#And I guess as omega is possible to get them LOL
miimo96 · 2 months
Thoughts on My Adventures with Superman S2 FINALE
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This has me kinda scared because Normally when this happens, it usually means 2 thing's; 1 this is either going to be Very long episode or 2, Somebody's going to die, and with the way the creator's have been teasing us with Tweets about Kara's demise, I'm guessing it's the ladder, and if that's the case WTF DC
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Also if had a nickel for everytime that a Giant spaceship threatened to Destroy Earth as a way to Rebuild krypton in a Superman story, I'd have 2 nickels, which isn't alot, but it's weird that it's happened twice
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So lemme get this straight, this Lex is smart enough to build the parasite suit, have a fail safe for that, is able to frame Superman gaining Millions of followers and government access, infuse Kryptonite to Kryptonian built robots, but isn't smart enough to come up with a fail safe when said robots get hacked!?....yeah I call Bullshit
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Hell yeah the Cavalry's here! oh, and Sam too I guess whatever, listen the FANS might've forgiven your ass for abandoning lois 6 episodes ago, but I sure as hell don't, in all seriousnes tho I am glad he got some sort of character development regarding his relationship with Superman, seeing it as how he is now trying to help him instead of ya know, Trying to Kill him 😅 btw I kinda feel stupid for asking myself how the heck they turned invisible, only to realize they were actually holding on to Only the character who Can turn invisible Lol 😅😅 also did anyone else immediately thought've Lobo when he said the Main man, no, just me
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Wow I can't belive they actually gave Kara the Winter soldier treatment, from the brainwashing, Down to him effing reactivating it like freakin Zemo, Well looks like Clark's gonna have to fight his cousin again, hopefully he doesn't end up like last time, or if not maybe Jimmy can talk some sense into her, Seeing as how it was seeing a picture of Jimmy which resulted in her breaking free from Brainiacs control, maybe this where he can finally confesses his feelings for her, Omg I would love that ^w^
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Wait you're telling me Brainiac Did it, that he's the reason why krypton exploded, that HE Killed clarks and Kara's parents!? Oh nah Brainiac gotta die now, also has anyone else how similar he is to Zod, from his reasoning, to his personality, to even this whole effing scenario, like This is some shit Zod would've done, and it's funny because I was actually thinking about this not to long ago about how we technically don't need Zod in this show because Brainiac fits that role perfectly, especially with how he's been depicted this season, Omg if this was an intentional Detail on their part, then it's official, this show never ceases to Amaze me
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Uh oh scary Kara's back, Damn it Brainiac why you gotta be such a Bitch; Also it may be nothing, but the way those missiles were moving kinda reminded of the way Darksides Omega beams would move, which got me thinking about something; What if Kryptons technology is possibly made from Apocalypse
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This shot is ABSOLUTELY Beautiful; from the colors, to the camera work, to even the Symbolism between him and the Sun, everything was just Screams Superman
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Tbh out of all the anime tropes they've done this season, I gotta say Talk no jutsu the 1 was NOT expecting them pull, and ya know what, I'm actually kinda glad they did, because it just fits Superman's MO; Superman has always been represented for kindness not his strength, like even if you've done him dirty, he'll still always choose to help you because that's just who he is, hes the person who just wants to help, he'll carry the weight of the world on his shoulders, he's the person who will try to stop a threat with his words before having to result to violence, he's the Man of Steel not because of what he can do, but because of who he is and always will be, hence why this trope works perfectly for him, it's the Perfect representation of what he embodies, Compassion, That's what makes him Superman
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Ok I have a few things regarding this scene, 1st off i Absolutely love my 2 star children, 2nd of all Kara don't throw him into the sun, that's how make Nuclear man 😂 3rd of all, in all honesty, I was not worried 1 bit when Kara got shot mainly for 2 reasons; 1 even tho she was clearly shot by Kryptonite, they were directly near the sun and if I remember correctly, the Sun is what gives them their power, granting them the abilities to heal from critical wounds as well as even more strength, and because 2, kryptonians have invulnerable skin meaning she won't burn up from the sun even if she falls into it, all in all touching scene but No stakes
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Kara's lighting's, Kryptonite Saber, Clean animation, Super sayian references!? OMG this episode is AMAZINGGG!! Also Kara's lighting's Red!? Ngl but I SWEAR I thought it was gonna be yellow, not because it would only go good with her hair, but because it in my opinion, it just fits her better, plus we did see kinda of it Start to spark in her fight against Brainiac 2 episodes ago, and since Clark's is blue it would only just made sense for hers to be yellow, hopefully maybe it can like evolve in season 3 or something, don't get wrong I like the Red but in my opinion, it just feels like a missed opportunity, In other News
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Eff yeah Brainiac's Dead! Be honest, how many of you actually thought kara was dead after that scene, because my heart immediately stopped after she passed out 😅
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Also can we talk about how Amazing Kara's suit looks, like Omg this Has to be one of the best desings I've seen, I just love everything about it from the colors to the boots all the way to especially the Cape, like I just love how it looks like a scarf UwU
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AH siblings being siblings 😊 btw Love how he still has the shirt from when he was kid, Such a full circle moment, also when it comes to Kara's, this Kara, the kara from injustice 2, the CW show and even The FLASH movie are All of my favorite Kara's, every single one of them EXPECT and I can't believe I'm saying this, the 1 from the DCAU, like I'm sorry but in my opinion she was just too much of a hot head, and she barely had any screen time in Justice league, like I don't understand how did we stray so far from God, also she was incredibly weaker when it came to her cousin, this 1 on the other hand can slap her cousin around like it was a normal Tuesday, So yeah that's my Hot take come at me In the comments I dare you
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Well well well looks like instead of mommy dosen't need you anymore, it's more like We don't need Mommy anymore, hell yeah Lex's finally going to be the Villain next season and I soo can't wait, oh and what's this, it looks like slade is gonna be his right hand now, oh yeah Slex is Definitely becoming cannon
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🎵 Super rizz, Super rizz, here comes Clark's Super rizz 🎵
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And with that another amazing end to another amazing series, Overall this season was freakin Epic, from the animation, to the music, to the character designs minus the robots, everything was just epic, from Start to finish; only thing to do Now is wait for season 3, but I wanna know you're thoughts, What did YOU think of season 2, and what was your favorite episode or moment from this series, comment or just leave a like if ya enjoyed this Thoughts on series, and lemme know if I should do more of this, Anyway I'mma head out because this took a while for me to write and I'm feeling kinda burnt out, Anyway yeah thank you for reading and I can't wait to see you again in S3, and with that, Superman Saturday's has come to an end, well, for now anyway ^^;
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coppermarigolds · 8 days
Thanks to my reliably terrible timing, I didn't get into TBB hyperfixation/fandom until basically right as the show was ending. So I know I'm like 3.5 years late to this question, but how the heck did Crosshair survive 32 rotations on that Kaminoan platform?
At first I figured, maybe he stayed alive by collecting rainwater in his helmet and catching fish with the grappling attachment on his rifle, the same one he used to save Omega and AZI. Granted, I had no idea how he could cook the fish, but I guess if you're desperate enough you could eat them raw? (Not that that wouldn't open up a whole other host of potential problems.)
But then rewatching 1x15-16, I realized he doesn't even have his helmet with him--it got left behind when they all booked it out of the training room at the end of 1x15. And he doesn't have his rifle, either. He gives it to Wrecker in the previous scene, but then in this sequence it's just...missing entirely. There is a whole lot of nothing on that platform.
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So maybe he used his boots to collect rainwater instead? That at least would keep him alive for a while. A cursory google search indicates a person can survive 3-4 weeks without food, if they have enough water. 32 days already puts him past the edge of that window. He must have been nothing but skin and bones when the Empire finally picked him up--to say nothing of the mental strain of spending a month completely alone, without shelter, on a planet where it rains almost constantly (the above scene is the only shot of Kamino I can recall where it's not pouring down hurricane levels of rain). I've watched enough episodes of Survivor to know that people's morale starts to deteriorate really quickly when they're out in the cold and rain without adequate shelter for even just a couple of days. (Granted, Crosshair being a soldier would have more mental fortitude and capacity to survive inhospitable conditions than your average reality show contestant, lol, but still. A solid month of rain pouring down on your head would wear anyone down, I imagine.)
Of course, it's possible, maybe even probable, that 32 Kaminoan rotations aren't equivalent to 32 Earth days. I don't recall Star Wars ever having addressed different planets having different rotational speeds, etc, but maybe 32 days on Kamino is more like a week on Earth, or something. Even that would still be an ordeal, but obviously easier to survive than a full month.
Anyway, I'm probably overthinking it, but I am curious if anyone involved with the show ever addressed this (I know many of them are/were active on social media). Yeah, this is a Disney cartoon with 23-minute episodes that have to stay (mostly) family-friendly, but I still wish they hadn't almost entirely glossed over how physically, mentally, and emotionally taxing that whole situation would have been.
Come to think of it, Glossing Over Really Traumatic Things could have been the name of this show, but I guess that's what fanfic is for.
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classificationhell · 7 months
Out of curiosity how are lucifer and mourningstar lucifer different when it comes to their little omega being in heat?
Not by much, both are very gentle and slow with it until their Omega can safely take it how they want (extremely horny people dont often make good judgment on pace or things so they can't really trust any begging). I feel like Mourningstar will have a harder time saying no to his princess, but at the same time he doesnt want to hurt them so there is a bit of prep work necessary. It really comes down to what they call them and how quickly they give into instincts once they get going.
Mourningstar will always call them his baby girl, his princess (no matter their gender or preferencesthis man is delusional that your his princess now), or just his in general (you know those types that mutter mine, mine, mine with every thrust once they lose themselves enough to the pleasure). After his princess is prepped and he's inside, he very quickly goes feral. He's babbling incoherent nonsense as he plows them into the mattress with his otherworldly strength and stamina. Being an Alpha, he's already able to spill inside them multiple times so he can properly satiate a heat, but being the extremely powerful entity he is, he can likely go on long after they've passed out. Afterward, he'll be very apologetic and spoil the ever loving shit out of them. Immediate after care would be a nice long soak in the bath with him while he cleans them from the sweat and other bodily fluids, they might look pregnant at that point which would set off another round in the tub that then has to be cleaned up, but he'll be thinking about that image for a long while, might make you a nice little plug to keep all that in.
Normal Lucifer is much more controlled at first, and even when he's not he retains enough wits to try some things. He can shape-shift after all, I see no reason why he couldn't choose just to change one specific body part >.>, and he wants this experience to be as memorable as possible for both of them sooooo why not lol I doubt Lillith was ever one for much experimentation given it was against her nature to even be on the receiving end of such things in this AU. He'll be more of a dirty talker as opposed to a babble-sweet nothings type. However, just like Mourningstar he will give aftercare and clean them off in the tub, though if their stomach was distended he wouldn't go another round (doesn't mean the idea of having another child at some point doesn't thrill him in a way, but that'd be a whole big discussion with them and Charlie I'm not sure what goes into getting a sinner pregnant but I'm guessing he works some magic or something).
Both would give you a massage afterward and then rest with you. Usually it's about three days with help and a week without for a heat to last but with their care it's two days tops. With Mourningstar it'll be a few days recovery, though not that he'd hurt his princess purposefully it's more of a lingering soreness than anything, man was a savage, and he likely has a few good scratch marks from when they got really sensitive. Mourningstar would love to have lingering marks of their union. He views the marks as physical proof of his princess's love.
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zeroducks-2 · 4 months
🤍 with EoBarry, perhaps?
🤍 kiss at the wedding / milestone
Hi Fall! Guess who got inspired by your prompt and came up with a whole ass Omegaverse Royal AU which might take 30 chapter to write in its entirety. Here have a snippet lol
(Long post. Characters are young but not underage, "pup" here is used as a synonym of young man. Everything is SFW anyway)
The wedding officiant is a creature of House Thawne, same as every guard, every servant, every person who might be of any familiarity to the pup. The only faces he might recognize are just there to witness that he is indeed getting wed to a Thawne, but they wouldn’t step in to object to the marriage anyway. Barry doesn’t look like he cares, though… his expression is blank enough one would think he doesn’t care about anything at all, and is not even there beside in the physical sense. 
Eobard feels the line of a frown forming on his forehead. What if he was put under some manner of inspection during the bathing and robing process. Eobard had expressly vetoed all the servants to do anything of the likes, and even to force the pup to wear anything he wasn’t comfortable with; no Thawne colors if he didn’t want to be married in them, no manner of clothing which felt too unfamiliar, and no touching him was he to ask not to be touched. And of course these people are used to answer to the orders of Lord and Lady Thawne, not Eobard’s, but his parents are not there to order anyone around. Eobard himself included.
Though the pup replies “No, sir” when the minister asks if he’s already undergone an examination, and then looks at Eobard, directly at him with his mouth tight and a clear tinge of panic to the blue of his eyes.
«I will perform the examination.» Eobard says placidly. «With the blessing of the minister.» He adds, turning towards the altar, and the reply is a benevolent gesture of approval.
When he brings his fingers to the pup’s neck he can feel him trembling. The little thing is looking at him with his eyes so wide he doesn’t even blink, but he’s smart enough not to oppose when Eobard undoes the delicate fabric buttoning of his vest. He uncovers the pup’s neck and just the very top of his right shoulder, and by this point Barry is not even tense, the accepting, blank stare has returned to his face.
From quiet, the crowd has grown silent as a grave. Eobard can tell how most of the people sitting in the front rows are leering, obviously hoping… or, well, more like anticipating the show they’ll be given. The Lord of House Thawne has instructed Eobard to make everything as humiliating and demeaning for the youngest Allen as possible, and most of those folks can’t wait to see just that.
He leans in, and since the little thing has had his presentation heat a few years ago, it’s easy to locate his mating gland; it shows as a patch of very slightly darker skin, and Eobard brushes it ever so slightly with his upper lip, keeping a hand on Barry’s opposite shoulder should the pup have the brilliant idea of trying to bolt. Barry’s breath is caught in his throat but beside a minuscule hiccup he doesn’t react, and Eobard doesn’t linger. 
«I’m satisfied with the examination.» He declares, quickly buttoning back the Omega’s vest to cover him up to the line of his chin, the red and gold of House Allen concealing his skin again. 
There’s silence for a few beats, then disappointment starts to stir the crowd. Someone comments in a not really low voice that it must be a joke, and Eobard doesn’t hold back a smile as he keeps looking at the wedding officiant. 
The obsequious Beta looks around, clearly not knowing what to do about it, and Eobard feels even more satisfied with himself. «My liege, this is not…» He starts, gesticulating something towards the Allen pup. «It is in your right as an Alpha to perform a thorough-»
«I’m satisfied with the examination.» Eobard repeats, not bothering to hide the fact that he’s openly gloating. «My mate-to-be’s neck is unmarred and clean, like that of any proper maiden. I don’t need to see anything else.» As if anyone would ever expect this little thing to show any sign of not being perfectly pristine. «Or are you suggesting my noble parents would wed their firstborn to an unclean Omega…?»
That does it. The minister profusely apologizes and Eobard catches a few glares coming from within the crowd, but also some relieved looks. Though he’s mostly interested in Barry’s almost startled expression, relief so evident it turned his features softer, brighter, and for a moment Eobard tries to picture just how even softer and brighter he’d look while smiling. 
He dismisses the strange thought as the minister is now asking them to pronounce the vows, then to seal them with a show of their commitment. Barry steps forward, his shoulders setting like he’s bracing himself, and his eyes almost searching. They are likely both equally inexperienced in that field, but it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t have to take more than a moment; Eobard leans down and presses their lips together, his knuckles gently cradling the pup’s cheek, but Barry holds onto his hips with both hands and pushes himself up, eyes closing a both their heads tilt. 
It takes more than a moment. Eobard ends up holding the little Omega close with an arm around his middle, breaking the kiss slowly and with his breath somewhat short. He’s being thanked, he realizes. Because he refused to go through with the examination. And there’s something in the intense look he’s being given and in the note of color on his newlywed’s cheeks that makes him blink, something pleasantly tightening in the pitch of his belly.
kiss ask game here!
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frownyalfred · 11 months
okay the extent to which your amazing fucking fics are possibly infecting every corner of my brain now is starting to get legitimately concerning,,, which isn't actually news, but what IS new is the way i looked at that one BvS gif you just blogged yesterday?? and IMMEDIATELY saw the facial expression ben affleck made and went "WOMAN!!!"
....LOOK MAYBE I'M THE CRAZY ONE HERE, I GET IT OKAY but like,, something about that bitchy expression where you just KNOW he's saying the pettiest fucking line just then?!?! i swear on my life i have NEVER seen a cis man's face do that before, with the CLOSEST approximation i possibly would have thought anybody with a Y chromosome was capable of [before seeing that gif] being the sort of expressions drag queens do. (i hope that doesn't sound too weird/dismissive — not to go off on too much of a tangent, but i could probably write At Least one essay on why it's okay to admit that drag as an art form is not really an accurate depiction of femininity, AS LONG AS you acknowledge that drag is still Absolutely a beautifully, passionately written love letter TO the concept of femininity that fully deserves the appreciation it gets; but this is still not what i'm actually here to talk about lol)
okay yeah ANYWAYS that gif just absolutely SOLD me on the concept of bruce as an omega, and i'm saying this as someone who literally already has an omega!bruce WIP!! like, i've always thought the core philosophy behind batman tends to make him unintentionally very female-coded (and i must confess, i'm really curious to see whether you already have an opinion on this lol) in many different ways, but this is the first time i've seen/heard ANY GUY, let alone a batman actor with the right physicality to be batman, pull of this specific look, so i guess i'm just... shocked to be vindicated??? idk lol but i wanted to share so hope u at least enjoyed my manic ramblings a little bit <3 -krish
Batfleck is pretty! I've been saying that for years! He's this very intriguing mix of pure Batman physicality like you mentioned (man is canonically bigger than Clark in BVS) but also so beautiful and downright mesmerizing in certain close-ups on his face. Plush lips, high cheekbones, big, shining eyes? On Batman?? Sign me up!!
People laughed at me when I specifically started a coral room in the BVS universe, because I know most superbat a/b/o fics generally use a smaller, more omega-typical Bruce (which isn't bad!). But I wanted to challenge the trope stereotype by still having large, muscular Bruce lean into those more feminine moments like you mentioned -- it's an interesting contrast, seeing him hold so much space and power yet as soon as he makes eye contact with Clark, it's almost...sensual.
I think there are a lot of interesting stereotypical female roles Batman as a character unintentionally fulfills. He's the head of a family, the emotional center, the one adopting children, the one reassuring them. The fun I'm having with a sky of honey is just letting Bruce name these behaviors for what they are, in universe -- attempts at fulfilling his instincts that he keeps trying to curtail or avert entirely.
(gif in question below for those who are curious)
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merymoonbeam · 8 months
Please make a post about everything you were right about!
hello...of course I can.
so...spoilers for cc3 under read more.
I was right about her heritage. I guessed(basically joked) that she was from aelin's line from tog. It turned out to be true. I have proof but cant share them here but @silverlinedeyes made a post about alluding to it so I HAVE WITNESSES OKAY. they can back me up on this.
2. Gwydion and TT power being void
my alpha and omega post. and in my giant wild hunt post I connected it to void. I literally guessed this right. MY PRIDE AND JOY.
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3. The mist and barren lands being connected to the old fae
again... giant wild hunt post. lm not gonna link it again. it is above.
not straight on point like with tt and gwydion but basically I figured out the mist and land being barren was connected to the "old fae" aka theia and her daughter and in the book their power makes the land barren.
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4. daglan = asteri
this was basically everyones theory but still I was right. I dont care. I will count it as much.
look at my wild hunt post. lol. I talk about asteri and daglan as the same thing so thats my proof.
5. The void with cauldron.
In my mystics and seer post I figured out that cauldron had The Void in it. and turns out it was actually that lol. Asteri planted a trigger point to acotar and it is actually void...a blackhole.
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these are the main point. like there are a lot of little pieces that were a little bit off so Im not adding those. Im keeping this as straight as possible in terms of theories. and my acotar related theories got even more foreshadowings in this book so if you wanna know them they are linked in my masterlist. we will see what happens with them.
there are A LOT of thoughts through my rereads that also came true but I didnt make a post about them. so they are only lefts as...thoughts. so I cant show proof that I was right...but with that TT and Gwydion part. nothing can top that. I GUESSED THAT RIGHT.
see you in the next theories...and more confirmed theories in acotar5. FIONN I WILL GET YOU BACK MY KING. MANIFESTING.
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ask-sibverse · 1 month
If it's ok can you do a oneshot where killer introduces reader to his friend color sans
Certainly! Lets continue along this timeline, shall we? (Sorry this took so long, work suddenly annihilated me lol)
"Are you free? There's someone I want you to meet."
You squeaked, almost cutting yourself with the knife you were holding. "Killer! What did I say about randomly appearing through portals without any warning?"
"...not to do it?"
"Yes! Exactly! I almost cut myself!"
"Aww, but then I'd get to kiss it better." He grinned at you.
You snorted and rolled your eyes. "I'd like to keep as much of my blood inside me as possible, thank you very much."
"Fair enough. Anyways. You, free? Wanna introduce you to someone."
"Yeah sure, lemme just put this away for later. Where are we meeting them?"
Ah yes, neutral territory, safe for just about anyone as long as they didn't start a fight. "Fair enough. Who do you want me to meet?"
"Its a surprise~"
You laughed. "Okay then." You cleaned up the kitchen and followed him into the cafe. Killer ran off almost immediately to order for you both and likely find the other person he wanted you to meet, meowing cats following him.
You pet some of the cats that came to greet you as well, getting comfortable in a seat.
"Fancy meeting you here."
You looked up, snorting as you spotted Color leaning on the table you were sitting at. "Guessing Killer wanted to introduce us to each other?"
"Most likely."
You shook your head. "Too bad we already know each other. Should we pretend this is our first time meeting?"
"Nah, there's no point lying about it."
"Fair enough."
"Oh hey, you both found each other!" Killer came up with food and snacks. "Color, this is (Y/N). (Y/N), this is my best friend Color!"
"We've met before, in the Omega Timeline," you explained.
Killer nodded. "Makes sense. Well, you guys wanna hang out together?"
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Clone Trooper Headcanons
Based off my experience with reality shifting so I guess they're not really headcanons lol I've met everyone except Omega, as the timeline is still pre-Order 66. Updated now that I've met (most of) the Bad Batch.
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It can be hard to get him to open up when you first meet him, but once this man decides he likes having you around, it's hard to get rid of him.
Seriously. Try putting yourself in danger and he will throw himself into the line of fire, whether you're a Jedi or not.
And after you both get out of there alive, expect a lecture from him as if he were your older brother.
I can't tell you how many lectures I've gotten from this man. He really is the older brother you never knew you wanted or even had. He always means well, though. He just worries.
This man can, and will, goof off and give you sarcastic comments.
Rex has actively said that Fives is going to be the death of him someday.
He makes it his mission to annoy Rex as much as possible, but also knows when and where to do it. If things go south, you'd think you're suddenly standing next to Cody with how fast his attitude changes.
I once had to do a double-take with how fast he switched from goofy to serious. That was not a very fun day. We scrapped a lot of clankers though.
This man just wants some peace and quiet every so often.
Don't underestimate his quietness, however. He will throw a punch at someone if he has to.
Sometimes it's Fives on the receiving end and Echo does it just for fun.
He's also fascinated with far off galaxies, especially if they're vastly different from the one he's from. It's nice to sit and read with him, too. He loves real discussions, not debates.
Update to Echo: He's still as chaotic as he was before. He's definitely loosened up a lot more, especially on regulations. He and Wrecker seem to be close since they were feeding off each other about naming the moon we crashed on.
Don't do anything that breaks protocol. Just don't. At least not around him.
He will have you neck-deep in paperwork and other assignments if he catches you.
He's loosened up a bit, but not much. Fives always reminds him to, though.
I've got nothing. I've tried, Fives has tried, even Rex has. This man loves protocol and won't be separated from it. We've joked before about him one day marrying it. That was the day I found out just how much datawork there really is in the Grand Army of the Republic. Did that stop us? Never.
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If someone were to show genuine interest in the information he spews, he'd be riding the high of seeing his brothers proved wrong for weeks, months even.
And this man can talk.
He would randomly spew out facts if said person was around, not even needing any cue that he was heard.
This man has tattoos. He knows what he's doing regarding them, too. He's done Hunter's tattoos, as well as Crosshair's. He can definitely talk. We spent so much time just talking about random things. I think he was happy to have someone to talk to, honestly. He doesn't randomly give out facts often, but he learns very quickly what someone is interested in and bases his randomly given facts on that. He told me that during our half a rotation's worth of time conversation we had because I asked him how he felt about randomly giving out facts.
Getting through to him would take a miracle. He's a hard nut to crack.
If he thinks you're useful to the team at all, he'd at least tolerate you.
Spend enough time around him and his brothers, he may even pick on you like he does with the others.
Even though he came to sit with us by the fire, that was literally as far as we got. He went right back to being a loner, but that's okay. So, he's definitely not the easiest to get along with (especially with the rocky introductions we had with each other), but it's not impossible to do it. For everything else, I have no idea yet lol
He knows more about you than anyone around before you even open your mouth.
He could even tell whether you're Force-sensitive or not.
This man is incredible and everyone forgets just how good his senses actually are until he actively needs to use them.
I learned a lot about Hunter while on our hunting trip. This man might as well be Force sensitive with how good his senses are. During the actual hunts, we didn't need to speak, only needed to rely on our senses. He works incredibly well with Jedi. It's amazing.
If you even just casually mention that there's the smallest possiblity you like to blow things up, you've just gained a new best friend.
If you give him something to blow up on top of that, he won't let you sit out on it. He'd have both of you press the button at the same time.
Literally would have his finger on one half, yours on the other.
Nobody tell Wrecker that I'm planning to find and secure explosives on our next mission together that he will 100% get to use. I'm serious. No one tell him.
She'd probably be the first to befriend you. Let's be real.
She'd want to show you her room on the Marauder and would be excited the entire time.
She'd probably be extremely happy to know someone who doesn't see them as just clones. She'd be even happier if you became part of their little dysfunctional family, whether they see you a lot or not.
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robotsandramblings · 1 year
interesting little thing i noticed:
Hunter & Wrecker don't have their knives with them going into Season 3.
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and even more interesting? it's not because the Imperials took them away. it appears when they arrived on Ord Mantell, they left their knives behind somewhere - probably in Cid's parlour. (they could have left them on the Marauder, but that's so far away, why do that??)
and why do it at all?? it's such a weird and unusual thing for them to do. even on Pabu, after being there a few days/weeks, they still have all their weapons on them. so why'd they remove their knives at Cid's of all places??
i dunno the "in-story" reason, but from a writing perspective, my best guess: it's a plot device to force them / give them a good reason to return to Ord Mantell / Cid's and have a confrontation with her. guess we'll find out!!
(see below for photo proof of when we last see them and when they go missing, along with more in-depth discussion and theorizing.)
Exhibit A: Wrecker still has his knife right before Tech's fall. he could have lost it when the railcar crashed (we don't have a view of Wrecker's lower body until they're at Cid's and it's gone by then).
But, Hunter definitely still has his knife after the railcar crash.
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Exhibit B: Wrecker's knife is missing as he sits at Cid's bar. Hunter no longer has his knife whilst waiting beside Omega's bed, and it's still missing when he confronts Hemlock.
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So, they removed them when they arrived on Ord Mantell. where exactly they left them is a mystery. all in all, i just thought it's... interesting? kinda weird?? esp when they've never done it before?? and these days they trust Cid even less than before?? so i really do wonder what the explanation for this is going to be.
as to the "Why [don't they have their knives in S3]" and "Why write the story like that", i have a couple theories.
As i said above, most likely it's a plot device that forces them to return to Cid's, to retrieve their knives but also have a confrontation with Cid about what she did to them. (which could lead to her 'act of redemption' where she helps them out in some way, if that's the route they're taking her on. or straight up her death.)
(i do have my own doubts about my own theory lmao. like do they "need" the knives as an excuse to go after Cid?? not at all. but maybe they're wary of going to Ord Mantell specifically, because there's probably a bigger Imperial presence there now, but the knives "give them reason" to. idk.)
Another possible idea, though a long stretch, is that it will end up linking them to someone?? as in, Cid either displays or tries to sell the knives, and someone recognizes them - it would have to be someone like, i dunno, C O D Y !!! - and buys them and that's how said person discovers CF99 is alive. or maybe the buyer is a significant character and CF99 tracking down their knives connects them to this character in an important way?? lol yeah it sounds convoluted ngl
It's also possible the writers are purposefully "getting rid" of the knives because they don't want Hunter and Wrecker using them. (by that i mean, they don't want to keep putting H & W in situations where they can and should be using them against other people, but they're not, because "tHiS iS a KiD's ShOw" lmao.) (look back at Season 2, they hardly - if ever?? - used them, except against a droid here or there.)
(i hope i'm wrong, not just because i do want them to stab people lmao, but because it's entirely hypocritical. fucking Pong Krell BROKE A CLONE'S BACK OVER HIS KNEE LIKE A STICK. what the fuck is a no-blood-splatter stabbing motion compared to THAT!?!?!)
anyways, those are just my thoughts and ideas. i'd love to hear yours!
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hollowtones · 1 year
i can't find the vods for the rest of your endwalker playthrough (if you even did stream the rest) so i was wondering, what were your opinions on 6.0? (also what were your reactions to That urianger scene)
I think I only did like one or two streams of it. It ran kinda bad when I streamed it, people didn't want to watch it, and I wasn't getting much out of streaming it compared to just playing it on my own time. That and I think I had a really severe depressive episode at the time (for unrelated reasons).
IDK if anyone's still trying to avoid spoilers but I'll throw it under a read-more.
It's been a while since I last played so my memory's kind of spotty. I liked it, though. It felt like a satisfying conclusion to what they've been getting at since 2.0 MSQ, and a nice little dialogue on despair and exhaustion and depression and hope, and finding ways to carry on and keep living and keep loving and keep trying. I feel like that's when the game's overall writing and theming tends to be at its strongest (yes I liked the Dark Knight questlines haha).
I remember having mixed feelings about how they pulled off the Garlemald segment & the "Alphinaud and Alisaie's shit head dad" plotline but I don't remember enough of the specifics to really elaborate on that.
Alisaie has lesbian college admirers and I thought that was funny.
I came out of 5.5 MSQ expecting White Woman Jumpscare Hydaelyn to be a little trite but I ended up really liking Venat. I felt kinda whatever about Emet-Selch coming back, but I didn't hate what they did with him I guess, and his earless-Viera boy toy was fun. Fandaniel felt like The Joker but he still felt like a fine first-act villain. The way they write him (& Meteion) in the later chunk of the game felt more interesting to me, & felt like a fun play on "Shadowbringers"-era Emet-Selch's whole "AMAUROT, BABY! GREATEST CITY IN DA WORLD, BABY! SLIMES ALL OVER DA STREET, BABY!" nostalgia. It was funny when he was The Joker, though.
Final area was thematically and visually really interesting. I'm excited we got more stuff related to Omega & I'm glad we got more "btw the dragons are aliens" stuff. I've seen a lot of people forget about that, for whatever reason. That one area right by the end that was completely desolate, with no people & no indication of who lived there, was a really good setpiece. The Namazu canonically suffer in all possible dimensions and all possible worlds and you cannot help but laugh out loud.
I kind of rolled my eyes at Zenos coming back. "By the way he's a Reaper now" felt like it amounted to nothing, but admittedly I never did the Reaper questline or the post-6.0 stuff. Getting to punch him in the face at the end was fun.
Music was good, I liked the way they played with different motifs & I really like how that comes to a head in the final boss fight.
I was expecting moon rabbits to be grating and insufferable but I liked them. I fucking love that none of this planet's moons are normal. Why are they both orbital prison-ships. I love it.
Zodiark's design owned and Hydaelyn's design was okay. Very Yoshitaka Amano design, which makes sense given how he did that one boxart for "A Realm Reborn" & she looks a lot like she does there, but I kinda wish she got to look more monstrous and weird. She kept talking up becoming a monster to do what she felt was right!!! I wish that had informed her design a little more.
Hamburgers exist & I do like that the animators got to livingly render G'raha Tia going to town on one like those weird clips of anime girls where it looks like they've never eaten in their lives.
I don't remember what you mean by "the Urianger scene". LOL
You didn't ask, but the crafting/gathering questlines were a lot of fun. I feel like they (& the guildleves) added some fun extra context to everything going on while I was going through the MSQ.
I liked it overall. I don't think it's the highest point of the game's writing, but I had a good time and felt very satisfied by the time it came to a close.
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wereh0gz · 7 months
Hello, I’m one of the contestants of the AU Sonic Smackdown, @delightrolls, the creator of the Sonic Thunderstorm AU. I was trying to decide who to vote for between you and @eloaholiveira, but the decision is proving to be difficult. Would you kindly tell me more about your Old Man Sonic AU? Anything and everything you feel comfortable sharing about your outstanding story! And if you want some more specific questions I would like to ask:
Why has Eggman Nega returned to Sonic’s Dimension?
How did Eggman Nega learn that Sonic is immortal?
If Eggman Nega is present, is Eggman also present and if so, what does he do?
Where and how does your Sonic respawn?
What is Omega like in this AU? Has he managed to destroy all Eggman robots? If so, what is he doing now?
What is Chip like in this AU? If Chip is present, is Dark Gaia as well?
How did Sonic, Tails, and Shadow handle the deaths of their other friends?
Was Tails born as a Kitsune or did something make him like that? If some made him like that what happened? If he was born like that, are there other Kitsune?
Can Tails still fly despite the greater number of tails?
And one just out of curiosity, what would happen if your Sonic were to be killed while all the Chaos Energy in his body has been neutralized? Would he find a different way to come back or would he actually die? I ask because after my Sonic, Duality, gets corrupted by the End in Sonic Frontiers they gain the ability Chaos Cancel from the End’s Absence Energy which allows them to neutralize all Chaos Energy in a certain range though that energy will eventually come back. Could my Sonic theoretically kill your Sonic?
Thank you for your time and regardless of whether you win or lose I think your story is outstanding :)
I'd be happy to answer them all for you :]
(Answers under the cut bc this got really long lol)
1. Why has Eggman Nega returned to Sonic's dimension?
From my understanding, Nega has some conflicting lore about his origins, so in this AU he's actually just Eggman's descendent from Silver's future and not from another dimension entirely.
2. How did Eggman Nega learn that Sonic is immortal?
It actually took a while to figure out, since Sonic keeps to himself a lot more than he used to, and he's really slippery and hard to capture or kill. He wasn't even sure if that old blue hedgehog getting in his way was actually Sonic for a pretty long time.
He did kill him once, though. Managed to stab him through the head with one of his mechs in a fight, basically lobotomized him. You see that scar under his floppy ear? Yeah.
Shadow, Omega, Silver, and Tails got Nega to retreat, but he was sure Sonic was gone for good. Turns out he was wrong, as Sonic came back months later to foil his plans for world domination again, quieter and much, much angrier than before.
This leads to Nega looking into his past in as much detail as possible, as well as trying to capture Sonic and study him to find some way to get rid of him for good. And that one death would not be the last caused by him.
3. If Eggman Nega is present, is Eggman also present and if so, what does he do?
Eggman is long dead by this point, as this AU takes place 200 in the future from when most Sonic games take place. Can't do much when you're six feet under lol.
4. Where and how does you Sonic respawn?
He doesn't really *respawn* so to speak, he regenerates from whatever is left of his body after dying. I guess you could call it respawning if he's reduced to atoms, as he would technically have to come back from nothing, but that (thankfully) has never happened.
Whenever he dies, he's usually taken to one of Tails' workshops by Shadow so that Tails can oversee his regeneration/recovery. He's built machines that help speed up the regeneration process using Chaos Energy. They're like special beds that blast him with high amounts of energy until he can come back to life and recover from his injuries on his own.
He can regenerate without the machines if needed, but it takes a lot longer and he doesn't like it. He hates the feeling of a "restless death", as he calls it, and would rather come back as fast as possible even if he wakes up scarred and in pain.
5. What is Omega like in this AU? Has he managed to destroy all Eggman robots? If so, what is he doing now?
Omega is pretty similar to how he is in canon. Still very much the rage-filled lover of extreme violence and destruction we all know and love, but he's ever so slightly more open to showing affection to his friends now (even calls them his friends outright sometimes!)
He's destroyed as many of Eggman robots as he possibly could, which, as far as he's aware, is all of them, so he's satisfied on that front. However, he does have the newfound goal of destroying all of Eggman *Nega's* robots, too, ensuring Eggman's legacy is wiped out completely. So he joins Shadow and Silver in fighting Nega whenever he can.
Achieving this new goal gets progressively more difficult as his body becomes harder and harder to repair, though, but he won't give up until his job is done (or until he finally kicks the bucket).
6. What is Chip like in this AU? If Chip is present, is Dark Gaia as well?
Chip actually comes in later on in whatever semblance of a cohesive story I have in my head, after Nega's properly defeated. They'd basically be the focus of the second major arc in this story.
They actually fused with Dark Gaia after their premature release from the planet's core, seeking to embrace each other and end the cycle they were a part of, reforming into "True Gaia". After some time, their seal eventually weakened again, which led to parts of them escaping back into the surface and forming a new physical body.
He struggles a lot with his identity and guilt as both Light and Dark Gaia's identities and memories suddenly merged into one. It's hard to tell where Chip ends and Dark Gaia begins. He's still kind and curious, like he was when Sonic first met him years ago, but he can also be prone to mood swings and even act animalistic and feral sometimes. The most notable change, though, is that he is very sleepy all the time.
It would travel the world with Sonic and Tails to energy "hotspots" scattered around the planet in order to absorb the parts of it still sealed inside the core, all while helping Sonic connect with the current world in the process.
7. How did Sonic, Tails, and Shadow handle the deaths of their other friends?
Shadow had time to come to terms with the fact that he would outlive his friends. He'd known he was immortal for much longer than Sonic or Tails, so he could at least try to prepare for it long before it happened. Of course, it still hurt when they eventually passed away, but he continues to move forward.
He looks back at the times they shared fondly and keeps their memory alive in a series of journals he's written.
Tails didn't have as much time to prepare himself like Shadow did, but he handled it alright. He misses them a lot, but he lives on because it's what they would've wanted. He often regrets not having spent more time with them, though.
He keeps a database of all the information (both public and private) he could possibly have about them, including biographies, images, videos, even things like chat logs in a cloud network he created to ensure they'd never be forgotten.
Sonic... didn't take it so well. It's like he never really processed that he would outlive his friends at all. He never thought about it, never *wanted* to think about it, despite the fact that he learned of his immortality well before that time came. So when it eventually happened, and he had to watch his friends eventually die one after another, it hit him *hard*.
He isolated himself and started hoarding anything and everything that reminded him of them, from gifts he was given years ago to pictures that had begun to fade. He avoided facing that grief head on for as long as he could, but he eventually began to forget what they were like, and was forced to move on.
He still grieves them, but now it feels like he's grieving phantoms instead of actual people. He hates it.
8. Was Tails born as a Kitsune or did something make him like that? If something made him like that what happened? If he was born like that, are there other Kitsune?
He was born a kitsune! There are others like him, but they're extremely rare and only really heard of in legends, so he's the only one we would actually see in this AU.
9. Can Tails still fly despite the greater number of tails?
Yes! He can fly without having to spin his tails now, too, but still does it out of habit.
10. What would happen if your Sonic were to be killed while all the Chaos Energy in his body has been neutralized? Would he find a different way to come back or would he actually die?
Sonic cannot truly die unless his soul is destroyed, which is nigh impossible as the forces of Chaos themselves forbid that from happening.
Neutralizing the Chaos Energy inside him would temporarily halt his regeneration, though, so he wouldn't be able to heal at all as long as the neutralization effect is active. Since that effect is temporary and his soul is (I assume) still intact, he will eventually come back.
Thanks for asking about my AU!! I love thinking abt him and The Horrors he's gone through <3
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deadendtracks · 4 months
More overly detailed asks where I cannot phrase a question but just scratching at conversation starters…  XD
In your Not series, there’s a scene where Alfie is at Tommy’s house, and Curly is tending Tommy’s injured knee. Alfie realises suddenly that Curly is an alpha and, while the thought doesn’t get explicit in the prose, the impression is a sexual undercurrent in Alfie’s intense shock because alpha!Curly is touching omega!Tommy in such an intimate/close way -> so this sense of how could *they* possibly have…!
So, I was interested in the thinking behind the scene, and also wondered if maybe it was an opportunity to do a bit of compare/contrast on that other aspect of alpha biological-drivers -> some omegaverses also have that driving alpha need to ‘care-take’ for an omega, and was wondering if your verse leans into this, and maybe this was an example of showing that non-sexualised caretaking?
One thing that comes across with Tommy and Alfie’s relationship is that it’s so sexually driven, but then, Alfie also grapples with all these non-sexual motivations that he never *really* seems to want to think about very hard – like the one that made him drive out to Arrow in this particular fic – to caretake, while Tommy *does* seem conscious of those drivers in Alfie and constantly pushes back on them. That particular scene with Curly struck me a little tiny bit of Alfie being jealous/annoyed/frustrated/bemused that actually, Tommy has people (the herd) who care for him (including alphas) and his relationships with those people don't have all these *other* heavy sexualised drivers laid over the top of that. Alfie trying to cross a boundary into something more than sexual, and while Tommy does verbally push Alfie back later, Curly's position in the scene as an *alpha* just felt very particular.
So that Curly scene -- yes and no?
Taking care of an injured Tommy and worrying over him is something canon Curly would do anyway, so his being an alpha isn't the primary driver of his behavior. The scene is more about Alfie's perception of the dynamic (and of what it means to be alpha) than it is about anything naturally inherent to being an alpha. Something Alfie probably doesn't understand is how Curly completely lacks an impulse to *control* as part of his caretaking. He has no desire to dominate as part of taking care of someone, because Curly doesn't have that perception that being alpha requires it. Curly is a nurturing guy; he'd be that way whether he was alpha or omega or beta but Alfie still slots people into these categories and tries to make sense of them that way.
I think of Alfie as someone who still has unconscious ideas about what alphas and omegas are supposed to behave. My personal omegaverse isn't hinged on the concept that alphas and omegas are *inherently* or naturally any one thing at all gender role wise -- but there are still stereotypes in that world along the lines of some of the typical omegaverse tropes, with some spins on it, I guess. I like to try to undercut them a bit here and there or find my own expression.
Alfie is someone who thinks he hasn't bought into those societal stereotypes, thinks he's risen above them or is enlightened, but has a lot he hasn't unlearned. Kind of a "male feminist" idea lol (nothing wrong with male feminists; just that even the well-intentioned cishet male feminist tends to have at least a few areas where his behavior doesn't match the theory).
Your last paragraph sums up how I was trying to write the dynamic really well!! That was my underlying idea -- that when it comes down to it, Alfie doesn't know much about Tommy's life, has no real understanding of how it's embedded in a community, even if that community is fractured between s3-4. He doesn't fully understand the impact of Grace's death on Tommy except abstractly. That's why I needed to bring Curly and Uncle Charlie into the story. And I've always been curious about Frances in canon; I haven't done alot with her in this series but whether Tommy wants her to be or not she's part of that community for sure. But Alfie is *surprised* by it and doesn't know how to process it; his mental version of Tommy is isolated from all context. In a lot of ways this series is about Alfie's assumptions being peeled back one by one.
I also think of Tommy as a bit more self-aware of some of these things than Alfie is. Like of course he has his own hangups and blindspots but he ... understands Alfie a lot better than Alfie understands him, and knows it. He can see through Alfie more than Alfie is able to see through him. At least when it comes to their dynamic. Of course there's a ton about Alfie's life he doesn't know about either, but I think he's more aware of that fact than Alfie is of the reverse. Alfie has this idea of who Tommy is and thinks he's right about it; Tommy only really exists in relation to Alfie for Alfie. Where I think Tommy just assumes Alfie has his own life in Camden Town that Tommy frankly doesn't give a shit about beyond his compulsive need to research the people he deals with. But he knows it's there!
Part of that is how they met -- Tommy first comes to Alfie on Alfie's territory surrounded by Alfie's people, alone. And a big part of Alfie has never revised his mental picture from that first meeting.
So what finally comes to a head here is that Alfie has this unconscious suspicion of Tommy-as-omega-seducer, combined with the fact that before he met Tommy he basically never let himself be in a situation where that caretaking instinct has an object. Eternal bachelor sort. So these two undercurrents are at war in him.
At the same time he's struggling with wanting more from Tommy. Much of his frustration is due to a fundamental misunderstanding or ignorance -- he just completely misses the fact that Tommy loved his wife and his wife just fucking died and Tommy still basically wants to be dead because of it. Alfie is (unconsciously) a bit dismissive of this, even when he considers the idea of Tommy having been 'bonded' to her. It's like... Tommy existed for him, then Tommy went off and got married and ceased to exist as anything but a distant business contact, and now that Tommy's wife is dead he exists again, and for Alfie there's this kind of continuity that doesn't exist for Tommy. For Tommy there's been an extremely violent rupture.
IDK if I'm expressing this well! But Alfie's looking for a man that doesn't exist, to quote Uncle Charlie.
Alot of this is driven by my wanting the relationship issues between them to not be 100% Tommy's fault/responsibility, which is how alot of Tommy/Alfie fic tends to go. When in canon Alfie is just... not the well adjusted guy who wouldn't be fucking up his relationship with Tommy if it existed! Like the issues between them aren't because Tommy's sexually repressed or internalized homophobia or because Tommy can't commit or idk. Even Tommy's trauma. Whatever. It's messier and more complicated and Alfie has a big responsibility there.
Beyond Grace's death, Alfie's actions (the ones from canon I've kept in this universe, which is all of them) have had a direct negative impact on Tommy, and that, you know. Affects Tommy's willingness to trust him, etc. At the same time there is something there for Tommy too, and he keeps coming back.
I'll stop here, though I'm aware I have only covered Alfie's half of this whole dynamic in any depth.
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bigskydreaming · 18 days
I’m rewatching X-Men (2000) for the first time in a long time and besides finding it exquisitely nostalgic, I keep finding myself thinking, “Damn, [character] is kind of OP” with literally every. Single. Character. And it’s funny now to think of how crazy powerful all the X-Men are compared to say, the Avengers, where I feel like the only god-tier power the MCU ever delivered was Captain Marvel and maybe Thor in Ragnarok. I guess the first X-Men kind of downplays Jean Gray’s powers, and there are cool take-downs like Magneto’s iconic “That remarkable metal doesn’t run through your entire body, does it?” line and Toad getting fried by Storm, but I feel like it’s so fun that most of the time literally every character is OP. Anyway, I wanted to ask you as an X-Men expert, have they always been so cool and powerful, or do the comics toggle back-and-forth with how powerful they are like the later X-Men movies did? And did comics Avengers and Fantastic Four ever think they had a chance vs. the X-Men?
LOL its ironic, I kinda consider them to be massively UNDERPOWERED in the X-Men films, but also I hate everything about them because Singer, so who's unbiased, not THIS guy!
For the most part it depends on the character. Like, you know Bobby's my Blorbo above all Blorbos there, so the X-films in particular did a shitty job of depicting his actual power levels, but in their 'defense' I guess, so does every other adaptation. Nowhere but the comics has been consistent about him being portrayed as ridiculously OP as he is, which is kinda funny because for all that Iceman doesn't SEEM like he'd be a top tier power level kinda character, he's consistently been that way since the early 90s. Hell, for that matter, he and Jean were the original omega level mutants used to debut the term in its modern interpretation.
(A lot of people point out that omega was first used to describe Rachel Summers, who isn't considered an official omega level mutant these days, but that was by Sentinels describing her as an omega level THREAT, so I don't consider that the same thing as the OL classification mutants use among themselves, but just throwing that out there).
In the comics, there are different classifications, kinda, that mutants use to describe different power levels. Most mutants are gamma or beta mutants. Most combatant mutants like major X-Men and foes, such as Cyclops, Bishop, Psylocke, Emma Frost, etc, are alpha level mutants.
Omega mutants are the rarest of the rare, and are, simply put....god-tier mutants. Their literal definition is mutants whose upper levels of power are beyond any ability to measurably quantify. A lot of people default to calling them infinitely powerful, which isn't quite INaccurate, but also isn't quite accurate....its more like....they're mutants who will never stop finding new ways to grow and advance their abilities, who have no upper ceiling to their powers...though all of them reach different tiers of ACTUALLY utilized power at different times/lengths of time.
A ton of people HATE the omega concept because frankly, it DOES make those with that designation overpowered as fuck but I like to point to DC and the Justice League which has always been full of god-tier characters who are nevertheless possible to write for and give relatable issues and equivalent foes. Personally though, I've always loved it for the narrative possibilities rather than the power levels per se. I like it because omegas are like, ultimate examples of evolution (Marvel style, lol, as in the kind they always have go hand in hand with mutants but uh, isn't always scientifically on point haha). But I mean, they're individual mutants who embody the concept of constant, unending evolution. The view of omega mutants as just the most powerful misses the point, IMO...part of why I hate Bobby's constant cycle of 'untapped potential' storylines (his most often recurring narrative) is because it fails to acknowledge that omegas like him CAN'T ever fully realize their potential, just MORE of it, because like evolution, there is no actual intended ENDPOINT for his or any other omega's powers. There will always be more. Further they can go.
Anyway....I know X-Men '97 emphasized Jean, Storm and Magneto as omegas, but even it didn't actually convey the level their powers are at in the comics, other than Magneto doing the global EMP thing. Omegas can pretty much all affect things on a global scale. A group of twelve of them in the comics recently terraformed Mars, in order to relocate a bunch of mutants called the Arakkii there after they returned from their 4,000 year long war in a demon dimension, protecting Earth from being invaded by it. (Long story).
But yeah, so omegas are a thing in the comics, and no adaptation has quite yet even scratched the surface of what they can do in the comics. There's only 12 acknowledged omegas out of all the Earthborn mutants (though Hickman's list is shit IMO and its ridiculous that there's only one person of color on it, Storm, and there's several other mutants of color I'd happily add to it if given the chance to balance things out), but the Arakkii (who are all black-coded if not actually black, because of where and when Arakko/Okkara originally existed on Earth before Amenth invaded 4K years ago), have a similar number of omegas of their own. But again, we're talking around 12 mutants EACH, among their total respective populations of about a million mutants each.
Anyway, the big four of the omegas, the major names among the X-Men, are Jean, Storm, Bobby and Magneto, with the other Earth omegas being Exodus, Elixir, Hope Summers, Absolon Mercator, Jamie Braddock, Proteus, Gabriel Summers/Vulcan and Quentin Quire (sigh). And then on the Arakkii side there was Isca the Unbeaten and her sister Genesis, Apocalypse's wife, Lactuca, Sobunar, Xilo, Ora Serrata, Lycaon, Tarn, Lodus Logos, Idyll, Kobak Never-Held, and Apocalypse and Genesis' kids, the original four Horsemen. Plus they keep going back and forth on whether or not White Sword is an omega or just a really powerful External, but whatever, I digress. Anyway, that list isn't accurate anymore because as of Genesis War, a few of them are dead, just like on the Earth list Hope is....transcended I guess you could say, lol, and Elixir and Proteus are back in the White Hot Room with her and who knows where the fuck Mercator is these days, but like.
Point is, the omegas are cosmic level. Jean's current solo literally has her being called a cosmic entity, because yeah, she's one with the Phoenix again but since the Phoenix has long been described as a future point of her own evolution and was recently solidified as like, a mass gestalt of mutant life force and psyche that was collected within her and her power like a nexus point, its kinda one and the same. Storm's solo is said to have plans to have her interact with the Abstracts of the Universe (the like, ultimate top-tier beings in it), Eternity and Oblivion.
Bobby's been quite literally unkillable since the early 2000s at least, as in he's been hit with a nuke and atomized, been blown up MULTIPLE times, and he just makes himself new bodies out of the next nearest moisture. He once started a new Ice Age, can create armies of semi-autonomous ice giants, teleport anywhere there's water, etc. Oh yeah, and since he's the walking embodiment of the future heat-death of the universe, he's also frozen reality on a quantum level to quarantine a cosmic tier threat. Oh AND frozen Hell. Jean reignited a sun recently. Storm took out an alien mercenary army in seconds by just hitting them with Jupiter-level atmospheric pressure with a snap of her fingers, and the only thing about that which actually required she exert herself came from holding BACK enough that her allies standing mere feet away weren't affected the same as her targeted enemies. Vulcan talked about obliterating Mars when he got cranky, and everyone took that very seriously because he can absolutely fucking do it. Any of them can.
There's a reason X-fans are sore about how editorially scripted AvX went, and not just because the X-Men were known to be a lesser priority at that time due to the film rights, so they were never going to get to be the 'winners' of that, ideologically, even though the optics for how that fight started were not actually as great for the Avengers as Marvel seems to think they were. But it also has a lot to do with the fact with all credit to the Avengers heavy-hitters, which there are quite a few of, they tend to get their powers/origins from cosmic storylines far away from Earth, hail from other dimensions like Asgard, etc, whereas mutants have been home-growing cosmic tier fighters on Earth for decades now, and that was pretty much treated like a non-factor.
None of the omegas (and Magneto and Storm may not have OFFICIALLY been listed as such yet, but Bobby was, and its not like they actually got any power UPGRADES when they were finally canonized as omegas, it just was a label change acknowledging the power they've always been depicted as having) actually played definitive roles in that, and again, when you've got global threats in one side's ranks that you refuse to acknowledge as such in order to make sense of pitting them against opponents they should be able to handle with a finger snap, it does tend to make stans cranky. Its like yeah, they gave me a panel of Bobby fighting Red Hulk in the background, but that was the extent of his impact on AvX as a whole, even though he'd quite literally taken Thor on, solo, mere months before during the Dark Iceman arc.
But yeah, you say AvX around X-fans, we will hiss at the memory like a snake. Was not fun for us. And again, this isn't to disparage the cosmic tier characters the Avengers have, and of the Fantastic Four, Sue and Johnny are right up there at the top of any power ranking system one might care to devise. But...like....mutants tend to deal with their threats internally in the Marvel universe, so every mutant alive has known for decades that Magneto, Storm, Iceman and Jean should not be locked in a room together and told to fight because without nonomegas who can't actually survive the stuff they can around them to remind them to keep their power levels DOWN, those four could very easily blow up the Earth before they even realize what happened since omegas vs omegas equals unlimited escalation.
Meanwhile, it was literally only during the Krakoan era that anyone OUTSIDE of mutants sat up and took note of the omega classification (which has existed for decades) even being a THING, let alone mutants casually being like 'oh yeah, we have like, twelve of those guys.'
LOL, so anyway. Yeah, it is kinda funny to hear the X-Men in existing adaptations described as OP, because none of them even come close to scratching the surface of how many of the X-Men are portrayed in the comics. I have very little interest in the MCU as a whole, and am not expecting to be a fan of their take on the X-Men but I am very curious to see which X-Men they emphasize as the heavy-hitters and what level of power they depict them as being at. For better or worse, whether fans like it or hate it, there's a good dozen of them who can go toe to toe with literal gods without breaking a sweat.
(Like, literally literally, not how Kalen usually uses literally literally. Bobby single-handedly thwarted a Loki 'take over Asgard' scheme in the EIGHTIES, at a time when only Thor himself was going one on one with his brother and if he wasn't around, Loki was considered a 'bring your whole team' kind of threat. And this was a full decade before the omega term was even a thing. Thor's canonically been wary of Bobby since the latter was SIXTEEN because he considers him to be a baby Ymir, the father of all frost giants. He was literally playing poker with other Avengers when he sensed Bobby go Dark Side during the Dark Iceman arc and his face went 'oh fuck.' You know how powerful you have to be to make Thor's face go 'oh fuck'?)
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(Fimbulvetr is the Asgardian term for the Everwinter, the start of Ragnarok. Its a Ymir thing. Incidentally, after AvX when the X-Men and Avengers were making a point to cooperate, Thor and Bobby teamed up against Ymir himself, and THEN Marvel was perfectly happy to allow Bobby to kick his ass solo and be like 'what, was that supposed to be hard' to an incredulous Thor, BUT I DIGRESS).
But anyway, the official omega list is very recent, but everyone on it like Storm, Jean, Bobby and Magneto have all been consistently powerful as fuck since the 80s, MINIMUM. Bobby's 80s solo was used to debut Oblivion, an Abstract of the Universe, Storm was channeling the energy of multiple stars when fighting the Brood in space, and that was all decades ago. They've all had occasions of being nerfed since then, but for the past decade or so, the Big Four have had relatively few occasions of that compared to any point before, and Marvel's been more pointed about keeping their upper ranges of power more normalized for them.
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ladysomething · 7 months
Thank you for answering my question on world building!
I wonder are alphas like rare and “superior” in some way? Like are they stronger, more intelligent? And are they more powerful in society?
Are omegas coveted because they are just “rare” like precious stones are rare? Like the purpose of having them is to show off? Or like they have higher chances of conceiving and producing omegas so they want like a gold chicken for higher chances of gold eggs?
And betas they are just normal people like in real world normal?
Sorry I’m probably getting carried away 😂
haha well some of this stuff will kind of be explained in the fic, but a lot of it is just implication so I will answer it all!
like the previous anon, I'm going to answer below the cut, just in case people want to spare themselves from any possible spoilers (though this answer will contain far less spoilers).
ok so:
alphas are NOT more superior, they just think they are. a lot of the enhancements alphas have, omegas have too e.g. sense of hearing and smell. they certainly have different instincts e.g. alphas want to protect and provide, whereas omegas want to care for and support. I would say I guess alphas stronger, in the same way that men are stronger than women - kind of, but not in every single case. however, they are certainly more powerful in society. alphas consider themselves to be the best of everyone, including betas (even though betas don't really care about second genders). I kind of think of this whole thing as a metaphor, so the VERY rough equivalency would be an alpha is like a straight white man, and an omega is like ... well basically every other minority lol. they should be equal, but they aren't.
in terms of why omegas are coveted ... definitely yes because they're rare, and other alphas would be extremely jealous of an alpha that has an omega. in terms of conception ... ok, this is kind of complex, but a male omega can only get pregnant by an alpha (male or female). a female omega could get pregnant by an alpha or a male beta. a female alpha could NOT get a female beta pregnant. I'm going to restrict this is to just answering about male alpha to male omega, because otherwise we'd be here all day and ultimately it's the max x Charles dynamic that we're reading about. so, for an alpha, it's not that having an omega gives them a higher chance of conception (in fact, male omega's have a difficult time getting pregnant outside of heats), it's actually that an omega has a higher chance of giving birth to an omega (or an alpha). I briefly touched on it in chapter 3, but for an alpha to present, they need to have the right genetics, and THEN there has to be trigger e.g. stress, environment, etc. however, an omega is born. think of it like a Punnett square: alpha x omega is always going to have the strongest chance of passing on the gene, either creating an alpha or an omega. and alpha's think they're the best - they WANT to pass on the gene. having an omega is the best way to do that.
but yeah, beta's are just like normal people and they think this stuff is none of their business lol
I hope that helps!
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skaruresonic · 9 months
Regarding illusions of Rouge and Omega I think it's exactly how you said: having Shadow being tormented by someone not named Maria isn't "important" enough. Here you not only get the feels points (because Maria was so important to Shadow that the fandom must make his whole existence revolve around her) but also approval from the more elitist anti-sega side of the fandom (because you unlike the big bad sega actually remember the continuity and giving respects to the "best" parts of the franchise).
Unfortunately in the current fandom climate "continuity" means you must reference literally everything from past entries every 5 minutes or else you're "being inconsistent". See: the people asking "why does Knuckles not talk about the Master Emerald? Does he just not care about guarding it anymore??" or the small-scale "drama" around Dream Team cause omg big bad sega is ruining the timeline again cause the game doesn't mention Sage anywhere.
but also approval from the more elitist anti-sega side of the fandom (because you unlike the big bad sega actually remember the continuity and giving respects to the "best" parts of the franchise).
If they really wanted to give respect to the "best" parts of the franchise, they'd all go play Battle
Shadow's trauma will never not inform a part of his character. It's the foundation on which most of it currently rests. It's rather insecure to keep insisting that every form of suffering he experiences from here on out must tie back to his original trauma in some way. That's... not how life works.
For all of this hullabaloo about Rouge and Omega being Shadow's besties, when showed a canonical example that possibly supports what they're talking about (if you tilt your head and squint), they don't want it to take it.
Which is it? Are they his ride or die until he drops them like hot potatoes for Maria's memory, or what?
Unfortunately in the current fandom climate "continuity" means you must reference literally everything from past entries every 5 minutes or else you're "being inconsistent". I hate the use of the word "inconsistent" because nobody can provide a solid definition. They always say something that inevitably devolves into being a roundabout way of saying "the games' quality fluctuates" and/or "the games suck." Or else they just mean the art direction's changed again. Changes in art direction alone do not true inconsistency make. Sonic and co.'s characterizations have largely remained consistent across the games. It's fanon that's changed. It's really ironic too because the series references previous games all the time.
--- See: the people asking "why does Knuckles not talk about the Master Emerald? Does he just not care about guarding it anymore??" or the small-scale "drama" around Dream Team cause omg big bad sega is ruining the timeline again cause the game doesn't mention Sage anywhere.
At some point it hilariously reads like a serious lack of object permanence. "ST didn't show Cream in Forces, they forgot her!" Or maybe they're just not using her atm and she still diegetically exists in the world, just like how Shadow didn't magically poof out of existence in Unleashed.
Sage isn't in Dream Team? Guess she must have been erased like Doodlebob lol.
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Sonic Headcanon Sunday #5: Shadow
I actually almost forgot to do this again. Thank god I didn’t 😖. Anywhizzle, here’s my top 10 headcanons for the Ultimate Lifeform!
1. The following are some of their more prominent Black Arms traits: Not only does Shadow have green blood, but they also have an abnormally warm body temperature*, hence the reason why it’s one of the top three in the main cast to have the highest tolerance to cold. It is also immune to illnesses (Well, at least the ones on Earth/Sonic’s world). So when he says he doesn’t get sick, he actually means it.
(*I guess now would be a good time to mention that I also have a headcanon that Black Arms are extremely warm-blooded.)
2. You know how it is said that some people’s eye color can change depending on their mood? Well, this applies to him with the shade of red in his eyes. When they’re in a more calm state, its eyes are a mahogany color. When infuriated, their eyes become a more brighter shade of red.
3. He has a very strong tolerance for spice. One time they joined the others at Amy’s place to try an EXTREMELY spicy chili that she made. While everyone was basically dying from the intense spice (even Sonic, who is a spicy food fanatic, couldn’t handle it), Shadow wasn’t even close to phased!
4. Out of all the children in the cast, Shadow is closest to Cream. He likes spending time with her from having tea parties, to hanging out in the Chao garden, or baking at Vanilla’s house. Vanilla often asks them to babysit.
5. He is, in fact, immortal. But not in the sense that there’s no way it can die at all. They’re the kind of immortal that can’t die from aging, but it’s still possible for them to be killed (eg. Stabbed, shot, etc).
6. Rouge and Amy will often allow him and Omega to join in on “girl sleepovers”.
7. Out of all the main cast, Shadow has quite a sailor mouth on him. They know better than to use that kind of language around the kids though (unless, of course he decides to frame Sonic for teaching them cuss words. Lol). However, there have been a couple times where it almost lets one slip, resulting in him getting an elbow to the gut from Sonic, Knuckles, or Amy.
8. While Shadow does enjoy jazz music and some of the “oldies” music (eg. Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley), he and Sonic share a love for rock music. Especially Crush 40!
9. Rouge (and sometimes Sonic and/or Amy) often helps them with their eyeliner. Maria used to do so as well.
10. After having a lot of experience helping take care of Maria when her illness was really bad, Shadow has surprisingly great bedside manner whenever someone is sick or injured.
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