bojangos · 5 months
listen i LOVE rotating bastila and revan and their weird funky life-force-bond and i want them to be literally intertwined but NOT necessarily romantically.
their kid becoming chancellor of the republic is so fucking funny to me. can you picture his campaigning and how everyone is trying so hard to like, dig up dirt on his family or whatever. the fucking Scandal of it all.
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dairine-bonnet · 2 months
On Dantooine, before Kotor 1:
Bastila *to Darth Revan, who's trapped in a force cage*: Behold a list of your sins! *holding out a datapad in front of Revan's eyes*
Darth Revan *speaking proudly, barely glanced at the list*: Actually, this looks like a list of my achievements!
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doli-nemae · 2 years
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Did this thing with my Commander aka Sith Inquisitor Sepho Kallig and wanted to share with ya!!
Happy Halloween everyone!!!!
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So, I have a headcanon regarding Outlander and Valkorion
Spoiler territory for pretty much the whole game (mostly Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior class stories and all expansions from Shadows of Revan).
How does Outlander (especially non Force user) defeat Valkorion in KotET? This question bothered me (and I'm sure all of you) for quite some time. And frankly, the game doesn't answer it very well. So I did some thinking, searching and theorizing, and found a solution that I will bring in my personal stories. Just thought it would be interesting for others to see as well.
Explanations offered in the game:
Valkorion's power had become weaker at some point (as noted by Arcann in chapter 8 "Taking Flight", and indicated by events on Ziost, since Theron wasn't possessed, and by Valkorion in chapter 9 "Eternal Throne", when he said that he needed Vaylin's power to destroy Outlander's mind);
Arcann and Vaylin helped defeat him;
The holocron was the instrument of Valkorion's defeat (but it's never properly explained how exactly);
The "kneel before the dragon of Zakuul" phrase worked on Valkorion because the Outlander said so.
It doesn't sound too bad, but when I tried to go into details, it didn't make much sense. "My mind, my rules" was really out of nowhere, also kinda goes against the previous experience of Outlander not being able to do anything about Valkorion before that. And Arcann and Vaylin being on your side isn't the key either because even the three of them were still losing, it only changed after the main character said the key phrase. And why the heck does it even work like that? Because they said so? Gee, should've thought about it a few chapters before, no?
Now, what I came up with doesn't really go much different from that, I just made some adjustments to make it flow better (at least for myself). I'll talk through my thoughts in chronological order, so bear with me (I tried to summarize it at the end, so scroll if you want the short version).
Vitiate learned to transfer his spirit as one of the ways to be immortal. It can happen either through a ritual, which is preferable since it's easier, doesn't weaken him, and he doesn't need time to adjust, but it does require consent from a person, or killing the previous host, which does weaken him for some time. The longer he has possessed a host, the greater the loss of power will be upon the transfer. It's not to say that he isn't dangerous, quite the opposite, but perhaps he can't do some 'impossible' things (like consume a planet or shatter a mind) just like that.
He was at his full power before the events on Belsavis and Voss, timeline wise. Remember how easily he possessed the minds of the Jedi on the strike team? Yeah, Jedi Knight broke free, but that's bc they're super strong (and the main character in their storyline).
But because of Baras Vitiate had to be released from the body on Voss by being killed, which made him slightly weaker, just enough for the Hero of Tython to kill him again on Dromund Kaas. That made him lose more power (because he possessed this body for much longer than that Voss), and Vitiate tried to find a new host and regain his power (either by Revan reviving him or consuming all life on Ziost). His attempts were not successful, so he retreated to Zakuul.
That would explain why after being 'killed' yet again on Zakuul (thus losing two of his main hosts) Valkorion wasn't powerful enough to possess the Outlander's mind (regardless of their class). He was in a pretty vulnerable position, so he came up with a plan. We'll get to it. For now, Valkorion understands that if the Outlander dies, he'll be even weaker and probably won't be able to get a new host, so he protects the Outlander while pushing them to use his power.
Every time the Outlander agrees to do so gives Valkorion more control over their body, and even if they never agree, the bond grows stronger as time passes, it's just faster when Outlander uses his power. Eventually it would be just strong enough for Valkorion to use the main character's body without their permission (like in chapter 16). But he's still not powerful enough to break their mind, so he goes to the next part of the plan.
Valkorion manipulated the main character into killing Vaylin (and Arcann, if applicable) because he needed to consume her power to destroy Outlander's mind (which is what happens in chapter 9). But he made a couple mistakes in doing so. First, he underestimated how smart Commander is, and how the bond allowed them to take his form to survive. Second, by consuming Vaylin's spirit, Valkorion gained not just her strength, but also her weakness, which is the conditioning.
But wait, didn't Vaylin free herself from it? Sort of. I saw a suggestion from another player that Vaylin didn't get rid of conditioning itself, but rather the lever that triggers it. It's possible because the process on Nathema didn't exactly according to the plan. And because of that, Valkorion also gained her conditioning after consuming her spirit.
So, what does that mean? What does it do? Well, I think that when the key phrase is said in presence of Vaylin, she temporarily loses her connection to the Force (or it becomes so weak that she can't use it), thus isn't a threat. And the same happens to Valkorion when the main character attempts to use it on him in KotET chapter 9, at least for long enough for the Outlander to kill him. This way the victory isn't dependent on one's power in the Force, and it fits a non Force sensitive Commander as well.
What about the holocron? I explain this as it only binds, commands and releases spirits, as we see with lord Dramath. It's not the key to Valkorion's destruction, but it is still important because it is used to free Vaylin's spirit from Valkorion after her death (and Arcann's, if applicable), which gives Outlander a potential powerful ally.
[Just a little addition that has very little to do with my explanation, but wanted to mention - in the throne room, when Valkorion breaks Outlander's mind, he takes over the body and attacks your companions. They hold off long enough for Commander to put their mind back, and at that moment Valky loses control, and the body is unconscious.]
So, to sum it up:
Valkorion is weaker after being killed on Voss, Dromund Kaas and Zakuul, hence why the Outlander can resist him, regardless of theirconnection to the Force;
the holocron found on Nathema can bind, command and release spirits, which allows Outlander to free Vaylin (and Arcann, if applicable) from Valkorion;
the bond formed between Valkorion and Commander allowed the latter to survive after having their mind destroyed;
Vaylin didn't completely get rid of the conditioning on Nathema because the process didn't go as it should've, it just removed the trigger;
by consuming Vaylin's spirit Valkorion gained both her strength and her weakness - her conditioning, that's why it worked on him, and it temporarily weakened his connection to the Force.
I know this isn't perfect, there are probably plot holes that I haven't noticed or poorly explained, but I like it much more. Why do I even bother with this explanation?
I just love doing mental gymnastics around KotFE-ET, and this particular part was difficult yet entertaining to figure out.
But honestly, probably most important reason is that it works for every class (so even non Force-users are fitting here) because strength in the Force is not the key. Valkorion underestimated how observant and clever Outlander is, and I think it works better for their characters.
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anywayhereskirkwall · 6 months
Whatever the fuck Revan and Malak had going on never truly leaves me
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lordeasriel · 1 year
listen, I'm glad the old republic is on the timeline now, I have no expectations that they will stay close to the og games, especially swtor, but I hope they make animations and not live action.
it won't work as live action. please don't do that to me
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luxettenebra · 2 years
I don't expect every other muse to play nice with Revan, especially if she antagonizes them. if you're going to do something like grievously injure her, just drop by beforehand to talk about it. I'm open to it, I just want to know it's going to happen
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twst-drabbles · 2 months
Lilia 13
Summary: In the midst of his misery, you come back.
(Warning to everyone, Lilia is not in a mentally good place, at all. Absolutely miserable. And the sudden reappearance of the Janitor certainly does not help matters. I thought it would be fun to explore this kind of Lilia.)
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Lilia had no need for light in any part of his house. The curtains had been drawn, the candles long since snuffed out, and bathroom bathed in a darkness that he found comfort in. He could see just fine.
A lock of hair fell onto the floor, heavy with unwashed oils.
Another fell, a vibrant red, now forever severed from his scalp.
Lilia could see every inch of himself just fine. Perhaps if he cut more, he’ll finally be unrecognizable to himself.
Lilia lowered the scissors and cut a piece right under his chin, then paused at the cool feel of metal against skin. He slid it under, then dragged the blades over his neck.
He stopped at an artery. If he pushed, with all his strength, it would be over.
That’s all it would take. If he angled it like this, then all he had to do was–
There was a knock at the door. Lilia dropped his scissors and he practically deflated onto the floor. Once again, he can’t do it. Once again, Lilia’s chained down by the weight of his cowardice, his hesitance. Another failure to add onto the page of this long life.
Another knock on the door, accompanied by the sound of tinkling bells. Pixies? What are they doing here? And since when do they bother with knocking? They come and go as they please, not caring for the rules around abodes and houses. The domain of seasons don’t stop at a wooden door and stone walls, so why would they?
Lilia sighed and shoved every bit of himself under a rug of apathy. He didn’t want to risk offending them with any intense displays of emotion.
As he made his way to the door, he nearly tripped over a raised, bloated piece of wood on the floor. Water damage. None of that was his concern. There was nobody here besides himself, and nobody close enough to want to visit him.
Why bother? Lilia carries sins with him that can never be forgiven.
Lilia opens the door.
“Oh hey, Lilia, I didn’t know this was your house,” your eyes landed on his shoddily cut hair, too short on one side and uneven bites of scissors, “that’s… a style. You trying something new?”
He can’t breathe.
You stood there, waving away the insects attracted to the scent of wine that practically flooded out his house. A pixie of the wind hopped off your shoulder and twirled into the mass of flies, blasting them well past the bridge.
“Ugh, that’s a smell alright. When’s the last time you cleaned your house?” You asked with a sigh.
Lilia reached out. His palms cupped your face. He brought himself closer.
“Lilia?” You raised an eyebrow, then winced when his fingers tightened and dug into your cheeks. “Lilia ow–”
His lips pulled back into a snarl, and in that moment, Lilia wanted nothing more than to crush your head.
“Why are you back? Why here, why now?”
You’re not supposed to be here. You’re meant to be back where you belong, ignorant and oblivious, happy with your friends and family. Speaking of your adventures to them, recalling those happy memories of him, Baul, Meleanor and that little, precious egg.
Are you here to haunt him? Torment him because of how his arrogance spat upon the graves of those he loved? Or–
“Did I fail again?”
Did you not go back home? Did he not activate the portal properly? He must have, because why would you be here?
And now you have to witness this wretched thing that Lilia has become, because he failed Meleanor, failed Revan, and failed Malleus. He can’t even do the simplest task of sending a lost soul home.
His vision blurred. Lilia wanted nothing more than to claw his own eyes out just to stop himself from crying. Did he not already shed enough useless tears? They do nothing but signal another tragedy to come. They have no purpose, pleas can’t save anyone.
Pleas couldn’t even get Malleus to hatch.
Lilia let go and fell on his knees, howling into his hands.
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Inspired by this post from @cleophantom.
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dairine-bonnet · 1 month
On the Leviathan:
Darth Malak to amnesiac Revan: Don't you dare look at me as if you don't remember anything about me!
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ros3kill3r · 3 months
I don't know how many people will see this, or like it, but would anyone like me to post my fanfic idea? It's something I'm currently writing, but also something I'd like to share with everyone to see if they'd enjoy it or if it's a bad idea to write about it.
It's Marauder's Era obviously, and it's a chatfic/IRL, supernatural, band AU fic with (not in order):
Rosekiller, Jegulus, Jily, Wolfstar, Marylily, Dorlene, Pandalily, Pandora x Mary x Lily, jarty, Jamevan, Revan, Bartylus, Rosestarkillerchaser, Moonwater, Prongsfoot, Marlene x Narcissa, Quillkiller, Alice x Narcissa, Fralice, etc.
I would like to add that the endgame ships are Jegulus, Rosekiller, Rosestarkillerchaser, Wolfstar, Dorlene, Pandora x Mary x Lily, and Fralice. Peter is aromantic, and he's the matchmaker of the fic lol.
I don't know if this explanation will make sense but, Jegulus and Rosekiller are 100% endgame, but occasionally they'll combine and do whatever together. Basically, Darksun might have their moments, Rosewater, Rosechaser, etc. but the four of them aren't IN a relationship they're just either in denial or just fuck buddies yk? I have to figure that part out.
If I do post this, be warned that it will be LONG. I don't mind writing about it because I already have a hidden/saved draft about it. I just wanted to know if some random strangers would actually be down to read it on ao3.
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“Crowley is Malleus’s long lost father” theory is popping off right now in like every twst social media community so I wanted to know what your thoughts on it were?
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I briefly discussed this theory in the final paragraph of this post (although it is full of spoilers, so please be cautious of that). To reiterate (and to add more details), the main pieces of evidence that come up when discussing this idea are:
Malleus’s dad is confirmed missing, but we never saw a body or have confirmation of his death so we can’t 100% trust that.
Crowley’s past and motives remain a total mystery. (The crow mask he wears is also highly suspicious; why does he never remove it? Why does it resemble the masks worn by Briar Country soldiers? Because Malleus would recognize his father? Because Lilia might recognize his old friend?)
The name of Malleus’s dad may be romanized as Levan/Revan (we don’t have an official English localization for book 7 yet, so we don’t know for sure how it would be written). (Edit: EN has confirmed that his name is "Raverne".) The former looks like the word “raven”, just with the vowels swapped around. And you know who else is a black bird?? Diablo, Maleficent’s crow and right-hand man, similar to how Levan/Revan was Mallenoa’s right-hand man. Who else do we know that’s a crow? Crowley.
Levan/Revan is described by Lilia as someone who “always dumped their work onto others/him”, which is something that Crowley also does to his own students.
So I guess the conclusion is that Malleus’s dad went into hiding to protect himself (especially if we assumed that his wife got killed off shortly after his disappearance; his own life may be in danger as well)?
I think the idea is definitely… interesting??? It would also be a big rug pull since players have been joking since day 1 that Crowley gives the vibes of a deadbeat/absentee dad or someone who went off to buy milk and never came back 😂 But in terms of how likely I think it is to become a reality??? I think it’s definitely kind of shaky if we’re going with only what we know right now.
The problem I have with this theory is twofold. Firstly, it’s counting a lot of omission of information as proof rather than details present as proof (which really could be spun any which way you like if you tried hard enough). Secondly, the main thread of logic here is basically the same as “Ace traitor” theory. We’re drawing conclusions from… a name (in Ace’s case, the fact that his surname isn’t “Heart” like the other card soldiers but is “Trappola”), which isn’t a lot of solid evidence in of itself.
I don’t know if I totally buy that Malleus’s dad would go MIA for literally 400ish years either? Like… he was the princess’s confidant, right? So he must have cared for her very much. Why would he up and abandon his wife (rather than coming to her rescue), his friend (Lilia), his country, AND his unborn child who NEEDS his love magic to be hatched? Why wouldn’t he return once the war was over?? Why would he run off to Sage’s Island and become the headmaster there??? If he doesn’t want to be a present father figure, why have a child at all or put himself in a position where he now has to monitor several hundreds of children every year instead of the one child that is actually his? (I know that Lilia started off not wanting kids and then became more open to the idea over time (ie people can change), but I don't think we can conclude the same happened to Crowley given how dismissive he still is in present day and how little we really know about Malleus's dad's true personality.) And surely if Crowley was Malleus’s dad, he’s not so ignorant as to not know Malleus is his son, right…? But then why forget about his existence 90% of the time and forget to invite him when he knows Malleus is on campus and he had not been there for him all his life???? Why actively be such an asshole???
The mask thing on Crowley is suspicious as heck, yes, but I don’t know if Malleus would be able to identify his father on sight since he never saw him or got to know him before hatching. On the flip side, how would Lilia not immediately notice his friend by voice??? Or by the mask if it is, indeed, his friend’s trademark or a custom from Briar Country? Are we arguing “characters made dumb for the sake of plot”? 😭 (Believe it or not, this is actually the most credible piece of evidence to me just because of how often TWST has employed cases of mistaken identity for the sake of convenience; I wouldn’t put it past them.)
Lilia does describe Levan/Revan as someone who dumps work on others, but he says Mallenoa does the same thing. Yet there are other aspects to Mallenoa which we also learn about. Shirking work is not the entire personality of Malleus’s dad and while his overall character may be inclusive of that, there are tons of traits unaccounted for; we barely know the guy. The Crowley = Levan theory feels like taking a conclusion and working backwards/retroactively changing the interpretation of other details to prove the conclusion we began with, instead of taking suspicious details and synthesizing a conclusion from it.
Anyway! You can see that I’m hesitant about this theory. I’d like more concrete details before I get on board with it because there isn't enough to implicate Crowley specifically—but hey, that’s not to say the idea isn’t interesting or funny 🤔 I’d personally love to see Malleus’s reaction to Crowley Darth Vader-ing him, haha 😂
Side note: It’s also sort of funny how people don’t believe Crowley is Malleus’s dad simply because they think Mallenoa is “too good/hot” for a man as bumbling as Crowley www
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fanboundbooks · 5 months
Two with one Stone By Captainofthefallen | @captainofthefallen word count: 177,528 Fandom: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic
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I was reached out to last year by a friend of the author about creating an author's copy of this story. And I was very excited to get to work on another Star Wars story.
I used a paper I had marbled at the '23 Renegade Retreat for the cover and I worked to incorporate some subtle elements into the design.
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The cover titling is done in a font called Old Republic and I tried to get as close to matching the game font and color for the author name and summary section. The back image and scene breaks are the symbol of the Old Republic.
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I used a double sided paper for the end pages with a purple geometric pattern on one side and stars on the other.
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I also pulled in the coloring of Revan's orange and purple lightsabers for the titling and chapters headers.
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I had a lot of fun setting up the chapter titles in both the English Alphabet and Aurebesh.
Had a fun little scare with this story. The story had been written 5 years ago. I had finished typesetting the whole story and would be printing it next time I got to it. Life got in my way a bit and I had to wait a week to print. When I got back on the computer I decided to just double check everything one last time before printing and I noticed that the completed date no longer said 2018 but 2023. So I jumped to the end and discovered that the author had added a new chapter the night before! 😮Luckily I hadn't started printing so I was able to add it into the book.
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sapphicstarwars · 10 months
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Sapphic Star Wars is hosting a ship tournament to highlight sapphic rarepairs, and we would like to hear from YOU! Let us know if there are any rarepairs we have missed that you would like to see included (current list under the cut)!
Our rarepair list was sourced from our ever growing collection of all sapphic sw ships found here, then narrowed down to everything that has between 1-50 fics on AO3 (by the wonderful @livelaughleia).
To add a ship, comment it on this post or send us an ask! This interest check will close in one week (December 20) and the tournament will begin in February! @swfandomevents
All characters are implied to be of age during their relationship. This list is meant to be comprehensive and not pass moral judgment.
Ahsoka Tano / Steela Gerrera (26)
Ahsoka Tano / The Armorer (21)
Ahsoka Tano / Morgan Elsbeth (4)
Ahsoka Tano / Trace Martez (41)
Ahsoka Tano / Shin Hati (15)
Ahsoka Tano / Reva Sevander (0)
Bazine Netal / Phasma (14)
Bix Caleen / Cinta Kaz (1)
Bo-Katan Kryze / Breha Organa (0)
Bo-Katan Kryze / Fennec Shand (12)
Bo-Katan Kryze / Koska Reeves (29)
Bo-Katan Kryze / Padmé Amidala (1)
Bo-Katan Kryze / Sabine Wren (1)
Bo-Katan Kryze / Ursa Wren (37)
Chelli Lona Aphra / Hera Syndulla (1)
Chelli Lona Aphra / Magna Tolvan (26)
Chelli Lona Aphra / Sana Starros (16)
Depa Billaba / Adi Gallia (4)
Depa Billaba / Shaak Ti (3)
Elia Kane / Dedra Meero (2)
Elia Kane / Koska Reeves (3)
Elia Kane / Karyn Faro (1)
Enfys Nest / Ahsoka Tano (4)
Enfys Nest / Fennec Shand (1)
Enfys Nest / Leia Organa (6)
Fennec Shand / The Armorer (6)
Fennec Shand / Drash (5)
Fennec Shand / Leia Organa (13)
Fennec Shand / Garsa Fwip (12)
Fennec Shand / Koska Reeves (5)
Jordanna Sparkburn / Sylvestri Yarrow (5)
Juhani / Bastila Shan (5)
Juhani / Belaya (19)
Juhani / F!Revan (20)
Jyn Erso / Ahsoka Tano (3)
Jyn Erso / Mon Mothma (15)
Jyn Erso / Sabine Wren (5)
Karé Kun / Jessika Pava (20)
Kaydel Ko Connix / Jessika Pava (23)
Kaydel Ko Connix / Paige Tico (17)
Kleya Marki / Cinta Kaz (2)
Kleya Marki / Mon Mothma (4)
Kleya Marki / Vel Sartha (2)
Lana Beniko / Jaesa Willsaam (1)
Latts Razzi / Asajj Ventress (5)
Leia Organa / Evaan Verlaine (47)
Leia Organa / Hera Syndulla (3)
Leia Organa / Sabine Wren (28)
Leia Organa / Sana Starros (2)
Luminara Unduli / Asajj Ventress (3)
Mara Jade / Leia Organa (29)
Matthea Cathley / Oliviah Zeveron (3)
Merrin / Mosey Cimarron (8)
Merrin / Trilla Suduri (22)
Mon Mothma / Breha Organa (8)
Mon Mothma / Hera Syndulla (1)
Mon Mothma / Tynnra Pamlo (2)
Oola / Leia Organa (15)
Padmé Amidala / Aayla Secura (26)
Padmé Amidala / Beru Whitesun (7)
Padmé Amidala / Breha Organa (13)
Padmé Amidala / Dormé (14)
Padmé Amidala / Mon Mothma (9)
Padmé Amidala / Satine Kryze (46)
Peet Deretalia / Jessika Pava (2)
Phasma / Nastia Unamo (28)
Qi'ra / Ahsoka Tano (12)
Qi'ra / Amilyn Holdo (4)
Qi'ra / Enfys Nest (22)
Qi'ra / Jyn Erso (11)
Qi'ra / Leia Organa (11)
Qi'ra / Rey (5)
Qi'ra / Sana Starros (1)
Rae Sloane / Adea Rite (4)
Rae Sloane / Chelli Lona Aphra (1)
Rae Sloane / Elia Kane (1)
Rae Sloane / Hera Syndulla (1)
Rae Sloane / Karyn Faro (2)
Rae Sloane / Phasma (1)
Reva Sevander / Trilla Suduri (4)
Reva Sevander / Tala Durith (1)
F!Revan / Meetra Surik (8)
Rook Kast / Barriss Offee (1)
Rook Kast / Bo-Katan Kryze (3)
Saché / Yané (15)
Shaak Ti / Luminara Unduli (14)
Shara Bey / Evaan Verlaine (2)
Shara Bey / Jyn Erso (3)
Shara Bey / Leia Organa (11)
Trilla Suduri / Merrin (24)
Vette / Jaesa Willsaam (29)
Visas Marr / The Jedi Exile (17)
Visas Marr / Brianna (4)
Visas Marr / Mira (6)
Yana Ro / Kor Plouth (6)
Yana Ro / Shea Ganandra (1)
Zeen Mrala / Lula Talisola (17)
Zorii Bliss / Bazine Netal (1)
Zorii Bliss / Jannah (6)
Zorii Bliss / Rey (23)
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dopaminevampire · 1 year
Kotor theory because I am deep diving lore.
Spoilers, kinda.
So regardless of whether we acknowledge the idea of the Sith Empire and brainwashing, I was surprised to learn that Korriban was already occupied when Revan and Malak showed up. It seems to be implied Czerka already set up shop there, but more interestingly, Jorak Uln, the crazy old coot that holes up in one of the tombs, is a remnant from Exar Kun's war 40 years previously. As is Sion, from the second kotor game.
That would be the war that Jolee fought in against them.
Looking at the history further, it seems that Sith war ended and a few scattered Sith made a run for it in various parts of space. Some of them ended up on Korriban and restarted the academy there. Its been running the *entire time* and none of the Jedi did anything about it.
The current headmaster of the academy as in the time of gameplay is Jorak's pupil, so guess is good he's been there a long while as well.
And that led me to thinking- when exactly did Yuthura show up in all of this?
Now my immediate reaction to this was "this is ridiculous, this is dumb, this has to be an oversight, there's no way these Sith have been here for 40 years and roll over and show belly and fall in line the moment the new punk kids show up on the block" but then THAT got me thinking about something else that doesn't entirely make sense either-
One of the first battles Revan and Malak engaged in was attacking Foerost. This battle is an almost exact copy of another battle that was initiated by Qel-Droma... 40 years earlier... in the last Sith war... with Exar Kun. Spoils of this battle ended with Revan and Malak taking most of the Republic fleet from drydocks and also heralding themselves in as the new Sith Lords.
Which brings us back to Korriban. What better way to make a bang and convince these Sith holdouts to fall in line than copying a battle from their own past war? Maybe even doing it better? Proving their mettle?
If we add in that perhaps this was preventing Revan from accessing the Star Map, capturing the Republic fleet makes a whole lot of sense too. Or even if not, asset denial.
Bonus- I also learned there is a bar on Korriban named "The Drunk Side"
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hnnny · 1 year
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Revan is super fun to animate. I didn't even add the lines for her mask, it's just the visor. I also like mixing the fps rates of things to get a different feel. I made the cape/hood less fluid this time so it also looks slower, and then the lightsaber is switching every frame so it looks faster, more erratic.
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