#bee crouch
sorry but I now am fully committed to the all girls marauder au. it’s like crack. the boys were cool and stuff but everything is better when it’s for the girls and the lesbians!
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mxro-x · 3 months
Evan: You’ll always be mine, Bee?
Barty: Always, Rosie
Evan: [reaching into his pocket]
Barty: Wait are you fucking proposing??
Evan [pulling out a knife]: What? ‘Course not
Barty: Then what the fuck are you doing?
Evan: Blood oath
Barty: Yeah okay
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bri-cheeses · 4 months
| June 2nd | Prompt: Die | Word count: 452 | @rosekillermicrofic |
“Evan?” Barty’s voice was hesitant, serious in a way that was rare for him. It was his tone that got Evan to look up from his schoolwork.
“I love you,” Barty said.
Evan froze.
Then he stared at the boy across from him, trying to make sense of what had just happened.
But the thing was, it didn’t make sense, those words coming from Barty’s mouth as Evan sat in his bed, meters away from where Barty was sprawled out on his own blankets.
“You—you do?”
As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Evan wanted to kick himself for the hopeful way in which he had asked the question.
However, he was distracted from the desire as Barty sat up straight, seemingly eager to prove his point.
“Yeah. Yeah, I do. You’re my closest friend.”
And it was from the way Barty said “friend” that Evan instantly knew that he had hoped for too much.
Barty had meant a platonic kind of love.
Of course.
Evan looked back down at his papers, unable to keep looking at Barty as he continued, “I don’t know what I would do without your friendship. And I just thought you should know.”
Evan appreciated the sentiment. Really, he did. He loved being a part of Barty’s life, and even if he did wish it was as more than a friend, he would rather know Barty and be in love with him from the sidelines than not know him at all.
“Thank you,” Evan said.
It was a weak response. Too weak, judging from the way Barty’s posture slumped slightly. But seconds later, he straightened back up, Evan’s mediocre response only seeming to renew his desire to prove the truth of his words from earlier
The weight of Barty’s gaze burned into Evan as he said, “You’re my ride-or-die, Evs.”
They were lovely, wonderful words, but Evan couldn’t stop a corner of his mouth from pulling down. He tried to stop it, he really did, but his emotions couldn’t seem to keep from showing on his face. The only saving grace was that the side of his mouth turned down in a frown was the side away from Barty, meaning that he couldn’t see it.
What he could almost definitely see, however, was Evan’s reluctance to say anything.
“I mean it,” Barty insisted after several seconds of no response from Evan.
And now Evan had to say something.
So, trying to keep the bitterness out of his tone, Evan mumbled back, “Of course, Bee.”
Then, making up some story about a headache, he excused himself from the conversation and closed the curtains around his bed.
He really didn’t want to think about any of it.
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[Regulus took Barty as his plus-one to The Sacred Twenty-Eight gala] Barty: That guy is hot. Regulus: Ew, He's my cousin! Barty: He is? Regulus: Yes, everyone here is my cousin! Barty: Right.
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bey0nd-1he-stars · 1 month
A little Rosekiller micro fic with an aroace!Evan
“Evan-” Barty’s voice breaks in two and he’s so close to tears by now that it’s making him pissed off. And Evan can see it. He can see it so clearly, because he knows Barty. He knows the boy inside and out, like the back of his hand. And it breaks his heart to not be able to help him. 
Evan’s blonde curls whip around his head as he shakes his head in a “no” and Barty is on the verge of giving up. 
“How can’t you see it, Ev, we’re-” Barty tries and begs, but Evan just can’t do anything about it. He’s not built the right way, something is fundamentally wrong with him and the fact that it’s hurting Barty makes him so angry with himself. Why can’t he just be normal? Why can’t he function like everyone else? What the fuck is the matter with him? 
“Believe me, B-” Evan grabs ahold of Barty’s hands in his, “- I would if I could, but something’s wrong with me and I- I just, I can’t get it to work. I’ve tried so hard to love you Barty, and I do love you, just not- not the way you need me to and for that, I’m so fucking sorry.” Barty has gone quiet and the tears are rolling slowly down his cheeks now. 
“Nothing’s wrong with you, Rosie,” he whispers and swipes a thumb across Evan’s cheek, stroking away the tears that Evan didn’t even notice.  
“Yes there is,” he hiccups, “I don’t get why I don’t- I should love you, the right way, but- I- I don’t know how-” 
Barty shuts him up by hardly pulling him into a hug, pressing their bodies so close together they almost mend into one. And it feels so, so right. It feels too right and Evan is furious that he can’t love Barty the way he deserves. 
“If I could, you’d be it, you’d be the one, but that’s all I can give you, B, and I’m so sorry for it.” 
“Don’t be. You love me more than anyone else ever has, and that’s enough.”
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lunarlivs · 9 months
evan rosier is such a pretty fucking name, for no other reason than to make barty crouch jr sound like an even uglier name
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olivers-cocoapuffs · 1 year
Evan Rosier Headcanons
He’s always cold, and always has a jumper in his bag
His middle name is Louis
He and Pandora are identical twins (she’s trans)
he’s incapable of growing facial hair
he has a bee tattooed on his right middle finger
He’s basically a cosmetics doll (they practice make up and nails on him)
can’t stand in ear head phones so always uses over ear ones
Gay and Asexual
He’s the quietest skittle in public
he always passes notes in class
he’s the only person who can get Barty under control (although he mostly just eggs him on)
speaks French fluently (like Dora)
he’s the tallest skittle & rests his arm on his friends heads/ shoulders
left handed
tongue piercing
needs reading glasses
needed a night light until he was 14
When he’s lying he taps his fingers against his leg
he pierced Dorcas’ nose
he plays Chaser
he makes it a point to taunt James on the quidditch pitch when they play against eachother
he doesn’t like coffee but he likes coffee ice cream
he gets a frilled neck lizard (names it Frilly)
he always has Bertie bots in his bag and no one really knows why (including him)
he (lovingly) refers to Barty as “wanker”
he’s good with kids but doesn’t like them
he’s an artist and doodles on his work (he also helps his friends design a lot of their tattoos)
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yonker-tonker · 5 months
Nightbird x bumblebee in the sharing a drink pose?
I think you meant the sharing scarf/umbrella one! there isnt one w drinks
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bl0ssomized · 4 months
🌸. Marauders AU: Harry Potter
so I mentioned my little au before where voldy never existed and everyone from the marauders era lives right. I'm planning to write more about them soon but first let me share a few of my ideas for Harry in this au because I have a lot of them. please bear with the unorganized mess of thoughts (really. it's a mess.)
alternatively; I take JK's character and twist it a bit to make it my own ♡
son of James Potter and Regulus Black!! (don't ask how he came to be I'm sure there's some way to make it work with magic and it's my au so I make the rules.)
just like in the books he's the spitting image of James, except for his eyes. he has REGULUS' EYES. a really pretty blueish grey :)
no scar obviously since no voldy
he is SPOILED ROTTEN. how can he not be with loving parents and what feels like a thousand loving uncles and aunts
sass x1000. he gets it from Reg.
he's still a griffyndor, still befriends Ron and Hermione, but because of Reg and Pandora's friendship he's also really close with Luna!
not planning to pair him with ginny. not that I think they wouldn't work well together because they definitely would, I just really want to see her with Luna :)
haven't decided who he'll end up with but no it will NOT be draco because they are legitimate relatives now
harry becoming the youngest seeker in the last century both fills James with pride and joy as breaks his heart as a chaser. Regulus is overjoyed and really smug about it
having grown up around the notorious marauders it's a given that harry becomes a prankster of his own, just a little less enthusiastic.
this meaning that he tries to avoid detention as much as possible and with both the cloak and the map it works pretty well.
to be fair being friends with Hermione he'd definitely get scolded for getting in trouble which is one more reason to be as discreet as possible
his favorite class is defence against the dark arts, partially because of the professor (moony)
Sirius, who's the transfigurations professor, is offended.
(don't worry Minnie still exists. she's just headmistress now because I didn't feel like keeping Dumbledore)
he's actually a really bright child! doesn't score as high as Hermione but still well above average. he often helps Ron with his homework
sometimes he forgets to address Remus and Sirius by their last names in class and just calls them (uncle) moony and pad
Remus just gently corrects him but melts on the inside. Sirius loves it, bonks him with a piece of parchment before correcting him. he'll make sure to tease the kid later
honestly everyone loves him. he's just so amazing
the perfect balance of james' bright and cheerful personality and Regulus' sass
he has a lot of admirers but bless the boy he's so oblivious to it
harry gets the familial love he deserves and everyone cheers
oh but keep him away from Barty and Evan. they will influence him.
or tell embarrassing stories about Regulus which harry loves to hear about. Reg does not love it.
I have so much more to say but it's late and my brain is fried I will dump more later ^_^ please let me know if you have any thoughts I wanna talk
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swag696942069 · 1 year
Head canon that Evan was obsessed with bugs as a kid. So, when he started at Hogwarts and found out Barty was obsessed with bees, he just assumed that bees were Barty's favorite but he liked all bugs like he did. So he would go on and on about different bugs for hours to Barty, and Barty would just sit and listen, occasionally putting his input, but mainly just sitting and letting Evan continue to talk his ear off. Which was something new for Evan, since most people thought bugs were gross they didn't usually like when Evan would talk about them. But Barty never cared, in fact, he loved it! It wasn't until years later, when Evan learned the truth, that Barty didn't actually like bugs, only bees, and had been letting Evan go on and on about them for year! When Evan asked him why he never told him he didn't actually like bugs, Barty simply smiled and said "Casue it made you happy." And that's when Evan knew, truly knew, he was in love with Barty Crouch jr.
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callmejud3 · 1 year
Marlene “you know who you are you piece of shit !? your girlfriend's always sucking on my dick like a Slim Jim stick ! so next time you go down on her clit, tell me how my dick tastes, tell me how my motherfucking dick tastes !!!” McKinnon
James “but she’s so nice” Potter
Peter “she’s so nice” Pettigrew
Barty “she’s so nice” Crouch Jr.
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mxro-x · 5 months
Regulus [trying to stop the bleeding]: Okay, rate your pain
Barty, who was just stabbed: Zero stars, would not recommend
Evan: Bee I fucking swear—
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theprongspotter · 2 months
Rosekiller Microfics Masterlist:
Not Fair
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bees-writting · 9 months
Barty Crouch Jr X male reader
Masterlist : HERE
Run down: Hanging out with your Boyfriend and friends after sneaking into their common room
“Shut your trap (Y/N),” Barty whispered towards me.
“Yeah, yeah Bartimus,” I respond jokingly, walking forwards towards the slytherin boys dorm.
“Knock Knock, housekeeping!” Barty said in a high pitched voice as his knuckles tapped the wooden door.
The door flew open and we were met with an unamused Regulus Black.
“Reggie the true love of my life!” I joke as I walk towards the raven haired boy and embrace him in a hug, the both of us looking back at Barty.
“Excuse me-“ Barty started,
“Yes the only hufflepuff I can stand to be around.” Reggie attempted to joke, it worked a little bit.
“Okay can I have my boyfriend back now?” Barty questioned as he closed the door.
“I suppose so,” Reggie responded.
The three of us went to our respective seats, Pandora had snuck into the common room before us with her brother after fourth period.
“Hey Panda, Evan.” I greeted with a smile, getting light greetings in return.
“I swear this school is gonna kill me before my father does.” Barty sighed.
“Your father won’t kill you love, your like a cockroach, you can’t die.” I joke, seeing him grin from my response made one appear on my face aswell.
“Thank you My Darling, I feel so loved.” He sarcastically responded, the grin still resting on his face.
Barty moved to sit behind me instead of next to me, thinking nothing of it I start talking with the other boys, plus Panda, Barty adding to the conversation every now and then.
Slowly I felt hands on the back of my head messing with my hair. I stopped adding to the boys conversation and turned around to look at Barty, the brunette made eye contact with me and whispered “sorry, my bad.”
“Don’t be, it’s nice.” I smiled at him and turned back around, slowly I readjusted myself to be leaning between the boys legs as he began to play with my hair again.
“What are the lover boys doing,” Evan joked, Barty either didn’t hear him or just didn’t care as he looked down at me and began talking.
“How was your day Darling?” He questioned sleepily, his bright eyes contrasting with the deepening purple bags under them.
“Better now that you're with me,” I smile, my eyes feeling tired just from seeing the other boy.
“We should skip the rest of our classes, just chill here, the others wouldn’t mind.” He decides, his eyes sagging.
“He’s right hufflepuff, it’s chill just don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” Evan winked as the others in the room laughed.
“I guess I could use a nap, see y’all later then?” I questioned as checked my watch and felt Barty grab my waist to lay down next to him.
“Sure thing lover boy.” “Bye Boys!” “Goodbye Crouch, (L/N).” Evan, Pandora, and Regulus responded as they grabbed their things and headed out for their respective classes.
“You know for a Ravenclaw your as cuddly as a Hufflepuff when your tired.” I say as I lay down next to the boy hugging me.
“What Hufflepuffs have you been cuddling Darling.” He asked drowsily, not able to cover up the jealousy brewing in his tired form.
“None love, just a figure if speech, go to sleep now.” I responded quietly as a brushed my hands through his brunette hair.
“Mhm, Night Dear.” He mumbled
“Love you too Bart.” I responded as I get comfy with the other boys arms around me, finally I drift off to sleep next to the smaller teen.
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obwjam · 4 months
oml giant Alastor being canon???!?!
The way I had to keep myself from smiling stupidly when he went into his monster form, the hazbin universe has a lotta g/t sprinkled in there casually and I LOVE IT
NO I LITERALLY PAUSED AND REWOUND TO WATCH THAT PART AGAIN LOL i was like no way canon g/t in front of my very eyes. it really does, like literally ozzie and fizz are right freaking there dude they have g/t moments literally all the time, and when bee went into her full demon form in helluva -- it's literally all here for us we are being fed so well
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bexisanidiot · 1 year
Tomato Bee reveal
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I never drew Zero ever in my life💔
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