#*thunk* *thunk* *bang* *BOOM*
Dick does not know what he expected trying to sneak a snack from the kitchen before the Thanksgiving dinner.
Maybe Alfred smacking his hand way with a spoon, maybe Jason singing out for tune, maybe his newest brother Danny would help him steal some stuffing.
“Master Jason! I will allow that slip up for this one occasion! That being said, if could watch your tongue it would be greatly appreciated!”
“Sorry Alfie! Bu-hurk!”
Dick watched at the door as the turkey elbow slammed Jason into a cupboard. The tofu turkey threw a spoon of mash potato as Danny tried to drag little wing out of the line of fire.
He closed the door when he noted Alfred was loading up the shotgun.
He will never understand cooking…
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writers-potion · 7 months
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Vocabulary List for Fight Scenes
Combat Actions
Snatch up
Lose ground
Rear to full height
Take cover
Gain ground
Cling to
Riddle with holes
Torn Asunder
Visual Flair
Cough up bile
Cut to ribbons
Flop limply
Freckled with blood
Gouts of blood
Hiccup blood
Shiny with gore
Slumped in despair
With a fell gaze
With a fiendish grin
With blank surprise
Audible Flair
Elicit a curse
With a keening cry
Sickening Pop
Cause frostbite
Fuse flesh
Reduced to
Death Blows
6K notes · View notes
“We need to restart the level.”
Pidge turns to Lance, furrowing her brow at him. “Um, no we don’t. We’re killing it. We beat the Slayforn boss in like ten minutes, we’re never going to be able to do that again.”
“We have to restart,” Lance insists like the stubborn mule he is, reaching over to reset the console manually. Pidge yelps, lunging forward to smack his hand away. Never one to let her get the last hit, he smacks her right back, and Pidge can’t let that slide so she smacks him again, and the next thing she knows they’re wrestling on the floor, controllers abandoned.
“Don’t you fucking dare!” Lance shrieks, as Pidge moves to shove a wet finger in his ear. Pidge laughs evilly, fully intending on doing it anyway, but he shoves his head forward and bites her finger as she approaches.
“Ow! You dickhead! You broke the skin!”
“Come closer and I’ll fucking do it again!”
He bares his teeth at her like the feral, youngest-sibling-backed-into-a-corner weirdo he is (Pidge knows), completely serious on his threat. Pidge is careful to keep her fingers and appendages away from his teeth, and continues wreaking havoc in other ways.
She likes to pinch.
Luckily for her, she’s been training one-on-one with Allura for the past few months, so if she really applies her teachings she could kill God. Also, as much as she and Lance are in the same boat when it comes to sibling dynamics, he has a soft spot a mile wide because of his nieces and nephews and baby cousins, so she can emotionally manipulate him into being more hesitant around her in terms of violence.
(They fight a lot. Pidge knows her stuff.)
Eventually they reach the point where they’re trying so hard to pin each other that they’re wrapped up like twin pretzels, limbs flailing everywhere and various hisses and threats filling the room. Pidge, getting that claustrophobic feeling of being trapped, desperately needs to end it. She goes limp, throwing off Lance’s balance, and then whips herself forward, bucking him off her — and directly into the corner of his bed frame, The thunk is so sharp and loud that it’s almost a crack.
Lance’s “ow” is so quiet that it’s almost silent in comparison.
“What was that?” a voice booms down the hallway, and Pidge heart pounds.
“Lance?” she asks frantically, shaking his shoulder. “Are you dead?”
“I said, what was that!” Shiro yells louder. He sounds closer.
“Nothing!” Pidge shouts through the door. She glances back down at Lance, who has yet to move his hands from where they’re clutched at his head. Fuck! “We were just — uh, I dropped something!”
Lance makes a low whimpering noise, curling further in on himself.
“No no no, stop crying, it’s okay, you can hit me back,” Pidge whispers frantically. She shakes her arm at him. “Okay? And then we’re even. Don’t tell Shiro.”
Lance doesn’t look at her, still making the occasional pained noise. Shiro’s footsteps get louder.
She is going to get in so much trouble, which isn’t even fair because Lance was wrestling too! They’re both not allowed to try to kill each other!
Shiro’s footsteps get even louder, and closer together, like he’s running. Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck!
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
“I’ll let you hit me twice! And the second time can be unexpected!”
The door handle jiggles. Lance is still not straightening up.
She’s fucked.
Shiro pokes his head in, already frowning, squinting to see through the darkness of the room.
“What’s going on, you two?”
Pidge closes her eyes in defeat. She’s fucked.
“Nothing,” says a pleasant voice from beside her. She whips around, jaw dropped, only to see Lance upright and totally normal, looking as smug as smug can be.
Fucking snake!
Shiro raises an eyebrow. “I heard arguing. And a bang.”
“We were yelling at the TV because we lost a game,” Lance lies.
Pidge imagines all the ways she’s going to kill him.
Shiro doesn’t look totally convinced, but unfortunately for him Lance is an excellent liar when he’s planning to be, and there’s not so much as a crack in his expression.
“Alright,” their leader says hesitantly. “Don’t…kill each other.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Lance promises sunnily. Pidge barely resists the urge to smack him right then and there.
She decides not to resist, actually. The second Shiro shuts the door she lunges, snarling, fully ready to get right back where they left off. But Lance doesn’t let her — anticipating her violence, he scrambles to his feet and scales the dresser, taking refuge on a tiny little shelf by the ceiling that only his stick ass could balance on.
“Ah ah ah,” he says, wagging his finger infuriatingly. “You promised two hits if I didn’t tell Shiro. Not the other way around.”
“Bullshit!” she cries, scanning the room to see if she can find a broom to swat at him like a spider. She is unsuccessful. “I traded that because I thought you were hurt!”
Lance touches his chest in mock serenity. “I was hurt. My heart was broken by your violence.”
“Lance, the second you get down from there I am going to fucking kill you.”
May be he reads the rage in her voice, because he hesitates.
“Fine. I get one free hit.”
“No free hits and I only kill you a little.”
“No free hits and we restart the level,” he bargains
Pidge squints at him. He must be serious, because that’s a major deal on his part. Pidge would never give in that quickly.
“No free hits and we restart the level only if you tell me why.”
He drops down from the ceiling, landing neatly on the floor and then immediately tripping the first step he takes.
Pidge has to fight the smile off her face.
He settles down back where he was before, handing Pidge her controller and grabbing his own.
“Explain yourself,” Pidge orders as he clicks through the menu to restart the level.
Lance hesitates before answering, so Pidge knows the next words out of his mouth are going to be bullshit.
“I read on Space Internet that the rocket power up makes the next level easier, but you have to use it through this level or it didn’t work.”
Yep. She was right.
“Uh huh,” she says, raising her eyebrow at him. “And you didn’t do that before level because…”
“I forgot,” Lance insists.
Pidge sets her controller down, turning to face him. She narrows her eyes, scrutinizing him, and he squirms; shifting nervously and avoiding her eyes.
She already knew he was lying. But if he just wanted to restart the level to beat their time record, then he would just tell her. And she would have noticed if he wanted to restart the level because he was sucking ass, or something, so it wasn’t that. This shadiness from him doesn’t make sense — he only acts like that when he’s guilty, or embarrassed.
It dawns on her then. Embarrassed or guilty — or a mix of the two.
“Are you telling me,” she says gleefully, and knows she’s on the right track when Lance sighs in defeat, “that you want to restart our entire level because you feel bad about the NPC dialogue option you chose?”
Ten minutes into their game, they had encountered an NPC that was supposed to give them advice for the boss they were going to face, only the advice was kind of dogshit. The two of them had complained loudly, because that was half the fun of gaming, and in an impulsive and uncharacteristic move, Lance had chosen the slightly rude dialogue option. The NPC walked away all dejected, as it was programmed to do, but they’d been attacked by the boss right after, so Pidge pretty much forgot it happened.
But Lance’s dork ass?
“There was no need for that level of rudeness,” Lance defends. “It was just trying to help! It’s not it’s fault it was programmed to give bad advice!”
Of course Lance has felt bad about being rude to a literal NPC for the past half hour.
Pidge bursts out laughing, pointing at Lance as obnoxiously as she can so he knows she’s making fun of him. He gets the hint and scowls, brown eyes glaring daggers.
“You’re the worst,” he says.
“You’re a loser,” Pidge wheezes. “Oh my God.”
She turns back to the game, still giggling, ignoring Lance’s continued grumbles.
They do worse this time around. Pidge teases him the entire time.
(But, honestly, she’s a little endeared. Not that Lance needs to know.)
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the-cult-of-russo · 2 years
Such a Softer Sin (Part 2)
Pairing: Billy Russo x Reader
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Warnings: I’m not specifically tagging this one, if you’ve seen the show, nothing will shock you. Smut will happen eventually so minors DNI, thanks.
A/N: What’s this? Two chapters in one day? Yes, yes it is lmao I love you guys and I’m feeling generous. Maybe I’m also super excited to finally share this with you after working so hard on it. 
I forgot to mention in the last chapter, but this story will be 28 chapters long. It’s less than I first thought because I had to merge some shorter chapters together. 
You lay there in the mud with no intention to move. It wasn't so much that you didn't want to, just your pride wouldn't let you. It hardly looked good for your rep that you just fell over a fucking tree root. So for now, you lay there looking up at the clouds, listening to the rhythmic thunk, thunk, thunk from the knives Atticus was throwing into the tree. You were grateful he was the only one around to see you fall, but somehow you knew he’d still mention it. Your best friend was a bastard like that. After a moment, a large hand was suddenly in front of you. With a huff, you took it, letting Atticus yank you to your feet. You squinted slightly, not liking the thoroughly amused smirk on his face. You just knew what was coming. 
“I still don’t get how you manage it,” Atticus grinned slyly at you. You scowled, snatching the throwing knives off him. You swiftly threw them one after the other, hitting the target in the tree with ease. You'd been practicing with your knives since you were 12 years old, you were pretty good at it.
“Manage what?” you asked casually, pretending you had no clue what he was talking about. 
“When we’re on the battlefield, you're the most graceful of us all. You’ve got the nickname ‘The Dancer of Death’. Yet somehow, when we’re not in a perilous situation, you have the grace of a one legged cow,” he snorted. Your mouth gaped open as you glared at him and it only made him grin wider at you.
“A one legge- how dare you! Just because I fall over occasionally doesn't mean I’m not graceful,” you retorted with a petulant frown. 
“Y/N, you fell over your own feet three days ago and knocked yourself out when you banged your head on the table,” Atticus murmured with a smirk. Your cheeks flushed, your scowl not easing. 
“I didn't fall over my own feet. I slipped on the rug, there's a difference,” you muttered with a huff. 
“You still knocked yourself out. And let’s not forget last month when we had the meeting at the castle with the Council. You knocked over a lifesize statue of the fucking King and decapitated it,” Atticus snorted loudly. 
Your cheeks stayed hot and you couldn't argue. There were no lies. Last month at one of the meetings where the Council gave you a job, you somehow fell over, tumbling into the lifesize statue of King William. It was fancy and looked super old. You didn't know it was of the King at the time since the statue was of a man in complete armor, even his face and you didn’t even know what he looked like anyway. But after one of the Council Elders lectured you for an hour, you realized you’d just decapitated the King's likeness. After being told when the King finds out how he’ll chop your hands off, you made a hasty retreat back home. You had every desire to keep your fucking hands. 
“You act like you’re so much better. You think I didn't hear you fall up the stairs last night? I think you woke the whole house up,” you retorted with a smirk. Now it was his turn to huff as he folded his broad arms over his chest.
“Look, it's not my fault. My feet are big and the stairs are small. You do the math,” he replied with narrowed eyes. You were about to give him a witty retort when the loud booming voice of your Alpha traveled through the forest from the packhouse.
“Y/N! Atticus!” The pair of you looked at each other like children about to be told off.
“Oh shit, are we in trouble?” Atticus asked with a wary face.
“What did you do?” you asked him with an indignant scowl.
“Me? Why do you assume I’m the one who did something?” he asked, sounding offended. His voice rose a whole octave and you just leveled your gaze on him.
“Last week, you put muddy handprints on every single one of his shirts so it looked like he’d been molested where his non-existent breasts are,” you deadpanned. A beaming grin broke out on Atticus’ face and he had this far away look in his eyes like he was reliving it.
“Yeah… it was pretty good. He had no choice but to wear one until he got them cleaned,” he snorted. You rolled your eyes and shook your head.
“He made you train naked for three whole days. Was it worth it?” you asked with a grin.
“Yes,” he answered with no hesitation. The boy was strange.
“I swear, if you’ve done something and try to blame me again for it, I’ll smother you in your sleep,” you muttered seriously as you both slowly started walking back through the forest.
“I never blame you,” he replied. You stopped dead and he stopped too, giving you this innocent smile.
“You blamed me for the shirts,” you argued. He shook his head and gave you a toothy grin.
“I did no such thing,” he replied sweetly.
“I’m sorry, what do you call ‘I have no idea. Y/N must have done it, I saw her playing in the mud before’?” you asked with a quirked brow. His grin only widened, not even bothering to defend himself.
“Don't be scared, I’ll protect you. I’ll always protect you with my life,” Atticus said with a sweet smile. You found yourself smiling at him as you shook your head.
“As sweet as that sentiment is, Atti, I’m the Beta which means I’m a rank above you. Not only that but my wolf is slightly bigger than yours,” you snorted. He squinted at you, looking more than offended and you had to fight to keep your laugh from falling from your lips.
“How dare you! The size of a man's wolf is a sensitive issue! Besides, it's not about the size, it's how you use it that counts,” he replied petulantly. 
“That sounds an awful lot like something someone with a small wolf would say,” you mused teasingly. He glared harder at you but there was no real malice in his eyes. 
“Aww don't be mad,” you grinned, stepping closer to him. He looked off to the side and you pouted, fisting his shirt a little as you bat your lashes up at him, your eyes all shiny and glittering in the sunlight. He looked at you, you knew he was about to crack. He never lasted long. After a moment, his lips twitched up and you grinned, making him roll his eyes at you.
“I hate that I can't even stay mad at you. You're a real bitch, you know that?” he huffed.
“Yeah, you tell me that at least twelve times a day,” you snorted. He grinned, yanking a strand of your hair and making you kick him in the shin. Lightly. If you did it to purposely hurt him you’d have broken it.
“Guys! Now!” the booming voice was back. The pair of you exchanged glances before hurrying back to the packhouse. When you broke through the clearing, your somewhat small packhouse came into view. A few people were milling around outside and Kosmos, your Alpha was standing in the doorway waiting for you. To anyone else, he was a scary fuck. He was huge and nothing but a hunk of muscle, his long black hair reaching past his shoulders and his whole torso and arms covered in black ink. Despite how intimidating he looked, when you and Atticus laid eyes on him, you relaxed infinitely, seeing the lazy grin on his face. Atticus huffed a string of curse words under his breath and you grinned to yourself. Kosmos liked to do this to you. He was like your older brother despite not sharing any blood, but he often used his scary boss voice on you just to fuck with you and make you worry. He wasn't a bad guy though, he was surprisingly chill for an Alpha. Unless you crossed him, then you were fucked. 
Despite all the years that had passed, you could remember meeting him like it was yesterday. This pack wasn't like the others. The Nomad pack were a bunch of misfit wolves with nowhere else to go, but it hadn't always been like this. Once upon a time it had just been you, Atticus and Kosmos. You and Atti had grown up together in the same pack, and after a brutal rogue attack left your pack wiped out, you had been the only survivors. Atticus had saved your life that day. You had only been 8, putting Atticus at 9 but he was smart enough to cover you both in mud to mask your scents. You had been hysterical. You’d watched your parents get ripped to shreds in front of your very eyes and Atticus had to push down his own grief to take care of you. He’d hidden you in some bushes once your scents were masked and you had to hide there for a whole day until all the rogues were gone. Then the pair of you had nowhere to go and wandered the forest for days, hungry and scared. That was when you found a 15 year old Kosmos. He was the illegitimate child of an Alpha of a neighboring pack. After suffering years of abuse, he had fled. He’d been staying in a cave and after he’d seen the two small children covered in blood that wasn't their own and the haunted look in their eyes, he’d taken you in. At first, it had been the three of you. No Alpha, Beta or Gamma, just three wolves who considered each other family. But as the years went on, you took in more wolves like you and the others. Ones who had been abused or whose packs had been taken over, ones who needed a family. As the numbers grew, the need for hierarchy came into it and everyone voted the three originals into place. Kosmos as Alpha, you as Beta, and Atticus as Gamma. Your pack was still small compared to normal packs. Other packs had members in the hundreds, the Nomad pack was currently only at 21. Even with the hierarchy, Kosmos wasn't a typical Alpha. He protected the pack as was his job and he was the leader by default, but no matter what decisions had to be made, he always got everyone to vote instead of making the call himself. He didn't want it to be all about him. The opinion of his pack mattered. It worked well for you all since the pack was so small and things were running smoothly. The Nomad pack had built up its reputation and some other packs liked you, wanting to be on your side and have your help. Then of course were the packs that loathed you and who still classed you as rogues. Tarring you with the same brush as the vicious creatures who took your old pack away. You hated it. You weren't rogues and you never felt like you were. You were just lost wolves who needed a place and now you had one. 
As you walked past Kosmos inside the packhouse, which was more like an oversized wooden cabin in the woods, Kosmos clipped Atticus around the head playfully, making him scowl at him. Kosmos didn't have an office, there wasn't enough space. The meetings were always held at the dining table and people just knew to leave you to it. You walked over and sat down, Viron already sat there munching on a sandwich. Viron was a strange wolf. He was only 18 and he seemed so much younger sometimes with how he acted. He’d been through a lot in his life before landing himself here with the pack and he had a nervous disposition. His mother had died giving birth to him and as a result, his father had blamed him. He’d tried to drown the poor boy at birth and then the abuse started. Luckily, Viron’s older brother and your now lead warrior, Damon, took him out of there before it got any worse. The two had then spent a lot of time as rogues trying to get by before they found the Nomad pack. When you sat down, he shot you a bright smile and you smiled back. While others usually made themselves scarce when you were having a ‘meeting’, you didn’t mind if anyone was around as there were no secrets in the pack. 
“Right, the Council have moved their meeting with us up to tomorrow,” Kosmos murmured, toying with something in his hand. It looked something akin to an invitation and you huffed under your breath. You loathed meeting the pompous assholes. They still looked down on you despite the King giving Kosmos his blessing to make you an official pack the year before. 
“Yay,” Atticus deadpanned, swiping one half of Viron’s sandwich and munching it. Viron growled at him and Atticus just grinned with his mouth full of food. You rolled your eyes, kicking him under the table and causing him to yelp and choke a little on his food. Viron smirked triumphantly at him.
“Are you finished?” Kosmos asked, looking at you all one by one like you were all children. You lowered your eyes and bit your lip so you didn't laugh. Kosmos in business mode was amusing.
“Yes, daddy. We’re sorry,” Atticus murmured with a smirk.
“Don't ever call me that again,” Kosmos grimaced. You couldn't hold your laugh back anymore and you snorted, shaking your head as Atticus looked more than pleased with himself. 
“The King wants us to have dinner with him too,” that one sentence made silence blanket over the four of you and you felt your heart burst out of your chest. The only one of them to ever meet the infamous King was Kosmos. 
“Oh no, you’re gonna die,” Viron muttered, his face pale as he ran his hand through his yellowy blonde locks, making it stick up every which way. 
“Don't be so dramatic,” Atticus snorted with his mouth full. 
“As much as I’d like to agree with you, Atti, he has a point. Everyone knows how the King hates rogues and most people still look at us that way,” you murmured with a frown. Everyone knew why the King hated rogues so much. After his Beta’s family was killed by them almost a century ago, he hadn’t been able to let go of the rage he felt for them. 
“He’s not going to kill us. If he was, he’d just turn up here, he wouldn't wine and dine us first,” Kosmos said seriously. You turned your worried eyes to him then and he gave you a reassuring smile. It did ease you somewhat, he had a point. But why in the world the King wanted to dine with you all you had no idea and it left you feeling uneasy. 
“We need to leave tonight to make sure we get there tomorrow on time. Y/N, I want you to stay here and-” Kosmos started.
“No,” you said firmly. Your eyes were blazing as you stared him down from his seat and Viron glanced warily from you to Kosmos.
“No?” he asked with a frown.
“No. We have no idea what this is about or what will happen. You're not asking me to hang back and not have your back out there. I won't do it,” you muttered. Kosmos heaved a sigh and even though you weren't looking at Atticus, you knew he’d be smirking, expecting this.
“Y/N-” Kosmos started again.
“No. You either take me with you or I’ll just follow after you leave,” you were firm in your words and they all knew you’d follow through on it too.
“Fine. Viron and Damon can take charge while we’re gone. We should only be gone a couple of days,” Kosmos sighed, seeing no use in arguing. Viron and Damon made a good team to run the pack. Despite Viron being a little skittish, he was still loyal and a good fighter when it came to it. Not only that, his overactive worrying meant security measures were always followed through and the pack was looked out for. You stood up and left to go to your room, you’d need to get ready for the journey you were about to take, you’d be walking for a day to get to the castle. After getting a small bag ready, you got changed. You had on some tight black pants, knee high leather boots, a white tunic that was tucked in and a large corset belt around your waist. You threw on your furs before grabbing your dagger, strapping it to your thigh. You met the guys back near the front door. They were dressed just like you were, black pants, leather boots and with tunics and furs. You knew Kosmos would have told the pack where you all were going and the plan. After a hug from Viron and reassuring him you’d be fine, you were off. 
As you walked through the forest, you found yourself wishing it was the full moon so you could shift, it would take much less time in wolf form to get there. Nevertheless, you all trekked the long journey, weapons at the ready in case anything happened. You’d pissed a lot of people off doing what you did, you could never be too careful. If you got outnumbered, your weapons would come in handy. There was only so much you could do, your reputation far exceeded you. The 21 pack members were all good fighters. The one thing Kosmos was adamant on was teaching each wolf who joined how to fight well, not only so they could help out the pack, but for themselves. Every single one of them had some baggage they brought with them, whether it be abuse, neglect or trauma from losing a pack. He wanted every pack member to feel empowered and strong, wanted them all to be able to defend themselves all on their own if it ever came to it. There were no young or elderly in the pack and everyone could fight. Your reputation had grown with other packs wanting to be your allies and paying you for bounty hunting or helping out with wars or rogue problems. Other packs didn't like you, still calling you rogues and that only added to the fear factor of the Nomad clan. People don't like what they don't understand. And people didn't understand how supposed rogues had formed a legitimate pack of their own when rogues tended to have no loyalty if they gained nothing from it. You were excellent warriors and word travel fast around these parts. Soon everyone was talking about the pack of rogues. So much so that the Council got involved and wanted in on the action. The Council didn’t like you guys much but they saw you as useful and that's how you ended up being called there every now and again to get high risk jobs. But the pack never asked to be paid with money, you got paid with food and weapons to ensure your pack would be okay to last. The safety of your pack was all the three of you wanted. You were all tired by the time you reached the lands of the castle. The journey had been long and you’d only stopped briefly in the night to rest, taking turns to keep watch. You couldn't be too careful. Not only were the rogues getting bolder recently around this area but to top it off, some packs still wanted your heads on a stick just for having that same label slapped onto you. You had your weapons stored away before the castle gates as you got checked over by the guards. It was the same shit every time. They couldn't be too careful with anyone so only the King and his men were allowed weapons in the castle grounds unless permitted. 
No matter how many times you had seen it now, the castle always blew you away when you walked in. The lands were vast and your eyes traveled to the warriors training, all clad in black and red. They were skilled fighters and you had always wanted to sit there and watch them, learn some tricks yourself. You and your pack were good but you were all self taught. The castle itself was huge and looked right out of a fairytale. It was old, centuries old just like the King himself. You’d never met him, had no clue what he looked like. All you knew was that he hated rogues and he was old. You couldn't help but picture some old graying man with a crown on his head and you snorted to yourself. Wolves aged differently to humans and he was a Lycan Demigod. He was immortal. But still, you had no idea just at what point he stopped aging so in your head, you imagined an old grumpy man. As soon as you stepped foot inside, a young maid wearing a long white and red peasant dress greeted you with her head bowed out of respect.
“Good afternoon, Alpha. I’m here to take you and your men to the Council,” she murmured softly. You didn't bristle at being referred to as a man. It wasn't that you looked manly. Far from it really, your outfit only seemed to accentuate your curves but it was just the norm to refer to the Alphas next in command as his ‘men’. 
“Already?” Kosmos asked with a gruff tone. You were glad you weren't the only one feeling grumpy from the long trek here to meet some stuck up assholes. 
“Y-yes, Alpha,” the maid squeaked softly. She was clearly nervous about being close to an Alpha, you hardly blamed her. Kosmos was scary looking and his aura was pretty tense.
“We were kind of hoping to wash up a little,” you supplied with a soft smile, hoping to ease the girl’s nerves.
“And sleep,” Atticus added with a huff. 
“I’m sorry. The Council requested to see you as soon as you arrived,” the maid explained apologetically. Atticus let out a pathetic whine and you snorted, elbowing him as Kosmos gave the girl a nod. You followed her through to the far east of the castle where the Council lived and did their business. It was hardly ideal to meet them like this. The three of you were slightly muddy, ridiculously tired and hungry. The Council should have let you take a quick nap, your patience would be frayed in the meeting. The Council was made up of a bunch of old wolves who thought they knew everything. The King had appointed them as a Council to take care of lesser things so he had more time for important stuff. The Council leaders were three old men, the ones you’d always meet. It was clear the men didn't like you all much, still looked at you distrustfully, seeing you as rogues like the vile creatures that lurked around with bloodlust. But yet they were more than happy to get you to help them out with harder jobs. It always rubbed you the wrong way, like you were only good to be used for your reputation but not respected. You couldn't very well turn down the offer of jobs from the Council as it was practically like turning down the King, like spitting on his shoes. You had no choice but to take their offers. Not only that but they paid you way more than the usual Alpha’s did due to how risky these jobs were. That meant you’d get a month's supply of food for one job for all of the pack and you would get weapons and medical supplies too. It was ensuring the safety and comfort of your pack. You needed these jobs, but you hated these assholes who looked at you like you were nothing but dirt on their shoes. You would love to see the three pompous asses go out and handle these jobs themselves instead of getting you to do it. They wouldn't last a minute out there. 
As you reached the large wooden doors, the maid politely asked you to wait there as she slipped inside, the door closing but left slightly ajar. You, Atticus and Kosmos stood outside patiently waiting, listening.
“My Lords, the Nomad pack are here to see you,” the maid said softly from inside.
“Ooh, ‘my lords’,” Atticus muttered mockingly in a high voice. Not so much at the maid but at how she had to address the idiots waiting inside for you. You bit your lip to not laugh and Kosmos reached around you, thawking Atticus around his head. Atticus glared across at the Alpha who smirked at him. It was hilarious really. They had this reputation for being ruthless and ferocious in the battlefield but behind closed doors they were like siblings fighting and bickering. If any of your enemies could see them now. 
“Behave. We’re in the Royal Castle. Let's not make them think we’re savages, yeah?” Kosmos said quietly. Atticus rolled his eyes, and heaved a sigh.
“They already think we’re fucking savages,” he muttered in contempt. You had to agree with him on that one and the silence from Kosmos made it clear he also agreed. Before another word could be said, the door opened and the maid bowed her head, gesturing for you to walk in. You gave her a warm smile and the maid smiled shyly back at you. It was time to get your game face on now though. You might be carefree most of the time but you had a reputation to uphold. People feared you and you used it to your advantage, you needed to act tough so you didn’t look weak. The small number of your pack members already made you a target. The three of you steeled your faces as you walked inside, dreading what the Council were going to tell you this time. You were also wondering about the dinner invite with the King. That was new. You couldn't help but feel like whatever was going on was going to change things quite a bit.
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anjumstar · 2 years
All the Way Home ch1
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Read on AO3
rating: teen
pairing: bakudeku
word count: 3.9k/81.1k
summary: Four years ago, All For One and Shigaraki were defeated, taking One For All with them. At twenty years old, Katsuki and a quirkless Izuku are heroes, boyfriends, and partners. Until one day, they’re hit by a quirk that suddenly makes them fathers too. Now, with a newborn baby, they have to figure out who did this to them, and why it means the downfall of superhuman society.
a/n: Thank you to Lin, Ice, and obsessive-dumpling for reading all or sections of this fic. I really appreciated all the feedback. Extra special thanks to Joely for being my partner in this bang! Their work is phenomenal and you can find the first piece here.
This work is a part of the @bakudekubigbang​ 2022. Updates will be weekly.
next chapter
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Chapter One - Hush Little Baby, Don’t You Cry
The first time Izuku had been in this alley, it was with his back pressed against the wall, threads of his costume catching against the rough concrete as Katsuki kissed him silly after a good fight. The dead end was off one of the main avenues in their assigned district—a two-lane road that was busiest during rush-hour, and somewhat quiet otherwise.
When they’d first diverted a rampaging villain down this street, they’d discovered the space Katsuki’s explosions were allowed to take up, as well as the many lobbies, parking garages, and alleyways civilians could be herded to. It was now a mainstay in their strategy tool belt. Plus, it was just around the corner from their favorite date-night curry restaurant for when they finished a shift early.
This alley was where Izuku was hidden as he waited for Katsuki to draw their quarry close, looking forward to that curry as soon as they had the guy captured and cuffed.
Lying low was not, and had never been, Izuku’s combat style of choice. Even less so as the rip, thunk, and crinkle of metal tore over the screams of civilians not yet evacuated—a car being thrown across the street and collapsing in on itself like one of the many crumpled metal cans here in the alley Izuku had concealed himself in. He jogged in place in the shadows, high noon on the dot not even providing enough sun to reach this sliver of street between skyscrapers, and listened closely. No yelps, no whimpers—he had a few moments more.
Fa Jin was nothing surer than calculated risk. The amount of strength Izuku needed to build up could not exceed the amount of time he had to spare. What he had to spare, at the moment, depended on his partner.
A new blast, the loudest yet, followed the sound of the thrown car rolling to a stop, the boom rattling Izuku’s ears as it ricocheted off the hard walls. A loud “Die!” carried over both. Izuku risked a glance around the corner, hoping to finally catch a glimpse of the villain’s weak spot. The smoke was too thick, though, clouding the narrow gap to the alley. They must have gotten close.
Katsuki had been on the scene five minutes already, caught between the rock that was this ram-headed villain’s dense skull and the hard place of the armored vest he was wearing, protecting his more human middle. The quirk made the villain outsized, taller than either Izuku or Katsuki on two legs, and fast as hell when he ran on four. His horns were huge, sprouting from his forehead and curling around the sides of his head, protecting him as fully as a helmet. To compensate, his upper body was thick and stocky, in order to handle the weight of all that extra headgear. But without knowing if this was a transformation or mutant quirk, Izuku couldn’t be sure if they were playing against stamina or time—he had to prepare for both. So with both legs humming with energy, he ran out of the alley and towards the smoke.
Smoke from Katsuki’s explosions dissipated quickly—much lighter than the suffocating fog of One For All’s Smokescreen. But as Izuku emerged on the street, it was still thick enough for Katsuki’s appearance to be sudden, his body bisecting the cloud into two translucent plumes as he was thrown straight toward one of the concrete buildings that lined the streets. City blocks here were made strong—stable enough to withstand the region’s earthquakes and most villain attacks. Concrete to break your back against. 
Izuku sprang through the air, careful to hold onto his fastidiously stored Fa Jin in both legs as he intersected Katsuki’s path. His thighs tensed and released, the snapping of a slipknot tied and pulled, propelling him up just in time for Katsuki’s back to slam against Izuku’s front, knocking half his air away as his own body armor smashed against his upper ribs. 
They grunted as they fell to the ground, Katsuki grumbling, “Can’t fire behind me if I can’t see the goddamn extras on the ground,” before taking off back towards the sound of destruction.
Another car had been upturned, caught by the villain’s devilish horns and thrown overhead. There were still too many people around—Izuku had no choice but to leap in the direction of the car’s trajectory, and kick it with all his strength, landing it hard against a concrete wall instead of in the throng of people still tearing through the road. It crumpled, frame bending like Katsuki’s spine would have, glass on the far side shattering through the car’s interior moments before it fell to the ground, the rest of the glass coming with it as hail in a Japanese spring. It came with screams, far too many as the villain hurled further into town.
Izuku ran forward, his iron boots crunching solidly through the glass shards and metal debris scattered over the potholed road. Katsuki was high above him, gaining momentum with alternating explosions before flipping to land in front of the villain and blow him back, straight towards Izuku.
“Get to safety!” Izuku yelled to the still far too many civilians stampeding around him. He only needed the few square meters required for close combat, but this was lunch hour, and people dressed in black still swarmed the sidewalk.
Katsuki’s blast didn’t do as much as Izuku would have hoped. The villain was too stocky and solid—perhaps his skin was thicker as well. Izuku did notice that a bit of steam seemed to escape the villain’s horns. Either that had been a bit of wayward smoke, or his horns diverted some of the heat that should have been wearing down his body all this time.
Still, it blew the villain into Izuku’s path, and as Katsuki came down, Izuku jumped up like they were on a seesaw and the villain was their fulcrum. Izuku angled himself diagonally, letting the power of Fa Jin reach its apogee in his legs as he aimed for the pulsing veins thickly framing the villain’s neck. 
His left leg hit home, crashing Izuku and the villain to the upturned street, shards of glass breaking against his costume. Before Izuku could right himself, a hand wrapped around his arm and whipped him around by it. The socket of his shoulder went loose like a doll’s, as if connected to the arm by nothing but string. Not dislocated, but it would be in just a moment if he didn’t act fast.
Izuku was flipped upside down, but he let the weight of his boots carry him down as his back curved in a great arch. The friction of his heavy shoes against the rough road slowed his momentum, keeping him from being thrown, though the angle of his arm had him moments away from the joint of his elbow or shoulder—or both—snapping.
With a great kick, Izuku threw both legs into the air, one after the other, and used the remaining stock of Fa Jin in his right leg to catch the villain right under the chin. He wasn’t sure if the uncommon strength of this villain’s skull extended to his mandible, but the bone was somewhat pliant under Izuku’s foot, jutting to the right as his arm was freed from its sweaty hold. As weak a spot as any they’d found so far. Before he could make it far, though—swing himself over the villain’s shoulder and reassess if he could stockpile more power—the villain’s neck, red and already bruising from Izuku’s first kick, jerked the other way. His giant, gnarled horns caught Izuku, lashing across both legs, and all Izuku could feel was the shattering of many pieces.
He fell to the ground, metal falling from the loose cuffs of his pant legs, digging in behind his knees as they bent to survive the fall. Mei’s artificial Fa Jin device was now indistinguishable from the many remains of the few cars that had skidded past this same spot. All Izuku had now was a bit of defense in the Teflon against his chest, but nothing for offense but his raw strength, and his wit. It was all he’d had for five years. 
“Fucking die, scum!”
And Katsuki, who was all firepower as his arms swung from position behind him, propelling him forward, and into the face of the villain, delivered an uppercut that opened into an explosion right under the chin. The weak spot sent the villain flying, horns steaming, as Izuku struggled to get up, trying not to let any of the many pieces of metal and glass that he’d landed in get any further under his skin.
Izuku pushed himself up with one gloved hand, reaching the other hand into the pouch on his hip containing quirk-canceling cuffs. Even underpowered against this villain, Katsuki could make this the end of the fight with just a couple more explosions—his quirk was overpowered on the warm spring day so it should even out. But all of a sudden, Izuku was stopped short by a touch, featherlight, on the back of his neck.
In a moment, he was taken back five years ago, to high school, the mall, a spot even more populated than this. Shigaraki’s four-fingered hold around his neck. For a moment, Izuku felt it again, the dry skin, the cold hands despite the season and the open-air setting.
But there was no way. Shigaraki and All For One had been defeated five years ago, taking One For All with them. Izuku was here, and maybe he was quirkless again, but he was not useless.
Izuku whipped around, the grip on his neck loose enough that he could swivel out of it, and held his fists up at the ready. No sooner was he in position, ready to plant a right hook, than Katsuki blown into sight, a bare arm suddenly around the newcomer’s neck.
“Kacchan!” Izuku protested. “The ram-headed—”
“Already cuffed ‘im. Only have a minute—he’s for sure a mutant, so those horns aren't going away.” He returned his attention to the woman whose life he held in the crook of his arm. “Now what the fuck are you up to?”
Her thin ponytail that had gotten caught in the pinch of skin between Katsuki’s bicep and forearm, yanking her head backwards, leaving her neck as exposed as Izuku’s had felt in the moment she’d touched his. Her stance was pathetic as she clawed at Katsuki’s arms, trying to free herself without an ounce of strategy. An obvious combat experience level of zero.
“Kacchan, wait!”
Katsuki’s grip loosened just slightly, enough for the young woman to gasp, her voice mangled as she heaved, “Look behind you.”
“Ain’t falling for that,” Katsuki said, but Izuku looked.
All he saw for a moment as he turned around was a man in a suit, like so many of the others who’d been forced to run from the scene. Only this man wasn’t leaving—he was crouched, perhaps to tie his shoe, revealing a thinning spot of hair on the back of his head. Deku was about to turn back, thinking that he’d just been tricked by the oldest line in the book when an angry wail came from the ground beside him.
There on the sidewalk, blessedly past the worst of the debris, was a pink, nearly purple, wriggling, and very upset baby.
“Please, let me go!”
“Let her go—get back,” Izuku said, but his attention had shifted. 
Sirens registered dimly in Izuku’s mind, Katsuki’s explosions too as he left the young woman to run for her life. But all those sounds were deadened against the wailing of the tiny thing naked on the ground. Its gristle-like umbilical cord was still attached, linked to something dark and gory beside it. But there were certainly no other signs of birth, much less anything resembling a mother. Just the businessman.
“Is…” that your baby, Izuku was about to ask, but of course it wasn’t. This was a newborn. Clean and dry, but otherwise as fresh from the womb as if it had been delivered there at the crime scene. Instead, he said, “Excuse me, sir, I’ll handle it.”
The man hesitated before bumbling out an, “Are—Are you sure?”
“I’m sure,” Izuku insisted, stepping forward. “Now please, get to safety.”
Finally, the man backed away and Izuku moved swiftly. He tossed off one glove and tore off the other with his teeth as he crouched down, risking a bit of dirt and broken glass on his tongue. Better him than this little infant. His reflexive medical knowledge kicking in, Izuku ripped open an alcohol sanitizer pad and wiped his hands vigorously. Every moment longer it took for the alcohol to evaporate was a critical one for this baby. How long had it—he, at least supposedly, Izuku surmised from the visible genitalia—been here on the sidewalk?
Izuku pocketed the pad and reached for the baby, his hands suddenly shaky. He was trained in tying tourniquets, staunching wounds, CPR—even baby CPR. But Recovery Girl’s medical classes had never taught him how to hold a baby. The little guy was wiggling, hopefully not moving too much against the coarse sidewalk or, god forbid, any shrapnel from the fight. Izuku moved down close.
“Don’t worry,” he said through a hero’s smile. “I am here, little baby. I’ll save you.”
As Izuku reached down, delicately placing his fingertips right against the baby’s sides, he was hesitant to touch any part of the sidewalk, even in order to wriggle his fingers a little further beneath the tiny body. He didn’t want to touch any glass or contagions, or press even the tiniest pebble into the baby’s tender body. His skin was so soft, the exact opposite of the weathered calluses and scars of Izuku’s hands. Even the press of Izuku’s fingers, gnarled and trained for violence, but trying to get a grip, might leave a bruise. 
He finally had the baby scooped in his arms, not pressing him too close to his chest, untrusting of his costume after having been strewn through the street. The placenta, bloody and oddly warm, was on the baby’s stomach. 
“I will definitely save you,” Izuku said again, his eyes darting from the baby’s wriggling limbs, to his screwed shut eyes, to that flash of verdant hair. “I’ll protect you, little baby.”
It was then that he realized that the baby’s hair was a dark, mossy green.
Izuku blinked. The baby’s skin was flush with color, nothing resembling anything Izuku had ever seen on himself, outside of maybe when he’d been a kid tying string around his fingertips, watching them swell with blood, purple and pulsing. But that hair…
Izuku shook his head and stood, turning in a half circle to survey the scene; he was alone. The young woman was gone, as well as the baby’s would-be benefactor. But Izuku was attuned to Katsuki’s voice in the distance, and coming closer. 
A rush of air blew Izuku’s hair into his eyes, and he turned his shoulder to the wind, shielding the baby from it, nearly missing the ram-headed villain running past him. Adrenaline shot down the veins in Izuku’s legs, which bent automatically at the knee, ready to run at full speed after the villain.
But he couldn’t.
Katsuki was already on the villain’s heels yet again, blasting up the avenue with explosions that made the baby in Izuku’s arms wail. “What’re you waiting for?” he shouted as he came in line with Izuku. There was a moment of silence between explosions and Katsuki landed on the ground. “Bastard ripped right through the goddamn cuffs—let’s fucking…”
It was then that Katsuki noticed the screaming baby in Izuku’s arms, and he took a step forward.
“Deku, what the—”
“Go!” Deku insisted, his voice quiet as he bounced the baby in his arms. “Win to save!”
Katsuki blinked once, but didn’t hesitate a moment more. “Save to fucking win—fine!”
He sprinted a few steps down the block before he was airborne again. As the explosions grew quieter, Katsuki hopefully gaining on the villain, Izuku looked back down at the bundle he was holding. The wailing had stopped, the baby’s gummy mouth closing to a pout as he wriggled, settling in Izuku’s awkward hold.
Walking to the hospital would take fifteen minutes at best for Izuku these days. Fifteen minutes seemed far too long for something so tiny, so fragile.
But the police cars were still there. And they’d stay if Deku hurried. He clicked the button to unmute his earpiece. “Hold a car for Hero Deku, direct to hospital.”
When Deku heard the copy, he began walking in the direction Katsuki had come from as fast as he could manage, allowing a little pulse into his arms as he carried his tender little bundle. 
“Don’t worry, little baby,” Izuku murmured, unable to take his eyes off the tiny thing. “I gotcha. I know you don’t know anything about heroes yet. But when you’re with a hero, little baby, you’re safe. I promise.”
The squad car’s door was open when Izuku made it to the scene where their villain was supposed to be carted up, ready to be transported for rehabilitation. The street glittered with glass, the sun, just after noon according to Izuku’s watch, was overtop all the skyscrapers so that every little piece of debris caught its light, sending blinding refractions wherever Izuku looked. There were even more upturned cars—the villain’s favorite move, it seemed—and light fixtures bent and twisted where they were meant to stand tall over the sidewalk. Izuku didn’t know whether the villain hadn’t been cuffed easily, or if this had been the result of his escape. Without him, now just the lone car remained and Izuku hurried towards it.
“The nearest hospital,” Izuku directed again as he crawled in the barred back, minding every little jostle of the baby.
No further instruction was needed. The sirens went off, bleating just above their heads as Izuku shifted the baby to just one hand, buckling his seatbelt. Not to be outdone by the wailing squadcar, the baby screwed up his face, those chubby cheeks pushing wider than they already were, and started crying.
“Hush, baby, hush,” Izuku cooed as the car began moving. Despite the crying and the sirens just overhead, the crunch of the tires treading over the bits of material that made city life—glass, metal, concrete—still resonated. 
Izuku continued bouncing, and slowly, the baby’s cries began to fade away again. Maybe he was getting used to the loud noise above them, or maybe something else had been troubling the tiny, little guy. Izuku brushed his hot tears away with his thumbs—with his fingers spread wide, he could reach nearly every edge of the baby. Perhaps comforted by the motion, the baby finally blinked his eyes open, squinting quite a bit between blinks, but gazing soulfully, if a bit cross-eyed, up at Izuku. Izuku’s already constricted chest grew tighter, as if held in the tiniest grip of a baby’s fist.
This little baby, with his shock of green hair piled thinly on his head, had startling eyes. They were red. Red from tears, red from screaming, red around the rim, and red encircling those dark, newly-seeing pupils. A red of fire, of rage, of love. A red Izuku had seen nearly every day in his twenty-one years of life. 
They blinked closed again, but the color burned in Izuku’s mind’s eye.
Izuku swallowed, his throat dry, but he was unable to reach any of his pockets for the gels he kept on hand to drink. As the hospital rolled into view, he pushed all thoughts away and bounced the baby faster in his arms, murmuring almost unthinkingly:
“We’ll save you, baby. We’ll  definitely save you.”
The trip was only a few minutes long, the streets having been all but cleared due to the nearby villain threat, but Izuku spent all of it in a daze. He only became aware of their arrival when the police officer mentioned it with a tone that informed Izuku that he’d already wasted precious moments. 
Izuku nearly stumbled getting himself out of the squad car. As he righted himself, he looked down frantically—the baby was still sleeping. He hoped, prayed that it was a good sign. That if something were wrong, the baby would let him know, right? Minding his movements, he threw a thank you over his shoulder and made it as quickly inside as he could.
“A baby!” he nearly shouted, peering wildly for the triage nurse. When his eyes landed on one, he hastened that way. “A-A newborn baby!”
A quirk baby is what he didn’t say, what he didn’t dare say until someone confirmed it. Perhaps there were tests for these sorts of things—Izuku didn’t know the first thing about it. He always tried to gather more information about quirks, of course, including babies, but this, he…He was entirely out of his depth. He was running on instinct and had no clue what he was doing.
“Indeed there is!” the nurse said, holding out their arms in such a way that reminded Izuku that they knew what they were doing. They knew how to hold a baby. So he handed the little guy over, placenta and all—which made the nurse’s eyes go wide when they noticed. Things went quickly from there. 
“He was outside,” Izuku informed firmly, focusing on what he knew as he followed the nurse, “on the ground of a crime scene. He was crying for a while, so his breathing should be fine. I didn’t get a close look, but there don’t appear to be lacerations. My costume isn’t clean, though, but I tried not to touch him with anything but my hands. After sanitizing.”
“You did well, hero,” the nurse said as they entered an elevator. It moved quickly, compressing Izuku’s joints for just a moment as they leapt up numerous stories. Then they were on the floor and Izuku was once again trailing behind. “You’ll have a room—scrubs will be set out momentarily for you to change into. I recommend taking a shower, and use the soap generously. After some tests, we’ll bring your son right back to you for skin to skin. Ah, this room should be good.”
The nurse efficiently ushered Izuku into a hospital room, saying again that someone would be by with scrubs momentarily. Then she was gone, baby and all, and he was alone. He was still blinking down the hallway when a set of scrubs were pressed into his hands.
That turned him on autopilot. He found himself in the shower, with water that was tepid at best pouring over him. The bits of metal that had never fallen from his skin and out the looser pant bottoms of his newest costume tinkled to the tile floor, hurting like legos underfoot until the water swept them away. Thin lines screamed across his calves—scratches from the remnants of the faux-Fa Jin device, some deeper than others. They stung against the water and burned under the unscented soap that Izuku mindlessly lathered over his body. It bubbled up across his body hair before sliding easily down the drain. He was nearly clean when he remembered exactly what the nurse had said. We’ll bring your son right back to you.
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Jet thunk. CA. N wY no I wax
Mmmbmurkys aha what quenches
Cuz if it was what you were sayong
Why atrnt you finidh8n
I don't like you.
Tough, seems you didn't either.
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Ok I think so what'd computers help ...
Um ok new plan.
Do you have debit.
Oh, k so see and i also have the bazooka
This is for a ski lift in Capri Italy
Totally works and I was like this is like for mild imclubwxn elevators osld low stereo.
Can you stereo without magnets. Sorry doesn't sound that personally florist.
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It'sah nap
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Brian's moms a drug dealer
No, peter
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That's all that it takes yes,
Left a mistake up. Not mybadm
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But he lied.
Probably some kid
Probably ate too much Sushii
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Unless you knew and blocked it out What could it be. Nothing less than under the skin What will you ask next time. M.Carfia speed dial set dolphin experts selected.
Well media will resume in one or two weeks
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Havd damage
To both liobws sitting i side ovdfnigh4 aboveall else.
Psych out
Just avslip
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lord-of-the-prompts · 2 years
bam (a sudden loud noise/sudden impact)
bang (a loud noise like an explosion or gunshot)
beep (a short high-pitched electronic sound)
biff (a short, sharp movement)
blip (a short, high-pitched electronic sound)
boing (representing the noise of a compressed spring suddenly released)
boom (a loud, deep, resonant sound)
buzz (a low, continuous humming sound)
ching (the sound of metal on metal)
clang (a loud, resonant metallic sound or series of sounds)
clank (a loud, sharp sound or series of sounds)
clap (the act of striking the palms together/an explosive sound)
clatter (a rattling sounds as objects fall or hit each other)
click (a short, sharp sound/a short electronic sound)
clink (a short ringing sound)
crack (a sudden explosive noise)
crackle (rapid succession of slight cracking noises)
crash (a sudden violent noise)
crunch (a muffled or grinding sound made when something is crushed)
ding (a metallic ringing sound)
ding-dong (the sound of a doorbell, like the chiming of a bell)
drip (the action of liquid falling in drops)
honk (a long and loud beep, such as that from a car horn)
jingle (a catchy rhythmic sound/light metallic clinking)
kerplunk (a loud, dull sound or plunk)
knock (to strike a surface noisily in order to attract attention/ sudden short sound caused by a blow)
patter (a repeated light tapping)
pew-pew (a sound made by a laser gun)
ping (a short high-pitched ringing)
pitter-patter (the sound of a rapid succession of light beats or taps)
pop (a light/soft explosive sound)
pow (expressing the sound of a blow or explosion)
rattle (to make a rapid succession of short/sharp knocking sounds)
screech (give a loud, harsh, piercing cry/a lour, harsh, squealing noise)
sizzle (a hissing sound made when food is frying)
slam (a loud and forceful sound caused by something being shut)
slap (a sharp sound made by a forceful blow)
smash (violent breaking of things)
snap (tp break suddenly and completely, typically with a sharp cracking sound)
splash (a sound made by something striking or falling into liquid)
splat (a sound of something soft and wet or heavy striking a surface)
swoosh (the sound produced by a sudden rush of air or liquid)
thud (a dull, heavy sound)
tick (a regular short, sharp sound, especially that made by a clock)
thump (a dull pounding sound)
thunk (a dull, heavy sound, such as that of an object falling)
varoom (a roaring sound made by an engine at a high speed/revving up)
whack (to strike forcefully with a sharp blow)
whir (a low, continuous, regular sound)
whoosh (a sudden rushing movement and sound)
whump (a dull thudding sound)
wham (a forceful strike/impact)
zap (the sound of a sudden burst of energy)
arf (canine)
bark (canine, seal)
bah-gawk (chicken)
bellow (alligator, deer)
buzz (bee, hornet, fly, mosquito, wasp...)
caw (blackbird, raven, rook...)
chatter (monkey, mouse
cheep (bird)
chickadee-dee (chickadee)
chirp (bird, cricket, grasshopper)
click (crab, dolphin)
cluck (chicken)
cock-a-doodle-doo (rooster)
coo (pigeon)
croak (frog)
cuckoo (cuckoo)
drum (rabbit)
gobble (turkey)
growl (bear, canine, crocodilian, feline...)
grumble (boar)
hee-haw (donkey)
hiss (goose, snake)
honk (goose)
hoot (owl)
howl (canine)
hum (hummingbird)
maa (goat)
moo (cow, wildebeest)
neigh (horse, pony, zebra)
purr (canine)
quack (duck)
ribbit (frog)
roar (bear, feline, gorilla...)
scream (hyena)
screech (bat, eagle)
sing (songbird)
snarl (feline)
snort (pig)
squeak (hampster, mouse, squirrel...)
tlot-tlot (hooves)
trumpet (elephant, swan)
tweet (bird)
wheek (guinea pig)
whine (mosquito)
whinny (horse, pony, zebra)
whistle (bird, whale)
whoop (monkey)
achoo/atishoo (the sound of a sneeze)
ahem (clearing throat to attract attention)
argh (expressing annoyance, dismay, embarrassment or frustration)
blech (to express distaste/gagging or retching)
blurt (to speak out suddenly and abruptly)
chomp (vigorous chewing)
cough (expel air from the lungs with a sudden sharp sound)
eek (used to express alarm, horror, or fright)
giggle (to laugh lightly in a nervous or silly manner)
glug (to drink or pour with a hallow gurgling sound)
groan (to make a deep inarticulate sound in response to pain or despair)
growl (a low rumbling noise that expresses discontent)
grunt (a short, deep sound inarticulated when angry, sullen, or lazy)
gulp (to swallow loudly and quickly)
gurgle (a hallow, bubbling sound)
hiccup (an involuntary cough-like noise)
huh (used to express scorn, anger, disbelief, surprise, amusement, or confusion)
hum (to make a steady continuous sound like a bee)
moan (a low prolonged mournful sound expressive of suffering or pleading)
mumble (speaking incoherently, like a sort of whisper)
murmur (to make sounds that are not fully intelligible)
ow (used to express sudden pain)
phew (an exhale of relief)
oops (an exclamation of surprise or of apology, as when someone drops something or makes a mistake)
ouch (an exclamation of sharp sudden pain)
squeal (to make a shrill cry/a sound of complaint or protest)
ugh (used to indicate the sound of a cough or grunt or to express disgust or horror)
yikes (used to show that you are worried, surprised, or shocked)
whimper (to make a low whining plaintive or broken sound)
whoop (a loud cry of joy or excitement/laughter)
whoops (another term for "oops")
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closeted | jjk
pairing(s): jungkook x reader
summary: Jeon Jungkook doesn't like you and you don't like him. Your friends and his friends decide enough is enough and they lock you in a closet together to settle your differences. Mhm.
warnings: language; implied slut-shaming; alcohol consumption; fuckboy?Jungkook x (technically noona) fuckgirl?reader, ft all other BTS members being... helpful? lol; enemies-to-lovers
“Jeon Jungkook? I don’t really have any thoughts about him. Isn’t he kind of a fuckboy?”
“Oh, her? Ah, there’s nothing to say really. Doesn’t she like to mess around?”
Those were your opinions about each other, which was now why both you and Jeon Jungkook were stuck in a closet in Kim Taehyung’s parents’ house.
“Taehyung, let us out right now!”
“Not until you two stop hating each other!” announced the booming, baritone voice of Kim Taehyung on the other side of the door, slightly tipsy and yelling over the loud music.
“We don’t hate each other,” came the silvery growl behind you. Jungkook shoved you slightly to the side so he could slam his fist against the heavy wood. You scowled, jerking away from his touch. “Stop being stupid and open the door.” His short ponytail at the back of his head swayed as he tried to shoulder the door, only for you to hear more bodies press against it.
“Nuh uh, Jungkookie,” Park Jimin snickered, sounding drunker than Taehyung even though the two of them had probably consumed the same amount. “Can’t muscle pig your way outta this one.”
Taehyung and Jimin burst into giggles on the other side of the door as Jungkook fumed next to you, long black bangs flaring as he clicked his tongue and rolled the sleeves of his black sweatshirt up, eyes narrowed, jaw tense.
You threw up your hands as Jungkook backed up and ran into the door with a loud thunk!
Nothing except Jimin, Taehyung, and squeaky laughter adding to the mix.
“We don’t even talk to each other,” you muttered as Jungkook shook his head vigorously and prepared to rear up again like a stubborn horse.
“And that’s the problem!” Kim Seokjin tittered in between bursts of laughter. “We’re all friends, except the two of you that like to pretend the other one is a fucking tree rather than an actual person.”
Jungkook collided with the door again and the single lightbulb hanging from the ceiling flickered ominously.
“Who cares?” Jungkook roared, throwing his head back and pushing his hair away from his face with two hands. You rolled your eyes as he smacked the closet door.
“We do,” said a fourth, trying to be the voice of slurred reason. “In order for our shared friend group to have harmony, we two should work out your differences in a civil, dignified manner and discuss the root of your negative relationship.” You made a face and glanced at Jungkook, who made a similar confused expression. How much did Kim Namjoon drink? He sounded like a drunk philosopher.
“Locked in a closet is not civil, Namjoon,” you pointed out.
“Yeah, but it’s funnier,” Jung Hoseok laughed cheerfully, knocking on the door. “You two good in there? Not ripping off each other’s heads yet?”
“We don’t hate each other,” Jungkook repeated, giving up on fighting the door now that five people were holding it down. “I don’t see what the big deal is.”
“What’s the reason then?”
“Huh?” you shouted through the door. Jungkook rolled his eyes at you and you rolled your eyes back.
“What is,” Taehyung repeated, slower this time, emphasizing each syllable. “The reason that you guys are so hostile towards each other?”
“Did he eat some snacks you hid one time?” Seokjin piped up. “Because that would piss me off too.”
“That already pisses you off, hyung,” Jimin cut in. “You always bring it up.”
“Because he does it all the time! No matter where I hide them!”
“Your hiding places a pretty bad, hyung.”
“Namjoon! You’re supposed to be on my side!”
“The side of reason and being right!”
Jungkook clicked his tongue again and shoved his hands into his loose cotton pants. They were black and white striped and looked more like pajamas than actual pants. He hadn’t even bothered to get dressed to hang out with his friends. What a weirdo. You sighed, looking away, staring at the wall instead. Why look at Jeon Jungkook? Everyone looked at Jeon Jungkook. You didn’t need to add to that ego.
“Why are you wearing hyung’s shirt?”
You glared at him from your periphery. He was leaning against the wall, hunched over, glaring back.
“First of all, this is my shirt,” you snapped. “Second of all, they’re all your hyungs. Be more specific. And third of all, Yoongi only borrowed it because he said he was cold and this was one of the few things that fit him.”
Jungkook shoved his tongue into his cheek, looking at your black-on-black long-sleeved shirt with a moon tarot card design. He narrowed his dark eyes, giving you a piercing stare. You ran a hand through your hair, cocking your head away from him haughtily.
“Yeah, but you knew which hyung I was talking about.”
“Because only one of them has borrowed this shirt, idiot.”
“That’s not very nice,” Hoseok chided from the other side of the door. “No name calling in there!”
“You’re not very nice,” you retorted at the door, suddenly remembering that they were out there listening. In fact, one of the loons had turned down the music so the five of them could hear the exchange better. Mature of them.
“Why don’t you two say something you like about the other?” Namjoon suggested. “Compliments might help lessen the tension.”
Your eyes shifted to Jungkook’s clenched jaw, a vein popping on his neck. Yeah, okay. He noticed you looking and you jerked your head away, staring at the wall again.
“This is stupid. Why do we have to do this?” you complained.
“You look pretty good from the back.”
You flinched, irritation rising. Did he just–?
“For an older lady, that is.”
A muscle in your eye twitched. “Yeah, well, every guy says I look good from the rear view.”
“That’s not a compliment, Jungkook,” a deep, raspy voice from the bottom of the door.
Jungkook lifted himself off the wall, making a noise of surprise. “Yoongi-hyung? How long have you been there?”
“The whole time,” Jimin giggled. “He’s been pretending to be asleep.”
“I can’t sleep anyway,” Min Yoongi grumbled. “You guys are loud as fuck.”
“Nah, you just wanted to listen to the shitshow of these two,” Taehyung teased. There was the sound of a hand smacking of a shoulder and a disgruntled grunt at the bottom of the door.
Seokjin called your name loudly. “Yah! You haven’t said anything, backhanded or not!”
You grimaced and glanced at Jungkook again. He still looked surprised and, for a single second, you thought he looked pretty cute with his big round dark brown eyes and parted pink lips in an ‘o’. For a single second, he didn’t seem like that ‘hot guy’ that literally everyone, not just women, but men too, everyone was head-over-heels in love with, Jeon Jungkook, ‘hot guy’ with tattoos and a handsome face.
You shifted your eyes away and stared at the corner. “I guess you might not have only one brain cell. Maybe you have two or three.”
“Ooh, nice, that’s a great one,” Jimin agreed behind the door. “Three is being generous, noona, well done.”
“Shut up, Jimin-ssi.”
Ugh, this shit was so dumb. And what kind of closet was this anyway? It was full of coats. A lot of them were more neutral colors, but there was the occasional muted jewel tone. Why did Taehyung’s family need this many coats and why was this closet on the upper floor? Some of them were neatly tucked in clear plastic covers. Oh. Probably to prevent them from getting moth holes, huh.
“Why do you hate me, anyway?” Jungkook muttered. “I’ve never done anything to you.”
“I don’t hate you. I just don’t like you,” you huffed.
“Why not? What did I do?” he sighed, reaching over and placing his hand on your shoulder.
You whipped your head around, narrowing your eyes. “Don’t touch me.”
He removed his hand, backing up with his hands in the air. “Whoa, okay, jeez. It’s just kind of hard to talk to you when your back is to me.”
“Hmph, why? Precious Jungkookie wants attention? Wants everyone to dote over him and love him?” you mocked in disgust, crossing your arms.
He twisted his lips. “… distracting, that’s all,” he mumbled.
“Hah?” You leaned forward, raising an eyebrow. “You forget how to talk?”
Jungkook looked away from you, frowning. “Sometimes, yeah. You’re kind of pretty.”
You blinked at him. What? You didn’t expect him to say that.
“In some lights, anyway.” He pointed up. “This one is pretty dim, like you.”
That was more like it. “Takes one to know one.”
His eyes shifted back to you. “What? A pretty person to spot pretty?”
You growled and scoffed, rolling your eyes. “See, this is why I can’t talk to you. You’re so full of yourself. All you ever do is think about is showing off how much better you are. How cool you are.”
“That’s because that’s all they ever talk about.”
You paused at his downcast tone. Your eyes drifted from the wall to his face. Jungkook wasn’t looking at you. His eyes were on the ground and he was rubbing the back of his head, frowning.
“I envy the way others talk about me. They always have such a perfect image pictured.” He inhaled deeply, slumping against the wall again. “It’s hard to live up to the picture everyone has of me in their head. Sometimes I don’t even want to try anymore so they give up and leave me alone.”
His dark eyes shifted to you, half-shrouded by his long dark hair, tan skin glowing even in this dim closet light.
“I envy you,” he snapped, irritated edge to his voice. “I know you hear all that crazy shit they say about you, but you do whatever you want anyway. People call you a slut and you just invite all the hyungs over to your place and watch movies all night. People say you dress weird and you show up in big fur coats and wacky t-shirts and knee-high boots. People say you don’t know what you’re doing, but you can calculate your change faster than the cashier with the fucking computer.”
You gawked at him; jaw slightly slack. It took you a second to collect yourself. “It’s… not that hard. It’s basic math.”
“Hmph, yeah, well, I suck at math,” Jungkook muttered. “I’m not smart like Namjoon-hyung.”
“You’re good at a lot of things, Jungkook.”
“Like what?” he accused, putting you on the spot.
“Uh… you can draw. Namjoon draws like a five-year-old.”
Jungkook snorted. “Taehyung can draw.”
You raised an eyebrow. Honorifics, where? “Not realistically like you can. It’s a different style. Weirder.”
“I’m not weird,” Taehyung said through the door, voice half-muffled.
“Yeah, you are,” Jungkook replied without looking away from you.
“You’re kind of like an alien. In a good way,” Jimin added hastily.
“You’re kind of like an idiot,” Taehyung shot back.
Slapping sounds ensued outside the door.
Jungkook scratched his head, messing up his black hair. “I’m just saying I wish I was a little more like you sometimes.” He coughed. “Only sometimes.”
You ran a hand through your hair. “Well, I kind of wish I was like you sometimes,” you admitted, looking away from him. “I wish people would say nice things about me like they do for you. I wish people would praise me without reason. I wish people would fall in love with me like how they fall in love with you, without even knowing you.” You scoffed bitterly, flicking a hand carelessly. “Instead, they just play pretend and mess with my feelings because they think I’m easy.”
You left out a heavy sigh, weight off your chest. You hadn’t meant to say all that, but oh well. It was out there now.
So dumb.
“Then, when they find out I’m not, it’s my fault for some stupid reason. Like it’s my fault you painted this fake picture of me in your head.”
You felt something touch your outstretched hand. You jumped, seeing Jungkook’s right hand touching your fingertips, hand ink standing out against his flexed fingers. You almost pulled back. Almost. Then you caught the look in his eyes and stopped, mesmerized by the seriousness in his dark brown orbs.
“I meant it when I said you were pretty,” he whispered, barely audible.
Your eyes widened.
Your pulse raced through your veins.
“You… you said only in some lights,” you whispered back.
Jungkook lifted himself off the wall. One step. Two steps, towards you. You could have backed up. You could have slapped his hand away and yelled at Taehyung some more to let you out. Men were stupid. They ain’t shit. They play with your feelings and only want to use you. Dudes are just fuckboys.
Except Jungkook confirmed he wasn’t, just now.
And you confirmed you weren’t the female equivalent of a fuckboy – a fuckgirl?
For some reason, that made this different now.
This moment.
Jungkook looked down at you, tilting his head, brown eyes curious. You spread your fingers a little more and laced them with his, pressing your fingertips against the back of his hand as he pressed his against yours. You tilted your head the other way as he leaned down.
“I said you’re pretty in some lights,” he breathed. “You’re beautiful in all of them.”
He stopped just above your lips.
You lifted yourself up to close the gap, holding his hand tightly.
Mouth to mouth, resuscitating something that was almost dead because of misunderstandings and surface judgements, whispers and rumors clouding the truth, because everybody talks, everybody talks, everybody talks… too much.
For some reason, you expected Jungkook to smell musky or woodsy, something manly, but, in actuality, his cologne was light and sweet, barely there, like a fresh summer’s breeze. It was you that smelled more intense, your coffee and cream perfume mixing with his fruity scent, dominating a little, just like how you pressed harder into his soft lips, capturing them, surprised that was pleasant, almost sweet but with a hint of spice, the tip of his tongue teasingly brushing against your lips, and you drew back, narrowing your eyes at him.
He smiled a little, squeezing your hand lightly.
“That was nicer than I thought,” he murmured.
“You’re not that bad yourself,” you muttered, frowning a little at the heat rising in your cheeks.
“You guys still alive in there?” Yoongi asked gruffly from the ground, his voice drifting under the door.
“Did they kill each other? Should we open the door?” Seokjin wondered.
The doorknob began to turn.
Jungkook started and reached for the door.
You jumped and reached for the door.
A thin crack of light appeared.
Your hands intertwined, grabbing the doorknob and yanking it closed before it could fully open, both swiftly locking the door together with a firm click. The doorknob shook, confused noises on the other side of the wood.
Jungkook stared at you, brown eyes wide. “I… I just… thought we were getting somewhere,” he whispered under his breath.
You scratched your cheek with your free hand. “Yeah… we were getting somewhere... with this.”
The doorknob rattled violently.
“Excuse me, you two?” Taehyung shouted through the door. “Why the fuck is the door locked?”
“Uh…” you started.
“It’s jammed,” Jungkook shouted back.
“Nope, it’s definitely locked. I heard it,” Yoongi said from the floor.
“That bastard,” Jungkook hissed quietly, stepping closer to you.
“Why is it locked?” Jimin accused, sounding peeved. “Hmm? You two doing some naughty stuff?”
“Scandalous,” Seokjin and Hoseok gasped in unison.
Jungkook glanced at you and you shrugged, mouthing, maybe? He mouthed back, I thought you weren’t easy. You chuckled, speaking softly to his chin.
“We already spent all that time being hostile to each other.”
“So, you admit to the hostility.”
“Sure, if it helps your delicate baby brain sleep at night.”
His free arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you to his chest, kissing you again, holding your hand tightly, muttering against your lips, you’re kind of annoying, and you muttering back, you’re actually annoying, and him smiling between gentle kisses.
“I have to find the key, fuck, what the hell are they doing in there?”
“Are you sure you wanna know Taehyung?” Yoongi yawned from the ground. “What if you open the door and you’re scarred for life?”
“They were supposed to find common ground, not get handsy!” Taehyung shouted back, bounding away with Jimin’s disapproving sigh following. In the closet, Jungkook let go of your hand, kneading your waist as you wrapped your arms around him, both of your hands on his broad back, moaning softly into his lips as he sighed into yours, the kisses more audible now, hands exploring as Yoongi sat outside the door, clicking his tongue knowingly.
“You’re handsome, huh,” you breathed against his kisses.
“In some lights?” he teased.
You laughed, slipping your hands under his black sweatshirt, running your fingertips on his skin, making him gasp into your kisses.
“Yeah, in some lights.”
Outside the closet, Yoongi and Namjoon sat side by side, Seokjin and Hoseok long gone from secondhand embarrassment. The sounds from the closet were escalating, clothes rustling a little too much for two people who supposedly hated each other. But, as Yoongi and Namjoon discussed calmly, there were plenty of signs that indicated that those weren’t their true feelings.
“If you think about it, they’re a good fit,” Namjoon chuckled, amused as he heard Jungkook yelp. “This whole stuck in the closet thing was more fruitful than I thought.”
Yoongi laughed, raspy and full.
“Why do you think I suggested it?”
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cheeseholensfw · 3 years
Here’s a silly little fic I wrote called “Stuffed Dolls.” I’m not very good at this yet, so any feedback is really appreciated! I hope you enjoy :)
It was a day like any other in cyber city; lights were flashing, cars were running, and as always- business was booming. The addisons were traveling in their usual pack of four, hunting down poor darkness and selling them the stuff they never knew they didn’t need. Weird new shoes, weird new clothes, weird new foods, and weird new appliances that probably didn’t ever actually do anything. Blue and Orange were leading the group, deeply immersed in a conversation about gambling, and Yellow was following behind listening intently. “WAIT UP YOU THREE!” Came a call from behind them, and they all turned to see Pink jogging to keep up. He skittered to a halt in front of them and stooped over to catch his breath. Once he had done so he proudly regained his posture, put his hands on his hips, and declared, “I reached my quota for today!” The other addisons laughed and patted him on the back. “Nice job!” Said Blue with a warm smile, “so is that all of us?” His coworkers all nodded in response. “GREAT!” Shouted Yellow, pushing them aside, “Now can we please get out of the road?” They paused, realizing that they had conveniently stopped right in the middle of an intersection. “Oh haha…right,” Pink muttered sheepishly, “that.” With an annoyed huff Yellow grabbed the wrists of Orange and Pink and began to drag them away from oncoming traffic. Blue followed behind, waving awkwardly at a car that was impatiently tapping its foot. Once they were no longer holding up the daily commute, conversation returned to normal. “So we have the rest of the day off huh?” Orange said, leaning against a heavily graffitied wall, “how do you guys want to spend it?” “Well I think-” Pink started but was promptly cut off by a loud thunk. The addisons all paused and looked around. They were alone in the alleyway, the only noise was coming from the cars zooming past nearby. With a shrug Pink returned to his idea. “I think-” THUNK it was louder this time. “What on earth..?” Mumbled Yellow as they once again surveyed the empty alley. “Wow these mice are getting serious” he said with a nervous chuckle, “continue?” “We should-” Pink started again, only to be interrupted by another -even louder- bang. “Ok what the hell guys” snorted Orange as he pushed himself off the wall, angrily looking for whatever caused the noise. Thunk. THUNK. THUNK. “Hey I think it’s coming from in there,” Blue said, pointing to a dumpster a bit further down. Upon closer inspection the racket did seem to be emanating from the metal bin. “Is it a tasque or something?” Mumbled Pink, “stupid cats always get stuck in the dumbest pla-” But before he could finish he was cut off yet again, this time by the dumpster lid flinging open- seemingly if it’s own accord. It was instantly clear that whomever was residing in the bin was not in fact a tasque. Standing on a pile of trash was a little man. He seemed a bit flustered, as if he had just woken up, and turned to look at his visitors. He was very small, and almost looked like a toy version of the addisons, only he was wearing a pair of obnoxious glasses. One lense was yellow, and the other was pink. There was a moment of pure silence, broken almost instantly by, “HELLO [VALUED CUSTOMER]” cried the strange dumpster man, and at the exact same time Blue cried out- “SPAM??” “YES IT IS I SPAMTON G SPAMTON!!!” The little man said, “THE G STANDS FOR GREATEST DEALS [EVER]!!!” The other addisons seemed to be frozen in shock, but Blue ran forward and scooped Spamton into his arms. “Oh Spam-” he said, hugging the little salesman tightly, “I thought you were dead.” “I’M NOT AWARE OF THE [date and time] YOU ARE REFERENCING” he shouted in response, “ COULD YOU PLEASE [RELEASE ME] FROM YOUR GRASP?” “Oh sorry” Blue said softly, and set down his old friend. “Spam buddy, what happened to you?” Spamton only laughed in response, his glasses flashing brightly. “Do- do you remember me?” Suddenly the laughter stopped. Spamton’s glasses lost their color and he froze entirely. “I remember you.” He said, his voice surprisingly calm. “I remember everything. Why didn’t you
help me?” He turned and stared Blue directly in the eyes. “WHY DIDN’T YOU TRY TO SAVE ME?” “Spam I- I don’t know what to say I-” he turned to the other addisons, but they seemed just as lost as he was. When he turned back however the color had returned to Spamton’s glasses and he was grinning widely. “COULD I INTEREST YOU IN SOME [100% genuine] BATTERY ACID?” “Spam” Blue said softly, picking the doll up yet again, “when was the last time you’ve eaten?” It was at that time that the others seemed to come to their senses and yellow shouted out, “WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU BATHED?” He seemed pretty proud of his joke, but only got a disapproving glance in response. “I HAVEN’T [searching for 5-star restaurants in your area] IN AGES!” Spamton yelled excitedly, flailing his legs around and kicking Blue quite a few times in the process. “Well then” said Blue, “I guess it’s settled. We are going to help you now, even though we couldn’t before.” He eyed the other addisons, “aren’t we?” He got only mumbles in response, but started enthusiastically marching back towards their shared apartment cuddling Spamton in his arms.
The addisons were very successful businessmen, so they had plenty of excess things to donate to their long lost friend. While it took a little bit of getting used to on both sides, eventually they settled into a routine- whatever Spamton wanted, they’d give it to him. While he was very closeted at first, Spam actually had retained his personality through the years and after he got used to being pampered by his friends again he started to let it show. He was still an eccentric little guy, but he was starting to be really sweet to his hosts in return for their kindness. The addisons really enjoyed helping him with whatever he needed. It was worth it in their eyes just to see the joy light up in his. They helped him clean up. They got him new clothes. They got him a nice bed. And most importantly- they made sure he never went hungry again. Spamton always had food available to him at any given time. On the night he first moved in with them, the addisons made sure to give him a big warm meal. They knew he had been starving, but they hadn’t realized just how bad it was until Spam had eaten the whole table. Apparently, nothing made him happier than settling down with lots of good food. So the addisons made sure he was always well-fed. They’d order fancy cakes and meats, just so they could see him joyously chow down on his meal. As a result of his almost constant stuffing, Spamton started regaining the weight he had lost- and then some- and then quite a bit more. He didn’t seem to notice, or care though; so no one thought anything of it. To them he was just getting more and more cuddly every day.
“Spa-am Din-ner” called Pink as he set a bowl of soup on the table, then sat down himself. The addisons grinned as they heard the frantic pattering of feet as Spamton rushed to join his friends. He arrived in the room wearing a comfortable bathrobe that did a poor job of concealing his round paunch underneath. Clutched in his hand was a bag of cookies. He scampered across the floor and shimmied his way up into the chair at the head of the table, where he then perched himself upon a stack of books so as to be at eye level with the rest of the diners. Sitting down it was very clear that Spamton had gained a lot of weight. His soft round stomach sat heavily in his lap, making him look like an overstuffed plush. “HEY IS IT JUST ME OR IS THIS TABLE [BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER]?” He yelled. The addisons laughed, “SURPRISE!!!” they shouted in unison. “Today marks 3 months that you’ve been back home living with us!” Yellow continued, “so Blue thought it would be cool to throw a super big dinner party!” Blue waved sheepishly, “ I figured I’d put my partnership with the Color Cafe to good use.” He explained, “so I ordered us an all-you-can-eat buffet!” Spamton froze, his mouth hanging open. For a moment the addisons panicked, thinking that mentioning Swatch was going to send him into another depressive fit. But then Spam’s skin began glowing, reflecting all colors of the rainbow. “[WOWIE] YOU GUYS WOULD GO THROUGH ALL THAT [I’m in trouble] TO DO THIS FOR [lil ‘ol me]???” “Of course Spam-Spam” Pink said grinning widely, “we’re so glad you’re back!” “Plus” said Yellow poking Spamton in the gut, “I’m curious how much ‘all you can eat’ really is.” “Well then” said Orange with a laugh, “dig in big shot.” And dig in he did. When he set his mind to it, Spamton really was an eating machine. He shoveled food into his mouth so quickly, it looked like a vacuum was sucking up all the sustenance on the table. And what a large table it was, the Color Cafe was not messing around when they called it “all you can eat.” There was a wide variety of breads, pastas, meats, pastries, salads, and everything in between creating a truly colorful spread of edibles that was quickly being consumed. The addisons happily watched Spamton chow down on his dinner, as they politely sipped their own bowls of soup. They knew that the little guy would eat much faster than them and all the food was intended for Spam alone, so they made sure to eat slowly so as to not finish before he did. However it turns out that finishing a single bowl of soup was way faster than finishing a whole buffet, no matter how slowly you take it. Spamton still had a solid quarter of the feast to go through by the time the addisons were completely done with their meals. So Blue began to collect the dirty dishes, and the other three huddled around Spamton to cheer him on. Around this time he was already beginning to slow down, but his friends were determined to make sure he enjoyed every bite of their surprise. “Here Spammy try the pork!” Prompted Pink, while Orange gathered the remaining dishes closer to them. “You’re doing great Spam-Spam” encouraged Yellow, offering him some potatoes. “[HOCHI MAMA]” gasped their chubby victim through mouthfuls of food, “IS THIS [buy one get 1 free] SPAMTON DAY?” His friends just laughed and handed him another plate. At long last there was only one plate left, a covered platter in the middle of the table. Pink dramatically lifted the lid to reveal five cupcakes. “One for each of us,” Blue said with a laugh, “I figured they’d be great dessert.”
Once they had finished their cupcakes Blue scooped Spamton into his arms and held him like he did when he found him exactly three months ago. Granted, he was considerably more difficult to hold now as his size and weight had both increased dramatically. But he was also a lot softer, and gave great hugs. “HOLY MOLY WAS THAT A [big-ass meal]!” The stuffed puppet declared. “I’ll say” said Orange, “that’s some gut you got there Spammy.” “Did you like our surprise?” chimed in Pink. “Were the potatoes good?” asked Yellow. But there was no response. The chubby doll had fallen asleep in Blue’s arms.
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Hmm... For the rarepair thing- I doubt you could find a way to get Toriel and Mettaton together!
this has been sitting in my asks for an infinite amount of time because i WANTED to prove i could do it. but i could not.
Can i offer you some Toriel / Mad Dummy instead? (it/its pronouns and no name for Maddy here. Takes place a week or so after monsters were sealed underground, before Toriel starts dating/marries Asgore. Will probably write more of this because i think they could be really funny as a couple who is so bad for each other)
“Yeah, take some of this—and a little of that—!”
Crash BOOM thud THUNK.
Cautiously, Toriel crept towards the cacophony at the end of the tunnel. Her palms burned with fire magic, casting sharp flickers across the unforgiving stone.
She’d been on vigil near the Barrier all night. This was… the third night in a row? Fourth? It was difficult to measure with the thin rays of light that filtered through the Barrier. The only glimmer of reality that penetrated this prison.
Until tonight, possibly. But… why would a human try to break into the Underground?
“Huff, puff… You think you’re tough, don’t you? Well I’ll show you, stupid fake wall!”
Toriel crept a little faster. Her fire wasn’t the only thing lighting the walls, now.
At the end of the tunnel, a white blob glowed, hurling itself against the barrier hard enough to set stalactites crashing from the ceiling to the floor. The shatters echoed, ringing in her ears.
“Oh. It’s only a ghost.” Toriel smiled in relief. No humans had come to finish them off tonight. Her people would live a little longer.
The ghost spun, an enraged expression on its face.
“Only. Only? ONLY??” It spun around her, suddenly pelting her with bullets. Thankfully, Toriel was used to sneak attacks. She blocked each with a swipe of her flame-filled paws. “I’m the strongest, sexiest murder blob in the world! Now sit back and watch me punch through this stupid wall!”
Toriel blinked at the outburst. She knew better than anyone how useless punching the Barrier would be—she’d attempted that tactic for a week straight before Gerson and Wingdings had convinced her to give up. Also, this ghost didn’t appear to have hands?
But ghosts currently held the highest percentage of monsters who had fallen down. Seeing one here, with enough energy to sneak past her and attack the Barrier, of all things…
“Alright.” Toriel stepped back, extinguishing her flames. The ghost was more than bright enough to keep the tunnel lit. “I am watching.”
“Heck yeah you are. Okay. Okay.” The ghost seemed to take a deep breath, despite that being unnecessary.
Then it screamed and shot a flurry of star-shaped bullets. The Barrier flickered brightly where each attack hit, but of course, it didn’t break. The human mage who had made their final demands had been merciful enough to explain the Barrier’s design.
No monster soul could pass through alone. Only a monster with a human’s soul could. And it would take the equivalent of seven human souls to destroy the abomination for good.
“That was just…” the ghost huffed, “that was just a warmup! But you got a taste of how cool my attack was, didn’t you? DIDN’T YOU?”
“Er, yes, it was very… ‘cool.’” Toriel forced a smile.
This ghost was strange, and a little off-putting. But it had passion, which was something her current guard was severely lacking.
“In fact,” Toriel said more firmly, “You were so cool, I would like to offer you a position in my Royal Guard.”
“Huh? Who are you, the queen?” The ghost laughed.
“Yes.” Unfortunately.
The ghost’s laugh cut off abruptly.
“Then you’re Toriel? Toriel Dreemurr?”
“Toriel Dreemurr,” she echoed with a sigh. “Daughter of Torwin and Maliel Dreemurr, heir to the throne, and all of the baggage that the last generation of Boss Monsters left behind.”
She wasn’t sure why she added that last part. Perhaps because this was the first time since losing the war that she had been treated like just another monster.
“Huh. That sucks. Anyway, thanks for thinking I’m awesome and sexy, but I’m not joining your little club.”
“What—you are calling the Royal Guard a little club?” She gaped. Morale may be low, but the Guard still employed the strongest monsters in the kingdom.
Well… the strongest monsters that had survived.
“Yeah? That’s what I said? If you’re mad about it, we could like, fight to the death, and then I could be the new Dreemurr—wait can ghosts even have last names we don’t even have first names—”
“No fights to the death,” Toriel said, exhaustion suddenly crashing down on her.
She wasn’t going to die. And she wouldn’t let any more of her subjects die, either. That was the entire point of taking this humiliating retreat into the earth.
“Awww, that’s lame.” The ghost sighed. “But you’re the Boss, I guess. I’ll trick you out of your name somehow. Eventually. Because I’m cooler and smarter than you.”
“Of course,” Toriel deadpanned. “Now, if you would be so kind as to vacate this area…”
“Heck no!! I’m not done fighting the Barrier!! I’m the strongest thing under this mountain that can turn invisible. I’m not going to lose to a stupid wall!!”
“Very well,” she relented, her head pounding. It wasn’t as if the ghost could truly hurt anything down here. She couldn’t cause any more rockslides than Toriel had last week, at any rate. “Wake me if any humans arrive.”
Perhaps the ghost wasn’t fit for the Guard. That wouldn’t stop Toriel from taking advantage of the unexpected guest. She doubted the ghost would mind being asked to make a little more noise.
“Pffft, no humans are gonna dare come CLOSE to me! Ha!” The ghost flung into the Barrier again. And again.
Toriel shook her head and walked back to her tent. Trusting sentry duty to another wasn’t like her. Particularly to a monster outside of her own inner circle.
But right now, she was too tired to care. She collapsed onto her futon and fell asleep.
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ecto-american · 3 years
Stuck (Stubbornly)
Phic Phight Oneshot for @deuynndoodles​ : Jack and Maddie are stuck in the Ghost Zone. Fortunately for them, Phantom's around and willing to help out. However, they'll rather be arrested by a ghost warden and put in ghost jail before they'd allow some teenage menace to help them. Oh wait...
Read on AO3 or FFN
"Should we call Jazz or Danny?" Jack suggested.
Maddie stared out into the unending void of the Ghost Zone. It hurt to think that their voyage, a trip that they had been planning out for months, would end so soon already, but they had barely made any progress when they realized just how much fuel the Specter Speeder was guzzling. Something was wrong.
"...Not yet," she determined. "We should have emergency fuel. We should be able to get back without any problems. Can you refill?"
"You got it," Jack replied, and he got out of the co-pilot seat. She could hear him go to the back, and shuffling around. He didn't say anything for a while, and that immediately began to unnerve her, but she kept her attention on the dashboard, trying to think of what went wrong when building. Was their fuel lines loose? Was there gas leaking everywhere? "Uh, Mads? I'm not seeing it?"
Her blood froze, but no need to panic. Maybe he just didn't see…
Maddie walked to the back and checked. And checked. Moved some stuff around, checked some more.
They had no emergency fuel.
"Why don't we go outside and check the engine?" Jack suggested. "Maybe we can figure something out." With a dry mouth, she nodded, and they hesitantly went outside to check.
There were no ghosts around, thankfully, just an endless green void. They knew that they would be safe breathing in the GZ air, thanks to their prior tests and experiments. They hooked themselves to a rope using a carabiner clip, the other end tied tightly to the speeder. Floating unnerved her, and she kept a hand on the speeder as they went to the front of the speeder. Jack popped the hood, and smoke floated out, making Maddie's heart sink. This was definitely not a good sign at all, or something that could be a simple fix.
"Need some help?"
Maddie looked over her shoulder to see…
"Absolutely not," she scowled. Phantom was floating nearby.
"Are you sure?" he asked. He floated up a bit higher to glance at their vehicle. "Looks like you got. Well, uh, basically car trouble."
"Leave. Now."
Phantom opened his mouth to say more, but Maddie pulled her ecto-gun out.
"We don't want help from some lowlife ghost!" she hissed. Phantom put his hands up in surrender and flew away.
An hour passed, and they decided to take a break working on the engine. Every possible problem that she could think of had been exhausted, and she had to take a break to both cool down and think. She sat on the steps leading into the speeder, with Jack deciding to lay on the floor of the inside.
"Fuel line wasn't broken, none of the lines were cut or had knicks. There's no reason it should be draining so much gas," Jack thunk aloud. "There shouldn't be anything besides the engine that the gas is going to, and there's no weird random connections to anywhere else. The battery's still good."
"And we forgot the emergency fuel," Maddie slumped over. Jack sighed.
"It's my own fault," he replied. "I should have checked to make sure Jazz and Danny had properly put all the supplies in. A proper exploration team always triple checks before a voyage."
Maddie could only give a low hum of agreement as she stared out into the zone. She felt somebody pat the side of the speeder, and she scowled as she saw Phantom grinning at her, giving a half way.
"What are you doing here?" she hissed.
"I brought help this time," Phantom told her, and he jerked a thumb behind him. It was finally then that she noticed the Red Huntress. Maddie raised an eyebrow.
"How in the world…" she murmured, only to trail off as she stared at the two of them. Jack sat up, and he poked his head out of the speeder.
"Oh dope! It's my favorite huntress!" Jack boomed. Red seemed bashful at the comment, shifting her weight onto her other foot and rubbing her upper arm.
"I mean, if you don't trust me or want my help, I figured you'd be willing to let a human help," Phantom explained, motioning towards Red.
"So, do you need help?" Red finally spoke up. She reached down to pat her left calf. "I have some tools with me, but I can always go and fetch more."
Something in Maddie's gut told her that this was very, very odd. Humans and ghosts working together so...willingly like this. She had taken note that Phantom and Red hadn't hunted each other down or fought like they used to, but she just assumed that they didn't quite run into each other that much anymore. Both were unpredictable with odd schedules and routines.
She glanced at Jack, who despite his initial enthusiasm, seemed to share her feelings, and she shook her head no.
"We'll be fine," she insisted. "You two should leave."
Red stared at Phantom, who shrugged his shoulders.
"So, wanna just go get some boba tea?" Phantom asked.
"And just leave them here?" Red scowled, motioning to the Fentons.
"They don't want our help," he replied. Red glanced from Phantom and the Fentons, who studied the two of them. She finally shrugged as well.
The two began to idly chat as they flew off, their conversation becoming more and more distant.
"That was weird," Maddie mused.
"Yeah, I thought she and Phantom were rivals," Jack mused. Maddie shrugged. Right now she wasn't too invested in the mystery. She'd worry about that later when they got home.
Judging by their phones (which they had worriedly learned that they oh-so-helpfully had no reception in the land of the undead), another hour passed since Phantom and Red had left. Jack was deep into the engine, fiddling with a possible solution to the problem as Maddie stood nearby. She continued to think as she looked around. She was surprised that they hadn't been bothered by now.
"Trespassing in an unauthorized vehicle that is also a real world item," a deep southern voice boomed. Well, she absolutely spoke too soon.
They whipped their heads to see a huge, hulking figure, an all white man with a black hat, black gloves and wearing a suit of white.
"Ghost!" Jack squawked. He scrambled to grab his gun, Maddie already having hers drawn. The ghost frowned deeply. Maddie was finally very aware of just how many ghosts were surrounding them. Too many to count, but they all looked exactly like the ghosts that terrorized Amity Park years before, all identical and matching in uniform that resembled a SWAT team. There was also vehicles resembling police cars and police vans.
"Resisting arrest. That's against the rules," he continued. He opened a large green and white book in his hands, flipping to another page. "Assault and battery with a deadly weapon." He glanced up at them with an angry glare. "Y'all are going away for a long, long time."
"We're not going anywhere," Jack frowned. He charged up his weapon.
Maddie looked around, and she shivered anxiously. There was no way they could take on all these ghosts. She nudged Jack, and he side-eyed her curiously. She lowered her weapon, and she used her head to motion around them. Jack blinked as he looked himself, and all of his confidence left him. He also lowered his weapon.
"We'll go," Maddie finally spoke. The ghost smirked, and he knocked on the side of a police van. The back opened up.
"Surrender your weapons," he ordered.
One of the SWAT ghosts came forward with his arms outstretched. Reluctantly, the adults handed their weapons over, detaching themselves from the speeder and getting into the van.
Their cell was a lot like a normal cell, and it was just them. Iron bars, no windows, single toilet, and four bunk beds. Jack was laying on one of the beds, facing the fall, as Maddie laid on the one across from him, staring up at the bunk bed above her.
Of course. Of course they ended up in ghost jail. It was just their luck. Though a scientist part of her was giddy at knowing that ghosts had some kind of legal system! Who would have known!
As she tried to start figuring out what on earth to do, she heard something banging against the jail bars.
She immediately sat up, staring to see Phantom making the noise by banging something in his hand on the bars. He was staring at them with a bright smile, and it only made her mood drop even more.
"Phantom!" Maddie hissed, standing fully and going up to the bars. "How did you find us?"
"We came back to check on you guys and see if you changed your minds," Phantom explained. Jack got up from his own bed to come over, looking surprised to see the infamous ghost teen. "Technus and Skulker were looting your speeder, and they said Walker arrested you. So we came by as quickly as we could."
The Fenton adults could see Red nearby, glancing around the corner. She was keeping watch.
"We're not going with you," Jack replied. Phantom rolled his eyes.
"Okay, and what? Stay here forever? Never see your kids again?" he asked. Their faces instantly dropped. "So do you wanna go home or not?"
Maddie narrowed her eyes at him before noticing that he was holding a metallic-looking cup of boba tea and raising an eyebrow.
"You brought a snack with you," she said. Phantom shrugged, offering it to her.
"Want a sip?"
"No! Just!" Maddie glanced at Jack worriedly, and he mirrored her expression. They, unfortunately, knew that they really...didn't have a choice. "Get us out of here!"
"Danny, you may wanna hurry it up," Red's voice called out softly to them. Maddie did a double take. Oh yeah. Danny Phantom. Huh, she kinda forgot about that.
Phantom nodded, and he dropped the boba tea, letting it float in the air as he phased them out of the jail cell. Maddie stared at him.
"Wait, you can just phase through?" she asked. Phantom shrugged.
"Uh, sorta yes, sorta no," he replied, grabbing his tea.
"Danny!" Red's voice hissed. Phantom glanced to her.
"Okay, so super quick rundown of Ghost Zone rules. In the Ghost Zone, you guys are the ghosts, so you basically can fly and phase through objects, so Red can phase through objects and you guys too, but this is also a human cell that only I can get you out, and speaking out getting out, we need to leave. Now," Phantom quickly explained. As soon as he finished, he motioned for them to follow him.
He began to fly towards Red, and they jogged after him. Phantom peered around the corner before pulling back. Red did too.
"How's our escape route looking?" Phantom asked. He took a sip of his drink as Red pulled up a map on her suit. She studied it for a bit.
"Hmm. We may run into some trouble," Red mused. "Best bet is for me to take Mr. and Mrs. Fenton and phase with them out of here, and…" She gave a weird pause. "We'll uh. Wait for you to escape on your own." Phantom sucked on his drink, and the sound of air coming through as he ran out of boba tea grinded Maddie's nerves.
"Oh would you just!" Maddie scowled, and she slapped the cup out of Phantom's hands.
"Hey! I paid for that!" Phantom cried out. He scrambled to pick it up. "They were having an unlimited refills special if you got that cup!" Red snorted in amusement.
"Danny, they kicked you out for getting too many refills anyway," she reminded him. Phantom made a face.
"Well maybe they shouldn't advertise it as unlimited refills then," he retorted.
"Most people don't drink twelve cups of boba tea," she replied.
"Maybe I should be rewarded for being able to drink that much then."
"Hm, we'll debate it later," Red replied. "Look, I'll get them out and meet you on the other side. Got it?"
"Got it," Phantom replied. To Maddie's horror and shock, Red lifted her visor up, but not all the way. Just enough to expose her lips, and she leaned into Phantom to give him a light peck on the lips.
"Be careful," she told him. Phantom nodded.
"I will," he promised. "If I'm not with you in five minutes. Just." He paused. "Leave without me, get the Fentons home, and then come back for me." Red nodded as her visor went all the way down.
"Grab my hands," Red instructed the Fentons. Maddie blinked, reluctantly taking one of her hands. Jack took the other. Red summoned her board, jumping in the air and allowing it to manifest beneath her. She held onto them tightly and flew through the walls.
Instinctively, Maddie closed her eyes as she flew through. Only to feel no impact. A blur of walls impaired her vision with constant flashes of the darkness of being in a thick jail wall and the light of the prison rooms and hallways. She blinked as the neutral green skies of the Ghost Zone finally greeted her, and Red continued flying until they were a decent distance from the prison. And now that she had a moment to think…
"What the hell are you thinking?" she exclaimed to Red. The huntress snapped her attention to her in confusion.
"What? You would have died if we let you stay in there!" she scowled.
"No, not that!" Maddie clarified. "I mean, thank you so much for helping us, but you? And Phantom?"
"Exactly!" Jack agreed. "He's an absolute menace! He's a danger! Don't you guys fight? What happened to all of that?"
She could see a glimpse of Red's face under her heavily tinted visor, and Maddie was sure that the girl looked embarrassed and was likely turning as red as her suit.
"Oh man, it's a looong story," Red sighed heavily. "Uh, best and easiest and quickest way I can explain it is; a lot of the things that made me angry with him was a misunderstanding, and I found out that he's...actually a really sweet guy. I know it's weird to say, but, um. Well, I've never met a guy who was so kind, thoughtful and romantic. My life's kinda hectic, and he just...he really goes out of his way to make it easier on me."
"How so?" Jack wondered.
"Well, like. He does a lot of my household chores and stuff like laundry, bringing me lunch when I have long shifts at work, listening to me when I have a bad day," she explained. "He makes life a lot easier and better."
How cute. If it wasn't between a dead teenage menace and this poor, obviously manipulated girl. It honestly reminded Maddie a lot of her own Danny and his little girlfriend, Valerie. Valerie told her a few times about Danny doing some of her chores at home since Valerie was so busy working and doing school. It kinda pissed Maddie off, since Danny never seemed to remember his own chores at home, but she never felt like bringing it up to him because, well, at least he was really good to her. She'd be ashamed of him if he was any lesser.
"Hey!" Phantom called out as he zoomed towards them. "Let's go! Quick!"
Red nodded. She passed Jack off to Phantom, and the two teenagers flew the Fentons home.
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giant-sketches · 4 years
Tumblr media
Happy birthday @gentlegiantdreamer!!!  You are such a wonderful and inspiring person to me and I hold you dear to my heart! So for your birthday I made you this art and wrote you a little story to go along with it. I wish you a day full of fun and love! There is also a speedpaint!
I hope you can feel the effort I put into this and long hours of work too. I hope you and everyone enjoys my interpretations of Lilypadton and enjoy the story. Disclaimer: Almost Drowning/Cussing/Pain/Shouting/Monster Transformations
Word Count: 1746
At the start Patton was very active after his first transformation as Lilypadton. That may have been due to him going about the day believing it was a one time deal, but that wasn’t the case. From time to time the other sides would catch glimpses of his skin turning green around his hands and dark patches appearing on his neck. However, whenever the subject was brought up with the moral side he’d brush it off as a trick of the light or some kind of baking material he missed in his clean up. They all knew better though, especially his boyfriends Janus and Virgil.
“We need to go talk to him….TODAY!” Janus was pacing around Virgil’s room with his arms crossed, expressing his impatience with his partner.
Virgil thought it best to give Patton space, but his changes were becoming more frequent. Now things were even worse as their cutie had locked himself in his room for the past two days.
“I know you wanted to give him space, but now he’s trapped himself in his room. We’re the only ones on this side of the mindscape that can help him through this.” Janus hissed and cursed himself for not doing something sooner.
“Please calm down Jan.” Virgil got up from his bed to hold his boyfriend. “It’s going to be alright. Let’s go see him now and tell him about what’s happening to him.” He paused in thought. “Though, I never thought we’d ever have this kind of discussion with him honestly. To think he was like us this whole time.”
Janus touched his scaled face and looked at Virgil with soft eyes. “Are you going to show him? You know how h-” “Yeah I know...but I have to. It wouldn’t be fair for me to hide it when he’s going through something ten times worse.” Janus kissed Virgil’s cheek to reassure him.
Both left the room and slowly made their way to Patton’s door. Virgil tried the door knob, still locked. “Patton? Sweetpea we’ve come here to see how you are doing. Can you let us in, please?” Silence...no wait there was some kind of groaning sound coming from behind the door. “G-go away…” Was that Patton just now? It sounded like he was gurgling water while trying to speak.
“We can’t do that! We have something important to talk-or show you!” Janus looked to Virgil nervously. The former dark side nodded his head as Jan’s nails grew out to a point and sliced the doorknob off. “Excuse the intrusion.”
Both stepped into a darkened and rather humid room. Thankfully, both of them could see in the dark. In the corner they spotted Patton curled up and shaking, facing the wall. He visibly showed signs of changing with his green tinted skin and dark patches all over his arms and neck. “Pat?”
Startled, Patton sprang to his feet and turned to face them. They gasped at how their little buddy appeared taller now, his eyes now distinctly like a frog’s, and his hair showed faded tips of green. His eyes were filled with tears as he had to look down at his friends. He felt like a monster!
“No, no please….you have to LEAVE!” Patton’s voice croaked and boomed as he shot up another 10 feet and banged his head on the ceiling with a loud thunk. He groaned as he fell to his hands. The tears intensified as water seeped from the cracks in the wall and began flooding the room.
“Shit! Hold on to me!” Virgil clung to Janus for dear life as they quickly rose to the ceiling with the increasing water level. Patton was down below still weeping and expanding. His form pressing up against every nook and cranny of his tiny room. “Patton! Patton please! You need to stop crying or we’re going to- gurrglrrglr”
Time was up. The water had now completely filled the room as Janus and Virgil started sinking. Luckily, their froggy friend heard their pleas and snapped out of his distress. Quickly he expanded the room, changing it’s form as he scooped up the two tenderly in his webbed hands. With a kick of his strong legs Pat breached the surface. The room was now a large pond with only a small island in the center. The sun was warm and there was the sound of life all around them, but this was no time to relax.
“Virgil? Janus? Oh my gosh please, you have to be okay kiddos! Please!” Patton begged for his sweethearts to be okay as he set them on the soft grass. He poked at their stomachs as gently as he could.
*Cough* *Cough*
Oh thank goodness! Both were hacking up small volumes of water as they gasped for air, sweet-sweet air! “Patton?” Their vision was foggy from nearly drowning as they tried to focus on the green blob in front of them. Virgil raised up his arms, “A-are you okay?”
“What do you mean am I okay?! Are you okay? You two almost drowned b-because of me!” The big softie was on the verge of tears once again as he leaned in to nuzzle his dark darling with his nose.
“Woah...how big are you Patty?” Virgil giggled. He definitely wasn’t expecting to be cuddled by a gentle green snout of all things. “We’re okay Pat. Just a bit out of breath and-” Janus shivered, he had gotten too cold.
Virgil noticed as he escaped from Patton’s schnoz and immediately started cuddling up to his scaly boyfriend to warm him up. Pat climbed up onto the island, but at his current size of 100 feet he covered the majority of it as he scooped them up in his hand to hold them both closer to the sun. Jan was thankful for this as he hissed happily. His cold blood started to run warm again.
“Thank you darling! The numbness is fading now.” He lifted himself up to look at Patton with a warm expression. “Wow, look at you Pat.” “Yeah, Mr. Green right here.” They both joked to cut the tension. Patton laughed along with them as the ground shook, causing ripples in the water. His size really was something to behold. Still, their joy was cut short, “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have bottled up my emotions like that and hidden away. You two could have gotten seriously hurt.”
“Oh Patty! We understand…w-we have something to tell you.” Virgil looked to Janus hoping he would start. “That’s right Patton, Virgil and I have both gone through what you’re experiencing right now. Okay, maybe not the exact same thing, but something similar.”
Patton was surprised. “W-what do you mean?” Janus smiled flashing his fangs, “I’m sure you’ve already noticed my face, but have you ever wondered why it looks like this?” Pat shook his head, he always thought it’d be taboo to ask about. “It’s because of my monster side.”
Monster side?! What was that? Patton was obviously confused as Virgil spoke up, “Mhm...Janus, Remus, and I...we all have a monster side to us. Janus doesn’t hide his like I do though and Remus is always shifting so it just seems ‘normal’ for him. It was a huge surprise when yours was revealed. Honestly, I never thought you’d be like us Pat.” Virg was feeling anxious as he kept his head down while talking.
“B-but you’ve never looked like Janus at all Stormcloud. What does your monster side look like?” Damn...that was a question he really wanted to avoid. “Guess there’s no use hiding it anymore huh? B-before I show you, you have to promise me you won’t freak out...okay Pat?”
Virgil looked so serious as he stared at Patton. What was he so worried about? “Awe kiddo, you know I’d never be scared of you! I love you too much!” He beamed a smile that put the sun to shame at them as Virgil sighed feeling a bit more relieved. “Alright.”
Concentrating, he closed his eyes as eight pitch black spider legs spread out from his back starting from the spine. He winced in pain, it’d been a long time since he last transformed. A pair of sharp mandibles poked out from the corners of his mouth; four slits opened up underneath his cheeks in pairs, each containing a solid black eye with a hint of purple.
“Aaaahhhh!!!” Suddenly, Virgil screamed lightly in pain as the transformation came to end with his new set of fangs and claws growing to a point. Janus caught him as he slumped over, huffing from exhaustion. Weakly, he looked up to Patton trying his best to smile.
Patton was mortified as he watched Virgil writhe in pain in his hand. When it all finally came to an end he was looking eyes wide at a big black spider...fuck! His heart was racing as he tried to not physically throw his boyfriend into the pond. Wait! That’s right this was his little sweetie, his Stormcloud, Prince of Darkness, etc. There was no need to be so scared...he gulped as he reached down to stroke his loves face.
Oh! He was still so soft and honestly his spider legs kind of tickled. The fear in his heart dissolved instantly. Patton giggled at how nervous he was only moments ago as he pressed them both to his cheek. “So I’m not alone after all.”
God, Virgil was instantly healed by his Sweetpea’s warmth. He hugged into the green flesh happily. “Of course not Patton, we’ll both always be here for you!”
“I’m so happy right now! You two are the best boyfriends in the whole wide world!!!”
Patton slid into the pond once more as he laid on his back. He kissed his cuties to his plush lips and then placed them right on top of his chest as he floated along the water. All the while they laughed and smiled at their giant lovers' touch.
“This new form is scary, but at long as I have you two I think I’ll be okay.”
“We love you Patton and we’ll always love you no matter what you are.”
The couple laid on Pat’s chest as tiny frogs hopped up from the lily pads to play with them as they enjoyed their time together. All content in knowing that each of them had a little cute monster inside of them that made them special.
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Railroad Wrath.
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*Byakuya, riding in a high speed car with Makoto, drives quickly down the highway and catches up with the steam train. 
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That’s the one they’re on! It’s where the signal is coming from!
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*Byakuya points to the rear of the train.
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Oh thank god! She’s alright!
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Yes, but...where’s Kyoko?
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She’s still gotta be on that train. Quick! Speed up!
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What do you intend to do?
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Just trust me on this one! Stop here!
*Byakuya drives and gets ahead of the train, right where there’s a turning in the highway and the tracks.
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Seriously, what are you-MAKOTO!?
*Byakuya panics as Makoto suddenly takes a run up and goes to leap off the side of the cliff.
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I’m gonna stop this train!
*He leaps off and crashes on top of the carriage. The people inside said carriage panic as they hear him rolling on top of it.
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*He recovers quickly, and then clambers down.
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Sorry! Sorry! Excuse me! Coming through! Here to help!
*He frantically mumbles as he brushes past the people.
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(Kyoko must be further ahead. That or she’s behind me.)
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(Ok! No! She’s definitely ahead of me!)
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Everyone! Make your way to the far back of the train! Cram yourself in as much as possible!
*Panicking from the sound of the gunshots and explosions, as well as Makoto’s sudden entrance, the passengers do as they’re instructed.
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*Pant!* *Pant!* GET OUT OF MY WAY!
*Celeste, still securing the bleeding Narumi, bursts through the carriages. The people inside cower as she starts shooting beams towards them.
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Everyone! Get under your seats!
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*Kyoko bursts into the carriage and fires a few bullets at Celeste when she shouts this to everyone. Celeste holds up her gauntleted hand and blocks the bullets.
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*POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!*
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*The passengers near the back of the carriage scream their lungs out when Celeste suddenly goes trigger happy with the repulsor cannon. Kyoko ducks and dives behind the train seats to avoid the beams.
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(I see...Osone’s used to firing that weapon...and even if she is a child, her arm muscles are probably pretty strong enough to withstand the recoil of the beam...)
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(But Celeste hasn’t used this before and her body isn’t used to it. If she keeps firing at me, she’s going to break her wrist eventually...)
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Just shut up!
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*With Kyoko at the other end of the carriage, Celeste uses this opportunity to rush into the next carriage over. Kyoko jumps out of hiding and follows her.
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Come here!
Civilian: Whaa-!? AAGH!
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*The civilians in the next carriage are also cowering in fear of the noises and chaos, especially when Celeste and Narumi burst in. As Kyoko runs through the doorway, Celeste suddenly grabs one of the innocent civilians and blasts him straight at her. The civilian is immediately killed on impact.
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*POW!* POW!*
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Ngh! How dare you! That man had nothing to do with this!
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They have everything to do with this now! I’ll kill every last person on this train before I let you take me!
*POW!* *POW!* *POW!*
*Celeste fires more beams at Kyoko, who grabs the mans corpse and ducks out of the way of fire.
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(Fortunately for you, I don’t particularly have time to take hostages.)
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Everyone! Get to the back of the train!
*As Celeste rushes into the next carriage, Kyoko shouts this. The civilians waste no time in making their escape.
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OOF! H-H-Hey! ACK! S-Sorry!
*Makoto, having now caught up to the noises, gets caught in a stampede of panicking people, having to force his way past them.
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*pant!* *pant!* AGH!
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*To Celeste’s shock and horror, the next carriage happens to be the last one. She presses herself and Narumi back against the wall as Kyoko approaches her.
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End of the line Celeste. Take off the gauntlet and put your hands up.
*Celeste raises her hand and aims at Kyoko. Her wrist is trembling.
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I wouldn’t do that if I were you. I can already picture the state of your arm underneath that glove.
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From the way that your arm is moving, I think the rebound from the laser has broken your wrist, hasn’t it?
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You think that’s gonna stop me bitch? You should be afraid of what I can do with this thing...
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Let me ask you...Are you afraid of death?
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Have I ever looked like the kind of person who’s been afraid to die?
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I don’t want to die of course, but that’s only because I still have things to do.
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...Well...we’re the same in that regard...
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Before you brought me back, I died before I had the chance to achieve my life of luxury. I’m afraid to die, simply because I know if I do, I’ll lose that chance forever.
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Then you shouldn’t have been so gung ho and betrayed us. We would have protected you.
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Oh please...Protect me at the cost of what? Denying me my vision?
*Celeste, exhausted, forces herself to stand upright.
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And by the way...Kyoko...When I asked you if you were afraid of death...
*She shifts her hand...
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I wasn’t referring to your own life.
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*Kyoko is shocked and horrified as suddenly, Celeste fires a blast that flies past her! Makoto rushes into the carriage, and the blast hits him dead in the shoulder, blowing off a part of his arm! 
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*Enraged and furious over the scene, Kyoko unloads rounds from her gun straight towards Celeste. Celeste fires back, despite her wrist being well and truly screwed. 
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Quick...! Go...through the roof...!
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*With everything to lose, Celeste goes with Narumi’s suggestion. With some quick instructions, she blasts a hole through the roof of the carriage and propels herself through it.
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*Kyoko drops the pursuit for a quick moment, rushing to check on Makoto.
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Are you ok!?
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Forget about me! Just get after her!
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I’ll be ok!
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*Still worried, but honoring his wishes, Kyoko pats Makoto affectionately and then gives chase to Celeste.
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*Using the rest of his strength and doing his best to ignore his wound, Makoto gets up and makes his way to the front of the carriage, going to stop the train.
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*huff!* *puff!*
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*Crawling on top of the train, Celeste actually gets ready to jump off with Narumi and make her escape, but before she can get very far, Kyoko leaps out of the hole and fires a bullet into her ankle.
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*As Celeste loses her balance on top of the speeding train, Kyoko takes a run up and kicks her straight in the jaw. She pulls her up to her feet, gives her a strong hook around the face and a massive blow to the gut.
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Hhhngh! GAAGH!
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*She grabs Celeste by her clothes, smashes her round the face and kicks her dead in the chest. Celeste takes a tumble and her face smashes against the funnel of the steam train.
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*\While they’re exasperated and in pain, Kyoko grabs Celeste and Narumi, and suddenly notices the train coming to a halt?
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*She sees Makoto through the window of the engine below her, having hit the brakes on the train. She also notices Byakuya pull up on the highway. She speaks into her radio.
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Mission accomplished! I’ve secured both Celeste and Osone.
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???: Heheheheheheeeeh...
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*All of a sudden, the sound of an unfamiliar, malicious laughter sounds throughout the silence of the night 
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!!!!?? KYOKO!
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*Completely out of nowhere, someone else jumps in and brings a steel axe down upon Kyoko, which she thankfully dodges.
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*What isn’t so unfortunate though, is no sooner does the axe miss, but the same character yanks a knife out of their cardigan and thrusts it straight into the detective’s abdomen!
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!!? Y-You’re...!
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Who...the hell are you...?
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I’ll give you the introductions later. For now, just know that I’m an ally.
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And that I’ve brought a gift.
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*Byakuya suddenly hears the noises of an approaching helicopter, and sure enough, a chopper suddenly flies around the cliff, with an unrecognizable pilot inside.
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*She approaches Kyoko, writhing around and clutching her wound.
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*She delivers a strong kick to the injured detective, and sends her hurtling off the train and almost down the cliff. With quick thinking, Makoto smashes through the window of the steam engine and grabs her hand. Unfortunately, with his still heavily wounded shoulder, he has to hold onto the engine and support both himself and his wife.
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Come on! Let’s go! We haven’t got all day!
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*She fires bullets at Byakuya to keep him distracted, then ties both Narumi and Celeste to a ladder that descends down from the chopper.
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I see dealing with you guys being pretty fun~ Try not to die TOO soon, m’kay?
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*With nothing else to say, the ladder pulls the enemies up, and inside the chopper. Byakuya fires bullets from his pistol at it as he flies away, but is unsuccessful in downing it!
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Makoto! Just drop me! You’ll fall too!
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No! Fucking! WAY! GGAAAAGGHH!!
*With all that remains of his strength in his battered and bleeding body...Makoto does what he can to support his and Kyoko’s weight...But then...
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*He loses his grip...and they fall...
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captainsourwolf · 4 years
okay hear me out.
everyone knows about link’s crush on john mayer. it’s no secret, he happily told everyone on camera his crush is the singer. nobody is surprised of course, least of all rhett, because rhett is the one that gets to hold his hand and love him and fuck him and kiss him and do all the things john mayer just wishes he could fucking do with link neal.
which okay, maybe rhett’s a little jealous sometimes. but he can’t help it. john mayer gets brought up and link’s eyes light up, this spot on his throat that ticks when his pulse rate spikes starts jumpin’, he gets this weirdly euphoric look on his face because he gets to talk about his stupid crush. the last time he reacted like that to rhett was when they were in college and he thought he was being smooth hiding his feelings.
okay so rhett is a lot jealous. sue him.
one day at the creative house he walks in and link’s playing an old john mayer cd and rhett’s blood instantly boils. he follows the source straight into link’s office where link is bebopping his head along to some stupid song about something stupid and rhett clenches a fist before he can even stop himself.
“link,” rhett would huff when he’s ignored only to feel bad a second later. he’s had crushes before. he remembers what it feels like.
but this different. this is link getting weirdly giddy when the other man is brought up, this is him bringing the singer up any chance he gets, it’s link acting like a teenager experiencing his first boner because someone made him feel all tingly.
rhett hates it. supremely. with everything in him.
which is why he can’t be blamed when he slaps his hand on link’s dumb boom box he just had to have and effectively stops john mayer’s crooning. link jumps in surprise and finally notices rhett has entered the room.
“hey—! i was listening to that!” but he isn’t angry, just peeved, cheeks flushing a bit when he glares at rhett and gets up to turn it back on.
rhett is taller and bigger so he blocks the boom box and crosses his arms.
“maybe im tired of listening to john mayer all the time,” rhett snips and link huffs and his mouth pops open into a perfect ring and he looks a bit murderous for a second if rhett’s bring totally honest. “your crush is cute, but come on, do we gotta listen to him all the time?”
link gets all huffy again and throws his hands in the air. “it’s not a crush, shut up, man,” he grumbles. but the spot on the back of his neck that gives him away all the time flares up and he reaches up to scrub at it.
“you loooooove him?” rhett teases. he can do that. he can tease, even if it means reverting back to when he was a high schooler that thought the way to a girl’s heart was through jokes and rude comments. he grins a little when link looks away, to the side and down, rubbing that spot even harder.
“shuddup, rhett.” there’s no venom to it, just a bit of amusement and embarrassment to go with the pinkness rising up his neck.
“you wanna hold his hand and swoon over him while he sings to you?”
link’s blush disappears under the collar of his—surprisingly enough—john mayer sweatshirt. the one that’s cream colored and splashed with pinks and blues, and looks soft against his skin.
rhett grins a cheeky little grin and leans against the table the boom box is on.
“want him to wine and dine you? show you a good time?”
link’s tells are starting to pop out: shifting on his feet, scrubbing his neck, pushing at his glasses, fidgeting with his wedding ring. rhett is hitting every button and it sends a thrill through him knowing he’s making link a bit hot under the collar.
and of course that’s when he notices the blush deepen when he says “show you a good time” and the subtle way link is trying to adjust his pants. rhett swallows and licks his lips and thinks he could have some fun with this. he is jealous after all. get link hot, get him off, remind him rhett is the one he should be blushing for.
“want john mayer to kiss you, link?” rhett shoves away from his perch and stalks towards him. link licks his lips and looks down at the floor, shuffles his feet.
“you don’t—“ link shrugs and huffs. “you don’t know what you’re talkin’ about.”
rhett bumps link’s chest he gets so close. dips down and kisses his hot cheek, his ear, tugs on it with his teeth a little.
“you wanna fuck him?” rhett whispers and tugs again. link whimpers a little, a tiny thing rhett almost doesn’t hear. when he registers that’s what he heard, he rears back enough to see link’s cheeks ruddy and hot and giving him away. rhett swallows, shuffles closer, feels an unmistakable bulge pressing into his leg.
link is hard. the realization makes the jealousy burn in rhett’s gut.
“do you want him to fuck you?” rhett murmurs and that’s the clencher. link’s cheeks turn tomato red and it disappears down his neck into that silly sweatshirt and his cock twitches on rhett’s hip.
link swallows so hard his throat clicks and he shoves rhett back, hardly far enough to put any space between them, but still. he glares up at rhett with no heat, digs fists into rhett’s shirt, yanks him down into a kiss that’s more bite than anything.
they don’t do things half-assed that’s for sure. link is naked and bent over his desk in no time, rhett naked and two fingers deep with spit and lube they keep hidden in the desk and leaning over link’s backside to get at his ear. breath hot and damp and making link shiver.
“wonder how good it’d feel to have john mayer’s fingers up your ass, baby? think his are as thick as mine?” link moans so loud rhett feels it in chest. his dick twitches at the sound.
link is a needy whiny mess. looks fucked out already spread out on his own desk, back heaving, cock dripping a sticky trail on his thigh and the floor. rhett can see his eyes where he’s leaning close, can see how dopey and unfocused they are just from rhett finger fucking him and talking about another man. the jealousy only makes him harder, makes him get a little rough with it, crooking his fingers just right to make link jerk and moan.
rhett pulls his fingers free and link whines and chases the feeling. he’s on his knees behind link biting an ass cheek and dragging his thumb over link’s stretched hole, teasing and kind of all over the place, not really knowing what he wants to do just that he wants to do it. so he makes link turn over, gets his mouth on a thigh, on a hip, on his balls, at the base of his cock.
“such a good singer, must have a nice mouth, too. surely he does.” link’s head thunks on the desk and he whines again, raises his hips to try and get rhett’s mouth on him. “think he can suck a cock with that nice mouth?”
rhett licks him from root to tip, sloppy and messy, precum and spit wetting his beard, shining up his lips.
“want him to suck you off, link? fuck his mouth the way you do mine?” rhett gets a weak kick to his thigh and fingers winding in his hair. link leans up, on his free elbow, peers down at rhett all fucked out and horny and desperate. he growls and yanks rhett’s head back to look at him, at his flushed and sweaty face and his perky nips, taut belly, his cock throbbing and wet. “admit it,” rhett huffs a laugh and digs his fingers into link’s thighs.
“what if i do?” link admits, voice too rough around the edges.
that just won’t do.
rhett growls this time and shoves link’s hand off his head then stands, fits himself between link’s thighs. they stare at each other a moment, link smirking in challenge, rhett glaring. he roughly grabs link around the knees, hikes his legs up till he’s resting his calves on rhett’s sweaty shoulders. he drags his cock along rhett’s, the tease, and moans, smirk widening when rhett chokes a little.
“come on, then, fuck me, rhett, bet john mayer—“ it’s enough for rhett clamp a hand over his mouth, use the other one to slick himself up and line up and slip the head of his cock in link’s tight hole. link’s clipped off moan and the way he shudders it out makes rhett’s head spin.
again, they don’t do things half-assed, ever. rhett gives him his time to adjust, barely enough, and fucks into him messy and quick. link licks his palm and bites at the meat of his hand but rhett doesn’t budge. he keeps his hand there and pulls out and thrusts back in, starting up a steady rhythm. doesn’t take long to build a pace that punches the air out of link’s lungs.
link’s legs slip and wind around rhett’s waist. he yanks rhett forward and down, brow knitting when rhett’s cock hits deeper, smoother. rhett finally removes his hand and winds it through link’s hair and presses their chests together.
this close he can see the thin ring of blue left, the freckle beside his eye, the sweat beading on his upper lip. he tilts link’s head back and bites at his throat, takes his time sucking a bruise into the delicate skin over his jugular. he soothes it then goes back in for more and fucks link harder, making the desk rattle and groan under their combined weight and pace.
“this good enough?” rhett asks, having to stop and catch his breath before he can continue speaking. he starts a slow grind, barely out and right back in, making sure link feels it when he shoves his cock deep and presses his pelvis right up against link’s ass. “could he do it better?” the legs around his waist tighten.
“want that crooner to fuck you like this?” link’s breathing changes, hitches a little around his throat, and he’s scrambling to get his fingers in rhett’s hair, on rhett’s body. they slip on his back and end up around his waist, back in his hair, down again to his belly before finally giving up and squeezing around rhett’s neck. “want him to screw you against your desk all nice and slow? or get you on your belly and hold your head down and make you feel it?”
link gasps and rhett is done with the grinding, the slow pace, and sits back, holding onto link’s thighs. link can’t get a grip on anything in time and nearly bangs into the wall behind him, moaning loud and strangled, and reaching for rhett.
it’s always a punishing pace when they’re like this. rhett can’t help it. he likes to watch link fall apart like this, a sweaty mess, mouth open around choked off and desperate sounds, back arching as rhett fucks him. and he likes it when link finally blissfully falls apart.
rhett watches link’s face contort, his brows knitting so tight he’ll have a headache later, hands searching for something to hold onto. he’s almost there and he hasn’t even been touched since rhett got him up here. rhett loves it when he’s so horny for it that he cums untouched.
this time there’s an edge to it, a sting, and rhett can’t help himself from catching link’s eye, watching when he finally focuses enough to catch on.
“he fuck you better than i can, baby?”
and link loses it, jizzes all over himself in thick spurts, seemingly never ending as rhett screws him through it and he keeps cumming, speechless with it. he clenches around rhett’s cock, still a tease even when he’s just blown his load so hard he’s probably seeing stars. rhett likes that part, too.
link starts muttering little yeah’s and come on’s, fighting the over sensitivity and squeezing around rhett’s dick to milk it out of him. doesn’t take much, he was already about there, so when link sits up and drags fingers through the mess and reaches between them to feel where rhett’s fucking him and slick him up, that does him in. his hips stutter and he moans and folds in on himself, nearly loses his footing and takes link with him.
after a moment he finds he’s got his face buried in link’s neck, breathing evening out, mouth still hanging loose in satisfaction. link’s got him held up with an arm around his back, other propping himself up on the desk so he doesn’t fall.
takes a second but he gets himself together enough to unstick himself from link’s body. his dick slips out and with it a trickle of his release. link’s quiet moan and the way his ass clenches makes him chuckle and use his middle finger to plug it back in.
“it’s so gross when you do that.”
“you love it,” rhett laughs again and link flutters around him, sighing in resignation.
his blush is back. rhett sees it traveling from his cheeks to his neck to his chest. he’s embarassed, probably a little turned on still if the way his dick gives a valiant effort at twitching is anything to go by. but overall he’s spent and he lays back.
it’s quiet for a moment as rhett just waits for link to chill, to get himself together enough to face rhett’s amused stare. when he finally looks he has this softness there, in his eyes and around his mouth, only for rhett.
“you know you’re the only one,” he states it simply, quietly, pink in his cheeks flaring up for a moment.
rhett gathers him into a hug and kisses his temple.
“as if id ever believe john mayer could fuck you as good as me,” he whispers.
“oh my god. i hate you.”
rhett shakes his head, knowing better.
“nah, you love me.”
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icollectyoursins · 4 years
Merman Jotaro x Fem!Reader NSFW Part 1
Anon said: "Merman Jotaro merman Jotaro merman Jo... SPICY PLEASE"
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Honestly. I dream about this often. 9/10 times it’s hot. 1/10 times it’s really hot. It’s not gender neutral, I guess, but it’s not a fem!reader. The reader just happens to have a vagina and tits. I could do a reader-with-a-dick version of this, if you want. This one is very long. Couldn’t stop writing! I am the biggest Jotaro simp and I am not afraid to admit it.
Heads up, Jotaro is referred to it as ‘they’ for most of this, only because the reader doesn’t really know what he’s packing on first glance. Anyway, I hope this is in character because Jotaro is one I haven’t quite nailed yet.
For as long as you can remember the ocean would call to you. After a lot of resource managing and hard work, you finally had enough money to get a boat and a small cabin by the beach, free to escape to the vast blue as much as you liked. Which is exactly what you did today. Someone was a little less than happy to see you in his territory.
Have a character, but no idea? Prompt list here!
Looking for more? Master post here!
WARNINGS: Dubious consent (dub con), size difference, fingering, cunnilingus, nipple play (sucking specifically), uh... tentacle dick? Kinda, two dicks, breeding, mention of kidnapping at the end.
Word count: 2506
Rest and Reproduction   
     The smell of the salty air tickled your nose as the mist of small waves splashed your face. You breathed a sigh of relief, leaning against the railing and staring out at the land. You could just barely see the sand and your little cabin. The rest was blue. A deep, calming blue. The stars reflected on the surface, twinkling pleasantly. Maybe you should go out a little bit further?
   Maybe tomorrow, you were tired from preparing your boat all day. The sun was just starting to set when you finally got on the water. You deserved a break.
   You sat down on a small fold-out chair you grabbed yesterday. It was comfier than you thought it would be and you sank into it happily, curling yourself into it as you stared up at the stars. A long sigh left your lips. Today was a good day.
   A loud splash to your left startled you, making you sit up quickly and run to the source of the sound. All you saw were the ripples it left behind. Whatever it was, it was big. Then another large splash, this time it was accompanied by a thunk on the metal. The boat rocked from the impact, instinctively, you reached for the railing, holding on so you don’t fall over.
   A third splash comes from behind you. You turn around quickly, catching the glimpse of a tail, pure black and big. It banged the side of the boat again, throwing you off balance. You stumbled backwards into the chair, knocking both it and yourself over. The knocking suddenly stops along with the rocking. Silence never felt more terrifying. You sat, frozen by fear.
   Then the bow started to dip and creak. You scrambled backwards hoping to keep out of the water as long as possible. A large, black, clawed hand gripped the front of the boat, then another. Whatever it was, it was trying to pull itself up. Slowly, you were able to see its face the closer it got to you. 
   Sharp, angular features with piercing blue eyes and full lips. Short, black hair messily stuck to their face. They crawled towards you, eyes narrowing with focus the more they tried to fit themselves onto the boat but their weight kept tipping it. You were holding onto whatever would keep you up, unfortunately, nothing was helping and you slowly began sinking towards your pursuer. 
   You tried to scramble your way up to no avail. The closer you got, the less they moved, waiting for you to come to them. They reached out with one of their massive hands, grabbing your ankle then pulling you towards them. What happened next was a blur.
   Arms wrapped around your torso, holding you close to keep you from struggling. Whoever was holding you was massive, significantly stronger than you, easily trapping you and pulling you into the frigid waters. The salty sea stung your eyes as it whipped around you. Then, just as you were about to blackout, you were pulled to the surface again, gasping for breath. 
   You pushed against what you assumed was a rock sticking out of the water because of the sting against your back. Your arms were pinned down as your attacker shifted himself so your legs were under them. They were cold and wet; slimy. As your eyes gradually focused, you saw fully who this thing was. 
   Glaring down at you was some kind of half-man, half orca or shark mix. Their arms up until the elbow were black, then faded to a light flesh tone. You couldn’t quite see the rest of their body, but you imagined the rest was similar. Light skin transitioning to a pitch black. Bright blue eyes started you down, full of rage and confusion. 
   “What are you doing here?” A low, rumbling voice boomed from them. You struggle to speak, unable to think straight with this whatever it was on top of you. Their eyes narrow at you, threatening you without words. You continue to stutter and attempt to free yourself from their grip which only tightens, claws digging into your skin. They snarl, face getting closer to yours. “What are you doing here.”
   “Ah! I’m just- nnf- I didn’t do anything wrong!” You gritted, tears forming at the corner of your eyes. “I was just trying to relax, I didn’t mean to do anything wrong.” Their lips pulled back, baring their teeth slightly. It was at this point that you noticed that they were... well. Hot. They were hot. “Who are you?”
   They glared at you, deciding whether or not to answer and you felt yourself shrink under their gaze. After a few seconds, they finally did. “My name is Jotaro and you are in my territory.”
   “I didn’t mean to, I swear!” They snarled again. You could feel your heart race. They leaned into your neck, sniffing. You gasped, trying not to move, hoping you wouldn’t upset them more, but the closer they got to your neck, the more (regretfully) aroused you got. You moved your head away, stretching out your neck, shamefully trying to entice them. Meekly, you said: “I didn’t know.”
   They rolled their eyes, tail swishing in frustration. You could feel them moving against you, which only made your situation worse. You moaned quietly at the slight movement on your groin. They stopped, staring at you; perplexed. Embarrassed, you screwed your eyes shut, praying they wouldn’t notice the blush on your face. They moved again, deliberately this time, deeper and more fluid making you bite your lip to stifle another moan.
   Jotaro leaned in, raking their teeth along your sensitive neck taking in how you shivered. You were ashamed, but it’s hard not to react like this when there’s a really hot, strong, slightly intimidating merman on top of you. They released one of your arms, placing it by your shoulder to get more leverage as well as loosening their grip on the other. Their lips came dangerously close to you, breath kissing your skin, then they sat back again. 
   “You have two choices. I rip open your guts and feed you to the sharks, or-” they lean in, lips brushing against your jawline teasingly, “-satisfy me enough and I’ll let you get out of here alive.”
   “I’m not repeating myself. Now, hurry up before I make the decision for you.” You gulped. I mean... it’s not like he’s giving you very many options... you shyly nodded your head. “Say it.”
   “I’ll uh... satisfy you...” your voice trailed off into a question, not sure if that was the right word.
   “I’ll be the judge of that.” They pushed themselves back, looking up and down your body, probably to see if you were built to satisfy them. “You’re lucky I haven’t found a female yet, otherwise there would be two to worry about. The others of my kind aren’t so forgiving.”
   Okay, so they were a he. Good to know. That meant he had the... parts for everything to work, right? Or, at least most of the parts. He makes eye contact one more time before getting to work. Jotaro rips your bottoms off, slightly scratching your thighs, a low, rumbling sound coming from his chest. What little fabric is left is tossed aside and he holds open your legs, inspecting you.
   You stare at him a little dazed. This can’t be happening, right? He drags his teeth along the inside of your thigh while glaring at you from the corner of his eye, the shivers down your spine prove that this is very much real. When he gets close to your sex, it’s very apparent how aroused you were. He can smell it so strongly. A clawed finger cuts open your underwear leaving you completely open to his stare.
   He quizzically pokes at it, pushing your folds apart. Gently, he takes his thumb and rubs your entrance, eyes flicking up to you as you squirm, moaning quietly. His brows furrow together, testing you further by swiping up to your clit, pressing into it then circling. You moan louder this time, bucking your hips up into his finger.
   He quickly gets sick of your squirming, pulling his fingers away and bringing them to his lips, tongue slipping out for a taste. Jotaro stopped, sitting completely still. You shook, hoping he wasn’t offended. He looked at you with a new fire making you gulp down a breath. He slams one arm down across your hips, pinning you down while he brings his face closer to your cunt, licking along your entrance. Your hands fall into his hair, back arching off of the rock as much as it could in your immobile state. He groans at the taste of you, needing more. 
   He leans into you, lapping up your juices vigorously. His lips then wrap around your clit, lightly sucking. Your body tries to move, buck up into him as you mewl, but his arm is too strong. His eyes flick up to you, watching your cheeks get more and more red as he picks up his pace. Suddenly, he pulls back making you gasp. The two of you make eye contact before he crawls up to your face again, cool body rubbing against your unclothed lower half.
   Jotaro crashes his lips into yours. The kiss catches you off guard and you let out a small, muffled sound of shock, but soon melt into him. The taste of you mixed with the saltiness of the sea had your eyes rolling back into your head. Again, just as you were starting to enjoy yourself, he pulls back, moving onto another area of your body. This time it was your breasts.
   He tore a large hole in your top and bra, wide hands roaming over your now exposed chest, pinching where ever he saw necessary. Immediately, he drags his tongue along your soft flesh, flicking over your pert nipple. You gasp and groan, grinding up into him as much as you could under his weight. He pulls away sharply, baring his teeth as he growls at you.
   “Stay still,” he warns, pinching one of your nipples harder than he probably should have. You arch up into his touch, crying out in a mix of pain and pleasure. He twists. Hard. Your hands come to meet his, trying to pry him off, pain now taking the forefront of your feelings. Obediently, he pulls off, leaning into your face, voice low and dangerous. “Stop moving.”
   You meekly nod your head, still holding onto his hand which he then brings up to your face, wrapping your hair around a clawed finger. A sweet, kind change from the aggressiveness before. Jotaro’s eyes wander over your face, taking in your soft features. Once again, he kisses you, gently this time before shifting so he could focus back on your vag with his other hand. 
   His fingers spread your lower lips open again, middle finger pressing into your entrance. He’s careful, doing his best not to scratch you with his sharp nails. He moves his finger up and down before finally pressing into your warmth. You both gasp as your head tosses back. He starts with a slow pace, gently massaging your walls, coaxing more of your juices to seep out of you, squelching whenever he moves back in.
   Gradually he picks up the pace, testing your limits as well as listening to the sweet sounds that fall from you. He adds a second finger when he thinks you're ready, then three, stretching you open. You were so close, holding onto his hand still, pulling him closer to you as you reached your peak. Unfortunately, you never got there. He pulls his fingers out, licking off any traces of you from his fingers before moving so he was exposed to you.
   Jotaro takes your hand, bringing it to a slit below his waist. Your fingers trace over it lightly next to his, taking into account how he shudders. He leads your fingers, pressing into the top of the slit. Slowly, you watch it grow wide, a small pink nub starting to protrude from it. The more you tease his slit the bigger the nub grows into two full, smooth, tapered cocks. Tentacles? You weren’t quite sure, but they looked... exciting if a little intimidating. 
   You let go of his hand, opting to hold one of his cocks instead. They were slick and warm with a pleasant weight to them. The one you were holding curled around your hand slightly, covering your hand in moisture. You start jerking it with slow, shallow pumps, noticing how his eyes close shut and the slight buck of his hips. You pick up the pace, enjoying how the tip starts drooling what you assume it pre onto your hand. 
   Quickly, your hand is pulled away and he moves to align himself with your entrance. Slowly, he slides into you, groaning as he gets deeper. At first, it was okay, but the more that entered, the more full you felt, his tapered tip reaching into every crevice inside you. His other tenta-dick rested between your cheeks, teasing your back door, but never entering. He growls, picking up the pace slowly so you got used to the new intrusion.
   The feeling was driving you mad, whatever warm liquid was seeping out of him added to the pleasure, gradually building up to a tingly feeling that made you babble like an idiot. Jotaro places one of his arms above your head, pressing into you more while the other hand reaches up to your breast, teasing your nipple again. Instantly, you wrap yourself around him, pulling him closer as he gyrates into what feels like your soul. You cry out his name over and over, head tossing back in ecstasy.
   His breath tickles your ear as the two of you chase your release. He groans into your ear, lips trailing down your neck to your shoulder where he kisses you gently before sinking his sharp teeth into you. You scream as pain and pleasure mix together again. He speeds up, the lip of his slit stimulating your clit more and more. 
   “Ah, ah ~aah! I’m cl-hnn. I’m so close!” He laps up the blood from your shoulder, taking your words to heart, somehow getting deeper into you. A few powerful thrusts into you sent you hurtling over the edge, eyes rolling back while your vision when white and you fell limp in his arms.
   Jotaro soon followed you, the feel of your tightness around him made him plunge deep into you, spilling as much of his seed as possible. A vision of you growing round with his pup dances across his eyelids. He looks down at your face, flushed and relaxed. You were more than satisfying to him. He would never allow anyone else touch you after this.
   The last thing you recall was a warm kiss placed on your temple before being swallowed by the cold water and then black...
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chysgoda · 3 years
Regarding the regulation of physical goods in Amarout
Rated M for meme
Emet Selch glanced up from his paperwork when his office door opened. Hythlodaeus stepped in and closed the door behind him without looking at Emet Selch. The architect blinked when he watched his chief cast a sound proofing spell on the door. This was not a promising start. Hythlodaeus dropped himself into a chair and all but threw a letter at Emet Selch. Flustered by the violence of the action he barely caught it before it hit him in the face.
“I thought you said that this was Igeyrohem’s department now.” Hythlodaeus hissed. Emet Selch sighed when he looked away from the letter and at his chief. Everything about Hythlodeaus’s posture made Emet Selch think of an arched back cat that had not decided if it was going to flee or strike. He looked back down to actually read the letter. Half way through he paused to take off his mask so that he could pinch the bridge of his nose properly.
“At the last Convocation meeting it was voted that the regulation for all physical goods, be it base material or finished product, would be regulated by the Bureau of the Architect as we already have processes in place that can be easily adapted.” Hades filled the last two words with as sarcasm as he could manage.
“And I’m just finding out about this now?!”
“If I hadn’t needed to immediately turn my attention to the fact that someone had let a known troublemaker take an untested masterwork into the wild after that known troublemaker had kidnapped Elidibus’s wife-“
Hythlodaeus held up a finger, “Point of order, Azem kidnapped Idunn AFTER getting Ifrita’s concept crystal, and kidnapped is hardly a fair word.”
Hades glared at his husband, “That does not help your case.”
The Architect opened a drawer in his desk and pulled out a thick file. He let it drop onto the desktop with a loud and dull thunk. He glanced over the letter that the chief of his bureau had thrown at him and then filed it under one of a dozen tabs. “We needs must suffer this until we can come up with a convincing argument to place before the Convocation that is not easily translated as ‘it’s your turn’.”
Hythlodaeus groaned and dropped his head into his hands.
Bob sighed as he made his agonizing and slow way through the queue at the Bureau of the Architect. He daydreamed about the day when representatives of Convocation members could skip the que for the most part and get on with their day.
Ahh, the halcyon days of last week.
“Another one Bob?” The voice on the other side of the counter asked in sympathetic exasperation.
Bob shook himself out of his daydream. “Unfortunately Sally, about the copper this time.”
“I have brought up adding the Convocation que back into procedures with the Chief.” Sally said as she took the stack of papers from him. “He’s on Emet-Selch’s side this time though.”
“At least Lahabrea isn’t sending these complaints over individually anymore. I wish they’d stop feuding over this.” He sighed and waited for his fellow paperwork shuffler to provide a statement of receipt. “Would you and Altalus like to join Sevanus and I for dinner tomorrow?”
“Sounds good!” Sally said brightly. Behind her, Bob could just see the stack of paperwork that Lahabrea’s complaints had been added to. For the sake of his sanity he didn’t ask if they all generated from the same source.
The red mask glared at the black mask. The lips underneath the black masked curled in a display of patently false innocence. The golden eyes visible behind the red mask narrowed, “Azem, just because you are my wife does not give you the right to jump the queue.”
Azem reached up and removed her black mask. Her ruby eyes danced with mischief. “Ahhhh, but these complaints come from another city state and those DO get to jump the queue.”
Emet Selch removed his mask so that it was Hades glaring at Lilith. “Lilith, really?”
“Just get on with it and censure him, Hades.” Lilith shrugged, giving no sign of any sympathy. “The Convocation is quick enough to censure me if I’ve ruffled their collective feathers, and it’s not like you don’t have ample documentation.”
Hades huffed annoyance and he opened his file drawer again. It was hard to get his hand around the folder now. He didn’t bother to look at the complaints Lilith had put on his desk and just put them on the top. He stared hard at the folder reminding himself that it was not becoming of Emet Selch to bash his head against it in the presence of another Convocation member, even if (especially if) that other Convocation member was his wife.
“What are you waiting for, an invitation?”
“You have clearly never had to deal with this man.” Hades looked up from the folder to glower at Lilith and felt just a bit guilty to find that her mischief had softened into sympathy.
“Rip the bandage off Hades,” Lilith leaned forward to rest the tips of her fingers on his hand. “You know that’s why they dropped this in your lap.”
Hades did not sulk or pout even if the renewed spark in the ruby eyes said otherwise. “You have the right of it, as usual.”
Lilith squeezed his hand. “Get Hythlodaeus to track the man down and summon him in. I am going to see if I can find out what Idunn and Bragi are being so secretive about.”
Hades gave her a wan smile before retrieving his hand to close the thick folder.
The complaints were artfully arranged on his desk, Lahabrea’s complaints getting their very own stack. And if they had been augmented with blank paper underneath each stack, well there wasn’t any harm in a bit of drama to drive a point home. Emet Selch glanced at the wall clock and then at Hythlodaeus. The Architect and the Chief of the Bureau of the Architect nodded to each other. The subject of their ire had been made to stand in the hallway and stew in his own juices for long enough. Hythlodaeus opened the double doors to the office and motioned the nuisance to the single seat in front of Emet Selch’s gigantic desk.
Emet Selch rested his elbows on his desk and steepled his fingers in front of his face. “Ea-Nasir, it is time we spoke about your license for selling naturally sourced raw materials.”
Hythlodaeus let the doors slam shut with a booming bang as punctuation to the sentence. He walked to his own office whistling happily.
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