#Agape brings me so much joy and happiness I should just mention
propertyofhog · 2 years
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Agape is a siren!! And in my universe- Siren hibernate when it gets colder outside! Half the autumn season and all the winter season he's very sleepy and soft
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melzula · 4 years
hi ! i don’t know if this counts as a whole prompt, but could i request some iroh ii ? maybe their reunion when kya’s daughter went back with bumi to the fire nation and their whole reunion to wedding story ?
a/n: I just did the reunion part of this because it would be hard to cram the whole timeline into one piece aha but nonetheless enjoy!
*based off of these hc’s
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The cool breeze of the ocean air does little to calm your nerves as you fidget with the beads that wrap themselves neatly around your wrist and stare out into the open water. The Fire Nation docks are fast approaching, and you foolishly wonder if everything will be the same as it was when you left it behind all those years ago. You wonder if he is still the same, fearing for a moment that perhaps he has forgotten you after being apart for so long, but you don’t have time to dwell on your anxieties when a firm clap on your shoulder breaks you from your thoughts.
“Why the long face, kiddo?” Your Uncle Bumi grins. “I thought you’d be happier to be back here.”
“I am,” you reassure him, “it’s just I’m a little nervous is all. I haven’t been here in so long...”
“Well I’m sure the royals will be happy to see you,” he says. “You were Lord Zuko’s star student after all, and General Iroh is always asking about you.”
“He is?” You gasp, doing your best to quell the excitement that bubbles up inside of you at the news. You always brushed off your infatuation with the General as a silly childhood crush, but if that were the case then the mere mention of him shouldn’t have made you as cheerful as it did.
“Of course! Why do you think I brought you out here with me? Some good old nostalgia would be perfect for you!”
“Uncle,” you say with a pointed look. Bumi grins sheepishly.
“You could use a friend, y/n. And so could Iroh.”
You don’t get the chance to argue or insist that you’re fine, that you’re perfectly okay with the fact that your best friend is your Gran Gran, as the ship pulls into the docks and Fire Nation guards arrive to escort you to the palace. None of them are familiar to you, most of the men you’d known as a child having retired by now, but they still greet you with the same kindness as always, a perk of being the Avatar’s granddaughter and the Commander’s niece.
“I have to prepare for the meeting,” your uncle says as you reach the front gates and are permitted entry to the palace, “but if you want to head off and look for some old friends or even just explore your old playing grounds go right ahead.”
“Good look with the meeting, Uncle Bumi,” you reply before gifting the man a kiss on the cheek and parting ways with him for now.
You find yourself wandering into the gardens, admiring the blooming fire lilies and enjoying the refreshing breeze that blows cooly against your face as you reminisce on the memories you hold in this very spot. If you look hard enough you can almost see yourself sitting underneath the shade of the tree with Zuko and his grandson studying fire bending scrolls and enjoying cups of tea. Life had been so quiet and simple then, so peaceful. Maybe Bumi was right about needing a friend; you’d never felt lonelier in your entire life than you did now looking upon old childhood memories.
“Y/n?” A voice calls almost hesitantly, void of the confidence he’d always held, and despite the fact that your heart catches in your throat at the sound of his voice you will yourself to turn around and face the man you never stopped thinking about.
You can’t help the way your mouth hangs agape at the sight of him; he’d always been a good looking boy, but over the years Iroh had grown into the handsomest man you’d ever seen. He was beautiful with his strong jaw and shimmering gold irises, and despite how much he’d changed over the years he still held that same boyish grin you’d taken comfort in many times before.
“Iroh,” you finally say, heat crawling up your neck as you smile shyly. He’s rushing towards you in an instant, pulling you into his chest for a tight hug and laughing with pure unadulterated joy.
“I almost didn’t recognize you,” he admits with a sheepish grin, hands resting on your shoulders as he pulls away and looks you in the eyes. You don’t know it, but he’s just as taken back by your beauty. He was used to seeing you running around in your pigtails with your wide smile and a few teeth missing; you were absolutely radiant, your features maturing with the time that had passed, but your eyes still held that same twinkle they always did.
“It’s so good to you, old friend,” you say, smiling fondly as you rest a hand upon his cheek. “I’ve missed you.”
“So have I,” he replies, and you don’t miss the way he seems to melt into your touch. “I have a meeting to attend to, but perhaps you’d like to accompany me to dinner tonight? I want to hear about all of your adventures.”
“Dinner sounds lovely.”
“Perfect,” Iroh grins, “I’ll see you then.”
He parts from you then with a kiss on the cheek, leaving you with a dazed smile alone in the gardens as you watch him walk into the palace.
“We’re having dinner,” you murmur quietly to yourself, an excited smile pulling at your lips as you rush towards your assigned quarters to prepare.
“A date with the General, huh?”
“It’s not a date, Uncle Bumi,” you remind him as you sit before the vanity and slip on your favorite pair of earrings, a pair your mother had bought for you once during your travels, “it’s just dinner.”
“Sounds like a date to me,” he teases with a knowing grin. “You know, I always had a feeling about you two.”
“You said the same thing about Uncle Tenzin and Aunt Lin,” you retort only for Bumi to grimace.
“I never said it was a good feeling.”
“It’s not a big deal,” you shrug nonchalantly. “We’re just two old friends who want to catch up with each other.”
Oh, but it actually is a very big deal for you. You can’t remember the last time anyone has taken you out to dinner or the last time you had actually dressed yourself up for someone else, and frankly you don’t know why you’re so nervous. It’s Iroh, after all, your childhood friend, why should you be nervous?
“Oh, I’ll walk you out!” Your Uncle exclaims excitedly once you put the finishing touches on your ensamble, and before you can even get up from your chair Bumi is yanking you onto your feet and dragging you out of the room towards the front gates where Iroh is presumably waiting for you. “I only wish your mother were here to see this!”
“Uncle,” you groan in quiet embarrassment, “you seem more excited than I am.”
“What? That’s nonsense!” Bumi scoffs. “Can’t I just appreciate the romanticism that comes with seeing old friends?”
“I see you’re a poet much like your father,” a third voice intrudes, a smiling Iroh startling both you and your uncle. “I hope I’m not interrupting.”
“No, not at all!” Bumi says before you can so much as open your mouth to reply. “In fact I was just leaving. You kids have fun! Oh, and uh, bring her back home safe and sound and all that protective Uncle junk I’m supposed to say.”
“Of course, Commander,” he says with a slight laugh before turning to you. “Are you ready?”
“I am,” you smile, making sure to give your Uncle a chaste kiss to the cheek before taking Iroh’s outstretched and following him out the front gates. Your Uncle watches your retreating forms with a faint smile and a mischievous glint in his eye.
“Phase one of my matchmaking plan is complete.”
The royal plaza is beautiful at night. Lanterns hang from the skies and bathe the streets in their golden hue. The restaurants and shops are bustling with customers as lovers, families, and friends all spend their evenings out on the town. No one seems to notice your presence— Iroh had insisted that no guards were needed to escort you both— and for that you are grateful.
“Hungry for anything in particular? I know you were especially fond of dumplings when we were children,” Iroh notes with a chuckle.
“I’d love anything spicy. As much as I enjoy sea prunes and seal jerky, nothing in the south really has that same kick to it that Fire Nation food has.”
“I know the perfect place,” Iroh says, and you have to fight against the way your stomach seems to summersault when he takes your hand in his own and weaves you through the streets.
You end up in a quiet little restaurant together where the food is fresh and the hostess is the sweetest little old lady you’ve ever met, though she brings you way more food than you ordered. You’re eager to scarf down the spicy noodles and steaming buns, so eager in fact that you don’t notice the love stricken way in which Iroh watches you practically inhale your food.
“How’s your family?” He asks behind his cup of tea.
“Good. Gran Gran has been training the new Avatar and my mother helps where she can. My Uncle Tenzin and Aunt Pema just had a new baby not too long ago, a son named Meelo.”
“That’s amazing,” Iroh smiles, “congratulations on your new cousin.”
“Thank you. Our family is certainly growing,” you say with a slight laugh. “And how are things with you and your family?”
“I have to admit, I haven’t really been home much to know,” Iroh chuckles. “This visit is also my first time back in a while. Mother is a gracious ruler and the people love her, my sister is still living her quiet life with her husband out on the farm, and my grandfather comes back and forth all the time. Everyone seems to be happy.”
“And are you happy?”
“I like to think so. I’m the youngest General in the United Forces which is a great accomplishment, and I’m having dinner with a friend I thought I’d never see again, so yes, I’m very happy,” he notes with a wink. You can’t help but roll your eyes at his slyness, a small huff blowing past your nose.
“Don’t be so dramatic,” you tease.
“Really, y/n,” Iroh says, all features void of his previous humor as they morph into a more tender nature. He reaches across the table and rests a hand across your own, a faint smile on his lips. “I’ve missed you, and I’m so happy you’re here.”
“Me too,” you admit with a tiny smile. “It’s been hard without you, friend.”
“Friend,” Iroh repeats with a small sigh, but his smile never falters. He pays for your meal and offers you his arm to guide you back to the palace; you talk about old memories and new ones, your adventures during your time apart, and your excitement to create new ones together. You’ve never been happier, and for the first time in a long time the loneliness that normally gnaws at your spirit is nowhere to be found.
“Can you find your room okay?” Iroh asks as you reach the front doors of the palace.
“I can,” you nod with a smile. “I’m actually staying in the room I had when I was a kid.”
“Go figure,” he laughs softly before gracing you with a sweet smile. “Thank you for accompanying me to dinner tonight. Will I see you tomorrow?”
“You will.”
“Good. I look forward to it,” Iroh says. “Sleep well, y/n.”
“Goodnight, Iroh,” you utter with a small smile, making sure to gift him a kiss on the cheek before disappearing inside. Stunned, the General stands frozen in place with a dazed smile on his face. He hasn’t felt this way about anyone in such a long time, hadn’t felt such genuine excitement and joy, and he had to admit that it somewhat intimidated him. He’d always seen you as the girl he’d grown up with, the one he’d spent his time with stealing desserts from the kitchen and running through the hallways, but now...
“Spirits,” Iroh exclaims with a breathless laugh. “I think I’m in love.”
In the gardens sits the trio of adults who watch the scene unfold before them, knowing looks exchanged among them as they sip their tea and watch Iroh disappear into the palace.
“They make a handsome pair, don’t they?” Zuko notes offhandedly to his daughter. “I give them a month.”
“A month?” Bumi snorts. “No way! Three weeks maybe, but not a month.”
“I have more faith in my son than that,” Izumi says with the shake of her head. “One week.”
“One week?!” The Commander exclaims with a laugh. “Oh, you’re on!”
“Betting over the love life of my grandson and my former student was not how I pictured spending my retirement,” Zuko sighs, but there’s a smile on his face as he considers his grandson courting the granddaughter of his best friend. Life has a funny way of working out sometimes.
And it was going to work out for you and Iroh.
| iroh/atla tags: @nataliahaslosthershit @zukh03s @rainteslerrrr @simpinforsukka |
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someonestolemyshoes · 3 years
Toys Shouldn’t Move
This is a repost of an old.....frankly chaotic fic I wrote a few years ago, but as I was asked to repost some of my old Ackerbabies fics, I figured this one can see the light of day again. Whether I think it should be in the public eye again is. Debatable. 
Anyway, this is technically part of my Our House collection and I’ll archive it in there as well, but I figured since it’s, um, Different. It can have a place of it’s own too!! 
Warning: Non-graphic depictions of sex between inanimate(?) objects. 
They’re getting ready for bed when Levi brings it up, and he only thinks to mention it because Hange is wearing a slip of a nightie, the cool, thin silk see-through at the breast, riding high over her thighs. On any normal day he wouldn’t hesitate, but today he feels dirty. He freezes when her finger grazes over the skin of his chest, body rigid, and at Hange’s questioning gaze he says, “the Cookie Monster fucked Elmo.”
It all started with that fucking Tickle Me Extreme Cookie Monster toy.
Levi wasn’t fond of them, those fuzz-coated, boggle-eyed, shit-your-pants scary robots marketed to brats as young as his own and he can’t see the attraction, doesn’t understand the way Samson claps his hands and spits his laughs, all wide-eyed and full of joy as the fluffy little demon chuckles it’s weird, demonic laughter and rocks in time to the wriggle of Samson’s grubby, tickling fingers.
“Toys shouldn’t move,” he says one day, arms crossed and brow furrowed as Hange takes to the floor and sets the doll in motion. She rolls her eyes, and puffs a lock of hair from her face.
“Say hello to the twenty-first century, short stuff,” she says as Samson dives for the Cookie Monster with a kind of undignified gusto Levi rarely sees in him. Hange stretches to her feet, bends to press a kiss to Levi’s pouted mouth and scoops Leelu out of her chair.
“If this is the twenty-first century, I want out.”
Leelu stretches tiny, sticky fingers and grabs at the air in his direction. Levi lifts her out of Hange’s grip, and settles her on his hip, smudging a streak of chocolate from her cheek with his thumb. She points down at Samson, points at the god-forsaken toy and says, loud and clear and bossy as ever, “want one.”
Hange barks out a laugh, rests her hands on her hips and tips her chin up and guffaws, entirely at Levi’s expense, like there is anything remotely funny about the idea of having not one, but twoTickle Me Extreme Cookie Monster’s shrieking their laughter all day, every day, for the foreseeable future. Levi chucks Leelu’s cheek and scowls.
“Little traitor.”  
In the end, they compromise.
On the plus side, no more Cookie Monster robots, and upon hearing those words Levi is about as happy as he can be with Leelu sucking the ends of his cravat between her tiny little teeth.
Instead, though, Leelu will receive her very own Elmo Live – in short, another hairy, beastly little android.
Hange unpacks the box while Leelu watches, eyes wide behind little, round-lens glasses, while Samson pulls tiny tufts of fur from his Cookie Monster and pretends he isn’t looking, too. Levi sips a cup of strong tea, resigned to this fate.
The minute the batteries are in and the switch is flicked on, Elmo rockets to life, voice high and nasal. He throws his head back and laughs, mouth gaping, eyes bulging, and Levi stares over the rim of his tea cup in horror as Leelu beats her palms together, and giggles along with the monstrous toy. Hange is smiling, wide and victorious and yes, a little malicious, too. She casts her eyes to the side, to Levi.
“I hate it,” Levi says, stiffly, blinking at the manic red bot. “I hate it so much.”
And then the Cookie Monster is off alongside it, bending at the waist and gyrating, busting out it’s awful laughter as Samson shrieks, nudges it to set it away again. Elmo is chatting with his mouth spread as wide as it goes, an empty, black pit yawning inside and oh my god, oh my god.
Levi thinks, as Hange steps behind him to rest her chin atop his head and the diabolical sniggering continues, that things absolutely, 100% cannot possibly get any worse.
Levi thought wrong.
It’s when he’s packing the day away that he realises his misjudgment. He crosses the room, scooping toy cars and Barbie dolls and Lego pieces from the floor and throwing them into the toy box, and on his final leg of the room, there they are.
They stand side by side, Elmo and the Cookie Monster, bulbous white eyes watching his approach. His hands are tentative as he reaches for them, half expecting the evil little bastards to spring to life in his palms, wriggling and chuckling, but they remain still even as he closes his fingers around their fat, hairy middles.
They remain silent as he carries them across the room, don’t utter a sound as he traps Elmo beneath an arm to make some room in the toy box, stay quiet as he drops them into place.
It’s only when he steps back, and turns to survey the room one more time that it happens.
The Cookie Monster starts it. His infernal laughter rips through the room making Levi jump, twisting and staring in absolute horror as the tiny beast’s body rests where he’d placed it, curled against the back of Elmo, chortling and grumbling phrases Levi can’t even understand and this is bad enough, this is the worst, most terrible thing he has ever witnessed in his whole life, bar none.
And then Elmo joins in.
Elmo shrieks, throws his mouth open and howls and the sounds are terrible enough, but there is one thing that is even worse.
Tickle Me Extreme Cookie Monster has one feature that interests and amazes kids, that has Samson’s eyes bugging out of his skull whenever he turns the damn thing on, and it isn’t his laughter, it isn’t his jolly little phrases, and it isn’t his touch-of-a-hand reactions.
It’s that he moves.
TMX Cookie Monster bends at the waist in jerky little movements; three down, and three back up, lather, rinse, repeat. It’s horrifying enough, watching the fuzzy blue devil do this alone, but right now his fat little body is curling and uncurling itself pressed right up against Elmo’s back.
And Elmo is still screeching, still belting out his laughter, head knocked back and mouth agape and Jesus Christ—  
“They’re fucking,” Levi says to no one, staring at the toys where they sit in the box.
He is hasty to find the off-switch, and he drops them back in the box, shocked and speechless, before shaking his head and abandoning the room.
They’re getting ready for bed when Levi brings it up, and he only thinks to mention it because Hange is wearing a slip of a nightie, the cool, thin silk see-through at the breast, riding high over her thighs. On any normal day he wouldn’t hesitate, but today he feels dirty. He freezes when her finger grazes over the skin of his chest, body rigid, and at Hange’s questioning gaze he says, “the Cookie Monster fucked Elmo.”
Hange frowns, pulls back and settles herself against the mattress, one leg folded neatly over the other.
“If you don’t want to have sex tonight you can just tell me,” she says, a note of humour in her tone. Levi shakes his head, shucks his jeans off and scrubs his hands through his hair.
“The toys,” he says almost desperately, and at Hange’s raised brow, he elaborates. “I was packing them away and they weren’t switched off, and the way they were lying…it looked like they were boning.”
“That’s,” Hange begins, blinking owlishly, “that’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.”
Levi doubts this, knowing the kinds of things Hange reads and watches to keep herself entertained through the day, but he doesn’t argue.
“Can we just go to bed,” he says instead, and Hange nods, shaking her head and chuckling low under her breath.
Sleep is difficult, dreams wrought with red and blue and high, squawking laughter.
It happens again the next night, but by the time he drags Hange out of bed and down to the living room they have stopped and they sit, silent and mocking in the toy box, unseeing eyes staring into the room.
The worst part is, it never happens to Hange. Night after night she clears away, slips every used and abused toy into the box, and night after night Elmo and the Cookie Monster remain still, and silent.
Years go by; Samson and Leelu age and outgrow the toys they once loved. and Elmo and the Cookie Monster are no exception. Leelu is five when the robots are packed in cardboard and hauled up into the attic, and Levi sets the box to rest with a smile. He’s never been happier to see the back of any inanimate object in all his young life.
New toys come and go, some horrifying, some begrudgingly kind of cool, and as the kids shift from childhood to their teen years the phones come along. Cheap, at first, with thick, fat buttons and black and white screens and Snake, and as the kids grow older the phones become more complex.
They flip, they slide, they twist, they have the entire alphabet squeezed onto individual keys and then they have no keys at all, the epitome of modern technology.
Samson is sixteen, tapping away at the screen of a phone too complicated for Levi to even comprehend, when Hange suggests they clean out the attic for more storage space.
It’s a good idea, Levi thinks – though it’ll create messes he has to clean up – as he re-positions the ladder beneath the hatch for the third time. He holds it still as Samson and Leelu clamber up, and it’s only when Samson yells, “whoa, some of these are from like, ten years ago!” that Levi remembers what demons they’ve buried in boxes beneath the roof of their house.
“I’m making tea,” he says, and Hange nods.
“I’ll grab a coffee before we get started.” She angles her head up the opening and yells, “be careful up there, guys,” before smiling, pecking a kiss to Levi’s cheek, and leading him downstairs.
“Man, Lu-Lu, you had terrible taste in clothes as a kid, too.”
Samson dodges the smack Leelu sends his way and crumples the voluminous snot-green dress back into the box
“I, on the other hand,” he begins, brandishing an item from his own box, but his face falls into a grimace at the sight of the bright orange tee and he folds it away with a quiet, “sure glad Mum and Dad don’t dress me now.
“Hey, shit-for-brains,” Leelu says. Samson looks over. “This is all our old toys.”
“Oh, sweet! I bet mine were all better than yours, too.”
Leelu kicks at his thigh as Samson crawls the space between then and he scowls, rubs the battered limb and settles beside the box.
“Hey, look!” He laughs, pointing inside, “the Cookie Monster!”
“He’s squashing my Elmo.”
“Well, yeah,” Samson says, “Cookie Monster comes out on top every time, sis. Everyone knows CM trumps Elmo any day. God, I even picked better toys than you. Nothing’s changed, huh.”
“You know, Samson,” Leelu says, cracking her fingers one at a time. “I’d hate to ruin a perfectly good day by shoving your egocentric fucking face through the attic floor, but I’m not above doing it.”
Samson splays his hands and nods his head in surrender, and then he blinks wide, glinting eyes and reaches for the box.
“Wonder if they still work.”
It takes one touch to set the Cookie Monster flailing.
Samson prods him with a finger and Tickle Me Extreme Cookie Monster thrashes in the box, his rhythmic bending and unfurling awakening Elmo, too. The pair of them screech and holler, decades old laughter ricocheting off the attic walls, and Samson barks, pointing a long finger and grinning from ear to ear.
“Randy little bastards,” he hoots, fishing his phone out of his back pocket and opening the camera.
Leelu stares, wide-eyed and slack-jawed.
“What the fuck,” she breathes, gazing in abject horror as her childhood crumbles before her eyes. Samson can barely hold the camera steady, shoulders shaking, tears leaking down his cheeks as the Cookie Monster—
“He’s railing him,” Samson cries, voice high and strained as he fights to get the words passed his laughter. He angles the phone to catch Leelu in the lens, body hunched and eyes bulging, as she stares in terror at their childhood playthings.
“This is the most sordid thing I’ve ever seen,” Samson wheezes.
“I can’t fucking believe it,” Leelu says, quiet, monotonous, and horrified.
It takes a little longer before she thinks to switch them off, and when the idea finally springs to mind she hesitates to reach into the box. It feels dirty, touching them, and Samson wipes the tears from his face when the noise finally comes to a stop.
“I gotta show Mum,” Samson says, coughing out a few additional, choking laughs. Leelu follows him down the ladder in a daze.
“Mum, you’ve got to see this.”
Samson rockets into the kitchen, eyes alive, arm outstretched with his phone clutched in his hand. Levi sips his tea and raises a brow, gaze falling on Leelu as she drags her feet over the threshold and slumps into a chair. There’s something about the look in her eyes, a violated kind of shock that Levi has only seen once before, on himself, all those years ago, way back when…
Oh, no.
“Hey, Levi!” Hange laughs, setting her mug on the table. She peels Samson’s phone from his hand and turns it, tapping the screen. “Look what the kids found.”
There on the screen it plays, Elmo Live and Tickle Me Extreme Cookie Monster in all their sleazy glory. Levi jabs a finger first at the horror unfolding on the screen, and then at Hange
“I fucking told you,” he says, sitting a little higher in his chair to take one long, dignified slurp of his tea.
“My Elmo,” Leelu says. She looks at Levi a little imploringly. He shrugs a shoulder.
“It’s a long-standing affair,” he says. Samson claps him on the shoulder while Leelu buries her face in her hands.
“Taking it right in the childhood there, Lu-Lu,” Samson says, “just like Elmo’s taking it right in the—”
“Fuck the fuck off.”
“You didn’t believe me,” Levi says, listening idly as Samson and Leelu argue beside him. Hange replays the video and stares, laughter bubbling up in her eyes. Levi folds his arms, sniffing haughtily. “I told you those things were disgusting. Can we throw them away now?”
“No!” Samson wails, voice a little choked where his neck is hooked under Leelu’s arm. “You can’t punish them for love, Dad. I thought you were better than that.”
“Oh my god.”
“He’s right,” Hange says, grinning impishly, “I didn’t think you were the discriminating type.”
Levi scowls, then purses his lips.
“Can we just throw the damn things out?”
“I’ve lost all respect for you, Pops,” Samson says, and he tries to sigh, but his breath is gurgled when Leelu squeezes his neck a little tighter.
“Throw them out,” she says, “get rid of them.”
Levi kicks his way out of the chair, legs scraping over the kitchen tiles as Samson yells, strangled and desperate, “Injustice!”
Hange replays the video for a third time, tilts the screen first one way, then the other.
“It’s pretty impressive,” she says, “that they’re still working after all these years. And Elmo is way more flexible than I thought.”
Leelu tightens her headlock on Samson, choking off a snide, spit-heavy comment about stamina, and Levi drops back into his chair, tilting his head against the back rest to stare, resigned, at the ceiling. He listens to his children argue, to Leelu’s threats and Samson’s jeers, to Hange’s laughter and her half-hearted reprimands.
And to the monstrous, ungodly audio of toys fucking in his attic.
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fandomficsnstuff · 4 years
Dance with me
Javier Escuella x Reader
Warnings: A tiny bit of angst I think, but some romantic fluff makes up for it!
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(Found this, all credit goes to pngheavy , I adore this so much!! I really really hope it’s alright that I use it, let me know if it’s not)
Mierda - Shit
Chica - Girl
Hermosa - Beautiful
Mi Amor - My Love ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This was kinda done on a whim so it’s probably awful:)
You watched Dutch dance with Molly, making her giggle from time to time, and you wished you had that. Then, you saw Arthur dance with Mary-Beth and instead of happy, you grew slightly spiteful, taking a sip from your beer as you watched them bitterly, that is until someone sitting next to you made you jump half a mile. “Hey, why do you look so sad?” you knew that accent better than anything else, and you forced a smile as you turned your head to him “just sad you managed to bring the irish bastard back” you joked, making him chuckle that wonderful chuckle that you adored “ah, sorry about that. Mierda he wouldn’t shut up the whole way, talking constantly about this and that”, you laughed at that “it’s Sean, he never stops talking Javier” Javier shrugged “one can dream eh?” you nodded and looked down, a low ‘mhm’ being your only form of response.
You took a sip of your beer, finishing it off as there wasn’t much left, a silence fell over the both of you, you didn’t quite know what to say, Javier was handsome, he was kind and smart, brave and loyal to a fault, and he was so talented, he had the most beautiful voice you had ever heard, and you wanted to be dancing with him, you didn’t want to be either Molly or Mary-Beth, you wanted to be you, dancing with your handsome Javier, but he wasn’t yours, so it didn’t matter.
“What’s on your mind, chica?” you shrugged as you looked down, only now realizing that you had stared at Dutch and Molly dancing and giggling together “nothing” you shrugged again, hoping he’d buy it and just leave you alone, you didn’t need any form of rejection right now. But he didn’t, something that both made you happy and annoyed “don’t be like that, come on, you can tell me hermosa”, you scoffed a bit at his words, shaking your head as you bit your lip in thought, the alcohol slowly working it’s way through your system and to your head, you sighed and looked back up at him “well there’s this guy, he’s handsome, talented, loyal…” you looked away as you spoke, missing the way he looked defeated at the mention of another man, one you clearly liked, one who plauqed your mind in a time of celebration. “He’s brave too… skilled… and he’s really charming” your cheeks blushed, but you hoped he’d blame it on the alcohol. Javier cleared his throat awkwardly “well he… sounds like quite a man, so what’s the problem?” you laughed a bit before shaking your head, the alcohol really working on you now “he is, he’s so sweet to me, so kind, but then again I know he’s quite fond of the ladies, so I don’t know how to take it. But the thing that bugs me is that he doesn’t see me, yes he’s kind to me, but I guess I’m just scared that he’ll never see me the way I see him” Javier nodded as he processed your words, he hated the thought of another man in your life, but he wanted you to be happy, no matter what, so he swallowed his feelings, his hopes of being with you slowly gliding out of his reach, but in his mind, it wasn’t about him, it was about you, your happiness, your feelings, you came first, always.
“Well, chica, if he doesn’t see you, he doesn’t deserve you” you hummed low “yeah, the girls say that too” he shook his head, leaning closer “no, (Y/N), what I mean is… you’re beautiful, if he doesn’t see that he’s blind, your voice, your laugh, it’s addictive in the sweetest way possible and if he doesn’t see that then he’s deaf, if he can’t feel your kindness, hear it in your wonderful voice when you speak, how no matter what others say you’re still the gentle soul you’ve always been, then he’s not worthy of your time… any man would be lucky to have you, and not just that, but they should be proud. Whoever this guy is, he is either a fool or a cruel man if he isn’t returning the kindness you clearly show him… I would be honored to have you by my side, but I am not a good, or a lucky man, I hope the man you’ve chosen is...” you felt tears sting the corners of your eyes as you just stared at him, mouth slightly agape as you processed his words, exhaling heavily as you grinned at him.
“He is, and he’s sitting in front of me” now it was his turn to look shocked, staring at you with mouth agape until a grin of his own slowly made it’s way onto his lips, and in an instant he pulled you to him, a hand cupping your cheek as he leaned closer, his lips meeting yours as all the passion and love you both felt mixed together. You gasped for air as you parted, staring at him with pure joy “I-... dance with me, mi amor” he pulled you up, and you couldn’t suppress the giggle that made it’s way out of your mouth as he swung you into his arms, holding you gently as he spun you around and danced with you, and you blushed heavily at the look Mary-Beth gave you as she herself danced with Arthur.
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The Competition
I’d say oops part 3 but these are so fun to write and bring me such joy that I’m gonna stop apologizing for it haha
The avatar gang competes to see who can get Zuko to laugh first. Adorableness ensues.
word count: 8116
“Zuko doesn’t emote much, does he?”
Katara was staring at the young Fire Nation prince as she said it. He was lying against Appa, fully asleep even though the sun had only set an hour ago. She had noticed that, if circumstances permitted it, Zuko tended to rise and fall with the sun, waking at sunrise before anyone else to meditate in the soft morning glow, then nodding off quickly after the last whispers of light had vanished behind the horizon. Perhaps it had something to do with fire benders’ dependency on the sun: the way it fueled their strength and abilities, just as she drew power from the moon. 
Whatever the reason, it was amusing—the way he conked out like a baby polar leopard long before anyone else in the group had even considered turning in for the night. 
Sokka scoffed, tearing eagerly into a strip of salmon jerky. “Are you kidding me?” he said between bites. “The guy yells every other sentence that leaves his mouth. How is that not emotive?”
“He does have a bit of a temper,” Aang admitted, shooting an anxious glance in Zuko’s direction before continuing. “But it’s something he’s told me he’s working on. I think being angry is like his base temperature, so we should try to be patient with him.”
Aang grinned enthusiastically. Katara shook her head. 
“I know he’s good at expressing his anger. I guess I meant emoting in more...positive ways. He barely ever smiles, and I don’t think I’ve ever heard him laugh before.” She stared at him sullenly. “Do you think he’s all right?”
The rest of the group followed her gaze to the slumbering teenager. The campfire in the center of their circle rose and fell with his steady breathing. 
“He does have a lot going on, what with the having to betray his nation and leave his home and help Aang defeat his dad and all,” Toph pointed out. “But I think you’re reading this wrong, Katara. Maybe Zuko just doesn’t express happiness the same way we do. Maybe it’s more subtle.” She popped a berry into her mouth. “But that doesn’t mean he’s not enjoying being here with us.”
Katara crossed her arms in thought. “Yeah,” she conceded. “Maybe.” She turned back to the group with a line between her eyes. “It just...makes me sad. It’d be nice to see him be unsubtly happy for a change, wouldn’t it? I know all of your laughs and smiles by heart at this point. I feel like I’ll never know him completely until I recognize his.”
The only times Zuko ever flagrantly expressed himself were when he was shouting angrily about something or shooting awake from another horrendous nightmare, drenched in a cold sweat with tears shining in the corners of his eyes. Happy emotions were restricted to tiny smiles that vanished in a heartbeat and the slightest lift in his otherwise level voice. Katara wondered what kinds of hardships he’d endured to make him this way. What cruel forces had forged him into the teenager that slept by their side—a person who shrunk from joy like it was dangerous, poisonous. 
Aang sprung to his feet suddenly, making the others wince in surprise. “Ooh, ooh!” he exclaimed excitedly. “I know what to do! We should have a competition!”
The group sat in silence for a moment. “A...competition?” Sokka parroted, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah!” Aang cheered, pointing at the still-sleeping Zuko. “Whoever can get Zuko to laugh first wins!”
The gang exchanged a look of confusion and intrigue. It was such a silly proposition. 
“And I mean really laugh,” he elaborated. “Like, Sokka-after-Toph-inhaled-fire-flakes laugh.”
Sokka burst into giggles at the mention of the incident while Toph frowned at her feet. “Oho man, that was the best!” he cackled, wiping his eyes.
“Yeah, like that!” Aang continued exuberantly. “For the next few days, all of us should try to make Zuko do the Zuko-equivalent of that. And whoever gets him to do it first wins!”
Katara grinned at the idea. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t imagine what Zuko’s laugh might sound like. She needed to hear it firsthand, which would clearly require creativity on their end. Her mind was already grasping for potential leads. 
“I like it,” she decided. “Are there any rules?”
Aang tapped his chin in thought. “Hmm. No telling Zuko about the competition or what we’re trying to do. That’ll spoil it. We also have to take turns trying to make him laugh—as in, you can’t try something once then immediately try something else; everyone has to go again before you get to take another stab at it. And everyone has to witness it happening and agree on the winner for it to count.”
Sokka stretched his arms over his head with a smirk. “Well then, the rest of you might as well duck out now. Everyone knows I’m the king of gut-busting jokes and sarcasm. Sokka’s got this in the bag.”
“The Air Nomads are famous for having great senses of humor,” Aang retorted cheerfully. “I’ve got an entire cultural heritage of making people laugh on my side. Don’t count me out just yet.”
Katara rolled her eyes. “You guys are so conceited. Always thinking your hilarious wit is the answer to everything.”
Aang and Sokka shared a puzzled scowl. “What’s your plan then, Miss Anti-Humor?” Sokka asked. 
Katara colored. “Um, w-well—” Her eyes darted around their campsite before landing on Momo. She scooped the lemur off the ground and placed him on her head. “I’ll make him laugh with fun! See? Fun!”
Momo warbled lazily as Sokka shook his head. “You’d best leave this to the experts, Katara. Fun hasn’t ever exactly been your thing.”
Momo leapt off her head as Katara pouted. “We’ll see,” she grumbled.
“What if none of us find a way to make Zuko laugh?” Toph inquired. “What happens then?”
“Those sound like the words of someone who is going down!” Sokka cried triumphantly. Aang shrugged. 
“Then I guess we just keep trying.”
Toph pursed her lips before hinting a smile. “All right. I’m in.” She polished off her handful of berries. “Oh, and I’m one hundred percent winning this thing.”
“That’s the spirit!” Aang said. He pumped his fist in the air. “The competition begins at daybreak tomorrow!”
The group settled in for the night, brainstorming their own series of elaborate, laugh-inducing schemes to test out in the morning. Zuko slept soundly, unaware of what awaited him once he woke.
“You seem distracted.”
Aang blinked, his focus snapping back to the tranquil cliffside and the scowling fire bender standing in front of him.
“Oh, uh, distracted?” he said, balling his hands at his sides with an innocent smile. “No, I’m not distracted.”
“Then get it right this time,” Zuko snapped, assuming a low stance. “Kick up, recenter, then punch out. Fire comes from the breath, so exhale at the peak of your move, not a second too early or late.”
Zuko demonstrated the action again, thrusting his foot in the air, reclaiming his balance, then jabbing his fist forward, flames gliding and shooting with his movements in perfect harmony. A burst of fire exploded from his knuckles at the end of the move, sending a wave of heat washing over Aang.
Aang winced back and swallowed. “Right. I’m sure I’ll have it down in no time.” A smile seized his features. “But before I do that, I have a surprise for you!”
Zuko’s fierce expression shifted to puzzled. “What?” he said, relaxing out of his solid stance for a moment. 
“Wait right there!” Aang said, then darted away, disappearing behind Appa. Zuko huffed, crossing his arms against his chest. 
“If you’re trying to bribe me out of today’s lesson, it’s not going to work. You still have five sets of fire lunges to get through.”
“It’s not a bribe!” Aang’s voice insisted from afar, echoing down the cliff side. “It’s just a token of appreciation—you know, for joining the group and being such a wonderful firebending teacher.” 
He reappeared with a giant grin on his face and his hands hidden behind his back. The rest of the gang sat around their campsite, looking unusually interested in Aang and Zuko’s training session. 
Zuko scanned the avatar warily as he approached. Aang stopped a few feet back, chipper as always. 
“Are you ready?” he asked, smiling wide.
“I guess,” Zuko deadpanned. 
Aang extended his hands forward, revealing his gift. “Ta-da!” he exclaimed.
Zuko blinked. It was...a cake. Of some sort. A small, round pastry with some kind of red jelly in the center. It was surprisingly professional-looking, especially considering they were out in the woods with no markets or ovens nearby. 
“I baked it for you with firebending!” Aang explained. “I even flavored the center with fire gummies so it’d taste like home.”
Zuko was taken back by the thoughtful gesture. This all felt largely unwarranted. “Um,” he said, scratching the back of his head. “Thanks? I guess?”
Aang held it out eagerly. “Go on, try it! It’s an old Air Nomad recipe. It’s really good!”
“I’ll try it after we’re done training,” Zuko said, re-assuming his power stance. “Now then—show me the move I just demonstrated for you.”
“Aw, come one,” Aang whined. “Just one bite! Please? I promise you won’t—”
Aang staggered forward suddenly, tripping over his own foot. He hoped it didn’t look too staged—like falling with the cake in his hands hadn’t been his plan all along. The alarm that crossed Zuko’s expression indicated his performance was a success. Zuko tried lunging forward to help him, but it was too late—with a yelp, Aang face-planted into his culinary creation, splattering cake and jelly at the prince’s feet. 
A beat passed where Zuko just stood there, mouth agape. Then the rest of the group exploded into hysterical laughter, gripping their stomachs and doubling over themselves.
“Ohokay, that was pretty good,” Sokka admitted between giggles.
“Look at Twinkle Toes, starting things off strong,” Toph agreed.
Aang lifted his face out of the cake, letting the goo and batter slip off for a moment to enhance the effect. At the very least, he expected a smile to cross Zuko’s lips. Instead, he just looked startled. 
“Aw, man,” he said, offering him a hand. “Are you okay?”
Behind the layer of flattened pastry, Aang frowned. “Yeah, of course,” he said. “I just tripped.”
“Sorry about the cake. It, uh, sounded like you worked hard on it.”
The others were still cackling like hyena bats behind them. Aang swiped his hand across his cake-covered face bemusedly. It didn’t make sense. Why wasn’t Zuko laughing?
“But don’t you think it’s funny?” he asked. “That I, you know, tripped and fell face-first into it?”
Zuko narrowed his eyes. “Do you...want me to think it’s funny?”
“Kinda! I don’t know. Everyone else does.”
The firebender wasn’t sure how to respond. “You worked hard on something, and now it’s ruined. That’s already bad enough. I didn’t want to make you feel worse.”
Aang couldn’t believe how spectacularly his plan had failed. Everything had gone perfectly except for Zuko’s reaction. This might be harder than he thought. He dropped his face back into the cake, groaning in defeat. While the others continued giggling, Zuko placed his hands on his hips.
“Let’s, uh, break from training for today. We can pick up where we left off tomorrow.”
Aang gave a halfhearted thumbs up as the prince walked away. Zuko: 1, Aang: 0.
It was around lunch time when Sokka made his move. The rest of the group watched in anticipation as the next competitor approached their target. 
“Hiya, Zuko!” Sokka greeted him. The teen sat by the fire pit with the others, eating a bowl of soup. 
“Hi...Sokka,” he addressed him hesitantly, popping the spoon out of his mouth. “Can I help you?”
Sokka jabbed his index finger into the air. “As a matter of fact, you can! I have a very important question to ask you.”
Zuko shot dubious looks at the other members of the group before sitting up a little straighter. “Okay,” he said. 
Clearing his throat, Sokka broke into a grin. “Why are firebenders always the slowest runners?”
Zuko thought on it for a moment. A frown wrinkled his features. “We are?”
“Because they get too easily burnt out!” Sokka howled, laughing wildly at his own joke, slapping his knee and hugging his belly. Zuko just stared at him, blinking his strikingly golden eyes. A few seconds later, the tiniest of smiles lifted one corner of his mouth.
“Oh, I get it,” he said. “That’s funny.”
Toph, Aang, and Katara giggled softly behind their hands—more out of pity than anything else. Sokka gawked.
“Wait—that’s it?”
Zuko tilted his head slightly. “What’s it?”
“I spent all night coming up with that joke!”
“I said it was funny,” Zuko said defensively.
“If you thought it was funny, why didn’t you laugh?”
Zuko downed the rest of his soup and shrugged sheepishly. “I’m...sorry?”
The rest of the gang snickered into their palms. Sokka groaned.
“Wait, wait—one more chance,” he pleaded, more to the others than to Zuko. Zuko had no idea why it was suddenly so important that he found Sokka’s jokes hilarious. Recovering part of his trampled dignity, Sokka coughed, then tried again.
“What do you get when you dunk Momo in a pitcher of lemon juice?” 
Zuko sighed, leaning back with his hands folded behind his head. “Gee, I don’t know, Sokka. What do you get when you dunk Momo in a pitcher of lemon juice?” 
Sokka’s eyebrow twitched crossly. Patronizing, much? “Lemurnade,” he muttered out. “You—you get lemurnade.”
At that, Aang cracked up, his laughter ringing like a bell. “Haha! Good one, Sokka!”
Sokka hung his head. “Thanks, Aang,” he mumbled, then sulked away, heavily chagrined. Zuko watched him go, feeling like he’d done something wrong.
“What’s his deal?” he asked the group. 
“Don’t worry about it,” Toph assured him, stifling a snort. “That’s just Sokka being Sokka.”
Zuko furrowed his brow. Was it just him, or were all of them acting...strange? It felt like they were paying more attention to him than normal, and hanging on his every response to their interactions like it was life or death. Around these guys, he preferred to fade into the background rather than be center stage; they were all such good friends, and they had so much history together, whereas he...well, they had history, all right, but not exactly the good kind. He found he was perfectly content listening to them talk from the sidelines, only joining the conversation when he was directly addressed. 
After lunch, the group headed to a nearby stream to wash off and cool down. Zuko stood at the edge of the riverbank, watching Momo paw at the minnows in the shallow pools between the reeds, when Katara tapped him on the shoulder.
“Hey Zuko,” she said, looking artificially high-spirited. “You want to see something fun?”
Zuko gave her a questioning look. “Fun?” he repeated, turning to face her. What is with everyone today? He hunched his shoulders. “Um...okay.”
Zuko didn’t know what he was expecting her to do—propose some kind of group activity, show off a new waterbending move, maybe—but it certainly wasn’t her placing both hands on his chest and shoving him full-force into the river. The prince yelped and flailed, teetering frantically on the edge of the bank before tipping backwards and dropping into the water with a splash. Zuko resurfaced a few seconds later, his wet hair sticking to his face, his eyes wide. Immediately, the group erupted into a chorus of laughter, making the firebender blush.
“W-what on earth, Katara?” he stammered, slicking his hair back so it wasn’t falling in his eyes. “What was that for?”
“For fun, of course!” she exclaimed nervously, as if she was trying to convince herself. “Wasn’t that fun?”
“Not really!” he growled. He clambered up the riverbank, griping and grumbling the whole time, steam rising off his thoroughly soaked clothing. The others continued to giggle at his dripping, disheveled appearance. “What part of that was supposed to be fun?”
“I thought it was pretty fun,” Sokka chuckled from the opposite side of the river. Zuko reddened beneath their stares and quickly turned away, crossing his arms tight to his chest.
“Sorry, Zuko,” Katara said. “Here.”
Using her bending, she pulled the water out of his clothes so he was dry again. Zuko scratched at his wild mess of hair, eyeing Katara thoughtfully.
After a pause, Zuko made a rash decision. His arms jerked forward before he could talk himself out of it, pushing Katara into the river, making her fall faster than she could react. She hit the water with a shriek, sending waves in every direction. The rest of the group gaped.
“Hey!” Katara gasped as she broke the surface, hands balled into fists. Zuko smirked.
“I take it back. You’re right, Katara. That is pretty fun.”
The others laughed again, and Katara eventually joined them, drawing the water from her hair and flinging it playfully at Zuko. Zuko flinched back with a smile, but that was the closest she got: still no progress on the laughing end. Not even the tiniest giggle.   
It looked like The Water Tribe siblings had struck out as well.
Toph’s decision to strike at night had been her plan from the start. Laughter always flowed more organically after dark, after all. The more tired you were, the more funny things seemed—even things that arguably weren’t that funny in the first place.
The light from their campfire gilded the group in an orange sheen. Zuko blinked sleepily, watching the flames lap toward the night sky, his golden eyes reflecting the glow in an arrestingly brilliant way. She waited until his heartbeat began to slow before executing her plan. While Sokka studied a map of the Fire Nation, Katara charted the stars, and Aang scratched Momo’s tummy, Toph rose to her feet.
“Watch this,” she said out of nowhere. Then she pounded her heel into the ground, causing the earth underneath Sokka to jump up like a spring, shooting him high into the air. Sokka screamed in surprise, bounced between the branches of a nearby tree, then crashed to the ground with a grunt. 
Katara and Aang’s jaws dropped open. Spitting and sputtering, Sokka scrambled to his hands and knees in a befuddled fury. “Toph!” he screeched, leaves and twigs sticking out of his hair.
Toph busted out laughing while everyone just stared. When she realized no one else was joining her, her giggles gradually petered away. 
“What? You guys didn’t think that was funny?” 
“It was certainly...surprising?” Aang ventured to say.
“A bit violent, though,” Katara added.
“A bit?” Sokka cried, wagging his arms through the air. “She catapulted me into a tree!”
Toph snorted. “Well I thought it was hilarious. Zuko?”
All eyes turned to gauge the prince’s reaction. They were stunned to see his body slack and his head lolled to one side. Their resident firebender was out cold, sleeping peacefully. 
With a huff, Toph flopped to the ground. “Are you kidding me? That was some of my best material!”
“Wow,” Aang mused, resting his chin on his kneecaps. “I can’t believe how big of a bust today was.”
“Seriously! I laughed at everything everyone tried with him! All of us are objectively hilarious, but still nothing!” Sokka jabbed an angry finger at Toph before she could respond. “Not you, Toph. I’m going to be picking bugs out of my hair for weeks!” He slumped to the ground, gazing at Zuko through the flickering tongues of the fire. “Man! What’s it gonna take to get this guy to laugh?”
Toph shrugged. “Maybe I was right. Maybe laughing just isn’t the way he expresses happiness.”
“That can’t be true,” Katara stated indignantly. “We’ve just got to keep trying. Maybe in Fire Nation culture, royalty aren’t allowed to laugh or something, and he’s still stuck in that mindset. All we need to do now is find the right way to draw him out of it.”
“First dancing is outlawed, now laughing?” Sokka slapped his forehead. “Why is the Fire Nation so obsessed with destroying all things fun?”
Toph swirled her finger in the air. “Or maybe you’re all just not as funny as you think you are.”
While Sokka viciously protested Toph’s proposal, Aang narrowed his eyes and stuck out his bottom lip. “If we’re determined to make Zuko laugh, we have to find out what he thinks is funny. Perhaps his sense of humor is just different from ours.” Aang smiled at his friends. “Don’t worry, guys. I have a plan.”
Zuko yawned and rubbed his eyes as he strolled up the quiet hillside. The grass shivered in the cool breeze and the sky was a painting of pinks and purples and blues. 
Morning meditation was a drag sometimes, but it helped him clear his head, reorient his senses, and tame his inner fire. Plus, after his haunting betrayal in Ba Sing Se, it was one of the only ways he could still feel connected to his uncle. Uncle was the person who taught him the value of disciplined meditation—a practice he hadn’t realized wasn’t widely exercised among firebenders until he was older. Rather, it was actually an Air Nomad tradition Iroh had picked up and passed on to his nephew. 
Sticking to his uncle’s mindful regime didn’t make Zuko feel better about what he’d done, but...it was something. A small memento to Iroh’s unconditional kindness and wisdom that he could maintain, even if he never got the chance to redeem himself.
As Zuko rounded the crown of the hill, he was surprised to see smoke rising from their campsite. The others were usually still asleep by the time he got back. He heard chatter and the sound of something hissing over the fire. A wave of smells washed over him that was oddly familiar—warm, spicy, nostalgic. 
“Zuko!” Aang cried once the prince stepped into view. The sleepy prince was shirtless and wore pants that cut off just above his kneecaps. He tended to run hot, being a firebender and all, so it wasn’t an unusual sight. The others popped up excitedly and grinned, as if they’d been waiting for him.
“What’s going on?” Zuko asked, kneading the heel of one hand into his eye. He sniffed the air and frowned. “Are you...cooking jook?”
“Yeah! And ash banana bread!” Katara presented a hefty portion of each for him. “Aang swung by the market at the base of the mountain and found all the ingredients.”
Zuko blinked at the offering then between his four friends. “This is Fire Nation food,” he said.
“Is it!” Sokka agreed. “Well, our attempt at it, anyway.”
“You guys hate Fire Nation food,” Zuko continued skeptically. “Why are you making it?”
“Just because we hate the Fire Nation doesn’t mean we hate all Fire Nation food,” Toph said, wrinkling her nose. “Although, I think I’ll pass on the jook.”
Sokka took a large bite of banana bread. “And even if we did hate it, it doesn’t matter. You like Fire Nation food, right?”
Zuko hadn’t realized how much he’d missed the delicacies of his country until now. After weeks of eating nothing but what they could forage and hunt in the wild, his stomach ached for an authentic taste of home. 
“Yeah,” he finally answered, still unsure what all this was leading to.
“Great! Because we made this for you!” Sokka slurped up a spoonful of jook and smiled wide.
Warily, Zuko accepted the bowl and the bread from Katara. He didn’t know what to say, other than—
Aang cocked his head to one side. “Why what?” he asked. 
“Why...did you make this for me?”
The group exchanged a look, like that was the silliest question they’d ever heard. Toph chuckled. 
“Because we like you, stupid. You're our friend, and we like doing things that make you happy.”
The words floated around his head for a while before seeping into his brain. Once they did, Zuko’s face flushed warm and pink. “Oh,” he said. He gazed into the steaming bowl in his hand. It looked just like the kind Uncle made for him. Where is all this coming from? he wondered. Was it something I did or said? This slew of kind gestures felt so undeserved and foreign, especially coming from the people he’d spent a significant portion of time terrorizing. A few moments later, a shy smile lifted the corners of his lips. 
“Well, thanks. I’m touched.”
“Here, sit,” Sokka said, scooting over to make room. Zuko sat down beside him and took a sip from his bowl. He brightened delightedly. 
“It’s great,” he said. Not as good as Uncle’s, he conceded; Iroh had a much heavier hand with the ginger. But still great—better than he could ever make. He fidgeted beneath all their attentive stares. “You guys didn’t have to do this.”
“It was a lot of trouble,” Sokka admitted, earning a whack from Katara. He winced, rubbing the fresh bump on his head. “But—ow—we were happy to do it.”
Aang floated into a sitting position on Zuko’s left, landing beside him like a leaf drifting delicately to the ground. “Speaking of happiness, I’ve been meaning to ask you: can you remember the hardest you’ve ever laughed in your life?”
It was a very bizarre and random inquiry, and didn’t seem at all like a natural segue in the conversation. But that appeared to be a theme among the avatar gang, so Zuko played along.
“Um,” he began, shifting to cross his legs on top of each other. “The hardest?” He grasped for a memory from his youth, but it was all so distant and fuzzy. Whispers and sprinkles of laughter buried beneath years of fear and obedience. Eventually, he shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe when I was little, with my mom. Or maybe with Uncle.”
He went back to his jook, thinking he’d satisfied their curiosity. Katara leaned toward him impatiently. 
“Maybe that’s too specific. How about the happiest you’ve ever been? When was that?”
Zuko lowered the bowl from his lips and eyed Katara curiously. “The happiest I’ve ever been?” he repeated back. 
“Yeah! Like, what period of your life would you consider the most joy-filled?”
Another unexpected question. This was getting weirdly personal. He could sense there was an end goal to all this prying, but he had yet to pinpoint it. Zuko ran the back of his hand across his mouth. 
“Uh...well...again, I’m not sure.” He thought hard about it for a few seconds, trying to recall an era of his life when he’d felt happy—truly happy, for an extended length of time. “I guess I remember moments of being happy, but...not entire periods. Working at the Jasmine Dragon with Uncle was nice while it lasted. But even then, it felt kind of forced.” He nibbled at the ash banana bread. It was warm and cinnamon-y and tasted like autumn. He swallowed and hinted a smile. “But being here, helping you guys...I’d say this is the happiest I’ve ever been. Because for once in my life, I know I’m doing the right thing.”
The statement was small but sincere. As his words sunk in, the group mirrored his smile tenfold. They shared knowing looks with one another, each with the same thought in their head. So this is Zuko’s version of happy. It’s definitely different, definitely subtle, but it’s him—and it’s genuine.
Maybe Zuko didn’t laugh loudly or smile all the time. That didn’t mean he was sad or broken. He just had his own way of expressing joy. And that was okay. It was reassuring to know that Zuko was in a good place, even if he didn’t show it as obviously as the rest of them did. The competition wasn’t over yet—that was a given—but if they continued to fail, at least they knew it wasn’t because Zuko was upset or discouraged. 
“Aw, Zuko—ya big softy,” Sokka teased, poking him in the ribs. To his surprise, the prince jerked away from his touch, a small yelp escaping him. Zuko turned to him bewilderedly, eyes wide. Oops, Sokka thought. Had he hurt him by accident? Maybe he had an injury he didn’t know about. He’d nearly made him drop his jook. 
“Oh, sorry,” Sokka said. “Are you okay?”
Zuko clenched his jaw. “Y-yeah,” he answered quickly, rubbing at his rib cage. “You—sorry, you just startled me.” 
He appeared flustered suddenly, like he was hiding something. Maybe he’d wounded himself in a really embarrassing way and didn’t want anyone else to find out about it. Sokka looked to the others for insight, but none of them seemed to have noticed Zuko’s weird reaction to his touch. 
“This startled you?” he inquired suspiciously, poking him again, lower this time. Zuko responded the same way as before, flinching and squeaking like he was being electrocuted. But as Sokka watched his expression change, he realized he wasn’t wincing or grimacing in pain. Instead, a grin flashed across his face, bigger and brighter than he’d ever seen, then vanished a second later, smothered by a look of shock and anger. 
“Quit it!” he snapped, hopping to his feet. He pursed his lips to keep them from turning upright. 
Sokka recognized his response. He’d seen it from the kids in their Water Tribe village as they wrestled playfully with their mothers and one another. Katara, too, when they’d played as children. A devious smile gradually spread across Sokka’s face. No way, he thought.
The rest of the group looked at Zuko confusedly but shrugged it off. He yelled a lot—it wasn’t anything new. Now was Sokka’s chance.
“Aang, let’s go. Time for your firebending lesson. We’ve got a lot to catch up on.”
He was talking rapidly, eager to abscond this situation before it escalated any further. Aang let out a disappointed groan.
“Okay,” he murmured, floating to his feet. Sokka stood with him.
Oh no you don’t.
As Zuko turned to leave, Sokka ran up behind him, wrapping his arms around his midsection. 
“Sorry—one more time. This startled you?”
With fiendish glee, he dug into his torso, wiggling his fingers into his belly and sides. Zuko yelped and flailed, not anticipating the surprise attack. He tried to pry Sokka’s hands away, but the Water Tribe teen was stronger than he looked. His flustered sputtering transformed into stifled squeaks. Two seconds later, the dam finally broke.
“Ahahaha!” Zuko belted out, grappling at Sokka’s hands as they clawed at his tummy. “S-Sohakka! Whahat are you doohooing?”
“Winning this competition, that’s what!” Sokka exclaimed. He poked and prodded at his ribs, making Zuko thrash and giggle. 
“Hahahagh! Gehet off me!”
Zuko broke Sokka’s hold and wrenched out of his grip, staggering forward so fast he fell to the ground. He rolled onto his back and scrambled a few more paces away, staring up Sokka in disbelief, blushing violently.
“W-what is wrong with you?” he stammered, hugging his stomach protectively.
It took a moment for everyone to register what had just transpired. But as soon as it did, shock and delight sprawled across all of their faces. 
“Did he just—?”
“Oh man! You did it!”
“Yeah I did!” Sokka cheered, striking a pose. “Told you I was gonna win this thing! Bow down to your champion!”
“Win what thing?” Zuko growled, his face still tinted pink. He stood up nervously, scowling between them. “What’s going on here?”
“We’ve been playing a game to see who could get you to laugh first,” Aang explained. “None of us had ever heard you laugh before, so we wanted to try to make you do it. And now we finally have!”
“You mean I have,” Sokka corrected him smugly.
The idea that they’d spent the past twenty-four hours committed to hearing his laugh puzzled him. Why did it matter what it sounded like? It wasn’t particularly important or helpful information to have. Why did they care so much about something so trivial? The situation was odd and embarrassing yet strangely heartwarming. But mostly embarrassing. Zuko hunched his shoulders crossly.
“That’s what all this weirdness has been about? Why didn’t you just tell me what you were doing?”
“Because we wanted it to happen naturally!” Katara said, throwing her hands in the air. “But apparently none of us are funny enough for your taste!”
The group giggled. Zuko wasn’t sure what to say. A smirk touched Toph’s lips.
“Huh. I never would’ve thought to try tickling you.” She placed her hands on her hips. “I guess I just didn’t expect the Grumpy McGrouchy Pants prince of the Fire Nation to be ticklish.”
“And that laugh!” Sokka snickered. “Have you guys ever heard anything so adorable?”
Heat boiled to the surface of Zuko’s skin. “I’m not…!” he began, but he had no idea where he was going with this. For people who claimed to be his friends, they sure liked humiliating him and making him blush a lot. With an angry huff, he turned away. “Whatever. I’m going fishing.”
As he started to leave, Katara, Aang, Sokka, and Toph shared a wicked grin, locking down their next course of action without exchanging a single word. Sokka moved first, dashing after him and hooking his elbows underneath Zuko’s armpits, making the prince start.
“Hey!” he cried, struggling against his hold.
“You’re not what, Prince Zuko? Not ticklish, or not adorable?”
Zuko burned inside and out. He tried to throw Sokka over his shoulder, but the other teen planted his feet and hoisted Zuko off the ground, taking all of his leverage with him. He kicked and floundered, feeling small and ridiculous.
“Let me go!” he demanded.  
“Either way, we’re obliged to prove you wrong.” Sokka beamed at the others, voice laced with mischief. “Get him, guys!”
Zuko opened his eyes to find Katara, Aang, and Toph approaching him, smirking with fiendish delight. This cued the prince to fight even harder to escape, his legs flailing through the air. 
“Besides, we only got to listen to you laugh for a few seconds,” Katara pointed out, curling her fingers into claws. “I’ll need to hear it a little longer than that to memorize it.”
“And to determine just how adorable it really is!” Aang added. 
There were a lot of things Zuko had dreaded facing after joining the avatar’s gang. His dark past, the Fire Nation’s tyrannical cruelty, his plethora of failures and mistakes. This, however, had not been one of things he’d had in mind. 
Zuko considered heating up his hands just enough to make Sokka release him, but he didn’t want to betray the trust he had only just recently earned from all of them. If he accidentally burned another person on their team, he’d never forgive himself. 
Though perhaps that’d be worth avoiding the mortifying predicament he currently found himself in. 
“W-wahait!” he yelped, giggly dread amassing in his belly. He kicked in their direction to keep them from getting any closer. “Stay back!”
Sokka wrestled to keep the squirmy prince still. “Toph, a little help?” he called. 
Toph grinned and thrust her palms toward the sky. Two hands made of earth rose up from underneath Zuko and grabbed hold of his ankles. As she lowered her hands back down, the earth hands moved with hers, dragging his legs toward the ground then morphing into a pair of rock bonds encased around his feet, keeping them firmly trapped in place. 
Oh no. Zuko wriggled and wrenched, but there was nowhere for him to go. Unless he firebent his way out, he was defenseless. 
Before he could voice any more protests, Katara closed the space between them, her hands reaching his torso and scuttling up his bare sides. Zuko jolted and gasped, a giant smile lighting up his whole face despite his attempts to squash it.
“Ahahaheehee!” he giggled, squirming and shifting to try to get away. It was no use. Her fingers needled his exposed midsection freely and mercilessly, driving the sensitive prince absolutely nuts. The blush in his cheeks bled down his neck. “Wahait—mmheh—ehahaha!”
“Not ticklish at all, I see,” Katara said smugly. “And certainly not adorable, no.” She scribbled her nails all over his belly, parroting his endearing smile. It was so big and radiant and happy—a hundred times more so than she ever could’ve imagined. His laugh was another matter entirely—bright, bubbly, hysterically shrill. Far too cute for the human language to articulate. Plus, outrageously contagious.
“Stahahap it!” Zuko cackled, tugging uselessly at Sokka’s arms. The boy’s grip was like iron. Katara ignored him, testing and teasing every inch of his twitchy torso, kneading his tummy and pinching his sides and fluttering her fingers underneath his rib cage. He couldn’t believe how much it tickled, or how wild his own laughter sounded. None of them had realized how loud and uncontrollable Zuko’s laugh could get until now—including himself. 
Two hands on his ticklish belly were already enough to drive the giggly prince out of his mind. Of all days to meditate shirtless, why did he have to choose today? But then, to his horror, two more hands joined the fray, drilling into his hip bones with diabolical intensity and precision. Zuko bucked and squealed, his laughter reaching an entirely new caliber. 
“Ahahahaha!” he bubbled, shaking his head from side to side. “NohohahahAang!”
Zuko thought out of everyone present, the avatar would be the one to approach this situation with the most mercy and compassion. Boy, was he wrong. The airbender attacked his weak points like he’d been trained in the ancient art of tickle torture—as if tickling was a fifth element, and he’d already more than mastered it. 
“I can’t believe we went a whole day trying to be funny to make you laugh when all you needed was a little tickling!” Aang chirped cheerfully. “I also can’t believe you made us go this long without hearing what your laugh sounds like. It’s so cute and happy! Why don’t you do it more often?” 
If Aang expected Zuko to reply, he wasn’t making it easy. He furrowed his brow and stuck out his tongue as he explored the prince’s sensitive midsection, working in tandem with Katara so that every tickle spot on his torso got a turn being poked and squeezed and stroked. Zuko couldn’t stand another second. 
“Guhuhuhuys!” he howled. This was a nightmare. Things couldn’t possibly get any worse. He had to make them stop.
“Try tickling his ribs!” Sokka suggested suddenly, grinning with malicious glee. “He was super jumpy when I poked them before!” 
“Ooh, good idea!” Aang said. He skittered his hands up his sides then shook them viciously into his rib cage, making the poor teenager squawk.
The universe just loved proving him wrong, didn’t it?
“NOHOHAHA!” he bellowed, throwing his head back, nearly hitting Sokka in the face. “Gaha! Youhou—jerherherherks! Ahahaaa!”
The gang giggled along with him without slowing their attack. “Hey, there’s the Zuko we all know and love,” Toph chuckled. She sat on top of his buried feet and began skating her nails against the backs and caps of his knees, drawing feathery circles into the sensitive skin and causing goosebumps to shoot up his legs. It was gentler than Aang and Katara’s cruel tickle tactics—a fact he had to be grateful for—but still contributed significantly to his overall state of flustered, twitchy hysteria. 
“Aw, look at you, Prince Zu-Zu! So smiley and giggly and squirmy!” Katara bunched up her hands and spidered her nails against his belly button, making Zuko shriek and thrash like a little kid. “I can’t believe we were ever afraid of your adorable little face! If only we’d known back then how easy it is to defeat you! Just a couple tickles here, a few pokes there…”
She moved her hands across his tummy while she spoke, wiggling her fingernails as they dragged along his skin, cooing at him the entire time. Meanwhile, Aang was absolutely wrecking his ribs, grinding his knuckles ruthlessly into the bone. 
“Right? He’s cuter than a baby turtle duck!” 
“No wonder his uncle adores him so much,” Toph agreed.
Zuko wanted to disintegrate. The relentless teasing was just as cruel as the six hands tickling him to pieces. He’d never been taunted or tickled to this extent before, and the only thing he could do about it was blush tomato-red and laugh himself silly. He didn’t consider himself to be that sensitive of a person, seeing that no one had really tickled him since he was a child, but the avatar and his crew were doing a pretty good job convincing him otherwise. At this point, his entire body was bright pink and sizzling like a space heater. 
“PLEEHEASE STAHAHAP!” Zuko begged, hiccups leaping from his throat and puncturing his endless giggle fit. No point in trying to retain some shred of dignity—every last drop had already been spent. “I CAHAN’T TAKE AHANYMOHOHOREHAHAHA!”
“Aw, but this is so fun,” Sokka pouted playfully, poking at his neck with the fingers that could reach. “You sure you can’t take just a little more?”
“We haven’t even tickled your armpits yet!” Aang protested, immediately shoving his hands under his arms and wiggling his fingers against the hollows. It was a welcome break for his ribs, but also gave him giggly whiplash.
“AHAHAHACK!” Zuko squirmed helplessly, tears welling in the corners of eyes. He barely had the strength to even writhe in place anymore. “IHI’M—GOHONNA—DIHIHIHIE!”
Katara’s hands slowed to a halt against his sides, granting him a sudden rush of relief. “Okay, maybe we should stop,” she said, smiling sympathetically. “He does look pretty wiped.”
“He’s not going to die,” Toph assured the others with a chuckle. She took her hands off his knees. “Still, that’s probably a good idea.”
The absence of Katara and Toph’s tickling gave Zuko the chance to catch his breath a little. The relief was astronomical. Aang, however, had yet to let up, keeping the prince twitchy and giggly with his rib cage and underarm torment. 
“EhahahAang!” Zuko wheezed, wriggling helplessly. “Pleehease!”
Aang smiled wryly. “All right, I’ll stop,” he conceded, worming his fingers between each individual rib. “But first, you have to admit out loud that you’re adorable, because I’m still not convinced you believe it. Say that, and I’ll stop.”
Zuko thought it impossible for things to get any more embarrassing than they already were. Wrong again. Being disowned by his father and banished from the Fire Nation hadn’t been as humiliating as the past five minutes. Now this?
The group grinned at him expectantly, waiting. Zuko shook his head.
“B-buhut—I—” he stuttered out between giggles. Then Sokka dug his hands into armpits, making him squeal with laughter and shrink into himself.
“No excuses!” he demanded playfully. “Go on! Say it!”
Zuko tried to thrash out of Sokka’s grip now that it wasn’t so tight, but Sokka still had a strong enough hold on him to keep him trapped—even while he was tickling him. He buried his face into his shoulder to hide his goofy smile and flushed cheeks. 
“Ahaha! Youhou’re—s-soho—meahean!” To think that he used to be the one considered cruel and evil. Ponytail Zuko had nothing on these diabolical tickle monsters and their degrading requests.
A moment later, Katara started squeezing his sides again, causing Zuko to twist and yelp. “We’re mean? But look how happy we’re making you! If anything, you should be thanking us.”
Toph wiggled her fingers against the middle of his tummy. “We’re waiting, your highness.”
It was too much. He couldn’t bear it any longer. He needed this to end.
“OHOKAHAHAY!” he cackled, squirming and hiccuping and craving the sweet escape of death. “IHI’M—I ADMIHIHIT IT!”
“You admit what?” Aang asked, grinning innocently as he revved up his rib tickling to a maddening ferocity. Oh, he was so getting them back for this.
“GAHAHA! FIHIHINE! I’MAHAHAHADORHORABLE!” He ducked his head, blushing brighter than their campfire. “NOHOW STAHAHAHAP! PLEEHEEHEASE!”
The group laughed and cheered at his miserable defeat, then finally ceased their attack. Katara and Aang stepped back as Toph freed his feet and Sokka released him from his grip. Zuko was left standing in the center of the team, panting and giggling dazedly, guarding his torso with his arms held tight to his skin. His whole body tingled and burned. His face hurt from smiling so much.
“Well, you heard it here first, folks—Zuko is adorable, and he knows it!”
“And he can laugh! Like, actually laugh!”
“I guess he can express happiness the same way we do. You just have to push the right buttons.”
“Was that emotive enough for you, Katara?”
Zuko was at his wit’s end. Again, with the teasing? Couldn’t these guys give him a break? He was never going to hear the end of this for as long as he lived. Giggling breathlessly, he sunk to his hands and knees, making his friends flinch. 
“Whoa,” Katara exclaimed. “You all right there, Zuko?”
For a moment, the team worried that they’d gone too far, that they’d somehow broken Zuko by making him laugh for what might’ve been the first time in his life. Zuko doubled over himself, wheezing dazedly.
“Uhuhugh…” he whimpered, voice muffled. “Y-you’re...gohonna...pahay for that…”
The group let out a sigh of relief. If he still had the strength to threaten him, that was a good sign. 
“Don’t worry, Prince Zu-Zu,” Sokka said, patting him on the back. “Having a cute laugh doesn’t make you any less intimidating.”
“It’s nice to know that you can laugh though, even if you don’t do it very much.” Katara smiled somberly. “I was worried something was bothering you, or that you weren’t happy here with us. That’s why we started this whole silly competition in the first place.”
After a pause, Zuko slowly lifted his face from his lap. His cheeks were still rosy, but he was beginning to tame his breathing. 
“But if that’s just not how you normally express yourself, that’s okay.”
The prince sat back on his haunches, still seething with humiliation, but to a semi-reduced degree. He didn’t think he’d ever fully understand the way this group functioned, why they garnered such delight out of poking fun at him and each other, why they were so concerned and endeared with his behavior and emotional expressiveness. But it was clear they cared about him, however bizarrely they chose to demonstrate it. 
“I...I am happy here,” Zuko eventually ventured to say, his voice still shrill and brittle. Hearing it out loud made him blush some more, but he continued. “I wasn’t trying to make you think otherwise. I’m just…” he swallowed. “Weird. And bad at...stuff.”
The gang snickered. “Yeah you are,” Toph said, hugging his arm. “And we love you for it.”
The firebender blinked and hinted a bashful smile. Aang placed his hands on his hips. 
“Who knows! Maybe you just forgot how to laugh for a while, but now we’ve reminded you!”
To everyone’s disbelief, a chuckle escaped Zuko, short and authentic. “Maybe,” he said. 
Then, an instant later, he shot to his feet. “But don’t ever do anything like that to me ever again! I’ll burn down this entire hillside and run back to the Fire Nation if you even think about it!”
Flames rose from his clenched fists as he glared daggers into each of them. But Aang just laughed.
“Sure you will,” Aang teased, fluttering his fingers against his side. Zuko winced and smiled, then whirled on him with a growl. 
“Touch me again, and I’ll have you doing fire lunges until you puke.”
Aang shrunk away with a nervous chuckle, folding his hands behind his back. “R-right. Sorry, Sifu Hotman.”
If anyone noticed that Zuko started laughing more after that, whether it was at Aang’s antics or Sokka’s jokes or Katara’s ridiculousness or Toph’s sass, they thought it best not to point it out. Now that he’d started emoting more positively, they didn’t want to shy him away from it. It was still small and fleeting, but it was progress from absolutely nothing. Perhaps they had helped the Fire Nation prince rediscover his laugh after all. 
But that didn’t stop them from poking and teasing him whenever the urge hit. While his everyday chuckles and giggles were great, nothing compared to the sound of Zuko’s wild, bubbly, tickle-induced laughter. And unless he firebended at them to get them to quit, they didn’t plan on stopping anytime soon. 
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zoethespiritwolf · 4 years
Hi! Can u do a luka x reader, that is angsty at the beginning but has a sweet ending 👉👈
Of course! I actually wanted to write one in the future, so this gives me the perfect opportunity to write this.
Anyway, I hope you like it!
Hanahaki Disease - a fictional disease where the victim of unrequited or one-sided love begins to vomit or cough up the petals and flowers of a flowering plant growing in their lungs, which will eventually grow large enough to render breathing impossible if left untreated. There is no set time for how long this disease lasts but it may last from 2 weeks to 3 months until the victim dies unless the feelings are returned or the plants are surgically removed (source).
Primrose - I can’t live without you (source)
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~Primroses~Luka Couffaine x reader
Some people say that having your love unrequired is the worst thing that can happen to someone. And to me, it is but at the same time - isn’t.
Of course, people eventually move on from their old loves and find new ones. But still, some take their unrequited love to the grave.
And it seems the latter will soon be my case.
It already hurt mentally to see the man I love, Luka, my best friend, love another. But now it was more painful as vines filled my lung by the day and I was spewing out primroses.
I can’t live without you. A sad smile and a chuckle escaped my lips at the thought of the meaning of the flower. How ironic it is to my fate.
I had contracted Hanahaki disease almost a month ago. It wasn’t exactly a problem in the beginning.
I was walking with my friends through the park. All of us were happy and enjoyed the chilly spring air. I, of course, was walking beside my best friend and crush, Luka Couffaine. While I was trying to keep myself composed around him, he was happily chatting with another close friend of mine - Marinette.
I loved her like a sister and I would do anything to ensure her happiness. The same would go for Luka. Even if it meant letting him go.
“Soooooo...“ Alya asked with a sly smirk on her face. “When are you two getting together?“
I looked up at my friend's question and turned to the couple. Both of them were bright red and I could already feel my heart start to crack.
“Wh-what!?! We’re just friends!“ Marinette managed to squeak out and turned a few shades redder.
“Yeah, there is nothing between us.“ Luka replied with what it sounded like to me, in a dejected tone. “What even gave you that idea?“
“Well you’re always with each other, even when none of us are around-“
Since when did they start to hang out with each other? I felt my eyebrows furrow. And alone for that matter?
“-Luka gave you a jacket that one time when she didn’t bring hers, which was super romantic!“ Alya gushed
But I thought it was platonically, not-not like that-
“And,“ Nino then intervened, “it looked like you had a crush on him.“
I felt something in my stomach drop.
Did I really miss the signs? Are they- are they crushing on each other? And I just didn’t notice?
It became harder to breathe and it felt like something was in my throat. I felt that lump growing until I needed to cough it out. As I did, my friends turned to me with slightly shocked expressions.
“Are you okay, (Y/n)?“ Luka asked as he started to reach out to me.
No! No, I’m not-
“Yeah just-“ I was then interrupted by another coughing spree, but eventually it calmed down. “Maybe I dressed too little and just froze myself. I should probably head home.“
“Yeah,“ Marinette said sadly, “Maybe it would be the best option.“
So you can be with him longer- wait, what the hell!?! Why am I thinking that? Thir my closest friends!
I nodded my head in agreement but felt a lump in my throat again and started coughing. I started to walk away, followed by the goodbyes of my friends and their wishes for me to get better.
Only when I got home and took away the palm of my hand from my mouth did I see that I was holding a primrose. A light pink primrose.
Obviously, I knew that something was wrong so immediately after getting to my room and turning on my computer did I start searching about people coughing up flowers. All the answers were the same, no matter how I tried to alter the wording of what I meant.
Hanahaki disease.
As I started to research it my stomach dropped by the moment and by each answer I got about that disease.
Caused by unrequited love.
Vines fill your lungs and you vomit or spit out flowers.
It can kill you.
Can be cured by the same your crush returning your feelings or removed through surgery.
After the surgery, you can never feel love anymore for that person.
The world stopped at that moment. The bring screen lit my face as tears streamed down my face. I stared blankly at the last sentence.
At that moment, I knew it was a death sentence for me. I couldn’t confess to Luka, because he already loves Marinette. I couldn’t get the surgery, because I would lose the love I had for him and it could potentially destroy my friendship with him.
There was nothing left for me to do.
I am going to die.
I’ve been living with that thought ever since I found out. At first, I was in denial. There was no way I had that disease. No way was I going to die because of unrequited love.
But the passing days and the feeling of vines growing in my lungs, not to mention the primroses I was secretly coughing up, proved me wrong.
Then I felt anger. Anger towards Luka for doing this to me. Then it was towards Marinette because she took him away from me. And lastly, it went towards me. I wasn’t strong enough.
Why did I have to fall for him?
In the past week, I started to feel depressed. Depressed because I had accepted my fate. I was going to die.
I felt the vines growing thicker in my lungs and it became harder to breathe. Eventually, I started violently coughing and felt a handful of flowers spewing out of my mouth. Most of them by now were covered in blood. My blood.
My vision started to become darker. But I couldn’t stop coughing to take a breath. I only saw a dark figure rushing towards me from the doorway of my bedroom before I lost consciousness completely.
It felt like an eternity until I was able to open my eyes again and lightly breathe. I was greeted by a white concrete ceiling. A steady beeping noise was heard and when I turned to where it was coming from I saw a cardiac monitor.
So, I’m in a hospital. This is it. These are my last moments in life.
I was barely able to hear fast and hard footsteps nearing the hospital room I was staying in before the door was swung open. I turned to see, who it was.
“Oh God, (Y/n).“ Luka breathed out in relief yet still looked saddened as he came quickly to my hospital bed and dropped to his knees and taking my hand in both of his. “Why didn’t you tell me? To all of us?“
I could only blankly gaze at him with half-lidded eyes as it became harder for me to breathe.
“Because I knew what you would do if you found out about my condition.“ I managed to tiredly breathe out with much difficulty. “You would want me to get surgery.“
“Of course I would.“ the boy’s eyes turned desperate and he clutched my hand tighter. “The doctor said there was still time for it. They can still remove the vines from your lungs-“
“I don’t want the surgery.“ I interjected and tried to look at him with the sternest expression I could muster in my exhausted state.
Luka only shook his head and his expression turned angrier by the minute.
“Then we need to find your crush.“ I already started to miss his warm hands as they slipped from mine as he stood up. “Then-“
“It’s no use.“ I replied.
He swiftly turned to look at me and his expression soured.
“What do you mean you can’t?“ he demanded.
“Why does it matter to you?“
“Because you’re my best friend.“
“And? That doesn’t change anything! I would still die-“
“Just tell me who it is-!“ his voice was just on the brink of yelling.
“Who do you care so much if I was to die-?“ my voice was also on the brink to yelling, at least, as close to yelling as I could get with my lungs filled.
“BECAUSE I LOVE YOU, DAMN IT!!!“ silence filled the room after those words that were yelled. Too shocked at the moment, I hadn’t even noticed I could breathe more properly.
“You....you love me?“ I carefully asked with wide eyes.
“Of course I do.“ he breathed out in anger but his eyes were soft as he gazed at me. “Ever since we met.“
Luka then sighed shakily before he turned away from me and ran a hand through his blue locks. “I know you don’t like me that way but I just-“
“I love you too, Luka.“
“You-what?“ he turned around eyes wide and mouth agape. “You....you love me too?“
I nodded vigorously as a large grin started to stretch across my face and loughs of relief escaped me as I felt my lungs becoming much emptier by the second. Soon Luka joined in on my actions and came back to my bedside to hug me tightly. I could only hug back as immense joy overcame me.
I was going to live.
And Luka is going to be by my side.
For every step of the way.
Both of us stayed like that, in each other's arms and feeling content. And in both of our hands ware primrose blossoms. Beautiful, pink primroses.
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Curse of the Dark Emerald, chapter 1
Author's Notes: Hello everyone this is my first time writing for Sonic and tackling the idea of Sonic in the movie verse as a Werehog because since watching the film I think myself and a lot of others have been egging (no pun intended xD) to have a shot at this. So I hope as my first time it comes off good and not too terrible! Apologies for any story mistakes! Please enjoy and keeping it at around PG-13 rated.
Tom Wachowski unlocked the door to his house, his body slumped involuntarily as he entered, it was a long, and dull uneventful day. He was tired from doing the usual patrolling of Green Hill and not much happened, which was pretty typical. Ozzy, his beloved golden retriever didn’t waste time greeting his owner and stood on his back legs lurching his upper body on Tom in the form of a hug.
“Hey, Oz! Good boy!”
Ozzy manages to leave a lick of drool on his face and instantly after receiving the affection, he settles down and sits at Tom’s feet. A neon, blue line zipped behind Ozzy.
“Hey, Donut Lord! You’re back!”
A young, blue hedgehog jumps onto Tom’s chest and and embraces him into a hug, Tom could feel his quills against his head bristling. Sonic’s cheeks were blushing from the joy to see his best friend back home. Electric green eyes meet Tom’s.
“Hey, bud, good to see you.”  Tom returns the hug and gently drops Sonic to the floor.
Sonic rests his fists on his sides, “You bring anything cool back? Like some food?” Sonic makes the brightest smile at Tom.
“Sorry, bud. Not this time.” Tom chuckled at Sonic, knowing him he was thinking he’d brought home a take out meal for free.
Sonic groaned, “Aww come on! I haven’t had a chili dog in like, forever!” He folds his arms and huffs at Tom.
“Hi, Tom.”
Maddie appears and made her greeting with a peck on the cheek for Tom. “Don’t worry about him, he’s been good today.”
“Oh I’m not worried about that,” Tom took off his coat and put it on the coat hanger, ''But I’m more worried about Mr. Flash here getting too fat, for sure!” He teases.
Sonic laughs, but pauses; and he furrows his eyes, “Hey!”
“Did you take your nap, earlier, Sonic? Tom gives Sonic a pat on his head before walking past him and going into the kitchen.
“Of course I did!” Sonic rolled his eyes.
“I made some soup and breadsticks, so no hot dogs Sonic.” Maddie winked at Sonic, she knew his bribery at Tom had failed.
“Yeah, yeah ,okay.” Sonic sighed in disappointment, and took a seat at the table.
“Hey Sonic, how’re your muscles feeling?” Maddie finished bringing all the utensils for Tom and Sonic and sat down, grinning at the hedgehog.
“Really sore.” Sonic moans a little and rubs his back, “That workout was a killer yesterday, I don’t think I’ll do it again.”
Both of them laughed to each other, Maddie took her turn to tease him.
Tom smiles to himself warmly, his job may be dull at times but it was a different story here at home, which he didn’t mind. He always felt happier and lighter seeing Sonic as the new member of the household, officially welcomed after he and Maddie made him his own room in the attic. That was only a few weeks ago, and October was just around the corner. Tom and Maddie had already mentioned to Sonic about Halloween, which of course the little hedgehog was excited for, but that would be discussed later on.
Sonic was his usual chipper self, talked about his day but also made sure to let his guardians speak as well. Which he was getting better at. Tom let himself to the daily newspaper while Sonic and Maddie made small talk, turning the thin pages from time to time, reading the daily funny comics, then the weather, then he remembered he forgot to even look at the front page, the title in black, bold letters read
“Trick of the Eyes? Or the new Montana’s “Northern Lights?”
Tom scans over the slightly blurred picture below the main headline, which was in color thankfully; showing that in the next town over, there were sights of odd, but dazzling green and blue rays reminiscent of the northern lights anyone was familiar with in the Northern continents, but different.
“Hey, wanna see something cool?”
Sonic’s lime-green orbs lit up at Tom, “Yeah, sure, what’s up?”
Tom folds the paper for him to see better, “Looks like you might not be the only alien thing around,” he jokes.
But the moment Sonic looked at the picture of the headline, his eyes went sharp and into a trance, he gingerly took the paper, read it over and didn’t say another word. Sonic’ss mouth hung agape a little, but made no sound.
Maddie and Tom glanced at each other, not knowing when or what to say at first, but Tom beats her to it, “Sonic? What’s the matter?”
Sonic blinked his eyes and finally made his gaze at them, “I’m okay! It really is cool, Tom.”
Sonic almost couldn't finish his sentence and was interrupted by a yawn. He shook his head to fight the sudden sleepiness.
“Are you all done with your food?” Maddie began taking dishes to the sink.
“Yep, I’m done.” Sonic gently pushed his plate away and got down, heading for his room.
Tom still kept watch on Sonic’s expression the whole time, he could tell the young hedgehog has something lingering in his mind, behind that smile. But, he thought, I’ll give him his space for now.
“Good night, Sonic!” Maddie gently shouts so she could overpower the sound of clinking dishes and running water.
“Goodnight!” Sonic makes a hasty wave at Tom and dashed to his room, opening the floor boarded door and closing it behind him.
“Ugh, I gotta..go..!”
Sonic fumbles with his words and thoughts, trying to think and properly conjure the crazy idea that he was about to do,
“That story in the paper...it felt so weird...and it's bugging me…”
Sonic tosses all his belongings that were on the floor which were just left scattered around messily, looking for the most important things to him, his brain couldn’t remember where he put them, until he checked the drawers and instantly, his pouch of Rings were there in his stash of socks.
“Cool beans, I gotcha! Now, I should...UGH I gotta go now! No no no, calm down and slow down, I can’t just go there yet…”
Sonic took a sharp breath in, and slowed his brain down to think more clearly, “I have to wait until they’re asleep. So they don’t worry.”
It was finally settled on what he had to do. While he waited for Tom and Maddie to get to bed and sleep, he made his quick preparations on what to take for this short journey to the town outside of Green Hill. Sonic looked out the upper window of his room, a near full moon glistened it’s face downwards with it’s light.
“Backpack, check. Flashlight, check.”
Sonic grabbed his Rings, took one out and held it firmly in his hand, and stashed the rest into his bigger bag. Happy with his things, he took a step towards the door,
A rustle of noises was heard outside, he whipped to see what it was from and thought he also saw a pair of red eyes peering from the same window. The years of old paranoia washed over and Sonic quickly checked outside on the roof, and he found nothing about that could be spying.
“Come on, let’s go already.” Sonic griped at himself to get going, shook his head, and went to his door, the house lights below were off and a dark staircase greeted him.
Sonic quietly tiptoed to Tom and Maddie’s room, and he was happy to find out his timing was good, they were preparing to go to sleep, but they spoke amongst themselves in their room which muffled both voices a little bit.
“He had a weird reaction to that story from  the paper, you think he’s okay?”- Maddie
“Not sure, but it might not be that big of a deal.”-Tom
A sigh was let out from one of them, though Sonic couldnt see who it was.
“You’re probably right, but I’m...a little worried.”
Tom took the covers and slipped on the bed, “I’ll admit I am a little too, but for now if Sonic wants to tell us what it is, let’s just wait.”
Sonic’s chest tightened, he felt a little guilty for what he was about to do and rethinks if telling both of them would be best, but he was happy to hear they were so concerned about him.
“Okay, Tom. I don’t want to press him either, but you’re totally right.”
They’ll be fine.
Sonic had heard just enough to put himself at ease, he heard the bedroom become silent not long after, that was the que to make his move.
He promised to himself, “I’ll be back before the sun comes up.”
Sonic went back upstairs to his room, took the golden ring in hand, tossed it and a whirl of energy and wind blows, the ring showcases a sea of green pine trees on the other side,
“Nothing wrong with a little adventure, right?” Sonic rubbed his gloves together, his nervousness had vanished with the thought of what could be on the other side, waiting for him.
He goes in and the ring closes. His room was now vacant. Until an arm pulls down the window pane on the ceiling...
A black clothed person carefully props himself to the floor, wearing red tinted goggles on his head and a black beanie to mask himself.
“Whew, close one.”
After getting his balance, the man moves his goggles up his face, Agent Stone had been following his target for the last few days. He scans the room for anything he could use to further his plans into action, the execution to start could now begin.
“What now..? Oh..?” Stone’s eyes catch onto something interesting,
A single gold ring glowed on the floor, he grinned playfully at the item, studying it.
“He used this to disappear? Hmm..”
He barely moved his fingers and the ring slips from his grasp, clumsily it falls back on the floor, opening a portal.
“Woah, what the-?” Stone stepped back, startled.
From what he could see it was the same place his target took off to, green forests of trees and he saw large footprints from where Sonic was headed.
“No time to waste, then.”
He had his mission to fulfill, and he took the jump inside the ring, and it closed from behind. Stone looked back expecting the bedroom to be there, but it wasn’t. Stone went into focus and followed Sonic’s footsteps.
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fanficsandfluff · 5 years
Emotions Get the Better (8)
This one’s a bit longer than my other installments, I hope you all like it! I also really hope I’m not making Arthur too out of character. But y’all will let me know.
It was date night!
You were excited and for once you didn’t feel much shame over how you felt. It was nice. You did realize the day before that you didn’t even give Arthur a real time to show up, so you didn’t know how to plan the dinner so everything was ready in time. 
You pulled your hair up into a bun and rolled the sleeves of your sweater up and got to cooking. While you were cooking, you were listening to a talk radio channel you frequented, usually because they had funny people on the show. And tonight was a hilarious comedian from another state, and he had you laughing out loud as you prepared dinner. 
You let out a laugh just as you put lamb chops into the pan to start cooking, sizzling as they hit the butter, and you just about missed the knock at your door. You cursed under your breath as hot butter splattered onto your arm when you put in another chop, “Coming!” you yelled as you left your station and went to the door. 
You opened up and there was Arthur, dressed in a button down shirt, vest, and dress pants. It looked like the same thing he wore to Pogo’s. You smiled, “Hi! Come on in, make yourself at home. I just gotta finish up in the kitchen, sorry,” and you went off to watch the potatoes that were probably about to boil over on the stove. 
Arthur chuckled at her erratic nature. He almost didn’t show up, mostly because he kept thinking he dreamt his interaction with Y/N in his doorway. But he pushed himself to come to the written address and now he was very happy he did. He put his shoes neatly next to the other by the door and stepped inside. The smell of the food made his mouth water. And he took a little walk inside her living room, looking at all the pictures she had and what her couch looked like and at the pattern on the rug. Everything. And he liked how everything looked. 
“Can I help with anything?” Arthur asked, approaching you in the kitchen.
“No, I’m fine. I got this under control.”
“You sure?”
You looked over your shoulder at him and smiled, “Actually, can you set the table? Everything’s over there,” you nodded to a spot on your kitchen countertop where you had stacked what needed to go onto the table but never made it. Arthur happily obliged. 
“Wanna hear something funny?” you spoke louder over the radio currently on commercial break, mashing potatoes as you went, “I almost expected you to come in your clown outfit.”
Arthur chuckled, “Why would you expect that?”
“I dunno, my mind is just weird.”
“Well,” Arthur set the forks out at each plate and reached into his jacket pocket, pulling out a red nose, “I do always have this on me.”
You looked over and laughed pretty loudly, “Oho my god! That’s amazing!” and you set the potatoes aside to finish off your lamb chops in the oven. 
Arthur seemed emboldened by your laugh, so he stuck the nose on and cartoonishly started to walk towards you again. You didn’t pay him much mind, focusing on transferring roasted brussel sprouts into a dish. Then you saw him twirl and take one of your ladles hanging from its place on your kitchen wall, positioning it like a fencing sword in front of him. 
You looked at him like he was a little insane, “Aaaalright, D’Artagnan,” you chuckled and held the dish with the veggie out in front of you, “Can you bring this to the table, please?”
Arthur, or should you say Carnival, saluted you and took the dish from your hands. 
You finished up the rest of the meal and went to join Arthur at the table. He pulled off the red nose before he sat, smiling at you. 
“Thank you for coming,” you told him. You wanted to say thank you again for when he saved your life, but you just didn’t want to bring that up.
“Thanks for the invitation,” and he started filling his plate with food.
You both took your first bites, and Arthur said, “Everything’s delicious.”
“Really? Thanks, I thought I oversalted the potatoes and the lamb was kinda tough--”
“Delicious,” Arthur said again, grinning at your overreaction, “I never eat like this at home.” 
There was another quiet filled by the radio still talking. The comedian was still going, and you snorted into your drink when you were taking a sip, quickly grabbing a napkin to cover your increasingly red face. Arthur looked up.
“Is everything ok?”
“Y-Yeahah... yeah, sorry,” you chuckled, wiping your nose and mouth off, “It’s just.. the radio. You ever listen to this? It’s called Comedic Comedians Nightly. Not a very creative name, I know. But I think you’d like it. They bring on new comedians every night.”
“I haven’t heard of it. I mostly just watch the Murray Franklin show.”
“Oh, you’re a fan?”
“Yeah. Do you like him?”
“Actually, I’ve never really watched his show,” you admitted and Arthur looked shocked and betrayed all at once, which made you laugh again, “I knohow, I know! It’s like a staple for every Gothamite. I just don’t like the whole guest interview stuff, sue me.”
“We can watch him tonight, if you’d like,” Arthur immediately offered, “Just watch the opening bit he does with his standup. You’ll like it.”
You had to smile and you pretended to think about it, “Weeellllll....” you watched his face contort in anticipation of your answer, “Sure, why not.”
Arthur smiled in relief, his whole body relaxing. The two of you continued to eat the dinner you’d prepared. 
“You know what’s weird, ever since that night, I always feel like there’s someone following me whenever I go to work,” very abrupt change of topic, but you just had to talk about your experience. You kept it bottled up ever since it happened.
Arthur tensed up when Y/N mentioned that. He looked right at her. How was he going to say that maybe that feeling was real? How would he admit that he’d been tailing her a few days out of the week, not all of them. He knew it wasn’t all the time. Just a couple times. He knew where she worked, he just wanted to make sure she made it safely. She was the only person in so, so long that treated him like he was a normal human being, that actually liked him. Would she get mad? She wouldn’t want to see you again. Oh fuck, you’re so fucking stupid, you fucking perverted creep...
Arthur let out a laugh, and then a hand flew to his mouth. You stared at him, confused. 
“Uhumm.. was that funny?” you asked, a little hurt that he would think your concern was amusing; and you knew he wasn’t laughing at the soup commercial playing from the radio. 
Arthur shook his head and he laughed again, almost doubling over from it. Now it was an almost continuous stream. 
“Arthur?” you grew concerned once you saw him loop a hand around his throat and a choking noise made its way through the laughter. It was strained, definitely. His eyes showed no joy a normal laugh would produce. He kept shaking his head and he held out an arm to stop you when you made the move to stand up, the other one digging through his pockets. 
The laugh died down to chuckles and Arthur kept trying to clear his throat as he finally pulled out, with shaking hands, a white card. 
“I-I’m sohoaha--- sorry, hehehe...”
He extended his hand to you with the card in it, and you reached across the table and took it.
Forgive my laughter. I have a condition. (more on back)
You looked up at Arthur, mouth agape. But you turned the card over as he had to ride out the last of his laughs. When you finished reading the card, he’d stopped laughing. He looked disgraced, like a kicked puppy; his head hung low, eyes not wanting to meet yours.
“Arthur, I... I didn’t know, I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t apologize. Please. You didn’t do anything.”
“You live with this? Every day?” you couldn’t believe this was a real mental issue and that someone so kind had to experience this on a daily basis. 
Arthur nodded his head in response. 
“Is it painful?”
Arthur looked up at you for the first time since his outburst and he nodded once more. You frowned and looked at the card in your hands. You just noticed it says to return it after reading. He gives this card to people as an excuse for something completely out of his control. The brain injury part of the card also concerned you. It sickened you, thinking of the ways people must treat him out in public if this happened out of nowhere. 
“Are you okay now? Do you need anything?” you stood up anyway, ready to get him something. 
“No,” Arthur said.
You sighed and handed his card back to him. 
“I’m better now. It passes.”
You went into the kitchen and filled a glass with water and brought it back to him. 
“Thank you,” he took the glass from you, his fingers brushing over the back of your hand as he took it. You nodded and sat back down, appetite still there but diminished. Even Arthur kept eating after he drank the water. The two of you were full eventually, and that’s when you started clearing the plates. Arthur stood and helped you put the dishes into the sink. 
“Don’t feel bad for me,” Arthur said when he was right beside you by the sink. 
You looked up at him and said, “Well, I do. I feel bad that you have to live with this horrible... thing! Is there anything I can do? Is there like a procedure I can follow if you have another outburst to kind of lessen it, or...?”
Arthur had never heard someone act so concerned about his condition before this moment. Not even his own mother ever offered to comfort him if he was going through an attack. 
“I don’t think so--- no one’s ever tried,” he answered honestly. 
You felt worse for him and you gently placed a hand on his chest, “I’ll figure something out, then. To help,” and you brushed the material of his vest with your thumb before you took a breath and said, “I’ll be right back,” and you headed off to your bathroom. 
It was medication time, so you opened your medicine cabinet and took the medicine collectively, washing them down with some sink water cupped in your hand. You took an extra three or four minutes to yourself in the bathroom, taking deep breaths and trying to center yourself. Arthur probably didn’t want to talk about his condition and by you bringing it up, it was making him uncomfortable. Don’t be so insensitive. Be playful with him. It seemed he liked it earlier when you were loose and letting him be himself. 
You exited the bathroom and heard running water, so you went back to the kitchen, seeing Arthur busy washing the dishes. What a sweetheart, you almost squealed. Instead you walked as close to him as possible without him noticing you from behind and said, “Did I say you could wash the dishes?”
Arthur jumped and spun around, one sudsy hand splashing some water on your shirt, “Sorry, sorry, I was just trying to help..”
You chuckled and took the plate from his hand and then the sponge from the other, “You did. Thank you so much. Make yourself comfortable in the living room, I’ll be there in a sec,” you flicked your now wet fingers in his direction as retaliation for him getting your sweater wet. He winced when some water hit his face and you laughed softly. 
Arthur smiled and he felt his heart was about to burst. Her cadence was so gentle, so playful, and it made him not want to ever stop looking at her smiling face. 
“You really do have a great laugh,” he complimented, leaning against the counter beside the sink.
“Yes, you’ve told me that,” you blushed, ducking your head so your focus remained on the dishes. 
“It’s true though. It’s one of the most attractive things I’ve ever heard.”
“Aharthur...” you said in a tone of warning, but your blushing cheeks and smile betrayed that sentiment. Fitting for a clown and coincidentally a guy who suffers from a laughing condition to say that he finds laughs attractive. 
“You’re distracting me,” you said softly, grinning when you glanced up at him. 
“Heh,” Arthur smiled, rubbing the back of his neck. He looked at a clock on the wall and said, “I’ll go get your TV ready. Murray’s almost on.”
“Sure, I’ll be right there,” you smiled back at Arthur. You let out a breath when he left the kitchen, still smiling goofily. He was certainly getting better at flirting.
You finished the dishes and dried your hands on a dish towel before running over to the couch when you heard the opening theme. You folded your legs under you and got comfy on one side of the couch, Arthur sitting upright at the other. He draped an arm over the back of the couch. 
“You know, if you still don’t like Murray after tonight, I don’t see how we can get along anymore,” Arthur said, clearly making a joke.
You chuckled and prodded his thigh with your socked foot, “We’ll just have to watch the show and see, then, won’t we?”
You both settled in to watch the show, and Murray Franklin came out to a raucous applause from his live audience. Arthur seemed in his own world by this point, you could tell just by looking at him. His eyes sort of glossed over and his smile softened. You heard the audience make its first laugh of the night and you realized you were watching Arthur more than you were watching the show.
The jokes he made were very family friendly. A lot of them relied on puns. Arthur was chuckling happily to himself, and you really didn’t find Murray Franklin’s work very funny. A few times he made you smile, but that was the extent of it. 
Arthur seemed to be knocked out of his reverie and noticed when you wouldn’t laugh at a joke the studio audience went crazy for. 
He started to doubt himself. Well, he was certainly joking before about not getting along with her. But... Murray is a part of who he is. He grew up with him on the television screen being admired and loved by so many people. He was the male voice in the household when there was no other one besides his own. Arthur rifled through his jacket pocket until he pulled out a cigarette and a lighter. He stuck one in his mouth and looked at you, “May I?”
You looked over and nodded, “Yeah, go ahead. I don’t mind.”
Arthur took his first puff and he visibly tried to relax. You were on him more than on the show at this point. You could tell he was hitting the cigarette in more than a leisurely way. 
The show moved into its interview segment, and you were interested because you knew the first guest on the show.
“Crazy how he films this right here in the city, huh?” you said. 
“Yeah, well, he’s a very down to earth guy,” Arthur contended, “He belongs to the people.”
Interesting way of saying that, for sure. You watched Arthur lean forward and put out his cigarette butt in the ashtray on your coffee table. When he leaned back, his legs both started to visibly shake. Oh god, he was getting anxious again.
“You okay?” you leaned over to his side of the couch and rested a hand on his bouncing thigh. He looked at you so suddenly his hair whipped around.
“You aren’t enjoying yourself...”
“Says who?” you ask, indignantly. 
“Well, you’re not liking the show.”
“Whoho cares?” you smiled at Arthur, adding pressure to your hand on his thigh because it was still bouncing away, “But you like him, and that’s what matters. If you’re enjoying yourself, good. Don’t be so concerned about me.”
Arthur soon stopped his shaking and looked right at you. 
“Look, they’re back from commercial break,” you scooted closer to Arthur and kept your eyes on the screen, “I like the actress he’s interviewing.”
Arthur was still looking at you. His arm that was draped over the back of the couch grew stiff when you nestled into him snugly. 
You chuckled a few times at the quips that were being made between actress and host. 
“I wanted to be an actress when I was younger,” you said, still mostly looking at the television screen.
“You did?” Arthur asked.
“What happened?”
“I grew up,” you grinned, a little sad, “It’s too cutthroat of an environment, and that career path was not that stable. But that’s also partially why I work at a theater. Get it?” you moved your hand back onto Arthur’s thigh, toying with a piece of bunched up fabric, “I hope you have better luck being a comedian than I did trying to be an actress, Arthur. I really do. You have a great comedic idol to look up to,” you pointed at the screen. 
Arthur didn’t want to let it show but every time she touched him, it sent shivers up his spine. Affection wasn’t a much-utilized word in his vocabulary. But here she was, touching him so willingly. 
“I think you would’ve been a great actress. I would’ve watched your films,” Arthur said, his voice coming out softer than usual. 
“You’re sweet,” you smiled and looked up at him. At that moment, the both of you talking, your noses almost touched. You stayed wrapped up in each other’s gaze for a bit longer, and your lips parted. But then you smiled and pulled away slightly. Why’d you do that!?
“Sorry,” you and Arthur both whispered at the same time, making you each smile bashfully. 
You turned back to the television, but you did notice a small tent growing in Arthur’s pants, making you blush hard. You could still feel his eyes on you. 
“And always remember... that’s life!” and the blaring horns of the studio band played, bring you and Arthur back to a reality that you both seemed to have left.
“I like the Murray Franklin show. You converted me,” you smiled at Arthur and stood to switch channels on the television. 
“Oh, good,” Arthur chuckled and ran a hand through his hair. He stood up as well. Well, he might as well use the bathroom while he was up. She probably was going to kick him out soon enough. He turned and went into the next room for the bathroom.
Sirens blared on the outside, also drawing you depressingly back down into the reality that was Gotham City. You had the news on and plopped back down on your couch. 
Arthur relieved himself and washed his hands, looking at himself in the mirror. He felt like being nosy and pulled back the mirror that was also Y/N’s medicine cabinet. He saw the usual things like deodorant, her toothbrush, toothpaste... and then he saw the familiar orange pill bottles. He lifted each of them up, reading what they were. Arthur smiled and sighed from happiness. She got it. She’d understand and wouldn’t ask questions about his antidepressants or his mood suppressers. They even got their prescriptions from the same pharmacy. Arthur put everything back where he found it and left the bathroom.
“It’s getting late,” he said when he saw you sitting on the couch still. 
“Yeah, um, are you gonna be okay going home this late?”
“I’ll be fine,” he smiled at you.
You stood up, “I had a great night, Arthur. Thank you for coming. I want to do this again.”
Arthur smiled, “Me too. I would do this every night if we could.”
You smiled back at him at that sweet comment, “Do you maybe, um, want my phone number?”
“Yeah, sure!” Arthur seemed like he let out a held-in breath when he accepted that offer.
You giggled and walked to the hall where you had a pencil and a pad of paper always, and you wrote your name and your phone number, “This way we can coordinate better. Instead of me, like, coming to your house out of nowhere,” you chuckled.
“If you did that more often, it would be a relief, trust me,” Arthur smiled at you and took the note. 
Your cheeks flushed for what felt like the millionth time that night and you smiled, “Well, goodnight. I do want to see you soon.”
“I do, too,” Arthur said in return.
And you were both at the front door and left it at that. You shared smiles and you reached across Arthur, opening the door for him. He left, still turning to look back at you, which made you chuckle. 
When you were alone in your apartment again, you took a few quick breaths and couldn’t stop smiling. You liked him. Really liked him. And he seemed to really like you! You changed into your pajamas and flopped into your bed. 
“Hey, Y/N!”
Hearing such a distant shout and hearing your name made you jump from your bed and go to the open window by your bedside. You wrenched it open more and stuck your head out. Down five stories below was Arthur, red nose on, and waving.
You laughed and waved back.
He did a little jig and spun around a few times before skipping down the street. You laughed some more, watching him go. He was nuts! But maybe that’s why you liked him. You would mark this first date down as successful, in your books. 
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matrixaffiliate · 5 years
Chapter Update! FFN and AO3
Happy New Year! Here's to a year full of growth and joy for all of us! I'll have another two chapters for you on January 11th!
Chapter 35
He was going to kill James.
The man was too smart for his own good. Remus could still feel his pulse rise from the memory of waking up to James' note.
Just a quick jaunt over Knockturn to Privet so I can see what was going on, Rems. Shouldn't be more than a week, Rems. I took Sirius with me, Rems. You and Pete will be fine, Rems.
If they hadn't just thwarted a coup d'etat Remus would have sent the army after James.
But the week became nearly three before Remus received word from James and Sirius. That letter had been cryptic, but it also explained why Privet had stopped answering messages. Princess Lily was on the run, unbeknownst to her, with the King of Godric's Hollow.
It had been almost two months now, two months of Remus and Peter running interference. Remus was one of James' personal advisors and his Healer, so when he said the King was indisposed, the court bought it. But he was running out of excuses and they'd run out of James' pre-stamped and signed stationery.
Then this morning came a royal messenger. Ottery and Hogsmeade and Godric's Hollow had a method of communication for emergencies only. It was particularly dangerous and problematic because it was not well tested and had killed more than one of the messengers, but there were members of each kingdom trained to disappear and reappear in specific places. One of Arthur's men showed up at the palace gate, thankfully whole, with James' scratched out message telling them Remus needed to come to Enid immediately and save Sirius.
Remus angled his Griffin down as Enid came in sight.
A petite blonde woman waved her rapier up at him and Remus brought his Griffin to land next to her.
"Are you Remus?" She still held her rapier in hand and Remus felt he definitely didn't want to be on her wrong side.
"Yes, where's Sirius?"
"This way," she turned and moved him toward a large home that was heavily warded.
At least Remus could feel secure that he wouldn't be interrupted.
"I'm Marlene McKinnon, Princess Lily's guardian.
Remus blinked, apparently things had changed from the only letter he'd received.
"I'm Remus Lupin, his Majesty's advisor and Healer."
"I've been overseeing, Sirius' care, we've had to experiment a bit but I've managed to keep him breathing."
"If we can get him fully recovered I'll get you a medal." Remus wanted to scream in frustration. "Where is James?"
Marlene's blue eyes grew hard at the mention of James. "He's in the room we're keeping Sirius in."
Remus frowned but decided it wasn't worth digging into this woman's anger when he had a friend to save.
"What have you given Sirius?" He asked as they moved through the house.
Marlene began a detailed analysis of Sirius' wounds, what she and the owners of the home had done to stabilize him, and how they had managed to keep him breathing these past three days.
"Remus!" James jumped up as they entered the bedroom Sirius lay in.
"Don't Remus me," he glared at his King. "You've spent the last two months galavanting about the world while Peter and I try to keep a lid on your disappearance and now I find out you've almost killed Sirius in this mess too!"
"You didn't know he was leaving?" Marlene's mouth was agape and she looked back and forth between James and him.
Remus ran a tired hand over his face. He'd said too much in his anger, but a part of him didn't care.
"There'll be time for explanations later. Right now we need to worry about Sirius."
His friend looked like hell. But as Remus examined him, he was beyond impressed. Sirius should have been dead, but this small blonde woman had cheated Death out of his soul and Remus knew he could bring Sirius back now.
Just not here.
"There's nothing for it, I have to get him back to the palace." Remus moved as Marlene administered another dose of the potion.
"I figured as much," she sighed and handed James the empty cup.
Remus watched as James took the cup without argument and left to clean it.
"What injuries did the Princess sustain?" Remus gathered the few instruments he brought into his bag.
"None that your tools will heal," Marlene shook her head and gingerly brushed Sirius' hair from his face.
Remus frowned, "I assumed that since I hadn't seen her she was also wounded in the attack…"
"No," Marlene looked a bit longer at Sirius before turning to face him.
"We were not aware that James was the King of Godric's Hollow until this morning, nor did we know that he knew who we were. I'm sure you can understand that the Princess feels James' betrayal keenly."
Remus looked past Marlene to where Sirius lay. "Of course, I'll, I'll speak to James, I'm sure we can come up with something."
Marlene looked back at Sirius and Remus raised an eyebrow at her but said nothing.
"Thank you, Remus. Do you feel confident taking on James' safety until another guardian can be assigned? Sirius and I had compacted to share the responsibility on this trip. I am currently James' guardian."
Remus' felt like she'd pulled the air out of him. Sirius did not share the responsibility of protecting James, not with anyone.
"You're, er," he forced himself to breathe, "you're quite sure of that?"
Marlene turned toward him with a furrowed brow, "Of course I'm sure; if you'd like to test it throw a knife at your sovereign."
Remus cleared his throat, "No, I don't think I'll do that. I'll take you at your word. I," he swallowed, "what do I need to do?"
Marlene's face softened and she chuckled, "Don't worry, you won't be a guardian like Sirius or me. I'll still be held to the oath if something happens to him. I'm just asking you to be careful and get someone else assigned to him once you're home."
"So if someone were to kill James on this trip…"
"Then theoretically, I would perish as well." She looked back at Sirius. "Seems fair though, Sirius took the spell that hit him protecting Lily."
Remus blinked.
Guardians creeped him out sometimes. They willingly accepted their own death but fought tooth and nail to keep everyone else alive. He wondered if the magic of the oath they took scrambled their brains a bit.
"I'll get someone assigned to James the moment we get to the palace, Marlene, and I'll do my absolute best to keep him safe while we fly."
Then he paused, "Wait, Sirius took the spell protecting Lily?"
Marlene didn't look up at him, and her voice was barely a whisper. "I failed. He stepped in and saved her when I couldn't. He saved us both."
Remus couldn't make sense of what was going on. Sirius wouldn't ever share James. Sirius wouldn't sacrifice himself for anyone but James. And yet Sirius lay dying apparently having done both of those things.
"May I ask a favor, Remus?"
Marlene's voice pulled him back from his racing mind.
"Of course."
"Send me word, about Sirius," she stood and squeezed Sirius' hand once before stepping away.
"I promise," Remus looked at this small woman and wondered what she had done to win Sirius' trust, and how Sirius had won hers.
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anarchy-n-glitter · 5 years
Angel of Music Chapter 3
          She rolled over in bed, her eyes opening slowly. The room was pitch black and she couldn’t see a thing, but she could tell someone was there, staring at her in that inky blackness. Her hand stretched over her fiancé’s usual spot, only to find that it was cold and empty. Her heart sped up and she wondered what time it was. She hoped that Roger had gotten up; she hoped it was almost six in the morning. She hoped that her fiancé was safe… and she hoped that she would be safe.
           As her eyes adjusted to the darkness surrounding her she could see more clearly; everything in the room had more of a silhouetted look, large shadows replacing the items in her room that she knew wouldn’t hurt her. The eerie quiet did nothing to calm her nerves. Her eyes were drawn to the corner of the room, near her door, where she saw a figure. She refrained from gasping or shrinking away, instead she sat up, holding the sheets to her form, despite being fully clothed.
           The figure stood as still as a statue, seemingly staring down at her frightened appearance. It was tall and lean, and she could tell that the person had their hands in their pockets. She could hear their faint breathing, though she couldn’t understand how she could over the constant beating of her heart that thudded loudly in her ears.
           Her eyes were stinging with tears and her tongue felt heavy. If she weren’t so afraid she’d assume she was having an allergic reaction to something. Her lips felt incredibly dry, as did her mouth. She wanted to speak, but the mere thought of it sent an uncomfortable surge through her gut. She knew who was standing there; she just didn’t want to admit it.
           “Roger?” She finally called out, her voice so soft she wasn’t sure the figure would hear it.
           “Hey there my little songbird.” Her whole body went numb at the familiar drawl. She let out a small sob as the feeling of dread overtook her.
           She knew where Roger was… and he wasn’t going to be able to save her.
           “It’s been a while.” Billy continued. She reached for the lamp on her nightstand, her hand fumbling under the lampshade. He didn’t move or flinch, because even he knew she wasn’t going to throw it. She turned it on.
           Light flooded the room immediately and she saw the man for the first time in years. It was strange for her at first, considering how it looked like he hadn’t aged, but she was sure he was thinking the same thing as her.
           Her eyes were shining with tears and her mouth was slightly agape. It was obvious that she didn’t know how he got there; how he found her. Her hands gripped the blankets so tight her knuckles were white, and he saw the absolute fear and shock written all over her. She shrunk back as he began to approach the bed.
           “Please don’t.” She utters in a voice no louder than a whisper. He stopped in his tracks at her words, but continued walking to her after a moment.
           “Have I done anything to hurt ya, angel?” He asked as he took a seat on her bed. She brought her knees up to her chest and looked down. It was a subconscious thing that she developed when she was living with him: she wouldn’t look in his eyes. It started toward the end of their supposed relationship; when things became sour and love turned to hate and anger. She was sure he would have found someone better than her, someone who would turn a blind eye to his ways and love him unconditionally… just as she had.
           She still does.
           She heard the radio turn on in the kitchen and flinched. The innocent yet haunting voices of Patience and Prudence echoed throughout the house. Billy looked over his shoulder at the door and a smile came to his face.
           “That’s better. It was too quiet, don’t ya think?” He turned back around to face her. She still wasn’t looking him in the eye.
           “People were sleeping…” She remarks under her breath. He lets out a small, breathy chuckle before taking her chin in his hand. He tilted her head up to look at him, and the moment her eyes met his she felt as if she couldn’t look away. He was real, he was there, and he was going to take her back. Whether or not she actually wanted to go back didn’t seem to matter, not to mention the fact that she wasn’t sure if she wanted to stay there anyway.
           It was odd for her, seeing as she was so sure that she despised him. She knew deep down that, no matter what she did, she would never be satisfied with her life. She would hate being a housewife, despite how much she loved Roger, and she would be bored without Billy. She knew how toxic this was – he was – but she couldn’t get away.
           He leaned in, pressing his lips to her forehead in a tauntingly gentle manner. Lucille felt as if she were going to pass out.
           “Why’re you here?” She asked. He pulled away, tilting his head.
           “You wanted me to find you…” Lucille didn’t respond.
           “You want me to go back with you.” She states. He nods slowly, and her eyes locked with his again. They were red from her silent crying, but they were fierce. They were cold and filled with anger. She stared at him, trying to get through to him; trying to make him understand that she wasn’t sure if she wanted to go back. She wanted him to make a decision for her: leave her there with Roger or take her back. She didn’t know that he was hell bent on reclaiming her.
           A loud cry of agony cut through the tense silence between the two, bringing Lucille out of her thoughts. She turned around, placing her hand on the headboard to try and peer through the window. Billy reached for her, bringing her toward him and making her look at him again.
           “Forget about that, baby. We’re gettin’ outta here.” He states lowly. Lucille can’t bring herself to respond. She knew what was happening outside, and she felt her heart break.
           Billy held out his hand as he got up, waiting for Lucille to take it and leave with him. She stared at it for a few moments before realizing that she didn’t have a choice in the matter. It was leaving with Billy or dying on the lawn with Roger. She loved Roger, but she knew that her other half resented him for taking the life she wanted away from her. Billy’s expression was soft and friendly, but she saw the hungriness in his eyes; the impatient nature he possessed.
           She took his hand.
           He led her down the hallway, passed the rooms with doors open, passed the people she barely knew plundering her home. She couldn’t help but feel a bit sad about what was happening to her home, considering that it was something that her and Roger worked to achieve; a monument to their love and tenacity. It was no longer a safe place.
           Billy’s hand was wrapped tightly around hers, maintaining a dominant air over her even when she was trailing behind him. He was in charge. He always was. They made it outside before she saw it.
           With a gasp-like shriek, she looked away. Roger was on the front lawn, lifeless, staring up at her. He was pale and stained with crimson, clashing with the bright green grass. He would have been hard to miss, even in the dark of the night. Billy tugged her closer, holding her tight and forcing her to look away from the body. Her breathing was uneven, her eyes were glistening with tears again, and she couldn’t get the image out of her head.
           It’s my fault, she thought to herself as she stared blankly over Billy’s shoulder. I killed him.
           She hardly reacted when he picked her up, opting to carry her some of the way until they got back to the Meeting Place. Her grip on his shoulders was harsh and her nails were digging into his skin. Tears fell from her eyes as she blinked them away.
           Everything she built up, everything she cared about, was gone.
           Lucy should be happy.
             A fire was roaring before her. People yelled and danced freely, their silhouettes seemingly flickering with the flame as they moved. Lucille watched them with no emotion; no fear, no joy, no anger. She felt empty, much like she had when she first left this place.
           The night had a certain chill to it that she thought she wouldn’t have to endure again. Her knees were brought up to her chest again as she hugged her body. She rubbed away the goosebumps that tingled along her arms and legs. Her nightgown was never meant to be used outside of the house. She wasn’t sure why she was there, and she knew that she didn’t belong there, so she knew that she’d leave soon enough.
           Only to drag another poor soul down with her when history repeated itself.
           Part of her couldn’t understand why she couldn’t accept that this was her life. She was destined to be with him whether she liked it or not; she had no choice. He loved her in his own, sick way, and she had to accept that. Every time she ran off he’d come looking for her and he’d kill to get her back. She’d only be causing the deaths of the people she cared for if she chose to leave again.
           “Come on, angel. It’s gettin’ cold out, wouldn’t want ya to freeze.” He stated while helping her up. She looked behind him at the building he slept in with disgust and a tinge of jealousy, as messed up as that was.
           “How many other girls are in there?” She asked quietly. He looked over his shoulder before returning his burning gaze to her.
           “I don’t know what –”
           “Don’t lie to me, I’m not some innocent new recruit. How many?” She repeated, her voice sterner this time. His eyes widened at this, seeing as she hadn’t taken that tone with him since the night she left.
           He looked over at a man who had been watching over Lucille all night. He was someone Billy trusted, and he was instructed to watch over Lucille when he was elsewhere. Billy gestured toward the building subtly, and the man moved without question.
           “For you, my angel, none. If you want me to get rid of ‘em, consider it done.” He told her. She looked down.
           “Please, don’t call me that.” She begged before tearing herself from his grasp. The dilapidated building loomed over her as she approached it, ignoring the three girls that came scurrying out. They didn’t matter now; she knew he’d do anything to make sure she stayed, or at least, until he gets bored of her.
           She entered the dark building, her eyes set on the familiar round bed in the center. The pale light from the moon shining through the hole in the roof, illuminating the center of room in a ghostly fashion. She felt nothing as she laid in the silky sheets, her upper body landing on the multiple pillows that decorated the bed. She watched him approach her slowly, the same hunger in his eyes as before. She closed her eyes, took in a deep breath, and when she opened them he was above her.
           “I just got back… can’t I have a night to myself?” She asked him in the same emotionless, quiet voice. He leaned down, ignoring her, and pressed his lips against hers. She felt sick, she had just lost her fiancé, and now he was trying to sleep with her. She knew, though, if he wanted it he was going to get it. What she had to say about it didn’t matter.
           His lips strayed from hers and wandered toward her neck while his hips spread her legs. She choked back a small sob, prompting him to look up at her. He saw the fear and abrasiveness in her eyes before she shut them, and found himself trying to correct that. His hand came up to her cheek, brushing it gently.
           “You know I want you to be happy here, right?” He asked. She merely nodded.
           “So you know that all you have to do is tell me no.” He continued. Her eyes opened and they met his again.
           “That doesn’t mean that you’ll listen.” She countered quietly. He smiled at her.
           “I listen. I just wanna change your mind.” His words were vile and made her sick to think about. She knew that he didn’t really listen, he was just spewing lies as usual. She looked away, toward the door and at the fire that raged outside. She felt him against her, and it was torture for her. She didn’t want him anywhere near her, or at least not in that sense. She wouldn’t mind if she had to spend the night with him, she didn’t mind if she had to cuddle into him for warmth in the dead of the night, but she didn’t want to be intimate with him just yet – if ever.
           “Alright,” he began, sitting up.
           “If you don’t want to, I won’t make you.” He finished as he laid next to her. She was staring up now, at the trees that hung low and branched into the hole in the roof.
           “How generous of you.” She mutters before letting out a small sigh. He heard her, but didn’t respond or react. Instead, he sat there and let her settle in next to him before placing his arm over her protectively. Her skin was cold and covered in goosebumps. All she had was him and the nightgown she wore when he took her back.
           She was trapped again with no one to turn to. She knew the price of running away, even when he was aware of it, and she knew not to make that mistake again. Roger was gone because she made that mistake. She only hoped Billy would have a good reaction to Lucy.
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eternityunicorn · 5 years
Elijah’s Eternity: New Orleans - Part Eighteen
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Author: eternityunicorn 
Genre: Romance/Drama/AU
Pairing: Elijah Mikaelson x OC
Warnings: Violance, Smut (*Smut chapters marked +18)
Summary: Sequel to the AU Elijah’s Eternity - Ten years have passed, a mournful Elijah has finally started to move on without his lady. In that time, he has gained a reunited family and has also found a new lady love. Yet, all is not well as danger comes for the smallest member of the Mikaelson family: Hope, and it prompts Niklaus to call upon the white goddess, drawing her back into Elijah’s life. As they reunite, can Elijah really say he’s truly moved on?
NOTE: OC and original elements are from my up and coming novel series! Masterlist link to all my fics is in my blog profile. Thanks and happy reading!
Six months went by quickly since Elijah and his lady went to live at the loft across the river from the French Quarter of New Orleans in Algiers. In that time, their enemies had been quiet. He hadn’t had any more visitations from dead exes. There also hadn't been much activity from Bruno; though there had been a few reports of witches being murdered for their powers in Spain and France, just as Eternity had predicted there would be.
Though she hadn’t been able to help those witches from their deaths, she immediately sent word to the Underground Agency to order them to send out soldiers to protect the covens worldwide. The superhuman agents would be able to dissuade Bruno from killing more witches, at least for a time. 
This allowed Eternity to remain inactive, giving her the opportunity for some downtime with Elijah. He was grateful for it as well, happy to not spend his days in constant peril. He enjoyed spending his time with his lady, as an ordinary couple would. 
They went places like to the movies or out to dinner. Sometimes they would stay inside and he would cook for them. Then they would curl up together and he would read Shakespeare to her or they would play chess or card games, of which Eternity proved to be quite skilled at both activities. Of course, they also made love frequently too, in between all the mundane human activities they enjoyed doing together. 
Life was good and Elijah found himself at peace, a concept that had been elusive to him for most of his immortal life. 
All the while during those wonderful months of tranquility, he planned his wedding with his bride-to-be. They talked about it almost as frequently as they made love. They had decided on a wedding in Japan, the homeland of Eternity’s family. His lady spoke of the elusive cousin he had yet to meet whom lived there - the very one that  the old man, Mr. Mitchell, had mentioned seeing once, all those years ago. She told him that her cousin could perform the ceremony, though Kaname would want to meet him first.
From there, they spoke of whom to invite. Elijah had assumed the guest list would be quite long since she was the Universal Queen. Surely there had been diplomats and councilmen that needed to attend, as was custom to how he knew royal weddings went. Yet, Eternity surprised him by saying she wanted the affair to be small and intimate with his family and hers in attendance only. It was unconventional, but Elijah wasn’t one to speak on the matter. It simply wasn’t his place.
His lady did inform him that after the wedding, they would need to meet with the other rulers in the Universal Kingdom, as to establish him as her consort. The rest of the Immortal Universe needed to know the man who would hold the second positioned authority in her kingdom to her. However, it could wait until after they were married.
Of course both their families had been informed of the upcoming nuptials. Everyone was excited and happy for them. With the Mikaelsons, congratulatory drinks had been passed around, complete with toasts to the happy couple. Elijah was unsure how Eternity’s family took the news as the announcement was sent out via telepathic message, but she told him that everyone was surprised, yet receptive to her upcoming wedding and those whom hadn’t met Elijah were excited to meet the man whom Eternity was in love with. At least, that was what she told him.
From venue to decor, they talked about their visions for the wedding - and the future as well. 
One evening as they sat together at the kitchen island sharing a meal that he had cooked himself, Elijah found himself mentioning to her, “You know, my only disappointment in this union is that you and I will never be able to have children of our own. Of course I will love the ones you already have, do not misunderstand me, but it would have been wonderful to also have our own.”
Eternity didn’t seem to share in his disappointment when he spoke this truth. In fact, she grinned slyly at him, as she mysteriously said, “Who says we cannot have children together?”
Elijah gazed at her confusedly, “What do you mean? You know, vampires cannot procreate.” 
She laughed lightly and looked at him as if he were ridiculous. When he frowned in displeasure at her, she quickly explained, “When I cast the spell to upgrade you and your family, it will rewrite the dark magic that flows through you all. You will no longer be bound by the natural balance rules of this world, meaning I can allow you the ability to procreate, while retaining your vampirism. I can grant the same to your siblings as well as Marcel and Sage. I’m sure Rebekah will be jumping at the chance as she’s always wanted a family.”
Elijah had been rendered speechless by what she told him. He stared at her with his mouth agape and his food momentarily forgotten. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing at first.
Then it hit him.
They could have children? They could have children!
He was out of his chair and pulling Eternity out of hers. He collected her in his arms and held her tightly to him from the elation he felt towards the information she had just given him. He pulled back with what was surely the biggest grin on his face and laid kisses all over Eternity’s face and head. He then hugged her to him again.
“If this is how happy you are finding out it’s possible,” Eternity giggled at him, “just how excited are you going to get when it actually happens?”
“I will be the happiest man ever to have lived when the day you tell me you’re carrying my child comes,” Elijah spoke softly, taking her face in his hands tenderly. “Nothing, aside from you becoming my wife, would make me happier.”
Eternity beamed at him, “Well, I am glad that you’re keen to the idea of having children.”
“Of course,” he responded eagerly. “I am like my sister in that regard. I’ve always wanted a family of my own, but I never thought it possible. So I never allowed myself to desire such, believing it would forever be out of my reach,” he kissed her lips tenderly, “but with you, my darling Eternity, everything is possible. My happiness, my hope for the future - everything lays right here with you.”
“I cannot cry, as it is a physical impossibility,” she told him, her voice trembling with emotion, “but if I could, I would be in the joy your words bring me. I am moved by them. Truly. And I very much feel the same way. I am not alive unless I am with you, my love. I never want to be anywhere you are not. I look forward to whatever the future has in store for us, including whatever children we may have.”
He kissed her again, her words moving him as well. He was truly turning into the sentimental old fool that Niklaus always claimed him to be, but he couldn’t help it. He loved this woman so completely. 
“With how insatiable I find myself with you, Sweetheart,” Elijah grinned teasingly, “I think we shall have a large brood. No doubt, I shall have you in a constant barefoot and pregnant state with how much I always want you.” He paused and thought about it for a moment, before nodding, “Yes, a dozen of them, I predict.”
Eternity’s eyes widened at him and then she laughed, “Is that right? Well, we shall see, my love.”
She kissed him this time with a smile upon her lips. Then she pulled back to wind her arms around his neck as she suggested, “I think we should go out tonight. I’m thinking perhaps you can take me dancing, as a celebration of this happy time of our lives.”
“That sounds like a delightful idea, my darling,” he replied, then nodded to their half eaten meals. “We should probably finish eating first, though. Then I’ll take you to this little club I know of here in Algiers, called Saint James. I think you’ll enjoy it.”
“Agreed,” nodded Eternity.
With that, they sat and finished their respective meals quickly. All the while, they shot smiles at each other and touched affectionately on occasion. 
Elijah was simply over the moon, knowing that one day, he’d be able to have children with the woman he loved more than anything. He’d finally have the family that he so desired, and quite frankly, looked forward to Rebekah learning of this gift Eternity planned on bestowing them all. 
He knew with absolutely certainty that his baby sister would be as ecstatic as he was about the possibility of having a family. He could see her face light up and the tears of happiness she would surely shed upon hearing about Eternity’s gift. 
As soon as they were done eating, Eternity did the clean up by magical means. A quick snap and everything was back to a tidy and organized state. 
Then Elijah, whom had been dressed in his typical suit and tie ensemble, requested his lady magic him up a more casual attire. She did as he asked and conjured a simper outfit for him that consisted of dark blue jeans, a olive green long sleeved shirt, and brown dress boots. 
“Thank you, Sweetheart,” he grinned at her in approval of her magical choices.
She grinned back and then changed her own clothes. She went from her typical flowing maxi dress to a short light gray sweater dress that was casual and a pair of heeled black ankle boots. Her long, ankle length hair magicked itself into a braid with little pink flower accents weaves into it. She also wore large silver hoop earrings and a silver necklace with a unicorn pendant upon it. 
Elijah found her casual attire more alluring than her typical wears. Perhaps it was because she looked so ordinary. There was simply something attractive about the humanness of her appearance that he couldn’t quite explain. 
Whatever it was that had him especially smitten, one thing that he knew for sure was that tonight they would be ordinary people, just and man and his woman, going out to have a good time. Nothing was more attractive than that fact.
Elijah held his hand out to Eternity upon her change of clothing and she took it without hesitation. Threading his fingers with hers, he lead her out of the loft. 
The Saint James Infirmary jazz club wasn’t that far from where they lived and it was an easy walk there. The evening was warm and dry, so Elijah decided that a walk would only make the night more perfect. 
The entire way he discussed baby names with Eternity, whom humored him in his excitement  toward the idea of having children. He had told her that if they had a boy, they would name their son Henrik in honor of his deceased brother. She had suggested Katerina for a girl, which had given Elijah pause. Katerina was his ex Katherine’s true name and he wasn’t sure how he felt about naming his daughter with Eternity after her. 
“I know that you have a former lover named that, but I absolutely adore the name,” Eternity told him, when he gazed at her oddly as they walked on. “It is a regal name, one befit a princess, and our daughter would be exactly that.”
“Yes, but there are many other names to that effect, Sweetheart,” he said, not outright rejecting her name choice, but certainly not giving it much merit. “Arianna, for example. That is a fine name for a princess of the highest order.” He grinned at her.
“Well, keep an open mind about it, yes?” She replied.
“As my lady wishes,” he nodded.
Then after a small companionable silence, Eternity changed the subject by saying, “I want us to marry soon.”
“And why is that, Sweetheart?”
“Because on the night of our wedding, I wish to perform the higher order ceremony upon you and your family,” Eternity told him, just as they were arriving at the Saint James club. 
They paused outside the club with Elijah turning to her.
“It is imperative that you and yours are upgraded as soon as possible,” the immortal queen explained without prompt. “It won’t be much longer before Bruno grows weary of killing witches and other Earth-based supernatural beings for power. He’ll make another strike against us sooner or later and you all need to be ready for it. So what better time to perform the ceremony then at our wedding, when two families become one.”
Elijah thought about it and didn’t see any reason to reject the idea. She certainly had a point. So long as Bruno was out there, his family was more vulnerable than they would be if Eternity preformed the higher order ceremony and upgraded them, so they could have some protection against their common enemy.
“Alright,” he agreed. “How about this? Let’s get married in three weeks. That should be enough time to get everything prepared and ready. Then at the end of the wedding, we’ll perform the other ceremony.”
Eternity smiled, “Yes, that sounds splendid.”
With the arrangement made, Elijah lead her into the club. 
Everything was in full swing inside. Like with most clubs, the music was obnoxiously loud and chatter from the patrons just as much. There were bodies all over; many were on the dance floor, while others stood at the bar or at the high top tables chatting with each other. The energy was high and it was the perfect place to celebrate, especially since they were amongst the supernatural community and they didn’t have to pretend to be human.
Immediately did Eternity drag Elijah onto the dance floor, swinging her hips the the uptempo jazz beat once they were amongst the other dancers. He watched her move, admiring the carefree way she smiled at him, before he fell into step with her. He wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing the flesh of her arm as he did, before letting his hands fall to her hips as they moved to n perfect sync to the music’s rhythm.
“This reminds me of our time in Chicago, at the Blood Rose Club,” Eternity said to him, in a normal voice as his vampire hearing allowed him to hear her perfectly without her having to shout. “Though we did a different kind of dancing that night.”
At her filthy grin she gave him, Elijah found himself returning it in kind. “Oh yes, my sweet, I remember it quite well,” he replied. “With you, Sweetheart, my inhibitions are certainly nonexistent. I have no self-control where you are concerned and I’ll gladly take you anywhere, anytime, no matter where we are or who is around.”
He pulled her hips against his for emphasis, enjoying the wide eyed expression on her face from the suddenness of his movements. She smirked mischievously at him in response, before kissing him hotly in the middle of the dance floor. Her tongue invaded his mouth, tasting him throughly, which he let her do to her contentment. His desire for her rose as it always did and he found his grip on her hips tightening as she kissed him. 
“Oh yes,” Elijah murmured, as he pulled back, before he really did lose control on the dance floor, “we are definitely having a large brood of children, especially if you plan to always kiss me like that, Sweetheart.”
Eternity giggled lightly and shook her head at him.
“Ah, look at the happy couple,” called a familiar voice suddenly - Kol!
Elijah and his lady both turned to see the younger Mikaelson and his witch lover, Davina Claire. It seemed he wasn’t the only one whom had the idea of a date at the jazz club. The older Original grinned at his brother, “Kol! what a pleasant surprise. It seems Mikaelsons think alike, Brother.”
“Yes, it’s good to see you, Elijah,” Kol replied. “We haven’t seen you since you announced your engagement to this lovely creature here.” He smiled charmingly at Eternity, who simply smiled back politely. “Come, Brother,” the younger Mikaelson turned back to Elijah, “let us have a drink together, while our women enjoy the music.”
Elijah looked at Eternity for approval. He didn’t want to leave her side, if she didn’t him to, but she only nodded and let him go with a parting flirtatious wink. 
He smirked in return, before leaving her with Davina and following Kol to the bar. They ordered a bourbon each and leaned back against the bar top, observing their ladies as they laughed and danced together, like old friends. 
Elijah found it a mix of oddity and fascination how Eternity, despite being thousands of years old looked much younger than Davina, whom was a young adult now. Her youthful exterior was something he always overlooked since he knew she was in reality much older than him. He had to wonder what he looked like to others with the almost childlike queen on his arm, when he himself looked much older - having been pushing thirty for a thousand years. 
“So, when are you two going to walk down the aisle?” Kol asked him, bringing him out his wonderings. 
“Ironic that you ask that, we only just decided this night to wed three weeks from now in Japan,” Elijah answered, sipping from his glass as he did. “Speaking of which, do me a favor and tell our siblings for me? I’ll have Eternity send word to Niklaus, Hayley, and Hope.”
Kol nodded, “Sure, Elijah. It will be my pleasure to play messenger.”
“Tell them that I’ll be coming by the compound in a week, too, because I have something of great importance to tell all of you,” he told his little brother. “So, remember to be there, Kol.”
“Yes, big brother,” the younger Mikaelson sighed exasperatedly. “Are there any more orders you wish to bark at me or are you quite through?”
Elijah eyed his brother with a small smile, taking another sip of bourbon. He said nothing in response. 
Alternatively, he gaze returned to his lady on the dance floor. He watched her move with Davina as they wiggled about to the beat of the live band. He enjoyed the view, noticing the way Eternity would glance back at him mischievously, as if she had known he was watching all along.
“You know, you seem different around her,” Kol observed, gesturing to the ethereal beauty. “There’s a light in your eyes, brother, that I have never seen before. You certainly seem less brooding, more alive. Perhaps Eternity has done what no other has been able to and finally loosened the stick that’s been up your ass for centuries.” He smirked over his glass at him, as he drank heartily from it. 
Elijah chose to ignore his smart mouthed remarks and focused on his genuine observations instead. “You are right, Kol. Eternity has changed me. I am not the same man with her,” he said with an adoring smile at his lady across the way. “In all my long existence, I have only known darkness and misery with small moments of happiness. We all have, as a matter of fact. Our brother usually being the reason for such, but my relationship wut Eternity is something he cannot ruin, despite having come close once. No, I have finally found my peace, my light - and it is all in her.” He nodded toward the dancing goddess.
“How sentimentally poetic,” his little brother replied, gazing at his own woman, “but I am happy for you. It seems we have both found our lights in our dark, dark world.”
“Yes, it would seem so.”
The two brothers fell into a companionable silence, enjoying the sights of their respective lovers having fun on the dance floor. It brought Elijah joy to see Eternity happy. 
However, it seemed the light-hearted evening wasn’t meant to last. There was suddenly a terrible shift in the club’s atmosphere in the form of a sinister presence, of whom caught everyone’s attention as they were all supernatural and sensitive to the auras of dark entities. 
At first, Elijah’s heart nearly stopped at the sight of the dark man that had come to call. It wasn’t possible, he thought in a fearful panic. The man looked like Loki! Yet, he knew that wasn’t right. Loki was dead, despite his recent trickery from the afterlife. So, if not the Trickster, then who was this gentleman and why did he stare at Eternity with such hostility?
Immediately, both Originals went to their lovers sides protectively, as the club came to a stand still in fear and uncertainty of this stranger who was an obvious threat. Everyone stopped to stare at him, as the man slithered closer to Eternity, who stared back unafraid and authoritatively. 
“Jor,” the ethereal woman whispered the man’s name darkly.
Jor smirked maliciously, “Hello, Mother.”
To Be Continued....
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Primrose Path (Harry Wells x Reader, Chapter 5)
Rating: Explicit
Summary: When you, a lovely florist, move to Central City to open your flower shop, you had no idea you’d fall for such a complicated and dangerous man who deals in a less-than-legal business. Harrison Wells - a major player and powerhouse within the underground mafia world of the region - sweeps you off your feet as you quickly become his greatest weakness.
Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content, Mentions of War, Coarse Language, Blood and Violence, Minor Character Deaths
Tag List: @aryasnape @cursedfaechild @jadedragon1903 @disneyoncerlover815  @child-of-winter-1215  @thecaptainsgingersnap  @miss–mercy @xccentriktigress @fireboltrose7559  (please check to see if your Tumblr settings are set to receive mentions from us for future tag related purposes!)
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
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You see Harry every day in your shop for another week after your first visit to his house since you’d both been inundated with work and were too caught up with everything to go on another proper date. But towards the end of the week, he invites you round to his place again, telling you he wants to spend some more time with you outside of both of your busy schedules and also mentions that he has something he wants to show you.
When you arrive, he is already waiting for you at the front door. You’re feeling fidgety and you think you can pinpoint as to why…
You have to tell him. It’s the fifth date for goodness sake!
This was bound to come up sooner or later, the topic of your inexperience, and frankly you’re surprised he hasn’t brought up the idea of sex with you once since you’ve been seeing each other.
"Hey, Harry," you say, walking up to him with a happy smile to mask your worry, and kiss his lips.
"Hey, how's my little Flower?" he asks with a grin, icy blues giving you their full attention. Oh, he looks positivity adorable when he grins like that. And only for you.
"I'm good." You nudge his arm and raise a curious eyebrow. "Now, what did you want to show me?"
"Come with me," he says, his expression not giving anything away as he takes your hand and leads you through the rooms in his cavernous home. You weren't that far off in your assumption that it went back for miles but you did eventually come to the rear of the house where huge glass doors looked out onto a beautiful and impressive display of plant life.
"Is this... your garden?" Your mouth falls open at the beauty in front of you. Lilies, peonies, sunflowers... there’s so much variety, truly, it has you floored. Even a rose bush gracing the scene every so often. A gorgeous fountain structure in the middle of the garden accents the flowery view.
"Do you like it?" Harry asks hopefully, rubbing the back of his neck. You look up at him with a twinkle in your eyes. A huge grin breaks out across your awestruck face.
"I love it, Harry, it's so beautiful."
"Like the woman in front of me," he mumbles, but you hear him. He takes both of your hands into his own. He leads you outside, taking you over to the other side of the fountain where there’s a picnic set up on a blanket under the glowing light of the sunset. You didn't know if your smile could possibly get any bigger at this point… It’s so big that your cheeks are starting to hurt!
You sit and eat, joking together and telling little stories about your past. You are soon leaned into Harry's side, head on his shoulder and his arm around you, his fingers lightly brushing over your arm. The stars now litter the sky above you two, a beautiful contrast to the setting sun. You hum in contentment, slowly closing your eyes at the feel of Harry beside you. Your heart beats a little quicker in your chest like it always does when you are around him.
"Yeah?" You open your eyes and look up at him. Harry gently pulls you onto his lap, facing him with your legs on either side of him. You give him a questioning look. He gently cups your cheeks, his own becoming pink.
"These past weeks since I met you and got to know you... have just been so wonderful..."
"I know, they really have been, haven’t they?" you agree, brushing your fingers over his jaw and wondering where this was going.
"And I don't know whether there's a correct time to say this... But…” He turns and reaches into the picnic hamper, pulling out a bundle of half a dozen tulips. You gasp quietly because you know now what he's going to say; tulips are given as declarations of love.
He’s been learning flower language for me?
“I want to tell you how deeply in love with you I am already. You're the brightest light in my life now and I just need you to know that I love every little thing about you. You bring me so much joy." Harry looks at you with pure adoration. “When I’m with you, there aren’t any expectations. I don’t have to be the powerful CEO or the man that the rest of the city is so scared of, I just get to be me. You make it so easy for me to forget about all of that and I love that about you, too.”
"Harry..." Your heart pounds in your chest at his confession as you take the flowers from him. He loves you? Hell, he loves you! "That’s because… I love you, too, Harry. With all my heart. I know it sounds crazy, but you're the one man I can see myself with in the future. You’re the only man I want. No matter what you do, I don’t think I could stop loving you."
There’s a flash of skepticism in his eyes, but it’s gone in a flash. "You don't know what that means to me, Flower," he sighs, brushing your hair back from your face as you lean into his touch. One of his hands finds the back of your neck and brings you forward so that your lips meet in a searing kiss. You place the flowers gently beside you as you wind your arms around his neck to kiss him, lips moving desperately against one another, as you press your chest fully against his.
Sighing against Harry’s lips, you can feel him practically radiate with want and need for you. You run your hands through his dark, chaotic hair that refuses to be tamed, finding out right away that he likes it when you do this thanks to his growls. His hands run down your spine, causing you to shiver. Good shivers. So good that you feel yourself begin to ache between your legs at his touch. Something that you haven’t felt with another man before.
Because Harrison Wells is unlike any other man.
He nibbles on your bottom lip, causing you to gasp and he slips his tongue past your lips, exploring you as much as he can get. His hands find their way under the bottom of your shirt, his fingers lightly brushing against the skin of your stomach and you feel that fire again. That longing for him burning within you… it’s starting to take hold of you.
Harry slowly pulls away from you, a thin line of saliva connecting your mouths from the passionate kiss. You’re breathing raggedly from the kiss' intensity. Your hands leave his hair and instead clutch onto his arms.
"I... I'm not going to do anything you don't want me to, but I want to know if you want me to keep going," he whispers cupping your cheeks gently, icy blues gazing into your own. Even in the heat of the moment, he’s such a gentleman.
"I-I do... I want you, Harry," you say, running your hands over his shoulders, eyes bright and a shy smile. Harry nods, leaning back in to kiss you again, but you press a hand to his chest to hold him back.
"...Flower?" he asks worriedly as he looks into your eyes.
"Um... it’s just I've never... I mean I haven't... done this before..." You look away to hide the colour on your cheeks. Now you’re really kicking yourself for not having disclosed this to him earlier! But you were afraid. Afraid of Harry pushing you away if he found out the truth. Most men would drop you at the fact that you’ve never been with a man before in that way. Which is why you had let it fall to the wayside.
"So you're...?"
"Yeah..." You brace yourself for rejection. Oh God, and after his declaration of love, too!
"And I get to...?" Mouth agape, you look back at him.
‘Get to’? He’s okay with this?
"I-If you still want to..."
Your cheeks are probably as red as the roses beside you. There’s a bit of silence and then you hear him make a pleasing hum. Harry hooks a finger under your chin and guides you to look at him again. There’s amusement in his eyes, accompanied by a small smile curling on his lips.
"Of course I still want to. I'm happy to be your first, Flower. I consider it an honour. And now I know to be gentle and to take extra care with you," he starts, pecking your lips and grinning. Your heart feels like it’s doing flips in your chest. He doesn’t even ask how on Earth could a woman like you blah, blah, blah. And that only makes you love him more. He really is unlike any man you've ever met.
"If you ever want me to stop because you're uncomfortable or hurt, just tell me and we can stop."
You nod, smiling to yourself and playing with the collar of his dress shirt.
"Yes, Flower?"
"We probably should go inside for this..."
"Yeah, we should," he agrees, getting ready to stand, "hold on tight."
You do as he says, your arms wrapping around his neck and your legs around his middle as he gets up from the ground. His arms then settle around your back, supporting you as he takes you back into the house.
You go in for another kiss when you reach the threshold. His pink lips are simply irresistible. You can’t get enough.
He makes his way through the house, pecking your lips every few steps as though you were like air to him. You head upstairs to a part of the house you hadn't been in yet, as Harry pushes open one of the doors to reveal his bedroom.
It amazes you how he effortlessly carries you through the house, not once stumbling or bumping into the furniture or walls. He sets you down to lay at the head of his plush king-sized bed before crawling over top of you. A small lustful glint appears in his eyes, the colour of tropical waters fading to a black sea. Harry licks his lips at the sight of you - rosy and anticipating his mouth, his touch, waiting for his entire being to envelop you. He leans down to kiss you, his callous hands finding the hem of your shirt and sneaking them under to caress your skin. You run your hand through his hair again as he explores your mouth, your shirt now pushed halfway up your body. Harry pulls away for a second, taking the fabric in his fingers.
"May I...?"
You nod quickly, allowing him to pull your shirt up and over your head, revealing your chest to him. He smiles, placing kisses across the top of your breasts, down to where your bra covers you.
You know you're going to be constantly blushing this whole time. Just the thought of seeing all of him was enough to do the trick. Your own fingers fiddle with the buttons of Harry's shirt and he swiftly undoes them for you and takes it off, condemning it to the floor. This reveals a chain that is draped around his neck with two little metal plaques on it, which now hang freely over you. You had no idea that Harry wore dog tags… but you soon look past them and start paying attention to his stomach.
You knew Harry was fit, but you didn't know he was that fit. You shyly run your fingers down his toned abs, his skin is smooth but firm under your careful touch. You can’t help but stare, thinking that this is your man and how lucky you are to have him in your life.
His blue eyes watch you admire his body. That smirk shows up on his face again. "Like what you see?"
"Maybe..." You look up to him with a hint of a mischievous smile of your own.
"Well I like- no. I love what I see." Harry leans down and kisses your chest again, his hands going to undo your bra clasp, but hesitating in case you want him to stop.
You move to give him a kiss, "Harry, it's okay. I'm okay, please keep going."
He kisses you deeply again, and you can feel his love in it and it just utterly consumes you. Once your bra hits the bedroom floor, he pulls away in order to look down at you, his eyes roaming your form like you were the most precious thing he's ever seen.
"So beautiful..." he murmurs before placing kisses everywhere he can reach. His hands start to play with the waistband of your jeans but you can tell he's hesitating again, so you put your hands over his own and guide them as he removes your pants.
He kisses your stomach before trailing small ones even lower and nipping to where your panties are, glancing up at you with blue eyes asking for permission.
"Can I?"
"Y-yeah." You nod shyly and let him slip them off you, now fully exposed to him. Your heart is going to beat out of your chest any second now, you just know it.
"So breathtaking." Harry kisses up your body, then growls against your lips before capturing you in a heated kiss. His fingers sneak over your curves and down to your increasingly wet folds. You gasp as his fingers go between your legs and brush against you, but that turns into a moan when he begins stroking you gently at a tantalizing pace. Your eyes flutter to a close at the feeling of him teasing your entrance and you're sure he can see the pleasure on your face as he gently slips one finger into you, beginning to prepare you for what it was you were about to do.
He adds another and you moan at the sensation of his fingers inside you, slowly thrusting in and out. The fact that you're giving him access to a place no one else has had access to before quite possibly makes you wetter. You squirm under him and Harry bites down hard on his lip, seeing you be so vulnerable and receptive to his touch. He’s watching your face contort in pleasure, eyeing you up like you’re the Eighth Wonder of the World. His length visibly hardens in his pants at seeing you underneath him like this.
"Oh, H-Harry," you moan breathlessly as he hits your sweet spot. He repeats his motions to get this same beautiful rise out of you - writhing in pleasure under his touch. Though you can sense he’s holding something back... He slowly removes his fingers from you, following your reaction as your eyes open at the absence of him.
"It's okay, baby," he says, beginning to remove his own pants as fast as possible until he's bared before you. Your breathing is still heavy from his earlier ministrations but now you’ve seemed to have lost your breath altogether. Your eyes widen at the sheer size of him, watching as his erection curves up perfectly toward his abdomen. Harry looks down on you seriously.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" he asks while leaning down, gently rubbing circles on your hips. It’s like his fingers are burning you.
"Yes, Harry, I want you. I'm sure."
He smiles at your words and reaches over to search his nightstand drawer for some protection. Harry rips the little square package open and begins rolling the condom down his impressive cock. He lines himself up with your entrance as you grip his shoulders and prepare to feel every inch of him. You know he'll keep his promise to be as gentle as he possibly can. He slowly starts to push into your untouched centre, watching you for any sign of distress. You wince a bit, feeling small sharp pains as he stretches you out to accommodate his size. Mouth open, yet no sound emitting, you begin to tear up at the pain, but try to not let them fall because you want this. God, you really do want to do this with him. So you try to ignore what you’re feeling and focus on Harry. How he’s looking at you, how he smells, how he feels against you...
Harry leans down and starts to kiss you, trying to distract you from your discomfort.
"It’s okay, Flower," he whispers against your lips, "I've got you. I'm almost all the way inside of you." He cups your face and gently brushes your tears away. “Open up for me.” He shifts you carefully on the bed for easier access.
"H-Harry, you're so b-big," you whisper shakily, feeling his thick cock pulse within you. You breathe out a long sigh when he's fully inside of you because after the pain subsides, he feels better than anything you ever could have imagined.
"You feel so good, baby... so good," he breathes, kissing you again. He starts to move his hips, setting a slow and gentle rhythm which has you moaning with every thrust. You're aware of the tight feeling in your core already coiling within you as he thrusts a touch harder into you once, causing you to groan at the sensational mix of pain and pleasure.
But soon the pain slips away again and all you can feel now is the pleasure. You moan against his lips. His hips gently rock into you, just barely grazing your sweet spot and you accidentally roll your hips up against his careful movements, getting his length to hit you right there. You desperately want to feel that again.
"Harry... go f-faster, please."
"Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you." He pulls away and watches you attentively, his eyes full of uncertainty.
You nod, rolling your hips again. Harry ups his pace slightly for you, his dog tags dangling over your stomach, swaying in time with his movements. With his increased pace, he hits your sweet spot several times, causing a series of concurrent moans to fall from your lips.
“Harry, I think I’m-”
“Hang on, my Flower,” he says shakily, “I want us to c-come together.”
He thrusts a few more times, grinding down deep inside of you before you both equally can’t take it anymore. It only takes a couple more movements for the tightness to release inside of you as your walls clench around Harry and a euphoric feeling washes over your body, leaving you seeing stars. The feeling of you coming around him sends Harry over the edge as he finds his own release within you. The feeling is electric - losing yourselves to each other at the same time, through cries of pleasure and passion.
He works through your orgasms a bit, breathing heavily before pulling out when you finish and sweetly kissing your forehead. Your chest heaves from what you’ve just done and you lay your hand across your forehead and simply lie there to try to catch your breath while Harry deals with the condom.
When he collapses next to you, he brings you into his embrace for a kiss.
"How do you feel?" he asks gazing down at you. He has a warm smile on his face, happily having you in his strong arms.
"Like... I'm going to enjoy doing that more often," you whisper, starting to trace patterns on his gorgeous chest… Which is when you finally notice something. "Harry?"
"Is... that a bullet wound?” You run your fingers over the small, round scar that sits over where his heart lies, looking up at him with concern.
"Um... Yeah... But you don't need to worry about that, Flower," he assures, giving you another little kiss. "It was a long time ago."
You are curious about the scar but can sense that he's fairly guarded about it. There is definitely some mystery still surrounding this man, but you figure you’ll uncover it eventually. Piece by piece. In time.
But for now, you are content to lie in your afterglow, feeling warm and comfortable in his arms, relishing the fact that you are in love with this man who makes you feel so incredible.
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novocaine-instinct · 6 years
The Traveling Ram and the Lonely Dragon
(Just a little short story I wrote up about my two characters, Ari and Lydia! Kora’s mentioned a few times, and Emperor Fallow and Emperor Thorton are referenced as well, but the only interactions that take place are between Ari and Lydia lol
I wish I could put a keep reading thing but I’m on mobile, so sorry for the block of text :/)
Ari pushed his way through the howling snow. He wasn’t exactly sure what he was expecting, he felt he should have known this would happen while he was climbing a mountain. He continued on never-the-less. The fierce wind stung his eyes, and his hooves cried out for relief.
He needed to stop and rest, but he couldn’t exactly set up camp in the middle of the storm. Instead, he squinted through the swirling snow, searching desperately for some sort of shelter. A cave, or even just a hole, would be preferable, but at this point Ari would take anything, just so long as it blocked the wind.
Ahead, in the blizzard, Ari could make out what looked to be a... Temple.
Though it was strange to see such an extravagant temple so far into the mountains, but for Ari it was a welcome sight. He made his way to the temple as quickly as possible, letting out a sigh of relief as he set his heavy bags down and collapsed on the floor of the structure. Around him were rows upon rows of jade pillars, each pillar covered floor to ceiling in intricate carvings. He stood back up, looking around in awe, taking a moment to take in every little detail.
The paper lanterns lining the hall, their lights having long burned out. The hanging incense burners, their ashes still emanating a faint and pleasant scent. The polished jade floors, and the deeply red rug that ran along them to the end of the corridor.
Last of all, the massive jade statue at the end of the corridor. It depicted the well-known Lydia, goddess of peace and love, carrying the symbol of the yin and yang. Before it lay a long platform of polished marble, presumably meant to hold offerings, for on it lay dusty piles of gold, painted lanterns, and two incense burners at either end.
Just as Ari went back to admiring the temple, the statue before him suddenly came to life with a loud crash. He fell back, as the statue changed color and grew in size, until the violet smoke around it cleared, to reveal the goddess herself. Looking up at her made Ari feel incredibly tiny.
She let out a melodious hum, the sound helping the startled ram to calm down a bit. She lowered her head to examine her visitor, then pulled back with almost a squeal of delight.
“Ohhh a visitor! How exciting, I haven’t had visitors in so long!” She gushed, lowering once more to examine Ari.
Ari’s jaw was agape, and he struggled for words. “I-I... You... Y-you’re... Lydia...”
Lydia let out another hum of delight. “Indeed I am! I’m so glad the people remember me, I was beginning to worry that I had been forgotten!”
“B-But you’re... You’re a goddess! The people worship you, do they not? How could they have forgotten you?”
She sighed. “Oh, yes. Well, technically a goddess.”
“Technically...? What do you mean ‘technically’...?” He questioned, trying his hardest to gather himself, so he would look presentable in front of the breath-taking being.
“Well, it is true that I carry great power. I can cast blessings and curses upon others, and other magical deeds. But, in all truthfulness...” She hummed again. “I’m just a very lonely dragon... Ah, please, do stop quivering. I know I am a strange sight for someone your size, but I promise I mean you no harm.”
He gulped down a wheeze of fear. “I’m... aware, you are the goddess of peace after all.” Finally, he managed to stand upright. “I just... find it rather terrifying to be conversing with someone who could very easily crush me, even if on accident.”
“Technical goddess.” She corrected. “And yes, I suppose it might be scary.”
With a great heave of her head, she looked outside of the temple, at the raging storm outside. “Hmm... It would be terrible for you to leave in this weather. Would you like to stay a while? I have several blankets offered to me by past visitors.”
“... Thank you...” Ari nodded. He appreciated the offer, but truth-be-told he probably would have stayed there even if she hadn’t offered.
A few minutes later and Ari was wrapped up in a warm blanket, the paper lanterns along the wall now lit by Lydia’s careful flame, and a few dried branches blown into the temple over the years now feeding a crackling fire.
He took bites out of the provisions he had in his pack, glancing over at the dragon every now and then. Eventually, he decided that the howling wind wasn’t doing enough to break the silence. He spoke.
“... Why... why are you lonely?”
“Hm?” The dragon hummed. Her head was resting on the stand that once held her when she was a statue, her drooping eyes trained on Ari curiously.
“Earlier you described yourself as a ‘very lonely dragon’, why are you lonely?”
“Ah.” She clicked her tongue in thought. “Well, I suppose it’s because nobody visits my temple any more.” With a forlorn sigh, she adjusted her position. “Oh, how Kora and I loved it when the people would visit our temples, asking for advice. Of course, we do still get hundreds of offerings from the people at the shrines throughout the empire, and the lovely emperors do visit to give us offerings every year.”
“Do you... not like the offerings?”
“Oh no, believe me, I love getting shiny new things just as much as the next dragon.” She smiled, beginning to look through the offerings on the platform, carefully blowing the dust away from the coins and other golden objects. “But, nobody comes asking for advice anymore! In the olden days, when the people first began to worship Kora and I, animals would travel far and wide to visit our temples, just to ask a question, sometimes even just to hold a conversation with us!” She let out another wistful sigh, then her face fell and her voice turned blunt. “But then the people stopped caring so much.” She huffed.
Ari looked at her with a small look of confusion. “But... they still worship you!”
“Yes, yes, that’s all fine and well... but it gets very lonely, living in this temple by myself. I haven’t even been able to visit my love lately...” The fins at the back of her head lowered, as if to express her overwhelming loneliness and despair.
Ari looked down, feeling sorry for the dragon.
“How long has it been since you last saw Kora?” He asked. He knew Kora to be the goddess of strength and protection, and Lydia’s lover, but didn’t know much more about their relationship.
Lydia paused, as if hesitating to say, then spoke, her voice soft and echoing with heartbreak. “... It’s been several thousand years...”
Ari gasped. “That long? That’s horrible! Why can’t you go visit her now?”
“I’m... weakening.” She shuddered. “A majority of my magic and strength comes from the people.”
“Surely our offerings give you some power?”
“Though that is true, offerings only restore a small portion of my strength. But the stories...” She lifted her head, a faint shimmer in her gentle eyes. “Oh, how hearing your people speak filled me with joy... but then... when everyone stopped coming to me to share stories, ask for advice, and listen to me speak, my power began to drain. I began to rely on offerings, having to fly out to collect them from shrines and bring them here. And now... look at me.” She lifted her wing and wiggled it weakly, a mild look of disgust on her face. “I’m pathetic. I can’t even fly to the bottom of the mountain to visit the shrine down there!”
Ari fell silent, thinking for a moment. “Well... I’m here now. I could tell you stories, would that help?”
She lowered her head to meet his level, her eyes wide and her fins perked. “You would do that? For me?”
He smiled. “Of course! It’s the least I can do. What would you like to hear?”
She thought for a moment, then shifted her position to a more comfortable one. “Anything you’d like to talk about! I love stories.”
Ari thought for a moment, then thought up a perfect story from his life. He began to tell it, and Lydia listened intently.
And he continued to tell stories, even after the storm had ended. The sun shone through the entrance of the temple, and a once very lonely dragon was now very happy.
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chelfierambles · 6 years
The Perfect Gift
Not rly much of a fanfic writer but did one for fun for @princettegil
Pairing: Ramganas x Gil
Mostly cute, some fluff, sfw, slice of life, iunno how the fanfic community tags stuff
Summary: mixing canon with modern day, Ramganas gives Gil a new phone for safety measures. Gil ponders on all the things Ramganas has done for him and tries to find the perfect gift to show his gratitude, but can he find something that this new hi-tech phone can't already do??
"In the bag."
"Shopping list?
"Right here." Gil produced a folded piece of paper that was then visibly slipped into his own pocket.
Gil revealed the new phone given to him by Ramganas from his other pocket, but not without an incredulous expresion. He still was not so familiar with such tehnology but Ramganas insisted he get one after some previous ... unfavorable encounters with past faces he'd rather forget.
"You remembered how to use it like I showed you?"
"Yeah," Gil lied. No matter. He lived without one all this time that another day or two wouldn't make a different while he was still getting the hang of it. And if he admitted it now Ramganas will all too willingly repeat a meticulous demonstration that Gil wasn't willing to go through right now.
"Good. I got a few errands to take care of myself but you call me if anything happens. Anything at all and I will be right there." Ramganas wrapped his hand behind Gil's head and pulled him gently for a forehead kiss.
"Don't worry, I'll be fine." Gil assured his lover. "Not like I'm going to get attacked at a fruit stand or anything. Well i'm not going to hold you up any longer. I know you can't be late either."
This time it was Gil's turn two softly lean in for a small kiss on the lips. "See you tonight."
With that Gil turned out the door for the long trek to the downtown market.
The trek down, although long, passed in no time as Gil knew the way like the back of his hand and usually zoned out until the sounds and smells of the town called him back to his senses.
Much time has past since he left his abusive ex but he was still uncomfortable hanging around in super social space for too long. Most of the time Gil just acquired whatever he needed and then left.
But today he was in a good mood. Well... honestly since moving in with Ramganas there had been more days like this. It was almost like a dream come true that he couldn't fathom just a few years ago. He was truly blessed to be reuited with Ramganas and live this peaceful ordinary life that he had always thought impossible.
A sudden flood of emotions overcame him thinking about all they had been through, and what Ramgans still does for him now.
"I should do something to return the favor," Gil stated his whim-decided desire aloud.
Gil traversed down the bustling streets of the south side of town. There were a lot of different stores this time around from what Gil remembered. Then again, he tried not coming down unless necessary and even so, didn't really pay attention. But it seemed that previous construction were completed, old business replaced with new ones, and quaint pop up shops and stores were rejeuvinating the life of this usually quiet town. It was becomming more lively.
For once Gil was in no hurry to complete his grocery shopping now tha another thought preoccupied his mind. What could he get for Ramganas?
This led to a subsequent train of trying to recall every detail of his lover all at once. What was his favorite color? His daily routine? Did he complain about needing anything recently? What could really express Gil's appreciation?
Ramganas had always been so attentive to Gil's needs, especially as Gil was trying to work through his own blocks of amnesia caused from past traumas.
When no answers started jumping out, Gil could feel his frustration settling in. But he was determined to bring a gift back one way or another, and that desire was stronger than his own disappointment in himself.
"Maybe I'll just browse until I see something that Ram would like."
Gil perused the store fronts, peeking through windows for the type of contents each had held. And with each item, he thought how it would relate to Ramganas. One window particularly caught his eye. A window of fantastically decorated watches.
"Oh! Perhaps this would do!" As much as Ramganas was meticulously detail-oriented when it came to Gil, he was rather absent minded about his own affairs. Often this would result in Ramganas having a rather laid-back approach to time for his own appointments.
"He can finally keep proper timing with this.--" but no sooner than he got his hopes up imagining his lover's happy face, he recalled that Ramganas had mention that one of the phone's capabilities was to display the time, as well as setting off alarms when needed. It already would have the functional ability to meet Ramganas's needs. Dejectedly, Gil pulled himself away from the storefront window and carried on.
As Gil continued his search with an even stronger determination, chiming notes tickled his ears. Following the direction for the source he spotted and open table vendor selling hand carved musical boxes.
"Ramganas loves music!" Gil proclaimed excitedly to himself. In fact Ramganas was a lover of all the arts and Gil had the joy of being taken to museum and concert dates.
"Perhaps I should get him a music box."
And then, Gil once again recalled Ramganas's all-too-thorough phone demonstration. It could play it too and Ram had already taken the liberty of installing an extensive music library into it.
With another heavy sigh, Gil pressed on.
Gil's mind wound faster and faster. What started as a leisurely day out was quickly becoming stressful as Gil's ideas for a peefect gift one by one were being upstaged by a new technology he had yet to figure out. "There's got to be something I can get that this thing can't already do."
A camera? No Ram already demonstrated the great photographic features of the thing using Gil as his personal model. A journal or art sketchbook? Nope, these things apparently had "apps" that could accomplish the task with no mess.
Nothing. Nothing Gil could think of this blasted brick couldn't already accomplish for Ramganas. All of which Ramganas already knew how to access whereas Gil still had much to learn.
Finally with a huff Gil decided to give up for now and at least accomplish what he had set out to do. Making his way to the familiar part of town where the food markets were located, Gil executed his best skill for the task which a phone certainly couldn't replicate, finding the best deals and bargains for all their necessary grocery items.
Once the necessary tasks were accomplished, Gil readied himself for the trek back. There was no longer any reason to linger, and he just about convinced himself in defeat for his side mission of acquiring a present for Ramganas.
But a part of him still didn't want to accept it. There had to be SOMETHING he could get. As if to answer his deepest desire of the moment, a storefront window caught his eye. It was a arts and craft store. Gil stared at it for a good long moment before the idea hit him.
"Of course! A phone certainly cannot replicate a hand-crafted item!" The thought of victory over technology pleased him and he went inside...
Ramganas heaved a tired sigh as his day's work came to an end. It was past sunset, the errands took much longer than he would have liked. With the sweat dripping down from the heat of the day, dealing with rude personalities, and being beyond hungry at this point, there was nothing he wanted more than to be home this instant with his sweet lover. He really wanted to hear Gil's voice right now.
A small grin crossed his face. Maybe he should give a pop quiz to test his boyfriend's knowledge of using the phone. He popped his own out and began dialing the digits.
"The number you are calling is not available. Please leave a message after the beep."
"That's strange... but maybe he just doesn't know how to answer. Let me try again."
No answer. Again and again.
A sudden fear crept under his skin. Why wasn't Gil answering? What if something happened to him?
The moment that thought entered his mind, Ramganas began to sprint his way back. *Please be okay!!*
At the door, Ramganas's fingers fumbled anxiously for the keys as he unlocked the door and threw it open.
The sight that greeted him was... not what he expected.
Gil, sitting on the floor, wide-eyed and frozen from the sudden burst, and seemingly entagled in... ribbons?
Ramganas stood with mouth slightly agape, "What is going on?"
"I.." Gil started, "I was trying to...But it didn't.. I didn't know how to...." the cat-like lover averted his gaze in shame and embarassment as he tried go hold back tears from falling. "... for you..." he managed to squeeze out in a pathetic mew.
In that moment Ramganas understood. His tall form swept across the room and wrapped his arms around his lover. "You are the greatest gift I have ever received." He squeezed tightly and could feel warm drops of wetness fall on his shoulder. Letting go to get a good look at the face of the one trying so hard to please him, "And look! You even gift-wrapped yourself up for me!" Ramganas laughed, which helped ease Gil into a small smile.
"That... wasn't my plan but glad you like my gift." Gil responded through a tear-soaked smile.
"Always." Ramganas whispered as he softly kissed Gil's forehead, then drew his face in close to kiss his lover's lips passionately.
As they gazed into each other's eyes filled with love and passion, Gil smiled and whispered softly, "care to help untie me now?"
At this suggestion Ramganas smirked mischeivously, "Opening gifts is my favorite part. How about we continue this in the bedroom?" Without waiting for a response, Ramganas scooped Gil's body into his arms and carried him princess-style into his room, making sure to close the door behind.
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sportanimefantasies · 7 years
Can i get a soulmate au! For makki can you make it extra fluffy and feelsy
“Hey ____, what’s up?” Hanamaki answered the phone with it in between his shoulder and ear. He just got home from practice and was in the doorway taking off his shoes.
“Oh, are you just getting home?” you asked timidly.
That’s not right. You usually have an energy around you that made Hanamaki practically bounce with joy. Well, you just had the effect on him. But right now, even through the phone, Hanamaki could tell there was something going on.
“Did you want to meet up?” Hanamaki asked. He paused in the doorway, one shoe on and the other next to him. When you deeply sighed, Hanamaki couldn’t hold back a smile. “Don’t worry. I’ll meet you at the usual spot.”
Oikawa always teased Hanamaki about how head over heels he was for you. He didn’t really care because he knew it was true. He realized it when high school ended. You two weren’t really close as Seijou but whenever you two met in the hallways, there would be nice conversations. Time to time you would walk with Hanamaki to practice. It was small conversation. How tired Hanamaki was from practice, the strange live Oikawa and Iwaizumi are fated to have for being best friends, the weird thing that happened to the teacher in the science department, just little things.
It wasn’t until his first year of college when the two of you practically had the same schedule. You two were in different departments, but somehow your schedules just blended together enough to bump into each other and have time to hang out. It was nice.
You were nice.
In that time from then to now, Hanamaki realized he had fallen for you. He just never acted on it just because he knew you would never believe him. You actually believed no one would ever come to like you because of your scar.
“You didn’t even change out of your practice clothes,” you pouted.
Hanamaki shrugged. “They only smell a little bit anyway.”
“Gross, Makki,” you laughed as he sat next to you. He didn’t smell that bad. Hanamaki just had an aroma after practice that was strangely nice. But the fact you knew it was sweat and dirt from the gym made it a little gross.
“What’s gross is you call me ‘Makki’ when Oikawa’s not around,” Hanamaki smirked. He placed his hands behind him to lean back and he liked it when you looked back to smile at him.
“What can I say,” you shrugged. A sigh left your mouth as you looked up into the night sky, the wind blowing. It was nice. The world felt lighter when Hanamaki was around. He was nice. “Oikawa’s rubbed off on me.”
Hanamaki chuckled. As you looked into the sky, Hanamaki wondered what you thought of him. You two were just friends. The friendship was closer than before, but you two were just… Friends. He wanted to know if that was driving you crazy just as much as it drove him crazy.
“So what happened?” Hanamaki asked.
You turned a little, not ready to look him in the eyes for the story. He probably already knew what was the reason. It was a majority of the reason you were even down and needed his comfort. When you just stayed there, waiting for the words to come to you, Hanamaki could see a majority of the left side of your face. Where all of your scar was.
When you were little, you got too close to the pot and knocked it over. There was boiling hot soup inside and it landed on a majority of the left side of your face. By the time your parents tried to aid it, you needed to go to the emergency room. It was too late, so the burn stayed on your face forever.
When Hanamaki and you had gotten a little closer in high school, you shared a story about the boys teasing you as you grow up. Saying even with your soul mate’s kiss it wouldn’t fix how ugly you were. They even teased you that your own soul mate wouldn’t like you because your scar was hideous.
Hanamaki would joke with you and say they were kids. If the boys saw you in high school, they would be begging for you number. It was nice jokes and you would laugh, but even then, Hanamaki could tell how much you hated your scar.
He always wished he could do something about it. To make you fall in love with it like he has.
“I didn’t get the job today,” you informed as you turned to Hanamaki with a sad smile.
Immediately, Hanamaki sat up straighter and nudged you with his elbow. “I’m sorry. Don’t worry about it, it just wasn’t the right one then. I’m sure-”
“I didn’t get it because they said they don’t feel comfortable with how I… Look,” you hinted. When you looked down at Hanamaki’s hands, he couldn’t help but put his arm around you, bringing your head onto his shoulder.
“They should haven’t told you that,”
“I know,”
“That’s technically discrimination,”
“I know,”
“You can sue them for that if you really-”
“I think I am going to get the surgery,” you interrupted, leaning back to look into Hanamaki’s eyes. To see the shock.
And he was. His eyes were wide and his body stunned. Even the arm arond you had loosened it’s grip. “Really?”
“Yeah,” you nodded. You touched the left side of your face, feeling the tightness and smooth skin from the burns. Even if you couldn’t see it, the maroon and dark blues of your burns felt ugly. With just the way people looked at you confirmed it. Whenever you touched it, it was like you were confirming just how ugly you were to yourself. “I’m tired of being ugly.”
“____, you’re not ugly,” Hanamaki retorted firmly. He wish he could say other things, like gorgeous or perfect. Because you were to him.
“Hanamaki, I am. I made people not hire me because-”
“Screw them for not hiring you just because you look different,” Hanamaki huffed, he even scooted away so he could look you in the eyes to show how annoyed he was with this.
It wasn’t you he was annoyed with, he was angry at the people who couldn’t see how amazing you were.
“Hanamaki, it’s okay. You’re right, maybe it will be the next one. But I don’t want the next one to happen until after the surgery. I’m sure about this,” you insisted. You gripped onto the fingers of his arm that wrapped around you with a smile. “I’m just tired of being looked at like some freak.”
“But you’re not some freak! And you shouldn’t have to change how you look just to feel okay. You’re fine the way you are,” Hanamaki tightened his lips before finding the courage to actually say the words. “I like you the way you are.”
Your hold on his fingers got tighter. You couldn’t help but make your smile bigger and place a hand on his knee. “Not everyone is you, Hanamaki. You’re the only one who thinks that.”
Hanamaki frowned, disappointed you couldn’t see what he really mean. So he shrugged it off and pouted. “Your soul mate might not like it if he knew you felt this way.”
“Hanamaki, you can’t keep talking about someone who just isn’t here,” you scoffed. It actually offended you every time Hanamaki mentioned this.
Hanamaki knew he shouldn’t have brought it up when you let go of his hand and stood up, out of his reach. You always got like this whenever he mentioned the soul mate he was going to hate for taking you from him. But how could he get mad if the soul mate was going to be the one to take your pain away? To take that gorgeous scar off your face?
“Hanamaki, I can’t keep waiting for some imaginary guy to come sweep me off my feet and take away my problems when-”
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry,” Hanamaki stood up with hands defensively. He felt bad when he could see your eyes beginning to water. Hanamaki sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck. He hated being the one to make you cry. “Look, I wasn’t saying to wait for your soul mate, I was just…” Hanamaki sighed even longer. He met your watering eyes.
There wasn’t even a scar to Hanamaki. It was just you. Whenever he looked at you, he didn’t care for the scar. Yes it was there… But for Hanamaki, it was just a part of you. A part he loved.
“I wish you loved yourself the way I like you, even with the scar,” Hanamaki admitted. Even though he looked so calm, he could hear his heart beating a thousand times faster and felt it vibrate right in between his head. Just waiting for what you could say made him want to drown his head. That would be better than this. Right?
“Hanamaki, not everyone else is you,” you repeated. “I just-”
“No, ____, I like you,” Hanamaki repeated slower. He rolled his eyes with a small smile when you finally put it all together. Just to be sure and so he could get over it all, Hanamaki gripped your shoulder and brought you closer. As he bent closer to you, Hanamaki brought his lips against the left side of your forehead, just where your scar was. As his lips departed your skin, he smiled to you. “And I like that scar of yours.”
“Hanamaki… You really… You really-”
“Woah, ____!” Hanamaki yelped.
“What?!” you reacted, having your hands up to your face shocked. Hanamaki blinked numerous times as he leaned back. His mouth hung open in shock and as he put a hand on his hair, you grew impatient. “Okay, what? What happened?!”
“I just blinked and…”
“And?” you asked slowly. Now your heart was beating loud in your eyes.
“It’s gone,” Hanamaki whispered slowly.
“____, your scar. It’s gone,” Hanamaki clarified.
Immediately, you ran to your bag. “Hanamaki if this is come twisted joke to make me happy, then I-” You gasped and dropped your mini mirror as you saw.
It was the truth. You spun to meet Hanamaki’s big eyes, almost as shocked as yours. Except yours were crying. You covered your agape mouth and just stared. Both of you stared at each other. You were in disbelief and Hanamaki processing this.
He was your soul mate.
“You’re my soul mate?” you said, so quiet.
Hanamaki nodded.
“This entire time you’ve liked me?” you wiped your tears and spoke a little louder.
“Yeah… Since first year of college basically. I just… ____, you’re-”
“And you’re my soul mate? And you’ve liked me this entire time? With my scar?” you were smiling now. These tears could fall faster and heavier, but it’s okay. You stepped closer and Hanamaki did the same.
“Yeah, I just… ____, your scar. It’s gone… I… I’m-”
“You’re my soul mate!” you exclaimed joyously. You ran, closing the distance between Hanamaki and you, throwing your arms around you.
“W-Woah!” Hanamaki blurted out. He wrapped his arms around you just as he lost his footing. You were actually laughing while you two were falling. As Hanamaki’s back made impact with the ground he lifted his head to check on you. “Are you okay?”
But you didn’t even say a word. No, Hanamaki was met with your lips against his. The flavor he’s been wondering about for years, the touch he has been thinking about during the day, the girl he’s been falling for these past few years is actually kissing him.
“Hanamaki, you’re my soul mate,” you cried as you held his face. His arms wrapped around you tighter. He wasn’t smiling, just confused. “Hanamaki, don’t you get it?”
“____, I know. This is… This is crazy! But don’t feel like you have to return my feelings just because-”
“Oh my god, you idiot!” you scoffed right before kissing him again. He mumbled a few noises as your lips pressed against his. Your hands pressed against his cheeks tighter. “I’ve liked you since we were at Seijou! I know I never wanted to wait around for that stupid soul mate, but I always hoped you were that stupid soul mate!”
“You’re…” Suddenly the words clicked.
Everything clicked and Hanamaki didn’t hold back anymore. He sat up and held you in his arms, pressing his lips against your for so long, he wouldn’t mind being suffocated this way. As your lips parted and your foreheads pressed against each other, Hanamaki cupped the left side of your face.
“Thank you, Hanamaki,” you whispered before pressing your lips against his lightly one more time.
His lips hummed. “I still liked the scar.” Just as you were about to protest, Hanamaki kissed the same spot that took away your years of pain. “But if you’re happy, I’m happy.”
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imagine-loki · 7 years
A Warrior’s Life
TITLE: A Warrior’s Life
CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter Fifty-Nine AUTHOR: wolfpawn ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Viking Loki coming to your village, raiding, and pillaging, before deciding there is something about you that intrigues him and deciding to take you back to Asgard with him. There, you are forced to learn a new life and language, and though you hate what has happened to you, you learn that Loki is not as bad as you think.
RATING: Mature
“And you said nothing to me?” Loki growled angrily.
“I was not certain at first,” Maebh stated defensively. “I knew you would not react well to it, so that is why I did not wish to say anything until I was certain; so when she came here…”
“She came here? To our home?” Loki was livid; he jumped out of bed and tidied himself back into his trousers, “I am going to have to deal with this.” He declared, walking to the door.
“It is done Loki, she has said everything she had wished to say and has realised her anger and upset were misplaced, she will say no more, I am sure she just needed to voice her anguish, she too is a victim in all of this,” Maebh stated, cautiously getting to her feet, her stomach feeling ill again.
“This is nothing to do with you Maebh.” Loki dismissed in a condescending tone.
Maebh stared at him, her eyebrows raised and her mouth agape. “I disagree; he is as much my son as he is yours; we are raising him together are we not?”
“You just keep out of it.” Loki snapped, emphasising his point by pointing his finger at her before storming out of the room.
Bile filled Maebh’s throat and she found herself running to a bowl to be ill. She knew Loki would not take what had happened with Helena well, but she had planned on talking it all through with him, that had not gone as planned, adding to that the exertion of their physical lust and the toll the new pregnancy was putting on her, Maebh was left feeling angry, at Loki’s manner, hurt by his dismissiveness and severely ill. Pulling a pelt from a nearby chair she did not even attempt to make it back to the bed and curled up on the ground.
Loki stormed all the way to Frigga’s residence, not even paying heed to his surrounds when he arrived, he threw open the door and went to his mother’s private living area. The sound of a child’s angry cry brought him out of his haze, leaving him looking at Nafi, Frigga, Sif and Helga trying to placate an angry and inconsolable Vali. “Is he alright?” He asked walking over to them all.
“Thank the Norns, get Maebh in here and have her feed him, he is like Fenrir with a toothache,” Sif instructed.
“She is at home,” Loki stated, going to his son, though the infant was happier in his father’s presence, he still cried for food.
“She was to come too.” Sif groaned. “You best get him to her soon, he is like one starved.”
“He is old enough now to try some grain,” Frigga suggested.
“He won’t be six months until next week, is it not too soon?” Sif asked though she ordered the grain be readied. “Norn’s this is enough to prevent a woman ever wanting another child.”
Frigga gave a knowing chuckle and looked at her son. “Nafi, go with Helga and get away from all this noise.” He ordered. Relieved to not have to endure his brother’s wails any longer, Nafi fled the room, Helga following closely behind. Sif looked between her mother-in-law and brother-in-law expectantly, not knowing what it was that was going on.
“Do you recall my recent prediction for Maebh?” Frigga asked the raven-haired woman with a knowing smirk.
“Aye, and it will not come to pass when she sees her distraught son, this will cause her to become celibate,” Sif answered. “Could a tooth be cutting I wonder?” she looked at him in an inspecting manner.
“No, for he has not been chewing, nor are his cheeks red,” Frigga answered. “As for my prediction, I fear it has already come to pass.” Sif froze. “That is why she was so out of sorts when we mentioned it before, she already suspected as much herself, Eir has confirmed it. Vali will not be a year old before he is made an older brother.”
Sif eyed Frigga for another moment before looking to Loki, eyeing him up and down. “That poor girl is going to spend the best part of the next decade gravid with your children if you keep at her. Dear Norn’s, I thought Thor to be bad.”
“I think it clear to see from the pensive look on your face Loki, that you are reconsidering the size of the family you wish to have,” Frigga smiled fondly. “Maebh was somewhat excited at the idea of telling you, she knew you would be thrilled.”
“I was told there was a visitor to my home in my absence.” He stated plainly, his tone showing the anger he was fighting to keep at bay.
“Sif, that meal should be readied for Vali by now, will you go and check, bring him with you,” Frigga suggested; taking the hint, the other woman took Vali from his father and went from the room. “Now is not the time for such a discussion Loki, this is time for celebrating a good first hunt with Nafi, relief that Maebh is not suffering from memory problems and the news of a new child of your line.”
“She said nothing, she suspected there was something afoot and she said nothing,” Loki growled.
“She wished to be sure, she did not wish to make false claims.” Frigga defended. “It does not matter now; Maebh has dealt with it in a manner befitting her station, with dignity, understanding and the utmost respect for everyone involved.”
“‘Dealt with?’ It is nothing to do with her, what deal with it? She should have known better than to interfere in something that is no concern of hers.” He snapped.
Frigga looked at Loki pensively for a moment before responding, analysing his words and behaviour. “Is this the manner in which you spoke to Maebh on the subject? Are these the sort of words you used?”
“What of it?” he barked, pacing in front of her angrily.
“You told your wife, the woman that in two years has carried one of your children to term and is now carrying another, the woman who is raising Nafi as her own, who has loved him selflessly since the day she met him, the product of two people that have only ever wronged her, who loves you to the point of almost madness, who will go to the depths of Hel itself for you, that he is ‘nothing to do with her’ that she ‘should not interfere’? Dare I ask did you say these things before or after she told you she is bearing another of your children?”
“Why does that matter?”
“It matters when she is trying to recover from one terribly traumatic birth not a year ago, where she sustained a head injury so terrible she had to eat raw liver for three weeks straight to try and make up for lost blood, a wound so bad she should have died, an injury that is still only healing and is now under considerable pressure as it now being pressurised by the needs of her body to carry another child, and with strict instructions to rest and fed well, while also decreasing her stresses and concerns, and you say words that will put not only all her instructions at risk but also her life and that of the child she carries at great risk, I would say it matters significantly, would you not? She is not well Loki, the child is making her so ill she cannot eat properly, and anything she does eat does not remain in her stomach for very long. Her body is trying to sustain her, her milk for Vali and this new child, which is a great task for her. To add to all of that, she was happy, thinking you would rejoice in this news, but all you have done is throw it back at her.” Frigga stated factually, her tone cold due to her son’s callous tone and words to his pregnant wife.
Loki took a deep breath. There was no denying the truth in his mother's words, Maebh was very much involved and her actions in their bed only an hour previous were ones filled with joy and love. She had dealt with something neither of them would want to deal with at any stage and had resolved any potential conflict without incident and he had thrown it all back at her, viciously. “I have hurt her greatly.”
“More than any beating Aslaug or foe has given her, and as deeply as her uncle’s betrayal I would imagine. But it is not without the ability to be remedied. Come, we shall go and fix this.” She rose from her chair and headed to the door.
“Loki, if you go back to your home without my being there to mediate between you, severely ill or not, I would not put it passed your wife to try and castrate you, I would imagine the probability of such would be very high.”
Frigga walked into another room, where Vali was eagerly trying to take the spoon his aunt was trying to refill with food, his mouth wide open. “I think it is safe to say he is ready to eat.” The woman laughed. “Patience little one.” She scolded the boy, but he paid no heed to her and kept fighting to get the empty soon back into his mouth.
“Sif dear, would you be so kind as to get Thor to bring the boys back to their parents later?” Frigga requested. “Loki and I must speak with Maebh in private.”
Sif was not privy to what was occurring for her in-laws, but she knew better than to ask in front of the children. “Of course.” She smiled. “With Vali eating, there is no need to be concerning ourselves with bringing them back so soon.”
Frigga and Loki gave their thanks and left. “Why did I get angry with Maebh?” Loki self-scolded as they made their way to his home.
“She was only thinking of your family, and you berated her for it,” Frigga stated. Loki looked at her startled that she had not attempted to calm his woes in any manner. “If you think your behaviour is in any way acceptable for how you treated her, especially when you knew she was with child; you are very much mistaken.”
“Thank you, mother,” Loki replied dryly. “How can I make it up to her? Was she really so joyful at the idea of another child?”
“She thought it was what you would want, and loved the child as a result, regardless of the suffering she must now endure for it,” Frigga explained as they came to Loki’s home.
They walked inside to see the maid in the living area, but no sign of Maebh. “She must have gone for another rest.” Loki went to their room, when he saw his wife asleep on the floor and was hit by the smell of vomit, he felt his stomach clench in guilt. He walked over and brought her into his arms, picking her up and placing her on the bed, noticing her weight had decreased again. “I am so sorry, my beautiful Maebh, you only wanted to take care everything.”
“Loki?” Her voice was weak as she half opened an eye. “I’m sorry I made you mad.”
Loki’s guilt intensified. “I am not mad my love, it is I that needs to apologise to you. I did not even let you explain what you did, Mother told me how you diffused the whole situation so flawlessly and with our new child making you so ill, I should have been a better husband, I promise I will make it up to you.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Do not apologise my Maebh, just rest for now.” he kissed her and pulled up the pelt. She grumbled weakly in response and he left her to sleep. “She has been ill again,” he admitted to Frigga when he left the room.
“Everything that has occurred in the past few days, it has been very difficult for her.” Frigga nodded sagely.
“Mother, what can I do, I fear I need to be more of a help to her, but I know not how, I beg of you, help me.” He pleased, sitting with his head in his hands.
Frigga thought for a moment. “When Maebh wakes, we will talk, I have an idea.”
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