that’s when she will realize she can actually be enough.
« If they’re made to wait »: and that’s the reason she starts burning. Fighting. Attacking. Cause she doesn’t want to crumble anymore.
« I’m so afraid I sealed my fate ». Sophie is thinking that constantly, about every decision she makes, wondering which one could be fatal.
« No sign of soulmates »: cause she’s unmatchable
« I’m just a paperweight »: useful, a little, but a weight, how she thinks.
« Spending my last coin so someone will tell me it’ll be ok »: she needs so much to hear it. And it’s not said enough in this series.
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caeli0306 · 5 months
chapter 1 of castles crumbling (aka Tales from the Airport Bathroom extended version) now posted!
Chapter 1: Awakenings now up on AO3: READ HERE
I know I said it would be awhile until I started this fic but I lied :) I was inspired and decided to take advantage. I'm so excited (and also kind of nervous?) to share this story with you guys and hope you enjoy reading us much as I've enjoyed writing so far :)
Violet should already be dead. People whispered about her weak body and how she would never live up to her family's martial accomplishments. Violet rose above them all, however, fighting and killing to survive the Navarrian Intelligence Agency's brutal BASGIATH training protocol. Now, people whisper about Violet's swift ascension through the NIA's ranks as one of its most valuable operatives and assassins. The whispers don't matter to Violet: She has her own agenda, and it's a dangerous one - finding out what happened to her father.
But one mission changes everything: Suddenly, Violet finds herself in the crosshairs when she stumbles on information Navarre wants buried, and the country she fought for begins to turn on her. Violet knows too much, but she's determined to do what she does best: Survive. Her only hope is the son of the man who they say killed her brother, but their partnership is far from assured. Some grudges run deep, and trust is a currency too valuable to give freely. Xaden realizes Violet may be the key to everything, but with enemies seen and unseen closing in on all sides, the consequences of failure are deadly.
I’m jolted out of my thoughts and return my attention to Ridoc, who has an uncharacteristically stoic look on his face.  
“I have a really bad feeling about this.” He scratches the back of his head. “Promise me you’ll call if it goes south.”
I don’t deserve my squad. And that’s all the more reason that I can’t let him, or anyone else, near this mission. If things go wrong – if my slight treason turns into not-so-slight treason – then I don’t want to bring any of them down with me. I’d rather die than drag them into my problems. I let my mask slip for a moment, patting Ridoc’s arm reassuringly.
“I promise I’ll be careful.”
He rolls his eyes, but that mischievous spark returns to his eyes. “Bullshit. Danger is your middle name, Sorrengail.”
“Actually, it's Brigid,” I quip with a grin. 
He punches me lightly in the arm. “Of course it is.”
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firapolemos05 · 8 months
The Web and the Lamp
@whumpuary AO3
Prompt 5
Can't move
CW: home invasion, attempted kidnapping, sibling whump, implied past child abuse, past matricide, implied cult childhood, magical immobilization, forced haircut, restraints, gags, threats to a loved one, verbal abuse, burns, blood magic, horror, insects, spiders, whumper turned whumpee
OCs: Bellkiira (he/him), Inithra (she/her), Twilight (they/he), Samhain (she/her)
In hindsight, Bellkiira should’ve noticed something was wrong the moment he stepped into the dark house. Twilight usually left a lamp on in the front room for him when he got home before sunrise.
But he's a creature of the dark. It's no trouble for his vision to transition to grayscale and for the wooden furnishings of his home to come into view. Mud walls decorated with Bellkiira’s paintings. Shelves filled with Twilight’s terracotta pottery. The ability had spared him from many jabbed hips and stubbed toes.
He hangs his cloak on the bronze stand by the entryway and glances over to the arched doorway that leads to his partner's workshop. The curtains are drawn closed, the space beyond dark, so they haven't awakened early to work on a project. 
Bellkiira’s plan was to go whip up some breakfast. Twilight had recently restocked their reserves of black-eye peas and koose seemed to be one of few things unaffected by the drow’s curse of culinary disasterness. 
Plus it never got old to see his partner's face light up with delight whenever he made them food.
That was his plan.
Bellkiira is halfway towards the kitchen when the floor turns red and his body just stops.
His body isn't listening to him. His muscles refuse to move. Apprehension pools into his stomach. 
‘The fuck is happening?’
He can't move.
In his peripheral vision, he could just barely catch the dull red edge of a glowing magic circle beneath his feet.
A glyph.
Someone had broken into his house and trapped it with a Glyph of Warding spell. The fact that its effect appeared to be an inconvenient but harmless stored Hold spell rather than a destructive explosive did nothing to quell Bellkiira’s growing anxiety. 
Is Twilight okay?
Did whoever set this spell hurt them?
He would call to the tabaxi, hopefully asleep safe in bed, but the spell had locked his jaw and tongue in place.
‘No, no, don't panic.’ The spell would only last a minute. As soon as it released him, he'll be able to go check on his partner. It'll be fine. This was probably some prank by one of the lyceum students. Some of the more mischievous teenagers had a habit of pestering him whenever their schoolwork brought them to the archives. He'll be able to move again in a minute. Everything will be-
“You haven't changed at all, brother. Still so foolishly naive.”
With his mind spiraling, Bellkiira had not noticed the other presence in the room before the voice spoke from directly behind him. 
He couldn't see her.
He didn't need to. 
He knew that voice anywhere.
Only the spell's hold on his body prevents Bellkiira from flinging himself across the room. Away from her. Away from the sister he'd never thought he'd see again. It doesn't stop his heart from vaulting into his throat. 
‘How the fuck did she find me?!’
How didn't he see her in the room? Why is she here? 
Hands grab his wrists, wrenching them behind his back while Bellkiira was helpless to resist. Helpless to act on the fear freezing his blood. He feels the cold bite of metal through his gloves as a pair of manacles fasten in place. His mind comes to a quick conclusion. 
Inithra isn't killing him. She means to take him alive. She's bringing him back to that city.
“The High Priestess has ordered your arrest. You have been found guilty of desertion, treason, heresy, and murder. I hope you've gained some semblance of a brain to comprehend the consequences of such crimes.”
There's only one reason Lod'tynan Orbbs'cress would demand the return of a traitor.
His tongue is still. He still can't speak. Can't yell for help. Can't protest as Inithra removes his grimoire from his belt, his spell components and various tool kits.
He can't go back there. Not again. Not after what they did to him last time. What they would've done had his mother not believed he could be re-educated. That had not been a mercy. Bellkiira had magic now. He had grown stronger. Lady Samhain had given him the ability to take his freedom. He would use it now. Just as soon as he could fucking break free from this godsdamn spell.
Something cold and hard clamps over his mouth, and Bellkiira’s panic skyrockets as he recognizes the distinct toxic metallic odor of lead.
“Don't get any ideas,” Inithra hisses into his ear, securing the straps of the gag at the back of his neck. “You disgrace yourself, letting your soul be tainted by magic of a lesser-” Even the sudden pause in her words is enough to frighten him, and when she yanks too hard on his braid, his stomach drops.
‘No. No, don't.’
The disdain in her next words is palatable. “You dare mock our traditions? Braids are a mark of the strong and the loyal. You are neither.” There's the sharp shing of a knife being unsheathed. “The likes of you are not worthy to wear it.”
‘Your name may not mean something nice in your language, but I know a bit of the Elven spoken here on the surface. Bellkiira means strong gems, and you're certainly the strongest gem I know.’
Twilight had said those words to him once. When Bellkiira opened up about everything, revealing to them every scar of his past both physical and emotional. Those words had made his heart flutter.
Inithra was wrong.
He was not about to let her take away the symbol of his freedom. His final ‘fuck you!’ to the so-called family who hurt him, to the society that deemed his purpose was to serve.
It was a merciful moment for the spell to break.
Without hesitation, he lurches forward, and the pain of the pull on his hair is worth breaking from his sister's grip. In moments he's crossed the room, stumbling to keep his balance, then whirls around to finally face his would-be kidnapper. 
The space before him is empty. 
He can hear Inithra's footsteps approaching but she's nowhere in sight. An invisibility spell? Divine mages usually didn't have that in their repertoire.
The young drow turns heel and runs. His heart yearns to fight her but he can't, not like this. Not while restrained and without magic. So he books it to the front door. To go get help and get Inithra out of his home.
Only he's left reeling back and falling on his ass, a scream clawing up his throat at the giant fucking spider perched on a web across the entryway.  Its beady eyes bore into him and the terror is consuming. Foregoes all rational thought and overrides it with the sole impulse to flee.
“Seems you've yet to grow out of this childish fear of yours as well.”
The urge to spite her is almost enough to break him out. But not enough. He's scrambling away like a wounded crab attempting to evade a hungry gull and in his panic forgets the gag over his mouth. 
His lips barely work through the incantation of a spell before he realizes his mistake. The faint hum of magic cuts off and the metal on his face and around his wrists warm until they're searing. The howl of pain is muffled against the gag but the stench of burning flesh hits his nose with full potency.
A cold pressure snakes through his body. From the tips of his fingers, up his arms, into his torso, and down his legs, overtaking him with a strange stiffness that stills his writhing. Bellkiira mentally screams in frustration as he finds himself unable to move again. 
Had Inithra cast another Hold-?
There's a chilling sensation of heaviness, then a pulling, and without his consent his body sits up. And stands. And walks. Something pulls on his limbs, forcing muscle and sinew to move against their owner's will. It hurts. Almost like his blood vessels are attempting to bulge through his skin.
As if the vessels themselves had become puppet strings.
The pulling stops just as unseen fingers curl around his neck. 
“Enough of this juvenile rebellion. You are returning with me and you will take whatever punishment the High Priestess has deemed fit with whatever dignity you can trudge from this gutter.”
He can't speak so he lets his eyes do the talking for him. Glaring into the dark hoping she sees the hatred. Contrary to what she may think, he isn't stupid. He knows exactly how this works. The only spell she would know that would teleport them directly back requires all passengers to be willing. Like hell is he just going to let her drag him back there to die-.
“That devil cat is quite fond of you.”
“Does he know what you did?”
‘You leave them alone, you bitch!’
“I suspect you wouldn't want to see him harmed.”
Hot tears prick at the back of his eyes and Bellkiira hates how quickly he breaks. He should’ve known she would stoop low enough to resort to threats. Those words are all that is needed to ring all the fight from him.
‘I'm sorry, Twi.’
He won't even get to say goodbye. 
He's not expecting the slap, and the sharp pain striking his cheek makes him feel like a child again. Weak and small and scared. The force knocks him to the ground and he can't stop the tears from spilling over. And he can't stop the sobs when the knife returns and slices off his treasured braid.
“Figures you would cry for another surface scum,” Inithra sneers with distaste, tossing the hair aside like it's a piece of trash. “Honestly, you should be grateful I'm not killing you here, as much as I wish to. After everything you've done, you don't deserve to mourn him. Not after you made me mourn Mother.”
That mother of theirs did not deserve to be mourned.
She could not stop him from mourning. Twilight would be the only one he would cry over. His only regret. 
A dim glow washes over the room, returning color to Bellkiira’s vision, and his sister's form materializes before him. He almost feels satisfaction seeing her sunken cheeks and the dark circles under her eyes. Well, one eye actually, the one not concealed by an eyepatch.
That had been his fault as well.
The sudden presence of light seems to startle her, the realization of not being hidden anymore. At the end of the room a flame rises from an oil lamp. Not even a second later, a vase shatters against her head and terracotta fragments rain across the floor.
Inithra falls hard and whatever force she'd been controlling to puppet her brother falters.
Relief and dread meet like two crashing trains. Relief of rescue. Dread of Twilight rushing into the room towards him and right into danger.
Strong arms embrace Bellkiira and maneuver him away from the fallen woman. Twilight takes one look at his face, stricken with tears, burned by the lead gag, his too short hair, and their eyes blow wide with horror.  Their hands make quick work of the straps around his head and the awful thing is thrown to the floor. 
“Is she your-?”
Bellkiira flexes the ache out of his jaw, wincing as the move pulls on burned skin. “Yes,” he confirms. 
Inithra staggers to her feet, blood oozing from her head wound a stark contrast against her braided white hair (oh how he’d envied her growing up). A red eye piercing daggers. 
The tabaxi tightens their protective hold, the gravity of the situation dawning. And if Inithra was as intelligent as she held herself, she'd see that her brother was equally ready to defend his partner. 
“You will submit or you will regret it.”
That gag is finally off. There's two particular words he's been waiting to tell her.
“Fuck you!”
Her eye twitches. “I won't repeat myself again, Trael'yul.”
It's the first time she calls him by name and it isn't even the right one.
He would've taken centuries of imprisonment if it meant he'd never have to hear that name again. It wasn't his, never was. Not when the last high priestess he'd known spoke it as she sentenced him to death. Not when his mother first bestowed it to him the day of his centennial.
Obedient prize.
Something Bellkiira ensured he would never become, with his mother's death and his escape. 
“That's not my fucking name.”
His sister scoffs. “Of course you would abandon the name mother gave you. You always were a disrespectful brat.”
“Maybe I just wanted a real mother who actually gave a damn about me! Maybe I was just sick and tired of being treated like a slave!”
“That's your damn purpose! As is for all others like you. That is where Lolth has placed you.”
“That fucking spider bitch doesn't give a shit about you! Any of you!” Bellkiira snarls, finally letting forth years worth of contempt and anger. “She's driving you all to ruin! Using you all to feed her own power. Did you know Lod'tynan Orbbs'cress is the only city of the Underdark still under her influence? All the rest have freed themselves and are way better off without her.”
Inithra's face twists and he could really see the resemblance to their mother. She even had the same way of raising her hand before going to slap him.
Twilight moves between them, becoming a defensive shield. “Don't you dare.”
For the first time, Inithra addresses them directly. “What do you think you can do, cat? When I can manipulate the blood in your bodies. Perhaps I should make you strike him and teach him his place.”
They tense up with that threat. “Maybe I can't beat you,” they begin, and Bellkiira’s heart soars with pride when they pull a familiar orange maple leaf from their pocket, “but she can.”
‘Oh you brilliant moon.’
With a clench of their fist, the leaf crumbles in Twilight’s hand.
And before Inithra can make some condescending comment - questioning what a mere leaf could do - all three of them feel the pulse of energy that emanates. The flame in the oil lamp burns higher. The shadows around them grow, climbing further up the walls.
And begin to dance.
A breeze coming from nowhere flutters the curtains and rustles their hair. It carries an old graveyard scent of soil and stone. The oil lamp flame burns too high yet the temperature in the room chills to the point Bellkiira can feel goosebumps forming on his arms.
The dancing shadows grow faces.
Glowing eyes and glowing smiles.
Inithra backs away. “What in Lolth’s name-?”
Eerie high-pitched cackling.
The shadows fill the house with a cacophony, taunting gazes turning Inithra into the title character of a dark comedy.
The flames flicker out. A moment of silence. And when they relight seconds later, the air is swarming. Beetles, locusts, moths, and bugs galore. The buzz of countless flying insects joins in with the shadows’ guffaw. They descend upon the threat.
Twilight presses themself into Bellkiira’s side, their tail curling around him in fear as the dark cloud of writhing wings engulfs Inithra. The two spectators can only assume the alarmed scream comes from the drow woman. Her arms thrash and flail against chitinous bodies, the mass so thick not even her face is visible. Her arachnid familiar doesn't last long against the merciless bites, and with a dying hiss, it disappears in a puff of mist, no longer able to hold material form.
Bellkiira touches his head to Twilight’s, the one gesture of reassurance he's able to make with his arms still bound. Nothing of this horror show would harm them, but the frightened tabaxi certainly hadn't expected such a display from their rescuer. They weren't as used to his patron’s mannerisms as he was.
Amidst the laughter and buzzing, a voice sings.
“Come critters and geists, Come scitter and stamp. The moth has caught A spider in her lamp.”
An arm reaches out of the dark and grasps onto Inithra's. The swarm retreats for a moment, and her violet skin is stained red with blood and bites and stings. She stumbles on her feet, chest heaving to gulp down air not filled with insects. The eyepatch had been torn away, revealing the scarred mess of flesh that had once been her right eye. 
Now only a single left eye can glance up to the being towering over her. Large black and yellow wings, dark compound eyes with glowing yellow pinpoints that pierce down through her, the large chitinous arm that dwarfs her own and three others that hold aloft a skeletal scythe, the tip of its blade pricking the bottom of her chin.
“You!” Inithra hisses, recognition in her one eye that morphs into fury.
It's only their second meeting, but one does not simply forget an encounter with Lady Samhain, Reaper of the Harvest Diablerie, second of the Autumn Court.
Especially when said first encounter turned your entire life upside down. 
“You think you can come steal away my little chrysanthemum? Allow your goddess to claim one under my protection? Oh I don't think so, little spider.”
The mass of shadows repeating that final line casts a haunting echo.
Despite her crooked smile, glowing like the carved gourds they light up for the Vigil, Bellkiira notes it's been a long time since he's seen his patron so angry. The last time, his plea had sent that scythe slicing through his mother's throat.
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