#Anyways here’s to hoping that they’re not taking it personally I just genuinely am having a hard time getting out of my bed rn
shorlinesorrows · 7 months
tfw someone you care about invites you to do something that is arguably low energy 3 days in a row and you don’t want to hurt their feelings but you are Still Recharging from that social event right before the weekend and have to turn them down yet again and hope they don’t think you’re trying to avoid them personally
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gay-dorito-dust · 7 months
Soo I'm here to rq another Damian x reader(platonic). But real quick, I'm sorry if I'm requesting too much or being a nuisance. Pls lmk if I am so I can stop! It's just hard to find somebody that writes for him like dis.
Anyways, basically the same thing were theyre friends but this time it's a diff scenario. So Damian n reader are obvi friends but theyre also complete oposites. Like Damian is intelegent, focused and meanwhile has reader is a bit dumber, daydreams too much, and kinder. They also get walked over a lot.
So he invites reader over to the manor and she meets his brothers n dad. It's all fine n dandy but they can't help but notice how diff they are.
Bonus points if reader talks positively abt him to his brothers and they're all like "fym he's nice?" And readers all like "fym he isnt?" (They're just not used to being treated like a normal human being) ‼️
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Honestly I love writing for platonic! Damian. So pls don’t apologise for anything bc I’m having so much fun rn. 🦦plus I don’t know if this will read well as I’ve written this late at night when o should probably be in bed.
‘Am I seeing things or has Damian finally made a friend.’ Dick whispered to Jason, his eyes unable to tear his eyes away from you and Damian followed Bruce through the manor.
‘Nope, I’m definitely seeing it too.’ Jason replied also looking at you and Damian as if he was looking at the human personifications of night and day.
‘The fact that the demon spawn managed to get a friend sure is…something.’ Tim piped up, having overheard his brothers conversation from standing in between them. ‘I can only hope he didn’t kidnap the poor soul.’ Dick added as he was quick to click onto how Damian kept a hand on your arm, tugging and pulling you along when you stop to stare at a painting in awe for a little too long, gently encouraging you to keep up with him and Bruce by promising to go back to the painting later. Jason then looked over at Tim, ‘any ideas on who they are?’ Tim shrugged. ‘Only the fact that they go to the same school as Damian, share the same art classes and is known for being a little bit of a daydreaming pushover, but despite all that they’re still a kind person.’
Dick smiled sympathetically as his heart ached for you. It wasn’t easy being nice in a city like Gotham, if anything nice ever wandered into the accursed city it seemed as though Gotham itself would stop at nothing to see it destroyed, decimated and become as miserable and as bleak as the city itself; So it was rare to find someone who genuinely could still bring it in themselves to smile whilst in a city like this. And for that Dick had to give you props for being brave enough -and strong enough- to be kind in a place that would gladly take pleasure in stepping over and on you at any inconvenience. For it was truly a sign of bravery at its finest.
‘That kid is sure brave.’ Jason signed, knowing that people like you don’t last in Gotham but it was people like you that Gotham needed the most, but how could a retched place like Gotham heal when it’s always been a rotten city since it’s very conception? He didn’t believe it could be possible but there were always solutions to fighting the problem that seemed impossible to overcome. So who cares if you weren’t the brightest bulb at school? The education system in Gotham was shit anyway the last time he checked and he doubted much had changed when he…well you know…
Tim was silent. He was too busy recognising the protective measures that Damian was taking specifically for you; mainly the hand tugging at your arm anytime he thought you were getting distracted or wandering off elsewhere and muttering about how you need to keep or you’ll get left behind, despite the fact that even if you did Damian would allow himself to fall behind just so that he could walk besides you. While he might be part of the majority that didn’t think he’s ever see the day that Damian brought a friend home, never less a friend who was the total opposite of him. He couldn’t help but feel a sort of relief that Damian finally found a friend, and he knew that both Jason and Dick felt similarly from the looks upon their faces, silently observing how you interact with one another.
The one thing that Tim was confident in was the fact that Damian needed you as much as you needed Damian because you were a beacon of opportunity for his younger brother in many ways that Tim was certain you weren’t made aware of just yet. So while he and his brothers may tease and take this piss about how different you were from Damian, they mean well and express their happiness the only way they knew best; teasing and taking the piss.
‘This library is beautiful Mr Wayne! Do you have any fantasy books?’ You could be heard asking down the hallway, followed by the sound of Bruce softly laughing as he showed you the grand library. ‘This library has any book you can think of and please call me Bruce, it’s not often that Damian brings anyone home for the weekend.’ He says as you looked the Damian confused and a little betrayed. ‘You’ve got friends other than me?’
Damian groaned. ‘No. I don’t, you’re the only friend I’m willing myself to have.’
You smiled and gripped his hand. ‘Aww Dami! That’s so sweet of you to say, despite how brash and blunt you may come across, I’m glad to say that you’re the only friend I’m willing to have too!’ You said without shame. ‘Everyone else isn’t a nice as you are.’ You trailed off while a rare solemn look appeared upon your face as Damian was quick to squeeze your hand reassuringly, Bruce smiled sympathetically. ‘I’m not smart like your son mr Wayne, I can’t help it if things don’t come to me as easy as they do others but I try! I try really heard to do my best at every test but…but people tend to laugh of me because to them I’m either slow or thick.’ Damian’s jaw clenched and his brows furrowed upon being remembered of what people tended to call you.
He hated it and whenever he saw it happen, he was quick to utter some threatening words before taking his usual position as your pseudo-bodyguard for the rest of the school day. At first he wasn’t bothered but when you became restless in your pursuit of being his friend, he remembered vividly how people were mocking and making fun of you for trying to be his friend, that he often regrets not accepting your friendship sooner if it meant being able to be there when it counts.
‘When will you get it that Damian doesn’t want to be friends with someone like you.’ One person said.
‘Then I’ll just have to keep trying.’ You rebutted, still smiling somehow.
Another person scoffs. ‘Get fucking real. You’re a weirdo, no one wants to be friends with a weirdo who so fucking slow at everything.’
You merely shrugged, even when someone’s insulting you, your brain doesn’t recognises it as such. ‘I’m sure he won’t mind.’
‘God you’re so fucking useless that I’m surprised that anyone bothers with you. Let me say this in a way you won’t have to try so hard to understand dipshit. Damian. Will. Never. Be. Friends. With. Someone. Like. You. Ever.’ A third slowly spoke and Damian had heard enough and within a blink of an eye had laid them out flat. You blinked before looking at Damian with a bright smile. ‘Hi Damian! Did you hurt these guys, that’s not very nice.’
‘They insulted you and yet you defend their honour.’ Damian asked incredulously as you both walked down the hallway, leaving the three bullies to groan from their injuries. You shrugged. ‘I wouldn’t say that.’
‘They were insulting you.’ Damian reiterated. ‘They insulted your intelligence and your abilities. People like them often hide bigger insecurities than others.’ Damian replied, finding your ability to keep smiling after such things both annoying as it was admirable.
‘Are we friends now?’ You asked innocently enough and Damian knew he had sealed his fate, and so he sighs and looks up to the ceiling. ‘Yes, we’re…friends.’ He mutters and doesn’t do anything to stop you from dragging him to art class.
‘I was alone before Damian.’ You admitted as you looked at Bruce with a smile as you squeezed Damian’s hand in kind. ‘But now he’s here and he’s my bestest friend ever!’ Damian honestly wishes that you respect yourself more because you could claim that he saved you multiple times, but you’d never acknowledge the times where you have saved him by being unequivocally kind, sweet and over all a better person then all of Gotham’s civilians combined. ‘I was finding my first week at school horrid before I befriended l/n.’ Damian admitted as you softly cooed. The boy then swallows thickly. ‘Their friendship is much appreciated.’
‘Aww! Dami!’ You cried as you crashed into him, causing you both to hit the floor in a heap of limbs.
While Damian was cursing mom lethal threats and you were laughing, Bruce had already made his mind up about you and was certain to make sure to have Damian invite you over as much as possible. It was obvious for him to see that you and Damian were good for each other despite your vast and glaring differences, however that’s what worked in your favour, the power to have over come all odds was incredible; not to mention the fact that your friendship with Damian had lasted as long as it has was another impressive feet on top of that. Bruce knows it’s been hard for Damian to fit in and find a friend, but he couldn’t have made a better friend than he did in the likes of you.
You were more than defiantly welcomed back to the manor if Bruce had anything to say about it.
‘Get off of me!’ Damian shouts.
‘Damian, I think my foot is stuck with yours.’ You reply, scared.
‘That’s your own foot- how did you manage to tangle yourself up in yourself? You landed onto of me?’ Damian asked incredulously.
‘Sorry.’ You apologised.
‘Don’t be.’ Damian said.
Bruce smiled one last time before leaving you both alone in the library to untangle yourselves, only to be greeted by Tim, Dick and Jason. ‘Can I help you three?’ Bruce raised an eyebrow at the boys.
‘Nope.’ Dick started.
‘Not really, just…seeing how the little scamps are dealing.’ Jason followed after.
‘Damian? Nice? The same Damian who tried to, oh I don’t know…KILL ME?!’ Tim asked, revealing to Bruce all he needed to know, their breathing behind the library door was telling that they were clearly eavesdropping on the three of you. Jason and Dick looked at him displeased as Tim looked back at them. ‘I’m not the only one of us who thought that.’ He defended himself. ‘I mean it’s nice that he’s looking out for y/n but still that’s not something someone casually forgets.’
Bruce merely leaves Tim, Dick and Jason to their own quarrel, he loves his boys he truly does, but sometimes they’re more trouble than what they’re worth. He can only hope that they don’t scare you off from coming back for good because he was already planning your next visit.
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the-maw-consumes · 1 year
“Have you…ever been in love?” 
Steve blinked. That…wasn’t what he was expecting. Still, there’s only one definitive answer. 
“Yep,” he answers, popping the ‘p’. “Nancy Wheeler. First semester, senior year.” His mimicked gunshot doesn’t even cover how that felt, but he does it anyway. 
“Oh my god,” he hears from the other side, “She’s such a priss.”
Nancy Wheeler is a lot of things; priss, she is not. And maybe she doesn’t need him to defend her, but, still, he hums, “Turns out, not really.” 
Robin scoffs as if that’s unbelievable, and maybe it could be. Then, she asks, “Are you still in love with Nancy?”
No, is the first thought in his mind. And, well, it’s strange to think his answer would’ve been different at the beginning of the year, as much as he’d told himself he’d moved on back then. But, the months in between have just made him realize that how he feels for her has changed a lot since October. He loves her, of course he does, and he’ll never really get over her. But, he doesn’t think he’ll ever love her like he did again.
So, after a moment, he says, “No.”
Then, of course, she asks the question he’s been avoiding thinking about: “Why not?” 
There’s a lot of answers to that question, but Steve…well, he knows the one that’s most responsible, even if it’s been thrown to the back of his mind. He’s never really brought it to the light of day before—if bathroom lights could be called that. But there’s just something about this moment, sitting with Robin on a probably disgusting bathroom floor with his mind still kinda floating, that makes him feel like it’s safe here. They just went through hell—there wasn’t a better time, right?
“I think,” he starts, “it’s because I found someone who’s a little better for me.” He huffs a laugh, “It’s funny, you know? Ever since Dustin got home, he’s been saying, like, you gotta find your Suzie, you gotta find your Suzie.” 
“Wait, who’s Suzie?”
“It’s some girl from camp, I guess his girlfriend. To be honest with you, I'm not 100% sure she's even real.” Steve shakes his head and kinda wishes he’d thought up a better analogy. “But that’s not really the point. Uh, the point is…I think I already found my Suzie. You know—this person is someone I didn’t even talk to in school, and I don’t know why. Maybe Tommy H. would’ve made fun of me, or I wouldn’t be…prom king. It’s stupid.” He sighs. “I mean, Dustin’s right, it’s all a bunch of bullshit anyways. I should’ve been hanging out with this person the whole time. I wish I did. I mean, they’re so cool and hilarious—I feel like, the past few months, I’ve laughed harder than I have in a long time. And they’re smart, and a dork, but so passionate—you know, they can talk on and on about so many things, it’s amazing.” Captivating, really, but the second it takes to reminisce about those moments are enough to make him realize he’s been rambling for like, minutes, and he’s gotta stop at some point. So, “They’re honestly unlike anyone I’ve ever even met before.”
Steve smiles to himself for a second, his head still feeling a little flighty—but the silence keeps dragging on beyond that. The smile falls a bit, and Steve really hopes he was careful enough with his words. He really hopes he can trust Robin if he wasn’t. 
“Robin?” Steve taps on the stall wall between them, the sound echoing through the bathroom. When the silence just gets heavier, it’s with genuine concern that he asks, “Robin, did just OD in there?” 
“No.” He breathes a sigh of relief, then hears it echoed, though weighted, from the other side. “I…am still alive.” 
Still, there’s something so heavy in her tone, and a visual confirmation that she is alive becomes essential for him. So, shuffling over to grip the wall between them, Steve slides underneath the stall and lands a little to the left of where she sits, alive and breathing. She smiles a bit.
“The floor’s disgusting.” He huffs and glances down at the sailor uniform that has (probably) seen better. “Yeah, well. I already got a bunch of blood and puke on my shirt, so…” 
She breathes a bit of a laugh, and, at the very least, some of the heaviness is gone. Alive and breathing. 
“What do you think?” he asks her, almost intentionally vague. 
“Am I in love with Nancy Wheeler?” 
“No,” she grants. Then, very decidedly, “But, I think you’re on drugs and not thinking clearly.” 
And the look she gives him feels too significant, too weighted, and he really, really hopes he was careful because the possibility he wasn’t is starting to loom over him. He can’t argue that his mind was in stellar shape a few minutes ago, and everything she’s done since then is just working to form a pit of dread in his stomach. It feels like wishful thinking to consider that nothing she’s said has been outwardly accusing, but it’s still there.  
Why did he have to say so much? 
No, no, right. The drugs. Robin may be right, he probably wasn’t thinking clearly. And, damn it, this may not be entirely his fault but he does not want the repercussions for it. 
“Well, I think I’m thinking pretty clearly now.” Wishful thinking, it is. 
“You’re not.” Somehow, her expression feels like an echo of his own worries. “Steve,” she starts, and the dread gets worse, “you’re not thinking clearly about this. Look, you don’t even know this person—” Wait, what? “and if you did know them, like, really know them—I don’t think you’d even want to be their friend.” 
Steve blinks. That—That’s what she was talking about? How did she even know who he was talking about? He shakes his head, honestly baffled. “Wait, what? That’s not true.” 
She speaks again before he could ask what about everything he said was so revealing, “Listen to me, Steve. It’s shocked me to my core, but I like you—” Harsh. “I really like you. But I’m not like your other friends. And I’m not like Nancy Wheeler.” 
Well, Steve thought he was thinking clearly, but he is lost. Somehow, this conversation has escaped him within the span of two seconds, and the moment feels wrong to ask how they got here. But, if he’s going to take any guess at her meaning, he much prefers thinking she’s…supportive, maybe. Indifferent, even. So, he doesn’t think of the ball of dread winding through his chest, and he tries to follow what Robin may be saying. “Robin, that’s exactly why I like you.” 
And that is the truth, really. He’s never had a friend like her, if they could be considered friends. This summer has carved a small space for her in Steve’s heart, and the past few days have done numbers on expanding that space. She’s funny and smart and definitely not like Nancy Wheeler, wherever that came from. And he really doesn’t want to lose her, not right now. If they get out of this, he wants to be her friend. He wants to know her better than ice cream shifts can tell him. 
Robin scoffs lightly as if that’s not what she needed to believe him. “Do you remember what I said about Click’s class? About me being jealous and, like, obsessed?”
“Yeah?” He nods slightly. 
“It isn’t because I had a crush on you,” she says, slowly, as if a plea to make him understand. He doesn’t. “It’s because…” she continues, hesitant in her words, and he desperately wants to know how to make this better because his heart breaks for the expression she has. Then, quickly, like ripping off a bandaid, “...she wouldn’t stop staring at you.” 
He blinks. “Mrs. Click?” 
A breath of a laugh at that, but her eyes plant themselves on the wall. She clarifies, almost resigned, “Tammy Thompson. I wanted her to look at me. But…she couldn’t pull her eyes away from you and your stupid hair.” She looks back at him, with watery eyes. “And I didn’t understand because you would get bagel crumbs all over the floor and you would ask dumb questions and you were a douchebag!” She shakes her head lightly and he really is trying to understand. “And…And you didn’t even like her, and I would go home and just…scream into my pillow.”
Steve stares for a second, trying to will his brain back into place, his thoughts to something clear, because something is being said here, something important and—
The puzzle pieces click together.
“Holy shit.” 
“Holy shit,” she echoes.
Unwillingly, Steve laughs. A bark of laughter just bursting out of him because, jesus-–this entire situation is so botched. But her face falls and he immediately stops in a wave of guilt and throws himself at reassuring her. “No, no, that’s not what I meant! I didn’t mean to do that.” 
Robin looks away again, shrugs. “It’s fine.”
No, that won’t do. Steve shakes his head, vehemently, and taps her hand. “No, Robin, seriously—there’s been a huge misunderstanding here. I don’t have a crush on you.”
That makes her look back at him, eyebrows furrowed “What?”
“I think you’re awesome, Robin, and super cool and smart. I really want to be friends with you, seriously. But I wasn’t talking about you.” And Steve could stop there, but she just revealed…herself to him and he owes it to her to do the same. He knows how terrifying that is. “I was— Jesus.” He laughs again, brushes a hand down his face. And, still, knowing about her doesn’t make it any less terrifying to say it out loud. “I was talking about, um,” Like a bandaid, right? “...Eddie Munson.”
Her eyebrows seem to go to her hairline, but he celebrates the light that’s back in her eyes. “What.”
“Yeah, we uh—” There’s warmth in his cheeks. This is the first time he’s saying any of this out loud. “I don’t know how it happened, but we ran into each other one day and just started talking and…like, hit it off, super surprisingly. It’s crazy, he wasn’t even on my radar back then and now he’s—” Steve cuts himself off before he can start rambling again, rubs the back of his neck. “I really like him. I was talking about him.”
Robin grins. “Holy shit.” She shakes her head, repeats, “Holy. Shit,” enunciating, as if for good measure. He matches her grin.
“I had no idea what you were talking about.” He explains, “I mean, maybe I don’t really know Eddie, but how do you know that? And then you started talking about Mrs. Click’s…” he mimics an explosion in his head. “I thought the drugs completely fried my brain.” 
She laughs, finally, her head falling back onto the wall, and he can’t help but follow her lead. It’s a good few moments before they stop, Robin suddenly sobering to hold a hand, saying “Wait, wait, Eddie Munson? You’re hanging out with drug dealer, total nerd, band dweeb Eddie Munson?” 
“Hey, hey, I didn’t say you could criticize my taste, Miss Tammy Thompson.” 
She scoffs, sounding just a bit offended, “What’s wrong with Tammy?”
“I mean, she’s cute and all but she’s a total dud.” 
“She is not!”
. . .
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frownyalfred · 2 months
i LOVED the new eye in the sky chap! of course, you have the soul-crushing rage-inducing angst pile on bruce's end, but i also really appreciated the duke-hal moment; he's so level-headed about the situation that you don't really build up too much stress over him, but then you brought in a different kind of heartbreak with the realization that he's been in this position enough times to know that the least provoking thing he can do is to do nothing at all.
and the FUTURESPEAKING jesus CHRIST — it’s a different type, but your time manipulation fuckery is almost equally as hard to wrap your head around as the stuff in tenet (the nolan movie), it's genuinely so impressive. (sorry, i'm just gonna run my mouth here for a minute, but the idea really caught me and now i Have to share all my thoughts just to get them out of my brain, though i hope that you'll be generous enough to weigh in as well😅) i'd imagine that there's actually relatively very few people, in-universe, who can do this so that duke hears it correctly, because you have to be able to focus your mind and put enough intent into the idea that you're about to say something that it "registers" as the imminent future—which means that you have to, at the same time, be completely repressing your knowledge that you're NOT going to actually vocalize whatever it is, because that intention would obviously counteract the first. and THEN, to make what's already quite a tough mental exercise even more impressive, bruce is: thinking of a futurespeak-response, putting enough focus/intent behind it for that future to crystallize (and again, it's a double-headed task, because of the repression required as well), and then cutting that off in order to think of and say something completely different, *all in about just the same amount of time a normal person would take to respond naturally in a conversation.* (also, slightly less mind-boggling but still quite impressive to me and i want to give him his props: duke, in that last bit at the end at least, is maintaining both his awareness in the present and the mental effort of using his powers to see the future, in order to hear the exact same voice say two different things at the same time, and is able to not only maintain the background effort needed to hear both things, but is taking in enough detail to see/hear/notice "both" bruces' tone and body language. ...i mean, maybe that's not so impressive to people without auditory processing issues lmao, but as someone who's constantly asking people to repeat themselves, or really having to focus on the sounds when somebody's speaking to me, even in one-on-one conversations, it certainly impressed me!)
anyways, yeah, this just inspired a lot of interesting trains of thought for me and i wanted to share lol. your fics are always such great reads, can't wait for your next update! Hope you're well💜
Thank you so much!!!! You absolutely nailed what I was trying to get at with Duke’s powers. I really didn’t want over explain it and have people roll their eyes, but I also didn’t want to leave readers mystified as to what he was doing.
Duke and Bruce are supremely well matched in this fic for that reason among many others — Bruce has a freaky brain and understands time/intention well enough to be able to think, speak, and re-speak that quickly.
He can compartmentalize like no one else. I am not obviously that smart, but the way I thought about it was playing competing melodies on the piano with two different hands - once you find the rhythm, the way they work off each other, you can maintain both easily. Where they gap, where they overlap, where they compete for your attention.
Duke is good at glimpsing a few seconds forward/back but definitely not for long periods. Like Bruce said, he’s going to need help to train that and avoid burning himself out! Luckily he’s just listening and not double speaking like Bruce is.
Someone on ao3 left me this in the comment section and they’re so right lol:
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I feel bad for Hal, just a little, just like Duke does. He was tortured by Kal essentially, and where he does want to hurt Bruce (a lot) there are still some lines he won’t cross. I don’t know if that makes him redeemable or just not entirely beyond redemption. I think Bruce seems to know this too — teasing him with that moral code he used to hold so tightly to.
It was definitely a fun space to play around in! Writing this fic is difficult for me (agh worldbuilding) but whenever I try I’m pleasantly surprised by how much fun I have. Thank you so much for reading!!
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arc-misadventures · 11 months
Emerald: Hey Cinder? MFK Me, Watts, and Jaune?
Cinder: MFK II
Emerald: H-Hey, Cinder?
Cinder: Yes, Emerald?
Emerald: MFK between, Jaune, Watts, and me~?
Cinder: Excuse me?
Jaune: Watts? The devil is that?
Cinder: I’d kill, Watts! Brutally, painfully, and slowly! I would absolutely remove his presence from this plain of existence, and the next! I would burn every fragmented memory of him so that their was nothing left of the fucker! I would DESTROY HIM!!!
Jaune: …
Emerald: …
Jaune: Y-You know what… N-Never mind!
Emerald: So… W-Who are you going to fuck, and marry then…?
Cinder: Well, for starters, you’re gonna fuck, Jaune…
Jaune: WHAT?!
Emerald: Excuse me?
Jaune: That’s not how the game is pla…! No, that’s not important; Why do you want me to sleep with, Emerald?!
Emerald: Yeah, why do you want me to do that?! A-Are you into that…?
Cinder: No, I’m not… But, well… Watching, Jaune turning you into his personal toy does sound oh so tantalizing~! Mmmm~! Perhaps we should try that later~!
Jaune: What?!
Emerald: Okay, what’s going on here, I’m so confused.
Jaune: Same here, what’s going on, Cindy?
Emerald: Cindy?!
Jaune: Uhhh…?!
Emerald: Since when did, Cinder have a nickname?!
Cinder: Since we became a couple.
Emerald: You’re dating?!
Jaune: Yes…
Emerald: The fuck did that happen?!
Jaune: Well… remember that time we were sent on that survival mission, j-just the two of us for team cohesion training?
Emerald: Yes?
Jaune: Well, Cinder was butting heads with me trying to be a leader, and all that.
Emerald: Yeah, she’s always been upset that you were chosen for team leader than her. But, that training mission sorted that out. It did sort it out?
Jaune: I-It did… just not in the way they intended…
Emerald: What happened?
Jaune: Well, you see… uhh… W-We kinda…
Cinder: Fucked.
Jaune: Yeah… That…
Emerald: WHAT?! The fuck happened?
Cinder: Oh, the usual: Me gloating on how great our team would be if I was in team leader. Jaune stating my arrogance would get us all killed if I was team leader. Then we both started arguing even more, and since none of you were their to stop us we really went at it. I was going to slap him for…? For something he said, It doesn’t matter anyway. He caught, my hand, and then we started wrestling, we fell down, and rolled across the dirt for a bit until, Jaune pinned to the floor, and the next thing I know I’m shoving my tongue down his throat, and learning how much of a bottom truly am.
Emerald: S-Seriously?
Jaune: P-Pretty much…
Emerald: So the whole reason you two started getting along together, and stopped fighting one another, is because you had sex?!
Jaune: Yes…?
Cinder: And, the disciplinary spankings. You mustn’t forget about the spankings~!
Emerald: Okay… Fine? You’re dating, I take it you’re ’married’ then?
Cinder: Oh absolutely. I genuinely hope to become, Cinder Fall Arc one day.
Jaune: Best not tell mom that, she could at least wait until after I ask you to marry me before demanding grandkids…
Cinder: Wait…?! You’re actually going to ask me to marry you?!
Jaune: Uhhh…?! S-S-So why do I have to fuck, Emerald?!
Cinder: Oh well, since I’ll be the bread earner, and you the house husband…
Jaune: What?! Why do I have to be the house husband?!
Cinder: Cause you can cook, clean, entertain guests, buy the necessary groceries for a meal. And, you know I can’t do that regardless of how hard we try, I mean to remember what happened the last time I tried to cook?
Emerald: They’re still repairing the kitchen…
Jaune: Shit… I am the house husband. But still, where does fucking, Emerald come into all of this?
Cinder: Oh she’ll be the sexy maid who helps you clean up around the house that you also bend over the table, and spank her because she did a ‘bad’ job cleaning everything.
Jaune: So she’s my mistress?
Cinder: Yes.
Emerald: So you want me to fuck your boyfriend to see if I’m good for him?
Cinder: Yes. I will be testing you on your ability to pleasure him, ability to take his massive member…
Emerald: How massive?
Cinder: Your endurance, and your…
Jaune: Endurance? Oh, I get it, you want help so you don’t tap out again.
Cinder: Can you blame me?! You can last twice as long as I can! And, I’m always walking with a limp every time we do it! I NEED HELP!
Jaune: Hence, Emerald?
Cinder: Hence, Emerald. So, you up for it, Emerald?
Emerald: …
Emerald: If I do this… D-Does that also mean I can sleep with you too…?
Cinder: That’s a definite probability.
Emerald: W-Will I get spankings from you if I misbehave…?
Cinder: Most likely.
Emerald: I’ll do it!
Cinder: Wonderful! Okay, let the test begin! Emerald, lets see how long you can last, and if you need help, or are about to tap out, we’ll have, Neo rake your place.
Jaune: Neo?! Neo doesn’t like me like that!
Cinder: Yes she does. She’s asked me on multiple occasions for a threesome with you.
Jaune: Bullsh-Aaaahhhh?!! Neo?!
Neo: 😈
Jaune: Neo?! Get your hands out of my pants?!
Neo: 😙🎵
Jaune: Get your hand off my dick!
Cinder: Neo, wait your turn.
Neo: 😠
Cinder: Emerald, what are you waiting for, get to it.
Emerald: …
Emerald: Okay… Let’s do this!
Emerald: …
Neo: …
Emerald: I can’t feel my legs…
Neo: 🤕
Emerald: Worth it~!
Neo: 🥰
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charcubed · 1 year
I NEEEED people—especially those with unfathomably large platforms???—to start doing just a tiny bit of internal evaluation before they log onto a blue website and say “I don’t want these queer characters to fuck in canon” or “I’d be fine if these characters never kissed again” or whatever.
This is a post about Good Omens and the prospect of Aziraphale and Crowley potentially having sex in season 3. It's a response to a tweet that I'm crossposting, but let it be known the above statement and this topic applies broadly across multiple fandoms too.
But anyway, in regards to Good Omens specifically:
I am seeing this take that essentially boils down to "Canon has now made it clear that these characters want to have sex with each other through subtext (i.e. Aziraphale and the ox), but I don’t want that to reach narrative completion because the idea of them having sex makes me uncomfortable or isn’t my personal preference” and it is, to put it mildly and delicately, A Very Bad Take.
This is rhetorical (and I do not expect or particularly want an answer), but: explain to me how and why queer characters who are unavoidably visibly queer (aka 2 "man-shaped beings") fucking on screen wouldn’t be a net positive, especially when you can indicate how canon has set it up.
Presumably, some people say things like this because ~they want to see them as visibly ace.~ Okay. But by some of these people’s own admission, there IS more evidence in canon now to indicate these characters crave sex with each other (vs arguing otherwise)... yet people would rather that be ignored/erased all for the sake of them feeling comfortable or feeling better about what canon shows or doesn’t show explicitly??
I’m sorry, but—speaking as an ace person, to be clear—your personal preferences for the story shouldn’t / don’t affect anything here. There’s too much in this.
Yeah, I understand on a personal level not having “representation.” I almost never see myself or my unique experiences and identity reflected in stories. And yet, I also understand that that doesn’t change any story or the world in which we live. Things like this are not said in a vacuum.
Any queer characters having sex on screen IS a net positive. It is rare and impactful, and openly calling for or hoping for otherwise when canon points to its potential is a detrimental alliance with purity culture, whether intentionally or accidentally. Because we live in a Goddamn society!
Who knows (other than Neil Gaiman) whether Aziraphale and Crowley ARE going to fuck on international TV. None of us do! But the subtext right now blatantly says they’re starving for it. And you don’t have to like the prospect of that, but honestly? We SHOULD get to see it play out. There’s no truly legitimate reason we shouldn’t ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Whether you "prefer" it or not.
And my ultimate hot take is… if someone balks at the idea of that or doesn’t understand the importance of it, despite even seeing the subtext… then they should perhaps unpack that? Just a thought.
Truly the way fandoms are managing to hit either “subtext doesn’t count :/ ” or “let’s keep it to subtext so it’s ‘open to interpretation’ :) ” nowadays depending on what corner one visits is MADDENING. Whiplash-inducing. Surreal. And so much nonsense you can’t pick where to start.
So! I do genuinely hope I'm not kicking off discourse but I felt this Needed To Be Said (and on more than one site). Because posts like “even if they never kiss again, we’ve won <3 “ make me want to be like…
These characters are YEARNING. Do not doom them and us to it. For once, we can reach for the stars and maybe–against all odds–pull them down. Embrace it!
[Update: after more discourse has occurred, I have somewhat elaborated on this further, from the POV of the significance of the queer themes in Good Omens and more specifically how they center illicit pleasure/desire]
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amysubmits · 1 year
Dominant Power
A week or two ago I asked @cynicaldom for a spanking. He told me “good girl” and said some stuff about how it was so good of me to ask for what I needed/wanted.
Praise or positive feedback isn’t a rarity here, but I suppose I have a natural tendency to try to dismiss or downplay things in my head. There was something in the way that he expressed himself in this particular instance that has made the conversation really stick with me...I think I could just so easily see that he was proud of me so I couldn’t dismiss it.  
Yesterday we worked on a soft limit and got really far. It’s something that I’ve always hoped to accomplish in kink, but at times, I wasn’t sure if I’d get there...but I have a couple of times now. And it feels really good (psychologically and physically, haha). 
I think these two things are connecting in my mind because early on, I think that deep down, I thought my greatest accomplishments in submission would be kinks. I thought succeeding physically would make me feel the most successful as a submissive. I am proud of the kink accomplishment, don’t get me wrong. It isn’t quite as deep, though. 
And honestly? I think if CD wasn’t passionate about encouraging me to use my voice and advocate for my needs in our relationship, and/or if he prioritized kink notably more...I think I would experience it that way, too. I think I only manage to “allow myself” to feel proud of advocating for my needs because I see that he genuinely wants me to speak up so I can help him take care of me. I’m able to find pride in myself because I feel it genuinely occurring in him, first. 
I hope that I’d protect myself by not submitting to someone who prioritized kinks and didn’t prioritize taking care of me...but when I think back to when we first started D/s, I’m not sure if I would have, if I’m really, really honest. 
He had already hung the moon in my life by that time...so if he had taken the power of being my Dominant and used it selfishly...I think I probably would have done my best to go along with that. I get why subs can end up in ugly situations when the person they love and respect uses their dominance in selfish ways. 
There can be a lot more power wrapped up in D/s relationships than what you specifically agree to submit to. When a sub has love and respect for their dom, it’s easy for their doms priorities and values to have a big impact on the sub. If something naturally makes the dom proud, or if a dom doesn’t care about something a sub does, that’s likely going to impact the sub regardless of whether you’ve specifically agreed to that being part of your D/s or not. 
Anyway. I mostly got lucky, but I’m really grateful that I have a Dom who has values that I believe in and prioritize me because I don’t have to choose between taking care of myself and submitting. They’re one and the same. 
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deliciouskeys · 3 months
Hot takes, roughly in order of how much I care…
Homelander and Ryan
I liked the what felt like 2 minutes of Ryan and Homelander that we got in this episode. I know where they’re going with this, but I expected so much worse from the slapping scene that was mentioned in spoilers. Is the Boys writers’ room going on record that corporal punishment may not be justified in the face of sexual harassment? Because I think that’s a controversial stance, especially if there’s a clear work power dynamic at play lol. Anyway, I’m glad they chose this gray scenario, because it’s really hard to be sympathetic with a guy like Adam.
When Homelander says “that’s… amazing”, I think that’s being interpreted as incredulous and dismissive in online circles. I think he’s genuinely surprised that’s what first comes to mind to his son, but I don’t think he’s disdainful per se. In Homelander’s mind “saving people” is very much synonymous with “putting wrongdoers in their place”. And since he sees society (‘in America’) as wrong, his grand plan of supes becoming more of a despotic pantheon over the normies isn’t necessarily in contradiction with Ryan’s desire to ‘save people.’ TL;DR I don’t think HL is dismissing Ryan’s aspirations out of hand.
(Hearkening back to “You people should be thanking christ that I am who I am, because you need me. You need me to save you, you do. I am the only one who possibly can.”)
ETA: ok I need to clarify this part since what I wrote here sounds like HL and Ryan are going to get along great and that’s not what I meant to convey. I cannot field all the DMs! This is a hot take! I just meant that I didn’t expect HL to realize he might not know what Ryan wants because he’s been fucked by Vought. My expectations bar is perpetually low, please keep this in mind. I also despise the oversaturation of portrayals of bratty kids in media so please know that’s just my personal aesthetic bias.
Other Vought peeps
I wish Sage got more screen time. I appreciated ATrain’s taking initiative to escape notice. I do wonder what Ashley would have done if Cameron Coleman hadn’t just broken up with her.
I’m glad Stan Edgar gets to say Homelander is a “Freudian cesspool of random impulse and deep insecurity” right on the heels of e4. “Glad” lol.
Virus farm section
I’m getting a little tired of characters saying “we’re at an impasse” when… they’re clearly not at any real impasse. Victoria could have exploded the Boys’ heads and brought in other redshirts to help find Sameer if she really wanted to. And she paid the price for not doing that. Is the implication that she is afraid of Annie and Kimiko?
As for the virus… well. I’m strangely fine with what Billy is doing. If this virus isn’t even that contagious supe-to-supe, then his plan to keep trying to kill HL with it makes a lot of sense. As for Sameer? Well, if they hadn’t wasted the “last dose” (see below for why that’s stupid) of the virus on sheep, and Victoria didn’t just shrug and say ‘guess that’s that’, and also let the Boys live in the first place, Sameer would still have his leg.
I did cringe when the sheep was vomiting its guts out and Victoria, Kimiko, and Annie were all within Ebola-body-fluid-droplet range of it. Because this thing does sound more contagious than HIV, at least.
If Billy Butcher really needed some more virus I hope he grabbed the carnivorous sheep carcasses. Presumably there’s a gallon of replicated virus right there. Not only does it kill supes, it’s also a virus that replicates orders of magnitude faster than any living thing on earth lol. There are many things that are funny about how they’re researching this virus. Not a single biohazard tissue culture hood in sight. No cell based assays. AAAAANYWAY, it really doesn’t matter. Big fast compound V targeting(?) virus doesn’t need logic.
Overall just not a fan of big loud sequences with ultimately low stakes, so the flying sheep were a lot less fun to me than the e2 fight scene action.
What I think isn’t working
This is minor but after Gen V, I cringe at Sam’s acting. Just that one line they gave him sounded bad to me, and I know it’s probably just PTSD from how much I disliked the end of Gen V but there it is. I’m sorry to those of you who like him, this is clearly personal opinion. Cate is fine, she can stay.
Hughie’s storyline… I don’t even know what to say. Nothing about his parents’ shitty behavior was resolved. And then Hughie was forced to say his dad is his hero to save his mom’s life. And also be the one to euthanize him. What a weird, weird arc.
I’m saying absolutely nothing about Frenchie’s storyline because it is even more inexplicable. @kosmochlor covered it all.
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luckykiwiii101 · 9 months
Not an ask because you act so immature to take seriously.Honestly,I never judge people for their ages but you are literally crazy and the way you answer questions looks like you think you are someone so busy,popular blah blah.Kid,Now i don't even believe you really entered to the void state,I know it is so easy but you don't even know how to answer simple questions.You keep saying the same things or blame people for stealing your time.You have to delete the app or take down that ask button shit,aren't you here to help people? Maybe they scrolled down in your acc but did not see the question that is similar to theirs and decided to ask.You can ignore that question or link the previous ask as an answer,stop acting immature.
I did notice this and it’s on purpose. I’m not a rude person. Thank you for holding me at account though. I have already tried being nice so many times and all that has earned me was just even MORE disrespect 😭 Of course i am very kind in real life but talking to people online is just on a whole nother level. These people get to hide behind screens and just disrespect anyone they want and to hell if you think i’m gonna let that happen to me. I’ve literally been on this app for not even 2 months. + I am a busy person so i really don’t appreciate you saying “you think you are someone so busy, popular”. I think that you forgot i actually have a life outside of tumblr. Do you realise that i get like 50+ asks a day, all along the lines of the same question. I’ve answered them many times and these people NEVER read my answers to the previous asks. They just spam and spam and spam to their hearts content. Treating me like some AI robot.
“You tell them to delete the app” Bro…i told a liar to get off the app. a LIAR. Someone who gets peoples hopes up. Literally destroying their faith in the void state. It’s because of these liars that people give up and think everyone on this app is lying. So ofcourse i’m going to tell them to delete the app for other people’s sake. People don’t deserve to believe that they can’t manifest their dream life just because of some internet troll roaming tumblr. I am not sorry for telling them to get off the app.
“Maybe they scrolled down your acc and did not see the question similar.”
It’s not difficult to find at all. I understand if it’s a genuine question that is hard to find the answer to but these people are literally asking me how to apply a state. There are 1000000 posts on how to apply states and they’re seriously asking me?!?! I’m sorry but what? They are too lazy to do research. Don’t expect me to answer the dumbest questions. Honestly.
“You don’t even know how to answer simple questions”
I shouldn’t have to answer such simple questions…what is your point exactly? They are simple questions, therefore meaning plenty of people have provided answers for them over and over again and you just want me to repeat it like a broken record everytime you want me to.
“Now i don’t believe you’ve entered the void state.”
Sorry but that’s not my problem. I haven’t created this blog to convince people of my success, i’ve created this blog to help people achieve their own success.
“You keep saying the same stuff and blaming people for stealing your time.”
Exactly. I KNOW i keep saying the same stuff because i get asked the SAME questions everyday, therefore WASTING my time. Thank you for acknowledging that.
“You can link the previous question with a link.”
That takes twice the amount of time. You STILL expect me to respond…for what? Am i your mom? I’m not babying grown adults on this app.
“You act so immature to take seriously.”
Then don’t look at my posts…? + Don’t provoke people then act surprised when they get mad.
“I never judge people for their ages but you are literally crazy.”
You say, as you judge someone for their age. Anyway i know i’m 15, and that adds to my point. The fact that i’m still in school and stress a lot about exams and people add more stress onto me by asking me 100000 questions of the same questions, or really obvious questions a day.
“Stop acting immature”
Not to take my own side but…people not doing simple quick and easy research is also immature. Me getting frustrated and calling them out is just a product of that. I do admit that i was mean to them, but that’s what it took for them to leave me alone, so i’m not going to apologise. When i was nice to the lazy people online, it got me nowhere.
(Not to stir drama everyone! Just to clear the air).
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amethystblack · 1 month
This seems a bit silly but I’m on my first playthrough and have just beaten hardy and before I’m going to Calcenon again I just wanted to tell you how fundamentally inlove I am with this game.
Rarely have I played a story that had me so hooked, especially on the characters. I know you’ve said here before that it was kind ot difficult to do and kind of just strung characters that didn’t have much to do with each other together but honestly you did an awesome job at it, you make them feel like people.
I also like the lgbtq rep in this game. I don’t have much to add here but it’s so nice seeing characters be freely queer and nobody batting an eye. (Except maybe that one mf in the library but no one cares about this man.) Especially because I’m not out of the closet myself yet and will probably not have a reality like this for a while. So it’s really comforting to see it exist somewhere, even if it’s just a video game.
On that note, it’s been 4 days since Taka died in my game. I was not prepared. I did not think it would happen. I still have not even begun recovering.
At this point, every single one of my friends has heard my grief for this character. It somehow convinced 2 more to download and play the game😭
Moving on, I’ve looked through this blog a bit, mainly because I like knowing the extra details and your opinions and it genuinely surprised me to see so many people complaining about the puzzles. I personally liked them a lot. They’re challenging but also rewarding enough. And honestly, if one gets too annoying there’s always the good ol’ google.
Speaking of difficult, I think the way the difficulty in this game is balanced is awesome. Many other games make themselves more difficult by not providing a lot of quality of life stuff. And sure, Reborn does that too. But Reborn doesn’t do it by taking just these away, it takes a majority of the resources away in the beginning. And that’s what makes early game fairly challenging. Because you have to somehow get by with the few things you can get. And it even rewards you more for exploring longer. And eventually, the game progresses and we start getting access to those resources. And in return, the fights get harder. Especially with gyms now having perfect natures and evs.
My point is, it keeps the balance fairly well. Making you actually have to work for a win sometimes. But also not to a point where it nears impossible.
Especially because at the end of the day, every player gets to customise their own difficulty level in the game, thanks to the various passwords and stuff available.
Lastly, I just wanted to mention how much of a banger the music in this game is. Like- Holy shit I had goosebumps once or twice. I normally always mute the game I’m playing in favour of my own playlist but for reborn I could NEVER. It sets the theme so perfectly.
I think this is it for my -idfk what to call this- Reborn appreciation rant? Idfk. But thanks for making this incredible game and letting us experience it 🫶
awh, thank you so so much, i'm glad you're enjoying the game so much~ i hope you finish strong!!!
also yeah puzzles are definitely, like, if you're the type of person who likes puzzles in game i think it's great. i grew up on Golden Sun and it probably shows. but a lot of people just wanna play some good old fashioned pokamans without having to stop and wash their brain every few hours, so like, i get it. different strokes and all that. but friendly reminder that as of 19.5 if you're in the group that doesn't care for them, we now have a 'nopuzzles' password...
anyway, the message is much appreciated, you're amazing. keep it up!!
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definitelynotshouting · 10 months
Hello I’m here!!
Raaah I meant to talk about the latest chapter sooner but I kept forgetting :,))
But anyway! This chapter really hit home for me and I really resonate with Grian, and I feel so SO scared for him at the same time. The idea that he’s so dead set on hurting himself so badly and mumbo has no idea - along with the rest of the hermits - is very scary, and very effective.
And the fact that they’ve already witnessed him trying to hurt himself in such a way and they’re all trying to cope with that is so. It’s so good. The way you show how each person is dealing with Grian’s attempt is so good because you’re showing them all experiencing different forms of grief.
Mumbo yelled because he was afraid. Tango is trying to help Grian any time he can. Scar is trying to make him laugh. X is dead set on finding a way to save him. Pearl is upset with him. It’s such a good way of showing that grief can manifest in so many different ways, and no one is perfect- they do things like yell because they’re scared, or overstep because they want to help. No one prepares you for grief, and you do an amazing job of showing that.
I can’t express how badly I want to hold Grian’s hand. To me he feels like such a lost soul that feels there’s no hope for him. I have so much sympathy for this depiction of him.
It feels so.. “doomsday” to me?? If that makes sense? The way Grian talks about wanting to go outside and experience the sun and the grass and the sky for one last time before he leaves for good. I feel the bittersweet feeling he must be feeling; not wanting to hurt his friends’ feelings but simultaneously feeling like there’s no other option for him and he just has to do this, so he wants to have a good last day.
It pains my heart so much but in a good way- this is all extremely /pos I cannot express that enough. I think it’s so impressive that you’re able to capture such intense feelings through writing- that’s seriously incredible and if what I’m feeling when reading your story is what you’re after; you’re doing an amazing job!
Ok, I don’t want to overwhelm you so I’ll stop there- but needless to say I’m super excited to see where this story goes and I hope you’re doing well <3
- binge reader
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BINGER READER ANON MY HEART....... ohhh this is such a sweet ask and im so unwell abt it /pos
Words cannot express how happy i am that you're resonating so hard with my fic 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 i feel so honored to be touching people's lives with this, i literally dont know how to articulate how much messages like these mean to me. And im just!!!! So pleased that you like what im doing with all these varying depictions of grief!!! From the start i truly wanted to explore different reactions and what i felt these characters would do when placed in such a fraught and urgent situation, and im indescribably glad im hitting the mark on what ive been aiming for.
Its been really enriching for me to explore all these myriad reactions to grief; i remember when i first wrote Mumbo in chapter 3, i was a bit worried about the potential reception-- but it felt so right to let him express his fear through anger. And with Pearl, ive loved taking a deep dive into her own fear and trauma and letting it play out in front of Grian during this situation. Literally everyone is so fun to dive into for all the reasons you've said-- Tango is in fix-it mode, Xisuma is pinning all his efforts on one desperate hope, and Scar is deflecting and trying to buy as much time as possible just to keep Grian alive a little longer. Their various reactions are so important to me, especially in how, like you said, nothing truly prepares you for grief-- and it often manifests in unconventional ways. Its been a real treat to depict that, and its something that i feel has some overlooked merit in the emotional realism department that im glad im able to bring to the table
Im truly so touched by this commentary, so don't worry about overwhelming me!!! Im just so genuinely happy people are getting so much out of my writing, its all ive wanted for such a long time, and finally being able to really reach people with it is a dream come true❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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themissingnumbers · 4 months
Hey, Starry. It’s me again—here to yap about my theories again! Actually I don’t know if this counts as a theory or if this is just me throwing around my ideas, but it’s like 3-4 am so- Whatever, I hope you enjoy my ramblings anyways!
SO! As I’m sure you’re well aware, my favorite character here (still) is Fire. I don’t know why that is, but there’s just something about him. He’s got a pull, y’know? He’s neat.
As a result, like, 80 percent of my thoughts go to him, and the other 20 percent goes to everything else. It’s not intentional, and all the other characters are interesting too, I just tend to hyper-fixate on my favorites because—well, they’re my favorites. He lives in my head rent-free.
I love picking apart the little details about him. The micro-expressions, the color of his pupils, the color of his speech/text, the messages hidden in his talksprites, all of it. The only thing that gives me trouble with him (and all the other characters, for that matter) are the glitchy moments, flashing lights and the eye strain. Genuinely, for that “I didn’t ask for this” message that was hidden, I saw the red color in the middle of the gif, but I didn’t realize it was actually text. It was only after someone posted the individual key-frames that I could see what it said. That being said, please don’t stop using the eye strain. As much as it makes my eyes burn, it’s fun to pick apart, and is kind of a staple for a lot of the art here.
But that’s enough of that—onto the actual thing I want to write about: my guesses on Fire’s story.
Ever since i started really getting into Missing Numbers and learned about Fire and Red, I’ve kinda had this idea in the back of my head about what the core of Fire’s story is—and this is my guess.
My guess is that Fire is being forced to fill the shoes of someone he’ll never live up to—with that person being Red.
Fire, as is well known by now, is a replacement. When Red was thrown away and discarded with Gen 1, Fire unwillingly took his place.
Even since before the “I didn’t ask for this” message, I always got the feeling that Fire never wanted any of his life. He wanted his friends and his family, sure. But the Champion title? The isolation on Mt. Silver? The constant feeling of being hated by everyone around you? He never wanted that.
I feel like, above all, Fire just wants to live. Red, in a way, got to live his life. Red had a journey of his own, Red got to form his own friendships, Red got to have free will—while Fire never got any of that. Fire was made for the express purpose of being Red’s replacement, and that was it. He wasn’t supposed to have a life. He was supposed to be a puppet. A perfect player character made to ensure that whatever mistakes happened with Red wouldn’t happen again.
Fire is Red’s Replacement. But who is Fire?
I don’t think Fire knows himself.
I feel like, if given the opportunity, Fire would simply (and gladly) give his life to Red. (But seeing what his life is, I don’t think Red would want it either.) Red had his life stolen from him—and Fire never got to live in the first place.
I feel like Red would either be really happy about that—or really really mad about it. If Fire ever just handed over his place in the world to Red, I could see him having a reaction kind of like, “Oh? So you didn’t even appreciate the life that you stole from me?”, even though that’s not the case. Fire didn’t choose to replace Red. Fire didn’t choose to take on all these responsibilities. Fire didn’t choose to live. All of that was thrust upon him since the moment he was born—and he was never given a chance to enjoy the life and sentience he was granted.
This also ties into the topic of Red a bit, but I feel like Fire is not the palatable, soulless husk that Red claims him to be. He can’t be.
We’ve seen that Fire can feel—and that he feels intensely. It just takes a bit to get past the cold, collected walls that I can only assume Arceus put up around his heart. You can see it whenever the emotions get sort of shocked out of him. You can see it when he’s reminded of his past, about Gold or his Pokémon dying. You can see it in his eyes, in the way he tenses up, in the way his eyes well up with tears and the way his breath catches in his throat. Fire is not emotionless—I just feel like Red is so stuck in his own beliefs that he refuses to see Fire as anything other than an emotionless husk, because at some point that’s all he was. Red has been alone for so long with no outside opinions that whatever he’s thought of has sort of become law in his mind. Maybe that view can be changed—but I doubt it would be easy.
Onto something a little darker here at the end, so a warning for that:
I feel like if Fire had the ability to die—he would have killed himself already. I get the feeling that, deep down, he feels like everyone he cares about would be better off without him. I’m sure he’s not oblivious to his Sisters resentment towards him, nor is his oblivious to the pain and hurt he’s caused her. And on top of that, he probably feels that Blue utterly hates him too. He likely feels like he’s caused so much hurt and suffering that he can’t fix—that it’s better to just remove himself entirely to avoid further damage. But he can’t do that.
He’s too important to die. God won’t let him.
Instead, he’s stuck, constantly freezing on the summit of Mt. Silver, trapped and forced to watch his Pokémon slowly freeze and suffer along with him. Maybe he sees the Mountain as a prison—or a punishment. After all, the cold has taken away everything he holds dear. Warmth, his friend, his Pokémon. And now he’s chained in it, unable to leave. I feel like, deep down somewhere, despite knowing that this isn’t fair—he feels like he deserves it.
Okay, it’s like late 4 am and I’m sort of falling asleep as I’m writing this, but I think that covers all of my ramblings about Fire for now. Does this count as a character study? Probably not, but it did end up being longer than I thought it would be. Anyways, here’s my theories. Or observations? I dunno. How many did I get right? No idea—and I probably won’t find out until much much later.
Please excuse any spelling/grammatical errors, and of course, disregard this if it’s annoying or too long.
I want to be Fire’s friend so bad man :( he deserves one. I wanna give him the biggest, tightest bear hug ever and tell him that everything’s gonna be okay. That he deserves to live—just like everyone else. I don’t know if we’ll ever be able to get Fire off of Mt. Silver and free him, but if we do, I am tackling that man first thing. And then giving him a blanket afterwards, of course.
Seeing him breaking down like he did in his latest post really freaking hurts bruh. I want things to get better for him, but I don’t know how to get them there. It really feels like the universe is stacked against him when it comes to achieving happiness—but I’ll be damned if I give up in the face of adversity. I will fight god for this man and win. I want to give him a chance at life—a chance that Arceus seems too afraid to let him take.
I know there’s no such thing as a “good player”, but I’m going to try my hardest to be one for him—for everyone.
But anyways, that’s actually all this time. Have a good day, y’all. Keep up the awesome storytelling.
In reference to:
"I didn't ask for this."
"Palatable, soulless husk."
Breaking down.
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beaft · 2 years
recommend some horror?
aha!! i am glad you asked (no really, i am, thank you for giving me the opportunity to be loud about my favourite genre). here is a non-exhaustive list of some of my personal favourites:
-the ballad of black tom by victor lavalle (retelling of lovecraft's "the horror at red hook" by a black author, i could talk about this one for hours suffice to say it's Very Good)
-pet semetary by stephen king (i have a love/hate relationship with mr king but i think this is one of his better books)
-the haunting of hill house by shirley jackson (actually, just about anything by shirley jackson, my personal favourite book by her is "we have always lived in the castle")
-beloved by toni morrison (it's not exactly horror, but i have to put it here anyway because it's too good not to)
-things we say in the dark by kirsty logan
-tell me i’m worthless by alison rumfitt
-house of leaves by mark z. danielewski (i detest this book. yes it's still one of my top favourites and no i will not be taking questions at this time.)
-my heart is a chainsaw by stephen graham jones
-literally anything by robert aickman
-pan’s labyrinth (historical fantasy-horror, visually stunning, one of my favourite movies of all time)
-lake mungo (australian found footage horror about ghosts and grief)
-the texas chain saw massacre (not as gory as the title might suggest)
-the wicker man (the original version, unless you’re in the mood to see nicolas cage at his nicolas cagiest)
-jacob’s ladder (beautiful, eerie, hallucinogenic, you will not know what’s going on for most of it and that’s honestly kind of the point)
-carrie (the sissy spacek version NOT the one with chloe moretz)
-the ritual (it's not a perfect movie but the creature design is WONDERFUL)
-alien (grr! i'm gonna getcha! i'm the alien! and so on)
-nosferatu (both versions are excellent, but i am particularly partial to the 1979 one with klaus kinski as the vampire)
-whistle and i’ll come to you (unsettling short film based on an m. r. james story)
-hereditary (this one's best if you go in blind, but i realise that’s probably difficult since a lot of it has been memed to hell and back)
-the thing (sci-fi thriller/body horror movie set on an isolated arctic research base)
-don't look now (based on a daphne du maurier short story; light on the horror but heavy on the uncanny)
-cabin in the woods (comedy-horror) okay this one is kind of a guilty pleasure for me but it does have some clever moments and it’s genuinely very fun to watch
-silent hill 2006 (another guilty pleasure, it is very much not a good movie but also i've seen it like 7 times, so.)
-ginger snaps (the close relationship between a pair of misfit sisters is tested when one of them starts going through puberty, and also incidentally becomes a werewolf. similar vibes to jennifer's body although i personally prefer this one)
-penda’s fen (startlingly ahead of its time – it’s basically a coming-of-age story about a gay teenager in rural england with a tasty slice of religious/folk horror)
-crimson peak (love letter to the "gothic melodrama" genre)
-us (i personally preferred it to get out, but they’re both amazing; i haven’t seen NOPE yet but i hope to soon!)
tv shows
-castlevania (based on the video game, vampires + religious horror, gorgeously animated, unexpectedly funny)
-the terror (true-ish story of a doomed voyage to the north-west passage) (the demon bear may or may not be historically factual) (we just don't know)
-twin peaks (idk if it counts as horror but i’m putting it here anyway. it’s not for everyone but it occupies a special place in my heart)
-in the flesh (again, not quite horror, but there are horror elements, and i am putting it here because it’s both a pleasingly original take on the zombie-apocalypse genre and a beautiful queer love story. it got cancelled halfway through its run and i will never stop being salty about it.)
-the enfield haunting (three-part tv drama) (much better than the james wan movie) (not that that’s hard)
-the magnus archives (do not ask me about this show unless you're prepared to hear me yell about it for Ever and Ever and Ever)
-alice isn't dead (lesbian trucker searches for her missing wife amidst various spooky happenings)
-a scottish podcast (washed-up radio DJ decides to become a phony paranormal investigator to make some extra cash, but his scheme goes awry when he stumbles on a genuine paranormal event)
-i am in eskew (man attempts to leave city, is unsuccessful)
message me if you want trigger warnings or a more detailed description for any of these!
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tauforged · 2 years
let's talk about the way we talk about sigma
and i’m not just saying this because i’m a hater or because i find the woobification of characters annoying (although i am, and i do, but that’s neither here nor there) but i AM saying it cuz it’s no longer mildly annoying so much as it is just hurtful and exhausting due to the casual ableism it perpetuates. whether it’s consciously or not, it’s there and i’m pointing it out cuz a lot of people probably don’t even realize what they’re saying (i hope) so i wanna spell it out crystal clear.
*granted, these are sentiments i’ve seen far more often on twitter or tiktok than on here (and i know complaining about stupid takes on either site is like going to the beach and getting mad about all the sand, but bear with me) but it’s ABSOLUTELY something that i see a lot on here too and i'm starting to get incredibly fed up with it all. someone's gotta fuckin say it.
im going to put the majority of this under a readmore because i've got a lot to say on the topic but here's the long and short of it:
you guys have GOT to stop acting like sigma is a poor little helpless confused manipulated innocent little uwu baby. like, for real. stop saying that shit. stop lamenting about “waahhh poor science granpa doesn’t know where he is or what’s happening around himmm 🥺🥺🥺”. stop acting like he’s being held captive or abused by talon despite evidence to the contrary so you can make your little “uwu i can’t wait for overwatch to save him and Fix Him uwuwuw” posts. and for the love of all that’s holy, if i see one more person say or imply that he was better off when he was being forcibly institutionalized than he is now working for talon, i’m going to start fucking attacking people with my teeth like a chimpanzee.
it's incredibly fucking weird and alienating for literally anyone who experiences even a fraction of the things yall are pointing out as proof of his incompetence. and before any of you hit me with the "oh it's not that deep 🙄" im gonna tell you right now that i dont care and im going to be mad about it anyway cuz its my party and i can post whatever i want.
to continue my point, not only is it weird and infantilizing and demeaning and belittling to those of us who deal with literally any of the myriad of things going on with him that i’ve seen people point to as proof that he ‘needs to be fixed’ — memory lapses, time loss, dissociation, auditory hallucinations, disordered thought, just straight up being autistic, hyperfocus and/or complete lack of focus, panic attacks or meltdowns, i cannot overstate how many of the ‘weird’ things he does are just autistic traits so i’m gonna say it a second time for good measure — and those are all just things that i personally have in common with him (which is part of the reason i’m as mad about this as i am to make this post, but i digress).
to single out these things, all of which are completely reasonable for someone who is autistic, who is traumatized, who suffered through a prolonged period of forced confinement, and/or who has literal brain damage, and NONE of which are nearly as tragic and doomed as people are making them out to be, that’s all bad enough on its own!
but to point out these traits and then turn around and use them to color every single interaction he has with another character, every single thing he says, and tie it back to his traaaagic broken mind and how he’s clearly losing his grip on reality just feels… insanely othering in a way that’s really exhausting.
like, for fucks sake, a solid 80% of his character interactions could be lifted near verbatim from conversations i’ve had in real life with my friends, family, coworkers, you name it, all of which were friendly and usually in jest — hell, 9/10 times when i let out a random non sequitur or lose my train of thought or forget what i’m doing, nobody even bats a fucking eye! they sure as hell don't accuse whoever i’m talking to of abusing me because they expressed mild annoyance at my bad joke.
i’ve genuinely seen someone get all worked up and construe his one interaction with sombra where he comments on her tendency to disappear and reappear in odd places as evidence that he’s got dementia and is slipping away from reality altogether… and not, yknow, a nod to her fucking cloaking ability and translocator and the fact that she uses both very frequently just for the hell of it. that one still fucking baffles me i'm sorry. if i hadn't seen it with my own eyes i'd honestly think it was a joke. like. cmon now
another thing that makes it even worse is that most of this is also just…. not even grounded in canon. if this was the way blizz was writing him, it’d be one thing. it would still be shitty and ableist, but blizzard handling their oooh spooky scary mentally ill character badly is about as surprising as the sun rising every morning. i can't say i wouldn't still be upset to see people continuing to perpetuate it, but i wouldn't be AS mad, i guess.
but SO. MANY. of the popular takes on his character are either never concretely stated or outright contradicted by his ingame dialogue and interactions and it drives me insane!!! idk WHERE y’all are getting this shit but so many people are reaching so hard to make him a tragic sad uwuwuw glass bones and paper skin pathetic little meow meow that they’re going out of their way to misinterpret source material so they can shout from the rooftops about how sad and pathetic and unaware they think people like me must be.
i keep seeing people talk about how he probably has no idea that talon is a terrorist group, that he doesn’t know what talon IS, or that he doesn’t even know that he WORKS for talon, and it’s starting to go from mildly annoying to infuriating. this shit has literally no basis in canon aside from conjecture based on the fact that he’s Known to be mentally ill!! i don't see even half as many people getting this all up in arms about widow, who we KNOW FOR A FACT was literally kidnapped and experimented on and brainwashed by talon. like. that's her WHOLE THING. meanwhile sig literally just works there and people are clamoring for ovw to come """""rescue"""""" him as if hes like, a lab animal or something instead of a grown man who happens to not be particularly bothered by the fact that he works for talon.
this is something that's addressed in game MULTIPLE TIMES - he’d far prefer to watch an ant crawl on the ceiling than listen to s76 trying to ‘talk sense into him’, not because he can’t hear him or anything either, it’s pretty clear from his tone and cadence that he’s actively choosing to ignore him. when baptiste points out the fact that he’s fully capable of leaving talon if he wanted to, he doesn’t deny it or act confused or like that’s a strange thing to say, he just seems a little bemused that someone would think he WANTS to leave. yeah, he sure could— but why would he bother?
he's not "totally unaware of what he's doing" in the fucking slightest - hell, i'd argue that his new map-exclusive lines and interactions prove that he's MORE grounded now than he was in ovw1. yes, he gets a little confused on occasion when he can't quite remember the last time he's been somewhere. (memory lapses are just kind of like that. i had several while writing this post, in fact! it just fucking happens sometimes. it's really not the end of the world. frustrating, yeah, but i promise you we can manage just fine).
i guess the question i'm asking is: is it really all that difficult for to fathom that he might just... WANT to be there? that he might just straight up not care what talon is up to, so long as he's able to keep doing his research as he sees fit??
and for the record, before anyone takes this and runs with it and we lose the plot of this post, i am NOT SAYING that the very idea of wanting him to leave talon is #problematic or anything. i dont care, really. do whatever you want. what i do care about is just like.... being mindful about what we're saying and WHY we're saying it. it's reaching a point where people are somehow managing to look at the ass backwards already ableist as hell decisions blizz has already made with him and decided "hey, i bet i can find a way to make that even worse!"
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jihyoruri · 6 months
me when it’s time for the yearly anon confession potluck and I have to admit that to me… wowyn.. is just.. 🙂. I think she is a little toxic and the wonyn situation takes me out so bad like it’s genuinely the funniest thing to me EVER. like I can not explain why but the wonyoung is like eh ik u like me but I don’t rlly wanna deal with that so! uhm!.. anyway! and wowyn just… listens tew her😭😭like ur telling me wowyn breaks up w girls If wonyoung doesn’t like them LMFAOO😭
idk for some reason wowyn to me is more of a loser than loseryn not even in a mean way just.. I don’t know I feel like if I met her fr I’d be like.. ur such a sad person…
moving past this… who is your favorite yn? we all know mine…
(1. shamelessyn 2. richgirl yn 3. aespayn/firecrackeryn)
i may not be the president of the aespayn or richgirlyn fanclub but I’m actually both of their therapists btw. yeah Ik you guys don’t know but my side gig is actually fixing them. yeah no aespayn is in the trenches… it’s bad in these streets. (I love richgirlyn almost the same amount as shamelessyn I’m a cheater sorry)
also side note I am sat for anything u write but I hope you continue to explore richgirlyn’s dynamic with chaewon and the other members.. idk maybe it’s bc I grew up with a lot of money but the way ppl w wealth act has always been so.. weird tew me. like I know these r just sillay yn works but I feel like people who write rich characters forget like.. these r the most emotionally stunted people on earth. they never learned to socialize or explain their emotions 😭dealing w rich people is insane because no one talks abt anything or knows how to interact with regular people like they have such hard times w it for some reason?? (because they never had to)
ANYWAY sorry for the long ask 😞I hope we get some aespayn fans out here for 4/20 SHOW SUPPORT FOR UR GIRL😭😭
LOL babes imma have to correct you on some things. 😭
it’s not that wony is like “eh ik u like me but I don’t rlly wanna deal with that so! uhm!.. anyway!” she’s genuinely playing hard to get with yn, she feels like yn will always wait for her so she just doesn’t want to get into a relationship just as yet, I think I’ve mentioned it in early asks but wonyoung is playing hard to get with yn😭. wonyn is really a sad situation when you think about it because they’d be really good for each other but they’re not on the same page at all like wow!yn doesn’t think wonyoung likes her even tho wony does hold some feelings for her but she’s waiting it out but realizing that her time is running out. The only reason why wow!yn breaks up with people sometimes if wony doesn’t like them because wonyoung is genuinely her best friend if Giselle didn’t like one of yn’s gfs yn would probably break up with them as well, it’s so easy for her do that because she was just bored like she wasn’t in the relationship for real feelings if she acc had real feelings for the person it would be a different story take winter for example BOTH wonyoung and yujin didn’t like her and yn knew that but yn didn’t break up with her because she genuinely liked her but then she realized that she genuinely liked her so she broke up with her LMAOOOOOO. I wouldn’t call wow!yn a loser because she genuinely has problems, she has some mental instability. like her problems with her dad has definitely affected how she thinks about things and butchers how her mind functions in certain situations, she is a sad person tho. ANYWAYS moving on from wow!yn
my favourite yn and wow!yn and nwjns!yn THE SISTERS honestly I love wow!yn because she’s my most complex yn and honestly she’s just such a shit head and it’s so fun and amusing writing her and nwjns!yn is just a sweet mess like when I finally introduced her fic you guys will see what I mean, she’s the exact opposite of her sister 😭 (also a respectful mention of aespa!yn)
LOL they both need therapists for real so you got the job‼️ aespa!yn is a mess she’s a rich mess (I just took in that you like the two extremely rich yn’s LOL also firecracker!yn is always on someone’s favourite list and it always makes me laugh LMAOOO)
yes I am totally gonna explore richgirl!yn more, I tried my best to give a small peak into richgirl!yn having some problems I was so happy when you picked up on it in ur last ask for her
I honestly love long asks so much so this was fun to read LOL and thank you so much for reading and enjoying my works
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docaran · 5 months
Finally played and finished both SV DLCs, and the fans were so real when they described Scarlet and Violet as a game made with love but not time.
I absolutely loved the characters. Compared to previous games that got so much more development and interacted with each other, so it really felt like getting to know them as people rather than “an Elite 4 member” and “the NPC you talk to once.” This was especially true for battles; I really love the addition of mid-battle commentary and the unique dialogue some characters have when you bring plot relevant Pokemon into the fights.
There were parts of the story that felt rushed, but I think it was executed and tied up well in the Indigo Disk, and the characters really helped with that.
So. Many. References. The love for Gen 5 really showed in the Indigo Disk DLC, and even other generations. I loved finding (and reading about) all the different secret events and nods to characters and previous games. Personally, my favorite ones were the Unova gym leaders’ kids, the Meloetta secret, the Monochrome club room design, and all of the new emotes like Leon’s pose from SWSH and the z-move pose from SM.
But then there’s the issue of the bugs and graphics. Apart from that (not that it isn’t a glaring issue), here were some personal pet peeves of mine:
- It’s difficult to grind for BB points without the help of a group. I watched RTGame’s playthrough and was quite honestly envious of how he was able to collect points so fast because he had the help of viewers who joined his Union Circle. With how everything depends on BB points, I might just have to hop into a random group and hope that the others are there to get points like I am.
- Dialogue options. I can imagine that it would be difficult to implement more, but I struggle with reading tone so there were times where I picked “rude” dialogue options on accident. It really feels like that just added more dialogue options for comedic purposes. They don’t serve much purpose.
- They waited two DLCs to give us flight..
- I wasn’t really here for the Kieran conspiracies and I wouldn’t have liked it if they tried to attribute his genuine emotional crisis to a Pokemon anyway, but god I wish the Mochi Mayhem event had more serious tones to it rather than whatever that was.
Anyway, I’m glad Pokémon’s showing more love for its characters since they’re already so well designed and I hope that the decision to take more time before releasing the next game is a sign that they’re ironing out what could’ve been better about SV.
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