#Advantages of Perpetual Contracts
intelisync · 25 days
Unlocking Perpetual Futures Contracts: Essential 2024 Guide for Beginners
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Are you ready to take your trading to the next level with a financial instrument that offers endless opportunities and flexibility?
Perpetual futures contracts have emerged as a revolutionary tool in the trading arena, particularly for cryptocurrency enthusiasts. These contracts, unlike traditional futures, do not have an expiration date, allowing traders to hold positions indefinitely. This feature provides a significant advantage, enabling continuous trading and the ability to take advantage of long-term market trends. The funding rate mechanism, which periodically adjusts to keep contract prices in line with the spot prices of the underlying assets, ensures a balanced and fair trading environment.
Leverage is a key feature of perpetual futures contracts, allowing traders to control larger positions with a smaller capital investment. This can significantly amplify profits, but also poses a risk of larger losses, making risk management a crucial aspect of trading these contracts. The real-time mark-to-market settlement process adjusts traders' margin balances continuously, ensuring that gains and losses are promptly accounted for. This mechanism helps prevent sudden liquidations and keeps traders informed about their margin requirements.
Despite the numerous benefits, perpetual futures come with their own set of risks, including market volatility and fluctuating funding rates. Traders must have a solid understanding of these risks and employ effective strategies to mitigate them.
Intelisync, a pioneer in blockchain technology and exchange development, offers advanced solutions to enhance the security and functionality of perpetual futures trading. Explore how Intelisync can enhance your trading experience and provide the tools you need to succeed in the dynamic world of perpetual futures.
Discover how Intelisync can transform your trading journey and provide you with the tools needed to succeed in the dynamic world of perpetual futures. Contact Intelisync today! Ready to revolutionize your trading journey? Contact Intelisync today and Learn more....
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inkblotsinkblots-alt · 4 months
My experience with [band]
My experience with [band] and [band]'s management starts in April 2022. I had emailed the band's business email that used to be in their bio in December 2021, and in April 2022 I got a response. I had been asked if I was available within the next couple of weeks to come down to Brighton and do a photo shoot with the band. Management really liked my work, and wanted to work with me. I was asked to provide my rates and any expenses that would incur. I had asked if I would be at least credited for these images on social media (tagged etc ...), and management said that they could not commit to that at that time. This photo shoot did not happen.
I worked with [band] for the first and only time in January 2023 and photographed / videoed their set.
I was completely blindsided by the fact that this could’ve been a huge opportunity for me, and it could change my career completely. When I got the email inviting me to work with the band, I screamed and actually worried my parents for a few minutes. I agreed to terms that I shouldn’t have (not a full written agreement, but various statements in emails). In hindsight I had no clue what some of them meant (and I think the band’s management knew that).
There was no formal contract, only emails. The band would own my photos 'in perpetuity' and when I asked what that meant, they (management) said that 'the band have the freedom to use them however they please'. Making money off of my photos, and putting them on merch that they would then sell out of, was not mentioned. I was under the impression they would only be using the photos on social media as I did not get any clarification, even though I asked for it. I wanted to press for a more detailed answer, but I was afraid that I'd lose the job.
This was never about the money that I'd potentially make from having my photos on merch, it's that I didn't even know it was happening. I was also 'allowed' to upload '3-4' photos to my social media from the gig, even though they were my photos. I was stupid enough to agree with this. Again, I felt as though if I challenged this I would lose the job.
At the end of the show in January 2023 I was promised at least a couple of shows on the upcoming tour, as '[I was] great to work with. Such a pleasure.' I have no evidence that I was offered shows during that tour as it was said to me in person. I was then let down at the beginning of March (after multiple follow up emails) with 'I don't think there is the additional need for your services also' when I asked about discussing the tour. I was devastated.
I was offered photo passes* to subsequent Manchester gigs and I took them as they had no strings attached, and the band would not own my images (that's why you've seen a lot of them on my socials).
I met a bunch of well-known creators, musicians and photographers while working with [band] and they were all so very sweet. Some of which I am still in contact with today, and some I am good friends with. I am very grateful for this.
I fully support Shelby, she is so incredibly brave for talking about her experiences, and it's because of her bravery that I felt confident enough to share my experience - although very different in nature.
I fully believe that [band]’s management wanted to take advantage of fans who wanted to photograph [band]’s gigs. And pay them as little as possible with no consistency in pay between photographers or how many photos they were allowed to post. (This is my own opinion)
I am not the only one that has had a negative experience with [band] and their management as a photographer / creative, but those are not my stories to tell and if they want to comment then they will. Please don't speculate on who these people are or harass them on social media, they have every right to not want to talk about their experiences. Please respect everyone involved.
Massive love, take care of yourselves.
(*Photo passes are offered to press photographers and non-touring photographers. They shoot the first three songs from the photo pit and then leave. Either to go into the crowd for the rest of the gig, or leave the gig entirely.)
please do not edit this post or reblog, do not take screenshots and post this on twitter or any other social media platform, thank you.
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There’s an urgent knocking at Ramshackle’s front door, and it only grows more urgent as you and Grim play rock, paper, scissors to determine who has to go deal with whatever mess is waiting outside. As if the one knocking senses your trepidation and is having none of it, the banging becomes loud enough to drown out even Grim’s gloating as you approach.
With desperation on his face and a surprising proposition for you, who do you see at the door but-
Or, reasons why they’d ask you to fake date/fake get engaged/fake get married:
(Gender neutral reader)
Riddle Rosehearts
His mom really is trying to control his life down to the last detail, and Riddle wants no part of any marriage she’s arranging. But he needs some romantic backup to convince her to back off his love life, so please please please help him, he might even let you break a rule or two for this.
Ace Trappola
Ace made a bet that if you two dated you’d make it past the six month mark, sheepishly admitting he hadn’t considered he’d need your help for this. He’s thrilled when you’re on board with the lovey-dovey act, ‘cause wow you’re convincing everyone, maybe even him…
Deuce Spade
Deuce accidentally told his mom that he’s dating someone- no, he doesn’t know how, but please, you’re the only person who can and will help him, and he can’t make his mom cry.
Cater Diamond
As ever, Cater’s motivation is Magicam-related. There’s a contest for cutest couple, and you’re too caught up in the realization that Cater said you’re cute to even ask what the prize is.
Trey Clover
This man is too sensible for typical fake dating shenanigans so I’m going to break the fourth wall and say he doesn’t get the top secret family recipes from grandma until he gets engaged; do it for the baked goods!! Just don’t add oyster sauce!!
Leona Kingscholar
Leona’s family has been annoying him to get engaged, and in a fit of frustration (Cheka was yelling right in his ear), he told them he already was. Of course he’s going to ask one of the few people here he can actually tolerate to fake being his betrothed.
Jack Howl
Jack is another pragmatic one and very serious about relationships to boot- but perhaps Jack made a bet with Ace that he could actually date someone without falling in love with them… oops.
Ruggie Bucchi
At least at first, it’s all business: couples’ discounts, double coupons, the wedding registry- think of the wedding registry, prefect! Right up until he remembers you don’t get to keep the gifts if you don’t get married. But there are worse things than staying married, right?
Azul Ashengrotto
After a great deal of consideration and thought about his future and who it would be most advantageous to spend it with, Azul has produced a marriage contract- okay, fine- it’s the tax benefits.
Jade Leech
Tax fraud. He’ll be quite frankly astonished if you need more explanation than that.
Floyd Leech
Okay so Floyd got bored- what do you mean that isn’t enough of a reason, being around Shrimpy is always fun, and he’s BORED, weren’t you listening?
Kalim Al Asim
His family has started forwarding all of the mail from oh so eligible suitors (checked for poison first of course), and it’s starting to take up too much space in Scarabia, so could you please help him, prefect? 🥺
Jamil Viper
Kalim is refusing to pick someone to marry unless Jamil has a partner he loves too. So as much as this pains him, given all ten things he hates about you, all of the suitor mail has flooded the Scarabia kitchen and lounge… and he thought he saw a bug hiding in there.
Vil Schoenheit
Our perpetually typecast villain hero has decided that one way to change the narrative is to become one half of a perfect couple. And since casting the role of Twisted Wonderland’s sweetheart within the confines of Night Raven College is no mean feat, he’s found himself at the doorstep of the one person capable.
Epel Felmier
Epel mentioned a lab partner on a phone call with his very excited parents only to realize at the end of the call that he hadn’t said the word “lab.” So now they’re clamoring for him to visit home with his partner, so could ya do him a favor and come out to Harveston with him, eh?
Rook Hunt
You’d mentioned how convincing Rook had been in his love poems for Eliza, so the hunter turns around and professes his own love for you in verse… wait, is he making this up on the fly or not? Somehow you think this one is real.
Idia Shroud
Scarred by his experience with one (1) phantom bride, Idia has decided the best solution is… well, to never leave his room again. But on the occasion he does, it pays to have a fake partner with an equally fake engagement ring on their finger. Now if only he can figure out why his hair turns pink when he talks to you.
Malleus Draconia
Human-fae politics aren’t typically on your radar, but they sure are after Malleus explains that a political marriage between the future king of Briar Valley and a human would… help to smooth things over. And given that there are a grand total of two humans who aren’t afraid of him, and one of them is Silver… yes, the emerald the size of your face is an engagement present, will you accept?
Sebek Zigvolt
If Malleus must consider marrying a human for peace, then Sebek will unquestioningly follow in the young master’s footsteps. This just means you are the most acceptable human here, human! Nothing more! Now please hold his hand.
Silver’s proposal, genuine or not, is downright princely… up until he falls asleep in the middle of it. Oh, his motivation? Well, you started out with no family or history here, and he understands that, and how lonely it must be. Consider this one way to ensure Diasomnia will adopt you.
Lilia Vanrouge
To be honest, you barely follow Lilia’s convoluted scheme as he explains it, and you’re not sure how much is scheme and how much is actual interest in you. After enjoying the confusion for a day or two, Lilia clarifies that yes, he does like you. But will you still crash a fancy party with him? He really does need a date to distract the host while he steals an ancient sword or six after all.
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sabakos · 3 months
The problem with using "perpetuating an unjust society is a form of violence" as a justification for violating the social contract is that those people you claim are already engaging in "a form of violence" against you are often more than happy to start engaging in what everyone agrees is violence against you if you escalate the conflict. Which, if you truly do represent an oppressed underclass, is likely not to your advantage! If you mistake a pragmatic truce for a moral code, your moral reasoning will only get you into a materially worse situation.
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🫴have this offering while i finish up some stuff so i can make new, more substantial fics. just a short zolu fic, about luffy's gear five transformation, from zoro's pov
content: angsty? not really though, temporary character death (gear five!luffy), zolu, zoro pov, luffy's gear five transformation during the fight with kaido, poor zoro man got the biggest scare of his life word count: 884
hope you guys enjoy!
Apricity - zolu
[definition] Apricity: The warmth of the sun in the winter
Chaos. The battlefield around them went still for what felt like a brief eternity as Kaido landed a final, lethal blow. A small figure (and god, he was so small next to that towering dragon) plummeted from the sky, still billowing steam in wreaths.
A dead weight, as though he was an anchor with its rope cut, sinking to the sea floor.
Zoro could hear someone, Nami, probably, screaming “LUFFY!”, but it was muffled and distant through his ringing ears, as though he had been plunged into the deep, crushing water, cold beneath the cruel waves.
His vision had completely narrowed down, tunnel vision reducing his sight to hyperfocus on the unconscious form as it plunged to its resting place.
Badum. Badum. Badum. Bad-.... Silence.
Zoro’s chest contracted, as he felt something snap with a sharp twang, sending a pang of blisteringly cold pain through him.
His eyes widened. Lurching forward, his feet tried to carry him to his captain. Catch him. Save him. Protect him. His knees buckled. Zoro landed heavily on his knees, arms hanging limp and useless at his sides.
He dully recognised the feeling of his swords, Sandai Kitetsu, and Enma slipping out of his shocked-lax hands, Wado Ichimonji falling from his slack jaw. Zoro didn’t hear the clink of metal on stone as they fell. He didn’t hear the cries of shock, sorrow, fear, and triumph sounding from all around him. He didn’t hear Nami’s silent, shaking sobs. He didn’t hear the cook’s gasp and disbelieving curse. He didn’t hear Robin’s quiet “Sencho!” He didn’t hear Ussop’s uncharacteristic quietness. He didn't notice anything. Nothing but the impact of Luffy’s body as it hit the ground. The crater it formed. The massive cloud of dust that rose from the force of his fall.
Zoro was so, so cold.
He felt frozen to the core, as though his very heart had stopped its perpetual chore, frozen solid by the sudden cold. Zoro felt as though he would never warm again. His Sun had been extinguished.
Zoro couldn't hear anything. His captain’s heart was still. The steady drumbeat of that rubbery muscle pumping freedom and laughter through Luffy’s body was conspicuously missing.
Silenced forever.
And in its wake, it left a vacuum, a gaping maw of silence that sucked every other sound into it. Without that ever-present pacer, Zoro was lost. How could he move? What was he to match his footfall to? How could he time the swing of his swords?
His body, it seemed, was not as useless as his heart or mind, and it reclaimed its grip on his swords, Wado clenched between locked jaws, as his arms swung up with Haki hardened blades to meet the heavy head of an axe with a resounding clang.
Like a flood, sound filled Zoro’s ears, his vision widening once again to encompass the barren rock plane they fought on. It was overwhelming. Even as his senses filled, his mind remained empty, incapable of comprehending the undeniable fact of Luffy’s death.
Thankfully, his muscle memory forced his body to fend off blow after blow, defeating enemies as they surged on the remaining Strawhats. It seemed they were spurned by the fall of the largest threat, Strawhat Luffy, and decided to take advantage of the horrified state of the crew.
Too bad. Zoro wasn’t losing anyone else to this fight. He would never be able to join his captain knowing he had left the others defenceless. His own fall would have to wait.
As Zoro mindlessly cut down the last enemy in his path, numb and detached, his ears twitched. He picked up a faint sound. Quiet, but quickly gaining a soaring volume. It was achingly familiar, yet foreign and wrong.
He dared not hope.
Bum. Bum. Bum. Bum. Bum.
The battlefield seemed to go still around Zoro, as though it was all narrowed down to that one pinprick of sound.
Looking around, the battle raged on, yet everything was muted, as though the drum beat had overtaken his ears, leaving them only able to hear that steady pound.
He recognised that steady thrum.
And how could he not, when Zoro’s own heart was beating to its tune?
To the pace of a beloved rubber one. One stretched to full capacity to encompass all. One that soared high in the sky as they sailed toward the horizon. One belonging to his Captain.
Zoro’s eyes opened (when had he closed them?) as he heaved out a disbelieving, yet relieved nonetheless, sigh. His ears filled with the booming sound of drums and the laugh of a god. A white streak flew across the inky sky, stilling, suspended like a portrait framed by the moon. A figure who glowed like the sun with divine power. Heavenly.
His frozen body warmed as his heart seemed to resume its duty, thawed by the Sun like ice-coated pine needles. He felt as though he had never been warm before this moment. As though he was only now stepping into the comfort of the Sun. Though Luffy had always been the Sun to Zoro, who had contented himself with being the worshipping Moon.
Zoro scoffed, flexing his hands around the hilts of his swords as he regained his body, still shaken, but now unworried.
Kaido never stood a chance.
word count: 884
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todaysdocument · 10 months
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The Treaty of Paris, between the American colonies and Great Britain, ended the American Revolution and formally recognized the United States as an independent nation. (Page 1 and signature page shown.) September 3, 1783.
Record Group 11: General Records of the United States Government
Series: Perfected Treaties
Duplicate. Original Definitive Treaty
3 Sept. 1783
In the Name of the most Holy & undivided Trinity.
It having pleased the Divine Providence to dispose the Hearts of the most Serene and most Potent Prince George the Third, by the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, Duke of Brunswick and Lunebourg, Arch- Treasurer and Prince Elector of the Holy Roman Empire etc.. and of the United States of America, to forget all past Misunderstandings and Differences that have unhappily interrupted the good Correspondence and Friendship which they mutually wish to restore; and to establish such a beneficial and satisfactory Intercourse between the two countries upon the ground of reciprocal Advantages and mutual Convenience as may promote and secure to both perpetual Peace and Harmony;
[page 2]
without Difficulty and without requiring any Compensation.
Article 10th:
The solemn Ratifications of the present Treaty expedited in good & due Form shall be exchanged between the contracting Parties in the Space of Six Months or sooner if possible to be computed from the Day of the Signature of the present Treaty. In witness whereof we the undersigned their Ministers Plenipotentiary have in their Name and in Virtue of our Full Powers, signed with our Hands the present Definitive Treaty, and caused the Seals of our Arms to be affixed thereto.
Done at Paris, this third day of September in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three.
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wososhit · 2 years
First and Last (Alexia x Reader)
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An endless expanse of blue passes under you as you stared out the window. You pulled the strings of your hoodie as the painfully long flight continued. We’ll maybe the flight wasn’t that long but it gave you enough time to think. And if you knew one thing thinking never made stuff better. You knew you would be face to face with Alexia in 24 hours, hell she was the captain of course you would have to interact.
It was never in your plans to move to England or to tense at the name of your now captain. But plans and hearts change. You had gone through the Barcelona youth system and there you met Alexia. Your playground friendship turning into best friends and eventually young love.
You were obsessive by nature, something that while advantages in football easily clouded other aspects of your life. Especially falling in love. And fall hard you did as Alexia soon became your everything.
Now though it feels like a summer haze, the way her smile never failed to give you butterflies or how her soft words would always be there to reassure you.
Until they weren’t. Even years later you couldn’t pinpoint where it all fell apart. Whether it was too much love or not enough with both of you being too stubborn to admit any wrongdoings. Regardless of the reason you know looking back that you hadn’t tried hard enough for the person you were ready to change your name for. She was your first and a part of you still longed for her to be your last.
So that’s why when Chelsea offered a contract your broken heart quickly negotiated a two year contract. It wasn’t until your shaking hand held the pen to paper or you held the crest of a different badge that you realized what you had done.
Now you had to face the consequences of your actions. You knew you couldn’t run forever, always focusing on buying yourself more time. But time had run out and you would be landing on Barcelona soil within the hour.
The next day you stood in front of the mirror attempting to process how the FCB crest looked on you. You stood paralyzed, mind running rampant until an alarm on your phone went off.
Stepping into the training facility you stiffly walked to the locker room, your feet moving out of memory. Silence overcame the rambunctious room as your presence was acknowledged. While no one knew the full story most of the team knew that you had became a taboo topic that was sure to anger a certain midfielder. Said midfielder was now staring at the floor.
“Hi I’m y/n” you spoke trying to cut the tension you had caused. After a beat Mapi came forward brining your into a hug. You and Mapi had always been close and her gesture seamed to have worked as the rest of the team began to greet you.
“It’s good to see you” Alexia said professionally at last. No emotion played on her face as she shook your hand. You bit your cheek as you exchanged pleasantries and tried to ignore the electricity that flowed up your arm from Alexia’s touch. The entire team continued watching on, until finally being called to start training.
Training was hard especially since you weren’t used to the Spanish heat but you knew you would be thankful for it in several months.
As time went on you to continued to avoid Alexia off the field and the tension between the two of you was palpable.
On the field you remained cordial and you couldn’t deny your connection on the pitch. Looking through the highlight reels it would seam as if you always knew what the other was thinking. Though it was simply the result of thousands of hours spent playing together whether it was with the team or just the two of you.
You knew it would hurt being this close to Alexia but not having her. You knew the ache in your chest would be perpetual but you couldn’t help the fact that you never fell out of love with her. Or that you still felt like a teenager near her, you couldn’t help how the fire in her eyes during half time speeches would send you spinning back in time.
You could only keep your distance for so long and a loss near the end of the season just so happened to be the catalyst.
“Y/n why didn’t you play the ball in” Alexia angrily spoke as you walked in sync through the tunnel.
“I didn’t see anyone to pass to so I took the shot” you argued back stepping into the locker room. Alexia’s reaction was incredibly out of character as she was one of the most level headed people you know or knew.
“Y/n we had the perfect season and now we don’t, do you see that” Alexia’s exclaims from beside you. Only serving to increase your frustrations.
“I don’t know Ale your the captain shouldn’t it be your fault” you snapped back. This is one the first times you actually talked and also when you recognized how familiar the nickname felt, it easily slipping out.
The effect on Alexia was clear as she stated at you in shock. As the sound of cleats enlightened you to the fact that your team had all arrived and watched the argument unfold.
“Y/n” Alexia’s said, except this time there was a tenderness to it, a tone that was once reserved for you and you only. You refuse to make eye contact as you feel the watchful gaze of the team.
“Don’t” you mutter walking past Alexia to collect your things.
“Don’t what” she asks, slowly turning towards you.
“Don’t act like you care” you say in a monotone manner.
“Y/n I do care more than I ever let you know” Alexia says pleadingly but it’s too late as you had already made up your mind.
Going to be that night you stayed awake staring at the ceiling. You were exhausted yet sleep refused to come as you tossed and turned. The events of the day before flashing through your mind like a movie. Finally around 3 am you get up to go for a jog. You throw on sweatpants and a hoodie as you grab your phone.
You allow your mind to wander. To allow yourself to miss and regret Alexia as you continue to jog the familiar streets. The soft glow of the moon gave everything a rosy shine as you eventually double over to catch your breathe. Looking up you realize how far you are you, you sit on a nearby bench with a sigh.
You had sat on the bench for all of 15 minutes before you hear the jingle of a collar. Your head whips around quickly as it is almost 4 am in the middle of a park.
Your shocked to see Alexia along with Nala at her side.
“Y/n” she gasps in shock as she makes out your feature in the dim lighting. You begin to stand but Alexia stops you with a simple.“Stay” it’s spoken as a command but in no way harsh. You look at her unsure.
“please” she adds and it’s at that you sit down immediately. “I want to say I’m sorry for earlier” she begins, fiddling with the leash in her hand. “ it wasn’t fair or your fault”.
As you meet her eyes once again they are pleading, something that breaks your resolve.
You pat the space next to you as an invitation for her to sit as both of you remain in comfortable silence.
“What are we doing?” You question with a sigh.
“I don’t know” Alexia admits with soft shake of her head.
“I missed you, you know” she speaks prompting you to look up at her.
“I missed you every morning waking up without you next to me, I missed you every practice when you weren’t there to pass to” the emotion on her face floods your system with guilt over leaving.
“I shouldn’t have left” you murmur. Even though you did grow your game abroad it was there you learned some things mattered more to you than football.
“Why why did you leave then” she asks meeting your eyes.
“I knew I wouldn’t be able to handle seeing you everyday” you admit, breaking eye contact and staring at the peeling wood of the bench.
You feel her hand rest on your cheek as you swallow the emotion in your throat.
“ your here now” Alexia whisperers as she forces you to look at her. Her eyes bearing into yours as your breath hitches from the intimacy. You remain like that for a moment as Alexia attempts to garner enough confidence.
“Can I kiss you?” She asks as you move closer. You nod as you rest a hand on her waist and close the small gap between you.
You find yourself lost in not only the kiss but how familiar and comforting it feels. Eventually it’s Nalas bark that breaks you apart with a laugh. You can’t help but smile as Alexia’s laces her fingers with yours as even though Alexia had cemented her spot as your first you knew she would also be your last.
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scotianostra · 1 year
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24th January 1502 saw a “Treaty of Perpetual Peace”  agreed between King James IV of Scotland and King Henry VII of England.
The peace turned out to be until you piss me off, rather than perpetual and it ended officially with arguably Scotland's most devastating defeat at Flodden. 
Relations between Scotland and England were difficult throughout the 15th century with both countries either attacking one another across the border or negotiating truces that never lasted. In 1460 James II freed Roxburgh Castle from English occupation. In 1474, James III proposed the marriage of his son to a member of the English royal family but this plan failed. In 1480 Edward IV invaded Scotland.
When James IV was crowned king of Scotland 1488, Henry VII was king of England. Henry had survived the Wars of the Roses between the rival Lancaster and York families to take control of the throne but he continued to face revolts from other claimants, including Perkin Warbeck. James took advantage of this situation and invaded England in 1496 and 1497.
In November 1501, Henry formed an alliance with Spain through the marriage of his eldest son, Arthur, to Catherine of Aragon, the daughter of King Ferdinand. He started lengthy negotiations with James to bring an end to hostilities and form a political alliance between Scotland and England. In 1502, they agreed a peace treaty based on the marriage of James to Margaret Tudor, Henry’s elder daughter.
When the royal marriage was arranged, Henry and James put their signatures to the Treaty of Perpetual Peace. To give the alliance extra importance, a clause was included that threatened excommunication from the church if either party should break the peace. Pope Alexander V issued a papal bull (a formal order issued by the head of the Roman Catholic Church) to this effect on 28 May 1503.
Each party produced a very elaborate document agreeing to the terms. The document shown, decorated with roses, is the English ratification of the treaty, signed by Henry at Westminster on 31 October 1502. It was delivered into the hands of the Scottish court and survives today in the National Records of Scotland in Edinburgh. James signed the Scottish version of the treaty, decorated with thistles, on 17 December 1502. It was delivered into the hands of the English court and survives today in the National Archives in London. The treaty promised everlasting peace between the two countries, the first effective lull after 200 years of intermittent warfare.
The wedding took place in August 1503 at a sumptuous ceremony at Holyrood Abbey. Margaret was 13 and James 30. She brought with her a dowry of 30,000 golden nobles (£10,000). The marriage was heralded as the union of the thistle and the rose, bringing the two royal families together. William Dunbar, the Scottish court poet, born around 1460, wrote his poem, The Thrissil and the Rois, in celebration of the marriage.
Here is an extract from the Treaty;
… keeping in view the bond and amity, truce, friendship and alliance which presently exists between our most illustrious princes… and also the marriage to be contracted before Candlemas next, we will… that there be a true, sincere, whole and unbroken peace, friendship, league and alliance… from this day forth in all times to come, between them and their heirs and lawful successors… It is agreed that neither of the kings aforesaid nor any of their heirs and successors shall in any way receive or allow by their subjects to be received any rebels, traitors or refugees suspected, reputed or convicted of the crime of treason. … Although it happen the said king of England or his heirs and successors aforesaid or any of them to levy war against any of the said princes comprehended herein, then the king of Scotland… shall wholly abstain from making any invasion of the kingdom of England, its places and dominions, as well by himself as by his subjects, but it shall be lawful to the king of Scotland to give help, assistance, favour and succour to that prince against whom war has been levied by the king of England, for his defence and not otherwise. … It is agreed that each of the foresaid princes shall… require the sacred apostolic see and the supreme pontiff to impose sentence of excommunication… on either of the said two princes and on their heirs and successors who shall violate, or permit to be violated, the present peace or any clause of the present treaty…
(A Source Book of Scottish History, Vol II, edited by WC Dickinson, G Donaldson, I A Milne, 1953, p. 59-61)
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somuchyoudontknow · 1 year
I will confess, I don’t believe Chris and Alba are real, but the truth is, some blogs on here keep saying that she has been fired from Mother Mary, based on one deleted article and how “people on set have confirmed it to them”.
Now, I can deal with that claim because hey, she is a fucken racist douchebag and no racist deserves steady work.
But what bugs me is how we’ve been reassured previously that the whole industry knows this is just another CAA PR game.
We’ve been told that HW bigwigs know the truth about Alba’s racism and that she has been blacklisted, and everyone knows Chris is stuck in an arrangement he can’t get out of.
We’ve been told his industry colleagues are trying to help because they know he’s stuck and they know his true character.
Suddenly, the story being sold now is that Chris looks bad because of his association with her.
And of course, when asked for answers or clarification on why the story has changed or why Chris would look bad if Alba has supposedly been blacklisted in Hollywood for her own behaviour or if everyone knows its bad CAA PR, no one has a proper answer except “it just is” or that their “sources” said it.
The goalposts keep being moved on either side of this mess, and the stories get wilder and wilder as the months go.
Chris flops between being an awkward sot who is being taken advantage of by everyone alive, to a fool who didn’t read a contract before signing, to being a settler in a toxic relationship who spends his days getting drunk and playing video games — the stories are endless.
I also notice a lot of blogs are quite adamant in portraying him as someone who drinks heavily and who is always drunk.
And it’s becoming very obvious that some blogs, both on Team Real or Team PR, are just here to troll.
So I guess all I’m really saying is that, whether this is real or PR, take everything that is read or shared online with a grain of salt until proven otherwise.
I have no doubt he made a mistake getting into this toxic PR arrangement. I also have no doubts that it has done a number on his mental health, or that he wants out. I also have no doubt that CAA is a snake’s den.
But at the end of the day, what really bugs me the most is that the fandom is getting so toxic, and the only people being laughed at are us.
Maybe instead of constantly asking when his supposed, mythical FS is showing up, let’s ask ourselves why we’re so quick to believe every story and claim that pops up about a basic white boy from Boston and a below average white girl from Portugal.
Then ask yourself why the actions of two people who have zero impact on your lives matter so much to you.
Then, I would suggest you go outside, get some fresh air and focus on building your own life.
It’s okay to want to know stuff about your favourite actor. It’s not okay to perpetuate lies and BS about them, or obsess about them to this level.
Okay peace out, thank you for letting me express my disgruntled feelings, Sophia!
You are always welcome to come and vent on my blog :)
Everyone is!
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twopoppies · 2 years
I'm just thinking about how this feels like for Harry. He has never been in a mess like this before. It feels like a bad reality show, and he has always been so cool and so above things like that, even when he was waist deep in stunts. I feel like being a joke and not taken seriously are big fears of his and that's exactly what's happening rn. I mean I get second hand embarassment from this shit, I can't imagine what it's like for him. And the worst thing is at this point he's so deep in the mud he can't get out without a stain. And he can't even lay low and let the public move onto the next tabloid scandal because he's everywhere and he's already booked for like a million years in advance
Hi love. Yeah, I can’t imagine it feels good to him. My hope is that he’s working through his feelings in therapy, that he has some solid people around him who remind him that all of ✨ this ✨ isn’t actually real, and that he knows there’s a light at the end of the tunnel that’s actively drawing closer.
Oh, and I fervently hope that whatever contracts have been drawn up with Olivia are air tight so she can’t use these last two years to her advantage in perpetuity (because you know she will, if she’s allowed to).
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twstandsh0ut · 2 years
Octavinelle Kink Headcannons
Soooo I'm finally posting this after leaving it perpetually in drafts. No idea when I'll get around to posting Scarabia, but I *should* have some new character analysis posts coming in the near future that are about how different characters would be in a relationship. I love reading twst fics, buuuuuut I do feel certain characters are a bit mischaracterized by the fandom (not that there's anything wrong with headcannons, I mean that's literally what this blog is filled with) so I wanted to post my personal take on them. Anyways, on to what you're here for~
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Azul Ashengrotto
A bit of an exhibitionist. I know he's often portrayed as being shy, buuuuuuut I believe he would be the opposite (see post on Azul and shyness). He wants to show off his partner and make others jealous that he has what they do not. Expect him to suddenly pull you into a kiss, doing his best to make you moan or blush in public, all while having that one smirk on his face.
Azul gets off on control, so expect him to be telling you what to do a lot (though not as much as a certain Scarabia student...). I can definitely see this getting out of hand, so brace yourself and be ready to knock him down a few pegs if needed.
100% into degradation. He can't help it, when he sees you desperately begging for him it just starts to come out. But you like that, don't you, you poor unfortunate soul?
I can definitely see him using toys and rope, but for him he can take or leave it/it depends on his mood.
Sadist. I mean, look at literally any interaction with the students under contract with him.
Dom, but could switch with the right person. He's spent a lot of time fighting to get to the top, I don't think he'll give up control so easily. The right person could persuade him to though, but I imagine it wouldn't be 100% of the time since sometimes he just needs to feel on top of the world.
Rather than preferring a sub/switch/Dom, he'd prefer someone that he could show off/would bring him higher social status or an advantage in the world of some sort. He wants someone that others will be jealous of. Bonus points if that person wields a lot of power but is completely submissive to him... although that kind of person would likely straight up get taken advantage of. Sorry, but Azul is not as nice as he claims to be.
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Jade Leech
Well everyone, meet the #1 kinkiest person on campus. While there are a few others who come close, Jade is easily one of the kinkiest on campus. If you're with him, you'd better brace himself, cause there's very few limits here and he's always interested in trying something "for science."
He really enjoys observing you. He will know all your weaknesses, and will try things out on you to see how you react. He'll of course remember his favorite reactions and do his best to get them out of you all the time. Also on the same lines, I see him as wanting to do things to you more than you do things to him. He's definitely into shibari as well.
Overstimulation. He is 100% into it. Honestly, he'd probably tie you up, add a vibrator, then just.... hang out and do homework or tend to his terrariums. While observing you from the corner of his eye. Or, you know. Straight up sitting in front of you with that shit eating grin of his asking if you're enjoying yourself, maybe you need his help while full well knowing you can't take much more, but you'll try for him right?
Honestly, if you're with Jade chances are Floyd is joining in too. They may take turns with you, but they're definitely going to share you at some point. They have a lot more in common than meets the eye, so chances are if you've attracted the attention of one you've attracted the attention of both. Not to mention male moray eels apparently share a female mate
Sadist... I feel this needs no explanation. Like.... all of his interactions, no matter how polite he seems, he's just exuding sadist.
Dom. Is this even a question? He'd be specifically looking for an interesting partner who reacts a lot. The more you react and the more interesting your reactions the better. Doesn't matter to him if you're a Dom/switch/sub... you'll be a sub for him.
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Floyd Leech
I hope you're into being covered in bruises and bite marks! While Jade and Floyd have similar tendencies, Jade is more deliberate and Floyd will start off being deliberate before going with the flow. Any partner of his had better have a high pain tolerance and either be really good at concealer/have a ton of turtlenecks and long sleeve outfits.... or just straight up not care about the whispers and comments. Bright side... Floyd will probably chase off anyone that harasses you about the marks. You know, after smirking and bragging.
He's not opposed to toys, but he may decide he's done using them partway through cause he got bored. The least likely of the Octatrio to tie up a partner due to it taking so long. Well... he'll do the basic ones. You could convince him to do more complex bondage if you make it interesting however. Honestly, make it interesting for him and he'll have the same kind of patience as Jade.
Like stated with Jade, Floyd will most likely share you with his twin. Just be ready if you're in the middle of something with Jade for Floyd to snag you over to him saying it's his turn. Still, he won't be entirely selfish. After all, Jade always makes things more fun and comes up with the best ideas... and he can't wait to see you starring in Jade's latest one.
Sadist. Like with Jade I feel this needs no explanation.
Dom. In terms of a partner I feel he'd be similar to Jade in that you'd have to catch and keep his attention. I do feel playing hard to get will go a long with with him as well... but be careful not to take it too far with him. Unless you enjoy being chased down by a pair of eels, then carry on~
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I'm gonna copy/paste this to some other blogs too because I would like advice from people with different perspectives
Am I weird or inconsistant for wanting to marry a fellow aroace person?
Society today always ties mariage and love together but historically and legally (at least in my country) it was (is?) not the case. Mariage was a contract between two families to perpetuate the bloodline, to keep lands, goods and properties between them, to socially protect both parties and help them to enrich themself, and while love between the two individuals was always a nice addition it was not a viable reason to get married/divorced (that and the all "only hetero wedding" cause religion is always a party pooper, but it's an all other point).
At it's roots mariage is only a social and economic contract but today the only good reason to be married is romantic love? And I'm just 😐 about that.
Don't get me wrong, I find it fantastic that Love is now a primary variant when before a lot of couples where stuck together because the family didn't ask or care for for their consentement. But now it's the ONLY reason people will accept the mariage of others and when I try to explain myself that I want it as a partnership with a friend to live my life people tries to... Invalidate me?
Like I just want to meet a good friend (that could support living with me every day 😅) laugh with them, cry with them, support each other, and that we like it or not mariage is a way to do so cause the state loves families cause they are profitable💲💲
So the state offers (or is supposed to) socials advantages and economic safety to married couples that it doesn't to single people.
And while I kinda agree with the reasonning behind it, I'm also sad to be more subjected to instability because I don't feel romantic love.
I've asked it to different people (both lgbt and not) and I was called greedy because I only want to profite from the eco/social benefits of the mariage, and I was like Yes ??!! That's the reason why this contract exist ?? And it's a natural and beautiful thing when the two persons love each-other but it's bad, greedy, I'm a leech/a parasite that only want to suck the money out of the system for myself because it's for "helping to support the children of the family" But there is plenty of CisHet couples and LGBT couples that can't or doesn't want kids but are still allowed to marry, but I'm weird for wanting it?
Because I only love my friends and I'm not IN LOVE with them? Because I don't want to fuck them?
Why my platonic love towards my friends, peoples dear to my heart, is less valid than the Oh so beautiful, Oh so pure, Oh so sacro-saint romantique one ?!
I've also tried to convey my ideas through rough sketches of a little comic on another site and some told me they didn't see the point, others to "just found a roommate and stop being weird" and someone accused me of queerbaiting because I depicted myself (a girl) with another girl and I was told I wanted to profit from a queer audience without wanting to write a WlW story properly, and I don't know it hurted me to receive those replies, to not be able to tell what I wanted to do, what I was craving for, that I started crying on the spot it was the first time I felt so invalidate as an AroAce and it came from an other lgbt member, like shit lady I'm trying to express something difficult for me why did you felt the need to insult me like that !!!!??? I've also received creepy DMs from guys that wanted to help me discover thE ReAL DeAl fuck every one of them !!!!
I just want to find my soulmate in this stupid universe but I know mine will be a Friend, a sibling from a different family. We will eat as every other couples, we will arguing over the evening movie as every other couple, we will stress together over taxes and rent like every other couple, we will love each other but of a simple and serene love that only friendship can create, completely platonic but nonetheless true. BECAUSE WE WILL BE TWO RESPONSIBLES AND CONSENTENT ADULTS THAT KNOW WHAT THEY WANT
I just want an other idiot to be a couple of idiots that helps each other to live in a society that despise single people and exposed them as failure to enforce it's own nuclear family model
And if I want us to signed a stupid mariage contract together I dont understand why everyone else tries so hard to make it weird !!!!!!
I'm sorry if it appears rude, I'm still under the heat of the emotion and not an english speaker
I want comment ? advice ? answer ? acknowledgment ? I dont know am I actually the weirdo ? 😞
Hi anon,
I apologise for taking so long to respond to this. I hope your life is going well :)
No, I don't think you're weird, inconsistent or greedy for wanting to marry someone platonically for tax benefits. It's not wrong to want the same benefits as romantic couples without forcing yourself into a romantic relationship. As long as both you and your partner consent to it, it’s totally fine!
This is not the first time I hear about aspecs wanting to marry for tax benefits. The concept is quite present in examples of relationship dynamics in qprs (queer-platonic relationships, a type of relationship that isn't romantic but goes beyond the social norms for friendships). 
Aros already have a natural disadvantage to this system and because of that we won't ever be able to marry for romantic reasons. We're at a disadvantage for something we can't control and that's what many allo people don't understand. You want to marry because of (a different kind of) love, but even if it was exclusively for money benefits, it's none of other people's businesses.
I'm sorry you faced so much backlash. Those people were extremely rude. Real people can't "queerbait", that's a concept applied to fictional characters only; those people who told you to just find a roommate wouldn't certainly be happy to just be a roommate with a romantic partner. As I said, those people fail to understand that it's not a choice to not be romantically attracted to someone and probably fail to think outside of their allo experience and the amatonormative society. It's really unfortunate though that queer people, who should be supporting you, are the ones being hateful.
So basically, it's totally fine to want marriage for non-romantic reasons. Other people think they know what is best for you but they don't. Follow your own path and think of your and your partner's happiness before other's opinions. There's nothing wrong to benefiting from a societal contract like marriage. Honestly I think it's a smart choice.
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fusion-of-fandom · 1 year
SO, I was sitting with some friends (i know, shocker) and we were just having fun during lunch.
Eventually we got onto the topic of vampires, and how they are after they die (something like, they get killed by a gunshot wound, so now they have a massive scar in where they got shot, or a drowned victim has unnaturally blue skin and lips etc.) specifically, the Cullen family and how they would have been if that same thing happened to them
and now, to headcannons :)
note: this is for comedy purposes, so most things are overexaggerated for the mood
◊ Everything in the story of twilight is the exact same
◊ the only difference is the vampire lore
◊ in short, Edward is so immunocompromised that Jacob sends his white twig ass into orbit
◊ just so he doesn't catch them FLEAS
◊ Seeing as he died of the Spanish flu, it could have gone either of 2 ways
◊ 1) he now is immune to everything, and no disease can fuck with him
◊ or 2) my personal favorite his body just contracts every disease over the 108 years he's been alive
◊ causing him to never know bodily peace
◊ and because I can, he can't get rid of it either since it will just come back from his body overreacting to a speck of dust
◊ Just imagine, the scene happens where Bella comes into class and Edward acts as if she's already got the whole school population on her, but he's in one of those massive yellow hazmat suits
◊ not because he's dangerous, oh no
◊ but because he's so immunocompromised that he's all but caught cancer and sickle cell disease
◊ Carries around at least 2 liquid sanitizers and damn near sprays everything he touches
◊ and like I said earlier, Jacob can and will take full advantage of the situation by just running at Edward at mach 6, so Edward goes mach 20
◊ We all know that little kids are the equivalent of walking petri dishes
◊ All I can imagine is Recessive coming out of school and Edward crying over the phone with Bella because he can't even go within 5 feet of her lest he be put out of commission for 5 years
◊ He has one of those showers in his room that sprays the person that comes in with sanitation shit, since he's so ridden with disease
◊ and when I say "ridden with disease"
◊ I mean this man out here with every disease known to man and some even unknown on him 24/7
◊ I like to think every disease takes turns bullying him every day
◊ "Bubonic plague! Its your turn!"
◊ It'd honestly be easier to name something he DOSENT have
◊ man goes near dirt ONCE and now he needs an IV for a good week
◊ And since he's technically dead, he has no way to be rid of the many illnesses that are on him
◊ so he's just perpetually sick
◊ strangely enough though, he has no allergies
◊ dude is just a walking patient 0
◊ Which would eventually lead to Renaissance being immune to damn near everything
◊ Bella has to wear one of those hazmat suits with if they wanna get to making a cgi kid
◊ Carlile makes BANK on him tho
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tempwork247 · 12 days
Unlocking the Power of Staffing Agency Services: A Comprehensive Guide
In today’s dynamic job market, businesses face the perpetual challenge of finding the right talent to drive their success. Amidst this landscape, staffing agencies emerge as invaluable partners, streamlining the recruitment process and connecting employers with top-tier candidates. Whether you're a startup in Aquebogue or a corporate giant in the bustling streets of New York City, leveraging the services of a reputable staffing agency like Tempwork247 can be the game-changer your organization needs.
Staffing agencies act as intermediaries between employers and job seekers, offering a range of services tailored to meet diverse hiring needs. From temporary staffing solutions to executive search services, these agencies provide flexible and cost-effective solutions designed to optimize workforce management. Let's delve deeper into the myriad benefits offered by staffing agencies and explore why they're essential in today's competitive business landscape.
Streamlined Recruitment Process: Partnering with a staffing agency streamlines the recruitment process, saving businesses valuable time and resources. Tempwork247, as a leading staffing agency in Aquebogue and New York City, employs industry-leading recruitment strategies to identify, screen, and onboard top talent swiftly and efficiently.
Access to Talent Pool: Staffing agencies maintain extensive networks of qualified candidates across various industries and skill sets. This vast talent pool enables businesses to access candidates with specialized expertise and experience that may be challenging to find through traditional hiring methods.
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In conclusion, staffing agencies play a pivotal role in shaping the future of work, offering unparalleled value to businesses seeking to optimize their workforce management strategies. From sourcing top talent to mitigating risks and enhancing employer branding, the benefits of partnering with a reputable staffing agency are undeniable. In Aquebogue, New York City, and beyond, Tempwork247 stands as a trusted partner, dedicated to helping businesses thrive by connecting them with the talent they need to succeed.
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What is the importance of private limited company registration?
A private limited company is a form of commercial entity that is privately owned and limited by shares. Here are some advantages of a private limited company: 1. Limited Liability The shareholders' responsibility is restricted to the amount invested in the company. This ensures that their personal assets are safe in the event of the company's demise. In the event of firm liquidation or financial disaster, the company's personal assets will not be used. 2. A separate legal entity. A private limited company is a separate legal entity from its owners, which implies that it can possess assets, enter into contracts, and sue or be sued in its own right. A firm owns all of its assets in its own name, not the names of its owners.
3. Perpetual existence A private limited corporation can continue to exist even if its original shareholders sell or pass away. Members may come and go, but the company may continue indefinitely. 4. Ease of raising capital A private limited corporation can raise funds by distributing shares to investors. This makes raising financing easier than in other business models. A registered business as a private limited company makes it easier for it to receive capital from private investors. A private limited business can raise capital more easily. 5. Tax benefits. Private limited corporations may be eligible for certain tax breaks, such as lower corporate tax rates and the ability to claim specific deductions and exemptions. When compared to other sorts of businesses, a private limited company benefits from a variety of tax breaks. 6. Credibility and Perception A private limited corporation may be viewed as more credible and professional than alternative business formats. This can help to attract customers, investors, and business partners. A registered private limited company ensures stability and credibility in the eyes of many stakeholders. 7. Ownership control In comparison to other business models, the owners of a private limited company have more authority over the corporation's administration and direction. A private limited company's shares are not publicly traded, therefore the stockholders have entire ownership.
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instabizfiling · 23 days
Starting Your Business Journey: A Comprehensive Guide to Private Limited Company Registration
Starting and running a business can seem daunting, but with the right guidance, it becomes a seamless process. One of the first and most crucial steps is choosing the right business structure. For many entrepreneurs, private limited company registration offers the ideal blend of flexibility and security. In this blog, we’ll walk you through the essentials of private limited company registration and explain why it might be the perfect fit for your business.
What is a Private Limited Company?
A private limited company is a type of business entity that limits owner liability to their shares, limits the number of shareholders to 200, and restricts shareholders from publicly trading shares. This structure is favored by many startups and growing businesses due to its distinct advantages, including limited liability protection and increased credibility with customers and investors.
Benefits of Private Limited Company Registration
Limited Liability: One of the primary benefits of private limited company registration is that it provides limited liability protection to its shareholders. This means that personal assets are safeguarded in case the company faces financial distress.
Separate Legal Entity: A private limited company is recognized as a separate legal entity, which means it can own assets, incur debts, and enter into contracts independently of its owners.
Easy Access to Funding: Investors and banks often prefer to invest in or lend to private limited companies due to their structured nature and legal transparency. This makes it easier to raise capital for expansion and growth.
Enhanced Credibility: Registering as a private limited company adds a layer of professionalism and credibility, which can be beneficial in gaining the trust of clients, suppliers, and potential investors.
Perpetual Succession: A private limited company enjoys perpetual succession, meaning its existence is not affected by changes in ownership or the demise of shareholders. This ensures business continuity and stability.
Steps to Register a Private Limited Company
Choose a Unique Company Name: The first step in private limited company registration is selecting a unique name for your business. The name should be distinctive and not similar to any existing companies.
Prepare Required Documents: Gather essential documents such as the Memorandum of Association (MoA), Articles of Association (AoA), and identification proofs of directors and shareholders.
Obtain Digital Signature Certificates (DSC): Digital signatures are necessary for filing electronic forms. Obtain DSCs for the proposed directors of the company.
Apply for Director Identification Number (DIN): Each director must have a DIN, which can be obtained by submitting an application along with identity proof and address proof.
Submit Incorporation Forms: File the incorporation forms with the Registrar of Companies (ROC) along with the necessary documents and fees. This includes Form SPICe+ (Simplified Proforma for Incorporating Company Electronically Plus), which streamlines the process.
Receive Certificate of Incorporation: Upon approval, the ROC issues a Certificate of Incorporation, officially recognizing your business as a private limited company.
Private limited company registration is a strategic choice for many entrepreneurs looking to build a resilient and scalable business. The process, while straightforward, requires careful planning and attention to detail. By following the steps outlined above, you can ensure a smooth registration process and set your business on the path to success.
Whether you’re just starting or looking to formalize your growing venture, our team is here to assist you every step of the way. We specialize in making it fast and simple to start, run, and grow your business, ensuring you have the support needed to thrive in today’s competitive market. Reach out to us today and let’s get started on your journey to success with private limited company registration.
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