piplupod · 7 months
head in my hands. i promise i am not a scary unhinged person fdsgjkl, and none of my silly happy posting is fake, i am just very good at repressing and partitioning things. i can be having the worst day of my life and still enjoy jokes and be genuinely having a good time with my silly little characters and stories i come up with. this brain LOVES to section off shit that is genuinely unbearable (because how else do you live with that? if not putting it in a place where you cannot feel it?) so that i can cope and find joy in life still fsdjkl i simply love having a good time too much to ever make it up
#pippen needs 2nd breakfast#i want to make friends and be a pleasant person to be around so badly but fhdsjkl then . this household hurts me as it is wont to do#and i have a small breakdown here bc it all feels so awful and i feel like if i keep it locked inside and hidden i will actually CrackTM#and then i feel like that is . well. understandably! a lot! for other ppl to see#and it is very upsetting and scary and awful to read. i know. im so well aware fjdskl#but also augh. augh augh augh. i try very hard to not post abt things as much as i humanly can avoid doing so#but i am very silly and fuck up my own rules for myself when i have a particularly bad experience w mother o' mine#i am worried that if i say anything to the effect of ''life is terrible and i am straight up not having a good time''#then it makes all my other posting look disingenuous or smth. i am literally just posting what is on my brain currently when i post stuff#and oftentimes my brain is like... a silly little swirl-patterned rubber bouncy ball with a happy face on it HDSGJKL#that is like... a lot of my whole deal as a part of the brain fsdfjkl#even with all the grief and upset i can still have a good time bc we stay silly !!!! by god we stay silly through it all !!!#i will shrug my shoulders and say ''ah well what can ya do!'' after getting screamed at or told i'm a disappointment to the family lmfao#because honestly... what can you do dsfkl it is what it is and theres rly nothing i can do about this all#anyways i am talking toooooo much sorry fdsjgkl once again i will delete all this later so i dont upset ppl too much dsjkl augh augh sorry
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cloudcountry · 1 year
SUMMARY: The Octatrio takes you to the ocean, where you explore a shipwreck with them!!
WARNINGS: Jade & Floyd being slightly threatening? They imply that they'll drown you lol sillies.
COMMENTS: i had this in the works for like a week and i really like how it turned out!! (i'm especially fond of the floyd parts hehe) THERES ALSO SOME DEUCE CONTENT BC I COULDNT HELP MYSELF but thats only in the beginning wahhwawah ANYWAYS i hope ygys like this one!!!!!!!! im excited to hear what you all think!!!!!!!!
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You slowly unfasten your arms from around Deuce’s waist as the blastcycle skids to a stop. Vehicles in Twisted Wonderland are still incredibly hard to get used to, even though you’ve been here for longer than you want to think about.
“Thanks for the ride.” you lean back, swinging your legs over the side with a smile, “I appreciate it.”
“Ah…no problem.” Deuce replies, eyes darting from the seemingly empty shoreline to you, “Just…if anything happens, call me. Okay?”
You sigh, touched by his concern. Lifting your hand, you extend your pinkie to him. He wraps his pinkie around yours, and when you whisper that you promise, he nods and lets you go.
“Thank you,” Deuce whispers.
It’s nice having people who want to protect you.
He drives off and you wave, even though his back is turned to you and it wouldn’t be safe for him to wave back. Once the roaring engine has faded completely, you turn your attention to the beach. There’s a set of wooden stairs leading down to the bay, and you take them down. The sand feels warm and inviting, and you kick your shoes off without a second thought. It’s odd, your three companions should be here by now, but you don’t question it too much. Those three do what they want when they want to, and there’s no telling what they decided to do today.
You spend a few minutes swiping at the sand, collecting a small pile of pretty shells. It’s a modest collection, nothing to write home about, but the childish act alone fills you with a glee you haven’t felt in quite a long time.
Perhaps Azul was right. A trip to the sea really might be all you need.
“Hello, angelfish.” a familiar voice croons from behind you.
You turn and barely manage to contain your surprise when you see Azul in casual shorts and a shirt. Although it’s plenty warm outside, the mental image you have of him always wears a suit. It’s a nice change.
“Hello, Azul.” you smile, and take the hand he extends to you.
A kiss that burns hotter than the sun is pressed to the back of your hand. Your arms fall back to your side far too soon.
“I do hope you’ll enjoy this little trip I’ve planned.” he muses, turning his attention to the water, “There’s a shipwreck a little ways from here that Floyd and Jade wanted to explore, you see. Bad things happen when I don’t indulge those two.”
Something tells you that you are also part of that indulgence.
“Where are they?” you ask, scanning the wide expanse of golden sand, “I didn’t see them when I arrived.”
“Ah…” Azul winces and shakes his head, pointing a single finger toward the water.
You turn just in time to see two pairs of glowing eyes peeking up from the water. They’re gone in an instant, and if it wasn’t for Azul’s uneasiness you would have thought you imagined it.
“They’re very sneaky, aren’t they?” you murmur.
Azul nods.
You shake your head, mimicking Azul’s earlier actions. Except you decide to take the route the three of them probably wouldn’t expect.
And so you start walking towards the water.
Azul sucks in air through his teeth and grabs your arm as if warning you not to go.
“It’ll be fine.” you turn back to him and pat his hand, offering him the most reassuring smile you can manage, “If Floyd gets a little too rambunctious and forgets that I can’t breathe underwater, I’ll have you to stop them.”
Azul hesitates but lets you go. He does follow you though, which is rather endearing.
It’s nice having people who want to protect you.
Once you reach the water, you start to sink into the sand. You keep walking until it’s reached your knees. There isn’t any sign of them, but you’re sure Floyd will ambush you sooner or later. You start moving again, eventually wading into the deeper part of the shoreline. Azul watches you apprehensively.
Something brushes your foot.
You can’t help but jerk, but the ticklish sensation makes you laugh.
Someone pinches your thigh, and you swat at them.
There’s a swarm of bubbles that surrounds you, and for a second you swear you can see a tail flick out of the water before a giant merman jumps out of the water and body slams you into the waves.
“Shrimpy!” Floyd cheers, squashing your faces together and splashing salt water everywhere.
“Hi, Floyd.” you giggle as he digs his webbed fingers into your sides.
“My my. No greeting for me?” Jade pouts, resting his chin on your other shoulder, “You’re so heartless, Pearl.”
“You didn’t even give me a chance!” you laugh, running your fingers through their hair, “Hello, Jade. I’m very happy to see the two of you.”
“Will you two be more gentle with them!?” Azul hollers, a sour look on his face, “They haven’t taken the potion yet, so you should be cautious!”
Floyd sinks into the water and blows annoyed bubbles. Jade just smiles serenely, making no move to leave your side. Azul groans loudly, exasperated.
“Azul, it’s okay.” you call, slowly making your way towards the shoreline with two mermen in tow, “If I didn’t want them here, I wouldn’t have come into the water.”
“Well, there you have it.” Jade smiles triumphantly, wrapping his tail around your leg, “The Little Pearl doesn’t mind one bit, do they Floyd?”
“Yeah, Jade. They don’t mind at all.” Floyd grins menacingly, wrapping his tail around your other leg.
“Guys, I need those.” you remind them gently, and they begrudgingly let you go.
It’s funny how they listen to you and not the man they call boss (who is still fuming on the shoreline.)
You clamber out of the water with the grace of a crab as Jade and Floyd continue to pinch at your legs. You’re only safe when Azul catches you in his arms, lips pursed and hair tousled from the wind.
“What’s this potion I’m supposed to take?” you ask, paying no mind to the splash of water that hits you in the shins.
“Ah. It’s a water breathing potion.” Azul hums, clearly proud of himself, “I brewed it myself, so rest assured, it will work. The potion allows you to breathe and see underwater with minimal difficulty. Your payment for the potion will be assisting us in collecting artifacts and such from the shipwreck I mentioned previously.”
You have a feeling that all that meant was your payment is spending time with us.
You suppose they are rather lonely, with their reputations and all. Azul especially, with that sensitive heart of his.
“Okay,” you say softly, following him as he leads you to a neat row of duffel bags. He leans down and unzips the one with a cute little octopus charm and produces a purple glass bottle. The cork is shaped like a clam shell, and you marvel at how pretty of a bottle it is for only a few seconds before you look at Azul.
The sea is dangerous, you remind yourself. But these three will protect you.
“Now, I will not be joining you.” Azul declares, taking out a book from the same duffel bag, “So you may go with Jade and Floyd.”
He plops down in the sand, opens the book, and ends the conversation.
You must have stood there for far too long because Azul looks up at you over the rim of his glasses as if you’re the one doing something weird.
“Come on Azul!” Floyd yells from the sea, “Shrimpy doesn’t care!”
“Indeed. And you were so excited about this trip, too. I can’t imagine why you wouldn’t want to come.” Jade sighs, shaking his head in disappointment, “There’s nothing to be done about it, I suppose. It looks like we’ll be getting the pretty little pearl all to ourselves, won’t we, Floyd?”
“Oooh, yeah!” Floyd beams, tongue flicking out between his sharp teeth, “All to ourselves, Jade.”
You see Azul’s eyebrow twitch.
Floyd groans, seemingly annoyed at Azul’s lack of reaction, and shifts his targeted jeers to you.
“Shrimpy! I can tell you why Azul doesn’t want to go!” Floyd yells, flailing his arms around, “He doesn’t want you to see his merform! He’s super squishy and slow!”
“Now, now. That’s rude, Floyd.” Jade chastises his brother, but his smile lets you know that he’s getting a kick out of this too.
“Well, that’s a good thing, right?” you turn back to look at Azul and kneel next to him, “I won’t be a fast swimmer either, Azul. Not as fast as Jade or Floyd. It’d be nice to hang back with someone.”
Azul says nothing.
You block out Floyd’s jeering and focus on him.
“Hey.” you whisper, “If you want to come along, you can. Don’t let me stop you. I promise I won’t judge how you look, hell I won’t even look at you if you don’t want me to. But I’d really like it if you came—”
“That is out of the question.” Azul says curtly, pushing his glasses up his nose.
You hesitate, debating if leaving him here would make him more comfortable.
Except you know Azul. And you know if he doesn’t join you three on this trip, he’ll regret it.
“Listen, Azul.” you murmur, keeping your tone gentle and firm, “I want to go with you. It won’t be the same without you. So if you want to come, you should. I don’t want to leave without you.”
Azul hesitates, and you know you’re getting through to him.
“So come on!” you place a hand on his shoulder and smile reassuringly, “It wouldn’t be fun without you. Who else is going to teach me about all the different coins you can find?”
“Gahh, fine!” Azul snaps his book shut and tucks it back into his duffel bag, hands shaking, “You run a hard bargain, my dear.”
You laugh, and your heart feels light. You lead Azul to the water and turn away as he prepares to transform. You hear a soft splash and you pop the cork off the pretty glass bottle. Tipping it back, the contents spill past your lips and down your throat. Not wanting to be messy, You place the cork back on and put the bottle on a nearby rock. A slimy hand reaches for you, and you turn to see Jade smiling up at you. Floyd is a little ways away, bouncing around in the water like he can’t wait for you to enter. 
Azul is nowhere to be seen, but that’s okay. You can only hope he’ll feel more comfortable as the trip goes on.
”Come on, Shrimpy!” Floyd yells, and that's all the encouragement you need to take Jade's hands and let him drag you into the water.
And he coaxes you into the smooth waves, just like a siren. His eyes certainly glow like he’s hypnotizing you, but you’re certain his beauty is enough to have the same effect.
Once your head is submerged, you open your eyes. Instead of the sharp pain you expect to feel from opening your eyes in the salty water, you’re able to see clearly. Jade’s still holding your hand as he drags you deeper, tail swishing as he darts around coral. You try your best to follow him as you cut through the water, and you know if it wasn’t for the care he puts into making sure you’re not getting scraped on the rough outcrops of coral, you surely would have been injured already.
Floyd swims down from up above and snatches you from his brother in the blink of an eye. You’re pressed into a slick, pale chest as Floyd bears his teeth playfully, swimming farther up.
“No fair, hogging Shrimpy all to yourself.” Floyd grumbles, clutching you against him like a prized catch.
“Now, now. No need to get aggressive.” Jade hums, swimming up to meet Floyd, “They were very much enjoying themselves with me, weren’t you?”
You’re saved from the growing conflict between the brothers by Azul, who pokes his head out from a small cavern in the coral.
“Our goal is to get to the shipwreck, not mess around.” Azul chastises him, and you marvel at the parts of him you can see (which just so happens to be his face and the upper part of his chest.)
He really is beautiful.
“Yes, boss.” Floyd smiles lazily, flicking his tail at him before swimming off with you in tow.
Jade smiles but says nothing as he follows after his brother, who decides to take a small detour. He spins you around a coral spire as if he’s dancing, holding your hands as you spin. His grin is toothy and wide, and his laughter rings clear even in the water, eyes shimmering as if reflecting the sun. He twirls you around like a dancer, and the water fans around you like a costume. It makes you feel like a performer, gorgeous and renowned, and you find yourself grateful for Floyd’s adventurous spirit.
“You see that, Shrimpy?” Floyd giggles, halting mid-dance to swim closer to the coral reef, “It’s you!”
You swim a bit closer, using Floyd’s hand as an anchor to keep yourself close to him. There’s a small shrimpy fluttering through the crevices, skittering across the coral-like an underwater insect.
“Do I really look like that to you?” you tease, shooting Floyd a doubtful look.
“Sure ya do! You’re tiny and you scitter around and you’d probably taste really yummy.” he teases.
He bites just beside your ear and you swat at him. Floyd laughs and swims circles around you, jabbing you with his hands and poking you with his tail. He’s more touchy than usual, you think, and it makes you want to hold him too.
The next time he circles you, you latch onto his tail. Floyd shrieks and flings his you through the water, shooting you towards the coral reef with his pure strength.
“Only shrimps this tall get to ride for free!” He holds his hand up just a few centimeters taller than you and sticks his tongue out.
“Only eels this tall get to receive hugs from shrimpies.” you say, holding your hand just a bit higher than him.
Floyd swims upward and bonks into your hand, looking very proud of himself. You hug him as he takes you the rest of the way to the shipwreck.
It’s a towering thing, made almost entirely of wood. There’s a gaping hole in one of the sides, and you assume that’s how it sank. Floyd giggles and you realize your mouth is gaping in shock. You slam it shut, embarrassed.
Jade and Azul are already examining items they found in the sand, Jade swishing around in the open water while Azul hides most of his body in another crevice. There’s a small treasure chest by Jade’s tail, full of coins and what looks like paper—?
You’ll have to ask them about that.
“It certainly took you long enough.” Jade chuckles.
Azul acknowledges you two with a curt nod as he sorts through coins that look older than Trein. He’s far too deep in his element to engage in pleasantries, you think.
“Floyd, I found some well preserved musical records.” Azul says mildly, handing Floyd a book that seems completely dry without sparing him a glance.
Floyd positively lights up and tears the book out of Azul’s hands, flipping through the pages that are indeed dry.
“Old merfolk spells.” Jade explains, smiling at your surprised expression, “We find paper books fascinating, you see. If the pages are protected by leather and metals they last underwater for quite a bit of time. We had to preserve them somehow.”
“That is fascinating.” you breathe, and Jade chuckles.
He grabs your hand and you turn to him questioningly. He gestures towards the large ship, towering over your little group. You gape at the structure again, and Jade laughs at your facial expression. The hole in the side of the ship looks just big enough for someone to enter it, and you find yourself wondering how it got there again.
Now that you think about it, the hole could have been made after the ship sank.
“Shall we?’ Jade murmurs, pressing a guiding hand to your lower back.
You let him lead you into the shipwreck, but he doesn’t allow you to enter until he’s checked the floor you’re on thoroughly.
“It’s all clear, my pearl.” he offers you his hand again, and you take it.
The second you’re inside, you break free from Jade’s grasp and swim around the room. There’s a collection of silverware in a rickety old cabinet. There’s an old chest that’s cracked open, and you can see scraps of paper peeking out from their age-old prison, suspended in the water. There’s an armchair with an intricately woven cushion, one of its armrests broken off.
Jade watches as you dart around the room, silently following you as you glance from item to item. You know he must think it’s amusing that you can be so enraptured by your own kind. He can’t blame you, though. Humans have always fascinated him, and you’re well aware he’s aware of you indulging him on many occasions.
Many people would be frightened if Jade Leech examined them so closely. You are not one of those people.
“Jade.” you whisper, swimming over to him with curiosity in your eyes, “Is this an old terrarium?”
Oh, you can tell that piques his interest. You point to a dark corner of the ship to a small table and a tiny, house-like structure. It’s made of some type of fibrous material, and two glass panes extend diagonally from the rectangular base. Jade swims over, gently taking the structure in his hands and peeking inside. His sharpened teeth glint in the slivers of sunlight as he beams, cradling the discovery as though it was worth more than all the gold Azul was sorting outside.
“Yes, it is.” he murmurs, voice soft as he coaxes you forward, “Humans didn’t care so much about how pretty terrariums were as long as they were functional. I’ve heard many merpeople talk about how boring these terrariums in particular are as a result of their lack of stained glass, but I can’t help but find this style charming.”
“Sometimes being functional is better.” you agree.
Jade gazes upon you with a softness he does not normally display. It makes your heart take a little tumble in your chest.
Jade opts to take the terrarium with him, and the two of you bounce ideas of what to put in the container back and forth. At one point you bring up taking some coral and sea floor rocks for decor, and Jade perks up like you’ve just reinvented the world of terrariums.
“I’ve been so fascinated by your world that I forgot about the beauties of mine.” he murmurs, lifting a silver knife to examine it, “Say, what do you think about using this knife as a plant marker?”
“You could carve the name of the plant in the handle.” you muse, and Jade nods with a wide smile.
“You have a fascinating mind.” he places a hand on your head, scratching gently at your scalp, “It makes me want to explore you, too.”
You feel your face grow warm in the chilly water.
With your suggestion in mind, Jade begins collecting the various plates and silverware he can find, debating how he can use each bit of his treasures. You watch him for a while as he darts around, storing the items you used every day in his terrarium as though it was a precious treasure chest.
“Isn’t there a story about how the mermaid princess believed that a fork was a comb?” you ask as he picks up a golden fork, “I think Floyd told me that one.”
“So he does pay attention.” Jade chuckles, turning his gaze to you, “Yes, indeed. She was so excited upon seeing one at the prince’s dinner table that she snatched it right up and began vigorously brushing her hair. As you can imagine, the prince was very confused.”
“That would have hurt her scalp pretty bad.” you murmur, furrowing your brow, “But she had the right idea, I suppose.”
Jade laughs, and you feel proud that you were the cause.
“Jaaaade!” Floyd pokes his head in and beams when he sees you, “Have you gone down to the bottom floor yet? Azul says there's a lot of fun stuff down there.”
“I haven’t.” Jade says mildly, “We’ve been having a grand time up here, you see. I daresay I got a bit distracted.”
Floyd sticks his tongue out and blows a raspberry, but with the unparalleled length of his tongue, it looks incredibly odd. You barely manage to stifle a laugh, and Floyd beams as though he’s just won a prize.
“C’mon, Shrimpy!” Floyd cackles, darting forward and snatching you up into his arms, “Let’s go explore!”
You’re surprised when Jade follows the two of you down to the deeper levels of the shipwreck. You expected him to continue perusing the selection of silverware, but instead he clutches his terrarium in his arms and swims after you and his brothers. Floyd’s chattering away about how you aren’t going to believe what’s on the lower deck and how it’d shock your poor shrimpy heart to death if you were alone. He giggles and wraps himself around you, covering your eyes as he leads you into an open space.
“Look, Shrimpy.” Floyd murmurs right next to your ear, peeling his hands away from your face, “Look at all those weapons.”
Floyd’s not wrong, this would be a rather creepy sight if you were alone. There are two long rows of cannons, each one covered in seaweed and coated in a strange green film. The seaweed reaches out for you in the water, almost as if they’re composed of dead souls that yearn for vengeance. Jade swims out into the room and swats away the seaweed as it clings to his tail. Floyd leads you after his brother and giggles when you shy away from the plant, hating the way it feels against your skin.
“Shying away from a little seaweed, Shrimpy?” Floyd hisses, playfully swatting at the tendrils that reach out to you, “Don’t worry about it. You’ll be fine.”
You’re relieved when you reach the end of the hallway.
Jade carefully examines a wad of mud that bulges from the opening of a nearby cannon, sediments peeking out from the sludge. Floyd busies himself with darting up and down the aisle, laughing and flipping around in the water. You let him drag him with you, and slowly get used to the texture of the rough seaweed clinging to your legs. Floyd twirls you dramatically and dips you, proclaiming loudly that dancers always do this in those silly little human movies, taking the opportunity to snap at your ear again.
He seems amused when you still don’t flinch.
“Floyd, don’t tease them.” Jade calls, a devious grin on his face, “We wouldn’t want them getting cold feet now.”
“I dunno, Jade. I think their feet are already pretty cold.” Floyd giggles, poking the bottom of your foot with the edge of his tail, “Cold as ice.”
Your toes flex at the ticklish sensations. They certainly do like finding all your weak spots, don’t they?
“We should warm them up, don’t you think?” Jade quips, tilting his head innocently.
“Maybe we shouuuuuld.” Floyd hisses, running his claws down the length of your arm.
They must see how your face twitches because they laugh and close in on you. What teases they are, whispering things to you like that. Just when it seems like they’re going to give you one of their famous squeezes, they stop.
“C’mon, Shrimpy. Let’s get you back up to the surface.” Floyd snatches up your wrist and yanks you so hard you’re certain he almost popped your arm from its socket.
Jade grabs your other hand, much more gently, and curls his fingers through the gaps in yours. You let them pull you upwards, powerful tails cutting through the water and they propel you up and out of the structure. Azul is nowhere to be found, and you must look confused at his absence because Jade squeezes your hand. You turn to him and he offers you a calm smile.
“Don’t worry, Azul is back on land. He’s had his fill of being seen for today.”
He doesn’t want you to see him in that form more than you already have.
“That’s okay.” you murmur, “He’s done more than enough already. I’m proud of him.”
“I’m certain he’ll appreciate the understanding.” Jade smiles his closed-eyed smile and nods.
The trip back is full of the same coral reefs, the same tails twining between your legs and curling around your waist, the same laughter from Floyd and quips from Jade. There’s a bittersweet feeling that wells up in your chest as you reach the shoreline again, knowing you likely won’t be back here for quite a while. Despite the rumors that the students of NRC spun about the Leech brothers, they weren’t nearly as dastardly as they usually were. You wonder if it has something to do with the joy of exploring a ship, of being in their element, of being able to talk about things they like.
“If you two want to talk about the things you like, I’d be happy to listen.” you say.
The Leech brothers share a look, one that seems as though they’re communicating without words. They turn back to you and smile, Jade’s grin is far less toothy than Floyd’s but just as happy.
“Keep talking like that and we’ll have to drag you down into the depths and keep you to ourselves.” Jade murmurs, eyes flashing, “Won’t we, Floyd?”
“Ohhh, yeah.” Floyd giggles, “Jade’s right. Who knows what’ll happen, hmm?”
You laugh and shake your head, to which Jade chuckles.
Your head bursts from the water and you stumble onto the warm sand, where you see Azul sitting in front of three treasure chests. His brow is furrowed as he hunches over the coins, sorting them by year. You decide to sit beside him as the Leech brothers continue to swim. At some point, you hear Floyd slam his entire body into the water, and shriek as Jade slams into the water and pushes an even bigger wave back at him.
“Did you have fun today?” you whisper to Azul.
“I did, yes. I haven’t gotten the chance to explore a shipwreck since enrolling in NRC.” he pushes his glasses up his nose, and they make a soft clicking noise, “I found many more coins for my collection. I’m pleased.”
“I’m glad.” you say, and you don’t say anything else because there’s no need.
You do, however, find yourself splashing back into the water when Floyd calls your name a little while later.
You’re glad you came.
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im-sleepdeprived · 5 months
Crazier • Pt. 1
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pairing: mcu!peter parker x reader
a/n: this is a series ! prob 3 parts im thinking (i think im back AH), editing took me 10000 years actually so if there's something wrong PLEASE don't tell me !!! :D
warnings: umm just me not knowing anything about star wars, girls support girls<3, mentions of breakup, honestly theres nothing wrong but i think i said 'shit' like twice if you give a shit lmfao
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"There's no way you actually think 'Return Of The Jedi' is better than 'The Empire Strikes Back'. Like, come on dude, it's so obvious which is better," Ned exclaimed, obviously feeling very strongly about the little debate he had currently going on with Peter. 
However, Peter couldn't have been more nonchalant. "Listen, man, I love debating with you but I know where I stand and this is where I draw the line," he shrugged.
Ned opened his mouth, no doubt to argue some more with his best friend, when his gaze shifted to you, "Hey man, maybe we should talk about something Y/N can enjoy too."
That made your head snap up from where you were just toying with the food on your tray. "Don't worry about me guys," you forced a smile, "Honestly, I love watching Ned beat you into a pulp about movies," you looked at Peter. 
Peter put on his 'sad-puppy-dog-face', "Ouch babe. You're supposed to side with me here, I'm your boyfriend after all." 
"Well, I would've sided with you if you hadn't bailed on me when we were supposed to watch the movies together the other night. If you'd been there then I would've been able to contribute to this conversation and agree with who I genuinely thought was right, which at this moment, I believe, is Ned." 
Ned grinned at you from across the table and you two high-fived while Peter just pouted some more, "I'm sorry sweetheart, I really am but y'know I had the internship."
You rolled your eyes, "Of course, I know that. At this point the surprising thing is whenever you don't have that internship," you looked at Ned, "Dude, do you know how many dates and hangouts he's canceled on me? I feel like I should be able to sue at this point. Can you sue someone for wasting your time?"
Ned winced, "Pete, I love you man, but you need to start actually acting like her boyfriend otherwise you won't be her boyfriend for much longer."
Peter's eyes widened a bit but then his face quickly turned nonchalant, "It was just a few slip-ups, don't worry about it," he threw an arm around you and pulled you in, kissing the top of your head, "but you're right, we should talk about something we'd all enjoy."
Laughing, you said, "I told you guys, I enjoy hearing you debate because Ned is always-"
Peter threw a hand up, "Don't finish that sentence. I've had enough of you two fraternizing against me for the day."
You and Ned laughed some more, "Well honestly, you two can continue your...," you waved your hands, " 'old-couple-bickering' and I can scooch down a little and go hang out with M.J.."
Peter pulled you in closer at that, "No don't leave," he muttered in your hair. 
"Yeah," Ned started, "let's talk about something else like," he trailed off, "OH, you're managing the school play next week, right? That's gotta be interesting, tell us about that."
"It's really nothing 'Manager' is really just a fun name they stuck on me. Mrs. Lightbody does most of the work."
"Oh come on," Peter said, "when you first got the part, it was all you wanted to talk about. What happened?"
you happened, you thought. It's true, you had been too excited that you'd been chosen to be in charge of everything and you couldn't wait to rant to your boyfriend about just that. That was until he basically ignored you and shook it off as nothing, running away for the stark internship. You hadn't really wanted to talk about it with anybody after that. Maybe it wasn't as cool as you'd thought it was. 
You looked down and just shrugged, "Dunno, guess I just didn't think you guys would be interested in it. You've never really shown interest in theater before."
"Well, that was before my gorgeous girlfriend was in charge. Now, go on, tell us what it's like to get a bunch of theater kids on track."
You laughed, "God it's torture. I'm convinced it's some personalized hell made for someone's eternal punishment and I do not envy them."
Peter and Ned laughed along with you, Peter saying, "Yeah I bet. We all know how much you love your control."
You gasped, eyebrows furrowing, "Peter Parker are you saying I'm a control freak?"
He held up both of his hands in surrender, "No of course not babe," he traded a glance with Ned when you weren't looking. 
"Anyway," he propped an elbow on the table, rested his head on his palm, and made a motion with his other hand, "continue."
You looked at Ned, "Are you sure I'm not boring you," you asked, shoving your hand in Peter's face when he went to argue.
"Of course not Y/N! Wild, out-of-control theater kids is a favorite subject of mine," he grinned and you huffed a laugh. 
"Fine, it's not as easy as I thought'd it be I'll say that. There's always someone way out of line, either singing songs from musicals at the top of their lungs or fighting someone else with the props. One time a kid started climbing the curtain bags and it was disastrous."
You told them all the funny stories you had from the past rehearsals and how you couldn't wait for the upcoming ones. 
"Hey these sound fun how come I haven't been to one yet," Peter asked, referring to the rehearsals. 
You scoffed, "Please Parker, you can barely make it to a date. There's no way you're gonna make it to one of these."
Peter felt a wave of guilt rush over him. He'd been leaving you hanging a lot lately. 
"I'm sorry Y/N/N, really I am. But I want to come to one of these. I want to see you doing your thing. In fact, when's the next one I'll be there," he sounded so sure of himself but you weren't. 
"Um," you hesitated, not really sure if you should answer him, "They're every other day after school until opening night. But Peter, honestly, you don't have to come I know how busy your schedule is and you barely fit in things that you need to do, I seriously doubt you have the time to voluntarily do this," you told him, refusing to get your hopes up. 
"Hey," he leaned closer to you, "I know I haven't been the best boyfriend lately but I promise I'm going to be there for you today."
"Peter," you said quietly not being able to meet his eyes and that alone made his heartbreak, "Don't make promises you can't keep. That never ends well."
"Hey if I said I'll be there, then I'll be there. come on, gotta have a little more faith in me than that sweetheart," he smiled a little, letting it grow into a grin when he saw your lips tugging up at the corners of your mouth. 
"Promise," you asked. 
"Promise," he confirmed, leaning in for a sweet kiss. Maybe he could really be there for you this time instead of-
Something hit the side of your face making you both turn your heads towards your other friend. You looked down to find a bunch of rolled-up napkins lying on the floor. 
"Well as glad as I am that y'all got that settled, let us remember that this is a public space," Ned said making you both laugh. 
"So it's settled, meet you in the auditorium after last period right," Peter asked you, trying to make sure he had the times correct. 
"Oh," you replied, a little shocked that he was actually doing this, "Yeah, if you're showing up then I guess so."
peter laughed, "Y/N come on, what did we just have an entire conversation about? Of course, I'm showing up."
You nodded slowly then looked towards Ned, "I didn't hit my head anywhere just a minute ago, did I?" 
Ned just shrugged, "I'm just as surprised as you are Y/N. Peter needs to step up his game and I'm sure the internship can wait an evening. After all," he gave Peter a hard look before an amused expression took over his face, "After all, what is an internship if not just running around making copies of random things and memorizing dozens of different coffee orders."
"Hey man come on, we've been over this." he nodded his head towards you and widened his eyes slightly, but you didn't notice, too busy taking a sip from your chocolate milk, "This isn't just any internship. I have to be available at every moment in case Mr. Stark decides he needs me on something."
"Mhm, whatever," Ned took a bite of his sandwich, "All I'm saying is that no matter how important it is, you need to learn to divide up your time evenly."
"Don't worry Ned, I'll be sure to sign him up for some time management classes," you said seriously, making Ned choke on his food from laughter. 
Peter sighed, one arm still resting on the table, the palm of it holding his head. his other arm tucked away under the table, hand holding yours. 
you were feeling amazing, your mood completely lifted now. Peter was finally making the first step to fix things after your many failed attempts. Things could start going back to how they were at the beginning of your relationship. sweet, caring, and mutual. 
You were so sick of feeling like this whole thing was one-sided but now things finally looked like they were turning up. 
Little did you know. 
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When the day finally ended you couldn't wait. Spending time with Peter while hanging out with your new friends (somewhat, you weren't really sure but you were optimistic) seemed like it be such a good time. Almost too good to be true. 
You rushed towards your locker and gathered your stuff before shooting Peter a text that you'll just meet him in the auditorium. 
You arrived there before anyone else, which was typical, everyone would be wandering the halls with their friends for a while before making their way here. The cast and crew might mess around a bit but in the end, they were extremely passionate about what they did and you knew that in the end, the show would be amazing. They were all incredibly talented. 
little by little everyone started filing in in little groups. You searched them all for Peter but he was never a part of them. Oh well, he was probably caught up with Ned and MJ at the moment. He'll be here in a bit. 
When the majority of people were present you, reluctantly, decided you had to get things started whether Peter was here yet or not. Everyone had to start getting to work and he should be here any minute now. 
"Ok everyone, you've been wandering around long enough. Time to get started," you clapped your hands together, a clipboard held under your arm, "Noah, Jack, and Lacy we've got to start making progress on the set and I don't want paint everywhere we've had one paint fight too many," you narrowed your eyes at Noah and Jack who looked down sheepishly. It had been a mess. It'd looked as if a pride parade had thrown up all over the stage. 
"This background is our last chance and if you mess it up again we'll probably have to cancel and if that happens, I will not hesitate to unleash Lexi on you," you gestured towards the girl who glared at them and you could've sworn you saw them pale which made smile a small smile. 
You pulled out your clipboard to skim through and see what was on the agenda. "Where's our light-man," you asked and looked up. Everyone shrugged looking around until a girl, Martha, spoke, "Lenny had a teacher meeting, he's running a bit late but he'll be here."
You nodded, "Martha that reminds me, how's your mom doing with the costumes? does she have everything she needs?" 
Martha nodded quickly, "Measurements and everything. All of them should be ready a few days before the big day and she'll be here that night for any mending that might be needed." She shot you two big thumbs up. 
"Good, good, good," you muttered under your breath. You looked around at everyone and shrugged lightly, "OK so I guess everyone just rehearse your lines, get to work and we should be good for the next couple of hours."
Chatter quickly spread across the large room as everyone got together working and talking. You sat down on a seat and let out a long sigh. You tugged your phone out of your pocket and looked for a new message from Peter. There was nothing. You sent two more and added a call for good measure. He didn't pick up, it just rang all the way through. Maybe he got caught up with a teacher. Or maybe he got detention and didn't get a chance to tell you. 
You had more important things to get to and Peter would get here whenever he got the chance. He'd promised after all. So you shouldn't worry about it too much. 
You started making rounds around all the groups of working teenagers, stopping when you saw Lexi waving you over to her little group which mostly consisted of the main cast. 
You walked over to them, "And how's everything going over here? Any trouble?" They all shook their heads. 
"Actually, I think we're getting along rather well, it's a great cast you've rounded up here miss Y/L/N," Mrs. Lightbody said, making you feel extremely proud. 
"I actually wanted to talk to you," Lexi said kindly. 
"Oh? What's up, Lex." She grabbed your hand and led you a little farther away from the group, turning and shooting them a quick reassuring smile. 
Lexi was the star of the whole play, playing the main character, so you'd worked with her closely these past few weeks. She helped you with even the slightest things so you wouldn't get too stressed or anxious (she claimed you were the only sane person in the whole group and it needed to stay that way). She was undoubtedly the most excited person about the whole play and you couldn't blame her, you could already tell from just practice that she was going to do amazing. She was on the popular side where school cliques were involved, but she was always such a sweetheart. She quickly became a great friend of yours and you hoped it stayed that way even after the play and all these fun little get-togethers were over. 
"Hey, Y/N I noticed you seemed a little off before. I'm sorry if I'm out of line saying this but I just wanted to check in on you and make sure everything was okay. Anything going on? I'm always here to listen if you need to talk," she smiled one of her heartwarming smiles. 
You were a little shocked that she'd noticed, "Thanks Lex, really, but I'm fine I promise. but thank you so much for looking out for me."
she had a look on her face like she didn't believe you but she didn't push it, which you appreciated, "ok well if you decide you want to talk about I'm always around I promise," she grabbed you into a hug which you gladly accepted. she pulled away and squeezed your shoulder before heading back to the group. 
You loved her but really there was nothing wrong. Because Peter was gonna show up. Even if he hadn't answered you yet. He's gonna show up, follow you like a lost puppy, and marvel at your every move in that way of his to the point where it got annoying, and you were gonna make him swear to never come to one of these again. To which he would pout and give you puppy-dog eyes and you'd both forget whatever it was you'd said. 
He had to come. otherwise, you might seriously start considering Ned's words from earlier. or you won't be her boyfriend for much longer. 
Peter had to show up because maybe your whole relationship was on the line. 
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An hour of a bunch of nonsense arguing passed until you finally heard the press of the large auditorium doors opening up. 
Your heart flew when you saw the large mess of brunette curls turned to close the doors. however, your hope quickly deflated as soon as the figure turned around. it was just Lenny the light-man. 
"Lenny, great. I need you to start working on the lights and getting them ready," you told him. He nodded and quickly made his way backstage. 
You were totally bummed. peter hadn't even replied to you so you had no clue what was going on. you'd even gone so far as to text Ned who'd just sent you a shrugging emoji and an apology for not knowing where he was. 
You felt a little broken, with each passing minute, your hope that your boyfriend might still show up dying down. 
You were desperate so you walked down to the side of the stage where Lexi was chatting with her 'co-star' Brad Davis, who played her love interest. 
You walked up to them, your hand lightly grabbing Lexi's shoulder which brought her attention to you, "Can I talk to you," you whispered. She nodded quickly. You looked towards Brad whose attention was already on you, "Is it alright if I just steal her for a moment," you sent him a fake smile. He smiled back, "No don't worry about it, she's all yours."
He looked like he was might say something else but you didn't give him the chance to before dragging your friend away from all the commotion, "I'm ready to talk now."
She looked at you knowingly before sitting down and patting the spot next to her. So you sat and you told her everything. You told her about all the missed dates, how sometimes he'd just ignore you completely making it impossible to reach him and come back and act like nothing happened, how it always seemed like he was hiding something, and how you were so tired. 
And she listened, of course, never making you feel like you were being overdramatic, and making you feel something that Peter always failed to. Seen. 
When you finally finished Lexi looked at you with total sympathy-eyes, you hated it but you sucked it up because you had chosen to talk to her. 
"Permission to speak freely?" she asked hesitantly. You nodded quickly, "Yes of course, please do that's why I came to you in the first place." 
"Dump his ass," she deadpanned. Your eyes widened in shock as you looked at her. "Really?" you asked. She nodded, "Y/N, I love you but it's obvious that this boy doesn't. Because if he did there's no way he'd test you like that, I mean, he's standing you up right now when he promised he'd be here. I say end it before it gets worse. But hey," she held up both hands, "If you think I'm out of line saying that I totally understand but I'm just telling you what I'd do if I was in your shoes."
"You think I should dump him," you mumbled looking down, not really believing it. You'd thought about it sure, what would happen if you two weren't together anymore but you'd never considered it an option, let alone a solution. 
"Thanks, Lex, I'll think about it," you gave her a tight smile and she smiled back. "I just hope you do whatever feels best for you Y/N, you've been looking down lately and you don't deserve that." She gave your hand a squeeze and one last smile before she went back to practice. 
You weren't seriously thinking about ending things with Peter, you were too scared to lose him. Your friendship was more important than any relationship ever could be. But the longer he went as a no-show the more it ran through your brain for the rest of rehearsal. Peter never texted or called. You were desperate for a simple "sorry" at this point, not wanting to have to settle for the worst option. But as time went on, the less it seemed like an option and more like a task. Something you had to do, that had to be done—something new to check off your clipboard. 
Rehearsal ended and people left in groups as they had come. You lingered, smiling and saying you had just a few things to check up on before you left whenever someone took regard for your incessant hovering. Soon enough you were the only person in the big empty room. 
You sat at the edge of the stage, legs dangling, and pulled out your phone from your pocket. You sent one last text, we need to talk. 
After about ten minutes of waiting there, you decided it was getting late and you had to get home before it was too dark. maybe you could convince your parents to let you head over to Peter's after dinner and you could get over with it then. your mind was made up. you were gonna break up with him. 
You gathered your things and made your way up to the big double doors. The hallways were quiet and you were hyperaware of every step of yours. It was weird to see the school so dead, a big contrast to the usual packed hallways. The more you thought about it the more it was like you could almost hear the running footsteps of students. No scratch that, student. Okay at this point it started sounding too real.
You turned around to catch your boyfriend speeding down the hallway, skidding to a stop when you saw you. 
"Oh my god Y/N, I'm so sorry I totally lost track of time. I was just helping May out with a few things and next thing I know-" 
You held up a hand to stop him, "Save it Peter I really don't care." 
His face fell, "But, hey, let me make it up to you! Let's go get some ice cream or something. You can tell me what rehearsal was like today and I'll walk you home after. It's getting dark."
You crossed your arms. you almost wanted to agree but you knew better than that, this whole thing was getting way too much for you to handle. 
"Peter I'm done," you told him simply. he looked at you a little confused, "done...done with what?"
"This," you almost screamed as you pointed at the two of you, "I'm done with this, this whole act because, let's face it, we both know you weren't helping May with shit." you were surprised you had gotten this far without crying and you wanted to keep it that way so you sucked in a breath and tried to steady your heartbeat. 
The guilty look in his eyes told you enough. you were right. he moved the slightest step closer but you moved back, you really didn't feel like touching him at the moment. "come on sweetheart," he said weakly, "there's gotta be something I can do. I promise I'll show up on time more, you'll never have to wait for me again. I'll be around you so much you'll get sick of me. just please don't do this."
"That's the thing, Peter," you groaned, "I don't want to be sick of you but I'm sick of the way you keep treating me. you make me feel like shit Peter. you're my boyfriend and you make me feel terrible. and I keep trying to help you out, coming up with different excuses each time but I've finally run out. I want a stable relationship and you can't give me that so I'm done." 
His eyes were red now and you had to push back the guilt you were feeling, he brought this upon himself. it's true, you wouldn't have done this unless it was absolutely necessary. you loved him but you just couldn't handle it anymore. 
"I can," his voice broke slightly on that last word, "I can give you that y/n just give me another chance to show you." 
You huffed, "Well Peter, part of a stable relationship is honesty. can you be honest and tell me where you were today? 'Cause it's been established that you weren't with May."
He froze a little and you continued, "In fact, why don't you tell me where you were when you missed all those dates, all those couple hangouts, and all those group hangouts? When you missed my parents' anniversary dinner that they invited you to, or my little brother's birthday party that he was really excited you'd be there for. Go ahead Pete," you flung out your arms, "tell me where you were and I'll believe you can give me a stable relationship."
He looked physically conflicted, as if he was genuinely having an inner battle with himself, "I- I can't y/n/n, but you have to believe me when I say it's for the best."
"And I can't Peter. I can't so just forget this," you cleared your throat, "Come back when you can actually handle a relationship Parker, or you know what, don't because either way, I'm through with this."
You turned to walk away. his hand reached out to grab your wrist but you dodged it and held your hand up, "I don't think we should talk anymore," you kept walking and he didn't follow. You didn't want him to. But in all honesty, it was hard to turn your back when the person you were leaving was always the one you ran to when your heart shattered as it did right then. 
the cold air hit you hard and the tears finally came, slightly smudging the concealer under your eyes but you couldn't care less at the moment. 
It was true what he'd said, it was dark already and windy so you tried to be alert on your way home, deciding you could process all your emotions when you're home safe. 
You were walking for a bit, wiping your tears and trying to keep your vision clear when you heard a slight thud next to you and footsteps matching up to catch yours. "Hello Miss, it's pretty dark, can I walk you home?"
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part 2 is here !!
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ashton-sano · 1 month
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Blue Lock Characters in: Being Jealous
(Characters Inclu.: Yoichi Isagi, Meguru Bachira, Seishiro Nagi, Reo Mikage, Chigiri Hyoma)
Trying to get into the habit of posting more often, so have these headcanons. A Bit short but I hope you enjoy
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Yoichi Isagi
-Somehow the worst one on this list
-He's likely to give the nastiest glare to whoever you're wasting your time with (of course when you arent looking)
-Post Blue lock Isagi is kinda the same, Just a lot less subtle. curses and maybe a fight or two if its Kaiser. 
"That blonde asshole has no place talking to you, you're mine.."
-Don't be alarmed, he's unlikely to take his jealously out on you
-Unless you're teasing him on purpose, then he might get a bit agitated with you
- "My dear, I'm not too fond of how you let him touch you just then, please stop that."
-He's a two way street, either a sweetheart who tries to dodge around it or a straight maniac who will plot murdering whoever it is.
    -Nothing to mistake, he isnt brainless, so theres always a chance he wont care
-He's mostly secure in your relationship with him but could use reassurance in times like that
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Meguru Bachira 
-Relatively tame for the most part
-If anything, he may get clingier
-He honestly doesnt even acknowledge the person youre talking to at first, he's too invested in you
"Oh, Baby! You busy today? I wanted to try this- hm? Oh, you're talking to someone...? Anyway, its this cool bakery I saw, we should try it!"
-If you aren't giving him your attention, that's when he'd get pouty
-He's a child at heart, naturally he's gonna get upset if you aren't paying him mind, no matter the reason
"Babyyyyyyy, gimme attention...! I dont care who youre talking to, love me!"
-Its cute so you usually give him his way and stop what youre doing
     --> Little do you know, he does it on purpose because it always works
-Definitely a michevious little bumblebee
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Seishiro Nagi 
-Another rather tame one
-Hard to tell if he even cares with how lazy and laid back he is 
-It usually never bothers him since he does trust you 
"Hm? Your friend asked to hang out today? Sounds cool.." 
-Like Bachira, he only cares when it cuts into your time with him, now its something of note for him
-How could you leave your boyfriend for some lame hangout? Playing Video games with him is much more important
"You want me to get off..? No...Not until you promise you'll stay and hang out with me..."
-Please just stay, he might actually cry if you leave (he wont, but it always gets you because you believe him)
     ->A 6'2" babi, why wouldnt you want to give him what he wants?
- Eventually he makes you forget why you were trying to leave in the first place
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Reo Mikage
-Have you seen how he gets with Nagi? Safe to say he wont be very happy
-As mad as he'd be, I doubt he'll make sure you see that
-All smiles and grins when you look at him, what do you mean you swear you saw him scowl at the guy behind you? You're just seeing things love
"Dove, who's this? A..friend? Ah, well im sure we'll get along well, real well...."
-We all know how privledged he is, he would be appauled that you want time with anyone besides him, what could they give you that he cant?
-Granted, he wouldnt give it much thought at first but as you keep focus on this person, itll eat away at him more before he's pouting and begging for you to give him your undivided time
"C'mon Dove, how bout we go to that new cafe you were talking about, hm? No, im not trying to distract you, how could you say that..?"
(Thats definitely what hes doing)
-Eventually he'd bribe or sweet talk you into giving him what he wants 
    -"Dont ask about where that guy went, hes not important....Now lets go get some ice cream, yeah?"
-A tad creepy and overprotective but with all that money, who is to stop him?
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Chigiri Hyoma
 The most tame on this list, and by a rather large margin too
-This pretty boy knows you'll eventually give him your attention, nothing to worry about
-If anything, he encourages you to allocate your time doing what you want and speaking to who you wish
-That can change if the person is too touchy with you, however
"Pretty sure they asked you to take your hands off, keep them to yourself."
-He trusts you entirely, its the people you hang around that can overstep and agitate him 
-Hence why he's almost always hanging out with you, your friends are his friends right? What better way to show them that you're happily taken then to bring your sweet, beautiful redhead with you?
"Going out sweetheart? Mind if i tag along? I mean only if you don't mind."
-Truly a man who knows his worth, but it would help if you told your especially pushy friends to mind their manners when he's around 
    -A few of them have actually attempted moves on him once or twice
-We stan a Pretty King 👑 
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nibbelraz · 7 months
I thought about something the other day which I nearly wrote but I don't have the patience for- what if Mobei had a sudden epithany while snooping qinghua's house? cause obv hes gonna snoop. sqh is mad sus, and mobei has trust issues with his trust issues. but it suddenly occurs to him that the bed that he constantly steals from his little human is very much rather. luxurious. The mattress is thick and expensive, and sqh rotates and flips it frequently so it doesnt get lumpy. it has a topper(1)
(2) with cooling talismans all over it to make it a good temp for mobei any time he decides to sleep in it. the sheets are silk, soft, and light. they're in his colours. his shades. it's a huge bed- long enough for mobei to lay down fully stretched out and still have room. theres countless pillows made of whatever is best for mobei's hair. they're piled up and spread out in a decadance fit for royalty. its always clean. it always smells like him. hes never seen qinghua in it once.
(3) and surely, he must use it, right? it's still his bed, no matter how mobei frames it. But he knows what sqh smells like, and that scent has never been anywhere but in the fleeting touch of someone who changed the sheets. there's never been a lingering warmth from his humans body on the mattress. its the most luxurious, extravagant, expensive thing sqh owns. its not his. looking around the bedroom- is this his either? can he see anything that he might say with confidence is the cultivators?
(4) the answer is no. There's peak lord things in here, yes, but by the nature of being a spy, that's mobeis as well. So he looks- where does sqh sleep, if not a bed that (should? could?) be his own. The answer appears to be a cheap, small little daybed. It's uncomfortable. Mobei knows how big his human is, and this wouldn't fit him well. It's made well enough, but next to the actual bed in the room? It's a grade up from the floor. If Mobei laid on it he'd be off of it by his hips.
(5) honestly its not even good as a chair. It's uneven and kinda lumpy. There's a vague pillow- flat and showing signs of being folded often. A blanket that looks more like a repurposed curtain. It it bad so sqh doesn't lose it to mobei's wants? or worse, is it what he feels like he deserves? He already knew qinghua wasn't one to spend on himself but, he didn't think it was a possible fear of having it stolen from him. Does he have anything of his own worth having at all? Mobei doesn't know.
(6) anyway this obv leads into a comedy of errors where mobei is like. "qinghua. get into bed." and the man positively bluescreens because ??? literally how is he supposed to take that. and when he sorta makes a movement to just lay down on the day bed mobei is like. do you even fucking have any night clothes or do you just sleep like that. get night clothes. get into my bed. you're being cringe. my king with all respect due; crack? is it crack that you smoke? ))
Knowing them both it really would take Mobei an extremely long time to figure out that wait a minute, Qinghua doesn't sleep here at all?? Especially realizing the bed doesnt even smell like him, but the thought of him trying to fix that is so cute
I can also see him just picking Qinghua up throwing him into bed, Wrapping him up in furs and blankets and then tugging him to his chest
Yes he's comfortable now
Ah I love how Mobei shows his love by trying to take care of his scared sweaty human
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nixthisis · 1 month
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PAIRING: Caleb x Implied Fem! Reader (love and deepspace)- this part is pretty gn tbh but there's room for a part two that I would feel comfier writing with fem foundations! &. GENRE: established relationship, cheeky caleb with some suggestive at the end <3 &. WARNINGS: clothes manipulation? I lowkey messed around with the mind powers for fantasy idc, reader wears a skirt and is a little mean to him, pet names &. WORDCOUNT: 0.6k
nixnote; he's so gross im so in love with the him in my mind. :(( infold please don't ruin him i'll be very upset you don't know him like I do ( for legal reasons that is a joke ). I don't know the in's and out's of his power obviously nor do I really grasp telekinesis and what it can and can't entail but this was hot in my mind so I wrote it *shrug shoulders*
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"quit it. I'm not playing" you warn him, hands cupping the material of your skirt to the curve of your behind- eye's redirecting to glare at him in hopes that it will deminish the joy he gets from using his evol to mess with you. It does momentarily, just long enough for him to sling his hands up in defence as though they were the body part to blame, laughing as he does so.
You huff out a deep, irritated breath that is paired with an eye roll equal in emotion as the covering begins to slink up the span of your thighs for the umpteenth time in the hour, "seriously Caleb?"
He's still pretending to be on guard. Eyes cast downward in concentration and hands held firmly by his head, palms outward, which does nothing for the anger levels rising with-in you. It espescially doesn't aid you when he pulls the fat of his lower lip between his teeth as he blatantly ignores you to refocus himself and get back to work- successfully rolling your attire a few more inches into the dange zone.
"Caleb!"- nothing, not even a response when you yank the skirt back down as far as it can sit.
"Okay, that's it. I'm going home"
That seems to snap him back too reality (woah there goes gravity), whining as you forcefully push you way past his side to return to the route you had came from- "ah baby! don't be like that, we haven't even gone for dinner yet!"
"I'm aware, go yourself" it's harsh, probably more than you intended but he's been pushing it for hours now- in public, "come back home when you can control yourself"
He nods, tall frame shrinking in on himself as he let's you leave- only opening his mouth enough to mumble that you should text him when your home as always. Something you know you would have done regardless.
He returns in a way you've very much grown to expect from a Caleb who's been trod on ever so slightly, fingers clamped around a wonky boquet of miss matched flowers; colour scheme barely making sense.
"I um-" he starts, awkwardly parked at the foot of the bed, "I couldn't decided on just one bunch".
His sincerity washes over you with a pout that journeys to a delicate smile and you shimmy down the bed to hook your ankles behind his hips and pull him down on top of you- blooms falling from him as you do so. You take the time to spread your fingers through the hair at the base of his skull and tuck him face first into the skin of your neck; stretching ever so slightly to accommodate him, feeling his breath tickle before he even gets the chance to speak.
"Shush, just keep me company.." you pull slightly at the tufts in your hands, "... you've wound me up enough today"
Theres a snort of air that follows, lightening the weight of the statements thrown his way over the course of the day and you know it's better accepted when his chest shakes in tandem with your own- the breathiest 'yeah' meeting your ears during.
He lays with you for a while, unusually long for his typically busy self; hands and mind preferring to have a task to focus on in some form. and then you feel the slow circles as he begins to trace his way higher up the very same skirt, pausing to dig at the flesh with a singualr thumb.
"Caleb..." you sigh- eyes, voice and body grown heavy already and he's took to suckling at the perfumed skin at your throat, ignoring the tang in his mouth from your chosen scent.
"-m sorry pretty" he's low in his vocals, "just my hands this time? no mind games" he bargains, smirk pulling flush to your skin when you meet his wandering hands to guide them.
PLEASE CONSIDER INTERACTING IF YOU ENJOYED— likes, re-blogs, replies and asks are deeply appreciated by your writers!
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miowritings · 1 month
Maybe a fic of pjsk boys learning English with non-Japanese reader who’s good at it? (Feel free to ignore :D) have a nice day!
I-i-i love you!♡
Tsukasa tenma, rui kamishiro, akito shinonome, toya aoyagi x gn reader
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✮a/n: sorry for being offline all of the sudden, i was thinking of quitting tumblr since i dont open it much, plus busy with school, im not gonna quit<3 more like a hiatus, ik how much it hurts to see an idol quit and i dont want yall experiencing that🙏 im more online on my ig account (@/yumi.anami) so if you want to talk, im here :DD, TRANSLATED WORDS ARE DOWN THERE!!
✮sypnosis: you, teach the boys how to speak english fluently.
✮contains: corny, sappy, love🥺
✮taglists: @akitosheart @nogenderbee
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Tsukasa Tenma
-tsukasa decided that today was the day he decided to start using english! He already knew your first language wasn't Japanese, so he learns english with you, even if you speak japanese fluently
-while teaching him, he would have to ask for things in english only, yes he does know a bit of english but, its hard to communicate with such little words no?
-you introduce him to japanese and english dictionaries, flash cards, anything of the sort, even going as far as to make him listen to english songs!
-when asking for something like a ketchup or remote, he would have to say it in english
"Ah, y/n, could you please.. uh.. pass the... The.." he stutters, making some sort of movement in his hands, you know damn well he wanted that ketchup, so why not tease him? "Huh? The salt?" You ask, faking your obliviousness, tsukasa shook his head in frustration, then sighed in defeat. "The.. ケチャップ!!" He exclaims, you sigh, handing him the ketchup bottle. "Its ketchup kasa, but its okay, you got half the sentence right" you giggle.
-once he learned a bit more about the english language, he was getting the hang of it, except for his pronunciation..
-"ehem!" He clears his throat, then exhaled "i, live in a... A... Ru..ruru.." he stumbled, reading a post cards intently. "Rural, back from the top!" You stated, he groans but he knows that mistakes happen at first.
-"okay! I got this..! I, live in a ru... Rur..." He quits, groaning again, "y/n!! You picked the hard one didn't you..?!" He exclaimed dramatically, hugging you by the waist, you chuckle and carefully pushed him away. "Its a simple sentence.. i live in a rural areas ruu-raall" you exclaimed, making sure to emphasize rural "Dont push yourself okay? Theres still time.." you say, turning around to sit on the chair.
-tsukasa read the post card over and over and over until he was sure he's right! She walks up to you, reading the postcard. "I live in a... Ru...rural area! I live! In rural! Areas!!" He exclaimed in a much more louder than before, you got up and started cheering him.
-"hahaha!! Told you y/n! I dont need extra days to learn yknow?! Im like a champion!" He says playfully, you chuckle at his joke "y/n.! My dear, thank you for helping me.. ehem!" He clears his throat, making you face him "y/n! You are a.. beautiful person!" He exclaimed, making you bug eyed.
-"eh?! Since when did you know how to pronounce beautiful..?" You ask, still skeptical but impressed. "I practiced some words on my free time.. my friend said beautiful was both hard and simple.. it was challenging too.." he sighs "but i did it!!" "Yea, yea.. im proud kasa..but please dont yell in my ear.." you winced "oh.. sorry.." he chuckles.
Rui kamishiro
-rui already knew english, in fact he was good at it, so there was no need for teaching.. though he is a bit teasy with his english
-when you when you talk to him in japanese, sometimes he'll randomly speak english.
-"そしてこの犬はずっとボールに向かって吠えていた!私はただボールを取って犬に渡した" you ranted, you see rui have the mischievous grin on his face. "Oh..? At a ball? Thats very silly" he responds, in english, you sigh, knowing he would do something like this.. "really? Do you want me to speak in english or what?" You ask in english "日本人お願いします。" He stated, nodding intently.
-despite being good at english, sometimes rui has a hard time saying english words, sometimes he gets the pronounciation wrong.
-when he does get it wrong, he gets all peeved.. he knows that you'll tease him about it, but if it makes you happy, he'll laugh along.
Akito shinonome
-akito isnt that good at english, nor bad at it? Hes just there.
-ofcourse, you taught him proper english, he's still kind of pissed that he needs to study..
-"ugh.. cant i just speak to you in japanese..?" He groans, looking at the paper in his hand. "Didnt you ask me to teach you english? You cant back out now.. we went this far.." you plead to him, he sighs and reluctantly nods. "Fine.."
-even though he hates studying, he's very eager to learn, he wants to communicate well and to make you proud of him!
-akito takes alot of time when studying, so learning a new language would take wayy too long, but eventually he'll get there
-"Hmm.. say this?" You hand him a flashcard, which says "今日は天気が良さそうだと思いませんか?". "Oh..! Uh.." he clears his throat, analyzing the sentence "do..dont you.. think the.. weather looks nice today..?" He mutters, sounding unsure, his head tilting, looking at you to see your approval. "Hm.. its actually "dont you think the weather is great today?" But i'll let it pass, same meaning" you sigh.
-akito was very happy to know he translated it well.. sure it was a little.. different than the one on the flash card but it still works!
-once he knows english that much, its obvious he would tell his friends first, to flex and all.
-"Thats great shinonome-kun.!" Kohane chirped in, toya smiles proud in akito for actually studying.. an chuckles while exclaiming loudly "haha! Are you gonna speak english for the rest of your life?" She teases, smirking while waiting for a response. "Hello no.!" Akito groaned.
Toya aoyagi
-toya's already good when it comes to english speaking, hes not fluent, but its understandable.
-he would sometimes mispronounce words or get the meaning of the words mixed up, so he was glad to have you by his side.
-he would sometimes ask for you to tutor him english, the complex part of english learning.. he sometimes finds himself enjoying these study sessions..
-once he was good enough at english, he wanted to thank you so he wrote you something..
-it was a love letter, all in perfect english, he knew that it wasnt that big but he wanted you to know how youre teachings are important.
-"I know it isnt much.. but i just want you to know that our study time together paid off.." he mumbled, looking down, once he looked at you, he saw how happy, shocked and gentle you looked, he smiled at you and pulled you into a tight embrace
-"small..?! This is way too big...!!" You exclaimed, pulling hum close with a sigh.
!!Translated words!! (Translated by deepl!!)
"そしてこの犬はずっとボールに向かって吠えていた!私はただボールを取って犬に渡した" → "and this dog kept barking at the ball, so i simply took the vall and gave it to him.."
"日本人お願いします" → "japanese please.."
"今日は天気が良さそうだと思いませんか?" → "dont you thing the weather looks great today?"
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fortheloveofkonig · 3 months
Okay okay so i have a bit of a silly one. So i have autism and somtimes i will mimic somones accent without knowing it. Can you write a fic for Soap x Reader where he accidentally mimics soaps accent when talking.
N like he gets embarrassed and apologies sooooo much jffjfjjffjfjfjcjf and extra embarrassed because he likes the Scot 👀
Its 4am please excuse if theres any spelling errors
And i hope you have a good day!
Note: Ah, the dreaded draft which I never feel like is enough.
It's short but sweet, I may end up one day doing a part two just to add on to it. This was a cute idea as someone who also mimics accents.
I hope you enjoy it anon <3
(Oh, and the reader doesn't really apologise at all because personally, I feel weird making readers apologise for something he can't control <3)
Content: M! Reader (obv), Fluff, Reader is called Mockingbird (in a cute way)
Summary: Reader mimics Soap's accent, Soap has a hayday.
Mimicry (Soap x M! Reader)
You have been a part of the task force for a bit of time now. Enough time for the group to know that you had a tendency to mimic certain sounds that you heard but that was the length of your mimicry as far as they knew.
The group didn't seem to have issues with the sounds unless it came down to you being louder than you were supposed to be while in the field. It has become a part of their lives and they wouldn't have it any other way.
Soap was the person who started to call you by the nickname 'Mockingbird' and it eventually stuck with everyone as well. He meant it in a joking way, making sure that it didn't harm you in any way, and it kind of just stuck as you started to show a fondness for the nickname.
"Hey, birdie."
This one just made your eyes roll as you rack the weights that you were lifting and sit up on the weight bench.
"That one is a no," you respond, shaking your head which earns a laugh from the Scotsman.
"It was worth the try." He walks over and takes a seat next to you, handing you a fresh water bottle which you eagerly accept and down in a few gulps. He looks over at you as you hand him the bottle back and smiles before throwing it into the nearest garbage bin.
"Nice shot." You hum approvingly before standing up, "Lead the way, I know it's for our daily walk."
The two of you started daily walks about a month ago. Most of the time it was after a long day which left you exhausted and thus not very talkative, which was never a problem for Soap. He loved talking and that was multiplied when he had a good listener such as you.
"And that little dick walked up to him and was like, 'Try me'. Can you believe that? The fucker said that to Ghost! The fucking LT!"
He's been going on like this for an hour, you've barely gotten any words in but you didn't mind much especially since this just meant that you guys got to rest in a scenic spot while he rambled on. Every now and then you responded with one word answers but nothing too big.
He was shaking his head before starting again, "I'm telling ya, these new recruits have an insane amount of confidence and that's fucking 'em over."
You end up nodding, while looking up at the sky.
"Insane that someone would go against Ghost like that." A voice that sounds kinda like yours but with a tinge of a different accent slips out from your mouth. You didn't even realize it at first but when you looked over and saw Soap with a teasing smirk on his face, you immediately knew something slipped out.
You took a moment to regather yourself before narrowing your eyes at the Scotsman, "Shut your mouth."
"I haven't even said anything lad."
"Just thought I heard a mockingbird around, haven't heard one in a while."
He was cut off by you slapping his shoulder and he just burst out laughing.
"You're an asshole." Your voice mumbles through Soap's laughter, and you start to speed ahead away from the Scottish sergeant.
"Lad, wait! Come back, it's important!"
You turn around with your arms crossed and look at the male and he points to the wooded area, he has a shit eating grin on his face.
"It's birdwatching season."
"Oh fuck off, John"
You threw your hands up in defeat and started walking away before Soap ran up to walk beside you.
He stays silent for a few minutes as they continue to walk back to base before he smiles at you and shrugs,
"Just messing with you, it's nice, really. Just gotta push your buttons a bit."
He bumps his shoulder a bit, causing a smile to spread to your face.
"If you tell anyone about this, you're dead."
"Aye aye."
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
Hii! Idk if you've ever done something similar, but what do you think about TADC x Skater! Reader? Like, Reader always have their skates on, like it's a part of their digital costume or smth. And i really mean ALWAYS. Someone spilled water on the floor? Reader slips down. They go on an adventure and a part of the floor is inclined? (Like a hill for example) There goes reader down the hill. I think it would be pretty funny lol
Btw, i really love your page, keep it up and don't overwork yourself
TADC cast x rollerskater!reader
Anon I am so so so sorry !! I dont know if I personally got jumbled up or my inbox has been wonky silly goofy or I just got thrown off because of so many people sending stuff in, but I also missed this as well as some other requests 😭😭
This one may be a little short since I've never skated <\3
Written this as more platonic leaning !
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Probably poofs himself his own rollerskates, literally the only time you see him on the ground and it's so weird to look at. You guys both slip and fall because bubble wiped themselves across the floor or something
Obviously leads to bubble getting popped
Honestly seeing caine struggle to keep steady while using the rollerskates is... very funny.. look at his lil legs wobble (tell anyone and he will tilt the ground of the next IHA)
Honestly she would probably slip on the floor too if its wet or has marbles. She looks like she would comically fall over, with her legs flinging straight up into the air before plopping down
Looks at you confused as you visibly try to calculate how fast this one little slope will make you go, she probably forgets you have skater feet in the beginning
Subconsciously tries to grab and stop you when you start rolling, but because shes so small you just drag her with you
Theres that squeaky noise as shes being dragged across the floor
Yk the sound
Throws marbles on the floor as well as other things that can make you stumble or slip... probably soaps up the floor.. thank god hes just a circus rmemeber and not like, a ringmaster... this dude would tolt the floor in so many different angles just to fuck with you... thankfully, he cant do that!
Though in another timeline... perhaps you werent so lucky...
Not much to be said here, with the bit with zooble in the pilot (the arm thing), jax is more than ready to use peoples unique digital qualities to please him or mess with them, and you being his friend only makes you slightly less likely to be messed with
Keeps a hand on your shoulder when she notices the floor is tilted, tends to walk with you while holding your shoulder still. She can only imagine what it's like to be s victim of slopes.. it would drive her nuts.. as long as shes around shes going to do her damndest to make sure you dont roll away or slip... unless jax literally throws marbles in front of you two at the very last second because who can predict that..?
In any case where theres an IHA with a DEEP slope I think she just might resort to carrying you so you dont go FLYING down
Okay you guys might not have the same issues but they can relate to you in the jax department, with him using your qualities to his advantage. Its absolute hell.. I think it would be this shared thing that leads to you guys building a relationship in the first place
That one meme where it's two people at the bar and they overhear each other saying "I hate (x)" then they start making out
Thats you guys ranting about the bunny/j
Offered you some parts before realizing that you cant swap out your limbs like they can
"Ah, bummer"
Has probably asked you why you dont just take them off when you vent to him about jax putting marbles on the floor. Kind of sounds like when people say shit such as "oh you're depressed? Just cheer up!" But like, kinger says it in a genuinely.. not malicious or tone deaf way.. like I dontt think he knows, or perhaps he thinks you're like zooble with detachable limbs and you have another pair of feet hanging around somewhere
Gives a soft "oh.. " when you demonstrate that they are attatched to you
Offers to let you strap pillows to yourself to soften any blows when you fall, let's you have his softest and thickest pillows... what do you mean it throws off your balance...?
You have probably accidentally rammed into her after misjudging how steep a hill on the ground was
Good news! She stopped your momentum!
Bad news, shes all tangled up in your skates (owie!) And her comedy mask is broken (oh no!)
Please be careful getting her out. We don't want her ribbons to tear or get damaged, we cant have our girl start fraying!
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greg-montgomery · 1 year
Okay so absolutely loving your writing sm <3
So I had this idea while, of course, scrolling down the aaron x reader tag so like you dont have to write it if you dont want to but i wanna throw this out here bc otherwise itll stay stuck in my brain
But like reader who is just,, incredibly shy? Like in social situations they put up a front and you would never expect them to be shy because theyre very present and speak up often despite almost blending in the background when quiet. But its a whole other story at home and such?
Like, Aaron notices and first thinks theyre uncomfortable with him but he slowly realizes that this is like, their love language ig and showing vulnerability? Quiet time, acts of service and such yk? Like, they always put up a front and to drop that (not entirely ofc but a decent amount of it) is just the highest form of trust bc theyve been ridiculed for being shy? And the shyness is much more present in the bedroom, especially when he praises them they just get even more shy and hes just so so gentle :(( like asking if theyre okay, going slowly and asking to see them when they hide their face but never forcing them to and just like praising them when they do and the praise kink of them just sticks its head up and its just the purest form of being together? Like, its not rough but gentle and its soft and theres really no other word than making love for it and its all just :(( and the aftercare the man would provide is just AHHH😭❤️
Oh dear im so sorry but i got sucked into the fandom and got obsessed by hotch and then your writing so- this is so long so imma shut up now but i just needed to throw it out there tbh before id explode from all the hotch ideas i have in my mind that im not writing myself or giving to any writer bc what if they think the ideas are weird or too long like rn- but anyway imma shut up have a nice day/night and hydrate <3 (also you might see more of me if you dont mind long ass rants in the middle of it like this one- if you do mind just tell me to shut up im not gonna be mad or anything <3/srs)
my sweet sweet 🧽 anon <33 this took me a while to write i'm sorry!! i hope you've been well!! i think about you a lot and i haven't forgotten the kind words you had sent to me <3 i hope you enjoy this!! (and ofc i don’t mind long rants i LOVE talking about aaron <3333)
nsfw - minors dni
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
“Can I, honey?” you heard Aaron’s words as he wrapped his hands around your wrists.
You had been covering your face as you usually did when your boyfriend went down on you. After making you finish, Aaron had made his way up again, urging you nicely to look at him.
With a nod of your head, you gave him permission to gently remove your hands from your face.
“There you are.” He smiled at you.
“Hi,” you said, softly, unable to keep yourself from smiling a little.
“Hi,” he answered, just as softly. “Do you wanna taste yourself, baby?”
“Mhm…” You nodded, staring at his chin instead of his eyes.
Your own eyes closed involuntarily, as he lowered himself and his lips touched yours. You opened your mouth, allowing his tongue to touch yours. Knowing where that tongue had been before it was inside your mouth, made you even more excited for what was coming next.
Aaron placed his hand on your hip, giving it a squeeze and then moved it down your thigh, wrapping your leg around his body. “Open them wider, sweetheart.”
Only a few moments later, Aaron was inside you, rocking his body against yours, in a pace slow enough to be considered both romantic and tormenting.
“Good?” he breathed heavily on your mouth.
“So good…”
“I love you,” he moaned, his face now buried in the crook of your neck. He left open mouthed kisses on your sensitive skin after every little whine of yours. “I love your body. I love the sounds you make. I love the way you take me like you were made for me.”
“I was,” you sighed, because you really were. There was no man in the world you’d let yourself be this vulnerable around, other than Aaron. Your Aaron.
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bnhaficsforthesoul · 2 months
BNHA College AU - Midoriya Izuku
Major: Biology
Minor: Forensic Science
Sports: Track
Clubs: Various fan clubs
Ever since izuku was little, he always had an interest in helping people. He’s overly caring and too nice for his own good, and on top of that the biggest overachiever on the planet
Which is why he wants to become a doctor. He hasn’t picked a specific department to go into, because he finds everything so interesting
He did also consider going into forensic studies as a whole career, always thinking solving crimes and stopping bad guys was super cool as a kid, and he knows there are ways he can kind of mix both interests, but for now hes just aiming for his degree
He does also hope to maybe be able to teach at medical schools later in life, once he’s fully experienced so that he can pass on all this experience to the next generation
Growing up he was always weak and small, and so towards the end of high school he decided he wanted to change himself a bit and worked out like crazy, going from scrawny as hell to strong and buff.
He’s always going to the gym in his free time, and he thought it would be a good idea to join a sport that way he can have some motivation to stay fit, so he picked track since he’s pretty agile
Any time a new fan club gets made for something he happens to be interested in, he’s always willing to join it, even if theres only like 3 members. He might not be the most active member, but he loves them.
Izuku is kind of known across campus now, hes so friendly that people cant help but like him. He’s also insanely helpful, and takes god tier notes, so a lot of people rely on him for help with school work
So, he has a busy schedule constantly. He prioritizes his friends over random people always, but with his heavy study based school paths, with sports, and working out, he rarely has free time
You had had a few classes with him here and there, and talked to him once or twice. You knew he was super sweet (and very cute), but you never really expected to even become friends with the dude
Which is why you were almost terrified when he ran into the room you were using for your new club (that you literally started like 2 days ago). You were more so looking for something to put on resumes and stuff, how you ‘managed a successful club in college’ or whatever, so you decided to make a fun little fan club for your favorite anime
Sadly, people weren’t exactly rushing to it (you knew it might take a while, but you knew people would come eventually at least to check it out). Which is why izuku running in so excitedly scared you
“Oh hey! y/n right? We had anatomy together last semester!”
You nodded, kind of surprised he remembered your name, and you asked why he was there.
“I love this anime, and I havent seen any other clubs for it here so i thought i would check it out.Is it just you?”
“Yeah, I just officially started this club the other day. No ones come yet except you.”
“Ah, well don’t worry, I’m sure people will come soon. It usually takes a week or two.”
The two of you started talking more, both about the anime you mutually enjoyed as well as him giving you advice for how to make people flock to your club.
He actually stayed for the entire time you were allotted to use this room, and helped you clean up (there wasn’t much, but you still had some materials just in case people did show up)
Afterwards, you both said goodbye, and went off on your own
Following this, twice a week every week, he would meet you for your club. Eventually more people did show up as well, izuku’s advice was working well, but you were more so interested in talking with him. As it turns out, his sweetness isnt just an act, and hes actually really interesting and fun to talk to
He would eventually even come a bit early to help you set up. Youd usually bring snacks and something artsy to do, or any type of activity you could think of to relate to the anime, so you tried to get there a bit early
After club one day, about 3 months after it started, Izuku and you were cleaning up the room just talking about whatever before he changed the topic
“Did you want to go get food after this? Like real food? I haven’t eaten all day other than what you brought.”
You were a little surprised, you had never hung out outside of club really, but you were definitely happy to do so so you agreed
The two of you walked to a near by restaurant, which also surprised you because you thought he meant fast food, and went inside. He told you to get whatever you wanted, that itd be on him, and you started to protest, “No, its okay! You don’t have to pay for me.”
He shook his head, “You have to buy snacks and supplies every week, youve probably spent way more than I will today, so I don’t mind.”
You definitely felt your face getting warm. You couldn’t really help it, he was so pretty, and probably the nicest man youve ever met. You had thought lately you might have the tiniest little crush on him, but now you were thinking it was an actual crush
It didn’t help when the waitress, a slightly older lady, finally came to take your order and went “Aw, you two are so cute! What’s the occasion?” It wasn’t a fancy restaurant by any means, but it was definitely nice enough to be date quality, and it seemed the lady assumed you two were a couple
And Izuku didn’t even care! All he did was smile and tell her that its a reward for all your hard work lately, to which she said he was ‘such a sweet boyfriend’, and then she asked for your orders
You told her what you wanted, and went quiet. He wasn’t saying anything either, and you wished you could reach into his brain and figure out what he was thinking. Was this just another act of kindness from him? Did he not get what she was saying? Did he just feel bad correcting her? It was too much to process right now, but luckily your food came pretty quick so you could hide your lack of talking through eating
The entire meal was pretty silent honestly, and it was killing you. Normally, you two could talk for hours about anything, but it was just so weird right now. You couldn’t even think of anything to say, and Izuku was staring weirdly at his food.
After he paid, and you walked back towards the dorms, you thanked him for all of his help with your club and for the meal, and he said not to worry about it, your little club was essentially his break time anyways.
There were a few too many moments of silence to be comfortable, so you awkwardly smiled, said “well, still, thanks again” before running off, not noticing Izuku’s lingering eyes on you as you disappeared into the building
In all honesty, izuku was just as flustered as you were. Hes worked hard over the years to not let all of his emotions show, but inside he was panicking the entire time.
He did enjoy your club a lot! It was probably one of the better fan clubs he’s joined, but he didn’t give it so much loyalty just because of that. He stayed because of you - how enthusiastically you talked about the things you like, or your career choice, or anything. How passionate and caring and considerate you are, not to mention beautiful. You’re genuinely perfect in his eyes
Originally, when he asked you if you wanted to eat, he was considering asking you on a date, but he chickened out and made it sound more casual instead
Which is why as he walked back into his dorm, his roommate, Iida, had to deal with all of the loud groaning and mumbling coming from Izuku’s mouth
Izuku had told Iida about his crush on you, and about how he wanted to ask you out today, so his first assumption was that you rejected him. But then Izuku went over and told him about how much of a coward he is, and Iida realized he never even asked you
“It’s alright, Izuku, you can always try again next time.”
Izu shook his head, overthinking, “No, they probably think I’m so weird now. I was so awkward. They were barely talking the entire time we were at the restaurant. Even if it wasn’t a date, it was still so awkward, Iida! I doubt they’d ever even consider dating me now.”
He was kind of losing it, so Iida patted his back in an attempt to comfort him.
“Just go explain yourself now then, before it’s been too long.”
Izuku considered it, and he was probably right. If he waited too long, he might lose all his nerve and never ask you out. And if you did think today was too weird, who knows if you’d even talk to him again.
He decided he’d do it, and so he thanked Iida and went back outside and towards your dorm building. He had your number because you put it on your welcome message for the club for anyone to text you if they had questions, but the two of you had never texted before. He was always too nervous to
Soon after, you got a message from an unknown number, reading “Hey, its Izuku. I’m sorry about earlier, I was wondering if we could talk? I’m outside your dorm if you can.”
You immediately felt anxious, but happy at a chance to make sense of what happened earlier. So you got dressed (you had changed into pajamas as soon as you got home) and went back out as quickly as you could, and immediately noticed him
He was anxiously messing with his fingers, but he smiled softly when he saw you
“Hey, thanks for coming out here. I promise I won’t take long, I just needed you here in person.”
You nodded slowly, slightly confused, but told him not to worry and you didnt mind it.
“So, uhm, I’ll just get straight to the point. Earlier, I was going to ask you on a date, but I chickened out and made it a more casual thing. Which is still fine! But that’s why I was so weird, I was kind of mad at myself and kind of embarrassed. The waitress didn’t really help any, but her thinking I was your boyfriend did make me happy… Anyways! Before I go on too long of a rant, I’m just trying to say I like you Y/n, and if youd let me, I’d really like to take you on an actual date.”
Your heart was melting, he looked so cute and shy as he asked you, and it made you happy knowing your feelings were reciprocated.
“Yes, of course I’d let you, Izuku. I like you too.”
He let out the biggest sigh of relief, barely mumbling out ‘oh thank god’, and his smile only got bigger when you hugged him.
For your real* first date, he took you to a nearby aquarium, it was really cute. He couldn’t help but send this really cute selfie he took of the both of you in front of a sea turtle to his mom and his friend group chat
Most of his friends were ecstatic for him, bakugou did make fun of him though for taking so long to ask you out (of course he knew about his crush too)
His mom immediately wanted to meet you, and you did after a few weeks of dating
It really didn’t take long for Izuku to tell you he loved you, like maybe a month later at most, you’re cleaning up the club room again and he just stops what hes doing and kisses you softly before saying he loves you, to which you reciprocate
He takes you with him to the gym all the time, even if youre not super into working out you can just hang out with him or go at your own pace. But its a great opportunity for tons of hot pictures/videos
Same with his track meets, youre always there cheering him on
You two study together a lot, especially if youre in the same class or even similar ones. Izuku always makes sure youre prepared for your tests even if it means he has to learn the material with you
Izuku is genuinely probably one of the best boyfriends on the planet, you are his biggest motivation and he will do anything to make sure that you are happy
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amalythea · 7 months
「 may sparks fly 」
⤷ info: lyney x gn!reader || fluff!! also a lil bit of crack haha || wc: 1928
⤷ warnings: lyney has the dumb blonde syndrome where he is too blind to realize he is in love, he's also v jealous at some point, are there plot holes in this? possibly. do i care? a little but theres nothing i can do about it now. i may have rushed the ending a lil but its okay we can look past that right guys
⤷ extra: happy bday @thexianzhoujade !! you thought i was done? you thought wrong. (also a very big thank you to @ryuryuryuyurboat for the idea & @blue-b3rries for proofreading <33)
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In the heart of the bustling Fontaine city, Lyney captivated the imaginations of children with his dazzling tricks. With a flourish of his hand and a mischievous twinkle in his eye, he effortlessly wove illusions that left his young audience in awe.
As he performed his routine with practiced precision, a figure caught his eye among the crowd. It was a person unlike any other, your gaze fixed intently on Lyney as if drawn by an invisible force. For a fleeting moment, your eyes met, and Lyney's heart skipped a beat.
Caught off guard by the unexpected connection, Lyney's fingers faltered, causing his trick to go awry. With a sheepish grin, he laughed off the mistake, chalking it up to a momentary lapse in concentration.
“Ah, it seems I've let a bit of my clumsiness sneak into the act today,” he playfully announced to the kids, who erupted into laughter. Lyney, ever the showman, continued with the performance, eager to prove that the mishap was nothing more than a fleeting mistake.
However, as the days went by, you continued to linger in the crowd. Every time Lyney attempted a trick, your gaze bore into him, causing an unexpected flutter in his chest. And, just as consistently, whenever your eyes locked, Lyney found himself stumbling over his magic, much to the delight of his young audience.
With each mistake, Lyney offered a lighthearted excuse, blaming fatigue, clumsiness, or even an imaginary mischievous fairy. The children loved the added humor, unaware of the secret dance unfolding between the magician and his silent observer.
Lynette had long since caught on to your presence. She observed with an amused smile as Lyney's perfectly orchestrated acts crumbled, one trick at a time.
One day, as Lyney once again fumbled with his magic, he turned to his sister, frustration clear in his voice. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me, Lynette! I keep messing up the tricks, but when I do it alone everything goes perfect, the way it’s supposed to be! Something is wrong with my magic.”
With a sly grin, you approached the clearly frustrated magician, your eyes sparkling with a mischievous glint. “I think your magic is working just fine, but I enjoy the added entertainment,” you teased, your tone playful yet filled with a hint of genuine warmth.
Lyney, caught off guard by the candid comment, felt a blush creeping up his cheeks.
Lynette, standing nearby, couldn't help but giggle at the exchange between her brother and the mysterious onlooker. She watched as Lyney attempted to regain his composure, his charming grin returning to his face.
“You've been enjoying the show, huh?” Lyney retorted with a playful wink. “Well, I suppose a magician's life can get a bit dull without a few surprises now and then.”
You chuckled, and this time, you spoke more sincerely. “Your tricks are amazing, Lyney. But it's not just about the magic; it's about the unexpected moments, the little imperfections that make it all the more charming.”
As the banter continued, Lynette couldn't help but notice the change in her brother's demeanor. Normally the master of illusion and charming repartee, Lyney seemed genuinely intrigued and a bit flustered by your presence. It was a delightful twist to the usual routine.
With the conversation flowing effortlessly, Lynette decided to play along. “You know,” she chimed in, “if you're enjoying the show so much, maybe you should join us for a cup of tea after the performance.”
The invitation hung in the air, and for a moment, time seemed to stop. Lyney, with a mix of curiosity and excitement, agreed to the suggestion. The children, having thoroughly enjoyed the unplanned entertainment, cheered as you made your way to a nearby café.
As you sat together, sipping tea and exchanging stories, the atmosphere was filled with laughter. Lyney found himself genuinely enjoying the company of his mysterious spectator, realizing that maybe, just maybe, the unexpected twists in life could lead to the most enchanting outcomes.
Days turned into weeks, and the friendship between Lyney, Lynette, Freminet, and yourself continued to blossom. All four of you hanging around together became a familiar sight in Fontaine, with Lyney performing tricks, Lynette observing with a watchful eye, Freminet occasionally chiming in with his innocent musings, and you, the silent observer who had become an integral part of their little circle.
One sunny afternoon, as Lyney strolled through the bustling streets with his siblings, he noticed you engaged in a lively conversation with a passerby. There was laughter, a genuine exchange of smiles, and something in Lyney's chest tightened. He couldn't quite comprehend the strange emotions bubbling within him, but the sight of you sharing laughter with someone else stirred an unfamiliar feeling. Lyney frowned, clenching his fist. Lynette and Freminet exchanged a glance, both perceptive to the shift in their brother's mood.  
The trio decided to leave the area, but Lyney couldn't shake the lingering sensation of jealousy. It puzzled him, and he found himself contemplating the inexplicable emotions that had surfaced.
In the following days, whenever he spotted you, Lyney made a conscious effort to be more engaging and entertaining. He told jokes, performed tricks with extra flair, and made sure to elicit laughter from you. The motivation behind his actions was unclear even to him—actually, why was he even jealous to begin with?  
One evening, as Lyney conjured a bouquet of flowers out of thin air, he caught your eye and delivered a charming wink. The act succeeded in making you laugh, but the underlying tension remained in Lyney's mind.
Each time he made you laugh, Lyney felt a fleeting sense of satisfaction, but it was always overshadowed by the persistent nagging of his own insecurities. Why did he feel this way? What was it about seeing you with someone else that stirred such strong emotions within him?
As Lyney continued to grapple with his conflicting emotions, Lynette and Freminet couldn't help but notice their brother's inner turmoil. They had seen this pattern before—the subtle signs of jealousy, the desperate need for validation—and they knew it was time to address it.
That evening, as they sat together in their cozy home, Lynette and Freminet gently broached the subject with Lyney. “Lyney,” Lynette began, her voice soft but firm, “you’ve been acting differently lately.”
Freminet nodded in agreement. “Yeah, it's like something’s bothering you,” he added, his brow furrowed in concern.
Lyney shifted uncomfortably, his gaze flickering between his siblings. “I don't know what you're talking about,” he said, attempting to deflect their observations.
But Lynette wouldn't be deterred. “Lyney, we're your siblings. We know you better than anyone else,” she said gently. “And it doesn’t take a lot to notice that something’s wrong.”
Lyney sighed, his shoulders slumping in defeat. “I don't understand it myself,” he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. “Why am I so bothered by seeing them with someone else? It's not like we're... anything.”
Lynette placed a comforting hand on her brother's shoulder. “Maybe it's because you care about them more than you realize,” she suggested gently. “Maybe you’re scared of losing them.”
Freminet nodded in agreement. “Yeah, and maybe you're trying so hard to make them laugh because you want to show them that you're just as fun and interesting as that other guy we saw.”
Lyney sat in silence for a moment, processing his siblings' words. Their insight cut through his confusion like a ray of light, illuminating the depths of his feelings in a way he hadn't considered before.
“I guess you’re right,” Lyney admitted quietly, his voice tinged with vulnerability. Freminet smiled, “Just be honest, Lyney. Let them know what you've been feeling.”
“Worst they can do is say no.”
As Lyney pondered his siblings' words, he realized that they were right. He couldn't continue to let his feelings remain bottled up inside him. It was time to take action, to finally express what he had been feeling all along.
With newfound determination, Lyney set out to find you, his heart racing with anticipation. He had rehearsed countless scenarios in his mind, each one more elaborate than the last, but now, faced with the reality of the moment, his confidence wavered.
Lynette and Freminet watched from a distance, their hearts filled with a mix of amusement and exasperation. They had seen Lyney struggle with his feelings for far too long, and it was time to put an end to it once and for all.
As Lyney approached you, his words caught in his throat, he couldn't help but stumble over his own thoughts. Just as he was about to speak, a gust of wind blew through, scattering his carefully prepared confession into the air.
Lyney's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as he scrambled to collect his thoughts, but before he could utter a single word, a stray cat darted across his path, causing him to lose his balance and stumble forward.
You reached out to steady him, a concerned expression on your face. "Are you okay, Lyney?"
Lyney nodded, his heart pounding in his chest. This was it, his moment to finally confess his feelings. But before he could speak, the sound of a distant siren filled the air, drowning out his words.
Lynette and Freminet exchanged a knowing glance, realizing that their brother needed a little extra help. With a mischievous twinkle in their eyes, they sprang into action, orchestrating a series of events that would finally bring Lyney and you together.
As Lyney struggled to find the right words, his siblings discreetly arranged for a spontaneous fireworks display to light up the night sky. The dazzling colors reflected in your eyes as you turned to Lyney, a smile playing on your lips.
"Wow, this is amazing!" you exclaimed, your gaze meeting Lyney's. "Thank you for showing me this."
Lyney's heart swelled with emotion as he gazed into your eyes, the fireworks illuminating the depth of his feelings. "There's something I need to tell you," he began, his voice trembling with emotion.
But before he could continue, Lynette and Freminet emerged from the crowd, each wearing identical expressions on their faces. "Lyney, we couldn't help but notice that you've been trying to say something all night," Lynette said with a grin. "So we thought we'd lend a hand."
Freminet nodded eagerly, a bouquet of rainbow roses in his hand.
Lyney couldn't help but laugh at their antics, their support giving him the courage he needed to finally speak his truth. With a deep breath, he turned to you, his heart overflowing with love.
"I know this might seem sudden, but I realized that I can't keep these feelings hidden any longer," Lyney confessed, his voice filled with sincerity. "I care about you more than words can say, and I want to be with you, if you'll have me."
You gazed at Lyney, your heart soaring at his heartfelt confession. "Lyney, I..." you began, but before you could finish, a burst of fireworks lit up the sky, showering the scene in a cascade of colors.
Lyney took your hand in his, his eyes shining with love. "I don't need fireworks to tell me how I feel," he said softly. "But they do make for a pretty spectacular backdrop."
With laughter and tears of joy, you and Lyney embraced, knowing that this was just the beginning of a beautiful journey together. And as the fireworks continued to light up the night sky, Lynette and Freminet shared a satisfied smile, knowing that their matchmaking efforts had finally paid off.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
@amalythea 2024. | do not re-upload, copy, translate, etc. my works on any form of media.
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lemon-russ · 2 months
I am all weird and feverish and migraine-y and its like 1am, so please enjoy this small aside I have written to segway the next arc of this tropey silly self indulgent fic <3
Also on phone so formatting is off
--------------- 💀 ------------------
(We have dividers at home/ dividers at home:)
7.5 / ???
1 :: 2 :: 3 :: 4 :: 5 :: 6 :: 7 :: 7.5 :: 8 :: 9 :: 10
Cato Sicarius x F!reader
(But not right now this ain't about him)
CW: description of a panic attack
Summary: Ambassador does not want to take a break from work. And is NOT the family pet mortal. Maybe.
Word count: 955
Warning, very minimal editing and I'm dyslexic, like actually literally, so there may be more mistakes than usual. Apologies.
You resume much of your normal work again after the disaster of your last meeting. Thankfully the few meetings you have for the next couple of days are just diplomats and officials you work with regularly.
Most you don't need any sort of guarding, either they come to you or are Astartes from other chapters. In the time you aren't meeting people, you are in your little office connected to Guilliman's, doing paperwork. You're not supposed to be, of course, but you sneak it. He really worries too much.
You're writing out come contracts and supply logistics when there's a knock on your door. “Open.” You say automatically. Guilliman opens the door and steps in, frowning at your paper pile. You keeo writing, glance up, glance back down, then snap your head up and drop your pen, covering the papers with your arms and smiling sheepishly up at the primarch.
“Ah, My Lord, what a surprise!” You chuckle out nervously. He frowns and rolls his eyes, pulling up a much too small chair and sitting across from your desk. “Ambassador, are you alergic to relaxing?” He asks tiredly. “This is the 3rd time in 2 days I've found you sneaking work. This is usually the opposite of how these things go- most people sre sneaking not working, you know.” He says, laying his hands in his lap and sitting up straight and polite. It's a comical sight, he looks like the chair is for children when he uses it.
You grimace at him. “Sir, please, these are already overdue, and I don't want to take time if it just piles up my work for later-” you plead. He chuckles a little, then stands and reaches over your desk. In one motion he sweeps all of your work into his other hand. You gasp. “Sir- please- there's an order to those-” you panic, running to his side and trying to take the papers back.
He chuckles more, holding them far above your reaching hands. “Ambassador, I will be taking over your duties for a couple days. And because I can't trust you not to sneak around and work, I am forced to assign you a babysitter.”
You look up at him, horrified, “my lord, theres a delicate ecosystem to my filing system- wait, did you really call them a babysitter?” You squeak indignantly. He grins, “yes, not a guard, a babysitter, because you are behaving like a disobedient child.” He turns on his heel and strides to the door. “And I'm sure I can manage your delicate ecosystem of paperwork for 3 days.”
You think you're having a panic attack. Your stomach lurches, your head is fuzzy, you can't catch your breath- “three days? Please, my lord- i have so many meetings, I'm going to be so behind, my filing system is based on vibes and very specific-”
He smiles a little softer. “This right here- this is why. Look at you. You're spiraling because I'm offering to take work off of you. You need a vacation, Ambassador.” He walks back and rubs your back soothingly, not unfamiliar with your reactions like this. “It's going to be fine. Fun, even. I'm sending you somewhere nice.”
You take deep breaths, counting forward and back to 10 in your mind- did he say send? “you're making me go somewhere too?” You whimper. He sighs and chuckles. “It's a nice place, a safe, pretty planet, lots of hotsprings and dancing, beautiful weather. Please, ambassador. Think of it like an assignment if it helps. I'm giving you a mission to go to this lovely, calm place for a few days with Commander Titus and a couple others, so that you don't just up and die on me too early.” He chided softly.
Five things you can see, four things you can hear, three things you can smell-
Guilliman sighs. “Okay, okay, I'll give you the rest of the day to work and set things up in a way that you can leave to me easier. Would that help?”
You frown, scrunching your brow. You could label some folders, put dates on them, Guilliman was of course very good at organizing and following instructions, it wouldn't be too bad if you were very clear with the labels…. You let out a long, defeated sigh. “Fine…” you submit. “I'll…. Take a vacation…” you mumble.
The primarch grins at you, patting your back. “Excellent. I'll inform the commander and have thing prepared for this evening.” He stands, handing back your papers. You take them and trudge back to your desk, pouting. He chuckles. “There there, ambassador. Why don't I make you your favorite tea, hm?” He offered.
You purse your lips a bit, trying to stay grumpy. You have a thought that this feels a lot like being treated like a pet, but shake it off. You don't have time to unpack how an immortal demigod superhuman might see a particularly favored mortal. You're not a pet though. You're pretty sure.
“Hmm, what if I got those lottle cakes you like to go with them?” He offered, smiling fondly at you.
You cracked a smile, and a few minutes later, sat at your desk sipping tea and eating cakes happily. You sit up and frown a bit. Wait an warp damned minute, you’re a pet!
You frown at your snacks a long moment. Then sigh and keep eating. Could be worse, really. Best to just never ever think about it again, you decide, happily kicking your feet and doing your work.
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prof-peach · 11 months
Hi again! Its me, idk if you remember but i sent you that weird horned shiny caterpie a long time ago. I had another question. My partner recently caught a pumpkaboo. He is also very much into haloween decorating, but hes afraid to carve any jack-o lanturns. I was hoping if there is a way to help his new pokemon and let him carve this year. Any advice would be wonderful.
Ah yes, good to hear from you again, your caterpie is doing very well by the way, settled right into a small colony after an adjustment period and has made a lot of friends.
As for this Pumkaboo issue, it does happen, theyre sweet pokemon but struggle to see the difference between themselves and pumpkins, so the panic can settle in.
What we normally do is encourage them to use razor leaf as a move, and basiclaly play fruit ninja with them. As often as you can just throw fruits and get them to try to cut them up with the attacks. After a while, say a week or so, slowly introduce small pumpkins or gourds in. Say nothing and just mix them into the game of aim and slice. They are not usually perceptive enough to pick out what it is theyre attacking while its moving in the air, especially in daylight where their eyesight is a little less detail orientated, and will continue the game without further thought. Again, these are not overly intelligent pokemon on average, more curious or tricky, even timid (but there can be exceptions).
Once they eventually realise theyve been playing a game with vegetables by letting them examine the remians when you all clean up, they usually clock that vegetables and pokemon are not the same. they do not smell the same, nor do their insides look similar in any way. Its more about breaking the barrier between what they will and wont do out of nervousness, proving that they are not the same as pumpkins first hand, and that there is no scary or terrible concequence to attacking said vegetables.
Posing the idea of carving together after that tends to become far simpler, they can connect the dots of 'i am a pokemon and alive and sentient' and 'that is a vegetable and im not hurting anyone like me', most of the time this species wont partake due to a fear of the unknown, a hypothetical, or a disconnect in information, fill in the gaps and they tend to come around to it pretty quickly.
But theres always the alternative if you find youve got a real scardy cat: Paint the lanterns. Glow in the dark paints are easy to buy, so you can bypass the need for a candle or knife, and this way you dont have to front up something that may cause yoru pokemon emotional discomfort, though I personally would suggest confronting this nervousness.
It is a minor issue, and it's healthy to experience situations where you need to be in an uncomfrotable state and maintain calm composure. This is a great example of just letting them experience the world so they can handle their feelings and emotions in a healthy way instead of freaking out if they see something they don't like or understand, launching an attack out of fear and being a danger to themselves and others.
Good luck with fruit ninja, it doubles up as fun enrichment for all your pokemon, and is snack time so- win win!
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gettinshiggywithit · 2 years
!Bakugou with an s/o who is NOT a morning person!
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Request:-Can you do baku with a s/o who is like super grumpy in the mornings and how he'd handle them 🛐 • Like I bet he's a morning person bc he goes to bed at 8 30 pm 💀 and like how would he react/handle someone who was the opposite? Goes to bed at like 5 am and sleeps in until 3 or if they do get up before 10 am they're super grumpy and irritable •He gives me "im not dealing with your shit" vibes ♡ like brat tamer( @cloudy-zephyr )
Scenario:- bakugou With a reader who is a night owl~
Pairing:- bakugou x gn!reader
Genre:- fluff
Type:- oneshot
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Well i think if you went to bed SIGNIFICANTLY later than him it’d irritate him but if you explain whyy you do he might not be as harsh.
Yh he hates not bein able to hold his s/o close at night but if your happy he learns to bear it.
Now on the subject of getting up late
Cos like he wakes up and wants to start his day with you right?
But no
But then again,he tries,to bear it to live with it
But eventually even he gets sick of it.
After about four weeks of this he decides
Nope you NEEE to get ur shit togetherrrr
so he’s DETERMINED to fix ur sleep schedule
He starts with waking time
Let me tell you,you went to bed at five thirty that morning
You woke up dazed,confused,scared shitless,and PISSED
and when you looked up,you saw yo mans
A smug smile on his face and the aforementioned airhorn in his hand
“Good morning sleepyhead”
Ohhh no
‘Nah ah’
Were your thoughts in that moment as your head fell back onto your pillow while you covered your ears with it like in the movies
“Piss off boom boom boy” was what came out in that moment and Bakugou kneww you were pissed
But he seriously didnt give a shit
You were gonna get used to waking up early
Whether you liked it or not
You on the other hand had a different plan,
Bakugou had tried this whole thing before but your commitment to not listening eventually made him give up
So you knew all you had to do was wait it out until history repeated itself.
And you did
For four continuous weeks but he wasn’t stopping
And on the first day of the fifth week you found yourself waking up on your own(much to your dismay)
You walked into the kitchen,pissed as ever and and there stood bakugou with a sarcastic smile on his face
As you sat down at the kitchen table he slid you your breakfast and you begrudgingly ate it
Bakugou was an asshole but he was and even better cook
“Well good morning sleepy
Were the first words to come out if your mouth
“No,”was your reply,”bad morning”
He scoffed and started on his breakfast too
The next week onwards he started getting you to sleep at a reasonable time
How? Must be your question
He would physically grab you and carry you to bed
Or else the threat of unpluggin your device worked too
This was fairly easy for him to get you used to,because,to be frank,you loved katsu-cuddles
So maybe sleeping just a lil early wasnt so bad
Youd talk and cuddle eachother till you fell asleep and then wake up together the next morning
Even after you got used to this routine you were still no morning person
But hey!
Progress is progress right?
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please dont repost my work here as your own on any platform all rights belong to me except that of the characters used,their right belong to their respective owners.but these stories? mine.
feedback,likes,reblogs and comments are so very appreciated tbh :’)i hope you enjoyed and ill catch ya next time!
Comments & Reblogs w/ tags >>>>>>>>>>>likes please
Taglist open for anyone interested!
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yourlocalmerchgirl · 25 days
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Your Person
Bobby Goren X neurodivergent F!reader
Summary: Bobby has spent most if his life feeling like he didn't belong, that it wasn't possible for him to connect with someone the way everyone else does, that is until me meets you, his person.
Warnings: Cannon level violence and language. So much fluff, love and acceptance. mentions of Panic, anxiety and death/dying. Minimal use of Y/N. Very little physical description of reader
Authors note: This is story was a labor of love and my love letter to Bobby Goren and the way Vincent D'Onofrio played him. I've never connected with or seen myself represented in a character the way I do with Bobby Goren. I dont think you need to of seen Law and Order: Criminal Intent to enjoy this story.
The midsummer sun shinned down on Bobby’s face as he walked to the coffee shop. The sun feels similar to warmth that spreads throughout his chest whenever he sees you. The smile you always give him. God that smile. It’s different than the smile you give everyone else around you.
He can’t help but smile thinking about the day you met. How flustered and embarrassed you were when you’d run into him causing his coffee to spill everywhere. How he felt something tug In his chest when your big hazel eyes looked into his when you realized it spilled on him. He wanted to wrap his arms around you and tell you it was ok when it was clear you were prepared to be yelled at.
Bobby knew the moment he started falling for you. He tried to fight it at first because it scared the shit out of him. Pretty much resigning to the fact that he’d always be alone. His job was demanding, which was hard for a lot people to deal with. So he had stopped entraining anything that wasn’t serious. He wanted someone to share a life with, someone that would accept him, quarks and all. So he didn’t want to waste what little free time he had with someone who only wanted sex.
As he dips into the cafe the cashier greets him with a tired smile.
“Welcome in, just to let you know we close in 10 minutes”
“No problem, I’ll have a large coffee cream and sugar”
“Oh, Ah is (y/n) in today?”
“Umm I’m going to grab the owner” she replies eyeing him suspiciously.
Bobby doesn’t blame her, she doesn’t know him, he hasn’t been in, in about a month. She’s doing the safe thing by getting someone.
“Hey, theres this guy out front that I’ve never seen before asking for Y/N”
“Ok, I’ll go up and check it out. Why don’t you start your end of day tasks”
Stacey makes her way to the front to see who’s asking for you. She’s very happy to see it’s Bobby, the one person you’ve really taking a liking too since he started coming in.
“Hey Bobby, sorry about that”
“It’s no problem, I know she was just being safe, doing the right thing”
“She’s here, back in her usual spot doing some ordering on her laptop” Stacey says as she hands him his coffee.
“I wont stay long, I know your trying to close up”
“You’re welcome to stay as long as you want. She’ll be really happy to see you, but you didn’t hear that from me” Stacey chuckles.
She’ll be happy to see me?
Bobby is rounding the corner into the seating area at the exact moment you happen to look up from your laptop.
The way you light up sends a sea of warmth crashing against his chest. He waves awkwardly and you return the wave.
“Hi” he say unable to contain the smile dancing across his face.
“Bobby! Hi. You’re alright?” The smile creeps across your face.
“What do you mean I’m alright?” He asks tilting his head to the side to watch your expression as he sits.
Fuck. You can feel your skin heating up as you pull your eyes down too your laptop.
He realizes by your reaction that he sounded accusatory when he didn’t mean too.
“I didn’t mean for that to sound that way”
“I didn’t mean anything by it, it’s just been a while since I’d seen you in…uh not that I expect you to come in. I know you’re busy. I um just was worried when it had been a while.” At this point youre face is on fire, you’re making an absolute fool of yourself with your word vomit.
She worries about me
“We’ve had several intense cases back to back. We pretty much were working around the clock. Only went home to sleep. Not that I was really sleeping either.” He says studying you intently, trying desperately to figure out if you feel the palpable connection that’s between the two of you.
“I wish I’d know, I would have brought some stuff from the cafe down for you and your partner.”
“That’s really very sweet of you”
“It’s not like you come in everyday, but regularly enough that I just thought something might of happened to you in the line of duty” you say without thinking, almost like you’d forgotten you were talking to him.
Bobby tilts his head trying to look at your face.
“You really were worried about me. I didn’t mean to worry you”
The realization crashing down on you like a brick. Fuck. I really said that out loud.
“I ah. Man I’m saying a lot of things. I’m sorry I’m trying not to be weird. Didn’t really mean to say that out loud” you say dragging your hands down your face as you pull your eyes up to find him already looking at you.
His deep brown eyes are soft, his smile kind as he watches you.
“No it’s not like that. It’s nice to know someone’s worried about me.”
“I’m sure lots of people are worried about you, you’re pretty awesome.”
OH MY GOD. I need to stop talking. What the hell am I doing. This man is not interested in my flattery. Where is literally anyone to cut into this conversation to save me from myself.
Just then as if you materialized her yourself you notice Stacey over Bobby’s shoulder coming towards the two of you.
“Did our girl over here tell you she’s testing out some new recipes for the bakery case? And that she’s knocking it out of park?”
“No she didn’t, she must of forgotten to tell me how much of a badass she is.”
Your face is beat read at that point, meanwhile the both of them are smiling ear to ear talking about you.
“Yea she’s like that, she’s too modest really. I tell her all the time she needs to brag about her pastries more often”
“Man you two are quiet the pair today” you laugh
“Besides, why brag about myself, I’m just an average baker. I’m no Gordon Ramsay”
“I don’t see Gordon Ramsay making apple danishes and apple bread. I bet you could kick his ass” Stacey adds as you all begin to laugh.
Bobby relishes bring included in this moment of banter. Seeing how light and free you are when your wall is completely down and there’s no anxiety in sight.
“I’d love to try them, can I?” Bobby cuts in.
He doesn’t miss the way your face lights up at his comment.
“Sure, I think there’s still some left from my test batch this morning let me go check”
You say before going out back to check.
“Can I ask you something about her?” Bobby asks, his voice soft with a hint of hesitation.
“Of corse you can, though I might not give you a answer”
Bobby can’t help but smile at Stacey’s direct protectiveness of you. He’s happy you have a friend like her.
“Does she have a boyfriend?”
“No she doesn’t” Stacey says arching your eyebrow in curiosity.
“Do you think she’d want to go to dinner with me?”
Stacey looks over her shoulder to see if you were coming before answering.
“I’m going to be real honest for a second. Yes, honestly I think she would love to go to dinner with you. She really enjoys when you come in and truly was worried something had happened to you when you didn’t for a while. But with that being said don’t ask her if you’re not serious about going actually. Don’t ask her just to blow her off or to only get what you want when it’s convenient for you.”
“I get where your coming from”
“I’m not trying to say you’re the type to do that. She just-she has a big heart and people love to take advantage of that. She doesn’t trust or open up easy. At times she has crippling anxiety. So just be patient with her. Your smart and perspective, I’m sure you’ve noticed that her anxiety eases when she sees that you’re here”
Bobby knows exactly what Stacey’s talking about. He picked up on your anxiety immediately, notcing that over time when he’d come in at peak times you’d sometimes be drowning in your anxiety. But he swore you’d look up and connect eyes with you and he’d see your expression soften, your body become less tense. He always thought it was his eyes playing tricks on him, letting himself see what he wanted to see. But Stacey confirming it was real made the fire in his chest burn hotter.
As they can hear you coming back Stacey leans in quickly to Bobby so you don’t hear.
“She finds comfort in you, please don’t take that for granted”
Bobby nods, you’re too close now to respond. He appreciates the serious heart to heart with Stacey.
“Hey sorry it took so long, I think they taste better heated up so I was waiting for the little oven to heat up so I could warm them up for you”
“Well I’ll leave you guys to it, I’ll be in the office for a bit doing payroll. Welcome back Bobby, it was nice to see you” Stacey offers before leaving the two of you alone.
“Thank you, you didn’t have to go through all that trouble for me”
“Oh no it’s no worries, really. Oh I ah should have asked do you need it packed up? You probably need to get back to work.”
“Im actually all done for the day. But I can go, I’m sure you want to go home.” Bobby says as he starts to stand, worried he’s over stayed his welcome.
“Oh ok, here let me pack these up for you”
You’re disappointed, Bobby can tell by your tone. He feels clueless navigating stuff like this sometimes. He never wants to come off as over baring or clingy, he’s been sold so many times that needy guys aren’t attractive.
“It was nice to see you today, hope you like the pastries” you offer unable to tamp down your smile. There was just something about Bobby that drew you too him, that made you feel like there’s this electricity between the two of you.
Bobby’s half way through the doorway when he doubles back. His hearts pounding but he just has to do it.
“Sorry, one more thing. Would you like to go to dinner with me sometime?”
“Like…on a date?” You ask shifting on your feet nervously. It couldn’t be could it?
“Yes, If you’d want that. If not id still like to go as friends.” Bobby wonders if you can see if his heart pounding in is chest because, fuck- he was nervous.
“I’d really like that…to go on a date with you”
A genuine smile rolls so quickly over both of your faces as both of you look at each other in awe.
You go around the counter to get a piece of paper and a pen.
“Here, this is my number just let me know when it works with your schedule and I can make it work with mine”
“Heres mine as well”
The way your fingers graze his when you take his card send electricity shooting through his whole body.
“I’m off the whole week because of all the over time I’ve worked, are you free tomorrow or is that to short notice?”
“No, that works for me I can do that”
Your smile makes Goren feel like he’s the only person in the world.
“Does 5 o’clock work?”
“Works for me”
“Where can I pick you up?”
“You can pick me up here”
“Oh ah I don’t want to rush you, making you get ready here”
“Oh” you let out a little laugh. “I just live upstairs. Stacey and I both do”
“Just ring the buzzer for Apartment 1 next to the graffiti covered door and I’ll come right down”
The buzzer sounds as you quickly pad across your apartment to the call box.
“Hey it’s Bobby, sorry I’m a little early”
“It’s ok, let me grab my shoes and I’ll be right down”
Bobby fidgets with his hands, rubbing his thumb into the palm of the opposite hand while he waits.
He can’t help the smile that comes at just hearing the door click open and it only grows as you open the door and step out on to the sidewalk. The way the early evening sun hits you makes you look ethereal.
“You look beautiful, I like your dress” Bobby beams.
“Thank you so much, I had to get it when I saw it, but never had a reason to wear it” you smile.
“You look very handsome” you try to turn away but he catches a glimpse of you blushing. Bobby thinks it’s so cute when to get shy like this.
“I really like your suite, it’s a nice color on you” you say reaching over and rubbing the fabric between your index finger and thumb. “It’s soft too” you say with a smile.
Bobby lets out a content hum, the sound makes you painfully aware that you actually did in-fact feel the fabric of his suite coat.
“Oh god I’m sorry” you say pulling your focus to the ground. “I have this bad habit of feeling the texture of things”
“It’s ok, I get it. You’re a tactile person. Please don’t feel bad. I also have a bad habit of touching things. Picking things up and checking them out or playing with them. And most people really don’t like it when you touch their stuff. I try not to but I just can’t help myself.”
“You can feel my dress if you want”
Bobby can’t help but smile at the gesture and the meaning behind it.
His finger tips lightly graze the bare skin of your arm as he takes the fabric of your sleeve between his fingers.
The little giggle that bubbles out of you when the sensation of his touch tickles you leaves him breathless.
To any just passerby this scene unfolding must look awkward. And it is, but it is the must beautiful kind of awkward. The both of you showing vulnerable glimpses of yourselves to one another and being met with nothing but acceptance.
“Do you like Italian food? There’s a great place near here I thought I could take you too, if you’d like”
“I love Italian, that sounds great”
The two of you fall into comfortable small talk as you walk to the restaurant.
The two of you are met with a warm happy welcome when you walk into a quaint restaurant.
“Welcome back, Bobby! Your usual table and meal tonight?” The hostess says with a smile.
He comes here often
“I…ah actually would like table for two tonight” Bobby responds as he turns to smile at you.
“Wonderful, right this way” the waitress beams
“Their food is very good here. The veal parmesan is my favorite but you really can’t go wrong with anything here”
“Can I get anything else to drink besides water for the two of you?”
“I’ll have a glass of red wine please”
“And for you miss?”
“Oh, just water is ok for me”
“I’ll ah I’ll just stick with water too”
“No, no it’s ok, please have the wine”
“Sorry I should have asked if you were ok with alcohol.”
“Really it’s ok. It’s not like that. I just… I’m admittedly very nervous about tonight so if I mix that with alcohol, I’ll just talk your ear off” you laugh.
“I think I’d like that” he smiles. He could listen to you talk all night long.
It’s at this point you’re painfully aware that the restaurant is getting very busy. A huge party arrived taking over one whole side of the tiny space. You’re trying to ignore it, to just focus on the sound of Bobby’s soothing voice. You so badly want tonight to go well, and certainly having a panic attack within the middle of the restaurant would not help in that.
The two of you order dinner, as the loud drone of conversations are crashing together. Your heart starts pounding as all the chatter becomes impossible to sort through. You squirming around in your seat as you try to sooth yourself doesn’t go unnoticed by Bobby. He sees your pulse quickening in the glow of the restaurant, as your eyes squeeze shut. He knows right away you’re having a panic attack without you having to say anything as he springs into action.
Quietly he goes up to the hostess, explaining that you’re not feeling well and asks to pay for dinner and for it to-go.
When he turns back you’re gripping the table so tightly your knuckles are white.
Bobby kneels down next to you,smoothing his hand up and down your back. The way you relax into his touch fills his chest with that familiar warm sensation.
“Why don’t we go” he softly says into your ear.
I really fucking did it now
Letting out a pained sigh you slowly stand. You can’t even bring yourself to look at him as he guides the two of you out of the restaurant, his hand never leaving your lower back.
“Are you ok?” He tilts his head trying to look at your face.
You can feel yourself retreated further and further inward, embarrassed and upset with yourself.
“I should go, I’m sorry I ruined your night. Thank you for taking me out, or atleast trying too”
You turn to walk away but Bobby reaches out for your arm, stopping you in your tracks.
“Please wait. I’ll take you home if you’d like. But you need to know you’d your not ruining my night.”
“That’s very nice of you but…” you start but Bobby cuts you off when he sees tears in your eyes.
“Hey, do you like ice cream? What if we got ice cream and walked around the park?
“Wait you want to continue our date by getting ice cream when we couldn’t even get though dinner”
“I won’t tell if you won’t” Bobby smirks
“Ok” you smile
“Maybe there will be a lot of ducks at the pound” you say smiling up at him as the two of you exit the ice cream parlor.
“You like animals” it’s less of a question and more of making a mental note out loud.
“I do. I love animals. I like them more than most people because all they want is to give and receive unconditional love. They don’t judge you. They’re just there for you.”
“I never thought about it that way, but you’re right. It really is unfair that some of us have to feel that way.”
“It is because I don’t think you ever fully get used to being an acquired for most people. I just wish It hadn’t taken me so long to realize most people were just using me.”
Bobby’s both saddened and surprised by your comment. On one hand it hurts him that you’ve ever had to feel this way, that you’ve had to experience that same kind of loneliness. And on the other hand he’s never had someone pull the thoughts right out of his own head, to be able put to words to what that exact feeling is like.
A thought occurred to Bobby- Would she let me hold her hand. Before he can stop himself hes sliding his hand softly down your fore arm to lace his fingers with yours.
“Is this ok?” Bobby asks bashfully asks as the two of you enter the park.
The way you lock eyes with him when you answer, the way you’re filled with pure happiness radiating off of you makes the breath catch in his throat. He’s never felt this free before with anyone and he’s prepared to make sure you feel that you’ll always feel that way too.
That one date turned into the two of you seeing eachother every day that week that Bobby was off.
That week turned into months, 4 months to be exact and as you burst onto the street below, your arms full of bags Bobby cant remember a time he was happier.
“What’s all this?” He laughs as he takes the bags as you two wait for a cab to his place.
“We havnt gotten to see each other in a couple weeks, I though I could cook dinner for us and we could just relax, watch some movies or read.”
“You don’t have to go through all that trouble”
“Well I want too, besides I got a new cookbook with some of the gift cards you gave me for the bookstore. So there’s some stuff I’ve been dying to make.
“ you know.. you didn’t have to do that you know. You didn’t have to send that gift card over”
“I know. But I was upset I couldn’t take you to the book store to get that new book you’ve been excited about. Were you able to get it?”
“Yes! I was able to get the last signed edition they had” you beam up at him, unable to contain your excitement.
“I havnt finished it yet, but it’s so good Bobby! I brought it so you could see it, can I show you?”
“Of course” he smiles as he leans against you, looking on as you show him the book.
“Do you mind if shower quickly?”
“Of course, no rush. I’ll get started on dinner. Take your time, don’t worry about me” you coo, wrapping your arms around his neck as you push yourself up on your tippy toes to kiss him.
As Bobby wipes the steam covered mirror with his towel he can’t help but stare at his own reflection, desperate to see himself the way you see him. Everything about being around you feels like a dream, still In disbelief that a girl like you would choose to spend time with him. That a girl like you who’s so kind, patient and loving wants him in her world.
Bobby knew he wasn’t for everyone, that most people thought he was to weird, obsessive and by the book. He had a short fuse when it came to other peoples bullshit and could be somewhat of a loose cannon but the moment someone made comments about him he would shrink back into himself because deep down he always believed their hateful words.
But when you look at him, your eyes are always filled with a level of love and empathy that he’s never received from anyone before. Bobby knows he’s weird, that there’s a lot about himself and his personality that he can’t help. When it comes to you though he feels free, he never feels out of place or like he doesn’t fit into society when he’s with you.
The sight of you swaying to the music you have on as you cook makes his heart thunder in his chest.
I love this women
“Dance with me for a moment while dinner cooks” Bobby whispers, his breath fanning your neck as he wraps his arms around you nuzzling into you.
“I don’t know how too” you giggle, never getting enough when he’s like this- clingy and playfully romantic.
“It’s ok, follow my lead. I’ll teach you.” Bobby relishes moments like this. He loved teaching you things.
“There, that’s it, just like that” he coos as the two of you glide around the kitchen.
You let out the cutest content hum as you buried your face in his chest. He gradually slows the two of you to a stop as he holds you In the middle of the kitchen.
“What are you thinking about?” He asks kissing the crown of your head.
You tilt your head up to find his deep brown eyes watching you intently.
“I’m thinking about how happy you make me”
Just as he’s about to reply Bobby’s work phone starts ringing. He lets out a gravely growl.
“I’m sorry, that’s work I have to get it”
“It’s ok” you whisper stepping back to busy yourself taking dinner out of the oven. You try to hide the fact that you’re sad, but it’s useless, Bobby knows he can feel it, he knows your micro-expressions like the back of his hand.
“This is Goren” he answers the phone as he steps into the living room.
The rest of the phone call is in a quick hushed tone. You can tell Bobby’s frustrated by the call.
“I-I have to go. I’m really sorry. There’s a huge development in our case and they need me”
“It’s ok. I’ll just put this in the fridge and go too”
“No no. It’s ok please stay. Make yourself at home. I will be back I just don’t know when.”
This couldn’t have come at a worse time is all Bobby can think as he makes his way to the station. You’re always so good about his schedule but this is the first time he’s had to leave abruptly like that for work and while you were at his place no less. A place you havnt been many times and he knows your probably anxious right now about being there alone.
“What’s the update?”
“The manager of a motel in the Catskills called the tip line saying a father and two children matching Nathan and his kids checked into his motel a couple of hours ago. Chef wants us to go out there and stake it out.”
“Alright let’s head out then”
“Sorry to have to call you in Bobby” Eames says finally breaking the silence in the back of the stake out van.
“It’s fine, wasn’t trying to be short on the phone” Bobby waves his hand as he’s looking out the window.
“Eames I think I got something” he says handing her the binoculars.
“Over there at the vending machine, I think that’s Lilly, Nathan’s daughter”
“She was pretty glued to you when we were there for questioning drew you that picture, maybe she remembers you. If she does she could get us access to Nathan.”
Eames and Bobby cautiously approach the little girl at the vending machine.
“Hi Lily, do you remember me and my partner Alex? We came to your house a few times.”
“Yes, policeman Bobby. Did you hang my picture up?”
“Of course I did, right next to my desk just like I said.” Bobby says kneeling next to Lily.
“You did! I hope everyone likes it!” Lily’s eyes light up as she scoots closer to Bobby.
“Can you tell us where you dad and brother are?” Eames asks
“They are in the room. Dad and bothers hair is turning blonde but the room is really stinky so I came out here. Dad said mine would change too.”
“He’s bleaching their hair” Bobby says locking eyes with Eames.
“Sweetheart, do you think you could take us to the room, we’d like our hair blonde too.”
“Ok, but could I have some more chips? I’m hungry”
“Yes, let’s get you some more chips” Bobby says pulling a dollar from his pocket and slipping it into the machine and handing the chips to the girl.
“Can you show us the way? we don’t know where to go?”
“Mmhmm” Lily hums happily as her little hand grabs Bobby’s.
Bobby and Eames hang back a moment as Lily enters the room.
“Daddy! My friend are here and they got me some chips!”
Nathan looks up to unexpectedly to find the pair starring back at him, scrambling he draws his gun.
“Hey..hey point your gun at me not my partner.” Bobby’s voice booms
“We’re just here to talk Nathan, we walk to help you.”
“Bull shit you don’t want to help me. You don’t give a shit about me. You just want to take my family away.” Nathan gestures angrily, turning his attention back towards Eames.
“Hey what did I tell you focus on me, not my partner.”
“We do want to help you, and we will. We will make sure that you have access to therapy and meds on the inside.”
“Fuck you man I’m not going away, you’re not putting my kids with strangers” Nathan reaches for Lilly while waving his gun at Bobby.
“Daddy please stop shouting at my friends”
“Shut up, they’re not your friends, they want to take you away from me just like they did with mommy”
“Why don’t you let my partner take the kids to the diner to get some food and you and I will have a talk.”
“Give her your gun and phone, put them on the floor and slid them over to her, no funny business” Nathan motions his gun towards Eames.
Bobby does what he’s told. He knows it’s risky but he needs to get Eames and the kids out of here.
“Lily can you draw me some new pictures to hang up at work?”
“Ok I can do that” she says as she takes Eames and her brother’s hand and they all leave.
“You know she looks up to you, ever since the two of you came poking around the house asking question she’s talked about you guys nonstop. It’s pretty cruel to tell a child you care just to get what you want.”
“I’m not lying. I hung the picture up next to my desk.”
“You’re the one lying to her about us taking her mother away.”
“If you hadn’t of been hanging around asking questions….” Bobby cuts Nathan off mid sentence.
“Nathan. Your embezzling money, stealing from your clients. We’re doing our jobs asking questions.”
“If you didn’t come around asking questions that made my wife suspicious she’d still be alive.”
“Don’t put that on me. You killed your wife not me.” Bobby shouts unable to keep his cool any longer.
“You don’t get it do you? This is a eye for a eye situation”
“So what, you want to hurt me? You want hit me? Go ahead, give me the best you’ve got.” Goren snarls.
Nathan laughs
“Only one of us is leaving this room and it’s not going to be you Bobby”
“You’re really stooping to a new low threatening a detective.”
“It’s not a threat. Your not leaving this room alive”
Bobby’s starting to panic, his heart pounding against his chest as he try’s to figure a way out.
“If you kill me youll never see your kids again, you’ll loose everything.”
“I already lost everything when you forced me to kill my wife. My only choice is to take you out.” Nathan says as he takes a step closer
“And what are you going do when your daughter comes in here and sees you’ve killed her friend.”
“Do not talk about my daughter. She needs to learn that the world is cruel and that not everyone is what they seem” Nathan spits as he digs the gun into Bobby’s chest.
Bobby’s mind races as he try’s to slow his breathing. He knows Nathan wants to see him panicking, he’s desperately trying to ease his mind. In all of his career he’s never felt this close to death, he can’t do that to Eames or to you.
“Hope you told the person you have at home that you love them because you’ll never see them again”
In an instant all Bobby sees is your face, the way you looked into his eyes as he lead you around his kitchen in a dance. Everything about it was so simple and romantic and then you told him how happy he makes you. And then he never got to tell you how happy you make him, how he’s never loved anyone the way he loves you. The idea of never getting to see what life would be like with you makes him see red and he snaps.
“Well come on, do it if you’re going to do it” Bobby Growls. The pain of his thoughts being flooded with moments that would never be with you, hurts worse than death it’s self he’s sure of it.
A rapid secession of bangs rings out from the other side of the door rendering Nathan distracted for a slipt second. Bobby lunges forward grabbing ahold of the gun and kicking his knee trying to knock him down.
He pushes against Bobby causing him to stumble back, he attempts to take a shot at Bobby but when does he pushes hard back into him. The bullet lodges into the wall as Nathan regains his footing holding the gun on Bobby.
Eames bursts through the door in this moment.
“Nathan drop your weapon” she shouts holding her gun on him.
“Your going to have to shoot me or I’m going to shoot your partner”
Nathan lunges torwards Bobby and with out hesitation Eames shoots him in the b chest in self defense.
Bobby sits there in the back of the van, his head in his hands as they make the couple hour drive back to the city.
“Are you alright, Bobby?” Eames asks needing to check on her partner.
“Am I am ok? No I’m not ok. I almost died. Almost never saw her again.” He grits out, frazzled and shaken by the whole ordeal.
“Ugh sorry. I didn’t mean to yell, I’m just shaken up”
“I heard what he said to you. You love her don’t you?”
Bobby nods in response, afraid to say it out loud.
“Does she know?”
“No” Bobby shakes his head with a low voice. He lets out a long breathy sigh as he leans his head back against the wall of the van before closing his eyes.
“I feel loved too” Bobby breaths out into the dark quietness of the van as they pull back into the station garage.
Bobby never talks like this, so Eames knows he’s being genuine and vulnerable with her.
“You go, I’ll go up and do our paperwork before I go home.”
“No it’s ok”
“You’ve had a long night, you deserve some rest. Take a few paid days off. If the captain has an issue with it he can take it up with me”
“Thank you, Eames” Bobby gives her a tight lipped smile before heading to his car.
You’re all he can think about on you his drive home. He’s so distraught and disheveled over tonight’s events. All he wants right now is for you to crowd his senses, to be in your arms with your hands messaging through his hair as you tell him everything going to be alright.
As Bobby pulls up to his places he hope that some luck is on his side, that you’ll still be there but he fears it’s unlikely. After a few minutes he drags himself inside. You left the light on above the sink for him, there’s a note telling him that dinner is in the fridge for him. He takes this as a sign that you’ve left and his shoulders sag a little.
He just stairs at the small plate of food on the counter. His nerves are still through the roof from work but he knows he needs to eat, not really remembering the last time he did. He’s aimlessly pacing around the kitchen picking at the plate of food when he notices warm dim light coming from his bedroom.
Maybe she did stay.
Bobby stops in his tracks at the sight of you sound asleep in his bed with a your book laid across your chest. He can’t help but tear up as he sinks down on the bed next to you, leaning over you to grab your bookmark off the bedside table. As he gently takes the book off your chest and places the bookmark inside he notices your wearing one of his undershirts as a bed shirt.
Softly he lets his body fall onto yours, his head nuzzling into the crook of your neck.
“Mmhmm Bobby” you hum sleepily as you wrap your arms around him tightly, one hand instinctually messaging through his short greying curls.
Bobby lets out a ragged breath as he melts further into you.
“What time is it? I should go and let you get some rest.”
“Please…don’t go. Don’t leave me alone” Bobby chokes out.
“I-I I’m not going anywhere Bobby”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“Not tonight, not right now. I’m just to-I was just to scared I’d never see you again. I just want to be near you”
“Why don’t we take a shower, that will help sooth you.
Bobby watches you in complete awe of the way you move around the bathroom getting the shower ready, at how caring and loving you are with him. It’s hard for him to believe that all of this is real. That someone like you would truthfully care for him, would want to spend time with him. It’s hard for him to trust people because of his line of work and the life hes had, but opening up to and trusting you was the best decision he ever made.
Taglist: @malindacath @aselys @jupiteress @yesalwayswelles @samfromstardewsgf23 @pixiehex1985 @celticwitchofsorrow @capondi @thatsjustdandy @storywriter12 @namesirrelevant @lzrdonaleash @thegirlthatwillstealurman @modestlyabsurd @cheyanne-chan @darkangelforever333 @gertieisayellowjeep @shuilian @elefrog25-blog @nightsore @dumbasswalkinghere @liviadrusilla44 @musicalwayshelp0193-blog @malevolent-muse @mandy426 @missingfromthephotographs
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